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A60139 A new-years-gift: containing serious reflections on time, and eternity And some other subjects moral and divine. With an appendix concerning the first day of the year, how observed by the Jews, and may best be employed by a serious Christian. Shower, John, 1657-1715. 1699 (1699) Wing S3675; ESTC R219104 105,675 262

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I may not be unwilling in the flower of my Age and Time in Youth and Strength to leave this World let me think often that no one age or part of Life is more priviledged against the stroke of Death than another If I have done my work betimes as my deceased Fellow Traveller had is it not better to receive the blessed Recompence than to to tarry longer in a World of Sin and Suffering absent from the Lord Shall I not thereby escape a multitude of Temptations Sins and Sorrows which others by living longer are exposed to If my Peace be made with God what should make me willing to live at this distance from him What should render this World so desirable where God is so dishonoured where I am so often tempted to displease him and so often yield to such Temptations And may I not fear lest I should fall into such scandalous and grievous sins that may bring a publick reproach on the Gospel of Christ and sadden the Hearts of all my Acquaintance who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity By dying early I shall contract less guilt and commit less sin and see and feel less Sorrow than others who live longer And tho' I should maintain my Integrity yet in this World my highest love and obedience to God and my sweetest Communion with him is but imperfect How many Impediments and Diversions do I daily meet with that deaden my Heart to Heavenly Contemplations and Affections What disappointments and sorrowful disasters to convince me that this is not the place of Rest and Happiness What smart afflictions may some of my Relations prove What dangerous Snares may attend me in the remaining Portion of my Time What Opposition and Hatred from Men may the stedfast professing of the Truth and Fidelity to God expose me to what Publick National Calamities may I have my share in c. But if I consider Old Age it self which we do desire to reach what and how many are the Infirmities and Griefs and troublesome Circumstances which attend that State which dying young will prevent Are not most Men who reach a very great old Age helpless Objects of Pity A Burthen to themselves and to all about them And which commonly happens may I not then be as unwilling to dye as at present As loth then to leave the World as now tho' in a manner it will have left me For how many Old Men past the Relish of Sensual Pleasures are yet inordinately fond of a longer Life Have I not been told by Heathens as well as Christians that 't is not the length of time but it 's improvement that doth really make a Long Life If I have answered the Ends for which I were born 't is not too soon to dye No Man ever miscarried as to his Everlasting Interest because his Life was Short but Evil. He that is prepared for Death he that dyes in the Lord hath lived long enough and should thank God for a speedy Call to the Possession of that Felicity which the Holiest Saints on Earth desire and breath after Gideon lost nothing by returning from Victory while the Sun was yet high He hath fought long enough who hath gained the Victory If I have wrought but a few Hours in a Vineyard and done but little Service for my Lord and Master and yet am dismist and rewarded before the rest of my Fellow-Labourers shall I repine and think my Lord doth not befriend me If he hath any farther Service for me he will prolong my Days and make me Diligent I hope and contented Otherwise I pray he would make me ready to dye and make me willing and desirous to depart this Life For to be only content to dye that I may be perfectly Holy and fully Blessed is methinks too low for a Christian who acts like himself believing the Certainty of his avowed Principles and Hopes and knowing that While we are present in the Body we are absent from the Lord. SECT XVI The Contemplation of our Approaching Change may assist us to mortifie the Lusts of the Flesh the Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life to cure Ambition and promote Contentment ALL that is in the World saith the Apostle is the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life The Dust and Ashes of our own Mortality duly considered and applied will help to deaden and extinguish each of these By Pride of Life we lift up our selves against Heaven and despise our Maker by the Lust of the Flesh we overlove and indulge the Body and study to gratifie the sensual Appetite By the Lust of the Eyes our Desires are immoderate after Temporal and External Goods The thought of our approaching End hath a Tendency to oppose and mortifie these Lusts to humble us before God to take us off from the inordinate Love of the Body and to moderate our Passions to Earthly Things It may help us against Pride by shewing us the infinite distance between the Eternal Self-sufficient God and such poor Dust as we who are but of Yesterday and if he uphold us not and maintain our Souls in Life shall be laid in the Dust to Morrow It will mind us of his Justice against Sin the Parent of Death and of all the Miseries of our mortal State and convince us of our Weakness to resist his Will or avoid his Wrath. As to our fond Affection to the Body it may instruct us that it deserves not to be so much accounted of it will open our Eyes to discern the Preference of our immortal Souls and what Concerns them to the Interest of a perishing Body It may convince us that we are Cruel and unkind to our very Bodies by overloving them because we thereby contribute to their Eternal Sufferings and so teach us to love and use our Bodies as Servants to our Souls in this World and as expecting to share in Glory with them after the Resurrection It may also help to moderate our Desires after Earthly Good and so cure the Lust of the Eyes by letting us see the Vanity Uncertainty and short Duration of these Things and their Insufficiency to make us Happy and give us true Content The Thoughts of an Approaching Change may if any thing will do it damp the Mirth of the Luxurious Epicure and strike him into a fit of Trembling as did Belshazzar's Hand-writing on the Wall It may discover the Distraction of living in Pleasure and of Care to please the Senses and the fleshly Appetite when the End is so near It may likewise check the Folly of Ambitious Designs that Men should make so much ado to get into slippery Places from whence they may so easily fall Where being puft up with vain Applause they forget themselves and their latter End 'till their Life and Glory expire together Where are now the Great and Mighty and Honourable who have made such a Noise in the World What is now the Difference between the Dust of
such a Taste of the Powers of the World to come as is consistent with final Apostacy only the seeming Zeal of the stony Ground the rapturous Joy of an Hypocite from the Power of Imagination and a heated Fancy from the workings of meer Natural Self-love upon Mistaken Apprehensions of God and a false Opinion of Heaven but by the Holy Effects let me be assured of the Cause and Principle that was of God Teach me from the Sweetness of all Spiritual Communion with God now in any of his appointed Ordinances to argue to my self what the most ravishing Satisfaction will be that the Enjoyment of God in Heaven will afford the Soul Our Holiness is now imperfect to what it shall be and therefore our Consolation Peace and Joy is but in part and incomparably less than we are assured it will be when we shall be admitted to behold the Glory of the Lord. 'T is now at most but as the Break of Day to the Lustre of the Meridian Sun But if in this low imperfect State we can sometimes obtain so near a View of his Glory and feel such sweet Communications of his Grace how much more of this Consolation and Joy is reserved to Heaven If in this Pilgrim State the Gifts and Graces and Comforts of the Holy Spirit are so refreshing O! what hath God prepared beyond the Grave for those who love him If now he sometimes shed abroad his Love in our Hearts after such a Manner how much better shall I love him and feel the Influence and Evidence of his Love to me when I shall be with him and see him Face to Face If the Apprehensions of this Future Blessedness do now encourage raise and animate my drooping Soul O what shall I know and see And how shall I rejoyce when the Vail is removed If a Sacramental Communion with God and Jesus Christ be sometimes so sweet and so affecting what will the Blessed Communion with God and all his Saints above amount to when I shall sit down with all the Children of God in the Presence of the Bridegroom at the last Great Supper of the Lamb in Glory If the Earnest of our Inheritance be so reviving what will be the full Possession of it If the Hopes of that Glorious Day by Holy Meditation be so transporting what will be the End of our Faith and Hope If a Grape or two in the Wilderness be such a Cordial what will be the whole Vintage in the Land of Promise Shall I after all this forget my own Experience and run from God and Heaven to embrace or seek a perishing Toy Shall I hide my self with Saul among the Stuff and Lumber of this World when God is calling me to a Glorious Crown Art thou O my Soul a King's Son an Heir of Heaven an Expectant of such great Felicity and yet stoop so low Hope for Heaven and yet grasp this Earth and hug the vain Appearances of Earthly Good Hope to be like to God and Oh how Glorious an Hope is that to partake of his Image and live Eternally with him and yet be solicitous anxious and disquieted about Honour and Money and a Temporal Interest And mightily concerned about the Momentany Gratifications of the Flesh and the Enjoyments of this World Art thou a Pilgrim and Stranger here and travelling Home to the Heavenly Country and yet eager and passionate about Earthly Things Should an Heart that is set upon Heaven or may be so and ought to be so should it burn with such Kitchin such Common-Fire And neglect the unconceivable Riches and Pleasures and immortal Honours of the other Life and the Dawnings of that Glory upon my Soul by the Foretasts of it in this How great is the Disproportion between the Heavens and the Earth How vast the Circumference of the one and how small a Point the other How many thousand Miles doth the Sun travel in the Heavens while it passeth but one Inch upon a Dial Oh! that my Affections were carried to Heavenly Things with a swiftness somewhat answerable to the Glorious Object And let their Motion to Earthly Things be rather slow and insensible like that of the Sun on a Dial. Since I profess to believe and wait for the Heavenly Glory should I not live as seeking such Things as expecting such a Glory And are careless and indifferent Thoughts sleepy heartless Prayers faint and weak Endeavours becoming in such a Case Shall I not mend my Pace and double my Diligence in my preparatory Work When I can believingly foresee the Blessed Recompence waiting for that Everlasting Light of the Sun of Righteousness which no Eclipse shall ever darken or obscure for that Eternal Glorious Day which shall never be closed with an Evening When I shall see the Face of God in Christ and be like him participate more of his Image rest in his Love and dwell for ever in the Light of his Countenance according to the Prayer and Promise of my Blessed Saviour And ought not such a Prospect to sweeten the Bitterness of all our intermediate Sufferings We are now oftentimes in Heaviness and Sorrow but Eternity will be enough for an uninterrupted Joy When we shall exchange all our Troubles for Everlasting Rest our Prisons for Perfect Liberty our Poverty for the Riches of God Darkness for Light Discord for Love Deformity for Beauty our Weaknesses and present Languishings for Strength and Vigor Folly for Wisdom Disgrace for Glory Sickness and Pain for Eternal Ease and Health the Animal for the Angelical Life Imperfection and Pollution for Consummate Holiness our Sighs and Tears and Sorrows and Complaints for Triumphant Everlasting Praise our Losses Affronts Disappointments Perplexities Fears Groans and Death for Crowns and Scepters Hymns and Hallelujahs Light and Life and Bliss unutterable and such great things as are fit for us to hope but too great to be now particularly understood and talkt of while we know but in part and see through a Glass darkly Yea it seems as if it were not lawful to utter 'em 2 Cor. 12.4 and now they cannot be exprest or fully known For Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard or can it enter into the Heart of man to conceive that prepared Glory SECT XXI A Devout Meditation upon Psalm 73.25 Whom have I in Heaven but Thee And there is none upon Earth that I desire besides Thee WHAT is there in Heaven or Earth O Lord but thy Presence to be valued loved desired chosen sought or delighted in There is nothing in either World desirable without Thee nothing certainly above Thee nothing in Comparison with Thee In Thee alone I trust on Thee I depend in Thee I repose my Confidence and Hope from Thee I expect all my Felicity and Salvation Whatever I can lose yet with the Continuance of thy Favour which is my Life I have still Enough With that I am Rieh without it I am Poor and Miserable And if I want the Love of God all that Heaven and Earth
can give besides will not make me happy In Thee therefore I would terminate all my Affections all my Devotions There is nothing of Heaven to be had on Earth but in thy Favour Image and Love and the reviving Sense of it And all the Heaven I expect hereafter 't is in the more full and immediate Communications of these in thy blessed Presence I can desire nothing upon Earth I can injoy nothing in Heaven but Thee both here and there thou art and shalt ever be my All-sufficient Satisfactory Portion my Everlasting All None else can be the Portion of my Soul Nothing else can fill up all its Wants answer all its Cravings be suited to all its Capacities appease and charm all its restless Motions and give Complacence to all its Desires and be the proper Object of all its Affections What is there else can justly claim my Love or pretend to my Supreme Affection in comparison with God Thou art alone the proper Center of it Thine Infinite and Incomparable Excellencies who art Love it self deserve my choicest Love and thy numberless Mercies and Benefits challenge it as a just Debt as a piece of Homage due from all and of special Gratitude also from me Oh that I could love Thee above all things who alone art worthy of all my Love O that Divine Love might be the ruling Principle within me to inspire all my Thoughts to regulate all my Desires to set all the Powers of my Soul on Work O that it might take the full Possession of my Heart and so animate and order all my Actions to please him whom my Soul loveth If as yet I cannot say with thine Apostle Lord thou that knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee Yet I can say Lord thou knowest that I would love thee Thou hast provided for our Happiness by that first and great Command of loving thee with all our Hearts and Souls and Strength But alas how backward is my sluggish carnal Heart to this Delightful Exercise Tho' I have so oft been told that God is Love and that He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him O shed abroad thy Love into my Soul that I may feel the Vital Power and Influence of it and live continually in the Love of God and that nothing may ever be able to separate me from it Whom have I in Heaven or Earth to Hope in but Thee I expect more from Creatures than they can or will perform but God can do for me more abundantly than I can ask or think exceed my largest Thoughts out strip my highest Expectations And no Man was ever disappointed who made Thee his Hope When I meet with Crosses and Wrongs Unfaithfulness Contempt Hatred and Persecution from Men I need not wonder I was never told by God it would be otherwise here Did I look for less from Creatures and expect more from God Did I reckon this World to be a State of Trial and not a Place of Rest and Satisfaction my Faith and my Desires would be stronger with respect to God and Heaven and Temporal Calamities and Disappointment less afflictive and Vexatious And what is there O Lord in Heaven or in Earth my Soul can desire besides Thee Is there any thing desireable but as it is thine of thee and from thee And bears some Impression of thine Excellence or brings some Intimation of thy Love And what can I reasonably desire what that is worth desiring or having but thou art able to be and do and give In whom or what shall I Rejoyce but in Thee O Lord shall I solace my self in Transitory Goods that slip between my Fingers and perish in the Using or relish Carnal Joys which pollute and debase the Soul When I may and ought to Rejoyce in Thee at all Times as the only Source of Perfect Everlasting Joy Let me then stir up my Drooping Desponding Unbelieving Heart to rejoyce in God who takes Pleasure in the chearful Service and Obedience of his Children who delighteth in those who delight in him Is not * Vid. Mr. How Of delighting in God Delighting in God a most Essential Vital Part of Religion Should it not be my Constant Frame Hath not God sufficiently provided that it may be so Can I say and believe that God is the Portion of my Soul that he is my God and I hope to live with him for ever and not Rejoyce Or can I consider the Grace of the new Covenant the matchless Love of Christ and the precious Promises of the Gospel and not see reason to Rejoyce Yea doth my Soul love God and endeavour to please him and is not the very Act and Exercise of holy Love mixt with unspeakable sweetness Whom is there in Heaven or in Earth or Hell that I ought to Fear but Thee Who hast a Negative Voice in all the Designs of Men and Devils an Hook in their Nostrils a Bridle in their Mouths to make them fulfil thy Pleasure and in every thing accomplish thy Sovereign Decree Is there any other in whom I may repose my Trust but in Thee O Lord the Rock of Ages The might of thy Power the Unsearchabless of thy Wisdom the Righteousness of thy Nature the Stability of thy Truth the Riches of thy Grace and the Immutability of thy Promises are a sure Foundation for my Soul to trust to and relye upon Thy word stands firm for ever and the Truth of thine Ability and Readiness to help in every Time of Need Endures the same throughout all Generations At all Times and in all Places my Soul may trust in Thee and find Relief And they who know thy Name will do so for in the Lord Jehovah is Everlasting Kindness and Strength To answer all my Doubts to supply all my Wants and fulfil all my Desires May not God take it unkindly that I trust him no more And is it not a criminal Unkindness that I give him not the Glory of all these excellent Attributes which are the grounds of Trust by a constant steady intire Dependance on him for all that I need I have none in Heaven but Thee O Lord as the Object of my Invocation and Worship Let other Christians have Recourse to New Mediators and call upon other Gods I will make mention of thy Name and of thy Righteousness only And ask of Thee whatsoever I need for the sake of thy Christ my only Adorable Mediator Him thou hearest alway with him thou art always well pleased I honour the Holy Angels as Glorious Attendants about thy Throne and bless thee for them as Ministring Spirits for the Good of thy Servants but I dare not invoke or worship 'em because they are Fellow Servants On the same Account I honour the Memory of Departed Saints but neither invoke them or pay them Religious Worship That Glory thou wilt not give unto another I have no Precept in Holy Scripture to direct no Promise to encourage no Example to authorize the
A New-Years-Gift Containing Serious Reflections ON TIME AND ETERNITY And some other SUBJECTS Moral and Divine With an Appendix concerning the First Day of the Year how Observed by the Jews and may best be Employed by a Serious Christian LONDON printed for S. and John Sprint at the Bell and J. Nicholson at the King's-Arms in Little-Brittain 1699. TO THE READER WHatever is likely to awaken Men to the Consideration of the great acknowledged Principles of Religion cannot be Unseasonable And when 't is every Man's Concern the Meanest and Weakest Endeavours may be of some Use The Subjects of the following Reflections are most of them of that kind necessary to be attended to by all sorts of Persons and so cannot be too often prest though in different Manners The usefulness of the subject Matter and the smallness of the Bulk are two Things which are wont to recommend a Book to most Readers For which Reason I may hope this will be read by several who suffer much better because bigger Books to lye by them neglected Some may possibly give it the Reading as a New-Years-Gift And whoever shall be so far perswaded by it as to set apart some Time in the Beginning of the Year for Self-Examination Confession of Sin Repentance Thanksgiving and solemn renewal of their Covenant with God which several of these Reflections may not only excite to but are intended to direct and assist him in I am perswaded he will thank me for putting him in Mind at least of so seasonable an Exercise The greatest part of these Meditations were begun on a New-years day tho' some others are thought fit to be inserted as tending to promote the same design But knowing how much easier it is to stir up other Mens Devotion than to command and keep alive my own 't is desired that the most Devout Thoughts contained in these Papers may be looked upon as what the Author aims at and would perswade to rather than what he hath already attained As what he knows he ought to be and do and doth seriously endeavour rather than what he is and hath been heartily lamenting wherein he hath been faulty or defective in such duties as these and the like Reflections do oblige to and enforce upon All who shall read them and therefore much more upon himself That they were Penn'd at several times and in occasional Retirements for Spiritual Exercises will with the difference of the Subjects be a sufficient Excuse that some are larger and others shorter and that the Style is in some places more neglected than in others If I may hereby render any Service to the Souls of Men if any secure Sinner any Self-deceiving Hypocrite be hereby awakened or any serious Christian's Devotion be quickned and advanced I hope God will accept it To his Blessing I humbly Recommend it for those Ends. J. S. Serious Reflections ON TIME AND ETERNITY This World and the Next SECTION I. Of the Changeable State and Short Duration of Earthly Things especially of Man how little it is Considered and Believed how Necessary it should be WHen I consider that yesterday was the Conclusion of the Last Year and that I now am entred on another 't is seasonable to reflect on the mutable Condition and short Duration of all Things in this World which are measured by Time That as they have their Beginning so they have their End And that the Distance or Space of Time between the one and the other is very little Let me not then O my Soul Rejoyce and please my self too much in New Injoyments remembring a Change may be at hand and the End is certain Many who were Rich and Flourishing the last Year may be reduced to Poverty and deep Distress before the end of this Who are now in a Capacity to relieve others within a few Months or a shorter Space may be Objects of other Mens Charity The Thing which hath been is that which may be And that which hath been seen in one Year may happen in another so easily so quickly may a Charge be made Riches may unexpectedly change their Owners and borrow wings of a thousand Accidents wherewith to fly to Heaven for a new Disposal (*) 1 Cor. 7.29 They therefore who possess should be as if they possessed not for the Fashion of this World passeth away Innumerable Casualties may effect that Change which no Humane Art or Skill can possibly foresee or hinder Afflictive unexpected Evils attend us every where We cannot promise our selves Tranquility for a Day much less one Year to come They lay in wait for us on every side enter at every Crevice and commonly overtake us when we are least apprehensive of their Approach * Job 9.25 Man that is born of a Woman is of few Days and full of Trouble He cometh up as a Flower and is cut down fleeth as a Shadow and continueth not What then are Riches Beauty Strength and Honour the Accidents of this Substance which is it self but a Shadow How false is the Hope of Man and how frail is all his Glory One Day can make an End of all his Riches and Honours And yet what Solicitude Care and Labour to get what we desire of these things though often we do not need 'em and then to keep what we have gotten and then to encrease it and then to defend it and at last to enjoy it and in a Moment it is snatcht from us or we from it His Life is but a Vapour on which they all depend then how much less are they To how speedy an Alteration are they subject What numberless Instances of this doth one Years Experience furnish what sadning Disappointments and unexpected Calamities have befallen many since this Day Twelve-month and Multitudes who are now at Ease and think their Mountains too strong to be removed shall meet with sharper Tryals before the End of this Year Alas how few consider or believe it 'till they find it so All Men should count upon Trouble and Disappointment Suffering and Sorrow in this World and he that hath the least Share is reckoned the most prosperous Man and yet he knows not how soon his Portion may be doubled We reckon our Joys by the Absence of some degrees of Sorrow and Calamity that others meet with and before the End of this Year our Condition may be as disconsolate as theirs O my Soul Though I know this to be true though I cannot I dare not deny it yet how difficult is it to conquer the Love of this World and of this Body to that degree I ought to undervalue the interest of a short a mutable uncertain and troublesom Life in comparison of the permanent possession of an everlasting Good Though I know that what is earthly and temporal must needs be thus changeable and fading and that it is as true of Man himself as of any thing under the Sun yet how do I forget what Man is not only mutable in his State
must suppose the hopes of a Better Let others therefore O my Soul who expect not an Everlasting Heaven beyond the Grave place their Affections on Earthly Things and mind this World as if there were no better no other Let them who doubt or disbelieve the promised Rewards of Eternity take up with what they must shortly leave and labour for the Bread that perisheth But since I profess to believe and seek the Life Everlasting let me daily entertain my self with the Hopes of it and let all the flattering Dreams of what is desirable upon Earth give place to nobler and better Thoughts Let me derive my principal Joy from the Promise and Expectation of that future Felicity and endeavour nothing more than a meetness to partake of it O my God my God! thou art my Life and Joy and Portion in Thee and in thy Love all my Desires and Hopes are answered and all my Wants supplied However Evil this World is made by Sin yet thou art the infinite and supream Good How mutable how uncertain how perishing soever are all sublunary things yet thou art the Rock of Ages the Fountain of Everlasting Life and hast appointed another World and another Life when this is ended wherein thou wilt be better known and loved and served and honoured and communicate thy self more abundantly than now to Those the Desire of whose Souls is towards thee that believe and love thee that partake of thine Image and are devoted to thy Fear The Assurance of this and nothing else will answer the Objection of the present Vanity and Misery we are subject to SECT XII The Consideration of the Death of Others especially of Relations Friends and Acquaintance how to be improved What Instructions we may learn by the sight of a dead Carkass or a Deaths Head and the usual Motto on it and what by the Death of Holy Persons to quicken our desires to be as they HAth divine Patience added one year more to the number of my Days when so many others were removed by Death the last Year Others whom a few Months since I knew in vigorous health wiser stronger more likely to live and to answer the ends of Life than me some of them my near Relations and useful Friends in whose Converse I took delight and promised my self advantage by their Company and Examples but they are taken and I am left Thy Holy Will O Lord is done and they who were prepared are infinite Gainers by this my loss Quicken my Preparations by following their Piety to meet them in thy Heavenly Kingdom Let thy long-suffering lead me to Repentance and suffer me not to slight thy warning by the Death of others to expect my own Lord cure my Earthly-mindedness and practical Unbelief and by all such admonitions of thy Providence teach me to possess and use this World as knowing I must shortly leave it and let not the thoughts of my Mortality wear off as soon as the Funeral of my Friends is over Every year some or other of our Acquaintance drop into the Grave we attend them thither and lament it may be for a few days their departure and removal but consider not that others will e're be long do the same for us it may be before this year is ended Oh! how soon do we forget our deceased Friends and our selves who are likewise dying and count upon a long Life which we cannot reasonably expect and hug the enjoyments of this transitory World as if our present State would last for ever Will nothing but our own Dissolution effectually convince us of our mistake and folly in this particular Though the Arrows of Death fly continually round about us sometimes over our Heads when Superiours are taken away sometimes fall at our Feet when Children and Servants and Inferiours die sometimes on our left Hand when an Enemy is cut off and while I am pleased with that in that very hour it may be another Arrow on our right hand strikes the Friend of our Bosom and Delight And can we see all this that great and small high and low friends and foes are all Vanity and drop down dead round about us and shall we not consider that we are as Vain as they and must shortly follow Shall we not by a Christian Chymistry extract Spirits out of these dead Bones and by these Examples learn the end of all Men and lay it to Heart Whenever I see the Funeral of another let me think thus with my self why might not I have been that Man or Woman that is now carried to the Grave If we had been compared a few days since 't is probable I should have been thought as likely to have been his Monitor by dying first as he mine By such an Improvement of these warnings the request of the rich Man to Abraham were in great measure granted for 't is a call from the dead that speaks loudly to us to consider our selves and prepare in time for so great a Change and say as the Prophet to Hezekiah Set thine house in Order for thou shalt die Can we look upon a Deaths Head and not remember what we shall shortly be may not much be learnt from its common Motto Sum quod Eris Fueramque quod Es. I am that which thou shalt shortly be and have been that which thou art now that is I have been as gay and jocund as brisk and merry as proud and vain as rich and great as careless and secure as honourable and as much esteemed as beautiful and as well beloved as witty and as learned as Thou art or canst be now I valued my self as much upon my Estate and Trade and Health and Beauty upon my Education Profession Imployments Parts Friends Family c. as thou hast ever done or canst do I lived in ease and pleasure in mirth and jollity I minded the World as much and indulged my self as much in sensuality and was as careful of my Body pampered and pleased my Flesh as much as thou and thought as little of a sudden Death and prepared as little for such a change as thou dost But now my dry Bones are lookt upon with contempt and scorn but thou shalt shortly return to dust and be as vile as I am It cannot but affect us did we consider it to see divers snatch'd away in their Youth and outward Prosperity and in the midst of their Sin and Folly without any visible signs of true Repentance Or in terrible anguish and horror for their past crimes And yet how few do take the warning carefully to prevent the like unhappiness O Lord preserve those strong Convictions those serious Thoughts those holy Resolutions those lively Apprehensions of the Life to come of the Evil of sin and the Terrors of thy wrath which the sight of dying persons hath at any time awakened in my Soul O the Eloquence of a dying Sinner to perswade to Repentance Even when he hath lost his Speech and lies gasping and trembling on a
be lookt upon as eligible or fit to be refused as it is like to be an help or an hindrance with reference to Eternity we should then endeavour to do nothing unbecoming such an Expectation Considering this World as our Passage and the invisible future World as our abiding Country where we are to dwell for ever whatever we meet with here whether sweet or bitter easy or troublesome pleasing or ungrateful we should not much matter but as it relates to hereafter And were I certain I should have no longer time of Trial in order to this Eternal State than this one year which is now begun If a Messenger from God should convincingly assure me of it what would I not do to prepare for Death and secure the interests of Eternity With what remorse and deep Repentance should I reflect on the Follies of my past Life What what importunate cries should I beg Forgiveness How patiently should I bear Calamity for so short a time How little should I value the favours or frowns of Men How circumspect to improve every Season of doing and receiving good How careful to avoid Temptation and how resolute in resisting it Did I verily believe I had no longer time to live on Earth than this one Year at most How insipid would be the offer of carnal Mirth vain Pastime sensual Diversions idle Company c. How should I value every Hour every inch of my little Time under the Apprehension that Eternity is at hand O my Soul Shall I make no provision against the Possibility of such a case Is not my change as certain as if it were this year as if it were to Morrow Tho' I am not certain it is so near nor certain but it may be Let me then seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness Let me fix it well and make it clear that I have secured my great Concern and am ready for a sudden summons SECT XIV How a Good Man may improve and encourage himself under the Supposition of dying this Year even in the most uneasy and undesirable Circumstances I May dye this Year then all my Cares and Fears if I am Rich all my Sorrow and Calamities as to this World if I am Poor will die too I may dye this Year then I shall have no more Enemies no more Sickness and which is infinitely better I shall Sin no more I must shortly die it may be this Year but there is no other way to come to a blessed Life but by dying and my Saviour hath died for me and he that believes in him shall never see Death He lives who was once dead yea he lives for evermore and hath promised that I shall be with him to behold his Glory He hath the Keys of Death and Hell He is the Resurrection and the Life he hath removed the sting of Death and I need not fear a conquered Enemy If I dye this year I must quit the Company of all my dearest Friends on Earth but I shall go to better Company above and if they are the Friends of Christ we shall shortly meet again and love one another in a better manner than now and never more be parted I may dye this Year my Friends and Enemies may dye too Let me enjoy the one as mortal dying Persons that must e're long leave me or I them and not fear the other who may so soon Perish and quickly be uncapable of doing me or others Mischief I may dye this Year Let me not then think much of Temporal Sufferings of any Evils which may so soon be over Oh! what would condemned Sinners in the other World give to be able to believe and say so of their Sufferings I may dye this Year and can I wonder that I am sometimes Sick and in Pain and that my Body is out of order Am I not Mortal and dwell in an house of Clay which must shortly moulder into Dust and is it any thing strange that such a crasy Building doth sometime shake and need repair and threaten a dissolution 'T is a greater wonder I am any time well That such a Body compounded of so many little parts and so easily disordered by innumerable accidents should be in Health is hardly less to be admired than that an Instrument of a thousand strings should be kept in Tune I thank thee O heavenly Father for the many advantages of Sickness to weaken the power of Sin to humble my Pride and cure my Worldliness and Sensuality to reduce me from wandering to empty me of Self-conceit to awaken the consideration of Death and Judgment to impress the Thoughts of the vanity of this World and the Eternity of the next to assist me to mortifie the Flesh to rule my Passions to exercise Patience and quicken me in Prayer and try my Faith and Love and excite my diligence to redeem time and convince me of the Worth and Uncertainty of it and thereby promote my Preparations for my final change The Great Apostle by dying daily had as many victories over this World as he lived Days Oh! that I might so far walk by the same Rule as every day to think of providing for my last and in Health to do that which in Sickness I shall wish I had done I may dye this Year It may be by some tedious painful Sickness some troublesome and loathsome Disease But God hath promised his Grace shall be sufficient he will make my Bed in my Sickness and put under his everlasting Arms for my support and not suffer me to be tempted above what I am able he will encrease my Patience and carry me thro' the pangs of Death and the dark Valley and when Heart and Flesh fail be the strength of my Heart and my Portion for Ever I may dye this Year What if it should be by an hand of Violence if for Righteousness sake in defence of the Truth for a good Cause and a good Conscience and my Peace be made with God and I am accused for doing well or innocent of the Evil which is laid to my charge there is ground enough for encouragement and support Thousands of my Betters have met with the like whose names are precious and renowned Innumerable Christians have dyed by the Sentence of a Judge with more Chearfulness and Joy than others or it may be than they themselves would have done by the sentence of the Physician The Torture of many Diseases is unspeakably more formidable as to the meer Pain and for all else the Righteous Lord who loveth Righteousness will clear my Integrity if it may best subserve his own Great and Holy Ends At least he will stand by and help me when all forsake me and if He speak Peace and give inward Consolation who can speak Trouble And his final Judgment which is near at hand will distribute rewards and punishments to all according to their works Suppose farther that I should want a Scpulcher after Death There is nothing I could
And is it not a greater Favour never to be thrown into Hell which I have so often deserved How grateful would a damned Person be to be freed from those Flames and plac'd in the same Condition I now am in What a Life of serious self-denying Obedience would he lead And hath not God done more for me Am I not more indebted to his Goodness He hath kept me out of Hell and offers me the Heavenly Glory upon Reasonable Honourable and easie Terms Blessed be God I may yet escape the Wrath to come Let me heartily compassionate the Delusion of those Multitudes of deceived perishing Souls whose Eyes are blinded by the God of this World who will not believe it till they are convinc'd by the Light of that Fire which shall never be extinguisht Yea when I read or hear of Ten or Twenty Thousand Men slain in a War whether of Infidels or Christians let me think of it with other Apprehensions than formerly I was wont to do Considering that many it may be the most of these shall never have any Comfort or Mercy more fearing lest the same Sword or Bullet that gave them their Mortal Wound hath fixt them under God's Everlasting Wrath and that by dying they are undone for ever In very many other Cases the Faith of this Article would rectifie my Opinion and direct my Actions if seriously considered and improved This would make me think of Death under another Notion than 't is commonly considered For without the Consideration of Hell annexed to it it is not so very formidable but that Heathens have been able to despise it The most Contrary Sects among them on different Grounds have been able to do it but consider Death as a Passage to Eternal Misery as the Gate of Hell as the End of all Comfort to a Wicked Man and the Beginning of an Endless Calamity and nothing can be imagined more dreadful to a Guilty Unholy Soul Some of my Acquaintance it may be who died this last Year are now among those Hopeless Despairing Wretches who expect the final Judgment of God to consummate their insupportable Misery If they were permitted to come and tell us what they suffer and what they know what a Terrible Consuming Fire God is what Vanity Lust and Folly brought them to this Place of Torment what Diligence they would advise us to while in a State of Hope to prevent the like if we have any Love and Kindness for our selves any Bowels of Compassion to our own Souls What a Change do we think it would work upon us But if we will not hear Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles neither should we believe tho' one came from the Dead SECT XX. The Eternal Blessedness of HEAVEN considered as the Perfection of Holiness to quicken our Desires and Endeavours after greater Meetness to possess it DOth one Year after another hasten me to the End of Time And doth the Blessedness of Eternity depend on the Communications I now receive from God On the Preparations I now make and the Meetness I can now attain for Eternal Felicity in the Presence of my God and Saviour O with what Intenseness of Mind should I now prosecute that Glorious Object with what unwearied Diligence should I run the Race that is set before me lest I fall short of the Incorruptible Crown of Life How should every thing be undervalued and rejected that would divert retard or hinder me from pursuing this End Lord be not a Stranger to my Soul in this distant Wilderness state Let me see more of thy Light be transform'd more into thine Image experience more of thy Love feel more of thy vital Presence and quickning Spirit Let the Divine Life in my Soul be more powerful and the Characters of thy Likeness be more legibly stampt upon it by the daily Exercise of Faith and Hope and Holy Affections carry me through this World 'till my Pilgrim state be over and thou hast brought me to perfect Everlasting Holiness And let the believing Fore-thoughts of it fill all the Powers of my Soul with Joy and Wonder Desire and Love Give me Lord to think aright of the Heavenly Glory as a Confirmed State of positive perfect Holiness of Heavenly Light Love Liberty and Joy with the satisfying Vision of God in the Face of Christ and his impressed Likeness dwelling for ever in the direct and steady View of his Transforming Glory with compleat Conformity of the Soul to Eternal Goodness Truth and Love as its Perfection esteeming nothing desiring nothing but that God and Christ may be glorified with an entire Subjection to his Will Adherence to him Rest and Confidence in him Swallowed up in the Love Admiration and Praise of God and our Lord Jesus living in joyful repeated Acts of Subjection Adoration and Acknowledg'd Dependance ravish'd to behold the Glory of God in the Face of Christ to see his blessed Image perfect in every one of the Saints c. When all the present Blindness of our Minds the Errors of our Judgment the Perverseness of our Will the Disorder and Rebellion of our Passions the remaining Aversation from God and Disaffection to him which in this World we complain of shall all be done away The Flesh shall no more lust against the Spirit or the Law in our Members against the Law of our Minds but an Everlasting Tranquility and Holy Peace take place a Peace which passeth all Understanding without any outward Molestation or inward Cause of Disquiet Our corrupted Nature shall no more cast forth Mire and Dirt as now we shall have no more vain or wicked Thoughts no more sinful Fears or foolish Hopes unbecoming Heats unruly Desires Sensual Inclinations Earthly Affections Feeble Sloathful Spiritless Duties Dead and Heartless Prayers Cold Thanksgivings c. But as we shall then know God without Errors and see our Lord Jesus Face to Face so we shall love him without reserve more than now we can think and serve him without Dulness and Distraction and Praise him without Weariness the Spiritual Actings of our Souls shall have no Allay of Dross And thus shall we be with him and admire and injoy him without end Thus when Death is swallowed up in Victory and what was imperfect is done away and what was Corruptible and Mortal hath put on Immortality God in Christ shall be All in All And when it is truly and perfectly so Then it is Heaven The Blessedness whereof is Unconceivable A Blessed Person is not exprest in the Singular Number by the Hebrews but in the Abstract and in the Plural Beatitudes instead of Blessed because the Blessings are as many and great as they have Powers and Capacities to partake of Blessedness So will it be in Heaven A Word tho' commonly used as little understood as Holiness which is one of the greatest Mysteries in the World but will hereafter be fully and delightfully understood by the Blessed Saints as the Malignity and Intrinsick Evil of Sin shall
be by the damned Spirits Oh that I might now feel more of this Heavenly Life begun and carried on in my Soul by a farther Participation of his Holy Image and Conformity to his Will by more vital Effects of his indwelling Spirit in my Soul forming it to be a Temple to himself for his own Delightful Residence that forgetting that which I have received I may still be Coveting and desirous of more forgetting what I have attain'd I may press on with an Holy Eagerness and Fervency towards the Mark When I seriously examine my own Heart had I nothing else to prove the Weakness of my Grace and the sinful Remainders of Unbelief but the low Desires and few Comfortable Thoughts the seldom joyful Prospect of this Blessed State how sad an Evidence were it of my low Attainments that I breath with no more Impatience after that Blessed Holy Rest in the Injoyment of God and Christ and labour no more in preparing for it When we profess to believe that all the Desires of our Souls shall be fix'd on Him and filled with Him as our Infinite and Supreme Good and all the Expectations of Faith and Hope swallowed up in Endless Admiration Gratitude and Joy being fully satisfied and at Rest in the Presence and Vision of God without the least Inclination or Desire of Change And by Consequence There will be no need of Novelty as now to a give a Relish to our Happiness All Happiness in this World is by comparing a Man's present Condition with his past or with that of some Inferiours But the Intrinsick Good Felicity and Joy of Heaven will need no such Foil to set it off no such Comparison to make it prized The Blessed Spirits will never lose the lively Sense of that low and miserable Condition from which they were raised to so great a Glory and so will ever equally rejoyce in the Happiness of their Translation and Wonderful Change And what was at first delightful will for Ever be so and not disdain'd or lessen'd by a Continuance as it happens in this World from the Emptiness Shallowness and Vanity of the Creature An Affectation of Variety and Desire of Change proceeding always from a Sense of Want But Holy Souls shall never be weary of Seeing Loving and Enjoying God his Blessed Presence will afford us Undecaying and Endless Satisfacton Pleasure never to be interupted or abated and never to cease The Blessed Object is absolutely Infinite and so will be always new to a Finite Understanding and Continual Fresh Communications from his Infinite Fulness must needs make our Subjective Happiness to be always new and Eternally such Let me by such Thoughts quicken and excite my Diligent Endeavours after a greater Meetness to injoy so great a Bliss And to that end Consider whether any of those Happy Souls who have finisht their Course and obtained the Prize do now regret their utmost Diligence Patience and Perseverance during their short Abode here to secure the Blessedness of an Endless Life No no they are far from repenting the Time they spent the Trouble they were at the Care they used the Difficulties they met with the Sufferings they endured to conflct with the World and the Flesh to resist Temptation to watch over their Hearts and Words and Ways to work out their Salvation to please God and be faithful to him c. They find to their Unspeakable Comfort and Everlasting Joy that Heaven makes amends for all they could do or suffer in order to their Coming thither Yea they find that they were not Diligent and Humble and Patient and Circumspect enough That they did not love God and seek his Glory redeem their Time and improve all their Talents and Opportunities of doing and receiving Good and give up themselves intirely to prepare for Heaven to that degree they should have done They find by the Transcendency of the Blessed Recompence that it deserved infinitely more than the most Active Zealous Christian upon Earth did ever do in order to it Lord Quicken my Resolutions and Endeavours by such Thoughts as these Inspire my Sluggish Carnal Heart with Holy Light and Life and Zeal and Fervour that looking to the Things which are not seen which are Eternal I may (*) 1 Tim. 1.19 lay up a good Foundation against the Time to come and so lay hold on Eternal Life But Alas How much have I neglected the great Duty of Holy Meditation How little Skill and Experience have I in it How tastless and inspid oftentimes are my Thoughts of God! how confused and unsteady how little Pleasure or Advantage have I by Contemplating his Highest Excellencies Yet methinks could I but retain the same awakened lively Thoughts of Heaven and Eternal Life which sometimes I have had might I continually feel the Sweet and Sacred Influence as for a little Season I have sometimes felt it how little how very a Nothing would all this World be to me How comparatively weak its strongest and most alluring Snares to draw me off from God! with what an unshaken Mind could I refuse and resist ' em with what an unconcerned Indifference could I look upon all its most charming Glory Could I maintain such a Frame of Spirit as I have sometimes had for a little while in the serious Contemplation of Divine Misteries in Fervent Prayers and other Solemn Duties of Religion when the Acts of Faith were strong and lively my Heart set on fire with Love to God and Holy Breathings after Him admiring his matchless Grace to fallen Sinners and to my Soul in particular when he brought me to the very Suburbs of Heaven tho' alas how seldom by the delightful Thought of what the Blessed Spirits above enjoy in being where Christ is and beholding his Glory when I was ready to say within my self 'T is good to be here this is no other than the Gate of Heaven Oh! when shall Mortality be swallowed up of Life But when I thought at any time to fix and settle in such sweet Contemplations how quickly did my lazy backward Heart fly off how soon did the Flame decay and dye away how soon did I find my self fallen down to Earth again sunk down from the Bosom of my Lord presently forgot my self and Heaven to dwell among the Pots and embrace a Dunghill 'T was not on my own Wings O Lord that I soared so high but I hope by the Breathings of that Holy Spirit of Light and Love who bloweth when and where and how long he listeth who gave me at any time any such first Fruits of the Spirit who convinc'd me of the Certainty of the Heavenly Inheritance by a lively believing Foresight of it who made me earnestly desire the Wings of a Dove to be gone and appear before God in Sion made me Pant and Groan to be delivered and to be with God and Christ with inexpressible Desire and Joy unconceivably mixt with Sighs and Groans O my God! let not this experience be only
fully known What inexpressible Sweetness might Believers tast by rejoycing in Hope did a more lively Faith realize all this to their Souls We might listen as it were to the Shouts and Acclamations of the Saints above and say Amen to their Thanksgivings We might behold them about the Throne of God and of the Lamb with Psalms of Victory in their Hands a Crown of Glory on their Heads and Songs of Triumph in their Mouths saying Allelujah * Rev. 4. c. 11. 5. c. 12 13. Worthy art thou O Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for thou hast created all things and for thy Pleasure they are and were created And worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing And again Blessing Honour Glory and Power be unto him who sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever Whence is it O my Soul if indeed I believe and expect all this that I can Hear and Read and Think and Speak of these great Things with no more ardent Affections suitable Preparations importunate Prayers and vigorous Desires How should the believing Thoughts of that Day promote my Heavenly-mindedness Self-denial Contempt of the World Patience and Perseverance Quicken my Zeal secure my Stedfastness and give Life and Spirit to my Prayers for the hastening of it How should my Soul rise towards Heaven by holy Love and Desire Ascend and meet him get as near him as I can breathe after more of his Presence and beg him to prepossess my Heart to anticipate his second Coming by clearer Discoveries of his Love and fuller Communications of his Grace Even so Come Lord Jesus XXIV Concerning the Examination of a man's Heart and Life the Reasonableness Advantages and Necessity of it Some Direction and Advice concerning the Time and Manner That we may know in what Preparedness we are for Eternity I Am hastening every Year every Day to the period of this Life I must shortly appear before my Glorious Judge and experience these Terrors or Comforts this Blessedness or Misery which I have now read of Shall I not therefore inquire which of the two belongs to me Is it not worth considering whither I must go and how I shall fare when I quit this Body What is like to be my next Habitation To which of the two unchangeable States I shall be adjudg'd Shall an Inquiry of so much consequence be put off to an indefinite hereafter Do I not desire to know the worst while a remedy may be found Or am I content to dye through an unwillingness to discover that I am Sick The Question to be resolved is of infinite weight Shall I not spend a few hours to know what will become of me for ever An error is more than possible 't is easie to mistake and the hazard of doing so is unspeakeably great How many thousands perish eternally even under the Light of the Gospel who never suspected their Danger How ordinary how common a thing is it for Men to be thus deceived How successful is the Devil in this Stratagem against the Souls of Men Is it not then a most criminal Stupidity to be contentedly ignorant and unresolved whether I am reconciled to God or no whether I am led by the Flesh or by the Spirit whether I am in the broad or narrow way which lead to such contrary ends that is whether if I die in this condition I shall be saved or perish Can such an enquiry be frivolous or indifferent Is the subject of it so contemptible or my concern in it so small that it merits not to be attentively considered Shall I never ask my Soul till I am leaving this World the unfittest time of all to begin so important an Affair what am I To whom do I belong Whose Image do I bear How have I lived and what do I do What do I love most What do I most constantly desire and chuse and seek How doth the Pulse of my Soul beat Is it quickest towards God or towards the World Whither am I going What will be the final upshot and issue of my present course Is it Heaven or Hell I must be translated to by dying What security have I got for Eternal Life What provisions have I made What Foundation have I laid How strangely infatuated are most Men who talk of an Everlasting Life as an Article of their Creed and say they count upon it that they must dwell in Happiness or Misery for ever and seldom or never bethink themselves in good earnest and for any time with a setled composed exercise of thoughts which of these Two is like to be their Lot Or if they begin to search and try themselves they come to no Conclusion or conclude too hastily they pluck off the Plaister as soon as it begins to smart they are either frighted with the horrid prospect of past Crimes or having escap'd the grosser Pollutions of the World judge too favourably of their own case They commonly do the Work but by halves and so go from the Glass and forget what manner of Persons they were Let me therefore O my Soul Sequester my self from the World to commune with my own Heart to reflect upon my past Life and look into my present State to recollect and review the most considerable Passages of my course and time hitherto O how neglected and disused a Practice is this which doth challenge and require our principal and most serious Concerns about it And how many begin it and are discouraged and leave off without reaching the end of such an Enquiry How much wiser in this respect are the Children of this World in their Generation than the Children of Light Who is so exact in his Accompts between God and his own Soul as Tradesmen in their Dealings with one another Who is at the pains to write down his Sins and his Mercies the grounds of his Fear and the Encouragements of his Hope or keeps a Journal and Diary of his Spiritual State Who doth at set times once a Month or once a Quarter or even once a Year take a just view of himself his Heart and Life and State as a Christian that he may see what he hath received and done what he owes and what he may expect that he may know whether he thrive or decay whether he increase or decrease whether he go backward or forward whether he be Richer or Poorer this Year than the last And is it not a Symptom that you are declining when you love not to examine your Accounts Is there not ground of jealousie and suspicion that you are behind-hand because you are loth to inquire whether you are or no And unwilling to know the worst of your Condition Nevertheless without such Enquiries and bringing the matter to a Determination at what uncertainties must we live And how unconceivable an hazard do all Hypocrites and unrenewed Sinners run And how reasonable how
necessary is it that we should know and in order to it prove our selves We must therefore bestow Time and serious Diligence about it that we may examine matters to the bottom and come to some Result so that we may form a right Judgment concerning our own Case He that would do it to good purpose must endeavour to understand clearly the terms of the Covenant on God's part and on ours And take care not to Judge of himself by mistaken Rules by a false Standard that God will not justifie or by any such Characters as will not conclude But most Men are unwilling to bring themselves to a Trial or to let Conscience deal plainly and faithfully with them They are stupidly secure and see not the necessity of this duty Or do not suspect themselves They presume they need not be at that Trouble Or are so taken up with the World that they cannot find time and leasure for it And many Men dare not bring their Hearts and Ways to a Trial. There is commonly some secret Lust indulg'd which they are loth to let go But most go on in sin and perish Eternally because they think there is no danger of perishing and never Repent and make their Peace with God because they fancy and presume 't is done already Therefore let me beg of thee whoever thou art who readest this to put the Case to thy self seriously to admit the doubt whether you are not mistaken make the supposition that you have not hitherto sufficiently considered the State of your Soul You are confident that all is well and thereupon are unwilling to Examine farther But for that very reason you ought to question whether it be so or not Do but ask your selves seriously what is the ground of your good Opinion concerning your self For what reason can you thus conclude Did you ever seriously lay to heart the Characters and Description which the Scriptures give of those whom Christ will own at the last day and of such whom he will reject and reprobate With unfeigned Application to your own case have you therewith prov'd your selves and come to a setled Judgment after a deliberate Enquiry and was the Conclusion to your Comfort and Joy If so what influence hath it since had upon your Heart and Life Hath it promoted Purity Thankfulness Heavenly-mindedness Contempt of this World and stronger Desires after the Image Love and Presence of God and the Glory of Christ Moreover consider Is not this a good while a-go How have you behav'd your self ever since Have you not reason to look back with shame If you but slightly examin'd your self formerly resolve to do it more effectually now Review the sins you have been since guilty of And if you have not done any thing considerable of this kind you ought now to begin It is seasonable to begin the year by such an Exercise and it will be found of great use in all the following parts of it Especially when you come to examine your self afresh in order to the Lord's Supper For we ought frequently to renew the sad Remembrance of our former Sins that from time to time we may renew our Repentance which is the Work of our Life and not of one day And he that comes to the Sacrament and will look no farther back than to the last Communion may possibly presume too much that all was then as it should be and not be humble enough If any one therefore resolve in good earnest upon an holy Life and seriously design to prepare for Eternity as it is necessary to make a general Review of his Life so I desire to afford him the best Counsel I can in order to it It may be advisable (a) Vid. Mr. Baxter's Saints Rest p. 3. Chap. 7 8 9. if you have not formerly begun this Work to imploy one hour at least in a Day for several Days following in writing down the most considerable Passages of your Life you can remember desiring God's Assistance therein and keeping your Eye upon your End in the whole that is thinking serioussy that 't is in order to Eternity that you now examine your self Chuse a place of Retirement and the most convenient Time that you may not be interrupted and when your Heart is most serious Every man may divide his Life into several parts as from Infancy till he left off going to School or was bound Apprentice or setled in any way of Education From thence till fixt in some Imployment If a Married Person till entred into that Condition And from thence to another remarkable Period or to the present Time It may better assist some Persons memory to consider the several Places of their abode and compute according to them In each portion of time recollect what sins you were most addicted to in what Instances with what Frequency and with what other various Aggravations you committed 'em And what have been the effects and consequences of those sins to your selves and others in order to Repentance and Godly Sorrow Which must not be judged of by Tears but Grief and inward hatred of Sin Remembring that no man is the better meerly for being examin'd if there follows nothing after it 'T is in order to a Judgment to be pass'd upon our selves 'T is to search out our own Iniquity our Beloved sin in order to the Mortification of it That Goliah must first be slain if ever the other Philistins are conquered In some it is Pride in others Worldliness in some Uncleanness in others Drunkenness Gluttony c. That you may discover it observe What sin 't is you are most unwilling to part with Which you could even wish were not forbidden Which you have formerly been most apt to plead for to extenuate or excuse hide The thoughts whereof do most frequently occur especially when alone first in the morning and last at night And are most distracting in Prayer and Worship Which an awaken'd Conscience hath most plainly told you of under a Sermon or at a Sacrament or under some heavy Affliction or on a sick-bed c. Which you can least bear to be reprov'd for Which the Temperament of your body doth most incline to Which your Calling Imployment Company and Converse administer the greatest Temptations for That especially which hath the Throne of the Heart and sets all the faculties awork to contrive fuel and opportunities for its Gratification Observe likewise what Passion was most Predominant in each Period of Time or is yet so and what ill effects it hath produced Consider farther what dangerous Temptations you have met with how you have fallen by 'em or been inabled to resist Consider withal the Time and the Means whereby God hath at any time formerly awaken'd convinc'd and humbled you what Purposes of Amendment and Promises of Reformation you have ever made and how far you have or have not perform'd ' em Recollect likewise all the special Mercies you have receiv'd from God in every State and
freeness of his Love the Riches and All-sufficiency of his Grace towards all who come unto God by him I adore Thee O most blessed Spirit as proceeding and sent from the Father and the Son to renew all the Powers of my Soul and restore the Divine Image there to enlighten my mind to know and receive the Truth as it is in Jesus and purify my Heart and to sanctifie all the Members of my Body and make them Instruments of Righteousness unto Holiness which before were Servants unto Sin and gradually to deliver me from the power the defilement and abode of Sin as from the Guilt and Punishment by the Blood of Jesus And as the Witness of God to the Truth of the Holy Scriptures and as the Great Paraclete to comfort and establish the Hearts of Believers sealing them up to the day of Redemption and giving them the Earnest of the Heavenly Inheritance O blessed Spirit be thou my Witness that though I have violated the Law of God and defac'd his Image and formerly undervalu'd the Love of Christ and the Grace of the Gospel yet by thine Aid I now accept what I have so long neglected And thankfully devote my self henceforward to be the Lord's in a Covenant Relation But fearing and distrusting my self I give up my self entirely to the conduct of thy Grace depending upon it for my establishment and perseverance O form my Heart into an obediential Frame that in every thing I may endeavour to answer the Ends and Obligations of this Devoted State To this One God I have once again dedicated and resign'd my self to serve and please and honour Thee in Thought Word and Act to the last moment of my Life In the Performance of all Duties even those which I have been most averse from in the mortification of every Lust and the forsaking of every Sin even those which I was once most addicted to Resolving deliberately to allow my self in nothing great or little secret or open which I shall know or believe to be contrary to thy holy Will making it my business to be fruitful in good Works to the Praise of my Redeemer waiting in the use of all his appointed means for higher measures of Grace and Holiness to be more Victorious over inward Lusts and outward Temptations still pressing towards the mark for the prize of my high and holy Calling even Eternal Life I call Heaven and Earth O Lord to witness this day That I own and avow this to be my Mind and the setled Prevailing Purpose of my Soul This I again ratifie and confirm without any Clauses or Exceptions So help me O my God Glory be to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit XXIX Practical and Consolatory Reflections on the preceding Self-dedication or Covenant with God I Have this day solemnly Avouched the Lord to be my God to walk in his ways thereby to fortifie my Resolutions that I and my * Deut. 6.17 18. House and All that I can persuade to be of my mind will serve the Lord. I intend desire and hope never willfully to Violate the Faith which I have now plighted in the presence of God but to continue stedfast unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord c. Should I undertake any new Imployment or enter into any new Condition or change the place of my Abode where I might see more of God's dishonour and meet with more and stronger Temptations to Sin and be called to the performance of more difficult Duties greater Watchfulness and Self-denial c. I would hope hereby to engage the Presence of God with me and his Blessing on all my Affairs on which depends the success of all that I undertake and would hope the better to preserve my Integrity not only This Year but in all the remaining portion of my Time by the abiding sense of my Covenant with God thus seriously renewed This is the Method I have been often advis'd to for Peace of Conscience under doubts and scruples concerning my spiritual state to put the matter out of doubt by again accepting the offered Mercy and Grace of the Gospel and heartily consenting to the New Covenant giving up my self to God in Christ to be ruled and saved by him Blessed be God I have now done so Lord say Amen to thy part of the Covenant that Thou art and wilt be my God as I desire unfeignedly to do to mine that I will be thy Servant But because Articles are sooner consented to than made good tho' I seriously intend never to disown this my solemn Act and Deed but firmly to adhere to it as long as I live that having sworn I will endeavour to perform it that this shall be my Everlasting Choice never to be recanted or alter'd yet considering the sad Instances of my former Weakness and the vigilance and subtle malice of my Great Adversary I again implore the succour of Divine Grace to keep it for ever in the purpose of my Heart that it may be as the Laws of the Medes and Persians never to be reversed I have given up my Name to be Thine O put thy fear into my Heart that I may never depart from Thee Imprint thy Laws upon my Heart that my Obedience may be uniform and universal unwavering and perpetual suitable to so honourable and near a Relation to Thee I am sensible I want Wisdom and Strength to that purpose but thou hast bid me ask it of Thee who givest liberally to All without desert and upbraidest not with present unworthiness or former faults O lead me not into Temptation but deliver me from Evil. Stand by and strengthen me in the Hour of Trial lest I forget my Vows and deny thee O that my Soul may never draw back lest Thine have no pleasure in me I can serve no better Master O let mine Ears be bored to the door of thine House as the Token and Assurance of my being thy Servant unto Death I know 't is my Duty I am sensible 't is my Privilege and Honour I am convinc'd that 't is my Interest and Felicity my Soul my Life my present and everlasting Welfare and All depends upon it that thou shouldest be my God for ever O conduct me by thy Holy Spirit of Grace that I may walk and act as having heartily consented he should be so and direct my Heart into thy Love and the faithful keeping of thy Commandments That when so many Professors make shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience and discredit the Religion of my Lord by their shameful Falls thou may'st make me to stand and improve the warning of their Examples to walk humbly and while I stand to take heed lest I fall Having thus surrendred my self to God what is there O my Soul that is ever like to prevail with me to go back and revolt from him Is the gratification of a Lust the securing of an Estate compliance with a Friend the pleasing of a Superior
living in Ease and Honour and outward Prosperity for a little while the saving my Body from Suffering or my Life from Violence or whatever else be the motive of my Unfaithfulness to God and Apostacy from him Is Any is All of these any way considerable compared with the Blessedness of having God to be my God For thereby I have the Forgiveness of all my Sins and the Assurance of his Favour the certainty of present Protection and Provision all Creatures reconciled to me and to be employed for my Good as the Friend of God All things to work together for my Advantage and by the evidence of my Adoption a well-grounded Hope of Eternal Life God as my Sun and Shield will give Grace and Glory and with-hold no good Thing So unspeakably Comprehensive are the Privileges of so near a Relation to God in Christ O happy are the People who are in such a case Blessed are the Persons whose God is the Lord. Do I resolve to abide by my Choice and to trust in Christ for Persevering Grace And shall I not ought I not to take Comfort in it Shall I not give God the Glory of his infinite Goodness by adhering to him and rejoycing in him notwithstanding all Temptations to the contrary Casting all my Care upon him and quieting my self in the All-sufficiency of my Heavenly Father having a God in Covenant who will supply all my wants and take care of me as his own Shall I not give him the Glory of his Truth and Power by trusting him in every Condition By Confidence in his Promise Dependance on his Word Faithfulness to his Interest and Constancy in his Service to the end Is it not a most encouraging Thought That God doth never abandon any who do not first forsake him And after such strict Engagements as I have laid upon my self shall I ever strike the fatal stroke with my own Hand Shall I be off and on say and unsay promise and retract And after I have proceeded thus far shall I forsake the Fountain of Living Waters and turn again to broken Cisterns After I have examin'd my self consider'd my ways confess'd my Sins and upon serious Deliberation am come to a Resolve and in pursuance of it have devoted my self with such solemnity to be the Lord's shall I ever after this forsake Him and my own Mercies and lightly esteem the Rock of my Salvation Now I have learn'd in some measure what Sin is by the sorrows and anguish of an Hearty Repentance now I have discover'd so much of the Snares and Devices of Satan whereby I have formerly been betray'd now I am sensible of the dangerous and powerful influence and infection of bad Company the Treachery of fleshly Lusts the bewitching Temptations of the World and have tasted a little by my own Experience of the Pleasantness of Wisdom's Paths the Peace and Satisfaction of Devotedness to God by the present Rewards of a calm Conscience the communications of Divine Grace and the Encouragement of an Holy Hope c. and am persuaded of the Stability of his Word and the Certainty of Eternal Life to all who continue in Well-doing shall I after all this ever break with God again Shall I ever cancel this Engagement violate this my vow and falsifie so many repeated Promises and Resolutions Oh that his Power may rest upon me and his Grace work in me both to will and to do that this God may be my God for ever and my Guide unto Death Let me never re-assume this Gift and Surrender of my self or defraud God of his Right and Propriety His I am and him I will serve living wholly to Him using all I have for him being willing he should do what he list with his own and consequently dispose of me and of all that any way belongs to me as shall seem good in his eyes I am Thine O Lord save me Command me my work appoint me my Duty direct my Station order my Condition Let me be Thine tho' employed in the meanest service and the most laborious self-denying work Tho' I should be but a Door-keeper in thine House an Hewer of Wood or a Drawer of Water Tho' I must pinch the flesh and swim against the Tide and renounce what before I valued yet This God shall be my God for ever By this means when I come to die if God should add more Years to the little number I have past besides this I have now begun I may be able to say with Upright Hezekiah Remember Lord how I have walked before Thee in mine Integrity that in the face of Death and the Grave in the view of another World and the near prospect of Eternity I may be able to Rejoyce in Hope and say Lord Jesus Receive my Spirit Thou art my Saviour and I have waited for thy Salvation I have sought Thee with my whole Heart I have chosen thy Favour rather than Worldly Grandeur and Prosperity I have prized thy Love and endeavour'd to obey Thee as the best Expression of my own tho' with many Imperfections which I bewail I have delighted more in thy Service and Presence than in the Pleasures of Sin and Vanity thy Testimonies have been the Joy of my Heart I took no delight in the Company of the Ungodly after I was devoted to Thee O let me not have my Portion with them in the other World Fortifie me now against the King of Terrors strengthen me in this my last Conflict enable me to triumph over Death by the Cross of Christ my victorious Redeemer and carry me through the dark valley at the divorce of Soul and Body and grant me an abundant entrance into thine Heavenly Kingdom Let me be numbred among thy Chosen and my Body wait in Hope till the General Resurrection that I may then see thy Glory and dwell with Thee for ever I gave up my self to Thee and do not repent my Choice acknowledge me now for Thine and do not lose that which is thy own Lord Jesus Thou hast paid my Ransom to deliver me from Satan and from Eternal Wrath Oh do not now reject me and cast me off Is it not thine Office and Covenant to save those that Trust in Thee Oh remember thy Word unto thy Servant wherein thou hast caused me to Hope when I ventured my Salvation on thy Promise and trusted to thy Gracious Word for Eternal Life Thy Love hath already overcome the greatest impediments of my Salvation 'T is as easie now to receive me as to Love me Thou hast prepared Glory for thy Redeemed ones and hast bid me believingly to follow thee and wait for thy Salvation Thou hast begotten me to a lively hope by the Incorruptible Seed of the Word Let me not now be depriv'd of the Inheritance Can that Love that pitied me in my Blood and fetcht me from the Gates of Hell now suffer me to fall into it Oh Crown thy Grace and perfect thy Preparatory Mercy with Everlasting Mercy By
Lusts or to draw me from God by the love of the World and the praise of Men by Evil Company Intemperance secret Wickedness c. I bless Thee with my whole Soul for calling me back from any of my Wandrings and by Infinite Goodness recovering me after great Falls enabling me to return when I had gone astray and seek thy forfeited favour that thou may'st heal my Backslidings giving me in order to it a deep sense of my own Sin and of thy Soveraign Grace leading me to a Saviour whose Blood cleanseth from all sin when my guilty defiled Soul so much needed its pardoning and cleansing Vertue awakening me to make holy Vows and calling upon me by thy Word and Spirit and Providence to perform them I bless Thee who hast guided my feet into the way of Peace when by the Terrors of an accusing Conscience and the sense of unpardon'd Sin and the Apprehensions of thy deserved Wrath I was ready to Despair that tho' thou didst most justly hide thy Face at any time it was but for a little while but didst seasonably and in Mercy return to wipe off my Tears restore the Joy of thy Salvation and chace away the clouds and darkness on my Spirit by the reviving Presence of thy own Thou who art the Author wilt be the Finisher of my Faith and therefore tho' thou hast visited mine Iniquities with a Fatherly Rod yet thy loving-kindness thou hast not taken from me or suffered thy faithfulness to fail or thy Covenant of Peace to be removed but hast refreshed me with hidden Manna after great Perplexities saying unto my Soul I am God even thy God Thou hast made me to hear thy Voice which was sweet and to taste thy Love which is better than Wine enabling me to say with thine Apostle Thomas My Lord and my God and to have had some Communion with Thee since in publick or private Duties For all these Innumerable Mercies I desire to praise Thee which yet are but in order to greater I hope in order to Everlasting Kindness in Heaven These are but the Taste and Earnest of what thou wilt bestow hereafter Oh how great is his Goodness that he hath laid up for those that fear him And now Lord what wait I for my hope is even in Thee I thank thee who hast thus put it into my Heart to render thee solemn Praise and once more to renew my Covenant with Thee I will magnifie the Lord and my Spirit shall rejoyce in God my Saviour Return unto thy rest O my Soul for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with me (a) Psal 104.33 While I live I will praise thee and sing Praises unto my God while I have a Being O come and behold the Works of the Lord what he hath done for my Soul The Lord liveth (b) Psal 18.46 Blessed be my Rock and let the God of my Salvation be exalted Let my Heart be glad and my Glory rejoyce for the Lord is not asham'd to be called my God Thanks be to God who hath caused me to triumph in Christ Jesus Sing unto the Lord O ye his Saints and give thanks at the remembrance of his Holiness (c) Psal 30. I cried unto Thee and thou hast healed and sav'd me I will give thanks to Thee for ever (d) Psal 119.62 I will shew forth thy loving-kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night For the Lord is Good his Mercy is Everlasting and his Truth endures throughout all Generations O enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and his Courts with Praise be thankful unto him and bless his Name Bless the Lord all ye his Works in all-places of his Dominions Bless the Lord O my Soul Let me add for a Conclusion That the particular Deliverances Supports and Consolations which at any time God hath given in Cases of great Exigence or in answer to importunate Prayer ought never to be forgotten Many experienc'd Christians have been wont to write down such remarkable Appearances of God for them with the particular Circumstances that did recommend and enhance the Mercy whether Spiritual or Temporal as an Encouragement to trust in God in future Difficulties And have afterwards found the Comfort and Advantage of being able to have recourse to such Papers This Practice I recommend as what hath been useful and consolatory to divers Christians for many years afterwards and to some others of their more intimate Friends to whom they might without vanity be imparted What Experiences might be recorded of signal Returns to Prayer and seasonable Manifestations of the Truth and Goodness and Wisdom of God if all the Instances thereof were duly recollected and preserv'd And how sweet and pleasant would the Work of Prayer and Praise then be With what rejoycing and delight should we set about it and live in it if the constraining Goodness and Love of God and a thankful Sense of his unspeakable Mercies did bring us to him and indict and animate every word What Support and Comfort and probable Hopes at least of the special Love of God might we derive from the various Passages of his Compassion and Kindness And hereby we may be able more heartily to give him Thanks for Pardon Sanctification and Adoption which we commonly mention with too much doubt and fear It may likewise be Advisable To examine and record the Workings of your own Spirit under such Dispensations What Thoughts you then had of God What Acts of Faith Love and Thankfulness you did then manifest What Evidences of God's Favour and what discovery of your own Sincerity you have had at such times When and how and by what means you were cur'd of your uncomfortable Unbelief and rais'd from your Despondency What Promises you had recourse to for relief What Considerations were most helpful to you What frame of Spirit you kept up in Prayer before and after What Resolutions and Engagements you made to God to love and trust and praise and serve him and give up All to his dispose for the future And what consequent Obligation may be inferr'd from thence to acquiesce in the Will of God and resign our selves entirely to Him saying This God is our God for ever and ever and He will be our Guide unto Death THE APPENDIX From what Time the Jews reckon'd the Beginning of their Year Of the Difference between their Sacred and Civil Account The Feast of Trumpets on the First Day of the Year Its Institution Nature and Design the Traditions and Customs of the Jews respecting that Day UPon the Deliverance of the Jews out of Egypt the first Month which began with the New Moon next to the Vernal Equinox was to be accounted Exod. 12.1 the beginning of Months it answers to the latter end of our March and the beginning of April and is sometimes called Nisan and sometimes Abib It was ordinarily after that Deliverance reckon'd the First Month of the Year in their Sacred or Ecclesiastical Account The Computation of