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A51496 Beauty in distress as it is acted at the theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields by His Majesties servants / written by Mr. Motteux ; with a discourse of the lawfulness & unlawfulness of plays, lately written by the learned Father Caffaro, divinity-professor at Paris, sent in a letter to the author by a divine of the Church of England. Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660-1718.; Caffaro, Francesco, ca. 1650-1720. 1698 (1698) Wing M2945; ESTC R36604 66,084 94

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me more delight Than all the Substance of the World besides For I 've no Being when I 'm torn from thee Or if I find I've one 't is only by my Pains Ri. Oh! sympathy of Hearts My only Joy 'T was not less Pain to me to be forc'd from thee Than now 't is Pleasure thus to meet thee kind Lau. Oh! now I hope we 're met to part no more Let me no longer hear nor think of Absence Absence to some gives Relish to their Joy A breathing to their Pleasures but to me 'T was Death when to the Monast'ry you fled And to be safe lay hid Ri. Ah! Madam Lau. Madam Fye leave this dull Formality Does it suit Love of such a Growth as ours I shou'd abhor it came it not from thee Ri. Oh! stop this Torrent of unbounded Love Joy came before but like a quick'ning Shower On a parch'd Soil and greedily I drunk it But now I 'm overwhelm'd and drown'd in Joy Thus now all Lovers lye to one another Aside Lau. Dear Man thou' rt doubly pleas'd Now thou can'st raise me As I wou'd thee were but thy Fortune mine For thou' rt no needy younger Brother now Thy Laura shall no longer have the Pleasure Of lavishing her Wealth on Love and thee Indeed she cou'd not Ri. Extravagance of Goodness Lau. Alas I fear'd that Lisbon wou'd have seen me With those two little Orphans my poor Children A forc'd Dependant on the cold loath'd Alms Of proud upbraiding Friends For all I 've left Is threaten'd to be seiz'd The Thought on 't damps my Joy Wealth But let it dye with all our former Sorrows I 'm rich enough since I 've thy Love that can command thy Soon as the Priest has ratified our Contract Which now now your Brother 's dead and my first Year Of Widowhood expir'd need be no Secret We 'll live like Gods Say shall we not Methinks Thou art not glad enough Ri. Excess of Joy like that of Grief is dumb And like vast Streams too deep for Noise flows silent While shallow Torrents roar then cease to be I fear she 'll find me out Aside Lau. But tell me when shall be the happy Day Ri. Soon as some short Formalities of Law Have giv'n me full Possession of th' Estate The best Artificers shall strain to hasten The wish'd-for Time and make our Nuptials sumptuous Lau. Then like a Palace we 'll this House adorn The Walls shall scorn with Arras to be cloath'd Unless the Gold shames there the shading Silk Amazing Wonders that dissemble Life In each Apartment shall beguile the Gazers The Spoils of India and more distant Climes Shall croud and rear their Fronts on rival Rarities In antique Order various as their Make And ev'n the fragrant Wood which in Compartments Floors the vast Rooms seem proud to bear the Load Ri. Oh! Elegance in Luxury Oh! Sex resin'd in Fancy Aside To undo the other Lau. Oh! now methinks we solemnize our Nuptials A num'rous Train with all melodious Sounds Salute us and the Morn Then we far brighter Ascend our Coach or Love's Triumphal Chariot Garlands and Arches grace and roof our way And flow'ry Sweets profusely strow'd perfume it Joy in each Face and Blessings in each Mouth Ri. Oh! Theme for ever charming To a Widow Aside Lau. Then my Ricardo then Ri. Oh! then my Laura Lau. The crowded Board shall tempt our num'rous Guests With all that can indulge Luxuriant Taste Conduits shall lavish Wine and richer Liquors And all the Muses labour to Inchant us Ri. And then at Night my Goddess Lau. Ten thousand Tapers shall revive the Day While at a solemn Ball the Pride of Lisbon Shall shine and revel Ri. And tir'd at last with all these smaller Joys Leave us to perfect Pleasure Thus my Goddess Thus will Ricardo ravish all thy Senses Unpeople th' Elements to Feast thy Taste To charm thy Ears rob ev'n the Spheres of Musick Tire Art and Nature to regale thy Sight Inform thy Brain with ev'ry grateful Odor Thy Touch with Bliss and ravish ev'ry Pow'r Till in one sence we lose the other four Embraces her Enter two Monks 1. Monk My Lord. Ri. What mean these Monks 1. Monk My Lord We 've weighty Business That claims your private Ear with utmost speed Lau. Some dead Man's Alms 1. Monk Hear us this Moment if you love your self Ri. Then follow me pray pardon me dear Madam I 'll strive to meet you here again this Moment Or at your own House rather To himself 'T was well dissembl'd But I 'm glad I 'm eas'd How loath'd a thing must a fond Woman be Ev'n Monks are welcome when from her they free Ex. Ric. and Monks Lau. Curs'd be the Holy Duns Those bold Intruders Into the Privacies of blinded Mortals Self-privileg'd to break-in on the Great Those craving Idlers who preach Charity Yet never had one Spark for one another Presumptuous Beggars who with Saint-like Mein With proud Humility and sawcy Meekness Can seem at best but impudently good The Doatards know for well they know our Sex That what a Woman never will forgive Is an Intruder whose preventing Words Force from her Arms her Lover to remove In the wild Sallies of unfinish'd Love Exit The End of the First Act. ACT II. Enter Morella and Melinda Mel. WHy do we leave Fabiano with Placentia I dare trust all his Vertues but his Prudence He loves he 'll stay too long and be discover'd Morel Fear not my Brother 's busie with two Fathers And tho' Placentia loves she shuns her Lover Like him she languishes unhappy Maid But her Discretion and yet more her Vow Force that despairing Lord for ever from her And see she comes he follows both in Tears In pity let 's avoid ' em Enter Placentia follow'd by Fabiano Exeunt Morel and Mel. Fab. Stay cruel Maid Oh turn and cast one look One look tho' 't were a Frown and but to see me dye Pla. Alas I dare not must not meet your Eyes They must not see how mine partake their Sorrows Fly fly my Lord where equal Greatness calls Leave poor Placentia to her humble Fate Fab. Not hear me Pla. I dread those Words that make ev'n ruine please The tempting Musick of your Syren Love Fab. Can it bring ruine to be match'd to Greatness Pla. When by the Match that Greatness is debas'd Fab. Why will you still urge this too humble fair Oh! wrong not thus your Merit and my Love Pla. Witness ye sacred Pow'rs that read my Soul Witness my Blushes and these grateful Tears How much I prize you gen'rous dear Fabiano For ev'ry Sigh you breath I Sigh another Oh! had our Births been equal as our Passions We might have lov'd on still I see the Heav'n of Joy your Love wou'd give me But like a Wretch condemn'd to endless Torments The vast abyss between adds to my Pain I wish I sigh I grieve I rage in vain I wou'd ascend but cannot break my Chain Fab.
is Enter Zemet Zem. Ricardo's coming Pla. Heav'n guard me from his sight Morat I 'll strive to meet you here again with speed Curse on his coming But why am I troubl'd Exit Plac. By what she said 't is plain 't is me she means Revive Vincentio Doubts and Fears remove She must be mine since she confesses Love The Man that 's lov'd of Conquest never fails Love pleads and bribes and forces and prevails Ex. Morat Zem. Ricardo seem'd dejected I 'll observe him Enter Ricardo Ri. This Mine brings Instant ruine when 't is sprung It rends the main Foundation of my Greatness Sees Zemet Ha! thou black Imp what do'st thou here Hence vanish Exit Zemet They and their Papers will so prove the Thing There will be no out-facing it Oh curst Discovery This Morning in the Sanctuary I trembl'd E're Noon I revel'd as sole Master here Yet now e're Six at Night these Monks have rung A fatal Knell to all my new-born Joys With this Day 's Sun my Fortune rose and falls But with the next may it not rise again They 've giv'n me time to get my Pardon seal'd E're they divulge the Truth I 'll have them kill'd But how by this they 're in their Cells at Prayers No I must think again assist me Hell I have it At Night for Africa I 'll Ship the Sisters Where I will marry one and then return But why not get Placentia There I 'll fix Placentia shall be mine Enter Morat and Zemet Ri. Hah Starts seeing Morat Mor. Does your Guilt make you start Ri. Art thou Immortal Moor Mor. Yes Ravisher all good Men are Immortal Death is entail'd on none but such as you Who wear him still about you in your Crimes Yet justly fear him as the greatest Evil. Ric. Placentia has inform'd him of my Threats Aside Mor. Base Man with Gyant Blood and Pigmy Honour I hear thou talk'st of Ravishing Placentia But if thou dar'st but wish it that bad Soul That Soul of thine hard and impenetrable To ev'ry thing that 's good shall be let out To seek its place among relentless Devils Ri. aside Sleep my Resentments now my Fortune 's chang'd To him I loath the Thought tho' once I threaten'd it To try her Vertue but since that my Doubts Are chang'd to admiration of her Worth Mor. Oh that there were but hopes you yet wou'd mend I 'm bound and strive to love you as you 're call'd Vincentio's Brother and his Father's Son In War's brave School your Father was my Master Who bad me dare and taught me how to Fight He rush'd like Light'ning on firm Troops of Foes Unnerv'd their Ranks and shatter'd them to Ruine And floor'd the Field with honourable Slaughter But after Conquest mild as tender Virgins Protected Vertue in his very Foes If you 'll be Noble learn to act like him Ri. I 'll learn of you brave Moor if you will teach me Your words can shame and charm us into Vertue Methinks your Tongue like glorious Victory Instils a Soul of Valour through my Veins And all my Nerves seem knit with double force I 'm now engag'd but in an Hour I shall be proud of being taught by you And fixing you my Friend Mor. Till then farewel Love truly and I ll give you leave to hope For as your Love encreases Vertue will 'T was Love alone first Civiliz'd Mankind And dull Instinct to sprightly sense refin'd In Savage Nakedness Man liv'd and toyl'd Uglier than Brutes more wretched and as wild Till Emulation to be lik'd and lov'd Started Invention and the Man improv'd But 't is not Love weak Bodies to controul Love only triumphs o're the stronger Soul Exit Morat and Min. Ri. I 'll strive to work thee to my purpose Moor. Thou' rt brave but free and credulous to a Fault For ruin'd Laura's good and more for mine I wish Placentia may with equal ease Be wheadled into Marriage startling change She little thinks she 's great and I am nothing Oh! I cou'd rave and bellow Execrations Hell curse these Monks emphatically curse 'em Enter Four Bravoes Ri. My Bravoes 1. Bravo Your Lordship's Servants Ri. I sent for you to punish a rude Moor But I 'll suspend a while my just Revenge I 've business of more Moment There 's Gold for you Ric. gives 'em Money 1. Br. Thanks my good Lord whose Throat must we cut now Ri. There 's milder mischief Brooding Hire me a Ship that by use of Oars As well as Sails may put to Sea this Night At any rate by any means I must Have it to Night and you shall go with me Succeed and your Reward shall be so great You shall no longer skulk disguis'd but live At large above the scandal of your Lives 1. Br. Conclude this done my Lord our Friends will help us If by fair means we cannot get a Ship we 'll seize on one Ri. Success wait on my Friends Exit Bravoes Enter a Servant with a Letter in his Hand Ri. What Letter 's this Serv. My Lord 't is for Placentia Exit Servant Ric. opens and reads the Letter Ri. Go I 'll deliver it ha from Fabiano How leaving Portugal for ever Embark this Moment By my hopes 't is well Enter Laura Ricardo seems surpriz'd and puts up the Letter hastily Ri. Hah my Soul's Joy I did not expect you here LaU. I read that in your Eyes my Lord but I Expected you tho' 't was in vain I fear What Letter were you reading Ri. 'T is private business Lau. I desire to see it Ri. Wou'd you be made uneasie with my Cares Lau. Unless I see 't I shall be more uneasie Ri. Trust me my Love you need not nay you shall not Tho' ev'n from you I must a while conceal it Lau. From me Can you conceal it then from me Ri. Suppose it were a Challenge from a Foe Or a more dang'rous Secret from a Friend Lau. Say rather from a Mistress false Ricardo Ri. Will you still chide and without Reason still Lau. False and Ingrate I have but too much reason Yet if I chide I chide but like a Dove In gentle Murmurs But urge me no longer Give me the Letter for I rave to see it Ri. What will you still controul me like a Slave Will you still claim so insolent a Right Lau. Traytor to Gratitude to Love and me What is 't I claim but leave to be assur'd Of thy Heart's Truth or of its Falshood rather For now I 've too much Cause to think thee false Ri. Your Jealousie that Jaundice of your Mind Perverts all Objects to it's sickly Colour Lau. What are my Charms then vanish'd with my Fortune 'T was otherwise when this base Rebel languish'd at my Feet Trembling as Guilt humble as begging Want Charm'd with a Look transported with a smile And extasied with a reviving Word Love gently rack'd all Secrets from his Breast Made him live more in me than in himself Prevent my very Wish and open all
Forbid it Honour and forbid it Heav'n This wou'd be cursing you and then my self Change rather change this dreadful Love to Hatred Ri. I 've play'd the Tyrant but I know you 're mild As a forgiving Saint Here on my Knees But that 's too proud a Posture thus then falling With prostrate Body and more humbled Mind Repentant chang'd Ricardo begs your Pardon Pla. Oh rise my Lord 't was granted e're you ask'd it Ri. Oh! add your Love or let me sink for ever Pla. My Lord I must not cannot hear you thus Ri. Thus have I sworn to kiss your Steps and dye Unless this Day this very Day you 're kind Stoop to be mine and condescend to rise Pla. Alas I too have sworn this ne're shall be Ri. I 'll beg so earnestly so humbly Pla. My Lord I thought you knew Placentia better Spare this affected Cringing 't wou'd be vain Tho' 't were not feign'd for such a whirl of Humour So quick a fall from one extream to t'other Betrays less Love than a Distemper'd Mind Ri. rises 'T is true I 'm craz'd I 'm mad mad as wild Frenzy To starve my noble Pride to glut a Slave's Why cruel Stars why do I court this Creature This Infect born to crawl and lick the Dust Till foster'd here ungratefully to sting me Oh! I cou'd burst and tear my Flesh with Rage But why do I not rather crush it dead Pla. Murther Oh save me She wou'd run off he stops her Ri. None but your self can save or you or me You shall be wretched if you 'll make me so For good or bad you now must share my Fate This Steel or else this Juice shall end us both Shews her a Bottle and a Dagger 'T is like the poys'nous Love I suck'd from thee No Antidote can stop the Bane's Progression It creeps thro' ev'ry Vein preys on the Blood And ling'ring gives a sure tho' lazy Death Relent or now I drink and thou shalt pledge me Pla. Oh Horror hold let 's parley o're our Fate Give me some time my Lord I beg it on my Knees A Month a Week a Day Oh Mercy Mercy Ri. No it must be this Instant now Pla. What shall I say I dye with Terror O hold oh think of Hell my Lord Ri. Hell's mild to what I feel Pla. I can but dye He keeps the Bottle close to his Mouth Ri. I 've drank the Liquid Death Now chuse thy Fate Pla. Oh lost lost Ri. Chuse quickly or Pla. Oh! give me time to pray Ri. The Poyson will do that Pla. I thought 't was but to try me But give it me 'T is th' only welcome present You cou'd have made me and I thank you for 't I only wish my dear my lost Fabiano Thou coud'st have seen these Tears the best return My niggard Fate wou'd suffer me to make thee Oh! if a helpless friendless dying Maid May form a wish oh hear me hear me Heaven Let all the dear Man's Sorrows dye with me And if another e're can love so well Let some chaste noble Beauty love him thus And make him happier than I've made him wretched Enter Fabiano thrusting away some Servants and runs to Placentia Fab. Hence Slaves she 's here Pla. Hah Ri. Return'd Fab. Yes here to dye Look up my Life my Soul He Embraces her Placentia see 't is I 't is thy Fabiano Pla. 'T is he some Angel brings him my lov'd Lord She drops the Bottle Fab. My Fate They Embrace Pla. Oh! I forget my Fears my Grief my very self At this dear sight Fab. Senses awake and thou my wand'ring Soul Unwind thy self out of this maze of Joy Art thou at large or in Placentia's Arms Ri. Must I bear this my Lord what do you mean Fab. To kill you if you dare once more disturb me Ri. You 're in my House but Fab. What Ri. I 'll say no more I fear his Greatness now tho' not His Sword Aside Pla. Tho' Love had not betray'd me into Fondness Revenge it self had don 't to plague this Monster To make his Eyes drink Jealousies worst Poyson More gnawing than the Draught he swallow'd now Or that which he design'd me Fab. How Ri. No Poyson Madam nothing but a Philtre A Lover's harmless Trick to fright and win you To ease your Mind I 'll send for her that made it And for some others too Aside Exit Ricardo Pla. I dread his coming back Fab. Fear nothing Madam I 've a Friend waits without with some choice Men. Pla. I thought I never shou'd have seen you more Where have you been Why did you write that Letter Was it to break my Heart 't was too unkind yet I pray'd for you I wou'd have dy'd but pitying Heav'n reserv'd me For this blest Moment e're we part for ever For we must part Fab. Part no first let the Monarch part with Crowns The Brave with Honour and the Saint with Heav'n Pla. Oh Reason Honour Duty Fab. Oh Love Love Love great Love against them all Pla. I 've sworn to leave you nor must I examine Whether I shall outlive the killing loss Fab. No you will not leave me I will ne're believe it Placentia loves me Placentia will not let me dye Pla. Sure Heav'n will forgive this Sally of a Heart Startled and wild with Joy this Riot of starv'd Love Tho' rigid Honour dares not warrant it Oh! lead me quickly to the Convent that Re-enter Ricardo Ri. She whom I sent for Madam will soon tell you Fab. Nothing that can deserve our stay farewel Leading out Placentia Ri. Stay do not lead my beauteous Charge to Ruine Fab. She 's led from Ruine when she 's led from you Ri. Hold hear me for I 'll here dispute my Right Fab. Then somewhere else and not with Words dispute it Ri. Tho' now with Words some fitter time with this Shows his Sword I claim her as my due I best deserve her Fab. Who e're pretends Desert deserves her least Ri. She 's oblig'd to my Family Fab. But I 'm oblig'd to her Ri. You 've nothing but I 've an Estate to give her Fab. I chuse to lose one for her But that 's little I 'd give the Globe to bribe her to a Smile Pla. Oh! cease so needless a Debate my Lords Nor rate so high a worthless Maid's Esteem Know both I 'd sworn before I knew your Love Never to wed above my Rank I 'm going to a Cloyster Then if you love me shew it now my Lords Be pleas'd to leave me there Ri. No Madam I 'll sooner leave the World Fab. Let me conduct you Madam Ri. Hold Fab. Forbear or in your very House I 'll kill you Ri. Hah Will you break the Laws of Hospitality Fab. Talk'st thou of Hospitality and dar'st Detain her there 't is Sacrilege and Death Draw Fight and Dye He draws Pla. Oh hold Ri. Tho' I dare fight why shou'd I leave to Chance What Prudence can secure Aside The shortness of my Sword makes
you insult but Fab. Give it me and take mine Fabiano gives him his Sword and takes his in the Scabbard Ri. Take it and use it if you can Pla. Oh! hold my Lords Fab. A broken Sword hah Villain He draws the Sword which appears to be a broken Blade Ri. Stir not be silent hear me and you 're safe Live happy with my Sister I with her But dye if you persist t'obstruct my Bliss Pla. Oh! wed her wed her tho' I dye my Lord. Fab. I 'll yet disarm thee Traytor Fabiano with the broken Sword strives to close with Ricardo Ri. I wou'd not kill thee Who waits Enter four Servants with Swords Ri. Seize that Mad-man Fabiano snatches a Sword from one of 'em and keeps 'em off Fab. What hoa my Friends Pla. Help Murther help Enter Captain with two others who fight Ricardo's Party Cap. Courage my Lord we 're here Slaves Villains dye Enter Don Ferdinand with Musqueteers who present and all the Combatants cease Fighting Fer. Hold or my Guards shall fire among you Ri. 'T is well you 're come at last my Lord your Son Was forcing his way out with this ungrateful Maid To wed her and leave Portugal by Sea Fer. I scarce believ'd the Messenger you sent me Nay now I scarce believe my very Eyes What my Reproof my Counsel my Commands My Pray'rs my Threats my Oaths all unregarded It cannot be Fabiano is my Son My Son wou'd not at once lose Wealth lose Honour Lose my Love lose my Blessing A Father's Love and Blessing for a Trifle For all this he must lose or leave this Maid To wed my nobler choice the fair Morella Fab. Thus as to Heav'n to you Sir kneels your Son And that Heav'n knows I scarce can reverence it More than I do my Father Oh! I 'd lose The Life you gave me rather than your Blessing But Love like mine is deaf Necessity 'T is Fate it self and who can alter Fate If Love 's a Crime in me 't is its own Punishment For hope that soften'd all its Pains is lost Then curse me not yet more alas your Blessing Is all your wretched Son has left to lose For soon he 'll take his everlasting leave Of Friends of you of her and Life I hope Fer. Rise hear Age speak Fabiana Wisdom's old Fab. My Lord my Father Oh! let me kneeling thus attend your Will Fer. Rise rise my Son nor let thy poor old Father Lose the sole Comfort of his widow'd Years Thou art my only Child Alas I liv'd But by the hopes of seeing thee renew The ●●●ries of our Race by equal Marriage Have I for this declin'd a second Choice And liv'd in solitary Widowhood Oh! do not hurry thus thy self and me To the dark Grave and worse Oblivion's Death I beg it 't is thy Father begs it See these Tears They 're the last drops the dying hand of Age Has left to dew this drooping with'ring Plant Oh speak Fab. Can Nature plead against it self I cannot speak my throbbing Heart's too full Fer. Then kill me cruel Son that Parricide Will be less barb'rous than the other speak Fab. Then with obedient boldness I must own I cannot wed Morella Fer. Just Heav'n what have I done what are my Crimes That I must thus be punish'd with this Son But sure he 's not my Son Such Disobedience Such Meanness must and shall be Strangers to my Blood Now as I hate base Thoughts he 's rous'd my Rage Degenerate Boy thou scandal to my Race Retract thy words consent lest in my Fury I wrong the dead and ev'n suspect thy Mother Fab. Oh! use me as you please but spare my Mother For your own sake for hers tread gently on her Grave Fer. No she was Vertue 's self but sure some Peasant Impos'd thee on me and displac'd the Heir Be banish'd then my House my Heart my Thoughts Be stript of all Fab. But my Placentia's Love You cannot take that from me Fer. Tortures and Daggers Wretch lose all but that Ri. aside to Ferd. My Lord let him rave on He 's lost all use of Reason in this Fit Of Love's high Fever but it cannot last Leave him with me I 'll watch its Crisis and Declension First I 'll remove the Cause this fatal Charmer Then soon my Sister shall restore his Reason Fer. 'T is well advis'd Guards stay obey my Lord. Curst be this Frantick Love that rashly hurries Unequal Pairs into the Nuptial Noose How bitter proves the fair forbidden Fruit How lost how naked Man then finds himself How short how false the Bliss how long the Woe A few good Nights a thousand dismal Days Then the fierce Lover grows a tame dull Husband And the kind Mistress a vexatious Wife How like an Ass how like himself he looks Wishing to part more than he did to joyn While Wife and Husband curse th' unequal state Wedded for Love then Cuckolded for Hate Exit Ferd. Ri. Retire you tempting Mischief to your Chamber Pla. Oh! rather to a Cell Ri. Leave that to me Pla. Oh! once more let me see him Ri. You shall not see him more Fabiano who was talking to the Captain runs suddenly to prevent her going out Fab. See me no more then I 'm poor indeed Yes I will see her tho' her sight were Death Ri. Hold my Lord. Fab. Forbear Despair is frantick play not with it I 've lost all hopes but of one parting look Rob me not of that last that cruel pleasure Pla. Oh rigid Fate why must I thus undo him But I my self shall soon be more than punish'd Lonesome self-banish'd buried to the World My Life shall be a kind of ling'ring Death Course Weeds my Cloathing a poor Cell my Lodging Bare Walls my only prospect the cold Ground Or harder Floor my Bed and Grief my End Fab. Oh! why did I come back why wou'd I see her Pla. Then if at dead at Night you chance to wake Oh! think of me and say now poor Placentia Is risen in the Dark and in the Cold To pray for me to pray for her Fabiano For then will I be praying on my Knees That Heav'n may bless you and your future Bride Fab. Too gen'rous Fair Oh! spare your Grief's Profusion Show me less Love be cruel out of Pity Tell me you hate me I shall be less wretched Pla. I cannot Oh! then leave me quickly leave me Fly my Contagious Grief Oh! 't will infect you I merit not your Care much less your Love And yet forgive and let me Love you still As for your Grief impose it on me Heav'n For I am grown familiar with Affliction But live and think your Death my greatest dread Fab. Then I must strive to live But oh Placentia 'T will cost my Love much dearer than to dye If one Hour's Absence made me wild with Sorrow How shall I live for ever parted from you By Hills and Seas and the more fatal Cloyster How bear the Sun shou'd rise the Sun shou'd set
Forests range Cants prays yet cheats and shakes a whole Exchange The Common Jilt with face and passion feign'd Hugs some rich fool nor leaves him till he 's drain'd Dissembling's all Mankind's Prerogative We know 't is us'd by all yet still believe And thus are all deceiv'd and all alike deceive Ri. I 've been deceiv'd indeed What wou'd you tempt Your Convert to relapse Mor. Come come unmask my Lord I 'm bare-fac'd now And know you know me too I 'm left Executor And the Will gives your Sisters and Placentia Most of th' Estate I 've nothing but my Sword Command it and my Pow'r so I may share Some of the gain you by my means may reap Ri. Shall I believe thee true Mor. Like all mankind true to my Interest Ri. Then thou 'lt be true to me Come to my arms thou surest best of friends With feeble Oaths we 'll not each other bind No Tye but Int'rest strongly links mankind Mor. You love Placentia Ri. I love no Woman but I lust for all And her above the rest tho hopeless yet But now I 've a design you soon shall know A flourish for a Serenade Hark Music sure this Serenade's for her 'T is giv'n so near her Window let 's put out The lights perhaps we may know more They put out the Lights Morat Placentia hah I find I am not proof Against th'intruding Monster Jealousy Out of my heart thou gnawing envious passion Tho look'st so like a Vice I will not lodge Thee A Serenading Symphony is heard as from without Enter Placentia while 't is perform'd Pla. What wretch has chos'n this night for Serenades Alas my only Charmer's gone for ever And with him all the Joys these Notes wou'd summon They might as well before Church-windows revel And with unheeded Numbers tempt the Dead Yet have my hopeless wishes drawn me hither Where I unseen may best inform my self Whether as I suspect these are not this Musicians Perhaps he 's not gone yet but stays to free me Time was I shou●d have trembl'd thus alone But Grief and Fear itself have made me bold Enter Fabiano Captain a Servant with a dark Lanthorn Ha! who are these Fa. She 's here fear not my Soul 'T is your adorer Morat Ha! starting Ri. Stir not yet aside to Mor. Fa. Take this thou friendly guide with my best Thanks And watch to let us out Gives the Servant Money Ex. Servant Pla. Oh! I am all surprize Why wou'd you venture thus Why with this Musick Is 't to punish me Fa. Think not those accents meant to move the Soul Oh! lovely Maid more Musick 's in your name They 're but the mournful Prelude to my Dirge And serve t' amuse observing Spyes one way That we more safely may escape another For I am come once more to see and free you Then go where my despair shall neer torment you Pla. Oh I must share your grief where e're you go You never can be absent from my heart Morat I hope I dream aside Is this the love I blest my self withal Fa. Sighs stop my words Pla. And Tears obstruct my sight Fa. Oh! if you lov'd Pla. I love you but too well For my Soul 's quiet dear unhappy man Morat Oh cursed sound he 's lov'd he 's but too happy aside Pla. Go prosecute your generous Design See foreign Lands and visit distant Courts Fa. Since you will have me go I will Placentia But not to Courts No I will find some Desart There will I linger out a wretched Being Till grief that nurse of Sighs can yield no more And with your name upon my Lips I dye Pla. Alas my Wishes contradict themselves I wish you'd lov'd me still I wish you wou'd forget me Yet love me love me still where e're you go Morat Racks Wheels and Vultures aside Pla. Stay but one moment I will fetch some Jewels To pay my Portion to the Monastry Then I 'll fly thither under your conduct For there 's no safety here now brave Vincentio's Dead Ex Pla. Morat Oh! that he were aside I can forbear no longer Who are you there that with false Lights and Vows Seek to dishonor noble families Zemet comes up to Morat By ravishing young Virgins from their Houses Fa. Whoe're thou art I justly fling the lye back in thy face Mor. Our quarrel 's just o' both sides if 't be so Then let not odds on mine e're make it less How many are you arm'd Fa. We 're only two yet dare defie you all Tho if the Moon 's faint light deceives me not you 're three Mor. That shall not be Ricardo now stand by Draw Zemet Ri. aside No I 'll get lights I hope they 'll rid me of a Rival Exit Ricardo Fa. Whoe're thou art tho thy Reproach was base Yet this proceeding's noble Wou'd we had The Sun to light us to each other's face I wou'd see thine Let 's to some fitter place to sight this quarrel For which I know no motive but thy Rudeness Mor. Yes there are many but my face wou'd show By light but little otherwise than now I am the Moor deceas'd Vincentio's friend Fa. I ever lov'd him And for his sake I wou'd not kill thee Moor. Mor. But he wou'd thee if he were in my place For stealing thus from him Placentia's love But I 'll revenge at once his wrongs and mine Fa. Were he alive I 'd not invade his right And as for thee how canst thou say I wrong'd thee Mor. Oh! ye immortal Pow'rs What have I got A talking syllogistick Enemy And for a prize great as Placentia's heart Know whosoe're thou art I love Placentia Will that yet rouse thy Courage Fa. Hah Thou love her Vile Black I 'll free her from that shame or dye Morat fights Fabiano the Capt. fights Zemet and disarms him out of sight then to joyn with Fabiano he Re-enters supporting hims●elf on his Sword Zem. without Disarm'd Curst Chance Help Help Capt. Unlucky Wound he has hurt me in the Thigh And now I 'm useless Falls Enter Placentia who offers to step between them Pla. Oh! hold or know you kill a harmless Maid They stop Morat Madam retire Fa. Leave us a while dear Madam Pla. No here I 'll take my death or hinder yours Fa. Oh! fly while this Moor lives I cannot free you Pla. Ah! why so cruel Moor Morat I love and will not lose you Pla. The name of love is posion'd on thy Tongue Oh! sully not my Virtue with thy passion Can you now think me worth your care my Lord Fa. Heav'n can receive no spots from Blasphemy But spight of that the pious pay their duty And mine 's to dye or free you offers to fight again Pla. Oh! stay hold if you love your selves or me Who first desists I 'll think the truest lover Fa. Must I not punish him She suddenly interposes and holds Fabiano Pla. Yes in my arms Thus punish him more safely Now Moor if thou woud'st kill him
kill me too Enter Ricardo Zemet and Servantss with lights Mor. Fabiano Ri. How does my worthy friend Mor. Oh! never worse Ri. Where are you wounded Sir Mor. Oh! at the heart by killing jealousy Fa. Madam till morning I must leave you here And then I 'll wait on you Pla. Oh that 's too long where honour is unsafe Mor. Let him protect you there if I am grown So fear'd a Ravisher Fa. Madam we will my wounded friend wants help The Moor is brave and thus we must be safe Mor. Zemet While I retire stay and observe ' em Ex. Morat Ri. O do not fear me Madam what I threatn'd Is far from my intent 't was but to fright you Into complying I adore your virtue The Captain is carried in Oh pardon me be blest and make me so He kneels to Placentia Enter Laura with her two Children led by Servants Lau. Confusion Ri. Hah They start and look amazedly at each other Lau. Ruin'd Ri. Both if you stay Aside to Laura You found me begging here a reconcilement Of this fair Enemy who 's wedded to a Cloyster But I 'll withdraw with you to know what fit Usurps your patience Madam Lau. No learn that here Ri. Oh hold retire or we 're undone Aside to Laura Lau. No perjur'd man All here shall known my wrongs Despair disclaims Reserves 't is as I fear'd Impatient Creditors drive me from home Just now my goods were seiz'd and here thy heart All all I find is lost of what the fondness Of my late Husband left me when he dy'd I 've nothing now but these his helpless Infants These Innocents depriv'd like their poor Mother Ev'n of a place to lay their little heads 1 Child Oh sad have we then ne'r another home I 'm hungry cold and tir'd indeed I am Lau. Oh wretched Children but more wretched Mother Fa. This Scene adds grief to grief yet tempts to stay Ri. I share your sorrows Madam Let 's withdraw You may expect to find a friend in me Lau. A friend how cold how unlike one he talks And looks as if I were his Wife already I 'm lost he 's false I saw it This confirms it I can no longer doubt the dreadful truth But if Revenge Looks angrily upon Placentia Going Pla. I dare no longer stay Lau. Stay thou invader of my right Fa. Hold Madam Interposing Lau. Stay I 'm all patience yet Let me peruse you Madam Thou vulgar thing thou Face mean as thy Birth How durst thou tempt the Creature of my Love I 'm now convinc'd that nothing but a Philtre Cou'd thus divert his choice from me to thee But wer 't thou Beauty's Queen thy charms are vain I 'd blast them all my conquest to maintain Dare but to hope my slave to disengage Not heav'n it self shall shield thee from my Rage Pla. If Don Ricardo's yours pray keep him Madam I cou'd ev'n hate my self for pleasing him Then think not I 'll e're court his odious Love Sooner shall freedom doat on Tyranny Sooner will I be perjur'd or he true Ex. Plac. led by Fabiano Zem. after 'em Lau. By her Disdain it shou'd be so Just Powers Shou'd he shun me to doat on one who shuns him ' Twou'd be Revenge yet heighten my Disgrace Am I then fallen so low to seek him whom she scorns Ri. I still am true But hear me aside to Laura Lau. No thou can'st only be thy self and false I 've heard too much I 'm cur'd at once and loath thee I thought not I so tamely cou'd have born Thy change but 't is so poor I scorn thee now Raise my fortunes High as they stood our contract shall be void Ri. Can you mean this Lan. Witness it all that hear me Ri. Then be it so Lau. Do you consent Ri. I do Lau. First perish she thou I and all the World Persidious Fool cou'd'st thou presume to think I 'd give thee leave to live and be another's Ri. I was a fool for I believ'd a Woman Lau. And I a greater I believ'd a Man Ri. What shall I do out of meer pity I must use her ill aside Curst be your Love and your assuming Pride Still thus Vexatious but most curst your Cunning Thus do too many of your Sex deceive us For they can feign and lye and weep at will Reserv'dness is a Bawd to their stol'n pleasures For as some wear fine Cloaths with empty purses They 've but the dress of virtue not the substance Their modesty's as thin as are their Veils Worn alike ev'ry where but in their Chambers Their Reason is a Slave to their wild Passions Their honesty to the Desires of Men And their best vertue 's damn'd Hypocrisy Lau. And what 's your Sexe's who thus rail at ours To hide your worse dissembling which all ours Is but to Counterplot while all the faults For which you blame us are still caus'd by you You who all promise and who all betray Who use your stronger sense to ruin our weakness And take a greater freedom to be bad Nay boast ev'n of more vice than you can act Force us to feign and live recluse like Slaves Yet damn us for a slip of which you glory You proud deluding treach'rous Tyrant Men Your very Heroes are but bold Destroyers Your good Companions are but Libertines Walks about discontentedly And your fond Lovers but designing Traytors Ri. to himself I find 't is vain to think t'outrail a Woman I must try softer means Trust me were both undone if you rave on To Laura following her But if you 're calm I 'll double your Estate Lau. Cruel how durst thou thus affront my Love What did I ever wish for but thy heart Did I desire thy wealth Did I not give thee All I possest and beggar these young wretches Whose sight now fills my drooping Soul with Grief weeps And sinks my spirits to the lowest ebb For with our Wealth our Spirits sink I find Ri. Oh check that Love You know not what you ask Whate're I seem I scorn t' undo you more I am Oh! I shall say too much I swear aside The dismal truth was on my lips Farewel Going Lau. Stay Oh! I dye with shame but cannot leave him Heav'ns is this he who swore eternal truth Holds him Ri. Do rail on curse me hate me scorn me spurn me That I may dare to wrong you or we 're ruin'd Heav'n knows 't is fate more than my falsehood parts us Lau. Oh racks oh pangs oh that we could but deal With love when slighted as we can with friendship Part company and love and friendship too But 't will not be I burst with grief and rage Must I bear this Is there no way to ease My Rival I 'll find her out and give her instant death Going Ri. Hold Madam Ricardo hinders her Lau. Let me go Ri. You must not Lau. Prevented and by thee Oh my heart breaks My Rage works inwards help I faint I dye Swoons in her Womens
unwelcome news Vin. I must employ my Friends my Lord for a new pardon 'T was I that caus'd the Rumour to be spread But 't was to save a Brother Fer. He 's no Brother Vin. My Lord he 's but an ill one I confess Yet nature still will work Fer. I 'll say no more till I have got your promise of one thing Vin. Name it my Lord a gift that you can ask Must needs be too well plac'd to be deny'd Fer. I had a Son and hope once more to have him If this fair Lady will restore him to me Once I despis'd her but admire her now I ask her for his Wife my Lord that 's all Vin. All ask me my Lord to rip my breast my self And give you thence my heart Ask any thing Rather than ask Placentia for your Son She must be mine or no man's in the World Fer. My Lord she is your Sister Vin. Hah my Sister Ri. aside Nay then 't is time to fly These perjur'd Monks Tho he 's not dead have made the secret known Fer. Lay hold on him going is stopt by the Lieutenant Enter the 2 Monks This Villain shall no longer be your plague 1. Monk No he 's a peasants Son and she your Sister Vin. Can Heav'n and Earth conspire to make me wretched Sister that word ne're sounded ill till now Sister brings in 't eternal separation Fathers you shou'd be Messengers of joy 1. Monk I hope My Lord we shall if you 'll but hear Vin Let me hear any thing but Sister from you That fatal sound will murther me at once I dare not understand you But since I 'm doom'd to hear some dreadful story 'T is fit I shou'd possess my Soul with Thoughts Of the most dismal kind I need not study Placentia Loves another That 's enough Alas what Racks what tortures can be worse Now tell the rest yet on the Ground I 'll lye Lest I drop down when she is prov'd my Sister ' There wretched Lover measure out thy Grave Throws him on the ground Now strike the blow that must cut off all hopes 1. Monk Read that my Lord It is a declaration Under his Parents hands Gives Vinc. a paper Vin. This is enough Placentia is my Sister Oh! my heart Turn turn thy self about that I may ask Why this was done 1 Monk My Lord you 've heard your sickly Infancy Gave but a doubtful promise of your Life This made your Father wish another Son But Daughters still deceiv'd him Now your Mother Then big with Child had heard him rashly say If that too prov'd a Daughter he should wish She never had been his This made such an impression on her mind That to preserve his Love he being absent Seeing it prov'd a Girl she chang'd the Child This fault her youth committed and her age repented So she with us deposited this Trust To be reveal'd if you dy'd without Issue If not to be kept secret But just heav'n Has brought the secret out before its time Yet with no breach of trust on our-side neither Since we believ'd you dead when we reveal'd it Vin. Have I not patience fathers thus to hear Such killing news yet lye here without raving But I 'll do something too starts up and Exit Monks and Servant after him Pla. Look to my Lord Fer. Alas he 's much disturb'd As for these Villains To dungeons with them But for this mock-Lord Degrade him first Strip of this rich garb Then Cloath him as befits his state and Birth Ex. Saylors Bravoes and Ricardo That thus my Lord may see him dragg'd to prison Morel Oh Sister 't is more joy to find you thus Than 't is to lose that wretch Pla. This doubles the delight I took in Friendship But my Love for you was so great before it cannot now encrease Re-enter Ricardo in an old Gown with Attendants Ri. Now Fortune Nature I owe you nothing but a wretched Being Take back the thankless gift and then we 're even Nor rack my Soul with dread of endless Flames There 's Hell enough on Earth in guilty minds To lose at once the heav'n of Love and Greatness Then be condemn'd to Life or dye a branded Villain Curst Thought a branded Villain Ha! I feel A warmth new to my heart thaw the hard lump And shake my shudd'ring frame Oh my past Life thou mak'st me doubt the future Alas I dare not hope I may repent Laura Oh run for pities sake she is poyson'd Get Antidotes But tell her not I did it Fer. Run help the Lady Exit Servant Ri. Oh! lead me from her Sight to Chains and Galleys To toyl to shame to want to pinching cold To scorching heat to stripes to worse Remorse And ever-new variety of Woes All all these pains are slight to those I bear Struggling for hope with horror and despair Laura in the passage Stay Poys'ner Fiend take this and this Exit Ricardo bloody Guarded by the Lieutenant c. Ser. Hold Madam Pla. More horrors yet oh let 's avoid that Sight Ex. Pla. with Fer. Morel and Mel. Enter Laura and Richardo She holds a Dagger in her hand and drops it as she struggles with the Servants Lau. Why do you hold me let me end that Monster Ri. Strike injur'd Goodness strike again I 'll thank you Compleat the work of Death that moves too slow But oh first hear me take some Antidote Lau. Must I be held and punisht with his sight Free me or take him hence for horror shakes me Ev'n at the thoughts that he 's of humane form Ri. he kneels Oh stay look on the most undone of Creatures A Devil in guilt but a repenting Devil Oh! cou'd but heav'n and you forgive Lau. Avant Devils can't repent nor be forgiven Ri. But ev'n the worst of Men thus prostrate trembling Not daring to look up near death will sigh to heav'n Oh! you 're so much its likeness Sure its best attribute Divine forgiveness May yet be show'r'd ev'n on a wretch like me A Wretch more more than a wretch there 's not a name That can express my miserable state Lau. Let go my Robes Ri. Oh never never The drowning wretch cannot forego his hold That lost I sink for ever Lau. I 'd sink with thee that thou might'st sink yet lower Think on my wrongs thou Fiend thy breach of Vows Ingratitude that ev'n thy Sex must startle Poyson thy kind return for all my wealth For all my Love and what cries most for Vengeance Those poor young Orphans Oh my ruin'd Children Ri. Oh! take some Antidote Lau. No I wou'd dye what shou'd I live for now see behind me nothing left in Life ●ut misery terrible misery Ri. Oh Laura Lau. Wil't thou still plague me Dye and let me dye Ri. Oh! had you heard me but an hour ago We might have liv'd Alas you little know What 's now divulg'd I 'm not Vincentio's Brother Death to a wretch like me has lost its horror Death shou'd have snatch'd
To a bad hand and Murther watches sure Then give me leave to fear Mo. I 'll keep Prevention's Eye upon the Watch But I disdain to fear For Death must come And 't is no matter when Once in the Grave Long Life and short are both become the same Death levels all Age Beauty Wealth and Titles Lye undistinguish'd huddled up together And none complain of what or when or how Oh! I cou'd wish my Dust with thy dead Parents Lay blended in one Urn on Africk's Shore Rather than languish thus in hopeless Love And see my Father's Glory Turn rusly in this Brother Zem. Ah! my Lord That rusts not since it shines so bright in you Mor. Zemet no more I here expect Placentia This is her way from Chappel See she comes Withdraw Exit Zemet She comes and weeps for me For the false News I brought her Cruel Fate Deal me less Pity and some Love Enter Placentia Weeping Mor. to himself I shiver How my Heart beats Ev'n thro' this hue I fear She 'll read my Soul's Disorder Now I burn Let Love be drawn no more with golden Darts But arm'd with Fires I feel him in my Veins How shall I speak Plac. Oh! gen'rous Don Vincentio As soon shall I forget my self as thee Mo. aside Now by my Love there 's Life in that kind Sorrow It bids me hope and speak To her Why Madam will you lavish thus your Tears On my dead Friend He ne're cou'd gain your Love Yet if departed Souls see things on Earth Placentia is Vincentio's present Object And not one Tear she sheds but he must prize At a much greater Value than his Life Plac. Can I do less than weep for that brave Lord Oh! Sir you were a Stranger to his worth Mor. No Madam none cou'd know Vincentio better Than did Morat and you will think so too When I relate some Passages he told me He said you were the Cause of all those Sighs He had betray'd so often and I pitied He said such Beauty and such Cruelty Ne're met in one before and yet methinks Your Tears and Sorrow contradict his Words Aside If I talk long I shall betray my self Plac. Since my best Lord for so I always call'd him Made you no Stranger to those humble Thoughts The only Blemish of his noble Life I will a little clear that passage to you His Vertuous Mother for what Cause I know not Took me from humble Birth to breed me as her Child Mor. Madam he told me this and that his Mother Had made your Fortune equal to her Daughters Commanding him to see you nobly married or a Nun. But Love he said doubled that Pious Charge And he ne'er wish'd for any Wife but you Oh! why did you refuse to make him happy Plac. To clear my self to you I 'll tell you that Which shou'd not be reveal'd were he still living Mor. aside Now I begin to tremble Plac. His Mother found out that unhappy Love And lest it shou'd dishonour his great Name Taught me t' obey him as my Lord and Brother But charg'd me as I tender'd Heav'n my Soul Her Memory or any Thing that 's Sacred I ne're shou'd marry him Mor. aside Oh! Patience Heav'n Plac. This was her daily and her last Request And that I might Religiously perform it Resolving with my self a single Life I solemnly did swear Never to wed above my humble Birth Mor. aside 'T will be in vain to live after this Story Oh! Mother you mix'd the worst of Curses with that Breath That gave your wretched Son his latest Blessing Plac. You 're strangely mov'd But see Ricardo I wou'd shun him Enter Ricardo Servants after him Ric. You were my Brother's Servants I dismiss you Placentia stay Serv. My Lord our Wages Ric. Do Men like me pay Wages Serv. My Lord Ric. Talk with my Steward hence Be gone Ex. Servants Well Madam Plac. My Lord. Ric. So scornful still I will no longer bear it Pla. asi How I dread his vile Love since now he 's Master here Ric. How now Morat What you 've been talking now Of my dead Brother and the Creature weeps 'T is true the humble Fop indulg'd her Pride With honourable Love tho' still she scorn'd him Mo. asi Hold Patience yet Thus most Heirs treat the Dead To Ric. My Lord I was your Brother's worthless Friend And know how much he did esteem this Lady As I believe not without due defert Ric. Oh dull Morat thou dost not know this Trifle Thou art a Moor and look'st on outward Toys Fine Cloaths and Jewels why these Things are mine I 'll strip her of 'em all if she consents not To yield to my Embraces Mor. My Lord I fancy 't is not in your Power Ric. Hark you Morat I suffer'd you my House For the good News this Morning you confirm'd But ne're believe I made you of my Council Mor. No if you had I shou'd advise you better Than thus to forfeit all your House's Honour By most ignoble Actions Ric. How 's this Slave Mo. By all my former Honour that Name Slave Did not you share your noble Brother's Blood Shou'd cost the dearest Drop about your Heart Ric. Sure he 's run mad Out of my House thou Frenzy Mor. I will not stir Your Brother made me Joynt-Executor With this fair Lady I 'll soon prove his Will And till I 've seen it all perform'd I 'll stay Ric. You mean till th' Inquisition seizes you Do you not Moor you two Executors Mor. Laugh not too fast my Lord Your Inquisition Can't fright me for tho' my Complection's black My Soul is white and Christian which I fear The Holy Font has not made yours Ric. Insolent Slave who waits what hoa not one Of my new Train to rid me of this Moor Nay then I 'll do 't my self Draws Mor. closes with him and disarms him Mor. Inhospitable Wretch Plac. Hold help help Mor. Here take your Sword and put it up proud Lord But oh insult no further if you 'd live Gives him back his Sword Enter Servants and Zemet Ric. aside Disarm'd and by a Moor But he 's not worth A second Danger I 've some trusty Bravo's Who safely shall correct his Insolence To his Servants Hence Slaves there 's now no need of you Exeunt Servants and Zemet Mor. My Lord yet think from what great Stock you sprung And how a Nobleman shou'd keep that Name 'T is not to be preserv'd by dead Mens Actions You must have living Vertues or 't is lost Come I perceive that you attend with shame My too severe Reproof and I repent it I 'll leave you to repent too for the Cause Madam some other Time I 'll wait on you Exit Morat Pla. aside and going A brave good Man well worth Vincentio's Friendship Ri. Stay scornful Thing Pla. I must not Ri. Must not Pla. No you 've forfeited at last all the Respect I ow'd you Ri. Yes you shall stay I 'll know what you 've been
hatching That I 'm thus brav'd with a forg'd Will 'T is vain Your Reign is out The Fool my Brother 's dead And I 'll command what hitherto I begg'd You 're now my Ward my Prisoner if I please You 're not in those cold Climes where Maids and Wives Rove where they please as shameless as unquestion'd To wrong the dull contented Herd of Men. If you 'll be paid my Mother's Legacy That lavish Gift a Portion for a Princess Your proud pretended Vertue laid aside Meet my Embraces willingly to morrow Or soon by Force you shall Till then think of it Pla. I 'll think on Daggers for the Ravisher To cool his Fires or save my self from shame Yes ev'n the fam'd Lucretia I 'll out-vye Not let the Tarquin force the brutal Joy But kill him first or with my Honour dye Exit Placen Ri. Thou fir'st me so that for Revenge I cou'd I cou'd even marry thee young Fury But at a cheaper Rate I 'll ease my Rage She and my Sisters harden one another In rigid Coyness and in hate of me But they shall Wed and leave this House to morrow Then by Wiles Threats or Force I 'll deal with t'other Who waits Enter Servant Serv. My Lord Ric. Call both my Sisters Serv. Yes my Lord. Exit Servant Ric. I must prepare 'em to receive new Lovers Tho' now few Women need such Preparations Enter Morella and Melinda Ric. Still weeping D' you grieve at my good Fortune Come I 've got Young Husbands for you That I take to be The surest way to dry a Virgin 's Tears To morrow Don Fabiano shall be yours Morella and Don Paulo yours Melinda Mel. aside His lewd Friend Paulo Morel Fabiano poor Placentia's Lover Ric. What Dumb Are they not Noble Rich and Young Morel Oh! Let us hear of nothing Sir but Grief Alas we cannot even think of those My Brother's Choice design'd us once for Husbands Ric. You need not For their hopes like him must dye No more Compose your Looks to meet my Friends Enter a Servant Ser. Don Ferdinand My Lord is just a lighting Ric. aside The Governor He brings his Son Fabiano I 'll meet him Sisters stay till I return Exit Ric. and Serv. Morel Oh! dismal News now we indeed are wretched Compleatly wretched Alas poor Vincentio How soon we feel thy Loss thou best of Brothers Enter Placentia Plac. Dear Orphan Ladies let us mingle Sorrows Alas I 'm an unhappy Orphan too Like you methinks I mourn a Brother's Loss And what 's yet more a Friend 's Morel A Friend 's indeed alas my Dear I doubt Your Tears like ours will flow from several Springs I 'm bid to wed to morrow your Fabiano Plac. Hah But why am I startled and disorder'd Tho' to my Soul 's eternal dear Disquiet We love each other ev'n to meer Distraction My hopes are lost for I must keep my Vow I wish a mutual Love might link your Fates Morel Oh! wish not this my Dear my Heart is fix'd Don Philip or a Cloyster Plac. Fabiano with his Father Oh my Heart I must not stay yet I am rooted here Ric. Sister Morella let my Lord be us'd As his great Merit and my Choice deserve Ferd. Son scorn Ignoble Love See there your better Fate Ri. aside to Ferd. Let 's not seem to observe 'em while he whispers His first Love-Complement All Infancies are bashful And that of Love is most Pla. aside Amazement sure he loves her how they whisper What do I feel 't is more than Love 't is Jealousie I fear Am I then Jealous What of him I 'd lose I will not Sure he came in hopes to see me Away curst Jealousie Thou needless Physick That turn'st our Health to voluntary Sickness I dash thee from me like a Poyson yet I will look Mel. aside to Plac. My Dear you 're Jealous Pla. aside Not at all yet I must gaze I 'm rack'd I cannot bear it Exit Placentia Mel aside I must follow her Exit Mel. Ferd. What 's that bright Vision which now shot from hence Swift as a Star Ric. A falling one a glaring fatal Meteor The worthless Creature of my Mother's Favour Her Fortune ample but her Birth unknown Ferd. 'T is a fair Destruction I blush to own I 've heard my Son was dazled By her deluding Beams This made me hasten To fix him quickly in a nobler choice Which was my Motive to demand your Sister When I engag'd to get your Pardon sign'd Fa. aside to Morel Madam you know the tye upon my Heart The longings of my Soul Placentia's Love My Trust in your kind Pity brought me hither Which all my Father's Threats cou'd scarce have done Then let 's retire since by your gen'rous Suff'rance I may see her once more For if I stay I shall act Love so ill it will betray us Ex. Fa. and Morel Ric. She 's his My Lord The Conqu'ror leads his Prize Ferd. aside Now as I love bright Honour this sight charms me And makes my Age in spight of Time run back 'T is true this Lord has dimm'd his House's Glory But now I hope 't will clear High Birth tho' clouded With fashionable Vices will at last Exert it self and shine Enter a Servant to Ricardo Ser. My Lord a Lady in a Veil desires to speak with your Lordship Fer. My Lord I 'll leave you and in an Hour return Ri. Your Lordship's Servant Ex. Ferd. and Servant To his Serv. Conduct the Lady in I fear 't is Laura But why shou'd I fear She 's kind she 's fair But oh I 'm bound to wed her I on that score was trusted with her Fortune And lost it all at Play She 's heard the News And comes prepar'd to share my Joys I dread her Let me wed nothing but variety But I 'll dissemble yet for tho' when pleas'd She 's smiling as the Morn cool as the Evening And calm as is the Night when urg'd she rages Like the Meridian Sun 's collected Beams Proud of her Charms tho' lavish of her Love Gen'rous and free and daring like a Man But Jealous and Revengeful like a Woman 'T is she Now help me Cunning once to feign A Joy as great as hers My Laura Enter Laura Lau. Fly off my Veil Oh! let me rush at once Into his Heart into his very Soul Ri. My Life my all Lau. Oh let me gaze I cannot speak for Joy-Oh happy Change When the Profuseness of my Love had left me Nothing to give to save thy Life but mine To see thee rais'd at once to Honour Wealth and Freedom From Shame from Death and Ruine 'T is Rapture 't is Delight transcending Words Too vast for Thought and ev'n too strong for Souls 'T is perfect Joy and Pleasure in extream Ri. Oh! do not talk of Honour Wealth and Freedom Your self your self 's the greatest dearest Blessing Lau. In being so to thee thy Laura's blest Life of my Life and Genius of my Soul Thy very Shadow brings
Love equals all and you 're most sure of mine Pla. I still shou'd fear to lose what I deserve not Still dread my Equal's Envy and the Scorn of yours And thus shou'd live more wretched yet than now This fatal now that sees me tear my Heart While thus I tear my self for ever from you going Fa. You tear my Heart but shall not tear me from you kneels Thus you shall drag me while I suffer Life And when I 've eas'd my wretched Soul with this Draws a Dagger 'T will hover o're you still to wait for yours For sure in Death we 're equal and may joyn Pla. Oh! hold and rise fright me not with your Danger Nor humble me yet more with your Submissions Fab. Raise then at once a Wretch to Love and You. To rise thus I 'll descend and mix with humble Swains In lowly Cottages and rustick Weeds And there forget that fatal thing call'd Greatness Pla. Oh! rise degrade it not by kneeling thus Fab. No let your Answer make me rise or fall Pla. Alas my Lord I know this wou'd but prove A Dream that might a while indulge your Fancy While Mem'ry wou'd lye lock'd in the first sleep That Love might lull it too but too too soon You 'd wake to hatred of your self and me Enter D. Ferdinand Fab. starts and rises Ferd. My Son Base Man I thought t' have found you with Morella But hear me swear By my great Ancestors That Hour Fabiano weds below his Rank Makes him a Stranger to my Blood for ever Pla. You might have spar'd that just but rigid Doom And left my Love the Glory of our parting For Sir I love your Son so well I love him That rather than I 'll curse his gen'rous Passion By suffering him to bless me with himself I 'll leave my Wealth Friends nay the dear Man for ever Bear witness you whose Breasts confess the Pangs Of truest te nd'rest fondest fiercest Love Bear witness Heav'n and all that hear me swear I leave ev'n him ev'n all that 's kind and dear For endless Grief a Cloyster and Despair Exit Fab. My Love my Father both conspire my Ruine Some Angel stop her and recall your Vows No pity yes you 're kind at once you kill me And thus will quickly end the worst of Pains Fer. Unequal Nuptials show not Love but Madness If you 're my Son leave this ignoble Creature Fab. Leave her ignoble give me Patience Heav'n And Duty check my Rage a Father said it Oh! that you knew her Sir you 'd see in her That Worth whence true Nobility began She claims a Birth immediately from Heav'n Fer. No more She never shall be yours Haste to Morella Noble and more Charming Fab. Ah Sir I can love nothing but Placentia Rather take back the wretched Life you gave me kneels Draw draw your Sword rip up my panting Bosom You 'll find a Heart where that sad Truth is written Pity my Youth pity your Son Fer. 'T is vain Reason and Time will bring you to your self Fab. Oh stay follows him crawling on his Knees Fer. Away comply or never see me more Ferd. breaks from Fabiano and Exit Fab. Yes cruel Father yes unkind Placentia I 'll never see you more You shall not see how wretched you have made me I 've one Friend yet I hope his Ship shall cast me On some abandon'd Shore There I will dye Pitied perhaps by Beasts more kind than Man More wise more happy Brutes I envy you With you 't is Will and Beauty make the choice Ne're crost by the lov'd Female nor your Syres No dream of Greatness bars your am'rous Joys Curst be the first who made the vain distinction Taught to boast borrow'd Fame from ancient Dust That fancied Distance between equal Emmets Curst be the poys'nous Notion and may he That slights true Merit for a vain Degree Love humble Worth be scorn'd or curs'd like me And that the Vice an ampler Curse may find Curst be th' Ambitious which is all Mankind Exit Enter Placentia as Fabiano goes off Pla. His busie Grief usurp'd his very Sight He 's gone and cou'd not see me wou'd he had Alas I shou'd I wou'd have call'd but cou'd not Who will protect me now Oh! noble Moor Assist me to preserve my threaten'd Honour Enter Morat and Zemet Mor. Can worth like yours want a Protector Madam My best Friend us'd me so to eccho back his Sighs When he repeated dying Tales of you That he has fill'd my Breast with the like Zeal Of serving you That Zeal may look like Love But fear not Madam rarely Love gets in But at some Chink where Hope had crept in first And I who know how you us'd Don Vincentio Can never hope this Figure cou'd prevail Then give me leave to serve you and my Actions Shall ne're oppose the Dictates of your Will Pla. It were a Sin to doubt your Honour Sir Let your Man wait and I will tell you Things That are yet Secrets to all Souls but mine Mor. Zemet observe who comes and give us notice Exit Zemet Pla. Let guilty Persons blush I have no Cause The Passion I must own admits no Shame Tho' I confess I Love Oh Noble Moor You will have Cause to pity me as much As e're you did Vincentio Mor. Do I live Aside and starting Or have I chang'd my Being with my Form Pla. What shou'd surprize the Moor Sir tho' I want Your help or such a Friend 's yet let not that Divert your Thoughts from your own great Concerns Morat No Madam these are Fits that sometimes shake me My Soul and Body are by turns at odds And fain wou'd part Yet like false Friends each strives not to be thought To give most Cause for such a Separation But now I 'm well again you say you Love Madam And that I shall have Cause to pity you Sure he that is the Cause is Deaf and Blind Else either Sence and You might teach him Love Pla. Nay I 'm so miserable worthy Moor That 't was his Passion that gave birth to mine But as Fate orders it all I've to beg Is that you wou'd convey me to some Cloyster Where I may ever weep and pray for him Mor. aside Sure 't is for me 't is for the poor Vincentio She thus wou'd weep and pray Oh wou'd it were To Pla. Madam I 'm bound to wait on your Commands But can there be a Cause for such Despair Pla. Too many Sir for had not Fate contriv'd To snatch him and all Hopes for ever from me Yet I too well regard his future Glory E're to have fullied it with my mean Blood Mor. aside 'T is my self It can be no Man else she thus despairs for First she shall name me then I 'll own my self To Pla. Madam you may well trust me with his Name That can be happy thus in spight of Fate Pla. I will not hide his Name from one that knows So much of his Concerns 'T
his Soul Did it not Traytor Ri. It did it shall my Life then pray be calmer Lau. And have I made thee Lord of all my Wishes Given thee my Wealth and my more valued Love To be deny'd a Triste Base Man dare but be false dare but deny me I 'll Sacrifice thee to my injur'd Charms Tho' thou wert kneeling at the very Altar Give me the Letter Ri. Since nothing else will satisfie you take it 'T is only from Fabiano to Placentia For whom he 's leaving Portugal by stealth You see he begs this may not yet be known Puzzled Then I 'ad a mind to try your Jealous Temper And fear'd it might incline you to misconstrue My Caution in thus op'ning a Love-Letter To one that 's a Dependant on my House Lau. Hah sure you love her or your guilty Mind Which so long labour'd for a faint Excuse Had ne're suggested such prepost'rous Doubts You seem'd surpriz'd too at my sight your Face Had scarce the Pow'r to shape a gay Disguise Ri. To clear at once my Innocence permit me To send for her Who waits Enter Servant Serv. My Lord Ri. Acquaint Placentia that I 'm here and have a Letter for her Exit Servant My Life from yonder Closet if you please You may behold unseen Our mutual hatred in her looks and mine Lau. steps aside Enter Placentia Morella Melinda Ri. aside She 's here This news will strangely grieve her To Pla. You 're well attended Pla. So we shou'd be to come to you my Lord. Your Pleasure Ri. Here 's a Letter from Fabiano who 's fled by Sea Gives her the Letter she reads it Pla. Oh killing News Morel Poor parted Lovers how I pity them Pla. Is he then fled fled without seeing me Fled my Fabiano Oh! 't was too too cruel Thy last farewel wou'd pain me worse than Death Yet I wou'd suffer more for one dear parting look But sure I wrong thee we cou'd ne're have born it How my Soul mourns Some Dream or Angel tell thee My Soul oh no! 't is fled with thee and Grief Alone informs this Widdow'd falling Body falls Morel Rise rise my Dear Mel. Sink not beneath your Sorrows Pla. Let me dye here for I 've out-liv'd my self Break throbbing Heart break now break what not yet Well stubborn Life I 'll punish thee for lasting Melt thee away in Tears and breathe thee out in Sighs 'Till I'm grown of one Substance with my Grave She 's rais'd I 'll drag thee where thou shalt converse with nothing But Walls and Heav'n and Sorrow and his Image Off then gay Dress vain Pageantry away Thou once lov'd House where my Years rowl'd so smoothly Adieu for ever adieu my dear my only Friends Adieu to all but Grief and the dear thoughts of him He 's lost he 's lost and Pleasure is no more Morel Let 's follow her and strive to calm her Mind Ex. Placentia Morel and Mel. Ri. Prevent her going out Aside to a Servant Serv. I will my Lord. Exit Servant Ri. to Laura who comes forward You see the Love between us Lau. Did I not dread her I cou'd pity her Ri. Grieve not for her my Love A Widow'd Nymph of Course a while Despairs But nothing dries so soon as Woman's Tears Clouds dull the Sun then fall apace in Rain And sprightlier Smiles adorn his Face again Such now your doubts are clear'd you shou'd appear And with kind Looks your Injur'd Lover chear Lau. Were those Doubts clear'd Ri. Unkind now I must chide What Jealous still Lau. Still Jealous since still Loving Ri. But I 've a sure way left to ease your Mind Lau. How Ri. Let to Morrow be our Nuptial Day Lau. To Morrow Ri. Yes we 'll wave tedious State Hymen shall bless us Oh! let me seal that Promise on your Lips Thus thus your Doubts shall all be lost in Joys And kiss'd away as oft as they return Lau. Shall I still doubt no tho' I still had Cause I must believe thy dear bewitching Tongue Conduct me home and oh forgive me my Ricardo I cannot bear a Rival in your Heart While Woman must to one confine her Love Why shou'd Man claim the Privilege to rove We cou'd dispense with Change as well as you Women lose more than Men by being true Yet tho' you blame our Sex yours most deceives Man leaves us oft but Woman seldom leaves Be just then urge us not to change of Mind Or give us leave to rove or be your selves confin'd Exeunt The End of the Second Act. ACT III. Enter Placentia in a plain white Dress Morella and Melinda Pla. WHy am I thus detain'd Now in this Dress I 'm fitted for a Cloyster Oh! Fabiano Thou leav'st the Land I 'll leave the World for thee Morel Oh! grieve us not by grieving thus your self Society in Woes will make them lighter But ours grow heavier while we share your Load Pla. I 'd silence my rude Grief wou'd it be silenc'd But tender Love Love newly wean'd and hopeless Will like all other Infants pine and rage Tho' check'd by Reason that denies the Food Enter Ricardo Ri. Where where 's the Chaste Placentia Sisters tell her I 'll crown at last the Vertue which I try'd What all in Tears She too in this mean Dress You feed her Grief Away I say be gone Ex. Mor. and Mel. Leave Tears and Cloysters Madam to those Wretches Whom the World leaves and who must leave the World Who surfeit first then practice Abstinence Turn Nuns and then repent their rash Repentance 'T is true my Brother 's dead Fabiano's gone But I am left more charm'd with your Perfections Pla I pray you leave me Ri. Look not on me as being still the same Behold your Convert Madam 't was impossible To love you and love Vice which you detest You and my change of Fortune have at last Made me reflect and rous'd me into Vertue My Threats were but to try you Pla. I shall rejoyce my Lord to find the Change Tho' t is ill jesting in the shape of Vice For 't will be long before I shall shake off The horror that surprise stamp'd on my Soul In the mean time I beg you 'll give me leave In some Retirement to compose my Mind Ri. Oh! leave me not blest Maid You 're my good Angel That bear me upwards govern my best Thoughts And bid me think of Heav'n and view it in you But if you leave me e're my Callow Vertue Grows fledg'd and strong to soar with outstretch'd Wings Too soon my dead habitual weight of Vice Will make me flag and fall to worse Perdition Take me now save a Soul confirm me yours O save me lest you answer it to Heav'n A Priest a known Priest waits to joyn our Hands Oh come I will not leave you till you 've blest me Pla. What means my Lord Oh Heav'ns what shall I say Yes I will bless you if you 'll let me go But as for marrying you forbid it Love
arms and is laid in an Arm-Chair Wom. Oh help my Lady Ri. Run to my Closet I 've rich Cordials there By heavens I pity her Exit Ricardo's Servant Yes from my Soul I do Her Charms her Love Deserve a better fate Oh! I cou'd kill my self My most unhappy fickle self but hold Wou'd that relieve her No Then live Ricardo Live to supply her wants out of Placentia's fortune But how while Laura lives she 'll still obstruct thee Oh! whither am I driv'n Thoughts not so far But if she lives we 're ruin'd both a dreadful truth I feel a strange Remorse Stay Life 's to her a greater pain than Death Then let her dye Down checking scruples Let me tell my Soul 'T is a kind act and necessary mischief Re-enter Servant with a Case of Bottles Ri. opens it takes out one and causes some drops to be pour'd into Laura's mouth Few drops of this will soon restore her sences And in few hours give her eternal rest aside Woman How your hand shakes my Lord. Ri. Alas I 'm much concern'd for her poor Lady See she revives Lau. More cruelly to dye For to the wretched Life 's a punishment And most to me lost hopeless yet still loving Oh women women boast your pow'r no more How soon our pride is humbled first we triumph But oh 't is only with more weight to feel Th' insulting scorn of our Rebellious Slaves Weep Laura weep Think how with this false Charmer Checking thy native haughtiness of Soul Thou cou'dst have liv'd an humble Cottage mate A pattern to all Wives Yet now he slights thee Tho ruin'd for his sake and unpossest Oh let me rave be mad tear tear my hair My face my eyes curse their weak Charms Groan on the ground and grovel till at last It hides me in a Grave Throws-herself on the ground Ri. Pray Madam rise There 's an apartment ready to receive you Lau. Away Think not I 'll stay in this ungrateful House No let me lye expos'd to the bleak Air On the cold pavement in some lonesome street A Lodging fit for my forlorn condition While my poor Children freezing tir'd half famisht With tears and moans pierce the most cruel hearts And with cold scraps feed miserable life Oh dismal dismal thought But 't will not long torment me I shall run mad I hope Yet then I fear As on my Straw I rave a doleful spectacle Still with a sigh to all my Sex I 'll cry Thus thus poor Laura fares for being true Ri. Oh! how this shakes my Soul she shall not dye aside Run fetch Physicians But hold I 'm mad too How will that help her Gently raise her up Then lead her hence to rest They raise her up Lau. It must be to the Grave then Wou'd it were So my curst Rival were but there with me Oh how the thoughts of her inflame my Soul May a wrong'd woman's Curses soon o'retake her Wrinkles Deformity Desires and Scorn Detracting blast her fame worst plagues her Charms Eternal Disappointments Grief Disquiet Confusion Shame and Misery like mine Pursue her and the cause of my Despair Ex. Lau. cum suis. Ri. to himself How my Soul 's rackt shame combating with pity Methinks I see her still and the Bane's working I feel her Pangs I hear her Groans Oh horror Enter Bravoes and Lieutenant Brav. My Lord Ri. to himself It shall not be I 'll save her tho I perish Bra. My Lord He 's lost in thought Ri. to himself But will that ease her Bra. My Lord Ri. Hah Starting Bra. I 've brought the Captain of the Ship our friends Wait with his men without Ri. I thank thee Hell thou hast determin'd me aside Plate Money Jewels and the chief the Women This very night shall all be shipt for Afric To the Bravo Come let 's make all things ready for our flight Then in Placentia's Lodgings seize Fabiano He 'll be an Hostage for our future Pardon Oh Laura But I cannot help thy Fall Necessity makes Villains of us all Exeunt ACT V. Enter Placentia Fabiano Pla. OH haste let 's fly my Lord Ricardo's Threats His busie gloomy Looks his odd Expressions That Lady's wrongs her Rage and all things here Must have convinc'd you 't is unsafe to stay Fa. But oh my Captain Pla. The danger cannot reach him Enter three Bravoes who surprize Fab. take his Sword throw it by and bind him Fa. Ha! Villains by whose orders am I seiz'd 1 Bra. By Don Ricardo's hedesigns no hurt As for you Madam you must now deliver Your Money Plate and Jewels else we 've orders To take 'em all by force Pla. Assist me then Despair aside If there 's no Remedy go with me yonder To them You 'll find much more than e're your hearts cou'd wish 1 Bra. Search ev'ry where while I attend Ricardo Exit Two of the Bravoes run to the place pointed to 'em by Placentia she steps out after 'em locks a door and re-enters immediately Pla. By happy Chance I 've lockt the Villains in While eagerly they rush'd to seize their Prey I must unbind you but I tremble so I scarce have pow'r to do it She begins to unbind him Enter Ricardo hastily with a Dagger in his hand Ri. Hold Pla. and Fa. Hah Ri. Attempt to free him and he dyes Fa. Thus Robbers steal our wealth then leave us bound Ri. You 're robb'd of nothing since she 'd be a Nun Neither shall you be left but go with us Fa. She shall not go Pla. Villain I will not go And rather wou'd be wedded to the Plague Ri. Oh! how that blush of Rage that sullen Grace That scornful smile now blended with a frown That soft Emotion and that wild of Beauty Fire my hot blood It mantles bubbles boyls My full Veins swell and the revulsive Red Whirls flushing o're my face Oh I 'm all transport I must I will be blest The coy Placentia Since she 'll not be my Wife shall be my Mistress Come quickly yield for I 'll this very moment Secure my bliss lest my design shou'd fail Fa. If thou' rt a man unbind and kill me first Ri. Rave on and like the damn'd now feel a hell To see me seize the Heav'n of love by force Pla. Oh save me heav'n Ricardo think of heav'n Fa. Hold Is the man lost in the lustful Brute Thou lookst a man then bear thee now like one Ri. So I intend Come with me or I 'll force you Pulls Pla. while Fabiano is striving privately to unbind himself Pla. Can fruit while immature indulge the Taste Oh! stay do not prophane th' unyielding Tree Kind usage and necessity at last May ripen crabbed hate to gen'rous Love Ri. I scorn the fruit which of itself do's fall I love a pleasure I must struggle for Pla. Your appetite 's deprav'd your Love distemper'd Ri. If 't is deprav'd and t'other a disease Then sweet or sowr the Physick must be taken Besides Resistance will enhaunce the
me in my fancy'd greatness But now my base original my Crimes My shame call for severer punishments The Rack shou'd stretch my Limbs and show me death in view Then pull the blessing back that I might long be tortur'd Then let me starve with those poor helpless Orphans Whom I have robb'd of the support their dying Father left Lau. Oh now thou 'st touch'd my Soul And laid my Crimes as well as thine in view I I was left entrusted with the Care How shall I meet my Husbands shade methinks I see his angry Ghost he frowns oh hide me Forgive blest soul forgive a poor deluded Woman But oh my Children how can you forgive me Yet once more let me see 'em stay I dare not Oh dismal f●●e a dying mother dreads to see her Children Ri. Oh not to you to me they owe their Ruin Oh me on me alone shou'd Vengeance fall Add to my torments heav'n so they have ease Oh! tho' she curst me still tho' she ne're knew 'T was for their good I strove to wed Placentia I 'd bear an age of Hell to mend your fates Lau. Amazement his guilt lessens Can it be He pities me pities my Children too Take back thy pity take it back Ricardo It gains so much upon my easy heart That I shall wrong my self and give thee mine Ri. Pity'd am I then pityd oh thou goodness If thou can'st pity sure thou can'st forgive But oh the poyson That must wake Heav'ns Vengeance And seal the ears of mercy Lau. T was Charity to kill me but thy falshood Was a worse poyson to my doating heart Yet we 've all faults Alas we all want mercy We must forgive heav'n pardon thee and me Ri. What do I hear Lau. But fly my Children's sight may force forgiveness back Ri. Is that forgiveness see I bleed apace Oh pardon e're I dye Lau. Oh! I've a vice of mercy in me Ri. Let me Embrace your Knees breath out my Soul Embraces her knees Enter Children Lau. My Children off away pushes him away Ri. I dare not see 'em and I cannot leave her throws himself on his Face Lau. Away you dearfond wretches Why d' you cling I 've ruin'd you but oh I 'm ruin'd worse Poor Innocents they little know their misery I feel it double for them wretched Mother Oh had my Woes fall'n only on my self I 'd think 'em gentle but this worse affliction Intail'd on you poor helpless guiltless Orphans It turns my Brains distracts me 'T is too much Oh dreadful change oh vanity of life Death is the only blessing a fond Mother She falls and then she sees the Dagger by her and takes it up privately Can wish her dearest Children ha the Dagger Do's not Fate hint by this I ought to ease ' em Must they be left to want to beg to starve I 'll do 't but oh what Arm can hurt such sweetness I cannot strike I cannot bear their Looks But must they live to curse me shame their name And dye perhaps an ignominious Death No I must strike 1. Child Pray mother don't look so indeed it frights me Oh pray ben't angry oh I 'll hug and kiss you Lau. Away we 're ruin'd and we ought to dye 1. Child Oh my dear Mother live We 'll beg for you Lau. Beg cou'd you Beg 1. Child Yes for our dearest mother Lau. Oh this disarms me Live my dearest Children Live and be happier you instruct your Mother She throws away the Dagger and embraces her Children And I too ought to Live If there be means but oh the poyson It works hah it shoots Hell into my Blood I am all wound My head my breast I burn Heart I cleave my sides Brains burst my skull help help Oh gently gently They offer to help her Ri. Oh horror Curse thy sufferings off on me Thou martyr'd Goodness hurl your Bolts you Powers Grind grind me into dust And on each atom double all her pains So Laura's eas'd Ricardo will not murmur Lau. Oh! give me ease where 's Death The Coward dares not come affrighted at my torments My Br●●th's a fire Help Water Ice Heav'n pity me Give 〈◊〉 some of the cold my Children are to suffer Lieut. Take hence these innocents too much they move Lau. Oh pity them I call'd on Death and lo he 's come at last But oh the thoughts of them makes me now welcome him With that sad heaviness that sinks despairing Sinners Oh Heav'n Oh my Children Dyes Wom. She 's dead she 's dead Ri. Hah and do I still live Be dry my Eyes and you my Wounds weep faster Oh let me look and sigh my last at once Oh killing sight when shall I overtake thee Thou only fair Oh! never never never 'T is not for guilt like mine to mount with thee I feel my self in Hell and mercy's self Can never stoop so low Fain wou'd I pray ha a Grim Vision frights me Oh heav'n oh save me hah a hand is stretcht To raise me up to heav'n let me get hold But oh dark vapours rise between I cannot see it Re-enter Ferdinand and a Servant No News yet of Vincentio Oh most dismal sight Fer. Remove that Scene of Grief force off that wretch Ri. Oh you shall never part us No I will I will Be joyn'd with her at least in Death Oh Laura Laura Laura is carried off Ricardo follows bolding by the garments but is forced off faints falls and is carried off Fer. A doleful Scene but where 's my Lord Vincentio I dread some greater mischief from his Stay Enter Zemet Zem. Run find Placentia Don Vincentio's coming A Conqu'ror o're his noble self at last Exit Servant He brings my Lord Fabiano to be blest Fer. My Son Enter Vincentio and Fabiano at one Door Placentia Morella and Melinda at the other Vin. Love's sacrific'd at last to Reason Take her She 's yours my Lord. Fa. Oh 't is too much at once oh rapture oh Placentia Pla. Oh my lov'd Lord He embraces her Fa. My Life my Soul oh I am lost in Bliss and suffer with delight Thou kind omnipotence forgive my doubts I thought thou cou'dst not thus have blest a mortal My Lord my Father kneels to his Father Fer. Oh my dear Son be blest and let my tears Now speak my Joy as once they did my Grief Vin. Thus Providence has wrought my desperate cure Oh! you no more my Mistress nor my Rival Live happy Long be crown'd With blessings which no single state can give My heart has fed so long on hopeless Love That it wou'd surfeit shou'd it feed on other Glory shall be my Darling Mistress now Off then soft frenzy let me rouze my Soul In martial Fields let Fame possess it whole While all who know whence sprung these dangers here Learn from small Crimes great mischiefs to beware Ex. Omnes FINIS Books Printed for D. Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-bar 1 THe Canterbury Guess Or a Bargain broken A