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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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the Phisition being nothing afraid of him because they ar sick diseased but rather somuche the more doo they desire to come vnto him to shew him their woundes and to disclose their diseases that they may be made whole Now is Christ a phisitiō all we through sinne are diseased shal we therfore runne away from Christ and not rather make hast vnto him what Phisition is so ready to heale the body as Christe our Phisition is to heale the soule Who euer came vnto him with a faithfull and penitent heart and was refused Who euer sought remedy at his hand and was not holpen Who euer opened vnto hym his disea●es and was not cured he calleth all without exception be they neuer so diseased and loden with th● burden of sinne vnto him and pro●miseth that he will ease them of their burdens make thē whole is it to be thought that he wyl● refuse sinners when they come vn●to him Come vnto me sayth he al ye that labour and are loden I wil refreshe you Take my yoke vpon you and ye shall find rest for your soules For I came not to ca● y e righteous but sinners vnto repentance The sonne of man came to seke and to saue that was lost How frequented he the cōpany of synners when he was in this world that to this end only tha● he might call them through his godly sermons vnto repentance vnto the fauour of God and vnto the felowship of the sainctes in so muche that he was called a frend of open sinners and whores How defended he alway the humble penitēt sinners against the proud and stifnecked Pharises and Iusticiaries When Zache being a sinner the Prince of the Publicans sought to see Christ how louingly did Christ speake vnto him and frendly came into his house eat dranck with him Whē Mary Magdalē being a greuous sinner came vnto Christe he refused not her company but talked most gently with her cōforted her receiued her into his fauour quieted her cōsciēce healed her diseases gaue her euerlasting life Whan the poore Publicane whiche had both ofte and greuously offended the Lord his God came into the temple to pray and in his praiers hūbled him self before the maiestie of God and cōfessed him self a sinner was he not ioyfully receiued into the fauour of God and pronounced more righteous euen by the mouth of Christ then y e proude ▪ Pharesy for all his glistring workes How ioyfully was that vnthrifty prodigal wastfull sonne receiued home again What frēdship founde that theif whiche was crucified with Christe at the hand of Christ when he saide Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome Did not Christ straightways aunswere him and say This day shalt thou bee with me in Paradise And yet was he both a thief a seditious persone and a murtherer Christe refuseth none although neuer so greuous a synner if we come vnto hym Turn ye vnto me and I wil turn vnto you saith the Lord of hostes Thou disobedient Israel Turne again saith the Lord and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you I am mercifull saith the Lord and I wil not alway bear displeasur against thee but this I will y e thou know thy great blasphemy namely that thou hast vnfaithfully forsaken the Lord thy God and hast made thi self partaker of straunge Gods vnder all greene trees but hast had no wil to hear my voyce saieth the Lorde O ye disobedient chyldren turne againe saieth the Lord and I will be maried with you c. O ye disobedient childrē turne agayne saying Lo we are thyne for thou art the Lorde our God and so shal I heal your back turninges Who wyll not boldely come vnto so mercifull a Lord most louing father seing he so gētely calleth all men vnto hym be they neuer so greuous synners promiseth that he wyll not refuse them but louingly receiue them neuer lay their offences vnto their charge but to forget them and cast them behinde his backe that he wyll neuer ether remember th● or loke vpon them more Theo. The Lord is merciful gentle and louing pacient long suffring o● muche kindnes and ready at all tymes to forgeue yea euen wha● he is at the poynt to punyshe Th● Lord is louing vnto euery man his mercy is ouer all his workes ▪ The lord is good and gracious of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon him The Lord is ful of tender compassion and great mer●cy long sufferyng and of muche goodnes He wil not alway be chi●ding neither kepeth he his anger for euer He dealeth not with vs after our synnes neither rewardeth he vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke how hie y e heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Loke howe wide also the East is from y e west so far hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth y t we are but dust With the Lorde there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel frō al his sinnes Phi. The great kindnes dere hearty loue of God toward vs appeareth not only in this y t he both willingly and gladly admitteth and receiueth synners whensoeuer they repent and tourne vnto hym but ●n that he also most diligently seketh them vp fetcheth them home again and geueth them grace to repent and turne that they maye ●e saued This thinge is verye ●yuelye described and set forthe in ●he parables of the straid shepe of the lost groat and of the wounded man Herein is loue saith S ▪ Iohn not that we loued God bu● that he loued vs sent his sonn● to be the agrement for our sinnes Saint Paule saieth God settet● out his loue toward vs seing tha● while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more thē now● we that are iustified by his blud● shalbe saued from wrath throug● him For if when we were enne●mies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much● more seing we are reconciled we shalbe preserued by his life Epa. I beleue y t God is a mercifull father for Christes sake to all them tha● do truly repente beleue and con●uert vnto him but is it not to be● feared that my repentaunce and conuersion is to late Phi. Be on good comfort neighbor Epaphroditus there is no repentaūce and conuersion to late in this worlde ▪ so that it be true proceadeth frō a contrite heart humble spirite For at whatsoeuer hour a sinner dooth mourne and lamente for his sinnes God promyseth that he will so forgeue him his iniquities that he will neuer remember thē more And
not but turne again vnto the Lord your God he will turn vnto you ▪ deliuer you saue you For he is the father of mercies God of all consolation He is riche inough for all thē that call vpon hym If you doo thus though your sinnes be as read as scarlet yet shall they be as whyte as snowe And though they were lyke purple yet shall they bee as whyte as woll Heare what God saith by the Prophet Commonly whan a man putteth away his wife and she goeth from him and marieth with an other then the question is should he resorte any more vnto her after that Is not this field then defiled vncleane But as for thee thou hast plaide y e harlot with many louers yet turn again to me saith y e Lord. c. and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you I am mercifull sayeth the Lord and I will not alway beare displeasure against thee O tourn again and I will be maried with you Whō wold not these words encourage to come againe vnto the Lord his God and throughly to be perswaded of gods louing fauour toward him and of the forgeuenes of his sinnes be they neuer so many and greuous if he repent beleue amend Epa. These thinges comfort well my weake conscience But one thinge dothe ●reatly discourage me Phi. What ●s that Epa. I haue no merites nor plenty of good workes wherwith I may make God fauorable ●o me but I am a barren fig tree ●oyd of all good fruit Phile. The wāt of merits ought not to pluck you from comming vnto god For God saueth not vs for the righteous works which we haue done but for his mercies sake If oure saluatiō came of works merits then were grace no more grace If euerlasting life were gotten by deseruinges than were it not the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. But the Apostle saieth By grace are ye saued thorowe faith and that not of our selues It is the gifte of God and commeth not of workes least any mā should boast him self If rightousnesse come of the lawe then Christ is dead in vaine Christ came not to call the righteous but sinne● to repentance And we are taug● in the Gospell that ioye shall be 〈◊〉 heauen ouer one sinner that rep●●teth more then ouer ninety an● nine iust persones which nede 〈◊〉 repentaunce What had the wou●●ded man deserued that he shoul● be healed What had y e strayshep● merited that the shephard shoul● so louingly fetch her home again● What good works brought Mar● Magdalen when Christ receiue● her vnto grace forgaue her he● sinnes And so likewyse of diuers other If God shoulde saue vs because of our merites good workes so should we chuse god by our works and merites and not God vs by his fauor grace and mercy But Christ saith ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you And S. Iohn wondring at this great mercy of God brasteth out ●●to these wordes ▪ and saith Be●olde what loue the father hathe ●hewed on vs y t we shuld be called ●he sonnes of God Againe herein ●s loue not that we loued God ●ut that he loued vs and sent his ●onne to be the agrement for our ●●nnes And S Paul saith God y e ●ather hath chosen vs in Christ ●efore the foundatiōs of the world ●ere laid God therfore did chuse ●s by his grace and not we hym ●y our workes and merits I wil ●aue mercy sayd God to Moses ●n whome it pleaseth me to haue mercy and I wil haue compassiō ●n whō it is my pleasure to haue compassion It lieth not therfore ●n a mans will or running but in ●he mercy of God And the Psal●ograph saith speaking of God 〈◊〉 of him self he hath saued me be●ause it was his pleasure to haue ●e Againe he saith Thou shalt saue them for nothynge what 〈◊〉 to say saith S. Austen thou sh●● saue them for nothing but y e th●● findest nothing in them wherf●● they shuld be saued and yet sau●● thou them Frely doest thou ge●● frely dost thou saue And s. Iero●● alledging y e same sentence agai●● the Pelagians saith that y e rig●●teous are not saued by their ow●● merites but by the tender merc●● of God If we shall consider ou●● merites saith Chrisostom we a●● not only worthy no reward b●● we are also worthy punishemen● Let all mens merits which per●●shed by Adam be still and kepe s●●lence saith Saint Austen and l●● the grace of God reigne which raigneth through our Lorde I●●sus Christe The redemption 〈◊〉 Christes bloud should waxe vi●● and become of no price sayth S● Ambrose if y e iustification which commeth by grace were due vnto merites going afore Dauid sath in a certayne Psalme prayse ▪ the Lord. O my soule and all that is within me praise his holy name Prayse the Lord O my soule and forget not his benefites Whiche forgeueth all thy sinnes and healeth al thine iniquities Which saueth thy life from destruction and crowneth the with mercy and lo●ing kindnes All good men from the beginning haue attributed geuen the whole glory of their iustification and saluation not to their own merits and good wor●es but to the free grace and vndeserued mercy of God that God maye bee all in all and that he whiche reioyseth should reioyse in ●he Lorde For the contentation and quietnes of your conscience ●n this behalf remember y t Christ ●ame not to cal y e iusticiaries but sinners vnto repentaunce Remē●ber that the sonne of man came t● seke and to saue that that wa● lost Remember that Christ is 〈◊〉 Phisition and that the who● hath no nede of a Phisition bu● suche as are sick Remember tha● Christ calleth vnto him al such a● are diseased loden with the bu●●den of sinne He requireth no m●●rites only come remember tha● Christ is called a sauiour to y e end that he should saue them which otherwise should perish Heare al●so what God saith by y e Prophe● Come to the waters al ye that b● thirsty and ye that haue no mony Come bie y t ye may haue to ea●● Come bie wine and milk withou● any mony or mony worth Wher●●fore doo ye lay out your mony fo● the thyng that fedeth not spen● your labour about the thing tha● satisfieth you not But harke● harken rather vnto me ye shall eat of the best and your soul shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnesses Encline your eares and come vnto me take hede I say your soul shall liue Our sauiour Christ also saieth If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke Againe in an other place I wyll geue to him that is a thirst of the well of the water of lyfe He that ouercommeth shall enherite all thinges
heade This holy Churche or congregation lynked together in the felowship of the holy Ghoste is a spirituall house builded of liuing stones a chosen generation a royall Priesthod to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christe an holy nation a people whiche are won that they should shewe forth the vertues of hym whyche called them oute of darkenesse into his maruelous lighte this Churche is the congregatiō of the liuing god the pillar and ground of truthe This holy company are Citizens with the Saincts and of the housholde of God and are builte vpon ●he foundation of the Apostles ●nd Prophets Iesus Chryst him selfe being the hed corner stone Thys Churche is the spouse of Christ and knoweth none other husband head but Christ alone This blessed company are these shepe whiche gladly heare y e voyce of their shepehard Christ but they flie from the voyces of straūgers And as they are one body and one spirite so confesse they on● Lord one faithe one Baptisme● one God and father of all There is among them no dissen●tion but thei maintain one truth preache one doctrine speake on● thing are of one minde and of on● meaning This holy Catholik● churche or vniuersall congregatiō is that holy city that newe Hieru●salem whiche came downe fro● God out of heauen prepared as ● bride garnished for her husband And because no man shall doub● of what Churche I speake I con●fesse that to be the holy Catholik● and Apostolike Churche which● is the company and felowship of the sainctes that is to saye of the faithfull whiche are sanctified made holy by the spirite of God and by the bloud of Christ our sauiour whiche haue the pure word of God truely and sincerely preached and the Sacramentes duely and faithfully ministred amōg them whiche excommunicate all disobedient notable sinners and receiue into their felowship suche as vnfainedly repente and tourne from their wickednes which study in all things to please the Lord God and to liue in all godlinesse and honestie This church and cōpany Christ loued so dearly that he gaue him self for it to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountaine of water thorow y e word to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregation without spot or wrincle or any suche thinge but that it shoulde be holy without blame Whosoeuer is in this church and congregation he may be sure to besaued But whosoeuer is not in it he is without all dout damned For like as in y e time of Nohe no man escaped with his life but was drowned in the floud excepte he entred into the Arcke of Nohe Euen so whosoeuer is not founde in this felowship or Catholicke Churche agreing with it in one faith doctrine hope loue and sacramentes he shall pearish and be lost For without the Churche of Christe there is no saluation no forgeuenes of sinnes no fauoure of God no quyetnes of conscience no true Gospell or glad tidinges of eternall healthe Therfore in this holy Churche blessed felowship of the sainctes and faithfull I vnfainedly beleue with my harte and frely confesse with my mouthe that there is remission and forgeuenes of sinnes and that withoute it no sinne is forgeuen nether is there any hope of saluation For as it is vnpossible that a member can liue which is not in the body so it is vnpossible that any man may lyue in hys soule and be released out of death by remission of synne whyche is not a mēber of the body of Christ. For Christe hathe reconciled vs al vnto God his father in one body And therfore must all they stande at variance with God that ar no mēbers of this body of the which Christe is the head to the whiche also he geueth saluation This therfore is a great conforte to the faithfull congregation that allthough thorowe infirmitie of nature or otherwise they doo fall of●end God break the Lords commaundements yet in this cōpany there is remission and forgeuenes of sinnes so sone as euer they repent be sory for their synne and beleue to haue remissiō of all their sins for Christes precious bloudes sake Synne we neuer so oft and neuer so greuously yet being mēbers of this holy company we ar straight waies forgeuen and deliuered a paena culpa frō the pain and the fault so sone as we turne vnto the Lord our God And these our sinnes be not forgeuē of men but of God alone neither forgeueth he part and reserueth part but he forgeueth all or els none at all Again he forgeueth not the fault and reserueth the paine but with the faulte he also forgeueth the pain due for the fault that he may be an whole and perfect sauiour as s. Iohn saith If we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. But if we cōfesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to make vs cleane from all iniquitie And God himself saith by the Prophet I wil forgeue their misdedes and wil neuer remember their sinnes any more Againe I am he yea I am he alone which put away thy iniquities yea and that for myne own sake and I wil remēber thy sinnes no more And king Ezechias in his praier vnto God said it is thou O Lord that cast all my sinnes behind thy back The Prophet Miche also saith Where is there such a God as thou art that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heritage He kepeth not his wrath for euer And why his delite is to haue compassion He shal turne agayne and be merciful to vs. He shall put down our wickednes and caste all oure sinnes into the bottom of the sea I faithfully beleue that I am a member of Christes church and I am also fully perswaded that al my sinnes be forgeuen me of God the Father not for my merites whiche are none but for Iesus Christes sake for Christes merits passion death and bludshedding For grace and truthe came by Iesus Christe sayth the holy Euangelist And I beleue that God fo● his sonnes sake hathe so frely and wholy forgeuen me all my sinnes that he wil neuer remembre them more neuer impute thē vnto me nor lay them to my charge but so receyue me into his fauoure as though I had neuer offended him and make me his sonne and heyer of euerlasting glory For euerlasting life is the gift of god through Iesus Christe oure Lorde sayeth the Apostle Thys is the stay and quientes of my conscience at thys presente This maketh me not to feare deathe but ioyfully to loke for it and louingly to embrace it when soeuer it commeth For I wish to be losoned from this mortall body and to be with Chryste My soule hath a feruent desire to