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A50402 The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1674 (1674) Wing M1450; ESTC R33505 161,259 298

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dye to sin to mortifie their members which are upon the earth to live to righteousness to walk in newness of life Thirdly the pride of corrupt Nature is very contrary to the Gospel which teacheth to be poor in spirit to empty our selves of all self-sufficiency to go out of our selves to become fools that we may be wise to be less than nothing in our own eyes to receive all of meer grace the free love and favour of God to present our selves in anothers garment before God in the righteousness of Christ for the covering of our shame and cloathing of our nakedness to look for no acceptance of any service but by anothers worthiness the merit of Christ. Fourthly corrupt and inordinate self-love may move men to reject or corrupt the Truths of the Gospel which teacheth self denyal and the renouncing of all that is dear unto us so far as it standeth in opposition against Christ Then saith Iesus unto his Disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me The Gospel striketh at the right eye at the heart and root of the most beloved lusts How then will self-love rise up against it Fifty inordinate love of the world of things below being deeply rooted in corrupt Nature raiseth rebellion against the Gospel and moveth men either to reject or corrupt the Truths revealed in it Felix trembled at Pauls discourse and commanded him away the young man went away sorrowful when Christ required him to fell all and give to the poor and follow him in hope of treasures in Heaven The Pharises who were covetous when they heard Christ speak against that sin de●ided him Love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him So if any man love the world inordinately the love of the Truth is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world The Use of this may be First to teach us to see and bewayle the corruption of our nature and withal to make us sensible how dangerous it is to continue in our natural estate destitute of the spirit of Christ Our corrupt nature is apt to corrupt and deny the precious Truths of the Gospel it were a dangerous and malignant disease of the body that should turn the best physick into poyson and either cast it out of the stomach as soon as it is taken in or grow worse by occasion of the remedy Our natures are wholly overspread with the deadly disease of sin and corruption and there is no part ●ound in them as the Apostle saith I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing He had much good in him through grace a great measure of the spirit of Christ but in his flesh so far as he was carnal so far as he was not renewed by the holy Ghost ●o far there was no good thing dwelling in him which sheweth that in them which are not regenerate there is nothing spiritually good nothing suitable and pleasing to God Whence these two great evils follow First an inclination to reject the Remedy● like a corrupt Stomack that gives no entertainment to the Physick leaveth it no time to work the cure but presently casteth it out So do many in the state of corrupt Nature they hear the Truths of the Gospel which the Lord hath appoynted as pre●ious Remedies against that disease and reject them cast them up again either denying them in the secret thoughts not believing them or not seriously minding or regarding them So the Apostle told the unbelieving Iews it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you but seeing ye put it from you and judge your selves unworthy of everlasting life Lo we turn to the Gentiles He charged them for putting the word of God from them The Apostle had put the word of God home to them and they put it from them thus it is with many The Gospel is tendered to them as necessary physick sent down from Heaven and ministred to them by the Preachers of the word but they put it from them either they do not take it down or presently cast it up again Secondly there is an inclination in corrupt Nature to corrupt the Truths of the Gospel and to make them occasions of increasing the disease and so to make the Gospel to become the servant of death unto death Corrupt Nature is apt to make both the law and the Gospel occasions of increasing these diseases of the soul concerning the Law the Apostle saith when we were in the flesh the motions of sin which were by the Law did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death This explaineth afterwards as in other passages wherefore the Law is holy and the Commandment holy and just and good the Law is perfectly holy and just and good and therefore cannot be properly the cause of any thing sinful and unholy Was that then which is good made death unto me God forbid But sin that it might appear sin working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful such is the malignity of corrupt Nature that it worketh evil out of good and maketh the pure and holy Law of God an occasion of sin the more sin is forbidden reproved threatned condemned by the Law the more vehemently is the corruption of nature carried after sin So for the Gospel the Apostle Peter saith that Christ preached in the Gospel is to them that are disobedient a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence when to them which stumble at the word being disobedient whereunto also they were appointed They stumble and take offence because they like not those terms upon which Christ is offered to them in the Gospel How dangerous is it then to continue in this estate of corrupt nature How earnest should poor souls be with the Lord to deliver them The body is in a sad estate when all both food and physick increaseth some deadly disease in it The word and Gospel of God is both food and physick and corrupt Nature is apt to make it an occasion to increase sin and aggravate condemnation Cry mightily to the Lord to work a through cure upon your souls to change and renew your natures to send his spirit along with his word that it may overpower the diseases of your souls and be unto you the favour of life unto life Secondly This may teach us not to think it strange that so many pretious Truths of the Gospel are denyed and rejected in these days so many parts of Scripture abused with false interpretations and corrupt glosses so many errors and lyes maintained instead of Truths Corrupt nature
o● Christs gloriou● appearing especially considering that the day of death was to them as the last day not that he did peremtorily determine any thing concerning the time which was unknown now compare this with what he writeth to the same Church in the next Epistle Now we beseech you Brethren by the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit or word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of Perdition c. It seemeth some went about to deceive them under pretence of Revelation implied in the word Spirit some by word of Mouth as if the day of the Lord should come in that age and these might abuse those words of the Apostle in his former Epistle therefore he saith by Letter or Epistle as from us Now Satan might have this pollicy and set a certain day and that within a short time that when they saw it did not come to pass at the time foretold they might doubt of the thing it self whether ever it would come to pass but the Apostle shews them that there must be a great change before that day a general Apostacy or falling away and the revealing that man of sin the Son of perdition Secondly by drawing false inferences and conclusions from some places of Scripture So in the present Text from that ●ound doctrine of the Apostle concerning free justification of sinners through the righteousness of Christ without any respect at all to the works of the Law it seemeth some drew this inference or conclusion that the Law was made void and do not the Antinomians the very same ●t this day yea do not many among us harbour the same conceits in their minds as if it were enough only to pray to God to pardon their sins for Christ his sake as if they ●eed not labour after conformity to the Law ●n righteousness and holiness On the other ●●de whereas Christ saith Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Follow Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. From these and the like Scriptures some it seemeth draw false conclusions as if by repentance by holiness by prayers and other duties they might in part satisfie for their former sins and as if Repentance Regeneration Holiness were not only things accompanying justification and salvation but proper causes But ye must consider First that Christ his satisfaction and righteousness is the full perfect and only cause of ●ustification and pardon of sin and that no holiness no duties of the persons justified do help any thing at all towards their justification it is the Righteousness of Christ imputed to them which maketh up the whole matter of their Righteousness in the sight of God and covereth all their sins Secondly on the other side Regeneration Repentance Holiness are concomitants things accompanying justification and salvation and evidences of it So that although none can procure pardon of sin nor justification in the least degree by any graces or duties of their own yet none can have any ●ound hope that their sins are forgiven or their persons accepted of God as righteous without Repentance Regeneration and Holiness because none have their sins pardoned and their persons justified but such as receive Christ into their hearts by Faith Now Christ alwaies cometh by water and blood by his holy graces to wash and sanctifie the Soul as by his blood and merit to justifie and procure forgiveness of sin As the light of the fire giveth no heat and the heat of the fire giveth no light yet the heat and light are joyned together in the fire so righteousness imputed to the soul for justification and forgiveness of sin do not sanctifie and on the other side Repentance Regeneration holiness in Believers do not justifie yet they are joyned together and where one is there is the other and the latter is an evidence of the former I conceive it is a common case with many to mistake in this kind because they want judgement rightly to draw inferences from Scripture gro●nds so the Anabaptists because they read of persons baptized when they made profession of faith and repentance hereupon they draw conclusions against Infant-baptisme whereas the case is not alike for those examples are of converted Jews or Heathens not of such as are born of Christian-parents whereas they should rather argue that because Infants born of Church-members under the old Testament were circumcised as Church-members by the Lord command therefore Infants born of Church-members under the new Testament are to be baptized as Church-members now Thirdly prejudicate opinions false conceits sutable to corrupt Nature and carnal reason forestalling the mind and being entertained aforehand make people very apt to deprave or deny the Truth when it is presented to them I conceive this was the cause why the Jews were so obstinate in rejecting Christ and his doctrine not receiving and obeying him as Christ because their carnal minds were forestalled with conceits of a Messias that should come in state as an earthly Prince and erect a glorious worldly Kingdom amongst them and this prejudice moved them to corrupt the Prophecies of the old Testament and to distaste the doctrines of the New they liked not to hear of a crucified Redeemer the doctrine of the Cross was to them a stumbling-block they did not close with a spiritual Kingdom of Christ attended with persecution yea Christ his Disciples were not free from this disease and therefore when Christ foretold his own sufferings Peter presumed to rebuke him and there was a contention among them for the chiefe place as if they expected great worldly honours and dignities by following Christ On the other side the Grecians were prepossessed with the rational principles of worldly wisdom and Philosophy and so despised the Gospel as foolishness though indeed there were such heights and depths of divine wisdom in the mysteries of the Gospel as never came into the head of the wisest men amongst them The carnal Israelites were forestalled with an opinion of their own righteousness and so rejected the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God Ignorance and prejudice the fruit of ignorance caused them to disrelish the Truth of the Gospel Secondly the love of sin is a cause why men pervertor reject the Truths of the Gospel The Gospel and word of grac teacheth to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts c. This is distastful to a soul wherein sin raigneth The Gospel requireth Christians to
like Locusts overspreading the earth devouring the fruits of it These came out of the smoak of the bottomless pit the smoak of errours and superstitions for when such doctrines passed for currant that men might be saved by observing vain humane traditions that there was a Treasure in the Church filled up with the merits of those that had an overplus besides what was needful for themselves and that they who were benefactors to the Monks should be partakers of their merits how mad was the world in building Monasteries and giving their Land and goods to the Friers devoting their children to that profession Yea it seemeth divers noble persons and some Kings and Queens turning Monks and Nuns And as the smoak of the pit did breed the Locusts so the Locusts encreased the smoak and made the mists of darkness greater and thicker multiplying errours and superstitions If this were one of those grievous woes whereof the Angel flying through the midst of Heaven gave warning to the world how should we be humbled and ashamed in respect of the great earthliness dulness senselesness of spirit that is among us yea too much in those that have some love to the Truth that this great and woful evil doth so abound with us and is so little laid to heart Should not the very thought of it startle us that such thick and dark vollies of smoak in our days should break out of the bottomless pit and cover so great a part of our Land darkning the Air and Sun eclipsing the Light of the truth and putting out the eyes of many and so many Locusts deceivers and deceived coming out of the smoak of errours This ought to be for a Lamentation But how many that profess themselves Christians set their hearts so much upon their own private concernments their business wealth ease and pleasure c. and those that have something of a publick spirit yet confine their serious thoughts to the external good of the Common-wealth that they little or nothing regard these destructive evils that are of a spiritual nature If Gallio his temper who when complaint was made to him about differences in Religion slighted them as words and names and cared for none of these things may be thought tolerably or at at least not much to be marvailed at in an Heathen yet doubtless it is shameful and odious in a Christian. What! a Christian and not moved that Christ who is the Truth is so highly dishonoured by lyes and falshood taught and received instead of Truths that multitudes of poor souls are in a ready way to be destroyed by damnable doctrines that errours beget errours and are likely to overgrow the Truth to spread far and wide that so many are both infected by them and alienated from the remedy shunning the publick Ordinances where sound doctrine is taught that such bleeding wounds and Rents are made in the Church Art thou a Christian and so one that pretendest to be begotten with the word of Truth and hast thou no such principle of contrariety planted in thee against errours and false doctrines as to make them bitter and grievous to thee Some may raile at those that are misled and others may make a sport of their folly but how small is the number of those who like Christians mourn for them as dishonourable to Christ pernicious to souls How deeply was the holy Apostle affected with the obstinacy of the Iews in their errours in preferring the ceremonies of the Law above Christ the Substance and their own imaginary legal righteousness above the perfect righteousness of Christ applied by faith I say the truth in Christ. I lye not my Conscience also bearing me witness in the holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for I could wish that I my self were accursed from Christ for my Brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh How passionately did he express himself to the Galatians who had once embraced the pure doctrine of the Gospel but afterwards suffered themselves to be so deluded by seducers as to seek justification by the Law My little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you He felt such sorrow such fear such strong and compassionate workings of heart towards them as were answerable to the pangs of a woman in child-bearing Saith the Psalmist I beheld the transgressours and was grieved because they kept not thy word This I conceive doth plainly concern both transgressions in practice and in doctrine or belief Both these forts of transgressiours are guilty of not keeping Gods word They that live in a course of sin they keep the word in their judgement and profession but keep it not in their lives and actions They that go on in errours keep not the word so much as in judgment and profession Besides how can a man forsake any truth of God which he hath once received but he must ipso facto in that very act transgress in point of practise He transgresseth that precept Prov. 23 buy the truth and sell it not that of the Apostle be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine c. and that hold fast the form of sound words c. Now the Psalmist beheld those with a mournful eye I beheld the transgressours and was grieved c. Is it not a sign of a graceless heart to behold transgressours without grief If we moan not for these things out of spiritual respects the Lord may justly make us mourn for those outward evils that they may bring upon us The Divel as he is the Father of lyes so he is a murderer Spiritus mendax est homicida and they that are led by a lying spirit if they can establish their facton and party so as to grow confident of their power may soon discover a murtherous spirit and then those that are lukewarm and indifferent in matters of Religion may feel their fury as well as they that are most zealous Secondly This truth may shame those who plead for a toleration of all sorts of errours Hereticks Seducers false prophets It seemeth the Apostle Paul accounted them intolerable when he pronounced them accursed and wished them cut off But such pretend Christian charity meekness mercy I answer 1. Will they boast of more love than Paul had who could have wished himself accursed that Israel might have been saved Will they pretend to more meekness than Moses who was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth and yet ye heard how he acted against Balaam and the Midianites and we find also that he caused three thousand to be slain for Idolatry If men will approve themselves to be of such a spirit as Paul and Moses let them shew meekness and love in ●earing and forgiving private and personal injuries offered to themselves and on the other side manifest true zeal for the Truth and
glory of Christ. 2. Charity and mercy is to be shewed to souls especially that they may not be poysoned with damnable heresies Is it not gross hypocrisie to pretend much tenderness towards deceivers and to have no bowels of compassion towards poor weak creatures whose simplicity is abused and whose souls are daily insnared by their mischievous subtilties Is this become a point of charity to desire that ravening wolves may have free liberty without check or controul to make havock of the flock of Christ 3. I say that charity is to be shewed to Hereticks not by suffering them to add sin to sin and to give them protection and encouragement in acting mischief but by restraining them from their sin Ministers and private Christians doing their parts in discouraging their errrours praying for them c. Magistrates using their power to curb them 4. I grant a difference is to be made as the Apostle Iude having spoken very sharply against Hereticks towards the end of the Epistle saith Of some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire Some may err in less matters and out of simplicity and carry themselves humbly and modestly not troubling the peace of the Church such are to be tenderly dealt with as Brethren while they shew themselves willing to be informed Some may agree with the Church in all main and most substantial points and differ in things that seem not clearly laid down in Scripture these if they do not proudly and obstinately reject the truth I suppose ought to have much moderation shewed towards them Again there is a great difference between the simple and weak that are misled and those that are cunning seducers and deceivers of others More severity is to be used towards seducers than those that are misled by them Yet even these are to be heard and means used to convince them out of the Scriptures to be admonished exhorted patience and long suffering to be exercised toward them If after all such means used they remain obstinate neither forsaking their errours nor ceasing to draw others from the truth How can it suit either with zeal for Christ or love to souls to suffer them to go on It may be Objected that the weapons of this warfare are spiritual and therefore no other are to be used I answer that Ministers weapons are spiritual but they according to their calling may call upon the Magistrate to use other weapons against those that despise spiritual weapons as against drunken●●●● Adultery Murder c. Some it may be will say that many Magi●●●●es are not able to judge of the truth or falshood of Doctrines I answer it is the duty of Christians in general to labour that the word of God may dwell in them richly in all wisdom and spiritual understanding This is required of Christians whether private persons or Magistrates 2. If some false doctrines be so artificially painted over and have such fair colours put upon them that it 's hard to discover their falshood a godly Magistrate may have the assistance of such as are more exercised in this kind than himself Fourtbly it may be said that conscience ought not to be compelled I answer I am fully of that judgement and therefore I conceive none ought by any violent courses to be enforced to profess any doctrine contrary to their own consciences though their judgements be never so erroneous But when any cannot be content to err alone but are restless and active in corrupting others and will not forbear though often admonished in such a case to remedy so great a mischief either by banishment or imprisonment of the offenders is no violence to their Consciences but a just punishment upon the outward man It may be they will say They are bound in conscience to teach others the same things which they believe themselves I answer Then I conceive the Magistrate should think himself bound in conscience to stop them in their course and if nothing else will do it to shut them up as he would do one who having the Pestilence offereth to thrust himself into throngs of people to infect them Fifthly Some it seemeth have found out a strange conceit that the examples of those godly Kings of Iudah in punishing Idolaters is no rule for Christian Magistrates now because they were tyes of Christ who is called the Son of David according to the flesh and of whom it is said the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David and he shall raign over the house of Iacob for ever I answer 1. If this reason were of any force it would as well take away from the Magistrate all power of punishing other offences as well as this or at least take away this proof 2. As the reason is frivolous so we find that others are commended in Scripture that were not of the family of David nor types of Christ. To pass by that execution of Moses and the Israelites upon Balaam and the Midianites for seducing the people Observe the act of Elijah in slaying the Prophets of Baal Some may say Elijah was a Prophet I answer This execution was no Prophetical act but an act of Magistracy for which in this extraordinary case Elijah was Authorized immediately by the Lord himself to whom all power and authority belongs But how clear is th●● in the case of Iehu King of the ten Tribe● who though he was not upright yet because he destroyed Baal out of Israel brake down his Image and house and made it a draugh●-house slew the Worshippers of Baal and the Idolatrous family of Ahab he was both commended and rewarded by the Lord in so much that the Kingdom was settled upon him and his to the fourth Generation Sixthly Some may say Christians should be very tender of shedding of blood I answer 1. I am clearly of the same mind and I wish some of our Laws were mittigated and some other punishment were laid upon some offences which among us are made Capital But what shall we say to such that can be content to see men loose their lives for sheep-stealing and horse-stealing and yet cry out upon it as an high degree of cruelty if Blasphemers and those that draw others from the Ordinances of God into damnable Heresies should be put to death Have we not had such among us who have been very tender hearted Patrons of Hereticks not only sparing their lives but countenancing and preferring them and yet when any out of principles of Conscience have opposed their usurped power their feet have been swift to shed blood 2. I conceive Magistrates in restraining Heresies ought to be very wary in taking away life I wish 1. They would take them from all publick Offices of trust and power 2. Discountenance them 3. Suppress their Meetings And if any be obstinate and refractory there be other wayes to curb them besides
him who is invisible and so despising earthly things Labour for union with Christ that partaking of his Spirit ye may partake of his holiness and graces and so of his beauty and glory Holiness beautifieth and adorneth the soul and ptepareth it for perfection of heavenly beauty and glory whereas sin doth both defile and disfigure the soul filling it with deformity This being noted in general I intend to mention some few of the particulars First The two precious stones upon the two shoulders of the Ephod or Priestly Robe wherein were ingraven the Names of the twelve tribes of Israel six in one stone and six in the other so that the high-priest bare their Names upon his two shoulders 1. This may note unto us the support which the Lord giveth unto his Church and to all the living members of it He beareth them as it were upon his shoulders Hence it is that his little flock hath been preserved in the midst of so many wolves from age to age Vpon this rock I will build my Church aud the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it What a blessed priviledge have they that are in Christ being built upon him as a rock immoveable and upheld by him born upon his shoulders who is their eternal high-priest 2. See how precious the people of Christ are in his account as if their names were engraven in precious stones and set in ouches or bosses of Gold 2. The breast-plate of Iudgement in which was to be set four rows of precious stones three in a row in all twelve stones of several kinds and in these again were ingraven the twelve names of the twelve Tribes of Israel and so Aaron was to bear the Names of the Children of Israel in the breast-plate of judgment upon his heart when he went into the holy place for a memorial before the Lord continually 1. See the tender love and affection which the Lord Christ hath toward his people he beareth them upon his breast upon his heart continually he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom next his heart and therefore it seemeth the Church prayes to Christ set me as a seal upon thine heart that tender love which moved him to let out his heart blood for their redemption is still so powerful and prevailing with him that he beareth them upon his heart in heaven 2. Ought not Christians then to bear Christ upon their hearts to entertain him to dwell in their hearts by faith to cleave unto him in love and walk in him following the guidance of his spirit 3. Christ this eternal high-priest beareth the Names of his people upon his breast-plate or heart now that he is in heaven before his Father for a memorial before his face continually I conceive this noteth Christ his intercession for his people He presenteth their names before his Father in Heaven as the High-priest did in the holy place on the earth which was a figure of Heaven Blessed are they whose Names God the Father readeth engraven upon the breast-plate written upon the heart of his beloved Son in whom he is well-pleased What is there that such may not obtain of the Father through the Son And how should all labour to give in their names and to give up their hearts to Christ that he may bear their names upon his heart for a memorial before the face of God continually Thirdly Vpon the hemme of the High-priests Robe were placed golden Bells and Pomegranates that his sound might be heard when he went in unto the holy place before the Lord and when he came out so the Lord Christ entring in to the most holy place in heaven after his death and resurrection maketh a most sweet and pleasing sound in the ears of his Father far beyond that of golden bells his mediation and intercession in behalf of his people grounded upon the merit of his death sacrifice and satisfaction maketh heavenly melody before his Father Jesus the mediator of the new Covenant and the blood of sprinking which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel And these Pomegranates may well resemble the sweet savour of Christs sacrifice Again Aarons bells were heard to sound not only when he went in to the holy place but also when he came out Now although the Lord Christ as he is man continueth within the most holy place not made with hands and doth not come out again yet he sent down his spirit upon his Apostles soon after and caused these golden bells to give a most pleasant sound throughout the several Quarters of the world publishing the glad tidings of pardon and salvation through Christ to the comfort and refreshing of many thousand souls and the precious promises of the Gospel published in the name of Christ were as Pomegranats that yeilded a pleasant smell to the reviving of many fainting hearts and drooping spirits Had we circumcised hearts and ears gracious spirits heavenly affections how pleasant would the sound of the Gospel preached how sweet would the promises of it be unto us Fourthly The Lord gave this Command Thou shalt make a plate of pure Gold and grave upon it like the engravings of a fignet Holiness to the Lord and this golden plate was put on the forefront of the Mitre and so to be worne on the forehead of the High-priest that he might bear the iniquity of the holy things which the Children of Israel should hallow in all their holy gifts and it was to be always upon his forehead that they might be accepted before the Lord. The Inscription I suppose may be read either Holiness to the Lord or the Holiness of the Lord. 1. Here see how the Lord Christ whose holiness and righteousness is of infinite worth and value the holiness and righteousness of Iehovah of him who is very God taketh away the iniquities and pollutions of the duties services spiritual sacrifices offered by his people Aaron did bear these but in a figure and in a way of representation Christ did really bear them and his holiness and righteousness of Jehovah is imputed to them and is alone sufficient to take away all their uncleanness and to procure acceptance for them How should Christians be humbled that such is the corruption of their natures and imperfection of their graces that the best of their services the holiest of their offerings have such iniquity cleaving to them that they need the imputation of Christs righteousness to cover them And again this may comfort them that are in Christ and are sincere in their services and stir them up to thankfulness that such a precious remedy is provided them in this case even the Holiness of Jehovah 2. This golden plate with this Inscription on the forehead of the High-priest may intimate unto us that God the
to another looking towards the mercy-seat so the holy Angels attend upon God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ for the service of his Church ministring for them who shall be heirs of salvation They are ready with their wings stretched out to execute the will of Christ and do his pleasure for the protection and good of his people 2. The holy Angels look into the mysteries of Christ in his Gospel as the Cherubims toward the Ark and mercy-seat which thing the Angels defire to look into And the Apostle having spoken of the glorious Mysteries of Christ in the Gospel made known to him by revelation and made known by him in his Ministery who preached among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ addeth this to the intent that now unto the Principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God How inexcusable is the negligence of those that will not take pains to be acquainted with the mysteries of Christ which the glorious Angels did search into Ninthly The fire that was used in the sacrifices of the Law may be considered 1. As the fire burned the Sacrifices which were offered to the Lord so the fire of Gods wrath fell upon Christ for the sins of the world when he offered himself in sacrifice to his Father to satisfie his justice and therefore he was in a grievous agony and his sweat was it as were great drops of blood falling down to the ground and he complained my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death And when he was upon the Cross he cried out with a loud voice saying My God My God why hast thou forsaken me 1. See here the Love of Christ toward sinners interposing himself between the burning wrath of God and them that which was of such a scorching heat to him would have been a consuming fire to them 2. How should the hearts of believers be inflamed with love to Christ who endured the flames of divine wrath to save them from everlasting burnings 3. How restless should all be until they are sound in Christ that his righteousness may shelter them from the fire of Gods wrath How unsufferable will that be to them which was so grievous to him Secondly This fire came from Heaven there came a fire out from before the Lord and consumed upon the Altar the burnt-offering c. And so in the Temple built by Solomon fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt-offering and sacrifices so the Lord sends down that heavenly fire of his spirit upon his people to consume their dross warm their hearts with holy flames of love and zeal refine their spirits So Christ is said to Baptize his people with the holy Ghost and fire Thirdly This fire was to be kept burning upon the Altar continually and never to go out Christians having once the heavenly fire of grace and holy affections kindled in their hearts by the spirit of Christ should labour to keep it continually burning take heed of quenching the Spirit Tenthly The Vail may be taken notice of The Apostle intimateth a twofold va●l for he speaketh of a second Vail I conceive then this second and inward Vail was that which was hanged before the most holy place and the first was that hanging mentioned there being three Courts in the Tabernacle the first and outermost where the people were the second where the Priests were between the which two was the first Vail the third which was the most holy place into which went none but the High-priest and this was divided from the middle Court by the second Vail So the Mysteries of the Gospel were hidden in a great measure before Christ his coming in the flesh by a Vail of Ceremonies which are now revealed in Christ at whose death the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to th●● bottom CHAP. VI. Something may be spoken also of Sacred Observances which were required of Israel under the Ceremonial Law these being 〈◊〉 many and of great variety I intend to touch some of them and pass by the 〈◊〉 And 1. Consider that restraint that was laid upon them in the use of the Creatures many of these they were forbidden to eat as being unclean not in their own Nature but by the ordinance of God in this Law of Ceremonies 1. This sheweth whereas Israel and other Nations were all alike by Creation being all ●ade of one blood in the first man and wo●●n from whom they all descended as so many branches of one common root or stock ●nd were all alike corrupted by sin unclean in the sight of God and children of wrath yet the Lord according to the Counsel of his own will was pleased to make a diffe●●nce or distinction separating the Nation 〈◊〉 Israel from the rest of mankind conse●rating the people of Israel as a peculiar people to himself and rejecting the rest as ●nclean So it is said to Israel Thou art an ●oly people to the Lord thy God and the Lord ●ath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself above all the Nations that are upon the Earth Then followeth this prohibition restraining them from eating divers Creatures The Lord hath chosen Iacob for himself and Israel for his peculiar Treasure He sheweth his word unto Iacob his statutes and his Judgements to Israel He hath not dealt so with any Nation and for his Judgements they have not known them Balaam extolling the priviledges of Israel among other passages saith For from the top of the Rocks I see him and from the Hills I behold him Loe the people that dwell alone and shall not be reckoned among the Nations although Balaam spake it yet the Lord put the word in his mouth The people of Israel dwelt alone being separated by the Lord from the rest of the world as a peculiar people and Church of God and was not reckoned among the Nations they were not put into the common account and therefore the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 translated Gentiles and Heathen signifying properly Nations and being used in Scripture for all people except the people of Israel agree exactly with this passage and shewe●●● that Israel was not reckoned among the Nations 1. This sheweth that the Lord as a Soveraign a supreme and absolute Lord dealeth with his creatures according to his pleasure What man is able to give a reason why this people should be preferred above all others That for so many hundred years the rest of the world should be excluded as aliens from the common-wealth of Israel c. and Israel alone taken into Covenant with God It was not for any Righteousness the Lord sound in them as Moses told them understand that the Lord thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it
as of a thing strongly proved and concluded as clear and certain that it being declared and demonstrated that none have fulfilled the Law but all are found guilty of sin against the Law therefore none can be justified in the sight of God by the works of the Law hence it followeth that there is no way remaining for any of mankind to be justified and approved righteous before God but only through the righteousness of Christ imputed to them of God and applied by faith Hereupon ariseth the Q●estion or Objection in the Text Do we then c. and the Answer is Yea we establish the Law that is it is established in other respects and for other ends and uses but is declared to be void and of no use at all for the justifying of sinners by any works which they can perform in obedience to the Law So that as the Ceremonial Law is declared by the doctrine of the Gospel to be of no use either for justification of sinners or for outward observation and yet established in other respects as hath been shewed so the moral Law by the same doctrine of the Gospel is declared to be of no force for justification of sinners and yet established in other respects For the present the Negative is to be considered So the Apostle having spoken of the priviledges of the people of Israel above the Gentiles as in other regards so chiefly because unto them were committed the oracles of God then moveth a Q●estion What then Are we better than they No in no wise for we have before proved both Iews and Gentiles that they are all under sin as it is written there is none righteous no not one The Israelites though they had outward Church-priviledges above the Gentiles yet were no better by Nature than they they were children of wrath by Nature as well as others and it was as impossible for them to be justified by their own righteousness or works of obedience to the Law as it was for the Heathen Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight Two things may be considered here for the opening and confirming this point The first is this What grounds there are in general to prove that none can be justified by their own works p●rformed in obedience to the Law 2. How this is declared by the doctrine of the Gospel Of the former the general grounds may be three The first taken from the consideration of the state of man as he is in and of himself The second from the Law The third from God who is both the Lawgiver and Iudge 1. From Man He is from his birth a lump of flesh filled with carnal lusts and fleshly corruptions That which is born of the flesh is flesh and in this flesh dwelleth no good thing and this carnal and fleshly mind is enmity against God it is not subservient to the Law of God neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God they are all dead in trespasses and sins inclined to walk according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience and are by Nature the children of wrath and therefore every imagination of the thoughts of mans heart by Nature is only evil continually and therefore the Apostle counted all things which he had of himself out of Christ loss and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus all his own righteousness and best performances out of Christ were as loss and dung and therefore of no weight nor worth towards his justification of no value at all towardrs the satisfying of Gods justice If any say that after he was in Christ renewed by his spirit his works were of some value I Answer 1. That is nothing to the business in hand for when once the soul is united to Christ it is already justified upon another account scil through the perfect righteousness of Christ and none can find acceptance with God for their persons or services until they are in Christ and justified and therefore these services and duties make nothing towards their justification but follow upon their justification 2. The best duties of the best saints of God in this life are not answerable to the perfect purity and exactness of the Law and that is the second ground whereby it may appear that none can be justified or approve themselves righteous before the Lord by any works of obedience to the Law scil 1. The consideration of the purity and perfection of the Law 2. The severity of the Law not bearing with the least aberration or swerving from it or transgression against it 1. The perfection of the Law The Law is holy and the Commandment holy and just and good The Law is spiritual it is a compleat and perfect rule of righteousness and it is not for the imperfection of the Law that it doth not make men righteous but it is because of the imperfection and corruption of men who cannot answer the perfection of the Law 1. The Law requireth a full and perfect conformity of the whole man of all the powers of the soul and affections of the heart and so of all the sences and parts of the body to the strait and pure rule of the Law that there should be nothing contrary to the Law nothing defective or wanting This is the voice of the Law Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy migbt and these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart The Law requireth a perfect conformity unto its self that the whole heart and soul should be filled with the love of God that the whole strength of the heart and soul all the might of the inner man should be bent upon God and carried after God in love and so by consequent that there should be nothing in the heart or soul in the least degree contrary to the love of God not the least love of any sin nor the least inclination towards it for the least declining of the heart or soul toward sin is contrary to the Law which requireth the whole heart or soul to be given up to God in love and that with all its strength or might yea the least remission of love the want of love in the full perfection of it is an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is against the Law and condemned by the Law the want of the perfection of holiness and righteousness in the ●rame of the heart and soul is against the Law I am the Lord your God ye shall therefore sanctifie your selves and ye shall be holy for I am holy The Lord in his Law proposeth himself his own perfect holiness as