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A73805 Mr. Edward Dering, his godly priuate prayers for Christian families Whereunto is annexed, his briefe and necessary catechisme for housholders. Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. 1624 (1624) STC 6690; ESTC S125308 105,149 478

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know that thou O Lord dost raigne in al ages to the behoofe of thy Church and terror of thin● enemies Grant these mercies good Lord not onely to a whole Church in generall but especially to euery one of vs thy Children particularly grant that we may affectually feele the force of this thy kingdome in our hearts Beat downe in vs our old Adam with all sinfull delights thoughts motions and desires and renew in vs day by day our spirituall and inward Man that we may be wholly bent to delight thinke desire doe those things which bee acceptable in thy sight The third petition Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen FRame our hearts good Lord with such humble obedience to thy holy will that we may be hartily well content with whatsoeuer it pleaseth thy goodnes to lay vpon vs that we neuer cease in our miseries but continually call on thee by harty prayres athough wee feele no release at all yet that still patiently we may abide and quietly wait for thy good leysure and appointed time of deliuerance when thou knowest it shall be most expedient for vs. The fourth petition Giue vs this day our dayly bread GRant vs deare Father that all our Counsels studies labours and endeauors being by thy holy spirit guided and framed we may euery one in that vocation in which thou hast placed him so fairhfully trauaile to the discharging of our Consciences and edyfying of thy Church that our account may be found acceptable before thy Throne Iudgement seate So blesse our labours and trauailes that we may haue sufficient for the preseruing of this present life and be content with those benefits which thou shalt bestow vppon vs whether they be many or few acknowledging them to be receiued of thee not greedily to care for them or vainely to delight in them and thankefully esteeme of them as thy benifits bestowed vpon vs and as faithfull Stewards moderately to vse them to the releefe of our bretheren and discharge of our consciences The fift petition Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse aginst vs. ENcrease in vs O Lord the gifte of Faith that we may daily more more in our Soules and consciences be assured that our sins be defaced cleane blotted out and couered with the full perfect and sufficient sacrifice of thy deare sonne Christ Iesu our Lord and Sauiour once made for vs that we are vnited knit and made one body with him partakers of his righteousncs iustification and holynesse and euen fellow-heirs with him of euerlasting life that wee may vnfainedly from the bottome of our hearts loue thee for this thine vnspeakeable goodnes and mercy forgetting from our hearts our Bretheren that do offend vs pray for them loue cherish and comfort them as fellow members all of one body with perfect naturall loue and compassion linked together vnto our head Christ Iesus The sixt petition Lead vs not into temptation STrengthen vs good Lord with thy holy Spirit that we be not ouercom with the subtle suggestions and sinfull motions of Sathan the diuel hold vs vp with thy merciful hand that we sleepe not in sinne that we be not drawne away with the wicked world nor the entic●ments of the flesh to delight in Wickednesse but so arme vs vvith thy mightie power that wee may strongly abide all the assaults and subtile sli●hte● of our ghostly enemy and sincerely to walke befo●●●●ces both in prosperity and aduersity to thy honour and glory the health of our souls and profite of thy Church through Iesus Christ our only Lord and Sauiour Amen The Lords Prayer more at large The first Petition Our Father which art in Heauen MOst mighty and eternall Lord God who of thine infinit loue to mankinde hast giuen vs thine owne eternal Sonne Christ Iesus our Lord to be made man for vs in the similitude of sinnefull flesh to become flesh of our flesh bone of our bones in all things like vnto vs sin onely excepted who beeing thy true and naturall Sonne hath made vs with him sons children and heyres to thee our most merciful Father giuing vs by thy grace that which is his by Nature And by his due alone once suffered sufficient Sacrifice hath payde the ransome of our sins before thy diuine Maiestie to satisfie thy iustice vppon sinfull flesh Which debt being paide for vs he hath brought vs in fauor with thee so that we may now with boldnesse and trust come to thee as vnto our most mercifull and louing Father with full assurance that as thy soule is so much greater and more excellent towards vs then all loue of eatthly Parents toward their Children as thou passest all men in goodnesse and mercie so thou wilt deny vs nothing which shall be expedient for vs. So that although all the Fathers that are in earth hauing shaken off all seeing of Fatherly naturalnesse would forsake their children yet wouldest thou neuer forsake vs beecause thou canst not deny thy selfe Who promisest that if earthly Fathers being euill can giue good giftes to their Children how much more wilt thou our heauenly Father being altogether goodnes it selfe giue good things to them that aske in thy Sons name And that although a Mother should forsake her Children yet wilt thou not forsake vs thy children whō thou hast before the beginning of the World in thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ chosen to be thy children heires with him of thine immortall Kingdome Whereof that we our selues might bee sure and certaine and out of al doubt that we are the children ●nd heyrs of euerlasting life thou hast giuen into our hearts thy holy Spirite as a true pledge and earnest of our inheritance which Spirit doth assure our spirites that we are thy children and thou therefore crieth in our hearts Abba Father Graunt this for thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ our Sauior Amen The Second Petition Hallowed bee thy Name WEe therefore as thy deere Children ransommed and bought by thy deere Sonne flye to thee our most louing ●nd merciful Father who in goodnes art infinite in mercie abundant in substance incomprehensible in immortality euerlasting who by thy mightie power and singulare prouidence rulest all things according to thy heauenly Wisedome beseeching thee for thy deere Sonne Christ Iesus his sake that as thou hast sufficiently set forth thy glorious name in making and framing the whole world heauen earth and all the things therin contained so we may in beholding viewing thy Creatures the works of thine hands may be lifted vppe to thee our Lord God the Creator and maker and in them glorifie thy holy name acknowledging in them thy singular goodnesse and loue towards man for whose vse thou hast created all thinges both in heauen and earth that we may for the same euen from the bottome of our harts yeeld due honor praise and thankesgiuing vnto thee deere Father all the daies of our life Grant most mercifull Father that wee may in
what thou commandest with all sincerity and diligence and suffering what thou imposest with all ioy chearfulnes patience so to loue thee for thy mercies as to feare to offend thee in regard of my corruption so to feare in respect of mine owne aptnes to offend thee as to loue thee for thy free grace in Christ accepting mee in him aboue mine owne vnworthinesse not imputing my sinnes vnto mee and for his sake accepting my willing minde to doe what I cannot and enabling mee daily in him to doe aboue what I am able in my selfe yea doing in him all my workes aboue the worth thereof yea doing wonderfully by him in mee aboue what I presently can discerne yea aboue whatsoeuer I am able to aske or thinke that thou in him maist haue the glorie of all thy goodnesse O let thine vnspeakeable loue vnto mee enlarge my heart from thee to the loue of the Brethren that so I may know heereby that I am translated from life to death Grant me so to loue thine owne Image wheresoeuer I finde it stamped on Man that I may loue him best that is most like vnto thee and yet loath that in him which is vnlike vnto thee Giue mee to loue him with a pure heart as thou louest mee and to affect him feruentlie as thou affectest mee Grant mee to doe the best good to him as thou gauest the best for me and yet not to neglect to do the least as thou failest not mee in the least occasions Giue me to loue him constantly as thy loue to mee continues and not to be weary of well-doing that I may obtaine the reward And as thou louedst mee when I was thine enemie so grant me to loue my enemies pray for them that persecute me because they cary thine Image are thine Instruments to do me good that so I may ouercome euill with good heape coales of loue vpon their heads And seeing I am yet a stranger and soiourner in this world O grant mee not to loue the world nor the thinges therein but so to vse them as if I vsed them not and yet thereby be stirred vp to loue thy most wise prouidence who hast made all these thinges for me that I therein serue honor thee and that I may so do O knit my heart fast vnto thee by this hand of loue that I may loue thee more the more thou openest thine hand to fill mee with them and yet loue thee more constantly the more thou sustainest mee without them still returning thee the prayse both of giuing them to me and taking them from me that nothing may b●e able to seperate me from thy loue that I may daily more and more hate my corruption and all occasions thereof so to hate my sinne that still I may more loue thy mercie in pardoning thereof more admire thy wisedome in turning it to my good more loue and long for the appearance of Iesus Christ for the full abolishing of the same That so liuing in thy loue I may die in thy fauour and dying in loue I may liue for euer with thee to loue and glorifie thee my blessed God in Iesus Christ with the blessed Spirite one glorious God in three persons blessed for euermore to whom bee prayse and Dominion with all hearty loue and obedience of all that loue the comming of Iesus Christ Amen A Prayer to obtaine and preserue the Feare of God that wee may be kept constant thereby in holinesse to the end GLorious and euerlasting God whose Loue is as thy selfe free vnchangeable and because thou art not changed therefore the Sonnes of Iacob are not consumed and that they may not miscar●y thou hast promised to put thy Feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from thee And hauing accepted the blood of thy Sonne as a sufficient satisfaction for their sinnes dost daylie accept also the crie of that blood to preserue them in thy feare to present them blamelesse at the glorious appearance of thy righteous Sonne Iesus Haue mercy vpon mee thy poore seruant and put thy Feare in my heart that I may cleaue fast vnto thee and neuer depart from thine holy Couenant for I confesse vnfeignedly O Lord my God that as mine owne vnbeleeuing heart doth daily misgiue mee and is ready to betray mee to such occasions as may with-draw me from my stedfastnesse So there is no occasion without which without thy speciall Grace is not likely daily so to enueigle and estrange my heart from thee as that it may stagger and vtterly deny thee For if I looke on the right hand to faire shewes of the vvorld what are they else but so many baites to ensnare my wauering spirite and steale it from thee If I looke on the left hand to the sorrowes and stormes thereof are they not either as so many billowes to ouerthrow my weake Barke in the first setting out or else to sinke or swallow vp in the midway Aboue all O Lord my owne deceitfull heart is so subiect to presumption and secu●itie that I am in danger either to bee split vpon the Rockes euen at the shore or else to bee swallowed of quick-sandes in the very hauen Against all which seeing thy name O Lord is a strong tower and as thy name so is thy Feare O grant me in all things to feare thy great and glorious name to stand in awe of thy Maiesty that I may daily feare my owne selfe and so distrusting mine owne inability I may both feare to offend thee and in all thinges may study to please thee and that I may so feare thee as still to rely vpon thee and draw neere with confidence to thee O grant mee to feare thee for thy mercies that I may loue thee in the entertainement of them so to bee afraid of thy iudgements as to take warning by thy threatnings that I may auoid them as to answere thee by repentance that I may not bee swallowed vp of them Giue mee so to feare thee as not to bee daunted with thinges present least my life bee vnprofitable and vncomfortable neither to be distracted with things to come least I bee vnprepared to mine end And that I may bee continually prepared for thee O grant mee daily to make euen reckoning with thee by repentance that I bee not taken tardie and to renew my life daily in Christ so liuing by Faith in him that I may worke out my saluation in feare and trembling both renouncing the worth of whatsoeuer good I haue or can do as to bee iustified thereby yea though I know euill by my selfe yet not standing vpon my cleering because thou knowest all things and also not resting in any present measure as if I had attained or were already perfect but forgetting what is behind hastning that which is before I may presse towardes the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Iesus Christ That so being daily dead to sin yea to my selfe and hauing
so to keepe vs vnder that wee more effectually may giue our selues to serue thee Or if it bee thy will and pleasure more abundantly to blesse vs and our trauaile to send vs abundance of all things wee beseech thee deare Father giue vs a thankfull heart to acknowledge them to bee thy good giftes and frame our hearts with such liberality that wee may be contented to distribute them according to the necesity of thy children being assured that thou hast to this ende made vs Stewards ouer them that maist at his hands require much on whome thou hast bestowed much so that we hauing the due estimation of thy benefits which we ought to haue may both reuerence thy goodnesse in thy benefits and supply the want of our bretheren to the releefe of their necessity and furtherance of thy glory The fift petition Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. AND whereas most mercifull Father thy Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ hath in our nature paide the ransome and debt of all our sinnes which wee haue from the beginning of our life committed and do dayly commit wee beseech thy gracious gooodesse that thou wilt by thy holy spirit in our hearts assure our soules and consciences with a liuely faith that by that same one onely sufficient sacrifice the punishment of our sinnes is paide thy wrath appeased and thy Iustice satisfied whereby our consciences may be quieted set at peace with thee our mercifull Father and God Let vs deare Father feele in our soules and consciences that wee are vnited to thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ and made one body with him and heires with him of euerlasting glory so coupled and ioyned with him that wee are members of his body so that whatsoeuer hee hath done in his body wee may bee assured that it is ours that his righteousnesse is our righteousnesse his sanctification and holinesse is ours the curse condemnation and death which hee suffered is the same curse condemnation and death due for our sinns that wee know that our sins bee done away and cleane forgotten and forgiuen by thy mercifull loue goodnesse declared in offe●ing vp thy Sonne to death for vs wee may be driuen to loue thee vnfainedly from the bottome of our hearts for this thine vnspeakable loue And considering that thou hast in mercy pardoned so many our haynous offences we may gladly bee moued to forgiue one another their offences and put out of our heart all rancour malice hatred toward ou● Bretheren knowing that we are all members of one body Christ our Sauiour that so surely as we haue forgiuen them that offend vs we may be so certainely assured that our mercifull Father hath forgiuen vs like as we haue forgiuen our Bretheren The sixt petition Lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill ANd for as much most heauenly Father as we of our selues bee feeble and fraile and weak and haue a strong and subtile Aduersarie Sathan the Diuell who goeth about continually like a roaring Lyon seeking whome hee may deuoure we beseech thee strengthen vs by thy holy Spirit that wee may withstand his subtle suggestions and motions hold thou vs by thy mercifull hand and keepe vs alwaies in thy safegard and protection that wee be not ouercome in the mighty assaults of our aduersary And forasmuch as he often vseth euer our owne flesh armed against vs to conquer vs we beseech thee deare Father mortifie subdue and kill in our flesh all subtle suggestions and sinfull motions of Sathan that we yeeld not our selues as slaues thereunto but continually fight against them and bring them into subiection of the Spirit Grant vnto vs deare Father that we may not be drawne through the subtile and sliely torments of Sathan to haue our delight pleasure in the vanities of this world but by thy grace might and power may so in the prosperity of this life bee vpholden that our minds with full ioy and comfort may be lifted vp to our perfect consolation in our Lord and Sauiour Christ and in him take our full and perfect ioy and consolation so that no vaine delight of this world put vs from the same neyther any sharpe aduersaty as pouerty misery or calamity through the malice of the diuell driue vs to dispaire of thy mercifull goodnesse towards vs but alwaies being through thy grace and assistance defended we may be fully perfectly armed against all the subtile intrappings of Sathan and rest wholy in thy mercifull defence and aide For thou hast O Lord and eternall God in thy gouernment all things in heauen and earth all power dominion ouer all creatures Angels and diuels to rule them according to thy good pleasure and will to the profit and commoditie of thy Church and euery faithfull member thereof and to thine incomprehensible glorie that in all things in all ages for euer and euer thy glorious Name may be exalted and thy faithful flocke edified th●ough Christ our Lord Amen A Confession of sinnes with Faith and Repentance O Mercifull and heauenly Father we thy Seruants doe humbly p●ostrate our selues before thy Maiesty acknowledging here in thy sight our haynous offences committed against thy Maiesty seeing and beholding thy heauie wrath against them wee feele our selues laden O Lord our God with a huge company of horrible sins whereof the very least beeing but conceiued in thought is sufficient in iudgment to throw vs downe to the euerlasting burning lake Our owne consciences O Lord do beare witnesse against vs of our manifold transgressions of thy blessed Law of our security sencelesse blindnesse running headlong to destruction committing sinne after sin although not notorious to the world yet horrible before thine eyes The thoughts of our harts rise vp in iudgement against vs the vanity of our talke before thy Maiesty condēneth vs the wickednesse of our deeds from thy sight reiecteth vs all our wicked thoughts words and deeds with the inward corruption of our nature doe altogether as it were a whole lumpe loade of sinne lye heauy vpon vs and with their intollerable waight doe euen presse vs downe to Hell Wee doe daily groane vnder the burthen of them inwardly lamenting our owne folly too greedily running into them In heauen earth or hell wee see none able to sustaine the waight of them but euen thy dearely beloed Sonne Iesus Christ who in mercy infinite and compassion endlesse hath sustained and ouercome that endlesse punishment due vnto them in him therfore in him most mercifull Father and through him we come to thee being fully assured according to thy promise that thou wilt accept take that full recompence which hee thy deare Sonne hath made for vs as a iust ransome for the sinne of all those who with a true Faith take hold on him In him therfore we see thine anger towardes vs appeased thy wrath satisfied and our debts paide Increase in vs good Lord wee beseech thee this liuely
send the Spirit of thy Sonne into my dead heart whereby thou hast quickned mee by faith in the merits of my Sauiour enabled mee with boldnesse to draw neere vnto thee and to crie with confidence Abba Father O how hast thou shed thy loue abroad in my heart by the holy Ghost which thou hast giuen me whereby though I haue beene in great heauines through many temptations especially with the sense and horror of my sins yet hast thou wonderfully refreshed my fainting spirit and caused mee to reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious O how haue these holy rauishments taken me vp into the third heauens How hath my soule now longed to put off this corruption and to be taken vp for euer to enioy thy glorious presence How gladly would I now haue obtained the marke before I had run my race How willingly would I haue the crowne before I had finished my course O the vnspeakable riches of the wisedome and mercy of my God toward me Didst thou not put this precious treasure of faith into an earthen vessel that the glorie might bee of God and not of man didst thou not Redeeme mee out of the hands of our enemies that so I might passe the time of my pilgrimage in feare and magnifie thy power daily in mine infirmities daily denying mine owne righteousnesse that still I may be found of thee in Christ that still I might liue by faith in the Sonne of God and grow vp in him to perfect holinesse Surely blessed Lord when I consider mine owne corruption daily more and more appearing in me and rebelling against thy righteous will and casting vp daily mists to dimme the eie of my Faith that I cannot so clearly discerne the light of thy countenance yea somtimes so leading me captiue into sinne that I am many times to seeke of the sence of thy Loue I am many times put to question the truth of my faith and to distrust my selfe whether I haue any faith or no. For alas Lord I must needs confesse to thy glory that although thou commandest mee to beleeue perfectly in thy Sonne and to be strong in faith yet I find on the other side such strength of corruption preuailing ouer mee and commanding mee forcibly to giue way thereunto and so not onely interrupting the sense of thy loue vnto me but also challenging my loue vnto thee that I am forced many times to feare whether I am led by the Spirit truly of faith or no whether euer thy loue were shed abroad in my heart if euer I loued thee in truth seeing it seemes vnto me that my loue vnto sinne is not altogether quenched nay I feele the power of corruption carrying mee so violently after the lusts of my heart that as I find my selfe lesse cheerfull and constant in thy seruice so on the other side I sometimes find my selfe lesse able to resist temptations more apt and inclinable to such lusts which heretofore I haue subdued yea often more fouly ouercome and foiled by them What shall I say vnto thee O thou searcher of my heart and preseruer of my soule dost thou not see how cold somtimes I am in prayer How dull in the hearing of the word How carelesse of thy Sabbaths How vnconscionable and negligent in my calling How rebellious and inordinate in my affections O how often haue I greeued thine holy Spirit by neglecting the good motions thereof yea many times willingly crossing the same and entertaining contrary suggestions of my cruell enemie How carelesse haue I beene to examaine my heart and renew my couenant with thee How deceitfull or carelesse in breaking often my vowes which I haue made vnto thee against speciall corruptions for renuwing of decayed graces O How often haue I beene ready to giue way to such curssed thoughts of blasphemie and fearefull impietie which might euen quench thy Spirit lead to the dispighting thereof How haue I sometimes bin readie to violate my Conscience by rushing on desperate euils yea how fearfully haue I wounded the same by committing grosse sinnes and to make vp the measure of my misery How haue I hardned my heart by sleeping in sinne and neglecting the sauing meanes of deepe humiliation to awaken me to repentance Alas Lord thou knowest ful wel that though thou hast followed mee with many secret and open afflictions to rouse me out of this sleepe of Security yet either it hath proued but a dreame and so I haue falne asleepe againe or if my heart hath bin awake yet it hath not bin vnto thee to make my sound peace but rather vnto my Enemie to cease his violence yea somtimes to the World to procure some temporary lenity rather to ease my present paine then to heale me thoroughly And surely righteous Lord euen thus it hath befalne that such as I haue sown I haue often reaped euen more hardnesse of heart lesse sense and remorse for sinne more boldnesse thereto and more ease therin lesse delight in holy duties lesse life in prayer lesse cōscience in the word more slights in my calling more distraction in my recknings and more confusion in my Spirit Yet still O Lord I heare a voice behinde me saying This is the way walke in it Yet still I finde thy hand ouer me to stay me from sinking still my better aduised heart tels me it was better with mee formerly then now when I had comfort in thy presence and conscience in thine Ordinances Still thy Spirit is readie to reuiue me with hope that I may recouer againe and my hope is confirmed heereby that the meanes are still offered me and I am capeable of them But alas Lord insted of comfort by them I reape nothing but further confusion because as I am vnable to apply them to my selfe so indeed I am not now fit for that comfort which I seeke for in thee For what peace can there be to mee while my corruptions stink before thee Or how can I look for comfort b●fore I be soundly healed O the vnspeakeable Riches of the wisedom and mercie of my God! how insearchable are thy Councels and thy waies past finding out As thou diddest bring light out of darkenesse in calling mee from darknes vnto light so doest thou cause thy light to shine in darkenesse that thy glorie may bee perfected in my infirmities And therefore though I am now thy Creature renewed after thine owne image yet seeing thou wilt haue the onely glory of thy worke therefore as the light of the righteous must shine more and more vnto the perfect day so the darknesse of corruptions must not bee dispelled vtterly at once but daily be banished more and more vnto the coming of Christ Therefore is it blessed Lord that though thou hast cancelled the guilt of my sin at once by faith in Christ yet hast thou wisely left the corruption of sinne to be abolished by degrees that so I might still liue by Faith in the death of Christ for the mortifying thereof that I
preuailed against my vnworthynesse Thou mightest for my sinnes haue left me to perish in mine extremities but thou hast compassed mee about with ioyfull deliuerance thou mightest haue made my wombe a graue to burie the dead or in affoording life to another thou mightest haue procured my death but yet thou hast not onely made my wombe a wel-spring of life but restored life vnto me also for the cherishing thereof Marueilous O Lord are thy workes infinite are thy mercies my soule by present experience knoweth it well O my soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within me praise his holy Name My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits Thou hast heard my prayers and looked vppon my sorrow thou hast redeemed my life from death and healed mine infirmities and crowned mee with thine euerlasting compassions O giue me I humbly pray thee a thankfull heart not onely now while the memorie and sense of thy fauour is fresh before mee but continually euen so long as I haue any being Grant that I may learne by this liuely euidence of thy power and mercy for euer heereafter to depend onely on thee Quicken mee also to all holy duties that my thankfulnesse may appeare in my pure and Christian carriage Make mee a kind and carefull mother willing to vndergoe the paine and trouble of education Let no nicenesse or curiositie hinder mee from those seruices to which both nature and religion hath appointed me let me also be carefull when time requireth to season the fruite thou hast giuen mee with the sauing knowledge of thee and thy deere Sonne that my desire may manifestly appeare to be set for the encrease of thy Kingdome Vouchsafe so to order my affections and to bring them in obedience vnder thee that if it should be thy pleasure either now or heerafter to take this Infant from me I may as willingly part with it as thou freely gaue it me And now O God perfect in mee that strength which thou hast begunne make me to grow in care to serue thee faithfully both in the duties of pietie and in other businesse of my place and calling that I may bee a comfort to my husband and example to my neighbours a grace to my profession and a meanes of glorie to thy Name through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for those who are employed in the assistance of a trauailing woman HOly Father who hast commanded vs to serue one another in loue and hast made this the triall of our true loue vnto thee and our neighbour that wee helpe them in the time of need Be present we pray with vs ●y thy gracious Spirit to seale vp the pardon of our sinnes that they hinder vs not in this businesse and to assist vs with such conscience and diligence that our labour may not bee in vaine Wee confesse O Lord that wee are not worthy of ●ny g●●d for our selues much lesse that wee should smother the good of others neither that any labour of ours can further thy good without thy speciall Grace enabling vs therein and accepting the same Accept vs therefore wee pray thee in the blood of thy Son shed thy loue into our hearts by thine holy Spirit that all our labour may be done in loue In loue to thy Maiesty who enablest vs to all good and in loue to our Christian Sister especially to her soule And therefore keepe vs wee pray thee from all idle sauours and superstitious conceits as auaileable heereunto from all rotten and vnsauoury speech which may interrupt the worke and teach vs to seeke helpe onely from thy Grace vsing al gracious communication both among our selues and to the comfort of the distressed that shee may only depend vpon thy mighty power applying all diligence and wisedome in affoording seasonable helpe for the easing of the paine or furthering of the birth Furnish vs with skill and her with strength patiently to awaite the appointed time of her deliuerance and knit all our hearts vnto thee that wee may feare thy Name obseruing the passages of thy prouidence in this and all other thy great workes and studying to giue thee praise and glory for the same in Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen A thankesgiuing vpon the blessing of their labour in the Deliuerance HOly Father who hast reuealed thy selfe in thy word to bee a God that hearest prayer and hast now made good this promise vnto vs thine vnworthy seruants in hearing our prayers in the behalfe of this distressed woman Giue vs hearts we humbly pray thee to conceiue wisely of this thy great kindnesse and open our mouths we beseech thee that wee declare this thy goodnesse for the comfort of others that by this liuely example we may beleeue in thy great Name What hast thou not done heerein O Lord euen aboundantly aboue what wee could thinke or aske And what can we repay vnto thee worthy of so great saluation Wee confesse our selues vnworthy to aske much lesse to obtain for our selues yet behold thou hast heard our cries and releeued this thy desolate seruant It is not enough that thou hast giuen ease and deliuerance to the Mother vnlesse also thou didst liue to her Babe that so in it her life might bee againe receiued yea thou hast made our cup to run ouer with ioy and gladnesse who were almost ouerwhelmed with sorrow and dispaire Thine O Lord bee the onely glorie and praise heereof O fill our hearts with thankefulnesse that our reioycing may bee in trueth and humble vs vnfeignedly in the consciences of our owne vnworthinesse that we may giue thee the onely glory of all thy mercies Let our humility appeare in seruing each other in loue and let our loue bee manifest in prouoking each other to trust in thee alone for the time to come let our confidence in this prepare vs to this or the like occasion that so we may finde a gracious issue in our greatest extremities And let our experience of thy good hand heerein weane vs from the loue of the world wherin wee are like continually to meet with what will oppose or ensnare vs and prouoke vs to long for our dissolution when all teares shall be wiped from our eyes And let our desire to bee with thee make vs alwaies ready for thee in all sobriety modesty humility patience and perseuerance that so wee may bee found faithfull when our Maister commeth And that wee may bee found in peace at his glorious appearance O grant vs daily to deny our selues that still wee may bee found of thee in the righteousnes of our Sauiour may by the power thereof be daily accepted of thee by the efficacie of the same may bee more and more conformed to thine holy Image and so may at length be fully satisfied therewith And as thou hast now added one vnto the number of mankinde shewing thy wisedome and power in the framing of him in the wombe in bringing him
soule in mercy preserued and thy whole Church edified now for euer Amen A Prayer for patience in tribulation and that God may bee glorified thereby GRacious and mercifull Father who hast from time to time in all ages exercised euen thy most deere children with greeuous afflictions and sharpe corrections to draw their minds from too much loue of earthly pleasures to delight in heauenly ioyes and spirituall comforts of the soule graunt I beseech thee that I euen from my heart may acknowledge this affliction which doth nowe greeuously pierce my soule to bee thy Fatherly correction and scourge of thy meere mercy and loue layd vppon mee to put mee in minde of my dutie towards thee least else with too much quietnesse I should haue beene drawne through the flattering pleasures of this vaine world from the remembrance and delight of my spirituall ioy in heauenly things to haue had my sinfull delight in this vaine world and so should haue runne headlong to euerlasting damnation with the wicked world But that thou O Father hast called me back by this thy Fatherly rod whereby thou mindest to let me see that of my selfe I haue no strength vnto goodnesse but that it was thou who by thy aboundant mercy hadst before time replenished my heart with ioy that I tooke great pleasure and comfort in reading and hearing thy holy word and receiuing other benefits which spirituall comfort and quietnesse of mind because I did not fully acknowledge to bee thy good gift in mee thou hast now taken from mee for a time that I may effectually perceiue and learne by the lacke of it that it was thy worke in me and when thou restorest the same againe I may more aboundantly glorifie thee in thy manifold mercies But while it shall be thy good will pleasure O Lord to exercise mee with this thy louing correction giue me grace that I may patientiy abide whatsoeuer it shall please thee to lay vpon me for my amendment strengthen mee O Lord that I doe not faint vnder the burthen of affliction but being vpholden by the strength of thy holy Spirit in mee I may neuer cease calling vppon thy name with full perswasion that thou wilt at thy time appointed send mee full assurance to my singular comfort and thy eternall glory And when it shall please thee O Lord fully to deliuer mee I beseech thee so worke in my heart that I may acknowledge the same to come from thee and to be thy onely worke that I may be thankfull for thy so great mercies in all the daies of my life and I neuer forget thy louing and Fatherly dealings towards mee but so to the end of my life I may liue in thy feare and loue that thy holy name in my life may be glorified and after death I may bee receiued to that full ioy which thou hast prepared for thine elect children through our onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen A Prayer for mortification and holinesse BLessed Lord God and most mercifull Father I doe acknowledge vnto thee that I am vnworthy to appeare before thy high Maiestie to offer vp vnto thee a sacrifice of prayer being full of sinne and corruption naturally glad of euill and vnprofitable to good Yea being so miserable yet I see not my miserie I feele it not I bewaile it not as I ought to doe but multiply mine iniquities prouoking thy iust iudgement against me My zeale is cold my loue feeble my exercises of Religion faint and few and I take no way but that which leadeth from euill to worse and finally would lead me from sinne to the reward of sin All this is true deere Father yet my heart is not moued with feare all this is true yet I doe not sorrow for it but walke with ioy where I must if I continue reape affliction therefore be mercifull vnto mee and blesse me be mercifull vnto me in Christ Iesus wash away all mine iniquities be mercifull vnto me and create in me a new heart and prepare it to prayer and to thy holy seruice for thou alone O Lord art my hope and the mighty God of my saluation Thou hast giuen mee a desire to serue thee O teach me that I may doe it and the good worke which thou hast begun make it perfect in me that I may no more loue wickednes follow vanity but that my good desires in thee may be increased and all of them accomplished so shall I praise thee and magnifie thee for euer For ther is no honor but thy honor no glory but thy glory O Lord it is vaine to trust in Princes but truely to trust in the Lord bringeth plentifull saluation From age to age it hath appeared that thou O Lord God art mercifull and that in thy Courts there is nothing but truth and holinesse This world is full of vanitie full of pride full of rebellion and the flesh also The world hath many baites of destruction and the flesh doth delight in them they are sworne together to betray vs to Sathan yea wee betray our selues therefore deere Father by the crosse of Christ mortifie in vs the deeds of the flesh and crucifie in vs the deeds of the fl●sh and crucifie both vs to the world and the world to vs that our soules may liue In our generall calling make vs obedient to serue th●e in holinesse and in righteousnesse all the daies of our life in our particular callings also make vs faithfull that we may neither put away a good conscience nor make ship-wracke of faith I beleeue O Lord helpe my vnbeleefe in the day of peace and prosperitie make vs sober in the day of trouble and aduersitie make vs looke vppe and cheerefuly to waite and trust in thee for our deliuerance that our enemies mouthes may bee stopped by our godly conuersation and their hearts pricked with zeale to turne vnto thee Neither do I pray O Lord for my selfe alone but for the whole body into the which I am grafted by Christ Iesus that is for thy Church O God for thine inheritance that rhou wouldest encrease it from one end of the world to another that all Nations may worship before thy foot-stoole Especially O Lord I pray for them that professe thy Gospell as for this our Nation that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto it turning our hearts to thee for our gracious Soueraign the King and for all our Councell that thou wouldest poure thy graces vpon them to discharge of their dutie and our peace for all the holy Teachers in the Church that thou wouldest blesse them and their labours for the peace and full beautie of this Church for the peace and wealth of the Common-weale Wee pray thee also for to blesse all the meanes to bring this to passe Also we pray thee for our Parents for all others to whom wee owe speciall loue or seruice but principally wee beseech thee to shew thy compassion vpon all that are in persecution for thy Gospel O Lord
the Spirit of knowledge and so wee must pray in knowledge 2. It is the Spirit of Christ that is in vs and so wee must pray in the Name of Christ by the Spirit 3. It is the Spirit of Faith and so wee must pray in Faith without doubting 4. And it is the Spirit of Patience and so we must waite in Prayer 5. It is the Spirit of Wisedome teaching vs what to pray for so we must pray in wisedom for such things as be most soueraigne and necessary For spirituall graces absolutely for temporall with condition 6 It is the Spirit of Humility teaching vs to denie our owne wisedome and not rest in our owne righteousnesse and so to submit to the will of God as not to faint in our labour although we faile in our particular desire 7 It is the Spirit of Perseuerance and so we must pray continually and perseuere therein with all thankfulnesse 8 It is a quickning powrfull Spirit working mightily in vs and so wee must pray in all zeale and feruency of the Spirit because if they bee feruent they shall preuaile 9. It is the holy and blessed Spirit and therefore whosoeuer calleth on the name of the Lord must depart from Iniquity if we regard iniquity in our harts the Lord will not heare our prayers Thus may we pray in the Spirit Neither may such prescript forme of Prayer preiudice or stint the same But we must be carefull of the sense of our particular wants and apprehension of Gods fauour in Iesus Christ to powre out our hearts vnto our GOD who is onely priuy hereunto and loueth trueth in the inward parts so shall the words of our mouths be acceptable vnto him whether wee speake by the mediate direction of holy men who are inspired by the holy Ghost or immediately by the inspiration of the holie and blessed Spirit 1 Being wise in either to auoyd formality customaries superstition as if the thing how soeuer done would preuaile 2 Labouring still to quicken vppe our hearts in the loue of Christ that so we may continue with all patience and perseuerance therein 3 Vsing carefully to search and prepare our hearts vvhen we come before the Lord. 4 Preparing our hearts by holy Meditation of the Maiesty power and goodnes of God to quicken our faith and confound carnall Wisedome 5 Renewing our Vowes and Couenants with the Lord when soeuer wee looke to speede well from him 6 And yet not building any further in the issue vppon our God then may stand vvith his good pleasure for our cheefest good in his Time and Manner which shall be fittest for vs. 7 Comforting our selues rather in the sense of that diuine assistance quickening our requests and continuing powrefully therein then in any present sensible issue concerning our selues that still wee may haue to reioyce in our God and not in our selues 8 And so quieting our harts that we haue done the vvill of our GOD that the vvill of God may bee done in vs to the satisfying of our best desires in that manner and measure as best pleaseth him for our maine and principall good Thus may we preuaile in Prayer And to this end mayest thou make vse of these helpes rather as Directions to informe thee aright in the matter and order of Prayer thē any strict bounds to confine thee to the letter therof Wishing thee in the feare of God so to make vse thereof as to make them rather meanes to stir vp the Spirit in thee then to stint or prescribe the same Which thou shalt do if that thou dost seriously meditate on each particular Model before thou vse the same to informe thine vnderstanding kindle thine affections to the loue therof then so vse the Forme as not to rest heerein but rather to propound it as a patterne for thy better direction in the like and so to sample it as neere as thou maist or rather euen to put life vnto it and better the same And so the Lord giue thee vnderstanding in all things in whom I rest Tho Cooper ¶ A Table of all the seuerall Prayers contained in this Booke A Briefe Prayer vpon the Lords prayer 64 Another Prayer more at large vpon the Lords prayer 76 A Confession of sins with Faith and repentance 101 A prayer for the prosperous estate of the whole Church 110 Morning prayer for priuate houses and Families 125 Euening prayer for the same 135 A forme of prayer daily to bee vsed of all faithfull Christians in their houses or elsewhere 144 A speciall Morning Prayer for the Sabbath 184 Euening prayer for the Sabath 205 A Prayer to be said before the hearing or reading of the holy Scriptures 222 A Thankesgiuing after the hearing or reading of the word of God 230 A Prayer before the receiuing of the Sacrament 236 A Prayer to be said after the receiuing of the Sacrament 238 A Prayer for constant perseuerance in praying when wee are dull to prayer 240 A Prayer for all times 245 A prayer for all estates 250 A Prayer to bee confirmed in the knowledge of God 255 A Prayer for the obtaining of sauing Faith 258 A Prayer to feele in heart spirituall comfort and the liuely sence of our Adoption by Faith 274 A Prayer against doubting whereby to strengthen a weake Faith and to perseuere therein 278 〈◊〉 Prayer for obtaining of Triall and cherishing of the holy Spirit of God 302 A Prayer for obtaining of a liuely Hope 322 A prayer for the obtaining and encrease of Loue. 330 A prayer to obtaine and preseru● the feare of God that we may b● kept constant thereby in holiness● to the end 3●● A prayer for the obtaining of grac● and wisedome 34● A prayer to walke faithfully an● fruitfully in our Ciuill and personal Callings 35● A prayer before the taking of Iourney 36● A Thankesgiuing for good succe●● therein 3●● A Prayer for a Woman in Tr●uaile 3●● A Thankesgiuing after safe De●uerance 3●● A prayer for those that assist a tr●uailing woman 3●● A Thankesgiuing for their g●● successe 3●● A prayer for such as in this w●● bee very rich 391 A prayer for such as be poore and needy 395 A prayer to obtaine grace of God against the assaults of the world the flesh and the diuell 397 A Thankesgiuing after blessings obtained to acknowledge them as from God 409 A prayer for patience in Tribulation and that God may be glorified thereby 412 A prayer for Mortification holinesse 417 A prayer for the feeling of the sinne of Hypocrisie that we may direct our life according to the prescript rule of the Word 424 A prayer against the secret venim and great daunger of prosperitie 431 A prayer against Whoredome and Vncleannesse 439 A prayer against Couetousnesse and Ambition 443 A prayer against vsuall and common Swearing 446 A Prayer against Pride 449 A prayer against Gluttonie and Drunkennesse 455 A prayer against Idlenesse and Sloth 460 A prayer against Infidelity dispaire necessarie
blessed Lawes and Commandments the greatnesse of my sinnes and wickednesse yea I see O Lord my God the whole course of my life to be almost nothing else but a continuall breaking of thy holy Lawes and Commandements The thoughts of my heart eyther in vanitie or else open wickednesse are in number infinite daily in the aboundance of them causing my mouth to speake and my bodie to execute and doe contrarie to thy holie will And againe O Lord I see thy heauie wrath vengeance and iudgement against sin to be intollerable that euen the least wicked thoughtes and most secret cogitations of my heart procureth thy heauy wrath and euerlasting curse the torments of hell and euerlasting fire euen although I had but once in all my life broken any of thy Commandements so much as once in thought And I know O Lord GOD that thou art true and iust and canst not abide sinne and wickednesse but will iustly punish euerie sinne euen with the selfesame torments of hell which thy iustice hath appointed This O Lord my God throweth me downe and euen amazeth me so that I know not what to doe I looke into my selfe viewing mine owne power whether I am able to ouercome this punishment of my sinne or no and I see that all euen the most exquisite punishment which I can deuise of my selfe in whipping of my body as long as I liue wearing Hair-cloth pining my selfe with fasting or any other paine I see I see O Lord that all this punishment is not sufficient for one of my least sinnes because it deserueth euen the euerlasting paines of hell I looke to Heauen I see there is no Saint nor Angell able to abide and ouercome this punishment of sinne I looke to men in this wo●ld euen to the Popes Treasure that wicked man of sin and I see that neyther his Masse nor Purgatory Pilgrimage Pardons Pennance Satisfactions nor any of such like wicked stuffe alas I see they are nothing for the satisfying for one of my least wicked thoughts seeing the punishment is due by the iust decree and sentence of thy euerlasting cursse Wherefore I am driuen out from my selfe and all that I can doe to seeke this punishment dischargd other wher or els to quaile vnder the burden I see there is no help for me in Angels Saints nor Mortall men but onely in that perfecte man Christ Iesus thy deare Sonne in whom I see the full punishment of my sinne wholy paide satisfied discharged and ouercome death vanquished the paines of hell in victory swalowed vp the cursse satisfied and the eternity of the punishment thorough his euerlasting power ouer-reached This I see O Lord by the eyes of faith being through thy holy spirit wholy assured that all the whole punishment of sinne payd by my Sauiour Christ is not onely paide for other men but euen also for mee and my sinne This assurance of faith beeing thine onely worke in me I beseech thee in mercy to strengthen and increase for I feele it often full of wauering and doubting Grant that I may dayly more and more in my soule and conscience feele my selfe knit and ingrafted into the body of thy Sonne whereby I may be assured that whatsoeuer hee hath done pertaineth to me and is fully and wholy mine that I may through the power of his death feele sinne dayly dye in mee and thorough the power of his resurrection feele my selfe risen from sinne to haue my full ioy and comfort in those things which bee agreeable to thy holy will onely detesting hating and abhorring from my heart all things which be contrary to thy will and pleasure that euen in this life I may still looke for his endlesse ioy felicity vsing the things of this world as though I vsed them not till that good time that it shall please thee to call me to thine euerlasting kingdome of glory there to raigne with my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for euer and euer Amen A Prayer vpon the Lords prayer The first petition Our Father which art in heauen O Most mighty Lord and eternall God who hast by thy deere sonne Chrtst Iesu our Lord and Sauiour reconciled vnto thy selfe all things in Heauen and earth and in him hast made an euerlasting bonde and Couenant with vs thy faithfull Children that thou wilt not onely be our God but also our most louing and mercyfull Father whereof as a pledge uhou hast giuen vs thy holy spirit of adoption wherby we may with boldnesse and full trust and confidence come to thee by hearty prayer as vnto our most louing and mercyfull Father being assured that thou wilt not deny ought which thou knowest shall be expedient for vs grant wee beseech thee deere Father that being fully perswaded in our hearts of this thy Fatherly loue and affection toward vs we may be stird vp to make our petitions with such an affection ardent desire loue and reuerence to thy Maiesty that our minds be not carried away with by-thoughts creeping in but without all wandring may be fully bent and attentiue to the things we aske and fully staid vppon thy mercifull and iust protection Hallowed be thy name WE then beseech thee deere Father that thou wilt strenghen our hearts with thy holy spirit that considering thou hast made al things for the glory of thy name so we may in all our doings enterprises counsels and purposes cheifely aboue all things seeke thy glory that wee may fully acknowledge thee not onely the Auther of all things but the Ruler Guider and Gouernor of all things both in heauen and earth that we neuer diminish thy incomprehensible glory by attributing vnto our selues any power strength or ability to doe will or thinke that which is good but from our hearts we may acknowledge all our goodnes to come from thee yeelding for the same continuall praise thankesgiuing to thy glorious Name that we neuer by distrusting thy mercyfu●l prouidence dishonour thy Name but that euen in our greatest desires we may put our full confidence in thee not looking vpon our weaknes but staying vppon thy power promises by harty prayer flying vnto thee our onely refuge that our whole life may be framed according to thy holy will in all pointes that thy glorious name in vs may be sanctified and that we be not an occasion that thy holy Name be any way blasphemed throgh our wicked life and conuersation The Second Petition Thy kingdome come LEt thy Kingdome most mercifull Father appeare and manifestly be declared in all the world but especially amongst thy Church faithfull Flocke declare thy selfe Lord and King ouer them ruling them by the scepter of thy holy word force of thy holy spirit Encrease the number of faithfull Pastors and Preachers among the people blesse their labours to the increase of this kingdome of thy deere sonne Iesus Christ and to the destruction of the kingdome of Sathan and Antichrist Suppresse the rage of the Enemies that they m●y
heart and minde bee fully assured thou by thy heauenly prouidence rulest and guidest all things in heauen and earth so that nothing in the vvhole world commeth to passe but according to thine appointment that thou guidest and framest the aff●ires doings of men that thou hast euen their hearts and all their powers in thy mercifull hand to turn them which way soeuer it seemeth best vnto thy godly wisedome so that whether we be in prosperity or aduersity we may acknoledge both of them to be thy worke in vs and therefore be no lesse thankfull for sicknesse then for health for sorrow then for comfort for a troubled minde then for a quiet for imprisonment and banishment then for liberty especially seeing wee know that thou turnest them all seeme they neuer so sharp to the comfort and commodity of thy children which feare thee and that in all thinges which shall befall vnto vs whether they be grieuous or ioyous prosperity or aduersity life or death thy holy name may be sanctified in vs by yeilding due and continuall praise and thankesgiuing to thy eternall Mai●sty that we neuer cease to put our ful trust and confidence in thy mercie who hast promised to be our defender buckler and shield to keepe vs as the apple of thine eye to deliuer vs when we cal vpon thee to open when wee knocke to giue when we aske that we knowing our owne weaknes that of our selues wee haue no power or strength to do no not so much as to will that which is good we may acknowledge al our strength comfort ioy faith loue hope and confidence to be thine onely guift and worke in vs. And for the same and the increase of the same and for all thy benefites in vs whereof we feele our selues destitute we may constantly flee vnto thee by heartie prayer requiring the same at thy mercifull hand And hauing felt thy mercifull dealing towards vs we may alway to the end of our life continue thankfull vnto thy blessed name that wee neuer speake or thinke of thee O LORD GOD without high reuerence and an obedient fear vnto thy glorious Name The third Petition Thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen ANd forasmuch O Lord God as of our selues wee bee nothing but stubbornesse and rebellion against thy holy Maiesty we beseech thee deere Father that as thine Angels in heauen doe willingly obey thy holy and most blessed will without any resistance so wee thy most vild and vnworthy Seruants and Children in earth all stubobrnesse rebellion peruesnes by thy holy Spirit in vs being vtterly extinguished and quenched we may willingly submit our selues resigne and yeeld our whole affections to thee O Lord to bee gouerned after thy blessed and heauenly will That wee may feele in our selues no other motion or desire then a meete consent to thy holy will that whatsoeuer affections in vs fight against thy holy will thou wilt vtterly make them voide That wee neuer will any thing of our selues but that thy holy Spirite in vs may gouerne our hearts by whom inwardly being taught wee may learne to loue embrace and take comfort in those things that please thee and to hate those thinges that displease thee That our hearrs minds and wills being wholy subdued to thy blessed will we may willingly bee content with that estate of life which it pleaseth thy goodnesse to excercise vs withall in this world whether it be in aduersity or prosperity in sicknes or health in ignominy or glory in quietnesse or trouble in sorrow or gladnesse Grant vs deare Father this willing and patient minde that euen in our greatest distresse wee may bee content with thy good will and not to murmure or grudge against thy Maiesty knowing that thou wilt lay nothing vppon vs but that which shall turne to our goodn●sse and profit And that wee may patiently abide whatsoeuer it shall please thee to lay vppon vs that we be assured in our hearts that thou wilt lay no more vnto vs then thou wilt giue vs strength to beare euen in our greatest afflictions wilt find a way for our deliuerance and that thy power and strength is more fully declared when wee feele our selues vtterly voyd of strength and see no way of deliuerance that we may in our most greeuous assaults conflicts and anguish or mind submit our selues wholy to thy blessed will and looke for our deliuerance at thy hand when thou knowest it most expedient for vs and most for thy glory leauing the time and meanes of our deliuerance to thy good will and pleasure and that in the meane time we neuer cease but call vpon thee by hearty prayers continually as thou hast commaunded vntill such time as thou shalt heare our petitions And although after many and sundry callings vpon thee thou seeme not to regard vs but rather deale more extreamly with vs yet notwithstanding strengthen vs so with perseuerance in prayer that wee faint not but still continue in prayer being assured that although we feele our selues nothing released yet we may quiet our selues herein that we as thy Children haue laide our complaints griefes and sorrows in the bosome of thee our heauenly Father who will as a louing Father when he seeth it most conuenient helpe vs. And although thou seeme nothing to grant our requests yet wee honor thee in calling vppon t●y name seeing thou dost accept it as a most cheefe honor to bee called vppon in the day of truble The fourth petition Giue vs this day our dayly Bread ANd forasmuch deare Father as thou dost by thy mighty power nourish feede sustaine preserue and maintaine all liuing Creatures yea euen the very young flocks and Beasts we beseech thee to send vnto vs thy Children ouer whom thou hast a more speciall care all things necessary for this our present life that we hauing sufficient may walke euery one in our calling in sincerity and pure holynes before thy face acknowledging all our benifits of riches health wealth meate drinke apparell and all our substance to be thy meere gifts bestowed vpon vs and deliuered vnto vs from thine hands that we be not drawne from thee through setting our mindes too much vppon them but so moderately vse them as thy benefits for a time bestowed vppon vs knowing that thou wilt at our hands require an account how we haue vsed them That wee doe not carefully gape or seeke after them but discreetly to thy glory vse them acknowledging in them thy goodnesse and liberality towards vs. And seeing most mercifull Father that it is not our trauell labour paines study or endeauour which is able to get vs our liuing but onely in so much as it pleaseth thy goodnesse to blesse and prosper them we beseech thee that yet through our great Trauaily and paines wee be yet still poore and in meane estate that thou wilt giue vs a contented heart knowing that thereby thou lettest vs vnderstand that it is thy good will and pleasure
and feeling faith for we feel it oftentimes in vs very weake and troubled with many doubtes Increase it in vs O Lord that wee may through thy holy spirit bee assured that the punishment of our sinne is fully in thy Sonne discharged Make vs O Lord our God to feele the same in our soules and consciences that I●sus Christ is ours and all that hee hath done that we are ingrafted into his body and made one with him and therefore fellow-heires with him of euerlasting life Let vs not onely haue these words in our mouths good Lord but through thy holy Spirit let vs feele the comfort of them in our hearts fully sealed setled in vs that we feeling our selues inwardly before thy Iudgement seate discharged and our consciences towards thee appeased may bee swallowed vp with an vnfained loue towards thy heauenly Maiesty and towards our Bretheren for thy sake Make sinne to die in vs daily more and more that wee may hate detest and vtterly abhorre all sinne and wickednesse in all men but especially in our selues that wee m●y strongly through thy holy Spirit sette our selues in open defiance against all sin and wickednesse that wee please not our selues in our sins but straightly examining sin by the iust rule of thy holy Lawes wee may vtterly from the bottome of our hearts condemne euen the least sinne in our selues hauing our whole ioy comfort and consolation vpon those things which bee agreeable to thy blessed will alwaies being afraide to doe any thing contrary to the same that wee may euen from the bottome of our hearts examine and try our thoughts before thy presence that they bee vpright vnfained not hypocritical in outward shew only appearance but that euen all the corners of our hearts being opned and disclosed before thee we may euen as though it were openly before the face of the whole world bring them in shew knowing that a double heart is destitute in thine eyes and that wee may walke alwayes as before thine eyes not onely before the eyes of man being more carefull to walk circumspectly in this respect that we haue thee to be a viewer of our doings a thousand fold more then the eyes of man That thus wee may walke as becommeth thy Children not onely in outward shew but also in sincerity of hart abhorring euen the least sinne in our selues striuing resisting and fighting against sinne not nourishing the same in our breast but earnestly embracing and studiously seeking after those things which bee pleasant in thine eyes that neyther the feare of man nor losse of goods life landes possessions or friends draw vs away from thee to doe anie least thing contrary vnto thy will and pleasure neither the fauour and friendship of man nor yet the flattering enticements of this World nor the vaine promotions of the same do mooue vs ●ny whit from the true and endlesse ioy delight pleasure which we ought to haue in those things which be agreeable to thy will and the constant performance of the same but that alwayes to the end of our life wee may continue in thy pathes growing and increasing from faith to faith from strength to strength till at length we shall come to thine euerlasting rest Amen ¶ A Prayer for the prosperous estate of the whole Church O Lord our God and heauenly Father forasmuch as by thy holy word we are commanded in our Prayers not onely to be mindefull of our selues but also of all other thy children yea euen of our enemies wee commend vnto thy diuine Maiestie all thy whole true and Catholicke Church and euery member thereof that as it hath pleased thy goodnesse by the bright beames of thy holy word to shine ouer the whole world whereby thou hast expelled driuen away caused to vanish the darke and misty cloudes of ignorance and superstition so thou wouldest vouchsafe by thy holy Spirit to touch the hearts of men that they may ioyfully imbrace that thine so high a Treasure sent amongst vs that through our vnthankefulnesse wee prouoke not thy Maiesty in anger to take it from vs. Crush bruise and destroy with the breth of thy mouth the mightie power of that man of sin which so proudly exalteth himselfe aboue al that is called God Let not thy simple flocke deere Father in whose consciences he so long time hath yet doth sit as God bee any longer poisoned with his sweet inticing poisons but so lighten their harts that they may perceiue his iuglings embrace the sweet and comfortable doctrine of life euerlasting reuealed in thy glorious Gospell And forasmuch as it hath pleased thee in mercy aboue all Nations of the earth to pow●e down the sweet showers of thy heauenly graces vpon this our English Nation aboundantly in more plentifull wise watering the same with the giftes of thy holy Spirite in promoting thy Gospell and ouerthrowing Idolatrie we beseech thee continue thy fauour towards the same and vttery roote out all Remnants Reliques and Mon●ments of Idolatrie that thy glorious name may be throughly exalted in sincere pure and holy worship And as thou hast in mercie from amongst vs in this thy Church vtterly banished all false venomous and poisonfull doctrine wherewith the soules of thy Children heretofore haue beene wounded ●o death and in place thereof hast placed the true and comfortable doctrine of life euerlasting wherewith the soules of thy children may be fedde and norished to euerlasting ioy so in like mercie and fauour we beseech thee deare Father establish in the same thy Church a true perfect and sincere regiment therof according to the prescript rule of thy blessed Word all fantasies of mans brains and dreames of humane policie vtterly abolished that thy glorious Maiesty onely may be exalted in the light of thy glorious Gospel and that thy Church may flourish increase being through thy protection aided supported maintained and defended we beseech thee ●●thy holy Spirit guide and rule euery part and member thereof especially thy seruant Iames our King whome thy gracious fauor and mercifull prouidence hath appointed a cheefe member of the same vnder whose winges next vnto thy protection it hath a cheefe succour and support Grant vnto him O Lord a pure and perfect zeale aboue all things to promote thy glorie first cheeflie in labouring and endeuoring of himselfe earnestlie in wiping away and purging out of the Church all blots and deformities to reduce the same to a pure sincere forme of worshippe agreeing to thy blessed word vtterly to remooue all stumbling blockes which stay and hinder the course of thy Gospell Giue in like manner O Lord GOD the spitit of wisedome discretion gouerment that with equitie and iustice he may see this whole Realme which thou hast committed to his charge peaceably quietly gouerned that hee may studiouslie labour that as well through the whole Realme vertue be exalted vice abandoned as especially in his owne house and Court that all wicked
therefore in thine infinit wisdome thou hast now restrained vs from bodyly labours that wee might bee there by freed from all encombrances of care and worldly mindednesse and so might wholy apply our selues both to the publicke and priuate meanes and practice of thy worship therein euen all the day and that wee may so doe O grant vs wee humbly pray thee to call thy Sabbath a delight to consecrate it glorious vnto thee eschewing our owne waies and renouncing our owne will forsaking all vaine and ordinary words giuing no way to any loose or worldly thoughts but we may bind our selues to an entire and constant following thee in all the wayes of thy worship as may any way seeme to the sāctifying of this day And because I am like to meete with many hinderances herein both within and without mine owne heart within repining hereat as an heauy yoake and pleading for vnseasonable and carnall liberty The world without alluring by cunning pretences and contrary example and scorning my strictnes and scrupulousnesse herein O arme mee strongly gratious God against all these enchantments and foolish scarcrowes That I may not leane to mine owne wisdome but to thy sacred word studying the more carefully to please thee in all things that I may stop the mouthes of gainsayers or glo●ie herein the more that they are still opened against weldoing shall prouoake thee iustly to stoppe their mouthes in due time with confusion O perswade my heart as thou hast taught mee that thy yoake is easie thine ordinances not greeuous and grant mee to try mine ease by the diseasing of my flesh and to prepare for cōfort therin by greefe for my fayllings which may still prouoake mee to continue therein and the subduing of my flesh may better fit mee to the cheerfull vndergoing thereof and the more I feele mine owne wants and greeue therein the more I may hunger after and value thy sweete ordinance whereby my wants may bee supplyed and sorrowes r●freshed that so in the deniall of my selfe I may bee still found of thee in Christ and by his power may bee still enabled to goe through the spirituall occasions of the day and norished with hope of the acceptance of my weake endeauours therein So grant mee louing Father when I speake vnto thee to speake euen from thee From the sence of thy Maiesty to abase mee humbly before thee from the light of thy Truth to discerne my speciall wants by the light of faith to apprehend thy speciall fauour in Christ to cast me out of my selfe and cast mee boldly vppon thee and by remembrance of thy former mercies and faithfull promises to assure mee good successe in presence with thee and so from the sence of thy loue to offer a sacrifice of praise vnto thee that I may still receiue from thee by emptying my soule in compassion to others may bee more replenished by thee O grant mee Blessed Lord that when thou speakest to mee I may heare thee onely and alone by thee Let thy key open my heart that it may receiue thee inwardly Let it shut my heart againe that by meditation I may retaine thee constantly Let it open my heart againe by applying thine ordinance to my present and speciall wants and so breake the stony rocke againe that the teares of hearty Repentance may gush out plentifully O then let it shut my heart fast by confidence in thee that I sincke not in dispaire And then let it open and enlarge my heart againe with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious in the sence of thy rich mercies And now let it shut vp my heart againe against selfe loue spirituall pride that so it may be opened by speciall grace to all gratious and constant duties to thee my selfe and my neighbour And when we are to meet thee together in that holie communion O prepare the roome for thy selfe that thou mayest delight to feast with me and giue me an heauenly appetite that I may desire to feed on thee Humble my soule before thee that thou mayest stoope vnto me and ease my soule of its heauie burthen that it may ascend vnto thee and so knit my heart hereby vnto thee in an euerlasting fellowship When I obserue thy church enlarged by the admission of new members the breach of mine owne Vow to consider my decay and backe-slydings from thee and in the sense thereof to pray more earnestly for thy Blessings vpon thine owne Ordinance reioycing for the encrease of thy Church heereby and yet preparing vnto the bloodie Baptisme and so hungering af●er the full consummation of thy Chosen When I ioyne with the Congregation either in giuing thee praise or in prayer ●o receiue from thee O grant me to ioyne of conscience not custome to the satisfying of the flesh to humble each other that we may haue mutuall comfort to labour with one mind end that our paines may not be tedious or fruitlesse Giue mee so to praise thee that I bee more humbled in my selfe so to giue thee thankes that I part not stakes with thee so to sing vnto thee that I may sorrow for my sinnes so to reioyce before thee as that I may still hunger after thee and long for thy euerlasting presence So enlarge mee from thy bounty to all occasions for thy sake to fill the emptie to emptie the gorged stomacke to raise the humbled recall the wandring confirme the weak● informe the ignorant conuince the obstinate comfort the abiect and reconcile the auerse in all these giue mee good Lord a cheerfull heart rather choosing to preuent then bee preuented herein rather striuing with the last then giuing ouer with the first And so what I haue found a broad O grant me to communicate at home with my God in prayer to blesse it vnto mee with my selfe in priuate application to be bettered therby with my family in conference and instruction to increase the kingdome of Christ still raising my soule higher from the world by meditation of the wisedome and goodnes of my God in his wonderfull workes so still more abasing my flesh in the view and sence of mine owne vnprofitablenesse in the best I haue done yet comforting my soule in the promise of my God that hee will require no more then hee giues and shew his power in my weaknesse that though I find no more in my rekconing but a dearer and more deepe sence of my corruption as this day to discerne detest the same so this deepe sense of corruption may enable me to prepare more conscionably against the more publike occasions and prouoke mee more earnestly to hunger after the euerlasting Sabbath And euen so grant mee Gracious God thus to end the day with thee as I haue endeauoured to begin and continue the same in thee O pardon I humbly pray thee whaesoeuer hath bene mine and accept graciously and crowne thine owne worke in mee who am thy seruant and the Son of thy handmaide And so do heartily commend
might dayly grow vp in Christ to perfect holines therfore though corruption remaine in mee yet seeing it doth not raigne in mee here is my comfort that I am not vnder the Law but vnder Grace though I am sometimes as no better then lost in my selfe yet this is that I may still deny mine owne righteousnesse that I may be found of thee in Christ for the concerning of present corruption for the auesting of my person in him to bee enabled thereby to perfect holinesse Onely gracious God grant mee heere I pray thee still to iustifie thy wisedome in condemning mine owne folly and to aduance thy free and constant grace in the acknowledging of mine owne corruptions True it is holie Father that as thou madest man righteous at the first but he sought many inuentions to his owne ouerthrow so didst thou so restore me againe by thy power of Christ vnto a more durable state of holinesse that neither shall I euer fall away from thee finally neither though thou hast left corruption in mee yet seeing thy end heerein was to make mee still deny my selfe that I might stand fast in Christ in whom thou hast ingrafted mee therfore neither might I haue falne at al into such feareful distraction if I had kept me close vnto my hold neither though I haue fallen by letting goe my hold yet shall not my falling make thy truth without effect nay rather shall proue a meanes to make good the same And therefore I doe heere vnfainedly acknowledge before thee blessed Lord mine owne folly in letting goe my hold thou hast not beene wanting with all meanes to preserue me vpright but I haue beene wanting to the meanes and so I haue beene wanting vnto thee and to my selfe thou hast willed mee to liue by faith euen when I haue feeling of thy loue and my inward pride hath peruerted thy gracious feeling to make mee liue by sence and behold the Sunne when it shineth and so by peruerting the comfort of thy Spirit as an occasion to the flesh I haue iustly greiued thy Spirit and so thou with drewest thy face from mee and I haue beene troubled Troubled in my soule for the losse of thy fauour troubled of the world by seeking false remedies there from troubled in my Spi●it by the confusion of those remedies as breeding some times hardnesse of heart and so bringing forth troubles by exposing to outward euils and hindering in the vse of spirituall remedies sometimes herevpon breeding further trouble and inward horror and anguish of spirit many times laying the axe to the very roote challenging the maine And yet in all this farre lesse then I haue deserued that so I might haue hope in thy free grace for my recouerie And in all this aduancing thy righteousnesse in abasing my folly that so I might still renounce mine owne righteousnesse and labour to bee found in Christ for my recouery and perfection Onely keepe me here holy Father from presumptuous sinne that it may not haue dominion ouer me to turne thy grace into wantonnesse and then lead mee into thy priuy Chamber stay me with thy flaggons that I may not onely not sleepe in death but also awake and sing out of the dust and out of the deepe to admire thine infinite wisdome and to see thee who art inuisible that I may bee raised vp againe O giue me therefore most mighty Lord to condemme mine owne folly for being wise in mine owne eies in turning thy fauour as an occasion to the flesh grant mee to thanke my selfe that of the flesh I haue reaped such confusion and giue thee thankes the more thou hast sustained mee in the graue Grant me out of experience of mine owne foolishnesse to giue thee the glory of thy free goodnesse and out of the experience of thy power in my weaknesse to comfort my selfe that thou wilt returne againe And that thou maist vndoubtedly returne with speed O strengthen my weake faith I humbly pray thee with thy precious promises that thy foundation stands sure whatsoeuer my building may be thou knowest who are thine O let it comfort my fainting spirit that all things shall worke together for the best to those whome thou hast chosen that so I may wisely compare one thing with another things past with things present by those things to come that so I may liue by faith in the iudging of my present estate by looking behind and before and not be cast off my hold either by present temptations or future feares O establish me with thy precious promise that thou wilt keepe me to the end that so I may liue by faith in casting my selfe vppon thy mighty power and committing my selfe in weldoing into thine holy hands Teach mee to deny mine owne wisedome that I may trust perfectly in thy mercy and grant me in things to rely vppon the wisedome of thy word which is able to make mee wise and perfect to saluation Let thy word keepe me in all my waies that I may not decline to the right hand or to the left and let my supplications be alwaies manifest at the throne of grace that so I may be carefull for nothing O let me not in any case greiue thine holy Spirit any more but grant mee to entertaine and cherrish the motions therof by turning them into feruent prayers and conscioāble practices seasonable to the occasion weane mee from the loue of the world that I may haue fellowship in thy loue and purge my heart from secret wickednesse that it bee not stolne away from thee keepe mee alwaies close vnto thee that I may not fall into open wickednesse and giue mee grace alwaies to remember my end that I may be still prepared against the comming of my Maister Sauiour Iesus Christ And so still accept me gracious Father as I am in him and not in my selfe as I would be in thee and not what I am in corruption as I shall be with thee not what I am in this present world enabling me still to desire aboue what I can do and to beleeue aboue what I can thinke or desire and so lead mee forward by thy power through the vally of teares that though I somtimes slippe yet I may vp againe though I stray a while yet I may thereby mend my pace follow close after the marke not looking on my selfe mine owne worth or inability but still looking vnto Iesus the Authour and finisher of my faith that so I may in him bee more then Conqueorr and so fighting still the good fight of faith I may finish my course with ioy and lay hold of eternall life in due season And so fil me O God of grace with all ioy in beleeuing that so I may liue by faith that I may bee readier to die in faith and to giue vp my soule by faith into thy holy hands apprehending by faith the Resurrection from the dead that so I may bee translated from death to life
and enioy for euer thy glorious presence Grant these things O Gracious Lord according to thy goodnesse in Iesus Christ my Sauiour and blessed Redeemer Amen A Prayer for obtaining Triall and cherishing of the holy Spirit of God GLorious and euerlasting Lord God Father of all Spirits and soules of the righteous who hast reuealed thy selfe in thy sacred word to be a Spirit holy and incomprehensible eternall infinite immortall all-sufficient and therefore wilt be worshipped in Spirit and truth And hast in the riches of thy mercy promised to send thy holy Spirit the Comforter into our hearts to lead vs into all truth and to comfort vs in all our tribulations and so to seale vs vp to the day of Redemption Looke downe graciously vppon mee thy poore and forlorne seruant whose po●tion is in this valley of miserie to wander in darknesse and walke many times in the valley of the shadow of death altogether ignorant of my way and so subiect to continuall error and wholy destitute of all direction therein and so necessarily exposed to continuall danger For mine owne heart within me is no better then a guide to betray me to error and the glory of the world is nought else then a baite to deceiue me either by clogging mee in the way that I may faint in my iourney or diuerting mee from my right home that I may set vp my rest in mine Inne or build my foundation vpon the sands And mine old aduersarie still compasseth and watcheth all opportunities from both either to sinke mee with dispaire that I may perish in the way or to swell me with presumption that I may not enter into the straight gate And euen so did it fare with me Blessed Lord all the daies of my vanity before I knew thee in Christ As mine owne heart misled mee into all error through my wilfull ignorance so it betrayed mee hereby to all occasions of sinne without which I swallowed more greedily then my appointed food and blessed my soule therein as my cheefest happines and so was faster bound in the chaynes of Sathan as being led captiue at his will to euery lust and reioycing therin as my greatest liberty And so also hath it in part befalne mee since my liberty in Christ by whome though I receiued the free Spirit to lead mee in the way of thy statutes and so haue somtimes obeyed the motions thereof to the euidencing of my glorious libertie yet such hath beene the power of my corruption preuailing ouer mee that I haue many times greeued thy good Spirit by my manifold back-slidings and to my sense and apprehension seemed vtterly to haue quenched the same so strong haue I found my corruption to lead mee captiue into many desperate euils so little life and comfort haue I found in prayer hearing thy word especially in my endeauour to repentance either to resist temptations or release my selfe out of the snares thereof And yet thou hast promised that thy Spirit shall abide with mee for euer and still methought in my greatest wandrings on the right hand and on the left methought I heard the voyce of thy Spirit behind me saying This is the way walke in it Me thouhgt I haue heard the voyce of my beloued many times knocking at the doore of my heart when I haue beene asleepe in the bed of my securitie saying Open vnto mee my Loue my Doue my vndefiled yea I haue felt him puting in his finger at the hole of the doore to open it for mee that so I might arise and let him in And haue I not many times arose to entertaine him and loe he was gone Did I not follow after him to seeke him and yet found him not Haue I not many times smarted soundly for my folly because I would not open betimes Haue not the watch-men that should haue cherished mee wounded me iustly for my carelesnesse Haue they not pluckt away my vaile to discouer my nakednesse the more that so my face being couered with shame I might seeke thy face more humbly And yet O my God I am still to seeke of thee though thou still callest on mee to seeke thy face and my heart in some poore measure answereth Thy face Lord will I seeke Yet what fellowship can there be betweene light and darknesse what hope haue I to find thee seeing I want my guide vnto thee yet thou art not wanting vnto mee to tender this holy guide and my guide is not farre from me though I know it not yea thou art euer with me to keepe mee from vtter fainting and thine holy Spirit is within mee helping me to crie vnto thee O harken therefore I humbly pray thee vnto the groanes of thine owne Spirit and haue mercy vppon thine owne seruant for greeuing the same Restore to mee the ioy of thy saluation that I may discerne the seale of thy Spirit and establish mee with thy free Spirit that I may euer bee with thee O make mee wise to trie the Spirits whether they bee of God or no that neither I may be deluded by a Spirit of error and withall may be able to discerne the worke and euidence of thine holy Spirit from the motions and testimonie of mine owne ignorant and d●ceitfull heart Grant me therefore Gracious Father to plead mine interest in thy Spirit by such true meanes and endeauors as may vndoubtedly auouch it to proceed from thee and may apparantly conuince that it dwelleth in me Giue mee to discerne the means wherby thy Spirit is conuayed vnto mee that after I haue heard thy word and beleeued therein then I haue beene sealed with the Spirit of promise grant mee to discerne the maner how it tooke possession of mine heart that to make way for it fit habittation it cast downe euery Imagination that enabled it selfe against thy wisedome that it onely might rule and gouerne mee Spiritually and that withall thereby my house was swept and cleansed from the Dominion of sinne that Iesus Christ thereby might wholy gouerne mee And grant mee to auouch the truth of thy Spirit dwelling in me not somuch by my entertainment and apprehension thereof because it bloweth where it lifteth and though I may heare the sound thereof yet I know not whence it comes nor whether it goes but rather by the nature and qualitie of thy Spirit which will leaue it true stampe in my receiued Spirit in euery qualitie thereof for the assuring my possession thereof by resemblance therto though yet surely and absolutely according to the Nature of the Spirit neither working it at all times alike nor at any time in full measure but still working according to the capacitie of the vessell and the maine end the glorie of God that still it power may bee seene in my weaknesse that the glorie may be of God and not of Man And therefore as I may not challenge a right in thy Spirit vnlesse I find some liuely resemblance and effects of it holy nature in mee as to be
forth into thy light so in thy time adde him also to thy Church and beget him againe vnto a liuely hope by the immortall seed of thine holy word deliuering him from the power of darkenes in which by nature we are all into the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God And if it shall seeme good vnto thee to lay any further triall either of sickenesse or death vpon this thy seruant or the fruite of her wombe prepare vs all to a quiet and patient bearing of thine holy hand and to a comfortable and contented resting vpon thy prouidence assuring our selues that all things shall turne to the good and benefite of thy chosen And so into thine holy hands wee commend our selues with thy seruant and her issue together with hers and our Families and that great Familie of thy chosen wheresoeuer distressed and dispersed to be kept by thy mighty power through Faith vnto saluation Grant vs these things O God of our saluation for the merite of thy beloued Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for such as in this world be very rich and wealthy ETernall GOD and most mercifull Father from whom all good things doe come and proceede who in thy wisedome distributest thy benefits and bestowest thy blessings manifoldwife as seemeth good to thy heauenly will to some more to some lesse as thou who knowest all things seest it to be best for euery one I giue thee hearty thanks in that it hath pleased thee to bestow vpon me a most vnworthy sinner such large blessings of earthly treasures and riches in this life most humbly beseeching thee for thy great mercies sake to giue mee grace to vse them to thy glory and to the helpe and comfort of those that haue neede knowing that thou hast giuen mee this aboundance to the end that I should be ayding and helpfull to others vpon whom it hath pleased thee to lay the crosse of pouerty and that I am but as a Steward from thee which must render account how I haue bestowed them I beseech thee also good Lord that while I liue and possesse plenty of all things from thee I may bee carefull to doe good vnto all men but especially vnto them that be of the houshold of Faith according as thy holy word hath commanded me laying vp therby a good store of my selfe against the day of wrath and to make me friends of vnrighteous Mammon that when I depart hence they may receiue mee into euerlasting habitations And as these thy good gifts O heauenly Father so I beseech thee that I abuse them not either by getting retaining or otherwise by mispending of them Let not my heart at any time be affected towards them nor my minde drowned in the delight of them but that alwaies I may esteeme both them and all things else as vile dung and filthy durt in respect of thee And in the midst of mine aboundance keepe mee O Lord that I aduance not my selfe vaingloriously aboue my Brethren that I be not puffed vp nor high minded that I consume not thy treasure vpon pride whoredome gluttonie drunkennesse or any other wickednesse else whatsoeuer thereby purchasing thy heauy iudgement against me for the same But grant good Lord that as thou hast made me rich wealthy in worldly substance so thou wilt make me much richer in all goodnesse righteousnesse holinesse and innocencie of life thorough Iesus Christ our only Mediatour and Aduocate to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be praise for euer Amen A Prayer for such as bee poore and needy O Eternall and euerliuing God who appointed diuers sundry states and conditions of men some rich some poore some high some low and hast notwithstanding commanded euery one to be content with his estate and calling without repining or grudging against thee for the same I poore wretch and miserable caitiue whom it hath pleased thee to place in the lowest and meanest degree most entirely beseech thy Fatherly goodnesse to giue me grace to be well contented with the s●me to submit my will to thy will to depend wholly vppon thy prouidence to cast all my care vppon thee who hast promised to care for mee to repose all my affiance trust and confidence in the● and none else and to looke for all good things from thy mercifull hands And though I be poore and needy O Lord yet I beseech thee let mee not dispaire of thy helpe nor yet attempt any vnlawfull or vniust meanes to maintaine my estate withall contrary to thy will But grant that I hauing all things necessary in this life for body and soule may neither bee swallowed vp nor choaked with the cares of the world nor yet remaine barren and destitute of good workes through Iesus Christ our Lord who liueth and raigneth with thee and the holy Ghost world without end Amen A Prayer to obtaine grace of God against the assaults of the world the Flesh and the Diuell O Lord God of eternall glory and Father of endlesse mercy wee thy vnworthy Creatures are bold in the name of thy beloued Sonne to represent our selues before thee humbly beseeching thee for his sake that thou wilt vouchsafe to send downe thy holy Spirit into our hearts to guide and gouerne vs in all our godly waies and to defend vs from all manner of temptations of this world and the assaults thereof Lord God of thine vnspeakable goodnesse grant that thy grace may continue with vs alwaies and that at no time we swerue nor fall from thee Let thy truth euermore bee with vs and make vs constant in the same that wee neuer bee afraid of any thing which lieth in the power of man ouer our bodies but alwaies confessing that whomsoeuer thou pleasest to defend no Tyrant shall bee able to destroy Strengthen and increase Faith Loue and Charity in the hearts of all people Make vs able to resist the vaine pleasures of the world let not the perillous allurements haue any power to conquer ouercome vs nor the subtilties th●reof bee able to deceiue vs. Defend vs also O Lord from the many perils and temptations which the diuell our aduersarie practiseth against vs least wee fall into his sna●es Let neither his endeuours nor the wanton inticements of our owne flesh preuaile against vs. Wee know O Lord that without thy sufferance hee of himselfe can take no hold on vs nor bee able to diminish the least haire of our head Giue therefore vnto vs such grace from thee that we may be willing to striue against the world the flesh and the diuell and such strength as we may be able to breake and beate downe the forc● and vehemencie of their strong temptations Grant vs thy heauenly light whereby wee may perfectly see and perceiue those malicious and cruell engines which they lay to entrap vs least vnawares we fall into the fame Euen now O Lord in these perillous daies the diuell and his ministers doe most busily seeke to sift vs by
Thus am I bceome O Lord as one forlorne and out of minde free among the dead no better in mine owne account then a meere abiect and cast a-way whose hope is not onely perished from the earth but without hope or helpe from thee my God And all this is iustly come vpon me by reason of mine owne foolishnes who haue neglected my watch and so haue fallen from thee and haue bene carelesse of the means to restore me speedily againe whereby my wounds haue festered and seeme to be incureable and so my anguish is greater then I can expresse my sinnes are become a burthen that I am not able to beare my heart within wasteth with continuall sorrow and I daily receiue a sentence of death And yet though all this bee come vpon me yet thy foundation standeth sure thou knowest who are thine though thou hast chasticed mee sore for my folly yet thou hast not giuen mee ouer vnto death and therefore yet there is hope though I haue receiued a sentence of death yet it is that I might dye to mine owne confidence and trust in thee the liuing God who raiseth vp from the dead the more I feele my sinnes a burthen which I am not able to beare the more dost thou inuite me to come vnto thee that I may be raised and therefore I must finde my selfe daily lost in my selfe that I may bee found of thee in Christ not hauing mine owne righteousnes Though thy law doth thunder nothing but vengeance against me yet thou commandest mee still to beleeue in thy name and therefore though thou kill mee yet I will trust in thee For thou O my God wilt be found in the issues of death thou louedst me euen when I was thine enemie and therefore canst not reiect mee now I se●ke thee in truth Thou hast embraced mee with euerlasting compassions and therefore canst not neither wilt forsake me in my great extremitie and thou hast many times heretofore deliuered me from the Lyon and the Beare from many desperate snares thou hast many times rescued mee and wilt thou not deliuer me from euery euill worke and preserue mee constantly vnto thy glorious appearance yea certainely blessed Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe I beleeue that thou art able to do wonderfully aboue what I can thinke or desire and therefore that thou wilt not deny mee what I aske in thy name I beleeue that thou canst bring light out of darknesse and therefore thou wilt turne my darknes into light I beleeue that all things shall worke together to the best to those which are called according to thy purpose and therefore that thou wilt turne this my greatest abasement to my greatest comfort Onely I humbly pray thee giue mee patience to waite vpon thee vntill thou come and comfort me submit mee to thy wise physick whereby thou maiest heale mee that so being healed I may bee fit for comfort O heale me therefore I humbly pray thee by the blood of thy sonne wash me throughly from all my sinnes and clense mee from all mine iniquities Create in mee O Lord a cleane heart that I may appeare all faire before thee and renew a right spirit within mee that I may worship thee in spirit and truth Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation that I may be perswaded of thy loue vnto me and stablish me with thy free spirit that I may vnfeignedly loue thee againe and neuer depart from thy holy couenant grant me to renew my couenant daily with thee that thou maiest be for euer with me to keepe me in thy feare and keepe mee daily lowly in mine owne eyes that still I may bee accepted of thee in thy beloued Giue mee trust in thee by distrusting mine owne deceitfull heart especially in time of temptation and teach mee to rely on thy mighty power by faith euen when powers and principalities doe most oppose mee O strengthen mee with the strong cries of thy blessed Spirit that I may be feruent in prayer to wrestle with thy Maiesty that so thou maist hasten thy worke to comfort me And though I finde not that comfort I haue had or desire yet let this comfort me that I haue done thy will and let it humble mee still that I am not fit for the comfort I doe desire that so with patience I may waite for the same comforting my selfe that seeing this is the time of my warfare and not of my crowning therefore if I waite for what I am not fit for yet there is enough before mee to satisfie me aboundantly and therefore grant mee still to forget what is behind and to hasten to what is before to waite for the comming of my Lord and Sauiour and so prepare my selfe daily to his glorious appearance And euen so come Lord Iesus come quickly Amen FINIS