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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03622 A declaration of the ten holy co[m]maundementes of allmygthye God wroten Exo. 20. Deu. 5. Collectyd out of the scripture canonicall, by Joanne Hopper. Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1549 (1549) STC 13746; ESTC S104202 118,189 256

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punishement that folowithe the contempt of Godes commaundement and this is the moost apt and best way to perswade people that carithe for no vertew nor will not be mouid with ony promesse or reward that folowithe well doing I am a Ielous God and the lord thy God is in the mydle of the. Whiche wordes declarithe that when people will not obay his cōmaundementes and receaue his loue and fauour he waxithe angre and vsithe thextreme remedy the skurge of aduersite that who so euer will not willingly be fere meanes boghe be forse shal be cōstrainid to breke for nothing cā resist when he will punishe The fyrst poynt the refore of religion is the fere of God The second is faithe and confidence in his word Therfore saithe Moses Audi Israel dominus Deus noster unus est That is to say Hire O Israel the lord oure God is one God Deut. 6. in this one God thow shalt put all thy trust and belyue To perswade this faythe into there hartes Moses put not onlye the deliueraunce out of Egypt before there facis But also the Seuen moost mighty princes of the worold Hittheum Girgaseum Aemorreū Cananeum Pherizeum Hiueum and Iebuseum Deut. 7. and in the same chapiter he repitithe and inculcatythe into the ere this religiō and faythe saing scias itaque quod dn̄s Deus tuus ipse est Deus Deus fidelis c. That is to say know thow that the lord thy God he is thonly and trew God and so forthe Then rede vnto the end of the 11. chapiter how busie and diligent Moses is hepyng argument vpon argument to perswade the people to belyue God and his word and to stablishe this commaundement and rout it in there and oure hartes All the workes of God heauen and Erthe all the Miracles wrowght in the old Testament and in the newe were donne to proue vnto mortall man this precept to be trew I am the lord thy god and be none other thing but interpretations of this commaundement to stablishe the verite of his word The thyrd is loue wherfore he saythe loue the lord thy God with all thy hart all thy soule ād with all thy poure Deut. 6. Moses in th end of the chapiter shewith wherfore this oure God shuld belouid he will giue youe saithe he the lād that ye neuer deseruyd frely for his promisse sake ād in the 7. chapiter he promisithe to destroy a people more strong then they be in the 8. chapiter he saithe that he fed them in the wildernys withe met from heauen whyche they nether there fathers neuer knew By these and other many reasones he prouokyd the people to this part of religion the loue of God In case ony benefactour or he that doithe good to an other be to be louyd spetiallye this oure god is to belouyd saythe Moses We may like wyce consider his benefytes to wardes vs and so expulse this detestable and horryble vnkyndenis towardes him As is the leauyng vnto vs of the scripture wherby we know his blessyd will for the grace of the holie gost that ledithe vs to knolege defendithe vs from ile and presetuithe vs in vertew The greatist Argument of all the byrthe and deathe of his only sonne yeuen for oure redemption Then doothe Moses teache how we shuld loue him Deut. 6. with all oure hart all oure soule and all oure forse Of these partes cōsystythe man for the hart is the origynall of all affectes and desires when the law requirithe the loue of God with all the hart it requyrythe all mßnes affections to be syncere ād pure and holy directyd into the loue and obedience of God For he is a gelous God he is not content with the fourthe part or the halfe but requyry the the hole hart mynd will affectious and liefe of man He is not content that we loue him withe one part and the worold withe the other These wordes for byddythe not but that we may loue oure honest frendes parentes and other as it is wroten Exod. 20. Deut. 5. so that there loue be in God and for God not equall nor aboue the loue of God if Election happen that in the louyng of the one folow the hatred of the other thow art bound to hate thy father thy frendes and also thyn awne liffe for the loue of God Mat. 10. last of all thow must loue him with all thy forse by the whiche word is vndrestond all the powres boothe of bodye and soule the senses interioure and exteriour what so euer they be and as the holye gost hathe yeuen them so that nether the inward man nether the vtwarde man be defylyd by synne as Saynct Paule saythe 1. Thessal 5. These wordes must be thowght apond that man aplye the yefft of the holye gost aright to the glorye of God and profet of his churche wherof we be all membres one hathe the yeffte of prophetie to iudge of thinges to cum an other of knolege to open the misterijs hyd in the scripture an other the yeft to confort and yeue consolation to the afflyctyd thother the yeffe trewly to dispence and distribute the goddes of this worold with out fraude the other the yefte to perswade by the word of God people to amēdement of liefe withe the tong an other withe the pen one the gyfft to serue God in the ministerye of the churche the other to serue God in the ministery of the commune wealthe the one apt and strong wisse and prudēt in affers of warr the other to kepe good rule and gouerne in peace th one apt to one thing the other to an other Euery man therfore remembre this commaundement Loue God with all thy forse and applye the yefft that the holye gost hathe yeuen the to the glorye and seruyce of God it is an horrible synne before god theabuse of his yefftes whether they be of the bodye or the soule Matt. 25. Moses now as thow seyst hathe tawght vs to know God and shewid vs how to honor him in faithe fere and loue and shewyd many reasones why whe shuld yeue him this honor and obedience so that the fyrst part of the fyrst commaundement I am the lord thy God may be vnder stond of euery man that is willing to know God and his awne saluation Before he expundithe the second part of the commaundement Thow shalt haue no strange Godes before me he admonyshythe the people of a very necessarye doctrine That is to say how they shuld behaue them selfes in prosperite and wealthe and vse the commodites of this worold we know by experience and dayly proue that nothing more with drawithe man from the hononor loue and fere of God then those too felicite and aduersite As Christ teachithe oure sauiour Matt. 13. Marc. 4. Luc. 8. by the similitude of him that sowyd and part fell by the way syde part vpon the stones part amōg the thornes by the sede in the stonye ground Chryst vnderstondythe souche as leue
redresse he amplifyithe and exaggeratithe the greatnis of sinne shewithe it as fowle ād as horrible as it is in deade ād more extenuatithe the mercie of god makithe him thē a cruell and an vnmercifull tirāt as impossible to optaine mercie of as to sucke water out of the drie pumpesse or burning cole Wherfore seing his maiestie is inuisible and cannot be knowen of mortall man as he is and like wyce be cause man yeuythe litle credit or none at all vnto his blyssid word he presentia the all his workes heuen and Erthe vnto mā to be testimonies and wyttnis of his great powre that man seyng those creatures and wounderfull preseruation of the same might thinke of god the maker of all thinges and thanke him withe all the hart that he would say these wordes vnto him vile creature and wormes mete I am the lord thy God by his workis he shewid himselfe thus vnto Adame Gen. 2. ād vnto the naturall phi Ro. 1. also vnto euery resonable mā Deu. 30. how be it so far hathe the deuill blindid many would to God only the infideles and not souche as be accomptid Christians that they take as mouche knolege of God by the contemplation of his workes as Midas the knig by the contemplation of his gold Wherfore seing we belyue with souche difficultye this worde of God I am the lord thy God and the deuill hathe blindfoldyd and darid oure sight and so be wicchid all oure senses that we hyre nor see ony thing to the glory of God and saluation of oure saules he addithe yet other testimonies to acertaine vs that he is oure God and leuīthe nothing vndon that might drawe vs vnto a firme and constant biliue in him setting before oure Iyes the glorious and wounderfull deliuerance and defence of the people whē he browght them our of Aegypt souche testimonyes addyd he vnto his word to stablishe oure faithe allwaies to Adame and Abell whē the fyre from heueane burnid there sacrifice Gene 4.9.17 Exod. 12. so vnto vs vnto whō he hathe yeuen the same word Ro. 1. hathe yeuen for the confirmation therof his dere sonne Iesus Chryst born ded and resuscitatid from deathe to shew vs him selfe and to teache vs that he is our God to sawe vs from the seruitude of hell and sinne and to healpe vs as many times as we call vnto him in christes name for only in him we cum to thacknolege of God that hewill be oure God Thowghe the Iew and the Turke know there is but one God and after there religion would honor him yet dout they whether he takith cure of them will hyre there 2peticions wil be honorid of them and how he wil be be honorid for they haue not the word of God as Christ gaue it but as they falsely interpretat it to the contumelie and dishonor of Christ But we know him to be oure God as this commaundement saithe in Christ Iesu Ioan. 1. Matt. 11. Io. 16. When we haue a trew knolege of him by his word we must yeuen him the same honor that his commaundement requirithe to say obedience and fere faythe and loue Repete the wordes agayne of the commaundement and marke them I am the lord thy God if he be lord then hathe he powre ouer body and soule obey him therfore lest he destroy them boothe thy God if he be God all thinges be in his powre and hathe sufficient boothe for the and all other and will yeue it the because he is thy god he nedithe for him selfe nether heauen nether Earthe nor ony thing that is there in ▪ ād to put the out of dout therof he browght not onlie the people out of Aegipt to warant his promisse but also send his only sonne to dye for thy sake that he might be thyne and thow hys Rom. 6. Esa 53. Theffect now of this part of the commaundement is to declare and bring man vnto a knolege of God as ye se and ons knowen by his word requirithe also mannes dewtye to honor him in trew and perfete religiō the whiche cōsistythe in fere faythe and loue the whiche thre poyntes Moses diligētlie and at large declarythe in the Chapiters of Deut. and doothe nothing else in all them but expound this fyrst commaundement I will shew the partlie how and then rede the places and lerne more by thy selfe In the begymyng of the 6. chapiter he shewithe wherfore thow shuldest fere him and kepe his cōmaundementes sayng it shal be to thy profet this is the maner of all men that would haue ●●y thing donne fyrst to shew what profete folowithe the doing of it that the commodite myght excitat the mynd and studie of him that shuld do it Moses saithe it shal be well withe the. god will multiplie thy sede and yeue the a land flowing withe milke and hony Now if thow fere the lord god this shal be thy reward and the same selfe promesse thow shall fynd many times annexid withe the fere of god before thow cō to the end of the 11. chapiter al healthe and loy folowithe the fere of god Marke those wordes well and print thē in thy hart fere of no ile nor sickenis contagious aer or diseace so thow haue this medicine of godes fere in thy soule whiche preseruithe healthe and expulsithe all diseacis Galenus hathe wrotē bookes de tuenda sanitate That is to say to preserue healthe so hathe Hippocr Cornelius Celsus and other They prescribe those syx thinges to be obseruid of as many as would liue in godd healthe The tēperature and cōdition of the aire 2. Moderate vse of mete and drink 3. Motiō and exercise of the body and rest of the same 4. Slepe and wacche as the complection by nature shall in tyme conuenient require 5. fullnis and Emtenys of the bode Gale lib. 2. aph comment 17. et lib. 2. de Compos medic 6. perturbations and passions of the mynd for many hathe died with souche passions of the mynd with soden sorow as P. Rutilius Plinius libr. 7. Cap. 36. and M. Lepidus some withe soden loy as the Noble woman Policrata as Arist wrytithe so dyed Diagoras as Gellius wextithe lib. 3. Cap. 15. and other as ye may rede Plin. lib. 2. Cap. 53. Valer. Max. lib. 9. cap. 12. Some died for shame as Diodorus Plin. lib. 2. cap. 53. Homere Vale. lib. 9. cap. 12. The phisicions promisithe healthe if these 6. rules be obseruyd ▪ but God saythe all those be inuayne withe out the fere of him Deu. 27.28.30 there se the word of God And loke the secound boke of the kniges cap. 24. How it was prouid trew where as the pestilence infectyd the hole lannd of Canaan from the Cite of Dā vnto the Cite of Bersabee in thre daies so that there died 70. thowsand mē in that short space In the end of the 6. chapiter of Deu. Moses exortithe the people to fere God to a vayde the