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A19432 A very short and pithie catechisme verie profitable for all that will come prepared to the Supper of the Lord: VVith a forme of confessyon, prayer and thanks giuing, very necessary and comfortable for all christian families. Made by Bartimeus Andrewes, preacher of the word of God at great Yarmouth: published at the request of the vvorshipfull and godlie magistrates there. Andrewes, Bartimaeus. 1586 (1586) STC 586; ESTC S108527 21,533 78

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patience confidence and hope vnto the ende that as thou haste giuen vs a desire to holde out which is a pledge of our continuaunce so thou maist stil vphold vs with the tast of the ioyes to come that in Christ we may abide vnto the ende so as nothing may seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christe Iesus our Lord. O Lorde therefore giue vs grace in our prosperitie to mortifie our affections bothe from sinne and the world that it make vs not vnfitt for the yoke and vnrulie Thou knowest Lord the desire of our soules O performe these thinges vnto vs for Iesus Christ his sake VVe further pray thee O Lorde to be president and gouernour of vs and our families directing vs sincerelie in all thy wayes that we giue not euill example either in worde or deede not raging in our affections ruling by them but moderate thou our affections and speeches in all our domesticall gouernment that wee may rule ouer them in thy name beeing neyther too seuere nor too remisse that so man and wife with theyr families may liue togeather religiously soberlie and peaceably wyth freer vse of prayer and other holy exercises O LORDE blesse our Seruauntes chyldren wyth obedient and duetifull hearts to thy maiestie and vnto vs for thee beeing without murmuring vnfaithfulnes replying or stubborne answeres but peaceable lowlie and tractable Bannish from them all swearing lying pryde cursed speaking slaundering ryot and all intemperancie And though by our sinnes thou mightest take aduauntage to throwe out our children to thy curse and to with holde thy grace frō them yet pardon thou our sinnes for thy mercies sake and continue thy graces to vs and to our posterity after vs to many generations O Lorde because also nothing can prosper without thy blessinge though wee care and toyle blesse thou therefore and prosper all the affayres of our lawfull callinges this day and euer heereafter that we may see daylie a comfortable issue of our labours for we resigne vp all our affayres and the successe thereof vnto thee labouring in them vnder thy prouidence And now Lorde we praye thee for our neighbours rounde about vs and for the congregation where we enioy the felowshippe of this life with other ritch graces of thine O Lord blesse them all and eache familie and person both olde and young husbands and wyues parents and chyldren masters and seruauntes gouernors and people that eache of these in their callinges being furnished with meete graces from thee may discharge a good conscience therin in thy feare Blesse O LORDE the Magistrates of our towne endue them with wisedom courage faithfulnes the feare of thy name and all graces necessarie that they executing iudgment and iustice thy glorie may bee aduaunced the people may of conscience obey sinne may bee supplanted and godlines with trueth may happilye flourish among vs. Blesse O lord wee pray thee our ministers of thy word that they may abound with al necessary graces fitte for that waighty calling let vs imbrace them in our hartes as messengers sent by thee for our saluation Gyue vnto them strength faithfulnes grauitie wisedome iudgment patience and courage in dooing thy wyll that they may wade comfortablie and with a good conscience through all daungers make their labours fruitfull in the hearts of the people conuert or confounde all that rise vp against wholesome doctrine reforme the disobedient keepe them in thy trueth that are called increasinge their faith and obedience and gather home daielie some soules into thy folde that the people being turned vnto thee thou maiest haue praise Preserue O Lorde this our Towne from inward perrills of the soule and outward of the body bee thou our watchman and tower of defence frō al enimies that our sins betray not our peace kepe vs by sea by land in blessed safety let vs not forget to praise thee for it cōtinue thine holy ordinance of teaching ô Lord among vs euermore let vs neuer want that blessed soueraine meanes of our saluation and giue vs grace hartily reuerently faithfully to regarde thy seruants thy heauēly doctrin brought by thē so as both they we may in our lyues expres the fruit of thy word feeling effectually the power therof cōuerted into our soules to the thorow reforming of the whole mā that we may stand assured of thy mercy pardon of our sins through faith may be multiplied with al spiritual graces directed kept cōtinued to the ende in al happy waies so as our own soules may reape perfit cōfort others may be edified turned vnto thee thy self maist receiue glory honor eternal praise in Christ Iesus and now lord we most earnestly intreate thee for our whole lande principallye for our moste gracious Queene Elizabeth ô lord giue her a long a prosperous a godly a happy raign ouer vs cōfounding all her enemies safegarding her royall person enritching her soule with all heauenlye graces vnto saluation that she gouerning happilie on earth may raigne euerlastingly in heauen with thee Blesse her right honourable Counsellers and all inferiour Magistrates directing their counsels consultations and gouernments to the aduauncing of thy glory and the good of thy Church Blesse all the Ministers of thy holie worde that they may sincerely discharg a good conscience in their places to the edifying of thy church through loue Yea we pray thee for all our whole land and people of all degrees pardon their sinnes leade them in thy trueth that they may in peace and godlines serue thee all their lyfe Finallie Lord we pray thee for all nations kindreds and tongues where thy name is professed for all christian Magistrates and Rulers that thou wylt blesse and defende them and keepe them in thy trueth from all their ennimies cause the light of thy holie Gospell to shyne to all nations that they being turned to thee thou mayst haue praise comfort the comfortles helpe the helples bee a father to the fatherles and a husbande to the wyddowes ende the miserie of the afflicted confound al enimies of thy church and giue to thy people euerlastyng peace in Christ Iesus These graces with all other els necessarie for vs and thy whole Church we humbly craue at thy maiesties hand in such manner as hee hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. A forme of thanks-giuinge WE render most humble and hartie thankes in Iesus Christ vnto thy diuine maiestie ô lord our God for thy great mercies and auncient louing kindnes towards vs thy whole church alwayes expressed namely lord for thy inestimable euerlasting loue whereby thou hast chosen vs freelie in Christ Iesus vnto saluation before the foundations of the worlde w●●e layde as also for thy goodnes whereby thou hast created vs to the likenes of thine owne Image and whereas wee and the whole race of mankind through sinne and transgression were fallen from thee into a desperate and hellish condition of
bodies in life 1 Cor 11 24 25 so must wee often receiue the Lordes supper to confirme our faith and to testify our thankfull remembraunce of Christes death Minister It seemeth then that you must needes haue your hart touched for your sinnes when you come to the communion repenting your former life and you must come with hope of forgiuenes Aunswer It is very true els can I haue no comfort or benefite by it therfore I pray God to touch my hart aright for my sinnes and to pardon them that I may come worthelie therevnto Minister Doo you take this Sacrament then as a pledge of Gods loue in forgiuing your sinnes doo you purpose and professe vnfeynedly amendment of life and to liue with your brethren in christian loue Aunswere Yea indeede and I make thys an vtter renouncing of my former life that by Gods grace I maye heereafter lead a new life which grace God grant me Amen Minister So doing I as the minister of God receiue you to the comunity of the saints of God and seale vnto you the mercies of God by the authority of his worde to your euerlasting comfort in Christe Iesus Aunswere The Lord giue me grace to walk woorthy of his calling in his feare all my life that I may bee acceptable to him in Iesus Christ Amen Minister vvyll you exercise your fayth in praying for these things daily Aunswer Yea by Gods grace Minister vvhat is prayer Aunswer It is to aske all good thinges at the hand of God and to giue him thanks for all things receiued Minister To whom wyll you make your prayers Aunswere To God alone Minister vvho directeth your affections in prayer Aunswer Rom 8 27 The spirite of God which maketh a request according to the wyll of God in his Saints Minister Howe are your prayers acceptable Heb 15 15 1 Pet 2 5. Aunswer By Iesus Christ Minister By what rule wyll you frame your prayers Aunswere By that order of Christ Mat. 6 9. set down to his Disciples which wee call the Lords prayer Minister Repeate it Aunswer Our Father which art in heauen c. Minister vvhat is the summe of this prayer Aunswere Firste wee pray heere for all thinges that may make to the glory of God and aduauncing of hys name for the enlarging of his kingdome and the performance of his wyl in all thinges Secondly we pray for al thinges needefull for our selues bothe for our bodies and soules that so by the direction of his grace and spirite we beeing freed from sinne may serue him freelie in righteousnes and holines all our lyfe which grace God graunt me and all hys people Amen Finis quod B. Andrewes ❧ A forme of confessyon O Lord our God moste louing gracious and mercifull Father to whom belongeth righteousnes and mercie compassyon and forgiuenes to vs belongeth shame and confusion of faces because we haue transgressed in not obeying thy voice and in breaking all thy holy commaundementes for wee acknowledge O Lord that euen in our conception we were enfolden in the gylt of condemnation beeing conceiued in sin and borne the children of wrath and from thencefoorth haue wandred in vngodly pathes and in the wayes of destruction sin hauing entred vppon all the partes of our whole man hath wholie corrupted both our wyll and vnderstanding our thoughtes are prophane our imaginations worldlie our desyres carnall and vncleane our iudgments corrupt whereby wee haue beene disobedient to thy heauenlye wyll ignoraunt stubborne malicious impacient enuious full of selfe-loue full of hypocrisie finallye fraught with all euill concupiscences and voyde of grace till thou dyddest touch our hartes by thy Spyrite and worde and calledst vs to sanctification Yea and since thou haste called vs by the preaching of thy Gospell O Lorde what sinnes and corruptions haue clouen vnto vs stil so as the workes of thy grace begunne in vs doo so scarcelie appeare as that thou mayst iustlie withdrawe from vs those graces which thou hast trusted vs with For we confesse we haue abused thy grace receiued neglecting the meanes of our saluation Our zeale is colde our fayth is weake our hope languisheth our repentaunce is maymed and barren not yeelding such fruite as may plainely approue our sanctification VVee are forgetful of thy goodnes and vnthankfull for thy mercies Alas LORD all the coste that thou haste bestowed and charge that thou haste beene at in gyuinge thy sonne Christe Iesus to shed hys deere heart bloode for our synnes hath not gaged our bowelles wyth godlie sorrowe vnto repentaunce nor affected vs wyth loue of thee againe Euen thys Lorde is enough to condemne vs if wee hadde nothinge els to wytnesse againste vs that we so slenderlie account of the death of thy Sonne and so retchleslye and forgetfullye thinke of it Yf thou shouldest forget all our sinnes past the vanities of our former daies and frailtie of our youth that none of these shold be thought vppon yet our present sinnes and slippings sithens our calling would condemne vs downe to hell Yea if our present sinnes should bee passed ouer yet our readines to slide and transgresse in time to come would argue vs guilty of death Yea and more then this Lorde in that wee haue not rightlie sorrowed nor repented vs vnfeynedlie of these euils we stand guiltie before thee as also in that the sinnes of our forefathers wherevnto wee stand intiteled remaine vnsorrowed for by vs the staine whereof hath set a purple ●●e vpon vs so deepe as wee can neuer wash off except thy free pardō all these things call for iudgements not onelie vppon vs but also vppon our posterity Oh how haue we despised thy Lawes howe haue wee neglected the preachinge of thy worde the instrument of our saluation how haue we wayted on our owne lustes seruing as apprentices vnto sinne Howe haue we refused thy counsell and sette instruction at naught we haue set more by the world then by thy word wee haue spent as prodigall children the strength of our young yeeres in vanitie and haue drunke in iniquitie as water our cares haue beene for the world and our owne pleasures and profits not for thy glorie vvee haue murmured grudged when thou hast crossed vs with any affliction or trouble we haue forgotten thee in our prosperitie and growen wanton and vnthankfull Our conscience in trayning vp our families and children in thy feare O Lorde how small hath it beene our selues haue beene ill presidents to them in loosenes of behauiour in idle talkes and iestes that are not comelie VVe haue beene impacient and vnequall in our gouernment to austere in smaller offences against our selues and sometime to remisse in slender passyng ouer of greater offences concerning thy glorie wee haue sought our selues our own commodities not thee wee haue disobeyed our parents and betters so haue left our selues small hope of obedience at the handes of those that are vnder vs. And as for our brethren and neighbours