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A11792 The proiector Teaching a direct, sure, and ready vvay to restore the decayes of the Church and state both in honour and revenue. Deliuered in a sermon before the iudges in Norvvich, at summer assises there holden, anno 1620. By Thomas Scot Batchelor in Diuinity. Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. 1623 (1623) STC 22081; ESTC S116987 26,622 45

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assisteth our prayers our meditations our devotions teaching vs to call thee Father and leading vs into every truth daily resisting forvs our profest enemy Sathan giving vs wisdome to discover his treacherie and discerne him for an adversarie daily renueth in vs thine image conforming vs by degrees to the rules of thy lawe making vs wise and beautifull and loving and iust and holy in part by inspiration instruction and affliction by the humble and patient sufferance of worldly wisdome to beguile and flowte vs of corporall beautie to contemne and deface vs of carnall love to reiect and scorne vs of politique justice to persecute and martyr vs of superstitious and ydolatrous holinesse to shun and abhorre vs of devillish Atheisme to deride and abuse vs whilest wee know and rest assured that thou who workest all things for the best for thine elect thy poore distressed and dispersed little flocke beholdest all this and laughest to scorne the foolish imaginations of mans hart and in the meane time securest vs of thy love by infallible testimonies and teachest vs in every estate to be contented knowing that thou who orderest all things according to thine owne good will and pleasure and takest care for Lillies to cloth them for Ravens to feed them for Sparrowes to house them that madest an Arke for preservation of fowles and beasts and creeping things that numbrest the hayres of our heads and wilt not loose one of them wilt much lesse loose one of vs or let Sathan snatch vs out of thy hand whom thou hast made with such care and purchased at so deere a rate but wilt at thy good time cause all things worke together for our best So that wee Rom. 8. are perswaded Neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor povvers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs from thy love vvhich is in Christ IESVS our Lord. In assurance of which love wee comend vnto thee not only our selves but all that have written their names vpon the crosse of thy Sonne especially our Sovereigne the King of great Brittaine whom thou hast honored with the style of Defender of the Faith and to this end made Antichrist like Balaam and Caiphas prophecie his owne overthrow in conferring that title O Lord as thou hast honored him with it and enabled him towards the performing of that duty more then others annoynting him vvith the oyle of Science above his fellovves so inflame his heart with true zeale and courage and strengthen his hand with true constancy that he may still appeare worthy of it in the eyes of all men Mat. 4. Blesse the Prince and remember where he is in a wildernesse of temptations as thine owne Sonne was from whence none but thy divine hand can bring him off safe Let it be thy glory 1. Cor. 1. 27. by babes and sucklings to confound those mightie Potentates and the more Superstition and Idolatrie he beholds the more let him abhorre it now calling to minde the truth which he hath heard and wisely conferring all things together so worke that his constancy may shewe it is only ignorance that holds them in Idolatrie and that our Princes are too learned and religious for their Priests to subvert Keepe him O Lord safe for vs and returne him in thy good time safe to vs and hasten that time O Lord wee beseech thee thereby to free our panting hearts from feare Blesse the King and Queene of Bohemia and their royal Yssue restore to them what they haue lost what Sathan ānd his associates the Sabeans and Chaldeans or men more cursed and cruell haue taken away from them and as thou didst make the Iob. ● latter end of Iob more happie then his beginning so verifie it in these thy servants that their example may be brought as a president in future ages to prove that truth by experience which the Psalmist wils vs to observe in the course of our pilgrimage Marke the perfect man and behold the vpright for the after-end of that Psalm 37. 37. man is peace Blesse the Nobilitie and teach them to know wherein true Nobilitie consisteth and then to doe as they know Blesse those Councellours that counsell for thy truth If Achitophell be in Davids Court give David grace to know his Oracle and thine asunder and bring his wicked councell vpon his owne wretched pate for the ruine of himselfe and his house Give him no wisdome to set his house in order who would disorder thine Regard not him and his State who would with subtilty ouerthrow that State which thou hast guarded for thy selfe so long Blesse the Clergie those laborers that labour for thee open their mouthes yet wider fill their harts yet fuller of spirit even with thy Spirit discover Doeg and Demas and Diotrephes and 3. Io. ● thrust them out of thy fold and let the world know they are wolves Blesse the Magistracie teach them only to comaund what thou comaundest at least teach them even for conscience sake to doe and comand nothing against thy comand which thou wouldst not have done Blesse the people and teach them to obey for conscience sake Act. 4. 1● and withall wisely to know where and how it is better to obey thee then man Blesse the whole State with vnitie and continue verity amongst them and restore to them that prosperity which their sinnes have provoked thee to take away which stands at the doore readie to depart except their repentance cals it backe Turne thy face towards them and turne their hearts towards thee and turne the expectation and endevour of their enemies and thine to shame follie and confusion That the heathen may not Psal 79. 1● say vvhere is novv their God FINIS
Honor as betwixt light and darkenesse truth and falsehoode white and blacke God and Sathan hell and heauen It were a shame therefore to ioyne those things together which God hath opposed in Nature If Iustice therefore should make sinne eyther a wife or a childe or a friend or a seruant or a fauorite and companion at bed or at board or on the bench this could not be done without a Diabolicall contract a Sodomiticall mixture a sinne against Nature Therefore let Iustice make sinne a slaue a drudge a prisoner for if he waxe familiar once he will rule and reigne ouer thee and thou shalt not be master at home no not in thine owne house nay not in thine owne heart Genes 3. I haue put emnity saith God to Sathan betwixt thee and the woman and betwixt Her seed and thy seed This enmity must continue He shall breake thy head and thou shalt bruise his heele The best men may haue their heeles bruised and trodden on by Sathan sometime be ouertaken by sinne Euen holy Dauid tooke a nap holy Paule himselfe ● Cor. 12.7 felt a sting in the flesh vaine-glory began to puffe him vp out of the consideration of his knowledge zeale labor and heauenly reuelations the Messenger of Sathan was then sent to buffet him to humility But let not Sathan breake our heads no not with oyle with applauses with glibbe and smooth sinnes petty-seeming sinnes sinnes like vertues Much lesse let him blind our eyes with giftes for that 's the way to breake our heads indeed when wee can not see to defend our selues ● Sam. 4. Nay to breake our necks too from the Chayre of Moses with poore old weake blinde decrepid Ely To conclude all this Nation of ours at this day outsinnes all the Nations of the world euen in their proper sinnes for which they haue beene infamous Wee outdrab the Italian out-drinke the Dutch out-braue the Frenchman out-brag the Spaniard Surely as wee out-act these in sinne wee must out-suffer these in shame and is it not a shame wee should doe so wee that know so much more then they doe wee that liue in the cleare light of the Gospell wee that goe euery day to Church to heare Sermons with Bibles in our hands vnder our armes in our pockets when they heare no Sermons perhaps but once a quarter perhaps but once a yeere that at Lent a Lenten Sermon a Leaden Sermon a Latin Sermon and for the Bible know not a word of what is within it Why shame belongs to Bastards sinne is a note of bastardy for by sinne wee are Sathans children You are of Io. 8. 44. your father the Diuel saith our Saiuour for his works do yee Shame followes sinne it is all the Inheritance that Sathan giues his children except paine as an increase to the portion Honor belong to legitimates such succeede their fathers in the badges and cognizances of honor as in vertue and worth Iustice is a note wee are Gods children it is his character his stampe his seale his impresse his image and shewes that wee are begotten to good workes by the Grace of his holy Spirit the inheritance is glory heere an earnest of greater glory heereafter with the Lord. Of his infinite mercy graunt vnto vs for his Sonnes sake Christ Iesus Our Iustice our righteousnes our sacrific e for sinne our Preseruer Redeemer and Saiuour from shame To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honor and glory giuen and ascribed by vs and by euery other Creature that he hath made for his glory this present time and for euermore Amen A Prayer for the whole state of the Realme O Lord thou hast made all things for thine owne glorie to manifest thy power thy wisdome bewtie love justice and holines and amongst all these things thou hast made man after thine image enduing him with originall power wisdome beautie love justice and holines And that he might not only have but exercise these vertues thou madest this inferiour world for him and didst subiect a world of Creatures to his rule and government so that he seemed a God vpon earth having so free so large so ample a comaund over his fellow Creatures He was naked and not ashamed for being framed by so perfect a workman and formed after thy image the image of perfection he knew that there was nothing within him or without him whereof he need be ashamed but much whereof to glorie and reioyce The more he saw and contemplated himselfe the more cause he saw there was to love himselfe for being like thee and to love thee for so making him This Sathan saw with envie and it was another hell for him to see it and hating thee and all things for thee he seduced man with pride and ambition causing him not to rest satisfied with what thou hadst given him but to desire all things which thou hadst made only for thy felfe And thus vainely and foolishly to neglect the rule of himselfe and the inferiour Creatures in justice contrarie to thy commaund and to affect the tree of knowledge of good and evill which thou hadst only forbidden him By this meanes O Lord seeking more then he should he lost what he had and labouring indirectly to be equall to thee he defaced thine image and whatsoever was within him like vnto thee So that his wisdome became foolish subtiltie his beautie painted vglinesse his love lustfull vncharitablenesse his justice extreame injurie and vnrighteousnes his holines either ydolatrie or prophanesse and the whole man a living ghost a golden Sepulchre And now as before thou didst cast Sathan out of Heaven for pride where no vncleane thing can stay or enter so didst thou eject man out of Paradice without hope of other inheritance for him and all his wretched posteritie then hell which he had deserved and wee in him But herein appeared thy exceeding and superaboundant love not only pardoning this sinne of his and ours but in sending thy Sonne into the world to dye for vs to satisfie thy justice and to purchase for vs a neerer and surer conjunction to thee then that which wee had before and lost even a conjunction betwixt thy love and our faith which the gates of hell cannot prevaile against And that Sathans envie might be more exasperated as a punishment vnto himselfe a glory vnto thee that which he intended for our curse thou hast turned to our crowne and wee are truly in a way to become like thee yea to be vnited to thee So that as if thou hadst made all things for man we have interest in all things in thee and all and thus are truly what Sathan falsely told vs wee should be become as Gods knovving good and evill the evill by present experience and fruition the good in future hope and expectation And that wee might not faint in this our wearie pilgrimage thou hast breathed thy Spirit into vs and given him to be our comforter who daily