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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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that we shoulde perishe and be damned in our synnes The third cause is the euerlastyng councell and prouidence of God wherwith he determyned by this meanes to shewe his loue and to deliuer mankynde frome synne The fourthe cause is the trewe and faithfull promise whiche he made in tymes paste Oute of the whiche afterwarde foloweth the blyndnes and indignation of the Iewes whiche is the fyfte cause As touchyng the fyrst cause I mean our synne the holy Prophete Esaie speaketh on this maner He was wounded euen vnto the death for our synnes and broken on pieces for our wickednesses In these wordes the Prophete declarech wherfore Christ was so euyll handled and so greuously punished verily not for his owne synne For he is the onely begotten and derely beloued sonne of God which neuer committed synne neither was there euer found any guyle in his mouth yea for our synne for thyn and myne iniquitie was he wounded and broken on peces Therfore saith the prophet For our sinne Now that he saith Our that is for the synne of all men did he suffer and die For whē he had ones takē vpon him our infirmities diseases then must he also die for our sinnes and wickednesses as the prophete saith in the afore recited chapter the Lord hath laid the iniquitie of vs all vpon hym And a lytle after the prophete speaking in the person of God sayth For the synne of my people haue I striken and smitten him And in the ende of this chapter he saieth He bare the synnes of many and paide for transgressors Dauid in like maner complaineth in a certayne Psalm and speaking in the person of Christ saith The rebukes of them whiche rebuked thee he meaneth the heuenly father fell on me And a litle afore I paid the things that I neuer toke We haue greuously offended God dishonored his holy name and greatly obscured his glorie All this must Christ pay satisfie make amendes for it Therfore saith Peter in his fyrst Epistle Christ suffred ones for our synnes the iuste for the vniust Herof doth it folow that not only the Iewes whiche lyued at that tyme neither the souldiors nor yet Pilate Herode c. are gilty of the passion and deth of Christe but also all sort of vs whyche all without exception haue synned For for Oure synnes was CHRIST slayne and nayled on the Crosse. Neyther are wee better thenne they that crucified hym Althoughe that the Iewes dydde not knowe hym as the sonne of GOD otherwyse they would not haue crucified the Lorde of glorye yet for all that euen of very malyce and enuie agaynst hym they layde hand on hym as a gyltlesse manne accused hym and flewe hym But he hadde neuer come to that poynte if our synnes had not ben for the whyche hee was stryken wounded and slayne So lykewise made we hym to serue in oure synnes and through hym much sorow with our iniquities Therefore lette vs no more bee angrye with that myserable caytife Iudas Pylate Herode Cayphas Annas c. as the maner heretofore hathe bene yea rather lette euery man be angrye wyth him selfe accuse hym selfe and impute the fault to hym selfe as vnto hym whych for his synnes dyd cast Christ that innocent lamb of God into this most horrible and intollerable payne Te seconde cause is the excedynge great charitie loue and mercye of GOD whyche he shewed vnto vs miserable men wicked synners without any merite or desert on our behalfe wherwyth the heauenly Father beyng prouoked spared not only his begoteen sonne as Sainct Paule sayth but for vs delyuered him vp euen vnto death This declareth Saint Iohn in his Epistle saying In this thyng hath the loue of God appeared that he sente his onely begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue thorough hym In thys is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make satisfaction for oure synnes And Christe hym selfe saythe GOD hathe so derely loued the worlde that he hath geuen hys onely begotten sonne to the ende that all that do beleue in hym shoulde not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastynge Thys Charytie and Loue moued CHRIST alsoo to obeye hys Father in thys behalfe so that he came down into this world and toke oure synnes vpon hym as the Prophete Esaie saeith In his loue and in his fauour hath he redemed them And S. Paule saith God setteth forth his loue meruailously towarde vs in this that when we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs. And Christ hym self saith No man hath a greater loue then thys that a manne shoulde geue his lyfe for his frendes Of these places of the holy scripture tofore alledged it appeareth euidently that the seconde cause of the death of Christ is the loue of God towarde all mankynde whome oure miserable and wretched state did so greatly moue and strike with tender compassion that he sent his onely begotten Sonne whyche also of very loue towarde man obeyed hys fathers wyll euen vnto the deathe the moste ignominious and spitefull death of the crosse into this worlde and gaue hym ouer into the handes of synners that he by his death and passion myght delyuer vs from euerlasting death damnation Wherof we may learne to loue one an other and so to bee mynded one to an other as Christe was mynded towarde vs. Of this thyng dothe S. Iohn admonyshe and teache vs in his Epistle where he saieth In this haue we knowen loue that he gaue his lyfe for vs we ought to geue our liues for our brethren Paule also in his epistle to the Philippians exhorteth vs that after the examples of Christ we shold humble our selues and serue one an other euen as Christ serued vs. The thirde cause is the euerlastynge councelle and prouidence of God which by his vnoutspeakable wisdome determined from euerlastynge to delyuer mankynd by the death of his sonne before the world was made as Peter in his sermon testifieth wher he after many wordes of the crucifying of Christ saith thus Hym Christ haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous persōs after he was deliuered by the determinate councel foreknowledge of god and haue crucified slayne him And Christe himselfe in the gospell telleth aforehande in many places geueth his disciples forewarning how that this passion death shal chaunce and comme vnto him by the euerlasting councell and decree of his heauenly father as he said also vnto Pilate Thou shouldest haue no power at all ouer me excepte it were geuen thee from aboue The fourth cause is the faith and trueth of God For when this councel was determined from euerlasting then god wold not haue it kept in secret but did make open the same before many times and promised that Sauiour in many places of scripture by his holy Prophetes as S. Paule testifieth in his epistles This promes
all our trust in God and in his sonne Iesu. For that that wee can not he can if we oure selues haue no helpe yet he hath wherwith to helpe vs and is ready to doo it with all his heart as the matter is playne And wher as is such a mynd which beleueth constātly in Christe it dothe the true seruice which he requireth All other that despayre hate hym and doo not acknowledge hym for God or ells they would haue all theyr comfort in hym The second example is that we after the example of Christ haue respect to the necessitie of our neighbor pitie him The Lord our God haue mercy on vs that we may learne bothe these lessons and that with these men we maye glorifie Christ for hys benefite Amen The .xvii. Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell of Luke xiiii IT chauncede that Iesus wente into the house of one of the chiefe Phariseis to eate bread on the Sabboth day and they watched him And beholde there was a certayne man before hym whiche had the dropsie And Iesus aunswered and spake vnto the lawyers and phariseis saying Is it lauful to heale on the Sabbothe day And they helde theyr peace And he toke hym and healed hym and let him go and aunswered them saying Whiche of you shall haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen into a pitte and wyll not straight way pull hym out on the Sabboth day And they coulde not aunswere hym a gayne to these thinges He put forth also a similitude to the geastes when he marked howe they preacede to be in the highest rowmes and sayde vnto them When thou art bydden to a weddyng of any man sit not downe in the hyghest rowme lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him and he that bad hym and the come and say to the geue this man rowme and thou begyne with shame to take the lowest rowme But rather when thou art bydden go and sit in the lowest rowme that when he that bad thee cometh he maye saye vnto the frende sitte vp hyer Then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that fit at meate with thee For who soeuer exaltethe hym selfe shal be broughte lowe and he that humbleth him selfe shal be exalted THE EXPOSITION IN thys Gospelle are two questions The fyrste belongeth to the seruice of GOD whyche ought to be done vnto God The secōd is what one mā oweth to an other betwene them selues And here ryseth a question whether it be better before God to kepe the Sabboth or to helpe thy neighbour and to doo hym good For the Phariseys hadde no other matter but to proue and marke what Christ would doo as touchyng the man that was diseased of the dropsye If he healpe not he myght bee reproued as hard hearted but yf he helpeth then is he wycked and kepeth not hys Sabboth and maye be reproued in this that hee obeyeth not God and his worde Therfore what soeuer CHRIST doth he is taken For they haue euery where places to turne vnto For amongest the Iewes the ceremonie of the Sabboth was moste holy Wherfore they keepe it straightlye But what doothe Christ beynge so belayed on euery syde they thought he had no wayes to scape He vseth fewe wordes after his maner and so confuteth his aduersaries with their folyshenes For this is the summe of all the matter where as he saieth plainly that they vnderstande not what it is to sanctify the Sabboth Thys thinke you saith he that to kepe the sabboth wer to be idle to do no good This interpretation is very leude For sanctifying of the saboth signifieth to hear gods word and to serue thy neyghbour as muche as thou canste For God dothe not so highly esteme the holynes of the Sabboth that he would that the peryll of the neyghbour shold therfore be litle regarded Wherfore when I helpe my neyghbour althoughe this is doone with labour yet hereby I haue sanctified my Saboth truly For I haue done a godly woorke therin So that this doctrine ought chiefly to be referred to this ende that we may lerne therby to kepe our Sabboth that is not to do nothing and to be ydle but sermons must be heard there must be had respect to the workes of charitie But what doo the sermons teache do not al thynges therof tende to this very ende that we shold loue one an other and be diligent in doyng good one for an other This dothe God require that thou shold heare and learne in the Sabboth Wherof it foloweth that thou muste doo the same also on the Sabboth if thou wylt truely sanctifie it Wherfore Christ sayeth you Phariseys are grosse doctours For ye saye that the Sabboth is broken when any good is doone on the Sabboth Where as this is the chiefe doctrine of the Sabboth to haue mutual loue What is it to loue This thyng is not done by thynkyng but by true and effectuous affections whiche stirreth vp the tong the handes and other membres wherby good dedes are done as Iohn saieth Chyldren lette vs not loue in woord and tongue but in dede and truth Thys hath GOD saieth Christ commaunded thee to do on the Sabboth yea and that that is more he ordeined the Sabboth that thou shouldest heare and learne thys and that thou sholdest declare al beneuolence in word dede toward thy neighbor whensoeuer he hath nede Wherfore CHRIST reproueth this ouerthwart kind of saints which depraue and corrupt the word of God and boast that they kepe the Sabboth wher as yet they are so out of Charitie that they will not bestowe a worne garment to the couerynge of a poore naked man They are false writhers that inuerte and change the word of God For where as the worde of God commaundeth Loue thy neighbour and do the best for hym that euer thou canst They answere this will we not doo least we violate the Sabboth But Christe confuteth them by this that GOD procureth that thyng to be preached on the Sabboth that in it thou mayst loue thy neighbor care for him and helpe him all that thou canst As it is playn in that example that no man thynketh it a breakyng of the Sabbothe to delyuer hym by all meanes possible Now what an vnreasonable waye is this to excuse it when it is don in the danger of a brute beast and to affirme that it is a greuous offence to doo the lyke when a manne is in peryll least any worke of charitie should be done vnto hym in the Saboth yea thus is it mete that they should stumble whiche take vpon them to iudge and geue sentence of Gods doinge that they might entangle them selues and so betraye their foolishenesse For this do the Phariseis take vpon them in this place presume against Christe that they maye haue hym in their daunger to trippe hym whether he helpeth that then he may seme to violate the Sabboth or whether he helpeth not that then he
worlde commeth and hath naughte in me But that the world may know that I loue the father And as the father gaue me commaundement euen so do I. THE EXPOSITION THis gospell is a part of Christes Sermon whiche he made to his disciples before he suffred And for that cause ought it greatly to be estemed For Christ setteth forth in it a singuler doctrine and lesson whereby he teacheth that all reason is but superfluous to the attainement of the knowlege of God if it take not his first foundation of the loue of Christ. When this is not taught all thinges are vncertaine wauering of no strength that are eyther taught or imagined of god For they can not be comprehended or knowen by any meanes But he that loueth Christe is so farre brought that he loueth the father also But what is the cause of this worde why doth he make mention of loue and speaketh not after his olde customable maner saying he that beleueth in me Is loue the cause of our saluation and not faith wher as he saith if any man loueth me But they are both of like efficacie power strēgth For thou canst not loue Christe except thou beleue in him and dost put thy trust in hym with a certain and sure faith And the worde of faith is somwhat more euident wheras it declareth that we muste withholde our eyes from all other thinges that be and fasten thē in Christ Iesu only For this is the nature of loue that it embraceth that thinge only that it loueth in that thinge doth it set al here felicitie therwith only it is satisfied and careth for nothing besides Suche maner of loue doth Christ require of vs that we shold embrace hym with all oure hearte whiche thynge can not be done but by fayth Wherfore this sentence maketh nothynge againste faith But is spoken to the entent that the nature and condition of fayth with his proper vertue and efficacie might be the better vnderstanded An other cause of this worde is that Christ dyd perceaue that he that receaueth the worde and purposeth to kepe it can not do it without greate endeuor and industrie For diuers temptations do chaunce to them whiche do rebuke and embrayde suche as hath entered into the profession of Godlines of folie and rashnes wher as they reason on this wise with them selfe Alas what haue I done whan I tookee vpon me the office of teachynge I might haue holde my peace and thought wyth my selfe that GOD woulde haue set foorth other Other might haue come that shoulde haue had better successe in this matter Nowe am I in doubt and do not onely litle profit but put my selfe also in perill of lyfe If we will ouercome suche kynde of temptation that the worde maye be surely maintained this onely succour must they especially vse as Christe here sheweth that they loue Christe and put their hole delight in him so that all the professours of the gospell al the good may thus conforte them selues whatsoeuer be cometh of me let it be at the pleasure of God for whose cause and glorie and not for mans sake was this begon of God Wherfore I must endure it And looke wher this loue is not ther can they not endure saith Christe For I geue not goods nor golde but euerlastinge life wherof the possession is not taken in this life but after this life Wherfore all the matter resteth herein that ye loue me If loue be in you ye wil kepe my saing and contineue constantlie although that ye should do it to the perill of your life But if ye loue me not ye wil not kepe my wordes For ye shall haue so many dangers calamities and afflictions that they shall make you faint and put you in desperation But he that knoweth Christe truly beleueth in hym and loueth him he is troubled by no aduersitie For he thinketh surely Christ dyed and was buried for vs and rose againe wherby all suche gather surely that Christ doth greatlye fauor them So that this loue procedeth of faith which afterward is able to withstand all perils and dangers neither doth it feare the greate threatnings wrath of the worlde For it setteh more by Christ and his worde then by all these threatnings and displeasures of men And that is it that he saith if any mā loue me he wil kepe my word my word of my death resurrectiō not the worde of Moyses or ten commaundements That worde is not to be caste awaye nother is any thing to be done contrarie therto For God commanded that worde to be fulfilled but with that worde is there ioyned no consolatiō as is with my worde the conscience is not therby made quiet but the more that we therby know our disobedience toward GOD so much the more we dread feare the wrath indignation of God For the worde of Iesu Christ is the fondation and pillar of all thinges He that hath this saith Christ neither suffereth hymselfe to be plucke frō thence ought not to doubt but my father doth loue him And this is the peculiar phrase of Iohn whiche hath a proper kynde of speache beside all other Euangelistes that first he ioyneth men to Christe and then thorough Christ bringeth them to the father For this is the order and proces in this matter As Christ here teacheth that first we must know Christ loue hym and take him for one that is most desirous of our saluation and profit When we haue suche trust loue toward Christ there foloweth also a sure confidence that the father also loueth vs. And although we had none other confort before our eyes but only this perceauinge and vnderstanding that we nede not feare any crueltie or any wrothe or yre of God yet were that sufficient to certifie vs that we nede not feare synne or the deuill because god loueth vs for that that we loue Christe This is a great confort in all tribulation to beleue constantly that GOD is not againste vs but he louinglye embraceth vs if so be that we loue Christe kepe his worde stedfastly But in the tyme of tribulation oure heartes can hardlye thus be persuaded But we thinke rather contrariwise that God hateth vs and hath no regard to vs but that he goeth about rather to prouide punishmēt for vs. But these thinges are false For Christe doth not lye whan he sayth yf we procede so farre that we loue hym and count it abhominable to hate hym that then we muste not doubt but the father doth loue vs and will so declare hys loue toward vs that he wyth his sonne and the holy ghost will haue their abyding with vs. It is a greate matter and a singuler confort that a righteous man by fayth doth not say in his heart who is ascended in to heauen c. For in whatsoeuer place he be whether he be at Ierusalem or at Rome or
obstinate blindnesse of the worlde We haue songe vnto you and ye wold not daunce and at oure lamentable songes ye wold not lament For neither cā the doctrine of the lawe neither of the gospell further and moue men either to lament either to reioyce that is neither will they suffer theyr sinnes to be rebuked neither geue place to confort against their synnes They will neither be blind nor yet see As the examples of oure aduersaries the Papistes are at hand to proue this And now muste we learne the other thing also out of his gospell that the gospell is suche a doctrine as is so vnkindly and horribly despised in the worlde that all men be offended at it seing kinges Princes Pope Cardinalls Bishops Priests Monkes citizens and rustikes that is all the mighty and excellentest in the worlde do not only not receaue it but also scorne and persecute it Suche was the fortune of Christe for all his miracles For what cause had he els to say Blessed is he that is not offēded with me if it chāced so to thee O Christ wheras thou mightest haue stopped all mens mouthes with diuine miracles we maye wel refrayn from complainyng when we are despised for the Gospels sake and laughed to scorne and persecuted This doctrine of offences is very necessary and specially in this our tyme wherin this offence is most greuous The fyrst doctrine is also necessary For ther in consysteth our saluation and euerlastyng lyfe that we knowe howe Crist is the Kynge of comfort which is gladde to shewe his bounteousnesse towarde oure troubled consciences and to comforte them in synne and healpe vs to euerlastyng lyfe For althoughe that the strayghte kyngedome of the worlde is hys also yet it is not his principall kyngdom seyng it shall not euer endure This is the chief and euerlastyng kyngdome of Christe when we falle acquaynted with hys worde which must be preached to the poore that whā we dye we may say I beleue in Iesus Christ my lord whiche can restore and geue syght to the blynd whole lymmes to the lame clensyng to the leapre to the dōbe the vse of speache to the dead lyfe He wyll be my helper he wyll not see me forsaken at my moste nede For this is the cause that he became man and descended into the earthe vnto me He that beleueth this truely departeth from this myserable lyfe to the celestial and euerlastyng ioys The which thing that it may chance to vs our Lord Iesu Christ myght graunt Amen The fourthe Sonday of Aduent ¶ The Gospell of S. Iohn i. THis is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sente priestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske hym What arte thou And he confessed and denied not and sayd playnly I am not Christ. And they asked hym what then art thou Helias And he saith I am not Art thou the Prophete And he aunswered No. Then sayde they vnto hym What art thou that we may geue an aunswere vnto them that sent vs What sayest thou of thy self He sayd I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse make straight the waye of the Lorde as saide the prophete Esaie And they whiche were sent were of the Phariseis and they asked hym and sayd vnto hym Why baptisest thou then if thou be not Christ nor Helias neyther that prophete Iohn answered them saying I baptise with water but there standeth one among you whome ye knowe not he it is whiche though he came after me was before me whose shoe latchet I am not worthye to vnlose These thynges were doone at Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn dyd baptise THE EXPOSITION THIS Gospell also is one of the especiallest gospels that proueth a hygh article of our religion which belongeth not to the tenne commaundementes or workes but to a hygher matter teachynge what is Christe and what he hath done Wherefore it is almost one with the gospell of the laste Sonday and conteyneth the same doctrine excepte that the matter is sette foorthe with other wordes and other persones For the laste Sonday ye heard how all the matter consisteth in this poynte that we haue chiefe respect vnto this person CHRIST that nothing besyde be had in so great estimatiō that all our mynd and thought reste in this man For he that swarueth not from hym fyndeth remission of synnes and deliuerance from deth and hel For so is it wholly decreed with God that in this man all thynges should be He is the way truth and lyfe and by hym onely the patriarkes prophetes and Apostles be saued from the beginning of the worlde This knoweth Iohn and sendeth his disciples for this cause vnto hym that they should not lacke so great a tresure and goodnes This doth God wel perceiue that this is our fault to be desyrous to serche out many ways And one for the loue of monkerie becometh a monk an other fasteth an other slepeth on the ground and so euery man foloweth his owne deuise and goeth forth in his owne ways that may bryng him to heuen Wherfore God talketh with vs by the gospell and protesteth that he alloweth not that as seme good to vs But that he putteth forthe his word to shewe vs the true way that is his sonne Iesus Christe Wherefore he that strayeth from hym shall depart voyde of saluation although he fast pray neuer somuche Contrarywyse he that cleaueth vnto him by faith hath remission of sins and life euerlasting neither can the diuel or synne deceaue him of his trust This way did the Patriarkes and prophets walk obtained saluation through Christ ▪ For if any should be saued by workes and by theyr owne rightuousnes surely they must nedes be the prophets and apostles which out of mesure wrought and suffred many thinges But here they do all dispaire of their owne rightuousnes and toke hold by that sede with a firme faith that shold breake the serpentes head But the Iewes wil not walke in this way they could not beleue that ther was such help in a carpenter thinkyng this with them selues we must so worke by fast almes praier that we may be with God it is a foly to thynke that this craftesman can saue And for this cause God toke this order that Iohn shold come as a trompetter before Christe and this is the meanynge of the trompet that all at the sound therof should haue their eies attent and mark that mā well that cometh after Iohn as the true expectation of Israell Wherfore when the Iewes sende Legates and demaunde whether he be Christ Elias or any Prophete He aunswereth I am not When they are instant sayenge Who arte thou then and what recorde geuest thou of thy selfe He aunswerethe I am the voyce of a cryer in wyldernes make readye the waie for the Lorde That is I am a trompetter before the kyng Wherfore be attente to my worde for he shall come after me incontinently whiche was before me and
matters when he coulde not by fyne and subtile meanes But as for worshippynge hym selfe and Idolatrie he maketh a light matter of it And that that he could not worke by guyle he assayeth to brynge it to passe by power might For there is no redier waye to destroye and peruerte the truth then to geue the setters foorth therof rule and worldly dominion The example of the Pope sheweth what great strength force this temptation hath wheras he estemed so greatly the occasion to take the kyngdome vpon him that he hath euer sythens behaued himselfe as an obedient seruant in all points to the deuil for that For it must needes be that as they which are appointed to beare any office in the kyngdom of god can not come vnto dignitie and power excepte they haue a certayne kynd of lyfe appointed to them so the deuill maketh roome for them in his kyngdome that they maye lyke wise make roome for the deuill in the kyngdome of God They muste crepe vp to this kyngdome by the pretence of religion And this is the very worshipping of the deuil when religion is pretended and yet all is done and applied to outward holines and hypocrisie well allowed by reason And in so doinge they performe two thinges First they paye the deuil his rewarde for his kyngdome and then obtaineth greate authoritie with reason for the beawtiful shewe of coūterfet religion And this is the subtiltie of the deuil in this temptation He setteth forth the kyngdome of the worlde to be a wayghtie thinge profferyng it apon a cōditiō that he may be worshipped how be it there is no great peril in this temptation But when he goeth so to worke that religion hereby may seme beautifull to reason and worthie of kyngdomes and all highe renoums and promotions eyther that through religion thus transformed great patrimonies of kyngdomes and other thinges maye be retained and kept now is this a deuyllishe condition of worshipping Wherefore it is necessarie to haue redie before oure eyes a description of godly worshipping and holines That as often as we be moued by the stirringe of the deuil to thinke that the true religion shold be so fashioned that it might please reason or haue the profittes commodities of wordly thinges ioyned therwith and not be vexed and troubled with the kyngdome of the deuil that then we may haue recours to the true maner of worshippinge For who do not perceaue that ther appeareth to sight greater praise and commendation in mennes traditions then in all the obedience that is geuen to Gods word For wher is it counted so holy a thyng to be a maried person to fynd maintaine his children to do houshold busines to shew obedience fidelitie therin As it is to weare this wede or that not to dwell or lyue as other do not to eate flesh on friday to kepe vigils and prescripte fastes to visite saincts relikes c. This obseruation of traditions is so beautifull and glistring to sight that the heads of the world as emperours and kinges are in loue with them highly reuerence them The Pope by suche seruice inuented by mans traditions rose to such renome with all his secte so that it might better be called a trym then a true religion For he should neuer haue rysen to such power by the true seruice of God pure doctrine of sincere godlynes But this made mē loke vp vpon thē when they went aside into an abbey forsoke all the world as they say applied them selues to Gods seruice laying a side al worldly cares For these were the cōmādatiōs of the monasticall lyues although we know that it was nothing so But to be brief this was a diuellyshe temptation For this religion came not of Gods cōmandemēt neither is this the true seruice worship of god which yet neuertheles is only to be worshipped to be serued as Christ saith here And whē the worship is not geuē to God only forthwith it falleth turneth to the worshyp of the diuel which rewardeth his worshyppers as he promysed here to Christ. He geueth thē the cōmodities of this lyfe as fat prebends lordships and suche lyke But he that wyl worshyp God let him folow the cōmaundement of his word If they be children let them honour their father and mother if they be seruants let them do their dutie and seruice in the familie with diligence fidelitie If they be masters of housholds let thē beware of all kynd of offēces let thē do their dutie cause their seruāts al persons in their familie diligently to apply their mind to godlines And this is the seruice that is due to God and to his word not to diuers persons For his word is playne wherin he commaundeth such thynges to be done Therfore whatsoeuer name before the world such offices and duties haue that are done to fathers mothers to masters of housholdes to neighbors to children and to citezēs they are all counted Gods seruice because they are cōmanded by Gods word which saith Thou shalt loue thy neighbor and shalt in thy outward works declare the office dutie of loue vnto him In that the Pope regardeth not this cōmandement and appointeth certain peculiar worshippings of god deuised of his own brayn as the wearyng of coules the necessary vse of certain meates oile and fyshe to bee eaten in steade of fleshe and butter and suche other triflyng traditions it is altogither diuelyshe For they agree not with the cōmandement of God Yea they make as muche vnto the true iustice before God as it doth vnto the building of a substancial house when children make them houses of papers And this is the reason There can no worshyp be geuen vnto God but that only which is agreable to his worde Therfore where the cōmandement of God is not we worship not God but frewyl and only alone foolyshe fancye And vnto suche worshippers God saith Ask thy reward of hym whō thou seruest For I commanded thee to obey thy parents and the higher powers and to loue thy neighboure But this thou regardest not but doest that whiche I neuer commanded and yet wylt thou that should be taken as a true worshyppyng of me But it can not so bee Of these thinges it is euident that the Pope and all his are playne Idolaters and worshyppers of the deuyll For he dothe not onely despise the word but he also persecuteth it and yet wyl he be counted a good religious man for these outward worshyppynges that he hathe deuised in shauen crownes in coules in vowes in fastynges in meates in massyngs and such lyke And yet from this wickednes he can by no meanes be brought The cause is The diuell hath shewed and promised him the kyngdomes of this worlde And this is the cause why he mocketh vs with our doctrine and woorshyppinges of God For wee mainteynynge the true religion lyue
wolde god as the euerlasting truth performe according to his promes sende the Sauiour suffer him to be crucifyed and slaine as witnesseth S. Peter in the Chronicle of the Apostles actes writtē by blessed Luke God saith he hath performed those thinges whiche he before declared by the mouth of all his Prophetes That Christe should suffer c. Christe also speaketh thus after his resurrection with the two Disciples that were iourneying towarde Emaus It was necessarie that all thinges shoulde be fulfilled that are written of me in the lawe of Moises in the Prophetes in the Psalmes What testimonies there are of the passion of Christ in the scriptures of the olde Testament ye may easelye see in the Euāgelicall historie of the passion death of Christe whiche I wolde wyshe you diligentlye to note for the confirmation of your faith in this behalfe The last cause is the induration or excecation and blyndnes of the Iewes which thorow their great cōtumacie stubburnes thorow their impenitēcie or vnrepētaūt heart being forsaken of god were punished blinded that they should heare and not vnderstād that they should see with their eyes and discerne nothynge as it is written in the scriptures By this meanes they flewe the sonne of God and so prouoked the fyerce vengeance and hote wrath of God against them as the Apostle sayth The wrath of God is comme on them euen to the vttermost For althoughe God from euerlastinge had determined that his sonne Christ shoulde suffer and dye and it could none otherwise be but as God had before decreed yet were not the Iewes excused For they founde no cause of death in hym And although they did not know that he was the sonne of God yet they knewe this for a certentie that he was a godly and innocent man whome they of mere enuye and malice slewe as Pilate againste hym selfe testified this saying I fynde no cause of death in hym Therfore they sought an other thyng then god did whiche appointed his Sonne to suffer and to dye that he by his sufferance and death myghte deliuer them that beleue from synne death deuill and hell and that he by his resurrection myght be glorifyed and become of moste worthie renoume But Satan with his mēbers the Scribes and Phariseyes sought an other thyng euen to slea Christe to bringe Christ to shame and vtterly to roote hym out of remembraunce both hym and his doctrine that there might be no more mention made of hym And so the wicked Iewes thorow their enuie their blinded heart and their vngracious coūcel executed contrary to theyr wyll and deuice the decree and determination of the heauenly father wherby thorowe the mercie of Christ dying for them health and saluation chaunced to so many as beleue Yea the vugodlye Iewes worthelye blynded were deceaued of their purpose and aduaunced Christ whome they determined vtterly to destroye vnto glorie as it is written The Lorde bringeth the councell of the heathen to naughte and maketh the deuices of the people to be of none effect But the councell of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his hearte from generation to generation When we earnestlye consider these causes then shall we see how miserable and damnable synners we are verely euen suche as coulde none otherwise be saued but only by Christe so that for vs and for our saluation he muste neees dye yea and that the most ignominious and spitefull death of the crosse Again we shall see the moste brenninge heart and incomparable fyre of the loue of our heauēly father and of his sonne Christ which hauing no regard to our synnes nor yet that we were his enemies died for vs that we shold not perishe in our synnes Moreouer we see how faithfull and true god is and that all his wordes and promises will take place and procede against all the violence force power strength crafte and suttiltie of the deuill and the worlde and that heauen and earthe shall sonner fall perishe and cōme to naughte then one iote or title of gods worde shal be founde vntrue and false By the first we learne of the lawe howe greate and horrible a thynge synne is before the eyes of Gods maiestie for the abolishing wherof the onely and innocent sonne of God must be scourged and dye so bytter ignominious and spiteful death yea and that onely to take awaye other mennes synnes By the second we learne the Gospell and the louing gentle and mercifull hearte of GOD toward vs whiche for vs for our saluation sent his only begotten sonne that incomparable treasure into this world and suffred him to be nayled on the crosse By the third we learne assuredly to truste and beleue the promise of God and not to feare the vngodly and wicked persecutours forasmuche as we see that he hath so faithfully and so abundantly performed by his sonne all that euer he promised Again he hath confounded and brought to shame the deuill and all his children of this worlde and hath made frustrate and voyde all their deuices councels and imaginations in so muche that where as they thought with this their worke vtterly to kyl confounde and extinguish Christ they haue moste of all aduaunced Christe vnto his great honour and glorie and by this meanes brought to passe that all the faithfull shall receaue saluation by this crucified Christe For howe could Satan and the stifnecked Phariseyes thincke that Christ by death vnto life by buriall vnto resurrection by ignominie and contempt vnto glorie and honoure shoulde be brought and made king and ruler ouer all creatures both in heauen and in earth But mightie is the lorde our God to performe his promise and to confounde the worlde with his God the deuill as he both doth and shall do euen vnto the very ende of the worlde But now followeth the third thing which we ought to consider about the passion of Christ. This is howe great paine and affliction Christe suffered inwardly outwardly Of the externall passion outward suffring we haue abundantly in the Euāgelical history where we rede how he was taken be spitted whypped beaten crowned with thornes and at the last crucifyed put to death Of the inwarde passion and suffrynge that he had in his hearte and conscience when he must striue with death which was before his eyes hell and deuill Luke writeth in his gospell on this maner he was in an agonie and prayed the longer his sweat was lyke droppes of blood tricklynge downe to the grounde Of the whiche wordes the excedyng greate horror and torment whiche Christ suffered in his conscience may be estemed and iudged and how horrible the sight of death of sinne which he toke on him of hel and deuil was before hym seing that his sweate contrary to al reason of nature was bluddye and so came from hym Againe in that the cōfortour creatour of all the
synnes in our owne woorkes contrary to the woorde of GOD. For the Lord Christ doothe not instructe vs here of our woorkes but of the woorde whyche he putteth in the mouth of his Disciples and sendeth them euen as he was sent of his father Nowe where forgeuenesse of synne is and the heartes as Saincte Peter saythe are purifyed by Faythe There out of that good and purifyed hearte shall vndoubtedly issue and flowe foorthe abundance and plentie of all good and christen works For Faythe is not ydell and the holy Ghoste accordynge to hys nature and propretie alwaye mouethe and prycketh forwarde the faythefull vnto the obedience of Goddes holy wyll and vnto the mortification of the flesh and synne God through CHRIST gyue vs hys grace that we may beleue this and truly fele it in our heartes Amen The second sonday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHriste said vnto his Disciples I am the good shepheard A good shepheard geueth his life for the sheepe An hired seruaun● and he which is not the shephearde neyther the sheepe are his owne seeth the wolfe comming and leaueth y● sheepe and fleeth and the Wolfe catcheth and scattreth the sheepe The hyred seruaunt fleeth because he is an hyrede seruaunt and careth not for the sheepe I am the good shepheard and knowe my sheepe and am knowen of myne As my father knowethe me euen so knowe I also my father And I geue my life for the sheepe And other sheepe I haue whiche are not of this folde them also muste I brynge and they shal heare my voyce and there shal be one folde and one shepheard THE EXPOSITION THis Gospel as likewise the other workes of Christ may be handeled two maner of wais First cōcerning faith Secōdly touching charitie It is the doctrine of Faith because it teacheth that Christ is the alone shepherd none other that dieth for his shepe For vnto this work that Christ dieth for vs no mā no saint no nor yet ang●ll was mete that he might restore man which was slain of that deuil in Paradise thorow synne so that it shold be the very proper work of this shepherd Christ with whom none is able to compare as none of all his other workes which he dyd in this behalf I meane in making satisfaction for our sinnes can be of any creature imitated folowed and expressed Therfore no mā can speake these wordes of himselfe which Christ pronoūceth in this place I am the good Shepherd A good shepheard geueth his lyfe for his shepe so that by these his wordes he allureth vs vnto hym and teacheth vs that we shoulde beleue that none can be like vnto hym in accomplishyng the work of our redemption whyche he broughte to passe by his Passion and deathe Moyses and the Prophets were men of great authoritie and of singuler excellencie whiche taughte truly what we ought to beleue and to do yea they suffered many thynges for this their doctrine yet as concernyng this worke wherof Christ speaketh here I meane to dye for the shepe they are only mercenaries and hirelynges neither can they defende the shepe agaynst the wolfe For this is without all doubt that Moyses and the Prophetes when they had taught a longe tyme and done all thyngs aswell as they 〈◊〉 were not yet able to recouer them selues out of death What then could they be able to do for the shepe against the wolf whiche is the deuill death And verily it is euen as Christ saith The hireling which is not the shepherd to whom the shepe do not belong seeth the wolfe cōming forsaketh the shepe fleeth and the wolf catcheth scattereth the shepe But the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling the shepe do not pertaine vnto him Therfore he that in this perill desireth to be without ieoperdy not to be rent torne of the wolf must diligētly take hede that he put not his cōfidēce in the law or in good works For ther is no help in the law yea y● law is rather against vs accuseth condemneth vs neither can good workes helpe any thyng in this behalf Therfore all our trust concernyng our owne righteousnes and good workes must we vtterly caste awaye and lerne with true faith to resorte vnto him alone which saith I am the good shepehearde I geue my life for my shepe For he fleeth not the wolfe neither is he afraide of him yea he rather offereth himselfe o the wolfe for to be rent and torne on pieces then that one of his shepe should perishe and decay Therfore when we are in dāger we must resort and flee vnto him alone And this is one thing that we muste stedfastly beleue We our selues can do nothyng in this behalfe but Christe that good shepheard he alone doth it and worketh all good thynges for vs and commandeth vs to embrace it with a sure faith and stedfastly to beleue it The second doctrine is that this act of our shepherd is set forth vnto vs for an example as Peter witnesseth sayinge Christ hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the tree that we being dead to sinne might lyue vnto righteousnesse by whose stripes ye were healed For ye were sometime as shepe that runne astray but ye are turned vnto the shepheard and curate of your soules This is the doctrine of faythe whiche he afterward applieth vnto Charitie saying Christ hath suffred for vs leauyng vnto vs an example that ye shold folow his steppes As Christe died for vs that by his worke he myght redeme vs without our worke from synne and euerlastyng deathe so are we bounde one to helpe and confort an other when soeuer any man beyng in daunger hath nede of our helpe and confort This is to folowe the example of Christe that euery christen man also shoulde be a good shepheard For although I with my death can not redeme other from death and synne for that is the only worke of thee alone and true shepheard Christe Iesu as ye haue tofore heard yet may I geue my life that other by thys example may be allured vnto the worde and brought vnto the knowledge of Christ as S. Iohn saith By this haue we knowē the loue of God because he gaue his lyfe for vs and we are bound also to geue our lyfe for the brethren For this we right well knowe howe great the hatred of the world and the deuil is against the word of God And specially the Pope laboreth with all mayne to oppresse the word yea and so many as be the true pastors preachers therof Therfore we haue nede of faithful and good teachers whiche seyng they be redemed by the deth of Christ ought also they them selues to imitate and folow the example of Christ and also to die for the sheepe and to geue their life for the word This death redemeth not other for saluation cometh only by the death
the world is full of periurie and blasphemye To this so odious a beast and monster and extreme enemie of God geueth god his sonne and that of pure loue The gift of God is specially commended hereby that God dothe not let or spare to doo good for our so great wickednes and frowardnesse But what soeuer is done and cōmitted against him he regardeth it not No not in that that his name and worde is so blasphemously handled and such stubburnesse is vsed agaynst his commaundement For where as the gift is so excedyng and the geuer so great the geuer might of good reson be offended for the frowardnes of him that receaueth it But God ouercommeth hym selfe and putteth out of syght all the synnes that we work eyther against the fyrst or the seconde table of Moses But because of these synnes and this myserie wherwith we synners are encombred and so encombred that we could neuer escape without the help of God doth God put foorth this loue and bestoweth this gift freely vpon vs. Is not the mercyfull Lorde therfore worthy to bee loued again And ought we not to put our whole confidence in hym which forgeueth vs our synnes yea the synnes of all the world and doth not recken them although they are innumerable For seyng that the sinnes of one man are infinite who can numbre the syns of the whole worlde And yet is this sentence trewe and certayn that God forgeueth the worlde all their synnes For wheresoeuer is the loue of God there is also remission of synnes We shoulde haue here ready hertes to haue diligent meditation on this loue wher as God geueth to the world that is his enemye euen his owne selfe so that we shold loke for no other thing of hym but mere grace and mercy Whatsoeuer chāce in this lyfe yet shold our hope be in this loue and our faith remain constant in the mercy of God for Christ. Suche thoughtes must nedes be full of great ioy as I and many other godly mē do protest that we haue liued in all kind of abhomination and idolatrie haue ben defyled with dyuers syns This vngodlynes hath not God punished in vs after our deseruyng but hath declared his loue and hath by the gospel opened again his sonne which he had geuē to the world before that now we may heare again the holsom doctrin vnderstande that God is not angry with the worlde but loueth it in that he gaue his sonne to it But alas howe execrable is our ingratitude what excedyng dulnes of vnderstādyng is this that we can not consider this great goodnes of god For if we wold truly consider it ther shold rise in vs the affection of such ioy that we wold not onely shewe highe obedience vnto God but we would also gladly suffer all thynges for his sake But we may thank our vnbelefe for this which regardeth not this great ioye but in the meane while setteth his pleasure in worldly trifles and seketh for vain daliāce Thus farre haue we shortely rehersed these fower thynges who is the geuer what is the gifte howe it is geuen and to whome Whyche thynges are all so great that no man can expresse them sufficientely by wordes now foloweth the entent wherfore god gaue this gift Truly not that we should eate cloth our selues get a liuyng therby and muche lesse that he shold be vnto vs a poyson or pestilence as we teache also of Baptisme and of the Lordes supper that al these thinges might be counted wholsome vnto vs But it appereth plainly that he was geuen to this entent that all that beleue in hym shold not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Here is it declared with playne woordes that in this matter there is no respect had vnto riches or worldly desires but that we myght therby be delyuered from death and synne and that we mighte not perishe This is the onely busynes that the Father of mere loue hath enioyned his sonne to do euen to ouer come the deuyl and hell and to deliuer vs from eternal death into the whiche we fel headlong by sinne This is the cause and entent why this gift was geuen Wherin we haue iust cause to beleue and trust stedfastly For we heare by the mouth of Christ that he hymself is geuen vnto vs and that the power of the diuell is weakened and ouerthrowen and power to pacifie the troubled conscience is restored to vs for the attainment of euerlasting life and saluation Death shal be abolished al ioy shal rise for this sure faith wherwith we beleue that God is merciful vnto vs that he loueth vs of very loue gaue his son vnto vs that we shold not perish but haue euerlastīg life The words be such that they can not be sufficiently cōprehended with thought Wherfore a christiā must daily pray that god by his spirit wyl make these words swete pleasant to our hertes and kendle and inflame them in our myndes Suche kind of teaching and discipline might easily make true doctors of diuinitie to teach vs truly of Christ and to iudge al other doctrines and to abyde all things with out murmuring that it shal please God to lay on vs. But where as it is so that we heare this doctrine and yet care not for it whether it take roote in vs or no and whether it bring forth fruite or no alas so are we neuer the better And there is no doubte but that the damned in the latter Iudgement shall chiefely be confounded in theym selfe for thys faultt that they despised thys preachynge and dydde not regarde it But nowe lette vs go foorth and see what is the waye to come by this gifte For all thyngs are not of lyke force to obteyne this gyfte Christ himself dothe shewe that playnly by his worde when he saith that all that beleue in him shold not perishe but haue euerlasting life This is an euident profe that onely Fayth that is the trust in the grace and mercy of God is the very hand wherwith we must take vnto vs thys gyft For euen as God geueth by loue and mercy so we do take and receaue by Faith and can receue no otherwise As for thy merite for doyng this or that it hath no place For our workes are nothyng requisite to the obteinyng of this gyfte onely is it necessary to shew our selues ready through Faith and euen as it is geuen of God by loue so we ought to receaue it by Faith in Christ. As for an example We heare here that God is merciful and redy to forgeue and that he doth declare his loue and charitie by this towarde vs when he sendeth his only begotten sonne into the fleshe and layeth our sinnes on hym accordyng to this sayinge of Iohn Beholde the Lambe of GOD whych taketh away the synnes of the worlde that by this gyft and loue oure heartes may be confirmed against synne and the
the Phariseis in in comparison of them selues whom thei thought iuste exclude synners Thei did see that thei were directe againste the lawe of God in their doynges and therfore thei also pronounced plainly that thei ought to haue no place in the kyngdome of God Thei suspect Christ also that he doth not after Gods will bicause he had to doe with such But consider thou this with thy self to what case the matter will come if synners should be excluded from God and his kyngdome as the Phariseis thinke For although thei suppose that there is a kinde of men that liueth without synne yet GOD and the lawe knoweth none suche For although euery manne committeth not adulterie slaughter and thefte yet before God no manne is without synne yea and those synnes are the more greuous if thei fall in a manne that hath wisedome and strength to resist them If then the Phariseis iudgement be true that GOD doeth tourne awaie from synners it maketh as muche against them selues as against other For by the lawe are not onely reproued the sinnes of the Publicās and of synners but also their owne all others Then will it followe that no men haue place in the kingdome of God So that the Phariseis are proceded so farre by ignoraunce that as thei are fore against other so giue thei a moste greuous sentence against them selues But all their ouersight riseth here of bicause thei knowe not why Gods lawe was giuen neither what corruption of synne there is in all men And as in other thynges one errour bringeth an other so here also of the kyngdome of God doe these hypocrites knowe nothing whiche must nedes be set vp by Gods grace and goodnes But Christ groundyng his reason on true principles openeth the misterie of the Gospell vnknowē to naturall witte and to all that followe the rightuousnes of the lawe that is that God hateth not sinners nor willeth their death and that he declareth this his will in Christ whom he sent into the worlde to bring home againe to their foldes shepe that straye from their flockes and that all his intent hath onely respect to the fulfillyng of the Gospell that the loste and straies maie chiefly be regarded and that all the will of God might hereby bee declared and the Gospell opened to the poore This is plainly an other kinde of doctrine then the doctrine of the lawe and Phariseis whiche taketh not here seede and roote in our nature but is brought from heauen by the sonne of God as saith Ihon. No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten soonne whiche is in the bosome of the father sheweth hym forthe For no man knoweth that will of God that he is not angrie with sinners nor damneth them for their synnes but receiueth them rather to his grace and saueth them but all knowe the contrary Wherefore the feare of the wrothe of GOD is naturally ioyned with synne But Christe teacheth vs here by his Gospell that GOD is otherwise mynded towarde synners and that he is not angrie but mercifull and that the Angelles in heauen reioyce when synners repent and amende This doctrine must be the better marked bicause it semeth contrary to our reason that we by it maie confirme our conscience For he that in suche temptation followeth reason and iudgement goeth hedlong to the Deuill and there is no remedie against desperation Wherefore this goeth the matter we must agree surely with Christ contrary to reason and al other thinges that although we are synners yet that by Christ we must be reuoked and called againe as shepe goyng a straye vnto the place of our saluacion As Christ setteth forth a plaine parable in this place to the declaracion of his moste excellent office In diuers other places doeth the Gospell declare why God casteth not awaie synners as in the third of Ihon that GOD is suche that hateth not the worlde but loueth it so that he giueth his onely begotten soonne for the recoueryng thereof that the worlde maie haue confidēce for these sacrifices sake and maie not despeire for their synne For although God might haue helped vs otherwise yet he purposed to doe it by his soonne so that we should haue no cause to doubte of his deliueryng and redemption For this is moste true that God is more pacified by the death of his sonne then offended by our synnes Furdermore there is an other cause set forthe by Christe why God casteth not awaie synners For he sheweth that sinners are a portiō of Gods substance whiche fell from him yet God hath suche respect to the matter that he regardeth not the greatest thynges that he hath vntill that that is loste be recouered And all this waie of recoueryng is sette vp by Christe as he hymself saieth in this place Wherfore it ought to seme no maruell if he make a searche for synners that straye from Gods houshold to bryng them home againe For he is sent for this very cause to bryng home synners againe and if he should dooe otherwise as the Phariseis appoinct hym he could not execute Gods commaundement But it is verie comfortable to see the affection of Christe toward synners whiche is described in the tipe and figure of this careful and studious shepherd whereas he followeth after the straye shepe takyng no care in the meane season of the reste and when he findeth her he beateth her not but handleth her gētly as though she were blamelesse He taketh her on his shoulders and at his retourne he maketh ioyfull gratulacions with his frendes All whiche declareth the greate bounteousnesse and loue of Christ toward man whiche if it should bee well cōmended and set forthe had nede of a long sermone The declaracion of this loue resteth chiefly in hym that is loste weake and in perill as men doe testifie in suche thynges that thei loue Loue is vncertaine when there is any sure trust of aduauntage But when there is daunger and yet there is more care for that that is in daunger then for all that is safe this is naturall and true loue Yet this maye not bee compared with the shadowe of the greate affection of Christe He searcheth for them of whō he was greuously hurt as shepe goyng a stray and as though thei wer in peril without their owne fault and when he findeth them he put them on his shulders What thyng maie a man inuent that is more comfortable and swete Whereas he followeth after thē that are fugitiues and by their owne fault seke their owne destruction ioynyng theim selues with the deuill that is Gods aduersarie and stoutly defendyng his parte and holdyng with Gods enemie the Deuill againste Gods kyngdome He pursueth not after theim I saie as after his hurtfull enemies but searcheth them out as miserable shepe that are in peril endeuoureth wholy hym self to recouer theim before the Woulfe oppresseth theim that is that thei dye not in
hom Dignus est mer●en c. Math. 24. The rewarde 1. Pet. 5. Dan. 12. Math. 13. Math. 22. Math. 24. Luc. 12. Esa. 66. Apo. 21. 1. Cor. 2. Esa. 64. Math. 12. Iohn 6. Rom. 1. Iac. 1. Psal. 51. Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 2. Ephe. 2.5 Tit. 3. Luc. 24. Iohn 16. Math. 9. Psal. 119. Iohn 1● 1. Cor. 4. Esa. 50. Esa. 61. Ezech. 34. Esa. 61. Luc. 21. Act. 6. Ps●l 68. Tit. 1. Math. 5. Math. ●3 2. Timoth. 2. Tit. ● 1. Cor. 9. Sap. 15. Iohn 17. Math. 13. Phil. 1. Tit. 1. Iac. 1. Math. 25. Phil. 2. 1. Pet. 2. Iac. 1. Luc. 11. Eccle. ● Iac. 1. Iohn 14. Luc. 24. Act. 1.2 Math. 5. Iohn 6. Of the kyng Christ and of his kyngdom Why Zacharye prophcied the low degre of Christ long before his cōcommyng Zacharie 9. What is the power of this kyng and his righteousnes and how it is ioyned wyth pouertie The kyngedome of the worlde is no suche power as Christs is The ryghtuousnes saluation of Christ in baptisme in the supper of the Lorde and in the Gospell The lyfe and saluation of the congregation lyeth hid in the pouertie of Christ. The worlde is vnkynd for this lyght Luc. 11. An abhortatiō to be ware of danger To vs is this spoken of the kyngdome of Christe The example of the apostles The fyrst seruice of thys king halowed be thy name What the Asse and the colt signifieth The seconde worship Thy kingdō come The third Thy wyll bee fulfylled Who began the seruice of this kyng The signes of God goeth be fore strange new mutations The apostles asketh of the destruction of Ierusalem also of the destruction of the world Question Where the signes muste be marked Signes in the Sonne Moone The signes in the sea and waters The sygnes in men A speciall con●usion in men The wycked despise the sygnes The cōmyng of Christ after the signes These signes are not geuen to terrify the congregation These signes are not geuen to terrifie the congregation The cause of ioy by these signes The sainctes also fear these signes but not deathe The last daye the day of dānation and redemption Myth 24. Christes commyng is terrible that the oppressed congregation myght be delyuered Christes cōmyng is lyke the sprynge The figure of the destructiō of Sodome compared to the destructiō of the worlde The sūme of the doctrine cōcernynge the last day The Popes doctrine of Christes cōmyng The daye of Iudgemente shall come sodeynly What is to be done ▪ that the day of iudgement be not sodayn vnto vs Watche Prayer Repentance The work of God is hyghly to be magnified The question of Iohn by his disciples Deuter. 18. What Iohn mente by sendyng his disciples vnto Christ. Esay 35. Of Christe his kyngdom Christes doctrine Moyses doctrine Moyses doctrine can doo nothynge against deathe An hystorie Workes can not quiete the conscience of a synner The Gospell is a doctrine of comfort What the gospell is Difference betwene the kingdome of Christe and the worldes The kingdō o● Christes right hand The doctrine of the gospell is wath offence The doctrine of the Gospel forbyddeth not good workes but the trust in them Christ an offenceful preacher wicked worldlings can not abyde the gospel nor the preachers therof Math. 11. Christe alone saueth Iohn 14. The patriarkes and Prophetes were saued by faith i● Christ. Withoute Christe there is no saluatiō Gen. 3. The office of Iohn Esaye 40. Iohn 8. Esa. 20. Iohn declareth his baptisme The Iewes regarde not Iohns doctrine Papistes can not abyde the word of God Papistes seke saluation by theyr owne workes Matth. 116 Good workes Phil. 3. The differēce betwene the righteousnes of faith and good workes Papistes sell theyr words Monasteries Good works ought diligētly to be done Math. 1. The cause of the feast 1. The tyme of this byrth 2. The place Miche 5. 3. The Emperour of Rome helpeth knowing not what he doth 4 The maner of the byrth Why this hystory is writē We are made on fleshe and bl●d with the sone of God Hebr. 4. The incarnation of Christ Gen. 1.2 Heb. 4. Phil. 2. The humblenes of Christ. 1. That this natiuite might be confortable to vs. 2. And also that he myght make vs humble and meke 1. The honor of the congregation 2. An example of loue and patience Christ not knowen profiteth lytle Prouerb Gods messengers conforte the fearefull Satā thorow sinne reigneth in men Christ only ouercommeth Satan Math. 1. Luc. 1. Psal. 51. Ephe. 2. Phil. 2. The byrth of Christ ought to moue vs vnto mutuall charitie and loue Note What Christ is Christ is no corporal thing Christ is the sauiour of mē Miche 5. Gene. 3. Why the Angell calleth Christ a Lord. Christ is true and naturall God Christ is the Lord of Angells also Why the Angells reioyced in the byrth of Christ. Esai ● Ioan. 3. Rom. 8. The Angel is an hūble spirit Christes people are pore nedy If Christ be the sauiour th●n can not the saincts works be By the ministerie of the worde is the doctrine preserued Good preachers helpe much By the Angels doctrine are al false doctrines to be iudged The office of Christ. Note well Withoute Christ god cā not be knowē nor glorified God is diuersly dishonored in the world Originall syn broughte in ambition To glorifye God The worlde dothe chaunge this verse There is nothynge in the worlde but synne Christen men are peaceable Peace what it signifieth The dyuell changeth this verse what is good wyll Papystes The sermon of thangelles was not vnfruitfull The world forgeteth Gods miracles We also to forget the miseries in the Popedome Nihil cit●us senescit quam gratia Mary forgetteth not Gods word The word of God is not lightly to be regarded Great diligēce is to be geuē to the learning of Gods word Math. 6. He that will serue God must not chāge his vocatiō as Mounkes do Christ commeth not to change externall thyngs Christ chaungeth the heart The example of the shepheards The chaunge of creatures in the last day Galat. 3. The prophetes do alwais require the inward change True godlynes consisteth not in outewarde obseruations Luke calleth Ioseph the father of Christ Math. 1. This meruailyng ryseth of faythe we ought not to be voyde of meruailyng● It becōmeth a christen mā to be proude Howe offence is hadde in Christ. The offence to the Iewes Iohn 8. The offence to Monkes Christen men are offence to other Christ is put foorth to be a risyng Math. 18. 1. Cor. 11. The Gospell is not the cause of trouble but mens stubbournes The Gospell openeth the heartes The Gospell plucketh of the visards of the world and openeth the heartes The Gospell openeth the heartes The holyest hateth the Gospel moste This opening pertayneth to Iudgement The opening pertayneth to confort The greatest vice is to presēte the word of God to despise it The greateste vice is to persecute