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A19234 A dyall of dayly contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson, citizen of London. Seene, and allowed.; Contemplacyon of synners. Touris, William, attributed name.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1578 (1578) STC 5644; ESTC S119753 81,912 254

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not as droppes but as flooddes from the fiue partes of his body hath been shedde for the price of my redemption c. Trenorum primo O All you that passe by the way marke well and see yf there be any sorowe like my sorowe BERNARDVS BEhold oh man with the eye of thy mind in what duetifull debt of recompence thou art bound vnto the Lorde suffering death for thee It shall behoue vs to consider well That this was done for our saluation Our vnthankfulnesse let vs then expell And gratefull be for our redemption VVhich to frequent in harty deuotion Aboue all thinges our mind for to remord As mighty medicine and fruitefull confection Doth linck one loue with Christ our soueraigne lord BERNARD Snpee illud canticorum Fasciculus Mirrhe O Howe shewed he mercy more then he ought to haue done howe thankfull and tryed loue dyd he expresse towards vs what vnlooked for woorthynesse bestowed he vpon vs what admirable sweetenesse what inuincible mildnesse and humilitie in that he being the king of glory should geue him selfe to the handes of his enimies for the most vylest person of the world to suffer death ANCELMVS THE symple soule of man shall finde in the death and passion of Christ such foode and repast as shal make the same most healthfull and strong Idem AWake thou oh my soule and more diligently behold with the eyes of thy minde this man as one borne before the time and so conceaued as though no man regarded him and as one in the sight of the world vnwoorthy deformed and leprous Trenorum primo HEare me I beseeche you all you people and behold my sorowe and anguishe 1. GALATHI CAP. 6. GOD forbyd that I shoulde glory but in the death of our Lord Iesus Christe by whom the world is crucified vnto me and I am crucifyed vnto the world BERNARDVS HE that loueth thee from the hart Lord is wounded for thy sake and is content to suffer langwors and as it were a dead man from the woorkes of the worlde is made strange vnto the world for thy loue is strong as death and thy heauy wrath is as the pitte of hell VVherefore sweete Iesu our loue and soueraine Lord Treasure of treasures which may vs most auayle VVith ruthfull repentance nowe wee record Our great vnthanke and blindnesse bestiall Of pitie praying thy power imperiall To multiply thy mercy so vpon vs That of thy merites with cares inspeciall Thankfull to thee wee may be studious BERNARDVS WHO is not caryed perforce vnto hope and confidence of obteyning his desire which geueth due and attentiue regard to the disposing of his body And vouchsafe thou oh Lorde to receaue and accept my spirite commended into thy hands and so strike my body and pearce my hart with the swoord of charitie and print therein the woundes of thy body that after the course of this lyfe I may freely commende into thy handes my soule as banished and mere strange vnto the worlde AVGVSTINVS I Beseeche thee good Lorde so pearce and wounde this my soule with the sharpe point of thy accustomed feruent loue for whom thou hast vouchsafe to dye that with the most mighty weapon of thy loue with the staffe of thy entyre good wyll shee being chastized may more deepely consider of thy mighty vertue and plentifully yeelde foorth her flooddes of brynishe teares both day and night Bernardus super verbo Pater ignoscie VOuchsafe oh Lord and heauenly father to looke downe from out of thy Sanctuarie and from thy heauenly habitation behold the pledge which thy sonne our Lord GOD and high Priest Iesus Christ offereth for the sinnes of his brethren and be fauourable to the multitude of our wickednesse Idem REmember nowe oh Man and although thou knowest thy self to be created of nothing yet notwithstandyng thou hast to acknowledge that thou art not redeemed for or by nothing The Creator Redeemer and Sauiour in sixe dayes made all thinges and thre amongst all thinges but in thirtie yeere space that is to say In his liue time vppon earth dyd he woorke thy saluation Oh what paynes hath he endured then for thy sake Ponishe not thy people Lord God in thy greeuance Thincke why thy sonne Christe suffered his passion The crowne of thorne the crosse and Longeus launce Vouchsafe accept our harty gratulation Rewyng vpon our sinfull conuersation Plant in our hartes such reuerent regard Towardes thy good graces by due consideration In suffring for thy sake may thinke nothing to hard ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for FRYDAY ¶ THE AVCTORS Commemoration for SATVRSDAY Here thinke to eschew the hellishe payn For such as in vyle sinne remayne The Translators Application The same good God now bids the Earth of creatures in eche kinde To yeeld increase as Cattell VVoorme and Beastes by him assnde Man then after his image made him rule he gaue and sway Creating woman a comfort to him with mutuall stay Amids these pleasures mortall man Shun hellysh paynes all that thou can IOHM CAP. 1. ALL thinges are by him made and without him is nothing made 1. IOHN CAP. 3. HEareby knowe wee the loue of God towardes vs because he hath geuen his life for vs. IOHN CAP. 13. NO man hath greater loue in him then he that woulde geue his life for his freendes BERNARDVS OF trueth sweete Iesus thou hast hadde greater loue whiche hast geuen thy lyfe euen for thy persecuting enemies 1. CORINTH CAP. 6. FOR you are bought with a great price TITVS CAP. 3. NOT according to the woorkes of righteousnesse which we haue done but accordyng to his mercie hath he saued vs. APOCALIPS CAP. 11. THY wrath is come and the time of the dead to be iudged and to render a reward aswell vnto thy seruantes the prophetes as to thy holy ones to those that feare thy name small and great and to destroy those whiche haue corrupted thy land PSALM 104. THOV haste made all thinges in wysedome PSALME 7. GOD is a iust Iudge strong and pacient MATTH CAP. 15. DEpart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre whiche is prepared for the deuil and his angels Sequitur AND they shall goe to euerlastyng pounishment IOB CAP. 7. WHo so shall happen to descend vnto hel shall not ascende vnto the heauens AVCTOR Herevpon a certayn Gentile hath this sentence If I had a hundred tongues and as many mouthes and a voyce as strong as Iron I could not comprehend to declare al the kindes of mischeefes and for the pounishmentes thervnto due they are so many that I might rather seeme to passe the names of them with scilence then to resite them at full DEVTERONO CAP. 32. I Wyll heape mischeefes vpon their heades that is to lay all kindes of tormentes and I wyll fulfyll the number of my arrowes of displeasure vpon them ECCLESIASTI CAP. 29. FYre Tempest Famine and Death all these are ordeyned for a reuenge of the Lord against the vngodly PSALME 11. IT raigneth snares vppon sinners
golde is vvorth seuen of siluer Euen so is it among Treatises Lucubracions and matters composed and compiled for they haue their diuersitie and difference both in matter and maner of saying And diuers degrees of goodnes maye bee founde in the same As good better and all the best VVherefore in beholdyng wel this perswasion I intend neither to disprayse nor yet to attribute ▪ singuler prayse superfluus to any fourme of compilacion or trauell in speciall But by this digression I purpose by Gods grace to commend vnto deuout and godly disposed Readers this memoriall that for as much as our tyme is precious short and full of Impedimentes that by their knovvledge they shoulde choose rhe best matter for rheir spirituall and gohstly nourishment of the soule as they vvould doo in meate and drincke clothinges and necessaries for the sustentation of their body and take their speciall and frequent recourse in the exercise of readyng such bokes as shal make best for their consolacion and profit spirituall Thus in as much as holy Scripture and the fruites thereof vvel vnderstanded and duely executed is a very guide to eternall lyfe as is sayd IOHN 5. Scrutamini Scripturas quia vos putatis in ipsis vitam eternam habere And because novve a dayes men are best delighted to heare or reade such vvoorkes as are compendious pleasant and profitable short in sentence and large in sence Although for lacke of cunnyng and others sondry impedimentes I am insufficient to compile such a peece of vvorke yet neuerthelesse by the grace of GOD I entend to accomplishe my best endeuour accordyng to my sclender talent in setting foorth a compendius Treatis to the honor prayse of God and spirituall profite of such as shall take any pleasure in readyng thereof vvhich may be called the Contemplacion of sinners And by a similitude forsomuch as euen as a man delighted in the diuersitie of meates and drinckes and apparel for the body for alteration or chaunge thereof renueth appetite and affection So likevvyse the spirit of man reioyceth and taketh comfortable refreshing of the enterchaunge and diuersitie of deuine matters vvhich is the foode and furnirure of the soule I purpose to deuide this Treatis in seuen partes accordyng to the seuen dayes of the vveeke so that for euery day a man may finde in readyng a seuerall delectacion and remember a nevve excercitacion And to make this compilacion more autentike I purpose not to insert nor alledge any sentence thereof in the Latine tongue but eyther that vvhiche is probable by holy Scripture pronounced by our Sauiour Christe him selfe the foure Euangelistes or that vvhich his Apostles haue left vs or that vvhiche the auncient Fathers of the Primatiue Church haue vvritten for ou●●omfort or sometimes the morall mixtions of Philosophers addicted to vertue hath reuealed vnto vs eyther els suche good and godly aduertisementes as the good and godlye vvryters of the latter times haue offered me incident to the consummation and finishing hereof in good and decent order although our grosse natiue language and specially in composing of meeter is suche that it can not in all poyntes agree with the perfection of the Latine tongue hath made me to vvrite the matter it selfe in Latine and to comprise my ovvne priuate opinion vnder the same in englishe verse supposing that some lyght is rather thereby made into the vvorke then any obscuritie by my dooing And to conclude beseeching euery man that shall heare or reade this aforesayd Treatice that they iudge not ne backbite my doinges before they haue read and sufficiently digested the same I submit my poore and insufficint capacitie to the discreete correction of euery reasonable Reader ¶ THE AVCTHORS Commemoration for MVNDAY Behold this worldly wretchednesse Of euils which euer vs possesse The Translators Application First when Thalmighty prouidence dyd heauen and earth create An vniuersall darknesse dyd them both obtenebrate Then likte the Lorde to make a light deuided from darknesse The darknesse should night signifie the light should day expresse This day therfore darknesse mundame Eschevve and vvalke in light oh man. PAVLE ad Rom. CAP. 15. WHatsoeuer thinges are written for our learning and instructon are written that by pacience and consolacion of the Scriptures we might haue hope BERNARDVS super Cantica IT behoueth a man to knowe in what order with what affection with what intent and what thinges they are whiche he ought to know That is in what order That he doo first learne throughly that whiche is most in season or fitte for time tendyng vnto welfare With what affection That he learne suche matter as is more feruent and more vehement to make him in loue with knowledge To what intent That a man not for vaine glory neither for curiositie or any such like doo take any thing in hand to know or make knowen but only to the ende that God may thereby be glorified him selfe and his neighbours edified HVGO de Sancto victore THere is nothing in this life perceaued or felt more sweeter there is nothing taken more greedely there is nothing which so sequestreth a mans mind from the loue of the world nothing so strengtheneth and fortifieth the mind against temptations nothing so encourageth a man and furdereth to the accomplishing of euery worcke and of euery trauell more then the study and zeale of and vnto the sacred scripture PROVERBIORVM CAP. I. A Wyse man that heareth wysedome shal become therby more wyser then he was This volume breefe of sclender quantitie Called of sinners the contemplation Accordeth well for eche state and degree Guiding by grace and due direction Our Soule to sease in sure saluation Therefore this tytle profoundly knowyng VVhich of thy conscience may cause correction In hart emprint with matter folowyng CHRISOSTOMVS super Matthe THere is knowen to be in the Sea a confused noyse a continuall feare to such as sayle there an infatigable beating togeather one waue with an other an vnconstancie continuall and euen so fareth it with the world PSALMORVM 77. THY way and thy pathes are in the seas in many waters AMBROSIVS THis life of ours is replenished with such euils that in the comparison therof euen death it selfe is thought to be a remedy and not a punishment vnto vs. ESAI CAP. 45. de impijs THey are all confused and ashamed all the woorkers of wickednesse are togeather gone to confusion IEREMI CAP. VI. THey being confusedly scattered are not confounded and are nothing ashamed of their wickednesse BERNARDVS THE small number of soules that liue well tryeth the danger of this world and so dooeth the multitude of them that persist and goe through the same AMBROSIVS in sermone IN the troublesome sea of this world sayth he we must greatly feare least that eyther the sturdy violence of the tempest doo carry away our shippe or that the flowing streame doo sincke and swallowe it vp either els leste that some cruell Pirate or Rouer doo seaze vpon it as his prize
woonderfull temperature as the equitie of the lawe might require making hym selfe partaker in the punishment wholy due vnto his sonne perfourmed him selfe a mercifull father and iust distributer of the law in this maner Ad Titum 2. LET vs liue soberly iustly and godly in this world looking for the blessed hope and glory of the mighty God. PSALME 40. BLessed is the man which hath the name of the Lord for his hope and hath not beheld nor looked after vanities and mischeuous falshoodes Idem BEhold the man which hath not taken God for his helper but hath trusted in the multitude of his ritches and preuayled in his vanitie the hope of the vngodly shall perishe Our hope our happe we set in worldlines And men with men defraude in vvhite and black Corrupting conscience all daring in darknes In our conceiptes as vve should aye hold svvack Our crazed Cables all at a cast vvyll crack Yf God so please his stormes but once to steare VVherefore in time for our misse mendes le ts make And stand vve fast els perishe vve in feare BERNARDVS WHat madnes is this where men doo desire to forsake plaine and simple dealinges for double double dealinges Where is the couetous man where is the lecherous person where is the ambicious and vayne glorious where is the vnthankfull person that whineth at the fe●icitie of this world because howe much the more God hath bestowed his benefites vpon such one so much the lesse feareth he to offend him and reputyng not him self beholdyng in duety for the benefites of God receaued doth rather more impugne and withstand him DEVTERONO 32. WHOM the Lorde hath loued is puft vp with fatnesse and hath spurned against the Lord his maker PSALME 119. THEY are troubled and mooued vnto mischeefe as a drunken man. AVGVSTINVS THE thing that thou desirest to enioy is like vnto a Mouse trappe whyles thou seekest to catch thy desyre thou thy selfe art snared whyles thou holdest that which is an other mans thou art holden caytiue of the deuill BERNARDVS WHAT dooth GOD punishe or what dooth he hate but a mans selfe wyll in sinfulnesse Let selfe wyll in sinfulnesse cease and there shal be no hell ordeined for thee c. There is no reason our misrule can arrest This vvretched vvord so farre vvakes our vvitte Invvard to vvysedome our vvyls vve doo not vvrest For Couetis hath vs in his chaine so knitte And vvicked examples of sinners can vs tvvit VVhat resteth more vve shrinke not to trespas From this guilefull vvorld as vve should neuer flitt But our vvylles vve vvorke tyll out run be our glas 1. CORINT CAP. 3. THE foolishnesse of this world is counted wysedome before God. GALATHE 3. YOV foolishe dotyng Galathians who hath bewitched you that you wil not obey the trueth ESAI 19. de Impiis WHERE are nowe become thy wyse men the Princes of Zoan are become fooles the Princes of Noph are deceaued euen they that were reputed the cheefe stay thereof haue deceaued Egypt in the midst of it hath the Lord powred the spirite of wickednesse yea they haue deceaued Egypt in euery woorke thereof euen as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit TERENCIVS EVen seeing it with my eyes my selfe wittingly and willingly doo perishe and am vndone AVGVSTINVS in confes O You louers of the world for what cause doo you goe to warres with your selues Can your hope be greater in the world then that you become freendes vnto the worlde what other thyng els can you finde there but a frayle and brittell vessell full of dangers All these things let them perishe let vs geue ouer these vaine thinges and let vs goe another way to the wood to the searching foorth of those thinges which haue none end AMBROSIVS HE that is poore in the purse and ritche in good conscience sleepeth more soundly in the Cottage the● the ritche man that enioyeth gold and purple at pleasure AVGVSTINVS THE world passeth away and the concupiscence thereof Whether hadst thou leauer loue temporall thynges and with them passe away in time or loue Christe and with him liue for euer AMBROSIVS WHO was he at any time so mindful of the world that hath been mindfull of Christe as he should be Ephes pri Petri. CAP. 2. I Beseech you as Strangers and Pilgrims that you absteyne your selues from carnall desyres which fight agaynst the soule SENECA ad Lucillum STrangers and Pilgrims doo harbour them selues in many diuers Innes but they finde no freendship by their soiournyng at all Therefore I counsell eache christian creature In vvorldly vvayes his mind to modefy To liue in rrueth iustly and not to iniure Yea and vvith glad pacience to vvelcome aduersity VVith dreade and temperance vsing prosperity Thinking this vvorld a throughfare of vvo VVhat euer God send blesse him ay gladly As vve vvere Pilgrimes passing to and fro FINIS Of the Contemplacion for MVNDAY ¶ THE AVCTORS Commemoration for TVESDAY The state of innocencie heare Continually in mind le ts beare The Translators Application The second day a Firmament the Lord God dyd ordeyne VVaters aboue as wel as vnder to deuide in twayne The vpper Firmament Heauen cald the neathermost Earth is The Mornyng and the Euennnng cleare he let be made with this The state of innocencie cleare In mind and maners let appeare PSALME 25. THE innocent and iust men haue taken part with me IOB CAP. 27. VNtyll I dye wyll I not depart from my innocencie ECCLESIASTES 15. HAVE thou no delight in wicked children yf they shal be multiplied vpon the earth for one childe that feareth GOD is better then a thousand of the vngodly and it were better to die without issue then to leaue wicked children behind thee IOB CAP. 22. THE innocent shal be saued Idem CAP. 3. What innocent person did euer yet perishe at any time ECCLESIAST GAP 15. A Man is knowen and discerned in his children PROVERBES CAP. 23. WIthdraw not discipline from thy child for yf thou beate him with the rod he shall not dye AMBROSIVS THE dissolute or loose life of the children is referred vnto the negligence of the parentes The Aucthor figured here by the portrature Of Adam and Eue our parentes innocence VVhen they a time in God his grace stood sure Before their fall he geues intelligence Howe we should frame our liues with diligence To the recouerie of our lost heritage To God and Man eschewing all offence By lyfe innocent of eche estate and age SENECA IT is needefull that vertues haue a master and teacher of them but as for vices they are learned of vs without any teacher because vertue is a thing wherein difficulty consisteth SENECA THE bringing vp of children and the discipline or awe of correction wherein they stand doo confirme theyr maners and conuersation and euery childe hath a taste perseuerance of that which he hath learned 1. CORINT 16. THE doore is set open for vs but there is a manifest daunger before our eyes and we
in bondage of Belyall But turne and take in tyme the plaster repentance Bernardus 5. sermone de Ascentione HOWE comes it to passe that certayne haue the penury and scarcity of spirituall grace when others haue the plentifull abundance Vndoubtedly he that is the distributer and bestower thereof is neyther couetous to keepe it to him selfe nor bare and needy to such as he thinkes woorthy of the bestowing thereof But where as empty vessels for the purpose are wanting there must the oyle want her vse The loue of the world showueth her selfe in to euery corner with her consolacions nay rather desolations shee keepeth and obserueth the maner of her comming to a man shee rusheth in at the wyndowes of the mind shee possesseth the mind of man but not his mind that hath saide My soule hath not refused to be comforted I haue ben mindfull of GOD and I am delighted in him for surely the sacred delight forsaketh and declineth from the minde that is exercised in worldly desyres neyther can thinges true be mixed with thinges that are vayne neyther thinges eternall with things frayle and transitory neyther yet corporall things with spirituall thinges It is thus to be concluded for principall that a man ought to be wyse in thinges that are aboue as well as in thinges vpon earth The soule of man so noble is of nature And made to ioy so hygh an heritage VVithout delight it can not long endure Therefore men should in their tender age VVith vertue and deuotion haue vsage VVhich without lothsomnesse bringeth delyte Encreasing euer her valiant corage For of taste ay she renueth appetyte GREGORIVS IT seemeth there is this difference betwene the delightes of the body and of the minde as the corporal pleasures when they are not enioyed do kindle a greeuous desire towards them selues and being enioyed they turne all thinges to destruction And on the other part the delightes of the soule are quite contrary because howe muth the more the taste of them is sauoured so muche the more the same is esteemed to the ende they may be beleeued with more auidity or greater desyre and therefore not being enioyed they can not be embraced or beloued because the taste of them is not knowen or approued PSALME 34. TAste and see howe sweete the Lorde is and this he meaneth as who would say you haue no perceauerance of the Lorde except you taste and feele the goodnesse of him PSALME 107. THeir soule hath abhorred all meates and they haue drawen neare vnto the gates of death NVMERI 11. OVR soule perprabraketh vppon the receipte of this light meate Though corporall foode haue that quality The greater abstinence the greater appetite And the more taste the more tediosity Yea nowe we lothe where we late dyd delite From spirituall foode which differeth quite The more we absteyne the lesse we desyre The goodnesse of the taste no man can endite VVhich had augmented celestiall feruent fyre AVGVSTINVS THERE is no torment greater then the torment or vexation of the conscience And wylt thou then neuer be sadde or molested lyue well A mans mind that is secure dooth easely sustayne and away with sadnes A good lyfe hath euer ioy among PROVERBES CAP. 9. IOY shal be mixed with sorowe and there is euer mourning foloweth extreme ioyes AVGVSTINVS in confes THOV Lorde hast commaunded and it comes so to passe that there is a torment due vnto euery inordinate mind that can not measure it selfe BERNARDVS SVrely there is no man whiche ought or may thinke that there aryseth greater felicitie of the mind in or by the vse of vices then there dooth in and by the exercise of vertue HEBRE 11. THE holy and elect children of GOD haue conquered kingdomes by fayth haue wrought equitie and iustice and haue adopted them new promises of sauing health GREGORIVS IF humane minde with a strong and fyrme desyre be directed towardes God she esteemeth euery bitter thing to be sweete and thinkes euery thing to be as it were a quiet rest whiche dooth molest her And moreouer she earnestly desyreth to passe ouer this life by death to the end she may the more fully obteyne lyfe GREGORIVS IT standeth most with equitie that we doo loue him aboue all thynges which hath loued vs aboue all thynges More sweetenesse t is vnto sound conscience And vertuous lyfe with delectation Then any pleasant carnall complacence Or fadyng gladnes of worldly abusion To please God euer in conclusion VVith vertuous lyfe whose solace is most deare Full recompenst with hyre of heauenly crowne As of Gods saintes examples witnesse beare Actum Apostolorum CAP. 9. WHEN he had receaued meate he was comforted MATTH CAP. 4. MAN dooth not liue by bread only but by euery woord that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD. PSALME 63. MY Soule is replenished as it were with marowe and with fatnesse 2. REGVM CAP. 2. LET your handes receaue comfort and be you the children of valiant and couragious mindes AVGVSTINVS PRayer is a sauegard of the Soule a solace and consolation to the good angell a scourge vnto the Deuill and an acceptable obsequy or sacrifice of man vnto God. GREGORIVS lib. 28. morall THE fortitude or courage of the reprobate in this world is enclined to the loue of transitorie thinges and neuer stinteth that affect but without reason not knowyng what shee dooth hardneth her selfe agaynst the scourge of the maker of this world The fortitude or courage of good and godly persons is bent to ouercome the fleshe and to goe against her owne pleasure to extinquish the delectations of this present lyfe to embrace the sharpe and bitter stormes of this worlde for and in consideration of the euerlasting remuneracions to contemne the flatteryng allurementes of prosperitie and manfully to vanquishe in the hart all feare of aduersitie For right as mem enfeobled with labour Or which in battell haue bestowed their blood Through sustenance recouer vitall power Resuming to them force and courage good So by resemblance and similitude In spirituall toyle and conflict tossed they To vertue hauing deuoute consuetude Restore them selues to firme estate soone may AVGVSTINVS EXcept thy conscience be pure and cleane from sinnes thou shalt not be heard of God then make cleane the chamber of thy hart onely and thou shalt fynde him within that wyll heare thee at full Ricardus de sancto victore HOwe many are there whiche enter into the house of God to pray vnto God how fewe are there heard of him howe many are there which cal God theyr father as in their prayer Our Father c. which are not his chyldren but the fathers children of whom it is written You are of the father the Deuill because they are not the chyldren of GOD which haue lost his grace and fauour but are rather the Deuils children who hath begotten them in malice and nourisht them in mischefe BERNARDVS EVen as fyre and water can not be both togeather in one substance at once so
shall the Heauens be clearely clarificate The godly shall enter with triumph victorious VVherefore repent you wicked in time els too late Recouer you the damage of that dome dangerous GREGORIVS WHen thou art greeuously handled in bodyly sicknesse thou canst scarse thinke vpon any other thing then vppon the payne thou feelest for thyther is the cogitation of the minde caryed where as is the force of payne and perplexitie most greeuing a man. IOHN CAP. 5. BEhold thou art now made whole sound doo thou not hencefoorth sinne any more lest some other woorse euill happen vnto thee MATTH CAP. 22. THere are many called but fewe are chosen MATTH CAP. 7. ENter in at the narrowe gate because brode is the gate and wyde is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there are which enter there aub●ry narrowe is the way that i●adeth vnto lyfe and fewe there are which finde the same ECCLESIASTI CAP. 1. THE whole fulnesse and effect of wysedome is to feare God. IACOB CAP. 3. IN many thinges we all offend SENECA THE most safest thing for man is to feare nothing els but God only PROVERBES CAP. 18. BLessed is the man that liueth alwayes in the feare of God. PSALME 34. FEare the Lorde all his saintes Let all the seede of Israel feare the lord Blessed are all they that feare the Lord. To conclude thinke wee eache one of this case No man shall be iudged but deseruingly Then in this life whyle wee haue time and space Let vs in contemplacion and prayer mortifie Our wicked mocions so as continually VVe fearing the iudgementes of the iust God aboue Come death come dome for him may be ready To rest with our redeemer in peace ioy and loue ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for THVRSDAY ¶ THE AVCTORS Commemoration for FRYDAY Christes passion print in minde Shewe not thy selfe to him vnkind The Translators Application Our Creator commaunded than the waters foorth to bring Both Fishe and Foule for foode of man with sondry other thing● And blessing them with sacred mouth for humane vse to bee He sayd to them ye Creatures nowe increase and mult●plee Gods blessing is woonderous great shewed heare His passion yet is to vs most deare BERNARDVS NOthing enflameth so the hart of man vnto loue as the continual remembred passion and effabilitie of our Redeemer because he tooke vpon him therby to make vs a new creature a freshe loue and to haue newe and vnaccustomed consolations in him and of consequence to tas●e by his death and passion a certayne new estate of sweete life in as much as he seemed to be a fore runner of the glory predestinate vnto him selfe APOCAL. CAP 1. HE hath loued and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood BERNARDVS WHere is the safe and fyrme rest for our imperfection to be founde but in the woundes of our Sauiour so much the safer doo I there dwell how much the more therby he is of power to saue me The world rageth the fleshe keepeth me vnder the Deuill lyeth in wayte for me yet fall I not because I am established vppon the rocke I haue sinned thy conscince is troubled but it shal● not be tormented because I haue remembred the death and passion of the Lord. Bernardus ●uper illud Canticorum Fasciculus mi●●he dilectus meus c. EVen from my childehood because of the huge heape of desartes which I know to be wantyng in me I haue carefully endeuored this little bundle of Mirh to haue geathered and layde it ●p in my brostes which is gathered euen of al the anguishes and smarts of my Lord god This said I should teache me wysedom● the perfection of righteousnes and fulnesse of knowledge CANTICO CAP. 8. SET me Lord as a marke or token of remembrance before thy brest HEBREOS CAP. 12. CAll him agayne and agayne vnto your mindes who hath suffered such reproche done vnto him by the sinful for you haue not as yet withstood touching his blood shed for you to fight agaynst sinne and you haue forgotten the comforter whiche speaketh vnto you as vnto his children saying Good children despise not the correction of the Lorde nor be thou aweary at suche time as thou art reprehe●ded for whom the Lord loueth him chasteneth he This louely leafe as Rose so rubicound Of Christe repo●●yng th● precious passion The croppe the roote the height and the ground The proper price of mans saluation Deserues due imprintyng in our cogitation Of ghostly comfort most soueraigne suffisance Bringing with it the true operation Of the medcine agaynst sinne and all encombrance Barnard●s supper HEB. CAP. 2. YOV shal drawe vp waters with ioy out of the springes of your Sauiour that is to say all kinde of vertues and graces are to be founde in the precious bloodshedding of Christe 2. PETER CAP. 2. CHriste hath suffered for vs leauing vs an example to folowe his steppes who hath not committed any sinne neyther was there any guyle found in his mouth 1. PETER CAP. 4. ANd none of you haue suffered as a murderer or robber for your euyll deedes and agaynst your wylles IEREMI CAP. 31. IN euerduring good wyl haue I loued thee therefore haue I drawne thee vnto me taking compassion vpon thee BERNARDVS WHAT is there so much helping thee to doo well whiche is not more saluing thy sore in the death of Christe 1. IOHN CAP. 3. HErein knowe we that the loue of God is in vs because he hath geuen his lyfe for vs c. BERNARDVS PLentifull redemption is geuen vnto vs in the bloodshedding of our Redeemer great abundance of sweetenes and grace or rather fulnesse and perfection of vertues Sequitur IN all my aduersities I finde not any suche and so effectuall remedie as I finde in remembring the death and passion of Christe for out of these I taste sometimes the potion of healthfull bitternesse and againe I feele howe sweete and supple is this oyle of consolation These betweene ioy and sadnesse administer vnto my present life whyther soeuer I be tossed a safe abidyng and refuge This is my more profound wysedome then any other that I reioyce in to knowe Christ and him crucified Who euer heard of the lyke thing or who hath seene at any time the lyke of this he suffered death him se●f for his enimies and for the sinfull rather choosing to passe by death into the Heauens to the ende this sweete freend wise counsellor and mighty helper might also transpasse vs into the Heauens Here is the fountayne of humane felicitie The way to repentance plaine and compendious Here is the cheefe charter of charitie Surprisyng our mindes with motions amorous And salue for vvounded concience gracious The hony combe of harty consolation The VVell of vvealth and storehouse precious Left vs by Christes death and passion ECCLESIAST CAP. 29. FOrget not thou the frendship of thy Suretie for he hath pawned his lyfe for thee BERNARDVS SO long as I reposing my confidence in God doo vsurpe
vnto my selfe that whiche lacketh by and through the woundes of my Lord Iesus because he aboundeth with mercie towardes me I ought not be voyd of well deseruing so long as the Cesterne of his mercies is neuer empty towardes me GREGORIVS ALL the proude people sprong of the linnage of Adam laboured by all meanes to atteyne vnto the prosperous thinges of this world To shonne and eschewe al aduersities flee from reproches and folowe after pompe and glory The Lorde came amongst them choosing to take vnto him aduersitie fleeing vayne pompe and glory despising prosperitie and embracing reproches Idem YF the passion of Christe be called of vs rightly into our mindes there is nothing so greeuous vnto vs but thereby it shal be tolerated of vs with pacient mind PHILLIPIANS CAP. 2. HE shewed him selfe humble and lowly being obedient to death euen vnto the death of the crosse Thus the quotidian and fruitefull remembrance Of Christes blessed passion so piteous Vniting with Christe familier acquayntance Maketh a vicious man to become vertuous And his deuotion both sweete and sauerous Causing temperance in blinde prosperitie And as a Christian knight Cheualrious To haue glad pacience in great aduersitie GALATH. CAP. 3. I Liue nowe yet not I but Christe liueth in me ESAI CAP. 5. HE is wounded for our iniquities and torne in peeces for our sinnes the discipline of our peace is vpon him Lorde therefore take from vs our stony hart and geue vs a fleshly hart HIERONIMVS O Good Lord Iesu oh that the reproches of those whiche put thee to death hadde light vpon me that they might haue moued my hart vnto compunction and harty sorow IOHN CAP. 11. LET vs also goe and dye with him ESAI CAP. 43. CAll me agayne to thy memorie and let vs be iudged togeather Declare thou for thy part what thou canst then see what thou hast to iustifie thy selfe of BERNARDVS O Sweete Iesus the bitter cuppe whereof thou dydst taste hath made me to loue thee aboue all other thinges a woorke perfourmed for our redemption once for all This being oftentimes duely pondered dooeth easely callenge our loue vnto it nothing more delectably allureth our deuotion vnto it more iustly perfourmeth our duety more deepely bindeth nor more vehemently surpriseth our affectes He hath taken great paynes for vs and yet in all the woorkes that euer he wrought as touching the worlde this the aucthour of our life was neuer in any thing so turmoyled For in that he suffered for vs in steade of saying trueth he was controlled with gayn●sayinges for his good deedes he had those that looked nearely vnto him when he felt extreame paynes he was scorned of them and when he dyed he suffered the reproche of his enimies BERNARDVS THY passion Lorde is our last refuge that we haue to cleaue vnto and our singuler remedy ESAI CAP. 3. THERE is none ende of the treasures ther●of GREGORIVS THE passion of Christe being set before our eyes woorketh all vertue in vs both for the time present and to come and fulfylleth all health of soule and body And when we receaue the remembrances of the passion of Christe streightway thereby all the deuils in Hell are put to flight and all our deserued punishmentes for our offences are dispenced with and forgeuen BOECIVS 3. de consolatione HE had brought such weapons vnto thee which hadst thou not first reiected might haue defended thee with an inuincible strength EPHESI CAP. 6. BE you comforted in the Lord and put vppon you the armour of God in the power of his vertue that you may be able to withstand the deceiptes of the Deuill SAPIENCE CAP. 7. YEa there is an infinite quantitie of treasure hidden for men wherein who so euer are possessed are made partakers of the freendship of God. 2. PARALIPO CAP. 22. MAnifest therfore and openly expresse vnto him your hartes and your soules that you may seeke for your Lord God. 2. PARALIPO CAP. 15. IF you seeke for him you shal finde him out but yf you refuse to seeke him and forsake him he wyll forsake you Againe and againe within thy mind reuolue Howe to be thankfull for Christes passion Crauing of him thy hard hart to resolue VVith inward dolour and outward lamentation Powre foorth thy prayers to finde consolation In that victorious triumph of vertues abundance From Sinne the VVorld and Satans suggestion VVhich yf thou seekest shall geue thee deliuerance MATTH CAP. 26. MY soule is heauy euen vnto death AVGVSTINVS OH howe bitter is death whose only premeditacion caused Christe to sweate water and blood LVKE CAP. 22. AND his sweate became as the drops of blood running downe to the earth for his blooddy sweate doo expresse the sorowes of his hart MATTHE 26. WHom so euer I shall kisse the same is he hold him fast MATTH CAP. 26. THen all the Disciples hauing forsaken him fled from him PSALME 84. BEhold thy Christe in his face Augustin supper MARC CAP. 15. HE tooke vp with him Peter Iohn and Iames and feare and tediousnesse came vppon him in so much as he trauayled with sorowe teaching vs by example or as it were figuratiuely what maner companions and disciples a man ought to haue with him in such perplexities as he that wyll then pray is or ought to be like affected for euen as a theefe hearing an outery presently taketh his heeles and therevppon the neyghbours besturre them to remedy the case Euen so by mans feruent prayer the Deuil fleeth away and the holy spirite of God entreth with good meditations to comfort man. MATTH CAP. 26. O Father yf this cuppe may not passe me except I fyrst drinke thereof thy wyll be done LEODIGARIVS THis voyce of the head is the health of the whole body this voyce hath instructed al the faythfull hath inflamed all the confessors of Christe and crowned all the Martyrs of Christe for what is he that is able to ouercome the hatred of the world the troubles of temptations and the terrors of persecutors but only that Christe in all and for all should say vnto his Father Thy wyll be done VVhat troubles terrours and tormentes haue Assayled Christe in any maner wyse Thou oughtest in prayer dayly of him to craue Power to resist thy gohstly enimies VVho wyll not let thee suffer iniuries But at a pinche thy helper wyll appeare As he him selfe suffered smart likewyse And was comforted so shalt thou be his deare MATTH CAP. 26. THen they spitted vpon his face and buffeted him CHRISOSTOMVS THE Euangelist expoundeth those most reprochefull handlinges in this maner Nothing abashed was he to suffer them because we might imprint them in our hartes with continencie and in them reioyce ▪ or take comfort BERNARDVS HOwe much the poorer he made him selfe by his humilitie so muche the ritcher he shewed him self in goodnesse and how much more base he was in the sight of the world so much the more deare beloued is he vnto me Idem super canti OH humble
hart and yet most hygh maiestie and oh most highest and last ioy of humane kind oh reproche of men and glory of angels no man more noble and yet none more despised Who coulde refraine from teares to heare such wicked handling RABANVS TO con●inue in sinne dooth increase wickednesse PSALME 41. ONE depth calleth vpon an other GREGORIVS THe sinne that is not extinguished by earnest and true repentance straightway with the efficacie thereof dooth 〈…〉 more sinne MATTH CAP. 2● PEter remembred and thought vppon the woordes of Christe CHRISOSTOMVS NOthing so muche healeth the sore of sinne as when we continually think vppon the Lord in our mindes MATTH CAP. 26. HE went out and wept bitterly c. Freendles among his foes in feoble plight He suffered of them this greeuous tribulation They fyled his face with spitting in despite And blinded his eyes in scornefull derision His pacience yet surpassing all imagination Peter then fledde wherefore thou sinner Cleaue to Christe in fayth by harty reformacion Forsake not thy Sauiour that held thee so inteare PSALME 108. WHAT shall I render agayne vnto the Lord for all that he hath bestowed vppon me PSALME 35. THEY haue rewarded me euyll thinges for good HIERONIMVS IVdas sinned more in that he dispayred then in that he betrayed Christe Couetousnesse is the snare of the deuill by meanes whereof he han●eth vp all couetous persons MATTH CAP. 27. THey brought him foorth with his handes bound behind him and deliuered him vnto Poncius Pilate the cheefe Iudge HIERONIMVS I Haue seene howe paynefull the priestes haue been about mischeefe they haue watched all the nyght long because they woulde spill the blood of the innocent MATTH CAP. 27. WHich of these two wyll you that I let loose vnto you Barabbas or Iesus which is called Christe LVKE CAP. 23. AND all the whole company cryed out togeather Take this man and let Barabbas goe at libertie BERNARDVS OH fury of mad men oh blindnesse of the Iewes what more peeuishly coulde they haue done then to slay him who hath raysed vp the dead from their graues and to let goe a theefe whiche after his libertie might doo more mischeefe BEDA THE Iewes earnest request remayneth vntyll this day a memori●ll when they lost the kyngdome of Heauen because they had leuer haue a sedicious Prince to gouerne them that is to say the Deuil then the Lord GOD. Christe was accused in presence of Pilate The Iewes they cryed him to crucify A theefe was dismissed O change infortunate And the Sonne of God scourged most cruelly Oh Heauenly flowre of our humanity Thy feature faded thy vnspotted flesh wext pale VVhen plonged thou wast in such perplexity Both the Earth and Heauens dyd rent theyr vale PSALME 99. BEcause I am prepared for the scourge ANCELMVS THE most louely young man elegant and gracious of more excellent feature in respect of the sonnes of men was bound to a pi●ler and scourged with the greeuous and sorowfull whippe of most vyle persons That tender fleshe of his most vndefiled and fayrest flowre of all fleshe and of all humane kinde most innocently was greeuously scourged wounded and torne in peeces of them ANCELMVS IT is smal to purpose that the Iewes with their mis●heeuous handes so crucified thee but that thy soule before was replenisht and with gohstly consolations illuminate O elect childe of GOD what hast thou trespassed which deserued such bitternes and confusion Doubtlesse nothing at all I silly soule that I am haue been the cause of all thy affliction and persecution AVGVSTINVS IF he went not from hence without the scourge who came into the world without sinne Howe doo they deserue to be scourged which haue offended euen tyll this day Idem FRom the soule of his foote euen vp to the crowne of his head was there not remaynyng one free spot ▪ APOCAL. CAP. 1. HE washed vs from our sinnes by the sheddyng of his blood MATTH CAP. 27. AND they makyng a crowne of thorne put it vppon his head and gaue him a Reede in his right hand and bowyng theyr knees before him laughed him to scorne saying HAYLE KING OF THE IEVVES As Christe shrincked not his p●tecious blood to shed No part of his body without greeuous plight From the sole of his foote to the crowne of his head Neyther yet refused any scornefull despite Oh man so remember what so euer crosse Or trouble for the tryall of thy true fayth Happen thee of temporall thinges suffering losse In Christes name neuer shunne thou to death BERNARDVS HEare hath our Sauiour powred foorth vpon vs the abundance of all charity and plenitude of all his godlinesse And here agayne hath he powred foorth the heauy indignation of his inspeakeable wrath LVKE CAP. 22. SAyde the Theefe Lord rememmber me when thou shalt come into thy Kingdome Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee This day shalt thou be with me in paradyse GREGORIVS O What a fayth and what a perfect conuersion or turnyng to the Lorde had this Theefe he had nothing left him at his owne libertie but his hart and his tongue whereby he declared his inward r●pentance and being inspired with this good motion towards God obteyned no doubt all that he found in his owne free desyre remayning BERNARDVS OH most godly Iesus what haue we trespassed vnto thee and thy death and thou hast not mourned for it what haue we ben indebted vnto thee and thou hast not thy selfe paid it Thy loue and our iniquitie hath so made thee lowly and weake for our sakes MATTH CAP. 27. THey ledde him f●orth to crucifie him Idem IF any man wyll come after me let him take vp his crosse and folowe me AVGVSTINVS THE Crosse of the Lorde is not onely meant that which was of wood wherevppon he was crucified but also the Crosse of Christe is called that whiche in all the tyme of our life is made equall with vertues suffering all maner corrections LVKE CAP. 23. FAther forgeue them for they knowe not what they doo BERNARDVS THE Iewes cryed Crucifie him And Christe cryed Forgeue them Lord how great is the multitude of thy sweetenesse Oh Lord howe shalt thou drinke of them in the flood of thy pleasure whiche delight in thee and desyre thee which powrest out so abundantly the oyle of thy mercy to ●utch as hate thee AVGVSTINVS BEhold the abundance of charity and wonderfull pacience in our Sauiour He commaundes vs to pray for our enimies and seeketh no reuenge why then should that little creature the Ante the Moth of the earth and woorme that is to say the hart of man seeke reuengement and deferre of to forgeue Vpon his head they put a crowne of thorne For Dyadem A Crosse he bore of tree As kyng of Iewes they saluted him in scorne And twyxt two Theeues deputed him to dye Thus through his loue and our iniquity He suffered thou sinnedst O man most freeuolous Beare this in mind and degrade not thy degree Though thou be
wretched thy price is precious MATTH CAP. 27. ABout the ninth houre Iesus cryed out with a loude voyce saying My God my God why hast thou forsaken me AVGVSTINVS SVrely these were the woordes signifiyng what a carefull and troubled spirite he had for vs which are beset with troubles and in them expresseth a certaine tendernesse of bitter passion and sorowe proceeding out of his so deepe sithes entire lamentation and bitter plaint whiche might suffice to molefie vnto compunction and remorse a very iron brest might cleaue in sunder a stony stomacke might humble and bowe the hart of wood towardes loue and finally moysten a very brasen hart towards contemplacion in this case Neyther let man marueyle yf he doo suffer tribulations because he is so comforted in Christe his head and cheefe captaine MATTHE 27. AND when he had cryed agayne with a loud voyce he gaue vp the gohst IOHN CAP. 29. AND bowing the head he gaue vp the gohst AVGVSTINVS THE Sauiour of the worlde bowed his head at his death that he might kisse his welbeloued Mother and the Disciples then and there present And wee doo so oftentimes kisse him as we are compunct and throughly stirred vp to the hartifull remembraunce of his death ANCELMVS· THE Heauens stoode astonished at his death the Earth was amazed What dooest thou then oh Man Neither is it a thing to be marueyled at yf the shinyng Sunne became perplexed that thou shouldest be also perplexed yf els the Earth became sadde and pensiue so thou shouldest likewyse be sadde and pensiue yf the Stones were rent in sender that thy hart be rent in sonder yf those that stoode by the Crosse dyd weepe thou shouldest weepe as well as they HIERONIMVS BEhold when Christe dyed euery creature had compassion vpon him but man alone hath not had any compassion at al vpon him for whom in deede Christe dyed His spirite commending to his fathers cure ▪ VVhen that he cryed consummatum est Both Heauen and Earth and liueles creature On him compassion tooke from most to least O wretched man why art not thou then prest For loue of thy Redeemer sweete Iesus To plant compassion in the faythfull brest Suffering for him all harmes iniurious IOHN CAP. 19. AND they tooke the body of Iesus and wrapped it in linnen clothes and spiced it with Balme and sweete odours BERNARDVS MAry the mother of Christe was the example of sorowe and compassion vnto all those that loue Christe HVGO de passione Christi BEhold oh man what I suffer for thy sake see the paynes and troubles that I endure for thee see the nayles wherevnto I am fastened and whyle I endure for thee such outward sorowe yet notwithstandyng my inward gronyng is more greeuous whyle I trye thee and finde thee an vnthankful freend vnto me HEBREOS CAP. 6. CRucifiyng agayne vnto them selues the sonne of God. Glosa Auctoris THey crucifie Christe and are found reprochefull vnto him which contemnyng his grace doo sleepe in their sinnes Bernardus in persona anime deuote I Knewe not sayth he that Christe so loued me I ought not to be therefore reprochefull vnto my self which so manifestly see that God was crucified and suffered death for me which haue been so acceptable vnto him that he chose rather to dye for me least that I should otherwyse perishe Idem OH precious Soule not with gold nor siluer redeemed but with the blood of the lambe of God why wylt thou cast thy selfe so into perdition seeing Christe for thee shed his precious blood haue remorse ouer thyne owne soule seeking to please God. Regard oh man this wofull disceuerance Behold Mary behold her sonne Iesu If ruthe haue roome in thy remembrance VVith piteous hart his passion to pursew Through which thou mayst thyne innocencie renew O electe vessell knowe thy felicitie Of thy misrule thincke time it were to rew Confound not thy selfe through thyne iniquitie BERNARDVS COuld not GOD repare his pretended woorke of grace in Man any other way but by this so great danger of his owne lyfe Yes truely he might otherwyse haue remedied this matter but he had rather woorke this meanes though it were to the preiudice of his owne person because he woulde not finde any further hatefull vice of ingratitude in man but that he would make man a debter vnto him of manifolde loue that he ought vnto his Sauiour and hereby shoulde encourage him to be thankfull vnto him whom the felicitie of his creation had made lesse gratefull when as this our Creator for our sakes but spake the woord and al things was done he commaunded it should be and they were created ANCELMVS THerefore God was able being a man also to satisfie for man but yet he was not bound to any man so to doo But man was and is bounden to satisfye the wyll of God and coulde not nor can not therefore it was needefull that God should be a man that is to say because in that he was Christ he was able to satisfye as God and was not bounden as man. GREGORIVS HE that made vs of nothing yea yf it had pleased him coulde haue redeemed vs without his death or passion Augustinus de ciuitate dei THere could not haue been any more fitter meanes wrought to heale our miserie then that Christe should dye for vs. And though that God by power Omnipotent Might vs redeemd without such difficultie There was no way more iust nor congruent Then for to take on him our humanitie Restoryng vs thereby to higher dignitie Man was in thrall and could him not acquite To make amends of power deuoyde was he But God him freed by fauour infinite BERNARDVS WHen I shall ●eepely excogitate whatsoeuer I am of my selfe whatsoeuer I can doo of my self is it not thincke I with my selfe in respect as a Starre to be compared to the Sunne a sparcke of fyre to the heate of a whole furnace a droppe of wat●r in comparison of a flood a litle stone in respect of a hill a grayne of Corne to a whole heape and a handfull to all the worlde Therefore Lord I haue but two small powers in me nay they are very litle that I haue that is to say the one my body the other my soule or rather I haue but one onely litle power that is to say my good hart and wyllyng mind whiche thou hast made and geuen me And shall I not bestowe it in recompence of thy good wyll who being such a one as thou art hast bestowed so much for me and hath as it were preuented me at once with so great benefites who hath in thy selfe comprised me wholy or otherwyse yf I shall retayne these to my selfe and not bestowe them of thee with what countenance with what eyes and with what mind or conscience doo I goe vnto the bowels of the mercie of my God and I do see that same most strong safegard or defence of myne is altogeather gored whereby Israel is kept and that his blood
appoynted feastes and the solempne feastes of the soule from sin and refraine the wicked labors of thy hands but these thinges are thought easie to be done or accomplished by him that hath mind vpon the euerlasting fyre in hell PSALME 89. WHAT man is he that liueth and shall not taste death or shall saue his soule from the neathermost hell CIRHSOSTOMVS DOthe not all the tyme of this our lyfe ▪ wherin we seeme to take our pleasures manifestly appeare a mainteyner of pleasure and lust as the sleepe of one onely night in respect of the felicitie in the lyfe eternall ANCELMVS ALL the good thinges or euill thynges which we enioy in this world are entermixed with their contraries neyther haue they any fyrme or certayne degree of their perfection but eyther may they be encreased or diminished eyther els may they be enioyed or had of vs somewhat more or lesse as it is euident in euery vertue vice and as well in eury good or euyll part of the body as in euery good or euyll cogitation or affect of the soule Neyther is there ioy found here without feare nor sorowe or sadnesse with consolation neyther perfect health without diseases or some hurtfull harme neyther yet valiant courage of body and mind without debilitie or feeblenes of nature But in heauen are all good things not mixed with contrarietie and those are certayne to trust vnto with most perfect consolation in hell likewyse are all euyll thinges quite contrary GREGORIVS CErtaynely there is one onely fyre of torment in hell which we ought to beleeue is ordeyned for the wicked but all shall not be tormented alike in one maner for euery one accordyng as the qualitie of his trespasses hath required shall there feele the smart of the pounishment due for the same And in this torment which hath no temperance Shall be no maner of relaxation Neyther shall preuayle any prayer of instance In any wyse to empayre the paines or passion Yet though this payne passe all estimation The fury thereof ordeyned by Gods wyll As euery sinner deserued hy transgression Shall them molest destroy consume and spill AVGVSTINVS THE world passeth away and the concupiscence thereof oh man what wouldest thou haue Whether hadst thou leuer to loue temporall thinges and so slide away with time transitory or loue Christe and with him liue for euer Idem THis world is more dangerous when she flattereth vs then when she loureth vpon vs There can be no greater madnes then for momentany pleasures to loose eternal ioyes and to euthrall thy soule vnto perpetuall torment Oh how happy is that man that hath not walked after the glory of this world and the dissembling madnes of the same 1. CORINTH CAP. 1. THE wysedome of this world is counted meare foolishnesse before God. EZECIEL CAP. 28. IN the multitude of thy worldly affares when thou art occupied the very inwarde partes of the body are replete with iniquitie AVGVSTINVS THE poyson against loue and charitie most pernicious is the lust after temporal pleasures BERNARDVS OH my soule what feare shall then take hold of thee when all these thinges haue forsaken thee whose presence are so pleasant vnto thee so acceptable in sight and so familier to dwell togeather Altogeather fearefull and trembling thou alone shalt enter into a strange countrey when as those most vglye and fearefull monsters all vpon an heape shal runne vpon thee GREGORIVS THose eyes which the offence hath shut vp and made to wincke at the same shall the due pounishment for suche offence open and make to see plainely IOB CAP. 17. IF I shall endure this vexation hell it selfe is my house ordeyned and in the darcknesse haue I made my bed I haue sayde vnto corruption thou art my father and my mother and to the woormes thou art my sister Where is then my recouerie and helpe become all that I haue in possession shall goe downe into the deepe pit of hell Therefore geue me leaue to depart that I may bewayle my sorowe before I shall goe hence and not returne vnto the darke land couered with the heate of death the land of miserie and darknesse whereas is the shadowe of death and no order of lyfe to say euerlasting horror inhabiting there Oh amazed witte O soule congeled in sinne Frozzen through affection of foolishe felicitie VVhereunto retchles ryot doth at no time linne To offend thy Creator thou art so foole hardy Thy sight is blinded so with sensuality That the loue of God causeth no correction Nor yet of heauenly ioy no cupidity May make thee leaue sinne for dread of damnation INNOCENTIVS HE that feareth onely for a small tyme to put his finger in the fyre why rather feareth he not both in soule and body to be tormented Oh howe great is this madnes of man for these frayle and transitory things to suffer perpetuall pounishment both in soule and body Chrisostomus dereparacione lapsi DEclare thou howe many and what ages haue been or are spent in ryot and carn i● pleasures what times and seasons passed in vayne delightes whiche are to be compared vnto the euerlastyng paynes of hell If thee lyst bestowe thou an hundred yeeres in suche delectacions yea adde there vnto an hundred yeeres moe or rather tenne hundred yeeres moe what shall this or that be in respect of the lyfe euerlastyng EPHESI CAP. 5. AWake thou that sleepest and ryse vp from the dead and Christe shall lighten thy steppes ECCLESIAST CAP. 29. FOR all thinges are had by seekyng for them in their due tyme. DEVTERONO CAP. 4. KEepe thee therefore within thy bondes and establish thy soule stand to thy tackling with a good courage and thou shalt see the helpe of God vpon thee AVGVSTINVS HE that dyeth and dooeth not repent him of his sinnes eare he depart out of this lyfe dyeth not at all but liueth in eternall torment PSALME 77. MY Soule is alwayes before me AVGVSTINVS HE shall geue victory to him that contendeth for victorie who hath emboldned the wrastler DEVTERONO CAP. 32. WOulde God they once in their dayes would be wyse and haue vnderstandyng that they might prouide for the last day LVKE CAP. 6. WOe be vnto you riche men which haue all your consolation in your riches here vpon earth MATTHE 5. BLessed are they whiche doo mourne after godlines in this life because they shall be comforted Idem CAP. 16. WHat shall it preuayle man yf he gayne vnto him selfe all the world and loose his owne soule Awake out of thy dreame and speedely addres Thee to beware in tyme eare thou feele woe Though blinded thou liue here with thy ritches Yet thincke thou shalt this lyfe and them forgoe ▪ VVhere in the end yf thou this race runne so That sinne and vice by thee may be subdued Thou shalt no doubt vanquishe eche feendishe so And with eternall blessing be endued BERNARDVS FOoles doo esteeme of greatest thinges least in value to be cared for haue greatest
be adurned with the Dyadem of eternal glory not in the dounghill of this world but in the Pallace of Heauen in the sight of innumerable Ang●ls and of al the Sainc●es in your stoole of immortalitie and with splendant royal ornamentes to be inuested Vnde Sapi. CAP. 5. LTT them receaue the kyngdome of honor and the Dyadem of dignity euen at the handes of the Lord. AVGVSTINVS OH thou my soule yf it be so that we must needes suffer tormentes euery day yea to suffer the very horrible hel it selfe a long time so that we might afterwards see Christ our sauiour in his glory and with his saintes euermore accompanied should we not onely suffer all sorrowe and paine to be made partakers of such glory and good graces VINCENCIVS BEloued brethren in the perplexity of this worldly pilgrimage we suffering the sorowes of our exile as it were with want of all goodnes are defiled and suffer the disposing of all incombrances the snares of sinnes laide for vs in euery place fearing the subtel deceiptes of our enimies but not sufficient watchfully or diligently preuenting them as we ought forbearing detrimentes and vexations and not able to shake from vs calamities swelling in vices enclined to vanitie in steade of veritie enduring exile for our countrey taste pouertie in steade of abundance vyle thinges for want of glorious thinges and doo so loue this world with a miserable blindnes or rather foolishe madnes that we are vtterly ignorant of that same glory of the holy ones of God whervnto lyfting the face of our mind and inward man we then behold the ioyes of eternal lyfe that we might some what surely sauour in our hartes the sweetenesse thereof AVGVST OH that I knew what I my selfe am and what thou art oh Lorde Oh yf a man knewe what him selfe were and what GOD were he would suffer a thousand deaths yf it wer c. SAPIENCE CAP. 3. BEholde the perpetuall goodnes of the reward for such as feare God. ECCLESIASTI vltimo BEhold with your eies● forasmuch as I haue laboured a little and I haue found great rest vnto my selfe Let your hart reioyce in his mercie Be dooing what you can before the time and he shall geue you your reward in due time VVhen humane soule her selfe so dooth demene That she loues death and leaues lyfe spirituall Both God she then forgetteth quite and cleane Vertue dispisde she flowes in sinnes sensuall Contemning Christe obayes to Belyall And what her selfe is eke forgetting she For heauenly ioy feeles sorowes infernall For life she tastes death then perpetually Actum Aposto CAP. 5. THE Apostles went from out of sight of the people which gaue counsell because they were coumpted woorthy for the name of Christe or in his behalfe to suffer reproches AVGVSTINVS WE wyll reioyce with the elect of God and we wyll suffer tribulations of the world with them for surely they that would not imitate the holy ones in this manner shoulde not attaine vnto their renowne and glory 1. CORINTH CAP. 3. FOR euery one shall receiue his owne reward according to his labour and trauell but many for the most not meanyng to liue well desire to dye well knowyng how precious in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his sainctes Is he the God of the Iewes onely is he not also of the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also CIRHSOSTOMVS IF any man shal thincke the way paynefull to liue wel such a one is the excuser of his owne slouth and negligence for yf Mariners and Seafaring men soppose the raging floods of the Sea to be threatninges of danger vnto them yf the season of Winter be thought a hinderance vnto husbandmen yf woundes and slaughter of Souldyers seeme a thyng tollerable and yf most greeuous stripes and blowes seeme thinges easie to be borne withal of very champions them selues for the hope of temporall thinges and transitory commodities much more when heauen is prepared for a rewarde of the godly we ought not once to thincke any thing of these present calamities neither ought a man to looke that this way is streyt but whyther it bringes a man neyther ought we to seeke for any other beeause it is brode but where the same finisheth LVKE CAP. 9. AND being bidden to the supper they begun euery man to excuse them selues BERNARDVS FOrgeue vs Lorde forgeue vs we excuse our selues we woorke al against the graine so as there is scarce any man whiche wyl be made practized as he may w●ll be in those thynges which parteyne vnto thee They all sauour earthly thinges they seeke that which is theirs and not that which is parteinyng vnto Iesus Christe They embrace vices they flee vertues and they waxe v●le togeather as the brute beast through filthynesse of their sinnes MICHEA CAP. 7. THe godly man perisheth vpon the earth and there is not any one amongst menne that liueth aright c. Resume thy strength nowe as a knight spirituall Fyght for the heauen winne it with diligence The ●ende the fleshe and vyces mundyall Quite to subuert by deuyne sapience If weake thou be craue God for thy defence Hauing good hope by Gods prouision Through watchfull care and humble pacience VVith tryumph thou shalt win an heauenly crowne AVGVSTINE THere shal be the cheefe securi●ie the safe tranquility the tranqiul or safe sweetenes the sweete felicitie the happy eternitie the eternall blessednesse· BERNARDVS OH heauenly Citie thou safe M●nsion place a countrey fully c●n●eyning wh●● so euer may be delightful ▪ a people without murmuring quiet inhabitance men hauyng no neede of any thing ORIGEN THE deuine bountie of the most highest shal replenishe all the receptacle of the soule with all goodnesse that is to say the angry and irefull soule with power and dignitie the greedy and couetous soule wi●h delightes and the reasonable soule with wysdome that there may therein appeare power without contradict●on dignity without comparison PROVERBIORVM CAP. 1. THE feare of the Lorde is the Well of lyfe AVGVSTINE LET the loue of this present Wo●lde depart from thee wherein no man is so borne that he may not dye and let the loue of the worlde to come take place in thee wherein al men are made liuing so as thence foorth they shall not dye where no aduersitie shall trouble thee and no gree●es disquiet thee but whereas euerlastyng ioy and gladnesse raigneth for thy perpetual comfort ESAI CAP. 6. THe● sayd I Lorde how lon● H● answered vntyl the Cities be vtterly wasted without inhabitantes c. ESAI CAP. 35. THey shall obteyne ioy and gladnesse and sorowe and lamenta●ion shall flee from them PSALME 119. OH howe good is the God of Israel vnto such as are true of hart Remember man this solace shal be sure Altogeather voyde of worldly variaunce It shall without dreade or distance ay endure But in this lyfe is no continuance Ritches pouertie lyfe and death are but a traunce VVherefore in this worldly mutable estate Let vs seeke to liue after God his ordinaunce Least of that lasting blis we make our selues frustrate DEVTERONO CAP. 3. MOYSES sayd vnto the chyldren of Israel Consider that this day I haue set before thee in thy sight both lyfe and good and of the contrary part death and euyll Sequitur I Take this day Heauen and Earth to witnesse that I haue set before you lyfe and good blessing and cursing choose you therefore lyfe that you may lyue I marueyle and greatly marueyle that man whiche aboue others is a creature endued with reason dooeth not in any thyng followe the iu●gement of reason despi●yng wholesome thynges and embrasing daungerous thinges seekyng and desyring deadly and hurtfull thinges OH eternall GOD what is the cause of suche dotyng foudnesse in man what reason is there of such foolishnesse and madnesse Why dooeth he desyre the death of the soule with so wicked a hart c. Nowe Heauens and Earth for witnes in I call How God disposeth for mans direction Perpetuall payne and ioy celestiall Vertue vice health and perdition Put to our choyse by free election VVherefore our hartes and eyes le ts eleuate To God the geuer of all grace deuine Of him to craue that he the fyrme estate Of lastyng blisse would graunt vs all in fine ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for SONDAY Per Authorem Namque huius mundi fallacis gaudia vitae Et quibus exuere se debet omnis homo Sunt miserand●a ni●●is vexant mortalia corda ▪ Virtutum faciunt quemlibet immemorem Quos igitur Chricti baptisma sacrū renouauit Librum hunc perlegite qui facit esse sacros Quid Iusto prodest aut quid peccator egebit Si Libet inspicere vos docet istud opus Soli Deo Gloria Here endeth this woorke of Contemplacion fyrst printed in Latine at Westminster the yeere of our Lord God. 1499. and nowe newly englished and printed at London by H●gh Singleton dwelling in Creede Lane at the signe of the gylden Tunne Neare vnto Ludgate Anno. 1578.