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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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vnfaythfulnes whiche we receyued of old Adam to plant in vs true faith and vndoubted belefe that we may be thorowli perswaded that thou arte the sonne of the lyuynge God Math. xvi Ephe. v. verye God and verie manne our alone swete smelling sacryfyce our alone Medyatour i. Timo. ii aduocate and intercessoure oure alone wysdome ryghteousnesse i. Iohn ii Hebru vii i. Corin. i. sanctificacyon and redempcyon by whome alone and for whose sake only thy heauenly father is well pleased wyth vs our sinnes are remytted grace and euerlastyng lyfe are frely geuen vnto vs. O Lord God suffer vs not to lene to our own wisdō nor to beleue as blynd flesh fansyeth nor to seke saluaciō wher supersticiō dreameth but lette our fayth onlye be groūded on thy worde and geue vs grace trulye to beleue in the with all our hert to putte our trust in thee to looke for all good thynges of thee Prouer. iii. to call vpon thy blessed name in aduersity and with ioyfull voyces and more merye hertes to praise and magnify it in prosperity Suffer vs not to dout neyther of God thy heauenlye father nor of the god his sonne nor of God the holye ghoste but earnes●elye to beleue that you being three dys●yncte persons in the de●●ye are not withstanding one verye God besides whome there is no God neither in heauen nor in earth i. Cor. viii Graunt also that we may assuredli beleue whatsoeuer is cōtained in the holi scriptures and by no meanes suffer our selfs to be plucked from the verity thereof but maynely and stedfastly abyde in the same ●uē vnto death rage worlde rore deuyl And this fayth O sweete Iesu encrese thou dayly in vs more and more Luke xvii that at the last thorow thy goodnes we may be made perfect strōg mē in thi holi religion and shew our selfs both before the the world truly faithful by bringinge forth plenty of good worckes vnto the glory and honoure of thy name whiche with God the father and God the holye ghoste lyueste and reignest true God worlds wythout ende Amen A praier for Charitie ▪ THy holye Apostle wryteth O mooste gentle sauioure that the ende of the commaundemente is loue i. Timot. i. that commeth of a pure heart and of a good conscyence and of faithe vnfained For he that loueth the his Lord God with al hys heart Deut. vi Mat. xxiii ●euit ●i● Rom. xiii Mark xii Luke xx wtal hys soule with al his minde wtal his strēgth and his neighboure as hymself fulfilleth the whole law For al the law and the prophets requyre no more of vs but loue euē to loue y● our Lord God aboue al thynges and our neyghbour as our selfe Without this loue all that we do semeth it neuer so muche prayse worthy in the sight of men is abhominable before y● Yea as thi blessed Apostle saith though I spake wyth the tonges of men and aūgels and yet had no loue I were euen as a soundynge bras i. Cor. xiii or as a tynklyng cymbal And thoughe I coulde prophecye and vnderstand al secrets and al knowledge yea if I had al fayth so that I coulde moue moūtains oute of theyr places yet had no loue I wer nothīg And though I bestowed al mi goods to fede the pore and thoughe I gaue my bodye euen that I burned yet had no loue it profiteth me nothyng For by loue are we knowen to be thy dysciples Iohn xiii euen as the deuyls impes ar knowē by hatred maliciousnes And the loue O lord that thou requirest of vs is no worldli nor fleshly loue for if any mā loueth the world i Iohn ii the loue of the father is not in him And whosoeuer wil be a frēd of the worlde Iacob iiii is made the ennemy of God but godly spiritual sincere tru pure loue euē such loue as suffreth lōg is courteous enuieth not doth not frowardli swelleth not i. Cori. xiii dealeth not disonestlye seketh not her owne is not prouoked to anger thīketh not euyl reioyseth not in iniquiti ▪ but reioiseth in the truth suffereth al things beleueth all thynges endureth all thynges Thys godly loue this Christē charytie gyue thou vnto vs o good Lord that we maye vnfaynedly with al our hearte loue the our Lorde God whiche so dearlye louest vs that thou gauest thi self for vs an offering a sacrifice of a sweete sauour to God Ephev v. Take away from vs the loue of worldely thynges whych though they appere neuer so plesaunt and beutiful are not withstanding mere vanitie and giue vs grace so to vse this world as thoughe we vse it not For the fas●ō of this world passeth awai Make vs also to abhor the filthy beastlyke pleasures of the stinckyng flesh i. Cori. v●i and by no meanes to be entāgled with the loue of thē the ende wherof is dyshonoure shame corrupcyō destrucciō dānacyon and kyndle our herts so feruentlye wyth thy loue ▪ that no thynge maye delyght and please vs but only thou ▪ and whatsoeuer maye make vnto thy glorye is agreable to thy blessed commaundement so that thou only mayest be oure loue our delyght our ioy oure myrthe oure solace and whatsoeuer is without the and estranged from thy loue let it be counted of vs more vayne then vanitie it selfe and more fil thye then the very dōge Graunt also that from this oure loue towarde the there may issue oute a vehemēt and brenninge loue to ward our neighburs yea toward our very enemyes that we maye loue them from the very hearte yea euen as our selues praye for them ▪ geue thē good coūsel helpe them defend them socour them prouyde for their necessities Luke vi and deale with them in al thinges as we wyshe to be dealte wyth all O Lord God thou arte loue and he that dwelleh in loue ● I●on iiii dwelleth in the and thou in him Graunt that in this world we may so dwel together thorow loue thou in vs by thi holy spirit and we in the by faith that after our departure frō this vale of miseri we may be placed with the in thy heauēly mancion so continewe wyth the in glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for a godlye lyfe IT greatly greueth vs O merciful father and euer lastynge God that wee thorowe the greuous continual assaultes of our ennemies are not able to pas ouer our yeres of thys world wyth such purytye of lyfe as we ought and as thou requirest of vs. Uerely we are on euery part so beseged and compas sed round about of our aduersaries that scarcely at any time we can be fre from their pestiferous and deadly darts nor yet haue so muche respyte as once to breath towarde true godlynesse Oh mooste louinge Lorde thou arte oure father and we thy chyldren conuenient therfore is it that we thy children represent
holye and pure religion that as we professe one God one baptysme Ex. xxxiiii Esaye lxii so wee may maintain one truth one religion Thou callest thy selfe a gelous God and a Lord that wylte not geue thi glory to another suffer then thy honoure and glorie Psa. ●xiiii ▪ thy praise and worship no longer to be geuē vnto creatures Thou art that God of peace which haste promysed to treade Sathan the sower of discorde vnder our fete shortelye Roma xvi ▪ Fulfill thy promise O Lord for it is time seing that not onlye the wilie Hipocrites Mat. xiiii Luk● xi ▪ those p●inted sepulchres outwardli appearing beutifull and ful of holynes but inwardlie ful of dead bones and of al filthinesse of rauening and wickednesse of bribri excesse take part against thi holye word maintaining false opiniōs agaynst thy heauēly doctrin but also many of the tēporal rulers wise worldlīgs agre vnto thē defending with great violēce both the beastly hipocrites al their deuelish tradiciōs croked ceremonis false religiōs although manifestlye contrarye to the truthe of thy blessed lawe Notwythstandinge remember thy olde mercyes and for the glorye of thy name be fauourablye vnto them gyue them grace to repent and to know the truth i. Timo. ii that they maye escape out of the snares of the deuill and become the children of libertye and euerlasting saluacion Gather together al such as are dispersed make of them with vs one flock Cal home agayne theym that are runne astray after strang gods Iohn x. that they may gloryfye the alone Deliuer thy people out of Egypte that lande of seruitude and bondage and bring thē into the land that floweth wyth mylke and honye Lette the babling Babilonians kepe thy seruauntes no longer in captiuity but restore theim home agayne vnto that Ierusalem wher thy holy name is called vpon thanked and praysed wher thy heauenly doctrine is purelye taughte where thy blessed sacramentes are truelye and faithfully ministred where the works of Christen charitie are continually exercysed that wyth one mouthe and one herte we may praise and glorify thy blessed name Take away from vs all heresies and diuersities of opinions worke in oure hertes an vnfained concord in matters of religiō euen such a concord as is in al poynts agreable to thy blessed worde Graunte also mooste louyng sauyour that thys godlye concord may remain continuallye in thy churche So shal it come to passe that al sects and heresies al diuisions Sismes beinge roted oute of thy holy congregacion and a perfect agrement established amonge vs according to thy blessed word we shal frō the very hert both knowledge the Ia●o● i. the worker therof whiche alone art the author of al goodnes and also sing continual praises to the our Lorde God whiche with God thy father and God the holy gost liuest and reignest true euerlasting God worldes without ende Amen A praier for the common peace and quietnesse of al Realmes HOwe necessarye O Lorde peace and quietnes is for the conuersacion of realms and al publique weales the holy scripture declareth in diuers places the psalmograph exhorteth al the faithefull Israelites to praye for those things that make vnto the quietnes of Ierusalem Psal. ●xxii that ther maye be peace wealthe and abūdaunce both in it and all the coastes rounde aboute When the Iewes for theyr syns and disobedience against thy diuine maiesty were led away captiue by kīg Nabuchodonozor frō Ierusalem vnto Babylon and ther cōpelled to lyue vnder the vngodly and vncircūcy●ed gentils the prophet Ieremy wrote an Epistle vnto them wherin among other things he exhorted them to praye for the publyque weale of Babilō and for the Magi●trates thereof sayinge Iere. xxi● Seeke the peace of the citye wherein ye bee prisoners and praye for it vnto the Lorde For in the peace thereof shall youre peace be Thy seruant Baruch also wrot a boke vnto thi people in their captiuite Baruche ● commāding them to praye for the prosperiti of Nabuchodonozor king of Babilō for the welfar of Baltaser hys sonne that their dayes may be vpon earthe as the dayes of heauen c. Agayne thy holy Apostle warneth that aboue al thynges praiers supplicacions intercessions ● Tim. iii. and geuing of thākes be had for kynges and for all that are in authoriti that we mai liue a quiet peaceable life wyth al godlines and honestie Hereof lerne we O most mercifull sauyour how necessarye peace quietnes cōcord is for al relms cōmō welths For that bering rule thi glory is sought thy holye word is preached the Magistrates are obeyed thy prechers ar reuerēced good letters florysh charitye resteth in mēs herts good worcks are exercised euery mā liueth accordynge to hys callyng vertu is auaunced vice is expelled welth and aboundaunce of all thynges dwelleth amonge vs battel with al the pestilences thereof is banished a fygure of that heauenlye Ierusalem is here found among the children of menne when contrariwyse if battel or discorde occupyeth kyngdomes or cityes all goeth to hauock nothing but cruel barbarie lyonlyke fearcenes beareth rule How blessed a thing christē charity godly peace frindly quietnes and brotherly cōcord is in a comon weale thy seruant Dauid king and prophet hauing in his own relme experience ther of declareth in thys hys Psalme Beholde sayth de Pt. cxxxiii how good and ioyfull a thinge it is brethrene to dwel together in vnitie It is like a precious oyntement vppon the head that rā down vnto the berd euen vnto Aarons beard went downe vnto the skyrts of his clothyng Lyke the dewe of Hermō which fel vpon the hyll of Syon For ther thou lord promised his blessing life for euer Seinge o almighty euerlasting God it is a good plesāt ioiful thing brethrē to dwel together in vnity vouchsafe to geue vnto al relmes specially vnto such as the inhabitaunts wherof profes thi holi name this tresure iewel this plesure ioy that they may liue together in vnity quietnes cōcord o lord so many of vs as beleue in the are brethrē haue one father euē thy heauēly father by hym wee haue y● also our brother bi y● we be his sons heires yea fellow heirs with the of eternal glory ●om viii grant therfore that we al may be of one heart of one mind seing that nothing garnisheth becometh the name of brethrē better thē brotherli loue tru peace frēdly quietnes amiable co●cord This Christē vnity and brotherly concorde muste nedes be an excellent tresure in a common weale seinge thy holy Prophet compareth it to a moost preous ointment to the most plesaūt dew the swet smels wher of cānot be expressed Lorde geue vs thys precious ointmēt of mutual loue whatsoeuer we attempt amonge that vs may haue a swete smellyng sauour both before the all
promyse blesse our laboures and bring thē vnto a fortunate ende For we O Lorde Psal. xcv feede not oure selues but we are the shepe of thi pasture Thou feedest vs. Thou geuest meat to the hungry Psa. cxlvi Thou prepareste manne hys corne and prouydeste for the earthe Thou watrest her forrowes Psal. lxv thou breakest the harde clods thereof thou makeste it softe with the droppes of raine and blesseste the encrese of it Thou crowneste the yeare wyth thy bountifulnesse and thy footesteps drop fatnesse Thou also makest the dwellyng of the wildernesse fatte that they droppe wythall and the litle hilles makest thou pleasāte on euerye side Yea thou makest the valleies to stand so thick with corne that they laugh and synge Psal. ciiii Thou causeste the wels to springe vp among the valies and the waters to runne amonge the hylles that all the beastes of the fylde maye haue dryncke and that the wylde Asses may quenche their thryste Thou waterest the hyls frō aboue the earth is filled with the fruts of thy workes Thou bringest forth gras for the cattel grene herbs for the seruice of mē Thou brīgest foode oute of the earthe wyne to make gladde the hearte of man oyl to make hym a chereful countenaunce and breade to strength mannes hearte O Lorde howe manifolde are thy works ryghte wyselye hast thou made them al yea the earth is ful of thy riches It is thy blessynge Pla. cxiiii● that our garners are full and plentous wyth al manner of store that our shepe brynge forth thousandes hundred thousandes in our vyllages and fyeldes that oure oxen be ●ustye and fatte that we haue all thynges plenteouslye for the sustentacyon of oure bodyes Psalm● v. For whē thou openest thy hand thou fylleste euerye lyuynge creature wyth thy blessing but when thou hydest thy face thei are sorowfull mourne and dye for honger Forasmuch then O moost mercyfull father as we receiue of the alone all good thynges Psal. l●● vouchesafe we moost hertely besech the to shew vs thy face to lyghten thy continuance vppon vs to blesse vs to make the erth frutful and to preserue the fruits of the same that we ▪ thi creatures receiuing at thy merciful hād al things necessary for this our nedy beggerli lyfe may liue and magnifi thy blessed name both in this world and in the worlde to come thorow Iesu Christ thy sōne our lord Amen A prayer that we maye haue the feare of God before our eyes in all our doings O Almighty and euerlastynge God Mala i. thi holi worde teacheth vs that thou arte not onlie a father but also a Lorde not onlye a forgeuer but also a reuenger not onlye a sauioure but also a Iudge And as thou beeinge a father a forgiuer a sauiour dost pardon shew mercye so thou beinge a Lord a reuenger a Iudge punysheste and condempneste Neyther dothe thy holye scripture onelye set fourth vnto vs a gospelle whyche comforteth vs quyckenethe vs sheweth vs mery tidings forgiueth our sinnes quyeteth our conscience and brīgeth vnto vs euerlastynge lyfe but also a lawe whych reproueth accuseth condemneth vs ii Cor. iii. woundeth and sleath oure conscyence yea and throweth vs down headlonge into the deepe dongeon of helle And as the Gospell lyfteth vs vp and maketh vs merie with the hope of remissiō and forgiuenes of our sīnes so doth the law plucke vs down and almost driue vs vnto desperacyon for feare of the plages and euerlastynge punishementes whyche thou haste prepared for them that despise thi holy ordynances so that we may not onelye loue the as a father a forgeuer a sauioure but also fere the as a Lord a reuēger a iudge Forasmuche therefore O moost gentel sauyoure and moost righteous iudge as nothynge doeth so myghtelye put awaye synne and maketh vs to walke in the wai of thy cōmaundements ●ccle i. as reuerentelye to feare the to stande in awe of thy iudgement and heuye displeasure we most entirly pray the to geue vs that feare whyche thou requireste of vs in thy holye scriptures 〈◊〉 xxxiiii ●●ii.cxxviii and whereunto thou haste promysed so manye large boūteous benefites that we may not only loue the as a sauiour honor the as a father but also reuerence the as a Lord fear the as a iudge O Lord all thynges are open vnto thy eyes neyther is any thynge hid from the which seeste the verie secretes most inward thoughtes of oure heartes geue vs therfore grace that in all oure enterprises Hebru iiii Ieri xvii we euer set thy feare before our eies so stand in awe of the and of thy righteous iudgements that we attempt nothing wherby we shuld prouoke thi heauie displeasure against vs but so walke in thy feare and in thy holie ordinances that we may at all tymes loue the as a sauioure honour the as a father reuerence y● as a Lorde feare the as a iudge So shal it come to passe that we reuerentelye fearynge the as the chylde dothe his father shall not onlye auoide all suche euilles as might make the oure heauy Lord and ferce iudge but also embrace those vertues whyche shall both euidentelie declare oure faithfull loue true honour vnfained reuerence and humble feare towarde the and also make the our louing father and moost mercyfull sauioure thorowe Iesu Christe oure Lord. Amen A prayer for ffayth VUe are taughte by thy holye Apostle O mooste louynge Rom. xiiii sauioure that what soeuer is not of faith is synne and that it is impossible to please the with oute fayth 〈◊〉 xi and therfore they that come vnto the must beleue that thou art God yea and such a God as is both able and also wil abundauntelye rewarde all them that with true faieth seke the. Ieremy v. For thy eyes O Lorde looke vpon faythe and thou doest appere and shewthi selfvnto them Sapien. i. that haue faith in the Ose. iii. yea thorowe fayeth thou beinge the kinge of glory art maryed to the souls of the faithful and makest them partakers of thy deuine nature thorow the wonderful working of thy blessed spirite Thorow faith so many as beleue ar iustified Roma iii. iiii and .v. Gal. ii iii.iiii and .v. Ephe. ii Marke xi made the sonnes and heirs of God haue euerlasting lyfe By faith we obtein of god al good thīgs euen whatsoeuer we axe ī thy name Seīg y● faith is so precyous a iewel in the sight that wtout it nothing is acceptable vnto thy deuyne maiestye and we of oure owne nature can not haue thys moost synguler treasure excepte thou geuest it vnto vs frō aboue and doest breath it into our herts by thy holie spirite for we of oure selfs are blynd ignorant folysh i. Corin. ●● by no meanes can perceiue the thinges that perteine to the spirit of God we moost hertely besech the to take awai frō vs al infideliti