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A19420 The mirror of martyrs in a short vieuu lively expressing the force of their faith, the feruency of their loue, the wisedome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, etc. : with their prayers and preparation for their last farevvell : whereunto is added two godly letters written by M. Bradford, full of sweet consolation for such as are afflicted in conscience. Cotton, Clement.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1613 (1613) STC 5848; ESTC S756 48,602 243

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certaine all the haires of your head are numbred Be certain your good Father hath appointed your bounds over which the devill dare not looke Commit your selfe to him hee is hath been and will bee your keeper Let Christ be your marke and scope to prick at Let him be your patterne to worke by Let him be your ensample to follow giue him as your heart so your hand as your mind so your tongue as your Faith so your feet And let his word be your Candle to goe before you in al matters of Religion Blessed is he that Walketh not to these Popish praiers nor standeth at them nor sitteth at them glorifie God both in soule and body ¶ Fifteene short sentences left by Robert Smith Martyr to ANNE SMITH his wife 1 SEEke first to loue God deere wife with your whole heart and then it shall be easie for you to loue your neighbour 2 Be friendly to all creatures but especially to your owne Soule 3 Be alwaies an enemie to the Deuill the world but chiefely to your owne flesh 4 In hearing of good things ioyne the eares of your head and heart together 5 Seeke vnitie and quietnesse with all men but specially with your conscience for it will not easily be pacified 6 Loue all men but specially your enemies 7 Hate the sinnes that are past but especially those to come 8 Be as ready to further your enemie as hee is to hinder you that yee may bee the child of God 9 Defile not that which Christ hath cleansed least his blood bee layd to your charge 10 Remember that god hath hedged in your tongue with the teeth and lippes that it might speake vnder correction 11 Be ready at all times to looke to your brothers eye but especially to your owne eye For he that warneth an other of that hee himselfe is faultie giueth his neighbour the cleere Wine and himselfe the dregges 12 Beware of riches and worldly honor for without vnderstanding prayer and fasting it is a snare like to consuming fier of which if a man take a little it will warme him but if too much it will consume him 13 Shew mercie to the Saints for Christs sake Christ shall reward you for the Saints sake 14 Among all other prisoners visit your owne Soule for it is inclosed in a perillous prison 15 If you loue GOD hate euill c. Your Husband RO SMITH If yee will meet with me againe Forsake not Christ for any paine CERTAINE deuout Prayers which some of the godly Martyrs made at the hower of their death ¶ The Prayer which M r. HOOPER Bishop of Glocester made at his death LORD sayd he I am Hell but thou art Heaven I am swill and a sincke of sinne but thou art a gracious GOD and a merciful Saviour and Redeemer Haue mercie therefore vppon me most miserable and wretched offender after thy great mercie and according to thine jnestimable goodnes thou art assended into Heaven receiue me Hell to be partaker of thy joyes where thou sittest in equall glory with the Father For well thou knowest Lord wherefore I am come hither to suffer and why the wicked doe persecute this thy poore seruant not for my sinnes and transgressions committed against thee but because I will not allow of their wicked doings to the contaminating of thy blood and to the deniall of the knowledge of thy truth wherwith it did please thee by thy holy spirit to jnstruct mee the which with as much diligence as a poore wretch might being called thereto I haue set forth to thy glory And well thou seest my Lord God what terrible paynes and cruel torments be here prepared for thy poore Creature such Lord as without thy strength none is able to beare or patiently to passe But all things that are jmpossible with man with thee are possible Therefore strengthen me of thy goodnesse that in the fire I breake not the bounds of patience or else asswage the terrour of the paines as shall seeme most to thy glory Heere the party who heard thus much of his prayer beeing espied of the Maior was commaunded away and could be suffred to heare no more ¶ The Prayer of Doctor CRANMER Archbishop of Canterburie when it was thought he would haue made his Recantation O Father of Heauen O Sonne of GOD redeemer of the world O holy Ghost three persons and one GOD haue mercy vppon me most wretched Caytiffe and miserable sinner I haue offended both against Heauen and Earth more then my tongue can expresse Whether then may I goe or whether should I flee To heauen I am ashamed to lift vppe mine eyes and in Earth I find no place of refuge or succour To thee therefore o Lord do I runne to thee do I humble my selfe saying O Lord my GOD my sinnes be great but yet haue Mercie vppon mee for thy great Mercie The great mistery that God became man was not wroght for small or few offences Thou didst not giue thy Sonne O Heauenly Father vnto death for little sinnes onely but for all the greatest sinnes of the world so that the sinner returne to thee with his whole heart as I doe heere at this present Wherfore haue mercie vppon mee ô GOD whose property it is always to haue mercie haue mercie vpon mee ô Lord for thy great mercie I craue nothing for mine owne merits but for thy names sake that it may be hallowed thereby and for thy deere Sonne Iesus Christs sake And now therefore O our Father c. His repentance for subscription vttered a little before his death And now I come to the great thing that so much troubleth my conscience more then any thing that ever I did or sayd in my whole life and that is the setting abroad of a writing contrarie to the truth which now I heere renownce refuse as things written with my hand contrary to the truth which I thought in mine heart and written for feare of death and to saue life if it might be and that is all such bils and papers which I haue written or signed with mine hand since my degradatiō wherein I haue written many things vntrue And for as much as my hand offeded in writing cōtrary to my heart mine hand shal be punished therefore for may I come to the fire it shall first be burned which accordingly he did For being at the stake whē the fire began to flame hee put his right hand vnto it which hee held so stedfast and jmmoueable saving that once with the same hand hee wiped his face that all men might see his hand burned before it touched his body ¶ The Prayer of Steven Knight made vppon his knees at his death O Lord Iesus Christ for whose loue I willingly leaue this life and desire rather the bitter death of the Crosse with the losse of all earthly things then to abide the blaspheaming of thy most holy name or to obay men in breaking thy holy Commandemēt Thou seest oh
vppon mee haue mercie vpon me for thy deere Sonne our Saviour Christs sake in whom I confesse onely to bee all salvation and justification and that there is none other meane nor way nor holinesse in which or by which any man can be saved in this world This is my faith which I beseech men heere to beare witnes off Then sayd hee the Lords Prayer and so made an end Fier beeing set vnto him and burning therein he cried thrise with a loud voice O Sonne of GOD haue mercy vpon mee O Sonne of GOD receiue my soule and so his speach beeing taken from him hee spake no more lifting vp notwithstanding his stumpe with his other arme as long as he could ¶ Here followeth two worthy and godly Letters full of heavenly consolation written by that holie man of God M. Iohn Bradford Martyr fit for all such to read and obserue as feele in them a wounded spirit ¶ The first Letter written to Mistres H. a godly Gentlewoman comforting her in that common and godly sorrow which the feeling and sence of sinne worketh in Gods children I Humblie and heartilie praye the everlasting good God and Father of mercie to blesse and keepe your hart and mind in the knowledge and the loue of his truth and of his Christ through th'jnspiration working of the holy spirit Amen Although I haue no doubt but that you prosper and goe forwards daily in the way of Godlinesse more and more drawing towards perfection and haue no need of any thing that I can write yet because my desire is that you might be more fervent and persevere vnto the end I could not but write something vnto you beseeching you both often and diligentlie to call vnto your mind as a meane to stirre you hervnto yea as a thing which god most straightly requireth you to belieue that you are the beloued of God and that hee is your deare Father in through for Christ his deaths sake This loue and tender kindnesse of God towards vs in Christ is aboundantlie herein declared in that he hath to the godly worke of Creation of this world made vs after his jmage redeemed vs being lost called vs into his church sealed vs with his marke and signe Manuel of Baptisme kept and conserved vs all the daies of our life fedde nowrished defended and most mercifullie chastised vs and now hath kindled in our hearts the sparkles of his feare faith loue and knowledge of his Christ truth and therefore we lament because wee can lament no more our vnthankefulnesse our frailenes our diffidence and wavering in things whereof we should be most certain All these things we should vse as meanes to confirme our faith of this that God is our God and Father and to assure vs that he loueth vs as our Father in Christ to this end I say should we vse the things before touched especiallie in that of all things God requireth this faith and perswasion of his Father by goodnesse as his chiefest seruice For before he aske any thing of vs he saith I am the Lord thy God giuing himselfe and all he hath to vs to be our own And this he doth in respect of himselfe of his owne mercie truth and not in respect of vs for then were grace no more grace In consideration wherof when he saith Thou shalt haue none other Gods but mee thou shalt loue mee with all thy heart c. Though of dutie wee are bound to accomplish all that he requireth and are culpable and guiltie if wee doe not the same yet he requireth not these things further of vs then to make vs more in loue and more certaine of this his covenant that hee is the Lord our GOD. In certaintie whereof as he hath giuen this world to serue our need and commoditie so hath he giuen vs his son Christ Iesus and in Christ himselfe to be a pledge and gage wherof the Holie Ghost doth now and then giue vs some tast and sweet feeling and smell to our eternall ioye Therefore as I said because God is your Father in Christ and requireth of you straightly to belieue it giue your selfe to obedience although you doe it not with such feeling as you desire First must faith goe before and then feeling will follow If our jmperfection frailty many evils should bee occasions whereby Satan would haue vs doubt as much as in vs lyeth let vs abhorre that suggestion as of all others most pernicious for so indeed it is For whē we stand in doubt whether God bee our Father or no we cannot bee thankfull to God we cannot heartily pray or thinke any thing we do acceptable to God we cannot loue our neighbours and giue ouer our selues to care for them and doe for them as we should do and therfore Satā is most busie hereabouts knowing full wel that if we doubt of gods eternall sweet mercies in Christ wee cannot please God or doe any thing as we should to man Continually casteth he into our memories our jmperfection frailty folly and offences that we shold doubt of gods mercie and fauour towards vs. Therefore my good Sister we must not bee sluggish herein but as Satan laboreth to loosen our faith so must we labour to fasten it by thinking on the promises and covenant of god in Christs bloud namelie that God is our God with all that ever he hath which Covenant dependeth and hangeth vpon Gods owne goodnes mercie and truth onely and not on our obedience and worthines in any poynt for then should we never bee certaine Indeed God requireth of vs obedience and worthines but not that thereby wee might be made his childrē and he our Father but because he is our Father and wee his children through his own goodnes in christ therfore requireth he faith and obedience Now if we want this obedience worthinesse which hee requireth should wee therefore doubt whether he bee our Father Nay that were to make our obedience worthines the cause and so to put Christ out of place for whose sake God is our Father But rather because hee is our Father and wee feele our selues to want such things as he requireth wee should be stirred vppe to an holy blushing and shamfastnesse because wee are not as wee should bee and therevpon should wee take occasion to go to our father in prayer on this manner Deare Father thou of thine owne Mercie in Christ Iesus hast chosen me to bee thy child and therefore thou would'st I should be brought into thy Church and faithfull company of thy children wherein thou hast kept me hitherto thy name bee praised therefore Now I see my selfe to want faith hope loue c. which thy children haue and thou requirest of me wherethrough the deuill would haue me doubt yea vtterly to despaire off thy Fatherly goodnesse favour and mercie Therefore I come to thee as to my merciful father through thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me
THE MIRROR OF MARTYRS IN A SHORT VIEVV lively expressing the force of their Faith the feruency of their Loue the wisedome of their Sayings the patience of their Suffrings c. With their Prayers and preparation for their last farewell Whereunto is added two godly Letters written by M. BRADFORD full of sweet consolation for such as are afflicted in conscience ¶ They loved not their liues vnto the death Reuel 12.11 AT LONDON ¶ Printed by T. P. for Io Budge and are to be sold at his Shop at the great South doore of S. Paules and at Brittaines Bursse An. 1613. Deut. 15.15 ¶ Remember that thou wast a bond-man in the Land of EGYPT and that the Lord thy God redeemed thee Deut. 16.3 ¶ Remember the day thou camest out of the Land of EGYPT all the dayes of thy life TO ALL SVCH as from a true heart delight to see the mightie power of CHRIST magnified in his Martyrs salvation DEare Christian Reader who either wantest leisure to read or abilitie to buye that rich and plentifull Store-house of Storie Doctrine and Comfort the Acts and Monuments penned by the most innocent hearted man of God and true NATHANAELL M r. IOHN FOXE and yet knowing th'incomparable worth of the things contained therein doest often wish thy selfe some of that pretious store for thy present vse Loe here a Mirror fitched thence which how so euer in regard of the smalnesse it cannot shew thee all yet mayest thou here behold the choice of many memorable things which will yeeld thee sound comfort and profitable delight Accept then good Reader I praye thee in stead of the greater this little Institution of a Christian Martyr with the same mind with which it is now offered vnto thee vse it to the same ends for which it was at the first framed into this so smal a Volume if in reading the whole or any part therof thou or any of thine doe reape but the least good be thankefull therfore to thy good God and helpe mee with thy prayers Thine ever in Christ C. C. THE FAYTHFVLL Soule to her spouse CHRIST I Am my welbeloveds my welbeloved is mine Set me as a seale on thine heart and as a signet vpon thine arme for Loue is strong as death Ielousie is cruell as the graue the coles therof are fiery coles and a vehement flame Much water cannot quench Loue neither can the flouds drowne it if a man should giue all the substance of his house for Loue they would greatlie contemne it A PREAMBLE before the Booke HAppy happy yea thrise and everlastingly happy is that Soule which by Faith feeles it selfe handfasted vnto Christ Thogh it meet with a prosperous estate in this world it easily swels not and if it meet with th' adverse things of the world it easily quailes not For it hath the word of Christ and the Spirit of Christ residing and dwelling in it Shee is not to learne in whome shee hath beleeued neither can she ever be finally forced from beleeving Bring her to triall and prooue whether of the two Christ or Belial she will embrace offer her Gold to forgoe CHRIST shee greatly contemns it Let the mighty terrify with threats shee feares not their feare nor is carefull vpon the perill of life to giue them a direct answere she regards not whippings she dreads not rackings vpon honorable conditions shee esteems the prison a Pallace fetters of jron Ornaments of fine Gold the darkest dungeon a delightsome dwelling rather then shee will violate the chastitie of her faith to CHRIST her onely Spouse she will willingly endure headding and hanging yea burning and broyling In a word nothing can be able to separate this sweet soule from that loue of GOD to her which is in CHRIST Iesus her Lord. Now the jmage of such a soule who desires to see and by sight thereof to be transformed inro the same jmage Let him often with a spirituall eye prie into this Mirrour of Martyrs following Where he shall behold their Faith victorious their Hope liuely their peace passing al vnderstanding their Ioy vnspeakable and glorious their Speach alwaies gracious their prayers full of Fervor their liues full of Beautie their ends full of Honor This Honor shal be to all the Saints Revel 7.13 WHat are these And whēce come these Verse 14. THese are they that came out of great tribulation and haue washed their long white Robes in the bloud of the Lambe Verse 15. THerefore are they in the presence of the throne of God and serue him day and night in his Temple and hee that sitteth on the throne will dwell among them Verse 16. THey shal hūger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the sunne light on them neither heat Verse 17. FOr the Lambe which is in the midst of the thron shal governe them and shall lead them to the liuely fountaines of waters and GOD shall wipe away all teares from their eies Revel 14.12 HEere is the patience of Saints heere are they that keepe the Commandemets of God and the Faith of Iesus Verse 13. ANd I heard a voyce from Heauen saying vnto mee write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them Psal. 116.15 PRecious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Psal. 72.14 ANd deare shall their bloud bee in his sight Reuel 6.10 HOw long Lord which art holy true doest thou not judge and auenge our bloud on thē that dwel on the earth Verse 11. ANd it was sayd vnto thē that they should rest for a little season vntill their fellow servants their brethren that should bee killed even as they were were fulfilled TO THE RIGHT Noble and Vertuous Princesse the Lady ELIZABETHS Grace Eldest daughter to our Soveraigne Lord King Iames. THat neither this poore and weake seruice which is heere to be offred to the Church of Christ nor the memorie of his faithfull Martyrs which in this small Briefe I endevor to reviue and celebrate might bee the lesse esteemed of the good or any way vilified of the bad by comming abroad without the Patronage and protection of some person of Eminencie in the sayd Church it was needfull for me most Noble Lady to make choyse of such a Patron as for Eminencie of place and vertues might h●ue large romth in the hearts of the former and also whose sole authoritie might suffice to put to silence the jgnorance of the foolish All which meeting togeather in your Grace my humble sute is that through your Princely hands this poore Mite may now be cast into the Lords Treasurie Wherein your Grace shall walke in her Royall stepps who though dead yet now seemes to liue in you by her sacred hands did first consecrate the larger volume whence this Epitome is extracted to the vse of the Church and people of God Be
price Oh wretched sinner that I am not thankfull vnto this my Father who hath vouchsafed mee woorthy to bee a vessell vnto his honour But O Lord now accept my thankes though they proceed out of a not enough circumcised heart Salute all that loue vs in the truth Gods blessing bee with you alwayes Amen Euen now towards the offring vp of a burnt Sacrifice O my CHRIST helpe or else I perish Bishop Hooper ¶ Out of a Letter consolatory which he writ to certain godly Brethren taken in Bow Church-yard at prayer and layd in the Counter in Bread-streete REmember what lookers on you haue to see and behold you in your fight God and all his holy Angels who are ready alwaies to take you vp into Heaven if you be slaine in his fight Also you haue standing at your backes all the multitude of the faithfull who shal take courage strength and desire to follow such noble and valiant Christians as you be Be not afrayd of your adversaries for he that is in you is stronger then hee that is in them Shrinke not although it be paine to you your paines be not now so great as hereafter your joyes shall bee Read the comfortable Chapters to the Rom. 8 10.15 Heb. 11.12 And vppon your knees thanke God that ever you were accounted worthy to suffer any thing for his names sake Read the second of Lukes Gospell and there you shall see how the Sheapheards that watched vppon their Sheepe all night as soone as they heard that Christ was borne at Bethlem by by they went to see him They did not reason or debate with themselues who should keepe the Wolfe from the sheep in the mean time but did as they were commanded and committed their Sheepe vnto him whose pleasure they obayed So let vs now wee bee called commit all other things to him that calleth vs. Hee will take heede that all things shall be well He will helpe the Husband hee will comfort the Wife Hee will guide the Seruants hee will keepe the house hee will preserue the goods Yea rather then faile if it should lye vndone he will wash the Dishes and rocke the Cradle Cast therefore all your care vppon him for he careth for you ¶ Out of another Letter of M r. HOOPERS to his friends perswading them to constancy IT was an easie thing to hold with Christ whiles the Prince and the World held with him but now the world hateth him it is the true tryal who be his In the name and in the vertue thē of his holie spirit prepare your selues to adversity constancy Let vs not run away when it is most time to fight Remember none shall bee crowned but such as fight manfully You must now turne all your cogitati●ns from the perill you see and marke the felicitie that followeth the perill either victorie of your enemies in this World or else a surrender for euer of your right in the inheritance to come Beware of beholding to much the felicite or miserie of this world for the consideration and too earnest loue or feare of either of them draweth from God Thinke with your selues the felicitie of the world is good but yet none otherwise then it standeth with the fauor of God It is to be kept but yet so farre forth as by keeping of it wee loose not God It is good abiding and tarrying still among our friends here but yet so that we tarrie not therwithall in Gods displeasure and to dwell hereafter with Deuils in fire euerlasting There is nothing vnder God but may bee kept so that God being aboue all things we haue be not lost Of Aduersity iudge the same Long imprisonment is painfull but yet libertie vppon euill conditions is more painfull The prisons stincke but yet not so much as sweet houses whereas the feare and true honour of God lacketh losse of goods is great but losse of Gods grace and fauour is greater I must bee alone and solitarie it is better to bee alone and haue God with mee then to bee in company with the wicked and want his presence I am a poore simple creature and cannot tell how to answere before such a great sort of Noble and learned wen it is better to make answere before the pompe and pride of wicked men then to stand naked in the sight of all heaven and Earth before the iust GOD at the latter day I shall die then by the hands of the cruell man hee is blessed that looseth his life full of miseries and findeth the life of eternall ioyes It is paine and griefe to depart from life and friends but yet not so much as to depart from grace and Heauen it selfe Felicitie nor adversitie then can apreare to be great if it be wayed with the joyes or paine of the life to come ¶ The last will and testament of Doctor Rowland Taylor I Say to my wife and to my Children the Lord gaue you vnto mee and the Lord hath taken me from you and you from mee blessed be the name of the Lord. I beleeue they are blessed that dye in the Lord. God careth for sparrowes and for the haires of our heads I haue euer found him more faithfull and fauorable then is any Father or husband Trust yee therefore in him by the meanes of our deere Sauiour Christs merits beleeue loue feare and obay him pray to him for hee hath promised to helpe Count me not dead for I shall certainely liue and neuer die I goe before you and you shall follow after to our long home I goe to the rest of my childrē Susan George Ellen Robert Zacharie I haue bequeathed you to the onely omnipotent I say to my deare friends of HADLEY and to all other which haue heard me preach that I depart hence with a quiet conscience as touching my doctrine for the which I pray you thanke God with me for after my small tallent I haue declared to you those lessons I gathered out of Gods blessed booke the Bible If I therefore or an Angell from Heaven should preach vnto you any other Gospell then that ye haue received Gods great curse vppon that preacher Beware for gods sake that ye deny not God neither decline from the woord of Faith least GOD decline from you and so ye doe everlastingly perish For Gods sake beware of Poperie for though it appeare to haue in it vnitie yet the same is in vanitie and Antichristianitie and not in Christs faith and veritie Beware of the sin against the holy Ghost now after such a light opened so plainlie and simplie truelie thorowlie and generally to all England The Lord grant all men his good and holy spirit increase of his wisdome contemning this wicked world heartie desire to bee with God the heavenly company through Iesus Christ our onely Mediatour advocate righteousnes life sanctification and onelie hope Amen Amen pray pray Rowland Taylor departing hence in sure hope without all doubting of eternall salvation I thanke God my