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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01765 The xliiij. sermon of M. Giulio of Milane, touchyng the Lordes supper [Giulio, da Milano]. 1559 (1559) STC 11901; ESTC S118377 16,547 66

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sinnes he alth redemption iudgement and resurrection All these good thinges were geuen into the handes of Christe because he hath purchased them hath gotten the by the crosse This is the wyl of my father that hath sente me that I shoulde not lose one of those that he hath geuen me that euerye one that seeth the sonne beleueth in him maye haue lyfe euerlastynge When Christ shoulde be exalted aboue the heauens he would first hūble him self in washyng his disciples feete geuing this for an example that first in this mortall life we ought to be humble if in the other lyfe we wyll be glorious with Iesu Christe I praye and besech you brethren that euery one of you consider with deepe consideration this fact of humilitie of our Lord to the ende that we shoulde know that he came to this extreme basenesse to eralt vs. What maner of persōs were they O master whose feete thou washed it was theyrs who betrayed thee denyed thee forsoke thee in thy daunger fled away when thou stodest in moste nede of them Wherfore we ought to consider in this washynge of feete the marueylous humilitie of oure master and the feruent loue he bare towardes his enemies It was the maner in those dayes to washe straungers feete when they were bydden to any mans house therfore the Lorde rebuked the Pharisey which washed not his feete Paule would not receaue a wydow to the seruice of the Churche yf first she were not knowen to be humble and of a godly lyfe And the Apostle myndyng to declare this humilitie sayde It is erpedient that a wydowe shoulde haue w●●●ed the feete of Saintes For if any do hūble them selues after this sorte as to be content with so meane an office as to washe the feete of Saintes to serue such as haue sores and infirmities this is an euidente signe of a loue that is vnfayned He came vnto Peter Peter sayd Lorde shalt thou washe my feet Iesus aunswered and said What I do thou knoweste not but thou shalt know hereafter The wordes of Peter beyng considered as they be in apparent do declare great modestie whiche in the worlde is worthy of prayse Yt is a signe of ciuilitie not to suffer without great nede to be serued of a mans better But Christ in this that he dyd hadde occasiō wherfore he willed that Peter should beare that seruice although it were base Therfore sayd Christe thou shalte knowe hereafter Peter why I do this At this aunswere ought Peter to haue submitted hym selfe suffered his feete to be washed to haue declared a ciuill wisedome Therfore it may be sayd that in Peter doth appeare the superstitious hypocrisie of our carnall nature Peter made a conscience and feared to declare so smal reuerence to his master to suffer him to washe his feete But after forgettyng all religion treadyng vnderfeet both the loue and reuerence to his deare master with an othe forsoke hym when he ought to haue cōfessed hym Chryst hath saide he that wyll not confesse me before men I wyll not confesse him in the presence of my father Peter made smal accompt of the commaūdement of God denyed his master makyng lytle conscience to swere falsely with ●●●te shame and ignominie to Iesu Christ yet he after made a conscience and thought it sinne to suffer his master to wasshe his feete Thus doth our naturall hipocrisie it reuerenceth Christ and wyll honour hym where is no nede And agaynst his commaūdement he wyll after make small accompt of that true religion wherwith god wyl be serued and worshipped Our reasō knoweth not the cause of Gods workes nor yet can not knowe them if the spirite of the Lorde do not make manifest these secretes Therfore Peter not knowyng but as man stroue with his master and sayd thou shalt neuer wasshe my feete Peter doth not only declare hym selfe co●●●●…tious but yf we consider th●●…nswere we shall fynde Peter a great blasphemer The master had sayde before to his disciples that it was not without cause that he wasshed theyr feete Therfore Peter being obstinate resisting that he shuld not washe his feete at all shewed him selfe to be wiser then his master And the aūswere of Peter hath this vnderstandynge Albeit thou art my master yet for all that thou shalte pardon me for in this doyng thou declareu thy selfe to haue smal experience touching wordly thinges I know by experience it is not decent the seruaunt woulde be serued of his master so that thy fact master doth gaynesaye the polytyke order of the world And this that I do is done politikely In Peter is declared a zele of the honour of God but this deuotion was not groūded in the word of God Lette vs see what aunswere the wisdome of God doth make to Peter If I shall not wasshe thy feete thou shalt haue no parte with me Christ contendeth not with Peter for that he shuld not be wilfull and wyse in his owne conceite What shall we saye to the aunswere of our Lord ah is it so great a matter to washe feet was not Iudas feete wasshed yet he had no part with Christ it is verye true his feete were washed but not after that sorte as Christ doth heare declare in this Gospell The aunswere of Christ is this Peter hath not wel vnderstand my office nor yet vnderstandeth not home nedeful my seruyce is to all the whole worlde O thou fantastical man why doest thou beleue y t I am a Messias a carnall king a monarche of all the worlde to whom all nations should be subiect thou thinkest to serue this Messias but Peter thou arte deceaued For if I do not fyrst serue thee thou shalte neuer serue me yf I do not fyrst saue thee thou shalt neuer come to be saued if I do not fyrst shed my bloud for thee yf I do not first wash thy sinnes thou shalt neuer be saued nor yet haue ani porcion with me These wordes of Iesu Christ yf I washe not thy fete thou shalt haue no portion with me Albeit they bee few and appeare simply yet for al that if we cōsider them depely we shall fynde that they destroy all false and cloked religion Although there bee many amongest the Iewes which lyue honestly yet for all that they be not saued in the bloud of christ nor yet haue they no part with him The Turkes albeit they say they serue god aboue glory that they haue the true religion and shewe with outwarde ceremonies a cloked holynes yet they obtayne not remission of their sinnes because they be not washed in y e bloud of Christ Our hipocrites although they doe manye good workes yet because they thynke to be washed in theyr owne merites and not in the bloud of Christ Therfore such hipocrites haue no portion with Christ at al. But let vs returne to Peter who said O lord not only my fete but my hands and head also At the first Peter was very
that end that the christians may vnderstande to geue accompt to the Church of theyr sayth But ypocrisie hath nowe suche power and force that the Christians be onely geuen to ceremonyes the whiche be more supersticious then godly They vse this sacrament only because it is so ordayned because they thynke to receaue the bodye of Iesu Christ there thei stay And leauyng the true vse of thys sacrament they haue framed of their owne heades many other commodities without the warantise of the worde of god The fyrste commoditie is thys yf a man heare masse all day he can haue no harme If thou haste loste any thynge or yf thou bee robbed cause masse to be sayde and thou shalte fynde thy thinges and that shalbe restored that was robbed If thou wyll fynde grace in maryage or bee healed of any dysease or yf thou wouldeste haue a prosperous iourney or delyuered from any peryll cause masse to be sayd of suche or suche a Sainct vnto whom the wysedome of man hath grauen theyr peculyer office These be not the commodities of this supper For it is not intituled that a manne shoulde therby obtayne prosperitie honour ryches and other worldly goodes but it is principally ordayned for a remembraunce of the lordes death that we should be vnited to him neuer to be seperated There is also an other cause wherfore this sacrament is ordayned and that is that it should be in stede of an erhortation to stirre vs vp to loue and vnitie with our neighbour For this cause doth the Lord participate his bodye to vs that he may be wholy vnited to vs and we ioyned together with hym And being al ioyned in one misticall bodye we shoulde be the members one of another This societe which we ought to haue together is figured bi the bread and wine whiche be offered in this supper The bread is made of many cornes the whiche be after a sorte made one and mingled together so that the one can not be seperated from the other Euen so we Chrystians ought to be vnited together w t ●●ch charite that one could not be seperated frō another This vnitie was described of Saint Paule as I haue sayde before who sayde that all those which were partakers of this holye breade be one body The Christian than shall reape a greate profite by this Sacrament yf he shall be transfourmed into his neyghbour and doth preferre the wealth honour and profite of his neyghbour before his owne Out of this greate charitie spryngeth these good thoughtes in vs which can not offende which can not despyse nor by any meanes tormēt our neyghbour And by that meanes is not Iesu Christ offended neither torne nor yet rente in peeces Therfore we can not be seperated from our neyghbour but we be also seperated from Iesu Christe we can not loue our brother if we loue him not in Iesu Christe We ought to haue the selfe same care of our neyghbour as we haue of our selues We be one the membre of another and we be altogether the bodye of Iesu Christe who is the head Lyke as there is no one part in our carnal body that is hurt but that all the rest of the members feele smart by the same Euen so ought we to haue compassion one vpon another when he is in trouble and suffereth any sorowe and our neyghbours busines ought no lesse to be oures then our owne This is to be mery with them that be mery to sorowe with them that sorowe and to be disposed with the selfe same mynde one towardes another These two frutes be at large set forth of S. Augustin who said The faithfull do nowe knowe this to be the bodi of Christ not to despise to be y e body of Christ They become the body of Christ yf they wyll lyue by the spirite of Christ of the spirite of Christ lyueth nothyng but the body of Christ Vnderstande this brethren that I haue spokē Thou art a man and hast a spirit and a body thy spirite is inuisible thy body visible Tell me what lyueth liueth the spirite by the bodye or the bodye through the spirite The bodye to conclude lyueth by the spirite Wylt thou ti 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the spirit of Christ become Christes body Tell me liueth my body by the vertue of thy spirite my body liueth by his owne spirite and thy body by the vertue of thy owne spirite The bodye of Chryste can not lyue but by the spirite of Christ Therfore Saint Paule makynge manifest this breade sayde we be one bread and one bodye O Sacrament of Godlynesse O signe of vnitie O knot of charitie What oration either of Demosthenes or yet of Marcus Cicero or of any other famous wryter coulde stirre vp or moue more vehementlye to the loue of our neighbour than this sacrament moueth What prouocation can be more lyuely and sensible then this Let all the Oratoures of the worlde come forth and perswade vs to the loue of oure neyghboure with theyr polyshed Orations Let them vse all the coloures of Khethoricke and all theyr connyng they shall neuer brynge suche a perswasion as this sacrament doth preache The wyse men of the worlde perswade vs to loue our neighbour because we be of the selfe same substaunc● tha● we shuld lyue together ciuilly and without disorder But this Sacrament doth erhorte vs vnto charitie because that Iesu Christe is transfourmed in vs that we should lyue by his spirite and beyng thus ioyned together to our headde Iesu Chryste one shoulde be the members of another Out of this fountayne spryngeth all these erhortations of Paule which do erhort that we shoulde loue together in suche sorte as Christ hath loued vs who hath geuen his lyfe in a swete sacrifice for our saluation This is to bee clothed with Chryste to be inflamed with the loue of thy neighbour to be continually charged with charitie euer desierous to serue thi brother O how much hath the Christian profyted in this sacrament yf he be moued stirred with a wyl to serue his neyghbour Not without cause than dyd S. Augustine name this Supper a Sacrament of Godlynesse a signe of vnitie and the bonde of charitie For as this Sacrament is a spirituall meate and swete to those that be incorporate with Iesu Christe and with their neyghbour Euen so of the contrary it is a mortal poysō to thē whiche put not their whole trust in Iesu Christe be seperated frō their neighbour The naturall meat whē in findeth a body full of naughtye humours turneth to poison corrupteth hurteth Euen so doeth the spirituall meate yf it fynde the soule vnfaythfull it dryueth it to vtter ouerthrowes because that to an vnfaythfull manne euery-thyng is vnfaythfull and damnable Therfore sayth Paule he that eateth and drynketh vnworthelye is worthy blame and is also a betrayer of the Lorde such one as this doth eate and drynk his owne iudgment not iudgeyng the body of the Lorde By which