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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08610 Divine hymns, and other extempory poems by R.C. R. C. 1695 (1695) Wing C103; ESTC R170336 7,122 30

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by thy Spirit thou lead'st the way Not suffering us to go astray Thou lead'st us to the Flocks of Sheep Which our Great Shepherd doth safely keep Thou lead'st us to the pleasant Spring Where Angels always sit and sing And where we hear the pleasant Voice Of such as do greatly rejoyce And none have greater than we To joyn in this most blessed Harmony For thou hast redeemed us from the Earth And made us live in the new birth Great God I will fall down before Thy Mercy-Seat and thee adore Blest Saints and Angels they do so Who most thy Power and Beauty know V HYMN Sweet Jesus come away come my dear Lord Make now no longer stay thou living word Set up thy Throne in me Let all the Nations flee That will not bow to thee And thee Adore Praise shall be sung in me to thy Great Name That I do feel the power of thy pure flame Let it me purifie And bring my Soul more nigh To the bless'd Deity Who I adore Now to the Unity my Soul shall come And to the Trinity which is but one To his Heart I will fly And there at rest will lie To all Eternity Will him adore I will be silent let thy Spirit speak Or else my heart my very heart will break For thou dost so my Soul with new Wine fill That I am feasted upon Sion Hill O how can I thy wondrous works declare For I am fed with more than Angels fair VI HYMN ETernal Fountain of Divine sweetness We do feel thy Virtue flow Thou show'st us the ground of hidden treasures And thy wonders dost make us know We feel thy life in us arise To wait on thee 't is not in vain We will sell all to buy the Field This precious Pearl that we may gain And having gotten this Heavenly treasure All other things for it despise Thou givest it to thy little Children Hidest it from the worldly wise VII HYMN I Sing the praise of the Eternal One I know besides him there is none No sort of Being that can say It hath its life another way But from this deep Abysal ground The life of all things may be found To flow out from their Eternal Sourse As Springs do from their water-course Springs may wander Sheep may stray The Sun be clouded at Noon-day The Shepherd seeks the straying Sheep 'T is not the Clouds the Sun can keep From shining forth so gloriously bright As to dispel their darksom night Great waters from the Sea do flow And back unto it swiftly go So our Great Alpha and Omega too Tho' we like Birds from their Nest flew Wander about to find out rest We must return ere we are blest And now I am inspir'd by thee Blest Spirit I 'll praise the One Two Three For in the Eternal One doth lie The all-mysterious Trinity VIII HYMN MY Soul shall sing Jehovah's Praise Let that great Name my spirit raise That I may with the Angels joyn To sing a Hymn that is Divine That I may reach the Seraphick Choir Being quickened by the same pure fire Which makes them sing and make them love In their Harmonious Orbs above Let such high Praise in Heaven abound May make Earth eccho to the sound That all the Creatures here below The mighty power of Love may know Good will to Man so doth appear That makes him know his God is near To save poor Mankinds fallen Race And bring him to his Native place IX HYMN YE Heaven-born Souls and Spirits free How sweet is the law of liberty When Christ our Head doth set us free Free from the Law of death and sin And does bring Life and Righteousness in The day of God does in us begin A day so clear and glorious bright That it does dazle our weak sight And does dispel all shades of night Now Lord shed forth more glorious Rays Let it be the light of seven days And then we will fall down and Praise All Creatures now with us rejoyce In God who is our only choice For we have heard his powerful Voice Call us from all things here below The day of his power to make us know And cause his Spirit in us to flow X HYMN SPring up O Well now spring in me Let me refreshed by thy waters be I feel thy holy quickening breath That brings me from the Gates of Death Thy wind blows freely thy water 's sweet The power of thy flames are great Thy breath thy fire thy water-spring Is the life and birth of every thing Outward and inward both do grow By thy pure waters overflow If thou withdrawest thy quick'ning breath There 's naught remains in me but death Do thou with fire me now baptise That I may be a whole burnt Sacrifice And into Ashes I would turn If thou my God wouldst be my Urn. XI HYMN YE Angels pure and Spirits fine Who in great lustre now do shine Let us all sing a Song Divine To our great God and our great King Who is the life of every thing And makes our life and light to spring Now let us all bow down and fall Before the Throne Imperial Before the Father of us all XII HYMN THe Lamb his Conquest will maintain His Kingdom does begin to arise O let us follow this Conqueror 'Till we do gain the glorious Prize High Praises shall be sung by me That the Lamb hath got the Victory The Lamb is set upon his Throne And the day of Pentecost is known High Praises now our Souls shall sing To Great Jehovah's Glorious Name In Heavenly eccohs the Angels sing At the very mention of the same XIII HYMN IN silent waiting I do find A Treasure opens in my mind Turn in my Soul turn in and see The fulness of this treasury 'T was placed here by thee O Lord 'T is opened by thy living Word 'T is he himself does keep the Key Of all this Sacred Mystery 'T is he does in the Centre dwell The Holy light Emanuel He is my Sun of Righteousness Who my whole Person does possess He is my Gold tried in the Fire He is my Cloathing my Attire He is my Food on him I feed And find him to be Meat indeed My God I hear thy powerful Call That doth redeem me from the Fall In Passive stillness I do stand Till I am moved by thy strong Hand In holy silence I will wait Till I do know a more perfect state HYMN IV. HOw beautiful it is and sweet When Jesus in our Walks we meet He doth our Souls with love embrace And leads us into his secret Place Where he will shew to us his love And gives us the nature of the Dove The Dove-like Life the Dove-like Fire Which our whole persons does inspire That we may speak that we may act by the Virtue of this strong compact When the Spirit all our works does do Then mighty Wonders will ensue Lord let us be like coals of fire Whose pure Loveflame mounts higher higher
Divine Hymns And other Extempory POEMS By R. C. LONDON Printed for the Author 1695. Divine Hymns And other EXTEMPORE POEMS I HYMN THe Song of Songs Great Solomon To sing thou didst inspire Great King of kings let me partake Of like Coelestial Fire Oh kiss me with thy kisses sweet More sweet than Flowry Morn For which all other Pleasures I Will cast away in Scorn Each fragrant Rose its prickles hath Encompass'd is with Brire But no such hurtful mixture is In the Blessings I desire Thy Love more strength and vigor gives Than doth the generous Wine Though in the Grape 's a Treasures hid I cannot now define The Chasest Virgins purest Love Great King they give to thee Because the savour of thy Balm Pours forth most fragrantly Not all the Spice of India Nor yet Mount Gileads Balm Sends forth a Breath an Air so sweet So soft and pure and so calm Attract my Soul by thy great power Draw me with Cords of Love In ardent Flames I will ascend My Magnet is above Like Tents of Kedar pure and white And most exactly plac'd So are all things as made by thee And with thy Presence grac'd Like Curtains of great Solomon Most Glorious to behold So hath my Love adorned me And deckt with finest Gold I 'm black alas I am very black And of a darksom hue Because the Sun with his bright Beams Hath pierc'd me through and through Yet in this black and darksom Vail Such Comliness doth shine That makes me know it is my Love It is his Light Divine Ye Daughters of Jerusalem Oh do not look on me Look on my Love for in his Face You 'll all my Beauty see Like Horses that Kings Chariots draw So is my Love to me What is so strong as are such Steeds And none so stately be Where dost thou make thy Flocks to feed In Pasture fresh and clean More sweet that all the Verdant Fields Or Flowry Meads I 've seen Oh tell me where thou mak'st thy Flocks To rest themselves at Noon Could I but find some close recess I would run to it soon Thou fairest Woman of thy Sex More fair than Egypts Queen Or all the Beauties on the Earth Have been or shall be seen If thou wouldst Rest and Safety find And know where best to feed Follow the foot-steps of the Flock Run after them with speed Go nearer to the Shepherds Tents There is no need to fear The Fox the Wolf nor other Beast That us'd the Sheep to tear There thou may'st feed thy Kids and Lambs And Sheep that are with young In Vails amongst the Myrtles sweet And lofty Ceders strong Thy Cheeks like rowes of precious Gems By Hands of Artists set Casts forth a Lustre far more bright When they with Tears are wet We 'll make thee Borders Chains of Gold With Studs of Silver bright Thou may'st attend upon the King Find favour in his sight When the Great King at Table sits My Spiknard gives a scent Not from the impure mixed four But one pure Element The Vineyards of Engedy when They 'r fill'd with Champhire white Sends forth a fragrant wholsome smell For Profit and Delight So my Beloved's all to me That I can wish or need He 's Physick to me when I 'm sick He 's Food when I would feed Like meek and peaceful lonely Doves With languor in their Eyes Mourn for their absent loved Mates Meet them with sweet surprise So is my Spouse when she doth turn Her love-sick Eyes to me They 'r fair but chast as are the Doves In their Minority The strong and lofty Cedar tops Their strength and sweetness give To Beams for Royal Palaces Where the King and Queen do live The upright Firr-tree Rafters make For this blest Mansion Seat But to describe it is a work By far for me too great II HYMN AH blessed Jesus let me see thy Face Let me draw near unto thy holy place With Wings of Eagles let me mount on high There to behold thy bright Divinity Tho' I am here encompassed with Clay Let me behold the dawning of thy day Shine forth O Lord from th' centre of my heart Let Light Divine fill me in every part Oh fill my Soul with thy Caelestial fire With thy pure Spirit do thou me inspire That I may sing and bless thy Holy Name And may return to thee thy own pure flame I will retrun to thee my love my All Be always ready to obey thy Call Write in my Heart the Royal Law of Love That whilst below I may be like those above Whose blest employment is to love and sing Hallelujahs to our Heavenly King Now I will joyn with this most blessed Choir With them I 'll praise with them I will admire Oh blessed Father let me always dwell With holy Angels and with Emanuel In his blest Land O there is always peace He gives light for darkness causes wars to cease Oh holy holy is the Lord for he Gives life from death he sets the Prisoner free Unbind my fettered Soul that it may be Above the Earth and Materiallity Oh blessed God let me hear thy still Voice Let me with Mary make the better choice That I may sit and hear thy Sacred Word Which is to me a sharp two-edg'd Sword Dividing 'twixt the Marrow and the Bone Thou art my Rock and my chief corner stone I 'll build on thee on a foundation sure That will always from age to age endure III HYMN SUch works I 'd build as may abide the fire When into secret thoughts thou dost enquire Purge me from dross Lord take away my sin Let me be made all glorious within Great Lord of lords and King of kings Thou mak'st my dry and thirsty Earth to sing And in the Desert causes a new spring Awake my Soul and sing Jehovah's Praise Who giveth life and from the dead doth raise Mercy and Goodness are in all his ways He doth behold us when we are most low And makes Spirit in our Souls to flow The day of his Power he doth make us know He sees our dry bones and says to them live And we arise by the power that he does give And by the Virtue we from him receive Now Holy Father bless thy Sacred Cause Make great Men bow unto thy Holy Laws And feel the Virtue that our Soul now draws IV HYMN I Will retire O Lord to thee Let me behold thy Majesty Let me see that thou art nigh To those who to themselves do die Lord I am nothing of my self Nor am I rich with worldly pelf But I have a Treasure in thee in store Which I discover more and more In thee I've Wisdom Life and Light Thou discoverest wonders to my glimring sight Draw back the Curtain unvail thy Face That I may know thou art in this place Great God I know thou art every where Not afar off but thou art near But we poor Mortals by sin are blind That our true rest we cannot find Till
Till we do reach the Seraphick Quire 'T is in great order they do move In the brights Orbs of light above In the Ocean of Divine love They will teach our Souls to sing Hallelujahs to our Great King To whom we now our Offerings bring The first fruits of our Canaan Land Lord with them we before thee stand Do thou receive them at our hand The first fruits of our Increase A little Love a little Peace Lord let these Blessings never cease O let all shadows flee away That we may see that glorious Day That never never shall decay HYMN XV. A Fire doth our Altar burn Which when into it we do turn Our Souls do mingle with the Fire And we ascend in pure desire That healing Virtue may on us fall Let us not be like Priests of Baal When they for heavenly Fire did cry Found they did worship a false Deity Let us be like thy Prophets who Thy Urim and thy Thummim knew Thy light and fire both which do give Power to say to the Dead live On the Death of my Worthy Friend Mr. G. C. SEE how he smiles he 's gone to rest Amongst the Spirits of the Blest My panting Soul does long to be From gross and drossy Matter free That with him I may learn to sing High praises to our Glorious King Sing praises to the God of love Who is exalted far above All Praises Ardors or Desire Though quickened by Coelestial fire But stay my Soul why dost thou soar Thou art but Gold yet in the Oar Till by the Fire thou art refin'd From earthy Faeces and calcin'd What won't abide must suffer loss The Fire takes away all Dross When thou art pure and unmixt And in the blessed Center fixt Then thou may'st sing and utter praise To Him that does Dead Bodies raise And makes them Gloriously to shine And so Dear Saint 't will be with thine On the Death of Mr. R. B. some time after Mr. COCKAIN WHat such another Saint as this Are you together gone to Bliss Did you join in strong Desire To fly to yon Coelestial Quire Tell me what your Songs now are Teach me the Harmonious air In which you triumph ore the Grave While you Adore him that do's save Now you like glorious Lights do shine With a Lustre more Divine ' Cause you did sons to Glory turn Here is the Ashes here 's the Urn Yet turn your eye Look look on High There these two Glorious Stars you 'l spy HOw sweet it is to feel loves fire Arise into a strong Desire That never never will expire But do's increase into a Flame That makes us bless and praise thy Name And thy great Wonders to procloim For thou hast done for us Great things Thou tread'st on the necks of Mighty Kings And out of Death a new Life springs A life that conquers Death and Hell By the power of our Emmanuel Who now in us is come to dwell A life that in our Souls outflows In the lowly Lilly and Sharon Rose And much more Sweets in our garden grows Come our Beloved with us sup Let 's drink of thy Love-flaming cup That we can never drink all up But in pure new Flames do's arise That our whole Persons do's baptize And makes us a living Sacrifice An HYMN THe power of Life we now do feel Is of thy Sacred love a Seal Set us a Signet on thy hand That in thy presence may always stand We feel the warmth of a glorious ray From the opening of thy lightsome day Now glorious Sun do thou on us shine And cloath us with thy light divine That all our shadows away may flee At the presence of thy Majesty That we no longer may endure That which is mixt or is impure But since this happy Day is known And thou art set upon thy Throne Let us the Trial Lord abide And love the fire by which we are try'd The coming of our Lord draws near O let us watch and pray That when his glorious Day appears We mayn't be found to stray Let 's trim our Lamps our Garments clean And round about us tied Be girt with Truth and Righteousness Put off Self-love and Pride None is so Holy as the Lord Nor none so Great as he Let me behold thy wondrous Works In the Universal Harmony From the bright Orbs where Angels are In full Felicity To the lowest circles on the Earth Is a Universal Harmony From the most High and holy Place Above the glassy Sea To the lowest center of the Earth Is a Universal Harmony Let God arise his Enemies shall fly He is enthron'd and deckt with Majesty He is encompassed with purest Light See how his Foes do fly they 're vanquisht quite Let God arise his powerful Scepter sway Were near th'aproach of his most glorious day He is arisen from his holy place See how his Fo's do fly before his face O who can stand before the Son of Man He comes his floor to purge the wheat to fan The Chaff shall fly before his holy wind Nothing but what is pure shall be left behind FINIS ADVERTISEMENT THe True Juice of Liquoras Or Lozenge of Blois Exactly Prepared and is good to Cure Colds and Coughs and is of great Efficacy and Benefit to such as are Short-breath'd and Consumptive They have Cured many which have Spit Blood by the continued Use of them for some time and those that have been so Short-breath'd that they could not get up Stairs without Help have found speedy Ease by the Use of these LOZENGES They are Sold next Door to the Sign of the Feathers in Aldersgate-street near the George-Inn in Sixpence Twelvepence and 2 s. Boxes mark'd with a Phoenix on the top of the Boxes