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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71188 Astrea. Part 1. a romance / written in French by Messire Honoré D'Urfe ; and translated by a person of quality.; Astrée. English Urfé, Honoré d', 1567-1625.; Davies, John, 1625-1693. 1658 (1658) Wing U132_pt1; ESTC R23560 756,285 432

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equall age and that her time might go forward and mine backward How many times have I striven to withdraw my selfe from this vain affection But not having power to do it when she came at ten years old her beauty did put forth such hopefull budds as I was then not ashamed at my loving an Infant And I remember upon this subject I composed these Lines Upon a young Beauty AURORA usher to a day The fairest in the month of May Did never promise one so gay And would you early Roses pick And Lillies that are timely seek Behold them springing in her Cheek The Sun did never rise so cleer No● halfe so radiant all the Year As she in budding does appear But if her Morning be so bright Her Noon when Beauty is at height Will quite eclipse the Sun of light If Beauty do begin so soon And charme i' th Bud before well grown What will it when the Bud is blown I 'le venture ods that then she shall Enflame both gods and men and all And Mistresse be Imperiall Heaven I beseech thee let us finde Her heart like to her eyes both kinde Else make our hearts and eyes both blinde Now because I did foresee that this Beauty would be the object of many eyes and that my heart would not burn alone I resolved to be the first that should insinuate himselfe into her minde And considering that her age was not yet capable of any solid affection I courted her with childish toyes and sometimes talked of Love of Passion of Desire and of Flame not that I thought her able to resent such things yet but my end was only to accustome her to those phrases which commonly does more offend the ears of shepheardesses then the effects themselves do I continued this life above a year during which time I would sometimes steal a kisse sometimes put my hand into her bosome and indeed great Nymph so tampered with her that I did extreamly win upon her affection for when she came to be eleven years of age she loved me as she her selfe said as well as she did her Father and her affection growing every day she vowed unto me that she loved me much above the degree of either Father or Brother And when she accomplished the age of twelve she loved me above all the world And indeed she was so void of all malice and so easy to be wrought upon at that age as I could have engaged her unto any thing if I had not designed to marry her when she was a little older But that consideration together with the reall affection I did bear unto her did restrain me from all manner of evill thoughts But because her simplicity made me fear lest any other should deceive her since many began already to court her I was continually laying before her that high esteem which every one did set upon constancy and fidelity how contemptible those were that loved many how almost all Shepheards are unfaithfull and deceivers and there was no credit to be given to their words nay that it was a grand fault in any young woman to hear them But one day when she answered me That if this be a fault then she ought not to suffer me to speak as I did I perceived that she was still in her innocent Infancy since she did not know my aim and therefore I read her a loving Lecture upon Love and Amitie telling her that we came purposely into the world to love that without this vertue there was no delight in life that it was Love which made all bitter sweet and paines easie that whosoever was without that quality were extreamly miserable because none could ever love them that she saw before her eyes the example of her Father and Uncle her Mother did Love her Father and her Aunt her Uncle but such as love above one are scorned by every one But I beseech you replyed she are shepheards also obliged to love but one Doubtlesse they are answered I And do you not see that I do love only you But I beseech you tell me said she did you never love any one before I was born and if I should die would you not love some other I could not chuse but laugh at this downright demand and in answer to it Know my Fairest said I unto her that I did never love any till you did come into the world and if you should die before me my love would die with you and never live again for any other And if you should die before me said she must I of necessity do the like If I must pray Father teach me how I must bury my Love in your Coffin Daughter said I unto her and smiled you must still let your love of me live in your memory as I should of you if you did die before me But how said she should I love one that is dead When you did at any time kisse me and put your hand into my breast if I did ask you why you did so you alwaies answered that it was because you loved me And when you are dead must I do the same Fair Daughter said I unto her taking her in my armes and kissing her shepheardesses never use to hang upon the necks of those shepheards whom they love nor use any such carrasses as testimonies of their loves unto them It is enough for them to suffer and not act such things I beseech you tell me replied she is suffering ones selfe to be kissed and carrassed in this manner a testimony of love Doubtlesse it is said I unto her and therefore they ought not to suffer any so to do unlesse such as they do love And how do shepheards expresse their loves said she unto me As I do answered I when I kisse you and take delight in playing with you It seemes said she that when one would kisse me and play in that manner with me I may by that know he loves me I do relate the simplicities of this young Shepheardesse unto you Madam that you may the better know of what nature that affection was which she bore unto me and with what indulgent care I brought her up more like a Father then a Lover you may hereby conceive how much beholding she ought to be unto me for not loving her after a vicious manner nor working upon the simplicity of her age and disposition for you may perceive by her Questions and Answers that her minde might have been tempered into what Mould soever I would Perhaps you will wonder that I who was of more solid years could take any delight in the conversation of one who was so very young but if you will please to consider that Love is alwaies a childe and takes most delight in youth you will not think it strange that since I must love with a most pure and sincere affection an innocent and harmless beauty should be most agreeable unto mee And the very truth is it was not I that was the author of
and fixing his eyes upon her he uttered these Lines A Comparison between DIANA and the Moon MOst glorious Star that shines so clear And radiant in the spangled Sphear As makes the Night like Day appear Just so does my Diana fair Like to thy self so chast her breast With so much cruelty is drest As it is fond Acteons best To court her with no loose request Of all the Tapers in the Night 'T is thou that gives us greatest light Of all the Beauties none so bright Diana is the prime delight Yet when Diana I think upon You doe not hold comparison For you had one Endymion But my Diana ne're had one Oh heavens cryed he out then what then will become of thy Silvander since she will not admit of any Endymion Can it possibly be that Nature who cannot chuse but be pleased with her workmanship should not finde one in all her Treasury worthy of her Can she possibly bestow so much beauty upon this Shepheardesse and make her incapable of Love However they have no eyes that are not delighted with so rare a piece of excellency Does not the gods allow that as our hearts receive the greatest blowes so our hearts should resent the greatest contentment Did they make her so fair and not to be loved Or if we do love her did they make her to consume us Ah! alas I see that as this beauty was made to be loved so it is for her own glory and for the torment of those who love her as I do This thought gave him such a stop that he left walking and after a long agitation of thoughts he uttered these Lines That no Consideration whatsoever can hinder him from loving his Mistresse WHy does my thoughts suggest And bid me not to love her But set my heart at rest She 's aimed for another If for a Mortall why Not I as any other If for a god then I Will worship and adore her ' Mongst mortalls there is none Can equall flame with me Nor ' mongst the gods not one That can more zealous be What though this cruell soul Disdains all them that love her Love will at last control Or Reason needs must move her If Reason will but do 't By Merit I 'le her gain If Love will bring her to 't I 'le love and love again The Moon then as if purposely to invite him to a longer stay in that place did seem to lend him a double lustre And because he had left his flock with Diana's and assured himselfe she would out of her curtesy take all requisite care over it he resolved to spend part of the night there according to his usuall custome for he took abundance of delight in entertaining himselfe with his new thoughts that retiring from all company he used to get into some private valley or some solitary wood and day would oftentimes overtake him before he began to think of any sleep making his long and amorous thoughts see both the evening and the morning Thus at this time did he wander chusing that path which by chance his foot did fall into and after he had fancyed a thousand Chimera's he found himselfe in the midst of a thick wood and knew not where he was and though at every step almost he stumbled against something or other yet could he not give over his pleasing thoughts all that he saw furnished his fancy with some conceit and fed his imagination If he chanced to stumble upon any thing I found greater rubs would he say in my desires If he heard the leaves shake when they were moved by some blast of winde I tremble more for fear would he say when I am by her and when I would acquaint her with my reall passions which she thinks to be fained If he look'd up and saw the Moon he would say The Moon in the heavens and my Diana upon earth This solitary place silence and the pleasing light of the night caused this shepheard to walk so long with the sweet entertainment of his thoughts that being got into the thick of the wood he lost the light of the Moon which was 〈◊〉 by the leaves of trees and desiring to get out of that gloomy place he no sooner looked about to make choice of a good path but he heard one not far off talking and though he made choice of that place for privacy yet his curiosity invited him to know who those were that passed away the night without sleep assuring himselfe that they were some that were sick of his own disease and making it appear by this that every thing lookes for its like and that curiosity hath a great power in Love since when he was so sweetly taken up with his own thoughts that he despised all the world in comparison of them except the sight of Diana yet was he content to forsake them to see who these were so as quitting them for a time and giving way to his curiosity he turned that way from whence he heard the voice He had not gone above fifteen or twenty paces but in the most obscure part of the wood he found himselfe close by two men whom he could not possibly know as well by reason of the darknesse as because their backs were towards him yet he knew by their habits that one of them was a Druide and the other a Shepheard They were set under a Tree which spread its leaves over a chrystall fountain whose pleasing murmur invited them to spend part of the night in that place When Silvander was mostdesirous to know them he heard one answer the other thus But Father it is very strange and I cannot sufficiently admire it that you should by your discourse intimate as much as if it must be confessed that there are many other beauties more perfect then the beauty of my Mistresse which truly I cannot believe without an unpardonable offence For certainly every one does think his own the fairest and to confesse she is not is a crime both against his Mistresse and against Love Then he heard the Druide answer in this manner My Son there is no doubt of what I say nor any fear of offending her Beauty or Love and I am confident that I shall in a few words make you understand it You know that all beauty proceeds from that soveraign goodnesse which we call God it is a Ray of himselfe and transcends all his other creatures and as the Sun which we see does enlighten the Aire the Water and the Earth with the same beams so also the eternall Sun does enlighten the angelick Understanding the rationall Soul and the Matter But as the cleernesse of the Sun appears more bright in the Air than in the Water and in the Water then in the earth so the illumination of God appears with greater lustre in the Angelick Understanding then in the Rationall Soul and in the Rationall Soul more then in the Matter Into the first he hath infused Ideas into the second Reason
it was impossible but some occasions would present themselves which would fit her purpose and in order to that she courted me and followed me as close as my own shadow She having a most notable piercing wit which would dive into the very thoughts of persons she found that Thersander did love me I say this same Thersander whom you see here with me It is requisite sage Shepheardesses that I acquaint you with his condition as for his person you see what it is Be pleased to know therefore that his Father following mine in all his martiall expeditions they were both killed the same day Thierres dyed And this Thersander being brought up of a child in my Fathers house he conceived such affection to me as the difference of our qualities could not restrain him from looking upon me otherwise then he ought and perhaps I might ignorantly be the cause of it for the great inequality betwixt us made me receive his services not as a Lover but as a domestick But Love who is blinde did make him entertain such thoughts as were far from any grounds of reason yet Leriana who was far more subtle then I having cast her eyes upon him and found out his intentions she thought him a fit subject for a begining of her revenge She knew very well that amongst all the bitters of Love there is none so sharp as that of jealousie nor so easily infused into a soule that loves well she began therefore to insinuate her selfe into familiarity with him expressing much good-will unto him offering him all the assistance that lay in her power and briefly did by degrees get him access unto me and opportunities to speak with me But finding that his modesty would not permit him to declare his affection unto me she resolved to infuse more courage into him And in order to that one day when they were together after some far-off discourse to be a prologue unto the main businesse she told him that she and I had often wondered he should never make choice of any Mistress and that I should say I could not imagine the cause that it could not be for want of will for his age would not permit that and therefore it must needs be want of courage though if he did set himselfe out he might get the favour of the fairest Lady in all the Court and therefore that I could see nothing but that or that he thought none worthy of him Thersander who believed her and who was touched to the very soul Alas alas said he both my Lady and you have but ill observed my actions since you have not found out my follies Alas I do love and do love in such a place that it is better for me to sit still in silence then declare it in any hopes of obtaining Slie Leriana knowing his meaning very well yet seeming not to understand him did still turn and winde her discourse so as she got out of him the name of Mandonthe but with so many excuses as she saw it very requisite to continue her designe in infusing more courage into him and therefore she told him That she saw no such inequality betwixt me and him but that he might very well go on that though Fortune did not favour him with any great Estate nor could derive his Pedigree from any great Ancestours yet his vertues did supply those defects and made him equall to me in merit All this she told him to make him the more confident of himselfe and much more which she invented as That she knew by my words that I did very much esteem him nay love him and was weary of Damon for his sake and would often say unto her that Damon was changed into Thersander Thus did she infuse as good a conceipt of himselfe as possibly she could Having thus laid a foundation for her treason she would now found how I stood affected and sometimes naming Damon as if by chance she would still be harping upon Thersander and something in his commendations All this I did not understand for I had never cast any eye upon him And finding me to speak of him as of a person indifferent she had an opinion that I would receive Letters if they were handsomely given unto me The time of the year was at hand when it was customary to present New-years gifts She conceived that a pair of perfumed Gloves would be a handsome cover for a Letter and therefore procured one from Thersander and put it into the finger of a Glove and when she saw her time that the best and most company was with me she presented her New-years gift unto me By fortune Damon was present and because she feared lest meeting with it I should not make it known unto every one she told me that there was a seam unripped and she would mend it Upon this she took that wherein the Letter was leaving the other in the hands of those that desired to smell at it But I finding the Paper in the finger I asked what it was To which she answered that it was the seam which rippeed when I tryed them I who did not understand this piece of subtlety replyed that it could not be so She with incredible impudence answered that she her selfe had ripped it and that I could not have it untill it was mended I perceived that there was something which was to be dissembled amongst so much company but I was too young and simple to apprehend it or to dissemble Yet Damon who had his eyes alwaies upon us and who knew by experience how ingenious Love makes men he presently conceived that there was some Letter in the Gloves which must be concealed from him but he could not devise from whom it should be as for Thersander he was out of all suspition yet now he began to have some thoughts of him For my part though I had a desire to do nothing but what was fitting yet I had a great desire to know what it was which was in this Glove and therefore retired as soon as I could When I was alone I took out the Letter and opening it I found these words Thersander's Letter unto Mandonthe AS being constrained not as esteeming my self worthy I do assume so much boldness MADAM as to call my selfe Your most humble Servant If you will be served by none but such as are worthy of you such then only must have the honour to see you Though we have not merits yet we have desires which are more intolerable to us because they are lesse accompanyed with any hopes But if Love continuing his ordinary miracles shall make an extream affection pleasing unto you I shall then Madam esteem my selfe infinitely happy and you be most faithfully served For I do know that though all the hearts in the world should joyne their forces together to love and adore you yet they could not all equall the grandure of my Passion The flatteries of this Letter did please me but comming from
be as firme in my obstinacie as you are in your importunitie The shepherd would have replyed but he was interrupted by many shepherds comming towards them So as Amarillis for a conclusion said unto him in a low voice you will do me a great displeasure Alcippe if your resolution should be knowne I can be contented to know your follies but should be much displeased if any other should know them Thus ended my Fathers first discourse with Amarillis which did infinitly angment his desire of serving her As they went along the way they met Celion and Belinda who were observing two turtles billing and making Love unto each other not caring a straw who saw them which gave Alcippes an occasion to remember the last commands of Amarillis and to sing these verses and because his voice was very good every one did lend a silent eare A Song upon the Constraints of honour Loook yonder on the open Loves of those two billing turtle Doves See how this happie little paire in Love what libertines they are They kiss and care not who doth know it but to the envious world do show it The Lawes of honour so unjust like fettred slaves observe we must This bugbeare Honour which affrights fond Lovers in their free delights Will not allow them any blisse unlesse they steal their happinesse While these free Lovers of the Aire what eyes do see them doe not care But Love and kisse and take a pride in that which honour bids us hide Honour 's a Tyrant then and we are slaves whilst turtle doves are free Since this time Alcippes was so transported with Love that he knew no Limits And Amarillis on the contrary shewed her selfe all Ice unto him and one day when he was desired to sing he made this his subject thus put into verse Upon the Coldnesse of Amarillis Her heart is Ice her eyes all flame mine all contrary to the same I 'me Ice without within all fire my hearts inflam'd with hot desire Love I beseech thee change designe and thaw her heart or else freeze mine At this very time as I told you before Alces was a professed servant unto Amarillis and being a shepheard of very excellent qualities also held to be exceeding wise the Father of Amarillis inclined more unto him then unto Alcippes because of his turbulent spirit On the contrary the shepheardesse loved my Father better because their humours were more sutable which her Father knowing and being unwilling to use any violence or absolute authoritie over her he conceived that time and absence might worke an alteration in her and therefore resolved to send her awhile unto Artemis sister of Alces who dwelt alone by the River of Allier When Amarillis understood her Fathers mind she resolved to acquaint Alcippes with her good will unto him before she went and to that end writ these lines The Letter of Amarillis unto Alcippe Alcippe YOur resolutenesse hath surpassed mine and mine also far surmounted my selfe as to accquaint you that tomorrow I am gone And if you will meet me today where we parted yesterday I will there bid you adieu AMARILLIS It would be too tedious Madam to tell you all the particular passages betwixt them let it suffice to tell you in short that they met at the place appointed and there it was where my Father received the first assurance of the Love of Amarillis there she perswaded him to quit a shepherds life as unworthy of a noble spirit promising him to be most constant to her resolution of loving him After they were parted Alcippes engraved these verses upon a Tree in the wood Alcippes upon the Constancy of his Affection When Rocks remove and Rivers backwards run when Marble melts and Glowewormes dim the Sun And when Impossibilities are done then may my heart my Amarillis shun When it is knowne what is Eternitie when Gnats o're Eagles getts the victorie When Fire doth freeze and the vast Ocean's dry then may my Love to Amarillis die VVhen Swans and Snow are Metamorphos'd black when Starres do fall and the two Poles do crack When loving Turtles do their Mates for sake Then may my Love to Amarillis slake VVhen in the Orient Sun and Stars do set when mortals in a bagge the wind doe get VVhen Steele the attracting Loadstone will not meet then Amarillis may I thee forget VVhen Shippes do saile full ' gainst the blasting wind when Light is darknesse Angells are unkind VVhen Heavens dissolve and Time an end does find then Amarillis thou art out of mind When she was gone and when he began to resent the horrour of absence he went to the same place where he bad adieu unto his shepherdesse and sighed out these verses severall times In absence of Amarillis Fair Amarillis and the Sun do hold exact comparison And both alike dispenseth light by presence and by absence Night What glorious Summer is it here when she is present in our Sphere How like to winter lookes the day when she her Rayes does not display When shee 's not present I 'me undon as Earth in absence of the Sun With Owles and Bats and Birds of night I sit and sigh away delight And am society for none but such a sad companion Since absence was my dismal doome my heart alas was not at home My eyes two Fountaines are which vie with Lignon which should first be dry All faculties do droop and mourne till Amarillis do returne But when the day shall dawne that she within our Hemisphere shall be Then VVinter's gone and Summer's come I 'le bid my heart a welcom home I 'le wipe all teares from swelled eyes my Batts and Owles I will despise And with the joviall birds in spring to her an Antheme I will sing But he not being able to abide in that place where he was wont to see her he resolved whatsoever came on 't to be gone and as soone as he sought for an occasion he found it to his hearts desire A little before the Mother of Amasis died and Preparations were in hand to entertaine her in the great Citie of Marselles as their new Lady with abundance of Tryumph This solemnity did draw thither out of curlositie most of the Country and amongst the rest my Father obtained leave to be one from hence did spring much of his miserie He was in the prime of his age faire beyond any in the Country his hair flaxen which naturally curled in rings and which he wore very long in briefe Madam he was such a one as I beleeve Love did chuse out for a marke of revenge and thus it was There was a certain Lady which had seen him and loved him in such a secret disguise that we could never know her name When he came first to Marselles he came as a shepherd but in a very handsom mode and to the end he should not run into any extravagancyes as he did in his owne Hamlet his Father sent two shepherds with him as guardians the
finding her afterwards with me brought her this Letter from his Brother which was indited by my advice The Letter of Lycidas unto Phillis Phillis IT is true that of late I have lodged my love in my heart and would not suffer it to appear either in my eyes or my words If in this I have done amisse then blame your own fair selfe who commanded it And if you do not believe I love you put me to what Test you please and you shall finde it better then by all my weak though reall expressions of words At last wise Diana after many a perswasive argument we brought things to that passe as Lycidas was entertained and ever since all foure of us have found much contentment in our lives and invented many a stratagem to colour our designes both by discourse and by writing one unto another Perhaps you have taken notice of a great Rock in the high way towards Rochell which without much ado cannot be ascended but when one is at the top there is no fear of any eye to discover And because it was neer the high way we made choice of it for our rendevouz if any did meet us we seemed as if we went on in the high-way but when the coast was clear we ascended 'T is true that this Rock being so neer the high way we were in some danger of being heard by passengers if we spoke any thing loud and therefore commonly Lycidas or Phillis were placed as guards to spie when any came And because businesse did sometimes so employ us as we could not every day meet in this place we used to write one to another and we made choice of another place of conveniercy in which we laid our Letters one to another In briefe wise Diana we used all possible waies to conceal our selves and Celadon and I did so seldome converse together in publick as many believed that Celadon's will was wholly changed for assoon as ever he saw Phillis then he made all his applications unto her and she again treated him with all possible complacency Also as soon as Lycidas appeared I left all other company to talk with him so as in a short time Celadon himselfe had a conceit that I loved Lycidas and I believed that he loved Phillis Phillis thought that Lycidas loved me and Lycidas believed that Phillis loved Celadon And thus unawares were we so intangled with these opinions as jealousie began by degrees to kindle amongst us The truth is said Phillis we were then but fresh Schollars in the School of Love for to what purpose was it to conceal a reall love and publish a false one was there not as much cause to fear the divulging of your love to Lycidas as your love to Celadon Sister sister said Astrea when a thing is not we never fear what people think of it But the contrary when it is then the least suspition of it puts all out of order But now continued she and turned to Diana jealousie had so seized upon all foure as I believe our lives had not been long if some good Genius had not inspired us to make all clear in the presence of one another It was now seven or eight daies since we saw each other at our Rocky rendevouz and the Letters which passed 'twixt Celadon and me were so different from the usuall strain as if they were writ by different persons At last as I told you some good Angel having care of us all foure did meet in one place where no other company was And Celadon whose affection had most vigour in it began thus to speak Fair Astrea did I think that time would cure a disease that raignes in me I would wait for that remedje but since I know the older it growes the more it will encrease I am forced to complain against you for the wrongs which you have done me and with more alacritie since I can do it before such Judges as are my peers When he would have gone on Lycidas interrupted him saying that his pain was greater then his Greater said Celadon that 's impossible for mine is extream And mine believe it said Lycidas is without any comparison Whilft the Shepheards were thus debating the matter I was upon Phillis and said Do you see Sister how these Shepheards complain of us Yes answered she but I believe we have greater cause to complain of them Though I am much incensed against Celadon said I unto her yet I am much more incensed against you who under a disguise of friendship which you seemed to bear unto him has drawn him from that affection which he bare unto me so as I may well say you have stollen him from me And because Phillis stood silently amazed at this and knew not what to answer Celadon addressed himselfe unto me and said Ahl fair Shepheardesse but as sickle as fair have you so soon lost the memory of all Celadon's services and your own vowes I cannot so much complain against Lycidas as against you for notwithstanding the consanguinity and amitie betwixt us your perfections might well make him a Traitor and forget his duty but me thinks it should be absolutely impossible that so long a service as mine and such a perfect affection should ever finde the least stain of inconstancy in your soul But admit that all in me was too little to deserve so great a happinesse how can you so far violate and dispence with your vowes as before my eyes to entertain a new affection At the same time Lycidas took Phillis by the hand and with a deep sigh said Oh fair hand to whom I had given up my soul can I live and see thee take possession of any heart but my own my owne I say that did deserve the same happinesse if ever any did deserve it by the most sincere and pure affection that ever was I could not hear any more what Lycidas said because I was constrained to answer Celadon Shepheard Shepheard said I unto him these words Fidelity and Affection are more conversant in your tongue then your heart and I have more reason to complain against you then hearken unto them but because now I do not care for any thing that comes from you I will not take so much pains as grieve at it that office is more fitly yours if your dissembling heart would give you leave to do it But Celadon since things are thus love on love Phillis still and serve her her vertues will deserve it and if I do afford thee a blush it is for anger that I should suffer my selfe to be so grosly deceived and for over-loving one that is so much unworthy of it as thy selfe Celadon was so much astonished at this that he stood stock still a long time could not answer one word which silence gave me leasure to hearken unto that answer which Phillis returned unto Lycidas Lycidas Lycidas said she unto him you that can call me sickle inconstant and I know not what you
to continue his Letters unto me To this I answered nothing And when she saw me a long while silent she said thus unto me What 's the reason Leonida you do not answer me have I not good reason for all my complaints Madam said I unto her will you give me leave to speak my minde freely With all my heart said she Then said I unto her I must tell you that I think you to be reasonable in all things but in looking for reason in Love for you must know that to reduce Love unto the Lawes of justice and reason is to take away its principall prerogative which is to be a subject only unto its selfe so as I conclude that if Lindamor have failed in matter of Loving you he is to blame but if he have failed only against the Lawes of reason and prudence then it is you that deserve to be punished for offering to bring Love which is free and commands all others under the servitude of a Superior But why said she I have heard that if Love be laudable it is vertuous and if so then it is subject unto the Lawes of vertue Love answered I is above that vertue whereof you speak and gives Lawes unto it self without any subserviency unto any But Madam since you command me to speak freely I beseech you tell me are not you more culpable than he is of that whereof you accuse him and of matter of Love For say he were so bold as to tell it that he loved you you your selfe is the cause of it since you permitted him Though I had answered she yet out of discretion he should have concealed it Then said I complain of his indiscretion and not of his Love but believe me he hath more occasion to complain against your love since upon the very first report and before you can justly tax his affection you have repulsed that Love he bore unto you Excuse Madam the freedome of my language if I tell you that you do him the greatest wrong in the world in treating him thus and condemning him before he have answered for himselfe and is convinced of his crime She stayed a good while before she answered and at last said thus unto me Well Leonida there is time enough to make him amends when he returnes not that I am in any minde to love him or let him love me but then I shall tell him wherein he is faulty and in that satisfie you and oblige him to trouble me nomore unlesse he be impudence itselfe Perhaps Madam said I unto her you may deceive your selfe in thinking that his return will be time enough for all this for did you but know the violencies of Love you would never think delaies unto a Lover so tolerable as unto others therefore the least you can do is to see his Letter That is to no purpose answered she But to satisfie you give it me Upon this she took it and found it thus penned Lindamor's Letter unto Galathea BEfore it was love now despair that dictates to my pen which must if it bring me no comfort be changed into a Sword so will it be a thorough though a cruel cure This white paper which you have sent me by way of Answer is an emblem of my innocency and argues you had no accusation against me to write in it yet alas it is a too plain Assurance of your disdaign for from whence else could your silence proceed If there do yet remain in you any memory of my faithfull service let me out of pitty beg from you a Sentence either of life or death I am now departing the most desperate forlorn man that ever had once any reason for hope This alteration in Galathea's courage was an effect of Love for I plainly perceived her heart to melt but withall it was no small argument of her high spirit for since she would not give any knowledge of it unto me and not being able to hold her countenance which grew pale she did so tie up her tongue that she did not utter one word which did argue any inclination to bend but went out of her Chamber into the Garden and spake not one syllable of this Letter for the Sun began to grow low and her maladie which was a disease of the minde might better divert and solace it selfe abroad than in bed so as after she had sleightly dressed herselfe she went into the Garden and would have none but me with her I asked her by the way whether she pleased to return any answer unto his Letter And she answering No Will you then Madam said I unto her be pleased to give me leave to write unto him You said she what will you write What you please to command me said I. Nay what you will said she so you will not mention me You shall see Madam what I will write said I unto her Having gotten this leave whilst she was walking I writ in an Arbour what I thought most pertinent and least offensive But she that would by no means see it yet could not have so much patience as to let me finish but she read it whilst I writ Leonida's Answer unto Lyndam or in the behalfe of Galathea DRaw from your misory the knowledge of your happinesse if you were not loved but set at a small esteem you should not have known so much you cannot know your offence untill you be present but however I bid you hope well in your affection and your return She did not like the Letter should run thus but I did over-rule her and gave it unto Fluriall with a command to deliver it into no hand but Lindamors only but drawing him aside I opened the Letter and added these words unknown unto Galathea Leonida's Postscript unto Lindamor I Understand that you are gone very pitty of your misery moves me to acquaint you with the occasion of your disaster Polemas hath published that you do love Galathea and that you do make it your common boast Such a high spirit as hers cannot put up so great an offence without resentement The same prudence you were wont to be a Master of must canduct you in this businesse Because I do love you and pitty your misery I cannot chuse but grieve for you unto whom I promise all the favour and assistance that I can I sent him this hint as I told you unknown unto Galathea but believe me I did afterwards repent it as I shall tell you It was now above a Month since Fluriall went when there arrived a Knight armed Cap a pe● and a Herauld of Armes with him and the better to disguise himselfe his face was covered The Herauld at the Gates of the Town desired to be conducted unto Amasis and every one out of curiosity to hear what newes went along with him The Guards of the Town did let them in and after Amasis was acquainted they were conducted unto her who had sent for Clidaman to entertain these strangers After the
was astonished And at last a little offended at her she said I did not think Amaranthe that you had loved Belinde so little as to conceal any thing from her but I see I was deceived And whereas hitherto I could say that I loved you now I can only say that I love a dissembler Amaranthe whose mouth was closed with very shame when she saw Belinde alone with her and being prompted unto it by the violence of her affection she resolved to make tryall of the most desperate remedies that might cure her disease Laying shame aside therefore as well as she could she opened her mouth two or three times to declare the whole businesse but the word died as soon as it was on her lips all the could do was to profer some interrupted words but at last holding her hands before her eyes as not daring to look her in the face whom she spoke unto My dear Companion said she unto her for so they called one another our friendship will not permit me to conceal any thing from you knowing very well that whatsoever is spoken unto you will be ever kept as secret as if locked up in my own heart but I beseech you excuse an extream error which to satisfie the Lawes of friendship I am forced to open unto you You ask me where my pain is and from whence it proceeds Know that it is Love which ariseth from the perfections of a certain Shepheard But alas being at this word overcome with shame and sorrow she turned her head to the other side and was silent but turned her silence into a torrent of tears Belinde wondred and knew not what to think but to cheer her up I could not believe said she unto her that a passion so common unto every one should so much trouble you To love is a thing most ordinary but to love the perfections of a Shepheard argues an act of judgment I pray tell me who this happy Shepheard is Amaranthe fetched a sigh from the very root of her heart and said Alas alas this Shepheard loves another But who is he said Belinde Since you will needs have it said Amaranthe it is your Celion I say yours my friend for I know he loves you and disdaines me Excuse my follies I beseech you and without notice taken leave me alone to endure my own torment The wise Belinde hearing this was so ashamed of her companions error that though she loved Celion as well as possible yet she resolved upon this occasion to render a strange testimony of her friendship and turning towards Amaranthe said thus unto her Truly Amaranthe I am extreamly troubled to see you thus transported with this affection And though our Sex has not an absolute authority over Love yet thanks be to the gods seeing you in this condition I have and wil give you a cleer testimony of my being your faithfull friend I do love Celion I will not deny it yet it is as a Sister may love a Brother But I do love you also as my Sister and will have him to love you more then me for I know he will obey me Rest therefore your selfe contented rely upon me and when you are well recovered you shall see how much Belinde is yours After much other such discourse night called upon Belinde to retire leaving Amaranthe so full of contentment as forgetting all sorrow in a few daies she recovered her former beauty In the mean time Belinde was not a little troubled but seeking for an opportunity to acquaint Celion with her designe at last she met with one as fit as she could desire By fortune she found him playing with his Ram in that great Plain where Shepheards do commonly feed their Flocks this Animall was the leader of the flock and was so well taught that he seemed as if he understood his Master when he spoke unto him in which the Shepheardesse took so much delight that she stayed longer there at last she would try whether the Ram would obey her as well as him and he seemed much more obedient What do you think Brother said she unto him of the acquaintance betwixt your Ram and me I think fair Shepheardesse said he that he is yours if you will be pleased to do me the honour to accept of him but it is no wonder he should be so obedient unto you for he knowes that if he had not I should have disowned him for mine having heard me often say and sing that All I had was more yours than mine 'T is very well said the Shepheardesse I will try whether I have so much power over you as you seem to give me and will not only command but earnestly entreat a thing from you There is nothing answered the Shepheard which you may not more absolutely command Then Belinde seeing this fit opportunity began to open her minde thus Since that day we first began our friendship Celion I have ever thought my selfe obliged to love and honour you more than any person living and I would not have you think I do intend to lessen this love for it shall accompany me to my grave and yet perhaps you would make it diminish did I not advertise you before hand that my life and my friendship shall lessen together These expressions made Celion admire not knowing what she intended At last he told her that he waited to know her pleasure in much joy and much fear Joy because he could think upon no greater honour then her commands and Fear because he knew not what she meant yet death it selfe should be welcome if it came by her command Then Belinde went on thus You have ever as well as now given me such full assurance of your obedience that I cannot doubt of it and therefore I shall not only intreat but conjure Celion by all the amity he bears unto Belinde that he will obey her in this one thing I will not impose any impossibilities upon him nor to lessen the love which he bears unto me but on the contrary would have him rather to augment it But before I go any further I pray you let me know whether your affection was ever of any other quality then it is at this time Then Celion looking more cheerfully than before answered That heretofore he did love her with such affection and passions and with the same designes that youth useth to produce in hearts most transported with Love and in this he would not except one that did exceed him but since that her commands had such power over him as he hath moderated his passion and his friendship has so surmounted his love as he hath had no thoughts of her but such as would not offend a Sister I protest Brother replyed she for so I will hold you to be as long as I live you could never have obliged me more than by this Know then what it is I do desire from you only this that preserving still inviolably this affection which you do now bear
still with as much affection as is due unto a Brother Adieu adieu my Celion live and love me who will love you to the last whatsoever becomes of Belinde At this word she kissed him which was a greater favour than ever yet she did him and left him so much out of himselfe that he could not utter one syllable When he returned to himselfe and considered that love ought to bend unto duty and that there was not one spark of hope left which could help him out of his griefes like a man that ravelled in his resolutions he wandred up and down Woods and unfrequented places where he did nothing but lament his cruell dyfaster do what all his friends could they could not perswade him from this errant life Thus he lived many daies in which he moved the very Rocks unto pitty And to the end she who was the cause of his misery might a little resent it he sent her these Verses Celion upon the Marriage of Belinde and Ergastes 'T Is hard by Jove that after so much love And service paid you should anothers prove Must I that serv'd a Prenti hip of sorrow See you anothers joy and blisse to morrow And have no other wages for my pains But sad remembrance of anothers gains You once did love me well 't is very true But Oh this fatall Did does griefe renew What am I better for a Love that 's past When you are in another's a mesembrac'd When you are once anothers halfe not mine Away my soul with sorrow needs must pine Had he more merit or more love than I Then were I silenc'd in my misery But this is cruell Martyrdome that he In one short day should finde felicity Without desert and I denyed am Who long had lov'd and merited the same Oh cruell memory of happinesse that 's past Out of my thoughts since hope is quite defac'd There is no reason you should harbour there Where nothing is but horror and despair Although he seemed by his actions to be quite out of any hope yet there was a little spark left because the Contract of Marriage was not yet past and he knew that some Matches have been broken off which were believed to be as currant as this But when he understood that the Writings were Signed and sealed on both sides Oh! in what a dismal despair was he then then did he wring his hands together scratch his head tear his hair beat his stomack and in short was so transported and besides himself that he was in a hundred minds to go and kill Ergastes and when he was upon the very point of putting it into execution this consideration amidst his fury did come into his minde that this perhaps would offend Belinde unto whom for all his madnesse he writ severall Letters full of love and reproaches which she could hardly read without tears and amongst the rest he sent her this Celion's Letter unto Belinde in his Transport WHat inconstant Shepheardess must my misery equall my affection must I still love you when I see you clasped in the armes of another Surely the gods do punish me for loving you too much or rather indeed for not loving you enough yet I do love you as much as ever any other in the world can And yet for gods-sake tell me why I should love you since you do love a person whom I do not And then again why should I not love you since I did once love you so well Faith me thinks I have no reason to love you because you are ungratefull your soul is a very stone and is insensible of any love But be you what you will you are still Belinde And can Belinde be and Celion not love her Should I love you then or should I not love you pray Shepheardesse be judge your selfe As for me my spirit is so much troubled that I cannot discern any thing but that I am the most afflicted person in the world At the lower end of this Letter he writ these Verses I never can excuse Such fond inconstancy As you it seemes do use In changing Amitie To change for better may Be called Prudence good But for the worse I say Is madnesse understood When Belinde received this Letter and Verses she had a good minde to send him one of hers for hearing what a strange kinde of life he lived and what language he used against her she was much displeased at it considering that it gave occasion of discourse unto such as have no ears nor tongues but to hear and talk of the businesse of others Her Letter to him was this Belinde's Letter unto Celion IT is impossible I should any longer indure the injuries which your strange kinde of life does both your selfe and me I cannot say but that you have reason to complain against our fortune but I must needs also say that any wise person cannot without abundance of blame play the fool Though your raptures and transport does let all the world know that you are ready to die for the love of me yet you do thereby force me to believe that in reality and truth you do not love me for if you aid you would never thus displease me Do you not know that death it selfe cannot be more horrour unto me than that opinion which you do raise in every one of our Amity Take heed therefore dear Brother I intreat you and by that name conjure you to have a care how you blemish my honour If you cannot endure this dysaster without divulging it to the censorious World then I conjure you to go away that my name may no more be brought into question If you do satisfie me in this then you will make me believe that it is a superfluitie and not defect of Love which hath made you erre thus against me And this will oblige Belinde to keep in memory her dear Brother whom in spite of all these in supportable injuries she loves Although Celion was so transported that he was hardly capable of any reason that his friends could urge unto him yet his affection did so open his eyes as he saw that Belinde advised him well So as resolving upon travel he took order for his departure and the day before he was to goe he writ unto his Shepheardesse intimating his intentions of obeying her and desiring so much favour onely as to take his leave of her before he went The Shepheardesse who did really love him though she did foresee that this would but augment his sorrows yet would not deny him his request but appointed him to meet her the next morning at the Fountain of Sicamours Day did no sooner dawn but the disconsolate Shepheard did drive his Flock towards this Fountaine where staying by the side of it and fixing his eyes upon the course of this streame he waited for his Shepheardesse and after a long silence sighed out these Verses The comparison of a Fountaine unto his Griefs THis restless River that doth run Wave after
ever I saw you I loved you as if I were forced unto it by some interior power which it was impossible to resist But perhaps said the Shepheardesse when I knew you did love me did I use any art to cherish it or augment it by any fresh favours No said he my affection did beginne without you continue without you and augment without you I mean without your contributing any thing unto it but by being your self But on the contrary the first time you knew it for though I did not discover it by my words yet I knew you did perceive it Oh what harsh treatment did I receive from you And what extreame dislike have you since shewed So as if I be as you say a Monster of Love I am so because it is a thing most monstrous that a Lover should so long preserve his affection maugre so many rigorous affronts and causes of hatred for I may safely say that every one of your actions towards me deserves no other name but of Rigour and Hatred So as it is apparent when you came to visit me in my sicknesse your design was to save my life onely that afterwards you might murder me more cruelly Then Celidea replyed thus You see great and wise Nymph by Calidons own mouth that if hee did love me it was without any contributing to it by me unlesse by being my self and against that what remedy can I invent What would he answer if I should ask him these questions before the Throne of Reason and your self Since Shepheard I never did consent unto any of your addresses why would you have me participate in your own troubles shame and errours Is it not enough that I have all this while endured your importunities without revenge You doe love me you say and because you love me I must love you again But pray hear what Reason saith You have loved Celidea and in loving her you have offended her and what other recompence can you expect from her but hatred The truth is Shepheard that being unwilling to be revenged of you as in reason I might I contented my self with hating you in my very soul and for Thamires his sake I pardoned the rest If you doe object that I doe know of your love by your teares and by your sicknesse Alasse this does not oblige mee one jot the more to love you but rather to hate you more extreamly Tell me Calidon since Thamires hath taken so much care to bring you up in literature and travails in what part of the world have you seen it decent for a young maid as I am to love or suffer her self to be loved If it bee not the custome in any place of the world but where Vice is held for Virtue doe you not infinitely offend in tempting mee to that which is contrary to my duty You love me you say because you cannot chuse but doe so Good friend how am I obliged unto you for doing that which you cannot chuse but do You do excuse your selfe to Thamires for loving me against his will by saying that you are not to blame because you are forced unto it Can you think your self exempt from blame in sinning by compulsion and do you think your selfe worthy of recompence for being forced unto a thing whose contrary deserves a recompence Either confesse your selfe culpable towards Thamires or else cease seeking a recompence for your forced service But if you do love me against my will am I to be punished for it Did I ever entreat you to it did I ever give you any occasion You say No. Will your love be any contentment or advantage unto me Shall I become more fair more vertuous or ever the better by it Oh heavens Calidon where are your wits Are you mad to ask a recompence where a punishment is deserved Or rather what an impudent affront is this before this great Nymph to demand ●●vour and wages of me in lieu of a pardon and in lieu of repenting for your faults I believe you will say that I should not have flattered you in your errour nor kept you alive when you were sick by giving you good language But Calidon have I not good cause to say you are an ungratefull man and does not acknowledge the good office I did you in misconstruing of it and taking it in another sense then you ought Did a guilty person ever finde or think his Judge too milde or sweet or did any offendor ever complain that in lieu of punishment he received favour and courtesy Because I wished not your death am I blamable for saving your life You accuse me for having pitty upon you and shewing favour instead of revenge and would have me punished for it Judge Madam how his understanding is out of the way and how he takes reason the wrong way But Shepheard neither blame me nor commend me for my act since according to your own argument it was an act forced upon me which ought neither to be recompensed nor punished It was my affection to Thamires who conjured me unto it by all the obliging arguments he could devise which induced me unto it I see Calidon that you do smile that I should say it was my affection unto Thamires which moved me to treat you in that manner because you conceive that she who a little before did declare her selfe such an enemy to Love cannot now well say that Love had such an influence upon her soul But Shepheard you are much mistaken if you think that in being an enemy unto Love I am so also unto Amity and friendship or void of that vertue which makes us think of things as they ought to be I have heard say great Nymph that one may love two manner of wayes the one according to reason the other according to desire That which hath reason for its rule is called vertuous and honest Amity and that which suffers it selfe to be transported with desire Love With the first of these we do love our Parents our Kindred our Friends our Country and both in generall and particular all those in whom any vertue shines As for the other those that are infected with it are transported and distempered as with a frenzy Feavour and do commit so many grosse faults that the name of it is as infamous amongst persons of honour as the other is good and laudable I shall without a blush then confesse that I did love Thamires but withall I must tell you it was for his vertue If Calidon do ask me how I can distinguish and discern between these two kinds of affection since the one does commonly appear in the habit of the other I shall answer him that the wise Cleontine teaching me how to behave my selfe in the world did give me the difference Daughter said she my age hath furnished me with experience in many things and hath taught me that things are the most certainly known by their effects and the better to discern after what manner we
was a declared enemy to Love yet now must love and adore would you I say have him make his love known But how comes it to passe fair Mistresse said he and addressed himselfe unto Diana that you would not answer unto what I say but seemes as if my discourse did not concern you Perhaps the reason is answered Diana because I must not be your Mistresse above fourteen or fifteen daies If that do trouble you said he you may easily finde a remedy by obliging me by your favours to continue in your service as your beauty and perfections have hitherto most really constrained me Ah Silvander answered Diana let us talk no more of any favours and service since the terme of three Months prescribed for your faigned affection is almost past it would be too great a trouble to you to constrain your naturall inclination any longer Fairest shepheardesse answered Silvander I would not have you believe I do think your service any trouble but I 'le assure you that it is abundance of delight unto me to do any service upto a person of so great a merit insomuch as though my Nature were contrary unto Love more then it is yet should I with abundance of delight continue in such a service Although shepheard you should said Diana and smiled yet it is agreed upon but by one party for though your naturall Genius do incline that way yet you can never hope that I will These words did touch Silvander's heart so to the quick since he perceived by them that he had gained a small influence upon her good-will as he was not able to hide his sad resentments of them but his countenance did plainly discover them by changing colour Which Astrea perceiving How now Silvander said she unto him what does your heart fail you It were strange replyed he if such cruell language from my Mistresse should not extreamly trouble me yet do not think my heart shall ever fail me though she and the heavens have the disposure of all my hopes and life Is not this answered Astrea rather rashnesse in you then courage and are you not too presumptuous in denying such powers No replied the shepheard it is a most true reall perfect and most faithfull love which makes me speak so By these and the like expressions Diana perceived that Silvander did really love her Silvander he did foresee abundance of difficulties and very small hopes unto himselfe And Astrea did conceive that Love had laid a foundation of an exquisite and lasting affection And though they all three had different thoughts yet were they all true as afterwards you shall perceive But Silvander interrupting the subject of this discourse addressed himselfe unto Diana I hope fairest Mistresse said he that this Bracelet of your fair hair which you have made for Phillis is only to be rid of her importunities and if it be so you are obliged to favour Silvander as much as her and lest you should be taxed with partiality you ought to treat us both with equall favour though the affection which you have caused in my soul cannot be equall'd by any other And why not said Astrea taking the part of Phillis since both sour affections do proceed from the same cause one grain of corn produceth severall ears Allthough the cause of our affections be the same said Silvander yet the effects may be different But experience shewes the contrary said Astrea for the affection of Phillis hath obtained that favour which is denyed yours This is not or want of any love answered the shepheard but for want of good fortune yet since the dropping of water upon the hardest Marble will in continuance of time pierce it why may not I as well hope that my Love and fervency of prayers long continued may as well work upon the marble heart of this fair one Then after he had looked upon her or rather adored her a long while be fell down upon his knees If Love my fairest Mistresse said he unto her have any influence upon beauty and if prayers caused thunderbolts to fall out of the band of Jupiter how is it possible that the extream affection of Silvander and his most zealous supplications cannot obtain as much favour as the shallow affection and troublesome importunities of Phillis hath obtained from you If it cannot I may with as much reason say that the way to obtain love is not to love and the way to overcome an obdurate heart is not by prayers and earnest supplications but only by dissimulation and vexing importunities Silvander used many other such expressions as these by which the shepheardesse gathered more assurance that love had taken root in him And Astrea knowing Diana's minde not to be very averse from granting Silvander what he asked would needs oblige them both by one act and therefore joyned her prayers unto Silvander's and she prevailed so with Diana that the Bracelet which was intended for Phillis was bestowed upon this Shepheard yet upon a condition that he should keep it no longer then the end of the terme which he was to serve her which she meant was to end within a few dayes which the shepheard with some difficulty assented unto but remembring that though the time of his faigned service would soon expire yet he remembred also that the time which he was to serve her 〈…〉 earnest would last as long as his life It is impossible to expresse the thankfulnes●● 〈◊〉 Silvander's soul but much more his satisfied resentments Let it suffice that he who heretofore was wont to despise all manner of favours from Love and who could not imagine any could finde any contentment in such follies as he called them that he does now confesse that there is no felicity comparable unto this favour which he now resented And when he was in the midst of his sweet imaginations it seemes Love had a minde to compleat his joyes in making the shepheardesse Phillis to enter For he whose happinesse is unknown to any but himselfe cannot be said to be compleatly happy but the more it is known the more happy he is and much the more when this happinesse does not come by Fortune but by Merit Assoon as Silvander saw her he ran unto her and in a most jocund manner shewed her the arme on which he had already put his most beloved Bracelet and passed it often before her eyes saying Here Phillis here is the earnest of my ensuing Victory Phillis who had been seeking Lycidas with a desire to convince him of his jealousie and could not finde him was so sad and so weary as she needed not to counterfeit any anger nor change any countenance to testifie her displeasure and sorrowes which this favour might have caused in her And because Silvander was very troublesome unto her not only in this Act but in being the bellowes which did blow up the jealousie of Lycidas she said unto him in as sharp a manner as she could This earnest shepheard which you shew
from an antient Oracle by which I understand said he and turned towards Phillis that I am better loved by our Mistress then you are Astrea who had not yet spoke This discourse said she is the most obscure and the reasons the most intricate that ever I heard Will you but please to give me leave said Silvander I am confident I shall cleer them unto you and make you confess them as well as my selfe And for your better understanding I say once again that the reason why Phillis does not understand the mysteries of Love is because she does not love enough and that for this defect in her love I ought not to accuse her will but Diana onely as an ancient Oracle tells us by which I know that she loves me more then she doth Phillis and this is the reason When you desire to know what is the will of the gods unto whom do you use to address your selves to come to the knowledge of it Doubtless said Phillis unto those that are Priests in their Temples and whose office it is to wait at their Altars And why do you not rather address your selfe said Silvander unto those that are more knowing than unto those Ministers of the Temple who commonly are ignorant in every thing else but their Office Because said Phillis the gods do more freely communicate themselves unto those that are entred into those mysteries and more familiar about their Altars than unto any strangers though they be more knowing See said Silvander then the power of Truth which constraines you to speak it against your intention For if you do not understand the mysteries of the god of Love is not that a signe you are a stranger unto him For you confesse that the gods do communicate themselves more freely unto those who serve in their Temples and wait at their Altars But which way should they serve at the Altar of the god of Love unlesse it be by Loving Hearts are the only sacrifices which are acceptable unto that deity Do you not see then Phillis that if you be ignorant in these mysteries it is not a fault in your understanding but in your love And if it should be so said Phillis which I will never grant how can you accuse Diana for any defects in my affection Is she not fair enough or are not her merits sufficient to make her selfe loved This said Silvander is a second mystery of that god which I will explain unto you Diana has no defects neither in beauty nor merit but she is all perfection the defect is only in your selfe that you do not love enough and that your love does not equall those admirable excellencies which you see in her But it is impossible you should love her in that height because she does not love you according to the Oracle of which I spoke Venus seeing her Son so little did ask the gods what she should do to make him grow To which question she received this answer That she should get him a Brother and then he would grow to full proportion but as long as he was alone he would never grow Do you not see Phillis that this answer was given against you and in favour of me For if your love be little and a dwarfe the reason is because it hath not a Brother If mine on the contrary do excell the highest it is because Diana my most fair Diana hath given it one whom he loves whom he honours nay whom he adores And do you think Silvander replyed Phillis that she does love you better then she does love me It can be no more doubted answered the shepheard then truth it selfe The gods do never lie Oracles are the interpreters of their will How dare you tax an Oracle with any untruth No no Phillis since I do love this fair Diana better then you do most certainly she does love me better then she doth you otherwise the gods would be impostors and not gods Many have been deceived said Phillis in the understanding of Oracles 'T is true answered Silvander but when that is the contrary event doth presently discover it and so they remain not long undeceived But the Oracle of which I speak is answered by such conformable effects both in you and me that it would be impiety to doubt it since do what you can you cannot make your love so great as mine And to confirm it the more is it not a common received opinion that whosoever will be loved must love Why shepheard said Phillis and interrupted him do you think by loving much to make your selfe much loved If you would give me leave to expound this mystery unto you said Silvander perhaps you would be as ready to confesse it as you have been to interrupt me but this is all I will say if the way to get love be to love then there is no doubt but that Diana who constraines me to love her with such ardency of affection doth love me extreamly Phlllis was dumb at this not knowing what to answer the shepheard who indeed defended his cause but too well Astrea whispered Diana in her ear Never credit me again said she in a whisper if this shepheards jeast do not turn to earnest and if he do not like children who play so long with their finger about the candle that at last they burn themselves Diana answered that such a thing might perhaps be if I were as capable of burning as he is of being burned but since he himselfe is only in the fault let him only bear the punishment as for me I do not intend to participate with him This talk had continued longer if Phillis had not interposed and chid them for taking Silvander's part We did not take his part answered Diana but we may well say that you are too weak to argue with him for his knowledge is much above yours But I would gladly know said Phillis how he can conceive that what you said unto him at the beginning was more advantageous to him than to me for I do apprehend it to be a greater honour unto me since you did thereby chose me to be your Companion She did confer that honour indeed upon you answered the shepheard but her affection upon me No no replyed the shepheardesse under the name of Companion is both affection and honour comprehended for they do almost signifie the same thing You may as well assert answered Silvander that affection and flattery are the same and not contrary If that person whom you love best should tell you that your perfections do transcend any goddesse would you not say this is grosse flattery And why poor deceived thing that you are do you not think the same of Diana when she sayes that you are her Companion For as you your selfe expound it that Companion signifies one like her selfe and her perfections are so transcendently above all other women as there cannot be a greater difference between men and gods then betwixt you and her Poor blinded
Palinice and her modesty was such as would have given a check unto any but Hylas from moving any matters of Love unto her Yet before the third visit was paid he acquainted her with his minde and was as familiar as if he had been brought up with her from his cradle You have fair one said he unto her at the very first accost preserved my life and good reason it should be imployed in your service and I will do it though only out of gratitude And not to detract from your first favour which you have done me I beseech you accept this offer of my service and believe that there is no person upon earth that can love you better then I nor whose heart is swell'd with more affection My Companion who was unaccustomed to any such expressions did at the first answer him very coldly but seeing he persisted she grew angry and would not suffer him to use any such language At the last when by his continuall visits she found his humour she did nothing but laugh at him which did not offend him at all for he had this good quality that as he was free with every one so he allowed every one to be free with him However his Love did so increase that my companion did grow weary of him not but that Hylas is certainly a man of much merit and is owner of many qualities which deserve Love but she being a Widow and not intending to marry this courtship could not but be very disadvantageous to her It seemes that the Heavens had pitty upon Palinice and at the same time sent her a Companion and presently after that another to help her to support a burthen so heavie Palinice had a Brother who had been long a devoted Servant unto Cercenea my companion who now sits next me And respect being most in the hearts of those that love most Clorian for that was the name of Palinice's brother had not yet the confidence to acquaint the fair Circen●a with his affection She on the other side was yet too young to discover it by his actions so as Clorian loved and in vain because his love was not known Hylas in the mean time continued his frequent visits unto Palinice and as he said himselfe it being one of Loves chief precepts to get the favour of the kindred friends and servants of the party loved he courted the friendship of Clorian with all obsequious offers he could make which was no difficulty to obtain because the young man was all civility and sweetnesse and had an affection to get the love of all But Hylas being more subtle and crafty as being older and having travelled he faigned what Clorian did in good earnest so as he was only a superficiall friend whilst the other loved him as his Brother and the ensuing story will make this appear For Clorian's affection unto Cercenea daily augmenting and not daring to make it known unto her Hylas took notice of it Cercenea took a journey to see her Father who was sick in a Town within the Country of the Sebusians towards the Allobrogians by reason whereof Cercenea was long absent from our Town and consequently from Clorian And because as I have heard say there is no greater comfort to a true Lover then to think often of the party Loved Clorian did often retire himselfe into a house which he had in that Town that stood upon the top of a hill towards the Sebusians From this place might be viewed the Rosne on one side and Arar on the other and one might also see the Forrest of Mars called 〈◊〉 and if the tops of high Trees did not obstruct the eye questionless it might see further from thence then any other place When he turned towards the Temple of Venus I● might see as far as the Segusian Mountains when he looked towards Arar he might behold the 〈◊〉 and when towards the Rosne he might see as far as the huge hills of 〈◊〉 beyond the plains of the Sebusians And certainly it was a most lovly prospect every way It was to this place whither Clorian did commonly retire himselfe and looking towards the Sebusian plains did ravish himselfe with thoughts of his fair Cercenea It hapned that Hylas being very familiar with him and not finding him in the house he made no question but he was gon unto this Mount and being jealous that his Companion was in Love for he knew that this solitude and melancholly musing could proceed from no other cause he went up the stairs as softly as he could and finding the dore halfe open he saw him looking out of that window towards the Sebusians so ravished in his own thoughts that he could not hear it thunder and therefore could not hear the noise which Hylas made in opening the dore and entring but he himselfe spoke so loud that Hylas could hear these words A Discourse unto the Winde MIld Zephyrus that wantonly Amongst all fragrant flowers doth file Filching from them that sweetest are Thou dost by theft perfume the Air. If ever pitty did thee move Waft o're these plaines unto my Love And blow my thoughts into that breast Where they can only finde a rest But carry with thee on thy wing Those amorous Sighs I sadly sing Tel her in this my sad restraint She is my fair and only Saint Those lovely Twins her lips will yield Odors more sweet then all the field But when thou thus perfumed art Return and let me have a part Have I taken you Clorian said Hylas taking him about the neck and kissing him I must confesse you are the closest Lover that e're I knew yet you cannot hide your selfe from me No more I will not said Clorian after a little considering with himselfe for neither at this time nor any other will I ever hide any thing from you I am satisfied almost said Hylas upon condition you will ingenuously confesse what I do already know What is it replied Clorian which you desire to know of me I will not ask said Hylas what your malady is but only from whence it proceeds Oh Hylas said he and sighed you need not ask me who the cause is But I would to the gods you could as easily give me any comfort as I can freely satisfie your curiosity So sitting down upon a Couch he told him of his affection and how the love he bare unto Cercenea was so great as he durst never acquaint her with it When Hylas heard the name of Cercenea he thought he had heard of it before though he could not well remember when or where and therefore he asked him which of all those he had seen was she Since you do not know her name answered Clorian I believe you never saw her for her beauty is such that it is impossible you should see her and not enquire her name and make you remember her But when I calculate the time of your comming unto this Town I believe you never saw her I came said
Cercenea was and Parthenopea and whose age excused him from being in Armes he said that it was easie to discover his meaning and then addressing himselfe unto Parthenopea It is for you fair One said he that he enters into the Lists At this she blush'd and thinking her selfe wrongfully accused did answer If it be for me he is very secret in his matters for he never spoke to me Take heed said Cercenea who thought her selfe concerned that you do not dissemble and carry it more close then he doth It is an easy matter said she to carry that secret which I do not know If you please to know the reason of my opinion said the old Knight I shall tell you and I am confident your judgments will agree with mine I shall be very glad said she to understand this secret from you You see then replyed the old Knight that he bears a Syren upon his Shield with this Motto What Bonds would be sufficient he could not more plainly name you then by the painting of a Syren for the Ancients say that the Syrens were three Daughters of Achiloes by the Nymph Calliope and were called Lygra Leucosia and Parthenopea and your name being Parthenopea he could not more clearly expresse his meaning then by a Syren and Ulysses tyed to the Mast of a Ship meaning that nothing can hinder him from being yours if by your favours you will be his Then all the company cryed out Oh Parthenopea how closely have you kept it But you had now better to confesse then deny it For my part said she it is all one whether it be so or no for it concernes me but a little I hope then said Circenea you will not be angry if we call him your Knight I do not care said she but have a care you do not call him wrong The report went presently amongst the Ladies that I was the Syren's Knight and Clorian Cyrenea's For my part I knew nothing of it but took notice that as I passed under the Scaffold Cercenea cryed out unto me Adieu the Knight of Parthenopea but I knew not what she meant At last the Tourney being ended every one retired and Clorian and I thinking we had behaved our selves very well assoon as we had put off our Armes we went unto Cercenea but she being infinitely incensed against me did not look upon me with her usuall sweetnesse but when I spoke to her she would give no reply but Let me alone Knight of the Syren and in a scorning manner turned away from me I was so innocent in what she accused me of that I knew not what to think unlesse that I had ill acquitted my selfe in this Tournement which I undertook to maintain But not conceiving that I had done any worse then my Companion and seeing that she cherished him I could not imagine what to think That night I retired unsatisfied for I could not obtain so much favour as to speak with her in private but went away much displeased at my fortune But the next morning a chance happened which spoiled all my affairs Being that morning in the Temple I saw there Parthenopea with one of her Aunts and seating my selfe by chance by her I perceived she did not look upon me with the eye of an enemy She was fair and consequently one of those who by the Lawes of Constancy I was obliged to love and therefore I got a little neerer unto her and watching for an opportunity of speaking unto her she leaned towards me and said How Sir do you like the Tournement It is my part said I to ask you that question since it is the office of such Beauties as your selfe to judge I do not ask you said she how you did behave your selfe for every one can witnesse none could do better but I would gladly know whether you be not weary after all the pains you took Since fair one said I you have given such an advantageous judgment for me it is impossible I should be weary We were in a place where long discourse was not handsome and therefore she answered me only with a smile and turned the other way When prayers and devotions were done she went out of the Temple and I conceiving my selfe obliged by her language to wait upon her to her lodging which was neer I took her by the hand and by the way I understood how it was the opinion of every one that I maintained the Tournement as her Knight I being glad to umbrage my affection unto Cercenea and moreover taken with the favours of Parthenopea I answered her that it was true and that not daring to declare it by my words I made choice of that way After much discourse and when we were come unto her lodging she took off her Scarfe and laid it upon the table afterwards her Mask and standing to the fire she talked unto me and I perceived that what I had done was not displeasing unto her because she still renewed the discourse upon it And the more I saw my service pleased the more fell I in love with her In conclusion before I parted I took her Scarfe which lay upon the Table and though she made a little resistance yet I put it about my neck and told her That since I undertook a Tournement for her without any mark of my affection it was reasonable I should have that as a testimony of my being hers her resistance was not great and therefore I carried it away and wore it about my neck all the rest of the day However because I would not lose Cercenea I would not go into any place where she was in probability of seeing me But he whom I doubted the least which was Clorian told her not intending any hurt unto me that I was the most contented man in the world with the favours of Parthenopea and thereupon told her of the Scarfe Oh how this went to her very heart for she did really love me and yet she made no shew of any discontent But the next morning when I went unto her and Clorian not there Oh Knight of the Syren said she what have you done with your fine Scarfe I must tell you that I did love Cercenea much better then I did Parthenopea and would not lose her upon so small an occasion and therefore I swore a thousand oaths that when I undertook the Tournement I had not the least thought of Parthenopea but upon the word of Syren only which had a resemblance unto Cercenea But said she why did you not tell me of it Because answered I I thought the thing so plain that you would know it this way And what do you said she concerning this Scarfe I must confess said I unto her that I took it from Parthenopea yesterday being desirous to disguise my affection unto you under that vail Cercenea stood silent a while and then began thus Well Hylas I wil believe all you tell me provided you will give me satisfaction in one thing It
that I loved her My reason why I treated her at such a distance of respect was the grandure and state that she kept which in truth was such that of all I ever loved before I never stood in such reverentiall fear as of her It hapned as I hoped for after she had received many of the flowers which I gathered she told me I had taken too much paines and that I would think her to be uncivill if she suffered me to continue To which I answered That I thought every one obliged to do her all service since she had so excellently well defended her friend in her absence Do you mean Dorinde said she unto me The very same said I in whose person you have obliged all others Truly said she I could not endure the vanity of Theombres for you see what he is and yet he thinks we are all ready to die for the love of him Then certainly said I Ladies must needs be either very loving or of very little judgment for I think him to be rather a remedy against Love then of any capacity to cause it I am clearly of your opinion said she for if I had an inclination to love this man of all men living should be the last I would chuse If you should love him said I it would be a grand offence against the gods who having adorned you with so much beauty you would that way profane it I cannot tell said she what beauty there is in me but I am most sure that I could never love him Cannot you tell what beauty there is in you said I then you cannot tell what all the world doth see but perhaps it is only your modesty which makes you seem ignorant of it No no said she I do really believe that there is nothing in my face which can merit that name you give it But be it what it will pray let 's talk no more of it for more would be out of season and little delighting I shall obey you said I unto her but it shall be with this protestation then that I will never speak again what I think and what you have forbidden to be in my mouth shall as long as I live rest in my heart We had discoursed longer had not the company called us away for they were already gone into the Barge Then she rose up without making any answer and putting her flowers in a corner of her Gown I took her hand and conducted her to her company where not daring to revive the discourse which we left lest I should be too bold for so much forwardnesse in the first declaration of Love is a signe of but little affection I contented my selfe at this time with what I had already said At last the generall genius of the company was all for singing and when it came to my turn I sung these ensuing Verses to assure Florice that all which I had said was true A Song Amorous Oathes FAirest you murder my desires Which yet to none but you aspires I swear by your fair eyes that are More splendid then the Sun by far I swear by my own heart and soul Which you imperiously controul I swear by your own sweetnesse which Does all my faculties bewitch I swear by your disdain and scorn Intolerable to be born I swear by all that amorous fire Which makes men love you and admire By all my hopes and all my fear And all my hot desires I swear I swear by your fair selfe that is The Center of my happinesse I swear by all that life affords And yet you credit not my words Thus fair Phillis was a good foundation laid for since the very first time I saw Florice it was impossible for me to make a retreat yet it angred me that I should lose Palinice as well because I was obliged unto her as because she was really a woman of much merit Moreover the love of Cercenea much grieved me for this young Beauty being offended she sleighted all the reasons I could bring in to convince her However though she did not love me yet it vext her to see that Florice should have a more absolute power over me then ever she could have thinking this to be an argument of her being inferiour in beauty And this was the reason why she did me all the ill offices she could both to Palinice and Florice But so it hapned that her malice did me no harm but did more for me then all my services perhaps of a long time could have done for Florice presently found that Cercenea did speak it out of a passionate partiality and therefore she gave no credit unto her And on the contrary considering and observing my actions more neerly she began to finde them agreeable and by little and little to please her so as Love like a slie and subtle spie did insensibly insinuate himselfe into her soul However I being very desirous to keep my selfe in Palinice's favour I was a little vexed But learn this from me Silvander said he and turned towards that Shepheard that there is none whom women esteem more then those who are in love with them Nor none whom they more despise said Silvander then those that leave them and love another But upon this consideration said Hylas I endeavoured to keep fair with all if it was possible but all in vain for Florice was too full of vanitie and had too over good an opinion of her own merits to entertain a heart in which any other had a share And this proud soul resolving to be sole Mistresse and to love none but me she did one day do me so much favour as to assurence of her love But said I unto her what shall we do with Theombres thinking to upbraid her with him She presently answered me in my own element Let us give him unto Palinice I understood her meaning well enough and therefore I swore unto her never to love any but Florice and that if she would banish Theombres out of her sight I would promise her never to look upon Palinice again Nor because you desire it said she but because he does extreamly displease me I will swear and protest unto you that I will never love him and that if it were handsome I would banish him out of my sight for when you consider that action well you will finde it to be a greater wound unto me then it can be satisfaction unto you Since this time she gave her selfe wholly unto me and I contrary to my own nature did give my selfe wholly unto her and declined all others From morning untill night I never stirred out of her lodging unlesse she went and if any came upon visits they must be persons of great eminency if they did interrupt our discourse At every word I was in her mouth and she in mine and we could not speak unlesse the one called the other as a witnesse Judge yet whether Palinice and Cercenea had not enough to talk off This was
the reason why all the Town made it their common talk and reports alwaies encreasing by going they went so much in disadvantage of Florices honour that at last they came to her ears by a friend who acquainted her She repented her selfe of the imprudent carriage of the businesse though too late She acquainted me and told me that we must be more circumspect in our expressions of good will and the better to hide it for the future she willed me not to come unto her but at night and so give a stop unto reports if it were possible To give her satisfaction I refrained comming for a while but because she was as much displeased with the deprivation of my company as I of hers it was resolved betwixt us to finde out some way or other to avoid the censure of the world and yet be together After consideration she advised me to seem as if I loved some who used to be familiarly with her and under that shaddow I might come unto her And upon serious thoughts none deemed more fit for this purpose then Dorinde as well because she was her cosen and frequently familiar as because she was fair though not very subtle And though she was not so fair as Florice nor so rich nor so well descended yet she did excell the most both in beauty and merit The day that I declared my selfe Dorinde's servant was that upon which the people celebrated a Feast in memory of the restauration and building of their Town by Nero after that most terrible fire which in one night consumed it to the ground At this time of publick joy every one did strive to appear as fine as possibly they could as well to assist at the sacrifices offered unto Jupiter the Restaurator and to the Titular gods as to be seen in the Theaters and publick Shewes Dorinde desirous to be seen and observed did set out her beauty with all the illustrations that Art could devise Before the day ended I did so accost Dorinde with my expressions of that affection I had unto her that she did believe them At that time and day I became acquainted with a young Cavalier called Periander a man indeed full of civility discretion and sweetnesse This man seeing me so obsequious to Dorinde and finding my humour agreeable unto his own resolved to make me his friend And I on the other side being desirous of acquaintance in that place where I intended to stay since Love did so oblige me to it I thought him to be a man of merit and therefore was glad to have him my friend This encounter of friendship which proceeded from one and the same sympatheticall cause was sooner contracted betwixt him and me then betwixt me and Dorinde although Florice the better to disguise her own love did contribute all that possibly she could unto it But poor Florice did not foresee how she was sharpning a sword which gave her a deep wound she did not know how it was alwaies my humour never to see any Beauty but I must needs love her a little so as ere I was aware I was in Love with Dorinde as well as with Florice yet I did love Florice better she being more fair and of a higher rank Two months were spent in this manner and the friendship betwixt Periander and me grew to that height that we were commonly called the two Friends and because we both desired a continuation of it we took reciprocall oathes of a most faithfull and perfect friendship calling the gods to witnesse to the oath which we had taken and to be punishers of him who should violate the Lawes of friendship After this protestation nothing was in the soul of one but it was discovered unto the other It hapned one morning for commonly we lay both together after much discourse upon the Beauties of the Town he asked me whether there was any of them which I loved And answering him Yes He told me that before he would ask me who my Mistresse was he would tell me who was his I desire said I unto him to be the first in that freedome because you were the first that asked the question Then I related unto him all the addresses which I had made unto Dorinde since the last two months but would not by any means mention Florice as well because I loved her more and desired that that Love should be kept secret as because I knew that one of his consens did court her in Marriage As soon as I had named Dorinde How said he do you love Dorinde Dorinde the Daughter of Arcingentorix The very same said I and I do assure you that I have courted her above this six months Oh heavens cried he how cruelly doth love treat me And after he had paused a while I do swear said he and protest that it is she whom I have long loved Could a greater misfortune befall me I had rather die then retreat and if I continue I shall offend against the Lawes of Amitie I was much astonished to hear him say thus for though I loved him yet it went against my heart to leave Dorinde unto whom Love had kindled new desires in me And therefore after I had held my eyes up to heaven as one that was much troubled I said thus unto him Brother since our Loves did begin in us before our Friendship it argues a sympathy in our humours which forceth us to love the same but however let the Lawes of Friendship be inviolable since we have thus far agreed let our prudence endeavour to continue so for the future and in order to that let us see whom this Lady most affects To think that our friendship should make us quit her the one unto the other this would be rather tyranny then friendship and to think that we can continue Rivalls and Friends is Folly What then should we do Let us refer all to Reason and see which of us she loves most Tell me I do conjure you by the Oath which we have taken whether it be true that she doth love you and what testimonies of it she hath given you I do swear Brother answered he that I will not tell you a lie either in this or any thing you shall ask I will first die a hundred deaths Know then that it is impossible I should give you any assurance that she loves me since her discretion and modesty keeps all close in her own soul Then said I unto him since we are both in one condition let us swear by our friendship one unto another and call all the divinities to punish most rigorously the perjured that he who can obtain most affection from her and give a testimony of it unto the other he shall only enjoy her By this means we shall not offend against the Lawes of Friendship it being most reasonable that he whom she loves most should enjoy her and the other quit her I conceive your Proposition to be very just said Periander and I swear
it was because he thought I should be angry at it and all men of reputation will preserve the honour of those who do oblige them but most certainly he loved me more then her since he never spoke of our affection These thoughts made her condemne what she had done and extreamly repent of the fault which she had committed and earnestly desire a reconciliation On the contrary Dorinde justly incensed against me and swelling with anger after a flood of tears flowing upon her cheeks and breast she went into her Closet and vented all the bitternesse and animosity that her sorrowes could inspire into her tongue And as fortune was just as she was wiping the tears from her eyes I came to her house and when she heard me walking she ran and pulled to the dore which she had left open when Florice went out and which her minde being upon other things she had forgot to shut yet she could not do it so suddenly but I saw how red her eyes were with crying and when I wondred both at her tears and that she should deny me entrance she opened her Closet and standing in the dore Perfidious Traitor said she and called me by my name are you come with any designes of injury unto me And because I answered nothing being so surprised that I could not speak Perhaps ungratefull wretch said she you will deny your villany Ah most wicked person said she and shewed me her Letters here are all the testimonies of my too easy beliefe but know that there is not one of thy treasons which is not known unto me and be certain that thou hast made me forever thy most mortall enemy Then she pushed me out of the dore and shut it so suddenly that I could not hinder her Thus fairest Mistris seeing she would not open the dore I went away the most ashamed man in the world but so incensed against Florice that revenged I would be at what rate soever for it was she I knew that took my Letters I saw it was she that gave them unto Dorinde purposely to displease me I did imagine that it was envie or jealousie which made her commit this crime against our amity and conceiving that nothing would more vex her then to seem as if I had quitted her for Dorinde I resolved to break off entirely with her and devote my selfe wholly unto the other The greatest difficulty was to appease Dorinde but I armed my selfe with a full resolution to endure all manner of disdain and anger rather than not be revenged upon Florice Within a few daies after I went in this designe unto Dorinde in her Closet for the displeasure which she had received made her more retired then usuall and offering to shut the dore upon me I fell down upon my knees so suddenly as she could not avoid me then after I had begged a thousand times for a pardon I told her all the truth to wit how Florice having long loved me and to keep our affections more secret she commanded me to faigne a courtship of her which accordingly I did both at the first and when I gave her all those Letters but afterwards comming to love her in good earnest I then gave Florice no more Oh! y ar said she unto me did you not carry her the last which I writ also 'T is true said he that she hath them but she stole them from me and if you will not believe me ask of those who helped her to play the thiefe Then I named two who had seen her steal them and told me of it and therefore when Florice sound her selfe punished by her own invention she acquainted you with all that could break off your affection from me But is not Love just in making her suffer that harm which she prepared for you Why should she make your beauty the cloak for all her designes May the gods never be favourable unto me if I do not hate such things most abominably and if I do not love you above all the world and into whose favour I do desire most to ingratiate my selfe Let not her jealousie and slander of me have a greater influence upon you then my affection hath and let not her anger at my disdaining her for you prejudice me in your good opinion I used many such expressions which at the first did not operate according to my desires and expectance but so disposed her that when I made the theft of Florice manifest unto her she would pardon me And presently after we renewed love upon st●icter obligations then ever before which took me off from Florice as much as if I had never seen her and I did it without any constraint for it is most true she was fairer then Dorinde and of a higher rank and quality yet my anger against her had so changed my eyes as this Beauty did not at all please them but made me sleight her Florice for a while did endure all this seeming not to care a jot what became of me as if all my actions were very indifferent unto her but at length she repented and extreamly grieved that she had so lost me and being assured that I did once love her also thinking that a reall affection could not so easily extinguish she conceived that if she did seem as if she loved some other doubtlesse it would have so much influence upon me as would make me return again unto her And in order to this designe she could not think of any more fit to fool then Theombres because she thought his disposition was amorously inclined and because he had formerly loved her Then she began to carrasse Theombres with all imaginable expressions and shew as if all he said or did did please her especially when I was within compasse of taking any notice and then she would talk to him and whisper as if she had made choice of him for the only Cabinet of all her secrets I presently observed this redintegration and told Dorinde who could not chuse but laugh when she heard how Theombres was embarqued Florice seeing I did not return unto her according to her expectance did the more multiply her favours upon him insomuch as many did dislike her behaviour and acquainted her Parents with it for she was so free and open in the dispensation of her favours as in lieu of hiding them as is usuall she exposed them to the view of every one nay studied how to make them seen otherwise I had not come to the knowledge of it for I never saw her but in publick and when I was with her in any publick place I shunned her Now her Father as I have told you being advertised of this Love did exceedingly reprehend her and much more her Mother who for honour and chastity was an eminent example to all the Country At the first sh● would have glossed the matter with an excuse but afterwards seeing excuses would not do it she did confesse it and said that it was true Theombres
by their countenances that there was no enmity betwixt them having for all their Combat mixed a kinde of sweetnesse and smiling in their eyes and about both their mouths Their Torches which were on each side of them which they had let fall by chance fell one against another so as they united together and made but one by this means added lustre to each other and gave the greater light with this Motto Our Wills are but one Their Bowes were so linked and twisted one with the other that they could not draw them but both together their Quivers which were hung upon their shoulders were full of Arrowes but by the colour of their feathers one might know that those which the one had belonged unto the other because in the gilded Quiver were silver feathered Arrowes and in the silvered Quiver gilded Arrowes The Company had looked long and not understood this piece i the shepheard Silvande at the request of Paris had not interpreted the signification These two Cupids said he do signifie the Lover and the Loved this Palm and Mirtle-wreath doth expresse the victory of Love for the Palme is an emblem of Victory and the Mir●e of Love The Lover and the Loved do strive which shall be victorious that is which shall be most loving Those Torches whose flames are joyned together and by this union more splendent doth sh●w that reciprocall Love doth augment affection The Bowes intertwisted and linked so together that one cannot draw them without the other do teach us that all things are so in commun betwixt friends as the puissance of the one is that of the other so as neither can do any thing unlesse his Companion contribute his which the changing of the Arrowes doth more illustrate One may also see by this conjunction of Bowes and Flames and change of Arrowes and union of two Wills into one that the Lover and the Loved are but one So as I perceive this Picture represents unto us that the endeavours of two Loves to get the victory one over the other their contest is not who should be best Loved but who should best Love giving us to understand that the perfection of Love consists in striving how to Love and not how to be Loved Now if this be so fairest Mistresse said he and turned towards Diana you may see how much you are in my debt I must ingenuously confess said she that after this rate I had rather be in your debt than have you in mine Hylas who stood at the entrance and durst go no further though he had a great desire unto it and the more when peeping in he saw the grassy Altar and Picture upon it And because he could not well see he employed his ear with all attention to hearken unto Silvander's discourse and heard what he said unto Diana I perceive fairest Mistress said Silvander that neither you nor I are represented in this piece since they in it are both Lovers and Loved you are loved but do not love and I do love but am not loved and all this more by ill fortune then by reason There is no difference betwixt us said Diana but in words for I call that reason which you do call ill fortune and yet it is the same thing If all the difference said he were only in words I would not care but the worst is that which you call reason and I ill fortune fills me full of all miseries and its contrary would make me the most happy shepheard in the whole Universe Afterwards he turned towards the Picture and as Diana would have answered I beseech you my Fairest said he do not talk any more of your small affection to me but let me see what is yet more rare in this Picture Then taking her by the hand he read these words thus written in the bottom The twelve Statutes containing the Lawes of Love which upon pain of his high displeasure he commands all Lovers to observe The first Statute HE that 's a perfect Lover and a just And as he ought love infinitely must Extreames in Love allowed are as best Mediums will never make a Lover blest But odious are All Mediocrity Signe is of Treason not fidelity The second Statute Let him th' puissant god of Love adore And let him love some One and not one more Above one Object never let his eye Once look upon or wantonly espie It is decrced by Loves Emperiall Law That he his Blisse from this one Fountain draw The third Statute Unto this fair One and her service he Must dedicate himselfe and liberty He must his heart and all delights resigne To her and only her himselfe consine The rate he sets upon himselfe must be According as she loves him so must he The fourth Statute If he advancement to himselfe does seek Let his ambitious aime be at the cheek Which gave his love a life let him confesse She is the center of his happinesse Which he does only aim at and aspire To set the lustre of her glory higher The fifth Statute Let his affection to his Mistris be So dear so chaste so full of purity As he fruition of her shall despise Before a stain upon her honour rise If hers and his come in comparison Let him prefer hers far before his own The Sixt Statute If any offer to asperse the fame Or cast a blemish on his Mistris name Let him unsheath his anger give the lye To him that offers such a calumny If any dure to put affronts upon her Let him then die or vindicate her honour The seventh Statute Then let his love arrive at such a height As he esteems her 'bove all mortall weight The Sun the Stars and glories of the skies He value must inferiour to her eyes Perfection in the abstract he must deem her And think him guilty that does less esteem her The eighth Statute He must inflamed be with fits of Love So violently hot as they must move His pulse to beat a mad-mans temper He Must sigh must languish and halfe dead must be And ever in such violencies swell As ask him what he ailes he cannot tell The ninth Statute He must forsake his habitation His soul must ever live by love alone He must no being have but on the score Of her whom he does worship and adore So into her transformed he must be As that without her eyes he cannot see The tenth Statute Those daies that in her presence are not past He must esteem as absolutely lost Court all occasions Let him spare no pain To bring him back into his heaven again And whilst his body does a distance finde Let him be present with her in his minde The eleventh Statute For her he must depart even from his reason Bid welcome unto Manacles and Prison In sharpest torments think himselfe at ease So he thereby his fairest Saint shall please And all without expectance of rewards To love her is the honour he regards The twelfth Statute He must not think
ask thee what they are That spark les in those Eyes so fair VVhat are they soules or flames that fly And hover so about that Eye They are flames which death to foules do give Or rather soules that makes Love live 'T is strange that from the selfe same eyes A Life and Death should both arise The works of gods all wonders are And so these Sun● seemes sure as rare To think them human is a sin Since reverence from the gods they win To love them they command thy heart Since thou to look allowed art 'T is true but yet my heart doth bear In it such reverentiall fear As bids devotion pay not Love To one that equalls gods above But star the gods who blessings shoure VVill not require above our power But try I say and thou wilt prove Thou canst not look but thou must love Whilst Diana to amuse the company did read these Lines aloud and these being ended took others of which the Altar was full Phillis addressed her selfe unto Astrea Oh heavens dear Sister said she unto her how I am amazed at all I finde in this place For my part answered Astrea I am so much out of my selfe as I know not whether I be asleep or awake Look upon this Writing and then tell me whether you ever saw the like unto it This answered Phillis is Celadon's writing or else I am not Phillis There is no doubt of it answered Astrea and I do very well remember that he writ this last line VVanting the Substance Shadowes comfort me upon a little Picture which he had of me and which he wore about his neck in a little bag of persumed Leather I pray see said Phillis what is in this paper which I took up from under your Picture Stay stand and gaze did e're eye see A Saint so pure so fair as she Can any be so dully dumb As not Idolater become And rather all the gods give o're Then not so fair a Saint adore But soft ere I devotion pay Let me consider what I say These flaming Beauties are not eyes Only a Picture which I prize It is not reall only shade By an in genious Artist made Are they not eyes Can any Art Like them so captivate a Heart Sure Pictures be they ne're so like So mortally can never strike But be they what they will I 'me sure No Mortall can the blowes endure Since by their power I wounded am I 'le flie them to avoid the same But why fond Lover wilt thou flie From such a fatall piercing eye Thy heart 's already wounded by it What e're it be 't is vain to flie it Oh Sister said Astrea it is most certainly Celadon that writ these Verses it is without any manner of doubt for about three years since he did write them upon my Picture which my Father had of me to give unto my Uncle Focion Upon this tears flowed from her eyes But Phillis fearing the rest of the Company would see her Sister said she this is rather a cause of rejoycing then sorrow for if Celadon did write it as I do believe he did certainly he is not dead although you think he was drowned and if it be so what greater cause of joy could you have Ah Sister said she turning the other way and pushing her from her for gods sake do not torment me with any such language Celadon is too certainly dead by my folly and I am most miserable in the losse I see the gods are not yet contented with those tears that I have already shed for him since they have brought me hither to give me a fresh subject for more But since they will have it so I will turn my selfe wholly into tears and though I cannot wholly wash away my offence by them yet I will never cease untill I have lost either my eyes or my life or both I do not tell you said Phillis that Celadon is alive but I must tell you that if he did write these Verses I must of necessity conclude that he is not dead Sister said she our Druides tell us that we have soules which never die although our bodies do and so in that sence he may live I have heard say answered Phillis that it is our duty to give a buriall unto the dead and to put a piece of mony in their mouths to pay the Ferry-man for wafting them over the Stygian Lake and that such as are deprived of buriall are a hundred years wandring about the places where they lost their bodies and how can you tell but that the soul of Celadon having lost his body and being denyed that charitable office may be wandring about the fatall River of Lignon and still retain the same affection and thoughts which he had before Ah Sister said Astrea these are but meer phantasms Celadon is certainly dead and these are the testimonies of his affection and my folly What I do say answered Phillis is grounded upon more then phantaims and Chimeraes and I hint then upto you out of my desire to contribute unto your tranquillity I do know it Sister replyed Astrea but consider that if I should think Celadon alive and afterwards finde him to be dead nothing could preserve my life this would be to see him die twice and the gods and my own heart do know how near his first death did bring me to my grave Yet you may receive this satisfaction by it answered Phillis as to know that death could not extinguish the affection which he bore unto you That said Astrea conduceth unto his glory and my punishment Nay rather said Phillis this construction may be made of it that he being dead does cleerly and without a cloud see the pure and entire affection which you bear unto him and that the jealousie which caused your anger against him did proceed only from the superabundance of your love for I have heard say that our soules separated from the bodies do still see and behold them This answered Astrea would be the greatest satisfaction that I can receive for I do not doubt but as my imprudence did give him great cause of griefe so this sight of my affection would give him contentment For if I did not love him above all the world and if I do not continue stil in the same affection may the gods never love me These two Shepheardesses were talking thus whilst Diana entertained the rest of the Company sometimes in reading the papers which she found upon the Altar and sometimes a king Paris Tircis and Silvander what was their thoughts of these things There is not any here but knowes said Paris but this Picture was made for Astrea and conceives that he who put it in this place does not only ●ove but adore her For my part said Silvander if Celadon were not dead I should believe these Characters to be his How said Tircis Celadon who was drowned some three or four months since in the River Lignon The same answered Silvander
read them then altered them according to his own humour and having a quick and ready Wit he changed them thus The twelve Statutes of Love falsified by the Inconstant Hylas The first HE that 's a perfect Lover and a just And true never love infinitely must Extreames in Love are never counted best Mediums will ever make a Lover blest And happy bee All Mediocrity Signe is of prudence and fidelity The second Let him no puissant god of Love adore But let him love some One and many more Above one Object alwaies let his eye Still look upon and wantonly espie It is decreed by Loves licentious Law That he his Blisse from many Fountains draw The third To many fair Ones and their service he Must dedicate himselfe and liberty He must not heart and all delights resigne To one and only her himselfe confine The rate he sets upon himselfe must be As many love him so himselfe must he The fourth If he advancement to himselfe does seek Then let it be in loving every cheek Which can give love a life let him confesse In loving many is his happinesse Which he does only aim at and aspire To make the lustre of his glory higher The fifth Let his affection to his Mistris be So dear so sweet so full of amity As the fruition of her he shall prise Above all stains of honour that can rise If hers and his come in comparison None must be dearer to him than his own The sixt If any offer to asperse the fame Or cast a blemish on his Mistris name Let him conceal his anger● give no lye To him that offers such a calumny If any dare to put affronts upon her Let him not die to vindicate her honour The seventh Then let his love arrive at such a height As that his judgment may be pure and streight All Suns and Stars and glories of the skies He value must superiour to her eyes Perfection in the abstract do not deem her Nor think him guilty that does less esteem her The eighth He must inflamed be with fits of Love So temperately hot as they may move His pulse to beat a gentle temper He Must never sigh and pule and halfe dead be Nor ever with such violencies swell As ask him what he ailes he cannot tell The ninth He must not quit his habitation Nor think his soul can live by love alone He must some being have besides the score Of her whom he does worship and adore Not into hor transformed so to be As that without her eyes he cannot see The tenth Those daies that in her service are not past He must not think as absolutely lost Some good occasion may reward the pain Though it ne're bring him to that heaven again And when his body does a distance finde Let him contented be within his minde The eleventh For her he must not derogate from reason Or welcome bid to Manacles and Prison Can he intorments think himselfe at ease Though he thereby the fairest Saint should please Since all without expectance of rewards The honour vain to love her he regards The twelfth He must not think it impossible his Love Should sooner then the firmest Rock remove If any such advice to him shall use Let him as Orthodox the same peruse Who so shall ever such advice o're move He 's far from any Schismatick in Love Hylas made all the haste that possibly he could in altering these twelve Statutes and that the alteration might be lesse discemed he first erased out what he thought fit with the point of his knife then did polish it with the haft of his knife then did write upon it what he had changed and when all was done he set it in its place again and went out unperceived by any so as when they came out he was found sitting at the entry as if he were fast asleep and because sad Astrea going out the first did take no notice of him he lay still and would not stir but when Phillis who came after spied him in this lazy posture How now Hylas said she unto him how have you spent your time whilst we have been viewing the greatest rarities that are in all the Country Faith I have some thoughts answered Hylas rising up lazily and rubbing his eyes which trouble me more then ever I did imagine they could What are they said Phillis I will tell you said he if you will promise to do one thing forme which I shall ask I will not engage my word said she before I know what it is You may do it said Silvander by adding conditions that he shall ask nothing which is unfitting for a wife and vertuous shepheardesse to grant Upon that condition said Phillis I will Know then fairest Mistresse said Hylas that I do believe this place to be really a sacred Grove which is dedicated unto some great divinity for ever since I heard Silvander read the Lawes of Love I have had such inward remorse as I cannot be at quiet within my selfe conceiving that I have hitherto lived in a most grosse errour and contrary unto those Statutes which the god who is adored in this place hath commanded unto all those who will love insomuch as I am ready to abjure my errour and submit my selfe unto the Lawes which he hath ordained There was only one thing which hindred nie from doing it whilst you were within the sacred Grove and I will declare it unto you You know fairest Mistresse that ever since there was any sympathy betwixt my heart and you and since Hylas first called himselfe your servant I never found in all this Country a more contradicting spirit nor an humour more antipathyous unto mine then that of Silvander upon all occasions he hath thwarted me and used all artifice to subvert whatsoever I intend as in that unjust Sentence which he gave against Laonice only because I spoke for her otherwise he could not be so grosse as to prefer one that was dead before so fair and accomplished a shepheardesse Calling these things into my memory and consideration I had a conceit that he read the Ordinances of this god after another manner then they are written and only to crosse me Therefore I do conjure you not only by your promise but the honour you owe unto Love and the deity of this place that you will take so much paines as to fetch me hither those Lawes that I may read them my selfe be satisfied in my doubt of Silvander and follow those Lawes all the rest of my life Is this request uncivill Silvander and unfit to be made unto a wise and vertuous shepheardesse No said Silvander but I rather think it in vain No said Hylas but let us make another promise to one another Promise me before all this Company that you will follow those Statutes which are there written as long as you live and I will do the like I shall said he most willingly for I have long since promised the same unto
impossible to return unto their Townes by day light In this resolution then they went on and Silvander not quitting Astrea did shew her the Wood where he found the Letter which caused this voyage This said Astrea is a place very retired to receive any Letters in You will more think it so said he when you are there for it is the most salvage and rude place and the least frequented of any about all the River Lignon So as none could hit the way said Astrea except you and Love For my part said he I know what it is and as for Love I will be silent for I have heard say that sometimes when he would throw flames into a heart he has burnt himselfe and who can tell whether he did not so by the beauty of my Mistris and if any thing cure him it is doubtlesse the Fillet which he hath before his eyes Ah Silvander said the Shepheardesse that Fillet does not hinder but he can see when he pleaseth and his Arrowes hit so right upon the mark they are aimed at as it is not likely one that 's blinde did shoot them I have seen wise shepheardesse said Silvander a blind man who could hit the way unto every house and turn at every turning in the Town having gotten it by a long custome And why may we not well say that Love who is the prime and eldest of all the gods hath by a long accustomacy learned to hit the hearts of men though he be blinde and to shew you that it is more by custome then skill observe that he loves us only in the eyes and yet hits our hearts If he were not blinde do you think he would wound with Love so many unequall persons Superious with Inferiours and Shepheards with Queens But I speak this as a person interested for I that does not know what I am it hath caused me to love Diana whose merits are above the degree of any shepheards and it hath made Paris who is Son unto the Prince of Druides to love a shepheardesse As for your merits answered Astrea you do equall the perfections of Diana and Diana by her vertue doth transcend the grandure of Paris so as the inequality is not so great as to make you accuse Love of blindnesse Silvander stood mute at this reply not but that he could easily have answered but because he was sorry he had by his words given knowledge of his affection and repented of them fearing it would offend Diana if she should know of it But by good fortune his words were well addressed for Astrea knowing what pure and sincere affection he bore unto Diana she would most willingly have left him all assistance And the nature of all such as know how to love well is never to prejudice the Love of another unlesse it be prejudiciall unto their own By this time they were come unto the Wood and therefore Silvander said unto her This wise shepheardesse is the Wood which you have so much longed to see but being already Sun-set we have not time to view it If we do finde in it said she as many rarities as we did in that from whence we came I shall think our journey and time very well imployed With such discourse as this they entred into the Wood and it grew so dark as they could not see one another nor follow but by the voice then going further into the Wood he so lost his way as he was forced to confesse that he knew not where he was The cause of this was a Plant over which he walked which they of the Country do vulgarly call Wander-weed because it hath a quality to make those that tread upon it to wander out of their way and as the common bruit was there was much of it in that Wood. Whether this be true or false I cannot tell but so it was that Silvander and all the Company could not finde their way again all that night though he turned and winded almost through all the Wood and at the last they were all so wildred as they were constrained to follow one another by taking hold of each others clothes for the night was so dark as if it were so purposely to hinder them from getting out of the Wood. Hylas who by chance was got betwixt Astrea and Phillis I begin Mistresse said he to hope well in the service which I have done you Why said Phillis Because said he you are very much afraid to lose me and whereas I was wont to follow you now you follow me 'T is true said she but you must thank Silvander for it whom you say is your greatest enemy I cannot tell said Hylas whether I should more thank him for the favour I receive from you or chide him for the pains I have taken You may judge of that afterwards said Phillis when you have put the pleasures and the pains which you have received both into a ballance I wish Mistris said Hylas that you would hold the ballance and judge which was the heavier Every one did laugh at the good-will of Hylas and Silvander who heard it answered him only thus I confesse Hylas that I am a blind man who leads many others But the worst is said Hylas they are blind only because they trusted too much unto your eyes If you had been out of the Company said Silvander we had not been so blinde Why said Hylas did I put out your eyes No said Silvander but you did take away our means of seeing holding us so long in discourses of your inconstancy and by falsifying the sacred Lawes which did put us upon the night Silvander said Hylas you put me in minde of those who when they had found good Wine did blame it because they were drunk Good friends may the Wine say why did ye drink so much And good friend Silvander why did you hearken to me so long Did I nail your ears to any post No said Silvander there were stronger chaines in that company and place then yours But be it as it will we are now so wandred out of the way either by reason of the night of by going over the plant Wonder-weed as there is no hopes of getting into the way again untill it be day or at the least untill the Moon do shine What 's then to be done said Paris No better course said Silvander then to rest ourselves under one of these Trees untill the Moon do shew her selfe Every one approved of the motion And the shepheards spreading all their Coats upon the ground under the dryest Tree the shepheardesses did sit upon them and so rested altogether till the Moon appeared Although the night was already far spent when these shepheardesses did sit themselves down upon the Coats of the Shepheards yet being unaccustomed to such a Canopy as the Cope of heaven and unused to sit upon the grasse in the night they talked a long while before any sleep did seize upon their eyes And because the horrour of
her head a little into the entrance she heard him say thus Now heart begin to hope well for as the snuffe of the Lamp ceaseth to burn when the flame hath consumed all the Oyle so may I hope my miseries will cease having by little and little consumed all the comforts and contentments that I have Oh happy losse how I would cherish thee if by thy means I go out of this miserable life which I lead Oh my dearest Papers how I would blesse the day on which you were ravished from me if my grieving for your losse would end 〈◊〉 For alas there is no hopes left that my sorrowes should ever end but with my life Leonida hearing this was moved with much compassion knowing him now to be Celadon and was also surprised with such a sudden joy that though she had a great desire to let him complain on and hearken longer what he said yet she was constrained to go to him with open armes and cry unto him Ah Celadon away with these lamentations and sorrowes you have had too many of them 't is time now to change your course of life and enjoy some pleasant dayes You may easily imagine that Celadon was extreamly surprised when he heard this voice upon a sudden and seeing her come unto him for he had not seen any of a long time and his spirits being wholly retired into his thoughts she had spoken all this before he heard or knew what she said He started up upon a sudden but the life which he had lived and bad food together had so weakened him that he was constrained to sit down again presently Then the Nymph gave him leasure to recollect himselfe and sitting down by him took him by the hand Well Celadon said she unto him did you so impatiently desire to get out of Galathea's hands only to live thus Is it possible our company should be so displeasing to you that you had rather be amongst senslesse Rocks and wild Woods The Shepheard having recollected his spirits did faintly answer You see fair Leonida unto what Love hath brought me and what power you have over those that love you How is it possible said she that Love should make you thus neglect your own preservation Is it possible answered the shepheard that you who vaunts to know what Love is should doubt but that my affection can endure the greatest extremities However replyed the Nymph if I were condemned to die I would at the least ask him that condemned me the reason why I am condemned What better reason can be given said Celadon then that she who has the soveraigne power over me will have it so so as the reason of my ill-being is because my well-being displeaseth her Oh Celadon said the Nymph and pittyed him in what a miserable condition you are See sage Nymph said he how you are mistaken I cannot desire more happinesse then the misery which I endure for can I wish a greater happinesse then to please her If my misery please her can I grieve for it No no I must rejoyce at whatsoever is pleasing unto her Oh happy Celadon said he and in one thing the more happy that Astrea does not know that thou art happy Leonida hearing these expressions stood astonished and looked upon him with admiration At last after she had been a long while mute she said unto him I must needs confesse shepheard that if this be the way to love there is only you amongst all men living that can follow it But shepheard take heed that as many good things are corrupted and spoiled with abuse so your melancholy and obstinacy do not corrupt your affection I care not for all the accidents that can come said the shepheard so my Love be not offended But said Leonida do you love Astrea You aske me a question answered he unto which you are able to give an answer your selfe If you do love her said the Nymph you ought to love all that 's hers and if so then you ought to love your selfe since you are so entirely hers that you are not your own Since I do love Astrea replyed the shepheard I ought to hate all that she hates Astrea hates the miserable Celadon why then fair Nymph should not I Every one said she is obliged to have a greater care of their own preservation then of the love or hatred of any other That Law said the shepheard is good and allowable amongst Men but not amongst Lovers Why said the Nymph do they cease to be Men when they become Lovers If you do mean a man said he that is subject unto all sorts of miseries and inquiotudes I do confesse that a Lover remaines a Man still but if that Man have any will of his own and judges of things as they are and not according to the opinion of another I deny that a Lover is a man since as soon as ever he becomes a Lover he does so dispossesse himselfe of his will and judgment as he neither willeth nor judgeth but as she willeth and judgeth whom he loves Oh the miserable condition of a Lover said the Nymph But much more miserable answered the shepheard is he that loves not since he cannot enjoy the most perfect and highest happinesse that the world affords for the very least of Loves joyes does exceed all others that the world hath without it Is there any pleasure comparable unto those that consist in the thought When a Lover thinks upon the beauty of her that he loves nay when he does but remember any one of her actions nay even the very place where he last saw her do you think he would change his contentment for any diversion in the whole Universe He is so jealous and so carefull to entertain this very thought that lest he should make any a sharer with him he will retire into the most solitary and unfrequented places that he can finde he cares not for the society of men or all the delights that men can devise and use to court with such care so he may but enjoy his own thoughts Now Leonida since the contentment of thoughts are such is it possible the weaknesse of any human heart should think to endure so much blisse as to enjoy the sight of her whom he loves to hear her speak to kisse her hand to hear her own mouth pronounce the word I love you Is it possible he should hear this and not be ravished and be disordered with too much felicity and delight I do not mention those great and last assurances which one receives when he is loved nor those languishments in the breast of the person loved for these are contentments of so high a nature as they cannot be gusted without transport and absolute ravishment out of our selves nor can they be expressed by any words unlesse imperfectly Now tell me fair Nymph whether the condition of a Lover be so miserable now I say when you know what high felicities he does enjoy I do confesse said
of that fault which hath quite extinguished all the good-will which I did bear unto you As for that answered he in lieu of language I will expiate it with my blood and life but dare not beg unlesse in silence and submission since indeed I do not well know what it is Palemon replyed she there is none so ignorant as he that will not know when he may But that is all one to me for I am so perfectly cured of the wound that there is not any mark of it remaines It is an easie matter said the shepheard to cure a wound that was but very smal I will not tell you answered she how it began to fester lest I should increase your vanity but let me tell you that I had rather die then relapse into that disease out of which I am recovered and I had rather never see any whilst I live then see you in the condition and state in which you were wont to be Also I charge you to talk no more of it nor to retain me by any force Since you are pleased said he to forbid me speaking yet I beseech permit me to sing what my heart does sadly resent Then he sighed and sung out these Verses which she to vex him answered A Dialogue between Palemon and Doris Pal. IF I do any love but you may I Be damn'd and tortur'd be eternally Dor. May I a Statue turn and never move If any other but my selfe I love Pal. Love or love not yet you I 'le still adore That you my constancy may see the more Dor. Love or love not faith all is one to me But that I love you you shall never see Pal. Though heaven and earth conspire to crosse my will Yet will I vanquish them and love you still Dor. My heart is so averse to love that I Rather than love a hundred deaths will die Pal. Your pride in scorning all men living must Be punished in you if heaven be just Dor. If heaven be just as none deny it dare It will us keep both in the mindes we are Pal. It is most just if you to love it move But most unjust in taking hopes from love Dor. If you to love and me to hate it move ' I will punish you and will revenge my love Though Doris was very tart in all her answers yet the shepheard did take some kinde of delight in seeing and hearing her talk but she desiring to avoid his company she came towards the place where Diana was who seeing she could not hide her selfe any longer she and her company advanced towards this shepheardesse and after common salutations said unto her I wonder not sweet Doris that these shepheards whom I see with you should be so much captivated with your beauty since it is such as those must needs be blinde that do not admire it but I must needs wonder at the cruelty you use towards them since you are the only she who disdaines that which is their own and which you have gotten by such fair and deer armes Whilst Diana was saying so Palemon came to them and heard Doris return this answer Sage shepheardesse that beauty which out of your complaisance you are pleased to call mine is most really and truly your own and to be admired by all such as see you And I do not know with what armes I have captivated these you speak of unlesse such as are very unhappy in making such a conquest Beauty said Diana does well become all women but pride and presumption does much eclipse beauty Did you know answered Doris the occasion which makes me speak thus you would wonder at the power which I have over my selfe in being able so much as to look upon this shepheard Upon this Palemon kneeled down and with his hat in his hand addressed himselfe thus unto Diana I do beseech and conjure you Oh most wise and discreet shepheardesse by the person whom you most do love and by that sweetnesse which your eyes do promise to take so much pains as to hear our difference if you shall think me culpable I will not value my life but if on the contrary she be in the wrong I shall only aske leave to serve her as long as I live Diana would have answered when she saw Astrea returning from the Temple with a greater company than she carried with her for the Nymph Leonida was there and Chrysante the Governesse of the Druides with some of the Virgins who came to honour the Funeralls of Celadon bringing with them the Priest of that place who did officiate in the daily sacrifice of the Town in the Temple of the good goddesse This Priest brought thither all that was necessary for the empty Tombe of Celadon the Druides Daughters were loadned some with flowers others with milk and others with wine and water and did drive before them the sheep and young bulls requisite for the sacrifice Lycidas also being come that morning unto the Temple of the good goddesse to pay some vowes and make some prayers which haply his jealousie prompted him unto he likewise came being acquainted with the designe of Paris for the Rest of his Brothers soul though it went to his heart to see Phillis and Silvander there and having made choice of a great Sowe to sacrifice according to the custome unto Ceres and the Earth he gently followed after this Company Diana therefore seeing this great company following Astrea she could not give answer either to the shepheard or shepheardesse only this that the Nymph Leonida who was comming with so many Druides would beglad to hear their difference and after the Ceremony was ended at which they would do an act of pitty if they would be present she could compose all the businesse betwixt them So not staying for any answer she with Paris advanced and went to salute the Nymph and Chrysante After some common discourse the Priest asked where Celadon's Tombe was erected and being conducted thither by Paris he went about his work But first he began with the Sowe which Lycidas brought as a sacrifice unto Ceres and the Earth then killing the Sheep and young black Bulls he kept the blood of them in bowles he ordered the Druides Daughters according to the Ceremony unto some he gave the sacred Milke unto others the Wine and made choice of Lycidas to carry the Altar-water Then going to the Tombe he sprinkled all these things with a little bough of Cypresse calling divers times upon the soul of Celadon Then they poured the Water the Wine the Milk the Blood upon the Tomb calling still upon the soul of Celadon Then all the Druides Daughters and others with their hair disheveled begun with tears sad condolings to lament the loss of Celadon When they had continued a while in this pittifull office the Priest began to go round about the Tomb three times and every one following strewing Roses and Flowers upon the grass he said in a loud voice Adieu CELADON
it is you do love you would answer that it is Diana If I should aske further who this Diana is you would reply that she is the most perfect shepheardesse in the world Then answer I If this shepheardesse be so perfect as you esteem her are you not very bold in daring to love one that is so full of perfection For there must alwaies be some proportion betwixt the Lover and the Loved and I cannot believe that all your presumption can perswade her that you are so perfect as you think your selfe Perhaps you will charge me with the same fault in loving Phillis who you will say hath much more perfection then I. But I am of a contrary beliefe unto you for I do not hold her for such a one as you do your Diana I do confesse she is owner both of beauty and merit and am I without She has wit so have I She is wise I am no fool She is a shepheardesse I am a shepheard She is Phillis and I am Hylas Is there not an eeven conformity and equality betwixt us So as in answer unto all you can aske I propose it as a more perfect love then yours so as if one desire to love aright Hylas and not Silvander must be the pattern For to what purpose is it to love unlesse to have contentment But what contentment or pleasure can these drooping melancholly Lovers have who are perpetually musing and fretting at their hearts against this Bug-bear and Chimaera of Constancy Diana does Silvander say does not love me alas she loves another and scornes me but for all that I will love and serve and adore her lest I should be taxed with inconstancy Phillis does Hylas say does not love me she loves another and scornes me why should not I change this ungratefull woman for another that will love me and scorn some other for my sake Shall this Bug-bear of being taxed with inconstancy hinder me Ah friends I pray tell me what kinde of Beast is this Inconstancy Who did it ever devour What disease did it ever breed Did any ever die of it How many have you seen in mourning by reason of it No no it is a meer imagination a fancy a chimaera or rather an invention of some subtle Lover who seeing her selfe growne ugly or ready to be changed for some other that was fairer then her selfe did broach this opinion and made it to be thought a mortall sin to be Inconstant Will any man in his witts be thus deluded Can he be so silly as to consume all his life without any comfort Do you call this Love forsooth and Constancy May it not with much more reason be called madnesse and folly What! languish in the lap of an old ugly and ungratefull Mistresse Fie fie it is an errour far unworthy of a man that pretends unto any wit or courage Let not Silvander therefore ask any more wherein I can taxe his Love or where I can finde one that is more perfect for I am confident there is not one in the Company who will not say that Hylas loves and Hylas alone loves as a man of wit and courage ought to do Thus ended this inconstant shepheard so moved with his own arguments that he was as hot as any fire Every one smiled and looked upon Silvander in expectation of what he would say and he to give them satisfaction very sleightly answered thus I thought Madam I should have encountred with a Shepheard in the presence of Ladies and Shepheardesses but for ought I see I shall finde him an Athenian Oratour so much is Hylas transported with his eloquence Yet I wish so confident I am in the goodnesse of my cause that he of us two who shall be condemned may be so severely chastised for speaking so boldly before such sacred Altars as he shall either give his Oration the lie or else be plunged in the River Resne That is not reasonable said Hylas unlesse I had been advertised of it before I began to speak or might have such Judges as I did not suspect of partiality Why said the Nymph do you suspectus Because said Hylas you believe all that Silvander saith to be an Oracle and because he has been a while at the Massilian Schooles you admire all he saies and think him to be alwaies in the right No no Hylas said Silvander never refuse to abide the judgment of this great Nymph and the venerable Chrisante never fear shepheard I see they are not disposed unto rigour and the worst will be but an acknowledgment of your errour And therefore I will begin You say Hylas that there is no perfect love without an acquisition of some desired good because Love is only a desire of some good which it wants But Madam I humbly beseech you before I answer this shepheard to pardon me if for the discovery of his subtleties I use some termes which are not frequently used amongst us Therefore answer me shepheard Does any desire that which they do possesse You will say No because desire is only of something wanting But if Love as you say is only a desire do you not see that to possesse what one desires is to quench Love since none does desire that which they possesse Why said Hylas doth not one love that which they possesse If they do not I had rather you should love and that I should not love to the end you may desire and I may possesse I do not say so said Silvander but I say that Love is not only a desire to possesse as you would perswade but on the contrary possession and enjoyment does rather make it die then live If enjoyment do not make it live replyed Hylas yet it is enjoyment which gives it perfection No neither said Silvander for enjoyment is not at all necessary to make a perfect Love A Diamond is as perfect a Diamond before it be wrought as after the Artist hath polished it For if the perfection of Love did depend upon this Enjoyment it would not be in the power of him that loves to love perfectly since the enjoyment does not depend upon him but upon the consent of another And yet Love being an act of the Will which is guided as the Understanding thinks good and the Will being free in all that it does this act of his Will cannot depend upon any other then himselfe But admit that Love be nothing but a desire must it be concluded from thence that Love may be encreased by the enjoyment of that which one desires If you consider it well you will say that Love is rather lesse by it for our soules do in this resemble a Bow the more the string is stretched with more violence doth it shoot its Arrowes So our soules do shoot out more violent desires when the thing desired is hard to be accomplished than when it is easie and in our power If desires do lessen at things easily accomplished much more when it is glutted And if Love
I should avoid them by preserving you Perhaps you will reply that love is the effect and consequent of beauty and nothing in the world is more pleasing then to be loved and carrassed Perhaps again you will say that whilst I am fair every one will adore me and when I am foul every one will disdain me But for all that let me tell thee by way of answer that in doing so strange an act every one will admire me and be apt to believe that there is some hidden perfection in me which does transcend this outward beauty Also in defacing thy luster I shall but anticipate time of a few minutes For this beauty which we so much prize for all our carefull preservation will quickly fade a few years more will ravish it from me Is it not therefore better to part from it voluntarily having so good an occasion and to sacrifice it unto the tranquillity of Calidon who hath born me so much affection What will the worst consequence be of it Why when I am ugly fewer persons will love me I cannot hope to finde any affection but from Thamires Now if the affection of Thamires be grounded only upon my beauty it will quickly fall off when my beauty decayes but if he have 〈…〉 any other basis for his love certainly he will love me the more because I have made my selfe wholly his since none else will yet look upon me To be briefe it is this beauty which hath caused all the miseries both of Calidon Thamires and my selfe I will ease them therefore and my selfe too by parting from that which would of it selfe ere long part from me I will set them both at liberty and my selfe at rest Now Madam I shall relate unto you a most strange and generous act Celidea as soon as she had said so took the Diamond and with a resolute hand did cut the skin of her fair face in severall places though the pain of it was extream yet she cut on still gnashing her teeth till she had made five or six long and d●●● gashes in her cheeks and forehead so as all her beauty was quite defaced Imagine Madam how sadly she must needs resent this act but she did not at all seem to be sorry for it only put a cloth about her head put out the Candle went into her Aunts Chamber laid the Ring in its place and went to bed you may easily imagine she took no greatrest that night But when morning was come and every one awake and up Cleontine wondered she did not see her Niece and fearing she had not been well she went softly to her bed-side but when she saw her all bloody she cryed out thinking she had been dead All the house ran up to her and found her kissing Celidea though her face was nothing but wounds and congealed blood Oh heavens Daughter said the good old woman who has thus inhumanly used you What barbarous hand could finde a heart to spoil this fair face Celidea in a low voice beseeched her to let her rest and she should know who had done it as soon as Thamires and Calidon were come Chirurgeons were immediately sent for and Thamires hearing in what condition Celidea was he ran presently to her Chamber but when he saw her he stood immovable and gave no signes of life but only by tears in his eyes At the last after a little recollecting of himselfe Is this Celidea whom I see in this sad plight said he Could the gods ever permit such a piece of cruelty What Tiger in the shape of a Man could have a heart to do it Was ever so much inhumanity executed Celidea turning gently towards him Thamires said she though you have lost the face of Celidea yet she hath preserved all the rest of her selfe if you will permit me to take revenge I will tell you who hath done this unto me Calidon upon this came into the Chamber which hindred Thamires from returning answer and Calidon hearing of this accident he had run himselfe so out of breath that he could not speak yet one might hear him utter vowes that the villain who had thus injured Celidea should not live till night Oh Calidon said she do not swear lest you should be perjured perhaps it may be such a one as you had rather die then keep your oath I do swear still by Hesius replyed Calidon and by my own soul who ere he be except Thamires he shall die Upon this he kneeled down by her bed side and offering to kisse her hand she pushed him back Calidon said she why should you offer to kisse my hand Look upon my face and take notice that I am not now the same Celidea whose beauty you so much esteemed The shepheard was so transported with fury that he had not yet looked upon her but when he fixed his eyes upon her and saw her so gastly transformed he stood more astonished then Thamires Then laying his hand upon his eyes and turning his head the other way it was impossible for him to endure the sight and stared like a man that had been frighted She all the while was not at all angry but with incredible courage endured it Then holding out her hand unto Thamires Friend said she unto him I hope this will be contentment unto you to see that I am all yours and that none now can or will ever pretend unto me This face thus disfigured was only done to make me only yours I cannot believe Thamires but that your affection unto me was built upon a better foundation then a fading face Now because I see you desirous to know who it was that made me thus know Thamires that it was Calidon And you Calidon know that it was Thamires Did you put her into this condition cried they both out Yes said she it is Calidon and Thamires that have thus wronged Celidea But have a little patience and you shall hear how Every one did wonder at these words but especially the two shepheards And when Calidon offered to speak she interrupted him thus Calidon do not go about to excuse your selfe for though Thamires and you both be the cause yet you are more to blame then he There is none that knowes me is ignorant how Thamires hath loved me from my infancy and hath ever since continued his affection to me this affection became reciprocall as soon as ever I was capable of Love and as his addresses unto me did invite me to love him so the good entertainment that he found from me invited him to continue it And indeed how happily had we lived unto this very day if Calidon had not cast his eye upon me so as I may say and Thamires knowes it that never two loved each other better than Thamires and Celidea But as soon as Calidon came all our happinesse and contentment was blasted first by his sicknesse afterwards by the gift which Thamires made of me unto him which I could never consent unto Truth
himselfe as much as he could unto this Princesse But see what constraint in love produceth Valentinian could never love her though she was the fairest Princesse in the world yet because he would not displease Placidia nor his Cosen-german upon whom all his fortunes depended he dissembled the matter so that every one thought him really in love with her I being brought up with this young Princess I must confesse that I did very inconsiderately cast my eye upon her and fell so fatally in love as it was impossible for me to make a retreat Should I say the sight of her was a happinesse unto me that hath cost me so much sorrow and pain But why should I make any doubt in the question since notwithstanding all my paines and sorrowes never was man more happy in such a generous designe then my selfe So then I became a servant unto this Princesse And there being then Tournements held in the Hippodrome at which Eudoxe was present as Valentinian entred the Lists under the notion name of the fair Eudoxe's Cavalier it may wel besaid I did the same being so captivated with her beauty and vertue that never man was more At the same time there was a young Lady of the best Families in all Greece preferred unto the young Eudoxe to be brought up with her her name was Isedore and it must needs be confest that there was none in all the Court alwaies excepting Eudoxe which was comparable unto her Valentinian no sooner cast his eye upon her but he fell presently in love with her But she was so charie of her honour and reputation as knowing that Valentinian could not marry her she would not allow of his addresse but at the first did refuse it in as milde a manner as she could but afterwards did reject it in a more harsh manner then perhaps the quality of Valentinian deserved And though he was very hot in pursuance of his affection yet did she behave her selfe so as she forced him to retreat in appearance because she vowed that if he continued she would acquaint Theoodosius and Placidia with it This young Prince fearing to displease the Emperour and his Mother did so conceal his desires as none could see them except Eudoxe and my selfe In the mean time my affection still encreased though this young Princesse did not perceive it The priviledge of my youth permitted me to see her when I pleased without suspition and I was so perpetually assiduous and diligent about her person as she employed me ofter then any other of my Companions And though at that time I hardly knew what Love was yet I took such infinite delight in being neer her in receiving her commands serving her and sometimes kissing the thing which she gave unto me as she did attribute it unto my civility I remember one day as she was walking in a Gallerie where there was abundance of rare Pictures there was amongst the rest that of Icarus whose wings failing fell into the Sea Ursaces said she unto me what does these scattered feathers and this man falling into the Sea signifie Madam said I unto her he was a young man who being inflamed with a generous courage would not he contented to flie so low as his Father whom you see by him and because his wings were set on with wax the heat of the Sun melted them so as he was forced to fall as you see him Truly answered she he was very rash and inconsiderate However replyed I he was of a most generous and noble spirit To what purpose said she since it brought him to his death Death answered I is very welcome when it leaves a brave memory behinde it What! said she unto me do you commend his act I do so much commend it Madam said I as I would not refuse to die upon conditions of the like glory This Princesse was at this time about some twelve years of age and I about fifteen or sixteen an age yet hardly capable of Love's resentments and yet I was not absolutely free however I had not so much boldnesse as to discover any thing unto her I perceive said she that you do esteem your life but very little Doubtlesse Madam said I unto her there are many things which I do esteem much more What! said she for when we are once dead all that we leave behinde us concernes us not Honour and Love answered I. What is this honour said she unto me It is an opinion replyed I which we do leave of our selves and of our courage and Love is a desire to enjoy something that is great and noble and therefore Madam I should not refuse to die in any generous acts or in doing you service first for the glory I should have by it and secondly for my affection unto you How said she Unto me like a very childe have you any love to me How do you know it By the effects answered I for when I am out of your sight I burn till I see you again and when I do see you I am vexed that I shall not see you long enough How did you come by this disease said she unto me and what is the cause of it Your perfections Madam said I unto her and your beauty hath caused this disease by staying long with you Were I as you answered she I would stay as little as possible could be but is there no remedy for the cure of this disease Yes said I unto her if you please to love me as well as I love you How said she presently would you have me burn when I see you not Good Ursaces look for some other Receipt for believe it you shall not have this I remember that when I have burned my finger I was in so much pain as I will hardly undergo so much again for your cure I durst not reply because there were many Ladies and Knights talking together in the Gallery and took no notice of us though they were there to accompany the young Princesse but her childhood and my youth permitted me to be with her without suspition But afterwards she grew more knowing and I grew more in love then before Valentinian whose whole designe was upon the fair Isidore did hold Tournements as oft as he could for having a good agility in that exercise he thought by that means to insinuate himselfe into the favour of that wise Lady still seeming as if all he did was for Eudoxe Now because he commonly took such as were of his own age and there being not above two years difference betwixt him and me I was alwaies of his party Fortune it seemes had a minde to favour me and conferred the Prize very often upon me which seeming as if it were in behalfe of Valentinian I alwaies carried unto Eudoxe and when she received it she permitted me to kisse her hand Oh how well did I think all my pains bestowed Yet I carried the matter with so much discretion as she could not possibly
water that when she returned to her selfe at the first motion she fell in and was in so much danger as all that some shepheards close by could do was litle enough to save her by pulling her out by her garments which kept her above the water and gave them time to draw her unto the side but life was so farre spent as she perceived it not They carried her unto the next shepherds cabbin whereby accident Phillis was and where they shifted her cloaths she all this while was so astonished both at her owne accident and at that of Celadons that she could not speake Mean while Celadon was hurried by the fury of the waves a farre off on the other side of the River amongst some little trees but with very little signe of life As soone as Phillis heard of this accident unto Astrea she made all haste possible and had not Lycidas met her nothing else could have stopped her yet she told him briefly the danger in which Astrea was not mentioning a word concerning Celadon for she knew not any thing of his disaster this Lycidas was Celadons brother and these two were tyed faster together in amity then consanguinitie on the other side Astrea and Phillis being Cousens did love each other so well as they deserved to be compared with the two brothers As Celadon had a Sympatheticall affection unto Astrea so Lycidas had as strong an inclination to serve Phillis as Phillis had to favour Lycidas So it chanced that as they came into the cottage Astrea opened her eyes but you may imagine that they had lost much of their wonted lustre and looked heavy and dull and their sprightliness drowned in tears yet such tears as flowing from an enflamed heart and lovely eyes moved abundance of love and pitty from all her beholders When she espied her companion Phillis she was much moved but much more when she saw Lycidas and though she was loath to let the people about her know the cause of her disaster yet she was forced to say hat his brother was drowned in helping her Lycidas was so astonished at the newes that he ran immediatly to the fatall place with all the rest of the shepheards leaving Astrea and Phillis alone who presently after began to follow them but so sad a pace that though they had much to say yet they could not speake one syllable Meane time the shepheards came to the River side and looking on every side they could not finde the least signe of what they sought for only those who went the lowest downe the River chanced to find his hat which the waves had cast up upon some willows and reeds which grew by the water side this was all the newes they could heare As for Celadon he was carried by the water much lower and into a place where it was unpossible for them to find him for as I told you before the waves had wafted him over to the other side and he stucke upon a thick rush of trees where it was very hard to see him When he was even betwixt life and death there came to the place three fair Nymphs with disheavelled haire waving and hanging upon their shoulders under a garland of severall Pearles their brests were naked their sleeves turned up to the elbow and their arms bare onely covered with purest Lawne to the Wrests on which they wore rich bracelets of Orientall Pearls each of them wore a quiver full of arrows and in their hands they carried bowes of Ivorie their petticotes were tucked up so high as permitted their golden buskins to be seene as high as the knee It seems they came unto that place upon some designe for said one of them this is the very place search well the side of the River See see how impetuously it swells it self above its common levell observ that Tuft of trees doubtlesse it is the very same which was represented to us in the mirror 'T is true said the chiefe of them but all the rest is nothing resemblant but me thinkes I see another odd place more likely to find that which we looke for it s very probable said the third who had not yet spoke for the place is so exactly described as I beleeve there is not one tree but you saw in the mirrour In such discourse as this they came so neere the place where Celadon was that nothing but a few leaves did interpose betweene him and their sight They having exactly survayed every thing they concluded it to be the place which was shewed unto them and therefore resolved to sit downe The principall of these Nymphs as she was sitting downe espyed Celadon and supposing him to be some shepheard asleepe and beckning with one hand unto her companions she pointed to the place with the other and treading very gently for feare of waking him she stepped forward but being neerer she beleeved him to be dead For his feet did lie in the water his right arme upon his head and the left carlesly hanging behind him his neck awry as if his head were too heavy his mouth halfe open and almost full of sand his face pale and dirtie his eyes almost closed and his haire which he wore very long so wet that the water ran like a stream from it his countenance was the very picture of death his backe so bended that it seemed broke and that made his belly seeme the more swelled The Nymphs seeing him in this deplorable condition were mooved with much pitty and Leonida as most officious and pittifull was the first which laid hand upon him to draw him out of the river The water which he had swallowed came from him in such abundance that the Nimph finding some warmth yet in him did beleeve him to be recoverable Then Galathia who was the chiefe of them turning towards the other Nymph who looked on but did not help Come Sylvia said she unto her why are you so idle come and help if not to ease your companions yet out of pittie to this poore shepheard I am considering Madam said she that though he be very much changed yet me thinkes I should know him Then taking him by the other arme and looking upon him more precisely Certainly said she I am not mistaken T is he I meane and beleeve it he merits all our helps for he is not only of the first family in all the country but his merits are so many as our best indeavours to save him will be well imployed All this while the water came from him in such abundance that the shepheard being more empty began to breathe but did not yet open his eyes nor come unto himself Galathia having an opinion that he was the man of whom the Druid had spoken unto her she her selfe did help her companions and commanded them to carry him unto her Pallace of Isoures where he might have the best accommodations of help And accordingly with much adoe they carryed him to the place where the litle Merill
living left Since we of her bereaft It seems deare Saint your better fate Death did anticipate And lieu of Cradle Coffin sent Since gone as soone as lent No no it is not you did die But it is rather I For only you did animate My soul and life create Both soul and heart and what is mine Eternally is thine Thus Love or'e death gets victorie Since still you live in mee Or else God-like lets Lovers live Yet them no hearts doth give A Sea of Teares from fluent eyes To the I le sacrifise And when those mountaines are growne dry I le come to thee and die Lycidas and Phillis had a good mind to enquire the cause of this shepherds griefe if their owne would have permitted them but finding him to stand as much in need of consolation as themselves they would not add the miseries of another unto their owne And therefore leaving the rest of the shepherds to hearken further they went on their way and none followed them Lycidas was no sooner gon but they heard another voice a far off which seemed to draw neere them and setting themselves to hearken they were interrupted by that shepherdesse who held the head of a shepherd in her lappe and uttered these complaints Fie fie thou obdurate peece of cruelty thou pittilesse shepheard how long will thy heart be marble and eares stopped to my prayers Why should one who is not be preferred before one that is vowed thine Tircis Tircis thou Idolizer of the dead and enemy of the living looke upon my poore affection Love those that are alive and let the dead rest quiet trouble not their happie ashes with thy unprofitable teares take heed thou dost not draw vengance upon thy selfe for thy cruelty and injustice The shepherd not so much as turning towards her coldly answered I wish faire shepherdesse that I could give you satisfaction by my death I would willingly die to rid both you and my selfe from our torments consider I beseech you Laonice that you have no reason to urge me to put my deare Cleon twice to death It s enough she has once paid the debt due to Nature If now she is dead she should once againe revive in me by force of my affection would you have me remove her by entertaining a new love into my soul No no shepherdesse all your arguments are too weake to make me hearken unto any such counsell that which you call cruelty in me I tearm fidelitie and that which you thinke worthy of punishment I conceive deserves exceeding commendations I have already told you that the sacred memory of my Cleon shall live with me in my grave I have vowed it a thousand times both unto her and the immortall gods with whom she is and do you not thinke that they would punish Tircis if he should breake all those solemne vowes and become unfaithfull Yes yes the heavens shall sooner raine Thunderbolts upon my head then I will either offend against my vowes or my deare Cleon. She would have replyed when the shepheard which they heard singing came neere and interrupted her with these verses The Song of the inconstant Hylas If ere my Mistrisse me disdaine then hang me if I ere complaine I le ne're be drowned in puling sorrow but court a new one ere to morrow It is a toile would tire a horse to make a woman Love by force Those beauties which are over wise and our addresses do despise Have at their hearts a fire more hot although so close we see it not Whilst Lovers dote upon such dames Rivals do warme them at their flames It s flat Idolatry by Jove to court a cruell beauties Love Will any man of wit adore Idols that have no help in store A constant lover is but gull'd and by his Loyaltie befoold That simple crue of faithfull Lovers you 'l find them alwayes full of dolors Compos'd of sighes and cries and teares they do both sleep and wake in feares So as a Lovers life is found the worst that breathes upon the ground Such as do child-like Pule and crye when they have lost some foppery Cannot be called by the Name of men who any honour claime A Loving foole is still most fit for such a silly Amourite Such fables I have learnt to fly which nothing bring but misery I can be wise by others follie and ' spite of Love I can be Jollie I Value not a Rush if all the Ladies me unconstant call At this last verse this Shepherd was so neare Tircis that he perceived the teares of Laonice and though strangers yet having a superficiall acquaintance Hilas knowing how it was betweene Laonice and Tircis he addressed himselfe thus unto him Disconsolate shepheard for so every one did call him by reason of his sadnesse If I were like unto you I should thinke my selfe the most pittifull peece of misfortune that lives upon earth Tircis hearing this thus answered And I Hylas were I like unto you I should think my selfe more unfortunate then I am Should I like you replied Hylas drop teares for every Mistrisse that I have Lost I should teare out my eyes before I had done Were you like unto me answered Tircis you would have but one to drop any teares for And were you like unto me said Hilas you would not drop a teare for any That 's the reason replyed the sad shepheard I do think you miserable for if love be the only price and reward of Love never any did love you because you never loved any How do you know answered Hilas that I never loved any I know it said Tircis by your perpetuall changing You and I do differ in opinions said he for I ever thought that the more a workman is exercised in his trade the more perfect he is in it T is true answered Tircis when he workes by the rules of Art but if otherwise he is like unto travellers out of their way the more they goe the more they erre and further from the right way And as the rowling stone never gathers any mosse but rather dirt so your leight inconstancy may get some shame but never any Love You must know Hilas that the wounds of Love are such as will never heale Heavens deliver me from any such said Hilas You have good reason for your prayer replied Tircis For if every time you were wounded with a new beautie you should receive an incurable wound I am afraid there would not be one sound part in all your body Moreover you never can relish any of those sweets and felicities which Love bestowes upon all true Lovers and that miraculously like the rest of his actions for they are cured by the same which wounds like the sword of Telephus which both cuts and heales and I am perswaded that were you once permitted to know the secrets of that god you would presently renounce your inconstancy Hilas at this smiled and said There is very great reason Tircis that you should put your selfe in the
health Madam answered the Shepheard who did not well understand this language If I must desire mine owne health it shall be only to render you service in exchange of so many favours which you are pleased to conferre upon me But for my part I must thinke of no other course but returning to the woods and Pastures otherwise the solemne vow which our Fathers have made unto the Gods will accuse us to be unworthy children of such Fathers What vow is that sad the Nymph The History of it would be too long replyed Celadon but in short this Madam All those about the Rivers of Loire Turan Argent and all the rest of the Rivers have severall yeares with one accord assembled in that great Plaine which is neere Mount Verdum and considering the Inconveniences which ambition and desire of rule in that people called Romans hath brought upon all their Neighbours they do all by mutuall consent sweare to fly all ambition for ever and they and their children to live peaceably in the habit of shepheards And ever since it hath been observed so pleasing was this vow unto the Gods that whosoever broke this oath did never prosper And amongst us my Father is the most remarkable example So as now seeing the will of heaven is to have us live in rest we have a new ratified this vow with so many sacred oathes as he that breakes it shall be most detestable I do professe answered the Nymph I am very glad to heare this for I never knew before the reason why so many good and antient families have forsaken Townes and spend their dayes in woods and solitary places But Celadon if your condition will permit you I shall be very glad to heare you relate the fortune of your Father Alsippes and why he betooke himselfe to that kind of life which he had so long laid aside for I am most confident it is most worthy of knowledge Then the shepheard though not very well yet constrained himselfe to obey her and began thus The History of Alcippes Madam you command me to relate the most intricate story in the world and in which one may learne that whosoever contrives the hurt of another must prepare himselfe for a great part of it In obedience therefore to your commands I shall briefly tel you what I have gleaned from the ordinary discourse of him unto whom all the things hapned for to make us more sensible of our happinesse in living at rest my Father hath often related unto us his strange fortunes Be pleased to know then Madam that Alcippes being educated by his Father in the simplicitie of a shepherd had ever a Genius far different from his education and any thing that smelt of a Town pleased him much better then a Field So as when he was a little boy his delight was in assembling other boys together and setting them into order and do what the grave Signiors could he would still be teaching them how to arme themselves and shoot in bowes The Ancients of our village who observed his actions did Prophesie great troubles to ensue upon their country and that Alcippes was of too turbulent a spirit to be kept within the compasse of a shepherd When his age became more virile he fell in Love with the shepherdesse Amarillis who was then secretly corrted by another shepheard called Alces And Alcippes having so good a conceipt of himselfe that he thought any shepherdess would bid his affection welcome whensoever it was offered he resolved not to use much artifice in declaring himselfe so as meeting her at one of the Sacrifices unto Pan. as she was returning home to her village he said unto her I could never have believed my selfe so weake as not to resist the blowes of an enemy who hath wounded me and never thought upon it She answered him that he who wounds against his will ought not to be called an enemy But I do find it otherwise answered he and therefore I may very well give this name unto you who I replyed she I was never so either in thought or act for I ever set a great valew upon your merit This is one of the wounds you give me said he but I see you can carry Love in your eyes and in your mouth but will not harbour it in your heart The shepherdesse then finding her selfe surprised and that he did meane matter of Love she answered I do set such a value upon your vertue Alcippes as I ought to do but as for any Love whereof you speak beleeve me I have none for any either in my eyes or heart especially for such pittyfull spirits as can content themselves to live like Savages in woods It is not the election of love but my destinie which makes me yours replyed the shepherd and such a resemblance of humor there is betwixt us that I have borne a most deadly hatred unto a shepherds life which you scorne so much even from my very cradle I do protest that if changing my condition will promote me into your favour I wil immediatly quit my flock and sheephooke and live amongst men not amongst Salvages You may change your condition answered Amarillis but not me for I am resolved to be still so much my selfe as not to give my affection unto another If therefore you would have us live as formerly we have done leave off this discourse of affection and Love and talke of such things as we were wont else thinke it not strange that I banish you my presence since it is impossible that Love and the Civilitie of Amarillis should dwell together Alsippe not expecting such an answer was so confounded that it was a long while before he could answer but being come to himselfe he was perswaded that it was the bashfullnesse of her age and sexe not want of any good will to him made her give such an answer And therefore he answered whatsoever you are pleased to be or say I shall never be any thing but your devoted servant And if the command you have imposed upon me were not incompatible with my affection you may most confidently beleeve that nothing in the world can make me disobey But I beseech you excuse and suffer me to continue my designe which is onely a testimony of your merit for whether you will or no I am resolved to prosecute it The shepherdesse then turning her eye smilingly upon him I know not Alsippe said she unto him whether this be for some wager or out of willfullnesse that you speake thus It is both answered he for I have laid a wager with my desires to overcome you or to die and this resolution is changed into obstinate willfullnesse since nothing can divert me from that oath which I have taker I should have been very glad answered Amarillis if you had made choice of some other marke for your importunities Nay nay said the shepherd all this cannot make me alter my designe Then think not much replyed Amarillis if I
sentence of his Mistris he did oppose his innocency then the suddain execution of it did appear in the eyes of his fancy And as he was falling from one thought into another his hand fell a cidentally upon the Riband tyed to his arme in which was Astreas Ring Oh what horrid memorialls came then into his mind Then did he fancy the fury which her soul expressed both by words and actions when she pronounced the sentence of his banishment Then after a long and sad contemplation upon this last dysaster he began to think upon the change of his Fortune how happy he had been and how she favoured him Then begun he to think what she had done for him how for his sake she had slighted many well qualified shepherds how little she valued the displeasure of her Father or anger of her Mother when they opposed against her affection then began he to consider that Fortune is as fickle in matters of Love as in any thing else and how few of all her favours remained with him which was only a Bracelet of her hair tyed about his arme and a Picture which he wore at his brest whose Case he kissed many a time as for the Ring which he wore about the other arme he esteemed that rather as forced then of any benevolence Then upon a suddain he remembred the Letters which she had writ unto him in the happie dayes of his being in favour and which he alwayes carried about with him in a little bagg Oh what rapture was he in when he first thought upon them for he feared lest the Nymphes when they pulled off his cloathes should have seen them In this doubt he called out aloud for the little Merril for he allwayes waited in a Lobby close by The little boy hearing him call so hastily two or three times came to see what his pleasure was My little officer saith Celadon doest thou know what is become of my clothes for they containe somthing which would much perplex me to lose Your clothes Sir said he are not far from hence but there is nothing in them for I searched them Oh Meril said the Shepheard thou art much mistaken for there was something which I valued above my life then turning towards the other side of the bed he began to make exceeding sad complaints a long while together Meril hearing him was on the one side very sorry to heare him lament as he did and on the other side was in great doubt whether he should tell him all he knew at last not being able to be longer a witnesse of his sorrowes he told him that he needed not to trouble himselfe so much for he was sure the Nymph Galathea loved him too wel to keep from him any thing which he so much valued At this Celadon turned towards him and asked whether that Nymph had them I beleeve it is the same said he at least I found a litle bundle of papers and as I was bringing them unto you she met me and took them from me Oh Heavens said the Shepheard things are worse and worse then turning on the otherside he would speak no more Mean time Galathea did read the Letters for it was true she did take them from Merill and as those in Love are alwayes full of curiositie so she read them but she had strictly charged him to say nothing because she intended to restore them as unknown that she had seen them Silvia held the candle whilst Galathea unloosed the string which tyed them together we shall see said Silvia whether this Shepheard be such a dull fellow as he would seeme to be and whether or no he be in Love then Galathea took out the papers gently for feare of tearing them and the first she laid her hand upon was this Astrea's Letter unto Celadon Celadon WHat 's this you do attempt Into what a confusion are you about to bring your self Take my advice who counsell you as a friend and leave off this your design of serving me t is too ful of inconveniency beleeve it what content Celadon can you hope for I shal be extreamly intolerable you may with as much ease attempt an impossibility you must wait and suffer and be patient and have neither eyes or Love for any but me for never think I will share affection with any other nor accept of halfe-love I am full of suspitions extreamly Jealous I am exceeding hard to be woon and very easily lost quickly offended but abominably hard to be pleased my will must be destiny it selfe my opinions must passe for reasons and my commands must be inviolable Lawes Shepheard be wise and keep out of this dangerous Labyrinth Cease from a designe which may prove soruinous I know my selfe better then you do never think to alter my naturall Genius I shall certainly break rather then bend and if you will not beleeve what now I say do not hereafter complaine against me Never credit me said Galathea if this Shepheard be not in Love It cannot be doubted said Silvia being so well accomplished Then Galathea gave her another Letter which had been wet to hold unto the fire meanewhile she took another Letter which contained these words Astrea's Letter unto Celadon Celadon YOu will not beleeve that I Love you and yet you desire I should beleev you Love me If I do not Love you what will my credence in your affection profit you perhaps you thinke that beliefe will oblige me to it but alas Celadon that consideration is too weak if your merits and services were not more considerable but this is the state of your condition I would not only have you know that I think you Love me but I would have you know also that I do Love you and amongst many other this is an infallible argument of it that I have valued my Love to you above my obedience to my Parents If you consider how great my duty is to them you may by it value my Love to you since it is above all duties Adieu be not any longer incredulous As soon as this Letter was read Silvia brought the other and Galathea told her with a sad heart that Celadon was in Love and which was worse that he was extreamly loved which grieved her to the very soul for now she saw that she was to force a Fort which a victorious enemy was possessor of For by these Letters she found that the humour of this Shepherdesse was not to be halfe a Mistris but would have an absolute command over such as she daigned to accept as her servants and her opinion of this was much fortified when she read the other Letter which had been wet it was thus penned Astrea's Letter unto Celadon Celadon LYcidas told Phillis that yesterday you were in a very bad humour Am I the cause of it or you If it be I it is without occasion for did I ever desire any more then to Love and be loved by you And have you not sworne a
thousand times that you would never desire any more to compleat your happinesse If your selfe be the cause of it then you do me wrong to dispose of that which is mine without my knowledge for whatsoever is yours is by donation mine accquaint me how the matter is and I will consider whether or no I can allow of these humours in the meane while I forbid them How imperiously does this Shepherdess carry it said Galathea She doth not injure him said Silvia since she told him as much at the first And truly if it be she whom I suppose it is She is one of the fairest and most admirably qualified persons that ever mine eyes beheld her name is Astrea and that which induceth me to beleeve it is she is this word Phillis for those two Shepherdesses are intimate companions And though as I told you her beauty be beyond al comparisons yet it is the least amiable quality in her for she is so ful of severall perfections as her beauty is the least considerable This discourse was but a wider opening of Galatheas wound since stil greater difficulties appeared in the accomplishment of her designe And being unwilling to impart any more unto Silvia she tyed up the papers and went to bed not without a croud of various thoughts which sleep by degrees did compose As soon as the day dawned litle Merill went out of the Shepherds chamber who had done nothing but lament all the night long and Galathea having commanded him to have a very strict observance over all the actions of Celadon and to make a report unto her he went out to accquaint her with his observations Galathea was awake and talking aloud with Leonida litle Merill knocked at the dore and came in Madam said he not a wink of sleep have I got all this night for poor Celadon is even at deaths dore for want of those papers you took from me yesterday and seeing him in such lamentable despaire I could not chuse but comfort him a little by telling him that you had them How Replied the Nymph knowes he that I have them Yes Madam said Merill and he told me that he would ask you for them for he has a great esteem of them had you heard as I did how he lamented the losse of them it would have forced your heart to pitty him Good Merill said the Nymph tell me what he said Madam replied he after he had enquired whether I saw his papers and I told him that you had them ●he turned to the other side as if distracted and said Now are all things at the very worst and after a while silence thinking me in bed and a sleep I heard him sigh and say aloud Oh Astrea Astrea must banishment be the recompence of all my faithfull services If thy affection be changed why dost thou blame me to excuse thy selfe If I have been faulty why is not my fault made knowne unto me Is there no Justice in Heaven nor pitty in thy heart If therebe why do I find no favour from either that I might either dy or obey Astreas comwand Oh most cruell command if I should die would it not argue rather deficiency of Love then excesse of courage Then he paused a while and afterwards began again But whither would my flattering and truycerous hopes transport me Dare ye once againe appear unto me what shadow of any hope can possibly be after so much time spent after so many services performed so much affection expressed so many disdaines endured and many impossibilities vanquished Must absence be the pittifull reward of all these No no hope rather for a favour from a grave than from her After much such like discourse he was silent a long while then turning himselfe in bed I heard him begin his lamentations which continued untill day and all were complaints against one Astrea whom he accused of change and cruelty Galathea knew so much of Celadons estate by Astreas Letters and by Merills report that it had been better for her if she had been more ignorant yet flattering her selfe she imagined that Astrea's scorne might happily make the way more easie to accomplish her desires But those are Novists in the School of Love who know not that Love never dies in a noble generous heart and that the root of it is never quite pulled up Yet in this hope she writ a note and put it amongst the Letters of Astrea afterwards giving the bundle to Merill Here Merill said flie carry this bundle unto Celadon and tel him that I wish I could as well render him all the contentments which he wants If he be well and desires to see me tel him I am not wel this morning She said this to the end he might have the more leasure to peruse his papers and to read that which she had writ Merill he went away and Leonida being in another bed she did not see the bundle nor hear the message which Galathea sent but as soon as he was gone she called her into the same bed then began thus to talke You know Leonida what discourse we had yesterday concerning this Shepherd since that I have met with more intelligence then I could have wished you heard what Merill said and what Silvia reported concerning Astreas perfections so as since the Fort is taken I foresee a double difficultie in getting it againe yet I find that this happy Shepheardesse hath much offended him and a generous heart cannot brook a disdain with out a resent Madam answered Leonida I could wish with all my heart you could extinguish all these kind of thoughts for if you continue in them you will wrong your selfe exceedingly do you think it possible to carry it alwaies secretly what a blame will it be unto your honour if it should be knowne The whole course of your actions will be measured by it what would you think of another that should lead such a life You wil answer me perhaps that you do no ill Oh Madam it is not enough for a person of your quality to be free from crime but they must be also free from scandall Were he a man worthy of you I should with some patience allow of it but Celadon though he be the chiefe of the Country yet he is a Shepherd and not known for any more and this vaine opinion of happy or unhappy can it so far bewitch you and so degenerate your spirit as to equall sheep-keepers clownes and halfe-savages with your selfe For Heavens sake Madam consider these things and be your selfe Leonida had continued on if Galathea in a great rage had not interrupted her I told you before said she that I wil not allow any more of such moral doctrine I am resolved When I ask your advice ehen give it mean time no more of this discourse unlesse you will incurre my displeasure Upon this she turned away to the other side of the bed in such a fury that Leonida knew she had much displeased
that if it be not your pleasure to grant the request which he makes then he beseeched you not to read it to the end in his death as in his life he may not resent your cruelty then he presented unto her a Letter which Silvia had refused but for the command of Amasis I have hitherto said Guyamant fullfilled the last will of Aristander it remaines that I prosecute against the murderer but as heretofore I have been obedient to my Brothers commands so Love now commands me to sacrifice my own liberty upon the same Altar which yet reekes with my Brothers blood who when he lived told me that all eyes which ever looked upon you did owe their hearts unto you as a just tribute and that those men were unworthy to live which did not live in your service Silvia a little ashamed at this encounter stood mute a long while and gave no answer so that Amasis took the Letter and telling Guyamant that Silvia should returne him an answer she took her aside and breaking open the seale she read these words Aristanders Letters unto Silvia THough my affection could never render my service pleasing unto you nor my service my affection yet I hope this affection will make you pitty my death or else my death will assure you of my affections fidelitie And that as never any adored one of more perfection so never any loved and adored with more passion The last testimony of it that ere I shall render unto you shall be the gift of that which next your self was most dear unto me and that is my Brother for I am sure he is yours since I have enjoyned him to see you knowing very well by experience that it is impossible to see and not to love you But fair Murderer I beseech you let him not inherit my fortune but use him kindly He who writes this is your dying servant who having more Love to you in his heart then it is able to contain and live will rather die then diminish it Amasis calling Silvia to her asked her what kind of strange cruelties she had used towards Aristander which had brought him to this extremitie The Nymph with a blush answered that she knew not wherein she had done him any wrong I would have you said she entertain Guyamant in his room Then calling both before her she asked him whether he would follow his Brothers inclination He answered yes with all his heart Then said Amasis I shell entreat this Nymph to admit you to his place and to use you better then she did him Guyamant after a very humble reverence unto Amasis offered to kiss the hand of Silvia in signe of servitude but she so slighted the declaration of his affection that unlesse Amasis had commanded her she would never have looked upon him When every one began to retire Clidaman returned from hunting and was told of this new servant unto his Mistris Against which he made such loud complaints that Amasis and Guyamant did hear them and since he could not imagine how this should come about she told him the whole businesse When she had done Clidaman complained more then before that she should suffer a thing so much to his disadvantage and told her that she revoked the decree of Fate which his lot had given him and which none should ever ravish from him and live This language proceeded from a heart full of affection and was uttered with a bundance of vehemency for he did Love Silvia extreamly Guyamant who besides the edge which his new Love had put upon him had so good an opinion of himselfe as not to yeild unto any ' returned an answer addressing his speech unto Amasis Madam said he it seemes some would not have me to be a servant unto the fair Silvia but such are ignorant what Love is otherwise they would never think that your ordinances or the ordinances of all the gods together have power enough to divert the course of affection And therefore I do openly declare that if any shall offer to forbid me that which is already permitted me I shall disobey and rebell It is neither duty nor any other consideration can make me change Then turning towards Clidaman as for you Sir I know what respects I owe you but withall I know what power Love hath over me as the destinies did give Silvia unto you so her beauty did give me unto her Judge you whether of these gifts ought to be most pleasing unto her Clidaman would have replyed but Amasis interiupted him Sonne said she you have no reason to complaine unlesse our ordinances were altred you were commanded to serve Silvia but others were not forbidden to do the same Smells are most odoriferous when stirred and a Lover having Rivals has more testimonie's of his merit Thus Amasis ordained that both of them should serve her And thus is Silvia well stored of servants for Guyamant dressed up his affection in the best trim and Clidaman in envie of him did studie how to outvie him in courtship Ligdamon he served her with so much discretion and respect that least others should take notice of his affection he durst seldome come neer her and in my opinion his courtship was much more pleasing then any of the rest but once beleeve it he was almost past all his patience It hapned that Amasis had a bodkin in her hand which was made in the fashion of a sword and which Silvia was wont to wear in her hair and Clidaman being neer her she gave it unto him to carry unto his Mistris but he kept it all the day purposely to vex Guyamant never so much as dreaming upon Ligdamon but see how one may wound one for another the poyson which was prepared for Guyamant did so neerly reach the heart of Ligdamon that not being able to dissemble he retired to his lodging where after he had a while venomed himselfe by his own thoughts he took pen and writ these verses Upon the Sword of Silvia in the hands of Clidaman Love like a Traytor doth me treat and with a murdering sword Hath given me a sad defeat in her whom I ador'd But justly too I needs must say for being never able My do●● of services to pay which were innumerable He takes a sword and doth me strike and all my hopes doth smother And cunningly he useth me more like a Souldier then a Lover At the lower end of these verses he added these words I cannot chuse fair Leonida but resemble Silvia to the Sun which indifferently doth shine upon the most vile things as well as upon the most Noble He himself brought me this coppie I read it but though I studied yet for my life I could not understand it nordraw any thing from it unlesse that Silvia had given him a great blow with a sword but he left me and went away the most lost and undone man alive Thus you see what a cunning cutter Love is who with such trifling Armes can
of this Nymphs cruelties and Ligdamon's patiences I do relate the faster they come into my memorie When Clidaman as I told you before was to travell Amasis would have the greatest part of the young Gallantry in this Country to go along with him under the conduct of Lindamour amongst the rest Ligdamon being a most accomplished Caveliere he was not omitted But this cruel Mistrisse would not so much as daigne him an Adien but faigned her selfe sick Yet he would by some meants or other first let her know of it and thereup on writ these verses unto me Upon a Departure Since Love will have me live and die Within his scorching flames then why Should I thus fatally depart From her that solely has my heart I answered him The reason of it is fond Boy That thou maist find a fuller joy Dost thou not know the Phoenix came From Ashes when he dyed in flame He had thought himselfe very happy in this answer but this cruell one finding me writing this and being unwilling to do him any good or suffer another she snatcht away the paper by force out of my hand telling me that these flatteries wherewith I fed Ligdamon did make him so full of follie and that he had more reason to complain against me then her Then she writ thus unto him Silvia's answer The Phoenix from the Ashes came But first he died in the flame If Presence ineffectnall prove Absence will never conquer Love Ice will not thaw by cold when heat No conquest over it cold get You may imagine with how much contentment he departed it was a kind of happiness to him that he had been so long beforehand accustomed to such blows and that he remembred this Maxime that the disfavours of a Mistris must often passe for favours I well remember that upon this discourse he thought himselfe the happiest lover in the world imagining that the disfavours of Silvia were arguments that she held him in her memorie that she took him to be her servant and that since she did not treat all the rest of her servants in the like measure it was to be thought that this was the coyne in which she payed such as she esteemed hers and therefore he ought to cherish it since it had her stamp upon it and upon this subject he sent me these Lines A Sonnet My Soveraigne beautie does intend to try The height and depth of my fidelity By things impossible and farre above Performances of any humaine Love And well since she will ha'te so I 'me content For so she 'l see the bottomlesse extent Of my affection which is like a Well That with unfathomable waters swell The more she strives to pumpe and draw me dry The more shee 'l see my Loves eternitie The Fountainwhence I draw affection Is her fair selfe and her perfection Then try me fairest to eternity The more you 'l find I Love the more you try Leonida had continued her discourse had she not seen Galathea comming who after she had been by her selfe alone a long while and not being able any longer to be out of her shepherds sight she dressed her self to as much advantage as her glasse could advise her and so came without any other company but the little Merill she was very fair and worthy to be beloved of any whose heart was not forestalled by anothers affection At this very time Celadons stomack began to be very ill so as they were all constrained to retire and the shepheard went to bed which he kept a long time as being neither very sick nor very well Galathea who in good earnest was in love as long as Celadon's sicknesse lasted she scareely stirred from his bed and when she was constrained to go away either to rest her self or do any other businesse she left Leonida with him and charged her to take all occasions of letting the shepheard know her good-will towards him thinking by this means to infuse such hopes in him as his qualitie might perhaps forbid him And certainly Leonida did not fail her for though she wished with all her heart that Lindamor might thrive in his desires yet since the hopes of her advancement depended wholly upon Galathea her designe was wholly to please and comply with her But Love which often useth to make himselfe merry at the prudence of Lovers and is pleased to thwart their intentions did make Leonida by the conversation of this shepheard to stand more in need of one to speak for her then she to speak for another The shepheard quickly perceived it But his affection to Astrea for all her harshnesse would not permit him to suffer this growing affection with patience This was the reason that he resolved to take his leave of Galathea assoon as he began to be a little better But assoon as ever he mentioned any such offer How Celadon said she unto him has your entertainment by me been so bad that you would be gone before you be recovered And when he answered That it was because he was troublesome to her because of some businesse of her own also to assure his Parents and friends of his health and therefore he desired to return home unto his own Village Then she interrupted him saying No no Celadon never fear any troubling of me and as for your businesse and friends it is no matter me thinks your greatest businesse should be to satisfie your obligations unto me and it will be high ingratitude in you not to spend each minute of that life which you hold of me in my service besides you must not for the time to come cast your eyes upon so low a thing as your life past You must leave your Village and your Flocks to such as want those merits which you have and for the future look upon me who can and will recompence you to the height if your actions do not take away my good-will unto you Though the shepheard seemed as if he did not understand the meaning of this language yet he did and therefore he avoided talking with her in private as much as possibly he could and he did so much disgust this kinde of life that being one day almost out of all patience when Leonida heard him sigh she asked him the reason since he was in a place where nothing was more studied then his contentment Fair Nymph answered he amongst all the miserable wretches of Fortune I may professe my selfe the most coorsly treated for others may grieve and enjoy so much comfort as to complain but this is denyed me for my misery is shadowed with a Mask of happinesse and therefore in lieu of pittie I am rather blamed and taxed for a man of shallow judgment But if you and Galathea knew what bitter wormwood I do meet 〈…〉 in this place happy truly unto all but me I am confident you would bestow some pitty ●pon my life What is it you would have said she that will comfort you Nothing 〈◊〉 he unlesse you will get
me leave to depart Would you have me solicite Galathea for it said she I beseech you do it said he and I conjure you to it by that which you most love That then must be your selfe said the Nymph and blusht And so she went out of the Chamber to seek Galathea whom she found alone in the Garden and who already began to suspect that Leonida was in love with him conceiving that she had not made any progresse in the charge which she gave her though she seldome or never stirred from him Also knowing very well how charming the shepheard 's beauty was she imagined that he might as well wound two as one yet being constrained to carry fair with her she continued her usuall affability and seeing her come towards her she enquired of her how the shepheard did As they were walking together Galathea turned her selfe towards Leonida and said Well Leonida tell me was there ever such a piece of insensibilitie as Celadon since neither my behaviour nor your perswasions will work with him I cannot tell what to think of him For my part answered Leonida I rather think him of a mean spirit and wants judgment than one that wants apprehension he wants courage to pretend so high Your perfections and favours cannot raise his thoughts so high but the poornesse of his merits and qualitie does more deject him and no wonder Vines will bear Grapes and Okes Acornes every thing will produce according to its nature Can you imagine that the courage of a Country Clown can produce any designes but such as proceed from a base and Pesantique spirit I do believe answered Galathea that the great difference between our qualities may beget a great respect in him but I cannot think him so dully ignorant as not to understand unto what end I treat him so kindly the greater fear is that he is already so far engaged to Astrea that he cannot retire Assure your selfe Madam replyed Leonda it is nothing but a sottish ignorance in him I do believe as you do that he loves Astreat but if he had any Judgment he would slight her for you who beyond all degrees of comparison does merit more then she And yet he is so sencelesly simple that whensoever I speak of you he answers me with his sorrows for being so farre from Astrea and thinkes his being here no better then a torment This very morning hearing him sigh I asked him the reason and he made me such an answer as would have moved stones to pitty him and the conclusion of all was that I would be a Mediator unto you for his departure Come come Leonida replyed Galathea even red againe with anger and unable to dissemble her jealousie confesse the truth has he not moved you Yes Madam answered she he has moved me to pitty him and me thinkes since he has such an extream desire to go you ought not to keep him by force for Love is never whipped into a heart I do not meane a matter of pitty replyed Galathea but t is no matter perhaps when he is well recovered he shall feele the effects of that anger which he hath infused into me as soone as those effects of Love which he hath infused into you meane time let me tell you he shall not go from hence when he but when I will as for you Leonida continued she content you that I say no more only be gone I care not for your company now you know my mind Thus Leonida was put to silence and forc'd to go away taking this affront so to heart that she resolved to go unto Adamas her Unckle and never have any more to do with Galatheas secrets Galathea at the same time called for Silvia who was walking alone in another Alley Unto whom contrary to her designe she imparted that which she had so closely concealed from her and complayned against Leonida But Silvia though young yet full of discretion did indeavour to excuse Leonida all she could apprehending very wisely that if her companion should be angry and things come to be knowne they would prove very scandalous unto her Mistrisse And therefore after many other passages she said thus unto her You know Madam that you never opened any thing of this businesse unto me and yet I can tell you so many particulars as you shall see I was not altogether so ignorant as I seemed But such is my humor that I never could endure to meddle in matters unto which I am not called But perceiving my companion so assiduous about Celadon I suspected that Love might be the cause more then her compassion upon his maladie and because it was a businesse which neerely concerned us all I resolved before I spoke any more of it to be a little better assured and therefore began to observe her actions more narrowly then I was accustomed so as I got behind the shepherds bed whilst he was a sleep and presently Leonida entred who making a little noise did waken him then after much common discourse she began to talk of his affection unto the shepherdesse Astrea and of hers to him but beleeve me shepherd said she Astreas Love is nothing in comparison of Galatheas unto you To me said he Yes to you replyed Leonida you need not wonder so at it for you know how oft I have told you so though all the language I have cannot set forth the magnitude of it Fair Nymph answered the shepherd I neither can merit nor beleeve so great an honour unto me For what can her designe be upon poor me who am a silly shepherd and will both live and die so Your birth replyed my companion must needs be noble since you are owner of so many excellent qualities and perfections Oh Leonida answered the shepherd then I cannot chuse but think you Jeere me can you think me so ignorant as not to know who Galathea is who I am ' Certainly fair Nymph I know better then so how to measure the meanesse of my qualitie with the grandure of her merits with the measure of duty Oh shepherd answered Leonida do you think that Love useth the same measures that men do No no measures are used by such as use to buy and sellt gifts are never measured and Love being nothing else but a meere gift is never conferred by measures never make any question of this truth but not to faile in your duty pay unto her as much Love and affection as she bestowes upon you I do professe Madam that till now I thought Leonida had spoken for her selfe and her discourse astonished me but seeing with how much discretion your actions are managed I did much commend the power you have over them knowing that it is a thing of greater difficultie to command ones selfe then another Sweet heart answered Galathea did you but know how I stand in need of Celadon's amitie you would commend and advise me unto this designe For do you remember the Druide who told us our Fortunes
and Amarillis the Father and Mother of Celadon and how their hatred accompanied them to their graves which have caused abundance of trouble amongst the shepheards of this Country insomuch as I beleeve few or none about the fatall River of Lignon are ignorant of it and yet Love to shew the greatnesse of his power did unite two of these enemy-families so firmly that nothing could dissolve the knots of their affection but only death For Celadon no sooner arrived at the age of fourteen or fifteen yeares and I at twelve or thirteen but at an assembly in the Temple of Venus which is upon the top of a high Mountain neer the Castle of Mount Brison this young shepheard saw me and as he since hath told me he had long before an extream desire of it by some reports he had heard of me but the jarres which were amongst our Parents was the impediment which hindred him and I must ingeniously confesse that I think his desire of it was no greater then mine For I know not why but when I heard speak of him my heart did beat unlesse it was a presage of those troubles which afterwards befell me by reason of him When he first saw me I cannot tell what causes of Love he found in me but so it is that since that time he resolved to Love and serve me and it seemes that at the first enterview we were both strucken with the darts of Love for as soon as ever they told me that he was the Son of Alcippes I perceived a kind of chang in me which was not ordinary then all his actions beg in to please me and seemed much more agreeable unto me then any other young shepheard whatsoever and because he durst not yet approach me also because speaking with me was forbidden him his looks and eys by their turning to fro did utter such language unto me as I knew he desired to say more And indeed at a Braul which was held at the foot of a Mountain under a plump of antient Elmes which cast a pleasant shaddow he carried it so cunningly that without any heed of me and seeming as if it were out of a merry carelessenesse he got me by the hand For my part I seemed as if I took no notice of it but carried my selfe to him as to all the rest but he in taking my hand did stoope with his head as if he would kisse his hand but I perceived his mouth upon mine this did cause some colour to come into my face but I feigning to take no notice did turne away my head as if I only minded the braule which we danced this caused him to stay a while silent not knowing I beleeve how he should begin to speak at last being unwilling to lose such an opportunitie as this which he had long longed for he came very neer me and whispering Corilas who took me out to dance in the eare yet so loud but seeming to whisper that I did plainly heare what he said Oh Corilas said he I wish with all my soul that the quarrells between this shepherdesses Father and Mine might be decided by her and me To which Corilas answered very loud Nay never wish that Celadon for perhaps it is the most dangerous wish that ever you made Let the hazard be what it will answered Celadon very lond I 'le not go from what I have said though I were to give my heart as a pledge And because I seemed to take no notice of their discourses he addressed himselfe unto me and thus said And you fair shepheardesse what opinion have you of this offer I do not know answered I what you speak of He told me replied Corilas that to draw a great good from a great evil he wishes that the inveterate hatred of your Fathers were changed into love amongst their Children How answered I seeming not to know him are you Alcippes Son Yes answered he and more then that I am your most devoted servant Me thinkes said I that it had been more proper for you to have applied your discourse unto some other who may be more agreeable to you then I I have heard say replied Celadon that the gods do use to punish the sinns of the Fathers upon their Children but this is not the use amongst men unlesse your beauty which is divine will assume the same priviledges with the gods and if you do then like them you must give pardon when it is asked how now shepheard said Corilas what Do you begin your combate with crying mercy In such a combate as this answered he to be vanquished is a kind of victory and for my part I am most willing to be so provided she will be pleased to take the spoile I think they had continued their discourse longer had the Brawle longer lasted but at last we parted and every one returned to his place Not long after the shepheards used severall exercises as wrastling running leaping and throwing the barre and a Garland to be given unto him who got the better in the severall activities Celadon as being too young was admitted only unto that of running and did win the Garland composed of divers flowers which was put upon his head by all the assembly with high commendations that being so young as he was he should overcome so many other nimble shepheards He not valuing himself did take it from his head and put it upon mine saying This fair one is in confirmation of what I said before I was so surprised at this that I could not return any answer had it not been for Artemis your Mother Phillis I had given it unto him again not but that coming from his hand it was very acceptable unto me but it was because I feared Alces and Hippolyta would be angry with me But Artemis who desired rather to extinguish then enflame these old grudges did command me to receive it and thank him Which accordingly I did but in such a hollow manner as made every one think I did it only upon my Aunts command All that day was thus spent and the next day also in both which the young shepheard lost no opportunities of manifesting his affection And it was the custome upon the third day in the honour of Venus to represent the judgement which Paris gave of the three goddesses Celadon resolved to put himself amongst the Maides in the habit of a shepherdesse You know that upon the third day after the banquett he Grand Druide has a custome to throw a Golden Apple amongst the Maides upon which are written the names of the three shepheardesses which seem unto him to be the fairest of all the company with this Motto Let this be given to the fairest of the three Afterwards the person that by lot was to represent Paris does enter into the Temple of Venus with the three shepheardesses where the dores being shut judgement is given upon the beauty of these three seeing them all naked except for a linnen
last since his time of stay was but short he thus said unto me My Astrea for so he phrased me alwaies in private I shall leave with you my Brother Lycidas from whom I will never conceale any of my thoughts he knowes how I have vowed my selfe unto your service I beseech you promise me if it be your pleasure I should depart with any joy that you will receive as from me all the services which he shall do you and by his presence renew the memorie of absent Celadon And truly he had good reason to make this request unto me For Lycidas during his absence was so diligent to observe his Brothers commands that many thought that he succeeded his Brother in the affection which he bore unto me this was the reason why Alcippes after he had kept him three yeares out of this Country did call him home in a confidence that so long a time had worne away that light impression of Love which had a little entred into his green heart and that he being now grown more wise would weane Lycidas also from my affection But his returne was an extreame assurance of his fidelitie absence could not extinguish the ardency ot his Love no nor all the so much admired Romane beauties could ever startle him He intreated me by his Brother that I would give him leave to come unto me Oh Heavens how gladly did he come when I gave him licence I think I have his Letters about me for alas I have kept them better then him then pulling a little bundle out of her pocket like unto that which Celadon used to carry or in imitation of him and in which she very charily preserved those which came from him she took the first for she kept them in order as they came unto her then after she had wiped away her pearly teares she read these words Celadons Letter unto Astrea Fair Astrea MY patience hath vanquished my exile and heavens grant also that it may vanquish all hinderances of our happinesse I departed with so much sorrow and returne with so much joy That not dying neither in going nor coming it manifests that one cannot dy with too much delight nor of too much sadnesse Permitt me I beseech you to wait upon you that I may relate my fortunes unto her who is my only happinesse Fair Diana it is impossible to remember all the discourse we then had unlesse I should open those wounds again which are more dolorous to me then death During Celadons absence Artemis my Aunt and Mother of Phillis did come upon a visit unto us and brought with her this Fair shepherdesse Phillis And because our manner of living seemed more pleasant unto her then the shepherds of Allier she was pleased to stay with us which beleeve it was no small contentment unto me for her humours were very pleasing unto me and I have passed over many tedious hours with her When Celadon returned his judgment was so good and he liked her so well as I may truly say he was the cause of the great League which ever since hath been twixt her and me At this time he arrived at the age of seaventeen or eighteen and I at fifteen or sixteen and began to manage matters with more prudence so as to disguise our loves I did intreat him or rather indeed constraine him to be very familiar with all shepheardesses which could pretend unto any shadow of Beauty to the end his applications unto me might be taken rather as common then particular I say I constreyned him unto it for he did severall times upon his knees begge for a revocation of this command and alas he had good reason so to do for he did too well foresee that from hence would proceed the cause of his death Excuse me wise Diana if a few due teares interrupt my discourse since I have so much sad cause for them as it were impiety to stop them Then after she had dryed her eyes she began her discourse again And because that Phillis was most commonly with me it was unto her that he first made his addresses unto according to my command I could scarsly forbear my smiles especially when Phillis beleeved him to be in good earnest and treated him as it is the custome to treat such as begin the like addresses I remember that when he was once very sharply treated he sang this Song which he composed upon this subject A Song CLose by a River cleare whose bankes were clad With Mossie cussions and a channell had Which like a Serpent wreathed and did glide A long a lovely plaine with swelling pride Did sit a Shepheard chanting it in verse And with his Pipe did these sad Lines rehearse Cease Fair one Cease cease once your cruelty Let me enjoy one day before I die The torments I endure for loving you Are greater farr then is for hatred due If gods be good and infinitly kind Then Love and Hate a difference will find Is 't possible a pure and perfect Love Should never never any pitty move Are animals insensible as stones Which never moved are with sighes and groanes Those amorous glances of your winning eyes Have oft encourag'd up my hopes to rise And since they swell with promises so fair If they do violate they perjured are Oft have they told me that your stony heart Would melt and from severitie depart Each charming part of your fair face did say In their false Language they would ne're betray But how Does shepheardesses eyes out vie The glistering Court in all its falsitie Can they who live and only haunt the fields Use any art but what plaine nature yeilds Has rurall beauties found a subtile art Though not their faces yet to paint the heart Are these the Doctrines that your Schoole affords Only to flatter and to give good words No no my Fair one these are fallacies And far unsutable with your fair eyes Learne to be kind and banish cruelty This cometh neerest to a Dietie Beauty that bringes not sweetnesse with it might Be likned to an eye that wanteth sight To her that has no Love and yet is fair A Corps without a Soul I will compare I do very well remember said Phillis and interrupted her how his addresses unto me made you laugh for commonly his discourse was only a few fragments of words so disordered as they could hardly hold sense And commonly when he would name me his thoughts so run upon you that he would call me Astrea But see the variety of severall inclinations I know very well that Celadon had some advantages of nature above Lycidas yet I thought though I knew no reason for it Lycidas to be much more agreeable unto my fancy Sister said Astrea to her you bring into my memorle a discourse which once he had concerning you and this fair shepheardesse said she and turned towards Diana Fair shepherdesse said he to me the wise Belinda and Artemis your Aunt are infinitly happy in two Daughters
and our Lignon is much obliged unto them since by their meanes it has the honour to have these two fair ones upon their bankes And if I have any judgement they only do merit the amitie of Astrea and therefore I do advise you to love them for by that short acquaintance I have had with them I do foresee you will receive much satisfaction in their familiarity I wish that one of them would daigne to look upon my Brother Lycidas with as much affection as I do And then fair Diana having but little acquaintance with you I answered him that my desire was he should rather become a servant unto Phillis and it hapned as I did wish for ordinarie discourse between them first begot a familiaritie and at last a Love in good earnest between them One day finding fit opportunitie for it he resolved to declare his affection to her and to couch the most Love in the fewest words he was able Fair one said he to her I hope you know your selfe so well as to beleeve that those who love you must needs love you infinitly It must be my actions only which must make my affection known unto you and at the first begge no more then an admittance into your favour Celadon and I were so neer as we could hear this declaration and also the answer which Phillis returned and which indeed was more sharp then I expected from her For she and I did long before know by the eyes and actions of Lycidas that he loved her and she did not dislike of it that at this time she answered him with so much sharpnesse that Lycidas was almost desperate and Celadon who loved his Brother very much being extreamly angry he should receive such a baffle he was halfe angry with me at which I could not chuse but laugh and at last tell him Never be so angry Celadon at this harsh answer which Lycidas hath received Phillis could do no lesse shepheards of these times do too much glorie in the easinesse of their Mistrisses but to the end you may see that I do very well know the humour of Phillis I will undertake to bring Lycidas into favour with her provided he will but practise a little patience and continue on his addresses I must confesse when first I spake unto her she was so shie as I knew not what to think but still hoped and resolved to win her with time But Lycidas he was out of all patience and resolved to give her over and Love her no longer upon which occasion he writ these verses Upon a resolution not to Love WHen I beheld those glorious eyes Triumphant in their Victories I did submit unto their darts As to the only Queen of hearts So lovely did they look and kinde As if no rigour I should finde But when it plainly does appear That cruelty it selfe is there 'T is time to shrink and fall away Rather than Tyranny obey For ever which will only prove Pusillanimitie not Love 'T is true her lustre has such arts As conquer can all human hearts But when resistance cannot doe Then flie and 't is discretion too 'T is better far to make retreat Then stay and have a sure defeat Lycidas had lost all hopes of ever obtaining and therefore as Phillis and I were walking according to our custom by the River side we found him writing with his Sheep-hook these ensuing verses upon a bed of Sand which when he was gone a little further for he saw us not we read The verses were these Upon no hopes of ever being Loved CAn it be thought the wanton winde will stay And whistle ever where it does to day Will any think these Letters in loose sand Can last and to eternity will stand If so then there is hopes my Love may finde Some sure foundation in her fleeting minde Away away with these fond hopes and think That sand and winde and she and all will shrink Afterwards we heard him break out into these dolefull expressions lifting up his eyes to Heaven O ye gods said he if you are angry with me because I do with more devotion adore the work of your hands then I do you I hope you will pardon that error which you your selves have caused Had it been contrary to your will that Phillis should be adored surely you would have made her with fewer perfections or else infused lesse knowledge of them into me Would it not be prophanation to offer lesse affection unto a Divinitie of such superlative excellencies as she is adorned with I believe this Shepheard continued in such discourses but I could not hear them for Phillis forcing me by the arme I went with her And when we were gone a little further I said unto her Stony-hearted Phillis why have you no more pitty upon this Shepheard that is ready to die for you Sister answered she the Shepheards of this Country are so full of dissimulation that their hearts do commonly denie what their tongues do promise And if you do well observe this Shepheard here you will finde him all Artifice and as for those expressions which now we have heard I do believe that when he espied us coming he set himself in the way purposely that we might hear his dissembling complaints otherwise had they not been better spoken unto us then to the aire and senslesse woods Sister said I you have forbidden him any addresses to you Even this answered she is a great argument of his little love to me Is any command of power enough to stop the current of a violent affection Believe it Sister Love that can bend is never strong Do you think I should have loved him lesse if he had disobeyed me But Sister said I unto her he has obeyed you and will you be angry with him for that It 's true Sister replied she he has obeyed me but let me tell you that I hold this obedience for very great disobedience and leaving off his adresses to me argues his passion very indifferent If I had not interrupted her I believe she would have continued her discourse much longer but because I much desired that Lycidas might finde better entertainment for Celadon's sake I told her that this kinde of discourse did become her towards Lycidas but not towards me Towards Lycidas it was allowable by way of tryall and I commended it but towards me it argued too much distrust to conceal any secret of her soul As for my part I would open all my heart unto her and therefore told her that since it was impossible but she must love some or other she could not make a better choice then of Lycidas since she might already gather most certain symptomes of his affection To which she answered that she never did nor would dissemble or conceal any of her thoughts from me but should be extreamly sorry I should have any such opinion of her And since I would have her entertain Lycidas she would obey me And hereupon Celadon
offends me in matter of affection and believe me Phillis you have done Lycidas more injury than he hath done you Then said Phillis and laughed heretofore I said that it was love that prompted me unto this act but hereafter I will say it was revenge and to such as are the most curious I will say it was for such a reason as I learned of you They will judge added Diana that heretofore you did love and now that you know what it is to love However answered Phillis if it be a fault it proceeds from ignorance and not from any defect in Love for I think my selfe obliged unto it but you that have been so long mute I pray tell us how I assisted to bring this child into the world Then Astrea replied thus Assoon as this Shepheardesse declared her selfe Lycidas did very confidently accept of her offer and sent a young Shepheard unto Moin to bring a Midwife from thence with her eyes blinded that she might not know whither she went Diana then as being astonished did put her finger to her mouth and said Shepheardesse this is not such a secret as you imagine for I remember I have heard of it I beseech you said Phillis tell us how you heard it that we may see how reports do jump I cannot tell added Diana whether or no I do well remember it the poor Philander was the relator and assured me that he had it from Lucina a Midwife One day as she was walking in the Park betwixt mount Brison and Moin with severall of her companions a young man came unto her whom she knew not and at first brought some commendations to her from some of her friends who were at Feurs and afterwards told her some particulars purposely to draw her from the rest of her company and when he had her alone he told her that a better occasion brought him thither and it was that for all pitties sake she would go and help an honest woman who without her aid was in very great danger The good woman was a little surprised at this but the young man conjured her to conceale her wonder for he would rather chuse a death then this businesse should ever be suspected Lucina being now a little better assured and promising she would be secret she asked him the time when she should be ready Prepare your selfe said the young man for a voyage of two months and to the end you may be no loser by the bargain here is as much mony as you can get any where else in that time Then he gave her some pieces of gold in a paper and asked her if she would go in the night And the woman finding her wages to be very good did answer him that she would go at what time he pleased About fifteen or sixteen daies after as she was comming out of Moin about five or six of the clock in the evening she saw him return with his face quite altered and coming to her he said Mother the time is come we must depart the horses are ready and necessitie requires haste She would have gone into her house to have taken order about some businesse but he would not let her lest she should tell any So going into a little private bottom close by the way side she saw two horses and a handsome man in black cloths who kept them Assoon as this man saw Lucina he came to meet her with a smiling face and after many thanks he set her on horseback behinde him who fetched her then getting upon another horse they set forward through the fields a good pace and when they were got a little off the Towne and night grew dark this young man pulled a handkercher out of his pocket and do what Lucina could he blindfolded her Then afterwards turning the horse halfe a score times round to the end she should not know which way they took they travelled a good part of the night she not knowing which way they carried her unlesse as she thought over a River two or three times then causing her to alight she walked a while on foot and as she could guesse through a Wood where she got a glimpse of light through the handkerchieffe which presently after they untied and then she found her selfe in a very fine Tent hung with Tapestry and made so close as no winde could come in on the one side she saw a handsome young woman lying in a little field bed groaning and crying out very loud but masked at the beds feet she saw another woman masked also who by her habit seemed to be well in years and held up her hands with tears in her eyes on the other side she saw a young Chamber maid masked holding a candle in her hand At this Tent dore stood the man who held the horses grieving much for the pain this woman was in and the other man behind whom she rid did fetch all things that was necessary You may easily imagine how much Lucina was amazed at all this for it is to be thought that this young woman thus in pain was in Labour and it was not long before she was delivered of a Daughter so as she being well brought to bed and the Child put into a Cradle Lucina's eyes were again blinded and after a full reward for her pains she was carried the same way she came And all this I received from Philander Astrea and Phillis harkened unto this tale very attentively and Phillis could not chuse but laugh which Diana seeing asked her the reason It is said she because you have told us a story which we are altogether ignorant of and for my part I cannot imagine who this should be for it cannot be Olympia but must of necessitie be some other Shepheardesse Truly answered Diana then I was mistaken I took that handsom man who held the horses for Lycidas that old woman for the Mother of Celadon and the Chamber-maid for you and imagined that you were all masked because you would passe unknown I assure you said Astrea it was not Olympia for Phillis used no other artifice but only to get Lucina unto her house for as fortune was Artemis was then from home And because Olympia was with Amarillis she was to faigne her selfe sick which as the case was with her she might easily do and desire some change of aire so she was to come unto Phillis who would be glad of her company Amarillis yielded to the desire and so Phillis came to fetch here And when her time drew neer Lycidas got the Midwife and blinded her eyes that she might be ignorant which way she went but when she was come to the house her eyes was then at liberty nor was Olympia or any masked imagining that the Midwife could not know any of their faces This was all the artifice that was used and when Olympia was well again she returned home Also we have been told since that she used a very fine device for the bringing up of
unto others and that the familiarity which was between them was only the consequent of a long acquaintance but as for any matters of love and addresses of that nature that they were altogether indifferent unto me Then this subtile man answered me thus I thank the gods that your humour is such and since it is so you will take some delight in hearing some of those passionate expressions which he bestowed upon his deare Aminthea I must confesse wise Diana when I heard Aminthea called his I changed colour and because he offered to relate their discourse I seemed willing to heare more of the infidelity of Celadon though alas more faithfull then I was well advised So I accepted of his offer and indeed he made good his promises For a little after he came running unto me and told me he had left them together not farre off and that Celadon's head did lie in Amintheas lap and she holding his head relating these particulars purposely to nettle me the more Then I followed him though I neither knew which way I went nor what I did until we came very neere though they neither heard nor saw us I have since thought that it was because they cared not who either saw or heard them but so it was that I heard Celadon answer her Beleeve me fair shepheardesse never did beautie make a deeper impression in any soul then it hath in mine but Celadon answered Aminthea It is not possible a heart so young as yours should long retaine that impression which love hath made in it Incredulous shepheardesse replyed my Celadon let us leave off these reasons do not measure me by the yard or weights of another but bless me with your favour and you shall see whether or no my young heart can preserve them as long as it lives Celadon Celadon replyed Aminthea you would be but deservedly punished if your dissimulations should become truthes and if heaven in my revenge should make you love Aminthea in earnest whom now I know you do but jeast with Hitherto all was well enough but Oh heavens what a strange answer of dissimulation did he returne Fair shepheardesse answered he if I do mock or jeast with you may Love turne all my mockery upon my self if I have merited it that he would punish me with your menaces Aminthea not being able to reach the intention of his discourse did answer him only with a sigh and in such a manner as I in my language did interpret that she would not have rejected him if she could have credited his language But that which most perplexed me was that after Celadon had been a while silent he fetched a deep sigh which presently she answered with another and when he did rise up to speak unto her she covered her eyes with her hand blusht as being ashamed that this sigh had escaped her and after a little pausing silence Aminthea said thus unto him Come Celadon are you so soone weary of my company I rather feare said he that I shall weary her whom I extreamly desire to please and therefore since you command it I will stay I dare not use commands replied the Shepheardesse where intreaties perhaps will be too indiscreet Use what termes you please replied the Shepheard but I am much your servant So he set himselfe down and began thus A Madrigall Upon a resemblance 'twixt his Lady and him WEll may one say that our two hearts Are like a Rock that never starts A Rock in Constancy isimine A Rock insensible is thine Fair Diana I was not able to stay any longer in this place but stealing gently away I returned to my flock so sad as all that day I could not utter one word and passed away the night with a thousand sad conceits and cryed as long as I had any tears I do admire I should be so blinded for had I retained the least spark of judgment I should have remembered that it was my command he should faigne love But the next morning when he came unto me I gave him such harsh entertainment as made him desperate and caused him to throw himselfe into that gulph where he and all my joyes were drowned together At this word she looked as pale as death and had not Phillis revived her taking her into her armes she had swouned The noise which they made at Astrea's swouning was so great that Leonida waked and hearing some talk so neer her her curiosity invited her to know who they were And because these three Shepheardesses were risen up to go away all she could do was to wake Silvia to shew them unto her Assoon as she saw them she knew Astrea though the disaster of Celadon had much altered her Leonida asked her who were the other two The one of them said she who is on the left hand is Phillis her deer companion and the other is Diana daughter to the sage Relinda and Celion I am very sorry we have slept so long for I am confident we should have received some newes from them for it is likely they came into this place so far from company purposely to talk with more freedome I must ingenuously confesse said Leonida that I never in all my life saw any fairer then Astrea she has the advantage of all others Consider then said Silvia what hopes Galathea has to divert the affection of this Shepheard from her This consideration did touch Leonida so to the quick that she did resent it more for her own cause than Galathea's However Love which never leaves a Lover without some sweet hopes would not treat this Nymph worse then others and therefore though with small probability yet she promised her selfe thus much hope that perhaps absence from Astrea together with her own kindnesse mightwork an alteration in him Then after some other such discourse these two Nymphs parted Leonida towards Feurs and Silvia towards Isoures whilst the three Shepheardesses retired to their Cabins No sooner had they set foot in the great meadow where of late they used to meet but they espied Lycidas talking with Silvander yet assoon as ever this Shepheard saw Astrea he grew so pale and altered that least Silvander should take notice of it he broke from him with a hollow excuse but striving to avoid meeting with them Phillis with Diana crossed the way to overtake him and when she came at him she said unto him If you thus flie your friends Lycidas what would you do to your enemies The company you keep so much Phillis answered he does not deserve the title of friend She whom you so much complain of answered Phillis does endure more torment for her offending of you then you your selfe doth There is no way to cure the wound answered the Shepheard but by breaking the weapon which gave it By this time Astrea was come up who addressed her selfe unto Lycidas and said unto him I am so far Lycidas from thinking your hatred of me unjust as I must confesse you cannot hate
indifferent in you both became now particular and Love did furnish his soul with all such passions as usually do accompany it likwise you began to bear him so much good will as to accept of his affection and services above others The first time he ever made any overtures unto you was when Amasis did walk in the gardens of Mount-Brison when he took you by the hand and after a long pause upon a suddain he broke into these expressions Fair Nymph I will no longer dispute with my selfe whether I should or I should not declare the thoughts of my soul unto you for now my soul begins to be angry with me and constraines me to it Here I stopt and said unto her Leonida will you have me repeat the very same words to a syllable that you used in answer to him Beleeve me said Polemas them you run a great hazard to be discovered No no answered Cleanthes and to give a testimonie that I have not lost my memorie I wil repeat unto you the same words But replyed Polemas perhaps I might either forget or mistake them Oh never doubt that said Cleanthes for I beleeve she herself cannot remember her own very words so as having an opinion that I recieved mine from the gods doubtlesse she would have beleeved them the same though you had never been familiar with her But remembring that you served her long and that your services were alwayes well received untill you changed affection and addressed it unto Galathea and upon that reason she took part with Lindamor against you therefore I spoke more confidently of the past passages knowing well that Love wil not let a lover conceal any thing from the party loved but to returne to the purpose she answered me I see you can tell us what you wil but we can believe what we please this she said as being a little nettled in that which perhaps she would have concealed from her companions however I went on True Leonida said I you may beleeve what you please but I am sure tell you nothing but what you know is true you answered Agis as if you did not understand his meaning whatsoever it be Agis said you unto him out with it for dissimulation misbecomes all men especially such as you This advice answered he together which my own passion constraines me to tell your Fair Nymph That the inequality of my merits compared with yours is not able to stop the violence of my affection but if the will of a giver be more to be looked unto then the quality of the gift I dare boldly say that mine is not a despisable sacrifice For the heart which I do give I do give it with all the affections with all the faculties and with all the power of my soul and this so absolutely as hereafter it is not mine I do disavow and renounce it as a thing that does not belong unto me untowhich you answered Agis I shall beleeve these words when time and your services has told as much as your tongue This Leonida was the first declaration of affection which you received from him which afterwards he did prosecute with many addresses and quarrells which he underwent against many when he was jealous It was now the time Leonida when you as you were curling your haire with hot Irons you burned your cheek upon which subject he composed these verses Agis Upon the burning of Leonida's cheeke AS Love was sporting in the fuire And lovely tresses of your haire A sparkle of his fire did seek To kisse the beauty of your cheeke And being full of hot desire He kissed it as hot as fire Judge cruell Nimph by this what pain Poor lovers by Lov 's fire sustaine Since but apittance or a part Of his great fire can cause such smart The scorching Luster of your eyes So full of flaming cruelties Against my heart a hundred sends Whilst only one your cheek offends But had Love bit aright the mark Upon your heart had light the spark Judge cruell Nymph by this what pain Poor Lovers by Loves fire sustain Since but a pittance or a part Of his great flame can case such smart Now Leonida to make it appear that I do know al these things from a Divinitie who never lies and whose eye and eare does look into the very center of all hearts I will tell you one thing which none did ever know but your self and Agis She was now afraid lest I should discover some secret which would anger her and indeed it was my design to make her have that apprehension and therefore with a troubled mind she said thus unto me man of God though I do not fear that you or any other can say any thing which will much prejudice me yet the discovery of secrets is a thing of so tender a concernment as be they touched by never so gentle a hand yet it wil annoy therefore I beseech you let this discourse have an end she uttered these words with so much alteration in her lookes and in such a faint tone as to cheere her up I was forced to say thus you need not think me of so shallow discretion but that I know how to conceale any thing which will offend you and therefore fince you will know no more I know how to be silent also it is time for me to returne to that Divinity who calls me then I did rise up and bad them adieu Then after I had ceremoniously washed my hand in this River upon my knees I said Oh Soveraigne Dietie which resides in this place behold how in this water I wash away and purifie my self from all the prophanitie which the conversation with men might have defiled me withall since I came out of thy holy Temple At this word I washed my hands my head my feet and all parts over so entred into my cabin not speaking a word after unto her and because I did imagine that their curiositie would invite them to come and see what I did I went unto my Altar and kneeling down I let down the plank which had the steel in it and which immediatly fell upon the flint and fired my composition The Nymphs first seeing my looking glasse which cast a very resplendent Luster and after such a flaming combustion upon a sudden they returned home with a great opinion of my sanctitie and reverence towards the Divinitie whom I adored Could matters be better executed then this No certainly answered Polemas for I believe any one that was not acquainted with it might have been deceived as well as the Nymphs Whilst Climanthes talked thus Leonida who heard him was so ravished out of her selfe as she hardly knew whether she was awake or asleep for she found all he related to be very true and yet she could not well believe that it was so But whilst she was thus in dispute with her selfe she heard Climanthes begin again thus Then these Nymphs went away and what reports they made of me
he would say at last he heard him break out thus Why should I be so simple as to love this wethercock in the first place her beauty cannot much move for she has so little as all she has cannot merit the name of Fair moreover there are no other considerations that can help out her merits or retaine any man of parts in her service Again her affection is all that can possibly oblige me and that is of such a mutable temper as if she have any impression of Love in heart I beleeve it is but like unto wax and wax so soft as will easily take any new impression and deface the old at the most if I do love her I must confesse it is meerly because I think she loves me This shepheard had gone on his discourse had not a shepheardesse overtaken him who it seemes followed after him and sitting down by him thus began to say Come Corilas come what new disgust is it that makes you thus pensive ' The shepheard returned as disdaining an answer as he could and never so much as turning his head towards her answered thus I am thinking what a trick of Legerdemaine you have used to get away from them whom even now you loved why Corilas said she can you think I Love any but your self Than you Said the shepheard can you think I beleeve you Love me What then do you beleeve of me said she I beleeve you are a foole said he to love one that hates you You have a very strange opinion of me said she And you said Corilas have strange effects in yourself Oh heavens said the shepheardesse what kind of a man have I met withall I have more reason to say in so meeting with Stella answered he what kind of a woman have I met withall For never was any more incapable of amity then you you I say who delights in nothing more then deceiving those who trust you who imitates Hunters that with abundance of toyle does hunt the game and then gives it as a reward to the dogges There is so litele reason in all you say said she as those have lesse that wil stay to answer you I wish said the shepheard that I had alwaies as much reason in my soul as there is at this time in my words then should I not grieve so much as I do Afterwards both of them being silent a long while at last she began to sing and thus in singing to expresse her self unto him Also he because he would not sit mute without returning answer thus replyed unto her The Dialogue between Stella and Corilas Stell COme shepheard come and tell me why For want of Love thou dost me fly Cor. Because to follow such a light And ayrie spirit is a flight Which must be followed with wings And men do never use such things Stell I do remember well the time When Loving me you thought no crime Cor. Of passed time no talking spend He lives but ill that does not mend Time past is past recovery And so with it my memorie Stell To Love I fear you do not know Only can make a loving show Cor. Why do you lay on me the blame When you are guilty of the same You Love by false opinions voice And not by any prudent choice Stell By heaven I Love you and lament You unto changing thus are bent Cor. Where once my Love becomes a due I am unalterably true And think me not in Love like you Who every day does love a new Stell No no I find thee faint and hollow And can a new affection follow Cor. If any time you pleased me Then did I think you fair to be T' was only thought the troth is this You did no beauty e're possesse Stell Perfidious Lover canst thou find A heart to kill her that is kind Cor. You charge me when your self offends Must he that 's injur'd make the mends But I ne're Lov'd and tak 't from me What never was will never be Stell Nay once you lov'd me but ' its strange That you so cruelly can change Cor. When loving you a crime I find 'T is wisdom sure to change my mind Repentance late is better farre Then never turne when one does erre Stell T is fitter far you did regret Your infidelity so great Cor. What you call infidelity Discretion is and policie And this is all that can be said All Love betwixt us two is dead The shepheardesse seeing he had all his replyes so ready she left off her singing and said thus unto him why Corilas is there no manner of hope in you No said he no more then there is in your fidelity Never think that all your flattery and fair language can make me change my resolution for beleeve it I am most firmly fixed It is meer vanitie to make use of any armes or charmes against me they are all too weak I would advise you Stella to imploy them and your time upon some other who not knowing you will not perhaps sleight you as I do Noveltie is pleasing you know and perhaps you may meet with some whom heaven having a designe to punish may Love you The shepheardesse was in good earnest nettled at this yet turning it into a seeming Jeast she smiled and said Oh Corilas I cannot chuse but laugh at your cholerique humor but ere long I shall see you in a better mood Nay I know replyed the shepheard that it is your humour to laugh at those who love you but I assure you that you may laugh long enough at me before I do Love you Thus these two enemies parted and Adamas knowing by their names of what families they were he had a desire to know more of their businesse and calling Corilas by his name he came unto him and causing him to sit down by him he thus said my Son for so I may call you out of the affection I ever had unto your familie you need not be sorry that you have spoken so freely unto Stella before me I am very glad to see you so discreet but I do desire to know further of your businesse to the end I may give you my faithfull advice As soon as Corilas saw the Druide he remembred that he had often seen him officiating in severall Sacrifices but since he had never spoke to him before he had not the confidence to relate the passages twixt Stella and him that he was ever willing that all the world did know the Justice of his cause and the perfidy of Stella which Adamas perceiving by way of encouragement told him that he was partly acquainted with the businesse already and that to his comfort many did speak in his behalfe I am afraid Father said Corilas that the trifles of our villages will be very tedious unto you No No replyed Adamas a relation of this businesse will much please me and time also will be well imployed by so spending away the heat of the day The History of Stella and Corilas
of them by mediation of friends Amongst the rest a neighbour of theirs called Phormion did so trouble them that to stop all those gaps their friends advised them to make some alliance with him and because neither of them had any children neither having been long married they both swore by Theutates upon the Altar of Belinus that if they had but one Son and one Dauyhter they should Marry together and this promise was confirmed by so many sacred oathes as he who broke them was the most perjured man in the world A little after my Father had a Son who perished when the Goths and Ostrogoths did ravage this Province A little after that I was born but in such an unhappy houre for me that my Father never saw me he dying before I was born Phormion seeing my Father dead and my Brother lost for those barbarians took him away and either killed him or let him starve for want and that my Uncle Diamis was gone away in displeasure at this losse he resolved if he had a Son to accomplish their former promise It happened a little after that his wife was brought to bed but it was of a Daughter and fearing lest he should have no more children by his wife he caused it to be rumored that it was a Son and carried it so cunningly that none knew the contrary And it was the more easie to be don because none believed that he would use any such tricks also the better to colour the matter he caused her to be named Philidas Whom when she was grown to an age of practising such excercises as young shepheards use she was not ill at them Phormions designe was that seeing me without Father Brother and Uncle to make himself Master of my estate by this dissembled marriage and when Philidas and I were growen bigger then to marry me unto one of his Nephews whom he loved very well and truly he was not frustrated in his designe for Belinda was too religious to be wanting in any duty to her husband But yet she seeing me ravished away and gotten into their hands for presently upon this pretended marriage I was seised into Phormions custody she did so dislike this course as not being able to endure it she left the Country and went into the Lake Lemane to be Mistresse of the Vestalls and Druides of Emenes as the aged Cleontine did Prophesie by her Oracle Meane while I was in the hands of Phormion who presently sent for his Nephew ● upon whom he intended to bestow me whose name was Amindor here did begin my griefes For Phormion his Uncle did let him understand that by reason of our nonage the marriage of Philiduss and me was not so assured but that if we two did not well agree he could well enough break it off and that if such a thing should be he had rather she should marry me then any other therefore he advised him to carry it with so much discretion as none should take any notice of it but still to win upon my affection as much as he could to the end I might bestow my self upon him when I was free This young shepheard did so take this designe to heart as he neglected no manner of courtship and complacency towards me At the same time Daphnis a very handsom and discreet shepheardess returned from the confines of Furan where she had lived many yeares and because we were neigbours our conversation made us such friends as I began to be lesse discontented then I was wont for I must confesse that the humour of Philidas was so displeasing unto me as I could hardly endure her also her feares of my growing more knowing made her so jealous of me that I could hardly speak unto any Things being upon these tearms Phormion fel suddenly sick and was so soon stuffed with a cattarh that he could neither speak nor give any order either about his own businesse or mine Philidas at the first was a little troubled but afterwards seeing that she was absolute Mistresse of her self and me also she resolved to keep up this authority considering that the libertie which the name of Man doth carry with it was much more pleasing then the servitude of our sex Nor was she insensible of that wonder which would be over all the Country when she should declare her selfe to be a woman upon these reasons she continued in the same name and notion which she did when her Father was alive and fearing more then ever lest some should discover what she was she kept me so neer her as she was seldom or never without me But Fair shpheardesses since you must know all my young follies I must first begge your excuses and that you will know I had so great an inclination to Love another way but that my heart was so hardned against Philadis and Amindor as love had not armes or arrowes strong and sharpe enough to peirce so much as my skin But alas it was the shepheard Filander who had my heart Filander who having given me some assurance of his love and now not being has carried with him all that was mine surely said Astrea and interrupted her either Filanders affection was very little or else you did carry it with a great deale of prudence for I never so much as heard of it Which is a thing very strang That it was not talked of answered Diana I am more obliged unto your good intentions then our prudence And as for the affection of this shepheard you may judge what it was by my ensuing discourse And the heavens who know our pure and cleere intentions had a mind to favour them The first time I ever saw him was upon that day which we celebrated unto Apollo and Diana when he came into those sports in the company of a Sister so extreamly like him that the eies of all the assembly were upon them And because he was neerely allyed unto my dear friend Daphnis as soone as I saw her I did so imbrace and carresse her as ever since she thought her self obliged to love me Her name was Callirea and was married unto a shepheard called Gerestan upon the confines of Furan whom she had never seen untill the very day she married him which was a reason why there was but a very flender affection between them My complacence to the Sister gave occasion unto the Brother to stand by me as long as the sacrifice lasted and I cannot tell whether to his good or bad fortune but I had that day dressed up my selfe in my best trim conceiving that my very name upon this feast did more particularly oblige me to it then any other And he being a stranger and having no other acquaintance amongst the Shepheards and Shepheardesses than such as his Sister brought him did not leave us all that day So as I conceiving my selfe in some sort obliged to entertain him I did what I could to please him and my labour was not lost for from that time
this poor Shepheard did begin such affection to me as did not end till he died And I am most confident that if the dead have any remembrance of the living he loves me still and in his ashes preserves that pure affection which he vowed unto me Daphnis took notice of this the very same day and at night told me of it but I did so long reject any such thoughts as she was forced to say thus unto me I see Diana you will not believe me but be assured that Filander does extreamly love you This advertisment did so imprint it selfe in my minde as the next day made me observe somthing which induced me to be of her opinion For in the afternoons we were accustomed to assemble under some shady tree and sitting round to sing It chanced that Filander having no acquaintance but Daphnis and me he did sit down between us which Amindor taking notice of did swell with such a pittifull fit of jealousie that he in a fuming chafe left the company and first looking upon me as if it were I that he meant he went away singing this Catch Amindor's Catch against Levitie God in his mercy may do much and save her But he that commeth next is sure to have her Can any be so blinde As think to get her Love Who wavers like the winde Which wantonly doth rove No God in 's mercy may do much and save her But he that cometh next is sure to have her A Weather-cock can move At every blast of winde And she at any love Can turne her fleeting minde So God in 's mercy may do much and save her But he that commeth next is sure to have her One Nail drives out another And he that next does kisse her Will quite drive out the other And make the first to misse her God in thy mercy I beseech thee make her In Love more constant else the Devill take her I had so much power over my selfe as not to seem any thing troubled at this song and Daphnis out of her discreet affection unto me never staying the end of this Catch did interrupt him and begun another song addressing her selfe unto me The Madrigall of Daphnis upon the affection she bore unto Diana SInce fair Diana I do finde you prove The Center unto which all hearts do move Then why not mine why should I not adore Her that of beautles hath the greatest store And since they say the purest Love of all Hath from resemblance its Originall Then our affections needs must be extream Since both our Sexes are the very same Then the better to cover the colour of my cheeks and to make it seem I took no notice of Amindor's invective Catch assoon as Daphnis had done I answered her thus A Madrigall upon the same Subject WHy such a wonder should it seem that I And you though both be women yet should vie Affection Is 't a miracle to see That women well as men should Lovers be But if impossible Oh then be you The Shepheardesse and I the Shepheard true After us every one sung their own fancies and Filander when it came to his turn he did sing these ensuing Verses with an excellent voice Filander upon the begining of his Love THough I foresaw my expectation high And my desires were swell'd with vanity That Love was full of flaming fire and pain And though I lov'd should not be lov'd again Yet still I hoped and at her I aim'd Only because I would be more inflam'd 'T was so decreed by fate and 't was not I That could anticipate my destinie No wonder then that in obedience Unto this dire and fatall Ordinance I should adore her and I hope no crime A heart that 's base so high could never clime But as the fading Marygold doth die And wither only by the world 's fair Eye So I like it did say Oh! glorious Sun Let me be scorched till my daies be done For in that death this pleasure I shall have No fire but thine could burn me to my grave When as the Phoenix by an art so rare And nature both together doth prepare To make her Cradle in her Tombe she saies Unto the fire wherein her corps she laies By dying in thy flame I will assume My glory out of ashes now my Tombe Many more did then expresse their severall conceptions in verse but I have forgotten them But so it was that me thought Filanders words were aimed at me and I cannot well tell whether it was the hint which Daphnis had given me or the language of his eyes which spoke much more plain then his tongue I cannot tell but either the one or both made me apply this song to my selfe and as these verses did give me a little light of it so his discretion did a little after much more plainly testifie it unto me For it is the principall effect of a true affection to carry it discreetly and never to let it be known but by those effects which cannot be hid This young Shepheard knew of Amindor's humour and love had taught him so much curiosity as to finde out that his jealousy was no lesse than that of Philidas and therefore he conceived that the best way to blinde both their eyes was to court their friendship and Love had made him so subtle and prudent that in the carriage of the matter he did not only deceive Amindor's but almost all eyes else for he would never come where we were but suffered us alwaies to come unto him 'T is true that crafty Daphnis did presently finde it out for said she Amindor is not a man of such agreeable parts as to attract unto him such a well accomplished Shepheard as Filander but there must needs be some farther reach in all Filanders addresses to him she indeed did prompt me to take the first notice of it and I must confesse that his discretion did so please me that if I would suffer any to love me it should be him but the time was not yet come that I could be wounded this way although his actions and carriage did please me and though I did in some fore approve of his designe When we at any time took our leaves of him he would alwaies wait upon us a long way and at parting I never heard such expressions of friendship as he used to Amindor nor such offers of service as he tendred unto Philidas Then would slie Daphnis whisper me in the ear and say All these expressions are meant unto you and you do him wrong if you do not answer him And when he thanked Amindor for any favour she would say Oh what a fool is he to think that these offerings are intended to his Altar And he so well knew how to dissemble that he serued himselfe into the very heart of Amindor And Philidas was so tickled with his high commendations of her as she would often send to desire him he would come see her Heavens knowes how oft he had
into your hand so as you must either become my friend or else I must die Know therefore Daphnis that here you see before you Filander in the habit of his Sister and that love in me and compassion in her hath caused us thus to disguise our selves Afterward he related unto her his extream affection his compliance with Amindor and Philidas the invention of Callirea her resolution to go unto her Husband in a mans habit and in short all the passages with all possible demonstrations of love So as though Daphnis did wonder at the bold attempt of him and his Sister yet she saw the grandure of his affection which might well lead him unto such follies Yet had she been of their counsell at the first she would not have advised unto this enterprize but seeing things did hit so happily she resolved to aid him all that possibly she could and to spare no pains nor care to effect his desires After which promises with many assurances of amitie she gave him the best advice she could which was to insinuate himselfe by degrees into my affection For said she the very word of Love does more offend a woman than the thing it selfe doth and it is alwaies very welcome unto any so the name of it be hid Therefore I think them to be well advised who do make themselves loved of their Mistresses before ever they speak of Love for Love is a thing displeasing only in the name though in it selfe it be agreeable unto all And therefore that you may finde a more favourable reception from Diana you must not so much as name Love no nor to let her see it but must carry the matter so discreetly that she may first love you as soon as ever she shall know that you love her for she being once embarqued she cannot afterwards retire to the Port although she should see a storm in coming Me thinks hitherto you have carried it with very much prudence but you must still continue it The seeming to be in love with her although you seem a woman is to very good purpose for certainly any Love that is once suffered will in the end produce a reciprocall return We see that we do many things with much facility which would seem full of difficulty if the custome of doing them did not render them easie unto us Meats unaccustomed are often at the first disgusted which afterwards are pleasant by use An ear that is accustomed to Musick will tune the voice higher or lower unto a right harmonious cadency when one that is not used to the Art will make a jar So a Shepheardesse who often heares the well tun'd talk of a Lover will in time make her soul ply unto the harmoy of it and in time will incline insensibly to the resentments of Love my meaning is she will love the company of that person and by little and little begin to pitty his pain and at last before she be aware will love him Judge Filander by these instructions whether or no I love you and have pitty of you since I do discover unto you the secrets of our School and receive this advice as an earnest of what I desire to do for you With such discourse as this the day beginning to draw on they returned into the house laughing at the love of Amindor who took him for a woman And falling asleep again to recompense the last nights losse they did lie in bed long in the morning which gave the young Amindor an opportunity of surprising them and had not I entred at the same time into the chamber I believe the jugling had been discovered for he going to the supposed Callirea's bed-side his love began to be a little too licentious and his rash indiscreet hands had like to have gon too far but Daphnis desired me to take him off to part them which I did with no small contentment to Filander who by way of thanks kissed my hand so affectionately as if I had any sense in me I might have known him to be really in love Afterwards bidding them good morrow I carryed Amindor away with me that they might have time to dresse themselves And because they intended to put their proposed designe into execution presently after dinner when we all according to our custome assembled under a shade of trees to enjoy the cool air although Amindor was there yet Daphnis conceived the opportunity to be good for to hear such discourse in his presence ● would remove all manner of suspition and he would not think it strange if afterwards he should by chance hear Filander speak like a man unto me Daphnis then beckening unto Filander to the end he should second her in the designe she thus said unto him What is it Callirea that makes you so mute in Diana's company The reason is answered he because I am thinking what wishes I should make that might make me more servicable unto my Mistresse and amongst the rest I had one which I think I ought not to desire What is it said Amindor It is said Filander that I were a man that I might render more acceptable service unto the fair Diana Why said Daphnis are you in love with her Yes answered Filander and infinitely more then I am with all the world besides I should sooner wish said Amindor that you were a woman again both for my sake and for Philidas It is not the consideration of either of them said Filander shall make me change my wish Why said Daphnis do you think that Diana would love you better I should hope so said Filander and the Lawes of Nature would oblige her to it unlesse as in her beauty she transcends her power so she should in her humour disdain her ordinances You may think what you please of me said I unto him but if you will believe me there is not a man upon earth that I do love more then you Also replyed he there is none that breathes which is more devoted to your service then I But fair Diana that happinesse you mention will last no longer then untill you shall discover the poornesse of my merit or untill some better object present it selfe Do you think me replied I of such a wavering temper It is not Fairest that I think you guilty of the sin of inconstancy replied he but it is because I am conscious that the fault is in my selfe The fault is more on my side answered I And upon this word I did embrace him and kisse him with as much sincere affection as if he had been my sister Hereupon Daphnis smiled in her selfe to see me so deceived But Amindor jealous as I think of us both did interrupt us I think said he that all this is in good earnest and that Callirea does not dissemble I dissemble said he Heaven punish me more then ever perjury was punished if ever any love was more passionate or sincere than mine to Diana If you were a man said Daphnis
do you think you could expresse your passion in the language of a man Though I must confesse said he that my wit and eloquence is but very shallow yet I beleeve I should not stand mute upon such an occasion for my extream affection would prompt me supply all other defects I beseech you fair one ' said Amindor let us see how you could behave your selfe upon such an occasion If my Mistris will give me leave said Filander I will but yet upon condition that she will grant me three requests The first is that she will answer unto what I shall ask her The second that she will not think what I shall present unto her under another person then Callirea to be fained but take them as most reall and true though impuissant passions And the last is that she will never permit any but my selfe to serve her in this kind I seeing every one delighted with the motion and also really loving Filander under the notion of his Sister did answer him that for his second and last request they were granted as soon as desired but as for the first I was so unaccustomed to answer all questions as I was sure they would be but unpleasing Yet because I would not be refractory in any thing I said that I would acquit my selfe as well as I could Upon this word he took me by the hand and began thus I could never have beleeved Fair Mistris considering the transcendency of your perfections that any mortall durst have loved you had I not experimentally found in my selfe that it is impossible to look upon you and not Love But knowing the heavens to be more Just than to impose impossibilities upon any I tooke it for granted that they would have you loved because they suffered you to be seen In this beleefe I assumed the boldnesse to look upon you which I had no sooner done but my heart immediatly submitted The Law permits one to goe and dispose of their own take it not ill Fair shepheardesse that I give you my heart which if you refuse I shall for ever disavow it to be mine Here he stopped to see if I would answer him but in such a manner that had not his habit disguised him I could not have doubted but that he was in good earnest And because I would be as good as my promise I answered him thus Shepheardesse were all these high applauds which you bestow upon me true perhaps then I should think they proceeded from your affection to me but knowing them to be meer flatteries I must needs think the rest no better then dissimulation This Fair one said he does too much disparage your judgement for it is impossible to make any doubt of your perfections and merit but I rather think that perhaps you are used with such excuses to deny such things as you are not pleased to grant But I am able and with all truth to swear by Teutates and all that 's holy and you may know I am not forsworne that you did never in all your life refuse any thing that was given you with a more sincere and perect good will I do know very well answered I that the shepheards of this Country are accustomed to such language as has little truth in it nor do they think that the gods will punish all the perfidious oathes of seeming lovers Whether or no it be the peculiar vice of your shepheards said he I referre it unto your knowledge But for my selfe who am not of this country I am not guilty either of their shame or crime but will out of your most cruell words draw some satisfaction to my selfe If the gods do punish the oaths of perfidious lovers and if I be guiltiy then the gods will send the punishment of perjurie upon me and if they do not then you must be forced to confesse that since I am not punished I am no lyer And if I be no lyer then you must confesse I am your lover So let your wit turne it which way you will it cannot be denyed but that you are the fairest upon earth or else there is none in it and that your beauty is infinitly adored by that shepheard who presents himselfe before you and who implores your favour which he thinks he may merit if a most perfect love could ever do it Whether I am fair or no replyed I I will be judged by any indifferent eyes but how ever you cannot deny that you do dissemble and are perjured and I must tell you Callirea that these expressions which you have used as a man shall make me resolve never to credit any words since you being a woman do know how so wel to dissemble Why Diana do you interrupt the discourse of your Servant said he and smiled do you wonder that Callirea should expresse so much affection to you No no it is absolutly impossible to diminish or increase for it is most violent shall be eternall I will in spite of opposition love you Love you to my grave and in my grave also if it be possible as Tirisias being a woman became a man why may I not hope that the gods may as well change me Beleeve it Fair Diana that since the gods never made any thing in vaine it is not likely they should inspire me with a most perfect affection to no purpose Daphnis seeing this discourse went a little too farr and was daingerous because this Lovers passion had a little transported him and might discover him unto Amindor she did interrupt him and said Doubtlesse Callirea your love is not in vain since it is imployed to serve this shepheardesse no more then a candle consumes it selfe in vaine which gives light unto all about it For all the world adores her as well as you and you do most excellently imploy your time if it be in her service Come come said Amindor let us leave this discourse see where Philidas comes who though he be a man yet he will take no delight in it Then Philidas came and every one rose to salute him But Ami●dor who was pittifully in love with the disguised Callirea when his cosin came tooke an opportunitie to draw her aside Then taking her by the arme and seeing none within hearing began to say thus unto her Is it possible fair Callirea that the language wherein you expressed your selfe unto Diana should proceed from your heart Or did you use them only to shew the acutenesse of your wit Beleeve me Amindor answered Filander I am no lyer and the expression of my affection to her was the very thoughts of my heart and if there be any want of truth in it it was only want of words to expresse my resentments Unto which with a deep sigh he answered thus Since it is so fair Callire● and that you are sensible of the same wounds I cannot but thinke you can be also very sensible of that affection which others bear unto you And therefore I shall use
was none of those deluders that use to disemble their in perfections since he did put them into a Ballet The reason is answered Silvander because he does not think it any vice but glories in it Assoon as they were come and all saluting complements performed Silvander remembred the Nymphs question concerning these Shepheards and therefore he addressed himselfe unto Tircis for so was the mourning Shepheard called and said thus unto him Tircis if it be not troublesome to you I beseech you tell us what inducements brought you into this Country of Forrests and who it is which stayes you here Tircis then kneeling down upon the ground and holding up his hands and eyes towards heaven he thus said Oh infinite goodnesse who by thy wise providence does govern the whole Universe be thou for ever praised for what thou hast been pleased to take from me Then rising up and admiring the Nymph and the rest of the company he addressed himselfe by way of answer unto Silvander Worthy Shepheard said he unto him you asked me what it was which brought and retained me in this Country and I must answer you that it is your selfe it is you only that I have so long looked for Me said Silvander how can that possibly be since I do not know you That 's partly the reason said Tircis why I have looked for you Since it is so said Silvander and since you have been long amongst us why would you never speak unto me Because answered Tircis I had no acquaintance with you but to give you a fuller satisfaction when you are all set down because the discourse will be long I will if you please give you a full relation Mistr●sse said Silvander is it your pleasure to sit down under these shady trees You ought to addresse your self with that question unto Leonida said Diana I do know very well fairest Mistresse said he that civility commands it so but love does enforce me unto you Then Leonida taking Diana by her hand and Astrea in the other she did sit down betwixt them telling Silvander that he was in the right because that love which hath any consideration of respect above it selfe is not right love And after all the rest of the Shepheardesses and Shepheards were set round Tircis turned towards the Shepheardesse which came with him and said unto her Now Laonice is the happy and so much desired time which we have with so much impatience expected ever since we came into this Country It rests only upon you to do according to the Oracle Then the Shepheardesse without any reply unto him addressed her selfe unto Silvander in this manner The History of Tircis and Laonice I Have heard say and I think truly that of all amities there is none more affectionate than that which begins in Infancy because that custome which is taken in that age does by degrees become a nature which growing up with years growes solid and unalterable This Prologue generous Shepheard must plead for an excuse since I am forced to tell you that I do love Tircis I sucked in this affection almost with my milk and my soul being ever since nourished with this food did receive as its own the accidents of this passion Neighbours we alwaies were the amity of our Parents the equalitie of our ages and the sweet disposition in Tircis his younger years were so many sweet allurements to make me his But cursed Fate would have it so that almost at the same time Cleon was born and perhaps with more graces than I but certainly with much better fortune for as soon as she began to open her eyes the heart of Tircis was inflamed by them for h● began to love her in the Cradle About that time I was some six years of age he ten But see how the heaven disposed of us against our wills assoon as ever I saw him I loved him and assoon as ever he saw Cleon he loved her And though these were yet but green affections such as the age was capable of yet were they not so small but they knew how to make a difference amongst us Afterwards growing up with time they came to such a height that I believe never any exceeded them In the Infancy of my Love you may think I took no great notice of his actions but being grown unto a more observing age I found such coldnesse of good-will towards me tha● I resolved to divert my self some other way A resolution which many malecon●ented persons may fancy but never any true Lover could execute as afterwards I found by a long and sad experience However my offended spirit had power enough to make me dissemble and if I could not by any means attract him then to try at the least if I could take my leave of him My greatest wonder was that I could never finde that Tircis affected any other Shepheardesse and as for Cleon she raised no suspition by reason of her youth since then not above nine yeares old but when she was grown and could be sensible of Loves Arrowes she could so withdraw her selfe from him as any would think such a separation were enough to heal up all wounds But Love more subtle then she did stil so wound her heart with the merits affection and services of Tircis that she had no other remedy to run unto but dissimulation not that she hoped thereby to avoid the blowes of Love but only to hide them so as neither her enemy nor any other should see them This disguise was armes indifferent as long as her skin was only a little scratched but when the wound was great then no way but to throw them away and acknowledge her selfe vanquished Thus was Tircis happy in the love of his Cleon and enjoyed all the pleasant fruites of it though at the beginning he hardly knew what his disease was as appeared by some Verses which he composed at that time A Sonnet WHat new distempers does disturb my soul My heart and all my faculties controul Feavers have intervalls and sometimes burnes And sometimes cold and have their fits by turnes But min's an ague of that strange condition As never meets with any intermission Cleon so fair so full of flaming fire Has kindled in my soul such hot desire As cannot die nor live in any rest My heart my mind and all is so possest With her who though the Author of my pain I think a pleasure of the highest strain 'T is strange that pain and pleasure should subsist And harbour'd be within the selfe-same breast But this is true this my distemper is To scorch in pain and yet to think it blisse You cannot under stand it 't is above The reach of any that is not in Love Assoon as ever Tircis found out the good-will of his happy Cleon he received it with so much contentment as his heart was not able to contain his joyes but his eyes also did share in the happinesse and were so much altered from what they were
as they could not chuse but send forth signes of their too much joy Cleon's discretion was such that she conferred no more favours upon Tircis in the eye of the world than ordinary but being jealous of her honour she desired him to counterfeit a love unto me to the end all eyes might be upon me and off her and me sooner than any other it being long observed that I loved him He who was all obedience unto whatsoever Cleon commanded did accordingly apply himself unto me Oh heavens when I think upon the sweetest expressions he used unto me I cannot chuse though they were all false but cherish them and wish since I can be no otherwise happy that I were so deceived again And certainly Tircis had no hard task to perswade me that he loved me For I did not think my selfe so disagreeable but that a long continued practice together with my endeavours to please him might work upon him at which the vain-glorious Cleon did oft make her selfe sport with Tircis but had Love been just and turned the love of Tircis to me into earnest her mockery might have lightt upon her selfe This life of dissimulation was so tedious to him that he was not able to endure it any longer and had not Love blinded the eyes of all Lovers certainly I should have perceived it as well as most did who saw us together but I would not lend any believing ear unto them no more than unto my most mortall enemy And because Cleon and I were very familiar this subtle Shepheardesse was afraid lest time should discover my error unto me which to prevent she invented this stratagem Her designe was as I told you before to conceal that affection which Tircis bore unto her under his cloak of seeming to love me and it was effected accordingly for every one talked aloud of the love of Tircis unto me But Cleon as I told you before fearing this stratagem would be discovered did invent another full as subtle as the other She advised Tircis to make me believe that the world talked very broad of our amitie and put wrong constructions upon it and therefore it was necessary to stop all scandalous tongues by prudence and in order to that he would counterfeit a love unto Cleon and tell her said she that you make choice of me rather than any other because of your conveniency in being neer me and speaking to me I who was all sinceritie and no subtletie did think this counsel to be very good so as from thence forwards with my permission when we were all three together he talked with Cleon as he was wont without any difficultie And certainly it was good sport to them and would have been to any other that had known the dissimulation For when I saw him so officious about Cleon I thought he had all that while but mocked her and had much adoe to forbear laughing On the other side Cleon observing my actions and knowing how I was deluded she could hardly contain her thoughts of mirth But see how good natur'd I was I did extreamly pitty her for the griefe she would resent when she came to know the truth But alas afterwards I found that the pitty belonged unto my selfe and who as well as I might not as well have been deceived for Love assoon as ever he takes entire possession of a soul does presently expell all diffidence of the party loved And this dissembling Shepheard did personate his part so well that had I been in Cleons room perhaps I should have doubted whether he acted a fiction or a truth Sometimes when he was betwixt us both and had given Cleon some notable demonstration of affection presently he would turn to me and ask me in my ear whether he did not act his part well but his grand craft rested not in such a trifle I beseech you hear what an Arts-Master he was in his Art he talked with Cleon in private more often then with me he would kisse her hand be down upon his knees two houres together before her and never hid any passage from me for the reasons aforesaid But in publick he never stirred from me and courted me with so much dissimulation that most had the same opinion of our Loves which he did upon designe desiring that I only should see his courtship unto Cleon because he knew I did not believe it but would not by any means that any others should be witnesses And when I told him that we could not remove that opinion which the people had of our amitie and that none would believe he loved Cleon then would he answer me Why how should they ever believe a thing which is not no nor well enough dissembled But said he whatsoever we do we must deceive Cleon let others think what they will for if she be but handsomely deluded our designe is almost compleated Hereupon he desired me that I would speak unto her in his behalfe and become as it were his confident She said he who has that opinion already will the more gladly receive the messages that you shall bring and so we shall live in more assurance and freer from all suspition Oh! what a miserable fortune do we often follow For my part I thought that if Cleon did believe I had loved this Shepheard I should destroy that beliefe by desiring her to love him and by speaking for him as his confident But Cleon knowing the discourse between the Shepheard and me and living in a kinde of constraint she thought that by this means she might most conveniently receive all her Messages and Letters from him and therefore she bade the proposition which I made unto her very welcome and after this treated me as one she loved And thus I was made use of only as a Letter Carryer between them Oh Love what a misery didst thou put me upon But I am not the first who has done the like offices for another in thinking to do it for themselves At that time the Franks the Romans the Goths and the Burgundians being all up in Armes we were constrained to live in Townes and there being a huge concourse of people from all parts also wanting their Country-accommodations a pestilent disease did so raign in the Town as most of the people died of it so it chanced that Cleons Mother was infected and though the disease was so contagious that hardly either Parent or kindred would stay with the party infected yet such was the naturall affection of Cleon to her Mother that she would never part from her but would still stay notwithstanding all the perswasion of friends who told her that she offended the gods in running into a wilfull danger unto whom she still returned this answer If you love me never use any more of this discourse for do I not owe my life unto her who gave me mine and will the gods be offended with me for helping her who taught me to serve them In this pious and filiall resolution
me tell you Hylas that all those reasons which you have instanced for a proof that the loving party ought to be loved again though they be fals yet shall be allowed as good But how can you conclude from them that Tircis ought to betray the amitie of Cleon by beginning a new love of Laonice These are impossibilities and contradictions Impossible because none is obliged unto more then they can do How would you have this Shepheard love when he has no will You laugh Hylas when you heare me say he has none Faith I do so said Hylas I pray what has he done with it He that loves answered Phillis doth give his soul it self all its faculties unto the party loved and so by con equenee his wil is not in his power But this Cleon replyed Hylas being dead has nothing and therefore Tircis ought to to take his own again Ah Hylas Hylas answered Phillis you talke like an ignorant in Love for such gifts as are disposed on by Loves authoritie are for ever irrevocable Pray then said Hylas what is become of this will since the death of Cleon The lesse followes the greater replied Phillis if pleasure be the object of the will if that cease to be a pleasure where 's the will And so it hath followed Cleon if Cleon be not then there is no will for he had never had it but for her But if Cleon be in some certain place as our Druids hold that she is then this will is in her hands so contented in the place where she is that if she her selfe would chase it away she cannot returne it to Tircis as knowing well it would be in vain but it goes into the grave and rests with her beloved Ashes this being so why do you tax the faithful Tircis with ingratitude if it be in his power to love any other Also you do not only require things impossible but also things in themselves contraries for if every one ought to love the party that loves why should he not then love Cleon who never failed him in amitie And as for the recompences which you demand for the Services and Letters which Laonice carried pray let her remember the contentment she received by them and how merry she made herselfe as long as this fallacie lasted who otherwise would have droned out a dull and melancholy life So as if she balance the payment which the service I assure my selfe she will think her selfe very well payed You say Hylas that Tircis deceived her but I say it was no deceipt but a just punishment of love who returned her own blows upon her selfe for her intention was not to serve him but to delude Cleon. Thus Silvander have I briefly answered the false reasons of this Sheapheard and there remaines no more but to make Laonice confesse that she injured Tircis in her unjust pursuing of him which I shall easily do if she will be but pleased to answer me Fair Shepheardesse pray tell me do you love Tircis Shepheardesse answered she all that knowes me knowes I do If he were forced to be absent replyed Phillis and another in the mean time should court you would you not change affection No answered she for I would still hope he would returne If you heard that he would never return said Phillis would you then cease to love him No certainly answered she Then Fair Laonice answered Phillis think it not strange that Tircis who knowes that his Cleon is in heaven that she sees all his actions and rejoyceth in his fidelity should not change the affection he bore unto her nor let this distance of place seperate their loves since all the hindrances of life could never do it Do not beleeve what Hylas said that none ever returnes over the River Acheron many that have been beloved of the gods have both gone and come and who knowes but Cleon who was adorned with so many excellencies of soul may find the same favour from Love Oh Laonice were but your eyes permitted to look upon Divinitie you would see that Cleon to defend her own cause is in this place and whispers these words into my eares which I utter in her defence Then would you confesse that Hylas was in the wrong when he said that Tircis was mad to love her cold ashes Me thinks I see her in the midst of us and in lieu of a fragile body subject unto humane accidents she is cloathed with glorious imortality and chiding Hylas for the blasphemies he had breathed against her What wouldst thou answer Hylas if thy happy Cleon should say thus unto thee Wilt thou offer O thou inconstant wretch to stain my Tircis with thy own insidelity If he did heretofore love me dost thou think it was my Body If thou shouldst answer Yes I would then reply that then he ought to be condemned to love the ashes which I have left in my Coffin as long as they will last For a Lover never ought to retreat from a Love once begun If thou dost confesse that it was my Soul he loved which was my principall part then Oh thou fond and unconstant sinner why should he now change his will since she is now more perfectly glorious than ever she was Otherwise such is the misery of the living I should be jealous I should be vexed and I should be seen by many eyes as I am by his But now I am delivered from such mortall imperfections and am no more capable of any infirmities And wouldst thou Hylas with thy sacrilegious perswasions divert him from me in whom I only lived upon earth and by a most barbarous cruelty endeavour to give me a second death Oh! most horrid to hear These words wise Silvander do make such a Turring sound in my ears as I do believe they will make your heart resent them as well as mine And therefore to let this divinity argue the cause in your soul I will be silent only let me hint thus much unto you that Love is so just as you your selfe ought to stand in awe of his punishing hand if Laonice's pitty rather then Cleon's reasons should move you At this word Phillis made a low congee intimating thereby that she had no more to say in the behalfe of Tircis Laonice offered to answer further but Silvander would not suffer her saying that now she was to hear the sentence which the gods would pronounce by his mouth Then after he had weighed the reasons on both sides he pronounced this Doom The Judgment of Silvander THe principall point in the cause debated before us is to know whether Love can die by the death of the party loved Unto which I say that the Love which is perishable is not right Love for it ought to follow the subject which gave it life and therefore those who love only the Body ought to enclose their love of that body in the same Coffin where it is but such as love the Soul ought with their love to flie
him it will be hard for me to get into your favour But my friend Hylas I believe you are much mistaken for though I see she daignes to cast her eye a little upon you yet am I very confident of her amitie for out of a sound judgment I do know that she will alwaies make choice of the better To which Hylas answered Perhaps you think vain-glorious Shepheard that you have some advantage of me but I pray where does it lye none can see it nor does my Mistresse believe it What kinde of a silly thing is he that never had the courage or confidence to love and serve above one Mistresse and that too so faintly and simply as you would swear he mocked her whereas I that have loved as many Beauties as I have seen I have been bid welcome by them all What pittifull service is to be expected from him that knowes not where to begin But I that have courted and served all sorts of all ages conditions and humours I can turn and winde and do any thing to please or displease And for a proof of what I say I pray give me leave to catechise him a little that you may see his sillinesse Then turning towards Silvander he asked him what that was which would most oblige a fair Shepheardesse to love It is said Silvander to love only her And what is it said Hylas which will most please her It is answered Silvander to love her extreamly Do you see said Hylas what a simplician this is Why this is the way together scorn and hatred for to love her only gives her an occasion to think that it is for want of courage that you dare not attempt to love any else and therefore she will scorn such a faint hearted Lover whereas did you love all you look upon she would not think you come to her because you knew not whither to go else but she will then prise you the higher and will be obliged to love you especially if you particularize her above any other and tell her some stories which you have gleaned from others then once a week come and professe your service or may be oftner if a good occasion require this will render you more pleasing and invite her to cherish your company This is the way fond Novice to oblige her unto love but to pule and please her continually is the only way to make her look asquint at you Nothing is so tiring and tedious as these huge and extream affections such as love so must needs be perpetually imprisoned never at liberty alwaies present continually talking to her she cannot stir a foot but you must do the like To be briefe you are abominably troublesome to her But the Devill of all is if she chance to be at any time ill and do not smile upon you nor please you forsooth then must you put the finger to eye and cry cry tears insomuch as you force her to flie you Do you think this to be the way to make her love you No no it is in Love as in all things else the Mean is the best Measure so as to avoid all these frivolous follies the only way is to love but indifferently and the best way to please her is to be pleasant merry and jocund and above all never to be mute before her This Silvander is the way to make a Shepheardesse love you and to get her favour And you fairest Mistrasse may by this see how to value my affection She would have answered but Silvander beseeched her to give him leave to speak And then he did examine Hylas upon these Interrogatories What is it Shepheard that you desire most when you do love To be loved again answered Hylas But when you are loved replied Silvander what do you desire or expect from this amity that the person whom I love answered Hylas do prize me above all others that she trust me and endeavour to please me Do you use poyson to preserve your life said Silvander how can you ever expect she should trust you when you are not faithfull unto her Oh said Hylas she shall never know it Then I see said Silvander that you will do that by treachery which ought to be done with sincerity As long as she does not know that you love another she thinks you faithfull and so you shrond your selfe under this false shadow You talk of scorn can any thing provoke a generous spirit more unto it than to imagine that this man whom I see so submisse at your feet adoring you should have his lips blistered with the kisses of others and those eyes which seem to adore you ready to sparkle love at every woman they look upon What should any woman of any Soul have any thing to do with a thing common He will do no more for you than he will for any one that has the resemblance of a woman when he speaks to you his minde is a hundred Leagues off and is thinking of such a one that a thousand to one is ten thousand degrees your inferiour the words he makes use of are some fragments gleaned from another such as his heart never ownes Oh! how horrid a scorn deserves such a man As to the next point which he urged to obtain love by which is To be jolly and galliard and alwaies laughing Truly that is a principall quality for a Buffon or one that has nothing at his heart but for a Lover to be of that temper is absurd unlesse Hylas such a Lover as your selfe Again you say that a mean in Love is the best but let me tell you that he who is but halfe faithfull is not faithfull at all and he that loves not in the highest point of extremity does not love one jot he who can be indifferent and love all alike cannot love one as he ought to do Valourand Love are resemblant and he that can measure them or thinks any greater than his own is neither valiant nor a lover worth a Rush So Hylas you see that to injoyn a mediocrity in Love is to impose an impossibility And when you love so you do as those melancholly fools do that think they are expert in all Sciences and know nothing 'T is just your case in thinking you love when you doe not But be it so that one can love a little Do you not know that Amity hath no other Harvest but Amity and all that is sowed is onely to reap some fruit How can you that sow but a little ever expect to reap much Ah Hylas you little know what belongs to Love For those effects which belong to an extream love and which you call Troubles are so indeed to such as you who know not how to love but such as are really and in good earnest in love and know what sacrifices and duties belong unto the Altars of Love they are so far from calling those effects troubles as they think them felicities and perfect contentments But Hylas I
will tell you what it is to love It is to dye in ones self that he may live in another Never to love any thing but what is pleasing and agreeable unto the party loved The will must be absolutely transformed into a Mistris And can you think that one who loves thus will ever be troubled with the presence of her whom he loves The knowledge she hath of being loved is a thing so infinitely pleasing as all things else in comparison of that have no relish And if you do but know what it is to love you will never think that he who loves can do any thing to displease All his actions are marked with the sweet character of love and cannot be displeasing If he chance to commit any fault the fault it self pleaseth considering with what intention it was committed The very desire of being amiable has such vigour in a right Lover as though he cannot chuse but be rough to all the world in general yet will he be sure to smooth and spruce up himself towards her he loves And from hence is the reason that many who are not at all rellished by most in general are yet loved and esteemed by some one in particular Do you see Hylas that hitherto you have been ignorant in the Laws of Love and have only abused the Name of it and deceived those whom you thought you had loved How said Hylas Have I not loved all this while What then have I done unto Carles Amuranthe Laonice and a hundred more You must know said Silvander that in all sorts of Arts there are both good and bad proficients in them And so in Love for some do love well as I do and some ill as you So as I may be termed the Master and you the Changling of Love At this every one smiled except Lycidas who hearing all this discourse grew higher in his jealous apprehensions which Phillis did not observe thinking it rather an effect of his affection to her since in reason he could never doubt her One that is ignorant and knows not that Jealousie in Love is a sucker which draws unto it self that nutriment which should go into the branches and good fruit does not know that the greater it is the more doth it argue the kindness of the place and vigour of the plant Paris who admired the neat wit of Silvander did not know how to judge of him but thought that were he more conversant amongst civilized people he would be unparaleld since living amongst Shepheards he was such as he found him And therefore he resolved to contract friendship with him to the end he might more freely enjoy his company and to make them proceed in their disputation he addressed himself unto Hylas and said unto him It seems Hylas your cause is naught since you are so mute and has not a word more to say in the defence of it No wonder said Diana for I beleeve he is pricked in conscience Hylas knowing that he argued all this while against the truth only to put a handsom gloss upon his fault he would not reply a word but looked very attentively upon Phillis who was got near unto Lycidas and talked with him in a low voice and because Astrea would not have him hear what she said she did often interrupt him and so often as she forced him to say that if Phillis were as troublesom as she was he should not love her Truly Shepheard said she purposely to keep him from hearing If you should be as uncivil to her as you are to us she will make no great accompt of you And because Phillis never heeding this talk continued on her discourse Diana said unto her what Phillis is this all the duty you will pay unto me Will you let me go and entertain a Shepheard in discourse To which Phillis upon a sudden answered No no I beseech you Mistris but pardon my error for I thought that the jolly discourse of Hylas would have kept you from taking any notice of me who in the mean time was talking of a business which this Shepheard desired some satisfaction in And indeed she spoke but truth for she was much troubled at the faint and cold behaviour of Lycidas Well well Phillis answered Diana in the language of a real Mistris you alwaies think to cover your faults with excuses but pray take notice that these frequent negligences are so many testimonies of your small affection and that when time and place serves I shall remember how you use me Hylas had the hand of Phillis in his and not knowing how things were betwixt Silvander and her he wondered to hear Diana say so and therefore seeing her ready to begin an excuse he interrupted her saying What does my fairest Mistris say unto this imperious Shepheardess who treats you in such coorse language Will you yeeld unto her in any thing Commit no such sin I beseech you for though she be indeed fair yet you have beauty enough to make your party good enough with her if not excell her Oh Hylas said Phillis did you but know against whom you use this language you would rather bee dumb all your daies than displease this fair Shepheardess who did you love her were able with the least glimpse of her eye to make you the most wretched thing that ever loved Make me so said the Shepheard No no she may doe what she will with her eyes open or shut them and never hurt me my misery or happiness depends not upon her flames neither in her eyes face nor any part else but I doe love you and more than that inspite of her will love you If you do love me said Phillis and I have any power of you then surely she hath much more I may be moved by your affection and services not to treat you ill But this fair Shepheardess having no services or love from you will have no pitty upon you What have I to doe with her pitty said Hylas am I at her mercy Yes certainly said Phillis you are at her mercy for my will is her will and I can doe nothing but what she is pleased to command She is the Mistris whom I do love serve and adore So as she and she onely is all my affection all my service and all my devotion See therefore Hylas how you have offended her and what mercy and pardon you stand in need of Then Hylas throwing himself at Diana's feet after a little time of consideration thus said unto her Fair Mistris ormine if he that loves could have eyes to see any thing but the thing loved certainly I had seen that it is the duty of every one to honour and reverence your merits But since my eyes were shut against all but my fair Phillis I shall think you too full of cruelty if you doe not pardon a crime which I confess and beg a mercy for Phillis who had a mind to be rid of this man that she might talk unto Lycidas
too much believed that but it is to assure you that I will never love you any more I am sure you will wonder at this declaration since you alwaies loved me more then ever I desired I must be plain and tell you that it is your bad fortune which cannot keep within the compasse of our amitie and my good which will not let me stay any longer where it is not worth the staying And to the end you may not complain of me I bid you adieu and give you free liberty to make the best of your fortune you can for of me there is no hopes When she received this Letter she chanced to be in very good company and as fortune was Stilliana her selfe was there amongst them and did so much disapprove of this action as none in all the company more which Carlis perceiving I beseech you all said she unto the company oblige me so far as to help me with an Answer for me For my part said Stelliana I will be the Secretary Then taking Pen Inke and Paper she writ as altogether indited in the name of Carlis The Answer of Carlis unto Hylas HYLAS Too great a conceipt of your selfe is it which perswades you that I do love you and the knowledge I have of your humour together with my own will which never relished you is it which ever kept me from loving you so as all the affection I ever had have or shall have to you is only in your own conceit And therefore if you do think that either my bad fortune or your good did consist in any Love I had unto you you were most grosly mistaken I do swear unto you Hylas by all those merits which you think you have and have not that I never cared a straw for you And this advantage I shall get by all this that for the future I shall be freed from being troubled with you And because I will not be quite ungratefull for the pleasure you have done me in this I shall wish the heavens will continue you in this resolution to my contentment as before they put you upon me to my trouble In the mean time live contentedly which if you doe as well as I shall being delivered from such a trouble believe it Hylas you are happy and so farewell This Letter I must confesse did a little nettle me for my Conscience told me I had wronged this Shepheardesse but my new affection unto Stilliana would not let me acknowledge it but did prompt me to lay the fault upon her for said I to my selfe Since she is neither so fair nor pleasing as Stilliana why should I any longer love her Am I to be blamed for her imperfections For my part I cannot mend her all I can do is to condole with her her poverty but yet that shall not hinder me from desiring and adoring the riches of another Upon these motives I endeavoured to drive Carlis from my heart and thinking that now I had nothing to do but to court Stilliana whom I thought already mine I desired Hermantes to carry a Letter from me to her and also to shew her a Copy of that I writ unto Carlis to the end she might not question my love to her Hermantes being truly my reall friend in any thing which related not unto Carlis did without any difficulty take it upon him and chusing a convenient time when she was alone in her lodging presented my Letters unto her and smilingly said thus Fair Stilliana if the fire do burn him that shall approach too neer it if the Sun do dazzle that eye which dares look upon its lustre and if the Sword do wound him that thrusts it to his heart you must not wonder if the miserable Hylas comming too neer you be scorched if in beholding you he be dazled and if in receiving the fatall dart of your fair eyes he resent the mortall wound in his heart He would have gone on had not she in a furious impatiency interrupted him No more no more good Hermantes said she you trouble your selfe in vain Hylas has neither merit enough nor you eloquence sufficient to perswade me unto any minde of changing my contentment for his nor do I wish my selfe so much ill nor Hylas so much good as to believe your words 'T is well Hermantes that I am acquainted with the humour of Hylas at the cost of another and not mine own it is too much that Carlis hath been so basely deluded by him and let him not make you instrumentall in the ruine of another As you do love Hylas so I do love Stilliana and if you will advise him as a friend counsell him as I do never to love Stilliana nor Stilliana to love Hylas and if he will not believe you assure him that all his labour will be lost And as for this Letter which you bring me from him I care not if I do take it for I am so well armed against him that I do not fear his charmes Upon this she opened the Letter and read it aloud It was only an assurance of my affection that I had quitted Carlis for her sake and an earnest imploring her to love me When she had read it she smiled and turning towards Hermantes asked him whether he would have her return an Answer and he answering that he did passionately desire it she said she would and did in these Termes Stilliana's Answer unto Hylas SEe Hylas what a simple man you are in thinking I should Love you because you have left Carlis whereas there is nothing could more invite me to hate then that You say you do love me Truly if any other more just then your self had said it perhaps I should have beleeved him because I do in some sort deserve it but I do assure you and beleeve it that I neither do nor will Love you for it would argue in me a most simple judgement to love any such contemptible humour as yours If you think this Language a little too ruffe and harsh consider Hylas that I am forced to it to the end you may never expect the least quittance of any love from me Carlis has told me the mind of Hylas and Hylas may now tell her mine if he please If this answer please you thank the importunity of Hermantes for it And if it do not blame your selfe that deserves no better Hermantes had not seen this Letter when he gave it unto me and though he imagined that it would prove some cold and faint deniall Yet he did not think she would have been so sharp but he did not wonder at it so much as my selfe for I was almost stark mad tearing the Letter in peeces and throwing it upon the ground then recollecting my selfe a little I pulled my hat over my browes looked upon the ground crossed my armes over my breast and walked in the chamber without speaking a word unto Hermantes He stood all the while like a stock and still fixed his eyes
me suspect those assurances which heretofore you have given of your affection for it may be that you would deceive me in your Love as it seemes you do your selfe in mine Shepheardesse answered Lycidas were my affection of the common strain as to consist more in shew then realitie I should condemn my selfe for suffering the violence of it to transport me beyond the limits of reason but since it is not of so low an ebb but as you know did flow like an Ocean you must think such an extream love is never without some fears though they have no cause those fears do turn themselves into jealousie and jealousie into grief or rather into such a frenzie as you may perceive in me Whilst Lycidas and Phillis were talking thus thinking these words were heard only by themselves and that Trees have no ears Silvander was behind a Tree and lost not a syllable Laonice also who was asleep there she wakened at the beginning of their discourse and knowing them both was very glad she was there so opportunely assuring her selfe that before they parted they would impart many secrets unto each other which she might employ to their ruine and it happened according to her hopes for Phillis hearing Lycidas say that he was jealous asked him Of whom and Why Oh Shepheardesse answered the wounded Lycidas do you ask me this question I beseech you tell me from whence proceeds all that faint and hollow coldnesse which you have used towards me of late and that great familiarity with Silvander unlesse your affection to me had been withdrawn and conferr'd upon him Ah Shepheardesse you must not think but my heart is very sensible of such blowes since it hath resented those from your fair but false eyes how came you to fall off from me why would not you speak as familiarly unto me as you were wont where is all the care which heretofore you used in enquiring how I did and your griefe when I was at any time absent You can remember when the name of Lycidas founded sweetly in your ears and I do remember when out of the abundance of your heart you named him when you should have named another But now who but Silvander Silvander is in the same heart and tongue where Lycidas had once a considerable room but now the veriest stranger in all the Country is preferred before him that is still the same Lycidas that ever he was and was born only unto Phillis whom he now suspects The extream displeasure of Lycidas did force out so many words as Phillis could not put in one by way of interruption for if she opened her mouth to speak he still continued on with more vehemency not considering that the more he complained the more his misery encreased and that if any thing could cure him it was that answer which he would not hear And never considering that it was his torrent of words which hindred the Shepheardesse from answering he conceived that her silence proceeded from her guilt so as every action that she used did more and more augment his jealousie The Shepheardesse all this while was so amazed and offended that she had not time to convince him of his error but though something dark he saw her blush at least thought so which then did put him out of all taking that for granted now which he did but doubt of before Thus after he had called upon the Gods that were just punishers of all infidelitie he ran away from her through the wood and would not hear her when she call'd him back she followed intending to convince him of his error but it was in vain for he ran so fast as she quickly lost the sight of him in the thick wood In the mean time Laonice was very glad that she had discovered this affection and to see so good a beginning of her designe and therefore she retired Silvander on the other side seeing Lycidas was so apt to be jealous he resolved for the future to be the bellowes that would blow it into a greater flame and would seem as if he loved Phillis in earnest the next time he saw him with her Leonida in the mean time came to the house of Adamas and letting him understand that Galathea had extraordinary businesse with him he resolved to set out as soon as the Moon began to shine which would be about an houre before day and accordingly they did so When they were come to the bottom of the Hill and had only a long plain to go through before they came to the Pallace of Isaure the Nymph at the request of her Uncle began to relate the businesse thus The History of Galathea and Lindamor DO not wonder I beseech you Father for so she called him I should entreat you to hear me with patience and when you see occasion to remember that it is the very same Love which is the cause of all this which in former times has driven you upon the like if not stranger accidents I durst never have spoken to you about it had I not had both permission and a command to do it But Galathea whom the business concerns doth earnestly desire since she hath made choice of you for the Physician to cure her that you should be acquainted with it both the beginning and progress and that it may be kept secret from all the world The Druide who knew what reverence was due unto his Lady for so he reputed her did answer that his Prudence taught him to conceal any thing that concerned Galathea and therefore any promise concerning that was superfluous Upon that assurance said Leonida I shall acquaint you with the businesse It is a long time since Polemas first begun to love Galathea To tell you how it came to passe is to no purpose but so it was he did love her This love proceeded so on that Galathea her self could not be ignorant of it but did many times in private make it appear that his service was not displeasing unto her And truly he was a man of very high deservings As for his Pedigree it is as you know derived from the ancient Line of Surieu which in Noblenesse is not inferiour unto Galathea her self As for his Person he is very handsom every way so composed as to move Love Above all he is a great Scholar and in any Learning can silence the greatest Doctors But Father all these things are known unto you better than I can relate them But so it was that these qualities did so recommend him unto the consideration of Galathea that she was more favourable unto him than unto any in the Court of Amasis yet it was with so much discretion that none could ever take any notice of it Then Polemas having such a favourable wind did sail so contentedly in the sea of his hopes as no man could live more happily than hee But this inconstant Love or rather inconstant Fortune would have Polemas as well as the rest of the world feel the
sharpness of those Arrows which are shot from his Bow You may remember the time when Amasis permitted Clidaman to bestow servants upon us all Upon that occasion Love like swarms did rise both in Court and Country amongst the rest Lindamor's lot did fal upon Galathea His merits also were very high yet she did look as shily upon him as the ceremony of that Festivall would permit her But he who perhaps had before that some such intention though he durst not let it break out beyond the limits of his discretion was very glad of this occasion under which he might veyl his real passions as under a fiction As Polemas did stomack this new Amity at the first so the progress of it proved much more vexatious to him Though Galathea did receive him with some shew of sweetnesse by way of common courtesie and after the example of all the other Nimphs yet this in any reason could not be offensive to him because she was obliged to it both by the Law and the example of others But when this Courtship went further than the bounders of courtesie and civility then did he perceive it to be in good earnest and then did he resent such pangs of Jealousie as are usuall in a soul that is really in love Galathea for her part never thought of any such thing or at the least did not beleeve it was so far on But occasions which like drops of rain do follow one another did so apparently appear that Polemas might well be excused for suffering himself to be wounded by so sharp a Sword as Jealousie Lindamor was Generous and Noble and adorned with all desirable qualities that a person well born could possible be as courtly amongst Ladies as brave in Martial matters and as full of Courage and Valour as any that our Court produced many years He had arrived to the age of five and twenty yeares before ever he felt any such effects as Love useth to produce in hearts of his age Not but that he was of his natural inclination a much devoted servant unto Ladyes but being continually exercised in businesses much different from idleness he had not leisure to let Love sow any seeds in his soul for ever since hee was able to bear Armes moved by a Generous instinct which invites Noble spirits unto dangerous enterprizes he was perpetually in Wars where he did most heroickly signalize himself Afterwards coming to see Clidaman and to pay that homage unto which he was obliged at one and the same time he devoted himself unto two To Clidaman as his Lord and to Galathea as his Lady comming to Court without any design upon either But the sweet affability of the young Clidaman and the merits of the fair Galathea were Loadstones of such attractive virtue as did draw him to their service Thus did Lindamor begin to love and so that he could not umbrage his affection under the veil of courtesie and complement Polemas as one that had interest did presently perceive it yet being friends he seemed to take no notice but stil courted his friendship to the end he might ruin him by Artifice as afterwards he attempted And having as I told you made profession of amity already unto him it was the more easie to continue it At this time Clidaman began to affect Tilting and Justs wherein for a beginner he got some honour But Lindamor was the man that still carried away all the glory and applause of all At which Polemas was so stung at the heart that he could no longer dissemble his grudge so as hee would needs have a turn with him at Tilting thinking that he being elder and having a stronger Arm he might wel enough undertake his Rival and get the glory but he proved to be only a foil unto Lindamors lustre The last day of the Bacchanals when the young Clidaman held a Turnement in maintaining the beauty of Silvia Guyemant and Lindamor did get as much glory as mortal men could do but especially Lindamor who had the favour and good fortune that though Galathea was not the Judge yet In spite of Love shee gave sentence against Polemas The Nimph whose eyes could hardly look upon any but Polemas could not now chuse but highly applaud Lindamor And observe how Love does play and mock at the Prudence of Lovers that which Polemas imagined would get him the advantage of Lindamor did most hurt him and made him almost his inferiour for every one spending their judgments and comparing the actions of the one with the other did finde such a difference between them that it had been better for him to have sit quietly at home That same night Lindamor inspir'd by some good Genius which makes me believe that there are some daies fortunate some unfortunate declared himselfe in good earnest a Servant unto the fair Galathea and such opportunities did fall upon him as he could not wish for better For dancing a kinde of a Dance which the Franks had newly brought out of Germany in which every one catched her whom they most fancyed Lindamor guided by Love but as I think thrust upon it by Fate did steal away Galathea from Polemas who being more intent upon his discourse than dancing never heeded it but went presently and twitted the Nymph with her affection unto Lindamor She who did not yet think Lindamor to be in earnest was much offended at his discourse and took his language so ill that it made Lindamor more pleasing unto her also thinking upon some revenge for his jealousie I am the freer to speak it for none was better acquainted with all these passages than my selfe who was destined to be a witnesse of all the businesse For assoon as all were retired to their lodgings Galathea in bed she commanded me to stay by her hold a Candle whilst she read some Letters of importance which came to her This night desiring to be alone she dismissed all the rest of the Nymphs and when they were all gone she commanded me to shut the dore afterwards she made me sit down upon her Bed then after a little smiling to her self she said thus unto me I cannot chuse but laugh Leonida at an encounter which I met with this night at the Ball you know that Polemas has long professed himself my servant and let me tell it unto you from whom I wil conceal nothing that as long as he behaved himself towards me with honour respect his service was not displeasing unto me but I received him into more favour then any other in this Court yet not out of any love on my side I will not say but perhaps love did flatter him with some hopes of obtaining what he desired but the very truth is I never yet found any thing in him which could force me so far as Love I know not what may be in the time to come but hitherto there is no likelyhood of it Now Polemas seeing I allowed him freedome of talk and
heard him with patience also observing that I did not expose my selfe so freely unto any other he is grown so bold that he knowes not what he does so much is he transported besides himselfe This very night he danced with me in such a dull musing manner that I could not chuse but rashly ask him what he ailed Shall it not displease you said he unto me if I should tell you No said I for I never use to ask a thing which I would not know Upon this he went on I cannot chuse Madam said he but be extreamly sad at some passages which are very frequently in my eyes and which touch me so to the quick that had I but halfe as much assurance as I have suspition I know nothing that is able to keep that life which yet is in me I do prorest I was so ill advised that I could not imagine what he meant yet conceiving that his former amitie obliged me a little unto a farther curiosity I asked him what passages those were which touched him so to the quick Then looking ghastly upon me a long while Is it possible Madam said he upon a suddain you should ask me any such question Why not answered I Because replied he all these things are addressed unto you and it is only from you that they do proceed Then seeing me stand silent for I did not know his meaning he begun to walk and say I do wonder you should not blush and I must tell you as much though at the rate of my life You know Madam with what zealous affection I have striven to make my self appear a most reall servant unto Galathea ever since the heavens devoted me to become hers you may well say that hitherto you never saw the least or greatest of any action that did not tend unto your service that was the mark which all my thoughts did aim at so as unlesse fortune be extreamly averse unto me you cannot chuse but afford me so much satisfaction at the least as to confesse that I am solely yours and none but yours And since it is so I beseech you judge how great my griefe must needs be when I see contrary to all reason in Love and when I might well have expected some reward for my affection when I say I see in my room another Favourit and heir possessed of my estate before I die I beseech you excuse the expression which flowes from the extremitie of my passion and forceth just complaints from my soul which cannot any longer hold silent seeing one triumph over me that hath got the victory more by destiny than merit It is Lindamor I mean Lindamor I say whose services you entertain and favour above mine my griefe is not to see him so happy as he himselfe can wish but to see him happy in my raine I beseech you Madam excuse me or rather excuse the grandure of my affection if I do complain since it is only an argument of that power which you have over your most humble servant I speak thus to observe unto you Madam that you use the very same language and treat him in the very same manner you were wont to use towards me at the beginning of your goodwill to me and at that time when me thought you knew my affection This puts me beyond all patience and so much beyond my selfe that I am not able to command those extravagancies which proceed from my soul and transport me beyond the limits of my discretion He would have talked on but his violent passion did so stop his breath that he was not able to continue any longer Judge you whether I was not much offended at these words for they were so full of vanitie and rashnesse as were not to be endured yet because I would not give any knowledge of it into such who have no eyes but to prie into the actions of others I was forced to give him an answer lesse tart than otherwise I should and said thus unto him Polemas whatsoever you are and whatsoever I be I never doubted but that you were my servant as long as you dwelt in my Mothers house and did my Brother any service but I must needs wonder at those foolish termes you use in your discourse of Heir and your Estate truly I know not by what night you can pretend so much unto my amitie as to call it youre My intentiond Polemas were ever to love and esteem you according to your merits and never with you any more And as to what you say concerning Lindamor let me draw you out of that error for if I did behave my selfe towards him as I did to you I would have you think I did no more then what I will do unto all such as shall merit it for without any further designe I must and will love and esteem worth wheresoever I do finde it Why Madam said I unto her and interrupted her do you think this to be so mild an answer I cannot tell how in any civility it could have been more sharp 'T is true I must confesse that he is a little too presumptuous but it cannot be denied that this presumption in him is not without some colour of reason Of reason said the Nymph presently why what reason can he alledge for it Very many Madam said I unto her but to be silent in all but one I must tell you that you have permitted him to serve you with more particularitie then any other It was replyed Galathea because he pleased me better then any of the rest of my Brothers servants I confesse it answered I and therefore when he saw himselfe more favoured than any other could he hope for lesse than to obtain you love He hath heard of many examples of Love between persons of unequall degree and might therefore very well flatter himselfe with the like hopes and I do remember some Lines which he composed upon this subject and sang them before you when you commanded him to conceal his affection The Lines were these A Sonnet WHy Fair one should you ever finde A fault for being known so kinde Is any thing but Deitie So glorious as Amitie Why should you such a vertue smoother As linketh soules to one another All enmitie from human hearts When it begins to shine departs But if proud Beauty you complain And as inferior me disdain Consider Dido she did deem A Pirate worthy of esteem Poor Paris but a common Swain Yet his Oenone he did gain Diana had compassion Of her belov'd Endymion Love never lookes at Grandure high Or values Inequalitie A Sheephook and a Scepter are Within the compasse of compare Degrees are equall all 's alike Where hearts do once affection strike Then Adamas asked her this question How comes it to passe Leonida said he that this Galathea by her words seemes to sleight Polemas and yet by these Verses one would judge she loves him and that he cannot endure she should dissemble it Father answered Leonida it is
not because this new Gardiner was so neer him who was so altered in his habit that none of us knew him As for me I might as well as any of the rest be excused for since he never acquainted me with his designe I should never have believed he would have attempted it untill he had first acquainted me but he has since told me that he did conceal it from me because he knew I would not have permitted him to come thither in that manner Dreaming then of any other than him I did as inquisitivly ask Flurial who this stranger was as any in the company and he answered me in a faint voice that he was his Aunts son whom he intended to instruct in the trade of Gardening Upon this answer Galathea as inquisitive but not so couragious as I seeing me in discourse with him came to us and hearing that he was Fluriall's Oozen did ask him how his Mother did Now was Lindamor put to his shifts fearing least his tongue though not his habit should betray him yet counterfeiting his Tone as well as he could he answered in a Country-like language That blessed be God she was now past the worst and then made such a Leg so like his Language that all the Nymphs could not chuse but laugh but he seeming to take no notice of them nor stirring his cap but giving it a scurvy remove with both his hands he fell ill-favour'dly to his work●● Galathea in a smiling manner told Fluriall that if his Consen were as good a Gardiner as he was an Oratour he would be very usefull unto him Madam said Flurial he can speak no better than he was taught Country people all speak so Yes yes said the Nymph and perhaps he is held for a prime fellow amongst them After this she returned to her walk This gave me an opportunity of talking to Flurial for my companions were all got about Lindamor and every one had their questions to him unto which he answered but so ill-favour'dly that he forced them all to laugh for it was in such a manner as made them all believe he was in good earnest and though he did answer unto every question yet hee never stirred his cap nor head but seemed very intent upon his work In the mean time I asked Flurial how Lindamor did And he answered that truly he was yet very ill for Lindamor had commanded him to tell me so But where lies his sicknesse said I unto him for thou sayest his wounds are almost whole You will know Madam said he unto me by this Letter which he hath writ unto my Lady His Lady answered I hath an opinion that he is dead but give me the Letter and I will carry it unto her I dare not indeed Madam answered he for he hath expresly forbidden me and tyed me unto it by an Oath How said I does Lindamor mistrust me No said she but on the contrary desires you to make the Nymph still believe that he is dead But it will be both advantageous unto him and me that I do deliver it with my own hands I was now very angry with him and had continued in longer discourse with him had I not feared notice would have been taken Yet I could get nothing more out of him but for a conclusion the Nymph must receive it from his hand But when I told him that he had been long with the Nymph and he might have presented the Letter unto her He answered me only with a shake of his head whereby I perceived that he would not give it unto me Galathea perceiving our long discourse and desirous to know upon what subject it was did leave her walk sooner then usuall and calling me unto her asked me what it was I told her freely the resolution of Fluriall but in lieu of the Letter I told her it was the Heart of Lindamor and how he was sworn to deliver it to none but her unlesse he should betray the trust of the dead Then Galathea answered me he may deliver it unto me under colour of presenting me with a Basket of Fruit in which the Heart may be put in the bottome I answered that this might well be done but I know Fluriall the fool will deliver it with his own hands in expectation of some reward for the services he hath done you Oh said she if that be all let him ask what he will and I will give it unto him This Madam said I will seem a kinde of ransome with which you redeem the heart No no answered she the Ransome I am to pay for it is Tears and those drawn from my hearts blood Perhaps she was sorry for saying so much but however so it was she commanded me to speak unto Flurial which I did and used all the language I had to get this Letter from him even as far as threatnings but all in vain for he told me once for all that neither heaven nor earth should make him forsworn If my Lady said he will have it let her come in the evening to the bottom of the back staires which comes from her Chamber into the Garden the Moon shines the way is not so far and I have known her come the same journey as late when she heares me I am confident she will allow of my reasons When I heard this I was extreamly angry at him and told him it was his duty to obey Galathea before Lindamor that she was his Mistris and that it was in her power to do him good or harm and to be short that it was not likely she would take so much paines for it but he still resolutely told me thus Nymph it is not Lindamor whom I do obey in this but it is my oath which I have vowed unto the gods and if I cannot performe it there is no remedy I can returne to the place from whence I came When I saw him thus resolute I was almost out of all patience for had I been acquainted with Lindamor's designe since it was gone so far doubtlesse I should have seconded him but being ignorant of it I thought Flurial so far from all reason as I knew not what to say At last I returned to the Nymph with his answer who was so extreamly angry at him as she could have found in heart to have turned him out of her Mothers service had I not hinted unto her the danger that might have ensued by his discovery Three or foure daies passed thus before the Nymph would be brought to do as Flurial desired At last Love that commands all forced her to tell me in the morning that she had no rest all night that Lindamor's Ghost haunted her all the night and told her that it was the least thing she could do for his memory to go down a pair of stairs to get his heart out of the hands of another and that I should acquaint Flurial she would be there that night Oh heavens what joy was this unto the new Gardiner he
hath since told me his heart was never in his life so swell'd with joy as then for he began to despair of his plot taking effect and seeing the Nymph never came into the Garden he feared that she knew him But when Flurial acquainted him with the resolution that was taken this was such a resurrection of Love as if one should die to make another mourn and revive to make them rejoyce The night being come and every one retired to their lodgings the Nymph did put her selfe into her night dresse and causing me to open the dore she went first and I swear she trembled so that she had much ado to go she told me that she had such an unusuall beating at her stomack as took away all her strength whether it was her being in the dark without light or her going out at an undue time or her apprehension of Lindamor's heart I know not but whatsoever it was she was much unlike her selfe At last growing a little more confident we came to the bottome of the staires where we presently found Flurial who had waited long for us The Nymph went before and going into a Jessemine Arbour which was so close as to keep out the Moon-shine or any sight from the windowes of the house she began to say thus to Fluriall in a great rage 'T is very well Flurial are you grown so stiffe in your own opinions that you will not do what I command you Madam answered he undauntedly it was to obey you that I have failed in this if it be a fault for did not you command me that I should punctually do whatsoever Lindamor commanded me Now Madam besides your command I am obliged by oath unto Lindamor to put his heart into no hands but yours Well said she and sighed where is his heart Here Madam said he if you please to come hither into this corner you will better see it than where you are When she came to the place she saw a man standing upon his feet and without speaking a word bowed himselfe unto her Oh heavens said the Nymph what 's here Flurial see here 's a man Madam said Flurial and smiled it is a heart that is presented unto you How said she a heart Then would she have run away for fear but he took hold of her Gown kissed it and held her I hearing these words came neerer and presently knew him to be the same that Fluriall called Gozen Upon a suddain I knew not what to think I saw Galathea and I my self with two men the one of which was unknown unto us so as we knew not what to do Cry out we durst not fly Galathea could not to put any hopes in our own strength we could not At last all I could do was to lay hold on his hand that held Galathea by the Gown and not able to do more I began to scratch and bite him which I did so upon a suddain that the first thing he saw was his hand bitten Oh sweet Leonida said he then unto me how would you use your enemies if you use your servants thus sharply Though I was almost quite out of my selfe yet me thought I should know that voice and asked him who he was I am said he one that comes to bring Lindamor's Heart unto this fair Nymph Then kneeling down upon the ground he thus addressed himselfe unto her I must needs confesse Madam that this presumption is great but yet not equall unto that affection which produceth it Here Madam is the heart of Lindamor which I present unto you I hope the present will finde as good a reception from the hand of the Donor as from a stranger But if my diasterous Fate do deny me that which Love doth promise me having offended against a Divinity whom I only adore then condemn this heart which here I do bring unto you unto what cruell tortures you shall please for so his pain may please you he will endure with contentment since you do ordain it unto him Now I knew him to be Lindamor and Galathea also but not without abundance of wonder to us both to see at her foot him whom she thought dead and I in lieu of a Gardiner to finde a Cavalier who yielded unto none in all the Country Perceiving Galathea so surprised that she could not speak I began to talk unto him and said Is it so Lindamor that you delight to surprise and affright Ladies this is not an Art that becomes such a Cavalier as you professe your selfe I must needs confesse unto you sweet Nymph said he unto me that it is not a becomming act of a Cavalier but it is of a Lover and I am no lesse Love that instructs all has taught me to be a Gardiner Is it possible Madam said he unto Galathea that this extream affection which you have caused should beso displeasing unto you as you must needs delight more in the death of him that owes it then his life Will not this heart I have brought finde as good a reception alive as dead But if you will needs have me die here 's a Ponyard will do that which no time can ever do for it will put an end to all The Nymph answered nothing unto all this but said Oh Leonida have you betrayed me Upon this she went in to another Walk where she did sit down for she was so much transported out of her selfe as she knew not what she did Then Lindamor did fall upon his knees again and I went to her and said Why Madam do you say I betrayed you how can you accuse me for this I vow unto you that I knew nothing of the businesse but it is Flurial that hath deceived us both But I thank God we are all deceived the better way Thanks be to God here that heart of Lindamor which Flurial promised he is here also ready to do you any service And have you not good reason to be glad of this Treason It would be over tedious to relate all our discourse at this time out at the conclusion peace was made between all parties and so as this Love was tyed with a harder knot then ever it was before but upon this condition that he should at this very houre depart unto the place whither Amasis and Clidaman had sent him This departure went hard yet obey he must and so after a parting kisse of Galathea's fair hand he went away in full assurance to finde her the same he left her But it would be impertinent to particularize every circumstance Lindamor returned to his charge did his businesse and with the permission of Amasis and Clidaman returned unto Forrests where giving a good account of his Commission he was honoured and carrassed according to the merit of his vertue But all this did not halfe so much revive his soul as the favourable aspect which this Nymph did afford him who ever since his last departure so increased in affection to him as Lindamor might well say
she did equall him in Love And this Courtship came to that height as one night when they were in the Garden together he did often move her for leave to ask the consent of Amasis unto their Marriage being confident that so many services as he had done both unto her and her Son would invite her to grant him that favour To which she answered You have more reason to doubt their good-will than your own merit and be lesse assured of your own deservings then my good will But yet I would not have you mention it unto them till Clidaman be married I am younger than he and I may well stay so long You may perhaps Madam answered he but so cannot the violence of my passion But if you will not grant me this remedy yet grant me another if your affection be such as you say unto me If I can without prejudice to my selfe said she I will Then after he had kissed her hand Madam said he unto her Promise me before Leonida and the gods who are witnesses of our discourse that you will be my Wife as I do vow by all that is sacred to be your Husband and never look upon any other Galathea was surprised at this yet seeming as if it were by my perswasion though indeed it was by her own affection she gave him that satisfaction and swore unto him upon condition that Lindamor to avoid suspition should never return into the Garden untill their Marriage was declared Now was Lindamor the most contented man that ever was being full of hopes and wanted nothing but the promised conclusion of all his desires But Love or rather Fortune did most extreamly thwart him Oh Lindamor how vain are all thy purposed hopes At that time Clidaman went with Guyemant to try their fortunes in Armes and went into Merovea's Army but though he went away secretly yet was he quickly discovered And because Amasis would not let him be there in that sort she levied all the Forces she could to send unto him and committed the charge of them unto Lindamor constituting Polemas the Governour under her in all the Provinces untill her Son's return and this she did as well to satisfie two such eminent men as to sever them for since Lindamor's return they were alwaies jarring Polemas was very well contented and Lindamor went not with an ill will The one was glad he was to stay with his Mistresse and the other hoped by his services so to oblige Amasis as to facilitate the way unto that happinesse which he aspired unto But Polemas finding himselfe in disfavour of his Mistresse and that his Rivall had robbed him of all he put no confidence in any of his services or merits but had recourse unto cunning and artifice In order to this he procured the most crafty fellow that ever was of that trade whom he acquainted with every one about the Court shewed him in secret Amalis Galathea Silvia Selires my selfe and all the rest of the Nymphs and did not only shew him their faces but acquainted him with all the secrets which he knew betwixt any of them And after a full information of all passages he desired him to take upon him to seem a great Druide and a most learned Conjurer He seated himselfe in the great wood of Savignew neer the pleasant Gardens of Mount Brison and close by a little River which runs through the Wood He stayed some certain daies giving himselfe out to be the greatest Diviner that ever was insomuch as his fame reached unto us and Galathea went unto him to know her fortune This crafty Impostor did know so well how to carry himselfe and delude others with so many circumstances and ceremonies as I must confesse he deceived me as well as the rest The main aime and conclusion of all his craft was to tell Galathea that the influence of the heavens had given her choice of a great happinesse or a great misery and that it must be her own prudence that was to distinguish betwixt them that both these two extreams did depend upon Love that if she contemned his advice she would be the most miserable woman in the world And on the contrary the most happy if she followed his counsel Then looking in her hand and then her face he said unto her Such a day when you are in Marcelles you shall see a man clothed in such a colour if you marry him you will be the most miserable woman upon earth Afterwards he shewed her in a glass a certain place upon the banks of the River Lignon and said unto her See here is the place go unto it such an hour and then and there you shall find a man whom if you marry will make you infinitely happy Now this Climanthes for that was this Conjurers name had subtilly got knowledg of the day that Lindamor was to depart and the colour of his clothes he would wear and his design was that Polemas under a colour of going to Hunt should goe unto the place which he had shewed her in the glass Now hear I beseech you how things hapned Lindamor was clothed as Climanthes told her and Galathea remembring it was so astonished that she could not give him one word by way of any answer Poor Lindamor thought it to bee his departure which made her so sad and so kissing her hand hee went his wayes better contented than his fortune allowed him any reason for Afterwards the day approaching on which Climanthes told her she should meet with the man that would make her all happinesse upon the banks of the River Lignon shee would not fully acquaint me with her design but only said she would try whether the predictions of the Druide were true So shee took with her onely Silvia and me her Nurse and little Meril The Nurse was she that most fortified her in opinion of these predictions as commonly all old women are very superstitious in such things So as this Nymph observing the day that Climanthes told her of she prepared her self the night before to goe unto that place and in the morning dressed her self to the best advantage she could and also commanded us to make our selves ready Thus we went in a Chariot to the place appointed where being come at the very same hour that Climanthes named we found a Shepheard almost drowned whom the waves had cast upon our side This Shepheard was one Celadon who accidentally was fallen into the River and had doubtlesse been drowned if wee had not saved him So Galathea apprehending him to bee the man that was to make her happy began then to love him so that shee would needs have us carry him in the Chariot unto the Palace before he revived for then the sand and mud had so choaked him that he looked as pale as death and had no kind of motion or beauty in him For my part I cursed the Conjurer and did foresee we should be put to abundance of trouble with him for I
further the businesse Madam said Leonida I do not speak without some ground you shall see if you do imploy him what service he will doe you Thus the Nimph was the most contented person in the world fancying her self already at the very top of all her desires But whilst they were thus discoursing Silvia and Adamas were talking of the same business For this Nymph being at the first very familiar with him did at the first speak openly unto him Adamas much desiring to know whether all his Neece had related was true he entreated her to relate unto him all she knew which Silvia did without any dissimulation and as briefly as she could in this manner The History of Leonida KNow that for the better understanding of what you desire I am forced to touch upon all the particulars of Leonida's life whose Destiny seems to twist together all her designes with those of Galathea What I shall say concerning her is not by way of reprehension or blame nor with any intention to divulge her faults for in telling them unto you I think them to be as secret as if they had never been told You must know then that the beauty and merits of Leonida had long since gotten the affection of Polemas and the merits of that Cavalier being very high your Neece gave his affection a kind reception yet behaved her self with so much discretion that it was long before Polemas knew it I know that your self have loved in your time and knows better than I doe how hard a thing it is to hide love And so it was that the vaile being taken away both of them did know that both of them were lovers and both loved However they durst not of a long time declare it After the Festivall which Amasis did Solemnize every yeare as her day of Marriage with Pimander So it was that after dinner we all walked in the Garden at Mont-brison and she and I set our selves down under some Trees to shelter our selves from the heat of the Sun No sooner were we set but Polemas came to us seeming as if but accidentally though I observed that he followed us by the eye a good way distant And because we sat silent a long while together also he having an excellent good voice I told him he would much oblige us if he would sing I shall do so said he pointing at Leonida if this fair one wil be pleased to command me Commands said she would shew indiscretion but if you have any Song that is new I shall think my entreaties very well bestowed I shall answered Polemas and moreover I will promise you that this which you shall hear is so new as it was made during the time of the Sacrifice this morning whilst you were at your Prayers How said I unto him is my companion the subject of the song Yes certainly answered he I am a witness of it and then he began thus Upon a Lady at her Prayers A Saint in Sacred Temple paid Devotion to the Gods and pray'd She that all humane hearts adores Adores the gods and help implores And she whose mercy may men save With eyes and voice doth mercy crave Although she does her eyes disarm And will not suffer any charm In either voice or eye to glance As might their lustre more advance Such charming influence still they have As must all eyes and ears enslave Her eyes with holy Zeal inspir'd Half shut as high as heaven aspir'd And courted it with such a glance As if her soul were in a trance Such raptures of Coelestial Love Must needs both Earth and Heaven move Great God said she I do implore Mercy from thy abundant store Have mercy on me too said I Oh fairest female Dietie Religion bids you to impart To others with a willing heart Since thou art pleas'd O God said she To call us Children O then be A Father not a Judge severe Since you the worlds fair Mistris are Oh then be mine and kind said I Resembling so a Dietie Consider Lord said she how I Have Essence from thy Majesty 'T is onely Thou I doe adore And shall doe so for evermore So it is onely you said I VVhom I adore eternally Measure thy Mercy Lord said she According to thy Love not me Measure your pitty then said I According to my Amity Here then she stopt and went not on Only in Contemplation Her prayers were heard but mine alass Rejected were as poor and base Yet I dare confidently say Mine were as full of Zeal as they She onely by her Faith obey'd I saw the Saint to whom I pray'd Her Prayers did find an easie task Who could deny when she did ask But I poor silly mortal must Return a sinner to my dust And never any mercie find Since she disdaineth to be kind Wee were both very attentive unto his air and perhaps I should have heard more had not Leonida feared lest Polemas should out with something which she desired should be kept secret and therefore as soon as ever he had done singing she began to speak I dare lay a wager said she that I doe know her of whom this Song was made then whispering him in the ear as if she would name her she bade him take heed what she said before me He very cunningly answered aloud No no you are mistaken I swear it is not she whom you named Then I perceived that she did conceal her self from me and therefore seeming as if I would goe and gather some flowers I parted from them but not so farre distant but still I held an eye upon their actions Now since Polemas and she fell off he hath confessed all unto me but when they were in league together I could never make her tell mee any thing But being then together they fell to discourse and she did first begin it Come come Polemas said she why doe you jest thus with your Friends Tell mee truly upon whom was those Verses made Fair Nymph said he your own soul can tell you as well as I for whom they were made How should I know said she do you think I can divine things Yes certainly answered Polemas and I doe think you one of those who does not obey that god who speaks by your mouth but rather will be obeyed by him How do you explain this aenigma said the Nymph I do explain it thus replyed he The god of Love doth speak by your mouth otherwise your words could not be so full of Fire as to kindle so many flames as they doe in the hearts of all those that hear them And yet you do not obey that god when hee commands That all those who love should be loved again but you all disobedience doe make all those who love you to think you infinitely fair but not at all loving no not so much as pittifull I speak Madam for my own particular and can safely swear without the least danger of perjury that never any beauty under the Sun
was and is more loved than you by me When he uttered these last words he blusht and with a smile she answered thus Polemas Polemas old Souldiers can shew their valour by wounds and never use to brag of it but you that talk so much of yours would be put to your shifts to shew them if Love your Captain General should ask you where they are Cruel Nymph said Polemas you are much mistaken for I would onely bid him look upon the fair eyes of my enemy and fully satisfie him for then he would receive such wounds as I have in my heart and never complain of me However it is my glory to have such a worthy author for my wounds Should Love enter into argument with me I should sooner satisfie him than you for he would be sensible of my pain which you never can because a fire cannot burn it self You can never be so sensible of our tears who are so full of rigour that though we do adore you as fair yet we can hardly commend you as humane Leonida did love Polemas but as yet shee would not let him know it On the other side she feared that if she should put him quite out of hope she should then quite lose him and therefore she answered him thus Polemas if your affection be such as you say then time will give me better knowledge of it than all your well spoken words can which are too eloquent to proceed from affection for I have heard say that affection cannot be without passion and passion will not permit a spirit the freedome of discourse But when time has told me as much as you have done you may think I am not such a stone but I shall be sensible of your merits and your amity may perhaps finde a favourable reception untill then never hope for any more from me then what you may from all the rest of my Companions in generall Polemas would have kissed her hand by way of assurance but she forbad him saying Cavalier be discreet many eyes are upon us if you use any such things you will lose me Upon this she rose up and came to us who were gathering flowers Thus was the first overture of any affection between them which gave occasion unto Galathed to intermeddle in the businesse for seeing this passage in the Garden and having a designe upon Polemas she would know that night what had passed between Leonida and him And being ever very familiar with your Niece she durst not absolutely deny the truth of this addresse but Galathea pressed the matter further and would needs know the very same words which passed between them unto which your Niece did partly answer truth and partly dissemble but she said enough to exasperate Galathea so much as from that very day she resolved to get his love and went to work with so many artifices as it was impossible he should resist First she began with Leonida and charged her to let this love betwixt Polemas and she go no further then told her that it was her best policy to root it out for she knew that Polemas had another aime and made use of her only to laugh at Further if Amasis should come to know of it she would be much offended Leonida who then had no more subdety in her than a little Child received the words of the Nymph us from her Mistresse and never penetrated into the depth of her designe but was for some daies so strange unto Polemas as he could not chuse but wonder what the matter was This at the beginning made him more hot upon this addresse as it is ordinary for young spirits to be most violent upon that which is most difficult unto them And indeed he did so continue his courtship that Leonida had much ado to dissemble the affection which she bore unto him insomuch as Polemas perceived well enough that she loved him But see how love had ordained it After three or foure months continuance in his most violent prosecution of his courtship and when he had attained to as much assurance as almost he could desire his affection began to slack and lose its violence and by degrees grew so faint and bold as it was quite dead The Nymph did not take any notice that she was single in this affection the truth is Galathea was partly the cause for having a design upon Polemas she did use such artifice and was so indulgent towards him as it may be said she did insensibly steal him for when Leonida was shurp with him Galathea was sweet when the one did flie his company the other carrassed him and all this so long together and so openly that Polemas began to cast his eyes upon Galathea and a little after his heart followed for he seeing himselfe favoured by the greater and sleighted by the inferiour he began to embrace the smiling fortune But Oh! wise Adamas see how it pleaseth Love to play with hearts At this time Agis at the motion of Clidaman became a Servant unto your Niece not so much as you know by election as by instigation At the first this new Cavalier did apply himselfe in all becomming courtship unto his new Mistresse and she was still wholly devoted unto Polemas Agis who like a Miser that has still his eye upon his treasure did take notice of it and complained unto his Mistresse but her faint and hollow answers in lieu of extinguishing his jealousie did by little and little stifle his love for considering what loose hold he had of her soul he resolved to let it go and be gone himselfe The best receipt as I have heard say for the cure of a Lover For as Love has its beginning from the eyes so its decay must needs be from not seeing them which cannot be but in absence where oblivion swallowes up all memory of the party loved And so it did in Agis he was no sooner gone but all love vanish'd out of his soul and entertained disdain in lieu of it so as Leonida in striving to get Polemas lost him who perhaps would have been entirely hers But the rallerie of Love rested not here Polemas must have his share as well as the rest for just about this time the affection of Lindamor began to break out and as Leonida had lost Agis for Polemas and polemas Leonida for Galathea so Galathea cast off Polemas for Lindamor It is a task too hard to relate all their particular follies but so it was that Polemas seeing himselfe paid in the same coin that he payed your Niece would not for all that be out of either hope or love but on the contrary did use all inventions to ingratiate himselfe but all to this very houre in vain But yet this satisfaction he found that he who was the cause of his misery did not enjoy that happinesse he aimed at For whether it was by reason of his stratagems or the will of the gods I know not but Lindamor is out of
favour as well as he And it seemes Love could never finde any rest in the breast of Galathea the memory of one was no sooner out but another was presently in and now at this very time her thoughts are all upon a Shepheard whose qualities as a Shepheard may indeed merit much but never to be Galathea's Servant and yet she is so extreamly passionate and tender of him that if his-sicknesse should continue I know not what would become of her for I never saw one so carefull nor so troubled as she hath been ever since he was ill But this is not all most wise Adamas Your Niece is also so taken with Celadon as I know not whether Galathea or she be more and hereupon great jealousie is grown betwixt them and though I qualifie the matter as well as I can yet so it is that I do despair of it for the future And therefore I thank the gods that you are come for really without you I know not how to carry my selfe betwixt them Excuse me in speaking thus freely unto you since it is upon a businesse that concerns you the affection I do bear unto you constraines me to it Thus did Silvia end her discourse with abundance of demonstration of her hatred against this kinde of life for which Adamas did much esteem her And to begin the cure of this Shepheard and these Nymphs for the last of these was the greater difficulty Adamas asked her advice For my part said she I would first take away the cause which is this Shepheard and the effects may of themselves follow but this must be done with much artifice else Galathea will never let him go 'T is very true answered the Druide but in the mean time untill that can be handsomly contrived care must be taken that he do not fall in love with them for there is such a sympathy between Youth and Beauty that if they should conjoyne affections once all separations will be in vain Oh Adamas said Silvia did you but know Celadon as well as I do this would be the least of all your fears for he is so rooted in the love of Astrea that all the beauty in the world except hers cannot shake him especially now he is sick for his care may well be more of his cure than any thing else Fair Silvia answered the Druide you speak as one that is ignorant in Love and never knew the force of it this little god can do such miracles that when there is least appearance of any effects even then will he shew his power Be not therefore so secure for there is no kinde of vertue whatsoever that is Armour-proof against Love Chastity it selfe cannot do it witnesse Endymion Away away said Silvia Oh! wise Adamas why do you terrifie me with so great a dysaster Because said he I would have you arme your selfe against the forces of this god lest being too secure in your opinion of that which you judge impossible you should be surprised before you be prepared I have heard say that Celadon is so handsome so discreet and so every way accomplished as he is furnished with all perfections which cause Love and therefore there is danger Treasons of Love are so hard to be discovered that not one of a thousand can see them Nay nay said Silvia let me alone for that and tell me only what I should do in this businesse that we have already discovered I do conceive said the Druide this cure must be wrought very much by the eye and when I have seen how the world goes we shall order things to the best advantage we can and in the mean time let us keep our design secret Hereupon Silvia left Adamas to his rest and went to Galathea who with Leonide was by Celadon's bed side for they hearing he was awake they could neither of them hold from him He esteemed Leonida very much her carrasses did oblige him to it but Silvia's humour pleased him much better A litter after they fell into discourse of Adamas much extolling his wisdome prudence and goodnesse Upon which Celadon asked whether it was not he who was son unto great Pelion of whom so many wonders are reported The very same said Galathea and he is come hither purposely to be your Physician Oh Madam answered the Shepheard he must have abundance of Art if he can cure my disease but I am of opinion that when he knowes it he will so despair of my recovery as he will not undertake the cure Galathea thought that he had spoke of the disease in his body But is it possible said she that you should finde your selfe so ill I am confident that if you would but help your selfe you would be able to quit your bed in two or three daies Perhaps not Madam said Leonida for some are so inwardly sick as they themselves do not know of it untill it be at the height Their discourse had lasted longer had not the Druide come to see how squares went and he found him well enough disposed in body for the Malady was past the height and in its Decline but when he talked with him he found the disease to be most in the minde though he did not believe it was for any of these Nymphs Yet like a prudent Physician he would feel how the pulse of his minde did beat and therefore to begin the cure he would try how he stood affected first to Galathea and in order to this when all the Nymphs were retired he shut the dores and began thus I see Celadon said he that your astonishment is not little to finde your selfe exalted so suddenly unto such a height of fortune as this you enjoy for I am confident it was above your hopes since being born a Shepheard and brought up in a Village you are now carrassed cherished and waited upon by Nymphs and such as are accustomed to command and more then that such as command the whole Country You have great reason to be thankfull unto the gods for it and pray that it may continue Adamas spoke in this manner purposely as an invitation to make him speak the truth of his affection thinking by this means seeming to approve of it he would discover himself Unto which the Shepheard answered with a deep sigh Father said he if this be such a high fortune then certainly my mouth is out of tast for I did never in all my life relish more bitter Wormwood than this which you call good-fortune and since I came into this condition wherein you find me Why said the Druide the better to discover his subtlety is it possible you should be so insensible of your happinesse as not to see the Grandure unto which you are advanced Alas alas said Celadon all this does but shew me a Precipice and menace me with the greater fall Are you afraid said Adamas that this good fortune will not last I fear said the Shepheard that it will last longer than I would have it Why
by his Brother Diamis who presented them unto her under a colour of presenting her with some fruit She would often return him such satisfactory answers as he had some reason to be contented with And this affection was carried with so much prudence as few perceived it Amaranthe her selfe though she was continually with them had been ignorant of it had she not accidentally found a Letter which her companion had lost And see I beseech you the consequences of it with this Note That it is very dangerous for any young soul to come neer the fire of Love Till now this Shepheardesse never had the least resentment of any love no nor so much as any minde of being loved but as soon as she saw this Letter whether out of envie to her companion whom she thought no superiour in beauty or because she was of that age which is most apt to take fire or whether this Letter contained such hot and servent expressions as would thaugh a piece of Ice so it was that she began to swell with desire not only to love but to be loved again by this Shepheard And then she read over the Letter again severall times which was thus penned Celion's Letter unto Belinde Fair Shepheardesse IF your fair eyes were as full of truth as they are of motives to love the sweetnesse which at the first they do promise would then make me adore them with as much contentment as they do now produce in me vain hopes but they are so far from making good their deluding promises as they will not so much as confesse them and are so far from curing my wounds as they will not so much as say they are the causers of them The truth is they can hardly deny them if they do but consider that no other Beauty but theirs could ever make them so great However as if you intended to make your cruelty to equall your beauty you ordain that affection which you inspired may cruelly die in me Oh heavens was there ever such a mercilesse Mother as to murder her own child But I that am more dear of any thing that comes from you than of my life will never suffer such a piece of injustice and therefore I am resolved to carry this affection along with me to my grave hoping still that heaven considering my patience will once move you to be as pittifull unto me as you are now dear and hard-hearted Amaranthe read over this Letter severall times and ere she was aware sucked in the sweet poyson of Love as a weary person by degrees falls asleep If her imagination brought the face of this Shepheard before her eyes Oh how full of beauty and handsomnesse she fancyed him His behaviour and mind was agreeable his wit rare and every part so exquisite as she thought her companion infinitely happy in his love Then would she read the Letter over again and when she came to the end of it she flattered her desires being blown by the bellowes of vain hopes with an opinion that Belinde did not yet love him but that she her selfe might perhaps easily get him but this poor fond Lover never took notice that this was the first Letter he writ unto her and that since this much alteration might be Belinde's friendship sometimes gave her a check but love presently surmounted friendship In conclusion she writ this Letter unto Celion Amaranthe's Letter unto Celion YOur Perfections may well excuse my error and your Civility may as well receive that affection which I do offer unto you May I perish if I love any that is inferiour unto you but such is your merit as I make it my glory to love you and my shame to stoop so low as to love any other If you do refuse this offer it will be for want of will or courage and which of the two soever it be it will be more dishonourable to you than me that you refused me She gave this Letter her selfe unto Celion who not imagining what it should be as soon as he came to a private place he read it but not with more wonder than scorn and had he not known her to be the dear friend of his Mistresse he would not have daigned her an answer yet fearing left she should some way or other prejudice him he sent her this Letter by his Brother Celion's Answer unto Amaranthe I Cannot tell what is in me that can move you to love me However I do think it to be as great an honour that such a Shepheardesse should daigne to look upon me as I do think it a misfortune that I cannot receive such an happinesse Oh! that it would please my Destinies to let me give my selfe unto you Fair Amaranthe I should think my selfe the happiest man alive if I could live in your service but since it is not in my power I beseech you excuse me and blame neither my wit nor my courage for that which is hindred by a compulsive Necessitie It would be abundance of happinesse and glory unto me to be in your favour but it would be as much griefe unto you to finde a continuall impediment in my affection so as I am forced most humbly to beseech you even by your vertue to temper your too hot passion by a moderate affection which I shall with all my heart entertain for there is no impossibility in that but whatsoever is in me that is within the compasse of possibility is wholly at your service This answer had been sufficient to have diverted her if Love of its own nature were not like unto Gun-powder which the more it is restrained the greater force it hath Her apprehensions did oppose against these difficulties some shadowes of reason as that Celion could not so soon cast Belinde off that it would argue too great a levity in him if he should upon the very first Summons deliver up the Fort. But time told her to her cost that this was but a meer shadow of reason for ever since that day this Shepheard did to disdain her that he shunned her company and often chose rather to be without Belinde ' then have hers with it Now perceiving her selfe to be imba●qued upon a Sea so full of dangers as was impossible to avoid a Ship-wrack and finding her selfe not able to brook so great a displeasure she grew so sad as she shunned all company and places where any pleasure was to be found and at last fell sick in good earnest Her dear friend Belinde came presently to visit her and not dreaming of any thing desired Celion to come with her but the sight of a happinesse which one cannot have augmenteth the desire of it the more and this visit did but more fester the disease of Amaranthe Night being come all retired to their lodgings except Belinde who was very much troubled at her companions misery though she did not know what it was for when she asked her any question she was answered only by sighs at which Belinde
made me retreat if I did love him When said Galathea Do you remember Madam answered Leonida when you commanded me to make no more account of Polemas Oh very well remembred to no purpose said Galathea But did you never love Celadon Madam answered she I doe not love Celadon any otherwise than as a Brother and in that she said true for since the Shepheard and she had the last discourse she resolved to change her love into friendship Well Leonide said the Nymph let 's leave this discourse both of him and Lindamor for we have had too much of it But what answer said she will you return to Lindamor Nothing said she but silence Must hee then whom he sent hither said she return without any answer Let him take his own course said Galathea As for me I am fully resolved that neither for his sake nor any others will I make myself miserable Is it not necessary then said Leonide that Flurial comeback No said she Leonide then told her that there was a young man who desired to speak with Silvia and that shee thought it was from Ligdamon because he would deliver his Message unto none but Silvia herself Then tell him where she is said the Nymph we need but draw the Curtains of Celadons Bed for I doe assure my selfe he will bee glad to hear what Ligdamon hath writ since I beleeve you have already acquainted him with their love 'T is very true said Leonide but Silvia is of such a haughty spirit that I am confident she will be much offended if this Messenger should speake unto her before Celadon Let it surprise her said Galathea and go you before to bid the Shepheard that he speak not and draw the Curtains whilst I conduct the messenger into the Chamber Thus these Nymphs went out and Galathea remembring she had seen this man with Ligdamon asked From whence he came and how his Master did also what newes he brought from him I come Madam said he from Merovea's Army and as for any thing from my Master I have it in my Commission to tell it only unto Silvia You are very close it seemes said Galathea But do you think that I will permit you to say any thing unto my Nymphs unknown to me Madam said he I will deliver my message before you if you please for I had it so in command especially before Leonida Come then said the Nymph And so they came into Celadon's Chamber where Leonida had before set all things in order not acquainting Silvia with it who at first was astonished but afterwards seeing Galathea with the young man she presently imagined that it was to keep Celadon from being seen Silvia's surprise was very great when she saw Egides for so was the young man called whom she knew presently for though she was not down-right in love with Ligdamon yet was she not exempted from much good-will unto him she did imagine that he brought some newes from him yet would not ask him But Galathea addressing herselfe to the man If you will deliver your message unto Silvia said she here you may since she and Leonida are both here Madam said Egides addressing unto Silvia Ligdamon my Master and the most faithfull of all the Servants which your merits acquired hath commanded me to acquaint you with the state of his fortune desiring nothing else from heaven in recompence of his fidelity but that your heart might be moved unto some sparks of pitty though Love could never come neer the Ice of it What said Galathea and interrupted him you speak as if he had made his Will How does he Madam said the man addressing unto Galathea I shall tell you if you will please to give me leave Then addressing himselfe unto Silvia he began thus The History of Ligdamon AFter Ligdamon had taken his leave of you he departed with Lindamor and promised to himselfe to obtain that by this voyage which his services could not do at home hoping either so to signalize his nameby his acts of valour that he might become agreeable unto you or else in dying to make you grieve for his losse In this designe they came into the Army of Merovea a Prince adorned with all Perfections requisite in a Conquerour and came so opportunely as the Battle was to be fought the seventh day after so as all the young Cavalrie had no other cares but to burnish up their Armes and get their horses in good order But it is not of them I am to speak therefore passing all them over in silence only what relates unto Ligdamon give me therefore leave to tell you that the assigned day of Battle being come the two Armies drew out of their Camps and in sight of each other ranked themselves into Battalia Here a Squadron of Horse there a Battalion of Foot here the Drums there the Trumpets on one side the neighing of Horses on the other side the voices of men did make such a noise as if B●llona had roared in the field and displayed her most horrid Banners As for me I never having been before in the like service I was so deasned with the noise and dazled with the shining of Armes that the truth is I knew not where I was yet my resolution ever was not to abandon my Master though nothing was to be seen but Engines of Death But all this was nothing compared to that horrible confusion when all these Squadrons met and when the word of Combat was given The Cavalrie and Infantry Men Armes Horses and Engines made a most affrighting thunder After we had received severall clouds of Arrowes I cannot tell you how I came to be with my Master in the midst of his enemies where I did nothing but admire the miracles of his sword I swear fair Nymph one wonder makes me forget another so many did Ligdamon perform and such was his valour that Merovea desired to know his name having observed him above all the rest of the Cavaliers The first Squadron was already victorious and ours rallied to fall upon the second when the Enemy with his whole Body marched upon them and so suddenly that Merovea could not relieve them in time And certainly if he had found a Captain lesse experienced than this he had effected his designe But this great Souldier imagining the despair of his Adversary sent presently three fresh Squadrons two unto the two wings and the third in the arrear of the first and so well as they sustained a great part of the first shock yet we who were advanced were much oppressed with numbers At the same time both Bodies of Infantry being joyned that of Merovea had the better and look how much we gained ground upon the Horse so much the Infantry of the Enemy lost So it was that upon the enemies first Charge many of our men were troden down besides those whom Arrowes had at the first un-Horsed amongst the rest Clidaman was one his Horse being killed under him with an Arrow
halfe and the Wife the other Upon which she smiled and said unto him It seemes Lydias you have forgot the Custome for you should have left me a part God forbid wise Amarina said he for it is poyson which I have chosen to finish my life withall rather then fail in my promise to you and in my affection which I owe unto the fair Silvia Oh my god said she is this possible And then thinking that he was Lydias but that during his absence he had changed his minde and not desiring to live without him she ran with the Cup in her hand to the Bottle where the poysoned wine was and before Ligdamon was aware had drunk it off for the Apothecary whom Ligdamon had prepared had filled the Bottle full Afterwards returning to him she said You cruell man had rather have death then me and I rather then be without you Oh Amerina said Ligdamon I confesse that I had offended if I had been him you took me for but believe me now I am upon my last breath I am not Lydias but Ligdamon and time will discover the error However I choose death rather then break my promise made unto the fair Silvia unto whom I have consecrated my life since I am not able to satisfy both Then he continued Oh fairest Silvia accept of this good will I now offer unto thee and of all my actions let this last be best received since it is imprinted with the noble character of Fidelity The Poyson now began to work by degrees upon the spirits of these two new-marryed persons so as he could hardly breathe when turning his head towards me he said Go go my friend go and do thy businesse relate what thou hast seen and that death is more welcome unto me than life which would have stained that Fidelity which I have vowed unto the fair Silvia Silvia was the last word he ever spake for as he uttered it his Soul departed out of his Body into the Elizian fields where if ever any Lover was happy it is he in expectation of seeing you there with him Is it then certainly true said Silvia that Ligdamon is dead Alas too true answered he Oh ye gods cryed out Silvia All she was able to do was to lie down upon the bed for her heart quite failed her where after she had been awhile she called for Leonida to take Ligdamon's Letter and to tell Egides that she would have him serve her Thus Egides with-drew with eyes swimming in tears Now did Love shew his power for this Nymph who never much loved Ligdamon alive now she heard of his death she expressed as much griefe as was possible for any Lover Upon this occasion Galathea talking unto Celadon she said That hereafter she would think it impossible that a woman should never in her life love any one for said she this Nymph hath been too cruell unto all those that loved her that some have dyed for very griefe others have been banished out of her sight by despair and this very man whom she now laments for she did heretofore drive into such extremity that but for Leonida he had then dyed also so as I durst have sworn Love would have sooner harboured in the most snowie part of the Alps than in her heart and yet you may see unto what she is reduced now Do not think this to be Love Madam said Celadon but rather Pitty for she had been the hardest piece of Marble that ever was had she not been extreamly perplexed at this report For my part I think Ligdamon more happy than if he were alive since he loved this Nymph so extreamly and she was so hard hearted unto him For what greater happinesse can be then to be at the end of misery and to enter into felicity How joyed would he be to see Silvia mourn for him and set a value upon his affection No no Madam Ligdamon is not to be mourned for so much as Silvia for you shall see that all her minde and fancy will run upon Ligdamon The discourse the garb the affection the valour and briefly every action of this Lover will in revenge of her cruelty continually torment her minde and will in revenge be the Executioner of Love's justice This discourse was spoken so loud and so neer Silvia that she heard it all and it did but increase her griefe so as she went out of this Chamber into her own where she could no longer restrain her tears for shutting the dore after her and desiring Leonida to leave her she threw her selfe upon the bed where with watry eyes and folded armes she called to minde all the former life of Ligdamon how great his love was how patiently he endured all her rigour with what discretion he served her how constant he was in his love and in the end said she all this is now enclosed in a little piece of earth Then calling to minde her own demeanor her discourses her farewells her impatiencies and a thousand more particulars she was forced to say Oh fatall memory let the ashes of my dear Ligdamon rest in peace if thou dost torment me thus I know he will not be contented with it At last after she had been a while mute Well said she it is resolved upon be my life long or short as it shall please the Fates I will never cease loving my dear Ligdamon nor forget his affection or vertues Galathea in the mean while opened Ligdamon's Letter which was in Leonida's hands and found in it these words Ligdamon's Letter unto Silvia IF you are offended at my over-boldnesse in loving you my death will revenge your Quarell If you stood neutrall and indifferent I am confident this last act of affection will have such an operation upon your soul as will gain me some more esteem which if it do I shall cherish my resemblance of Lydias more then my own birth since by the one I was but a trouble and by the other acceptable unto you These are the great revenges of Love said Celadon And I do remember another though upon another subject how a Shepheard writ this Epitaph upon a jealous Husband An EPITAPH Upon a Jealous Husband HEre in this durty Dungeon lies One of god Cupid's enemies The wages of his crime was death Who troubled all whilst he had breath This Tyrant ever made a Theft Of Love which ought to be a gift This was the man who Argos ey'd More faults than ever was espi'd And out of his depraved Minde Still look'd for what he would not finde But Love at last did stop his breath And in revenge did send him death Love injur'd though he make no haste Will be revenged yet at last It is most true answered Galathea Love never suffers an offence committed against him to escape unpunished and hence it is we see so many strange accidents in all human actions And therefore Celadon I wonder that you po● not tremble for feare and every moment expect an Arrow
piercing curiosity of the Sun that it findes a passage between some leaves for some of its rayes Take notice how well the shade and the rayes are represented But certain it is that the Shepheard cannot be surpassed in beauty look wel upon the delicate proportion and symmetry of his face his tall and proper stature and see how every part is painted in the height of perfection although he stoopes a little to reach the water and with his right arme washeth his left yet for all that you may easily perceive his perfect beauty Then cast your eye upon the other side of the River and there you may behold uglinesse in its height as on this side you did beauty for there amongst those dirty Rushes you may see the Sorcerene Mandrague looking upon the Shepheard as he is bathing himselfe see how she is drest as it were in spite of those that look upon her her rufled hair her foul and naked arme and her pittifull petticoat tucked up higher then her ugly knee I believe and so would any that she was going to conjure But see here the strange effects of Beauty This old Hag with one hip in her grave with her little lean wrinckled and meager face and hair as gray as old age could make it she is not ashamed to fall in love with this young and lovely Lad If there be any sympathy in Love as they say there is I wonder where it could be betwixt Damon and her look what an extasy she is in how she lifts up her hoary head and withered hands and intending to smile makes a miserable mouth But be she as ugly as she is she intends to love and court this Shepheard Then lift up your eyes a little higher and see how Venus and Cupid in that cloud looking upon this new Lover do seem as if they laughed at it Certainly this was some wager which that little god had laid with his Mother that he could make this wither'd stump bestir her selfe in Love or if it were not upon a wager it was to shew by this old hag that dry wood burnes better and sooner then green or else to shew his power upon this aged Monument he would try what heat was in his Torch with which it seemes he can inspire new soules and in a word make life revive and come out of the grave The fourth Picture PAsse then unto the next and you shall see night very well represented See how in that gloomy shade some Mountains do a little appear but so as you can hardly tell what they be Observe how these stars do seem as if they twinkled there is Ursa major which though it have seven and twenty stars belonging to it yet the judicious workman has represented clearly unto us but twelve and of that twelve but seven that shine clear There again is Ursa minor And consider that though all these seven stars do never hide themselves yet one of them is of the third Magnitude and foure of the fourth and yet to us they seem all of the same proportion There is also the Dragon unto which belongs thirty and one stars yet thirteen only to be seen five of which are of the fourth Magnitude and eight of the third There again is Adrian's Crown which hath in it eight stars whereof one is more splendent then the rest Behold there the Milkie way by which the Romans say that the gods used to go and come from heaven How well those clouds are represented how in some places they cover the sky with a dusky thicknesse in others lesse as they are more or lesse in height so in clearnesse Now let us consider the Story of this Picture Look upon Mandrague in the midst of a Circle with a wand in her right hand and an old worm-eaten book in her left with a candle of green wax and a pair of rotten spectacles on her nose see how she seemes to mutter her mouth awry her browes like clouds and every action seemes to groan out her affection Observe how her feet her arms her left side is naked being on the same side with her heart All those phantasmes which you see about her are Demons and Spirits which she conjures up unto her by her charms to know of them what she should do to make Damon love her They tell her of his affection unto Fortune and that there is no better way then to tell him that this Shepheardesse loves another and not him and in order to that it is requisite she should presently change the vertue that is in the Fountain of Loves verity Before you go any further observe the art of the Drawer see the effects of Mandrague's candle in the dark how light it is on her left side and how dark it is on the other side of her face as if it were two different complexions Then see what a difference the shadow of this candle makes amongst the Demons some in darknesse some in light as she does turn her selfe Observe again the Painters art in drawing his distances somethings at hand and some afar off Mandrague here is far off at the Fountain of Loves verity But for your better understanding be pleased to know that a little before there was a fair Shepheardesse the Daughter of a very cunning Magician was secretly desperately in love with a Shepheard Whether it was that the charmes of Magick had no influence upon the charmes of Love or that he was so attentive upon his studies that he did not minde her but so it was that after a most extream affection and disdain of the Shepheard she took it so to heart that she dyed and all her Fathers skill could not help her At which the Magician being extreamly sorry when he understood the occasion to eternize her memory he changed her Tombe into a Fountain which he called the Verity of Love because whosoever looked in it he should see his Mistresse and if she did love him he should see her and himselfe together and if she did not love any then she should appear alone And this is the vertue that Mandrague would change to the end that when Damon came to look into the Fountain he might finde that his Mistresse loved another and so his affection unto her might die and she her selfe might possesse it See how she did inchant it what Characters she makes about it what Circles what Triangles and od Figures she useth Before she began to conjure she called all her Divells about her to her aide yet Love being stronger then all they they durst not attempt any thing against him only counselled her to betray these two faithfull Lovers and to forbear that qualitie for a certain time Now since the vertue of this Fountain did sust come unto it by a Magician Mandrague who excelled all her Predecessors in that Science might easily obtain that request But let us passe to the next Picture The fift Picture THis Piece contains two actions The first is Damon
replyed unto him Celadon said she I have seen you in a place where all in it have thought you not so ignorant in matters of Love Fair Nymph answered hee in what place soever that was there was much beauty in it if you were there but as too great a fire rather burns than warms so your beauties are too high for our Rustique hearts for they do rather make us admire than love and adore rather than serve With such discourses as this all this faire company went homeward where Dinner waited for them As soon as day did break Leonida according as it was resolved upon over night by Adamas her companion and Celadon did come unto the Shepheards chamber to dresse him in those clothes which her Uncle had brought But the little Merill who by Galathea's command did alwayes stay with Celadon as well to be a spye over the actions of Leonida as to wait upon the Shepheard did a long while hinder their design At last some noise or other that was made in the Court made Meril run out to see what the matter was Then Celadon did rise immediatly and the Nymph see what love will doe did help to dresse him for without her hee knew not how to put his clothes on handsomly Presently after Meril returnes yet Celadon hearing him went into a Wardrobe and hee was no sooner entred but Meril asked where Celadon was He is in the Wardrobe said the Nymph and will come out presently what wouldst thou have with him I would tell him sayd the boy that Amasis is coming hither Leonida was a little surprised that she could not finish what she had begun yet that she might goe and give Celadon some counsel she sayd unto Meril Go little Meril run and acquaint thy Lady lest she be surprised The Boy ran as fast as he could and Celadon came out laughing at the news Oh why do you laugh said the Nymph her comming will hinder your going out Come come said hee make haste and dresse me for amongst so many Nymphs I shall the more easily steal away But whilst they were very busie at their work Galathea entred and upon such a sudden that Celadon could not get into the Closet You may well imagine how both Leonida and Celadon were surprised at this accident Yet the crafty Leonida seeing Galathea enter she held Celadon and would not let him hide himself but turning towards Galathea and seeming much troubled Madam said she if you doe not use some means that my Lady come not hither we are all undone for my part I am doing what I can to disguise Celadon in a womans habit but I am afraid I shall not have time enough Galathea who knew not at the first what to think of this Metamorphosis did much commend this witty invention of Leonida's and when she saw Celadon so well disguised she could not chuse but laugh and said unto Leonida Friend but for you we had been all undone for we could never have hidden Celadon amongst so many Nymphs as will come with Amasis but now wee are well enough and may safely shew him unto all your companions who will take him for a woman Thus Galathea after it was agreed upon that Celadon should say he was Cosen unto Adamas and called Lucinde went out to meet her Mother I must ingenuously confesse said Celadon after she was gone I was never in my life so astonished as at these three accidents First at the coming of Amasis Secondly at Galathea's surprising us and thirdly at your sudden invention Shepheard said Leonide what I do proceeds from my desires to rid you out of your pain and I would to the gods you knew my heart then would you find what happinesse I wish you By way of gratitude for so great an obligation said the Shepheard I cannot chuse but tender you my life since you have preserved it Thus they talked till Meril came into the Chamber and seeing Celadon almost drest hee was ravished and said no live person could know him for hee that was continually with him had he not seen him dressing should have been mistaken Who told thee said Celadon that I was disguised My Lady said he and commanded me to say your name was Lucinde the Cosen of Adamas and to acquaint the Druide with it who could not chuse but laugh when hee heard it and promised to doe as my Lady commanded him In the mean time Amasis was come out of her Coach and met Galathea at the stairs foot with Silvia and Adamas Daughter said she unto her me-thinks you have been too long in solitude and I am come to disorder you a little The good news I have received from Clidaman and Lindamor does so rejoyce mee that I cannot contain my joyes alone and therefore I am come to make you a participant with me and would have you goe with me unto Marcelles where Bonefires shall be made through every street I doe much rejoice at your happinesse Madam said Galathea and wish it may continue eternally But truly Madam this place pleaseth me so well that I have no desiring Genius to leave it No more you shall long replyed Amasis but because I will not goe thither untill night let us walke together and I will acquaint you with the news I have received Then Adamas made a low reverence and said Certainly Madam your news is very good since you are stirring so early to impart it unto your Daughter I have received it said shee two or three daies since but found that I could not enjoy the contentment of it alone and truly the news deserves to be divulged Thus they talked until they came into the Garden when as they began to walk Amasis took Galathea on one side and Adamas on the other and then she proceeded thus The History of Lydias and Melandre Considering the strange variety of accidents which are caused by Love me-thinkes it must needs be confessed that the Wheel of Love does turn about as fast as the Wheel of Fortune and that Passion causeth as many changes and alterations in humane affairs as any thing else The examples of these are so frequently before our eyes that it is impertinent to instance them And yet when you have heard this which I intend to relate you will confess you never heard of any more remarkable It is known unto you how Clidaman by hazard and Lot became a servant unto Silvia and how Guyemant in bringing a Letter unto her from his Brother fell in love with her And since that I believe you are not ignorant of their design in departing both together to goe unto Merovea Nor how I sent a great number of the young Cavalrie under the conduct of Lindamor after them But I beleeve you do not know what they have done since they went And therefore I do at this time intend to make a relation of their voyage unto you for it is worthy of knowledge As soon as Clidaman came unto the Army Guyemant
who did most sadly resent the death of her dear Ligdamon When Dinner was done some of the Nymphs had a minde to play others to view the house some to walk in the Gardens and others to fit and discourse in the Chamber of Amasis Leonida seeming as if she would make her self ready for her going with Amasis went out of the Chamber and presently after Lucinde followed and then seeming as if they would walk they went out of the Castle having most of the Shepheards clothes under their Petticoats and when they were got into the thick of the Wood the Shepheard undressed himself and putting on his own cloathes he thanked the Nymph for her good assistance offering her in exchange his life all that did depend upon it Then the Nymph with a deep sigh said unto him Well Celadon have I not performed my promise I pray remember yours also I should think my selfe sayd Celadon the most unworthy man that lives if I did not perform all my promises unto you Then Celadon said she remember what you swore unto me for I am resolved to put you to the Test this very hour Fair Nymph answered Celadon dispose of me as far as I am able as freely as you can of your self for I am fully resolved upon obedience Have you not made a promise unto me replyed the Nymph that I should search into all your life past and if I found any thing which you could doe for me you would doe it And he answering that it was true then Celadon said she I have done as you did bid me and though they say Love be blind yet I have so much light left in me as to know that you ought to continue that love which you have so often promised unto your Astrea for disgusts of love will not allow any one to be perjured or unfaithfull and therefore ye ought not to fail in your duty though they have treated you ill The faults of others can never excuse or wash away our own Love therefore the fair and happy Astrea with as much sincerity of affection as ever you did serve her adore her and more if it bee possible for Love requires extreames in his sacrifice But yet I know that the good offices which I have done you does deserve something And because Love can never be payd but with Love you are obliged to pay mee in the same coyn if no impossibilities doe intervene But since one heart is not capable of any more but one love let me be paid with what it can And since you cannot love me as your Mistris I would have you love me as your Sister and ever hereafter to love mee cheerish me and treat me in that manner Celadons contentment cannot be expressed after hee heard this language for he confessed it was infinitely his own desire And therefore after he had given the Nymph a Million of thanks for her affection hee vowed to receive her as his Sister and under that notion to doe whatsoever shee commanded him And so they parted extreamly well contented and satisfied one with another Leonida returned to the Castle the Shepheard to his voyage shunning all such Plains where he thought he might meet with any Shepheards of his acquaintance And leaving Mount Verdun on the left hand he went unto a little rising ground from whence he could view most of those places where hee was accustomed to feed his Flock where Astrea was wont to come unto him and where they used to shade themselves from the scorching Sunne in the heat of the day Briefly this Prospect presented to his eye all those contentments which hee had been so long deprived of And in contemplation of them hee sate down under a shady tree and sighed out these Verses A Prospect YOnder 's the place my fairest Sun Did bliss mee 'fore the day begun Whilst th' other like a sluggard slept Or out of drousie bed was crept She crown'd with Violet and Rose Did there her early self repose And with her self such light did bring As made those fields appear a Spring The other Sun with his hot rayes Such over-scorching heat displays As dryes and withers every plant And makes the Ploughmans heart to pant My Sun with influence so sweet Such onely as have souls doe greet On those she never heat imparts But burneth onely Lovers hearts Yonder 's the Fountain which doth claim From Sycamors a borrowed Name There did my Shepheardesse Divine Whilst her fair hand was linkt in mine Answer my Love in equal flame Celadon shall ne'r forget the same For there he vow'd to her and swore Eternally her to adore Under yond spreading leaved tree Which shaddowed both her and me Purest vermilion there did seek For harbour in her lovely cheek When she did blush for shame to hear A Shepheard swear that she was fair No no said she to me for I Fair would be onely in thy eye But O thou hollow Rock where we So oft have been in secrecie Where is that Love which we did vow And what becometh of it now Did she and I the gods adore And all in vain their help implore Have I not reason to complain Since she does pay me with disdain And thou old Tree whose barkie leather Defends thee from the stormy weather To thee I doe address my plaint And doe this sad divorce lament How oft did we our Letters hide Within thy old worm-eaten side But now alass too plain I see Both thou and she all changed bee These thoughts and imaginations had kept Celadon longer in that place but for the coming of a disconsolate Shepheard who pittifully lamenting his losse came towards him sighing out these Verses Upon too over-soon a Death YOu that my weeping eyes do see Did you but know what misery Has swell'd my heart In lieu of blaming me you would Adde all the sorrows that you could And take my part Within the gloomy shade of death The fairest that had ever breath Inhabits now VVhy should not destiny so tart As well my body as my heart That place allow No sooner she her self did show Amongst us mortals here below But she was gone So as it seemeth she was sent Onely to make us all lament And her bemoan As loving I vy clings about A wither'd Tree when life is out Even so would I And live contentedly I could If close to her but cling I could Untill I dy Celadon having no mind to be seen by any that could know him when hee spied this Shepheard a good distance off he concealed himself behinde a thick bush and when hee was past he followed him at an unseen distance untill he saw him sit down and then hee crept so neare that hee could heare all his sad complaints The humour of this unknowne Shepheard sympathizing with his own it swelled him with a curiosity to know somthing from him both concerning his own Mistris and his also Therefore going to him he began to speak thus Sad Shepheard I doe
wish thee joy with all my heart since I can doe no more I hope thou wilt take my wish in good part and in requital of my love I pray thee tell me whether thou doest know Astrea Phillis and Lycidas and if thou dost then tell me all thou knowest of them Kinde Shepheard answered hee thy civil language obliges me to pray that thou mayst never have any such occasion of sorrows as I have And I will freely tell thee all I doe know concerning those persons you mention although my own grief forbids me to meddle in any other businesse but my own It is about a month or six weeks since I came into this Country of Forrests not as many doe to try what the Fountain of Loves verity will shew me for I am but too certain of my sad fate but by the commandment of the gods who from the fertile banks of the famous Siene sent mee hither with assurance that I should here finde a remedy against my miseries And ever since I came I have taken up my lodging in such Villages as seemed most agreeable to my condition and humour with a resolution to stay as long as the heavens shall permit me This design hath moved me to enquire of all the Shepheards and Shepheardesses of these parts I am able to satisfie you in any thing you desire to know of them All I desire to know said Celadon is to be satisfied how they doe All of them said he are well but they are all troubled very much at one act of blind and fickle Fortune and that is at the losse of one Celadon a Shepheard altogether unknown to me who was the Brother of Lycidas This lost Shepheard was so loved and esteemed of every one that he is generally lamented by all especially by those three persons whom you named unto me It was conceived that this Shepheard was a devoted servant unto Astrea and it was the enmity of their Parents which hindered them from Marriage How is it reported said Celadon this Shepheard was lost It is variously reported answered he Some speake as opinion leads them others according to circumstances and appearance and some as others doe report So as it is divers wayes related As for me I came hither into these quarters the very same day he was lost and I doe remember that every one was so affrighted at the accident as none knew how to make a perfect relation of it In conclusion and that is the best received opinion because Phillis Astrea and Lycidas themselves doe say it that this Shepheard sleeping close by the River side he fel in and Astrea also but her clothes did save her Celadon imagining that they had prudently invented this report to take away occasion of talking ill upon the accident he was very glad for his feares alwayes were that reports would reflect much upon Astrea's honour and therefore hee asked him further But what doe they think said he is become of this Shepheard That hee is dead answered the sad Shepheard And I assure you Astrea takes it so sadly that though shee puts the best face of it she can yet every one saies it is almost incredible that shee should be so much changed however for ought I see she is so fair that except Diana hinders her I never saw any fairer except my dearest Cleon and indeed they three may well be compared together Every one said Celadon will speake well of his own Mistris and Love has a quality not onely to blind but to change the eyes of Lovers so as there was never any Lover that thought his Mistris ugly This answered the Shepheard were something if I were in love with Astrea or Diana but since I am ever incapable of that I may be a competent judge And you who seem to doubt of this Shepheardesses beauty you must needs be either a stranger or else some ill-willer I am neither of those two said Celadon but truly I am the most miserably afflicted Shepheard that is in the whole world I shall never grant that said Tircis unlesse you except me For if your misery proceed from any thing else but Love the pain cannot be so great as mine since the heart is the most tender part we have and is most sensible of any sorrows And though your misery doe proceed from love yet it must needs submit unto mine for of all the miseries in love despair is the most intolerable disdain anger hatred jealousie absence or any thing is short of death for this pale Goddesse with her fatall hand does cut away both hope and life so as I the most miserable amongst all men living doe complain of a misery without any remedy or hope Celadon answered with a deep sigh Oh Shepheard how much doe you erre in your opinion I doe confess that the greatest miseries are those which doe proceed from Love of which I have had a full experience But I cannot by any means allow that those miseries which are without hope are the most sad nor indeed doe they deserve to bee resented for it is a meer act of folly to weep for a thing which cannot bee helped And Love answered hee what is that but a meer folly I will not enter upon that said Celadon before we have done with the other for that alone will take up much time But I pray tell me Doe you lament this death out of love or not Certainly out of love answered he If it be out of love answered Celadon then I have heard Silvander and all our learned Shepheards say that Love is nothing but a desire to enjoy that beauty which you find in the person loved 'T is very true said the stranger Then replyed Celadon Will any reasonable man desire a thing which cannot bee had No certainly said Tircis Then said Celadon the death of Cleon ought to be the cure of all your grief for since you confesse that desire never ought to be where there is no hope of obtaining and that Love is nothing else but a desire Death which puts you out of all hopes to enjoy ought by consequence to put you out of all desire and desire being dead all Love should die with it The sad Shepheard answered that whatsoever he said he was sure that his misery was most extream and because he would not revive the memory of his dead Cleon hee would not argue the matter any longer onely thus farre hee said Shepheard that which comes under sence is more certain than that which is onely in opinion And therefore all those reasons which he alleged could not convince him of that which he was so sensible of So recommending him unto the tuition of Pan Celadon and he parted And Solitude being most suitable to a Lovers thoughts Celadon went on through the Woods untill hee came to the Bridge of Boutresse and passing over the River there he was in doubt which way to wend but this was his full resolution to obey Astrea who had forbidden him to
hand she broke it in pieces Thus said she is our love to one another for ever broken and never to piece again She had no sooner spoken these words but she ran away with a piece of the chain in her hand and left the other in mine who was in such an extasy that I was not able to speak one word by way of excuse nor follow her one step I must confesse Madam that these words did sting me to the very heart and when I did seriously consider what good reason she had to speak them I could not lay the blame upon her but wholly upon my selfe However I kept my selfe still constant to my resolution of endeavouring the contentment of Calidon He knowing that I had spoken of it unto Cleontine and hearing the report of their Marriage publickly divulged he did not much wonder that his Shepheardesse should never see him but when Cleontine came to visit him conceiving it but fit for her so to do since their Marriage was so much spoken of so as in a few nights he recovered his former health and got out of his bed and a little after out of his Chamber In the mean time Celidea was much perplexed and having no other hopes but in the tender affection of her Mother since she saw I had gained Cleontine assoon as ever she saw her she fell down upon her knees and would not rise untill she had obtained a promise never to marry her against her will Celidea was so exceedingly contented with this assurance as shcould not rest untill she had advertised us of it thinkinking her desires not compleatly satisfied till then It is very hard to say great Nymph whether I was more sorry or more pleased for on the one side I feared Calidon's relaps and on the other I was glad that none should enjoy Celidea But when I saw Calidon though something sad yet in health I must confesse that I was extreamly pleased at Celidea's repulsing him and did in my heart commend her prudence and resolution for I had a conceit that all she did was only to reserve her selfe for me not imagining her anger against me was so high as utterly to extirpate the affection which she bore unto me so as recollecting my selfe I did confesse that the injury which I had done her was not with a designe to extinguish my love unto her for I never had any such intention nor could ever hope to be so much Master of my selfe but only had a minde to sacrifice it unto Calidon's health So then must the act which I would have done be phrased for my aim was only at the saving of his life and not at the satisfaction of his pleasures These considerations being often in my minde Love began to be more violent in me then ever and easily it might for having resigned this fair one unto Calidon only to save his life and seeing that he lived still though she was not his self I conceived that my quitting her having wrought its intended effect I might very justly fall on upon my own score as I fell off for Calidon's Upon this account I went to the shepheardesse I shewed her the reason why I dealt so with her and why I did now dedicate my selfe wholly to her service befeeching and conjuring her to pardon and forget the fault if she thought it to be one To be briefe I used the best arguments and eloquence I could devise to advance my cause but I found her to be so exceedingly altered that all my arguments excuses and reasons could not move her more then they could a Rock nor obtain the least glance of a favourable look upon me As fortune was whilst I was speaking to her Calidon comes in and thinking to finde me a very good second he advanced towards us to speak to her for himselfe but when he heard my words never man was more amazed he durst not then apbraid me with breach of faith and abusing him but stepping back three or foure paces with folded armes Oh heavens said he is there any loyalty in any man living Is it he that brought me up lie whom I call Father and he who hitherto hath done me all indulgent offices is it he I say that puts a dagger into my heart and sends me to my grave Unto which I returned a faint answer shewed him the reasons why I quitted Celidea and why I did again apply my selfe to her But Love did so transport him into such violent raptures that there could be no bitter invective wherewith he did not asperse me But the shepheardesse did laugh at us both Nay nay said she never strive for Celidea for neither of you have the least share in her Not you said she and turned to Celidon for I never did love you Nor you said she and turned to me because you are extreamly unworthy of that love which once I did bear unto you Then she left both in a confused amazement We also parted And ever since that shepheard hath continued with one of his Kinsmen and never came at his own Cabin Three Moones have changed since this separation and do both he and I what we could we could not obtain one good word from her but the more violent we are in our loves the more violent she is in her hatred In the mean time such is my extream affection to her that it will not admit of the least diminution but does still more and more encrease so as did she but know it I do believe that since she did love me before out of an opinion I loved her she would love me much more now because I do love her now much more than I did then and more than any man living can Thus Thamires ended his relation and after a while of silence he began again Now Madam said he as chance was we met this shepheardesse upon the banks of the River Lignon and because love continues in us and disdain in her we both of us shewed her the best reasons we had to convince her that she ought to love one of us I pleaded that it was I upon whom her election ought to be Calidon on the other side whom I have so much obliged by many good offices he very opinioatively maintaines that it belongs to him Now knowing that your wisdome can much better understand reason then I can expresse I would with all my heart to put an end to our long dissentions for we are already grown the common talk of our Town that you great Nymph would be pleased to hear our reasons and arguments from our own mouths and ordain what you shall conceive to be just for I shall most freely submit my selfe unto your judgment It would be a work well worthy of your selfe it would be acceptable to the gods and would infinitely oblige us all unto you Leonida thanked him for the pains he had taken in the relation of of the matter and did assure him that if he and all those
who had any interest in the businesse did think her able to be the Judge she would most willingly arbitrate the matter according to the best of her judgment upon condition they would all promise to observe it otherwise all their labour would be but lost Thamires kneeled down upon his knees and said Oh great Nymph I do refer my life my death and the contentments of them unto your wise judgment if I do disobey your doom let our Druides excommunicate me from ever assisting them at their holy sacrifices and forbid me for ever coming into the sacred groves or our celestiall woods For my part said Calidon if I do not the same may the Misleto of the ninth year be never wholsome unto me let the great Tautates animate all his furies against me and never let me be at rest if I do not submit unto your judgment as proceeding from the great god And because Celidea stood silent Astrea said unto her Are not you pleased fair Shepheardesse to be rid of all the importunities which you receive from these two Shepheards and refer your selfe unto the judgment of this great Nymph I am most willing to be rid of them answered she but I am afraid to fall into a greater misery And certainly I should refer the hazard of this judgment unto any if the gods had not advised me the last night in a dream to take another course For presently after midnight me-thought I saw my Father who hath been long dead open my breast take out my heart and cast it as a stone in a sling over the River Lignon then spoke these words unto me Go my child unto the other side of the fatall River Lignon there thou shalt finde that heart which so much torments thee or else a full satisfaction and rest untill thou comest unto me Upon this I awaked and therefore I am resolved to passe over the River to see if I can finde that tranquillity which is promised unto me However Madam said she and addressed her selfe unto Leonida you may be certain that I shall never disobey any command which you shall impose upon me since I do believe that the gods will speak by your mouth Since it is so said Leonida I do promise you all three to give as just a Judgment as I my selfe would receive upon the like occasion And that I may not erre in my judgment Paris and these fair Shepheardesses and Silvander shall help me with their advice before I pronounce the Sentence And therefore Calidon said she shew me your reasons why you conceive Celidea ought to be yours and not Thamires's who hath so long been her Guardian and brought her up as his own That Shepheard then rising up and after a low reverence he began in this manner The Oration of the Shepheard Calidon OH great god of Love who by thy unresistable puissance hast ravished from me all that reason was wont to have over my will hearken I beseech thee unto the supplication of the most faithfull soul that ever resented the power which beauty by thy means hath over the hearts of men and inspire me with such language and reason as thou didst when I was weary of Celidea's scorn and was resolved to decline from her service Let this great Nymph be moved with my arguments let her whom thou hast given me and who was also given me by him that had the greatest interest in her be preserved and kept for me both against her own scorn and against the violencies of him that would ravish her from me Were it not in hopes of assistance from this divinity whom I invoke I durst not great Nymph open my mouth against a person whom of all men in the world I am most obliged unto For I must needs ingeniously confesse that Thamires by his sweet indulgency towards me has more obliged me than my Father who gave me life the one gave me only a being but the other a well-being Thamires has been troubled with all the vexations of my child-hood and hath brought me up even from my Cradle he hath spared no paines nor cost in my education nor care nor prudence in causing me to be well instructed so as the Appellation of Father is in all reason his due and I must acknowledge my selfe his Child having received from him all those indulgencies which those names require And in confessing all these obligations how can I open my mouth against him without incurring the ugly brand of ingratitude If this dispute did depend only upon my selfe I had rather be in my grave sleeping with my fathers and wish that my Cradle had been my Coffin rather then oppose Thamires in any thing Thamires I say who hath made me what I am Thamires unto whom I owe all I have Thamires in whose service when I have spent all my life yet halfe my obligations are not cancelled But alas it is all long of himselfe it is Love which commanded me he himselfe also commanded me Let Thamires tell me whether it be possible that a heart which Love hath touched to the quick can disobey him in any thing If he have found this to be true by experience then I do conjure him by the god of Love who hath such power over his soule to pardon that fault which I have been forced to commit against him and that he give me leave to maintain that all reason ordaines Celidea to love me and that there is none but my selfe that can pretend unto her For to begin with the first point what can Calidea answer if I call her before the Throne of Love and if in the presence of this equitable company I do complain against her in this manner This is the fair one Oh great god of Love which presents her self before thee This is she whom thou hast commanded me to love and serve upon hopes of such reward as thou usest to give unto those that follow thee If from the first minute of my beginning unto this instant I did ever contrary thy will if I have notalwaies continued in a full resolution to spend my whole life in thy obedience Then Oh Love who lookest into all hearts and seest all my designes let me be punished as a perjured villain and let all the thunderbolts of the great Tharamis fall upon me as a perfidious person But if truth and my words agree and if never any loved like me why dost thou suffer her to deceive my hopes why does she not make good thy promises and why wilt thou let her laugh at all those miseries which thou hast made me to endure for her Assoon as ever I saw her I loved her and assoon as ever I loved her I did dedicate my selfe and soul to adore her But perhaps this affection is unknown unto her or I have only acquainted the solitary Woods and Rocks with it No no Oh Love she hath heard my complaints she hath seen my tears she knowes of my affection somthing from my
should not remember the follies of youth and that it is the nature not onely of all those of that age but generally of all men whatsoever to think things that are most forbidden to be most sweet I admire you should forbid me loving her before ever I saw her as if you had a minde to make me love her by the ear before she was seen by the eye What was this but to awaken my desires and to kindle a fire like a Flint which is strucken which before was cold and had no appearance of heate in it But perhaps again you will say that you did allow me to love her in the degree of a Sister and so limit my desires as I should neither offend you nor my selfe you in not constraining me too much and me in not confining me too narrowly but allowing me to keep within your prescribed limits But O great Nymph consider I beseech you what kind of command this was Thamires shewes me a beauty of an infinite lustre allows me converse with her commands me to love her but will not have my love stir one foot beyond his limit nor love her above the quality of a Brother Oh heavens what did he think I was made of Can Love that thinkes the whole universe too narrow a compasse to be confined unto and who disposeth of all our wills according to his pleasure be hemmed up in such strait limits as hee prescribes Will Love be ruled and governed by the will of any but himselfe But what in the name of Heaven does Thamires thinke of me Does hee conceive that I have more power than either Men or Gods or the whole World hath It had been but just to have measured me by himself and if he could have tamed his own affections and passions then might he have had some reason to impose the like task upon me But that hee who had experience of his own strength and of Loves power for him I say to command a thing which he himselfe could not observe whose age and experience had great advantage over my green years this was too much too unreasonable Perhaps again he wil complain that I have not payd him such respect as is due unto a Father that his great indulgency towards me might very well oblige me unto much more than all this Alass alass does he not consider that what I did was done by compulsion and that I had rather dye than fail in any point of duty to him The torments I did endure when I was in the very Arms of death is a sufficient testimony of all this The grave Physician found it by my Pulse and alteration in my complexion Let him consider that such was my respect of him that I chose death rather than I would discover the cause of my Malady If he will blame any he must blame Nature for not giving me power to command my Interior motions as well as my Tongue and exterior actions and parts Alass I would never have received life from him but on condition that Celidea might be mine I doe confesse that never man was more obliged unto another than I am to him I know that never Kinsman received more indulgent kindnesse from another Kinsman nor ever any Child greater testimonies of affection from a Father than I did from Thamires when he resigned Celidea unto me But now at this time since he offers to ravish her from me May I not rightly say that never man received greater injury from another never Cosen more unkindness from a Cosen nor child more tyrannique treatment from a Father than Calidon from Thamires So as now all my former obligations to him are cancelled and changed into so many injuries For Thamires though it is true you had a care of mee in my very cradle though you have brought me up with all indulgent care though you have declared mee your Heir yet for all these if you doe deprive mee of that thing which farre above all the world is most dear unto me and which you your self did give me doe you not give me a death much worse than that which you preserved me from And if I doe not enjoy that which you would ravish from me your estate your education nay my life it self is of no value unto me Consider wise Thamires that to take back a gift by force doth more offend him that did receive it than if being asked it had been denied him and therefore wonder not if I say that this act hath cancelled all my obligations unto you Which to prevent I beseech you joyn with me and own what I shall say unto Celidea on your behalf How is it possible my fair Daughter would I have you say unto her that Calidons extream affection should find no acceptance from you Will all my perswasions and recommendations of him reach no farther than your eares and have no effectual influence upon your soul Have you not often promised that I should have the absolute dispose of you If it be so why doe you not make good your promise Did I ever propose any unto you who was not worthy to be loved Is he whom I doe now motion unto you such a one or unknown to you or without kindred or friends I beleeve there is not a Shepheardesse in all the Country that would not thinke his amity to be advantageous unto her The wise Cleontine thinks it so and so does your Mother though out of an over-fond tendernesse she will not command you any thing against your mind But perhaps you say that Thamires it is you only whom I love and cannot love any other unto you have I wholly given my self you have the absolute power over me and may do any thing with me but giving me unto another The heavens doe know my fair Daughter how pleasing this declaration of yours is unto me and that there is nothing under heaven can be more acceptable unto me But if you doe indeed love me you will endeavour to preserve my honour and love me under the name of Calidon who is my very self and of my very blood As for his soul he loves you as I doe so as there is a sympathy betwixt us And since amongst friends all things are in common so since I love him I have nothing he hath not a share in as well as my self So as if I have any share in your affection as you say I have he must of necessary consequence be a participant with me Doe not complain against me for this and say that I break faith with you and change you for another for I am fully resolved never to love any but you you you onely were the beginning and shall bee the end of my affection But since Destiny forbids me to enjoy you and constrains mee to bequeath you unto another both by the Laws of Duty and Nature I shall think it faire Daughter an infinite contentment to see you his whom I have made choice of whom I
the pleasing life they had lived together caused his eyes to flow in tears Then retiring back a few paces and hiding himselfe behinde a great Tree lest if Silvander waked he should spie him he looked upon him very seriously and in a low voice uttered these words Oh my dear friend and most faithfull companion Silvander how glad and how sad both doth this meeting with thee make me Our friendship that now sees thee so sad will not let me rejoyce at the sight of thee and yet the sight of thee brings into my memory that happy life I lived ever since I was first acquainted with thee untill that fatall sentence which my Shepheardesse pronounced against me a sentence which I cannot remember but with a sad heart I must needs call for death to relieve me finding experimentally the Proverb to be most true That none are so miserable as those that have been happy and now are not Who is able without a flood of tears to think upon my past felicity and to see my present misery Upon this he was silent and going further back because he saw Silvander stir a little and looking about him said these words Oh fairest Shepheardesse how cruelly do you treat this poor Shepheard The stranger knew he was asleep but not knowing who was the Shepheard that he spoke of he went neerer him and when he looked him in the face he found it all tears which found a passage through his eye lids though they were close Then did he conclude that it was himselfe he spoke of which he thought to be very strange when he remembered that his humour was wont to be extreamly averse unto Love insomuch as he was commonly called The Shepheard without affection But considering what power Beauty hath he believed that now he was no more exempted from the wounds of Love than other shepheards of his age and he was the more confirmed in this opinion when he remembered that some had told him of the wager that was between him and Phillis This consideration made him look upon him and say Ah Silvander I see thou art now far unfit to give any counsel unto others and for ought I see standst in need of counsel thy selfe My friendship cannot chuse but pray that Love would be more pitifull unto him then it hath been unto me and make him more fortunate then I have been Then going gently away he went unto the place where he lodged and he was no sooner set upon his bed-side but thinking upon his encounter Silvander's affection unto him came into his minde what great familiarity had been between them and what fortune it was should bring him into this place It is said he to give a beginning unto a better life and to put an end unto my torments Alas that cannot be for nothing can make me lesse miserable then I am unlesse it be death Perhaps the heavens foreseeing the end of my daies conducted Silvander my best friend unto me to bid me my last Adien in the name of himself and all the rest of my friends This consideration took up his thoughts a good while and at last made him resolve upon a thing which never came into his minde before which was to write unto his Mistresse for her severe banishment of him had so damped his spirit that he durst not assume so much boldnesse But now verily believing that his course of life was neer an end he conceived himselfe obliged to take his leave of her in some sort or other before he went out of the world Then he took pen and inke and writ a Letter and after he had folded it up he superscribed it Unto the fairest and most loved Shepheardesse in the whole Universe Then he went unto the place where he left Silvander and going gently to him after he had kissed the Letter two or three times he put it into his hand Oh happy Paper said he if thy good Fate do bring thee into the hands of her upon whom all my contentment depends touch her to the heart and if thou canst not move her to any pitty yet force her to believe that though she be changed from me yet my affection shall ever be the same to her And thou Silvander said he putting the Letter into his hand if love will yet give thee leave to look upon the beauty of her unto whom this Letter is directed give it unto her Good shepheard I beseech thee do this good office for thy friend as the last that he can hope to receive from thee or any else Then this shepheard went away with folded armes and dejected eyes untill he came to his lodging Presently after Silvander awaked and because he saw the Sun of a great height he looked about which way he should take homeward and rubbing his eyes after his sleep he made use of that hand in which the Letter was he wondred extreamly when he saw it but much more when he read unto whom it was directed Do I sleep said he or do I wake Is it a dream or is this a Letter which I see Then looking well upon it No no said he I do not sleep but I have a Letter in my hand which is directed unto the Fairest and most loved shepheardesse in the whole Universe But if I be not asleep why am I ignorant who gave it unto me Had I it before I fell asleep No no I had it not It must of necessity be that some did put it into my hand when I was asleep This may very well be for there is not one of all the gods that has not loved the beauties of the earth the god of Love himselfe who wounds others has not been exempted so as it seemes they think our shepheardesses more fair then their goddesses Why should I not think that some of these Immortalls or some Faun or Demi-god having seen my fair Diana is fallen in love with her Then considering a little with himselfe But said he who is it unto whom this Letter is sent Let us see certainly it will tell us Then unfolding the paper he read it from the beginning to the ending but when he found the conclusion of the Letter to be thus subscribed The most unfortunate yet the most faithfull of your servants Oh! cried he there is no doubt to be made but it is my selfe who writ this Letter It must of necessity be that my good Angell that has a care of my life having read the thoughts of my soul has writen them in this paper that I might shew them unto Diana The very truth is there is not any beauty that can cause such violent passions as this which I do read unlesse the beauty of my Mistresse no Lover is able to conceive so much affection unlesse it be Silvander So as there is no doubt to be made but that this Letter being directed Unto the fairest and most loved shepheardesse in the Universe I ought to give it unto Diana and being written by
me is rather an argument of your little merit then of any ensuing victory for so it is usuall to do only to make all even What do you mean by that said the shepheard I mean replyed she that on that end which is too leight they use to put some weight to counterpoise it untill the journey be ended but when they are arrived there then they throw away that which was only to make an equall ballance So till we are arrived at the end of our terme Diana does wisely ballance that side which is the leighter by her favours but afterwards she will give her judgment without any regard unto the weight of my affection or the levity of your little love And then God knowes on whom the victory you speak of will fall Silvander smiled and answered It is rather the custome of miserable people to be envious and lessen the happinesse of others which they infinitely esteem by their language Phillis without any further reply left him and went unto the two shepheardesses and was extreamly offended at them And because Diana laid the fault upon Astrea and Astrea could not well excuse her selfe Silvander began to speak for them both addressing himselfe unto Diana I beseech you fairest Mistresse said he consider how prudent Love is and how wisely he governes the actions of those he is pleased withall You thought hitherto that Phillis loved you and indeed I know none but have in some sort been deceived by her dissimulations Love who knowes all the interiour faculties of the soul and purposing to undeceive you hath caused you to favour me with this Bracelet of your hair not onely as a mark of my affection but also to discover the hollow affection of this deluder by her jealousie For as it is a thing impossible that two contraries should be at the same time in one place so much more that love and jealousie should be at the same time in one and the same heart Silvander's aim was only to torment Phillis the more for knowing how jealous Lycidas was he doubted not but to trouble her by proposing that Love and Jealousy are inconsistent And she being touched to the quick could not chuse but answer him thus Pray Shepheard what reasons and arguments have you to maintain so bad an opinion Such said he as will make you confesse your selfe of the same at the least if you know what the reason is Love is nothing but a desire and every desire is hot Jealousie is nothing but a fear and all fear is as cold as ice and how can you imagine such a cold Child should be the issue of such a hot Parent We see said Phillis that flint which is cold will send sorth sparks that are hot Most true answered Silvander but fire never produceth cold Yet by your favour replied Phillis ashes that are cold do proceed from fire Yes answered the shepheard but when the ashes are cold the fire is not in them Phillis was almost non-plust at this reply and much more when Diana spoke So likewise said she when cold jealousie begins Love that is hot ends Mistresse replyed Phillis my enemy may well get the victory if he have so good a Second as your selfe Then turning her selfe towards Astrea And you fair shepheardesse said she I may justly think you a very ill friend if seeing me assaulted by two you will not take my part Astrea answered very sadly I do hold it for a thing so certainly true that jealousy may proceed from love as not to bring it into any doubt I will not dispute it lest I should be forced to confess that I my selfe did not love because I was jealous as I do see you are forced to confess that being jealous of Diana you do not 〈◊〉 her or at the least being in doubt whether jealousie may proceed from love you are not well assured whether you love her or no. I do kiss the hand of this fair and just shepheardess said Silvander who without respect of persons speaks with so much truth in my advantage If you be obliged unto me said Astrea then surely you do think that I did speak partially in your favour for none are beholding unto him that speaks truth more then to him that payes a debt justly due Most true answered Silvander if it be taken in the rigour of justice but we do live in an age wherein so few do follow vertue simply and cleerly as we may think our selves obliged unto those that will but acknowledge any benefit although they are obliged unto it But what can you argue against that experience which we daily finde said Phillis unto him For I know a shepheard who after he had loved long and fell into extream jealousie yet afterwards recovering out of it did continue his affection long after Can you say that this was a fire extinguished which produced these ashes It is not impossible answered Silvander but one that is well may fall sick and after that sickness grow well again nor that a fire may be put out and afterwards kindled again Affection that was long hot may be put out by cold jealousie and that jealousie being gone it may become as hot as ever it was before But it cannot be that health and sickness hot fire and cold ashes love and jealousie should be in the same subject at the same time And for a full clearing of this truth let us observe the effects of love and jealousie and by them judge whether the causes from whence they proceed have any conformity together The effects of Love is an extream desire in our soules to see the person loved to serve her and to please her as much as possibly we can The effects of jealousie is a fear to meet her whom we love a carelessness to please her and a disdaining to serve her And who can think such contrary effects can proceed from one and the same cause If we do we must confess that nature will destroy her selfe if she will have contraries to consist together Phillis would gladly have answered but she was so non-plust as she knew not where to begin at which Diana could not chuse but laugh especially when she considered the jealousie of Lycidas And to add more matter for her perplexities she did purposely speak in this manner Jealousie is a signe of love as old ruines are signes of ancient buildings which are the greater the more magnificent the Edifice was And therefore a great jealousie cannot proceed from a little love But as we cannot give the name of buildings unto these ruines so jealousy cannot be called love And if I may judge by my own humour if I did love I should not have power to be jealous And what would you be said Phillis if he whom you should love should love another His enemy answered Diana I would say hate him And though I do foresee that such an accident would displease me yet it would be more for being deceived so long then for
Hylas at the last F●ast which was celebrated unto Venus Clorian after a whiles consideration answered him That he could not see her unlesse he came that very day because the morning after she went away unto her Father who was sick in the Province of the Sebusians and never returned since Well said Hylas though she be never so fair do you think that she would not be loved Can you believe that those only who are ugly will permit it No no if such should be told they are loved they would think themselves jeer'd I do not think said Clorian that if Beauties b● told they are loved they will be offended but their modesty may How said Hylas let her be as modest as she can do you think she will be angry at being loved Ah Clorian their modesty is not any sorrow for being loved but only because they doubt whether what is said be true And indeed where is that woman who when she is assured of a mans affection is not extreamly well pleased with it and gives him no testimony of her satisfaction No no Clorian of all the actions which we do next unto those that preserve life there is none so naturall as this of Love And can you imagine women such enemies to Nature that they will hate what is naturall Come come let me give you advice which unlesse you be a very Novice in Love you will follow and finde that I am my Arts Master in such things Let Cercenea know that you do love her and that assoon as possibly you can for the sooner she knowes it the sooner will she love you May be at first she will turne her head aside and bid you talk no more of any Love Perhaps shee'● seem to be in a great fury and will not speak to you But however do you continue and be assured that if you be but assiduous you will win her When they give us these peevish answers and refuse the affection which we present unto them they put me in minde of those Physicians and Lawyers that refuse the Fee yet put out their hand I am older then you are I have run through some parts of the world and let me tell you I have loved many this gives me encouragement to speak the more freely unto you and you must not take any exceptions Be certain that never any faint hearted Lover sped well And in matters of Love no fault is so great as being too respectfull He that will speed well must dare attempt ask begg importune presse take nay he must ravish Did you never know the humour of women Clorian Hearken unto the great Oracle which in our time spoke thus Shee 'l flie away and yet would fain With all her heart be overta'n She will deny yet seem to daunt A Lover when she fain would grant She will resist that you at length May seem to vanquish her by strength For thus her honour does ordain She should resist and yet but faign He that has no courage to do thus let me advise him to take upon him some other trade then that of Love for he will never thrive by it Clorian therefore my counsell is that you do assume so much confident boldnesse as not only to declare your love unto her but to hope that she will love you again so you will but let her know your minde I cannot generous shepheard remember all the documents and amorous advises which Hylas gave but I understand since from Palmice who heard her brother relate them that he did make himselfe appear to be his Arts Master in such things But the conclusion of all was that since Clorian had not so much confidence as to declare his Love unto his Mistresse as soon as she returned which would be within a few daies Hylas should be his Advocate and speak for him Hylas did very willingly accept of the imployment for said he I shall oblige two at once by it to wit Clorian in doing him the good office and Cercenea in bringing her such good newes It hapned that presently after my Companion returned to the Town and though the death of her Father had put her into a mourning habit and though her own sadnesse was suitable unto it yet all her sorrowes had not at all lessened her beauty but had added such a kinde of sweetnesse unto her countenance as invited all that saw her to love her by reason of a certain attractive compulsion which rendred her much more pleasing Hylas in prosecution of his promise no sooner heard of her return but he courted all opportunities to see her in which Palinice was not unwilling to help him because her Brother desired it She who knew nothing of their designe and believed it to be only out of curiosity was glad to satisfie her Brother though she cared not for the company of Hylas As fortune was Cercenea's Mother would offer a sacrifice unto the gods for the soul of her Husband and did invite Palinice as one of her best friends thither she went and with her Hylas But see if he be not as good a friend as a faithfull Lover he no sooner saw Cercenea again but he was deep in love with her I say saw her again because looking upon her he remembered that he had seen her before in the Temple of Venus when Palinice saluted her and because he then found some sparks of good will unto her his first flames did kindle again in his heart as easily as any Sulphure at the fire Looking upon her therefore very seriously he began by degrees to remember that Cercenea was she whom he saw in the Temple and remembring how excellently she could sing and all that Love could make him apprehend at the first sight he quite forgot his promise unto Clorian and thought only how to speak for himselfe Thus you may see how dangerous a thing it is to imploy a Second in such a businesse He accosted her afterwards saluted her And she out of sweet civility returned him a salute again Then both being in the Temple and every one going to their devotion he said thus unto her I see fair Cercenea that the sight of you is fatall unto me and comming hither to be an assistant unto your sacrifices I am become a sacrifice my selfe She who knew not the man or ever heard of him did look him in the face and then after a little consideration she concluded him to be a stranger both by his language and habit because though they were made according to the garb of our Town yet he did wear them in that manner as was plain he was a stranger For strangers though they do disguise themselves in our fashion yet they have some trick or other in their Air by which one may see they are not of the same Country And I do believe that this difference is lesse found amongst the Franks then any other Nation Now Circenea not knowing Hylas she thought that he had taken her for some
spacious Arbour in the form of a Temple at the entry there was some Verses written which Silvander stayed to read All the Company being weary they called upon him severall times He in a great amazement turned towards Diana Mistresse said he do not repent your selfe of the pains you have taken in comming hither for though you are a little digressed of the way yet you shal see here a wonder of the Wood Then taking her hand he conducted her to the entry the rest of the Shepheards and Shepheardesses followed in sile and longed to see this rarity of which Silvander spoke Before the entrance was a Court of green grasse about thirty paces square environed with thick wood on three sides so as none could see them A chrystall Fountain which took its originall opposite to the Porch or rather Arbour of this Temple did Meander like run by the one side which rendred the place most delectable This Grove was ever a place that had been dedicated as sacred unto the great Heseus Tentates and Taramis And there was no shepheard that ever durst presume to drive his Flock neer this Thicket and the reason why it was never frequented was lest they should disturb the solitude and sacred silence of the Nymphs Pans and Egipans The grasse was never sullied the wood never felt the axe nor was broused by any cattle and the Fountain was never defiled by any foot so as this little Grove dressed into the fashion of an Arbour or rather a Temple did plainly demonstrate that it was dedicated unto some deitie And therefore all these Shepheards approaching the entrance with reverence before they passed any further they did read the Verses which were written upon a Table of wood over the Porch They were these Unless with sacred Love you be enflam'd Unto this sacred place be all asham'd To enter Here 's the Grove where every day A Heart that is all Love and Zeal doth pay Religious duty here he doth implore And here divine Astrea doth adore The Shepheards and Shepheardesses stood amazed at this Inscription and looked upon one another as if they were desirous to know whether any of the Company did either know or had seen this before Diana addressed her selfe unto Silvander Is this the place Shepheard said she unto which you did intend to bring us No answered he I never saw this place in my life before It is evident said Paris that these boughes have been lately lopped and put into this order for the leaves of them are yet green However said he we must go in But lest we should offend the deitie unto whom the place is consecrated let us enter in with all possible reverence and first let us make our selves as clean as we can Every one consented except Hylas who answered That for his part he had nothing to do there For said he since all those are forbidden to enter that are not enflamed with an holy Love I know not whether or no I ought to enter I know that I am enflamed with Love but whether it be holy or no faith I am not sure How Servant said Phillis and smiled a defect in your Love What do you in our company For my part answered he I have abundance of affection after my own fashion but what know I whether it be such affection as these Verses means And I have heard say that it is not good jeasting with the gods See Hylas said Silvander what a shame your impure affection doth bring upon you in this good Company You say very true indeed said Hylas but did you take this act as you ought to do you would rather commend me for it for in being obedient unto the commands of the divinities which are adored in this place I do make it appear by my great reverence of them that I do reverence them as I ought to do whereas you who despise their commands do prophane the sacred place by your presumptuous boldnesse for your own soul if it would not dissemble can tell you that your affections are not so sacred as is required I shall answer you presently said Silvander Then he and all the company washed their hands put off their shoes and with bare feet entred into the Arbour Then Silvander turning towards Hylas Hearken Hylas said he and be a witnesse of my words Afterwards reading the Verses again and lifting his eyes up to heaven and kneeling Oh great deity said he who is adored in this place I here enter into the sacred Grove being most assured that I do not contradict thy will knowing my love to be so holy and so pure that thou wilt be pleased to accept the vowes and supplications of a soul so amorously sanctified as mine and it this profession which I here make be not true punish O great deitie this my perjury and presumption After this with hands lifted up and head bare he entred into the Arbour and all the rest after him except Hylas The place was spacious some sixteen or seventeen paces round and in the midst a great branch-soreading Oake at the root of this Tree was erected a grassy Table in the form of an Altar upon which stood a Picture in it two Cupids drawn who did strive with one another for a branch of Mirtle and Palm wreathed together As soon as this devout company was entred every one fell upon their knees and after they had in private adored the deity of the place Paris approaching the Altar and taking upon him the office of a Druide having gathered some Oake leaves Accept said he O great deitie that is adored in this place the humble devotion of all this zealous Company I do with all humility and devotion offer unto thee in their names a few leaves of this blessed Tree under whose shade it pleaseth thee to be ador'd Then every one arose and went unto the Altar to look upon the Picture which was upon it in which they saw two Cupids as I told you who holding in both their hands a branch of Mirtle and Palm wreathed together the one did strive to take it from the other The Limner was exquisite in his Art for these little lovely Boyes were plump and fat yet their Muscles and Nerves might be seen which by reason of their striving seemed to be raised up both their right thighes were advanced and their feet almost touched each other both their armes were stretched out and their bodies leaned backwar I as if they knew that the further off a weight is the heavier it is and the weight of their little bodies lent more strength unto their striving armes Their faces were both fair but blushing by reason of the blood which came into them by striving which the great veins upon their temples and foreheads did sufficiently testifie And the Artist had been so carefull and wrought it with such industry that though he did represent an action which made it appear that both of them would vanquish yet one might perceive
Did he said Tircis love Astrea I have heard say that there was a most inveterate enmity betwixt their Families The beauty of this shepheardesse answered Silvander was greater then their hatred and since he is dead I hope there is no danger in saying so Nor do I believe there would said Diana if he were alive for he being so discreet and Astrea so wise their affection could not offend any Astrea hearing what they said of her though her eyes were not yet dry she could not chuse but answer them These tears said she which I cannot hide do testifie that Celadon did love me but these Manuscripts do testifie that Astrea hath rather offended against Love then Duty But to give him satisfaction after his death I will ingenuously confesse more then decency would permit me when he was alive and say I did love him Upon these words all the company came to her and Diana shewing her the papers which she had in her hand Is this said she Celadon's writing Doubtlesse it is answered Astrea Then said Diana it is a signe he is not dead Unto which Phillis answered That is it of which we have been speaking but she tells me that Celadon's soul which wonders about the River Lignon did write them Why said Tircis was he not buried That 's the reason said Astrea why he wanders thus for they never made him a Tombe This said Paris was most carelesly done to let so brave a soul as Celadon's suffer so long pain for want of a little care You may see said Tircis how little those that are alive do care for the dead so as I esteem them to be wise who bury themselves alive Indeed said Diana it is very strange that this shepheard so much loved and lamented not only by all his Kindred but by all the Neighbourhood should not have that charitable office done him which many have who are lesse loved Perhaps said Thorsander the gods did so ordain it to the end he should not so soon have that place he had so much loved and being recompensed with his love he had rather stay some while neer her he had adored However I conceive said Tircis that even as our bodies cannot be in the Aire Water or Fire without much pain because being ponderous and heavy they must perpetually be unquiet as long as they are in such pure Elements as have no solidity in them to rest upon so the soul seperated from the body not being in its proper Element as long as it is amongst us is in continuall pain untill it enter into the Elizian fields where it will finde another Earth another Aire another Water and another Fire more perfect proper and suitable unto its nature then unto our dull and grosse bodies And therefore when my dearest and so much loved Cleon dyed I was in a resolution not to bury her that I might have retained her dearest soul the longer about me but our Druides convinced me of that error and told me as I have told you For my part said Sivander since for went of buriall men shall stay some time longer in the place where they dyed I heartily desire all my friends that if I do die in this Country not to bury me that I may the longer look upon my fairest Mistresse for there are no joyes in the Elizian fields comparable unto that blessed vision nor any pains that a soul can suffer by being out of its proper Element but are recompensed by it That would do very well said Tircis if after we be separated from our bodies we did retain our affections but our Sages tell us that our passions are only ●ibutes of humanity and the gods did bestow them upon us to the end the race of men should not fail but after death soules being immortall and not in a capacity of engendring our Passions and our Loves are lost in it even as our desires of eating or drinking or sleeping But said Silvander if Celadon did write these Papers it is not likely he hath lost his affection love unto this Shepheardesse Who knowes said Tircis but that the gods who are infinitely just were pleased to give him that particular satisfaction in recompence of that pure and sacred affection which he had unto that shepheardesse If so said Silvander why should not I hope to finde the gods as just and favourable unto me as him since my affection shall not yield unto him or any other either in purity or zeal But said Astrea if the gods do shew him this as a favour would it not be impiety to deprive him of that contentment by endeavouring to give him a buriall and so set him out of this world No said Tircis for the gods do favour him in it only as a comfort in the pains which he is continually in being constrained to be absent from heaven so contrary to its nature The Shepheards were thus discoursing when Phillis espied a place which seemed as if some had been upon their knees for such marks were imprinted upon the earth and because it was just opposite to the Altar and she also spying a piece of Parchment close by it she went to see what it was and opening it she found these words A Prayer unto the goddesse Astrea OH great and puissant goddesse although your perfections cannot be equal'd and though all our sacrifices come infinitely short of your merits yet I beseech thee let them be acceptable in thy sight since if you should receive none but such as are worthy of you the gods themselves must be the Victim This which I here most humbly offer unto your divinity is a Heart and a Will which were never dedicated unto any but only your selfe If this offering be acceptable look with the eyes of pitty upon that soul who ever found them full of love and by an act worthy of your selfe ●rid it out of that pain in which it hath long languished I do most heartly beg this favour by the name of Celadon if ever the name of your most faithfull and affectionate servant can merit from your divinity so much glorious satisfaction Phillis making a signe with her hand and calling Astrea Come hither Sister said she see what Celadon asks and you will finde what Tircis said to be true Then all comming neer she read aloud this prayer whilst Astrea did accompany every word with a tear though she did strive all that possibly she could to restrain them When Phillis had ended Truly said Astrea I shall satisfie his most just demand and if his Parents will not build him a Sepulcher which they are obliged unto by Consanguinity he shall receive one from me as his friend Upon this word going from that place all the Company went back to Hylas who was not idle all the while for seeing them all very serious and intentive in the other Arbour he came into that where was the twelve Statutes of the Lawes of Love and taking the Picture in his hand he
nor actions are parts of the Body but of the Soul which makes use of the Body only as an instrument and organ for the body does not see of it selfe nor understand it is the Soul which does it and so by consequence when we do love it is not the Body which loves but the Soul and so it is only the Soul which transformes it selfe into the person Loved and not the Body But said Hylas I do love the Body as well as the Soul and so if a Lover be changed into the thing Loved my Soul should be changed as well into the Body of Phillis as into her Soul This said Silvander does thwart the Lawes of Nature for a Soul which is spirituall cannot become a Body no more then a Body can become a Soul If it be so said Hylas that the change be but in part and that part be the Soul it is that part which I do least care for In this said Silvander you do make it evidently appear that you do not love or at least that you do love against reason For the Soul ought not to debase it selfe unto that which is interiour unto it selfe and therefore they say that Love ought to be betwixt equalls that is a Soul to love a Soul which is its equall and not the Body which is its inferiour and which Nature gave him only as an instrument Now to make it appear that the Lover becomes the party Loved and that if you do love Phillis Hylas is Phillis and if Phillis love Hylas Phillis is Hylas consider what the Soul is It does consist Shepheard of the Will the Memory and of the Understanding Now Philosophers do hold that we can love only that which we do know and if the knowledge and the thing known be one and the same thing it must consequently follow that the knowledge of him who Loves and her who is loved is the same That if the Will of a Lover ought not to differ from the Will of the person Loved and if he do seek her by his thoughts which is onely an effect of the Memory as well as by his corporeall eyes who can doubt but that the Memory the Understanding and the Will being changed into the person loved his Soul which consists of these three faculties is changed also By Tautates said Hylas you fetch it very high and though I have been long a Student in the Massilian Schooles yet I cannot reach you It was there said Silvander where I learned this Philosophy Though you have puzzled my brains with your discourse said Hylas yet you cannot demonstrate unto me that a Lover is changed into the Loved since there is one part left out which is the Body The Body said Silvander is not a part but only an organ or instrument of the Soul and if the Soul of Phillis were separated from her Body would it not be said there is the Body of Phillis and not Phillis her selfe And if that be properly spoken then it must be understood that Phillis is somewhere else and if you do love aright it is into that Phillis into which you should be transformed so as if this be so you can have no desire out of your selfe for comprising all your love in your selfe you do also comprize all your desires within your selfe If it be so said Hylas that the Body is but the instrument which Phillis maketh use of I will give you that Phillis and let me have the rest and see whether you or I shall be better contented But to end all our differences it were good if we could get a little sleep Upon this he was silent and would not give any further answer Also all the Company by little and little fell asleep except Silvander whose soul being swelled with abundance of reall affection he could not close his eye of a long time after In the mean time Madonthe as I told you before had related the story of her fortune unto these fair shepheardesses and because a great part of the night was already spent sleep did by degrees steal into the eyes of Phillis and her But Astrea who could not sleep still talked with Diana who for her part seeing how extreamly Silvander loved her she began also to love him although her affection to him did insensibly begin she not taking any notice of it At the first it was no more then a meer acknowledgment of his merit so requisite is Knowledge before Love and afterwards ordinary conversation with him did win her to a liking of his company at last his addresses unto her with so much reverence and discretion made her love him yet without any designe or intention so to do Astrea who entertained the same thoughts of Celadon not being in dispose to sleep and seeing Phillis and Madouthe both fast also thinking that none could hear her she spoke thus unto Diana Sister I must confesse that one imprudent act doth draw many sorrowes after it and when one fault is once committed it requires abundance of wisdome to repair it Consider I beseech you how this crime which I committed against the affection of Celadon hath hurried me into a sea of sorrowes I do verily believe that as long as I live nay and after my death too if the dead have any knowledge of past actions as I believe they have I shall never cease my grief for my offending against the fidelity of Celadon yet you see unto what a passe this fault hath brought me This love which with so much paines and care I have so long kept secret and would hardly acquaint my dearest companions with it see I say how I do at this houre my selfe discover it unto strangers who are not any waies in the world obliged unto me Ah! could I recall that happinesse which I have lost me-thinks I could manage it with more prudence Sister said Diana all human imbecillity hath this property that the malady can very hardly be known untill it be present the gods themselves only will be esteemed perfect and wise And you must think that if the losse of Celadon which you caused had not fallen out that way doubtlesse it had some other for there is nothing firme and truly solid amongst men I cannot say but perfect prudence may a litle foresee and mitigate these accidents but believe me Sister we must know withall that we are all but human and full of imperfections You see answered Astrea how some do passe their lives more sweetly than others or at the least their actions are not seen or known unto the world and I need not go any further for an instance then in your misfortune in Philander but who can blame you for it Ah Sister said Diana there is no sharper reproofes of our faults then the knowledge that we our selves have of them It is very true said Astrea but you must needs confesse that as any good which we do enjoy is better and greater for being known so also the sorrowes and
pains when they are known are far more bitter and smarting And hence it is that every one strives to hide and conceal the afflictions which befall them and oftentimes had rather they were greater and secret then lesse and publick Now Sister there is one thing which my affection to you prompts me to advertise you of unto which me thinks your prudence ought to apply some remedies and I am sure if before my misfortune did befall me I had met with a friend who had freely spoken unto me I should not have been so sadly ashamed as I am Sister said Diana this is a great argument of your good affection to me and you will infinitely oblige me if not only now but alwaies you will tell me your opinion of all my actions freely and clearly and especially now when all are asleep Although these two Shepheardesses did think that none did hear them yet they were deceived for Laonice who was in the company although she seemed to be asleep yet she was awake and being extreamly desirous to hear more that she might according to her designe do them a displeasure she listened with a most attentive ear On the other side Silvander seeing all his company asleep and hearing the sheph eardesses talking he thought that he heard the voice of Diana and having an itching desire to hear their discourse he stole so gently neer them upon his hands and knees as he could hear them very distinctly and by fortune he came just as Astrea did begin to say thus Do you remember what I said unto you yesterday in you ear when Silvander disputed with Phillis Was it not said Diana concerning the affection of that shepheard towards me The very same answered Astrea and be pleased to understand that since I have discovered it more plainly by the discourse which I have had with him and you may most infallibly expect a most extream and violent affection from him If this affection be displeasing unto you it is requisite you keep him at a distance from you though I cannot tell whether that will do any good since his humour is of such a nature as the more it is crossed the more violent it will grow but if it be pleasing unto you it is most requisite you use abundance of discretion that it may not be known unto any but your selfe Sister said Diana after she had a while considered upon it I see you make your love unto me most evidently appear and will keep any thing secret which I shall say I will therefore open my very heart unto you but with a hearty desire that what e're I shall say may go no further no not to Phillis her selfe if it be no offence to the friendship that is betwixt you I should think answered Astrea my selfe unworthy of your love if I should impart any secret which you shall trust me withall unto any other nay I should think my selfe to be a most horrid Traitor And as for Phillis be confident Sister that as I would not do any act which might wound that affection I bear unto her so she shall never make me offend against the love I have vowed unto you Not that I have any diffidence in the discretion of Phillis said Diana but because I would if I could hide it from my own selfe Upon this she paused a while and then continued When I lost Philander as Sister I have told you I was so exceedingly grieved at it that for a long time after I resolved never to love any again but to spend all the rest of my mourning daies in an eternall widowhood For though Philander was not my Husband yet I do verily believe he had been if he had survived Philidas In this resolution I may most safely and truely protest unto you I have lived hitherto so insensible of any love as if I had neither any eyes or ears to see or hear any motion that was presented unto me in that kinde Amidor kinsman unto Philidas can testifie as much who though of a wavering humour had parts sufficient to make himselfe loved and who before he married Alf●runte did often offer to take me upon what conditions soever I should require Witnesse also the poor Nicander I call him poor because of the strange course which he took after my refusall To be briefe witnesse all those who since that day have made addresses of love unto me The memory of Philander has unto this very day so defended me against all others as I have not had so much as any thought of love But I must needs confesse that since the faigned addresse of Silvander I perceived my selfe much changed I know this shepheard at the first did only court me for a wager and yet as soon as he began his addresses did please me On the contrary the generous Paris did very really love me and quitted the grandure of his quality for my sake and yet for all his merits I could finde in my selfe no other love unto him then that of a Sister unto a Brother To finde out the reason of all this is a thing impossible but yet it is most certainly true Now Sister if I do say that I do love Silvander after another manner mistake me not do not think that I am in love with him but that I do resent the very same beginings which I remember I resented at the beginning of my affection unto Philander I beseech you Sister said Astrea unto her what is it which pleaseth you best in him First said Diana I perceive he never loved any before and this cannot be attributed unto any stupidity of his understanding since he does plainly evidence the contrary by his discourse Then he does so handsomely submit himselfe and gives me such an absolute power over his will as he never speaks a word but he fears the offending me Then again there is a continued and constant discretion in all the actions of his life you shal never see him either too much or too little in any thing he does and lastly which is the prime cause of my amity I do think him to be an honest plain open-hearted man and without vice I do assure you Sister said Astrea I do observe the same qualities to be in this shepheard and for my part I do think that if ever the heavens do destinate you to love any you will be very happy in him But let me tell you that if you will avoid displeasures you must use all your prudence I do wonder Sister said Diana why you should use this expression unto me for know that though I do love him better then any other I ever saw since the losse of Philander yet I would not have him to know it or that I have any intention to let him serve me and that if he should be so bold as to declare it unto me I do assure him I would treat him so as he should never dare to speak of it twice unto me But Sister said Astrea
this my Uncle did encourage us to continue in this laudable designe Afterwards he went homewards and we towards Marcelles but first consulted together what Answers should be given unto Galathea lest we should contradict one another knowing very well that no eye is so quick and penetrating as the eye of Jealousie In the mean time Galathea's minde was only on her dear Lucinde commending my wit and subtlety in putting you into that habit hoping that under that shadow she might without any suspition have you alwaies with her not shepheard that she had ever any unchast or unworthy thoughts but designing to marry you and not daring to declare it as long as Amasis lived she thought she might alwaies have you in her presence under that umbrage And though she could not doubt of the affection which you had unto the fair Astrea yet flattering her selfe she hoped that the sight of so much grandore and magnificence would easily withdraw your love from that shepheardesse so as hugging her selfe in these thoughts she was the most contented woman in the world and nothing seemed tedious into her but the length of the way But when she came to Marcelles and did not see her dearly beloved Lucinde amongst the rest of her Nymphs Oh! how she was disordered and what haste did she make in going to her Chamber and from her Chamber into her Closet I who plainly foresaw this storme did follow her but not with that alacrity as usuall and I must needs confesse that being in some sort guilty of treason I did fear her presence and yet lest she should suspect me as soon as she did call I ran unto her and commanding me to shut the dore Well Leonida said she unto me what 's become of Celadon Madam said I unto her seeming much astonished and displeased I cannot tell for as soon as ever you were gone Silvia and I looked for him all over the Palace and not finding him we cannot devise what should become of him unlesse Adamas can tell us How 's this said Galathea surprised at this unexpected answer do you know no more of him And seeing I did not answer Did not I command you said she to have extraordinary care of him Am I no better obeyed than thus Go go Leonida go immediately to your Uncle if Celadon be there bring him hither or otherwise never come again into my presence and assure your selfe I shall make you fell the smart of this offence as well as my selfe Seeing her so angry and fearing that replies would but aggravate I made her a low and humble reverence I went away to acquaint my Companions with it Silvia not being far off followed me out of the Chamber and I acquainted her with all the discourse of Galathea and how she commanded me to retire I knew said Silvia that it was impossible this businesse should end without making her extreamly angry but I should have imagined any thing rather than this course she hath taken What will every one think of your departure How can she hide it from Amasis Well my dear Companion said she unto me I see all the blame is laid upon you though I have equally contributed to the same fault if that which we have done deserve not praise but since it is so I shall use all my best endeavours to have you recalled as soon as possible In the mean time if any enquire of me the cause of your absence I shall say That Adamas desired Galathea to let you be with him for a certain time in hopes that some affection may grow betwixt his Son Paris and you and I shall say this as a secret to the end it may make the lesse noise in the world After this we kissed and recommended each other to the tuition of the gods And so I went unto my Uncle unto whom I related the whole passage In the mean while Galathea being alone in her Closet and seeing all her hopes and all her designes blasted she was so surprised with sorrow as she laid her selfe down upon a green Bed and could scarcely breathe At last she started up with a deep sigh and casting her eyes upon a great Glasse which was over against her she saw the tears that trickled down her cheeks Alas alas Galathea said she what is thy Beauty worth which hath caused so many Idolaters since it is not able to captivate him whom thou most desirest to please a poor despisable Shepheard despiseth it Am I not the most unfortunate woman in the world since a mean and ungratefull Shepheardesse is able to do more then I am Oh! how pleasing and sweet were my designes at the first and at the last how bitter and vexatious are they all turned Then being silent for a while she broke out again But is it possible Celadon thou shouldst not love me Can I no way wean thy affection from a silly shepheardesse Can a rustick country Beauty have a greater influence upon thee than mine Has the heavens to torment me made thee so pleasing and so silly She had continued longer in these exclamations had not Silvia knocked at the dore and acquainted her that Amasis her Mother was comming to see her She presently drying up her tears as well as she could and lying down upon the bed she put a handkerchiefe over her face feigning to be asleep and therefore Silvia went to meet Amasis at the dore and acquainted her how Galathea was not well telling her that she thought her disease to be nothing but a little head-ach which a little rest would cure Amasis did easily believe it when going neerer Galathea she saw her face red and burn like fire The Nymph at the comming of her Mother seemed as if she were asleep and starting up did her reverence unto her and holding her hand before the eyes she confirmed what Silvia had said Amasis advised her to go into bed and to rest that night that she might be better disposed to be a spectator of the publick Bone-fires of joy which were to be made and last two or three daies After this she retired purposely to give her the more time of rest Galathea was very glad of this excuse to be along and when all was gone out of her Chamber she undressed her selfe and went to bed suffering none to be in the Chamber but Silvia whom she commanded to stay by the bed side that she might near if she called Silvia who knew her disease prepared her self with remedies accordingly but she was mistaken for the Nymph stayed untill it was night and never gave one word expecting that Silvia should first begin At last when it was supper time Go Silvia said she go to supper and send some other in you room as for me I will not eate any thing Madam answered Silvia I beseech you give me leave to stay with you for my meat will not do me any good as long as you are not well Sweet-heart said the Nymph I thank you and believe
something concerning Silvander and Lycidas Walking thus down into the Plain we espied Silvander who sitting under a Tree was so intent unto the Musick of his Bag-pipe as he took no notice how Diana knowing his voice stole gently behinde a Bush to hear him and not be seen and Diana was so desirous to hear that she did not see Astrea and Phillis who seeing her and having the same curiosity did steal on the other side unseen either by Diana or Silvander but we were most pleased at Lycidas who being upon a little Hill looked upon Phillis as she crept gently upon the ground lest Silvander should see her for having an opinion that the love which she bare unto that Shepheard was the cause of her desire to hear him he stood with crossed armes and eyes so fixed upon her as if he were a Statue I had not known him at that distance but for Paris who saw him often Now as we were walking down the Hill we saw your Brother pul down his Hat upon a sudden and turning his back upon his Shepheardess he came stamping towards us and never saw us but still as he went scratched his head stamped upon the ground struck himselfe upon the breast and lifted his eyes often up to heaven These passionate actions made us very desirous to hear what he said and therefore hiding our selves behinde a great Bush which was by the way side we took notice that upon a suddian he fell down as if he had been troubled with a fit of the falling sickness We stole neerer and neerer unto him untill we could hear him sigh out a hundred symptomes of jealousie saying That he had all the reason in the world to be jealous and that all oaths and former assurances of affection should never perswade him to the contrary but that he was jealous with judgment since he saw Phillis upon her knees before him she loved Then after a hundred such expressions we saw him rise up and look backward to see what Phillis did and a little after went neerer her then returned again to the place from whence he came He did not perceive us because he was so totally taken up with his thoughts of Phillis so as I think if we had stood directly before his eyes he could not have seen us We followed him and when he had couched himselfe close by Phillis we couched behinde him and heard Silvander sing these Verses Love's World 1. GRand Fabricator Love the form hath laid And out of me another World hath made The Earth is my Fidelity which stands Immovable by any mortall hands And as the World upon the Earth is founded So this on my fidelity is grounded 2. If any sits of jealousie do make This Earth of my fidelity to shake And cause my constant heart to quake and tremble Imprison'd windes exactly they resemble Which being in the earth enclos'd they make All hearts to tremble and the earth to quake 3. My Tears the Ocean is as soon you may Empty the Sea as them dry up or stay My Tears so many storms are which rebell And makes this Sea to bluster and to swell The flowing Rivers of my eyes do pay Their constant Tribute to this swelling Sea 4. The Air my VVill is which is pure and free And alwaies waits on my Fidelity The VVinde is my Desire which moves my VVill As wanton Aire by winde is moved still And as in caverns we do see the Winde So my Desire is in my heart confin'd 5. That Fire invisible which in the Aire Those secret Flames which burn my heart up are And as this Element no eye doth see Even so my Flames with in me smother'd be But as all flames some nourishment do crave So must mine die or nourishment must have 6. My Hope 's the Moon is which doth still encrease Or else diminish alwaies more or lesse And I do find it by experience true She has no light but borrowed from you For if you do not like the Sun to th'Moon Some lustre lend then all my hopes are done 7. The Sun is your incomparable eye VVhich does out-lustre any in the skie As th' other Sun life to the VVorld doth give So Lovers die unlesse you bid them live 'T is day when you appear and it is night Most dismall dark when you are out of sight 8. My Summer is my joy when you do please To shine upon me and my heart to ease My VVinter is my fear when you with-draw And is not pleas'd my frozen fear to thaw But now alas what fruit can Autumn bring VVhen I can finde no flowers in my Spring Thus Silvander ended his Song but not his thoughts but on the contrary descanting upon the last Verse of it Alas said he though Love will not let my Autumn bring any fruites yet he might very well let my Spring afford me some flowers Is it not thy custome Oh thou little god to nourish hopes in many whom thou never meanest to content and why does thy custome faile in me But still I must needs say thou art just for thou couldst not chastise my presumption with a lesser punishment Yet I must needs complain for though the punishment be just yet it smarts and though I am culpable yet I am sensible withall After these expressions he was silent and whilst he was turmoiling himselfe in a sea of various thoughts he gave Diana leasure to cast her eye upon her companions and seeing they perceived her she was ashamed therefore stealing gently unto them she said thus unto Phillis I pray Servant whilst Astrea and I get a little off stay you here that if the Shepheard do hear us you may amuse him for I would not upon any termes have him know that I heard him So Phillis making a signe that she would Diana and Astrea went away I observed that Lycidas supposed these two Shepheardesses would have perswaded Phillis to go with them but that her love which he supposed she had unto Silvander would not let her leave him The actions of his head hands and feet perswaded me in this opinion In the mean time Silvander began to sing this Song That to adore Diana is the only Happinesse A Song SIt still Silvander ne're complain Against thy fate or any pain For such a Mistris is thy lot As never man a fairer got Be thankfull Man and think it honour To sacrifice thy selfe upon her For never since the world was made VVas so much light without a shade Put heaven to boot the Angells there Compar'd with her they are not fair Cease then complaints and think it sweet If thou from her thy death do meet A better death thou canst not die Then murder'd by so fair an eye Love on Silvander never faint But still adore so fair a Saint 'T is perfect Martyrdome to die For such a sweet Idolatry This Shepheard perhaps had continued longer if Driope Diana's Dog had not broke loose from her and run fawning upon Silvander
fair shepheardesse hath done unto that affection which she hath promised me by misinterpreting mine and taking that for an injury which she ought to take for the greatest assurance and demonstration of my affection But Oh great god of Love how dare I complain against her since thou hast commanded me to think all well that she doth I will therefore use no complaints against her for my heart will not give me leave to contradict her in any thing But Oh wise Nymph I will endeavour to let you see by telling the truth that Palemon doth love and that Doris has no reason to believe the contrary And to be as briefe as I can she does confesse that I did love her and that she did love me but why does she upbraid me with any infidelity Her reason is because I was jealous and I confesse I was But if she did love me as she saies she did for loving her why should my affection be pleasing to her and not the effects of my affection If all that looked upon her made me jealous if their conversation their words nay their very lookes made me suspitious was not this a most certain testimony that I did infinitely love her She hath often told me that to doubt of her was to offend her and to make a sinister construction of her Ah great Nymph did this fair shepheardesse know as well how to love as her eyes do to make her adored she would say that this was rather extream love and the high opinion of her which made me doubt her Had I not thought her most worthy to be served by every one I should never have thought that every one had served her And had I not been of that beliefe how could I have been jealous of every one Jealousie therefore Oh fair Doris is not a lesser signe of affection and violent love then sighes and tears are for it hath its originall from the knowledge one hath of the perfections in the person loved but sighes and tears do often proceed from her cruelty only and from the torments which they resent by reason thereof She therefore knowing Oh great Nymph that I was jealous ought she not therefore to encrease her affection in some sort to ballance the weight which mine endured but on the contrary she rewards me with cruelty she her selfe unties the knot of that amity which so many services and demonstrations of a perfect affection ought to have made indissolvable And to give some colourable pretence for all this she alledgeth faintnesse and coldness on my side and negligence and carelessenesse which alas was only in her own opinion She alledgeth that at that time I absented my selfe from her Indeed when I consider this allegation I must confesse that all actions may be suspected when the effects produce contrary semblances or are not known unto those that have interest in them If I should ask you fair Doris what opinion you had of me when my fortune had brought me into your acquaintance I am confident you will say that I loved served honoured and adored you with as much faithfull zeal of true affection as ever any shepheard could And let it not displease you if before this great Nymph and reverent Druide I beseech and conjure you to tell them who that shepheardesse is that ever I adressed my selfe unto except you or you ever heard of If you do not know nor ever heard of any but must needs confesse my affection was never placed any where else why do you complain of me and why should you suspect and put a misinterpretation upon my actions Me-thinks it is but very ill Logick to conclude that Palemon did love me but because he sees me not so oft as he was wont therefore he does not love me Were it not a better piece of sophistry in the Schooles of Love to argue thus Palemon does not see me so oft as he was accustomed but I know there is some urgent occasions which keeps him away Had you been thus compassionate upon the torments I endured in being absent from you and judged others by your selfe you had never so cruelly offended him who did never offend against the affection which he promised But perhaps you will ask me what I did mean by so many minute visits whereas formerly whole daies would not content me I shall tell you Oh sage Nymph and when you have heard me you will not make such a sinister construction of my actions as this fair one doth of my fidelity only I beseech you to consider the kinde of life which I led at that time and amongst what company I lived I can and truly say Oh great Nymph that never man lived a more salvage life then I no not such whose profession is to inhabit amongst Rocks and Desarts excepting only when my affection constrained me once a day to see her for as soon as day began to dawn I went out of my Cabin and shunning all manner of company I did not return untill dark night retiring my selfe sometimes into the most close and unfrequented Caves and other times upon the tops of the highest Mountains so solitarily alone as nothing but my own thoughts could finde me out but they still kept me so good company as they did often invite me unto some such place from whence I might see her habitation thinking the very sight of the happy walls where she dwelt to be no small consolation unto me Nothing could withdraw me from this kinde of solitary life no not the friendship of Neighbours nor duty to Parents nor care of my Flocks nor any thing in the world else but only my desire of seeing her every day once and that in such short visits as to my sorrow alwaies when I returned I thought I did but only go thither and not see her Now my extream affection unto her was the cause why I did not acquaint her with my reason for this kinde of life Now great and wise Nymph it was ever my opinion that he who loves as he ought to do ought to be more tender of her honour whom he loves then of his own contentment The malice of ill disposed men is never so weak nor drousie but it may alwaies finde out some subject to asperse those that are most vertuous And at this time our frequent visits were eyed and gave occasion unto those malignant spirits to spit their venome and talk very broadly and yet so closely that all the diligence I could use could never bring me to know who were the authors of these poysonous Impostures What should I do in such a case To undertake a long voyage I could not because I was not a free Master of my own actions and to cease to love her had been to cease to live Since our great familiarity was it which gave a colour for their calumny what could I better do then stop the black mouthes of scandall by abridging my selfe of my own contentment in not being so
frequently with her For I thought my selfe obliged to preserve her honour and reputation at any rate whatsoever If she complain that I did not acquaint her with this untill now she may as well complain against my extream love of her for the reason why I did not impart it unto her was because I was loath to make her a partner in my sorrowes for I know that she who was ever so carefull to keep her honour free from all calumny could not endure to hear of these without extream vexation and sad resentment Now great Nymph I beseech you to consider by this most true relation whether such effects are usuall amongst vulgar affections and from thence you may perceive the quality of mine and being such as gives a manifest proof of its grandure why may I not and with reason aske as well some proofes of hers since love is never requited but with love again As for the businesse of Pantesmon which she alledgeth as a great matter of complaint against me I conceive my apprehensions of him did not proceed from an ill grounded jealousie as she termes it but from abundance of reason for this shepheard as she her selfe confesseth being such a one as he is it was probable she would rather love him then scorn him Moreover the friendship betwixt her Brother and him was no small ground for my suspitions but especially the favourable eye which she cast upon him which indeed was such as knowing of my jealousie she was more to be blamed for behaving her selfe so then I for thinking so And indeed their Marriage was openly spoken of so as from hence I had strong grounds for jealousie and she to cleer her selfe had good reason to do as I requested If friendship have a priviledge above love she might well have denyed my request if it have not why should she think it strange my love should desire a preheminency above that amity which she had unto her Brother From hence it was great Nymph that all our miseries had their originall for when I was angry with her for the countenance which she gave unto this shepheard she answered me that her Brothers affection unto him was the cause of it But when I replyed that the report of her Marriage unto him was so common as it was impossible I could endure to hear it What would your fantasticall suspicion answered she with an angry look have me to do You may call it what you please said I unto her but I shall never be at rest untill I see him banished from you Well said she with a more angry eye I will give you satisfaction this time but I wish this may be the last of your odd humours she expressed her selfe in such a manner as made me more suspect her then if she had denyed me with some handsome excuse This made me resolve to look more narrowly into the matter and trust unto no eyes but my own Oh most unhappy diffidence Oh what an abominable resolution was this which hath cost so much sorrow such extream torment and so many tears In order therefore unto this designe I spied out a time when Pantesmon went unto her Chamber for as fortune was either for displeasure or for some ill disposednesse she kept her bed that day And going up a back pair of staires which conducted to her Lodgings I came through a Lobby into a little Closet which had a dore over against her bed Such was my misfortune as I could through the key-hole see all they did but being at too far a distance I could not hear one word I saw and too plainly for my contentment this shepheard sit by her bed-side I saw him take her hand and kisse it several times I saw him talk bare-headed and at last kisse her lip without any resistance and for ought I could observe she answered him with no words of anger Oh heavens what a dagger was this to my heart I knew not what to do with my selfe I knew not how I should suffer this and live But such was my extraordinary affection unto her that though I had these bitter resentments yet it made me constantly to endure any thing which I thought pleasing unto her Pantesmon went away and I also he very ill satisfied with me and I absolutely mad at him Thus did Love drive us both away Now I beseech you great Nymph tell me Would you have thought I had loved her had not this gone to my very soul Could my resentment be lesse then to retire my selfe or Could it be carried with more discretion then never to speak of it unto any I do confesse I did endeavour to regain my liberty and when I found abundance of difficulty in unloosing the cords wherewith she held me I said severall times to my selfe That I would cut those I could not untie And when I was thus striving with my selfe it is true she sent one of her friends unto me But what could I think of her message more then that it was a continuation of her delusions Could I possibly give the lye unto such dear witnesses as my own Eyes So being full of anger I made that answer which she thus complaines of which was That one Nail drives out another Now since I had a beliefe that she had thus ungratefully betrayed me how could I give her a milder check I was obliged unto as much by the Lawes of my affection which would not let me lie now no more then before If she took it in any other sense then I intended it her innocence was the cause of it and my error made me say so She does not know of any other Love that ever driv my love of her out of my heart and yet my fears of displeasing her hath even untill this time deprived me of my greatest contentment When I at any time resolved to upbraid her for all this Love which had ever a great prevalence in my soul restrained me and gave me a check telling me that this would too much offend her whom I once loved so well that it was not handsome to twit her with her faults and make her ashamed of them but that I should be well contented with being loose from those perfidious obligations in which I had been so long entangled Oh! this advice was most pernicious unto me for doubtlesse had I at the first told her what I had seen she would have related unto me all that she had done and so I should have received as much satisfaction happinesse and contentment as I have since suffered torments and miseries But absenting my selfe wholly from her it was long before I knew that Pantesmon had left her And the worst was I durst not so much as enquire lest I should hear something which would encrease my griefe At last my love being stronger then my resolution or my anger I did by degrees go neer her and at the very first sight forgetting all the wrongs which as I thought I had received
live how can I endure so many torments And if I dye alas I shall never see her again Into what a miserable condition has my fate hurryed me Since I cannot be happy either in life nor death Oh most miserable Ursaces said he how long wilt thou suffer thy selfe to be thus flattered by vaine hopes Why should they let thee passe away thy dayes in such cruell torments And how canst thou preserve a life that is so unworthy of thy actions and thy corrage Thou that hast a heart so daring as to lift thy eyes so high as Caesars wife thou that hadst so much corrage as to revenge thy love and embrue thy hands in the blood of both art thou now growne so faintly timerous as to live and see the deare Eudoxe in the hands of a Vandall who has carried her into the heart of Affrica and perhaps has a designe upon her chastity Oh heavens how canst thou suffer such a beauty who deserves all adoration to be so unworthily used and made the prey of a cruell Barbarian Canst thou endure that so divine a beauty should run the most miserable fortune that ever humane did Thou hast seen it Ursaces thou hast seen it with thy owne eyes and yet thou art alive Thou art still the same Roman Ursaces who loved this divine Eudoxe And thou hast revenged and delivered the Empire and the faire one from the Tyranny of Maximus Oh Die Die for shame man Let thy sword do that which griefe will not and by that Signall act wash away the dishonour of surviving the liberty of Eudoxe Thus passionately did this stranger expresse himselfe and being transported with fury he drew a short sword which hung by his side and doubtlesse had run himselfe to the heart if a companion of his had not run in and taken hold of his arme just as he was ready to give the mortall thrust but in saving the life of his friend his hand was very dangerously cut For Ursaces perceiving himselfe seized upon and his mind being prepossessed with the thought of death he made his thrust and gave his friend a very great wound So as this friend not being able to hold him with that hand and fearing he should execute his cruell designe he fell upon him saying Ursaces shall never die as long as Olimbres lives A brave resolution of a friend At the name of Olimbres I saw the other man who was before so passionatly transported presently come to himselfe and as if he had got a fall from the top of a high precipice was astonished at the coming of the other Friend said he what Daemon did conduct you to this unfrequented place to hinder me from following my adored Eudoxe For follow her I will either with Ursaces or with his Ghost Ursaces said he unto him the Gods who are preservers of friendship and no ill Daemon have prompted me to seeke you this three dayes not to hinder you from following Eudoxe if it be your contentment but to accompany you for my friendship would not allow me to let you make that voyage alone And therefore if you will needs execute your designe first thrust that sword in thy hand into the heart of thy friend and afterward when it is red and reeking with my blood execute thy designe or do what thou wilt Ah Olimbres said he this request is incompatible with our friendship Can you think my hand has any power to hurt Ursaces's friend Think me not so cruell as ever to consent unto the death of him whose life was ever deerer to me then my own But if you have any compassion upon my misery I conjure you by our pure friendship to let me go out of this miserable life Can you think said Olimbres that I will not immediatly follow you Have I not courage enough to take away my life that I may follow yours wel as you follow Eudoxe Do you think Death to be good or bad If it be bad why wil you give it unto him whom Olimbres your friend loves deerer then himselfe If it be good why will you not let Olimbres whom you love be a partaker with you Oh no answered Ursaces Olimbres shall live to eternity before he die by the hand of Ursaces ●bl● it will be a great testimony of friendship to let me execute my designe which only can wipe off my shame in surviving my happinesse In saying these words he endeavoured to draw out his arme which his friend had engaged under his body Which I perceiving and fearing that he who was wounded had not strength to hinder him I went gently up to them and taking the hand of Ursaces I forced open his fingers and seized upon his sword And Olimbres's striving had caused him to lose much blood He presently perceived himselfe to faint and apprehending that the losse of his blood was the cause he arose from off his Companion and shewed him his hand Friend said he unto him I am ready to wait upon you to Eudoxe and if you will die I shall think my selfe happy to follow you Then presently he fainted and fell into his friends bosome Ursaces fearing the losse of him he left off all thoughts of killing himselfe to help his friend and running unto a Fountain which was close by he brought some water in his hat to throw in his face In the mean time I knowing that his disease proceeded from losse of blood I took a little mosse for want of a better remedy and applying it to the wound I tyed it up with my handkerchiefe and had not done when Ursaces returned who sprinkling the face of his friend with told water and calling upon him with a loud voice by his name he brought him to himselfe again When he opened his eyes Alas friend said he why did you call me Let my soule go contentedly out of the world and let it attend you wheresoever you go Have this beliefe I beseech you that she cannot close up her daies more happily then by your hand and in doing you service Olimbres said Ursaces if you do depart to follow me I must go before you and therefore never think that my hand shall make any passage for your soul untill it hath with the same sword sent mine out of this miserable habitation Upon this he looked about for the sword which I had taken away Which I perceiving Do not think Ursaces said I unto him to execute your cruell determination with this sword heaven hath sent me hither to tell you that there is nothing in this world so desperate which it cannot remit unto its former condition when it pleaseth and hath also sent me to hinder you from making any attempts upon the life either of your selfe or your friend for your life is his not yours But if you do attempt any thing against your life I tell you from the great god that in lieu of following this Eudoxe which you do so passionately desire he will lead your soul into
Silvander following them thinking as I beleeve that Diana would come unto them I hid my selfe againe in the covert desireous to see what they did and beleeving they would give me some fresh knowledge of their affection But it happened that Silvander seeing them sit downe under the covert where I was he came to sit amongst them Phillis she quitted her place and went some twenty paces from them Then I heard Astrea call her and Silvander beseech her to come unto them Oh what smarting wounds did these words make in my heart Yet Phillis came not but shewed herselfe to be very much discontented at the Shepheard But whereas this might well have contented me it did the more offend me conceiving that there are alwayes such pretty quarrells amongst lovers as do but renew love Phillis was some twenty paces from them as I told you and would not come neere them but still walked alone by herselfe At which Silvander began to smile and at last he could not hold but laugh very loud Phillis hearing him and being much enflamed with anger against him Silvander said she unto him your behaviour towards me does make me hate you even to death and beleeve it if ever any occasion of revenge offer it selfe unto me I will lay hold upon it The shepheard hearing her utter these words with so much passion he burst out into such a violent fit of laughter that he could not give any answere Well well said Phillis laugh on uncivill shepheard do your worst to offend me perhaps I shall one day finde an opportunity of revenge and if I do not take it never trust Phillis againe When Astrea saw this she took part with Phillis I did not think said she that Silvander whom I ever found discret and full of civility would offer to offend Phillis without any cause Phillis hearing Astrea say so she was more animated against the shepheard He cares not a straw said she for offending me but he has good reason for it for he knowes I never cared for him nor can he well incense me more against him then I was before Oh how this dissention did please me and yet I could not chuse but be angry he should so slight her Silvander he adressed himselfe unto Astrea Are you faire shepheardesse said he so angry against me I thought that you would have taken my part I can never take part against reason answered Astrea but me thinkes you might do much better then to give my companion so much occasion to hate you Truly said he in serious earnest although you are partially biassed on Phillis side yet I am contented you should be the judge of our difference Provided she wil before you declare the occasion of her anger against me and when you have heard us both I will presently submit unto what punishment you shall please to sentence Who I said Phillis should I reason any businesse with you No no I had rather I were dumb as long as I lived then to have any thing to do with h you For all this replyed he I would tell you somthing which perhaps would make it appeare that Silvander is more your servant then you imagine Then turning towards Astrea he beseeched her to intreat Phillis to sit downe which she did not said she that I have any desire to heare you but only because I will do whatsoever Astrea commands me Silvander without any reply unto her began thus I beleeve Phillis you do not think me so ignorant in the affaires of the world as that I should never hear of that affection which is betwixt you and Lycidas Nay perhaps you will wonder I should know so much and seeme so ignorant So as you will not judge this Silvander whom you wish so ill was so little your servant as you think him But so it is shepherdesse that I did know all particulars from such as are inquisitive into the businesses of others and afterwards I knew both from your self and Lycidas Do you not remember how one day when you retired your selfe from much company you commanded Hylas to relate the story of his life and the adventures of his severall Loves Do you remember when you went away you desired Astrea to go along with you Have you forgotten how you went into the wood to speak with Lycidas who waited there for you and how Astrea told you that you should take heed lest he tooke it not ill also how you answered her that he was so importunate that you could not deny him but therefore you tooke Astrea with you Now shepheardesse think well upon the discourse which you had with him you need not tell it unto me for I know it all as well as if I had heard it At this they both blushed and stood so amazed that they could not speak but looked upon each other Nay never be troubled said Silvander that I do know all these things for I am discreet enough to conceale any thing but if you please faire Astrea I will tell you how angry Lycidas was against you and what paines you tooke to qualfie him you may see I do almost know as much of your businesses as you your selves do Know Phillis that I was not ignorant either of the jealousie of Lycidas or the cause of his jealousie I am sure replyed my shepheardesse and looking him in the face that you have so behaved your selfe towards me as hath extreamly troubled both Lycidas and me and your selfe also Oh shepheardesse answered he you are more obliged unto me then you imagine for what would you have me to do Since you knew said she that Lycidas was jealous of you you should have absented your selfe from me You bid me do things impossible replyed he and such as had been infinitly prejudicall unto you if I had done them Impossible because I having undertaken to serve Diana and you being continually with her it was impossible for me to be absent from you unlesse I had been absent from both Had you been so good a friend to me as you might said Phillis you would rather have absented your selfe from Diana and hazard the losse of your wager then have made Lycidas so jealous and me so sad for that shepheard was much your friend and I had never given you any occasion to be mine enemy I perceive shepheardesse answered Silvander that you never considered the hurt which you would have done me nor how impossible it was for me to do it If I did do you any hurt said Phillis it was out of ignorance for I did not intend it However replyed he you did do me hurt and I was very sensible of it I beseech you which way said Phillis are not you the cause of my undertaking to serve Diana answered he What then said Phillis why do you accuse me I do accuse you said Silvander of all the miseries that ever I resented For in lieu of counterfeiting love I do love in good earnest Upon this the shepheard made a
her for Isidores sake into the Garden and Isidore being a little weary they seperated Eudoxe continued walking and Isidore went into an Arbour where she found seates of grasse covered over with boughes she had not beene there long but Valentinian who was walking with Eudoxe began to complaine of wearinesse and made that his pretence for going to sit downe in the same Arbour Isidore offered to go out but he held her by the gowne Eudoxe seeing this looked upon me and could not chuse but smile I thinking this to be a fit opportunitie to put my intended resolution into execution I would not let it slippe I smiled therefore as well as she and she asked me why I did so to which I answered very freely that it was because Valentinian had left her to go unto Isidore And why Ursaces said she unto me do not you the same I Madam said I unto her do you think I have so little judgement Me thinkes said she that you ought to do it because it is fitter that you should do her service then Valentinian I know very well Madam said I that there is much more equality betwixt Isidore and me then betwixt Valentinian and her but I must needs confesse that I had rather commit a fault contrary unto that of Valentinian How do you meane said she I meane Madam said I that rather then serve one who is equall unto my selfe as Isidore is I would dye for the love of one who is above me as you are How me answered she do you Ursaces know what you say I say Madam answered I that I had rather dye adoring You then live and love Isidore and that the vast inequality betwixt us could never put me out of this mind since the first day I had the glory to see you Surely said the Princesse you are out of your wits otherwise you would never talke thus to Me. Do not thinke so Madam said I unto her for I am sure I never spoke more truly nor with a sounder judgement She stood still and looked stedfastly upon me and afterwards said Is this language Ursaces in earnest or in jeast I do sweare Madam said I unto her by that service which I owe you that I did never in my life utter words more unfainedly nor with a more resolved will then these and take them as you will hate or treat me as you please I shall never change Ursaces said she unto me I am very sorry for your folly I have esteemed you and your service above any that have been educated under the Emperor my Father But since you are growne so beyond all bounds of reason impudent and quite forgot your duty and distance be assured that if ever you use the same liberty of language againe to me I will make you repent of your rashnesse and acquaint both Valentinian and the Emperor with it Madam answered I did I not feare that those who are in the garden would observe me I would aske pardon upon my knees for my presumptuous crime but I beseech you give me leave to say that all your menaces cannot prevaile with my will this affection is rivetted into it heaven and earth cannot dissolve it and therefore there is no hope that any feare of the Emperor or any consideration of Valentinian can divert me 'T is true I may be silent and languish away for the love of the faire Eudoxe and so I beleive I shall Now for a proofe of this and not to offend you any longer with my impertinent talke I do sweare unto you by that eternall humble service which I owe you that I will never speak to you of it againe But remember this that as oft as I do you any reverence or bid you good morrow my heart then sayes unto you Madam that Ursaces is dying for the love of you and tacitly tells you that you will never have a more faithfull servant then he And when I take my leave of you or bid you good night then do I say how long is it your pleasure I shall be miserable and how long will your rigour last And to begin said I sadly to her permit me to take my leave of you and bid you good night Upon this I made a low reverence and retired lest I should too much offend her with my words but as I went I observed that she turned the other way and smiled which gave my heart no little hope Thus kind stranger have I lived ever since with her never making any semblance of what was past except by my good morrowes and good nights which when none could see her she would often answere with a ●●ake of her head as if she were still offended at the memory of that which I hinted unto her Above sixe Months passed on this manner and all the while she shewed not the least kind of any reception of my affection At the last I vanquished one morning when Valentinian was leading her to the Temple I went to her and making an humble reverence I said good morrow Madam At which she smiled and turning towards me Ursaces said she your good morrowes are very kindly accepted Oh heavens how can I expresse my joyes I protest I never hoped for any happinesse especially when nothing was talked of but the mariage of Valentinian and her Yet I understood since how that which I believed would have ruined my hopes was that which obliged her more unto me For she perceiving how his affection to Isidore encreased and all his expressions unto her were onely to please the Emperor she resolved to entertaine my love rather then to be the wife of an Emperour and to accept of my service since Valentinian was wholy devoted unto the service of Isidore I knew her resolution presently after for upon the first opportunity which presented it selfe she told me that my constancy and Valentinians affection unto Isidore had overcome her And that if I did continue still in my discreet behaviour she would continue her affection to me So as ever since that day she permitme to call her in private my Princess and she called me her my Cavalier Judge Silvander whether ever man was more happy then my selfe For Eudoxe was absolutely the fairest Princess in the whole world aged about scaventeene or eighteen yeares and never loved any one but I. Whilst we lived thus in this manner Honorius who marryed the Daughter of Stilicon dyed without Issue And because a Roman whose name was John his Principall Secretary was elected Emperour by the meanes of Castinus and Aetius the Emperour Theodosius intending to make his cosen Germaine Valentinian Emperour of the West he would send him thither with his Mother Placidia I made a florish as if I were desirous to make one in this voyage but indeed my desires were to stay for the gaurd of Eudoxe For though the desire of glory did invite me into Italy yet love kept me at Constantinople by stronger tyes for this faire Princess did
should Sheep languish and die in a great water where Fishes thrive and play Because answered the Druide it is against their Nature And do you think Father said the Shepheard that it is not against the nature of a Shepheard to live amongst so many great Nymphs I was born a Shepheard and so habituated to a Village-life as nothing but things of my own condition and quality can please me But is it possible said the Druide that Ambition which is so naturall unto men cannot invite you to quit your woods Cannot beautie allure a young heart unto it and divert you from your first intentions The ambition which every one ought to have answered the Shepheard is to do that well which is their duty to do and in that to be the prime amongst those of their own rank and that beauty which becomes us to look upon and ought to attract us is that which we may love and not that which we ought to reverence nor look upon but with eyes of respect only Why do you imagine said the Druide that there is any such Grandure amongst men which merit and vertue may not arive at Because answered the Shepheard I know that all things ought to keep themselves within the limits and bounds that nature hath placed them A Ruby though never so excellent in its kinde can never become a Diamond and he that hopes to elevate himself too high or to say better to change his nature and to make himselfe more then he is will but spend both his paines and his time in vain The Druide now amased at the wise considerations of this Shepheard and very glad to see him so far from any thoughts of Galathea began to deal with him in this manner Son said he I am extreamly glad to find so much wisdome in you and do assure you that as long as you continue in this minde the heavens will shoure all manner of felicities upon you Many are so taken up with vanities and transported with them that they run out of their wits and that upon much vainer hopes than these I propound unto you And what becomes of them at last just nothing unlesse after long and intolerable paines a sad repentance for suffering themselves to be so long deluded You have reason to thank the heavens that have endued you with this knowledge before you come to repentance and you have great reason also to pray that they will preserve you in the same minde in the same tranquility and sweetnesse of life in which you have hitherto lived But since you do not aspire unto any Grandure nor Beauty what is it then Celadon that will stay you here amongst these Nymphs Alas answered the Shepheard there is nothing can stay me by my good will it 's only Galathea that keeps me here in the nature of a Prisoner and the truth is I would have tryed all waies to make an escape had not my sicknesse prevented me and if no way would have hit I should have been so unmannerly as to have gone away by force When I would speak unto Galathea about it she seemes so extreamly angry as I must confesse I durst not mention it any more unto her But in the mean time my stay here has been so tedious unto me that I do accuse it to be the principall cause of my malady And therefore Father if ever you will compassionate the miserable condition of an extreamly afflicted person I do conjure you by the great gods whom you do most reverence and adore by your own good genius by the memory of your worthy Father great Pelion that you will take some pitty upon my life and by your prudence added unto my earnest desire to help me out of this wearisome Prison for so I shall call it as long as I stay here Adamas extreamly glad to hear how passionately he expressed himselfe did embrace him and after he had kissed his cheek said thus unto him Yes dear Son be confident I will do as you desire and assoon as your disease will permit I will use all possible means to facilitate your getting out of this place continue only in this minde and recover as soon as you can Then after much other such discourse as this he left him so much contented that if Adamas would have suffered him he would have quitted his bed that very houre In the mean time Leonida who would not suffer Galathea to run on any longer in that errour which Climanthes had infused into her one night when Silvia and the little Merill were retired she sat down by her beds-side and after some common discourse she said thus unto her Madam I have met with some newes in my journey newes that concernes you and I would not upon any termes conceal it from you because I shall thereby extreamly undeceive you What is it said the Nymph It is said Leonida the most subtle piece of knavery that ever Love invented and I believe you will not be sorry for my voyage though it were for nothing else but the discovery of it This Druide that resided here is the most wicked fellow and the cunningest knave that ever deluded any one Then did she relate all that she heard from the mouth of Climanthes and Polemas and all the plot that was invented only to dispossesse Lindamor and ingratiate Polemas in his room At the first the Nymph was astonished afterwards the love of this Shepheard did so flatter her that she was perswaded Leonida spoke this out of designe to divert her affection from this Shepheard and to enjoy him her selfe so as she did not give any credit to what she said but on the contrary turning it into laughter said thus unto her Go go Leonida go to bed and to morrow perhaps you will be more subtle and know how to disguise your tricks better Then she smiled and turned to the other side This did so extreamly offend Leonida as she resolved whatsoever came of it to set Celadon at liberty In order to this designe she went the same night unto her Uncle unto whom she used this language Father said she you see Celadon is now recovered why should he stay any longer here I pray consider what prejudice it may bring upon us all hereafter I would gladly have undeceived Galathea and divert her from the perswasions of the impostor Climantes but she does so dote upon Celadon as whosoever shall motion his departure is her declared enemy but I do conceive the surest way is to get him gone which we can never do without you for her eye is so continually upon me as I cannot stir a foot but she takes notice of it and suspects me Adamas did a little wonder to hear his Niece say so and had an opinion that she was afraid that he perceived the good-will she had unto this Shepheard and therefore she would blinde him However conceiving to cut up Love by the roots the best way would be to get Celadon away he
told his Niece that he did very much desire the same but knew not how The way said she is the easiest in the world Get the habit of a Nymph put it upon him he is young and has not a beard this way he may get out unknowne who helped him nor can Galathea tell whom to blame Adamas found this invention to be good and the sooner to put it in execution would presently go and get this habit made under colour of going to fetch some Physick for Celadon letting Galathea to understand that though he was out of a Feavour yet he was not out of danger to relaps which he could easily prevent and did communicate the designe unto Silvia who did very well approve of it so he would not stay too long before his return Celadon was no sooner awake but Galathea and Leonida went into his Chamber under pretence of seeing how he did Adamas perceiving how assiduously indulgent these Nymphs were did think delay to be very dangerous and after some ordinary questions concerning his disease he turned towards Galathea and desired her to give him leave to enquire of some particulars which he durst not do before her Galathea supposing it to be something that related to his sicknesse withdrew and gave Adamas an opportunity to acquaint the Shepheard with his designe and promised him to return within two or three daies at the furthest Celadon conjured him unto it by all possible intreaties knowing that without him his imprisonment would last long After he had assured him that he would he took Galathea aside and told her that though the Shepheard was at that present very well yet there was great fears of a relaps and therefore it was requisite to prevent it in order to which he would go and provide such Medicines as were proper for it and return again The Nymph was very glad of this for on the one side she desired the Shepheards cure and on the other the presence of Adamas began to be very troublesome unto her foreseeing that she could not be so free with her friend Celadon in his presence Adamas knew her minde well enough however assoon as dinner was done he went his way leaving the Nymphs in perplexity enough for all three had different designes and each of them aiming at their severall ends of necessitie they must deceive one another And this was the reason that they were commonly all three about his bed together but especially Silvia purposely to keep them from talking with him in private but for all her vigilancy Leonida found a time to tell him the resolution of her and her Uncle and had this further talk with him I hope Celadon said she unto him that when you are at liberty you will not be so ungratefull as to forget this good office but will then consider of it and of the affection which now I do bear unto you at least you will remember the injuries I have received from Galathea for your sake And if Love which in any other would produce a reciprocall love again have not the same effects in you yet I shall be extreamly glad to hear from your mouth that I am not disagreeable unto you Celadon who already knew of this growing affection had a desire to stifle it in the cradle but fearing lest if he should displease her she should fall off from that course which she had resolved upon with her Uncle he would give her such an answer as should still keep her in the same minde and therefore said thus unto her Fair Leonida what a strange opinion would you have of me if forgetting Astrea whom I have so long served I should begin a new affection unto you I speak very freely to you because I know you are not ignorant of my devotion to her Oh Celadon answered Leonida you need not hide it from me for I know as much of your affairs as you your selfe does Then Fair Nymph answered Celadon since you do know it so well how can you think I should force my love from her that has the sole power of my soul my life my selfe and all I have I pray look upon all the actions of my life and then tell me how I should give you satisfaction and what I should do Leonida could not hide her fears at this discourse yet being wise and considering how against her duty it was to live in this manner also that all would be in vain she resolved to become a Mistresse of her own will but this being a work of greater difficulty than to be done as soon as thought upon she thought it best to take a little time and consult with her pillow upon it In this resolution she spoke thus unto the Shepheard Celadon said she I cannot now take that counsel with my self which is necessary I had need to have a little time to muster up all the powers of my soul before I can resolve Their discourse had continued longer had not Silvia interrupted and said unto Leonida Doe you not know Sister said she that Flurial is come and hath so escaped the guards of the gates and came to Galathea before any of us knew of it Hee gave her some Letters I know not from whence they came nor from whom but I am sure they made her change colour two or three times Leonida presently imagined that it was from Lindamor and therefore she left Silvia with Celadon and went to Galathea to be satisfied Silvia then seeing her selfe alone with him shee began to talke so kindly unto him that if any there could have made him in love doubtless it had been she And see how Love is pleased to thwart our designes The other two Nymphs who courted him with all possible artifice to make him in love could not do it and this who never aimed at it did come nearer the mark than either of the rest By which is to be observed That Love must bee free and will not be obliged by any but it self and whom it pleaseth Whilst Celadon was in these thoughts Silvia who thought upon nothing but occasions of discourse because she was much pleased with his conversation and delighted to hear him speak she said thus unto him You cannot believe Shepheard how much I am pleased with your company and I swear that if Galathea be of my mind we will have more of it than formerly we have for I finde by you there is abundance of delight to bee taken in your villages and in your honest freedom since you are exempted from all ambition and by consquence from envy and doe live without any artifice and slander which are the four Pests of our Court-life Wise Nymph answered the Shepheard all this is most true if we were out of the power of Love but you must know that the very same effects which Ambition produceth in Courts Love does produce in the Country the envy of a Rival is no less than a Courtiers and the Artifices of Lovers and Shepheards are