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A11012 Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection. Preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Robert Rollocke, sometime minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge of Edinburgh. Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21283; ESTC S116153 527,260 592

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consideration of His innocencie will neuer mooue mee to account Him my Redeemer for without this what is His innocencie to mee But when thine heart is perswaded of these two things ye would maruell what great and marueilous effects will follow in the heart of a faithfull man when I looke to His innocencie I will bee moued with commiseration towards Him I will pitie Him As the women followed Him out of Ierusalem weeping and pitying His innocencie Luke 23.17 and when I see that Hee beeing most innocent in Himselfe is become guiltie for mee then arises in mine heart a dolour and displeasure for that that I should be the cause that He suffered innocently I am moued for that that I should haue pierced the Lord through with my sinnes I will bee moued with sadnesse as it is saide in the first Chapter of the Reuelation and seuenth verse They shall waile before Him whome they pierced thorow Then againe when I finde my selfe disburthened of my sinne and guiltinesse through His guiltinesse mine heart will be filled with a joy vnspeakable it is a wonder what a joy will bee mingled with the displeasure that the world would wonder that these contrarie effectes should bee in the heart of a Christian this is the effect of repentance if any man hath felt it Againe when I see that Hee hath loued mee mine heart will melt with loue to Him againe as Paul sayes in the 2 Epistle to the Corinthians 5.14 15. The loue of Christ constraines me binds vp fast my senses because that once we know that we were dead and He hath died for vs And he to whome much is forgiuen loueth much LVKE CHAP. VII VERS XLVII Brethren yee that haue hearde of the Historie of that notable Martyr IOHN HVSSE who was burnt for the loue of CHRIST nowe when hee was brought foorth to bee burnt quicke then his executers put a paper vpon his head whereupon were pictured three Deuils with this title set ouer their heads HAERESIARCHA the which when hee sawe hee saide My LORD IESVS CHRIST for my sake did weare a Crowne of thornes why should not I therefore for His sake weare this light crowne bee it neuer so ignominious Suffer on thou shalt not suffer the extreamity thou who wilt suffer paine or shame for Him thou shalt bee partaker of glorie with Him Nowe I goe to the rest of the meanes that Pilate vses Pilate when this is done hee goeth into the Common Hall and commeth out himselfe and the fourth time hee witnesseth of the innocencie of IESVS that hee could finde no fault in Him I see this and it appeares well by the testimonie that hee giues to Iesus that all that Pilate did to Iesus was against conscience for woulde hee immediatlie after hee had scourged Him haue cryed out to cleanse Him if his conscience had not tolde him that Hee was just Hee did it to a good end to deliuer Him from death This is the doing of vngodlie men who are not drawne out of the puddle of nature they will doe a smaller euill for a greater good as they thinke against conscience they will not start at a straye but beholde the ende it may bee that a good thing may followe thereupon yet thou shalt haue no rewarde for it Beware to sinne against conscience and vvhen thou goest about to doe any thing that thy conscience forbiddeth thee leaue it off and let it bee or else thou shalt goe forwarde till thou crucifie Christ and make shipwracke of Faith Therefore doe nothing against conscience yea albeit it were a good deede The thirde thing hee caused IESVS to bee brought foorth before the people with a Crowne of Thornes and a purple Garment to see if the Jewes woulde pittie Him To see an innocent man so handeled it would haue mooued any man to pittie then hee saies Beholde the man I haue done enough vnto Him yee may bee satisfied nowe I see heere that euen during the time that hee sawe Iesus misused so sharply this doing shewes that hee was mooued with some pittie of the innocent for his conscience tolde him that Hee was innocent and not only did hee this against conscience but euen against naturall pittie and yet hee went forwardes to examination If a man haue but a naturall pittie nature and all the power therein will neuer hinder him to doe a mischiefe Then Brethren let vs alwayes seeke night and daye to bee raised vp aboue nature for if wee haue but the power of nature to holde vs from sinne wee and our nature both will goe to Hell Albeit that nature mooue vs to pittie men yet if there bee no more but nature the malice of the heart smoothers it and ouercomes it onely the Spirit of GOD is able to fight and preuaile against nature Otherwise albeit the light of nature were neuer so great the worse shall preuaile Therefore as yee woulde bee saued from euill striue to get the Spirit of grace and saye Lord giue m●e Thy Spirit that by his power I may striue against the corruption of nature This shoulde bee our exercise if wee woulde bee partakers of Heauen for neuer a soule shall see Heauen by nature Looke what effect this workes in the heartes of the Iewes nothing can satisfie them but the blood of the innocent they cryed Crucifie him crucifie him When men are giuen ouer to crueltie nothing will satisfie them but the blood of the innocent Pilate by all meanes assayed to set Iesus the innocent at libertie yet all in vaine for nothing will satisfie them because malice possesses their heartes Indeede it is true that by the eternall decree of God it behooued Christ to die but in the meane time they are vnexcusable for they did all of malice If yee will compare them with Pilate they did worse than hee hee is to bee preferred to them a thousand degrees they had the light of the worde of God to haue instructed them which Pilate wanted when Pilate got sundrie warninges and last a sharpe warning from his wife he in a manner gainstood them not but he had a conscience of the innocencie of Christ and he had a naturall pittie in his heart and faine would haue deliuered Him yea foure seuerall times hee preached to the Iewes that Christ was innocent But as for the Iewes for as oft as they are tolde of Christes innocencie yet their conscience is not wakened neither can they bee moued so much as to a naturall pitie So if ye speake of want of conscience of induration there is no comparison betwixt Pilate and the Iewes Thinke not that there is anie man in the worlde that vvill haue lesse pittie in their heartes than they vvho are lyers against the Trueth than they that say they are Church-men Holie men and Defenders of the Trueth And I saye that the Pope makes lesse conscience of euill than the Turke And it vvere better for an innocent person to fall into the handes of a Turke than
Father so did it cast a sweeter smell in the nose of the godlie than euer they founde and they thought it had such a fragrant odour and such a sweet smell vnto them that they thought ere they had beene separated from Him in His death they had rather chosen to haue dyed a thousande deathes for as the Lord saies Wheresoeuer the carion is there must the Eagles resort Well is the man who in his death findes the sweete smell of y e death of Iesus Christ I haue no more to say of this matter but if this acquaintance of Iesus for the time tooke such a pleasure in His death beeing shamefull that they could not bee separated from Him it is a shame to vs to draw so far backe from Him not now hanging in ignominie on the crosse but most glorious in the Heauens Fye on this dull headed and dead world that hath no sense of that glorie and is not allured by that vnspeakable glorie rather to suffer a thou and deathes albeit it were the sword the fire and all torments than to be separated from this Iesus Christ But the womens part is more particularly to bee considered Let all women take heede it is saide Many women were there Moe of them haue followed the Lord to the crosse than men that I may speake to the glorie of GOD and shame of men As for men I finde nothing but this generall In Luke a companie of men and women but in Matthew and Marke I finde of women especially they are looking on Him with sadnesse mixed with joy And from whence came they It is said that They came out of Galile following on Him they neuer left Him they wearied not to follow such a guide they ministred to Him on their owne charge As they were fedde with that bread of life that came out of His mouth so they spared not freely and liberally to communicate all that they had to Him And happie is the man who so findes the effect of the word of life in his heart that hee would bestowe againe all that he hath for the loue of that word Brethren yee know what is in hand presently many words neede not seeing this diuision of the towne in competent Congregations intended is to feede your soules with the word of life spare not for goods to get that word of life Nowe I see beside the multitude mention made of three women Marie Magdalene then Marie the mother of Iames the lesse and of Ioses and Salome the mother of the two sonnes of Zebedeus No question these women mentioned here haue borne a tender affection to the Lord forgets the Lord that loue they bare to Him in all times before in following Him from Galile to Ierusalem and from Ierusalem vnto the ignominious death of the crosse and there staying with the Lord and not leauing Him but ministring to Him forgets the Lord this No but He remembers vpon it thou shalt neuer doe a good deede to IESVS CHRIST but Hee shall meete thee they loue Him and Hee honours them they neuer left Him they shamed the men yea His disciples yea euen the very Apostles for we read not of any of all His Apostles that any of them was there present except Iohn Peter had taken him to a backe side for all his stoutnesse before the rest were offended in Him These women did cleaue to Him through the band of loue forgets the Lord this No as they loue Him beyond His Apostles so the Lord honoures them aboue the Apostles It is no small thing to get the honour to be an eye witnes of the death and resurrection of IESVS CHRIST it is greater honour than all the honour in the world No doubt the LORD made these women in their turning backe preachers to the Apostles themselues they tolde Peter Iames and Matthew what they had seene there is none end of honour when the Lord begins to honour as He honours them to be witnesses of His death and preachers of it to others so Hee will haue the names of some of them to bee registrate to the posteritie And it is the will of IESVS CHRIST that this day I promulgate the names of these women in your audience to their honour after so many hundreth yeeres and their names shall be registrate perpetually to their euerlasting honour whilst IESVS CHRIST come againe yea their names shall bee written in the Heauens euerlastingly Neuer one repents the gratitude done to IESVS CHRIST thou shalt get two good deedes for one Againe the LORD will let vs see in the example of these women that oft times in women there will be a more tender loue to the Lord IESVS than in men who are the stronger sexe ye will see the weaker and simpler that the sexe bee and the lesse worldly wit that it haue the more spiritually it is disposed the more affectionate it is to heauenly thinges the greater heauenly wisdome it hath If any man sayes PAVL seeme to bee wise in this world let him bee a foole that hee may bee wise that is tru●ly wise wise in GOD 1. Cor. 3.18 And as their loue is great so the Lord will honour them to the shame of men and whereas men should preach CHRIST Hee will make women to preach IESVS CHRIST to men to the shame of men and His owne glorie All tends to this that as men and women doe desire to bee honoured of God so all men and women should striue continually to loue and glorifie GOD. GOD loues none nor honoures none but only those who loue and honour the Lord Iesus Christ if thou louest not the Lord Iesus Christ thou shalt get no loue nor honour of God yet further this is not to be passed by the world vvonders novv that Hee had such an eye to these three vvomen There were many hundreth men but how many of their names were registrate to their honour Hee had such a respect to them that He espied them out beside the rest of thousands that were there and by His Holy Spirit caused registrate them This registrating of them came not rashly but from an ordinance of God and His especiall Prouidence There is not a publike conuention albeit it were a man hanged where multitudes of men and women run together to heare see but the all-seeing eye of the Lord is vpon euery person in particular man woman ladde or lasse Neuer an head there great or small poore or rich noble or ignoble but the eye of the Lord is on them yea it goes downe to the inward affections to rippe and search them to see of what disposition euery soule is As for example we are all met together here sundry men and women some greater some smaller some younger some older yet there is not one of vs on whome the Lord hath not His eye We are met to see Iesus Christ crucified on mount Caluarie there is not one of our hearts but the eye of the Lord sees it and Hee
vnbeleeuers by their buriall passe to shame and confusion Now we goe vnto the second part of this Text to the part of the godly women good Marie Magdalene who neuer left the Lord but followed Him from Galile then the other Marie the mother of Joses As they followed Him to the Crosse so they followed Him to the buriall and they stand aside and see Him buried O that loue that wonderfull tender loue that could not suffer them to be reaued from the LORD for woe is the heart that is separate from Iesus and that loue that drew them to the Crosse that same drawes them to the graue with Him for nothing could separate these women from Iesus No the crosse the graue death it selfe cannot separate these womens heartes from the LORD so out of all question this following of Iesus to the graue was a token of an intiere loue that they bare to Him yea it was rather a token of that loue that came from Iesus to them that following of Him vttered such a loue and smell to flow from that dead bodie that hang on the crosse and was buried that neuer man nor woman felt the like He so loued the world that He died for it Hee gaue Himselfe for it for Brethren except that force that came from the bodie had drawen their heartes it had beene vnpossible that they could haue followed Him No man can loue GOD first but because He loues vs we loue Him None can come to mee sayes Christ except my Father draw him if Hee lay not holde on vs first our hearts will neuer incline to loue Him Now certainly I put no question in it these women looked with sad and heauie hearts on this buriall for when we see one buried whom we loue we will be sad nature dites this But as they were heauie hearted in looking on y e spectacle so their heart had joy in looking thereon for they had a great hope to see y t glorious body rise again so they had sadnes mixed w t joy for wo to y t sadnes y t hath not joy mixed with it Now yet I see as they cōtinued in following Him first to y e crosse then to the buriall so the Lord continues in honouring them for He sends them out as Preachers eye witnesses of his death which honour neuer one of the Apostles got but Iohn so He honoured them in His buriall therefore honour Christ followe Him to the crosse follow Him to the graue thinke not shame of His crosse or His graue loue Him with thine heart waite on Him for Hee will let thee see the most glorious things that euer the eye saw holde therefore the eye vpon Him looke to Him night day now when He is in the Heauens and I promise thee thou shalt finde by experience He shall make thee a proclaimer of His glory but thou who settest not thine heart to seeke Him now when He is gone to the Heauens thou shalt not haue a mouth to glorifie Him or to speake of His Name hereafter Now will ye looke to y e carefulnesse of these womē they stand against y e graue a far off they looke no doubt w t sad hearts how these two men Ioseph Nicodemus handles the glorious body of Iesus layes it in y e graue Men womē for curiosity delectatiō vse to look vpō such spectacles but these women looked w t a carefull sorrowfull heart looking that this body should be tēderly honorably handled buried Therefore if y u hast y t ability to be a handler medler with y e worke of y e Lord as Ioseph Nicodemus was look at least y t thou be a carefull onlooker tēder it in thy heart see y t all things go wel if thou doest that y e Lord shal count it a piece of good seruice for y e furthering of y e glory of His Kingdom If thou hast not to bestow on Christ yet speak wel of Him if y u canst not speake yet thinke well of Him yet these women are not cōtent to look on only but they will be also medlers in this actiō for this cause whē y e graue is closed they go home w t vnspeakable sadnes joy mixt together going home they prepare sweet odours for y e embalming of Him y e third day following they cease vpō y t morne because it was the Sabbath vpō y e third day He rose disappointed them of y e embalming of Him but yet their intentiō is to be cōmended they are not cōtent to looke on Him but according to their power they put to their hand but ere they prepared these odours a sweet smell came frō His body to them for except a sweeter smel come frō Him except He giue thee a greater grace y u wilt not bestow a pēny on Him except He giue thee a poūd but being once benefited by Him thou wilt bestow if it were thy own life let be thy goods for Him His glorie and if thou wilt not bestovv on Christ and vpon His Gospell I testifie thou hast neuer found the svveetnesse of the Lord nor of His grace It may be that He cast a Lordship to thee or portion of heritage as it were a bone to a dogge but if thou bestowest nothing on Him thou hast neuer felt the grace of God thy soule hath neuer tasted of that odour sweetnesse that is in Him Nowe I come to the last part which I haue read out of the Gospell of Matthew concerning the watching of Iesus after Hee was buried This watching came vpon a suite as all other thinges came vpon a suite for nothing durst be done without licence of the Magistrate of Pilate the Romane Deputie the Iudge was reuerenced without him nothing was done The time of the sute is noted to wit the next day after He was buried This was no doubt the Sabbath day for they began their day at Euen when the Sun goes downe as yee would say on Fryday at Euen for no doubt the vvatch stood about y e graue all night The sute is made to Pilate all is done by the Iudge it is a circumstance should be vvell noted thinke it not a light matter The Lord in all His suffering is subject to the Iudge it behoued Him to vnderly the sentence of the earthly Iudge in all sorts if Hee had not vnderlyed it it had behoued thee to vnderly the fearfull Iudgement of that euerlasting Iudge But vvho makes the sute It is not Ioseph nor Nicodemus none of them that loued Christ Ioseph indeed made a sute that the body should bee buried But vvho is it that makes this sute Who but they vvho suted to crucifie the LORD The Scribes the Pharises that vvere enemies to Him Looke thorovv all this Historie ye shal finde sundrie sutes some euil some good some on an euil mind some on a good mind many euill few
vvith one voyce saye Why weepest thou When the LORDE beginnes once to bowe the heart Hee vvill let thee see grace yea Hee vvill not let thee see onelie but Hee vvill also let thee heare Hee woulde not onelie let her see dumme Angels but Hee woulde haue them also to speake vnto her that shee might heare joyfullie When Hee hath once begunne ere Hee leaue Hee vvill fill all the senses vvith grace Hee shall fill the eye with sight the eare with hearing and in the ende Hee shall fill thine heart fullie with grace and mercie Nowe what heares Marie The Angels saye vnto her Woman why mournest thou For as shee looked in to the graue shee vvept bitterlie the teares went neuer from her eyes nor the sadnesse from her heart till the LORDE Himselfe saide MARIE why weepest thou Marke the vvordes The Angell no doubt rejectes her because shee wept without measure and in vaine because shee thought that the bodie of the LORDE had beene stollen awaye shee wept for Him who was liuing But as the Angell reprooues her so hee pitties her Then if thou weepe for the LORD Hee shall cause the Angels of Heauen to pittie thee Yet againe What saye the Angels They saye not Woman feare not as they did to the rest of the women that came before And why saye they not Feare not Shee was so ouer-come with displeasure and so sadde hearted that shee was not afraide of the Angels and was not astonied as the other women for they had not so sad an heart as shee had for her heart was so filled with sadnesse and displeasure that feare coulde not get place The Angell sayes Woman why mournest thou because it was mourning that ailed her The LORD giues alwayes medicine according to the sore If thou bee sad Hee will saye Why mournest thou The Angell applies the medicine and stilles her A mourning bodie for CHRIST woulde bee stilled If thou weepest for CHRIST suppose thou passe bounds yet thou shalt not want stilling though He should send his Angels to still thee No there was neuer any y t mourned for Christ that wanted stilling Nor there was neuer anie childe that got so sweete wordes to still them as thou shalt get who mournest for CHRIST Then Blessed are they sayes CHRIST that mourne for they shall receiue consolation Matth. 5.4 If thou mourne for the loue of the LORDE thou shalt bee stilled and comforted and blessed shalt thou bee one daye Alas this is a laughing worl●●-woe vnto it few men or women are nowe mourning wi●● 〈◊〉 Magdalene alas vvhat neede haue vvee of stilling No vvee are laughing notvvithstanding of all th●se judgements that approach fast and are neare at hand they vvill cause vs all mourne one day But vvhat sayes the Angells to her Say they in an anger Why seeke yee the liuing amongst the deade Beholde the mercie of GOD to His children she merited if yee looke to her fault to haue beene reprooued more sharply shee forgot the vvord of our Sauiour and she vvould not looke in to the graue yet he reprooues her not hee sayes not to her Why seeke yee Him that is liuing amongst the dead as the Angell spake to the other vvomen This is our lesson in a vvorde The LORD lookes not vvhat thou meritest but He lookes vvhat thou needest Hee vvill not speake according to thy merite but according to thy neede and necessitie for if thou mournest for the LORD Hee vvill minister comfort to thee No He wil not make a sorrowful heart more sorrowfull he is a cruel person that vvil do so no the Lord wil not do so He will not bru●se the brok●n reede neither will He quench the smoaking flaxe as it vvas prophecied of Him long before Esay Chapter 42. and the third verse But if thou bee sad Hee vvill raise thee vp vvith such comfort as cannot be tolde Novve to goe forvvarde When they haue demanded Why vveepest thou ●hee ansvveres without any feare as their sight terrifies her not so neither is she terrified vvith their voyce What vvas the cause that shee feared not and that at the voyce of the terrible Ang●lls shee is not mooued Euen because her heart vvas ouercome and loadned vvith dolour and sadnesse that there could be no place almost left to feare She sayes They haue stollen away the body of the Lord and I knowe not where they haue laid Him What could she doe vvith it wherefore vvas shee so carefull Shee tells vvhat shee vvould doe vvith it sh●e sayes to Himselfe I would burie it nowe all this came of a su●passing loue and therefore looke not so much to her doing as to her loue Learne at Marie Magdalene to loue the LORD and shee may learne all the world This loue and zeale of GOD is almost out of the heartes of men and vvomen and when I consider her great loue I find it is more than any naturall affection as father to sonne or man to woman 〈◊〉 ●●cept there had come a force vertue out of that body she could neuer haue loued the Lord so well No except He loose our heartes with that loue hee beares to vs wee cannot loue Him but when once Hee looses thine heart thou wilt hate thy selfe to loue Him so what euer I discommend in her I discommend not her loue No I shall neuer discommend loue nor zeale in any person Alas we haue too litle of it to discommend it and I doubt not but all these imperfections that vvere in her were couered by the LORD IESVS whome shee loued Our comfort is this if we loue the LORD our GOD well albeit wee had a thousand imperfections they shall be couered with the mantle of the righteousnes of IESVS yea He shall meete thy loue vvith vnspeakable loue Thus farre for the sight and hearing of the Angels The Text sayes assoone as shee had spoken She turnes her about againe Men would thinke this an vndiscreet behauiour to stand and heare two Angels and then like a vaine person to turne her about I will not excuse this altogether but I impute this to the exceeding dolour and sadnesse wherewith their soule was loadned there must be many faultes ouerseene in a sad person I had rather beare with twentie faultes in such a person as to beare with one in a vaine person Now as she is speaking to the Angels so the LORD comes neare toward her backe and ere euer He came or shee savv Him He touches her with a secret and powerfull presence of His Spirit for I doubt not as Hee came neare her but His Spirit both turnes her about and closes the mouth of the Angels for He is the LORD both of man and Angell and if He come His presence must turne thee and when Hee comes to speake all the Angels must holde their tongue and be dumbe Yee knowe that IOHN the BAPTIST vvas a great light before the LORD came and many followed him but vvhen CHRIST comes IOHN closes his mouth
powerfull let vs seeke from Him with this assurance that Hee can giue all thinges which either wee can seeke or can conceiue and that according to His effectuall power working in vs. Now I end with this History of the Thiefe I come to the other History concerning that recommendation that Iesus makes of His Mother Marie to John His Disciple whom Hee loued The Lord Iesus hanging on the Crosse in extreame torment paine He is not only a sufferer howbeit indeed He sufferes all extreamitie but in suffering Hee does manie workes First Hee does like a King in giuing life and glorie to the Thiefe All the Kinges in the Earth in their Royall Robes shall not doe so much as Hee did on that vile Crosse Nowe next Hee vtters a verie naturall and louing affection to His Mother who bare Him when He is to depart out of this life and to be taken away hastily He is carefull how shee shall liue when Hee is gone from her To come to the Historie Wee haue first the occasion that bringes on this and secondly the commendation it selfe and thirdly how Ihon accepts of her As concerning the occasion There standes by the Crosse a man and three women whilest the LORD is hanging quicke in extreame torment Hee spyes out these foure persons MARIE His Mother and MARIE His Mothers Sister that is her kinswoman according to ther HEBREVV phrase who was either the Wise or the Daughter of Cleopas and MARIE MAGDALENE a kinde vvoman out of vvhom He had casten seuen deuils kindnesse meetes kindnesse Their heartes vvere vvith Him howbeit Hee vvas hanging vpon the Crosse Then if thou canst doe no more vnto Him yet follow Him with these women to the death of the Crosse There are three Maries better Maries were neuer in the world and Iohn whom here he calles the disciple whō Jesus loued this stile he gets in y e Gospel because as Iesus loued him entirely so hee findes this loue deeply setled in his soule well is he that finds that the Lord loues him All the Kingdoms in the Earth are nothing in respect of that sense Well These are the foure that are standing by the Crosse together As for Iohn I see now certainely this doing of his in the following of the Lord this standing by the Crosse shewes albeit that Faith in Iesus Christ in the heart of Iohn and all the rest was wonderfully smoothered for all were offended in Him that night yet that Faith in his heart was not altogether quenched No it was not quenched in one of the Apostles nor in Peter who denied Him To speake of Iohn Thinke ye that except hee had had Faith that euer hee would haue followed Him to the Crosse and except hee had beleeued that Iesus after such a death should haue risen againe in glorie except he had looked for a glorious resurrection that euer hee could haue beholden such a miserable spectacle Faith gaue him boldnesse to follow Christ to the Crosse Hope furnished him comfort when he beheld Him in ignominie and paine These three women vtters a tender and louing heart towards Him Brethren if there had bene no more but this naturall loue that a mother beares to the sonne Marie would neuer haue followed her Sonne to such a vile death if shee had not beleeued that death should haue turned into such a glorious Life Would she haue stood beside her Sonne and seene Him torne and rent quicke in such torments What mother would haue done it 1. Thess 4.13 ye read what Paul writes to them I would not haue you ignorant that yee mourne not for them which are asleepe as the Gentiles who are desperat in their displeasure If thou haue but a naturall loue in thine heart when thou seest him or her whom thou louest depart that loue shall worke but impatiencie in thee a desperate displeasure that is if with that loue thou haue no hope of a glorious resurrection desperate shall be thy dolour and it were better for thee to want thy naturall affection Indeede it is true our Faith and Hope of glorie after this life will not extinguish the naturall loue neither puts it away the dolour that one should haue I desire not that a man should bee senslesse without loue and I count more of a stone than of one without loue and better were it that that person were a stone So I say Faith and Hope will not extinguish displeasure but it will mitigate it so that in a wonderfull heauinesse it will finde joy and thou wilt say albeit wee sunder nowe the day will come wherein wee shall haue a joyfull meeting Come yet to these women They may teach all men and women to the end of the worlde Thinke yee not that they should haue bene terrified at such a Crosse and that Marie should haue thought shame of her Sonne so shamefully tormented and railed out on by all men Well then if these women by the sight of that shameful death of Iesus Christ on the Crosse are not terrified nor diuerted from following albeit they saw His glorie to come but very obscurely and if their hearts were knit with Him whilst as Hee hang on the Crosse and there was neuer a band so surely knit as their hearts were with Him Fye on all men and women after these women who will thinke shame of the Crosse of Christ albeit they haue greater presence and sight of the glorie of Iesus Christ than these women had Shall a sillie worde shall the sword shall the fire terrifie thee And if it bee so these same women shall stand vp and condemne thee in that great day Now let vs consider these wordes whereby He recommends His mother to Iohn The Lord as He is looking from Him He sees these foure standing together for wicked scorners stood together so the godly who mourne for Christ drew together and Hee directs His speech to two of them First to Marie and next to Iohn Woman He sayes Beholde thy sonne poynting to Iohn not to Himselfe This stile that He giues her would not be passed by He calls her not mother but Woman and this is the common stile which Iesus gaue her whilst as He was in the world it lets vs see whilst Iesus was in the worlde as at all times so especially at the houre of death whilst Hee is liuing in the world He had His eyes raised vp from all earthly and carnall things which men in this life count much of as are mother sonne daughter husband wife kinred Countrie And by His example Hee would teach vs when we are here to know none according to the flesh No not Christ Himselfe for in Heauens there shall bee neither father nor mother nor husband nor wife but we shall be all olde things which accompanie the olde creature beeing abolished like Angels in Heauen Therefore Iesus as a patterne teaches vs this to turne away the eye piece and piece from this Earth all that is in
particularly because she preuented the other and came first to the graue shee vvas a woman who loued the Lord marueilously and waited continuallie vpon Him As touching the occasion MARKE saies that when the Sabbath day was past Marie Magdalene Marie the mother of Iames and Salome bought sweet ointments that they might come and anoint him that is the dead bodie of the Lord which as they supponed laye in the graue Note the time well It was after the Sabbath was past for after they had seene the Lord layed in the graue by Ioseph and Nicodemus they returned home to the Preparation of the Passeouer which was as we compt on the Friday at euen when the Sun was gone downe On the morrow after which was their Sabbath they celebrated the Passeouer and they rested all that day vntill the euening Then vpon their Sabbath at euen which is our Saturdaye at euen when the Sunne was gone downe their Sabbath being ended they remember their purpose and buye sweet odours that on the morrowe earlie they might embaulme the dead bodie of the Lord. Nowe Brethren surely the loue and affection of these women cānot be passed by They take a purpose to honor the Lord by embaulming His bodie They rest on the Sabbath day a day a night interuenes yet this time stayes not their purpose I shall cause one night interuening put a good purpose out of our heads Indeed we will keep an euill purpose long in our mind But if we haue a good purpose at euen wee will forget it ere the morne it will bee buried with vs as if wee had neuer thought it But this purpose of these holy women would bee better examined that wee may see wherein they are to be commended they buy and prepare sweete smelling odours to annoynt the body of the LORD the LORD was risen at this time the LORD had foretolde them oftener than once or twise that He was after His death to rise on the third day yet they go out of very purpose that same day this cannot be commendable in them As for the loue that was in the hearts of these women it cannot but be cōmended to all posterities to the end of the world would to GOD the like loue zeale to God were in the hearts of men women in these dayes but certainly the deed it selfe seeing they had the word of God in y e contrarie is not commendable But looke againe in all this doing the Lord takes more heed to y e heart than to y e deed not only forgiues He the sin but also He workes out of it not only His owne glory but y e well of y e womē they went out of set purpose to embalme Him y e Lord turnes this so about y t He makes them to be witnesses of His glorious resurrectiō Now well is them y t loues y e Lord for to them all thinges works for y e best out of their sins He workes their saluation out of darknes light But to come forward to the next head The sweet odours beeing bought confected prepared y e women go toward the graue the time is very precisely noted by all y e foure Euangelists Matthew calles it the end of the Sabbath when the first day in the weeke began to dawne It was in y e dawning before the Lords day so called in remēbrance of His glorious resurrectiō which we vse to call our Sunday Marke sayes it was the first day of the Sabbath early in the morning in the beginning of the weeke as he would say Sunday early in the morning before y e rising of y e sun Luke sayes y e same Iohn sayes early the first day of the weeke when it was darke in a world it was on Sunday in y e morning at y e very point of time whē y e sun rose Now y e purpose of these women was not to be witnesses of y e resurrectiō of y e Lord but to embalme His body which as they thought was lying in the graue but y e Lord turnes y e matter so about y t He makes them to be witnesses of Christs resurrectiō this was no smal honor He makes women witnesses of y e resurrectiō euen to y e shame of men yea euen to y e shame of His Apostles for they rose early in y e morning but His Apostles lay lurking still goe not out So in the example of these women wee may see that to bee true which Paul sayes 1. Cor. 1.27 The Lord hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the world to confound the mightie things that all glorie might redound to Him Another thing vve see in their example that vvhich the Apostle sayes 1. Cor. 3.18 If any man seeme to be wise in this world let him be a foole that he may be wise The LORD in this doing vvill haue His disciples to sit dovvn in the schoole of vvomen to learne of them that glorious resurrection He vvil make them to be fooles y t they may be made vvise and Hee vvill haue the vvomen to bee their teachers and if thou acceptest not of the testimonie of these vvomen become not as a foole albeit thou vverest neuer so vvise thou shalt neuer get a part of the resurrection of Iesus Christ Novv I goe forvvarde to the third thing vvee haue here set dovvne It is an incident that falles out vvhilst as the vvomen is on their journey going to the graue for as they are going to the graue there falles out sayes Matthew a great earthquake the cause is noted for as they were going to the graue the Lord of glory sends an Angell to tell the resurrection of the Lord to these women so in very deed the Angell is a witnesse before the women but the women before the men Alwayes the Angel that comes from Heauen he is a honorable ambassadour the blessed Angels are very glorious no question the Lord would haue His resurrection first witnessed by so glorious an ambassadour He would not haue man to testifie first of it but He would haue a glorious Angell from Heauen to tell proclaime the Lord of glorie was risen and that He had broken the bands of death risen vp in despite of the Deuill death that to our well y t both we may rise to a newnesse of life y t we may be assured that they who sleepe in Him as Paul sayes and lies in the gaue shall be raised with Him at that great day in glory An Angell a glorious creature honoures the message but yet I say the message and commission honoures the Angel more than the Angell does the message yea if it were all the Angels in Heauen they get more honour by it than they can giue to it Well if the preaching of y e Gospel the testifying of Iesus His resurrection honoures the Angels shall we
could enter into the heart of man thou shalt vvonder vvhen thou seest it that euer there could bee such joy prepared for thee and therefore measure it not by thy capacitie Yet this vvould not be passed by They goe not to His throat to His necke or to His middle but they fall dovvne and takes Him by the feete and vvorships Him Marke it Brethren a sinner vvill be homely indeede vvith his God vvith CHRIST No there vvas neuer a creature so homely vvith another as the sinner vvill be vvith the LORD But marke it This homelines vvill not be vvith misnourturnesse and vvith an opinion of paritie albeit thou wilt bee homely with Him as with thy brother yet thou mayest not make thy selfe as companion to Him and count lightly of Him but thou must be lowly thine head must be reuerenced Hee is our Head Ephes Chapter 1. verse 22. If therefore wee ought to reuerence Him for He is in a wonderfull sublimitie and highnesse aboue His Church and as this is true that the soule which is joyned with Him in this life by Faith sees in Him such a Majestie that it stoupes before Him so much more vvhen wee shall see Him face to face in glorie and His Majestie fully reueiled wee shall reuerence Him and in humilitie fall at His feete singing Holy Holy Holy as yee haue in the sixt Chapter of Esay and in the Reuelation Nowe to goe forward While they are sitting at His feete the LORD speakes to them and suffers them to feele Him and all to this ende that they might beleeue Hee was risen and liuing Then He sayes to them Feare not this encouragement importes that notwithstanding all their embracing of Him and confidence there vvas a piece of feare and lying backe in them I will not commend it because the Lord hath discommended it It is true indeed our joyning with Him by Faith should be with such a confidence that it should be without any feare or doubting but with joy This should be but marke it againe There is such an holinesse in that Majestie that we joyne with there is no spot in Him then so long as we are here there is such vncleannesse such an euill conscience in vs that our Faith is joyned with doubting and feare so that if thou hast not a recourse to Him no peace for thee we will feare that that Holy one consume vs that are so vnholy but the Lord who knowes thy feare He comfortes thee thou knowest not thine owne feare so well as the Lord does thou feelest Him not so soone by Faith but as soone He knowes thy feare and thine heauinesse as Hee did the feare of the women and Hee sayes to a sinner that faine would embrace Him feare not thou hast no cause of feare My terrours haue taken thy terrours away And as the Apostle sayes Heb. Chapter 4. verse 16. Let vs goe boldly to the throne of grace with confidence that we may receiue mercie if thou hearest this voyce thou mayest goe boldly and He shall put away all te●rours and feare But in that life to come when all matter of seare as sinne and corruption of nature is away albeit vve shall see Him more clearelie and bee conjoyned vvith Him more perfectlie yet all feare shall bee taken awaye for perfect loue castes out feare as Iohn saieth in his first Epistle Chap. 4. vers 18. Nowe to goe to the commission Goe and tell my Brethren that they goe into Galile and there shall they see mee They woulde see mee bid them goe before mee into Galile and there they shall see mee There is heere then a commission giuen vnto the vvomen to the Disciples There was afore a commission sent vnto the Disciples by the Angels First of a companie of vvomen and afterwarde another companie and next MARIE was sent from the Lorde Himselfe Nowe Hee sendes a newe commission to tell them that Hee was risen yet they neuer beleeued Heere vvee see a marueilous patience in suffering their incredulitie so long What King vvoulde haue had euer the tenth part of this patience With this Hee joynes the louing stile Tell my Brethren Hee sayes not Tell these sluggishe and faithlesse bodies His patience is joyned with loue vnspeakeable All the worlde cannot expresse the lenitie and patience of the LORDE towardes His owne though they shoulde bee neuer so vnbeleeuing yet Hee calles them His Brethren Wee shoulde studie night and daye to knowe that the LORDE loues vs for our standing is not in our loue towarde Him but in His loue towardes vs and if thou finde thy selfe rooted in His loue as the Apostle speakes to the EPHESIANS thou shalt neuer bee separated thorowe anie occasion from that loue that is in CHRIST Then againe I see Hee hath a marueilous studie to gette them instructed Hee sayes not I haue sent manie alreadie and yet they will not beleeue No Hee sendes euerie companie after another till they beleeue and till faith be wrought in their heartes What meanes all this care to instruct them The Lorde was to sende them foorth to teach others and therefore all His studie is before they instruct others that they might beleeue themselues No if the Lorde sende thee to tell of His Death His Resurrection and Ascention to the Heauens and of His comming againe to Iudgement He will haue a care that thou be instructed and that thou beleeue that which thou deliuerest vnto others No I will not giue a pennie for a Minister that hath no assurance no feeling nor no sight of the death and Resurrection of CHRIST and that will stande vp and speake to the people of GOD. Besides this patience this loue and this care that Hee hath to instruct them who are to bee employed in His seruice Hee shewes a marueilous wisedome in humbling them thorowe the teaching of the women And therefore Hee will not sende an Angell vnto them but infirme women to schoole them and shame them and howbeit the commission beares not this in expresse wordes yet Hee will haue the women to saye in effect Fie vpon you yee are sluggishe bodies yee shoulde haue taught vs and not wee you This is it that the Apostles shoulde haue vnderstood They vnderstoode His wonderfull wisedome Hee was to sende them to the worlde He was carefull to instruct them He sendes not Angels to schoole them but women to learne them humilitie that they neuer forget this that they were schooled in the schoole of women for as it is required that the seruantes of GOD haue knowledge and a perswasion so they must haue humilitie or else they cannot bee faithfull Preachers Nowe one worde and so I shall ende Bidde them sayes Hee goe to Galile Hee sayes not Goe to Hierusalem No the LORDE had turned His backe on Hierusalem for these who contemned Him when Hee was humbled in the fleshe the LORDE will dispise them when Hee is glorified Woe to them whome Hee forbiddes His seruantes to goe vnto
that had litle knowledge indeede in this stile hee would let vs see that there was neuer such an one in worde nor worke neuer one wrought such miracles as Hee did and neuer man spake as Hee did as His owne very enemies testified of Him Iohn Chapter 7. yet will yee measure it with the knowledge of the man there is a defect here also he thoght He had bene like the rest of the Prophets who prophecied not by their owne spirit but by the Spirit of IESVS yet was hee ignorant that IESVS spake and wrought all by His owne Spirit Why should vvee not knovve these thinges This is the difference betweene CHRIST and all the Prophets all these Prophets and Moyses himselfe were but seruants they spake neuer a vvord by their spirit but by the Spirit of CHRIST as Peter speakes in the first Epistle Spake Moses Esay or Ezechiell in their owne name Dare any Minister speake in his owne name No not vnder paine of his life but IESVS is called the LORD of the house In the Epistle to the Hebrewes the third Chapter Hee spake by His owne Spirit and these preachings were preached by His owne Spirit and He spake by His owne authoritie as yee may reade in the seuenth Chapter of Matthew An Herauld if Hee speakes in his name should be hanged but the King himselfe will speake in his owne name the LORD spake in His owne Name but the Prophets spake not in their owne name reade these Prophecies They say there Thus saith the LORD but ye shall finde thus when Christ comes Hee sayes Amen amen dico vobis Verilie verilie J say vnto you in mine owne Name and authoritie and not in my Fathers only This Cleopas knew not but counted Him a Prophet like others albeit more excellent than others Cleopas thought Hee was potent by the Spirit of GOD and so by another but hee knew not that He spake in His owne Name and by His owne authoritie beeing equall with the Father Nowe to be short hee sayes Hee was mightie before GOD and the whole people That is to say He had the approbation of the LORD from the Heauen and what euer He spake the LORD approoued it what euer Hee did His Father approoued it Then againe He did neuer an action but with the approbation of the people But it would be asked How approoued they Him seeing they persecuted Him scorned Him and crucified Him I answere Albeit that neither by word nor deede the Iewes nor the High Priestes had approoued Him yet the conscience of the same High Priests and Iewes approoued Him and bare witnesse to them that Hee was GOD so that sometimes they were compelled to say Neuer man spake as Hee did Iohn Chapter 6. verse 46. and sometimes againe since the world beganne was it not heard that anie man opened the eyes of one that was borne blinde Iohn Chapter 9. verse 32. So that all that they did to Him was against conscience I regarde not what thou doest to mee if thou be bound in conscience to testifie that that is true which I speake and that is good which I do for in that day thou who speakest against thy conscience shalt not haue one worde to speake thy conscience shall bind vp thy mouth so this is well said that Hee had the approbation both of GOD and man but hee thought Hee had this approbation as one of the Prophets suppose in a greater measure But looke the first Chapter to the Hebrewes and the fifth verse For vnto which of the Angels saide hee at anie time let bee Prophets Thou art my Sonne this daye haue I begotten thee Then hee knew not that he had that approbation of that God who dwelt in him God in him approoued him Roman Chap. 1. vers 4. it is saide Hee was declared mightilie to bee the Sonne of GOD. And 1. Timothie Chap. 3. vers 16. Hee was justified by the Spirite And againe it is saide Actes Chap. 2. vers 22. Jesus of Nazareth a man approoued of God among you with great workes and wonders and signes which God did by him in the middest of you Cleopas knewe little of this Nowe Brethren wee haue examined his wordes and yee see heere a great ignorance In the first wordes an vntrueth and yee see in all the wordes following there is some want And to whome is it that hee preaches Hee preaches Christ to Christ and hee describes the Lorde to the Lorde and yet the Lorde heares him patientlie Yee will not beleeue how Hee vvill heare thy babbling if in thine heart thou haue a loue to GOD suppose thou babble Hee will heare thee and if thou speake vvith loue suppose thou canst not praye as other men and women can Babble on to Him and speake on with a good heart Hee vvill no more reject thee than Hee did Cleopas Hee is aye like to Himselfe For what is all our language to Him but a babbling yea all our knowledge is but babbling So suppose wee haue not knowledge nor a tongue to speake yet let vs not leaue off to speake in loue with our hearts and Hee shall heare vs and giue vs a comfortable answere Nowe I counted neuer so much of knowledge as of an heart which loueth God Keepe an heart to thy God come with faith and loue to thy God and thou wilt not thinke how Hee vvill delight in thee if vvee come vvith loue to the Lord then vvee come boldlie to the Throne of grace And vvhy Because vvee come not in our owne righteousnesse or in our owne perfection vvee appeare onelie in the merites of IESVS CHRIST And suppose thou babble and be ignorant yet if thou appeare in Him thou art full of knowledge for His knowledge the Lorde countes to bee thine O vvhat is it to bee in Christ Hee vvho hath Christ hath all though hee vvere neuer so vveake hee is strong in Him My power sayes the Lord is perfect in infirmitie And therefore sayes Paul I will glorie in my infirmitie that the power of God may be seene in mee 2. Cor. 12. Now a word and so I ende Cleopas beginnes to tell vvhat vvas befallen to such a personage vvho vvas mightie in vvord and deede yet for all this they handled Him most vnworthily of any man Our Priestes and rulers as PILATE first they condemned Him to the death without a cause and next they haue crucified Him if ye consider well the words yee vvill finde that Hee speakes to them with a vvonderfull indignation as if He had said albeit He was such a man and so great a man in all respects yet they condemned Him without a cause and then they crucified Him And vvhat indignitie vvas this for as the Apostle sayes Albeit He vvas the LORD of glorie yet most shamefully they crucified Him 1. Cor. Chapter second and the eight verse Well take vp this in His wordes What euer is done against Christ it is an indignitie if vve knew that Majestie wee offend
you Joh. 20.31 Yet because this was generall therfore now to take all grudges and doubts out of the heart of Peter the rest of th'Apostles he has a particular dealing with him here in this place this he does in presence of so many disciples for the greater confi●mation of his restoring and herein the Lord vrges him thrise that He might draw out of him a threefold confession answerable to his thr●efold deniall It may bee likewise that in this conference the Lord had a great respect to recommend the ca●e of His Kirke which He was to leaue behind Him to Peter to the rest of th'Apostles for in the person of Peter Hee speakes to all the rest Vpon this conference marke this generally First that the Lord will not refuse repentance and pardon to him who has denied Him if his deniall come of infirmitie Next That it is the Lord only who prouokes and allures a man to repentance and who preuents him if he be careles of his sinne We saw before that the Lord looked vpon Peter after he had denied Him in the Hall of Caiaphas made him to weepe Now He accomplishes brings to perfection y t worke which He began He vrges a threefold cōfession But to come to y e matter The Lord begins to commune with him these are the words Simon the sonne of Iona louest thou me better than these pointing out the rest of th'apostles that is more than the rest loues me This the Lord demands of Peter not that He was ignorant of the loue of Peter towarde Him for Peter testifies this in his answere when hee sayes to the Lord Thou knowest that I loue thee The Lord knew th' inward affection of Peter as well as himselfe did So as for Himselfe He ned not this confession nor to speak one word for He knew his heart yet He vrges the confession of the mouth that that loue which he ba●e in his heart hee should professe with his mouth wherefore in demanding He calles first of all Peter to remembrance of his bragging that he vsed a little before His Passion when Pe●er stood vp saide Though all should be offended by thee yet will I neuer be offended Matth. 26.33 As though he should say Though all should leaue thee I shall not leaue thee I shall bee readie to goe to prison and to death with thee Therefore the Lord sayes Louest thou me more than these Thē with this he calles to remēbrance that foule defection for all his craking as if Hee vvould saye For all thy boasting PETER remember thee of thy deni●ll So in one vvorde Hee prickes his conscience Hee rebuk●s him both for his arrogant vanting also for his foule defectiō This He does in effect but if ye mark y e words ye shal see y e pricking of him to be joyned w t such sweetnes in speaking as is wōderful to be so seasoned w t loue as is marueilous for Hee sayes in effect as much as this Howbeit Peter thou hast fallen in thy bragging vanting and also hast made foule defection from me yet if thou repent thee and turne to me and if thou loue me there is place of pardon forgiuenesse So ye see two contrary thinges joyned together asperitie and lenitie sourenesse and sweetnesse rebuke and consolation casting downe and raising vp wounding and healing in one sentence The Lord in one sentence in one demaunde at one time yea at a poinct of time He could wound a man and heale him Some might thinke seeing that this was the first conference that Christ had with Peter after his denyall and that there should haue beene another kind of meeting and more sharpe beginning with a run-a-gate who had denyed his Maister thrise ye may thinke Hee should haue vpbraided him and said Run-a-gate why deniedst thou mee so mischieuouslie Why against thy conscience sinnedst thou so hainously But He sayes not so but these are all the words Simon the sonne of Jona louest thou me The Lord was not a flyter a chyder an vpbraider a cryer c. Therfore it was prophecied of him My seruant shall not crie nor make his voyce to be heard in the streete nor quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised reed Esay 42.2 Matth. 12.19.20 The ground was That exceeding loue to Simon Peter the passing loue to sinners especially to the secret ones whom He had chosen that loue hid all their sinnes as Peter speakes in his first Epist and 4. chap. So that if He spake an angry word to any His anger was so tempered with loue that scarcely did it appeare So learne this lesson Rebukers should be louers if thou rebuke a man loue him otherwise speake not to him but close thy mouth for if thou season not thy rebuke with loue then that which should haue bene a medicine wil be turned into poyson They that should be instructers and admonishers should be louers Wherfore whatsoeuer thou doest doe it in lenity meeknesse and not in bitternesse A bitter teacher is not vvorth a pennie And this is it that Paul requires 2. Timoth. 2.24 where he sayes The seruant of the Lord must not striue but must be gentle towards all men All should be in lenitie teaching in lenitie admonitiō in lenity Wherfore Because if lenitie be lacking there will be no edificatiō no cōforting no instruction If that which thou speakest be smoothed ouer and mixed with a gall of bitternesse it will poyson the man Therefore whatsoeuer thou be whether Minister or other looke that thou hast loue and it will make thee to discharge all the pointes of thy duetie with lenitie Now the Lord is not contented to demand this once onelie Simon the sonne of Iona louest thou me but once twise thrise What needed this yee will aske was it not sufficient to aske this once What behoued this doubling trepling Brethren this was not only y t he might make a threefold cōfession answerable to his threefolde deniall that so he might be restored but also because his threefolde deniall procured that he should not be so soone and easilie credited They that haue made a foule defection as Peter did certainlie they would be tried ere they bee trusted And Christ this day would learne vs that Apostates would be well tried and their hearts would be sounded and ripped vp from the ground A slender answere should not content vs wee may not settle vpon the swarfe of the heart but the heart must bee pricked with manie interrogations it must be lanced deepely that if there be a spunke of sinceritie loue it may be raised vp appeare for ye wil not thinke what deepnes of deceitfulnes lies in the heart of man as Ierem. 17.9 sayes The heart is deceitfull wicked aboue al things who can know it It is hard to thee to get thine owne heart soūded tried go thy way assay it thou shalt find it to be true thou shalt bee
beguiled with it as well as another And as for the sinceritie of the heart it is not in the vtmost swarfe but it is downe lowe in the ground Therefore thine heart must be touched pricked and lanced partlie by thy selfe and partlie by others till that pure fountaine of sinceritie and loue breake foorth and appeare There is the speciall cause of this doubling All this serues for the weale of PETER howbeit hee tooke euill vvith it for euerie demand vvas a confirmation of PETER in that grace of Apostleship Now to come to PETERS answere Peter said vnto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee Behold the meeting Christ sayes Louest thou me Hee answeres Lord thou knowest that I loue thee There is a sweet meeting When the Lord requires loue of thee then meete thou Him vvith loue This answere imports y t His demand has bene very louing vttered with a sweet voyce and behauiour and that Hee saide as much as this I loue thee Peter louest thou mee So in this demande Hee has touched the heart of PETER with the sense of that loue which Hee bore to PETER Now this sense opened the heart of PETER to loue the Lord againe 1. Ioh. 4.4 There will neuer man loue the Lord first It vvill passe thy power to loue Him first therefore of neede force the loue of Christ behoued to be shed abroad in the heart of PETER and hee behooued to bee touched with the loue of the Lord before hee could answere Lord I loue thee Therefore if the Lord saye vnto thee Louest thou mee Saye Lord loue mee that I may loue thee And if euer thou wouldest discharge a duetie in this l●fe striue euer to finde that Iesus loues thee for else all His commaundementes will bee for nothing But marke the vvordes P●t●r svvould seeme not to answere the Lord as Hee propones the Lord propones by way of comparison Louest thou mee bett●r than th●se Peter answeres simplie Lord I loue thee Hee sayes not better than these I see heere a piece of modestie more than hee had before for before hee fell he was ouer loftie and jollie and thought little of the ●est But nowe I see after his fall hee vvill not compare with the rest but simplie hee sayes Lord I loue thee Brethren I see that although his fall vvas euill yet it has done him good it has tamed him he was ouer arrogant before The defection of the godlie is verie euill yet this is a sure thing that the fallings and the sinnes yea the foulest defections of the godlie doe euer better them and worke alwayes to their good A vvonderfull thing The Lord who brings light out of darknesse makes the defection of His owne to turne to their vveale Has hee beene a proude man an ignorant man c. the Lord vvill giue him a fall Hee vvill cast him downe vpon his backe and vvith that Hee vvill tame him make him to stink in his own nostrils as He did to Peter for now vvhen he is fallen sees his own vveaknesse he speakes soberly makes no matching with the rest Lord if th'Elect be much beholdē to God for He makes all things to further them for their saluatiō So in a vvord No euill can come to the godly man Yet the wordes vvould be considered he sayes not simply I loue thee but Lord thou knowest that I loue thee he takes the Lord to be vvitnesse to his cōfession as if he vvould say It stands not in my words but Lord thou knowest that I loue thee And so here he both acknowledges Iesus to be God for He is only judge to the heart also approues the sinceritie of his loue to Him for God is said to bee witnesse not so much to the confession of the mouth as to the sinceritie of the heart If thou louest the Lord call Him to be vvitnesse of thy loue and therfore beware of your confession of faith and loue to the Lord looke y t it be with sinceritie of the heart not from the teeth forward neb of the tongue only but looke y t it rise from the loue which is rooted in the heart for the Lord is witnesse and judge of the heart Hee vvill passe from thy wordes and vvill looke in vvith a pearcing eye into thine heart rip it open to see if there bee any sinceritie of loue there So looke euer to y e heart vvhē thou takest the Lord to be witnesse to thee Men cōmonly take no heed to this they say The Lord knowes when they vvill speake falsly Ye shall find this cōmonly that he who is the greatest swearer falsest man is euer readiest to take God to be his vvitnes but vvhen he speakes so vvhat is he doing euē crauing that God vvould send a vēgeance judgemēt on him Yet to vveigh the vvords more narrowly he sayes not simplie Thou knowest but vvhē he professes his loue to Him he giues Him a reuerend stile again calles Him Lord. No th'Apostles carried to their Lord a vvonderfull reuerence This learnes thee vvhen thou makest a cōfession a professiō a protestatiō vvherin thou namest y e Lord as it should be in modesty sincerity of heart so should it be in fear reuerēce That God who is full of glory majestie should neuer be named but with honor reuerence when thou speakest to Him speake in reuerence yea thinke neuer of Him but with reuerence Well these speaches protestations of men wherin they name the majesty of God y t are so vnreuerend rash insolent testifies sais plainly That in their hearts there is no reuerence to God yea they vtter y t in their hearts they haue said There is not a God in heauē But O miserable catiue thou shalt find y t there is a God one day to thy euerlasting dānation I giue thee no lesse doome Cōsider further when Peter answeres y e Lord the third time it is said by John y t Peter was sad in heart giues a sad sorrowfull cōfessiō because he thought the Lord by so many interrogatiōs credited him not but d●strusted him Thē learne hereby what should be y e properties of a true cōfessiō as cōfessiō should be in modesty sincerity reuerēce so it should be in sadnes y e cōfessiō of a sinner must be in grief sadnes there is no question but in his confession he saw matter of sadnes saw y e Lord by His vrging of him so many times would haue him to be sad This he perceiues therfore he is sad whē he confesses So the cōfessiō of a sinner must be with sadnes of heart Wilt thou come to the Lord with a wāton confession after thine accustomed mirrinesse No no for the Lord by pricking of Peter so oft declares y t He has no pleasure in a cōfession except it be in sadnes Therfore when thou confessest say Alas Lord th●t I cānot loue thee so well as
I should doe would doe Well if the Lord seeke a confession of thee He will pricke thee till He get a sad confession of thee Now it may be asked What ned this confession once twise thrise to be repeated What needed Peter thrise to say I loue thee I answere what needed P●ter to denie Him thrise Now certainly that threefold deniall requires this threefold confession if hee had denied Him but once it might haue bene Hee would haue asked but once if thou goest downe to Hell by degrees wilt thou leape vp to Heauen without any degrees at an instant No no looke by how many degrees thou hast gone down from God toward Hell by as many degrees must thou approach to Him againe for when thou hast committed a great sinne thou canst not repent enough for it albeit thou shouldest weepe and mourne many dayes and yeeres all is too litle Many a time must thou cōfesse thy sinne which if thou doest thou shalt both thereby glorifie God and also obtaine a fuller assurance of the remission of thy sinnes for the more thou repentest the more thou cōfessest thy sinnes thou wilt get the fuller perswasion greater assurance that thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Now I go forward The Lord meetes Peter againe when he hath professed that he loued Him Hee sayes F●ede my Lambes againe Feede my sheepe the third time Feed my sheepe Peter seeing thou hast confessed that thou louest me here I absolute thee the Lord sayes in effect I restore thee to thine office againe be thou an Apostle be thou a feeder of my sheepe be a Pastor to me this is the principall purpose so that y e loue of Iesus restores a sinner it is this loue that restores thee to the roome thou hast beene in But I insist not heere in this answere to Peter ye see how the Lord will haue thy faith thy loue to be manifested No y e cōfession of faith of loue must be manifested in actiō according to the calling the Lord hath placed euery one into hath the Lord called thee to be a king Hee wil say vnto thee feed my people as thou wouldest loue me the Lord grant y e Kings may take heed to this especially our King y t as he professes a loue to Christ so he wold feed His people the Lord giue him this cōsideration art thou a Minister sayest thou louest the Lord well the Lord will say to thee againe feede my lambes I neede none of thy feeding thy loue and well doing cannot extend the selfe to me but do good to others who carie my Image for my cause A profane mā or womā w t a shameles face wil say I loue God the greatest knaue of them all wil say so but if it manifest not in an actiō thou art but a lyar thou louest Him not faith loue must euer vtter thēselues in good actiōs hast y u gottē a heart hands feet do some good otherwise if y u dost neuer a good deed thy profession of faith loue is but vain Look 1. Ioh. 2.4 He that sayes I know God keepes not His commandements he is a lyar the trueth is not in him If a mā sayes I loue God hates his neighbour he is a lyar so y t he shal be punished not only because he did no good but because he was a lyar there are many lying Protestants in this Land they will protest they loue God but when it comes to the trial the world sees y t they haue only a shew of religiō not y e power therof there is anot●er thing here yet to be marked vntil Peter had professed he loued Christ He bids him not feed His lambs but looke how the one followes the other therefore it must follow y t feeding of the lambes of the Lord must come of the loue of y e Lord. If Peter had said I loue thee not Christ could not thē haue said to him feed my lambes thē the lessō is cleare a mā cānot be a Pastor a feeder of the sheepe of Christ except he loue Christ No there is none in any calling y t can do any good deed except y e welspring of loue be in his heart if y t be not he shall neuer do any good deed all shal be sinne thou mayest well flatter thy s●lfe others may flatter thee say all is well but if loue be not how faire glansing so euer thy worke be God coūnts not of it No King in his calling shall euer doe a good deed except he do it for loue he beares to y e Lord therefore seeing a Pastor should learne all other folke to do their dutie yea y e King himselfe how much more is that loue required to be in him if hee would do rightly sincerely earnestly as for his feeding it is more poysoning than f●eding if he haue not loue to Christ the Pastor is not worth a penny y t striues not to get a sense of y t loue of Christ in his heart The●e are so many difficulties impediments cast in to a Pastor whē he is about to discharge his duty which he can neuer be able to ouercome except he both loue y e Lord be sensible of the Lords loue towards him the life of a Pastor is a thornie l●fe and the more faithfull y e man be y e moe vexatiōs troubles will he vnderly what is his life but a cōtinuall t●ouble with whō hath he to do with a flock for a Pastor a flock are relatiue what a flock some are so dull that teach he neuer so much careful●y they remaine rude and vncapable many of this towne are guiltie of this and if there bee any capable they are so vaine so wanton light headed y t they vanish away in their own cogitatiōs againe some are so infirm y t euery thing almost is a stūbling block suppose y t mē giue no offēce yet wil they tak offēce some so malicious indured that the more the Pastor cry the more endure they their heartes and rejects all wholesome admonition some will be sitting vp before the Pastor and mocking him when hee is preaching and when the Pastor hath done all the pointes of his calling faithfully he needes not to looke for any thing but vnthankfull meeting in the end No the more faithfull a man be in his calling the moe tentations shall hee bee subject to to make him the more weake and feeble If ye would have the proofe of this looke 1. Cor. 4.9 What are we sayes Paul God hath set vs vp to be a mocking stocke a ●azing to the world to the Angels and to men what are we the ofscouring of the world that is sweeped out to be cast to the backe-side Then what held him vp and what held vp Peter and the rest of the Apostles and Martyres What but the loue of Iesus if they had not
loued Iesus and that exceedingly they would soone haue fainted we want the tenth part of that loue to Iesus that they had alas all is vanished away Would Peter or Paul or any of them haue borne out these things if they had wanted the loue of Christ if it had not constrained them No 2 Cor. 5 14. he sayes We are fooles but for Christs sake for that loue of Christ constraineth me that is the loue of Iesus occcupies so all my senses that it beares mee out thereafter he resolues that loue which he caried to Christ into the owne cause where he subjoynes B●cause we know that if ●ne be dead for all then were we all dead the ground of His loue was because Christ loued him and this loue is the cause that makes His owne to doe all to suffer all for Christs sake to liue to Him to die to Him looke if thou findest that Christ loues thee then thou wilt loue Him so that thou wilt not refuse if it were a thousand deaths for His cause O the loue of Christ is a great gulfe No it will drowne greater persecutions than the Sea will Pray therefore that the loue of the Lord Iesus may be in thine heart that thou mayest loue Him againe Now againe if the faithful discha●ge of the dutie of a Pastor must proceede of necessitie from the loue of Christ as the effect frō the cause Then marke how ye shall know whether a man loue Christ or not a King a Minister euery Professor whosoeuer Would ye haue a token looke if he be faithfull in his calling if this be a necess●ry effect then marke their works by their works thou shalt know them the loue cannot be seene with the eye it is vttered by a marke by the life whē thou seest a man well occupied in his own calling the King ministring Iustice the Pastor feeding his people certainly thou mayest say Yone man loues Christ but if the action be inlacking what warrand haue I that a man loues God I haue none The Apostle Paul by the confusions and perturbations which he saw to be in the Church of Corinthus gathers that the false teachers these deceiuers loue not y e Lord Iesus therefore he denounces a judgment against them saying If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be had in execratiō yea excōmunicated to death 1. Cor. 16.22 I say an vnfaithful Pastor who feedes his own b●lly not Christs sheepe is accu●sed not only because he spoiles y e Church of Christ but also because he loues not y e Lord Iesus Woe shall be to him one day by y e contrarie a faithfull Pastor ô what honour glory shal he be exalted vnto Yet againe these words would be considered the word of feeding would be looked to it is a borrowed word to speake properly a Minister feedes not it is an Heard that feedes neat and sheepe the Scripture applies not this word only to Ministers but to Kings for looke how busie as an Heard is going about feeding his flock as busie should a King be in his calling a King is but an Heard set ouer to feed y e people of God but the Scripture commonly in the New Testament applies it to Ministers because in a Minister there should be as great diligence painfulnes carefulnes toward y e people as in y e Heard toward y e flocke if there were no more to teach this this threefold so earnest cōmendation to Peter the rest were sufficient It is true that y e Lord Iesus Himself is the Prince of y e Pastors yea properly He is only Pastor He is the Heard therefore He clam●s this stile to Him Job 10 1. For why the flock is His not y e Ministers therfore He sayes Feed my lambes then ye are his flocke He is your Pastor properly Againe it is His food that y e flock is fed with all y e store of y e fodder of grace is out of His barne If a Minister minister to you y e smallest portion of food which is not taken out of y e barneyard of Iesus it is poyson he giues you Knaues haue deceiued y e world long the Pope his shauelings haue propined poyson to y e people haue made many thousands goe to Hell giue Christs flocke Christs food But notwithstanding that Christ properly is y e only true Pastor yet louingly he cōmuninicates this His stile to them whō He employes in His seruice of y e Ministerie Thou y t art a Minister He cals thee a Pastor but thou art but as a seruant laid vnder y e chiefe sheph●ard they are not Lords of y e flock No not the best of them No not Lords but dispensators so they are not prope●ly Pastors Seeing then such is the mercy of the Lord that He so honours them that Hee cōmunicates His stile to y e Ministers therfore they should striue to shew thēselues worthy of that stile by y e faithfull discharge of their calling in feeding of y e flock But who are they that should be fed Christ sayes first Feed my lambes then He sayes twise Feed my sheepe all is one for y e Kirke is compared to a folde full of sheepe He sayes not Goe feed tygres lions wolues but lambes sheepe Who are these then By these lambes sheep the Lord vnderstands His Chosen Blessed is hee that is chosen in Christ for great is the number of them that perishes a very hādfull shall be saued they must be more tame ones sillie simple ones like sheep Ye see y e sheep euer receiuing hurt neuer noysom nor hurtfull to any other Any beast will ouercome a sheep but it wil ouercome none so it is silly simple ones y t are Christs sheep Now I mean not y t all th'Elect are at y e first hand as silly as sheepe no but y t they who were before like wolues lions tygres by y e Spirit through the preaching of y e word by processe of time are tamed and made like sheep No no whē Peter went out to feed thē they were like tygres raging in their lusts No the chosen by nature before they be tamed called they are nothing differēt frō y e reprobate they rampe and roare like liōs albeit in y e secret coūsel of God His decree of predestinatiō by His grace there be a great differēce betwixt y e one y e other for God only makes a differēce betwixt His El●ct the reprobate What was Paul himselfe or any other before they were called but wolues tygres Thē y e Pastor albeit he find men as wolues tygers yet he should not stay frō feeding of thē no he must preach y e Gospel y t therby he may make of wolues tygres lambes and sheepe for many of them that were like tygres after they had once hearde the voyce of the Apostles became simple as sheepe Nowe it may bee
LECTVRES VPON THE HISTORY OF THE PASSION RESVRRECTION AND ASCENSION OF OVR LORD IESVS CHRIST Beginning at the eighteenth Chapter of the Gospell according to S. IOHN and from the 16. verse of the 19. Chapter thereof containing a perfect Harmonie of all the foure Euangelists for the better vnderstanding of all the Circumstances of the LORDS death and Resurrection PREACHED BY THAT reuerend and faithfull seruant of God M r. ROBERT ROLLOCKE sometime Minister of the Euangell of IESVS CHRIST and Rector of the Colledge of EDINBVRGH EDINBVRGH Printed by ANDRO HART ANNO 1616. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL THEIR MOST LOVING FREIND IN THE LORD MASTER WILLIAM SCOT OF ELI Grace in this life and Euerlasting Glorie in the life to come RIght worshipfull albeit that the true knowledge of Christ crucified of all other be the most worthie and excellent albeit that in him be the only and full matter of mans gloriation yet few there be who striue to know him as they should and to make him the matter of their reioycing For to speake nothing of the Gentiles who count the preaching of Christ crucified to be foolishnesse or of the Iewes who count it a stumbling blocke 1. Cor. 1 23. or of the Turkes who will not acknowledge him to be their Redeemer euen they who haue bene baptized in Christ professe outwardly his word true doctrine if they remaine in nature be not preuēted by the spirit of adoption whereby they may see their owne miserie their sinnes the terrours of the wrath of God for sinne in the meane time that they professe Christ they in heart scorne the Crosse of Christ his woundes and his blood they account the knowledge thereof of litle value yea they will preferre to it the knowledge of any thing here beneath and they will seeke the matter of their gloriatiō not in it but either in themselues or els into the creatures of God which in themselues are but transitorious shadowes The naturall man will neuer thinke that he can finde greater things in Christ crucified than he will finde if he obtaine the obiect which most he desires likes and longs for The ambitious man will not thinke that he can get greater honour than to be called the sonne of a King or Emperour he will not refuse with Moses to be called the sonne of Pharaoes daughter that he may be called the sonne of God Heb. 11.24 The sensuall man cannot thinke that he can find any greater pleasure than in his sinfull lust he will neuer chuse rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God than to enioy the pleasures of sinne The couetous man can neuer thinke that any greater happines can be than here on earth to haue gold siluer and treasures he will neuer with Moses esteeme the rebuke of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt Only that man whom God preuents by his Spirit and calles effectually frō the kingdome of darknes to the kingdome of light wil account duely of the Crosse of Christ will say with the Apostle God forbid that I should reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ Gal. 6.14 and I decreed not to know any thing saue Iesus Christ him crucified 1. Cor. 2.2 that man will call it the supereminent knowledge of Iesus Christ Philip. 3.8 he only will make Christ crucified to be the matter of his gloriation for he will see that God in him as in a store-house hath placed all treasures that in him dwells the fulnesse of the Godhead bodely Col. 2.9 he will thirst to be woompled in the wounds of Iesus and washed in the blood of Iesus yea that man will see that God hath manifested in Christ our Sauiour and in his death and resurrection his glorious properties more clearly than in the worke of our creation or any other of his workes whatsouer for he is called the brightnesse of the glorie the engraued forme of the person of the Father the Image of the inuisible God Heb. 1.3 and that man will see that there is nothing which the soule of man inlakes stands in neede of or can desire but he will finde it in Christ. Wouldst thou see the glorious properties of God consider first his power albeit in the worke of creation his power appeared to be incomprehensible omnipotent when by his word he formed all things of nothing called these things that are not and made them to be yet in the worke of the Redemptiō he manifested greater power for notwithstanding Sathan the power of darknesse the sinnes of the Elect which Iesus bare death and the graue were against him yet powerfully he raised Iesus from death Eph. 1.19 there is a great power and whereas in the Creation he formed to Adam a spous out of his owne ribbe in the Redemption he formed the Church of God out of the blood of Christ there he gaue life in commanding that to be which was not here he giues life not by life but by death by the death euen of his owne Sonne Albeit in the worke of Creation great and more than wonderfull doth his wisdome appeare in making this glorious and beautifull fabricke in making all things euen contraries to agree in such an harmonie yet in the worke of Redemption God by finding out a way which no creature neither man nor Angell could inuent how that iustice and mercie could stand together hath shewed greater wisdome his wisdome is such that the Angels admires and desires to looke in it 1. Pet. 1.22 Albeit great anger wrath did the Lord vtter many times against sinners as in the olde world by the Flood and on Sodome Gomorrhe by raining from heauen brimstone and fire he destroyed man woman young olde rich and poore without exception yet more clearely was his anger against sinne seene when for the sinnes of the Elect he spared not his own wel beloued Son on whō they were laid but made his wrath so fearfully to pursue him that he cried My soule is very heauie euē vnto the death Marc. 14.34 and My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Matt. 27.46 And albeit great loue did the Lord shew toward men gaue many testimonies therof in giuing them life breath all things Act. 17.25 in making his sun to shine on them his raine to fal on them giuing them fruitfull seasons filling their hearts with food gladnesse Act. 14.17 yet neuer such loue shewed he as when he sent the Son of God to be the Sonne of man that the sonnes of mē might be made the sonnes of God againe and when he made him to die that men might liue Herein sayes Ioh. 4.10 is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes here only is an incontrollable testimonie of an undoubted loue and if ye will duly consider all the rest of Gods glorious properties ye shall
acknowledge professe We offer therefore these Lectures our labours therein vnto your patronage protectiō not only as a testimony of the Authors great liking and gratitude toward you but also as a monumēt of our thākfulnes for your kindnes shewed vnto vs finally Sir as God hath preuented you many wayes with his blessings hath made you sēsible of his loue hath giuen you an honorable accoūt estate in this world so continue in the honouring of God doing good vnto his Saints for his sake the Lord shall performe the fruite of his promises in you which his Saints find by experience his mercy shall neuer leaue you vntill the time that he accomplish the worke he hath begun he crowne his grace with glory Now the God of all grace peace who is able to doe all things exceeding aboundantly aboue all that we can aske or thinke grant to you Sir according to the riches of his mercy a long happy peaceable life here to the comfort of his Church Commonwelth that you may abound in euery word worke that you may fight constantly the good fight of faith here on earth that whē your course is finished ye may be assured to receiue that crowne of glory in the heauens which Iesus hath acquired to them that loue him To whose gracious protection we recommend you in body and soule with all the actions you enterprise according to his will for now and euer AMEN Yours in the Lord H.C. W.A. THE FIRST LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 1 WHEN IESVS had spoken these thinges hee went foorth with his Disciples ouer the Brooke Cedron where was a Garden into the which he entred and his Disciples verse 2 And Iudas who betrayed him knew also the place for IESVS oft times resorted thither with his Disciples verse 3 Iudas then after he had receiued a band of men and officers of the high Priests of the Pharises came thither with lanterns torches weapons verse 4 Then IESVS knowing all thinges that should come vnto him went foorth and said vnto them Whom seeke yee verse 5 They answered him IESVS of Nazareth IESVS said vnto them I am hee Now Iudas also who betraid him stood with them verse 6 Assoone then as hee had said vnto them I am hee they went away backwardes and fell to the ground VNTO this part of this GOSPELL beloued in the LORD IESVS the LORD hath done the office of a Prophet and Doctor going about to instruct the people of the IEWES in the way of Life and saluation and to instruct and comfort His owne Disciples especially in these last CHAPTERS Nowe in the eighteenth and nineteenth CHAPTERS following He doeth the office of a Priest Ye know the LORD he is a King a Priest and a Prophet He playeth the part of a Priest in offering vp himselfe Hee offered vp none other sacrifice than his owne bodie for the world and for the redemption and saluation of mankind As concerning his passion and suffering which is rehearsed in these two CHAPTERS the historie diuideth it selfe verie clearly First wee haue his Passion and suffering in the Garden Next wee haue his suffering in the Hall of Caiaphas the high Priest Thirdly we haue his suffering before Pontius Pilate the Iudge Fourthly wee haue his suffering in the place of Execution which is called Caluaria or in Hebrewe GOLGOTHA where he was crucified And last in the ende of the nineteenth Chap. we haue the last poinct of his suffering standing in his sepulchre and buriall which is the last part of his humiliation Nowe this day wee shall speake somewhat as the time shall serue of his suffering in the Garden In this first head of Christes suffering in the Garden first wee haue the part of Christ offering himselfe to bee taken and bound willingly and of a set purpose Next we haue the part of Iudas in comming out with a companie of men of warre against him to the same Garden hee knewe the place well enough because the Lord with his Disciples were wont to resort thither In the thirde place wee haue the communication betwixt the Lord and them that came with Iudas to take him And fourthly wee haue a fact of Peter who will shew his loue towards his Master and his manhood by cutting off the eare of Malchus the high Priestes seruant And last the taking of Christ offering himselfe willingly his putting into the hands of his enemies and his binding These things are set downe in the first part of this historie Of the Passion of the Lord concerning his suffering in the Garden Now to come to the words and first to Christes part It is said When IESVS had spoken these things he went foorth with his Disciples ouer the Brooke Cedron where was a Garden into the which hee entered and his Disciples There is Christes part of verie purpose he casteth himselfe to that place which Iudas knew and where hee knew that hee was wont to resort of verie purpose hee went thither because the houre of his death was at hand The time is well to bee noted when he doeth this when he had spoken these things that is when ●ee had sufficiently instructed and comforted his Disciples and made that prayer for them and recommended them to the Father to keepe them in his absence then hee maketh himselfe for death and purposely he went to that place to be taken Heere is a plaine lesson offered vnto vs in the person of Christ when hee had discharged a duetie especially to them who were concredite vnto him after that he had instructed them and after that by prayer hee had commended first his owne selfe and then all his own to God then in securitie and peace he goeth on to death hee goeth not to die before he discharge a duetie to them that were committed vnto him then willingly he addresseth himselfe to death Yee knowe the lesson When a man or a woman hath discharged their calling faithfully towardes them that were committed vnto them and done their duetie to them to whom they are addebted then in peace rest and with a good conscience they may offer vp themselues at the pleasure of God to laye downe their life and to die therefore whosoeuer they be that would die in rest and peace and alas when shouldest thou haue rest peace and quietnesse to thy soule if in the houre of death thou haue it not Let them take heed before they goe to die that they haue discharged a faithfull duetie and then hauing beene faithfull when they goe to die they may lie downe and rest in peace and in a good conscience But yee knowe againe one follie in this poinct and this is the common fashion of men when they haue their health before the Lord call on them they are so sloathfull in discharging their duetie to them to whome they are indebted that when the soule is to depart out
Christ that thou mayest haue a continuall remorse for in the bitternesse of sinne is the sweetnesse of joy Nowe to make an ende and shortly to examine this fall of Peters Certainely there are many faults in this fall First he is caried away with a vaine confidence of flesh and blood he will take vp his crosse and follow the Lord albeit that the Lord aduertised him that hee was not able and then the doore was shut vpon him to aduertise him and put him in minde yet he would not stay then when he is let in alas he denies his Lord once he denies Him twise thrise till the LORD did staye him I dare not say but all this time Peter caried a good heart towards his Lord a spunke of faith a spunke of loue in the heart albeit his faith loue were choked it was suppressed with infirmities of the flesh namely with feare then when he is entered in and come vnto the fire side if that faith and loue was suppressed before with his nature then it was farre more suppressed this litle spunke of loue in the man was smoothered there falles such a weight of infirmitie on it that it was pressed downe vnder the burthen of corruption and vnder securitie if thou be sleeping in securitie albeit thou haue a spunke of loue it will be smoothered and this is most true that this spunke of loue was so smoothered yea I say more it was pressed that except the Lord had looked ouer his shoulder with the eye of his mercie and wakened that spunke of loue it had died out In Peter we haue a cleare example of the weaknesse of the godly men into this life albeit we haue faith and loue yet in the example of Peter we see that the spunke of grace will be choaked with corruption infirmitie and then will ye come to God Peter is one of the chiefe examples of the mercie of God in Iesus Christ Paul to Timothie countes that he was one of the greatest examples of mercie in the world but if yee looke to the sinne of Peter ye will finde that it was greater than the sinne of Paul for Paul did all of ignorance and so if Paul as hee sayes was made an example of the mercie of God to sinners surely this example of Peter ought much more to bee an example to all sinners let no sinner that lookes to him despaire of mercie how burthened so euer hee be with sinne for that same Iesus Christ who was mercifull to Peter hath store of mercie for all them that it pleaseth him mercifully to looke vpon To Him therefore with the Father and holy Spirit be all honour and glorie AMEN THE FIFT LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 28 Then led they IESVS from Caiaphas into the common Hall Now it was morning and they themselues went not into the common Hall lest they should bee defiled but that they might eate the Passeouer verse 29 Pilate then went out vnto them and said What accusation bring you against this man verse 30 They answered and said vnto him If he were not an euill doer we would not haue deliuered him vnto thee verse 31 Then saide Pilate vnto them Take yee him and judge him after your owne Lawe Then the Iewes saide vnto him It is not lawfull for vs to put anie man to death verse 32 It was that the word of IESVS might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die IN the eighteenth and nineteenth Chapters of this Gospell Brethren is contained the History of the Passion of the Lord Iesus Christ and it is diuided in these parts The first is the suffering of the Lord in the Garden The next is the suffering of the Lord vnder the High Priest Caiaphas the Ecclesi●sticall Iudge The third is the suffering of the Lord vnder Pontius Pilate the Ciuill and Romane Magistrate The fourth is the suffering of the Lord in the place of Execution The last in the sepulchre Wee haue spoken of y e first part of His suffering in the Garden besides the inward cōflict He had with y e wrath of His Father for y e sins of y e elect which Hee did beare vpon Him The Lord is taken like a thiefe or vagabond and bound led to Hierusalem We heard also the suffering of the Lord in y e Hall of the High Priest whose name was Caiaphas When the High Priests Elders are set down in coūcell He is brought in before them and being brought they haue not a word to say against Him howbeit they bound Him brought Him to judgemēt This was an vnformall dealing therfore the hie priest demands of Him His doctrine of His disciples to catch a word out of His mouth wherupō he might make his accusatiō whē they preuaile not this way the rest of the Euāgelists note that they begin to suborne false witnes but they get no vantage that way neither for they cānot agree together Thē the hie priest begins in wrath to adjure Him to tell him whether he be that Christ or no The Lord denies it not but saies Thou hast said it He giues him a faire testimony of this after this Hee saies Yee shall see the sonne of man sitting at the right hād of the power of God come in the clouds of heauē Then the high priest rent his clothes as though He had blasphemed said What haue we more need of witnes behold now ye heard His blasphemy what think ye Then he the rest of the councell cōcluded y t the Lord was worthy of death so the coūcel departed In the meane time the Lord is kept still in the Hall of the hie priest the officers are al about Him working all kind of injury against Him y e rebukes y t shuld haue befallē to vs are laide on Him as the prophet said of Him Psal 69.10 Some spitted on Him some put a vaile on His face smote Him saying in scorn Prophesie Christ who it is that striketh thee nothing in the Lord but patiēce He spake nothing He made no more resistāce than a silly lābe before the shearer whē it is begun to become light in the morning the Priests Elders begin to sit down in councell the hie priest asked of Him the same again whether he was that Christ or no He answereth If I should tell you ye will not belieue mee what auailes it to speak to an indured heart He testifies again Thou hast said it he giues an argumēt of this hereafter shall the son of man sit at the right hād of the power of God Then the hie priest and the Elders the second time concludes Him to be worthie of death adjudges Him to die thē the councell arises the first thing they doe they lead Him to Pontius Pilate the Romane deputie to the judgemēt Hall to him to execute y t sentence they had
the word of God and by that Spirit as ye would see life and if yee put it out the Lord shall make you as senslesse as a beast They cried both but Pilate cries Judge ye him They crie crucifie him Pilate cries I find no fault in him worthy of death What euer be Pilates part who was a judge what euer was the part of the Iewes the accusers the Lord hath His part also in it and hee appointes it by His eternall decree the houre was come and Hee will haue His onely begotten Sonne to die for the sinnes of the world and He will be glorified in His death at this houre and He will not haue Him to die as one worthie of death in Himselfe but like an innocent in the sight of the world Now looke to this wisdome that his innocencie should appeare He will haue the Iudge protesting His innocencie oftentimes before He should die On the other part Hee will haue the conscience of the High Priests scraped out and He will haue them getting His blood if the High Priests conscience had beene wakned Iesus had not died at this time for the sinnes of the worlde and therefore to the ende that He should die He hardened the hearts of the accusers When any innocent man suffers and chi●fly for Christ the Lord hath disposed the worlde so that Hee hath made some to testifie of the innocencie of the Martyres and some hath Hee hardened to seeke the blood of the Martyres that He might be glorified Looke to Daniel Darius had a conscience of his innocencie but the Princes had hardened hearts Daniel 6.1 Looke when Paul was accused the Romane Gouernours Lysias Felix and Festus had a conscience of the innocencie of Paul but the High Priestes persecutes Him to the death When a malefactor sufferes the Lord will not vse this manner of doing He will not haue the Iudge to testifie the mans innocencie where there is none but he willl let him die and suffer like a murtherer an oppressour or a blasphemer as he is in very deed hee will haue Iudge accusers and all men conspire together to take awaye such pestes from the earth Therefore if there were no more but this if wee must die it should moue vs to die in a good cause and the best cause is the cause of Iesus Christ Take heede that thou suffer not like a nocent and guiltie person but like an innocent so thy death shall be glorious it is a paine to die and a greater paine to die for an euill cause Now the Priests answere Wee haue a lawe and according to our lawe Hee merites the death they challenge not a lawe to crucifie Him or any power to punish Him capitallie for all power of this was taken away from them by the Romanes yet for all this they forget not the right of their lawe That the blasphemer should die the death according to this lawe they affirme Him worthie of death So Brethren What euer Pilate can doe or say to mitigate and to asswage their malice speake what he can speake they continue in hardnes against Christ looke what blindes them The word of God that should make them to see it it blindes them and they vse it to their blinding All the things in the world yea the best thinges the very word of God serues to wicked men for nothing els but for their farder induration the more they seee the blinder they are they will read but the more they reade the blinder are they for why they abuse the word they will not make it a rule to direct their affections and actions but they abuse it to their fantasie makes a slaue of it Looke to the Papists this day they abuse the old and new Testaments they make them to serue their appetites they interpret expone and applie the word as they please they make the word of God the author of their lies I affirme that the word of God doth nothing to the Papists but blinde them it had bene good for them that they had neuer seene heard nor read the Scripture of God Write on say on this shall bee verified one day but let vs consider their reasoning The lawe ordaines that the blasphemer shall die the death but so it is that this man is a blasphemer for Hee hath made himselfe the Sonne of God therefore He should die y e death If ye looke the ground the general No mā can find fault with it for it is set downe in y e Law Leuit 24.14 but come to the applicatiō where they subsume Iesus is a blasphemer there they faile for Iesus was is and shall be that only begottē Son of God therefore the conclusion is false that Hee ought to die the death So yee see the generall is true but the assumption and the conclusion is a lye In wicked men yee shall finde this that no man will laye downe fairer generalles out of the worde of God than they no man will doe that better but come on to the application there they goe astraye they applie not right but they applie either to this affection or that As for example The murtherer should die the death if there be an hatred in them against the man they will applie it vnto him but by the contrarie if hee bee a kinsman or a friende they will say this man is no murtherer howbeit hee bee as great a murtherer as Barabbas was and therfore he should not die Take heed to thine heart and thinke it not enough to knowe the generall to bee true but take heede to thine heart and to the affections thereof that they maye bee sanctified and chiefely thou who art a Iudge looke that thine heart bee free of hatred and of peruerse loue or else thy loue thine hatred and thy peruerse affections shall bee poyson to thee and shall blinde thee and shall make thee pronounce false judgement For what auailes knowledge what auailes it thee to haue a great light in thine head either thorowe nature or yet thorowe the worde of God if thou wantest reformation and sanctification to thine affections all is for nothing True Christianitie stands in the reformation of the heart and without this all the knowledge in the Scripture shall poyson thee to the death for except thou be reformed it had bene better for thee that thou hadst bene ignorant and neuer seene the Scripture Nowe to goe forwarde When they haue answered Pilate hee continues and it is said when he heard that that man was the Sonne of God if hee had a conscience before now he hath a greater conscience Euen as whatsoeuer Pilate can speake to the hie priests did no more but hardē them on so all the wordes they vse to put out his conscience stirres it vp and wakens it the more Indeede they sought by all meanes to blotte out his conscience And all the doing of a consciencelesse man is to blinde thee and put out thy conscience like as his
multitude of the wicked and persecuters of IESVS CHRIST in crucifying Him in taunting and scorning Him Doubtlesse there were in that companie some of the godlie who loued the LORD IESVS but seeing we haue heard nothing of them as yet therefore this daye wee shall speake somewhat in their behalfe Nowe what are they doing in the meane time They are standing afar off Some men many women who all that time had followed Him before standing to see that sadde spectacle yet with sadnesse they had joye no question And this is the first part of our TEXT which wee haue read out of MATTHEVV MARKE and LVKE After this wee enter into the Historie of Christs buriall But before we come to His buriall wee haue in the XIX CHAPTER of IOHN the Historie of the taking downe of His bodie from the Crosse So at this time by Gods grace wee shall speake of these two to wit Of the part of the godlie who loued Him and next Of the taking downe of that blessed bodie from the Crosse after it was dead Then to come shortly to the purpose It is saide And all his acquaintance stood afarre off There is the generall Then comes on the particular Manie women particular mention is made of them Manie women are standing afarre off looking on Wee heard of before in the XIX of IOHN vers 23. of three women chiefely Marie the Mother of Iesus and other two Maries together with His well-beloued Disciple IOHN and they were standing at that time when Hee hung quicke vpon the Crosse so neare hand Him that He speakes to them from the Crosse and they hearde Him So Brethren this standing afarre off at this time as I take it hath beene after the Lord had giuen vp the ghost when the women are returning home againe being loath to part companie with Him and as they were going home they turned about looked to Iesus hinging on the Crosse on Moūt Caluarie They stand first near thē turning home again they stand afar off No questiō it was y e loue they bare to the Lord that drue thē after him whē he went to be crucified y t same loue y t they bare to him was so tender entire y t it made them to stand look on him when he hung on the Crosse and y t loue they bare to y e Lord Iesus made thē to seuer frō the rest of the multitude and to gather themselues together and looke backe to Him where Hee was hanging For this is a sure thing Those that meete together in one faith and loue in the Lord Iesus of meere force they must meet together among themselues and be linked together by the band of loue in one bodie By the contrary those who meet not together in one faith in Iesus Christ their hearts will neuer be joyned in this world they will neuer meet to make one body they will neuer separate themselues from the multitude of this world No if it were all my kinred father and mother brother and sister if they loue not the Lord Iesus mine heart and his shall neuer bee linked together in this worlde nor in the worlde to come Hee that loueth not the Lord Iesus as Paul saies 1. Corin. Chap. 16. let him be Anathema maran-atha that is cursed for euermore But hee who loues the Lord Iesus and meetes with mee in Him let him bee what hee will let him bee in the vtmoste corner of the worlde mine heart and his is linked together and there is a conjunction which neuer shall bee separated neither in the Heauen nor in the Earth it shall last for euer Brethren when I consider this multitude heere standing looking vpon Him when Hee hung vpon the Crosse I thinke I see an image of the whole worlde for it is a worlde of people who are standing about Him there are Gentiles there are Jewes and the false adulterous kirke there are Priestes Pharises Elders blinde guides of the people a prophane multitude enemies of all sorts And as there are manie enemies to Christ So there is a sillie handfull of godlie men and women gathered together looking vpon that sadde spectacle who resembled the true Kirke militant heere vpon the face of the earth And as in all this multitude like drawes to like The vvicked and the vngodlie ranke themselues together The Priests ranke themselues together The souldiours ranke themselues together and also the godly ranke themselues together and looke vpon that sadde spectacle their Lord crucified Well this is common to all all are standing looking to CHRIST hanging on the Crosse vpon the toppe of the Mount Caluarie Jewe and Gentile wicked and godlie all are looking But in looking there is a great difference There are some delighting their eyes vvith the spectacle there are some feeding the malice of their heartes and drinking the blood of IESVS CHRIST the Priestes the Pharises and the Elders But the godlie are looking on vvith sadnesse of their heartes And I doubt not but as with sadnesse so also they are looking on Him vvith joy by faith in His glorious resurrection There are manie this same houre who haue their eyes fixed on Christ both Turkes and Paganes and the true Kirke and the false Kirke but one cause mooues not all Take heede therefore howe thou lookest either to His Crosse or to His glorie looke that thy soule bee set on Him and see that by looking vnto Him thou preasse to bee partaker of the fruite of His death and resurrection for if thou lookest to Him for the fashion or in malice as the Turkes doe and the Pagans and the Papistes enemies to His Crosse thou shalt perish better had it bene to thee neuer to haue heard of Iesus or neuer to haue seene Him Further this would be well considered We see if we haue a friend whō we loue well if he betaken out to a shamefull death there was neuer such a shamefull death as this we will thinke shame of him and he will thinke shame that his friendes shoulde see him in that estate Who would thinke but that the acquaintances of Iesus should haue thought shame of Him to haue conuoyed their friend to such an ignominious death and to haue seene Him so shamefully demained So that Brethren when I cōsider this matter well I perceiue that those His familiars and acquaintance haue seene further into Christ than men women doe commonly No doubt but the friends of Christ who came to see Him hanging in ignominie sawe life in that death they sawe glory in His ignominie otherwise they had neuer come to see Him hanging in ignominie And no doubt they felt a sweete perfume flowing from that Sacrifice It was the sweetest smelling Sacrifice that euer was offered All the perfume and incense that euer was offered passed not vp with such a sweete smell in the nosethrilles of the Father as that one blessed sacrifice did And as it smelled sweetly in the nosethrilles of the
a good Iustice the Romane Iustitiers were good he shewed him selfe to bee a good Iustitier in this a man condemned to die hee would not giue Him out of His hands till hee knew perfectly that He was dead The Iudge should not giue a man out of his hāds to any till he know he be dead Iustice requires that If they did so to the greene tree the Lord Himselfe saies what shall they doe to the withered If so precise justice was kept on y e innocent what shall become of the reprobate who must suffer euery point of justice Lord saue vs from that justice of the reprobate I put it out of doubt This justice kept on Iesus is a liuely image of that justice that shal be kept on the reprobate Thou shalt not escape one point of that justice but thou shalt suffer in thy carcage y e extremity if thou be not participate of His blood Another thing is to bee marked in Pilate I see a part of humanity in him hee grants the dead body humanely And surely this was by the fashion for the bodies of crucified mē were not giuē yeelded at the request of mē as their death was ignominious so was their buriall I put no doubt the cōscience of the innocencie of Iesus neuer left him the consciēce of His innocēcie made him to be so easie to grant the body of Iesus at the request of Ioseph Brethren if this matter had bene in the hands of Caiaphas the Priests and the Scribes the Elders they would not haue bene so ready to haue giuē the body to be buried for as they sought to shame Him in His death so would they in His buriall they had buried Him like an Asse castē Him out like a beast So who is this that dishonours the Saints of God in their buriall It is not Pilate or an Ethnicke or Turke or Pagan it is hypocrit professors hypocrits Caiaphas it is false priests knaues with a coloured religion it is the counterfet hie priests those shauelings those monks friers who murther the innocēts there was neuer bitternes nor gal of heart like their bitternes who wil cal thēselues the kirke they are a false a deceiuing kirke they haue not bene content to martyre the deare Saincts of God that bloody massacre shall neuer goe out of memory it shal be recent to their perpetual shame they shal pay for it one day but they haue raised vp y e bones of the dead to burne thē The vessels of dishonour seeke the dishonour of the vessels of honour but shame and confusion shall light vpon them whē the Saints of God shall get honour The Lord saue vs from them and that judgement which they shall receiue We goe now to the māner of the Buriall Looke the louing affection of this holy man Ioseph would to God we could learne at him who loued the dead Iesus so well to loue Him now liuing and glorified in the Heauēs When he hath gottē the body of the Lord he takes it puts it not in a foule cloth he takes not an old sheet but he buyes the cleanest linnē finest that culd be gottē the Spirit of God notes that it was a fine linnen cloth which had neuer touched any mans body before then he wraps the body of Iesus in that winding sheet I suppone it was with his owne hands for wee reade of none other that touched Him for hee thought his owne hands ouer vnworthie to winde such a precious and glorious bodie Nowe Brethren as the Buriall of the Lord was honoured by an honourable man who was the Burier of Him so it was honoured with a cleane winding-sheet which is a piece of the honour of the Buriall But looke to this mans doinges better When hee procures leaue to bury Him he departs not leaues another to bury Him he sais not I haue done enough I haue gottē his body he has other friēds thā I here he has his mother his disciples other womē who came with him out of Galile and others let them bury him doe y e rest to him No he saies not so So this is a cōmendable thing in him who hauing gottē leaue to bury him he perfects the worke he will bury him himselfe with his owne hands Let vs learne at Ioseph If we put to our hāds to the work of Iesus to honour him wo to him that honours him not if thou begin to do him any seruice leaue not off whilst thou haue ended it Count not that which thou hast done as men doe who will say I haue professed I haue suffered for religion more than the best of them But when thou art running that race neuer looke ouer thy shoulder vntill thou commest to thy races ende and say thou art an vnprofitable seruant suppose thou hadst done neuer so much goe forward the crowne is not in the middest of the race but at the end and hee who persistes to the end of the race he shall get the crowne not he who goes backe againe Yet the affection of the man would bee considered and weighed after that once that sweete smell the sweetest smell that euer was felt comes from the body of Iesus that sweet smell of loue for the sauour of that body is the sauour of loue such loue as man neuer bare to man such loue as made the Lord to die for sinners after that the smell comes to Iosephs soule it wakened vp in his heart loue towards the Lord for Hee must loue vs before wee loue Him and whilst Hee begins to loue Him he makes request for Him euer the nearer that he drawes to that precious body the sweete smell that came from that precious body was alwayes the greater and the heart of Ioseph warmed ay the more with Him so that he could neuer get rest vntill he got that body in his armes and wrapped it in linnen clothes So when we begin to taste that fragrant odour that sweet smell our hearts will be allured to draw neare to Him and as we draw the nearer to Him wee will ay finde the sweeter sauour proceeding from Him Thou shalt feele alwaies the more that sweet odour the more neare thou meete with Him and who euer thou bee that seekest Him once thou vvilt neuer rest vvhilst thou see Him and be vvith Him Paul speakes this of himselfe 2. Cor. 4.8 I approoue rather to be with the Lord than to dwell in this bodie And to the Phillipians 1.23 I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ For as vvell as vve loue this body vve vvill be content to slit out of it to let the body fall dovvne like a broken pitcher that vve may be conjoyned vvith Christ vve vvill be content to slit and to obtaine Iesus Christ euen vvith the dissolution of the body This for the part of Ioseph in the burying of Christ novve follovves the part of one Nicodemus Whilst as Ioseph is
and as he sayes Ioh. Chap. 3. vers 29. It is the bridegroome that hath the bride and I stand sayes he heare Him and hearing Him I reioyce with an ioy vnspeakable and glorious No it is the greatest joy vnder the Heauen to heare Him speake and if thou hearest Him thou vvilt not desire to speake shee turnes her and shee sees IESVS standing vvhome she sought shee sought Himselfe and findes His Messengers but at the last she finds Himselfe In a word we haue our lesson Seeke euer the Lord thou will not get Him at the first Thou wilt not get a King at the first for Hee hath Messengers afore and wee His Ministers are all His Messengers and wee all tell you and I tell you that CHRIST is comming and blessed bee that commer I bidde thee stande a while and then the LORDE shall come at thy backe Happie and blessed art thou that shalt bee asking for Him thou shalt get such a joyfull meeting as Marie Magdalene did but woefull shall that meeting bee to thee who delitest not to heare nor to speake of Him for Hee shall come vpon thee like a thiefe in the night So blessed art thou who art talking with His Messengers for Hee shall call thee by name as Hee did Marie and that shall bee the joyef●llest voyce that euer thou heardest I saide before that shee got a preferment aboue the Apostles in getting a sight of the Angels but that was common to her with the other women Heere yee see further she got a preferment aboue all women shee gets the first sight of Iesus as MARKE sayes after His Resurrection And this argues that her desire to see Him exceeded the desire of all the Apostles and all the women So thou that longest moste for the LORD shall see Him first and joyefull shall that sight bee to thee Yet marke howe shee receiues it Shee knowes Him not This is a marueilous thing shee neuer left Him but followed Him from GALILE and yet when the LORDE offers Himselfe vnto her eyes shee knowes Him not This must bee imputed to that great stupiditie which was in her eyes they were so dimme that shee coulde not see If the LORDE had anie secrete dispensation in it or in what forme He appeared I will not dispute Our lesson is this There enters such a mist into our eyes that suppose the LORDE offer Himselfe to bee seene in the vvorde crucified and glorified in His Gospell yet thou vvilt not see Him till the beames vvhich glaunce from His face shine into thine hearte and scatter that cloude of darknesse and vvhen that cloude is awaye thou vvilt see vvith such a sweetenesse as cannot bee vttered and thou who diddest neuer see that sight thou neuer sawest joye Nowe blessed is that soule that can beholde the LORDE in the Mirrour as it were comming behinde and happie is that soule that can delite to see Him in the Mirrour for certainlie they shall see Him one daye face to face and the LORDE will turne them about as Hee did Marie and then these vile bodies shall bee like vnto His glorious bodie and that face which is now but vile shall then glaunce as the Sunne in the Noone daye So blessed are they that can awaite till the LORDE come Thou neuer mettest with one in this worlde who can make thee so joyefull as Hee will and euer the greater languor that thou hast for Him the greater shall bee thy joye Alas wee seeke joye heer and there is but fewe who seeke CHRIST in whome is all true joye Well Marie knewe not the LORDE but yet Hee knewe her No thou mayst wel forget Him but He wil not forget thee but He shall cause thee to knowe Him ere thou goe Hee sayes to Marie Woman why mournest thou At the first He lyes aloofe He sayes not Marie but like an vncouth man Hee sayes to her Woman why mournest thou Then Hee sayes not I knowe thou weepest for mee but Hee sayes Why weepest thou Hee sayes not I knowe whome thou seekest but Whome seekest thou So then at the first Hee holdes Him aloofe with His owne Hee giues them not His familiar presence at the first but as long as wee are heere on earth His speach shall bee a farre off As long as wee liue by faith Hee lookes to vs as it were afarre off And this speach is to waken a languor and piece of sadnesse in vs till wee meete with the LORDE for the more thou mournest the greater shall bee thy joye The Lord if Hee please in an instant maye take thee to the Heauens but Hee will let thee lye heere for a while and the greater that thy sadnesse is in this life the greater shall thy joye bee in the life to come O that joye which that bodie shall haue who hath longed for the LORDE Then thinke long and waite for that His bright and glorious comming as Paul speakes for no man shall get a crowne but th●y who haue waited for Him Nowe I shall ende in a worde Shee supposing that hee had beene the Gardener of the Garden where the LORDE was buried shee saide vnto him Sir if thou hast borne him hence tell mee where thou hast layed him that J maye take him away● Looke if shee loued Him not well when Hee was liuing for in His death shee coulde not bee seuered from Him so did the loue of IESVS constraine her In the twentie and fourth CHAPTER OF MATTHEVV it is saide Wheresoeuer a dead carkeis is thither will the Eagles be gathered together Nowe shee is a Mirrour of loue and zeale Alas if thine heart coulde melt with loue as hers did Yet I see in her a marueilous stupiditie Shee knowes Him neither by sight nor voyce her heart was so ouer-come with dolour sadnesse And this senselessenesse that fell on good Marie Magdalene will often-times fall on the best man or vvoman in this life That as the Prophet sayes in hearing they will not heare and in seeing they will not see So all tendes to this Let euerie one judge charitablie of another Bee loath to condemne anie for as liuelie as thou art thou mayest fall downe dead and therefore waite on the LORDE and the voyce of the LORDE shall come vnto thee and call on thee as Hee called on Marie and that voyce shall open both the eyes of thy bodie and of thy soule and Hee shall let thee see and feele that it is Hee and that joye shall bee compleate vvhen thou shalt come and inherite that Kingdome which was prepared for thee before the foundation of the vvorlde The LORDE graunt it maye bee our onelie joye and that vvee maye holde vp our eyes and vvaite night and daye for that blessed comming of IESVS at the which time our joye begunne shall bee perfected and neuer haue ende To this LORDE IESVS vvith the Father and that blessed SPIRIT bee all Praise Honour and glorie for euer and euer AMEN THE XXXIV LECTVRE OF THE
preaching No not an Angell hath power to set thine heart on fire So thou that hast this burning thou mayest saye that the Lorde Iesus is present in thine heart But marke this We see in these men that our eyes are so blind that we cannot discerne the Lord so long as we liue here we cannot get full sight but we are in a strife if the heart shall say The Lord is here the flesh will say He is not here so that we hing here betwixt hope and despaire But when Hee once manifestes Himselfe in glorie then that burning which we felt in this life that sense which we then felt shall bee brought to our remembrance Thinke not that thou shalt loose that sense No Thou shalt take it vp with thee to the Heauen and we shall say one to another Remember yee not what burning wee had when wee spake and hearde of CHRIST in the earth Then it behooued this LORDE to haue beene then with vs in the earth So the remembrance of that joye which thou felt in the vvorlde shall bee a part of thy joye which thou shalt haue in the Heauens in the life to come Therefore get much joye here and laye it vp in store in thine heart goe on in feeling and I promise thee in the Name of GOD it shall neuer depart but it shall euer augment and enlarge thy joye and glorie in the life to come No as the worde of GOD which is the immortall seede of GOD euanishes not so neither shall the effect of the worde euer euanish Then euer striue to get a sense of the working of this worde in thine heart Nowe a worde and so I shall ende Yee woulde thinke this a sober conclusion As wee walked by the waye when hee sp●●e to vs our hearts burned therefore it was he that spake with vs So they concluded that it must bee his Spirit onelie which settes the heart on fire May we not in like manner conclude At the preaching of Paule the Spirite settes the heart on fire therefore Paul is Christ This is a false conclusion And I answere to this That if these men had felt no more but a common feeling in an ordinarie measure their argument had not beene good But they had another feeling than can be at the preaching of a man for no doubt vvith the vvorde Hee sent His Spirite to vvorke in them extraordinarilie And I put it out of question They had such a vvonderfull feeling as they coulde neuer haue had at the preaching of anie man vvhosoeuer So their conclusion is sure Seeing as Hee spake Hee breathed His Spirite vpon vs Hee must bee CHRIST It is a vvonder of them vvho haue gotten GODS SPIRITE howe they vvill discerne of GODS SPIRITE in others And manie are beguiled for fault of this SPIRITE There is verie much spoken of our feeling at the PREACHING And vvhat serues all They call it a fire for the Spirite which raises that feeling is like a fire and therefore He is compared to a fire Matth. 3.11 And a fire hath euer an vp-burning and if thou haue true feeling thine heart shall bee set on fire that fire is mightie will burne vp the drosse of thy saluation which is in thy foule heart No speake not of feeling except thou be regenerate Thou that art an Harlot speake not of feeling except thou feele it burne vp thine harlotrie And thou that art a murtherer saye not that thou hast a feeling and if it burne not vp thy bloodie heart So I charge thee before God heare not one worde except thou findest that Spirit to burne vp thy corruption thou tellest mee that thou feelest and yet thou remainest an harlot fye vpon thine harlotrie let not that word come out of thy mouth Againe as the fire of Gods Spirit burnes vp the drosse of thy corruption so it will inflame thy loue to God it will inflame thine heart and all the power of the soule to the loue of GOD and righteousnesse so that it vvill binde thine heart to God as the Apostle sayes The loue of God constraineth me so that thou wouldest bee content to die to liue with Him and to pleasure Him thou wouldest not care to liue or to die and what more as a fire is nourished with some matter that is meete for burning so this fire once kindled in our soules is nourished and fed by the continuall presence of GOD in IESVS CHRIST and that precious oyle of the Holy Spirit Further a flame tendes alwayes vpward and it will lift an heauie thing that falles downe vpon it ye see a traine of powder will blow vp an house Wee are heauie by nature and loadned with sinne yet that fire of loue will raise thee vp and place thee with the Lord whom thou louest and thine heart will bee lifted vp to Him There is neuer one that loues IESVS in the Earth but they are dwelling with Him in the Heauen and shall enjoy that presence euerlastingly So yee see what it is to haue the heart set on fire till we meete with our LORD and then our heartes shall haue the full fruition of His presence for euer To this IESVS with the Father and Holy Spirit be glorie for euermore AMEN THE XL. LECTVRE OF THE RESVRRECTION OF CHRIST MARKE CHAP. XVI verse 13 And they went and tolde it to the remnant neither beleeued they them verse 14 Finally hee appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate together and reproched them for their vnbeliefe and hardnesse of heart because they beleeued not them which had seene Him beeing risen vp againe LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 33 And they rose up the same houre and returned to Ierusalem and found the eleuen gathered together and them that were with them verse 34 Which saide The Lord is risen indeede and hath appeared to Simon verse 35 Then they tolde what things were done in the way and how Hee was knowen of them in breaking of bread verse 36 And as they spake these things Iesus Himselfe stood in the middes of them and said vnto them Peace be to you IHON CHAP. XX. verse 19 The same day then at night which was the first day of the weeke and when the doores were shut where the disciples were assembled for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stood in the middes and said to them Peace be vnto you WEE haue heard Beloued in Christ these dayes past of the conference which was betwixt Christ and these two Disciples who were going to Emmaus Christ reproued thē sharplie because they thought that Christ being crucified all hope of Redemption was past Next He instructed them affirming that it behooued Him to suffer and by suffering to enter into His glorie This His doctrine which Hee prooued by manie Testimonies of Scripture beginning at Moses and from Moses Hee comes to the Prophets interpreting vnto them what they had spoken concerning Christ concerning His Passion and concerning His glorie after His Passion for the preaching of
As He blessed them He departed frō them He went alitle frō them Next He was taken vp Tdirdly He was receiued in a cloud Fourthly being receiued in y t cloud His Apostles beholding Him the cloud to●ke Him out of their sight Fiftly being taken out of their sight by the cloud He was caried vp into heauen If we weigh cōsider wel all these circumstāces we wil see that th'Ascensiō of our Lord was not only exceeding glorious but also very sensible visible for while He stood in the mids of them He depa●ted separated Himselfe a space from them to the end that they all might the better see Him ascending thereafter He was taken vp piece piece degree by degree so that sensibly piece piece they might haue followed Him with their eyes then as they are thus beholding a cloude interueenes takes Him out of their sight After this they see His person no more but they see y t cloud wherein He was receiued to be caried vp into heauē al these circumstāces were very sensiible for now He goes not frō them on a suddainty He conueyes not Himselfe out of their sight in a momēt as He did w t the two Disciples w t whom He sate at table in Emmaus no question the Lord of set purpose would haue His Ascensiō to be so sensible to the end y t the disciples who saw it the whole form of it so clearly might haue a setled assurāce ful perswasion in their hearts to the end y t w t the greater euidency liberty freedom they might preach proclaime it to the world for the ful perswasion of the heart made thē bold confidēt in preaching as Paul saies Seeing we haue such trust we vse great boldnes of speech y t so y e world hearing thē speak w t such euidency freedome boldnes of the Lords Ascēsion seeing thē paint out so vinely sensibly the whole forme processe y t therein was vsed might without any doubt fully beleeue y t the Lord was ascended to heauē so the Lord had a regard respect vnto His Kirk in all the faithful y t shuld liue in th'ages to come yea euen of vs who liue this day whē so sensibly visibly in the presēce of His Apostles He ascēded into heauē The Lord made not His Apostles eye witnesses of His Ascension so much for their own cause as for the Kirkes cause which by their Ministery was to be gathered together to be broght to th' obedience of Iesus so when y u cōsider●st y t sensible forme progresse y t the Lord vsed in His Ascension for thy cause it is thy duty to praise glorifie His Majesty for it Now after the Lord is caried vp to heauen what followes was there no higher degree of glory Yes for Marke sayes After He was receiued into heauen He sate at the right hand of God After He had past throgh al the visible Heauēs He was set at the right hand of His Father in the highest Heauens farre aboue all principalitie and power and might and domination and euery name that is named not in this world only but also in that which is to come so that all things were made subiect vnder His feete Ephes 1.20 21. this the Father had spoken of Him before when He said Sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footstoole Psal 110.1 To sit at the right hand of God is to obtaine y t highest degree of glory in the heauens as Mediator to haue equal power glory w t the Father to haue power ouer all creatures to doe w t them as He pleases to haue all things vnder His feete to be declared to be y e head of y e Kirk that person by whō the Father immediatly guides gouernes all things for as He is y e Sonne of God equall with y e Father He was glorified with that glory which Hee had with the Father before the foundations of the world were laid according as He prayed before His Passion Joh. 17.5 as He is man He is exalted aboue euery creature in such sort that by y e hand of Christ the man God gouernes all things in heauen in earth so we see that y e Lord by degrees passed frō glory to glory now He is in such incomprehensibl● glory as this mortal eye of man cānot be able to pierce into Indeed the disciples saw His glorious Ascensiō but they could not be able to see that highnes sublimity of glory whereunto He was exalted whē He sate at the right hand of y e Father Steuē saw the heauē opened the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God Acts 7.55 but how sober meane a portiō of His glory was y t which He saw in resp●ct of y e fulnes of glory y t He had thē in y e heauēs but albeit we be not able w t our bodily eyes to pierce behold y e greatnes of y t glory whereinto He is exalted yet this is our cōfort y t we find sensibly by experience in our own soules y t Iesus is sitting in his Kingdome w t exceeding glory power by these comfortable effects motions y t He workes within vs. Th'Apostles albeit they saw Him not sitting at y e right hand of God in glory yet in y t same momēt y t He sate down in His throne of glory they found in their own hearts his kingly power that dominiō y t He hath ouer al creatures for what meaned y t exceeding joy y t they had after that He was taken out of their sight whē they were returning to Jerusalem euē this that Christ was entred in His kingdome that His kingdome power was effectuall into their soules what meanes these spiritual motions which are raised vp in the hearts of the godly this sadnes for sinne this vnspeakable joy this peace trāquillity of cōscience this loue to God desire to see Him euen this y t the Lord Iesus is come into His Kingdome is now reigning in y e heauēs y t He hath established this Kingdome in our soules For the Kingdome of God sayes Paul is righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 therefore whē y u findest any spiritual motiō in thy soule take it for a sure argument of Christs sitting at the right hand of God in His kingdome Now hauing spokē of Christs Ascension let vs see what was the Apostles behauiour whē they saw the Lord thus ascēd wh●t did they It is said that they worshipped Him next that they looked stedfastly toward heauen what moued thē to worship Him no question the sight of a wonderfull glory Majestie in Iesus because at this time they saw Him in an higher glory majesty than euer they did before therfore of necessity their worshipping of Him at this time