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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A49328 Three new playes, Viz. The noble ingratitude. A pastoral-tragi-comedy. The enchanted lovers. A pastoral. The amorous fantasme. A tragi-comedy. All written by Sir Wil. Lower Knight Lower, William, Sir, 1600?-1662. 1661 (1661) Wing L3319A; ESTC R223698 106,355 316

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think thou art my friend deal plainly And freely with me art not thou that cruel That false and traiterous Rival THIMANTES Answer him Ismenia THERSANDER Well what wilt thou say at last ISMENIA Thersander hath for Rival in his love THERSANDER Speak whom ISMENIA Cleagenor THERSANDER Cleagenor Ismenia ha my joy sure is extream True I confess I love this Rival equal Unto my self and if he may be loved Of th' object whom I serve I will adore My chains without condemning her of rigour ISMENIA Thou hast lost nothing by this bout thy fortune May create envy fair Diana hath Yielded to Celia's portrait DIANA Softly Who to see Those decay'd features could have known that face But my love hath at last drawn them afresh Within my memory I must draw neer him And yield to my impatience THERSANDER to ISMENIA Pardon me I can't believe thee but here comes Diana See if her eys ha' n't the same cruelty Alwaies the same pride and the same disdain DIANA Ismenia I am come to tell thee something ISMENIA Me Celia THERSANDER How Celia ISMENIA Yes Celia THERSANDER Alas I 'm in an error 't is her eyes Her gate her countenance but not her heart ISMENIA 'T is she Thersander whom thou do'st behold It is her very self THERSANDER How is 't a custome To call forth from the bosom of the Grave Departed souls and by what priviledge Hath that God who at the eternal sleep Presides ordain'd her waking DIANA to THERSANDER Though thy faith Finds this point strange is not love strong enough To make thee to believe a Miracle Cleagenor sees me and knows me not How comes it is my Portrait false have J No more attractions see if 't be thy Celia At least if 't be not she it is no more That beauty which was late so cruel to thee Cleagenor THERSANDER My Celia DIANA Is it possible O Gods that J should see again what J Best love i' th' World THERSANDER Is it you that J see ISMENIA Take heed be moderate one may die with joy THIMANTES Ismenia follow this example here Grant only at this instant but a kisse To my impatience see at last Diana Ceaseth to be unkind ISMENIA What! doth the object rouse thee and th' example Provoke thy spirits thou wilt have but one kiss THIMANTES I will be satisfied ISMENIA Give me then Some verses or at least a nose-gay of The choicest flowers THIMANTES Ismenia I 'l not fail To bring them thee ISMENIA Then trouble not thy self The kisse is thine THIMANTES Wilt thou withhold from me So long what is my due ISMENIA It will be better When it is much expected and long'd for THERSANDER Behold my whole adventure in few words DIANA I 've made thee too a full description Of my misfortunes thou seest how I feign'd To give my grief full vent a Brothers death In weeping of my lovers THERSANDER What felicity Do I injoy now THIMANTES Use your utmost skil To make it lasting to you and beware of The fickleness of fortune and her wrongs THERSANDER What! have we yet any thing more to fear Is not that blind inconstant Goddess weary Of persecuting us THIMANTES Love is a child He must be govern'd well Diana's beauty Hath gain'd her lovers they may hurt Thersander Melintus hath a subtle wit and we Both know he loves Diana and besides Is jealous of her fear some foul play from him If thou appear his Rival he disposeth The spirit of Melissa at his pleasure When he shall see you serve as obstacle Unto his love he will take speedy order For your removal THERSANDER But to hinder him To hurt me I conceive Diana hath No lesse power on the spirit of the Nymph THIMANTES But if the Nymph loves thee as I observ'd Her heart expressed some such matter lately When at her last return home from the Games Her free confession to us all declar'd How much she did esteem thee but at last With such an esteem that love followed Close at the heels in plain terms and indeed Spoken by her of purpose if she loves thee I say as I 'm confirmed in that thought How wilt thou steer thy course ISMENIA 'T is very true Her discourse comes into my memory THERSANDER O Gods what 's this you utter DIANA For my part I begin to believe it and remember The passage too I fear all things from thence This is the only mischief we should shun ISMENIA What can she not do 'gainst your interests When your refuse shall come to arm her anger Against you Know that with a single word I' th twinckling of an eye too she can calm The floods and make a mutiny amongst them Call forth corrupted bodies from their graves Make their cold ashes speak and their pale ghosts To walk these were the secrets Zoroastres Taught whil'st he raign'd to his posterity She is descended from him and to give Her self content will make use of her art To serve her passion THERSANDER I know that her skill Extends to Magick Yes I fear her love With so much power and yield unto thy counsel Advise us what to do THIMANTES Disguise your selves Under the names of Brother and of Sister In the mean time we 'l spread abroad the rumor Of this event that every one shall hear it Within the Island THEERSANDER J approve this project DIANA My life lies on it ISMENIA I go to begin To lie unto Parthenia SCENA IV. PARTHENIA ISMENIA DIANA THERSANDER THIMANTES PARTHENIA ISmenia I would speak one word with thee but a moment ISMENIA Immediately when you have born a part In the contentment of this pair Diana Hath for the future no more cause to weep Heaven hath been pleas●d that she hath found her brother It is this happy Shepheard they acknowledge Each other PARTHENIA This event J must confess Confounds my spirit Thersander found her brother DIANA Yes Nymph it is the same For whom my grief was hitherto extream The Gods at length have heard my prayers and sighs THERSANDER Yes Madam they have granted our desires PARTHENIA J'm very glad on 't and my soul is ravish'd With this good fortune of our friends which makes Our lives content Diana will oblige me If she please at her leisure to inform me with the discovery but acquaint the Nymph Therewith and to that purpose go to see her THERSANDER We ow that duty to our Soveraign Exeunt Ther 's and Diana PARTHENIA In the mean time Ismenia and my self May entertain each other in discourse Thimantes J believe will not be jealous THIMANTES Let not a third come Madam and J fear Nothing from you Exit Thimantes PARTHENIA Ismenia J know not If J may safely tell a secret to thee Alas ISMENIA J know it well since the heart sighs When one would say J love and dares not speak it The heart at the nam'd point gives an Alas Have not J ●ell divin'd PARTHENIA Ismenia I do confess it see too if thou canst Divine the object that
charms there ALABEZ Are you besotted wil you not salute her ZEGRY No to perform that complement I 'le give her A visit when I shall have without doubt My soul lesse in disorder ALABEZ For m● part Who do not love so daintily I will Without deferring it make my addresse ZEGRY Without discovering our selves we may From hence know by the usage of the servant In what esteem the Master is at present SCENE IV. ALABEZ CHARIFA FATIMA ZEGRY ORMIN ALABEZ SWeet Beauties welcome from what quarters come you CHARIFA What means this insolent Go on your way ALABEZ How 's this instead of kisses and embraces As I expected I am quarrel●d with Charifa whence this change CHARIFA Begone and leave us ALABEZ Thou actest well the scornfull FATIMA What 's that follow Which followes us CHARIFA T is an impertinent Whom I know not ALABEZ I am much changed then Since this last voyage but thy soul is chāg'd And not my visage without doubt thy Mistresse Hath better eyes and more wit she will know An old and a familiar acquaintance FATIMA who are you then ALABEZ My Masters Slave FATIMA What Master ALABEZ Should you not know him neither Is his name raz'd out of your memory FATIMA Assuredly Charifa this man's mad ALABEZ How Madam is it possible you can Forget the valiant Zegry FATIMA Zegry ZEGRY Heaven What strange inconstancy is this who ever Could have imagin'd it aside ALABEZ That noble and illustrious successour Of those brave warriers who even in Spain Have gathered Lawrells and brought home faire spoils Madam your faithfull Lover Zaida's brother FATIMA Oh! I remember him ZEGRY False and Ingratefull ALABEZ You ask not how he doth FATIMA What interest Have I in his sweet person happily He 's dead ALABEZ He is indeed FATIMA We are all mortall The Prophet hath his soul. CHARIFA A faith full servant Would have accompanied his Master why Art thou not dead too ALABEZ Only to ●nrage thee Zegry discovering himself ZEGRY The Prophet hath his soul o false Fatima Is 't thus you do expresse your goodness to me Deceitfull object my return I see Displeaseth you who would despise me dead Must hate me living I disturb with pleasure That faithless joy which the delightfull news Of my feign'd death procur'd you I live still Ingratefull but I live no more for you M● passion is transform●d all into fury As much as I lov'd you I now despise you My heart shakes of so rigourous a yoak Love raiseth no more sighs nor fires within me Only I sigh that I us'd so much care To please you and if I burn yet it is With anger not with love ORMIN Oh this successe Answereth my wishes fully aside FATIMA This confession Surpriseth but no way afflicteth me My first discourse should make you understand That I 'm not very tender hearted to you And me thinks after such a cleer contempt As was expressed there you might believe Nothing should trouble me that comes from you Vnless your amourous addresse I have A thousand other Lovers braver far Then you and therefore I daign not to put you In the rank of my conquests ZEGRY Sure your pride Is greater then your beauty the charm is Dissolv'd wherein I formerly was held T is true I sometime thought you beautifull But I was amourous and therefore not To be believed having now my spirit No more disordered you cease to be fair And I to be abused whereas you Pleased me formerly it was because It is impossible for me when I Am lov'd to be insensible FATIMA I love you Heaven what a strange opinion is this I never had but strong aversion for you All your indeavours serv'd but to displease me But though I hated you I lov'd your Sister And ●t was for her sake that I feign'd to have Some pitty for your passions her prayer A hundred times restain●d my hate you sware That your daies did depend upon my sight And yeelding unto her desites I did Enforce mine eyes to smile when my heart frown'd To the end not to be cause of your death ZEGRY Your eyes have never made a mortall wound FATIMA Take heed that your do not revive again One Only of my looks darted more gently Can change this violent anger into love But I am verie nice of such a look It is too rich a price Sir for your conquest I limit my desires to see you never Adieu become wise and leave me in peace Exit Fatima SCENE V. ZEGRY ALABEZ ORMIN ZEGRY YEs false Fatima I will become wise Thy contempt is unjust but mine is lawfull Since thou pretendest but to make thee hated I will obey thee thy unworthy trophy My heart shal be no more his charmes are broken His flames are quench'd Alabez follow her Close at the heels even unto her house But have a care not to discover thee ORMIN Her pride 's unjust and not to be endur'd Your change herein is but too equitable O how wel should you do to free your heart From the imperious captivity Of such a cruel conquerour you are Born with too many fair advantages To obtain nothing but eternall wrongs There are Sir other beauties in the world VVhich would be glad to share their flame with yours To imitate your sighs and which would tell you That the resplendent honour of a crown Is beneath that to be beloved of An object that one loves Contempt in love De●erves to be repayed with contempt And who refuseth is not worthy of For the most part the person that 's refus'd ZEGRY How great my griefs are and how grievous is This proud contempt o light and wavering Sex O black ingratitude since love began To trouble Lovers was there ever torment Equall to mine I feel my heart infected VVith all imaginary griefs ORMIN Oh? Sir Believe me I know some that are much more To be lamented and if what I know VVere reveald to you you should have great cause Of comfort by it ZEGRY Oh speak and divert The grief which doth oppresse me oftentimes A wretch is pleased in his misery VVhen he sees that he suffers not alone ORMIN O love I pray thee make his heart grow tender At the recitall of the evill which he Hath caused me oh make him Sensible Of my sad sufferings aside A young Beauty Sir VVhose name and birth if you please I 'l conceal Through decency only thus much I'I tell you That she was neer to me and lov'd me deerly Scarce yet attained to the fifteenth yeer When love and marriage was proposed to her And she commanded to expect for husband A man too lovely and to much belov'd And who for his part was so farre from being Warm●d with a mutuall flame that he unlawfully Took an affection for another object His faithfull Lover with grief understood it But yet a worse misfortune afterward Surprised her th' ingratefull brak th' accord Of the approaching marriage and departed For a long voyage without seeing her I can assure you
FATIMA I may assure my self then ere we part That Adibar shall have no free admittanc● To your society I have already Told you that formerly he loved me But now I know that you give laws to 〈◊〉 And I have cause to hope that if you scorn 〈◊〉 He may return unto his first subjection ZAIDA Fatima be assur'd than he shall be Repuls'd his love will be but troublesom● But if you love me forget not to feign Some kindnes for my brother I beseech For my sake give him cause to hope a little FATIMA Adieu I promise you that at next meetin● I will receive him better Exit 〈◊〉 SCENE II. ZAIDA MEDINA ZAIDA WHat think'st thou Of fair Fatima and of her request MEDINA ● think that Adibar is not a person ●o be despis'd ZAIDA True but I am too proud T' accept a heart that hath been conquered By any other and would now be mine Trough an inconstancie but if I durst To love MEDINA Why stop you Madam ZAIDA Oh Medina I must not speak the rest MEDINA ●ut I divine it You are in love and I have cause to judge ●hat it is with Almansor that fair stranger ZAIDA Who I in love with him MEDINA ●hy not I pray you Is that a crime ZAIDA Oh do not name that love ●hich is no other but a fair esteem MEDINA There is so little difference between Esteem and love that oftentimes we take th● One for the other and are so deceiv'd ZAIDA I cannot but remember that my brother In his last voyage did conclude my marriag● In Argier that he who 's design'd to be My husband is heer shortly to arrive And that my heart ought to reserve it self Wholy for him Besides in thy opinion Would it not argue a great weaknes in me To love this stranger though my broth●● friend Who hath not been above a moneth amon● And whose desert as yet 's unknown unto MEDINA Seeing this Stranger who 's not of the vul● Deserves to be caressed of your brother There 's reason to believe that he deserves To be your Lover and I can't conceive Why your mouth will conceal the fl●● which is So cleerly for him in your eyes and coun●●●nance As often as he commeth with your brothe● To visit you your looks seem to be fix'd Wholy one him and at the same time also I observ'd often that the stranger ey'd you With the same ardour ZAIDA Prethee speak in earnest Did'st see him to behold me oftentimes MEDINA You ask it me with very much impresse m● I do believe in lesse time then an howr That you have question'd me upon this 〈◊〉 More then a hundred times your curiosity Gives me a full assurance that his looks Displease you not nor wound your modesty ZAIDA Alas can one in justice be offended To be belov'd MEDINA If his love pleaseth you I think his person Will please you equally ZAIDA I consider him Without interpreter but perhaps he loves Elsewhere and I may be unpleasing to him MEDINA Madam although you fain would cover it This fond suspition publisheth your flame Iealousy alwaies is daughter of love ZAIDA vvould it pleas'd Heaven that he were free and that He thought me fair But I see him come forth Gomella's house I 'l satisfy my self In sounding of his soul upon this bank I will repose my self and feign to sleep MEDINA VVhat 's your design I cannot comprehend it ZAIDA VVithdraw anon thou 't understand it better SCENE III. ALMANSOR ZAIDA ALMANSOR G●mella is expecting his return In visit heer I may conveniently Dream of my new love Heaven do I not see Vnder that flourishing shade the beautious subject Of my sad sufferings Love in this encounter Seemeth to flatter me sufficiently It is the lovely Zaida without doubt How sweetly and with what tranquility Doth that fair one repose whil'st wretched Languish with the disease which she procures me Surely she cannot hear me now I may Speak at this present unto her of love And not offend her but alas the rigour Of my sad destiny is great when I Presume to speak I fear that she may hear me You that have taught me the true use of sighs Dear object of my joy and of my griefs Suffer my amorous and silent soul T●expresse its secret passion before you And to complain heer of a thousand evills Which you have made me suffer yet unknown Vnto your self and you resplendent sources Of all my fires from whence I have deriv●d Such violent heats fair charming eyes the authors Of my captivity enjoy the rest Which your have taken from me If I see The poppies which shut up your lids be no● Offended that you lose your lights the Sun Is subject to the same eclipse and can No more then you dispense himself thereof Zaida feigning her self in a dream ZAID Almansor ALM. Sure she dreams ZAIDA Oh! rigourous torment To burn to languish and not dare to speak it Alas ALMANSOR O Heaven what heare I ZAIDA We resent One and the same heat ALMANSOR Oh! that it were true ZAIDA My modesty excuse me ALMANSOR O favourable sleep● ZAIDA Cruel constraints When shal we be content when shall our plaints Have end ALMANSOR In this great extasie of joy All my respects are vain to give her thanks I 'l kisse her fair hands He kisseth her hands ZAIDA Hold insolent whence doth proceed this boldnes feigning to awake ALMANSOR What have I done aside I came to give you thanks ZAIDA For what ALMANSOR T is for your goodnes ZAIDA How I know not I 'm sure I never gave you any matter For this acknowledgment who ever will Consult th' apparence of the thing shal find That I have much indifference for you But though I had lesse was it fit to trouble My rest in making your acknowledgement ALMANZOR Excuse my transport beautious Shepheardesse If I had lesse lov'd I had been lesse guilty In this occasion a Wary Lover Would have expressed little love in shewing Too much respect and whatsoer my crime b● It would be pardoned if you slept stil But alas my good fortune is soon chang'd I find that you awake but to afflict me Your eyes in taking unto them again Their grace and lustre take unto them also At the same time their usual cruelty And that most charming hope which I so littl● Enjoyed vanish'd with your sleep ZAIDA This is An ill expression of your self that word Of hope gives me astonishment I never Gave it nor took it yet from any person ALMANZOR If I might dare to credit your discourse At least you had not an aversion for me Nothing would be equall to my good fortune You would not find my presence trouble so me I should be used better I should be Esteem'd and possibly ZAIDA Proceed ALMANZOR I might be Belov'd ZAIDA Belov'd of whom if you magine Of me you are mistaken ALMAZOR Notwithstanding You honored me so much to tell me so If I may but believe your voice I have Place in your
tempests of my spirit Exit Zegry ORMIN I will indeavour with permission of The holy Prophet to hear such successe As I desire SCENE II. ORMIM alone WHereto shall I resolve me in this sad Extremity shall I sollicit now My Rivall gainst my self in the behalf Of an ingratfull Master that doth wrong me And though he appeares blind to my disadvantage Shall I approve my self so more then he What shall I presse th' effect of what I fear Shall I give him content at my sad cost By a constraint so cruell and shall I Become my self the faithfull Minister Of the injustices which he doth do me No no let us not serve with so much heat To trouble us yet with a new misfortune A person who cost me so many tears If I must die at least let me not give Arms for to peirce my heart o' th contrary Let me act so that he may hope for nothing From fair Fatima let me without scruple Betray this false one and deprive him of A good which would become so fa'tal to me I should ground all the hope that 's left unto me Vpon the losse of his But how is this That at these words I tremble with affright I find my heart already riseth up Against me in behalf of this false Master Alas how cruel and perfidious Soer he be I cannot fail of faith To wards him but must love and serve him truly 'T is so resolv'd my anger must give place Vnto the love that raigneth in my bosom An ill example never justifies A crime let us deliberate no more But what 's the noise I hear it is Fatima That passeth and Charifa follows her SCENE III. FATIMA CHARIFA ORMIN FATIMA THis foul contemps which Zaida offers me Provokes me highly ●o far was this false one From hindering Adibar to visit her As she engag'd herself in promise to me That she accepted kindly of his hand To disoblige me t is an injury Of such a nature as requires reveng CHARIFA The affront is known unto your self you saw it With your own eyes and to speak truely Madame The injustice is extream FATIMA Know that my anget Is so too let us enter it is late This night shall give us counsell ORMIN I 'l go one And stay no longer las I dare not open My mouth nor keep it shut Love I beseech thee Mingle at least some good in the great masse Of my misfortunes graunt that in demanding All things of her she grant me nothing for him aside Madame shall I find so much goodnes from you As to allow me the sweet liberty To leave this letter heer in your fair hands It commeth from a Louer the most passionate Of all those which the Lustre of your eyes Hath made slaves and who not withstanding all The love wherewith his soul is seis'd hath griven you Some cause of plaint FATIMA Of plaint i st Adibar That writes vnto me Softly to Charifa CHARIFA Wtihout doubt t is he My heart doth tell me so FATIMA What would that false one Desire of me ORMIN How cruell is this sweetnes To me aside The end of his desires is to Appear before you highly to detest His insolēt crime he would expresse the trouble Wherewirh his soul is press'd to the Divinity Iustly offended and receive in making His fault worthy to be forgot a pardon Or death at your fair feet FATIMA I desire not His death but I would have him live and hope How late soever his repentance comes I love it and 't is welcome My heart is Already pacified by thy discourse ORMIN I have for my misfortune too well sped aside FATIMA Le ts see with what air in this letter he Vtters his thought we will go in to read it And to give answer since he is no longer Obstinate in his coldnes I will send His pardon sign'd and seal'd ORMIN How full of joy Will Zegry be at my return FATIMA What say you Zegry ORMIN T is he that sends me he will kisse The words where with y 'ave flatter'd him Fatima tearing his letter FATIMA This is My answer go and carry it unto him Exit Fatima SCENE IV. ORMIN CHARIFA ORMIN THis in equality astonisheth And puzleth me Charifa CHARIFA No good night ORMIN Hear me I pray thee CHARIFA I take no delight To talk with fools ORMIN Stay yet a little CHARIFA I have not the leisure Adieu fair prater ORMIN Be not so ungentle My hād shall speak gould to supply my mouth CHARIFA I do'nt believe thee ORMIN Believe the event From Zegry take this diamond CHARIFA To betraye And sell my Mistresse God defend I will not Receive it ORMIN Be not such a simple creature CHARIFA I take it then to please thee but accept it Vnto a good intent the stone 's not false At least I think so ORMIN Thou mayst be assur'd on 't T is very fair and perfect CHARIFA Pardon me My words might seem t'imply a doubt that I Suspected thee but I am innocent ORMIN Wilt thou not tell me by what fatall errour Thy mistresse humour chang'd so suddenly And how it came that only at the name Of Zegry her heart presently grew cold Although enflam'd with my discourse before CHARIFA I love thee but too well and if rhou wilt Be secret I 'l discover unto thee This secret of importance this hid mistery ORMIN Thou wilt oblige me much speak I 'm discreet And will concea'lt as closely as thy selfe CHARIFA Fatima then loves Adibar asmuch As she doth hate thy Master but for her Adibar by a pleasant fair return Hath no lesse coldnes then thy master love Thou knowst that thou art not yet known of her And that love oftentimes troubleth the brain Hence was it that at first she did believe That Adibar sent thee to speak to her But since she knew her errour she was mad I hear a noise let us speak soft I fear We should be heard SCENE V. ALABEZ ORMIN CHARIFA ALABEZ THe Devill where thinks my Master That I should meet with Ormin it is night And I can't find my way CHARIFA Prethee be still ORMIN Let me alone thy honour is not much In danger with me CHARIFA Foh my diamond Is fallen from my finger ORMIN Without doubt The grasse conceals it from our sight CHARIFA We may Seek it a good while ere we find it heer ORMIN Yes in this manner I 'le go fetch a light Exit Ormin SCENE VI. ALABEZ CHARIFA CHARIFA Return I 've found it taking him for Ormin ALABEZ I should know that voice It is Charifa strange what might she do So late heer in these woods I will approach A little neerer aside CHARIFA Thou but jests with me Kisse me no more if thou dost I 'l retire ALABEZ A rare piece this I must hear all CHARIFA Yes really Promise me to be quiet or I 'l leave thee This is a little too much liberty At first I am a maid that stands upon My reputation and fear evill tongues
for thee Th Imployment if I could revenge my self Without thee and I had already seen The punishment of Zegry If I would Have us●d Gomellas service thy arm only Must wash the stam of from tby brow take all The reuenge to thee as th' affront's all thine Seeme no more until thou hast reveng'd Thy Sister Goe seek find and punish fully Her barbarous ravisher adiew perform Thy duty and make thy self to appear A worthy branch of that ill●strions stock Of Heros from whose loines thou art descēded To end our common miseries and fears Go thou to shed blood I goe to shed tears Exit Lindarache SCENE II. ALMANSOR alone ALMANSOR OH heard extremiti●s oh cruel violence Alas the friend that doth oblige me is The enemy that wrongs me I owe then My safety unto him that robs me of My honour ād the man that sav'd the brother Hath ruined the Sister in this case What counsell should I take shall I become Ingratefull or be infamous shal I Break the bond of a holy amity Shal I let forth the blood which preserv'd mine That blood in which love will that I have Interest And to say all the blood of my fair Mistresse She comes forth and without doubt aymeth here Honour will that I fly but Love restrains me SCENE III. ALMANSOR ZAIDA MEDINA ZAIDA HE dares not to advance his crime intimidates him We will passe by the traitor without speaking A word ALMANSOR Deare object of all m● affections Charme of my Spirits ZAIDA Surely you are mistaken You would speak to some other ALMANSOR Suffer me T' expresse my passion unto your faire eyes Love ZAIDA You take me without doubt for Fatima ALMANSOR How for Fatima this wo●d doth acquaint me Confusedly with the unjust suspition From whence this chang springs possibly you have Believed that I seck to please her seeing The league that it between me and her Father But Heaven and Love my conquerour be witnes That your fair Image wholy doth possesse My heart that to remove you thence Fatima Is altogether incapable that I look on Al that is lovely in her without love And that as sensible only of the darts Of your rare beauties I confine my thoughts And actions to civilities for her ZAIDA How do you look upon Fatima then With an indifference Let me see how far His impudence will go aside ALMANSOR Can you doubt of it you that have tied all My senses with such sweet and pressing bonds Can you suspect with any justice Madam My heart of treachery my oaths of falshood And believe that my soul hath so much blacknes As to betray my Mistresse my friend And my Deliverer could you imagine Without being deceiv●d that having once Beheld you one could love elsewhere oh no For me to be inflam'd with a new fire You are too charming and I 'm too much charm'd ZAIDA Too much charm'd monster of perfidiousnes Wilt thou abuse me then after thou hast Betray'd me and with an unworthy love Carried away wilt thou join impudence To infidelity ALMANSOR To in●idelity What say you Zaida this discourse confounds me ZAIDA I see it plainly wretch wer 't thou lesse wicked Thou would'st be lesse confounded an ingratefull Still blusheth at reproaches ALMANSOR An ingratefull ZAIDA Doth that word trouble thee and fearest thou The name of an ingratefull person more Then foul ingratitude it self ALMANSOR I know not The cause of this your anger should I never So much examine me I still should find My conscience innocent ZAIDA In thy accompt then T is nothing to deceive a maid to wrong Thy friend to fail thy faith to love Fatima Lastly ALMANSOR I say you ZAIDA Yes thee ALMANSOR Oh ● believe me I love her not ZAIDA Dar'st thou to say it yet Dost thou not love her when thou dost adore her Thy false equivocations cannot heer Abuse me I know that thou art to morrow To marry her ALMANSOR To matry her o Heaven believe it not I swear ZAIDA No no forbeare I believe not The oaths of one that 's perjur'd every one Knows of this mariage ALMANSOR Who told it you ZAIDA A certaine person ALMANSOR Whosoe'r it be That certain person ly'd Tell me his name And my just anger presently shall carry him The reward of his false intelligence ZAIDA Goe punish then Fatima it was she Her self that told it me ALMANSOR Oh give lesse credit Ador able Wonder to such false discourses ZAIDA Good God! who ever saw such impudence ALMANSOR The mariage which she hath forged is A falsity bear witnesse thou dread Master Of Heaven that this I speak is truth but if I lie let thy hand with a thunderbolt Strike me unto the center of the earth Let my name be foreuer odious If the fire which I feel proceedeth not wholy from your fair eyes and if my heart Ever conceived for Fatima any thing Beyond a weak esteem ZAIDA I must sift yet This brazen face more throughly aside How wilt thou prove The truth of thy assertion ALMANSOR I can produce A hundred proofs to disabuse you presently ZAIDA I 'l have but one and that too very easie To put an end to the suspitions Which I 've cōceiv'd of thee give me forthwith Both thy hand and thy faith ALMANSOR I give it you With an excesse of yoy but what would I Give her a hand that must destroy her brother And plung it self in his most noble blood aside ZAIDA What dost thou answer me so ill for such Rare bounties dost thou murmur to thy selfe Grow pale and study as if thou resent'st ill What I propose ALMANSOR Madam clean contrary I was rap'd with th'unexpected honour And happines wherewith I saw me filled And th' excesse of my joy transported me I feare through my obedience to betray you To make detraction to speak against you And to treat Zegry too unciviliy In giving without his consent my hand And faith but this weak fear yeilds to my flame Duty prevails not now upon my soul And cannot take from me the glorious purpose Of giving you my heart and hand together ZAIDA Thou thinkest on 't too late my mind is chang'd And n'er shall chāge again know that I feign'd Only to try thee that excesse of goodnes And thy fires for Fatima presently Burst forth ALMANSOR Oh! I had never any for her ZAIDA Thy deceit's plain enough I 'm very well Assured of this fatall mariage When I press'd thee to passe thy faith unto me I faw that thy remorses for Fatima Accused thee and thy confusion Confirmed me in my belieft that she Receiv'd the faith which I demanded of thee ALMANSOR I offer it unto you ZAIDA No thou caust not Dispose of it Thou hast already given it And wilt abuse me ALMANSOR You abuse your self Wiih too much warines ZAIDA Hast thou the boldnes To reply yet Go go to thy Fatima To morrow is your mariage day I know it She hath affections for thee fince thou hast Refused me ALMANSOR Hear
me I do beseech you ZAIDA No no that were too great a weaknes in me Know that I leave thee n'er too see thee more A secret poison 's hid in the discourse Of an Ingratefull person and each word A traitor speaks destroys worse then the sword Exit Zaida SCENE IV. ALMANSOR alone ALMANSOR STrange successe this How is my soul possess'd Still with new troubles must I suffer then The punishment of a fault which I have not Committed when revenge doth presse me to Destro● a friend must I at the same time Destroy a Mistresse too must I lose Zaida Yes my heart I must loose her presently Since in depriving her of a dear brother My arm will draw her hate and anger on me I should hence forth no longer be so soft T is time to think of Zegrys death he must Pay his blood to repair the honout which He robs me of This Enemy so dear Must die and I must sacrifice him to me He comes at his approach some tēder motions Oppose my just resentments and indeed Render them weak my friendship combateth The anger that possesseth me my tendernes Is lesse weak and my fury is lesse strong He sav'd my life he ravished my Sister Shall I go to embrace him or to kill him SCENE V. ZEGRY ORMIN ALMANSOR ZEGRY AT last I 've met with him that wrōgeth me Ormin leave us alone ORMIN I will retire me Into this thicket secretly to see What passeth I doubt there will be a quarrel aside ALMANSOR You appear troubled ZEGRY I 've much cause to be so ALMANSOR What troubles you so much ZEGRY A wretch a Traytor Whose crime gives me an infinite regret And doth deserve more then a single death To punish it ALMANSOR May I serve you herem ZEGRY Yes I can't finish my revenge without thee ALMANSOR Zegry you can dispose of all my blood ZEGRY It is an offer which I can●t refuse ALMANSOR Who is th'affronter ZEGRY Thou art extream bold Knowst thou not traitor that it is thy self ALMANSOR I ZEGRY Thou n'er seem to wonder at the thing Only defend thy self ALMANSOR embracing him ALMANSOR How much am I. Indebted to thee for this sudden passion T is now the chief point of thy amity Thy anger doth oblige me though it wrōgs me I had already in my heart resolu●d The design of thy death and justly too My arm was ready for it when inspight Of all my fury at thy first approach My heart grew tender and had been reduc'd To balance the fierce darts which I had level'd Against thee if thy furious transport Had not call'd home my choler unto me And banished my tendernes ZEGRY I 'l hear No more discourse once again guard thy self ALMANSOR So fierce a fight can●t but be sweet unto me Honour solicits me more justly to it Then thee but let me know at least the cause That doth provoke thee I will make it plainly appear that thou complainest wrongfully And justify my self in Killing thee ZEGRY How feignst thou to be ignorant and instead Of making a confession dost thou threaten me Thy base crime groweth greater by thy boldnes ALMANSOR Let me at Iast know what that base crime is ZEGRY Consult thy conscience and thou shalt know it It will instruct thee that wi●h a false heart In recompense of all my kindnes to thee Thou rob'st me of my Mistresse and that Through treacheries which cannot be excus'd Thou art to marry her to morrow privately ALMANSOR If I am criminall assure thy self It is not in this point I never did Look on Fatima with desires of love Only thou ma●st reproach my heart for having Sight for thy Sister without thy consent ZEGRY How dost thou love her ALMANSOR No no it would be An extream errour I say I adore her I dare not say I love her That which I Resent now for her beauties doth surpasse The thing that s called Love ZEGRY By this confession Dear friend thou hast restored life unto me My griefs and troubles now are waited on By an excesse of pleasure Zaida is Too happy and her thoughts could never hope A more illustrious husband she is free The Lover unto whom I gave my word Hath seen his destiny determined By death and my repose shall fully be Setled to meet a brother in the person Of my most deare friend ALMANSOR What thou offerest me Should be most dear unto me but dost thou Know him whom thou makst choice of for thy brother ZEGRY I think I doe thy country is Tremissa Thy name Almansor and thy family Is noble and illustrious and if I May believe thee thy greatest glory is To be my friend ALMANSOR Thou knowst me but by half yet I was born heer and born thy enemy More then one just and honest motive doth Engage me to thy ruine not to hold thee Long in suspence I am Abencerage ZEGRY Abencerage ORMIN O Heaven aside ALMANSOR That wotd doth tell thee Our difference and my duty ZEGRY I aswell Know as thy self the mutuall hatred which In our two houses seemes almost as t were To be immortall but thy blood which now Thou owest to my succour should for me Stop the course of it in thy soul and though My friendship seems to stagger on this point I will content my self to hate thy name And love thy person Yes pursue thy love Vnto my Sister by a mariage We may be tied with new knots and by That holy flame the irreligious heat Of that so old and fatal enmity Will be extinct ALMANSOR This mariage would be sweet But I can't think of it till by thy death I have reveng'd my selfe upon thee ZEGRY How ALMANLOR It is not that which thou believ'st provokes me Thy name I hate not but I hate thy person And I cannot but in thy blood repair The wrong which thou hast done me ZEGRY I ALMANSOR Yes Thou How ill thou actest the astonished Thy base crime groweth greater by thy boldnes ZEGRY Let me at last know what that base crime is ALMANSOR Consult this letter read and thou shalt know it ZEGRY reads YOu from whom I derive my birth Know that a sad fate worse then death Is hapn●d to me all our name I● my losse bear an equall shame The false and cruel Zegry is The Authour of my miseries For he it is that by his charms Hath taken me out of your arms Zelinda ORMIN Without doubt they will both mistake themselves ZEGRY I cannot comprehend this dark Aenigma ALMANSOR It is too plain to me here that my sister Zelinda giveth us to understand That thou art her base ravisher ZEGRY Canst thou Suspect me of so foule an action ALMANSOR Canst thou deny it traitor and can I Believe it ZEGRY Hear me but a word or two ALMANSOR It would be to no purpose guard thy self I 'l hear no more ZEGRY How dares the man that ow● me His life to assault mine ALMANSOR That obligation Cannot divert me from my just reveng Thou wrought'st
the Nimph hath crown'd My valour with these prizes here I come To lay them at thy feet with them my heart If thou wilt triumph on this festival day Suffer at least thy conquest in thy sight That 's all th' ambition of this captive heart DIANA Captive to me if so make it change Master I freely do release it break its chain Thy self if thy design be not to have me Free it with my own hand THERSANDER Alas it is not Its liberty that I desire DIANA Then let it Live still a slave and sigh THERSANDER How Shepheardess Refuse a heart this precious present which Is alwayes worth a Temple and the Gods Think well upon it it becomes thy justice Not to despise this noble sacrifice Since I give but the same victime and incense Unto the powers above in my opinion Our Goddess in the Temple is less fair And thou dost bear the bright name of Diana As well as she DIANA Since this rich present is Of such high value as 't is worthy of A Temple and the Gods I believe Shepheard That it becomes my justice not t' accept This noble sacrifice and I should wrong Our puissant Gods in daring to partake Their glory and to share their incense with them My name 's Diana to thy eyes I 'm fair But I am not a Goddess like to her THERSANDER Although thou hast no Temple nor no Altars Thou mak'st thy self adored 't is to day Thy festival which I have celebrated I have no other worship nor no other Diana the fire of my love is not A profane fire and if some spark thereof Warm not thy breast a little I must suffer The violent heat on 't DIANA Rather I advise thee Quench it with my contempts this remedy Will cure thee that thou shalt complain no more THERSANDER Good Gods what remedy is this which thou Offerest me here I must dye Shepheardess If thou cur'st so flatter at least I pray thee With one sole word the love which thou hast rais'd If I'm not happy make me think I am so Alas I cannot hear a single syllable To succour me if thus thou curest Shepheardess I must dye there is no prevention for 't ISMENIA Why carriest thou a heart still so rebellious To love THIMANTES Why dost thou persecute with scorn This faithful Shepheard DIANA It is best be gone THERSANDER Yet thrust of thy disdain if thou wilt spare My hand my death finish the forming of The sword that kils me one word more of hate And I die presently before thine eys Speak answer me ISMENIA No more here comes the Nymph DIANA Happy arrival which hath freed me from So great a t●ouble THERSANDER Well for my part then I 'le try the temper of the marble rocks My plaints may pierce them though they could not move A Virgins heart to pitty much lesse love SCENA V. MELISSA PARTHENIA DIANA ISMENIA THIMANTES CLIDAMANT MELINTUS MELISSA SInce a full year and more that I have govern'd This happy Island in the right and lawful Line and succession of my Ancestours By the death of my Sister and since first Diana's feasts were celebrated here Never so many Laurels crown'd your heads Nor ever any day ordain'd for pastime Hath entertain'd mine eyes with such delight Every one striving to bear hence the prize Propos'd to his contention shew'd his skill Both at the Course and Lute how handsomly Thersander did behave him at these exercises With what a grace he acted every thing How charming was his port and if I may Say what I think of him he must be sprung Either from Kings or Gods how happy is Thimantes in his friendship THIMANTES This happiness which I enjoy's not new It hath a longer date then from to day His name is precious to me 't was my fortune To have the benefit of his acquaintance At my last voyage I saw his arrival From his own native country at the Court O' th King of Portugal the sympathy Of humors which one man hath with another Tied us together in so firm a friendship That having met him sad and full of thought I prevail'd with him as to bring him here In hope that in this quiet region where Melissa reigns he should lose all his grief MELISSA Indeed although that prosperous Shepheard hath Received all the prizes from my hand Wherewith he 's crown'd I find him notwithstanding Stil melancholy may not this be in him Some sad effect of love blest Shepheardess Who e'r thou art thrice happy is thy fortune In which this noble stranger bound his choice He is so far above the common merit That a Nymph should not much abase her self In loving him CLIDAMANT Indeed he merits much And we esteem him all we love his vertues Without being jealous of them PARTHENIA Clidamant Comes nothing short of him in my opinion ISMENIA Thimantes too will go as far as he DIANA Another time Melintus without doubt Will perform better MELINTVS Yes when you shal turn Your eys on that side MELISSA Shepheards once again Prepare I pray you for the Nuptials Of Thirsis with Parthenia Neece that Shepheard Is worthy of you and you are not ignorant That I intend as soon as he returns To make him as I hope your happy husband PARTHENIA aside Yes if my heart can suffer violence MELISSA In the mean time let 's go unto the Temple Our thanks and our devotions to pay Vnto the Gods on this so glorious day The end of the first Act. ACTUS II. SCENA I. ISMENIA THERSANDER THIMANTES ISMENIA 'T Is true Thersander I have done for thee Asmuch as possibly I could I made Thy sighs thy constancy thy faith appear For to perswade her but I lost my labour Diana is insensible her heart Which loves sweet applications cannot touch Among so many rocks is become rock THERSANDER What shall I doe Thimantes what a rude And rigorous fortune steers my destiny THIMANTES Quit that ingrateful and come forth of slavery THERSANDER How shall I come forth I 'm born miserable Under the frowning and the fatal aspect Of an ungentle Star which in despight Of all my studies to defend me from it Pursues Cleagenor under the name Of poor Thersander ISMENIA Softly What is that I hear Good Gods THIMANTES Thersander what hast thou discover'd Hath thy own mouth betrayed thus thy secret See into what great danger thy imprudence Puts thee at present fearest thou no more Nearchus and his power THERSANDER No I fear nothing After this sentence but seek death for since It is resolv'd by fate that I must die What matter is it by what arm it be Whether Nearchus or Diana kill me ISMENIA Oh Gods how happy is he softly Hath not she For whom thou diest had some intelligence That thy heart loves elsewhere if it be so And that thy inconstancy procures thy torment Thou wrongfully accusest her of cruelty THERSANDER Quite contrary this love wherewith thou seest My heart disturb'd is a sure testimony Of my fidelity 't is true alas I sometime lov'd an
object of such beauty That the Gods never fram'd so fair a peece The Roses and the Lillies form'd the colour Which dy'd her cheeks and in her sparkling eys The Sun was painted to express unto thee Yet better her divine perfections Diana is her Portrait to the life Celia is seen in her she like Diana Had a Magestick carriage she had A mouth and eys like her she had an air Fierce too like hers but amiable lastly In every thing she seem'd Diana's self My heart is constant therefore as before Since still I love her in her living Portrait I thought at first then that her death was false And that Diana was that lovely object But when I saw Diana entertain With such contempt the fervent love wherewith My heart was taken when I saw her rigours And infinite hatred I perceiv'd my errour And said this is not Celia so that I saw well by her cruelties indeed That I pursu'd her picture and had passion But for a Portrait ISMENIA What! is Celia dead then THERSANDER Alas that 's my affliction I saw her Stretch'd out upon her death-bed dead Ismenia And more dead yet then she I saw those places Shine with a certain rest of brightness which Her eyes had darted presently on this I had a Combat with Nearchus for This charming Beauty that proud favourite Unto the King by infamous desires Form'd him an object to his filthy pleasures This outrage was intended to her sweetness We fought on this occasion it was My fortune to disarm him but the death Of Celia and the anger of the King To save me from the rigor of the Law Enforc'd me to a flight and made me wander Seven year from Province unto Province lastly Wearied to see the Court of every Prince I thought to free me of all dangers here Under the feign'd name of Thersander and The habit of a Shepheard to disguise me Yet better the afflictions of my heart Have chang'd my Visage ISMENIA Hast thou nothing with thee That formerly was Celia's THERSANDER Yes one day I receiv'd from her hand this pretious pledge Of her unfeigned love behold this Portrait And judge I pray thee if I love Diana Or Celia ISMENIA Let me have this Portrait with it I 'l cure thy evil Diana seeing it Will become gentle I 'l go shew it her THERSANDER What wilt thou do Ismenia but I see Diana O Gods end my misery SCENA II. DIANA THERSANDER ISMENIA THIMANTES DIANA I Sought thee every where to Ismenia THERSANDER You will oblige me to Ismenia Ismenia to restore my Portrait to me ISMENIA Troublesome Shepheard I have much to say to Diana To thee in private therefore let us enter Into this Wood. Exit Ismenia and Diana THERSANDER Shew her that Portrait oh my martyrdom Traitrous Ismenia is this that faith For which Thimantes alwaies answered To me for thee yes it is by thy counsels Thimantes only that my seduc'd soul Left her the conduct of my faithfull love Nothing from thee or me can work upon her She jeers at all but let us find her out Exit Thersander and Thimantes Ismenia returns with Diana ISMENIA I see w' are private here we may speak freely A Mistress yet at last sighs for Thersander And one too in this Island far lesse cruel Then thee accept his service and embrace His faith this portrait which thou seest here He receiv'd from her as a faithfull witness Of their reciprocal and mutual fires DIANA What do I see ISMENIA That portrait as I take it Whereof Thersander is so proud DIANA I gave Such a one to Cleagenor Ismenia Who gave it thee ISMENIA Cleagenor himself DIANA O Gods what saiest thou to me thou art in An extream errour ISMENIA I tell thee again Cleagenor himself gave it to me DIANA This discourse holds no credit ISMENIA Every day Almost I see him and thou seest him also As well as I. DIANA I comprehend not these obscurities ISMENIA He loves thee and thou fliest him DIANA I fly None but Thersander ISMENIA Well henceforth accuse None but thy self of these disasters 't is The same Cleagenor that loveth thee And whom thou fli'st DIANA Cleagenor Ismenia That cannot be is 't possible that I Should have been two moneths without knowing him For so long 't is since he arriv'd among us ISMENIA Thy grief hood-winck'd thine eys thou couldst not see him Think'st thou that since those seven years thou hast liv'd Upon those fair banks time that changeth all things Hath not yet chang'd a face there comes Thersander Take a full survey of him whilst I hold him In some discourse make shew as if thou 'dst enter Into that Wood and have a care thou do not Discover thee till I have ordered Thy meeting with him DIANA Happy pledge of love Entring into the Wood. SCENA III. THERSANDER THIMANTES ISMENIA DIANA THERSANDER to THIMANTES THou seest what she hath done unto Diana Sh' ' as given the Portrait THIMANTES See she enters there Into that Wood. ISMENIA A word with thee Thersander THERSANDER Perfidious finish here thy crime and be My murtherer strike strike this heart I pray thee That hopes no more but by what interest Hast thou betrai'd me ISMENIA Why complainest thou THERSANDER O gross dissimulation dar'st thou yet To ask what is my plaint DIANA He hath his gate Softly looking on him where she was hidden ISMENIA Thy heat hears nothing give me leave to speak THERSANDER Yes to feign more and to lie at thy pleasure Am I oblig'd stil to thee for my life ISMENIA How soon love doth degenerate into folly THIMANTES Thersander hear her THERSANDER What is 't she can say ISMENIA Since th' art so obstinate let thy love go Which way it will I 'l have no more to do in 't THERSANDER Speak then what wilt thou ISMENIA I have nought to say now THIMANTES Thou would'st speak to him ISMENIA 'T was to laugh a little THIMANTES I pray thee speak unto him THERSANDER I conjure thee Ismenia in the name of all the Gods Jeer not my Passion ISMENIA It is now my turn To be perverse THERSANDER I hear thee speak what sai'st thou ISMENIA Since thou wilt have it know then that a Rival Hath caus'd thy grief and torments THERSANDER How a Rival At that Word I 'm all fire a Rival ISMENIA Yes A Rival good Thersander but a lov'd one THERSANDER What! loved of Diana ISMENIA Yes of her And more too of thy self THERSANDER That 's very strange How should I chuse but bear a mortal hatred To him my Mistress loves who e'r he be I must revenged die DIANA Softly If this should be Cleagenor O Gods how is he chang'd THERSANDER Where is that Rival ISMENIA With thee Thersander Thou would'st defend him if occasion were At the expence of all thy blood believe me Thou never leavest him THERSANDER Without dissembling to Thimantes Tell me Thimantes art not thou that Rival She means I
Brother To love his sister so THERSANDER The love wherewith I am assaulted and would make thee see Exceeds that of a brother it begets Complaints and Sighs it driveth to despair And kills the love we bear unto a Siste● Makes not so many sufferings but J love DIANA J divine whom thou burnest with desire To speak unto me here of Celia●s love THERSANDER Thou do'st divine right J take a great pleasure To speak of it with thee methinks I see her Still when J look on thee how fit I find thee To be the faithfull guardian of my love Assur'd of thy fidelity and that Thy heart is alwaies mine DIANA Thou need'st not doubt it THERSANDER O my dear DIANA Brother I 'm not ignorant How dear I am unto thee THIMANTES Thy fair eyes DIANA How flatter and court thy sister By thy discourse THERSANDER I cannot speak unto thee Thou interrupt'st me still DIANA Th' advice is worth it and I 'l give rhee notice That from esteem they pass to love for thee That scarce arrivedst thou unto this place But thy good fortune without any trouble Gain'd thee the conquest of a heart for which Great Kings will envie thee it is Melissa's THERSANDER O Gods what dost thou say DIANA What doth astonish thee I see how thou art troubled to believe it This great heart finds no place yet in thy faith To make thee happy in 't I must imbrace thee She speaks softly to him in imbracing him The Nymph hears our discourse 't is fit thou feign She speaks loud again Wilt thou not yield to this excess of honour Think that thy Celia in this conjuncture Hath no resentment in her heart against thee Nor murmurs at it THERSANDER In this extasie Wherein I am through this excess of honour I 'm seeking of my self but cannot find me How dare to love the Nymph t' aspire to her No my ambition 's not so criminal DIANA Under those high respects J see thy love THERSANDER How can I otherwise express it Sister If the Nymph tempts me and will make a crime on 't It shall then have the name but of a lawfull Respect and if I see occasion T' express me further on this point this lawfull Respect shall bear the bolder name of love DIANA Brother it hath that name and J am ready To boast unto her her illustrious conquest But the Sun J perceive plungeth himself I' th' waters and the shadows seise the tops O' th' Mountains it is time now to betake me Unto Melissa but behold she comes Melissa comes forth from the place where she was hidden MELISSA What serious discourse have you together DIANA Our subject is of Love of Mistresses Of Servants and of Sighs MELISSA What! hath Thersander Already gotten him a Mistress THERSANDER Madam I have too little merit and address Besides to serve to honour and obey you I have no other thought our discourse was Your goodness for us which my heart shall ever Record as in a Register of Brass Where my acknowledgements shall never pass SCENA III. MELINTUS MELISSA DIANA THERSANDER MELINTVS calling HO Clidamant MELISSA It is enough let 's go I hear some noise and would not be seen here I' th' night Exeunt Melissa Diana Thersander MELINTUS continuing to call Ismenia Clidamant they hear But flie me and the night robs my sight of them But this is not Ismenia and I am Deceived much if I saw not the gate The stature and the gesture of Diana Yes Clidamant abus'd me with a lie Diana builds his fortune at my cost And that note which he would conceal from me Without doubt was subscrib'd with her fair hand Yes 't was Dianaes though he read Ismenia To spare my grief a little and my trouble How simple was J that J followed Not close upon his steps but soft methinks J hear a noise perhaps it may be he SCENA IV. CLIDAMANT MELINTUS CLIDAMANT O Night lend me thy silence make these woods To hold their peace in th' absence of the day And let no sound be heard here but my love At last I 'm happily delivered from A troublesome companion that would Obstruct my fortune that same jealous Shepheard Without respect and faith MELINTUS I 'm much oblig'd Unto thee for this noble character Thou giv'st me in despight of all my care And cunning thou art come without my company To see thy lovely Mistress CLIDAMANT I came here To meet another person for my Mistress I have already spoken with her fully MELINTUS Yes if mine eyes deceiv'd me not thou talkd'st Unto Diana and seeing me follow Ye both fled at one time these Woods conceal'd you CLIDAMANT Good Gods what saiest thou to me MELINTUS But I 'l be More wise another time and heed you better CLIDAMANT I understand not what this language means But this distrust doth me an injury Why covet'st thou t' accompany me thus Since th' object that expecteth me forbids it Desirest thou to publish secret passions Ismenia in thy sight gave me those Tables 'T is she that doth expect me at the place Appointed for Diana she knows nothing Of this invention if thou canst injoy That lovely Shepheardess and think not me Guilty of any treason I seek only Ismenia and shun society In this affair Shepheard retire thy self And leave my love in peace why wouldst thou do me So ill an office MELINTUS This appointed meeting Denotes some artifice I observ'd lately At our last Games the amorous commerce That pass'd between Diana and thy self So many kind respects such gentle glances And private whisperings forming the suspicion That still awakes me CLIDAMANT Cease to trouble me And thy self too unnecessarily Our discourse only was an effect of Civility I say again I leave Diana to thee oh how perfectly I hate those vain suspicions and condemn them MELINTUS Ismenia's very free she would have had Boldness enough to express her love by day Why should she make choice of the night to speak it Why dar'd she not to utter it in words But writ it to thee CLIDAMANT In vain jealous Shepheard Thou askest me that question all that I Can say unto thee is that I am sent for I cannot tell thee more if the occasion Be good or bad if J could satisfie thee Upon that point believ 't thou should'st excuse me MELINTUS I 'l follow thee where ere thou goest CLIDAMANT Oh Gods What a Tormentor have I MELINTUS I attend thee CLIDAMANT Then stay thou here I 'l leave the place unto thee I feign to withdraw to withdraw him also softly Exit MELINTUS What! leav'st thou me alone and cunningly Hid'st me those secrets which yet I must know Feign as much as thou wilt in spight of thee I will ●ind out to which of those two objects Thou giv'st thy faith and dost direct they vows I 'l be a witness of thy secret love Another shall inform me on 't Thimantes Will tell me all the Plot to him I 'l go And give him notice
distract the spirit But those obnoxious weeds I never use But for their punishment that do offend me Have I not reason to maintain my rank In dignity and honour those that dare To brave me without doubt hazard themselves My scepter's guarded with enwreathed serpents Whose fearful aspects bid all keep aloof And threaten death to those that dare to touch it Thirsis hath felt their stings vvhat reason had he To be an enemy to his ovvn fortune And interest in foolishly refusing The honour of the name to be my Nephevv I will advance him and expect that he Shall yet accept this honourable title Of Husband to my Neece Parthenia Your colour changes but in vain you hide Your thoughts from me I can discover them I know that you love Clidamant and more What you design and what you do discourse But understand both one and t'other of you That I must be obey'd in what I will My power can force it take heed ye provoke not My anger if J may not be belov'd J will be fear'd PARTHENIA Madam MELISSA It is enough You know my prohibition CLIDAMANT I hope To bend her but at present let 's say nothing THIMANTES We all know your high rank and quality With reverence and respect so in that notion We imploy but our prayers to perswade you They are our onely arms be touched with them And dissipate these charms Thersander now Begins t' awake out of his fatal fit You 'l hear his plaints and clamours presently His cryes and his despair for his dear Mistress This is the hour wherein he is tormented This object without doubt before your eyes Will raise up pitty Madam in your heart His sighs will quench your anger and prevail Much more then we see he begins to move Madam you will be touch'd to hear him speak SCENA IV. THERSANDER DIANA MELISSA ISMENIA PARTHENIA CLIDAMANT THIMANTES THERSANDER by DIANAS body O Lamentable object why mine eyes Were ye not cover'd with eternal darkness That J might not have seen this fatal spectacle Oh! what cause have I to complain of fortune That my sleep is not the last sleep of death In the night of the Grave I should take rest And not be ty'd to die thus all my life I should be there but dust and this sad sight Should not have martyred my heart and eyes Yes my dear Mistress sometime my delight Thy sight is now my greatest punishment And in this sad estate wherein I see thee Thou which wert once my joy art now my grief Thy body 's but a trunk that gives me horror Thy head all over's smoaking with thy blood The graces lodge no more there I see death In every place where I saw love before How dost thou live no more then have I lost thee As soon as found thee hopes born and destroy'd With an immortal love fantosme of fortune Which lasts good but a day wealth too soon lost Brightness too soon put out excessive joy To which so many plaints so soon succeed Why in that splend or wherewith all you flatter'd My name did you promise so much unto me And give so little Fair eyes sometimes conquerous Whose lights are shut up in eternal night In spight of all my prayers call me not From death unto the light is 't possible That I can see here what Diana sees not No no I live no more since she is dead Yet my heart moves but this last strugling is But a small spark that 's left behind and shines A little after death 't is but a vapour An exaltation a wind a sm●ak Last dying and last kindled I am coming To join with thee object of my desire To give thee soul for soul and sigh for sigh Death is my aid my hope is but in her I will express that I am faithful to thee In that not able to survive thy fate I put my self into the arms of death CLIDAMANT Madam you see how great his torment is And whereunto your hatred hath reduc'd him You see besides how far without proportion Of the crime to the punishment the power Of your inchantment goes these woods weep at it And these rocks which before heard no complaints Are pierc'd now with his cryes and become soft And sensible the Eccho likewise mourns And should you onely Madam be without Compassion for him MELISSA Yes without compassion Since he took pleasure alwaies to displease me I 'le please my self by a most just return Jn my revenge and never cease t' afflict him No think not that J will incline to pitty I 'm too much injur'd to be pacifi'd His sorrow makes my joy and I am glad To s●● that by this famo●s punishment I shall establish my authority THIMANTES Diana's turn is now see he revives To weep her lover and immediately To follow him by the force of your Art Sad spectacle hearken unto her grief And ope your eyes and heart to her complaints Diana upon Thersanders body DIANA What my dear Lover art thou then but dust Alas thy mouth wants speech and thine eyes light But inspight of the plot which makes me sigh I have the happiness yet to lament thee Flow flow my tears and pour upon this object Torrents of flame not water there is nothing So cold in the dark bosom of the Grave Which the fire of these Rivers cannot warm Yes by my tears at last my cryes my plaints Dear ashes I will kindle you again Though cold now and extinguish'd like the Phenix I 'le raise you up again by force of sights Which you shall Eccho to me THIMANTES Madam can you Behold this sight and not be moved at it DIANA Love canst thou not answer to my desires Thou art a miracle thy self and therefore Methinks should'st do one art thou in the world No more a source of life oh canst thou not Restore my lover to me from whose armes They 'ave ravish'd him which of the Gods can call him Back from the gates of death if thou canst not My dear Cleagenor J pray thee answer me By these my tender sighs by Celia's name How 's this I can pronounce thy name and mine And yet O Gods thou answerest me nothing I see alas thy mouth and eyes still shut He 's dead and these names cannot touch him now Love since thou hast no power to su●cour me In that point as to make him live at least Make me to dye I come my faithful lover It is impossible I should survive thee I feel that my despair t' enjoy thee here Gives me to death my heart hath lost the spirits Which made it move J scarce can utter more Happy thy Celia if her death could give Thee life again if thy sleep might have end By mine and if I could with all my blood Redeem thine J have done my love is coming To meet thy flame and I expire upon thee The rest of my sad soul. CLIDAMANT What! is your heart Not touch'd yet with this object are you still
trouble aside Fabritio Thou comes to take part in my ravishment Carlos Thou should'st doe me a great wrong to judge otherwise Fabritio Know then that our desires did jump together I was a going hastilie unto thee To tell thee tbe glad neWes I did believe Thou knew'st it not and did not thinke to be Prevented I am highlie redevable To thy rare friendship Carlos I doe nothing for thee That is considerable my interest Alone bringeth me hither and thou need'st not To thanke me for it Fabritio How what interest Canst thou have in this place Carlos The same which friendship Enjoyneth me to take in thy contents Betweene two faithfull friends such as we are Everie thing should be common joy and happines Possesse●h both when one of them enjoyes it Know when I beare a part in thy good fortune I more oblige my selfe then thee and am So well paid for my care and tendernes That there needs no addition of thanks Fabritio Know also of my part when Fortune doth Conferre her favours on me they are dubled When Carlos shares therein and would diminish If he should not partake them but who comes So late forth of our house SCENA TERTIA. Clarina Fabritio Carlos Clarina addressing her selfe to Fabritio thinking to speake to Carlos Clarina SIr enter quicklie My Mistresse Isabella in her chamber Expecteth you and will Fabritio How what will she Clarina Misfortune t is Fabritio I must Dissemble aside Fabritio Well what will she finish now Clarina Sir she would speak with you T' expresse the joy whereto her love engageth her On the conclusion of your marriage Fabritio I know her tendernes and what I owe her Carlos and I will see her presentlie To give her a good night SCENA QUARTA Climene Iacinta Carlos Fabritio Climene comming out of her house Climene IT is Fabritios voice this which I heare I cannot come forth in a fitter time Carlos I willinglie waite on you your desires Are mine you need not doubt them to Fabritio Fabritio Let us enter Carlos How this successe favoureth my flame aside Fabritio stopped by Climeme Fabritio But who doth stop me Heaven it is a Woman It seemes she Would speak with me Carlos stay Carlos I waite you heere Fabritio How comes it she withdrawes When I advaunce Carlos Withour doubt she hath something To speak to you in private Fabritio In the hope Wherein I am that I am he you seek Be not offended that I dare t' approach I 've courage and civilitie ynough T' esteeme me fortunare if I could serve you T' engage me Madame to the offer which I make to use my utmost cares and paines T' accomplish your desires it is sufficient That Heaven hath given you the advantage to be Of that faire Sex unto which all owe homadge If I may notwithstanding without giving you The least offence be honoured to knowe Your name you will encrease my Zeale in giving me So faire a satisfaction Climene Take it then My deare Fabritio and know Climene Fabritio Climene my faire Mistresse what occasion Could bring thee heere at such an hower as this Thou doublest my feare and perturbation The more thy voice assureth me the more Vncertaine am I and so farre am I From comming forth of errour that I enter Into new Labyrinths and doubts I was More happie when I knew thee lesse oh what Designe hast thou I cannot comprehend it CLIMENE Climene Leave me to speake then I will tell it thee I will not say what joy and happie rapture Seised me when I understood the newes That by a joynt accord our friends and parents At last had yeilded to our marriage My love which thou shouldst not forget exemps me To discourse this unto thee and enjoynes me To a relation much more important And much lesse pleasing Fabritio How what thing is ther● In nature that can trouble our repose Since as our hearts our parents are agreed Climene T is of a longer date then from to day That Love useth to mingle with his sweets Much bitternes those whom he flattereth At first are seldome happie his deceit Is equall to his blindnes and like Fortune H 'is constant onelie in inconstancie This is a truth which thou shalt but to sensibly Conceive one day which was the fatallest Of all my life wherein my father burthened With age and sicknes had the sorrie honour To be by the Du●e of Ferrara vissitted This Prince knew me in this extremity And thought to see some charmes upon my pale And blubbered face myne eyes unluckily Wept unto hIs and from the sources of My teares his flame took birth Fabritio Oh Climene I feare Climene That feare offends me my heart wholie Was thine I gave it thee and the Dukes passion Stir'd up in me nothing but my aversion Though I conceal'd this fire thou hast no cause To complaine at it for before t was knowne I hop'd to quench it and I scarce should yet Reveile it to thee if thy interest Oblig'd me not to speak on the report Which was spread of our marriage the passion Of the Duke was converted into rage He came unto me in his first transport Sware to me solemnelie that my choice was The sentence of thy death that Love opposing My punishment he thought to doe more in Destroying what I lov'd and to the end He might with the more rigour punish me He would even to the bottome of thy heart Goe for to seek me Lastly knowing well That his desire is to assault my life In threatening thine conducted here by love And more by feare I come to conjure thee T' avoid his furie fly hence what soever Care for me keeps thee back heere and to save My life preserve thine Fabritio This discourse is cruel As much as it appeareth sweet should you Advice me to absent me from your person Sure I should little know what t is to love T' obey you in this point Come come say all Confesse your love is chang'd that my remaines Of hope must vanish and that the Dukes flame Hath dazled you I see well that mine heere Is troublesom that you abandon Love To follow Fortune and that poore Fabritio With all his fetters pleaseth your faire eyes Lesse then a crowned Captive I condemne not This signall rigour you deprive me of A happines whereof I was not worthy And in receaving of a Scepter offered Vnto your beauties you obtaine much lesse Then you deserve Raigne nothing is dishonourable To gaine a diademne and as I love you More then my selfe I shal esteem my death A faire designe if entering into A tombe I leave you in a throne Climene Fabritio Canst thou love me and speak thus reallie Thou detract'st from my glorie in this thought That I can be unfaithfull bannish it It is thy enemie and mine suspition Between us two should be a hideous monster Canst thou be ignorant with any justice That I love lesse a scepter then Fabritio And find more joy in being captive
dye t is but just too great a merit Is often a great crime in ruining This Rivall I may gaine what I desire And if he perish not my hope must perish Let 's see if the successe answeareth my wish SCENA OCTAVA Valerio The Duke Iacinta Guards Valerio OH Sir t is done he 's dead in vaine he did Indeavour to defend himselfe he fell Peirc'd with a thousand mortall stroaks his soul Found overtures ynough to sallie forth His bloody body covered o'r with wounds Iacinta Oh! stay Sir Comming forth of Climenes house Duke Thy cares are superfluous I am reveng'd Iacinta and Fabritio Is dead Iacinta Oh if you love Climene enter not Into the house she 's scarce recovered yet Of a great faintnes which seis●d on her spirits Duke The blood which I have shed will cost her teares I will not goe to add unto her griefes But retire me a while in the meane time Valerio let it be your charge to goe Vnto Fabritios Father to acquaint him With his sonnes death and further let him know That for his rash and sawcy insolence He hath receav'd but a just recompense The End of the first Act. AGTVS SECVNDVS SCENA PRIMA Isabella Clarina In a Chamber Isabella WHo enters there Clarina Madame it is Valerio Who from the Duke Discourseth with your Father Isabella What pressing busines might bring him here Clarina To tell you I should be a Prophetesse Isabella A message at this hower's not ordinarie Clarina It doth appeare as strang to me as you Isabella Let us expect the issue on 't and change Discourse Clarina You faine would have me speak of Carlos Madame confesse it Isabella I cannot deny But I am pleased when I heare him prays●d Clarina I should not be in my right sense if I Should speake ill of him he is a brave man And of a Liberall and obliging nature He merits much Isabella But in what manner did he enrertaine Th' intelligence thou gav'st him that my humour Towards him was inclined to more sweetnes And rhat my heart at last dispos'd it selfe To love him CLARINA With transports and extasies Which cannot be express'd ISABELLA Hast thou bene careful To tell him cunninglie according to Those rules I gave thee that to doe him service Thou didst betray thy Mistresse and gav'st him That notice without my consent CLARINA Yes Madame I tould him so and verie handsomlie But your strang love surpriseth me you feare that he should know it and yet tell it him If he lesse knew it would you be more pleas●d What humourous fancies are in Lovers spirits ISABELLA Though I love Carlos be it reason or Fancie that guides me I believe I doe My selfe wrong when I doe justice to him The bashfulnes which Heaven hath put into Our Sex for bids us to be free in what Concernes the point of love nor must we think any thing lawfull in relation to 't And by that power which I know not my selfe I cannot without blushing say I love It seemeth that our eyes made to tame hearts When those that were our captives doe become Our conquerours although they finde the dart Lovely and charming that subjected us Cannot without some shame behould this change The art to despise love my heart no longer Can practise but o Heaven whom see I Carlos So late here in my chamber SCENA SECUNDA CARLOS ISABELLA CLARINA CARLOS PArdon me This bold intrusion seeing the dore open I could not but lay hould of the occasion And following my love I thought I might With out offending you with disrespect Enter to cast my selfe at your faire feet ISABELLA How fancie you that I can be so little Respectfull of my honour as to suffer A vissit from you without being offended No Sir your hope deceives you and this libertie You take denoteth in you little love Or too much Vanitie can I believe You love me well in giving to your selfe A licence thus to make foule-mouth'd detraction In veigh against me or can you imagine Without great folli● in your selfe that I Can approve this designe so little modest And not b'offended at it CARLOS Though I can Produce some reason here for my defence I hould me criminall since I offend you And should but little profit to persist In the opinion of my innocence When your faire mouth condemnes me ISABELLA I condemne you T is very true and for your punishment I bannish you you must goe forth Carlos I dare not Appeale upon your sentence but retire I obey with regreet but without murmur Isabella How Sir begone so soone what motives pray you Induce you thereunto Carlos Since you ordaine it I must depart t is fitt that I obey you Isabella I should think Carlos that you obey here Some what too quickly for a perfect Lover Believing that you lov'd me I appear'd Too proud and scornefull t' is an assur'd maxime That one loves coldly what he quitteth easily Love is but il expressed by respects Who readilie obeyes knowes not to love Carlos I am astonished at this discourse Can you Complaine I quit you Isabella When I obey you gainst my sentiment When my love glittereth in my submission And when by a kinde heat which is not common My happines displeaseth me when it Offendeth you what would you then have said If seeking onelie my owne sa●isfaction I had preferred my desires and wishes Before yours in what manner can I please you If in obeying you I anger you Isabella You argue too well for a man in love VVhere love is strong reason is impotent The one can't be establish'd whilst the other Subsists sometimes a mayd would be resisted And obstinatelie lov'd gainst her consent And as her close desires are verie seldome Express d she often speaketh with intent To meet a contradiction and to be Enforced unto that which she desires According to this maxime possibly I have on this occasion discours'd Conrrarie to my sentiment and perhaps I should be so farre from believing me Injur'd thereby that you would have oblig'd me In not obeying me Carlos I 'm rap'd in pleasant wonder if those words Astonish me they charme me more if I Must stay to please you nothing is more easie Then to content you fully in that point Seeing obedience is not pleasing to you I will stay Madame and will not obey Isabella It is too late begone my mind is chang'd Occasion is lost assoone as ' pass'd You would have too much pride and I should have Too little if after such a confession I should detaine you here Carlos This order is Severe and rigourous Isabella But it is just I love not alwaies to be disobey'd Follow Clarina goe and have a care You be not seen O Heaven I heare my Father Clarina Alas we are undone perhaps he doubted Of your intelligence enter forthwith Into this closet SCENA TERTIA. Alphonso Clarina Isabella ALPHONSO Oh Daughter daughter ISABELLA He appeareth furious aside I read my sad misfortune in his eyes
still resolv'd To lose all rather then to lose her sight Alphonso I will be satisfied heerin and know The meanes to doe it faile not thou to morrow Towards the evening to goe to Climene The evill that hath surprised her invites thee Vnto this Duty for my part I wil Make Carlos a vissit at that time If my sonne stayes I doubt not but to finde him In one or to ther house but it is late Adiew in humane Fortune give unto thee As much rest as I have unquietnes And trouble at my heart Exit Alphonso Isabella Las mine doth bleed with double griefe though the first wound be hid The End of the Second Act. ACTVS TERTIVS SCENA PRIMA The Duke Iacinta in Climenes Garden Iacinta THis is the Garden Sir where presently My mistresse comes to walke her melancholie The griefe she taketh for her Lovers losse And her decayed health distracts her judgment Although the danger of her maladie Be great she walkes and would even fly herselfe Be you assur'd her griefes will suddenlie Conduct her here to weep her sad misfortunes And you may see her without witnesses And without trouble if your Highnes please To fetch a turne or two in this close Alley Duke Thy care augments my trouble not my hope I burne and feare to see her equallie I burne to see her when I represent Vnto my amourous soule a charming Image With all its beauties and I feare to see her When my sad fancie represents unto me The rigour of those faire offended eyes T is an undoubted truth I feare to see That faire afflicted one to reproach me The evills wherin my flame hath plunged her To say that hatred is the onelie fruite Of my addresses and that with my Rivall My spirit is destroy'd Iacinta Your Highnesse Sir Should be prepar'd against the bloody taunts Of a beblubbered Mistresse to speak truelie And not to flatter you I cannot see The least hope that she will be wrought to love you By this sweet way you take I should advise you Vnto another course make use of force Where kindnes cannot work ravish a good Which is denyed to you take her hence Who is so foolish and so rigourous And force her to be happie gainst her will Duke How take her hence by force oh no I cannot Consent unto it force can never be Compatible with love I would be lov'd Without constraint and cherish'd with out feare So farre would her disdaine be by this meanes From ceasing that it would take deeper roote As having juster ground to propagate Iacinta Your reasons are not altogeither lawfull Our Sex Sir hath strang maximes oftentimes It feeles not what it doth expresse and seldome Loveth Deaths fatall wracks after a fortune Of such a nature love in womans heart Turnes unto griefe and that griefe vanisheth Her oaths and cries are of no consequence Her passion dies when th' object is no more Perhaps Climene at this verie hower Feeles that ambition from loves ashes springs Within her heart and that she is prepar'd In spight of her just mourning to proferre The glorious possessour of a throne Before the sad inhabitant of a tomb And possibly wearied with her affliction She would be forced to embrace your love Duke To take her hence and force her unto marriage Are the last meanes which I will try before I use towards her the least violence I 'le see her Iacinta Sir she comes there Duke How she studies And how her slow uncertaine pa●es speak The violent troubles of her spirit her palenes Depaints her griefe Climene Leave me alone and passe Into that alley SCENA SECVNDA Climéné Iacinta The Duke Iacinta Madame Climene Once againe I say I will be private for a minute Retire and leave me to my selfe Iacinta But if The Duke Climene Be gone and speak no more of him His name is odious to me Duke How unfortunate Am I Iacinta I tould you sweetnes would doe nothing Vpon that stubborne spirit Duke I will follow Thy counsell let us speedilie goe forth My presence would encrease her crueltie Iacinta For feare you should be seene be pleas'd to stay Till she goes in till when I cannot hand sonelie Draw you from hence in the meane time your Highnes May in those shadie walkes divert your sadnes SCENA TERTIA. Climene alone Stanzas THou which they say canst with facilitie Act what includes impossibilitie Blind Guide false Child which canst have no pretence At all unto the state of innocence Tyrant of hearts Love wich hast boasted still That Death submitts unto thy power and will Make her to know that she muade● thy right In robbing my Fabritio of the light And cause him to returne againe or give Me passeport the Shades where he doth live The sweetest objects that now strike mine eyes Encrease the number of my miseries The Suune tells me Fabritio's but a shade The Lillies at his losse look black and fade Those Rose Queen of the flowers seemes to be Stain'd with my Lovers blood and neepes with me Deare Lover thou sad object of my cries Whose image still dwells in my heart and eyes Rep●oach me not that I live yet to mourne After thy ashes sleep in their cold vrne Death without doubt ere now had joyned me To thy sad shadovv if I could agree That thou shouldst dye within my heart oh no I cannot leave th'y adored Image goe Thy cruell Rivall when he murthered thee In his conceit mistook and murthered me His furte was deceiv'd not satisfied In cutting of thy dayes Climene dyed The Duke betrayd his vowes for I expire In thy cold ashes Thou liv●st in my fire Climene What 's that I say Thou livest in my fire Thy living Image is carv'd in my soule But those immortall characters alas Which flatter me are dead Fabritios Vnjust and rigourous fate was 't reasonable That death should sease him so neere marriage But why dispute I in such great misfortunes I 'le suffer my sad sighes fotbid my teares And to enuenome my affliction I 'le cease complaint nourish my sorrow and By prudent cares for feare to weaken it I 'le strengthen it within I le signalize My griefes by silence better then by speech When one hath lost all who complaines receaves A kinde of comfort therefore I 'le for beare Yes my deare Lover to deplore thy death In stronger termes then plaints and exclamations But what I heare a fearfull noyse beneath me A noise under the Stage It seemeth that to joyne me to Fabritio A sudden thunder doth prepare it selfe To come forth from the center of the earth The noyse redoubleth and renued stroaks Makes me believe that underneath my feet They dig graves I perceive the flowers to fall The plants to be unrooted the most setled And firmest oakes to tremble it is time To fly hence but I cannot feare for bids me Heaven the disorder growes and the earth cleaves Fabritio comes forth thence my strength failes here And I am almost
this sad misfortune Proceedeth from my crime not from my death And if now any griefe oppresseth me T is not to dye but to dye culpable Fabritio aside Fabritio He thinks me still dead I will profit by This errour aside Duke you have just cause to feare My furie your fate now is in my power Nothing can stop the course of my revenge I can now sacrifice your blood to mine But Sir you are my Prince and I le not doe it Injustice I abhorre and notwithstanding My anger I would rather suffer it Then execute it Duke The mote thy respect Appeares for me the more unjust's thy death And the more black my crime by this my fault Becomes doubly condemnable the lesse Sevete thou art in punishing me the more I 'm worthy punishment But if thy shadow Pretendeth to resp●ct me what obligeth thee To persecute me thus in everie place How comes it that thou dost conferre upon me Imperfect favouts why dost thou pursue me What i st thou dost defire Fabritio Since you ordaine it I 'le speake it then know Sir that this your trouble Shall never see an end before you cease To love Climene Duke Cease to love Climene Oh! that 's too much presumption I may cease To live but not to love her to obtaine Thy wishes thou shouldst ask a possible thing But I should have abus'd thee if I had Flattered thy hope that I would cease to love That charming Beautie Fabritio To love in this manner Is to love like a tyrant Duke Well I know That I love like a tyrant but no matter Know also that Love who gives Law to me Is yet a blinder tyrant farre then I To force me to love this ingratefull Mistresse He hath to much strength and I soo much weaknes Onelie the hope that I can give thee is Never to see her more yet still to love her Fabritio He that can lose the object can lose also The flame the heart houlds not what the eye is Depriv'd of Love from our will hath his power To cease to love there needs but the desire To put out all your flames quench all your hope And yeild Clim●ne to my constancie Duke But if I should doe so what 's ●hy designe Fabritio To marrie her Duke To marrie her what art thou Not dead then Fabritio What have I said Duke Thou shouldst be O' th' number of the living for this worke Who cherisheth a body must not be A shadow Speak and believe that thy death Hath cost me teares Fabritio He feigneth for to knowe me And to destroy me afterward aside Duke He answeareth not a word Le ts seek about But least he should goe forth t is requisite To keepe this porte to know too where I am T is best to make a noyse hola who 's there Some one come to me Fabritio Heaven whereto am I Reduc'd but let me ere they bring a light Advaunce towards the wall and hide my selfe Behind it Duke I 'le be cleered in this doubt Heere comes a light SCENA SEXTA The Duke Carlos Alphonso Valerio Climene Isabella Guards Climene DOe we not see the Duke Duke See I againe my Mistresse Valerio Oh! we sought Your Highnesse everie where Duke Is this enchantment Where am I Carlos In my house Duke But where is he Alphonso Who Sir Duke Your Sonne Alphonso My Sonne Your Highnes is abus'd Duke I 've speaken with him Vse no deceit towards me Alphonso Those are visions Duke They are truths but he can't come forth seek ●●refully On everie side Alphonso speaking to Carlos Oh Carlos how I feare Carlos addressing himselfe to Alphonso Carlos I say be not afraid Valerio Sir I 've seene nothing Duke Heaven what new prodegie is this Iudge all If I have reason to believe my selfe Enchanted I went forth the garden thinking To see before mine eyes Fabritios Ghost When suddenlie I fell into a precipice And passing through places which I know not Arriv'd heere where to encrease the horrour Of my sad soule his shadow once againe Appear'd before me spake long time unto me And us'd persuasions to make me cease To love Climene and to yeild her to him This discourse gave me much incertaintie Of his condition I doubted if He was dead but surprised and amaz'd By this successe I need no more to doubt it Would that it plased Heaven he were alive I should be free then of that sad remorse Which wounds my conscience I would doe him justice And banishing my fires would satisfie My selfe in rendering him happy Alphonso Sir It is an easie generosity To lament an oppressed enemie That is no longer to be fear'd you think My sonne dead and on that accompt bewa●le him But if he were alive indead you would Be lesse humane Duke I would not break my word By Heaven by faire Climene by all nature I sweare to you Alphonso that if now Fabritio yet alive should by a miracle Appeare before mine eyes so farre would I Be from opposing still his iust desires That I would willinglie resigne unto him That Beautie so belou'd and Cherished SCENA SEPTIMA Fabritio The Duke Alphonso Carlos Climeno Isabella Valorio Guards Fabritio comming forth from behind the false wall Fabritio Behould me living then most generous Prince Keep your word and your oath and make me happie Duke Is this a Fantasme Heaven Alphonso Shake of your feare It is Fabritio living and his death Is but a feigned thing Fabritio Sir at your feete I humbly doe expect the blest effect Of what you promised Duke I 'le keepe my word Climene's yours Alphonso Sir favour my poore familie In everie point givs Carlos too in marriage Vnto my daughter and approve with me Their innocent desires Carlos I humble crave That favour from your Highnesse Duke I consent to 't Carlos enioy your wish although I am Deceived by your artifice but losing My Mistresse I lose my injustice too In not betraying me you did betray My glorie who commands ill should be ill Obey'd unjust designes may justly be Destroy'd Come follow me and whilst your joyes Are making readie ●ell me by what Art The Amourous Fantasme plaid his subtle part The End of the fifth and last Act. EPILOGUE to the Court. LEt me Star gaze a while and calculate Those Heavens to know our fortune or our fate Before I dare to speak I cannot see One cloud appeare that should discourage me T is a good omen Faire Queen of this night Not Cynthia but a Goddesse far more bright To you I kneel From him whose glory is To offer you a pleasing Sacrifice I meaneth ' ambitious Poet I am come Humbly to begg a favourable doome Vpon his Fantasme who although he be At the full point of his felicity A perfect body no● yet if you frowne Vpon his action and so cry him downe No more a feigned Fantasme to be made He dyes indead and flyes into a shade FINIS
I hold my honour very precious to me ALABEZ Thou seek'st to lose it and invitest him To take it from thee aside CHARIFA What! thou speakest not A word unto me ALABEZ Excellent adventure CHARIFA How doth thy heart sigh and thy close mouth murmur Those liberties for all what I have said May be excus●d if thou will marry me Thou know'st that one must marry to love well And if I please thee ALABEZ Oh? what impudence CHARIFA What say'st thou ALABEZ I am much surpris'd by Heaven CHARIFA What! answerest thou nothing should this be Through a contempt I think that I 'm not yet So torn by time as not to be thought worthy To be considered thou knowest well Alabez if I would have had that fellow My marriage with him had been already Concluded but that is a lowt and hath not The art to please me as thou hast his faults Are more considered by me then his services ALABEZ The impudent jeers at me to my face CHARIFA That troublesome never did any thing Which pleased me he hath a sottish spirit And silly carriage if the fool should marry me I would not passe my word that he should not Be one of those which every one points at With ' finger which permit their neighbours to Think their wives fair ād which we commōly Call cuckoulds SCENE VII ORMIN CHARIFA ALABEZ ORMIN SEe heer I have brought you light CHARIFA What have I done this is a grosse mistake ALABEZ What think'st thou have not I much cause to be Well satisfied I have done nothing then That ever pleas'd thee I 've a sottish spirit And silly carriage Thou shouldst die with shame CHARIFA Why prethee I have uttered but a truth ALABEZ But a truth traitresse o thou brazen face What! If I married thee thou dangerous beast I should be of the number of those people Which we call cuckoulds thy impertinent tongue Lied a hundred times I 'd rather chuse A rope then such a bed fellow ORMIN Whence springs Your quarrel ALABEZ Peace a while I shall in good time Talk with you friend companion of iil luck Ormin putting out the candle ORMIN We must be gone there 's nothing to be gotten But blows heer by a fool Exeunt Ormin and Charifa SCENE VIII ALMANSOR GASVL ALABEZ ADIBAR ALMANSOR GOe see whence comes this noise ALABEZ Oh have I met thee giving Gasul a buffett precious Apostle GASVL How base traitor ALABEZ Pardon me I took thee for another in good faith I sought a raskal that escaped me To whom I did intend that injury But I shall soon o'r take him without running Exit Alabe ALMANSOR Hast learnt the cause of those cōfused rumours GASVL No but I have beene beaten by a person Who afterward made me excuses for 't ALMANSOR The house is not far of give order to The voices to advance and bid them sing Neer to that Little wood Adibar appearing on the other side ADIAAR See friends the place Where Zasda dwels if you are ready now Begin immediately The first song YE deserts and dark cells Where night and silence dwells You whom I trust with my sad cares GASVL This voice belongs not to our company ALMANSOR This Stanza finishd let us be prepar'd To sing forthwith the ayr which I compos●d Ye deserts and dark cells Where night and silence dwells You whom I trust with my sad cares With all my deaths and my despairs Rocks forrests and thick Shades Which the Sun ne'r invades You in whose bosomes I enclose My love my sighs my plaints and woes Alas when will you be Keepers of my felicity Second Song Ye brooks and Zephirs sweet Which heer in Spring-time meet To water and perfume these plains ADIBAR What insolēt voice troubles our confort heer Th' affront shal not passe without punishment Ye Brooks and Zephirs sweet Which heer in Spring-time meet To water and perfume these plains Frequented by the amorous Swains Favour me not to flovv Oblige me not to blow Vntill my tears their course have spent And my sighs given my gr●efs full vent Then in your Channells glid● And winds breathe as before in pride ADIBAR Who art thou that dar'st heer to trouble me ALMANSOR My name is too well known to be conceal●d I 'm call'd Almansor ADIBAR Fear fear then mine anger I 'm Adibar thy greatest Enemy Who to meet thee have made some weary steps Vnto no purpose now when least I sought thee I 've found thee tell me how comes it that thou Takest a licence to besiege my Mistresse With so much insolence dost visit her As friend unto her brother or as Lover And servant unto her ALMANSOR Content thy self To understand that as the brothers friend The Sister doth accept my services And that I reverence her assure thy self That if I were so happy as to be Her Lover I should be discret enough Not to acquaint thee with it ADIBAR These refinings And juglings which thou usest to defend thee Cannot withdraw thee from my just revenge Thou shalt die Drawes ALMANSOR Rather fear that my sword heer drawes Peircing thy heart quēch thy love in thy blood SCENE IX ZEGRY ADIBAR ALMANSOR ZEGRY FOr bear and moderate this barbarous fury What means this friends ADIBAR Nothing since we are parted ZEGRY Oh i st you Adibar ALMANSOR This is not the Song Which I desire ADIBAR Zegry thou dost me wrong ZEGRY What cause dear friend could animate thee so Permit me I beseech you having parted you To reconcile you too at the same time I take an interest in your debats Let me know therfor what your differnce is ADIBAR Zegry in vaine you interpose your felf To hinder the proceeding my revengt Is just and your cares but prolong his life For some few minures Exit Adibar SCENE X. ZEGRY ALMANSOR ZEGRY DEare Almansor tell me Whence comes so strong a hate between you two Relate the cause on 't ALMANSOR T is not worth the labour This petty difference which troubles thee Should be determined ere known ZEGRY In vain Thou dost persist to hide this secret from me Almansor I ghesse at it sure some Beauty Embroils you I 've heard heer two different consorts The rest I do divine ALMANSOR Friend I confesse it We both at one time gave our Eve●ing Musick To one and the same Mistresse ZEGRY May not I Know her name Friend ALMANSOR Heavens how am I put to t● Should I tell him that I adore his sister aside ZEGRY Friend this reservednes suits not that name I did not hide my amours for Fatima From thee ALMANSOR He hath already promised His sister Im confounded if I dare To name her what will he not say aside ZEGRY This confus'd silence should sufficiently Instruct me that he doth adore Fatima And dares not tell it me aside What! shall I not Know then what object hath subjected thee ALMANSOR Her fair name uttered would make us enemies Instead of doing thee a courtesy I should do thee an injur● adiew Dispense
me to say more on 't ZEGRY How is this Wilt thou not go unto my house ALMANSOR Excuse me This night I am engag'd by promise to Lodge at Gomella's ZEGRY How Gomella's sayst thou ALMANSOR Yes I fear that he stays for me adiew I 'ue promised him and I can't fail my word Exit Almansor Zegry alone ZEGRY The traitor Loves Fatima and intends To marry her to judge on 't otherwife Is to abuse my self yes owing me His life he makes use of it to destroy me But he that could save it can also ruine it And his death loudly shall proclaime to all That the same arm which serves the innocent Can punish the ingratefull insolent The End of the third Act. ACT IV. SCENE I. ALMANSOR GOMELLA ALMANSOR YOu shal not go alone to meet my mother I I follow you Gomella GOMELLA That needs not Her order doth oblige you to expect her Here at my house ALMANSOR But nature doth impose A stronger law upon me GOMELLA Sir she hath not Vnderstood of your comming yet your sight Will be too sudden a surprise for bear Till I acquaint her with it ALMANSOR I expect No blame in this encounter If I should Surprise her it would be delightfully GOMELLA Seeing you will let 's go together then ALMANSOR I do but what I ought GOMELLA I speak my thoughts ALMANSOR Zegry comes forth his house before I go I must embrace him GOMELLA Stay you may not do it ALMANSOR Constraint's unjust asmuch as it is cruell Ought I to fly a friend so dear so faithfull Suffer me to speak to him and I 'l follow you Immediately GOMELLA I cannot for I have an expresse order Vnto the contrary Exeunt SCENE II. ZEGRY ORMIN ZEGRY ORmin did●st thou observe how carefully That traitor shun●d me assoon as he saw me Did'st mark how he was troubled at first How he advanc'd a step or two to Wards me And then went back again how he resign'd The place unto me in confusion Press'd with the stings of his ingratitude ORMIN What ever I observed it can never Enter into my thought Almansor should Be guilty of so base and black a crime And though in shew I find him culpable I esteem him incapable to commit Any base act he still appear'd vnto me A person of much honour and too jealous Thereof so ill t' imploy the life which he Holdeth of you besides I find within me A certain secret instinct which I Can●t comprehend that when I should accuse him Forceth me to defend him ZEGRY Seeing me To cheris'h that too much belov'd Ingratefull Thou art accustom'd also to caresse him I can't believe neither that he betrays me Nor can I doubt on t that 's my punishment And those sweet motions which I scarce can banish Aggravate his offence instead of lessening it Iudge then how much I am to be lamented In this condition the onely good That rests to me is to fear nothing more Fortune would not afflict me h●er by halfs I lose a Mistresse and a friend together Both injure me and I have so much weaknes That I can't hate the Mistresse nor the Friend But could'st thou yesterday learn from Charifa Why fair Fatima hath so much contempt Within her bosome for me thou hast told me That Adibar doth charm her but thou hast not Tould me from whence her hatred doth proceed ORMIN Fatima if I may believe what hath Been told me alwaies did abhore you for Vnfaithfullnes she hath some reason to Be●ieve you false and this is that as far As I can understand which doth oblige her To be so cruell to you ZEGRY False sayst thou I never was so ORMIN She hath understood though That a maid call'd Zelinda faire enough Very young and of an illustrious family And who received sometime many services From you being almost on the point to see you Her husband and when all things were dispos'd And ready for the mariage was fouly For saken by you and despis'd it seems That this example toucheth and doth teach her That who can once can chāge a thousād times ZEGRY Ormin this change is no inconstancy ORMIN It would be very hard to prove it innocent ZEGRY VVithout doubt this pretended mariage Made a great noise but I wil tell thee all ORMIN VVhat will th' ingratefull say aside ZEGRY Before that mariage was concluded which VVas to unite us to Abencerage blood And by that means at last to quench the heat Of an old hatred fair Fatima was Already Mistresse of my heart to make me Take a new chain Zelinda whō they offered me In my opinion was not fair enough So that I saw her without loving her Her feeble Beauty could not shake the fetters VVhich tied me yet I indeavoured To have som kindnes for her but her eyes Or my heart were not strong enoug to work it And if I did her any services It was but in design to please my parents Fatima there fore is to blame to think That I am false fince I had never love For any but for her ORMIN Alas I need not Doubt more of his contempt I was inquisitive To know too much and now I doe repent it aside ZEGRY This is a truth which easily can bee ptov'd But how comes it my sister s up so soon SCENE III. ZAIDA MEDINA ZEGRY ORMIN ZAIDA Brother have you receiv●d th' intelligence Is given me of the death of him which was Designed for my husband ZEGRY Yes I 've heard it It is too true he died in Argier O' th spotted feaver I 'm unhappy by it But you are neer your ioy and may discourse Of mariage and love ZEGRY Oh Sister rather Say that I must no longer now discourse Of love nor Mariage say that I must punish A base and an ingratefull spirit with death One that hath wickedly betray'd my friēdship Fury alone presides now in my soul And I must think nor speak of any thing But of destroying a perfidious wretch ZAIDA Who is that traitor let me know I pray you What signall crime provoketh you so highly ZEGRY Thou know'st too well the Authour of my injury His name 's Almansor his love is his crime ZAIDA His Love What hear I ZEGRY Sister t is too true His insolent love hath stirred up mine anger ZAIDA He knoweth that Almansor loveth me And that is it enrageth him aside ZEGRY His death Is just add he shall die base and ingratefull ZAIDA Brother you should examine without passion All that which might be of a friend suspected And we should never judge of his offence But with much care and much indulgence alwaies Almansor l●tth appcar'd too generous To mingle any foul or unjust thing In his affections and he oweth you Too much to have a thought to wrong a friēd That sav'd his lif● ZEGRY Sister thou dost oblige me Thy arguments with little contradiction Disarm all my resentments quite Almansor Is so dear to me that how ere he wrongs me Thou wilt do me a couttesie
to stop My anger ZAIDA Perhaps you have accused him unjustly ZEGRY Would that it pleased Heaven I were abus'd But alas my suspition is too just I 'l tell 't thee now he loveth ZAIDA Who ZEGRY Fatima ZAIDA How should he love Fatima really That crime is black ZEGRY The better to assure thee on 't t is best Thou go to vissit her I do believe Thou 'lt vnderstand frō her that he adores her And that he 's false to me ZAIDA Traitor Inconstant Pernitious Spirit ZEGRY But Sister VVhy appear you So troubled in your eyes and countenance ZAIDA The trouble of mine eyes cleerly denotes That my heart feels the evils which your friend doth you Your friēd what haye I said that name suits ill With his condition if he be your Rivall He 's not your friend Goe persently to quench His life and Love and wash away the crimes Of his soul in his blood ZEGRY No Sister no We should examine without passion All that which might be of a friend suspected And one should never judge of his offence But with much care and much indulgence alwaies Almansor hath appear'd too generous To mingle any foul or vnjust thing In his affections and he oweth me Too much to have a thought to wrōg a friēd That sau d his life ZAIDA In what an errour are you ZEGRY If I am in an errour I receiv'd it From you these were your sentiments good Sister And shall be mine ZAIDA Then knew I not his crime But now that it is plain take your revenge I will no more restrain you ZEGRY Stop me rather Condemn my anger not my amity In favour of Almansor I would be Abus'd I will accuse him but I would That others should excuse him I speak of Revenge but seek it not and threaten only But to the end to have my arme restrain'd His passion perhaps may be condemn●d Vnjustly possibly it might be born Before our friendship and perhaps Fatima Answereth unto it and that to unite them Gomellas orders do invite him heer If it be so to free my self from crime Sister t is just I yeild Fatima to him I 'l break my chains and with a setled heart Will make the pleasures of my friend mine own ZAIDA what strange abuse what secret charm thus softens Your heart in the behalf of an Ingratefull He owes his life unto you ought he not T' acquit him self to wards you by all possible Indeavours if he be our Rivall can you Without much weaknes tamely give him up Your Mistresse if he be your friend as you Esteem him ought he not to give you up The object which you love ZEGRY Without reply Go presently to visit fair Fatima And fail not fully to inform your self Of their intelligence Exit Zegry MEDINA ZAIDA MEDINA YOu astonish me I can't conceive how one can love a man And presse his death ZAIDA Oh! say not that I love Such an ingratefull and inconstant wreteh Believe that if I have fires they are fires Of rage and that my heart will ne'r be quiet Till this perfidious Lover be a sacrifice To my just anger MEDINA But you weep Madam ZAIDA True I weep Medina If that false one should perish I should die I feel that rage and tendernes hate and love Triumph by Turns within me I m his Enemy And yet I am his Lover when my anger Encreaseth th' other Kinder passion springs And though that he be louely and hath falsely Betray'd me I can neither love nor hate him MEDINA Madam speak softer you will elce be heard Adibar comes towards us ZAIDA I 'l not stay SCENE V. ADIBAR ZAIDA MEDINA ADIBAR Zaida where go you with my heart ZAIDA I pray you Leave me alone and do not trouble me Adieu ADIBAR Receive my services ZAIDA I have No need of them ADIBAR I do beseech you hear me ZAIDA You must excuse me I have other busines ADIBAR With a look onely consolate my griefs T is you I seek ZAIDA And t is you that I fly ADIBAR How treat you such a faithfull Lover so ZAIDA Fatima there will be lesse cruell to you ADIBAR Mock not at her Fatima is as fair Although lesse proud then you SCENE VI. FATIMA ZAIDA ADIBAR CHARIFA MEDINA FATIMA VVHat Adibar Still with this scornfull my revenge is just 'T is time that it break forth Zaida I find you In such a black and heavy melancholy That I lose the design whIch brought me hither Shall I dare speak of dances revels feasts And of a mariage in the condition Wherein your are ZAIDA What say you of a mariage FATIMA Since you presse me You shall know all know that my Father hath Provided one for me ZAIDA For you Fatima FATIMA Yes Zaida and she bu●imes is well forward ZAIDA In your contents I claim an interest I should be glad to know your Lovers name FATIMA He 's an accomplishd man noble and brave And of a charming presence and rare merit I doubt not but you will approve the choice My Father hath made of him ZAIDA How she makes me Languish to meet death aside Well who is the man FATIMA You know him very well He made long time his ordinary residence At home with you your brother Zegrys friēd Have I yet said ynough ZAIDA Tell me his name too FATIMA Divine you not that he is call'd Almansor ZAIDA I can no more but faint and die aside FATIMA How she Is chang'd she feels my pain and I 'm reveng'd ADIBAR I have much interest in this event ZAIDA This match without doubt cannot chuse but please you FATIMA True I am not of those who through a maxime Of I know not what modesty blush at mariage As if it were a crime feign to sigh at it And yet in secret are sad at the heart If it should not be consummate I assure you Vpon this point I not dissemble with you I no way hate the Lover that 's design'd me I prize his love his services his merit At a high rate and if he loves me much He is no lesse b●lov'd ZAIDA It seemeth then He loves you very much FATIMA I can't expresse it He lives but for me breatheth but for me I am the sole original of his good Or evill fortune when he sees me not He is in torments and when hazard brings me Vnto his sight again I have great cause To fear that he might die with sudden joy Lastly if any truth be in his oaths All other beauties are contemptible to him ZAIDA Oh Heaven what hear I where am I Oh trator Ingratefull wretch aside But could you so soon love him Before yov knew him FATIMA I cannot be blam'd For this quick love I saw in him at first All things that might induce a maid to love Besides heerein I execute the order My Father doth ordain I willingly Obey his will and since he hath chosen him For son in law and for support I think That he is worthy of it and conform
my safety and my sisters rape And so much as life is lesse dear then honour So much an affront which reflects upon it Carries it in my soul upon a benefit And I am lesse afraid to be ingratefull Then to be infamous but let us leave Discourse and come to action ZEGRY Stay Ingratefull Stay yet a little ORMIN Help oh help SCENE VI. And the last ADIBAR ZAIDA MEDINA ALABEZ LINDARACHE GOMELLA FATIMA CHARIFA ALMANSOR ZEGRY ORMIN GASUL ZAIDA WHat noi●e Is this I heare LINDARACHE What rumour is rais'd up ADIBER Hold hold LINDARACHE No no go on My son finish thy work GOMELLA Their quarrel Adibar Cannot be taken up therefore let 's leave it To be decided ADIBER No such a third person As I shall never suffer them to fight And to look on GOMELLA Well then defend your selfe We 't fight all four Ormin to Almansor ORMIN Oh! brother rather lift Your arm up against me I'in guilty only Zegry is innocent LINDARACHE Whom do I see ORMIN ●ou see Zelinda your unfortunate Daughter Who left your family to follow Zegry And who in changing fate and habit only Could not enforce her soul to the least change My heart which was pleased in slavery By him forgat it self in following Somwhat too constantly this fleeting Lover But having known him to be taken with Another Object I feard in discovering My self to draw upon me his contempt And would still suffer the same violence If his own i●terest brake not my silence LINDERACHE Oh Daughter ALMANSOR Oh! my Sister ZEGRY Fair Zelinda Revenge your self I mourn you I accuse My self and yeild my bosome to your stroak ORMIN Zegry You need not to fear any thing From my resentments if you pitty me I am not to be pittied ZEGRY I blush That after so much goodnes as you have Expressed to me I have but one soul Too give you and if the consent of your Parents and friends will be propitious to us There 's nothing can impede our mariage LINDARACHE This mariage is the chief of all my wishes ALMANSOR Friend thou canst make me happy too thy Sister Dependeth on thee thou know'st I adore her ZEGRY I offered her unto thee a while since And now I do again with height of joy ZAIDA All my suspitions are extinguished And you must know that following my duty I follow my desires but Adibar Will complain of it ADIBAR Madam y' are deceiv'd When I lose all hope I lose all my flame And to expresse unto you that I do not Resent it I will sacrifice my heart In flames of loue to that fair Saint for whom I burned formerly Gomella may I Hope your incomparable Daughter GOMELLA Adibar My family is honoured by your choice Fatima take your husband from my hand FATIMA Such pleasing orders I shall willingly Obey ZEGRY Come let us go unto the Mosquè Together to give thanks unto the goodnes Of Heaven that set an end to our misfortunes And made appear by this happy successe That one may be ingrate yet generous FINIS EPILOGUE THe Prologue promis'd something for the Play Vnder a penalty I come to pay What he engag'd for not to beg applause But if we have transgress'd the Comick laws To suffer punishment Beauties to you First I addresse me for the Poets due He s●eks but justice from your ●vorie hands As you like or dislike ho falls or stands Smile on the peice and no man dares to frown Your vote swayes both the Cavaleer and Clown Yours are the leading voices in your looks We read our fortune better then in books Y are pleas'd for Heaven 's displaid in smiles so thē I need say nothing to you Gentlemen ERRAA Page the 8. last Line for comet read comes Page the 13. Line the 2. for follow read fellow Page the 21 Line the 7. for unworthly read unworthyly Page the 24. Line the 11th for querched read quenched Page the 29. Line the 8. for trough read through Page the 39. Line the 16. for wit read with Page the 74 Line the 6. for she read the. THE ENCHANTED LOVERS A Pastoral By Sir William Lower Knight Amico Rosa Inimico Spina LONDON Printed for Fr. Kirkman at the Iohn Fletchers Head over against the Angel-Inn on the backside of St. Clements without Temple-Bar 1661. THE ENCHANTED LOVERS A PASTORAL By Sr. WILLIAM LOWER Knight Amico Rosa Inimco Spina HAGE Printed by ADRIAN VLACK 1658. ACTORS Thersander A Cavalier disguised in the habit of a Shepheard in love with Diana Thimantes Disguised also in the habit of a Shepheard in love with Ismenia Clidamant Disguised also in the habit of a Shepheard in love with Parthenia Melnitus A Shepheard of the Iland in love with Diana Mercator A Merchant of Sevil. Diana A young La● disguised in the habit of a Shepheard●sse Parthenia Neece to the Princess in love with Clidamant Ismenia A young Lady disguised in the habit of a Shepheardess Molissa The Princess of the Island and Inchantress in love with Thersander The Goddess Diana   The Scene is in the Iland of Erithréa in Portugal THE ENCHANTED LOVERS A PASTORAL ACTUS I. SCENE I. MERCATOR MELINTUS MERCATOR IF you have any service to command me At Sevil honour me with your Commission To morrow I embarke and leave the I le Until you Mart returns and games renue MELINTUS But first you 'l kisse the fair hands of the Nimph And take her pasport with you MERCATOR That 's a duty I dar● not fail in though my interest Were not concern'd in 't I intend this day To carry her my casket of my richest And choicest merchandise when she hath bought What best pleaseth her fancy I shall be Dismist having no more commodities To sell unto the Shepheards of her Court MELINTUS Have you sold well MERCATOR To what end should I feign The trade goes well enough I complain not Rich Rubies Pearls of price bright Diamonds Store of fair Coral costly Amber-greece Portraits and other such dainty devises Have passed through my fingers at good rates Diana's festival is still kept solemn And as the games which fail not every year To be renu'd invite unto those woods The neighbouring Shepheards to dispute the prizes Proposed on those dayes I saw among them Some noble strangers clad in pastoral weeds That for the honour of this Island chose it Their sanctuary and repose MELINTUS You need not Wonder at this the place which they have chosen Denotes their judgments here ambition Hath no imployment if at any time We sigh here 't is for love no other passion Is seen among us though this Island be A part of Portugal we have our laws And Empire to our selves she that rules here Hath not the name of Queen we subjects are Our Soveraigns companions and her vertue Makes us to taste so much repose that she Hath put the Sheephook into the hands of A hundred Hero's who wearied with Lawrels And the noise of the war are here retir'd From
the four corners of the World she rules So sweetly that crime onely feels her anger And as she is descended from the blood Of Zoroastres she knows well the vertue Of Herbs and th' influence of every star She understands the secret misteries Of Magick and sometimes makes use of it To serve her interests there is no Prince Nor Monarch that stands not in fear of her And suffereth her not to raign in peace For his own safety MERCATOR I know this Asyle And charming residence looks not with envy Upon the Court o' th' King of Portugal Besides I am not ignorant that the fair Ismenia drawn here by the sweet report Of these inchanting pleasures to enjoy them In quiet left the favour of her Queen And that this beauty by a sudden change Adds 〈…〉 lustre to this Paradise MELINTUS See where she comes Diana too with her I must in private speak unto this fair one An interest of love obligeth me Continually to make her my devotions MERCATOR Go Sir and prosper may your Saint prove sweet And gentle as those South-gales I expect In my embarkment Exit Mercator SCENA II. DIANA MELINTUS ISMENIA DIANA not seeing MELINTUS DIANA TRue I hate that horrid noise Now my free thought releas'd from such a trouble Enjoyes it self MELINTUS to DIANA So soon to quit the sports What was your fancy DIANA To avoid discourse That troubled me and here I meet with new MELINTUS Can such a subject as brings homage to you Produce th' effect you speak DIANA What doth not please me Both troubles and offends me MELINTUS You will one day Quit those disdainful rigours DIANA Yes when you Have neither hope nor love MELINTUS D' ye entertain Every one thus that loves you DIANA If he be such As you I use him just in the same manner MELINTUS Surely the Shepheard Clidamant speeds better DIANA 'T is then assuredly because he doth not Resemble you MELINTUS He entertain'd discourse With you in gentle whispers at the Sports DIANA I do confess it We talk'd of you and of your little skill MELINTUS Your subject was more serious without doubt DIANA What e'r it was yours I am sure offends me Remove this hated object from mine eyes Your presence will at last provoke my anger MELINTUS Can one displease you speaking of your Loves Thou Husband'st for him that so sweet discourse ISMENIA Every one knows that who but speaks Melintus Speaks jealous MELINTUS It is no secret what men think of thee Every one knows that who speaks but Ismenia Speaks cocket ISMENIA Really thou hast much reason To be afflicted at that late discourse Clidamant merits much and I 'le oblige him DIANA Leave us MELINTUS He doth expect you and I trouble you But wee 'l find out a way to cross his fortune Exit Melintus DIANA to ISMENIA He thinks that Clidaemant enjoys my love ISMENIA Thou hast no reason Shepheardess to draw him Out of his errour in the mean time wilt thou Not yield thee to the faithful services The prayers and tears of the devout Thersander Wilt thou not love him yet he that encourag'd By thy fair presence only to please thee Hath gain'd so many prizes who to give Thy anger no pretence though he loves much Can more be silent since the ardent flame Wherewith he burns for thee is only known To me unto Thimantes and thy self DIANA Ne'r speak unto me of it ISMENIA What! still cruel But hearken I will give thee an advise Shall touch thee whilst we may we should lay hold of The flying time he only maketh beauties And he destroys them in the lovely season That thine lasts use the gifts which nature gives thee Thou wilt one day lose this fair lustre which So charmeth hearts and be an object of Contempt as now thou art of adoration DIANA Rather that love whose Orator thou art Yet know'st his use so little doth times office 'T is he that withereth a face the cares The troubles and the griefs which by his means Possess a heart deface the lovely features And mow the flowers he is like time the Tyrant Of all things he in a few dayes dryes up Our Roses and our Lillies ISMENIA Shepheardess Such fear hath smal foundation quit this thought For thy own interest when love is once Lodg'd in the heart the ey hath then more light The face receiveth thence its full perfection Then we esteem us then we please our selves And know our utmost value we correct By art even to the least defect we call Our Glass to counsel in the ordering Our gate our carriage and our countenance There our eye cheers with smiles or kills with frowns Or faintly darts its glances or with strength Either to wound neer hand or further of Therefore once more for thy own interest I say unto thee love at least a little Thersander that adores thee DIANA Really Thou dost surprise me to speak thus unto me Thou that hast never yet had love nor thought Tending to that sick passion thou that mak'st So many Lovers only for thy glory Without remembring one of them thou that Pleasest thy self by turns in their discourse Thou that wilt gain all conserve thee nothing Thou sufferest Thimantes to adore thee To day but tell me wilt thou entertain His love to morrow ISMENIA I love but I have alwayes had my method In love the Lover that is troublesome Unto me is my Lover for a day I burn not yet for love nor do I sigh for 't I make a sport on 't still but ne'r a torment In thrusting no one of I 'm every day Attended by a multitude of servants That present courtship to me and all strive Who shall be formost on whom I command And raign as Princess they suppose they please me In putting up my praises when I go Unto the Temple they fail not to follow And carefully to tread in all my steps I am not pleas'd to see in such brave Shepheards A troop of slaves attending on my train I please them all in flattering their desires I 'm much delighted when I make them jealous Provided that their jealousy extend not So far as to betake themselves to arms For th' honour of my beauty● this high point Of evidences might perhaps enrage Even all my other lovers DIANA Ha! how ill Thou know'st love and his maximes I behold Thy changes as so many crimes for my part If my heart were ta'ne with an object once I could not pass from love unto contempt I should be fix'd unto my first Idea And that God wholly should possess my thoughts ISMENIA Well then Diana love if thou think'st fit Beyond the grave and make so fair a fire Arise beneath thy ashes DIANA Oh alas ISMENIA What signify those sighs DIANA They signify The sorrow of the heart ISMENIA But whence proceeds That sorrow is it from thy brothers death Or from some lovers come deal plainly with me Dost thou not love Thersander yet at last DIANA No I
assure thee ISMENIA Speak I 'm very secret DIANA I 'le tell thee then in Sevil I receiv'd Both life and love Cleagenor Ismenia Is the name of the Conquerour whose image Is graven in my heart ISMENIA O Gods how this discourse Hath consened my thought I was about To give instructions but pursue DIANA Our parents Approv'd our love and the day for our marriage Already was appointed when Nearehus Provoked by an infamous desire Came to solicit me unlawfully In favour of his flame this favourite Unto the King after a passion painted And coloured with sighs called his presents To the assistance of his faith but this Proving effectless he resolv'd my ruin He came with open force to satisfy His beastly and unruly appetite And to that end would carry me away My Mother having notice at that instant Of his design made me to take a drink To frustrate it and then her subt'le policy Spread through the Town the rumour of my death Indeed the vertue of this drink procur'd me So long a sleep that it appear'd to be The sleep of death Nearchus terrified With this sad news came to behold it painted Upon my face remorse of conscience Within his heart then quarrel'd with his love His sad despair arm'd him to kill himself But whilst his soul was troubled herewith I was conveyed secretly into A Bark scarce had I yet finish'd my sleep But at my first waking I saw my self Upon the Sea My Mother then related The whole adventure to me and the secret Imposture of my feigned death when suddenly A storm brake the discourse horrour and death March'd on the floods alas what shall I say Our vessel being carried by the fury O' th' winds and waves was split upon a rock The several pieces floated on the waters I know not which o' th' Gods took care of me In putting one under my trembling hand Which making me pass on those moving graves Through the disturbed empire of the winds Carried me to the shore in all apparence Devoid of life here in this quiet Island Of Erithrea where Melissa raigns My body found a receptacle she Returning at that instant from the chase Perceiv'd it lying which th' enraged Sea Yet threatened on its banks and that same God Which would compleat his miracle inclin'd Her heart to pitty at this spectacle She caus●d me to be carried to her Court It is unto her succour that I owe The remnant of my dayes here I first chang'd My name the better to assure my flight And so to disappoint Nearchus pursuit ISMENIA How Shepheardess is not thy Name Diana DIANA No C●lia was my true and only name But for my safety I made to Melissa A feign'd relation of the miseries Of my sad life since she receiv'd me Into her palace where I live with her And am now of her Court Seven times the Sun Hath finish'd his Carier since I have seen Or heard news of my mother ISMENIA Was Cleagenor Inform'd of all this DIANA Oh alas this is One of the points that causeth my affliction Cleagenor surprised by the same Imposture came to see me in my bed As in my grave I wonder that the noise Of his redoubled cryes brake not my sleep The heat to revenge me dry'd all his tears He found his rival and assaulted him They fought on equal terms Nearchus fell Under his arms for dead Cleagenor Was forc'd to fly t' avoid the fury of Th' offended King his sudden flight gave not My Mother oportunity t' inform him As she intended with the fiction Of my pretended death since his departure 'T is now seven years compleat in all which time I 've heard no news of him so that I know not Whether I mourn the living or the dead In the mean time to weep my fate more freely And to conceal my miserable fortune I feign'd a Brothers death ISMENIA I 'm sensible Of thy misfortune and will bear a part In thy sad grief if that will make it lesse I no more now condemne thy sighs nor tears But yet at last preserve thy beauty from Those murthering sorrows in this doubtfull case Fix thy fair thoughts upon some other object If death hath seiz'd thy Servant sure thou losest Too many tears and sighs or grant he live I st probable that he will keep his constancy For thee whom he thinks dead but here 's my Lover SCENA III. THIMANTES DIANA ISMENIA ISMENIA to THIMANTES WHat busines brings thee hither THIMANTES Here I come A little to divert my thought DIANA What thought THIMANTES 'T is a disease which doth assault my sense ISMENIA What i st without more circumstance THIMANTES My plaint Without words would express it at the sports Too many Shepheards had unto my grief Too long thy free ear and perhaps thy heart A World of people pressed round about thee The Shepheard Dorilas me thought discours'd Too long with thee I saw so many others Prostrated at thy foot ISMENIA Without more words Thimantes is become a jealous fool Since thou wilt love me learn to know me well Thimantes I am free and will no Master I 'le ne'r depend on any but my self Tell me I pray thee did I ever promise To speak to none but thee dost thou imagine So vainly that thou art the only Lover That serves me have not I yet some which ought To be conserv'd and amongst all the Shepheards Whose faith I have receiv'd if I should open My mouth and eyes on none of them but thee And that one of those dayes thy mind should change And mine change too as all this well may happen Would all the others jealous of this kindness Express'd to thee thus in particular Be still my Lovers though I had lost thee And if my liberty were not expos'd For all which of them would commiserate My fortune in thy losse I think upon Th' event of things which thou canst not assure At least if one quits me another takes me Consider if this humour pleaseth thee If thou canst serve me all thy life time thus And not be jealous if thou canst hope one day Both mouth and hand and happily the heart May flatter thy affection THIMANTES This way Seems very strange unto me but almost Every fair evening some appointed place Of meeting seems t' assure me of thy love Sufficiently and not to flatter me With frivolous hope ISMENIA Yet hitherto it is But airy words THIMANTES I hope all things from time In waiting for that day our names engraven In every place will speak my love Ismenia I promise ISMENIA But no more here comes Thersander That Shepheard whose enflamed heart thine eyes Hath rendered ashes DIANA Well Ismenia I leave you ISMENIA This is too much ●igour trust me At least afford the face if thou deny'st The heart SCENA IV. THERSANDER DIANA THIMANTES ISMENIA THERSANDER to DIANA OH stay dear object stay thou that art cause Of all my torments I have but one word To say before I dye
procures my grief Let me not speak him spare my cheeks those blushes ISMENIA I cannot a sigh carries not so far You love but what more is beyond my skil To understand unless your self unfold That sigh unto me by its cause PARTHENIA 'T is true I love ISMENIA But whom PARTHENIA 'T is ISMENIA Outwith't PARTHENIA Clidamant ISMENIA Behold a handsom way to name a Lover Ha! how you fear your lips should touch upon it One must draw 't word by word out of your mouth You have then but one lover really 'T is well as 't happens had you lists of them As I have which I name and reckon over Every hour of the day your bashfullness Would well become you love is a fair fruit But then it must be gathered modesty Leaves it to fall and wither but I pray you What will Melissa say to 't who intends To match her Neece to Thirsis PARTHENIA Oh! I hate That Th●rsis and shall be even in despair If the Nymph force me to observe my duty In that par●icular yet I would keep it Without disturbance if the love I bear To Clidamant should not return me his For to speak truly I am violent Where honour doth ingage me therefore would I Have his heart to be sounded and as I Find it dispos'd I should pursue my love Or quench my flame ISMENIA Speak unto him your self Nothing 's more easie PARTHENIA But Ismenia Thou hast a wit would help me if I should Speak to him he hath little understanding If he should not know that I first was taken And I should sin against the rule of maids To make such a confession ISMENIA You may write then PARTHENIA That is all one still the same point of honour Forbids it me my Letter would discover My love and make him boast thereof perhaps To my dishonour if he might have once That mark on 't in his hand ISMENIA Let him then Divine it if he be Astrologer PARTHENIA Treat not my passion thus with railery ISMENIA I must then serve you in it I perceive Well I 'l about it with my best invention I 'l write a Letter to him and invite him By a feign'd love as soon as it is night To meet me at the Eccho of the Garden To entertain us there PARTHENIA So in my absence Thou shalt discern his thought ISMENIA This business Concerns you Madam and requires your presence You shall speak softly to him and in those Sweet moments you shall understand much better What his thoughts are and thus you may your self To find out if he loves speak of your self PARTHENIA Thou wilt be present too ISMENIA Yes J ' l so well Contrive it that he shal believe undoubtedly That it is I that speak PARTHENIA But how can we Speak to the Eccho for thou know'st the Nymph As soon as it is night retires her self And then we cannot come there what devise now Hast thou that we may speak to him ISMENIA Cannot we Speak to him from the terrass which joins close Unto the Garden you know that you can Conveniently come there at any hour From your apartment 't is upon this ground And these conjunctures that I 've ta'n the plot For my invention PARTHENIA J admire thy wit T is wonderfull industrious and ready ISMENIA I 'l write the Letter here before your eyes Behold the paper for it PARTHENIA How these are Thy writing Tables ISMENIA They can speak of Passions Discreet and secret J ' l about my business And use my smoothest stile PARTHENIA Especially Appoint him wel the hour and place of meeting How redevable am J to thy wit For this great favour what do J not ow thee For this good office thou giv'st me again Life and repose ISMENIA See what J write unto him In two words for you they are very pressing And will ingage him to be take himself Unto the place appointed to know more PARTHENIA 'T is very well it rests now how to giv ' 't him ISMENIA Leave me the care of that but here he comes SCENA V. MELINTUS CLIDAMANT PARTHENIA ISMENIA MELINTUS to CLIDAMANT YEs J have heard Diana is his sister CLIDAMANT to PARTHENIA Madam Melintus and my self are going To seek Thersander to congratulare With him his happy meeting with his sister ISMENIA to CLIDAMANT seftly Thersander's happy and thou art no lesse Since thy good fortune offereth it self Unto thy hand from whence thou mai'st expect All that thou canst desire without that jealous PARTHENIA to ISMENIA Come let us go the Nymph expecteth us ISMENIA softly to CLIDAMANT Having no opportunity at present To speak unto thee read J think 't will please thee CLIDAMANT Read it J think 't will please thee what i' th name Of wonder doth she mean MELINTUS Take but the pain To open and to read it thou shalt find CLIDAMANT J think J may make thine eys witnesses Of what it doth contain there 's nothing in it Secret or serious Ismenia loves To jest and to be talk'd of and this is Some new piece of her wonted merry wit MELINTUS J am impatient prethee open it CLIDAMANT Let me see what divertisement is here Which she expounds good fortune what is this He reads List of my Lovers by an exact order Of Alphabet 'T is very well put of But so far forth as J can see yet neither Obse●ve J here Melintus or my self MELINTUS For my part J renounce there turn the leaf Go on CLIDAMANT reads Stanza's of Dorilas upon inconstancy 'T is true Ismenia thou art fair But more inconstant then the air And every Lover is a Mark Exposed to thy humourous dart As soon as he meets thy disdain He flies to death to cure his pain And makes but one large step in all From his bright glory to his fall With these defects yet thou canst charm But I 'l not love for fear of harm Yet J approve all things in thee Yea even to thy inconstancy And will not to incur thy hate Jealous Melintus imitate Whose humour every thing offends And nothing pleaseth but its ends CLIDAMANT Melintus what sai'st thou unto them MELINTUS J see for what design she put those Tables Into thy hand J call'd her cocket lately And that it seems provok'd her to rerurn me The injury with one of the same nature CLIDAMANT continues to read Sonnet of Silvio my most faithfull Lover A Madrigal of Thirsis what 's this follows Unto the Shepheard Clidamant CLIDAMANT Melintus Am J not purblinde see if this name doth Strike thine eyes thus like mine Melintus looking into the writing Tables MELINTUS Nothing 's more certain It is address'd to thee thou art more happy Then thou imagin'st CLIDAMANT reads As soon as the dark shadows of the night Hang o'r the light At th' Eccho of the Garden let us meet But be discreet 'T is love invites thee more anon When w' 're alone Ismenia Melintus would take the writing Tables MELINTUS Prethee let me see them Grant me this favour not
then J believe Thou do'st disguise the truth and read'st Ismenia When 't is subscrib'd Diana CLIDAMANT Oh fond jealous How long wilt thou thus be thy own tormenter MELINTUS Yet shew them me CLIDAMANT To cure thy troubled spirit J'l first o'rcome thy curiosity And since the discreet Lover what vain heat So ever presseth thee never shews thus His Mistress name MELINTUS But CLIDAMANT Quit those blind suspicions as soon As it is night I 'l go unto the Eccho Alone and with our noise I 'm all a fire To know what she will tell me in the mean time Let 's go unto the Nymph to seek Thersander MELINTUS softly To be more sure and to inform my self Yet fuller of thy faith in this my doubt I 'l to the Eccho too and ●ind it out The end of the second Act. ACTUS III. SCENA I. MELISSA DIANA MELISSA I Say to thee again that J receive Much pleasute at this news that thou Diana Art sister to the generous Thersander He hath inform'd me with the strange misfortune Which separated on the churlish Sea The Brother from the Sister in what place Upon a plank escaped from the wrack The storm remov'd him from the anger of Th' inraged Sea what countries he hath seen What pains and troubles he hath undergone Lastly he nam'd the happy fortune which Conducted him to us here I thank Heaven That made thee know him I 'm as sensible Of this content as thou canst be thy self He is so highly qualified that he 's worthy The name of King ye both shal find with me A Sanctuary and what ever fortune Ye have I will partake it good or bad My fortunes ye shall bare too so that all things Between us shall be common I believe Diana towards me will be so well Dispos'd of her part and that whatsoever Concerns me will touch her DIANA Madam I should Be barbarously ingratefull otherwise I still remember that being on the Shore Cast as a wretched wrack there by the floods Expecting every minute deaths approach I met with you my port and sanctuary Oh that I have not power for all this goodness T' express how much acknowledgement I have MELISSA Thou hast DIANA How Madam MELISSA In expecting nothing But death as I do now thou canst be to me At thy turn both my port and sanctuary Thou canst subdue the enemy that braves m● That of a Soveraign will make a slave He 's in thy power thou canst abate his courage DIANA What is that enemy which troubles you MELISSA He 's one whose Magick can enchant the arms Of the most Valiant he can draw tears from The most Heroick nothing is so strong Which he can't compass and without respect To any place or person whatsoever He equally distributeth his flames DIANA I know him not yet by this Character MELISSA How know'st thou not that tyrant of great Monarcks That famous Conqueror of Conquerours Who notwithstanding is but a blind child DIANA If J durst to express me J believe I know him MELISSA Speak it freely DIANA I 'm mistaken Or I have seen love painted in such colours Blind and a child yet a great Conquerour MELISSA 'T is the same love whereof I speak unto thee DIANA Who is the happy Lover that procures Your martyrdome MELISSA Alas could'st thou not spare me The shame to speak him cover gentle night Immediately those places and my brow With the same colour so to please my heat I love but let us finish since I 've said I love Thersander is my object DIANA What My Brother MELISSA He If his heart be a prize Not easie to be gain'd there 's nothing which I would spare for him I would arm to have him Nought should oppose me every obstacle J would o'rcome already by some words Which he observ'd not spoken by the bie My love was half expressed DIANA As he should not Dare to pretend unto so great an honour He would be criminal if he believed To understand you MELISSA Well then be thou here The mouth and true interpreter of my heart Express the kind heat of my timerous soul Tell him that I 'm a subject to his Laws That he may boldly fix his thoughts upon The person of Melissa and not fear To be condemn'd that his ambition May soar so high a pitch and not be check'd That he may sigh the same sighs with a King Husband thar heart for me to which mine aims But let him not think that it comes from me My honour would receive a prejudice By such a thought thou only shalt acquaint him With this as from thy self DIANA J understand you He must needs yield to this I 'l do your will MELISSA As soon as he appears I will retire me And from one of these places I shall hear Every word that you speak one to another In reference to my flame DIANA I should methinks Act with more freeness if J were to treat With him alone MELISSA No J will hear my self What he thinks of me J can best of all Trust mine own ears and eyes in this affair DIANA But Madam after all MELISSA Shepheardess The thing 's resolv'd thou need'st not say no more Untill he come J pray thee entertain These woods here with some air and let us see If the Eccho will answer to thy discourse DIANA Your prayer is a command some plaints of love Shall make the subject of it MELISSA What thou wilt DIANAS Song Ye Trees ye Rocks perfumed Valleys sweet And charming Zephirs murmuring fountains keep My griefs close in your bosome you alone Are witnesses unto my fires and mone Tell me if my sad heart not daring to Delare it it self at least may sigh its woe May sigh its woe Eccho Well then my sighs make no noise as pe passe The airy Regions only breath alas Vnto the ●eart that sent you forth since I Can't speak to thee dear object of my cry Let th' Ecco that 's attentive say for me That if I love as sure I do 't is thee 't is thee Eccho SCENA II. THERSANDER MELISSA DIANA THERSANDER DIana's here about her voice assures me MELISSA to DIANA softly Thy Brother comes here take this opportunity Be sure thou speak unto him loud enough Thou art my only hope I go from hence To hear and to observe thee DIANA softly We are undone Thersander will discover all in speaking THERSANDER 'T is now no longer time to utter sighs Let us resume our joy and dry our tears Crown our sad spirits with flowers and think no more of Our pass'd misfortunes let 's form our discourse Of the most pleasant thoughts and let us chat Of love DIANA Let me alone I 'l entertain thee Upon that subject THEERSANDER It belongs to me To speak of that and when I do consider With what darts in my heart DIANA I know it well 'T is of a longer date then from to day That I have read thy heart and I believe That never any one hath seen a
a quarrel with him to acco●d it Chuse of us two him whom thou think'st most faithfull I am content to stand unto my fortune ISMENIA Thimantes what say you THIMANTES J agree to 't ISMENIA to CLIDAMANT Then thus for him J do confess I love him A little but for thee nothing at all My mouth interprets truely what my heart thinks CLIDAMANT O the most fickle and most want on issue Of the inconstant sex thou lov'st a momen● J love a moment also ISMENIA Notwithstanding J have a secret to impart unto thee CLIDAMANT A Secret in thy heart loseth its name In less time then a minute without doubt ISMENIA Thou thought'st last night that I discours'd with thee At th' Eccho of the Garden CLIDAMANT Yes ISMENIA But what If thou wert then deceiv'd and that another In my place counterfeited there my voice CLIDAMANT What hast thou told me ISMENIA That which may be true CLIDAMANT J cannot comprehend it nor find thee Thou dost do nothing but deceive at all times And in all places thou canst turn thy heart And eyes into all sences how an other Possess my place ISMENIA What if by this advise J gained thee the heart of a fair Mistress One that 's illustrious and of noble blood And who after the Nymph hath the chief rank CLIDAMANT Well feign thy fill thou may'st speak what thou list I 'm henceforth in no humour but to laugh ISMENIA If by the greatest oaths wherein my honour Can be ingag'd thou wilt believe the truth Of what J told thee that another person Beside my self receiv'd thy vows last night J hope thou wilt find out some fitter Epithits Then false and wavering for me CLIDAMANT After such An obligation my charity Would sway me much ISMENIA Then solemnly J swear It was Parthenia in my place to whom Thou didst express thy love she borrowed My name and shape and thine eyes suffered This sweet imposture CLIDAMANT Still thou dost abuse me J knew thee by thy voice ISMENIA When we spake loud 'T was I that spake then presently Parthenia Advancing in my place discovered softly Her soul and thought unto thee after this Iudge if I have deserv'd from thee or no. CLIDAMANT How is it possible that she to whose High rank I should not dare t' aspire unto So much as in a thought that she to whom I durst not speak a word in way of plaint That she to whom my high respect conceal'd My amity should yet feel pitty for me Alas this cannot be 't is sin to think it ISMENIA Thou shalt see if I lie and how sh' esteems thee I wait her here CLIDAMANT Therein I should obtain The hight of my ambition for this favour Oh let me kiss thy hands and die with pleasure SCENA III. PARTHENIA ISMENIA CLIDAMANTES THIMANTES PARTHENIA WHat spectacle is this I see Ismenia Sports with my fortune if I trouble you I will retire continue that rare favour Who freely gives the hands may give the heart ISMENIA Ha! Madam really you are a novice In love I gave him intimation of The arri●fice we us'd and he at first Received my discourse with so much joy That he crav'd from me that civility Unto what jealous strange suspitions Are you drawn by this object he but aim'd To kiss my hand and you are like to die for 't Trouble your self no more thus to no purpose PARTHEIA Ismenia thou restor'st me life and rest I love thee Clidamant this jealous fit Methinks might well have spared me the shame Of telling it CLIDAMANT Fair Nymph believe PARTHENIA Bur let us Enter into this Wood. CLIDAMANT I wish the Eccho Sometimes a friend to Lovers would redouble My voice in saying to you that J love And make you to repeat my words J love PARTHENIA Ismenia be a faithful witness of Our chast amours and come along with us To hear what we discourse Thimantes be Discreet and secret THIMANTES Madam I 'm all silence See what a strange unnecessary evil Is that a jealous person doth sustain Foolish Melintus how thou art deceiv'd In thinking that Diana is the object Gf Clidamant's affection here she comes Discoursing with her brother J will leave them SCENA IV. DIANA THERSANDER DIANA LEt us consider what we are to do She loves thee infinitely and J have Command from her to speak to thee again In her behalf THERSANDER Advise me what to do DIANA Since the Nymph loves thee with such passion As I perceive she doth 't is fit thou flatter Her grief a little otherwise I fear That I shall lose thee after having found thee What mischief can she not do when provoked THERSANDER Since there needs but to feign all will succeed DIANA In the mean time Ismenia will be carefull To inquire for us when the Merchant-ship That 's bound for Sevill will be fully ready To set sail from the harbour we shall hire him To land us where we will till when our care Must be not to offend the Nymph for fear She ruine us she 'l presently be here She 's come already act the Lover well Dissemble handsomly therein consists All that we can expect SCENA V. MELISSA DIANA THERSANDER MELISSA A Word Diana Hast thou remov'd that fatal obstacle Which came to intetrupt the pleasant course Of my affections hast thou setled My lifes content and razed Celia Out of thy Brothers spirit DIANA His heart follows Where my voice and his glory calleth him And cheerfully yieldeth obedience To such sweet Laws MELISSA Blessed Interpreter Of a most ardent love hast thou advis'd hi● To keep it secret DIANA Only that point Madam J have forgotten but J will redeem it And tell him on 't before you if you please That I go for him MELISSA Go and bring him hither DIANA softly Feign handsomly unto her THERSANDER softly to Diana Fear it not I 'l speak before her but of you and to you And yet not make her jealous Then he saith to Melissa by whose side is Diana whom he looks upon THERSANDER aloud Could you doubt My heart should be so stupid and insensible Of my felicity how happy is My fortune and how gentle was the storm That gave me this bless'd port whereof great Kings Are jealous What proud Conqueror would not Submit and lay his arms down with himself At the fair feet of such a charming object A rude obdurate rock would be consum'd The coldest Marble would be kindled by it Yes Madam a fair eye but openeth Its lid here 't is day the nights black shadows Fly only from the Sun of those bright eyes Her fires too at the sight of them grow pale I must confess then Madam that J love them And that J live more in this beauteous object Then in my self my spirit is charmed with A happiness unparallell'd when J Think that J love them and am lov'd again MELISSA Come thou but feignest love do not abuse me THERSANDER O Gods what do you say Madam J love Or rather J adore
MELISSA How hast thou then Dispos'd of Celia that reign'd o'r thy heart THERSANDER That affair's ordered well I 've put her interests Into my Sisters hands sh' 'ath promis'd me To make all fair of that side and will answer To me for her MELISSA Hast thou not boasted to me That her eyes were the object of thy love That for thy sake she cherished the light Of the alternate day and that they would Cover themselves with an eternal night If thou shouldst cease to live or to be faithfull Think well of thy part what th' ast promised Be firm be constant fail not in that point Consider not at all this supream greatness Stick to thine object love it for it self And have no interest for thy ambition Flatter thee with the honour to possess her Look only if she loves thee not if she Enricheth thee the beauty whom thou serv'st Should be thy crown all greatness whatsoever Should be esteem'd in thy accompt beneath it THERSANDER Ne'r doubt it Madam J shall have those thoughts Greatness shall never blind me so far forth As to oblige me to forget my love Which alwaies shall pure as the day ●tar burn Base interest shall never sully me DIANA I 'l tell my Brother now what I forgate To THERSANDER If thou know'st well to love know thou as wel To hold thy peace love like the other Gods Is not without his secrets he is serv'd Sometimes by hearts that can't express themselves Take heed how thou provoke his jealous power Adore his Altars but adore in silence For silence is a part of his Religion And oftentimes this fierce God is offended At his own name if any thing hereof Should be known in the Isle thou art undone Love without speaking of it that 's the law Which is imposed on thee she for her part Will love thee likewise use the secret well Melissa otherwise would die with grief J know th' excess of love wherewith thy soul Is filled but for thy own interest Put a seal on thy mouth MELISSA Yes have a care That none suspect our love I 'l take my time To publish it in the mean time I 'l study Thy set●lement and thy repose which makes That of my life this free confession now Would call up envy from her Cell and make Our greatest Hero's to dispute with thee What J have promis'd thee thine enemies Judge then how precious thy obedience is Since all thy good and happiness depends Upon thy silence THERSANDER Sure J should be strucken With a strange blindness if J observ'd not This your command J will obey so well That Madam even you your self shal doubt Whether J love or whether you J love MELISSA In the mean time thy sister shall assist me And have the ordering of our Amours Believe what she shall say since I will make her My only bosom friend unto whose trust J will commit the secrets of my heart THERSANDER J will make use of her in the same manner Enter Melintus he speaks to Melissa MELINTUS Madam a Jeweller that useth still To come unto the Games desires accesse Unto your presence MELISSA Cause him to come in This Sevil Merchant cometh every year To sell and traffick in the Island with us SCENA VI. MELISSA MERCATOR THERSANDER DIANA MELINTUS MELISSA SHall you remain sometime yet on our shore MERCATOR I stay but for your Passport to depart Every year Madam by your Highness bounty My traffick thrives so well that whatsoever Commodities I bring unto your Isle J carry nothing back you empty still My casket now I 'l shew you if you please such rarities as can be had no where But in my hands MELISSA Let 's see them MERCATOR Here 's a Diamond Darts flame of all sides MELISSA 'T is a sparkling stone I like his lustre MERCATOR Will you have it Madam MELISSA I 'l tell you presently shew all at once Then I shall soon chuse let me see that Coral MERCATOR The piece is very fair till now your Isle Hath never seen the like MELISSA And what 's that other MERCATOR A piece of Amber-greece Madam 't is rare And of great price I have pass'd divers Seas To purchase it alone 't is worth as much As all my casket DIANA For my part J cannot See any thing that 's new here MERCATOR Shepheardess This rope of Pearl is very rich and new 'T would make you look more fair more gay more sparkling MELISSA Without those Ornaments of Art she is Charming enough she needs no strange additions She maketh all our Shepheards die for love But for all this though you are fair without them I will bestow them on you if you like them What saies Diana DIANA Madam your great bounties MELISSA Lay them aside MERCATOR But Madam look upon This Master-piece of Art it is the Portrait In little of the King of Andalousia MELISSA He 's one of the best made that I have seen And who is this MERCATOR It is his favourite Nearchus sometime Prince of Pichery Who by a beauty fatal through her charms Gave up his arms and life unto his Rival A gallant Gentleman his name Cleagenor THERSANDER the first line softly May I believe good Gods how he observes me But are you certain of Nearehus death MERCATOR He return'd sorely wounded from the fight And died four daies after as all know MELISSA His valour seems yet painted in his face MERCATOR But he that conquer'd him had more by much Behold his Portrait THERSANDER softly Oh! what sheweth he MELISSA Is this that valiiant Cleagenor MERCATOR Yes 't is his picture THERSANDER softly O unlucky ●ccident MERCATOR Of all those that J had this only 's left me Th' offended King commanded me to carry them Unto all places where J went and traffick'd That so he might be known and then arrested For after this great Combat to secure His head from pursuit he took flight immediately MELISSA Thersander in my judgement nothing can Better resemble you J think your sister Will say as much THERSANDER Madam we see that Nature Sports sometimes in her works and makes some feitures In faces to resemble somewhat neerly MELISSA This Merchant I believe 's of my opinion MERCATOR Madam without doubt 't is Cleagenor THERSANDER The thing is little certain on the faith And bare ground of a Portrait MERCATOR Sir you are The very same I am confirmed now In my first thoughts all that which hitherto Hindered me to judge so was the name of Thersander and the habit of a Shepheard THERSANDER Who J Cleagenor MERCATOR Yes Sir J saw you The last yeer in the fortunate Is●●nds and Not above four moneths since in Portugal Sevll's your native Country since you meet here Your safety to what purpose should you cover Those things with silence MELISSA Sure you need not blush Thersander at this fair acknowledgement THERSANDER I confess Madam that J blush a little Not that mine arm hath not done all that which It ought
to do in the death of my Rival Nearchus was too rash and insolent From the fair and unspotted object which Made my most chast desires he in his thoughts Formed the object of his filthy pleasures But he hath paid for 't and his death is just Only the thing that troubles and afflicts me And for which I am sorry at my heart Is thar J told you nothing of my secret MELISSA J guess the cause of it and know your thought And what fear troubled it and that you chose Another name only to free you from The penalty o' th' Law but fear not any thing I 'l oppose power to power for your defence Your interests are mine J'l make your peace The King of Andalousia shall be weary Of persecuting you if he persist To trouble your repose J'l invade his If he refuse to grant what we demand From our request we will proceed to arms THERSANDER What obligation have you upon me For all your goodness MELISSA But let 's make an end Of seeing all the rarities MERCATOR Behold With admiration Madam this rare piece It is Diana's Picture MELISSA How Dianaes DIANA softly O sad misfotrune MERCATOR It is the Divinity Whose Temple 's here the Goddess of this place DIANA softly I cease to tremble all is well again MELISSA What Portrait's this MERCATOR It is a Beauties Madam Whose heavenly graces made two desperate Lovers That sight for her arm for the field and fight It is that fair ones whom I told you of For whom Cleagenor and Nearchus burn'd And who pursued hotly by two Rivals Cost the one flight and life unto the other After Nearchus death I bought his Portraits This that he had without doubt's to the life But who can better then Cleagenor Instruct you in this point MELISSA to THERSANDER D' ye know this piece THERSANDER I know not what to say on 't MELISSA I observe Much of thy sisters air in 't DIANA O ye Gods Turn aside this misfortune MELISSA Really The glass Diana which receives thy image Represents less thy shape and countenance And any other but the Painter would Believe indeed that he finish'd this Portrait Upon thy presence MERCATOR There 's no doubt of it One may admire in this adventure how Art imitateth nature It is she For whom Nearchus sigh'd THERSANDER softly O Gods where are we Our fortunes now are desperate DIANA Know'st thou me MERCATOR I am of the same Town and therefore know you Your mother is Melora and she dwells At Sevil I shal make her a glad-woman At my return to tell her that her Celia Lives yet and is in health here in this Island MELISSA How Celia MERCATOR Yes Madam that is her name DIANA What cloud of errour blindeth thy soul thus That Celia whom thou mean'st and dost discourse of Died before Nearchus MERCATOR It was believ'd so At first but since all Sevil knows the contrary And that false death is now no more a mystery Unto me J know where the mourning went And how a Coffin only was interr'd Instead of you that this apparent sign Of your death only could secure you from Nearchus ill designs I know besides That you betook your self unto the Sea Where you sight not but for Cleagenor The Sea prov'd false to you and to your mother And separated you one from another By the assistance of a hideous storm She having sav'd her self upon a plank Sought you from one end of the World to th' other But hearing no news of you she believ'd At her return to Sevil that the Sea Had swallowed you and death had made her search Unprofitable DIANA Thou knowest secrets which To me are Riddles MERCATOR Wherefore should you Lady Dissemble thus your knowledge of a thing Which is no more conceal'd one of your people A complice of the Plot divulg'd it lately Melora too since her return reveal'd The whole Imposture all impediment Being remov'd after Nearchus death This that I know I understood from her THERSANDER All this thou saiest is strange news unto us MERCATOR You have the art I see well to dissemble But by your favour might it not be you That did imploy a friend unto me lately To pray me to receive in●o my bark Two Shepheards natives of the Town of Sevil THERSANDER Madam this Merchant doth compose Romants And tells you all these strange adventures only To shew his wit and faculty that way MELISSA Yet his discourse is not without some ground I find good reason so to judge of it If I remember well you willingly Did put the interest of Celia Into your sisters hands she promised To make all fair of that side and to answer To you for her Merchant another time See us again How both of you abuse me With an Imposture form'd under false names To carry on your love in a disguise What in my Palace in my Court my presence Sport with my person thus in a contempt Insolent wretches you shall feel what force My anger hath when thus provok'd I 'l make you THERSANDER Oh Madam MELISSA Go Impostor thou shal● answer For all the troubles of my hear● none ever Afsro ntd me yet without punishment I 'l sacrifice you both to my disgrace In such a manner that ye shal repent Eternally that e'r ye made me blush Depart my sight THERSANDER O what misfortune 's this MELISSA to MELINTUS See that you separate them one from another In several apartments that they may Hold no discourse together O misfortune Not to be parallell'd What shall I do Of whom should I take counsel in this case Shall I hear yet my love that murmureth Ought I to suffer or repel the injury It is resolv'd in my offended heart That those black Passions shal succeed my love By which the soul when in disorder bteaks The chain wherewith she 's ti'd break forth my fury And ruine these ingratefull they shal know My power as they have seen my goodness to thē They shall not mock at my simplicity Nor reproach me for my credulity How treacherous Thersander oh that name Thersander combats yet within my heart In its defence my spirits at this name Are wavering and my anger 's weak my hate Is in suspense I am not pleas'd with that Which I demand I fear what J would most Ha traitor must J to torment my self Suspend my judgement upon thy destruction Must J dispute the case within my self As doubtfull to determine no pass sentence Against him for this barbarous affront Arm my despair and inspire thou my rage And let me see how faithfully my Art Will serve my vengeance in the punishment Of these ingratefull Lovers I intend not To give a sudden death to either of them But they shall suffer that which shall be worse By the effect and strange force of my charms They shall have without dying every day A thousand deaths I will continually By turns afflict the sad eyes of the Lover And of his Mistress both
pardon and a favourable censure of the bould ambition which I have to entitle my selfe MADAM Your Highnesse most humble most obedient and most Faithfull Servant WILLIAM LOWER PROLOGUE To the Court. HA what divine shapes strike mine eyes and make My tongue to faulter and my limbs to shake Through a respestfull awe and reverence Which thus so strongly seyseth on my sense These are no Fantasmes such as we present But true Divinities from Heaven sent To grace our Earthly Theater then I Who cannot stand before such Majesty Fall on my knee and in this posture pray I may be heard to speak before the Play Madam to you then from whose beautious sight Those lesser Starrs derive their borro●ed light First I addresse me and although I 'm sent From the proud Poet with a complement To let you know that he protests and saith His Sceanes will please I cannot have that faith He sw●ares that he prepares a Peece so rich In high conceptions that it will bewitch Your eyes and eares a Banket that may please The Danity Pallats of the Deities Vnheard of vanity I cannot chuse But undeceive you know t is an abuse You 'll meet ●ith no feast here since the chief dish Which he presents is neither flesh nor fish But a meere Fantasme garnish'd like a coarse Larded and serv'd up vvith some love discourse Vnsolid matter flourishes of vvitt And airy fancies in my judgment fit But for the publick Stage not to appeare Within the verge of this illustrious Sphere Where nothing but the quintescence of vvit Should dare to enter humbly I submit To your transcendent judgment my advise And wish it may be found more rash then wise For daign t' applaud the Play and I 'm content To suffer fo● it any punishment t' Appease the Poett whose rage will be hot Vpon my head if you protect me not Auspitious Planets rule this night and shed Sweet influences on your board and bed ACTORS CARLOS Lover of Isabella and Friend to Fabritio CLARINA Woman to Isabella FABRITIO Lover of Climene CLIMENE Mistresse to Fabritio and to the Duke JACINTA Woman to Climene FERDINAND Duke of Ferrara VALERIO Captaine of the Dukes Guards ISABELLA Sister to Fabritio ALPHONSO Father to Fabritio and Isabella LICASTES Servant to Alphonso CELIN Servant to Carlos GUARDS   The Scene is at Ferrara THE AMOUROUS FANTASME A TRAGI-COMEDY ACTUS PRIMUS SCENA PRIMA Carlos Clarina in a street Carlos ARt sure of it Clarina is it possible That Isabella now is sensible Of what I suffer for her and resents In my behalfe the fire which her faire eyes Have kindled in my heart Clarina Sir I assure you T is an undoubted truth which I receiv'd From her owne mouth Carlos I 'm much astonished With a successe so charming Clarina For my parte I wonder that you are astonish'd at it Is it so great a miracle I pray you To see a Mayd to chaung we have a mind Alternatelie to turne love into hatred Or hatred into love such an effect As this so common in our Sex should not Seeme strang unto you Isabella is Of age sufficient to feele the effect Both of the fire she kindles and o'th'evill Which she procures the end Sir of her coldnes Should not surprise you who gives love can easilie Take it againe and when a young heart never Hath loved any thing at the first fire That sparkles t is inflam'd my Mistresse is As sensible as faire you will be happie If you are faithfull Carlos But com'st thou by her order Clarina To speak truelie She willed me to speak as from my selfe But Sir your goodnes is a gage that makes me To tell you all t is by her expresse order That I have uttered this secret to you Of such importance but you must be silent And discreet if yov'll profit by the knowledge Carlos But may I not at least acquaint her brother With my good fortune he is bound by friendship To favour me and I should doe him wrong To disguise any thing to him Clarina Oh! Sir That 's it my Mistresse dreadeth believe me Above all things so farre you must be from Acquainting him therewith that you should feare Least he might have the least suspition of it Know you not yet that her inhumane Father Will not permit her to give you her hand That to uphould the splendour of his house He 'll rayse his Sonne unto his Daughters cost And as t is o●ten practis'd now a dayes To th' one designes his goods and to the other A Monasterie Carlos I know well that her Father Hath fuch a purpose but though he be of A nature so inhumane sure her brother Is not so barbarous we are tyed together By such faire bonds of friendship that I know He 'll mix his interests with mine Clarina If I May frelie speak my thoughts here I must tel you That interest can break the strongest bonds That commonlie men better keep their wealth Then their fidelitie and that there is No friend which they love equall with themselves Be sure you trust no person now a dayes Daunger still followes too much confidence The lesse a good is knowne the sweeter t is Lastly Sir keepe your secretts to your selfe My Mistresse doth desire it Corlos Oh! Clarina It is ynough there is no reason more In this point to examine now but I Obey without dispute the name of Friend Must yeild to that of Lover but shall I See our faire Mistresse by thy meanes this evening Clarina Sir it is verie late Carlos I know thy skill And thou know'st puts gould in her hand Clarina Yes your liberalities I 'le goe t'advertise her as you desire And presentlie returne if you will stay Either to bring you up or to persuade her To come downe to you Exit Clarina Carlos alone Carlos Oh how sweet it is To mollifie a hard and cruell heart How charming is Love when t is mutuall what high content what extasie of joy Feels a poore captive in his troubles when The hand that tames him helpes to beare his chaines A good gain●d easilie is not esteem'd The more it costs the more t is pretious Although th' Horizon's covered with darknes I easilie discerne the dore to open Doubtles t is Isabella I 'le advaunce SCENA SECUNDA Carlos Fabritio Carlos My happines is greater then I dar'd To fancie is I can't expresse unto you By what soe'r indeavour I can use The fullnss of my passion and my joy Fabritio Deare friend I doe beseech thee let us leave Vaine complements I know shy goodnes for me Carlos Good God! how I 'm confounded t is her brother Fabritio aside Fabritio Thou knowest then it seemes How highlie fortune is propitious to me My mar●iage is concluded and agreed And thou com'st without doubt to wish me joy Carlos Friend Fabritio I 'm certaine it is this that brings thee hether Thou wilt congratulate my happines Carlos How readie and ingenious he is To draw me out of
dead with feare and weaknes SCENA QVARTA FABRITIO CLIMENE Fabritio comming out the Mine Fabritio THanks unto Carlos and in spight of destinie I hope to see Climene in this garden But to conceale the meanes on 't I must cover Most carefullie the opening of the Mine Those stones and those greene boughs will make the hole Invisible I need but seek the ingratefull Before I vent my anger I 'le reproach her With my pass●d services with her inconstancie And her false oaths for feare my death should give her Some satisfaction and to th' end t' afflict her I will appeare unto her and protest That I will live yet to abhorre her yonder I see that faire Inconstant but alas I see her pale cold and in dying posture At this sad object which confoundeth me A tender pittie doth succeed my passion And if this pittie caus'd by her misfortune Is not yet love t is something sure that 's neere it Climene thou faire object of the flame which riseth up againe when almost dead Cast yet a languishing look upon Fabritio For all thy anger and inconstancie I never sought any reveng gainst thee Returne and if thou wilt not that I live At least with one sweet look honour my death I heare some comming I must hide my selfe If I should goe into the Mine againe There 's danger I might be surpris'd SCENA QUINTA The Duke Climene Duke I have heard stroaks which troubled me much The noise came from this side let us advaunce I see Climene who sleepes but alas Vnparalel'd misfortune she is dead And underneath a thick vaile her faire eyes Are shut up never to be opened Tyrannick destinie by what law is it That such a rare and exquisite beautie hath So tragicall a fate and that the Star Of my nativitie which hath produc'd My fires findes in its morne eternall night But I am in an errour Master peece Of all perfection fate is innocent And I alone am guiltie t is this arme This barbarous arme that hath tane hence my Mistresse In murthering my Rivall Climene Oh alas Duke She breathes she breaths and openeth her eyes Love be propitious to me Climene Is it thee My deare Fabritio Fantasme of my soule Sweet Shadow of my Lover what wilt thou Duke Her griefe distracts her judgment Climene Commest thou to reproach me suddenlie That thou hadst lived if thou had'st not seene me And that the fire sometime so faire which kindled Our hearts with mutuall love serv'd but to light thee To descend to the grave Duke You are mistaken Adoreable Climene Climene Tell me then The cause that brings thee Com'st thou to solissit My heart and arme a while yet to deferre My death unto the end to revenge thine Wil thou that this hād plung'd in the Dukes blood Make my destruction just and thine reveng'd Speak speak he shall not long be in condition To triumph in thy death in the midst of His Court and in the eyes of all Ferrara I 'le peirce the bosom of that barbarous Prince Duke My heart feares but the stroaks of your faire eyes Know me and recollect your wandering senses The excesse of your sorrow wrongs you much Climene Whom doe I see Duke A Prince that loveth you Climene What fatall accident what cruell destinie Presenteth me in stead of my Lover His murtherer Sir you must pardon me This langvage as a person highly injur'd I can no mor respect you is it possible You are not fullie satisfied yet In barbarouslie depriving me of him I lov'd more then my selfe but you must come To robb me of his Shadow Duke This vaine shadow You speake of is but an illusion Form'd by your feare and your affliction And when I 've dissipated from your fancie This fatall image you will finde that I Have more advauntaged then injur'd you For dead Fabritio please you to remember That t was your interest made me punish him The insolent discou●se which he held forth Carried me justlie to that violence If I had spar'd him I had injur'd you And if I had done lesse I had lesse lou'd Clim●ne By ●his accompt then I 'm indebted to you For giving me the greatest of misfortunes In killing even before mine eyes the object Which I adore without whom the faire light Is odious to me you are much deceav'd In your pretentions you have gained nothing In ruining a Rivall and the art Whicch you use to asperse his reputation Can't hinder him to live with in my soule Though this death which I feel livelie with in me Had not express'd so much hate and contempt As you shew love and tendernes I should Have loved him so much as I hate you Duke I condemne not your just transports but beare them He was your Lover though he was my Rivall And I repent my rage in that I wrong'd Your charming Image printed in his soule I know that Rivall which was odious to me Pleased your faire eyes more then I his merit Was that which onelie rendered him guiltie I hated him for being too amiable But in that hate I fully did expresse My love to you in offering you a heart And with that heart a crowne But I offend you Your looks speak your disdaine not to provoke you I leave you and hope yet that you will one day Have lesse aversion for me Climene Time can never Cure my disease death onelie is its terme SCENA SEXTA Iacinta Fabritio Climene Fabritio I will approach I see the Duke retire My trouble is pass'd and Climene lives But heaven who cometh here againe to crosse me Iacinta to Climene Iacinta The Funerall is comming Climene What Fabritio's Fabritio It is Iacinta I need not for her Keep a loofe of aside Iacinta Yes Madame you may see The coffin which encloseth your dead Lover From your Balcony at this very instant His Father who intends to celebrate His mourning honoureth Fabritios death With funerall pompe and whilst they carrie him Vnto the Temple you may if you please See that unfortunate body passe Climene I will so It is my last desire Fabritio discovering himselfe Fabritio Enjoy it Madame Behould heere the unfortunate Fabritio Iacinta Heaven where shall I fly safely from this Fantasme I dare not stay Iacinta flyes away Climene What! will Iacinta leave me Iacinta I have no other Mistresse now but feare Fabritin houlding Climene Fabritio False and ingratefull Beautie doe you fly me This makes your lightnes To appeare too much If any justice yet raignes in your soule After you have betray'd me give me leave To complaine my misfortune Climene I betray you What doe I heare Heavens how astonish'd am I At this so strang event if I may heere Believe mine eyes it is the living portrait Of my Fabritio but if I believe His voice it is but a deceitfull Fantasme Of such a faitfull Lover Fabritio I am that verie Lover who against Your will could not in losing all his hope Lose his life too yes I
live yet Ingratefull And feare I live for you still in despight Of my just anger I know not what power Opposeth it in steed of murmurring I sigh and all the heat that rests with me Resembles anger lesse then love Climene Now I Begin againe to know Fabritio His heart in spight of him doth secretlie Render me justice and when the false mouth Condemnes me it seemes resolute in thought That I am faithfull Fabritio Faithfull oh it is Vnto the D●ke that this speech is addressd He onelie is to hope for all your love Climen● Canst thou impute those base thoughts un●o me Fabritio They are truths if I may believe your oathes I should doubt yet of this extreem misfortune If I had understood it from the mouth Of any other but your selfe Climene An evill When it is knowne is easie to be cur'd I know thy errour cease to be abus'd If the last fatall evening I express'd ●ind words unto the Duke I did believe That I discours'd to thee and so upon That faith all that I said to him was wholie Intended unto thee● thy onelie Image Which can possesse my heart my memorie And all my senses with so much renowne Was onelie guiltie in that fatall moment If but a little blindnes may be said To be a crime in Love Fabritio Vnto a Lover Whose soule resignes it selfe unto suspitions Any excuse is good ynough and passeth A lye that pleaseth deceives plea●antlie And everie thing is easilie believ'd Which is desir'd though all thy reasons were As false as faire so sweet it would be to me To see my f●ares to end and in my fancie To flatter the affliction which thou Might'st cause me that thou wouldst oblige me stronglie To make me yeild to be abus'd Climene Let thy heart be Free from those Low suspitions if thou wilt Absent thee I am readie heere to follow thee I 'le manesest unto thee everie where The cle●renes of my faith be it to live Or dye with thee let Heaven blesse or deceive Our expectations I 'le live satisfied Or dye content Fabritio What owe I Climene Thou ow'st nothing Nothing of thanks in following thy desires I follow my owne sentiments but how Wer 't thou secur'd Fabritio Fortune did favour me A straunger passing that night perished Instead of me and this Mine gives me meanes From Carlos house to enter into thine Climene Thou mayst a while heere entertaine thy thoughts In the meane I 'le goe to fetch my Iewells Passe underneath this arbor I believe I heare a noyse assoone as it is night I 'le come to thee againe SCENA SEPTIMA Iacinta Fabritio Fabritio IF I am not deceiv'd heere comes Iacinta Climene trusts her with her neerest secrets Forrune it seemes to day in everie point Will be sweet to me if I can oblige her To goe away with us Iacinta Scarce freed yet From my first feare I tremblinglie returne Vnto Climenes house Fabritio Was murthered through my meanes and without doubt He cometh to revenge himselfe upon me From th' other world my ruine were inevitable If I should meet that fearefull Ghost againe Fabritio Stay Iacinta T is the Spirit good God I dye with feare Oh Genrle Fantasme have compassion of me I doe confesse my fault and promise faithfullie N'er to betray you nor my Mistresse more Fabritio Strang but I must know more Disguise me nothing If thou dost Iacinta Touch me not then I beseech you And I will tell you all t is true ● alwaies Indeavoured ●o hurt you that I studyed To serve the Duke in his amours against you And that indead I was cause of your death Fabritio Pernstious spirit Iacinta Enter not into furie This is not all yet lend your eare I pray you I had forgot to tell you that the Duke By my advise this day hath fix'd upon Climenes rape and that this verie evening He will attempt this unjust enterprise Fabritio Horrid perfidiousnes Iacinta I have tould all my faults now may it please you That I leave you in peace for know that nothing Is so unpleasant to me as discourse With people of another World If you Were not dead you would be so good unto me To grant me pardon upon my repentance Fabritio It would not suite well with a generous spirit To punish a weake woman Goe Iacinta Mon●ieur Fantasme God will receive your soule Exit Iacinta Fabritio The Duke this night Intends it seemes ●o take away Climene Heaven must my hope be yet againe destroy'd But my heart leaves it selfe to be assaulted With a vaine feare seeing I am belov'd What should I doubt nothing is strong ynough To disunite two hearts whieh love hath joyn'd This God doth miracles for those that be His faithfull Votaries and such are we The End of the third Act. ACTVS QVARTVS SCENA PRIMA Fabritio alone BEhould the hower wherein I hope to see The Beautie which my soule loves and adores The Sunne alreadie having run his course Darteth no more heere but a feeble light With his last rayes he now adornes the West He setts with glorie shines when he is lost And the fair remnants of his dying brightnes Maketh his fall and losse illustrious Pardon thou glorious Star whose splendour hurts m● If my hope comes when thy light vanisheth Ingenious Love to hurt me more assembles That masse of Instre which so charmeth me In faire Climenes eyes and presentlie Her looks wil give me brightnes which surpasseth That which thou takest from me But she stayes Heaven she neglects me she appeareth not The Moone is well advaunc'd and all my hope Dyes with the day this long delay denotes A fault of love I heare one walk and if My eyes are faithfull witnesses I see This miracle of Faire ones come at last SCENA SECUNDA Climene Fabritio Climene FAbritie Fabritio Heere faire subject of my flame Here 's he who is as ●aithfull as he 's happie Climene I did not think to have bene so long absent I feare that I have put thee to some trouble Fabritio Believe indead that to Fabritio The least remove of thy faire eyes is grievous I did expect thee sooner and to speak The truth resolved to complaine unto thee Vpon this point but to forget it quite It is sufficient that I see thee now I have no power to complaine before thee The present pleasure flattering my thought Takes wholie from me the remembrance Of my pass'd trouble Climene Since love forceth thee Not to accuse me the same passion Obligeth me too to excuse my selfe It was not the care of these Diamonds Wherewith I 'm loaden which caused my stay It onelie was the care to take a time Proper for our departure Fabritio Let 's referre The prosecution of this discourse Vnto another time and think we now To finish our designes and t'haste our flight I feare the stroaks yet of injurious chaunce She should be ●rusted least when she smiles most Climene Let 's haste I willinglie consent unto it I
Climene Climene FAbritio is it thee Carlos No. Climene Oh my griefe Carlos Although it be not he at least it is His second selfe t is Carlos Climene Oh! deare Sir How mise●able am I Carlos I know Madame All your misfortune having understood it From the Dukes mouth who verie much in passiō Seeketh you with no ordinarie care Climene Fabritio's heere about if he should be Vnfortunatelie found it were impossible To save him afterward Sir if you love him Divert his daunger overtake the Duke To draw him hence tell him that I am readie To come forth of this fatall place and that I 've promised to stay here till you come To goo with you unto your house Carlos I fly In the meane time find if you can your Lover And tell him what hath happened above all faile not to be here presentlie your selfe Climene Fortune I feare is not propitious Ynough unto me to permit me now To finde Fabritio with too much heat Her anger doth pursue me to consent That I shall have this happines notwithstanding I heare a noise perhaps Love favorable To my chast flames guideth my Lover here But what they are two women they have seene me Or I am much deceiv'd I must begone To seek Fabritio and to shun their presence Exit Climene SCENA SEXTA Iacinta Isabella Iacinta IT is my Mistresse Madame approach bouldly And give me leave to goe immediatelie Into the house my conduct and my cares A●e here superfluous Isabella Stay she goes away And I see her no more come let us follow Iacinta Good God! if I should meet the spirit againe Which I fo dread Isabella Thou knowest all these turnings And thou canst guide me Goe before Ianinta Who I defend me God from such a rudenes I know my duty well though a grosse Girle Madame you are to goe first I 'm to waite you Oh if the spirit should come to punish me For my late treason softly Isabella But thou tremblest Iacinta Alas there 's reason for it Isabella Stay here then I 'le follow her without thee ho Climene Iacinta She leaveth me alone oh I am lost Madame where runne you Isabella Doe not stay my stepps Iacinta Should you be n'er so angry by your favour You shall not follow her Isabella Thy importunitie Is really extreme why dost thou stop me Iacinta Because I love you you would be in danger Should you goe on your safetie's deare unto me And I 'le take care on 't Isabella Leave me Iacinta No I must not I 'le tell you a strang thing a fearefull Spiritt Haunteth those places Isabella I st a waggish Spirit Hobgoblin or a Robin-Good follow Iacinta No he 's not pleasant rather on the contrarie It is an evill and a mischievous spirit Isabella Who tould it thee Iacinta Mine eyes which did not lye And I sweare to you that I 've twenty times Seen it in severall figures sometimes like A man and sometimes like a ravenors beast And still at everie bout mischievouslie Readie to break my neck Isabella Climene then Is not in safetie here Iacinta I know not that But I believe there is a league betweene them They agree verie well But see the spirit In forme now of a Giant Heaven protect me SCENA SEPTIMA Fabritio Iacinta Isabella Fabritio IT is Iacinta and Climene is Without doubt with het Iacinta It approacheth to us Oh let us fly t is death to meete with it Isabella It stopps at me o Heaven what feare have I Fabritio Climene stay and heare me I 'm Fabritio Isabella It is my brother strang surprise I wil Speak soft and conterfeit my voice to finde What his designe is aside Fabritio The injurious Duke Frō whom my cares would take thee seeketh thee Without doubt at this instant let us lose No time to shun his violence but haste we To Carlos house besides I feare my sister For she at home this evening said unto me That she would come to vissit thee if she Should see me presentlie my Father who Thinks me alreadie farre of from this place Will understand the contrarie This is not To detract from my Sister she is good And verie innocent but her fault is She cannot hould her peace Isabella Continue Brother I 'm much oblig'd unto you pray proceed Fabritio Misfortune t is my Sister Isabella Isabella Pursue good Brother Fabritio Las I 've said too much Excuse the feares and weaknes of a Lover If thy heart felt such seisures thou shouldst know That the God who is President of love Is but a timourous child and trembles alwaies Isabella I doe confesse that I am ignorant In maximes of this nature and indead Too innocent to understand them well Concerning your aboad which I have learn'd With some regrett for being knowne to me T' is not lesse secret I will make appeare By silence and discretion that I am A better Sister to you then you are a Brother to me Fabritio Oh! Sister what sweet sentiments have you How shall I merit them Isabella I heare some body Brother let us withdraw Fabritio I 'le take your counsell goe forth of this dwelling To Carlos house I 'le follow you immediatelie SCENA OCTAVA The Duke Carlos Isabella attendance Carlos YOu see Climene stayes heere as I said Duke Conduct her t is ynough Im satisfi'd And will goe forth content Carlos Madame t is Carlos Follow me without feare speake soft Isabella T is Carlos I 'le follow him without constraint aside Duke Guards waite upon Climene for this night My eyes must be deprived of the happines To see her my love urgeth me in vaine To follow her defer we till to morro● To render her a vissit the good which I expect thence would be too dearelie bought If it should cost a trouble to Climene Depart we and le ts flatter us with hope That we through perseverance shall o'rcome And that there is no heart so hard by charme Which those fires in my bosom cannot warme SCENA NONA Climene Fabritio The Duke Climene FAbritio Fabritio My Climene Duke Heaven what heare I My judgment is confounded heere Climene Is gone with Carlos yet some secret charme Which I can't comprehend houldeth her heere In conference with the shadow of the dead Climene Everie one is retir'd we are alone The Duke is also gone out of the garden Let 's finish the designe we have in hand Le●'s presse it on and fly we without feare That Tyrants love for whom I 've so much horrour Duke In what a hideous gulfe of black despaire Am I plunged by this prodegy i st a truth Or i st a dreame Fabritio Haste we but I 'm afrayd That in the dark we shall not finde the Mine Climene No matter we caan goe out of the garden Another way the key of the back dore Which I have heere about me privately Will give us passage forth to Carlos house Where 'gainst the light returnes I will be readie T' embrace thy fortune and to
follow thee Goe where thou wilt Fabritio By what expressions Climene T is ynough make me no reply but follow We lose time Duke There 's no doubt of it t is certaine Fabritio either dead or living steale Away Climene ha I cannot suffer This outrage in my sight come I 'm resolv'd To lose my selfe or reskue her o Heavens The Duke running to succour Climene falles into the Mine The End of the fourth Act. ACTVS QVINTVS SCENA PRIMA Carlos Isabella In a hall of Carlos house Carlos WHom see I here misfortune oh unluckie Encounter but perhaps I am deceiv'd Is it you Isabella Isabella Strang what heare I I st possible that Carlos should not know me Are all my features suddenlie defaced No they remaine yet onelie I have cause To thinke a hat they are raz'd out of thy memorie Carlos Oh Madame this suspition is unjust I will upon this point tell you the truth With all sinceritie Isabella Pray what sinceritie Can one expect from you Carlos Condemne me not Before you heare me I had a designe Which prospered not my intent was to bring Another woman here and I confesse That I am sorrie now to see you Madame In her place your faire presence is indead A trouble at this time But Isabella It sufficeth Ingratefull thy crime is acknowledged And more sincerely then I could have thought Carlos Suffer me to expresse my self● Isabella It needs not What explication can be more cleer Carlos Heare what remaines Isabella No I will heare no more All thy disguisements are superfluous Carlos But know Isabella What should I know more hast thou not Tould me that thy soule 's fleeting thou intende'st To bring another Woman here thou wilt That I believe it and I doe believe it Carlos I have not Isabella True thou hast not any thing For me but coldnes and presumption To see me in her place thou sayst th' art sorrie And with an unjust passion thy salfe spirit Carried away goes from inconstancie To incivilitie Carlos Give me leave to speake Isabella What canst thou say unto me That thou acknowledgest the Empire of A Worthier object that in vaine thy heart Hath stood against her charmes and that to gaine thee I have too little beautie Carlos Oh deceive not Your selfe with so much art and I beseech you Be lesse unjust to my poore heart that loves you Isabella In losing such a heart as thine I shall Lose little it is faith●es base and treacherous And I pretend not any thing unto it Adiew Carlos What without hearing me oh stay I doe beseech you stay Isabella My presence here Doth trouble you Carlos It is a reall truth Isabella A reall truth Ingratefull Carlos You shall not goe forth before Y 'ave heard me suffer me upon this point T' expresse my thought Isabella I should againe be troubled With thy discourse Carlos What I shall say unto you Can easilie be verified Isabella No no I forbid thee to justifie thy selfe Carlos For the last time yet give me leave to say That it is you alone whom I adore That I am wholy yours Isabella Well let me see then If I have any power yet in thy soul. Carlos Madame commaund you shall be satisfied Isabella Say nothing more then to excuse thy selfe And leave me to depart this I command Obey me in this point Carlos For such a perfect Lover as I am It is a crime t' obey too readilie Isabella No no I have some power upon thy spirit Shew thy respect by thy obedience Carlos Love by respect is verie ill express●d Who can obey well knoweth not ●o love This favourable councell cruell Beautie Was given to Carlos Isabella Yes to Carlos faithfull But this fatall advise whereof thou dost Presume so much was never given vnto Carlos inconstant Carlos Madame what 's my crime Isabella Ingratefull I will tell it thee t is true I had for thee something about my heart That savoured of tendernes and that I know not what began to differ little From the toy called Love at last I was Tainted with that disease when for my punishmēt I knew my love produ●ed but thy hate True thou feel'st it no more now that thou seest That I am touch'd I become trouble some To him that 's deare to me now that my flame Appeares thine is consumed and beginning To love I cease to be belov'd Belov'd what have I said ' I learne by the effects That thou feignest alwaies and did'st never love me What canst thou answeare to excuse thy selfe So just a reproach cannot but confound thee Thou striv'st not more to justifie thy selfe Thy silence speaks thee guilty and confounded Carlos This trouble which appeareth in my countenance Proceeds from your injustice not my crime Isabella What have I said here which thou canst deny Defend thy selfe Carlos You have forbidden me To justifie my selfe I feare you would be Offended still with my discourse Isabella No no Speak Carlos now my anger 's vanished Although thou shouldst be false and prove i● In such a high degree as to betray me I might cōplaine thereof but could not hate thee constant And whatsoever change thy heart should make I should excuse thee if thou didst desire it Carlos Vpon your faire hands for this sweet expression Let me imprint my joy and my resentment He kisseth her hand SCENA SECUNDA Alphonso Isabella Carloo Alphonso WHat doe I see Carlos But Madame your suspitions Injute my love extremelie Isabella My suspitions Give Carlos intimation that I love him Alphonso You love him Isabella Heaven what heare I Carlos O hard Fortune Isabella I must dispose my selfe to dye he 'll kill me aside Father Alphonso Vnworthy object of my anger Iustly provoked I 'm thy enemie Call me no more thy Father how presum'st tho● T' offend me in so high degree as thus Against the rules of reason and of honour To come to Carlos at his house by night And in despising the Religious Cloyster Whereto I 've destin'd thee to give thy selfe Over to base amours Isabella I doe beseech you Heare me graunt me that savour will you Sir Refuse me Alphonso Yes everie thing except death Carlos Heare equitie oppressed by my mouth If her flame be a crime I●m guilty onelie Yes if it be a fault daigne to remember That I am the cause on 't and whom you ought Onelie to punish be more just without Being more gentle save the innocent And destroy the offender Isabella No against me Bend all your furie if it be a crime To love it is a vertue ●o be loved The tendernes which I resent for Carlos Denotes his merit and setts forth my weaknes And if my passion be worthy death Carlos is free and I alone am guilty Alphonso Perfidious thou shalt dye then Carlos Oh abandon That thought Alphonso Then Carlos with my honour take Away my life that is the onely way To make her crime safe nothing but my death Can stop her punishment Carlos Feare nothing from me
I have respect for you and since I could not Appease your anger I oppose no further But rather presse you now that Isabella May perish Isabella How doe you presse my destruction Oh now 's the fatall moment wherein I Have just cause to complaine of destinie My heart is peirc'd with griefe to see you here With such injustice to become my judge And not my complice I was well resolv'd Carlos to dye and quarrell'd not with fate So long as I thought to expire for thee But I believed not in this adventure That Love aswell as Nature would betray me And that I should at last goe to the grave Thus by a Fathers stroak and Lovers sentence Carlo● Madame I 've sayd but what I should have sayd Once more I doe repeate it since your daughter Must dye Sir and I cannot hinder it Content your selfe to strike but pray mistake not The bosome heere direct your stroaks t is heere That Isabella's lodg'd heere she is Mistresse Heere she is criminall heere you must assault her To punish her and in peircing my heart You cannot misse her Isabella Oh believe him not Turne your armes here Alphonso aside Alphonso Readie to shed my blood I feel my teares flow and my choler 's cold I onelie by a sudden strange effect Am vanquish'd in the fight let us feigne yet Carlos your cunning for a little time Retards her Punishment but fatisfy me Vpon a thing that brought me heere and wich Doth trouble me extreemely tell me truelie Is my Sonne here or no if he be here His death is but too ●ertaine Carlos I assure you He is not here Sir Alphonso Since you doe assure me I will not doubt it SCENA TERTIA. Fabritio Alphonso Climene Carlos Isabella Fabritio WE are free at last From the Dukes hands Alphonso O Heaven i st possible Fabritio yet present him to mine eyes I gave Sir too much credit to your words to Carlos Carlos He was not here Sir when I said them to you Alphonso Thou blinded Sonne through what ingratitude Build'st thou thy pleasures upon my disquiet VVhat hath made thee despise a Fathers Will whom thou know'st cherisheth thy life so much And why in violating all the rights Of nature dost thou make so small accompt Of the light which thou owest me Ingratefull Fabritio The care Sir of my safetie trouble●h you Too much I doe not hate the light but love it Lesse then Climene Alphonso I commanded thee To quit this residence● Fabritio But I receiv'd Another order Alphonso How from whom Fabritio From Love Alphonso Love makes no lawes but for those that will take 'em And reason now forbiddeth thee to embrace it Fabritio Oh reason Sir had left me and I was Too much enchained to depart Alphonso Canst thou Stay without shame after an infidelitie Fabritio Climene is as constant as she 's faire My spirit was struck with an injust suspition I 'm disabused and she 's readie heere To follow me Alphonso To follow thee Climene Yes Sir To follow him I have engag'd my selfe Though his condition be chang'd I am not Alphonso I alwaies doubted till this very moment Whether a woman could love constantly Bu● if your love hath any reason with it Haste you to goe out of his fatall c●ntry Fabritio There 's nothing that shall stop my stepps to morrow Sir I sweare to you Carlos Friend thou shalt not sweare Fabritio If you believe it not I doe assure you You are in an extreme errour who can stay us Carlos Pehaps It may be I. Fabritio You Carlos Yes I will Tell you a sad adventure which should be Equallie grievous ro us both Ciimene Is by a fatall chaunce committed to My guard and I 'm responsible for her I 've the Dukes ordsr for it and to add To the misfortune I thought to have taken Climene and I took your sister for her Isabella What! this was then the cause which troubled you So much but now Carlos You have but little reason To doubt of it but understand my trouble In this extremitie if Climene flyes I shall be forc'd to expose Isabella Instead of her to the Dukes passions I love her and t is now no longer time To disguise my thoughts to you Iudge I pray you If in this daunger I ought to expose her Fabritio How great is our misfortune Alphonso Not so great As it appeares unto you to be free Of all feare get ye gone all foure togeither The Duke will he reduced afterward To be appeas'd Carlos This is a most sure way But whence proceeds this noise SCENA QUARTA Celin●o ●o Carlos C●lin Sir diverse men Armed with halberds desire speech with you Carlos T is the Duke and his Guards sure their designe Surpriseth me Alphonso I have lost all my hope Carlos assuredly my sonne 's discover'd Carlos We will be presently cleer'd on that point Without light let Fabritio stay heere And if he doubts that they are come to seek him Behind this false wall he may hide himselfe He shewes them a wall which is turn'd upon a pivot of Iron See how it turnes before his death my Father Fearing the malice of his enemies Caused it to be made in secret for him And I know that there is no wit so subtle● That can finde out Fabritio in this place Alphonso To save thy life doe this Sonne I conjure thee Climene And I Climene pray the● Fabritio Lobey As sonne and I obey no lesse as Lover Carlos Let 's cease discourse and goe forth presently Exeunt all but Fabritio Fabritio alone Fabritio Heaven must I alwaies be distracted thus Twixt feare and hope and must so just a love Have such a rigid fortune the Duke loves Or abhorres her and I know that there 's reason To feare all things from him that hopeth nothing And that ' bove all things it is daungerous To be competitor with his Prince and Rivall Vnto his Master But what heare I not Some person walke at if he would come to me SCENA QUINTA The Duke Fabritio The Duke alone Duke I 've passed through a streight way now I enter Into a greater yet am still in doubt My hope 's confounded and my spirits dark Which should light me in these obscurities Am I'mongst mortalls am I in some cave Am I upon the earth or in is center Murthered Fabritio offereth himselfe To my remembrance would Heaven punish 〈◊〉 For his unjust death but I heare a noyse Who 's there Fabritio Fabritio Duke Fabritio Appeares his Fantasme heere then for my punishment And am I sunk downe into Hell alive To suffer for the evills I 've made him suffer Fabritio I heare the Dukes voice which I know full well Is it you then Sir Duke Duke Th' art not deceiv'd I am the authour of thy death I will not Say any thing unto thee for to save My life thou canst without crime take it frō him Who hath tane thine from thee all the feare which Resteth unto me in