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A29492 Catechetical exercises, or, Questions and answers for youth to learn that they may better understand the church catechism : with the catechists enlargements upon them / by Jos. Briggs ... Briggs, Jos. (Joseph) 1696 (1696) Wing B4662; ESTC R36511 101,779 204

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that if God should be extreme to mark what we do amiss in them O Lord who may abide it Psal 130.3 And 3 all we have and do is Gods Gift it is he that worketh in us both to will and to do Phil. 2.13 and we give him but his own Nor be it never so good can it 4 bear any proportion to that recompence of reward which God promiseth us Not our greatest suffering much less our good deeds Rom. 8.18 The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us 2 Cor. 4.17 They are but light Afflictions and but for a moment but they work for us a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory Well doth the Apostle therefore conclude Rom. 6.23 The wages of sin is death but eternal life is the Gift no Merit of ours but the ●ree gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Q. What Vse must we make hereof A. To be constant unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that our labour will not be in vain in the Lord. Catechist This is the use that St. Paul makes of this great Doctrine of Christianity 1 Cor. 15.58 and elsewhere he exhorts thus upon account hereof 2 Cor. 4.18 Let us not therefore look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen For the things which are seen are Temporal but the things which are not seen are Eternal Q. Why do you say Amen after the Greed and why stand you up when it is rehearsed A. To declare my stedfast believing it and my resolution to live in and die for it if God should call me to that Honour Catechist Let us therefore make it our continual prayer that God whose Gift Faith is would encrease and strengthen this our Faith more and more and enable us so to live in Faith and so to dye in Faith that at last we may attain the end of our Faith even the salvation of our Souls through Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.9 Thus have you had the Rule and Summary of the Christian Faith in the Creed Now having often taught you that there is no true Faith without Obedience I pray Q. What is the Great Rule of your Obedience A. The Moral Law contained in the Commandments Catechist You remember Brethren I hope that you promised in your Baptism as to believe all the Articles of Christian Faith so to keep Gods Holy Will and Commandments Q. How many Commandments are there A. Ten. Catechist These Ten Commandments contain that which we call the Moral Law and it is so called because it orders our Manners and our whole lives and conversations both towards God and towards men Concerning which I would only teach you in opposition to the Antinomian Errors that this Moral Law contained in the Ten Commandments is still in force to us and as it was the Rule of life and manners and Obedience to Gods ancient people the Jews so is it still to us Christians For whatever moral duties God Commanded the Jews being his chosen people under the Old Testament the same doth Christ command us Christians under the Gospel and that while the world lasts for he said expressly Matth. 5.17 He came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it and reciting several Commandments He abrogated none but which shews their obligation on us sufficiently shewed their true and Spiritual meaning against the corrupt glosses the Pharisees had put upon them thereby making them of no effect It was said of old time saith he Thou shalt not kill but I say unto you Whosoever is angry with his Brother without a cause is in danger of the judgment Again ver 27. It was said of old time Thou shalt not commit adultery But I say unto you Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her in his heart Committeth Adultery with her And thus doth He there Explain other Commandments but Repeals none of them and in short St James saith chap. 2.8 of all the rest If ye fulfil the Royal Law of Liberty Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self ye shall do well Nor is the number of the Commandments impertinent to be observed it being so precisely noted by the Holy Ghost Deut. 4.13 Ten and no more which puzzles them of the Romish Communion to make them so while they leave out the second in their Catechism because it so apparently condemns their Image worship and then for a mere shift they would divide the last Commandment making two of one And now before we close with the Commandments we must not neglect the Preface to them God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of Bondage which what it imports you may learn by the next Question and Answer Q. What are those motives God himself used when he gave those Commandments to engage his people's Obedience A. First His Sovereignty For he is the Lord. 2 His near Relation to his people for He is the Lord Our God 3 His delivering the Israelites from the Egyptian Bondage which was a Type of our Greater deliverance even from our spiritual Bonddage to sin and Satan Catechist The like arguments to Obedience we have in other Scriptures to name but one to the Israelites Deut. 27.9 10. Take heed and hearken O Israel This day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord thy God and do all his Commandments and statutes which I command thee this day And that of Zacharias in his song Luk. 1.74 75. urgeth the same Obedience upon us upon account of our greater deliverance That being delivered from the hands of our enemies we should serve Him without fear in Holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives Now I pray Q. How many Tables are there in the Decalogue or Ten Commandments A. Two Q. How many Commandments are there in the first Table A. The four first Commandments Q. What sort of Duties doth the first Table teach you A. My Duties towards God Catechist And as the second Table teaches you your duties towards your neighbour so let me tell you by the way that our Saviour Himself divides the Law after this manner even according to the twofold Object of Love God and our Neighbours Matth. 22.37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind This is the first and great Commandment and the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self on these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets For as S. Paul saith Rom. 13.10 Love is the fulfilling of the Law Now for explaining the Questions and Answers in your Church Catechism concerning the duties contained in these two Tables I conceive the chief task is to let you see to which Commandment each clause in them is to be
referred and then as requiring the Duty forbids the sin and forbidding any sin supposeth a precept for the Duty contrary to that sin so shall I teach you both these what are the Duties required and what the Sins forbidden in each Commandment proving their respective answers as we go along by the Scriptures First then let me ask you the Questions in your Church Catechism Q. What is thy Duty to God A. My duty towards God is to believe in Him c. Now see how every Commandment is explained in this Answer Q. What doth the first Commandment require of you according to this Answer in your Catechism A. Gods inward worship which is to believe in him to fear him and to love him and him alone as the only true God with all my heart with all my mind with all my soul and with all my strength Catechist This distinction of Worship that it is either Inward of the Soul or Outward of the Body is evidently the Apostles when he tells us 1 Cor. 6.20 That we must glorifie God with our bodies and with our spirits which are his Now the inward that of the Spirit is required by this Commandment that is in the positive part which is implied in the negative for that we are forbidden to have any other God but Him or before him implies that we must have him that is acknowledge him and worship him for our God and for our only God and to believe in him and fear him and love him this is to acknowledge him to be and to have him our God according to that Text Deut. 10.12 What doth the Lord thy God O Israel require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God and to walk in his ways to love and serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy Soul Q. May not loving God be accounted the summ of our whole Duty to God as Love of our Neighbour is of our whole Duty to our Neighbour A. Yes and without loving God there can be no keeping his Commandments in sincerity Catechist Our Saviour said John 14.15 If ye love me keep my Commandments No other way can we shew our love to either God or Christ Jesus On the other hand the Scriptures set forth obedience or keeping Gods Commandments as the work of Faith and labour of love Heb. 6.10 1 Thes 1.3 and St. Paul saith The love of Christ constraineth hereunto 2 Cor. 5.14 And it is certain all other Graces abound where as the Apostle expresseth it Rom. 5.5 The love of God is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us Q. What do those words Before me teach you Thou shalt have no other Gods before me A. Always to consider that God is every where present and beholds the Idolatry of the heart as well as in action Catechist I know O my God saith David 1 Chron. 29.17 that thou triest the heart Jer. 17.10 I the Lord search the heart I try the reins even to give to every man according to his ways and according to his doings Q. What then are the sins forbidden in this Commandment A. Atheism or having no God Polytheism or owning more Gods than One Irreligion not glorifying not worshipping the true God as God and inward Idolatry that is believing fearing or loving any lust or Creature as our God or giving Religious Worship or honour to any other Being Catechist Atheism or in the Psalmists words Psal 14.1 The Fools saying in his heart much more speaking it out in words That there is no God Polytheism The having Lords many and Gods many But to us saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 8.4 There is no more Gods but One. Irreligion not Glorifying not worshipping God which is all one as if we believed and professed There is no God A sin taxt by S. Paul in the Gentiles Rom. 1.21 That knowing God they did not glorifie Him as God Idolatry which is not only the worshipping idols or images made of silver and gold the works of mens hands which have eyes and see not which have ears and hear not mouths and speak not Ps 135.15 16. But also the immoderate love of any Creature For Christ saith Mat. 6.24 Ye cannot serve God and Mammon and this do all covetous and worldly minded men From whence S. Paul saith expresly that covetousness is idolatry Col. 3.5 And he speaks of some who make their belly their God Phil. 3.19 which do all Epicures gluttons and drunkards and intemperate persons and some he saith mind earthly things All these then are sins against this first Commandment which requires the Inward worship of God Q. What doth the second Commandment require A. Gods Outward worship that is to worship God not only with our hearts and Spirits which God alone seeth but also bodily in the sight of men and not by Images but as he himself appoints us in his word Catechist It is a marvellous thing that there should be any need of convincing men that God is to be worshipped Outwardly as well as Inwardly with our Bodies as well as with our Spirits or that any persons of understanding should make that foolish use of our Saviours words to the woman of Samaria John 4.24 God is a spirit and is to be worshipped in Spirit and in truth as if pretending to worship God in their hearts and spirits could excuse their utter neglect of his outward worship or their not Kneeling in prayer or any other irreverent undecent behaving themselves in the worship of God But if there be any need to speak to this point I think here is enough in the very letter of this Commandment to stop all mouths Thou shalt not bow down before images and worship them For in that we must not do it before images implies that before God we must do it we must bow down before him when we worship him that as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 6.20 We may glorifie God with our bodies as well as with our spirits which are his Hence the Psalmist saith Psal 132.7 We will go into his Tabernacle and fall down before his footstool And hereunto are we daily invited in his words Psal 95.6 O come let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our maker This must we do only to avoid Superstition and Will worship we must have a care to do it in such a manner as God directs in his word and not worship God in any way invented by man contrary to his word See Deut. 4.2 and 12.32 Whatsoever I command you that observe and do ye shall not add to the word I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it that ye may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you Q. What are those kinds or parts of Worship which God himself hath appointed us in his word A. Daily Prayer and Thanksgiving often Reading Hearing and Meditating upon His word and the due Use of the Sacraments Catechist That
Sacriledge under the Gospel is manifest because else St. Paul would never have mentioned and reproved it Rom. 2.22 Thou that abhorrest idolatry dost thou commit Sacriledge As for rejecting their doctrine or Government it is apparently a breach of good order and God is the Father of order and not of confusion in all the Churches 1 Cor. 14.33 And it is against that precept Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the Rule over you And no doubt what our Saviour said to his Disciples extends to all lawful Pastors in a just proportion as being sent by Chirst and speaking in his name and acting by the rules of his Gospel Luk. 10.16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Q. On the other hand what are the sins of Pastours or Ministers A. Neglecting to teach or guide their flocks or misleading them by corrupt doctrine or by the bad example of a wicked life Catechist There being none of that sacred function here present I need say little of it only this God make me and all my Brethren sensible how sad it will be for us if preaching to others we ourselves prove cast-aways 1 Cor. 9.27 which we shall certainly if we do the work of the Lord negligently Jer. 48.10 Not feeding Christs sheep and lambs as we ought John 21.15 c. For such Ministers are called dumb dogs idle or idol shepheards Vnprofitable Servants And for all wicked Ministers that of St. Paul is very sharp Rom. 2.1 Thou art inexcusable O man ver 21. Thou that teachest another teachest thou not thy self And Psal 50.16 Vnto the wicked God saith What hast thou to do to declare my statutes seeing thou hatest to be reformed Yea let such be never so commendable for their diligence in preaching and prophecying in the name of Christ Himself tells them what he will say to them at the last day Mat. 7.23 Depart from me ye workers of iniquity Q. What are the sins of Servants against their Masters A. Being stubborn or slothful or Unfaithful in their Masters business or trust Q. And what are the sins of Masters against their Servants A. Hard using their Servants withholding their wages or not providing what is needful both for their bodies and souls Catechist Not to multiply Texts The sins of Servants are very easie to discern in Col. 3.22 Servants obey in all things your Masters according to the flesh not with eye service as Men-pleasers but with singleness of heart as fearing God and whatsover ye do do it heartily as to the Lord not as to men Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ And for the sins of Masters as we know how great that is of withholding the hire of the Labourer Jam. 5.4 it is a crying sin so the other sins are evident in that of the same Apostle Col. 4.1 Masters give unto your Servants that which is just and equal knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven Q. What are the sins of wives against their husbands A. Disobeying or resisting their lawful Commands unquiet behaviour and unfaithfulness Q. What are the sins of husbands against their wives A. Unkindness Unfaithfulness not providing for their Sustenance and not bearing with their infirmities as weaker vessels Catechist To prove which I need no more but shew what the Apostle requires of either of them for that shews their respective transgressions Eph. 5.22 Wives submit yourselves to your husbands as it is fit in the Lord and mark his reason for the Husband is the Head of the wife as Christ is the Head of his Church Ver. 33. Let the wife therefore see that she reverence her husband For quiet and unquiet behavior what St. Peter speaks is excellent for this Sex to be often thinking of 1 Ep. 3.4 Commending to them a meek and quiet spirit as the best ornament far to be preferred before those of gold silver or pearl it being in the sight of God of great price As for Unfaithfulness that is of two sorts that in his bed which is Adultery and that in such concerns as are committed to them by their husbands Concerning which I shall need say no more but offer you that description the Wise-man gives of a good wife and then it will follow unfaithfulness must needs be an argument of a bad one Prov. 31.11 The Heart of her busband safely trusts in her so that he shall have no need to fear spoil or waste On the other hand there are like sins of husbands towards their wives unfaithfulness and any thing contrary to true love especially unkindness or bitterness of anger For Eph. 5.28 They ought to love their wives as their own bodies and as Christ loved the Church Col. 3.19 Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them Not providing for their Comfortable Sustenance For that is a fault in many Husbands to drink and tipple while their Wives and Families mourn and starve and have hard fare or famine and to this extends the forequoted censure of the Apostle He that provides not for them of his own household is worse than an Infidel And lastly it is expressly injoyned them 1 Pet. 3.7 Likewise ye husbands dwell with your wives according to knowledge giving honour unto the Wife and so bearing with her infirmities as the weaker vessel and as heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Q. What are the sins of all other Inferiours against their Betters whether in Age Gifts or Estate A. All proud or irreverent behaviour towards them whether in word or deed Catechist In all degrees of men The Lord hateth a proud look as well as a lying tongue Prov. 6.17 The younger sort therefore are to be humble and sober minded Tit. 2.6 And it is Gods express Law that they rise up before the hoary head and bonour the old man with this reason I am the Lord Lev. 19.32 And as for the wiser and richer sort their Wealth and Wisdom being the Blessings of God useful to the good of mankind there is a reverence due to them whence Solomon in the forequoted place forbids as cursing the King in our thoughts so the rich in our bed-chamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings will tell the matter Q. What then are the sins of Betters to them below them A. Scornful despising them or not using their own respective abilities for others good as need requires Catechist For as for the Aged it is discretion that makes the gray hairs truly venerable And S. Paul enjoyns them to be sober and temperate as also the younger to follow the good councels and examples of the wise and experienced Tit. 2.2 And whosoever they be that extol others in wealth wisdom or dignity they must consider of them as Gods Gifts and Blessings and themselves as his Stewards bound to
Restitution we have one in the Old Testament Neh. 5.11 12 13. He in his Reforming the people caused them to restore the money and the corn which they had exacted of one another And another in the New Testament Zaccheus Luk. 19.8 who upon his Conversion promised if he had wronged any man by false accusation he would restore fourfold In short the Apostles precept reacheth this matter Rom. 13.7 Render to all their Dues For whatever thou hast wronged any man of it is his Due It is his though in thy hands and possession and thou art bound in justice to give or render to every man his Due or what is his Q. Do not they also transgress this Commandment who are idle and will not labour in an honest Calling or who are prodigal and wast their Estates and Earnings A. Yes They are Thieves to their Families who either provide not for them or spend all they have upon their Lusts Catechist I have before told you of the Apostles most severe Censure of such men as are careless of their Families 1 Tim. 5.8 If any man provide not for them of his own household He hath denied the Faith and is worse than an Infidel And I appeal to every one here if it be not the same case for a man vainly to wast what should maintain his wife and children and piss that against the walls which should be bread and clothing to their backs and bellies May these things then serve to help you to Understand this Eight Commandment Q. What doth the Ninth Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness require A. To speak the truth on all occasions and to endea●●ur to preserve and maintain and promot●●●ine own and my Neighbours Credit or good Name Catechist I would have you here recollect the scope and purport of the three last Commandments For in the Sixth Commandment God takes care to secure your Neighbours life and person in the Seventh his chastity and the chastity of his Relatives in the Eight his worldly Goods and properties and Estate And here what is as dear to him as any of the other his credit good Name and Reputation In General Truth in speech is required by this Commandment which is one part of the Answer to that necessary Inquiry Who shall dwell in Gods Tabernacle who shall inhabit his Holy Hill Psal 15.1 2. He that speaketh the truth to his Neighbour Putting away lying therefore saith the Apostle Eph. 4.25 speak ye every man the truth for we are members one of another And in special we must in all our speeches have a just care of our Neighbours good Name and Repute For Rom. 13.10 Love worketh no ill to his Neighbour in any kind especially not in his good Name which is the best thing he hath in this world better than a most pretious oyntment Eccl. 7.3 And to be chosen rather than great riches and loving favour than silver and gold Prov. 22.1 Q. What then are the sins forbidden by this Commandment according to your Catechism A. Evil speaking as well as false speaking lying and standering and also rash judging talebearing and wispering lies much more bearing false witness before a Magistrate Catechist Ye shall not steal nor deal falsely nor lye one to another are the words of Gods Law ●●v 19.11 And therefore A righteous man hateth lying Prov. 13.5 For A proud look lying lips an heart that deviseth abominations and him that soweth discord amon●●rethren a false witness that speaketh lyes these are ●hose Seven things which God hateth yea they ar● abomination to him Prov. 6.16 17 18 19. So that a false witness shall not be unpunished and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape Good Children take my Councel treasure up these and the like Texts in your hearts and Memories And think of what S. John saith expressly Rev. 22.15 Without that is without the heavenly Jerusalem shall be dogs even Sorcerers Whoremongers Idolaters with whom are ranked every one that loveth and maketh a lye This is hugely aggravated if it be a lye upon solemn Oath in bearing Witness or Testimony before a Magistrate for this perverteth publick Justice and Judgment and misleads both Judge and Jurors to a false sentence or verdict This is expresly forbidden in the Letter of this Commandment But I pray learn further it is not only lying and false speaking that you must avoid by this Commandment but also all evilspeaking as your Catechism teacheth you Put them in mind saith the Apostle to Titus 3.1 2. and in him to all Ministers to speak evil of no man to be no brawlers c. Not rendring evil for evil or railing for railing saith S. Peter 1 Ep. 3.9 For Our Saviour left us an example that we should follow his steps chap. 2.21 Who when he was reviled reviled not again ver 23. St. Paul therefore joyns these together 1 Tim. 6.4 Envy strife railings evil surmisings as coming from pride and strife of words So is evil surmisings a great fault and from thence rash judging and censuring For Christ saith Mat. 7.1 2. Judge not that you be not judged for with what measure thou metest out to another it shall be measured to thee again And S. James saith chap. 4.11 Speak not evil one of another brethren He that speaketh evil of his brother and judgeth his brother speaketh evil of the Law and judgeth the Law To this may be added talebearing a thing expresly forbidden by God himself in his Law Lev. 19.16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among my people A thing Solomon often declaims against Prov. 18.8 The words of a talebearer are as wounds and go down into the inner parts of the belly Chap. 11.13 A talebearer revealeth secrets but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter And therefore he imputeth the Continuance of strife among men to these chap. 26.20 Where there is no wood there the fire goeth out so where there is no talebearer the strife ceaseth And by Consequence where such are it continueth It is therefore excellent councel which the Son of Sirach gives Ecclus. 19.6 Whether it be to friend or foe talk not of other mens lives and if thou canst without offence reveal them not look the place at large and also chap. 21.25 26. In short I exhort you Beloved often to read what S. James saith at large in his Epistle of the Government of the tongue that unruly member and always to remember and carry in your minds the Rule S. Peter 1 Ep. 3.10 gives out of the 34. Psalm ver 12. What man is he that desires life and to see good days Let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile Let him eschew evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it Q. May we in no Case tell a lye no not for the better A. No for all lies are of the Devil and we must not do evil that good may come of it Catechist