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A17416 The signes or An essay concerning the assurance of Gods loue, and mans saluation gathered out of the holy Scriptures. By Nicholas Byfield, one of the preachers for the citty of Chester. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. 1614 (1614) STC 4236; ESTC S118320 26,778 156

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hatefull hurtfull affections it will make a lion become a lambe and a beare or a wolfe or a cockatrice to be willingly guided euen by a little childe c. 4. It extinguisheth or greatly dulleth the sauor of earthly things and makes a man heauenly minded 5. This and such like other affects are altogether set downe by the Apostle Iames in his third Chapter and the seuenteene and eighteene verses 12. Loue of God OVR loue to God may bee knowen First by the sincere and incorrupt loue of the Lord Iesus the sonne of his loue Secondlie by the loue of his image in al the saints of God that are begotten by him Thirdly by the base estimatiō of the world and the lusts thereof for if anie man loue the world the loue of the father is not in him Fourthly by a deliberate inward inflamed estimation of God aboue all things accounting his louing kindenesse better then life and the signes of his fauour our greatest ioy Fifthly by our delight in his presence which is then approued 1. If wee loue to speake often to God by praier and heare him speake often to vs in his other ordinances 2. If we loue and long for his appearing 3. If we bewaile his absence as a bitter crosse 4. If we set the Lord daily be ore vs. 5. If we loue his house Sixthly by our care to keepe his commandements and to be as he is in holinesse which may be further tried 1. If we willinglie receiue his commaundements for this is the loue of God that wee keepe his commandements his commandements are not grieuous 2. If we serue him with all our hearts and all our soules 3. If it be our care to walke in al his waies and not to offend in any thing Seuenthly by our sensiblenesse of his dishonor if we be more vexed for his dishonour then our owne disgrace Eightly by remembring his benefits and magnifying his mercies for what wee loue we easily praise Ninthlie by our care not onely to do his wil but to please him being more incouraged with his praise and approbation then the praise of al men 10. By a willingnes to suffer anie thing for his sake 11. By a detestation as of sinne because God hates it so of sinners because they hate God 12. By our desire to stirre vp our affections after God auoiding what might steale away our hearts from him and delighting in al the waies by which our hearts might be inflamed towards him and to this end taking heede to our selues 13. By our running to him in all aduersitie making him our defence our rocke our refuge in all trouble to them we first runne to make our mone whom we most loue 14. By our willingnesse affectionatelie to doe the meanest office vnto God or Christ or for his sake this was a signe that Marie loued much because she was content to wash with her teares and wiped with her haire the very feete of Christ. 15 By our humility in the sence of Gods loue to vs for ere the more a Christian discouers Gods loue to him the more his affection to God makes him seeme base vile in his owne eies 16 By our sorrow for our sinnes and willingnesse to forsake and cut off from vs the most gainefull gainefull and pleasing corruptions this is ment by the circumcising of the heart that we might loue God 13. The sacraments THe sacraments are sure seales and infallible pledges of Gods loue and our saluation to the worthie receiuer and he receiues worthelie First that desires to search his heart and examine his life before he receiue Secondly that discernes the Lords body that meditates oft and is in knowledge infallibly perswaded of the inward effectual presence of the Lord to he worthie receiuer Thirdlie that eates with sorore herbs that is that comes with some measure of sence and feeling with th● burthen of his sinnes desire to make them his greatest sorrow Fourthlie that resolueth and purposeth and inwarldlie couenaunteth in his soule to deuote himselfe to God and godlinesse and to striue against euerie sinne that ●hee knowes may offend God Fifthlie that constantlie desires to beleeue Gods mercie in Iesus Christ to his owne soule in particular and comes with a perswasion in some measure of the operation of God in the inward grace of the sacrament Sixthly that feeles the ioies of Gods presence and the working of Gods spirit inwardly sealing in his heart the perswasion of his interest in Gods promises bearing witnesse to his spirit that God is graciously reconciled in Christ and his sinnes are pardoned c. Seuenthly that loues all the brethren and desires to bee furthered in all holie communion with them both in grace and glorie being readie to witnesse before God and men his resolution to honour and cleaue to them aboue all other professions sorts of mē in the world Eightly that desires to liue in peace and godlie vnitie and willinglie forgiueth al that haue trespassed against him 14. The feare of God THe true feare of God may be discerned first by effects secondly by the properties of it First The true feare God workes a care endeuour to serue God and keepe his commaundements and by the feare of God men depart from euill For it teacheth men to hate euill as pride arrogancie the euill way and a froward mouth the wise man saith He that walketh in vprightnesse feareth the Lord and by that signe he may bee knowne euen by aconsionable care to walke vprightlie with God in holie life Secondly it casts out carnall feares he is not in much feare of men that can kill the bodie that is truely touched with the feare of God that can destroy both body and soule hee feares not their feare nor the feares of the wicked men but in some measure sanctifies God in his heart Thirdlie It makes a man desirous and capable of sauing knowledge for this feare of God is the beginning of wisedome Secondlie there bee fiue properties of the true feare of God First it is sincere for he that truelie feares God 1. Feares Gods offence aswell as pnnishment 2. Hee will feare Gods presence being carefull to a●oide such sinnes as no eie sees but Gods 3. He will feare God though he see no reward in his hand 4. He feares Gods word and is more troubled and humbled by the threatning of it then by the threatning of anie mortall man and will obey the voice of Gods seruants whatsoeuer comes of it 5. He will obey against reason affection profit or pleasure for so saith the Lord to Abraham now I know thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy sonne thy only sonne Secondly it is filiall not seruile which may appeare in fiue
gracious it doth not of necessitie follow that Iohn was the most gracious of al the Apostles though hee were most beloued Againe as our loue must bee extendent to all saints so also must it be to all times we must loue them aswell when they are in aduersity disgrace temptation sicknesse or any misery as when they abound in prosperitie or good estimation c. For the third this loue is without dissimulation it is indeede and trueth not in word or appearance onely And besides it is a most affectionate and brotherly loue Lastlie there are sixe effects of true christian loue for it shewes it selfe First by honor and this honoring of them that feare the Lord hath in it First an estimation of them as the onely excellent people in the world Secondly a free acknoweledgement of their iust praises in all places for their grace and obedience Thirdly a willing proposing of them as examples to imitate Fourthly a holy endeauour to couer their infirmities taking things in the best part and sence not receiuing disgracefull reports of them suffering long not vau●ting themselues in comparison of them not easily prouoked not enuying them hoping all things induring all things and yet not reioycing in their iniquity Fiftly Apology for them against the reproches and scornes of the world Sixthly by delight in their fellowship and society in the Gospell in which respect they can be equall to them of the lower sort Such as finde no need of nor delight in the company of Gods children or are willing to sort with none but their betters or equals may see great cause to bee humbled either for the want of this grace or for the weakenesse of it Thirdly by simpathy and fellow-feeling for in some measure a childe of God is like affectioned He can in some measure weepe with them that weepe and reioyce with them that reioyce especially they reioyce to heare or know their soules prosperity Fourthly by weldoing mercy this loue is bountifull pittifull tender hath bowels both of spirituall and outward mercy it gladly receaueth the saints it communicates to their necessitie willinglie and with a readie minde Fiftly by a desire to walke in offensiuely he that loueth his brother there is no occasion of stumbling or scandall in him Lastly the true loue of Gods children will make a man grow vp the faster into Iesus Christ in all grace and holinesse 5. Faith INasmuch as there are diuers kinds of faith and experience shewes in many that giue no signes of repentance that they will not bee beaten from a confident perswasion that Christ died for them euen for them in particular It stands vs in hand to try our perswasion by the true rules of scripture and if it will abide the triall of the touchstone we may lay it vp as hid treasure and a wonderfull grace of God and if otherwise we may repent of presumption as a deceaueable sinne Faith may be tried 1. By the Cause 2. By the Properties 3. By the Concomitants 4. By the effects For the first true faith commeth by the hearing of the word preached It is no naturall endowment nor gotten by naturall helpes But first is wrought by the holyghost in the preaching of the Gospell as is plaine by the Apostle How shal they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard and how shall they heare without a Preacher Secondly there are 6. properties of faith First it accounts all things most base in Comparison of the knowledge of Christ and the loue of God in him Christ is more precious then all the world besides Secondly it will receaue the testimony of Gods faithfull Ministers out of the world against the world Thirdly it is such a perswasion as cannot abide hipocrisy but purgeth the heart of it as of a most hatefull sinne and is therefore called vnfained Fourthly it will endure triall cast it into the fire of tribulation and manifold afflictions and disgraces and temptations yet it will not perish nor be ashamed it is a plate for the breast and a helmet for the head 1. Thess. 5. 8● Eph. 6. Whereas the best faith that is not the faith of Gods elect will proue but drosse if it be cast into the furn●ce of temptation further then it is supported by carnall ends and helpes Fiftly it will beleeue all things that it apprehendeth to be required threatned or promised in the word to belieue some things may be in other kindes of faith especially such things as stand with reason affecting common opinion c. Sixtly in affliction it laieth hold on Gods promise or prouidence so as it will rest with quietness trust and patience and not make hast to the vse of euill and vnwarranted meanes he that beleeueth maketh not hast Thirdly it may bee tried by the concomitants of it for First it is ●ealed by the holy spirit of promise for in euery beleeuer the promised spirit doth print in his heart the sauing graces of Christ from the sight of which as from so many markes compared with Gods promises in his word ariseth by the effectuall working of the spirit this assurance or perswasion of faith for though grace and faith bee giuen together and grow vp together yet the assurance of faith discouers not it selfe till it discerne those companions of it with which it is daily incouraged and confirmed and setled that faith that can be without sanctification of the spirit is not the faith of Gods elect Secondly it is ioyned with a good and pure conscience Hee that is truly perswaded of Gods loue in Christ maketh conscience of all his wayes to seeke or doe thee good God requires and auoyde the euils God forbids Thirdly it is ioyned with a spirit of discerning or wisdome in matters of saluation the minde being enlightened to obserue in some comfortable measure the meaning of the holy ghost in all things needefull to saluation in vse of the word through the power of Gods ordinances so as the verie simple may and doe attaine to a holy kinde of insight and sharpenesse of iudgement Fourthly The true beleeuer hath a witnesse in himselfe euen the witnesse of the spirit of adoption infallible certifying himselfe of Gods loue and his adoption Fifthly faith may be discerned by certaine effects of it for 1. It breedeth ioy vnspeakeable and glorious and that either through the sence of Gods sauour and your presence or in the hope of glorie to come 2. It puts on and applies a righteousnesse that is not by the worke of the same but in Christ onely 3. It will make a man speake in the confession profession and defence of the truth of God I haue beleeued therefore I spake 4. It workes the longing desires of Gods presence of glorie 5.
signes That a Christian in this life may be infallibly assured of Gods fauour to himself in particular and that hee ought to seeke this assurance as a matter of singular necessity these places of Scripture proue The Apostle Paul chargeth the Corinthians to Examine themselues whether they be in the faith and requireth this prouing of themselues with such earnestnesse that he saith know yee not your owne selues how that Christ Iesus is in you except ye be reprobates As if he would auouch it that a man can neuer haue found comfort of his election till he get this assured knowledge of Gods fauour in Christ. And the Apostle Peter exhorts Christians to vse all diligence to make their calling and election sure whatsoeuer carnall persons speake against it Iob vehemently desires there were a perpetual record of his words when he speaks of his assurance that no man might thinke he spake passionately or vainegloriously He knew that his redeemer liued and that at the last day his very flesh should be raised he should see God with ioy By the spirit of God a Christian knowes the things of God yea to this end haue we receiued this Spirit which is of God that wee might know the things which are freely giuen vs of God yea it searcheth the deepe things of God And in the second of the Corinthians Gods children are said to know their glorification as certainely as by sence and experience they know that their bodies which are their earthlie tabernacles shall bee dissolued so certainely are they assured of the building of God not made with hands eternall in the heauens yea they are alwaies confident herein and therefore Gods seruant are taught to pray for the spirit of wisdome and reuelation that the eyes of their vnderstanding may bee inlightned that they might know the hope of their calling and the riches of their inheritance and the exceeding greatnes of Gods power towards them vpon this assurance Paul knowes whom hee hath beleeued and no afflictions should hinder him but he will settle vpon this perswasion that God will keepe his soul which he hath cōmitted to him against the day of Christ. The Apostle Iohn saith We know that we haue passed from death to life And again ye may know that ye haue eternall life And again we know that wee are of God And the Apostle to the Ephesians saith that in Christ we haue boldnesse and accesse with confidence by faith in him yea the very words of assurance are found in Scripture where it is shewed that we may haue much assurance yea full assurance yea the riches of full assurance and men are earnestly exhorted to vse all diligence to get this full assurance to the end and when it is once had neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor anie other creature should be able to seperate them from this loue of God in Iesus Christ. Le ts THe attainment of the sence power comfort of this assurance is exceedingly hindered in all sorts of people First For many can neuer attaine it beecause they are forestalled with euill opinions about it they thinke it is impossible to be had or it is needelesse or it is presumption to seek it or it would prooue a nurse to security if it were had Secondly in the most common hope serues the turne and supplies presumptuously the roome of this sacred gift Thirdly many heare professe and goe farre in the opinion of others and yet get not assurance because they take not a soūd course for the mortification of the body of sinnes that are passed whereas it is certain assurance can neuer be had till there be some sound course taken in the acknowledgement bewailing and reformation of them Fourthly besides a barraen life is an vncomfortable and vnsetled life and contrariwise to abound in Gods worke hath stedfastnesse and a secret rest of heart as an vnspeakeable companion of it Fifthly Melancholy also that is terrors and griefes of which a man can yeelde no true reason is in diuers a mighty let to the setled assurance they might haue They are so eaten vp with those strong conceits that all the comfort is propounded most anend prooues as water spilt vpon the ground especially when this humor is nourished by some extraordinary distemper of the body Physicke not arguments of Scripture must here be vsed or rather both of them Sixthly the loue of earthly things is another great impediment many professors haue their thoughts and cares so eaten vp with worldlinesse that they cannot seriously hold out to follow the directions requisite to the attainement of assurans This grace requires a minde some way fitted for contemplation It is a knowledge will neuer be had with looking downeward Seuenthly further many are so passionate and froward they can get no rest in their heart when as ful assurance would bee lodged in an humble quiet brest Eighthly Others want assurance because they neglect the meanes of assurance which are the word praier or fellowship in the Gospell Ninthly In some there lodgeth some secret sinne vnrepented of and this either keepes out faith or keepes it downe in the cradle that it can get no strength Lastly assurance is the gift of God and hee bestoweth it on whom hee will The signes generally propounded THere are sixteene infallible signes of a child of God as may appeare by the testimonie of most apparent Scripture First Pouerty of spirit for the poore of spirit are blessed and theirs is the kingdome of heauen Secondly Godly sorrow for it causeth repentance not to be repented off euen such a repentance as is vnto saluation Thirdly the loue of the word for this is a sure comfort in affliction and may quicken a mans heart this is a sauour of life vnto life in them that are saued Fourthly The loue of Gods children for hereby we know wee are passed from death to life because wee loue the brethren Fifthly Faith for god so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Sixthly Vprightnesse of heart for God will giue grace and glorie and no good thing will hee with-hold from them that are vpright in heart Seuenthly The spirit of Adoption For it beareth witnes to our spirit that wee are the sonnes of God and if anie man haue not the spirit of Christ he is not his Eighthly Holy desires For euery one that thirsteth shal haue of the water of life freely if they will heare their soules shall liue and enioy the sure mercies of Dauid they are blessed and they shall be satisfied Ninthly The spirit of praier or supplication for whosoeuer calleth on the name of the Lord shall bee saued 10
things for first it is ioined with the loue of God and so is not the feare of reprobates secondly it is not compelled by feare or sence of iudgements but excited by the sence of Gods goodnesse and mercie For so the conuerts in Hosea are said to feare God and his goodnesse Thirdly it guides the heart of man to runne to God and not from God to bee healed of the wounds made by si●ne and to bee protected striuing euen before God to discouer and get strength against the sinnes that trouble them fourthly It makes a man trust in God and ere the more it increaseth the more it worketh affiance and confidence in Gods mecry 5. It causeth a man to loue and cleaue to such as are Gods Children though they be in disgrace with the world Thirdly it is a speaking feare it will speak to God by prayer and to men by conference it cannot be silent but will speake in defence of Gods glory truth and seekes to draw others from sinne 4 It is a contenting feare it finds treasures in godlinesse and is satisfied with his portiō and will abide satisfied whereas the feares of reprobates are either full of inwarde horror of conscience or perturbation in the heart 5 It is constant it is not for a fit but alwaies not in sicknesse or misery but in prosperity or all aboundance contrariwise not in prosperity only when men may feare God without daūger but in trouble also 15. Loue of enemies OVr loue to our enemies is sincere 1 If we can pray for them 2 If we can voluntarily mourne humble our soules for them in their distresses 3 If we truly desire their conuersion and find that we could loue thē vnfainedly if they had repented 4 If we can forgiue them their trespasses against vs. 5 If wee bee more grieued for their sinnes against God then for their wrongs to vs. 6. If we can acknowledge freely their iust praises 7 If we can patiently and meekely endure their reuilings being willing to bee at peace without reuenge 8 If wee can forbeare when wee could bring shame or misery on them 9 If we can endeauor to ouercome their euill with goodnesse and to relieue them in misery or to doe any other good either for body or soule 16. Desire of death THE desire of death will bee our Testimonie 1. If it arise out of the sence of Gods loue 2. If it bee conceiued in time of prosperity 3. Especially if it arise out of a weariness of our owne sins and the sinnes of others 4 If it come from a longing after Gods eternal presence 5 If it bee ioyned with a desire after the way how to be saued and an indeauor after holy conuersation and godlinesse 6. If it breed cou●rage and patience vnder tribulation 7 If it make feruent in prayer 8 If it extinguish the eager desires after earthly things 9 If wee be glad at heart of his comming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iob 31. 35 Heb. 13 Phil. 4 6 2 Cor 4 1 Esa. 40 31 Isa 44 4 Ma. ●4 2 Hob. 5. 15 16 2 Cor. 12 1. Sam. 2 9 Psa. 66 8 9 Psa. 1 6 2. Tim. 2 19. Heb. 7 25 1. Ioh. 3 9 Reu. 21. 6 Psa. 31 20 Psal 31 18 1. Pet 4 5 2. Cor. 13. 5. 2. Pet. 1. 10. Iob. 19. 23. 25. 26. 27. 1. Cor. 2. 10. 11. 12. 2. Cor. 5. 1 2. Cor. 5. 6. 8. Eph. 1. 18. 19. 2. Tim. 1. 12. 1. Ioh. 3. 14 1. Ioh. 5. 13 1. Ioh. 5 19 Eph. 3. 11. 1. Thos 1. 5 Heb. 10. 22. Col. 2. 2. Heb. 6. 11 Rom. 8. 38. 39. 1. Cor. 15. 58. 1. The. 1. 5 Eph. 1. 17 Phi. 15 6 Mat. 5. 3. 2 Cor. 7. 10. Pal. 119. 50. 2 Cor. 2. 15. 1. Ioh. 3. 14. 1. Cor. 13. 1. 2. 3. Psal. 84. 13. 1. Psa. 97. 11 Rom. 8. 9. 14. 16. Reuel 21. 6 Esay 55. 1 2 3 4. Mat. 5 6. Io●l 2 22 Zach. 12. 10. Heb. 5. 9. Ioh. 17. 3. Mar. 16. 11 1. Pet. 3. 21 Rom. 4. 11 Ioh. 14. 23 Pro. 14. 27 Mat. 5 44. 48. 2. Tim. 4. Zach. 11. 11. Esay 66. 2. Psal. 109. 20. Psal. 109. 21. Psal. 12. 26 132. 15 Pal. 11. 14 Zeph. 3. 12 Zech. 3. 13 Psal. 74. 19 Ezech. 9. 4 Psa. 119. 36. Esay 6. 5. Rom 7. Esay 1. 16 Zac. 12. 10. 11. Psal. 4● 3. 2 137. Neh 1. 3● 4 Esay 63. 17 Hos. 3. Ho. 6. 1. 3. Ior. 50. 4. 5 Act. 2. 37. Ier. 31. 19 Psa. 77. 1. 2 27 Esay 1. 16 Psa. 38. 9. Psa. 42. 5. 11. Tam 3. 21 Psa. 116. 13. Psa. 119. 20. 82. 33. Esay 61. 2 3. Zac. 12. 10 Psa. 38. 17 Psal. 38. 5. Psal. 42. 6. Psa. 51. 17 Rom. 12. 1 Lam. 3. 22 23. 2. Cor. 7. 11. Ps. 119. 20 Iob. 23. 12. Psal. 119. 115. Psal. 119 136. Psa. 119. 14. 72. 111 Psa. 119. 23 24. 50. 51. 54. 143 1. Thes. 2. 13. 1. The 1. 5 Ioh. 8. 33. Psa. 119. 45. 9. 59. 1. Thes. 2. 13. Psal. 1. 2 119. 11. Psa. ● 1 Psa. 42. 3. Amos. 8. 12. Ioh. 6. 27. Psa. 19. 10. Mar. 10. 2. 9. 1. Cor. 3. 18. 1. Thes. 1. 5. 6. Psa. 16. 2. 3. 1. Ioh. 3. 14 5. 1. 2. Ioh. 1. 2. 3. Ioh. 1. Eph. 1. 15. Col. 1. 4. Phile. 5. 〈…〉 1 Ioh. 3 18 19. Rom 12 9 10. Psa 15 4● Psa. 16. 3 Rom. 16 19. 3. Ioh. 6. 1. Thes. 18. 1. Thes. 1. 7. 1. Pet. 4. 8 1. Cor. 13. 4 5 6 7. Psal. 16. 3. Phil. 1 5. 3. Ioh. 8. Rom. 12 16 Rom 12. 9. 16 3 Ioh. 3 Psal. 16 3. Rom. 12 10 13. Phile. 7 1. Pet. 3 8. 4 8. 1. Ioh. 3 17. 3. Ioh 5 1. Ioh. ● 10 Ephe. 4 15 16. 1. Thes. 3. 12 13. 1 Ioh. 5 2. Rom. 10 14. Phil. 3 9 1. Pet. 2. 6. 2. Thes. 1 10 2. Tim. 1. 5. 1. P●t 1. 7 2. Tim. 1 12. Luke 8. 13 Acts 24. 14. Esay 25. 16. Eph. 1. 13 14. 2. Thes. 2 13. 1. Tim. 1 19. 5. 1. Tim 3. 9 He. 10. 22. 2. Tim 3. 15. Psa. 119. 130. Pro. 1. 4 8 5 9. 1 Ioh 5 10 Rom 8 15 16. 1. Pet. 1 8 Rom. 5. 2 Rom. 10. 2. Cor. 4 13. 14. 2. Cor. 5. 7. Gal. 5. 5. Gel. 5. 6. Heb 2. 5. Rom. 1. 17 Gal. 2●0 Rom 3. 17 Gal. 3 22. 1. 1o 5. 4. 5 Psa. 48. 14 Acts 15. 9 Ioh. 7 38. Mat 3. 11 Eph 5 19 1. The 1. 5 2. Tim. 1. 14 Esa 30. ●1 Esay 4. 2. Cor 3 17. Rom. 8. 10 Esay 44 3 4. Rom. 14 17. Ezec. 39 vl● Rom 8. 13 Zac. 12 10 Eph. 3 12 Psa. 32. 2 Ioh. 1. 4. Prou 20 6 7. Ioh 1 1 2 3. 10 1. Kin. 15 12 13 14 1. Kin. 15 5