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A52174 Spiritual songs, or, Songs of praise to Almighty God upon several occasions Together with the Song of Songs which is Solomons: [F]irst turn'd, then par[ap]hrased in English verse. To which may be added, Penitential cries. Mason, John, 1646?-1694. 1699 (1699) Wing M922A; ESTC R217649 48,183 153

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how to spare It ever lies before mine Eyes It is my constant care But thou O Solomon must have A thousand for thy Gains And those that keep its Fruit may crave Two Hundred for their pains 13. And now farewel thou that Dost dwell In Gardens here below As thy Companions hear thy Voice So let me hear it too The Church 14. Haste my Beloved like a Roe Which soon her course fulfils O that thou wert like a young Hart Upon the Spicy Hills The Paraphrase CHAP. VIII The Church 1. LORD that thou wert as near to me As is my Mothers Son Such freedom should I have with thee As if we both were One I would impart my very Heart To one that was so near VVhose nearness should advance my Love Above all Slavish fear 2. Gods Holy Church my Mother Dear Sould me such Lectures Read I should provide such Heav'nly Chear VVhereon thou lov'st to Feed 3. And then shouldst thou thy Love display The Riches of thy Grace Thy Left Hand then my Head should slay Thy Right my Heart embrace 4. Christs Love my Heart doth so inflame This Charge I needs must give All ye that own his Sacred Name Do not his Spirit grieve Lord leave us not if yet thou wilt VVith Tears we 'll own thy Right But a Departure forc'd by Guilt Makes a Tempestuous Night VVeak Christians 5. VVhat strange Aspiring Souls are those VVhich do this VVorld disdain VVho on their Lord themselves repose Heav'ns Kingdom to obtain The Church Under thine Ordinances Shade I Sought and found thine Aid For there thine Entrance first was made Thy Graces first Conveigh'd 6. Lord bear my Name upon thy Breast Engrave it on thine Heart There let it be so sure possest It thence shall ne're depart For Love like Death doth cast its Dart VVhich wounds me to the quick Thy Presence Lord supports my Heart Thy absence makes it Sick Shouldst thou but seemingly disdain My Heart so deep Engag'd I should be Tortur'd with such pain As could not be asswag'd O Love Me Lord or else I die Thee Lord my Love doth crave My Lord shouldst thou my Love deny My Love would be my Grave My Love doth flame my Jealousie So burns my Heart and Eyes I must embrace my Lord or I Must be Loves Sacrifice 7. Whole Seas of Trouble cannot quench Loves everlasting Fire Though Hell oppose whom I have chose I cannot but Admire None but a Christ none but my Lord No Brides can take with Me A proffer'd World would be abhorr'd A Christ and none but He The Jewish Church 8 Remember the Blind Nations Lord Who in a Dungeon grope And lack the Sun-shine of thy Word Yet Prisn'rs are of Hope When once the Hour of thy Design Hath on these Captives Shone When they are call'd and own'd for Thine What shall be further done Christ 9. If they be constant to my Name And firmly hold my VVord They shall be blest with strength and fame And honour'd by their Lord If they will open at my Call That I with them may dwell I 'll hold them fast and make them last Against the Gates of Hell The Jewish Church 10. Lord I am constant to thy Name And firmly hold thy Word I had a Smile upon the same From my most Gracious Lord. Christ. 11. I nor admire nor imitate Those who their Vineyards Let Who of their Profit do abate That they some Ease may get 12. My Church and Vineyard is alway My care and my Delight I my self keep it every Day And watch it every Night Drest by my Hand watch'd by my Eye Its Fruit to me abounds The Praise of its Fertility Wholly to me redounds 13. My Dearest Church who art compos'd Of divers companies Now we have both our Minds disclos'd I 'll end with this Advice As all thy Members give an Ear Vnto thy Gracious Strain So let Me often from thee hear Vntil we Meet again The Church 14. Ah my dear Saviour pity Me Preserve Me in thy Heart And Oh make hast make hast that we May Meet and never part DIVES AND LAZARUS IN Judah's Vale a Man of Wealth abode Vile as a Beast yet Worship'd as a God Who Tyrian Cloaths and Egypts Linnen-ware And on whose Table met Land Sea and Air. Beneath the Threshold of his Out-most Gate A pale deformed horrid Carcass Sate Another Job But of more Fixed Woes Who from his Dunghil never once arose God Help Me was his Name God was his all Those few that knew him Lazarus him did call Need Pain and Scorn at once did on him lie His Bed was Earth his Covering was the Sky Nothing had he to pay of Natures Scores Empty he was of Bread but full of Sores Hunger that Wrack will make a Man confess What modest Minds endeavour to oppress Sharp Hunger whets the Wit and mends its strain It hurts the Bowels but it helps the Brain A Servant pass'd the Gate where lo he found This Ruful Odject groveling on the Ground Said Lazarus Sir if Pity be my due Give to your Master what I give to you Lazarus his Petition MOst Noble Sir I humbly crave What Nature doth exact from Me I am a Borderer on the Grave Half slain with sharp Necessity For Childrens Bread I do not Call I do not Ask you Servants Fare Only the Sweepings of your Hall I Beg and what your Dogs may spare Doom Me not Sir to perish at your Gate Who may Preserve Me at so Cheap a Rate For Father Judah's sake some Fragments give I 'll serve You at God's Altars whilst I live Dives his Answer WHat Dog is this that dares Presume on Me Accurst be all such Crawling Toads as He Pests of my Gate Vermin that Creep so Nigh I Hate 'em Let Him Rot and Die In vain the poor Mans thoughts pursu'd his Suit The Dogs were humane but their Lord a Brute They left their Snarling to their Masters Face They Ran and Lazarus gently did embrace He was the pity'd Patient of those Hounds Whose lambent Tongues did cool his burning wounds This done the squalid Vassals of the Times Scorn'd ragged Virtue Honour'd purple Crimes Things are mis-judged by the purblind Eye Which views their Posture not their tendency Till Justice ' wakes to right its injur'd Laws Which doth not weigh the Person but the Cause Nor Rags nor Sores are Clouds that can disguise A splendid Soul to Heavens Soul-searching Eyes Earths Laz'rus was Heavens Dives Earths disdain Was a meet Guest for Heaven to entertain Now comes the Golden Hour that sets him free From his Apprenticeship to misery His Corps the Graves old Neighbour long Uddrest At length is slip into its Bed of Rest A Treasure 't is tho' Funeral-costs it wants The Richest Mineral is the Dust of Saints He was his own most serious Mourner here He Mourn'd enough He needs no Hired Tear The time is come that Lazarus must be clad With such fine Linnen Dives never had The time is come that
blest XXI A Song of Praise for the Patience of God 1. ALmighty God how hast thou born Wrongs not to be exprest Daring Rebellion Injur'd Love Light quenched in my Breast Man would be God and down he fell To teach him better Skill Yet he lifts up his bruised Bones Against his Maker still 2. Lord what a Monster is base Man Thus given to Rebel O that thou dost not cleave the Earth And send him quick to Hell His Sins for Wages loudly Cry Justice with dreadful sound Cries too Cut down this fruitless Tree VVhy cumbers it the Ground 3. But God waves his Advantages Of Right and Vengeance too And by his single Patience Doth daring Man out-do The Creature doth disdain his God By whom he is Maintain'd Yet God Maintains this Rebel-worm By whom he is disdain'd 4. Fool ask not where th' Almighty is All Glory to Him give Is not his Power fully prov'd In suffring Thee to Live VVas he not God he could not bear Such VVeights as on him lie VVeak things are quickly set on Fire And to their VVeapons flie 5. VVhy should not Patience make me sing VVhen Hell would make me roar Lord let thy Patience end in Love I 'll sing for evermore XXII A Song of Praise for Pardon of Sin 1. MY God a God of Pardon is His Bosom gives me Ease I have not do not please my God Yet Mercy Him doth please My Sins aloud for Vengeance call But lo a Fountain springs From Christ's pierc'd Side which louder cries And speaketh better things 2. My sins have reach'd up to the Heav'ns But Mercies Height exceeds God's Mercy is above the Heav'ns Above my sinful deeds My sins are many like the Stars Or sands upon the Shore But yet the Mercies of my God Are infinitely more 3. My Sins in bigness do arise Like Mountains Great and Tall But Mercy like a mighty Sea Covers these Mountains all This is a Sea that 's Bottomless A Sea without a Shore For where sin hath abounded much Mercies abound much more 4. Manasseh Paul and Magdalen Were Pardon'd all by Thee I read it and believe it Lord For thou hast pardon'd Me When God shall search the World for sin What trembling will be there O Rocks and Mountains cover us VVill be the Sinners Prayer 5. But the Lamb's wrath they need not fear Who once have felt his Love And they that walk with God below Shall dwell with God above Rage Earth and Hell come Life come Death Yet still my song shall be God was and is and will be good And merciful to Me. XXIII A Song of Praise for Peace of Conscience 1. MY God my reconciled God Creator of my Peace Thee will I love and praise and sing Till Life and Breath shall cease My Thoughts did rage my Soul was tost 'T was like a troubled Sea But what a Mighty Voice is this Which winds and waves obey 2. God spake the word Peace and be still My Sins those Mutineers With speed went off and took their flight Where now are all my fears The VVorld can neither give nor take Nor yet can understand That Peace of God which Christ hath brought And gives me with his Hand 3. This is my Saviour's Legacy Confirm'd by his Decease Ye shall have Trouble in the VVorld In Me ye shall have Peace And so it is the World doth rage And Peace in me doth Reign And whilst my God maintains the Fort Their Batt'ries are in vain 4. The Burning Bush was not consum'd VVhilst God remained there The Three when Christ did make the Fourth Found Fire as weak as Air So is my Mem'ry stufft with Sins Enough to make an Hell And yet my Conscience is not scorch'd For God in Me doth dwell 5. VVhere God doth dwell sure Heav'n is there And Singing there must be Since Lord thy Presence makes my Heaven VVhom should I sing but Thee My God my reconciled God Creator of my Peace Thee will I love and praise and sing Till Life and Breath shall cease XXIV A Song of Praise for Joy in the H. Ghost 1. MY Soul doth magnifie the Lord My Spirit doth rejoyce In God my Saviour and my God I hear his joyful Voice I need not go abroad for Joy VVho have a feast at Home My Sighs are turned into Songs The Comforter is come 2. Down from above the blessed Dove Is come into my Breast To witness God's Eternal Love This is my Heav'nly Feast This makes me Abba Father cry VVith Confidence of Soul It makes me cry my Lord my God And that without Controul 3. There is a Stream which Issues forth From God's Eternal Throne And from the Lamb a living Stream Clear as the Crystal Stone This Stream doth water Paradise It makes the Angels sing One Cordial Drop revives my Heart Hence all my Joys do spring 4. Such Joys as are unspeakable And full of Glory too Such hidden Manna hidden Pearls As worldings do not know Eye hath not seen nor Ear hath heard From Fancy 't is conceal'd VVhat thou Lord hast laid up for thine And hast to me reveal'd 5. I see thy Face I hear thy Voice I taste thy sweetest Love My Soul doth leap but O for wings The Wings of Noah's Dove Then should I Flee far hence away Leaving this world of sin Then should my Lord put forth his Hand And kindly take me in 6. Then should my Soul with Angels Feast On Joys that always last Blest be my God the God of Joy Who gives me here a Taste XXV A Song of Praise for Grace 1. O God of Grace who hast Restor'd Thine Image unto Me Which by my Sins was quite defac'd What shall I render Thee Thine Image and Inscription Lord Upon my Heart I bear Thine own I render unto Thee O God my God most dear 2. My self I owe Thee for my self Whom Thou didst make of Earth But thou hast made me o're again Thou gav'st a Second Birth Twice born and twice endu'd with Life I hast to come to Thee To pay my Vows my Thanks my Heart With all Humility 3. O was I Born first from Beneath And then Born from above Am I a Child of Man and God O Rich and Endless Love When I had broke the Tables Lord New Tables thou didst Hew And with thy Finger didst Engrave Thy Laws on them anew 4. Earth is my Mother Earth my Nurse And Earth must be my Tomb Yet God the God of Heav'n and Earth My Father is become Hell enter'd Me and into Hell I quickly should have Run But O! kind Heav'n laid hold on Me Heav'n is in Me begun 5. This Spark will rise into a Flame This Seed into a Tree My Songs shall rise my Praises shall Loud Hallelujahs be XXVI A Song of Praise for Answer of Prayer 1. WHat are the Heav'ns O God of Heaven Thou art more bright more high What are bright Stars and brighter Saints To thy bright Majesty Thou' rt far above the Songs of Heav'n Sung by the
sick of Love In those blest Hands of his His Left my Souls Support doth prove His Right my Comfort is 7. And whilst his Love doth me enflame Hear what a Charge I give All ye that own his Sacred Name Do not his Spirit grieve He is all Love he is my Love O do not him abuse Do not again put him to pain Dear Christians turn not Jews Lord leave us not yet if thou wilt With Tears we 'll own thy Right But a Departure forc'd by Guilt Makes a Tempestuous Night 8. My dearest Saviours Voice I hear He comes on my account Nothing can stop his full Career No not Corruptions Mount 9. My Lord makes hast from Heav'n to Earth And he himself presents To Men of a polluted Birth By Word and Sacraments Tho' like a Wall our frail Estate Prevents a perfect Sight Yet thro' his Ordinances Grate Dart in some Beams of Light 10. My Lord to me did thus begin Arise my Love and flee From World Flesh Satan Self and Sin O come away to me 11. Time was when thou wast cold and dead An Heir of Wrath thou wast And Vengeance-Storms hung o're thy Head But those sad Days are past 12. The Flowers of Grace begin to spring In Thee so hopefully That all the Heav'nly Quire doth sing Glory to God on High 13. My Church thou art my tender Plant My Dews have nourish'd Thee Now thou art 〈◊〉 mine now thou must grant Thy Fruit thy Self to Me. 14. My heartless Dove why dost thou faint And hide thy self from me Thou know'st not how I love a Saint How welcome thou should'st be Come come before thy Lord appear Thy Person joys my Sight Let me thy Prayers and Praises hear Thy Voice is my Delight 15. Ye Men of God whose Charge it is In God's Courts to attend Restrain those Enemies of his Which do his Church offend 16. Mine through my Faith is my dear Lord His through his Love am I He feeds his People with his Word Which tasts most pleasantly 17. He feeds them with his Word of Grace Till Glories Day appears Which all the Shades away shall chase Of Sins and Griefs and Fears Come Love come Lord come that long day My earnest Expectation Shovel these Days out of the way These Hills of Separation The VERSION CHAP. III. The Church 1. HIM whom my Soul doth love I sought By Night upon my Bed I sought him but I found him not My Souls Delight was fled 2. And slug I here I 'll now arise And go about the Town I 'll search the Streets and broader ways Until I find my own Up did I get and out I went My Dearest to regain But when I had my Labour spent Alas it was in vain 3. The City-watch did light on me Of whom I did enquire In any Street pray Did ye see The Man whom I admire 4. 'T was but a little while that I Had from the Watch-men pass'd But I did find my only Joy And then I held him fast I held and would not let him go Till I had brought him home Into my Mothers House and so Into my Native Room 5. O Salems Daughters you I charge Both by the Roe and Hind Ye do not move nor ' wake my Love Until it be his Mind The Daughters of Jerusalem 6. What smoaky Pillar strait from hence Out of that Desart Rises Perfum'd with Myrrh and Frankincense And all the Merchants Spices The Church 7. Such Ornaments his Bed do grace As Solomons Bed commend Where threescore Men of Israels Race His valiant Guards attend 8. They all hold Swords couragiously They all know how to Fight Each hath his Sword upon his Thigh Because of Fear i' th' Night The Chariot of King Solomon Which for himself he made Was of the Wood of Lebanon Which Silver Pillars had 10. Gold was the bottom and above Rich Purple cover'd it The midst whereof was pav'd with Love For Salems Daughters Fit 11. Look Virgins on King Solomon His Crown so Rich so Gay Wherewith his Mother Crown him on His Joyful Marriage-day The Paraphrase CHAP. III. The Church 1. ONce did I seek my dearest Lord But with a sleepy Mind His presence he did not afford Slack Seekers cannot find 2. Shall I said I forgoe my Christ And so close up mine Eyes No no he was so dearly mist I could not but arise My Bed was Thorus no Bed for me Nothing could give me rest Till I my dearest Lord might see And can upon his Breast VVhen private means could not prevail In publick Him I sought I waited till my Eyes did fail Alas I found him not 3. God's holy VVatchmen did Me find Of whom I did enquire Pray can ye help my troubled Mind VVhich doth a Christ desire O happy Stars if ye might be My Guides to Jesus now Seers did ye my Saviour see Pray tell me where and how Means must be us'd but cannot heal VVithout a Sovereign VVord Christ only can himself reveal And still I lack'd my Lord. 4. One dark Hour more I did sustain And then the Night was past Tho' I had sought so long in vain I found my Lord at last I found my Lord and held him fast And would not let him part My New-found Jesus I embrac'd And Lodg'd Him in my Heart I would not lose my Christ again And gain a Second Hell My Prayers and Tears did him constrain VVithin my Soul to dwell As Clouds are pierc'd with powerful light His Beams thro' me did shine His dear Assemblies saw this Sight And joy'd that Christ was mine 5. Christ's Love my Heart doth so inflame This Charge I needs must give All ye that own his Sacred Name Do not his Spirit grieve He is all Love he is my Love O do not him abuse Do not again put him to pain Dear Christians turn not Jews Lord leave us not yet if thou wilt With Tears we 'll own thy Right But a Departure forc'd by Guilt Makes a Tempestuous Night Weak Believers 6. What Heav'nly Souls from Earth arise And do at Heav'n aspire They mount they soar they fix their Eyes On God their chief Desire Earths Wilderness they nobly scorn Whilst others Rake for it Heav'ns Graces them do so Adorn That they for Heav'n are fit The Church 7. Admire not me but my dear Lord Whose Bosom gives me rest Whose Angels watch with one accord That none should me molest 8. These Heav'nly Guards are full of might And ready do they stand For to defend his Churches Right When he shall them command When Darkness breeds tormenting Fear Then help comes from on High A strengthing Angel doth appear Amidst that Agony 9. Heav'n is the High and Glorious Throne Of my most Glorious Lord Who yet on Earth Rides up and down I' th' Chariot of his Word 10. His Word is rich and strong and pure As all his Saints do prove VVho of its true Intent are sure And find it 's Heart is Love 11. Go ye that own the Highest Name
Behold a Glorious Shew How the Almighty spreads his Fame And what his VVord can do This mighty King Rides Conquering His Word goes forth with Might VVhich wooes and wins the Slaves of Sin Both by its Force and Light Those Slaves their Hellish Lords forsake And Christ do humbly own And as his Spouse he them doth take And wears them as his Crown Great was their Need greater his Love Than their Necessity As well they may glad do they prove But not so glad as He. The VERSION CHAP. IV. Christ. 1. LO thou art Fair my only Love My Love lo thou art Fair Thine Eyes are like those of the Dove Within thy Locks of Hair Thy Hairy Locks are like Goats Flocks Which from Mount Gilead look 2. So are thy Teeth like well-shorn Sheep Come from the Washing Brook They Pregnant are as well as Fair For Fruit as well as View For each of them her Twins doth bear There 's ●ot one barren Ewe 3. Thy Lips are like a Scarlet-thread Thy Speech is sweet and fine Within thy Locks thy Temples Red Like broke Pomegranate shine 4. Thy Neck is like to David's Tower Strong built and raised high A thousand Shields for Men of Power Hang in that Armory 5. Thy two Breasts are like two young Roes Well shap'd and well agreed For they are loving Twins and those Among the Lillies feed 6. Vntil the Day have chas'd away The Dusky Shades I will Betake me to the Mount of Myrrh And to the Incense-Hill 7. All over fair my Love thou art And so thou seem'st to me There is not one uncomly Part Not one dark Spot in Thee 8. Come Love with me from Lebanon From Lebanon with me Since Thou and I are joyn'd in One Thy Lebanon I 'll be From Shenirs Top from Hermon book And from Amana high Those Lions Dens must be forsook And where the Leoparc's lie 9. My Spouse my Sister thou hast Gain'd A perfect Victory Over my Heart by thy bright chain And by thy Brighter Eye 10. How fair and pleasant is thy Love My dearest spause to Me O how I prize it far above The Richest wines that be O how my Sisters Ointments smell What sweetness do they yield This pleasant scent doth far Excel The sweet Arabian Field 11. Thy Lips drop like the Honey comb There Milk with Honey Flows I smell the smel●s of Lebanon from The Garments of my Spouse 12. My Sister and my Spouse is Veil'd That she may be suppos'd A Spring shut up a Fountain seal'd A Garden well enclos'd 13. Thou hast a pleasant Nursery Where sweet Pomegranates grow And Fruits which please both Taste and Eye Thereto the Spices flow 14. As Camphire Spikenard Calamus Saffron and Cynamon Myrrh Aloes and Incense Trees With each Spice of Renown 15. A Garden Fountain is my Love A Living Well is She Like Lebanons Streams which swiftly move And down to Jordan flee The Church 16. Am I a Garden Then O North Awake and on it Breath Thy quickning Breath will summon forth The Odours from Beneath Am I a Garden Then O South Come on this Garden blow One Sovereign Blast out of thy Mouth vvill make its Spices flow Then then into his Paradise Let my Beloved come And eat his Fruits and get his Spice And count himself at home The Paraphrase CHAP. IV. Christ 1. Mr Dearest Church I do admire The Beauties of thy Mind So Meek so Harmless so Entire So Loyal and so Kind Ev'n thy Profession I esteem Because it springs from Grace Which makes Thee yet more comely seem As Hair adorns the Face 2. Thy Pastors which prepare thy Food Do in their Minds agree Their Lives and Doctrines both are good And bring much Fruit to me 3. Thy Speech so season'd is with Grace That many Hearts it moves And Graces colour in thy Face It s great Advantage proves 4. Thy Faith which joyns thee to thy Head Doth shield thine inward parts This Shield hath oft extinguished The Devil's Fiery Darts 5. The two Breasts of thy Testaments Most friendly do accord Which Nourishment and sweet content To new Born Babes afford The Cries of a Distressed Soul These Breasts of Comfort still These Breasts make glad whom Sin makes sad These Breasts the Hungry Fill. 6. The Word is here the Churches Fare And Faith the Churches Light Till Shades give way to Glories Day Then shall she live by Sight Mean-while my Gracious Presence shall Her dear Assemblies fill Her Prayers shall be most sweet to me Sweet as the Incense-Hill Mean-while my Glorious Presence shall Fill Heav'n that Holy Ground Where Cherubims and Seraphims Their Hallelujahs sound 7. My dearest Church how clear art thou On whom no sin remains My Blood apply'd hath purify'd Thee from thy Guilts and stains Thou art to me as white as Snow And tho' thou finnest still Grace keeps thee in thou canst not sin With full consent of Will 8. Let my Fair Glories thee intice To come along with me Forsake thine Earthly Paradise Thy Paradise I 'll be Birth Pleasures Riches Friends and Fame Are all summ'd up in Me. O that thou knew'st how good I am Come now and tast and see The World 's an howling Wilderness Fill'd with the Beasts of Prey Whilst that they Rage Roar and Oppress On Canaan fix thine Eye 9. My Heaven-born Spouse whom I embrace My Joy and Crown thou art Thine Eye of Faith thy Chain of Grace Have overcome my Heart 10. My Dearest Spouse of Heav'nly Birth Thy Love is more to Me Than all the Pleasures of the Earth And sweet thy Graces be 11. Thy Speeches in thy Heart are bred And sweetly do they flow Thy works do such a savour spread As Lebanons Spices do 12. Disguised to the World thou go'st Heav'n in a Mystery To me thou Run'st to me thou Flow'st None knows thy worth but I As thou art mine so I am thine My Love doth guard thy Heart Thy Heart 's with me my Love 's with thee My Church how safe thou art 13 14. My Church thou art a Paradise Where Fruits and Spices grow Fair are thy Fruits and from thy Spice Thy sweetest Odours flow Thy tender Plants thy Children are Their Graces Fruits and Spice I am the Tree of Life in Thee My Church my Paradise 15. Thou art a Spring which to thy Plants D●st thy pure Streams derive Vnder thine Eye and Ministry Thy Blest Assemblies thrive The Church 16. My Lord if I a Garden am Then let thy Spirit blow And with its Gales refresh the same And make my Graces flow And when thy Spirit thus hath blown And I do flourish most Then let my Dearest Lord come down And feed upon his Cost So poor I am so great thou art The Lord how can I Feast Furnish the Table of my Heart Then come and be my Guest The VERSION CHAP. V. Christ. 1. I 'M come into a Paradise My Sister and my Spouse I 've gather'd of my Myrrh and Spice VVhich in my Garden grows
My Honey Comb and Honey too Have been my sweet Repast My Wine my Milk which here do flow Have chear'd my Heart and Tast My Friends and dear Companions Come Feast your selves with Me Drink O my Welbeloved Ones Yea Drink abundantly The Church 2. I sleep but yet my Heart doth wake Heark my Beloved One Doth Knock and Call I can't mistake His Knock his Tread his Tone Open to Me my Fathers Child Open to Me my Love Open to me my Undefil'd Open to me my Dove Open to me that wait for Thee My Head is fill'd with Dew And all my Locks with Ev'ning Drops Let 's have an Enterview 3. My Coat is off and how shall I Put on my Coat again Should I come o're the Dusty Floor My washed Feet to stain 4. My Dearest then by the key-hole His willing Hand did move Which when I did perceive my Soul Was touch'd with Grief and Love 5. Rowz'd by this Passion I did stir And answer'd to his Call My Hands and Fingers drop'd with Myrrh Which from the Lock did fall 6. Then did I open to my Dear But he alas was gone He whom I did so lately hear Methoughts I was undone I sought him whom my Soul ador'd But him I could not have I call'd and cry'd my Love my Lord But He no answer gave 7. Then did the cruel City-VVatch Smite Me and wound Me sore The Keepers of the VVall did snatch Away the Veil I wore 8. O Daughters of Jerusalem I charge You if Ye find My Glorious Dear that he may hear My Love afflicts my Mind The Daughters of Jerusalem 9. What Jewel is this Dear of thine O Fairest let us know Wherein does thine Others out-shine That thou dost charge us so The Church 10. My dear Delight is Red and VVhite The Lilly and the Rose So sweet a Grace adorns his Face Ten thousand he out-goes 11. His Head is like the Finest Gold And curled Locks doth wear VVhich do the Ravens Colour hold So comely is his Hair 12. His Eyes are like the Eyes of Doves VVhich on the Banks are met And do the streams of VVater love Milk-washt and fitly set 13. His Cheeks are like a spicy Bed VVhere all Perfumes do meet His Lips like Lillies whence is shed The Myrrh that smells so sweet 14. His Hands are like the Chrysolite In Rings of Gold display'd His Belly is like Ivory bright VVith Sapphires overlaid 15. His Legs like Marble Pillars are On Golden Sockets set His Face like Lebanon is most Fair Like Cedars most compleat His Mouth is most exceeding Sweet Yea he is wholly so Down from his Head unto his Feet VVith Sweetness he doth flow O Salems Daughters This is He Of whom ye did enquire This is the Friend that loveth Me This is my Hearts desire The Paraphrase CHAP. V. Christ 1. MY Love my Dearest hath Me brought Whither thou didst Invite Thy Graces which my Hand hath wrought Have been my Souls delight Thou art a Vine which with thy VVine Both God and Man dost chear Feed on the Fruits prepar'd in Thee A constant Feast is there The Church 2. Such drowsiness doth me possess I live and yet I die Some Life I have no Liveliness How dark and cold am I Here in the dark and deep I grope Who us'd to live above Where is my Faith Where is my Hope Where is my wonted Love It is no Strangers Voice I hear I know it is my Lords He knocks both at my Heart and Ear These are his loving words Open to Me my Fathers Child Open to Me my Love Open to Me my Undefil'd Open to Me my Dove My Gracious Patience hath stood Long waiting at thy Door Fain would I enter for thy good Slight not thy Saviour 3. One would have thought such melting words Should break an heart of Steel But I Alas so stupid was Their Force I did not feel My Answer was to this Effect Lord now I am at ease And Lord if I should Thee respect My Friends I should displease Thy Service Lord would cost me dear The World would me molest Thy heavy Cross how can I bear Do not disturb my Rest 4. My Lord to this made no Reply Only on Me he cast A sad and a Rebuking Eye On which this sense I pass'd Dost thou my Patience thus requite To make it longer bear Dost all my Love and Sufferings slight I look'd for better Fare This stirr'd my Love my Grief and shame Which put me to such pain 5. That I resolv'd whatever came To own my Christ again Accurst Temptations be ye gone And do not me restrain Satan Avaunt let Me alone I 'll have my Christ again This Resolution gave some Ease To my distressed Mind My Griefs did then begin to cease VVhen I to Christ inclin'd 6. But when I did my self address My Saviour to embrace Alas for my Unworthiness My Saviour hid his Face For He is Great as well as Good And will not be disdain'd Then his kind words which I withstood My Conscience sorely pain'd O then I wish'd a thousand times That I had been so wise To shake off my Security VVhen Christ bade Me arise I sought him daily in his VVord But him I could not have I call'd and cry'd My Love my Lord But he no Answer gave 7. Earth did oppress whom Heav'n forsook Nothing but Griefs I found For they who to my Soul should look My Soul did pierce and wound Their words and deeds did both conspire To grieve my grieved heart Their Scorns and Jears were Swords Spears VVhich did increase my Smart But still my greatest wound was here My Lord I could not find Had I my Lord I should not care Tho' others prov'd unkind 8. Another Course I straightways took I did repair to those VVho Sion wards do often look And did my Case propose Blest Souls said I who oft attend At the Almighties Court My Case to you I do commend That you may it report A Lord I have or rather had My VVelbeloved one His Presence us'd to make me glad But Ah my Lord is gone If when you pray he should acquaint You with his Love and Grace Tell him from me my Heart doth faint And Languish for his Face 9. VVho is said they this Lord of thine O Fairest let us know VVherein does thine others out-shine That thou dost Charge us so 10. My dearest Lord is VVhite and Red VVhite thro' his Purity Red thro' his Blood which he did shed For such an one as I VVas he not Red but only White The Lilly not the Rose He might delight the Angels Sight But I am none of those Was he not White but only Red A Sufferer for his sin His Blood would rest upon his head Nor could I Joy therein But my dear Lord is White and Red This Mixture pleaseth me For for my sins he suffered When he from sin was free What a reviving sight is this A righteous Saviour's Blood The Bath of Sin the Spring of
Spiritual Songs OR Songs of Praise TO Almighty God Upon several Occasions Together with The SONG of SONGS Which is SOLOMON's First Turn'd then Paraphrased in English Verse To which may be added Penitential Cries The Sixth Edition Corrected With an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus LONDON Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheap-side near Mercers Chappel 1699. THE PREFACE OUR Blessed Saviour immediately before he went out to Suffer Sung an Hymn and his Disciples Sung with Him a●e to his Ascension into Heaven the Apostles S●ng the Praises of God and Taught others to 〈◊〉 so After them Primitive Christians Sum and so must the Christians of this time 〈…〉 should hold their Peace the Stones would immediately Cry out Should we be Si●●nt even the Heathens might shame us One 〈◊〉 said formerly to his Friends If I was 〈◊〉 Nightingale I would Sing like a Nightingale But now I am a Man I will Sing the Praises of God as long as I Li●e I would have you to Sing with 〈◊〉 Sing we then heartily to our good God as it 〈◊〉 becometh us so dear to us should the Concernment of God's Honour be that should Solemnly own his Goodnes● Power at Wisdom even in those Works of His where we have no special Interest For this we ha● the Example of Holy David ●nd ●thers B●● if we have not attained to so divine a Fran●●et we should at least praise God for our o● Mercies which are scarce Mercies scarce 〈◊〉 if they be not Thankfully acknowledge to Him that gave Them some of which 〈◊〉 taken Notice of in the First Part of the B●● But who can express the Noble Acts of 〈◊〉 Lord or shew forth all his Praises Solomon● Song is an Heavenly 〈◊〉 course betwixt Christ and his Church and how he loves Her● How he extols H●● H●● he 〈◊〉 Her 〈◊〉 be rejoyce 〈…〉 Her It is a thing which cannot be duly tho●g 〈◊〉 upon without an Holy Astonishment as is 〈◊〉 Majesty● so is his Mercy so is his Love 〈◊〉 Joy Hence it is that the day of his Espou●●ls 〈◊〉 d●y that 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 with infinite Happiness it 's styled the day 〈…〉 Glad●●ss of his Heart Ch. 5. 〈◊〉 In the Version I Look'd at the Words In the Paraphrase at the Spiritual Sense In the whole at the Edification of those that Love our Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing Let Heaven and Earth praise him let Saints and Angels praise Him Let God's Holy Church throughout all the World praise Him Let all the Tongues and Tribes of the Earth praise Him Let Time praise Him Let Eternity praise Him Let our Lips and our Lives praise Him Let our Souls praise Him And O may they be a Praise to the Riches of his Grace for ever THE Contents of the First Part. I. A General Song of Praise to Almighty God II. Another III. A Song of Praise for Creation IV. A Song of Praise for Preservation V. A Song of Praise for Provision VI. A Song of Praise for Protection VII A Song of Praise for Health VIII A Song of Praise for Family-prosperity IX A Song of Praise for good Success in Honest Affairs X. A Song of Praise for the Morning XI A Song of Praise for the Evening XII A Song of Praise for the Birth of Christ XIII A Song of Praise for Christ XIV A Song of Praise for Redemption XV. A Song of Praise for the Gospel XVI A Song of Praise for a Gospel-Ministry XVII A Song of Praise for Holy Baptism XVIII A Song of Praise for the Lord's Supper XIX A Song of Praise for the Lord's Day XX. Another XXI A Song of Praise for the Patience of God XXII A Song of Praise for the Pardon of Sin XXIII A Song of Praise for peace of Conscience XXIV A Song of Praise for Joy in the H. Ghost XXV A Song of Praise for Grace XXVI A Song of Praise for Answer of Prayer XXVII A Song of Praise for Deliverance from Enemies XXVIII A Song of Praise for Deliverance from spiritual Troubles XXIX A Song of Praise for Deliverance from imminent danger of Death XXX A Song of Praise for the Hope of Glory XXXI A Song of Praise Collected out of the Book of Psalms XXXII Another XXXIII A Song of Praise collected from the Doxologies in the Revelation of St. John BOOKS printed for Tho. Parkhurst A Body of Practical Divinity consisting of one Hundred Seventy Six Sermons on the lesser Carechism of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster with a Supplement of some Serm●ns on several Texts of Scripture by Tho● Watson formerly Minister of St. Stephens Walbrook Recommended by several Eminent Divines to Masters of Families and others Sacramental Hymns collected chiefly from such Passages of the New Testament as contain the most su●table matter of Divine Praise● in the Celebration of the Lords Supper t● which is added one Hymn relating to Baptism and another to the Ministry By Jos Boys● Minister of the Gospel Penitential Cries in Thirty two Hymns by John Mason M. A. and Author of the Songs o● Praise Six hundred Select Hymns and Spiritua● Songs collected out of the Bible together with a Catechism the Canticles and a Catalogue of Virtuous Women by W. Bartam A. M. The Psalms of David in Metre newly translated and diligently compared with the original Text and former Translations more plain smooth agreeable to the Text than any heretofore Recommended by Tho. Manton J. Owen VVilliam Jenkyn Tho. Watson Tho. Lye Matth. Pool Matthew Me●d Tho. Doolittle Tho. Vincent Nath. Vincent VVill. Carslake Rich. May● and divers other Eminent Divines Songs of Praise to Almighty God upon several Occasions I. A General Song of Praise to Almighty God 1. HOW shall I Sing that Majesty Which Angels do admire Let Dust in Dust and Silence lie Sing Sing ye Heavenly Quire Thousands of Thousands stand Around Thy Throne O God most High Ten Thousand times Ten Thousand sound Thy Praise but who am I 2. Thy Brightness unto them appears Whilst I thy Footsteps trace A Sound of God comes to my Ears But they behold thy Face They Sing because thou art their Sun Lord send a Beam on me ●or where Heaven is but once begun There Hallelujahs be 3. Enlighten with Faiths Light my Heart Enflame it with Loves Fire Then shall I Sing and bear a part With that Celestial Quire I shall I fear be dark and cold With all my Fire and Light Yet when thou dost accept their Gold Lord Treasure up my Mite 4. How great a Being Lord is thine Which doth all Beings keep Thy Knowledge is the only Line To found so vast a Deep Thou art a Sea without a Shore A Sun without a Sphere Thy Time is now and evermore Thy place is every where 5. How good art thou whose Goodness is
Our Parent Nurse and Guide Whose Streams do water Paradise And all the Earth beside Thine Upper and Thine Nether Springs Make both thy Worlds to thrive Under thy warm and sheltering Wings Thou keep'st two Broods alive 6. Thy Arm of Might most mighty King Both Rocks and Hearts doth break My God thou canst do every thing But what would shew thee weak Thou canst not Cross thy self or be Less than thy self or poor But whatsoever pleaseth Thee That canst thou do and more 7. Who would not fear thy Searching Eye Witness to all that 's true Dark Hell and deep Hypocrisie Lie plain before its View Motions and Thoughts before they grow Thy Knowledge doth Espy What unborn Ages are to do Is done before thine Eye 8. Thy Wisdom which both makes and mends We ever much Admire Creation all our Wit Transcends Redemption rises Higher Thy Wisdom guides stray'd Sinners home 'T will make the dead World rise And bring those Prisoners to their Doom Its Paths are Mysteries 9. Great is thy Truth and shall prevail To Unbelievers shame Thy Truth and Years do never sail Thou ever art the same Unbelief is a Raging wave Dashing against a Rock If God doth not his Israel Save Then let Egyptians mock 10. Most pure and Holy are thine Eyes Most Holy is thy Name Thy Saints and Laws and Penalties Thy Holyness proclaim This is the Devils scourge and sting This is the Angels Song Who Holy Holy Holy Sing In Heavenly Canaan's Tongue 11. Mercy that shining Attribute The Sinners Hope and Plea Huge Hosts of Sins in their Pursuit Are drown'd in thy Red Sea Mercy is God's Memorial And in all Ages prais'd My God thine only Son did fall That Mercy might be Rais'd 12. Thy bright Back parts O God of Grace I Humbly here Adore Shew me thy Glory and thy Face That I may praise Thee more Since none can see thy Face and live For me to die is best Through Jordan's streams who would not dive To Land at Canaan's Rest Another 1. WHat shall I Render to my God For all his Gifts to Me Sing Heav'n and Earth rejoyce and praise His Glorious Majesty Bright Cherubims sweet Seraphims Praise Him with all your might Praise praise Him all ye Hosts of Heav'n Praise him ye Saints in Light 2. Ye blessed Patriachs praise the Lord For his First-fruits are ye Bless'd Prophets who dreamt here of God Praise Him whom now you see Offer to God ye glorious Priests Your Sacrifice of Praise Sweet Psalmists now your Hearts are Fixt Your tuneful Voices raise 3. Yet twelve Apostles of the Lamb Who here proclaim'd your King And Fill'd this World with holy Sounds Loud Hallelujahs Sing Triumphant Martyrs ye did Fight And Fighting ye did fall And falling ye took up a Crown Crown Him who Crown'd you all 4. Praise praise Him all ye saved Ones From whom Salvation came Praise Him that Sits upon the Throne And Praise the Glorious Lamb. Praise praise him all ye Saints below Praise him both East and West Praise him all ye Baptized Lands Praise whom you have Profess'd 5. O Praise Him all ye Crowned Heads That own the Christian Name Praise Him who is the King of Kings Raise and Enlarge his Fame Praise Him all Christian Magistrates Gain Credit to his Ways Praise Him ye Ministers of God Teach Others Him to Praise 6. Praise Him our Famous Christian Isle Praise him with one accord Let every Tongue let every Tribe Be taught to Praise the Lord Praise Him my Friends and Kindred all O Praise Him all your Days My Mind and Heart my Lip and Life Joyn to advance his Praise 7. O Let me praise thee whilst I live And praise thee when I dye And praise thee when I rise again And to Eternity Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost The Father sent his Son The Son sends forth the Holy Ghost For Mens Salvation 8. Mysterious depths of Endless Love Our Admirations raise My God thy Name exalted is Far above all our Praise III. A Song of Praise for Creation 1. THou wast O God and thou wast Blest Before the World begun Of thine Eternity possest Before Time's Glass did Run Thou needest none thy Praise to Sing As if thy Joy could Fade Could'st thou have needed any thing Thou could'st have nothing made 2. Great and Good God it pleased Thee Thy God-head to declare And what thy Goodness did decree Thy Greatness did prepare Thou spak'st and Heaven and Earth Appear'd And Answer'd to thy Call As if their Makers Voice they heard Which is the Creatures ALL. 3. Thou spak'st the Word most mighty Lord Thy Word went forth with Speed Thy Will O Lord it was thy Word Thy Word it was thy Deed Thou brought'st forth Adam from the Ground And Eve out of his Side Thy Blessings made the Earth abound With these Two multiply'd 4. Those three great Leaves Heav'n Sea Land Thy Name in Figures shew Bruites feel the Bounty of thy Hand But I my Maker know Should not I here thy Servant be VVhose Creatures serve me here My Lord whom should I fear but Thee VVho am thy Creatures Fear 5. To whom Lord should I Sing but thee The Maker of my Tongue Lo other Lords would Seize on Me But I to thee belong As Waters haste unto their Sea And Earth unto its Earth So let my Soul return to Thee From whom it had its Birth 6. But ah I 'am fallen in the Night And cannot come to thee Yet speak the Word Let there be Light It shall Enlighten me And let thy Word most Mighty Lord Thy Fallen Creature raise O make me o're again and I Shall Sing my Makers praise IV. A Song of Praise for Preservation 1. THou Lord who raised'st Heaven and Earth Dost make thy Building stand The Weight whereof doth wholly Rest On thine Almighty Hand Should'st thou withdraw thy Hand of might The Earth would quit its place The shining Heaven would vanish streight Into meer empty Space 2. For as that Liquors Scent remains Which first the Cask did Fill So Feeble Creatures hold the Scent Of their first nothing still Lord what is Man that Child of Pride That boasts his High degree If one poor moment he be Left He Sinks and where is He 3. In Thee I Live and Move and am Thou deal'st me out my days As thou renew'st my Being Lord Let me renew thy Praise From thee I am through thee I am And for thee I must be 'T is better for me not to live Than not to live to thee 4. My God thou art my glorious Sun By whose bright Beams I shine As thou Lord ever art with Me Let me be ever thine Thou art my living Fountain Lord Whose streams on me do flow My self I render unto thee To whom my self I owe. 5. As thou Lord an Immortal Soul Has t Breathed into me So let my Soul be Breathing forth Immortal Thanks to Thee V. A Song of Praise for Provision 1. COme let us praise our
Masters Hand Which gives us daily Bread Thy House my Lord is full of Guests Thy Table Richly Spread Earth is thy Table where thy Guests Do daily Sit and Feed Thy Hand Carves every one his part And suffers None to need 2. Naked came I into the World And nothing with me brought And nothing have I here deserv'd Yet have I lacked Nought I do not Bless my Labouring Hand My Labouring Head or Chance Thy Providence most Gracious God Is mine Inheritance 3. Thy Bounty gives me Bread with Peace A Table free from Strife Thy Blessing is the Staff of Bread Which is the Staff of Life The People Sate in Companies My Saviour Fed them all So all the Families of the Earth Have Tables in Gods Hall 4. The Vine and Olive Branches too Are nourished by thy Care Mercies we Eat Mercies we Drink Mercies we daily wear Shall I repine against my God That kept me all my days Then let my Tongue forget to taste When it forgets to praise VI. A Song of Praise for Protection 1. MY God my only Help and Hope My strong and sure Defence For all my Safety and my Peace I bless thy Providence The daily Favours of my God I cannot Sing at large Yet let me make this Holy Boast I am the Almighties Charge 2. Lord in the day thou art about The Paths wherein I tread And in the Night when I lye down Thou art about my Bed I travel thro' the Wilderness Free from the Beasts of prey The Wolves and Lions Mouths are stop'd The Serpents creep away 3. In Preservation God Creates Delivers in Protection Lord every Moment of my Life Is like a Resurrection ● thousand Deaths I daily ' scape I pass by many a Pit I Sail by many dreadful Rocks Where others have been split 4. I see blind People with mine Eyes To Hospitals I walk ● hear of them that cannot hear And of the Dumb I talk Lord what am I that thou should'st shew Such Favour unto me My Bones and Senses all must say Lord who is like to thee VII A Song of Praise for Health 1. HEalth is a Jewel dropt from Heav'n Which Money cannot buy The Life of Life the Bodies Peace And pleasant Harmony Lord who hath Tun'd my outward Man To such a lively Frame Skrew up my Heart-strings all to make Sweet Melody to thy Name 2. Whilst Others in God's Prisons lie Bound with Afflictions Chains I walk at large secure and free From Sickness and from Pains Their Life is Death their Language groans Their Meat is Juice of Galls Their Friends but strangers wealth but want Their Houses Prison-walls 3. Their earnest Cries do pierce the Skies And shall I silent be Lord was I sick as I am well Thou should'st have heard from me The Sick have not more cause to pray Than I to praise my King Since Nature teaches them to groan Let Grace teach me to sing 4. I see my Friends I taste my Meat I 'm free from my Employ But when I do enjoy my God Then I my self enjoy Lord who dost set me on my Feet Direct me in thy ways O Crown thy Gift of Health with Grace And turn it to thy Praise VIII A Song of Praise for Family-Prosperity 1. THy Blessing Lord doth multiply One Jacob to two Bands One Person to a Family Which through thy Blessing stands On all my Flock both great and small Thy Sun doth Sweetly Shine Thy fruitful drops do gently fall On every Branch of mine 2. Thy Blessing made the Loaves to grow And Multitudes were Fed. My House is Fill'd and Feasted too It is an House of Bread How can I hear my Children Sing And not Sing unto thee Since they glad News from Heav'n do bring My God must hear from me 3. Mine Olive Branches and my Vine Thrive by my Tables Side Whilst others wither and decline Who in Deaths Shade abide With Cov'nant Blood my Posts are Red 'T is on my Lintle found 〈◊〉 Lo the Line of Scarlet Thread Is on my Window bound 4. 'T is not my God my self alone But mine to Thee I owe Thou mad'st me many out of one So let thy Praises grow Whatever Lord is done to thine Thou count'st it done to thee And whatsoever's done to mine I Count it done to Me. 5. Let me be ever good to thine Who art so good to me Let thine be mine and mine be thine And they twice mine shall be Then shall my House a Temple be Then I and mine shall Sing Hosanna's to thy Majesty And praise our Heavenly King IX A Song of Praise for good Success in honest Affairs 1. IS not the Hand of God in this Is not this End divine Lord of Success Thee will I bless Who on my Paths do'st shine I Reap the Fruit of God's Design By Him it was foreseen He thought of this as well as I Or it had never been 2. I Blindly guess'd but he foreknew I wish'd he did Command Wherefore I praise his careful Eye And his Unerring Hand The Bow is draw by feeble Arms Aim taken in the Dark A Providential Hand doth Guide The Arrow to the Mark. 3. Except the Lord the City keep The Watchmen will be slain Except the Lord do build the House The Builder Builds in Vain Buildings are Babels Cities Heaps When thou send'st Curse or Flame And labouring Heads that promise Fruit Oft bring forth Wind and Shame 4. But thou hast Crown'd my Actions Lord With good Success to day This Crown together with my self At thy blest Feet I lay Lord who art pleas'd to prosper Me To bless me in my ways Prosper my weak endeavouring Heart Which Aimeth at thy Praise X. A Song of Praise for the Morning 1. MY God was with me all this Night And gave Me sweet Respose My God did watch even whilst I slept O● I had never Rose How many groan'd and wish'd for Sleep Until they wish'd for day Meas'ring slow Hours with their quick pains Whilst I securely lay 2. Whilst I did sleep all dangers slept No Thieves did me affright Those Evening Wolves Those Beasts of prey Disturbers of the Night No Raging Flames nor Storms did Rend The House that I was in I heard no dreadful Cries without No doleful Groans within 3. What Terrours have I ' Scap'd this Night Which have on Others Fell My Body might have slept its last My Soul have wak'd in Hell Sweet Rest had gain'd that Strength to Me Which Labour did Devour My Body was in weakness Sown But it is Rais'd in power 4. Lord for the Mercies of the Night My humble Thanks I pay And unto Thee I dedicate The first Fruits of the day Let this day praise Thee O my God And so let all my days And O let mine Eternal Day Be thine Eternal praise XI A Song of Praise for the Evening 1. NOW from the Altar of my Heart Let Incense Flames arise Assist me Lord to offer up Mine Evening Sacrifice Awake my Love Awake my Joy Awake my
Heart and Tongue Sleep not when Mercies loudly call Break forth into a Song 2. Man's Life 's a Book of History The Leaves thereof are Days The Letters Mercies closely Joyn'd The Title is thy Praise This day God was my Sun and Shield My keeper and my Guide His care was on my Frailty shewn His Mercies multiply'd 3. Minutes and Mercies multiply'd Have made up all this day Minutes came quick but Mercies were More Fleet and Free than they New time new Favours and new Joys Do a new Song require Till I shall praise Thee as I would Accept my Hearts desire 4. Lord of my Time whose Hand hath Set New Time upon my Score Then shall I praise for all my Time When Time shall be no more XII A Song of Praise for the Birth of Christ. 1. AWay dark thoughts Awake my Joy Awake my Glory Sing Sing Songs to Celebrate the Birth Of Jacobs God and King O happy Night that brought forth Light Which makes the Blind to see The day-Spring from on High came down To Chear and Visit Thee 2. The wakeful Shepherds near their Flocks Were watching for the Morn But better News from Heav'n was brought Your Saviour Christ is Born In Bethlem-Town the Infant Lies Within a place obscure O Little Bethlem poor in VValls But Rich in Furniture 3. Since Heaven is now come down to Earth Hither the Angels Fly Heark how the Heavenly Quire doth Sing Glory to God 〈◊〉 High The News is spread the Church is glad Simeon o'recome with Joy Sings with the Infant in his Arms Now let thy Servant die 4. Wise Men from far beheld the Star Which was their faithful Guide Until it pointed forth the Babe And him they glorified Do Heaven and Earth Rejoyce and Sing Shall we our Christ deny He 's Born for us and we for Him Glory to God on High XIII A Song of Praise for Christ 1. I 'VE found the Pearl of greatest price My Heart doth Sing for Joy Sing I must a Christ I have what a Christ have I Christ is the Way the Truth and Life The Way to God and Glory Life to the Dead the Truth of Types The Truth of Ancient Story 2. Christ is a Prophet Priest and King A Prophet full of Light A Priest that stands 'twixt God and Man A King that Rules with Might Christ's Manhood is a Temple where The Altar God doth Rest My Christ he is the Sacrifice My Christ He is the Priest 3. My Christ He is the Lord of Lords He is the King of Kings He is the Son of Righteousness With Healing in his Wings My Christ He is the Tree of Life Which in God's Garden grows Whose Fruits do Feed whose Leaves do Heal My Christ is Sharons Rose 4. Christ is my Meat Christ is my Drink My Physick and my Health My Peace my Strength my Joy my Crown My Glory and my Wealth Christ is my Father and my Friend My Brother and my Love My Head my Hope my Counsell● My Advocate above 5. My Christ he is the Heaven of Heaven My Christ what shall I call My Christ is first my Christ is last My Christ is All in All. XIV A Song of Praise for Redemption 1. O That I had an Angels Tongue That I might loudly Sing The Wonders of Redeeming Love To Thee my God and King But Man who at the Gates of Hell Did Pale and Speechless Lye Must find a Tongue and Time to speak Or else the Stones will cry 2. Let the Redeemed of the Lord Their thankful Voices raise Can we be Dumb whilst Angels Sing Our great Redeemers Praise Come let us joyn with Angels then Glory to God on High Peace upon Earth Good Will to Men Amen Amen say I. 3. 〈◊〉 Adam's Race was Sathans prey 〈◊〉 And Dust the Serpent's Food 〈◊〉 that were doom'd to be devour'd 〈◊〉 naked and Trembling stood A VVise Eternal Pity then Did helpless Man befriend Our Help did in God's Bosom Lie And thence it did descend 4. Love Cloathed with Humility Built here an House of Clay In which it dwelt and Rescu'd Man The Devil lost his prey The spiteful Serpent bruis'd Christ's Heel But then Christ brake his Head And left Him Nail'd upon the Cross On which his Blood was shed 5. Sing and triumph in boundless Grace VVhich thus hath set thee free Extol with shouts my saved Soul Thy Saviours Love to thee Give Endless Thanks to God and say VVhat Love was this in thee That thou hast not with held thy Son Thine only Son from Me 6. VVhat were Ten Thousand Worlds to him Thine Image and Delight Had we been all cast down to Hell Justice had had its Right Thy Glory might have been distrain'd Our Torments should Express Thy Pureness Justice Might and Truth And Everlastingness 7. Thus Lord thy dreadful Attributes Man might have serv'd to prove Thy Glorious Angels would have Sung The Riches of thy Love Would'st thou have active Worshippers Besides the Angels Quire Millions had Issu'd at thy Word As Sparks arise from Fire 8. Mans Room had quickly been Supply'd For Lord at thy Command A New Creation should appear Thy Grace could make them stand Or would'st thou shew thy pity Lord Thou might'st have looked then On Fallen Angels Fallen Stars And not on Fallen Men. 9. But fallen Angels must be left And Fallen Men must rise For this the Son of God must Fall A Bloody Sacrifice Thy Deep and Glorious Councels Lord With Trembling I Adore Blessed thrice blessed be my God Blessed for evermore XV. A Song of Praise for the Gospel 1. BLest be my God that I was Born To hear the Joyful Sound That I was born to be Baptiz'd And Bred on Holy Ground That I was Bred where God appears In Tokens of his Grace The Lines are Fallen unto me In a most pleasant place 2. I might have been a Pagan Bred Or else a Veiled Jew Or Cheated with an Alcoran Among the Turkish Crew Dumb Pictures might have been my Books Dark Language my Devotion And so I might with blinded Eyes Have drunk a deadly Potion 3. So in a Dungeon dark as Night I might have Spent my days But thou hast sent me Gospel-Light To thine Eternal praise The Sun which rose up in the East And drove their Shades away His Healing Wings have reach'd the West And turn'd our Night to Day 4. England at first an Egypt was Since that proud Babels Slave At last a Canaan it became And then my Birth it gave Blest be my God that I have slept The dismal Night away Being kept in Providence's Womb To England's brightest Day 5. Blest be my God for what I see My God for what I hear I hear such blessed News from Heaven Nor Earth nor Hell I fear I hear my Lord for me was born My Lord for Me did dye My Lord for Me did Rise again And did ascend on High 6. On High he stands to plead my Cause And will return again And set Me on a Glorious
Holy Ones And dost thou stoop and bow thine Ear To a poor Sinners groans 2. God minds the Language of my Heart My Groans and Sighs he hears He hath a Book for my Request A Bottle for my Tears But did not my dear Saviour's Blood First wash away their Guilt My Sighs would prove but empty Air My Tears would all be spilt 3. Lord thine Eternal Spirit was My Advocate within But O! my Smoak joyn'd with thy Flame My Prayer was mixt with Sin But then Christ was my Altar and My Advocate above His Blood did clear my Prayer and gain'd An Answer full of Love 4. It could not be that thou shouldst hear A Mortal sinful Worm But that my Prayers presented are In a more glorious Form Christ's precious Hands took my Requests And turn'd my Dross to Gold His Blood put warmth into my Prayers Which were by Nature cold 5. Thou heard'st my Groans for Jesus sake Whom thou dost hear always Lord hear through that prevailing Name My Voice of Joy and Praise XXVII A Song of Praise for Deliverance from Enemies 1. GReat God who dost the World command Thou check'st both winds and waves The Devils which like Lions Roar Are thine Enchain'd Slaves The Sons of Rage are smoaking Brands And Idols fear'd in vain Thou Lord the only only God Their Fury dost restrain 2. Thou Lord didst smooth fierce Esau's Brow And change his Murm'ring Breath Thou gav'st to him a Brothers Heart Who vow'd his Brothers Death Angels have Arm'd at thy Command And Stars have shot their Dart Nature hath fought and Miracles Have took thy Churches part 3. Thee Lord who still thy Church dost love All Creatures must obey And when for Thine thou dost arise Their En'mies where are they I cry'd to Heav'n in my Distress I to my God did flee He with Compassion heard my Cry He did Arise for Me. 4. With humble Fear and thankful Joy Lord at thy Feet I fall Unfeignedly acknowledging That Thou alone dost all Thou art all Pow'r thou art all Love And so thou art to Me Blest be my God now and henceforth And to Eternity XXVIII A Song of Praise for Deliverance from Spiritual Troubles 1. I That am drawn out of the Depth Will sing upon the Shore I that in Hell's dark Suburbs lay Pure Mercy will adore The Terrors of the Living God My Soul did so affright I fear'd lest I should be condemn'd To an Eternal Night 2. Kind was the Pity of my Friends But could not Ease my Smart Their Words indeed did reach my Case But could not reach my Heart Ah then what was this World to Me To whom God's Word was dark Who in my Dungeon cou'd not see One Beam or shining Spark 3. What then were all the Creatures Smiles When the Creator frown'd My Days were Nights my Life was Death My Being was my VVound Trtur'd and wrack'd with Hellish Fears VVhen God the Blow should give ●ne Eyes did fail my Heart did sink Then Mercy bid me live 4. God's Furnace doth in Sion stand But Sion's God sits by As the Refiner views his Gold With an observant Eye God's Thoughts are high his Love is wise His Wounds a Cure intend And tho' he doth not always smile He loves unto the end 5. Thy Love is constant to its Line Tho' Clouds oft come between O could my Faith but pierce these Clouds It might be always seen But I am weak and forc'd to cry Take up my Soul to thee Then as thou ever art the same So shall I ever be 6. Then shall I ever ever sing Whilst thou dost ever shine I have thine own dear Pledge for this Lord thou art ever mine XXIX A Song of Praise for Deliverance from imminent Dangers of Death 1. LOrd of my Life length of my Days Thy Hand hath rescu'd me Who lying at the Gates of Death Among the dead was free My dearest Friends I had resign'd Unto their Makers Care Me thought I only time had lest For a concluding Prayer 2. Me thoughts Death laid his Hand 〈…〉 And did his Pris'n●● 〈…〉 And by the sound me ●●oughts I heard His Masters Feet behind Me thoughts I stood upon the Shore And nothing could I see But the Vast Ocean with my Eyes A Vast Eternity 3. Me thoughts I heard the Midnight Cry Behold the Bridegroom comes Me thoughts I was call'd to the Bar Where Souls receive their Dooms The VVorld was at an End to me As if it all did Burn But lo there came a Voice from Heav'n VVhich order'd my Return 4. Lord I return'd at thy Command VVhat wilt thou have me do O let me wholly live to Thee To whom my Life I owe Fain would I dedicate to Thee The Remnant of my Days Lord with my Life renew my Heart That both thy Name may praise XXX A Song of Praise for the Hope of Glory 1. I Sojourn in a Vale of Tears Alas how 〈◊〉 sing My Harp doth on the Willows hang Distun'd in every String My Musick is a Captives Chains Harsh Sounds my Ears do fill How shall I sing sweet Sions Song On this side Sions Hill 2. Yet lo I hear a Joyful Sound Surely I quickly come Each word much sweetness doth distil Like a full Honey-Comb And dost thou come my dearest Lord And dost thou surely come And dost thou surely quickly come Methinks I am at Home 3. Come then my dearest dearest Lord My sweetest surest Friend Come for I loath these Kedar Tents Thy Fiery Chariots send What have I here my Thoughts and Joys Are all pack'd up and gone My Eager Soul would follow them To thine Eternal Throne 4. What have I in this Barren Land My Jesus is not here Mine Eyes will ne're be blest until My Jesus doth appear My Jesus is gone up to Heav'n To get a Place for me For 't is his Will that where he is There should his Servants be 5. Canaan I view from Pisgahs Top Of Canaans Grapes I taste My Lord who sends unto me here Will send for me at last I have a God that changeth not Why should I be perplext My God that owns Me in this World Will own me in the next 6. Go fearless then my Soul with God Into another Room Thou who hast walked with him here Go see thy God at Home View Death with a believing Eye It hath an Angels Face And this kind Angel will prefer Thee to an Angels place 7. The Grave is but a Fining-Pot Unto believing Eyes For there the Flesh shall lose its dross And like the Sun shall rise The world which I have known too well Hath mock'd me with its Lies How gladly could I leave behind Its vexing Vanities 8. My dearest Friends they dwell above Them will I go to see And all my Friends in Christ below VVill soon come after me Fear not the Trumps Earth rending Sound Dread not the Day of Doom For he that is to be thy Judge Thy Saviour is become 9. Blest be my God that gives me Light
My Bowels yearn'd when thou didst Cry My Love did me constrain To haste apace and shew my Face To thy griev'd Soul again 13. Return Return my dearest Church Return Return to me The Heav'nly Quire and I desire Thy Blessed Face to see My Heav'nly Host if ye would know My Churches State and Case She is another Host below And of an awful Grace The VERSION CHAP. VII Christ 1. O Daughters of a Prince how Fair Are both thy Shooes and Feet Thy Joynts and Thighs like Jewels are Wrought by an hand discreet 2. Thy Navel as a Cup compleat With Liquor doth abound Thy Belly 's like an Heap of Wheat Which Lillies do surround 3. Thy two Breasts are like two young Roes Well Shap'd and well agreed Both which are Loving Twins and those Among the Lillies Feed 4. Thy Neck like I vory is most Fair And like a Tower most straight Thine Eyes like beshbon pools which are Hard by Bath-Rabim Gate Thy Nose is like to Lebanons Tower The Tower which doth Command Damascus-Town the Chiefest Flower Of all the Syrian Land 5. Thine Head on thee like Carmel is Thine Hair like Purple stain'd The Galleries so take his Eyes The King is there detain'd 6. How Fair art thou how pleasant art My Love unto my sight So sweetly Grac'd in every part Thou art my whole delight 7. 〈◊〉 Vnto a Palm-Tree I compare Thy Stature straight and fine Thy Breasts appear both full and fair Like Clusters of the Vine 8. 〈◊〉 I said I will this Palm-Tree Climb I 'll search her Branches well Thy Breasts shall now like Clusters shew Thy Nose like Apples swell 9. 〈◊〉 Thy Palate's like the choicest Wine Which for my Friend I keep Which sweetly Flows and causeth those To Speak that are asleep The Church 10. I am my Well-beloved's own And He is wholly mine The Stream of his Affection Doth towards me incline 11. Come my Beloved let us go Into the Fields abroad And in the Villages below Let 's take up our Abode 12. Let 's go up early in the Morn And to the Vineyards go To see what Fruits the Trees adorn Whether the Vine doth grow Whether the tender Grapes appear And the Pomegranates thrive The Hopes of the Ensuing Year There thee my Loves I 'll give 13. The Mandrakes smell and at our Door All pleasant Fruits there be Both New and Old which are my Store Laid up my Love for Thee The Paraphrase CHAP. VII Christ. 1. O Daughter of the Mighty God How comely are thy Feet VVith Gospel-preparation Shod Thy carriage how discreet 2. Thou art both Fair and Fruitful too Great Numbers thou dost Breed VVhich with good Meals the VVord and Seals Thou liberally dost feed 3. The two Breasts of thy Testaments Most friendly do accord VVhich Nourishment and sweet content To New-born Babes afford The cries of a distressed Soul These Breasts of comfort still These Breasts make glad whom sin makes sad These Breasts the Hungry ●ill 4. Thy Faith is thy strong Fort and Tower Thine Vnderstanding clear Thy Judging and Discerning Power Informs when Danger 's near Thy Christ thy Head of Eminence All Others doth exceed Thy Christ thy Head of Influence Thy Grace doth keep and feed VVhen thine Assemblies Exercise Their Graces freely given The King walks in those Galleries As in another Heaven 6. My Church who art most New most Fair How Dear art thou and Sweet In whom all Sweets compacted are In whom all Graces meet 7. Vnder thy weight thou flourishest As the stout Palm-Tree doth My Church the more thou art deprest The greater is thy growth The Breasts of thy two Testaments Like Clusters of the Vines Are full of Juice which for thy use Tield store of Heav'nly Wine 8. When I perceiv'd thy Soul to thrive Like to a Fruitful Tree Then I drew near that I might chear And joy my self in thee Nor did I empty-handed come But added to thy Store God's Word came then more near and home Thy Graces scented more 9. Thy Speech is like the choichest VVine So lovely and so strong It makes the Sinners Heart divine And sanctifies his Tongue The Church 10. My dearest Lords Affection I cannot but admire I am my welbeloved's own I am his Hearts desire 11. I gladly with my Lord could talk And spend both Night and Day Come Lord let us together walk Let us together stay 12. Come let 's go see what Fruits and Flowers Adorn thy Garden place Under the Sun shine and the showers Of days and means of Grace Could I but see thy Children Spring And in an happy frame O how should I rejoyce and sing And love thee for the same 13. Thy Saints their Services present Which of Sweet Savour be Saints New and Old within my Tent Are kept from Heav'n and thee The VERSION CHAP. VIII The Church 1. I Would to God thou wert as near To me as is my Brother That Fill'd the Lap and Suck'd the Pap Of my most tender Mother When I without should light on thee Then I thy Lips would Kiss Yea I should not despised be Nor disesteem'd for this 3. I 'd bring thee to my Mothers Tent Who would instruct me there Pomegranate-Wine of pleasant scent Should be thy Royal Fare 4. His Left Hand underneath my Head Should lovingly be plac'd His Right Hand or'e me should be spread Thus should I be Embrac'd 4. Ye Daughters of Jerusalem 'T is You I charge and bind Not once to move or wake my Love Until it be his Mind The Daughters of Jerusalem 5. Out of the Desart doth Ascend A comely Sight to see One Leaning on her dearest Friend O what a One is She The Church Under the shady Apple-Tree Thee did I Raise and Rear Thy Mother Travell'd there with Thee Thy Native Place was there 6. O Seal thine Image on thy Heart O'Seal it on thy Arm For Love like Death doth cast its Dart And Jealousie is warm 'T is like the Grave whose keen desire Nothing can satisfie The Coals thereof are Coals of Fire That flame most vehemently 7. Waters can't quench loves flame nor floods Can Loves height overflow If one for Love would give his Goods The Price would be too low The Jewish Church 8. No Breasts on our small Sister grow Nor is She yet Admir'd What shall we for our Sister do When she shall be desir'd Christ 9. We 'll build on her a Silver Court If she a VVall shall be Or if a Door Her we 'll Support VVith Boards of Cedar-tree The Jewish Church 10. I am a Wall both strong and tall My Breasts like Towers are round I then his Sight did much delight As one that Favour Found Christ 11. At Baal-Hammon King Solomon A Vineyard did possess Keepers he sent to the Intent They might his Vineyard dress And thus with them he did agree That for the Fruit it gave A thousand silver Pieces he Of each of them should have 12. My Vineyard which belongs to Me I know not