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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08865 An epistle of sai[n]t Bernarde, called the golden epistle, whiche he se[n]t to a yo[n]g religyous man whom he moche loued. And after the sayd epistle, foloweth four reuelations of Saint Birget; Epistola de perfectione vitae. English Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153.; Bridget, of Sweden, Saint, ca. 1303-1373. aut; Hilton, Walter, d. 1396. Scala perfectionis. aut 1535 (1535) STC 1915.5; ESTC S108404 15,857 48

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afore the one ful of all turmētes as hell is the other ful of al cōsolaciō as is the kīgdom of heuē that it behoueth the of necessyte to ētre come in to the one of thē beholde thā what mizt draw the against thy wyl to the euyl cyte and what mizt let the fro y e good cytie I trow that thou shalt fynde nothīg that might do it if thou woldest w t all thyne heet turne the to god put tyng away al neglygēce woldest mekely cal to him for grace merci the which he y t is most blessed aboue all vouchsaf to graunt vnto vs. Amen ¶ That nothing pleseth god so moche as that he be beloued aboue all thing as our lady sheweth to saynt Byrget by example of a pagan woman whiche optayned great grace for the great loue she had to her creatour as it appereth in the .vi. boke of saynt Birgettes reuelations the l. chapitre THe mother of god our lady saynt Mary speketh to the spouse of her son saint Birgit sayeng thus Nothing so moch pleseth god as that a man loue him aboue al thing as I shal shew to the by a symilytude of a pagan woman which knowyng nothīg of the faith thouzt to her self thus I know said she of what mater I am come in to this world of what thingꝭ I came in to my mothers wombe And I beleue that it had ben impossyble that I shuld haue had my body so knyt togyther as it is and my reson vnderstanding but they had be gyuē vnto me and therfore I know wel ther is some creatoure maker of me that hath made me a resonable creature nat deformed me lyke to wormes or serpētes wherfore me thīketh y t though I had many husbādes al they called me I wold rather com at one callīg of my creatour thā at the callyng of them all I haue also many sōnes many doughters and neuer the lesse if I saw them haue mete in their handes I knew my creatour to want meate I wolde take y e meat fro my chyldren and wold gladly gyue it to my creatour I haue also many possessyons whiche I order after myne own wyl and neuertheles if I knew the wyl of my creatour I wolde gladly leue myne own wyl dyspose thē to his honour But my doughter se what god did w t this pagan woman He sent vnto her one of his elect seruauntes y t enstructed her in the faith god hym self visyted her hert as thou maist wel knowe vnderstande herafter by the answer of the woman For whan that man shewed vnto her that ther was one god without beginyng and without ending that is the creatour maker of all thinges she answered sayde It is wel to be beleued that he that hathe created me al thīges that he hathe no treatour aboue him it is lyke that his lyfe is euerlastīg that mizt gyne me lyfe And whā the woman herd farther that the same creatour toke māhode of a virgyn that he preched in this world tauzt the people in his own person she answered It is to beleue god ī euery thīg and thā she sayd further I pray the shew me what be the wordꝭ that my creatour dyd speke cōmaūde for I wyll holly leue myne own wyl fully obey to him to euery worde that he hath spoken Than whā he declared vnto her of y e passion of our lord of his crosse his deth of his resurrection The woman w t great wepīg answered said Blessed be my creatour y ● so paciētly sheweth his charyte in the worlde that be hathe to vs in heuen And therfore if I loued hīfyrste bycause he created me I am now more boūdē to loue hī bycause he hath shewed me the streight way to heuē hath redemed me with his precyous blode I am boūde therfore to serue him with al my strēgth and al the partes of my body and I am boūden also to remoue al my desyer fro me y t I had fyrst to my possessyōs to my chyldren kinsmen only to desyre to se my creatour in his glory that neuer shall haue ende Thā sayde our blessed lady to saynt Birget Lo doughter How great reward y t womā had for her gret loue So is dayly gyuē gret rewarde to euery mā after the loue that he hathe to god whyle he lyueth ī this world ¶ Our lorde Jesu Christ gyueth to his spouse saīt Birget a notable doctryne of the lyues Actyue cōtēplatyue which he notably sygnifyed by Martha Mary magdaleyn y t is to say how a man shall begyn profyte in the lyfe spūall in grace vertue that he may finally ascēde to y e high degre of y e loue of god of his neighbour which doctryn apperith in the .vi. boke of the reuerlaciōs of saynte Byrget the .lxv. chapytre THe sōne of god speketh to his spouse saynt Byrget sayenge thus There be two lyues which be lykened to Martha Mary Magdaleyne and who so euer wyll folow tho two lyues must fyrst make pure confessyon of all his synnes taking very contricyon for them hauynge full wyll neuer after to offende And the fyrst lyfe as I do witnes my self in my gospel Mary magdaleyn did chuse whiche ledeth a man to cōtemplacyon that is to say to the beholdynge of heuenly thynges and that is the best parte is the very way of the lyf euerlastyng Therfore euery man that coueyteth to folow the lyf of Mary that is to say y e lyfe cōtemplatiue It suffiseth to hī to haue only the necessaris for the body that is to say clothīg without vanyte mete and drinke in scarcite and nat in suꝑfluite Chastyte without any euyl delectacion fastyng abstynence after the ordynaūce of the churche and he that fasteth muste take hede y e he be nat ouermoch enfebled made weke by his vnresonable fasting lest thorow that wekenesse he be enforsed to lese his prayers his counsayle gyuīg or other good dedꝭ wherwith he myght both profite him self and his neighbour also And he must also dyligētly take hede that he be nat through his fasting the more slow to iustyce nor more slacker to the workes of mercy for why to punissh rebels to bringe infydeles vnder the yoke of the faithe is required gret strēgth as wel of body as of soule Therfore euery syke person y t wolde rather to the honour of god fast thā ete shall haue lyke reward for his good wyll as he y ● fasteth of charite And ī lyke wise he that for obediēce eteth desyryng rather to fast than to ete shall haue lyke reward as he that fasteth Seconde the cōtemplatiue man shal nat ioye of the honour of the worlde nor of y ● prosperite therof ne sorowe for his aduersite but he shal ioy specially in this y e wicked men be become denoute men that louers
of the world be becom louers of god that good men profyte in goodnesse and be through good labour dilygence in the seruyce of god made dayly more deuoute than other Of this also the cōtemplatyue man shall sorow that synners be made dayly worse worse that almyghty god is nat beloued of his creatures as he oughte to be and that the cōmaundemētes of god be dispised and set at nought Thirdly the cōtemplatiue man may nat be ydell ne no more may he that vseth the actyue lyfe but anon whā he hath taken his necessary slepe he shall ryse and thanke almyghty god wyth all hys hert for that he hathe created made all thinges and that of his charyte by takyng out nature he hath reformed and renewed man kynde shewyng by his passyon and dethe the loue that he hathe to man whiche is so great that none can be gretter Also the cōtemplatyue man shall thanke almighty god for al thē that be saued for all thē that be in purgatorye and for them that yet be lyuynge in the worlde prayenge mekely for them vnto our lorde that he suffred them nat to be tempted aboue their power The contemplatyue man also must be discrete in his prayers and be well ordred in hys laudes and praysynges of god for if he haue suffycient to lyue with with out labour or busynesse he must make the lōger praiers And if he be wery and temptacyon ryse in his prayers he may labour with his handes some honest and profytable werke eyther for hym selfe if he haue nede or for other And if he be in maner yrkesome with bothe that is to saye with prayer and labour that he may haue some other honest occupacyon or here some good holsom wordes or profytable counsayles in all sobrenesse all scurrilytic and vnclene wordes set a parte tyll the body and soul be made more apte and more able to the seruyce of god And if the cōtemplatyue man haue nat suffycyent to lyue withal but through his labour than may he make the shorter prayers for his necessari labour and that labour shall be the perfection and encreasynge of his praier and if he can nat labour nor may nat thā let him nat be a shamed ne thinke it nat greuous to begge but rather that he be ioyous for it for thā he foloweth me the sonne of god that made my selfe poore to make man ryche and if the contemplatyue man be vnder obedyeuce than he must lyue after the obedyence of his prelate and his rewarde shall be double more thā if he were at lybertie Fourthly the contemplatyue man may nat be couetouse no more may the actyue man nor he may nat be prodygall for as the actyue mā distrybuteth temporall godes for god so the cōtemplatyue mā must dystribute his spiritual goodꝭ Moreouer if the cōtemplatyue man wyll haue almyghtye god inwardly in his herte let him be ware to saye thus as many do It suffyseth to me if I can saue myne owne soule for if I can do so what haue I to do with the dedꝭ of other mē or if I be good my selfe what is it to me how other lyue O my doughter they that say or thynke so if they sawe their frende dyshonested and troubled they shulde renne with all their power to the deth that theyr frende myght be delyuered out of his trouble so shal the contemplatyue man do he must sorowe that almighty god is offēded that his brother which is hys neighboure hath occasion to offende And if any fall in to synne the cōtemplatyue man shal endeuour him al that he can to helpe hym out of his synne with al dyscretyon And if he haue trouble or persecution for it set him leue that place and seke another place that is more quyet For I my self that am very god sayd to my discyples thus If they ꝑsecute you ī oue cytie flye ye in to another and so did Paule the which bicause he shuld be more necessarye another tyme was let go by a walle in a basket Therfore y ● the contēplatiue mā may be lyberal pitious ther be .v. thingꝭ necessary to hī The first is a house in y e which his ghestes may slepe The secōd is clothyng to clothe y e naked The thirde is meate to fede the hungrye The fourthe is fyer to warme thē that be colde The fyfth is medisyns for them that be sycke that is to say good cōfortable wordes with the charite of god The house of the cōtemplatyue man is his hert wherof the cuyl ghestes be al tho thinges that trouble his hert that is to say wrath heuynesse couetyse pryde and many other lyke Therfore all tho vyces whan the come they shall in maner lye as ghestes that be a slepe and as they that be at rest For as an host receyueth euyll ghestes good with pacyence so the contemplatyue man must suffre all thynges for god through vertue of pacyence and in no wyse to consente to vyces nat to thē that seme leest ne to delyte in them but as moche as he may be lytell and lytell through the helpe of grace to remoue them clerely out of the herte And if he can nat clerely remoue them he muste suffre theym pacyently agaynste his wyll as enemyes and neuer to assente to theym knowynge certaynly that they shall profyte him to the greatter rewarde in heuen nat to dampnacyon Seconde the contemplatyue man muste haue clothes to clothe hys ghestes that is to say mekenesse both inwarde and outwarde and compassyon of mynde for the afflyction of his neybour And if the cōtemplatyue man be dyspysed of the worlde lette hym thynke how I the god almyghty beynge contempned and dyspysed suffred pacyently and whan I was iuged I helde my peace and whan I was scourged crowned with thornes I murmured nat The contemplatyue mā also must take hede that he shewe nat to them that reproue hī or rebuke hym any sygnes of angre or impacyēce but that he blesse them that persecute him that they that se it may blesse god whom the contemplatyue man dothe folowe and almyghtye god shall gyue blessynges for the maledictyons The contemplatyue man must be ware also that he do nat speke euyll of them nor rebuke them that do greue him for it is dampnable to bacbyte other and wylfully to here them that do bachyte or throughe impacyence to reproue or rebuke his neyghbour Than y ● the cōtemplatyue mā may haue ꝑfytely the gyft of mekenesse and pacyence he must study to admonysshe and warne them that do bachyte other of the gret peryll that they stāde in and that he exhorte them in all charyte wyth wordes and wyth exāples to perfyte mekenesse Also the clothyng of the contemplatyue man must be compassyon for if he se his neyghbour do any syn he must haue compassyon of hym prayenge to almyghtye god to haue mercy vpon him And if he se him suffre any wrōge or hurt or