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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43045 The ministers office, the infants inheritance By James Harwood, B.D. Harwood, James. 1659 (1659) Wing H1099; ESTC R221283 28,474 108

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Bellarmine for sayes he The seven Vertues the seven capital Sins the seven Planets the seven Defects the seven golden Candlesticks the seven Seals the seven Trumpets the seven Angels blaze there are seven Sacraments I wonder they forgat the woman in Rev. 17.3 with her seven Heads But if this plea were satisfactory I could likewise countenace the number of two with two Tables two Testaments two Trumpets two Swords two Witnesses but this is childishness That these are two Sacraments it is confessed by our adversaries that these two are all is justified by us of the Reformed Churches and proved by Gods word 1 Cor. 10.1 2 3 4. And we have the unity of the Fathers St. Jerome St. Ambrose St. Angustine all averring two onely and necessary to salvation The fountain out of which they did flow was Christs side when he swet water and blood These two Gospel Sacraments he left us instead of the two Sacraments under the Law the one we once recieve the other oft Baptisme presently after our birth the Lords Supper when we come to maturity or full growth and as the childe is once born but must oft eat so we are baptized but once oftentimes feed upon the body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus Having spoken upon these two Sacraments conjunction now give me leave to speak upon this Sacrament of Baptisme disjunction single by it self And since it belongs to my Office to baptize I think it very fit to let you know what is Baptisme Secondly what is covenanted at it Thirdly why the Church requires Sureties Fourthly why commonly administered at the Church door Fifthly whether absolutely needful Sixthly what good got by it Lastly whether lawful to baptize Children And of every of these a word and but a word till we come to the last so much controverted And first of the first I take Baptism to be primum novi foeder is Sacramentum in quo elect is in Dei familiam receptis externae aquae aspersione peccatorum remissio regeneratio per sanguinem Christi Spiritum sanctum obsignatur Baptism is the Seal set to the New Covenant whereby we being received into Gods Houshold by the washing of water have sealed unto us by Christ and his Holy Spirit Remission of our sins and Regeneration The Word of God is Gods hand writing which he passes to ensure us we shall be saved and this Sacrament is his Seal what would you have more then hand and seal O this Sacrament seals our pardon and ensures us heaven yea it is the general Tenet of the Catholique Church That no Christians childe baptized dying before it come ad usum rationis was ever damned but of this suo proprioloco in its properplace The next thing to be considered is what covenanted when the child is baptized know it this is the good the adulti which those of ripe years get by staying out the Administration of this Blessed Sacrament O! it puts you in minde what covenanted when you were Christened I will give you it in my Common Prayer Books Language and the rather Because I dearly love it neither care I who know it At you Baptism you covenant to forsake the Devil and all his Works the vain Pomp and Glory of the World with all covetous desires of the same the carnal desires of the flesh so that you will not follow nor be led by them in one word you promise to forsake the world Flesh and Devil to leave being at the command of those three and be obedient unto the other three Father Son Holy Ghost but why will not the Anabaptists suffer their new born children by their Sureties to make this holy League with God Is it because that as their fathers have made a league with Hell Death and the Devil freely giving themselves over to a reprobate sense to work all maner of wickedness with greediness so their children being kept from Christendom as being free from the Tripertire Bond in Baptism might more swiftly run to the devil after them the contempt of this Head of Christs Ordinance and the practice of the Church Catholick imbitters my charity towards them while they show so little love to their young ones Know this for certainty how that Gods Ordinance is a Teacher which stints us from running into gross sin which as Infants while Infants are uncapable to commit so after their mature age as oft receiving lifts up their hearts from earth to heaven so this bond past in Baptisme and their calling to minde their solemn Covenant past at Font draws them from the love of the world to love our Lord God who made the world and our Lord Jesus who died for our sins and rose for our righteousness The third thing to be enquired after is why the Church but we are grown in this age wiser then the Church why the Church appoints Sureties at the Font and three at the least 1. For that the Infant is to pass promise by the three Sureties to forsake three the World Flesh and Devil 2. To make the baptized coming to years of discretion have more care to hold promise with God 3. That if Parents were neglecting among so many some might have a care of the Bond past to God in Baptism 4. To rub up our memories and put us in minde how man is more likely to break Bond with God then man with man and therefore in common Contracts there are no more then the Principal and two Sureties but at the Christening the Principal the Baptized and three Sureties and to countenance this commendable custom the Council of Mentz in the ninth Century ordained Godfathers to be and to attend and see that their spiritual children be brought up in the true Faith 4. And now in the fourth place These Sureties of the Baptized Infant commonly stand over against the Church Door and there this Sacrament of Baptisme usually is administred O! our Mother the Church there set the Font that you may know how Baptism is the Door lets us into Gods Church by it we enter in into our Masters House the Church Militant 5. But not in the fifth place it is enquired whether Baptism be of absolute necessity To this I answer No for we have this Sacrament instead of Circumcision enjoyned by the Lord not to be administred till the eighth day and I am confident that as all the children which died before the eighth day were not damned no more those who dye unbaptized but I will end with Saint Bernard who saith Non privatio sed contemptus damnat it is not the want but contempt that damns the default being in the Parents let them fear the punishment and since the neglect is dangerous let us be sure that there be no defect in us but let us bring our young to be washed in this Jordan 6. And so I come to the sixth thing considerable viz. What good is got by Baptism ne parum quidem yet we will