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A08793 A compe[n]dius [and] a moche fruytefull treatyse of well liuynge co[n]taynyng the hole su[m]me and effect of al vertue. Wrytten by S. Bernard [and] translated by Thomas Paynell.; Modus bene vivendi. English Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153.; Paynell, Thomas. 1545 (1545) STC 1908; ESTC S108441 104,124 414

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feble and frayle he resteth in his beddes of downe all mortall Good syster in chryst I do shew you these thynges to thentent ye may knowe how vayne these worldly thinges be The felicite of this worlde is very short the glorye of this worlde is small this temporal powre is exceding frayle and bryttell Wherfore loke ye despyse all worldly aboū daunce and that wyllyngly ye forsake these earthly thinges to come to eternall Refuse that is trāsitory to come to euerlastyng Gyue away these tryflynge and worldly thynges that god maye gyue you eternall exchew and flye the worlde and the cōpany of man y ● ye maye come to that goodly and celestiall company of angelles to the whiche company I desyre he wyll brynge you that bought you w t his precious bloode Amen Of the ha●yte cōueniēt garmentes cap. ix THe lorde sayeth They that are delicately and softly besene are in greate mens houses A mans garment is called softe delicate bycause it mollefyeth corrupte the mynde great mens houses delyte in such wanton delicate vesture but the churche of god deliteth taketh pleasure in humble and sharp arraye In the vesture of chryst seruantes of his hand maydēs shuld not be nor yet a peare newfangelnesse no vanite no superfluite nor no sygne of pryde or of vayne glorye Wherupon S. Hierome sayeth that the tender and softe vesture doth not ornate nor set forth goddes seruātes but the clerenesse of thought Therfore my welbeloued syster let vs decke vs with spirituall ornamentes that is with charite humilite gentylnes obedience and paciēce these be the very ornamentes with the whiche we may please oure celestial spouse chryst Iesus for oure inuisible spouse requireth no erteryoure beutie but the interior inward beutie as Dauid the Prophet sayeth All the glorye of the kinges doughter that is of god is inwardly and all such glorye is in a good in a humble and in a pure conscyēce and in such thynges they that be good do onely glorye but these idiotes do euer more glorye ī these exterior thinges Therfore let good maners be your ryches let good liuyng be your beutye for I wolde my good syster that that thynge myght be sayde by you that is red in the canticles My swete harte ye are all goodly nor there is not a spot in you And againe it is wryten come from the moūtayne of Libano for ye shall be crowned Truly that soule may well be called fortunate that seruyth god vndefyledly ye shalbe very fortunate yf ye maye serue god youre spouse without any spot of syn in deuer not youre self to plese god with your fayre face but with your harte youre vesture shal neyther be to precyous nor yet to vyle but moderate and cōpetent And so sayeth saynt Austen of hym selfe I confesse sayeth he that I am a shamed of my goodly araye And agayne he sayeth that such goodly araye besemeth not his profession it pertayneth not to these membres it besemeth not these graye eares Be therfore good virgyn well and honestly besene not to apeare to be bewtifull but only for bodely health least that when ye are trymblye besene ye fall to synne for the more that the body is wantonly set forth invayneglorye so moch the more the soule is inwardly bespotted and defyled Therfore good syster shewe your professiō to your pace and in your habyte that in youre pace be simplicite and honeste in youre mouynge purenesse in your gesture grauite and in youre maner of goynge honeste and that therein appeare no dishoneste no wātonnesse no pryde no sluggesneshe nor no lyghtnesse for why the wyll and mynde of a man dothe appeare and is knowen by the gesture of the bodye the gesture of the body is the declaration of the mynde by a mans gesture his corage is soone perceiued Therfore good syster let your maner of goyng and pace haue no symilitude of lyghtnes in it Let not your pace oftēde mans syght Let it not cause men to gase apon you or be any occasyon why men shuld slaūder and speake euyll by you Good syster clense youre conscience so from all malyce and iniquite that chryst Iesus your spouse may say thus vnto you O ye are fayre ye are fayre your eyes are as goodly as the doues ye are fayre by perfectiō of harte clēlynesse of mind ye are fayre for your intencyon is good and full of all simplicite for all that ye haue done ye haue not done it all to please man withall but onely for the pleasure of god Loke your eyes be lyke vnto the doues eyes for so shall ye kepe them vndefiled from al malyce su●lacion and fiction I wryte vnto you these thinges good syster because ye shulde rather reioyce inwardly of your excellent good vertues then outwardly of your freshe and gay clothyng Wherupon saynt Gregory sayeth that nomā desyreth ryche goodly apparell but onely for vayne glorye that is bycause that mē shulde extoll and laude hym and thynke thē more honorable then all other There is no man that desyreth to be wel decked but there onely where he may be sene and so it is manifest that he desyreth it only forvaine glorie O good virgyn by the desyre of such ryche and worldly apparel men knowe we do loue this worlde for he y e loueth not the world careth litle or nothīg for suche vanites When man reioyseth in such goodly ryche habyte then his harte is far frō the loue of god his maker how moche the more we delyte in the fashonyng and trymmynge of our bodyes so moche the more farther of be we from the loue of god How moch y ● more we take our pleasure in these earthly transitory thinges so moche the lesse we desyre celestial and heuēly thinges Truely that woman that delyteth and loueth precyous aray can not be but defyled with syn the spouse of chryst louynge suche clenly and goodly apparell can not be without syn The handmayde of GOd that hath earnestly lefte the worlde desyreth no such apparel hūble and symple vesture is a token of the contempte of the worlde Therfore good syster I praye you that good maners maye be your habyte and be no nother inwardes then ye be outwardꝭ Loke ye be in very dede the selfe ye wold be estemed and reputed to be And as ye be to mās sight so be in al your operatiōs workꝭ as ye are in countenaunce so loke ye be in very dede Of cōpunction the x. cha THe cōpūction of the harte is y e humi●ite of the mynd the whiche procedeth of the remembraūce of syn and of the feare of Goddes iudgement this cōpunction is a perfyte thyn g by the whiche all carnall delectacyon is auoyded and the mynde intention study of man fixed in the meditacyon and contemplacyon of god We rede of two maner of cōpūctiōs the tone is whē the soule of goddes seruant is moued and therwith reduceth
for who so euer he be that appereth heuy to the holy gooste his prayer is not acceptable but feble and not hable to ascēde vnto god wherfore leaue all heuynesse leaue of to be heuy set all heuynesse apart gyue not youreself to heuynes cōtinue not in heuynesse set not your hart mind apon heuynes heuynesse is one of the seuen princypall vices therfore goddes seruātes shuld clerely and vtterly auoyde and flye it Wherupon the holy S Isedore sayeth yf ye haue loued well and mercyfully ye shall neuer be heuy for a good lyfe is alwayes in ioye and gladnesse Therfore honest virgyn auoyd all heuinesse for as the mothe cōsumeth the gowne and as the worme gnaweth asūdre and consumeth the woode so dothe heuinesse noye hurt mannes harte Therfore pourge youre mynde from al worldly mournefulnes and so shall your oration prayer be acceptable vnto God wepe for youre synnes and reioyce in the loue of god bewayle your mysfautes when ye remembre them and reioyce in the hope of the celestyal and eternal reward be sory for youre synnes and neglygences and mery that GOd hathe promysed you to come to heuen be heuy for suche thynges as ye haue mysdone and glad of the eternall rewarde to the which I desyre and pray god to gyde and to brynge you Of the loue of god the xij Chap. THe lorde sayeth he that loueth me wyll kepe my commaundemētes and my father shal loue him and we wyl come vnto him and dwell with hym And saynt Iohan sayeth We loue god for he hath fyrst loued vs he y e loueth god shall pray for the forgyuenesse of his synnes and take hede he fal no more My wel beloued syster loue almyghtye god and call vnto hym for help for the loue of God is the very lyfe and his hatred very death God wyll not be beloued onely with worde but with harte and good workes he loueth not god that dispyseth his commaundementes the mynde of hym that loueth God is not in earth but in heuē and euermore desyryng of celestyal and heuenly thyngꝭ Good syster I exhorte you to loue God aboue all thynge We shulde rather loue GOD then our frēdes why so For he hath created and made bothe vs and them with his owne hādes that is through his owne propre vertue and power as it is wryten He hath made vs and not we haue made oure selfe Also he hath gyuen vs greater gyftes then eyther father or mother dyd and therfore we ought to loue hym aboue them Yt is a greate fooly to loue any thynge more then GOD yea he synneth greatly that loueth anye creature more then GOD he is in greate arrour that preferth the loue of any creature aboue the loue of GOd and therfore God must be beloued aboue al thing O honest virgyn I pray you to say thus by chryst Iesus w t loue and dilection My welbeloued god of whome I am greatly beloued the which pastorth amōg the liles vntyl it be day that is aslonge as it is daye and tyl the cloudes go downewardes that is vntyl the cloude of this present lyfe swage and auoide and that the day appeare that is vntyl the clerenesse of the spiritual beatitude blysse doth appeare It is a poynt of Iustice to loue god with al your harte and wyllyngly to cleue vnto hym And to loue the soueraygne goodnes is soueraigne beatitude he that loueth god is good Yf he be good he must nedes be blessed how moch more a man loueth god so moch the more he is blessed Dilectation and loue is the proper vertue of saītes I haue sayd these thynges vnto you to thentēt that the loue of this trāsytory worlde shulde not seperate you from god And hearewith I pray you to tell and to declare vnto vs somwhat of the loue of your spouse Chryst Iesu My louer is vnto me as a handfull or a shefe of myrre he restyth apō my pappꝭ Declare this thing a litle more playnly to vs that we may the better vnderstande it My louer I saye is vnto me as a litle shefe of myrre he shall rest betwexte my pappes the place of a mans hart is betwext the pappꝭ that is to say the memory y e dilectiō the loue of christ Iesu shalbe euermore in my hart And whether it be in prosperite or in aduersyte I wyl euermore cal and reduce to my memory al the godnesse that he shewed me for he hath loued me and suffered his death for me and is ascē dyd to heuen to thētent I shuld come vnto hym He dothe dayly call me sayng Leaue the world my spouse come vnto me and ye shalbe crowned The lefte hand of my louer and spouse is vnder my head y t is to saye the gyfte of the holy goost resteth in me in this present lyfe and I wolde the vnderstandynge of holy scrypture were in my mind that I myght loue hym know hym perfytly His ryght hande shal in brayce me that is he shal conuey and brynge me to eternall lyfe blysse O good syster saye thus vnto the handemaydes of GOD vnderset me with floures vnderbolster me with appelles for why I consume away in the loue of my spouse Chryst Iesu O my holy systers y ● loue God aboue all thynge and prefer no worldly thinge aboue his moste swetest loue vpholde me by your good examples shew me howe I maye fynde my louer Chryst Iesus for I am sycke for the loue of my spouse This loue is swete this sycknesse is verye hooly this dilectyon is chaste this coniunction is intemerate this copulacyon is inuiolate this imbrasynge is with out any spot of synne O my holy systers sustayne me with the floures of your good examples of your hooly cōuerfation for I am sycke for the loue of my spouse Uerely ye kepe your bed of contemplacyon for his sake yf ye loue hym aboue all thynges verely ye are sycke for goddꝭ sake yf ye esteme that is celestiall aboue that is earthly verely ye consume and waste awaye in the dilection and loue of chryst and in youre bed of inwarde dilection and swetnesse yf ye be stronge in holy operations and workꝭ feble in worldly worke and operatyon Good syster yf ye loue Chryst with all your harte nor prefer nothynge aboue his loue ye shall be with hym in great ioye in the kyngdome of heuen yf ye folow God with all youre mynde and loue hym with all youre harte without any doute ye shall be with hym in heuen and folowe hym with other hooly virgyns whether soeuer he go Yf ye cleue vnto god with all deuotion and with great desyre do sythe in this present worlde to come vnto hym without doute ye shall be with hym in greate ioye and pleasure in the hyghe palece of heuen and with other holy vyrgyns ye shall synge to his laude and prayse holy songes and deuoute hymnes as it is wrytten in
syster Charite is very necessary for without it no man can please GOD he loueth not GOD that hateth his peple nor he loueth not god that dispeseth his cōmaundementes charite is the very rote of all vertue without charite what soeuer we do it helpeth not al our diligēce is vaine without charite where that charite is not there raygneth flesly cupidite and lust and therfore a man is called perfyte when he is ful of charite for without charite notwithstandynge a man byleue neuer so well he shal neuer come to eternall beatitude the vertue of charite is so excellent and so noble that without it all other vertues auayle not but yf charite be in man as it ought to be he hath all thynge he that loueth not GOd loueth not hym selfe Therfore nowe at this tyme I monyshe you that by perfite loue ye annexe ioine your self to your īuiseble spouse chryst Iesu and that be no meanes ye couet not these worldly thynges And haste you also be affection to be out of this dale of wretchednes thynk it a payne to be long here nor take no pleasure therī but w t al your myght and desyre be as faruent as ye may to departe vnto god youre louer that for the loue of him ye esteme and repute youre proper helthe as nothynge And loke y t ye be euermore throw pearsed with the woundes of his excellent loue and so that ye maye say these wordes I am wounded with charite My welbeloued lyster in chryst Iesu harken vnto goddes wordes Whosoeuer sethe that he loued me shal be beloued of my father I wyl loue hym and manyfestly vysclose my selfe vnto hym Therfore good sister loue him in this transitory worlde that he maye loue you with his father in perpetuall beatitude Amen ¶ Of the cōtempt of the worlde viij cha MY Welbeloued syster harken vnto Chryst Iesu the whiche sayth Whosoeuer wyl forsake and seue his house his father and mother his brethren and systers or his childrē his feldes or his heritage for y e loue of me and my name he shal receyue a hunderth tymes asmoch and therwith eternal and euerlastynge lyfe Wherfore good syster it is for oure greate luker profyte to leue al earthly thynges for Goddes sake to get eternall for whosoeuer be a frend and a fauerer of y ● worlde he is goddes enemie Wherfore let vs not loue the worlde least that God shall hate vs. He shall easely despyse all thynge that rememberth euermore that he shal dye Yf we dayly call oure death to memory we shall wyllyngly despyse all earthly thynges yf we thynke dayly vpon the daye of oure death we shall efthsones forget and despyse all worldly pleasures The sisters demaunde O My good brother I wold be wel content for y e name the loue of god to leue all y e is in the world yf I had any thing but forasmoche as I haue neyther golde syluer nor yet no other ryches of this worlde I cā not tell what I shulde leue for goddes sake The brothers answere O Chrystes spouse ye leue many thynges when ye leue youre wyl to haue ye leue many thynges whē ye put backe youre desyre of bauynge ye leue moche when ye leue all carnall and flesly desyre ye leue moch when that for the name of god ye leue all delectations and plesures of this worlde ye leue moch whē ye renoūce these worldly couetus desyres GOd loueth more the soule of man thē he doth worldly ryches The lorde loueth moche more the hooly pure mynd of man then any worldly substāce good syster the kyngdome of heuen is worthe all that euer ye haue god axeth no more then he hath gyuen you Therfore rēder vp vnto hym that he hathe gyuē you y e is a holy a deuoute a chast a pure a religious a fere full mynde and a well manerred Then good syster the kyngdome of heuen is asmoch worth as ye are able to gyue or make gyue and offer vp your selfe vn to god ye shall soone optayne the kyngdome of heuen Let not the price therof trouble you trouble not your selfe for the pryce nor thynk it not moch for chryst Iesus to delyuer you from the handes of the deuyll to wyn to brynge you to god delyuered him self vp Therfore giue your selfe wyllyngly and hooly vnto hym that hath bought delyuered you from the hādes of your enemye for why to saue you he dyd hooly deliuer him self good syster set not by y e mucke of this worlde that ye may optayne the ryches of heuen ryches dothe bryng and leade man to the daūger bothe of body and soule Ryches bring a mā to his death Many a man hath bene destroyed by ryches by ryches many a man hath ben in extreme daunger Many a one hathe ben banyshed and outlawed for ryches Ryches hath bene the death of many a man Who so troubleth hym selfe with these earthly and worldly busynesses shall neuer be at rest nor yet inquiet The care of worldly substaūce dothe trouble a mans mynde maruelously and man gyuen and occupyde aboute suche vyle and earthly matters is in continual vexation and trouble Wherfore yf ye wyll be at rest and in tranquilyte desyre noone of these worldly thynges Ye shall be euermore in quietnesse of mynd yf ye leaue these worldly cures ye shall be at reste yf ye auoyde and leaue al worldly actions and busynesses for ryches are neuer gotten without the great daunger of synne No man melleth with worldly matters w tout parel of syn it is a very rare a seldome sene thing that they come to eternall rest that meldle with the worlde He that in wrappeth hym selfe in worldly matters gothe from the loue of god He that is fixed in the loue of these earthly thynges taketh litle or no pleasure in god these temporall cares and matters elienate a mans mynde frō god there is no mā that at once can bothe loue the glorye of heuen and of the worlde No man can loue god and the worlde togyther it is a very harde thyng to applye celestiall and worldly thynges togyther Yt is a hard point to loue god and the world togyther no man can perfetly loue god and the worlde noman can egally loue them bothe at once O honest virgyn I praye you to harken vnto me for not withstandynge a man do florysh in the glorye of this worlde not withstanding he be clothed with purpure and golde notwithstandynge he semeth to be excellently well arrayed floryshynge in golde and precious stone not w e dyng he hath his garde of goodly men aboute hym and his armed watche men and inuironed with innumerable cōpany of seruantes Yet he is euermore in payne in anguish and heuines in parell and daunger And not withstandyng he be among his goodly tapettes and rych hangynges yet vexed moch troubeled he lyeth in his beddes of golde and syluer and beyng full
oyle in there vessels that is they haue chastyte in theyr soules but suche as ve onely virgyns of body not of mynde be very fooles nor can not go to mete theyre spouse for they haue no oyle in theyre vessels y e is they haue not chastite in theyr soules And s Isodore sayeth She y e is a virgyn in bodie not in soule shall haue no remuncracyon ne reward And y ● lorde speakynge of these foolysh virgyns sayeth I knowe not what ye be Wherfore I exhorte you to be a virgin both in soule body y ● hereaft̄ ye may be set in the celestial rhābre of your spouse christ iesꝰ Uirginite is not cōmaūded but yet our holy fathers do coūsell vs to kepe it as a thynge most excellent The gyfte of virginyte is double for it hathe no carefulnesse in this worlde and in tyme to come it shalbe excellently rewarded without doute they that continew chast and in virginite shalbe egal with goddes angelles And the prophete Izaye doth beare wytnes that virgyns aboue all other shalbe most fortunate ī the eternal beatytude be sayeth those wordes speakynge vnto the Enuques that is to those that be chaste lyue chastly for goddes sake I wyll gyue them my house a place within my walles and a better name then hath my chyldren a name that shall dure for euermore and neuer perysshe All maner of synne through penaunce deserueth pardon forgyuenesse but virgynite once peryshed and lost can in no maner of wyse be recouered for not withstandinge a man by penance doth optayne pardon therof yet he by no maner of meanes can retourne to his fyrst estate purenesse O my good syster bodely virginyte is of no valure where is no integrite of harte mynde All suche virgyns as glorifye them selfe of theyr merytes are compared to Ipocrytes the whiche requyre exteryor glorye for theyr good workes and dedes the which they shuld haue inwardly and in consciēce And this is it that is wrytten Howe the foolyshe virgyns had no oyle in theyr vessels that is howe they kepte not inwardely in theyr conscyence the testimony of good workꝭ but that they wolde be glorifyed heare in this worlde amonge men and not in harte with God Saynt Austen sayeth that the virginyte of the bodye helpeth not where that anger dothe rule And there is a great difference betwyxt pure virginite of the soule the which is not poluted ne defyled with contagyousnesse and that that hathe ben subiecte to many bodely pleasures Good sister I pray you harken vnto Saynt Hierom wordes sayenge That it profyteth nothynge that the bodye be chaste yf the mynde be maried Also it is as nothynge to kepe the bodye chaste yf man refrayne not his eyes from concupiscence wanton lokes Norvirgynyte profyteth nothynge yf theyr be in the mynde no charite nor no humilite Wherfore good syster I wold counsel you to take the oyle of good workes with you and that ye garnyshe your lampes with good cleane maners and that ye kyndle and lyght them with good and goostly vertues that when so euer ye shall heare that the bryde grome is commynge ye maye go and mete hym that is to saye ye maye go and mete with Chryst Iesus youre spouse and be receyued and set in his celestyall chambre ¶ Of continence the .xxij chapitur Good sister I pray you to harken with all deuocyon vnto my admonicyon The nomber of thyrte is the fyrst nōbre and it sygnifyeth the cōfederatyon of maryage The nōbre of thre score is the seconde degre of nōbres it sygnifeth the cōtynēce of wydowes A hundered is the thyrd degre of nombers the which is deputed vnto virgyns for the glorye and crowne of theyre virginyte Saynt Isodore sayeth y ● ther be which in there youth lyued luxuriusly in age do intēd to lyue chastly and that wyl liue then in continence and chastite when voluptuousnesse bodely pleasure hath forsaken left them but suche men shall haue litle or no reward for they haue taken no payne to resyste temptacyō They shal be rewarded the crowne of glorye appertayneth to them that valyātly haue foughten and warsteled for it the fruyte of chastite is swetnesse Chastite is the sauegard of the soule and the health of the body Luxuriousnesse dothe feble a mans body and causeth man to seme olde and aged before his tyme continuall and longe chastite is reputed for virginite Therfore good syster the beutifulnesse of chastite oug ht to be loued and myche made of They that lyue continently and chastely prepare them selfe as and humble synner is more to be laudyd a great dele then the proude iust man Therfore dysprayse no womē for many a holy womā hath ben maryed and haue had chyldren truely yf ye blame or accuse any such ye are culpable before god For the holy prophete saynt ●n was maryed Yet neuerthelesse she prophesyed of Chryst and deserued to se hym Also Mary Magdalene was a secular woman and yet she sawe chryst after he was rysen from death to lyfe and deserued to be chrystes messenger to his apostles we shulde neuer haue them in cōtempte the whiche god hath chosen to be his seruantes Wherfore I exhort you that for the loue of chryst ye do them the seruyce and pleasure ye maye or can and that ye loue them as mothers And good syster ye ought to loue them as your owne chyldrē for god hath conuerted and drawen them frō the worlde to his seruyce Yf ye then despyse them bycause they be his handmaydēs and seruantes ye do hym iniure O good syster in Chryst Iesu neuer say or thynke your selfe a drye stock or an vnfrutefull tree For yf ye loue the lorde as ye shuld do ye haue seuen goodly chyldren The fyrste is called shamefastnesse the seconde patyence the thyrde sobernesse the fourth tēperaunce the fyfte is charyte the syxte humilyte the seuenth chastite Behold nowe good syster how that by the great grace of GOD without any grefe or corporall corruptyon ye haue brought forthe to GOddes honour seuen fayre chyldren And so ye haue fulfylled that is wryttē The barrē hath brought forthe seuen chyldren Therfore good syster ye muste nouryshe repast confort and chasten these your goodly chyldren ye muste nouryshe them with good maners with deuoute contemplacyon with the mylke of eternall swetenesse ye must repast them with the loue of heuēly pasture ye muste conforte them with the breade of the worde of God Ye must chasten them with the roddes of the feare of god and commaunde them to flye and auoyd all pryde and lyghtnesse that they neuer transgresse his commaundementes and that they neuer go ne departe from you Nowe ye se then howe that virgyns fynd out and optayne the moost excellentes and moost soueraūce place of the kyngdome of heuen not without a great cause for they haue dispised this present worlde And therfore they are
suffre payne and tormente O good Christes spouse ye are iustly punished ye are iustly scourged and iustly condēpned the payne and tormētes ye are in do iustly chasten you Of couitousnes xliiii cha THe Lorde saythe in his gospell flye frō all couytousnes for the life of mā is not in the abundaunce of those thynges that he possesseth vpō earth And saynt Paule sayth Let no fornycacyon no immundycyte nor yet no couytousnes be spoken of amonge you And agayne he sayth such as are fornycators vnclenly of lyfe or couytous shall not be parte takers of the kyngdome of heuen of this thynge sayth Salomon He that foloweth couitousnes doth trouble his house the couytous shall neuer be satisfyed with money he that louethe ryches shall neuer haue ꝓfite be thē there is nothīg worse thē to loue money for his soule y ● loueth money is euermore redy to be solde as couytousnes doth drowē a man in hell so doth almous dede done w t lyberalyte eleuateth brīgth mā to heuen The couytous man is lykened to hel for as hell is neuer satysfyed no more is the auarycyous mā and the more that he that hath the dropsy doth drīke the more he may so y ● more that the couytous man gettethe the more he desyrethe Auarycyousnes couytousnes are systers and pryde is theyre mother for pryde was neuer without auarycyousnes nor auaryce w toute couytousnes Good syster lette not yourhandes be redy to take and receyue but rather redye to gyue I wolde ye shulde delyte more in gyuyng thē in takyng it is a greater vertue and moch better to gyue thē to take Good syster take heed that auaryce fasten not her rootes in you loke there be no spot or smacke of couytousnes in you yf for Christe sake ye vtterly dyspyse al worldly thynges ye shal reioyce eternally with hym in heuen Of cupidyte the .xiv. cha CUpidyte is the roote of all myschefe no man can perfytely take vpō hym to make spirytuall warre withoute he tame and refrayne al bodyly pleasure the soule of man can not be sette nor geuen to contēp lacyon yf it be intangled withe cupidyte and the desyre of transytory and worldly thynges the eye of the soule can not beholde celesty all thynges yf the dust of earthlye cupidyte do blynde it cupidyte is a greuous synne the matter and very occasion of all other crimes Wherfore it is no meruayle yf they be tormented w t the fyre of hell that ī this worlde wolde not quenche the flayme of theyr cupydyte Good syster not w t stādyng ye haue no money yet that shal nothīg preuaile you yf ye be desirous therof It p̄uayleth not to be bare yf a man be desyrous of goodly aray Iudas through cupydyte solde Chryst we came bare in to the worlde shall departe from hence bare why shuld we thē couet or desyre these worldlye and trāsytorye thynges And yf we know y t the goodes of the world shall perisshe come to noughtes why do we loue thē so effectuouslye If we loue these transytory thynges more then reasō requyreth we offende greatlye Therfore good syster consyder the course and breuenes of your tyme and ye shall manyfestlye knowe and perceyue that a verye lytle thynge wyll serue you If cupydyte as I haue sayd before be the rote of all other myschefe it is necessary ye expell it leste it be the occasyon of other lette there be no euyl nor no peruerse cupydytye ī you the good lorde gyue you of his grace to dyspyse for his loue onelye the prosperyte of the world and not to feare the aduersytes therof Of pouertie the .xlvi. Chapi BLessed be they that are poore in spirite for the kyngdome of heuen is theyrs There are many power mē whose pouertie maketh thē rather wretched thē blessed because they suffre nor take not theyr pouertie pacyētly for goddes sake but full sore agaynste theyr wyll other there be that pacyētly do suffre theyr pouerte for goddꝭ sake through theyr meke sufferaūce are blessed of y ● which it is wrytē blessed at they y ● ar pore in spirite Ye haue harde good syster of y ● tribulacyō pacyence of Iob. Wherfore I exhort you to take heed that nother worldly trybulacyon do oppresse you nor prosperyte exalte you ye rede that y ● patryarches were very ryche of substaunce and meruaylous hūble meke of stomacke suche a one was Abraham that sayd I wyl speke to my lord god which I am but earth and ashes So my good syster yf in your welth woo ye gyue thankes vnto almyghtye god ye shall beleue well perceyue that the felycyte of this tēporall lyfe vanysheth awaye as smoke cōmeth to nothyng for saynte Paule sayth If we trust onely vpon goodes rewarde in this world we are the most wretched of all other the which take y ● fruycyō of theyr goodes here we great payn tormēt Christe Iesus promysyng vs perpetuall lyfe taught vs to dyspyse gold al other giftes because we shuld not fere hūger he fasted forty dayes because we shulde not feare to be bare he commaūded his discyples they shulde haue but one cote because we shulde not feare trybulacion he suffred great trybulacyon And bycause we shuld not fere deth he suffred deth for vs. All these worldly thinges are but fleshly cōcuptscence the cōcupiscēce of the eyes and wordly ambition the worlde shall perysshe with al his cōcupiscence Therfore good sister let vs not loue these wordly thynges lost we peryshe with thē Kynge Dauyd was a myghty prynce and notwithstādyng he had great treasoure ruled his people with stronge hād yet he knowledge shewed hym selfe to be full of humilite saynge I am but poore and ī cōmmual laboure And agayne he sayth I am poore ī greate necessite And againe I am but as a poore laborynge man in this worlde and a pylgryme as my fore fathers haue bene before me Good syster let not the flattery of this transytory worlde delyte and please you take no pleasure in this worldely cōmodite nor reioyce not ī worldly lucre nor be not moued with earthly losses For it is wrytten If ryches come plentifully and abundantly vnto you sette not your harte nor your minde vpō them for yf man be in amours and loue with them he shall lese them with great paine sorow O Chrystes spouse lysten vnto me he whome heuen and earth doth serue made hym selfe pore for oure sakes Why so that by his pouertye he myght inryche vs. Therfore good vyrgyn folow y ● way of Christ Iesus leaue not of to folow his fote steppꝭ for without doute yf ye folowe hym ye shal come to the euerlastynge kyngdome of heuen Beholde good syster the virginite pouerte of our blessyd lady the which was so in goddes fauour that she by hī deseruyd to be
y ● hart is mās thought in his armes his labour So y ● welbeloued bryde grome is layde vpon your hart harmes as a sygne For by the good wyll operacyō of man it is soone knowen what loue the soule bereth to her bryde grome Chryst Iesus for the loue of god is neuer Idle yf it be true loue it doth many great workes Therfore good syster I pray you to loue god ꝑfytely that for his sake ye be neuer ydle yf ye loue god perfytely ye shal neuer be ydle yf ye loue god truely ye shall auoyde al ydlenes if ye loue god w t all your hart with all your mynde then for his sake ye shal laye asyde dyspyse al ydlenes the kingdome of heuen shal not be gyuen to those that are ydle but to those y ● be studius dyligēt ī goddꝭ seruice nor to no vacabūdes or erroniꝰ ꝑsōs but to those y ● for goddes sake do truli labour ī his seruyce They y ● are slouthful to do good workꝭ shal not be ꝑtakers of y ● kīgdome of heuen Lururiousnes bodely lust doth sone deceyue those y ● a● ydle great wāderers Luxuryousnes doth trouble hī very sore whō she fīdeth ydle carnal appetyte lust giueth place to worke to diligēce to labur occupatiō Amā may be diligēt labourouertred such wātō lustꝭ desyrꝭ for whē y ● body is wel traueled we ●yd with laboure it settethe not greatelye by suche tryfelynge matters Wherfore good syster beware and preuēt idlenes loue no idlenes werye youre bodye w t labour excercyse your bodye w t good workes inquyre euermore for some ꝓfytable worke y ● your intentyō mynde maye be occupied Let your good workes and your good intentyō be euermore in god ¶ Of lyfe actyue and cōtemplatyue the 〈◊〉 Chapiter I Acob sawe a lather standīge vpō the groūde angels ascēdyng descēding and the top of this lather touched heuē All those y ● are p̄destynate to be saued those that are in y ● way of saluacyon are set vpō this lather This lather doth sygnyfy y ● church aswel militāt as tryūphāt The milytant is y ● church of this worlde the tryūphant y ● celestiall church of heuē There is vpō this lather thre orders of men seculers actyues contēplatyues The seculers are in y e lowest degre the actyues in the hygher the contēplatiues in y ● highest of these thre orders sumare in y ● myll some in the felde some in theyr beddꝭ The myll is the seculer lyfe the felde is y ● wyll of y ● seculer mā In y ● felde are the preachers of y ● worde of of god In thebed is the loue of god they y ● are in y ● myll be they that cōpasse the world and that leke loue these worldly thingꝭ they y ● are in the felde are they y ● eare the lāde sow the worde of god amōge the people they are in theyr beddꝭ y ● vtterly dyspyse all worldly substaūce ryches at the fote of this lather stande they that are worldly In y ● middle part therof at they that are called acryues in the hygheste part therof are y e contēplatyues the which are very nye vnto heuen For they thīke vpō nothīg but y ● that is heuenly they that go vp downe this lather are the angels y e which ascēde vp to god by cōtēplacyō descēde to theyr neyghbour by cōpassyon lyfe actyue is y e inocēcy of good workes the cōtēplatyue lyfe is the imaginacyō speculacyō of celesty all thīges the actyue life is comon to many the contēplatyue to very fewe y e actyue lyfe vseth well all worldly thynges but the contēplatyue gyuen all to goddes seruyce doth lytle or nothyng regarde the worlde ¶ The sisters demaūde WElbeloued brother I praye you to open vnto me the differēces betwene the lyfe actyue and the contemplatyue The brothers answere DEre syster there is a greate dyfferēce betwene thē for the actiue is to giue hī brede y t is a hungerde to gyue wyse coūsayle to teache his neyghbours to reduce correct those that are in erroure to brige the proude to humylytye to accorde those y t are at debate to vysyte y ● sicke to very y ● dede to redeme poore prisoners to dispēce prouyde for euery mā as nede shal requyre ye haue hard y ● workes of lyfe actyue Nowe I pray you harkē to y ● workꝭ of lyfe cōtēplatyue This cōtēplatyue lyfe kepeth togither y ● chatyte of god mā is quyet frō all exteryor actyō hāgyng clenīg onely to goddꝭ desyre takīg no maner of plesure ī these wor●ly thynges but dispysyng them to come to the very syght fruy cyon of god and beyng very sory to remayne longe in this my serable worlde and ponderous bodye desyreth effectuouslye to come to the cōpanye of angels there to laude god w t hympnes and other spirytuall songes desyrynge also to be among the celesty all cytyzens of heuen and there in the syght of almyghtye god to re oyce in the eternal incorruptyon Nowe good syster ye haue hard both of the actyue and the cōtemplatyue lyfe and therfore I wolde that with Mary Magdalene ye chose the best parte that is the cōtemplaty us life y ● lyfe actyue is right good but the contēplatyue moch better he that can profyte ī the actyue shall the better come to the cōtēplatiue of this ye may take an example by Iacob the which loued Rachel intearely Rachel doth sygnyfye the contēplatyue lyfe Then they gaue him Lya the which doth sygnifye the actyue lyfe this actyue lyfe dothe serue god in great labour trauayle y ● is fedyng nourishyng receyuyng clothing vysytyng cōfortyng beryenge of y e pore w t many such workes of mercy and yet Lya is the secōde chyld for there are manye mo actyue people then contemplatyue but Rachell is as moche to say as a shepe or syeynge the begīnyng for contēplatyue persons are sīple as Innocent as shepe far frō all worldly tumult stryfe cleuyng onely to deuyne contēplatyō and that to come to his syght y ● sayth I that speake vnto you am the begīnyng This Rachel had two doughters for there are two maner of cōtēplatyues some there are y ● lyue ī comē other there are y ● are solytary seperated frō al other but lyfe contēplatyue is moch more perfyte then is the actyue lyfe And as y ● egle doth fycher eyes ī the son beames nor remoueth thē not but whē he taketh some sustenaūce so deuoute ꝑsons gyuē to cōtēplacyō at some times retourne frō cōtēplacyon to the actyue lyfe For not w tstādynge heuēly thīges are moch ꝓfytable yet these inferyor worldly thīges are so necessary y e we can not well be w tout thē In so moche y ● Christ speakīg vnto the
deuoute soule giuē all to cōtēplacyō sayth thus Ryse vp hast you my welbeloued fayre louer cū vnto me as though he wolde say more plaīly Ryse vp hast you my louer by delectiō faith my doue by innocēce sīplycyte my fayre syster by y e vertue of chastite Rise vp frō your swete estate y ● is frō your rest of cōtēplacyō ī the which ye desyre to cōtēt to please me ī salmode hipnes prayer such other spiritual sōges melody hast you therfore cū hyther y ● is come out to ꝓfyte your neighboures cause thē by p̄dycacyō good exāple to folow you The vysyō of y ● bestes in Ezechyel y ● which wēt retorned not agayn do ꝑtaīe to y ● cōtinuāce of y ● actiue life y ● bestꝭ y ● wēt retorned agaīe pertayne to life cōtēplatyue for whē mā boweth his mīde therto by by through his infyrmyte he is deiected cleane tourned but after he remēbreth him selfe agayne he retourneth frō that he came fro the which thyng cānot be done in actyue lyfe For yf a mā fall frō it neuer so lytle by and by he is inwrapte intāgled w t vyce Often tymes the soule of mā is exalted frome the earth to heuen and ouercomed w t carnall infyrmytye it descendeth agayn from heuē to earth Also god doth vysyte manye seculer men through his greate grace doth lifte thē vp in to cōtemplacyō Also by his secrete vnknowē iudgemēt he suffreth many a contēplatyue mā to fall to these earthly matters so leueth them And as he y ● is deed buryed doth cease frō al worldly busynes so doth the cōtēplatyue mā cease frome all worldly workes and as they that come frō the actyue lyfe be buryed in the quyetnes rest of contēplacyō so y ● contēplatyue lyfe doth receyue thē as buryed in it that depart come frō the worldlye lyfe and as the actyue lyfe is y ● graue of the seculer and worldly lyfe so is y ● contēplatyue the monumēt graue of the actyue lyfe And as good holy men at sometymes come frō the secretnes of contēplatyō to the actiue lyfe so they retourne agayne to the secretenes of lyfe contemplatyue and theyr in warde contemplatiō there to laude god where they lernde how to do good workes abrode to the laude praise of almyghtye god and as it is goddes wyl that man gyuen to cōtēplacyō at some tymes shuld leaue it come abrode for other mēnes profyte so at some tymes his mynde is that no mā shulde dysturbe or vnquyet theim but that they shulde rest in theyr secrete swete contēplacyon the whiche thyng god doth declare for byddyng the maydēs of Hierusalē that they awake not his spouse layng O ye madens of hierusalē I adiure you by the wylde gottes hartes of the feldes that ye awake not my louer vntyll she haue lust to ryse that is to say that ye call not vp nor awake not the deuour soule gyuē to cōtēplatyon ocupyed in prayer dyuyne lectures nor prouoke her not to any vtward operacyon vntyll that she wyll her selfe that is awake her not vntyl y ● tyme of her cōtēplacyō be exspyred vntyll she wyll be awaked frō her interyor reste swete quietnes yet ī this mortal lyfe there is no man that can ꝑfytely contēplate god as saythe saynt Iohn̄ in his apocalypsys There was scylence in heuen aboute halfe an hoüre heuen is taken for the soule of euery iust mā as god sayth by the prophet Esay Heuen is my seate so that when quyetnes of lyfe contemplatyue is in the mynde then there is scylēce ī heuē y ● is in the soule for the trybulacyon of all earthly thīges are thē in quyet far frō mās cogitaciō thought But for asmoch as cōtēplacyō cānot be ꝑfyte ī this worlde we sayde not that there was scylēce in heuen a hole houre but halfe an houre but he that wyl lyue ꝑfytely in cōtēplacyō must leue all worldlye matters of this speaketh God in y ● Cantycles I slepe but my harte is a wake as though he wolde saye more playnly Whē I slepe and kepe me frō worldly troubles inwardly in my mynde I reuolue thīke vpon celestyall spirituall thyngꝭ Also y ● arche of Noe the which was double chāberd sygnyfyeth the lyfe actyue cōtēplatiue of y ● which two the actyue is lowest the cōtēplatyue hyghest And it hadde as some say thre chābers y ● which do sygnifye thre orders of mē that are cōprysed in the church that is those y ● ar maried those that are contynent and those that lyue chast as virgyns of this contemplaciō like god saieth in his gospell Yf ye wyll be perfyte sel al y ● ye haue giue all to the poore and ye shall haue a treasoure in heuen come folow me And agayne he sayeth Mary hathe chosen the best parte the whiche shall not be taken from her For the lyfe contemplatyue shal neyther be taken awaye in this lyfe nor in no nother but the actyue life taketh his end in this world So doth not the lyfe contemplatyue for it continueth for euermore The lyfe actyue doth end in this world the cōtemplatyue begynneth heare is made perfyte in heuen Good syster I exhorte you for the loue of god to despyse this present worlde and for his loue to leue of all worldly cares thoughtes Gyue all your mynde study to god Let no worldly care w tdraw you frō goddes seruyce Auoyde caste frō you al such thynges as may let youre good purpose And I wolde coūsell you to hate w tall your harte mynde all that the worlde doth loue Be deade in this world and with draw your selfe as a deade persone frō this present lyfe and as a dead ꝑson desyre not y ●glorye of this world Good syster haue no mynde vpō the worlde but euen as thought ye were beryed withdrawe your selfe from all worldly businesses for yf ye so do ye shal optayne y ● eternall and euerlastyng blysse ¶ Of curiosite che lij cha MY welbeloued Sy●er I exhorte you to study cōtinually to profyte in good workes and y ● ye desyre not the vanites whiche other do desyre But I exhorte you to cōsyder the goodnes ye shulde do for a certayne wyse man sayeth In vanite● and vayne thinges be not curiouse nor it is not for your profyte nor yet nedefull to know that passeth mans wyt to know And reasō wold y ● heshuld leue of to iuge other mens mindes that can not perfetely know what men thinke Why so For we iudg that y ● is vncertaine vntyl y ● lord come y ● which shal giue clere knowledge of al such thīgꝭ which a● secret far frō mās knowledg shal manifestly opē the secret counsell of
GOd this feare is also caulde chyldly feare for it feareth not god as a seruāt fereth his cruel maister but as a child feareth his swete father But what meneth Dauid be this sayenge y t feare of god remayneth for euermore When saynt Iohn layeth that perfet charite dothe repell and chace feare awaye This is that we tolde you before that he hathe chast feare in hym that fereth not GOD bycause of the paynes of hell nor for the tormētes of the fyer but for the reuerence loue he hath vnto GOd and this reuerent louynge feare to God shall endure for euermore He that feareth god for the paynes of hell hath not this chast fere but the feare called seruyle nor he hath no perfyte charite for yf he loued god perfetly he wolde haue ꝑfyte iustice in him selfe shuld not feare god for feare of the pa●es of hell but onely for reuerence and good loue therfore the fere of payne is not in charite for perfyte Charite putteth all feare awaye A seruaunt feareth his maister after another sorte then the chyld the father The seruant feareth his mayster with dispeare and hatred the childe fereth his father with all loue and reuerence Therfore I aduyse you to feare god with all loue and reuerence I wyl not ye shuld be euermore vnder the yoke of feare but that ye shulde lyfte vp your selfe vnto god the father that made and created you as his owne doughter Also I exhorte you to loue god chastely and that ye prefar nothynge aboue his loue but y ● for his sake loue ye esteme lytle all worldly thynges Ferthermore honest virgyn I desyre you to amende your liuyng as moche as ye maye possible in such maner that your wordes and cōmunicaciō may be pudyke chast youre pase all honest your coūtenaūce hūble meke your tongue affable your soule replenished w t the loue of God your handes ful of good workꝭ the lorde helpyng you without whose ayde it is impossible to do well My deare syster in chryst yfye feare GOd withall youre harte ye shall haue great aboūdaunce of ryches not onely in this presēt lyfe but also in tyme to come Of charite v. cha THe king hath brought me into his wyne celler hath ordayned charite in me This wine celler is y ● church in the whiche is the wyne of prechyng of y ● gospel Into this celler is brought y e louer of y e spouse y ● is y ● deuoute soule of mā wherī charite is ordained set for eueri thynge ought not to be equally belouyd but in diuers maners we shulde not loue all thynges alyke and with one affectiō but one more and another lesse for why to know what we ought to do and not to knowe howe to order it is no perfite science for yf we loue not such thynges as we shulde loue or yf we loue suche thynges as we shulde not loue our charite is not well orderde or yf we loue any thynge more or lesse then we shulde do oure Charite is not well ordered for Charite well ordered wylleth y ● we feare god aboue all thyng we shulde loue god with al our harte that is with all our vnder standyng and w t all our mynd that is with all our wyll and with all our thought that is w t all our memory we shulde also e●alte and lyft vp vnto god all our vnderstandynge all oure thought all oure lyfe of whome we haue althynge And beware that there be no part of our lyfe in ydelnesse but what soeuer y ● cōmeth to our mynde redresse it vnto hym from whome finally all feruentnes of loue dothe descende and flowe Therfore my dere syster it is a ryght worthy thynge a very necessary that we loue God aboue all thynge for he is the soueraine goodnes then to loue the souerayne goodnesse is souerayne beatitude the more a man loueth god the more he is fortunate he that loueth god is reputed to be good and yf he be good it foloweth y ● he is fortunate Of the whiche thynge it is wryten in the canticles The loue of god is as strōge as death that is well sayde for as death doth violently seperate the soule from the bodye so the loue of god dothe violently seperate man from all carnall and worldly loue and verely the loue of GOD is as stronge as death for whē that through the loue of god we be mortified frō vice then what soeuer death dothe in mannes body the same dothe the delection of god in the cupidites and pleasures of this worlde God shulde be beloued for his owne sake for he is the souerayn goodnes of all goodnes and he that hathe created vs of nought Charite is the delectiō by the which the lorde is loued for his owne sake and a mans nyghbour forgoddꝭ sake Aboue all thing fyrst god ought to be beloued as I haue shewed you that is before all other thynge and secōdarely your neyghbour in god that is in all goodnesse Charite hath two cōmaundemētes and preceptes The fyrst pertayneth to the dilection of god the whiche is y ● principall point of all The seconde pertayneth to the dilection of your neyghbour the which is lyke vnto the fyrst as it is wrytē Thou shalt loue thy lorde god thy neyghbour as thy selfe as thoughe he wold say y ● shuld loue thy neighbour for y e thīg to y ● ende y ● dost loue thy selfe y e i● y e he maye be good come the blysse of heuen And of this godly neighbourly dilection chryst in the Canticles sayeth vnto his spouse charite for if charite were in him god shuld be in hym for God is charite Also we shulde loue our neighbours kynsfolke yf they be good goddes seruātes but yet we shuld rather loue a straūger copelyd vnto vs by charite then our kynsfolke that neyther loue nor serue GOd Why so For the cōiunction copulatiō of men by charite is of a more ꝑ fectiō holynesse then onely bodely coniunction We shulde loue all faythful people but for asmoch as we cānot profyte thē all we ought principally to profyte thē the which by reasō of in habitatiō tyme other oportunites are straytly ioyned vnto vs by charite but yet w t lyke loue we shuld desyre euery mans saluattō loue al maner of people charitable that is we shulde loue them to thentent they may loue God and be saued yet we ought not to shewe the workes of mercy egally to euerye man but to some more to some lesse My welbeloued sister yf we kepe trewe and perfyte charite by GODdes helpe and grace we may come to saluation and for the loue of god we shulde loue our enemyes as it is wryten Loue your enemyes do good to those that hate you and pray for them that persecute you that euen so ye maye be the chyldren of GOD. Then good
of good liuyng and of mortifyeng the fleshe of the whiche one of them sayeth yf ye lyue after the appetite of the fleshe ye shal dye and agayne Ye that are in the worlde mortifye your membres that is to saye ye that are deade in soule through vitious liuynge mortifye your mēbres that is youre bodye the whiche hath many mēbres And agayne the church sayeth My fyngers are full of myr moost approued then truely it is myr moost approued when the fleshe is perfetely mortifyed and all maner of vyce and syn clene set a syde remoued Therfore welbeloued syster yf we desyre the societe and felowshyp of sayntes it is requisyted we followe there examples but yf we syne we haue no maner of meanes howe to excuse it why so For the lawe the commaundementes of God do dayly exhorte vs to lyue wel and the examples of good holy fathers do dayly incite and prouoke vs to do well And yf peraduenture we at anye tyme be prompte redy to folow those there examples that are naught why be we not moch more redye dilygent to folowe the examples of those y t are good Let vs therfore good syster praye vnto almyghtye god y t such holy vertues as he hath prepared to the salute coronatyon of his sayntes be not to our dānatyon but to our saluacyon profyte for we doutelesse beleue that yf we followe there good examples that after this mortall and transytory lyfe we shall reygne with them in euerlastyng blysse And how moche the more we rede there holy lyues not folowīg there good example so moch the more we shal be blamed foūde fauty O honest vergī I besech god almightie to graūt you y e vertu of the holy fathers That is the humilyte of chryst Iesu the deuotion of saynt Peter the charite of saynt Iohn̄ the obedience of Abraham the pacience of Isaac the tollerance of Iacob the chastite of Ioseph the mansuetude and swetnesse of Moses the cōstance of Iosue the benignite of Samuell the mercy of Dauid the abstience of Daniel and the other good dedes of our fore fathers y e after this wretched mortall lyfe ye maye come to theyr blessid company O good virgin consider I pray you with what moderacyon with what intency on with what cōpunction chrystes seruātes haue pleased him Of the whiche thyng in christes person it is wrytten in the canticles O kiges doughter howe goodly are your goīges in your prynsely shoes The LORde throughe his diuyne power is lorde of all creatures and therfore our holy mother the church is called his doughter for by holy and deuoute preachynge he hath reduced her to a newe maner of lyuynge And what other thynge is vnderstanded by the shoes of the churche but onely the examples of sayntes by the whiche she is defended and by there ayde passeth ouer al worldly tribulation Good sister we do then put on our shoes spiritually when we accepte the good examples of holy fathers for by folowynge of them we maye ouer come all worldly tentations And agayne it is wrytten in the cantycles I went downe in to a gardē to loke vpō the appelles of the vales and to know whether the vines were florished or no and wether the poone Garnettes were spronge or no. The vynes do floryshe when we retourne to Chrystes church to his fayth and to good and holy cōuersacyō grounded vpō good workes the poone Garnettes do sprynge whē that perfyte good men throughe the examples of there good workes edifye theyr neyghbours in vertue and whē that be good lyuyng good workes holy predicaciō they reduce thē to holy cōuersatiō Wherfore my spirituall frende I exhorte you that as longe as ye shall lyue that your good examples and good lyuynge maye iluminate al other for as sayeth saynt Gregory They that hyde there good liuynge are as touchynge them selfe wel inflamed but they gyue no lyght to no nother but they that by examples of vertue by good liuynge by goodly sermons declare shew to other the waies of saluacyon for they are the burnyng lāpes they shewe to other the wayes of saluacyon Of the which thyng the lorde sayeth Let your lyght that is your good workꝭ glyster and shyne in the syght of men that they maye se them and gloryfye youre father that is in heuen for al glorye shuld be onely attributed giuē to god Yet neuerthelesse good virgyn I coūsell you so to opē so to manifest youre good workꝭ to y ● ꝓfyte of your neyghbour y e your intēcyō be euer more close and secrete in god that ye loke for no worldly prayse for it is but vayne And as I haue shewed you before in all youre actions in all your workes and in all your cōuersacyon ye shall followe the blessed sayntes hauynge contynually there noble and vertuous examples before you conterfetynge and folowynge thē and acceptynge them as a glasse of good and godly lernynge mark and consyder well there vertues for folowynge of them ye maye do wel vnderstande there good doctrynes to lyue well for in so doynge nothynge shall stayne nor yet defyle oure lyfe nor no euyll opinyon shall brynge you to any sorowe or heuynesse lerne to shyne by good maners haue good wytnesse in you kepe your good name and beware in anye wyse it be not defyled with the darke spottes of syn nor imbrued with anye other opprobryusnesse or vyllany Of contention and stryfe the .xvij. chap. SAynt paule the Apostle sayeth Whē there is enuy and cōtention among you ye walke as men and ye are carnall And Salomon sayeth amonge proude mē there is alwayes stryfe and debate a euyll person is alwayes sekynge for contention stryfe and the euyll angell is sent agaynst hym He that goeth by ioperdus wayes is soone downe and he that is euermore at debate and wordes w t his neighbour cōmeth very soone to shame all such as haue this goodly vertue commended vnto vs by Chryste called mansuetude neyther speaketh nor doth euyl to no mānor gyueth no euyll examples but doth for euery man Al such as haue this goodly vertue be neuer contentius nor loue neyther debate nor stryfe Fewe or none do loue those y ● are cōtinually in stryfe contention And therfore peace and concorde is very necessary for all men O deare syster harken vnto saynt Austens sayenge O how irreprehēsyble shall we be yf we wolde be as diligēt to amēde our owne vices syn as we be to correcte other mēs But yf we take good hede we may soone spye and correcte many of our owne fautes I wolde ye shulde knowe that there is nothīg more vnhonest then is stryfe cōtention amōg vs chrystians the which shulde be in concorde loue vnite and no nother wyse shine and glister in this worlde then the starres in the fyrmament Contētyon is wont to procede of enuy and detractyon but
deme nour to cōserue kepe vs frō al sin vnthriftines of y ● which thīg sait Paule wryteth sayng Be obedyent to youre superyours and subiecte vnto them for they watche to gyue acountes for your soules The superiours prelates of the churche shuld take hede rule Christes people with al solicitude and diligence of the whiche thynge it is wrytten in the Canticles Thre score of the most strōgest valyanstes of all Israell stode aboute Salomons bed holdīg swordes ī theyr handes wel a poited to fyghte and euery one had his sworde hangynge vpō his thygh for the fere of y ● night The trewe Salomō is christ h● selfe for he is very peasyble and hath made peace concorde betwyxte god mā By Salomōs bed is vnderstāded y ● cōgregatiō of faythful people w t whom god doth dwell rest The valyaūt and stronge men which do compasse aboute Salomons bedde be the prelates of the church the whiche be reprouynge correctynge and exhortyng of men to vertue do compasse and defende goddes churche agaynst vyce other enimys both vysible and inuisible the whiche prelates are therfore called stronge bycause they are or shulde be perfet in the obseruauntes of goddes cōmaundemētes holdyng● theyr swordes in theyr handes that is the worde of god for in theyr prechynge they shulde represse the vyce and synnes of theyr subiectes And they are very wel apoīted to warre for it is nedefull y ● they be alwayes redy to withstande all spirituall battelles And they haue theyr swourdes vpō theyr thyghes that is they shulde fyrst represse and correct theym selues of all carnall and flesshly luste and then theyr obediences and subiectes They do all this for y ● feare of the nyght that is agaynste the secrete tem tatyons of the deuyll the which in the nyght of this world doth proue and attempte the forsayd prelates verye sore to this entente that after they haue deceyued theym they maye the more easlyer bespot and defyle the for sayd Salomon that is the forsayd congregacyon of faythfull people goodes seruaūtes in the whiche throughe grace the trewe Salomon Christe Iesus do the reste Welbeloued syster I haue declayred these thynges vnto you bycause ye shulde knowe that humbly we oughte to obey our prelates and superyours Obedyence is the onely vertue that bryngeth all other vertues to the soule and whē they be there it kepeth thē there of the which obedyence the wyse man sayeth Obedyence is better then sacryfyce For by sacryfyce other straunge fleshe is deuoured and slayne but by obedyence a mannes proper fleshe and wyll is ruled He that is obedyēt speketh of vyctory for who so mekelye is obedyent to another mannes worde ouercommeth hym selfe Adam fel bycause he was inobedient Chryst mounted vp to heuen bycause he obeyed his father euen to deathe and as by Adams inobedyence there are many synners so be the obedyence of Chryste there are many iuste men And as by Adams mysfaute and synne euery man and woman is in the way of dānacyon so by y e iustyce of chryst euerye man is in the way of iustyfycacyon And as the inobedyence of oure fyrste father ingendred deathe so the obedyence of chryste ingendred lyfe Therfore my sister if for the loue of god ye be obedyente and buxum to youre superyours ye shall obtayne the kyndome of heuen saye nothynge nor be neuer rebellyous agaynste theym Loke y t ī no case ye speke agaist those y ● be ordred to rule you honoure those y e ar better thē ye in scyence and in good lyuynge honoure euery mā as his good lyfe dothe requyre and deserue do reuerence to those that are in hyghe degre do them reuerence after youre possibylyte be obedyente to your elders and humble at theyre commaundement gyue place to those that be ī authoryte and do condige seruyce to youre superyoures be obedyente to euerye man in all good workes and godlye commaundementes O Chrystes spouse obey mā so that ye offende not the wyll and pleasure of God be neuer obediente in euyll be not obedyente to hym that shall commaunde you to do that is noughtes nor neuer consent to euyl dede be obedyente to no man in euyll of what power or authorytye so euer he be notwithstandynge he commaunde you vnder payn of deathe it were better to suffre death thē at any mās cōmaūdemente to do euyll or agayne goddes cōmaundementes better it were to be hanged with al abhominacyon and shame then to be dampned etenally We owe oure obedience to god onely nor to no nother mā but onely for his sake our p̄lates our superyours are in goddes rowme and for his sake we be obedient vnto thē Therfore good syster loke ye be to them obedient and god shall gyue you y ● crowne of euerlastynge lyfe Amen Of ꝑseueraūce xx cha WEelbeloued Syster harken vnto saynte Hieromes wordes Men do not seke among chrystē mē for theyr beginynges but for theyr ende and theyr contynuaunce Saynt Paule begā but easesly yet he made a good ende Iudas Skaryot began well but he made a shrowed ende Iudas beginīg is alowed but the ende of his lyfe is reproued And sait Gregory saith y ● perseueraunce cōtinuance is the vertue of al good workes he laborth ī vayn that begynneth wel and leueth of and Saynte Isydore sayeth God doth not iudge a mā after his lyuynge in tyme paste but after his ende For it is written as I fynde the so shall I iudge the. And gloryous saynt Magdalane because she contynued styll sekyng of Chryst she after his resuscytatyon deserued to se hym fyrste of all other it is also written in the Canticles In my lytle bed be nyght I sought him whome my soule doth loue Therfore I exhort you good virgyn to seke Christ Iesus ī your bed that is in rest and quietnes and in contēplacyō of y ● mynde and ye shall seke hym by nyght that is in this worlde sythynge vnto hi desirīg hym y t ye may ꝑfytely fynd hi in time to come se hi reigne ī his fathers sete seke hym contynually be good life y t ye may se his blissed face in y ● celestial kingdome of heuē I praye you good syster to saye with Dauid my soule is maruelously a thyrste that is it hathe great desyre to come to god the fountayne of lyfe And when shall I go and apere before the face of god Uerely youre soule dothe desyre god yf it loue hym aboue all thynge truelye youre soule doth desyre god yf for his loue it dispyse all earthly thynges certaynly youre soule doth desyre god and doth loue hym yf it desyre to se hym syttyng in heuen vpon the ryght hande of his father And the prophet Dauid exhortynge vs sayth Seke the Lord and ye shalbe confyrmed seke to come to his face y ● is in prosperyte in aduersyte in pouertye
virgyn can not work after his iustice a virgyn that shuld be y ● temple of almyghtye god shulde in no maner of wyse be angery it is agaynst al good honeste that the spouse of god shuld frete be angery A virgyn y ● whiche prepareth in her harte a dwellynge place for god shulde inforce her selfe to expell eiecte all anger frō her harte mynde A virgyn y ● desyreth to come to GOd to his celestiall chambre shulde auoyde frō her harte all anger Good sister yf anger preuēt you refrayne it yf it take you sodēly mitigate and appayse it Coule your furiousnes your inding naciō brydle in all maner of mocyons of anger Yf ye can not auoyde anger or swage it yet let it not caste you in to a furye or in to moch hastinesse or iudyngnatyon let not the sonne goo downe vpō your anger that is be not longe angrye nor contynewe not in anger ❧ Of hatred the .xxxvi. Cha. HOnest virgi herken what I shal say Hatred doth seperate a mā frō y ● kyngdome of heuen Hatred remoueth a mā frō paradyse Hatred doth drawe a man from heuen Hatred nother by passyon nor by merterdome nor yet by effucion of blode can be defaced pourged or wasshyd away We shulde not hate man but the vice of man he that hate the his brother is a murderer He y ● hateth his brother is ī darkenes He loueth not god y t hateth mā Theyr is as great difference be twyxt anger hatred as there is betwyxt a rish a great beme for hatred is an olde roted anger by anger the eye of y ● harte is troubled but by hatred y ● ioy of the hart is vtterly extyncte put out Welbeloued syster harke vnto my wordes If so be ye haue angerde your frend make hym by and by amendes yf ye haue offended hym do penaūce before hym and yf ye haue slaūderde or put any mā to rebuke desyre hym to forgyue you and make hast to be reconciled slepe not vntyl ye come to satisfactiō rest not vntyll ye be set at one if your enemy do fall reioyce not there at nor be not glade of his death nor yet of his mysfortune leste parauenture lyke fortune chaūce vnto you lest that god turne his anger vpō you take a pleasure to be sory for those y ● are ī afflictiō misfortune haue cōpassyon vpō other mēnes pouerte misery be heuy for other mēnes tribulatiō wepe w t those y ● wepe Good sister be not hard harted reuēge not your selfe vpon hym y t hathe done you dyspleasure Forgyue y e god maye forgyue you for yf ye forgyue not ye shal not fynd nor yet haue forgiuenes exclude al hatred out of your harte beware hatred neuer remaine in you or in your mynde My good syster god send you his delectyon and the loue of your neyghbour Of pryde the .xxxvii. cha PRyde is the beginnyng and the rote of al euyl y e prowde mā is odius hated both of god and man the prowde man is lykened to the deuyll pryde couytous are vnder such a fassion one euyll that pryde can not be w tout couytousnes nor couytousnes w tout pryde the deuyll by pryde sayde I wyll ascēde in to heuen but Christ w t great humilyte sayd My soule is humilyated vnto duste the deuyll by pryde sayde I wyll be lyke god aboue Christ by humylyte was obedyēt to his father vnto deth the deuyll throughe pryde was thruste in to hell Chryst by hu mylyte exalted to heuen What other thyng is synne but the cōtempte of god wherby we regarde not but dyspyse his commaundementes O deare syster yf oure longe watchynges out prayer our charytable dedes al oure labour payne we take ende with pride god reputeth it as nothynge Therfore extende not the wynges of pride nor lift not vp his fethers why so For pryde hath deposed the angels ouetrhrowē the myghtye god hath deiected the proude doth resyst thē and gyueth his grace to those that are humble Also good syster I exhorte you to reioyce more in the socyete feloshyppe of good men then in the nobylytye of youre stocke or lynage pray you to reioyce more in the cōpany of vertuous and poore men thē in the nobylytye of your ryche abundant kynsfolke Wherfore For god makethe no dyfferēce nor yet no exceptyon of persons and he that dyspiseth the poore doth god in iure he that dyspyseth the poore man rebuketh his maker Good syster god sende you profounde humilyte and true charyte Of vayne glorye the .xxviii. Chapt. WE shuld esche we auoyd vayne glorye as well in dede as ī word Wherfore good syster loke well vpō your selfe and appropryate nothyng that is in you to your selfe but onely your mysdedes synne Kepe your selfe frō vayne glory take hede ye desyre not vayne glory glorifye not your selfe bost not your selfe presume nothynge of your selfe lyfe not vp your selfe w t pryde ascriue nothīg to your selfe that good is Gloryfy your selfe of no good worke dyspyse y ● laude prayse of mā enquere not whether any man prayse or disprayse you lette not worldly laude or praise deceyue you nor dispraise breke or discōfort you he that desireth not to be lauded setteth by no cōtimelious wordꝭ nor be no iniury all such virgis as do glorifye thē selfe of theyre good workꝭ before mā haue no oile in theyr vessels for through y ● desyre appetite of vaine glory they lese theyr rewardes the which they trusted to haue had of god They shuld daily behold and marke theyr synfull fylthynes and fragylytie and dyspyse all vayne glorye and be ryghte sorye that they haue loste theyre good workes y ● which they dyd for vayn glory of the which thige y ● lord sayth Ueryly saith he they haue receued theyr reward y ● vertues of good mē throughe the desyre of vayne glorye are submytted vnto the deuyll As kynge Ezechyas the which moued w t pryde shewed all his tresour ryches to the Caldens therfore the prophet brought hī worde he shulde lese them And the pharyse y ● came to y e churche to pray lost his good dedes because that by iactance vayne glorye he shewed opened thē And as the egle cōmeth from aboue to seke her foode so man through the appetyde of vayne glorye cōmeth from the heyght of good cōuersacyon to these in feryor thinges My welbeloued syster set not your cōscience in a nother mans tongue lette a nother man prayse you but in no maner of wyse prayse not youre selfe be youre owne iudge and iudge youre selfe by your owne iudgemēt be no nother mans For there is no man y t knoweth you your cōscyence so well as you your selfe Good sester wyll ye that I shew you how ye may increase
in all vertue Ye good brother and I pray you shewe me harken then vnto me If ye wyl increase your vertues loke ye disclose thē not but hyde thē for feare of elatyon hyde youre good workes for feare of arrogāce euermore flye to be sene or estemed such as in very dede ye be hyde your vertue opē your mysfautes and y ● vices of your hart mynd And if ye euer dyd well or sayde well neuer shew it in the presēce of other open incōtynently your euyll thoughtes for synne detectyd with humilite displeasaūce is lyghtly pardoned forgyuē synne doth encrease by keping ī hydīg therof for yf it be cloked of a lytle it waxeth great if it be manifestid shewed out it decreaseth and agayne if it be kept in it increasethe whenne vertue is cloked in then it augmenteth and increasethe yf it come abrode be knowen it vanisheth awaye decreaseth Vertue throughe vain glory cōmeth to naughtes but yf it be hyddē w t humilite kepte in it augmenteth meruelously Wherfore good syster as cryue your counsell all youre actes to god and ī al your operatiōs workes cal vpō god for help ascryue al thing to y ● gift grace of god nor appropriate nothing to your owne merites presume nothynge vpon youre vertue Harkē good syster vnto the wordes of y ● apostle he that glorifyeth shuld glorify in god Therfore let all your glorify cacyon laude be in youre spouse Chryste Iesu Of humilyte the .xxxix. cha ODrare syster harkē vnto youre spouse Chryste Iesus the whiche sayth in his gospel Lerne of me for I am meke hūble of hart good syster humilyate yourself vnder the myghty hand of god y ● ī time of tribulacyō he may ex alte you helpe you y ● cōscyēce of a virgī shuld euermore be hūble heuy y t be humilite it may be p̄serued frōpride by heuines frō all lasciuyusnes wantonnes humylyte is the most souerayne vertue a vyrgyn cā haue pryde is a very euyl vyce and a myscheuous a vyrgyn that is hūble not w tstādyng she be but euyll decked before god is glorious in vertue but the proude stately virgyn not w tstanding in the syght of mā she be good well besene yet in goddꝭ syght she is but vyle reproued why so For the soule of the iust mā is goddes seate and he sayth vpon whome shuld I rest but on ly vpon him that is hūble quyet feryng my wordes Good syster be hāble groūd your selfe vpon humylyte be the lest of al other neuer preferre youre selfe aboue other repute not your selfe to be superyour to other but thike all other to be aboue you for y ● more higher ye be so moch the more ye ought to humilitate your selfe in all thynge ye shall come to the glory yf ye kepe humylyte and the more hūble and meke that ye shewe your selfe y ● more hygher shalbe your glory come downe that ye maye ascéde hymylyate youre selfe that ye maye be exalted Exalte not your selfe lest ye be humilyated deposed For it is wryttē who so humilyateth mekethe hym selfe shalbe eleuated exalted and he that exalteth hym selfe shalbe humylyated broughte lowe the hygher a man doth fal the more greuous is his fal humilytye knoweth not what fallyng meaneth humilyte is subiecte to no ruyne O good virgi remēbre y t god came very mekely ī to this worlde that he humylyated hī selfe in forme of a seruaūt was obediēt to his father vnto d●th Good sister walke folowe his example fotesteppꝭ be vyle dispised abiecte displesaūt in your owne sight for he y t iudgeth hym selfe here to be vyle in the sight of god he shalbe hyghly estemed he that hateth hym selfe in dyspleasure shal please almyghty god hyghly O drare syster be humble lowe in your owne conceite and presence that ye maye be made great hyghe in the presence of god almighty how moch y e lesse ye esteme your selfe so moch the more shal god esteme you If ye haue profoūde perfyte humilytye ye shall beyng assocyated with the wyse vyrgyns reioyce in the eternall blys of heuen Of pacyence the .xl. cha THe lorde sayth blessyd be they that lyue peacibly for they shall be named the chyldren of god Then good sister yf they y e lyue in rest peace be blessid and called the chyldrē of god pacyence is very necessary for you pacyēce is a ꝑfyte thīge of it selfe a paciēt virgyn is rekened to be wyse she that is impaciēt testy is counted a foole ye may yf ye so wyl be marterde w tout any sworde that is yf ye kepe true pacyēce A pacyent person shall come to the companye of angelles but the enuyous and the impacyent shall be partycypant part taker with the deuel the peacyble man auoydeth all dyscorde and the impaciēt styreth vp stryfe debate a meke vyrgyn is contēt to take to suffre iniury a pacyent mayde prepareth her harte as a place for god to dwell in Why so for Christ Iesusis the very peace and is wonte to rest in peace the doughter of peace shuld loue peace O good vyrgi ye shulde rather prepare youre selfe to take and to suffre iniury thē to do any lerne rather to suffre harme thē to do harme Be pacyēt modestyous amiable loue peace be at peace with euery mā loue euery body in charyte mekenes stryue to loue all other better then they loue you But yet be not to lyght in loue breake no frenshyp be alwayes pacyent in mynde be gētyll and affable in your wordes and cōmunicacion shewe your selfe mery spryted fle all occasiō of debate despyse stryfe lyue in peace and rest And good syster yf it be possible be at one w t al the world ouercome al slaūderous iniurys w t patience with the buckler of patience breake y ● dartes of all iniury Holde out the shylde of good conscyence agaynst the sharpe and litigius tongue for as s Paule sayeth The wytnesse of good cōscyence shalbe sufficient for you Ye are well armed w t vertue yf ye hurt not hym y t burieth you ye are worthie of great glorye if ye forgyue hym let hym go whome ye may displese The pece of god which passeth al vnderstādyng defēde your harte soule frō all parel daūger ¶ Of concorde the xli ca. THere are syxe thynges sayeth the lord that my soule hateth and the seuenth is that I detest and abhorre that is a mā y t soweth dyscorde among his brethren he is acursed that soweth dyscorde among goddes seruantes he dothe greatly agaynst god y t breaketh peace and cōcorde And he that causeth dyscorde amonge goddes seruantes dothe chryste great iniury why so For chryst is our peace y ● which hath made of two thynges one y