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A36610 The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards in two parts : acted at the Theatre Royall / written by John Dryden ...; Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1672 (1672) Wing D2256; ESTC R1594 110,703 208

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with Torches by my side Farr be the Omen though my Love I 'le guide No like his better Fortune I 'le appear With open Arms loose Vayl and flowing Hair Just flying forward from my rowling Sphere My Smiles shall make Abdalla more then Man Let him look up and perish if he can Exit An Alarm nearer then Enter Almanzor and Selin in the head of the Zegrys Ozmyn Pris'ner Almanz. We have not fought enough they fly too soon And I am griev'd the noble sport is done This onely man of all whom chance did bring Pointing to Ozmyn To meet my Arms was worth the Conquering His brave resistance did my Fortune grace So slow so threatning forward he gave place H●s Chains be easie and his Usage fair Selin I beg you would commit him to my care Alm. Next the brave Spaniard free without delay And with a Convoy send him safe away Exit a Guard To them Hamet and others Hamet The King by me salutes you and to show That to your Valour he his Crown does owe Would from your Mouth I should the Word receive And that to these you would your Orders give Alm. He much o're-rates the little I have done Almanzor goes to the door and there seems to give out Orders by sending People several ways Selin to Ozmin Now to revenge the Murder of my Son To morrow for thy certain death prepare This night I onely leave thee to despair Ozmyn Thy idle Menaces I do not fear My business was to die or conquer here Sister for you I grieve I could no more My present State betrays my want of pow'r But when true Courage is of force bereft Patience the noblest Fortitude is left Exit cum Selin Alma Ah Esperanza what for me remains But Death or worse than Death inglorious Chains Esper. Madam you must not to Despair give place Heav'n never meant misfortune to that Face Suppose there were no justice in your cause Beauty 's a Bribe that gives her Judges Laws That you are brought to this deplor'd estate Is but th' ingenious Flatt'ry of your Fate Fate fears her Succor like an Alms to give And would you God-like from your self should live Almah Mark but how terrible his Eyes appear And yet there 's something roughly noble there Which in unfashion'd Nature looks Divine And like a Gemm does in the Quarry shine Almanzor returns she falls at his feet being veyld Almah Turn Mighty Conqu'ror turn your Face this way Do not refuse to hear the wretched pray Almanz. What business can this Woman have with me Almah That of th' afflicted to the Deity So may your Arms success in battels find So may the Mistris of your vows be kind If you have any or if you have none So may your Liberty be still your own Almanz. Yes I will turn my face but not my mind You bane and soft destruction of mankind What would you have with me Almahide I beg the grace unveyling You would lay by those terrours of your face Till calmness to your eyes you first restore I am afraid and I can beg no more Almanzor looking fixedly on her Well my fierce visage shall not murder you Speak quickly woman I have much to do Almah Where should I finde the heart to speake one word Your voice Sir is as killing as your sword As you have left the lightning of your eye So would you please to lay your thunder by Alman I 'me pleas'd and pain'd since first her eyes I saw As I were stung with some Tarantula Armes and the dusty field I less admire And soften strangely in some new desire Honour burns in me not so fiercely bright But pale as fires when master'd by the light Ev'n while I speak and look I change yet more And now am nothing that I was before I 'm numm'd and fix'd and scarce my eye balls move I fear it is the Lethargy of Love 'T is he I feel him now in every part Like a new Lord he vaunts about my Heart Surveys in state each corner of my Brest While poor fierce I that was am dispossest I 'm bound but I will rowze my rage again And though no hope of Liberty remaine I 'll fright my Keeper when I shake my chaine You are angrily Almah Almah I know I am your Captive Sir Alman You are You shall And I can scarce forbear Almah Alas Almanz. 'T is all in vain it will not do aside I cannot now a seeming anger show My Tongue against my heart no aid affords For Love still rises up and choaks my words Almah In half this time a tempest would be still Almanz. 'T is you have rais'd that tempest in my will I wonnot love you give me back my heart But give it as you had it fierce and brave It was not made to be a womans slave But Lyon-like has been in desarts bred And us'd to range will ne're be tamely led Restore its freedom to my fetter'd will And then I shall have pow'r to use you ill Almah My sad condition may your pity move But look not on me with the eyes of Love I must be brief though I have much to say Almanz. No speak for I can hear you now all day Her suing sooths me with a secret pride softly A suppliant beauty cannot be deni'd aside Ev'n while I frown her charms the furrows seize And I 'm corrupted with the pow'r to please Almah Though in your worth no cause of fear I see I fear the insolence of Victory As you are Noble Sir protect me then From the rude outrage of insulting men Almanz. Who dares touch her I love I 'm all o're love Nay I am Love Love shot and shot so fast He shot himself into my brest at last Almah You see before you her who should be Queen Since she is promis'd to Boabdelin Almanz. Are you belov'd by him O wretched fate First that I love at all then love too late Yet I must love Almah Alas it is in vain Fate for each other did not us ordain The chances of this day too clearly show That Heav'n took care that it should not be so Almanz. Would Heav'n had quite forgot me this one day But fate 's yet hot I 'le make it take a bent another way He walks swiftly and discomposedly studying I bring a claim which does his right remove You 're his by promise but you 're mine by Love 'T is all but Ceremony which is past The knots to tie which is to make you fast Fate gave not to Boabdelin that pow'r He woo'd you but as my Ambassadour Almah Our Souls are ty'd by holy Vows above Almanz. He sign'd but his but I will seal my love I love you better with more Zeale then he Almah This day I gave my faith to him he his to me Almanz. Good Heav'n thy book of fate before me lay But to tear out the journal of this day Or if the order of the world below Will not the gap of one
course Boab. In walls we meanly must our hopes inclose To wait our friends and weary out our foes While Almahide To lawless Rebels is expos'd a prey And forc'd the lustful Victor to obey Aben. One of my blood in rules of Vertue bred Think better of her and I believe she 's dead To them Almanzor Boab. We are betray'd the Enemy is here We have no farther room to hope or fear Almanz. It is indeed Almanzor whom you see But he no longer is your Enemy You were ungrateful but your foes were more What your injustice lost you theirs restore Make profit of my vengeance while you may My two-edg'd sword can cut the other way I am your fortune but am swift like her And turn my hairy front if you defer That hour when you delib'rate is too late I point you the white moment of your fate Aben. Believe him sent as Prince Abdalla's spy He would betray us to the Enemy Alman Were I like thee in cheats of State grown old Those publick Markets were for foreign gold The poorer Prince is to the Richer sold Then `thou might'st think me fit for that low part But I am yet to learn the Statesman's art My kindness and my hate unmask'd I wear For friends to trust and Enemies to fear My hearts so plain That men on every passing thought may look Like fishes gliding in a Chrystal brook When troubled most it does the bottom show 'T is weedless all above and rockless all below Aben. ' Ere he be trusted let him first be try'd He may be false who once has chang'd his side Almanz. In that you more accuse your selves than me None who are injur'd can unconstant be You were unconstant you who did the wrong To do me justice does to me belong Great Souls by kindness onely can be ti'd Injur'd again again I 'le leave your side Honour is what my self and friends I owe And none can loose it who forsake a foe Since then your Foes now happen to be mine Though not in friendship we 'll in int'rest join So while my lov'd revenge is full and high I l'e give you back your Kingdom by the by Boabdelin embracing him That I so long delai'd what you desire Was not to doubt your worth but to admire Alman This Councellor an old mans caution shows Who fears that little he has left to loose Age sets to fortune while youth boldly throw's But let us first your drooping Souldiers cheere Then seek out danger ' ere it dare appear This hour I fix your Crown upon your brow Next hour fate gives it but I give it now Exeunt SCENE II. Lindaraxa alone O could I read the dark decrees of fate That I might once know whom to love or hate For I my self scarce my own thoughts can ghess So much I find 'em varied by success As in some wether-glass my Love I hold Which falls or rises with the heat or cold I will be constant yet if fortune can I love the King let her but name the Man To her Halyma Hal. Madam a Gentleman to me unknown Desires that he may speak with you alone Lind. Some Message from the King let him appear To her Abdelmelech who Entring throws off his Disguise She starts Abdelm. I see you are amaz'd that I am here But let at once your Fear and Wonder end In the Usurpers Guard I found a Friend Who led me to you safe in this Disguise Lind. Your Danger brings this Trouble in my Eyes But what affair this vent'rous visit drew Abdel. The greatest in the world the seeing you Lind. The Courage of your Love I so admire That to preserve you you shall straight retire She leads him to the door Go Dear each Minute does new dangers bring You will be taken I expect the King Abdal The King the poor Usurper of an Hour His Empire 's but a Dream of Kingly Pow'r I warn you as a Lover and a Friend To leave him e're his short Dominion end The Soldier I suborn'd will wait at night And shall alone be conscious of your flight Lind. I thank you that you so much care bestow But if his Reign be short I need not goe For why should I expose my life and yours For what you say a little time assures Abdel. My danger in th' attempt is very small And if he loves you yours is none at all But though his Ruine be as sure as Fate Your proof of Love to me would come too late This Tryal I in Kindness wou'd allow 'T is easie if you love me show it now Lind. It is because I love you I refuse For all the World my Conduct would accuse If I should go with him I love away And therefore in strict Vertue I will stay Abdel. You would in vain dissemble Love to me Through that thinn Veyle your Artifice I see You would expect th' event and then declare But do not do not drive me to despair For if you now refuse with me to fly Rather then love you after this I 'le die And therefore weigh it well before you speak My King is safe his force within not weak Lind. The Counsel you have giv'n me may be wise But since th' affair is great I will advise Abdel. Then that delay I for denial take is going Lynd. Stay you too swift an Exposition make If I should go since Zulema will stay I should my Brother to the King betray Abdel. There is no fear but if there were I see You value still your Brother more than me Farewel some ease I in your falshood find It lets a Beam in that will clear my mind My former weakness I with shame confess And when I see you next shall love you less Is going again Lynd. Your faithless dealing you may blush to tell Weeping This is a Maids Reward who loves too well He looks back Remember that I drew my latest breath In charging your unkindness with my death Abdel. coming back Have I not answered all you can invent Ev'n the least shadow of an Argument Lind. You want not cunning what you please to prove But my poor Heart knows onely how to Love And finding this you Tyrannize the more 'T is plain some other Mistriss you adore And now with studied tricks of subtilty You come prepar'd to lay the fault on me Wringing her hands But oh that I should love so false a man Abdel. Hear me and then disprove it if you can Lind. I 'le hear no more your breach of Faith is plain You would with Wit your want of Love maintain But by my own Experience I can tell They who love truly cannot argue well Go Faithless Man Leave me alone to mourn my Misery I cannot cease to love you but I 'le die Leans her Head on his Arm. Abdelmelech weeping Abdel. What Man but I so long unmov'd could hear Such tender passion and refuse a Tear But do not talk of dying any more Unless you mean that I should die before
like Relicks which by Saints were worn Almah Presents like this my Vertue durst not make But that 't is giv'n you for my Husbands sake Gives the Scarfe Alman This Scarfe to Honourable Raggs I 'le wear As conqu'ring Soldiers tatter'd Ensigns bear But oh how much my Fortune I despise Which gives me Conquest while she Love denies Exeunt ACT. III. SCENE The Alhambra Almahide Esperanza Espe AFFected Modesty has much of Pride That scarfe he begg'd you could not have deny'd Nor does it shock the Vertue of a Wife When giv'n that man to whom you owe your life Almah Heav'n knows from all intent of ill 't was free Yet it may feed my Husbands jealousie And for that cause I wish it were not done To them Boabdelin and walks apart See where he comes all pensive and alone A gloomy Fury has o're-spread his Face 'T is so and all my Fears are come to pass Boabdelin aside Marriage thou curse of Love and snare of Life That first debas'd a Mistress to a Wife Love like a Scene at distance should appear But Marriage views the gross-daub'd Landschape neer Loves nauseous cure thou cloyst whom thou shoudst pleas And when thou cur'st then thou art the disease When Hearts are loose thy Chain our bodies tyes Love couples Friends but Marriage Enemies If Love like mine continues after thee 'T is soon made sowr and turn'd by Jealousie No sign of Love in jealous Men remains But that which sick men have of life their pains Almahide walking to him Has my dear Lord some new affliction had Have I done any thing that makes him sad Boab. You nothing You but let me walk alone Almah I will not leave you till the cause be known My knowledge of the ill may bring relief Boab. Thank ye You never faile to cure my grief Trouble me not my grief concerns not you Almah While I have life I will your steps pursue Boab. I 'me out of humour now you must not stay Almah I fear it is that Scarfe I gave away Boab. No 't is not that but speak of it no more Go hence I am not what I was before Almah Then I will make you so give me your hand Can you this pressing and these Tears withstand Boab sighing and going off from her O Heav'n were she but mine or mine alone Ah why are not the Hearts of Women known False Women to new joys unseen can move There are no prints left in the paths of Love All Goods besides by publick marks are known But what we most desire to keep has none Almah approaching him Why will you in your Brest your passion croud Like unborn Thunder rowling in a Cloud Torment not your poor Heart but set it free And rather let its fury break on me I am not married to a God I know Men must have Passions and can bear from you I fear th' unlucky Present I have made Boab. O pow'r of Guilt how Conscience can upbraid It forces her not onely to reveal But to repeat what she would most conceal Almah Can such a toy and giv'n in publick too Boab. False Woman you contriv'd it should be so That publick Gift in private was design'd The Embleme of the Love you meant to bind Hence from my sight ungrateful as thou art And when I can I 'le banish thee my heart she weeps To them Almanzor wearing the scarfe he sees her weep Almanz. What precious drops are those Which silently each others track pursue Bright as young Diamonds in their infant dew Your lustre you should free from tears maintain Like Egypt rich without the help of rain Now curst be he who gave this cause of grief And double curst who does not give relief Almah Our common fears and publick miseries Have drawn these tears from my afflicted eies Alman Madam I cannot easily believe It is for any publick cause you grieve On your fair face the marks of sorrow lie But I read fury in your Husbands eye And in that passion I too plainly find That you 'r unhappy and that he 's unkind Almah Not new-made Mothers greater love express Than he when with first looks their babes they bless Not Heav'n is more to dying Martyrs Kind Nor guardian Angels to their charge asign'd Boab. O goodness counterfeited to the life O the well acted vertue of a wife Would you with this my just suspitions blind You 've given me great occasion to be kind The marks too of your spotless love appear Witness the badge of my dishonor there Pointing to Almonzor's scarfe Almanz. Unworthy owner of a gemme so rare Heav'ns why must he possess and I despair Why is this Miser doom'd to all this store He who has all and yet believes he 's poor Almah to Almanz. You 'r much too bold to blame a jealousy So kind in him and so desir'd by me The faith of wives would unrewarded prove Without those just observers of our love The greater care the higher passion shows We hold that dearest we most fear to loose Distrust in Lovers is too warm a Sun But yet 't is Night in Love when that is gone And in those Clymes which most his scorching know He makes the noblest fruits and Metals grow Alman Yes there are mines of Treasure in your brest Seen by that jealous Sun but not possest He like a dev'l among the blest above Can take no pleasure in your Heaven of love Go take her and thy causless fears remove To the K. Love her so well that I with rage may dy Dull husbands have no right to jealousie If that 's allow'd it must in Lovers be Boab. The succor which thou bring'st me makes thee bold But know without thy ayd my Crown I 'le hold Or if I cannot I will fire the place Of a full City make a naked space Hence then and from a Rival set me free I 'le do I 'le suffer any thing but thee Almanz. I wonnot goe I 'le not be forc'd away I came not for thy sake nor do I stay It was the Queen who for my ayd did send And 't is I only can the Queen defend I for her sake thy Scepter will maintain And thou by me in spight of thee shalt raign Boab. Had I but hope I could defend this place Three daies thou shoud'st not live to my disgrace So small a time Might I possess my Almahide alone I would live ages out'ere they were gone I should not be of love or life bereft All should be spent before and nothing left Almahide to Boabdelin As for your sake for Almanzor sent So when you please he goes to banishment You shall at last my Loyalty approve I will refuse no tryal of my love Boab. How can I think you love me while I see That trophee of a Rivals Victory I 'le tear it from his side Almanz. I 'le hold it fast As life and when life 's gone I 'le hold this last And if thou tak'st it after I am slain I 'le send my
Heav'n when we meet if fatal it must be To one spare him and cast the Lot on me They retiree Lynd. Ah what a noble Conquest were this Heart I am resolv'd I 'le try my utmost Art In gaining him I gain that Fortune too Which he has Wedded and which I but Wooe I 'le try each secret passage to his mind And Loves soft Bands about his Heart-strings wind Not his vow'd Constancy shall scape my snare While he without resistance does prepare I 'le melt into him e're his Love 's aware She makes a gesture of invitation to Almanzor who returns again Lynd. You see Sir to how strange a remedy A persecuted Maid is forc'd to fly Who much distrest yet scarce has confidence To make your noble pity her defence Almanz. Beauty like yours can no protection need Or if it sues is certain to succeed To whate're Service you ordain my hand Name your Request and call it your Command Lynd. You cannot Sir but know that my ill Fate Has made me lov'd with all th' effects of Hate One Lover would by force my person gain Which one as guilty would by force detain Rash Abdelmelechs Love I cannot prize And fond Abdalla's passion I despise As you are brave so you are prudent too Advise a wretched Woman what to do Almanz. Have courage Fair one put your trust in me You shall at least from those you hate be free Resign your Castle to the King's Command And leave your Love-concernments in my hand Lynd. The King like them is fierce and faithless too How can I trust him who has injur'd you Keep for your self and you can grant no less What you alone are worthy to possess Enter brave Sir for when you speak the word These Gates will open of their own accord The Genius of the place its Lord will meet And bend its tow'ry forehead to your feet That little Cittadel which now you see Shall then the head of Conquer'd Nations be And every Turret from your coming rise The Mother of some great Metropolis Almanz. 'T is pity words which none but Gods should hear Should loose their sweetness in a Soldiers Ear I am not that Almanzor whom you praise But your fair Mouth can fair Idea's raise I am a wretch to whom it is deny'd T' accept with Honour what I wish with Pride And since I fight not for my self must bring The fruits of all my Conquests to the King Lynd. Say rather to the Queen to whose fair Name I know you vow the Trophies of your Fame I hope she is as kind as she is fair Kinder then unexperienc'd Virgins are To their first Loves though she has lov'd before And that first innocence is now no more But in revenge she gives you all her Heart For you are much too brave to take a part Though blinded by a Crown she did not see Almanzor greater than a King could be I hope her Love repairs her ill made choice Almanzor cannot be deluded twice Almanz. No not deluded for none count their gains Who like Almanzor franckly give their pains Lynd. Almanzor do not cheat your self nor me Your Love is not refin'd to that degree For since you have desires and those not blest Your Love●s uneasie and at little rest Almanz. 'T is true my own unhappiness I see But who alas can my Physician be Love like a lazy Ague I endure Which fears the Water and abhors the Cure Lynd. 'T is a Consumption which your life does waste Still flatt'ring you with hope till help be past But since of cure from her you now despair You like consumptive Men should change your Air. Love some-where else 't is a hard remedy But yet you owe your self so much to try Almanz. My Love 's now grown so much a part of me That Life would in the Cure endanger'd be At least it like a Limb cut off would show And better dye than like a Cripple goe Lynd. You must be brought like mad Men to their cure And darkness first and next new Bonds endure Do you dark absence to your self ordain And I in Charity will find the Chain Almanz. Love is that madness which all Lovers have But yet 't is sweet and pleasing so to Rave 'T is an Enchantment where the reason 's bound But Paradice is in th' enchanted ground A Palace void of Envy Cares and Strife Where gentle hours delude so much of Life To take those Charms away and set me free Is but to send me into misery And Prudence of whose Cure so much you boast Restores those Pains which that sweet Folly lost Lynd. I would not like Philosophers remove But show you a more pleasing shape of Love You a sad sullen froward Love did see I 'le show him kind and full of gayety In short Almanzor it shall be my care To show you Love for you but saw Despair Almanz. I in the shape of Love Despair did see You in his shape would show Inconstancy Lynd. There 's no such thing as Constancy you call Faith ties not Hearts 't is Inclination all Some Wit deform'd or Beauty much decay'd First constancy in Love a Vertue made From Friendship they that Landmark did remove And falsly plac'd it on the bounds of Love Let th' effects of change be onely try'd Court me in jest and call me Almahide But this is onely Council I impart For I perhaps should not receive your heart Almanz Fair though you are As Summer mornings and your Eyes more bright Than Starrs that twinckle in a winters night Though you have Eloquence to warm and move Cold age and praying Hermites into Love Though Almahide with scorn rewards my care Yet than to change 't is nobler to despair My Love 's my Soul and that from Fate is free 'T is that unchang'd and deathless part of me Lynd. The Fate of Constancy your Love pursue Still to be faithful to what 's false to you Turns from him and goes off angrily Almanz. Ye Gods why are not Hearts first pair'd above But some still interfere in others Love E're each for each by certain marks are known You mould 'em off in haste and drop 'em down And while we seek what carelesly you sort You sit in State and make our pains your sport Exeunt on both sides ACT. IV. SCENE Abenamar and servants Aben. HAst and conduct the Pris'ner to my sight Exit servant and immediately enters with Selin bound Aben. Did you according to my orders write to Selin And have you summon'd Ozmyn to appear Selin I am not yet so much a slave to fear Nor has your Son deserv'd so ill of me That by his death or bonds I would be free Aben. Against thy life thou dost the sentence give Behold how short a time thou hast to live Selin Make haste and draw the Curtain while you may You but shut out the twilight of my day Beneath the burden of my age I bend You kindly ease me ' ere my Journey 's end To them
walks at large a Pris'ner of the Mind Wills all his Crimes while Heav'n th' Indictment draws And pleading guilty justifies the Laws Let Fate be Fate the Lover and the Brave Are rank'd at least above the vulgar Slave Love makes me willing to my death to run And courage scorns the death it cannot shun Enter Almahide with a Taper Almah My Light will sure discover those who talk Who dares to interrupt my private Walk Almanz. He who dares love and for that love must dy And knowing this dares yet love on am I. Almah That love which you can hope and I can pay May be reciev'd and giv'n in open day My praise and my esteem you had before And you have bound you self to ask no more Almanz. Yes I have bound my self but will you take The forfeit of that bond which force did make Almah You know you are from recompence debarr'd But purest love can live without reward Almanz. Pure love had need be to it self a feast For like pure Elements 't will nourish least Almah It therefore yields the only pure content For it like Angels needs no Nourishment To eat and drink can no perfection be All Appetite implies Necessity Almanz. 'T were well if I could like a spirit live But do not Angels food to Mortals give What if some Daemon should my death foreshow Or bid me change and to the Christians goe Will you not think I merit some reward When I my love above my life regard Almah In such a case your change must be allow'd I would my self dispence with what you vow'd Almanz. Were I to dye that hour when I possess This minute should begin my happiness Almah The thoughts of death your passion would remove Death is a cold encouragement to love Alman No from my joyes I to my death would run And think the business of my life ●ell done But I should walk a discontented Ghost If flesh and blood were to no purpose lost Almah You love me not Almanzor if you did You would not ask what honour must forbid Alman And what is Honour but a Love well hid Almah Yes 't is the Conscience of an Act well done Which gives us pow'r our own desires to shun The strong and secret curb of headlong Will The self reward of good and shame of ill Almanz. These Madam are the Maximes of the Day When Honour 's present and when Lov 's away The duty of poor Honour were too hard In Arms all day at night to mount the Guard Let him in pity now to rest retire Let these soft hours be watch'd by warm desire Almah Guards who all day on painful duty keep In dangers are not priviledg'd to sleep Alman And with what dangers are you threaten'd here Am I alas a foe for you to fear See Madam at your feet this Enemy kneels Without your pity and your Love I die Almah Rise rise and do not empty hopes pursue Yet think that I deny my self not you Alman A happiness so nigh I cannot bear My loves too fierce and you too killing fair I grow enrag'd to see such Excellence If words so much disorder'd give offence My love 's too full of zeal to think of sence Be you like me dull Reason hence remove And tedious formes and give a loose to love Love eagerly let us be gods to night And do not with half yielding dash delight Almah Thou strong Seducer Opportunity Of womankind half are undone by thee Though I resolve I will not be misled I wish I had not heard what you had sed I cannot be so wicked to comply And yet am most unhappy to deny Away Alman I will not move me from this place I can take no denial from that face Almah If I could yield but think not that I will You and my self I in revenge should kill For I should hate us both when it were done And would not to the shame of life be wonn Alman Live but to night and trust to morrows mind ' Ere that can come there 's a whole life behind Methinks already crown'd with joyes I lie Speechless and breathless in an Extasie Not absent in one thought I am all there Still closs yet wishing still to be more near Almah Deny your own desires for it will be Too little now to be deni'd by me Will he who does all great all noble seem Be lost and forfeit to his own Esteem Will he who may with Heroes claim a place Belie that fame and to himself be base Think how August and god-like you did look When my defence unbrib'd you undertook But when an Act so brave you disavow How little and how mercenary now Almanz. Are then my Services no higher priz'd And can I fall so low to be despis'd Almah Yes for whatever may be bought is low And you your self who sell your self are so Remember the great Act you did this day How did your Love to Vertue then give way When you gave freedom to my Captive Lord That Rival vvho possest vvhat you ador'd Of such a deed vvhat price can there be made Think vvell is that an Action to be paid It vvas a Myracle of Vertue shovvn And vvonders are vvith vvonder paid alone And would you all that secret joy of mind Which great Souls onely in great actions find All that for one tumultuous Minute loose Alman I wou'd that minute before ages choose Praise is the pay of Heav'n for doing good But Loves the best return for flesh and blood Almah You 've mov'd my heart so much I can deny No more but know Almanzor I can dye Thus far my vertue yields if I have shown More Love than what I ought let this attone Going to stab herself Almanz. Hold hold Such fatal proofs of love you shall not give Deny me hate me both are just but live Your Vertue I will ne'r disturb again Nor dare to ask for fear I should obtain Almah 'T is gen'rous to have conquer'd your desire You mount above your wish and loose it higher There 's pride in vertue and a kindly heat Not feverish like your love but full as great Farewell and may our loves hereafter be But Image-like to heighten piety Almanz. 'T is time I should be gone Alas I am but half converted yet All I resolve I with one look forget And like a Lyon whom no Arts can tame Shall tear ev'n those who would my rage reclaime Exeunt severally Zulema and Hamet watch Almanzor and when he is gone go in after the Queen Enter Abdelmelech and Lyndaraxa Lynd. It is enough you 've brought me to this place Here stop and urge no further my disgrace Kill me in death your mercy will be seen But make me not a Captive to the Queen Abdelm. 'T is therefore I this punishment provide This only can revenge me on your pride Prepare to suffer what you shun in vain And know you now are to obey not raign Enter Almahide schrieking her hair loose she runs over the
remains in the Sultana's cause I here am ready to fulfil the Laws Selin The Law is fully satisfy'd and we Pronounce the Queen and Abdelmelech free Abdelm. Heav'n thou art just The Iudges rise from their seats and goe before Almanzor to the Queens Scaffold he unbinds the Queen and Abdelmelech they all goe off the people showting and the Trumpets sounding the while Boab. Before we pay our thanks or show our joy Let us our needful Charity employ Some skilful Surgeon speedily be found T' apply fit Remedies to Ozmyn's wound Benzayda running to Ozmyn That be my charge my Linnen I will tear Wash it with Tears and bind it with my Hair Ozm. With how much pleasure I my pains endure And bless the wound which causes such a cure Exit Ozmyn led by Benzayda and Abenamar Boab. Some from the place of Combat bear the slain Next Lyndaraxa's death I should ordain But let her who this mischief did contrive For ever banish'd from Granada live Lynd. Thou shou'dst have punish'd more or not at all By her thou hast not ruin'd thou shalt fall aside The Zegry's shall revenge their branded Line Betray their Gate and with the Christians joyn Exit Lynd. with Alabez the Bodies of her Brothers are born after her Almanzor Almahide Esperanza re-enter to the King Almah The thanks thus paid which first to Heav'n were due My next Almanzor let me pay to you Somewhat there is of more concernment too Which 't is not fit you should in publick know First let your wounds be dress'd with speedy care And then you shall th' important Secret share Almanz. When e're you speak Were my wounds mortal they should still bleed on And I would listen till my life were gone My Soul should ev'n for your last accent stay And then shoot out and with such speed obey It shou'd not bait at Heav'n to stop its way Exit Almanzor Boab. 'T is true Almanzor did her Honour save aside But yet what private business can they have Such freedom vertue will not sure allow I cannot clear my heart but must my brow He approaches Almahide Welcome again my Vertuous Loyal Wife Welcome to Love to Honour and to Life Goes to salute her she starts back You seem As if you from a loath'd embrace did goe Almah Then briefly I will speak since you must know What to the World my future Acts will show But hear me first and then my reasons weigh 'T is known how Duty led me to obey My Fathers choice and how I since did live You Sir can best your testimony give How to your aid I have Almanzor brought When by rebellious Crowds your life was sought Then how I bore your causeless Jealousie For I must speak and after set you free When you were Pris'ner by the chance of war These sure are proofs of Love Boab I grant they are Almah And cou d you then O cruelly unkind So ill reward such tenderness of mind Could you denying what our Laws afford The meanest subject on a Traytors word Unheard condemn and suffer me to goe To death and yet no common pity show Boab. Love fill'd my heart ev'n to the brim before And then with too much jealousie boil'd o're Almah Be 't Love or Jealousie t is such a Crime That I 'm forewarn'd to trust a second time Know then my Pray'rs to Heav'n shall never cease To crown your Arms in War your Wars with Peace But from this day I will not know your Bed Though Almahide still lives your wife is dead And with her dies a Love so pure and true It could be kill'd by nothing but by you Exit Almahide Boab. Yes you will spend your life in Pray'rs for me And yet this hour my hated Rival see She might a Husbands Jealousie forgive But she will onely for Almanzor live It is resolv'd I will my self provide That vengeance which my useless Laws deny'd And by Almanzor's death at once remove The Rival of my Empire and my Love Exit Boabdelin Enter Almahide led by Almanzor and follow'd by Esperanza she speaks entring Almah How much Almanzor to your aid I owe Unable to repay I blush to know Yet forc'd by need e're I can clear that score I like ill debtors come to borrow more Almanz. Your new Commands I on my knees attend I was created for no other end Born to be yours I do by Nature serve And like the lab'ring Beast no thanks deserve Almah Yet first your Vertue to your succor call For in this hard Command you 'll need it all Almanz. I stand prepar'd and whatsoe're it be Nothing is hard to him who loves like me Almah Then know I from your Love must yet implore One proof that you would never see me more Almanzor starting back I must confess For this last stroke I did no Guard provide I could suspect no Foe was neer that side From Winds and thickning Clouds we Thunder fear None dread it from that quarter which is cleer And I would fain believe 't is but your Art To shew You knew where deepest you could wound my Heart Almah So much respect is to your passion due That sure I could not practise Arts on you But that you may not doubt what I have sed This hour I have renounc'd my Husbands Bed Judge then how much my Fame would injur'd be If leaving him I should a Lover see Almanz. If his unkindness have deserv'd that Curse Must I for loving well be punish'd worse Almah Neither your Love nor Merits I compare But my unspotted Name must be my care Almanz. I have this day establish'd its renown Almah Would you so soon what you have rais'd throw down Almanz. But Madam Is not yours a greater Guilt To ruine him who has that Fabrique built Almah No Lover should his Mistriss Pray'rs withstand Yet you contemn my absolute Command Almanz. 'T is not contempt When your Command is issu'd out too late 'T is past my pow'r and all beyond is fate I scarce could leave you when to Exile sent Much less when now recall'd from banishment For if that heat your glances cast were strong Your Eyes like Glasses Fire when held so long Almah Then since you needs will all my weakness know I love you and so well that you must goe I am so much oblig'd and have withal A Heart so boundless and so prodigal I dare not trust my self or you to stay But like frank gamesters must forswear the play Almanz. Fate thou art kind to strike so hard a blow I am quite stun'd and past all feeling now Yet can you tell me you have pow'r and will To save my life and at that instant kill Alm. This had you stay'd you never must have known But now you goe I may with honour own Almanz. But Madam I am forc'd to disobey In your defence my honour bids me stay I promis'd to secure your life and throne And heav'n be thank'd that work is yet undone Alma I here make
enough to walk alone Abdall In curst ambition I no rest should find But must for ever loose my peace of mind Zul Methinks that peace of mind were bravely lost A Crown what 're we give is worth the cost Abdal Justice distributes to each man his right But what she gives not should I take by might Zulem If Justice will take all and nothing give Justice methinks is not distributive Abdal Had fate so pleas'd I had been eldest born And then without a Crime the Crown had worn Zul Would you so please Fate yet a way would find Man makes his fate according to his mind The weak low Spirit Fortune makes her slave But she 's a drudge when Hector'd by the brave If Fate weaves common Thrid he 'l change the doom And with new purple spread a Nobler loom Abdal No more I will usurp the Royal Seat Thou who hast made me wicked make me great Zulema Your way is plain the Death of Tarifa Does on the King our Zegry's hatred draw Though with our Enemies in show we close 'T is but while we to purpose can be foes Selin who heads us would revenge his Son But favour hinders justice to be done Proud Ozmyn with the king his pow'r maintains And in him each Abencerrago reigns Abdalla What face of any title can I bring Zul The right an eldest Son has to be King Your Father was at first a private man And got your brother ' ere his reign began When by his Valour he the Crown had won Then you were born a Monarch's eldest Son Abdal To sharp ey'd reason this would seem untrue But reason I through Loves false Optiques view Zul Loves mighty pow'r has led me Captive too I am in it unfortunate as you Abdalla Our Loves and fortunes shall together go Thou shalt be happy when I first am so Zul The Zegry's at old Selin's house are met Where in close Council for revenge they sit There we our common int'rest will unite You their revenge shall own and they your right One thing I had forgot which may import I met Almanzor coming back from Court But with a discompos'd and speedy pace A fiery colour kindling all his face The King his Pris'ners freedom has deny'd And that refusal has provok'd his pride Abdal Would he were ours I 'le try to guild th ' injustice of the cause And court his valour with a vast applause Zulema The bold are but the Instruments o' th' wise They undertake the dangers we advise And while our fabrick with their pains we raise We take the profit and pay them with praise Exeunt ACT. III. Almanzor Abdalla Alman THat he should dare to do me this disgrace Is Fool or Coward writ upon my face Refuse my Pris'ner I such means will use He shall not have a Pris'ner to refuse Abdal He said you were not by your promise ty'd That he absolv'd your word when he deny'd Almanz. He break my promise and absolve my vow 'T is more than Mahomet himself can do The word which I have giv'n shall stand like Fate Not like the King 's that weathercock of State He stands so high with so unfixt a mind Two Factions turn him with each blast of wind But now he shall not veer my word is past I 'll take his Heart by th' roots and hold it fast Abdal You have your Veng'ance in your hand this hour Make me the humble Creature of your pow'r The Cranadins will gladly me obey Tir'd with so base and impotent a sway And when I shew my Title you shall see I have a better right to Reign than he Almanz. It is sufficient that you make the claim You wrong our Friendship when your Right you name When for my self I fight I weigh the cause But Friendship will admit of no such Laws That weighs by th'lump and when the cause is light Puts kindness in to set the Ballance right True I would wish my friend the juster side But in th'unjust my kindness more is try'd And all the opposition I can bring Is that I fear to make you such a King Abdal The Majesty of Kings we should not blame When Royal minds adorn the Royal name The vulgar greatness too much idolize But haughty Subjects it too much despise Almanz. I onely speak of him Whom Pomp and Greatness sit so loose about That he wants Majesty to fill 'em out Abdal Haste then and lose no time The business must be enterpriz'd this night We must surprize the Court in its delight Almanz. For you to Will for me 't is to obey But I wou'd give a Crown in open day And when the Spaniards their Assault begin At once beat those without and these within Exit Almanzo Enter Abdelmelech Abdelm. Abdalla hold there 's some what I intend To speak not as your Rival but your Friend Abdal If as a Friend I am oblig'd to hear And what a Rival says I cannot fear Abdelm. Think brave Abdalla what it is you do Your Quiet Honour and our Friendship too All for a fickle Beauty you foregoe Think and turn back before it be too late Behold in me th' example of your Fate I am your Sea-mark and though wrack'd and lost My Ruines stand to warn you from the Coast. Abdal Your Councels noble Abdelmelech move My reason to accept 'em not my Love Ah why did Heav'n leave Man so weak defence To trust frail reason with the rule of Sence 'T is over-pois'd and kick'd up in the Air While sence weighs down the Scale and keeps it there Or like a Captive King 't is born away And forc'd to count'nance it s own Rebels sway Abdelm. No no our Reason was not vainly lent Nor is a slave but by its own consent If Reason on his Subjects Triumph wait An easie King deserves no better Fate Abdal You speak too late my Empire 's lost too far I cannot fight Abdelm. Then make a flying War Dislodge betimes before you are beset Abdal Her tears her smiles her every look's a Net Her voice is like a Syren's of the Land And bloody Hearts lie panting in her hand Abdelm. This do you know and tempt the danger still Abdal Love like a Lethargy has seiz'd my Will I 'm not my self since from her sight I went I lean my Trunck that way and there stand bent As one who in some frightful Dream would shun His pressing Foe labours in vain to run And his own slowness in his sleep bemoans With thick short Sighs weak Cries and tender Groans So I Abdelm. Some Friend in Charity should shake And rowse and call you loudly till you wake Too well I know her blandishments to gain Usurper-like till setled in her Reign Then proudly she insults and gives you cares And jealousies short hopes and long despairs To this hard yoke you must hereafter bow Howe're she shines all Golden to you now Abdal Like him who on the ice Slides swiftly on and sees the water near Yet cannot stop
himself in his Carrear So am I carry'd This enchanted place Like Cyrce's Isle is peopled with a Race Of dogs and swine yet though their fate I know I look with pleasure and am turning too Lyndaraxa passes over the Stage Abdelm. Fly fly before th' allurements of her face ' Ere she return with some resistless grace And with new magique covers all the place Abdalla I cannot will not nay I would not fly I 'le love be blind be cousen'd till I dye And you who bid me wiser Counsel take I 'le hate and if I can I 'le kill you for her sake Abdel. Ev'n I that counsell'd you that choice approve I 'le hate you blindly and her blindly love Prudence that stemm'd the stream is out of breath And to go down it is the easier death Lyndaraxa re-enters and smiles on Abdalla Exit Abdalla Abdelm. That smile on Prince Abdalla seem's to say You are not in your killing mood to day Men brand indeed your sex with Cruelty But you 'r too good to see poor Lovers dye This Godlike pity in you I extoll And more because like heav'ns 't is general Lynd. My smile implies not that I grant his suit 'T was but a bare return of his salute Abdelm. It said you were ingag'd and I in place But to please both you would divide the grace Lynd. You 've cause to be contented with your part When he has but the look and you the heart Abdel. In giving but that look you give what 's mine I 'le not one corner of a glance resign All 's mine and I am cov'tous of my store I have not love enough I 'le tax you more Lindarax I gave not love 't was but Civility He is a Prince that 's due to his Degree Abdel. That Prince you smil'd on is my Rival still And shou'd if me you lov'd be treated ill Lynd. I know not how to show so rude a spight Abdel. That is you know not how to love aright Or if you did you would more difference see Betwixt our Souls then 'twixt our Quality Mark if his birth makes any difference If to his words it adds one grain of Sence That duty which his birth can make his due I 'le pay but it shall not be paid by you For if a Prince Courts her whom I adore He is my Rival and a Prince no more Lynd. And when did I my pow'r so far resigne That you should regulate each Look of mine Abdel. Then when you gave your Love you gave that pow'r Lynd. 'T was during pleasure 't is revok'd this hour Now call me false and rail on Woman-kind 'T is all the remedy you 're like to find Abdel. Yes there 's one more I 'le hate you and this visit is my last Lynd. Do 't if you can you know I hold you fast Yet for your quiet would you could resigne Your love as easily as I do mine Abdel. Furies and Hell how unconcern'd she speaks With what indifference all her Vows she breaks Curse on me but she smiles Lynd. That smile 's a part of Love and all 's your due I take it from the Prince and give it you Abdel. Just heav'n must my poor heart your May-game prove To bandy and make Childrens play in Love Half crying Ah how have I this Cruelty deserv'd I who so truly and so long have serv'd And left so easily oh cruel Maid So easily 't was too unkindly said That Heart which could so easily remove Was never fix'd nor rooted deep in Love Lynd. You Lodg'd it so uneasie in your Brest I thought you had been weary of the Guest First I was Treated like a stranger there But when a Houshold Friend I did appear You thought it seems I could not live elsewhere Then by degrees your feign'd respect withdrew You mark'd my Actions and my Guardian grew But I am not concern'd your Acts to blame My heart to yours but upon liking came And like a Bird whom prying Boys molest Stays not to Breed where she had built her Nest. Abdel. I have done ill And dare not ask you to be less displeas'd Be but more Angry and my Pain is eas'd Lynd. If I should be so kind a Fool to take This little Satisfaction which you make I know you would presume some other time Upon my Goodness and repeat your Crime Abdel. Oh never never upon no pretence My Life 's too short to expiate this Offence Lynd. No now I think on 't 't is in vain to try 'T is in your Nature and past remedy You 'll still disquiet my too loving Heart Now we are friends 't is best for both to part Taking her Hand Abdel. By this will you not give me leave to swear Lind. You wou'd be perjur'd if you should I fear And when I talk with Prince Abdalla next I with your fond Suspitions shall be vext Abdel. I canot say I 'le conquer Jealousie But if you 'll freely pardon me I 'le try Lynd. And till you that submissive Servant prove I never can conclude you truly love To them the King Almahide Abenamar Esperanza Guards Attendants King Approach my Almahide my charming fair Blessing of Peace and recompence of War This Night is yours and may your Life still be The same in Joy though not Solemnity The Zambra Dance After the Dance a tumultuous noise of Drums and Trumpets To them Ozmyn his Sword drawn Oz. Arm quickly arm yet all I fear too late The Enemy's already at the Gate K. Boab. The Christians are dislodg'd what Foe is near Ozm. The Zegry's are in Arms and almost here The Streets with Torches shine with Shoutings ring And Prince Abdalla is proclaim'd the King What Man cou'd do I have already done But Bold Almanzor fiercely leads 'em on Abenam Th' Alhambra yet is safe in my Command To the King Retreat you thither while their shock we stand Boab. I cannot meanly for my life provide I le either perish in 't or stemm this Tyde To guard the Palace Ozmyn be your care If they o'recome no sword will hurt the fair Ozm. I 'le either dye or I 'le make good the place Abdel. And I with these will bold Almanzor face Exeunt all but the Ladies An Alarm within Almah What dismal Planet did my Triumphs light Discord the Day and Death does rule the Night The noise my Soul does through my Sences wound Lynd. Me thinks it is a noble sprightly Sound The Trumpets clangor and the clash of Arms This noyse may chill your Blood but mine it warms Shouting and clashing of Swords within We have already past the Rubicon The Dice are mine now Fortune for a Throne A shout within and clashing of swords afar off The sound goes farther off and faintly dies Curse of this going back these ebbing cryes Ye Winds waft hither sounds more strong and quick Beat faster Drums and mingle Deaths more thick I 'le to the Turrets of the Palace goe And add new fire to those that fight below Thence Hero-like
whole day allow Give me that Minute when she made her vow That Minute ev'n the happy from their bliss might give And those who live in griefe a shorter time would live So small a link if broke th' eternal chain Would like divided waters joyn again It wonnot be the fugitive is gone Prest by the crow'd of following Minutes on That precious Moment's out of Nature fled And in the heap of common rubbish layd Of things that once have been and are decay'd Almah Your passion like a fright suspends my pain It meets ' ore-powr's and bears mine back again But as when tydes against the Current flow The Native stream runs its own course below So though your griefs possess the upper part My own have deeper Channels in my heart Almanz. Forgive that fury which my Soul does move 'T is the Essay of an untaught first love Yet rude unfashion'd truth it does express 'T is love just peeping in a hasty dress Retire fair Creature to your needful rest There 's something noble lab'ring in my brest This raging fire which through the Mass does move Shall purge my dross and shall refine my Love Exeunt Almahide and Esperanza She goes And I like my own Ghost appear It is not living when she is not here To him Abdalla as King attended Abdal My first acknowledgments to heav'n are due My next Almanzor let me pay to you Alm. A poor surprize and on a naked foe What ever you confess is all you owe. And I no merit own or understand That fortune did you justice by my hand Yet if you will that little service pay With a great favour I can shew the way Abdal I have a favour to demand of you That is to take the thing for which you sue Alman Then briefly thus when I th' Albayzyn won I found the Beauteous Almahide alone Whose sad condition did my pity move And that compassion did produce my love Abdal This needs no sute in justice I declare She is your Captive by the right of war Alm. She is no Captive then I set her free And rather then I will her Jaylour be ' I le Nobly loose her in her liberty Abdal Your generosity I much approve But your excess of that shows want of Love Alman No 't is th' excess of love which mounts so high That seen far off it lessens to the eye Had I not lov'd her and had set her free That Sir had been my generosity But 't is exalted passion when I show I dare be wretched not to make her so And while another Passion fils her brest I 'le be all wretched rather then half blest Abdalla May your heroique Act so prosperous be That Almahide may sigh you set her free Enter Zulema Zulema Of five tall tow'rs which fortifie this Town All but th' Alhambra your dominion own Now therefore boldly I confess a flame Which is excus'd in Almahida's name If you the merit of this night regard In her possession I have my reward Almanz. She your reward why she 's a gift so great That I my self have not deserv'd her yet And therefore though I wonn her with my sword I have with awe my sacrilege restor'd Zul What you deserve I le not dispute because I do not know This onely I will say she shall not goe Almanz. Thou single art not worth my answering But take what friends what armyes thou canst bring What worlds and when you are united all Then I will thunder in your ears she shall Zul I 'le not one tittle of my right resign Sir your implicite promise made her mine When I in general terms my love did show You swore our fortunes should together goe Abdalla The merits of the cause I 'le not decide But like my love I would my gift divide Your equal titles then no longer plead But one of you for love of me recede Alm. I have receded to the utmost line When by my free consent she is not mine Then let him equally recede with me And both of us will join to set her free Zul If you will free your part of her you may But Sir I love not your Romantique way Dream on enjoy her Soul and set that free I 'me pleas'd her person should be left for me Alman Thou shalt not wish her thine thou shalt not dare To be so impudent as to despair Zul The Zegrys Sir are all concern'd to see How much their merit you neglect in me Hamet Your slighting Zulema this very hour VVill take ten thousand Subjects from you'r pow'r Almanz. VVhat are ten thousand subjects such as they If I am scorn'd I 'le take my self away Abdalla Since both cannot possess what both pursue I grieve my friend the chance should fall on you But when you hear what reasons I can urge Almanz. None none that your ingratitude can purge Reason's a trick when it no grant affords It stamps the face of Majesty on words Abdal Your boldness to your services I give Now take it as your full reward to live Almanz. To live If from thy hands alone my death can be I am immortal and a God to thee If I would kill thee now thy fate 's so low That I must stoop ' ere I can give the blow But mine is fix'd so far above thy Crown That all thy men Pil'd on thy back can never pull it down But at my ease thy destiny I send By ceasing from this hour to be thy friend Like Heav'n I need but onely to stand still And not concurring to thy life I kill Thou canst not title to my duty bring I 'm not thy Subject and my Soul 's thy King Farewell when I am gone There 's not a starr of thine dare stay with thee I 'le whistle thy tame fortune after me And whirl fate with me wheresoe're I fly As winds drive storms before 'em in the sky Exit Zulema Let not this Insolent unpunish'd goe Give your Commands your Justice is too slow Zulema Hamet and others are going after him Abdal Stay and what part he pleases let him take I know my Throne 's too strong for him to shake But my fair Mistriss I too long forget The Crown I promis'd is not offer'd yet Without her presence all my Joys are vain Empire a Curse and life it self a pain Exeunt ACT. IV. Boabdelin Abenamar Guards Boab. ADvise or aid but do not pity me No Monarch born can fall to that degree Pity descends from Kings to all below But can no more then fountains upward flow Witness just heav'n my greatest grief has been I could not make your Almahide a Queen Aben. I have too long th' effects of Fortune known Either to trust her smiles or fear her frown Since in their first attempt you were not slain Your safety bodes you yet a second reign The people like a headlong torrent goe And every dam they break or overflow But unoppos'd they either loose their force Or wind in volumes to their former
Lind. I fear your feign'd Repentance comes too late I dye to see you still thus obstinate But yet in Death my truth of Love to show Lead me if I have strength enough I 'le goe Abdel. By Heav'n you shall not goe I will not be O'recome in Love or Generosity All I desire to end th' unlucky strife Is but a Vow that you will be my Wife Lind. To tie me to you by a Vow is hard It show's my Love you as no Tie regard Name any thing but that and I 'le agree Abdel. Swear then you never will my Rival's be Lind. Nay prithee this is harder then before Name any thing good Dear but that thing more Abdel. Now I too late perceive I am undone Living and seeing to my Death I run I know you false yet in your Snares I fall You grant me nothing and I grant you all Lind. I would grant all but I must curb my will Because I love to keep you jealous still In your Suspicion I your Passion find But I will take a time to cure your mind Halyma Oh Madam the new King is drawing neer Lind. Hast quickly hence least he should find you here Abdel. How much more wretched then I came I goe I more my Weakness and your Falshood know And now must leave you with my greatest Foe Exit Abdelmelech Lynd. Go how I love thee Heav'n can onely tell And yet I love thee for a Subject well Yet whatsoever Charms a Crown can bring A Subject's greater then a little King I will attend till Time this Throne secure And when I climb my footing shall be sure Musique without Musique and I believe addrest to me SONG 1. WHerever I am and whatever I doe My Phillis is still in my mind When angry I mean not to Phillis to goe My Feet of themselves the way find Vnknown to my self I am just at her door And when I would raile I can bring out no more Than Phillis too fair and unkind 2. VVhen Phillis I see my Heart bounds in my Breast And the Love I would stifle is shown But asleep or awake I am never at rest When from my Eyes Phillis is gone Sometimes a sad Dream does delude my sad mind But alas when I wake and no Phillis I find How I sigh to my self all alone 3. Should a King be my Rival in her I adore He should offer his Treasure in vain O let me alone to be happy and poor And give me my Phillis again Let Phillis be mine and but ever be kind I could to a Desart with her be confin'd And envy no Monarch his Raign 4. Alas I discover too much of my Love And she too well knows her own power She makes me each day a new Martyrdom prove And makes me grow jealous each hour But let her each minute torment my poor mind I had rather love Phillis both False and Vnkind Then ever be freed from her Pow'r Abdalla enters with Guards Abdal Now Madam at your Feet a King you see Or rather if you please a Scepter'd Slave 'T is just you should possess the pow'r you gave Had Love not made me yours I yet had bin But the first Subject to Boabdelin Thus Heav'n declares the Crown I bring your due And had forgot my Title but for you Lynd. Heav'n to your Merits will I hope be kind But Sir it has not yet declar'd its mind 'T is true it holds the Crown above your Head But does not fix it till your Brother's dead Abdal All but th' Alhambra is within my pow'r And that my forces goe to take this hour Lynd. When with its Keys your Brothers Head you bring I shall believe you are indeed a King Abdal But since th' events of all things doubtful are And of Events most doubtful those of Warre I beg to know before if Fortune frown Must I then loose your Favour with my Crown Lynd. You 'll soon return a Conquerour again And therefore Sir your question is in vain Abdall I think to certain Victory I move But you may more assure it by your Love That grant will make my arms invincible Lynd. My pray'rs and wishes your success foretell Go then and fight and think you fight for me I wait but to reward your Victory Abdal But if I loose it must I loose you too Lynd. You are too curious if you more would know I know not what my future thoughts will be Poor womens thoughts are all Extempore Wise men indeed Before hand a long chain of thoughts produce But ours are onely for our present use Abdal Those thoughts you will not know too well declare You mean to waite the final doom of Warr. Lynd. I finde you come to quarrel with me now Would you know more of me then I allow Whence are you grown that great Divinity That with such ease into my thoughts can pry Indulgence does not with some tempers sute I see I must become more absolute Abdalla I must submit On what hard terms so e're my peace be bought Lynd. Submit you speak as you were not in fault 'T is evident the injury is mine For why should you my secret thoughts divine Abdal Yet if we might be judg'd by Reasons Laws Lynd. Then you would have your reason judge my cause Either confess your fault or hold your tongue For I am sure I 'm never in the wrong Abdalla Then I acknowledge it Lynd. Then I forgive Abdall Under how hard a Law poor Lovers live Who like the vanquish'd must their right release And with the loss of reason buy their peace aside Madam to show that you my pow'r command I put my life and safety in your hand Dispose of the Albayzin as you please To your fair hands I here resign the keyes Lyn. I'take your gift because your love it shows And faithful Selin for Alcalde choose Abdall Selin from her alone your Orders take This one request yet Madam let me make That from those turrets you th' assault will see And Crown once more my arms with Victorie Leads her out Selin remaines with Gazul and Reduan his Servants Selin Gazul go tell my daughter that I waite You Reduan bring the Pris'ner to his fate Exeunt Gazul and Reduan ' Ere of my charge I will possession take A bloody sacrifice I mean to make The Manes of my son shall smile this day While I in blood my Vows of Vengeance pay Enter at one door Benzayda with Gazul at the other Ozmyn bound with Reduan Selyn I sent Benzaida to glad your eies These rites we owe your brothers Obsequies To Gazul and Reduan You two th' accurst Abencerrago bind You need no more t' instruct you in my mind They bind him to one corner of the Stage Benz. In what sad Object am I call'd to share Tell me what is it Sir you here prepare Selin 'T is what your dying brother did bequeath A Scene of Vengeance and a Pomp of death Benz. The horrid Spectacle my Soul does fright
blessing of a Monarch's love Almah Did he my freedome to his life prefer And shall I wed Almanzor's Murderer No Sir I cannot to your will submit Your way 's too rugged for my tender feet Aben. You must be driv'n where you refuse to go And taught by force your happiness to know Almahide smiling scornfully To force me Sir is much unworthy you And when you would impossible to do If force could bend me you might think with shame That I debas'd the blood from whence I came My soul is soft which you may gently lay In your loose palm but when t is prest to stay Like water it deludes your grasp and slips away Boab. I finde I must revoke what I decreed Almanzors death my Nuptials must precede Love is a Magick which the Lover tyes But charms still end when the Magician dyes Go let me hear my hated Rival's dead To his guards And to convince my eyes bring back his head Almah Go on I wish no other way to prove That I am worthy of Almanzor's love We will in death at least united be I 'le shew you I can dye as well as he Boab. What should I do when equally I dread Almanzor living and Almanzor dead Yet by your promise you are mine alone Almah How dare you claim my faith and break your own Aben. This for your vertue is a weak defence No second vows can with your first dispence Yet since the King did to Almanzor swear And in his death ingrateful may appear He ought in justice first to spare his life And then to claim your promise as his wife Almah What ' ere my secret inclinations be To this since honor ties me I agree Yet I declare and to the world will own That far from seeking I would shun the Throne And with Almanzor lead an humble life There is a private greatness in his wife Boab. That little love I have I hardly buy You give my Rival all while you deny Yet Almahide to let you see your pow'r Your lov'd Almanzor shall be free this hour You are obey'd but t is so great a grace That I could wish me in my Rivals place Exeunt King Abenamar● Almah How blest was I before this fatal day When all I knew of love was to obey 'T was life becalm'd without a gentle breath Though not so cold yet motionless as death A heavy quiet state but love all strife All rapid is the Hurrican of life Had love not shown me I had never seen An Excellence beyond Boabdelin I had not ayming higher lost my rest But with a vulgar good been dully blest But in Almanzor having seen what 's rare Now I have learnt too sharply to compare And like a Fav'rite quickly in disgrace Just know the value ' ere I loose the place To her Almanzor bound and guarded Almanz. I see the end for which I 'me hither sent looking down To double by your sight my punishment There is a shame in bonds I cannot bear Far more than death to meet your eyes I fear Almahide unbinding him That shame of long continuance shall not be The King at my intreaty sets you free Alman The King my wonder 's greater than before How did he dare my freedom to restore He like some Captive Lyon uses me He runs away before he sets me free And takes a sanctuary in his Court I 'll rather loose my life than thank him for 't Alm. If any subject for your thanks there be The King expects 'em not you ow 'em me Our freedoms through each others hands have past You give me my revenge in winning last Almanz. Then fate commodiously for me has done To loose mine there where I would have it won Almah Almanzor you too soon will understand That what I win is on anothers hand The King who doom'd you to a cruel fate Gave to my pray'rs both his revenge and hate But at no other price would rate your life Then my consent and oath to be his wife Almanz. Would you to save my life my love betray Here take me bind me carry me away to the Guards Kill me I 'll kill you if you disobey Almah That absolute command your love does give I take and charge you by that pow'r to live Alman When death the last of comforts you refuse Your pow'r like Heav'n upon the damn'd you use You force me in my being to remain To make me last and keep me fresh for pain When all my joys are gone What cause can I for living longer give But a dull lazy habitude to live Almah Rash men like you and impotent of will Give chance no time to turn but urge her still She wou'd repent you push the quarrel on And once because she went she must be gone Alman She shall not turn what is it she can do To recompence me for the loss of you Almah Heav'n will reward your worth some better way At least for me you have but lost one day Nor is 't a real loss which you deplore You sought a heart that was ingag'd before 'T was a swift love which took you in his way Flew only through your heart but made no stay 'T was but a dream where truth had not a place A scene of fancy mov'd so swift a pace And shifted that you can but think it was Let then the short vexatious Vision pass Alman My joyes indeed are dreams but not my pain 'T was a swift ruin but the marks remain When some fierce fire lays goodly buildings wast Would you conclude There had been none because the burning's past Almah It was your fault that fire seiz'd all your brest You should have blown up some to save the rest But t is at worst but so consum'd by fire As Cities are that by their falls rise high'r Build Love a Nobler Temple in my place You 'l find the fire has but inlarg'd your space Alman Love has undone me I am grown so poor I sadly view the ground I had before But want a stock and ne'r can build it more Almah Then say what Charity I can allow I would Contribute if I knew but how Take friendship or if that too small appear Take love which Sisters may to Brothers bear Alman A Sisters love that is so pall'd a thing What pleasure can it to a Lover bring 'T is like thin food to men in feavours spent Just keeps alive but gives no nourishment What hopes what fears what transports can it move 'T is but the Ghost of a departed Love Almah You like some greedy Cormorant devour All my whole life can give you in an hour What more I can do for you is to dy And that must follow if you this deny Since I gave up my love that you might live You in refusing life my sentence give Alman Far from my brest be such an impious thought Your death would loose the quiet mine had sought I 'll live for you in spight of misery But you shall grant that
and Duty cannot set me free Ev'n Sin it self has not a Charm for me Of marry'd Lovers I am sure the first And nothing but a King could so be curst Q. Almah What sadness sits upon your Royal Heart Have you a Grief and must not I have part All Creatures else a time of Love possess Man onely clogs with cares his happiness And while he shou'd enjoy his part of Bliss With thoughts of what may be destroys what is K. Boab. You guess'd aright I am opprest with grief And 't is from you that I must seek relief To the Company Leave us to sorrow there 's a rev'rence due Sad Kings like Suns Ecclips'd withdraw from view The Attendants goe off and Chairs are set for the King and Queen Almah So two kind Turtles when a storm is nigh Look up and see it gath'ring in the Skie Each calls his Mate to shelter in the Groves Leaving in murmures their unfinish'd Loves Perch'd on some dropping Branch they sit alone And Cooe and hearken to each others moan Boab. taking her by the hand Since Almahide you seem so kind a Wife What would you do to save a Husbands life Almah When Fate calls on that hard Necessity I 'll suffer death rather than you shall dye Boab. Suppose your Countrey should in danger be What would you undertake to set it free Almah It were too little to resign my Breath My own free Hand should give me nobler Death Boab. That Hand which would so much for Glory do Must yet do more for it must kill me too You must kill Me for that dear Countreys sake Or what 's all one must call Almanzor back Almah I see to what your Speech you now direct Either my Love or Vertue you suspect But know that when my person I resign'd I was too noble not to give my mind No more the shadow of Almanzor fear I have no room but for your Image here Boab. This Almahide would make me cease to mourn Were that Almanzor never to return But now my fearful People mutiny Their clamours call Almanzor back not I. Their safety through my ruine I pursue He must return and must be brought by you Almah That hour when I my Faith to you did plight I banish'd him for ever from my sight His banishment was to my Vertue due Not that I fear'd him for my self but you My Honour had preserv'd me innocent But I would your suspicion too prevent Which since I see augmented in your mind I yet more reason for his Exile find K. Boab. To your intreaties he will yield alone And on your doom depend my Life and Throne No longer therefore my desires withstand Or if desires prevail not my Command Q. Almah In his return too sadly I foresee Th' effects of your returning jealousie But your Command I prize above my life 'T is sacred to a Subject and a Wife If I have pow'r Almanzor shall return Boab. letting go her hand and starting up Curst be that fatal hour when I was born You love you love him and that love reveal By your too quick consent to his repeal My jealousie had but too just a ground And now you stab into my former wound Q. Almah This suddain change I do not understand Have you so soon forgot your own Command Boab. Grant that I did th' unjust injunction lay You should have lov'd me more then to obey I know you did this mutiny design But your Love-plot I 'le quickly countermine Let my Crown go he never shall return I like a Phoenix in my Nest will burn Almah You please me well that in one common Fate You wrap your Self and Me and all your State Let us no more of proud Almanzor hear 'T is better once to die than still to fear And better many times to dye than be Oblig'd past payment to an Enemy Boab. 'T is better but you wives still have one way When e're your Husbands are oblig'd you pay Almah Thou Heav'n who know'st it judge my innocence You Sir deserve not I should make defence Yet judge my Vertue by that proof I gave When I submitted to be made your Slave Boab. If I have been suspicious or unkind Forgive me many cares distract my mind Love and a Crown Two such excuses no one Man e're had And each of 'em enough to make me mad But now my Reason re-assumes its Throne And finds no safety when Almanzor's gone Send for him then I 'le be oblig'd and sue 'T is a less evil than to part with you I leave you to your thoughts but love me still Forgive my Passion and obey my Will Exit Boabdelin Almahide Sola My jealous Lord will soon to Rage return That Fire his Fear rakes up does inward burn But Heav'n which made me great has chose for me I must th' oblation for my People be I 'le cherish Honour then and Life despise What is not Pure is not for Sacrifice Yet for Almanzor I in secret mourn Can Vertue then admit of his return Yes for my Love I will by Vertue square My Heart 's not mine but all my Actions are I 'le like Almanzor act and dare to be As haughty and as wretched too as he What will he think is in my Message meant I scarcely understand my own intent But Silk-worm-like so long within have wrought That I am lost in my own Webb of thought Exit Almahide ACT. II. SCENE A Wood. Ozmyn and Benzayda Ozm. 'T Is true that our protection here has been Th' effect of Honour in the Spanish Queen But while I as a friend continue here I to my Country must a Foe appear Benz. Think not my Ozmyn that we here remain As friends but Pris'ners to the Pow'r of Spain Fortune dispences with your Countryes right But you desert your honour in your flight Ozm. I cannot leave you here and go away My Honour 's glad of a pretence to stay A noise within follow follow follow Enter Selin his sword drawn as pursued Selin I am pursu'd and now am spent and done My limbs suffice me not with strength to run And if I could alas what can I save A year the dregs of life too from the grave sits down on the ground Here will I sit and here attend my fate With the same hoary Majesty and State As Rome's old Senate for the Galls did wait Ben. It is my father and he seems distrest Ozmyn My honour bids me succour the opprest That life he sought for his I 'le freely give We 'll dye together or together live Benz. I 'le call more succour since the Camp is near And fly on all the wings of Love and fear Exit Benz. Enter Abenamar and four or five Moors He looks and finds Selin Aben. Ye've liv'd and now behold your latest hour Selin I scorn your malice and defy your pow'r A speedy death is all I ask you now And that 's a favour you may well allow Ozmyn shewing himself Who gives you death shall give
it first to me Fate cannot separate our destiny knows his father My father here then Heav'n it self has laid The snare in which my vertue is betray'd Aben. Fortune I thank thee thou hast kindly done To bring me back that fugitive my Son In armes too fighting for my Enemy I 'le do a Roman justice thou shalt dy Ozm. I beg not you my forfeit life would save Yet add one Minute to that breath you gave I disobey'd you and deserve my fate But bury in my grave two houses hate Let Selin live and see your Justice done On me while you revenge him for his Son Your mutual malice in my death may cease And equal loss perswade you both to peace Aben. to a Sold. Yes justice shall be done on him and thee Haste and dispatch 'em both immediately Ozmyn If you have honour since you Nature want For your own sake my last Petition grant And kill not a disarm'd defenceless foe Whose death your cruelty or fear will show My Father cannot do an Act so base My Father I mistake I meant who was Aben. Go then dispatch him first who was my Son Ozmyn Swear but to save his life I 'le yield my own Aben. Nor tears nor pray'rs thy life or his shall buy Ozmyn putting himself before Selin Then Sir Benzaida's father shall not dye And since he 'le want defence when I am gone I will to save his life defend my own Aben. This justice Parricides like thee should have Aben. and his party attacque them both Ozmyn parryes his fathers thrusts and thrusts at the others Enter Benzayda with Abdalla the Duke of Arcos and Spaniards Benz. O help my father and my Ozmyn save Abdal Villains that death you have deserv'd is near Ozmyn stops his hand Stay Prince and know I have a father here I were that Parricide of whom he spoke Did not my piety prevent your stroke Arcos to Aben. Depart then and thank Heav'n you had a Son Aben. I am not with these shows of duty won Ozm. to his father Heav'n know's I would that life you seek resign But while Benzayda lives it is not mine Will you yet pardon my unwilling crime Aben. By no intreaties by no length of time Will I be won but with my latest breath I 'le curse thee here and haunt thee after death Exit Abenamar with his party Ozmyn kneeling to Selin Can you be merciful to that degree As to forgive my Fathers faults in me Can you forgive The death of him I slew in my defence And from the malice separate th' offence I can no longer be your Enemy In short now kill me Sir or pardon me Offers him his sword In this your silence my hard fate appears Selin I 'le answer you when I can speak for tears But till I can Imagine what must needs be brought to pass Embraces him My heart 's not made of Marble nor of Brass Did I for you a cruel death prepare And have you have you made my life your care There is a shame contracted by my faults Which hinders me to speak my secret thoughts And I will tell you when that shame 's remov'd You are not better by my Daugher lov'd Benzaida be your's I can no more Ozmyn embracing his knees Blest be that breath which does my life restore Benz. I hear my father now these words confess That name and that indulgent tenderness Selin Benzaida I have been too much to blame But let your goodness expiate for my shame You Ozmyn's vertue did in chains adore And part of me was just to him before My Son to him Ozmyn My father Selin Since by you I live I for your sake your family forgive Let your hard father still my life pursue I hate not him but for his hate to you Ev'n that hard father yet may one day be By kindness vanquish'd as you vanquish'd me Or if my death can quench to you his rage Heav'n makes good use of my remaining age Abdal I grieve your joyes are mingled with my cares But all take interest in their own affairs And therefore I must ask how mine proceed Selin They now are ripe and but your presence need For Lyndaraxa faithless as the wind Yet to your better Fortunes will be kind For hearing that the Christians own your cause From thence th' assurance of a Throne she draws And since Almanzor whom she most did fear Is gone she to no Treaty will give ear But sent me her unkindness to excuse Abdal You much surprize me with your pleasing news Selin But Sir she hourly does th' assault expect And must be lost if you her Aid neglect For Abdelmelech loudly does declare He 'll use the last extremities of War Since she refus'd the Fortress to resigne Abdal The charge of hast'ning this Relief be mine Selin This while I undertook whether beset Or else by chance Abenamar I met Who seem'd in haste returning to the Town Abdal My Love must in my diligence be shown And as my pledge of Faith to Spain this hour I 'le put the Fortress in your Masters pow'r To Arcos Selin An open way from hence to it there lies And we with ease may send in large supplies Free from the shot and Sallies of the Town Arcos Permit me Sir to share in your renown First to my King I will impart the news And then draw out what Succors we shall use Exit Duke of Arcos Abdal Grant that she loves me not at least I see aside She loves not others if she loves not me 'T is Pleasure when we reap the fruit of Pain 'T is onely Pride to be belov'd again How many are not lov'd who think they are Yet all are willing to believe the Fair And though 't is Beauties known and obvious Cheat Yet Man's self-love still favours the deceit Exit Abdalla Selin Farewell my Children equally so dear That I my self am to my self less neer While I repeat the dangers of the War Your mutual safety be each others care Your Father Ozmyn till the War be done As much as Honour will permit I 'le shun If by his sword I perish let him know It was because I would not be his Foe Ozmyn Goodness and Vertue all your Actions guide You onely erre in choosing of your side That party I with Honour cannot take But can much less the care of you forsake I must not draw my sword against my Prince But yet may hold a Shield in your defence Benzayda free from danger here shall stay And for a Father and a Lover pray Benz. No no I gave not on those terms my Heart That from my Ozmyn I should ever part That Love I vow'd when you did death attend 'T is just that nothing but my death should end What Merchant is it who would stay behind His whole stock ventur'd to the Waves and Wind. I 'le pray for both but both shall be in sight And Heav'n shall hear me pray and see you fight Selin No longer Ozmyn combat
a design Where so much Love and so much vertue joyn Ozmyn to her Then Conquer and your Conquest happy be Both to your self your Father and to me With bended knees our freedom we 'll demand Of Isabel and mighty Ferdinand Then while the paths of Honour we pursue We 'll int'rest Heav'n for us in right of you Exeunt SCENE The Albayzin An Alarm within then Soldiers running over the Stage Enter Abdelmelech victorious with Soldiers Abdel. 'T is won 't is won and Lyndaraxa now Who scorn'd to Treat shall to a Conquest bow To every sword I free Commission give Fall on my Friends and let no Rebel live Spare onely Lyndaraxa let her be In Triumph led to grace my Victory Since by her falshood she betray'd my Love Great as that falshood my Revenge shall prove Enter Lyndaraxa as affrighted attended by women Go take th' Enchantress bring her to me bound Lynd. Force needs not where resistance is not found I come my self to offer you my hands And of my own accord invite your bands I wish'd to be my Abdelmelechs Slave I did but wish and easie Fortune gave Abdel. O more then Woman false but 't is in vain Can you e're hope to be believ'd again I 'le sooner trust th' Hyaena than your smile Or than your Tears the weeping Crocodile In War and Love none should be twice deceivd The fault is mine if you are now believ'd Lynd. Be overwise thou and too late repent Your Crime will carry its own punishment I am well pleas'd not to be justify'd I owe no satisfaction to your pride It will be more advantage to my Fame To have it said I never own'd a Flame Abdel. 'T is true my pride has satisfy'd it self I have at length escap'd the deadly shelf Th' excuses you prepare will be in vain Till I am fool enough to love again Lynd. Am I not lov'd Abdel. I must with shame avow I lov'd you once but do not love you now Lynd. Have I for this betray'd Abdalla's Trust You are to me as I to him unjust Angrily Abdel. 'T is like you have done much for love of me Who kept the Fortress for my Enemy Lynd. 'T is true I took the Fottress from his hand But since have kept it in my own Command Abdel. That act your foul Ingratitude did show Lynd. You are th' ungrateful since 't was kept for you Abdel. 'T was kept indeed but not by your intent For all your kindness I may thank th' event Blush Lindaraxa for so grosse a cheat 'T was kept for me when you refus'd to Treat Ironically Lynd. Blind Man I knew the weakness of the place It was my plot to do your Arms this Grace Had not my care of your renown been great I lov'd enough to offer you to Treat She who is lov'd must little Let ts create But you bold Lovers are to force your Fate This force you us'd my Maiden blush will save You seem'd to take what secretly I gave I knew we must be Conquer'd but I knew What Confidence I might repose in you I knew you were too grateful to expose My Friends and Soldiers to be us'd like Foes Abdel. Well though I love you not their lives shall be Spar'd out of Pity and Humanity To a Soldier Alferez Goe and let the slaughter cease Lynd. Then must I to your pity owe my peace Exit the Alferez Is that the tender'st term you can afford Time was you wou'd have us'd another word Abdel. Then for your Beauty I your Soldiers spare For though I do not love you your are fair Lynd. That little Beauty why did Heav'n impart To please your Eyes but not to move your Heart I 'le shrowd this Gorgon from all humane view And own no Beauty since it charms not you Reverse your Orders and our Sentence give My Soldiers shall not from my Beauty live Abdel. Then from our Friendship they their lives shall gain Though love be dead yet friendship does remain Lynd. That friendship which from wither'd Love does shoot Like the faint Herbage of a Rock wants root Love is a tender Amity refin'd Grafted on friendship it exalts the kind But when the Graff no longer does remain The dull Stock lives but never bears again Abdel. Then that my Friendship may not doubtful prove Fool that I am to tell you so I love You would extort this knowledge from my Brest And tortur'd me so long that I confest Now I expect to suffer for my Sin My Monarchy must end and yours begin Lynd. Confess not Love but spare your self that shame And call your Passion by some other name Call this assault your Malice or your Hate Love owns no acts so disproportionate Love never taught this insolence you show Alferez To Treat your Mistriss like a conquer'd Foe Is this th' obedience which my Heart should move This usage looks more like a Rape than Love Abdel. What proof of Duty would you I should give Lynd. 'T is Grace enough to let my Subjects live Let your rude Souldiers keep possession still Spoil riflle pillage any thing but kill In short Sir use your fortune as you please Secure my Castle and my person seize Let your true men my Rebels hence remove I shall dream on and think 't is all your love Abdel. You know too well my weakness and your pow'r Why did Heav'n make a fool a Conquerour She was my slave till she by me was shown How weak my force was and how strong her own Now she has beat my pow'r from every part Made her way open to my naked heart To a Sold. Go strictly charge my Souldiers to retreat Those countermand who are not enter'd yet On peril of your lives leave all things free Exit Souldier Now Madam love Abdalla more than me I only ask in duty you would bring The keys of our Albazin to the King I 'le make your terms as gentle as you please Trumpets sound a charge within and Souldiers shout What shouts and what new sounds of war are these Lind. Fortune I hope has favour'd my intent aside Of gaining time and welcome succours sent Enter Alferez Alf. All 's lost and you are fatally deceiv'd The foe is enter'd and the place reliev'd Scarce from the walls had I drawn off my men When from their Camp the Enemy rush'd in And Prince Abdalla enter'd first the gate Abdel. I am betray'd and find it now too late to her When your proud Soul to flatt'ries did descend I might have known it did some ill portend The wary Seaman stormy weather fears When winds shift often and no cause appears You by my bounty live Your Brothers too were pardon'd for my sake And this return your gratitude does make Lind. My Brothers best their own obligements know Without your charging me with what they owe. But since you think th' obligement is so great I l'e bring a friend to satisfie my debt looking behind Abdel. Thou shalt not triumph in thy base design
the Heroes Soul Does all the Military Art controul While tim'rous Wit goes round or foords the shore He shoots the Gulph and is already o're And when th' Enthusiastique fit is spent Looks back amaz'd at what he underwent An Alarm within Exeunt Enter Almanzor and Abdelmelech with their Soldiers Abdelm. They fly they fly take breath and charge agen Almanz. Make good your entrance and bring up more men I fear'd brave Friend my Aid had been too late Abdelm. You drew us from the jaws of certain Fate At my approach The Gate was open and the Draw-bridge down But when they saw I stood and came not on They charg'd with fury on my little Band Who much o're-powr'd could scarce the shock withstand Almanz. E're night we shall the whole Albayzin gain But see the Spaniards march along the Plain To its relief you Abdelmelech goe And force the rest while I repulse the Foe Exit Almanzor Enter Abdalla and some few Soldiers who seem fearful Abdal Turn Cowards turn there is no hope in flight You yet may live if you but dare to fight Come you brave few who onely fear to fly We 're not enough to Conquer but to Dye Abdelm. No Prince that mean advantage I refuse 'T is in your pow'r a nobler Fate to choose Since we are Rivals Honour does command We should not dye but by each others hand To his men Retire and if it prove my destiny To fall I charge you let the Prince goe free The Soldiers depart on both sides Abdal O Abdelmelech that I knew some way This debt of Honour which I owe to pay But Fate has left this onely means for me To dye and leave you Lyndaraxa free Abdelm. He who is vanquish'd and is slain is blest The wretched Conquerour can ne're have rest But is reserv'd a harder fate to prove Bound in the Fetters of dissembled Love Abdal Now thou art base and I deserve her more Without complaint I will to death adore Dar'st thou see faults and yet dost Love pretend I will ev'n Lyndaraxa's Crimes defend Abdelm. Maintain her cause then better than thy own Than thy ill got and worse defended Throne They fight Abdalla falls Abdelm. Now ask your life Abdal 'T is gone that busy thing The Soul is packing up and just on wing Like parting Swallows when they seek the Spring Like them at its appointed time it goes And flies to Countreys more unknown than those Enter Lyndaraxa hastily sees them and is going out again Abdelmelech stopping her No you shall stay and see a Sacrifice Not offer'd by my Sword but by your Eyes From those he first Ambitions poyson drew And swell'd to Empire for the love of you Accursed fair Thy Comet-blaze portends a Princes fate And suff'ring Subjects groan beneath thy weight Abdal Cease Rival cease I would have forc'd you but it wonnot be I beg you now upbraid her not for me to Lynd. You fairest to my memory be kind Lovers like me your sex will seldom find When I usurp'd a Crown for love of you I then did more than dying now I do I 'me still the same as when my Love begun And could I now this fate foresee or shun dyes Would yet do all I have already done she puts her handkerchief to her eies Abdelm. Weep on weep on for it becomes you now These tears you to that love may well allow His unrepenting Soul if it could move Upward in Crimes flew spotted with your love And brought Contagion to the blest above Lind. He 's gone and peace go with a constant mind His love deserv'd I should have been more kind But then your love and greater worth I knew I was unjust to him but just to you Abdelm. I was his Enemy and Rival too Yet I some tears to his misfortunes owe You ow him more weep then and join with me So much is due ev'n to Humanity Lynd. Weep for this wretch whose memory I hate Whose folly made us both unfortunate Weep for this fool who did my laughter move This whining tedious heavy lump of Love Abdelm. Had Fortune favour'd him and frown'd on me I then had been that heavy fool not he Just this had been my fun'ral Elegy Thy arts and falshood I before did know But this last baseness was conceal'd till now And 't was no more than needful to be known I could be cur'd by such an act alone My love half blasted yet in time would shoot But this last tempest rends it to the root Lyn. These little picques which now your Anger move Will vanish and are onely signes of love You 've been too fierce and at some other time I should not with such ease forgive your Crime But in a day of publick joy like this I pardon and forget what ere 's amiss Abdelm. These Arts have oft prevail'd but must no more The spell is ended and th' Enchantment ' ore You have at last destroy'd with much adoe That love which none could have destroy'd but you My love was blind to your deluding Art But blind men feel when stabb'd so neer the heart Lynd. I must confess there was some pity due But I conceal'd it out of Love to you Abdelm. No Lyndaraxa 't is at last too late Our loves have mingled with too much of fate I would but cannot now my self deceive O that you still could cheat and I believe Lynd. Do not so light a quarrel long pursue You grieve your Rival was less lov'd than you 'T is hard when men of kindness must complain Abdelm. I 'm now awake and cannot dream again Lynd. Yet hear Abdelm. No more nothing my heart can bend That Queen you scorn'd you shall this night attend Your life the King has pardon'd for my sake But on your Pride I some revenge must take See now th' effects of what your Arts design'd Thank your inconstant and ambitious Mind 'T is just that she who to no Love is true Should be forsaken and contemn'd like you Lynd. All Arts of injur'd Women I will try First I will be reveng'd and then I 'le die But like some falling Tow'r Whose seeming firmness does the sight beguile So hold I up my nodding head awhile Till they come under and reserve my fall That with my ruines I may reach 'em all Abdelm. Conduct her hence Exit Lyndaraxa guarded Enter a Soldier Sold. Almanzor is victorious without fight The Foes retreated when he came in sight Under the Walls this night his men are drawn And mean to seek the Spaniard with the dawn Abdel. The Sun 's declin'd Command the Watch be set without delay And in the Fort let bold Benducar stay I 'le haste to Court where Solitude I 'le fly aside And heard like wounded Deer in company But oh how hard is passion to remove When I must shun my self to 'scape from Love Exit SCENE The Alhambra or a Gallery Zulema Hamet Hamet I thought your passion for the Queen was dead Or that your love had with
stage Almah Help help oh heav'n some help Enter Zulema and Hamet Zul Make haste before And intercept her passage to the door Abdelm. Villains what Act are you attempting here Almah I thank thee heav'n some succour does appear As Abdelmelech is going to help the Queen Lyndaraxa pulls out his Sword and holds it Abdelm. With what ill fate my good design is curst Zul We have no time to think dispatch him first Abdelm. Oh for a sword They make at Abdemelech he goes off at one door while the Queen escapes at the other Zul Ruin'd Hamet Undone Lynd. And which is worst of all He escap'd Zul I hear 'em loudly call Lynd. Your fear will loose you call as loud as they I have not time to teach you what to say The Court will in a moment all be here But second what I say and do not fear Call help run that way leave the rest to me Zulema and Hamet retire and within cry help Enter at several doors the King Abenamar Selin Ozmyn Almanzor with guards attending Boabdelin Boab. What can the cause of all this tumult be And what the meaning of that naked sword Lynd. I 'le tell when fear will so much breath afford The Queen and Abdelmelech T' will not out Ev'n I who saw it of the truth yet doubt It seems so strange Almanz. Did she not name the Queen Haste speak Lynd. How dare I speak what I have seen With Hamet and with Zulema I went To pay both theirs and my acknowledgement To Almahide and by her Mouth implore Your Clemency our Fortunes to restore We chose this hour which we believ'd most free When she retir'd from noise and company The Antichamber past we gently knockt Unheard it seems but found the Lodgings lockt In dutious silence while we waited there We first a noise and then long whispers hear Yet thought it was the Queen at Pray'rs alone Till she distinctly said If this were known My Love what shame what danger would ensue Yet I and sigh'd could venture more for you Boab. O Heav'n what do I hear Almanz. Let her go on Lynd. And how then murmur'd in a bigger tone Another voice and how should it be known This hour is from your Court Attendants free The King suspects Almanzor but not me Zulema at the door I find her drift Hamet be Confident Second her words and fear not the event Zulema and Hamet Enter The King embraces them Boab. Welcome my onely Friends Behold in me O Kings behold th' effects of Clemency See here the gratitude of pardon'd foes That life I gave 'em they for me expose Hamet Though Abdelmelech was our Friend before When Duty call'd us he was so no more Almanz. Damn your delay you Torturers proceed I will not hear one word but Almahide Boab. When you within the Traitors voice did hear What did you then Zul I durst not trust my Ear But peeping through the Key-hole I espy'd The Queen and Abdelmelech by her side She on the Couch he on her bosom lay Her Hand about his Neck his Head did stay And from his Forehead wip'd the drops away Boab. Go on go on my friends to clear my doubt I hope I shall have life to hear you out Zul What had been Sir you may suspect too well What follow'd Modesty forbids to tell Seeing what we had thought beyond belief Our hearts so swell'd with anger and with grief That by plain force we strove the door to break He fearful and with guilt or Love grown weak Just as we enter'd scap'd the other way Nor did th' amazed Queen behind him stay Lynd. His sword in so much haste he could not mind But left this witness of his Crime behind Boab. O proud ingrateful faithless womankind How chang'd and what a Monster am I made My Love my Honour ruin'd and betray'd Almanz. Your Love and Honour mine are ruin'd worse Furies and Hell what right have you to curse Dull Husband as you are What can your Love or what your Honour be I am her Lover and she 's false to me Boab. Goe when the Authors of my shame are found Let 'em be taken instantly and bound They shall be punish'd as our Laws require 'T is just that Flames should be condemn'd to fire This with the dawn of morning shall be done Aben. You haste too much her Execution Her Condemnation ought to be deferr'd With justice none can be condemn'd unheard Boab. A formal Process tedious is and long Besides the evidence is full and strong Lynd. The Law demands two witnesses and she Is cast for which Heav'n knows I grieve by three Ozm. Hold Sir since you so far insist on Law We can from thence one just advantage draw That Law which dooms Adultresses to die Gives Champions too to slander'd Chastity Almanz. And how dare you who from my Bounty live Intrench upon my Loves Prerogative Your courage in your own concernments try Brothers are things remote while I am by Ozm. I knew not you thus far her cause would own And must not suffer you to fight alone Let two to two in equal combat joyn You vindicate her Person I her Line Lynd. Of all Mankind Almanzor has least right In her defence who wrong'd his Love to fight Almanz. 'T is false she is not ill nor can she be She must be Chaste because she 's lov'd by me Zul Dare you what Sence and Reason prove deny Almanz. When she 's in question Sence and Reason lye Zul For Truth and for my injur'd Soveraign What I have said I will to death maintain Ozm. So foul a falshood who e'r justifies Is basely born and like a Villain lies In witness of that Truth be this my Gage Takes a Ring from his finger Hamet I take it and despise a Traytors Rage Boab. The Combat's yours a Guard the Lists surround Then raise a Scaffold in th' incompast ground And by it piles of Wood in whose just fire Her Champion's slain th' Adultress shall expire Aben. We ask no favour but what Arms will yield Boab. Choose then two equal Judges of the Field Next morning shall decide the doubtful strife Condemn th' unchaste or quit the vertuous Wife Almanz. But I am both wayes curst For Almahide must dye if I am slain Or for my Rival I the Conquest gain Exeunt ACT V. Almanzor Solus I Have out-fac'd my self and justify'd What I knew false to all the World beside She was as faithless as her Sex could be And now I am alone she 's so to me She 's faln and now where shall we vertue find She was the last that stood of Woman-kind Could she so holily my flames remove And fall that hour to Abdelmelechs Love Yet her protection I must undertake Not now for Love but for my Honours sake That mov'd me first and must oblige me still My cause is good however hers be ill I 'le leave her when she 's freed and let it be Her punishment she could be false to me