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A56430 A collection of the several writings given forth from the Spirit of the Lord through that meek, patient, and suffering servant of God, James Parnel, who, though a young man, bore a faithful testimony for God and dyed a prisoner under the hands of a persecuting generation in Colchester Castle in the year 1656 Parnell, James, 1637?-1656. 1675 (1675) Wing P528; ESTC R11881 266,794 528

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the Scripture the Light yet in the same it doth witness against them and witness Christ to be the Light before the Scripture was written and is able to save to the utmost all that shall come unto God by him and they that climb up any other Way the same are Thieves and Robbers John 10. 1. And therefore is not a Natural Insufficient Light as they that know not him do report of him and therefore shew themselves to be as ignorant as the Pharisees who only supposed him to the Son of Joseph yet wondred at his Power and the Works that were done by him as these do now wonder at the Prosperity of this Ministration of Light and to see how it prevails upon the Hearts of the people so that they know not what to think of it they are not able to encounter with it but that they see it strikes so much at their Diana and lies so hard at their Foundation so that it makes their Building Totter therefore the Rulers Priests aud Pharisees take Counsel together saying one to another If we let this People alone all men will go after them and they will draw away whole Nations therefore they take the same course as ever the false Prophets did joyning together with the Earthly Powers to make War with the Lamb Persecuting Stocking Whipping Imprisoning and shamefully intreating his Messengers whom the Lamb sent forth to bear Testimony of this Light in peoples Consciences where we have a Witness both in them that believe and in them that perish and also striving all the wayes they can by their Evil Incensing Lying Railings and false Accusings and Reporting to defame this Light and leaven your minds against it that if it were possible to put it out that still they might uphold their Father's kingdom of darknes and bear rule by their Means over the Blind carrying captive the minds of people But who is able to make War with the Lamb or who shall withstand the Day of his Coming Saul Saul it is hard for thee to kick against the Pricks And though they call the Scripture their Rule and Guide yet in this it witnesseth against them to be in Cain's way and Balaam's way and in the GainSaying of Core and so have not God Jude 11. 2 John 9. but are found to be the Generation who are born after the Flesh persecuting them that are born after the Spirit Gal. 4. 29. And though they call the Scripture their Rule and Guide yet they receive not Power from it to enable them to walk according to it but are altogether erring from it in any thing that crosseth Self but as many as receive the Light receive Power to follow it and come out of the corrupt sinful nature which they live in who know not the Light John 1. 12. and here the Light is above the Scripture And though they say the Scripture is the Judge and Tryer of Spirits yet in the same it witnesseth against them to be Lyars and bears witness of Christ to be the Judge and Tryer and Searcher of the Heart and Discerner of the Thoughts Heb. 4. 12. Rom. 1. 16. 1 Pet. 4. 5. and that whatsoever makes manifest is Light Eph. 5. 13. therefore that which makes manifest false spirits is the Light and not the Letter which Light manifested and discovered false spirits before the Scripture was written And also though they say the Scripture is the Judge and Tryer of Spirits yet by the Scripture they cannot discern or judge of Spirits else what makes all this difference in Judgment amongst them who profess to try Spirits by the Scripture and profess it to be their Rule and ground their Judgments upon it yet are so confus'd in the same and never a one knows which is the Truth when as the Way is but One So that it follows that they have nothing but the Scripture without and are still without in Darkness and Confusion as all those appear to be who call the Scripture their Rule and Guide and Judge and Tryer of Spirits aud yet know not the Truth but are jangling and rangling and arguing and disputing and contending about the Scripture every one with a several Judgment upon it surely this Distraction is not in Scripture for it was spoken from One and all agrees in one therefore you that so profess the Scripture see if you can find it out by the Scripture and see where you are but they that are in the Light have fellowship one with another 1 John 1. 7. and are of one heart and one Soul Acts 4. 32. and all agree in one and are Epistles wrote in one anothers heart 2. Cor. 3. 2. and by the Light they try and discern false spirits and in it are able to judge them and open the Scriptures without wresting adding or diminishing and by it do know they are of God because they love one another with the same love with which Christ loved them 1 John 4. it is not such love which is to day and to morrow cross the will and it is turned into wrath and anger nay that love stands in the corrupt will but this love stands in the bond of peace which doth indure and here again the light is above the Scripture and though they say the light must be received from the Scripture yet in this the Scripture doth witness against them and bears witness of Christ to be the light of the World and doth enlighten every one that cometh into the World And they that could never read letter of the book have this light which is sufficient to teach them and lead them into all Truth after they come to the knowledge of it from this light the Scripture was spoken 2 Pet. 1. 21. and without this light none can read the Scripture with understanding and here the light is before the Scripture and out of it all the Children of Darkness are shut with their busie minds and vain contending spirits and though they say they must receive life and salvation from the Scripture yet in this the Scripture witnesseth against them and testifies of Christ to be the alone Fountain of Life and Salvation and that there is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved Psal. 30. 9. and 144. 10. And that the Pharisees had the Scripture yet had not the Light neither could see that he was the Christ though the Scripture bare testimony of him or either would come unto him for Life and Salvation but trusted in the Scripture thinking there to find eternal Life and therein found it not John 5. 39 40. As all you are now who are seeking the living among the dead and here again the light is above the Scripture which light is within us the hope of glory Col. 1. 26 27. and those that cannot witness this are in the reprobation though they have the Scripture without 1 Cor. 13. 5. and from it we receive life and salvation and from no other and this alone
that thou art yet in it but these Scriptures which thou hast here quoted will witness against thee to be a Stranger to it though it is an easie thing for to set down others Declarations when they are be ore thee But how dost thou keep thy self unsported of the World whenas thou art drowned in and art so greedy of it that thou carest not how thou gettest it so thou gettest it as before is sufficiently proved out of thy own Mouth and hast been all along labouring contrary to Scripture to justifie thy taking of Gifts and Rewards of the World And how dost thou Visit the Widdows and Fatherless unless it be for thy Tythes or that they have to maintain thee and so rather to add Affliction upon them or What dost thou do in this kind but thou hast a Self e●d in it Let that in thy Conscience judge thee And if thou didst love the Lord God with all thy Heart thou wouldst not have thy Heart so in the Earth thus to Delude and Deceive Peoples Souls for Gain and Lucre and to take away the Fruits of their Labours by Compulsion if they will not give it thee though thou dost nothi●g for them as before is proved against thee to thy Shame and Confusion of Face And thus thy Heart is adulterated from God into the Earth and the Love of God abides not in thee who art in Love with the World And dost thou love thy Neighbour as thy self when for Selfs sake thou wo●ldst destroy him both Body and Soul And thu● I need no other Wea●on to cut off thy Head then what thou thy self bringest Qu. 35. What is the Difference betwixt the Jew Outwardly and the Jew Inwardly and how shall we know the one from other Pr. Answ. And in thy Answer thou sayst ●he Jew Outwardly d●sires to make a fair Sh●w in the Flesh or External Man with his outward Circumcision or Reformation Gal. 6. 12 13. in Voluntary Worship and not sparing the Body Col. 2. 23. he observes the lesser Commands and leaves the Greater undone Mat. 23. 23. and in one Point he goes beyond us thou sayst he payes Tythes exactly he makes clean the Out-side of the Cup and Platter and makes all foul within Mat. 23. 15 26 c. Rep. And so here is enough to manifest that thou art the Man for here thou hast plainly read thy self and out of thy own Mouth shalt thou be judged without Contending or Reviling as thou accusest us for thou hast been striving all along hitherto to set out thy self and make a fair Out-side like a Reformation though the Hypocrisie of thy Heart thou couldst not thereby hide from the Light And who are more strict in Voluntary Worship But you can pamper your Bodies which shows your Zeal is not so hot ● And instead of observing the Lesser Commands and leaving the Greater undone you leave all undone that will not stand for self and preach up and uphold these things for Commands for which you have no Scripture and so preach for Doctrine the Commandments of men as the Outward Jew did But if one ask you for your Proof for these things thou say'st It sufficeth you that there is no Command to the Contrary yea for thy Self-covetous Ends thou art not ashamed to fetch up old Commands that were fulfilled and so ended for a Cover for thy Deceit as here also thou wouldest seem to do in accusing us for not paying Tythes exactly as the Pharisee did which I know is the great Grief of thee and thy Brethren because we put not into your Mouthes and therefore ye even prepare War against us But when the Pharisee said He paid Tythes they were then due for the Priesthood to which Tythes belonged was not yet fulfilled and therefore not changed and therefore it was his Duty so to do But you Priests have so blinded the Pharisees and Professors of these Times that they are so exact in paying you Tythes putting into your Mouths because you daub them up crying Peace to them though they have no Command from God for it and you take it as exactly but you have but few such that you dare trust without a Law for as thou saist The greatest Part of them are Earthly-minded like their Teachers And how hast thou been cleansing thy Out-side of the Cup as if thou wast unblamable in this Outward Righteousness and so holy in thine own Eyes that in words thou professest Perfection and as if thou knewest the highest Estate of Christianity and wast in the pure Religion without Spots and guided by God's Spirit usually speaking by the Motion of the Holy Ghost but even condemned thy Brethren and wouldest not answer for them but saidst Thou wast none of these Hirelings nor Greedy Dogs c. but yet could not keep thy Tongue from uttering forth the Foulness of thy Heart which hath overwhelmed thee all along and out of thy own Mouth hast been proved a Lyar. And thus thou art plainly dealt with and judged out of thy own Mouth and the Scriptures aforesaid which thou hast quoted shall stand and witness against thee Pr. Answ. But the Jew Inwardly thou say'st trusts in the Lord Christ and hath no Confidence in the Flesh. But this thou dost not for then thou wouldst trust him for thy Maintenance and not stand in need of the Arm of Flesh upon which thou relyest Neither d●st thou first make clean the Inside of the Cup that the Outside may be fair also as thou saist the Inward Jew doth but though thou hast bin much labouring with feigned words of thy own Wisdom and Self-Justification to deck and adorn the Outside painting it with Scripture-Words and Expressions yet thy Inside is so foul that it defiles the Outside also so that it makes thee odious to all but the Blind and manifests thy Heart to be yet uncircumcised from Sin and a Stranger to the Inward Cross by which thou art not crucified to the World nor the World to thee for then it would not suffice thee to take the Tenth Part of the Encrease of the Labour of the Labourers by the Will of Man without any Command from God as thou dost living at Ease like a Drone upon the same and therefore thy Heart is far off Uprightness all which the Inward Jew thou saist doth witness And thus in a word thou seest there is as much Difference betwixt the one and the other as betwixt Saul and Paul a Perse●utor and an Executor of Christ's Doctri●e and Way And thus in a word thou hast marked out thy self and art found out of the Way and Doctrine of Christ Persecuting Despising and Gain-saying those that abide in i● And thus by thy Fruits art thou known as thou saist the one may be known from the other And thus Proud Goliah thy Head is cut off with thy Own Sword Qu. 36. Whether they that profess themselves the Ministers of Christ and cannot give Account of their Ministry and
are they who are led and guided by the One Spirit of which the World cannot receive even the Comforter of whom you have heard should come by which they are separated out of the World and redeemed out of the Rudiments and Pollutions thereof their Fashions their Customs their Words their Wayes their Manners their Breeding their Fellowship Love and Friendship their Honour and Glory and their Worship and so are become Strangers to the World and so are hated of the World because they are not of the World and the Enmity stands betwixt the two Seeds but while they were of the World the World loved them but now they are gathered out of the World and separated from the World and testifie against the World both in Words and Actions therefore the Enmity is raised in the World against the Righteous Seed and those are they upon whom the Ends of the World are come to whom it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom though to the World in Parables and those are they that are come with a Mighty Arm and Power to trun the World up-side down whom the Lord hath gathered and is a gathering out of the World by his own Spirit of Truth and Love to walk in the Way of Truth even the Way of Holiness where the Ransomed of the Lord do walk and serve and worship him in Spirit and in Truth and such is the Father seeking to worship him in whom he is in doing his own Work even to destroy the Old Creation and create New Heavens and New Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness and those are they that are the New Creatures in whom this New Work is witnessed in whom the Father hath manifested his Son that in the Likeness of sinful Flesh he might condemn Sin in the Flesh and to bind the Strong Man and cast him out of his House and spoil his Goods and so to destroy the Works of the Devil and to cut down the Man of Sin even that Son of Perdition who is exalted above all that is called GOD sitting in the Temple of God as God and saith He is God this is he by whom the World is deceived who is the God of the World even the Prince of Darkness who rules in all the Children of Disobedience and so saith John in the Light The whole World lies in Wickedness and unto this doth Christ come with a Sword for to make War with him and to take and bind him and cast him into utter Darkness and so to take his Kingdom from him and to rule himself in Righteousness And this is the King of the SAINTS who is now come to redeem unto himself a Pure People and to wash them cleanse them from their Sias by his BLOOD and so to wash away all Filthiness both of Flesh and Spirit and this is the Baptism by which they are received into his Church and Faith and here is the Effect of his BLOOD wrought in MAN and thus he doth and will manifest his Mighty Power to purifie and cleanse and make Man a fit Temple for himself to dwell in And thus is GOD with us manifested in Flesh and thus are the Saints Bodies made the TEMPLES of the HOLY GHOST and thus is the Word of Life and Reconciliation witnessed to the raising up the Soul to Life and reconciling the Soul to GOD and those are they that are begotten and born again of the Immortal Word which dwelleth and abideth forever and here is the Houshold of God the Houshold of Faith and the Houshold of Love who speak the things which they have heard and seen and tasted of the good Word of Life which was in the beginning and those are the Children of Light who are gather'd out of the dark Forms Judgments and Opinions into the Life and Power of Godliness to walk in the Light of Life wherein they are gathered and united by the One Spirit of Love and Life into One Body of which Christ is Head and here is the true Church which the Lord is a gathering and washing and cleansing and purifying by his Spirit that he may redeem unto himself a pure Church not having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing whose Insides are washed and made clean through the Word by which they are reconciled into the Love and Union which springs from the Life of God and here is the Vine and the Branches and here is the Communion of the Church all feeding upon One Bread all drinking upon One Cup this is Christ the Life of the Saints and as many as are baptized into this Church partake of this Communion and those are they which have denyed themselves and have born the Cross of Christ by which they are crucified to the World and the World to them who are gathered into one Covenant of Life where all are Fellow-Servants under one MASTER who serve one another in Love and Meekness And here is the true Humility in the Heart wrought and here is the true Washing of Feet without Hypocrisie which some are imitating without for LIFE but fall short for the Heart the Lord requires And thus is the Church of Christ gathered by one Spirit and by the same circumcised and baptized into one Light and Life and Power where all dwell as MEMBERS of One BODY of which CHRIST is the HEAD And here is the Blessed Union and Communion in One and here God is worshipped in Spirit and in Truth and as CHRIST is spiritual so is his BODY and so are his Ordinances And here are the true Christians not those that only have the Notion of those things but they that witness and possess this in Life and they that believe have the witness within themselves and they that believe have passed from Death unto Life and the Life which they now live in is by Faith in the Son of God which Faith is without Respect of Persons who are the New Creatures who are IN Christ Jesus to whom there is no Condemnation who walk not after the FLESH but after the for against such there is no LAW for they are translated out of that NATURE for which the LAW was added and are set free by the Law of the Spirit of Life and are made Partakers of the Divine Nature of Christ by which they are made Christians and therefore saith John As he is so are we in this present World and such now witness the Effect of the Blood of Christ wrought within them and the End of his Coming and the Benefit of his Death who are Dead with him and risen through the Death of the Cross and these are they that have escaped the Pollutions of the World through the Knowledge of the Son of God within them Christ within the Hope of Glory or else no Hope of Glory for they that cannot witness him so are in the Reprobation so saith the Apostle and here is the Son in the Saints and the Father in the Son and thus are
another Thing and the most Part knew not wherefore they came together and so it is the same amongst you but it is good for you to know certainly what you speak against before you speak lest you speak Evil of that you know not calling Good Evil Evil Good putting Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness against whom the Wo from the Lord is pronounced and it is written in the Book of Conscience and there you shall read it with weeping Tears therefore take heed of treasuring up Wrath against the day of Wrath and remember you are warned And now something to all you tender-hearted Ones who are convinced by the Light of God in your Consciences which tenders your Consciences for whose sakes I have laid open my self freely so I desire that you may mind that Light of God to which I speak which is my Witness which hath convinced you that it may be your Guide which will lead you to Conversion into the Life to witness with me against the World that my Labour may not be in vain look not out at Scandals false Accusations or Reports for this is the Reward that the Righteous have received of the World and Christ our Lord and Captain shewed the Example as it is written They who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persecution and they that depart from Iniquity make themselves a Prey but that which can't bear those things is not of God but turn your Ear inward to that Measure of Light in you which is without Guile that is gentle that can bear all as it did both in the Prophets and Apostles and all the holy Men of God This led them through good Report and evil Report through Persecution and through Death and this is the Way to Life and who enters must enter this Way and here is the Tryal of Faith and the Tryal of Faith is more precious then Gold So fear not but be willing to give up and to part with all though it be never so near and dear yea though it be thy Bosom-Friend and Darling For he that loveth any Thing better then me is not worthy of me saith the precious Pearl And he that will not forsake all and follow me is not worthy of me Moses thought it greater Riches to suffer affliction with the People of God then to enjoy the Pleasures of Pharoah's Court for a Season For the Pleasures of this World and the Afflictions of this World endure but a Time and pass away For all things visible pass away but the Joy of the Righteous endures for ever but if our Hopes were only in this World we were of all Men most miserable but he that endures to the End shall have a Crown of Glory as Paul witnessed So Fear not little Flock but be faithful valiant and bold for it is your Father's Will to give you the Kingdom a hundred fold shall you receive of what you loose whether Lands or Livings Wife or Children or whatsoever it is the Promise is to the Faithful and your Joy and Advancement shall be in the Destruction of your Enemies when the Lord doth make your Enemies your Footstool but this is witnessed through the War and he that endures to the End of the War shall witness this And this in my Measure I witness and out of tender Love from my Soul to your Souls do I declare it and desire that you may all endure to witness with me for Love is Charity and the Light leads through all And so I rest in my Habitation known to all who can read me in Spirit J. P. Farewell THE WATCHER OR THE Stone cut out of the Mountain Without Hands Striking at the Feet of the IMAGE Whose Head is Gold and Breast of Silver and Thighs of Brass and Legs of Iron and Feet part Iron and part Clay Dan. 2. 31 32 33 34 35. Written by a Friend to all tender-hearted Ones who hunger and thirst after God who are groping and seeking in Forms for Life to the directing of their Minds where and how to find the true Light which leads into the true Life and Power of Godliness the End of all Forms where I rest with all who in Spirit read me who am known to them w●● are without by the Name James Parnell Reprinted for the Service of Truth This is a Discovery of the Ground End of all Forms Professions Sects and Opinions and also how they now are made as Friends and joyn Hand in Hand against the Substance the Life and Power of God which is now made manifest in his Sons and Daughters according to his Promise as hath been plainly manifest in several Meetings betwixt the People called Quakers and the People called Baptists which is here described And also a Description of the true Church and the Gathering thereof by the Power and Spirit of our God which is now made manifest in these latter dayes which so gloriously doth shine forth in the Earth so that all who have Desires to find the Way of Truth need no longer walk in Darkness and seek the Living amongst the Dead where it is not to be found for now Light is come into the World they that love and follow the Light shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life but such as do Evil hate the Light and will not come unto the Light that the Light may reprove them and this is the Condemnation of the World who love Darkness rather then Light because their Deeds are Evil Joh. 8. 12. Joh. 3. 19 20 21. TO THE READER THOU that happens to be the Reader of this Book know this that my Mind and Intent in the publishing thereof was in Relation to the Simple-hearted who hunger and thirst after Grace and Godliness to the directing and turning their Minds from the Darkness to the true Light of the Lord Jesus which is not of the World but comprehends the World and makes manifest the many Wayes of the World and the Snares Baits Traps and Nets that therein are laid by him who is the God of the World even the Prince of Darkness who rules in all the Children of Disobedience now whatsoever makes manifest is Light the which Light will discover unto them whose Minds are turned to it the Wiles and Subtilties of Satan and so the Simple will come to learn Wisdom and thereby be preserved from the subtile devouring Serpent and therein the Creature will come to see wherein consists its Safety and Preservation and so Israel's Tent comes to be found For I in the Light standing above the World comprehending the many Wayes that are in the World and the Destructions therein with the many Forms Judgments and Opinions one clashing against another with their Janglings and Disputes with their Earthly Wisdom which is at Enmity with God and about those things which they are Strangers to the Life and Power thereof contending for that which fades and
defrauding one another of the Earth which is none of your own and you are Persecutors and Stoners and Strikers of the Innocent Children and Servants and Messengers of God and what Sin is there among those whom you account Heathen that is not amongst you and doth abound yea those whom you account Heathen may condemn you in much of their Practice Oh! be ashamed blush you Priests Teachers of England to see your Ministry the Fruits of your Ministry so laid open before you and thus you are those who come near the Lord with your Lips Mouthes but your Hearts are far from him in the Earth or else you would walk more uprightly But saith the Lord In vain do you worship me teaching for Doctrine the Commmandments of Men but I know some Pharisees and Priests will be ready to say We are not Drunkards nor Swearers nor such like but I say unto you You are Hypocrites and your Hearts are full of Deceit Envy Wrath and Bitterness Covetousness Pride and Earthly-Mindedness and self-self-Love and self-Wisdom and Persecutors and the greatest Oppressors of the Truth and Publicans and Harlots shall enter the Kingdom before you Jesus Christ the Light marked out your Fore-Fathers and found them to be such though they were more strict and zealous then this Generation and by the same Light you are so●nd in their Steps and those Things both Christ and his Apostles judged to be without and condemned them out of the New Covenant for there no unrighteous Person can dwell and there all Wars are ended and the Swords beat into pruning H●oks and Guns into Plow-shares and there is no Oppression nor self exalting but he that would be the greatest must be the least and in Righteousness are they established and they are far from Oppression and the Lord alone is their Teacher and there is no need of an outward Law For to them there is no Condemnation who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit and there is no Respect of Persons but all Members of one Body of which Christ is Head serving one another in Love and here is the New Covenant and the Children of the New Covenant who are washed and made clean by the Blood of the New Covenant but you are Aliens and Strangers from this Covenant who are in your Notions and Professions therefore all you ignorant People who are led by these deceitful Priests and Pharisees and disd●in to be wiser then your Fore Fathers now see who are your Fore-Fathers and the Original of your Priests and who is your Example for you are out of the Life and Practice of the Apostles and the Children of Light and by their Life are judged and condemned for they were mortified to that Life which you live in neither did the Ministers of the Gospel Baptize Infants with Water neither did they Teach for Hire or stand up in the chiefest Place in the Assembly neither were they called of Men Master neither had they the long Gowns neither did they Respect any Place more then another to teach or preach in except for Conveniency for they taught in dwelling-Houses and by the River sides or in any open Place neither did they give to the World David's Conditions to be sung in ● Meter neither did they give to natural Men and Women Bread and Wine which you call a SACRAMENT neither did they use to Church Women as you call it and take Money for it neither did they take a Text of other Mens Words and speak from it a Divination of their own Brain neither did they study what or how to preach but spoak as they were moved by the holy Ghost neither did they teach People The Letter was the Word or That the Letter was the Light but they bore witness of God to be the Word and ●hrist to be the Light neither did they teach People That they could never be free from Si● while they w●re upon the Earth but they preached Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who came to take away the Sins of the World and to redeem his People from their Sin and to set them in the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God that he might redeem unto himself a pure Church not having Spot or Wrincle or any such Thing neither did they teach People That a House of Li●e and Stone was the Church or the House of God neither were they set up or upheld by a Law of Man or came by the Will of Man or stood in the VVill of Man but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ and from him they received their Message and Command neither were they brought up in Human Learning at an University as it is called to learn Arts and Sciences and take Degrees from Sir to Batchellor and from Batchellor to Master of Arts from Master to Batchellor of Divinity from Batchellor of Divinity to Doctor of Divinity and had so many several Gowns but the Pharisees loved these Things but the Ministers of Christ were not such but most of them were ignorant and unlearned in that Wisdom and Learning but unto them it was given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom but it was hid from the World and the wise Ones thereof and now the wise Ones of the World say That is the Means ordained of God to come to the Knowledge of the Truth and that is the Original to wit human Learning and deny all Revelation or immediate Inspiration and say it is ceased for all which they have no Scripture Proof for the Apostles never taught this Doctrine nor prescribed this Way therefore your Teachers are such as bring another Doctrine and climb up another Way who are not to be received but shut out for Thieves and Robbers who shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against Men and will neither enter in themselves nor suffer others that would and the Ministers of the Gospel never preach'd up Hebrew and Greek to be the Original but they preached the Word to be the Original neither took Tythes nor ever had a set Maintenance or so much a Year namely forty fifty or sixty or a hundred or two hundred Pounds a Year more or less to abide in one Place neither sued any at the Law for any such Thing but all their Care was to make the Gospel free and without Charge neither did they take of those that did not own them as denyed them but shoke off the Dust of their Feet and so left them neither had they an Hour-Glass to limit themselves by or had a Clark to say Amen But your Priests will tell you Now the Gospel is published and the Churches are gathered and planted Oh! with Shame might they speak it what Churches have they gathered here I have before laid down their Church the Ground thereof the Gathering thereof and the Planting thereof and what they are and also the Gathering of the Apostles Church and the Planting thereof so that here
all made perfect in One And here is the True Church where there is but One Teacher One Lord One Faith One Baptism One Light One Life and One Way One Shepherd and One Sheepfold and One Priest over the Houshold of God and One Hope and One Language One Family and One God and Father of all And they that cannot witness this are Strangers to Christ and Strangers to his Cross and Strangers to the Common-Wealth of Israel And this is the Work which the Lord has now begun and is carrying on by a Strong Arm and Mighty Power to redeem unto himself a pure Church and Blessed are they that hearken unto his Voice Here all you Formalists Imitators and Self-actors are shut out here all you Proud Ones are shut out here all you Lustful Ones Fleshly Ones and Carnal Ones are shut out and all you that are conformed like unto the World in their Fashions in their Customs in their Words in their Ways in their Worships and Traditions in their Love and in their Fellowship who are seeking the Glory and Honour and Riches of this World you are the Children of this World under the Dominion of the God of the World whose Kingdom is of this World Here all you are shut out who live at Ease in your Pleasures and live wantonly upon the Earth in the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life you are the Children of Babylon you kill the Just and he lies slain in the Streets but here you all are shut out of the New Covenant of Life in the Dark World under Death's Dominion of what Profession and Judgment soever Aliens and Strangers to the Covenant of Promise for they that are not with us are against us and our Union and Society is in the Light of Life But you must all suffer the Death of the Cross to the Life which you now live in before you can witness this Redemption for those that live with Christ are crucified with him therefore so it is they that will take up Life must first lay down Life for the Way to Life is through Death Therefore you must be stripped of all your Old Covers naked and bare that your Deceit and Shame may appear which you have so long covered with your own Righteousness but now you must suffer the Shame of the Cross if you would have part in Christ and all your old Wisdom Knowledge and Notions which you have gotten into your Comprehensions by your Conceivings of the Scripture-Letter wherein hath been your Life and Pride and Exaltation must all come to the Death of the Cross that no Flesh should Glory in his Presence but I say unto all you Professors Formalists Notionists and Disputers and Wise Ones of this World If you will not take up and imbrace this Cross Publicans and Harlots shall enter the Kingdom before you Therefore not many Mighty nor many Noble nor many Wise after the Flesh are called but he hath chosen the Foolish Things of this World to confound the Wise and the Weak to confound those that are Mighty that no FLESH should Glory in his PRESENCE but CHRIST is made over unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that they which Glory might Glory in the Lord. And this I witness in my Measure the things which I have seen and heard and felt and tasted of the good Word of Life which was in the Beginning the same do I declare and am known and read by the Children of Light And now I shall proceed to several Passages that I have had with the People called Baptists in several Meetings that their Deceit and Delusion may be laid open to the Simple-hearted Upon the Thirtieth of the First Moneth called March in the Year 1655. I was at one Ashen's House in Fenstanton in Huntingtonshire where I was freely declaring the Truth of God to the People that came there together that Day as I was taught moved by the Spirit of Truth by which the Holy Men of God spoak forth the Scripture as they were moved and there came several of the People called Baptists into the Room amongst us amongst whom was one of their Teachers called Richard Elligood who after a while stood up in his Will and Wisdom to accuse me and said That I had said That God did not respect any Forms and yet saith he you use the Form and so use that which God hath no Respect to But his first words were Sir if you please I will speak something to what you have said To which I made Answer Here needs no Complements And then he runs on as afore● said to which Accusation I reply'd was False and bad him prove what Form I used And he said The Letter And I replyed He that takes the Letter to talk of without the Life and Power such sets up a Form and makes a Form But this would not satisfie his filthy Wisdom which darkened his Understanding but because I spoak words which are mentioned in the Scripture by the same Spirit that spoak forth the Scripture by which I challenge the Scripture from him and all such who have gotten it to talk of but denies the Life and are Strangers to the Life and Power therefore with his contrary Spirit tasked me with a Form which by his Logick and deceitful Art would have proved but could not but his Deceit was laid open to the People and many declared against him for a Form is this as I said before the Likeness of a Thing but not the Thing it self as they have the Likeness of a Church which they have imagined from the Letter with their Elders Pastors and Teachers but not the Church it self and so they imitate the Scriptures but live not in the Life of them that spoak forth the Scriptures neither are acted and guided by the same Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures and so want the Life and Power and those are the Formalists that make Forms and Likenesses to deceive the simple as the Devil hath the Form of an Angel of Light but not the Life and Power who appears to rule in those Formalists and Self-Actors but the Day doth make him manifest and therefore he rages and then this Elligood denyed that I had the same Spirit that gave forth the Scripture and he said The Spirit might be tryed by the Letter for he said Many false Spirits are entered into the World and I asked him By what did the Apostle know that false Spirits were gone out into the World and he replyed and said By the Spirit of God then I replyed and said If by the Spirit of God the Apostle knew that there were many false Spirits gone out into the World then by the Spirit of God be tryed FALSE SPIRITS and knew False Spirits from the TRUE and here his Deceit was laid open to the People and he judged out of his own Mouth to be a Lyar and to be guided by a false Spirit
the Apostles Practice and so thou fulfillest the words which before I have spoaken of thee And whosoever deny you of Tythes do not Unjustly detain them as thou say'st they do being you have no Right to them by any Law or Command from God or Example in the Scripture as before is proved but only claim a Title by the unjust Supremacy of the Pope by which your Fore-fathers the Persecuting Bishops were upheld and therefore we called Quakers do teach People them you to deny which is not contrary to the Practice of Christ or his Apostles as thou accusest us for saith Christ Beware of False Prophets that appear in Sheep's Cloathing but inwardly Ravening Wolves By their Fruits they are known and by which sufficiently you are here marked out and the Apostles bid From such turn away as in 2 Tim. 3. 5. And again the Apostle John forbids to receive such as abide not in the Doctrine of Christ or to bid them Good Speed 2 John 9 10. And here both Christ and his Apostles sufficiently taught People to deny you and here thou art proved a Lyar who thus falsly accusest us call'd Quakers in this to act contrary to the Practice of Christ or his Apostles and so here thou and the rest of the professed Ministers of this Nation are sufficiently manifest what you are so that all men may see your Folly and Deceit but those who are blind and love to have it so and so the Scripture is fulfilled upon you Jer. 5. 30 31. Qu. 12. Whether ever the Ministers of the Gospel took any Necessaries of the World as thou and such as thou do all your Tythes and Maintenance yea or nay Pr. Answ. And in thy Answer thou sayest Yea they have which to prove thou quotest Acts 28. 1 9. where thou say'st Paul took Necessaries of the Barbarians yet this not serving thy turn thou runnest to old Histories which thou callest Ecclesiastical Records and say'st They f●r One Thousand Five Hundred Years do testifie the same but yet doubting of this thou say'st as thou saidst before It sufficeth you that there is no Law nor Command of God to the Contrary nor are Examples thou saist needful for every thing as to prove that Christ called any Shoemaker or Cobler to be a Prophet Rep. But here again thou hast marked out thy self to be a False Prophet who runnest and the Lord never sent thee and therefore thou ●eachest for Doctrine the Traditions of Men for the which thou hast no Scripture and therefore runnest to Old Stories to which I am not to give any Credit be they never so old being they are not according to Scripture and therefore not Ecclesiastical for the Oldness of the thing doth not make it Truth though you have long thereby deceived the Ignorant And as for that Scripture which thou quotest in Acts 28. 1 9. then Paul was a Prisoner and he and the Souldiers that kept him and the rest of the People were driven there by Storm upon the Sea so that in that Case the Barbarians took Pitty of them and received them but there were many besides Paul and the Centurion to whom Paul was committed who were to take Care of him and also that which the Barbarians did was Freely and that which Nature bound them to being they were in that Strait which was done to many besides Paul who were Heathens So that this doth not at all stand for thee who art in thy own Country and yet takest all thy Tythes and Maintenance of the World by Compulsion neither will this Excuse serve to shelter you Hirelings and Deceivers to say That there is no Law nor Command of God to the Contrary for it is False for Christ commands his Ministers expresly Freely to give as Freely they had received and also charged them Where they were not Freely Received to depart thence shaking off the Dust of their Feet as before is proved And also Oppression the Law of God is against and to take the Tenth or Encrease of the Fruits of the Peoples Labours is a sore and great Oppression which the Land groans under and therefore a Sin and yet the Gift doth so blind your Eyes that you cannot see all this but think because there is no Scripture for you therefore none against you And though there needs no Example so prove any Shoemaker or Cobler to be a Prophet as thou confessest though in Scorn for it is a thing that none doth who understands the Scripture being there is sufficient Proof that he called other Tradesmen yet there is a Need that you might find so much as a Scripture-Proof or Example for your Tythes and Maintenance who profess it to be your Rule being it is a great Oppression of the Land and yet saist thou It doth suffice you that there is no Law or Command to the Contrary Therefore this shews your Avaricious Minds who are so willing to be blind in this thing but it will not neither doth so easily suffice those that are oppressed by You though You regard it not according to the Prophet Ezekiel's words You seek for the Fleece and regard not the Flock but make a Prey upon the Sheep and so with this stop thy Mouth and own thy self amongst the False Shepherds and Hirelings Eze● 34. John 10. Qu. 13. Whether ever they had a Set Maintenance or so much a Year for Preaching as Forty Sixty One Hundred or Two Hundred Pound as thou and such as thou have Pr. Answ. And in thy Answer thou canst not bring one Scripture for thy Rule to prove this your common Practice but fleest to the Re●ords that thou saist are to be found in several Parts of Christendom as thou call'st it where I do not intend to seek for them to see whether these things be true or no which thou speakest of them but as I said before will conclude them to be false in this thing being the Scripture is altogether against it so that thou canst not find one Scripture to justifie it but say'st if we say Where do you read of this in the Scripture thou answerest as far off again to the same Purpose still without any Scripture-Proof and therefore I shall leave it for any Understanding Reader of thy Book to judge and see how weak you are if you had not a Law of Man to uphold you who have not one Scripture that will strengthen the Foundation of your Ministry which is your Maintenance Then how have you deluded the People to make them believe that the Scripture is your Rule when it is altogether against you Let the Honest-Hearted judge Qu. 14 And whether such be not the Hirelings which care not for the Sheep yea or nay And whether such be not the Greedy Dogs which the Prophet Isaiah Freely Declared against Isa. 56. 11. and make a Prey upon the Sheep which Ezekiel declared against Ezek. 34. and are the Ravening Wolves which Jesus Christ declared against Mat. 7. 15. and are such
worse then Beasts you should be reasonable Creatures but your Horses may teach you who will not drink but when they are dry nor more then satisfies their Thirst Wo unto you that are mighty to drink Wine and Men of Strength to mingle strong Drink Wo unto you that rise up early that you may follow strong Drink and continue until Night till you be enflamed The Wo is upon you that put the Cup to your Neighbours Mouth to make him drink that his Nakedness may appear and shameful Spewing cover him and this is your Glory which is your Shame and you tell it to others you shew your selves to be of the Generation of Ham the Father of Canaan who was accursed for such Practices and the Curse is upon you while you live here therefore repent and live no longer in these Abominations and Filthiness your Healths are Abomination unto the Lord you are ignorant of his saving Health the Wants of the Poor cry out against your wilful Practices which are your Condemnation God is against your Swearers who make it your Practice to take the Name of God in vain and live in open Breach of God's Commandments who are not ashamed to prophane the Name of God in open Streets and Houses where you come yea Be●ause of this the Land mourns Repent repe●t the Curse is towards you Prophane Ones you that regard not the Commands of Christ who saith Swear not at all but let your Yea be Yea and your Nay be Nay for whatsoever is more cometh of Evil How will you stand before him at the Day of Judgment whom you now openly contemn Oh Repen● betimes the Day is at Hand when it will be too late wherein you will wish you had never been born God is against you Lyars who make a Trade and Gain of Lying and Dissembling for Earthly Profit to make your selves rich and to cover over your Deceit with Lying and Dissembling and so your Houses are full of Deceit and you sell your Birth right for a Mess of Pottage as Esau did who was hated of God and here you live in the F●ll cursed from God in the First Nature in Lying and Cheating and dissembling striving to ensnare and oppress one another in Bargaining by your Lying and Dissembling but the Invisible God who knows the Secrets of your Hearts whom you think not of is coming to reward every one of you according to his ●eeds every one shall be judged out of his own Mouth and God ●ound a Just God therefore repent while it is called to Day and to the Light of God in your Consciences turn your Minds by it to be guided and it will lead your Hearts out of the Earth and Earthly Things from coveting the Earth and will lead you to deal Justly and Honestly in Singleness of Heart to speak the Truth one to another and to let your Yea be Yea and your Nay Nay and to do as you would be done by and this is honest and godly according to the Light of God in every Man's Conscience Now prize your Time while you have it for the Day of the Lord is as a Thief in the Night to all the Children of Darkness to the Light of God in all your Consciences I speak which if you love it will be your Teacher but your Condemnation it is if you act contrary to it for he that loves and makes a Lye is for the Lake that burneth God is against you Scorners who take Delight in scorning your Brethren you shew your Folly to all Men you that sit in the Seat of the scornful you that raise false Reports against the simple and tell them to make your selves and your Companions to laugh your Laughter shall be turned into Mourning yea Wo to them that laugh now for they shall mourn ye forget your selves what you are take heed be not Mockers lest your Bands be made strong and when you cry there be none to deliver Repent How long will you Scorners take delight in Scorning and Fools hate Knowledge Cease from Sports and Pastimes ye wanton Ones making your selves merry in your Sin your idle talking and foolish Jesting your unclean filthy Words are Abomination to the Lord and every idle Word must be accounted f●r your Revelling and Rioting Carding and Dicing and all your invented Sports sitting down to eat and drink and rising up to play which is Idolatry and the Wrath of God is against such Practices for Man was not made to fulfil his own Lusts but to serve the Living God who made all Things for himself and the Wicked for the Day of Judgment Repent and take Heed and search the Scriptures and see if the Saints used any such Practices or spent their Time after that Manner but had the Flesh crucified with the Affections and Lusts thereof for he who lives after the Flesh cannot please God for God is of purer Eyes then to behold Iniquity and nothing that defiles must enter into his Kingdom Rev. 21. 27. God is against you blind Guides you Priests of England who are the Teachers and Leaders of this People who live in this Filthiness and ungodly Practices without the Fear of God going on in the Way of the Heathen who know not God and yet you profess your selves the Ministers of Christ and work no better Reformation in them yet are maintained by them and are their Leaders and Examples in all this Filthiness flattering of them and leading them in Blindness Crying Peace to them because they put into your Mouthes and so daub them with Untempered Morter telling them they are Christianso and of the Flock of Christ and so through Covetousness with feigned Words make Merchand●ze of them but your Judgment of a long Time lingereth not nor your Damnation slumbereth not All you blind Guides who lead the People in Blindness in their Sins and Corruptions every one their Hearts adulterated from God committing Fornication with other Lovers and this you see and do not regard but seek for the Fleece and feed with the Fat and cloath with the Wool and make a Prey on the Sheep and cause them to err by your Lyes and Lightness and call your selves the Ministers of Christ and are not ashamed neither do you blush Therefore you shall fall amongst them that fall in the Day that I visit you saith the Lord. JAMES PARNEL To My Dear Friends Brethren and Sisters In the CITY of LONDON TO ye Translated Ones my Love from the Life doth flow You that are translated and renewed in Heart and Mind You that are separated redeemed from amongst the Children of this World and the Polutions and Anominations that they live in in whom the Works of the New Creation wherein dwelleth Righteousness is established who are Beautified Within who are Adorned Within who are Comely Within who are Purified and Cleansed Within
Hardships and Impossibilities do appear before you and Doubts and Fears and Questionings and Murmurings Repinings and Unbelief rise in you and many Temptations b●take you so●etimes to return back and dye in Aegypt sometimes after the Delights and Flesh-pots of Aegypt sometimes that God hath utterly forsaken you sometimes to question the very Truth of God and ready to call it a Lye and here is the wavering and unstable Mind all which ariseth ou● of Darkness where self stands all which comes by hearkning unto self Therefore unto the Light the Messenger of God keep your Minds wh●ch brings the Message of Peace and glad-Tidings of Salvation unto which keep close own it lone to be your Teacher Guide and Counsellor in all the Way you are to pass and in all Things that you are to do standing in the Denyal of self with all its Ends and own the Light which leads int● Singleness to God out of Ends and all stumbling-Blocks it will remove and through the Bryars and Thorns it will you lead and in the Mire you shall not stick but the crooked Way shall be made streight and the rough and hard Way plain and easie for in the Light is none Occasion of stumbling but keeps your Feet from erring and straying your Tongues from Evil speaking as you hearken unto this which when you are going to the right Hand or to the left cryes This is the Way walk in it This is the Word in you from whence comes Faith which makes all Things easie and possible but without Faith it is impossible to please God and Faith is the Gift of God and so is this Word of Truth from whence Faith springs which judgeth down all Murmurings Doubtings and Repinings and all Carelesness Lightness Lustings and Earthliness and condemns the Ground from whence all these Things do spring And here the Ministration of Condemnation is witnessed which in its Time is glorious through which comes the Ministration of Peace which doth the other exceed but take Heed of getting these Things in the Comprehension to talk of but let the Time of Silence and Patience have its Work in which wait for the fulfilling of these Things that within you may read them and the Life it self may shew forth it self which dothadorn and honour the Truth and so you become the Vessels of Honour but out of Faithfulness this is not witnessed For it is the Willing and Obedient that shall eat the Good of the Land Therefore Friends see how you stand in Faithfulness to what in your Measures is made known unto you for Faithfulness is of great value and Faithfulness is as well in secret as in publick knowing that all Things are publick unto God who will j●dge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ therefore he that is faithful over a little is approved of God and shall be made Ruler over much but he that is ●sloathful is cast out and from him taken that which he hath These Things you have read without but now learn within and read your selves and you need not be Deceived for by the Light your Hearts are searched by it all Things are made manifest by which you are either approved or disapproved unto God in all your Words and Actions therefore by this set a Watch over all your Thoughts Words and Actions that the Righteous judge may be set up in your Hearts which judgeth down Deceit and iniquity and establisheth Righteousness in the Earth and Truth and Equity in the inward Parts and cleanseth the Heart from Evil that this alone may guide you and act you forth in all your● Wayes and Doings and then self hath no Part but all Things are done in the Cross unto sel● in Singleness unto God and he alone is glorified and the Fear and Awe is placed and the Tongue is brid●●d and the Will curbed and the Heart cleansed and kept clean for it is that which goeth out that d●fileth Therefore I say unto you all Watch that the Pure may exercise your Minds which is the Cross to the Carnal which crucifies the Carnal and mortifies the Deeds of the Flesh and establisheth Purity in the Heart and brings forth the Fruits of the Spirit which is Love in a pure Life that here you may come to live and walk and grow together in Unity in your Measures for that which separates from the Unity is self which causeth Love to wax cold but in the Love of God abiding self is denyed for where self is owned the Love of God is denyed So here is the Enemy of your own House that you are to war against and in the Light which discovers self is your Power and Strength and as you receive the Light you receive Power to deny self in its Appearances which Power reconciles your Hearts together and works you into perfect Friendship Unity which stands not in the Will but in the pure Nature which is the Cross to Will which Nature the World cannot bear which Nature breaks the World's Fellowship Love and Friendship all which stands in their corrupt Wills wherein stands all their Customs Fashions and Traditions and all their Worship and Profession out of which also ariseth Persecution against you who dwell in the pure Nature and the single pure Language which their corrupt Wills cannot bear nor savour but look not out at what they can do unto you knowing that the uttermost is but to take the Life of the Body but eye the Lord your God in it and count it your Riches that you are found worthy to suffer for Righteousness sake for through many Tryals and Tribulations you come forth pure unto the Lord and strong in the Faith So the Lord God of Power be with you and by his mighty Power keep you low and watchful in your Conditions that your Eternal Good you may mind above all Things under the Sun that every one in the Truth received you may walk and grow daily dying unto the Things that perish that in the Life of God you may come to dwell out of the Creatures and then the true Use of them will be given you and the pure Wisdom as it was in the Beginning when Man was in the Right to the Creatures and here Paradice will be found but he that believeth maketh not hast but by patient continuing in well-doing you will reap if you faint not wherein I bid you you Farewel Dear Friends It was the Love of God in me which run forth to the Seed in you which constrained me to write unto you and visit you with this Epistle now my bodily Presence is by the corrupt Will of Man barred from you yet my Spirit doth not cease in your Behalf that the Lord by his Power by which he hath awakened you out of Sleep and caused his Witness to answer to his Truth would bless and prosper this his happy Work in your Hearts to the bringing forth his precious Seed to rule and have Dominion that so his glorious
Light may shine forth in your Conversations and his Beauty appear in your Image that the Heathen may be ashamed and ●ear before the Lord your God And here my Friends is my Comfort in the midst of Bonds yea if this Body was to be sacrificed up it would not abate my Joy that I have in you in whom the Work of God prospers Therefore I do charge you all in the Presence of the living God whom ye do profess in his Fear to abide diligent and circumspect that you grieve not the Spirit of God nor cause his Holy Name to be blasphemed lest you add Affliction to the Bonds of the Gospel From Colchester Castle in the 9th Month 1655. This from a Friend who is known in Spirit who for the Innocent Seeds sake suffers the Bonds of the Gospel JAMES PARNEL Another Epistle to Friends FRIENDS TO the ●ight of Christ Jesus in You all bring Your Deeds by it to be tryed and proved which Light in You all is the Heart●Seacher and Tryer which as you take heed unto it will not let you be idle or sloathful or careless nor let You set l● in a Formal Way or Carnal Security but will let you see the Ground and End of all Your Actions and Actings and will prove and try Your Hearts and let You see how Your Hearts stand towards God and what therein is Head and Ruler so that none of You may be acted by a False Spirit which begets into a False Liberty out of the Cross but that your own Wisdom and Reason which argues against the Light for a Liberty out of the Cross may all come unto the Death of the Cross to be mortified for all that in You which would not be tryed by the Light springs from the Enmity against the Light and is for Condemnation by the Light to which Light in You all I speak which is the Cross to Your Wills that by it You may try all Your Wayes and Actions For all You that are Bowing and Crouching and Uncovering to the Creature You are still in the Old Nature where old things are not past away but are still following the Customs of the dark World worshipping the Beast which all the World wonders after and worships for that i● the Beast even proud Lucifer the Lust in Man which would be honoured and bowed to and exalted which so swells in Wrath and Rage and Persecution against those that cannot worship bow to nor honour it to which No Worship nor Honour is due for Dust is the Serpent●s Meat And from this Beast in Man did this Persecution ever arise against this Righteous Seed which could not honour nor worship him as you may read Rev 1● All the World wonders after the Beast but those whose Names are written in the Book of Life and those were and are persecuted by the Beast and co●ld not nor cannot scarce buy or sell. And that in You which honours and worships the Beast or proud Nature in Man is that which would not bear or suffer the Rage or Persecution of the Beast but would serve two Masters and so while you are seeking to please the one you displease the other and so beguile your own Souls and are a S●are to others and this Heart is not right unto God bring your Ends in so doing to the Light and you shall see it so which ●ight will not deceive you but undeceive you as you take heed unto it and are willing to be led by it which will lead you into the True Worship of the Only True God whose Worship is in Spirit and in Truth And by this Light you will see that to Him alone All Honour Glory Worship Dominion and Thanks belongs And Him that Honours God him will God Honour But this Honour is not of Man for saith he I receive not Honour of Man And here all Men are honoured in the Lord but out of the Lord none are honoured And they that are Proud and High and Lofty are out of the Lord for that is one of the seven Abominations And here by the Light all Respect of Persons is condemned and the Lord honoured in all and all in him which Light condemns the Language of Babylon and begets into the plain single Language which the Beast-like Nature cannot ●ear nor savour But if you seek to please Men you are not the Servants of Christ Gal. 1. 10. And all you that still follow the Fashions of the World wherein is Excess either in Meat Drink or Apparel you are still alive in the World's Nature being conformed like unto the World and are not obedient unto the Light which convinceth you of the Vanities of the World and the Fashions thereof therefore by the Light in your selves which condemns all that in you which would be exalted and esteemed in the World which would be like the World and have the Praise of the World which is to be condemned with the World by the Light which is not of the World And so Pride comes to be rooted out of the Heart and You crucified to the World by the Light which let you see the Vanity of the World and the Fashions thereof which ●ass away which are not to be Touched Tasted nor Ha●d●ed And all the Customary Words of the World which are by the Light condemned which by the Light are seen to be invented from that Nature which knows not God whereby God is dishonoured who calls to all who will follow him To come out from amongst them and be you separate and touch no Unclean thing and I will receive you saith the Lord. Therefore touch not their Customs but keep out of their Fashions and Traditions for they are all Unclean and own th● Cr●ss and despise the Shame and follow the Light out or Babylon and it will lead you into the pure Religion which is unspotted of the World and so will crucifie you to the World and the World to you But that in you that pleadeth that Scripture Custom to whom Custom that is it which is willing to remain blind in Custom to save its Life which by the Light is declared and condemned with the World which would keep in Friendship with the World and in the Love of the World all which is at Enmity with the Light and is for Condemnation by the Light Therefore to the Light turn your Minds that by it you may judge all such Carnal Ends and Reasonings which would uphold these Carnal Customs contrary to the Light which gave forth the Scripture by which you may see what Custom the Apostle there spake of in Rom. 13. 7. as you may read in Matth. 9. 9. how he sate at the Rec●it of ●ustom but this doth not at all uphold the Customs of the Heathen that are Vain Therefore to the Light take heed that it may be your Teacher and Counsellor that from it alone you may Act and Speak and so will you find the Witness within your selves for what you Act and Do.