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A54354 A spiritual looking-glass wherein is briefly discoursed the excellency and the necessity of saving faith and likewise how it may be known whether we have this faith or no : being the substance of two sermons / preached in London July the 23, 1671 by Sam. Pack. Pack, Samuel. 1671 (1671) Wing P152; ESTC R30079 19,268 44

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A Spiritual LOOKING-GLASS Wherein Is briefly discoursed the Excellency and the necessity of saving FAITH AND Likewise how it may be known whether we have this FAITH or no. BEING The Substance of two Sermons Published in London July the 23. 1671. By Sam. Pack Preacher of the Gospel Printed in the Year 1671. A Spiritual Looking-glass Acts 16. V. 31. And they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved IN this Chapter we have a conspicuous manifestation of that enmity that is in the Devil that evil one against God the fountain of goodness We see in this Chapter that no sooner had the Lord Jesus Christ that Prince of peace sent Paul and Silas those Sons of Peace to Preach unto the World the Gospel of peace in order to the bringing in of poor Souls to the God of peace but presently the Devil shewed his enmity against mod by endeavouring to stop the course of the mospel and thereby to hinder Souls from coming to Jesus Christ The Prince of Darkness that rules in the hearts of the Children of darkness did no sooner see that ou● Lord Jesus Christ had by his Servant Paul cast the Devil of sooth-saying out of a Maid but presently be shews his enmity in filling the heart of her Master with a persecuting spirit being ushered in by an inordinate love to the World and this we see in the 19. vers And when her Masters saw the hope of their gains was gone that caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the Market place unto the Rulers This poor Maids Masters instead of being thankful to God that bad gained the Soul of a poor Maid th●t did practice unlawful arts he was inraged because that their temporal earthly gain was gone I do verily th●nk that t is one of the surest peices of Armour that the Devil hath even this inordinate love to the World for the defence of his own Kingdom when the Devil sees that no course will serve to keep souls at a distance from Christ then he betakes himself to this w●apon the inordinate love to the world and that doth seldom or never fail him and this we may see in Demus Demus he made a large profession of Christ as you may see in the Epistle to Philemon 24. v and yet you see the Devil overcame him with this approved peice of armour inord●nate love the world ancl did thereby bring him to Apostacy 2. Tim. 4.10 well we see how far the Devil did prevail not only to set this poor Maids Masters in a rage but also to set the Rulers in a rage likewise nay he prevailed so far that they were scourged and they were thrown into Prison and cast into very great afflictions and had their feet made fast in the stocks new one would have thou●ht that it was high time for the Devil to get into his Chariot of Tryumph now one would have thought that the enemy having such advantage and those servants of God such disacvantage as they had that now the Gospel would have been stopped in that place and that the Devil should have lost no more of his Subjects for my Friends if you look in 1 he beginning of the Chapter you shall see in the 9th vers there appeared to Paul a Vision for to go over to Macedonia without question this Vision which Paul saw was a great encouragement to him to go to M●●edonia and now when he was come there as soon as ever he had cast a Devil out of one Maid presently they must be cast inro Prison without question had not God come in with fresh supplies of comfort these poor men would have been at a great loss they would have been much disheartned in their work and this the Devid knew would be a very great discouragement to them Ezek. 1.16 but now my Friends behold a wheel within a wheel all this while the providence of God doth seem to go upon the wheels as if he had not cared what became of his Servants nor what became of his own glory and of these poor souls that he had commanded these men to come into Macedonia to convert but now my Friends here is a wheel within a wneel here is the over-ruling and the infinite wisdom of God appearing in the very nick of time catching the crafty in his own device Job 5.12.13 and carrying the counsel of the wicked and a crafty Devil that having vented his malice and his rage against the servants of mod thought himself now sure enough of the day and that his Kingdom should not be molested in that place but we see that though the Devil is called an old Serpent yet the Antient of days did out-wit him Rev. 20.2 Dan. 7.22 1 Pet. 5.8 and though the Devil is called a Lyon for his strength and power and a a roaring Lyon for his fury yet the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah was too many for him our Lord Christ did make this very ●ages of Sathan this discovery of his malice a means to throw down the Devils Kingdom and to exalt and propagate h●s own for we see that when Paul and Silas was brought into the Prison instead of being discouraged they sung Psalms instead of lying there until the Irons had entred into their souls every Prisoners bands was unloosned well what follows the Goaler he comes in and he finds the doors open he thought his prisoners had been fled and now what course doth he take he draws out his sword to murder himself he had been doing what lay in him to murther his soul all the days of his life before and now he was about by one act to murther both soul and body together Now without question the Devil that had encoutaged him in the exasperating of his cruelty on these worthy servants of God he was now as ready to rejoyce in the downfall of this poor Creature My Friends by the way I pray excuse this digression O let it be a means to make us have very low contemptible thoughts of this ill conditioned Master the Devil that when his servants have done him the utmost se●vice they can he is so far from having ever the better thoughts of them and from loving of them the better that he doth wait his opportunity and doth prompt them on in those actions that he may bring inevitable ruine and and destruction upon them I do verily believe this that when the Devil saw the poor mans sword drawn and the point of it ready to be set again his breast that he did rejoyce to see the poor man ready to tumble headlong into everlasting flames but now this wise God Rom. 16.27 Rev. 1.14 whose head is as white as wool did frustrate the expectation of this subtile serpent he did catch the crafty in his own devices you need not question but the Devil did endeavour to help forward this cruty which this Goaler did exercise towards these se●vants of God and you
may see this cruelty of his God did so by his wise providence order it that it did tend to his conversion O happy was it for the poor moaler that God did finish two works in one journey that he came to deliver the bodies of his servants from a temporal prison and did deliver the soul of the Goaler from the pr●son of Hell-fire Well now in the verse before my Text you see the Goaler coming trembling before the Prisoners of hope he that before thought Paul and Silas not worthy to live on the earth did now come and fall down to the earth at their Feet and said what shall I do to be saved O what a serious question was here well now the words in my Text are an answer to this serious question why says the Apostle believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved And thus being come to the words of my Text I shall briefly devide them into two parts First here is an exhortation to a very serious and weighty duty and that is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ 2dly Here is a prevailing excitation to stir him up to the performance of this duty in these words and thou shalt be saved in the exhortation we have several particulars in this first general First here is the act and that is believe 2dly Here is the object upon the Lord Jesus Christ 3dly Take notice of the persons here that is pressing this exhortation on him and that was Paul and Silas Those that had been scourged and imprisoned by him they were now preaching the Gospel to him and without question with bowels of compassion to his pretious souls They did not now think of Revenge and did not now while this poor man was in a spiritual Agony take there advantage against him and say thou hast been cruel to us and now shift for thy self as well as thou canst no for first they hinder him from self-Murther and 2dly they preach the Gospel to him believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in the fourth and last place the person exhorted to this Duty and that was the moaler one that had been a violent persecutor and he is here exhorted to believe in Christ From whence my Friends take notice of this that 't is possible for the greatest sinner to get a broaken heart one would have thought that if any man should have gone without a broken heart and without Christ and mercy a persecuting Goaler should that had persecuted those bleffed servants of God that did come on purpose among them to do their souls good By the way my Friends take encouragement you that are the greatest sinners here though not to continue in your sins yet to wait on God in Gospel Ordinances for you know not how soon God may be pleased to work on your Souls and to turn you from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan unto God I shall stand no longer before I come to the main Observation that I would present you with which is this that every true believer shall be saved believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved my Friends I having elsewhere made an attempt on these words and made entrance into them I shall not now stand to spend much time in the Doctrinal part but only confirm it by a few Scriptures that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established the first in Mark 16.16 He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved another we have in the 3d. Chap. of Iohn 16. v. For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and in the 36. v. of the same Chapter he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life he hath it already in its incoation and when he dyes he shall have it in its consummation Now my Friends I shall come to the Application which is that I mainly intend in setting upon this subject this day and in the first place if every true believer shall be saved this is useful first by way of information 2dly By way of examination Thirdly By way of consolation Fourthly By way of exhortation Fifthly By way of Instruction First 't is useful by way of Information if every true Believer shall be saved then it may inform us of the infinite and boundless love of God to all true Believers O! well may the Apostle say in the 3d. of Iohn v. 16. God so saved the World O my Friends their is so much contained in this word so as cannot be uttered by the Creature for when Wisdom it self was speaking of it he puts it off with a so not as thoug● Christ could not have manifested the ver● depth of the love of God but because thoug● he could have done it we being but finite Creatures were not in a capacity to comprehend that boundless depth of this love of God to poor sinners My Friends I may alude to those words of Job 11.7 8 9. Canst thou by searching find out God canst thou find ou● the Almighty unto perfection it is as high as Heaven what can'st thou know the measure whereof is longer then the Earth broader then the Sea We see such is the immensity and greatness of this love of God to poor sinners that 't is unspeakable and glorious and I may say of it that 't is that we cannot find out to perfection 't is as high as Heaven what can we do the measure thereof is longer then the Earth and broader then the Sea This love of God to poor sinners it may appear in the highest Heaven for not a Soul that is in glory but is beholding to this boundless love of God for their salvation God so loved the World the Holy Ghost puts it off as it were with a question as if it were that which cannot be uttered nor indeed can it be uttered by the Creature for if all the Angels in Heaven should undertake to set forth the love of God in sending of Christ to dye for poor sinners they must have so much time as will run parallel with the Line of Eternity or else they will never accomplish their work for so long will this love of God extend it self in the highest degree the Creature is capable of Oh my friends was it not wonderful love in God that he should send his Son to dye for Rebels that he that had but one natural Son should give him up to the death for us that were proclaiming open War against him by our sins Oh wonderful boundless love well may the Apostle say indeed in the 5th of Romans the 8th v. Herein God commended his love towards us in that while we were sinners Christ dyed for us that is the first 2ly It may inform us of the glorious effects of the death and sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ for though the love of God was the impulsive cause of our salvation yet it was
the death and suffering the active and passive obedience of Jesus Christ that was the meritorious cause thereof and therefore saith the Lord in Isaiah 53. when the Holy Ghost had been there spending a whole Chapter in setting forth the sufferings of Christ for poor sinners at length he comes to shew the comfortable and the sweet and glorious effects produced thereby in v. 12. Therefore will I devide him a Portion with the great and he shall divide the spoyl with the strong because he hath poured out his soul unto death Therefore will I divide him a Portion with the great what great is this Why 't is the great Devil that is so great in power that he leads Captive the greatest part of the World and he shall devide the spoyl with the strong which is the same mentioned before which is common with the Holy Ghost in the Old Testamen● to enjeminate expressions as if the Lord should have said because a poor man hath sinned therefore the Devil thinks for to have the Souls of all the Men and Women in the World but saith God I will divide him a Portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong as if the Lord should have said my Son shall have some Souls the Devil should not have all for there is some that I am resolved shall be the fruit of my Sons Travel as in the 11. v. of the 53 of Isa He shall see of the Travel of his Soul and shall be satisfied and Alegorical Metaphor taken from a Woman in Travel that though she hath a sharp Travel yet rejoyceth when a man is born into the world so though Christ did indure sore pangs in working out the salvation of his Elect yet he shall see of the Travel of his Soul I will divide him a Portion with the great Gods people are called his Portion as in Deut 32. v 9. The Lords Portion is his People Well saith God my Son shall have his Portion in Men and Women which the Devil doth think to bring to everlasting ruine and destruction well this is the second thing O my Friends that time and it ength would permit for the more clearing up of it is great truth to shew the glorious effects of the death and suffering of the Lord Jesus christ towards believers for the effects of his death doth extend it self to their adoption and comfort and consolation and happiness and glory hereafter all these benefits many more are the glorious effects of the death and suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ Then in the third place if every true believer shall be received into glory it may inform us how much we are ingaged to love the good spirit of God that doth seal up to our Souls our interest in Christ in whom alone 't is that we are brought to glory 't is the work of Gods spirit to show us our want of Christ and when he hath thus convinced us of our sins then 't is the work of this blessed spirit of God to bare up our Souls under the dreadful apprehensions of Gods wrath that is due to us for sin so 't is the work of the blessed Spirit of God to help the Soul to see that Christ dyed for Sinners and that he hath dyed for thee O Soul thou art a Believer 't is the holy spirit of God that doth comfort the Soul in trouble that doth settle the Soul in fea● that doth preserve the Soul in a persevering slate when it would be turned to the right hand or to the left O my Friends one may say of the Spirit of God as David did of the City of God glorious things are spoken of thee so I may say glorious things are spoken of thee O blessed Spirit of God and therefore as in Ephes 4. v. 30. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed up to the day of Redemption In the fourth place if it be so that every true Believer shall be saved then it may inform us of the falthood of those erronious Tennets which hold forth of a possibility of falling away from true faith Paul and Silas did net say to the Goaler if thou believest and continuest to believe thou shalt be saved but if thou believest thou shalt be saved once a believer and ever a believer My friends I hope you have not forgot how I did endeavour in twelve particulars to shew you from whence the believers perseverence doth arise and all the Armenian Tennets in the world shall never be able to strike at the Root of any of these twelve foundations of a Believers perseverance As first thou that art a Believer thou hast the eternal decree of God ingaged for thy perseverance 2 Tim. 2 chap. 18 19. v. Heb. 6.17 Thou hast likewise the Eternal love of God as another ground of thy perseverance Jer. 31. v. 3. I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with love and kindness have I drawn thee my Friends I wonder how men that pretend to have understanding should be blinded so by the God of this world to think that the same everlasting love that did ingage God to set his love on us should ever be turned into hatred so as to leave us to our wills and so to perish for ever likewise the wisdom of God is engaged herein Christ makes it a mark of foolish man that doth begin te build a house is not able to finish it thou that art a believing Soul thou art Gods spiritual building and if he should begin to build and should not finish it it would demonstrate great folly in the Divine Majesty which to affert would be no less then blasphemy God being the fountain of wisdom likewise the faithfulness of God is engaged in it 1 Thes 5.24 25. Faithful is he that hath called you who also will do it will do what you may read in the 23 v. And the very God of peace sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserv'd blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Till Christ shall come by judgment or by death that Soul in whom this good work is begun shall be carried on Phil 1. v. 6. He that hath begun a good work will finish it and we shewed likewise 't is clear from the new Covenant of grace that he hath entred into a new Covenant with the people and he hath therein engaged himself that he will put his fear into our hearts that we shall not depart from him Jer. 32.40 Likewise the power of God is ingaged herein to preserver every true believer from total falling away from God 2 Fet. 1.5 Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation Likewise also the glory of the Son of God is engaged in it Christ is the foundation of this spiritual building he is the chief Corner Stone Now my Friends I pray mind it whensoever a house falls the foundation
is set all in a flame with love to God Friends observe this that proportionable to the apprehensions we have of the love of God to us in Jesus Christ such is the manifestation of our love to God what is the reason the Martyrs have embraced the flames with such courage which at other times it may be a few days before they were ready to sink at the apprehensions of the bitter cup they were to drink but the clear sence they had of the love of God to their souls We know this my Friends that the greater and clearer evidences we have of that good which at present we do receive from a Friend o● hopes to receive from them for the future it doth abundantly stir up our affections and inflame our love towards them if we look into the Corinthians we may see that God hath put Faith and Love together and what God hath joyned together let no man put asunder 1 Cor. 13.13 And now abideth Faith Hope and Charity Gal 5 6. Neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love Friends how do you find it what love have you to the worship of God to the Ordinances of God and to the people of God do your souls bear you witness that you can say of the word of God as David did that 't is sweeter than the honey or the honey-comb in the 3d. place Try it by your hope likewise a true faith doth always accompany a true hope 'T is true Friends we had need be criticol about these things for go and ask an unbeliever whether he loves God and he will answer you 't is pitty he should live else and again ask them whether they hope to have Salvation by Christ alone yes say they who do you think we should have it from besides 1 Joh. 3.3 But what saith the Apostle of this hope and every man that hath this hope he purifies himself as he is pure My Friends all the difference that is between faith and hope is this Faith doth respect the cetainty of the promise and hope doth respect the goodness of the thing promised and where one of these are there they are both for they both go together but now you may say what is the meaning of this purifying himself as he is pure can a●y one be so pure as God is My Friends 't is altogether impossible that the Creature should attain to that degree of perfection and purity that is in God pure signifies to be without mixture a person may be said to be purely evil as God is purely good he purifies himself as he is pure that is he hath not a heart for God another for the world he is really such as he seems to be he is without hypocrisie 4thly Again would'st thou know the soundness of thy Faith then try i● by thy constant implacable hatred of sin this we may see laid down as a true mark of Faith Acts 15.9 Purifying their hearts by Faith Faith doth present the soul with a Crucified Jesus as Crucified for it in particular the formal Professor pleaseth himself with this that Christ dyed for sinners and ●e are all sinners My Friends there is nothing that gives such a mortal wound to sin in the soul of believers as when they do apprehend that Christ did suffer such grievous things for its self in particular 5thly Wouldest thou know whether thy faith be right then see if thou hast a high esteem of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2.7 Unto you therefore that believe he is precious or he is a honour a true believer he looks upon it as his honour that he is a member of Christs mistical body that he is a branch in that blessed Vine he looks upon it as his honour that Christ will look upon him as his Servant as the Emperor Theodosius said he looked upon it to be more honour to him that he was a Servant of Jesus Christ then that he was Emperour of the World But I have seen such Christians that would be very forward to own the people of God and Messengers of Christ in times of prosperity but when the ways of God hath been persecuted the Ordinances of Christ hath been trampled under feet then they would look upon them as if they had never seen them before My Friends this is a bad sign of a true Faith and of a good Christian to you that believe he is an honour my Friends is Christ precious to you in all his Offices as King Priest and Prophet thou that art a believer I can tell how 't is with thee as well as thy self thou dost never more rejoyce then when thou canst experience the power of Christ in thy Soul in subduing of thy Corruptions and bringing under the Old man and is he pretious to thee in all his attributes a wicked man God is precious to him in his mercies but as for the power of God and the Justice of God they cannot indure to hear of let a Minister go and tell them of the terrors of God they will presently cry Oh there is a Legal Preacher indeed enough to make one run mad in a word to a true believer Christ is precious to him in all his Offices and attributes and in all his providential dispensations and in all his promises and in his threatnings he is precious to every true believer Again sixthly wouldest thou know whether thou art indeed a true believer then see whether thou hast the witness of it in thy self 1 John 5.6 He that believeth hath the Witness in himself Oh but me-thinks I hear some poor soul ready to say Oh if it must be so I am in a worse condition then I was aware of I thought I could experienced some of the other Tryals but I have so little of the spirits witness in me that I question whether I have any true faith Now the Devil is very subtile as he will perswade a wicked man that he hath the marks of a true believer so he will perswade a true believer that he hath them not when he hath them as for example suppose a person is in great trouble for fear they don't love God they come into the Congregation and there it may be God hath directed his Minister to such a subject where he hath been treating on such a truth of Gods love to us and of our love to him if God hath loved thee then he hath subdued thy Corruptions these little Foxes he hath taken and destroyed now it may be the spirit of God hath set home this word on the soul and that he can say this hath been my condition Now Friends there was the witness that we are speaking of Rom. 8.16 The Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are the Children ●f God Now my Friends you that are so ready to say that you have not the witness of God in you wouldest thou part with that little glimme●ing hope thou hast of true Faith