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A63029 Poems on several occasions being the result of idle hours, to please the desire of some friends / written by J.T. Esq. J. T., Esq. 1700 (1700) Wing T19A; ESTC R23473 27,576 114

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healing Plaister to this Sore That it may not fester so any more Wherefore let us his mighty aid implore Who of an ireful Foe can make a Friend And to all present Discords set an end In return to an Ode of Horace sent by J. H. SIR YOur Dame doth English it so well Altho by birth a Roman That plainly the Truth for to tell She can be outdone by no Man I 've oft invok'd the Nine in vain For they 'le not mend my Verse or strain Yet Sir to you that have the skill Of learned Tongues for to commend A modern Wit deserves your Quill Which unto you I recommend A Woman of the British Race Whose Glories time will ne'er deface She doth all our vain Sex exceed In the lustre of her Soul and Face And in her matchless Pen indeed Our manly Fancies must give place Man may strive to be head in vain Orinda sure hath all the Brain Vice and Flattery she did scorn Which we all ought for to despise Love and Honour did her Mind adorn In which she was most truly wise Friendship 's congenial to her Soul And was in every part the whole But why do I my Candle light In presence of the sparkling Sun So many Men have done her right Mine had better been left undone Her own Works praise her in the gate Mine comes unseasonable and late Her Memory time can't deface Altho her Corps be turn'd to Dust She being adorn'd with every Grace Dwells now amongst the Good and Just Let Angel's Anthems be her Praise And here let Laureats crown her Bays On the Lady P. COme all you Sacred Nine assist my Pen Or rather all pious and virtuous Men Here see a Woman out-strip humane Race In Virtue Piety and each good Grace Who being wrapt with Thonghts of Eternity Studied not how to live but how to dye Her Charity and Mercy did excell It would seem Hiperbole the truth to tell Her Life was led according to God's Word He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord. She having given unto the Poor most of her wealth Heaven's endless Treasures everlasting Health Are her great Portion and just reward With the fruition of our blessed Lord. Love Verses All over Love LOve walks the pleasant Arbour of her Hair From thence he creeps unto her listning Ear Then basking on her white and rosie Cheeks A thousand charming pleasures there he seeks Then gazing on the Planet of her Eye Where the dancing baby he doth spy Which must the Fate of her sad Lovers try Then on her Nose the joyful lovers Bliss Because it intercepts no coming Kiss Love on her balmy lips would ever sit But that he creeps between to see her wit Where could hang on the Musick of her Song And never think the charming hours too long But dancing as tho' Tarantula stong He skips from thence unto her Snowy breast Where he would fain but cannot be at rest Till he centers in the place he likes best In which sweet Grove he could for ever stay Melting in the sweets of Amorous play And never think on Night nor wish it day On Absence IT seems Ten Winters since thy Face I saw By the righteous Gospel and the Law I wake all Night and dream all Day My hairs are almost all turn'd Gray Then come dear Barber thy kind Art approve And Trim me quickly of my o're-grown Love Incureable I Try'd Cowleys Receipt to cure my Love But all did useless and insipid prove Books Business Prayers Sermons Wine and Mirth With all the gayeties of the dull Earth My Love forgive me I try'd new desire But that still added fuel to the fire And like ill Conscience did vex me more That I should any thing but thee adore Thy Image is so fixt within my heart It admits the cure of no other art What then remains most beautiful and fair But that I lye groveling in black despair Only the Center of happiness can cure The pains that Lovers and the damn'd indure Resolved to Love THE greatest Pleasure underneath the Sun Is for to love until short Life be done The bounteous Garden or spacious Field Doth not half the pleasing Contentment yeild As doth the Fair and most beauteous She Which is all the whole charming World to me Let Pomp Ambition or an empty Name Inslave Mankind and set the World on Flame My Love is much more pleasing to me far Than Fame or sounding Titles got by War Or than the Riches of the jangling Bar. Then Love I will my only charming Dear Not for a Day a Week or for a Year But still for ever unto the last end Like a true Lover and a constant Friend That Love which ended never did begin 'T is like the taint of Original Sin Which still Eternal Love doth wash away Altho' still renewed every Day Then imitate I will the Prince of Peace Whose flowing Love to Man will never cease On the Sickness and Recovery of Cosmelia CRuel Disease To seek thy thirst t' asswage With conquering Beauty and with blooming Age And with thy reeking Malice her perplex The mirror and the wonder of her Sex Methinks some Beldame whom Age had frozen For a sit Victim thou should'st have chosen Where more successful thou might'st have proved And not have grieved her by all Men lov'd But thy invenom'd and malign intent An higher Power did timely prevent And hath Reprieved her for to dispense On her All-universal Influence Of Love and true Friendship great Natures tyes Which linketh Heaven with the Earth and Skyes Go on blest Soul in Friendship and Love And always imitate the gall-less Dove Till ravish'd with happiness of God above An Epithalamium Mad. Amy. H. MAtchless Estate by God himself contriv'd Had not fond Man his happiness surviv'd Seeking to live he became short liv'd Happy'st condition of Haman Race If our Nature be improved by Grace Which dost exact and lively represent Christ's Love and Friendship and his blest intent Unto his dear Spouse the Church which he will For ever love and bless if she fulfil His righteous Commands which are most pure From Age to Age she always shall endure Go on blest Pair and imitate the love Of Christ the spotless and the gall-less Dove Untill exalted with the blest above To sing Alelujah's your Masters praise Never measuring Time by Night or Days But be enlight'ned by his glorious Rays May both be crowned with immortal Bays That the Poet may fitly compleat ye Be always mindful of the word Amete And the God of Love and Mercy Salvete On Cosmelia PArtial Nature who didest dispense On one so large and great an Insluence As to attract all Eyes and longing Hearts In spite of all the most powerful Arts. Thou didest all thy fair Cosmeticks use Poor Mankind to insnare and to amuse To make a Work of fuller perfection Exceeding all Beauty and Complection To remain the censuring Worlds wonder Whose Fame is louder then roaring Thunder For never was
POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS Being the Result of Idle HOURS To please the Desire of some FRIENDS Written by J. T. Esq A Jove Principium LONDON Printed in the Year MDCC TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Sir ROBERT SOVTHWELL The AUTHOR wisheth all Present and Future Happyness SIR THE manifold undeserved Favours I have received from your Hands being altogether a Stranger to you have laid an eternal Obligation on me And I being uncapable of making any return of Gratitude at so great a Distance besides the acknowledgement of Your Courtesies I have made bold to present you with the Perusul of a few Essays of a dull Fancy and my idle Hours The Subjects treated on tho' not handled with that Judgment and Fancy that an abler Pen would have done however some of them may serve to intimate that true Office of a Friend which is to mind the eternal good of his Friend Which unquestionably Sir is the utmost bent of Your Thoughts However I do hope Sir you will set a good Construction on this presumption of Mine and axcept of these as a faint Acknowledgment of Your unmerited Favours from him who will ever remain SIR Your Real and Faithful Friend and Servant I. T. This Book of Poems lent to J. W and return'd with these following Lines GO Learned Muse go back to him again Whose Verse is Witty Grave Jacose and plain If I could Feast thee with becoming Chear Thou should'st be welcome and stay longer here But tell thy Master tho' I cannot send The like to him yet I can his commend Thou art an Eden grac'd with many a Bower A Bee extracting Honey from each Flower Arm'd with a Sting yet careful to offend None but the Atheist who is no Man's Friend Whom yet thou dost not take delight to Wound But only search his Sore to make him Sound Brisk as a Rural Nymph and all as Fair In desent Garbs thy Trops and Figures are In thee the Graces naked I espy But nought offensive to a Virgins Eye Nought like the Geer our mincing Females show In the Belcony of their staring Brow But what all Love and Covet Tooth and Nail Like a fair Beauty cover'd with a Veil Obscenity if I the Truth can hit Is but the Flyblow of a rotten Wit The Foreskin of a Fancy rude and base To its own Shame cast in the Readers Face The Inwards of a Pockyfied Thought Vp thro' the Mouth by Salivation brought Civility inverted and the A se Of Poesie turned up in leprous Verse To such vile Stuff their Muse who prostitute Are Runagado's to their own repute But thy Euterpe taketh care to hush What e're might tempt a modest Face to blush Dear Sir keep on as nobly you begin To hate low Vice and lash unmanly Sin How precious is good Husbandry of Time When Vertue is the Poets Anti-Rhyme When he delights to sow a gallant Strife Between his Pen and emulating Life I 'le be your Pupil Sir and strive to Chuse Each blessed Vertue praised by your Muse If she commend the Meek and Gall-less Dove I 'le fly to meet her on the Wings of Love If pure Affections in a body Chast To clasp her Beauty I will run as fast If Justice Mercy Temperance my Soul With hers Cemented shall compose one Whole How blessed is that Musick when two Parts Strike Concord in an Vnison of Hearts 'T is Heaven below to do like those above And Hell on Earth in foretast not to Love Truth Sung in Anthems is the Angels Food And to forget ill turns a God-like Good But why does my dry Muse thus toyl in vain This Subject better suites your richer Strain Yet when we meet within those blest abodes Which Poets stile the Palace of their Gods When the great Judge shall come to punish that Which guilty Felix hearing trembled at 'T will add one Gem the more to your bright Crown If any Grace you teach be made my own To me no less Addition will accrew If 1 in ought that 's brave can pleasure you When each to others Soul is a Divine Both like the Stars in Heaven clear will Shine POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS c. The Character of a Theist OF Mankinds several Inquisitions Divines Statists or Polititians Lawyers Astronomers Physicians He 's the Philosopher that truly can Find the Original and End of Man When he doth Causes most truly Consult And searcheth into Mistery's most occult Shall find that this is the truest result That some first Cause of all Things there must be And who but the great God alone is he Primary supernatural Being Who did make All-Hearing and All-Seeing And gave to All their created Being With Intellects suitable to his own That they his Omnipotence all should own And dread his Power by whom the Angels fell From their exalted State as low as Hell And by their Example learn to Control Th' inordinate Appetites of the Soul And strive to practice that pure Law Divine Which blessed God on Mount Sinai made shine With that most pure and perfect Law of Love Which that spotless Gall-less glorious Dove Reveal'd on Earth as 't is in Hea'vn above He scorns for this World's Profit or Pleasure To quit so Inestimable a Treasure For being truly written in his Heart From it he never will swerve or depart Till he comes to that happy blessed Place Where ravishing Glory shall swallow up Grace Thus the Character of the Theist ends The happiest of Mortals best of Friends The Character of an Atheist OF all Dissemblers Villaines and of Rogues That ever wore Goloshoos Boots or Brogues Th' Endellion Devil bears the mark alone The greatest Villain made of Flesh and Bone Malice and Envy and all Sin beside Most of all Lust Covetousness and Pride Do still perplex and agitate his Soul Which empty is of what should it controul Honesty Friendship and Marriage Ties Are look'd on by him but as Fooleries Fit only to hinder all Native Liberties Who is always Plotting Deceit and Guile When he intends to kill begins to Smile The truest Embleme of the Crocodile This cunning Serpent so like the Devil Designing nought but Mischief and Evil When fairest shoes he makes and most pretence 'T is but on purpose to delude the Sense Which when he'th seduc'd and caus'd to believe He designs more Mischief than Satan did to Eve O mighty Atheist with thee there 's no dispute Deceit 's thy Essence Cunning thy Attribute Interest is thy God if thou hast any But I do fear that is but one of many For Heathens use to Worship more than one they say But thou hast not learn'd to any how to pray To Decypher thee rightly if that I cou'd A White Witch full of Evil yet thought good For when thou 'st a mind to do any Evil Thou appearest an Angel as did the Devil Whose deluding Subtilties Frauds and Deceits Thou imitatests so well with all his Cheats Thou lackest nothing but his Badge the Teats But thy Description all Verse doth
Hell and of a Future State Not knowing that all Things are govern'd by Fate But suppose we should grant such Places there should be A cleansing Purgatory will set us all free Then what wise Man nay but of common Sense Will change the Present for the Future Tense The Answer HOld Atheist hold and stop your ranting Course Learn to be humble and have some remorse Hearken unto those learned grave Divines And they will convince you by their pert Lines That there is most certain a future State And that Repentance doth oft come to late And that God's Providence ruleth o're Fate There 's Heaven and Hell without restriction And Purgatory is but a Fiction Then what wise Man nay but of common Sense Will change the future for the present Tense Divide Impera INfernal Maxim which sure first did come From him who first dividcs to overcome The grand Disturber of perverse Mankind Who doth not loiter but always doth mind The way that most conduceth to his Ends By sowing Discords between chiefest Friends By fomenting in Families debate 'Tween dearest Consort and her loving Mate By setting Kingdoms in a burning flame Thereby to bring us unto endless blame I wonder that after so long a time Thou hast been detected in Prose and Rhyme Mankind should love their slavery and Sins And not beware of thy sad cursed Gins And their true Happiness to understand By loving Concord God's blessed command Concord Love Peace and Mistick unity Being the greatest Mirror of the Deity Which will lead us to that good land of Peace Where blessed Union will never cease The Earth God's bountifulness doth declare The Firmament sheweth his handy Works His Goodness extendeth every where To Christians Jews Indians and Turks No finite Being can it apprehend How far his loving Mercy doth extend A PSALM TO render thanks unto the Lord How great a Cause have I Who me hath heard And not deferr'd To hear me from on high He breathed in me hreath of Life When straight I did begin As soon as born O wretch forlorn To lead a Life of Sin And so have since continued To vex his wrathful ire Tho' the great God Be with his Rod A great consuming Fire To all those that do still persist In wickedness to dwell The Lord will Curse Without remorse And throw him into Hell But they that do his blest Commands Endeavour to fulfil In Heaven above With Peace and Love They shall for ever dwell The Lord by his great Providence Hath sav'd me as in Tower When I was sick He did not stick To help me by his Power His Mercyes are so very great They do so far exceed That they may move Vs all to love The Articles of our Creed On Faith FAITH by which alone it is that we can Believe that the great God created Man And when lapsed Man from his bliss did fall In State of Grace he did him reinstall By promising Light and Life in Christ his Son Whose Life and Light before the World begun If we his Light would fully apprehend We should love and imitate our bless'd Friend And let our darkness by his Rays be lighted Then we shall never more be benighted By Faith we know Things formerly have been By Faith we still do hope for Things not seen On Hope HOPE from which our comfort doth proceed From the saving Articles of our Creed Hope the Comfort both of the good and bad Who still do'st cheat us when we are most sad Who do'st restore the lingring sick to Health Who makest the poor Beggar full of Wealth Who suitest every Condition Who art the universal Physician Thou Comfort of all Miseries below Because we hope we shall them all forgo And live where Love and Charity doth dwell Thou Heaven to those that on Earth do well On Charity HAD I the Faith to see into Heaven That all my Sins are freely forgiven By Christ his blessed Merits not my own For which my Life and Soul both will I pawn Could shining Angels tongue or that of Men From learned Homer down to good old Ben. My wretched hope but in the least inspire To be one of their famed learned Quire If that pure Charity I could not gain Both my Faith and my Hope were still in vain On S. V. HAppy 's the Man that walks by Reasons light Who curbeth his Passions dark at Night His Life is assuredly in the right Who having seen his Vanity and Crimes And Alteration of Humane Times Doth mind that Thing for which he was born To serve his God the Church and State adorn He 's still a New and constant Almanack And always remains unchanged Shadrach On the Death of an Insant LIttle Primrose soon sprung fading Flower Who bloomest and dyest within an Hour The true Emblem of all Humane Power Which extended to ne'er so long a date Must yet submit to all conquering Fate As do all sublunaries soon or late Thrice happy he whose fertile Mothers Womb Doth prove to him a Sepulcher or Tomb. If he be so unfortunate forlorn As in this troublesome World to be born The next great happiness that he can crave Is early to wish for or find a Grave And be not this World's Darling nor its Slave On the Death of T. T. Esq SHall good Men dye and no Poetick Knell Out sound the tinckling of the Parish Bell Shall the Memory of the Good and Just Perish as doth the rude and common Dust No no such Things our Eyes can never see Till all the Race of Mankind cease to be For he that 's Truth it self hath expressed The Memory of the Just shall be blessed But the wicked which are not by Faith begot Their Name and their Memory both shall rot This wise Man whom this earthy Tomb contains Early did dig within those richest Veins Where that inestimable Treasure lies Worth more then this fading Worlds both Indies He oft did view that true sacred Record God's holy revealed and written Word And did transcribe that Copy in his life By loving bless'd Concord and hating Strife His Prince and Country Laws he did obey And no Man's Interest he would betray He perform'd an Husbands duty to 's Wife By living in Amity free from Strife And when the great Almighty did them part She was always inshrined in his Heart For a true Widower free from all stain Constant till his Death he did remain His Children in God's Laws he did instruct And gave them drink from that true Aqueduct My barren dry and thirsty Crabstock Muse Still doth remain without the least excuse After such manure such Fruit to produce His Covenant with Servants he did fulfil And left them not to their disorder'd Will But taught them their Duty to their great Lord Whom they all worshipped with one accord His Duty to God he did ne'er neglect His Neighbour as himself he did respect And true and real Friendship did affect But that on Earth being not so resin'd As was his
clear Intellectual Mind In Virtue having out-run his ancient Race In Heaven he hath got an everlasting Place On W. S. of M. Esq HAD I the Poets Rapture or their Rage I 'de sing the Praises of venerable Age. Where Reason Justice Piety did dwell Whose End and Aim was always to do well Who being guided by Divine fore-sight He did always lead his own Life aright Free from Error or Romish Superstition He erected in himself an Inquisition And Temperance was his chief Physician Blind Cant and Phanaticism he did hate And was a chief Pillor in Church and State Publick Imploys he had a great many And did discharge them all as well as any Judge he was of the whole Admiralty Likewise Vice-Warden of the Stannery Deputy-Lieutenant and Colonel Both which he discharged exceeding well He was true Conservator of the Peace From Business and Duty he never did cease His Religion was true and Authentick And as ancient as the Atlantick And his Family was great and Antique His Praises to write what Pen is able Whose great Virtues were unimitable And all his whole Life most admirable But now having bidden his Friends good night God hath given him everlasting Light On the B. of E. HAIL all renowned and blest Patriot Who addest lustre to them thee begot Whose Charity extends o'er the large Globe And giveth glory to the Lords bright Robe Whose Virtues like thy capatious mind Are free and liberal unconfin'd Which have preferved thee when in Tower Gainst Arbitrary and lawless Power Thy Fame then the Cannons much louder roars It reacheth from Native to Foreign Shoars It cannot be heghtned by slight Poetry Nor by the Title of Lord Trelawny Which hath already reach'd the Sky Where thy great love and friendship doth extend Like our greatest and universal Friend Who will Crown the Mitre at this Worlds end On Sir R. S. FRiendships darling loves delight Virtues choice Of all thou hast the universal Voice Others friendships are to their Friends confin'd Thine's capatious as thy boundless Mind And is extended to all humane kind All the four great Virtues Cardinal In thy inlarged Soul are Centrical Thy Character most truly to compleat Thou' rt the extract of all that 's Good and Great On the E. of R. SAddle bold Pegasus and all his Race My Muse may find out Honours resting Place And now she hath fetch'd her full career And hath now travailed both far and near She'th found it at home in a peerless Peer Honour Love Friendship Affability With the true extract of Gentility Whose Vertues are far more honourable Than Or or Argent Vert. Gules or Sable I 'm sure my Muse delights not in Fable Whose Religion in reality Which will sure when he leaves Mortality Cause him in Heaven above for to dwell My tardy Muse endeavours to bode well My resty Pegasus begins to bound And faine would cast my Muse on Cornish ground And having thrown of both bridle and dock Would very willingly lye nigh the Rock On N. B. DULL slumbring Muse awake thy self upraise And sing the pleasures of thy youthful Days When at Oxford where the blest Muses ring Whence Knowledge and all Sciences do spring Where my lovely Dame and I have spent Many happy Hours to our sweet content Where we were both destined from our Birth To taste the Fruits of Paradise on Earth Innocently we did enjoy our Love Like little Children or the gall-less Dove Never were I between thy pretty Leggs Where lyes conceal'd sweet Muskadine and Eggs And where would stoop the greatest Beglerbegs Your House in Castreet History did adorn We have often perused with Mrs. Horn. Then in a Boat strewed with green Rushes We have gone to hear the warbling Thrushes Who were out done by thy melodious strains Who charmest the Academick and the Swains And all whose blood 's not child in their old Veins 'T was at the pretty pleasures of a Wake That first I did of th' happyness pertake And was more lucky than Sir Francis Drake When he new Worlds to us did discover I was so very fortunate a Lover My genious over thee will hover Till we shoot the Gulph to Heaven or Hell I never shall forget kind Madam Nell And bless my Stars and Exeter Colledge That gave me of thee the happy Knowledge On Madam B. welcome into the Country THe brave Cornish Muses Deserve no excuses For not bidding you welcome hither For inspired from above With Poetry and Love They should do it all together For your Mind so serene Like to the Queen of Spain Is free from all turbulent Passion With Verse a whole Fleet They ought you to greet Even as I do in some Fashion Your Religion is plain And runs in the old Vein And is not at all Superstitious Your Life is most devout Like to a Martyr stout And is not at all Fictitious Your Example will teach What in vain others Preach To perswade us to abstain from Sin So without any loss You 'l refine our thick Dross And give us your fined Gold for our Tin Could my slow Muse fly And Soar to the Sky And see the beautiful Nymphs of Fame Astrea nor Celia Nor lovely Cosmelia Have not so Celestial a Name As Eliza Second best Amongst the wondrous rest Of fair and conquering Woman kind That Man that doth not see Divinity through thee Is not only dark but blind May we still you enjoy Without e're being coy Till you part from Sister and Brother And for better for worse Without any remorse You follow the steps of your Mother You 're Welcome to our Parts With all our whole Hearts And may nothing our Friendship sever Till in Heaven above With blest Peace and true Love We all meet where we shall part never On the Dasie quasi Days Eye It opens and shuts with the Sun ALtho' we lye open all the long Day And in the pleasant Sun-shine bask and play The darksome Night will come in which we must Close our pale Heads and turn to Earth and Dust On a Dasie THE Dasie the bright Queen of all the Feilds Which so much Pleasure and contentment yieds When that she doth every where bespread Her Eye pleasing beauteous Coverled Upon the which each loving longing Swain Of Cloris and Phillis doth still complain Unkind and fickle Souls who always prove Deaf to the Men that do them mostly love But to the Men sond and lovingly blind That unto them are most severe unkind Like Men in Feavers that do burn and rave And what doth injure them do mostly crave Upon such beauteous and flowry Banks There are play'd many gay youthful pranks Where some Lovers prove more tender hearted Who from their Swains are not soon parted Untill in the height of Loves fiercest rage They do get of themselves the true Image Which doth survive them in th' next Age. Then falling into sleep they forget quite The approaches of the following Night But in folded Arms together do lye Being o're
there Woman since the fall That doth so charm attract and conquer all Thy fam'd Beauty exceeds the power of Verse And never will have a funeral Herse But be as deathless as the Universe Idem NAture's chief workmanship of Mold so bright That still dost please with wonder and delight Celestial Beauty Where I would rest With the Object of my happiness blest Bus'ness the bane of love design'd To ruine a sad poor Lovers mind Which should be fraught with nought but love As Saints are in the Heay'n above On Cofmelia WHen fair Cosmelia's Face I saw Such sweetness there did dwell That only Saints in Vision The like could never tell Her Lips then Roses are more sweet Or then the Honey-comb Then all the Odors upon Earth Or then my native home Her Eyes then sparkling Diamonds More richly they do shine Which shews the most lovely Image Of her bright Soul Divine Her beautiful Complection The Rubies doth out-do The fair and beauteous Sharons Rose Hath not so bright an hew Her Sister breasts like hills of Snow So beautiful do shew They 'l make an Hermit leave his Cell And make a Saint to woe Her secret Parts who can describe Where Pleasures are in store That only they in Paradise Can ever enjoy more From which odorif'rous Fountain May many dews distill That may the Race of Nature still With young Cosmelia's fill Her Hair like Sun-beams dasling Light Where love doth dance in Mazes Which like to all her other Parts Most wonderfully pleases Her Thighs like Ivory Pillars Whiter then driving Snow But what doth lye between them Happy 's the Man shall know Her pretty little Feet and Legs Supporteth all the rest Which leadeth to that milky way Where I would be at rest If she were laid but in her Bed And I were in her Arms I would defie the snaring World With all its other Charms Her Soul is of a M●uld so bright So Affable and Noble It adds more Lustre to the Name Of sweet Bar. S. On Mad. M. MOst Beautiful Wise Great Just and Good The fairest Creature made of flesh and blood Whose Features are so exquisitely bright That they do far Out-shine the Summer's Light If all alike did see but some are blind Thou would'st captivate all Humane Kind Thy Sun-like Rays thou dost on all disperse Thy Fame and his doth reach the Universe On Death and Cupid GRim Death and Cupid conquers all The pompous great Ones and the small The Infant and the Gyant tall The only difference is this Death a nobler Conqueror is And suffers none in pain to live Nor can be brib'd for a Reprieve Altho' the whole World they could give But Cupid wounds the Heart in vain To make it dwell in constant pain Then strike pale Death and cure the Heart That wounded lyes with Cupid's Dart. On a Horse SOme Men write of Hawks and some write of Hounds But they all do make inferior Sounds To the Horse whose Strength and comly Features Exceedeth most all his fellow Creatures Which is fit in Peace and also in War For Christian Turk Tartar Ruz or Zar For Draught or Burden or for the Highway No Creature 's more serviceable Night or Day Be he Black or Brown Sorrel White or Gray But of all Horses fit for your Pleasure There 's none can compare with Ebenezer For he will travel true at any rate And it fit to run for Wager or Plate For on the whole Earth he hath not his Mate On Mad. R. LOvely Dorinda whose chast Maiden Life Procur'd thee to be a vertuous Wife Whose Vertues have gotten so loud a Name That most other Wives and Matrons you shame Purchasing t' your self everlasting Fame The great Blessings of God brave Children dear Are born to you almost every Year And Prudence the Mother of Vertues Race In you hath found her wished resting place By which you can blind Fate it self command And put even Destiny to a stand By which you can command the shining Globe The sparkling Scepter the Gown and long Robe Your Character if could end in a Word Your Vertues relate you to Hungerford On Madam Bhens History of Oroonoko WHo can fully praise famed Madam Bhen She exceeding most of our Modern Men. Neither Doctor Burnet nor Doctor Sprat Could write his Story more pertinent and pat For she hath got such a curious knack To wash and polish and make White this Black And on this Subject doth so well Indite She maketh him look fairer then a White And very much to exceed in Honour Oneal Obryan or fam'd Oconnor Another Black looks but like a Cuckow Compar'd to our Eagle Oroonoko Who if he had been a Christian born All Learned Pens his Memory would adorn Next she hath set such a curious Gilt On that famous infamous damn'd Town Jilt With her bewitching tricks of Lechery And direful effects of Hellish Treach'ry The innocence of that noble Fryar Which preserv'd him from cruel Fire For he being inlight'ned from above Could burn with nothing but Charity and Love On the happy Peace of Christendom concluded at Reswick O Happy Albion let discord cease Since thou art blest again with lasting Peace Be all thy Churches now as well as Pauls Illuminated with Praises of all Souls Let all Schools and Colledges Halls and Cells With Learned Anthems out-tune our Bells Let all our Learned Doctors and Cannons roar And sing their Makers praifes o'er and o'er That hath preserved our Faith's Defender Who made proud France her Conquests surrender May perpetual Laurels crown his Brow Great and triumphant always be as now That England may still pray God speed the Plow No more shall we complain loss of Treasure But wallow in unbounded Wealth and Pleasure No more shall Parents Mourn for Childrens loss But all true Happyness themselves ingross Let mournful Widows now dry up their Tears Marry again and get young lusty Heirs Let ev'ry one sit under his own Vine And chear his Heart again with sparkling Wine And each to other's happyness combine Let our Peace-makers be for ever blest Injoying glorious everlasting rest Let all the Elements as well as Fire In Unity each of them conspire With every Voice and every Wind To extol his Name among Humane Kind That hath given the conquering Sword a Law Triumphant William the great Nassaw On his Tutor G. V. ALL Men conclude that Learning hath no end But that Maxim's confuted by our Friend Who doth the utmost bound of Learning know And with it others doth Cultivate and Sow Who hath so many Vertues laid in store That loud Fame it self cannot speak more Who did not hoard them up to be admir'd But being with Christian Zeal inspir'd He taught to others what he had acquired He checkt the Pupils gently for their Crimes And prepar'd them to encounter future Times His modesty the boldest prate would hush And put the chastest Female to a blush Truth and Reason do his great Mind adorn And left no room for Flattery or Scorn All Vertues are included in his Knowledge Taught in Universities or Colledge The greatest Preferments he doth Merit Having profound humility of Spirit An immortal Crown he 'll shortly Inherit For Nature and parts improv'd so by Grace heaven will be his reward and resting place What can we then more say dear Friend of thee Whose pious Life is thy best Elegy I Tore my Book and with my Muse did rage For not being more kinder to my Age. Since she 'll not befriend me with better lines Henceforth I 'll mind my Plough and Harrow-tines My Kitchen-Garden and my flowery Fields Which more of pleasure and contentment yields With that my dull Muse to me replyed Ay and justly too I have thee denyed If thou had'st minded me in youthful Days I would have gotten thee both Fame and Praise But thou took'st pleasure in each dirty Face Which brought on thee instead of Fame disgrace And never thought'st on any of my Race Cease therefore thou dost rage with me in vain Be contented thou canst be young again The Conclusion ANd now dear Sir your pardon I do crave Since I can't entertain you with what 's brave Yet I d'e rather be counted Fool then Knave Yea rather then ingrateful be your Slave Therefore accept me in the dress I have But I must beg the famed Poets pardons For planting Daysies amongst their Gardens Of Cowslips Roses Lillies of the Vallies With curious Prospects Walks and Allies With their most stately and shady Bowers And with variety of pleasant Flowers Such brave Ornaments and graceful Places Will entertain the Muses and the Graces But with a poor Hermit in his close Cell The Muses will never vouchsafe to dwell Which is the truest reason Sir that I Am left so truly barren and so dry That my Muse will nothing prolisick yield But what 's common unto every Field But tho' I have no famed Inclosure Yet being all of my own Composure I desire you 'd accept it in good part Together with the Poet's Service and Heart FINIS