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A45651 The mistakes, or, The false report a tragi-comedy, acted by their Majesties servants / written by Mr. Jos. Harris ; the prologue written by Mr. Dryden ; the epilogue by Mr. Tate. Harris, Joseph, ca. 1650-ca. 1715.; Mountfort, William, 1664?-1692.; Dryden, John, 1631-1700.; Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715. 1691 (1691) Wing H865; ESTC R4488 60,524 88

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absent himself so long V. R. Nor did you meet my friend honest Ricardo Ant. Honest Ricardo and but plain Alberto Sir you surprize me Vi. R. I shall surprize you Sir To tell you he that is your friend must cease To be your friend or I commence your Enemy Ant. Forbid it heaven V. R. Grant it propitious heaven thou shoud'st have said Woud'st thou defile the e●mine of thy Sou● And mix with such a canker'd poisonous Beast Even birds of prey peck at their Dearest Mates When false to them and common with another Ant. Oh hold my blood chills at these injurious words And cools the warmth which circles round my heart My friend corrupted no it cannot be Alberto's white purer then driven snow The very emblem of Man's infant Nature And clear as opening heaven V. R. And yet as black as Hell ●alse to his King his Country and to me But what is more false to love and thee Ant. Impossible It cannot be V. R. You 'l not believe me then Ant. Pardon me Sir if that I say I cannot For sure my friend can never prove Disloyall ●alse to his King his Country or to Love When Gods cease to be Gods and heaven is heaven no more Then will I cease to adore those Gods for ever But oh they 're still immortall and unchang'd So is our friendship kindled by their influence Promethean heat did light it from above And none but heaven can e're put out the fire But Sir your words imply the knowledge of something Which for Alberto's sake I 'de beg to share in V. R. No ripping up of Circumstances Sir 'T is most unseasonable to our purpose now Dispell those Clowds which thus hang o're your brow And now prepare to meet your coming Joy To morrows light shall give your long'd for Bride Unto your arms and tye you fast for ever You muse I did not expect this from a Lover Ant. My Love and Friendship are so near akin That one being hurt the other feels the smart And eccho's to it's grief Just like a well-tun'd Lute 's harmonious strings One being broke makes all the rest to Jarr V. R. 'T is a fond Eccho of a troubl'd brain And false as wandring Meteors in the night If for your friendship you 'l be false to Love Your guilt will equal to Alberto's prove He but a lower friendship does decline But you 'd Almighty Love for him resig●e Ant. How can I hope to have my Love secure When it 's twin-brother friendship wants a Cure Besides my happiness depends on his Since his consent must consummate my bliss V. R. Let his consent give place unto my will She 's in my power and I will keep her still Ant. This Sir wou'd too severe appear in you To hold by force what is anothers due V. R. Alberto's due you mean young man 't is thine Thy due nor is it his consent but mine M●st rule my Daughter Ant. Ha! your Daughter Sir V. R. My Daughter Yes I know you think it strange And wonder at this unexpected change But I have found that you deserve her best And 't is Antoni● she must now possess I 'le fetch her to you strait Exit Vice-Roy Ant. Guard me ye Powers Did he not say or did I dream he said That my friends Mistriss shou'd be mine Oh horror Weep heart at such a horid thought weep blood And drown the Demon in the crimson flood Watch friendship guard the fortress of my Soul And all this crowding heap of Ill 's controul Fly fond ambition to thy stormy Cell Or rather sink into thy native Hell Avaunt ye mushroom glories of the earth Whose fading is as sudden as your birth Leave me t' injoy my Mistriss and my Friend And let me never never these offend Enter Vice-Roy and Miranda Mir. By all your hopes Great Sir By my dear mothers Ghost I do conjure you Revoke this cruell Sentence V. R. Come no more There 's Fate in every sillable I speak And if you prize Alberto's life receive him As one who shortly must comma●d you Ant. Stand firm my friendship 'gainst the mighty shock aside Mir. I k●ow you do but try my constancy You 'd curse me from your blood were I disloyall And false to him tho' he 's unkind to me How did you trembling stand all struck with horror To think he shou'd forget his Vows to me And shou'd I coppy him V. R. You plead in vain His doom stands fixt unless you repeal it I have no time to argue think and resolve Here 's the reward of your long smother'd flames And fortune gives you an hour unask'd What you scarce dar'd to wish for untill now I leave her here to clear the rest Exit with Guards Attendants Ant. What mean these prodigies but see she weeps Perhaps she thinks to thaw my nature by h●r tears And wash away my Virtue with the dew aside Mir. Assist me all ye Powers that favour Love My noble Lord. aside Ant. O strike me with some leprosy kind heaven Blot even natures genuine image out That I may be a monster to her eyes Mir. This musing gives a Vent unto my hopes Perhaps his friendship Struggles still for life And with some aid may yet recover breath aside That you are Generous the World can witness Your bravery the haughty French do mourn And Naples sav'd proclaims Antonio's Valour Ant. Oh tempting Charmer Mir. But there are virtues which be●it a Court And sound much softer then the rugged stile of war Love the prerogative of Heaven and Gods The Polisher of yet unfinish'd Nature Which separates and refines the dross of man And brings the golden Age upon th● Soul And friendship bears such sympathy with Love You cannot have the one without the other Once you did own a friend and Love him too Once your twin-twin-Souls did kindly mix together You hearts beat time and measur'd every thought You squar'd your actions to each other's will And each desire did center in his friend Ant. We did we do and hope we ever shall There is Divinity in all you say But yet there still remains a harsh conclusion Why wou'd you then seek to destroy that friendship To cancell all the Sacred bonds and stain Your Virgin-beauties with so foul a Crime Mir. Ha! what does he mean Ant. Think Madam oh think Think of Alberto's worth his constant Love How ill he merits from Miranda this But if you 've cruelly resolv'd his death Let not Antonio be his murderer How wou'd the damn'd in Hell be ague-struck And double all their pains by contraries How wou'd they hate the abhor'd light And think the dismall shades the happier place Where all such monstrous villany they shun But still repent for what on earth they 've done Mir. Be witness heaven how Innocent am I And oh reflect Antonio on your guilt You 've argu'd justly in your own defence Why shou'd you then betray so brave a friend And draw such vengeance on your guilty
Sure this will sound him Aside Ant. I was indeed a happy Lover once Sighs Ast. Ha! Once did he say oh heavens then 't is too true aside Ant. But now my Love is gone I know not whither My Dear Astella if thou' rt fled to heaven Oh let me know●t that I may follow thee If still on earth I 'le pray the whispering winds That they 'de conduct me to thy dark abode I 'le beg the Trees to bow their leafy heads And point me out the Mansion of my Love What shall I think for to suspect thy truth Or doubt Alberto's words were sure a Crime Ast. I know not what this musing does portend But I will try him once again My noble Lord Cast not a wretched youth to the wide world Who cannot live a moment absent from you Why are you sad Give me to know the Cause Kneels I 'le sit and sing and charm your griefs asleep Lye at your feet like weeping Philomell And hush your sorrows with my pleasing airs And when the morning dawns I 'le be your Lark To wellcome with my joyfull notes the coming day Thus we 'le perform and pass the time away Thus spend the melancholy hours making grief a pleasure And scorning all the follies of the laughing world Ant. Such pleasing softness did I never hear And still the more I look the more I still desire In every feature methinks I read Astella The very air that bears the charming sounds Ecchoes Astella to my wondring ears R●se gentle Youth so sweet an advocate Must needs obtain the cause tho' ne're so hard If then kind Florimo you 'd share in a disorder'd heart And be the sad Companion of my woes But do not for they 'l blast thy tender form And wither all thy blooming hopes to death Ast. Alas 't is all the blessing I wou'd wish To share your woes since I 'me already More unfortunate and wretched then you er'e can be Ant. Oh 't is impossible but tell me how thou art wretched Ast. By Love that soft disturber of my peace And by my friend Ant. Grant heaven it be not so with me aside Ast. Doubt not your Mistriss safety nor your Friend If conscious innocence says you love her still Ant. Love her thy silly question stabs my very Soul None can behold Astella and not love her Not Orpheus when he charm'd the fiery gates of hell And gain'd an entry to the vast abiss Had half that Love for his Euridice Nor when he rescu'd from the God of night His beauteous prize and the same hour lost her Felt half my hell of torture and despair Ast. Oh charming words which like Promethean fire Kindles the embers of expiring life and love And like the Arabian Chimist can extract A Ph●nix from the ashes of her Sire My Joy's too great to be contain'd Here let me breath my Soul out at your feet Kneeling And fly an Angell to the other world Refin'd by so divine a good as yours Ant. What means the Youth Rise and resolve my doubts Why does my declaration thus affect you Ast. Tune to his voice ye musick of the spheres To finde such virtue 'mongst corrupted Man Is sure a Subject for Fames golden Trumpet To find your Love like Vestall fire guarded When every foe does lend a breath against it Safe and un●ully'd in that hollow'd Shrine Ant. So nice a sence of virtue from a Boy Is strange and must proceed from ●omething stranger Ast I Swore to wander thro' the spacious world Till death wou'd put an end to all my woes To finde some Lover of so clear a truth The same when slighted or his Mistriss dead And now I 've found the noblest of our Sex I 'le be your Servant or your Sacrifice And never part till parted from my self Ant. I am amaz'd at such surprizing words But 't is a pleasing wonder Come my Boy I 'le crown thy wishes thou' rt mine for ever Embraces him Instruct my Virtue that seeing thee I may Read Lectures of Astella every day But yet I want to know the Story of thy life The many wrongs thou hast sustain'd and pass'd And all the pretty murmurings of thy grief Ast. By a long Siege I Storm'd my Mistriss heart And took the Guarded Fortress of her Love Next when I 'de got my only friends consent The Brother of my destin'd Bride Lestella No Isthmus seem'd to bar me from my joys When on the fatall Dawn before our Marriage Urg'd by I know not what mistake my friend Went to his Mistriss call'd her false and perjur'd Said he or I that Night must leave the World At night I heard of his Imprisonment Attended with a thundering peal of Curses From the fair Mistriss of my Friend At length I by my vows to free him had appeas'd her Madded with rage I did mind my own Who with a charming grief reproach'd my falshood I had not time to answer her Complaints But flung away in hast unto my friend Whom I releas'd but he escap'd my sight Strait I receiv'd from him a dreadfull Note Which stab'd me with the News of my Lestilla's death Who fell a Victim to his Jealousy Despairing I abandon'd Sicily And careless of my fate am hither come To wander like a banish'd Criminal quite forlorn This sure will try him since my other fails Aside Ant. What words are these or is it but a dream A Vision of Astella thus adorn'd aside Who comes to try the truth of her suspicions If that my wonder gentle youth wou'd give me leave I 'de say thou hast sav'd me the unwellcome trouble Of telling thee the Story of my life Since thou hast so truly weav'd it with thy own Ast. Not so I hope Sir is your Mistriss dead Ant. There sticks my sate and leaves me in a maze If dead what then remains but strait to follow her Ast. You speak my Lord in riddles If she be dead you wou'd dye to follow her And at the same time own you Love her not Ant. Thou dost not understand me right my Boy Be witness all ye Powers that knew our hearts How much I lov'd that dear departed Saint Ast. Departed whither Ant. Oh that I cou'd resolve thee My Friend enrag'd told me he had slain her But soon recanted and I as soon believ'd Yet now some strange suggestions press my heart anew And fix my wandring fancy to her Image Ast. I hope he 'le not repent of this kind grant Aside Shall I my Lord to sooth your sorrows Sing Ant. Do my Boy whilst I repose me on this bank And bear a part with thee Both sing After the Song she speaks Ast. Rise Rise my Lord I see one coming hither With a grave pace as big with some design Ant. It is Ricardo Florimo away And wait me in the next walk Exit Astella Enter Ricardo musing This is the Cause I fear of all our dire mistakes Now Studying some new Plot I 'le observe him Ric. Thus Virtue 's ever clouded
Oh my Astella what a tide of Joy Streams in to Crown my yet imperfect Love 'T is rapture but to think he shall be mine To morrows dawn shall light our Loves for ever To thee I 'le own my Fr●end without a blush The Vestall fire which guards his Image here Ast. My Brother 's too much blest in your kind Love Nor cou'd his utmost wish desire more Tho' it were boundless as are your merits Mir. Why d' you prophane the Dearest of his Sex S●re nought that 's mortall 's worthy of his Love Were I made up of yet untasted Charms Such as wou'd pose the Painters noblest skill And dash his feeble fancy in it's flight Yet ' t' were too mean a present for Alberto Oh! why are you so slow you tedious hours Blow fair my hopes glide with a gentle gale To wa●t Alberto to his Mistriss Arms. Ast. With what strange Extasies of Joy he 'le wellcome This so happy news from his Miranda's mouth But let me beg you share with me my Sister Le●t double passion burst my crowded breast My noble Brother has at last consented To consummate Antonio's happiness And Chain their friendships with another Link Soon as your father blesses him with you Mir. Soon as my Father gives me heav'n in him Why comes he not to hear the charming news Sounds as inchanting as the Theban Lire Or all the musick of the Spheres at once O Love forgive the extravagance of my desires Which have no bounds short of the noblest heart That ever yet your golden arrows peirc'd Enter Maria. Mar. My Lord Alberto Madam is without Desires to know if he may have admittance Mir. Fly and conduct him in now help me Sister Exit Maria To unlade my frait of Joys into his breast Ast 'T were Sin to bar the freedom of your Loves And therefore beg leave humbly to retire Exit Enter Alberto stands at a distance and bows Mir. Wellcome my Dear Alberto for ever wellcome here But doubly wellcome now Alb. To hear my ruine aside Mir. Now I can charm your sences into wonders Make your chill blood dance to the tune to Love And sing your Soul into Elysian raptures Alb. O' fatall Beauty and oh my cruell Stars sighs Why was I born to love and be despis'd Mir. Ha! why this distance and that heavy sigh Why play not thousand Cupids in your eyes In expectation of ' th approaching bliss But I forget 't is I must charm your Soul My Father now has warranted our Loves Which shall be doubly ratifyed to morrow Still senceless Alb. Oh triumphant perjury Down down the anger of my swelling breast Fix me kind heaven and clear my reason lest aside My hand shou'd antidate your vengeance on her And cut this beauteous weed of nature down aside Madam Hell and confusion I know not what to say I wish you Joy Mir. Ha! wish me Joy yet mention Hell Alberto The greatest blessing twisted with a Curse Oh all ye powers Yet why my Lord Oh why that wish How can you doubt my joy when you 're the Author My Heaven my Paradice my all I have Alb. Oh Syren Syren aside Mir. Yes my Lov'd Lord you are my Souls desire Nor do I blush to speak a noble Truth But stay mine did I say my Lov'd Lord O no! It was a fond mistake he 's mine no more But false to all his Oathes and plighted Vows False to Miranda that unhappy Maid Weeps Alb. Furies and Death 't is downright mockery But Madam know tho' I appear to you So still so calm so like a suffering Saint Yet know I say there is a storm lies brooding here Will like a furious whirlwind blow to dust That Bane to Love and Friendship False Antonio Mir. Antonio unfold this fatall riddle Abl. Upon his heart I will Mir. By Heaven by All that 's Sacred Alb. Hold hold thou Lovely Perjur'd Beauty So well I love thee still thou sha't not damn Thy self to give Alberto satisfaction For that Antonio's life must give not you Mir. Hear me Alberto or I dye with grief Hear me before your rashness makes it quite too late To hear 't is Death to think you may be slain for me For my heart bodes some strange eruption Of discontent and Passion which tends to ruine And surely I shou'd grieve Antonio's loss Since Innocent Alb. I know thou woud'st Mir. Will you be still unjust Oh torture see he fears to let me know the truth And Cause of this Disorder this strange mistake Weeps Alb. Ha! does she weep O treacherous Crocodile But I 'le be calm Just heaven why have you lodg'd Such lu●king fiends in this so fair a Mansion Why wink not all the Stars and hide their heads Since this bright Cinthia's fall'n from her sphere Can those tears be true sure 't is impossible But then if guilty why shou'd she complain Oh! 't is the nature of that co●s'ning Sex To weep and smile and yet be false and fair Thus bigot Love mistakes the genuine Pearl Deluded with a gaudy glittering nothing Mir. Since then you 'l not believe my Vows or Tears Clear with your Sword my injur'd Innocence And with my blood wash all my stains away Alb. Still weeping Too well I know the cursed Cause Those tears yo● shed to your absent Lover And only make a show of Sorrow To surprize me more Ah Cruell Maid Thou poyson to our Loves and Friendship The only prop which dying Virtue leans on In one unhappy hour thou hast quite destroy'd And broke the Sacred Chain which link't our Souls Mir. Will you Condemn me e're you hear me speak What has Antonio do●e to move your hate Or how have I deserv'd this Jealousy Is not Antonio Alb. Ha! that name again By hell she doats and feeds upon the sound Antonio Oh that word that names a Charm A Charm indeed which has bewich'd Miranda And raz'd Heavens Stamp from out her fickle Soul O I could rave and Curse my Cruell Stars Which have depriv'd me of my Joys and her But Love usurps the Throne and still 's my rage Madam I go for ever from your sight To meet a death from your Antonio's hands Or offer up my self a Victim to appease His Angry Ghost and glut Revenge and you Mir. Stay stay Alberto hear me but speak Alb. It cannot be bid raging Seas to listen When the Winds heave the billows into Clouds Mir. Stay stay but to see Miranda dye Alb. Away Mock not my reall griefs with thy false tears Mir. False tears nay then I can endure no more Faints Alb. Ha! does she faint Return my fair Apostate Return and hear the story of your Falshood Here I 'le produce the clearest Evidence Will prove you false and trouble you no more Mir. Convinc'd I 'me false yet give no more O horror Yes I wou'd rip my heart out of this breast And give 't a prey for Vultures to devour Sooner then wrong my plighted faith in ought Alb. No more but read
my Masters Soul they both shall dye Alb. Pardon Great Sir those unbecoming words Forc'd by a just resentment of my wrongs I mean't not to defend that life which you had proscrib'd Thus I Surrender it unto your Justice Kneels lays his Sword at the V. R. fee● Ric. We 'l take the forfeit Sir you need not doubt Ric. takes it up Alb. But to dye silent were a guilt too great To leave you in a wilde of treachery Lost to your honour govern'd by an abject Slave And fair Miranda Subject to his treason That I confess does make my tongue unruly Oh Sir forgive that beauteous Innocence And leave her will as heaven has made it free And here I swear by you bright Sun that Shines And by th' Eternal Mover of the Spheres To hush this rising tempest in my Breast And fall a willing Victim to her peace Mir. Oh my Alberto your zeal is too unkinde Think not your Death can give Miranda ease For here I swear by all the Powers above Your life and mine shall have an equall date V. R. Damn his hypocrisy and thy foolish fondness by heaven the Spaniard is not in thee Girl But I delay Guards seize that Impious Traitor Guards seize Alerbto Alb. Yet hear me Sir before you throw away That precious Gem upon a thing so vile And smear that Diamonds lustre with so foul a soil V. R. Silence that croaking voice Perfidious Monster He is my Son and each affront is mine But to inhance thy mighty sum of woes Live to behold thy Iuno snatch'd away Thy Soul rack'd in a Dungeon by delay A Cloud of darkness for the Suns bright Ray. But yet in pitty she shall stay a while And all thy sorrows with her tears beguile Pitty Yes Italian pitty may her eyes Each attome of thee make their Sacrifice Be like two Basilisks which may devour At each remembrance of their cruell Power Then flash thee dead and kill thee every hour Exit with Attendants Ric. Why this is generous to spare his life Nay let him talk long as he might be heard It is not I 'me unjust then but his fate Manent Guards Well I 'le away to young Antonio Tell him what let me see his Mistriss's dead Slain by Alberto this will work him up And of his friendship make an useless Cypher Which I 'le fill up with horrid black revenge Then in compassion I 'le release Alberto Whom I 'le infect with some new found Chym●ra And grant 'em both an enterview By this I make sure my game on either hand For both will seek to excuse me to the Vice-Roy Thus like the hidden hand of fate I work Kill and destroy whilst none can see the blow And friend and Mistriss be each others foe Exit Alb. Oh my Miranda 't was a harsh decree That I must never never see thee more Ne're blest with Love and surfeiting with joy Lean on the rising pillows of thy breast And there in gentler raptures dream the rest Credit me Madam but 't is wondrous sad Mir. Do not despair Alberto my best and only Love For Fortunes Cruelty is as inconstant as her favour But let her vent her malice still there 's hope Time's but a rowling tide which flows a while Stays not but strait with murmuring joy does ebb Into the Ocean of Eternity Thither we 'le launch there Landed on the shore Above the reach of Fate or cruell Fathers We 'le spend an Immortality of Love Alb. Oh my Soul my blest Angell speak again Thy charming words and sight can cure despair They ●ull my griefs asleep and make me tame And I am all joy all extasy again But oh I never must behold thee more An angry Demon hurries me away And drags me from the Heaven I now possess That thought renews my grief and galls my heart There I confess my Courage shrinks and dyes More than when death was in my view in War My crowded breast teem'd with a thousand joys Which in an Instant are all made abortive But yet a single plague's too small for me For heaven has doom'd Miranda to a Villain That beauteous Casket to be rif●'d by a Slave Mir. Can you then still suspect my Faith Alberto But ●ince oh torture 't is the last proof which I can give Hear me ye Powers and you Alberto hear me If ever I consent to be Ricardo's Tho' all the Tortures hell can e're invent Combine to force my will oh may I never Alb. Forbear oh forbear that Cruel Sentence on thy self I have been impious but forgive me heaven And oh Miranda live altho' Ricardo's What hast thou done that heaven shou'd punish thee Or how hast thou deserv'd to share my griefs Mir. Can Love then be so bad a Councellour Or can Alberto wish me so unhappy Perhaps you doubt the frailty of my Sex And think that death can shake my Female valour But know when danger runs in a Carreer Love takes the wing and soars above all fear Alb By heaven I doubt thee not but do not rob The world by taking all that 's good away Mir. When you are gone what 's left that 's worth my stay Attend. My Lord your time is past you must to Prison Alb. I will but one look more and then I 've done Here must I take a long farewell to Love kisses her hand Oh my Miranda when the Fates allow That false Ricardo must possess thy heart When he shall reap the harvest of my joys Give but one sigh one tear to poor departed me And it will crown my wandring shade with peace Mir. Think not of dying Alb. Yes I must Miranda For Death 's the only blessing I have left Yet must I blame the malice of my Stars Then when I 'de wandred thro' the Coasts of night To seek some comfortable streak of Light Then when my eye had Paradice in view Thus to Ecclipse my rising Sun anew Or as a Vulture when he ●●ies the round To seize some spotless Dove which havi●g found With greedy joy he mounts up to the skies Whilst he does Revell on his lovely prize And with a scornfull Gl●nce the World despise When strait some well-arm'd Eagle stops his Flight Forces the trembling Quarry from his sight And hurles him head-long to the shades of Night So when I had reach'd thee thro' a dreadful maze And after all my doubts my Soul found ease Midst of my Triumphs fo● my glorious prey The Tyrant Power does snatch thee quite away Exeunt severally SCENE A Garden Enter Antonio and Astella in man's Cloaths Ast. My Country Sir I 've told you is Sicily Whence banisht by my wants I 'me hither come To find relief my name is Florimo Ant. What 's this to me I prithee leave me Boy Ast. Alas I cannot Sir I 've heard so much Of your Renown and Generosity That I must stay and win your favour Besides I 've heard you are a Lover Sir And such a one I wou'd desire to serve
with all my blood To quench this raging fire in your breast By all the powers we serve you shall not pass Untill you tell the cause that moves you thus Ant. Insolent feeble thing stand not the blast Which dire Revenge is pouring on its prey pressing to go Ast. holds him Alb. No let him come for I 'me prepar'd to meet him Nor will I stir unless discharg'd by death Draws Untill I learn the Story of my Sisters fate Ast. His Sisters Fate what means my Brother Aside My Noble Lord give me to know his crime And with this arm I 'le further your revenge Ant. Oh Florimo thou dost renew my grief Is 't not a crime my Boy to kill a Sister So beauteous so divine oh my sad Soul That heaven has lost the mould it form'd her in And grieving at the matchless work it made In envy cropt her in her early bloom Ast. And is 't for this you 've griev'd since first I saw you Was 't for her you shed so many tears And follow now those showers with a storm Ant. Is there not Cause my Boy Ast. Oh my Charm'd Soul Keep still that love unless you 'de have me dye But follow not this false deluding Fire Which draws you to the ruine of your friend Your Mistriss is alive your words have rais'd her And look how in my habit she appears Ant. By heaven 't is she oh to my arms my Love Embraces her Yet closer in this circle let me grow Speak once again speak thou Charmer of my Soul Whilst all the Ravish'd Spheres shall cease their noise And listen unto thee Forgive me Heaven Who dar'd to call your Bounteous care in question But speak Dear Saint say what relenting God Has sav'd thee from those sacrilegious hands Which sought to ruine so divine a Fabrick Ast. O forbear thus to reproach your friend Some Villain has betray'd you to this rage I thought you false when so reserv'd to me And in this habit came to try my fate But since I 've found the error of my Jealousy Let me cement your seperated friendship And gain my pardon by restoring him Ant. Thy pardon Oh that word 's a dagger to me And makes me see the foulness of my crime A Crime for which my expiating tears Can never merrit pardon from Alberto How shall I dare to look on so much goodness Which I 've prophan'd with my unjust suspitions Alb. Your constancy in love has cancell'd all Ant. Is such Divinity then left on earth Shall these unhallow'd arms have leave t' embrace thee Alb. Thus let us quite forget our dire mistakes Embrace Ant. We will But I must ne're forgive these credulous ears Which listen'd to Ricardo's painted tale Oh! such a dismall Scheme of horrour he had drawn As stifl'd all consideration in me So that when e're a start of reason bar'd me The black Idea flew before my fancy And drove the murmuring vanquisht from my breast Alb But now my friend since the dire Vision 's fled Let us away and Court the Vice-Roys favour For by that happy instrument my man I 've gain'd a spell to Charm his Spanish rage Ant. I will but thou my Love retire and appear No more my Servant but the mistriss of my Soul Ast. This habit has befriended me so much That 't were ingratitude to throw it off Untill my joys compleat Enter Bernardo and Lopez Ber. This was a treacherous trick Lopez but I 'le forgive you if you 'l make good your promise Sir since it must be so I here stand ready to witness all that I have said Lop. Ay Sir the Devill and your Gold will help him out To Alb. ne're fear it tho' every word were false Alb. 'T is well but yet to gain the Vice-Roys credit 'T is requisite the Soldiers shou'd be there Art thou acquainted with them Bernardo Ber. As well as they are with their Trade of Murder Sir Alb. Go find 'em out and bring 'em to the Pallace Now Friend and Sister let us hast to Court And with enflam'd desires let 's all entreat The Guardian Powers of innocence above To punish Villany and smile on Love Exeunt Alb. Ant. Ast. at one door Lop. and Ber. at the other Enter Vice-Roy Ricardo and Atendants Scene The Pallace Ric. I beg you Sir dismiss these needless fears V. R. O' thou 'st undone me with they Loyalty Thou like a blasting-winde did'st rove about To seek a breath of pestilentiall air Which having found thou drov'st it not away But enviously scatter'd the death around And blew the dire contagion into me Mendoza's family is quite extinct The only Branch that 's left is withering And leaves the Sapless Oak to mourn its loss Ric. Not so my Lord a Virgins tears flow easy And naturall as tydes and like to them They 've all their ebbs Tho' she may mourn awhile Time and the grave will banish dea● Alberto And give admittance to another Lover V. R. But time and she will not be long ally'd A Winding-Sheet must be the geniall bed A Funerall-Dirge the Hymeneall Song And greedy Worms the only joyfull guests Had'st thou but seen how when I did approach her With rowling eyes she wander'd o're my Visage And learn't the story e're I was aware But when my foolish tongue explain'd my looks She stood all Pale and motionless as is a Marble Statue And with a silent glance reproacht my joy Strait starting as she were upon the wing She snatch'd a Dagger offering at her breast Which when our hasty zeal disarm'd her of Then came the storm her golden tresses torn Two different elements warr'd in her cheeks The air that swell'd 'em and the fire enflam'd 'em Whilst the obstinate strings above congeal'd and wanting ven● ●efus'd a drop to quench the eager flame Her breath too which before was calm and Spicy As is Arabia's gentle eastern breeze Which fanns and opens all the balmy sweets Now sends out nought but rage 'gainst the heavens Mingl'd with curses of her cruell Father Strait like the dying Portia she exclaim'd Altho' this fails there are a thousand ways to dye Kind Death will lend a dart to them that seek it Nor will his arrow suffer a repulse How'er vain man thinks he is arm'd against it Ric. Oh! how he stings me with his Eloquence His rage the hinge on which my fortune hangs Will be quite melted by this foolish mourning Aside My Lord you 'l give me leave to wonder that So mild a temper shou'd be thus enrag'd V. R. O' thou' rt a stranger to that fatall passion Does not the gentlest Stream when 't is oppos'd Break out into a rappid inundation Ric. But when the Cause is spent it fed upon 'T is hush't so may your Daughters sorrow too Go to her and try her Sir Duty will plead In my behalf and since Alberto's dead Urge her to accept the man whom you propose V. R. Ha! this to me again O'ye good Gods Is thy ambition swell'd
to such a height That thou woud'st have my Daughter spite of death Is this thy Love Lust by my Soul Damn'd burning Lust But since your Saucy haste has thus provok'd me I 'le to that drooping Flower and there enquire What anger did refuse to hear before And if I finde what I suspect Ricardo I 'le heap such loads of misery upon thee Shall crush thy Soul and sink thee into Hell Italian spite and Spanish Jealosy Shall twine their Snakes to lash and torture thee Exit Ricardo Solus Ric. Nay then I 'me ruind and for ever lost How sweet is hope to man's aspiring thoughts Which makes 'em like Camelions live on air And hug their slender plots But when that 's fled Then comes the dismall sad Catastrophe Those threats were vain for I 've a fury here Begins to lash and sting my guilty Soul Conscience that blood-hound which tracks falling Greatness Had but my shafts hit right to my desire I wou'd have laugh'd even in the face of heaven And rais'd in raptures equall to the Gods Brav'd all the force of Hell made Envy gnas● To see me mounted above its reach But now Alberto's death beats an alarm Unto my guilty Conscience my affrighted blood retires And leaves my trembling arms shaking like tender willows At the northern wind My feet the feeble Basis of this tottering Pyramide Cleave close unto the Earth whilst my erected hair Stiffer then bristles on a shooting Porcupine Stares in the very face of angry Iove As I were thunder-stoork Enter Alberto Antonio Astella Ha! the ill stomack't earth vomits her dead To torture me Am I inviron'd round with Ghosts Hide me ye Powers from their amazing looks Spread an eternall darkness o're the world That they may wander still in ignorance And never finde me out Alb. What horrid sounds are these and from Ricardo He takes me for a Ghost away my friend Attone the Vice-Roys anger whilst I here Humour this Villains mistaken penitence Ant. We will and may success attend you Exeunt Ant. Ast. Ric. Will nothing then conceal me Alb. Heaven cannot hide you from my just revenge Without the forfeiture of goodness Murder That crying Sin has like a powerfull spell Summon'd my scarce cold corps from out its Urn To force an accusation of thy Conscience Ric. Mount mount my Soul and with the swiftest winds Fly to some unknown Land where the affrighted Sun Ner'e yet durst enter nor the astonish'd heavens Think on a place so horrid Where Death surfeits his fatall arrow and Each funerall knell yel'd by a dying Mandrake Proves still the dirge of an ensuing frailty O' my sick Conscience is there no cure No Sanctuary for my poor relenting Soul Let me then sink sink to the Center Release those Captive Gyants that now groan Under the heavy weight of mighty mountains And hurl 'em all all one me to press me down Beyond the reach of Register let me not suffer Even in their Annalls but let a sad mortality Of remembrance seize succeeding times That I may fall forgotten by all the world Alb. Is this the way to expiate thy Crime Are prophane wishes thy repentance Oh take heed Do not precipitate thy inclining ruine Pull not that hovering Justice on thy head Lest it shou'd fall no less than fatall on thee Ric. Pardon Blest Form my rash Devotion Kneels Entomb Revenge among those Sacred reliques And let thy incens'd Ghost sleep in its peacefull Urn Draw hence those looks fill'd with such killing horrour And every day shall add new trophys to thy mercy Alb. Think'st thou my patient Ghost can rest secure Whilst thy Majestick cruelty does trample Or'e the ruines of My Love and Honour And shall no pious envy seek to abate Thy triumph Shall wrong'd Innocence lye unreveng'd Ric. Is their no expiation for my offence Withdraw thy anger and I 'le renounce my Love And yield my title to the fair Miranda She shall embalm you with her daily tears And offer sighs like incense at your Tomb Alb. I dare not trust you Ric. Hear me ye Powers above When next I name my Sacrilegious Love kneels May I be haunted by thy Murmuring Ghost May all the plagues which Crimes like mine deserve Arm'd with a double force light on my head But hast and signe the Warrant of my peace Enter Vice-Roy Antonio Astella Guards and Attendants V. R. Oh to my Arms Thou Noble Generous Youth And look a kind forgiveness to thy Father Else I shall faint beneath my load of guilt What Floods of Penitential tears can e're Wash off the stains are printed on my brow And drown the memory of thy mighty wrongs Alb. Oh let me pay my humbler duty thus kneels By heaven my Loyal heart does bow within me And I must sink beneath the grave to adore you Unless you 'l raise me by some kinder words V. R. Wilt thou then rob thee of thy Virtues due Thus I will pay it on my trembling knees Spite of thy obstinate humility kneeling Alb. If you will kneel kneel to those Guardian Powers Who 've freed you from the toils and Treacherous snares Of that false Man V. R. O rise and since thy goodness can forgive me Let me put on the Lion once again And fix my Justice on that horrid Slave Ric. Then he is living and I am deceiv'd Wheedled to ruine by a trick of Conscience I thank ye Gods for your little honesty V. R. Where are my Guards go take that Traytor hence 'T is Justice now not Tyranny Commands you Ric. Stay till I make my peace with this most wrong'd Most innocent gallant brave young Man To Alb. Here let me beg a pardon for my Crimes If Gods have power such injuries to forgive By all your wrongs I mourn my black designs Kneels 'T is worse than hell to think I did attempt To Murder you and yet to miss my aim Offers a Pistol at Alberto Ant. Per●idious Dog Ant. prevents him V. R. Away with him Or he will say my presence shades his guilt Ric. 'T was basely done for he is Brave and Noble And I a Villain thus to abuse his goodness And fool to bar that Love which heaven Cements Love is a pure and immateriall being Which graspt by such polluted hands as mine Does vanish and leaves an empty Cloud Why shou'd I then oppose the Stream No let me to some private Cell resort Learn to forget the pleasures of the Court My guilt and folly be my Grief and sport Exit with Guards V. R. Impious Traytor who with the self-same breath Vows penitence to heaven revenge to hell Enter Maria. Mar. Your Daughter Royall Sir Desires your Company about some business of importance Relating to your peace and hers Alberto here Alive nay then it will not be a barren plot aside V. R. We will attend her instantly Alb. Maria How fares my Angell how does my Life my Soul Mar. You 'l know too soon aside Alb. Ha! not look upon me O' my misgiving heart V. R.
Fear not my Son Only some Clouds are gather'd by your death But soon your presence will dry up her tears And clear her brow Lead on no longer I 'le defer your Joys Exeunt V. R. Alb. Ant. Mar. O' how I tremble at the dreadfull Scene Ast. and Guards But since a beam of light does warm her hopes And hath dispell'd the Vice-Roys jealous storm Fain'd death shall grasp 'em in a pleasing form Exit The Scene draws and discovers Miranda leaning on a Table A Cup by her She rises Mir. What 's Death that silly Mortals thus shou'd fear it Only a passage to a better Life When the imprison'd Soul throws off its fetters And flys into immortall Liberty Then wellcome Death to Love so pure as mine Which shall imprint an Angells stamp upon it And free my Soul to meet Alberto in the air I come my Love the thoughts of thee so charm me That yet methinks I feel no pain at all The fatall Potion tasted to my pallat Like the rich Nectar that preserves the Gods And I 'me methinks in health only a pleasing faintness Glides thro' my fancy with a cold alarm Here will I sit till I can see my Father To tell him fate has granted me a pasport Then take the wing and fly to endless bliss Song within Enter Vice-Roy Alberto Antonio and Astella Guards and Attendants Scene the last V. R. Weeping Miranda Eternall horror Seize me if she does not smile too So the Sun shines amidst the fiercest showers But why my Daughter speak for it racks my fancy Rise and speak Mir. O' I must never rise Till I mount up an Angell into heaven Alb. To heaven O' my fears Wrap me Eternall night Are these my promi'st joys V. R. O' rise my Child I know it well thou mourn'st Alberto's loss But here is magick in this face to cure thee Presents Alb. to her Mir. Alberto O' ye Powers then does he Live Alb. He lives my Fair one but oh that life 's a Curse Unless you 'l raise that beauteous Map of Heaven And say why dost thou grieve that he 's alive Mir. Have I not cause to grieve and curse my Stars Since we must part for ever part Alberto Alb. For ever part thou kill'st me with the sound Art thou then false the very thought 's a Crime Thro' all this mist I see thy constant flames Dart their kind beams into my tortur'd breast V. R. Why dost thou talk of parting when thy Father Stands here to heal the wounds of injur'd Love Here take Alberto take him to thy arms presents Alb. to her Mir. O Stop that breath of kindness 't is Infectious And tortures me more then the working poyson Alb. The poyson ha V. R. What says my Childe Mir. The fatall deed will out I thought him dead and therefore I contriv'd To drink a poys'nous draught which working up Thro' all the pores of Life shou'd drive the Soul And send it panting to the other World Forgive me Love that 's all I ask oh heavens Alb. I 'le ●ear no more Where 's Providence and all those Sacred Powers That secure Innocence are they all asleep Or is the frame of Nature quite dissolv'd I 've heard how at her latest pangs the World Will strait roll up into the endless heap The Sun be Extinguisht like a Lamp that 's spent The Moon withdraw its Crescent into Night The Stars like pointed Meteors shoot to Chaos The Elements shall run to meet each other And blindly mix their jarring principles And when this beauteous Harmony must dye Shall not one Attom of it cease to move Yes I 'le begin the fatall Sacrifice Is going to the Cup. The V. R. stays him And tell the World what 's due to so much beauty V. R. Hold or you heap new loads of guilt upon me What must you suffer for my impious rashness No let me dye the cursed source of all The Gods themselves are pleas'd when Great Men fall Mir. Forbear or you will hurry me away In a Tempestuous grief Why Father why Alberto Why shou'd you dye I charge ye Live Or you will torture my departed Ghost Which swift as light'ning shall avoid your presence By heaven you 've rais'd a strugling in my breast And peacefull death 's become a spectere to me Alb. O do not plead against thy self Miranda Why art thou poison'd but to follow me Mir. Because my Father wou'd have forc'd my Will But now relenting nature yields to Love And he has given you all that 's left of me Enter Maria. Mar. I see it works Aside V. R. That makes not me less Guilty Death Hell and Vengeance why was I good too late So the fall'n Angells saw their wretched state Repented but alas their heaven was fled And left 'em for reward Despair and Hell Then shall I O black ingratitude shall I For all the smarting wounds which I have made Return him nought but cold M●●anda's Corse A precious Salve to cure a bleeding heart Mar. My plots are ripe and I will give 'em birth aside Great Sir upon my knees ● beg you 'l hear me If heaven restores your dying poison'd Daughter Will you continue in this resolution And give her as sure you ought to Brave Alberto V. R. Why dost thou ask that strange untimely question Cou'd she be sav'd but 't is impossible Altho' the Sighs of injur'd Love ascend like incense Yet my loud Crimes will drown their softer murmures By all their wrongs I 'de drein my dearst blood To quench the raging venome in her breast Then with my latest breath bequeath her to Alberto Mar. O' Sir these generous words Pointing to Miranda Like Charms shall have the Power to raise the Dead Ant. What a Successive change of wonder 's here Mar. Thus I 'le apply their Virtue Rise Madam Mir. What folly 's this Mar. I beg you Madam rise Think that Alberto may or will be yours And strait your Pulse will beat as brisk as ever The blood shall dance and flourish in your cheeks Except what too much grief has d●ein'd away V. R. Ha! does she Live speak but that word Maria I 'le give thee all my treasure Alb. I the World Mar. She Lives my Lord. V. R. O' 't is enough Maria Alb. It is too much thus let me kneel my Saint And look and gaze unto Eternity V. R. Not all the transports of your eager Love Must rob me of the Duty of a Father Alb. I was too blame Here let us kneel Miranda As to a pardoning God and wait our Doom V. R. You take me for the cruell Father still O' rise and do not cloud this Scene of joy Come to my arms Miranda still thou fear'st But thus I 'le crown your happiness and my peace Gives her to Alberto Alb. Which thus I Seal But kind Maria say How hast thou wrought this Cure Or do we dream Rais'd by a false imaginary Joy Mar. Her fancy'd pain indeed is but a dream But thus
Shakspear's greater Genius still prevail'd Have not some writing Actors in this Age Deserv'd and found Success upon the Stage To tell the truth when our old Wits are tir'd Not one of us but means to be inspir'd Let your kind presence grace our homely cheer Peace and the Butt it all our bus'ness here So much for that and the Devil take small beer EPILOGUE Writ by Mr. N. Tate Spoken by Mrs. Bulter in Mans Cloaths AS Malefactors brought to Execution Have leave t' Harrangue before their Dissolution Such favour your poor Criminall beseeches Something to say to justify her Breeches To strut with Feather Tilter Lace and Blue I have as good pretence as most of you 'T was time to take this Warlike Dress in Vogue To guard my dang'rous Post of Epilogue Where lurching Wits like Rapperees appear And Coward Critique still attack's our Rear I stand your Shot To storm this little Fort Let 's see who dares I've that shall find you sport Damn your French way of shooting on the Stretch Give me the Man bears up and mounts the Breach Entrench'd i' th' Pit you sit securely Rageing You know who 'le have the odds in close Engaging But this is all exceeding my Commission To swagger while our Poet makes Submission I told the tim'rous Fool 't was not the way A worse Mistake then any in his Play But he has writ just as you Fight for ●ay Like you he justifies his Cause for Life For Fame for Liberty for Bratts and Wife He writes but 't is not for the sake of Writing When you your Bilbo Scarf and Plume are Dighting For Heaven's sake tell me is't for love of Fighting Money 's his Plea that makes the Lawyer trudge The Priest Preach Counter and Corrupts the Iudge Meer want our Youn●●●ers to write Plays impowers Playing will neither do their Work nor Ours Then since you are so kind to Their Deserts Give next Vs Women leave to show our Parts Let us perceive but the kind Humour seize ye We 'le ●ry our skill and do our best to please ye Dramatis Personae DOn Juan de Mendoza Vice-Roy of Naples Mr. Hodgsdon Alberto A Nobleman in Love with Miranda Mr. Powell Antonio His Friend in Love with Astella Mr. Alexander Ricardo The Vice-Roy 's Favourite A Villain and in Love with Miranda Mr. Montford Lopez Alberto 's Men Mr. Bowen Bernardo Ricardo's Man Mr. Trefusis Don Sylvio Fabio Gentlemen to the Vice-Roy Three Soldiers Three Neighbours A Iaylor Messengers Officers Guards and Att●ndants WOMEN Miranda The Vice-Roys Daughter in Love with Alberto Mrs. Bracegirdle Astella Sister to Alberto in Love with Antonio Mrs. Butler Maria. Miranda's Confident Mrs. Richardson The Scene NAPLES ACT I. SCENE I. The Street Enter Alberto reading a Challenge follow'd by his Man Lopez Alb. THis from Antonio forbid it freindship He tells me that Miranda's false and loves me not If he be then that happy Rivall why shou'd he desire To take that life her Scorn can look away Lop. Goes it there I have the business now aside But will prevent your designs my noble valiant Don. Alb. This note 's ten thousand daggers to my breast Cleaves to my heart like Hercules poyson'd shirt And tares my Soul in piecemeal Shall I go on my friendship bars the way But mighty Love and Honour chide my stay Yes I will go I 'le meet this treacherous man And stab her image in his faithless breast Or fall my self a Sacrifice to both Lop. That I must prevent my good furious Master aside Alb. By Heaven he shan't enjoy her I 'le sluce my veins Let out a deluge of my bloud to drown 'em And follow 'em tho' rocks high as Olimpus Oppose and stop my way Leap Aetna's hideous Va●lt Then catch 'em on the brink and plunge 'em in But I will have revenge and such revenge As Traytors may the damn'd themselves yet never knew And I 'le about it strait Exit Lo. So now is he going to take Horse and Ride Post to the Devill A plague on these Female Succ●bu●'s who o' my Conscience are good for nothing else but to breed and beget quarrells Well faith I 'le not lose a good Master so Enter Ricardo and his man Bernardo following Lop. I 'le get some friends and neighbours to assist me then go with 'em to all the slaughtering fields about town and finde them out and so prevent their duelling Ric. How 's this friends and neighbours to assist his Master that must not be Bernardo do you follow Lopez when he goes from hence and leave him not till night I can away with your dilligence till to the morrow Ber. Till to morrow Sir Ric. Yes till to morrow business of importance obl●ges me to attend the Vice-Roy be gone Bernardo waits at the door Lop. What a pox has Antonio to do with his Mistriss or can't he share her with his friend I warrant She 'le give 'em both enough in as hot a Skirmish as this is like to be Ric. I must prevent his purpose and design Lopez Lop. Bless me what will become of me now if this ill-natur'd Courtier has or'e-heard me Ric. I 've heard from you your Masters rash design of fighting with Antonio and must your faith●●llness and care commend Lop. I 'd rather you 'd heard the last Trumpet Summoning you to Hell Sir you may commend it but I can hardly believe that you 'l reward it Ric. Why Lopez thy Master is My dearest friend Our hatred's fled to 'th air from whence it sprung The date is out and all the bonds are cancell'd Canst thou then think ●'de tamely see him fall And crack those strings which hold Ricardo's heart Friendship 's a dearer name to me then Honour And I 'le expose the one to save the other Lop. As how Sir Ric. I will prevent their ●ighting Lopez Or if that fail I will assist thy Master But if his nicety refuse me that I 'le stake the utmost cast I have to loose And run upon Antonio's Sword Then hold it close ●nto my throbbing heart Untill my dearest blood cool on the point And blunt the stroak of death to save Alberto Lop Well Sir since you are so resolv'd to serve my Master I 'le trust his safety for once with you and humbly retire Ber. Hist hist Lopez Lopez run to Bernardo both go off together Ric. His safety dull Buffoon trust me for that Thou coud'st not chuse a better Guardian out Tho' thou hadst ransackt all the worlds below To cull a Villain of the blackest dye One thing I want to finish forth a Hero But 't is the meanest virtue brutall Courage Mallice I have enough and witty mallice These greater qualities may infuse the less And then Ricardo has a Titans Soul Alberto's death makes way for my pretentions Unto the coy Miranda's heart I will about it strait Itali●n spite assist me at this push Or bl●st Ricardo or his Rivall crush Exit SCENE The Pallace Enter Miranda and Astella Mir.
read there your Crimes gives her a letter There markt in Characters too plain and foul Farewell for ever Madam for I dare not stay To see your blushes blab my destiny But must in silence part and calmly dye Exit Miranda Sola Mir. False to Alberto this the Evidence Is this the Gorgon turns his heart to flint I dare not see this narrow Vault of death Not that I fear my death for that were wellcome But yet I dread there lies some putrid earth Couch'd in the dark abode lest these black letters With every turn shou'd curl into a Snake Will wind and twist about my dearest honour And taint my ●potless truth with infamy Thus I secure it then nor will I trouble Tears the Letter My conscious innocence with false alarms But banish all encroaching passions But Love and Grief from out this troubl'd breast And leave th' unerring Gods to judge the rest Exit Enter Vice-Roy Ricardo and Attendants V. R. I care not 't is resolv'd Ric. Pardon me Sir I have no other int'rest but your peace Which to preserve I 'de shipwrack all my own V. R. How is my peace endanger'd in Alberto Ric. I 'm hush'● Sir he 's my friend only this beware V. R. Ricardo your words hang ill together Disjoynted words speak a disjoynted meaning You talk as if there were some mistery 'T were fit I knew and yet you 're loath to tell Is he not Loyall Ric. Loyall he may be Sir for ought I know I never fear'd the sharpness of his Sword Or to defend his Country or di●turb it 'T is true in Peace 't will hardly rust within the Sheath For ●avern brawls and quarrells in the Stews Nor think I there 't will rust with too much blood Therefore your Daughter V. R. Speak what of my Daughter Ric. There must he wound you Sir there ●ound the vein You think he loves her Sir perhaps he may Who wou'd not love to be the Vice-Roys Son Courted Esteem'd nay more Admir'd by all And held the Favorite both of Heaven and Earth But if avert it Heaven Experience tells you He courted more tha● Title then your Daughter Vi. R. I know your meaning but no more of that What I 've decreed stands firm sixt as a Rock Not to be shaken w●th your blust'ring reason Prudence in Rulers is the Helm of State Which lost the wandring Bark's a Prey to fate Spl●ts on the Rocks and sinks into the Sand Reason that ma●n'd her cannot then Command The Ribs are burst the helm in pi●●●s torn The Rudder lost the Bark is surely go●e Either you argue I 've renounc'd that Prudence In taking him into my heart and House After long wading into his inmost thoughts And sounding all the Shallows of his Soul Or there 's some hidden Cause for this aversion Ric. Pardon my Lord the hasty zeal I 've shown Some brandisht bolt be levell'd at my head And rivet me to earth If I have ought To move me thus but duty and my Love aside Enter Miranda But see your Daughter Sir Mir. I had forgot T' was rashly done to tear the Letter Then leave it here For which forgive me Credulo●s Alberto Ha! my Father here Starts Vi. R. Miranda Mir. My Lord. V. R. Why does a Father's presence thus surprize you But that 's a trifle to those greater wonders Which amaze me more Why Child this strange disorder What mean those swol'n eyes and falling tears Is this the Picture of Triumphant Love Drest in the Visage of a black despair Are shours the Prologue to the rising Sun Or Harbingers of an ensuing Storm Ric. My Plot has took thanks to my witty Stars aside V. R. I cannot guess the meaning sure Alberto Must know the Cause speak was he here to day Mir. He was my Lord Oh fatall interview V. R. Fatall to what be quick and give me ease Is it your speedy Nuptials that are fatall By Heaven if such a thought were starting in you After all your Pleadings and my Conquer'd Pride You should be Married in the other World Mir. Alas that heavy Curse comes now too late Since Love has made me wretched beyond all hopes Of ever being blest or happy more He came my Lord but with a face so alter'd He rather seem'd the Ghost of my Alberto Then ey'd me as I were a Basilisk Revenge and Love jarr'd in his eyes a while But strait the fiercer passion gain'd the Conquest To all the Endearments of my joyfull Love He answer'd only with a Gloomy silence But soon as I discover'd your consent He storm'd and rav'd aloud then wisht me joy Talk't of Antonio falshood and revenge Whilst all my tears inflam'd him but the more V. R. I understand you not Ha! Ricardo Ric. You see my eye was piercing to discern V. R. Speak once again but speak it to the dead For they 'le solve such a riddle soon as I. Ric. I am no Oedipus yet can construe this He 's false or thinks her so which is as bad if not worse V. R. Oh! give me patience Heaven for this affront Which thus reflects upon my Masters honour And wipes the Sacred Oyl from off his head There 's ne're a proud Italian of you all Shall dare to ro●ze my fiery Jealous rage And scape it's fury Guards go seize the Traytor Mir. Hold hold Kind Sir and hear your Daughter speak Vi. R. Shame to my blood woud'st thou excuse the Villain Breath but a word for him that dares abuse Thy Fathers condescention and thy Love And I 'le proclaim thee Bastard and not mine Mir. I must speak for Love like mine 's invincible And like the Palm suppress'd does higher rise I wou'd excuse him too but impossible Perhaps some busy ●iend has been at work To interrupt the Calm which we enjoy'd And Shipwrack all our hopes with one dire blast What Virtue 's proof against the assaults of malice Vi. R. That ●iend is lodg'd within his treacherous breast There lies the Snake which stings my honour thus I● vain you 'd bribe my Justice with your tears The Ballance must fall down and crush Alberto Mir. Since you 're resolv'd oh hear me on my knees I beg of you this last this only favour Load me with all the chains his Crimes deserve And let my death glut your mistaken rage Vi. R. Fond Love-sick Fool then woud'st thou dye for him Mir. With as much Joy as Martyrs for their Faith Dye to preserve him for anothers Arms And bless the Stroke which gives Alberto life Vi. R. I finde my resolution Staggers here and thou hast tam'd the Lion in my Soul Rise Ric. 'T is well and fortune hitherto's my friend Did he secure him there wou'd be a search aside Deep in the bottom of my close design And all my industry were countermin'd If that my Loyallty were not ill manner'd I wou'd advise you Sir to curb your rage Till proof imprint the Stamp of Justice on 't And if your Highness shall think me
company with Ghosts There may'st thou revell with some Proserpine But never think of fair Miranda more Draw if thy trembling hand can hold thy sword Draws Ric. It can and fix it in thy heart Alberto Draws Alb. Come no more words but prove it by thy deeds That side o' th field is more convenient Shaded with trees and undisturb'd with noise Thither let 's repair but make haste Ricardo Le●t thou recover from this fit of Valour by delay Ric. On then and let the Conquerour boast I think I am secure Exeunt aside Enter Soldiers 1. Sol. Hark ye Comrades why the Devill shou'd we betray this gallant man who is our fellow Soldier for the pleasure of a cowardly Statesman who is of a profession that is our greatest Enemy and still plotting for Peace and to hinder our glorious rapines abroad that they may have the spoil of all at home 3. Sol. Alas poor Pedro and art thou troubled with a qualm of conscience 1. Sol. No faith boy I 'de have you to know that I am a Soldier and scorn any such baseness but why shou'd not we commit this small peice of perjury for a brave fellow that loves us rather then for a Coward that hates us 2. Sol. Ay! but Pedro we have his money and it wou'd be ingratitude 3. Sol. Ingratitude what 's that 1. Sol. Why a sort of current coin at Court Boys that runs like quick-silver from one to another for look ye don't we dayly see what a crowd of Cringers press there every day gaping like so many Jack-Daws for preferment and commonly such as have spent three parts of their Patrimony in presenting treating and bribing this Lord or that Squire this Coxcomb or t'other Fool and at last for amends get only a large sum of bare promises and shallow hopes quite as shallow as his Lordships little-witty quilted noddle therefore I 'le have nothing to do with it but leave you all to the Devill to be advis'd 3. Sol. By Saint Iago he speaks sense in that and I scorn to be backward in any virtuous act therefore I declare for the Soldier 2. Sol. I am half converted and of thy opinion too but my safety sticks with me for this same Lord Alberto is on the other hand too Virtuous and overcharg'd Virtue you know is as ugly as when she has nothing but skin and bones on her back 3. Sol. Right and therefore he 'd thank us for saving of him but hang us for betraying the other 1. Sol. Hum and i'gad that may be for faith tho' I love him very well yet I love my self better therefore to conclude let us kill 'em both and then we shall shake hands and part with a merry heart and a good conscience 2. Sol No no the best way is to seize and apprehend 'em both for duelling then shall we enjoy our prize by Law perhaps be rewarded by the Government for our great Care and circumspection for settling and Securing the affairs of the Nation 3. Sol. Well! thou hast a rare head-piece a rare head-peice i'faith I shall live to see thee one of th●se days on the very pinicle of preferment for ahy Policy 1. Sol. What dost mean the Gallows 3. Sol. Witty Dog the Gallows why faith as thou sayst the gallows is a pinacle from whence many a weather-cock has been whirl'd off and with as handsome a farewell as your protesting Courtier gives his humble Servant that is never to see him more 2. Sol. Well well I 've policy enough for a Souldier and I care for no more 1. Sol. Ay ay and so we have all but see they 're met and coming this way 2. Sol. The Soldier drives the Cowardly Statesman lightning before him Enter Ricardo driven in by Alberto 1. Sol. O' Miracle A Courtier and loose blood in ●ight but let 's to our work They seize and disarm ' em Alb. Ha! betray'd unband me Slaves 1. Sol. Slave us no Slaves Sir we 've sav'd your life and you must get your liberty as well as you can Ric. Come since he 's seiz'd return my Sword again That I may drein from out his heart his dearest blood To fill my ebbing Veins Come let me go 2. Sol. Ha! ha ha what can the roaring Lion do when he has lost his Claws and Teeh but roar Good noble Squire of the Court you must hire Soldiers to murder a Soldier and see what comes on 't I thank you we 've earn'd our money cheaper a great deal Ric. What mean the treacherous Dogs 3. Sol. Mean why we mean to secure you both you for bribing us to murder and him for not bribing us Alb. Thus heaven can save the Innocent 'Gainst all assaults and make the worst of men The instrument of good But false Antonio False man thus to conspire against my life When thou hast rob'd me of my Love else how Shou'd he have known it and prepar'd the means For execution Come Gentlemen lead the way The way to Death the end of all my greifs 1. Sol. Our business is to lead you back to prison since we have given you a reprieve and are taking you from the place of execution Alb. Wou'd you wou'd lead me to some Labrinth Where I might loose my piercing woes for ever And wander from my self Exit Alberto with two Soldiers Ric. Ten thousand plagues go with thee Did blood affright you Slaves your dayly food In peace and war But come unhand me now 2. Sol. Ha ha ha you think we 're in jest no faith Sir you 'l not find it so indeed I cou'd be Jocose enough sometimes with such a friend as you are but that there lags behind in such a case hanging in good earnest Ric. Hell and furies they deride me too O' that I were a Basilisk for their sakes Yet think ungratefull Villains of the Gold 3. Sol. Prithee talk not to us of gold when our lives are in danger The Law runs thus he that sees a duell and does not call for help or seize the Combatants is equally guilty of the breach of the Law and under the same penalty as he that actually engages Ric. Does not your Conscience sting you for your ingratitude 2. Sol. Conscience we 've got some Court Opium of you to lull that asleep Ric. Impudent Slaves Gods must I then behold my great designs Unravell'd by so base and common hands But this defeat shall heighten my Revenge I 'le call each fiend to harbour in my breast And prompt me to the wittyest Acts of horror Nay I 'le pursue him dead and haunt his Ghost And tho' I'm sunk ten thousand fathoms deep Yet I 'le be Aetna still and spout up Flames Shall set the Heavens on fire about his Ears And with the mighty ruin ease my Cares Exeunt Omnes SCENE The Court Enter Vice-Roy Antonio Guards and Attendants V. R. Antonio saw you your friend to day Alberto Ant. My Lord I did not and it much concerns me That he should
may come out if you please Enter Alberto Alb. What means this mercy from my Jaylor Iay. O my Lord no complements but stay a little and I 'le fetch you your sword Exit Alb. Let fate interpret this misterious dealing For I 'me invelop'd still in double night The light o' th Sun I yet may chance to see But oh Miranda Miranda's Set for ever set to me Enter Jaylor Iay. Here 's your accoutrements Sir and he●e's a key which opens the back-door leading to Porto Sancto make hast lest you be discover'd and I suspected Alb Fate niggard gives me happiness by halves Since I 'me unable to requite this goodness But here 's to reward thee gives him money Iay. I am sufficiently rewarded my Lord in my own conscience and your Lordships innocency and in Antonio's money Alb. Be silent still the night and wink ye Stars Guide me where I may find this faithless friend And all my sorrows shall for ever end Exit Iay. So much for him but now go on and prosper still say I I shall oblige 'em all three and cheat 'em all three Enter Antonio Ant. Jaylor Iay. Who 's there Ant A friend Is my Lord Alberto drest yes Iay. I 'le go see and if he be ready I 'le bring him to you Ex Ant. Now shall we solve this Sophistry of Hell And kill the Hydra that invented it Enter Jaylor leading Ricardo Iay. He fee'd me to free Alberto from which I study'd your Escape and keep the other still in durance Ric. Excellent Engine I 'le improve his fee. But how shall I escape undiscover'd Iay. Why Sir you may traverse your ground here in the dark and go out without speaking to him and at the door I 've plac'd some friends that will Conduct you to the Vice-Roy since you say you 're sure of being wellcome to him Your friend Sir will come out immediately to Antonio Now I 've got a hundred and fifty pieces I 'le fairly run away and if I 'me catch'd 't is better to be hang'd with satisfaction then to go to the Gal●ows with a craving Stomach For a full belly will weigh down the Rope But p●nury must ne're a pardon hope Exit Ant. I hear some tread my dear Alberto Friend Where are you Ric. You shall be with your friend ne're fear it so farewell If I can hit the door goes upon Antonio Ant. Wellcome my dear Alberto to these Arms Wellcome to life to friendship and to love Ric. stabs Anto. Ric. I hope I 've sign'd our Friendship Sir in bloud Ant. Wounded Oh Heavens and by Alberto's hand Ungratefull Traytor yet I 'le know the cause draws Ric. You shan't if I can possibly avoid it This is rare mischief thus with a randome blow To ●ow such Serpents teeth which when they spring In hisses will each others requiem sing Exit Ant. O Power of destiny to change a breast Which virtue seem'd to challenge as her own That he shou'd fear the presence of his friend And seek to give him death who sav'd his life Horror choaks up my words and damps my heart I feel his hand and not his Dagger Smart Exit SCENE The Pallace Enter Vice-Roy and Miranda V. R. Slighted again what do the Slaves conspire To make a mock of Naples second Monarch By all my wrongs I will endur 't no longer But they shall feel the weight of injur'd greatness Where is Antonio Guards go fetch him strait Hurl him through Hells of torture to my hands That I may heighten all his Misery And double all the wounds which he gives me Mir. O Sir what villain has inspir'd this rage Or is it I that have inflam'd you thus Know Royall Sir 'T was I that breath'd the calm repentance in him And call'd his wandring Love to it's first flame Then fix'd his friendship to Alberto's name V. R. Friendship I 'le hew that title from between 'em Eternall Mi●ts shall seperate 'em for ever Friends so were bloody Cassius and Brutus When they conspir'd great Caesars overthrow And all the world did mourn the fatall blow But Traitress thou that durst oppose my will Shall be immur'd for ever from the day In some dark Cloister sigh thy wearied life out There may'st thou tire the Saints with Orisons And each return a curse upon thy head Mir. Be deaf ye Powers and hear not his request Till these last words you were an Oracle Oh! if Alberto's doom be not revers'd Let me be the Companion of his death Then I 'le enjoy him with a purer flame Then hand in hand we 'le tread the milky way Whilst all the Stars shall wonder at our Loves V. R. Whilst all the Stars shall ●icken at the ●ight Enjoy him no by hell you never shall I 'le summon all that Magick art can do To ●●og th● Soul in it's swift flight away Tha● pois'd equally t'wixt heaven and hell Thy body here may rot on earth thy Soul Grow to one horrid Mass of black despair And hang a threatning Storm amidst the air Weep on weep poyson to infect the world And plague mankind as thou 'st tormented me Enter Ricardo But here 's a friend will countervail my griefs Here let me ease my Soul into thy breast Embraces him Here find a Subject and a Child in thee Ric. How fares it with my Royal Lord V. R. As with the indigested Embrio of the World When infant Nature labour'd with a Chaos Wanting as yet the kind Almighty Fiat To midwife the rude birth into an order My Soul like the Seeds of being in their first mixture Is grown a peice with grief and madness Ric. Trust me I weep for joy and grief at once I grieve your sorows and I mourn your wrongs But pardon me if that I joy to see you thus And find my honest nature constru'd right But ha the fair Miranda here in tears V. R. Mind 'em not friend they 're all but Bastard-seed The muddy offspring of a froward mind Begone thou Child of night but mine no more Avaunt I say thou Poyson to my Eyes Leave me for ever leave me and may thy breast Feel torments great as mine but never rest Exit Miran Ric. But never rest this to your Daughter Sir V. R. Be thou my Daughter and enjoy my heart For all run Counter to my will but Thee But speak what fortune has detain'd thee thus Ric. I fear to speak since it sums up a charge 'Gainst two whom till this night I most respected I fought Alberto in my Masters cause Whom he had injur'd by a proud disdain When strait some Souldiers seeing us engag'd Disarm'd and led us both to Prison but My Jaylors kindness free'd me or his cruelty For strait I met Antonio in the dark Who with his Rapier made a fruitless pas● Glancing o're my shoulder I clos'd with the Ass●sinate And with my dagger wounding him I broke loose Thus Sir I purchas'd my escape to you V. R. What do they mean t' usurp my power
you to be a Demon of Quality by your good manners that you come in a shape so familiar to me and that you don't bring Hell with you in your eyes But as for being my Master you know I have serv'd him faithfully in this World and 't is too hard to serve him in both at least till I am dead and as pure a Spirit as he and it is not fair that an honest Devill as I hope you are shou'd stretch my service beyond the limits of Matrimony Alb. This is Frenzy beyond all patience Did ever madness run to such a height Lop. Prithee ●e not so impatient but hear me out an hungry Judge or Guardian Usurer wou'd be more conscientious than you if you be come to punish me for my telling of the Challenge I answer that truly I did designe to prevent your fighting but was or'eheard a plotting by your friend Ricardo Alb. Ha! Ricardo Lop. Ay Sir for he swore h●'d blunt your adversaries sword with his blood so I trusting your safety to him retir'd This is the Sum of what I have to say in my own defence and I refer my Cause to a Jury of Spirits but let 'em appear invisibly and if they finde me guilty condemn me to the Gallies of Acheron if not resign your black Habeas corpus and sign my acquittance by immediate vanishing Alb. This might divert another but not me This simple Story carries wonders with it For Lopez did not know the place appointed Yet was Ricardo ready with his Murderers Oh 't is too plain 't was my false friends design But that 's but small for I was slain before A moving lump of clay without a Soul Lop. Now is this Archidiabolo giving Instructions to the invisible Jury Alb. Lopez throw off this fond affected fear Feel me I 'm flesh and blood a Man as thou art And not the Demon of the murder'd Master Lop. Whose Demon are you then Seignior Alb. The Slave perverts my words to serve his folly I am alive escapt from Prison Lop. That is as much as to say From Hell did you leap the Walls or shoot the Gulf Alb. Sure I 'me mistaken all this while art thou Lopez Lop. As sure as you 'r the Devill But who the Devill sent you to me Alb. Ridiculous approach me and feel thou Infidell And then believe thy Senses Lop. Well so I wou'd if I were so stout but I 'le make up that with policy upon these conditions I 'le approach first that you do not breath upon me and infect me with the air of Hell 2 dly That when I 'm close to you you don't contract your self into a mouthfull of air then leap down my throat and by inspiration get me with Child of a young Belzebub Alb. Will this mad humour never leave him try me Lop. Well I 'le take your word for once his worships well drest flesh and blood upon my life but are you sure you are alive Sir Alb. If ever thou didst know me so I am Lop. Hum your pardon Seignior a wiser man than I might mistake finding you here at this time of night and so expert as to break thro' your prison walls Alb. That misterie's too deep for thee to dive in But now retire and sleep for I perceive thou want'st it And when the morning dawns I will awake you Lop. I thank you Sir Exit Enter Antonio Alb. Hark! Something I hear again tread near this place Who shou'd it be Antonio no! He lies secure within Miranda's arms Enjoys and rifles all my hoarded sweets Then tir'd with bliss and the excess of joy Leans on her panting breasts and falls asleep Oh my poor heart sighs Ant. How have I chang'd my state of happiness And fall'n from all my hopes in one black day Like Oedipus I 'me innocent yet guilty But feel a punishment as great as his My freind and mistress fled away at once Astella Oh my Love Alb. By hell and all it's horrors 't is he Oh my swoln heart why dost thou tremble thus Thou that has fac'd Grim death in all it's Pageant-greatness When here 's a greater foe before thee The Serpent rob'd thee of thy Paradice Ant. It is Albert●'s voice Instruct me heaven What 's due unto my Honour and my Friendship Alb. Antonio Ant. Yes Alberto Alb. He that was my friend I think Ant. The same Alb. 'T is false thou never wert my friend Ant. 'T is well proceed Alberto Alb. Yes Traytor I will proceed Untill thy bloated face proclaim thy Guilt And bursting spit thy Venom out See●t thou not revenge Triumphant on my Sword Which maugre darkness shines like the Meridian Sun Longing to quench its thirsty wishes in thy blood And glimmering in the Scarlet sky to set Be quick and satisfy it Ant. Not for the World Or purchase an Eternity of bliss Wou'd I Encounter on so light a Cause Just like two rushing winds driven by chance Fight one another by a blind impulse Give me to know your Sorrows and my Crime Or find some other means for satisfaction I will not thus Alb I 'le tell thee when my Sword 's imbru'd and reeking in thy gore But now to speak wou'd pall the Appetite of my great revenge Why dost thou thus delay Ant. Here take thy wishes then offers Alb. his Sword Since thou art false deliberately false My life 's a burden to me Alb. Then throw it off I 'le ease thee of that burden Ant. I did resign it when I resign'd my Sword Now strike Alberto strike through my heart And to assure the Stroke think on thy wrongs But to lift up my Arm against thee were Sacrileg● In every wound I should behold Astella wrong'd And shame my Cruelty unto her brother But thou delay'st too long I am prepar'd Alb. Thou art a Fool I tell thee that wou'd blunt the edge of Justice What cut thee down as the laborious Hind mows off the grass Which by inclining seems to beg a Crop Antonio no you shall not dye so cheap I 've begg'd of Heaven to make thee as strong as Atlas To brave my fury like a well-grown Oak That I might wound and kill untill I fainted And my desires were baffl'd by my weakness Ant. 'T is well ye Powers thus to refuse me death When life was Odious to me Cursed Fate How shall I work him to so brave a deed Rather let me fight Without the Violation of my Love Then ever think Alb. Damn thy dull thoughts Is this a time for Love Equivocating slave Ant. Ha! Slave Alb. Yes Traytor Villain Coward Ant. Coward that stings home and wounds my honour Alb. Honour thou hast none that Roab of Glory Thou hast quite thrown off for thou art false and base Therefore a Traytor Villain and a Coward Ant. Thy Sisters Love secures thee still She calms the storm which swells within my breast And stills the rage of anger and despair Alb. My Sister no Devil no she never charm'd your Soul You Idoliz'd another