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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16834 A sermon, preached at Paules Crosse on the Monday in Whitson weeke Anno Domini. 1571 Entreating on this sentence Sic deus dilexit mundum, vt daret vnigenitum filium suum, vt omnis qui credit in eu[m] non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam. So God loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that al that beleue on him shoulde not perysh, but haue eternall life. Iohn. 3. Preached and augmented by Iohn Bridges. Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1571 (1571) STC 3736; ESTC S109682 109,364 184

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lucre all on the pennie all for aduauntage neyther to care ought howe he cometh by it swering and stering cursing and banning euen to deceaue his owne father on my faith and honestie it cost me thus much hauing in deede neither faith nor honestie to sweare by and therfore it were the leise matter if he appealed only to his false faithe and litle honestie But he spareth not to take to wit nesse the righteous iudgements of almightie God that seeth his falshod and yet will he not spare to say now as God shal saue me as God shall iudge me thus and thus it stands me in and yet it stands him not in half the money yea often times the bier shall haue it for the third penie that the seller asketh O mercifull God what an order is this among Christians And no nation noted for this horrible abusage more than englishmē We think we should not thriue if we should not use this curset kind of bargayning We counte it almost nothing now adaies it is growne into sutche a cusstome euery seconde worde to be poudred with an othe for credit yea to blaspheme God his dredfull iudgementes to renounce God and the benefite of our saluation and that for a little credite or for a paltrie gaine Curfed be that gaine that winneth such a losse that body and soule is lost to the which al the winning of the wide world were but a trifle Cursed be that credite that to retaine his estimation with an haede beleuyng man will not styeke to blaspheme and renounce his part of god But thou louedst cursing and cursing will come vppon thee Cushe a poynt sayeth his mayster that fingreth the gaine Iura periura secretum prode●…e noli Sweare h●…oreson and for sweare be wray not my mistery This is a mystery with a very mischefe that the coue●…ouse mas●…ter without all conscience teacheth his man Is this the waie to thriue Haue these menne I will not saie any feare of God for they haue none Non est timor d●…i ante oculos eorū But haue they any opinion there is a God No truely they saie in their harts with the foole ther is no god For if they thought there were they durst not thus abuse him And therfore the master careth not for the seruants instruction how he should come to the knowledge of God but with his seruant would haue all daies alike Sabaoth day and other And neuer passeth whether his seruant here know or beleue God his word or no. The seruant now being without all knowledge like a beast and his master without all conscience like a dyuell he hath as litle conscience to deceaue his master as his master wold haue him haue to deceaue others And hence cometh so many stubborn knaues saucie marchants crafty varlets priuie theeues ruffianlye cutters ryottous prentices and all the wicked sort of suche vnfaithfull seruantes among artificers and marchants that deceiue so many other men make their maysters bankruptes and bring them selues to miserye And thoughe the principall faulte herein bee in the maister that complayneth on his seruaunt yet is not this a bolster to the seruaunt whose dewtye is thoughe not to assent to theire mayster in wickednesse yet in euery rightefull thng to obey honour and loue their master with all seruice truth and diligence If they doe not either they shall neuer be masters them selues or be like wise punished in their seruants Behold the faithful seruise of Abrahams man and how god blessed his iorney and his master made him the guide of all hee had Beholde the faithfull seruice nighte and day hot and colde of Iacob to Laban how plētifully God multiplied and encreased his stock Beholde the chaste fidelitie of Ioseph to his maister Putiphar and his trustie diligence vnder the keper of the prison and how the Lord made euery thing to prosper that hee did and exalted him to the lordship of all Egipt and made all his kynne to honour him Seruants therfore be obedient vnto them that are your maisters according to the fleshe that is whiche haue power ouer your bodies not ouer your soules In all things not with eie seruice as men pleasers but in singlenesse of hart fearing god And whatsoeuer ye do do it hartily as to the lorde and not as vnto men knowing that of the lord ye shall receaue the reward of the inheritance for yee serue the Lord Christ And ye maisters do vnto your seruants that which is iust and equal knowing that ye haue also a maister in heauen And if thou hast a faithfull seruant let him be vnto thee as thine own soule c. Intreate him as thy brother Let thy soule loue a good seruant defraude him not of libertie neither leue him a poore man c. And thus this loue betwene the maister and his seruant wil become an exceding faithfull loue But be it neuer so excellent a loue yet bicause it is but duetie in the seruant and of the master cometh for his seruants painful ▪ trustie and profitable seruice therfore So God loued the world that this is but hireling and seruile loue to be cōpared to it We reade of greate loue that Princes haue loued their subiects withal and subiects again haue loued their Princes This is a goodly and Godly loue also wold to God it were so faithful in euery countrey as it ought to be Then should we not haue harde of suche oppressions and ciuile warres in foreine realmes nor of suche conspiracies and rebellions as hathe bene in oure owne A Prince oughte to be a father and mother to their people and to make reckning of so many children as they haue subiectes The subiect again ought to be as a chylde vnto his Prince and to make reckenyng of his soueraigne as of his own father or mother yea to make a greater accompt of him or her than of his father that begate him or his mother that bare him not only for that the state is greater and euen immediate next to God and representing god him selfe but also for the greater commoditie that both he his parents his kin and all his countrey receyue by the peasable and vertuous gouernement of the Prince not only of infinite benefits of bodye aud goodes but that passeth all bodily and temporall matters the free passage of the Gospel of Iesus Christ the mayntenance of his true Religion the faithfull feding on his word and sacraments that refreshe and nourishe his soule to lyfe euerlasting Therfore next vnder God there is no loue ought to be greater than this that the naturall subiecte doth owe his naturall Prince nor any thing is a surer defence to the Prince next vnder Gods protection whose anoynted the Prince is and in whose handes is the princes hart then is the faithfull loue of his subiects No horse nor harnesse no garde nor gunne nor garrison no forte nor castle no armie no treasure
alas shal the father and mother teache it them nay it is no meruaile how coulde the olde Crabbe teache the yong Crab to goe but a byas They haue nous●…ed vp them selues in all wickednesse and so they teache their children so that as it were they clayme hel by inheritance It is a world to see how ●…oone wee are decked vp to be proude or ere we knowe what pride meaneth What a laughter and sport it is to the parentes to se their yong chyld do any vnhappy touch But Extrema gaudij luctus occupat this wicked beginning must nedes haue a wretched endyng Wilte thou loke thou foolish father to reape vertue and sowedst nought but vice thou wast disobedient to God and wilt theu loke thy chyld shal be obedient to thee Nay loke how thou hast done to thy children thy children wyll doo the lyke to thee What measure yee mete withall shal be met to you againe Beware therfore of nourishing them in vice of giuing euill ensample to them tinder wil not so sone take fyre as the child wil take hold of euil ensample And he that offendeth one of these little ones sayth Christe that beleueth in me it were better a mylstone were tied about his necke and he throwen into the bottome of the sea Neyther dothe Christe here excepte father mother or any other but who so euer he be that is occa●…ion of sinne to the childe by ensample instruction encoraging or by any other meanes this heauie sentence is pronounced on him Thou father therfore if thou loue thy childe yea if thou loue thy selfe bothe for his parte and for thine owne parte beware of euel ensample The fourthe cause of disobedience is the lacke of knowledge of his duety Thou bringest vp thy sonne in ignorance and idely and howe can he then but proue a stubborn pece chiefly when he hath no knowledge nor fear of god Now wil he stande in awe of thee or know his duetie to thee Dost thou loue in dede thy child loue thā the more principall parte of him loue his soule more than his bodye loue the eternall life of him better than this temporall lyfe For else thou louest him not For proofe that thou louest hym thou shewest me what riches thou hast gathered for him what lādes and rentes thou hast purchased for him what lyuings and offices thou haste prouided for him what payne what coste what trouble what sute what trauel what cares and God knowes withall what conscience thou haddest to compasse these things for thy chylde and is not all this a sufficient argument to proue thou louest him No surely is it not But I will healpe thee with a better argument Thou art content for thy chyld to goe lyke a carle to the dyuell before that thy chylde may come after to the diuel like a gentlemā This is a token thou louest thy child that art content so thy chyld may be dāned thou wilt be damned too Now likest thou this loue is it not more worthy to be called hatred and worse it thou canst deuise ●… worser name for it this preposterous loue of thine to thy child Ah saist thou shal I not then prouide for my childe then were I worse sayeth Saincte Paule than an infidel I deny not but thou mayst yea and oughtest to prouide for him by all conuenient and godly meanes thou canst But the principall thyng that thou oughtest to prouyde for thy chylde is the Riches of the soule the knowledge the feare and the loue of god Primum quaerite regnum Dei 〈◊〉 omnia adijcientur ●…obis Fyrst seeke that thy chylde maye bee a Citizen of the kingdome of God that thy sonnes as Dauid sayeth maye bee As plantes growyng vp in th●…yt youthe in all Grace and U●…ttue that thy daughters may b●… polished lyke the corner stones of the temple of God shining in the cleere beawty of shamefastnesse and modestie and become olde mothers in Israel And then all other things shall be cast vnto them by Gods prouidence When thou art dead and faire buried they shall haue inoughe to liue on and doe full well although thou hadst lefte them neuer a penie I was yong and now am old●… saithe Dauid as who should saye I haue sene greate experience of many things in my dais yet neuer saw I the rightouse man forsaken and his seed beg their bred No though his father die yet is he as though he were not dead for he hath left one behinde him that is like him In his life he saw him and had ioy in him and was not sory in his death neither was he ashamed before his enemies he left behinde hym an auenger agaynst his enemies and one that should shew fauour to his frends Lo thus shall they be blessed that feare the Lorde bycause they bring vp their children in instructiō and information of the Lorde This is the true loue of the fathers and mothers to their children And this shall make if any thing wil make this loue of the parents descending to the children to ascende againe from the children to the parents so effectually that no earthly loue can be of greater force But be this loue also neuer so excellent when it once entreth this comparison of gods loue bicause it is so tied with the linkes of nature and bounden dewty on either parte although it somwhat resemble this loue of God our Father in heauen to vs his adopted sonnes in earth Wherby Dauid saith Sicut pater miseretur filiorū misertus est nostri dominus As the father hath mercie on his children so God hath had mercy on vs Can the mother forget her infant that she should not pitie the childe of her wombe although the mother coulde forget hir child sayth the Lorde yet will not I forget thee for I haue grauen thee vppon the palmes of my hands thy walles are euer in my sight Therfore I conclude on this loue as of the other that So God loued the worlde that no naturall loue of fathers and mothers to their children of children to their fathers and mothers is lyke this loue of God out heauenly father to vs. We reade of greate loue that seruauntes haue borne theyr maysters that maisters againe haue born theyr seruants the one hath suffred death to saue the other This was a notable loue Where are suche maisters and seruants now become nay it is now the old prouerbe vp downe trim tram such maister suche man suche cuppe suche couer neyther barrell better herring bothe maister and man may go in a line together for a great many of men and maisters now a dayes In many places where I come I heare the maisters complaine of their seruantes stubbornesse and vnfaithfull dealing of their seruantes dissolutenesse and lacke of awe But the maister seeth not howe God punisheth hym with his owne rodde howe his owne selfe is the cause here of He would haue his seruant all for
nor anye thing that a Prince canne deuise in yearthe to defende hym selfe and saue his honoure by is of more value than this one thyng the Subiectes faythful loue Neyther hath the subiecte a greater earthly treasure gyuen hym of GOD than a godly and louyng Prince nor a greater scourge in thys lyfe can there be than when Propter peccata populi facit hypocritam regnare For the peoples wyckednesse God sendes an hypocrit a false worshipper of God a setter vp of superstition and idolatrie an hatefull and cruel tyrant that loueth not his subiectes to raigne ouer them Consyder then with your selues how exceedingly we the people of Englande are bounde in this greate benefite among infinite other to Almightie God that wee be subiects vnder sutche a most gracious Prince that without suspition of lie or flattery we may truely saye Non taliterfecit omni nationi He hath not dealte so with anye nation as he hath dealte with vs Looke thorough out all Christendome comparisons are odious ye shall fynd no countrey no kingdom no realme no citie no state nor any people to enioy all those benefites all that whyle and after that sorte that we haue doone and long shall doo I trust vnder our most blessed Soueraigne The Lorde that hathe wroughte these benefytes to vs by her bee blessed for her and as in a stretched out arme he hath by her deliuered vs from the bōdage of Egipt Pharaos tirannie as hee hath to the preseruing gathering together and feeding vs poore strayed scattered famished weryed sheepe of his folde stirred her vp to be our shepherde deliuered her and vs from the Beare and the Lion as he hathe infeoffed her not onely with royall honoure and supreme gouernement but also endowed her with sutch princely qualities and excellente vertues that other people wonder at her as a myrror other Princes lerne at her as a patterne and we feele the benefit of her as a mother So God that for hys glorie and oure profite hathe giuen her to vs and vs to her for his mercie and truthes sake vouche safe to continue encrease blesse defende and prosper her long to raigne ouer vs and of a yong Lady make her an olde lustie mother amongst vs that hath suche motherly loue vnto vs What now remayneth on our partes to her but lyke faythfull subiectes to honour and obey her with all our industrie lyke louing and naturall children to loue her with all our hartes like Godly Christians with all prayer and supplication to praye for her and lyke true Englishemen to fyghte for her with all our mighte to healpe her with all our goods yea and nede were to die for her also For this I durst saye for her that if neede were as God forbidde or if her deathe coulde doe vs good as it can not but bring vs greatest hurte she woulde not sticke to suffer death either for Gods cause or for ours And this shee shewed full well when tyme was howe readie she was to become a constant mar●…ir for the truthe euen to the very pinche of deathe She went with Christ ouer Cedron into the garden and there slept not as som of the disciples did but sawe euen the cup and horrour of death before her So well she toke his crosse and followed him But God deliuered and exalted her to restore his truth and God preserue her to maintein it Amen Let vs therfore welbeloued of God and loued of her render loue for loue againe vnfainedly And al false harlots all doggish Doegs all dissembling Papists among vs that saye Amen from their teeth and wold if they could eate her with their teeth God turne their harts for his mercy or for his Iustice detect and roote them out that she our louing prince we her louing subiects maugre al Gods hers our enemies may long time liue and loue in God together Amen for Iesus sake Amē But what is this loue also were it neuer so vnfained or any of all these loues or all these loues and put them altogether and adde on the heade of al these loues the loue that we owe to God aboue all things which is most principally to be cōsidered to loue God with all our harte with all our soule with all our might and in respecte of this loue to set all other loues aside yea to hate oure selues in comparisō of this loue of God yet al the loues that we are able to bere one to another and all to God we are bound to them by so many causes that they are all rather dueties than loue And our loue whē it commeth to his most perfection is so imperfecte and hath so many bracks and blots till this corruptible shal put on incorruption and this mortall put on immortalitie yea when that which is perfect is com the imperfect abolished and that faith and hope shal cease only loue continue yet shal it neuer com nere this incomparable loue of god to vs wherby So God loued the world that for y worlds saluatiō he gaue his only begottē son Why sir may not a prince here in this world so loue his people to geue also his only begotten sonne for them and that for naughty caitiues theues wicked ones and traitors to him and to their countrey and that by the laws they ought to suffer a most reprochefull deathe yet may not this prince minding the iustice of the law shal passe so feruently loue those malefactours that he will not spare to geue his only begotten sonne to the laws seueritie and bitter deathe for the redemption of those trāsgressors so entierly beloued of him surely this were a maruelous harde case we can not put a harder no though he died him selfe for them We neuer redde of any sutche prince The ensample of Codrus that procured his owne deathe to saue the Athenians The ensample of the Philenian brethren that voluntarily were buried quicke for the enlarging their countrie bounds The ensample of the Decij and Curtius and such as gaue them selues to deathe for the preseruation of their coūtries this was maruelous great loue that moued them but nothing like the case here put How beit this is nothinge like to Gods case neither For if the prince bare sutche loue to those malefactors no great loue in any creature could com with out greate causes on their partes either that they had don for the prince or might doe for him that moued him to beare them this exceding loue But in God the creatour there was no cause at all as is alreadie declared on the worlds behalfe wherefore he shold loue the world neither benefite nor personage nor any thing besides the loue it selfe of god The Prince in this case might not fauoure his sonne or loue those offenders more than he did his sonne but the sonne of God is his best beloued neither did he this to his sonne as not louing his sonne or lesse louing his
sonne than vs but only he did it for the loue of vs yet his loue of vs is onely in and for his sonne The Prince might seeke glorie and renowne by this strange fact as the Philosophers did in al their sufferings but Christ sought ignominie due to vs to bring vs to raigne in glorie with him In the ende the Prince must nedes die and his sonne also and how soone either of them God knowes And whether by not so famouse a deathe or no God knowes And how they shold haue liued with what troubles feares and changes God knows These things might moue them to be the willinger to suffer death that once they must nedes suffer and this they know But the sonne of God was not subiecte vnto deathe he neded neuer to haue died for death had no power ouer him as he truly sayd Habeo potestatē ponēdi animam meam iterum sumendi eam I haue power to geue ouer my life and to take it againe It lay in his owne power to die or not to die but that of his mere loue he vouchesaued for to die Moreouer the Princes death could worke but a small and trifling benefit the sauing of theyr bodily life for a whyle that perchaunce myght die body and and soule within a minute of an houre after But the death of oure vnspotted Lambe the sonne of God is become suche a sweete and acceptable sacrifice to GOD the Father and so effectuall vnto vs that if any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for oure sinnes onely but for the sinnes of the whole worlde To conclude there is as mutche difference betweene this or any other case that can be put of any creature husbande wife parentes children frend enemie neighbour stranger maister seruant prince subiect or whose loue soeuer it be as is betwene the creature creator as is betwene the person of a wretched mortal man the person of the liuing and immortall god The loue of God therefore whereby he so loued the worlde that he gaue his sonne for it doth excell all comparison doth excede all speache doothe passe all vnderstanding Wee speake but in a darke speeche theron we vnderstand it but as chyldren we see it but thorough a gl●…sle we know it but in part yea the angels meruaile at it and cannot fully conceaue the breadth the length the depthe the heigthe of this incomprehensible loue of God to manne and to knowe this loue of Christe whiche go●…th beyonde all knowledge But that we may haue some taste of this sweete loue of God some ioy of this his excellent gifte let vs deare beloued as we maye a little beholde the same He gaue his only begotten son Here are two things to be considered The one is the thing it self that for this loue he bestowed vpon vs The other is the maner of his bestowing it The thing that he bestowed was euen his sonne not his seruant but his sonne not his frende but his sonne euen his true begotten sonne and that his only begoten son Such as the father is suche is the sonne the Father is God the sonne is God God of the substance of his father very God and equall to his father in substance eternitie grace glorie power and euery thing For all that the Father hathe hee hathe giuen to him and he and the father are one Hee is the expresse image of the inuisible God the first begotten of all creatures the wisdome of his father by whome the world was made the light of the worlde the way the truth and the life the authour and fynisher of our faithe the prince of pastours and great shepeherd of our soules the true vine the bread of lyfe the rock and fountayn of the liuing waters the corner stone of the building and foundation therof the king of glorie the prince of peace the anoynted of God the high priest the mediator of the new Testament the lamb of god that taketh away the sinnes of the world the reconciler of God and man the Emanuel the Messias the blessed seede the hope and redemption of Israell The lord sauior Iesus Christ in whome is the fulnesse of the diuinitie in whom only is layde vp the vnsearchable treasorie of all the riches of the glorie grace fauor of this infinit loue of God euen the only begotten son of god So muche more excellent than the angels in as much as he hath obteined a more excellēt name thā they For vnto which of the angels sayde he at any tyme Thou art my son this day haue I begotten thee And agayne I will be his father and he shall be my sonne and againe when he bringeth in his firste begotten sonne into the world be saith And let al the angels of God worship hym c. to the Son he saith O god thy throne is for euer euer the scepter of thy kingdom is a scepter of righteousnes thou hast loued righteousnesse and hated iniquitie wherfore God euen thy God hath anoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellows And thou Lord in the beginning hast established the earth and the heauens are the workes of thine handes they shal perish but thou dost remayn and they al shall waxe old as doth a garmēt and as a vesture shalt thou fold them vp they shal be changed but thou art the same and thy yeares shal not fayle Vnto whiche of the angels sayde hee at any tyme Sitte thou at my right hād til I make thy enemies thy foote stoole And hath he then poured foorth on vs poore and wretched synfull misers sutche treasures of hys blessings that he hath giuen vs euen this his son in quem desiderant angeli prospicere on whom the angels desire to looke yea saithe the same sonne him self Dedit vnigenitum filium suum He gaue his only begotten sonne O infinite and vnspeakable loue O most preciouse gifte O most orient pearle O most happie marchant that can get this iewel The price of this gifte can not be tolde the value of this iewel is inestimable siluer and gold pearle and stone is nothing comparable to this wonderfull gifte of god No we are not bought with corruptible things as siluer and golde but with the precious bloud of Christ the sonne of God The sonne of God why could no lesser gift haue serued vs might not he haue geuen vs an angell But euen his sonne And that his only begotten son Might not he haue gyuen vs one of his adopted sonnes some notable man or womā some patriarche some Prophet some apostle or some holy sainte of god No God spared not to giue his his onely begotten son for man Yea nothing coulde sufficiently pacifie the wrath of God satisfie his iustice make due recompence for our vndue offence reconcile vs to the fauour of GOD againe vanquishe