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A49933 The Princess of Cleve, as it was acted at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden / by Nath. Lee ... Lee, Nathaniel, 1653?-1692.; La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne), 1634-1693. La princesse de Cleves. 1689 (1689) Wing L860; ESTC R10843 55,032 81

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as Cleve himself You that are made my Lord for other Pleasures Nem. Is this then the reward of all my Passion As if there cou'd be any Happiness For this disconsolate despairing Wretch But in your Love alone Princess C. You 're pleas'd my Lord That I shou'd entertain you and I will Before this dear Remembrancer of Cleve We 'll talk of murder'd Love And you shall hear From this abandon'd part of him that was How much you have been lov'd Nem. Ha! Madam Princess C. Yes Sighing I speak it Sir you have inspir'd me With something which I never felt before That pleas'd and pain'd the quicknings of first Love Nor fear'd him then when with his Infant Beams He dawn'd upon my chill and senseless Blood. But Oh! when he had reach'd his fierce Meridian How different was his form that Angel Face With his short Rayes shot to a glaring God. I grew inflam'd burnt inward and the Breath Of the grown Tyrant parch'd my Heart to Ashes Nor need I blush to make you this Confession Because my Lord 't is done without a Crime Nem. Because for this most blest discovery I am resolv'd to kneel an Age before you Princess C. Rise I conjure you rise I 've told you nothing But what you knew my Lord too well before Not but I always vow'd to keep those Rules My Duty shou'd prescribe Nem. Strike me not dead With Duty 's name by Heav'n I Swear you 're free As Air as Waters Winds or open Wilds There is no Form of Obligation now Nay let me say for Duty O forgive me 'T is utmost Duty now to keep that Love You have confess'd for me Princess C. 'T is Duty 's Charge The voice of Honour and the cry of Love That I shou'd fly from Paris as a Pest That I shou'd wear these Rags of Life away In Sunless Caves in Dungeons of Despair Where I shou'd never think of Man agen But more particularly that of you For Reasons yet unknown Nem. Unknown they are And wou'd to Heav'n they might be ever so Since 't is impossible they shou'd be just Nay Madam let me say the Ghost of Cleve Princess C. Ah! Sir how dare you mention that dear name That drains my Eyes and cries to Heav'n for Blood. Name it no more without the Consequence For 't is but too too true you were the Cause Of Cleve's untimely Death I Swear I think No less than if you had stabb'd him through the Heart Nem. O! Cruel Princess but why shou'd I answer When thus you raise the shadow of a reason To ruin me for ever Is it a fault To Love Then blame not me No Madam no But blame your self who told it to your Husband But Oh! you wou'd not argue thus against me If ever you had lov'd You have deceiv'd your self and flatter'd me Why am I thrown else from the Glorious Height Snatch'd in a moment from my blissful State And hurl'd like Lightning by the hand of Fate Prineess C. Be satisfi'd my Lord you are not flatter'd I have such Love for you that Duties bar Wou'd prove too weak to hinder our Engagement But there is more Nem. More Fancy more Chimera But let it come I 'll stand the stalking Nothing And when the bladder'd Air wou'd turn the Ballance I 'll cast in Love substantial pondrous Love Eternal Love and hurl him to the Beam. But speak and if a Hell of Separation Must part my Soul and Body do not Rack me But let the Poyson steal into my Veins And Damn me mildly Madam as you can Princess C. Hear then my bosom thought 'T is the last time I e'er shall see you and 't is a poor reward For such a Love yet Sir 't is all I have And you must ask no more Nem. Be Witness Heav'n Of my Obedience I will ask her nothing Princess C. Know then my Lord you 're free and I am so Free for the eternal Bond of Marriage My Heart too is inclin'd by Love like yours Nor can I fear the censuring World shou'd blame us But now my Lord What Power on Earth can give Security that Bond shall prove Eternal Nem. Ha! Madam Princess C. Silence silence I command you No no Nemours I know the World too well You have a Sense too nice for long Enjoyment Cleve was the Man that only cou'd love long Nor can I think his passion wou'd have lasted But that he found I cou'd have none for him 'T is Obstacle Ascent and Lets and Bars That whet the Appetite of Love and Glory These are the fuel for that fiery Passion But when the flashy stubble we remove The God goes out and there 's an end of Love. Nem. Ah Madam I 'm not able to contain But must perforce break your commands to answer Once to be yours is to be for ever yours Yours only without thought of other Woman Princess C. Why this sounds well and natural till you 're cloid But Oh! when one satiety has pall'd you You sicken at each view and ev'ry glance Betrays your guilty Soul and says you loath her I know it Sir you have the well-bred cast Of Gallantry and Parts to gain success And do but think when various Forms have charm'd you How I shou'd bear the cross returns of Love Nem. Ah Madam now I find you 're prejudic'd To blast my hopes Princes C. 'T is Reason all calm Reason Nature affirms no violent thing can last I know 't I see 't ev'ry new Face that came Wou'd charm you from me Ha! and cou'd I Love To see that Fatal day and see you scorn me To hear the Ghost of Cleve each hour upbraid me No 't is impossible with all my Passion Not to submit to these Almighty Reasons For this I brave your noblest Qualities I 'll keep your Form at distance curb my Soul Despair of Smiles and Tears and Prayers and Oaths And all the Blandishments of Perjur'd Love I will I must I shall nay now I can Defie to Death the lovely Traytor Man. Nem. No. Madam think not you shall carry 't thus 'T is not allowable 't is past example 'T is most unnatural unjust and monstrous And were the rest of Women thus resolv'd You wou'd destroy the purpose of Creation What when I have the happiness to please When Heav'n and Earth combine to make us happy Will you defeat the aim of Destiny By most unparallel'd extreams of Vertue Which therefore take away it s very Being Princess C. Away I must not answer but conjure you Never to seek occasion more to see me Farewel 'T is past Nem. I cannot let you go I 'll follow on my Knees and hold your Robe Till you have promis'd me that I shall see you To shew you how each day by slow degrees I dye away This you shall grant by Heav'n Or you shall see my Blood let out before you Princess C. Alas Nemours O Heav'n why must it be That I shou'd charge you with the death of Cleve Alass why
wond'rous well And yet you knew not what Speak like a Friend What is the cause my Lord Nem. Shall I deal plainly with you I 'm not well P. C. I do believe it how hap'ned the Distemper Nem. It is too deep to search Nor can I tell you P. C. Then you 're no Friend Shou'd Cleve thus answer to Nemours I cannot Say rather that you will not trust a Man You do not love Nem. By Heav'n I do P. C. By Heav'n you do Yet 't is too deep to search For such a shallow Friend Nem. Of all Mankind You ought not P. C. Nay the rest Nem. It is not fit Be satisfied I 'll bear it to my Grave Whate'er it be P. C. You are in Love my Lord And if you do not Swear But where 's the need You start you change you are another Man You blush you 're all constraint you turn away Nem. Why take it then 't is true I am in Love In Torture Racks in all the Hells of Love Of hopeless restless and eternal Love. P. C. Her name my Lord. Nem. Her name my Lord to you P. C. To me Confusion Plagues and Death upon me Why not to me And wherefore did you say Of all Mankind I ought not There you stopt But wou'd have said To pry into this business Yet speak to ease the Troubles of my Soul By all our Friendship by the Life thou gav'st me I do conjure thee thunder in my Ears 'T is Chartres that thou lov'st Chartres my Wife Nem. Your Wife my Lord P. C. My Wife my Lord and I must have you own it Nem. I will not tell you Sir who 't is I love Yet think me not so base were it your Wife That all the subtlest Wit of Earth or Hell Shou'd make me vent a Secret of that nature To any Man on Earth much less to you P. C. Yet you cou'd basely tell it to the Vidam And he to all the Court But I waste time By all the boiling Venom of my Passion I 'll make you own it e'er we part Dispatch Say thou hast Whor'd my Wife Damnation on me Pronounce me Cuckold Nem. But then I give my self the Lye Who told you just before I wou'd not speak Tho I had done it Which I swear I have not Beside I fear you are going Mad. P. C. Draw then and make it up For if thou dost not own what I demand What you both know and have complotted on me Tho neither will confess I swear agen That one of us must fall Nem. Then take my Life P. C. I will by Heav'n if thou refuse me Justice Draw then for if thou dost not I will kill thee And tell my Wife thou basely didst confess Thy Guilt at last in hopes to save thy Life Nem That is a blast indeed that Honour shrinks at Therefore I draw but Oh! be witness Heav'n With such a trembling Hand and bleeding Heart As if I were to fight against my Father Therefore I beg thee by the name of Friend Which once with half this Suit wou'd have dissolv'd thee I beg thee gentle Cleve to hold thy hand P. C. I 'm Deaf as Death that calls for one or both Cleve is disarm'd Nemours gives him his Sword agen Nem. Then give it me I arm thy hand agen Against my Heart against this Heart that loves thee Thrust then for by the Blood that bears my Life Thou shalt not know the name of her I love Not but I swear upon the point of Death Your Wife 's as clear from me as Heav'n first made her P. C. No more my Lord you 've giv'n me twice my Life Nem. Are you not hurt P. C. Alass 't is not so well I have no Wound but that which Honour makes And yet there 's something cold upon my Heart I hope 't is Death and I shall shortly pay you With Chartres love for you deserve her better Nem. No Sir you shall not you shall live my Lord And long enjoy your beauteous vertuous Bride You shall Dear Prince why are you then so cold P. C. I cannot speak But thus and thus there 's something rises here Nem. I 'll wait you home nay shake these drops away And hang upon my arm P. C. I will do any thing So you will promise never to upbraid me Nem. I swear I will not P. C. But will you love me too As formerly Nem. I swear far more than ever P. C. Thou know'st my Nature soft yet Oh such Love Such Love as mine and injur'd as I thought Wou'd spleen the Gaul-less Turtle wou'd it not Nem. It wou'd by Heav'n You make a Woman of me Weeping P. C. Why any thing thou sayst to humour me Yet it is kind and I must love these Tears I hope my Heart will break and then we 're ev'n Yet if this cruel Love thy Cleve shou'd kill Remember after Death thou lov'st me still Exeunt SCENE II. Enter Tournon with the Vidam Tour. SO let that corner be your Post and as soon as ever you see St. Andre come stalking in his Dream slip to his Lady and when you have agreed upon the Writings I 'll be ready to bring you o●● with a Witness Vid. Thou Dear obliging Tour. No more o' that away mark but how easily those that are gifted with Discretion bring things about in the name of Goodness let Men and Women have their Risks but still be careful of the Main Here 's a hot-headed Lord goes mad for a prating Girl Treats her Presents her Flames for her Dies for her till the Fool complies for pure Love and when the bus'ness fails is forc'd to live at last by the love of his Footmen but she that makes a firm Bargain is commonly thought a great Soul for my Lord having consider'd on 't thinks her a Person of depth and so resolves to have it out of her But why do I talk so my self when there 's something to do certainly I shou'd have made a rare Speaker in a Parliament of Women or a notable Head to a Female Jury when his Lordship gravely puts the question whither it be Satis or Non Satis or Nunquam Satis and we bring it in Ignoramus Ha! but who comes here I must attend for Bellamore Enter Poltrot Celia over-hearing Pol. My Wife and I went to Bed together and I 'll warrant full she was of Expectation so white and clean and much inclin'd to laugh and lay at her full length as who wou'd say come eat me Cel. Said she so sweet Sir Pol. Not a bit by the Lord not I not I Cel. Alas nice Gentleman Pol. A Farmer wou'd say this was barbarously done because he loves Beef But I have Plover in reserve Ha! St. Andre heark I hear him bustle O Lord how my heart goes pit a pat nay I dreamt last night I was Gelt Enter St. Andre in his sleep The Vidam goes in 'T is he 't is he by the twilight I see him Ay now the politick head
's lodg'd Ne. Now do I know the Precise will call me damn'd Rogue for wronging my Friend especially such a soft sweet natur'd Friend as this gentle Prince Verily I say they lye in their Throats were the gravest of 'em in my condition and thought it shou'd never be known they wou'd rouze up the Spirit cast the dapper Cloak leave off their humming and haing and fall too like a Man of Honour Exit Pedro. I 'll face him till he enters the Bower and then call my Lord. Ex. Scene the Bower Lights Song The Princess of Cleve Irene SONG LOvely Selina Innocent and Free From all the dangerous Arts of Love Thus in a Melancholy Grove Enjoy'd the sweetness of her Privacy Till th' envious Gods designing to undo her Dispatcht the Swain not unlike them to wo her It was not long e'er the design did take A gentle Youth born to perswade Deceiv'd the too too easie Maid Her Scrip and Garlands soon she did forsake And rashly told the Secrets of her Heart Which the fond Man would ever more impart False Florimel Ioy of my Heart said she 'T is hard to Love and Love in vain To Love and not be Lov'd again And why shou'd Love and Prudence disagree Pity ye Powers that sit at ease above If e'er you knew what 't is to be in Love. Princess C. Alas Irene I do believe Nemours The Man thou represents him yet Oh! Heav'n And Oh my Heart in spite of my resolves Spite of those matchless Virtues of my Husband I love the Man my reason bids me hate Yet grant me some few hours ye Saints to live That I may try what Innocence so arm'd As mine with vows can do in such a cause The War 's begun the War of Love and Vertue And I am fixt to conquer or to dye Iren. Your Fate is hard and since you honour'd me With the important Secret of your Life I 've labour'd for the Remedy of Love. Princess C. I must to Death own thee my better Angel Thou know'st the struglings of my wounded Soul Hast seen me strive against this lawless Passion Till I have lain like Slaves upon the Rack My Veins half burst my weary Eye-balls fixt My Brows all cover'd with big drops of Sweat Which strangling Grief wrung from my tortur'd Brain Ir. Alass I weep to see you thus agen Princess C. Thou hast heard me curse the hour when first I saw The fatal charming Face of lov'd Nemours Hast heard the Death-bed Counsel of my Mother Yet what can this avail spite of my Soul The Nightly Warnings from her dreadful Shroud I love Nemours I languish for Nemours And when I think to banish him my Breast My Heart rebels I feel a gorgeing pain That choaks me up tremblings from Head to Foot A shog of Blood and Spirits Mad-mens Fears Convulsions gnawing Griefs and angry Tears Enter Nemours Ha! but behold My Lord Nem. O! Pardon me Spare me a minute's space and I am gone Princes C. Is this a time Sir Nem. O! I must speak or dye Princess C. Dye then e'er thus presume to violate The Honour of your Friend your own and mine Nem. Yet hear me and I swear by all things Sacred Never to see you more Princess C. Speak then And keep your word P. C. Horrour and Death Nem. Did you but know what 't is to love like me Without a dawn of Bliss to dream all day To pass the night in broken sleeps away Toss'd in the restless tides of Hopes and Fears With Eyes for ever running o'er with Tears To leave my Couch and fly to beds of Flow'rs T' invoke the Stars to curse the dragging hours To talk like Mad-men to the Groves and Bow'rs Cou'd you know this yet blame my tortur'd Love If thus it throws my Body at your Feet Oh! fly not hence Vouchsafe but just to view me in despair I ask not Love but Pity from the Fair. Princess C. O Heavens inspire my Heart Nem. The Heavenly Powers Accept the poorest Sacrifice we bring A Slave to them 's as welcome as a King. Behold a Slave that Glories in your Chains Ah! with some shew of Mercy view my Pains Your piercing Eyes have made their splendid way Where Lightning cou'd not pass Even through my Soul their pointed Lustre goes And Sacred Smart upon my Spirit throws Yet I your Wounds with as much Zeal desire As Sinners that wou'd pass to Bliss through Fire Yes Madam I must love you to my Death I 'll sigh your name with my last gasp of Breath Princess C. No more I have heard you Sir as you desir'd Enter the Prince of Cleve Reply not but withdraw if possible Fix to your word and let us trust our Fates Be gon I charge you speak not but retire Exit Nem. P. C. Excellent Woman and Oh! matchless Friend Love Friendship Honour Poison Daggers Death Falls Princess C. O Heaven Irene help help the Prince my Lord. My Dearest Cleve wake from this Dream of Death And hear me speak P. C. Curse on my Disposition That thus permits me bear the Wounds of Honour And Oh! thou foolish gentle love-sick Heart Why didst thou let my hand from stabbing both Princess C. Behold 't is yet my Lord within your Power To give me Death P. C. I do entreat thee leave me I 'm bound for Death my self and I wou'd make My passage easie if you wou'd permit me All that I ask thee for the Heart I gave thee And for the Life I love in thy behalf Is that thou'dst leave me to my self a while And this poor honest Friend Princess C. I wou'd obey you But cannot stir I know I know my Lord You think that I design'd to meet Nemours This night but by the Powers above I Swear P. C. O! do not Swear for Chartres credit me There is a Power that can and will revenge Therefore dear Soul for I must love thee still If thou wilt speak confess repent thy fault And thou perhaps may'st find a door of Mercy For me by all my hopes of Heav'n I swear I freely now forgive thee Oh! my Heart Pedro thy arm let me to bed Princess C. And do you then refuse My help P. C. In Honour Chartres after such a Fall I ought not to permit that thou shou'dst touch me Princess C. But Sir I will your arm I 'll hold you all Thus in the closest strictest dearest Clasps Nor shall you dye believing my Dishonor I swear I knew not of Nemours his coming Nor had I spoke those words which yet were guiltless Had he not vow'd never to see me more By our first Meeting by our Nuptial Joys By my dead Mother's Ghost by your own Spirit Which Oh! I fear is taking leave for ever I swear that this is true P. C. I do believe thee Thou hast such Power such Charms in those dear Lips As might perswade me that I am not dying Off Pedro by my most untimely Fate I swear I 'm reconcil'd and heark thee
fear But speak for ever and I 'll ever hear Repeat and let the Ecchoes deal it round While list'ning Angels bend to catch the Sound Nay Sigh and Weep drain all thy precious Store Be kind as now and I 'll complain no more Exit Princess C. Was ever Man so worthy to be lov'd So good so gentle soft a Disposition As if no Gaul had mixt with his Creation So tender and so fearful to displease No barbarous Heart but thine wou'd stop his entrance But thou Inhumane banisht him from his own And while the Lordly Master lyes without Enter Iren. Thou Trait'ress Riotests with a Thief within Iren. Ah Madam what new Grief Princess C. Alass Iren Thou Treasurer of my thoughts What shall I do how shall I chase Nemours That Robber Ravisher of my Repose Iren. For the great care you wish may I enquire Whether you think the Duke insensible Indifferent to the rest of Woman-kind Princess C. I must confess I did not think him so Tho now I do But wou'd give half my Blood To think him otherwise Iren. Without the Expense There take your wish a Letter which he dropt In the Tennis-court given the Queen Dauphin By her Page and sent to you to read for your Diversion Princess C. Alas Iren Why trembles thus my Hand why beats my Heart But let us Read Reads Your affection has been divided betwixt me and another you are False a Traytor to the truest Love never see me more Princess C. Ah 't is too plain I thought as much before but Oh! we are too apt to excuse the faults of those we love and fond of our own undoing Support me Oh to bear this dreadful pang This stab to all my gather'd Resolution Iren. Read it agen and call Revenge to aid you Princess C. Perhaps he makes his boast too of the Conquest For Oh! my Heart he knows too well my Passion But as thou hast inspir'd me I 'll revenge The Affront and cast him from my Poyson'd Breast To make him room that merits all my thoughts Enter the Prince of Cleve with Nemours P. C. Madam there is a Letter fall'n by accident into your hands my Friend comes in behalf of the Vidam of Chartres to retrieve it when I am dismiss'd from the King my Lord I 'll wait you here again Nem. My Lord P. C. Not a step further Exit P. C. Nem. Madam I come most humbly to enquire whether the Dauphin Queen sent you a Letter which the Vidam lost Princess C. Sir you had better Find the Queen Dauphin out tell her the truth For she 's inform'd the Letter is your own Nem. Ah Madam I have nothing to confess In this Affair or if I had believe me Believe these Sighs that will not be kept in I shou'd not tell it to the Dauphin Queen But to the purpose Know my Lord of Chartres Receiv'd the Note you saw from Madam Tournon A former Mistress But the Secret's this The Sister of our Henry long has lov'd him Princess C. I thought the King intended her for Savoy Nem. True Madam but the Vidam is belov'd In short he dropt the Letter and desir'd For fear of her he loves that I wou'd own it I promis'd too to trace the Business for him And if 't were possible regain the Letter Princess C. The Vidam then has shewn but small Discretion Being engag'd so high Why did he not burn the Letter Nem. But Madam shall I dare presume to say 'T is hard to be in Love and to be wise Oh did you know like him like him Like me What 't is to languish in those restless Fires Princess C. Iren Iren restore the Duke his Letter Enter Iren. Nem. Madam You 've bound me ever to your Service But I 'll retire and study to repay If ought but death can quit the Obligation Exit Princess C. O 't is too much I 'm lost I 'm lost agen The Duke has clear'd himself to the confusion Of all my settl'd Rage and vow'd Revenge And now he shews more lovely than before He comes agen to wake my sleeping Passion To rouze me into Torture O the Racks Of hopeless Love it shoots it glows it burns And thou alas shalt shortly close my Eyes Iren. Alas you 're pale already Princess C. Oh Iren Methinks I see Fate set two Bowls before me Poyson and Health a Husband and Nemours But see with what a whirl my Passions move I loath the Cordial of my Husband's Love But when Nemours my Fancy does recal The Bane's so sweet that I cou'd drink it all Finis Actus Primi ACT II. SCENE I. Tournon La March. Tour. IT works my Dear it works beyond belief The Letter which he lost has sprung a Mine That shatters all the Court each Jealous Dutchess Concludes her Man concern'd and strait employs A Confident to find the Mystery out But that which takes the Queen and makes me dye With Pleasure is that Marguerite thinks Spite of the Imprecations of Nemours The Letter sent to him La M. I see 'em move this way Tour. Hast to St. Andre's Palace watch their Wives till I appear I have promis'd Nemours an Afternoon Assignation with 'em in Luxemburg Garden but I will antedate the bus'ness as he is waiting and set Marguerite upon him just as he meets 'em which will heighten the design be gone while I attend the bus'ness here Exit La March. Enter Nemours Marguerite Nem. You have heard me more than once Affirm the Vidam if you 'll give him leave Will own it to your Face Marg. Hear hear him Heav'n By all Extreams thou art False therefore be gone For if I look upon thee in this Rage I shall do mischief speak not but away Nemours beckens the Vidam they steal off Enter Tournon Tour. Madam the Duke has taken you at your word and is gone with the Vidam I made bold to over-hear part of your Discourse because I have more of his Infidelity to tell you Betwixt one and two in Luxemburg Garden he has appointed some Ladies Marg. Furies and Hell Tour. Have Patience for an hour I 'll bring you to the place where if you please you may flesh your Fingers in the Blood of those young Women whom he meets to enjoy Marg. No no I have a better Cast if I can conquer this rising Spleen How long will it be e'er your call me Tour. An hour or thereabouts Marg. And by that time I 'll put on a Disguise fail not Tour. But what do you intend Marg. I know not yet my self Revenge Tour. You had a Lover once Francis the Dauphin Marg. Be that then the last Card I know not what The Dauphin shall I 'll do 't and openly affront him And as the little Worshippers adore me Spy the Duke out and leaning on the Prince Enquire who 's that It shall be so I will Revenge Revenge and shew thy self true Woman Down then proud Heart down Woman down I 'll try I 'll do
your way Nem. Why then the whole Town does me wrong because I take no notice of theirs thus t'other night I was in company with two or three well-bred Fops that found fault with my Obscenity and protested 't was such a way Why 't is the way of ye all only you sneak with it under your Cloaks like Taylors and Barbers and I as a Gentleman shou'd do walk with it in my hand For prithee observe does not your Priest the same thing did not I see Father Patrick declaiming against Flesh in Lent strip up to the Elbow and telling the Congregation he had eat nothing but Fish these twenty years yet protest to the Ladies that Fat Arm of his which was a chopping one was the least Member about him Bell. Faith and it may be so too Nem. Does not your Politician your little great Man of bus'ness that sets the World together by the Ears after all his Plotting Drudging and Sweating at Lying retire to some little Punk and untap at Night Vid. I submit to the weight of your Reasons and confess the whole World does you Injustice wherefore I judge it fit that they Bring your Grace their Wives and Daughters to make you amends Nem. Why now thou talk'st like an honest Fellow for never let bus'ness Flatter thee Frank into Nonsense Women are the sole Pleasure of the World nay I had rather part with my whole Estate Health and Sense than lose an Inch of my Love I was t'other day at a pretty Entertainment where two or three Grave Politick Rogues were wond'ring why Women shou'd be brought into Plays I as gravely reply'd the World was not made without 'em he full Pop upon me But Sir it had been better if it had Vid. And then no doubt a gloomy Smile arose Nem. These are your Rogues Frank that wou'd be thought Criticks that are never pleas'd but with something new as they call it just proper and never as men speak you 're out of the way men that hate us Rogues with a way Bell. But after all this they 'll run you down and say your Grace is no Scholar Nem. Why Faith nor wou'd be if Learning must wrench a Man's Head quite round I understand my Mother-tongue well enough and some others just as I do Women not to be married to 'em but to serve my turn what 's good in 'em never scapes me but as for Points and Tags for which those solemn Fops are to be valued I slight 'em nor wou'd remember 'em if I cou'd for he that once listens to Jingling ten to one if ever he gets it out of his head while he lives But prithee be gone and leave me to my Musing find Tournon out my Vidam and bid her remember the Handkercher Away thou art concern'd in the bus'ness therefore away Exeunt Vid. Bell. Enter the Princess of Cleve Irene Nem. She comes ye Gods with what a pompous State The Stars and all Heav'ns Glories on her wait That 's out of the way too But now for my Closet Exit Princess C. No no I charge thee pity me no longer But on the Earth let us consult our Woes For Earth I shall be shortly sit and hear me While on thy Faithful Bosom thus I lean My akeing Head and breath my cruel Sorrows Iren. Speak Madam speak they 'll strangle if contain'd Princess C. As late I lay upon a flow'ry Bank My Head a little heav'd beyond the Verge To look my Troubles in the Rockless Stream I slept and dreamt I saw The bosom of the Flood unfold I saw the Naked Nymphs ten Fathom down With all the Crystal Thrones in their Green Courts below Where in their busie Arms Nemours appear'd His Head reclin'd and swoll'n as he were drown'd While each kind Goddess dew'd his Senseless Face With Nectars drops to bring back Life in vain When on a sudden the whole Synod rose And laid him to my Lips Oh my Irene Forgive me Honour Duty Love forgive me I found a Pleasure I ne'er felt before Dissolving Pains and Swimming shuddering Joys To which my Bridal Night with Cleve was dull Enter the Prince of Cleve Iren. Behold him Madam P. C. Ha! my Chartres How Why on the Earth Princess C. Because my Lord it suits The humble posture of my sad Condition P. C. These Starts agen but why thy sad Condition O rise and tell me why this Melancholy Why fall those Tears Why heaves this Bosom thus Nay I must then constrain thee with my Arms. Rise Is 't possible does then thy load of Grief Oppress thee so thou canst not speak for Sighing Ah Chartres Chartres then thou didst but sooth me There is some cause too frightful to be told And thou hast learnt the art too to dissemble Princess C. O Heavens dissemble when I strip my Soul Shew it all bear and trembling to your view Can you suspect me Sir for a Dissembler P. C. By all my Hopes Doubts Jealousies and Fears I know not what to think I think thou show'st Thy inmost thought and now I think thou dost not I think there is a Bosom secret still And have a dawn of it through all thy Folds That hide it from my view O trust me Cleve Trust me whate'er it be I love thee more Than thou lov'st help for that which thus inthrauls thee Trust thy Dear Husband O let loose the pain That makes thee droop though it shou'd be my death By thy dear self I 'll welcome it to ease thee Princess C. Thou best of all thy Kind why shou'd you rack me Who dare not cannot speak No more but this Take me from Paris from the Court. P. C. Ha Chartres how What from the Court of Paris why Princess C. Because my Mothers Death-bed Counsel so advised me Because the Court has Charms because I love A Grotto best because 't is best for you And me and all the World. P. C. Because O Heaven Because there is some cursed Charm at Court Which you love better than me and all the World. The Reason's plain for which you wou'd remove To lose the Mem'ry of some lawless Love. Princess C. Why then am I detain'd if that 's your fear P. C. It is it ought and shall and Oh! you must Confess this horrid Falshood to my Face Princess C. Never my Lord never confess a Lye By Heav'ns I love your Life above my own P. C. Not that not that speak home and fly not wide Swear by thy self thou dearly purchas'd Pleasure Swear by those Chaster Sweets thy Mother left thee Swear that thy Soul which cannot hide a Treason Prefers me ev'n to all the World Hold Precious Swear that thou lov'st him more And only lov'st him And in such Sense as not to love another Princess C. Ah Sir why will you sink me to your Feet Where I must lye and groan my Life away P. C. Speak Chartres Speak nor let the name of Husband Sound Terror to thy Soul for by my hopes Of Paradice
to death spare 'em not El. Or it may be we mistake all this while and their pitiful looks are caused by loving too much Vid. Right Madam a little too Uxorious Ha Ha! St. A. Now have not I one word to say but stand to endure all Jerks like a School-boy with my Shirt up Pol. I 'll have one fling at 'em tho' I dye for 't why Ladies you 'll overshoot your selves at this rate Must we only be the Butts to bear all your Railery methinks you might spend one Arrow at random and take off that Daw that Chatters so near you Gad and I think I paid 'em there Cel. Butts and Daw Let me never Laugh agen if they be not Witty too Why you pleasant Rogues Z'life I cou'd Kiss 'em if they did not stink of Matrimony St. A. Mum Mum Mum. Did not I tell you 't was a madness to speak to ' em El. They envy my Friend too here this pleasant Companion Cel. This dear agreeable Person Nem. Ay Damme Madam the Rogues envy us El. What a gentle Aspect Cel. How proper and Airy El. See here 's Blood in this Face Vid. Pure Blood Madam at your Service Cel. Will you walk dear Sir give me your hand El. And me yours Nem. Come you dear ravishing Rogues Your Servant Mr. Butts Vid. Gentle Mr. Butts El. Adieu sweet Mr. Butts Cel. Witty Mr. Butts Ha Ha Ha! Exeunt Nem. Vid. Cel. El. St. A. Well I 'll to a Dutchess Pol. Lord thou art always so high-flown Hast thou never a cast Countess for me St. A. Come along to the Ball and thou shalt see the Duke of Nemours is the Gallant to night and Treats at his Palace because 't is the King's Birth-day Let me see what new Fancy for the Masquerade Oh! I have it Because the Town is much taken with Fortune-telling I 'll act the Dumb Man the Highlander that made such a noise and thou shalt be my Interpreter Come along and as we go I 'll instruct thee in the Signs Pol. Dear Rogue let 's practise a little before we stir As what sign for Lechery because we may Nick our Wives St. A. Why thus that 's a glanting squeez'd Eye or thus for a moist Hand or thus for a Whore in a corner or thus for downright Cuckolding Pol. Well I swear this will be rare sport and so my damn'd Spouse I am resolv'd to tickle her with a squeez'd Eye and a moist Hand and a Whore in a corner till she confess her self guilty of downright Cuckoldom then in revenge for her last Impudence Sue for a Divorce And holding to her Face the flying Label Call her in open Court the Whore of Babel Exeunt SCENE II. The Prince and Princess of Cleve P. C. MAdam the King commands me to attend His Daughter into Spain and further adds Because no Princess Rivals you in Fame You will oblige the Court in going with me Princess C. My Lord I am prepar'd and leave the Court With such a Joy as wou'd admit no bounds P. C. As wou'd admit no bounds and why because It takes you from the Charms which you wou'd shun This is a Vertue of such height indeed As none but you can boast nor I deplore But Madam Rumor says the King intends To joyn another with me Princess C. Who my Lord P. C. 'T was thought at first the Chevalier de Guise Princess C. He is your Friend nor cou'd the King choose better P. C. I say at first 't was thought the Duke of Guise But I was since instructed by the Queen That Honour 's fixt upon the Duke Nemours Princess C. Nemours my Lord P. C. Most certain Princess C. For what reason P. C. Because I mov'd the Dauphin Queen to gain him Princess C. 'T was rashly done against your Interest mov'd P. C. Perhaps 't is not too late yet to supplant him Princess C. Do 't then be quick Nemours will share your Honours Eclipse your Glory P. C. Ha I must confess The Soldiers love him and he bears the Palm Already from the Marshals of the Field Princess C. And in the Court he 's call'd the Rising Star You see each night at every Entertainment Where he moves what Troops of Beauties follow How the Queens praise him and all Eyes admire him P. C. Ha! Chartres Princess C. Ah! my Lord what have I done P. C. Nothing my Chartres but admire Nemours O Heaven and Earth and if I had but Patience To hear you out how had you lost your self On that Eternal Object of your Love No Madam no 't is false 't is no Nemours 'T was my invention to find out the truth Your trouble has convinc'd me 't is Nemours Which curst Discovery in another Woman I shou'd have made by her too eager Joy. Why speak you Not you 're shock'd with your own Vertue The resolution of your Justice aws you Which cannot dares not give it self the Lye. Princess C. My Lord my Love my Life Alas my Cleve O pity me I know not what to answer I 'm mortally asham'd I 'm on the Rack But spare this humble Passion Take me with you Where I may never see a Man again P. C. O Rise my Chartres Rise if possible I 'll force thee to be mine in spite of Fate My constant Martyrdom and deathless Kindness My more than Mortal Patience in these Sufferings Shall poize his noblest Qualities O Heav'n No fear my Chartres tho these Sorrows fall That I suspect thy Glory thou hast strength To curb this Passion in that else may end us All that I ask thee is to bend thy Heart Princess C. I 'll break it P. C. Turn it from Nemours Nemours But Oh! that name presents thy danger greater Look to thy Honour then and look to mine I ask it as thy Lover and thy Husband I beg it as a Man whose Life depends Upon thy Breath that offers thee a Heart All bleeding with the Wounds of Mortal Love All hack'd and gash'd and stab'd and mangled o'er And yet a Heart so true in spite of pain As ne'er yet lov'd nor ever shall again Exit P.C. Enter Irene Iren. Ha! Madam speak how is it with your Heart Princess C. As with a timorous Slave condemn'd to Torments That still cries out he cannot will not bear it And yet bears on Iren. Ah Madam I wou'd speak If you cou'd bear the dreadful News I bring Princess C. Alas thou canst not add to grief like mine Iren. May I demand then if you have not told The Secret to your Husband Princess C. Ha! Iren Why dost thou ask Iren. Because but now Tournon a Lady of the Queens Told me 't is blaz'd at Court Nemours confessed He is belov'd by one of such nice Virtue That fearing lest the Passion might betray her She own'd confess'd and told it to her Husband Princess C. Death and Despair But does Nemours avow it Iren. He own'd it to the Vidam who agen Told it to Madam Tournon she to others
'T is true Nemours told not the Ladies name Nor wou'd confess himself to be the Party But yet the Court in general does believe it P●incess C. I am undone my Fame is lost for ever And death Irene must be my remedy 'T is true indeed I laid my Bosom op'n I shew'd my Heart to that ungrateful Cleve Who since in dangerous search of him I love To the eternal ruine of my Honour Has trusted a third Person But away I hear his tread and am resolv'd to tax him Enter Princess C. Ah! Sir what have you done if you must kill me Are there not Daggets Pois'n But the Jealous Are Cruel still and thoughtful in Revenge And single Death 's too little must your will Of knowing Names my duty durst not tell you Oblige you to betray me to another So to divulge the Secret of my Soul That the whole Court must know it P. C. Ha! know what Know my Dishonour have you told it then Princess C. No 't is your self 't is you reveal'd it Sir To gain a Confident for more Discovery A Lady of the Queen 's just now declar'd it To your eternal Shame you have divulg'd it She had it from the Vidam Sir of Chartres And he from the Duke Nemours P. C. Nemours How Madam said you What Nemours Nemours Does Nemours know you love him Hell and Furies And that I know it too and not revenge it Princess C. That 's yet to seek he will not own himself To be concern'd he offers not at names But yet 't is found 't is known believ'd by all He cannot hold it 't will be shortly posted That Cleve your Wife 's that curst dishonour'd She You told him of P. C. Is 't possible I told him Peace Peace and if it lyes in Humane Power To reason calmly tell me Murd'ress tell me Compose that Face of flush'd Hypocrisie And answer to a truth Was it my Interest To speak of this was I not rather ty'd To wish it buried in the Grave in Hell Whence it might never rise to blot my Honour But you have seen him by my hopes of Heaven You have met and interchang'd your secret Souls On that Complotted since I bore so tamely Your first Confession I shou'd bear the latter Princess C. Believe it if you please P. C. I must believe it This last Proceeding has unmask'd your Soul He sees you ev'ry hour and knows you love him Nay for your greater freedom you have joyn'd To make this loath'd detested Cleve your Stale Ha I believ'd you might o'ercome this passion So well you knew to Charm me with the show Of seeming Vertue 'till I lost my Reason Princes C. 'T is likely Sir it was but seeming Vertue And you did ill to judge so kindly of me I was mistaken too in that Confession Because I thought that you wou'd do me Justice P. C. You were mistaken when you thought I wou'd Sure you forgot that I was desperate Sentenc'd and doom'd by Fate or rather damn'd To love you to my Grave And cou'd I bear A Rival what and when I was your Husband And when you own'd your passion to my face Confess'd you lov'd me much But lov'd him more Ha Is not this enough to make me mad Princess C. You have the power to set all right agen Why do you not end me P. C. No I 'll end my self My Toughts are grown too violent for my Reason By this last usage Oh! Thou hast undone me I know not what This ought not to be thine I have offended and wou'd Sue for pardon But yet I blush the Treason is too gross After that most unnatural Confession I wonder now that I have liv'd so long Confess and then divulge make me your Bawd It Scents too far the God of Love flies wide He gets the Wind and stops the Nose at this No more Farewel False Chartres False Nemours False World False All since Chartres is not true But you your Wish with lov'd Nemours shall have And shortly see your Husband in the Grave Exit Princess C. Sola False World False Cleve False Chartres False Nemours Farewel to all a long and last Farewel From all Converse to Deserts let me fly And in some gloomy Cave forgotten lye My Bower at Noon the shade of some old Trees With whistl'ing Winds t'endulge my pomp of ease And lulling Murmurs rowl'd from neighb'ring Seas Where I may sometimes hasten to the Shore And to the Rocks and Waves my Loss deplore Where when I feel my hour of Fate draws on Lest the false World shou'd claim a parting groan My Mothers Ghost may rise to fix my mind And leave no thought of tenderness behind Finis Actus Tertii ACT IV. SCENE I. Musick Songs Maskers c. Nemours with Musick Lady Poltrot Nem. HE has confess'd to me he intends to Cuckold St. Andre when he walks in his sleep Therefore if Love shou'd inspire me to nick the opportunity I hope you will not bar the door which your Husband op'ns L. Pol. Ingrateful Monster Nem. Ingrateful that 's certain and it lyes in your power to make him a Monster L. P. I dare not Nem. What L. P. Trust you Nem. Nay then I am sure thou wilt let me but in to shew the power you have over me L. P. As how my Lord Nem. Why when I have thee in my Arms by Heav'n I 'll quit my Joys at thy desire L. P. That will indeed be a perfect tryal of your love come then through the Garden back-stairs and when you see the Candle put out thrust op'n the door Nem. By Heav'n I 'll eat thy hand Thou dear sweet Seducer how it fires my Fancy to steal into a Garden to rustle through the Trees to stumble up a narrow pair of back stairs to whisper through the hole of the door to kiss it open and fall into thy Arms with a flood of Joy L. P. Farewel the company comes I must leave you a while to engage with my Husband you 'll fall asleep before the hour Nem. If I do the very transport of Imagination shall carry me in my sleep to thy Bed and I 'll wake in the Act. Exit L. Pol. So there 's one in the Fernbrake and if she stir till Morning I have lost my aim but now why what have we here a Hugonot Whore by this light Have I For the forward brisk she that promis'd me the Ball Assignation that said there was nothing like slipping out of the crowd into a corner breathing short an Ejaculation and returning as if we came from Church Let me see I 'll put on my Mask fling my Cloak over my shoulder and view 'em as they pass not thou nor thou Enter Tournon in the Habit of a Hugonot Tour. Ah thou unclean Person have I hunted thee there like a Hart from the Mountains to the Vallies and thou would'st not be found verily thou hast been amongst the Daughters of the Philistines Nay if you are Innocent stand before