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A13187 Disce vivere Learne to live : a briefe treatise of learning to liue, vvherein is shewed, that the life of Christ is the most perfect patterne of direction to the life of a Christian : in which also, the well disposed may behold their orderlie passage, from the state of grace, to the state of glorie. Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629. 1604 (1604) STC 23484; ESTC S1737 203,338 618

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gatherer of money or possessor of riches that their account should not be for thinges transitorie wherefore they did them good in vnburdening them of these troublesome possessions and as for greater reuenewes downe with them downe with them euen to the ground 3 There was no fitter way as these men thought of ruinating Christs religion then by taking away those meanes whereby the exercise of Religion was continued and surely it was so for soone would the publike practise of religion decay were there not some meanes by temporall commodities for the continuance thereof To this end therfore endowments were first alotted out by God to the t●…e of Leui and since hath he stirred vp good men to shewe great bountifulnes this way The people neuer thought it a burden to bring vnto the tabernacle and the well disposed haue béene glad they had somewhat to dispose for the setting forth of the seruice of God accounting it a mercy of God they had the honour to doe good For the vse therefore and exercise of Christes Religion wée sée in the first place not onely how lawfully but howe religiously these temporall and earthly possessions may be enioyed and that the Church may vse lawfullie those benefits wherewith God hath blessed her For the state of Christians in generall both the hungry conceite of those of whom Epiphanius maketh mention in former times and the running fancie of the Anabaptists of latter time who would bring in a mingle mangle partly consisting of a platonicall communitie and affected pouertie is most dissonant frō the state and gouernment of Christians who should rather be helpfull then chargeable to others by works of deuotion hospitalitie and such like honour God Pharao cries vpon the Israelites to haue them make their stint and number of bricke and yet takes away that which might yéeld them meanes to accomplish their worke Christians must féed Christ in the hungrie cloath him in the naked harbour him in the harbourlesse let these men shew how this shold be done if earthly riches be not possessed but riches say they are the Mammon of iniquitie and the possession of them is the roote of euill True some men haue hurt themselues with weapons not vsing them as they ought as these doe in misapplying of holy Scriptures therfore take away the vse of both generally from all This is a farre fet inference and from the rule of common reason That riches are called the riches of iniquity it is not so said as if they were in themselues so but the default is that oftentimes they become so by the fault of those that possesse them It is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the matter of money but it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that same loue of money that is the roote of euill Sathan soonest preuailed with Iudas that bare the bagge yea that loued the bag This was the cause of that our Sauiour spake How hard it is for rich men to enter into the kingdome of heauen because rich men for the most part are so caried away with the loue of riches so that they oftentimes forget forgoe the loue of God for a little drosse and baggage of the worth This was the cause that made the young man in the Gospel sorrowfull euery word of our Sauiour was a sworde that did pearce his heart Goe and therfore make no delay sell therefore depart frō hence out of hand All that thou hast and therefore thy whole substance Giue and therefore fréely bestow vnto the poore and therefore to them that cannot recompence thée againe The text saith He was rich and went away sorrowfull and surely so it is that rich men in these cases are much sorrowfull Christ our Sauiour likeneth riches to thornes and if riches be in couetous mens hearts no meruaile though they haue many sorrowes for the nature of thornes is they are pricking and choking and they grow thick 4 Now though riches sometimes and to some men are the occasion of euill when we séeke them to follow vanities and liue without controlement it doth not therefore follow that they are so generally vnto all True it is that we should not trust in such vncertaine riches nor stay our selues vpon these inferiour and transitorie things but minde a state of all continuance to come yet this renouncing of the world in affection and loue doth not enioyne an vtter contempt of all earthly benefits which wee may vse to the good of our selues others yet somtimes forsake for the loue of heauenly things When Christ our Sauiour saide Feare not them which can kill the body he doth not exclude all reuerence and feare to be giuen vnto such but the meaning is doe not so feare them as you neglect to feare him which hath power to kill both body and soule When hee sayeth Labour not for the meate that perisheth but labour for the meate which perisheth not Hee doth not th●…eby dehort vs from labouring for the meate which perisheth but this is spoken per modum comparationis by way of comparison that is doe not so labour for the meate that perisheth that you neglect to labour for the meate that perisheth not So when hee sayeth First seeke the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof It is not contradictorie to that of the Apostle Prouide afore hand thinges necessarie Prouide for thinges necessarie hath his time so that our Sauiours Primum quaerite regnum Dei be first remembred First séeke the Kingdome of Heauen and the righteousnes therof It was not saide in solicitudine in carefulnes but in labore that is in labour thou shalt eate thy bread nay it is not so much the care as the inordinate care of earthly thinges which the Gréeke text hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is there dehorted The care for the life present and thinges necessarie thereunto is in the Apostle commended but in the Euangelist the care of heauenly things is preferred hee that prouideth afore hand for thinges of this life as hee that giueth his virgine into marriage doth well but hee that prouideth for thinges appertayning to the life to come as hee that giueth not his Uirgine doth better The desires of thinges necessarie for our aboade heere are manie but the desire of and for our heauenly being is more commendable Rachell was the fairer though Lea was the fruitfuller our onely care to possesse heauen and heauenly thinges is like Marthas part which Christ said should neuer be taken from her 5 This notwithstanding a sufficiencie for the maintenance of life the lawfull vse of worldly goods possessions may be continued so we vse them as Mariners doe their oares to help them along till they come to the Hauen or as Way-faring men doe their staues which willingly they lay aside when their iourney is done the scope is that wee be indifferent vnto riches thinke of them in Christianitie as the
resembled vnto water because it cleanseth Dauid calleth it a right spirit right because it leadeth vs the right way The Apostle calleth it th●… spirit of Adoption because it maketh vs the children of God Somtimes it is called the Teacher of truth sometimes the eternall spirit all which names ●…oe tend to shew the diuers operations of the holy Ghost as 〈◊〉 the former appearance of fire 〈◊〉 stre turnes all things into fire because it expe●…eth the coldnes of our hearts bath burneth with inward loue as also shineth by outward charity It teacheth 〈◊〉 directeth it comforteth it cleanseth in a cloud in a Doue in fire in tongues in the winde all which moue vs to pray with the Prophet Emitte spiritum tuum Lord ●…end forth thy spirit and wee shall be created The light of Faith shall arise in vs our 〈◊〉 shall be confirmed in good man●… graces shall be collected in one our desires shall mount vpwar●… and last of all we shall be holy as is holy 7 Contra●…ise without this 〈◊〉 spirit what are we but as 〈◊〉 men of Sodome striken with ●…dnesse not knowing which 〈◊〉 to goe sorrowfull is it to ●…ider the case of Saul who ●…en the spirit of God was with 〈◊〉 hee was a man of courage 〈◊〉 va●…our able to encounter 〈◊〉 the enemies of God but 〈◊〉 once the spirit of the Lord 〈◊〉 departed from him he was ●…ressed as is wonderfull he ●…es to a Sorceresse disgui●… himselfe knowes not in the 〈◊〉 what to doe nor which 〈◊〉 to take there was not a 〈◊〉 in the field nor a corner in 〈◊〉 house that could hide him 〈◊〉 his troubled conscience E●…●…ryed ●…ryed My Father my Fa●… but Saul might haue cryed ●…en the spirit of the Lorde de●…ted from him O my ioy my 〈◊〉 gone his body died once 〈◊〉 his hart often The wife of ●…es in her last breath cryed 〈◊〉 the same might Saul haue 〈◊〉 also O the glory of God is gone when the Prince remoueth all the Princes troope and trayne euery one is remouing to accompanie the person of the Prince so when the Spirit of the Lorde remooueth all ioy all faith all knowledge all loue at once departeth Wherefore the Church doth well and deuoutly pray Et spiritum sanctum tuum ne aufer as a nobis And take not thy holy Spirit from vs. It was Saint Austens prayer Ve●…●…ancte spiritus Come holy spirit the cleanser of the vncleane the comforter of the sorrowfull confirme mee that I may keepe thee keep me that I may not loose thee If Sathan ●…de the house once emptie hee entereth by a foule spirit wherefore besée●…h we God that his spirit may euer keepe possession of our hearts Nowe as Christ promised his Apastles the comming of the holie Ghost so did hee also shewe them howe they should be prepared for the receiuing and conseruing thereof for albeit this diuine Spirit were promised before and after the Resurrection 〈◊〉 he would they should be pre●…red for it that wee should 〈◊〉 to vse meanes for Gods ●…ites promised First they 〈◊〉 wait for it secondarily they 〈◊〉 waite at Ierusalem and ●…re in an vpper roome what 〈◊〉 they doe they are assembled ●…th one accord what else they 〈◊〉 assembled with one accord in 〈◊〉 all which doe shewe vs 〈◊〉 meanes of preparing our 〈◊〉 for the participation of the 〈◊〉 Ghost First faith is ne●…rie for the Apostles belée●… Secondly hope is necessa●… for they expected the accom●…ment of the promise Third 〈◊〉 charity is necessary for they 〈◊〉 assembled in loue the Text ●…eth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with one ac●…d Fourthly holinesse of con●…sation is necessarie they were 〈◊〉 vpper roome The Spirit 〈◊〉 God sayeth the wise man ●…eth not in a body subiect to 〈◊〉 Last of all deuotion is ●…cessarie they were all assem●… in prayer The seauentie Elders rec●…ed of the spirit of the Lord at the dore of the Tabernacle where God was worshipped When the Disciples were assembled in prayer the place where they were assembled moued and the holy Ghost came downe vpon them and héere wee sée both of receiuing as also the meanes of entertayning one and the same holy spirit Gregorie saith In terra datur Spiritus vt diligatur proximus e coelo da●…ut Spiritus vt diligatur Deus The holy ghost is giuen on earth that we should loue men and the holy Ghost is giuen from heauen that we should loue God This loue of God is neuer idle but alwaies busie héere beneath it was Christes owne rule If you loue me keepe my commaundements it is a signe we loue the great Emperour when wee kéepe his lawes Last of all whereas the receiuing of the holy Ghost is called the earnest of the spirit how manie comforts are there which doe hence consequently ensue when 〈◊〉 substantiail dealer maketh a bargaine or couenant and in part of payment giueth earnest before ●…and the residue behind is as ●…re at the day as if the partie ●…ad it already down God of his ●…nite loue in Christ Iesus ●…ath agréed with beléeuers for the receiuing of heauenly trea●…re or treasure in heauen his holy spirit is before giuen in part of payment a good earnest and of the rest behind this earnest is ●…fficient assurance which wee 〈◊〉 receiue at that ●…ay when the ●…onne of righteousnes shall appeare and all his holy Angels ●…ith him Chap 31. How that exhortation of our Sauiour Christ Iohn the twelfth and thirtie siue doth appertaine to vs Christians Ambulate dum lucem habetis vt non tenebrae vos comprehendant Walke while yee haue light least darknes come vpon you THese wordes of our Sauiour Christ spoken in the first place to the people of the Iews are ●…y way of appropriation appliable vnto all but most speciallie vnto them on whom the ends of the worlde are come Walke while yee haue light least darknes come vppon you For in this remnant of time Sathan seeketh in malice to destroy men and God in mercy to saue sinners by whom the day of grace is fitly resembled to a time of light Walke while yee haue light The children of God are called the children of light his Angels are called the Angels of light his doctrine is called the doctrine of light you were darknes saith the Apostle but nowe you are light and are called to an admirable light And so after the s●…me manner the time of grace is a time of light our co●…nuance in this grace is the light of life which very life hath sometime●… the appellation of light because when death comes as the wise man saith ●…ur light is lost that is the continuance of life which is light And so in regard of the true light which is Christ Iesus himselfe of his doctrine which is a doctrine of light of his grace which is the benefite of light of our con●…inuance in the world which is a
direction in all our wayes 6 The first vertue to be learned in the life of Christ which was his humilitie 7 What we learne by Christes leading into the wildernes his fasting and temptation there 8 Of Christes great compassion towards the state of man his continuall doing good in the world and what instru●…ions we hence learne 9 How little our Sauiour esteemed popularitie and glorie of the world and howe by his example wee learne to doe the like 10 Of Christes continuall labours trauailes in the world whereby wee may take a suruay of our Christian condition 11 Of his teaching the multitude and his actions before hee taught which doth also teach vs what we should doe 12 Of Christs visiting the sicke his feeding the hungrie curing all that came vnto him which doth lay before vs a most absolute rule of shewing pittie and compassion 13 Of the great meekenes of the Sonne of God in bearing the reproches of the world an instruction vnto vs of suffering patiently 14 Of Christes most milde and penceable cōuersation amongst men which is our Christian direction of passing our time so in this world 15 Of the name of Iesus 16 Of Christes teaching his disciples to pray and the tenour of that diuine forme of prayer so often to be vsed of all deuoute Christians 17 Of Christes often praying speciallie in the Garden when his soule began to waxe sorrowfull and what feruencie in deuotion we heereby learne 18 That christian men may take comfort amidst the calamities of this life by that of our Sauiour Iohn 14. 1. Let not your hearts be troubled where he armeth his Disciples with consolation against troubles 19 Howe that our Sauiour exhorting all that would followe him to denie themselues and take vp their crosse daily doth concerne vs all that beare the name of Christians 20 That Christian men ought to liue in all orderlie and dutifull obedience to Princes and Gouernours 21 That Christians may lawfullie enioy earthlie commodities and possesse riches but how they should be affected towards them 22 Howe Christ exhorteth to forsake Father and Mother and all for his sake 23 Of Christes manie miracles and ●…hat we learne by them 24 What wee learne by Christes most diuine wisedome in answering his aduersaries and all that came vnto him 25 Of Christ our Sauiour what hee did vpon the Saboath and Festiuall dayes and what Christians may gather for the obseruation of the same 26 Of Christs weeping ouer Ierusalem 27 Of his passion and suffering vpon the Altar of the Crosse for the sinnes of the world and saluation of our soules howe often and with what deuotion all Christian men should meditate heereof 28 Of Christs resurrection from the dead and howe the veritie heereof doth much strengthen our Christian faith 29 Of Christs Ascension vp into heauen besides manie good instructions how heereby our hope of ascending is confirmed 30 Of the comming downe of the holy Ghost and howe wee shouldin all Christian manner entertaine this diuine spirit into the mansion of our soules 31 How that exhortation of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 12. 23. Walke while ye haue light least darknes come vpon you doth appertaine vnto vs Christians 32 How that inferred vpon the parable of the ten virgines Math. 25. 13. Watch therefore for you knowe neither the day nor houre when the Sonne of man will come doth expreslie appertaine to all Christians in this life 33 A louing conference had with Christ and the deuoute Christian man touching the state and ioyes of the life to come promised to them that learne of Christ and follow him in this life Disce viuere Learne to liue The first Chapter An exhortation mouing euerie deuout Christian for his better direction in learning to liue often to meditate of the life of Christ. WHilest I was musing sayeth the Prophet the fire kindled what was this fire but the loue of God what was this musing but the bellowes to blow the sparks and kindle the flame of Dauids affection which affection bred destre which desire caused loue which loue moued delight which delight brought forth labour Lord saith he what loue haue I vnto thy statutes all the day long is my studie in them Whereby wee sée that among the exercises of a deuout life there is none that is wont more to eleuate or lift vp the mind to a higher degree of perfection then meditation In meditation what doth more mooue man to loue God then the reuoluing of his benefits Amongst these benefits was there euer any comparable to that So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeued in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting So then to meditate of the life of him by whom wee haue eternall life is the verie life of life What is there found that can more arme vs against the vanities allurements of the world or the tribulations and aduersities of the same then continually to haue before the eyes of our mind the memorie of his doings and sayings of his suffering and satisfaction made for the redemption of our soules 2 In which Christian meditation so many vnlooked for motiues to loue God doe occurre when the deuout soule doth recount the ioy inexplicable happines whereunto all doth tend as they may sée me not onely infallible testimonies of grace present but after a sort gladsome presages to the beléeuing hart euen of future glory that is to come Abraham sawe Christ when the couenant was but promised and yet it reioyced his hart wee sée him now the couenant is performed and shall we not reioyce Simeon was a happie man who saw him with the eyes of his body and the faithfull are happy too who still by meditation sée him with the eyes of the soule 3 Euery man saith Sen●…a that listeth to applie himselfe to reading meditation may haue priuate conference with Zeno Pythagoras Aristotle Theophrastus the Authors of good Arts he shall finde them all at leasure to commune with him But a thousand tunes more truly may it be said of the deuout soule that she may daily commune and conuerse with Iesus Christ the Author of her happines in calling to mind his loue mixed with so many labours the scarres and markes of his suffering which she may behold his diuine precepts which she may obserue his louing comforts which she may receiue in all distresses incident in the life of man 4 Is it not more acceptable to sée God with the sheepheards at Bethelem when the Angels sing then with Moyses when he was flaming in the fierie bush To heare him vpon mount Tabor to preach blessednes after blessednes then vpon mount Sinah when for lightning thundering it was present death for the people to approach Is not the case altered It was said as a testimonie of the loue of God vnto the Israelites Did euer God come so neare a Nation How
fighteth for you So may it be said vnto euery Christian man whose armour is the shielde of faith the sword of the spirit whose battaile is temptation whose grand Captain is Christ Iesus our Sauiour whose conquest is an immortall crowne of euerlasting glory be of good courage pluck vp a good heart the Lord of heauen earth is with thée and for thée in the conflict Chap. 8. Of Christes great compassion towards men his continuall doing good in t●… world and what instructions wee hence learne WHen wee enter into consideration of the great compassion of the sonne of God towardes the distressed state of man wee finde it a worke of inspeakeable mercy In the creation Dedit te tibi O man God gaue thée thy selfe but in the redemption Dedit se tibi God gaue thee himselfe In the creation of all things necessarie for man onlie sixe dayes were passed but in mans redemption thrée thirtie y●…res were expired in the creation pauca dixit hee spake few things in the redemption of man multa dixit mirabilia fecit hee spake many things hee did wonderfull things Adam in the state of innocencie for perfection left all his posteritie farre behind his reason was vncorrupt his vnderstanding pure his will obedient he was for knowledge of heauenly matters an excellent Diuin●… for the nature of things a déep Philosopher for power hee had a whole world to commaund Adam had nothing which was necessarie nowe wanting vnto him that when he saw he had all things which hee could desire in earth hee might then turne his desires towards heauen his dutie for all is to kéepe the law of his God He hath one precept amongst these many blessings this one precept is most vndutifully broken Adam vnlesse mercie step in thy felicitie and the felicitie of all thy posterity is at an end therefore behold a helper when thou art now in the pawes of the Lyon The seede of the woman shal break the Serpents head Here the Serpents hope is turned into a curse and in Christ who was to come Adams dread is turned into a blessing Behold loue which affected Adam more then Adam did affect himselfe 2 Now Christ the promised séede being come hee compares himselfe vnto that Samaritane who tooke compassion vpon the wounded man This wounded man may resemble humane nature the Priest and the Leuite that passed by the offerings and sacrifices of the law the Samaritane Christ who beholding man in this case with the eye of mercy bound vp his wounds poured in the softning oyle of grace and searching wine of contrition layeth him vpon his own nature and righteousnes therof taketh out the two Testaments bringeth him to the holy hostage of his Church commandeth his Priests to take care and charge of him and promiseth that one day they shall finde they haue not lost their labour 3 In consideration of mans fall sayth Saint Bernard mercie began to knocke at the bowels of God the Father which mercie brought with her peace as a companion on the other side trueth accompanied with iustice began to approach and contradict mercie Betweene these sisters began a long controuersie Mercie sayeth vnto God O God man this creature of thine would haue compassion shewed him being now so miserable No sayth Truth and Iustice Lorde fulfill thy word Adam that day thou eatest thou shalt die Mercie replies but thou hast made mee mercie but if thou shew no mercie I am not on the contrarie Truth saith and I am truth vnlesse I take place I abide not for euer God the father commits the deciding of all vnto God the sonne before whom Truth and Mercie speake the same things Truth saith if Adam perish not I perish and Mercie sayth if Adam be not conserued I languish Well let death be good and let both haue that they desire let Adam die and yet for all that let Adam haue mercy and liue O admirable wisedome but how can death be good séeing the death of sinners is worst of all Let one be found which of loue may die and yet is not subiect to death The motion séemed good but where may any such be found Truth séekes about the earth and cannot find one cleane from sinne no not an Infant of one day mercy goeth vp to heauen and there findes none that hath this loue as to leaue life for sinners these sisters returne at the time appointed not finding that which was required At the last peace calling them aside and comforting them sayeth You knowe there is none that doeth good no not one hee that gaue you this counsell when all is done must surely giue you help whereat the vmpire began to procéede and calling the Angell Gabriel said Goe tell the daughter of Sion Behold her king commeth Let these sisters now accord in one and let that of the Prophet be confirmed Mercie and truth are met together righteousnes peace haue kissed each other now Truth thou shalt haue thy right for Adam shal die and Mercy here is thy desire Adam shall be restored to life O happy harmony who euer reade of such wisedom and loue it was Gods goodnes to think vpon vs it was his bounty to reléeue vs this is the fountaine frō whence our riuers come the Sea from which all our waters arise Here mercy is the wine that gladdeth mans heart and loue is the oyle that makes him to haue a chéerefull countenance Martha said Lord he whom thou louest is sick as if the loue of Christ were enough to moue him to a worke of loue Thus much of Christes compassion towards the state of man in general 4 For his continuall doing good in the world his pitty was euer pardoning his wisedome was euer teaching his liberality was euer giuing his compassion was euer helping all his teaching whereunto did it tend but vnto the remission of sinnes all this tends to our consolation For his sincerity of life while he walked in the world Tertullian bids the Romaines but reade their owne Registers there they should finde mention of the faultlesse conuersation of Iesus the sonne of the virgin Mary his doing good was in effect our good looke what was due to his obeence to wit loue to his desert to wit reward to his humility to wit honour to his sorrow to wit ioy to his death to wit life to his victory to wit tryumph all is attributed vnto vs. His merites became our merites his suffering our satisfaction his ioyes our ioyes hee fed many in the wildernesse with materiall bread and he imparted the bread of life vnto whole multitudes that came to heare his most diuine doctrine If we respect his goodnes hee was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 goodnes it selfe if his clemencie he was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 placability it selfe for curing the diseased a Phisitian both of body and soule for reléeuing those that were miserable he was a priuiledged place whereunto al might repair as
Apostles indéede saith Saint Austen left not much but yet looke what they were willing to ●…eaue for the loue of Christ and we shall finde it more then many kingdomes By this example of the Apostles wee learne to forsake thrée things for the loue of Christ by their Nets the pleasures of the flesh which are wont to take men and snare them by the ship the riches of the world which doth carie vs away from the hauen of true rest by their father and mother those thinges that are néerest and dearest to vs in the world all these must wee leaue for the loue of Christ. 4 There is a néerer coniunction betwéene Christ the faithfull then there is with father and mother of them wee haue Esse naturae a being in nature but of Christ Esse gratiae a being in grace of them our being of Christ our well being To honor father and mother is the fist commaundement but to honour God is the first commaundement of the law to shew that to honour God is aboue all It is sayde Man shal leaue father and mother and liue with his wife but he must leaue father and mother wife and all to dwell in loue with Iesus Christ. S Ierome sayth if my father stoode wéeping on his knées before me and my mother were behinde mee pulling mee backe I●… all my b●…hren sisters k●…folkes and children on euery side were about to 〈◊〉 ●…e in a sinfu●… life I would despise them all fling o●… my mother runne ouer my Father to goe to Christ who calleth me Whosoeuer hateth not his Father for my sake a strange speech to heare charity it selfe speake of hate and much more to exhort it but consider how it is spoken not litterally or simply to hate for how could hee speake so that so much honoured his Father and mother and gaue a law for the performance of this duty of loue but if Father and mother will be loued more then Christ or draw vs from his loue then as God said vnto Abraham get thée from thy owne Country and kindred so get thée in this case from Father and mother yea goe a step farther animam tuam a Gods name forsake thy owne life forsake all rather then forsake the loue of Christ O take not away Beniamin sayes Iacob for if Beniamin be gone the ioy of Israel is gone O leaue not the loue of Iesus Christ for if that forsake vs all the world cannot comfort vs. In the eight of S. Mathewes Gospel one excuseth himselfe for not following Christ saying Maister suffer me to burie my Father hee had a loue to Christ marie regard of his father stayes him from the performance of any duty but our Lord admits no excuse of carnall affection when he cals the father saith S. Austen is to be honoured but euermore God is to be preferred the father in earth should haue honour but the Father in heauen more 5 One compareth the state of a distressed man vnto that steward in the Gospell who was called by his maister suddenly to giue an account of great substance committed to his charge this man not able in the world to make any account being afraide his dealings had bin so slender to look his master in the face in this distressed condition hee knowes not what to doe he must giue an account a great account and a great account suddenly at last hee be thinkes himselfe of three friends he had and he resolues in this necessitie to make tryall of them what they would doe for him Hee comes vnto the ●…rst of these friends opening his griefe this friend tels him that he could finde in his hart to doe him good but hee had so many to pleasure that he must n●…des be pardoned for this t●…me and so leaues him This done he commeth vnto his second friend and sheweth him as vnto the first his miserable estate prayes him to speake a good word for him surely saith he I would speake for thée but to tell thée a plaine truth when I come before thy M. I shal rather speake against thée then for thee nowe was this distressed man more sorrowfull then euer hee hath one onely friend which hee had often iniuried and therefore was ashamed to go vnto him yet at last hee comes and makes his moane vnto him This friend had no sooner heard the case of this miserable distressed man but forthwith hee goes and makethfull satisfa●…tion and account in his owne person for all the debt The first of these thrée friends is the world which hath so manie to pleasure as the distressed sinner findes little comfort if at any time he craue helpe of it The second friend is the law of God which will rather speake against him then for him The t●…ird is our Lord Iesus the surest friend of all whose loue is more déere vnto vs then heart can conceiue this is the friend that will stand by vs when all faile vs should wee not therefore forsake all for his sake Should we with De●…as follow the world because it hath a litt●…e more pleasure then Paul No S. Paules crowne of glory will make amendes for all 6 What should possesse our harts wholy rather then the loue of Christ The soule is as an house possessed of a tenant which is the loue of God that when the desire of earthly thinges doth come there is no roome the house is taken vp before Way faring men when they see the I●…ne fu●… they passe along Wandring desires when they sée our hearts full of the loue of God away they goe In the Gospell by S. Luke a certaine m●…n sayes vnto our Sauiour Lord I will followe thee Christ telleth him that the Foxes had holes the birdes had nests but the Sonne of man had not where to hide his head In effect if thou wilt follow mee for pro●…s sake and a little comm●…dity héere thou art not fit to be one of my Disciples for if thou doe follow me it must be for loues sake and this loue for my sake must make theé forsake all Non attenditur quantum relinquitur sed qua voluntate It is not so much regarded howe much wee leaue as with what wil we leaue all things in the world 7 We reade that so●… heathen Philosophers haue left all earthlie cares for the loue of learning but much ●…ore ●…uld wee doe it in following Christ because too many cares of this worlde doe much trouble vs as much seruing did Martha Chap. 23. Of Christes many myracles and what we learne by them THat wee might learne to know him to be the true Messias which was sent into the world Christ confirmed his heauenly doctrine by many heauenly déedes that those whom his teaching could not moue at least his d●…uine working might compell The people were content to heare his sermons so they might sée his myracles and Christ was content they should sée his myracles so
haue Christians theirs Christ out passeouer is offered for vs therefore saith the Apostle let vs kéepe the feast They had a passeouer and wee haue a passeouer too they were deliuered out of the bondage of Egypt and we are deliuered from à bondage too they kept a solemne remembrance we haue as much cause as euer they had to kéepe a solemne remembrance too By their feast of first fruites the fiftieth day after the passeouer they held a holy assembly vnto God wee who haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit by the comming downe of the holy Ghost at the Feast of Penticost vpon the Apostles holde a holy assembly vnto the Lord also The other of our Christian feasts which concerne the chiefe points of our redemption as the birth of Christ his Circumcision the Epiphanie and his Resurrection from the dead haue so good vse in the Church as the ancient custome and Christian maner of the best and best learned that haue liued since the Apostles time is of more sufficiencie to make vs continue the godly vse thereof then all that the deuisers of nouelties are want to say to draw vs forced texts to the contrary Sathan is subtill and neuer more then when hee is changed into an Angell of light to take away a solemne remembrance of him who shed his blood for our redemption To passe ouer the memorie of his birth without any solemne and religious obseruation were the next way to make both dutie and loue ●…re colde in Christians and by little and little to forget all which wee may tremble to thinke Christ Iesus and all Wherefore wee cannot but muse whereunto that straunge spirit ●…d tend which was readie to ●…troule euery Christian constitution which eagerly sought the euersion of our solemne and Christian Feasts These wee kéepe sayeth Saint Austen least vnthankfulnes or forgetfulnes should grow vpon vs and therefore a sinne is it for men to spend their time and trouble the quiet of the Church in séeking to ouerthrow the Christian vse of solemne and seemely obseruations By our Feastes sayeth Tertullian speaking in the behalfe of Christians against the Heathen we sanctifie vnto God the memorie of his benefites Epiphanius taxeth Aerius for denying Christian solemnities they haue litle in them except boldnes which charge vs that our auncient rites come within the compasse of S. Paules reprehension You obserue times and seasons no no there is no such matter they are farre from fatall sur●…ises of constellation or any other Heathenish respects There is no such feare God be praysed in these séemly obseruations wherfore vnlesse wee sée them more strongly refuted then so that is to say by a few new names for our feasts there is no ca●… 〈◊〉 the Church should still cont●… them in Christian maner as she doth and so shall by the grace of God Christ our Sauiour himselfe hath honoured these times by his blessed birth his resurrection and ascension vp into heauen at which times we honour him as at all times so especially when we haue Feasts consecrated to a co●…emoration of his goodnes towards vs when we in loue assemble it is also a meane by honest recreation to encrease amitie amongst our selues 8 Sometimes wee celebrate the mention of the Martyrs and Saints of God who haue liued 〈◊〉 former times and this we doe by no other end but onely to set before vs examples of repentance of faith of piety Besides occasion is offered of assembling our selues in publike prayer which the oftner we do the great●… is our deuotion abuse taken may we sée the kéeping of these is a commendable and Christian custome 9 For the manner of keeping our Christian feasts of all sorts 〈◊〉 generall first the duties of deuotion as prayer hearing the word of God receauing the Sacraments require our speciall ●…e with these our laude and praise is offered vnto God and therefore of the learned they are ●●●ied in Hebrew Kaggei of reioycing secondarily at these times wee extend as wee may liberality vnto others and therefore saith Saint Austen festiuall times would haue liberality which make manie blesse God for his benefites Last of all these solemnities orderly obserued they doe sometimes call vs away from the wordinate carke and care of the world and moue in our hearts many good and comfortable thoughts in calling to mind the time will come When wee shall keepe a Feast of Feasts Chap. 26. Of Christes weeping ouer Ierusalem and what we learne thereby THat it went not with the sonne of God héere in earth as it did with King Salomon who spent his time in great royaltie in the world or as it is saide of Aristoxenus the philosopher who led all his life amidst instruments of musick we all know it fared otherwise with him who did seldome laugh in the world and the world as seldome laughed vpon him S. Luke tels vs of his sad iourney towards Ierusalem how he passed the way wéeping and what small delight he tooke in the peoples Hosanna or all the troupe about him for as it is mentioned while they were singing hee was mourning Christ was not mooued with that which was without but respects that which was within not that present but things to come moue him Hee casts vp his eyes to Ierusalem and beholding the Citie he had compassion vpon it and wept for it hee wept for them which would not wéepe for themselues Dauid saith Mine eyes gush out with water because men keepe not thy law Christes eyes gushed out with watry teares because they would not kéepe his lawe nay they would not accept his loue Hee saw the Citie and foresaw the ruine and miserie thereof He wept for it foreshewing the desolation which would be lamentable this he doth not so much by words as by teares 2 The prophets of olde haue sometimes spoken vnto the sons of men by sorrowfull signes Samuell when hee would manifest how Sauls Kingdome should be rent from him hauing the lap of his conte in his hand hee rent it in the middest Ezechiel to shew the destruction of the people takes a bricke stone and layes it before them and portrayes vpon 〈◊〉 the Ci●…e and layeth siege against it Christ at this time spake little but his teares prophesied great sorrow to come he came neare the Citie not so much in motion as in commiseration Dauid wept for Absolon saying Absolon Absolon O my sonne Absolon I would to God I had dyed for thee Christ did as much mourse for Ierusalem as euer Dauid did for Absolon Ierusalem Ierusalem I would to God I had dyed for thée no Ierusalem I am now going to die for thée O what should I doe vnto thée that I haue not done Many a time came Christ toward Ierusalem but hee neuer came weeping as now he did because Ierusalem was neuer so neare desolation 〈◊〉 ruine as now it was and therefore Christ neuer sorrowed more then nowe when
part and the will the intellectuall part to disce●…ne the will to desire heauenly thinges these were restored by the holy spirit If we respect our s●…nctification we were as Naaman the Syrian vntill our wa●…ing in this Iordan therefore is the spirit of God called Spiritus sanctus the holy Spirit eyther to discerne it from other spirits or else of the powerfull effect when it makes vs holy If wee respect the darknes of our vnderstanding the holy ghost is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Illuminatio an ●…lightning of the minde of man If wee respect the strengthening of our ●…aith against terrours of conscience within The spirit of God doth beare witnesse saith the Apostle to our spirit whereby wee crie Abba Father If we respect the calamities of the world without Christ promising to send his Apostles this holy spirit sayde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The comforter or Aduocate shall come vnto you to chéere vp their sorrowfull soules in all aduersities If wee respect the mortification of the flesh the same Apostle tels vs that wee doe this by the helpe of the holie spirit If wee respect the vnderstanding it was deafe and dumb vntill the holy Ghost said Ephata And what neede wee more to shewe howe expedient it was for vs and still is that we be partakers of the holy spirit without the vitall spirit what is the mortall body but an earthly carkasse without this holy spirit what is the soule of man but a Sepulcher of sinne That there doth dwell in vs a liuing spirit our liuing actions shewe that there is in vs a diuine spirit our diuine actions approue When heathen m●…n did perceiue that there was something in them which did moue them to argue to discourse to compare thinges present with things to come they did straightway gather that there was in man more then a lumpish bodie and therefore they inferred that there was a soule but when the children of God doe finde something within them that makes them to pray to repent that ●…pes them from falling into a thousand vndooinges they straightwayes perceiue that there is a man within the man to 〈◊〉 the diuine spirit of God himselfe Motum sentimus modum ●…scimus we feele the motion we know no the manner God gaue the people Angels food from hea●…en they called it Manna saying Lord what is this Hauing di●…ine inspirations from aboue which we find mouing in vs good desires we say Lord what is this This is the holy Ghost And therfore for this article of our beléefe it may be said we doe not so much heate with our ●…ares or sée with our eyes Credo in spiritum sanctum but finde it true in our verie soules I beleeue in the holy ghost 4 That this holy Ghost is God by our beléeuing in him we acknowledge as much Peter said vnto Ana●…ias Why hast thou lyed vnto the holy Ghost he by and by addeth Thou hast not lied vnto any man but vnto God The holy ghost therefore is God The Apostle S. Paul saith to the Corinthians Know you not that your bodies are the Temples of the holy Ghost Hee by and by willeth them to glorifie God in their bodies The holy Ghost therefore is God Whosoeuer hath power of cleansing from sinne the same is God but this power hath the holy Ghost the holy Ghost therefore is God Et tetigit labia et abstulit peccati saith Esay Hee touched my lips and tooke away my sinnes Last of all to whom so euer wee giue glory the same is God but as vnto the Father and vnto the Sonne glory is giuen so also is it vnto the holy ghost The Cherubins crie three times Holy holy holy as speaking vnto thrée and yet in the wordes following Lord God of Hosts as appliable vnto one Wee meruaile when we consider that men shall goe to God but we doe not so much meruaile at this that God doth come to men 5 A familiar thing is it amongst those that loue to leaue pledges of loue Ionathan to shew his loue to Dauid left with him the coate that was vpon him and other things his sword his ●…ow ●…s pledges of his loue Elias whē he was taken vp into heauen left ●…is cloake with his seruant our Ionathan hath left with vs a pledge of loue a pledge of our hea●…enly inheritance that is to come ●…ur Elias hath left vs a cloake O precious garment our nuptiall ornament This is that cloathing which doth couer our vnrighteousnes let vs make much of this garment wherein wee come with Iacob for a blessing When the woman of Samaria heard our Sauiour Christ tell of a water which being once drunk of the party should neuer thirst againe she said Lord giue me of this water So when wee doe heare of that spirit which doth sanctifie our soules cleanse our sinnes comfort our consciences ●…minate our vnderstanding strengthen our faith and is as a pledge vnto vs of Gods diuine loue nay of glory to come as the woman saide Lord giue mee of this water so may wee all say Lord giue vs of this spirit 6 The excellent effectes of this diuine spirit may be gathered by the manner of the appearing of the same spirit as in a cloude at our Sauiours transfiguration in forme of a Doue at his Baptisme and vpon the Apostles in fierie tongues The cloude may signifie moysture or the dew of heauen The Doue the diuine verities of humility meekenes and peace the fierie tongues of fierie because the seauen giftes of the holy Ghost haue the seauen qualities of fire it purgeth by the gift of feare it sof●…eth by the gift of pietie it adorneth by the gift of knowledge ●…t maketh solid by the gift of fortitude ●…t lifteth vp by the gift of counsell it ●…lightneth by the gift of vnderstanding it burneth by the gift of charity Of tongues to shewe that these giftes as they burne inwardly so do they speake ●…utwardly nay of clouen t●…ngs 〈◊〉 it were one tongue deuided in●… many for to shewe th●… diuers ●…guages giuen by this spirit Furthermore the appearing 〈◊〉 the holy Ghost was visible in 〈◊〉 tongues and sure it is wee ●…st shew signes of Gods spirit 〈◊〉 as it doth kindle in charitie so 〈◊〉 it speake charitably The 〈◊〉 Ghost is re●…embled vnto the 〈◊〉 and there was a mightie 〈◊〉 at the cōming downe ther●… First to shewe that the doc●…ino of the Gospell should nowe ●…ake out into the world that 〈◊〉 none can keepe backe the force of the wind so should none be able to hinder the passage of this ●…octrine Secondarily the wind ●…ceably be●…reth downe what●…uer do●…h resist it so did the ●…rking of this spirit Thirdly 〈◊〉 wind is wont to carie vp the 〈◊〉 against the mayne streame 〈◊〉 swiftest tides that runne so doth the holy Ghost beare vs vp against the strongest current of naturall inclination Againe the holy Ghost is
Holofernes slept his head was taken from him all which import many dangers the ship the soule the surprising the vnexpected calling to giue an account the enuious sower Sathan the head Christ Iesus this considered had wee not neede watch while the foolish slept suddenly there was a crie at midnight when they would goe buy them oyle the bridegroome was passed and the gate shut it was not the title of being called virgines It was not the repeating of the name Lord Lord that now serued the turne to shewe that the name of holines wil not sustice as the rich mans calling Abraham Father stoode him in little s●…éede It is the watchful care of the wise virgin●… that did them good indeede the gate was shut to the foolish what was this gate Euen the gate of mercie in respect of indulgence the gate of grace in respect of acceptance the gate of glory 〈◊〉 respect of entrance Take heed saith our Sauiour watch pray Dauid might haue slaine Saule●…hile ●…hile hee was sléeping but hee ●…as pittifull would not wher●… he awakes him and shewes ●…im the danger hee was in The goodnesse of Almightie God to ●…an is farre aboue Dauids pitty to Saul See the patience and long ●…ffering of God saith the Apo●…tle to leade vs vnto repentance Behold I stand at the doore and ●…nocke God knocke●…h by his grace at the doore of our hearts 〈◊〉 his worde at the doore of our ●…ares by his benefites at the ●…oore of our plenty by his cha●…sements at the doore of our sorrowfull hearts to raise and st●…rre ●…s vp to vigilancie from the sleep of sinne wherein hee might haue taken vs but that his mercie is to spare for a tune of grace wherin we should be prepared for him hee knockes to awake vs and striues to enter if wee sléepe o●… and shut vp the dore then hee departs we cannot escape him eyther aliue or dead 2 Watch for you know not the day This day shall bee as the dayes of Noe of Lot while Noe was building and labouring the worlde was rioting and neuer more secure but Noe and his were saued when the rest perished In Sodome there was eating and drinking as if our Sauiour would haue vs heare what the sinnes of the men of Sodome were that hearing them w●… might take héede of committing the like It was not their eating and drinking saith Beda that condemned these men but the immoderate vse of thinges lawfull neither is it so much mentioned what they did as whereunto neglecting the iudgements of God they wholy gaue themselues that is to say to eating drinking Destruction came suddainly vpon these not that their ●…ruction was not foretold bu●…●…t it was not beléeued of any ●…re was not a stroke giuen in ●…ming the Arke which did not ●…monish the carelesse world of a ●…d to come though Noe were ●…nt in voyce yet hee spake in ●…rke according to that in the ●…pel If you beleeue not me yet ●…eue these works of mine but ●…uerse men beholding the Ar●… 〈◊〉 the building continued in their ●…s were sodainly swallowed 〈◊〉 by that suddaine destruction ●…t came vpon them No maruel ●…gh men sin to say true it is 〈◊〉 such wonder séeing they con●…r so little the end of sinning 〈◊〉 suddainnes of their own end ●…at security is this 3 This shall be saith our Sa●…our at the time when the Sonne of man commeth Though it be ●…uer so often foretold and the ●…ke bee neuer so long a buil●…ng though many speake by ●…ce by works for al that nothing is thought vpon somtimes a little is spoken of in this world about amendment of life all is but words For the comming of the bridegroome wee haue in holy Scripture to cōsider these three things first the signes going before as the darknesse of the Sunne the trouble of the creatures and such others secondly the signes that doe accompante him as the conflagration of the world the sounding of the trumpe the resurrection of the dead Thirdly those that follow after the going vpon the right and left hand the separating of the shéepe and Goates the ioyes of some and the wofu●… miserie of others the one called with a venite benedicti Come you blessed the other refused with an ●…te maledicti Goe yee cursed Lord say the Apostles where or when shal these things be or what shall be the signes of the comming of the Sonne of man 4 For the signes precedent as so many Heraulds before the comming of the King of glor●… amongst other trouble is described to be in those superiour bo●…s as in the Sun the Moone ●…d starres vnwonted signes ●…unge sights repugnant vnto ●…ure shall be seene These are 〈◊〉 signes because they signi●… the Sunne and Moone shall 〈◊〉 obscured the starres shall fall ●…n heauen their light shall be ●…rcom of a greater light which 〈◊〉 the glorious appearing of ●…ust like as the stars appeare 〈◊〉 at the rising of the Sunne Concerning these signes let thē●…e also their mysticall sence ●…he Sunne shall be darkened ●…t is the loue of Christ the ●…nne of righteousnes by the ●…s and cloude of unpietie the ●…oone or the Church with her ●…ht from the Sunne shall loose 〈◊〉 light the starres or teachers ●…ll fall from heauenly doctrine 〈◊〉 so forth Let them haue their ●…alisence and so let be consi●…r how the heauens frowne vp●… vs and the earth trembles ●…er vs. Secondly there shall 〈◊〉 trouble in the elements and ●…eat sorrow of the Nations the Sea and the floods shall make a noyse and men shall bee at their wits ends The confused noyse of the waters mouing to and fro the elements as S. Peter saith melting with heate at all which the hearts of ●…en shall be smitten with great terror there is no flying but all amazed they shal not knowe what to doe nay that which is more the powers of heauen shal be moued séeing these vnusuall effectes to happen they shall be moued euen the Angels themselues at the suddain transmutation and the incomprehensible maiestie of Christ what shal the sprigs of the Desert do when the Cedars of Libanon be ●…ken with feare If the pillars themselues shall shake how may the weaker parts of the building tremble 5 When this little worlde to witte man for so is hee called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is now vpon the dissoluing he suffereth fantasies many troubles euery part is moued euery sence is altered the whole body Lord how is it troubled how much more shall trouble disturbance appeare when this greater world is vpon disso●…tion and nowe giuing vp the Ghost For the signes in particular as first that the lights of Heauen shall fall the waters ●…re mens harts shal faile them for feare and the rest all which ●…e shew the violence of all shall be by the force of fire The first iudgement was with water to ●…le and quench the