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A02347 The staffe of Christian faith profitable to all Christians, for to arme themselues agaynst the enimies of the Gospell: and also for to knowe the antiquitie of our holy fayth, and of the true Church. Gathered out of the vvorks of the ancient doctors of the church, and of the councels, and many other doctors, vvhose names you shall see here follovving. Translated out of Frenche into English, by Iohn Brooke of Ashe next Sandvviche. With a table to finde out all that which is contayned in the booke.; Baston de la foy chrestienne. English Brès, Guy de, 1522-1567.; Brooke, John, d. 1582. 1577 (1577) STC 12476; ESTC S103536 181,177 440

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for to make of twayne one new man in himselfe so making peace Christ hath put out the hande wryting of ceremonies that was agaynst vs which I say was contrarie vnto vs he tooke it out of the way and hath fastened it on his crosse For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne Lawe entred in that offence shoulde increase I had not knowen what lust had ment except the lawe had sayde Thou shalte not lust We knowe that the lawe is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne Augustine in his 9. booke of confessions Chapter 13. Woe be vnto mans life although it be praysed neuer somuch if the mercy of God drawen from it thou wilt examine or discusse it Augustine in his first booke of Retractions Chapter 19. All the commaundementes of God are reputed to be done when that whiche is not done is pardoned Augustine in his booke of the spirit and of the letter Chap. 36. This first commaundement of righteousnesse by the which it is commaunded vs to loue God with all our heart with all our soule and with all our thought the which is following the other which is to loue our neighboure in this life then wee shal fulfil them when we shall see thee face to face But therefore it is commanded vs in this world that we may be admonished and warned of that which we ought to aske through faith afterwardes and by that same as farre as I can perceiue hee profiteth much in this life in righteousnesse which ought to be ended who in profiting knoweth how much he is farre from the perfection of righteousnesse Ambrose vpon the .3 Chapter of the Romaynes He that beleeueth in Christ keepeth the lawe The similitude of the creditor the goodman of the house willing to take account of his seruants one was brought vnto him which ought him ten thousande talentes and had not wherewith to paye and yet notwithstanding woulde be payde c. We are debters not to the fleshe to liue after the fleshe but to the spirite Ye haue not receyued the spirite of bondage to feare anye more but ye haue receyued the spirite of adoption whereby we crye Abba that is to say father There is no feare in loue but perfecte loue casteth out feare for feare hath painfulnesse and hee that feareth is not perfect in loue We loue him bicause he loued vs first Augustine of free will and grace Chapter 19. Iohn sayth God is loue And the Pelagians also doe saye that they haue God not of God but of themselues And where they confesse that the lawe is giuen vs of God they will haue the loue of themselues and do giue no eare vnto the Apostle which sayth Knowledge maketh a man swell but loue edifieth Also the Scripture sayth that true fayth and holy doctrine are both of god For it is written From his face proceedeth wisedome and vnderstanding And it is written Loue commeth of God. Augustine vpon the exposition to the Galat. 3. Chap. The lawe is not of fayth but the man that shall fulfill those things shall liue in them He doth not say he which shall doe the lawe shall liue in it insomuche that thou doe vnderstande that the lawe in that place is put for the workes themselues But those who doe liue in their workes doe feare that if they had not done them they had bene stoned or crucified or suffred some other kinde of payne Wherefore he sayeth he whiche shall doe those things shall liue in them that is to saye he shall haue the rewarde to the ende not to be punished with such death Saint Barnarde vpon the Canticles Sermon 50. He which hath commanded the commaundementes was not ignorant that the burthen of the commandement exceedeth the strength of men but by that meanes hath iudged that it is profitable to admonishe them that they are not able and that they may plainely know to what ende of righteousnesse they must endeuor them selues with all their vertues then in commanding impossible thinges God hath not made men transgressors of the lawe but hath made them humble that euerye mouthe might be stopped and that all the world be made subiect to god For no flesh shall be iustified before him through the workes of the lawe Euen so when wee haue receiued the commandement and that we doe feele our default we crye vnto heauen and God hath mercye on vs and knowe in that time that he hath saued vs not of the deedes of righteousnesse whiche we wrought but of his mercy Augustine against the aduersary of the lawe and of the Prophetes 2. booke 7. Chapter It was very needefull that the lawe in the old Testament should be set forth vnto the proud and vnto those which did truste in the vertue of their owne will the which lawe doth not giue iustice but it doth command it and euen as those being wrapped in through the death of preuarication or transgressiō ought to haue their refuge to grace the which only doth not commande but also helpeth The blasphemers of the heauenly wordes doe thinke that the lawe whiche was giuen by Moyses was euill bicause that it was called the administration of death figured in letters of stone not regarding that it is sayde for those whiche doe thinke that the lawe was sufficient for their free will. c. The lawe was giuen by Moyses but grace and truth came by Iesus Christ Did not Moyses giue you a lawe and yet none of you keepeth the lawe Augustine vpon Saint Iohn 3. Treatise 1. Chapter The lawe was giuen by Moyses which helde them guiltie For what sayeth the Apostle The lawe entred in that offence shoulde encrease This is heauye vnto the proude that is that he sayth to the ende that sinne may encrease For they doe attribute muche to themselues and doe assigne much to their strengths And cannot accomplish righteousnesse if he which hath commaunded it helpe them not God willing to tame their pride gaue the law As if he had sayde beholde accomplishe it to the end that you doe not thinke your selues to be without him which commandeth you are not without a commaunder but there is no fulfiller Augustine of the spirite and the letter Chapter 14. Doth not S. Paule call that lawe written in his two tables killing letters When he sayth the letter killeth speaketh he only of the lawe of Circumcision and of other olde Sacramentes alreadye abolished Howe shall we esteeme it so in as much as it is put in this lawe thou shalt not couet By the which commaundement although that it be holy iuste and good he saith that sinne hath deceiued it and thereby killed And what is that the letter killeth and the spirite quickeneth but that the law cannot iustifie c. Immediatly afterwarde he saith these my commaundementes if they are well kept as they are written we must thinke that it appertaineth not to
iustifie him Euen as Dauid sayth Blessed is the man whome the Lorde accepteth and iustifieth without workes and how is he iustified But forasmuch as he receiueth of God righteousnesse and what righteousnesse the righteousnesse of fayth the which God giueth without any good workes preceeding but not without good workes following after for righteousnesse of fayth profiteth not if after the fayth receiued man doth not exercise him selfe in all good workes In the same I doe not account thy workes good what soeuer they be if they doe not proceede from the good roote of fayth In the same God doth not giue vnto thee the payne and punishment whiche thou hast well deserued but he doth giue vnto thee the grace not deserued nor due He oweth vnto thee punishment and he giueth vnto thee mercie and doth pardon thee Begin then to be in fayth through the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes Gregorie vpon Ezechiel the first boke homilie 7. Then our iust aduocate doth defende vs for iust at the iudgement bicause that we shoulde acknowledge our selues and accuse our selues as vniust Let vs not then trust in our weepings nor in our works but in the allegation of our aduocate Augustine in his booke of meditations Chap. 14. This is lyfe eternall that they knowe thee to be the only very God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ through a right fayth and through workes worthy of fayth For thy inestimable loue exceedeth all knowledge the which thou hast shewed vnto vs throughe thy pietie and goodnesse vnto vs whiche are vnworthy For thy sonne our God in no sort toke the Angels but he tooke the seede of Abraham being made like in all things vnto vs without sinne This is verily all my hope and all my trust for the porcion of euery one of vs is to the same Iesus Christ our Lorde that is to saye the fleshe and the bloude and so where my porcion doth reygne there I doe beleeue that I shall reygne there where my flesh is glorified there I doe know my selfe to be glorified there where my bloude doth beare rule there I doe knowe that I shall rule Although I be a sinner yet I doe not distrust of the communication of this grace and if my sinnes do hinder or let it my substance doth require and aske it And if my offences doe shut me out the communion of the nature doth not dryue me backe but our Lord God is meeke and lowly and loueth his fleshe and his members and his bowels in himselfe which is God and in Iesus Christ our Lorde most meeke and louing and gentle in whome we are raysed vp and are already ascended into heauen and already sitting in the celestiall place Our fleshe doth loue vs and we haue in him the prerogatiue of our bloude for we are his members and his fleshe and finally he is our heade of whome all the bodie doth depende as it is written bone of my bones and fleshe of my flesh and they shall be two in one fleshe this mysterie here is great I saye in Christ and in the congregation sayth the Apostle Augustine in his manuel Chap. 22. All my trust and hope is in the death of my Lorde his death is my merite my refuge my helth my life my resurrection my merite is the mercy of god I am not poore of merite so long as the Lorde of mercie shall be in being if the mercies of the Lorde are great I am great in merites the more puissant he is for to saue so much the more am I assured Augustine in his manuel Chap. 23. I haue committed a great sinne and do feele my selfe culpable of a great many of sinnes and yet I will not despayre For where sinnes haue abounded grace hath more abounded He which hopeth not to haue pardon of his sinnes he denyeth that God is mercifull he doth great iniurie vnto God which distrusteth of his mercy as much as he can he denyeth that God hath loue truth and strength in whiche things consisteth all my hope that is in the loue that he hath towards me to make me his adoptiue sonne in the veritie of his promise and in the puissaunce of his redemption Let my foolishe thought nowe thinke and murmure as long as it will saying but what art thou and what is this glorie and by what merites thinkest thou to haue it Then I doe aunswere in good fayth I doe knowe verye well vnto whom I submit my selfe and that through great loue he hath made me his adoptiue sonne and is true in his promises and of power to fulfill them and it is lawfull for him to doe all that pleaseth him I cannot then bee afrayde of the multitude of my sinnes if I doe remember the Lordes death S. Ambrose in the booke of Iacob and of blessed life Euen as Iacob hauing not of his meate the eldershippe hid him selfe vnder the habite of his brother and apparayled him selfe with his coate the which did giue a most sweete sauour and in this manner presented him selfe vnto his father to receiue to his profite the blessing vnder the person of another so it is necessary that we doe cloth our selues and put on the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ through fayth and that we doe hide our selues vnder the deuine purite of our eldest brother if wee will be accepted and taken for righteous before God And truly the same is the true verytie for yf we doe appeare before God not clothed with the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ without doubte we shall be iudged worthy of eternall damnation S. Ambrose vpon the .4 chapter of the Epistle to the Romaines They are manifestly blessed vnto whom without laboure or without any workes iniquities and wickednesse are pardoned and the sinnes couered not requiring of them any works of penance but that they doe beleeue onely Ambrose vpon the 3. Chapter of the Epistle to the Romaines They are iustified freelye throughe his grace bicause that not doing anye thing and not rendring the lyke by onely fayth they are iustified through the gift of God. Augustine in his boke of 50. homilies Homilie 14. The Lord will giue vnto me the crown as a iust and righteous iudge For hee which beholdeth after that he hath beheld the worke cannot deny the reward I haue fought a good fight that is a worke I haue fulfilled my course that is a worke I haue kept the fayth that is a worke There remayneth for mee the crowne of righteousnesse that is the rewarde But thou doest nothing to the rewarde and in the worke thou hast not wrought alone thou hast the crowne of him but the work is of thee and yet it is not but throughe the ayde of him I haue fought I haue ended and fulfilled my course I haue kepte the fayth He doth rewarde the goodnesse but what goodnesse Such as he hath giuen Hath not he giuen vnto thee to fight a good
that vvhich vve cannot doe Rom. 8. Rom. 8. 1. Iohn 4. The Pelagians say that they haue loue of them selues 1. Cor. 8. 1. Iohn 4. Galat. 3. Leuit. 18. Rom. 10. Ezec. 20. God knovveth verye vvell that vve cannot do that that he commandeth but to keepe vs in humilitie Titus 3. 2. Tim. 1. The lavve doth not giue righteousnesse Iohn 1. Iohn 7. The lavve giuen to the ende that sin abounde Rom. 5. 2. Cor. 3. The lavv by the vvhich vve cannot be iustified is the lavv of the tvvo tables and not the ceremoniall lavve Deut. 5. Rom. 4. Heb. 1. Ephe. 1. Col. 1. 1. Pet. 1. 1. Iohn 1. Apoc. 1. Heb. 9. Esay 43. Rom. 8. Titus 3. VVe are saued by gods mercie and not by the fire of purgatorie Esay 1. Act. 15. Rom. 8. VVe cannot go into purgatorie vncondemned Iohn 5. Mar. 16. Mat. 7. There is but tvvo vvayes Math. 5. Luc. 12. Mat. 1. Psal. 110. Act. 2. Heb. 1. Mat. 12. Mar. 3. Secret thinges not to be reuealed Luc. 16. Sapien. 4. Sapien. 3. Deut. 33. Luc. 8. Luc. 23. Eccles 12. Psal. 146. 1. Thes 4. S. Paul speaking of the dead maketh no mention of purgatorie The gloser Gratian vppon those vvords saith as much Iesus Christ is our purgatorie 1. Tim. 2. Men are not seperated from God but through sinne Rom. 8. Sinnes not purged in the fire of purgatorie Repentance hath no place but in this life 2. Tim. 2. Luk. 19. VVhile vve be here in this life vve haue good hope but after there is no place for to vvash purge sinnes Eccle. 9. As long man liu● he may profite but not after he is deade There is no hope to bee gone from this life vvhere it is not giuen to put of sinnes Psal. 39. Philip. 1. Iob. 10. The counsel of Toledo doth forbid prayer for the deade Canti 2. Nothing can profite after death Luke 16. Black vvedes not to bee vvorne in funerals Nothing common vvith the deade Luc. 16. No place for buriall ought to be sought 1. Thes 4. 2. Sam. 12. 1. Cor. 7. The diuell is ouercome through the confession of Christ To offer is here taken for giuing of thankes The Priests doe here agaynst their doctrine in praying for the virgin Marie and for all the Apostles Martyrs vvhich are departed vvith the signe of fayth 1. Cor. 6. Ephe. 5. Iohn 3. Marke vvell he sayth not of fire Math. 3. Iesus Christ purgeth his and not the fire Iohn 15. Iohn 13. Mich. 7. Heb. 12. Deut. 4. The Pope sayth that God doth not giue pardon to the moytie and so there is no purgatorie Deut. 32. Oseas 14. VVhere ther is mercie there is no more hell fire rigour nor payne The Priests vvoulde be saued thorovve grace according to their song Apoc. 14. Esay 53. Iesus Christ taketh avvay our infirmities he pardoneth then the fault the payne 1. Cor. 3. Hovve saint Augustine expoundeth this place the 1. of the Cor. 3. Gregorie sayth that the bookes of the Machabees are not canonicall That our religion be not after our fantasie Our religion is not the veneration of dead men The Aungelles the Saints vvold not that vve should honour them but God. Apoc. 19. Esther 13 Act. 10. Act. 14. VVe ought not to doe sacrifice vnto the saints nor to offer vnto them for they are but men The Saints giue no ayde vvhere God hateth The iudgement of god cannot be auoyded in building of Churches VVe cannot bee made blessed by Saints nor by Angels Psal. 87. Reade Lactantius Firmianus of his heauenly institutions 2. booke 7. chapter VVe ought not to vvorship the virgin Marie The saints vvhich are in heauen haue no knovvledge of our affaires Psal. 27. Esay 63. It is not possible that the dead can in any thing helpe the liuing 2. Reg. 22 The soules departed see not the things vvhiche are done in this life VVe ought to put our trust in no Saints but in God only Ierem. 17. Psal. 146. Genes 22. Galat. 3. Act. 4. Esay 55. Ioel. 2. Rom. 10. Rom. 10. In the olde time there vvere christians vvhich committed idolatrie to the deade bodies as also novve in our time Luc. 2. Iude. 1. Deut. 34. The sepulchre of Moses is vnknovvne Mat. 14. Iohn vvas not put in a reliqu●rie bvt in a sepulchre Act. 8. Genes 3. The faithful cannot forsake Iesus Christ and adore saints Mat. 23. The Gospel profiteth no thing to be hanged aboute our necke nor vvritten in a booke but in the heart Act. 19. Hovve vve must vnderstande that Paule gaue his partlets for to heale the diseased Act. 3. Esay 42. God hath taken fleshe of the holye virgin not to the ende that the virgin shoulde be vvorshipped 1. Iohn 2. S. Iohn did put himselfe in the number of sinners that he maye haue Christ for an aduocate Prou. 17. Iam. 4. Collo 4. 2. Thes 3. Some men vvold shevv Iesus Christ by sight those doe deuide the Church Mat. 24. Iesus Chist is the true and onely mediator If Paule vvere a mediator the other Apostles shoulde be also and so there vvere many mediators 1. Tim. 2. Rom. 8. Our sinnes are not pardoned vs in the name of S. Paule nor of S. Peter 1. Cor. 1. Mat. 15. The Cananite prayed not the Apostles but only Christ Iesus Mat. 15. God vvill giue vnto vs rather or soner that vvhich vve desire vvhen vve pray thā vvhen other praye for vs. It is not nedefull to haue patrōs vvith God. Mat. 15. Luc. 7. Luc. 23. 1. Tim. 2. Rom. 8. Heb. 7 ▪ Iohn 14. Iohn 10. 3. Reg. 8. Psal. 44. Luk. 16. Mat. 11. Galat. 6. Men forsake God and do vvorship the seruants Deut. 4. We ought to make no Images Deut. 4. Those are greatly deceyued vvho vvoulde figure God being inuisible by visible things Esay 42. Exod. 34. Esay 40. Vnto vvhō shall vve liken God he is a spirite incomprehensible Esay 46. Sapien. 15. Leuit. 26. Deut. 11. Deut. 27. The caruers of Images are accursed Psal. 115. Psal. 135. Deut. 7. Exod. 34. Iere. 10. 3. Reg. 12 Iosua 24. Sapien. 14 Act. 17. Rom. 1. The foolish men vvould resemble God to a man. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Iohn 5. 1. Cor. 8. Those vvhich doe graue Images for to represent God doe vvicked things Religion is not vvhere there are Images Reade the 3.4 and 5. Chapters Men doe adore images in the honor of God vvhich is against God The honor of the image of god Mat. 25. It is great infidelitie to receyue the goodnesse of God and to render thāks vnto the Images of vvood or stone Adoration apertaineth only vnto the true God. VVe ought not to seeke God by the Images Images doe dravve the senses of the vveake vnto vayn things Eutropius of the dedes of the Romanes Images forbidden in Temples Those are reiected frō the Church vvhich vvill not abstaine frō Images Apoc. 8. Psal. 141. A recital for to make suche Images vvhiche are pleasing vnto god Rom.