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A67236 Of Christian magistracy A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St. Peter in York, at the assizes held there, July the 26th, 1697. Before the right honourable Mr. Justice Nevill and Baron Turton. By Christopher Wyvill, D.D. and Dean of Ripon. Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. 1697 (1697) Wing W3786A; ESTC R222179 17,177 31

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with Infidel Magistrates and have not we then great Reason to think our selves happy that we are not under the Power of Popish ones Would Popish Judges put the Protestant Laws in execution Would a Popish Magistracy promote the good and welfare of a Protestant Church and Nation Just as much as the Heathens would that of the Primitive Christians 'T would suit neither with their Interest nor their Principles And therefore we have great Reason to thank God and the King that we are not concern'd with them 2. We may from hence also discern the great Unreasonableness and the great Injustice of private Revenge and personal Vindication of Injuries For it is an usurping of the Power of the Civil Magistrate who is Gods Representative and Deputy appointed under him to be the publick avenger and therefore 't is written Avenge not your selves but rather give place unto wrath for vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord Rom 12.19 Deut. 32.35 He does it by his Ministers the Judges and Magistrates and therefore no private Person ought to intermeddle with it 3. We may moreover from what I have said perceive how great encouragement we have to live answerably to our Holy Calling by walking in Holiness and Righteousness of Life and by becoming truly Saints here since if we do so we shall be advanced to the Honour of sitting with our Lord among the Saints in Judgment hereafter 4. And lastly We may from hence take an occasion very seasonably and profitably to meditate upon that great and general Assize which shall be at the end of the World when we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5.10 Let us therefore from the Formalities of a Court of Judicature here fix our thoughts upon that which will be hereafter when we shall all be summon'd before the Tribunal of that Impartial Judge who even now keeps a private Sessions in every Mans Breast Here the Earthly Judges Men like our selves come unto us with indeed some little shew of outward Pomp and Slendour as 't is fit they should But what is that to the coming of our Lord himself who shall descend from hea●en with a shout with the voice of the arch-angel and with the trump of God Even the Lord Jesus himself shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those that know not God and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Thess. 1.8 9. Here indeed Malefactors of all sorts may so sculk and hide themselves as that they cannot be found out and discovered and consequently may avoid the danger and shame of being set to the Bar to be try'd But there every Man shall make his personal appearance and nothing shall hide them or cover them from the presence of the Judge Here we have need of Witnesses and Informers to prove the Inditement but there our own Consciences shall testifie against us and God himself will set before us the things that we have done Here through collusion and prevarication the Truth may be conceal'd but there all things will be open and manifest to him with whom we have to do Who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest even the very counsels of the Heart Here a notorious Offender through Partiality and Favour or through Bribery and Foul-dealing may escape the Punishment due to his Crimes but there nothing shall avert the execution of that dreadful Sentence Go ye cursed into everlasti●g fire Mat. 25.41 The utmost Punishment that the stroke of Justice can here inflict on Evil-doers may be perhaps but Banishment into another Climate or Confiscation of some perishable Goods or some Pecuniary Mulct or some Corporal Castigations or Imprisonment during Life or Temporal Death at the farthest but they that shall be condemned at that Bar shall be banished from the Glorious Kingdom of Heaven shall lose the most durable and most desirable Goods shall undergo never ceasing Pains shall be detain'd in Everlasting Chains of Darkness shall suffer the second Death both of Body and Soul for ever Here the acquittal from the Judge is only a restitution to our former state of Life but there it will extend to a new far better much more glorious condition O therefore let such Thoughts as these sink down into our Hearts and produce in us an answerable Conversation This is that good use which we may all make of these Inferiour Courts of Justice seriously considering what will be the sad and most deplorable case of all wicked and impenitent Sinners at the terrible Bar of that irrespective Tribunal where their Appearance will be certain the Sentence of Condemnation irreversible and the Punishment consequent thereupon intolerable Wherefore let us make it our business so to behave our selves here that we may appear with comfort when that great and terrible day of the Lord comes Let us endeavour to make our peace with God whilst we live by a sincere Repentance of our former Sins a firm resolution to lead a new Life and a stedfast Faith in his Son Jesus that so at the general Resurrection of the Dead when we shall all appear at that Judgment-seat we may be set on the Right-hand and receive with joy that blessed Sentence which the Lord the Righteous and Eternal Judge shall then pronounce to all that love and fear him saying Come ye blessed children of my Father receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world Mat. 25.41 Which God of his Infinite Mercy grant unto us all through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost the ever-blessed and adorable Trinity be all Honour Glory and Praise now and for evermore Amen FINIS Books Printed for Brabazon Aylmer at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil A Brief Exposition on the Creed the Lords Prayer and Ten Commandments To which is added the Doctrine of the Sacraments By Isaac Barrow D. D. and late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge This on the Creed never before Published being very different from the Volume of Sermons on it in 8 vo A Defence of the B. Trinity By Isaac Barrow D. D. late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge Never before Printed The Council of Trent no Free Assembly More fully discovered by a Collection of Letters and Papers of the Learned Dr. Vargas and other great Ministers who assisted at the said Synod in Considerable Posts Published from the Original Manuscripts in Spanish which were procured by the Right Honourable Sir William Trumbull's Grand-Father Envoy at Brussels in the Reign of King James the First With an Introductory Discourse concerning Councils shewing how they were brought under Bondage to the Pope By Michael Geddes LLD. and Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum Twelve Sermons Preach'd on several Occasion By Richard Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells In 8 vo A Seasonable Vindication of the B. Trinity Being an Answer to this Question Why do you believe the Doctrine of the Trinity Collected from the Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson Late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury And the Right Reverend Dr. Edward Stillingfleet Now Lord Bishop of Worcester In 8 vo