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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11240 A Christian exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures for the great comfort of euery faithfull person being in the agonie of death, before whome it must be ofte[n]times red and recited (if neede be) eue[n] to his last breath. Wherevnto is ioyned in the end a singular prayer for the partie greeuously afflicted by sicknesse dravving tovvard his death. Therewith is a briefe catechisme, which is not only to instructe the sicke, but also to refresh his memorie vvith the greate mysterie of our redemption. I. S., fl. 1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21500; ESTC S102189 21,015 74

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which beléeueth beléeue then without any doubte that Iesus Christe taking to him oure flesh became very man wherefore he dyed for you hauing borne all your sinnes in his body to blotte and put them out Present vnto God the pretious deathe of his sonne Iesus Christ and by the merit of the same death and passion aske him mercie in saying from the bottome of youre heart in great humilitie and repentance LOrd God Almightie be merciful to me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lord and Sauiour And for the merite of his deathe and passion it maye please thee to receiue my soule the which I recommend into thy hands B. S. N. Put your strong trust in God for séeing that he is for you none shall be against you for Iesus Christ which is the Lamb without spotte hathe ouercome all for you he offered himselfe once onely for you and by the same only oblation hathe wholly wiped out all youre sinnes he hath made of none effecte your folly imustice abhomination with thys good Lord Iesus Christ God the father hathe giuen you all things B. S. N. Fortifie your selfe in Iesus Christ the whiche calleth you and iuuiteth you by his Prophets Apostles and Euangelistes to addresse youre selfe fréely to him saying all you which haue thirst come to the great fountayne Come to me all ye that laboure and are loden and I will ease you B. S. N. Beléeue stedfastly that Iesus Christ hath set you frée from all your sinnes and hath reconciled you to God his father to whome in great humilitie and repentance say you from the bottome of your heart LOrd God Almightie be mercifull vnto mee poore wretched Sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ my Lorde and Sauioure And for the merit of his deathe and passion it may please thee to receiue my Soule the which I recommende into thy hands B. S. N. Be of good chéere for vndoubtedly he will receyue youre soule as his for the loue of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde whiche is the Sauioure and Redéemer of all those which beléeue in him Moyses and all the Prophets haue borne witnesse that all people shal receiue saluation and blessing by Iesus Christ The Apostles and Euangelistes witnesse that Iesus Christe is not come to call the iust but the sinners te repentance and to giue his soule for the Redemption of many for hée hath shedde his bloud for the remission of sinne Beléeue then and doubt not at all for Iesus Christe hathe made the purgation of all youre sinnes hauing promised that all those which shal beléeue in him and in his father which hath sent him shall haue eternall life and shall not come at all into iudgemente but shall passe from death into life Go to now B. S. N. reioyce in Iesus Christe for he hathe loued you and washed you from al your sinnes in his bloud Take this strong faith wherewith to fighte valiantlye against the aduersarie haue none other buckler to defende youre selfe withall but this pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the which by the vertue of his deathe and passion hathe reconciled you to God his father vnto whome from the bottome of your hearte in great humilitie and repentance presente this Prayer LOrd God Almightie shew mercie vnto me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lorde and Sauiour and for the merite of his death and passion it may please thee to receyue my soule the whiche I commend into thy handes B. S. N. Holde fast this hope and stedfast fasth that thy good God full of all mercie will receyue youre soule as his into his handes for the loue of his sonne Iesus Christe for there is none other name vnder the Heauen giuen to men by the which we maye be saued and there is no saluatiō in any other than in Iesus Christ arme you then well wyth this good Iesus Christe for he hathe done all for you he hath fulfilled the Law for you he hathe ouercome all for you Now go too B. S. N. reioyce you in God stand alwayes fast in thys liuely fayth Followe and imitate the holy Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles which are all saued in this faith who do all assure you that the aduersarie can in no wise hurt you for youre cause is wonne by Iesus Christe whiche is youre Iudge and your aduocate both togither wherefore saye alwayes in this stedfast faith Albeit I shoulde walke in the middest of the shadowe of deathe I will feare no euill for thou Lorde God art with me B. S. N. Be you also neuer wéerie to say from the bottome of youre heart in great humilitie and repentance LOrde God Almightie be mercifull to me poore wretched sinner for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe my Lord and Sauiour And for the merite of his death and passion it may please thee to receyue my soule the whiche I commende into thy hands So be it A singular Prayer for one whyche is greately afflicted wyth sickenesse the whiche is more lyke to dye than to liue With a little Catechisme made of purpose to instructe the sicke person and to cause him to behold by Faith the greate misterie of oure Redemption Ecclesiasticus 18. Before the sicknesse vse medicine and before thou come to Iudgemente examine thy selfe and in the presence of God thou shalte finde fauoure Nowe the Lorde admonisheth vs to pray alwayes chiefely when we are touched with his rods Wherefore all the faithfull parentes and friends which visit the sicke person shoulde not onely visit and comforte the body but also should searche and enquire for spirituall medicine for his soule whiche thing shoulde bée done by good Prayers confession of sinnes and Christian exhortation according to the word of God without the whiche man can not liue but is deade béeyng yet lyuing And to the end that all these things may be done in good order and wyth zeale first it is néedefull to prostrate themselues before the Maiestie of God and to pray vnto him begynning in this sort Our helpe is in the name of the lord c. Then to presente vnto hym the generall confession of sinnes and consequently thys presente Prayer as followeth O Lord God Almighty and father of all mercies we are aēssbled in the name of thy welbeloued Sonne oure Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe in the fauour of whome we are bold to presente oure selues vnto thée to call vpon thy most blessed name hauing oure onely resuge to thy soueraigne goodnesse the whiche we doe not desire to féele and tast in oure selues only but also in the necessitie of thy poore creature being afflicted both with bodily sicknesse and affliction and calamitie of the spirite We know O Lord that thou doest iustly visit and chastice him wyth thy roddes to cause hym to vnderstande thy fatherly affection but thy great mercies whiche thou hast
vayne glorye and would perswade vs that we haue deserued Heauen and eternall life by our workes vnto whome we muste answere in this sort O thou horrible enchanter thou bearest me in hande that I am a Saincte to the ende thou mightest make me a Diuell Who is he that doth that which is commanded him to doe none no not one wher are then my deserts I wil shew thee Sathan my Lorde Christ hathe taken from mee all my sinnes and hath nayled them to his crosse and hath cancelled the obligation which was againste me yea he hath done more for me he hathe giuen mee all his deserts to witte his obedience iustice righteousnesse and innocencie as to a member of his bodye wherefore I being a member of his body can no more bee damned than my Lorde Christe may Now when hee seeth himselfe thus aunswered and proued a lyar by the sacred Scriptures of God whiche are the onely weapon wherewith to put him to flight he then yeeldeth all lost therfore we may easily see how needeful it is to be armed against Sathan with the most blessed word of God wherwith to quenche all his fierie dartes and to repulse all his assaults Wherfore I haue turned this exhortation into our english tongue the whych was written in the French by a reuerend worthy learned and godly father to a noble martiall and Christian Gentleman of France his good Lorde and friende wherewith in the time of his quietnesse he might fitte his armoure and weapons in suche sort as by battayle he might valiantly fighting obtayne a glorious and victorious Crowne For as your honor knoweth he that will be a good Souldioure must enter timely into the warres therefore I saye I haue turned into the Englishe the same exhortation for the profite of the Churche of God heere in Englande And albeit that the wordes be not many they be of singular valew and effecte the whiche I haue published vnder your honors name doubting not but that you will take my poore trauel in this behalfe in good part I haue added in the ende of it a Table of certayne consolatorie passages of Scripture whiche I haue gathered out of the old and new Testament for confirmation of oure faith in the moste sweete and comfortable promises of the almighty For when we shal come to the battayle the which we must once sighte eyther in the time of our health or else in the article of deathe for none is crowned that fighteth not and a Christian life is a continuall warre by the grace of God thys shorte exhortation shall greatly helpe as manye as shall make the same familiar vnto them towardes the obteyning of the victorie agaynste the aforesayde trayned experimented cunning mightie and cruell enimie In London the twentith of Marche Anno Domini 1579. Your honours humble euer to commaunde I. S. To the faithfull Reader saluation FRiende Reader take in good parte the exhortation the vvhich I haue heere vvritten for the great comfort and profit of al persons vvhich feare God vvherevvith to serue them at neede vvhen it shall please the Lord to call them But note you that to vse thys vvell that of these three letters B. S. N. the firste letter signifieth brother if the partie be a manne the seconde Sister being a vvoman and the third signifyeth the propre name of the person vvherby he must be named For vve may not then honor them by names of vvorldlye honour and dignitie but to stand firmely against Satan in the vertue of the Lorde We must name thē by their proper names vvhiche they haue receyued at the holye Sacramente of Baptisme This doing thou shalt obey God vvhome I beseech to be merciful vnto thee in the secret day of his comming ¶ To my Lorde my Lord of Senarpont Knight of the Kings order Captayne of fiftie men at armes and his Lieutenant generall in Picardie MY Lorde hauing oftentimes considered the beginning the continuance and the ende of mās life I haue plainelye knowen as by an ordinarie experience that men are more curious and carefull for the entertaynement and conseruation of this their life than to prepare themselues to a more happie ende according to God for man being in this bodily prison as blinde and not perfectlye regenerated do the better loue the darkenesse of suche an earthly prison than hee doth the heauenlye lighte for the whiche cause it is written that hee that is of the earthe speaketh of the earth As beeyng like the sonnes of Agar whiche soughte the wisedome of this worlde the whiche is foolishnesse before god Howe manye bee there at this day vnto whome the remembrance of death is very vnpleasaunt yea rather detestable so delighting themselues in their worldly pleasures that they seeme to haue forgotten God not caring any thing at all for Religion nor for the vengeance and iudgement of God terrible and fearefull to all those which haue their names written in the earth being scraped out of the booke of life VVherefore my Lord to the end you walke not in the large way which bringeth to destruction being taught by the wise man saying In all thy workes see thou doe remember thy latter dayes and thou shalt neuer sinne I haue thoughte good to drawe out of the holye Scriptures a Christian exhortation to bee recited with a loude voyce before euerie faithfull person the whiche approcheth to this bodily death couered with a casuall life passing on to one muche better and more happie For hauing this done I will attribute to my selfe nothing for I am but earth and durt yet notwithstanding I do not thinke to haue laboured in vayne considering that the Lorde Iesus Christ do the admonishe vs that we shoulde be alwayes readie not knowing the houre for the day of the Lord wil come suddainely as a theefe in the night O how happie then shall they be whiche shall put themselues into his safegard VVherefore my Lord I do present you this little Christian exhortation very humbly beseeching you to keepe the same to serue you at youre neede at what time it shall please the Lorde God to call you I know well that when the same tyme shall come you shall haue good meanes to haue with you some man learned and furnished with holy letters to declare vnto you the worde of life yet for all that not knowing the time nor the place ne yet the oportunitie that we may haue I dare boldly say without beast that hearing thys exhortation redde with a loude voyce being in mortall agonie it maye be vnto you as holesome as the Christian consolation of the best learned Doctor of the Religion for they might preach no more vnto you than the Prophets and Apostles doe preach vnto you in the sayd exhortation the which I beseech you to receyue with as good heart as I do desire the supreme gouernour to giue you the grace my Lorde to glorifie him as well in your life as in your