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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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in youth and not to deferre tyll age 7 The soule returneth to God 12 Wisdome is the gyft of God and consisteth in fearing hym and keping his commaundementes 1 PVt away displeasure out of thine heart and remoue euill from thy body for chyldhood and youth is but vanitie 2 Remember thy maker the sooner in thy youth or euer the dayes of aduersitie come and or the yeres drawe nye when thou shalt say I haue not pleasure in them 3 Before the sunne the light the moone and starres be darkened and or the cloudes turne agayne after the rayne 4 When the kepers of the house shall tremble and when the strong men shall bowe them selues when the milners stand styll because they be so fewe and when the sight of the windowes shall waxe dimme 5 When the doores in the streetes shal be shut and when the voyce of the milner shal be layde downe when men shall ryse vp at the voyce of the byrde and when all the daughters of musicke shal be brought lowe 6 When men shall feare in hye places and be afraide in the streetes when the Almonde tree shall florishe and be laden with the grashopper and when all lust shal passe because man goeth to his long home and the mourners go about the streetes 7 Or euer the siluer lace be taken away and or the golden well be broken Or the pot be broken at the well and the wheele broken vpon the cesterne 8 Then shall the dust be turned agayne vnto earth from whence it came and the spirite shall returne vnto God who gaue it 9 All is but vanitie saith the preacher all is but playne vanitie 10 The preacher was yet more wyse and taught the people knowledge he gaue good heede sought out the ground and set foorth many parables His diligence was to finde out acceptable wordes right scripture the wordes of trueth 11 For the wordes of the wyse are like prickes and nayles that go thorowe of the auctoures of gatheringes which are geuen of one shephearde 21 Therefore beware my sonne of that doctrine that is beside this for to make many bookes it is an endlesse worke and to muche studie weerieth the body 13 Let vs heare the conclusion of all thinges Feare God and kepe his commaundementes for that toucheth all men For God shall iudge all workes and secrete thinges whether they be good or euyll ¶ The ende of the booke of the preacher otherwise called Ecclesiastes ❧ The Ballet of Ballettes of Solomon called in Latin Canticum Canticorum The first Chapter 1 The familier talke and misticall communication of the spirituall loue betweene Iesus Christe and his Churche 6 The domesticall enemies that persecute the Churche 1 O That he would kisse me with the kisses of his mouth for thy loue is more pleasaunt then wine and that because of the good and pleasaunt sauour of thy most precious baulmes 2 Thy name is a sweet smelling oyntment when it is shed foorth therfore do the maydens loue thee 3 Drawe thou me vnto thee we wyll runne after thee The kyng hath brought me into his priuie chaumbers We wylbe glad and reioyce in thee we thinke more of thy loue then of wine they that be righteous loue thee 4 I am blacke O ye daughters of Hierusalem but yet fayre and well fauoured like as the tentes of the Cedarenes and as the hanginges of Solomon 5 Marueyle not at me that I am so blacke for why the sunne hath shined vpon me my mothers chyldren haue euyll wyll at me they made me the keper of the vineyardes but mine owne vineyarde haue I not kept 6 Tell me O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest the sheepe where thou makest them rest at the noone day for why shall I be like hym that goeth wrong about the flockes of thy companions 7 If thou knowe not thy selfe O thou fayrest among women then go thy way foorth after the footesteppes of the sheepe and feede thy goates besyde the shepheardes tentes 8 Vnto the hoast of Pharaos charets haue I compared thee O my loue 9 Thy cheekes and thy necke is beautifull as the turtles and hanged with spanges and goodly iewels a neckband of golde wyll we make thee with siluer buttons 10 When the king sitteth at the table he shall smell my Nardus a bundell of myrre is my loue vnto me he wyll lye betwixt my brestes a cluster of Camphire in the vineyardes of Engaddi is my loue vnto me 11 Oh howe fayre art thou my loue Oh howe fayre art thou thou hast doues eyes O howe fayre art thou my beloued howe well fauoured art thou 12 Our bed is dect with flowres the seelinges of our house are of Cedar tree and our crosse ioyntes of Cipresse The .ij. Chapter 3 The Churche desireth to rest vnder the shadowe of Christe 8 She heareth his voyce 14 She is compared to the doue 15 And the enemies to the foxes 1 I Am the rose of the fielde and lillie of the valleys 2 As the lillie among the thornes so is my loue among the daughters 3 Like as the apple tree among the trees of the wood so is my beloued among the sonnes 4 My delight is to sit vnder his shadowe for his fruite is sweete vnto my throte 5 He bringeth me into his wine seller his banner spread ouer me whiche is his loue 6 Set about me cuppes of wine comfort me with apples for I am sicke of loue 7 His left hande lyeth vnder my head and his right hande shall imbrace me 8 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem by the roes and hindes of the fiede that ye wake not vp my loue nor touche her tyll she be content her selfe 9 Me thinke I heare the voyce of my beloued lo there commeth he hopping vpon the mountaines and leaping ouer the litle hilles 10 My beloued is lyke a roe or a young hart beholde he standeth behinde our wall he looketh in at the windowe and peepeth thorowe the grate 11 My beloued aunswered and sayd vnto me O stande vp my loue my beautifull and go to thyne owne for lo the winter is nowe past the rayne is away and gone 12 The flowres are come vp in the field the tyme of the byrdes singing is come and the voyce of the turtle doue is hearde in our lande 13 The figge tree bryngeth foorth her figges and the vines beare blossomes and haue a good smell 14 O stande vp then and come my loue my beautifull and come I say O my doue out of the caues of the rockes out of the holes of the wall O let me see thy countenaunce and heare thy voyce for sweete is thy voyce and fayre is thy face 15 Get vs the foxes yea the litle foxes that hurt
Tharsis 15 His body is as the pure iuorie dect ouer with Saphires His legges are as the pillers of Marble set vpon sockettes of golde 16 His face is as Libanus and as the beautie of the Cedar trees 17 The wordes of his mouth are sweete yea he is altogether louely Such a one is my loue O ye daughters of Hierusalem such a one is my loue The .vi. Chapter 2 The Church assureth her selfe of the loue of Christe 3 The prayses of the Church 8 She is but one and vndefiled 1 WHyther is thy loue gone then O thou fairest among women whyther is thy loue departed and we wyll seke hym with thee 2 My loue is gone downe into his garden vnto the sweete smellyng beddes that he may refreshe hym selfe in the garden gather lilies 3 My loue is myne and I am his which feedeth among the lilies 4 Thou are beautifull O my loue as is the place Thirza thou art faire as Hierusalem fearefull as an armie of men with their banners 5 Turne away thine eyes from me for they haue set me on fire Thy heery lockes are lyke a flocke of goates shorne vpon the mount of Gilead 6 Thy teeth are lyke a flocke of shorne sheepe which go out of the wasshyng place where euery one beareth twinnes and not one vnfruitfull among them 7 Thy cheekes are like a peece of a pomegranate within thy lockes of heere 8 There are threescore queenes fourescore wiues and damselles without number 9 One is my doue one is my dearlyng She is the only beloued of her mother and deare vnto her that bare her When the daughters sawe her they sayde she was blessed yea the queenes wiues praysed her 10 What is she this that loketh foorth as the mornyng faire as the moone cleare as the sunne and fearfull as an armie of men with their banners 11 I went downe into the nut garden to see what grewe by the brookes and to loke yf the vineyarde florished or yf the pomegranates were not foorth 12 I knewe not that my soule had made me the charyot of the people that be vnder tribute 13 Turne agayne turne agayne O thou perfect one turne agayne turne agayne and we wyll loke vpon thee What will ye see in the Sulamite She is lyke men of warre singing in a companie The .vij. Chapter 1 The beautie of the Churche in all her members 1● She is assured of Christes loue towardes her 1 O Howe pleasaunt are thy treadynges with thy shoes thou princes daughter the ioyntes of thy thighes are like a faire iewell which is wrought by a cunnyng workemaister 2 Thy nauell is lyke a rounde goblet which is neuer without drynke 3 Thy wombe is like a heape of wheate that is set about with lilies 4 Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young roes 5 Thy necke is as it were a towre of iuorie thine eyes also are lyke the water pooles that are in Hesebon beside the port of Bathrabbim thy nose is lyke the towre of Libanus which loketh towarde Damascus 6 That head that standeth vpon thee is lyke Carmel and the heere of thy head is like purple and like a kyng dwellyng among many water conduites 7 O Howe faire and louely art thou my dearlyng in pleasures 8 Thy stature is lyke a paulme tree and thy breastes lyke the grapes 9 I sayde I wyll climbe vp into the paulme tree and take holde of his hye braunches 10 Thy breastes also shal be as the wine clusters the smell of thy nosethrilles like as the smell of apples 11 And thy rooffe of thy mouth lyke the best wine which is meete for my best beloued pleasaunt for his lippes and for his teeth to chawe 12 I am my beloueds and he shall turne hym vnto me 13 O come on my loue we wyll go foorth into the fielde and take our lodgyng in the villages 14 In the mornyng wyll we go see the vineyarde we wyll see yf the vine be sprong foorth yf the grapes be growen and yf the pomegranates be shot out 15 There will I geue thee my brestes the Mandragoras geue their sweete smell and besyde our doores are all maner of pleasaunt fruites both newe and olde which I haue kept for thee O my beloued The .viij. Chapter 2 The Church wyll be taught by Christe 3 She is vpholden by hym 6 The vehement loue wherwith Christe loueth her 1● She is the vine that bryngeth foorth fruite to the spirituall Solomon which is Iesus Christe 1 O That I might finde thee without and kisse thee whom I loue as my brother whiche suckt my mothers brestes and that thou shalt not be dispised 2 I wyll leade thee and bryng thee into my mothers house that thou myghtest teache me and that I myght geue thee drynke of the spiced wine and of the sweete sappe of my pomegranates 3 His left hande shal be vnder my head and his ryght hande shall imbrace me 4 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem that ye wake not vp my loue nor touche her tyll she be content her selfe 5 What is she this that cometh vp from the wildernesse and leaneth vpon her loue I wake thee vp among the apple trees where thy mother conceaued thee where thy mother I say brought thee into the worlde 6 O set me as a seale vpon thine heart and as a seale vpon thine arme for loue is myghtie as the death and gelousie as the hell 7 Her coales are coales of fire and a very vehement flambe of the Lorde so that many waters are not able to quenche loue neither may the streames drowne it Yea yf a man woulde geue all the good of his house for loue he shoulde count it nothyng 8 Our sister is but young and hath no brestes what shall we do for our sister when she shal be spoken for 9 If she be a wall we shall builde a siluer bulwarke thervpon yf she be a doore we shall fasten her with boordes of Cedar tree 10 I am a wall and my brestes lyke towres then was I as one that hath founde fauour in his syght 11 Solomon hath a vineyarde at Baal-Hamon and this vineyarde deliuered he vnto the kepers that euery one for the fruite therof shoulde geue hym a thousande peeces of siluer 12 My vineyarde which is myne is in my syght thou O Solomon must haue a thousande and the kepers two hundred which kepe the fruite 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens O let me heare thy voyce that my companions may hearken to the same 14 O get thee away my loue and be as a roe or a young hart vpon the sweete smellyng mountaynes A. P. E. The ende of the ballet of ballettes of Solomon called in latine Canticum Canticorum ❧ The booke of the prophete Esai The first Chapter 2 The prophete accuseth the sinnes of the
presenting vnto him a crowne of golde a paulme and an oliue tree which as men thought belonged to the temple and that day held his tongue 5 But when he had gotten oportunitie for his madnesse Demetrius called him to counsel and asked him what thinges or counsels the Iewes leaned vnto 6 He aunswered The Iewes that be called Assidei whose captaine is Iudas Machabeus maintayne warres make insurections and wyl not let the realme be in peace 7 For I being depriued of my fathers honour I meane the hie priesthood am come hyther 8 Partly because I was faithfull vnto the king and partly because I sought the profite of myne owne citezins And why all our people through the wickednesse of them are not a litle troubled 9 Wherefore I beseche thee O king consider all these thinges diligently and then make some prouision for the lande and the people according to the kindnes that thou hast offered vnto them 10 For as long as Iudas liueth it is not possible that men can lyue in peace 11 When he had spoken these wordes other friendes also hauing euill wyll at Iudas set the king Demetrius on fire against him 12 Which immediatly sent Nicanor ruler of the Elephantes a captaine into Iurie 13 Commaunding him to slay Iudas to scatter them that were with him and to make Alcimus hie priest of the great temple 14 Then the heathen which fled out of Iurie from Iudas came to Nicanor by flockes thinking the harme and decay of the Iewes to be their welfare 15 Now when the Iewes heard of Nicanors comming and the gathering together of the heathen they sprinckled them selues with earth and besought him which made them his people and euer defended his owne portion with euident to kens that he woulde preserue them still 16 So at the cōmaundemēt of the captaine they remoued straight wayes from thence came to a towne called Dessau 17 And Simon Iudas brother fell in hand with Nicanor but through the sodaine comming of the enemies he was afraide 18 Neuerthelesse Nicanor hearing the manlinesse of them that were with Iudas and the bolde stomakes that they had to fight for their natural countrey durst not prooue the matter with bloodshedding 19 Wherfore he sent Possidonius Theodorus and Mathathias before to geue and to take peace 20 So when they had taken long aduisement thereupon and the captaine shewed it vnto the multitude they were agreed in one minde to haue peace 21 And they appoynted a day to sit vpon these matters quietly among them selues and for euery one stooles also were brought and set foorth 22 Neuerthelesse Iudas commaunded certaine men of armes to wayt in conuenient places lest there should sodenly aryse any euill through the enemies and so they communed reasonably together 23 Nicanor while he abode at Hierusalem ordered him selfe not vnreasonably but sent away the people that were gathered together 24 He loued Iudas euer with his heart and fauoured him 25 He prayed him also to take a wyfe and to bring foorth children So he maryed liued in rest and they led a common life 26 But Alcimus perceauing the loue that was betwixt them and how they were agreed together came to Demetrius and tolde him that Nicanor had taken straunge matters in hande and ordayned Iudas an enemie of the realme to be the kinges successour 27 Then the king was sore displeased and through the wicked accusations which Alcimus made of Nicanor he was so prouoked that he wrote vnto Nicanor saying that he was very angry for the frendship and agreement which he had made with Machabeus Neuerthelesse he cōmaunded him in al the haste that he should take Machabeus prisoner and sent him to Antioch 28 Which letters when Nicanor had sene he was at his wittes ende and sore greeued that he shoulde breake the thinges wherein they had agreed specially seeing Machabeus was that man that neuer did him harme 29 But because he might not withstand the king he sought oportunitie to fulfill his commaundement 30 Notwithstanding when Machabeus saw that Nicanor began to be churlishe vnto him that he entreated him more roughly then he was wont he perceaued that such vnkindnesse came not of good and therefore he gathered a fewe of his men and withdrewe him selfe from Nicanor 31 Which when he knew that Machabeus had manfully preuēted him he came into the great and most holy temple and commaunded the priestes which were doing their vsuall offeringes to deliuer him the man 32 And when they sware that they could not tell where the man was whom he sought 33 He stretched out his right hande toward the temple and made an oth saying If ye wyll not deliuer me Iudas captiue I shall remoue this temple of God into the pla● 〈◊〉 I shal breake downe the aulter and consecra●e this temple vnto Bacchus 34 After these wordes he departed Then the priestes lyft vp their handes toward heauen and besought him that was euer the defender of their people saying ▪ 35 Thou O Lord of all which hast nede of nothing wouldest that the temple of thy habitation should be among vs 36 Therefore nowe O most holy Lorde kepe this house euer vndefiled which lately was cleansed and stop all the mouthes of the vnrighteous 37 Now was there accused vnto Nicanor one Razis an alderman of Hierusalem a louer of the whole citie a man of good reporte which for the kinde heart that he bare vnto the people was called a father of the Iewes 38 This man oft times when the Iewes were minded to kepe them selues vndefiled defended and deliuered them being content stedfastly to spend his body and his lyfe for his people 39 So Nicanor wylling to declare the hate that he bare to the Iewes sent fiue hundred men of warre to take him 40 For he thought if he ●at him he should bring the Iewes in great decay 41 Now when the pe●ple began to rushe in at his house to breake the doores and to set fire on it he being now taken fel vpon his sword 42 Choosing rather to dye manfully then to yeelde him selfe to those wicked doers because of his noble stocke he had rather haue ben put to extreme crueltie 43 Notwithstanding what time as he missed of his stroke for haste and the multitude rushed in violently betwixt the doores he ranne boldly to the wall and cast himselfe downe manfully among the heape of them 44 Which gaue soone place to his fall so that he fell vpon his belly 45 Neuerthelesse while there was yet breath within him he was kindled in his minde while his blood gushed out exceedingly for he was very sore wounded he ranne through the middest of the people and gat him to the top of a 〈◊〉 46 So when his blood was n●we 〈◊〉 he toke out his owne bowels 〈…〉 his handes threw them vpon the ●ple calling vpon the Lorde 〈…〉 to rewarde him this againe 〈…〉 he dyed The .xv. Chapter 2
poore 6 This he sayde not that he cared for the poore but because he was a thiefe and had the bagge and bare that which was geuen 7 Then sayde Iesus Let her alone agaynst the day of my burying hath she kept this 8 For the poore alwayes shall ye haue with you but me haue ye not alwayes 9 Much people of the Iewes therfore had knowledge that he was there And they came not for Iesus sake only but that they might se Lazarus also whō he raysed from death 10 But the hye priestes helde a councell that they myght put Lazarus to death also 11 Because that for his sake many of the Iewes went away and beleued on Iesus ☜ 12 On the next day much people that were come to y e feast when they hearde that Iesus should come to Hierusalem 13 Toke braunches of paulme trees and went foorth to meete hym and cryed Hosanna blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde commeth kyng of Israel 14 And Iesus got a young Asse and sate theron as it is written 15 Feare not daughter of Sion beholde thy kyng commeth sittyng on an Asses colte 16 These thynges vnderstoode not his disciples at the first but when Iesus was glorified thē remembred they that such thinges were written of him that such thynges they had done vnto hym 17 The people that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his graue and raysed hym from death bare recorde 18 Therfore met hym the people also because they hearde that he had done such a miracle 19 The pharisees therfore sayde among them selues perceaue ye howe ye preuayle nothyng Beholde all the whole worlde goeth after hym 20 There were certaine Grekes among them that came to worship at the feast 21 The same came therefore to Philip which was of Bethsaida a citie of Galilee and desired hym saying Syr we woulde fayne see Iesus 22 Philip came and tolde Andrewe And agayne Andrewe Philip tolde Iesus 23 And Iesus aunswered them saying The houre is come that the sonne of man must be glorified 24 ☞ Veryly veryly I say vnto you except the wheate corne fall into the grounde and dye it abideth alone If it dye it bryngeth foorth much fruite 25 He that loueth his lyfe shall destroy it and he that hateth his lyfe in this worlde shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall 26 If any man minister vnto me let hym folowe me And where I am there shall also my minister be If any man minister vnto me hym wyll my father honour ☜ 27 Nowe is my soule troubled and what shall I say Father saue me from this houre but therfore came I into this houre 28 Father glorifie thy name Then came there a voyce from heauen ●saying I haue both glorified it and wyll glorifie it agayne 29 The people therfore that s●oode by and hearde it sayde that it thundred Other sayde an Angel spake to hym 30 Iesus aunswered and sayde This voyce came not because of me but for your sakes 31 ☞ Nowe is the iudgement of this worlde Nowe shall the prince of this worlde be cast out 32 And I yf I were lyft vp from the earth wyll drawe all men vnto me 33 This he sayde signifiyng what death he shoulde dye 34 The people aunswered him We haue hearde out of the lawe that Christe bydeth euer and howe sayest thou the sonne of man must be lyft vp Who is that sonne of man 35 Then Iesus sayde vnto them Yet a litle while is the light with you Walke while ye haue light lest the darknesse come on you For he that walketh in the darke wotteth not whither he goeth 36 Whyle ye haue lyght beleue on the lyght that ye may be the chyldren of the lyght ☜ These thynges spake Iesus and departed hyd hym selfe from thē 37 But though he had done so many miracles before them yet beleued not they on hym 38 That the saying of Esaias the prophete myght be fulfylled which he spake Lorde who shall beleue our saying And to whom is the arme of the Lorde declared 39 Therfore coulde they not beleue because that Esaias sayth agayne 40 He hath blynded their eyes and hardened their heart that they shoulde not see with their eyes lest they should vnderstande with their hearte should be conuerted and I should heale them 41 Such thynges sayde Esaias when he sawe his glory and spake of hym 42 Neuerthelesse among y e chiefe rulers also many beleued on hym But because of the pharisees they dyd not confesse hym lest they should be excōmunicate 43 For they loued the prayse of men more then the prayse of God 44 Iesus cryed and sayde He that beleueth on me beleueth not on me but on hym that sent me 45 And he that seeth me seeth hym that sent me 46 ☞ I am come a lyght into y e worlde that whosoeuer beleueth on me should not byde in darknesse 47 And yf any man heare my wordes and beleue not I iudge hym not For I came not to iudge the worlde but to saue the worlde 48 He that refuseth me receaueth not my wordes hath one that iudgeth him The worde that I haue spoken the same shall iudge hym in the last day 49 For I haue not spoken of my selfe but the father which sent me he gaue me a commaundement what I should say and what I shoulde speake 50 And I knowe that his commaundement is lyfe euerlastyng Whatsoeuer I speake therfore euen as the father bad me so I speake ☜ ❧ The .xiij. Chapter 5 Christe wassheth the Apostles feete 8 Peter refuseth to be wasshed but afterwarde consenteth 1● The Apostles are cleane 13 Christe Lorde and Maister 14 Exhortyng to humilitie and charitie 26 Christe sheweth who shall betray hym 27 Satan entreth into Iudas 30 He goeth out to the pharisees 34 Christe exhorteth y e disciples to loue 35 Wherby Christes disciples are knowen 38 He forewarneth Peters denyall 1 BEfore the feast of the Passouer when Iesus knewe that his houre was come y t he shoulde departe out of this world vnto the father When he loued his which were in the world vnto the ende he loued them 2 And when supper was ended after that the deuyll had put in the heart of Iudas Iscariot Simons sonne to betray hym 3 Iesus knowyng that the father had geuen all thynges into his handes and that he was come from God and went to God 4 He rose from supper and layde asyde his vpper garmentes And when he had taken a towel he gyrded hym selfe 5 After that he powred water into a bason and began to washe the disciples feete and to wype them with the towel wherwith he was gyrded 6 Then came he to Simon Peter And Peter sayde vnto hym Lorde doest thou wasshe my feete 7 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym What I do thou wotest not nowe but thou shalt knowe
praying 4 Sence we hearde of your fayth in Christe Iesus and of the loue which is to all saintes 5 For the hopes sake which is layde vp for you in heauen of which hope ye hearde before in the worde of trueth of the Gospell 6 Which is come vnto you euen as it is into all the worlde is fruitfull as it is also in you from the day ye hearde of it and knewe the grace of God in trueth 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras our deare felowe seruaunt which is for you a faythfull minister of Christe 8 Who also declared vnto vs your loue in the spirite 9 ☞ For this cause we also sence y e day we hearde haue not ceassed to pray for you and to desire that ye myght be fulfylled with knowledge of his wyll in all wisdome spiritual vnderstandyng 10 That ye myght walke worthie of the Lorde in all pleasyng beyng fruitefull in all good workes and encreasyng in the knowledge of God 11 Strenthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long sufferyng with ioyfulnesse ☜ 12 Geuyng thankes vnto y e father which hath made vs meete to be partakers of the inheritaunce of the saintes in lyght 13 Who hath delyuered vs from the power of darcknesse and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare sonne 14 In whō we haue redemptiō through his blood the forgeuenesse of sinnes 15 Who is the image of the inuisible God the first borne of all creatures 16 For by him were all thinges created that are in heauē and that are in earth visible and inuisible whether they be maiestie or lordeshippe either rule or power All thynges were created by hym and for hym 17 And he is before all thynges and in hym all thynges consist 18 And he is the head of the body of the Churche he is the begynnyng the first borne of the dead that in all thynges he myght haue the preeminence 19 For it pleased the father that in hym shoulde all fulnesse dwell 20 And by hym to * reconcile all thynges vnto hym selfe to set at peace through the blood of his crosse by hym both the thynges in earth and thynges in heauen 21 And you which were sometyme straungers and enemies by cogitation in euyll workes hath he nowe yet reconciled 22 In the body of his fleshe through death to present you holye and vnblameable without fault in his syght 23 If ye continue grounded stablisshed in the fayth and be not moued away from the hope of the Gospell which ye haue hearde howe it is preached to euery creature which is vnder heauen wherof I Paul am made a minister 24 Nowe iowe I in my sufferynges for you and fulfyll that which is behynde of the passions of Christe in my fleshe for his bodyes sake which is y e Church 25 Wherof I am made a minister accordyng to the dispensation of God which is geuen to me to you warde to fulfyll the worde of God 26 The misterie hyd sence the worlde began and sence the begynnyng of generations but nowe is opened to his saintes 27 To whom God woulde make knowē what is the riches of the glorie of this misterie among the gentiles which is Christe in you the hope of glorie 28 Whom we preache warnyng euery man and teachyng euery man in all wisdome to present all men perfect in Christe Iesus 29 Wherunto I also labour striuyng according to his workyng which worketh in me mightylie ¶ The .ij. Chapter 1 Hauyng protected his good wyll towarde them 4 he admonisheth them not to turne backe from Christe 8 to the seruice of Angels or any other inuention or els ceremonies of the lawe 17 which haue finished their office and are ended in Christe 1 FOr I woulde that ye knew what great fight I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicea and for as many as haue not seene my face in the fleshe 2 That their heartes myght be comforted beyng knyt together in loue and in al riches of certaintie of vnderstanding to knowe the misterie of God and of the father and of Christe 3 In whom are hyd all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge 4 This I say lest any man shoulde begyle you with perswasion of wordes 5 For though I be absent in the fleshe yet am I with you in the spirite ioying and beholdyng your order and your stedfast fayth in Christe 6 As ye haue therfore receaued Christe Iesus the Lorde so walke ye in hym 7 Rooted and built in hym stablished in the fayth as ye haue ben taught aboundyng therin with thankes geuing 8 ☞ * Beware lest any man spoyle you through philosophie vayne deceipt after the tradition of men and after the rudimentes of the worlde and not after Christe 9 For in hym dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodyly 10 And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principalitie and power 11 In whom also ye are circumcised with circumcisiō made without handes by puttyng of the body of sinnes of the fleshe in the circumcision of Christe 12 Buried with him in baptisme in whō ye are also risen agayne through y e fayth of the operation of God who hath raysed hym from the dead 13 * And ye beyng dead to sinne and to the vncircumcision of your fleshe hath he quickened with him forgeuyng all your trepasses ☜ 14 And puttyng out the hande writing of ordinaunces that was agaynst vs and that hath he taken out of the way fastenyng it to his crosse 15 Spoylyng all principalities powers hath made a shewe of them openly triumphyng ouer them in it 16 Let no man therfore iudge you in meate or in drinke or in part of an holy-day or of the newe moone or of the Sabboth dayes 17 Which are shadowes of thynges to come but the body is of Christe 18 Let no man begile you of victorie in the humblenesse and worshippyng of Angels intrudyng hym selfe into those thinges which he hath not seene causelesse puft vp with his fleshly mynde 19 And holdeth not the head wherof all the body by ioyntes bandes supported and knit together encreaseth with the encrease of God 20 Wherefore yf ye be dead with Christe from y e rudimentes of the world why as though lyuyng in the worlde are ye led with traditions 21 Touche not taste not handle not 22 Which all be in corruption in abusyng after the commaundementes and doctrines of men 23 Which thynges haue a shewe of wisdome in superstition humblenesse of mynde and in hurtyng of the body not in any honour to the satisfiyng of y e flesh ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 He sheweth where we shoulde seke Christe 5 he exhorteth to mortification 10 to put of the olde man and to put on Christe 12 to the which he addeth exhortation both generall and
And in all deceauablenesse of vnryghteousnesse in them that peryshe because they receaued not the loue of the trueth that they myght be saued 11 And therefore God shall sende them strong delusion that they should beleue lyes 12 That all they myght be dampned whiche beleued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnryghteousnes 13 But we are bounde to geue thankes alway to God for you brethren beloued of the Lorde because that God hath frō the begynnyng chosen you to saluation in sanctifiyng of the spirite in fayth of the trueth 14 Wherevnto he called you by our Gospell to the obteyning of the glorie of our Lorde Iesus Christe 15 ☞ Therfore brethren stande fast and holde the ordinaunces whiche ye haue ben taught whether it were by our preachyng or by our epistle 16 Our Lorde Iesus Christe and God and our father whiche hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastyng consolation and good hope in grace 17 Comfort your heartes and stablysshe you in all good saying and doyng ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 He desireth them to pray for hym that the Gospell may prosper 6 and geueth them warnyng to reproue the idle 16 and so wyssheth them all wealth 1 FVrthermore brethren praye ye for vs that the worde of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified euen as with you 2 And that we may be delyuered from disordered and euyll men For all men haue not fayth 3 But the Lorde is faythfull whiche shall stablyshe you and kepe you from euyll 4 And we haue confidence in the Lorde to youwarde that ye both do and wyll do the thynges whiche we commaunde you 5 And the Lorde guyde your heartes to the loue of God and to the pacient waytyng for Christe ☜ 6 ☞ We commaunde you brethren in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe that ye withdrawe your selues from euery brother that walketh inordinately and not after the institution whiche he receaued of vs. 7 For ye your selues knowe howe ye ought to folowe vs For we behaued not our selues inordinately among you 8 Neither toke we breade of any man for nought but wrought with labour and sweat nyght and daye because we woulde not be chargeable to any of you 9 Not but that we had auctoritie but to make our selues an ensample vnto you to folowe vs. 10 For when we were with you this we warned you of that yf any woulde not worke the same shoulde not eate 11 For we haue heard that there are some which walke among you inordinately workyng not at all but be busy bodies 12 Them that are such we commaunde and exhort by our Lorde Iesus Christ that they workyng in quietnesse eate their owne breade 13 And ye brethren be not weery in well doyng 14 Yf any man obey not our doctrine signifie hym by an epistle and haue no companie with hym that he maye be ashamed 15 Yet count him not as an enemie but warne hym as a brother 16 Nowe the very Lorde of peace geue you peace alwayes by all meanes The Lorde be with you all 17 The salutation of me Paul with mine owne hande This is the token in euery epistle So I write 18 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen ¶ Sent from Athens ¶ The first Epistle of the Aposile Saint Paul vnto Timothie The first Chapter ● He exhorteth Timothie to wayte vpon his office namely to see that nothyng be taught but gods worde c. 5 Declaryng that fayth with a good conscience charitie and edification are the ende therof 20 and admonisheth of Hymeneus and Alexander 1 PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the commission of God our sauiour and Lorde Iesus Christe whiche is our hope 2 Vnto Timothie a natural sonne in the faith Grace mercie and peace from God our father and Iesus Christe our Lorde 3 As I besought thee to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed into Macedonia so do that thou cōmaunde some that they teache no other doctrine 4 Neither geue heede to fables and endlesse genealogies whiche breede questions more then godly edifying which is in fayth 5 But the ende of the commaundement is loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience of fayth vnfaigned 6 From the whiche thynges some hauyng erred haue tourned vnto vayne ianglyng 7 Couetyng to be doctours of the lawe not vnderstandyng what they speake neither wherof they affirme 8 ☞ But we knowe that the lawe is good yf a man vse it lawfully 9 Knowyng this * that the lawe is not geuen vnto a ryghteous man but vnto the lawlesse and disobedient to the vngodly and to sinners to vnholy and vncleane to murtherers of fathers murtherers of mothers to manslears 10 To whoremongers to them that defyle them selues with mankynde to manstealers to lyers to periured and yf there be any other thyng that is contrarie to wholsome doctrine 11 Accordyng to the Gospell of glorie of the blessed God whiche is committed vnto me 12 And I thanke Christ Iesus our Lord whiche hath made me strong For he counted me faythfull puttyng me into the ministerie 13 Beyng a blasphemer and a persecuter and an oppressour But yet I obtayned mercie because I dyd it ignorauntly in vnbeliefe 14 Neuerthelesse the grace of our Lorde was exceedyng aboundaunt with faith and loue which is in Christe Iesus 15 ☞ This is a faythfull saying and by all meanes worthy to be receaued that Christe Iesus came into the worlde to saue synners of whom I am chiefe 16 Notwithstandyng for this cause was mercie shewed vnto me that in me the first Iesus Christe myght shewe all long sufferyng to the example of them which shoulde beleue on hym to lyfe euerlastyng 17 Nowe vnto the kyng euerlastyng immortall inuisible vnto God onlye wise be honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen 18 This commaundement commit I vnto thee sonne Timotheus accordyng to the prophesies which went before vpon thee that thou in them shouldest fyght a good fyght 19 Hauyng fayth and good conscience which some hauyng put awaye as concernyng fayth haue made shipwracke 20 Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander whom I haue delyuered vnto Satan that they maye learne not to blaspheme ¶ The .ij Chapter 1 He exhorteth to pray for all men 4 wherfore 8 and howe 9 As touchyng the apparell and modestie of women 1 I Exhort therefore that firste of all prayers supplications intercessiōs and geuynge of thankes be made for all men 2 For kynges and for all that are in auctoritie that we maye leade a quiete and peaceable lyfe in all godlynesse and honestie 3 For that is good and accepted in the syght of God our sauiour 4 Who wyll haue all men to be saued and to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth 5 For there is one God and one mediatour of God and men the man Christe Iesus 6 Who
stedfastnesse 18 But growe in grace and in the knowledge of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe to whom be glorie both nowe and for euer Amen The first Epistle of Saint John the Apostle The first Chapter 2 True witnesse of the euerlastyng worde of God 7 The blood of Christe is the purgation of sinne 10 No man is without sinne 1 THat whiche was frō the beginning whiche we haue heard which we haue seene with our eyes whiche we haue loked vpō our handes haue handeled of the worde of lyfe 2 And the lyfe appeared and we haue seene and beare witnesse and shewe vnto you that eternall lyfe which was with the father and appeared vnto vs. 3 That which we haue seene and heard declare we vnto you that ye also maye haue felowship with vs and that our felowship may be with the father and his sonne Iesus Christe 4 And this write we vnto you that your ioy may be full 5 And this is the tydynges whiche we haue hearde of hym declare vnto you that God is lyght in hym is no darkenesse at all 6 If we saye that we haue felowship with hym and walke in darkenesse we lye and do not the trueth 7 But and yf we walke in light euen as he is in lyght then haue we felowship one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all sinne 8 If we say that we haue no sinne we deceaue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. 9 If we knowledge our sinnes he is faythfull iust to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnryghteousnesse 10 If we say we haue not sinned we make hym a lyer and his worde is not in vs. ¶ The .ij. Chapter 1 Christe is our aduocate 10 Of true loue and howe it is tryed 18 To beware of antichriste 1 MY litle chyldren these thynges write I vnto you that ye sinne not And yf any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the ryghteous 2 And he is y e attonement for our sinnes not for our sinnes only but also for the sinnes of all the worlde 3 ☞ And hereby we are sure that we knowe hym yf we kepe his cōmaundementes 4 He that sayth I knowe hym and kepeth not his commaundementes is a lyer and the veritie is not in hym 5 But who so kepeth his worde in him is the loue of God perfect in deede Hereby knowe we that we are in hym 6 He that sayth he bydeth in him ought to walke euen as he walked ☜ 7 Brethren I write no newe cōmaundement vnto you but that olde cōmaundement which ye haue had from the begynnyng The olde commaundement is the worde which ye haue hearde frō the begynnyng 8 Agayne a newe commaundement I write vnto you that is true in hym and the same is true also in you For the darkenesse is past and the true lyght nowe shyneth ☜ 9 He that sayth howe that he is in the lyght and yet hateth his brother is in darkenesse euen vntyll this tyme. 10 He that loueth his brother abydeth in the lyght and there is none occasion of euyll in hym 11 He that hateth his brother is in darknesse and walketh in darkenesse can not tell whyther he goeth because that darkenesse hath blynded his eyes 12 Babes I write vnto you because your sinnes are forgeuen you for his names sake 13 I write vnto you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is from the begynnyng I write vnto you young men because you haue ouercome the wicked 14 I write to you little chyldren because ye haue knowē the father I haue written to you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is from the begynnyng I haue written vnto you young men because ye are stronge and the worde of God abydeth in you and ye haue ouercome the wicked 15 See that ye loue not the worlde neither the thynges that are in the worlde If any man loue the worlde the loue of the father is not in hym 16 For all that is in the worlde as the lust of the fleshe and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but of the worlde 17 And the worlde passeth away and the luste thereof but he that fulfylleth the wyll of God abydeth for euer 18 Litle chyldren it is the last time and as ye haue hearde howe that antichrist shall come euen nowe are there many antichristes whereby we knowe that it is the last tyme. 19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs For yf they had ben of vs they woulde no doubt haue continued with vs But that it myght appeare that they were not of vs. 20 Neuerthelesse ye haue an oyntment of hym that is holy and ye knowe all thynges 21 I haue not written vnto you as though ye knewe not the trueth but because ye knowe it and that no lye is of the trueth 22 Who is a lyer but he that denieth that Iesus is Christe The same is antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne the same hath not the father But he that knowledgeth the sonne hath the father also 24 Let therfore abyde in you that same whiche ye hearde from the begynnyng If that whiche ye hearde from the begynnyng shall remayne in you ye also shall continue in the sonne and in the father 25 And this is the promise that he hath promised vs euen eternall lyfe 26 These thynges haue I written vnto you concerning them that deceaue you 27 And the annoyntyng whiche ye haue receaued of hym dwelleth in you And ye nede not that any man teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all thynges and it is true and not lying and as it taught you ye shall abyde in it 28 And nowe babes abide in him that when he shal appeare we may be bolde and not be made ashamed of hym at his commyng 29 If ye knowe that he is ryghteous knowe also that euery one whiche doth righteousnes is borne of hym ¶ The .iij Chapter 1 The singuler loue of God towarde vs 7 and howe we agayne ought to loue one another 1 BEholde what loue the father hath shewed on vs that we shoulde be called the sonnes of god For this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not hym 2 Dearely beloued nowe are we the sonnes of God and yet it doth not appeare what we shal be But we knowe that when he shall appeare we shal be lyke hym for we shall see hym as he is 3 And euery man that hath this hope in hym purgeth hym selfe euen as he also is pure 4 Whosoeuer committeth sinne transgresseth also the lawe for sinne is the transgression of the lawe 5 And ye know that he appeared to take away our sinnes in hym is no sinne 6 As many as byde in hym sinne not whosoeuer
sinneth hath not seene him neither knowen hym 7 Babes let no man deceaue you He that doeth righteousnes is ryghteous euen as he is righteous 8 He that committeth sinne is of the deuyll for the deuyll sinneth sence the beginning For this purpose appeared the sonne of God to loose the workes of the deuyll 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seede remayneth in him and he can not sinne because he is borne of God 10 In this are y e children of God knowē and the chyldren of the deuyll Whosoeuer doth not ryghteousnesse is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother 11 For this is the tidynges that ye heard from the begynnyng that ye shoulde loue one another 12 Not as Cain which was of that wicked and slewe his brother And wherfore slewe he hym Because his owne workes were euyll and his brothers good 13 ☞ Maruayle not my brethren though the worlde hate you 14 We knowe that we are translated from death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethren * He that loueth not his brother abideth in death 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslear And ye knowe that no manslear hath eternall life abidyng in hym 16 Hereby perceaue we loue because he layde downe his lyfe for vs we ought to lay downe our lyues for the brethren 17 But who so hath this 〈◊〉 good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion from hym● howe dwelleth the loue of God in hym 18 My babes let vs not loue in worde neither in tongue but in deede and in veritie 19 Hereby we knowe that we are of the trueth and shall assure our heartes before hym 20 For yf our heart condempne vs God is greater then our heart and knoweth all thynges 21 Dearely beloued yf our heart condempne vs not then haue we boldnesse towarde God 22 And whatsoeuer we aske we receaue of hym because we kepe his commaundementes and do those thynges which are pleasyng in his syght 23 And this is his cōmaundement that we beleue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christe and loue one another as he gaue commaundement 24 And he that kepeth his commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we knowe that he abideth in vs euen by the spirite which he hath geuen vs. ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 Difference of spirites 2 howe the spirite of God may be knowen from the spirite of errour ● of the loue of God and of our neyghbours 1 DEarly beloued beleue not euery spirite but proue the spirites whether they are of God or not for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde 2 Hereby shall ye knowe the spirite of God Euery spirite that confesseth that Iesus Christe is come in the fleshe is of God 3 And euery spirite which confesseth not that Iesus Christe is come in the fleshe is not of God And this is that spirite of antichriste of whom ye haue hearde howe that he shoulde come and euen nowe alredy is he in the worlde 4 Litle chyldren ye are of God haue ouercome them for greater is he that is in you then he that is in the worlde 5 They are of the world therfore speake they of the worlde the world heareth them 6 We are of God He that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not Hereby knowe we the spirite of veritie and the spirite of errour 7 Dearely beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God And euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God 8 He that loueth not knoweth not God for ☞ God is loue 9 In this appeared the loue of God to vs warde because God sent his only begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue through hym 10 Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be the agreement for our sinnes 11 Dearely beloued yf God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another 12 No man hath seene God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs. 13 Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym he in vs because he hath geuen vs of his spirite 14 And we haue seene and do testifie that the father sent the sonne to be the sauiour of the worlde 15 Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God 16 And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in hym 17 Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we shoulde haue boldnesse in the day of iudgement For as he is euen so are we in this worlde 18 There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hath paynefulnesse He that feareth is not perfect in loue 19 We loue hym for he loued vs first 20 If a man say I loue God yet hate his brother he is a lyer For how can he y t loueth not his brother whom he hath seene loue God whō he hath not seene 21 And this commaundement haue we of hym that he which loueth God shoulde loue his brother also ☜ The .v. Chapter 1. Of the fruites of fayth 14.20 The office aucthoritie diuinitie of Christe 21 agaynst images 1 WHosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christe is borne of God And euerie one that loueth him which begat loueth hym also which is begotten H. L. of hym 2 By this we knowe that we loue the chyldren of God when we loue God and kepe his commaundementes 3 For this is the loue of God that we kepe his commaundementes and his commaundementes are not greeuous 4 ☞ For all that is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde And this is the victorie that ouercommeth y e worlde euen our fayth 5 Who is it that ouercommeth y e worlde but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God 6 This Iesus Christe is he that came by water and blood not by water only but by water and blood And it is the spirite that beareth witnesse because the spirite is trueth 7 For there are three which beare recorde in heauen the father the worde and the holy ghost and these three are one 8 And there are three which beare recorde in earth the spirite and water and blood and these three agree in one 9 If we receaue the witnesse of men the witnesse of God is greater For this is the witnesse of God that is greater which he testified of his sonne 10 He that beleueth on the sonne of God hath the witnesse in hym selfe ☞ He that beleueth not God hath made hym a lyer because he beleued not the recorde that God gaue of his sonne 11 And this is the recorde how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and this lyfe is in his sonne
Iosippus which was also called Caiphas vnder whom Christe suffered he after .xi. yeres forsoke Iurie and returned to Rome after him Tiberius sent Pontius Pilate vnder whom Herode Agrippa to the honor of Tiberius Caesar builded the citie of Tiberias After y e death of Herode Ascolonita the monarchie of the kingdome of the Iewes was deuided into two partes by the Senate of Rome and one part was geuen to Archelaus vnder the name of the Tetrarch that is of Iurie and Idumea and it was promised him that if he did worthily he shoulde be made king An other part was deuided into two Tetrarches and one part therof was geuen to Herode Antipas ouer the riuer and Galilee and to his brother Philippus was geuen the Tetrarchie of Ituria or Traconitis and to Lisania was geuen the Tetrarchie of Abilen Christes line Christe Iesus our Lorde was borne the .42 yere of the Empire of Augustus in the .30 yere of Herode the kyng on the Sunday at nyght and in the .15 yere of Tiberius Christ was 30. yeres of age Christes birth Christes childhood Christes suffering Christes rising Octauianus or Augustus 57 I. Tiberius Caesar 23 K. 〈…〉 in the 〈…〉 you ioyne the 〈…〉 so begynneth the sixt age which shall continue to the day of iudgement H. Pontius Pilate was made Procurator of Iurie by Tiberius Caesar who commyng to Hierusalem woulde haue the image of Iulius Caesar to be set in the temple in the .17 yere of his rule he pronounced false sentence agaynst Christe he woulde haue brought into the temple the images of the Gentiles contrarie to the lawe of the Iewes and the money receaued into Corbonam that is of the Arke wherin was put the offrings of the priestes to the repayryng of the temple also of the Treasure house wherin was put the oblations of all passengers he turned to his owne vse and therfore Tiberius exiled him to Lions his owne countrey where he dyed to his shame Ioh. 19. I. Octauianus or Augustus Caesar after he came to the empire found pacified the whole world therfore he disired to knowe what regions what cities what castles what villages what men were vnder his Empire for he had the rule of the whole worlde and this description was first made of Cirinus the liefetenaunt of Syria and than was Christe borne And hauyng desire to builde a notable pallace he woulde knowe howe long it shoulde continue and had aunswere from Cibilla that it shoulde endure so long tyll a virgin should bring foorth a childe whervpon he called it eternum that is euerlastyng But Christe beyng borne of a virgin the pallace fell downe whervpon he builded an aulter to God borne of the virgin and called it the aulter of heauen he raigned .13 yeres after Christes birth and in the .41 yere of his rule he numbred the people in Rome and there were founde ninetie tymes three hundred thousand and 80. thousande and sixe hundred men Luk. 2. K. Tiberius was the sonne of Augustus and of Iulia his wife he had two Nephues one of his sonne called Tibur and another of his brother called Gaius he woulde haue substituted after him the sonne of his sonne whom he loued better but Herode Agrippa loued better Gaius and wished him to be Emperour for which wishe he put Herode in prison In the .15 yere of his raigne Iohn Baptist began for to preache and to baptise and in his 18. yere Christe was crucified and Tiberius dyed Hismeria Zacharia man Elizabeth wife Iohn Baptist L. Hismeria and Anna sisters Anna wife to these three Salomas Ioachim Cleophas Zebedeus man Maria wife Maria wife Ioseph man Maria wife Alpheus man Petrus Iames the great Iohn the Euangelist Iames the lesse Simon Cananeus Taddeus S. Iudas Christe Andreas Philippus Bartholomeus Mattheus Thomas Matthias Paulus M. Ioseph or Barsabas Barnabas The Apostles dispearsed through the whole worlde to preache the Gospell of Christe were for Christes sake slayne by diuers tormentes except Iohn the Euangelist Peter and Paule in the ●9 from Christes passion and in the .14 yere of Nero were slaine at Rome the same day Andrewe in Patras Iames both of them and Matthias in Iurie Iohn the Euangelist was translated from Ephesus Thomas and Bartholmewe in Iudea Simon and Iudas in Persia Matthewe in Ethiope Marke in Alexandria Luke in Bithinia Barnabas was martered in Cipresse M. Paul in the seconde yere from Christes death was by miracle conuerted to the fayth in the .13 yere Paul and Barnabas were deuided in Antioche and went vp to Peter and Iames in Hierusalem and in the .14 yere they went to preache and Paul after long preachyng in Iurie and Greece came to Rome ¶ The whole scripture of the Bible is deuided into two Testamentes the olde Testament and the newe which booke is of diuers natures some legall some historicall some sapientiall and some propheticall The olde teacheth by figures and ceremonies the lawe was geuen terribly in lightnyng and thundryng to induce the people to obseruaunce therof by feare The newe Testament came in more gloriously with the gentle name of the Gospel and good tidynges to induce men to obserue it by loue Bookes Legal be so named wherin the lawes and iudgementes of God be pronounced by his owne mouth and they be 5. bookes which is to say Genesis Which doth treate of the beginning of the world and of all creatures of the deluge of Noes ship and the confusion of tongues of the election of Gods people and of the goyng downe of the people into Egypt Chapters 50. Exodus Sheweth of the ten plagues of Pharao and of the departyng of the children of Israel out of Egypt of the ten preceptes and iudgementes and of the instruction of Gods people of the arke of Gods couenaunt and of the Tabernacle of the aulter of Aarons vestures Chapters 40. Leuiticus It doth treate of sacrifices and oblations to be offered of the pot and the vestures of Aaron of the order and ministery of the Leuites Chapters 27. Numeri It treateth of the numbryng of the people of the tribes of Israel of the prophecie of Balaam of the mansions in wildernesse Chapters ●6 Deuteronomie Doth report agayne those thinges that were done in the former foure bookes Chapters 34. Historical be so called wherein histories of diuers actes be expressed there be of thē bookes 19. Iosuah Whiche doth treate of the passing ouer the flud of Iordane and of the subuersion of the kingdome that were the Iewes aduersaries of the bryngyng in of Gods people into the lande of beheste and of the deuision of that lande Chapters 24. Iudges Which treateth of Princes and Iudges and of the defence of the people of Israel and of their conquest and triumphes had agaynst their enemies Chapters 21. Ruth Which treateth of the matrimonie betwixt Booz and Ruth of whom Christ did spring Chapters 4. Samuel 1 Which treateth of the gouernaunce of the people of Israel by Iudges of
Legales as it were where christes lawes be expressed and conteyneth 4. bokes or Gospelles Matthaewe Who principally treateth of the actes of Christe of his humanitie of his death resurrection and assention Chapters 28. Marke Wherin chiefly is treated the fortitude of Christe and doth repeate most thinges of Matthewe Chapters 16. Luke Which speaketh chiefly of the annunciation of the blessed virgin and Christes actes death and resurrection Chapters 24. Iohn In whom Christes diuinitie is chiefly shewed and other actes of his diuine power Chapters 21. Historical shewyng the actes deedes of y e Apostles and is one booke Act. of Apo. Wherin S. Luke declareth the sendyng of the holy ghost after his visible assention into heauen of the actes of the Apostles especially of Paul wherin is also set out as it were the young age of the Churche in her first grouth Chapters 28. Sapiētial be named these wherin the wisdome of Christ is expressed by examples preceptes of godly lyuing geuen by his Apostles be bookes 21. Romanes Wherin Paul doth reuoke the Romanes from the errours of the Gentiles declaryng the order of their iustification what shoulde proceede and what should folowe their iustification Chapters 16. Corinth 1 Wherin he doth call backe some that were deceaued of false Apostles Philosophers by their eloquence some which were deceaued by the iudaicall obseruation of the lawe he calleth them backe to true faith and to the wisdome of God Chapters 16. 2 Wherin Paul vpon their conuersion and repentaunce prayseth and comforteth them Chapters 13. Galath Wherin Paul calleth home agayne such as were deceaued by false prophetes that they shoulde returne backe to the lawe and to their ceremonies and wylleth them to come agayne to the true faith of the Gospell Chapters 6. Ephesians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Ephesians which did persist constantly in the faith of the Gospell receaued Chapters 6. Philippians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Philippians for that after they had receaued the worde of trueth they did not receaue the false Apostles Chapters 4. Colossians Wherin Paul blameth the Colossians for that they were reduced by the false Apostles and exhorteth them to returne to the veritie of the Gospell Chapters 4. Thessalonians 1 Wherin he doth commende the Thessalonians which receauyng the worde of trueth though they suffered persecution of their owne kinrede yet they did persist in the faith nor woulde receaue the false Apostles Chapters 5. 2 Wherin the Apostle instructeth them of the last tymes of the commyng and of the persecution of antechrist of his aduauncement and ouerthrowe Chapters 3. Timoth. 1 Wherin Paul instructeth him of the order and office of Bishops and Deacons and of all ecclesiasticall discipline Chapters 6. 2 Wherin Paul doth exhort him to the crowne of martirdome and doth infourme him of all the rules of the catholike veritie and what shal be done in the last dayes and of his owne sufferyng Chapters 4. Legales also Titus Wherin Paul doth instruct Titus his disciple of the constitutyng and ordering of priestes or elders of all spirituall conuersation and of the eschewing of heretikes Chapters 3. Philemon Wherin the Apostle commendeth Philemon of his faith to Christe and of his charitie to the godly and he prayeth him to deale gentlye with Onesimus his seruaunt and to entertayne him friendly Chapter 1. Hebre. Wherin the Apostle sheweth the weakenesse and the abolishment of Moyses lawe and the perfection of the doctrine of the Gospell and that Christ is true God and man and a mediatour betweene God and man Chapters 13. Iames. Wherin Iames geueth exhortation vnto patient sufferyng and that there is no exception of persons before God and doth also open the hurtes that come by an euyl tongue he forbiddeth warres and discentions he rebuketh the riche that be vncharitable and doth stirre men to vertue Chap. 5. Peter 1 Wherin Peter geueth thankes vnto God which by the death of his sonne did mercifully saue all mankinde and doth instruct to good life diuers states of men Chapters 5. 2 In which the Apostle induceth the beleuers to holde the true faith he doth note and condempne the falsenesse of heretikes and doth describe the seconde commyng of Christe Chapters 3. Iohn 1 In which saint Iohn doth testifie of the worde of trueth and life exhortyng men to confesse their sinnes affirmyng that we haue Iesus Christe an aduocate with the father disswadyng men from the loue of the worlde and perswadyng them to loue God and their neighbours Chapters 5. 2 Wherin he commendeth the elect Lady and her sonnes and doth exhorte them to brotherly loue and doth admonishe them to eschewe heretikes Chapter 1. 3 In this he prayseth the godlinesse of his beloued Gaius which he extended vnto straungers and he doth exhort him to perseuer styll in that godlinesse and well doyng Chapter 1. Iude. In the which the Apostle doth admonishe all men of their owne saluation and he doth bryng in by the way the altercation that was betwixt Michael and the deuyll and doth detest the life of the heretikes Chapter 1. Propheticall Apoca. Which treateth of reuelations shewed vnto Iohn by an angell in the Isle of Pathmos of the tribulations which the Churche of Christe did then suffer prophecieth also of such tribulations which the Church shall suffer hereafter especialy in the time of antechrist and of the punishmentes of them which be dampned and of the rewardes of the elect Chapters 22. ¶ Faultes escaped In the first prologue pag. 3. line 26. destoyed reade destroyed 27. line neither the reade neither by the. In Matthewe chap. 26. vearse .71 reade this felowe In the actes chap. 13. vearse .4 they sealed reade they sayled Chap. 15. vearse .3 conuersation reade conuertion Romanes chap. 11. vearse .9 in the margent write Psal 68. Colossians chap. 3. vearse .16 the worde of God reade the worde of Christ Hebrues chap. 1. vearse .8 righteousnesse reade rightnesse HEre is to be noted that such partes and chapters which be marked and noted with such semy circles at the head of the vearse or line with such other texts may be left vnread in the publique reading to the people that therby other chapters and places of the scripture makyng more to their edification and capacitie may come in their roomes And here let the minister of Christ and dispenser of the misteries of God haue a due and weightie consideration to reade this hie treasure of Gods worde with all reuerence and grauitie truely distinctly and sensibly for it is the mightie power of God to salu●tion to euery one that beleueth So let the hearers also with all mekenesse and lowlinesse receaue this worde that is thus grafted and grounded amongst them by the great mercie of God which worde is able to saue their soules saith the holy Apostle saint Iames. For as both the reader and hearer be pronounced blessed by Christes owne mouth who heare the worde of God and do fulfyll it
incense vpon the aulter that was before the Lord and so he finished the house 26 And king Solomon made a nauie of shippes in Azion Gaber which is beside Eloth on the brinke of the red sea in the lande of Edom. 27 And Hiram sent by shippe also of his seruauntes that were shipmen and had knowledge of the sea with the seruauntes of Solomon 28 And they came to Ophir and set from thence foure hundred and twentie talentes of golde and brought it to king Solomon The .x. Chapter 1 The queene of Saba commeth to heare the wysdome of Solomon 18 His royall throne 32 His power and magnificence 1 ANd the queene of Saba hearing the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord came to proue him with harde questions 2 And she came to Hierusalem with a verie great trayne with camels that bare sweete odours and gold exceeding much precious stones And she came to Solomon and communed with him of al that was in her heart 3 And Solomon declared vnto her all her questions so that there was not one thing hyd from the king whiche he expounded not vnto her 4 And the queene of Saba considered al Solomons wysdome the house that he had buylded 5 And the meate of his table and the sitting of his seruauntes the order of his ministers their apparell his drinke and his burnt sacrifices that he offred in the house of the Lorde and she was astonied 6 And she sayde vnto the king It was a true word that I hearde in myne owne land of thy sayinges of thy wisdome 7 Howbeit I beleued it not till I came sawe it with myne eyes And beholde the one halfe was not tolde me for thy wysdome and prosperitie exceedeth the fame which I hearde of thee 8 Happy are thy men and happy are these thy seruauntes whiche stand euer before thee and heare thy wysdome 9 Blessed be the Lorde thy God whiche loued thee to set thee on the seate of Israel because the Lorde loued Israel for euer made thee king to do equite and righteousnes 10 And she gaue the king sixe score talentes of golde and of sweete odours exceeding much and precious stones There came no more suche aboundaunce of sweete odours as the queene of Saba gaue to king Solomon 11 The nauie also of the shippes of Hiram that caried golde from Ophir brought lykewyse great plentie of Almuge trees and precious stones from Ophir 12 And the king made of the Almuge trees pillers for the house of the Lorde and for the kinges palace and made harpes and psalteries for singers Ther came no more suche Almuge trees nor were any more seene vnto this day 13 And king Solomon gaue vnto the queene of Saba according to all her desire whatsoeuer she asked besides that he gaue her of a free wil with his owne hande And so she returned vnto her owne countrey both she and her seruauntes 14 The waight of golde that came to Solomon in one yere was sixe hundred theescore and sixe talentes of golde 15 Besydes that he had of marchauntes and of the marchaundises of the spices and of all the kinges of Arabia of the lordes of the countrey 16 And king Solomon made two hundred targettes of beaten golde sixe hundred sicles of golde went to a target 17 And he made three hundred shieldes of beaten golde three pounde of gold went to one shielde and the king put them in the house of the wood of Libanon 18 And the king made a great seate of iuorie and couered it with the best golde 19 And the seate had sixe steppes and the toppe of the seate was rounde behinde there were pommelles on either syde on the place of the seate and two lions stoode besyde the pommelles 20 And there stoode twelue lions on the steppes sixe on a syde There was none lyke worke seene many kingdome 21 And al king Solomons drinking vessels were of golde and lykewyse all the vessels of the house of the wood of Libanon were of pure golde And as for siluer it was nothing worth in the dayes of Solomon 22 For the kinges nauie of shippes went on the sea vnto Tharsis with the nauie of Hirams shippes euen once in three yeres went the nauie to Tharsis and brought golde and siluer Elephantes teeth apes and pecockes 23 And so king Solomon exceeded al the kinges of the earth both in ryches and wysdome 24 And all the worlde resorted to Solomon to heare his wysdome which God had put in his heart 25 And brought him euery man his present vessels of siluer vessels of golde rayment harnesse and sweete odours and horses and mules yere by yere 26 And Solomon gathered together charettes and horsemen and he had a thousande and foure hundred charettes and twelue thousande horsemen whom he bestowed in the charet cities and with the king at Hierusalem 27 And the king made siluer in Hierusalem as plenteous as stones and Cedar as plenteous as the wilde fegge trees that growe aboundauntly in the fieldes 28 Also Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and fine linnen the kinges marchauntes receaued the linnen for a price 29 A charet came vp out of Egypt for sixe hundred sicles of siluer that is one horse for an hundred and fiftie And euen so for al the kinges of the Hethites and for the kinges of Siria did they bring them out through their handes The .xi. Chapter 1. Solomon hath a thousand wyues and concubines whiche bryng him to idolatrie 14 His God rayseth vp aduersaries against him 43 He dieth 1 BVt king Solomō loued many outlandishe women the daughter of Pharao and women of the Moabites Ammonites Edomites Zidonites Hethites 2 Wher as yet concerning these nations the Lorde sayd vnto the children of Israel Go not ye into them nor let them come into els will they turne your heartes after their gods Neuerthelesse Solomon claue vnto them in loue 3 And he had seuen hundred queenes and three hundred concubines and his wyues turned away his heart 4 For it came to passe when Solomon was olde his wyues turned his heart after other gods and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God as was the heart of Dauid his father 5 For Solomon folowed Astaroth the god of the Zidons and Milcom the abhomination of the Ammonites 6 And Solomon wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde and folowed not the Lorde perfectly as dyd Dauid his father 7 For then dyd Solomon buylde an hye place for Chamos the abhomination of Moabim the hill that is before Hierusalem vnto Moloch the abhomination of the children of Ammon 8 And lykewyse dyd he for all his outlandishe wyues which burnt cense and offered vnto their gods 9 And the Lorde was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned frō the Lord God of Israel which had appeared vnto him twyse 10 And
wyll fall into the pit whiche he hath made 16 For his labour shall come vpon his owne head and his wickednesse shall fall vpon his owne pate 17 I wyll prayse God accordyng to his ryghteousnesse I wyll sing psalmes vnto the name of the most high God The argument of the .viij. psalme ¶ Dauid setteth foorth the magnificencie of God acknowledged of babes and abiectes of this world he maruayleth at Gods workes and at the great exceeding loue of God to man who is exalted to that excellencie that he is Lorde ouer all thinges in this worlde ¶ To the chiefe musition vpon Gittith a psalme of Dauid 1 O God our Lorde howe excellent is thy name in all the earth for that thou hast set thy glory aboue the heauens 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklinges thou hast layde the foundation of thy strength for thyne aduersaries sake that thou mightest styll the enemie and the auenger 3 For I will consider thy heauens euen the workes of thy fingers the moone and the starres whiche thou hast ordayned 4 What is man that thou art myndfull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest hym 5 Thou hast made hym somthyng inferiour to angels thou hast crowned him with glory and worship 6 Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the workes of thy handes and thou hast put all thinges in subiection vnder his feete 7 All sheepe and oxen also the beastes of the fielde the foules of the ayre and the fishe of the sea and whatsoeuer swymmeth in the seas 8 O God our Lorde howe excellent great is thy name in all the earth ¶ The argument of the .ix. psalme ¶ Dauid prayseth God for the victorie that he had obtayned ouer his enemies attributyng it wholly to God He besecheth God to continue his mercy towarde hym that he may continually set foorth his prayses ¶ To the chiefe musition at the death of Labben a psalme of Dauid 1 I Wyl prayse God with all myne heart I wyl recite all thy marueylous workes 2 I wyll be glad reioyce in thee I wyll sing psalmes vnto thy name O thou most hyest 3 For that myne enemies are returned backwarde are fallen and perished at thy presence 4 For that thou hast geuen iudgement in my ryght and cause thou that iudgest right hast sit in the throne of iudgement 5 Thou hast rebuked the Heathen and destroyed the vngodly thou hast abolished their name for euer and euer 6 O thou enemie thou thoughtest to bryng vs to a perpetuall desolation * and to destroy our cities so that there shoulde remayne no memory of them 7 But God wyll sit for euer he hath prepared his throne for iudgement 8 For he wyll iudge the world in iustice and minister iudgement vnto the people in righteousnesse 9 God also wyll be a refuge for the oppressed euen a refuge in tyme of trouble 10 And they that knowe thy name wyll put their trust in thee for thou O God hast neuer fayled them that seeke thee 11 Sing psalmes vnto God abiding at Sion declare his notable actes among the people 12 For he maketh inquisition of blood he remembreth it and forgetteth not the complaynt of the poore 13 Haue mercy on me O God consider the trouble whiche I suffer of them that hate me lift me vp from the gates of death 14 That I may shewe all thy prayses within the gates of the daughter of Sion and reioyce in thy saluation 15 The Heathen are sunke downe into the pit that they made their owne foote is snared in the same net whiche they had layde priuily for other 16 God is knowen by the iudgement that he hath executed the vngodly is trapped in y e worke of his owne handes this ought to be considered alwayes Selah 17 The wicked shal be turned vnto hell and all people that forget God 18 But the poore shall not alway be forgotten neither shall the hope of the humble afflicted perishe for euer 19 Aryse vp O God let not man preuaile let the Heathen in thy sight be iudged 20 Put them in feare O God that the Heathen may knowe them selues to be but men Selah The argument of the .x. psalme ¶ The prophete as left in the handes of wicked aduersaries complayneth to God of their pryde malice crueltie euill maners craft and prosperitie he prayeth God to succour the fatherlesse and oppressed and to represse the malice of the wicked 1 WHy standest thou so farre of O God why hidest thee in the tyme of trouble 2 The vngodly of a wylfulnesse persecuteth the poore but euery one of them shal be taken in the craftie wylines that they haue imagined 3 For the vngodly prayseth according to his owne heartes desire and blessing the couetous he blasphemeth God 4 The vngodly looketh so proudly as though he cared for none at all neither is the Lorde in all his thoughtes 5 His wayes are alwayes greeuous but thy iudgementes are farre aboue out of his sight and therfore he snuffeth at all his enemies 6 He hath sayde in his heart tushe I can not be remoued for I can not be touched at any tyme with harme 7 His mouth is full of cursing and of deceate and of fraude vnder his tongue is labour and mischiefe 8 He sitteth lurkyng in theeuishe corners of the streates and priuily in lurking dennes he doth murther the innocent he eyeth diligently hym that is weake 9 He lieth in wayte lurking as a Lion in his denne he lyeth in wayte lurkyng * that he may violently carry away the afflicted he doth carry away violentlye the afflicted in halyng hym into his net 10 He croucheth and humbleth him selfe so that a number of thē that be weake fall by his myght 11 He sayeth in his heart tushe the Lord hath forgotten he hydeth away his face and he wyll neuer see it 12 Aryse vp O Lorde God lift vp thine hande forget not the afflicted 13 Wherefore shoulde the wicked blaspheme the Lorde whyle he sayeth in his heart that thou wylt not call to accompt 14 Surely thou hast seene this for thou beholdest labour and spite that thou mayest take the matter into thy hands he that is weake leaueth it for thee for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse 15 Breake thou the power of the vngodly and malitious searche thou out his vngodlynes and thou shalt finde none afterwarde in him 16 God is king for euer and euer but the Heathen shall perishe out of the lande 17 O God thou hast hearde the desire of the afflicted and thou wylt settle their heart 18 Thou wylt be attentiue with thyne eare to geue iudgement for the fatherlesse and oppressed so no man in the earth shall once go about hereafter to do them violence ¶ The argument of the .xi. psalme ¶ Dauid trusting in God complayneth of them who would not suffer him to hide him selfe in the
whole heart 6 Their heart is as fat as brawne but my delyght hath ben in thy lawe 7 It is good for me that I am brought into miserie by that meanes I shall learne thy statutes 8 The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde siluer Iod 1 THy handes haue made me and fashioned me geue me vnderstanding and I will learne thy cōmaundementes 2 They that feare thee shall see me reioyce because I haue geuen earnest attendaunce vnto thy worde 3 I know O God that thy iudgementes are iustice and that thou hast caused me ryghtfully to be afflicted 4 I beseche thee let thy louing kindnesse be a meanes to comfort me accordyng to thy worde spoken vnto thy seruaunt 5 Let thy pitifull mercies come vnto me that I may lyue for thy lawe is my delyght 6 Let the proude be confounded for they haue falsly reported me but I wyll study thy commaundementes 7 Let such as feare thee and knowe thy testimonies returne vnto me 8 Let myne heart be perfectly set in thy statutes that I be not ashamed Caph 1 MY soule hath faynted after thy saluation I geue earnest attēdaunce vnto thy worde 2 Myne eyes haue faynted after thy worde whylest I say when wilt thou comfort me 3 For I am become like a bottel hanged in the smoke yet I do not forget thy statutes 4 Howe many are the dayes of thy seruaunt when wilt thou geue iudgement agaynst them that persecute me 5 The proude haue digged pittes for me which is a thing not done accordyng to thy lawe 6 All thy commaundementes are the trueth it selfe they wrongfully persecute me O be thou my ayde 7 They had almost made an ende of me vpon the earth but I forsoke not thy commaundementes 8 Make me to lyue accordyng to thy pietie and I wyll kepe the testimonies of thy mouth Lamed 1 O God thy worde endureth for euer in heauen 2 Thy trueth appeareth to euery generation thou hast layde the foundation of the earth and it shall continue 3 All thynges continue this day accordyng to thine ordinaunce for all thinges be thy seruauntes 4 If my delight had not ben in thy lawe I shoulde haue perished in myne affliction 5 I wyll neuer forget thy commaundementes for through them thou hast reuiued me 6 I am thine saue me for I haue diligently studied thy commaundementes ouer 7 When the vngodly layde wayte for me to destroy me I endeuoured my selfe to vnderstande thy testimonies 8 I see an ende of euery thing be it neuer so perfect but thy commaundement is exceedyng large Mem 1 HOwe greatly do I loue thy lawe my study is all the day long in it 2 Thou hast made me wyser then myne enemies through thy commaundementes for they are euer with me 3 I am able to geue better instruction then all they that were my teachers for thy testimonies are my study 4 I am made to vnderstande more then the aged can because I kept thy commaundementes 5 I haue restrayned my feete from euery euyll way that I may kepe thy worde 6 I haue not shrinked from thy iudgementes for thou didst teache me 7 Howe sweete are thy wordes vnto my throte truely they be sweeter then hony is to my mouth 8 Through thy commaundementes I get vnderstandyng therfore I hate all wayes of falshood Nun 1 THy worde is a candell vnto my feete and a lyght vnto my pathes 2 I haue made an oth which I wil ratifie for to kepe thy iuste iudgementes 3 I am troubled aboue measure quicken me O God accordyng vnto thy worde 4 Let the freewyll offerynges of my mouth please thee O God and teache me thy iudgementes 5 My soule is alway in my hande yet I do not forget thy lawe 6 The vngodly haue layde a snare for me but yet I swarued not from thy commaundementes 7 I haue claymed thy testimonies as myne heritage for euer for they are the very ioy of myne heart 8 I haue applyed myne heart for to fulfyll thy statutes euen to the worldes ende Samech 1 I Hate hygh subtile deuices and I do loue thy lawe 2 Thou art my refuge and my shield I geue earnest attendaunce vnto thy worde 3 Auoyde from me ye malicious persons and I wyll kepe the commaundementes of my Lorde 4 Strengthen me in thy worde and I shall lyue and make me not ashamed of my hope 5 Holde thou me vp and I shal be safe and I will loke gladly vpō thy statutes alwayes 6 Thou hast troden vnder foote all them that go astray from thy statutes for their crafty deuice is but falshood 7 Thou hast dispatched out of the way all the vngodly of the earth lyke drosse therfore I loue thy testimonies 8 My fleshe trembleth for feare of thee and I am afrayde of thy iudgementes Ain 1 I Haue executed iudgement and iustice wherfore leaue me not to such as do offer me wrong 2 For thy owne goodnesse sake take thy seruaunt vnto thy protection let not the proude oppresse me with wrong 3 Myne eyes haue faynted with lokyng for thy saluation and for the worde of thy ryghteousnesse 4 Deale with thy seruaunt accordyng vnto thy owne louyng kyndnesse and teache me thy statutes 5 I am thy seruaunt graunt me vnderstandyng that I may knowe thy testimonies 6 It is tyme for me to do for Gods cause for they haue brought thy lawe almost to nothyng 7 Therfore I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone 8 Therfore I take all thy commaundementes euery one of them to be ryght I vtterly hate all wayes of falshood Pe 1 THy testimonies contayne wonderfull thinges therfore doth my soule kepe them 2 The first entering of thy wordes will illuminate geuyng vnderstanding euen vnto the simple 3 I opened my mouth and panted for I bare a great affection to thy commaundementes 4 Loke thou vpon me and be mercifull vnto me as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name 5 Direct my steppes in thy worde and so shall no wickednesse haue dominion ouer me 6 Redeeme me from the fraudulent dealyng of men and I wyll kepe thy commaundementes 7 Make the lyght of thy countenaunce shyne vpon thy seruaunt and teache me thy statutes 8 Ryuers of waters gushe out of myne eyes because men kepe not thy lawe Sade 1 O God thou art iust and vpryght in thy iudgementes 2 Thou hast commaunded the iustice and the veritie of thy testimonies to be obserued very strayghtly 3 My zeale hath consumed me because myne aduersaries haue forgotten thy wordes 4 Thy worde is purified to the vttermost and thy seruaunt loueth it 5 I am small and of no reputation yet I do not forget thy cōmaundementes 6 Thy ryghteousnesse is an euerlastyng righteousnesse thy lawe is the trueth 7 Trouble and griefe haue taken holde vpon me yet thy commaundementes be my delyght 8 The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlastyng make me to
vnderstande them and I shall lyue Coph 1 I Haue called with my whole heart heare me O God I wyll kepe thy statutes 2 I haue called vpon thee saue me and I wyll kepe thy testimonies 3 I haue preuented other in the dawnyng of the day and I cryed vnto thee for I geue earnest attendaunce vnto thy wordes 4 Myne eyes haue preuented the nyght watches that my study might be wholy in thy wordes 5 Heare my voyce accordyng to thy louing kindnesse make me to lyue O God after thy iudgementes 6 They that mynde to do an act of mischiefenesse do drawe nye vnto me they are farre from thy lawe 7 But thou art nye at hande O God and all thy cōmaundementes be trueth 8 As concernyng thy testimonies I haue knowen long since that thou hast made them to last for euer Resh 1 BEholde myne affliction deliuer me for I haue not forgotten thy lawe 2 Defende thou my cause redeeme me make me to lyue accordyng vnto thy worde 3 Saluation is farre from the vngodly for they study not thy statutes 4 Thy mercies be manifolde O God make me to liue accordyng to thy iudgementes 5 There be many that do persecute me and be myne aduersaries yet I do not swarue from thy testimonies 6 I sawe transgressours and I was greeued at the heart because they kept not thy lawe 7 Beholde howe I loue thy commaundementes quicken me O God accordyng to thy louyng kindnesse 8 The beginning of thy word is trueth and all the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnesse endure for euermore Shin 1 PRinces haue persecuted me without a cause but my heart hath stoode in awe of thy wordes 2 I am as glad of thy worde as he that fyndeth a great bootie 3 That which is false I hate and abhorre but thy lawe I do loue 4 I do prayse thee seuen tymes euery day for loue of the iudgementes of thy iustice 5 They that loue thy lawe shall haue great prosperitie and nothyng shall offende them 6 Lorde I haue wayted after thy saluation and I haue done thy commaundementes 7 My soule hath kept thy testimonies and I haue loued them exceedyngly 8 I haue kept thy commaundementes and testimonies for all my wayes are before thee Tau 1 LEt my crye O God approche neare vnto thy face make me to vnderstande euery thyng accordyng vnto thy worde 2 Let my supplication come before thee deliuer me accordyng to thy worde 3 My lippes shall powre out thy prayse when thou hast taught me thy statutes 4 My tongue shall syng of thy worde for all thy commaundementes are ryghteousnesse 5 Let thyne hande be redie for to ayde me for I haue chosen thy commaundementes 6 I haue longed for thy saluation O God and thy lawe is my whole delight 7 Let my soule lyue and it shall prayse thee and thy iudgementes shal be an ayde vnto me 8 I haue gone astray lyke a lost sheepe oh seke out thy seruaunt for I haue not forgotten thy commaundementes ¶ The argument of the .cxx. Psalme ¶ The prophete requesteth God for to deliuer him from such as do maliciously slaunder him with false reportes For by their meanes he esteemeth his life led with the Ismaelites and with the barbarous people of Arabia and not with Gods people ¶ A song of high degrees 1 WHen I was in trouble I called vpon God and he hearde me 2 Deliuer my soule O God from false lyppes from a deceiptful tongue 3 What doth a deceiptfull tongue vnto thee what good bryngeth it thee 4 So much as sharpe arrowes of a strong man in thy sydes with Iuniper coales powred on thy head 5 Wo be vnto me that am constrayned to be conuersaunt in Mesech and to dwell among the tentes of Cedar 6 My soule hath dwelt long with hym that hateth peace 7 I am a man of peace but because I do speake therof they prepare them selues to battayle ¶ The argument of the .cxxj. Psalme ¶ The prophete lifteth vp his eyes vnto heauen from whence he most certaynely loketh for ayde at all tymes He assureth all other that God careth defendeth gouerneth and prouideth for those that flee vnto the Lorde for succour in their necessitie ¶ A song of high degrees 1 I Will lift vp myne eyes vnto the hilles from whence my helpe shall come 2 My helpe commeth from God who hath made heauen and earth 3 He wyll not suffer thy foote to moue he wyll not sleepe that kepeth thee 4 Beholde he that kepeth Israel wyll neither slumber nor sleepe 5 God hym selfe is thy keper God is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande 6 The sunne shal not hurt thee by day neither the moone by nyght 7 God wyll preserue thee from all euill he wyll preserue thy soule 8 God wyll preserue thy goyng out and thy commyng in from this tyme foorth for euermore ¶ The argument of the .cxxii. psalme ¶ Dauid declareth the ioy of the people goyng vp to Hierusalem where true religion was set foorth and iustice in courtes ministred for which causes he wisheth great prosperitie to the citie ¶ A song of high degrees of Dauid 1 I Was glad when they sayde vnto me we wyll go into the house of God 2 Our feete shall stande in thy gates O Hierusalem 3 Hierusalem is builded as a citie that is well vnited together in it selfe 4 For the tribes do go vp thyther euen the tribes of the Lorde which is a testimonie vnto Israel for to prayse the name of God 5 For there is ordeyned the seate for iudgement euen the seate of the house of Dauid 6 Pray for the peace of Hierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee 7 Peace be within thy walles and plenteousnesse within thy palaces 8 For my brethren and companions sakes I wyll wyshe peace to be within thee 9 Yea because of the house of God our Lord I wyll procure to do thee good The argument of the cxxiii psalme ¶ The prophete declareth that the godly despited of such as be riche proude and scornfull do loke for helpe only at Gods hande after a most humble sort ¶ A song of high degrees 1 I Lyft vp myne eyes vnto thee who dwellest in heauen 2 Beholde as the eyes of seruauntes loke vnto the hande of their maisters and as the eyes of a mayden vnto the hande of her maistresse euen so our eyes wayte vpon God our Lorde vntyll he haue mercie vpon vs. 3 Haue m●y vpon vs O God haue mercy v●●n vs for we haue suffered enough of dispite 4 Our soule is filled with the scornefull reprofe of the wealthy and with the dispitefulnes of the proude ¶ The argument of the .cxxiiij. Psalme ¶ Dauid acknowledgeth that he and his people had ben vtterly destroyed through the violence of enemies if God had not ben on their side with his present ayde ¶ A song of high degrees of Dauid 1 IF God him selfe had not ben of
way which seemeth right vnto a man but the ende therof are the wayes of death 13 The heart is sorowfull euen in laughter and the ende of myrth is heauinesse 14 A backe slydyng heart shal be fylled with his owne wayes but a good man shall depart from hym 15 An ignoraunt body beleueth euery worde but who so hath vnderstanding loketh well to his goynges 16 A wyse man feareth and departeth from euyll but the foole is angry and counteth hym selfe sure 17 An vnpatient man dealeth foolishly but he that is well aduised is hated of the foole 18 The ignoraunt haue foolishnesse in possession but the wyse are crowned with knowledge 19 The euyll shall bowe them selues before the good and the vngodly shall wayte at the gates of the ryghteous 20 The poore is hated euen of his owne neyghbours but the riche hath many f●endes 21 Who so dispiseth his neighbour sinneth but blessed is he that hath pitie of the poore 22 Without doubt they erre that worke wickednesse but they that muse vpon good thynges vnto such shall happen mercie and trueth 23 In euery labour there is some profite ▪ but vayne wordes bryng foorth onely penurie 24 Riches are as a crowne vnto the wise ▪ but the ignoraunce of fooles is very foolishnesse 25 A faythfull witnesse deliuereth soules but a deceiptfull witnesse bryngeth foorth lyes 26 In the feare of the Lord is an assured strength and his children are vnder a sure defence 27 The feare of the Lorde is a well of lyfe to auoyde the snares of death 28 In the multitude of people is the kynges honour but the decay of the people is the confusion of the prince 29 He that is patient hath much vnderstanding but he that is soone displeased exalteth foolishnesse 30 A mery heart is the lyfe of the body but enuie consumeth away the bones 31 He that doth a poore man wrong blasphemeth his maker but who so honoureth him hath pitie on the poore 32 The vngodly is cast away for his iniquitie but the ryghteous hath a good hope euen in death 33 Wisdome resteth in the heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng and it shal be knowen among them that are vnlearned 34 * Righteousnesse setteth vp the people but the sacrifice of the heathen is sinnefull 35 A discrete seruaunt is a pleasure vnto the kyng but his wrath is agaynst hym that doth dishonour hym The .xv. Chapter 1 A Soft aunswere appeaseth wrath but rough wordes stirre vp anger 2 The tongue of such as be wise vseth knoweledge aryght as for a foolishe mouth it babbleth out nothyng but foolishnesse 3 The eyes of the Lorde in euery place ▪ beholdeth both the good and the bad 4 A wholsome tongue is a tree of lyfe but the frowardnesse therof doth make sad the spirite 5 A foole dispiseth his fathers correction ▪ but he that taketh heede when he is reproued shall haue the more vnderstandyng 6 The house of the ryghteous is full of riches but in the fruites of the vngodly there is trouble 7 The lippes of the wise do sowe knowledge but the heart of the foolishe do not so 8 The Lorde abhorreth the sacrifice of the vngodly but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto hym 9 The way of the vngodly is an abhomination vnto the Lorde but who so foloweth righteousnesse him he loueth 10 Correction is greeuous vnto hym that forsaketh the way and who so hateth correction shall dye 11 Hell and destruction are before the Lorde howe much more then the heartes of the children of men 12 A scornefull body loueth not one that rebuketh hym neither wyll he come vnto the wyse 13 A mery heart maketh a chearfull countenaunce but by the sorowe of the heart the mynde is heauy 14 The heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng doth seke knowledge but the mouth of fooles is fed with foolishnesse 15 All the dayes of the poore are miserable but a quiet heart is a continuall feast 16 Better is a litle with the feare of the Lorde then great treasure and trouble therwith 17 Better is a dynner of hearbes with loue then a fat oxe with euyll wyll 18 An angry man stirreth vp strife but he that is patient stylleth discorde 19 The way of a slouthfull man is as an hedge of thornes but the way of the ryghteous is playne 20 A wyse sonne maketh a glad father but a foolishe man dispiseth his mother 21 Foolishnesse is ioy to him that is destitute of knowledge but a man of vnderstandyng walketh vprightly 22 Thoughtes without counsayle shall come to naught but wheras men are that can geue good counsayle there is stedfastnesse 23 A ioyfull thing it is to a man whē his counsayle is folowed and howe good is a worde spoken in season 24 The way of lyfe is on hygh to the wise that a man shoulde beware of hell beneath 25 The Lorde wyll breake downe the house of the proude but he shall make fast the borders of the wydowe 26 The Lorde abhorreth the imaginations of the wicked but the wordes of the pure are pleasaunt 27 The greedy couetous man rooteth vp his owne house but who so hateth rewardes shall lyue 28 The heart of the ryghteous studyeth his aunswere afore but the wicked mans mouth spueth out mischiefe 29 The Lorde is farre from the vngodly but he heareth the prayer of the ryghteous 30 The clearnes of the eye reioyseth the heart a good name feedeth the bones 31 The eare that hearkeneth to the refourmation of lyfe shall dwell among the wyse 32 He that refuseth to be refourmed dispiseth his owne soule but he that submitteth him selfe to correction is wyse 33 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght science of wisdome and lowlynesse goeth before honour The .xvj. Chapter 1 A Man may wel purpose a thyng in his heart but the aunswere of the tongue commeth of the Lorde 2 A man thynketh all his wayes to be cleane but it is the Lorde that iudgeth the myndes 3 Commit thy workes vnto the Lorde and what thou deuisest it shall prosper 4 The Lorde hath made all thynges for his owne sake yea the vngodly for the day of wrath 5 The Lorde abhorreth all such as be of a proude heart and though hande be ioyned in hande yet they shall not be vnpunished 6 With mercie and faythfulnesse sinnes be forgeuen and by the feare of the Lorde euyll is eschewed 7 When a mans wayes please the Lord he maketh his very enemies to be his frendes 8 Better it is to haue a litle with ryghteousnesse then great rentes wrongfully gotten 9 A man deuiseth a way in his heart but it is the Lorde that ordereth his goynges 10 When the prophecie is in the lippes of the kyng his mouth shall not go wrong in iudgement 11 A true wayght and ballaunce are the Lordes iudgement all the wayghtes of the bagge
as a man liueth he hath an hope for a quicke dogge say they is better then a dead lion 5 For they that be liuing knowe that they shall dye but they that be dead knowe nothing neither deserue they any more for their memoriall is forgotten 6 Also their loue and their hatred and their enuie is nowe perished neither haue they any more part in the worlde in all that is done vnder the sunne 7 Go thou thy way then eate thy bread with ioy drinke thy wine with a glad heart for thy workes please god Let thy garmentes be alwayes white and let thy head lacke no oyntment 8 Vse thy selfe to liue ioyfully with thy wife whom thou louest all the dayes of thy life whiche is but vayne that God geueth thee vnder the sunne all the dayes of thy vanitie for that is thy portion in this life of al thy labour and trauayle that thou takest vnder the sunne 9 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande to do that do with al thy power for in the graue that thou goest vnto there is neither worke counsayle knowledge nor wysdome 10 So I turned me vnto other thinges vnder the sunne I sawe that in running it helpeth not to be swift in battell it helpeth not to be strong to feeding it helpeth not to be wyse to riches it helpeth not to be a man of muche vnderstanding to be had in fauour it helpeth not to be cunning but that all lieth in tyme and fortune 11 For a man knoweth not his tyme but like as the fishes are taken with the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so are men taken in the perillous time when it commeth sodaynly vpon them 12 This wysdome haue I seene also vnder the sunne and me thought it a great thing 13 There was a litle citie and a few men within it so there came a great kyng and besieged it and made great bulwarkes against it 14 And in the citie there was founde a poore man but he was wyse whiche with his wysdome deliuered the citie yet was there no body that had any respect to such a simple man 15 Then sayd I wysdome is better then strength Neuerthelesse a simple mans wysdome is despised and his wordes are not hearde 16 A wyse mans counsayle that is folowed in scilence is farre aboue the crying of a captaine among fooles 17 For wysdome is better then harnesse but one sinner alone destroyeth muche goodnesse The .x. Chapter 1 The difference of foolishnes and wysdome 1● A sclaunderer is like a serpent that can not be charmed 15 Of foolishe kynges and riotous princes 16 And of good kynges and princes 1 A Dead flye doth corrupt sweete oyntment and maketh it to stinke Euen so oft tymes he that hath ben had in estimation for wysdome and honour is abhorred because of a litle foolishnesse 2 A wyse mans heart is vpon his right hande but a fooles heart vpon his left 3 A foole wyll shewe him selfe when he goeth by the way yet thinketh he that euery man doth as foolishly as him self 4 If a principall spirite be geuen thee to beare rule be not negligent then in thine office for he that can take cure of him selfe auoydeth great offences 5 Another plague is there whiche I haue seene vnder the sunne namely the ignoraunce that is commonly among princes in that a foole sitteth in great dignitie and the riche are set downe beneath 6 I haue seene seruauntes ride vpon horses and princes goyng vpon their feete as it were seruauntes 7 But he that diggeth vp a pitte shall fall therin hym selfe and who so breaketh downe the hedge a serpent shall byte hym 8 Who so remoueth stones shall haue trauayle withall and he that heweth wood shal be hurt therwith 9 When an iron is blunt and the poynt not sharpened it must be whet agayne and that with might Euen so doth wisdome folowe diligence 10 A backbiter is no better then a serpent that stingeth without hissing 11 The wordes out of a wyse mans mouth are gratious but the lippes of a foole wyll destroy him selfe 12 The beginning of his talking is foolishnesse the last worde of his mouth is starke madnesse 13 A foole is full of wordes and a man can not tell what shall come to passe who wyll then warne hym of it that shall folowe after hym 14 The labour of the foolishe is greeuous vnto them whyle they know not howe to go into the citie 15 Wo be vnto thee O thou lande whose kyng is but a chylde and whose princes are early at their bankettes 16 But well is thee O thou lande whose kyng is come of nobles and whose princes eate in due season for necessitie and not for lust 17 Thorowe slouthfulnesse the balkes fall downe and thorowe idle handes it rayneth in at the house 18 Meate maketh men to laugh and wine maketh them merie but vnto money are all thinges obedient 19 Wishe the king no euil in thy thought and speake no hurt of the riche in thy priuie chaumber for a byrde of the ayre shall betray thy voyce and with her fethers shall she bewray thy wordes The .xj. Chapter 1 To be liberall to the poore 4 Not to doubt of Gods prouidence 8 All worldly prosperitie is but vanitie 9 God wyll iudge all 1 LAy thy bread vpon wette faces and so shalt thou finde it after many dayes 2 Geue part seuē days also vpon the eyght for thou knowest not what miserie shall come vpon earth 3 When the cloudes are full they powre out raine vpon the earth And when the tree falleth whether it be towarde the south or north in what place soeuer it fall there it lieth 4 He that regardeth the winde shall not sowe and he that hath respect vnto the cloudes shall not reape 5 Nowe like as thou knowest not the way of the spirite nor howe the bones do growe in the wombe of her that is with chylde Euen so thou knowest not the workes of God which is the workmaster of all 6 Ceasse not thou therefore with thy handes to sowe thy seede whether it be in the morning or in the euening for thou knowest not whether this or that shall prosper and if they both take it is the better 7 The light is sweete and a pleasaunt thing is it for the eyes to looke vpon the sunne 8 If a man lyue many yeres and be glad in them all let hym remember the dayes of darknesse whiche shal be manye and that foloweth Al thinges shal be but vanitie 9 Be glad then O thou young man in thy youth and let thy heart be merie in thy young dayes folowe the wayes of thyne owne heart and the lust of thyne eyes but be thou sure that God shall bryng thee into iudgement for all these thinges ¶ The .xij. Chapter 1 To thinke on God
the vines for our vines beare blossomes 16 * My loue is mine I am his whiche feedeth among the lillies vntill the day breake and till the shadowes be gone 17 Come agayne O my beloued and be lyke as a roe or a young hart vpon the wyde mountaines ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 The Churche desireth to be ioyned inseparably to Christe her husbande 6 Her deliueraunce out of the wyldernesse 1 BY night in my bed I sought hym whom my soule loueth yea diligently sought I him but I found him not 2 I will get vp thought I go about the citie in the wayes in all the streates wyll I seeke hym whom my soule loueth but when I sought him I founde him not 3 The watchmen also that go about the citie founde me to whom I sayde Sawe ye not hym whom my soule loueth 4 So when I was a litle past them I founde him whom my soule loueth I haue gotten holde vpon hym and wyll not let him go vntyll I bryng him into my mothers house and into her chaumber that bare me 5 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem by the roes and hyndes of the fielde that ye wake not vp my loue nor touch her till she be content her self 6 Who is this that commeth vp out of the wyldernesse like vapours of smoke as it were a smell of myrre frankensence and all maner spices of the Apothecarie 7 Beholde about Solomons bedsteede there stande threescore valiaunt of the most mightie in Israel They holde swordes euery one and are expert in warre 8 Euery man also hath his sworde vppon his thigh because of feare in the night 9 Kyng Solomon had made him selfe a pallace of the wood of Libanus the pillers are of siluer the couering of golde the seate of purple the grounde is pleasauntly paued with loue for the daughters of Hierusalem 10 Go foorth O ye daughters of Sion and beholde king Solomon in the crowne wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his mariage and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 The prayses of the Churche ● She is without blemishe in his sight 9 The loue of Christe towardes her 1 O Howe fayre art thou my loue howe fayre art thou thou hast doues eyes beside that which lyeth hid within Thy heerie lockes are lyke the wooll of a flocke of goates that be shorne vpon mount Gilead 2 Thy teeth are like a flocke of sheepe of the same bignesse whiche went vp from the washing place where euery one beareth two twinnes and not one vnfruitfull among them 3 Thy lippes are lyke a rose coloured ribande thy wordes are louely thy cheekes are like a peece of a pomegranate within thyne heere 's 4 Thy necke is like the towre of Dauid buylded with costly stones lying out on the sides wherevpon there hange a thousande shieldes yea all the weapons of the giauntes 5 Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young Roes whiche feede among roses 6 O that I might go to the mountaine of myrre and to the hil of frankencense til the day breake and til the shadowes be past away 7 Thou art all fayre O my loue and no spot is there in thee 8 Come to me from Libanus O my spouse come to me from Libanus looke from the top of Amana from the top of Sanir and Hermon from the lions dennes and from the mountaines of the leopardes 9 Thou hast with loue bewitched my heart O my sister my spouse thou hast bewitched my heart with one of thyne eyes and with one chayne of thy necke 10 O howe fayre are thy breastes my sister my spouse Thy breastes are more pleasaunt then wine and the smell of thyne oyntmentes passeth all spices 11 Thy lippes O my spouse drop as the hony combe yea mylke and hony is vnder thy tongue and the smell of thy garmentes is like the smell of Libanus 12 A garden well locked is my sister my spouse a garden well locked and a sealed well 13 The fruites that are planted in thee are lyke a very paradise of pomegranates with sweete fruites as Camphire Nardus Saffron Calamus Sinamom with all sweete smellyng trees Myrre Aloes and all the best spyces a well of gardens a well of liuing waters which runne downe from Libanus 14 Vp thou north winde come thou south winde and blowe vpon my garden that the smell therof may be caryed on euery side yea that my beloued may come into his garden and eate of the sweete fruites that growe therein The .v. Chapter 1 Christe calleth his Churche to the participation of all his treasures 2 She heareth his voyce 6 She confesseth her nakednes 10 She prayseth Christe her husbande 1 I Am come into my garden O my sister my spouse I haue gathered my Myrre with my spice I haue eatē hony with my hony combe I haue drunke my wine with my milke Eate O ye frendes drinke and be merie O ye beloued 2 I am a sleepe but my heart is waking I heare the voyce of my beloued when he knocketh saying Open to me O my sister my loue my doue my dearling for my head is full of deawe and the lockes of my heere are full of the nyght doppes 3 I haue put of my coate howe can I do it on agayne I haue washed my feete howe shall I fyle them agayne 4 My loue put in his hande at the hole and my heart was moued within me 5 I stoode vp to open vnto my beloued and my handes dropped with Myrre the Myrre ranne downe my fingers vpon the locke 6 I opened vnto my beloued but he was departed and gone his way Now whē he spake my heart was gone I sought him but I coulde not finde him I cryed vpon hym neuerthelesse he gaue me no aunswere 7 So the watchmen that went about the citie founde me smote me and wounded me yea they that kept the walles toke away my kerchaffe from me 8 I charge you therfore O ye daughters of Hierusalem yf ye fynde my beloued that ye tell hym howe that I am sicke for loue 9 What maner of man is thy loue aboue other louers O thou fairest among women Or what can thy loue do more then other louers that thou chargest vs so straytly 10 As for my loue he is whyte and red coloured a goodly person among tenne thousande 11 His head is as the most fine golde the lockes of his heere are busshed blacke as a crowe 12 His eyes are as the eyes of doues by the water brookes as though they were wasshed with mylke and are set lyke pearles in golde 13 His cheekes are lyke a garden bed wherin the Apothecaries plant all maner of sweete thynges 14 His lippes are lyke lilies that droppe sweete smellyng Myrre His handes are lyke golde rynges hauyng inclosed the precious stone of
the acceptable yere of the Lorde and the day of the vengeaunce of our God that I might comfort all them that are in heauinesse 3 That I might geue vnto them that mourne in Sion that I might geue I say beautie in steede of asshes ioyfull oyntment for sighing pleasaunt rayment for an heauie minde that they might be called trees of righteousnesse a planting of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in 4 They shall buylde the long rough wildernesse and set vp the olde desert they shall repayre the waste places and suche as haue ben voyde throughout many generations 5 Straungers shall stande and feede your cattell and the aliauntes shal be your plowmen and dressers of your vines 6 But ye shal be named the priestes of the Lorde and men shall call you the seruauntes of our God ye shall enioy the goodes of the gentiles and triumph in their substaunce 7 For your great reproofe you shal haue double ioy and for shame shall they haue ioy of their portion for they shall haue double possession in their lande and euerlasting ioy shal be with them 8 For I the Lorde whiche loue right and hate robberie though it were offered me shall make their workes full of faythfulnesse and make an euerlasting couenaunt with them 9 Their seede also and their generation shal be knowen among the gentiles and among the people all they that see them shall knowe that they are the hye blessed seede of the Lorde 10 And therefore I am ioyfull in the Lorde and my soule reioyceth in God For he hath put vpon me the garment of saluation and couered me with the mantle of righteousnesse * He shal decke me lyke a bridegrome and as a bride that hath her apparell vpon her 11 For like as the ground bringeth foorth her fruite and as the garden shooteth foorth seede so shall the Lorde God cause righteousnesse and prayse to floorishe foorth before all the heathen The .lxij. Chapter 1 A prophecie of the comming of Christe 1 FOr Sions sake wyll I not holde my tongue and for Hierusalems sake I wyll not ceasse vntill their righteousnesse breake foorth as the shining light and their saluation as a burning lampe 2 Then shall the gentiles see thy righteousnesse and all kynges thy glory Thou shalt be named with a newe name whiche the mouth of the Lorde shall shewe 3 Thou shalt be a crowne in the hande of the Lorde and a glorious garlande in the hande of thy God 4 From this tyme foorth thou shalt neuer be called the forsaken and thy lande shall no more be called the wildernesse but thou shalt be called My pleasure is in her and thy lande shal be called The maried woman for the Lorde loueth thee and thy land shal be ioyned in mariage 5 And lyke as a young man taketh a virgin to mariage so shal thy sonnes be maried vnto thee and as a bridegrome is glad of his bride so shall thy God reioyce ouer thee 6 I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles O Hierusalem which shall neither ceasse day nor night to preache the Lorde and ye also that remember the Lorde ye shall not kepe him close 7 Nor leaue to speake of him vntill Hierusalem be set vp and made the prayse of the worlde 8 The Lorde hath sworne by his right hand and by his strong arme that from hencefoorth he wyll not geue thy corne to be meate for thyne enemies nor thy vine wherein thou hast laboured to be drinke for the straungers 9 But they that haue gathered in the corne shall eate it and geue thankes to the Lorde and they that haue borne in the vine shall drinke it in the court of my sanctuarie 10 Go you go you thorowe the gates make cleane the way for the people make playne make playne the foote path and take away the stones out of it and set out a token for the people 11 Beholde the Lorde proclaymeth vnto the endes of the worlde tell the daughter Sion See thy sauiour commeth beholde he bringeth his recompence with hym and his worke go before hym 12 For they whom the Lorde deliuereth shal be called the holy people and as for thee thou shalt be named the greatlye occupied and not the forsaken citie The .lxiij. Chapter 7 Of the redemption promised to the people 1 WHat is he this that commeth frō Edom with red coloured clothes from Bosra He is honourablye arrayed and commeth in mightyly with his power I am he that teacheth righteousnesse and am of power to helpe 2 Wherefore then is thy clothing red and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wine presse 3 I haue troden the presse my selfe alone and of all people there is not one with me Thus wyll I treade them downe in my wrath and set my feete vpon them in myne indignation and their blood shal be sprong vpon my clothes and so wyll I stayne all my rayment 4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart and the yere when my people shal be deliuered is come 5 I loked about me and there was no man to shewe me any helpe I marueyled that no man helde me vp Then I helde me by myne owne arme and my feruentnesse sustayned me 6 And thus wyll I treade downe the people in my wrath and bathe them in my displeasure and vpon the earth will I lay their strength 7 I wyll declare the goodnesse of the Lorde yea and the prayse of the Lorde for all that he hath geuen vs for the great good that he hath done for Israel whiche he hath geuen them of his owne fauour and according to the multitude of his louing kindnesses 8 For he sayde These no doubt are my people and no shrinking chyldren and so was he their sauiour 9 In their troubles he was also troubled with them and the angell that went foorth from his presence deliuered them of very loue and kindnesse that he had vnto them he redeemed them he hath borne them and caried them vp euer since the worlde began 10 But after they prouoked hym to wrath and vexed his holy spirite he was their enemie and fought against them hym selfe 11 Yet remembred Israel the olde time of Moyses and his people saying where is he that brought them from the water of the sea with them that feede his sheepe Where is he that hath geuen his holy spirite among them 12 He led them by the right hande of Moyses with his glorious arme deuiding the water before them wherby he gat him selfe an euerlasting name 13 He led them in the deepe as an horse is led in the playne that they shoulde not stumble 14 As a tame beast goeth in the fielde and the spirite of God geueth hym rest thus O God hast thou led thy people to make thy selfe a glorious name withall 15 Loke downe then from heauen and beholde from the dwelling place of thy sanctuarie and thy glorie Howe is it that
possession that which is in the midst shal be the princes betwixt the border of Iuda and the border of Beniamin shal be the princes 23 Nowe of the other tribes from the east part vnto the west shall Beniamin haue his portion 24 Vpon the borders of Beniamin from the east side vnto the west shall Simeon haue his portion 25 Vpon the borders of Simeon from the east side vnto the west shal Isachar haue his portion 26 Vpon the borders of Isachar from the east side vnto the west shall Zabulon haue his portion 27 Vpon the borders of Zabulon from the east part vnto the west shall Gad haue his portion 28 Vpon the borders of Gad at the south side toward Temanah the border shal be from Thamar vnto the waters of strife to Cades and to the riuer that runneth into the maine sea 29 This is the lande which ye shal deuide by lot for an inheritaūce vnto the tribes of Israel and these be their portions saith the Lorde God 30 These be the bondes of the citie vpon the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand measures 31 The gates of the citie shal haue the names of the tribes of Israel three gates of the north side one gate of Ruben another of Iuda the third of Leui. 32 Vpon the east side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures with three gates the one of Ioseph another of Beniamin the third of Dan. 33 Vpon the south side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures with the three gates the one of Simeon another of Isachar the third of Zabulon 34 And vpon the west side fiue hundred and fiue thousand measures with their three gates also the one of Gad another of Aser the third of Nephthali 35 Thus shal it haue eighteene thousand measures rounde about and the name of the citie from that time foorth shal be The Lorde is there ❧ The booke of the prophete Daniel The first Chapter 1 The prophete sheweth the captiuitie of Iehoachim king of Iuda 4 Of the children that were in captiuitie the king commaundeth to choose which of them should be taught the learning and language of the Chaldeans 5 They are allowed the kinges feeding 8 Daniel abstaineth from the meate of the king of Babylon 1 IN the third yere of the raigne of Iehoachim king of Iuda came Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon vnto Hierusalem besieged it 2 And the Lord deliuered Iehoachim the king of Iuda into his hande with part of the vessels of the house of God which he caried away into the lande of Sennar to the house of his God and he brought the vessels into his gods treasurie 3 And the king spake vnto Asphenaz the chiefe chamberlaine that he should bring him certaine of the children of Israel of the kinges seede and of the princes 4 Springaldes without any blemishe but well fauoured studious in al wisdome skilfull for knowledge able to vtter knowledge such as haue liuelinesse in thē that they may stand in the kinges palace whom they might teache the learning the toung of the Chaldeans 5 Vnto these the king appoynted a dayly prouision euery day of a portion of the kinges meate and of the wine which he dranke so to norishe them three yeres that afterwarde they might stande before the king 6 Among these nowe were certayne of the children of Iuda namely Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias 7 Vnto these the chiefe chamberlayne gaue other names and called Daniel Baltassar Ananias Sidrach Misael Misach and Azarias Abednego 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he woulde not defile hym selfe with the portion of the kinges meate nor with the wyne which he dranke therefore he required the chiefe chamberlayne that he might not defile him selfe 9 And God brought Daniel into fauour and tender loue with the chiefe chamberlayne 10 And the chiefe chamberlayne sayde vnto Daniel I am afrayde of my lord the king whiche hath appoynted you your meate and your drinke wherfore should he see your faces worse liking then the springalds of your age so ye shal make me indaunger my head vnto the king 11 Then Daniel sayde vnto Melassar whom the chiefe chamberlayne had set ouer Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias 12 O proue but ten dayes with thy seruauntes and let vs haue pulse to eate and water to drinke 13 Then let our countenaunces be loked vpon before thee and the countenaunces of the children that eate of the portion of the kinges meate and as thou seest deale with thy seruauntes 14 So he consented to them in this matter and proued them ten dayes 15 And at the end of ten dayes their countenaunces appeared fairer and fatter in fleshe then all the childrens which did eate the portion of the kinges meate 16 Thus Melassar toke away the portion of their meate and the wyne that they shoulde drinke and gaue them pulse 17 As for these foure children God gaue them knowledge and vnderstanding in all learning wysdome also he gaue Daniel vnderstanding of all visions and dreames 18 Nowe when the time was expired that the king had appoynted to bring them in the chiefe chamberlayne brought them before Nabuchodonozor 19 And the king communed with them but among them all were founde none such as Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias therfore stoode they before the king 20 In all matters of wysdome and vnderstanding that the king enquired of them he founde them ten times better then all the wyse men and soothsayers that were in all his realme 21 And Daniel abode still vnto the first yere of king Cyrus The .ii. Chapter 1 The dreame of Nabuchodonozor 2 he calleth vnto him soothsayers and requireth of them both the dreame and the interpretation therof 10 they aunswere they can not shew it 13 The king commaundeth all the wise men of Babylon to be slayne 16 Daniel requireth time to solute the questiō 19 the Lord openeth the misterie vnto Daniel 24 Daniel is brought to the king and sheweth him his dreame and the interpretation therof 44 Of the euerlasting kingdome of Christ 1 IN the second yere of the raigne of Nabuchodonozor had Nabuchodonozor a dreame wherthorowe his spirite was troubled his sleepe brake from him 2 Then the king commaunded to cal the wise men and soothsayers sorcerers and the Chaldees for to shew the king his dreame So they came stoode before the king 3 And the king sayde vnto them I haue dreamed a dreame and my spirite was troubled to knowe the dreame 4 Vpon this the Chaldees aunswered the king in the Syrians speache O king God saue thy life for euer Shewe thy seruauntes the dreame and we shal shewe the interpretation 5 The king aunswered and sayde to the Chaldeans The thing is gone fro me If ye will not make me vnderstand the dreame with the interpretation therof ye shall be drawne in peeces your houses made a iakes 6 But if
1 ALl wisdome commeth of god the Lord hath ben euer with him and is before all tyme. 2 Who hath numbred the sande of the sea the droppes of the rayne and the dayes of time Who hath measured the heyght of heauen the breadth of the earth and the deepenesse of the sea 3 Who hath sought out the grounde of Gods wisdome which hath ben before all thynges 4 Wisdome hath ben created before all thinges and the vnderstandyng of prudence from euerlastyng 5 Gods worde in the heyght is the well of wisdome and the euerlastyng commaundementes are the entraunce of her 6 Vnto whō hath the roote of wisdome ben declared or who hath knowen her wit 7 Vnto whom hath the doctrine of wisdome ben discouered and shewed and who hath vnderstande the manifolde entraunce of her 8 There is one euen the hyest the maker of all thynges the almightie the kyng of power of whom men ought to stand greatly in awe which sitteth vpon his throne beyng a God of dominion 9 He hath created her through the holy ghost he hath seene her numbred her and measured her 10 He hath powred her out vpon all his workes and vpon all fleshe accordyng to his gyft he geueth her richely vnto them that loue hym 11 The feare of the Lorde is worshyp and triumph gladnesse and a ioyfull crowne 12 The feare of the Lorde maketh a mery heart geueth gladnesse ioy and long lyfe 13 Who so feareth the Lorde it shall go well with him at the last and in the day of his death he shal be blessed 14 The loue of God is honorable wisdome loke vnto whom it appeareth they loue it for they see what wonderous thinges it doth 15 The feare of the Lorde is the begynnyng of wisdome and was made with the faythfull in the mothers wombe it shall go with the chosen women and shal be knowen of the ryghteous and faythfull 16 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght Gods seruice 17 That preserueth iustifieth the heart and geueth mirth and gladnesse 18 Who so feareth the Lorde shal be happy and when he hath neede of comfort he shal be blessed 19 She hath buylt her euerlastyng foundations with men and is geuen to be with their seede 20 To feare God is the wisdome that maketh riche and bryngeth all good with her 21 She fylleth the whole house with her giftes the garners with her treasure 22 The feare of the Lorde is the crowne of wisdome and geueth plenteous peace and health He hath seene her and numbred her Both these are the gyftes of God 23 Knowledge and vnderstandyng of wisdome hath he powred out as rayne and them that helde her fast hath he brought vnto honour 24 The feare of the Lorde is the roote of wisdome her braunches are long lyfe 25 In the treasures of wisdome is vnderstandyng deuotion of knowledge but wisdome is abhorred of sinners 26 The feare of the Lorde driueth out sinne and whē she is present she driueth away anger 27 For he that is without feare can not be made ryghteous and his wylfull boldenesse is his owne destruction 28 A patient man wyll suffer vnto the tyme and then shall he haue the rewarde of ioy 29 A good vnderstandyng wyll hyde his wordes for a tyme and many mens lippes shall speake of his wisdome 30 In the treasures of wisdome is the declaration of doctrine but the sinner abhorreth the worshyp of God 31 My sonne yf thou desire wisdome kepe the commaundement and God shall geue her vnto thee 32 For the feare of the Lorde is wisdome and nurture he hath pleasure in fayth and louyng mekenesse and he shall fyll the treasures therof 33 Be not obstinate and vnfaythfull to the feare of the Lorde and come not vnto hym with a double heart 34 Be not an hypocrite in the syght of men and take good heede what thou speakest 35 Exalt not thy selfe lest thou happen to fall and bryng thy soule to dishonour and so discouer thy secretes and cast thee downe in the myddest of the congregation because thou wouldest not receaue the feare of God because thy heart is full of faynednesse and deceipt The .ij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth the seruauntes of God to righteousnesse loue vnderstandyng and patience 11 To trust in the Lorde 13 A curse vpon them that are faynt hearted and impatient 1 MY sonne yf thou wylt come into the seruice of God stande fast in righteousnesse feare and arme thy soule to temptation 2 Settle thyne heart and be patient bowe downe thine eare receaue the wordes of vnderstandyng and shrynke not away when thou art assaulted 3 Holde thee fast vpon God ioyne thy selfe vnto hym and suffer that thy lyfe may encrease at the last 4 Whatsoeuer happeneth vnto thee receaue it suffer in heauinesse be patient in thy trouble 5 For lyke as golde and siluer are tryed in the fire euen so are acceptable men in the furnace of aduersitie 6 Beleue in God and he shall helpe thee order thy way a right and put thy trust in hym Holde fast his feare and growe therin 7 O ye that feare the Lorde take sure holde of his mercie shrynke not away from hym that ye fall not 8 O ye that feare the Lorde beleue him and your rewarde shall not be emptie 9 O ye that feare the Lorde trust in good thynges and mercie shall come vnto you for pleasure 10 O ye that feare the Lorde set your loue vpon him and your heartes shal be lyghtened 11 Consider the olde generations of men O ye children and marke them well was there euer any one confounded that put his trust in the Lorde Who euer continued in his feare and was forsaken Or whom dyd he euer dispise that called faythfully vpon hym 12 For God is gratious and mercifull he forgeueth sinnes in the tyme of trouble and is a defendour for al them that seke hym in the trueth 13 Wo be vnto them that haue a fearefull heart wicked lippes and euyll occupied handes and to the sinner that goeth two maner of wayes 14 Wo be vnto them that are faint harted which put not their trust in God and therfore shall they not be defended of hym 15 Wo be vnto you that haue lost patience forsaken the ryght wayes and are turned backe into frowarde wayes What wyll you do when the Lord shall begin to visite you 16 They that feare the Lorde wyll not disobey his worde and they that loue him wyll kepe his commaundementes 17 They that feare the Lorde wyll seke out the thinges that are pleasaunt vnto him and they that loue him be fulfylled with his lawe 18 They that feare the Lorde wyll prepare their heartes and humble their soules in his syght 19 They that feare the Lorde kepe his cōmaundementes and wyll be patient tyll they see hym selfe 20 Saying If we do not repent we shall fall into the handes
of her bandes 27 Come vnto her with thy whole heart and kepe her wayes with al thy power 28 Seke after her and she shal be shewed thee and when thou hast her forsake her not 29 For at the last thou shalt fynde rest in her and that shal be turned to thy great ioy 30 Then shall her fetters be a strong defence for thee and her yoke a glorious rayment 31 For there is a golden ornament in her her bandes are laces of purple colour 32 Thou shalt put her on as a robe of honour and shalt put her about thee as a crowne of ioy 33 My sonne yf thou wylt take heede thou shalt haue vnderstandyng and yf thou wylt apply thy mynde thou shalt be wyse 34 If thou wylt bowe downe thine eare thou shalt receaue doctrine and yf thou delyte in hearyng thou shalt be wyse 35 Stande with the multitude of such elders as haue vnderstandyng and consent vnto their wisdome with thyne heart 36 That thou mayest heare all godly sermons and that the worthy sentences escape thee not 37 And yf thou seest a man of discrete vnderstandyng get thee soone vnto hym let thy foote treade vpon the steppes of his doores 38 Let thy mynde be vpon the commaundementes of God and be earnestlye occupied in his lawes so shall he stablishe thy heart and geue thee wisdome at thyne owne desire The .vij. Chapter 2 We must forsake euyll and yet not iustifie our selues 23 The behauiour of the wise towarde his wyfe his friende his children his seruauntes his father and mother 1 DO no euyl so shal there no harme happen vnto thee 2 Depart away from the thyng that is wicked and no misfortune shall meddle with thee 3 My sonne sowe no euyll thynges in the ●orowes of vnryghteousnes so shalt thou not reape them seuen folde 4 Labour not to the Lorde for preheminence neither vnto the kyng for the seate of honour 5 Iustifie not thy selfe before God for he knoweth the heart and desire not to be reputed wise in the presence of the kyng 6 Make no labour to be made a iudge except it so were that thou couldest mightily put downe wickednesse for yf thou shouldest stande in awe of the presence of the mightie thou shouldest fayle in geuyng sentence 7 Offende not in the multitude of the citie and put not thy selfe among the people 8 Bynde not two sinnes together for in one sinne shalt thou not be vnpunished 9 Say not tushe God wyll loke vpon the multitude of my oblations when I offer to the hyest God he wyll accept it 10 Be not faynt hearted when thou makest thy prayer neither slacke in geuyng of almes 11 Laugh no man to scorne in the heauinesse of his soule for God which seeth all thinges is he that can bring downe and set vp agayne 12 Accept no leasyng agaynst thy brother neither do the same agaynst thy friend 13 Vse not to make any maner of lye for the custome therof is not good 14 Make not many wordes when thou art among the elders and when thou prayest make not much babblyng 15 Let no labourous workes be tedious vnto thee neither the husbandry which the almightie hath created 16 Make not thy boaste in the multitude of thy wickednesse but humble thy selfe euen from thyne heart 17 And remember that the wrath shal not be long in tarying and that the vengeaunce of the fleshe of the vngodly is a very fire and worme 18 Geue not ouer thy friend for any good nor thy faythful brother for the best gold 19 Depart not from a discrete good woman that is fallen vnto thee for thy portion in the feare of the Lorde for the gift of her honesty is aboue golde 20 Where as thy seruaunt worketh truely intreate hym not euyll nor the hyreling that is faythfull vnto thee 21 Loue a discrete seruaunt as thyne owne soule defraude him not of his libertie neither leaue him a poore man 22 If thou haue cattell loke wel to them and if they be for thy profite kepe them 23 If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nurture and learning and hold them in awe from their youth vp 24 If thou haue daughters kepe their body and shewe not thy face chereful towarde them 25 Mary thy daughter and so shalt thou perfourme a wayghtie matter but geue her to a man of vnderstanding 26 If thou haue a wife after thyne owne mynde forsake her not but commit not thy selfe to the hatefull 27 Honour thy father from thy whole heart and forget not the sorowfull trauayle that thy mother had with thee 28 Remember that thou wast borne thorow them and howe canst thou recompence them the thinges that they haue done for thee 29 Feare the Lord with al thy soule and honour his ministers 30 Loue thy maker with all thy strength and forsake not his seruauntes 31 Feare the Lord with all thy soule honour his priestes geue them their portion of the first fruites and increase of the earth like as it is commaunded thee reconcile thy selfe of thy negligence with the litle flocke geue them the shoulders and their appoynted offeringes firstlinges 32 Reache thyne hande vnto the poore that God may blesse thee with plenteousnes 33 Be liberall vnto all men liuyng yet let not but do good euen to them that are dead 34 Let not them that weepe be without comfort but mourne with such as mourne 35 Let it not greeue thee to visite the sicke for that shall make thee to be beloued 36 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande remember the end and thou shalt neuer do amisse The .viii. Chapter 1 We must take heede with whom we haue to do 1 STryue not with a mightie man lest thou chaunce to fall into his handes 2 Make no variaunce with a riche man lest he happen to bring vp an harde quarell against thee For golde and siluer hath vndone many a man yea euen the heartes of kinges hath it made to fall 3 Stryue not with a man that is full of wordes and lay no stickes vpon his fire 4 Kepe no companie with the vnlearned lest he geue thy kinred an euyll report 5 Despise not a man that turneth hym selfe away from sinne and cast him not in the teeth withall but remember that we are frayle euerichone 6 Thinke scorne of no man in his olde age for we waxe olde also 7 Be not glad of the death of thyne enemie but remember that we must dye all the sort of vs and fayne would we come into ioy 8 Despise not the sermons of such elders as haue vnderstandyng but acquaynt thy selfe with the wyse sentences of them for of them thou shalt learne wisdome the doctrine of vnderstandyng and howe to serue great men without complaynt 9 Go not from the doctrine of the elders for they haue learned it of their fathers for of them thou shalt
not in such debte 23 The chiefe thing that kepeth in thy life is water bread clothing and lodging to couer the shame 24 Better is it to haue a poore lyuing in a mans owne house then delicate fare among the straunge 25 Be it litle or much that thou hast hold thee content withall and thou shalt not be blamed as a vagabounde 26 For a miserable lyfe is it to go from house to house and where a man is seemde he dare not open his mouth 27 Though one be lodged haue meate and drinke yet shall he be taken as vnworthy and heare many bytter rough wordes namely thus 28 Go thy way thou straunger and prepare a table for thy selfe and feede me also of that thou hast 29 Geue place thou straunger to an honorable man my brother commeth into my house and so telleth him the necessitie of his house 30 These thinges are heauy to a man that hath vnderstanding namely the forbidding of the house and that the lender casteth him in the teeth The .xxx. Chapter 1 Of the correction of children 14 Of the commoditie of health 17 Death is better then a sorowfull lyfe 18 Of hyd wysdome 22 Of the ioy and sorowe of the heart 1 WHo so loueth his child holdeth hym still vnder correction that he may haue ioy of him afterwarde and that he grope not after his neyghbours doores 2 He that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioy in hym and neede not to be ashamed of him among his aquayntaunce 3 Who so enfourmeth and teacheth his sonne greeueth the enemie and before his friendes he may haue ioy of him 4 Though his father dye yet is he as though he were not dead for he hath left one behinde him that is like hym 5 In his lyfe he sawe him and had ioy in him and was not sory in his death neither was he ashamed before the enemies 6 For he left behynde hym an auenger against his enemies and a good doer vnto the friendes 7 For the lyfe of children he shall bynde the woundes together and his heart is greeued at euery crye 8 An vntamed horse will be harde and a wanton childe will be wilfull 9 If thou bring vp thy sonne delicately he shal make thee afrayde and if thou play with hym he shall bring thee to heauinesse 10 Laugh not with hym lest thou wepe with hym also lest thou gnashe with thy teeth at the last 11 Geue him no libertie in his youth and excuse not his follie 12 Bowe downe his necke whyle he is young hyt him vpon the sides whyle he is yet but a childe lest he waxe stubburne geue no more force of thee so shalt thou haue heauinesse of soule 13 Teach thy childe and be diligent therein lest it be to thy shame 14 Better is the poore beyng whole and strong then a man to be riche and not to haue his health 15 Health and welfare is aboue all golde and a whole body aboue all treasure 16 There is no riches aboue a sounde body and no ioy aboue the ioy of the heart 17 Death is better then a bitter lyfe and eternall rest better then continuall sickenesse 18 The good thinges that are put in a close mouth are lyke as when meate is layde vpon the graue 19 What good doth the offering vnto an idoll for he can neither eate tast nor smell Euen so is he that is chased of the Lorde and beareth the rewardes of iniquitie 20 He seeth with his eyes and groneth like a gelded man that lyeth with a virgin and sygheth 21 Geue not ouer thy mynde into heauinesse and vexe not thy selfe in thyne owne counsell 22 The ioy chearefulnesse of the heart is the lyfe of man and a mans gladnesse is the prolonging of his dayes 23 Loue thyne owne soule and comfort thyne heart as for sorowe heauinesse dryue it farre from thee for heauinesse hath slayne many a man and bringeth no profite 24 Zeale and anger shorten the dayes of the lyfe carefulnesse and sorowe bring age before the time 25 Vnto a mery heart euery thing hath a good tast that he eateth The .xxxi. Chapter 1 We ought to geue diligent heede to honestie 2 Of them that take paine to gather riches 8 The prayse of the rich man without a fault 12 We ought to flee drunkennesse and folowe sobernesse 1 TRauaile and carefulnesse for riches taketh away the sleepe and maketh the fleshe to consume 2 When one lyeth and taketh care he waketh euer vp lyke as a great sicknesse breaketh the sleepe 3 The rich hath great labour in gathering his riches together and then with the pleasure of his riches he taketh his rest and is refreshed 4 But who so laboureth and prospereth not he is poore and though he leaue of yet is he a begger 5 He that loueth riches shal not be iustified and who so foloweth corruption shall haue inough thereof 6 Many one are come in great misfortune by the reason of golde and haue founde their destruction before them 7 It is a tree of falling vnto them that offer it vp and all such as be foolishe fal therein 8 Blessed is the rich which is founde without blemishe hath not gone after golde nor hoped in money treasures 9 Where is there such a one and we shal commend him and call him blessed for wonderfull thinges doth he among his people 10 Who so is tryed and founde perfect in such thinges shal be commended and praysed who might offende and hath not offended who coulde do euill and hath not done it 11 Therfore shall his good be stablished and the whole congregation shall declare his almes 12 If thou sit at a great mans table open not thy mouth wide vpon it and say not there is much meate on it 13 Remember that an euil eye is a shrewe What thing created is worse then a wicked eye therefore weepeth it before euery mans face 14 Laye not thyne hande vpon euery thing that thyne eye seeth and striue not with him in the dishe 15 Ponder by thy selfe what thy neighbour would faine haue and be discreete in euery poynt 16 Eate the thing that is set before thee manerlie as it becommeth a man and eate not to much lest thou be abhorred 17 Leaue thou of first of al because of nurture lest thou be he whom no man may satisfie which may turne to thy decay 18 When thou sittest among many men reache not thyne hand out first of al neither call thou first for drinke 19 O how well content is a wyse man with a litle wine so that in sleepe thou shalt not be sicke thereof nor feele any payne 20 A sweete holsome sleepe shall such a one haue and feele no inwarde greese he ryseth vp betimes in the morning and is wel at ease in him selfe but an vnsatiable eater sleepeth vnquietly and hath ache and payne of the body 21 If
17 Frendlinesse and liberalitie in the increase blessing of God is like a paradise and garden of pleasure such mercie also and kindnesse endureth for euer 18 To labour and to be content with that a man hath is a sweete pleasaunt life and that is to finde a treasure of al treasures 19 To beget children and to repayre the citie maketh a perpetuall name but an honest woman is more worth then they both 20 Wine and minstrelsie reioyceth the heart but the loue of wysdome is aboue them both 21 Pyping and harping make a sweete noyse but a friendly tongue goeth beyonde them both 22 Thyne eye desireth fauour and beautie but a greene seede time rather then they both 23 A friende and companion come together at oportunitie but aboue them both is a wyfe that agreeth with her husbande 24 Brethren and helpes are profitable in time of trouble but almes shal deliuer more then they both 25 Golde and siluer fasten the feete but a good counsell is more pleasaunt then they both 26 Temporal substaunce and strength lift vp the minde but the feare of the Lord more then they both The feare of the Lorde wanteth nothing and needeth no helpe 27 The feare of the Lorde is a pleasaunt garden of blessing and nothing so beautifull as it is 28 My sonne leade not a beggers lyfe for better it were to die then to begge 29 The life of hym that loketh vpon an other mans table is not to be counted for a life for he vexeth his soule in other mens meate but a wyse and well nurtured man will beware therof 30 Begging is sweete in the mouth of the vnshamefast but in his belly there burneth a fire The .xli. Chapter 1 Of the remembraunce of death 3 Death is not to be feared 8 A curse vpon them that forsake the lawe of God 12 Good name and fame 14 An exhortation to geue heede vnto wysdome 17 Of what thinges a man ought to be ashamed 1 O Death how bitter is the remembraunce of thee to a man that seketh rest and comfort in his substaunce riches vnto the man that hath nothing to vexe him that hath prosperitie in all thinges yea vnto him that yet is able to receaue meate 2 O death howe acceptable and good is thy iudgement vnto the needefull and vnto him whose strength fayleth and that is nowe in his last age and that in all thinges is full of care and fearfulnesse vnto him also that is in dispayre and hath no hope nor patience 3 Be not thou afraide of death remember them that haue ben before thee and that come after thee this is the iudgement of the Lord ouer all fleshe 4 And why wouldest thou be against this pleasure of the hyghest Whether it be ten an hundreth or a thousand yeres death asketh not howe long one hath lyued 5 The children of the vngodly are abhominable children and so are they that kepe company with the vngodly 6 The inheritaunce of vngodly children shall come to naught their posteritie shal haue perpetuall shame confusion 7 The children complayne of an vngodly father and why for his sake they are rebuked and dispised 8 Wo be vnto you O ye vngodly whiche haue forsaken the lawe of the hyghest God for though ye do encrease yet shal you perishe 9 If ye do liue ye shal be accursed if ye die the curse shall be your portion 10 All that is of the earth shall turne to earth againe so go the vngodly also out of the curse into destruction 11 Though men mourne for their body yet the name of the vngodly shall be put out for it is nothing worth 12 Labour to get thee a good name for that shall continue surer by thee then a thousande great treasures of golde 13 A good life hath a number of dayes but a good name endureth euer 14 My children kepe wisdome in peace for wisdome that is hid and a treasure that is not seene what profite is in them both 15 A man that hydeth his foolishenes is better then a man that hydeth his wysdome 16 Therefore be ye turned at my wordes for it is not good in all thinges and alway to be ashamed True fayth must proue and measure it 17 Be ashamed of whordome before father and mother be ashamed to leasing before the prince and men of auctoritie 18 Of sinne before the iudge and ruler of offence before the congregation people of vnrighteousnes before a companoin and friende 19 Of theft before thy neyghbours As for the trueth of God and his couenaunt be not ashamed thereof be ashamed to lye with thyne elbowes vpon the bread or to be reproued for geuing or taking 20 And of silence vnto them that salute thee be ashamed to loke vpon harlottes 21 Be ashamed to turne away thy face from thy kinsman be ashamed to take and not to geue 22 Be ashamed also to loke vpon an other mans wyfe and to make many trifling wordes with her mayden or to stand by her bed side 23 Be ashamed to vnbrayde thy friende when thou geuest any thing cast hym not in the teeth withall 24 Or to report the matter that thou hast heard or to disclose the secrete wordes so shalt thou well be shamefast and shalt find fauour with all men The .xlii. Chapter 1 The lawe of God must be taught 9 A daughter 14 A woman 18 God knoweth all thinges yea euen the secretes of the heart 1 OF these thinges be not ashamed and accept no person to offend Namely of these thinges be not ashamed 2 Of the lawe of God of the couenaunt of iudgement to bring the vngodly from his vngodlinesse vnto righteousnesse to make him a good man 3 To deale faithfully with thy neyghbour and companion to distribute the heritage vnto the friendes 4 To be diligent to kepe true measure wayght to be content whether thou gettest much or litle 5 To deale truely with temporall goodes in bying and selling to bring vp children with diligence to correct an euyll seruaunt 6 To kepe that thyne is from an euyll wyfe to set a locke where many handes are 7 What thou deliuerest and geuest out to be kept to tell it and to wey it to write vp all thy outgeuing and receauing 8 To enforme the vnlearned and vnwise of the aged that are iudged of the young If thou be diligent in these thinges truely thou shalt be learned and wyse and accepted of all men 9 The daughter maketh the father to watch secretly and the carefulnesse that he hath for her taketh away his sleepe yea in her youth lest she shoulde ouergrowe him and when she hath an husbande lest she shoulde be hated 10 Lest she shoulde be defiled or rauished in her virginitie or gotten with childe in her fathers house or when she commeth to the man lest she behaue her selfe not right or continue vnfruitefull 11 If thy daughter be
of vngodlines 24 Insomuch that their sinnes and misdeedes had the vpper hande so sore that at the last they were driuen out of the lande for the same 25 Yea he sought out and brought vp all wickednes tyll the vengeaunce came vpon them ¶ The .xlviij. Chapter The prayse of Elias Elizeus Ezechias and Esaias 1 THen stoode vp Elias the prophete as a fyre and his worde brent lyke a cresset 2 He brought an hunger vpon them and in his zeale he made thē fewe in number for they might not away with the commaundementes of the Lorde 3 Through the worde of the Lorde he shut the heauen three times brought he the fire downe 4 O Elias howe honorable art thou in thy wonderous deedes who may make his hoast to be lyke thee 5 One that was dead thou raysedst vp from death and in the worde of the hyest thou broughtest him out of the graue againe 6 Thou hast cast downe kinges and destroyed them and the honorable from their seate 7 Vpon the mount S●na thou heardest the iudgement vpon horeb the iudgement of the vengeaunce 8 Which diddest annoynt kinges to recompence and ordaynedst prophetes after thee 9 Thou wast taken vp in the storme of fire in a charet of fixie horses 10 Thou wast ordayned in the reproouinges in time to pacifie the wrath of the Lorde before it raged to turne the heartes of the fathers vnto the children to set vp the tribes of Iacob againe 11 Blessed were they that sawe thee and were garnished in loue for we lyue in lyfe but after death we shall haue no such name 12 Elias was couered in the storme but Elizeus was filled with his spirite while he lyued he was afrayde of no prince and no man might ouercome him 13 There coulde no worde deceaue him and after his death his body prophecied 14 He did wonders in his lyfe in death were his workes maruaylous 15 For all this the people amended not neither departed they from their sinnes tyll they were caryed away prisoners out of the lande and were scattered abrode in all countries so that of them there remayned but a very litle people and a prince vnto the house of Dauid 16 Howbeit some of them did right and some heaped vp vngodlynes 17 Ezechias made his citie strong conueyed water into it digged through the stony rocke with iron and made vp a wall by the water side 18 In his time came Sennacherib vp and sent Rabsakes lyft vp his hande against Sion defied them with great pride 19 Then trembled their heartes and handes so that they sorowed lyke a woman trauayling with childe 20 So they called vpon the Lord which is mercifull and lyft vp their handes before him immediately the Lorde heard them out of heauen 21 He thought no more vpon their sinnes nor gaue them ouer to their enemies but deliuered them by the hande of Esaias 22 He smote the hoast of the Assyrians and his angel destroyed them 23 For Ezechias had done the thing that pleased the Lorde and remayned stedfastly in the way of Dauid his father as Esaias the great faithfull prophete in the sight of God had commaunded him 24 In his time the sunne went backward and he lengthened the kinges lyfe 25 With a right spirite prophecied he what shoulde come to passe at the last and to such as were sorowfull in Sion he gaue consolation wherewith they might comfort them selues for euermore 26 He shewed thinges that were for to come and secrete or euer they come to passe ¶ The .xlix. Chapter ▪ Of Iosias Ezechias Dauid Ieremie Ezechiel Zorobabel Iesus Nehemias Enoch and Ioseph 1 THe remembraunce of Iosias is lyke as whē the apothecarie maketh many precious sweete smelling thinges together his remembraunce shal be sweete as hony in all mouthes and as the playing of musicke at a banket of wine 2 He was appoynted to turne the people againe and to take away all abhominations of the vngodlie 3 He directed his heart vnto the Lorde and in the time of the vngodlie he set vp the worship of God againe 4 All kinges except Dauid Ezechias and Iosias committed wickednes for euen the kinges of Iuda also forsoke the lawe of God 5 For they gaue their horne vnto other their honour worship also to a straūge people 6 Therefore was the elect citie of the sanctuarie brent with fire and the streetes therof layd desolate and waste in the hande of Ieremie 7 For they entreated him euill which neuerthelesse was a prophete ordayned from his mothers wombe that he might roote out breake of and destroy and that he might builde vp and plant againe 8 Ezechiel sawe the glorie of the Lorde in a vision which was shewed him vpon the charet of the Cherubims 9 For he thought vpon the enemies in the rayne to do good vnto such as had ordered their wayes aright 10 And the bones of the twelue prophetes florished from out of their place for they gaue comfort and consolation vnto Iacob and deliuered them faithfully 11 How shal we prayse Zorobabel which was as a ring on the right hande 12 So was Iesus also the sonne of Iosedec these men in their times builded the house set vp the sanctuarie of the Lorde againe which was prepared for an euerlasting worship 13 And among the elect was Nehemias whose renowme was great which set vp for vs the walles that were broken downe made the portes and barres againe and builded our houses a new 14 But vpon the earth is there no man created lyke Enoch for he was taken vp from the earth 15 Neither was there a lyke man vnto Ioseph which was lord of his brethren and the vpholder of his people his bones were couered and kept 16 Seth and Sem were in great honour among the people and so was Adam aboue all the beastes when he was created The .l. Chapter 1 Of Simon the sonne of Onias 22 An exhortation to prayse the Lorde 1 SImon the sonne of Onias the hye priest which in his lyfe set vp the house againe and in his dayes made fast the temple 2 The height of the temple also was founded of him the double building and the hye walles of the temple 3 In his dayes the welles of water flowed out and were exceeding full as the sea 4 He toke care for his people and deliuered them from destruction he kept his citie made it strong that it shoulde not be besieged 5 How honorable was his conuersation among the people and when he came out of the house couered with the vaile 6 He gaue lyght as the morning starre in the middest of the cloudes and as the moone when it is full 7 He shined as the sunne in the temple of God he is as bright as the raynebowe in the faire cloudes 8 And florisheth as the floures and roses in the spring of the
of his body though sometyme straungers and forreyners farre of ▪ and made neare by the blood of Christe and made citizens vvith the saintes and of the housholde of God let vs direct our heartes thither vvhere our head is deliting our selfe in all heauenly cogitations vvalking in all spirituall vvorkes and fruites of the spirite as Gods deare elect God graunt that Christe may so dvvell in our heartes by fayth that vve may be hable to comprehende vvith all sainctes the vnspeakable loue of Christe vvhich passeth all mans knovvledge Vnto him therefore vvhiche 〈◊〉 hable to do exceeding aboundauntly aboue all that vve can aske or thinke be prayse in the Churche by Christe Iesus throughout all generations for euer Amen And here yet once againe let the reader be admonished charitably to examine this translation of the nevve Testament folovving and be not offended vvith diuersitie of interpretation though he finde it not to agree to his vvont text or yet to disagree from the common translation Remembring vvhat Santes Pagninus testifieth of that auncient interpreter saint Hierome that in many places of his commentaries he doth reade and expounde othervvise then is founde in the common translation Yea saith Santes Hierome doth retract very many places and doth playnely confesse that him selfe vvas deceaued by the haste of his translating in the doubtfull signification of the vvordes And therfore saith the saide Hierome thus I thinke it better to rebuke mine ovvne errour then vvhyle I am ashamed to confesse my lacke of skill to persist in an errour For vvho vvas euer saith he so vvell learned that hath not somevvhere ben deceaued Thus farre saint Hierome vvhervpon good reader I exhort thee reade aduisedly expende learnedly an●●orrect charitably and be not offended good englishe reader to see the holy scriptures in thyne ovvne language as a matter nevvly seene seeing that our ovvne countreyman that venerable priest Bede many yeres agone did translate saint Iohns gospell into the vulgare tongue Ad vtilitatem ecclesiae to the profite of the Church 〈◊〉 Cu●●be●● Du●ham ●●y who reporteth Bedes ovvne saying N●lo vt discipuli mei mendatium legant I vvoulde not that my disciples should reade any lye or spende their labour after my departure vvithout fruite VVhiche thing 〈…〉 doth testifie of him In h●●s diebus etiam euangelium Iohannis in Anglica●● transtulit linguam iuxta Apostolum Sapientibus 〈◊〉 ipsipientibus debitor sum omnibus omnia factus In these dayes of his sicknesse he did translate the gospell of saint Iohn into the englishe tongue saying vvith the apostle I am detter to the learned and vnlearned ▪ I am made all to all The rather he so did saith VVilliam Malmesberi● Quia ●●c euangelium difficultate sui mentes legentium excre●i Because this gospell by the difficultie that is in it doth so much exercise the vvitte●●f the readers therfore he did interprete it into the englishe tongue and so did condiscende saith he to them vvhiche vvere not skilfull in the latin tongue God graunt that all readers may take so much profite therby as the good translatour-ment vnto them Amen ¶ The Gospell by Saint Matthewe ❧ The first Chapter ¶ 1 The Genealogie of Christe from Abraham 18 The maryage of his mother Marie 20 The Angell satisfieth Iosephes mynde 21 The interpretation of Christes names 1 THis is the booke of the generation of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham 2 Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat Iacob Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren 3 Iudas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar Phares begat Esrom Esrom begat Aram. 4 Aram begat Aminadab Aminadab begat Naasson Naasson begat Salmon 5 Salmon begat Boos of Rachab Boos begat Obed of Ruth Obed begat Iesse 6 Iesse begat Dauid the kyng Dauid the kyng begat Solomon of her that was the wyfe of Vrie 7 Solomon begat Roboam Roboam begat Abia Abia begat Asa 8 Asa begat Iosaphat Iosaphat begat Ioram Ioram begat Ozias 9 Ozias begat Ioatham Ioatham begat Achas Achas begat Ezekias 10 Ezekias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amon Amon begat Iosias 11 Iosias begat Iacim Iacim begat Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme they were caryed away to Babylon 12 And after they were brought to Babylon Iechonias begat Salathiel Salathiel begat Zorobabel 13 Zorobabel begat Abiud Abiud begat Eliakim Eliakim begat Azor. 14 Azor begat Sadoc Sadoc begat Achen Achen begat Eliud 15 Eliud begat Eleazar Eleazar begat Matthan Matthan begat Iacob 16 Iacob begat Ioseph the husband of Marie of whō was borne Iesus that is called Christe ☜ 17 And so all the generations from Abraham to Dauid are fourteene generations and from Dauid vntyll the carying away into Babylō are fourteene generations and frō the carying away into Babylon vnto Christe are fourteene generations 18 The birth of Iesus Christe was on this wise ☞ When as his mother Marie was betrouthed to Ioseph before they came together she was founde with chylde of the holy ghost 19 Then Ioseph her husbande beyng a ryghteous man and not wyllyng to make her a publique example was mynded priuily to put her away 20 But whyle he thought these thinges beholde the Angell of the Lord appeared vnto hym in a dreame saying Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Marie thy wife for that which is conceaued in her is of the holy ghost 21 She shall bryng foorth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their sinnes 22 All this was done that it myght be fulfilled which was spoken of the lorde by the prophete saying 23 Behold a virgin shal be with childe and shall bryng foorth a sonne and they shall call his name Emmanuel whiche is by interpretation God with vs. 24 Then Ioseph being raysed frō slepe dyd as the Angel of the Lorde had bidden hym and he toke his wyfe 25 And knewe her not tyll she hadde brought foorth * her first borne sonne called his name Iesus ¶ The .ij. Chapter ¶ 1 The tyme and place of Christes birth 11 The wyse men offer their presentes 14 Christe fleeth into Egipte 16 The young chyldren are slayne 23 Christe turneth into Galilee 1 WHen Iesus was borne in Bethlehem a citie of Iurie in the dayes of Herode the kyng beholde there came wise men from the east to Hierusalem 2 Saying Where is he that is borne kyng of Iewes For we haue seene his starre in the east and are come to worship hym 3 When Herode the kyng had hearde these thynges he was troubled and all the citie of Hierusalem with hym 4 And when he hadde gathered all the chiefe Priestes and Scribes of the people together he demaunded of them where Christe shoulde be borne 5 And they saide vnto him At Bethlehem in Iurie For thus it
at feastes and to syt in the chiefe place in councels 7 And greetynges in the markettes and to be called of men Rabbi 8 But be not ye called Rabbi For one is your maister euen Christe and all ye are brethren 9 And call no man your father vpon the earth for one is your father which is in heauen 10 Neither be ye called maisters for one is your maister euen Christe 11 He that is greatest among you shal be your seruaunt 12 But whosoeuer exalteth hym selfe shal be brought lowe And he that humbleth hym selfe shal be exalted ☜ 13 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men ye neither go in your selues neither suffer ye them that come to enter in 14 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye deuoure widdowes houses and that vnder a pretence of long prayer therfore ye shall receaue the greater dampnation 15 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye compasse sea and lande to make one proselyte when he is become one ye make hym two folde more the chylde of hell then ye your selues are 16 Wo be vnto you ye blynde guides for ye say whosoeuer doth sweare by the temple it is nothyng but whosoeuer sweareth by the golde of the temple he is a detter 17 Ye fooles and blynde For whether is greater the golde or the temple that sanctifieth the golde 18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aulter it is nothyng but whosoeuer sweareth by the gyft that is vpon it he is a detter 19 Ye fooles and blynde for whether is greater the gyft or the aulter that sanctifieth the gyft 20 Who so therfore sweareth by the aulter sweareth by it and by all thynges theron 21 And who so sweareth by the temple sweareth by it and by hym that dwelleth therin 22 And he that sweareth by heauen sweareth by the seate of God and by hym that sitteth theron 23 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye tythe mynt and annise and cummyn and haue left the wayghtier matters of the lawe iudgement mercy and fayth These ought ye to haue done and not to leaue the other vndone 24 Ye blynde guides which strayne out a gnat and swalowe a Camel 25 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye make cleane the vtter syde of the cup of the platter but within they are full of brybery excesse 26 Thou blynde Pharisee cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outsyde of them may be cleane also 27 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are lyke vnto paynted sepulchres which in dede appeare beautifull outwarde but are within full of dead mens bones and of all fylthynes 28 Euen so ye also outwardly appeare ryghteous vnto men But within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie 29 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ye builde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnishe the sepulchres of the ryghteous 30 And say yf we had ben in the dayes of our fathers we woulde not haue ben parteners with them in the blood of the prophetes 31 And so ye be witnesses vnto your selues that ye are the chyldren of them which kylled the prophetes 32 Fulfyll ye lykewyse the measure of your fathers 33 Ye serpentes ye generation of vipers howe wyll ye escape the dampnation of hell 34 ☞ Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes and wyse men and Scribes and some of them ye shall kyll and crucifie and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from citie to citie 35 That vpon you may come all the ryghteous blood which hath ben shed vpon the earth from the blood of ryghteous Abel vnto the blood of Zacharias sonne of Barachias whom ye slewe betwene the temple the aulter 36 Veryly I say vnto you all these thynges shal come vpon this generatiō 37 O Hierusalem Hierusalem thou that kyllest the prophetes and stonest them which are sent vnto thee Howe often woulde I haue gathered thy chyldren together euen as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wynges and ye woulde not 38 Beholde your house is left vnto you desolate 39 For I say vnto you ye shall not see me hencefoorth tyll that ye say blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde ☜ ❧ The .xxiiij. Chapter ¶ 1 Christe sheweth his disciples the destruction of the temple 6.29 the ende of the worlde and the tokens of the later dayes 42 and warneth them to wake 44 for the worlde shall sodaynely peryshe 1 AND Iesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to hym for to shewe hym the buildynges of the temple 2 Iesus sayde vnto them See ye not all these thynges Veryly I say vnto you there shall not be here left one stone vpon another that shall not be destroyed 3 And as he sat vpon a mount of Oliues his disciples came vnto hym secretly saying Tell vs when shall these thynges be what shall be the token of thy commyng of the ende of the worlde 4 And Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto them take heede that no man deceaue you 5 For many shall come in my name saying I am Christe and shall deceaue many 6 Ye shal heare of warres rumours of warres See that you be not troubled For all these thynges must come to passe but the ende is not yet 7 Nation shall ryse agaynst nation and realme agaynst realme and there shal be pestilence and famine and earthquakes in certayne places 8 All these are the begynnynges of sorowes 9 Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kyll you and ye shal be hated of all nations for my names sake 10 And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another 11 And many false prophetes shall aryse and shall deceaue many 12 And because iniquitie shall abounde the loue of many shall waxe colde 13 But he that endureth to the ende the same shal be saued 14 And this Gospell of the kyngdome shal be preached in all the worlde for a witnesse vnto all nations and then shall the ende come 15 When ye therefore shall see the abhomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophete stande in the holy place who so readeth let hym vnderstande 16 Then let them which be in Iurie flee into the mountaynes 17 And let hym which is on the house toppe not come downe to fet any thyng out of his house 18 Neither let hym which is in the fielde returne backe to fetche his clothes 19 Wo shal be in those dayes to them that are with chylde and to them that geue sucke 20 But pray ye that your flyght be not in the Winter neither on the Sabboth day 21 For then shal be great tribulation such as was not since the
When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wyne and knewe not whence it was but the ministers which drewe the water knewe the gouernour of the feast calleth the brydegrome 10 And sayth vnto hym Euery man at the begynnyng doth set foorth good wine and when men haue well dronke then that which is worse But thou hast kept the good wyne vntyll nowe 11 This begynnyng of miracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galilee and shewed his glory his disciples beleued on hym ☜ 12 After this he went downe to Capernaum he and his mother and his brethren and his disciples and there continued not many dayes 13 ☞ And the Iewes Passouer was at hande Iesus went vp to Hierusalem 14 And founde sittyng in the temple those that solde oxen and sheepe and doues and chaungers of money 15 And when he had made as it were a scourge of small cordes he droue them all out of the temple with the sheepe oxen and powred out the chaungers money and ouerthrewe the tables 16 And saide vnto them that solde doues Haue these thinges hence and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundize 17 And his disciples remembred that it was written The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me 18 Then aunswered the Iewes sayde vnto hym What token shewest thou vnto vs seeyng that thou doest these thynges 19 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto them Destroy this temple in three dayes I wyll reare it vp 20 Then sayde the Iewes fourtie and sixe yeres was this temple a buildyng and wilt thou reare it vp in three dayes 21 But he spake of the temple of his body 22 Assoone therfore as he was rysen from death agayne his disciples remembred that he thus had sayde And they beleued the scripture the wordes which Iesus had sayde 23 When he was in Hierusalem at the Passouer in the feast day many beleued on his name when they sawe his miracles which he dyd 24 But Iesus dyd not commit hym selfe vnto them because he knewe all men 25 And neded not that any shoulde testifie of man For he knewe what was in man ☜ ¶ The .iij. Chapter ¶ Christe teacheth Nicodemus 15 Of fayth 16 The loue of God towarde the worlde ●● Condemnation 25 Iohn baptizeth 27 Iohn teacheth his disciples 1 THere was a man of the pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes 2 The same came to Iesus by night said vnto him Rabbi we knowe that thou art a teacher come from God for no man coulde do these miracles that thou doest except God were with him 3 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym Veryly veryly I say vnto thee except a man be borne agayne he can not see the kyngdome of God 4 Nicodemus sayth vnto hym Howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and be borne agayne 5 Iesus aunswered Veryly veryly I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not enter into the kyngdome of God 6 That which is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite 7 Maruayle not thou that I sayde to thee ye must be borne agayne 8 The wynde bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth and whither it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite 9 Nicodemus aunswered and sayde vnto hym howe can these thynges be 10 Iesus aunswered sayde vnto hym Art thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thynges 11 Veryly veryly I say vnto thee we speake that we do knowe testifie that we haue seene and ye receaue not our witnesse 12 If I haue tolde you earthly thynges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges 13 * And no man ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of man which is in heauen 14 * And as Moyses lyft vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so must the sonne of man be lyft vp 15 That whosoeuer beleueth in hym perishe not but haue eternall lyfe ☜ 16 ☞ * For God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shoulde not perishe but haue euerlastyng lyfe 17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condempne the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued He that beleueth on hym is not condempned 18 But he that beleueth not is condempned alredy because he hath not beleued in the name of the only begottē sonne of God 19 And this is the condempnation that lyght is come into the worlde and men loued darknesse rather then lyght because their deedes were euyll 20 For euery one that euyll doeth hateth the lyght neither commeth to the light lest his deedes shoulde be reproued 21 But he that doeth trueth cōmeth to the lyght y t his deedes may be knowen howe that they are wrought in God ☜ 22 After these thynges came Iesus and his disciples into the lande of Iurie and there he taryed with thē * baptized 23 And Iohn also baptized in Enon besides Salim because there was much water there and they came and were baptized 24 For Iohn was not yet cast into prison 25 ☞ And there arose a question betwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes about purifiyng 26 And they came vnto Iohn and sayde vnto hym Rabbi he that was with thee beyonde Iordane to whom thou barest witnesse beholde the same baptizeth and all men come to hym 27 Iohn aunswered and sayde A man can receaue nothyng except it be geuen hym from heauen 28 Ye your selues are witnesses howe that I sayde I am not Christe but am sent before hym 29 He that hath y e bride is the bridegrome But the friende of the brydegrome which standeth heareth him reioyceth greatly because of y e brydegromes voyce This my ioy therfore is fulfylled 30 He must increace but I must decreace 31 He that commeth from an hye is aboue all He that is of the earth is earthlye and speaketh of the earth He that commeth from heauen is aboue all 32 And what he hath seene and hearde that he testifieth and no man receaueth his testimonie 33 He that hath receaued his testimonie hath set to his seale that God is true 34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For God geueth not the spirite by measure vnto hym 35 The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thynges into his hande 36 He that beleueth on the sonne hath euerlastyng lyfe He that beleueth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abydeth on hym ☜ ❧ The .iiij. Chapter ¶ 7 Christe weryed asketh water of the woman of Samaria 10 The liuely water 24 He teacheth true worshippe 26
but with the fleshe the lawe of sinne ❧ The .viij. Chapter 1 The assuraunce of the faythfull 6 The fruites of the holy ghost 3 The weakenesse of the lawe 17 Of hope 18 Of patience vnder the crosse 29 Of the foreknowledge of God 1 THere is then no dampnation to them which are in Christe Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite 2 For the lawe of the spirite of lyfe through Iesus Christe hath made me * free from the lawe of sinne and death 3 * For what the lawe coulde not do in as much as it was weake through the fleshe God sendyng his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull fleshe euen by sinne condempned sinne in the fleshe 4 That the ryghteousnesse of the lawe myght be fulfylled in vs which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite 5 For they that are carnall are carnally mynded But they that are spirituall are spiritually mynded 6 To be carnally mynded is death But to be spiritually mynded is lyfe peace 7 Because that the fleshly mynde is enmitie agaynst God For it is not obedient to the lawe of God neither can be 8 So then they that are in the fleshe can not please God 9 But ye are not in the fleshe but in the spirite yf so be that the spirite of God dwell in you If any man haue not the spirite of Christe the same is none of his 10 And yf Christe be in you the body is dead because of sinne but the spirite is lyfe for ryghteousnesse sake 11 But yf y e spirite of hym that raysed vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you euen he that raised vp Christe from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodyes because that his spirite dwelleth in you 12 ☞ Therfore brethren we are detters not to the fleshe to lyue after the fleshe 13 For if ye liue after y e fleshe ye shall dye But if ye through the spirite do mortifie the deedes of the body ye shall lyue 14 For as many as are lēd by the spirite of God they are the sonnes of God 15 For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage agayne to feare but ye haue receaued the spirite of adoption wherby we cry Abba father 16 The same spirite beareth witnesse to our spirite that we are y e sonnes of God 17 If we be sonnes then are we also heyres the heyres of God and ioynt-heyres with Christe So that we suffer together that we may be also glorified together 18 ☞ For I am certaynely perswaded that the afflictions of this tyme are not worthy of the glory which shal be shewed vpon vs. 19 * For the feruent desire of the creature abydeth lokyng whē the sonnes of God shall appeare 20 Because the creature is subiect to vanitie not wyllyng but for hym which hath subdued the same in hope 21 For the same creature shal be made free from the bondage of corruptiō into the glorious libertie of y e sonnes of God 22 For we knowe that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto this tyme. 23 Not only they but we also which haue the first fruites of the spirite and we our selues mourne in our selues and wayte for the adoption euen the deliueraunce of our body ☜ 24 For we are saued by hope But hope that is seene is no hope For howe can a man hope for that which he seeth 25 But and yf we hope for that we see not thē do we with pacience abide for it 26 Lykewyse the spirite also helpeth our infirmities For we knowe not what to desire as we ought but y e spirite maketh great intercession for vs with gronynges which can not be expressed 27 And * he that searcheth the heartes * knoweth what is the meanyng of the spirite for he maketh intercession for the saintes accordyng to the pleasure of God ☜ 28 ☞ For we knowe y t all thinges worke for the best vnto them that loue God to them which also are called of purpose 29 For those which he knewe before he also dyd predestinate that they shoulde be lyke fashioned vnto the shape of his sonne that he myght be y e first begotten among many brethren 30 Moreouer whom he dyd predestinate thē also he called And whom he called them also he iustified And whom he iustified them he also glorified 31 What shall we then say to these thynges If God be on our syde who can be agaynst vs 32 Which spared not his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all Howe shall he not with hym also geue vs all thynges 33 Who shall lay any thyng to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth 34 Who is he that can condempne It is Christe which dyed yea rather which is raysed agayne which is also on the ryght hande of God and maketh intercession for vs. 35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God Shall tribulation or anguishe or persecution either hunger either nakednesse either peryll either sworde 36 As it is written For thy sake are we kylled all daye long and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter 37 Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome through hym that loued vs. 38 For I am sure that neither death neither lyfe neither angels nor rule neither power neither thynges present neither thynges to come 39 Neither heygth nor deapth neither any other creature shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christe Iesu our Lorde ☜ ¶ The .ix. Chapter 1 Paul declareth his feruent loue towardes his nation 11 he treateth of election and reprobation 24 Also of the callyng of the gentiles 30 and of the castyng of of the Iewes 1 I Say y e trueth in Christ I lye not my conscience also bearyng me witnesse by the holy ghost 2 That I haue great heauinesse continuall sorowe in my heart 3 For * I haue wisshed my selfe to be cursed from Christe for my brethren my kynsmen as pertaynyng to y e fleshe 4 Which are the Israelites To whom pertayneth the adoption and the glory the couenauntes * and the lawe that was geuen and the seruice of God and the promises 5 Of whom are the fathers of whom as concernyng the fleshe Christe came which is God in all thynges to be praysed for euer Amen 6 And it can not be that the worde of God shoulde take none effect For they are not all Israelites which are of Israel 7 Neither are they all chyldren that are the seede of Abraham But in Isaac shall thy seede be called 8 That is to say They which are the chyldren of the fleshe are not the chyldren of God But they which be the childrē of promise are counted the seede 9 For this is a worde of promise About this tyme wyll I come and Sara shall haue a sonne 10 Not only this but also Rebecca was with chylde by
virgin marrie she hath not sinned Neuerthelesse such shall haue trouble in their fleshe but I beare with you 29 But this say I brethren the tyme is short It remayneth that they which haue wyues be as though they had none 30 And they that wepe as though they wept not they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that bye as though they possessed not 31 And they that vse this worlde as though they vsed it not For the fashion of this worlde goeth away 32 I woulde haue you without care He that is vnmaryed careth for the thinges that belong to the Lorde how he may please the Lorde 33 But he that hath maryed a wyfe careth for the thinges that are of the worlde how he may please his wyfe 34 There is difference betweene a virgin and a wyfe The vnmaryed woman careth for the thinges that are of the Lorde that she may be holy both in body and in spirite Againe she that is maryed careth for the thinges that pertayne to the world how she may please her husbande 35 ☞ This speake I for your profite not to tangle you in a snare but that ye may folowe that which is honest and comely and that ye may cleaue fast vnto the Lorde without separation 36 But if any man thinke that it is vncomely for his virgin if she passe the time of mariage and neede so require let him do what he wyll he sinneth not let them be maryed 37 Neuerthelesse he that purposeth surely in his heart hauing no neede but hath power ouer his owne wyll and hath so decreed in his heart that he wyl kepe his virgin doth well 38 So then he that ioyneth his virgin in maryage doth well but he that ioyneth not his virgin in mariage doth better 39 The wyfe is bounde to the lawe as long as her husbande lyueth but if her husband be dead she is at libertie to marry with whom she wil onely in the Lorde 40 But she is happier if she so abide after my iudgement And I thinke veryly that I haue the spirite of God ¶ The .viij. Chapter 1 He rebuketh them that vse their libertie to the sclaunder of other in going to the idolatrous sacrifices 9 And sheweth how men ought to behaue them toward such as be weake 1 AS touching thinges offred vnto idols we are sure y t we all haue knowledge Knowledge maketh a man swell but loue edifieth 2 If any man thynke that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 3 But if any man loue God the same is knowen of him 4 As concerning the eating of those thinges that are offered vnto idols we are sure that an idoll is nothing in the worlde and that there is none other God but one 5 And though there be that are called gods whether in heauen or in earth as there be gods many and lordes many 6 Yet vnto vs is there but one God which is the father of whom are all thinges and we in him and one Lorde Iesus Christe by whom are al thinges and we by him 7 But euery man hath not knowledge For some hauing conscience of the idol vntill this houre eate as a thing offred vnto idols and so their conscience being weake is defiled 8 But meate maketh vs not acceptable to God For neither if we eate haue we the more neither if we eate not haue we the lesse 9 But take heede lest by any meanes this libertie of yours be an occasion of falling to them that are weake 10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meate in the idols temple shal not the conscience of him which is weake be boldened to eate those thinges which are offred to idols 11 And through thy knowledge shal the weake brother perishe for whom Christe dyed 12 When ye sinne so against the brethren and wounde their weake conscience ye sinne against Christe 13 Wherefore if meate offend my brother I wyll eate no fleshe whyle the worlde standeth lest I shoulde offende my brother The .ix. Chapter 1 He exhorteth them by his example to vse their libertie to the edification of other 24 to run on foorth in the course that they haue begun 1 AM I not an Apostle am I not free haue I not seene Iesus Christe our Lord Are ye not my worke in the Lorde 2 If I be not an Apostle vnto other yet doubtlesse am I vnto you For the seale of myne Apostleship are ye in the Lorde 3 Myne aunswere to them that aske me is this 4 Haue we not power to eate and to drinke 5 Haue we not power to leade about a sister a woman as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas 6 Either only I and Barnabas haue not power this to do 7 Who goeth a warfare any time at his owne cost Who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the fruite therof Or who feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke 8 Say I these thinges after the maner of men or saith not the law the same also 9 For it is written in the law of Moyses * Thou shalt not moosell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne Doth God take care for Oxen 10 Either sayth he it not altogether for our sakes For our sakes no doubt this is written that he which eareth should eare in hope that he which tressheth in hope should be partaker of his hope 11 If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great thing if we reape your carnall thinges 12 If others be partakers of this power wherfore are not we rather Neuerthelesse we haue not vsed this power but suffer all thinges lest we shoulde hinder the Gospel of Christ 13 Do ye not knowe that they which minister about holy thynges eate of the thinges of the temple And they whiche wayte at the aulter are partakers with the aulter 14 Euen so hath the Lord ordayned that they which preache the Gospell shoulde lyue of the Gospell 15 But I haue vsed none of these thinges Neuerthelesse I wrote not these thinges that it shoulde be so done vnto me For it were better for me to die then that any man should make my reioycing vayne 16 For if I preache the Gospell I haue nothyng to reioyce of for necessitie is layde vpon me But wo is vnto me if I preache not the Gospell 17 For if I do it with a good wil I haue a reward but if I do it against my wil the dispensatiō is committed vnto me 18 What is my reward then Verily that when I preache the Gospell I make the Gospell of Christ free that I misuse not myne aucthoritie in the Gospell 19 For though I be free from all men yet haue I made my selfe seruaunt vnto all men that I might win the mo 20 Vnto
15 After his commendations he wysheth to them all prosperitie 1 COncerning the gatheryng for the saintes as I haue ordeined in the Churches of Galacia euen so do ye 2 Vpon some Sabboth daye let euery one of you put asyde by hym selfe and laye vp as God hath prospered hym that then there be no gatherynges when I come 3 When I am come whomsoeuer ye shall alowe by your letters them wyll I sende to bryng your liberalitie vnto Hierusalem 4 And yf it be meete that I go also they shall go with me 5 I wyll come vnto you after I haue gone ouer Macedonia For I wyl passe through Macedonia 6 And it may be that I wyll abyde yea or wynter with you that ye may bryng me on my way whyther soeuer I go 7 For I wyll not see you nowe in my passage but I trust to abyde a whyle with you yf the Lorde shall suffer me 8 I wyll tarie at Ephesus vntyll whytsontyde 9 For a great doore and effectuall is opened vnto me and there are many aduersaries 10 Yf Timotheus come see that he be without feare with you For he worketh the worke of the Lorde as I do 11 Let no man therfore despise hym but conuay him foorth in peace that he may come vnto me for I loke for hym with the brethren 12 As touchyng our brother Apollo I greatly desired hym to come vnto you with the brethren but his mynde was not at all to come at this tyme Howebeit he wyll come when he shall haue conuenient tyme. 13 Watche ye stande fast in the fayth quyte you lyke men be strong 14 Let al your thinges be done with loue 15 I beseche you brethren ye knowe the house of Stephanas that it is y e first fruites of Achaia and that they haue appoynted them selues to minister vnto the saintes 16 That ye be obedient euen vnto suche and to all that helpe with vs labour 17 I am glad of the commyng of Stephanas and Fortunatus Achaicus ▪ for that whiche was lackyng vnto me on your part they haue supplied 18 For they haue comforted my spirite and yours Loke therfore that ye know them that are such 19 The Churches of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla salute you muche in the Lord and so doth the Churche that is in their house 20 All the brethren greete you Greete ye one another with an holy kysse 21 The salutatiō of me Paul with mine owne hande 22 Yf any man loue not the Lorde Iesus Christe the same be Anathema maranatha 23 The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be with you 24 My loue be with you all in Christe Iesus Amen ❧ The first epistle to the Corinthians was sent from Philippos by Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus and Timotheus G. G. The seconde Epistle of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians ¶ The .j. Chapter 4 He declareth the great profite that commeth to the faythfull by their afflictions 15.17 And because they shoulde not impute to lyghtnesse that he deferred his commyng contrarie to his promise he proueth his constancie both by the sinceritie of his preachyng and also by the immutable trueth of the Gospell 21 which trueth is grounded on Christe and sealed in our heartes by the holy ghost 1 PAul an Apostle of Iesu Christe by the wyll of God brother Timotheus Vnto y e Church of God which is at Corinthus with all the saintes which are in all Achaia 2 * Grace be with you and peace from God our father and from the Lorde Iesus Christe 3 Blessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche is the father of mercies the God of al comfort 4 Which comforted vs in all our tribulation insomuch that we are able to comfort them which are in any maner trouble with the comfort wherwith we our selues are comforted of God 5 For as the afflictions of Christ are plenteous in vs euen so is our consolation plenteous by Christe 6 Whether we be troubled it is for your consolation and saluation which saluation sheweth her power in that ye suffer the same afflictions whiche we also suffer or whether we be comforted it is for your consolation saluation 7 And our hope is stedfast insomuch as we knowe howe that as ye are partakers of y e afflictions so ye be partakers also of the consolation 8 For we woulde not brethren haue you ignoraunt of our trouble whiche came vnto vs in Asia For we were greeued out of measure passyng strength so greatly that we dispayred euen of lyfe 9 Yea we receaued the sentence of death in our selues that we should not put our trust in our selues but in God whiche rayseth the dead 10 Who delyuered vs from so great a death and doth deliuer On whom we trust that yet hereafter he wyll deliuer 11 By the helpe of your prayer for vs that by y e meanes of many persons thankes may geuen of many on our behalfe for the grace geuen vnto vs. 12 For our reioycyng is this the testimonie of our conscience that in simplicitie godly purenesse and not in fleshely wisdome but by the grace of God we haue had our conuersatiō in the worlde and most of all to you wardes 13 We write none other thinges vnto you then that ye read or also y t ye acknowledge and I trust ye shall acknowledge vs vnto the ende 14 Euen as ye haue acknowledged vs partly For we are your reioycing euen as ye are ours in the daye of our Lorde Iesus 15 And in this confidence was I minded first to haue come vnto you y t ye myght haue had one pleasure more 16 And to passe by you into Macedonia and to haue come agayne out of Macedonia vnto you and to be led foorth of you to Iurie 17 When I therfore was thus mynded did I vse lightnesse or mynde I carnally those thynges whiche I mynde that with me shoulde be yea yea nay nay 18 God is faythfull For our preaching to you was not yea and nay 19 For Gods sonne Iesus Christe which was preached among you by vs euen by me and Siluanus and Timotheus was not yea and nay but in hym it was yea 20 For all the promises of God in him are yea and are in him Amen vnto the glorie of God through vs. 21 And God it is whiche stablysheth vs with you in Christe and hath annoynted vs. 22 Which hath also sealed vs and hath geuen the earnest of the spirite in our heartes 23 ☞ I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that to spare you I came not as yet vnto Corinthus 24 Not that we be Lordes ouer your fayth but are helpers of your ioy For by fayth ye stande ❧ The .ij. Chapter He sheweth his loue towardes them 7 requiryng lykewyse that they would be fauourable to the incestuous adulterer seyng he
dyd repent 14 He also reioyceth in God for the efficacie of his doctrine 17 confutyng therby such quarell pykers as vnder pretence of speakyng agaynst his person sought nothyng but the ouerthrowe of his doctrine 1 BVt I determined this in my selfe y t I would not come againe to you in heauynesse 2 For if I make you sorie who is he y t shoulde make me glad but the same which is made sorie by me 3 And I wrote this same vnto you lest when I came I shoulde take heauynesse of them of whom I ought to reioyce This confidence haue I toward you all that my ioy is the ioy of you all 4 For in great affliction and anguishe of heart I wrote vnto you with many teares not that ye shoulde be made sorie but that ye myght perceaue the loue which I haue most specially vnto you 5 But yf any man hath caused sorowe the same hath not made me sorie but partly lest I shoulde greeue you all 6 It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many 7 So that nowe contrarywise ye ought rather to forgeue hym and comforte hym lest that same person shoulde be swallowed vp with ouermuche heauynesse 8 Wherfore I pray you that you would confirme your loue towardes hym 9 For this cause veryly did I write that I myght knowe the profe of you whether ye be obedient in all thynges 10 To whom ye forgeue any thyng I forgeue also For if I forgaue any thing to whom I forgaue it for your sakes forgaue I it in the sight of Christe 11 Lest Satan shoulde circumuent vs For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. ☜ 12 Furthermore when I came to Troada to preache Christes Gospell and a doore was opened vnto me of the lorde 13 I had no rest in my spirite because I founde not Titus my brother but toke my leaue of them and went away into Macedonia 14 Nowe thankes be vnto God whiche alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christe and openeth the sauour of his knowledge by vs in euery place 15 For we are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christe in them that are saued and in them which perisshe 16 To the one part are we the sauour of death vnto death and vnto the other part are we the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe And who is meete vnto these thynges 17 For we are not as many are whiche chop chaunge with the word of God but as of purenesse of God in the syght of God so speake we in Christe ☜ ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 He taketh for example the fayth of the Corinthians for a probation of the trueth which he preached 6 and to exalt his apostleship agaynst the braggers of the false apostles 7.13 he maketh comparison betwixt the lawe and the Gospell 1 DO we begyn to prayse our selues agayne Or neede we as some other of epistles of recōmendation vnto you or letters of recommendation from you 2 Ye are our epistle written in our heartes whiche is vnderstande and read of all men 3 Forasmuche as ye declare that ye are the epistle of Christ ministred by vs and written not with ynke but with the spirite of the lyuyng God not in tables of stone but in fleshly tables of the heart 4 ☞ Such trust haue we through Christe to Godwarde 5 Not that we are sufficiēt of our selues to thynke any thyng as of our selues but our ablenesse is of God 6 Which hath made vs able ministers of the newe testament not of the letter but of the spirite For the letter kylleth but the spirite geueth lyfe 7 Yf the ministration of death through the letters figured in stones was in glorie so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moyses for the glorie of his countenaunce whiche glorie is done away 8 Howe shall not the ministration of the spirite be much more in glorie 9 For yf the ministration of condempnation be glorie much more doth the ministration of ryghteousnes exceede in glorie ☜ 10 For euen that which was glorified is not glorified in respect of this exceedyng glorie 11 For yf that whiche is destroyed was glorious much more that which remayneth is glorious 12 Seyng then that we haue such truste we vse great boldnesse 13 And not as Moyses which put a vayle ouer his face that the chyldren of Israel shoulde not see for what purpose that serued which is put away 14 * But their myndes were blynded For vntyll this day remayneth the same coueryng vntaken away in the reading of the olde testament which vayle is put away in Christe 15 But euen vnto this day when Moyses is read * the vayle is layde vppon their heart 16 Neuerthelesse * when it shall turne to the Lorde the vayle shal be taken away 17 The Lorde is a spirite And where the spirite of the Lorde is there is libertie 18 But we all behold as in a mirrour the glorie of the Lorde with his face open and are chaunged vnto the same similitude from glorie to glorie euen as of the spirite of the Lorde ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 He declareth his diligence and roundnesse in his office 8 and that which his enemies toke for his disaduauntage to wit the crosse and affliction which he endured he turned it to his great aduauntage 11 17 shewyng what profite commeth therby 1 THerfore seyng that we haue such a ministerie as we haue receaued mercie we faynt not 2 But haue cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestie and walke not in craftynesse neither handle we the word of God disceitefully but in openyng of the trueth and report our selues to euery mans conscience in the syght of God 3 ☞ Yf our Gospell be yet hyd it is hyd in them that are lost 4 In whom the god of this worlde hath blinded the myndes of them whiche beleue not lest the lyght of the Gospell of the glorie of Christe which is the image of God should shine vnto them 5 ☞ For we preache not our selues but Christe Iesus the Lord and our selues your seruauntes for Iesus sake 6 For it is God that commaundeth the lyght to shine out of darknesse whiche hath shined in our heartes for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glorie of God in the face of Iesus Christe 7 But we haue this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellencie of the power be Gods and not ours 8 We are troubled on euery syde yet are we not without shyft We are in pouertie but not vtterly without somewhat 9 We suffer persecution but are not forsaken therin We are cast downe but we perisshe not 10 We alwayes beare about in the body the dying of the Lorde Iesus that the lyfe of Iesus myght also appeare in our bodie ☜ 11 For we which lyue are alwayes deliuered vnto death for Iesus sake that the lyfe also of Iesu myght appeare in
our mortall flesshe 12 So then death worketh in vs but life in you ☜ 13 ☞ Seing then that we haue the same spirite of fayth accordyng as it is written I beleued and therefore haue I spoken We also beleue and therefore speake 14 For we knowe that he which raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vp vs also by the meanes of Iesus and shall set vs with you 15 For all thynges do I for your sakes that the plenteous grace by thankes geuyng of many may redounde to the prayse of God 16 Wherefore we are not weryed But though our outwarde man perishe yet the inwarde man is renued day by day 17 For our exceedyng tribulation which is momentanie lyght prepareth an exceedyng and an eternall wayght of glorie vnto vs. 18 Whyle we loke not on the thynges whiche are seene but on the thynges which are not seene For the thynges which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternal ¶ The .v. Chapter 1 Paul proceedeth to declare the vtilitie that commeth by the crosse 4 howe we ought to prepare our selues vnto it 5 by whom 9 and for what ende 14 19 He setteth foorth the grace of Christ 20 and the office of ministers all the faithful 1 FOr we knowe that yf our earthly house of this tabernacle were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but eternall in heauen 2 For therfore sygh we desiryng to be clothed with our house whiche is from heauen 3 So yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked 4 For we that are in this tabernacle sigh being burdened because we would not be vnclothed but would be clothed vpō that mortalitie might be swalowed vp of lyfe 5 He that hath ordeyned vs for this thyng is God which hath also geuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirite 6 Therfore we are alway of good cheare and knowe that as long as we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lorde 7 For we walke by fayth not after outwarde appearaunce 8 Neuerthelesse we are of good comfort and had rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lorde 9 Wherfore whether we be at home or from home we endeuour our selues to be accepted vnto hym 10 For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christe that euery man may receaue the workes of his bodie according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 11 ☞ Seing then that we knowe the feare of the Lorde we fare fayre with men For we are knowen well enough vnto God I trust also that we are knowen in your consciences 12 For we prayse not our selues agayne vnto you but geue you an occasion to reioyce of vs that ye may haue somwhat agaynst them which reioyce in the face and not in the heart 13 For yf we be to feruent to God are we to feruent Or yf we kepe measure for your cause kepe we measure 14 For the loue of Christe constrayneth vs because we thus iudge that yf one dyed for all then were all dead 15 And he dyed for all that they which lyue shoulde not hencefoorth lyue vnto them selues but vnto hym which dyed for them and rose agayne ☜ 16 Wherefore hencefoorth knowe we no man after the flesshe Insomuche though we haue knowen Christe after the flesshe nowe yet hencefoorth knowe we hym so no more 17 Therfore yf any man be in Christe he is a newe creature Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thynges are become newe 18 And all thynges are of God whiche hath reconciled vs vnto hym selfe by Iesus Christe and hath geuen to vs the ministerie of reconciliation 19 For God was in Christe reconciling the worlde to hym selfe not imputyng their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the preachyng of the atonement 20 Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christe euen as though God dyd beseche you through vs. So praye we you in Christes steade that ye be reconciled vnto God 21 For he hath made him to be sinne for vs whiche knewe no sinne that we shoulde be made the ryghteousnesse of God in hym The .vj. Chapter 1 An exhortation to christian lyfe 11 and to beare him like affection as he doeth them Also to kepe them selues from pollution of idolatrie both in body and soule and to haue none acquayntaunce with the heathen 1 WE also as helpers exhorte you that ye receaue not the grace of God in vayne 2 For he saith I haue heard thee in a tyme accepted and in the day of saluation haue I suckoured thee Beholde nowe is that accepted tyme beholde nowe is that day of saluation 3 Let vs geue none occasion of euyll in any thyng that the ministerie be not blamed 4 But in all thynges let vs behaue our selues as y e ministers of God in much pacience in afflictions in necessities in anguisshes 5 In stripes in prisonmentes in strifes in labours 6 In watchynges in fastinges in purenesse in knowledge in long suffryng in kyndnesse in the holy ghost in loue vnfaigned 7 In the worde of trueth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnes of the ryght hande and on the lefte 8 By honour and dishonour by euyll report and good report as deceauers and yet true 9 As vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we lyue as chastened and not kylled 10 As sorowyng and yet alway merie as poore and yet make many riche as hauyng nothyng and yet possessyng all thynges ☜ 11 O ye Corinthians our mouth is open vnto you our heart is made large 12 Ye are in no strayte in vs but are in a straite in your owne bowels 13 I promise you lyke rewarde as vnto children Set your selues at large 14 ☞ And beare not ye a straunge yoke with the vnbeleuers For what felowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse Or what communion hath lyght with darkenesse 15 Or what concorde hath Christe with belyall Eyther what part hath he that beleueth with an infidell 16 Or howe agreeth the temple of God with images For ye are the temple of the lyuing God as saide God I wyll dwell in them walke in them wyll be their God they shal be my people 17 Wherfore come out frō among them and seperate your selues from them saith the Lorde and touche none vncleane thyng and I wyll receaue you 18 And wyll be a father vnto you and ye shal be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lorde almightie ❧ The .vij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth them by the promise of God to kepe them selues pure 3.7 Assuryng them of his loue 8.13 and doeth not excuse his seueritie towarde them but reioyceth therof consideryng what profite came therby 10 Of two sortes of sorowe 1 SEyng that we haue these promises dearely beloued let vs
Christe for you heathen 2 Yf ye haue hearde of the dispensatiō of the grace of God which is geuen me to you warde 3 For by reuelation shewed he the misterie vnto me as I wrote afore in fewe wordes 4 Whereby when ye reade ye may vnderstande my knowledge in the misterie of Christe 5 Which misterie in other ages was not opened vnto the sonnes of men as it is nowe reuealed vnto his holy apostles and prophetes by the spirite 6 That the gentiles shoulde be inheritours also and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christe by the Gospell 7 Wherof I am made a minister accordyng to the gyfte of the grace of God which is geuen vnto me after the workyng of his power 8 Vnto me the least of all saintes is this grace geuen that I shoulde preache among the gentiles the vnsearchable ryches of Christe 9 And to bring to lyght to all men what the felowship of the misterie is whiche from the begynnyng of the world hath ben hid in god which made all thinges through Iesus Christe 10 To thintent that nowe vnto the rulers and power in heauenly thynges myght be knowen by y e Church the very manyfolde wysedome of God 11 According to y e eternall purpose which he wrought in Christe Iesus our Lord 12 By whō we haue boldnesse entraunce in y e confidence which is by faith of him 13 ☞ Wherfore I desire that ye faynt not in my tribulations for you whiche is your glorie 14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe 15 Of whō all the famyly in heauen and earth is named 16 That he would graunt you according to the rychesse of his glorie to be strengthed with myght by his spirite in the inner man 17 That Christe may dwell in your heartes by fayth that ye beyng rooted and grounded in loue 18 Myght be able to comprehende with al saintes what is the breadth length and deapth and heygth 19 And to knowe the loue of Christe whiche excelleth knowledge that ye might be fylled with all fulnesse of God 20 Vnto him that is able to do exceeding aboundauntly aboue all that we aske or thynke accordyng to the power that worketh in vs 21 Be prayse in the Churche by Christe Iesus throughout all ages worlde without ende Amen ☜ ¶ The .iiij. Chapter He exhorteth them vnto mekenesse long sufferyng and vnto loue and peace 3 euery one to serue and edifie another with the gyft that God hath geuen hym 14 to beware of strange doctrine 22 To lay asyde the olde conuersation of greedy lustes to walke in a newe lyfe 1 I Therfore a prisoner in the Lorde exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocatiō wherewith ye are called 2 With all lowlynesse mekenesse with long sufferyng forbearyng one another in loue 3 Endeuoryng to kepe the vnitie of the spirite in the bonde of peace 4 One body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your calling 5 One Lorde one fayth one baptisme 6 One God and father of all whiche is aboue all and through all and in you all ☜ 7 ☞ But vnto euery one of vs is geuen grace accordyng to the measure of the gyft of Christe 8 Wherfore he saith * When he went vp an hye he ledde captiuitie captiue and gaue gyftes vnto men 9 But that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower partes of the earth 10 He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp farre aboue all heauens to fulfyll all thynges 11 And he gaue some apostles and some prophetes and some euangelistes and some shepheardes and teachers 12 To the gatheryng together of the saintes into the worke of ministration into the edifiyng of the body of Christe 13 Tyll we all meete together into the vnitie of fayth and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christe ☜ 14 That we hencefoorth be no more children wauering and caryed about with euery wynde of doctrine in the wylynesse of men in craftynesse to the laying wayte of deceyte 15 But folowyng trueth in loue let vs growe vp into him in all thynges whiche is the head Christ 16 In whom all the body beyng coupled and knit together by euery ioynt of subministration accordyng to the effectuall power in y e measure of euery part maketh increase of the body vnto the edifiyng of it selfe in loue 17 ☞ This I say therfore and testifie in the Lorde that ye hencefoorth walke not as other gentiles walke in vanitie of their mynde 18 Darkened in cogitation being alienated from the lyfe of God by the ignoraunce that is in them by the blindnesse of their heartes 19 Whiche beyng past feelyng haue geuen thē selues ouer vnto wantonnesse to worke al vncleanenesse with greedynesse 20 But ye haue not so learned Christe 21 Yf so be that ye haue hearde hym and haue ben taught in hym as the trueth is in Iesus 22 To ●ay downe accordyng to the former conuersation y e olde man which is corrupt accordyng to the lustes of error ☜ 23 ☞ To be renued in the spirite of your mynde 24 And to put on that newe man which after God is shapen in righteousnesse holynesse of trueth 25 Wherfore puttyng away lying speake euery man trueth vnto his neyghbour forasmuch as we are members one of another 26 Be ye angry and sinne not let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath 27 Neither geue place to the deuyll 28 * Let hym that stole steale no more but let hym rather labour workyng with his handes the thyng whiche is good that he may geue vnto hym that needeth ☜ 29 Let no fylthy communication procede out of your mouth but that whiche is good to edifie withal as oft as neede is that it may minister grace vnto the hearers 30 And greeue not the holy spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption 31 Let all bytternesse and fiercenesse wrath and crying and euyll speakyng be put away from you with all maliciousnesse 32 Be ye curteous one to another merciful forgeuing one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you ❧ The .v. Chapter 2 He exhorteth them vnto loue 3 warneth them to beware of vncleannesse couetousnesse foolyshe talkyng and false doctrine 17 to be circumspect 18 to auoyde dronkennesse 19 to reioyce and to be thankefull towarde God 21 to submit them selues one to another 22 He entreateth of corporall mariage of the spirituall betwixt Christe and his Churche 1 BE ye therefore folowers of God as deare chyldren 2 And walke ye in loue euen as Christe hath loued vs and hath geuen hym selfe for vs an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smellyng sauour to
God 3 But fornication and all vncleannesse or couetousnesse let it not be once named among you as it becommeth saintes 4 Neither fylthynesse neither foolyshe talkyng neither iestyng which are not comely but rather geuyng of thankes 5 For this ye knowe that no whoremonger neither vncleane person nor couetous person which is a worshipper of images hath any inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christe and of God 6 Let no man deceaue you with vayne wordes For because of such thynges commeth the wrath of God vppon the chyldren of disobedience 7 Be not ye therefore companions of them 8 For ye were sometimes darknesse but nowe are ye lyght in the Lorde Walke as chyldren of lyght 9 For the fruite of the spirite is in all goodnesse and righteousnesse trueth 10 Approuyng what is acceptable vnto the Lorde 11 And haue no felowship with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse but rather euen rebuke them 12 For it is shame euen to name those thynges whiche are done of them in secrete 13 But all thynges when they are rebuked of the lyght are manifest For all that which do make manifest is lyght 14 Wherefore he sayth Awake thou that sleepest and stande vp from the dead and Christe shall geue thee lyght 15 ☞ Take heede therfore howe ye walke circumspectlye not as vnwyse but as wyse 16 Redeemyng the time because y e dayes are euyll 17 Wherfore be ye not vnwise but vnderstandyng what the wyll of the Lord is 18 And be not drunke with wine wherin is excesse but be fylled with the spirite 19 Speaking vnto your selues in psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songues syngyng and makyng melodie to the Lorde in your heartes 20 Geuing thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God and the father in y e name of our Lorde Iesus Christe 21 Submittyng your selues one to another in the feare of God ☜ 22 Wyues submit your selues vnto your owne husbandes as vnto the Lorde 23 For the husbande is the head of the wyfe euen as Christe is the head of the Church he is the sauiour of the bodie 24 But as the Church is subiect to Christ lykewyse the wyues to their owne husbandes in all thynges 25 Ye husbandes loue your wyues euen as Christe also loued the Churche and gaue hym selfe for it 26 To sanctifie it clensyng it in the fountayne of water in the worde 27 To make it vnto hym selfe a glorious Churche not hauyng spot or wrinckle or any such thyng but that it should be holy and without blame 28 So ought men to loue their wyues as their owne bodies He that loueth his wyfe loueth hym selfe 29 For no man euer yet hated his owne flesshe but norissheth cherissheth it euen as the Lorde the Churche 30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones 31 For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother and shal be ioyned vnto his wyfe and two shal be made one flesshe 32 This is a great secrete but I speake of Christe and of the Churche 33 Therfore euery one of you do ye so Let euery one of you loue his wyfe euen as hym selfe and let the wyfe reuerence her husbande ¶ The .vj. Chapter 1 Howe chyldren shoulde behaue them selues towarde their fathers and mothers 4 Lykewyse parentes towarde their chyldren 5 seruauntes towardes their maisters 9 Maisters towarde their seruauntes 13 An exhortation to the spiritual battayle and what weapons the christians shoulde fyght withall 1 CHyldren obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for this is ryght 2 Honour thy father and mother whiche is the first commaundement in promise 3 That thou mayest prosper and lyue long on earth 4 Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lorde 5 Seruauntes obey them that are your bodyly maisters with feare and tremblyng in singlenesse of your heart as vnto Christe 6 Not with seruice vnto the eye as men pleasers but as the seruaūtes of Christ 7 Doyng the wyll of God frō the heart with good wyll seruyng the Lorde and not men 8 Knowyng that whatsoeuer good thyng any man doeth that shall he receaue agayne of the Lorde whether he be bonde or free 9 And ye maisters do the same thynges vnto them puttyng away threatnyng knowyng that your maister also is in heauen neither is respecte of person with hym 10 ☞ Finally my brethren be strong in the Lorde in the power of his might 11 Put on all the armour of God that ye may stande agaynst the assaultes of the deuyll 12 For we wrastle not agaynst blood flesshe but agaynst rule agaynst power agaynst worldly gouernours of the darknesse of this worlde agaynst spirituall craftynesse in heauenly places 13 Wherfore take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resist in the euyll day and hauing finished all thynges to stande fast 14 Stande therfore hauyng loynes girt about with the trueth and puttyng on the brest plate of righteousnesse 15 And hauyng your feete shodde in the preparation of the Gospell of peace 16 Aboue all takyng the shielde of fayth wherwith ye may quenche all the fierie dartes of the wicked 17 And take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirite whiche is the worde of God ☜ 18 Praying alwayes in all prayer and supplication in the spirite and watche thervnto with all instaunce and supplication for all saintes 19 And for me that vtteraunce may be geuē vnto me y t I may open my mouth freely to vtter y e secretes of the Gospell 20 Whereof I am messenger in bondes that therein I may speake freely as I ought to speake 21 But y t ye may also knowe my affaires and what I do Tichicus a deare brother and faythfull minister in the Lord shall shewe you all thynges 22 Whom I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose that ye myght knowe of our affaires and that he myght comfort your heartes 23 Peace be vnto the brethren and loue with fayth from God the father and from the Lorde Iesus Christe 24 Grace be with all them whiche loue our Lorde Iesus Christe in sinceritie Amen ❧ Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesians by Tichicus ❧ The Epistle of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Philippians ¶ The first Chapter 1 Saint Paul discouereth his heart towardes them 3 by his thankes geuyng 4 prayers 8 and wisshes for their fayth and saluation 7.12.20 He sheweth the fruite of his crosse 15.27 and exhorteth them to vnitie 28 and pacience 1 PAul Timotheus the seruauntes of Iesus Christ To all the saintes in Christ Iesus whiche are at Philippos with the bisshops deacons 2 Grace be vnto you and peace frō God our father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ 3 ☞ I thanke my God with all remembraunce of you 4 Alwayes in all my prayer for all you makyng prayer with
gladnesse 5 For your felowship in the Gospell frō the first day vntyll nowe 6 And beyng perswaded of this same thyng that he which hath begun good worke in you wyll perfourme it vntyll the day of Iesus Christe 7 As it becommeth me to iudge this of you al because I haue you in my heart and in my bondes in the defence and confirmation of the Gospell you all beyng partakers of my grace 8 For God is my recorde howe greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Iesus Christe 9 * And this I pray that your loue may abounde yet more and more in knowledge and in all vnderstandyng 10 That ye maye discerne thynges that differ that ye maye be pure and without offence tyll the day of Christe 11 Beyng fylled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and prayse of God ☜ 12 But I woulde ye should vnderstande brethren that the thinges which came vnto me hath come rather vnto the furtheraunce of the Gospell 13 So that my bondes in Christe are manifest throughout all the iudgement hall and in all other places 14 And many of the brethren of the Lord beyng incouraged through my bondes dare more plentifully speake the word without feare 15 Some preache Christe of enuie strife and some of good wyll 16 The one preache Christe of strife not sincerely supposyng to adde more affliction to my bondes 17 But the others of loue knowing that I am set to the defence of the Gospell 18 What then So that Christe be preached any maner of way whether it be by pretence or by trueth I ioy therein and wyll ioy 19 For I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation * through your prayer and ministryng of the spirite of Iesus Christe 20 Accordyng to my expectation and my hope y t in nothyng I shal be ashamed but y t with all boldnesse as alwayes so now also Christ shal be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death 21 For Christe is to me lyfe and death is to me aduantage 22 But if I lyue in the fleshe this is the fruite of my labour and what I shall chose I wote not 23 For I am in a strayte betwixt two hauyng a desire to be loosed and to be with Christ which is much farre better 24 Neuerthelesse to abyde in y e fleshe is more needefull for you 25 And this am I sure of that I shall abyde continue with you all for your furtheraunce and ioy of fayth 26 That your reioysyng may be y e more aboundaunt in Iesus Christe for me by my commyng to you agayne 27 Only let your conuersation be as it becommeth the Gospell of Christe that whether I come and see you or els be absent I may yet heare of your matters that ye continue in one spirite in one soule fyghtyng together for y e fayth of the Gospell 28 And in nothyng fearyng your aduersaries which is to them a token of perdition but to you of saluatiō and that of God 29 For vnto you it is geuen for Christe not only this to beleue on hym but also this to suffer for his sake 30 Hauing the same fight which ye sawe in me and nowe heare in me ¶ The .ij. Chapter 3 He exhorteth them aboue all thynges to humilitie wherby pure doctrine is chiefly mayntayned 16 promisyng that he and Timotheus wyll spedyly come vnto them 27 and excuseth the long tariyng of Epaphroditus 1 IF there be therefore any consolation in Christe yf any comfort of loue if any felowship of y e spirite yf any compassion and mercie 2 Fulfyl ye my ioy that ye be lyke mynded hauyng the same loue being of one accorde of one mynde 3 Let nothyng be done through stryfe or vayne glorie but in mekenesse of mynde euery man esteeme one y e other better then hym selfe 4 Loke not euery man on his owne thynges but euery man also on the thynges of others 5 ☞ Let y e same mynde be in you which was in Christe Iesus 6 Who beyng in the fourme of God thought it not robbery to be equall with God 7 But made hym selfe of no reputation takyng on him the fourme of a seruaūt and * made in the lykenesse of men and founde in figure as a man 8 He humbled hym selfe made obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse 9 Wherfore God also hath highly exalted hym and geuen hym a name which is aboue euery name 10 That in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe of thynges in heauen and thynges in earth and thinges vnder the earth 11 And that euery tongue should confesse that the Lorde Iesus Christe is to the glorie of God the father ☜ 12 Wherfore my dearely beloued as ye haue alwayes obeyed not as in my presence only but nowe much more in my absence worke out your owne saluation with feare and tremblyng 13 * For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of good wyll 14 * Do all thyng without murmuryng and disputyng 15 That*ye may be blamelesse and pure the sonnes of God without rebuke in the myddes of a croked and peruerse nation among whō shyne ye as lightes in the worlde 16 Holdyng fast the worde of lyfe to my reioycyng in the day of Christe that I haue not runne in vayne neither haue laboured in vayne 17 Yea and though I be offered vp vpō the offeryng and seruice of your fayth I reioyce and reioyce with you all 18 For the same cause also do ye reioyce and reioyce with me 19 But I trust in the Lorde Iesus to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you that I also may be of good comfort when I knowe your state 20 For I haue no man lyke mynded who wyll naturally care for your state 21 For all seeke their owne not the thynges which are Iesus Christes 22 Ye knowe the profe of hym that as a sonne with the father he hath serued with me in the Gospell 23 Hym therfore I hope to sende assoone as I knowe my state 24 But I trust in the Lorde that I also my selfe shall come shortly 25 But I supposed it necessarie to sende to you Epaphroditus my brother and companion in labour felowe souldier but your Apostle and the minister of my neede 26 For he longed after you all and was full of heauinesse because that ye had hearde that he had ben sicke 27 And no doubt he was sicke nye vnto death but God had mercie on hym and not on hym only but on me also lest I shoulde haue sorowe vpon sorowe 28 I sent him therfore the more diligentlie that when ye see him againe ye may reioyce and that I may be the lesse sorowfull 29 Receaue hym therfore in the Lorde with all gladnes make much of such 30 Because for the worke of Christe he was nye vnto
death not regardyng his lyfe to fulfyll your lacke of seruice towarde me ¶ The .iij. Chapter 2 He warneth them to be ware of false teachers 3 agaynst whom he setteth Christe 4 Likewise himselfe 9 and his doctrine 12 and reproueth mans owne righteousnes 1 MOreouer my brethren reioyce ye in the Lord. It greeueth me not to write the same thyng often to you for to you it is a sure thyng 2 Beware of dogges beware of euyll workers beware of concision 3 * For we are the circumcision which worship God * in the spirite and reioyce in Christ Iesus and haue no confidence in the fleshe 4 Though I might also haue confidence in the fleshe If any other man thinketh that he hath wherof he myght trust in the fleshe more I 5 Circumcised the eyght day of the kinred of Israel of the tribe of Beniamin an Ebrue of the Ebrues after the lawe a pharisee 6 Concernyng feruentnesse persecutyng the Churche touchyng y e righteousnesse which is in y e lawe I was blamelesse 7 But the thynges that were vauntage vnto me those I counted losse for Christes sake 8 Yea I thynke all thynges but losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christe Iesus my Lorde For whom I haue counted all thyng losse do iudge thē but vile that I may winne Christe 9 And be founde in hym not hauyng myne owne ryghteousnesse which is of the lawe but that which is through the fayth of Christ the ryghteousnes which commeth of God through fayth 10 That I may knowe hym and the power of his resurrection and the felowshippe of his passions confirmable vnto his death 11 If by any meanes I myght attayne vnto the resurrection of the dead 12 Not as though I had alredy attayned either were alredy perfect but I folowe yf that I may comprehende wherein also I am comprehended of Christe Iesus 13 Brethren I count not my selfe as yet that I haue attained but this one thing I say I forget those thinges which are behynde and endeuour my selfe vnto those thynges which are before 14 And I prease towarde the marke for the price of the hye callyng of God in Christe Iesus 15 Let vs therfore as many as be perfect be thus mynded and if ye be otherwyse mynded God shall reueale the same also vnto you 16 Neuerthelesse vnto that which we haue attayned vnto let vs proceade by one rule that we may be of one accorde 17 ☞ Brethren be folowers together of me and loke on them which walke so as ye haue vs for an ensample 18 For many walke of whom I haue tolde you often nowe tel you wepyng that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christe 19 Whos 's ende ●is dampnation whose God is their● belly and glorie to their shame which mynde earthly thynges 20 But our conuersation is in heauen from whence also we loke for the sauiour the Lorde Iesus Christe 21 Who shall chaunge our vyle body that it may be fashioned lyke vnto his glorious body according to the working wherby he is able to subdue all thynges vnto hym selfe ☜ ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth them to be of honest conuersation 15 and thanketh them because of the prouision that they made for hym beyng in pryson 21 and so concludeth with salutations 1 THerfore my brethren beloued longed for my ioy and crowne so continue in the Lorde ye beloued 2 I pray Euodias and beseche Syntyches y t they be of one accorde in the Lorde 3 Yea and I beseche thee also faythfull yockefelowe helpe those women which laboured with me in the Gospell and with Clement also and with other my labour felowes whose names are in the booke of lyfe 4 ☞ * Reioyce in the Lorde alway and agayne I say reioyce 5 Let your pacient mynde be knowen vnto all men The Lorde is at hande 6 Be carefull for nothyng but in all thynges let your petition be manifest vnto God in prayer and supplication with geuyng of thankes 7 And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstandyng shall kepe your heartes and myndes through Christe Iesus ☜ 8 Furthermore brethren whatsoeuer thynges are true whatsoeuer thynges are honest whatsoeuer thynges are iuste whatsoeuer thynges are pure whatsoeuer thynges pertayne to loue whatsoeuer thynges are of honest report If there be any vertue yf there be any prayse thynke on these thynges 9 Which ye haue both learned and receaued and hearde and seene in me Those thinges do and the God of peace shal be with you 10 But I reioyce in the Lorde greatly that nowe at the last you are reuiued againe to care for me in y t wherin ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunitie 11 I speake not because of necessitie For I haue learned in whatsoeuer estate I am therwith to be content 12 I knowe howe to be lowe and I knowe howe to exceade Euery where in all thynges I am instructed both to be ful and to be hungry both to haue plentie and to suffer neede 13 I can do all thynges through Christe which strengtheneth me 14 Notwithstandyng ye haue well done y t ye dyd communicate to my afflictions 15 Ye Philippians knowe also that in the begynnyng of the Gospell when I departed frō Macedonia no Church communicated to me as concernyng geuyng and receauyng but ye only 16 For euen in Thessalonica ye sent once afterward agayne vnto my necessitie 17 Not that I desire a gyft but I desire fruite aboundyng to your accompt 18 But I haue receaued al haue plentie I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus the thynges which were sent from you an odoure of a sweete smel a sacrifice acceptable pleasaunt to God 19 My God shall supplie all your neede through his riches in glorie in Christe Iesus 20 Vnto God and our father be prayse for euermore Amen 21 Salute all the saintes in Christe Iesus The brethren which are with me greete you 22 All the saintes salute you most of all they that are of Caesars housholde 23 The grace of our Lorde Iesu Christe be with you all Amen ¶ This Epistle was written from Rome by Epaphroditus ❧ The Epistle of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Colossians ¶ The first Chapter 3 He geueth thankes vnto God for their faith 7 Confirming the doctrine of Epaphras 9 prayeth for the increase of their fayth 13 He sheweth vnto them the true Christe and discouereth the counterfayte Christe of the false Apostles 25 He approueth his auctoritie and charge 28 and of his faythfull executyng of the same 1 PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christe by the wyll of God and Timotheus the brother 2 To them which are in Colossa saintes and faythfull brethren in Christe Grace vnto you peace from God our father and the Lorde Iesus Christe 3 We geue thankes to God and father of our Lorde Iesus Christe alwayes for you
for his sonne from heauen whom he raysed from the dead ☜ euen Iesus which delyuereth vs from the wrath to come ¶ The .ij. Chapter 1 To the intent they shoulde not faint vnder the crosse 2 he commendeth his diligence in preachyng 13 and theirs in obeying 18 He excuseth his absence that he coulde not come and open his heart to them 1 FOr ye your selues brethren knowe our entraunce in vnto you y t it was not in vayne 2 But euen after that we had suffred before and were shamefully entreated as ye knowe at Philippos we were bolde in our God to speake vnto you the Gospell of God in much strynyng 3 For our exhortation was not of deceit neither of vncleannes neither in guile 4 But as it were alowed of God to be put in credite with the Gospell euen so we speake not as pleasyng men but God which tryeth our heartes 5 For neither at any tyme vsed we flatteryng wordes as ye knowe neither cloke of couetousnes God is recorde 9 Neither sought we prayse of men neither of you nor yet of others 7 When we myght haue ben in auctoritie as the Apostles of Christe but we were tender among you euen as a nour●e cherissheth her chyldren 8 So beyng tenderly affected towarde you our good wyll was to haue dealt vnto you not the Gospell of God only but also our owne soules because ye were deare vnto vs. 9 ☞ For ye remember brethren our labour and trauayle For we labouryng nyght day because we woulde not be chargeable vnto any of you preached vnto you the Gospell of God 10 Ye are witnesses God also howe holyly and iustly and vnblameably we behaued our selues among you that beleue 11 As ye knowe howe that as a father his chyldren so we haue exhorted comforted and besought euery one of you 12 That ye woulde walke worthie of God who hath called you vnto his kyngdome and glorie 13 For this cause thanke we God also without ceassyng because ye receauyng the worde which ye hearde of vs concernyng God ye receaued it not as the worde of man but as it is in deede the worde of God which effectuously worketh also in you that beleue ☜ 14 For ye brethren became folowers of the Churches of God which in Iurie are in Christe Iesus for ye haue suffred lyke thynges of your countreymen as they haue of the Iewes 15 Who both kylled the Lorde Iesus and their owne prophetes haue persecuted vs and God they please not and are contrarie to all men 16 And hynder vs to speake to the gentiles that they myght be saued to fulfyll their sinnes alway For the wrath of God is come on them to the vtmost 17 Forasmuch brethren as we are kept from you for a short season in person not in heart we enforced y e more to see you personally with great desire 18 And therfore we woulde haue come vnto you I Paul once agayne but Satan hyndered vs. 19 For what is our hope or ioy or crowne of reioycyng Are not ye it in the presence of our Lorde Iesus Christe at his commyng 20 Yes ye are our glorie and ioy ❧ The .iij. Capter 2 He sheweth howe greatly he was affectioned towarde them both in that he sent Timotheus to them 1● and also prayed for them 1 WHerfore sence we coulde no longer forbeare we thought it good to remaine at Athens alone 2 And sent Timotheus our brother and minister of God and felowe labourer in the Gospell of Christe to stablishe you to comfort you concernyng your faith 3 That no man shoulde be moued in these afflictions For ye your selues knowe that we are appoynted there vnto 4 For veryly when we were with you we tolde you before that we shoulde suffer tribulation euen as it came to passe and as ye knowe 5 For this cause when I coulde no longer forbeare I sent to knowe your fayth lest by some meanes the tempter had tempted you and our labour had ben vayne 6 But nowe lately when Timotheus came from you vnto vs and brought vs good tydynges of your fayth and loue and howe that ye haue good remembraunce of vs alwayes desiryng to see vs as we also to see you 7 Therefore brethren we were comforted ouer you in all our aduersitie and necessitie because of your fayth 8 For nowe we lyue yf ye stande fast in the Lorde 9 For what thankes can we recompence to God agayne for you for all the ioye wherwith we ioy for your sakes before our God 10 Praying nyght and daye exceedyngly to see you personally and repayre the wantynges of your fayth 11 Nowe God him selfe and our father and our Lord Iesus Christe guyde our waye vnto you 12 And the Lorde encrease you make you abounde in loue one towarde another and towarde all men euen as we also towarde you 13 To stablyshe your heartes vnblameable in holynesse before God and our father in the commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe with all his saintes The .iiij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth them to holynesse 6 innocencie 9 loue 11 labour 13 and moderation in lamentyng for the dead 17 describyng the ende of the resurrection 1 FVrthermore we besech you brethren exhorte you by the Lorde Iesus that ye encrease more and more as ye haue receaued of vs how ye ought towalke and to please God 2 For ye knowe what commaundementes we gaue you by the Lorde Iesus 3 For this is the wyll of God your holynesse that ye should abstayne from fornication 4 That euery one of you should knowe how to possesse his vessell in holynesse and honour 5 Not in the lust of concupiscence euen as the gentiles which knowe not God 6 That no man oppresse and defraude his brother in any matter because that the Lorde is the auenger of all suche as we also haue forewarned you and testified 7 For God hath not called vs vnto vncleanenesse but into holynesse ☜ 8 He therefore that despiseth despiseth not man but God who hath geuen to you his holy spirite ☜ 9 ● But as touchyng brotherly loue ye nede not that I write vnto you For ye are taught of God to loue one another 10 Yea and that thyng veryly ye do vnto all y e brethren which are in al Macedonia But we beseche you brethren that ye encrease more and more 11 And that ye studie to be quiet and to do your owne busynesse and to worke with your owne handes as we commaunded you 12 That ye may walke honestly toward them that are without that nothyng be lackyng in you ☜ 13 ☞ But I woulde not haue you to be ignoraunt brethren concernyng them which sleepe that ye sorowe not euen as other which haue no hope 14 For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayne euen so them also whiche sleepe by Iesus
testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no value as long as he that maketh the testamēt is alyue 18 For which cause also neither the firste testament● was dedicated without blood 19 For when Moyses had spoken euery precept to all the people according to the lawe takyng the blood of Calues and of Goates with water purple wooll and ysope he sprynkled both the booke it selfe and all the people 20 Saying This is the blood of the testament whiche God hath enioyned vnto you 21 And lykewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministerie 22 And almost all thynges are by y e lawe pourged with blood and without sheddyng of blood is no remission 23 It is neede then that the paterne of heauenly thynges be purified with such thynges but the heauenly thynges thē selues be purified with better sacrifices then are those 24 For Christe is not entred into the holy places made with handes which are paternes of true thynges but into heauen it selfe nowe to appeare in the syght of God for vs. 25 Not that he shoulde offer him selfe often as the hye priest entreth into the holy places euery yere in straūge blood 26 For then must he haue often suffred sence the foundation of the worlde But nowe once in the ende of the world hath he appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of hym selfe 27 And as it is appoynted vnto men once to dye and after this the iudgement 28 Euen so Christe once offered to take away the sinnes of many the seconde time shal be seene without sinne of them which wayte for hym vnto saluation ¶ The .x. Chapter 1 The olde lawe had no power to clense away sinne 10 but Christe dyd it with offeryng of his body once for all 22 And exhortation to receaue the goodnesse of God thankfully with pacience and stedfast fayth 1 FOr the lawe hauyng the shadow of good thynges to come and not the very fashion of the thinges thē selues can neuer with those sacrifices whiche they offer yere by yere continually make the commers therevnto perfect 2 For woulde not then those sacrifices haue ceassed to haue ben offred because that the offerers once pourged shoulde haue had no more conscience of sinnes 3 Neuerthelesse in those sacrifices is mention made of sinnes euery yere 4 For it is not possible that the blood of Bulles of Goates shoulde take away sinnes 5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde he saith Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not haue but a body hast thou ordeyned me 6 In burnt sacrifices sinne ●offerynges thou hast had no pleasure 7 Then sayde I lo I come In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me to do thy wyll O God 8 Aboue when he saith that sacrifice and offeryng and burnt offeringes and sinne offerynges thou wouldest not neither haddest pleasure therein which are offered by the lawe 9 Then sayde he lo I come to do thy wyll O God He taketh away y e first to stablyshe the seconde 10 In y e which wyll we are made holy euen by the offeryng of the body of Iesus Christe once for all 11 And euery priest standeth dayly ministryng offeryng oftentymes the same sacrifices whiche can neuer take away sinnes 12 But this man after he hath offered one sacrifice for sinnes is sit downe for euer on the ryght hande of God 13 From hencefoorth tarying tyl his foes be made his footstoole 14 For with one offeryng hath he made perfite for euer them that are sanctified 15 And the holy ghost also beareth vs recorde For after that he tolde before 16 This is the couenaunt that I wyll make vnto them after those dayes sayth the Lorde geuyng my lawes in their heart and in their myndes wyl I write them 17 And their sinnes and iniquities wyll I remember no more 18 And where remission of these thinges is there is no more offering for sinne 19 Hauyng therefore brethren libertie to enter into holy places in the blood of Iesus 20 By the new and lyuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to say his flesshe 21 And seyng we haue an hye priest ouer the house of God 22 Let vs drawe nye with a true hearte in assuraunce of fayth sprinkeled in our heartes from an euyll conscience and wasshed in body with pure water 23 Let vs holde the profession of the hope without waueryng for he is faythfull that promised 24 And let vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and good workes 25 Not forsakyng the assemblyng of our selues together as the maner of some is but exhortyng one ●another● and so much the more as ye see the day approchyng 26 For yf we sinne wyllyngly after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the trueth there remayneth no more sacrifice for sinnes 27 But a fearefull lokyng for of iudgement and violent fire whiche shall deuour the aduersaries 28 He that despiseth Moyses lawe dyeth without mercie vnder two or thre witnesses 29 Of howe muche sorer punyshement suppose ye shall he be worthy whiche treadeth vnder foote the sonne of God and counteth the blood of the couenaūt wherein he was sanctified an vnholye thyng and doth despite to the spirite of grace 30 For we knowe hym that hath sayde vengeaunce belongeth vnto me I wyl render saith the Lorde And agayne the Lorde shall iudge his people 31 It is a fearefull thyng to fall into the handes of the lyuyng God 32 Call to remēbraunce the former dayes in the which after ye had receaued light ye endured a great fyght of aduersities 33 Partly whyle ye were made a gasing stocke both by reproches afflictions and partly whyle ye became companions of them whiche were so tossed to fro 34 For ye suffred also with my bondes toke in woorth the spoylyng of your goodes with gladnesse knowyng in your selues how that ye haue in heauen a better and an enduryng substaunce 35 Cast not awaye therefore your confidence which hath great recompence of rewarde 36 For ye haue neede of pacience that after ye haue done the wyll of God ye myght receaue the promise 37 For yet a very litle whyle and he that shall come wyll come and wyll not tary 38 And the iuste shall lyue by fayth And yf he withdrawe hym selfe my soule shall haue no pleasure in hym 39 We are not of them that withdrawe our selues vnto perdition but we parteyne vnto fayth to the wynning of the soule ❧ The .xj. Chapter 1 What fayth is and a commendation of the same 9 Without fayth we can not please God 16 The stedfast beliefe of the fathers in olde tyme. 1 FAyth is the grounde of thynges hoped for the euidence of thynges not seene 2 For by it the elders obtayned a good report 3 Through fayth we vnderstande that the worldes were
12 He that hath the sonne hath lyfe and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe 13 These thynges haue I written vnto you that beleue on y e name of the sonne of God that ye may knowe howe that ye haue eternall lyfe and that ye may beleue on the name of the sonne of God 14 And this is the trust that we haue in hym that yf we aske any thyng accordyng to his wyll he heareth vs. 15 And yf we knowe that he heare vs whatsoeuer we aske we know that we haue y e petitions that we desire of hym 16 If any man see his brother sinne a sinne not vnto death let hym aske and he shal geue him life for them that sinne not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death I say not that thou shouldest pray for it 17 All vnrighteousnes is sinne and there is sinne vnto death 18 We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God kepeth hym selfe and that wicked toucheth hym not 19 We knowe that we are of God the whole worlde c lieth in wickednesse 20 We knowe that the sonne of God is come hath geuen vs a minde to know hym which is true and we are in hym that is true through his sonne Iesus Christe This same is very God and eternall lyfe 21 Babes kepe your selues from idols Amen ❧ The seconde epistle of Saint Iohn 1 He writeth vnto a certayne Lady 4 reioycyng that her chyldren walke in the trueth 5 and exhorteth vnto loue 7 warneth them to beware of such deceauers as denie that Iesus Christ is come in the fleshe 8 prayeth them to continue in the doctrine of Christ 10 and to haue nothyng to do with them that bryng not the true doctrine of Christe Iesus our sauiour 1 THE elder to the elect Lady her chyldren whom I loue in the trueth and not I only but also all that haue knowen y e trueth 2 For the truthes sake which dwelleth in vs and shal be in vs for euer 3 Grace be with you mercie and peace from God the father from the Lorde Iesus Christe the sonne of the father in trueth and loue 4 I reioyced greatly that I founde of thy chyldren walkyng in trueth as we haue receaued a commaundement of the father 5 And nowe beseche I thee Lady not as though I wrote a newe commaundement vnto thee but that same which we haue had from the begynnyng that we shoulde loue one another 6 And this is the loue that we shoulde walke after his cōmaundement This commaundement is that as ye haue hearde from the begynnyng ye shoulde walke in it 7 For many deceauers are entred into the worlde which confesse not that Iesus Christe is come in the fleshe This is a deceauer and an antichriste 8 Loke on your selues that we loose not that we haue wrought but that we may haue a full rewarde 9 Whosoeuer transgresseth and bideth not in the doctrine of Christe hath not God He that endureth in the doctrine of Christe hath both the father and the sonne 10 If there come any vnto you and bring not this learnyng hym receaue not to house neither byd hym God speede 11 For he that byddeth hym God speede is partaker of his euyll deedes 12 I had many thynges to write vnto you neuerthelesse I woulde not write with paper inke but I trust to come vnto you and speake with you mouth to mouth that our ioy may be full 13 The sonnes of thy elect sister greete thee Amen ❧ The thirde epistle of Saint John 2 He is glad of Gaius that he walketh in the trueth 8 exhorteth to be louyng vnto the poore Christen in their persecution 9 sheweth the vnkynde dealyng of Diotrephes 12 and the good report of Demetrius 1 THe elder vnto y e beloued Gaius whom I loue in the trueth 2 Beloued I wishe in all thynges that thou prosperedst and faredst H. L. well euen as thy soule prospereth 3 For I reioyced greatly when the brethren came testified of the trueth that is in thee how thou walkest in y e trueth 4 I haue no greater ioy thē for to heare how that my sonnes walke in veritie 5 Beloued thou doest faythfully whatsoeuer thou doest to the brethren and to straungers 6 Which beare witnesse of thy loue before the Churche Which brethren yf thou bryng forwardes of their iourney after a godly sorte thou shalt do well 7 Because that for his names sake they went foorth and toke nothyng of the gentiles 8 We therfore ought to receaue such that we myght be helpers to the trueth 9 I wrote vnto the Churche but Diotrephes which loueth to haue the preeminence among thē receaueth vs not 10 Wherfore yf I come I wyll declare his deedes which he doth iestyng on vs with malicious wordes neither is therwith content not only he hym selfe receaueth not the brethren but also he forbiddeth thē that woulde and thrusteth them out of the Churche 11 Beloued folow not that which is euyl but that which is good He that doth well is of God but he that doth euyll seeth not God 12 Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the trueth it selfe Yea and we our selues also beare recorde and ye knowe that our recorde is true 13 I haue many thynges to write but I wyll not with inke and penne write vnto thee 14 I trust I shal shortly see thee and we shall speake mouth to mouth Peace be vnto thee The louers salute thee Greete the louers by name ¶ The epistle of Saint Jude ¶ Saint Iude admonisheth all Churches generally to take heede of deceauers which go about to drawe away the heartes of the simple people from the trueth of God wylleth them to haue no societie with such whom he setteth foorth in their liuely colours shewyng by dyuers examples of the scriptures what horrible vengeaunce is prepared for them finally he conforteth the faythfull exhorteth them to perseuer in the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christe 1 IVde the seruaunt of Iesus Christe the brother of Iames To them which are called and sanctified in God the father and preserued in Iesus Christe 2 H. L. Mercy vnto you and peace and loue be multiplied 3 Beloued when I gaue all diligence to write vnto you of the common saluation it was nedeful for me to write vnto you to exhorte you that ye shoulde earnestly contende for the fayth which was once geuen vnto the saintes 4 For there are certayne vngodly men craftily crept in which were before of olde ordeyned to this condemnation They turne the grace of our God vnto wantonnesse and denye God which is the only Lorde and our Lorde Iesus Christe 5 My mynde is therfore to put you in remembraunce forasmuch as ye once knowe this howe that the Lorde after that he had delyuered the people out of Egypt destroyed thē which afterward beleued not 6 The Angels
water (g) Meaning the scepter shewyng that it wyll not 〈◊〉 the king who shoulde be as the sonne of God and in his place (h) That is the re●t of the people (i) To wit vnto the 〈◊〉 of the Chaldeans Iere 31. c● (k) Meaning the sworde of the kyng of Babylon which shall not spare the scepter of Iuda (l) That is encourage the sworde (m) He speaketh vnto the sword geuyng it libertie to range at his pleasure (n) Where the way deuideth and leadeth to many cities (o) The tribe of Iuda that kept thēselues chiefel● in Hierusalem (p) To know whether he shoulde go agaynst the Ammonites or them of Hierusalem (q) Because there was a league betwene the Iewes and the Babylonians they of Hierusalem shall thinke nothyng lesse then that this thyng shall come to passe (r) That is Nabuchodonozor wyll remember the rebellion of Zedekiah and so come vpon them (ſ) Meanyng Zedekiah (t) Some referre this to the priestes attire for Iehozadek the priest went into captiuitie with the king (v) That is the state of the kingdome priesthood shall euer more more decay tyll Christe come vnto whom of right both belong (x) Though the Iewes Ammonites would not beleue that thou to wit the sworde shouldest come vpon them and sayde that the prophete whiche threatned spake lyes yet thou shalt as surely come as though thou wart alredy vpon their neckes (a) That is wylt thou wincke at such horrible faultes and not vtter my iudgementes against them (b) That is the time of her destruction (c) To her owne vndoing “ Or pick-thankes Leuit. 18. b. Iere. v. b. “ Or sonnes wyfe (d) As sorowyng and lamenting their wickednesse or in token of his wrath and vengeaunce (e) I wyll take away the occasion of thy wickednesse (f) Wheras before thou wast Gods inheritaunce nowe thou shalt be left to thy selfe miserable and forsaken (g) Meanyng therby that the godly shoulde be tryed and the wicked destroyed (h) Thou art lyke a bar● lande which the Lorde plagueth with drought (i) The false prophetes haue conspired together to make their doctrine more probable 3. Reg. 22. b. Mich. iii. b. Soph. iii. a. (k) They which shoulde haue reproued thē flattered them in their vices and couered their doynges with lyes Eze. 13. b (l) Which woulde shewe hym selfe zelous in my cause by resisting vice Esai 59. c. and 63. a. and also pray vnto me to withholde my plagues Psal 106. d. (a) Meanyng Israel and Iuda which came both out of one familie (b) They became idolatours after the maner of the Egyptians (c) Aholah signifieth a mansion or dwellyng in her selfe meanyng Samaria which was the royal citie of Israel and Aholibah signifieth ●y mansion in her wherby is ment Hierusalem where Gods temple was (d) or Vnder me that is vnder my gouernaunce named the people of god they became idolaters forsoke God and put their trust in the Assyrians (c) The holy ghost vseth these tearmes which seeme straunge to chaste eares to cause this wicked vi●e of idolatrie so to be abhorred that vnn●th any shoulde abyde ●o heare the name therof mentioned (f) That is the Assyrians mo●● plagyng them (g) This declareth that no wordes are able sufficiently to expresse y e rage of idolaters therfore the holy ghost here compareth them to those which in their ragyng loue filthy lustes dote vpon the images and payntynges of them after whom they 〈◊〉 “ Or I wyll leaue the punishment vnto them (h) All the treasures and riches which thou hast gotten by labour (i) All the worlde shall see thy shamefull forsakyng of God to serue idols (k) Mean●ng that the afflic●ions shoulde be so great that they shoulde cause them to loose their sences and reason (l) That is to be sacrifices to their idols Read Ezech. xvi c. (m) They sent into other countreis to haue such as shoulde teache them the seruice of their idols (n) He meaneth t●e aulter that was prepared for the idols “ Or the table Eze. xvi d. (o) Meanyng all other cities and countreis (a) Of Ieconiahs captiuitie and of the raigne of Zedekiah 4. Re. 25. a. (b) Called T●keth contaynyng part of December and parte of Ianuarie in which moneth and day Nabuchodonozor besieged Hierusalem (c) Wherby is 〈◊〉 Hierusalem (d) That is the citez●ns chiefe men therof (e) Meanyng of the innocentes whom they had slaine who were the cause of the kindling of Gods wrath against them (f) Whose iniquities wicked citezins there yet remayne (g) Signifiyng they shoulde not be destroyed all at once but by litle and litle (h) Spare no state or condition (i) The citie shewed her crueltie to all the world and was not as●●ed therof neither yet h●d it N● 〈…〉 2. b. (k) Meaning that the citie 〈◊〉 be vtterly destroyed that he would geue the enemies an ap●etyte thervnto (l) I laboured by sending 〈◊〉 prophetes to call thee to repentaunce but thou wouldest not (m) That is the Babylonians (n) Meaning his 〈…〉 he de● 〈…〉 (o) Mourne not as men vse to mourne for their friendes whē they are dead (p) For mourners were wont to eate bread sent vnto them by their neyghbours in 〈◊〉 of mour●g (q) By sending the Chaldeans to destroy it as chap. 7. c. (r) Their heartes delite (s) That is ●ing thee tidinges of the destruction of Hierusalem 〈…〉 (b) That is ▪ to the Babylonians (c) They shall chase thee away and take thy gorgeous houses to dwell in (d) Called also Philadelphia whiche was the chiefe citie of the Ammonites and 〈◊〉 of cond●s as 2 Reg 12. d. “ Or tikling of heart (e) Vnderstand out of the next verse I wil opē c. “ Or tikling heart as they often haue which delite in seking reuengement (f) Whiche were certayne garrisons of Philistines wherby they oft molested y e Iewes Of the Cerethite● Dauid also had a garde 2. Reg. 8. d. (a) E●ther of the captiuitie of Ieconiah or of the raigne of Zedek●a (b) The traffique of marchaundise that was vsed in Hierusalem shal be turned ●o my againe (c) My riches and sinne shall encrease thus the wicked reioyce a● their ●all by whom they 〈◊〉 haue any profite or aduantage (d) Meaning the sm●ll townes and villages that were in the● countrey or territory of Tyrus (e) The gouernours and rulers of other countreys by the sea wherby he signifieth that her destruction should be so horrible that al the world should heare therof and be afrayde (f) 〈…〉 wonderf●ly 〈…〉 her power (g) Which are dead long ago (h) Meaning Iud●a 〈◊〉 it shal be restored a This moūtaine was called Hermon but the Amorites called it Shenir Deut. 3. b. b Which is a kin for ●rece and It●lie (c) 〈…〉 they buylt the walles of the citie which is here ment by the ship And of the●e wer● the buylder● of Solomon● temple 3. Reg. ● c. (d) Gammad●ms of Cap●adocia which were called Pygme●s