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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00330 A fourme of prayer with thankes giuing, to be vsed of all the Queenes Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere, the 17. of Nouember, being the daye of the her Highnesse entry to her kingdome. Set forth by authoritie. Church of England. 1580 (1580) STC 16481; ESTC S123387 22,894 49

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of a contrite heart nor the desire of such as be sorowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in al our troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs and graciously heare vs that those euils which the craft and subtiltye of the deuil or man worketh against vs be brought to nought by the prouidence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that wee thy seruantes being hurt by no persecutions may euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. O Lorde arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble works that thou didest in their dayes and in the old time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine honour Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now c. From our enemies defend vs O Christ Graciously looke vpon our afflictions Pitifully beholde the sorowes of our hearts Mercifully forgiue the sinnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Lord Christ The versicle O Lord let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs. The answere As we doe put our trust in thee Let vs pray WE humbly beseech thee O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne from vs all those euils that we most righteously haue deserued and graunt that in al our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy and euermore serue thee in holinesse and purenesse of liuing to thy honour and glorye through our onely mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Psal 66. c. 14. O Come hither and hearken all ye that feare God and we wil tell you what hee hath done for our soules Psal 59. a. 3. 71. b 9.10 When men of power were gathered against vs and lay in waite for our soules they tooke counsel together saying God hath forsaken them persecute them and take them for there is none to deliuer them Psal 22. b. 12. 56. a. 1.2 Our enemies closed vs in on euery side they gaped vpon vs with their mouthes as it were ramping and roaring Lions seeking to deuoure vs and to swalow vs vp Psal 44. d. 20. We were counted euen as sheepe appoynted to be slaine many of vs were for thy sake killed all the day long Psal 107. a. 4 44. d. 22. And many went astray in the wildernes wandring hungrie and thirstie in strange landes our soules fainted in vs and were brought lowe euen vnto the very dust Psal 18. a. 3.4 For why the snares and sorowes of death compassed vs and the ouerflowings of vngodlinesse made vs afraide Psal 18. a. 5. 107. b. 12. Then we made our complaint vnto our God and cryed vnto the Lorde in our trouble and he heard the voyce of our prayer out of his holy temple and deliuered vs out of our distresse Psal 107. a. 3. He gathered vs home againe out of the landes from the East and from the West from the North and from the South Psal 116. b. 8. 4. a. 1. 18. d. 27. He deliuered our soules from death our eies from teares and our feete from falling hee hath set vs at libertie he hath light our candle the Lord our God hath made our darkenesse to be light Psal 18. g. 47. 59. c. 16. Wherefore wee will giue thankes vnto thee O Lorde sing prayses vnto thy name we will sing of thy power and prayse thy mercie betimes in the morning for thou hast bene our defence and refuge in the time of trouble Psal 118. O giue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracious and his mercie endureth for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe euer shal be world without ende Amen Let vs pray O Lorde God most mercifull father who as vpon this day placing thy seruant our Souereigne and gracious Queene Elizabeth in the kingdome diddest deliuer thy people of England from danger of warre and oppression both of bodies by tyrannie and of conscience by superstition restoring peace and true religion with libertie both of bodies and mindes and hast continued the same thy blessings without all desert on our parte nowe by the space of these * Encrease this nomber according to the yeeres of her Maiesties reigne twentie yeeres we who are in memory of these thy great benefites assembled here together most humbly beseeche thy fatherly goodnesse to graunt vs grace that we may in woorde deede and heart shew our selues thankfull and obedient vnto thee for the same that our Queene through thy grace may in al honour goodnesse and godlines long and many yeeres reigne ouer vs and we obey and enioy her with the continuance of thy great blessings which thou hast by her thy minister powred vpon vs This we beseech thee to graunt vnto vs for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake our Lord and Sauiour Amen ALmightie and euerlasting God which onely workest great maruayles sende downe vpon our Bishops and Curates and all congregations committed to their charge the healthful spirit of thy grace and that they may truely please thee powre vpon them the continuall dewe of thy blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our aduocate and mediator Iesus Christ Amen In the time of any common plague or sickenesse O Almightie God which in thy wrath in the time of King Dauid diddest slay with the plague of pestilence three score and ten thousand and yet remembring thy mercie diddest saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that nowe are visited with great sicknesse and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then commaunde thine Angell to ceasse from punishing so it may nowe please thee to withdrawe from vs this plague and grieuous sicknes through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A prayer of Chrisostome ALmightie God which hast giuen vs grace at this time with one accorde to make our common supplications vnto thee doest promise that when two or three be gathered together in thy name thou wilt graunt their requests fulfill now O Lorde the desires and petitions of thy seruants as may be most expedient for them graunting vs in this world knowledge of thy trueth and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlasting Amen THe grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the felowship of the holy ghost be with vs all euermore Amen OVr Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that
supplications to giue thankes for al men we humbly beseech thee most mercifully to receiue these our prayers which we offer vnto thy diuine maiestie beseeching thee to inspire continually the vniuersal Church with the spirit of trueth vnitie and concorde and graunt that al they that doe confesse thy holy name may agree in the trueth of thy holy worde liue in vnitie and godly loue We beseeche thee also to saue and defende all Christian kinges princes and gouernours and specially thy seruant Elizabeth our Queene that vnder her we may be godly and quietly gouerned And graunt vnto her whole counsayle and to all that be put in aucthoritie vnder her that they may truely and indifferently minister iustice to the punishment of wickednesse and vice and to the mayntenance of Gods true religion and vertue Giue grace O heauenly father to al Byshops Pastours Curates that they may both by theyr lyfe doctrine set foorth thy true and liuely woorde and rightly and duely administer thy holy Sacramentes And to all thy people gyue thy heauenly grace and especially to this congregation here present that with meeke heart and due reuerence they may heare and receiue thy holy worde truely seruing thee in holynesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life And we most humbly beseech thee of thy goodnesse O Lord to comfort and succour all them which in this transitory lyfe bee in trouble sorowe neede sicknesse or any other aduersitie Graunt this O father for Iesus Christes sake our onely mediatour and aduocate Amen ALmightie God which hast promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sonnes name wee beseeche thee mercyfully to encline thine eares to vs that haue made now our prayers and supplications vnto thee and graunt that those thinges which we haue faithfully asked according to thy wil may effectually be obteyned to the releefe of our necessitie to the setting foorth of thy glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen THE peace of God which passeth al vnderstanding keepe your hearts and mindes in the knowledge and loue of God and of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde and the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne and the holy ghost be among you and remayne with you alwaies Amen A thankesgiuing to be sung as the 81. Psalme BE light and glad in God reioyce which is our strength and stay Be ioyfull and lift vp your voyce for this most happie daye Sing sing O sing vnto the Lorde with melody most sweete Let heart and tongue in one accorde as it is iust and meete 2 Sing lawde vnto the Lorde aboue serue him with glad intent O clappe your handes in signe of loue for this which he hath sent Sing prayse sing prayse with Harpe and Lute with ioy let vs be seene Before our God let none be mute but lawde him for our Queene 3 Sound out the trumpe courageously blowe as on solemne dayes Both high and lowe come fill the skye with sweete resounding prayse For why when we were bound in thrall and eke in griefe did stand The Lord did set vs free from all by this his seruants hand 4 Our selues therefore we wholly binde a Sacrifice to bee In token of our thankeful minde O God most deare to thee To thee we crye and also giue most high thankes lawde and prayse For thy good giftes which we receiue both now and all our dayes 5 When we in griefe did crie and call thou holpst vs by and by And thou didst set vs free from thrall O God our God most hye Thy mercie therefore wil we sing and prayse thy holy name For working of so great a thing O Lorde preserue the same 6 Blessed art thou O Lorde of hostes our shielde and buckler tryde Thy name be praysde in al the coastes throughout the world so wide Vouchsafe this inward sacrifice to thee O Lorde we call Our heartie thanks do not despise we yeelde our soules and all 7 For thou through loue when we were lost didst send to seeke therefore This sillie barke of ours so tost thou broughtstfull safe to shore When we through blindnes went astray with burdens sore opprest Thou sentst and set vs in the way that leades vs to thy rest 8 We prayse thee therefore Lorde on hie with heart and heartie cheare To thee we sing we call we cry O Lorde our God most deare Thou art the worker of our wealth our safegard and our stay O Lorde graunt this our countrey health on thee we waite alway The second part 9 To thee O God we yeelde all prayse thou art our helpe alone To thee it is we sing alwayes to thee and els to none Then bowe to vs good Lorde thine eare and heare vs when we crie Preserue thy Churche now planted here and watche it with thine eye 10 Lorde keepe Elizabeth our Queene defend her in thy right Shewe forth thy selfe as thou hast bene her fortresse and her might Preserue her grace confound her foes and bring them downe full lowe Lord turne thy hand against al those that would her ouerthrowe 11 Mayntaine her scepter as thine owne for thou hast plaste her here And let this mightie worke be knowne to nations farre and nere A noble ancient Nurse O Lorde in England let her raigne Her grace among vs do afford for euer to remaine 12 Indue her Lorde with vertues store rule thou her royall Rod Into her minde thy Spirite powre and shewe thy selfe her God In trueth vpright Lorde guide her still thy Gospell to defende To say and do what thou doest will and stay where thou doest ende 13 Her counsell Lord vouchsafe to guide with wisdome let them shine In godlines for to abide as it becommeth thine To seeke the glorie of thy name their countries wealth procure And that they may performe the same Lorde graunt thy Spirite pure 14 So will we sing vnto thee Lorde betyme yer day be light And eke declare thy trueth abroade when it doth drawe to night To thee O Father with the Sonne and Spirite be therefore All glorie nowe as hath bene done from henceforth euermore Amen FINIS An Antheme or prayer for the preseruation of the Church the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme to be sung after Euening prayer at all times Saue Lorde and blesse with good increase Thy Church our Queene and Realme in peace AS for thy giftes we render praise So Lorde we craue still blessed dayes Let thy sweete worde Gospell pure With vs deare God for aye endure With prosperous reigne increase it stil That sound thereof the world may fill Saue Lord and blesse with good increase Thy Church our Queene and Realme in peace That vine thy Right hande planted hath Preserue O Lord from enemies wrath And those that practise Sions spoyle With mightie arme Lorde giue them foyle Thy Church and Kingdome Christ we praye Increase and builde from day to day Saue Lord and blesse with good increase Thy Church our Queene and Realme in peace Like as thy grace our Queene hath sent So blesse her Rule and gouernement Thy glorie chiefely to maintaine And graunt her long and prosperous Raigne All foes confound and Rebels eke That Prince or Churches harme would seeke Saue Lord and blesse with good increase Thy Church our Queene and Realme in peace This English Isle and people all Preserue for Christes blood we call Graunt peace t' enioy thy blessings now Because none fyghtes for vs but thou So shall we liue to praise thee then Which likewise graunt Amen Amen Saue Lord and blesse with good increase Thy Church our Queene and Realme in peace A song of reioysing for the prosperous Reigne of our most gratious Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth Made to the tune of the 25. Psalme GEue laude vnto the Lorde And prayse his holy name O let vs all with one accorde Now magnifie the same Due thanks vnto him yeeld Who euermore hath beene So strong defence buckler and shielde To our most Royall QVEENE ANd as for her this daie Each where about vs rounde Vp to the Skie right solemnelie The belles doe make a sounde Euen so let vs reioyce Before the Lord our King To him let vs now frame our voyce With chearefull hearts to sing HEr Maiesties intent By thy good grace and will Euer O Lorde hath bene most bent Thy Lawe for to fulfill Quite thou that louing minde With loue to her againe Vnto her as thou hast beene kinde O Lord so still remaine EXtende thy mightie hand Against her mortall foes Expresse shewe that thou wilt stand With her against all those Nigh vnto her abide Vpholde her Scepter strong Eke graunt with vs a ioyfull guide She may continue long I. C. AMEN Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes Maiestie Cum priuilegio