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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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the cisterne 7 And dust returne to the earth as it was and the spirit returne to GOD that gaue it 8 Vanitie of vanities saith the Preacher all is vanitie 9 And the more wise the Preacher was the more he taught the people knowledge caused them to heare and searched forthe and prepared manie parables 10 The Preacher soght to finde out pleasant wordes and an vpright writing euen the wordes of trueth 11 The wordes of the wise are like goades and like nailes fastened by the masters of the assemblies whiche are gyuen by one pastour 12 And of other things besides these my sonne take thou hede for there is none ende in making manie bokes and muche reading is a wearines of the flesh 13 Let vs heare the end of all feare God and kepe his commandements for this is the whole duetie of man 14 For God wil bring euerie worke vnto iudgement with euerie secret thing whether it be good or euil AN EXCELLENT SONG vvhich vvas Salomons THE ARGVMENT IN this Song Salomón by moste swete and cōfortable allego ries and parables describeth the perfite loue of Iesus Christ the true Salomón and King of peace and the faithful soule or his Church which he hathe sanctified and appointed to be his spouse holy chast and without reprehension So that here is declared the singular loue of the bridegrome towarde the bride and his great and excellent benefites wherewith he doeth enriche her of his pure bountie and grace without anie of her deseruings Also the earnest affection of the Church which is in flamed with the loue of Christ desiring to be more and more ioyned to him in 〈◊〉 and not to be forsaken for anie spot or blemish that is in her CHAP. I. 1 The familiar talke and mystical communication of the 〈◊〉 loue betwene Iesus Christ his Church 6 The domestical enemies that persecute the Church 1 LEt hī kisse me with the kisses of his mouthe for thy loue is better then wine 2 Because of the sauour of thy good ointments thy name is as an oyntment powred out therfore the virgines loue thee 3 Drawe me we will runne after thee the King hath broght me into his chambers we wil reioyce and be glad in thee we will remember thy loue more then wyne the righteous do loue thee 4 I am blacke ô daughters of Ierusalē but comelie as the frutes of Kedár as the curtines of Salomón 5 Regarde ye me not because I am blacke for the sunne hathe loked vpon me The sonnes of my mother were angrie against me they made me the keper of the vines but I kept not mine owne wine 6 Shewe me ô thou whome my soule loueth where thou fedest where thou liest at noone for why shuld I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thy cōpaniōs 7 If thou knowe not ô thou the falrest among women get thee forthe by the steppes of the flocke and fede thy kiddes by the tents of the shepherdes 8 I haue cōpared thee ô my loue to the trou pe of horses in the charets of Pharaóh 9 Thy chekes are comelie with rowes of stones and thy necke with chaines 10 We wil make thee borders of golde with studdes of siluer 11 Whiles the King was at his repast my spikenarde gaue the smel thereof 12 My welbeloued is as a bundle of myrrhe vnto me he shal lye betwene my breastes 13 My welbeloued is as a clustre of camphire vnto me in the vines of Engédi 14 My loue behold thou art faire behold thou art faire thine eyes are like dooues 15 My welbeloued beholde thou art faire and pleasant also our bed is grene the beames of our house are cedres CHAP. II. 3 The Church desireth to rest vnder the shadow of Christ 8 She heareth his voice 14 She is compared to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the enemies to the foxes 1 I Am the rose of the field and the lilie of the valleis 2 Like a lilie among the thornes so is my loue among the daughters 3 Like the apple tre amōg the trees of the forest so is my welbeloued amōg the sonnes of mē vnder his shado we had I delite and sate downe and hys frute was swete vnto my mouth 4 He broght me into the wine celler loue was his ban ner ouer me 5 Stay me with flagons and cōfort me with apples for I am sicke of loue 6 His left hand is vnder mine head hys right hand doeth imbrace me 7 I charge you ô daughters of Ierusalēm by the roes and by the hindes of the field that ye stirre not vp nor waken my loue vntil she please 8 It is the voice of my welbeloued behold he cometh leaping by the mountaines skipping by the hilles 9 My welbeloued is like a roe or a yong heart lo he standeth behinde our wall loking forthe of the windowes shewing him selfe through the grates 10 My welbeloued spake said vnto me Arise my loue my faire one come thy way 11 For beholde winteris past the rayne is changed and is gone away 12 The flowers appeare in the earth the time of the singing of birdes is come the voice of the turtleis heard in our land 13 The figtre hathe broght forthe her yong figges and the vines with their smal grapeshaue cast a sauour arise my loue my faire one and come away 14 My dooue that art in the holes of the rocke in the secret places of the staires shewe me thy sight let me heare thy voice for thy voyce is swete and thy sight comelie 15 Take vs the foxes the litle foxes whiche destroy the vines for our vines haue smale grapes 16 My welbeloued is mine and I am his he fedeth among the lilies 17 Vntil the daye breake and the shadowes flee away returne my welbeloued and be like a roe or a yong hart vpon the mountaines of Béther CHAP. III. 1 The Church desireth to be ioyned in separably to Christ her housband 6 Her deliuerance out of the wildernes 1 IN my bed by night I soght him that my soule loued I soght hī but I foūd him not 2 I wil rise therefore now and go aboute in the citie by the stretes and by the opē places wil seke him that my soule loueth I soght him but I founde him not 3 The watchemen that went about the citie found me to whome I said Haue you sene him whome my soule loueth 4 When I had past a litle from them then I founde him whome my soule loued I toke holde on him and left him not till I had broght him vnto my mothers house into the chamber of her that conceiued me 5 I charge you ô daughters of Ierusalém by the roes and by the hindes of the field that ye stirre not vp nor
the Life of man is as the dayes of an hyreling Iob. 7. 2 the Life of man is but a vapour Iam. 4. 14 the Life of the flesh is in the blood Leui. 17. 11. the creation of the Light Gen. 1. 3. the Lion of the tribe of 〈◊〉 Reuelat. 5. 5 the frute of the Lippes Ebr. 13. 15. as thy soule Liueth a kinde of othe 1. Sam. 1. 26. to Liue in ioye Ecclesiastique 8. 15. 9. 7 man Liueth by the worde of god Deut. 8. 3. ¶ Twentie Loaues do fil an hundreth men 2. King 4. 42. Lois the grand mother of timothie 2. Tim. 1. 5 to Lose sinnes mat 18. 18. ioh 20. 23. Lot abrahams neuew and his doings Gen. 11. 13. 19. Deut. 2. 9. 19 Lots wife turned into a piller of salt Gen 19. 26. luk 17. 32. precepts of Loue. prou 3. 28 the force and power of Loue. 1. Cor. 13 loue couereth the multitude of sinnes Prou. 10. 12. 1. pet 4. 8. god is Loue. 1. Ioh. 4. 16. god Loued vs first 1. ioh 4. 19. loue excelleth faith and hope 1. Cor. 13. 13. loue enuieth not 1. Cor. 13. 4 they Loue god that kepe his commande ments 1. Iohn 2. 5. loue is not prouoked to angre 1. Corin. 13. 5. loue is the fulfilling of the law Rom. 138. the Loue of god in our hearts Ro. 5. 5. in whome the Loue of god is perfite 1. Iohn 2. 5 loue one another Iohn 13. 34 to Loue the stranger as thy self Leuit. 19. 34. to loue thine enemies Mat. 5. 44 He that Loueth another hathe fulfilled the law Rom. 13. 8. he that Loueth christ kepeth his commandements ioh 14. 15. 21. god so Loueth the worlde that he hathe giuen his sonne c. ioh 3. 16 ¶ Luke a physicion colos 4. 14 the Lunatike healed Mat. 17. 15 lust is forbidden Deut. 5. 21. Exod. 20 17. 1. Cor. 10. 6 the people Lusteth for flesh and is punished Nomb. 11. 33 ¶ God can not Lye Tit. 1. 2 he that denieth christ is a Lyer 1. Ioh. 2. 22. All men are Lyers Isa. 9. 17 The father of Lyes Ioh. 8. 44 the Lye of ananias his wife Act. 5. 3 iaakob Lyeth to his father Gen. 27. 19 the prophet is punished for his Lying 1. King 13. 18 the Lying spirit in the mouth of the prophetes 1. King 22. 23 lying to be auoyded Ephes. 4. 25. Lysias 1. Mac. 3. 32 M THe worde preached to the Macedonians Act. 16. 10. seke not to Magicians leuit 19. 31. magicians banished out of israel by saul 1. Sam. 28. 3 obeye the Magistrates Rom. 13. 1. magistrates that feare god Exod. 18. 21. Deut. 1. 13. the bonde Maides of the iewes Exod. 21 7. Leuit. 19. 20 25. 44. Deut. 15. 12 Makkedah a citie taken by ioshua Iosh 10. 28 Malchus whose eare was smiten of ioh 18. 10 He that ceaseth not from Malice shal perish 1. Sam. 12. 25 all things subiect to Man Gen. 1. 26. the outwarde man 2. Cor. 4. 16 man wife are one flesh Gen. 2. 24 the olde Man is crucified with Christ. Rom. 6. 6. Colos. 3. 9 Man made according to the image of God Gen. 1. 26 Man naturally is the childe of wrath Ephes. 2. 3 the Mā of God for the prophet 2. King 1. 9 8. 11. man a a meat vnknowē to the children of israel Exod. 16. 15. Deut. 8. 3. the people lothe to eat it Nomb. 11. 6 it ceaseth to fall from heauen Iosh. 5. 12. Manasseh the King of iudah 2. King 21. 34. Manasseh the sonne of ioseph and his doings Gen. 41. 51 and 48. 1. iosh. 13. 29 14. 4. and 22. 1 the Mandrakes of leah Gen. 30. 14. Maneh Ezek. 45. 12 the Mantle of eliiah and of elisha 1. King 19. 19. 2. King 2. 13 Marah the place of bitter waters Exod. 15. 23 the praise of Mariage Ebr. 13. 4 of Mariage 1. Cor. 7 they that breake the lawes of Mariage are reproued mal 2. 14 the institution of Mariage Gen. 9. 1 And the confirmátion thereof Gen. 9. 1. Vnlawful Mariages Leuiti 18. 6 Mariage in cana Ioh. 2. 1 the Mariage of rebekah Gen. 24. of tobias Tob. 7. 13 they that forbid to Marie are spirits of errour 〈◊〉 Tim. 4. 3. Marie magdalene and her doings Matt. 27. 61. Ioh. 20. 1 Marie sitteth at christs fete Luk. 10. 39 Marie the sister of Martha Ioh. 11. 1 and 12. 3. Luk. 10. 39. Mat. 26. 7 Marie the virgine and mother of our sauiour Iesus Christ according to the flesh Luk. 1. 31 and 2. 7. Ioh. 2. 3 Marke barnabas sisters sonne Colos. 4. 10. Martha receiueth Christ into her house Luk. 10. 38. her faith Ioh. 11. 27. the Martyr dome of the seuen brethren and of their mother 2. mac 7 Christ our Master Ioh. 13. 13. Mat. 23. 8 christ forbiddeth vs to be called masters Mat. 23. 8. Iam. 3. 1. the duetie of Masters towards their seruants ephes 6. 9. Matthewe called of Christ. mat 9. 9 Matthias elected to be an apostle Actes 1. 26 ¶ Iust Measures Leuit. 19. 36 Medad and eldad do prophecie Nomb. 11. 27 Christ our Mediatour 1. Tim. 2. 5 Moses the Mediatour of Israel Deu. 5. 5 Meditate in the worde of God day and night Deut. 11. 19. Iosh. 1. 8 Melchi-zedek Gen. 14. 18. Ebr. 7. 1 Mortifie your Members Colos. 3. 5. the duetie of our members Rom. 6. 19 Menahem who and his crueltie 2. King 15. 14. 17 men ought to loue their wiues Ephes. 5. 28. Prou. 5. 18 Mephibosheth the sonne of ionathā his doings 2. Sam. 4. 4. 9. 7. 16. 1 the gentiles receiued to Mercie 〈◊〉 11. 30 mercie is praised Prou. 14. 21. 19. 17 mercie more then sacrifice Mat. 9. 13 the Mercie of Dauid towardes saul 1. sam 24. 7 the Mercie of God throughout al ages luk 1. 50 the forme of the Mercie seat exod 25. 17 and 37. 6 mercie shal be shewed to the mercieful mat 5. 7. prou 11. 25 shew Mercie with chearfulnes 〈◊〉 12. 8 god is mercifull to those that loue hym exod 20. 6 and 34. 7. deut 5. 10 God be Mercifull vnto thee a maner of blessing gen 43. 29. Methushael gen 4. 18 ¶ Michael striueth agaynste the deuill iude 9 Michah an ephraimite iudg 17 Michaiah the prophet and his doings 1. king 22. 8 Michal the wife of Dauid 1. sam 18. 19 and 25. 44. 2. sam 3. 13 and 6. 16 Micha the sonne of mephiboshed 2. sam 9. 12 the Midianites are slaine at gods commandement nomb 25. 17 begynners muste be fed wyth Milke ebr 5. 12 the syncera Milke of the worde 1. pet 2. 2 Millo buylt by Salomon 1. king 9. 24 the nether and vpper Milstone deute 24. 6 the wycked are deliuered into a lewde Minde isa 52. rom 1. 28 the Ministerie of the worde is the preaching of the same act 20. 24 Christe is our Minister Matth. 20. 28. ebr 8. 2 against false Ministers Ier.
Be not thou iuste ouermuche nether make thy self ouer wise wherfore shuld est thou be desolate 19 Be not thou wicked ouermuch nether be thou foolish wherefore shuldest thou perish not in thy time 20 It is good that thou laie holde on thys but yet withdrawe not thine hande frome that for he that feareth God shall come for the of them all 21 Wisdome shall strengthen the wise man more then ten mightie princes that are in the citie 22 * Surely there is no man iustin the earth that doeth good and sinneth not 23 Giue not thine heart also to all the wordes that mē speake lest thou do he are thy seruant cursing thee 24 For oftē times also thine heart knoweth that thou likewise hast cursed others 25 All this haue I proued by wisdome I thoght I will be wise but it wēt farre from me 26 It is farre of what manie it be and it is a profound depenes who can finde it 27 I haue compassed about bothe I and mine hearte to knowe and to enquire and to searche wisdome and reason and to knowe the wickednes of folie and the foolishnes of madnes 28 And I finde more bitter then death the woman whose heart is as nettes and snares and her hands as bands he that is good before God shal be deliuered from her but that sinner shal be taken by her 29 Behold saith the Preacher this haue I foūd seking one by one to finde the counte 30 And yet my soule seketh but I finde it not I haue founde one man of a thousand but a womon amonge them all haue I not founde 31 Onelye lo this haue I founde that GOD hathe made man righteous but they haue soght manie inuentions CHAP. VIII 2 To obey Princes and Magistrates 17 The workes of God passe mans knowledge 1 WHo is as the wise man who knoweth the interpretacion of a thynge the wisdome of a man doeth make his face to shine and the strength of his face shal be changed 2 I aduertise thee to take hede to the mouthe of the King and to the worde of the othe of God 3 Haste not to go for the of his sight stand not in an euil thing for he wil do whatsoeeuer pleaseth him 4 Where the worde of the King is there is power and who shall say vnto hym What doest thou 5 He that kepeth the commandement shal knowe none euill thing and the hearte of the wise shal knowe the time and iudgement 6 For to euerie purpose there is a time and iudgement because the miserie of man is great vpon him 7 For he knoweth not that whiche shal be for who can tel him when it shal be 8 Man is not Lord ouer the Spirit to reteine the Spirit nether hathe he power in the day of death nor deliuerance in the battel nether shall wickednes deliuer the 〈◊〉 thereof 9 All this haue I sene and haue giuen myne heart to euerie worke whiche is wroght vnder the sunne and I sawe a tyme that man ruleth ouer man to his owne hurt 10 And likewise I sawe the wicked buryed and they returned and they that came from the holie place were yet forgotten in the citie where they had done right this also is vanitie 11 Because sentence againste an euil worke is not executed spedely therfore the heart of the children of men is fully set in thē to do euil 12 Thogh a sinner do euil an hūdreth times God prolōgeth his dayes yet I knowe that it shal be wel with them that feare the Lord and do reuerence before him 13 But it shall not be well to the wicked nether shall he prolong his dayes he shal be like a shadowe because he feareth not before God 14 There is a vanitie whiche is done vppon the earth that there be righteous men to whome it cometh according to the worke of the wicked and there be wicked mē to whome it commeth accordynge to the worke of the iuste I thoght also that thys is vanitie 15 And I praise ioye for there is no goodnes to man vnder the sunne saue to eate and to drinke and to reioyce for this is adioyned to his labour the dayes of his life that God hathe giuen him vnder the sunne 16 When I applied mine heart to know wisdome and to beholde the busines that is done on earth that nether daye nor nyght the eyes of man take slepe 17 Then I behelde the whole worke of God that man can not finde out the worke that is wroght vnder the sunne for the whiche man laboreth to seke it and can not finde it yea and thogh the wise man thynke to knowe it he can not finde it CHAP. IX 1 By not outward thing can mā know whome God loueth or hateth 12 No man knoweth his end 16 Wisdome excelleth strength 1 I Haue surely giuen mine heart to all this and to declare all this that the iuste and the wise and their workes are in the hand of God and no man knoweth ether loue or hatred of all that is before them 2 All things come alike to all and the same condition is to the iuste and to the wicked to the good and to the pure to the polluted and to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not as is the good so is the sunner he that sweareth as he that feareth an othe 3 This is euill among all that is done vnder the sunne that there is one condition to all and also the hearte of the sonnes of men is full of euill and madnes is in their hearts whiles they liue after that they go to the dead 4 Surelye whosoeuer is ioyned to all the liuing there is hope for it is better to a liuing dog then to a dead lyon 5 For the liuing knowe that they shall dye but the dead knowe nothing at all nether haue thei anie more are warde for their remembrance is forgotten 6 Also their loue and their hatred and their enuie is now perished and they haue no more portion for euer in all that is done vnder the sunne 7 Go eate thy bread with ioye and drynke thy wine with a cherefull heart for GOD now accepteth thy workes 8 At all times let thy garments be white and let not oyle be lacking vppon thyne head 9 * Reioyce wyth the wife whome thou hast loued all the dayes of the life of thy vanitie whiche God hathe giuen thee vnder the sunne all the dayes of thy vanitie for this is thy portion in the life in thy trauail wherein thou laborest vnder the sunne 10 All that thine hand shal finde to do do it with all thy power for there is nether worke nor inuention nor knowledge nor wisdome in the graue whether thou goest 11 I returned and I sawe vnder the sunne that the race is not
waken my loue vntil she please 6 Who is she that commeth vp out of the wildernes like pillers of smoke perfumed with myrrhe and in cēse and with all the spices of the marchant 7 Beholde his bed which is Salomōs threscore strōg men are round about it of the valiant men of Israél 8 Thei all handle the sworde and are expert in warre euerie one hath his sworde vpon his thigh for the feare by night 9 King Salomón made him selfe a palace of the trees of Lebanón 10 He made the pillers thereof of siluer the pauement thereof of golde the hangings thereof of purple whose myddes was paued with the loue of the daughters of Ierusalém 11 Come forthe ye daughters of Ziōn and beholde the King Salomō with the crowne where with his mother crowned him in the day of his mariage and in the daye of the gladnes of his heart CHAP. IIII. 1 The praises of the Church 7 She is without blemishe in his sight 9 The loue of Christ towardes her 1 BEhold thou art faire my loue behold thou arte faire thine eies are like the dooues among thy lockes * thine heere is like the flocke of goates whiche loke downe from the mountaine of Gileád 2 Thy tethe are like a flocke of shepe in good ordre which go vp from the washing which euerie one bring out 〈◊〉 and none is baren among them 3 Thy lippes are like a threde of skarlet and thy talke is comelie thy tēples are within thy lockes as a piece of a pomegranate 4 Thy necke is as the towre of Dauid buylt for defense a thousande shields hang therein and all the targates of the stronge men 5 Thy two breastes are as two yong roes that are twinnes feding among the lilies 6 Vntill the daye breake and the shadowes flee awaye I wil go into the mountaine of myrrhe and to the mountaine of incense 7 Thou art all faire my loue and there is no spotin thee 8 Come with me from Lebanō my spouse euen with me from Lebanōn and loke from the top of Amanáh from the top of Shenir and Hermō from the dennes of the lyōs and from the mountaines of the leopardes 9 My sister my spouse thou hast wounded mine hearte thou hast wounded myne heart with one of thine eyes and with a chaine of thy necke 10 My sister my spouse how faire is thy loue how muche better is thy loue then wine and the sauour of thyne ointments then all spices 11 Thy lippes my spouse droppe as honie combes honie and milke are vnder thy tongue and the sauour of thy garmēts is as the sauour of Lebanón 12 My sister my spouse is as a garden inclosed as a spring shut vp and a fountaine sealed vp 13 Thy plātes are as an orcharde of pomegranates with swete frutes as camphire spikenarde 14 Euen spikenarde and safran calamus and synamom with all the trees of incēse myrrhe and aloes with all the chief spices 15 O fountaine of the gardens ô well ofliuing waters and the sprynges of Lebanón 16 Arise ô North and come ô South and blowe on my garden that the spices there of maye flowe out let my welbeloued come to hys garden and eate hys pleasant frute CHAP. V. 1 Christ calleth his Churche to the participation of all his treasures 2 She heareth hys voyce 6 She confesseth her nakednes 10 She praiseth Christ her housband 1 I Am come in to my garden my sister my spouse I gathered my myrrhe with my spice I ate mine honye combe with myne honie I 〈◊〉 my wyne with my milke eat ô friends drinke and make you mery ô welbeloued 2 I slepe but mine heart waketh it is the voyce of my welbeloued that knocketh saying Open vnto me my sister my loue my dooue my vndefiled for mine head is ful of dewe and my lockes with the droppes of the night 3 I haue put of my coate how shall I put it on I haue washed my fete how shal I defile them 4 My welbeloued put in hys hande by the hole of the dore and mine hearte was affectioned toward him 5 I rose vp to open to my welbeloued and mine hands did droppe downe myrrhe and my fingers pure myrrhe vpon the handels of the barres 6 I opened to my welbeloued but my wel beloued was gone and paste myne hearte was gone when he did speake I soght him but I colde not finde him I called him but he answered me not 7 The watchemen that went about the Citie founde me they smote me and wounded me the watchemen of the walles toke away my vaile from me 8 I charge you daughters of Ierusalém if you finde my welbeloued that you tel him that I am sicke of loue 9 O the fairest among women what is thy welbeloued more thē other welbeloued what is thy welbeloued more then another louer that thou doest so charge vs. 10 My welbeloued is white and ruddye the chiefest often thousand 11 His head is as fine golde his lockes curled and blacke as a rauen 12 His eyes are like dooues vpon the riuers of waters which are washt with milke remaine by the ful vessels 13 His chekes are as a bed of spices and as swete flowres and his lippes like lilies dropping downe pure myrrhe 14 His hands as rings of golde set with the chrysolite his bellie like white yuorie co uered with saphirs 15 His leggs are as pillers of marble set vpon sockets of fine golde his countenāce as Lebanòn excellent as the cedres 16 His mouth is as swete thinges and he is wholy delectable this is my welbeloued this is my louer Ô daughters of Ierusalém 17 O the fairest among women whether is thy welbeloued gone whether is thy welbeloued turned aside that we may seke him with thee CHAP. VI. 2 The Church assureth her selfe of the loue of Christ. 3 The praises of the Churche 8 She is but one and vndefiled 1 MY welbeloued is gone downe into his garden to the beds of spices to fede in the gardens and to gather lilies 2 I am my welbeloueds and my welbeloued is mine who fedeth among the lilies 3 Thou art beautiful my loue as Tirzáh comelie as Ierusalē terrible as an armie with banners 4 Turne away thine eyes from me for they ouercome me * thine heere is like a flock of goats which loke downe from Gileád 5 Thy tethe are like a flock of shepe which go vp from the washing which euerie one bring out twins none is barē amōg thē 6 Thy temples are within thy lockes as a piece of a pomegranate 7 There are threscore Quenes forescore concubines and of the damesels without nomber 8 But my dooue is alone and my vndefiled she is the onelie daughter of her mother and she is deare to her that bare
more entrance to the holie altar 4 He came to King Demetrius in the hūdreth fiftie one yere presēting vnto him a crown of golde and a palme and of the boughes which were vsed solemnely in the Temple and that day he helde his tongue 5 But when he had gotten opportunitie and occasion for his rage Demetrius called him to counsel and asked him what deuises or counsels the Iewes leaned vnto 6 To the which he answered the Iewes that be called Asideans whose captaine is Iudas Maccabeus mainteine warres and make insurrections and wil not let the realme be in peace 7 Therefore I being depriued of my fathers honour I meane the high priesthode am now come hether 8 Partely because I was wel affectioned vnto the Kings affaires and secondly because I soght the profite of mine owne citiziens for all our people thorowe their rashnes are not a litle troubled 9 Wherefore ô King seing thou knowest all these things make prouision for the countrey and our nacion which is abused according to thine owne humanitie that is readie to helpe all men 10 For as long as Iudas liueth it is not possible that the matter shulde be wel 11 When he had spoken these wordes other friends also hauing euil wil at Iudas set Demetrius on fyre 12 Who immediatly called for Nicanor the ruler of the elephantes and made him captaine ouer Iudea 13 And sent him forthe commanding him to 〈◊〉 Iudas and to scatter them that were with him and to make Alcimus high Priest of the great Temple 14 Then the heathen which fled out of Iudea from Iudas came to Nicanor by flockes thinking the harme and calamities of the Iewes to be their welfare 15 Now when the Iewes heard of Nicanors comming and the gathering together of the heathen they sprinkled them selues with earth and prayed vnto him which had appointed him self a people for euer and did alwais defende his owne porcion with euident tokens 16 So at the commandement of the captaine they remoued straight wayes from thence and came to the towne of Dessan 17 Where Simon Iudas brother had ioyned battel with Nicanor and was some what asto nished thorowe the sudden silence of the enemies 18 Neuertheles Nicanor hearing the manlines of them that were with Iudas and the bolde stomackes that they had for their countrey durst not proue the matter with blood shed ding 19 Wherefore he sent Posidonius Theodocius and Matthias before to make peace 20 So when they had taken long aduisement thereupon and the captaine shewed it vnto the multitude they were agreed in one minde and consented to the couenants 21 And they appointed a day when they shulde particularly come together so when the day was come they set for euerie man his stoole 22 Neuertheles Iudas commanded certeine men of armes to waite in conuenient places lest there shulde suddenly arise anie euil thorowe the enemies and so they communed together of the things wherevpon they had agreed 23 Nicanor while he abode at Ierusalem did none hurt but sent a way the people that were gathered together 24 He loued Iudas and fauoured him in his heart 25 He praid him also to take a wife and to be get children so he maried and they liued together 26 But Alcimus perceiuing the loue that was betwene them and vnderstanding the couenantes that were made came to Demetrius and tolde him that Nicanor had taken strange matters in hand and ordeined Iudas a traitour to the realme to be his successour 27 Then the King was displeased and by the reportes of this wicked man he wrote to Nicanor saying that he was very angrie for the couenants commanding him that he shulde send Maccabeus in all haste prisoner vnto antiochia 28 When these things came to Nicanor he was astonished and fore 〈◊〉 that he shulde breake the things wherein they had agreed seing that that man had committed no wickednes 29 But because it was not cōmodious to him to withstand the King he soght craftely to accomplishit 30 Not withstanding when Maccabeus percei ued that Nicanor beganne to be rough vn to him and that he intreated him more rudely then he was wonte he perceiued that suche rigour came not of good and there fore he gathered a fewe of his men and withdrewe himself from Nicanor 31 But the other perceiuing that he was preuented by Maccabeus worthie policie came into the great holie Temple and cōmāded the Priests which were offring their vsual sacrifices to deliuer him the man 32 And whē they sweare that they colde not tell where the man was whome he soght 33 He stretched out his right hand towarde the Temple and made an othe in this maner If ye wil not deliuer me Iudas as a prisoner I wil make this Temple of God a plaine field and wil breake downe the altar and wil erect a notable Temple vnto Bac chus 34 After these wordes he departed then the Priests lift vp their hands towarde heauen and besoght him that was euer the defender of their nacion saying in this maner 35 Thou ô Lord of all things which hast nede of nothing woldest that the Temple of thi ne habitacion shulde be amōg vs. 36 Therefore now ô moste holie Lord kepe this house euer vndefiled which lately was clensed and stoppe all the mouths of the vn righteous 37 Now was there accused vnto Nicanor Razis one of the Elders of Ierusalêm a louer of the citie and a man of very good reporte which for his loue was called a father of the Iewes 38 For this man a fore times when the Iewes were minded to kepe themselues vndefiled and pure being accused to be of the religion of the Iewes did offer to spend his bo die and life with all constancie for the religion of the Iewes 39 So Nicanor willing to declare the hatred that he bare to the Iewes sēt about fiue hū dreth men of warre to take him 40 For he thoght by taking him to do the Iewes muche hurte 41 But when this companie wolde haue taken his castel and wolde haue broken the gates by violence and commanded to bring fyre to burne the gates so that he was readie to be taken on euerie side he fel on his sworde 42 Willing rather to dye manfully them to giue him self into the hands of wicked men to suffer reproche vn worthie for his noble stocke 43 Notwithstanding what time as he missed of his stroke for haste and the multitude rus shed in violently betwene the dores he ran boldely to the wall and cast him self downe manfully among the multitude 44 Which conueyed them selues lightly away and gaue place so that he fell vpon his bellie 45 Neuertheles while there was yet breth in him being kindled in his minde he rose vp and thogh his blood gushed out like a fountaine and he was verie sore wounded yet he ran thorow the middes of the people 46 And gate him to the toppe of an hie rocke so
our Lord ād our God euen the Father which hathe loued vs and hathe giuen vs euerlasting consolacion and good hope through grace 17 Comforte your hearts and stablish you in euerie worde and good worke CHAP. III. 1 He desireth them to pray for him that the Gospel may prosper 6 And geueth thē warning to reproue the ydle 16 And so wisheth them all wealth 1 FVrthermore brethren * pray for vs that the worde of the Lord may haue fre passage and be glorified euen as it is with you 2 And that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men for all men haue not faith 3 But the Lorde is faithful whiche wil stablish you and kepe you from euil 4 And we are persuaded of you through the Lord that ye bothe do and wil do the things whiche we commande you 5 And the Lord guide your hearts to the loue of God and the weatyng for of Christ. 6 We commande you brethren in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye withdrawe your selues frō euerie brother that walketh inordinately and not after the instruction whiche he receiued of vs. 7 For ye your selues knowe * how ye ought to folowe vs * for we behaued not our selues inordinately among you 8 Nether toke we pread of anie mā for noght but we wroght with labour trauaile night and day because we wolde not be chargeable to anie of you 9 Not but that we had autoritie * but that we might make our selues an ensample vnto you to folowe vs. 10 For euen when we were with you this we warned you of that if there were anie whiche wold not worke that he shuld not eat 11 For we heard that there are some whiche walke among you inordinately and worke not at all but are busie bodies 12 Therefore them that are suche we commande and exhorte by our Lord Iesus Christ that thei worke with quietnes and eat their owne bread 13 * And ye brethrē be not wearie ī wel doing 14 If anie man obey not our sayings note hym by a lettre * and haue no companie with him that he maie be ashamed 15 Yet count him not as an enemie but admo nish him as a brother 16 Now the Lord of peace giue you peace alwaies by all meanes The Lord be with you all 17 The salutation of me Paul with mine owne hand which is the token in euerie Epistle so I write 18 The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe be with you all Amen The seconde Epistle to the Thessalonians written from Athens THE FIRST EPISTLE of Paul to Timotheus THE ARGVMENT IN writing this Epistle Paul semed not onely to haue respect to teache Timotheus but chiefly to kepe other in awe which wolde haue rebelled against him because of his youth And therefore he doeth arme him against those ambitious 〈◊〉 which vnder pretence of zeale to the Law disquieted the godlie with foolish and vnprofitable questions whereby they declared that 〈◊〉 the L w they knewe not what was the chief end of the Law And as for him self he so confesseth his 〈◊〉 that he 〈◊〉 to what 〈◊〉 the grace of God hathe preferred him and therefore he willeth prayers to be made for all degrees and 〈◊〉 of men because that God by 〈◊〉 his Gospel and Christ his Sonne to thē all is indifferent to euerie sorte of men as his Apostleship which is peculiar to the Gentiles witnesseth And forasmuche as God hathe left ministers as 〈◊〉 meanes in his Church to bring men to saluacion he describeth what maner of men they ought to be to whome the 〈◊〉 of the Sonne of God manifested in fleshis committed to be preached After this he 〈◊〉 him what troubles the Church at all times shal susteine but specially in the latter dayes when as vnder pretence of religion men shal teache things 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 worde of God This done he teacheth what widdowes shulde be receiued or refused to minister to the sicke 〈◊〉 what Elders ought to be chosen into office exhorting him nether to be hastie in admitting nor in iudging anie also what is the duetie of 〈◊〉 the nature of false teachers of vaine speculations of couetousnes of riche men and aboue all things he chargeth him to beware false doctrine CHAP. I. 3 He exhorteth Timotheus to waitevpon his office namely to se that nothing be taught but Gods worde c. 5. Declaring that faith with a good cōscience charitie and edification are the end thereof 20 And admonisheth of Himeneus and Alexander 1 PAul an Apostle of IES V S Christ by the cōmandement of God our Sauiour and of our Lord Iesus Christ * our hope 2 * Vnto Timotheus my natural sonne in the fayth Grace mercie and peace from God our Father and frō Christ Iesus our Lord. 3 As I besoght thee to abide stil in Ephesus whē I departed into Macedonia so do that thou maiest cōmande some that thei teache none other doctrine 4 Nether that they giue hede to * fables and genealogies * which are endles which brede questiones rather then godlie edifying which is by faith 5 For * the end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfained 6 From the which things some haue erred haue turned vnto vaine iangling 7 They wolde be doctours of the Law and yet vnderstand not what they speake nether whereof they affirme 8 * And we knowe that the Law is good if a man vse it lawfully 9 Knowing this that the Law is not giuen vnto a righteous man but vnto the lawles disobedient to the vngodlie and to sinners to the vnholie and to the prophane to murtherers of fathers and mothers to man-slayers 10 To whoremongers to buggerers to men stealers to liers to the periured and if there be anie other thing that is cōtrarie to wholsome doctrine 11 Whiche is according to the glorious Gospel of the * blessed God whiche is committed vnto me 12 Therefore I thanke him which hath made me strong that is Christ Iesus our Lord for he counted me faithfull and put me in his seruice 13 When before I was a blasphemer and a per secuter and an oppresser but I was receiued to mercie for I did it ignorantly through vnbelief 14 But the grace of our Lorde was excedyng abundant with faith and loue whiche in Christ Iesus 15 This is a true saying and by almeanes worthie to be receiued that * Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners of whome I am chief 16 Not withstanding for this cause was I recei ued to mercie that Iesus Christe shulde first shewe on me allong suffring vnto the ensam ple of them which shal in time to come beleue in him vnto eternal life 17 Now vnto the King euerlasting immortal
haue handled of the Worde of life 2 For the life appeared and we haue sene it and beare witnes ād she we vnto you the eternal life which was with the Father and appeared vnto vs 3 That I say which we haue sene and heard declare we vnto you that ye may also haue felowship with vs and that our felowship also may be with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ. 4 And these things write we vnto you that your ioye may be ful 5 This then is the message which we haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God * is light in him is no darkenes 6 If we say that we haue felowship with him and walke in darkenes we lye and do not truely 7 But if we walke in the light as he is in the light we haue felowship one with another and the * blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne clenseth vs from al sinne 8 * If we say that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and trueth is not in vs. 9 If we acknowledge our sinnes he is faithful and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes 10 If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lier and his worde is not in vs. CHAP. II. 1 Christ is our Aduocate 19 Of true loue and how it is tried 18 To beware of Antichrist 1 MY babes these things write I vnto you that ye sinne not and if any man sinne we haue an Aduo cat with the Father Iesus Christ the Iust. 2 And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde 3 And hereby we are sure that we know him if we kepe his commandements 4 He that saith I knowe hym and kepeth not his commandements is a lier and the trueth is not in him 5 But he that kepeth his worde in hym is the loue of God perfite indede hereby we know that we are in him 6 He that saith he remaineth in hym ought euen so to walke as he hathe walked 7 Brethren I write no newe commandement vnto you but an olde commandement whiche ye haue had from the beginning the olde commandement is the worde whiche ye haue heard from the beginning 8 Againe a newe commandement I write vnto you that whiche is true in him and 〈◊〉 in you for the darkenes is past the true light now shineth 9 He that saith that he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkenes vntill this time 10 * He that loueth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of euil in hym 11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkenes and walketh in darkenes knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkenes hathe blinded his eyes 12 Litle children I write vnto you because your sinnes are forgiuen you for his Names sake 13 I write vnto you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is from the beginnyng I write vnto you yong men because ye haue ouercome the wicked 14 I write vnto you babes because ye haue knowen the Father I haue written vnto you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is frō the beginning I haue writen vnto you yong men because ye are strong the word of God abideth in you and ye haue ouercome the 〈◊〉 15 Loue not the worlde nether the things that are in the worlde If any man loue the*the*world the loue of the Father is not in hym 16 For all that is in the worlde as the luste of the flesh the luste of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the worlde 17 And the worlde passeth awaye and the luste thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth euer 18 Babes it is the last time and ye haue heard that Antichrist shall come euen now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time 19 They went out from vs but thei were not of vs for if they had bene of vs they wolde haue continued with vs. But this commeth to passe that it might appeare that they are not all of vs. 20 But ye haue an ointement from hym that is Holie and ye haue knowen all things 21 I haue not written vnto you because ye knowe not the trueth but because ye know it and that no lye is of the trueth 22 Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ the same is the Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Sonne 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the Sonne the same hathe not the Father 24 Let therefore abide in you that same which ye haue heard from the beginnyng If that whiche ye haue heard from the beginnyng shall remaine in you ye also shall contine we in the Sonne and in the Father 25 And this is the promes that he hathe promised vs euen eternall life 26 These things haue I writen vnto you concernyng them that deceiue you 27 But the anointyng whiche ye receyued of hym dwelleth in you and ye nede not that any man teache you but as the same Anointing teacheth you of al things and it is true and is notlying and as it taught you ye shall abide in him 28 And now litle children abyde in hym that when he shal appeare we may be bolde and not be ashamed before hym at his comming 29 If ye knowe that he is righteous knowe ye that he whiche doeth righteously is borne of him CHAP. III. 1 The singular loue of God towarde vs. 7 And how we againe ought to loue one another 1 BEholde what loue the Father hathe shewed on vs that we shulde be called the sonnes of God for this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not hym 2 Dearly beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doeth not appeare what we shal be and we knowe that when he shall appeare we shal be like him for we shall se him as he is 3 And euerie man that hathe this hope in him purgeth him self euen as he is pure 4 Whosoeuer committeth sinne transgresseth also the Law for sinne is the transgression of the Law 5 And ye knowe that he appeared that he might * take away our sinnes and in hym is no sinne 6 Whosoeuer abideth in hym sinneth not whosoeuer sinneth hathe not sene him nether hathe knowen hym 7 Litle children let no man deceiue you he that doeth righteousnes is righteous as he is righteous 8 He that * committeth sinne is of the deuill for the deuill sinneth from the beginnyng for this purpose appeared the Sonne of God that he might lose the workes of the deuill 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his sede
remaineth in him nether can he sinne because he is borne of God 10 In this are the children of God knowen the children of the deuil whosoeuer doeth not righteousnes is not of God nether he that loueth not his brother 11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning that * we shulde loue one another 12 Not as * Cain whiche was of the wicked and slewe his brother and wherefore slewe he him because his owne workes were euil and his brothers good 13 Marueile not my brethren thogh the worlde hate you 14 We knowe that we are translated frome death vnto life because we loue the brethren * he that loueth not his brother abideth in death 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslayer and yc knowe that no manslayer hathe eternall life abidyng in hym 16 * Hereby haue we perceiued loue that he laid downe his life for vs therfore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethrē 17 * And whosoeuer hathe this worldesgood and seeth his brother haue nede shutteth vp his compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in hym 18 My litle children let vs not loue in worde nether in tongue onely but in dede and in trueth 19 For there by we knowe that we are of the trueth and shal before him assure our hearts 20 For if our heart condemne vs GOD is greater then our heart knoweth althings 21 Beloued if our heart condemne vs not thē haue we boldenes towarde God 22 * And whatsoeuer we aske we receiue of him because we kepe his cōmādemēts do those things whiche are pleasing in his sight 23 * This is then his commandement That we beleue in the Name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue cōmandement 24 * For he that kepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we knowe that he abydeth in vs euen by the Spirit which he hathe giuen vs. CHAP IIII. 1 Difference of spirits 2 How the Spirit of God may be knowen from the spirit of errour 7 Of the loue of God and of our neighbours 1 DErely beloued beleue not euerie spirit but trye the spirits whether they are of God for many false Prophetes are gone out into the worlde 2 Hereby shall ye knowe the Spirit of God Euerie spirit that cōfesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God 3 And euerie spirit whiche confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God but this is the spirit of Antichrist of whome ye haue heard how that he shulde come and now already he is in the worlde 4 Litle children ye are of God and haue ouercome them for greater is he that is in you then he that is in the worlde 5 They are of the worlde therefore speake they of the worlde and the worlde heareth them 6 We are of God * he that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not Here by knowe we the Spirit of trueth and the spirit of errour 7 Beloued let vs loue one another for loue cometh of God and euerie one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God 8 He that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue 9 In this appeared the loue of God towarde vs because God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the worlde that we might liue through him 10 Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes 11 Beloued if God so loued vs we ought also loue one another 12 * No man hathe sene God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is persite in vs. 13 Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his Spirit 14 And we haue sene and do testifie that the Father sent the Sonne to be the Sauiour of the worlde 15 Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the Sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God 16 And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that God hathe in vs. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in hym 17 Herein is the loue perfite in vs that we shuld haue boldenes in the day of iudgemēt for as he is euen so are we in this worlde 18 There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hathe painfulnes and he that feareth is not perfect in loue 19 We loue him because he loued vs first 20 If anie man say I loue God and hate his brother he is a lyer for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hathe sene loue God whome he hathe not sene 21 * And this commandement haue we of him that he whiche loueth God shulde loue hys brother also CHAP. V. 1. 10. 13 Of the frutes of faith 14. 20 The office autoritie and diuinitie of Christ. 21 Against images 1 WHosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is the Christ is borne of God and euerie one that loueth him whiche begate loueth him also whiche is begotten of him 2 In this we knowe that we loue the children of God when we loue God and kepe his commandements 3 For this is the loue of God that we kepe his commandements and his * commandements are not grieuous 4 For all that is borne of God ouercometh the worlde and this is the victorie that ouercometh the worlde euen our faith 5 * Who is it that ouer cometh the worlde but he whiche beleueth that Iesus is the Sonne of God 6 This is that Iesus Christ that came by water and blood not by water onelye but by water and blood and it is the spirit that be a reth witnes for the Spirit is trueth 7 For there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the Father the Worde and the holie Gost and these thre are one 8 And there are thre whiche beare recorde in the earth the Spirit and the water and the blood and these thre agre in one 9 If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of GOD is greater for this is the witnes of God whiche he testified of his Sonne 10 * He that beleueth in the Sonne of GOD hathe the witnes in him self he that belieueth not God hathe made him alyer because he beleued not the recorde that God witnessed of his Sonne 11 And thys is the recorde that GOD hathe giuen vnto vs eternallyfe and this lyfe is in hys Sonne 12 He that hathe the Sonne hathe lyfe and he that hathe not the Sonne of GOD hathe not lyfe 13 These thyngs haue I written vnto you that beleue in the Name of the Sonne of GOD that ye may knowe that ye
THE BIBLE AND HOLY SCRIPTVRES CONTEYNED IN THE OLDE AND NEWE TESTAMENT TRANSLATED ACCORDING TO THE EBRVE and Greke and conferred With the best translations in diuers langages VVITH MOSTE PROFITABLE ANNOTATIONS vpon all the hard places and other things of great importance as may appeare in the Epistle to the Reader This is the message vvhiche vve haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God is the light and in him is no darkenes Iohn 1. 〈◊〉 NO MAN LIGHTETH A CANDELL FOR TO PVT IT VNDER A BVSHELL BVT VPON THE CANDELSTICKE MATTHEVV V. If vve vvalke in the light as he is in the light vve haue felovvship one vvith another and the blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Iohn 1. Vers. 7. PRINTED AT GENEVA M.D.LXII THE NAMES AND ORDER OF ALL THE Bookes of the olde and nevve Testament vvith the nombre of their chapters and the leafe vvhere thei begyn Genesis chapters 50 leafe 5 Prouerbes chap. 31 leafe 238 Exodus 40 27 Ecclesiastes 12 247 Leuiticus 27 47 The song of Nombres 36 61 Salomon 8 251 Deuteronomie 34 79 Isaiah 66 252 Ioshua 24 94 Ieremiah 52 274 Iudges 21 105 Lamentations 5 298 Ruth 4 116 Ezekiel 48 300 1 Samuel 31 117 Daniel 12 323 2 Samuel 24 131 Hosea 14 330 1 Kings 22 136 Ioel 3 333 2 Kings 25 141 Amos 9 335 1 Chronicles 29 154 Obadiah 1 337 2 Chronicles 36 167 Ionah 4 338 The prayer of Manasseh apocryphe 181 Micah 7 339 Ezra 10 182 Nahum 3 340 Nehemiah 13 186 Habakkuk 3 1 Ester 10 192 Zephaniah 3 2 Iob 42 196 aggai 2 343 Psalmes 150 207 Zechariah 14 344 Malachi 4 348 THE BOOKES CALLED APOCRYPHA 1 Esdras 9 349 Baruc with the epistle of 2 Esdras 16 356 Ieremiah 6 404 Tobit 14 367 The song of thre children 407 Iudeth 16 371 The storie of Susanna 408 The rest of Esther 6 378 The idole Bel and the dragon 409 Wisdome 19 379 1 Maccabees 16 410 Ecclesiasticus 51 386 2 Maccabees 15 423 THE BOOKES OF THE NEVVE TESTAMENT Matthewe 28 2 1 Timotheus 6 89 Marke 16 16 2 Timotheus 4 90 Luke 24 25 Titus 3 91 Iohn 21 39 Philemon 1 92 The Actes 28 49 To the Ebrewes 13 93 The Epistle of Paul to The Epistle of the Romains 16 64 Iames 5 97 1 Corinthians 16 70 1 Peter 5 99 2 Corinthians 13 76 2 Peter 3 100 Galatians 6 80 1 Iohn 5 101 Ephesians 6 82 2 Iohn 1 102 Philippians 4 84 3 Iohn 1 103 Colossians 4 85 Iude 1 103 1 Thessalonians 5 87 Reuelation 20 104 2 Thessalonians 3 88 TO THE MOSTE VERTVOVS AND NOBLE QVENE ELISABET Quene of England France and Ireland c. Your humble subiects of the English Churche at Geneua vvish grace and peace from God the Father through Christ Iesus our Lord. HOW hard a thyng it is and what great impedimentes let to entreprise any worthie act not only dailie experience sufficiently sheweth moste noble and vertuous Quene but also that notable prouerbe doeth confirme the same whiche admonisheth vs that all things are hard whiche are faire and excellent And what entreprise can there be of greater importance and more acceptable vnto God or more worthie of singuler commendation then the buildyng of the Lords Temple the house of God the Churche of Christ Whereof the Sonne of God is the head and perfection When Zerubbabel went about to builde the material Temple accordyng to the commandement of the Lord what difficulties and stayes daily arose to hinder his worthy indeuours the bookes of Ezza and Esdras playnely witnesse how that not onely he 〈◊〉 and the people of God were sore molested with forein aduersaries whereof some maliciously warred against them and corrupted the Kings officers and others craftely practised vnder pretence of religion but also at home with domesticall enemies as false Prophetes craftie worldlings faint hearted soldiers and oppressors of their brethren who aswell by false doctrine and lyes as by subtil counsel cowardies and extortion discouraged the heartes almoste of all so that the Lords worke was not only interrupted and left of for a long tyme but scarcely at the length with great labour and danger after a sort broght to passe Whiche thing when we weight a right and consider earnestly how muche greater charge God hath laid vpon you in makyng you a builder of his spirituall Temple we can not but partely 〈◊〉 knowing the crafte and force of Satan our spiritual enemie and the weakenes and vnabilitie of this our nature and partely be feruent in our prayers toward God that he wolde bryng to perfection this noble worke whiche he hathe begon by you and therefore we indeuour our selues by all meanes to ayde and to bestowe our whole force vnder your graces standard whome God hath made as our Zerubbabell for the erectyng of this moste excellent Temple and to plant and maynteyn his holy worde to the aduancement of his glorie for your owne honour and saluation of your soule and for the singuler comfort of that great flocke which Christ Iesus the great shepherd hath 〈◊〉 with his precious blood and committed vnto your charge to be fed both in body and soule Considering therefore how many enemies there are whiche by one meanes or other as the aduersaries of Iudah and Beniamin went about to stay the buildyng of that Temple so labour to hinder the course of this buildyng whereof some are Papistes who vnder pretence of fauoring Gods worde traiterously seke to erect idolatrie and to destroy your maiestie some are wordlings who as Demas haue forsaken Christ for the loue of this worlde others are ambicious prelats who as Amasiah and Diotrephes can abide none but them selues and as Demetrius many practise sedition to maynteyne their errors we persuaded our selues that there was no way so expedient and necessarie for the preseruation of the one and destruction of the other as to present vnto your Maiestie the holy Scriptures faithfully and playnely translated accordyng to the langages wherein they were first written by the holy Gost. For the worde of God is an euident token of Gods loue and our assurance of his defence wheresoeuer it is obediently receyued it is the tryall of the spirits and as the Prophet saieth It is as a fyre and hammer to breake the stonie heartes of them that resist Gods mercies offred by the preachyng of the same Yea it is sharper then any two edged sworde to examine the very thoghtes and to iudge the affections of the heart and to discouer whatsoeuer lyeth hid vnder hypocrisie and wolde be secret from the face of God and his Churche So that this must be the first fundacion and ground worke according whereunto the good stones of this building must be framed and the euill tried out and reiected Now as he that goeth about to lay a fundacion
there was not the like made in any kingdome The Royal Throne of 〈◊〉 21 And all King Salomons drinking vessels were of golde all the vessels of the hou se of the wood of Lebanōn were of pure golde none were of siluer for it was nothing estemed in the daies of Salomón 22 For the King had on the sea the nauie of Tharshish with the nauie of Hirám once in thre yere came the nauie of Tharshish and broght golde siluer yuerie apes and peacockes 23 So King Salomon exceded all the Kings of the earth bothe in riches in wisdome 24 And all the worlde soght to se Salomón to heare is wisdome which God had put in his heart 25 And thei broght euery man his present vessels of siluer and vessels of golde and raiment and armour and swete odors hor ses and mules from yere to yere 26 Then Salomón gathered together * charets horsemen and he had a thousand foure hundreth charets twelue thousād horsemen whome he placed in the charets cities and with the Kings at Ierusalem 27 And the King gaue siluer in Ierusalem as stones and gaue cedres as the wilde fig-trees that growe abundātly in the plaine 28 Also Salomón had horses broght out of Egypt and fine liuen the Kings marchants receiued the liuen for a price 29 There came vp and went out of Egypt some charet worthe sixhūdreth shekels of siluer that is one horse an hundreth fiftie and thus they broght horses to all the Kings of the Hittites ād to the King of Arám by their meanes CHAP. XI 1 Salomón hathe a thousand wiues and concubines which bring him to idolatrie 14 His God raiseth vp aduersaries against him 43 He dyeth 1 BVt King Salomón loued * many outlandish women bothe the daughter of Pharaóh and the women of Moáb Ammon Edóm Zidón and Heth. 2 Of the nacions whereof the Lord had said vnto the children of Israél * Go not ye in to them nor let them come in to you for surely they wil turne your hearts after their gods to them I say did Salomôn ioyne in loue 3 And he had seuen hundreth wiues that were princesses and thre hundreth cōcubines hiswiues turned away his heart 4 For when Salomón was olde his wiues tur ned his heart after other gods so that his heart was not perfit with the Lord his God as was the heart of Dauid his father 5 For Salomón followed * Ashtarôth the god of the Zidonians and Milcóm the abominacion of the Ammonites 6 So Salomō wroght wickednes in the sight of the Lórd but continued not to follow the Lord as did Dauid his father 7 Then did Salomón buylde an hieplace for Chemôsh the abominacion of Moah in the mountaine that is ouer against Ierusalém and vnto Molech the abominacion of the children of Ammon 8 And so did he for all his out landish wiues which burnt incense and offred vnto their gods 9 Therefore the Lord was angry with Salomón because he had turned his heart frō the Lord God of Israél * which had appeared vnto him twise 10 And had giuen him a * charge concerning this thing that he shulde not followe other gods but hekept not that which the lord had commanded him 11 Wherefore the Lord said vnto Salomón Forasmuche as this is done of thee and thou hast not kept my couenant and my statutes which I commanded thee * I wil surely rent the kingdom thee and will giue it to thy seruant 12 Notwithstanding in thy daies I wil not do it because of Dauid thy father but I wil rent it out of the hand of thy sonne 13 Howbeit I wil not rent all the Kingdome but wil giue one tribe to thy sonne because of Dauid my seruant and because of Ierusalém which I haue chosen 14 ¶ Then the Lord stirred vp an aduersarie vnto Salomón euen Hadád the Edomite of the Kings seede which was in Edōm 15 * For when Dauid was in Edóm and Ioáb the captaine of the hoste had smitten all the males in Edóm and was gone vp to bury thei slayne 16 For six moneths did Ioáb remaine there and all Israél til he had destroyed all the males in Edóm 17 Then this Hadád fled and certeine other Edomites of his fathers seruants with him to go into Egypt Hadád being yet a litle childe 18 And theyarose out of Midián and came to Parán and toke men with them out of Parán came to Egypt vnto Pharaoh King of Egypt which haue him an house and appointed him vitailes and gaue him lād 19 So Hadád foūde great fauour in the sight of Pharaoh and he gaue him to wife the si ster of his owne wife euē the sister of Tah penés the quene 20 And the sister of Tahpenés bare him Genu báth his sonne whome Tahpenés vayned in Pharaohs house and Genubáth was in Pharaohs house among the sonnes of Pharaoh 21 And when Hadád heard in Egypt that Da uid slept with his fathers and that Ioáb the captaine of the hoste was dead Hadad said to Pharaóh Let me departe that I may go to mine owne countrey 22 But Pharaóh said vn to him what hast thou lacked with me that thou woldest thus go to thine owne countrey And he answe red Nothing but in any wise let me go 23 ¶ * And God stirred him vp another aduersaire Rezón the sōne of Eliadáh which fled from his Lord Hadadézer King of Zobáh 24 And he gathered men vnto him and had bene captaine ouer the companie when Dauid slewe them And thei went to Damascus and dwelt there and thei made him King in Damascus 25 Therefore was he an aduersaire to Israél all the daies of Salomón besides the euil that Hadád did he also abhorred Israél reigned ouer aram 26 ¶ * And Ieroboám the sonne of Nebat an Ephrathite of Zeréda Salomons seruant whose mother was called Zeruáh a widowe lift vp his hand against the King 27 And this was the cause that he lift vp his hand against the King When Salomôn buylt Millō he repared the broken places of the citie of Dauid his father 28 And this man Ieroboám was a man of strength and courage and Salomon seing that the yong man was mete for the work he made him ouerseer of all the laboure of the house of Ioséph 29 And at that time when Ieroboám went out of lerusalém the Prophet Ahiiáh the Shilonite founde him in the way hauing a newe garment on him and thei two were alone in the field 30 Then Ahiiáh caugh the newe garmēt that was on him and 〈◊〉 it in twelue pieces 31 And said to Ieroboám Take vnto thee ten pieces for thus sayth the Lord God of Israél Beholde I wil rent the kingdome out of the hands of Salomon and wil giue ten tribes to thee 32 But he shal haue one
her the daughters haue sene her and counted her blessed euen the Quenes and the concubines and thei haue praised her 9 Who is she that loketh forth as the morning faire as the moone pure as the sunne terrible as an armie with banners 10 I went downe to the garden of nuttes to se the frutes of the valley to se if the vine budded and if the pomegranates florished 11 I knewe nothing my soule set me as the charets of my noble people 12 Returne returne ô Shulamite returne returne that we may beholde thee What shal you se in the Shulamite but as the cō panie of an armie CHAP. VII 1 The beautie of the Church in all her membres 10 She is assured of Christs loue towardes her 1 HOw beautiful are thy goings with shoes ô princes daughter the iointes of thy thighs are like iewels the worke of the hand of a cunning worke man 2 Thy nauel is as a rounde cuppe that wan teth not lick our thy belly is as an heape of wheat compassed about with lilies 3 Thy two breastes are as two yong roes that are twinnes 4 Thy necke is like a towre of yuorie thine eyes are like the fish pooles in Heshbō by the gate of Bath-rabbim thy nose is as the towre of Lebanón that loketh toward Damascus 5 Thine head vpon thee is as skarlet and the bushe of thine head like purple the King is tyed in the rafters 6 How faire art thou and how pleasantart thou O my loue in pleasures 7 This thy statute is like a palme tree and thy breastes like clusters 8 I said I wil go vp into the palme tre I wil take holde of her boughes thy breastes shal now be like the clusters of the vine the sauour of thy nose like apples 9 And the roufe of thy mouth like good wine which goeth straight to my wel belo ued and causeth the lippes of the ancient to speake 10 I am my welbeloueds and his desire is toward me 11 Come my welbeloued let vs go forthe into the field let vs remaine in the villages 12 Let vs get vp early to the vines let vs se if the vine florish whether it hathe budded the smalegrape or whether the pome granates florish there wil I giue thee my loue 13 The mandrakes haue giuen a smel and in our gates are all swete things newe and olde my welbeloued I haue kept thē for thee CHAP. VIII 2 The Church wil be taugh by Christ. 3 She is vpholden by him 6 The vehement loue where with Christ loueth her 11 She is the vine that bringeth forth frute to the spi ritual Salomón which is Iesus Christ. 1 OH that thou werest as my brother that sucked the breastes of my mother I wolde finde thee without I wolde kisse thee their thei shulde not despise thee 2 I wil lead thee and bring thee into my mo thers house there thou shalt teache me I wil cause thee to drinke spiced wine and newe wine of the pomegranate 3 His left hand shal be vnder mine head his right hand shal embrace me 4 I charge you ô daughters of Ierusalém that you 〈◊〉 not vp nor waken my loue vntil she please 5 Who is this that commeth vp out of the wildernes leaning vpon her welbeloued I raised thee vp vnder an apple tre there thy mother conceiued thee there she con ceiued that bare thee 6 Set me as a seale on thine heart as a signet vpon thine arme for loue is strong as death ie lousie is cruel as the gra ue the coles thereof are fyrie coles a vehement flame 7 Muche water can not quenche loue nether can the floods drowne it if a man shul de giue all the substance of his house for loue they wolde greatly contemne it 8 We haue a litle sister and she hathe no breastes what shal we do for our sister whē she shal be spoken for 9 If she be a walle we wil buylde vpon her a siluer palace and if she be a dore we wil kepe her in with bordes of cedre 10 I am a walle my breastes are as towres then was I in his eyes as one that findeth peace 11 Salomon had a vine in Baal-hamōn he gaue the vine yard vnto kepers euerie one bringeth for the frute there of a thousand pieces of siluer 12 But my vineyarde which is mine is before me to thee ô Salomō apperteineth a thonsand pieces of siluer two thousand to them that kepe the frute therof 13 O thou that dwellest in the gardens the companions hearken vnto thy voyce cause me to heare it 14 O my welbeloued * flee away and be like vnto the roc or to the yong heart vpon the mountaines of spices ISAIAH THE ARGVMENT GOd according to his promes Deut. 18 15. that he wolde neuer leaue his Church destitute of a Prophet hathe from time to time accompilshed the same whose office was not onely to declare vnto the people the things to come whereof thei had a special reuelation but also to interpret declare the Law and to applie particularly the doctrine conteined briefely therein to the vtilitie and profite of those to whome thei thoght it chiefly to apperteine and as the time and state of things required And principally in the declaration of the Lawe they had respect to thre things which promises thre atenings of the Law thirdely to the eouenant of grace reconciliation grounded vpon our Sauiour Iesus Christ who is the end of the Law Whereunto thei nether added nor diminished but faithfully expounded the sense and meaning thereof And according as God gaue them vnderstanding of things thei applied the promises particularly for the comfort of the Church and the members thereof and also denounced the menaces against the enemies of the same not for anie care or regarde to the enemies but to assure the Church of their sauegarde by the destruction of their enemies And as touching the doctrine of reconciliation they haue more clearely intreated it then Mosés and set for the more liuely Iesus Christ in whome this couenant of reconciliation was made In all these things I saiáh did excel all the Prophetes and was moste diligent to set out the same with moste vehement admonitions reprehensions and consolations euer applying the doctrine as he sawe that the disdease of the people required He declareth also manie notable prophecies which he had receiued of God as touching the promes of the Messiáh his office and his kingdome Also of the fauour of God toward his Church the vocation of the Gentiles and their vnion with the Iewes Which are as moste principal pointes conteined in this boke and a gathering of his sermons that he preached Which after certeine daies that thei had stand vpon the Temple dore for the maner of the Prophetes was to set vp the summe of their
the standart saith the Lord whose fyre is in Ziôn and his fornace in Ierusalém CHAP. XXXII The conditions of good rulers ād officers described by the 〈◊〉 of Hezekiah who was the figure of Christ. 1 BEholde a King shal reigne in iustice and the princes shal rule in iudgement 2 And that man shal be as an hiding place from the winde and as a refuge for the tēpest as riuers of water in a drye place and as the shadowe of a great rocke in a wearie land 3 The eyes of the seing shal not be shut and the eares of them that heare shal hear ken 4 And the heart of the foolish shal vnderstand knowledge and the tongue of the stutters shal be ready to speake distinctly 5 A nigarde shal no more be called liberal nor the churle riche 6 But the nigarde wil spake of nigardnes and his heart wil worke iniquitie and do wickedly and speake falsely against the Lord to make emptie the hungrie soule to cause the drinke of the thirstie to faile 7 For the weapons of the churle are wicked he deuiseth wicked counsels to vndo the poore with lying wordes and to spea ke against the poore in iudgement 8 But the liberal man wil deuise of liberal things and he wil continue his liberalitie 9 ¶ Rise vp ye womē that are at ease heare my voyce ye careles daughters hearken to my wordes 10 Ye women that are careles shal be in feare aboue a yere in dayes for the vintage shal faile and the gathering shal come no more 11 Ye women that are atease be astonied feare ôye careles women put of the clothes make bare and girde sacke clothe vpon the loynes 12 Men shall lament for the teates euen for the pleasant fields and for the fruteful vine 13 Vpon the lande of my people shall growe thornes briers yea vpon all the houses of ioye in the citie of reioycing 14 Because the palace shal be for saken and the noyse of the citie shal be left the towre fortresse shal be dennes for euer the delite of wilde asses and a pasture for 〈◊〉 15 Vntil the Spirit be powred vpon vs from aboue and the wildernes become a 〈◊〉 field and the plenteous field be counted as a forest 16 And iudgement shal dwell in the desert iustice shal remaine in the fruteful field 17 And the worke of iustice shal be peace 〈◊〉 the worke of iustice and quietnes and assurance for euer 18 And my people shal dwell in the tabernacle of peace and in sure dwellings in safe resting places 19 When it haileth it shall fall on the forest the citie shal be set in the lowe place 20 Blessed are ye that sowe 〈◊〉 waters and driue the ther the fete of the oxe and the asse CHAP. XXXIII The destruction of them by whome God hathe punished his Church 1 WO to thee that spoilest and wast not spoiled and doest wickedly and thei did not wickedly against thee when thou shalt cease to spoile thou shalt be spoyled when thou shalt make an end of doing wickedly they shall do wickedly against thee 2 O Lord haue mercie vpon vs we haue waited for thee be thou which was their 〈◊〉 in the morning our helpe also in time of trouble 3 At the noise of the tumult the people fled at thine exalting the nations were scatered 4 And your spoile shal be gathered like the gathering of caterpillers and he shal go agaynste him like the leaping of grashoppers 5 The Lord is exalted for he dwelleth on hie he 〈◊〉 filled Ziôn with iudgement iustice 6 And there shal be stabilitie of thy times strength saluacion wisdome and knowledge for the feare of the Lord shal be his treasure 7 Beholde their messengers shal crye without and the ambassadours of peace shall wepe bitterly 8 The paths are waste the waifaring man ceaseth he hathe broken the couenāt he hath cōtēned the cities he regarded no mā 9 The earth mourneth and fainteth Lebanon is a shamed and hewen downe Sharôn is like a wildernes and Bashán is shaken and Carmél 10 Now wil I arise saith the Lord now wil I be exalted now wil I lift vp my self 11 Ye shal cōceiue chaffe and bring for the stubble the fyre of your breth shal deuoure you 12 And the people shal be as the burning of lime and as the thornes cut vp shal they be burnt in the fyre 13 He are ye that are farre of what I haue do ne ye that are nere knowe my power 14 The sinners in Ziôn are afraied a feare is come vpon the hypocrites who among vs shal dwell with the deuoring fyre who amōg vs shal dwel with the euerlasting bur nings 15 He that walketh in iustice and speaketh righteous things refusing gaine of oppres 〈◊〉 shaking his handes from taking of giftes stopping his eares from hearing of blood shutting his eyes from seing euil 16 He shal dwell on hye his defence shal be the munitions of rockes bread shal be giuen him and his waters shal be sure 17 Thine eyes shal se the Kings in his glorie they shal beholde the land farre of 18 Thine heart shal meditate feare Where is the scribe where is the receauer where is he that counted the towres 19 Thou shalt not se a fierce people a people of a darke speache that thou canst not perceiue and of a stammering tōgue that thou canst not vnderstand 20 Loke vpon Ziôn the citie of our 〈◊〉 feastes thine eyes shal se Ierusalem a quiet habitacion a Tabernacle that can not be remoued and the stakes thereof can neuer be taken away nether shal any of the cordes thereof be broken 21 For surely there the mightie Lord wil be vnto vs as a place of floods and brode riuers whereby shal passe no shippe with o res nether shal great ships passe therby 22 For the Lord is our iudge the Lord is our law giuer the Lord is our King he wil saue vs. 23 Thy cordes are loosed they colde not wel strengthen their mast nether colde thei spread the saile then shal the pray be deuided for a great spoyle yea the lame shal take a waie the pray 24 And none inhabitant shal say I am sicke the people that dwel therein shal haue their iniquitie forgiuen CHAP. XXXIIII 1 He sheweth that God punisheth the wicked for the loue that he beareth 〈◊〉 his Church 1 COme nere ye nations and heare and hearken ye people let the earth heare and all that is there in the worlde and all that procedeth there of 2 For the indignation of the Lord is vpon all nations and his wrath vpon all theyr armies he hathe destroied thē and deliuered them to the slaughter 3 And their slaine shal be cast out
and towarde the West two hundreth fiftie 18 And the residue in length ouer against the oblacion of the holy porcion shal be tene thousand East warde and ten thousād West warde and it shal be ouer against the oblacion of the holy porcion and the encrease there of shall be for fode vnto them that serue in the citie 19 And thei that serue in the citie shal be of all the tribes of Israél that shal serue therin 20 All the oblacion shal be fiue and twenty thousand with fiue and twētie thousand you shall offre this oblacion foure square for the Sanctuarie and for the possessiō of the citie 21 And the residue shal be for the prince on the one side and on the other of the oblacion of the Sanctuarie and of the possessiō of the citie ouer against the fiue and twētie thousand of the oblacion towarde the East border Westward ouer against the fiue and twētie thousand toward the West border ouer against shal be for the porciō of the prince this shal be the holie oblaciō and the house of the Sanctuarie shal be in the middes thereof 22 Moreouer from the possession of the Leuites from the possessiō of the citie that which is in the middes shal be the princes betwene the border of Iudáh betwene the border of Beniamin shal be the princes 23 And the rest of the tribes shal be thus frō the East parte vnto the West parte Beniamin shal be a porcion 24 And by the border of Beniamin from the East side vnto the West side Simeôn a porcion 25 And by the border of Simeôn from the East parte vnto the West parte Ishakár a porcion 26 And by the border of Ishakár frō the East side vnto the West Zebulún a porcion 27 And by the border of Zebulún from the East part vnto the West parte Gad a porcion 28 And by the border of Gad at the South side toward Temáth the border shal be euē frō Tamár vnto the waters of Meribáth in Kadésh and to the riuer that runneth into the mayne sea 29 This is the land whiche ye shall distribute vnto the tribes of Israél for inheritance and these are their porcions saith the Lord God 30 And these are the boundes of the citie on the North side fiue hundreth foure thousand measures 31 And the gates of the citie shal be after the names of the tribes of Israél the gates Northward one gate of Reubén one gate of Iudáh and one gate of Leui. 32 And at the East side fiue hundreth foure thousand and thre gates and one gate of Ioséph one gate of Beniamin and one gate of Dan. 33 And at the South side fiue hundreth and foure thousād measures and thre portes one gate of Simeôn one gate of Ishakár and one gate of Zebulún 34 At the West side fiue hundreth and foure thousand with their thre gates one gate of Gad one gate of Ashér and one gate of Naphtali 35 It was rounde about eightene thousand measures and the name of the citie from that day shal be The Lord is there DANIEL THE ARGVMENT THe great prouidence of God and his singular mercie towarde his Churche are moste liuely here set forthe who neuer leaueth his destitute but now in their greatest miseries hnd afflictions giueth them Prophetes as Ezekiél and Daniél whome he adorned with suche graces of his holie spirit that Daniél aboue all other had moste special reuclations of suche things as shulde come to the Church euen from the time that thei were in captiuitie to the last end of the worlde to the general resurrection as of the foure Monarches and empires of all the worlde to wit of the Babylonians 〈◊〉 Greciās aud Romaines Also of the 〈◊〉 nombre of the times euen vnto Christ when all ceremonies and sacrifices shulde cease because he shulde be the accomplishement thereof moreouer he sheweth Christes office and the cause of his death whiche was by his sacrifice to take away sinnes and to bring euerlasting life And as from the beginning God euer exercised his peo ple vnder the crosse so he teacheth here that after that Christ is offred he wil stil leaue this exercise to his Church vntill the dead rise againe and Christ gather his into his kingdome in the heauens CHAP. I. 1 The captiuitie of Iehoiakim King of Iudáh 4 The King chuseth certeine yong men of the Iewes to learne his lawe 5 Thei haue the Kings ordinarie appointed 8 But thei abstaine from it 1 IN the thirde yere of reigne of Iehoiakim King of Iudáh came Nebuchad-nezzár King of Babél vnto Ierusalém and besieged it 2 And the Lord gaue Iehoiakim King of Iudáh into his hand with parte of the vessels of the house of God which he caried into the lād of Shinár to the house of his God and he broght the vessels into his gods treasurie 3 And the King spake vnto Ashpenáz the master of his Eunuches that he shulde bring certeine of the children of Israél of the Kings sede and of the princes 4 Children in whome was no blemishe but wel fauoured and instructin all wisdome and wel sene in knowledge and able to vtter knowledge and suche as were able to stand in the Kings palace and whome thei might teache the learning and the tōgue of the Caldeans 5 And the King appointed them prouision euerie day of a portiō of the Kings meat and of the wine which he dranke so nourishing thēi thre yere that at the end there of thei might stand before the King 6 Now among these were certeine of the children of Iudáh Daniél Hananiáh Mishaél and Azariáh 7 Vnto whome the chief of the Eunuches gaue other names for he called Daniél Belteshazár and Hananiáh Shadrách and Mishaél Meshách Azariáh Abednegó 8 ¶ But Daniél had determined in his heart that he wolde not defile him self with the porcion of the Kings meate nor with the wine which he dranke therefore he required the chief of the Eunuches that he might not defile him self 9 Now God had broght Daniél into fauour and tēder loue with the chief of the Eunuches 10 And the chief of the Eunuches said vnto Daniél I feare my Lord the King who hathe appointed your meat your drink therefore if he se your faces worse lyking then the other children which are of your sorte then shall you make me lose myne head vnto the King 11 Then said Daniél to Melzár whome the chief of the Eunuches had set ouer Daniél Hananiáh Mishaêl and Azariáh 12 Proue thy seruants I beseche thee tene daies and let them giue vs pulse to eate and water to drinke 13 Then let our countenances beloked vpō before thee and the countenances of the childrē that eat of the porciō of the Kings meat and as thou seest deale with thy seruants 14 So he consented to them in this matter
of wisdom bene discouered and shewed and who hathe vnderstand the manifolde entrāce vnto her 8 There is one wise euen the moste high Crea tor of all things the almightie the King of power and verie terrible which sitteth vpō his throne 9 He is the Lord that hathe created her thorow the holie Gost he hate sene her nombred her and measured her 10 He hathe powred her out vpon all his workes and vpon all flesh according to his gift and giueth her abundantly vnto them that loue him 11 The feare of the Lord is glorie and gladnes and reioycing and a ioyful crowne 12 The feare of the Lord maketh a mery heart and giueth gladnes and ioye and long life 13 Whoso feareth the Lord it shal go wel with him at the last and he shal finde fauour in the day of his death 14 The 〈◊〉 of God is honorable wisdome and vnto whome it appeareth in a visiō they loue it for the vision and for the knowledge of the great workes thereof 15 * The feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisdome and was made with the faithful in the wombe 〈◊〉 goeth with the chosen wo men and is knowen with the righteous and faithful 16 The feare of the Lord is an holie knowledge 17 Holines shal preserue and iustifie the heart and giueth mirth and gladnes 18 Who so feareth the Lord shal prosper and in the day of his end he shal be blessed 19 She hathe buylt her euerlasting fundacions with men and is giuen to be with their sede 20 To feare God is the fulnes of wisdome and filleth men with her frutes 21 She filleth their whole houe with all things desireable and the garners with the things that she bringeth forthe and bothe twaine are 〈◊〉 of God 22 The feare of the Lord is the crowne of wisdome ād giueth peace and perfite health he hathe sene her and nombred her 23 She raineth downe knowledge and vnder standing of wisdome and hathe broght vnto honour them that possessed her 24 The feare of the Lord is the roote of wisdome and her branches are long life 25 In the treasures of wisdome is vnderstanding and holie knowledge but wisdome is abhorred of sinners 26 The feare of the Lord driueth out sinne and when she is present she driueth away anger 27 ¶ For wicked angre can not be iustified for his rashnes in his angre shal be his destruction 28 Apacient mā wil suffer for a time and then shal he haue the rewarde of ioye 29 He wil hide his wordes for a time and manie mens lippes shal speake of his wisdome 30 In the treasures of wisdome are the secrets of knowledge but the sinner abhorreth the worship of God 31 If thou desire wisdome kepe the commandements the Lord shal giue her vnto thee and wil fil her treasures 32 For the feare of the Lord is wisdome and discipline he hathe pleasure in faith and mekenes 33 Be not disobedient to the feare of the Lord and come not vnto him with a double heart 34 ¶ Be not an hypocrite that men shulde speake of thee but take hede what thou speakest 35 Exalte not thy self lest thou fall and bring thy soule to dishonour and so God discouer thy secretes and cast thee downe in the middes of the congregacion because 〈◊〉 not receiue the true feare of God and thine heart is ful of disceite CHAP. II. 1 He exhorteth the seruāts of God to righteousnes loue vn derstāding paciēce 〈◊〉 To trust in the Lord. 13 A cursse vpon them that are fainte hearted and impacient 1 MY sonne if thou wilt come into the seruice of God stand fast in righteousnes feare and preparethy soule to tentacion 2 Settle thine heart be pacient bow dow ne thine 〈◊〉 and receiue the wordes of vnderstanding shrinke not a waie whē thou 〈◊〉 but waite vpon God paciently 3 Ioyne thy self vnto him departe not away that thou maist be increased at thy last end 4 Whatsoeuer cometh vnto thee receiue it paciently and be pacient in the change of thine affliction 5 * For as golde and siluer are tryed in the fyre euen so are men acceptable in the forna ce of aduersitie 6 Beleue in God and he wil helpe thee order thy waye aright and trust in him holde fast his feare and growe olde therein 7 Ye that feare the Lord waite for his mercie shrinke not a waye frō him that ye fall not 8 Ye that feare the Lord beleue him and your rewarde shal not faile 9 O ye that feare the Lord trust in good thīgs and in the euerlasting ioy and mercie 10 Ye that feare the Lord loue him and your hearts shal be lightened 11 Consider the olde generacions of men ye children and marke them wel * was there euer anie confounded that put his trust in the Lord or who hathe continued in his fea re and was forsaken or whome did he euer despise that called vpon him 12 For God is gracious and merciful and forgi ueth sinnes and saueth in the time of trouble and is a defender for all them that seke him in the trueth 13 Wo vnto them that haue a feareful heart and to the wicked lippes and to the faint hands and to the sinner that goeth two* ma ner of wayes 14 Wo vnto him that is faint hearted for he beleueth not therefore shal he not be defended 15 Wo vnto you that haue lost pacience and haue forsaken the right wayes and are turned backe into frowarde wayes for what wil ye do when the Lord shal visit you 16 They that feare the Lord wil not disobey his worde and they that * loue him wil kepe his wayes 17 They that feare the Lord wil seke out the things that are pleasant vnto him and they that loue him shal be fulfilled with his Law 18 They that feare the Lord wil prepare their hearts and humble their soules in his sight 19 Thei that feare the Lord kepe his cōman dements and wil be pacient til he se them 20 Saying If we do not repent we shal fall in to the hands of the Lord and not into the hands of men 21 Yet as his greatnes is so is his mercie CHAP. III. 2 To our father and mother ought we to giue double honor 10. Of the blessing and curse of the father and mother 22 No man ought ouer curiously to searche out the secrets of God 1 T He children of wisdome are the Church of the righteous and their of spring is obedience and loue 2 Heare your fathers iudgement ô children and do thereafter that ye may be safe 3 For the Lord wil haue the father honored of he children and hathe confirmed the autoritie of the mother ouer the children 4 Who so honoreth his father his sinnes shal be forgiuen him and he shal absteine from them and shal haue his daily desires 5 And he that honoreth his mother is like one that
18 The good things that are powred on a mouth shut vp are as messes of me at set vpō a graue 16 What good doeth the offring vnto an idole for he can nether eat not smell so is he that is persecuted of the Lord and beareth the rewarde of iniquitie 20 He seeth with his eyes and groneth like * a gelded man that lieth with a virgine and sigheth 21 * Giue not ouer thy minde to heauines and vexe not thy self in thine owne counsel 22 The ioye of the heart is the life of man and a mans gladnes is the prolonging of his daies 23 Loue thine owne soule and comforte thine heart driue sorow farte frō thee for sorow hathe slaine many and there is no profite therein 24 Enuie and wrath shorten the life and carefulnes bringeth age before the time 25 A noble and good heart wil haue consideration of his meat and diet CHAP. XXXI Of couetousnes 2 Of them that take 〈◊〉 to gather riches 8 The praise of a riche man without a faute 12 We ought to flee 〈◊〉 and felowe sobernes 1 WAking after riches pineth away the bodie and the care thereof driueth away slepe 2 This waking care breaketh the slepe as a great sickenes breaketh the slepe 3 The riche hathe great labour in gathering riches together in his rest he is filled with pleasures 4 The pore laboreth in liuing poorely and when he leaueth of he is stil poore 5 He that loueth golde shal not be iustified he that followeth corruption shal haue ynough thereof 6 * Many are destroied by the reason of golde and haue founde their destruction before them 7 I is as a stumbling blocke vnto thē that sacrifice vnto it and euerie foole is taken there with 8 Blessed is the * riche which is founde without blemish and hathe not gone after golde nor hoped in money and treasures 9 Who is he and we wil commende him for wonderful things hathe he downe among his people 10 Who hathe bene tryed thereby founde perfite let him be an example of glorie who might 〈◊〉 and hathe not offended or do 〈◊〉 and hathe not done it 11 Therefore shal his goods be stablished and the congregation shal declare his almes 12 If thou sit at a costlie table open not thy mouth wide vpō it say not Beholde much meat 13 Remember that an euil eye is a shrewe and what thing created is worse then a wicked eye for it wepeth for euerie cause 14 Stretch not thine hand where soeuer it loketh and thrust it not with it into the dish 15 Consider by thy self him that is by thee marke 〈◊〉 thing 16 〈◊〉 molestly that which is set before thee and 〈◊〉 not lest thou be hated 17 Leaue thou of first for nourtous sake be not 〈◊〉 ' est thou offend 18 When thou sittest among many teache not thine hand out first of all 19 * How litle is 〈◊〉 for a men wel taught and there by he belcheth not in his chamber nor 〈◊〉 any paine 20 A wholsome slepe cometh of a tēperat bellie he riseth vp in the mourning and is wel at ease in him self but paine in watching and 〈◊〉 diseases and pangs of the bellie are with an 〈◊〉 man 21 If thou hast bene forced to eat arise go forthe vomit and then take thy rest so thou shalt bring no sickenes vnto thy bodie 22 My sonne heare me and dispise me not and at the last thou 〈◊〉 finde as I haue tolde thee in all thy workes be quicke so shal there no sicknes come vnto thee 23 * Whoso is liberal in his meat mē shal bles se him the testimonie of his honestie shal be beleued 24 But against him that is a nigard of his meat the whole citie shal murmure the testimonies of his nigardnes shal be sure 25 She we not thy valiantnes in wine for* wine hathe destroyed manie 26 The fornace proueth the edge in the tēpering so doeth wine the hearts of the proude by drunkennes 27 * Wine soberly dronken is profitable for the lift of man what is his life that is ouercome with wine 28 Wine was made from the beginning to ma ke men glad and not for drunkēnes Wine mesurably dronken in time bringeth glad nes and cherefulnes of the minde 29 But wine drounken with excesse maketh bitternes of minde with braulings and skoul dings 30 Drunkennes increaseth the courage of a foole til be offend it diminisheth his strēgth and maketh woundes 31 * Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine dispise him not in his mirth giue him no dispiteful wordes and presse not vpon him with contrarie wordes CHAP. XXXII An exhortation to modestie 3 Let the ancient speake 14 To giue thankes after the 〈◊〉 15 Of the feare faith and confidence in God 1 IF thou be made the master of the feast lift not thy self vp but be among them as one of the rest take diligent care for thē and so sit downe 2 And when thou hast done all thy duetie sit downe that thou maist be merie with thē receiue a crowne for thy good behauiour 3 Speake thou that art the elder for it becometh thee but with sounde iudgement and hinder not musike 4 Powre not out wordes where there is no au dience * and shewe not forthe wisdome out of time 5 The consent of musicians at a banket is as a signer of carbuncle set in golde 6 And as the signet of an emeraude wel trimmed with golde so is the melodie of musicke in a pleasant banket 7 Giue eare and be stil and for thy good be hauiour thou shalt be loued 8 Thou that art yong speake if nede be and yet scarsely when thou art twise asked 9 Comprehende muche in fewe wordes in manie things be as one that is ignorant be as one that vnderstandeth and yet holde thy tongue 10 If thou be among great men compare not thy self vnto them and when an elder speaketh bable not muche 11 Before the * thonder goeth lightning and before a shamefast man goeth fauour 12 Stand vp betimes and be not the last but get thee home without delay 13 And there take thy pastime and do what thou wilt so that thou do none euil or vse proude wordes 14 But aboue all things giue thākes vnto him that hathe made thee and replenished thee with his goods 15 ¶ Who so feareth the Lord wil receiue his doctrine and they that rise early shal finde fauour 16 He that seketh the Law shal be filled there with but the hypocrite wil he offēded thereat 17 They that feare the Lord shal finde that which is righteous and shal kindle iustice as a light 18 An vngodlie man wil not be reformed but findeth out excuses according to his wil. 19 A man of vnderstanding dispiseth not counsel but a lewde and proude man is not 〈◊〉 ched with feare euen when he hathe done rashly 20
him that is benethī the earth and ashes 4 From him that is clothedin blewe silke and weareth a crowne euen vnto him that is clothed in simple linen 5 Wrath and enuie trouble and vnquietnes and feare of death and rigour and strife in the time of rest the slepe in the night vpon his bed change his knowledge 6 A litle or nothing is his rest and afterwarde in sleping he is as in a watchetowre in the daye he is troubled with the visions of his heart as none that renneth out of a battel 7 And when all is safe he awaketh and marueileth that the feare was no thing 8 Suche things come vnto all flesh bothe man and beast but seuen folde to the vngodlie 9 Moreouer * death and blood and strife sworde oppression famine destruction punishement 10 These things are all created for the wicked and for their sakes came the * flood 11 * All things that are of the earth shal turne to earth againe and they that are of the * waters shal returne into the sea 12 ¶ All bribes and vnrighteousnes shal be put awaye but faithfulnes shal endure for euer 13 The substance of the vngodlie shal be dryed vp like a riuer and they shal make a sounde like a great thonder in the raine 14 When he openeth his hand he reioyceth but all the transgressours shal come to naught 15 The children of the vngodlie shal not obteine manie branches for the vncleane rootes are as vpon the high rockes 16 Their tender stalke by what water soeuer it be or water bāke it shal be pulled vp before all other herbes 17 ¶ Friendlines is as a moste plentifull garden of pleasure and mercie endureth for euer 18 * To labour and to be content with that a man hathe is a swete life but he that findeth a treasure is aboue them bothe 19 Children and the buylding of the Citie maketh a perpetual name but an honeste woman is counteth aboue them bothe 20 Wine and musicke reioyce the hearte but the loue of wisdome is aboue them bothe 21 The pipe and the psalterion make a swete noyce but a pleasant tongue is aboue thē bothe 22 Thine eye desireth fauor and beautie but a grene sede time rather then them both 23 A friend and companion come together at opportunitie but aboue them bothe is a wife with her housband 24 Friends and helpe are good in the time of trouble but 〈◊〉 shal deliuer more thē them bothe 25 Golde and siluer fasten the fete but counsel is estemed aboue them bothe 26 Riches and strēgth lift vp the minde but the feare of the Lord is aboue them both there is no want in the feare of the Lord and it nedeth no hêlpe 27 The feare of the Lord is a pleasant gardē of blessing and there is nothing so beautiful as it is 28 ¶ My sonne lead not a beggers life for better it were to dye then to begge 29 The life of him that depēdeth on another mans table is not to be counted for a life for he tormēteth him self after other mens meat but a wise man and wel nourtred wil beware thereof 30 Begging is swete in the mouth of the vnshame fast and in his bellie there burneth a fyre CHAP. XLI 1 Of the remembrance of death 3 Death is not to be feared 8 A curse vpon them that forsake the Lawe of GOD. 12 Good name and fame 14 An exhortacion to giue hede vnto wisdome 17 Of what things a man ought to be ashamed 1 O Death how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liueth at rest in his possessions vnto the man that hath nothing to vexe him and that hathe prosperitie in all things yea vnto him that yet is able to receiue meat 2 O death how acceptable is thy iudgemēt vnto the nedefull and vnto hym whose strength faileth and that is now in the last age and is vexed with all things to him that dispaireth and hathe lost pacience 3 Feare not the iudgement of death remēber them that haue bene before thee and that come after this is the ordināce of the Lord ouer all flesh 4 And why woldest thou be against the pleasure of the moste High whether it be tene or an hundreth or a thousand yeres there is no defense for life against the graue 5 ¶ The children of the vngodlie are abominable children and so are they that kepe companie with the vngodlie 6 The inheritance of vngodlie children shal perish and their posteritie shal haue a perpetual shame 7 The chyldren complaine of an vngodlye father because they are reproched for his sake 8 Wo be vnto you ô ye vngodlie whiche haue forsaken the Lawe of the moste high God for thogh you increase yet shall you perish 9 If ye be borne ye shal be borne to cursing if ye dye the curse shal be your porcion 10 All that is of the earth shal turne to earth againe so the vngodlie go from the curse to destruction 11 Thogh men mourne for their bodie yet the wicked name of the vngodlie shal be put out 12 Haue regarde to thy name for that shal cō tinue with thee aboue a thousand treasures of golde 13 A good life hath the dayes nombred but a good name endureth euer 14 * My children kepe wisdome in peace for wisdome that is hid and a treasure that is not sene what profite is in them bothe 15 A man that hideth his foolishnes is better then a man that hideth his wisdome 16 Therefore beare reuerence vnto my wordes for it is not good in all thinges to be ashamed nether are all things alowed as faithful in all men 17 Be ashamed of whoredome before father and mother be ashamed of lies before the princes and men of autoritie 18 Of sinne before the iudge and ruler of offence before the congregaciō and people of vnrighteousnes before a companiō and friend 19 And of theft before the place where thou dwellest and before the trueth of God and his couenant and to leane with thyne elbowes vpon the bread or to be reproued for giuing or taking 20 And of silence vnto them that salute thee and to loke vpon an harlot 21 And to turne away thy face from thy kinsmā or to take away a portiō or a gift or to be euil minded toward another mans wife 22 Or to sollicite any mans maide or to stand by her bed or to reproche thy friēds with wordes 23 Or to vpbraide when thou gyuest anye thing or to reporte a matter that thou hast heard or to reueile secret wordes 24 Thus maiest thou well be shamefast and shalt finde fauour with all men CHAP. XLII 1 The Law of God must be taught 9 A daughter 14 A woman 18 God knoweth all things yea euen the secrets of thine heart 1 OF these things be not thou ashamed nether haue regarde to offend for any persone 2 Of
way the sede of him that loued him but he left a remnāt vnto Iacob and a roote of him vnto Dauid 23 Thus rested Salomon with his fathers and of his sede he left behinde him Roboam euen the foolishnes of the people one that had no vnderstanding * who turned away the people thorow his counsel Ie roboam the sonne of Nabat * which caused Israél to sinne shewed Ephraim the way of sinne 24 So that their sinnes were so muche increa sed that they were driuen out of the land 25 For they soght out all wickednes til the vengeance came vpon them CHAP. XLVIII The praise of Elias Eliscus Ezekias and 〈◊〉 1 THen stode vp * Elias the Prophete as a fyre and his worde burnt like a lampe 2 He broght a famine vpon thē and by his zeale he diminished thē for they might not away with the commandements of the Lord. 3 By the worde of the Lord he shut the heauen * and thre times broght he the fyre from heauen 4 O Elias how honorable art thou by thy wonderous dedes who may make his boast to be like thee 5 * Which hast raised vp the dead frō death and by the worde of the moste High out of the graue 6 Which hast broght Kings vnto destructiō and the honorable from their seate 7 Which heardest the rebuke of the Lord in Sina * and in Horeb the iudgement of the vengeance 8 * Which didest anoint Kings that they might recompense and Prophetes to be thy successours 9 * Which wast taken vp in a whirle winde offyre and in a charet of fyrie horses 10 Which wast appointed * to reproue in due season to pacific the wrath of the Lords iudgemēt before it kindled to turne the hearts of the fathers vnto the childrē and to set vp the tribes of Iacob 11 Blessed were they that sawe thee slept in loue for we shalliue 12 * When Elias was couered with the storme Eliseus was filled with his spirit while he li ued he was not moued for any prince nether colde any bring him into subiection 13 Nothing colde ouercome him * and after his death his bodie prophecied 14 He did wonders in his life and in death were his workes marueilous 15 For all this the people repented not nether departed they from their sinnes * til they were caryed away prisoners out of their land and were scatered through all the earth so that there remained but a very few people with the prince vnto the hou se of Dauid 16 Howbeit some of them did right and some heaped vp sinnes 17 * Ezekias made his citie strong and con ueied water into the middes thereof he dig ged thorow the rocke with yron and made fountaines for waters 18 * In his time came Sennacherib vp and sent Rabsaces and list vp his hand against Sion and boasted proudely 19 Then trembled their hearts and hands so that they sorowed like a woman in trauel 20 But they called vpon the Lord which is merciful and lift vp their hands vnto him and immediatly the holy one heard them out of heauen 21 He thoght no more vpon their sinnes nor gaue them ouer to their enemies but deliuered them by the hand of Esai 22 * He smote the hoste of the Assyrians and his Angel destroyed them 23 For Ezekias had done the thing that plea sed the Lord and remained stedfastly in the wayes of Dauid his father as Esai the great Prophet and faithful in his visiō had commanded him 24 * In his time the sonne went backwarde and he lengthened the Kings life 25 He sawe by an excellent Spirit what shulde come to passe at the last and he comfor ted them that were sorowful in Sion 26 He shewed what shulde come to passe for euer and secret things or euer thei came to passe CHAP. XLIX Of Iosias Hezekiah Dauid Ieremi Ezechiel 〈◊〉 Iesus 〈◊〉 Enoch Ioseph Sem Seth. 1 THe remembrāce of * Iosias is like the composition of the perfume that is ma de by the arte of the apothe carie it is swete as honie in all mouthes and as musicke at a banket of wine 2 He behaued him self vprightly in the refor macion of the people and toke a way all abominacions of iniquitie 3 He * directed his heart vnto the Lord and in the time of the vngodlie he established religion 4 All except Dauid and Ezekias and Iosias committed wickednes for euen the Kings of Iuda forsoke the Law of the moste High and failed 5 Therefore he gaue their horne vnto other and their honor to a strange nacion 6 He burnt the elect citie of the Sanctuarie * and destroied the stretes thereof according to the prophecie of Ieremias 7 For thei * intreated him euil which neuer theles was a Prophete * sanctified from his mothers wombe that he might roote out and a fflict and destroye and that he might also buyld vp and plant 8 * Ezechiel sawe the glorious visiō which was shewed him vpon the charet of the Cherubims 9 * For he made mēcion of the enemines vn der the figure of the raine directed thē that went right 10 * ¶ And let the bones of the twelue Prophetes florish out of their place and let their memorie be blessed for they comforted Iacob and deliuered them by assured hope 11 ¶ * How shal we praise Zorobabel which was as a ring on the right hand 12 So was * Iesus also the sonne of Iosedec these men in their time buylded the house and set vp the Sanctuarie of the Lord agai ne which was prepared for an euerlasting worship 13 ¶ * And among the elect was Neemias whose renoume is great which set vp for vs the walles that were fallen and set vp the gates and the barres and laied the fundacions of our houses 14 ¶ But vp on the earth was no man created like * Enoch for he was taken vp from the earth 15 Nether was there a like man vnto * Ioseph the gouernour of his brethren the vp holder of his people whose bones were kept 16 * Sem and Seth were in great honour among men and so was Adam aboue eue rie liuing thing in the creation CHAP. L. Of Simon the sonne of Onias 22 An exhortacion to praise the Lord. 27 The autor of this boke 1 SImon * the sonne of Onias the hie Priest which in his life set vp the house againe and in his dayes established the Temple 2 Vnder him was the fundacion of the double height laied the hie walles that compasseth the Temple 3 In his dayes the places to receiue water that were decaied were restored and the
stile and maner of writing they be diuers and sometime one writeth more largely that which the other doeth abbridge neuertheles in matter and 〈◊〉 they all tende to one end which is to publish to the world the fauour of God towarde mankinde through Christ Iesus whom the Father hathe giuen as a pledge of his mercie and loue And for this cause they intitle their storie Gospel which signifieth good tidings for asmuche as God hathe perfor med in dede that which the father 's hoped for So that hereby we are admonished to forsake the worlde and the vanities thereof and with moste affectioned hearts embrace this incomparable treasure frely offred vnto vs for there is no ioye nor consolacion no peace nor quietnes no 〈◊〉 nor saluacion but in Iesus Christ who is the very substance of this Gospel and in whome all the promises are yea and amen And therefore vnder this worde is conteined the whole Newe testament but communely we vse this name for the historie which the foure Euangelists write conteining Christ coming in the flesh his death and resurrection which is the perfite summe of our 〈◊〉 Matthewe Marke and Luke are more copious in describing his life and death but Iohn more laboureth to set forthe his doctrine wherein bothe Christs office and also the vertue of his death and resurrection more fully appeare for without this to knowe that Christ was borne dead and risen againe shulde nothyng profite vs. The which thing notwithstanding that the thre first touche partely as he also sometime intermedleth the historical narration yet Iohn chiefly is occupied herein And therefore as a moste learned interpreter writeth they describe as it were the bodie and Iohn setteth before our eyes the soule Wherfore the same aptely termeth the Gospel writ by Iohn the keye which openeth the dore to the vnderstanding of the others for whosoeuer doeth knowe the office vertue and power of Christ shall reade that which is written of the Sonne of God come to be the redemer of the worlde with moste proffit Nowe as concerning the writers of this historie it is euident that Matthewe was a Publicane or custome gatherer and was thence chosen of Christ to be an Apostle Marke is thoght to haue bene Peters disciple and to haue planted the first Church at Alexandria where he dyed the eight yere of the reigne of Nero. Luke was a phisition of Antiochia and became Pauls disciple and fellowe in all his traueils he liued foure 〈◊〉 and foure yeres and was buryed at Constantinople Iohn was that Apostle whome the Lord loued the sonne of Zebedeus and brother of Iames he dyed thre score yeres after Christ and was buryed nere to the Citie of Ephesus CHAP. I. 1 The genealogie of Christ that is the Messias promised to the fathers 18 who was conceiued by the holy Gost ād borne of the virgine Marie when she was betrouthed vnto Ioseph 20 The Angell satisfied Iosephes minde 21 why he is called Iesus and wherefore Emmanuel 1 T*He booke of the generacion of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham 2 * Abraham begate Isaac * And Isaac begate Iacob And * Iacob begate Iudas ād his brethren 3 * And Iudas begate Phares and Zara of Thamar And * Phares begate Esrom And Esrom begate Aram. 4 And Aram begate Aminadab And Aminadab begate Naasson And Naasson begate Salmon 5 And Salmon begate Booz of Rachab And * Booz begate Obed of Ruth And Obed begate Iesse 6 And * Iesse begate Dauid the King And* Dauid the King begate Solomon of her that was the wife of Vrias 7 And*Solomon begate Roboam And 〈◊〉 begate Abia. And Abia begate Asa. 8 And Asa begate Iosaphat And Iosaphat begate Ioram And Ioram begate Ozias 9 And Ozias begate Ioatham And Ioatham begate Achaz And Achaz begate Ezecias 10 And * Ezecias begate Manasses And Manasses begate Amon. And Amon begate Iosias 11 And*Iosias begate Iacim And Iacim begate Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme they were caryed away to Babylon 12 And after they were caryed away into Babylon * Iechonias begate Salathiel * And Salathiel begate Zorobabel 13 And Zorobabel begate Abiud And Abiud begate Eliacim And Eliacim begate Azor. 14 And Azor begate Sadoc And Sadoc begate Achim And Achim begate Eliud 15 And Eliud begate Eleazar And Eleazar begate Matthan And Matthan begate Iacob 16 And Iacob begate Ioseph the housband of Marie of whome was borne Iesus that is called Christ. 17 So al the generations from Abraham to Da uid are fourtene generations And from Dauid vntil they were caryed away into Babylon fourtene generacions and after they were caryed away into Babylon vntil Christ fourtene generacions 18 ¶ Now the byrth of Iesus Christ was thus whē as his mother Marie was * betrowthed to Ioseph before they came together she was founde with childe of the holie Gost. 19 Thē Ioseph her housband being a iust mā and not willing to * make her a publike exam ple was minded to put her away secretly 20 But whiles he thoght these things behold the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame saying Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take Marie for thy wife for that which is conceiued in her is of the holie Gost. 21 And she shal bring for the a sonne and thou shalt * call his name Iesus for he shal * saue his people from their sinnes 22 And all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying 23 * Beholde a virgine shal be with childe and shal beare a sonne and they shal call his name Emmanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs. 24 ¶ Then Ioseph being raised from slepe did as the Angel of the Lord had inioyned him and toke his wife 25 But he knewe her not til she had broght forthe her first borne sonne ād he called his name Iesus CHAP. II. 1 The time and place of Christs birth 11 The wisemen offer their presents 14 Christ fleeth into Egypt 16 The yong children are slaine 23 Ioseph turned into Galile 1 WHen * Iesus then was borne at Beth-lehē in Iudea in the dayes of Herode the King beholde there came Wisemen from the East to Ierusalem 2 Saying Where is the King of the Iewes that is borne for we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him 3 Whē King Herode heard this he was troubled and all Ierusalem with him 4 And gathering together all the chief Priests Scribes of the people he asked of them where Christ shulde be borne 5 And they said vnto him At Beth-lehem in Iudea for so it is written by the Prophet 6 * And thou Beth-lehem in the land of Iuda art not the least among the Princes of Iuda for
dead mens bones and of all filthines 28 So are ye also for outwarde ye appeare righ teous vnto men but within ye are ful of hypocrisie and iniquitie 29 ¶ Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites for ye buylde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous 30 And say If we had bene in the dayes of our fathers we wolde not haue bene parteners with them in the blood of the Prophetes 31 So them ye be witnesses vnto yourselues that ye are the children of them that murthered the Prophetes 32 Fulfil ye also the measure of your fathers 33 O serpents the generacion of viperes how shulde ye escape the damnacion of hel 34 Wherefore beholde I send vnto you Prophetes and wise men and Scribes and of thē ye shal kil and crucifie and of them shal ye scourge in your Synagogues and persecute from citie to citie 35 That vpon you may come all the righteous blood that was shed vpon the earth * from the blood of Abel the righteous vnto the blood of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias * whome ye slewe betwene the Temple and the altar 36 Verely I say vnto you all these things shal come vpon this generation 37 * Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Pro phetes and stoned them whiche are sent to thee how often wolde I haue gathered thy childrē together * as the hēne gathereth her chickēs vnder her wings and ye wolde not 38 Beholde your habitacion shal be left vnto you desolate 39 For I saye vnto you ye shal not se me hēce forthe til that ye say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. CHAP. XXIIII 1 Christ sheweth his disciples the destruction of the Tem ple. 5. 24. The false Christs 13 To perseuere 14 The preaching of the Gospel 6. 29 The signes of the end of the worlde 42 He warneth them to wake 44 The sudden comming of Christ. 1 ANd * Iesus went out departed frō the Temple and his disciples came to him 2 And Iesus said vnto them Se ye not all these things Verely I say vnto you * there shal not be here left a stone vpon a stone that shal not be cast downe 5 And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues his disciples came vnto him aparte saying TEll vs whē these things shal be and what signe shal be of thy comming and of the end of the worlde 4 And Iesus answered and said vnto them * Take hede that no man deceiue you 3 For manie shal come in my Name saying I am Christ and shal deceiue manie 6 And ye shal heare of warres and rumors of warres se that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to passe but the end is not yet 7 For nacion shal rise against nacion and realme againste realme and there shal be pestilence and famine and earth quakes in diuers places 8 Al these are but the beginning of sorowes 9 * Then shall they deliuer you vp to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shal be hated of all nacions for my Names sake 10 And then shal manie be offende shal betray one another and shal hate one another 11 And manie false prophetes shall arise and shal deceiue manie 12 And because iniquitie shal be increased the loue of manie shal be colde 13 * But he that endureth to the end he shal be saued 14 And thys Gospell of the kingdome shal be preached through the whole worlde for a witnes vnto all nacions and then shall the ende come 15 ¶ When ye* therefore shal se the abomi nation of desolation spoken of by * Daniel the Prophet standing in the holie place let him that readeth consider it 16 Then let them which be in Iudea flee into the mountaines 17 Let him which is on the house top not come downe to fetch anie thing out of his house 18 And he that is in the field let not him returne backe to fetch his clothes 19 And wo shal be to thē that are with childe and to them that giue sucke in those dayes 20 But pray that your flight be not in the winter nether on the * Sabbath day 21 For then shal be great tribulation suche as was not from the beginnyng of the worlde to this time nor shal be 22 And except those daies shuldbe shortned there shulde no flesh be saued but for the electes sake those dayes shal be shortened 23 * Then if anie shal say vnto you Lo here is Christ or there beleue it not 24 For there shal arise false Christs and false prophetes and shal shewe great signes and wonders so that if it were possible they shulde deceiue the verie elect 25 Beholde I haue tolde you before 26 Wherefore if they shal say vnto you Beholde he is in the desert go not forthe Beholde he is in the secret places beleue it not 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth into the West so shal also the comming of the Sonne of man be 28 * For wheresoeuer a dead carkeis is thither wil the egles resort 29 * And immediatly after the tribulations of those dayes shal the sunne be darkened and the moone shal not giue her light and the starres shal fall frō heauen the powers of heauen shal be shaken 30 And then shal appeare the signe of the Sōne of man in heauen then shal all the kinreds of the earth mourne they shalse the Sōne of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie 31 * And he shal send his Angels with a great sounde of a trumpet and they shal gather together his elect from the foure windes frō the one end of the heauen vnto the other 32 Now learne the parable of the figge tre whē her bough is yet tender it bringeth forthe leaues ye knowe that sommer is nere 33 So likewise ye when ye se all these things knowe that the kingdome of God is nere euen at the dores 34 Verely I say vnto you this generation shal not passe til all these things be done 35 * Heauen and earth shal passe away but my wordes shal not passe away 36 But of that day and houre knoweth no mā no not the Angels of heauen but my Father onely 37 But as the dayes of Noe were so likewise shal the comming of the Sonne of man be 38 * For as in the dayes before the flood they did eat and drinke mary and giue in mariage vnto the day that Noe entred into the Arke 39 And knewe nothing til the flood came toke them all awaye so shal also the comming of the Sonne of man be 40 * Thē two men shal be in the fields
foreknowledge 1 NOw then there is no comdemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the slesh but after the Spirit 2 For the Law of the Spirit flif which is in Christ Iesus hathe freed me from the law of sinne and of death 3 For that that was impossible to the Law in as muche as it was weake because of the flesh God sending his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinful flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh 4 That the righteousnes of the Law might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit 5 For they that are after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit 6 For the wisdome of the flesh is death but the wisdome of the Spirit is life peace 7 Because the wisdome of the flesh is enimitie against God for it is not subiect to the Law of God nether in dede can be 8 So then they that are in the flesh can not please God 9 Now ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit because the Spirit of God dwelleth in you but if anie man hathe not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his 10 And if Christ be in you the bodie is dead because of sinne but the Spirit is life for righteousnes sake 11 But if the Spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ frō the dead shal also quicken your mortal boides because that his Spirit dwelleth in you 12 Therefore brethren we are detters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh 13 For if ye liue after the flesh ye shal dye but if ye mortifie the dedes of the bodie by the Spirit ye shal liue 14 For as manie as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God 15 For ye haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the Spirit of ad opcion whereby we crye * Abba Father 16 The same Spirit beareth witnes with our Spirit that we are the children of God 17 If webe children we are also heires euē the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we maye also beglorified with him 18 For I counte that the afflictions of this present time are not worthie of the glorie which shal be shewed vnto vs. 19 For the seruēt desire of the creature waiteth when the sonnes of God shal be reueiled 20 Because the creature is subiect to vanitie not of it owne wil but by reason of him which hathe subdued it vnder hope 21 Because the creature also shal be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God 22 For we knowe that euerie creature groneth with vs also and trauaileth in paine together vnto this present 23 And not onely the creature but we also which haue the first frutes of the Spirit euē we do sigh in our selues waiting for the adopcion euen the * redemption of our bodie 24 For we are saued by hope but hope that is sene is not hope for how can a man hope for that which he seeth 25 But if we hope for that we se not we do with pacience abide for it 26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmi ties for we knowe not what to praye as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh 〈◊〉 for vs with sighs which can not be expressed 27 But he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the meaning of the Spirit for he maketh request for the Sainctes according to the wil of God 28 Also we knowe that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose 29 For those wich he knewe before he also predestinate to be made like to the image of his Sonne that he might be the first borne among manie brethren 30 Moreouer whome he predestinate them also he called and whome he called them also he iustified and whome he iustified them he also glorified 31 What shal we then say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs 32 Who spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shal he not with him giue vs all things also 33 Who shal lay anie thing to the charge of Gods chosen it it God that * iustifieth 34 Who shal condemne it is Christ which is dead yea or rather whiche is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request also for vs. 35 Who shal separate vs from the loue of Christ shal tribulacion or anguish or persecucion or famine or nakednes or peril or sworde 36 As it is written For thy sake are we killed all day long we are counted as shepe for the slaughter 37 Neuertheles in all these things we are more then conquerers through him that loued vs. 38 For I am persuaded that nether death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor pow ers nor things present nor things to come 39 Nor height nor depth nor anie other creatu re shal be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. CHAP. IX 1 Heauing testified his great loue towardes his nacion and the signes thereof 11 He entreateth of the election and reprobacion 24 Of the vocation of the Gentiles 30 And reiection of the Iewes 1 I Say the trueth in Christ I lye not my conscience bearing me witnes in the holie Gost. 2 That I haue great heauines and continual sorowe in mine heart 3 * For I wolde wish my self to be separate from Christ for my brenthren that are my kinsmen according to the flesh 4 Which are the Israelites to whome perteineth the adoption and the glorie and the * Couenantes and the giuing of the Law the seruice of God and the promises 5 Of whome are the Fathers and of whome concerning the flesh Christ came who is God ouer all blessed for euer Amen 6 * Not withstanding it can not be that the worde of God shulde take none effect for all they are not Israel which are of Israel 7 Nether are they all children because they are the sede of Abraham * but In Isaac shal thy sede be called 8 That is they which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the* children of the promes are counted for the sede 9 For this is a worde of promes * In this same time wil I come and Sara shal haue a sonne 10 Nether he onelie felt this but also * Rebecca when she had cōceiued by one euē by
that he hathe no nede but hath pow er ouer his owne will and hathe so decreed in his heart that he will kepe his virgine he doeth wel 38 So thē he that giueth her to mariage doeth well but he that giueth her not to mariage doeth better 39 The wife is bounde by the law as long as her housband * liueth but if her housband be dead she is atlibertie to mary with whom she wil onely in the Lord. 40 But she is more blessed if she so abide in my iudgement * and I thinke that I haue also the Spirit of God CHAP. VIII He rebuketh them that vse their libertie to the sclander of other in goyng to the idolatrous sacrifices 9 And sheweth how men ought to behaue them towarde suche as be weake 1 ANd as touchyng thyngs sacrificed vnto idoles we knowe that we all haue knowledge knowledge puffeth vp but loue edifieth 2 Nowe if any man thinke that he knoweth any thynge he knoweth nothynge yet as he ought to knowe 3 But if any man loue God the same is knowen of him 4 Concernyng therefore meat sacrificed vnto idoles we knowe that an idoll is nothyng in the worlde and that there is none other God but one 5 For thogh there be that are called Gods whe ther in heauen or in earth as there be many gods and many Lords 6 Yet vnto vs there is but one God whiche is the Father of whome are all thyngs and we in hym and * one Lorde Iesus Christ by whome are all things and we by him 7 But euerie man hathe not knowledge for some hauing conscience of the idole vntill this houre eat as a thing sacrificed vnto the idole and so their conscience being weake is defiled 8 But meat maketh not vs acceptable to God for nether if we eat haue we the more nether if we eat not haue we the lesse 9 But take hede lest by any meanes this power of your be an occasion of fallyng to them that are weake 10 For if any man se thee whiche haste knowledge sit at table in the idoles temple shall not the conscience of hym which is weake be boldened to eat those thyngs whiche are sacrificed to idoles 11 And through thy knowledge shall the * weake brother perishe for whome Christ dyed 12 Now when ye sinne so against the brethren and wounde their weake conscience ye sinne against Christ. 13 * Wherefore if meat offende my brother I wil eat no fleshe while the worlde standeth that I may not offend my brother CHAP. IX He exhorteth them by his example to vse their libertie to the 〈◊〉 of other 24 To runne on forthe in the course that they haue begonne 1 AMI not an Apostle am I not fre haue I not sene Iesus Christ our Lord are ye not my worke in the Lord 2 If I be not an Apostle vnto other yet douteles I am vnto you for ye are the seale of mine Apostleship in the Lord. 3 My defense to thē that examine me is this 4 Haue we not power to eat and to drinke 5 Or haue we not power to lead about a wife beyng a sister as wel as the rest of the Apostles and as the brethren of the Lorde and Cephas 6 Or I onely and Barnabas haue not we power not to worke 7 Who goeth a warfarre anye tyme at hys owne cost who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the frute thereof or who fedeth a 〈◊〉 and eateth not of the milke of the flocke 8 Saye I these thyngs accordyng to man sayth not the Law the same also 9 For it is written in the Law of Moses * Thou shalte not mussell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne doeth GOD take care for oxen 10 Ether saith he it not all together for our sakes For our sakes no doute it is written that he whiche eareth shulde eare in hope and that he that thre sheth in hope shuld be par taker of his hope 11 * If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall things is it a greate thyng if we reape your carnal things 12 If others with you be partakers of thys power are not we rather neuertheles we haue not vsed thys power but suffre all things that we shulde not hinder the Gospel of Christ. 13 Do ye not knowe that they whiche minister about the * holie things eat of the things of the Temple and they whiche wait at the altar are partakers with the altar 14 So also hathe the Lorde ordeined that they whiche preache the Gospell shulde lyue of the Gospel 15 But I haue vsed none of these thyngs nether wrote I these thynges that it shulde be so done vnto me for it were better for me to dye then that anie man shulde make my re ioycing vaine 16 For thogh I preache the Gospel I haue nothing to reioyce of for necessitie is laid vpō me and wo is vnto me if I preache not the Gospel 17 For if I do it willingly I haue are warde but if I do it against my wil not withstanding the dispensation is committed vnto me 18 What is my rewarde then verely that when I preache the Gospel I make the Gospel of Christe fre that I abuse not mine autoritie in the Gospel 19 For thogh I be fre from all men yet haue I made my selfe seruaunt vnto all men that I might winne the mo 20 * And vnto the Iewes I become as a Iewe that I may winne the Iewes to them that are vnder the Lawe as thogh I were vnder the Lawe that I maye winne them that are vnder the Law 21 To them that are without lawe as thogh I were without lawe when I am not without Lawe as perteyning to God but am in the Law through Christ that I may winne them that are without Law 22 To the weake I become as weake that I may winne the weake I am made all things to all men that I myght by all meanes saue some 23 And thys I do for the Gospels sake that I might be partaker thereof with you 24 Knowe ye not that they whiche runne in a race runne all yet one receyueth the price so runne that ye may obteine 25 And euerie man that proueth masteries absteineth from althings and they do it to obteine a corruptible crowne but we for an vncorruptible 26 I therefore so runne not as vn certeinly so fight I not as one that beateth the ayre 27 But I beat downe my bodie and bring it into subiection lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to other I my self shulde be reproued CHAP. X. He feareth them with the examples of the Iowes that they put not their trust carnally in the graces of God 14 Exhortyng them to 〈◊〉 all 〈◊〉 23 And offence of their neighbour 1
the testimonie of our conscience that in simplicitie and godlie purenes and not in fleshlie wisdome but by the grace of God we haue had our conuersation in the worlde and moste of all to you wardes 13 For we write none otherthings vnto you then that yeread or els that ye acknowledge and I trust ye shal acknowledge vnto the end 14 Euen as ye haue acknowledged vs partely that we are your reioycing euen as ye are ours in the day of our Lord Iesus 15 And in this confidence was I minded first to come vnto you that ye might haue had a double grace 16 And to passe by you into Macedonia and to come againe out of Macedonia vnto you and to be led forthe towarde Iudea of you 17 When I therefore was thus minded did I vse lightnes or minde I those things which I minde according to the flesh that with me shulde be Yea yea and Nay nay 18 Yea God is faithful that ourworde toward you was not Yea and Nay 19 For the Sonne of God Iesus Christ who was preacheh among you by vs that is by me and Siluanus and Timotheus was not Yea and Nay but in him it was Yea. 20 For all the promises of God in him are Yea and are in him Amen vnto the glorie of God through vs. 21 And it is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hathe anointed vs. 22 Who hathe also sealed vs and hathe giuen the * earnest of the Spirit in our hearts 23 Now I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that to spare you I came not as yet vnto Corinthus 24 Not that we haue dominion ouer your faith but we are helpers of your ioye for by faith ye stande CHAP. II. He sheweth his loue towardes them 7 Requiring like wise that thei wolde be fauorable to the incestuous adulterer seing he did repent 14 He also reioyceth in God for the efficacie of his doctrine 17 Confuting thereby suche quarelpikers as vnder pretence of speaking against his persone soght nothing but the ouerthrowe of his doctrine 1 BVt I determined thus in my self that I wolde not come againe to you in heauines 2 For if I make you sorie who is he then that shulde make me glad but the same which is made sorie by me 3 And I wrote this same thing vnto you lest when I came I shulde take heauines of thē of whome I ought to reioyce this confidēce haue I in you all that my ioye is the ioye of you all 4 For in great affliction and anguish of heart I wrote vnto you with many teares not that ye shulde be made sorie but that ye might perceiue the loue which I haue specially vnto you 5 And if any hathe caused sorow the same hathe not made me sorie but partely lest I shulde more charge him you all 6 It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of manie 7 So that now contrarie wise ye ought rather to forgiue him and comforte him lest the same shulde be swalowed vp with ouer muche heauines 8 Wherefore I praye you that you wolde con firme your loue towards him 9 For this cause also did I write that I might knowe the profe of you whether ye wolde be obedient in all things 10 To whome ye forgiue aniething I forgiue also for verely if I forgaue anie thing to whome I forgaue it for your sakes forgaue I it in the sight of Christ 11 Lest Satan shulde circumuent vs forwe are not ignorant of his enterprises 12 ¶ Furthermore when I came to Troas to preache Christs Gospel and a dore was ope ned vnto me of the Lord 13 I had no rest in my spirit because I founde not Titus my brother but toke my leaue of thē and went away into Macedonia 14 Now thankes be vnto God which alwayes maketh vs to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the sauour of his knowledge by vs in euerie place 15 For we are vnto God the swete sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them which perish 16 To the one we are the sauour of death vnto death and to the other the sauour of life vnto life * and who is sufficient for these things 17 * For we are not as manie which make marchandise of the worde of God but as of synceritie but as of God in the sight of God speake we in Christ. CHAP. III. 1 He taketh for example the faith of the Corinthians for a probation of the trueth which he preached 6 And to exalte his Apostleship against the bragges of the false apostles 7. 13 He maketh comparison betwixt the Law and the Gospel 1 DO we beginne to praise our selues againe or nede we as some other epistles of recommendation vnto yon or letters of recommendation from you 2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts which is vnderstand and red of all men 3 In that ye are manifest to be the epistle of Christ ministred by vs and written not with yncke but with the Spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in fleshlie tables of the heart 4 And suche trust haue we through Christ to God 5 Not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God 6 Who also hathe made vs able ministers of the New testament not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter killeth but the Spi rit giueth life 7 If then the ministration of death written with letters and ingrauen in stones was glorous so that the children of Israel colde not beholde the face of Moses for the glorie of his contenāce which glorie is done away 8 Ho shal not the ministration of the Spirit be more glorious 9 For if the ministerie of condēnation was glorious muche more doeth the ministratiō of righteousnes excede in glorie 10 For euen that which was glorified was not glorified in this point that is as touching the exceding glorie 11 For if that which shulde be abolished was glorious muche more shal that which remaineth be glorious 12 Seing then that we haue suche trust we vse great boldenes of speache 13 * And we are not as Moses which put a vaile vpon his face that the childrē of Israel shulde not looke vnto the end of that which shulde be abolished 14 Therefore their mindes are hardened for vntil this day remaineth the same couering vntak 〈◊〉 away in the reading of the Olde testament which vaile in Christ is put away 15 But euen vnto this day when Moses is red the vaile is layed ouer their hearts 16 Neuertheles when their heart shal be turned to the Lord the vaile shal be taken away 17 Now the Lord is the * Spirit and where the Spirit of
the Lord is libertie 18 But we all beholde as in a mirrour the glorie of the Lord with open face are changed into the same image from glorie to glorie as by the Spirit of the Lord. CHAP. IIII. 1 He declareth his diligence and roundenes in his office 8 And that which his 〈◊〉 toke for his disaduantage to wit the crosse and 〈◊〉 which he endured he tur ned it to his great aduantage 11 17. Shewing what profit cometh thereby 1 THerefore seing that we haue this ministerie as we haue 〈◊〉 mercie we fainte not 2 But haue cast from vs the clokes of shame and * walke not in craftines nether handle we the worde of God disceitfully but in declaration of the trueth we approue our selues to euerie mans conscience in the sight of God 3 If our Gospel be then hid it is hid to them that are lost 4 In whome the god of this worlde hathe blinded the mindes that is of the infideles that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ which is the 〈◊〉 of God shulde not shine vnto them 5 For we preache not our selues but Christ Iesus the Lord and our selues your seruants for Iesus sake 6 For God that * commanded the light to shine out of darkenes is he which hathe shined in our hearts to giue the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God in the fa ce of Iesus Christ. 7 But we haue this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellēcie of that power might be of God and not of vs. 8 We are afslicted on euerie side yet are we not in distresse in pouertie but no ouer come of pouertie 9 We are persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but we perish not 10 Euerie where we beare about in our bodie the dying of the Lord Iesus that the life of Iesus might also be made manifest in our bodies 11 For we which liue are alwayes deliuered vnto death for Iesus sake that the life also of Iesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh 12 So then death worketh in vs and life in you 13 And because we haue the same Spirit of faith according as it is written * I beleued and therefore haue I spoken we also beleue and therefore speake 14 Knowing that he which hathe raised vp the Lord Iesus shal raise vs vp also by Iesus shal set vs with you 15 For all things are for your sakes that moste plenteous grace by the thank esgiuing of manie may redounde to the praise of God 16 Therefore we faint not but thogh our out warde man perish yet the inwarde man is renewed daily 17 For our light affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre moste excellent and an eternal waight of glorie 18 While we loke not on the things which are sene but on the things which are not sene for the things which are sene are temporal but the things which are not sene are eternal CHAP. V. 1 Paul procedeth to declare the vtilitic that cometh by the crosse 4 How we ought to prepare ourselues vnto it 5. By whome 9 And for what end 14. 19 He setteth forthe the grace of Christ 10 And the office of ministers and all the faithful 1 FOr we knowe that if our earthlie house of this tabernacle be destroied we haue buylding giuen of God that is an house not made with hands but eternal in the heauens 2 For therefore we sigh desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen 3 Because that if we be clothed we shal not be founde * naked 4 For in dede we that are in this tabernacle sigh and are burdened because we wolde not be vnclothed but wolde be clothed vpon that mortalitie might be swalowed vp of life 5 And he that hathe created vs for this thing is God who also hathe giuen vnto vs the earnest of the Spirit 6 Therefore we are alway bolde thogh we knowe that whiles we are at home in the bodie we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walke by faith and not by sight 8 Neuertheles we are bolde and loue rather to remoue out of the bodie to dwell with the Lord. 9 Wherefore also we couet that bothe dwelling at home remouing from home we may be acceptable to him 10 * For we must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ that euerie man may receiue the things which are done in his bodie according to that he hathe done whether it be good or euil 11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men and we are made manifest vnto God I trust also that we are made manifest in your consciences 12 For we praise not our selues againe vnto you but giue you an occasion to reioyce of vs that ye may haue to answere against thē which reioyce in the face and not in the heart 13 For whether we be out of our wit we are it to God or whether we be in our right minde we are it vnto you 14 For the loue of Christ constraineth vs because we thus iudge that if one be dead for all then were all dead 15 And he dyed for all that they which liue shulde not hence forthe liue vnto them selues but vnto him which dyed for them and rose againe 16 Wherefore hence for the know we no man after the flesh yea thogh we had knowen Christ after the flesh yet now hence forthe know we him no more 17 Therefore if anie man be in CHRIST let him be a newe creature * Olde things are passed away beholde all things are beco me newe 18 And all things are of God which hathe reconciled vs vnto him self by Iesus Christ and hathe giuen vnto vs the ministerie of reconciliation 19 For God was in Christ and reconciled the worlde to him self not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hathe committed to vs the worde of reconciliation 20 Now then are we ambassadours for Christ as thogh God did beseche you through vs we praye you in Christs stede that ye be reconciled to God 21 For he hathe made him to be sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we shulde be made the righteousnes of God in him CHAP. VI. 1 An exhortation to Christian life 11 And to beare him like affection as he doeth them 14 Also to kepe them selues from all pollution of idolatrie bothe in bodie and soule and to haue none acquaintance with idolaters 1 SO we therefore as workers together be seche you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine 2 For he saith * I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of saluation haue I suckered thee beholde now the accepted time beholde now the daye of saluation 3 We
minister by the gifte of the grace of God giuen vnto me* through the working of his power 8 * Euen vnto me the least of all Saintes is this grace giuen that I shulde preache among the * Gentiles the vnsearcheable riches of Christ 9 And to make cleare vnto all men what the felowship of the * mysterie is which frō the beginning of the worlde hathe bene hid in God who hathe created all things by Iesus Christ 10 To the intēt that now vnto principalities and powers in heauenlie places might be knowen by the Church the manifolde wisdome of God 11 According to the eternal purpose which he wroght in Christ Iesus our Lord. 12 By whome we haue boldnes and entrance with confidence by faith in him 13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for your sakes which is your glorie 14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ 15 Of whome is named the whole familie in heauen and in earth 16 That he might grante you according to the riches of his glorie that ye may be strengthned by his Spirit in the inner man 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in loue 18 May be able to comprehend with all Saintes what is the breadth length depth and height 19 And to knowe the loue of Christ which pas seth knowledge that ye may be filled with all fulnes of God 20 * Vnto him therefore that is able to do exceading abundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that wor keth in vs 21 Be praise in the Church by Christ Iesus throughout all generations for euer Amen CHAP. IIII. He exhorteth themvnto mekenes long suffering vnto loue and peace 3 Euerie one to serue and edifie another with the gift that God hathe giuen him 14 To beware of strange doctrine 22 To lay aside the olde conuersation of griedie lustes and to walke in a newe life 1 I * Therefore being prisoner in the Lord praye you that ye walke worthie of the vo cation whereunto ye are called 2 With all humblenes of minde and mekenes with long suffring supporting one another through loue 3 Endeuoring to kepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bonde of peace 4 There is one bodie and one Spirit euen as ye are called in one hope of your vocation 5 There is one Lord one Faith one Baptisme 6 * One God and Father of all which is aboue all and through al in you all 7 * But vnto euerie one of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith * When he ascended vp on hie he led captiuitie captiue and gaue giftes vnto men 9 Now in that he ascended what is it but that he had also descēded first into the louest partes of the earth 10 He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all things 11 * He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophetes and some Euangelistes and some Pastours and Teachers 12 For the gathering together of the Saintes for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ. 13 Till we all mete together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfite man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ. 14 That we hence forthe be no more children waueringe and caryed about with euerie winde of doctrine by the deceit of men and with craftines wherby the laye in waite to deceiue 15 But let vs followe the trueth in loue and in all things growe vp into him whiche is the head that is Christ. 16 By whome all the bodie being coupled and knit together by euerie ioynt for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power whiche is in the measure of euerie parte receiueth increase of the bodie vnto the edifying of it self in loue 17 This I say therefore and testifie in the Lord that ye henceforthe walke not as * other Gentiles walke in vanitie of their minde 18 Hauing their cogitation darkened being strangers from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the hardenes of their heart 19 Which being past * feling haue giuen thē selues vnto 〈◊〉 to worke all vnclennes euen with griedines 20 But ye haue not so learned Christ. 21 If so be ye haue heard him and haue bene taught by him as the trueth is in Iesus 22 That is * that ye cast of concernyng the conuersatiō in time past the olde man whiche is corrupt through deceiueable lustes 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your minde 24 * And put on the new man whiche after God is created in righteousnes and true holines 25 * Wherefore cast of lying and speake euerie man trueth vnto his neighbour for we are members one of another 26 * Be angry but sinne not let not the sunne go downe vpon you wrath 27 * Nether giue place to the deuil 28 Let hym that stole steale no more but let him rather labour and worke with hys hāds the thing which is good that he may haue to giue vnto him that nedeth 29 * Let no corrupt communication procede out of your mouth but that whiche is good to the vse of edifying that it may minister grace vnto the hearers 30 And grieue not the holie Spirit of God by whome ye are sealed vnto the day of redēption 31 Let all bitternes and angre and wrath crying and euil speaking be put away from you with all maliciousnes 32 * Be ye courteous one to another and tender hearted forgiuing one another euen as God for Christs sake forgaue you CHAP. V. 2 He exhorteth them vnto loue 3 Warneth them to beware of vnclennes couetousnes foolish talking and false doctrine 17 To be circumspecte 18 To auoide dronkennes 19 To reioyce and to be thākefull towarde God 21 To submit them selues one to another 22 He entrea teth of corporall mariage and of the spirituall betwixt Christ and his Churche 1 BE ye therefore followers of God as dere children 2 * And walke in loue euen as Christe hathe loued vs and hathe giuen himself for vs to be an offring and a sacrifice of a swete smel ling sauour to God 3 * But fornication and all vnclennes or coueto usnes let it not be once named among you as it becometh Saintes 4 Nether filthines nether foolish talking nether iesting which are thing not comelie but rather giuing of thankes 5 For this ye knowe that no whoremonger nether vncleane persone nor
couetous persone which is an idolater hathe any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ of God 6 * Let no man deceiue you with vaine wordes for suche things commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience 7 Be not therefore companions with them 8 For ye were once darkenes but are now light in the Lord walke as childrē of light 9 For the frute of the Spirite is in all goodnes and righteousnes and trueth 10 Approuyng that whiche is pleasing to the Lord. 11 And haue no fellowship with the vnfruteful workes of darkenes but euen reproue thē rather 12 For it is shame euen to speake of the things whiche are done of them in secret 13 But all thinges when they are reproued of the light are manifest for it is light that ma keth all things manifest 14 Wherefore he saith A wake thou that slepest and stand vp from the dead and Christe shall giue thee light 15 Take hede therefore that ye walke circumspectly not as fooles but as * wise 16 Redemyng the time for the dayes are euil 17 * Wherefore be ye not vnwyse but vnderstand what the will of the Lord is 18 And be not drunke with wine wherein is excesse but be fulfilled with the Spirit 19 Speaking vnto your selues in psalmes and hymnes and spiritual songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in your hearts 20 Giuing thankes 〈◊〉 for all things vnto God euen the Father in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ. 21 Submitting yourselues one to another in the feare of God 22 ¶ * Wiues submit yourselues vnto your housbands as vnto the Lord. 23 * For the housband is the wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the Church and the same is the sauiour of his bodie 24 Therefore as the Churche is in subiection to Christ euen so let the wiues be to their housbands in euerie thing 25 ¶ * Housbands loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Churche and gaue him self for it 26 That he might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the worde 27 That he might make it vnto himself a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrincle or anie suche thing but that it shulde be holie and without blame 28 So ought men to loue their wiues as their owne bodies he that loueth his wife loueth him self 29 For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the Lord doeth the Church 30 For we are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones 31 * For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother and shal cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh 32 This is a great secret but I speake concerning Christ and concerning the Churche 33 Therefore euerie one of you do ye so let euerie one loue his wife euen as him self let the wife se that she feare her housbād CHAP. VI. 1 How children shulde behaue themselues towarde their fathers and mothers 4 Likewise parents towarde their children 5 Seruants towarde their masters 9 Masters towarde their seruants 13 An exhortation to the spiritual battel and what weapōs the Christians shulde fight with all 1 CHildren * obey your parents in the Lord for this is right 2 * Honour thy father and mother whiche is the first commandement with promes 3 That it may be wel with thee and that thou maist liue long on earth 4 And ye fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord. 5 * Seruants be obedient vnto them that are your masters according to the flesh with feare trēbling in singlenes of your hearts as vnto Christ. 6 Not with seruice to the eye as men pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doyng the will of God from the heart 7 With good will seruing the Lord and not men 8 And know ye that whatsoeuer good thing any man doeth that same shall he receiue of the Lord whether he be bonde or fre 9 And ye masters do the same things vnto thē putting away threatning and knowe that euen your maister also is in heauen nether * respect of persone with hym 10 ¶ Finally my brethrē be strong in the Lord is there and in the power of his might 11 Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the assauts of the deuil 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against * principalities against powers 〈◊〉 against the wordlie gouernours the princes of the darkenes of this worlde against spiritual wickednesses whiche are in the hie places 13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resist in the euil daye hauing finished al things stand fast 14 Stand therefore your loines girde about with veritie and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnes 15 And your fete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace 16 Aboue al take the shielde of faith wherewith ye may quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked 17 * And take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the Spirit which is the worde of God 18 And pray alwaise with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit and * watch thereunto with al perseuerance and supplication for all Saintes 19 * And for me that vtterance may be giuen vnto me that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel 20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bondes that therin I may speake boldely as I ought to speake 21 ¶ But that ye may also knowe mine affaires and what I do 〈◊〉 chicus my deare brother and faithfull minister in the Lorde shall shewe you of all things 22 Whome I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose that ye might knowe mine affaires and that ye might comfort your hearts 23 Peace be with the brethren and loue with faith from God the Father and frome the Lord Iesus Christ. 24 Grace be with all them whiche loue our Lord Iesus Christe to their immortalitie Amen Written from Rome vnto the Ephesians and sent by Tychicus THE EPISTLE OF Paul to the Philippians THE ARGVMENT PAul being warned by the holie Gost to go to Macedonia planted first a Churche at Philippi a citie of thesame coun trey but 〈◊〉 his charge was to preache the Gospel vniuersally to all the Gentiles he trauailed from place to place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he was taken prisoner at Rome whereof the Philippians being 〈◊〉 sent their minister 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 vnto him who declaring him the state of the Churche caused him to write this Epistle wherein he 〈◊〉
〈◊〉 that they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 against the false apostles putting 〈◊〉 in minde of his good will towarde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that his 〈◊〉 make them not to shrinke for the Gospel thereby was consirmed and not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he desireth them to 〈◊〉 ambition and to embrace modestie promising to send Timotheus vn to 〈◊〉 who 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in matters more amply yea and that he him 〈◊〉 wolde also come vnto them addyng 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cause of 〈◊〉 ministers so long abode And because there were no greater enemies to the crosse then the false 〈◊〉 he confuteth their false doctrine by 〈◊〉 onely Christ to be the end of all true religion with whome we haue all thing and without whome we haue nothing so that his death is our life and hisresurrection our 〈◊〉 After this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bothe particular and general with 〈◊〉 of hisaffection towarde them and thankeful accepting of their 〈◊〉 CHAP. I. 1 S. Paul discouereth his heart towarde them 3 By his thākes giuyng 4 Prayers 8 And wishes for their 〈◊〉 and saluation 7. 12. 20 He 〈◊〉 the frute of his crosse 15. 27. And 〈◊〉 them to vnitie 28 And 〈◊〉 1 PAul and Timotheus the seruants of Iesus Christe to all the Saintes in Christe 〈◊〉 whiche are at Philippi with the Bishops and Deacons 2 Grace be with you peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. 3 * I thanke my God hauing you in perfect memorie 4 Alwaise in all my prayers for all you praying with gladnes 5 Because of the fellowship whiche ye haue in the Gospel from the first day vnto now 6 And I am persuaded of this same thing that he that hathe begone this good worke in you wil performe it vntil the day of Iesus Christ. 7 As it becometh me so to iudge of you al becausel haue you in remembrāce that both in my bandes and in my defense and confirmation of the Gospell you all were partakers of my grace 8 For God is my recorde how I long after you al from the verie heart rote in Iesus Christ. 9 And this I pray that your loue may abunde yet more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement 10 That ye may discerne thinges that differ one from another that ye may be pure ād with out offence vntill the day of Christ. 11 Filled with the frutes of righteousnes whi che are by Iesus Christe vnto the glorie and praise of God 12 ¶ I wolde ye vnderstode brethren that the things which haue come vnto me are turned rather to the furthering of the Gospel 13 So that my bandes in Christe are famous throughout all the iudgement hall and in all other places 14 In so muche that manie of the brethren in the Lord are boldened through my bandes and dare more frankely speake the worde 15 Some preache Christ euen through enuie and strife and some also of good wil. 16 The one parte preacheth Christ of conten tion ād not purely supposing to adde more affliction to my bandes 17 But the others of loue knowing that I am set for the defense of the Gospel 18 What then yet Christ is preached all maner wayes whether it be vnder a pretence of syncerely and I therein ioye yea and will ioye 19 For I knowe that this shal turne to my salua tion through your prayer and by the helpe of the Spirit of Iesus Christ. 20 As I hartely loke for and hope that in nothing I shal be ashamed but that with all con fidence as all wayes so nowe Christ shal be magnified in my bodie whether it be by life or by death 21 For Christ is to me bothe in lyfe and in death aduantage 22 And whether to lyue in the fleshe were profitable for me and what to chose I know not 23 For I am greatly in doute on bothe sides de siring to be losed and to be with Christ whiche is beste of all 24 Neuertheles to abide in the flesh is more nedeful for you 25 And this am I sure of that I shal abide and with you all continue for your furtherance and ioye of your faith 26 That ye maye more abundantly reioyce in Iesus Christ for me by my commyng to you againe 27 * Onely let your cōuersation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ that whether I come ād se you or els be absent I may heare of your matters that ye continue in one Spi rite and in one minde fightyng together through the faith of the 〈◊〉 28 And in nothing feare your aduersaries whi che is to them a token of 〈◊〉 and to you of saluation and that of God 29 For vnto you it is giuen for Christe that not onely ye shulde beleue in hym but also suffer for his sake 30 Hauyng the same fight whiche ye sawe in me and now heare to be in me CHAP. II. 3 He exhorteth them aboue all things to humilitie whereby pure doctrine is chiefly mainteined 19 Promising that he and Timotheus will spedely come vnto them 27 And excuseth the long tarying of Epaphroditus 1 IF there be therefore anie consolation in Christ if anie comforte of loue if anie felowship of the Spirit if anie compassion ād mercie 2 Fulfill my ioye that ye be lyke minded hauing the same loue being of one accorde and of one iudgement 3 That nothing be done through contention or vaine glorie but that in mekenes of minde * euerye man esteme other better then himself 4 Loke not euerie man on hys owne thynges but euerie man also on the thyngs of other men 5 Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus 6 Who being in the forme of God thoght it no robbery to be equal with God 7 * But he made him self of no reputation and toke on hym the forme of a seruaunt and was made like vnto men and was founde in shape as a man 8 * He humbled hymselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse 9 Wherefore God hathe also hyghly exalted hym and giuen hym a Name aboue euerye name 10 * That at the Name of Iesus shulde euerie knee bowe bothe of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth 11 * And that euerie tongue shulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the Father 12 Wherefore my beloued as ye haue alwaise obeyed not as in my presence onelye but nowe muche more in myne absence so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling 13 For it is God which worketh in you bothe the will and the dede euen of hys good pleasure 14 Do all things without * murmuring and reasonings 15 That ye maye be blameles and pure and the sonnes of God wythout rebuke in
instructed bothe to be ful and to be hongrie and to abunde and to haue want 13 I am able to do all things through the helpe of Christ which strengtheneth me 14 Notwithstanding ye haue wel done that ye did communicate to mine affliction 15 And ye Philippians knowe also that in the beginning of the Gospel when I departed from Macedonia no Church communicated with me concerning the matter of giuing and receiuing but ye onely 16 For euen when I was in Thessalonica ye sent once and afterwarde againe for my necessitie 17 Not that I desire a gift but I desire the frute which may further your reckening 18 Nowe I haue receiued all and haue plentie I was euen filled after that I had receiued of Epaphroditus that which came from you an odour that smelleth swete a sacrifice acceptable and pleasant to God 19 And my God shall fulfil all your necessities through his riches with glorie in 〈◊〉 Christ 20 Vnto God euen our Father be praise for euermore Amen 21 Salute all the Saintes in Christ Iesus The brethren which are with me grete you 22 All the Saintes salute you and moste of all they which are of Cesars housholde 23 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen Written to the Philippians from Rome and sent by Epaphroditus THE EPISTLE OF Paul to the Collossians THE ARGVMENT IN this Epistle S. Paul putteth difference betwene the liuelie effectual true Christ and the fained 〈◊〉 and imagined Christ whome the false Apostles taught And first he confirmeth the doctrine whiche Epaphras had preached wishing them increase of faith to esteme the excellencie of Gods benefite towarde them teachyng them also that saluacion and whatsoeuer good thing can be desired standeth onely in Christ whome onely we embrace by the Gospell But for asmuche as the false brethren wolde haue mixed the Lawe with the Gospel he toucheth those flatterers vehemently and exhorteth the Collossians to staye onely on Christ without whome all things are but mere vanitie And as for Circumcision abstinence from meates externall holines worshiping of Angels as meanes whereby to come to Christ he vtterly condemneth shewing what was the office and nature of ceremonies whiche by Christ are abrogate so that now the exercises of the Christians stande in mortification of the flesh new 〈◊〉 of life with other lyke offices apperteyning bothe generally and particularly to all the faithful CHAP. I. 3 He giueth thankes vnto God for their faith 〈◊〉 Confirmeth the doctrine of Epaphras 9 Prayeth for the increase of their faith 13 He sheweth vnto them the true Christ and discouereth the contrefait Christ of the false Apostles 25 He approueth his autoritie and charge 28 And of his faithful executing of the same 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ by the wil of God and Timotheus our brother 2 To thē which are at Coloce Saintes faithful bretherē in Christe Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. 3 We giue thankes to God euen the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ alwayes praying for you 4 Since we heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of your loue towarde all Saintes 5 For the hopes sake whyche is layd vp for you in heauen whereof ye haue hearde before by the worde of trueth which is the Gospel 6 Which is come vnto you euen as it is vnto all the worlde and is fruteful as it is also among you from the daye that ye heard and truely knewe the grace of God 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras our deare felowe seruaunt whiche is for you a faithfull minister of Christ. 8 Who hathe also declared vnto vs your loue which ye haue by the Spirit 9 For thys cause we also sinne the daye we heard of it cease not to praye for you and to desire that ye myght be fulfilled wyth knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spiritual vnderstanding 10 * That ye might walke worthie of the Lord and please him in all things beyng * frutefull in all good workes and increasing in the knowledge of God 11 Strengthned with all might through his glo rious power vnto all pacience and long suffring with ioyfulnes 12 Gyuing thankes vnto the Father whiche hathe made vs mete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saintes in light 13 Who hathe deliuered vs from the power of darkenes and hathe translated vs into the kingdome * of his deare Sonne 14 In whom we haue redemption through his bloode that is the forgiuenes of sinnes 15 Who is the * image of the inuisible God the first borne of euerie creature 16 * For by him were all things created which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and inuisible whether they be Thro nes or Dominions or Principalities or Pow ers all thynges were created by hym and for hym 17 And he is before all thynges and in hym all things consist 18 And he is the head of the bodie of the Chur che he is the beginning * ād the first borne of the dead that in all things he might haue the preeminence 19 * For it pleased the Father that in hym shulde all fulnes dwell 20 And by him to reconcile all thynges vnto hymselfe and to set at peace through the blood of his crosse both the things in earth and the things in heauen 21 And you whiche were in times past strangers and enemyes because your mindes were set in euil workes hathe he now also reconciled 22 In the bodie of his flesh through death to make you * holie ād vnblameable and without faute in his sight 23 * If ye continue grounded and stablished in the fayth and be not moued awaye from the hope of the Gospell whereof ye haue heard and whiche hathe bene preached to euerie creature which is vnder heauē wherof I Paul am a minister 24 Nowe 〈◊〉 I in my suffrings for you and fulfil the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church 25 Whereof I am a minister accordynge to the dispensation of GOD whiche is giuen me vnto you warde to fulfill the worde of God 26 * Whiche is the mysterie hyd since the worlde began and from all ages but now is made manifest to his Saintes 27 To whome GOD wolde make knowen what is the riches of this glorious mysterie among the Gentiles which riches is Christ in you * the hope of glorie 28 Whome we preache admonishyng euerie man and teaching euerie man in al wisdome that we may present euerie man perfecte in Christ Iesus 29 Whereunto I also labour and striue accordyng to his working which worketh in me myghtly CHAP. II. 1 Hauing protected his good wil towarde them 4 He admonisheth them not to
turne backe from Christ. 8 To the seruice of Angels or anie other inuention or els ceremonies of the Law 17 which haue finished their office and are ended in Christ. 1 FOr I wolde ye knowe what greate fighting I haue for your sakes and for them of Lao dicea and for as manie as haue not sene my persone in the flesh 2 That their hearts myght be comforted and they knit together in loue and in all ryches of the full assurance of vnderstandynge to knowe the mysterie of God euen the Father and of christ 3 In whom are hid al the treasures of wisdome and knowledge 4 And this I saye lest anie man shulde beguile you with entising workes 5 * For thogh I be absent in the flesh yet am I with you in the spirite reioycing and beholding your ordre and your stedfast fayth in Christ. 6 As ye haue therefore receiued Christ Iesus the Lord so walke in him 7 Roted and buylt in him and stablished in the fayth as ye haue * bene taught abundynge therein with thankes giuing 8 Beware lest there be anye man that spoile you through philosophie and vayne deceit through the traditions of men accordyng to the rudiments of the worlde and not after Christ. 9 * For in hym dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead bodely 10 And ye are compleate in him whiche is the head of all Principalitie and Power 11 In whome also ye are 〈◊〉 with * cir cumcision made without hands by puttyng of the sinful bodie of the fleshe through the circumcision of Christ. 12 In that ye are * buryed wyth hym through Baptisme in whome ye are also raysed vp together through * the fayth of the operation of God whiche raised hym from the dead 13 * And ye whiche were dead in sinnes and in the vncircumcision of your flesh hathe he quickened together with hym forgiuing you all your trespaces 14 And putting out the * hande writing of ordinances that was againste vs whiche was cōtrarie to vs he euē toke it out of the way and fastened it vpon the crosse 15 And hathe spoiled the Principalities and Powers and hathe made a shewe of them openly and hathe triumphed ouer them in the same crosse 16 Let no man therefore condemne you in meat and drynke or in respect of an holye daye or of the newe moone or of the Sabbath dayes 17 Whiche are but a shaddowe of thyngs to come but the bodie is in Christ 18 * Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenes of minde and worshiping of Angels aduancing him self those things whiche he neuer sawe rashly put vp with his fleshlie minde 19 And holdeth not the head whereof all the bodie furnished ād knit together by iointes and bandes encreaseth with the increasing of God 20 Wherfore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the worlde why as thogh ye liued in the worlde are ye burdened with traditions 21 As Touche not Taste not Handel not 22 Which al perish with the vsing and are after the commandements and doctrines of men 23 Which things haue in deed a shewe of wisdome in n voluntarie religion ād humblenes of minde and in not sparyng the bodie nether haue they it anie estimation to satisfie the flesh CHAP. III. 1 He sheweth where we shulde 〈◊〉 Christ. 5 He exhorteth to mortification 10 To put of the old man and to put on Christ. 12 To the which he addeth exhortation bothe general and particular to charitie and humilitie 1 IFye then be risen with Christ seke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 2 Set your affections on thinges whiche are aboue and not on thinges whiche are on the earth 3 For ye are dead and your lyfe is hid with Christ in God 4 When Christ which is our lif shal appeare then shall ye also appeare wyth hym in glorie 5 * Mortifie therefore your members which are on the earth fornication vnclennes the in ordinate affection euill concupiscence couetousnes which is idolatrie 6 For the whiche thinges sakes the wrath of God cometh on the childrē of disobediēce 7 Wherein ye also walked once whē ye liued in them 8 * But now put ye away euen all these things wrath angre maliciousnes cursed speaking filthie speaking out of your mouth 9 Lie not one to another seynge that ye haue put of the olde man with his workes 10 And haue put on the newe whiche is renewed in knowledge * after the image of him that created him 11 Where is nether Grecian nor Iewe circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarian Scythian bonde fre but Christ is all and in all things 12 * Now therefore as the elect of God holye beloued put on tender mercie kindnes humblenes of mind mekenes long suffring 13 For bearing one another and forgiuing one another if anie mā haue a quarel to another 〈◊〉 as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye 14 And aboue all these thinges put on loue which is the bonde of perfectnes 15 And let the peace of GOD rule in your heartes to the whiche ye are called in one bodie and be ye amiable 16 Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wisdome teaching and admonishing your owne selues in psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs singing with a * grace in your hearts to the Lord. 17 * And whatsoeuer ye shall do in worde or dede do all in the Name of the Lord Iesus giuing thankes to God euen the Father by him 18 ¶ * Wiues submite your selues vnto your housbands as it is comelie in the Lord. 19 * Housbands loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them 20 ¶ * Childrē obey your parēts in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lord. 21 Fathers prouoke not your childrē to anger lest they be discouraged 22 ¶ * Seruants be obedient vnto them that are your masters accordyng to the fleshe in all things not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of heart fearing God 23 And whatsoeuer ye do do it heartely as to the Lord and not vnto men 24 Knowing that of the Lorde ye shall receyue the rewarde of the inheritance for ye serue the Lord Christ. 25 But he that doeth wrong shall receiue for the wrong that he hathe done and there is no * respect of persones CHAP. IIII. 2 He exhorteth them to be feruent 〈◊〉 prayer 5 To walke wiselye towarde them that are not yet come to the true knowledge of Christ He saluteth them and wisheth thē all prosperitie 1 YEmasters do vnto your seruauntes that which is iuste and equal knowing that ye also haue a master in
must not striue but must be gentle towarde all men apt to teache suffring the euil men paciently 25 Instructing them with mekenes that are cō trarie minded prouyng if GOD at anye time will gyue them repentaunce that they may knowe the trueth 26 And that they maye come to amendement out of the snare of the deuill which are takē of him at his wil. CHAP. III. 1 He prophecieth of the perilous times 2 Setteth out hypo crites in their colours 12 Sheweth the state of the Christians 14 And how to auoide dangers 16 Also what profit cometh of the Scriptures 1 THys knowe also that in the * laste dayes shal come perilous times 2 For men shal be louers of theyr owne selues couetous boasters proude cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnthankefull vnholye 3 Without naturall affection truce breakers false accusers intemperate fierce 〈◊〉 of them which are good 4 Traitours headie hygh mynded louers of pleasures more then louers of God 5 Hauyng a she we of godlynes but haue denied the power thereof turne away therfore from suche 6 For of this sorte are they which crepe into houses and lead captiue simple women laden with sinnes and led with diuers lustes 7 Whiche women are euerlearnyng and are neuer able to come to the knowledge of the trueth 8 * And as Iannes and Iambres with stode Mo ses so do these also resiste the trueth men of corrupte myndes reprobate concernyng the fayth 9 But they shall preuaile no longer for theyr madnes shal be euident vnto al men as theirs also was 10 ¶ But thou hast fully knowen my doctrine maner of lyuing purpose faith long suffering loue pacience 11 Persecutions and afflictions whiche came vnto me at* Antiochia at Iconium and at I ystri whiche persecutions I suffered but from them all the Lord deliuered me 12 Yea and all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution 13 But the euill men and deceiuers shall waxe worsse and worsse deceyuyng and beyng de 〈◊〉 14 But continue thou in the thyngs whyche thou hast learned and art persuaded thereof knowyng of whome thou hast learned them 15 And that thou hast knowen the holie Scriptures of a childe whiche are able to make thee wise vnto saluation through the fayth whiche is in Christ Iesus 16 * For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teache to improue to correct and to instructe in ryghteousnes 17 That the man of GOD may be absolute being made perfite vnto all good workes CHAP. IIII. 1 He exhorteth Timotheus to be feruēt in the worlde and to suffer aduersitie 6 Maketh mention of his own death 9 And biddeth Timothie come vnto him 1 I Charge thee therefore before God and before the Lord Iesus Christ whiche shal iudge the quicke and dead at his appearing and in his kingdome 2 Preache the worde be instant in season and out of season improue rebuke exhorte with all long suffring and doctrine 3 For the time will come when they will not suffer wholsome doctrine but hauyng their eares itching shal after their owne lustes get them an heape of teachers 4 And shall turne their eares from the trueth and shal be giuen vnto fables 5 But watch thou in all thyngs suffer aduersitie do the worke of an Euangeliste make thy ministerie fully knowen 6 For I am nowe ready to be offered and the time of my departing is at hand 7 I haue foght a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith 8 For hence forth is laid vp for me the crown of righteousnes which the Lorde the rightous iudge shall giue me at that daye and not to me onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearyng 9 Make spede to come vnto me atonce 10 For Demas hath forsakē me and hath embraced this present worlde and is departed vnto Thessalonica Crescens is gone to Galacia Titus vnto Dalmacia 11 * Onely Luke is with me Take Marke and bring him with thee for he is profitable vnto me to minister 12 And Tychicus haue I sent to Ephesus 13 The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus when thou comest bring with thee and the bokes but specially the parchements 14 Alexander the copper smith hath done me muche euil the Lorde rewarde hym according to his workes 15 Of whome be thou ware also for he withstode our preaching sore 16 At my first answering no man assisted me but all forsoke me I praye God that it may not be laid to their charge 17 Notwithstanding the Lord assisted me and strengthened me that by me the preachyng myght be fully knowen and that all the Gen tiles shulde heare and I was deliuered out of the mouth of the lion 18 And the Lord will deliuer me from euerie euil worke and wil preserue me vnto his hea uenlie kingdome to whome be praise for euer and euer Amen 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and the * housholde of Onesiphorus 20 Erastus abode at Corinthus Trophimus I left at Miletum sicke 21 Make spede to come before winter Eubulus greteth thee and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brethren 22 The Lorde Iesus Christ be with thy spirit Grace be with you Amen The seconde Epistle written from Rome vnto Timotheus the first bishop elected of the Churche of Ephesus when Paul was presented the second time before the Emperour Nero. THE EPISTLE OF Paul to Titus THE ARGVMENT WHen Titus was left in Creta to finish that doctrine which Paul had there begonne Satan stirred vp certeine which went about not onely to ouerthrowe the gouernement of the Churche but also to corrupt the doctrine for some by ambition wolde haue thrust in them selues to be Pastours others vnder pretext of Moses Law broght in manie trifles Against these two sortes of men Paul armeth Titus first teachyng him what maner of Ministers he ought to chose chiefly requiryng that they be men of sounde doctrine to the intent they myght resiste the aduersaries and amongs other things he noreth the Iewes whiche put a certeine holines in meates and suche outwarde ceremonies teachyng them whiche are the true exercises of a Christian life and what things apperteine to euerie mans vocation Againste the whiche if anie man rebelle or els doeth not obey he willeth him to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 CHAP. I. 5 He aduertiseth Titus touchyng the gouernement of the Church 7. The ordinance and office of ministers 12 The nature of the Cretians and of them which sowe abroade Iewish fables and inuentions of men 1 PAVLa seruant of God and an Apostle of IESVS Christ accordynge to the fayth of Gods elect and the knowledge of the trueth which is accordyng to godlines 2 Vnder the hope of eternall life whiche God that can not lie hathe promised before the * worlde began 3 But
that is in thine house 3 Grace be with you and peace from GOD our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. 4 I* giue thankes to my God making mēcion alwaies of thee in my prayers 5 When I heare of thy loue and faith which thou hast towarde the Lord Iesus and to warde all Saintes 6 That the felowship of thy faith may be made fruteful and that whatsoeuer good thing is in you through Christ Iesus may be knowen 7 For we haue great ioye and consolacion in in thy loue because by thee brother the Saintes hearts are comforted 8 Wherefore thogh I be verie bolde in Christ to commande thee that which is cōuenient 9 Yet for loues sake I rather beseche thee thogh I be as I am euen Paul aged and euen now a prisoner for Iesus Christ. 10 I beseche thee for my sonne* Onesimus whome I haue begotten in my bondes 11 Whiche in time past was to thee vnprofitable but now profitable bothe to thee and to me 12 Whome I haue sent againe thou therefore receine him that is mine owne bowels 13 Whome I wolde haue reteined with me that in thy stede he might haue ministred vnto me in the bondes of the Gospel 14 But without thy minde wolde I do nothyng that thy benefite shulde not be as it were of necessitie but willingly 15 It may be that he therefore departed for a ceason that thou shuldest receiue hym for euer 16 Not now as a seruant but aboue a seruant euen as a brother beloued specially to me how muche more than vnto thee bothe in the flesh and the Lord 17 If therefore thou counte our things commune receiue him as my self 18 If he hathe hurt thee or oweth thee ought that put on mine accountes 19 I Paul haue written this with mine owne hand I wil recompense it albeit I do not say to thee that thou owest vnto me euen thine owne self 20 Yea brother let me obteine this pleasure of thee in the Lord comforte my bo wels in the Lord. 21 Trusting in thine obedience I wrote vnto thee knowing that thou wiltdo euen more then I say 22 Moreouer also prepare 〈◊〉 lodgyng for I trust through your prayers I shal be giuen vnto you 23 There salute thee Epaphras my fellowe pri soner in Christ Iesus 24 Marcus Aristarchus Demas and Luke my fellowe helpers 25 The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe be with your spirit Amen Written from Rome to Philemon and sent by Onesimus a seruant THE EPISTLE TO the Ebrevves THE ARGVMENT FOrasmuche as diuers bothe of the Greke writers and Latines witnesse that the writer of this Epistle for iuste causes wolde not haue his name knowen it were curiositie of our parte to labour muche therein For seing the Spirit of God is the autor thereof it diminisheth nothing the autoritie althogh we knowe not with what penne he wrote it Whether it were Paul as it is not like 〈◊〉 Luke or Barnabas or Clement or some other his chief purpose is to persuade vnto the Ebrewes whereby he principally meaneth them that abode at Ierusalem and vnder them all the rest of the Iewes that Christ Iesus was not onely the redemer but also that at his comming all ceremonies must haue an end forasmuche as hys doctrine was the conclusion of al the prophecies therfore not onely Moses was inferior to him but also the Angels for they al were seruants he the Lord but so Lord that he hathe also taken our flesh and is made our brother to assure vs of our saluation through him self for he is that eternal Priest whereof all the Leuitical Priests were but shadowes and therfore at his comming they ought to cease and all sacrifices for 〈◊〉 to be abolished as he proueth from the seuenth chap. verse 11. vnto the 12. chap. verse 13. Also he was that Prophet of whome all the Prophetes in time past witnessed as is de clared from the 12. chapter verse 18. to the twentie and fiue verse of the same chapter yea and is the King to whome all things are subiect as appeareth from that verse 25. to the beginning of the last chapter Wherefore according to the examples of the olde fathers we must constantly beleue in him that being sanctified by his iustice taught by his wisdome and gouerned by his powet we may stedfastly and courageously perseuere euen to the end in hope of that ioye that is set before our eyes occupying our selues in Christian exercises that we may bothe be thankeful to God duetiful to our neighbour CHAP. I. 1 He sheueth the excellencie of Christ. 4 Aboue the Angels 7 And of their office 1 AT sondrie times and in diuers maners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the Prophetes 2 In these last dayes hathe spoken vnto vs by his Sōne whom he hathe made heir of all things by whome also he made the worldes 3 * Who being the brightnes of the glorie the ingraued forme of his persone and bea ring vp al things by his mightie worde hathe by him self purged our sinnes and sitteth at the right hand of the maiestie in the high est places 4 And is made so muche more excellent then the Angels in as muche as he hath obteined a more excellent name then thei 5 For vnto which of the Angels said he at anie time * Thou art my Sonne this day begate I thee and againe I * wil be his Father and he shal be my sonne 6 And againe when he bringeth in his first begotten Sonne into the worlde he saith * And let all the Angels of God worship him 7 And of the Angels he saith * He maketh the Spirits his messengers and his ministers a flame of fyre 8 But vnto the Sonne he saith * O God thy throne is for euer and euer the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnes 9 Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie Wherefore God euen thy GOD hathe anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes 10 And Thou Lord in the beginning hast established the earth ād the heauens are the workes of thine hands 11 They shal perish but thou doest remaine and they all shal waxe oldeas doeth a garment 12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp and they shal be changed but thou art the same and thy yeres shal not faile 13 Vnto which also of the Angels said he at anie time Sit at my right hand til I make thine enemies thy fotestole 14 Are they not all ministring spirits sent forthe to minister for their sakes which shal be heires of saluation CHAP. II. 1 He exhorteth vs to be obedient vnto the new Law which Christ hathe giuen vs 9 And not to be offended at the infirmitie and Iowe degre of Christ 10 Because it was necessarie that for oursakes he shulde
Tabernacle was standing 9 Which was a 〈◊〉 for the time present wherein were offred giftes and sacrifices that colde not make holie concerning the conscience him that did the seruice 10 Which onely stode in meats and drinkes and diuers washings and carnal rites vntil the time of reformation 11 But Christ being come an hie Priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfite Tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this buylding 12 Nether by the blood of goates and calues but by his owne blood entred he in once vn to the holie place and obteined eternal redemption for vs. 13 * For if the blood of bulles and of goates and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling them that are vncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifying of the flesh 14 How muche more shal the blood of Christ which through the eternal Spirit offred him self without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to * serue the liuing God 15 And for this cause is he the Mediatour of the new Testament that through * death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receiue the promes of eternal enheritance 16 Forwhere a testament is there must be the death of him that made the testament 17 * For the testamēt is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is a liue 18 Wherefore nether was the first ordeined without blood 19 For when Moses had spoken euerie precept to the people according to the Law he toke the blood of calues and of goates with water and purple wolle and hyssope and sprinkled bothe the boke and all the people 20 * Saying This is the blood of the Testament which God hathe appointed vnto you 21 Moreouer he sprinkled likewise the Tabernacle with blood also and all the ministring vessels 22 And almost al things are by the Law purged with blood and without sheading of blood is no remission 23 It was then necessarie that the similitudes of heauēlie things shulde be purified with such things but the heauenlie things them selues are purified with better sacrifices then are these 24 For Christ is not entred into the holie places that are made with hands which are similitu des of the true Sanctuarie but is entred in to very heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs 25 Not that he shulde offer him self often as the hie Priest entred into the Holie place eue rie 〈◊〉 with other blood 26 For them must he haue often suffred since the fundacion of the worlde but now in the end of the worlde hathe he appeared once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of him self 27 And as it is appointed vnto men that they shal once dye and after that commeth the iudgement 28 So Christ was once offred to take away the sinnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shal he appeare the seconde time without sinne vnto saluation CHAP. X. 1 The olde lawe had no power to clense awaye sinne 10. But 〈◊〉 did it with offering of his bodie once for all 22 An exh rtation to receiue the goodnes of God than kefully with patience and stedfast faith 1 FOr the * Lawe hauing the shadowe of good things to come and not the very image of the things can neuer with those sa crifices which they offer yere by yere continually sanctifie the commers thereunto 2 For wolde they not then haue ceased to haue bene offred because that the offerers once purged shulde haue had no more conscice of sinnes 3 But in those sacrifices there is a remēbran ce againe 〈◊〉 euerie yere 4 For it is vnpossible that the blood of bulles and goates shulde * take away sinnes 5 Wherefore when he commeth into the worlde he saith * Sacrifice and offring thou woldest not but a bodie hast thou ordeined me 6 In burnt offrings and sinne offrings thou hast had no pleasure 7 Then I said Lo I come In the beginning of the boke it written of me that I shulde do thy wil ô God 8 Aboue when he said Sacrifice and offring and burnt offrings and sinne offrings thou woldest not haue nether hadst pleasure ther in which are offred by the Law 9 Then said he Lo I come to do thy wil ô God he taketh away the first that he may stablish the seconde 10 By the which wil we are sanct fied enen by the offring of the bodie of Iesus Christ once made 11 And euerie Priest appeareth daiely ministring and ofttimes offreth one maner of offring which can neuer take awaye sinnes 12 But this man after he had offred one sacrifice for sinnes * sitteth for euer at the right hand of God 13 And from hence forth tarieth * til his enemies be made his fotestole 14 For with one offring hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified 15 For the holie Gost also bearest vs recorde for after that he had said before 16 * This is the Testament that I wil make vnto them after those daies saith the Lorde I wil put my Lawes in their heart and in their mindes I wil write them 17 And their sinnes and iniquities wil I remem ber no more 18 Now where remission of these things things is there is no more offring for sinne 19 Seing therefore brethrē that by the blood of Iesus may be bolde to enter into the holie place 20 By the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh 21 And seing we haue an hie Priest whiche is ouer the house of God 22 Let vs drawe nere with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinkeled in our hearts frō an euil conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water 23 Let vs kepe the profession of our hope without wauering for he is faithfull that promised 24 And let vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes 25 Not forsakyng the 〈◊〉 that we haue among our selues as the maner of some is but let vs exhorte one another and that so muche the more because ye se that the day draweth nere 26 * For if we sinne willingly after that we haue receiued the knowledge of the trueth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes 27 But a feareful loking for of iudgement and violent fyre which sha deuoure the aduersaries 28 He that despiceth Moses Law dyeth withoutmercie* vnder two or thre witnesses 29 Of how muche forer punishment suppose ye shal he be worthie which tradeth vnder fote the Sonne of God and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholie thing where with he was sanctified
haue eternal life and that ye maye beleue in the Name of the Sonne of God 14 And thys is the assurance that we haue in him * that if we aske aniething accordyng to his wil he heareth vs. 15 And if we knowe that he heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske we knowe that we haue the peticions that we haue desired of him 16 If anie man se his brother sinne a sinne that is not vnto death let hym aske and he shall giue him lyfe for them that sinne not vnto death * There is a sinne vnto death I saye not that thou shuldest praye for it 17 All vnryghteousnes is sinne but there is a sinne not vnto death 18 We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God kepeth himself and the wicked toucheth him not 19 We knowe that we are of GOD and the whole worlde lyeth in wickednes 20 But we knowe that the Sonne of God is * come and hathe giuen vs a minde to knowe him whiche is true and we are in him that is true that is in his Sonne Iesus Christ this same is verie God and eternal life 21 Babes kepe your selues from idoles Amē THE SECONDE EPISTLE of Iohn He writeth vnto a certeine ladie 4 Reioycing that her children walke in the trueth 5 And exhorteth vnto loue 7 Warneth them to beware of such deceiuers as denie that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh 8 Prayeth them to continue in the doctrine of Christ. 10 And to haue nothing to do with them that brynge not the true doctrine of Christ Iesus our Sauiour 1 THe Elder to the elect Ladie and her chyldren whome I loue in 〈◊〉 the trueth ād not I onelye but also all that haue knowē the trueth 2 For the trueths sake whyche dwelleth in in vs and shal be with vs for euer 3 Grace be with you mercie ād peace frō God the Father and frō the Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the Father with trueth and loue 4 I reioyced greatly that I founde of thy children walkyng in trueth as we haue receiued a commandement of the Father 5 And now beseche I thee Ladie not as writing a new commandement vnto thee but that same whiche we had frō the beginning that we * loue one another 6 And this is the loue that we shulde walke af ter his commandements This commandement is that as ye haue hearde from the begynning ye shulde walke in it 7 For manie deceiuers are entred in the world which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh He that is suche one is a deceiuer and an Antichrist 8 Loke to your selues that we lose not the thyngs whiche we haue done but that we may receiue a ful rewarde 9 Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hathe not God He that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath bothe the Father and the Sonne 10 If there come anie vnto you and bring not this doctrine * receiue him not to house nether bid him God spede 11 For he that biddeth him God spede is partaker of his euil dedes Althogh I had manie thynges to write vnto you yet I wolde not write with paper and yncke but I trust to come vnto you ād speake mouth to mouth that our ioye may be ful 12 The sonnes of thine elect sister grete thee Amen THE THIRD EPIstle of Iohn 3 He is glad of Gaius that he walketh in the trueth 8 Exhorteth to be louyng vnto the poore Christen in their persecution 9 Sheweth the vnkinde dealing of Diotrephes 12 And the good reporte of Demetrius 1 THE Elder vnto the beloued Gaius whome I loue in the trueth 2 Beloued I wishe chiefly that thou prosperedst and faredst wel as thy soule prospereth 3 For I reioyced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the trueth that is in thee how thou walkest in the trueth 4 I haue no greater ioye then this that is to he are that my sonnes walke in veritie 5 Beloued thou doest faythfully whatsoeuer thou doest to the brethren and to strāgers 6 Whiche bare witnes of thy loue before the Churches Whome if thou bringest of their iourney as it besemeth accordyng to God thou shalt do wel 7 Because that for hys Names sake they went forthe and toke nothing of the Gentiles 8 We therefore ought to receiue suche that we might be helpers to the trueth 9 I wrote vnto the Churche but Diotrephes whiche loueth to haue the preeminence among them receiueth vs not 10 Wherefore if I come I will declare hys dedes whyche he doeth prateling againste vs with malicious wordes and not there with content nether he him self receiueth the bre thren but forbiddeth them that wolde and thrusteth them out of the Church 11 Beloued followe not that which is euil but that whiche is good he that doeth well is of god but he that doth euil hath not sene god 12 Demetrius hathe good reporte of all men and of the trueth itselfe yea and we ourselues beare recorde and ye knowe that our recorde is true 13 I haue manie thyngs to write but I will not with yncke and pen write vnto thee 14 For I truste I shall shortely se thee and we shal speake mouth to mouth Peace be with thee The friends salute thee Grete the friends by name THE GENERAL Epistle of Iude. THE ARGVMENT SAint Iude admonisheth all Churches generally to take hede of deceiuers which go about to drawe awaye the hearts of the simple people from the trueth of God and willeth them to haue no societie with suche whome he setteth forthe in their liuelie colours shewing by diuers examples of the Scriptures what horrible vengeance is prepared for thē finally he comforteth the faithful and exhorteth them to perseuere in the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ. 1 IVde a seruant of Iesus Christ and brother of Iames to them whiche are cal led and sanctified of God the Father and reserued to Iesus Christ 2 Mercie vnto you and peace and loue be multiplied 3 Beloued when I gaue all diligence to write vnto you of the commune saluation it was nedeful for me to write vnto you to exhorte you that ye shulde earnestly contende for the maintenance of the faith whiche was once giuen vnto the Saintes 4 For there are certeine men crept in whiche were before of olde ordeyned to this condemnation vngodlie men they are whiche turne the grace of our God into wantonnes and * denye God the onelie Lorde and our Lord Iesus Christ. 5 I wil therefore put you in remembrance forasmuche as ye once knewe thys howe that the Lord after that he had deliuered the peo ple out of Egypte * destroyed them afterwarde which beleued not 6 The * Angels also which kept not their first estat but
3. Christ is the Wisdome of God Luk. 11. 49. the wisdome of God hid in the Gospel 1. Cor. 2. 7. what the wisdome of this worlde is with God 1. Cor. 1. 19 3. 19. Beare no false witnes Exode 20. 16. and 23. 1. the testimonie of witnesses Deut. 17. 6. what punishemēt is appointed for false witnes bearing Deut. 19. 16. ¶ The woman diseased with an yssue of blood is healed Mat. 9. 20. the woman that hathe the bloodie yssue Leuit. 15. 19. Let euerie woman haue her housband 1. Corin. 7. 2. Ephes. 5. 22. the woman that turneth her housband from the true God shal dye the death Deut. 13. 6. He that striketh a woman with childe Exod. 21. 22. womans duetie 1. Cor. 11. 6 and 14. 34. Paul preacheth to women Act. 16. 13. the iewes might not marie strāge womē Exod. 34. 16. Ezr. 10. 3. women preserued in taking of cities Deut. 20. 14. the elder women shuld instruct the yōg to loue their housbands Tit. 2. 3 Against womē that disguise them selues in mens apparel Deut. 22. 5. The famine of Gods worde Amos. 8. 11. 〈◊〉 that sinneth not in Worde is perfite Iam. 3. 2 〈◊〉 is the Worde of God Iohn 1. 1. 〈◊〉 nothing to the Worde of god nor take anie thyng from it Deut. 4. 2. and 12. 32 〈◊〉 awaye the Worde of the Lord. 1. Sam. 15. 23. 〈◊〉 Worde shulde be laid vp in our hearts Deu. 6. 6. 11. 18. we ought to follow it Deut. 5. 32. We ought to teache it to our children Deut. 4. 9. and 11. 19 〈◊〉 Worde of god how we ought to handle it 〈◊〉 6. 7. 〈◊〉 Wordes thou shalt be iustified Mat. 12. 37. 〈◊〉 Workeman is worthie of his meat Mat. 10. 10. 〈◊〉 Workes Ephes. 5. 11. 〈◊〉 Workes do witnesse of faith 〈◊〉 5. Ebr. 6. 10. 2. Pet. 1. 5. 〈◊〉 of mercie Mat. 25. 31 〈◊〉 of darkenes Tit. 2. 12 〈◊〉 of gentiles we must 〈◊〉 Ephes. 4. 17. 〈◊〉 of god are perfite deu 32. 4 〈◊〉 of iniquitie Mat. 25. 41 〈◊〉 of light Ephes. 5. 9. 〈◊〉 that defile a mā Mar. 7. 20 〈◊〉 workes we are not saued Rom. 〈◊〉 Ephes. 2. 8. Tit. 3. 5 〈◊〉 shall iudge the Worlde 1. Cor. 6. 2. Christ prayeth not for the worlde Ioh. 17. 9 Loue not the worlde 1. Ioh. 2. 15 The facion of this worlde goeth awaye 1. Cor. 7. 31 The Worlde made by christ Ioh. 1. 10 True Worshippers Ioh. 4. 23 The Worshippers of strange gods are stoned to death Deut. 17. 5. are deliuered into the hands of spoilers iud 2. 14. The Worshipers of strange gods shall dye the death Deut. 6. 14. To Worship god in spirit Ioh. 4. 23 Worship god onely Mat. 4. 10 The Worship of strange gods is forbidden Exod. 23. 13 ¶ The Wrath of god on the children of disobedience Coloss. 3. 6. Y THe Ydle are reproued Prou. 21. 25. 22. 13. and 26. 13 The euils that come of yldenes prou 24. 30. Yalenes to be auoyded prou 20. 13. and 21. 25. ¶ The Yere of iubile Leuit. 25. 11. ¶ A Yoke of yron for the disobedient Deut. 28. 48. The duetie of Yong women Tit. 2. 4 The lustes of Youth are to be auoided 2. Tim. 2. 22. Z ZAccheus the Publicane 19. 2. Zachariah the kyng of Israel 2 14. 29. Zalmunna and zebah slaine by Iudg. 8. 21. Zamzummin a people Deut. 2. 〈◊〉 ¶ The Zeale of god against the ma. walketh according to the 〈◊〉 nes of his heart Deut. 29. 20. The Zeale of moses Exod. 32. 26. of 〈◊〉 nebas Nomb. 25. 7. of eliiah 1. King 18. 40. of Iehu 2. King 10. 16. Zebulun his genealogie and hys doings Gen. 30. 20. and 46. 14. 49. 13. Deut. 53. 18. Zechariah the sonne of iehoiada the priest 2. Chron. 24. 20. Zechariah the sonne of berechiah zecha 1. 1. Mat. 23. 35. Zedekiah King 2. Kyng 24. 17. 25. 7. Ierem. 52. 1. Ezek. 12. 13 Zeeb slaine Iudg. 7. 25 Zerubbabel the sonne of shealtiel hag 1. 12 ¶ Zibba 2. Sam. 9. 2. Zidkitah a false prophet 1. King 22. 11 Zimri the King of Israel and his doings 1. King 6. 9 Zion the citie of Dauid 2. Sam. 5. 9. 1. Chron. 11. 5. ¶ The end of the table A PERFITE SVPPVTATION OF THE YERES AND TIMES FROM ADAM VNTO CHRIST PROued by the Scriptures after the collection of diuers autors The summe of the yeres of the first age 〈◊〉 Adā vnto Noes flood are yeres 1656. 〈◊〉 when Adam was a 130 yere olde he 〈◊〉 Seth. 〈◊〉 being 105. yeres begate Enos 〈◊〉 being 90. yeres begate Cainan 〈◊〉 being 70 yeres begate Mahalaleel 〈◊〉 being 65. yeres begate Iared 〈◊〉 at the age of a 162. yeres begate Enoch 〈◊〉 being 65 yeres begate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at the age of 187. eyeres 〈◊〉 Lamech 〈◊〉 being 182 yeres begate Noe. 〈◊〉 the comming of the flood was 〈◊〉 yeres olde as appeareth in the 〈◊〉 of Genesis The whole summe of the yeres are 1656. FRom the said flood of Noe vnto Abra hams departing from Chalde were 363. yeres and ten dayes For the said flood continued one whole yere and ten dayes Sem which was Noes sonne begate Ar phaxat two yeres after that Arphaxat begate Salah when he was 35. yeres olde Salah being 30. yeres olde begate Heber Heber at his age of 34. begate Phalech Phalech being 30 yeres begate Regu Regu being 32. yeres begate Saruch Saruch being 30. yeres begate Nahor Nahor being 29. yeres begate Thare Thare being 70. yeres begate Abraham And Abraham departed from Chalde when he was 70. yeres olde These said yeres accounted are 363. yeres ten dayes FRom Abrahams departing from Vr in Chalde vnto the departing of the children of Israel from Egypt are 430. yeres gathered as followeth Abraham was in Charran fiue yeres departed in the 75. yere He begate Isaac whē he was 100. yeres olde and in the 25 yere of his departing Isaac begate Iakob when he was 60. yeres olde Iak ob went into Egypt with all his familie when he was 130. yere olde Israel was in Egypt 220. yeres which re maine from that time Then rebate 80. yeres from this for so olde was Moses when he conducted the Israelites from Egypt So the reste of the yeres that is to say 130 are deuided betwixt Amram and Chath Then Chath begate Amram at 〈◊〉 67 yeres 〈◊〉 65. yeres begate 〈◊〉 who in the. 80. yere of his age 〈◊〉 with the Israelites frome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 supputation is the. 430 〈◊〉 mencioned in the. 12 of Exod. and the. 3. to the Galatians Rom the goyng of the Israelites frō Egypt vnto the first buylding of the Temple ate 480. yeres after this supputation and accounte Moses remained in the desert or wildernes 40. yeres Iosue and Othonied ruled 40. yeres Aioth 70. yeres Debora 40. yeres Gedeon 40. yeres Abimelech 3. 〈◊〉 Thela 23. yeres Iair 22. yeres There were they without a captaine vnto the 18. yere of Iepthe Iepthe 6. yeres Abissam
shal be a witnes against thee which 〈◊〉 receiued that blood which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cruelly shed l Thous halt neuer 〈◊〉 rest for thine heart shal be in 〈◊〉 feare 〈◊〉 care m He burdeneth God as a cruel iudge because he did punish him so sharpely “ Or my sinne is greater then can be pardoned n Not for the loue he bare to Káin but to suppresse murther o A visible signe of Gods 〈◊〉 that other shulde feare p Thinking the reby to be sure to haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sion to 〈◊〉 Gods 〈◊〉 against him q The lawful 〈◊〉 of maria ge which is that two shuld be one flesh was first cor rupt in the house of Kain by Lamech “ Or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or flutes and pipes r His wiues 〈◊〉 that all men hated him for his crueltie were 〈◊〉 therefore he braggeth that there is none so 〈◊〉 that were able to resist 〈◊〉 he were already wounded “ He 〈◊〉 at Gods sufferance is Kain iesting an thogh God 〈◊〉 suffren one to punish him and yet giue him licence to murther others t In these dayes God began to mo ue the hearts of the godlie to resto re religion which along time by the wicked had bene suppressed “ Or rehearsal of the stocke a Read Chap. 1 26. b By giuing them bothe one name he noteth the inseparable 〈◊〉 of man and 〈◊〉 c Aswel concerning his creation as his corruption 〈◊〉 Chro. 1 1. d He proueth Adams generation by thē which came of Sheth to she we which is the true Church and al so what care God had ouer the same from the beginning in that he cō tinued euer his gra ces toward it by a cōtinual successiō e The chief cause of long life in the first age was the multi plication of mankinde that according to Gods commandement at the beginning the worlde might be increased with people whiche might vniuersally praise his Name Eccl. 44. 15. ebr 11. 5. f That is he led an vpright and go 〈◊〉 g To 〈◊〉 that the re was a better li fe prepared and to be a testimonie of the immortalitie of soules bodies As to 〈◊〉 whe re he became is mere curiositie h Laméch had respect to the promes Chap. 3 15. desired to sethede 〈◊〉 which shul de be sent and vet sawe but a figure thereof he also spa ke this by the Spirit of prophecie because Noah deli uered the Church and preserued it by his obedience a The children of the godlie which began to degenerate b Those that came of wicked 〈◊〉 as of Kain c Hauing more re spect to their beau tie to worldely cōsiderations thē to their maners godlines d Because man co de not be wonne by Gods lenitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whe reby he shoue to 〈◊〉 him he wolde no longer stay his 〈◊〉 e Which terme God gaue man to repent before he wolde destroy the earth 1 Per. 3. 20. “ Or tyrants f Which vsurped au toritie ouer others did degenerate from that simplicitie wherein 〈◊〉 fathers liued g God doethneuer repent but he spea keth after our capa citie because he did destroy him in that as it were did disauo we him to be his creature Chap. 8 21. mat 19 19 h God declareth how muche he de testeth sinne seing the punishmēt thereof extendeth to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i God mercifull vnto him “ Or historie k Meaning that al were giuen to the contempt of God and oppression of their neighbours “ 〈◊〉 I will destroy mankinde Or oppression and wickednes ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 “ Or of this 〈◊〉 l That is of thre heightes asappca reth in this 〈◊〉 m To the intent that in this great enterprise 〈◊〉 kings of the whole worlde thou maist be cōfirmed that thy faith faile not Ebr. 11. 7. n That is he obeyd Gods commandemēt in all points 1. Pet. 2. 5. a In respect of the rest of the 〈◊〉 and because he had a de sire to serue God liue 〈◊〉 b Whiche might be offred in 〈◊〉 i fice whereof six were sor breed and the seuenth for sacrifice Mat 24. 37. Luk. 〈◊〉 26. 1. Pet. 3. 20. c God compelled them to present thé seluesto Noah as thei did before to Adā when he gaue thē names Chap. 2. 19. d Which was about the beginning of Maie when all things did 〈◊〉 florish e Bothe the waters in the earth did ouer slowe also the cloudes powred 〈◊〉 f Euerie Huyng thing that God wolde haue to be preserued on earth came into the Arke to 〈◊〉 g So 〈◊〉 Gods 〈◊〉 power defended him against the rage of the 〈◊〉 waters ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 ve ry mightie Wisd. 〈◊〉 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 28. h That is God i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 onely and to 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 1. Pet. 3. 20. a Not that God 〈◊〉 his at 〈◊〉 time but 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then he 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b If God remem ber 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c Which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of October “ Or stayed “ Or 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 was the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 ” 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 () The 〈◊〉 is sent forthe 〈◊〉 () 〈◊〉 sendeth the 〈◊〉 e It is like that the 〈◊〉 did 〈◊〉 to fro restyng on the Arke but 〈◊〉 not in to it as the 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or bil f whiche was a signe that the wa ters were muche diminished for the oliuers grow not on the hie mountaines g Called Ebrew Abib cōtcining 〈◊〉 of Marche parte of April h Noah declareth his obediēce in that he wold not departe out of the Arke with out Gods expres se 〈◊〉 as he did not entre in without the same Chap. 1. 22. 9. 1. i For sacrifices whiche were as an 〈◊〉 of their faith wherby they vsed to giue thankes to God for his bene fites “ Or aswete sauour k That is thereby he shewed hym selfe appeased his angre to 〈◊〉 Chap. 6. 5. 〈◊〉 15. 19. l The ordre of nature destroyed by the flood is re stored by Gods promes a God increased them with 〈◊〉 declared vnto them his counsel as touching the replenishing of the earth b By the vertue of this cōmandement 〈◊〉 age not so muche against mā asthey wolde yea and many serue to his vse thereby c By this permission man may with a good con science vse the 〈◊〉 of God for his necessitie Chap. 1. 29. d That is liuyng 〈◊〉 and the fleshe of beastes that are strāgled and hereby all 〈◊〉 is for bid den Leui. 17. 14. e That is I will take vengeance for your bloode “ Or neighbour f Not onelye by the 〈◊〉 are but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God 〈◊〉 vp one 〈◊〉 to kill another g 〈◊〉 to kil man is to deface Gods image and so iniurie is not onelye done to mā but to God Mat. 26. 52. Reuel 13. 10. h To assure you that
can not preuaile by craft thei brast for the into open rage a This 〈◊〉 was called 〈◊〉 W omaried 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. 20. Act. 7. 20. 〈◊〉 11. 23. b Committing him to the proui dence of God W om she colde nor kepe from the rage of the tyrant c Mans counsel can not hindre 〈◊〉 which God hathe determined shal come to passe d That is was 〈◊〉 vere olde Act. 7. 23. ” Ebr. thus and thus e Being assured that God had appointed him to deliuer the Israelites Act 7. 25. f Thogh by hys feare he 〈◊〉 hys 〈◊〉 yet faith couered it 〈◊〉 11. 27. “ Or prince ” Ebr. saued thē “ Or grande father g VVherin he declared a thankful minde which wolde recompen ce the 〈◊〉 done vnto his Chap. 〈◊〉 3. h God humbleth his by 〈◊〉 that they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto him and receiue the 〈◊〉 of his promes i He iudged their 〈◊〉 or acknow ledged them to be his Or far within the desert a It was so called after the Lawe was giuen b Called also Sinay c This signifieth that the 〈◊〉 is not consumed by the fier of afflictions because GOD is in the middes thereof d VVhome he called the Angel 〈◊〉 2. e Resigne thy selfe vp to me Ruth 4. 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 f Because of my presence Mat. 22. 32. Act. 7. 32. g For sinne 〈◊〉 seth mā to 〈◊〉 Gods iustice h VVhose 〈◊〉 was intollerable i Moste plentiful of all 〈◊〉 k He hearde before but nowe he wolde reuenge it l He doeth not fully disobeye GOD but acknowledgeth his owne weakenes m Nether feare thine own weak nes nor Pharaohs tyrannie n The God whiche haue euer bene am and shal be the God almyghtie by whom al things haue their being and the God of mercie mindeful of my promes Reues 1. 4. ” Ebr. in visiting haue 〈◊〉 Or appeared vnto vs. o Because Egypt was ful of idolatrie God wolde appoint them a place where thei 〈◊〉 serue him purely p This exemple 〈◊〉 not be followed generally thogh at Gods commandement they did it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some 〈◊〉 of their labours “ Or in whose houses he 〈◊〉 neth a God beareth with Moses dou 〈◊〉 because he was not al togegether without 〈◊〉 b This power to worke miracles was to confirme his doctrine and to assure him of his vocation “ Or white as snowe “ Or the wordes consirmed by the first signe c Because 〈◊〉 thre signes shuld be sufficient witnesses to proue that Moses shuld deliuer Goddes people ” Ebr. frome yesterday and yet yesterday ” Ebr. heauie of mouthe Mat. 10 19 and 12. 13. “ Or ministerie d That is of the Messias or some other that is more mete 〈◊〉 e Thogh we pro 〈◊〉 God iustly to anger yet he wil neuer reiect hys f Thou shalt 〈◊〉 him what to say g Meaning as a wise counsellor and full of Gods Spirit “ Or kinssolke and lignage ” Ebr. caused thē to ride h VVher by he wroght the miracles i By reteynyng my spirit and de liuering him vnto Satā to increa se his malice k Meaning 〈◊〉 dere vnto him l God punished with sicknes for neglectynge 〈◊〉 Sacrament m This acte was extraordinarie for Mosés was sore sicke God euen then required it “ Or the Angel “ Or 〈◊〉 n So that Moses had now experience of Gods promes that he shulde haue good successe a Faith 〈◊〉 meth feare and maketh men bol de in their vocation b And offre sacrifice “ Or God hathe met vs. ” Ebr. lest he mete vs With pestilence c As thogh ye Wolde rebel d Which Were of the Israelites and had charge to se them do their 〈◊〉 e The more cruelly that tyrants rage the 〈◊〉 is Gods helpe f Of Moses and Aaron Ebr. the Worke of a day 〈◊〉 his day “ Or thy people the Egyptians are in the faut ” 〈◊〉 idle ye are idle “ Or loked said on them Which said Read Gen. 34 30. g It is grieuous thing to the seruants of God to be accused of euil specially of their brethren When thei do as their duetie requireth ” Ebr. in a strong hand Or a l sufficient a Whereby 〈◊〉 signifieth that he Wil erforme in dede that Which he promised to their fathers for this Name decla reth that he is cō stant Wil performe his pmes Or plagues b He meaneth as touching the out Ward 〈◊〉 for election to life euerlasting is immutable ” Ebt. liftvp mine hand c So hard a 〈◊〉 it is to shewe 〈◊〉 obedience vnder the crosse d Or 〈◊〉 rude in speach by this Worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is signified the Whole corruption of mans nature c This 〈◊〉 s he Weth of Whome Moses and 〈◊〉 came f For he Was. 42. 〈◊〉 olde When he came into Egypt and there liued 94. g Whiche kinde of mariage Was after in the lawe forbidden Leuit. 18. 〈◊〉 h Mosés and he Were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whose rebellion Was pu nished Nom. 16. 1 i Who Was a 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Nomb. 2. 3. Nomb. 25. 10. k For 〈◊〉 fami lies Were so great that they might be compa red to armies l The disobedien ce both of Moses of the people sheweth that their deliuerance came onely of Gods fre 〈◊〉 a I haue giuen thee power and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 spea ke in my name and to 〈◊〉 my 〈◊〉 vpon him “ Or shal speake for thee before Pharaoh b To strengthen̄ Mosés faith God promiseth againe to punis he moste sharpely 〈◊〉 oppression of his Church c Moses liued in affliction and bannis hemēt 40 yere before he enioyned his office to deliuer Gods people Or dragon d It semeth that these Were lannes and 〈◊〉 read 2. Tim. 3. 8. so euer the Wicked maliciously resist the trueth of God Or he any dul e To Wit the 〈◊〉 Nilus “ Or they shal be Weary 〈◊〉 to drinke () The 〈◊〉 plague Chap. 17. 〈◊〉 f To signifie that it was a true miracle that God plagued them in that Which Was moste necessarie for the preseruation of life g In outward ap pearance after 〈◊〉 the. 7. dayes Were ended “ Ebr. he set not his heart at all thereunto a There isnothig so Weake that God cā not cause to ouercome the greatest power of man “ Or vpon thy dogh or into thine 〈◊〉 () The seconde plague b But Goshen Where Godspeo ple dwelt Was excepted c Not loue but 〈◊〉 causeth the very 〈◊〉 to seke vnto God ” Ebr. Haue 〈◊〉 honour ouer me ” Ebr. according to thy Worde Or Iaidvpon d In things of this life God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the praiers of the iust for the vngodly () The third plague e God confounded their Wisdom 〈◊〉 in a thing most vile f They acknowledged that this was done by Gods power and not by sorcerie Or a multitude of venimous beasts as serpents c. “ Or I will seperat “ Or land of Egypt () The fourth
God had ap 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 shuld be 〈◊〉 oyed made the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 Chap. 7. 1. g Some read For 〈◊〉 an shal be in steade of the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 to come out in the siege against thee a This Lawe declareth 〈◊〉 hor rible a thing mur ther is 〈◊〉 that for one man a whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 punished except a remedy be founde “ Or rough b 〈◊〉 blood 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a so 〈◊〉 place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 make 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the fact c This was the 〈◊〉 whiche the Priests made in the audience of the people d Signifying that her former life must be changed 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 be ioyned to the people of God e As hauing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and countrey f This onely was permitted in the 〈◊〉 otherwise the 〈◊〉 colde not mary strangers g This declareth that the 〈◊〉 of wiues 〈◊〉 of a corrupt affection “ Or while the sonne of the hated liueth h As muche as to 〈◊〉 of the others i Except he be vnworthy as was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 k For it is the mothers 〈◊〉 also to instruct her children l Which death was also appoin ted for 〈◊〉 and idolaters so that to disobey the parents is moste horrible m For Gods Lawe by his death is satisfied and 〈◊〉 abhorreth 〈◊〉 Gal. 3. 13. Exod. 23. 4. a As thogh thou sawest it not b Shewing the brotherly affection must be shewed not one ly to them that dwel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto vs but also to them which are 〈◊〉 c Muche more art thou bounde to do for thy neighbours 〈◊〉 d For that were to 〈◊〉 ordre of nature to despite God e If God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 done to li I birdes 〈◊〉 muche more 〈◊〉 man made accor ding to his images f The 〈◊〉 of this 〈◊〉 to walke in simpli 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 of newe 〈◊〉 Nomb. 〈◊〉 38. g That is be 〈◊〉 occasion that she is standred h Meaning the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of her 〈◊〉 were i For the 〈◊〉 of the childe re doundeth to the shame of the parents therefore he was recompenced when she 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Leuit. 20. 10. Or defiled “ Or no sinne worthy death k Meaning that the innocent 〈◊〉 not be punished Exod. 22. 16. l He shal not lye with his step mo ther meaning he reby allother de grees forbidden 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Ether to bears office or to 〈◊〉 a wife b This was to cause them to liue chastely that their 〈◊〉 might not be reiected Nomb. 22. 5. Nehem. 13. 〈◊〉 c Hereby he con demneth all that further nor the children of God in their vocation d Thou shalt ha ue nothing to do with them e If the fathers haue 〈◊〉 their idolatrie and receiued 〈◊〉 f For the 〈◊〉 of nature g Meaning hereby that his peo ple shulde be pu 〈◊〉 he in soule and body h This is ment of the 〈◊〉 then who fled for their masters 〈◊〉 and imbraced the 〈◊〉 religion 〈◊〉 gates i Forbidding he reby that anie gaine gotten of 〈◊〉 things shulde be applied to the 〈◊〉 of God Mic. 1. 7. Exod. 22. 25. Leu. 25. 36. k This was permitted for a time for the hardenes of their heart l If thou shewe thy charitie to thy 〈◊〉 God 〈◊〉 declare his loue toward thee m If the vowe be 〈◊〉 and godly n Being hiredfor to labour o To bring home to thine house 〈◊〉 12. 1. a Hereby God approueth not that light diuotcement but permitteth it to auoide further inconuenience Matth. 10. 7. b Seing that by dimitting her he iudged her to be vncleane and 〈◊〉 c That thei might learne to knowe one anothers cōditions so after warde liue in godly peace d Nor aniething whereby a man 〈◊〉 his liuing 〈◊〉 13. 2 Nomb. 12. 10. e As thogh thou woldest appoint what to haue but shalt receiue what he may 〈◊〉 f Thogh he 〈◊〉 de be vnthankeful yet God wil not forget it Leui. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tob. 4. 〈◊〉 2. King 4. 〈◊〉 2. Chro. 25. 4. 〈◊〉 31. 29. Ezech. 18. 20. g Because the world did least esteme these sortes of people the refore God hathe moste care ouer them Leu. 19. 9. 23. 22. “ Or gatherest thine oliues “ Or the grapes of thy vineyarde h God iudged then not mindeful of his benefite except they were beneficial vnto others a Whether 〈◊〉 be a plaintife or none the magistrates ought to trie out fautes punishe according to the crim b When 〈◊〉 me 〈◊〉 not death c The iewes of 〈◊〉 after ward toke one awaie 2. Cor. 11. 24. 2. Cor. 9 9. 1. Tim. 5. 18. Ruth 4. 3. Matt. 22. 24. Mar. 12. 19. 〈◊〉 20. 27. d Because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worde signifieth not the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Worlde 〈◊〉 signifieth a bro her is taken also for a kinseman it semeth that it is not 〈◊〉 that the naturall brother shuld ma 〈◊〉 his brothers wif but some other of the kinred that was in that degre which might mary e This 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that god ly 〈◊〉 fastnes be preserued 〈◊〉 It is an horrible thing to se a wo man pasis hame ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 and stone ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 and ephah read Exod. 16. 36. Exod. 17. 〈◊〉 f This was parte ly accōplished by Saul about 450. yeres afterward a By this ceremo mie they acknow ledge that they receiued the lād of Canáan as fre gift of God b To be called vpon seruer and worshipped spiritually Chap. 12. 5. c Meaning Iaakob who 〈◊〉 20 yeres in Sytia d Onely by 〈◊〉 mercie and not by their fathers desernings e Alledging the promises made to our fathers Abrahám Izhák and Iaakob f In token of a thankful heart and mindful of this 〈◊〉 g 〈◊〉 thai God giueth vs not goods for curselues onely but for their vses also which are 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 charge h without hypo crisie Chap. 14. 27. i Of 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 k Or for 〈◊〉 cessitie l By putting thē to anie prophane vse m As farre as my sinneful nature wolde suffer for els as Dauid and Paul say where is not one iust Psal. 14. 4. Rom. 3. 10. n with a good and simple conscience Chap. 7. 6. 14. 2. o 〈◊〉 that there is a mutual bonde betwene God and his peo ple. Chap 4. 7. Chap. 7. 6. 〈◊〉 13. 11. a As Gods minister and charged with the same b God wolde that his Law shul de be set vp in the 〈◊〉 of the land of Caná an hat all that loked thereon might knowe that the landwas dedicate to his seruice Exod. 20. 25. Iosh 8. 31. c The altar shul de not be curiously wroght because it shulde 〈◊〉 we but for a time for God wolde haue but one altar in Iudáh d That euerie one may wel read it and vnder stand it e This condition God hathe boun de theevnto that if thou wilt be his people thou must kepe his Lawes f Meaning Ephráim and 〈◊〉 g Signifying that if they wolde not obey God for loue they shulde
inconuenient time to seke helpe which was whē he was in 〈◊〉 c He sheweth for the the fiure of hisloue in calling vpon him confes sing him to be 〈◊〉 merci ul to help them that are 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 de and counsel d which was vn 〈◊〉 before now rest vpō the Lord for he hath bene beneficial towards thee e The Lord wil 〈◊〉 me and saue my 〈◊〉 f I felt all these things and there fore was moued by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 confesse them 2. Cor. 4 13. g In my great di stresse I thoght God wolde not regarde man which is but lies and vanitie yet I ouercame this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and felt the contrarie h In the Law thei vsed to make a a banket when they gaue solēne thankes to God and to take the cup drinke in signe of thankesgiuing i I perceiue that God hathe a 〈◊〉 ouer his so 〈◊〉 he bothe disposeth their death and taketh an 〈◊〉 k I wil thanke him for his benefites for that is 〈◊〉 payement to confesse that we owe all to God Rom. 15 11. a That is the moste certeine cōtinual testimo nies of his Father lie grace a Because Godby creating Dauid King shewed his 〈◊〉 toward his afflicted Church the Prophet doeth not onely him self thanke God but exhorteth all the people to do the same b VVe are here taught that the more that troubles oppresse vs the more ought we to be instant in prayer c Being exalted to this estate he assured him selfe to haue mā euer to be his enemie Yethe douted not but God wolde mainteine him because he had placed him d He sheweth that he had trusted in vaine if he had put his confidence in man to haue bene prefer red to the kingdome and therefore he put his trust in God and obteined e He noteth Saul his chief enemie f In that he was 〈◊〉 it came not of him selfe nor of the power of man but onely 〈◊〉 Gods fauour therefore he wil praise him g He promiseth bothe to 〈◊〉 graces him self to cause others to do the same be cause that in his persone the Church was restored h So that all that are bothe farre nere maye se his mightie power i He willeth the dores of the Tabernacle to be opened that he maye declare his thankeful minde Isa. 〈◊〉 16. k Thogh Saul the chief powers refused me to be King yet GOD hathe preferred me aboue thē all Mat. 21 41. l wherein GOD hathe shewed chiefly his mercie by appointing me King and deliuering his Church Act 4 〈◊〉 Rom 9 33. 〈◊〉 pet 2 6. m The people praie for the pro speritie of Dauids kingdome who was the figure of Christ. n VVhich are the priests and haue the charge thereof as Nomb. 6 23 o Because he hathe restored vs from darkenes to light we wil offer sacrifices and praises vnto him a Here they are not called blessed whiche thinke them selues wise in their owne iudgement nor which imagine to them selues a certeine holines but they whose 〈◊〉 is without hypocrisie b For they are 〈◊〉 led by Gods Spirit and imbrace no doctrine but his c Dauid acknow ledgeth his imperfection desiring God to refor me it that his 〈◊〉 maye be conformable to Gods worde d For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in seruīg God without hypocrisie e That is thy pre cepts which conteine 〈◊〉 righ teousnes f He refuseth not to be tryed by 〈◊〉 but he feareth to faint if God succor not his 〈◊〉 in time a Because youth is most giuen to licenciousnes he chiefly 〈◊〉 them to frame their liues 〈◊〉 to Gods worde b If God 's ' worde be grauen in 〈◊〉 heartes we shal be more able to resist the assaltes of 〈◊〉 there fore the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God to instruct him daiely more more therein c The Propher doeth not boast of his vermes but setteth for the an example for others to followe Gods worde and leaue wordelie vanities a 〈◊〉 she weth that we ought not to desire to liue but to 〈◊〉 God and that we can not serue him aright except he open our eyes and mindes b Seing mans life in this worlde is but a passage what shulde become of him if thy worde were not his guide c In allages thou hast plagued all suche which 〈◊〉 and con tempteously departe frome thy trueth d VVhē the pow ers of the world gaue false senten ce agaynste me thy worde 〈◊〉 a guide and coun seler to teach me what to do and to comfort me a That is it is almost broght to the graue and without thy worde I can not liue b I haue confessed mine offences and now depend wholly on thee c If God did not mainteine vs by his word our life wolde drop away like water d Instruct me in thy worde wher by my minde maye be purged from vanitie ād taught to obey thy wil. e By this he shew eth that we can nether chose good cleaue to Gods worde not runne forwarde in his waye exceptehe make our heartes large to receiue his grace and willyng to obey a He sheweth that he can not follow on to the end excepte God teache him ofte times and leade him forwarde b Not onelye in out ward cōuersation but also with inwarde affection c Hereby meaning al other vices because that couetousnes is the rote of all euil e Let me not fall to thy dis honour but let mine heart still 〈◊〉 thy gracious worde f Giue me strength to continue in thy worde euen to the end a He sheweth that Gods mercie and loue is the firste 〈◊〉 of our saluacion d Meanyng all his senses b By 〈◊〉 in Gods worde he assureth him selfe to be able to confute the sclanders of his aduersaries c They that simply walke after Gods worde haue no lets to intangle them where as they that do contrary are euer in nets and snares d He sheweth that the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 not to suffer their Fa 〈◊〉 glorie to be 〈◊〉 by the vaine pompe of princes a Thogh he fele Gods hand stil to lie vpon him yet he resteth on hys promes and comforteth him selfe therein b Meanyng the wicked whiche contemne Gods worde ād tread hys religion vnder 〈◊〉 c That is the examples whereby thou declarest thy self to be iudge of thy world d That is a vehemēt zeale to thy glorie and indignacion against the wicked e In the course of this life and sorowful exile f Euen when other slepe g That is al these benefites a I am persuaded that to kepe 〈◊〉 Law is an 〈◊〉 and greate game for me b He sheweth that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the worde of God except he consider his own imperfections ād wayes c They haue gone aboute to drawe we into their 〈◊〉 d Not onelye in mutual consent but also with aide and succour e For the knowledge of Goddes worde is a singu lar token of hys fauour a Hauing proued by experience that God was true in his promes he desireth
to be destroyed as they of Sodom sane that God of his mercie 〈◊〉 a litle nomber Lamen 〈◊〉 22. s Althogh God 〈◊〉 these 〈◊〉 for a time as aides and exercises of their faith yet because the people had not faith nor 〈◊〉 ce God decesteth them Psal. 50 14. ier 6. 20. amos 5. 21. mich 〈◊〉 7. t VVithout faith 〈◊〉 u Your sacrifices offred in the newe moones and feastes he condemmeth hereby hypo crites which thin ke to please God with ceremonies and they them selues are voide of faith and mercie x He sheweth that where men be giuen to auarice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 which is ment by blood there God will shewe his 〈◊〉 and not accepte them thogh they seme neuer so holy as Chap. 59. 3. y By this outwarde washing he meaneth the spiritual exhorting the Iewes to repent and amend their liues z This kinde of reason ning by the seconde table the scriptures vse in manie places against the 〈◊〉 who pretend moste holines and religion in worde but when their charitie and loue towarde their brethren s hulde appeare thei declare that thei haue nether faith nor religion a To knowe if I do accuse you without cause b Lest sinners s pretend anie rigour on Gods parte he only willeth them 〈◊〉 be pure in hearte and he wil sorgiue all their sinnes were they 〈◊〉 so manie or great c He sheweth that whatsoeuer aduer sitie mā indureth it ought to be 〈◊〉 to hys owne incredulitie and disobedience d That is Ierusalē which had promised fidelitie vnto me as a wife to her husband e Giuen to 〈◊〉 and éxtor cion which he signified before by blood 〈◊〉 f VVharsoeuer was pure in thee before is now corrupt thogh thou haue an outward shew g That is they mainteine the wicked and the 〈◊〉 and not onelye do not punis he them but are them selues suche h VVhen God wil shewe him selfe merciful to hys Church he calleth him self The holie one of 〈◊〉 but when he hathe to do with his ennemies he is called Mightie as against whome no power is able to resist i I wil take vengeance of mine ad 〈◊〉 the lew es and so satisfie my desire by punishing thē VVhich thing yet he doeth with a grief becau se of his couenant k Lest the faithful among them shulde be ouercome with this threatning he addeth this consolacion l It is onely the worke of God to 〈◊〉 the heart of man whiche thing he doeth because of his promes made concerning the saluaction of his Church m By iustice is meant Gods faithfull promes whiche is the causs of the deliuerance of his 〈◊〉 n The wicked shal not be partakers of GODS promes Psal. 92. 9. o That is the trees and pleasantplaces where ye commit idopatrie which was forbidden Deut. 16. 22 p The false GOD wherein ye put vour confidence shal be consumed as easely as a piece of towe 〈◊〉 4. 1. a The decre and ordinance of God touching the restauration of the Church which is chiefly ment of the time of Christ b In an 〈◊〉 place to besene discerned c VVhen the king dome of Christ shal be enlarged by the preaching or the doctrine Here also 〈◊〉 declared the zeale of the children of God when they are called d Alluding to mouatzion whe re the visible Church them was e Meaning the wholedoctrine of saluacion f This was accomplished when the Gospel was 〈◊〉 preachedin 〈◊〉 and from thence went through all the worlde g The lord which is Christ shal haue all power giuē him h That they may acknowledge their sinnes and turne to him i He sheweth the frute of the peace which the Gospel shulde bring to wit that 〈◊〉 shulde do good one to another where as before they were enemies k Hespeaketh not against the vse of weapons and lawful warre but sheweth how the heart of the godlie shal be effected one toward another which peace and loue doethbe ginne and growe in this life but shal be perfited when we are ioy ned with our head Christ Iesus l Seing the Genti les wil be so readie make you haste and shewe thē the way to worship God m The Prophet seing the smaleho pe that he Iewes wolde complaineth to God as thogh he had vtterly for saken thē for their sinnes n Ful of the corru ptions that reigned chiefly in the East partes o Thei altogether giue them selues to the facions of other nations p The Prophet first condemned their supe stition idolatrie next their 〈◊〉 and thirdly their vaine trust in 〈◊〉 meanes q He noteth the nature of 〈◊〉 idolaters which are neuer satisfied in their supersticions r Thus the Prophet spake being inflamed 〈◊〉 the zeale of Gods glorie and that he might feare them with Gods iudgement s Meaning 〈◊〉 as GOD shalbegin to execute his iudgements t By hightrees and mountaines are 〈◊〉 them that are proude and loftie and thinke them selues moste strong in this 〈◊〉 u He condemneth their vaine 〈◊〉 which they had in strong holdes and in their riche marchandise which broght in vainepleasures where with mens mindes became 〈◊〉 * Hoseah 10. 8. * luk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * reuel 6. 〈◊〉 9. 6. x They shal 〈◊〉 them into 〈◊〉 vile and 〈◊〉 places when 〈◊〉 perceiue 〈◊〉 they are notable to helpe them y Cast of your vai ne considence of man whose life 〈◊〉 so fraile that it his nose be stopped he is dead consider that you haue so do with God Chap. III. a Because thei 〈◊〉 sted their abundā ce and prosperirie he sheweth that thei shulde be taken 〈◊〉 thē b The temporal gouernour the minister c By these he mea ne h that God wolde take away euerie thing that was in any estima cion and wherein they had anie 〈◊〉 to vante them selues e For lacke of good regiment ordre d Not onely 〈◊〉 age but in wit meaners knowledge strength f He sheweth that this plague shalbeso horrible that contrarie to the communema 〈◊〉 of men which by 〈◊〉 an 〈◊〉 us none shal be scunde able or willing to be their gouernour g 〈◊〉 shal 〈◊〉 cause him to for 〈◊〉 him self them to take suche a dangerous 〈◊〉 vpon him h VVhen God 〈◊〉 examine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereupon they now set an impudent face 〈◊〉 shal finde ma ke of their 〈◊〉 in their fore head i Be yethat 〈◊〉 godlie assured that God wil defend you in the middes of 〈◊〉 troubles k Because the wicked people were more 〈◊〉 to their princes then to 〈◊〉 commandements of God he sheweth that 〈◊〉 woldegiue them 〈◊〉 princes by whome they 〈◊〉 be manifest tokens of his wrath because they shuld befoles and 〈◊〉 l 〈◊〉 that the rulers and gouerners had destroyed 〈◊〉 Church and not p 〈◊〉 it according to their 〈◊〉 m That is ve shewe all crueltie against them n He menaceth people because of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of their Wo men Which gaue
after that he was dead which decla red their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 semg they wolde 〈◊〉 ge them selues of the dead b Seing the Gentiles that had not so farre knowled ge Were thus pu nished 〈◊〉 Whi che Was so fully instructed of the Lordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not thinke to escape c It he spare not 〈◊〉 vnto Wome his 〈◊〉 Were made much more he Wil not spare this degene rate kingdome d They estemed moste vile bribes more then mens liues e VVhen they haue spoiled him 〈◊〉 en him to the grounde they gape for his life f Thinking by the se ceremonies that is by 〈◊〉 and being nere mine altar they may excuse all their other 〈◊〉 g They spoile others and offer thereof vnto God thinking that he wil dispense With them when he is made 〈◊〉 of their iniquitie h The 〈◊〉 of their enemies his 〈◊〉 toWard them shuld haue caused 〈◊〉 heartes to melt for loue toward him l None shal be de 〈◊〉 by any meanes k You haue 〈◊〉 me 〈◊〉 your sinnes Isa. 1. 14. i Ye contemned my benefites and abused my 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Went about to stop the mouthes of my 〈◊〉 a I haue onely cho sen you to be 〈◊〉 ne amōg all other people yet you haue forsaken me b Here by the Pro 〈◊〉 signifieth that he speaketh not of him selfe but as God guideth and moueth him Which is cal led the a grement betwene Cod his Prophetes c Wil God threatē by his Prophetes except there be some great occasion d 〈◊〉 any 〈◊〉 come 〈◊〉 Gods prouidence e Shal his 〈◊〉 reatnings be invaine f Shal the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods iudgemēts and the people 〈◊〉 be afrayed g Doeth anie 〈◊〉 come Without Gods ap pointement 〈◊〉 45 9. h God dealeth not With the 〈◊〉 as he doeth With other people for heeuer Warneth them be fore of his plagues by his 〈◊〉 i Because the peo ple euer murmured against the Propheres he sheweth that Gods spirit 〈◊〉 ed thēso to speake as they did k He calleth the strangers as the 〈◊〉 Egip tiās to Witnesses of Gods iudgements against the Israelites for their 〈◊〉 oppres sion l The frute of their crueltie and their appeareth by their great riches 〈◊〉 they haue in their hou ses m When the lion hathe 〈◊〉 his hungre the 〈◊〉 findeth a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a tip of an eare to shewe that the shepe hathe bene 〈◊〉 n Where they thoght to haue had a sure holde and to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Thus he 〈◊〉 the princes go uerners 〈◊〉 being ouer 〈◊〉 With the 〈◊〉 abundāce of Gods 〈◊〉 forgate God therefore he calleth thēby the name of beastes not of men b They incourage suche as haue autoritie ouer the people t powle them so that thei may haue profite by it c He alludeth to fishers which catche fish by hokes and thornes d He speaketh this in 〈◊〉 of thē which 〈◊〉 to these places thinking that their great deuocion good 〈◊〉 had bene 〈◊〉 to haue bounde God vnto them e Read deut 14 28 f As Leu. 〈◊〉 13. h That is lacke of bread and meat i I staied the raine til the srutes of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stroyeth With 〈◊〉 and yet you Wolde not cō side 〈◊〉 returne to me by 〈◊〉 g You onely deli te in these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 haue none other respect k They colde not finde Water ynough where they had heard say it had rained l As I plagued 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Exod. 9 〈◊〉 m You Were almost all consumed and a 〈◊〉 of you Wonderfully preserued 2. King 14 26. n Turn to him by repentance a He so 〈◊〉 them because they soboasled of 〈◊〉 selues or because they Were giuen to 〈◊〉 deintines b Meaning that the tenth parte shulde 〈◊〉 be saued c In these places they worshipped new idoles whicheafore time ser ued for the true honour of God therefore hesaith that these shalnot saue them d In fiead of iudgement equitie ther execute cruel 〈◊〉 oppression e He 〈◊〉 the power of God 〈◊〉 9 9 f They hate the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 inthe open 〈◊〉 g Ye take bothe his 〈◊〉 also his fode WhereWith he 〈◊〉 h God wilso 〈◊〉 gue thē that they shal not suffer the godlie once to open their mouthes to admonish thē of their 〈◊〉 i So that all degrees shal haue matter of lamen tacion for the great plagues k Thꝰ he speaketh because the Wicked hypocrites said thei were cō tent to abide 〈◊〉 iudgements w ere as the god lie tremble tea re Iere 30 7. Ioél 2 〈◊〉 Zeph. 1. 11. l Because ve haue corrupt my true seruite remaine obstinate in your vices 〈◊〉 1 11 Iere. 6. 10 m Do your duetie to God to your neighbour and so ye shal fele his grace plentifully if you she we your abundant affections according to Gods Worde n That idole 〈◊〉 you e emed as your King and caryed about as you did Chiun in the Which images you thogh that there Was a certeine diuinitie a The Prophet threatneth the Wealthy which regarded not Gods plagues nor menaces by his Prophetes b These two cities were famous by their first inhabitants the Cana anites and seing before time they did nothing awaile them that 〈◊〉 there borne why shulde you loke that thei shulde saue you which Were broght in to dwell in other mers 〈◊〉 c If God haue de stroied these excellent cities in thre diuers kingdomes as in 〈◊〉 bylon Syria and of the 〈◊〉 and hath broght their Wide borders into a greater 〈◊〉 thē yours yetare thin ke you to be better or to escape d Ye that continue stil in your Wickednes and thinke that Gods plagues are not at hand but giue your selues to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wantonnes and 〈◊〉 e As he caused diuers kindes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be made to serue Gods 〈◊〉 so these did 〈◊〉 end to inuent as manie to serue their Want on affectiōs and lustes f Thei piued not their brethren whereof now manie Were 〈◊〉 and caryed 〈◊〉 Way 〈◊〉 g Some read the 〈◊〉 of them that 〈◊〉 them seiues shal 〈◊〉 h Read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 14. i That is the 〈◊〉 ches and 〈◊〉 k The destruction shal be so great that none shal almost be left to bu 〈◊〉 the dead theresore hey shal 〈◊〉 them at 〈◊〉 to carye out the burnt ashes with more ease l That is to some neighbour 〈◊〉 I le hrounde about m 〈◊〉 shal be so astonis hed at this destruction that they shal 〈◊〉 no more of the Name of God and that they are his people but they shal be 〈◊〉 when they heare Gods 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 it as they that are 〈◊〉 or reprobare n He compareth them to baren rockes Where vpon it is in vaine to bestowe 〈◊〉 she Wing that Gods 〈◊〉 can haue no place among them o Read * Chap. 5. 7. p That is power and glorie q From one corner of the 〈◊〉 to another a
〈◊〉 shulde 〈◊〉 into all places where they might 〈◊〉 them among the 〈◊〉 f Read Amos 1. 5. g Because they did not credit the 〈◊〉 wordes he 〈◊〉 to GOD and 〈◊〉 him selfe in that hat he knewe that these things shuld ome and saith 〈◊〉 o God with 〈◊〉 Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to performe his great thing Signifying that here shulde be great troubles in the Chu ch and that the time hereof is in the Lords hands 〈◊〉 at length which is here ment by the euening God wolde send comfort i That s the spiritual graces of God which shulde euer 〈◊〉 in moste 〈◊〉 k All idolatrie and 〈◊〉 shal be 〈◊〉 and there shal be one God one faith 〈◊〉 religion l This newe Ierusalém shal be sene through all the worlde shall 〈◊〉 the first in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and greatnes m God wil not onely raise vp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without but se 〈◊〉 at home to 〈◊〉 them n To hurt and oppresse him o The 〈◊〉 arè riche and therefore shal not come for a pray but to destroy sheade blood p As the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 destroyed vers 12. q By the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were greatest enemies to 〈◊〉 religion he meaneth all the 〈◊〉 r Signifying that to what seruice they were put now whether to 〈◊〉 or to 〈◊〉 in warre 〈◊〉 were now holie because the Lord had sanctified thē s As precious the one as the other because they shal be sanctified t 〈◊〉 all shal be pure and cleane and there shal nether be hypocrite or anie that shal corrupt the true seruice of God a Read 〈◊〉 13. 1. b Which declareth 〈◊〉 great 〈◊〉 tude that did not acknowedge this loue which was so euident in that he chose Abrahám from out of all the worlde and next chose Iaakob the yonger brother of 〈◊〉 they came and left 〈◊〉 the elder c For besides that the signes of mine hatred appeared euen 〈◊〉 he was made seruant vnto his yonger brother being yet 〈◊〉 his mothers belly also afterward in that he was put frō his brith 〈◊〉 yet euen now before your eyes the 〈◊〉 hereof are euident in that that his countrey 〈◊〉 waste and he 〈◊〉 neuer returne 〈◊〉 inhabit it whe re as ye my people whome the enemie hated more them thē are by 〈◊〉 grace and loue towarde you deli uered read Rom. 9. 13. d Besides the rest of the people he condemneth the Priests 〈◊〉 because they shulde haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 nacie against God not haue 〈◊〉 dened them by their example to greater 〈◊〉 e He noteth their grosse hypocrisie which wolde not 〈◊〉 their fautes but moste impudently 〈◊〉 them and so were 〈◊〉 guides f Ye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 maner offrings for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 griedines do not examine whether they 〈◊〉 to my Law or no. g Not that they said thus but by their doings they 〈◊〉 nolesse h You make it no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he cōdemneth thē that thinke it sufficient to serue God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mans 〈◊〉 and so come 〈◊〉 to that 〈◊〉 of religion which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and therefore in 〈◊〉 he shewath 〈◊〉 that a 〈◊〉 man wolde 〈◊〉 be content to be serued i He de 〈◊〉 the Priests who 〈◊〉 the people in 〈◊〉 that they praied for thē sheweth that they were the occasiō that these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the people k 〈◊〉 God consider 〈◊〉 office state 〈◊〉 you are so 〈◊〉 wicked l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who kept the dores did not 〈◊〉 whe har the 〈◊〉 that came in were 〈◊〉 to the Law God 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 wolde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 then to receiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were not 〈◊〉 m God 〈◊〉 that their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 true 〈◊〉 shal be the cause of the calling of the Gentiles and 〈◊〉 the Prophet that was vnder the Law framed his 〈◊〉 the capacitie of the people and by the altar and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 meaneth thes 〈◊〉 seruice of God which shulde be vnder the Gospel when an end shul de be made to all these legal ceremo nies by Christs one ly 〈◊〉 n 〈◊〉 Priests and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 error that they passed not what was offred for they thoght that God was a swel 〈◊〉 with the leane as with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the mea ne season they shewed not that 〈◊〉 to God 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 and so 〈◊〉 bothe 〈◊〉 and also sheweth their contempt of God and 〈◊〉 o The Priests and people were botheweary with 〈◊〉 God and passed not what maner of 〈◊〉 seruice they gaue to God for that which was least 〈◊〉 was thogh good 〈◊〉 for the 〈◊〉 p That is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to serue the Lord according to 〈◊〉 worde and yet wil 〈◊〉 him according to his 〈◊〉 minde a He speaketh vnto thē chiefly but vnder them he cōteineth the people also b To serue me according to my worde c That is the abun dance 〈◊〉 Gods 〈◊〉 d Your seed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 come 〈◊〉 no 〈◊〉 e You boast of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but they shal turne to your shame be as vile as dongue f The Priests obiected against the Prophet that he colde not 〈◊〉 them but he must speake against the priest 〈◊〉 the office established of God by 〈◊〉 but he sheweth that the office is nothing 〈◊〉 whē these 〈◊〉 dongue are called by their owne names g He sheweth what were the two 〈◊〉 of the couenant made with the tribe of 〈◊〉 on Gods parte that he wolde giue thē long life 〈◊〉 and on their parte that they 〈◊〉 faithfully serue him according to his worde h I prescribed 〈◊〉 certeine Law to serue me i He serued me set forthe my glorie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and submission k He sheweth that the Priest ought to haue knowledge to instruct other in the worde of the Lord. l He is as the treasure house of Gods worde ought to giue to euerie one according to their necessirie and not to reser ue it for 〈◊〉 m Shewing 〈◊〉 whosoeuer doeth not declare Gods wil is not his messenger and Priest n The prophet 〈◊〉 he ingratitude of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God and mā for seing they were all 〈◊〉 of one 〈◊〉 Ab 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Godhad elected them 〈◊〉 be his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to offend 〈◊〉 nor their 〈◊〉 o VVhereby they had bounde them selues to God to be an 〈◊〉 people p Thei haue 〈◊〉 them selues in ma riage w th them that are of another religion q That is the 〈◊〉 r Ye cause the people to 〈◊〉 because that God doeth not regarde their 〈◊〉 so that they 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 s This 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of mariage t As 〈◊〉 one halfe of 〈◊〉 selfe u She that was ioy ned to thee by a solemne couenāt and 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 tiō of Gods Name x Did not God 〈◊〉 ke man 〈◊〉 womā as one flesh and nor many y By his power 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made
2 6. a For there is another Bethlehem in the tribe of zebulum b Wisemen or Magi in the Persians and Chaldeans tongue signifie philosophers Priests or astronomers are here the first frutes of the Gen tiles that came to worshippe Christ. c An extraordinarie signe to set forth that kings honour whome the worlde did not esteme d Which was a declaration of that reuerence which the Gentiles shulde beare vnto Christ. e They colde wel tell of Christ in general but whē they shulde professe his name giue him his due honor thei waxe colde and shrinke backe f And euil conscience is a burning fyre Micah 5 2. iohn 7 42. g The starre vanished a way be fore to the 〈◊〉 thei shulde tary at Ierusalem ād there 〈◊〉 of the thing to the confusion of the Iewes “ Or sawe h The Persiens maner was not to solute kings without a preset and therefore they broght of that which was most precious in their countrey whereof euery one of thē offred i Promes oght not to be kept where Gods honour and preachyng of hys trueth is hindered or els it oght not to be broken k That which was prefigured by the deliueran ce of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Egypt whiche were Christs Church his bodie is now verified accomplished in the head Christ. l Within a certeine time after Hose 1 1. Iere. 31 15. m Herode renewed the sorowe which the Beniamites had suffred long before yet for all hys crueltie he colde not bring to passe that Christ shuld not reigne n That is they were killed and dead o Thus the faith ful may how God hathe infinite meanes to preser ue them frō the rage of tyrants “ Or therefore “ Or of Nazaret p Which is holie and consecrated to God alluding vnto those that were Nazarites in the olde Law which were a figure of that holi nes which shuld be manifested in Christe as was 〈◊〉 Ioseph c Mar. 1 4. luk 1. 3. a In the first yere of the reigne of Tiberius after Christ had long tyme remayned in Nazaret and was now about 〈◊〉 yere olde b So called in re spect of the plain 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 valleis and not inhabited “ Or be sorie for your fautes past and amend c Which is that God wil reigne ouer vs gather vs vnto him pardon our sinnes and adopte vs by the preaching of the Gospel d Wouen with heere as grosse heere clothe e Suche meares as nature broght for the without mans labour or diligence reade “ Or grashoppers Mar. 1 〈◊〉 f Acknowledging their fautes for there is no re pentance without confession “ Or broodes Isa. 40. 3. mar 1 3. luk 3. 4. iob 1 〈◊〉 g He menaceth those venemous and malicious Pharises with the iugement of God except they shew before man suche workes as are agreable to the profession of the godlie whome Isai calleth the trees of righteousnes Mar. 1 6. h The iudgemēt of God is at hand to destroye suche as are not 〈◊〉 to be of his Church Leuit. 11 22. luk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chap. 13 34. i When God baptizeth inwardely with the vertue of his Spirit he burneth consumeth the vices and inflameth the heartes with loue towarde him k Which is the preaching of the Gospel whereby he 〈◊〉 the faithful as good corne 〈◊〉 the infideles as chaffe * Mar. 1. 9. * Luk 3. 22. Chap. 61 3. l We must rēder perfit obedience to God in all things whiche he hathe ordeined Iohn 8. 39. act 〈◊〉 26. m To shewe the state of his kingdome which is in all mekenes and lowlines * Chap. 17 5. 2. per. 1 17. Chap. 7 9. Mark 1. 8. luk 3 19. n The fauour of God restethon Iesus Christ that frō him it might be powredon vs whiche 〈◊〉 of our selues his wrath and indignation * Colo. 1 13. ioh 〈◊〉 26. act 1 5 2 1 8. 5 9 4. Mark 1. 12. Luke 4. 1. a By the holye Gost. b To the ende that he oucrcoming these tentations myght get the victorie for vs. c Satan wolde haue Christ to 〈◊〉 God and his worde and folowe other strange and vnlawful meanes d He meaneth the ordre that God hath ordeined to maintein his creatures by Deu. 8. 3. e To wit 〈◊〉 “ Or vane whiche shewed where the wind stode f He alledgeth but halfe the sen tence to deceiue thereby the rather cloke his craftie purpose Psal. 92. 〈◊〉 g We muste not leaue suche lawfull meanes as God hath appointed to seke others after our owne fantasie h In a vision Deut. 6 16. Deut. 6. 13. i The worde of God is the sword of the Spirite wherewith 〈◊〉 is ouercome k To cōsort him Mark 1. 14. l And cast in prison by Herode m For so they cal led the lake of Gennesareth Luke 4. 14. Iohn 4. 43. n Christ hadde preached nowe 〈◊〉 a yere in Iudea and Sama ria and after went to preache in the vppermost Galile whyche was out of the borders of Palestina Isay. 9. 1. o Whyche was without cōtort hathe receyued consolation p God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde 〈◊〉 confounde the migh tye Marke 1. 15. q To drawe thē out of the sea of this world wher in thei are drow ned Marke 1. 16. 〈◊〉 Corin. 1. 27. r VVe oght to be moste ready to followe Christe when he calleth leauing al world ly respects a part s That is the blessed tidyngs of forgiuenes of sinnes and recon ciliation wyth God t So that by healing incurable di seases Christs diwinitie appeared u They that were 〈◊〉 sicke at a certeine time of the moone x It was a countrey whercin was tene Cities as the worde signifieth a That 〈◊〉 thē selues voide of all righteousnes that thei may onely seeke it in Christ. Luke 6 20. b Whiche feele their owne miserie ād seke their comfort in God c Who rather wolde suffer all iniuries thē they wolde reuenge them selues Isay 61 〈◊〉 d Being in 〈◊〉 desire nothing but that which is vpright and godlie luke 6 21. Psal. 73 11. e For he is called the God of peace 1. Cor. 14. 33. Psal. 24 4. 1. Pet. 3 14. 1. Pet. 4 4. act 5 41. Mar. 9 50. f Your office is to season 〈◊〉 with the salt of the heauenlie 〈◊〉 Iuke 14 14. Mar. 4 21. luke 8 16. 〈◊〉 33. g Because you are sene farre of giue good exam ple of life 1 Pet. 2 12. h The Gospel is the stablishing accomplishing of the Law Luk. 16 17. Iam. 2 10. i The doctrine of the Law conteineth nothing vn profirable or superfluous k Who soeuer shal transgresse the least of the 〈◊〉 cōmandements in worde and example he shal be cast out of the kingdom of God except it be pardoned him in Christ. Luk. 11 29. l Whiche nether expounde the Law truely nor obserue it wel m He 〈◊〉 how these worthie docters haue
the beastes whiche were sa crificed b For the Iewes toke occasion hereby to condē ne them as most wicked men c He warneth thē rather to cōsider their owne estate then to 〈◊〉 other mens d Which towre 〈◊〉 by the riuer Siloe 〈◊〉 fish poole in 〈◊〉 “ Or detters e By this similitude is declared the great 〈◊〉 that God vseth towarde sinners in lokynge for their amendement but thys delay auaileth them nothynge when they still remaine in their corruption f We se our state if we bring not for the frute g For bothe it is 〈◊〉 itself and doeth hurte to the grounde where it groweth h VVhom Satan had strokē with a disease as the spirite of couetousnes is that spirit that maketh a man 〈◊〉 i As they are whose sinewes are shronke “ Or set as libertie out of Satan bandes k By these simili tudes he sheweth the increase whe reby God augmē teth his kingdome cōtrarie to all mens opiniōs Mat. 13. 31. mat 4. 31. Mat. 9. 33. Mat 6. 6. Mat. 7. 13. l We must endeuour and cut of all impediments which may let vs m He warneth the Iewes that they depriue not them selues by their ownen egli gence of that sal uation whiche was offred vnto them Mat. 7. 13. 25. 41. Psal. 6. 13. Mat. 19. 30. 20 16 mat 10. 31. n The people whiche thē were strangers o Christ cutteth of the vaine cōfidence of the Iewes who glorified in that that God had chosen them for his peo ple yet they obeied him not according to his worde p Nether the enuie of the Pharises who wolde haue put him in feare of Herode nor yet anie policie of mā colde 〈◊〉 him frō that office whiche God had enioyned him q Meaning a litle while r By Christs death we are made 〈◊〉 for euer “ Or mak an end s He noteth their malice whiche by all meanes soght his death more thē did the 〈◊〉 of whom they willed him to 〈◊〉 Mat. 23 37. t Christ 〈◊〉 war 〈◊〉 them of the 〈◊〉 of the Temple and of their 〈◊〉 policie u Whē your own consciēce shal re proue you can se you to confesse that whiche ye nowe denie whiche shal be when you shal se me in my maiestie “ Or take his refection a He reproueth their ambition which desire to sit in the 〈◊〉 places Prou. 〈◊〉 7. Chap. 18. 14. Mat. 23. 2. b Christ reprehedenth onely the blinde affection of mā which regardeth nothing but a woldelie recompense Prou. 3. 9. tob 4 7. c He casteth the Iewes in teeth With their ingratitude which wolde not eat of those holie meates of Gods worde which was presented vnto them and whereunto they were bid a 〈◊〉 me before Matt. 22. 2. reuel 19. 9. d Here is signified the callynge of the Genules e God wil rather receyue all the raskal people of the worlde to his banket thē them which are vnthankful f This 〈◊〉 cometh of the feling of the power of Gods worde after that his worde hathe bene 〈◊〉 g That is he that casteth not of all affections and desires which drawe vs from Christ. Chap. 9. 23. Matt. 10. 17. and. 16. 24. Mar. 8. 24. h He that wil professe the Gospel muste diligently consider what his profession requireth and not rashely to take in hand so great an enter prise nether yet when he hathe 〈◊〉 in hand in 〈◊〉 case to 〈◊〉 ke it i He that is not persuaded to leaue all at euerie houre to bestowe himself frankely in Gods seruice k If they that shulde season others haue lost it them selues where shulde a man recouer it “ Or seasoned Mat. 5. 13. Mar. 9. 50. Matt. 18. 12 a Which iustifie them selues and knowe not their owne fautes b The worde is drachma whiche is some what re in value then fyue pēce of olde 〈◊〉 money and was equal with a Romaine penie c This declareth that we 〈◊〉 not to desire to haue our portion separate from God except we wil Ioseall d The Greke worde signifieth so to waste all that a man 〈◊〉 nothing to him self e For no mā had 〈◊〉 vpon him f That is against God g God 〈◊〉 vs and heareth our gronings before we crye to him h He was touched with the feeling of his sinne and therefore was ashamed thereof and heauie in heart i God reproueth the enuie of such as grudge when God receiueth sinners to mercie k Thy parte which art a 〈◊〉 is nothing diminished by that that Christ was al so killed for the Gentiles for he accepteth not the persone but feedeth indifferently all thē that be leue in him with his bodie and blood to life euerlasting a Christ teacheth hereby that like wise as he which is in autoritie hathe riches if he get friends in his 〈◊〉 may be relieued in his 〈◊〉 so our liberalitie towards our neigh bour shal stand vsin suche steade at the daye of iudgement that God wil accept it as done vnto him b God who doeth here represēt the master of the hou se doeth rather cōmende the pro digal waste of his goods the libe ral giuing of the same to the poore then the strait keping and hurding of them c That is ether wickedly gotten or wickedly kept or wickedly 〈◊〉 hereby we be warned to suspect riches whiche for the most parte are an occasion to their possessours of great wickednes d Thei which can not wel bestowe worldie goods wil bestowe euil spiritual treasures therefore they oght not to be cōmitted vnto them e As are riches suche like things which God hath giuen not for your selues onely but to bestowe vpon others f Christ calleth the gifts whiche he giueth vnto vs ours Mat. 6. 14. g Because thei iudged no man happie but those that were riche h Which loue out warde appearan ce vaine glorie Mat. 11. 12. i Their zeale is so inflamed that thei folowe the Gospel 〈◊〉 respect of world lie things Mat. 5. 18. Mat. 5. 32. 〈◊〉 9. 1. Cor. 7. 11. k This is whiche is not lawfully diuorced l By this storie is declared what punishemēt thei shal haue which liue deliciously and neglect the poore m As the fathers in the olde Law were said to be gathered 〈◊〉 the bosome of Abra ham because thei receiued the frute of the same faith with him so in the newe 〈◊〉 we say that the mēbers of Christ are ioy ned to their head or gathered vnto him n Whereby is signified that most blessed life which they that dye in the faith that Abraham did shal enioye after this worlde o Christ describeth spiritual things by suche maner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as is most 〈◊〉 to our vnderstan 〈◊〉 our sou les haue nether fingers nor eyes nether are they 〈◊〉 speake but the Lord as it were in a table painteth forthe the state of the life to come as out capacitie is able to comprehend it p In calling him 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 his
whose name was also Israel g The Israelites must not be estemed by 〈◊〉 kinred but by the secret electiō of God which 〈◊〉 aboue the external vocation 1. Sam. 4. 21. Psal. 26. 8. Gen. 〈◊〉 12. Ebr. 11. 17. h As Ismael Gal. 4. 28. Gen. 18. 10. Gen. 25. 1. Gen. 25. 〈◊〉 Malac. 1. 2. Exod. 33. 19. i As the 〈◊〉 wil purpose of God is the chief cause of election 〈◊〉 so his fre mercie in Christ is an inferior cause of saluacion the har 〈◊〉 of the heart an 〈◊〉 cause of dānaciō k That is God in the Scripture Exod. 9. 16. Or speakest 〈◊〉 Isa. 45 9. 〈◊〉 28. 6. VVisd 15. 7. “ Or vnto honest vses Hose 2. 23. 1. Peter 1. 10. Hose 1. 10. Isa. 10. 21. l God wil make suche waste of that people that the sewe whiche shall remaine shal be a worke of his iustice ād shall set for the his glorie in his Churche m That is vtterly lost Isa. 1. 9. n Iesus Christ is to the infideles destruction and to the faythfull life and 〈◊〉 Isa. 8. 14. and 28. 16. 1. Peter 2. 6. Psal. 118. 22. 〈◊〉 a That is a certeine affectiō but not a true know ledge Gal. 3. 24. b The end of the Lawe is to iustifie them whiche obserue it therefore Christe hauyng fulfilled it for vs is made our iustice sancti fication c. Lcui 〈◊〉 5. 〈◊〉 20. 〈◊〉 Gal. 3. 12. 〈◊〉 30. 12. Deut. 30. 14. c Because we can not performe the Law it 〈◊〉 vs to doute who shall go to 〈◊〉 and to say who shal go downe to the depe to de liuer vs thences but fayth teacheth vs that Christ is 〈◊〉 vp to take vs with hym and hathe descended into the depth of death to 〈◊〉 death and deliuer vs. d That is the pro mes and the Gospell whiche agreeth with the Lawe Isa. 28. 16. e That is the way to be saued is to beleue with heart that we are saued onely by Christ and to confesse the same before the world Isa. 32. 7. Ioel. 2. 32. Act. 2. 21. Naum. 1. 15. “ Or the 〈◊〉 Isa. 53. 8. Iohn 12. 38. f Mcanynge the Gospell and the good tydyngs of saluacion which they preached g That is by Gods commādement of whome they are 〈◊〉 that preache the Gospell It maye be also taken for the verye preaching it self h Both the Iewes and Gentiles i The Hebrewe worde signifieth the line or proportiō of the 〈◊〉 uēs whose most excellent frame besides the reste of Gods creatures preacheth vnto the whole worlde and secreth forthe the worthines of the Creator Psal. 19. 5. k Then seing all the world knew God by his creatures the Iewes cold not be igno rant and so sinned of malice “ Or vnbeleuing 〈◊〉 32. 21. Isa. 65. 1. Isa. 65. 2. a And elected before all beginning 1. King 19. 10. b He talked With God not that he shulde punish Israel but yet lamēted their falshode so his Wordes made against them 1. King 19. 18. Meaning an infinit nomber Or fre election Isa. 6. 29. and 9. 10. Mat. 13. 14. iohn 12. 40. act 28. 26. Psal. 69. 22 “ Or pritking d Christ by the mouth of thep to pherwisheth that Which came vpō the Iewes that is that as birdes are taken Where as they thinke to finde fode so the Law Which the Iewes of a blinde 〈◊〉 preferred to the Gospel thinking to haue saluation by it shulde turne to their destruction e Take from thē thy grace and strength f Without hope to be restored g The Iewes to followe the Gentiles h In that the Gentiles haue the knowledge of the Gospel i That they might be ielouse ouer Christ against the Gentiles and so to be more seruent in loue toward Christ then the Gentiles k The Iewes now remaine as it Were in death for lacke of the Gospel but When bothe they the Gentiles shal embrace Christ the Worlde shal be restored to a newe life l Abraham Was not 〈◊〉 sanctified but his sede also Which negle cted not the promes m Meaning Abraham “ Or in them n That is the Church of the Israelites o Be careful Wor ship God and 〈◊〉 in his 〈◊〉 p Mespeaketh of the Iewes and Gentiles in 〈◊〉 q Meaning stubbernes and induration against Gods Worde Isa 59 20. r He sheweth that the time shal come that the Whole nation of the Iewes thogh not euery one particularly shal be ioyned to the Church of Christ. Isa. 27. 9. Ierem. 22. 〈◊〉 Ebr. 8. 8. 10. 16. s To Whome God giueth his Spirit of adoptiō and Whome he calleth effectually he can not perish for Gods eternal counsel neuer changeth “ Or that by your mercie t That is bothe Iewes and Gentiles Isa. 40. 〈◊〉 Wisdom 9. 13. 1. Cor. 2. 16. u He reproueth the rashnes of men Which mur mure against the iudgements of God x That is 〈◊〉 ked him by his good 〈◊〉 y All things are created preserued of God to set for the his glorie a In stede of dead beasts liuelie sacrifice in ste de of the blood of beastes Which Was but a shad owe and pleased not God of it self the acceptable sacrifice of the spiritual man framed by faith to godlines and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b That is true lawful and spiritual 1. Pet. 2. 5. c VVhatsoeuer is not agreable to Gods Wil is euil displeasant and vnperfect Ephes. 5. 17. 1. Thess. 3. 1. d TWo things are required if We Wil iudgesoberly of Gods giftes in vs the one that We do not attogate to ourselues that Which We haue not next 〈◊〉 We boast not of the giftes but reuerētly vse thē to Gods honour Mat. 6. 2. e That is soberly not neglecting Gods 〈◊〉 but vsing them to his glorie 1. Cor. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ephes. 4. 7. 1. Pet. 4. 10. f By prophecying here he meaneth preaching teaching by office or ministerie all such offices as ap perteme to the Church as Elders Deacons c. g By faith he me a neth the knowledge of God in Christ With the gifes of the holie Gost. h Of these officers some are Deacōs some Gouernors some kepe the 〈◊〉 i He meaneth thē Which Were appoīted to loke vnto the poore as for the moste parte Were the Widowes 2. Cor. 9. 7. Amos. 5. 〈◊〉 Ephes. 4. 2. 1. pet 2. 17. “ Or the time Ebr. 13. 1. Luk. 18. 1. 1. Cor. 16. 1. Ebr. 13. 2. 1. pet 4. 13. Mat. 5. 44. k That is in your owne conceit * Prou. 20. 22. * Mat. 5. 〈◊〉 * 1. Pet. 3. 9. * 2. Cor. 8. 11. l Liue so honestly godly that no man can finde faute With you * Ebr. 12 14. * Eccle 28. 1. * Mat. 5. 38. * Deu 32 35. * 〈◊〉 10 30 * Prou. 25. 21. m For ether thou shalt Wōne him With thy benefit or els his 〈◊〉 albeare him Witnes that Gods burning Wrath 〈◊〉 ouer him Act. 6. 1. 1. Tim. 5. 9.
Chap. 3. 17 c To wit Satan Ioh. 12. 〈◊〉 14. 30. Ephes. 6. 〈◊〉 d In whome god doeth shew him self to be 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is called so in respect of his office e As they which 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seke to besene and knowen 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 gene 1. 3. f Which are your seruants g That we hauing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shuld communicate the same with 〈◊〉 and therefore Christ calieth thē the light of the world Mat. 5. 14. h Albeit the ministers of the gospel be contem ptible as touchīg their persone yet the treasure which they carie is nothing worse or inferior i All the faithful and 〈◊〉 the ministers must drinke of this cup because the worlde heateth Christ and also that the 〈◊〉 shulde bē comformable to Christ their head yet by the mightie power of Christ who ouer came death they are made conque 〈◊〉 k By our death you haue life so that the frute of our afflictions co meth to you l The same faith by the inspiratiō of the holie Gost m In 〈◊〉 vs from these dan gers which is as it were a restoring from death to life Psal. 116. 10. n That in being deliuered and restored to you againe may not onely myself 〈◊〉 God thankes for this infinite 〈◊〉 of deliuerance but also you all which 〈◊〉 bothe partakers of mine affliction and comforte may abundantly set forthe his glorie Or be 〈◊〉 o Groweth stronger p Which is so called in respect of the euerlasting life a After this bodie shal be dissol ued it shal be made incorrupti ble immortal “ Or if so be we shal be founde clothed and not naked Reuel 16. 15. “ Or wherein b Not onely quiet in minde but also ready to susteine all dangers being assured of the good successe thereof “ Or strangers in the bodie c For here onely we beleue in God and se him not d In this bodie e Out of this bo die to heauen Rom. 14. 10. f That is ether glorie or shame g His feareful iudgement h He reproueth the dignitie of his ministerie by the frute and effect therof which is to bring 〈◊〉 to Christ. i By imbracing the same faith which we preache to others k As they which more estemed the outward shewe of wisdome and 〈◊〉 then true godlines l As the aduersa ries said 〈◊〉 colde not abide to heare them praised m Our folie serueth to Gods glorie n Therfore who so euer giueth pla ce to ambition or vaine glorie is yet dead and liueth not in Christ. o As the onely faithful do in Christ. p According to the estimation of the worlde but as he is guided by the Spirit of God q We do not este me nor commen de Christ him self now as he was an excellent man but as he was the Sonne of God partaker of his glorie and in whome God dwelled corpotally and do you thinke that I wil 〈◊〉 my self or anie man in setting for the his giftes Yea when I praise my ministerie I commende the power of God when I commende our worthie factes I praise the mightie power of God set forthe by vs wormes and wretches Isa. 41 〈◊〉 r Let him be 〈◊〉 and renounce him self els all the rest is nothing Reucl. 21. 5. s Therefore without Christ we can not enioye the life euerlasting nor come to God t That is a sacrifice for sinne u By 〈◊〉 when we shal be 〈◊〉 with Christs iustice Isa. 43. 8. a To wit Gods 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whetein he hathe powred for the his infinite loue b By the infideles if they sawe no frute come thereof 1. Cor. 4. 〈◊〉 c He declareth with what weapons he resisted his afflictions d Who is the efficient cause e Whiche is the final cause f By the Gospel and the power of God and hys owne integritie he ouer 〈◊〉 Satan the worlde as with weapōs on 〈◊〉 side most 〈◊〉 g Signifying his 〈◊〉 vehement affection h Their iudge 〈◊〉 was so corrupted that they were not likewise affectioned towardes hym as he was to 〈◊〉 them i She we like affection towardes me k He semeth to allude to that which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 22. 10. “ Or the deuill Eccle. 13. 31. Where the Lorde 〈◊〉 that an oxe and an asse be not yoked together because the match is vnequal so if the faithfull marie with the infideles or elshaue to do with them in anie thing vnlawful it is here reproued l So called because he hath not onely life in 〈◊〉 selfe but 〈◊〉 it also to all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Cor. 3. 13. and 6. 19. Leui. 26. 11. Isa. 52. 〈◊〉 Ierem. 31. 1. a Consider this wel ye that serue idoles with your bodies and yet thinke your consciences pure towarde God God wil one day 〈◊〉 you for your 〈◊〉 b Of bodie and soule c That we may teache you d By griedie 〈◊〉 e He had nether rest in bodie nor 〈◊〉 and it semeth that he al ludeth to that 〈◊〉 is written 〈◊〉 32. 25. for the crosse to mans eye is commune bothe to the godlie and to the wicked althogh to 〈◊〉 ends f This ioye 〈◊〉 all my sorowes 1. 〈◊〉 2. 19. g Whose hearts Gods Spirit doeth touche he is 〈◊〉 for his sinnes committed against so merciful a Father and these 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of his repentance as witnes Dauids and Peters 〈◊〉 others which are sorie for their sin nes onely for feare of punishment and Gods vengeance fall in 〈◊〉 desperacion as Cain Saul Achitophel and 〈◊〉 h In asking God forgiuenes i 〈◊〉 in iudging and 〈◊〉 your selues you preuented Gods angre “ Heart k The Greke worde 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is ment moste great loue and tender 〈◊〉 l Bothe in thinking and reporting wel of you a This benefite of God appeared in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 first that the Ma cedonians being in so great afflictions were so prompt to helpe others and next that being in great pouertie were verie liberal towards others b So that a moste abundant riuer of riches flowed out of their 〈◊〉 c So he 〈◊〉 their liberalitie ether because thei were the bestowers of Gods graces or because thei receiued thē of God frely and 〈◊〉 they desired Paul to se to the distribution thereof d Euerie man may do good that hathe abilitie thereunto but towil and haue aminde to do good cometh of 〈◊〉 charitie e That as you helpe others in their nede so 〈◊〉 shal releue your want f That bothe you and others as occasion shal serue may relieue the godlie according to their necessities Exod. 16. 18. g And willing ly offred him self to gather your almes h In 〈◊〉 the Gospel Some vnderstād Luke others 〈◊〉 i His wel doing is approued before God and man Rom. 12. 17. k That is by whome Christs glorie is greatly aduanced Prouerb 〈◊〉 Rom. 12 8. 〈◊〉 35. 11. a Lest thei 〈◊〉 giue but 〈◊〉 distrusting 〈◊〉 impo uerish thē 〈◊〉 thereby he sheweth that God wil so blese
10. Luk 18 1. 〈◊〉 18. 12. m Then is a man fully sanctified perfect when his minde thinketh no thing his soule that is his vnderstanding and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nothing nether his bodie doeth execute any thing contrary to the wil of God colos 4 3. Chap. 3 12. 1. cor 1 8. 1. Cor. 1 8. 1. Thess. 1. 2. a Whiche procedeth of your faith as a moste notable frute b The faithful by their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a cleare glasse the end of Gods iust iudgement when as they shal reigne with Christ whiche haue suffered with him ād the wicked shal 〈◊〉 his extreme wrath and vengeance Iude. 6. c By whome he declareth hys might 1. 〈◊〉 4. 16. d As God is euer lasting so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 punishmēt be euerlasting as he is moste mightie of power so shal their punishment be moste sore e The frebeneuo 〈◊〉 of Gods goodnes compre hendeth his purpose his predesti nation vocatiō the worke of faith conteineth our iustification to the which God addeth glorification and al these he worketh of his mere grace through Christ. f Faith is Gods wōderful worke in vs. g As the head with the bodie a As false 〈◊〉 tion or dreames b Which are spo ken or written Ephes. 5 6. c A wonderful 〈◊〉 of the moste parte from the faith d This wicked Antichrist comprehendeth the whole succession of the 〈◊〉 of the Church all that abominable kingdome of 〈◊〉 whereof some were beares some lyōs others leopardes as Daniel describeth thē and is called the man of sinne because he setteth him self vp agaīst God e Who as he destroyeth others so shal he be destroyed him self f Because the false apostles had persuaded after a sorte the Thessalonians that the day of the Lord was nere and so the redemption of the Church Paul 〈◊〉 thē to loke for this horrible dissipation before and therefore rather to prepare them selues to patience then to rest and quietnes for as yet there was a let that is that the Gospel shulde be preached through out all g To wit 〈◊〉 and is therefore called a mysterie because it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h Which shal 〈◊〉 for a time i That is with his worde k Meaning the whole time that he shal remaine l Satans power is limited that he can not 〈◊〉 the elect to their destruction m Delited in false doctrine n The 〈◊〉 of our election is the loue of God the sanctification of the Spirit and beleuing the trueth are testimonies oft e same election 〈◊〉 24. 14. o Before the fundacion of the worlde p And Gospel q By our preaching Isay. 11. 4. r That is the doctrine 〈◊〉 s That is by my 3. 6. preaching of the Gospel * Thes. 2. 2 * Chap. Ephes 6. 〈◊〉 Colos. 4. 3. a Althogh they 〈◊〉 them selues there of b Frō the slaights of Satan c By the Worde of God d Which is to tra 〈◊〉 if he Wil eat Chap. 2. 〈◊〉 1. Cor. 4. 12. 1. Thes. 4 11. Act. 20. 34. 1 〈◊〉 4. 12. 1. Thes 2. 9. 1. Cor 11. 10 e Then by the Worde of God noneogh to liue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 him selfe to some 〈◊〉 to get his 〈◊〉 by to do good to others Galat. 6. 9. Mat. 18. 27. 1. Cor. 5. 9. f The end of excommunicacion is not to 〈◊〉 from the Church suche as haue fallē but to Winne thē to the Church by amendement g Whether they be mine Epistles or other mens “ Or ordinance a So called becau se he followed the simplicitie of the Gospel Colos. 1. 8. b Because these questionistes preferred their curious 〈◊〉 to all other knowledge and 〈◊〉 them with the Law as if thei had bene theverie Law of God S. Paul sheweth that the end of Gods Law is loue which can not be without a good conscience nether a good 〈◊〉 science without faith nor faith 〈◊〉 the wor de of God so their doctrine which is an occasion of 〈◊〉 is worth nothing “ Or of the Law Act. 16 〈◊〉 Chap. 4. 7. Tic. 1. 14. Chap. 6. 4. Rom. 13. 10. c Whose hearts God spirit 〈◊〉 direct to do that willingly which the Law requireth so that their 〈◊〉 affection is to thē as a Law without further 〈◊〉 d Suche as onely delite in sinning Rom. 7. 12. e Whiche steale away children or seruants f He declareth to 〈◊〉 the ex cellent-force of Gods Spirite in them whome he hath chosen to beare his worde althogh before they were Gods 〈◊〉 enemies to encourage hym in this battel that he shulde fight against al insideles hypocrites Chap. 6. 13. g Not knowing that I foght against God h Whiche chased away 〈◊〉 i Whiche ouercame crueltie Mat. 9. 13. Mar. 2. 17. Chap. 6. 12. k He brasteth forthe into these godlie affections cōsidering Gods greate mercie toward him l It appeareth that the vocatiō of 〈◊〉 was approued by notable prophecies which thē were reueiled in the primatiue Churche as Paul Bar nabas by the ora cle were appointed to go to the Gentles m That is sounde doctrine 1. Cor. 5. 5. n Excommunicate and cast out of the Churche a That is of euerie degre of all sortes of people b Althogh they 〈◊〉 the Churche of God so it be of ignorance els if they do it maliciously as Iulianus A 〈◊〉 they may not be praied for Galat. 5. 12. 1. Thes. 2. 16. c As Iewe Gē tile poore riche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. 〈◊〉 2. Tim. 4. 14. 1. Iohn 5. 16. d Who wil reconcile of all nations people and 〈◊〉 to one god e Who being God was made man f He sheweth that there can be no 〈◊〉 or except he be also the redemer g Which shulde beleue h Which the 〈◊〉 testified that Christ shulde offre him self forthe redem ption of man at the time that god had determined 1. Pet. 3. 3. i As testimonies of a pure heart conscience 2. Tim. 1. 11. k The worde signifieth to plat to crispe to 〈◊〉 de to folde to bush to hurle or tolay it curiously whereby al 〈◊〉 pe wantonnes is condemned which women vse in trimming their heades Gen. 1. 27. l Read * Gen. 3 6. * 1. Cor. 14. 34. m The woman was first deceiued and so became the instrument of Satan to deceiue the man and thogh therefore God punis heth them with subiection and paine in their trauel yet if they be faithful and godlie in their vocacion they shal be saued n That is giltie of the transgression “ Or women a With a 〈◊〉 zeale to 〈◊〉 the Church of God whereso euer he shal call him Tit. 2. 6. b Whether he be Pastor or Elder c Bothe for the difficultie of the charge and also the excellencie thereof and the necessitie of the same d For in those countries at that time some men had mo thē one which was a signe of incontinencie “ Or reuerence e If it be requisite that a man shulde take
to Christ. p That is kepeth a straict dyet ād refrayneth from suche thyngs as might distenpre his bodie q Or olde man whiche rebelleth against the Spirit r Lest he shulde be reproued of men when they shulde se hym do contrarie or contemne that thing whiche he taught others to do Exod. 13 21. Nomb. 9. 〈◊〉 Exod. 〈◊〉 22. Exod. 16. 15. a Moses beyng their guide or minister or as some read they were baptized vnto Moses Law others by Moses Exod. 17. 6. b That is Manna whiche was the out warde signe or Sacrament of the Spirituall grace c They are the same meate that we do because the substance of theirs and 〈◊〉 Sacramentes is al one Nomb 20. 10. d That is signified Christ as all Sacraments do Nom. 26. 65. Nom 11. 4. and 26. 64. Psal. 106. 14. e Because hereby occasion was taken to forget God and cōmit idolatrie therefore these indifferent things are counted idolatrie f Moses readeth foureād Wentie thousand which declareth an infi nite nomber g Who was their leader and was called the Angel of God Exod. 32. 6. Nom. 25. 9. Nom. 21 6. Psal 106. 14. h Meaning ether the good or 〈◊〉 Angel whose mi nisterie God vseth to execute his iudgement to the 〈◊〉 destruction of the wicked i How God will plague vs if we be subiect to the like vices k Or later daies of Christs commyng l He that led you into this tentation which commeth vnto you ether in prosperi tie or aduersitie or for your sinnes past wil turne it to 〈◊〉 commoditie and deliuer you Nom. 14. 37. “ Or thankes giuyng m Or prepare to this holye vse with praise and thankes giuen n The 〈◊〉 badge of our 〈◊〉 and incorporatiō with Christ o If we that are manye in nomber are but one bodie in effecte ioyned with our head Christ as many cornes make but one loafe let vs reno unce idolatrie which doeth sepa rate our vnitie p VVhiche is gouerned accordīg to the ceremonies of the Law q VVhich is to as semble in that companie where idoles are called vpon r For in those days they were accustomed to sel 〈◊〉 of the fles he of beastes sacrificed in the shambles and turned the money to the 〈◊〉 profit * Psal. 24. 1. s Or doute 〈◊〉 Chap. 6. 13. Eccl. 37. 35. t VVe must take hede that through our abuse our libertie be not con demned u If by the benefi te of God I may eat any kinde of meat why shuld I by any defaut cause this benefi te to be euil spoken of Colos. 3. 17. x That is the infirme y VVhich are indifferent 2. Thes. 3. 9. “ Or in all thing remembreme Ephe. 5. 23. a This is referred to cōmune prayer ād preaching for althogh one spea ke yet the action is commune so that the whole Church may be said to praye or preache “ 〈◊〉 preaching b This tradition was obserued according to the time and place that all things might be done in comelines and to edification Gen. 1. 26. 5 1. 9 6. c Read chap. 14. 34. “ Or powlled d The image of Gods glorie in whome his maie stie and power shine concerning his autoritie e Or receiueth her glorie in cōmēdation of mā and therefore is subiect Col. 3. 3. 10. Gen. 2. 22. f Some thing to couer her head in signe of subie ction g To whom thei also shewe their dissolution and not onely to Christ. h Who is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of their mutual con iunction i For as God made the womā of mā so now is man multiphedby the woman k As women vse to weare l For God hathe giuen to woman longer 〈◊〉 thē vnto man to the end she shulde 〈◊〉 it vp about her head whereby she declareth that she must couer her head m Not that all were so but the moste parte n Gods Church is not onely subiect to discension as touching 〈◊〉 and maners but also to 〈◊〉 as touching doctrine o Who ought one ly to beare autoritie in the Church Mat. 26. 26. mar 14. 22. 〈◊〉 22. 19. p Signifying the maner of his death when his bodie shulde as it were be torne and broken with most grieuous torments albeit not as the thies of the thieues were the which thing the breaking of the bread as a figure doeth moste liuely represent q By peruerting the true ād pure vse of the same 2. Cor. 13. 1. r But as thogh these holie 〈◊〉 of the Lords bodie and blood were commune 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without reuerence he cōmeth vnto thē s Or dye Let thē loke to thē selues which ether adde or take away frō the Lords institu tion a The Corinthiā hauing notable gifts semed to ha ue forgotten of whome and for what end they had receiued thē Mar. 9. 〈◊〉 b VVhich colde not heare your prayers c By Satans suggestion d As no mā that hathe the Spirit of God can blaspheme Christ worship idoles so none can acknowledge christ for Lord ād God withoutthe same Spirit Iohn 13. 12. C ap 8. 6. Phil 2. 10. e To wit the Church which is the whole body f That is the vnderstanding of the Scriptures g To do onely miracles by h To worke by miracles against Satan hypocrices as was done against Ananias Elymas c. i Meaning the de claration of Gods mysteries k To trie bothe the doctrine and the persones Rom. 2. 3. Ephes. 4. 8. l That we might be one bodie with Christ and the whole Church one Christ of the which 〈◊〉 Baptisme the 〈◊〉 Supper are effectual signes for by baptisme we are regenerat into one Spirit and by the Lords Supper we are in corporat into 〈◊〉 bodie to be gouerned by the same Spirit m And therefore whatsoeuer the diuersitie is yet the profite ought to be commune and serue to the 〈◊〉 of the Church n VVhose vse semeth to be more vile o VVe are more careful to couer them p Euerie one in his office for the preseruacion of the bodie q For all Churches dispersed throughout the worlde are diuers membres of one bodie “ Or euerie one for his parte Ephes. 4. 11. r As Deacons s As Elders Chap. XIII “ Or do you then desire the best giftes Mat. 17. 20. Luk. 17. 6. a If the Angels had tongues I had the vse there of did not bestowe them to profite my neigh bour it were nothing but vaine babling b Faith is here ta ken for the 〈◊〉 of doing miracles which the wicked may ha ue as Mat. 7. 22. and also for that faith called histo rical which beleueth the mightie power of Christ but can not apprehend Gods mercie through him ād this deuils haue I am 2. 19 there fore is separate frō charitie but the faith that iustifieth in effect can not as 1. Iohn 2. 9. c Not that it suffreth it self to be abused but iudgeth others by all loue and humanitie d VVhich may
be without offence of Gods worde e Knowledge it self shal be perfited in the worlde to come and not abolished but the maner of knowing ād teaching shal cease when we shal be before Gods presence where we shal nether nedescho les nor teachers f That is imperfectly “ Or teache g The Mysteries of God “ Or taught of God h Because it serueth bothe here and in the life to come but faith hope apperreine onely to this life a That is to expounde the worde of God to the edification of the Church b Vnder stādeth him c By the Spiritual gift which he hathe reciued d For he 〈◊〉 none saue him self e The prophecie expoundeth that which God hath reueiled and the doctrine teacheth that which he hath giuen vs to vnderstand “ Or flute f Your wordes shal be loste for ye shal nether glorifie God thereby nor profit man “ Or as the thīg 〈◊〉 g That is they may be able to be vnderstand h He cōdemneth the Corinthians of barbarousnes in that things whereby they thoght to haue atteined to the greatest praise of eloquence i And doeth his parte k Not in respect of him that praieth but in respect of the Church which is nothing edified thereby l Or giues tankes by singing m One onely ma de the praiers and the rest of the cople followed in heart his wordes when he had prayed thei all said Amen signifying that they beleued asseuredly that God wolde grāte their requeste n That is moste fewe Mat. 18. 3. Isa. 28. 11. Deut. 28. 49. ierem 5. 15. ezek 3. 6. o He 〈◊〉 then moste shar pely that God wil punish the contempt of his worde and their contrefait ignorāce forasmuche as to speake which vnknowē tongues is à signe of Gods curse towards the 〈◊〉 p Of Gods curse when they are not vnderstand q By hearing his secret 〈◊〉 ript vp and his sinnes reproued by Gods worde he is compelled by his owne conscience to praise God r Which expounde the worde of God s Paul beareth as yet with their weakenes because also these were the gifts of God but yet he sheweth that 〈◊〉 shuld not passe this measure that first one after another and at the vtmost the third shulde read in a strange language which was to declare Gods miracle in the gift of tongues but chiefly he 〈◊〉 mandeth that nothing be done without interpre tacion 1. Tim. 2. 11. t Or learning which Gods Spirit moue th them to vtter u To the intent that others maye iudge of him that hathe spoken if he haue passed the compas of Gods worde wherefore Gen. 3. 16. x Because thys disordre was in the Churche that women vsurped that which was peculiar to men the 〈◊〉 here sheweth what is mete to be done and what is not and albeit he mencioned this abuse afore yet he referred it to this place to be reproued because there he broght it in for another purpose S Iohn comman deth to trye thy spirits whether thei be of God y Are ye the first or the last Christians that ye nether submit your selues to the churches of whom you haue receiued the Gospel nor ha ue respect to the others to whom the Gospel doeth likewise apperteine z To haue vnder standing of spiritual things a If anie man haue iudgement let him acknowledge that I speake of the Spirit of God and so let him obey if he haue no iudgemēt let him acknow ledge his ignorance and trouble not the Church but credit them that are learned Gal. 1. 11. * Menander in Thaidi Isa. 53. 5. 1. Pet. 2. 42. a If you beleue to be saued by the Gospell ye must beleue also the resurrection of the dead whiche is one of the principal points therof or elles your belief is but vaine b He sheweth that nothynge ought to be taught which we ha ue not learned by Gods worde * Menander in Thaidi Ionas 2. 1. * Menander in Thaidi Iohn 20. 19. * Menander in Thaidi c Althogh Iudas wanted yet they were so called still Act. 9. 4. * Menander in Thaidi Roma 6. 3. Ephe. 3. 8. Ephe. 3. 7. * Menander in Thaidi d For he was but the instrument and minister ād giueth the whole glorie to God e Christes death 〈◊〉 not effectual excepte he ryse from death f For if Christ be swaloed vp of death there remaineth no hope of life anymore g As mortification and remission of sinnes de pend on Christs death so oure quickenyng and restoring to life stand in hys resurrection h You are not forgiuen norsan ctified “ Or onelye for this life sake * Menander in Thaidi i As by the offring of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole frute is sanctified so by Christ whi che is the 〈◊〉 that is raised all haue assurance of the resurrectiō Col. 1. 18. Reuel 1. 5. k VVho 〈◊〉 first from the dead to take possession in our fleshe for vs his members 1. Thes. 4 15. l To wit the faithfull * Menander in Thaidi m Christ as he is man and 〈◊〉 of the Churche 〈◊〉 said to be subiect to God but in respecte of the worlde is kyng of heauen and earth this kingdome stādeth in gouernynge the faithfull ād ouer comming the ad uersaries euen death the chiefest whyche done Christ being per fited with all his membres shal as he is mā head of he Churche with his felowe heires deliuer his kingdome ād be 〈◊〉 to GOD with whom and the holie Gost in God head he 〈◊〉 equall * Menander in Thaidi * Menander in Thaidi n VVe shal be per fectlye fulfilled 〈◊〉 hys glorie and 〈◊〉 o That is as dead and because thei were but 〈◊〉 come to Christe wolde be baptized before they dyed Psal. 110. 1. p Except 〈◊〉 things be true of Christs kingdom and his subiectiō what shall become of thē whom the Church daily baptizeth for to destroye death in them whyche is the end of baptis me and so they to rise againe Isa. 22 13. Act. 2. 3 4. Ebr. 1 12 and 10. 13. Psal 8. 7. Ebr. 2. 8. q I take to witnes all my sorrowes wherein I may iustly rereioyce in the Lord that I haue susteined them among you r That is hauing regarde to this present life and not to Gods glorie and to life euer lasting * Menander in Thaidi * Menander in Thaidi Wisdo 2. 6. s There is one sub stāce as touching the flesh both of man beast but the difference is as touching the qualitie t Euen as the sūne and the moone being of one substance differ in dignitie so in the resurrection our bodies shal haue more excel lent qualities thē they haue now u For what is more vile to loke vnto thē the dead carkeis x 〈◊〉 changing the substance but made partaker of the diuine nature y Christ bringeth vs from heauen the Spitit of life Gen. 2. 7. z This is attributero Christ as cō cerning 〈◊〉 not