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A08218 Epistolæ HN. The principall epistles of HN, which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue and written and sent them most-cheefly; vnto the Louers of ye trueth and his acquaintance. And are by him newly perused, and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-Almaine.; Epistolæ HN. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed name. 1575 (1575) STC 18552; ESTC S112767 230,883 445

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and the Seruices of the holy Woord and to shewe Obedience therin ⁏ wherwith the Man is assisted to the godly Knowledg are as though they had no Signifycation which thing I commend not 17. For my Heart hath much-more Affection to those that with Ignorance / do seeke God and his Righteousnes and that shewe Obedience therin / then to those that with Vnderstanding / do estrainge them from God and his Seruice and are strainge and disobedient vnto all Righteousnes / according to the Requyring of the holy Woord of the holy Spirit and Seruice of Loue and so do liue after ther owne Mynde l Ier 7. c. 23. b. 18. b and Good-thinking The XVI Chap. FOr this cause / my Beloued ⁏ as is before sayde and for that I do now fynde Many / which ⁏ according to their owne Good-thinking do liue in all Disobedience / against the Requyring of the holy Woord and which bost them falsly of the Vnderstanding of the spirituall and heauenly Things and so ⁏ ●leaueing-vnto or loueing the Worlde and the corruptible Things· or the Following of the false Libertynes desyre to conuersate or to haue fellowshipp with mee and for more such-like things cause and for that I do neither seeke nor desyre any such matter / I haue indeuoured myself to be conuersant with certen zealous Hearts To th end that I in my Zeale / mought not haue my Course with the Vnwillingones ⁏ which take-on a false Freedom / to seperate themselues from the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and cleaue to the earthly corruptible Things but with the Good-willingones to the Righteousnes and that the Vnderstanding of the godly Trueth and of the peaceable Loue / mought ⁏ by that Meanes beare-swaye among the Louers of the vpright Vnderstanding / which do loue the Treasures of Wisdom and the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / aboue Golde and Siluer a P●o. 8. ● Sap. 7 a. and aboue all what is in the Worlde 2. For whosoeuer loueth the Wisdom or the holy Vnderstanding and the Obedience to the Requyring of her Seruice of Loue / aboue all earthly Things / and doth not contemne enuye nor blaspheame anyone / that also laboureth ther-after with Ignorance / To him b Pro. 8 ● Sap. 6 b. 7. ● Math. 7. ● wil likewyse the Wisdom or holy Vnderstanding / appeere But whos● loueth anything aboue the Wisdom / or whoso contemneth and blaspheameth anyman / in his Zeale to the Righteousnes and seperateth himself from him / is not wyse neither shall hee also fynde vnderstande nor inherite the Wisdom For the Wisdom is much-to-noble to-honorable of Lynage c Pro. 8. a. b. Sap 7 a. b. Eccl● 24. b. and to-precious / for to ioyne or shewe herself vnto those / y t do not loue her with all their Hearts / aboue all Things 3. Oh ⁏ alas I fynde too-feawe of those which loue the Wisdom aboue all things But let it go how it will / with the Wysdom and the vpright Righteousnes the Man doth in-any-case take good heede to the earthly Things / which doutles are nomore to be esteemed then as d Phil. 3. b. Dirt / in comparyson to the Preciousnes or Worthynes of the Wisdom and Righteousnes of God 4. Vnderstande now ⁏ thou Beloued wherfore I haue indeuoured myself to haue my Conuersation in Freedom / with those whom thou wel knowest and also with others more namely for the Wisdom and the Righteousnes sake as is before rehearsed and as I wil yet partly rehearse vnto thee / because that thy Heart shoulde in-nowyse doubt that I haue sought or liked anything-els / but the Vertues of the vpright and true inuisible Beeing 5. For in all Things and Dealings that I haue has with them / this hath bin all my Grounde and Intent / for to heare-ouer their Vnderstanding and Wisdom / vnder the Obedience of the Loue· to question with them· and to answere agayne / To th end that we mought therby becom agreeable or concordable e 1 ●or 1. a Phil. 2. a. mynded / in the Loue and in the Vnderstanding and to the vpright Righteousnes / and that we shoulde not take or construe anything of each-other / to the worst but I haue not yet vsed thesame Course among them nor-yet the Speeche that tendeth therunto 6. I haue not yet lykewyse bin in any Communialtee among them / wherby to deale boldly with them But the Lorde do with vs according to his Will and thatt which serueth most vnto Peace and to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue. 7. O Thou Beloued / Although I haue ⁏ out of Loue submitted myself heerunto among Somme wherby to informe the Louers of the Trueth / to all Vnitee in the Loue and so haue not contemned nor blaspheamed the Outward / Yet am I not therfore outwardly mynded but this do I veryly acknowledg that it is much-more Pleasure vnto mee / to deale with the Loue of the Wisdom and to talke therof / among those that loue the Loue and the Wisdom / because that the Righteousnes appeereth vnto Such then to inherit all the Ritches and Pleasures of this Worlde or to deale among those which loue the earthly Things or their owne Good-thinking / aboue the Wisdom and aboue the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue / and so to dissemble with Men / as though all were inward and heauenly Things that they loue / wher-with they deceaue both themselues and other moe / which heare them and do seduce them from the true Seruices that leade to the Lyfe 8. And like-as thou wrytest / that it is vnpossible for thee to cause thyne Eyes and thy Heart to hope / as to waight for Deliuerance through any outward Things euenso is thesame likewyse vnpossible for mee Yea although it were so that I woulde do it / yet coulde I not For the Light of the heauenly Trueth ⁏ wherwith God hath illuminated f 1. Cor. 4 a. my Heart / out of his holy Heauen is an Against-shyning vnto mee / against thesame But the Ministration of the Good / by the godded Men or Olde-fathers in the Famyly of Loue / is awayes very profitable and a good Preparation to the Deliuering of the Man from his g Rom. 7. c Bandes of the Sinne. and that men haue familyer brotherly Conuersation together to that ende / is also very louely and likewyse greatly edyfying to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue. 9. Beholde ⁏ thou Beloued like-as I haue heere written vnto thee in naked and bare maner / Euenso standeth my Mynde and I hope not to forsake thesame / till I haue founde or gotten all what I seek-for and desyre among the Louers of the Trueth The Lorde graunt me Mercy and doowith mee / according to his Will Amen Fare-well and behaue thyself vprightly Heere-with I do thee heartly greete In the Lyfe of the Loue most-sweete The Ende of the Sixt Epistle Our Heart / is the
couer their owne wicked or euell Hearts 11. Seing then that my God ⁏ who only is the Lorde giueth nothing-els into my Heart / but Wisdom x Sap. 7. ● ● and holy Vnderstanding and sheweth and teacheth me nothing-els but all Dooing-of-good / Therfore cannot I forbeare / through the Nature y 1. Cor 3. a. of his Loue / but I must shewe vnto myne Enemyes / Freendship / for Enimitee and Loue / z Math 5. c. Rom. 12. b. for Hate declare vnto them the Saluaciō and Blessing / for Blaspheamy and Curssing / and figure-foorth before them / the Vniformnes of Heart in the Loue / for the Seperation and so to proffer the Grace of my God / vnto myne Aduersaryes / which do hate blaspheame and cursse me and to reache them the Hande / for to drawe them to the Loue of my Lorde and God and to shewe all Faythfulnes and Loue / towards those that haue smittē me priu●ly or trayterously· spewed-out many Lyes and false Testimonyes / after me· and shewed all Vnfaythfulnes towards me and the Seruice of Loue / informing them a 2. Timo. 2. c 3. b. 4. a. with Rebuke Doctrine and Exhortation / for that they mought b Act. 17. d. repent be set-vpp from their Fall of the Sinne and mought liue with Mee / in the Vnitee of the Loue / wherby to serue c Luk. 1. b. 1. Tess. 1. a. the leueing God and to vse all Concorde and Peace among each-other The III. Chap. FOrasmuch then as the open Rebuke / is alwayes better a Pro. 27. a. then secret Loue the chastenable Information / muchmore blessed / thē for one to smyte anyman priuily and the Seruice of the holy Woord vnder y e Obedience of the Loue / much-more edifying and profitable / then the Backbyting / Therfore is likewyse all my Desyre in our Seruice of Loue / to further b 2. Cor. 13. b. Phil. ● ● thatt which is most-edifying and Most-godly 2. Wherfore ⁏ O ye Resisters of our mostholy Seruice of Loue as also ye ignorant People consider once rightly I pray you / of the Loue and Kyndnes shewed on you / out of our mostholy Seruice of Loue Receaue you my Rebuke and Exhortatiō and take-heede vnto my chastenable c Pro. 4. ● ● Information Com hether and harkē after the right Knowledg and learne d Pro. 1.2 a. 3.4.5 a. Vnderstanding and holy Knowledg and e Eccli 6. c. ●ow your Backs vnder the Rodd of the Lorde For the Strypes or the sharpe Woords of Louers / are much meeter f Psal. 141. ● Pro. 27. ● then the Kisses or the Flattering-woords of Enuyers 3 For-that-cause com now all hether / into the Howse of Informacion g E●cli 6.8 ● Math. 11. c and learne to humble your Hearts vnder the Obedience of the Loue and to open them nakedly before the Elders / To th end that ye may be cleansed from the Wickednes or Euel of your Heartes 4. Suffer yourselues now to be h Deut 1● c. Ier. 4. ● circumcised on the Fore-skinne of your Heartes / in this holy Daye of Loue which is y e Eigth or Newe Daye / to the Renew●ng i Esa. 65.66 c. Ephe 1. b 2. P●t 3. b. Apo. 21. ▪ of the Worlde with Righteousnes and so ▪ through the Light of Loue and his Seruice ⁏ put-awaye the k Ier. 4. a. Fore-skinne namely the Darknesses from your Hearts / Or-els ye shall not com to the Glory of God nor to his Sainctuary For no l Esa. 35.52 ● Eze. 44. ● Vncircumcisedone / shall enter into the Sainctuary of God 5. BVt Many of you do refuse this Grace / which is proffered vnto you and do bitter and harden your Hearts against thesame Therfore is also my Complaynt against you / vnto my God for that ye are yet so vtterly m Ier 6. b. 9. c Act. 7. f vncircumcised on your Eares Lipps and Hearts as likewyse for that ye sett yourselues so presumpteously in Iudgment and wil seeme to iudg Gods n Esa. 30. b. Mich. 2.3 b Matters / out of your vncleane Hearts / according to y e Imagination of your owne Knowledg 6. I woulde aske you / on the behalfe of my Lorde and God / who hath prouoked you therunto or what Spirit hath mooued you to iudg such Matters The Cause I haue cheefly to demaunde of those that conuersate themselues dayly with vs / in Hipocrisie and that shewe towards vs or ours ⁏ in our Beholding a laughing o Psa. 28. a. 37. b. Ier. 9. a. Mouth or fauourable Countenance and in secret / speake all Euell of vs. 7. Ah-beloued speake it out boldly I pray you / yee which are so wyse now p Pro. 3. a. Esa 5. c. Rom. 12. b. in your owne conceites With whose Spirit and with what Toungs / do ye thus smyte vs priuily and slaunder and blaspheame vs behynd our backs / where we haue None to reply against you Out of what Nature haue ye thatsame I pray you Or out of whose Brestes do ye suck such Venom of corrupt Milke And wherout do many of you frame such a false Freedom / that ye haue shewed vs a fayer Face / before our Eyes also haue flattered vs with your Toungs / whilst ye were present / and do now with such a false Heart / mock vs priuily or behynde our backs / among those that do gladly giue eare vnto you and so boldly smyte and blaspheame vs / with your false Spirit and Blaspheamous-toungs No● Vs only q Luk. 10. b. ● Tess. 4. ● 2 pe● 2. b. but also the godly Wisdom and holy Vnderstanding / wherwith God hath ⁏ through his hearty Loue r Ephe. 1 a. 2 pet 1. a endowed vs and so in blaspheaming s Heb. 10. d. the holy Spirit of the Loue of God and Christ / ye dispise the precious Treasures of the spirituall heauenly Ritches as likewyse y e highest Cleernes of God 8. Which gloryous Light or godly Cleernes ⁏ wherin t 2 Cor. 4 ● a the Mosthighest hath comprehended vs / vnder the Obedience of his Loue doth ouershadow or farr exceede all the Lightes of this Worlde Yea all Vnderstandings of this Worlde / v Psa. 37.46 b Esa ●0 b. Aba c. ● b S●ph 1. a. Zach. 2. b. must be dombe before thesame and ●ow them eueryone vnder thesame gloryous Cleernes of God / which is made-manifest vnto vs. And all those that loue the vpright Righteousnes / must saye Thatt Light is verytrue The IIII. Chap. O Ye foolish People Do ye dispise the precious Pearle / because thesame is a Math. ●3 c founde in an earthen Feelde / wherin it was hidden or for that it is by God / layde in an earthen Vessell / b Rom. 9. c. 2 Tess. 2. c. that seemeth before you to be too-dishonourable and for that Hee also / declareth thesame ther-out 2. Do ye dispise the
vnto the Spirit or inwarde Manhod of thy Mynde Consider or search out what is ingendered or borne thear within thee / as Spirit and spirituall / n Rom 8. a. Gal. 5. b. or as Knowledg and o 1. Iohn 4. a prooue or trye whether y e Spirits and Birthes of the Knowledges ⁏ which be borne in thee be of God or no and do bring the heauenly Powers of the holy Gost and godly Vnderstanding / with them p Rom 8. a. Gal. 5. b. Ephe 5. b. or-els / whether they be false Spirits and deceitfull Knowledges which proceede out of the Flesh / and so do kindle prouoke or mooue thee / with earthly and fleshly Desyres The II. Chap. O Thou Beloued Consider effectually of this Mattier and beleeue not euery Spirit or Imagination of the Knowledg / that presenteth itself vnto thee For many false Spirits and deceitfull Knowledges / a Math 24 a. 1. Iohn 4. a 2. Iohn 1. a. 2. Pet. 2. a. do now go-foorth / for to deceaue all Hearts of Men / that stande mynded on the earthly and fleshly Things 2. For-that-cause haue a Discerning heerin For if the Spirit or the Imaginacion of the Knowledg which is borne or brought-foorth in thee / be spirituall and that thesame do proceede out of the godly Wisdom of the true Light / b Rom. 8. a Gal 5. b. Then wil it veryly be altogether against the Flesh and the Workes of the Flesh. and wil chasten crucify and kill the Flesh c Rom. 13. b. Gal. 5. c. Col. 3. a. 2 Pet. 2. b. with his Lusts and Desyres 3. But if the Spirit and Fruit or the Imaginacion of the Knowledg / be fleshly and that it proceede out of the Wisdom of the Flesh / then wil thesame likewyse make-manifest itself with the Workes of the Flesh / to the Lusts of Errour / d Gal. 6. b. that stretch to Destruction also be vtterly e 2. Timo. 3. a against the Spirit of Godlynes and the Counsayle of the Wisdom and wil likewyse desyre to suppresse and to kill or destroye / all what cometh before her in her Heart and Thoughts / touching the godly Wisdom of the Seruice of Loue. 4. For whearsoeuer the Flesh with his Wisdom or Imaginacion of the Knowledg ؛that false Light hath the Superyoryte / theare is the false Freedom / f Sap. 2.14 b. Cal. 5. b. according to the Lusts and Desyres of the Fleshly Men for to cause the Man to liue euenso in his perdicionable Lusts and Desyres 5. But whearsoeuer the Spirit of the Wisdom of God ؛that true Light getteth the Superyorytee / theare is the vpright Freedom of the spirituall Men vnder g Rom 8. b. whose Power / the Flesh or the naturall Man is subiect and is sustayned therin / to all Seemlynes and Resonablnes 6. BEholde ⁏ my Beloued because I knowe not now how it may go with thee / whear thou dwellest / therfore haue I ⁏ out of harty Loue written this little porcion vnto thee / to th end that thou shouldest alwayes be myndfull of the vpright Beeing of the Loue· and not ⁏ through any deceitfull Meanes / which may com before thee out of the Flesh and his Wisdom neglect the godly Grace / which is com vnto vs in thissame h 1 Timo 4. b 2. Timo 3. a. 2 per. 2. a. perillous Tyme nor estrainge thy self ther-from but to haue the more-dilligent regard ⁏ with all Subiection to the Loue vnto the Seruice of the holy Woord / for to consider with Vnderstanding what an vpright Beeing thesame Seruice requyreth and in what maner or to what an vpright ▪ Effect of the godly Lyfe / all former Seruices ⁏ which are gon-out from God euen hetherto do leade i Math. 22. d. Mark 12. d Rom 13 b. Gal. 5. b 1 Timo. 1. a. to thissame Seruice of Loue. namely for that we shoulde now in this Daye of Loue ⁏ with Fulnes of the holy Gost and with pure Hearts liue vprightly in k Ephe. 1. a. all Loue / according to the Trueth of Christ. 7. If wee now therfore do looke into thissame rightly / thē shall wee likewyse exercise ourselues therin / to all Sainctifycation l 2. Tess ▪ 2. b. 1. Pet. 3. b. in the Spirit according to the Promyses of God the Father and not m 2. Cor. 6. b touch or receaue anything / that mought make our Hearts vncleane· or drawe vs to any false n S●p 14. b. Rom. 1. c. 2. Pet. 2. b. or disordered Freedom 8. Therfore is also myne Exhortacion vnto thee / out of harty Loue / that thou wilt dayly exercise thyself in our mostholy Seruice of Loue ⁏ with all Humilitee o 〈◊〉 1. b. and Obedience in the Feare of the Lorde 9. And if now thou indeuourest thyself heerunto / then shalt thou nodout p Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. 1 Pet 2. a. grow-vp likewyse in all holy Vnderstanding and be well preserued from the false Desyres of the Flesh and from all inconstant Spirits and false Freedoms / which bring the Man to the Disobeying of the Loue and to all Confusion 10. The Lorde vouchsafe to strengthen q Col. 1. b. 2. Tess. 2 b. 1. Pet 5. b. thee in his Righteousnes and to leade thee ⁏ with his Wisdom into all Trueth and vpright Righteousnes Amen 11. Heerwith ⁏ my Beloued I do hartely salute thee in the Loue / wherthrough God hath shewed Mercy on vs and salute me also in thesame Loue / vnto our good Freendes namely all the Acquayntance / that loue the vpright Beeing in Iesu Christ. The Loue of the supreame God / gett the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Fourtenth Epistle The Fiftenth Epistle An harty Exhortaciō vnto all Louers of the Trueth and vnto all those that submitt them vnder the Obedience of the Loue To a Warning of them touching all contrary Sights and false Spirits / which make-vp them selues out of the wicked Worlde / in these last perillous Tymes also iudg falsly / against the Trueth and against the Seruice of Loue and so do bring-in or cause Discord and Offence / contrary to the peaceable Famyly of Loue. I admonish you ⁏ beloued Bretheren that ye wil marke those that cause Discorde and Offence / contrary to the Doctrine which ye haue learned and auoyde from them Rom. 16. The First Chapter THrough the Loue of God the Father / which ⁏ out of Grace is a Rom. 16. ● Eph. 1. a 3. a Col. 1. c. declared vnto vs / by the Reuealing b 2. Timo 1. b of the gloryous Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ / we wish a good Peace and Concorde vnto all Louers of the Trueth / which ⁏ out of an Inclynacion of Loue and of a pure Heart haue their fellowshipp with our Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue. For They ⁏ yea thosame shal be founde happy For our Comunialtee is
haue m 2. Pet. 1. c. a regard therunto / as being to com in the Spirit euen as wee also haue witnessed of thesame Kingdom of the God of Heauens· of his vpright Righteousnes· and of the sumptuous Garnishing of his pure Beawty / in lardge and plentifull maner ⁏ with Fulnes of Instruction in the Glasse of Righteousnes and in the spirituall Lande of Promyse 5. Take it therfore to heart and knowe in your Vnderstanding / the High-worthynes of this louely and gloryous Daye of the Loue / wherof we speake which by Gods Grace / is reuealed and com vnto vs / n Esa 60. b. Zach. 14. a. Apo 21 22. a as the most cleere Day-light from Heauen In the which also ther is geeuen vs to o Math. 11 d 13. b. Rom. 16. c. Ephe. 3. a. Col 1. c. vnderstande / all the Treasures and Riches of Gods heauenly Goodes· as likewyse the Secretnes of the Kingdom of God and brought vnto vs / for an euerlasting Inheritance 6. To thatsame God which hath prepared it all for vs / be p Apo. 5. b. Laude Prayse Honoure and Thanks / for euermore Amen The II. Chap. FArdermore ⁏ my beloued Freends in the Loue I must yer wryte a little vnto you / for the necessitees-cause of this present Tyme Which Tyme is now full of Perills / 2. Timo. 3. a 2. Pe● 2. a. to the Hurt of the Soule and to the Hinderance of our Seruice of Loue which is the vpright and true God-seruice / that reacheth to the euerlasting Lyfe 2. Therfore looke sharply to it O Yea ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued looke sharply to it in anywyse and haue alwayes a watchfull Eye / with a cleere Sight For this saye I vnto you / out of a liueing Sight of the Trueth that it behoueth vs now to haue a sharpe Circumspection / in our mostholy Seruice of Loue and for the crafty Subtiltees cause of the Flesh which we ⁏ alas do fynde to abounde not to beleeue anyone to-simply at the first nor-yet to trust the On-commers or Disciples ⁏ which giue themselues to our Seruice of the Woord to-much at the first as to thinke that they are so altogether playne and vpright· simple and deuout / as they make showe for 3. Although likewyse that they do loueingly adioyne vnto vs and make a fayer Showe / as if all their Lust were bent towards the Woord of Lyfe / Yet do not for-al-that accept them b 1. Timo. 5. ● ouer-hastyly / for vpright Brothers or Sisters in our holy Comunialtee as to giue any such respect vnto them at thesame instant / for to talke or to deale with them ⁏ like-as with the Elders touching all the Secretnes of the heauenly Kingdom but let them ⁏ for a tyme c Col. 1. b. 1. Pet 2. a. growe-vp among you / in the Woord and shewe faythfull d 1. Pet. 1. b c Obedience in all what the Woord ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue requyreth and then if thesame do appeere in thē / ye shall well perceaue therby / whether they also desyre with vs / to liue the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ / in all Loue and Concord For in the Tryall ⁏ when-as they be chastenably informed with the holy Woord· and taught to the Obedience of the Requyring of the Woord / and must beare Reproche e 1. Cor. 6. b. Blaspheaming and Affliction / at the handes of the Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones of y e Worlde they shall thorowly becom manifest / what they are and what they loue or haue intended 4. But in all this / loue you them / to their Saluacion and Preseruacion and carry alwayes a fauourable Heart of Loue towards them and marke whether that they do also intende the vpright Beeing of the Loue / with all their Hearts / or no and so do neither seeke loue nor desyre anything-els at our handes / but to liue the vertuous Nature of the Loue to walke therin and to growe-vp f Ephe. 4. b. to be Elders in the holy Vnder standing of the gracious Woord 5. Therfore / for to marke thessame now / ye shall let them ⁏ in the Growing-vp to the Oldnes of the holy Vnderstanding conuersa●e thēselues among you in stillnes for a certen tyme and haue a circumspect regarde vnto them / whether they likewyse are g Math. 2● c. faythfull in the Woord and so marke what is the Cheefest-thing that they seeke and desyre at our handes / in the Seruice of the holy Woord h 1. Cor. 10. c. Phil. 2. c. whether it be their Owne-selfnes or whether that they desyre to serue the God of Lyfe / in his Loue. If you haue in-this-maner a regarde heerunto ye shall soone perceaue / whether it be Flesh / or Spirit· Earthly / or Heauenly· and Corruptible / or Euerlasting that they i Gal. 3 ● seeke or desyre at our handes 6· Seing then that the Tymes are now daingerous wherin we perceaue and fynde so many and sundry-sorts of Wylynes and Subtiltees of the Flesh / therfore be you also carefull or suspiceous at the first yet hopeing of som better whether ther mought be likewyse any Subtiltee or Deceit / in the on-coming Desciples or whether they mought not seeke or desyre anything-els besydes the gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue as namely / the Honour and k Gal. ● b. 1. Iohn 2. b Delyte of the Flesh and to haue a Loue to themselues or to their owne-priuate Good-thinking for to liue to themselues therin / according to the Pleasures of their Flesh or of their owne Sensualitee 7. Looke and consider aduisedly heeron for thesame shall ye for-the-most-parte / fynde euen so among many On-commers and that also many wicked Generacions or corrupt Natures of Men ⁏ although they talke of the Loue do meane nor thinke or intende nothing-els among vs. Therfore many likewyse wil see nothing-els / but according to the l 1. Iohn 2. b. Lust of their Eyes nor-yet heare anything / but thatt wher-after their Eares do m 2. Tim. 4 a itch / for to heare and wil not also liue anything-els / but according to the Worldly-maner namely in n 1. Iohn 2 b Pryde or Arrogancie of Lyfe desyering to serue the o 2. Ti● 〈…〉 1 Pet. 2. b. Iude. 1. b. Deuill ⁏ in the Flesh according to their owne Lustes and false Freedom and not the God of Lyfe / in the Spirit The III. Chap. HEer-with-al becom you warned / ye Auncients in the Seruice of Loue. For of these false and a 2. Timo. 3 a 2 Pet 2. b. Iude. 1. b. self-seeking Spirits and fleshly-mynded Men / haue I ⁏ in the tyme of my Ministring of y e Wo●rd founde so many and dyuers / among the Children of Men / that they ⁏ through their deceitfull Nature haue made me mistrustfull towards all Flesh or Children of Adam / which turne them not about to the b Ma●h 18 a.
that seperate themselues with all their Hearts / from the wicked Worlde and from her Abhomynacions and from all those that with their Will / do cleaue l 1. Iohn 2. c. to the wicked Worlde and her Pompe or Pryde Yea although it were their Father / or Moother Husbande / or Wyfe Brother Sister or Children 6. Whosoeuer then do thus as is saydde desyre with vs / to forsake m Math. 10. d 16. e. Luk. 9.14 e. to hate and to leaue all vngodly Beeing / and all the Desyres / according to the Will of the Flesh with all the Lustes of the Eyes and Arrogancie or Pryde of Lyfe / to mortify to forgoe and to n Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. 3 a. kill and bury thesame / in them / to th end to be renewed o Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. in their Spirit / through the Loue· and incorporated to the true Beeing of God ▪ p Luk. 1. h. Ephe. 4 ● ●ol 3. a. the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes ⁏ the which is Christ himself in his Coming / All those that are so mynded and do proceed-on obediently after thesame / receaue into the Loue and let our fellowshipp bee with such / To th end that we mought euenso eueryone / be planted concordably into the Loue of God the Father / with cleane or pure Hearts· and so leade an vpright and vncorrupt Lyfe ⁏ like loueing Childrē and like Sheepe and Lambes of the Famyly of Loue and like a louely q Iohn 10. b. Flock of Christ vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 7. For-that-cause / To th end that the Temple of the Lorde or the Howse of his Dwelling / may now ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue be purifyed cleansed and renewed / according to the heauenly Trueth r Eze. 37. c. 43. a. and nomore s Esa. 52. defyled by the ▪ Vncleane or Vncircumcised-ones / haue therfore a good regarde ⁏ with a sharp Sight of the Loue for to perceaue what eueryone loueth or seeketh at our handes and wherunto their Hearts are most affected 8. And beware likewyse of the wicked Generacions which carry nothing but Falshod in their Heartes haueing Hony t Psal. 55. c. Psal. 5 a in their Mouth and Poyson v Psal. 140. a. Rom. 3. b. vnder their Tongue as also the Loue / in their Woordes or Speeche and the wicked Nature ⁏ against the Loue in their Heart or Inwardnes The V. Chap. BVt if any man be godly of will or if Any stand-bent to y e meeke-mynded Beeing of the Loue / with all their Sences Desyres and Thoughtes if they loue the Chastitee the patient Long-suffering and the humble Meekmyndednes if they be obedient with all their Heartes / to the a 1. Cor. 11. a. 2. Tess. 2. b. Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / in all Constance if they do willingly heare the chastinable Informacion if they be wel content to be b Pro. 3. b. Heb. 12. b. reprooued for their Vice or Misdemeanure and to be taught and exhorted to all Wel-doing if they wil likewyse good-willingly with vs / beare Shame c Math 5. b. Act. 5. c. Heb. 11. and Contempt in the Flesh / vnder the Obedience of the Loue if they do lay-away from them / d 1. Iohn 2. c. all Pompe and Pryde of the Worlde together with all Vanitee or Foolishnes e Ephe 4 c. Col. 3. a. 1. Pet. 2 a. and all Wrath and Enuy and if they be in this sort / de●yerous hungry and thirsty after the pure or cleane and vncorrupt Beeing of y e Loue In whomsoeuer ye finde this by y e deede and whatsoeuer on-cōing Desciples / do cleaue in that-maner to the Seruice of the Woord / vnder the Obedience of y e Loue / towards all Those / let your Inclynacion be kynde and loueing / to their Saluacion 2. Receaue all such / into your Armes of the Spirit of Loue and accounte them for your Bretheren and Sisters in the Loue as those that stande in your Comunialtee / with a lyke Fayth and none els / Lest ye be Fellow-companyons to the Euel-willingones and Fellow-witnesses to the Craftyones / like vnto all our Aduersaryes 3. For thatt be farre from vs / that wee inasmuch as we haue obtayned or gotten such a gloryous f 2. Cor. 4. a. 1. Iohn 1.3 a. Light of Lyfe and godly Seruice of the holy Woord / through the Loue of God the Father shoulde inclyne ⁏ with the Loue and our godly Seruice to the Vngodly and Impenitentones or to those that are euell of will / for to serue them therwith / according to their Will of the. sinfull Flesh or to feede them in their corrupt Nature and to nourish them vpp therin O no / ye Deerly-beloued The Grace and Mercy / which is chaunced vnto vs ⁏ in the Woord of Lyfe through y e Loue of God y e Father / is farr-to-great Yea we do also esteeme thesame much to-precious and to be more-of-value / then that we shoulde cast the holy Bread of Lyfe which is com and geeuen vnto vs / out of Heauen / as a g Math. 1● ● Foode for the Children of God and for all h Esa. 58. b. Math. 5. a. hungry Soules after the Righteousnes before the Vnbeleeuers the Raueners of their owne Dirt and the Swyne i Math. 7. a. 15 c. and Doggs or shoulde feede and nourish such therwith / as are vngodly wicked and euell of will / according to the maner of the wicked Worlde or those that seeke nothing-els / but Ease k Rom. 16 b. Phil. 3 c. in the Flesh for to feede thesame / according to his Lustes 4. Veryly the Bread of Lyfe is not geeuen vnto them / to the Nourishing of their corrupt Nature For it belongeth only to l Math. 15. c. the Children of Loue and to all those that submitt them obediently to the Seruice of Loue which are godly of will and haue a Lust with all their Hearts / to fulfill m Math. 3. a. all Righteousnes 5. Therfore it is not meete / that the Bread shoulde be taken-away or withholden from the Children / n Math. 7. a. 15. c. and distributed to the Straingers / which are nothing-els but vngodly of will / who tread it downe so shamfully o Math 7. a. vnder their Feete / like vnto Swyne and Doggs which Straingers or Vngodlyones / are also Mockers Theeues Traytors and Murderers of the holy Woord and which do likewyse turne them vnto vs / to our Destruction 6. Wo be vnto them for that they p Iude. 1. b. go in the Waye of Cayne and for the Rewarde or Treasure of Iniquitee / they crucify q Heb. 6. ● and kill in themselues / the holy Woord or the innocent Beeing of God / with their Sensualitee of the Flesh also esteeme it for vncleane r Heb. 10. ● and as a Mockery / and do
growe-offended against it· inclyn-vnto or mayntayne the Euell· and so do seperate themselues from vs Little and Electedones of God and from the Famyly of Loue / shall neuer vnderstande nor inherit the true d 1. Iohn 1. a. Light or Beeing of God nor the spirituall Vnderstanding of the heauenly Goodes of Iesu Christ nor the e Math 13. d. 1. Cor. 2. b Col. 1. c. Secretnes of the heauenly Kingdom of God nor the Fullfilling f Ephe. 1. b. c Col. 1. c. 2. b. of the Righteousnes in Iesu Christ nor-yet the vpright g Iohn 8 d Heb. 4. e Freedom or Rest of the Children of God but shall dye in their Sinnes and be h Esa. 66. d. Math. 25. f. Apo. 21. c. condemned in the hellish Fyre 4. In which hellish Fyre of perpetuall Condemnacion / their i Apo. 16.20 ● 22. c. Heritage shal be the false Light or Beeing of the Deuill and all Bitternes or Maliciousnes of Heart together with all Blyndnes of the false and erring Spirits wherin they shall beholde and inherit nothing-els but all k Esa. 47. ● Wo Calamitee and Misery / as likewyse the euerlasting l Ier. 30. a. 2. Tess. 2. b Death ⁏ which they themselues haue procured and the perpetuall Bannishment m Math. 7. d. 25. f. Apo. 6. b. from the louely Beeing of God 5. From which Abhominations and euell Things / all beleeueing Hearts of the holy Woord of the Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ ⁏ which do submitt them n Esa 6● b. obediently ther-vnder· dye in Christ their Sauiour· and in Patience / hope vpon the Godlynes be o Apo ● 18.20.21 deliuered and kept from all Destruction 6 THerfore take-heede to yourselues / to your Obedience and Godlynes / in the Loue of our God and Father / lest that yee ⁏ remayning without the Body of Christ or Famyly of Loue fall into the foresayde p Esa. 65. b. c. Abhomynations For doutles I haue warned you all sufficiently / of all Abhomynacions Destruction and Condemnacion and cleerly and euidently enough figured-forth before you / y e Preseruacion of you all and wheare thesame is to be obtayned 7. I therfore q Deut. 30. d. Act. 20. f excuse my self this daye before you all ⁏ which heare this my Testimony and refuse to assemble you to the Famyly of Loue or which turne yourselues ther-from of the Condemnacion of you all in thissame Daye of the r Soph. 1. c. ● Tess. 5. 2. Pet. 3. c. righteous Iudgmēt of God / which passeth-out now swiftly ⁏ in this Daye of the Loue ouer the wicked Worlde / to her Condemnacion and in like-maner s Soph. 1 c. d. ouer all those that s M●●h 22. ● refuse the Obedience to the gracious Woord· and to the Requyring of the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ also are Enemyes to thesame· and mayntayne the wicked Worlde 8. For now in thissame Daye / shall the perpetuall Condemnacion / t Soph. 1 ● 2. Tess. 5. a Apo. 3. fall vnwares vppon all those that remayne without y e Howse of the Lorde and without the Obedience to his Seruice of Loue euen lyke as it came-to-pas with the Vnwillingones to the Trueth of God / in the v Gen. 7. a 19 c. Math. 24. Luk. 17. f Dayes of Noe and of Loth. 9. WHo soeuer now therfore / is ⁏ with a goodwilling Heart adioyned to the Famyly of Loue and which loueth Gods Righteousnes in thissame Daye / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and which desyreth to be kept from the Destruction· and preserued in the Godlynes / Let him x Eccli 18. c Luk 18.21 a 1 Tess. 5 c watch and praye now Night and Daye let him think vpon the ●i●rible y Esa 47 65. c Ier. 30 a Abhomynation that shall fall vppon the Resisters of the Obedience of y e Loue and of her godly Seruice and so let him take-heede z Heb. 2. ● to the godly spirituall and heauenly Goodes / which com vnto the Beleeuers of the holy Woord of the Spirit of y e Loue of Iesu Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and let him a Eccli 6.32 a. Act. 14. c. 1 Cor 3 4 ● esteeme nomore of himself / then he is neither-yet let him seeke any Laude Prayse nor Honour / to b Psal. 14 b. Iohn 7. c. 8. f 1. Cor. 10. ● himself / in all his Wel-dooing / but only to the Lorde and to shewe all Obedience to the Lordes Woord and Will 10 For all the Good that cometh to the Man / c Math. 25. b. Luk. 19. b. from the Lorde ⁏ for to shewe all Good· or alwayes to doo well therthrough therof ther belongeth d 1. Cor 4. b 15. b. 2. Cor. 3. b. 1 Pet. 4. c no Glory Thanks nor Prayse / vnto the Man ⁏ although he dooeth or sheweth thesame Good but only to y e Lorde / of whom he receaueth the Good 11 For what Good or Weldooing can the Man doo I pray you / wherby any Glory Thankes or Prayse / belongeth vnto him / seing that he must receaue all the Good / of the e 1. Cor. 4. b. 15. b. 2. Cor. 3. b Iam. 1. a. Lorde and of his Grace 12 Doth it belong to the Man / to seeke or desyre Thankes and Prayse / because that he receaueth of God ⁏ f 1. Cor. 15. b. through his Fauour and Grace g Ephe. 1. b Wealth / for his Pouertee all Good / for his Euell h Ephe. 1. y e euerlasting Lyfe and Saluacion / for his Deserte of euerlasting Death and Condemnacion and the i 2. Cor. 5. a Spirituall and Heauenly· and the euerlasting Vncorruptiblenes / for the Earthly and Corruptible I think veryly / No. but k 1. Cor. 15. b highworthyly to laude and thanke the God of Lyfe / for his Graces-cause and in no-wyse / to boste or to glory of himself The VII Chap. THerfore looke wel to it / that ye drawe not vnto yourselues / a Esa. 42 b 48. b Ier. 13. c. d Eccli 7.13 b thatt which belongeth to the Lorde But submitt you obediently vnder his holy Woord and Seruice of Loue And so in the Accounting-nothing or Debaseing of yourselues / b Tob. 4. a Psal. 33. a 102.103 a 144. a alwayes laude and prayse the Lorde with Thankesgiueing / for the Grace of his Mercy towards you and for all his Goodnes shewed on you and endure ouercom or suffer-out ⁏ for the Loue of Iesu Christes sake c Eccli 2. a. 1. Cor. 4. c. 1. Pet. 2. c all the Temptacions / wherwith ye be tempted out of the Sinne and out of your owne vncleane or defyled Knowledg and by all the Ministers of Sinne / against d Eccli 2. a Heb. 12. a your Passage towards the good Lyfe of Iesu Christ. 2 For at what tyme soeuer ye
EPISTOLAE HN. The Principall Epistles of HN / which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue· and written and sent them ⁏ most-cheefly vnto the Louers of y e Trueth and his Acquaintance And are by him newly perused and more-playnly declared Translated out of Base-almaine All Scripture geeuen by the Inspiration of God ▪ is profitable to Teache to Rebuke to Amendment and to Information in Righteousnes for that the Man of God may be perfect prepared to all good vvorkes 2. Timo. 3. No Prophecie in the Scripture / cometh-to-pas by priuate Interpritacion For ther vvas yet neuer any Prophecie brought-forth out of manly VVill but the holy Men of God haue sproken it / being mooued by the holy Goste 2. Pet. 1. Now goeth the Iudgment ouer the World ▪ Now is the Prince of this World cast-out Iohn 12. Now is the Saluation the Power and the Kingdom / becom our Gods and the Might his Christes Apoc. 2. THE PREFACE LYke as an Apotecary doth ⁏ by his apotecaries Arte prepare many-kinde of Medecine● / to the Health of the naturall Bodyes of sick Men and diuers delightfull Tastes and also sundery sweete Sauors of Spices / to the Delighting of the Children of Men Euen so doth likewyse a Man of God / prepare ⁏ by the Wisdom of y e godly Vnderstanding many-kinde of godly Medecines which he ⁏ in the Ministration of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue bringeth vnto the falne Man ⁏ who is captiued thorough the Sinne / with sundry Sicknesses and Infirmities in the Soule to the Health of his Soule ▪ and many sweete Tastes of the spirituall and heauenly Foode to the Refreshing and Delighting of his Mynde and to the great Ioye of his Spirit in y e secret hauenly Goodes Lyke as one may euidently perceaue in the many and sundry-sorts of distinct and groundy Instructions / touching the true Godlynes and euerlasting Ioye in Iesu Christ / which are witnessed and set-forth by HN ؛Gods elected Minister in these his Epistles and in all the Testimonyes of his Wrytings / to a perpetuall Health and Lyfe of the Soule and to the Welfare of the Children of Men. 2. To the which true Godlynes and euerlasting Ioye / all Louers of the Trueth and all hungery and thirstye Soules after the Righteousnes as likewyse all People / be ⁏ by the godly Testimonyes of these Epistles called and bidden to th end to leade them all namely those which vnder the Obedience of the Loue / do beleeue the Godlynes into the Howse of Loue and to nourish and bring-them-vp in all Godlynes 3. For-that-cause / these Epistles are likewyse to a Teaching and Edifying of all Beleeuers of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue and of the Comunialtee or Church of Christ and are also very profitable and seruiceable vnto all Men / to giue an vpright Knowledg Wherunto the Man is created of God and called or bidden through Christ To th end that all those ⁏ which haue a Lust or Will to God and his Righteousnes mought ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue giue themselues vprightly to their Calling through Christ· and so becom godly mynded / according to the Requyring of the holy Scriptures· and well exercised or prepared to all good workes Take it to heart A TABLE Contayning the Matter ⁏ and Redie finding of the begining of eueri-one of these Epistles The First Epistle A Crying-voyce of the holy Spirit of Loue where-with all People are called / to repentance for their Sinnes Fol. 1. The Second Epistle A Short and pithie Instruction contayning the Misterie of the Loue. Fol. 10. The Thirde Epistle A Groundlie Instruction Declaring the difference betwixt God the Father and his Sonne / the Lorde Iesu Christ. Fol. 19. The Fourth Epistle Of the Mediation of Iesu Christ / in the Spirit for a Reconciliation betwixt God / and the Man Fol. 39. The Fifth Epistle A Stirring-vp of the hearte to the Immitation of Christ in the tyme of suffering and affliction Fol. 65. The Sixt Epistle A Groundlie Instruction / and a Difference of the vnderstandings according to the Truith / of the holy Scriptures Fol. 79. The Seuenth Epistle A True Iudgment or Sentence / out of the Seruice of Loue agaynst the false Iudgment out of the fleshe Fol. 137. The Eight Epistle A Distinction of the Submission / and Vnsubmission in the Spirit Fol. 159. The Nineth Epistle Of the Seruices and Ceremonies / of the Christians / and of the vnchristians and of the right and false vce of them Fol. 189. The Tenth Epistle A pure Instruction / howe one shal be obedient to the woorde of Lyfe and Trueth in the Seruice of Loue. Fol. 205. The Eleuenth Epistle A Rebuke and Exhortation seruing to a Reformation / and to a Repentance for their Sinnes vnto all those that thincke them selues to bee wyse and Therfore blaspheame / and iudge falslye our Seruice / and Comunialtie in the Loue also a warning to the Simple Hearts Fol. 223. The Tvvelueth Epistle A Reproouing Instruction / and exhortation ⁏ out of hartie loue to the vnitee of harte / in the Loue. Fol. 251. The Thirteenth Epistle Loueing Informations vnto a Louer of the Trueth which before-tyme had bine a Blaspheamer of the Seruice of the Loue / and of the Ministers ther-of Fol. 265. The Fourteenth Epistle A Breefe Exhortation / vnto a Disciple in the Seruice of the Loue wher-with he is exhorted / to keepe a sharpe watch towards the Spirits / that make-vp themselues in him Fol 287. The Fifteentb Epistle An hartie Exhortation / vnto all Louers of the Trueth To awarning Touching all false Spirits / that make-vp themselues and Iudge falsly agaynst the Trueth Fol. 293. The Sixteenth Epistle An Instructionable Exhortation to the good-willingous whearin is Distinguished the vpright Obedience and the Godlie / and ongodlie beeing Fol. 314. The Seuenteenth Epistle Of the Mans Lordelines / in the beginning of his affall Death and Condamnation and of his restoring agayne vnto his former Lordelines Fol. 337. The Eighteenth Epistle A loueing Exhortation vnto an house-holde / that haue ioyned themselues to the Familie of Loue to be obedient to the Trueth Fol. 352. The Nyneteenth Epistle An hartie Exhortation / to the mooste-zealous good-willing hearts to the Righteousnes also to the Elders and Ministers of the woorde for a warning vnto them of all deceayt that maye chance vnto them / by the an-commers Fol. 365. The Tvventith Epistle Reproouinge of the VVhoordom with good Doctrine / and groundelye Instructions howe one shall turne hym self / to Iesu Christ and the woord of his holie Spirit of Loue and Trueth Fol. 386. FINIS The First Epistle A Crying-voyce of the holy Spirit of Loue / wherwith all People are ⁏ out of meere Grace called and bidden by HN / to the true Repentance for thier Sinnes· to the Entrance into the vpright christian Lyfe· and to the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ.
Children of God and Saincts of Iesu Christ. 7. COm now all likewyse / which ⁏ through your v Rom. 1. c. EPhe. 4. b. ignorant Knowledg or Misunderstanding haue turned-away your selues from thissame x Esa. 16. ● Heb 5. a. Seate of Grace and louely Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ and from our y Iohn 17 b. 1. Iohn ● a. Communialtee· growen-offended at our Meannes or a 2. Cor 1. c. Simplenes and at the godly Testimonyes of our Sayings· and so made-vp yourselues b ● Tim. ● 3 b. resistant against vs and our good Doctrine and Exercises· seperated yourselues from vs· and growen bitter or wrathfull towards vs / together withall yee that haue mistrusted vs· and c Ioh. 8.10 c. 2 Tess. 2. b. not beleeued the holy Woord of the eternall Trueth ⁏ which wee by Gods Grace / do administer vnder the Obedience of the Loue / but doubted therof· and so for-that-cause ⁏ through som Peruers-conceaueing towards thesame or towards vs refused the d Pro 1. c. d. proffered Grace or kept yourselues ba●h and repent e Eze. 18. d. you for your Sinnes / to your Sainctification and to the Health of your Soules 8. COm likewyse all yee / which ⁏ through any Opinion of the Self-wyseones or through any Good-thinking or Imagination of the Knowledg haue bin f Pro. 18. a. vnregarding towards thissame gracious and godly Seruice of Loue and towards his Requyring / and also yee / which haue heard or read the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ· and shewed no right Obedience as likewyse all yee / which haue ouerreached pourselues in any disorderly g Sap. 14. c. Rom. 1. c. Dealing or false h 2. Pet 2. b. Iudae 1. b. Freedom or in hearing and beleeueing of any i Ier. 23.27 c. vnsent Preachers and so are falne to your k Ier. 7. c. ●8 a. owne Counsayle ⁏ or to the Counsaile of those that stande not submitted to the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ nor to his Seruice and Requyring or are Straingers ther-vnto / or yee y t ⁏ through your l Pro. 6.24 d. Negligence or Little-regarding of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue are becom vaynly-mynded / with the wicked Worlde and with the vayne or false m Rom 1. c. 2. Pet. 2. a. Praters / through the Imagination of the Knowledg ؛that false Light Com and n Eccli 7 b. 1 Pet. 5. a. humble you / and let all your Vnderstandings be renewed· and ⁏ to thobtayneing of a good o Ephe. 4. b. Knowledg of Iesu Christ and his Godlynes brought-to-right / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and vnder thesame p 1. Pet. 1. c. d. Obedience / q Eze. 36. ● wash your Bodyes with the pure Water of the Loue and so cleanse your ▪ Hearts from all vngodly Beeing r Esa. 1. c. and wicked Thoughts 9. Com now all hether and s Gal. 6. b. Ephe 5. d. Apo. 2.3 b. neglect not your tyme To-daye becometh the Grace of the Loue of Iesu Christ / proffered yet vnto you all and the Hande reached-forth seruiceablely with thesame to a peaceable t Ephe. 4. d. Col. 3. b. Reconcilement with each-other in Iesu Christ to an Vnitee of Heart with vs / in all Loue. 10. Yea To-daye er-euer the Punishiment of the last Iudgment go-forth ouer all Vngodlyones v Pro. 1. c. Math. 25 d. / to thier Condemnation in the hellish Fyre ye be yet all called and bidden ⁏ euen out of meere Grace x Eqhe. 1.2 a. and harty Loue to the Communialtee of Saincts / which haue thier y 1. Iohn 1. ● felowship with Christ / in the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ. and that altogether / to the Preseruation of you all in the Godlynes The Third Chap. COm likewyse all ye People Gouernours / and Subiects Noble / and Vnnoble Ritch / and Poore Wyse / and Simple as also all a Math. 9. b. Men-sinners and Women-sinners Turne you about betymes to b Heb. 5. a. the Mercie-seate / er-euer that ye be quyte and cleane swallowed-vpp by the wicked Worlde or with seducing Babbling / through the false Light· and ouerwhelmed with the Cursse / by the Wrath c Eccli 5. b. Mal. 4 a. Rom 2. a of God 2. Com now all hether and confesse your Sinnes laye-open d Pro. 18. b. Eccli 2. a. the Inwardnes of your Heartes and bring-forth right e Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. a. Fruits of Repentance and so then suffer yourselues to be f Eze. 36. c. Heb. 10. c. washed with the pure and safe-making Water of the Loue / in the Fonte of g Sap 3. a. Eccli 2. a. Humiliation / To th end that ye may be h Rom. 5.8 a. Heb. 9. c. iustifyed or cleansed from all your Sinnes· receaued into the holy Comunialtee of Loue / to be i Rom. 12. b. Ephe 4. b Fellow-members of the Bodye of Iesu Christ· and byde-standing in holy k Psal. 45. b. Sap. 5 a. Garnishing and not perrish with the wicked Worlde / when-as she now in thissame Daye / is iudged with the Lords mighty Hande 3. Which wicked Worlde / is kept l Pet. 3. b. to the hellish Fyre / till vnto this Daye of Loue / for to condempne thesame for euermore / in thesame Daye of Loue to her eternall Curssing and m Math 25. d. 2. Pet. 3. b. Iudgment of the Fyers Crueltee / together with all those that mayntayne the wicked Worlde as also are affected to thesame and wil not turne them to Repentance 4. Verily in thesame Daye / when-as now all Vngodlyones n Math. 15. d. Tess. 1.2 b. Iudae 1. b. and all Self-wysones with all Vnrepentantones and false Hearts of the Scriptur-learned ⁏ which in their owne Opinion / haue o Math. 24 c. falsly bosted themselues very-stoutly to be Christians do inherit the tirrible p Psal. 13.47 Rom. 2. a. Condemnation / with many Smarts / in the Crueltee of the hel●ish Fyre / Then shall the People of God namely / the whole Comunialtee of the Loue of Iesu Christ and all those that haue turned them penitently from thier Sinnes / to thesame Comunialtee or Family of Loue q Esa. 35.65 c reioyce them in all Loue. and obtayne a perpetuall Rest / r Esa. 32. c. Sap. 3. a. in the euerlasting Lyfe / according to the Promyses of God the Father and his Christ. 5. FOr-that-cause ⁏ O all ye People vppon Earth take-heede to this my Voyce or Calling· to this proffered s Pro. 1. c. Esa. 49. ● Grace· and to my Warning / all yee ⁏ sayth the holy Spirit of Loue which wil remayne preserued and be saued / now in thissame last Daye 6. For after the Daye of Loue inasmuch as it is the last or newest Daye / on t Act. 17. d. the
desyre likewyse of thee / that the Comunialte which is with thee / may also reade this Letter and salute them all in my behalf / e Rom. 16. b. 2. Cor. 13. b. with a Salutacion of the Loue. And if ther be any among you / that are acquaynted with Any-people / whom they knowe to seeke God with Heart or that are no vndiscreet Blaspheamers but stande wel-mynded to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue / let them also freely reade-ouer this Wryting and loue alwayes the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue to an Increasing of the holy Knowledg and reioyce you among each-other in the Loue / through the spirituall f Ephe. 1. a. heauenly Goodes which do com vnto vs in the Spirit / out of the godly Loue. 4. The Loue of God the Father / g Col. 3. b. gett the Victory in all your Hearts Amen 5. Pray for me / that the Lord wil strengthen me in my Spirit / with his Loue / To th end that I may be strengthened in Him / without Feare and so may stand-fast against all myn● Enemyes and that the Concord of Peace may be prepared vppon Earth / through the Loue and her Seruice according to the Promyses The Ende of the Fowrth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Fift Epistle A Stirring-vp of the Heart to the Immitation or Following of Christ / in the Suffering of his Crosse Written and sent by HN in the tyme of his Suffering and Affliction / vnto his Freende Wherwith he informeth him / with Vnderstanding and Woordes of Humilitee / because that he shoulde not growe-offended in any thing· but alwayes hope on the Goodnes of the Lorde My Freends hast thou ⁏ O Lorde put farr from me thou hast made me loathsom vnto them I lye captiued and cannot com-foorth Myne Eye is sadd with Misery Lorde / I call dayly vnto thee and I stretch-out my Hande to thee Psal. 88. Health and Saluation / be vnto thee my Freende whom I loue to the Righteousnes The First Chapter FOrasmuch ⁏ thou Beloued as I haue had certē Woordes with thee / touching myne Afflictiō and Wofulnes of Heart in the Spirit and touching the a Psal. 18. a. 2. Tess. 2. a. Breaking-thorow the sinfull Beeing / for to com to the Kingdom of God and that thou as farr as I coulde perceaue hadst little Sight or Discerning therof and that me thought also / that thou ⁏ vp reason of myne Affliction didst more estrainge thyself from me / then gett an Hearty-affection towards me / So is therfore my Spirit becom inclyned to wryte a little vnto thee Wherwith I do shewe / that I rest still in hope that God woulde lighten thyne Heart a little / with the holy Light of his godly Beeing b Ephe. 1. c. and graunt thee to see or to discerne / the right Meaning of my Wordes that I haue spoken with thee 2. For I am very certayne and sure of this / if the Lorde open the Doore of Vnderstanding vnto thee ⁏ wherby to see-into the vpright godly Beeing / c Gal. 4. a. Ephe. 4. a. Apo. 21. a. that ought to haue a liueing Foorme in vs that thou likewyse / shalt knowe thesame wherūto I am inclyned with Desyre and with all my Heart and after the which / I ⁏ in the Hope do carry a Zeale or apply my Dilligence / for to obteyne thesame of the God of the Liueing if Hee ؛the Almighty vouchsafe the Grace vnto Mee Vnworthyone 3. But now am I in many Mens Eyes ⁏ as also haply in thyne very ougly and loathsom and therfore d 1. C●● 4. b. contemnable and reiectable with Many But all this cometh vppon mee / because that I am so exceeding weake e Psal. 6. a. 2. Cor. 12. b Apo. 3. c. and feeble and of myne-owne-part / haue no Righteousnes with me nor any Esteemation / according to the outward Man of the Flesh. 4. ALthough ⁏ my Beloued that I seeme thus loathsom as also of myne-owne-part / am so altogether weake and voyde of strength and am contemned by all Goodthinking-wyseones false Setters-forth-of-religion and Hipocrites· and defamed f 2. Cor. 6. ● by them / with many false Bruits / Yet wonder not thou neither be offended at thesame as y t thou shouldest therfore turne thy Heart from the Seruice of Loue and from Mee 5. For truly / in that all this cometh-vppon me or in that I am a little whyle g Psal. 8. ● forsaken by the Power of my God and do fynde myself ⁏ of myne-owne-part h 2. Cor. 3. ●2 so vnmighty to the Righteousnes of God and am contemned blaspheamed and falsly defamed or accused by Many / it hapneth because that I shoulde not in-any-wyse be stout in my Heart· nor boast myself vppon myne owne Knowledg and Workes nor-yet vppon any i Tess. 2. a. Gal. 1. b. Prayse or Comendation of Men· but highly esteeme of the Grace of God / to th end that the Lorde ⁏ and not I mought euen so haue k Psal. 114 b. all Laude Honour and Prayse For Hee only is the Lorde to whom only / all Honour doth likewyse appertayne 6. FOr-that-cause / be not thou offended at the Workes of God / with his Saincts nor-yet at the Contempt which I suffer and beare at the handes of many false Hearts and good-thinking Wyseones and Scriptur-learned But note that the Lorde l Psal 4 a. leadeth his Holyones wonderfully and how that God m Psal. 129. b. Apo. 15. a. is wonderfull in his Workes 7. For n 1 Reg. 2. a. Psal. 113. a. Luk. 2. f. He maketh ritch and poore agayne and then He maketh ritch agayne / because that men shoulde euenso knowe his Ritches rightly and loue them according to their Value 8. He bringeth the Man into a wyde o Psal. 18. c. 31. a. 119. c. Roome and agayne into great Straightnes and Contempt and out of the Straightnes and Contempt / into a wyde Roome agayne / because y t he shoulde rightly knowe his wyde Roome· and liue therin vprightly The II. Chap. THis wryte I vnto thee out of hearty Loue / my Beloued / for that thou shouldest not be discouraged in any thing nor offended in mee neither-yet dismayed in thy Heart in any-wyse / because of my Mysery and Contempt which I do endure or suffer in the like a Rom. 6 a. Phil. 3. b. Death of the Crosse of Christ wherin I follow-after b Math. 16. c. 1. Pet. 2. c. 4. a Christ. But trust firmly vpon him that is the only God 2. Therfore let not thy Heart be mooued for any-maner of thing that thou seest or hearest outwardly but submitt thyself ⁏ c 1. Pet. 5. b. with all Humilitee vnder the mighty Hande of God and giue-ouer
And Israel signifyeth vnto vs / A Gods Lorder or One that lordeth with God or preuayleth 9. According to this-very Name hath God also named his owne Name For like as God named himself after the Name of Abraham and Isaac / his Fathers euenso did He likewyse name himself a God of Israel that is / a God of those that lorde or preuayle with God / vnder whom Esau standeth seruiceably submitted and yet is no Heyre in the Testaments of God 10. Beholde Thissame / which is the second Birth or Procreation after Esau and which ⁏ in his Ouercoming is by God / named Israel is veryly the true and right Howse of Israel And all that be borne ther-out / are the Lambes and Sheepe of the Howse of Israel 11. Veryly thesame Sheepe that is lost or strayed from this Howse vnderstande the Meaning rightly is the Sheepe i Math. 10. ● 18. b. Luk. 15. a. that is sought with earnest Loue / to th end that the Promyses that are made to the Fathers / shoulde be established on thesame For God wil also be a God and Sheapheard of y e lost strayed Sheepe of the Howse of Israel and bringing thesame agayne to his k Esa. 56. a Eze. 37. c. Iohn 10. b Folde / He wil likewyse be a God and a Sheapheard vnto his Seede / euen for euermore 12. And if thou now hast rightly vnderstood thissame / then looke-vpon the whole Generation of Iuda and the Remnant of the People of Iacob and how that thosesame together with the Generations of Men inasmuch as they are estrainged from their right Stock namely from the Fellow-lording with God are the right lost or erring Sheepe of the Howse o● Israel Then agayne looke-vpon the Testament l Esa. 4● 41 c. Ier 30.31.32 33. Eze. of Promyse / that is promysed to the Howse of Israel and to the Howse of Iuda and how God hath sworne vnto them / that Hee is their Heritage also m Deut. 4. c 32. a Psal. 28.47 a how that they all / are Gods Heritage 13. Beholde ⁏ thou Beloued Thesesame / Israel and Iuda that are heere rehearsed vnto thee / are the right Heyres and n Act. 3. c. Children of the Testament in the Promyses of their Fathers wherin God wil establish them / in the last Tyme 14. To which Heritage ⁏ according to the Promyses the Heathen are ⁏ by Gods Grace o ●sa 42. a 49. ● 〈◊〉 1 d. Iohn 8 b. Act 13. c called and bidden / To th end that they ⁏ as Fellow-heyres of the Howse of Israel shoulde liue and raigne with Israel and Israels God / in the true Circumcision / which God hath fe●t or ordayned betwixt Him and Abraham and his Seede / p Gen. 17. a for an euerlasting Couenant and that-ther shoulde be nomore but one God namely among the Iewes and Heathen 15. Beholde this Grace is chaunced to the Heathen howbeit / not as those that are borne of the Howse of Israel but that are called therto by Gods Grace / because that the Heathen shoulde euenso ⁏ by Gods Grace / out of the Beleefe in Iesus Christ be likewyse the Seede of Abraham / in Righteousnes and Holynes q Luk. 1. ●●phe 4. c. that pleaseth God and shoulde possesse the Citizenshipp in Ierusalem / according to the Promyses 16. Lo heer-vnto is the Man ⁏ which is so wholly lost or estrainged from this Dominion with God or Howse of Israel sought and called with earnest Loue / for that he shoulde com to the Heritage of God and Christ which is the Health and Saluation of his Soule as also liue with God and that the God of Israel / shoulde likewyse be his God 17. Consider now / thou Beloued Heer-vppon as I haue rehearsed vnto thee standeth my Sight / touching the lost Sheepe of the Howse of Isarel / that is sought with great Dilligence / by the Lorde and his Ministers / for to bring him r Math. 10. a. 1● b. Lu● 15 a. Iohn 10 b. agayne to his right Sheepefolde The XIIII Chap. MOreouer thou wrytest vnto me / how that thou hadst wel hoped that the whole Worlde shoulde once be cleansed from all her Blyndnes and Ignorance so that the Song Allelu-ia / mought ⁏ with Ioye be soung heere generally 2. Thatsame is still all my Hope and Longing but the a Esa. 65. b. 2 Pet. 3 b. Cleansing of the Worlde and the Reioycing b Apo. 19 a of the godly Men / cometh not to pas according to Mans Good-thinking but according to the Lords Woord and his Promyses / namely / through the Crosse of Christ wherthrough the Man ⁏ in the Cleansing of his Sinnes becometh altogether humbled and abased· and begotten c Iohn ● a. Rom. a. Tit. 3. a agayne or a-newe / out of thesame Death of the Crosse· and made alyue d Rom. 5. ● a. 1. Cor. 15. c. in Christ. 3. For like as the Golde is purifyed in the Furnace of the Golde-smith or thorowly-tryed to fyne Golde / Sap. 3. a. Eccli 2. a. so is the Man likewyse cleansed in the Furnace of the Humiliation of the Crosse of Christ. 4. Out of which Humiliation / the Man cometh to the Obedience of God and Christ of whom he learneth the Humilitee f Math. 11. d. and Meeknes of Heart 5. In which Humilitee and Meeknes of Heart / the Man is blessed and anoynted with the Oyle of Loue That is with the holy Gost / in all Goodnes and Louelynes 6. Beholde this goeth first ouer the Howsholde of God who in their Cleansing from the Sinne / do g Rom. 6. b. 1. Pet. 2. follow-after Christ / in his Death of the Crosse / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and after-that ⁏ in their Makeing-alyue in Iesu Christ cometh the Ende h 1. Cor. 15. c. ouer the Worlde For so hath it pleased God / to cleanse the Worlde i Ephe. 2. b. Col. ● c through the Crosse and to saue the Man according to the Scripture 7. Whosoeuer now therfore taketh k Math. 16. c. Luk. 14. c. his Crosse vppon him / in the Obedience to the gracious Woord and his Requyring also ⁏ in the Beleefe followeth-after Christ؛the Godlynes vnder the Obedience of the Loue and so learneth the Humilitee and the Vertue to the l Math. 11. c. Meeknes / Hee likewyse ouercometh the Worlde and the Saluation cometh vnto him with Ioye 8. And a Man that is altogether cleansed from the Worlde and from all vnprofitable and corruptible Things namely by the Baptisme m Rom. 6. ● Col. 2. b. in the Death of Christ which is the right Fount n T it 3. b. of Regeneration hee singeth in his right tyme ⁏ according to the True●h that o Tob. 13. ● Song / Allelu-ia Which signifyeth vnto vs / Laude the Lorde 9. Beholde thatsame as I haue heere rehearsed vnto thee is my Sight / touching the
Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright ▪ Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Seuenth Epistle A true Iudgment or Sentence / proceeding out of the Seruice of Loue / against the false Iudgment or Sentence / proceeding out of the Flesh. Wherin also certen good Exhortacions and Informations to the vpright Beeing of the Loue / be rehearsed and witnessed Therfore canst thou not excuse thyself ⁏ O Man whosoeuer thou bist that iudgest For wher in thou iudgest another therin condemnest thou thyself Rom. 2. Take-heede to the Tyme and learne Wisdom and holy Vnderstanding for it is better then Golde and Siluer Yea / much worthyer then all costly or precious Stones For therby / the secret Iudgments of the highest God / be vnderstood The First Chapter OUt of the Inclynation of the Loue / I HN do wish a good Peace and Saluation / vnto the Communialtee of Saincts of the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ and vnto all good-willing Hearts / that for the Glory of Gods sake / do submit them obediently vnder the Loue and mayntayne her Seruice / to a Esa. 65. b 2. Pet. 3. b Apoc. 21. a. a Renewing of the Earth with Righteousnes / to th end that God may obtayne the Superioritee / with his Loue and vpright Being and that all what God hath spoken in tymes-past b Act 3. c. by y e Mouth of all his holy Prophets and published c Math. 28. d. Mar. 16. b. in y e Worlde / by y e Christ of God / for a Gospel of the Kingdom and as is written therof / may now in the last tyme / be fulfilled d Luk. 18. d. or accomplished / through y e Loue according to the Promyses 2. Happy are all those e Esa. 25.30 b that long after thesame and ⁏ for the Glory of God and his Loues sake do f Math. 10. d. 16. ● Mar. 8. d. Luk. 9 17. d Iohn 12. c. forsake hate and leaue themselues / that God ؛the true Lorder may only haue the Superioritee g 1. Cor. 15. c. and so be all in all and no Flesh to account anything h 1. Cor. 1. d. of itself anymore 3. FOrasmuch then as i 1. Cor. 25. ● 1. Tim 1 b. Mercy is chaunced vnto Mee ⁏ out of Grace through the Loue of God the Father and that the God of Lyfe hath permitted the Light of his Cleernes to shyne in my k 2. Cor. 4. b. Heart / by the Rysing of the Light from on High / wherby to reueale his Glory and to defende his Honour and Beawty / to all vtter Puting-downe of all Glory and Honour of the lying Flesh Therfore cannot I endure to hyde Gods Honour / which only belongeth vnto Him For to that ende is the Seruice of the Woord vnder the Obedience of the Loue / com-foorth l Ephe. 1. b. ⁏ to the Laude and Prayse of the godly Glory for to defende the supreame God in his Honour ⁏ because that all thatt which belongeth vnto Him / may be geeuen agayne vnto Him and be drawen vnder Him and not to excuse any Flesh of Sinne therin nor-yet ⁏ for any Loue of the Fleshes cause to couer any Flesh / in his Shame but to discouer thesame naked and bare namely / all his Whordom m Ier 5. b 7. b 8 14. b 23 c. 1. Tim. 1. b. Adultery Theeuery and Killing or Murdering together with all his false Witnessings and n Esa. 1. a 5. c. 52. a. Mar. 3. Blaspheamy against God and all Gods Holyones 4. For thus sayth the holy Spirit of Loue whose Daye o Esa. 66. b. Mal. 4 a. burneth like a Cresset-of-flameing-fyer against all his Enemyes Looke vpon yourselues and consider of your Vnchastitee and of the Vncleannes and p Eze. 24. b. Math. 15.23 ● Wickednes of your Hearts and what yee all are by Nature / O all thou Flesh that art borne of Adam Wherwithal ⁏ I pray you or by what Kynde of Righteousnes or Vnderstanding of Wisdom / wil ye iudg the vpright Wisdom or the holy Spirit of Loue and accuse his Ministers And wherwith ⁏ I pray you wil ye excuse or defende yourselues / that ye shoulde not all ⁏ how prudent-wyse soeuer ye bee com to Shame before the Iudgment-seate of the Christ of my God which Daye of his Iudgment / doth now breake-thorow and his Coming approcheth q Math. 24. c. like a Morning-starr out of the East or Rysing-of-the-sunne and is seene like y e Lightening / into y e West or Going-downe therof Whose Lighting / maketh-manifest all Flesh of the Darknes ⁏ in his Vncleannes through the Coming of his Beawtyful-cleernes The II. Chap. O All thou Flesh of the falne Adam wherin wilt thou now excuse a Rom. 2. thyself before the righteous Iudg as to be vngilty in anything / wherin thou condemnest another Therfore beholde and consider The Iudgment of God in his Iustice / is sett before thee and thy Sinne or Offence / made naked and bare before thyne Eyes / how that thou art faulty and wrong in euerything not only in thatt which is manifestly euell or wrong b Esa. 64. c. Math. 23. a. b Rom. 10. a 1. Cor. 1. b. c Col. 2. b. ● but also in all thy Wisdom Holynes and Righteousnes 2. Therfore com ye all foorth hether / before the cleere Iudgment or Daye c Math. 25 d. Rom. 14 b. 2. Cor. 5. b. of the Sentence of God make-manifest yourselues eueryone / before his Maiestee and let your inward Nakednes appeere But what auayleth it ther shall none be d Psal. 14.53 a Rom 3. a founde clea●e / No not One righteous but all / full of Spotts and Wrinckles 3. Seing then that all of you ⁏ which are borne of the sinful Flesh of Adam are e Psal 51. a. vncleane and vnrighteous and haue nothing-at-all in your Members / that is like vnto the Beawty of the Bryde of Christ / So doth-ther not then likewyse any Iudgment belong vnto you neither-yet to giue Sentence of the godly Things Or-els do ye think to sitt vppon the Seate of the Iustice of God / with your Iniustice and so to pronounce-foorth the Iudgment Or do ye still think / that yee can iudg right in any Matters Veryly / I vtterly deny it for all sinful Flesh in his Vanitee / is false f Psal 116. b. Rom. 3. a. and lying Therfore it belongeth not to him / to iudg anything but to be iudged himself / by the Iudgment of God / to th end that the Vnrighteous / may receaue the Iudgment of their Vnrighteousnes g Math. 13.25 d Rom. 2. a 2 Tess. 1 a. and the Righteous / the Iudgment of their Righteousnes / Because that it may euenso be witnessed / that God only h Psal 116. b Iohn 3 d. Rom. 3.
is all to the Couering of his Craftynes and false Selfnes let it iustifye or cleere itself then / somuch as it will let it transforme his Countenance to be so woful-hearted / as it will let it sobb let it sigh or lament then / somuch as it will let it speake then so sweete or flatteringly / as it will let it testify then his Sight and Hearing / so perfectly as it will let it also be then so vnderstanding or skilfull / touching y e new Birth· the Loue· the Trueth· and y e Secretnes of God or of the heauenly Things / as it will ⁏ if it be not obediently mynded to the Requyring of the gracious Woord and his Seruice So is it doutles all false and nothing but Poyson that it speweth-foorth against the vpright Lyfe of the Soule / wherby to h Iohn 10. a. kill and to spoyle the Peace of the Soule i Rom. 16. b. and to rende y e Concord of the Goodwillingones towwards the Loue. The IIII. Chap. THerfore / O ye young Children / which are borne out of the Seruice of Loue and out of her Spirit / to the God of Lyfe / to the Lande of his Glory / together with ye Disciples and on-coming Men / in the holy Vnderstanding of the gracious Woord of the Lorde / Beware of all sinfull and lying Flesh of Adam and of all Myndes that take-part with thesame a Rom. ●● ● Gal. ● ● Col ● ● or which do excuse defende or alow thesame in his Vanitee and Falshod / To th end that ye do not committ Whordom therwith nor-yet becom spoyled of the Peace / which ye do inherit vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 2. For all sinfull Flesh / dealeth in Couerednes and Craftynes / with his Lyes and Deceit and those that cleaue-vnto thesame and defende or excuse it for anything that is Vpright / b Act. 7. f. are all Traytors and Imaginers-of-euell towards the vpright vncorrupt Good / which cometh-forth or is witnessed out of the Loue / to an Vnitee of Heart / in the Loue. 3. Therfore be mistrustfull towards all sinfull Flesh / as also towards all vnregenerated Men / which turne them away from the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / beleeue not the Very-best of them / much-lesse / those whom ye knowe to turne-away themselues from vs and our Doctrine vnder the Obedience of the Loue c 1. Iohn 2. ● and to stand-vpp against the Loue and her Seruice and to vse their Hypocrisie / towards the Comunialtee of Saincts in the Loue. For no Flesh ●that is borne of the falne Adam d Psal. 143. a ▪ Rom. 3 ● shal be ●ounde righteous / when it is iudged according to the Trueth 4. For-that-cause let noman com-before mee with any Mynde of the Flesh for to excuse the sinfull Flesh / how lamentable or wofull soeuer it maketh itself or how holy and vnderstanding soeuer it appeereth 5. Oh let noman tell me any good or vertue / of the lying Flesh nor-yet of the vnregenerated Man / which seperateth himself from the Loue and her Seruice but let eueryone take-heede in the Spirit / to the true spirituall e Iohn 3. b. Birth of the Children of God which cometh out of Heauen / to the Beleeuers of the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue / vnder the Obedience of the Loue which spirituall heauenly Children of God / are full of all Goodnes and Vertue· and of-one-mynde with Vs / to all Concorde in the Seruice of Loue. 6. Therfore f Math. 24. c. Mark 13. c. Luk. 17. c. beleeue no Men of the Earth / which com vnto you out of y t Flesh and Blood of Sinne and are without the Famyly of Loue but beleeue the Men of God / which com vnto you out of the Seruice of Loue and which descend-doune to you g Iohn 1.3 d. 2. Pet. 1. b. 1. Iohn 1. a. from Heauen / who / are Spirit and Lyfe and haue had their Rest in the Bosom of the Almighty Father / till vnto this last Tyme And from thence do they ⁏ in the Obedience of the Loue com agayne now with their God / in Glory h Esa. 3. b. Iude. 1. b for to bring the Iudgment ⁏ with Righteousnes ouer the Worlde 7. Beholde thatsame i Iohn 12. d. Iudgment is now kept against all sinfull Flesh. For Hee which iudgeth righteously / hath sett himself vppon his gloryous Iudgment-seate k Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. Iude. 1. b And all his Saincts com with Him / in great multytudes of Hosts for to possesse the Earth with Righteousnes For it is geeuen vnto them l Math. 11. c. 28 b Lu● 10. d. Iohn ● d by that God / who hath made it all 8. For the Prayer m Apo. 6. b of the Saincts is now hearde and their God cometh to take Vengeance / to a Righteousnes n Psa 96.98 a Apo. 19. a vppon the Earth euen-as is written therof / because that the Will of God the Father / may be don vppon o Math. 6.26 c. the Earth likeas it is in Heauen and that his vpright Beeing with his Saincts / may also beare-swaye thear· the Scripture p Math. 26. f. Luk. 24. e becom fulfilled· and that God may bee all q 1. Cor. 15. ● in all according to the Promyses 9. Beholde Thatt is Gods Glory and the righteous Iudgment of my God Who wil open his Mouth / to speake against thesame lest he com to shame / in his Tongue 10. Therfore shut-too your Mouth / with a Bitt r Psal. 39. a. Luk. 3. a. that ye fall not through your Tongue but s Esa. 30. b. in Stilnes / take-heede vnto God who appeereth and cometh t Iude. 1. b. on the Earth with all his Saincts / in great Glory euen-as is written therof The V. Chap. WHat hath God to doo with you or what careth Hee for your Wayling and Lamenting / O ye flattering Tongues or all yee that wil excuse or defende the Flesh of Sinne For beholde the Lorde shall in thissame Light of the Loue / shame you all in a Psal. 5● a Math. 25. d. his Beholding and his mighty Hande of Iustice / shall stand ouer you / to a Suppressing of you / till that ye be confounded and remayne confounded for euermore 2. True it is I haue heard a mighty Crye with a great Lamentation and Waylling / vppon the Earth / wher-through / I was almost mooued to Compassion But I went alittle neerer to that Howling and Lamenting And lo / when I considered theron It was the Flesh of Sinne / that wayled and lamented excedingly / b Apo. 18. b because that his Worthynes mought be nomore of Value and for that it was nomore esteemed nor coulde gett any Prayse or Honour anymore and that God with his Saincts / did only gett the Glory 3. But when
I vnderstood the Lamenting and Wayling / then was I not mooued to Compassion ouer y e lamenting Flesh of Sinne / as to fauour or defende thesame / in his sinfull Lusts and vnchast Desyres For it was mynded against God / in all his Lamenting and Wayling but my Heart was compassionably-bent with the Godhead For looking-vpon the Falshod and Deceipt of the sinfull Flesh / I hoped to reioyce me in Gods Glory and so myne Affection stood-bent with the God of Lyfe / to th end that his Glory mought breake-thorow / ouer the Darknesses of Men. And I coulde not bemoue the Generation of the euel-willing Men / in their Howling and Weeping because they did not repent For all their Howling and Weeping was / because they mought nomore vse their Vnrighteousnes and their Pleasure of Whordom and Theeuery / according to their owne Will And to leaue thesame / was their Payne and Greef which they suffered 4. Beholde thatt is the Reward of the Vngodly / wherin they now at the last / be punished according to the Woord of our Lord and God For all Vngodlyons shal be punished c Sap. 11.12 ● Apo. 18. ● in their owne Wickednes / wherin they haue liued / according to their owne Lusts. 5. Do ye Vnderstand this well / O ye Lamenters and Defenders of the Sinful-flesh Ye do lament the Flesh greatly / in his Wayling because it fayleth him in his Will or Lusts but ye do not aboue-al / lament the Goodnes of God which hath bin forced to suffer from the begining d Apo. 15. a of the Worlde / for the Resistances cause of the sinfull Flesh. 6. O Ye foolish Lamenters yee which saye to the Flesh and to those which ⁏ according to y e Flesh seeke nothing e Phil 2. ● but their Selfnes Oh how are ye burdened against your owne Myndes and Vnderstandings / and what a matter haue ye to beare to endure or to suffer Oh ye cannot do it and it goeth altogether euell with you doutles / because ye may not vse your Sensualitee and your Lusts / in Freedom Ah cast from you all Burdenings / that com vppon you against the Flesh / as also the Seruice of Loue / which is against you in all your Myndes of the Flesh and take not thosame Burdenings on you but take-heede to the f Sap. 2. ● Lusts of your Flesh and leade your Lyfe according to the maner of the Worlde / for your Peaces cause and so liue in Freedom / concordablely 7. Beholde such things do the Enemyes g Phil. 3. b. of the true Crosse of Christ speake wherwith they shewe how well they are contented that the Man shoulde liue in a false Freedom and in a false Concord and that Christ؛the Goodnes of God the Father shoulde still suffer h Rom 6. a. Phil. 3. b. 1 Pet. 2. c 4 a and be crucifyed and killed but / to suffer with Him and to be planted into i Rom. 6. a Him / with his lyke Death / for the vpright Lyfes sake wherby to inherite the euerlasting Lyfe with Christ / in the s●conde k Iohn 3. a Rom. 6. a Col. ● b Tit. ● a. Birth from the Death ▪ they wil none of thatt but desyre to liue in the Sinne / l Psal 81. b. Ier 7. c. according to their owne Will or Desyres of the Flesh and to go-on according to their owe Good-thinking 8. Yet do these Lamenters of the Flesh notwithstanding / talke likewyse somtymes / of the Suffering or Crosse of Christ / euenas the Knowledg prefigureth thesame vnto them but to follow-after Christ obediently therin and to be partakers m Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b. of his Resurrection in themselues / to a new Lyfe of their Mynde / thatt do they forsake / because they seeke their Delyte of Lyfe / n Rom. 16. ● Phil. 3. c. in the Flesh and not in God who is the o Iohn 4. b 2 Cor. 3. b Spirit of Lyfe himself 9. But vnto those that sett all their Consolation of Lyfe vppon God and which p Math. 19. b. ⁏ for the Kingdoms sake of the God of Heauens do circum●ise themselues in the Obeying of the Loue and her Seruice / cometh Saluation Peace and Ioye For the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / cometh vnto them q Apo. 2● ● with Beawty and Glory and it shall with his Heate / cause ▪ all the Beawty of the r Esa. 40. ● ▪ Flowers of the Flesh to wither and so shall make-manifest the liueing Soules of Righteousnes / with their Garnishing / to an euerlasting Tryumph of the Glory of God to his Honour to the Ioye and Peace of his Saincts and to y e s Esa. 65 b. 2. Pet. 3. b Apo. 21. ● Renewing of the Earth with Righteousnes whose growing Beawty / withereth not / vnder the Loue but it remayneth-ouer in the euerlasting Lyfe 10. Beholde my beloued Freendes in the Loue This wryte I vnto you all / for a Warning from the Destruction / to th end that ye may knowe the t Gen. 3.8 Subtiltee of the sinfull Flesh and the Perills of thesame / which are hidden in the Delytes of the Flesh and for that it inought alwayes go-well with you / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and that ye mought not be deceaued by any Straingers v Pro. 6. c. 7. a or Declyners from the Seruice of Loue. The VI. Chap. WHerfore / O ye little and young Children / yee which are borne out of the Loue and be yet Esa. 66. ●●Pet 2. a suckled with the Milke of her Brests for a Foode of Lyfe / in all Sweetnes / Take-heede ⁏ I aduyse you of the Straingers and of the Declyners from the Seruice of Loue Let not the Milke of their Brests b Pro. 5. c. 7. b delyte you that ye suck not the strainge Brests of the adulterous Whoores who are growne with childe in Whordom / through their Vnfaythfulnes Fall and Adultry / wherunto they haue suffered themselues to be prouoked by their crafty Eyes and wicked Thoughts and so do bring-foorth the strainge or c 4. Esd. 6 c. vngodly Seede vppon the Earth / out of the Lust to their owne d Deut. 12. a. Goodthinking 2. Forasmuch then as they do bring-foorth the vnfaythfull and adulterous Seede / out of their adulterous Fruitfulnes / Therfore do they also giue-forth nothing out of their Brests / but Poyson / in steade of Milke 3. Heer of beware ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued that ye do not in-any-wyse suck such Whoores-brests nor receaue any of their Milke / that-ther be no Poyson sucked into your Soules for the which / ye shoulde be constrayned to wade-thorow or suffer many Paynes of Death / er-euer ye coulde be sounde agayne But with submitted Hearts / vnder the Obedience of the Loue / holde yourselues e Math. 10. ● 24. b Heb. 12. a constantly to the single and
to thesame Loue of God the Father and likewyse to the seruice of my Neighbour and that altogether to thesame Loue. 2. But seing the Tymes are now perillous ⁏ my Beloued and that ther are also many Harmes to be feared to ensue / if one shoulde minister the Woord of Lyfe vnto anyman vnforesightfully / Therfore doth it oftentymes seeme perillous vnto vs / to handle to speake or to wryte of the Woord of Lyfe and of his se●ret Clernes / before eueryone that woulde desyre it For it is not euerymans Matter / to comprehend thesame in his Cleernes or Secretnes but a Math. 12.13 c. 1 Cor. 1.2 a Theirs / whose Hearts be b Iohn 6. ● stirred-vp ⁏ by God to a Deuont-meditation of the Woord and his Righteousnes and haue intended Loue and Peace 3. For which Causes / we deale with godly Care / in the Seruice of our Neighbour and are likewyse to consider / what is most-profitable or necessary to be adminis●red vnto eueryone / out of the Seruice of the gracious Woord / to th end that he mought by that meanes ⁏ without doing him any Harme be furthered to the good and vpright Knowledg of the true godly Things / through som Seruice shewed towards him by vs according to that Estrainging wherin he standeth comprehended but cheefly towards those that with feruencie of Heart / desyre or seeke any Information at our Handes 4. And seing that we ⁏ through the Light do beholde the many-maner of Perils in this Matter as that it is hurtfull vnto Many / to reueale the Secretnes of God vnto them / therfore do not we open the Iewels of the Secretnes of God or the Secretnes of all godly Things / vnaduisedly or vnforesightfully / before eueryone 5. And although likewyse / that many are our Freendes / who also nodout woulde gladly knowe the Fulnes of the Instruction of all Things / yet do not wee oftentymes follow their Will for-al-that / in our Seruice which we shewe on them out of Loue but do deale with them / in Longsufferance and with great Carefulnes / c 1. Tess. 2. ● like-vnto a Moother / with her Children for to be seruiceable vnto them in thatt which is most profitable or needfull for them For thatt which the one can abyde / the other cannot and thatt wherby one farethwell and wherthrouh he is amended / therby mought another fare euell and be made worse therthrough 6. NOw mought som man saye One shoulde not of right hyde anything from the Freendes For ther-is sayde for a Prouerbe One ought not to lock-vpp any Bread from the Freendes 7. It is true It shoulde be so indeede / if the Stomacks were eueryone so sounde that they coulde endure the Bread in them or were accustomed to the Taste of Bread 8. But seing now that we do perceaue by Experience / that many Stomacks are not accustomed vnto Bread and for-that-cause growe soone d Iohn 6. offended / through the e 1. Cor 3. a. Heb. 5. b strong Foode of Bread and that Many of them likewyse / haue receaued or taken no Bread into them for a certen-tyme / to a Foode of Lyfe but haue swallowed-in somwhat heere-and-thear / out of the Wildernes / in the Darknes / Therfore are also the Stomacks generally defyled / by the Multytude of strainge Meates and Mens Complexion growen very weake and tender and cannot therfore f Iohn 16. b. 1. Cor. 3. a Heb. 5. b. endure the Bread of the liueing Woord cheefly / because they are nourished-vp with so many-maner of strainge Meates ⁏ in the Darke in the Wildernes By meanes wherof / their Stomacks haue corrupted their right State serueing to the Taste of Bread so that they haue no Hunger nor Lust at-all / to g Num. 21. b the Bread of the liueing Woord· neither-yet any sweete Taste in thesame For their Lust standeth alwayes bent towards thatt wherunto their Tastes are accustomed 9. And thatsame is likewyse the Cause / why the secret Bread of the holy Woord / doth not oftentymes serue for eueryones Stomack 10. For one may fynde many Men / for whom it is much more profitable and better at-the-first / to receaue good Medecine out of the holy Woord / for their vnsounde Stomacks cause then any strong Meate / to th end that their Stomacks mought be cleansed therby· and accustomed vnto Bread agayne 11. Whosoeuer then is com alittle vnto Health and is yet but weake and tender / to him ther serueth nothing-els at the first / but to receaue Hony h 1. Cor. 3. a Heb. ● b. 1. Pet. 1. a and Milke / out of the holy Woord to a Sustayning of him in his Weaknes For he cannot as-yet endure strong Meate 12. But when Strength cometh vnto him and that he can beare the Weaknes of his Neighbour / so doth it then serue him very-well / to receaue of the ●ec●et Bread of the holy Woord / for a Foode of the strong Lyfe / that he may yet growe stronger· and haue the i Iohn 10. a. Lyfe in Fulnes and that nothing may hurt k M●r. 16. b Luk. 10. ● nor lett him for to liue The II. Chap. THis wryte I vnto thee ⁏ my Beloued because thou shouldest not stumble or growe-offended at our Littlenes or Childishnes nor at the Seeming of our Foolishnes / in the Ministration of the holy Woord nor-yet at our mostholy Seruice of Loue / because it is a 1. Cor. 1. b. ● playne· and not according to the Course of the Wisdom of this Worlde· nor of the Scripture-learned 2. Notwithstanding although our Seruice of Loue be playne / yet is it vnto vs / a godly Seruice in the Woord of Lyfe Which Seruice / wee ⁏ out of Courtesie b 2. Cor. 4. a. Tit. 3. a and a good Conscience do minister in the Woord of Lyfe ▪ vnder the Obedience of the Loue to eueryones Welfare and Health of his Soule namely c 1. Cor ▪ 1. b. c vnto all and ouer all those that beleeue theron 3. For truly in all this our mostholy Seruice of Loue / we do not follow-after the Wy●e of the Worlde / in their Wisdom nor-yet the high-bosting Scripture-learned / in their Knowledg nor any Chosen-spiritualtee / in their Holynes nor any taken-on God-seruices / in their Controuersie but we witnes the Wisdom that auayleth before God which seemeth to be a d 1. Cor. ● b Foolishnes before their Eyes / and do make-manifest the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes which God esteemeth which seemeth before the Eyes of the Worlde and before all her Hipocrits fayned Holyons and Scripture-learned / to be e Esa. 15. ● S●p 2. b. 5. ● nothing but Sinne Vnrighteousnes or Seduceing 4. For in all thissame / all Hipocrites fayned Holyons and Wyse or Scripture-learned ones of the Worlde / haue ⁏ through the Bewitching of their Hearts accounted the Darknes / f Esa 5 c. 5● ● 59. b
for Light and the Light / for Darknes / and grounded all thier Vnderstanding / vppon their Knowledg / in the Darknes and so haue intangled themselues in many-maner of Prudencies / through their owne Knowledg and brought the whole Worlde euery-wheare / into so many erring Blyndnesses in-such-sort that for-that-●au●e / all Vnderstanding of Men / hath corrupted g Gen. 6. ● his Waye euen-like as all Flesh did / in the tyme of Noe. Therfore is also their Destruction com hard-by 5. And seing now that we haue founde-out in the Deede and Trueth / that all manly Vnderstanding hath corrupted his Waye in the Knowledg / So do we likewyse ⁏ through the Light of the eternall Trueth beholde a great Wo and Greefe among Many h Ez● 7. b Luk 19. ●● ● the which is coming euerywhear ouer the Children of Men. And thatt is the great Destruction ouer the manly Generacion / in the Last tyme. 6. For the Destruction hath taken-holde of them and shall make-vp itself to a Destruction among them and fall vppon them all speedely namely because that their noble Vnderstanding / hath forsaken De●t 32. ● the liueing Beeing of God· and intangled itself with so many-kyndes of ignorant Knowledg or Good-thinking so that the Children of Men haue therthrough / plucked k I●● 23. f. g a heauy Burden vppon their owne Necks / to their Destruction Which Burden also / they shall not be able to beare nor accomplish but must perish therin 7. Heerwithal goeth the Man burthened combered and greeued / and cannot fynde the l Math. 11. d Refreshing of his Soule / in the Knowledg of his corrupt Vnderstanding although he notwithstanding seeketh it therin He thinketh to fynde the Lyfe / in the Knowledg of his corrupt Vnderstanding but thesame Knowledg / m Gen 3. a is nothing-els but to a Death and Condemnation vnto him But the Lyfe in the Loue / is the Saluation and Peace 8. Seing now that the Worlde standeth comprehended n 1. Iohn 5. c. in the Destruction of the ignorant Knowledg the which she doth neither see nor marke / so is therfore the Affection of our Heart / ouer all tho●e and vnto all those / which do see or knowe the Destruction ouer themselues and which desyre our Seruice / to theobtayning of a godly Knowledg / wherby to be partakers o 2. Pet ▪ 1. ● of the godly Beeing of the Loue and which seeke their Preseruation with vs / in the Loue. 9. For vnto those afflicted Hearts / do we shewe our Seruice p 2. Cor. ● ● ▪ Tit. 3. a courteously / witnessing vnto them / the Passage to the Lyfe Wherwith we do meete or com-before them with a good Conscience against their corrupt Vnderstanding or euell Conscience and so do reacheout the Hande vnto them / to a Guyding of them into our Comunialtee of Loue and of the good Vnderstanding / To th end that they mought therby / be drawen out of the damnabl● q Esa 47. ● Apo 1● b Plagues of the vnbeleeueing and insensible Worlde· and to an Health in their Soules / wherby to serue and to liue-vnto our r Luk. 1. g God ⁏ with Them concordably / vnder the Obedience of the Loue ⁏ with a cleane or vndefyled Conscience in all Loue / as being free or vnbounde from all Diuisions or Schysmes and vnbewitched from all chosen and counterfeyt God-seruices and false Holynesses The III. Chap. BEholde ⁏ my Beloued this haue I written for the Answering of thy Letter / as meeting with thee and giueing thee to vnderstande therwithal / how erring-blynde the Children of Men are growne in these last Tymes Not only the Worlde / that liueth in Wyldnes and in Bruitish-sort but cheefly / those that haue chosen them som God-seruices Righteousnesses and Holynesses / through the Knowledg of their ●wne corrupt Vnderstanding or haue counterfeited them according to the Prefiguration of the Letter wherthrough Many of them haue made vnto themselues / a wicked and naughty Conscience by the which / they suffer themselues to be iudged / out of the Darknes and so do a Isa. 2. a I●r ● b feare and serue those Gods which they themselues haue made 2. And although they be somtymes rebuked by their euell and darke Conscience / yet be not the Darknesses made-manifest in them for-al-that neither becom they also any Light For they cannot / because that their euell and darke Conscience although it be esteemed for Light and Trueth is Darknes and Lyes itself Therfore it is a certayne Testi●ony / that such a Conscience is vntrue / and doth neither iudg right nor rebuke to Amendment 3. But God b Iohn 1. a. 5. c. 14. a which is the Light and Lyfe itself / is much greater c 1. Iohn 3. c in Power / then the darke Conscience For He himself / doth ⁏ thorough his Light and Seruice of Loue seperate in vs / the Light / d 2. Cor. 4. a from the Darknesses and so e Iohn 17 c. sainctifyeth his Name / in vs and sheweth that He himself / is the Lorde and the right f 2. Tim. 4. b A●● ▪ 10. f and true Iudg / in our Consciences 4. Therfore shoulde not the Man take any Iudgment vpon him / out of his darke Vnderstanding or euell Conscience although the euell Conscience wil seeme to execute the Iudgment / out of the Darknesses But alwayes to long after som better thing and to sett the Comfort of his Hope g Rom. 15. a. vppon thatt which God hath promysed namely vppon the Light of Lyfe / administred in the Seruice of Loue / for that he mought euen so by the God of Lyfe ⁏ h Ephe. 1. a whose Hand-worke he is be accepted and receaued in the Seruice of Loue / to a Nourtering with Righteousnes and so mought ⁏ to his Saluation take-heede to the Rebuke and to the nourterable Information / ministred by the Light namely through the Seruice of the holy Woord / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. For in that sort doth God rebuke and i Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. a nourter euery Sonne / whom He accepteth or receaueth 5. Whatsoeuer then is so rebuked by the k Iohn 3. c Ephe 5. b Light thatt is manifest and whatsoeuer is manifest thatt is Light and we vnderstande or knowe / that the Rebuke by the Day-light of the Righteousnes of God / is very profitable and good for vs / to Amendment and to Saluation 6. For God l Deut 32. d 1. Reg. 2. a Sap. 16 b Tob. 13 a killeth and maketh alyue agayne / because He woulde euenso by his Killing / depryue the m 1 Cor. 15. f 2. Timo 1. b Heb. 2 b Death of her Power 7. He leadeth into Hell n 1. Reg. 2. a Tob. 1● ● and leadeth therout agayne / because He woulde euenso / rende the Kingdom of Hell· and depryue the Hell of
Death / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 9. And wee which be in-that-sort planted into Christ / with the like Death / do wayte for Him to com p Rom. 8. b Tit. 2. a with a Gloryousnes of Lyfe / ouer the Death / wherby to make vs ⁏ which suffer with Him alyue q Rom. 6.8 2. Tim. 2. b. with Him likewyse namely in the Appeering of his Coming / to the Renewing of our Lyfe / For to inherite euenso in the Resurrection r Iohn 3. a. Rom. 6. a 1. Cor. 15. e. f Phil 3. b Col. 2. b. out of the seconde Birth from the Death / a sure Confession of the Resurrection of Christ / to our Iustifycation and to raigne with Him for euer in the heauenly Beeing namely / ouer Sinne Death and Hell / and ouer all the Enemyes of the Lyfe And thatt is the Gospel of the Kingdom s Math. 28. c Mar. 16. b Rom. 10. b. Apo. 14. which is published in all the Worlde / now in the last tyme according to the Promyses The V. Chap. FArdermore ⁏ my Beloued thou wrytest vnto me / that the Hell in processe of tyme / vanisheth-away in thee but the Hauen cometh not agayne in the Pl●ace of the Hell In which state as thou wrytest thou canst not well somtymes stand submitted and yet of-right-it ought to be so like-as thou perswadest thyself or rememberest / that thou shouldest haue learned and vnderstood it so of mee 2. For which Cause sake / thou makest an hearty Request vnto me ⁏ by Wryting to informe thee therof and demaundest of me therwith and de●yerest an Answer ther-vpon / how I haue behaued myself in the Passing-ouer or Wading-thorow thesame for that thou moughtest likewyse follow-after mee 3. Veryly I cannot answere thee according to thy Request / how I haue alwayes behaued myself / in the Making-vp of the euell Conscience and erring Ignorance in the Darknesses But to shew-forth a Heb. 10. c Iam. 5. Patience / in our Affliction thatt is profitable and good for vs all and to haue a firme Hope vpon God / in our Tryall or Temptation 4. For veryly / the Tyme cometh and is com / that the Iudgments of the euell Conscience / shall all be seene and knowen / for Darknesses and not for Light· for Lyes / and not for Trueth In like-maner / it shall also be seene and knowen / that the Hell b Sap. 1 b. and Condemnation ⁏ which ryseth out of the vnmeasurable lying Beeing or maketh-vp itself ther-out are all Lyes and corruptible For none of all these euell Things / wherwith the Man is c Sap. 11. b punished in Darknes ⁏ for his Sinnes cause hath God d Sap. 1 b. made Therfore it is all / Death and Lyes / whatsoeuer is not Hee himself neither-yet that Hee hath made For all what God hath made / e Gen. 1 a. Sap. 1 b Eccli 40. a is good and is euerywhitt / Lyfe and Trueth to the Blessing and Ioye of the Man 5. But if-●o-be now that thou doest not knowe or see all these euell Things ⁏ which do tempt or besett the Man to be Lyes and Darknesses / then art thou yet much-to-weake / for one to talke anything with thee of the Trueth and as-yet to-ignorant of the Trueth / for to vnderstand anything therof or to comprehende anything of the Light of Lyfe 6. But seing that these euell Things ⁏ which are all Lyes and Darknes do captiue vs and bewitch our Hearts and that we haue accounted of them to be somwhat / therfore haue they brought vs to Suffering and Greefe and do likewyse seeme vnto vs to be somwhat / so long as we do beleeue the Lyes and Darknesses But in this Tribulation and Heauynes ⁏ in the tyme of our Temptation let vs shewforth f Eccli 2. ● Iam. 5. a Patience / in the Hope of Deliuerance And thatt is it wherof I haue comoned with thee But not so playnly as I do now wryte thesame vnto thee 7. Now for to be altogether deliuered g Iohn ● Rom. 7.8 b or made-free from these euell Thinges / which are risen-vp in thee and haue captiued thee / for that thy Soule may escape the Perills / into the which she is brought / through thy defyled Conscience / So is-ther nothing more profitable or furdersom for thee to the Lyfe / then that thou shouldest forsake the dark Obiect / vnder whom thyne Vnderstanding hath stoode captiue the which thou hast beleeued / to the Wounding of thy Soule and so ⁏ giueing thyne Vnderstanding wholly and altogether h 2. Cor. 10. ● captiue vnder the Obedience of the Loue shouldest only heare beleeue and be obedient to the true vndeceaueable Light and i Pro. 4. a. 5 ▪ a● to the Counsaile and Seruice of the holy Spirit of Loue and so shouldest in thy Spirit / k 2. Pet. 1. c. take-heede to the Light of Grace euenas thesame is now in the last tyme / reuealed vnto vs / in the Woord of Lyfe ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue out of the heauenly Trueth / To th end that thou mayest be renewed in thyne Vnderstanding / to a good Knowledg and so mayest with a good Conscience / clea●e only to the Seruice of Loue hearing nomore nor beleeueing anything / wher-with thou wart before-tyme bewitched in the Knowledg 8. When thou hast forsaken l Math 10.16 c Luk. 9.14 c all thissame / according to this maner wherby to giue eare and credite ⁏ wich an humble Heart to the vncorrupt Loue in her Seruice and to be obedient therunto / so haue then a good regarde vnto the m Math. 24. c 1. Cor. 15. f. 1. Tess. 4. c Noyse or Sounde of thesame Trump namely vnto the Seruice of Loue and vnto the first Entraunce into his Doctrine and Requyring To th end that thou mayest euenso vnderstande in thissame Daye of Loue / the Distinction of this last Trump and what is requyred therby 9 For this Daye or Light of Loue / is the Daye which God hath appoynted or ordayned on the n Act. 17. d. which He wil iudg the Circuite of the Earth / with Righteousnes / because that in thesame mostholy Daye of Loue / it may o Act. 3. c. all be restored agayne / what God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his Prophets / from the Begining of the Worlde 10. In which mostholy Daye of Loue / all Soules ⁏ which in the Obedience of the Seruice of Loue / do p Math. 5 a hunger and thirst after the vpright and pure Beeing of the Loue shall obtayne their Saluation and Health and all Vnderstandings ⁏ which giue themselues captiue ▪ q 2. Cor. 10. ● ther-vnder and which do not harken nor aske after anything-els shal be healed and made-sounde / touching the r Gen. 3 Sap. 16 b But of the destroying Knowledg of Adam and be brought to the Vnderstanding of
Foolishnes nor of Gods Righteousnes / which is so safe-making in vs / ouer the Sinne nor-yet of the manly Power of God / which is so like-chyldish in vs / ouer the Childishnes 2. But seing that ther are Somme now / which thinck themselues to be e Esa 5. c. Pro. 3. a. Rom. 12. b wyse and so do figure-foorth a Cleernes vnto themselues / according to the Mynde of the Flesh and Imagination of the Knowledg / Therfore haue they stumbled or taken-offence at our Chyldishnes and at the Appeerance of our Foolishnes and turning themselues awaye from vs and falsly reporting som euell matter of vs / behynde our backs they haue shot-out their false Testimonyes and Lyes / against vs and so haue made-manifest their false Hearts / against our chyldish and simple Kyndnes shewed towards them / as that ther is nothing-els in their Hearts / but Backbyting and Traytory and al-maner of Venom f Psal. 14.140 Rom. 3 b. vnder their Tongues and that they ⁏ with their subtill Knowledg are thorowly-mynded to g 1 Timo. 4. a 2 Timo. 3. a seduce those of small Vnderstanding / from our safe-makeing Ministration and to bring them into errour / wherthrough the erring Sheepe becom then scattered or skared frō each-other also rent h Esa. 53. b Eze. 34. Iohn 10. 1. Pet. 2. c. and strangled and not gathered-together ⁏ to a Concord into their right Sheep-folde nor-yet saued 3. Therfore haue not Such nor-yet their euell Nature / any Power nor Vnderstanding to informe the Ignorantones with the safe-makeing Testimonyes of Christ nor to assist the Sinners with the true Vertue and Righteousnes / to a Repentance for their Sinnes wherby to gyde them into y e perfect Righteousnes which God esteemeth / nor to informe the Vnwyseones / with the true Wisdom / nor to poynt the Erringones / i Eze. 34. a. into the right Waye / nor through Loue / to take al-things in Patience / concerning the godly Matters / not-yet to couer k 1. Pet. 4. b. Iam. 5. c. the Multitude of Sinnes that the miserable People mought be holpen-vp out of the Pitt of their Fall and becom l Psal. 34.51 b 147. a. Esa. 57.61 a saued but according to their vnreformed Nature ⁏ like-as it appeereth they are much-more inclyned to reporte euerything to the worst / that meeteth them agaynst their owne Myndes and to rayle-at and blaspheame thesame 4. For-that-cause seing that they in their Contrarynes / are growen wrathfull towards vs / therfore do they likewyse much-rather cry-out in euery Streete and Corner / that Wrong is offered them / and that wee and all simple Hearts / which ⁏ to there Cleansing from the Sinne do cleaue vnto the Doctrine and Concorde of the Seruice of Loue / are wicked / and y ● it is all Wrong Misunderstanding and Foolishnes / wherafter we labour and are zealous and so then m Psal. 10.64 Ier. 11.18 b Sap. 2. b. they knowe how to iudg ieste mock enuye and to speake much euell against vs / and to fome-out and spredd-abrode althings to the worst / that is against their owne Myndes / and with false Bruits / to make their Neighbour ⁏ towards whom they haue conceaued a Mislyking to be reprochfull euerywhere 5. SEing then that I haue respect vnto my God / and how beneficiall loueing faythfull True and n Eze. 1● c. 1. Timo. 1.2 a 1. Pet. 3. a. safe-making / He standeth-mynded / and how He hath illuminated and endowed mee with thesame Loueing-kyndnes in-such-sort / that I for-that-cause haue no regard at-al to y e vayne and false Babling of many People but to the Ministration which is profytable and needfull for y e Man vnto Saluation / Therfore doth Hee also keepe o Psal. 17.63 ● my Soule vnder the Wings of his Loue / because that I shoulde cleaue vnto Him and his Maiestee and be seruiceable vnto all Men / to their Preseruation in the Godlynes and not regarde the Backbyters / that speake Euell of me and mock me / nor the Deryders / that walke in Lightmyndednes / p 2 Pet 2.3 a. Iude. 1. ● according to their owne Desyres and Good-thinking Who do likewyse turne-away themselues from vs and our godly Doctrine· dispise the Dominion of God· as also the q Iohn 17. b. Comminialtee in the Vnitee of Heart / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. Yet do Many of them bost that they for-al-that ⁏ in their false Deedes do stande at concord· cleaue to the Woord of the Lorde and his Loue· and desyre to holde Peace with all Men. 6. It is true they cleaue indeede to their good-thinking Woord and their owne Mynde of Loue neither do they also fall very-soone from thesame and with the Worlde / Many of them are likewyse at concorde and they seeke their Peace nodout / with the Children of the wicked Worlde and with those that are cleaueing to thesame and that giue eare and respect vnto them in them they see no Euell neither do they contende against them nor-yet blaspheame them for they are most-like vnto their owne Heartes 7. But those that haue submitted their Soules vnder the Obedience of the Loue / for Gods Righteousnes cause and which do dayly ⁏ with Christ r 1 Math. 16. d. 2. Cor 4. b. Gal. 6. a. carry the Crosse and Suffering in their Hearts / with them they stande not at concorde neither do they desyre also / to be one Heart and Mynde with them but to contende boldly against them and knowe alwayes how to rehearse much Wrong and Ignorance of them Yea / vpon them they haue dayly all their sight bent s Psal. 41. a. to see if they mought spy-out anything by them or heare anything of them / that were not right in their Eyes or Eares / to th end that they mought then spreadd thesame abroade and bring them to Shame 8. Beholde Thatt is the Nature of all Self-wyseones and Declyners from the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and of all false concordable People and false Hearts / which take vppon them arrogantly out of their vnrenewed Hearts / s Esa. 30. b. Mich. 2.3 to witnes of the godly Matters / for Trueth and to institute or to vse any Seruices 9. Ah consider I pray you / what a false Concorde and what a false Christianitee and false Loue such do carry and what a common Peace / they do all very gladly desire to holde with the wicked Worlde and all Vngodlyones 10. OH ⁏ my beloued Hearts consider well of Such I pray you / how vtterly their Vnderstanding is t Sap. 2. c. Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b corrupted through their good-thinking Knowledg / Wher-through they do also take their occasion to blaspheame our Comunialtee of Saints in the Loue and to defame vs with al-maner of Euell and so ther-vnder ⁏ as in a v Math. ● 23 Showe of som better thing they
publish thesame for a Gospel or ioyfull Message of the Kingdom of God and Christ and that the euerlasting Lyfe / is to be inherited b Eph. 1.2 ● Col. 1.2.3 a therin as also y e spirituall and heauenly Goodes of Christ and of his Father / in the heauenly Beeing And thatt is the true Seting-vp of the Perfection and the Declaring of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / in his Glory for a righteous Iudgment of God vppon the Earth 7. In thesame Mostholy and to shewe Obedience therin / according to the true Beeing of the holy Spirit of Loue or to liue c Iohn 17. d. vniforme with God and Christ obediently / is the Declaring of the d Math 24. a. 25. d 2. Tess. 2. Tit. 2. b. gloryous and true Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ / from the Right-hande of God the Father / in the Resurrection of the Righteous and the great e Esa. 2. c. 13. ● Ier 46. Mal. 4. 2. Pet. 3. b. and tirrible Daye of the Lorde / of the righteous Iudgment 8. Seing now that thesame Howse of the Lorde or this true Tabernacle of God ⁏ wherin God together with all his Saincts / wil dwell for euermore is declared vnto mee ⁏ in his Glory and with the Fulnes of the Ritches of his Garnishing in the Seruice of Loue· and thesame Seruice committed f Eph. 3. a. vnto me to minister / out of the heauenly Trueth / So do not I also desyre anything-els God is my Witnes but to assist thee ⁏ if thou bist good-willing to the Loue and likewyse eueryone / to thesame Seruice / To th end that the Seruice of Loue mought be furthered and spread-abroade among all People / to their Saluacion and to the Peace and Vnitee of Heart· the g Ephe. 2. b. 2. Pet. 2. a. Apo. ●1 ● Howse of Loue or the Tabernacle of the Lorde and his vpright Seruice / declared euerywheare· and so all Fayle and Discord / layd-downe or taken-away / among the Louers of the Trueth and that we mought concordably together ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue take-heede-vnto and declare the foremencioned h ● ●o● 1. ● Phil 3. c. Ti● ● b. Daye of the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ and the Resurrection of the righteous Dead-ones to an euerlasting Tryumph of the Glory of God ouer vs according to the Promyses The IIII. Chap. BEholde ⁏ my Beloued to this Vnitee of Heart in the Loue and to assemble thee with Vs / to thesame gloryous Maiestee of God ؛the Mostholy of his true Tabernacle art thou likewyse loued / out of Grace vndeserued And this write I also vnto thee / out of harty Loue for to assist thee to this Louelynes of God and to the Comunialtee of his Saintes / for that our Fellowshipp mought be one with each-other / in the Concord a Iohn 17. b. 1. Iohn 1. a. of the Loue. 2. O thou Beloued b 2. Cor. 6 a. disdayne not this proffered Grace / which is presented vnto thee / to an Vnitee of Heart For veryly / if thou doest ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue c Pro. 1.2 ▪ 3. a. 4. a. 5. a. Eccli 6. c. giue-eare with vs Littleones and Elected of God / to the Woord of Trueth and submittest thyself therunder / Then shalt thou also with vs Little and Simpleones / vnderstande d Mat. 11. d. 13. b. and inherite the secret Treasures and heauenly Ritches But in-nowyse without our Comunialtee of Loue. 3. For in our Comunialtee of Loue / ther is vncouered e 1. Cor. 2. c. 2. Cor 4 a. opened and aboundantly brought vnto vs / out of Gods Grace ⁏ for an euerlasting Heritage of God the Fulnes of the Wisdom of God f Ephe. 1. b. Col. 1 c. 2. a and the perfect Vnderstanding of the holy Spirit of Christ. and not vnto any that are without thesame 4. Which Secrets of God ⁏ with ther full Cleernes God hath geeuen vnto Vs before any other / as his elected Saints g Rom. 16 c. Eph ● a. 3. ● Col. 1. c. 2. Timo. 1. b and beloued Children / To th end that thesame heauenly Trueth and thesame Saluacion in Christ / shoulde ⁏ now in the last tyme be declared by vs / h Esa. 49. a. 60. a 66. b. Act. 9. b. 13. a. Rom. 1. a. among all People to the Laude and Prayse of the Glory of God and of his holy Name 5. To thesame God of Glory / who hath prepared such a great Name vnto himself / in the last tyme· and ⁏ through his Loue chosen vs to the holy Vnderstanding / for to lighten many Mens Vnderstanding / be Laude Honour and Thanks / for euermore Amen 6. Heerwithall / thou Beloued ⁏ wherwith thou art bidden and assisted to our holy Comunialtee of Loue I commit thee to the Lorde and his Grace and salute me ⁏ with a Salutation of Loue vnto all thyne Acquayntance / that are wel-mynded to the Loue and to the Obeying of her Seruice The Goodnes of the supreame God / be with you all Amen The Ende of the Twelueth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Thirtenth Epistle Loueing Informacions vnto a Louer of the Trueth / which before-tyme was a Blaspheamer of the Seruice of Loue and the Ministers therof and afterward ⁏ with great Sorrow for his Sinne turned him to thesame Seruice / for to shewe Obedience therin Ther shal be a Ioye in Heauen and before the Angels of God / ouer one Sinner that repenteth Luk. 15. To him whose Soule loueth my Soule / in all Loue / be Health and Saluation The First Chapter FOrasmuch ⁏ thou Beloued as I haue receaued thy Salutacion and Wryting / written vnto mee wherin thou doest expresse / y t thou hast wholly turned thy self to y e Good / with all thy Sences and Thoughts and art wel-mynded with Mee / to the a Ephe. 4. a. Vnitee of Heart in the Loue to the Peace and to the Righteousnes So haue I indeuoured me with Dilligence of my Heart / for to perceaue to what ende thy Mynde and Intent mought stretch in thissame or which is the Cheefest-thing that thou seekest or intendest therwith 2. If-so-be now that I do fynde in the Deede and Trueth / that thy whole Heart Intent and Mynde / doth as thou wrytest stande-mynded with Mee / to the Loue / that euerlasting and inuisible heauenly Good Then wil I not also be mistrustfull towards thee nor-yet conceaue otherwyse of thee / then thou wrytest but wil hope all good of thee 3. But forasmuch now as that almost all Flesh of the earthly Manhod is captiued with secret Craftynes / which itself oftentymes seeth not also / that it seeketh in althings / himself or his owne b Phil. 2.
Man ⁏ in his Ignorance is thus vtterly k Gen. 6. a. ● Rom. 1. ● Eph. 4. b. corrupted / through the Bewitching of the sinfull Flesh and hath geeuen a great Respect vnto his owne good-thinking Knowledg / so hath he likewyse turned all his Dilligence towards thesame / to l Rom. 10. a. set-vp his owne Righteousnes / according to the Goodthinking of his Knowledg and hath generally had a pleasure in his owne Workes 8. But thatt God which liueth for euer and is my God / shall now in thissame Daye m Math. 24. d 25. d. 26. g. 2. Timo. 1. b ⁏ through the Appeering of Christ in his Glory bring all Flesh of Sinne n 1. Cor 1. c. to shame / in his owne Wisdom and made Holynes In which Daye of the gloryous Cleernes of God / God wil iudg o Psal. 96. b. Act. 17. d. the Circuit of the Earth / with Righteousnes 9. Therfore shall now likewyse in thissame Daye / all Generacions of the Earth ⁏ which sett their Confidence vppon their owne Wisdom Righteousnes and Holynes of the sinfull Flesh p Esa. 13. a. Ioel. 1.2 Sap. 5. a. Lu● 21. c Apo. 18. b. c howle and weepe For Gods Doctrine / serueing to the Entrance into the true christian Lyfe / shall appeere vnto them / to an Offenciuenes· his Righteousnes / to Sinne· his Lyfe / to a Death· and his Saluacion / to a Condemnacion 10. Although I wryte thus vnto thee / thou Beloued and do not regarde any Flesh of Sinne / in his owne Righteousnes / yet do I account this of great value / that all Flesh with all his earthly Beeing / do lay-downe itself on his right Place namely q Psal. 110. a. Heb. 1.10 b. to be a Bench for the Lordes Feete and so submitt itself to the Requyring of the Spirit of the Loue of Christ / to th end that the God of Lyfe may gett the Dominion r Esa 24. c. Sap. 3. b. ouer him / with his vpright Righteousnes 11. I do also wel vouchsafe vnto thee with all my Heart / to haue obtayned all that thou louest / out of the vertuous Nature s 1. Cor. 13. of the Loue and do likewyse hope that thy Heart standeth-mynded / euen according as thou wrytest Wherby also it shall not be greeuous vnto me / to conceaue the Best of thee and that thy Wryting proceedeth not out of thyself nor out of any prudent Counsayle of the Flesh. but out of a t Sap 1. a. Ephe. 6. a. Col 3. c. single Heart / through the Mercy of God wherwith God hath pittied thee / to the Lande of his Glory and to our Ioye in the Vnitee of Heart / for that we may lyue together in the vpright and louely Beeing of Iesu Christ. 12. But if now it be Flesh or if it proceede out of the fleshly Beeing / then shall it surely v Iob 14. a. chainge and be vnconstant and vanish-away vnder the Hande and my Spirit ⁏ which is the Lordes shall not bynde itself vnto the Fleshes Beeing 13. And if it be Spirit or if it proceede out of the Beeing of the true Spirit of Loue / then shall it likewyse continue and remayne constant with thee and all myne Inclynacion / shall stande affected to thy godly Will For thatt be farre from me / that my Heart Mynde and Soule / shoulde mynde or affect anything-els / but only the spirituall and true heauenly Good and those that with mee / do loue only the Heauenly and are godly of will 14. Therfore also perswade thyself thorowly ⁏ thou Beloued that my Mynde and all the Inclynacion of my Will although I do conuersate myself with Many outwardly is inclyned only to Those that are wel-mynded to the Spirituall and Heauenly and are godly of Will and that my Heart and Spirit desyreth to haue Fellowship with none other / but those that with all their Hearts and Soules / do giue-ouer themselues to all Obedience of the Loue and so do stande wel-mynded to all Concorde with the Spirit of Loue and our Comunialtee 15. For to that ende / hath the Lorde illuminated me with his Light and endowed me with his x Sap 7. a. Wisdom and chosen me to be a y Col 1. c. 1 Timo. 1. b. Minister of his holy Woord / wherby to assist eueryone that ⁏ for y e Vnitees sake in the Loue do forsake z Math. 16. ● themselues· follow the Loue / in her Seruice and vertuous Nature· and are mynded with all their Hearts / to learne the a Math. ●1 d. Humilitee and Meeknes / of the Loue and her Seruice and to proceed-on after thesame ⁏ without Murmuring or imagining any euell till that the Meeknes of the Loue / haue a b Iam 1. c. Shape in them 16. Consider well heeron / thou Beloued For we are all created to the Vnitee c Ephe. 4. a. in the Loue / for to liue peaceably with each-other in all Loue and ⁏ through the Seruice of Loue called and chosen therunto / by God / to th end that we shoulde laude God / in y e Loue· and ⁏ like loueing Children of Peace liue and walke together / d Eph. 4.5 a. in all Loue. The III. Chap. BVt albeit now that many Multitudes of the People of this Worlde or almost all those that wil vse God-seruices ⁏ out of their owne Enterprises do not a Math. 13. b. 1. Cor. 2. b. 2 Cor. 4. ● vnderstand nor conceaue thissame / by reason of their Vnbeleefe and Blyndnes of Heart and are altogether Straingers therfrom or b Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b. ignorant therof / Yet doth not thatt concerne vs as to trouble ourselues therwith For what doth the Blyndnes or the Ignorance of the Vnbeleeuers touch vs but this concerneth vs That we haue to laude and thanke our God ⁏ who is the eternall and liueing God for his great Grace and Mercy / which He hath shewed so aboundantly on vs Little c Esa. 66. a. Math. 11. d. and Pooreones ⁏ in these last perillous Tymes from all the Thowsandes in this Worlde namely for that He hath ⁏ through the holy Spirit of his Loue illuminated Vs in our d 1. Cor. 4. a. 2 Pet. 1. c. Hearts / as his Elect and giueth Vs dayly more-and-more / to see-into and e Math. 11. d. 13 ● 1. Cor. 2. b. Eph. 1.2.3 a vnderstande the Secretnes of his vpright and louely Lyfe so that wee / through Gods Mercy towards vs ⁏ aboue all the Wyse and Vnderstandingones in this Worlde are neerest to the heauenly Trueth and do euenso knowe in the Spirit / that we are made f Iohn 8. c. free / through thesame Trueth 2. For all wee / which ⁏ through the true Spirit are g 1. Cor. 4. b. Cal. 4. b. 1. pet 1. c. begotten to be Children of God / out of the Loue and her
the One vndeuided c Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. Body of Christ with whom we haue our fellowshipp d 1. Iohn 1. a. with God the Father / the Headd of thesame Christ. 2. To thatt God which ⁏ through the Spirit e 1. Pet. 5. b. of his Loue hath chosen vs to such a Maiestee of his Glory / be Laude Honour f Apo. 4.5 b Prayse and Thanks / for euer Amen 3. BEholde my beloued Freendes in the Loue This Loue of God the Father ⁏ wherin God hath gloryfyed Vs is the bounttyfull Mercy of the highest God with the which He hath taken-pitie on vs now in these last perillous Tymes and elected vs to Saluacion g E●he 4. a. to the Lande of his Glory In which perillous Tymes / al-maner of venimous h Ephe. 4. b. Wyndes false Knowledges deceiptfull Witts contrary Sightes i Math. 24. b. 2. Timo. 4. a 2. Pet. 2. a. with many erring Spirits and all wrong Iudgers or False-sentence-giuers ⁏ to the Hurt of the Soule do flourish 4. Seing then that all false Spirits do now ⁏ in many Controuersies ryse-vp out of the wicked Worlde and out of those Wyscones that cleaue vnto her and do make-vp themselues agaynst the Trueth / for to take k 2. Timo 3. a captiue in their contencious Knowledges ⁏ with their Craftynes and deceitfull Witt those that loue the Trueth / So is-ther likewyse in this perillious Tyme / l 1. Timo. 1. b. greate Grace shewed on vs / against all false Spirits and deuided Knowledges For to that ende haue we obtayned the mostholy Office or Seruice of Loue but not from ourselues nor from Men. but from m Gal. 1. b. Ephe. 3. a ▪ the liueing God himself / by his Woord of Lyfe / because that wee ⁏ like faythfull Ministers of thesame shoulde ⁏ through the Woord of Lyfe warne all goodwilling Hearts ⁏ that loue y e Trueth of Christ of all n Math. 24. b Act. 20. c. false and contencious Spirits of the Knowledg· reache them the Hande seruiceably / with the Woord of Lyfe· and gyde them into our holy Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / wherby to drawe them out of the Perills of Destruction which proceed out of the wicked Worlde / that is reserued o 2. Tess. 1. a. 2. Pet. 3. a. vnto Fyre and to defende them therfrom 5. Ouer which wicked Worlde and ouer all Guydes / that ●yse-vp ther-out with their false Spirits and contencious Knowledges and ouer all those that cleaue vnto thesame / the Iudgment of God goeth righteously to the Confusion of them all and p Math. 25. to their Condemnacion in the hellish Fyer For God wil now in his Daye of Loue / condemne the wicked Worlde with all her Wyseones Adherents and Louers 6. Yea assuredly now cometh the Lorde ⁏ out of his holy Heauen q Esa. 29 a. Ec●li 13. b. Luk. 17. Apo. 4. a. 8 a. with Lightenings and Thunders and with a forsible Noyze of Wyndes wherat the Earth shall r Psal. 77 b. Esa. 13. b. Agg. 2. a. feare and tremble and thatsame shall fall vppon all false Spirits and wicked Hearts / to their Destruction Yea now in thissame Daye of Loue / the Lorde wil mooue the s Heb. 12. d. Earth and it shall be forced to quake at his Thunders And so the Lorde wil then make an t Esa 10. c. Ende of all y e Falshod of the Earth 7. For now in thissame Daye of Loue / the v Eccli 16. b. 2. Pet. 3. b. Elements shall melt with the Heate of his Lightening and the Lordes Thunder-boltes shall fall very greeuously vppon the Pate of all arrogāt Heartes Self-wyseones and all false Witnesses Yea all those that be touched therwith / shall nodout make-manifest themselues and let it appeere / that they are touched and are not of the Loues Nature 8. But Saluation and Peace / cometh to the Lowely and Humble of Heart / x Rom. 12. b. 1. ●or 3. b. which are not wyse in themselues but do submitt them humbly vnder the Loue and her Seruice also do take-heede to the Doctrine and Informacion of thesame and indeuour them obediently therunto and do seeke no Pleasure nor Ioye without God and his Seruice of Loue nor-yet in the Worlde nor in the Flesh but only y Esa. 61. b. Luk. 2. c. in God their Saluacion For it shall go-well with them and in the Iudgment of God / they shall obtayne their Preseruacion or Saluacion 9. For in the Iudgment of God when the Thunder-clapps do fall vppon the Arrogant and Self-wyseones / to their Destruction / then shall the holy Spirit of Lyfe / fall vppon the Littleones and the Electedones of God / that haue humbly submitted them vnder the Obedience of the Loue / to their Preseruacion and shal be z Num 11. c. Esa. 44. o. Eze 36 c. Ioel 2 c. Act 2. b. poored-forth vppon them ⁏ with all Louelynes out of the euerlasting Lyfe and heauenly Beeing / a Iohn 4.7 b like floweing Waters of Lyfe and so shall then likewyse / b Ioel. 3. c. Milke and Hony and liueing Water of the holy Spirit of Loue / flowe among them 10. Haue you all a regarde heerunto / ye good-willing Hearts and Louers of the Trueth For Gods Iudgment / c Esa. 11. a. Iohn 7.8 b is not according to the Sight of Mens Eyes nor according to their Knowledg although notwithstanding they do perswade themselues somtymes / that they knowe it well and are assured of the Mattier of it but only according to the Trueth The II. Chap. FOrasmuch then as such a Day-light ⁏ the which is the true Iudgment of God is ⁏ by Gods Grace appeered vnto vs out of Heauen· and the gracious Woord of Lyfe vnder the Obedience of the Loue / geeuen vs to minister in thesame Light / to the Saluacion of the People / Therfore were it also very right and conuenient / that they shoulde giue eare vnto vs therin and that noman shoulde so peruersly looke-into or construe the Workes of the Lorde / which He bringeth to light by vs Little and Electedones of God For veryly / thatt which wee speake and wryte and bring-foorth or set-out ● vnder the Obedience of the Loue to the serueing of all Louers of the Trueth / is not our owne Worke nor-yet our Indighting nor Wryting but the a Ier. 31 d. Ezech. 36. c 1 Cor. 2. a. 2. Tess. 1.2 b. Worke of the Lorde / which He himself wryteth according to his owne Mynd Spirit and Will / and with his owne Finger 2. And whatsoeuerthen the Lorde himself bringeth-foorth / thatt do wee acknowledg to be good and vpright And although it be looked-on and iudged for Ignorance or to be foolish / before the Children of Men or before all those that account themselues wyse / Yet do wee confesse and shewe ther-against / that
Gods Ignorance and his Foolishnes / is b 1. Cor. 1.3 b wyser and procureth more Fruits of Righteousnes vppon the Earth / then all the Ingenious-witt of Mens Prudencie 3. Therfore we regarde not how Men ⁏ out of the Knowledg of their corrupt Vnderstanding do c 1. Cor. 4 a. iudg Vs and the Seruice of Loue / which we minister For it is well knowen vnto vs doutles / that all the Iudgments that the Man ⁏ out of his Ingenious-witt iudgeth of the Wisdom and Workes of God / are false and Lyes d Psal. 116. b. Rom. 3. a. and that God with his Saintes / is only true / in his Iudgment 4. And forasmuch as wee now in thissame Daye of Loue / are appeered before the Iudgment-seate of Christ and do carry the righteous Iudgment of God in our Hearts / therfore can no outlandish Men nor any Estraingedones or Fallers from the Seruice of Loue / iudg vs / although they woulde neuer-so-fayne For how shoulde they ⁏ I pray you be able to iudg vs rightly / inasmuch as they cannot see vs 5. Forasmuch then as they do e Exo. 33. c. Iohn 5.14 b. 1. Iohn 3.4 b not see the liueing God / in the Maiestee of his Glory / therfore can they not likewyse see Vs. For Wee together with all the Holyones of God / do liue and tryumph vniformly with God / in his Glory f Esa. 3. b. Sap. 3. b. Math. 19 c. 25. d. 1. Cor. 6. a. Iude. ● b. and do with Him / iudg the Worlde / with Righteousnes and Trueth / vnder the Obedience of his Loue. 6. Therfore also the Children of Men ⁏ that are without our Comunialtee or without the Famyly of Loue do vnderstande nothing-at-al ⁏ according to their Iudgment of our holy Vnderstanding / which we suck out of the Breastes of the Loue. 7. Veryly / therin do we acknowledg the Goodnes of God towards vs / that none of the foremencioned Men can ether see or iudg vs. But He himself / g 1. Cor. 4. a. the true God of the Liueing ⁏ who is a God with vs iudgeth euery thing by Vs and his heauenly and spirituall Wisdom and we vnderstande that his Iudgment is true 8. If anyman then haue a Lust to doo the Will of the Lorde also to be a Disciple of the Loue / in y e Schoole of Christ and to vnderstande the secret Iudgment of God / let him go-out or seperate his Heart / h 1. Cor. 3. b. from all the Wisdom of the Worlde and so com to our Comunialtee and to the Wisdom that we shall showe him / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 9. He being com to our Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / so let him ⁏ for the Loue and her holy Vnderstandings cause forsake i Math. 10. d. 16. c. Mark 8. d. Lud. 9.14 c himself and all his Industry Wisdom and Knowledg and so haue regarde to y e Seruice of Loue / what it requyreth 10. Now when-as he forsaketh himself for the Loues cause and hath wholly geeuen-ouer himself to the Wisdom and to the holy Vnderstanding of the Loue / for to be obedient to thesame and so taketh-heede to the Doctrine of the Loue / in our Schoole of the christian Doctrine not as a Iudg of thesame Doctrine but as a Disciple / which is content to be informed and taught by the Doctrine of the holy Spirit of Loue Then shall he k Math. 13. b. well vnderstande the right Mynde of the Secretnes of the Loue and the secret Iudgment of God as also well perceaue / that God hath distincted and declared euery-thing wysely and vnderstandably / with vs. and shall in-nowyse be able to see nor fynde / that-ther-is any Fault in our Wrytings and Ministracion of the Woord as likewyse very-easely perceaue / that we do apparantly shewe the Submission the Trueth and the Patience / each-one in his right Place and according to his right Order in like-maner / the Beleefe the Loue and euery-thing ⁏ each-one in his whatsoeuer serueth the Man to his Saluacion 11. For how shoulde wee possible shewe anything contrary or vnrightly / out of the Testimonyes of God inasmuch as they stande so cleere and vpright before vs / in our Sight and that God is l Deu. 8 b. Phil 2. b. Ephe. 3. c. Heb 13 c. the Worker and the Bringer-foorth of thosame Testimonyes himself The III. Chap. BVt Albeit now that anyone of the vnrenewed Men / do yet for-the-present-tyme ⁏ by reason of his Ingenious-witt or Blyndnes of Heart looke peruersly into the Loueing-kyndnes of God and the vpright Vnderstanding ⁏ witnessed out of Gods mostholy Seruice of Loue or construe it to the worst / yet is not the Worke of God nor the vpright Vnderstanding ⁏ which we bring-foorth out of God peruerse for-al-that neither-yet is God nor Wee ⁏ his Ministers to be blamed / for such a peruerse Sight but hee which ⁏ out of his peruerse a Math. 5.6 c 18. a. Sight Iudgeth falsly 2. For if the Earth ⁏ which doutles is altogether blynde and ignorant in the Arte or Worke of the Potter do iudg a b Esa. 2● 45 b. Rom. 9. c. Potters Worke wrong / then is it no-dout greatly to be blamed because that it knoweth not the Honorablest / from the Dishonorablest nor the Foremost / from the Hindmost nor-yet any of the Workmasters Tooles For-that-cause also / it knoweth not how to distinct them rightly 3. Euenso is likewyse the earthly Man to be blamed / that iudgeth the Worke of the Lorde peruersly / because that he seeth so purblyndly and therfore he c Esa. 59. a. 2. Pet. 1. b. gropeth or coniectereth after it / like a Blynd-body or-els ⁏ out of the Purblyndnes of his Sight he iudgeth the Hindmost / for the Foremost and the Foremost / for the Hindmost the Wagon / for the Horsses and the Horsses / for y e Wagon and Men / for Trees And so through his Ignorance / he also nameth the Carpenters Tooles contraryly For like as the Sight and Discerning of the Man is peruerse euenso is also his Iudgment 4. Seing then that his Eyes are not cleere and d Ier. 4. a. ● b Math. 6. ● 7. a. Luk. 6. c. 11. d. Act. 7. f. 1. Iohn 2. b that his Eares are thick and that his Body is yet darke and that therfore he beholdeth not the Sunne of Righteousnes neither-yet standeth in thatt Place whear she giueeth her Cleernes but is altogether a Straunger therfrom / Therfore doth he neither knowe nor vnderstand anything-at-all of the Cleernes of the Sunne For-that-cause he cannot also iudg in the Light nor according to the Trueth 5. Now when an illuminated Man ⁏ with the Cleernes of his Eyes seeth into the Trueth of God and that he likewyse witnesseth of the Beawtyfulnes of the Daye-light of y e Sunne also giueth such high Honour and Prayse vnto thesame
/ To th end that thosame Disciples / mought also attayne to the Dayes of their Agednes· and so be nourished-vp ▪ in the godly Wisdom of the Loue to the full Age of the Man Christ. 11. Therfore it is sayde to the Elders / that they shall execute the Iudgment / according to the Trueth p Exo. 21. c. Leuit. 24. b. Deut. 19 c. Math. 5 b. Eye / for Eye Tooth / for Tooth But to the Disciples it is sayde q Math. 7. a. Lu● 6. d. Iudg not and resist r Math. 5. d. Mom 12. b. 1. Tess. 5. b. not also the Wicked 12. Therfore sayth the Age of the Man Christ / to the Disciples s Math. 11. c. Learne of Mee for I am humble and meeke of Heart The V. Chap. TAke this effectually to heart all yee that perswade yourselues / that ye are com to the Age of the Man Christ / by meanes of the Knowledg and looke well into yourselues / whether that yee likewyse / haue in maner as is before sayde bin a Luk. 14. c. Iam. 1. c. Disciples of Christ and are in that sort / com to y e humble and meeke Hearts in Iesu Christ and to his holy Vnderstanding 2. But if it haue not gon so with you / then take not vpon you also / to iudg any godly Matters nor to defende Gods Honour nor-yet to teache anyman but be content to be taught and enformed first yourselues and submitt you euenso b Eccli 6. c. Math 11. c. 1. Pet 5. a. to all Humilitee / vnder the Obedience of y e Loue / for to be rightly taught and so learne of the Loue / the holy Vnderstanding of Iesu Christ. 3. And let not him likewyse that is yet young in this Doctrine of the godly Wisdom / iudg nor reprooue but let him aske and suffer himself to be taught and so c Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. 1. pet 2. a. growe-vpp in the godly Age of Christ to all Strengthening and Increasing of the Peaceable-kingdom in the Loue / So shall he then becom vnderstanding in all godly Things and the Kingdom of Peace shall increase and spread-foorth itself into farr Countryes 4. If wee now do in that maner / growe-vp peaceably in all Loue and Righteousnes / then shall the contencious and deuided d Esa. 21. a. Ier 51. a ▪ Apo. 14.18 a. Kingdom of Babel / be shutt without our Hearts and without our Comunialtee of Loue and we shall beholde the Howse or the Temple of the Lorde / in Heauen / perfectly buylt in all poynts e Amos. 9 d. Mich. 7 b. Agg. 1 a. 2 b Apo. 21. a. and furnished with all his Garnishing and that the Glory or Dignitee and the Teaching-office in the Seruice of Loue / is only the Lords according to the Promyses and not the Mans. 5. HEer-with I do heartely salute you all / yee good-willing Hearts and Louers of the Trueth / with a Salutacion of the Loue and I beseech you take this to heart which I wryte vnto you and therin haue respect to the Loue. For ther-is nothing wyser nor more prudent / then the Loue. 6. Therfore is the Loue in her Follishnes / much godlyer to heare and to beleeue / then all the Wisdom of this Worlde 7. For-that-cause it hath likewyse so pleased God / to bring-foorth his Wisdom / 1. Cor. 1. b. like Foolishnes his holy Vnderstanding like Ignorance and the Foremost / as if it were the Hindmost / before the Worlde and before all her Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones / wherby to confounde the prudent Wyseones and so the out-flowing Woord of the Lorde together with his Seruice of Loue and Gods holy Vnderstanding / to be a g Esa. ● a. 1. Pet. 2. a. Stumbling-stone vnto them wherthrough all Self-wyseones like as in the h Cen. 11. a. Buylding of Babel do intangle and scatter themselues For in-that-sort wil God now in the last tyme / bring his Kingdom vnto his Saints and Electedones and they shall raigne i Apo. 21. b. vppon the Earth 8. But all Self-wyseones and all those that growe offended at the out-flowing Woord of the Lorde and at his Seruice of Loue and wil therfore out of their euell Hearts / contende or dispute against thesame· and make k Rom. 16. c. Deuision together with all those that set-vp themselues against the Loue and her vpright Seruice / God wil shutt without his Kingdom and vtterly roote them out / to th end that the Vniuersal-earth and all what is therin / may be i Esa. 66. c. 2 Pet. 3. b. inhabited vprightly for euermore 9. Farewell and be alwayes of good-cheere in the Loue. The Loue of God the Father / keepe the Victory in all your Hearts Amen Take it to heart The Ende of the Fiftenth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Sixtenth Epistle An instructionable Exhortacion vnto the Good-willingones / which do wholly giue-ouer themselues to the Obedience of the Loue Wherin the vpright Obedience to the Loue and the godly and vngodly Beeing / is distincted Beloued Breth●ren reioyce you be perfect be of good comfort be of one Mynde and Intent and be peaceable So shall the God of Loue and Peace / be with you 2. Cor. 13. Health and Saluacion be vnto the Comunialtee in the Loue to whom I wish much Happynes in the Lorde The First Chapter TO your Seruice / ye Deerly-beloued I do alwayes ⁏ euen one of harty Loue fynde my self very willingly bent / in all what I maye out of the Power of my God and to wryte often vnto you / greeueth me not / to th end if God vouchsafe thesame / y t ye mought ⁏ through my Seruice vnderstand the Ground of the Loue / to the vpright Saluacion and that God mought establish his holy Name in vs. O Yea / that com-to-pas euenso to the Laude and Prayse of the godly Glory Amen 2. O how happy is hee / that hath the Lorde a Psal. 33. b. 144. b. to be his God or which seeketh and loueth Him with b Ier. 29. b. all his Heart and which desyreth with all his Soule / to cleaue vnto the Vertue / hee shall knowe / that the Wayes of the Lorde / are pure and cleere For the Lorde is Psal. 34. a. freendly vnto all those that loue Him also faythfull and true vnto all those that haue a Delyte and Pleasure in the Wayes of his Loue. 3. But to the Dispisers of his Loue / which do arrogantly contemne blaspheame and resist his Will / He is as Indignacion d Eccli 5. a. and Wrath. For whosoeuer disdayneth the Lorde and his e 2. Cor. 6. a ▪ Grace as also shutteth God and his Woord / f Tob. 6. b. without his Heart
casteth y e Seruice of the holy Woord and the instructionable g Pro 5. c. 15. ● Chastisment / from him and so refuseth the Loue / hee veryly shall likewyse be reiected by the Lorde· and h Apo. 22. b. shute without the louely Beeing of God 4. For seing that God doth now present vs with all Loue / therfore wil Hee likewyse ⁏ in the Obedience of his Loue be loued of Vs agayne 5. Wherfore ⁏ my beloued Children giue-ouer yourselues to the Lorde / with vpright Loue euen as I haue often sayde vnto you and as our Wrytings do mencion in many Places namely i Eccli 6.7 ● 1. pet 5. a. in Humilitee and Lowlynes of Heart / So shall ye taste that the Lorde is freendly The which our Lorde Iesus hath also taught vs / wheare He sayth k Math. 21. c. Learne of Mee For I am humble and meeke of Heart and your Soules shall fynde Rest. 6. Com vnto l Math. 11. c. Mee sayth Hee wit● your Loading or Burden / I wil ease you or take your Burden from you And take you on my Yoke or Burden For my Yoke is sweete and my Burden is lyghte for to beare / sayth the Lorde 7. This is the liueing m 1. Pet 1. c. Woord of Grace / proceeded-out from our Father / the liueing God to the Saluacion of all People namely / those that beleeue in his Name and n 2. Pet. 3. b. wayte for the Coming of his Christ / to their Saluacion 8. Out of thissame Woord of Grace / ther appeereth vnto vs now in the last tyme ⁏ thorough the Reuealing o 2 Timo 1. b of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ p Rom. 8. b Ephe. 1. b. the Paune of our godly Inheritance namely / the holy Spirit of Loue / full of all Graces and Amiable-delytfulnesses which Spirit of Loue / is q Iohn 14 c. 25. c. 16. b. the right and true holy Spirit of Christ which proceedeth or cometh from the Father and the Sonne and hath his Flowing-foorth from them 9. The Children of thissame Spirit / which He r 1 Pet 1. a. b bringeth-foorth out of the Loue / are chosen for to possesse the s Esa. 33 a Ephe 1. b 2 a. 3. a. Col 1. c ● a. Treasures and the Inheritance of the Ritches of Christ of the heauenly Father / for euermore The II. Chap. FOrasmuch then ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued as that yee likewyse are now called and bidden to thissame high-worthy Maiestee of God and to be a Rom 8. b Ephe 1. a. Co-heires ⁏ with Christ and his Saints in the Treasures of the heauenly Goodes / therfore take-heede to thissame gracious b Eccli 27. b 2 Cor. 6. a Ephe. 5 b Tyme and c 4. Esd. 2. d. Rom. 12. a. 1 Iohn 2. b 〈◊〉 4. a flye the Shadowes of the wicked and blynde Worlde Loue not her Darknesse in-anywyse but loue the Light of Lyfe / which is healde-foorth vnto you through the Seruice of Loue / to your Saluacion 2. Depart out from the Vncircumcised and let your Hearts d Deut. 10 c. Ier 4. a. be circumcised in thissame New or Eigth Daye / vnder the Obedience of the Loue / that the Foreskinne of the worldly and fleshly Desyres / may be e Esa. 25. a. 2. Cor. 3. b. put-away from your Hearts 3. Therfore let all those pas now / that would drawe you to their Good-thinking or Knowledg or to their chosen f Gal. 3. a. 6. b. Col 2 b. c. Holynes· or allure you to any g Tob. 3. b. Ephe. 4. a ▪ Light-behauiour 4. Endeuour you to enter into the good and vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ euen-as thesame is ministred vnto you out of the Loue and her Seruice and make none account of it / although ye be mocked blaspheamed and contemned / for thesame cause or for your single-mynded Obedience to thesame 5. But against all your ▪ Aduersaryes / h Math 10. d. 16. c. Mar. 8. c. Luk. 9.14 c take vnto you the Crosse of Christ ⁏ the which is Patience or Forbearance / in the Obedience of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and so j 1 Pet. 2.4 a. follow-after Christ. For in that sort is He gon before vs and hath ⁏ through his Crosse ouercom k Phil 2 a. Col. 1. c. ● his Enemyes 6. To which Ouercoming / yee shall also com ⁏ through Christ if yee ⁏ in the Following of Christ do pos●●sse your Soules l Luk 21. b with Patiēce and had rather ●uffer Cōtempt Reproche and Blaspheaming / with the Children of God / m Heb. 11. c. then to inherite all y e Treasures of this Worlde 7. Therfore ⁏ my beloued Children let it not greeue you / although the n Iohn 15. b. Worlde do hate you or though you be contemned and blaspheamed by her Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones but beholde or consider o H●b 11. c. of the Rewarde of the Children of God 8. For I do acknowledg and testifye vnto you truly ⁏ according to the Grace of the Knowledg that is chaunced vnto mee that it shall now in the last tyme / go-well euerlastingly with all good-willing Hearts which haue a Lust to God and his Righteousnes / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and that their Labour in the Lorde / shall p 1. Cor. 15. f. not be founde in vayne 9. But whosoeuer doth wilfully contemne the Lorde and the Righteousnes of his louely Beeing and inclyneth to the Worlde or to his owne Good-thinking / hee shall beare his Iudgment / whosoeuer he bee 10. Inasmuch then ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued as that wee haue now ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue sett our Hope / towards God and our Beleefe / towards his Saluacion / Therfore let vs now likewyse ⁏ through the Seruice of the holy Spirit of Loue take a q Heb. 5. a. cheerfull Passage ⁏ in Iesu Christ to God the Father and to his gloryous and louely Maiestee and not regarde the Temptacions of the wicked Worlde and of our Resisters 11. For happy is hee r Iam ▪ 1. b. that endureth Temptacion and snareth or byndeth nor himself vnto the Euell For therin lyeth the s 4. Esd. 2. c. 2. Timo. 4. a. Iam. 1. b. Apo. 2. b. Victory and the Crowne of Lyfe of the perfect Saluacion 12. But if anyman now be yet weake as that he is yet somtymes drawen-back by the Euell and dismayed or made wauering in his Beleefe and seeth that he is falne ther-thorough / let him stande-vp agayne and suffer himself to be renewed in the Seruice of Loue and praye vnto the Lorde for Strength and Constance / so shall He be gracious vnto him and giue him Strength against his Temptacion For God is almighty 13. For-that-cause let noman iudg or condemne himself t Luk. 6. d. much-les another For although that God do otherwhyles hyde v Esa.
54. a. himself from vs for a certen-tyme / yet is Hee notwithstanding if we wayte vppon Him x Heb. 10. c. Iam. 1. a. in Pacience our Strength at the last and leadeth vs out of all our Distresse For He is an Assister or Helper / to the Little and Lowelyones y Luk. 18. a. if they call vnto Him Night and Daye and hunger and thirst vprightly z Math. 5 a. after the true Righteousnes Yea thosesame veryly / shall He mercifully pitie 14. But not for any Righteousnes a 2. Timo. 1. a Tit. 3. a. that anyman mought haue don O no but for his holy Names sake / to th end that thesame shoulde b Ma● 1. b. Math. 6. ● be hallowed and magnifyed in his Saintes and Electedones / which call vnto Him Night and Daye It is verytrue The III. Chap. THis wryte I vnto you ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued for that ye mought ⁏ with single Hearts be stirred-vp to a good Zeale a Gal. 4. b. towards the good Beeing of the Loue / for to obtayne ⁏ through the Loue a good Increase to the Righteousnes· and ⁏ in the Loue the sweete Deawe and Wynde or Spirit of the holy Beeing of God and so mought ⁏ with vpright Hearts increase in the holy Vnderstanding or growe-vp b Ephe. 4. b. therin / to a godly Age of Christ. 2. Therfore because your Vnderstanding shoulde not be troubled with any deepe-mynded Knowledg I haue also written vnto you in chyldish c 1. Cor. 3. a. Heq. 5. b and playne-maner euen-as my Woords were / when I was with you For the Childishnes and the d 2. Cor. 11. a. single Obedience to the Loue and to the Requyring of her Seruice / in a good Will to the holy Beeing of our Lorde Iesu Christ / is most needfull for vs. 3. And although it seemeth to be a small or simple Wisdom / yet is it a Wisdom that is c Math. 11. c 13. b. secret before all Self-wyse and Good-thinking-ones / for to com therunto 4. Therfore is the simple Wisdom of God ⁏ that is obtayned in the Obeying of the Loue a Wisdom / wherwith the Wyfe the Scripture-learned and the Great-knowers in this Worlde / f Esa. 29. b 1. Cor. 1. b. be made ashamed and caught in their Wysdom 5. For those that seeme to knowe much and all those which perswade themselues that they are wyse / Thosame doutles / knowe nothing-at-al / if they do not knowe nor enter into g Math. 11. c. the Meekenes nor the childish h M●th 1● a ▪ 1. Cor. 14. c Simplicitee in the Lorde Iesu Christ. 6. But whosoeuer hath learned the Meeknes of the louely and simple Lyfe / in y e Schoole of Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue / his Wisdom although it seeme to be the leaste doth farr excell i Sap 7. all the worldly Wisdoms and Learnednesses It it verytrue 7. Take heede to it I beseech you and retayne thatt in your Vnderstanding / which I wryte vnto you The IIII. Chap. O Ye good-willing Hearts ⁏ my beloued Children in the Loue In that I wryte this Letter vnto you / therunto hath your Loue and good-willing Obedience occasioned me 2. For when I was last with you hearing your Woords I perceaued that ye stoode a Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1. ●or 1. a. Phil. 2. a. 3. b. agreeably-mynded together / for to shewe Obedience in all what I mought commaunde you out of the Woord of Grace and his Seruice of Loue. In which your Goodwillingnes and inclyned Mynde to the Obedience of the Loue / my Soule hath greatly reioyced / because I fynde so feawe of thatt Disposition 3. If yee now ⁏ O ye Deerly-beloued be altogether inclyned to the Obaying of the holy Woord / then let thesame likewyse be founde so in the Deede and feare not any thing For in all thissame / b 1. Cor. 7. d. I wil cast no Snare about your Necks like as is happened to Dyuers among you / by Sommein-tymes-past nor laye any Burdens vppon you / c Math. 23. a. which ye shoulde not be able to beare neither-yet requyre anything of you / that I my self woulde not doo but gentlely and courteously euen as God requyreth out of his Loue intreate you and that altogether / vnto Peace and Vnitee with each-other / in God the Father and in his Loue. 4. Therfore harken and take-heede / what I commaunde you d 1. Cor 7. b. howbeit not I / but the Lorde 5· In all your Obedience to the Seruice of Loue / e Pro. 28. b. Eccli 4. c. make-manyfest your whole Heart Myndes and Thoughts· and your Falling into the Sinne / before your Elder and Minister of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue and so discharge yourselues f Rom. 12. a. 13. b. or depart ⁏ with all your Hearts out of all worldly Behauiour Dealing and Abuce and out of all what is created in the Worlde / being vayne and corruptible as g Tob. 3. b. Ephe. 5. a. Light-behauiour Wantonnes vnprofitable Babbling Mocking Prouokeing Rygourousnes Dissimulacion Lying Couetousnes Pryde Self-myndednes and h Ier. 7. c. 11. a 13. b. 18. b. Good-thinking and those things that are lyke vnto these And enter into the euerlasting liueing Vncreatednes the true Good of the godly Perfection take vnto you a constant Disposition and vse decent Woordes among eachother / i Ephe. 4. c. Col 4. a. 1. Pet. 4. b. that are profitable conuenient and serue to edifying also Loueingnes Famylyaritee Openheartednes the Trueth Contentednes and Peaceablenes or Submission 6. In all thissame / loue you one-another to the Good talke dayly of the Trueth and of the Loue / which God doth now in the last tyme ⁏ out of his Grace showe vppon vs. 7. Be you likewyse k Rom. 12. b. constant and humble in your Prayers and pray vnto the Lorde / that He wil strengthen you to his Righteousnes and trust vppon Him He l Eccli 2. b. wil not forsake you 8. To these louely Commaundements of Loue which are the light m Mat. 1● c. 1. Iohn ● a. Burden or the sweete Yoke of Christ and do bring vs to a louely peaceable Beeing wherthrough we haue the Peace in God / with eachother prepare your Soules / for to be obedient therunto For in the Obeying of the Loue / is hidden the Treasure of all Wisdom and the Head-somme of all Righteousnes 9. What is now this Loue / which in her Seruice / requyreth such Obedience mought som man demaunde The Answere 10. The Loue is a verytrue Beeing out of the which / the Beleefe doth growe and blowe and becometh fruitfull therthrough / to bring-foorth the vpright Righteousnes 11. The Loue n 1. Cor. 13. a. is able to doo and to obeye all what God requyreth / in the Seruice of his gracious Woord and likewyse to bring-foorth all what is
godded in the euerlasting liueing Godhead and is vniforme with all what concerneth the Godhead or is of God and inheriteth the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and all the Ritches of Christ of the heauenly Goodes 8. Beholde euenthus doth the holy Gost ⁏ which is the Spirit of Loue confirme the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and the Promyses of God the Father and of Christ and k Iohn 16. b leadeth the godly Man into all Trueth and declareth euery-thing vnto him that is in Heauen and vppon the Earth 9. But whosoeuer hath bin negligent in the l Iohn 6. c. ● Drawing of the Father· and ⁏ through his Ignorance contemned or bin disobedient vnto Him and his Lawe or seruiceable Woord and whoso likewyse hath not taken-heede to the Saluation in Iesu Christ / through the Belee●e● but ⁏ through the Blyndnes m Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b. of the Vnbeleefe resisted or blaspheamed thesame / Hee doth yet in thissame Daye / through the Ministracion of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue ⁏ the which is the Office of the holy Gost fynde Grace and Forgiuenes of Sinnes / if he submitt n 1. Pet. 5. b. Iam. 4. ● himself o Math 3. a. Luk. 3. b. penitently vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 10. But whoso neglecteth him in the holy Spirit of Loue and resisteth and blaspheameth thesame or his mostholy Seruice of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes / p Math. 12. d. Heb. 6.10 c Hee continueth in Indignation and shall neuer q Iohn ● a. see the Kingdom of God ▪ For the Spirit of the Loue of God and Christ or holy Gost ⁏ who is the Perfection of all the Workes of God hath and vseeth his Seruice ⁏ the which is the last Seruice of Grace now in thissame last gracious Tyme or Daye of Loue. After which gracious Daye of Loue / ther-is r Apo. 10. a. no Daye of Grace more for to com but s Heb. 10. c. the righteous Iudgment of God to the Condemnacion t Math. 25. d. of all Vngodlyones / that haue refused the Godlynes through the holy Spirit of Loue and the Ministracion of his godly Testimonyes· and euenso contemned and blaspheamed his most holy Seruice 11. THerfore ⁏ all ye good-willing Hearts take-heede now ⁏ according to the Counsayle of the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue to the Kingdom of God v Luk. 17. c. inwardly within you / To th end that ye may be incorporated to thesame / with your Spirit For thatt is the Righteousnes which auayleth before God 12. But take you good heede of the Kingdom of the Deuill which also sheweth itself inwardly ⁏ before the Eyes and Thoughts / that are earthly x Rom. ● a. and fleshly mynded as a Kingdom of God and deceaueth the Fleshly-myndedones / with his false y Esa. 59. a. Light and ● Good-thinking and with his false z Ier 7. b. Sap. 2. 2. Pet 2. b. I●de 1. b. Freedom / which it bringeth to the Flesh / according to his Fleshly Lusts and Disyres and seduceth the Hearts of Men. The VII Chap. KNowe likewyse thatsame Kingdom of the Deuill / inwardly / according to the Spirit For his Generacion is also inwarde / but not out of any Beeing or Lyfe that is spirituall and heauenly but out of thatt which is nothing and earthly or corruptible and therfore is likewyse the Generacion of thesame / earthly and not heauenly / fleshly / and not spiritually mynded / according to Gods Spirit / therfore doth it also growe offended alwayes / at those things that are against their Myndes or Thoughtes and maketh-vp itself a 2. Tess. 2. against thatt which is of God and of his Seruice of Loue. 2. Thesame Generacion of the Deuill / wil not also stande submitted vnder the Obedience of the Loue nor of the holy Woord but refuseth the Requyring therof / and so wil liue according b Ier. 7 ●● a. 13. b. 18 b to their owne Will and Good-thinking and wrest c 2. Pet. 3. b. and construe the Scripture / according to their false and Fleshly Mynde / and so wil liue vnto themselues and loue themselues / according as the Knowledg imagineth in them 3. Therfore is the Deuill / in his Kingdom although he appeere before all fleshly Myndes / as if he were a d 2 Tess. 2 a. God of Light not els-what but a Nothingnes of the Lye and is likewyse for-that-cause / a e Iohn 8. a. Father of all secreet or inward Wickednes and a Render or Parter-asunder of all Concorde / whearas he is harkened-vnto and beleeued and accepted as good and true 4. Beholde thesame Father of Wickednes ؛the God of the f 2. Cor. 4.2 wicked Worlde and of all Vngodly or impenitent Men is / in all his Beeing / a g 2. Tess. 2. b. Contrary-beeing vnto God ▪ and his Sonne / a Contrary-beeing vnto Christ a Destroyer h Iohn 17. b. 2. Tess. 2. a. a Childe of Wickednes which maketh the Hearts of Men / stout vppon their Knowledg and bringeth also a false Freedom vnto Many / for to sinne boldly and to continue in the worldly Abhomynacions and Foolishnes / with vnaccused Consciences and to make-vp themselues i Dan. 22. a. resistant against the Trueth and the godly Loue of God the holy Father 5. And their Spirit namely of the Father of Wickednes and of his Sonne or Childe of Wickednes is a wicked Spirit k 2. Tess. 2. a. of Lyes which confirmeth the Man ⁏ being in his Vnrepentance and in his Disobedience to the Requyring of the gracious Woord of the Lorde and his Seruice of Loue in the Beeing of Lyes and leadeth him into all Lye and Errour ▪ 6. Thesame false God and Father of Wickednes / doth also ⁏ with his wicked Self-willednes allure l 2. Tess. 2. a. b or drawe vs vnto him / through the priuate Loue of ourselues and whosoeuer doth yeelde himself to be so drawen by him / cometh to his Sonne ؛his Childe or Being of Wickednes the false Christ or m 1 Iohn 2. c 4. a. Antichrist the Destroyer which is the Christ of the wicked Worlde and of all Vngodlyones and worketh in his People an inwarde or n ● Tess. 2. b. secret Wickednes / which they themselues cannot wel perceaue 7. And whōsoeuer then cometh so to the Sonne of the Deuill as also becometh incorporated to thesame Beeing of Wickednes and bydeth therin / hee is quyte and cleane corrupted / in all his Mynde / by the Wickednes and by the priuate Loue of himself and by the Disobedience and Resistance to the Loue and her right Seruice Yea so quyte corrupted / that he is inclyned to nothing-els / in all his Mynde / but to his Self-wilednes and to all Destructionablenes and to destroye the Family of Loue / wherin the liueing God of Heauen
dwelleth liueth and gouerneth / and the Good-willingones to the Obedience of the Requyring of thesame God or to stande against them in euery-behalfe and to drawe them awaye from the single Obedience which they shewe in the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and to corrupt their Vnderstanding / with the good-thinking Knowledg 8. And whosoeuer then is thus corrupted by the Sonne ؛the Childe o Iohn 17. b. 2 Tess 2 a. of the Deuill and of Wickednes or by his Ministers / vnder the Power and Will of the Deuill and is growen of one-mynde with the wicked and vngodly Nature / for to be plyable to thesame and so is becom enuyous towards the Famyly of Loue / hee is borne a Childe of the Sinne and of the Deuill and an Heyre of the hellish Beeing and of the perpetuall p Math 〈…〉 Condemnacion and annoynted with the wicked Spirit of q 3. Reg. 22. Esa 18 b. 2 Tess 2. Lyes Which Annoynting / is a false Freedom or a false free Mynde and Beeing of the Deuill And thatsame is the false Freedom which the Disobeyers and Resisters of the Loue / do willingly accept-of in their Vnregeneracion and do much sooner and rather inclyne-vnto / then to shewe Repentance for their Sinnes and to submitt them to the Doctrine of the Loue of Iesu Christ. 9. And whosoeuer then taketh vppon him to liue free / being vnregenerat and so in his Vnregeneracion / is annoynted or quyeted with the false Spirit of Lyes or of Good-thinking· taught to the Kingdom of Hell· and made free in vseing all Wickednes and Resistance against the Loue / Hee is likewyse a Fellow-member of the Deuill and of the Wicked Nature or Antichrist wherthrough he is then in that fort / wholly and altogether deuiled with the r Sap. 2. d. Iohn 8. c. Deuill· natured with the wicked Nature of Antichrist· and leadd by the false Spirit of 2. Tess. 2. b. Lyes / into all Falshod and Lyes into all Disobedience to the gracious Woord and into all worldly and vngodly Abhomynations and so inheriteth the Desolation of al horrible Abhomynation And thatsame is the Kingdom of Hell Sap. 1. c. Math. 2● d. 2. Pet. ● ● and of the he●●ish Fyre / wherin all wicked and seduceing Spirits haue their Dwelling and do com-foorth their-out for to seduce 10. BEholde such a wicked Ende and horrible Beeing of the Hell and of the Darknesses ⁏ wher through one inheriteth nothing-els but all Lyes and Wickednes and vseth all Wickednes / in Freedom is looked-into and knowen by all the Children of the holy Spirit of Loue / that thesame is the whole Kingdom of the Deuill himself But by all good-thinking Wyseones and Children of the Flesh and of the wicked Worlde ⁏ who haue a Lust and Desyre to the Iniquitee and Works of the sinfull Flesh it is v Sap. 2 a. Apo. 13. looked-into / as a Light and Kingdom of Pleasure and as a good Freedom for all Disobedient and Vnregeneratedones 11. Take you heede of this wicked Nature / ye Deerly-beloued and keepe your Hearts pure from thesame / through the Woord of Trueth / that is ministred vnto you in the Obedience of the Loue. And although it do make-vp itself in you somtymes / against thesame Woord of Trueth / yet becom not of one-mynde with thesame in-any-wyse but hang your Hearts on the vpright godly Beeing of the Loue and to be obedient to his Requyring and so ⁏ in the Obedience of the Loue ouercom the Euell / x Rom. 12. c. with the good Being of God 12. If now ye do y Eccli 6. c. 1. Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a. submitt your Hearts vnder the Obedience of the Loue / with all Humilitee / then shall ye also in thissame perillous Tyme / not be seduced nor deceaued by the wicked Beeing but byde preserued with the Good 13. To your Preseruacion / ye Deerly-beloued ⁏ to th end that ye mought loue the good Beeing and be warned of the Euell so coulde I not omitt to wryte a little vnto you of this Matter also and to set it forth before your Eyes and Eares / Because that ye shoulde ⁏ with a good Vnderstanding vnderstande a right Difference betwixt the godly and vngodly Beeing The Lorde vouchsafe to preserue you all from the Euell and to leade you into all Trueth Amen 14. THis haue I written with Dilligence and feruent Loue and thought good to declare it befor you all / my beloued Freendes in the Loue Especially before all you which haue geeuen-ouer your Hearts and Myndes / with Vs / to all Obedience and Concord in the Loue and her Seruice Whose Soules likewyse I do loue / to the perfect Righteousnes for to liue with you all in the Kingdom of God the Father / in all Loue and Vnitee of Heart euen-as God and his Woord and Seruice of Loue / requyreth thesame of vs To his renowmed Prayse Honour and Glory / and to all our Ioye and Saluacion / in the euerlasting Lyfe 15 Heerwith ⁏ ye good-willing Hearts to the Loue ye be altogether hartely saluted 16. Take-heede I pray you / to thissame freendly a 1. Cor 16 c. 2 Cor. 13. b Kisse wherwith I do imbrace you in the Spirit / to the Vnitee of the Loue and b Ephe. 4. a. walke like loueing Children / in all Loue. 17. Be myndfull lykewyse of these my Woordes and Wrytings and c 1. Timo 4. ● exercise yourselues obediently therin / to all Godlynes / To thendethat I may fynde you alwayes according to the Sence and Mynde of my Souls· and reioyce me euenso with you all ⁏ in the godly Ioye in the euerlasting Lyfe That graunt vs the Lorde / the almighty God Amen The Ende of the Sixtenth Epistle The Seuententh Epistle A groundly Instructiō of the Mans Glory / in the Begining of his Fall Death and Condemnation and of his Restoring into his former Glory agayne Written and sent vnto the Louers of the Trueth / which submitt them with vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. Vnder which Obedience of the Loue / all Men are ⁏ now in the last tyme called and bidden to assemble them to one Man of God / in the only and true Body of Iesu Christ to a perfect Glory / both of God and the Man Let vs be vpright in the Loue and growe in all parts / in him which is the Headd / euen CHRIST by whom the whole Body is ioyned together Ephe. 4. b. To those / whose Spirit is one Spirit with Vs in the Loue / be Health and Saluacion The First Chapter THE Cleernes of y e true Light ⁏ which is appeered a Act. 2. a. 2. Cor. 4. a. Col. 1. b. 2 Timo 1. a and com vnto vs from the Right-hande of God the Father / out of the heauenly Trueth ▪ growe and increase more-and-more among you all / my beloued Hearts in the Loue euen till vnto the
Act. 3. c. what He hath spoken and promysed in the former Tymes namely reward n Math. 25. c. Iohn 5. c. Rom. 2. a. y e Good / their Goodnes / with the Rewarde of all Good / in the euerlasting Lyfe and recompence the Euell / their Euelnes / with the Reward of all Euell / in the euerlasting Death and Condemnacion For the Daye ⁏ wherin eueryone shall receaue o Ier. 17 b. Math. 16. c Rom. 2. a. 14. b. 2. Cor 5. b. Apo. 2. ● his Reward / that he hath deserued doth now spread-foorth itself ouer the whole Worlde and his Cleernes ceasseth not / before all this be accomplished 6. THerfore ⁏ my beloued Hearts in the Loue take-heede to thissame Daye p 1. ●or 15. c f Ephe. 5 b. 1. Tess. 4. b. of the Makeing-alyue from the Death Yea take-heede also sayth the holy Spirit of Loue to the Gospel of the Kingdom / that is now in thissame Daye / published q Math. 24. b in all y e Worlde / for a Witnes of the Resurrection of the Deadd 7. For in this Daye of the Publishing of this Gospel / shall now all the Members of Christ ⁏ which r Eze. 37. a. as Deadones and dismembered Bones / are broken and deuided into many peeces from each-other be ioyned-together ⁏ by that only Man Iesu Christ s Rom ▪ 12. a. 1. Cor. 12 c Ephe. 4. b. 5. c. as one true Body of Christ and Man of God· couered-ouer t Iob. 19 c. Eze 37. a. with Sinowes and Flesh· made-alyue with the liueing v Gen. 2. a. Eze 37. a. Iohn 20. c. Wynde or Breath of Christ· and assembled eueryone into the holy Spirit of Loue wherthrough all wee now likewyse ⁏ x 1. Tess. 4. b. which are remayned-ouer and do beleeue the Coming of Christ and the y 1 Cor. 15. b. Resurrection of the Deadd / and hope theron do ioyne vs to thesame one Man of God / z Ephe. 4. b. in that one Body of Christ. 8. Beholde euenthus is the Man ⁏ which beleeueth in Iesu Christ set-vp Math. 24. ● Act. 1. a. agayne in his former Dignitee / now in thesame Daye of Loue and the Worke of God is declared / that it is euen-lyke as it was in the Beginning One God / and one Man and thatt altogether / in the one Body of Iesu Christ. The IIII. Chap. O Ye Beloued Looke now into this gracious Tyme and consider well theron For the Tyme is now fulfilled and the a Iohn 12. ● Apo. 14. a. Daye of the righteous Iudgment of God / declared among vs In the which / God doth now ⁏ through the Coming of the Kingdom of Christ set-vp the former Kingdom full of all pure Beawty and the falne Man ⁏ who is broken and deuided into many peeces doth He now also ioyne-together / b Ephe. 2. ● 4. b. to the Incorporating to the only Body of Christ. 2. Beholde euenthus doth God bring the Man agayne to his Dignitee namely to the gloryous Maiestee of his leueing God head / wherby to c Num 14. ● Psal. 72. b. Esa 6 a. Aba ● b. 4. a. fill the whole Earth with his Glory and Righteousnes according to the Promyses 3. YEe good-willing Heartes in the Loue / take-heede I beseech you to thatt which I wryte vnto you and exhorte you vnto Be not in-any-case d Pro. 3. a. Rom self-wyse in your owne Conceits but remember and consider / what the Seruice of Loue requyreth of vs / in thissame newe Daye of the Coming of Christ. namely that eueryone shall haue regarde / in whom Christ hath manned himself ▪ and out of whom He shyneth / as a Day-light to the Lighting of the whole Vniuersal-earth with Righteousnes For theare ⁏ in thesame godded Man or e Leuit. 26. b Eze 37. c 43. a. 1 Cor. 3.6 b 2 Cor. 6. b. Apo. 21. a. Habitacion of God is the Maiestee of God and Christ / vnto whom God willeth that eueryone ⁏ which seeketh or desyreth Gods Freendship shall submitt himself and ⁏ in Concord assemble him therunto / to be one Man of God in Iesu Christ / wherby to becom one Heart or Mynde with him / in all Loue. 4. Beholde and consider Heeron and seeke not y e Freendship of this Worlde f Iam. 4. a. wherthrough ye geet the Enimitee of God and the Enimitee of his Saintes 5. Therfore yeeld-ouer yourselues to the Maiestee of God and com all now to the Temple of the liueing God / the g Psal 122. a Esa. 2. a. Ier. 31. a. Zach. 8. c. Howse of his Dwelling / To th end that ye may be all assembled to the h Math 24. d Ephe. 2. c. 4. b one Body of Christ and may heare the Woord of the Lorde ⁏ out of the holy Temple of his Dwelling and doo therafter / for that your i Iohn 15. b. Ioye may be perfect To which Saluacion of Soule and Body / we be all now called and bidden / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 6. According to thesame maner / so consider likewyse on the loueing peaceable Heart / wherin God hath sett his Heart ⁏ full of all Grace and Christ / his holy Spirit ⁏ full of all Loue and assemble you with all your Hearts / k Act. 4. d. to thatsame one Heart and so it shal be one l Ephe. 2. b. God one Man one Heart one Fayth m 1. Cor. 12. a Ephe. 4. a. one Spirit and one true euerlasting Lyfe / to be one true and vpright Righteousnes vppon the Earth according to the Promyses O Yea / that com-to-pas euenso 7. HEer-with / my beloued Freendes ⁏ which loue the Trueth in Christ I do hartely salute you / with a Salutacion of the Loue and a Kisse of Peace n Rom. 16. b. 1. Cor. 16. c Salute you also one-another with thesame Salutacion ▪ namely all yee that are Fellow-companyons of the louely and peaceable Howse of Loue. 8. The Lorde graunte vnto you all / Grace and Mercy / to be incorporated ⁏ with Heart Spirit and Body to the only and true Body of Christ. The Loue of God the Father / take the Victory in all your Heartes Amen Take it to heart The Ende of the Seuententh Epistle The Eightenth Epistle A loueing Exhortation / written and sent vnto an Howsholde / that are ioyned to the Famyly of Loue and agreeable or concordably mynded to the Seruice of the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue / for to be obedient to the Trueth Beholde / how sweete and louely it is / that Bretheren dwell to gether concordably Psal. 133. How deere or precious is thy Kyndnes ⁏ O God that the Children of Men seeke Protecton vnder the Shadow of thy Wings They shal be satisfyed or filled with the Fattnes or Plenty of thy Howse and thou giuest them drink with the Ryuer or Fountayne of thy Delyte
the Saluacion the Ioye and the Rest of our Soules with all Gods Saintes / in the euerlasting Lyfe The III. Chap. BEholde and consider ⁏ ye Beloued This is now Gods righteous Iudgment / in thissame Daye of his Loue which is the Newe Daye of the 24. Esd. 6. b. Worlde to-com Yea a Daye / which God himself hath ordayned or appoynted / to the Saluaciō of his Saintes and to the Condemnacion of all Vngodlyones / in the which likewyse / all Saints and Righteousones do reioyce them For vpon thesame / b Act 17. d. the Circuit of the Earth is iudged with Righteousnes according to the Promyses of our God and Father It is verytrue 2. O ye beloued Hearts ⁏ which do with vs / loue the vpright Beeing of Christ haue a good regarde heerunto exercise c 1 Timo 4. b yourselues dayly in the Woord of Trueth / vnder the Obedience of the Loue exhort d 1. Tess. 5 b Heq. 3.10 c. one-another also / to the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ and strengthen yourselues among eachother / to continue stedfast e Act. 11. c. 13. c. 14. c. in Fayth till vnto the Ende of the Suffering and Stryueing agaynst the sinfull and corrupt Nature For f Math. 10. ● 14. b. Mark 13. b. whosoeuer continueth stedfast till vnto the Ende as is written hee shal be saued 3. With thissame ⁏ for a Recreacion vnto your Hearts cōfort and cherrish yourselues among eachother I hope ouer a little whyle / to com vnto you and to talke with you by Mouth / of all what is ⁏ by Gods Grace g 1. Timo. 1. b committed vnto Mee and is profitable vnto you to Edifycacion For that is doutles the Delyte and all the Desyre of my Heart 4. Heerwith ⁏ ye Beloued with Laude and Thankes-giueing vnto God / for your Zeale and Dilligent-care that ye haue to the Righteousnes of the Loue / I do salute you all very hartely namely euen the whole Howsholde of you as my beloued Bretheren and Sisters in the Loue with a Salutacion and Kisse of Loue. 5. I do also giue Thankes vnto the Lorde / for the Benefites Gifts and Beneuolence / that ye haue sent vnto mee / to an Helpfulnes and Furtherance of the Seruice of Loue. 6. The Lorde giue Strength vnto you all h Ephe. 3. b. Co● 1. b. 1. Pet. 5. b. and strengthen your Spirit / in his Trueth The Loue and the Goodnes of our God and Father / establish you in his louely and true Beeing Amen 7. Salute me hartely likewyse ⁏ with a Salutacion of the Loue vnto all our Freendes and Louers of the Trueth / which are adioyned to the Famyly of Loue and with whom ye haue dayly your Fellowshipp / in the Seruice of Loue. 8. Thatt God / who is the Loue and the euerlasting Lyfe / bring his godly Beeing plentifully vnto you all namely his i Ephe. 1. b. holy Spirit which is the Pawne of our Inheritance And his Loue take the Victory in all your Heaets Amen The Ende of the Eightenth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Nyntenth Epistle An harty Exhortacion vnto the most-zealous good-willing Hearts to the Righteousnes and vnto the Elders and Ministers of the Woord / in the Comunialtee of the Loue For a Warning vnto them all / of all Deceit that may chaunce vnto them by the new Commers-on to the mostholy Seruice of Loue. Open not your Heart vnto euery Man lest any Falshod be don vnto you by the Strainger Eccli 8.12 If a Freende ioyne vnto thee / prooue him first and beleeue him not ouersoone For ther are many false Freendes which continue not ⁏ as Freendes in the Dayes of Tribulacion but they turne them a-bout to Enimitee for to stryue against thee And if th●n they knowe or remember any shamefull thing by thee / thatt do they vpbrayde thee with-al Ier. 9. Mich. 7. Eccli 6.8.12 Math. 10.24 1 Iohn 4. To the Kingly Seede of the holy Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / be Health and Saluacion The First Chapter MY BELOUed Bretheren in the Loue which are groweing-vp vnder the Obedience of the Loue ⁏ in the holy Woord of the euerlasting Trueth to the a Ephe. 4 b. Age of the manly Vnderstanding of Iesus Christ and with whom I haue had my Conuersation in speaking of the Woord b Iohn ● 6 g. 1 Iohn 1. a of Lyfe / which is com and reuealed vnto vs / by Gods Grace wherwith God hath shewed Mercy on vs / according to his Promyses 2. My Exhortacion is hartely vnto you all that ye wil also in my Absence from you / be alwayes c Iohn 15. c. myndfull of the Speeche touching the Godlynes / euen as I haue vsed thesame with you and breake d Act. 2 e. distribute and feede-vpon thesame e Iohn 6. e. Bread of Lyfe ⁏ among eachother that is geeuen vnto vs from Heauen ⁏ by God the heauenly Father and brought vnto you / for a Foode vnto all your Soules And so becom you all feedd with thesame Bread / to an vpright and louely Lyfe in the Loue. 3. Drincke all now f Math. 26. ● Luk. 22. b. 2. Cor. 11. c. out of thissame Cupp of the Loue / full of y e pure Blood of Iesus Christ out of the which / the holy Blood or Lyfe of Christ / is now ⁏ in the Passe-ouer with Christ in his Suffering and Death / till vnto the seconde g Math. 19. ● Rom. 6. a. Birth from the Death geeuen vnto vs to drincke / for a true Testament and euerlasting Forgiuenes of Sinnes and becom now all washed and cleansed ⁏ in your Inwardnes h 1. Pet. 1. a. Heb. 9.10 b c. 12. c. Apo. 7. b. with thesame pure Blood of the Loue of Iesu Christ / the true Testament which shall continue for euer Which Testament / God himself / hath ⁏ as an eternal-continuing Beeing sealed with himself / in the Seruice of his Loue. 4. O my beloued Hearts and Bretheren in the Loue of our Lorde Iesu Christ take-heede in any-wyse i Eccli 4. c. 27. b. Gal. 6. b. to this gracious Tyme and haue a good regarde vnto my Sayings of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ And in euery-poynt / according as I in tymes-past haue talked with you by mouth / of this Passe-ouer with Christ / k Rom 6. a. Phil. 3. b. Col. 2. b. in his Suffering and Death / till vnto the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and of all the Perfection l Apo. 21.2 and Garnishing of thesame Kingdoms Beawty / euē so is likewyse his Foorme / whear it is manifest in all Loue. And according to thesame Foorme or Beeing / see that you all
⁏ with their false Testimonyes against vs persecute Vs very vehemētly / which do minister the holy Woord or innocent Beeing of God / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 7. Wo be vnto them / that runnfoorth with their foolish Desyres and false Heartes / s 2. Pet 2. b. I●de 2. b after the Workes of the Flesh which are defyled with Darknesses / to th end to liue euenso in all Vncleannes Voluptuous-pleasures Wantōnes and Wickednes and vnto all those that giue Prayse and Honour to the vngodly Beeing and accounte thesame to be a Freendshipp for them ▪ not once careing for this / that they are the Enemyes of God / ther-through 8. Wo be vnto them / that for t Iam. 〈…〉 the Worldes Freendshipp or for the Pleasures cause of the Flesh / becom Gods Enemyes Wher-with they shewe sufficiently / that they are Witnesses of the Craftyones as also Witnesses / that they neither will nor desyre God nor his holy Beeing 9. Beholde the Curssing v Math 25. d. Heb 9.10 c 2 pet 3. a. and the tirrible Iudgment of the Fyres Crueltee / hangeth ouer thē / as a Snare / for their Sinnes cause And thatsame wil fall x Luk. 21. d. heauely vppon the Pate of all Euel-willing and arrogant Highmyndedones 10. Therfore looke into it betymes ⁏ O ye Children of Men what a louely and godly Beeing ye haue forsaken and how ye haue liued in all Vngodlynes and Vnmanlynes and repent / er-euer the seuere Iustice or the Iudgment of God fall vppon you For when thesame ketcheth-holde of you and letteth you see your wicked Deedes / y Sap 5. a b. then shall ye knowe / that the euell Things haue incompassed and caught-holde of you By the which ye shal be z Sap. 12 c Apo. 18. a punished ▪ and not be able to escape the Hande of Dengaunce The VI. Chap. O ye beloued Hearts / which are yet healde or captiued with any vngodly thing / put-away now a Iosu. 1. the Wickednes from you and b Iam. 4. cleanse your Hearts therof Seperate your Myndes and Thoughts / from all what is vayne and corruptible in the Worlde For-sake all thatt / whatsoeuer ioyneth not itself to a godly Lyfe Circumcise yourselues c Deut. 10. b Ier. 4. a. on the Foreskinne of your Hearts and put-away frō your Hearts / all what is vnpure and hath defyled your Hearts Turne you and com ⁏ with naked Hearts d Ier 18. b. 25 a 35. b. Eze 18. d. Ioel. 2. b. to the Lorde your God / vnder the Obedience of his Loue and in thesame Seruice / learne the Sweetnes of Lyfe the Humilitee and Meeknes of Heart and the vpright Vertues 2. For thatt is the cleane or pure Lyfe of Iesu Christ / which cometh vnto vs out of the Loue / through her Seruice / to th end that we shoulde liue vnto God in thesame and laude and prayse Him therin 3. Beholde ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued ther-vnto strecheth our Seruice of Loue which vndeceaueable Seruice / is the mostlouely and holyest Seruice of God / the which / God willeth that it shoulde haue his Minis●ra●ion ouer all the Worlde and that all People shoulde be obedient or subiect to the Loue / in her Seruice For in the Loue is the e Gen. 13. ●● Blessing of all Generacions of the Earth / according to the Promyses 4. Therfore is my E●hortacion and harty Request vnto you all / which are the Auncientest and Most-zealousones in our holy Comunialtee / that ye wil all likewyse haue regarde in that-maner / vnto the Seruice of Loue and euen so accomplish his Requyring 5. And although it be knowen vnto me / that ye do also partly with mee / see into the Difference of thatt wherof I wryte vnto you / yet am I notwithstanding constrayned / to wryte and to present thissame vnto you / To th end that ye shoulde alwayes be myndfull / not to put to-much trust at the first / in the on-coming Disciples / which inclyne vnto vs in the Seruice of Loue as to declare all the Misteryes of God / among them f 1 Cor 2. ● but well among those that are growing-vp with vs obediently / in the holy and godly Testimonyes of the Spirit of Loue / to the g Ephe 4 b Agednes of the holy Vnderstanding and those which we fynde faythfull therin / Because that we may therby ⁏ so much-the-more-certenly and foresightfully minister the mostholy Seruice of Loue ⁏ wherunto God hath stirred-vp and chosen vs to h 1 Cor 14. d. all good Order and Decentnes / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The VII Chap. SEing then that ther are feawe now / that wil a 2. Timo. 4. a endure the godly Doctrine of the Loue / therfore is likewyse all my har●y Exhortacion vnto You / ye Elders and Wyseones ⁏ to whom the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue are committed / for to minister in the Seruice of Loue that yee ⁏ in thesame Seruice wil alwayes keepe a circumspect Watch towardes the vpright and louely Beeing cheefly because of those that com-in besydes the Loue and her Seruice b Rom. 16. 2 Timo 3. a and bring-in Contencion and Breache of the Concorde / with their Knowledg 2. But contende not you with them / aboute any Knowledg but requyre alwayes the Loue and the Obedience vnto her Seruice / to all c Ephe. 4. a. Vnitee of Peace For if anyman knowe the Loue / hee knoweth all what he shoulde knowe and whosoeuer knoweth not the Loue nor is mynded to the Requyring of her Seruice / hee doutles d 1 Cor. ● a. knoweth nothing No nothing-at-al of the godly Wisdom nor can in-any-wyse e Math 11 d 1 Cor 2. b vnderstande the Trueth It is very-true 3. Heerwith ⁏ ye beloued Elders in the holy Vnderstanding my Request and Exhortacion is vnto you all / that ye wil alwayes be myndfull of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and not leaue-of to f 2 Timo 4. a. rebuke and to exhort still / with Woordes of holy Vnderstanding and with Informacions of Discreation namely those which holde with vs / in the Comunialtee of Loue and are yet loofe or lightmynded of Heart and cheefly g 2 T●●s 3 a those / which walke disorderly / as also y t Vnchastones which wil serue the Flesh / with vncleane Hearts For they marre their Vnderstanding and corrupt their Sences and Memory / with their Fleshly and vnchast Thoughtes 4. Before these holde-foorth the conuenient Orderlynes and exhort them to a h psal ●1 b Math ● a cleane or pure Heart / To th end that they may becom i 2 Cor. 7. a cleansed from all Pollution and Filthynes of the Flesh and so ⁏ growing-vp in the holy Vnderstanding may be founde worthy / that the God of Lyfe may ⁏ in Cleannes and Cleernes or Purenes dwell and walke in
k Iohn 14 c Apo 21. ● them and so mought ⁏ through the godly Beeing be meete to vtter-foorth and to publish the Glory of God / to the l ●phe 1 a Laude of his Maiestee and also to be seruiceable vnto their Neighboure / to thatsame Beeing / that it may all go vprightly m 1 Cor 14 d in his Course 5. Beholde thus dooing / we shall be founde n Math. 24. c 1 Cor 4 a faythfull Ministers of God also faythfull Ministers of the holy Woord which do further the Saluacion or Welfare of Men. For after that maner ⁏ as is before sayde shall the Loue alwayes continue fruitfull among vs in her Seruice / out of pure Nature and God shall sainctify his great and gloryous Name in vs· seale vs therwith to be his People· and accept vs o Ier 31. a. 2 Cor 6 b for his beloued Sonnes and Daughters also p Esa 66. b playe and dandle with vs / as with his beloued Children and keepe vs / q Psal 17 a Zach 2 a as the Apple of his Eye And He shall leade and nourish vs vp in his Pasture / like r Eze 34 b Iohn 1● a Sheepe and Lambes 6. All our Course-of-lyfe shal be in Loue and Peace Faythfulnes s Zach 8 a b and Trueth shal be seruiceable vnto vs. Righteousnes and Holynes t Esa 58 b shal be alwayes in our Beholding and God shall alwayes go-before vs / as a Light He shal be an euerlasting King and Sheapheard vnto vs and the Loueingnes in the Peace / shall alwayes be among vs and haue no Ende according to the Promyses 7. Let all our Lyfe and all our Course-of-dealing / be heerin / my beloued Hearts ye louely Comunialtee of Saints in the Loue. For you ⁏ ye louely faythfull Comunialtee of Loue hath God chosen to be a kingly Seede vppon the Earth / according to his Promyses / for to bring-foorth by you / the Light of Lyfe / out of the heauenly Trueth to the Blessing of all Generacions of the Earth according to the Promyses 8. Take-heede v 2 Cor 6 ● Gal 6 a now all to thissame Tyme of Grace Be watchfull in y e Spirit x Esa 60 a Rom 13 b Ephe 5. ● and stand-vp in the Righteousnes The Loue of God the Father and the Glory of Christ in his Coming / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Nyntenth Epistle The Twentith Epistle A Chastising and Reproofe of Whoordom / with sondry good Lessons Informacions and groundly Instructions / how the Man shall giue-ouer himself to Iesus Christ and to the Woord of his holy Spirit of Loue and Trueth· forsake and leaue himself and all what he hath / for the Loue of Iesu Christ-his sake· and follow-after and only cleaue-vnto Iesus Christ and the Woord of his holy Spirit of Loue· and shewe all Obedience Loue and Faythfulnes / to thesame Woord Thus sath the Lorde IESVS CHRIST If any man com to Mee / and hateth not his Father Mother Wyfe Children Bretheren Sisters and also his owne Lyfe That is Whosoeuer doth not ⁏ for y e Loue of Iesus Christes sake forsake and leaue all wher-vnto he is bounde or wher-vnto he hath sett his owne Affection and Will of his Heart / without the Requyring of the holy Woord of Iesu Christ and his holy Spirit of Loue and beareth or taketh not his Crosse on him / and Followeth-after Mee / cannot be my Desciple Math. 10.16 Mark 8. Luk. 9.14 The First Chapter THIS IS THE Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ / which HN hath witnessed ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue against the Whooring of the Generacion of Men 2. O Thou Generacion of Men / How long shall I sett a psal 108 a Cant 7. c. my Loue on thee / without being loued agayne and my b 2 Cor 11 a Faythfulnes / without being shewed Faythfulnes agayne 3. When wilt thou ⁏ I pray thee turne thyself away from thy Whoordom and turne thee ●ightly ⁏ c Ier 3 a with a faythfull Heart to thy d O●e 2 a 2 Cor ●1 a right Husbande 4. I haue ⁏ sayth the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ sett all my e pro 2 c Loue towards thee / O thou Generacion of Men. But seing that I am not loued by thee agayne and do perceaue / that thou whoorest with thyne owne Imaginacion f Deut 12 a of the Knowledg and with almaner of Spirits and g Ier 2 d Eze 16 b. c. Rom 1 c elementish or naturall Things and doest not sett thy Loue and Faythfulnes / h Ier 2. d. firmly to my Loue and Faythfulnes ⁏ which I shewe towards thee to an vpright Obeying of the holy Woord / Therfore doth my Heart ⁏ for Loues-cause suffer somuch-the-greater Sorrow and I must also be captiued the-more with i 2 Cor 1● a Mistrustfulnes towards thee 5. OH / alas Must not I alwayes ⁏ like vnto an Husband towards an k Ier 2 d 3 a 2 Cor 12. a whoorish Wyfe haue a mistrustfull Eye towards the Man which bosteth him of the Loue and of the Knowledg of the spirituall and heauenly Things and yet committeth whoordom with l Ier 2 d. Eze 16. b ● Iud. 1 b strainge Spirits / without the Famyle of Loue m 2. Cor. 11 a and not suffer thesame Mistrust to be taken-away or denyed me / before I fynde that the Man do bynde or betroth himself ⁏ with a faythfull Heart vnto the holy Woord of Grace and his Spirit of Loue and doth with an n Deut. 16. b. obedient Heart / vtterly forsake all his Whoordom whether it be with Flesh or Spirit· with any-maner of o Eze 16. b Imaginacion of the Knowledg· or with anything that is Outward or Inward· or with anything of p psal 49. c Gods Sayings and euen so goeth-thorow the Waye to the Lyfe / according to the Requyring of the holy Woord 6. Oh! How is my Heart thus greeued / by reason of greate Loue. and so perplexed / through great Mistrustfulnes 7. For like as a valyant Champyon / hath sett all his Loue and Hearts-lust towards an whoorish Wyfe and bounde it vnto her / to the intent to with-drawe her from her Whoordom and to drawe her with her Loue / into his Loue / to be an vpright Maryed-wyfe vnto him and can obtayne no Looking-on nor Harkening-vnto ⁏ or very-little at her handes and so for great Loue / suffereth such sore Greefe in his Heart and is so exceedingly combered / that he cannot at any-tyme take any rest / for shewing his Loue still towards her Euenso am I in-like-maner swallowed-vp in Loue / toward the Generacion of Men for to withdrawe thesame from his Whoordom which doth now committ-whoordom with so many-maner of Knowledges and strainge and erring q 3 Reg 22. d. Esa 18 b
ye not ⁏ thewhyles the h Act. 13. Foode of the godly Lyfe hath bin proffered vnto you / to the Obeying of the holy Woord becom the-more i Num. 11 a. 14·26 c. c. vnlustfull and disobedient to the godly Lyfe and the-more vnthankfull / for the Proffering of the liueing Gifts of God 3. I haue nodout cryed-out so loude vnto you all / that I am almost because ye do so vtterly stopp your Eares / from hearing what the Woord requyreth becom k Psal 38.68 a hoarse· and l Ier. 20. b. weakened in the Sounde of my Voyce And that altogether heerfore euen because ye shoulde vnderstand the Requyring of my Crying· com with mee / into the Doctrine of the vpright Lyfe of Iesu Christ· and so m Iob. 34. a b. Pro. 4. c. harken after the Distinction of my Crying· giue-ouer yourselues n Pro. 3. b 8. to be Disciples of the gracious Woord· shewe o Math. 3. a Act. 3. c. Repentance for your Sinnes· loue with mee / the Lyfe of Rest and Peace / with a p Psal 33 c. Pro. 10. c. Lust to the Righteousnes· haue all your q 1 Pet 3. b. Vnitee of Heart Loue and Sweet-delytfulnes / in the Famyly of Loue / with the Saintes of God and Children of the Loue of Iesu Christ· becom incorporated to the r Ephe. 4. ● Col. 3. b. 2 Pet. 1. a. vpright Righteousnes· and euē so enter into the s Heb. 3.4 c. Rest of the Lorde / with the Children of God and Saintes of Christ. But ⁏ alas I haue yet founde very-feawe of those that haue had their Affection bent heerunto and yet many-feawer / which haue harkened-vnto and beleeued the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue / to that effect or taken-heede to obeye thosame 4. O Ye Childrē or Generacions of s Gen. 3. O●c 6 c. 4 Esd. 3. c 4 c. Adam all yee which liue so boldly in the Vnchastitee t 4. Esd 3. c. Math 13. Luk. 16. of your Whoordom and in your Hipocrisie / against the Requyring of the holy Woord and do not once ⁏ like Disciples of the Woord take-to-take-to-heart all our dilligent Seruice shewed on you / wherby to com into the Schoole of the Seruice of Loue and to learne the vpright Righteousnes / v Rom. 12. a. E●he 4. c. to the Renewing of your Heartes and Myndes Remember of fellowship / what ye do all x Math. 22. a. neglet in thissame y Esa. 49 c. 2. Cor. ● a. precious Tyme of Grace how ye keepe yourselues back / agaynst Gods proffered Grace· shut-to and harden z Psal 9● b. Luk 1 ● d. Heb. 2. a. ● a. your Hearts· keepe the Loue of God a 1. Iohn 4 c the Father of the Lorde Iesu Christ and of the holy Gost / quyte out of thesame· and do giue the lightmynded and vngodly Beeing / b 2 Pet. 2. c. d Heb. 6. a. Inde 1. his Roome / to your owne Destruction 5. For beholde and haue regarde on c P●o 2. b. c. Ier. 7. a. your Wayes / all ye Desobeyers and Resisters of the Trueth of God and of his godly Loue / together with all yee that are d Ier 7. c so goodthinking-wyse in yourselues Haue ye not euen hetherto / wholly e P●o. 8 a Ier. 7 c. d. shut-too your Eares / before y e Voyce of the Wisdom of God· refused the proffered Grace of God· and f Eze. 13. a. followed your owne Foolishnes and Good-thinking and heald-foorth or ministred thesame vnto others moe and not the holy Woord of Trueth 6. Are ye not also still runne-back / when ye were g Ier. 7 c 15. b. called forward 7. Haue ye not stil-apace couered yourselues more-and-more in your Hipocrisie ⁏ when ther-was heald-foorth before you / that ye shoulde vncouer yourselues in your h Psal. 36. ● Hipocrisie and confesse and dye from your i Pro 28. b. Eccli 4. b. Rom. 6. Sinnes / and in your Sinnes / tak●n-on more sinfull-Lyfe k 1 Iohn 2. c. mayntayned the wicked Worlde excused the Flesh / in his false and corrupt Nature and committed-whoordom ther-with and bin vnregarding towards the holy Woord l Ier. 2. a. c. of the Grace of God the Father / as if it were an vnneedfull or vnnecessary Thing and so made m 1. Tess. 4. b Heb 10 c. little-reckning-of or debased the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ. 8. OH how vnfitly doth it accorde / that ther should be such Disorderlynes as is rehearsed founde among Any-people / vnto whom the vpright manly Beeing ⁏ euen according to the n Sap. 7 d Col. 1 c. Heb. 1 a very-lyke Beeing of God is dayly presented so naked and euidently and that are o 2 Pet. ● a called and bidden ther-vnto / out of entyre Loue. 9. Yea / yet much-more vnfitly doth it accorde / that thosame do bost them of the Christianitee of the Loue and of the Freedom / because all p 2 pet 1 ● Discreation and Obedience to the holy Woord / ought to be among such al●o the right Knowledg and the humble Thanksgiueing / for that God hath created and chosen the Man to be an q Gen. 1 c 3 a Sap. 2 c Eccli 17. a 2 Cor. 11 a Image or Lykenes of his godly Beeing and for that he ⁏ in his r Gen. 3 a Rom. 1 Eph● 2 b Fall or Estrainging from God is ⁏ by Gods Grace called and bidden agayne to the s Eph. 2 b 4 c Col 1 b 3 a ● pet 1. a Lykenes of God / through Iesus Christ and the holy Spirit of his Loue and that all thesame / is farre from them The III. Chap. FORasmuch now therfore / as that I do perceaue all this Abuce Ignorance and Vnthankfulnes / among Many of you / Oye Children of Men / that bost yourselues of the Christianitee and of the Loue as also of the Freedom and of the Knowledg of the heauenly Things / Shall I a 1 Cor. 11 a then prayse you heerin· account you for right and free Christians or approoue you to be vpright and obedient Disciples or Children of the Famyly of Loue and so laye soft b Eze. 13 c Pillowes vnder your Armes and saye / c Esa. 3 Ier. 6 ye are free wheras ye are yet bounde to the d Iohn ● c Deuill also to the Myndes of the Flesh and to the Imaginacion of your owne Knowledg and that it is all well with you e Esa 3 Ier. 6 c d wheras it is doutles ⁏ in such a State altogether euell and so ⁏ as though my Mynde and Spirit / were agreeable with you f psal 50. c therin suffer you to be leadd with the Bandes of the Deuill and g Sap. 17 a d Chaynes of Darknesse / into Hell and Condemnacion Veryly so woulde it then go euell
with you all 2. For / in thatt state and so long as ye do liue in your owne Wisdom / and haue not ⁏ with your Loue Myndes and Thoughts altogether intended the vpright h Matth. 32 ● Righteousnes of Iesu Christ؛that godly Beeing of the Loue for to be all in all i 2 pet 1 a incorporated into thesame obediently and to liue-vnto and to k Deut. 6.10 d Math. 4. ● 22. d ▪ serue only the liueing God / So is all your Freedom Loue Myndes and Thoughts / and all your Appeasment of Heart which yee yourselues haue taken-on / proceeded out of the Flesh of Sinne and l Iohn 8. ● ▪ out of the Deuill ؛the Father of Lyes wher-through the Man still hunteth-after and loueth nothing-els but his owne Destruction 3. BUt seing now that my Loue / proceedeth out of Gods Nature or Beeing and stretcheth to all Preseruacion in the Godlynes and loueth you all therunto / so cannot I ⁏ out of y e Nature of thesame Loue m pro. 27. a Iohn 1. c omitt / but I must needes figure-foorth or describe before your Eyes / your Contrarynes and Destruction 4. For I saye vnto you verely if ye com not into the Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue and so stande submitted to the Woord of the holy Spirit of Loue / to shewe Obedience / and be not n Rom. 12. a Ephe. 4. c chainged out of your eart●ly Loue o Rom. 6.7 Gall. 5.6 a of the Flesh / into the godly Loue of the holy Spirit of Iesu Christ nor becom vpright of Heart as also becom not incorporated to p Ephe. 3 c d 2 pet 1. a. the true Beeing of God and Christ / with your inwared Man· nor walke neither-yet be founde in all q Ephe. 4. a phil 4. a Equitee and Loueingnes / vnder the Obedience of the Loue but do in that sort ⁏ without the good Beeing apply yourselues vnto much Knowledg of high heauenly Things and to talke therof / So is-it all doutles false and Lyes / whatsoeuer ye speake and proceedeth altogether out of the r Iohn 8. e Deuill who hath 3. Reg 22. c 2 Cor. 11. c appeered vnto you / like an Angell of the heauenly Light and so hath bewitched and seduced your earthly and fleshly Hearts wherthrough ye do ⁏ in a false s Esa. 59. b. Light and false Freedom or false t Esa. 3. Appeasment of Heart proceed-on and walke in all v Ier. 8 b Arrogant-stoutnes / against the u Math. 11. b Humilitee Obedience and vpright x Iohn 8. c Freedom / which God requyreth by his holy Spirit of Loue. 5. Through which Proceeding in the false Light of the Deuill and in the false Freedom of the Flesh and in the bewitched Subtil-prudence of the y Rom 8. a b. Iam. 3 d. earthly and fleshly Myndes or false Spirits / ye shall fynde yourselues at the last / z Math. 7. d. 24. d. Luk. 13. f vtterly seperated or estrainged from the louely Beeing and Face of God· and ⁏ with all your high Vnderstandings heauenly Knowledges and wel-appeased Freedoms be-wrapped in all Confusednes Bitternes and Maliciousnes of Heart / and in the hellish a Sap. 5 a. Math. 25. d. Condemnacion 6. AH-beloued tell me I pray you / how your Heart and Mynde and al your Nature and Beeing / is setled in your high or heauenly Knowledges and wel-appeased Freedoms 7 Veryly if ye stande b Pro. 2. d. 2 Cor. 11. c Phil. 2. b. not simply and peaceably grounded therwith / in the vpright and godly Beeing of the Loue / according to the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue and that ye are not yet com into the first Schoole-rule c Heb. 6. a of the christian Doctrine / vnder the Obedience of the Loue nor haue obediently performed it That is to saye / if ye do not in the Schoole or Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue / dye-from all your contrary and corrupt Nature / in the Passing-thorow d Rom. 6. a Col. 2. b. the Death of Christ nor-yet out of the second Birth e Iohn 3. a. Rom. 6. a b from the Death / be not renewed in your Spirit and Mynde ⁏ in all vpright f Ephe. 4 c Righteousnes and Holynes by y e g 2. Cor. 4. b. phil 3. b. c. Resurrectiō of Iesu Christ but / being vnrenewed or ⁏ without the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue haue of yourselues ⁏ with your olde h Ephe. 4. c corrupt Nature taken-on som high Knowledges or wel-appeased Freedoms / Then must ye nodout acknowledg / that all your high Knowledges profoūde Understandings and Freedoms / are false / and are brought-foorth out of the i Iohn 8. c 2. Cor. 11 c 1 Iohn 3. b Iam. 3. c. Deuill and out of his false Light and that also ye are not worthy / in thesame false and corrupt Nature ⁏ if ye desyre to continue therin to beare the Name of a Man much-les / the Name of the Children of God or of the Loue. 8. Therfore ye shoulde of right be ashamed / all you vncleane Hearts / for that ye stande not obediently submitted to y e Woord of the Trueth of God and of the holy Spirit of Loue / to the k Rom. 12. ●● Ephe 4. c Renewing and Cleansing of your Spirits and Myndes / and for that ye shoulde suffer yourselues ⁏ being in your wicked and corrupt or disobedient Nature to be called Men or l Luk. 16. d ● 1. Iohn 3. b Children of God and Members of the Loue or of the holy Spirit of Iesu Christ / and so shoulde ⁏ in all m Luk. 18. d Rom. 2 Disobedience grow-vp to be a Blaspheamy or Reproche to the God of Lyfe and his Christ. 9. Yea be ashamed of thatsame / ye vncleane Hearts which do so shamefully n Heb. 10. c contemne the pure and holy Testimonyes of God / and defyle or accounte them vncleane / with your polluted Knowledges and deale so disorderly with Gods o Num. 23.24 psal 49. Sayings / as with an Whoore. 10. AH consider I pray you and remember / that-ther can be no right Obedience towards God / taught nor requyred / by the Disobeyers of the holy Woord· nothing cleansed / by the p Eccli 34. a Uncleane· no Trueth spokē / by the Lyers· nor-yet any vpright Freedom liued / by the Unfree nor by the Seperated-ones from the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue. 11. Forasmuch then as thesame is true How wil yee then I pray you / cleanse yourselues or q Eccli 34. a. another / with your vncleane Beeing and publish the r Psal. 49. c. Lords Good and his Rytes / with your vncleane Lipps and take his Couenante in your lying Mouth if yee yourselues do s Psal. 49. c d Pro. 1. c. hate the Chastisment of the Lorde and cast his
which the whole Earth shal be iudged with Righteousnes ther shall no v Apo. 10. a. Daye of Grace appeere anymore vppon the Earth but a seuere or harde x Heb. 10. c. Pet. 3. b. Iudgment ouer all Vngodlyones as is before sayde Take it to heart The Ende of the first Epistle The Second Epistle Ashort and pithy Instruction of the Mistery of the Loue. Labour for Loue Earnestly couet spirituall Gifts but cheefly / that ye may prophecye 1. Cor. 14. The Ende of the Commaundement and the Cheef-summe of Fayth / is Loue with a pure Heart and with a good Conscience and with vnfayned Fayth 1. Timo. 1. Ther was demaunded· and an Instruction requyred ther-vpon in Wryting / which is the Secretnes or Mistery of the Loue. And ther-vpon is answered by HN / in Wryting ⁏ according to the Declaration of the spirituall and heauenly Trueth this Instruction Heer-following Hee that hath Eares to heare / * Math. 13. a. Luk. 8. a. b. Apo. ● a. 3. a. let him heare Hee that hath Wisdom / let him conceiue Vnderstanding The First Chapter WIth whom shall I a P●o. 8. ● speake sayth the Wisdom that shall vnderstande my Woordes 2. To whom shall I reueale the Mistery of the Loue / that shall conceaue or knowe it 3. Who are those that giue-eare vnto my Doctrine and haue founde my Wayes 4. Who hath marked whear my Dwelling is and followed-after Mee / in my Out-going and In-going 5. Who hath borne y e Contempt Blaspheamy and Shame / with Mee when I laye in the b Pro. 1. a. Esa. 59. b. Streete / whear the People shaked their Heades at c Psal 22. a. 109. c. Mee as at a d Esa. 53. a. Sap. 2. b. filthy thing / that is worthy to be cast-awaye / and as madd and frantick Men / ranne ouer Mee with Feete 6. Who hath had his Pleasure in Mee / when I was so e Esa. 53. a. Sap. 2. b. filthy and so lothsom to looke-vppon or to beholde / before all Wisdom of the Flesh and of the Vnrepentantones 7. Who hath denyed f Math. 10. ● 16. c. Mark 1. d. Luk. 9.14 c ▪ himself and is ⁏ for the Loues sake gon-out-of Himself with Mee / when I did ⁏ in the Loue requyre the Mans Saluation and was condempned to y e Death g Math. 26.27 Mar. 15. Luk. 22. Iohn 1● ●● of the Crosse· and killed with thesame Death / by the Wyseones of the Earth / as a Dispised-one or an Outcast vppon the Earth 8. Who hath borne such a Death h Rom. 6. a phil 2. a of the Crosse with Mee / in all Shame Dispiscing Blaspheaming and wicked Defamation / and shewed Patience therin / euen vnto the Death 9. Who hath suffered himself to be buryed in the Hart of the Earth with Mee / like One that is deadd 10. Who hath beleeued my Ryseing i Iob. 19. c. Dan 12. b. 1. Cor. 15. b. c 1. Tess. 4. b. from the Death or trusted theron / for to ryse also with Mee / with his Bodye 11. Who hath seene myne k Math. 16. b. Luk 24. f. Act. 1. a. Ascension to God my Father / vnto his Right-hande in y e heauenly Beeing and wayted my Coming l Esa. 25.30 b Mich. 7. b. Phil. 3. d. from thence / to a Righteousnes vppon the Earth 12. Who hath marked that I liue and raigne with m Eccli 24 b. God / and that my Greatnes is more then n 3. Reg. 8. c. ● Pa● 2.6 b. all Heauens can comprehende whear also no o 1. Cor. 2. b. earthly Vnderstanding· nor all whatsoeuer is borne out of the earthly Blood / can knowe Mee 13· ANd if now ther be anyman that is passed-thorow all these things with Mee or that doth now presently / go-thorow this narrow p 4. Esd. 7. a. Math. 7. b. Luk. 13. Waye with Mee / to the Lyfe / Hee shall vnderstande and knowe the Misterye of the Loue. 14. Hee shall likewyse taste and feele the Pèrfection of all Goodnes and approch to the Loue / in her vertuous Nature and becom of one-beeing therwith 15. Beholde and consider / Thatt is the Grounde of the holy and godly Vnderstanding / touching the Mistery or Secretnes of the vpright Loue. The II. Chap. DYe lustfull Soules to the Mistery of Loue gather out the a 4. Esd. 8. ● Mynde and search no farder For doutles y e Loue suffereth not herself to be approched-vnto vnderstoode nor knowen / neither for this nor thatt / nor through any-maner of Cause let it be by what Meanes soeuer it wil nor thorough any-maner of Mynde or Will but only / by her owne vertuous Nature and louley Beeing / as through herself or through her Seruice For shee ؛the euerlasting Good excelleth it all farr-away 2. Also / she receaueth nothing of anyman but Shee herself ⁏ out of her almighty and vertuous Nature and Spirit is a plentifull Distributrix of her owne aboundant Ritches / as an infinite flowing Ryuer of all godly Goodes alwayes b Gen. 2. b. refreshing the Paradise of the Lorde 3. The Loue is herself / a Nourice vnto her Children and a sure Bande / vnto all those that are incorporated to the euerlasting Lyfe and a mighty Strength which is able to suffer and to endure c 1. Cor. 13. a. althings 4. The Loue is also an d Exo. 3. ● 19. b. 20. b. holy Mountayne the which noman being vnhallowed or vnprepared / may touch or com-neere For whosoeuer toucheth thesame Mountayne / and is not of her Part to him is she a consumeing Fyre ▪ Whose burning Heate e ●sa 33. b. noman can endure / but he which is of her lyke Nature or Seede Whoso resisteth her and submitteth not himself vnder Her and her Seruice / Hee shal be broken and battered to-peeces / like f Psal. 2. ● Esa. 30. b. Ier. 1● a. ●9 b. a Potters Vessell 5. THe Loue in her Seruice / is an Originall or Begining of all good and vpright Lyfe For through her Seruice / She draweth the Myndes and Thoughts of the Heart away from all that is vayne corruptible and euell 6. She vnbyndeth or looseth the euerlasting Perfection for to com into the Lyfe of the eternall Vncreatednes / in the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / full of all pure Beawty / wherin all earthly and corrupt selfmynded Thoughts / do ceasse / and whear the corruptible Mortalitee / is not beholden 7. For in the Loue / is nothing-els but all Good and Lyfe as also the heauenly and endles Kingdom of Iesu Christ / in full vndisturbable Power / wherin the Myndes of the pure Hearts do dwell free without care or feare / with all g Esa. 35.51 a. Apo. 21. a. Glory and Ioye and with christian Tryumph 8. Which Freedom of the Children of God / which Fulnes of the godly Delytes and of the godly
Lyfe / noman can obtayne / that hangeth his Delyte Will and Lyfe· and tyeth or byndeth himself / on the earthly visible or corruptible Beeing But they remayne vaynly-mynded / in y e Darknes of the vnbeleeueing Myndes ▪ whose h Rom. ● ●● Ep●e 4. ●● Hearts are blynded / with the vayne Comfort of this Worlde and of the good-thinking Wyseones For which Ignorances cause / they cannot vnderstāde y e right Grounde of the secret Loue. 9. BVt Saluation and i Luk. ● Pea●e / be vnto all those that are good of Will and that take-heede to the Tyme of k 1. Cor 6. ●● Heb. 12. ●● Grace that giue thier Vnderstanding captiue vnder the Obedience of the Loue and that do euenso with Humble and obedient Hearts / beleeue or trust the Loue in her Seruice 10. Happy are they / whose Deuotion of Heart / God stirreth-vp ther-to· For through the Loue of God the Father / it shall all be l Act. ●● ● restored-agayne / whatsoeuer is estrainged or turned-away from God / from the Begining of the Worlde· and that is wel-mynded to the Conuertion vnto his God / To th end that it may all ⁏ through the Loue stande firme in his vpright Estate / for euer 11. Euenthus it shall all be accomplished in the Loue / whatsoeuer God hath spoken in m Act. 3. ● ▪ tymes-past / by the Mouth of all his holy Prophets For all what is gon-forth n Math. 22. ● ▪ Ma● 12. c. Luk. 10. ●● from God in tymes-past ⁏ euen from Adam / till vnto Christ reacheth to the Loue / Because that the Loue may in the last tyme ⁏ as an euerlasting Remnant growe and blowe and bring-forth her Fruit aboundantly For the Loue / is the Inheritance of the euerlasting Kingdom as an endles safe-makeing Seruice according to the Promyses vnto all and ouer all those that beleeue theron 12. THesame veryly is the o Gen. 12. a. 13. b. 15. a. 17. c. 22. b. Blessing / whic● the God of Heauen hath promysed t● Abraham and his Seede / to the Blessing· o● all Generations of the Earth 13. Of thesame Blessing and vpright Beeing of the Loue / we haue witnessed and set-forth it wryting ⁏ with more and fuller Instruction or larger De●laration in the Glasse of Righteousnes / to th end that eueryone ⁏ which with our Comunialtee / giueth himself to the Loue ▪ and to the Requyring of her Seruice mought be satisfyed in his Vnderstanding And likewyse to the Peace and Ioye of all Louers of the Trueth which are furthersom to the Seruice of Loue / to the Saluation of many Men / Because that euenso ⁏ through p Esa. 32.6 a. b the Loue the Peace may be prepared vppon the Earth / which hath long lyne q Esa. 24. a. waste 13. For the Ende r Rom. 13. b G●l 5. b. ● Timo. 1. a or the Perfection of all Things namely / the Cheef-somme of all Good or all what one can name for Righteousnes and Trueth thatt is the Loue Yea / all what is to be knowen or vnderstood of the godly Things s Cor. 13. a. b. ● Iohn 2. b. 3. b. 4. a. b. thatt is the Loue and her Mistery / is the euerlasting Lyfe The III. Chap. BEholde and consider To that ende hath the Trueth her Flowing-foorth like-as thesame is ymage-lyke or figuratiuely set-foorth or patterned-out ⁏ a Exo. 25. ● c. Act. 7. c. Heb ● a. by Moses in the foremer Example for to drawe it all vnder the Loue / euen as thesame is now likewyse ⁏ by the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ openly and nakedly declared vnto Vs / in the true Beeing But not by Figures Images nor out of the Letter but by the Cleernes and Appeering of the b Mal. 3 a. 4 a Math. 16. c. 24. d. 25. d. Mar. 1● c. 2 Tess. 1. b. Act. 1. b. Apo. 1. a. Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ / in his Glory In which Daye or Cleernes of the Coming of Christ in his Glory / the Resurrection of his c Dan. 12. b. Iohn 5. c. 1. Cor. 15. f. 1. Tess. 4. b. Apo. 20. b. Deadd cometh-to-pas who do also liue with Christ / in Glory / and do keepe the Iudgment with Him / against all Vngodlyones 2. This veryly is the true d Esa. 3. b. Sap. 3. a. Math. 19. c. 1. Cor. 6. a. Iudae 1.6 Coming of Iesu Christ who appeereth and cometh now vnto vs / from the Right-hande of God the Father ⁏ who is almighty to keepe a righteous Iudgment vppon Earth / euen as is written therof 3. In which Righteousnes / the true Loue of God the Father standeth comprehended or grounded and out of thesame Righteousnes / hath the Loue her Seruice vppon the Earth / to a perpetuall Bannishment of all wicked and euel-willing Nature and to an euerlasting Implanting of the Holyones of God / into his Loue / To th end that the Earth may euenso ⁏ through the Loue and her Seruice be renewed· and cleansed from all her Vnrighteousnes 4. But all those that are vnbeleeueing touching the e Rom. 2. a. Trueth· and vngodly or euell of Will / shall also be iudged in thissame Daye / through the Loue and her Seruice 5. Ther shall noman likewyse remayne standing in thesame Iudgment / that resisteth the Loue and dispeth her Seruice For the f Esa. 40. a. 60.62 a. Glory of God is reuealed / through y e Reuealing of y e Coming of Iesu Christ / in the Obedience of the Loue / for that the Earth may be full of the g Num. 14. c. Psal 72. b. Glory of God according to the Promyses / and that all People may walke in the Loue and that the Loue in her Seruice / may euenso ⁏ as a Light of Lyfe flourish for euermore / among the Children of Men and gett the h Col. 3. b. Superioritee in their Hearts / to an euerlasting Thanks-giueing vnto God / for their Saluation of Lyfe in the Peace which ⁏ by Gods Grace is com vnto them vppon the Earth / through the Loue. 6. Thissame euen as we haue heere witnessed and declared it is assuredly the right Mistery of the Loue. It is also the true Laude of the Lorde ▪ and the Tryumph of Christ with all his Saincts / to an euerlasting Establishing of the Promyses of God the Father and that altogether / through the i 1. Cor. 13. Loue and her Seruice Which Loue and her Seruice / shall ⁏ according to the Promyses of God the Father and his Christ continewe from euerlasting to euerlasting It is verytrue The Ende of the second Epistle The Third Epistle A groundly Instruction wherin the Difference betwixt God / the Father and his Sonne / the Lorde Iesus Christ is declared / according to the spirituall and heauenly Vnderstanding Holy Father this is the euerlasting Lyfe That they knowe Thee /
that thou only art very true God and Him whom thou hast sent / Iesus Christ. Iohn 17. Ther was demaunded by a Louer of the Trueth and an Instruction desyered / touching the Difference betwixt God / the Father and his Sonne / the Lorde Iesus Christ. And ther-vppon is answered by HN / in wryting ⁏ according to the Declaring of the spirituall and heauenly Trueth this Instruction heeraftter following The First Chapter I Haue thus-long deferred forto answer thee thy Demaunde in wryting ⁏ which thou Beloued Brother desyredst of mee / when I was last with thee because of certen Matters that were needfull for me first-of-al to further Wher-through I ⁏ by that occasion haue not ⁏ hetherto had conuenient tyme to accomplish thesame 2. But I haue not for-al-that / forgotten thy Demaunde nor through Slothfulnes / neglected to wryte vnto thee neither do I desyre in any-wyse / to deny thee thy Request but am alwayes wel-willing to witnes thesame vnto thee ⁏ according to that Vnderstanding which the Lorde giueth vnto mee so much as it is profitable for thee to Edification Notwithstanding I am burdened in my Heart / because I haue promysed ⁏ vppon thy Demaunde to wryte thee an Answere 3. But not that the Grounde of the Matter ⁏ about the which thou hast questyoned with mee· and desyred of mee / to answer thesame in wryting is so hard or profound-of-vnderstanding / to answere O No but because that the Vnderstanding of thesame Mynde / is so vtterly vnknowe a Math. 11. c 13. b Iohn 14. b. Ephe. 3. a. before all Sence of the Flesh. 4. Yea how naked and bare soeuer the Scripture sheweth it / according to the Mynde of the Spirit / yet can it not for-al-that / be vnderstood b 1. Cor. 2. b. nor conceaued by Flesh and Blood / Vnles the Man must first ⁏ according to the Counsayle of the Scripture be turned into another Mynde 5. SEing now that the Scripture of the Apostles of Christ / is spirituall c Iohn 5. ● 6. g. and witnesseth of Spirit and Lyfe and that the Man ⁏ which readeth y e Testymonyes therof / in the Letter standeth captiued with a Fleshly Mynde / vnder d Rom. 7. ● the Sinne and his owne Good-thinking and so taketh vppon Him ⁏ out of thesame Mynde of the Flesh and his owne Good-thinking to vnderstande the Mynde of God out of the Letter / e 1. Cor. 2. b. So can He not doutles bring it to-pas For his Fleshly Sences and good-thinking Thoughts / do surely stretch no farder / but likewyse to such an Intelligence or Knowledg of the Fleshly Vnderstanding 6. For-that-cause also / the Mynde of Man doth not ⁏ out of the Letter of the Scripture vnderstand nor comprehende the Mynde of God / rightly By-meanes-wherof / ther is likewyse now at this present daye like as cam-to-pas also in tymes-past / among f Ier. 26. b. 28. a. b. 29. c. d. Math. 12. c. 23. b. c. d. 26.27 the worldly Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones much Contention Variance and Controuersie / founde among the Children of Men / who do contende about Thatt which they themselues vnderstād not and wil seeme to knowe Thatt / which according to the Mynde of their Vnderstanding ⁏ wherin they are comprehended is not to be knowen nor Vnderstood 7. THe whilst now that the ritch bountifull God ⁏ out of the Loue of his Grace / vndeserued giueth vnto Vs ⁏ in g 1. Cor. 2. b. our inward Mynde another Spirit for to discerne and to vnderstand with-al / h 1 Cor. 1.2 b which is nor of Flesh and Blood nor-yet mynded according to the earthly and fleshly Wisdom of this Worlde nor according to y e Prudence of y e Ingeniousnes of y e worldly Wyse and of the cōtentions Scriptur-learned or those of famous Schooles / Therfore do we perceaue / that it is perillous to wryt-ouer vnto any man / of the Secretnes of God i Ephe. 3. a. and Christ And that therfore / we do dayly beare a Care or a Suspicion / whether Those that aske after the Vnderstanding of the godly Trueth / do not desyre to knowe thesame k Act. 17. c. out of Curyousnes or Sensualitee or l Iohn 8. b. to iudg it according to their Good-thinking 8. Therfore it is daungerous in this perillous Tyme / to discouer or to wryt-ouer the groundly Depthes m Rom. 11. d. of the godly Wisdom / vnto anyman / because that we do now fynde many Men that do aske / to th end to knowe much / Yea they seeke many Knowledges / wherby to vnderstand and to iudg the godly Things / out of their Sharpwitednes or Industry And thatt lyketh all those well / which haue no Lust to doo the Lordes Will. For therin lyeth the olde Roote n Gen. 3. b. Rom 5. b. of Adam wherout the disobedient Knowledg springeth or cometh-foorth 9. But to o Iohn 8 c. submitt themselues obediently to the Requyring of the gracious Woord of the godly Wisdom· and to the right Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ / also to cleaue vnto y e liueing God / in his godly Nature or Beeing / p Exo. 20. ● Deut. 5. a. and to serue to prayse and to honour Him / as He is a God / in his Christ / thatt lyketh fewe or none Yet is thesame the newe Fruit of the Planting of Iesu Christ wher-vnto the Scripture poynteth vs / which neither the q Math. 11. c. Iohn 14 c. 1. Cor 1.2 b Worlde nor her Wyse or Scriptur-learnedones do vnderstand nor-yet conceaue the Mynde For they knowe not thesame 10. ALthough I do thus rehearse these things / my Beloued and that my Carefulnes standeth to such a Suspicion towards Many / Yet do I notwithstanding hope and trust somwhat better of thee / as that thou art more inclyned to vnderstand the Will and Mynde of God / to the intent to r 1. Pet. 5. a. submitt thyself obediently ther-vnto / to thy Saluation and to the s Ephe. 1. b. Laude and Prayse of the godly Glory and so to beleeue the liueing God and his Christ· to inclyne vnto Him· and to becom t 2. Pet. 1. a. partaker of his Beeing / then for to knowe much therof / according to the Pleasure of thyne Owne-mynde 11. Therfore also I wil not think it tedious vnto me to answer thy Demaunde / with Dilligence / out of feruent Loue / If haply God would vouchsafe ⁏ through my small Seruice to open u EPhe. 1. c. thyne Vnderstanding and ⁏ through his Increase or Blessing to endow thee in thy Spirit / with his Grace and to stirr-vp thy Heart to a pure Mynde towards God and towards his Loue in Iesu Christ. The II. Chap. THus was then thy saying vnto me ⁏ as I remember that the Woord which y e Apostles of Christ do wryte / was darke or incomprehensible for thee to
59. a. which seperateth the Man from his God and it is the n Ephe 2 b Middle-wal / as an Enimitee betwixt God and the Man By meanes of which Middle-wall / both God and the Man / are growen into two Parts and are partially-mynded against ea●hother Yet ought they both ⁏ God and the Man to be o Iohn 17. ●● Ephe. 5. d One like as it was p Gen. ● ● in the Begining 4. SEing now therfore that they are deuided ⁏ either of them in his owne Mynde q Gal. 5. b. against each-other / so is God ⁏ r Iohn 4. c. 2 Cor. 3. b. who is a Spirit spirituall and mynded to all vpright Righteousnes / against the Mynde of the Man and the Man ⁏ who is s Gen. 6. ● Flesh and Blood· and not yet circumcised t Gen. 10. b. Ier 4. a. 9. c. on the Foreskinne of his Heart / to a Laying-away of the Sinne v Rom. 8. a. is fleshly and vngodly mynded / against the Mynde of God 5. Now doth Gods Loue and Mercie extende towards the Man / as alluring x Iohn ● c. and drawing him dayly ⁏ by his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue and by his Ministers vnto Him and to his spirituall Mynde of vpright Righteousnes But seing that the Darknes / the sinfull Flesh or vngodly Beeing / is growen betwixt God and the Man / as a Foreskinne y Esa. 59. ● Ephe. 2. or Middle-wall and as an Enimitee and that God / is spiritually mynded and the vncircumcised Man / fleshly mynded / according to the Mynde of his Foreskinne of the sinfull Flesh / Therfore doth not the z Rom ● 1 Cor ▪ ●● Man vnderstande the spirituall Mynde of God the Father neither-yet knowe the good Will of God / that loueth him to Saluation and he beleeueth not God in his Woord nor Seruice but he beleeueth the Darknesses which haue inclosed him and following thosesame Lustes a Ephe. 4. b of Errour / he goeth-back and so sinneth dayly against the Father And thatt is the Sinne that is b Math 12. d. forgeeuen the Man / in his Repentance for the Sinne because of his Ignorance / through Vnbeleefe The III. Chap. NOw moughtest thou demaunde What Spirit or Beeing is this God / of whom the Scripture witnesseth or vnto whom / we ought to turne vs in the Spirit the Answer Of thesame haue we rehearsed in the a Intro 22.23 Introduction to the holy Vnderstanding of the Glasse of Righteousnes But now for to com to the Knowledg of ourselues and to a good Knowledg of our God and his Righteousnes / So wil we to a larger Declaring of our Vnderstanding / touching thatt wherof we speake and to a Distincting of the true Light / y e liueing God / who b Heb. 13. a. was and is and continueth for euer rehearse and testifye heere in this place also / of the Beeing of the only God 2. This God ؛the Liueing and Verytruone is the true c 〈◊〉 3.1 God of Abraham through whom the d 〈◊〉 12. a Rom. 4. a b Promyses of the Mans Saluation or Blessing do com-to-pas / in his Fayth the true God e Math. 22. d. of Isaac in whom the f Gen. 21. b. Heb. ●1 Promyses be inherited and in whom the Seede of Blessing / is named and the true God of g Act. 7. g. Iacob or Israel in whom the Promyses of the Glory h Num. 14. Esa. 40 a. of God and of the Mans Saluation or i Ier 23 33. ● Blessing / becom established· and k Luk. 1. g. Gods true Righteousnes erected This self-same God / l Sap 5. a. Eccli 24. a. 1. Pet. 2. b. Ieam 1. c. is a verytrue vnchaingable Light a cleere m Ephe. 1.4 b. Apo. 21.22 Daye and a glistering delytfull Beawty 3. This Light / is the n Iohn 14 a. euerlasting· Lyfe of the vpright Righteousnes / an ouerflowing o Psal 42. a. Ier. 2. c. Iohn 4. b. Fountayne of liueing Waters / full of Ioye full of all Sweetnes full of Loue and full of Peace / abounding with Plenty of Grace and Mercie 4. This Lyfe / is the p Iohd 1. a. euerlasting firmestanding essenciall Woord / q 1. Cor 2. a. Heb. 4. b. full of Power and Possibillitee 5. This Woord / is the r Iohn 6. g. Ephe. 1.6 4 d. Intro 23. true Spirit with full Power of Sealing or to an euerlasting Establishing of the liueing Godhead / with the Manhod And thatt is vnto the Man / the Certentee of the Trueth / that Hee ؛thesame God is only s Psal. 116. b. Iohn 3. d. Rom. 3. a. a very true God 6. This Spirit / is t Sap. 7. c. the holy Wisdom and the vpright Vnderstanding / full of all spirituall heauenly Goodes 7. This holy Wisdom and vpright Vnderstanding / is u Eccli 1. ● the Prouidence which foreseeth euery-thing / that is good and discerneth Lyfe and Death / and giueth Knowledg of the Good / x Pro. 2. ● to a Warning from the Euell 8. This Prouidence / is the Will y Sap. 1. b. which willeth that all thatt which is good / shoulde bee and com-to-light 9. In thissame good Will / is z Heb. 11. a. the Beleefe grounded as a sure and firme Confydence / that all thatt which is good and foreseene to the Good / shal be performed or com-to-light the which the good Will desyreth / that all thatt which is good / may bee becom manifest and liue 10. The Beleefe / a 1. Cor. 2. a. Ephe. 1. c. 3. c Phil. 3. c. is the Power as mighty to bring-to-light all Good / ther-through 11. This Power / is the Deede or the Worke of all Good and b Phil 2. b. the Accomplishment of all the Workes of God 12. BEholde Such a Spirit or Beeing / is the true God / of whom the Scripture speaketh and vnto whom the Man ought to turne him For Hee ؛thesame God is the right Father who ⁏ out of himself and through the like Beeing of his Godhead hath made c ●en 1. a. Psal. 3● a. Iohn 1. a. Ephe. 3. a. all that is anything And all his d Psal. 19. a. ●9 a. 97. a. Rom. 1 c. Workes do testifye of Him / that Hee ؛thesame God is an euerlasting liueing and true God / To th end that Hee only / shoulde be e Deu. 6.10 b serued honoured and worshiped in all his Workes / as a great gloryous God f Psal. 10.29 b who only is the Lorde and King 13. This euerlasting God seing that He hath made g Pro. 8. b. Iohn 1. ● all that is anything / through his like Beeing for that thesame like Beeing / shoulde he h Heb. 1. ● an Heire in all Things hath also in the Begining / foormed i Gen. ● c. Sap. 2. c. Thatsame
؛his very-like Beeing● in the Man And so hath God made and ordayned euery-thing k Eccli 39. ● ▪ well / through his godly Beeing And l Iohn 1. a. without thatsame Beeing / God hath made nothing that is any what nor ordayned anything / without thesame and thatsame lyke Beeing of his Godhead / m Iohn 1.6 g is his only borne Sonne / Iesus Christ and is the n 1. Cor. 15. c. Col. 1. c. Firstling or the First-borne of all Creatures / whom God hath foreseene therto / o Pro. 8. c. er-euer the Foundation of the Worlde was layde p Heb. 1. a. and to be an Heire of all his Workes 14. Hee is promysed q Iohn 3. b. Rom 8. d. and geuen vnto vs by God the Father ⁏ as a Christ of God for a Lyfe and for a Saluation and is likewyse so r Psal. 19. a. Act. 2.3 c. preached and published to the Worlde But the Worlde hath not beleeued in Him and therfore also s Ihon. 8.9 ● remayneth her Sinne and Death 15. For in noman els but in thatsame only Christ t Iohn 1. is the Lyfe Which Lyfe / is a Light of Men and that Light shyneth in the Darknesses and the Darknesses haue not comprehended it 16. Thatsame is a verytrue Light u Iohn 8. b. which lighteth all Men / through his Coming into this Worlde and He was in the Worlde and the Worlde was made through Him but the Worlde knew Him not 17. He came into his Owne and his Owne receaued Him not But so many as receaued Him / to them gaue He the Power to be Children of God namely Those that beleeued on his Name / which are not borne of Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh nor-yet of the Will of Man / but of God The IIII. Chap. OF this selfsame only-borne Sōne of God the Father / the Prophet Esay doth also witnes a Esa. 9. a A Childe sayth hee is borne vnto vs a Sonne is geeuen vnto vs whose Dominion / is vppon his Shoulders and He is called / Wonderfull Counsayle Power Gyant euerlasting Father a peaceable Prince / Because that his Dominion may be great and no Ende of the Peace / vppon the Seate of Dauid and his Kingdom 2. Him hath likewyse the Prophet Dauid seene in the Spirit and witnessed of Him / that God hath b Psal. 110. a. Heb. 5. b. 7 b sworne ⁏ and it shall not repent Him that Hee is a Preest for euer / after the Order of Melchisedech and He continueth also an High-preest c Heb. 3.10 c ouer the Howse of God / for euer / as d Heb. 8.9 b. a Minister of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes Which Ministration cometh-to-pas in the Spirit / and not in the Letter euen as is written of Him 3. But seing now that the Man is falne-away e Gen. 3. a. Ephe. 4. c. Col 1. ● or estrainged from this vpright Beeing of his God / Therfore hath this Christ؛the true Lambe of God suffered f Phil. 2 a. the Death of the Crosse in the Man Which Lambe of God / was killed g Apo. 5.13 b from the Begining of the Worlde / for the Sinnes cause But seing He is not of the Death but of the liueing Father / the God for euer / therfore is He also rysen h Mar. 16. b. Luk. 24. c. Act. 2. c. 10 c 1. Cor. 15. ● Col. 1. b. agayne and as the i Math. 2● a. Firstling / rysen-vp from the Death k Act. 1. a. 2. c. 10. c. 13. d. 1. Cor. 15. a. Psal. 110. a. and hath shewed himself alyue vnto his Disciples and Beleeuers and set himself at the l 1. Cor. 15. c. Right-hande of God his Father / in the heauenly Beeing bearing the Dominion / till that all his Enemyes be layde vnder his Feete to a Conquering of Sinne and Death / through Fayth 4. THis is that Iesus Christ / which ⁏ like as He was preached before and m Act. 1. 1. Tess. 5. c. 2. Tess. 1. a. shoulde be seene in his Coming is n 2. Cor. 4. a. 2. Timo. 1. b. appeered and com vnto vs / in y e Obedience of the Loue / according to the Scripture Who must possesse the Heauen / o Act. 3. c. till vnto this tyme / wherin all becometh restored agayne / that God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his Prophets / from the Begining of the Worlde 5. Thissame was in tymes-past published in the Worlde / p Mar. 16. b. Luk. 24. f. Act. 1.2 c. for a Gospel or ioyfull Message / to th end y t all those which were burdened with Sinne and captiued with Darknesses / shoulde be baptised or washed q Rom. 6 a. Col. 2. b. in his Death of the Crosse / according to the inwarde Man· and planted into Him r 2 Cor. 4. b ▪ Phi. 3. b. with his like Death / for that all those which beleeued in Him / shoulde be borne-agayne out of thesame Death· and so becom partakers of the s Rom. 6. a. 2. Cor. 4. b. Phil. 3. b. Resurrection of Christ؛the very-like Beeing of God / the Righteousone and that they mought euenso then ⁏ in the Spirit haue their fellowshipp with Christ / t Ephe. 2. a. in the heauenly Beeing / in the Kingdom of God his Father· and so reioyce them in his Coming / in the euerlasting Lyfe 6. Beholde thatt is the vpright v Luk. 1. Ephe. 4. c. Righteousnes and Holynes / which cometh to the Man in the Spirit / through Christ to an euerlasting Reconciling of the Man with God or to an x Iohn 17. c. Ephe. 2. b. Vnitee / betwixt God and the Man / to th end that God may in that sort / be y 1. Cor. 15. c. all in all / according to the Promyses The V. Chap. BVt seing now that thy Questyon is how or in what maner / thesame shall com-to-pas in vs / so can I not omitt / to giue the a full Instruction therof 2. Therfore beholde and consider in thyne Vnderstanding / my Beloued how that now in the last tyme / thesame liueing God ⁏ out of Grace / vndeserued is a 2. Cor. 4. a. 2 Timo 1. b. appeered vnto vs / out of his holy Heauen / and dwelleth b 2. Cor. 6. b. Apo. 21. a. liueth and walketh among Vs ؛the Family of his Loue● And how that Hee and his vpright Righteousnes / is ⁏ by his gracious Woord administred in the Family of Loue and how that likewyse in thesame Administration / c 2. Cor. 10. a. 1. Petr. b. c. the Beleefe and the Obedience to the Requyring of thesame God / is requyred of all Men d Ephe. 4. ● to an Vnitee of Heart with Vs / in all Loue. 3. So consider then whearsoeuer thesame liueing God of Heauen and his Goodnes ⁏ as an vpright Beeing
his Father and maketh his p Iohn 14 c ▪ Apo. ●1 a. Dwelling in vs. 12. Euenthus veryly with Patience doth Christ com before the Man ⁏ for his q Rom. ● a. 2. Cor. 12. ● Heb 5. ● Ignorance and Weaknes cause in the Ministration of the gracious Woord of God his Father and in thesame Patience / Hee ⁏ through his Seruice of Loue draweth the Man away from all that is vngodly and vnreasonable and wherunto he is bounde or wherwith he is bewitched / according to his earthly and manly Mynde 13. Beholde in this sort doth Christ ⁏ in the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of his Loue r Oze 13. b. Rom. 8. a. 1. Cor. 15. f. Timo. 1. b. Heb. 2. b. 1 Iohn 3. b. breake all the Bandes of the Deuill and of the Self-myndednes of the Flesh and bringeth the beleeueing and obedient Man / to his spirituall and heauenly Mynde of the vpright Righteousnes according to the Mynde of God his Father and euenso ⁏ as the s 1. Tim. 2. a. Heb. 9. b. true Mediatour / to our Reconcilment with God the Father He putteth-away the t Esa. 59. a. Ephe. 2. b. Middle-wall betwixt God and Vs and procureth the Man / that he vniteth him with a good Will / with the Godhead u Iohn 17. c. and God / to an Vniting with the Manhod 14. BEholde and haue a good regard heerunto / my Beloued for euenthus as is rehearsed is x Rom. 5. a. the Peace and Reconciliation with God the Father / prepared for vs through Christ and so He maketh of Two / y Ephe. 2. b. that they be One. Namely the Godhead and the Manhod 15. But in the meane tyme that we do suffer with a Rom. 8. b. 2 Cor. 4. b. Phil. 3. b. 2. Timo. 2 b Christ / for the Sinnes cause and do dayly take our b Math. 16. c. Luk. 14. c. Crosse vppon vs / with Him / So do-ther yet dayly nodout / many Temptations meet with vs / through the Vnbeleefe of the earthly Man and we do stumble or fall and do sinne also yet somtymes / by reason of our Ignorance and Weaknes Which Sinne we do not then committ in the Father / but c Math. 12. d. in the Sonne But if we be good of Will and continue stedfast therin / then is the Sinne d Act. 10. ●● forgeeuen vs / through his Name 16. For inasmuch as He himself beareth in vs our Sinnes / therfore hath He e Heb. 5. a. Compassion with our Weaknes and suffereth likewyse with vs / in the Beleefe till that all the Contrary-beeing that is agaynst the vpright Beeing of God the Father / be ouercom through the Beleefe / in the Like-suffering with Christ / f Rom. 6. a. Phil 2. a. of the Death of the Crosse and that Christ with his Father / haue gotten g 1 Cor. 15. c. the Dominion against the Sinne. Which Crosse or Suffering of Christ / is the Alter of the Offering of Christ / h Heb. 9. b. c. 10. a. b. in the Holy wheron our Sinnes be offered-vpp / through the Offering of Christ / as a Sinne-offering Death-offering and Debt-offering Through which Offering of Christ ⁏ wherin we do obediently follow-after i 1. Pet. 2. Him / till vnto the second Birth from the Death we be k 2. Cor. 3. b. Ephe 1. a. 2. b Col. b. Heb. 9. b. ● sprinckled with his Blood of the true Testament to the Forgiuenes of Sinnes and to an euerlasting Reconcilment with God the Father / through Fayth and thatsame is the Fulfilling of the true God-seruice in the Holy 17. Through which Fulfilling of the foregoing Seruice in the Holy / the godly Vnderstanding l 1. Cor. 13. b. Ephe. 4. b. of the true Age of the manly Beeing of Iesu Christ / is inherited by vs· m 2. Cor. 3. b the Vayle before the Mostholy / put-away from vs· and the n Esa. 16. c. Heb. 1. b. 5. a. Mercie-seate / vncouered and declared vnto vs and likewyse all the costly o Col 2. a. Ritches of the vpright spirituall and heauenly Goodes / in the verytrue Mostholy 18. When-as we now are thus renewed p Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 1. b. in Iesu Christ / through Fayth· also com to thesame q Ephe. 4. b. Age of the Man Christ· and becom one Body with Iesu Christ / so is God the Father then likewyse / r EPhe. 2. b one-substance or manned with vs / through Christ and s 1. Cor. 15. c. is all in all and we haue the t 2. Cor. 1. c. Paune of his Inheritance namely the holy Gost / wherwith we be grounded sealed and established u Ephe. 3. d. in God / through Iesus Christ. And all thatt godly Beeing ⁏ euenas we haue witnessed before of God the Father doth then liue substancially in vs and so we haue our x 1. Iohn 1. ● Fellowshipp with God the Father and with his Sonne ؛the Lorde Iesu Christ in the euerlasting Lyfe wherin our Ioye is perfect 19. BEholde Thatt is the true Ioyfulnes with Christ / which we do inherit in the Kingdom of God his Father and do knowe nomore of the Sinne. For in that we are deadd / y Rom. 6. b. that are we deadd vnto the Sinne. and in that we liue / that liue we vnto God / in Iesu Christ and so haue a good and quyet Conscience / through Iesus Christ / in his Dominion ouer the Sinne and Death 20. Which Dominion of Christ and z Luk. 16 c. Kingdom of God / is as-then com inwardly into vs and it is with vs in all poyntes / one God / in one Beeing namely / the Father the Sonne the holy Gost / with the Manhod / in all Loue. And thatt is the Lyfe and Peace and the * Gen. 21. a Rom. 4. b. Gal. 3. b. c. Seede of Promyse to the Bleessing of all Generations of the Earth The VI. Chap. MY Beloued Thissame euenas I haue heere witnessed vnto thee is the right Mediation of Iesu Christ / inwardly in vs to our Safe-making and Reconciliation a Rom. 3. c. 2. Cor. 5. c. Col. 1. c. 1. Iohn 2. b. with God the Father wherthrough also Christ is an b Heb. 1. a. Heyre of all Things and God / all c 1. Cor. 15. c in all It is verytrue 2. And with this Instruction out of the heauenly Trueth / do I hartely salute thee in the Lorde d Ephe. 4. a. to an Vnitee of Heart in y e Loue and looke thou with spirituall Eyes of a pure Heart / into the Grounde of thatt wherof I wryte vnto thee / To th end that thou mayst comprehende the secret Vnderstanding of the spirituall and holy Knowledg / wherof I wryte vnto thee and let thyne Vnderstanding awake / to the Loue and to her Seruice 5. I
thyself altogether vnto his Will 3. Choose not also any perticuler thing in Gods Workes But looke that thou stand d 2. Cor. 12. b. contented in all the Workes of God For e Deut. 10. b Act. 10. c. Rom. 2. c. God respecteth not anyman but He worketh all things f Psal. 114.135 according to his owne Pleasure 4. If-so-be now that thou holde thyself quyet in the Workes of God and therto / indeuourest thy self to g 4. Esd. 7. a. Math. 7. b. passe-thorow the strayt h 1. Cor. 4. b. 2. Cor. 4. b. 6. a. 11. c. d Waye with all the Saincts of Christ / in Shame Blaspheamy and Contempt / and therin ⁏ following after Christ dayly takest-vp thy i Math 16. c. Luk. 14. c. Crosse ⁏ in the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue till vnto the second Birth k Rom. 6. a. Ephe. 2. a. Col. 1. c. 2. b from the Death / So shalt thou then likewyse wel knowe and vnderstande / l 2. Cor. 3.4 a that the Power for to accomplish the Righteousnes of God / is not the Mans· but ⁏ so much as it remayneth with vs only the Lordes 5. For / for his owne sake and for the Prayse of his holy Name / He wil not m 2. Pet. 3. a. forslowe himself to performe his Worke / to our Saluation / to th end that He may establish his Promyses in vs / if we stand plyable vnto Him with submitted Hearts 6. But not for our Workes cause ▪ for that no Flesh n 1. Cor. 1. c. Ephe. ● a. shoulde bost itself but for his owne cause and for his holy Names sake / because that Hee ؛the great and almighty God and his o Math. 6. b. holy Name / shoulde be hallowed and praysed in his Workes 7. Wherfore Because now that no Flesh of Adam or of the earthly Man / p Psal 14.53 a. Rom. 3. b. hath any Vnderstanding of the Works of God / I can therfore talke very little of thosesame / with the Children of Men but must stretch-out my Heart vnto my God and speake before Him 8. O God of deepe and vnsearchable Wysdom Who hath euer bin q Esa. 40. b. Sap. 9. b. Rom. 11. b. thy Counsayler or geeuen thee to knowe before / r Esa. 45. Rom. 9. c. worke this thus or so 9. Art not thou thesame which thou art the God of Abraham and his Seede / which was from eternitee and remayneth a liueing and true God for euermore Who also worketh euery Thing without Respect of Persons or Counsayle of anyman For thy Will goeth-forth / according to thy Pleasure and thy Worke s Sap. 11. d. Rom. 9. c. can noman withstande 10. Therfore must I laude thee / O my God For thou hast brought my Soule t Psal. 30. a. 50. b 86. b 116. a. out of the Deapth of Hell and kept me / when I was in the Extremitee u Psal. 18.116 of Death 11. O my God seing thou hast hetherto / kept me from the Destruction / so let not thy Grace now likewyse depart from me although I be a Loathsomnes and x Psal. 31. b. 44. b. 79. a. 88. a. 1. Cor. 4 b. Reproach before many Men but holde me alwayes by y Psal. 10● a. thy Right-hande hande and z Psal. 119. d. teache me through thy Lawe / for that myne Enemyes ⁏ which make-vp themselues against me / for to destroy me may depart from me and make knowen vnto them / that thou hast chosen Mee to be an Instrument for thy Worke. 12. When-as now ⁏ O my God myne Enemyes do perceaue that thou dost teache and gouerne me And that it is thy Worke / which thou ⁏ to th end to performe it hast begonne with me / Then shall they wel vnderstand / that thou ⁏ O Lorde art my God ▪ and I / the a Ephe. 2. b Worke and Instrument of thy Hande which thou hast accepted vnto thee / for to accomplish thy Will 13. Now ⁏ O Lorde leade me on-forward into b Psal. 5. a. thy Righteousnes / that I ⁏ through thy Grace shewed on me may prayse thy holy Name· and highly laude and thanke thee / in thy Righteousnes 14. For truly / the Vngodly c Psal. 14. a. 53. a. Rom. 3. b. knowe thee not the Dispisers and Blaspheamers / fynde not thy Dwelling the Sencles and Self-wyseones / aske not after Thee O God in the d Psal. 6. a. ●8 b. 115. b. Esa. 32 b. Death / men do not remember thee thy Song-of-prayse / is not soung in the Hell the Hipocrites or fayned Holyones nor-yet the false Hearts and Scripture-learnedones ⁏ which blaspheame and contemne thy holy e Heb. 10. c. Spirit and Seruice of Loue or murmur ther-against seeke not thy Grace neither do any of all those likewyse / which iustifye or account themselues faythfull / ●om to be a Foote-bench vnder thy Feete 15. Seing then that all these are Straingers vnto thy Righteousnes and Holynes / therfore art thou also ⁏ O my God only holy only righteous and only true 16. Therfore ⁏ O my God giue thy Spirit into my Inwardnes f Psal. 51. b. create in mee / an vpright Heart / that is louely before thee and that walketh vnfalsly and giue likewyse thy Woord alwayes into my Mouth / so may I then prayse thee / before all those that loue thy Trueth also declare thy Righteousnes and magnifye thy Name For otherwyse ⁏ O God it is all nothing before thee The III. Chap. BEholde ⁏ thou Beloued / Shewing-forth Patience / in this my Distresse Wofulnes and Sorrow and in Prayer and Supplication vnto my God in a Rom. 6 a ● Cor 4. b. 2. Cor. 4. b. 6. a. 11. c. Dying-from and Forbearing all sinfull Beeing in Death Suffering Shame Blaspheamy and in all Contempt with man● false Bruits and in many Conflicts or Stryueings against all the Temptation of the Sinne / I do dayly follow-after the crucifyed Christ / my Lorde and Sauiour / who is gon before mee and all his Saincts / in thesame contemptible b Sap. 2. b. Rom. 6. a. Phil. 2. a. Death of the Crosse / y ● which is reiected by the Worlde and by all her Wyse and Scripture-learnedones c Esa. 53. ● Sap. 2. c. and dispised as a Foolishnes 2. In which Death of Christ / we must all be baptised or washed and euenso ⁏ drinking the d Math. 20. c. Cupp with Christ becom e Rom. 6. ● a Gal. 3. c. incorporated vnto Christ / if we shall ryse with Christ / in the Godlynes or be f Iohn 6. d. raysed-vp and made-alyue by Him in the last Daye / as g Rom 12. ● Ephe. 5. d. a Fellow-member of his Body For in Hym that sheweth Patience therin ther shall be seene / that Christ is h Ephe. 5. c. his Bodyes Sauiour
That is / Theirs which be plāted into Him with the like Death i Rom. 6. a. Col 2. b. and so are baptised or washed in his Death and not Theirs / that remayne without thesame 3. In which Daye of the Gloryfication k Luk. 17. 2. Tess. 1. a. of Christ / in his Coming wee likewyse namely which are incorporated vnto Him / euen as the Scripture sayth shall obtayne the Gloryfication of Christ· and liue and raigne with Him l 1. Cor. 15. 1. Tess. 4. b Apo. 21. a. in Ioye / for euermore It is verytrue 4. IF-so-be now ⁏ thou Beloued that the Lust of thy Heart be sett to liue euerlastingly with Christ and his Holyones / in the louely Being of God the Father ●nd to raigne m Apo. 5. b. vppon the Earth with Righteousnes and if thou wouldest gladly haue thy Fellowship with Christ and his Communialtee of Saincts / with perfect Ioye / So let not then the Crosse of Christ wherin all the Saincts of Christ do follow-after Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue be any Stumbling-block or Offence vnto thee n 1. Cor. 1. c. as it is vnto the Worlde and her Wyse and Scripture-learnedones But take-vp o Math. 10. d. 16 c. Math. 8. d. Luk. 9.14 c. thy Crosse That is / Forsake thyself and all Honour and Ritches of this Worlde / for Christ-his sake Beare thou in-that-sort / all Shame Contempt and Blaspheamy / as One that is reiected for an Vnchristian / by those Men that knowe not Christ and therin p 1. Cor. 4. b. 10. d. Phil. 3. b. 1. Tess. 1. a. follow-after Mee euen as I therin do follow-after Christ. 5. If thou now followest-after Christ heerin / with mee and seekest no other Waye vnto thyself ⁏ according to thyne owne Pleasure nor desyerest to go into any other / Then shall wee accorde well with eachother and reioyce vs rightly in the christian Ioye and in the vpright louely Beeing of the Loue. 6. But beware in-any-wyse ⁏ thou Beloued that thou takest no Lyfe on thee / er-euer thou art first q Rom 6. a. 2 Cor. ● b. 2. Timo. 2. b deadd with Christ and that euenso thy Flesh r Gal. 5. c. be crucifyed and killed as also his Lusts and Desyres 7. Take likewyse no Ioye on thee / er-euer thou hast first suffered s Luk. 6. c. Iohn 16. c. Iam. 4. a. Sorrow and Wofulnes or Distresse in y e Flesh of Sinne / for thy Sinnes cause and so in the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / hast s Rom 6. a. Col 2. c. layd-away and buryed the Sinne in the Flesh. 8. Take also no Freedom on thee / er-euer thou hast first ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Seruice of Loue continued t Math. 10. a. 24. b. stedfast in the Seruice of the holy Woord of the Spirit of the Loue of Christ ⁏ in all Obedience like a faythfull u Iam. 1. c. Disciple of the Woord and Louer of the Trueth / euen x Math. 19. d. Rom. 6. till vnto the seconde Birth from the Death and so in-that-maner / knowest the Trueth in Christ / So shalt thou then likewyse / be rightly made-free y Iohn 8. d. by the Trueth For thatt Freedom / a Rom. 6. b. 8. a. is the vpright Freedom of all the Children of God and Saincts of Christ. 9. And what Freedoms soeuer be taken-on set-forth and vsed / without this vpright Freedom / are all false Freedoms and do proceede out of the Deuill / b Ioh. 8. ● the Father of Lyes and out of the deuiled fleshly Lusts and Desyres c Rom. 1. ● according to the Imagination of the Knowledg / that false Light 10. Take also no Honour or Dignitee nor Inheritance of the Saincts / on thee as to inherit and to vse anything with the Saincts of God ⁏ much-les / for thyself er-euer thou hast first borne all Dishonour Shame and Contempt Wherin thou art euenso go●-out-of or dead-from / all Dignitee Self-honour and all Takeing-on and fyndest thyself wholly submitted / in the d Math. 19. c. forsakeing of al-things and wel content or satisfyed therin and so in all other things like vnto these 11. O Thou Beloued If-so-be that thou dost wholly giue-ouer thyself heerunto in Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue / then shalt thou be wel contented with mee· and likewyse in all what cometh-vppon me and meeteth me by myne Enemyes· or with what Iudgment soeuer Men e Iohn 8. b. 1. Cor. 4. a. do iudg me and our Hearts shall also in one Mynde / with eachother and with all those that loue the Trueth in Christ / becom incorporated to the only and true Beeing of Iesu Christ / euen to be one f Ephe. 2. b. Man of God O Yea That com-to-pas euenso The IIII. Chap. MY Beloued I haue written and sent-ouer thissame vnto thee / out of Good-will to thy Edifying and out of the hearty Loue of my God / wherwith I do loue thee / To th end that it may be a Memoriall vnto thee / of the Suffering Sorrowfulnes and Dispiseing / which all the Electedones of God and Saincts of Christ do passe-thorow / a Act. 14. c. to the Kingdom of God their Father 2. If now therfore thou loue the Wayes of our Lorde Iesu Christ wherin Hee ⁏ in suffering-maner is gon b Luk 24 f. 1. Pet. 2. c. Heb. 6. c. 12 a. before vs and euenso ⁏ preparing c Iohn 14. a. vs the Waye is com into the Kingdom of the God of Heauēs / to his Father / So keepe thou then thissame in thy Remembrance and indeauour thyfelf also / to passe-thorow d Luk. .13 these narrow Wayes / which leade to the Lyfe 3. I hope likewyse to doo euenso and in my Tribulation Sorrow and Affliction / alwayes to think vpon the Goodnes of y e Lorde / and to laude and thanke Him / for y t He is gracious vnto me / in my Weaknes and in my Sinnes 4. HEer-vnto let vs be of e Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1 Cor. 1. a. Phil. 2.3 b. one-mynde with eachother / and not looke-vpon conceaue nor construe or report anything to the worst / that hapneth vnto me / to th end that we f Num. 11. d. Psal. 106. c. 1. Cor. 10. b. murmur not against the Lorde nor his Ministers nor-yet blaspheame his Holyones / whom He leadeth wonderfully but may liue peaceably and vprightly / in his Grace· and stande g Gen 21. a. Act. 9. b. submitted vnto Him ⁏ so-much as we may to an Obeying of his Will or Requyring 5. But if we be weake and as-yet / altogether feeble or vnable for to accomplish the Righteousnes of God as that we do yet dayly stumble much and fall still often-tymes into Sinne / Yet let vs not h Ier ● a. lye-still in the Sinne nor in-any-wyse
deserued on mee 14. THou Beloued Vnderstande now heer-out / which it is that I haue accounted for Dirt and what hath bin my Seeking and Desyre For which such afflicted Seruants of the Lorde ⁏ which do loue the vpright Beeing / with all their Hearts I do alwayes make Supplication and Prayer vnto the Lorde and do saye out of all my Soule 15. O Lorde breake-asunder the Bandes of the Vngodly I beseeche thee and vouchsafe to giue Strength vnto thyne inclyned Seruants / to raigne with thee ouer all their Enemyes 16. O God let thy Seruants go ouer them and tread vppon them with i Esa. 41. c. Mich. 7. b. their Feete / like Lome / To th end that they may euenso ⁏ with thy Wisdom and Foresightfulnes enter boldly into thy Loue ؛thy Paradise of Lyfe for to possesse y e worthy and restfull Lande of Peace and the holy Citee Ierusalem / k Ier. 30. b. c. Zach. 1. b buylded anew vppon her olde Foundation wheron thou ⁏ O God hast in tymes-past foreseene to buylde thesame / for that thy l Psal. 51. b Esa. 56. a. Mal. 3. a. Offering may be made thear and thy Laude-song of Sion be soung thear for euermore and not in Babylon nor in the North Landes / euen-as thou ⁏ O God hast m Ier 3.16 b 23. a. Mich. 4.5 b forespoken thesame by thy Prophets The IIII. Chap. FArdermore thou writest vnto me / that thy Longing was for to talke with Mee thy self / because that thesame which I had written vnto thee / made thee so exceedingly to wonder and was beyonde thyne Vnderstanding and for that I complayned me of the Accusers / because they complayned on Me and accused me so falsly before the Iudgment / for to be condemned and rooted-out 2. Thissame seemeth that it hath bin a Wonder vnto thee / because as thou wrytest such a Light and Knowledg was risen-vp vnto Me before And fardermore When thou then rememberest the Songs that I haue made thou sayest vnto Me / demaunding Had the Spirit quyt forsaken thee / in thy Forsaken-estate Oh what shall I saye I must keepe-s●ilence heerof inasmuch as I haue neuer founde myself in such great Forsakennes 3. O Thou Beloued / If thou hadst considered well on the a Psal. 22. a. Math. 27. c. Forsakennes of Christ and on the Forsakennes of all his Saincts / who do follow-after Him in the Forsakennes of his Crosse / Then wouldest thou not haue wondered For euenso sayth the holy Scripture vnto vs likewyse / b Act. 14. that we must enter into the Kingdom of God / thorow much Tribulation and Affliction 4. For such-a-matter if we suffer-out thesame with Patience is the Death c Rom. 6 c. Phil. 2. a. of the Crosse of Christ wherby we be planted into Christ as the Scripture sayth with the lyke Death Wher-through we do also inherit with Christ namely in the secōde Birth from the Death the godly Ritches of God the Father / in the euerlasting Lyfe and be worthy to raigne vppon the Earth / d Apo. 5. b. with Christ and all his Saincts 5. But touching y e Complayning ouer myne Accusers / I haue sufficiently distincted vnto thee before But let not my Tribulation and Calamytee cause thee to wonder For inasmuch as it neuer happened vnto thee / therfore is it all doutles whatsoeuer thou hearest therof / the strainger before thyne Eares 6. But like as thy Longing hath bin towards Mee / so haue I in-like-maner / longed after thee / for to talke with thee of this Matter but it is not so com-to-pas Notwithstanding / I hope the Lorde shall once bring vs together / so wil I then vtter-foorth my Heart alittle with thee / of all that is chaunced vnto mee For I fynde very-feawe of those / with whom I dare be bolde or openhearted 7. But thou knowest from the begining / the Course of my Zeale to the Righteousnes euen-as I do thyne also and I haue neuer kept my Mynde secret from thee nor-yet thou thyne / from Mee Seing then y ● thou hast alwayes bin openhearted with mee / therfore am I likewyse / the-bolder to talke with thee of althings 8. Howbeit / if the Mynde of certen Vnderstandings or of somme Sentences had remayned hidden from many Ignorantones / it had bin good for them / because that the Ignorantones do seeke nothing-els but their Selfnes But doutles whatsoeuer doth not in al-poynts / giue-ouer itself obediently vnder the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / thatsame doth alwayes turne itself out either to the one syde or to the other / for to follow-after the e Rom. ● c. Lusts of his Errour 9. For-that-cause seing it is now knowen vnto vs / that the Disobedientones to the holy Woord and the Ignorant and Lyghtmyndedones / are alwayes mynded to Errour / Therfore let vs vse Foresightfulnes in all our Woords and so before all Things / couet after the f 1. Cor. 14. c. Loue. and drawe the Deuoutones / vnder the Loues Obedience 10. Whosoeuer then do submitt them vnder the Obedience of the Loue· cleaue vnto the Loue in her Seruice / with all their Hearts· and ⁏ with naked Hearts wholly giue-ouer themselues ⁏ in the Comunialtee of Saincts to the Howse of Loue / to all Concord and to the g 1. Pet. 1. b. c. Obeying of the gracious Woord / To Those shall men ⁏ in all Loue disclose the h Math. 13. b. Secretnes of the holy Vnderstandings and of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / To th end that Gods secret Ritches and the Vnderstandings of his holy Wisdom / may be knowen to the Obeyers of his Woord / in the Nature or Beeing of his Loue. For veryly the Disobeyers of the Woord as also the self-seeking Ignorantones and those that think themselues to be wyse or skilfull / They i Iohn ● ● iudg the secret Mynde of the Loue and of the Kingdom of God / cleane-contrary in euery-behalf 11. And if-so-be then that they stande not submitted obediently ⁏ with all their Hearts vnder the Woord of Information / according to the k Pro. Eccli 4.8 b Counsayle of the Wisdom / so do they then ⁏ with Misunderstanding take euery thing quyt contrary / according to their owne good-thinking Mynde of the earthly Wisdom and do therin corrupt themselues and likewyse all their Vnderstanding / through their Self-seeking and fleshly Lusts and Desyres 12. Therfore let the Wisdom be esteemed more-precious / then anything that may be imagined in the Worlde For ther is nothing in the Worlde / to be compared l Pro. 3 b. 8. b Sap. 8. a. to the Wisdom and to her secret Treasures 13. Inasmuch now ⁏ thou Beloued as that thou knowest thissame / therfore be thou in-any-wyse farr from the Mockers / which walke according to their m Rom. 1. c owne Desyres and be a Strainger to the Lyghtemyndedones and auoyde
Cleansing of the Worlde and the Reioyceing of the Righteous / in the last tyme. But howsoeuer the Lorde appoynteth it / let it so content vs in any-wyse The XV. Chap. ACcording to thy Request ⁏ thou Beloued I haue heere ⁏ as in breef-maner written a little vnto thee / how my Mynde standeth or how I am mynded 2. I knowe not also any Light a Iohn 1. ● of Lyfe / but the b 2. Cor. 4. ● Col. 1. b. Heb. 1. ● inuisible true Beeing / the gloryous and louely Lyfe of the liueing Godhead wher-vppon likewyse my Hope standeth euen-as wee haue also talked therof in tymes-past 3. I seeke not likewyse neither haue sought since that tyme forth / that we spake last together any Saluation of the Soule / in any Outward-thing but ⁏ through the Beleefe in Iesu Christ and through the Loue and her Seruice I withdrawe my Mynde from all what is outward and which is drawing me to Corruption 4. Heer-vnto doth my Soule bende itself / so much as I may in the Lorde and I do loue the inuisible Beeing of God / to th end that my inward Mynde should in nowyse stand bounde to the vayne Creatednes but that my Spirit mought euenso / liue in the Spirit of the true and liueing Beeing namely / according to the Nature of Christ c Iohn 13. d. 15. b 1. Iohn 3. c. who directeth or poynteth vs vnto the Loue ؛the vnchaingable Godhead 5. But thatt Seruice which hath his Mini●tration to thesame Loue / for the Saluations sake of Men and requyreth all Orderlynes and Reasonablenes / wil I not dispise nor-yet in any-case forsake but wil ⁏ so much as the Lorde enableth me therto further mayntayne and minister thesame to the Saluation of Men / inasmuch as the Lorde hath chosen Mee ther-vnto 6. Oh / that God woulde graunt / that the Seruice of Loue mought flourish without Hinderance and that euenso the right Vnderstanding of the Wisdom mought com-to-light / vnder the Obedience of the Loue For to the louely Lyfe in the Loue / d Gen 1.2 Sap. 1. b. 2. c is the Man created like as is witnessed and administred out of the Seruice of Loue and therfore is also my Soule inclyned to thesame Seruice / to th end that e Ephe. 4. ● the Vnite of Heart mought be in y e Loue / among all Louers of the Trueth 7. Beholde yet at this present / thus standeth my Mynde and I likewyse knowe not yet any better neither haue I also mett with any better 8. BVt it seemeth now ⁏ by thy Wryting as though thou hast heard by Somme / that I shoulde be outwardly mynded as are Somme whom thou namest vnto mee O No / thou Beloued My Heart Mynde and Being standeth not grounded vppon any outward Thing / neither do I also desyre to cleaue-vnto and to vse anything that is Outward / which leadeth-away f Rom. 1. ● Heb. 3. b. from the liueing God and his Righteousnes 9. But though I now ⁏ for the Vnitees sake in the Loue shoulde conuersate myself with Somme that were yet outwardly mynded or did yet sett their Confidence vppon any Flesh / yet doth not their weake Grounde concerne mee But I haue for-that-cause / a lyke-loue towards them / when they cannot attayne vnto the inuisible Trueth any farder and desyre to haue Conuersation peaceably with Mee / and yet for-al-that I do not contemne the Outward 10. I woulde also willingly leaue them free in their weake Grounde / if I mought by-that-meanes / conuersate myself in the Vnitee of the Loue / with those that are zealous to the good Beeing or that are Louers of Vertue of Wisdom and of Vnderstanding let them be then / whosoeuer or of what Grounde of Fayth and Opinion soeuer they bee if the Loue g Col 3. b. were our Bande and Concord· and that we conuersated ourselues with each-other therin as also woulde willingly heare one-another / through Loue and that-ther were in-that-sort a good Inclynation to the Trueth / among vs all / Then shoulde the right Vnderstanding com-to-light nodout and the vayne Vnderstanding together with all euell Imaginations and Blaspheamings vanish-away of themselues or consume to nothing 11. For to deale in the Loue / with such as are adioyned to the Loue / were more acceptable vnto mee also much-more delytfull and ioyfull / then with those that haue no Lust ▪ Will nor Desyre to the good Beeing of the Loue and wil in-that-maner conuersate themselues with mee 12. For though anyone of the goodwilling Hearts / shoulde ⁏ by reason of his small Vnderstanding trust yet vpon som Outward-thing yet if he haue a Lust to God and his Righteousnes and is no Blaspheamer nor Contemner towards another / then cometh thatt Vanitee to an Ende doutles / in the Vnderstanding Therfore men ought not to contemne anyone for the outward Seruices or Ordinances cause 13. For it is much better and much-more acceptable before God / to loue the good Beeing / through som Outward-thing / then to cleaue vnto the Worlde or to the vayne and vnprofitable Things / through the Affection to the Worldly outward Things the h Eccli 15. b. Rom. 1. c Ephe. 4. c. which nodout is altogether strainge from God and his Trueth and therfore likewyse ther-are Many now / which dispyse the outward Seruices or Ordinances· speaking much Reproche of euery-one· also blaspheaming and with Falshod defameing the Ministers therof but in that they bynde their Hearts vnto their owne Creatures or vnto som other outward Things / thatt wil they not once consider 14. And thesame Estrainging from God and his Trueth ⁏ through the Affection to the worldly and outward Things do we now ⁏ alas fynde among many Men / who do also very franckly bost themselues / that they are not snared by any Man nor with outward Seruices or Ceremonyes and so do perswade themselues / that therfore they are not outwardly mynded i Gal. 4. a. Col 2. c. like those that seeke Righteousnes in outward Things 15. Yeas assuredly and yet much-more and worse For they suffer themselues to be captiued k Rom 1. c. Ephe. 2. a 4. c. with the earthly Things of this Worlde and ⁏ their Hearts growing vayne therthrough and turning-away themselues from the Lust to the Guyding into the Righteousnes they hang their Vnderstanding and Mynde on thosesame and on their owne Good-thinking so that they for-that-cause / do vtterly lose all Lust or Zeale to the vpright Beeing of God and becom cleaueing to the earthly corruptible Things and euenso do quyt corrupt their Vnderstanding 16. Seing then that they are corrupted in their Vnderstanding / therfore seeke they likewyse ⁏ according to their owne Pleasures to liue to the corruptible Things / for a Recreation of their Hearts and in no-wyse desyre to be leadd into the true Lyfe / through Gods Ordinance For the godly Things are as deadd vnto them
vertuous Nature which floweth out of the Loue and her Seruice / as an vncorrupt Milke For with the Loue and her Seruice / ther-is nothing false f 1. Cor. 13. b. euell nor wicked / neither-yet anything deadly nor condemnable but the Fulnes of Lyfe and Peace And whosoeuer is in the Loue and standeth submitted to her Seruice / to shewe Obedience / in him ther-is no Euell Wickednes nor Craftynes 4. But if anyman do imagine any Wickednes or Euell therof and that the Wickednes doth euenso gett place in his Heart / against the Loue and her Seruice / Hee veryly is an Adulterer g Math. 5. ● and committeth Adultry with the Euell against the pure Wedlock of the vpright Loue. 5. Thosame Adulterers and Adultrisses / must beare h Gal. 6. ● their owne Burden or Fault / for their Adultry and Whordom and be afflicted with Greefs / in thosame Workes of their Whordom till that they do acknowledg and confesse their Fault / in the Comunialtee of Saincts / among the Children of Loue and so do submitt them vnder the Obedience of the Loue / to a i Rom. 6.12 a Ephe. 4. e. Renewing of their Hearts or Spirits / To th end that they may euenso be washed and puryfyed / through the Floodd or k Iohn 3 a Tit. 3. a. Water-fountayne of the Loue / to the Forgiuenes of their Sinnes· and turned-about in their Spirit / to be innocent Children / that imagine neither Euell nor Craftynes And whosoeuer then turneth him about in that sort l Math. 18.19 b Mark 10. b. to him cometh the Kingdom of Heauens and the euerlasting Lyfe 6. Therfore let our Conuersation m Eph 4. a. b be vpright in the Loue and let noman knowe nor imagine any Euell nor any Guyle or Wickednes but becom in that maner altogether playne or innocent n 1. Cor. 14. c in Euell / so shal-ther no Euell nor Deceit be founde among you 7. Growe-vp in o 2 Pet 3. c the Vertue and in the godly Wisdom and becom prudent and vnderstanding therin ▪ as also Men and Elders with graye Heare For among those that are growne olde or aged therin / p Eccli 8.9 is the Wisdom and the Concordablenes with the Elders in the holy Vnderstanding Therfore be ye alwayes agreably q Rom. 12. b. ●5 a 1. Cor. 1. a 2. Cor. 12. b. Phil. 2. a. mynded to all Vnitee of Heart in the Loue and take ye all therin your Delyte of Lyfe 8. Also couer not r Pro. 28. b. your Hearts before the Elders in the Famyly of Loue and let noman deale priuily in anything nor hyde anything in secret but let eueryone make-manifest himself as he is and of all what God hath foreseene s Gen. 1. c. 9. a 1. Tim. 4. a. for good and vpright / from the Begining and is edifying towards the Righteousnes / let noman be ashamed / in the Comuniattee of Saincts / whose Hearts stande submitted vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 9. But let not any Contention t Ephe. 4.5 a. 1. Pet. 2. a. ● ● Euell Subtiltee to Wickednes nor any Deceit or Craftynes / be harkened-vnto by you but let it all be layd-doune among you / vnder the Loue. And the Loue of God the Father / get the Victory in that sort in all your Hearts Amen The VII Chap. THese Testymonyes euen-as they are reuealed vnto me in Heauen / by the holy Spirit of Loue / according to the Sentence of the righteous Iudgment haue I ⁏ out of inclyned Loue written to the Seruice of you all / my beloued Hearts and to a Declaring of y e righteous Iudgment / wherby to reueale and make-knowen before you all / that no Flesh of the falne Adam / is vngilty a Iob. 4. b 9 a 2● a Psal. 143. a. before God neither-yet hath it any right in his Iudgment / To th end that it may all becom submitted vnder the Loue and her Seruice and that it may all euenso ⁏ thorough the Loue and her Seruice be b Esa. 65 b. 2 Pet. ● b renewed according to Gods Trueth / to an vpright Knowledg and Vnderstanding and to the Amendment and Makeing-wholl of all thatt which is marred or made-euell and that likewyse through the Loue and her Seruice / all Offenciuenes or Euel-conceaueing of the Flesh / mought be c Ephe 4. c. Col. 3. b. layd-doune· and all thatt which is of God and Christ / restored or brought-to-right and that all People mought ⁏ through the Loue and her Seruice acknowledg the Goodnes of God and his Merry to an euerlasting godly Tryumph of our God and to the Blessing of all Generations of the Earth according to the Promyses made to the Fathers 2. HEer-with I do salute you eueryone / with a Salutacion of the Loue yee which haue your fellowshipp with vs / to the Obedience in the Loue and euenso with Exhortacion to the Good / salute you all one-another likewyse / with a Salutacion of the Loue. 3. Receaue one-another in-like-maner / with Lessons and Exhortacions to the Loue and her Concord and let your Hearts be set-at-quyet / through the Loue and think vpon no other Righteousnes nor Holynes / but vpon thatt which is requyred by the Seruice of Loue and which bringeth all Loue with it And all whatsoeuer ye doo and leaue all d 1. Gor. 10 d. 16. b Col 3. b. thatsame / doo and leaue / in the Name of the Loue or for the Loues sake 4. Heer-vnto / becom you all agreeably mynded as loueing Children in the Loue / then can-ther no Discord nor any Euell nor Offenciuenes / gett any place among you But your Course-of-lyfe shal be in the Loue and in Peace and God shall be with you and ye shall vnderstand e Math. 13. the Iudgments of God and their Secrets And noman shal be able to spoyle you of the right Freedom / which we haue in the Loue of Iesu Christ. With which Lyfe of the vpright Beeing of the Loue / God hath shewed Mercy on vs / to the end that we shoulde liue loueingly sweetheartedly and peaceably therin / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. To the which God of Loue only / belongeth f 1. Tim. ● b. 6. b. the Honour and all Laude and Prayse for euermore Amen The Ende of the Seuenth Epistle The Eigth Epistle A cleere Distinction of the Submission and Vnsubmission in the Spirit With certen groundly Informations and Instructions Sēt vnto a Louer of the Trueth / at his hearty Request Very profitable and seruiceable / to the Knowledg of the Godlynes Beholde how that I haue not laboured for myself only but also for those that desyre Information Ecclesi 33. Heer-with be vnto the my Beloued LW / Health and Saluation The First Chapter FOrasmuch as Mercy is chaunced vnto mee / thorough the Loue of God the Father / therfore is also my Spirit inclyned
the Lyfe t Iohn 1. ● which is for a verytrue Light / vnto all those that beleeue theron 8. Therfore let vs take-heede u 2. Cor. 6. a to the acceptable Tyme / wherin God doth illuminate vs. For in extending Mercy / He x Exo. ●3 b Rom. 9. b. sheweth Mercy on vs and leadeth vs from the Death / y Psa. 56. b. 116. a. to the Lyfe euen to the Sheapherd z 1. Pet. 2. c of our Soules 9. HEer-with ⁏ my Beloued I do hartely salute thee / with a Salutation of the Loue and see that thou ⁏ with an humble Heart do giue a regarde vnto thatt which I wryte vnto thee and ponder well the Sentences therof For they do poynt thee a Pro. 4. a. to the Lyfe 10 And if thou doest yet desyre larger Instruction at my hands / then wryte ouer vnto me I do alwayes ⁏ for the Loues sake proffer myself willingly to doo thee Seruice / in all what I may in the Lorde / to thy Edifying 11. Farewell and sett thy Comfort wholly and altogether / on the Loue. And salute me with a Salutation b Rom. 16. b 1. Cor. 16. c ▪ of the Loue / to the Bretheren and Sisters that are with thee which do submitt them with humble Hearts / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. And the Comunialtee in the Loue / that is heere with Vs / doth likewyse salute you all hartely with the Loue. 12. The Vnitee of Peace c 2. Cor. 13. b. Ephe 4 a. Col. 3. b. be alwayes among you all And the Loue of God the Father / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Eigth Epistle The Nynth Epistle Of the Seruices and Ceremonyes of the Christians and of the Vnchristians and of the right and false Vce of them with certen groundly Informations and edifying Instructions Written and sent vnto a Louer of the Trueth / at his Request Exercise thyself in Godlynes For bodely Exercise which stretcheth to the Outward / that concerneth the Nature profiteth little But the God-seruice which stretcheth to the Inward and Spirituall and to the true Godlynes is profitable to all things and hath the Promyse both of this Lyfe and of thatt to com 1. Timo. 4. The First Chapter THe Loue of God the Father ⁏ through the Reuealing of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ be with thee / my Beloued and a Ephe. 1. b. 3 b. illuminate thy Spirit to a true Knowledg of the Lyfe / in the Spirit / wherby thou mayest ⁏ with a right Discerning see-into and knowe liueingly ⁏ according to the Spirit the secret b Sap. 9. b Rom. 11. ●2 2 Counsayle and Will of God / To th end that thou mayest iudg c Iohn 7. c according to the Trueth / with a right Iudgment Tha●t graunt vs the almighty Lorde / through his Loue. Amen 2. My Beloued Our Fauour out of the Seruice of Loue ⁏ to thy Saluation standeth alwayes willingly-bent towards thee for to be seruiceable vnto thee / to thy Edifying and to a good Knowledg of the true Light For that thou mayest be illuminated with the Illumination of the Cleernes of God which ⁏ out of the Grace of his Loue is reuealed d Rom. 16. c Ephe. 1.3 a Col. 1. c 2. Tim. 1. b and appeered vnto vs in the Spirit according to the Promyses of God the Father and with Wryting / to rea●he thee the Hande to thesame / according to thy Request to a Gyding of thee into our holy Comunialtee / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 3. In which Comunialtee / wee haue our Fellowshipp e 1. Iohn 1. a with God the Father and the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the euerlasting Immortalitee wher-through all f 1 Cor. 15. f Corruption and all g Esa. 25. a. 2 Cor. 3. b. Couerings Middle-walles h Esa 59. a Ephe. 2. b. and i Psal. 146. b Bandes / be taken-awaye wher-in all Patterns Images Shadowes and Figures / do k Col 2. b Heb. 9.10 ceasse and wher-in ther is nothing-els behealde / but the euerlasting l Heb. 12. c vndisturbable Kingdom / full of all Power of God / full of Lyfe Loue and Peace / full of Cleernesses m Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. of all the Holyons and Children of God / and full of all heauenly Treasures n Col. 2. a. and godly Ritches / euen-as God hath in tymes-past / promysed to com in Glory for a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth 4. O thou Beloued Forasmuch as we haue shewed our Fauour of Loue on thee ⁏ with Seruice and Assistance to these heauenly o Ephe. 1. b 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. ● 2. a. Ritches in the eternall Beeing of Immortalitee / So haue we now the second-tyme / receaued Wrytings from thee and haueing perused-ouer and considered of them ⁏ so much as we can we do vnderstand therby ⁏ according to the Mencioning of thy Wrytings that thy Opinion or Conceaueing standeth towards vs or thou shouldest seeme to haue vnderstood so by Others / that we shoulde not vse the Christian Ceremonyes or shoulde account them to be vnprofitable 5. No ⁏ my Beloued we are not so presumptuous / that we shoulde not acknowledg all Gods Ordinances ⁏ in their right Foorme or V●e to be good p Eccli 39. c and profitable / being ministred in their due tyme. Yea we esteeme them very worthy and commendable in their Seruice so farr-forth or to such an ende as their Seruice reacheth the which we haue sufficiently witnessed ⁏ with sencible Distinction before all Vnderstandings / in the Glasse of Righteousnes 6. But ⁏ my Beloued if thy Heart shoulde yet stande captiued vnto anything of thatt which hath had his Fore-going the which also had the Ministration of his q 2. ●or 3 a. Cleernes to the to-coming Daye of the Reuealing of the Coming of Christ that is till that the Refreshing shoulde appeer r Act. 3. c ▪ from the vncouered Face of God / for a gloryous Kingdom of God and for a Ioye and Peace of all the Saincts of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe so consider then / by Whom and out of what Spirit / the Christian-ceremonyes are ministred / by the Illuminated or by the Vnilluminatedones out of the Letter of the Scripture or out of the Woord of Lyfe The II. Chap. SEing now then that many Instituters of Ceremonyes / do minister y e Office of Ceremonyes / out of the Prudence of their owne Vnders●anding or out of ●he Knowledg of the Letter / altogether to Controuersie and haue not receaued the Office of their Ministration / through the Woord of Lyfe / Veryly so is likewyse their Office of Ceremonyes / no a Ier. 23. b. 27. a. 29 a. Commaundement of God nor-yet their Seruices / any christian Ceremonyes For those Scriptur-learnedones do setfoorth the Ceremonyes ⁏ which they administer for
of God 3. So consider then ⁏ thou Beloued y t Gods liueing Woord / is an euerlasting Beeing / which was c Heb. 13. ● in the Begining which is now and which shall com 4. Whersoeuer or vnto Whomsoeuer Gods liueing Woord hath a Breaking-thorow / thear doth then thesame Woord / witnes of Christ / according to the Trueth And whatsoeuer it doth then speake of Christ؛ d Iohn 3. ● the euerlasting Day-light / thatt doth it not speake / that thesame Christ is then begining nor-yet then ending but thatt Christ of whom it then speaketh / Hee was in e Iohn ● a. the Begining and is likewyse then present f Iohn 9. c. euen-as y e Woord speaketh of Him And vnto all Those / which haue not yet receaued the Woord neither that it is g Iohn ● e. declared vnto them Christ is likewyse for to com And not otherwyse It is verytrue 5. All what Esaias speaketh of Christ thatt speaketh hee h Esa. 7.9.11 as present / who notwithstanding / was in the Begining who likewyse hath i Esa. 53. ● 1 Pet. 2. c suffered for the Sinne of Adam Who was euenso k Iohn 1.2 b Act 2 c. 10. e 1. Cor. 15. a reuealed likewyse after-that / in the Tyme that was to com 6. Euenthus is Christ in all poynts / l 1. Cor. 15. c. the First and also the Last who in his Coming / is manifested m 2. Tess. 1. b 1. Timo 3. b 1. Pet. 1. b. gloryously in Power according to the Promyses The V. Chap. ALso thou desyrest a Resolusion of mee Whether y t yee likewyse among yourselues / may ⁏ with Speakable-woords informe one-another to the Knowledg ⁏ thewhyles ye are not yet com to the Beeing that is spoken-of and may admonish each other therunto with Reuerence and so may exhort-one-another for to com to the vertuous Disposition and Nature of God 2. I can but meruell that thou demaundest that Question of me For all our Doctrine Hearts-lust Will and Desyre is like-as I haue also talked with thee therof that all Bretheren and Sisters which are comprehended with vs vnder the Obedience of y e Loue / in one Fayth· and entred into the first Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine of y e Seruice of Loue or which submitt them ther-vnder / shoulde ⁏ with Dilligence and Affection to y e good Beeing assist a Rom. 15. b. 1 Tess. 5. b. Heb. 10. c. and exhort one-another to thesame as-likewyse to the Knowledg that is the right Knowledg / which stretcheth to the Loue and to the Obedience of her Seruice and so with Reuerence b Rom. 12. b. Phil. 2. a. 1. Pet. 5. a. to admonish each-other giueing the Honour to the Elders in the holy Vnderstanding as Fore-goers of the Congregation / to the good Beeing c Phhil 2. c. 1. T●ss 5. b. 1. Tim. 5. b. Heb. 13. b. vnto whose Woord or Exhortation / ye shall also ⁏ to a Seruiceablenes of the Loue and to the Saluation and Peace of the Congregration giue-eare / with Deuotion to the Good and with Longsufferance / to th end that noman speake rashly but d 1. Cor. 14. ● orderly and peaceably to the Edifying of each-other 3. Beholde thatsame ⁏ as is sayde is our Will and Counsayle vnto all those y t heare vs and submitt them vnder the Seruice of Loue. 4. If-so-be then that thy Heart and the Heart of those that are with thee / haue a Lust to the good Beeing / then deale in this maner among eath-other and tarry one for another and let your Woords be loueing e Rom. 12. b. Col. 4. a. 1. Pet 3. ● and talke dayly with each-other / of the Peace and so increase in the vertuous Nature of the Loue. 5. Thus doing the christian Ceremonyes shall haue their right Ministration among you according to the Trueth / to an f Iohn 17. b. Ephe. 4. a. Vnitee in the Loue. For thatt is it which God requyreth And so shall ye increase from the g Math. 18. a. simple Childhod of the spirituall Generation and grow-vp to the Age of Christ h Ephe. 4. ● or to the Perfection But i Gal. 1. a. 5. b. intangle not your Consciences / among each-other 6. Let the Eldest in the holy Vnderstanding / informe the Youngones and serue them with Foode k Math. 24. c. Ephe. 6. a. 1. Pet. 5. a. of Nourishment / ther-after as they can beare it 7. Let the Strong go-before l Rom. 15. a. 1. Cor. 9. c. Gal. 6. a. 1. Tess. 5 6. the Weakones and help to beare their Burden / in their Greefe 8. The Good-willingones to the Loue / ye shall not greeue with any Burdening but shall holde-foorth all Loue and Peace before them 9. To the Vnwilling and m 2. Tess. 3. Slothfulones to the Obedience of the Woord and his Trueth / ye shall holde-foorth the right Obedience of the Trueth / shewing them that they are not n Rom 8. b. Debtors to the Euell nor to the slothfull Idlenes· but vnto God If they then becom good-willing to the Loue and her Seruice / with all Dilligence then are their o Iam. 5. c. Soules wonne 10. But the Blaspheamers p 1 Timo 6. a 2 Timo. 2 c. ●he Contenders with the Scripture and all q Pro ● b. Esa. 5 c. Self-conceited-wyseones together with those that turne them away r 1. Iohn 2. b. from Vs and our Doctrine and besydes thesame / bring-in or cause Offence and so do make s Rom. 16. c. Breache or Diuision / ye shall let-passe and not deale ▪ anything-at-al with them till that they do see or / knowe their Fault and haue gotten a conuerting Heart to our godly Doctrine· and to the vertuous Nature of the Loue and so are wel-mynded with Vs / t Iohn 17. c. Ephe. 4. a. to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue and do submitt them vnder the Loue and her Seruice / to shewe concordable Obedience 11. According to all this maner / let vs dayly ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue obserue and vse such things to the Prayse of our God and to our Peace and Saluation / and let vs comfort the 1. Tess. 5. b. Feeble-mynded and Sorrowfulones / with godly Exhortacions For thatt is the Loue which we ought to haue one towards another / through the Loue of God the Father wherwith He hath shewed Mercy on vs. The VI. Chap. HEerwithal my Beloued ⁏ as with this small Instruction be thou therin content for this tyme. I hope that thou shalt also be well satisfyed therwith 2. And if thou doest ⁏ with Deuotion towards God looke into this Instruction / according to the Trueth / then knowe I well / that our Loue and Fauour shewed vnto thee / shall breede in thee no Dispiseing or Contrary-sight against thesame that is ministered vnto thee and thou shalt likewyse wel
vnderstande / that we do not account the Seruices of the christian Ceremonyes / vnprofitable nor-yet in vayne but do esteeme them of great Value / in their right Vee 3. But veryly the Seruices and Ceremonyes of y e Vnchristians and of y e Straingers / which are a Rom. 1. c Ephe. 4. ● darkened in their Vnderstanding and estrainged from y e Light of Lyfe let them then take-on thosame out of their owne Imaginatiō or out of their Knowledg which they frame out of the Letter all those do we account vnprofitable and in vayne / Yea for an harmfull Institution and for an arrogant b Ier. 5. b ● a. 14 b. 23 c Presumption against Gods Commaundement The which is an Abhomynation c ●sa 1. b. Luk. 16. b. Tit. 1. b before the Epes of our Lorde and God 4. But the Seruices and Ceremonyes which God esteemeth which be ministred out of his Light and Lyfe / in the Seruice of Loue / according to his owne Commaundement / those are acceptable vnto God and are d Rom. 1. b to the Saluation and Peace of the Beleeuers of y e Woord For the vpright Godlynes and the true Light of Lyfe of the godly Cleernes / is made-manifest in thosame Seruices 5. And although that they ⁏ according to the outward Action are not like vnto the Ceremonyes of the contencious and vnilluminated Scriptur-learnedones ⁏ wherwith they stryue and contende or be not vsed after that maner / yet are they notwithstanding ⁏ before God agreeable to the Seruices and Ceremonyes which God hath willed and commaunded and which auayle before Him 6. Thewhiles then that the Childhod ⁏ or the Youngnes of Vnderstanding in the Inheritance of the Lorde / doth e Gal 4. a. yet remayne / so are the Seruices and Ceremonyes which be ministred by the Elders in the holy Vnderstanding ⁏ through the Light of Lyfe vnder the Obedience of the Lawe or vnder the Obedience of the Beleefe or vnder the Obedience of the Loue as f Gal 4. a. Tutors and Keepers vnto all Littleones of Vnderstanding wher-through they receaue Assistance till that the Daye com-on vnto them g 2. Pet. 1 c. and that the Light of Lyfe ryse-vp in their Hearts / who as-then haue ⁏ thorough the Light of Lyfe and his Seruice of Loue exercised Myndes / for to h Heb. 5. b. discerne ⁏ thorough thesame Light the Good and Euell the Lyfe and Death the Preseruation and Destruction and so to be meete to all good Exercises 7. When they now are com to this State / so are they as-then nomore Childrē or Littleones-of-vnderstanding / in the holy Vnderstanding to whom the Hande must be reached with Seruices and Ceremonyes and that must be informed or taught to the Enterance into the holy Vnderstanding or to the Beginings i Heb. 5. b. of the christian Lyfe but they are with the Agedones / growen likewyse to be aged Men Elders k 1. Cor. 4. ● Heb 13. b. and Fathers of the Howsholde or Comunialtee in the Loue / who do knowe how to be seruiceable vnto the Little and Weakones l 2. Cor 6. a 1. Pet. 4 b ▪ Heb. 13. b and to go before them with the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue / to all Concord vnder the Obedience of the Loue and to informe the Congregation to the Lyfe and Peace / with thatt which is fordersom vnto them to m 2. Pet. 1. a. the Lyfe and Peace 8. Beholde and consider These are the Seruices and Ceremonyes which God regardeth in his Congregation the which shall continue foreuer in our mostholy Seruice of Loue / to a n Heb 7. b Gyding-in of People to the vpright Righteousnes and Godlynes For o Luk. 1. b the Saluation ▪ and the Peace of the People / in all Loue and Gods p Rom. 1● c. Will and Counsayle / is made manyfest and knowen therby It is verytrue 9. Heer-with I do hartely salute thee / with a Salutacion of Loue and with thesame Salutacion / salute me also to the Comunialtee that is with thee as likewyse to all those that submitt their Soules vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 10. MOrouer ⁏ my Beloued I shoulde haue rehearsed a larger Answere vnto thee / touching certen Things wherof thou wrytest vnto me but I haue had no tyme to accomplish it No I haue scarsly had so much speare tyme / as to wryte this little vnto thee The Cause / our Brother whom we haue sent vnto thee / shall also tell thee by Mouth But if thou bist yet vnsatisfyed in anything then giue him to vnderstand of the Matter and aske his resolusion therof And if thou bist not satisfyed so in thyn Vnderstanding thē wryte-ouer the Matter vnto mee I proffer myself alwayes ⁏ out of an Inclynation of Loue to doo thee Seruice The Loue of God the Father / get the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Nynth Epistle The Tenth Epistle A precious Iuell of pure Instructions and loueing Exhortations / how one shal be obedient to the Woord of Lyfe and Trueth / in the Seruice of Loue· and grow-vp therin / to the Perfection or Age of the manly Beeing of Christ. Let vs now leaue the Doctrine of the Begining of the christian Lyfe and go to Perfection Heb. 6. Harken vnto mee / O ye holy and vertuous Children and bring-foorth Fruit like a Rose planted by the Ryuers-syde and giue a sweete Sauour from you / lyke vnto Libanus Growe and blowe lyke a Rose-garden and giue a Sauour / lyke a Lilly Sing a Song-of-prayse and laude God in all his Workes Eccli 40. To my courteous Freendes / which are comprehended with Vs / in one Light of the Loue / be Health and Saluation The First Chapter ALL my Hearts Wishing is / that it mought in all respects / go well with you eueryone and that ye mought ⁏ vnhindered increase in the Godlynes and in the Light of the heauenly Trueth and of the holy Vnderstanding / which is appeered and declared vnto vs out of Grace / through the Loue of God the Father 2 Out of which Light of the godly Cleernes / wee haue now in this last Tyme / receaued a Gal. 1 b. 1. Timo. 1. b such a godly Office / from the eternall and liueing God / through the holy Spirit of his Loue. namely the Seruice of Loue / wherby to minister in thesame Seruice ⁏ with the true Light and heauenly Vnderstanding the Mostholy of the true Tabernacle of God / vnto all Louers of the Trueth / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and so to make-manifest vnto them ⁏ out of thesame Mostholy b Exo. 25. c. Rom. 3. c. Heb. 5. a. the Mercy-seat with the sundry costly Garnishings of the spirituall and heauenly Ritches 3. Into which Mostholy / the High-preest is gon for to sprinckle euenso out of the Mostholy / the Holy of thesame
Tabernacle and to cleanse and sainctify c Heb. 9. a. b. it all with his Blood the which is the newe or true Testamēt / d Math. 26. c. Mar. 14 c. Luk. 22. b. to y ● Forgiuenes of Sinnes namely vnto all those which do follow-after Christ / e Heb. 10. c in the Holy and be planted in to him / f Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b. with his like Death The which is the true Offering for the Sinne ⁏ through Christ which is acceptable vnto God the Father / as a sweete g Rom 12. a Phil. 4. b. 1 Pet. 2 a. Sauour wher-through all the Beleeuers of Iesu Christ / do inherite ⁏ in the seconde h Iohn 3. a. Tit 3. a. Birth from the Death the heauenly Ritches of God and Christ / in the Mostholy 4. But these spirituall Ritches of the heauenly Goodes and of the Mostholy of the true Tabernacle of God / were not hetherto / made knowen vnto the worlde i Rom. 16. c. Ephe 3 a Col. 2. c. like-as God doth now in thissame Daye of his Loue / disclose make-knowen and bring th●same aboundantly vnto Vs ؛his elected Holyones Yea for Vs wee which ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue be planted into Christ / with a lyke k Rom. 6. a. Phil. 3. b. Death of Christ and ⁏ through the l 2 Tim. 1 b. Appeering of his Coming begotten out of thesame Death / m Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 2. a. Col. 2 b. to be Children of God hath God kept and left thosame spirituall Ritches of the heauenly Goodes / for an heritable Kingdom / n Heb. 4. b. to th end He woulde euen so ⁏ through his Loue bring Vs to his Rest and establish Vs therin 5. Which vnspeakable o Apo. 21. a. Kingdom ⁏ full of all Louelynes and Lyfe ' and full of all gorgyous Beawty was prepared p Math 25. d. 1. Cor. 2. b. from the Begining / for an euerlasting Rest and Peace / for all those that loue God / for to herit them ⁏ as Gods beloued q Rom. 8 b. Children and Heires of his Kingdom in thesame / now in the last tyme according to the Promyses 6. And with thosame Holyones and Elect of God / God r Act. 17. d. Iude. 1. b. wil now in thissame Daye / execut his righteous Iudgment / against all Vngodlyones of the wicked worlde / which haue not s Math 22. a. 23. c Luk 14.19 b lyked of Him and against all those which wil shewe no t Rom. 2. a. Repentance for their Sinnes / accordding to the Requyring of his gracious Woord / for that they may be rooted-out· and condemned in y e hellish Fyre / v Math. 25. d. which is prepared for the Deuill and all his Seruants For the Condemnation in the hellish Fyre / x Apo. 21. a. is the Heritage of all Vngodlyones and vnhappy Men which contemne God and his Seruice of Loue and refuse the y Pro. 1. c. proffered Grace of the Lorde and the Requyring of his gracious Woord The II. Chap. FOrasmuch then ⁏ ye Beloued as that wee ⁏ through Gods Mercy / out of his bountifull Grace are delyuered from the horrible and a Apo. 18.20 tirrible Condemnation of the Vngodly / in our Obeying of the Requyring of the gracious Woord of the Lorde and his Seruice of Loue and haue attayned to thissame precious b 2. Cor. 6. a. Tyme of godly Grace towards all Deuout-people / which loue Gods Righteousnes and that the c Heb 12. c. Apo ▪ 12 21 a Kingdom of God the heauenly Father and the true Beeing of his loue / hath shyned about Vs / as a Power of God / Therfore haue not wee also bin negligent nor slothfull in thissame Daye of the Grace of our Illumination / for to further the Good but haue indeuoured ourselues with great Dilligence / for to serue eueryone with our godly Illumination and to reache them the Hande toward the peaceable and godly Lyfe and toward the holy d Heb 4. a. Rest of all the Children of God namely all those whom God mooueth into our Waye and which desyre Assistance at our hands / to thesame Rest of the godly Lyfe· and to the Cleernes of the Mostholy of the true Tab●rnacle of God 2. Beholde From this Mostholy ؛the true Perfection of the Righteousnes of God the e Esa 25. b 2. Cor 3. b. Vayle the which is the f Heb. 10. c Flesh of Christ is now in thissame Daye / put-away among vs / through the Death and Suffering of Christ / g Heb. 10. c. in the Holy wherin we are followed-after Christ / with the lyke Death h Rom. 6. a. Phil. 3. d. and Suffering and all his Holynesses and Garnishings / nakedly disclosed vnto vs / out of thesame / to th end that wee ⁏ which are dead with Christ i Rom. 6.8 b. Phil. ● b. Col. 2. b. 3. a and risen agayne with Him from the Death in heauenly Ioye shoulde likewyse walke with Christ / in thesame k Iohn ●2 c. Light of the Mostholy ⁏ with naked Hearts before God ⁏ or in the Presence of the vncouered Face of our God and heauenly Father in l Ephe. ● a. b. all Loue. 3. Haue a good regard heerunto / O ye beloued and good-willing Hearts For to such a godly Ende and to be m Iohn 15. a. Ephe. 3. b incorporated ⁏ with Spirit and Mynde to the God of Lyfe and his Christ / therto stretcheth our mostholy Seruice vnder the Obedience of y e Loue or therto hath it his Ministration among the Children of Men / To th end that they mought all now ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue be incorporated to n Iohn 15.17 Christ and so o Act. 3. d. restored agayne to thatt wherunto they are chosen of God and called by Christ. 4. To thesame God which hath prepared all this for vs / through his Loue· and chosen vs to such a gloryous Maiestee / p 1. Timo. ● c be La●de Honour and Thanks / for euermore Amen 5. HEer-with-al I giue you to vnderstand ⁏ ye Beloued that I haue read-ouer the Letter / written by you vnto our Fellow-brother wherout I do note many Woords of godly Matters Through the which / I do also greatly reioyce me and do giue God Thanks q Ephe 1. c. Phil 1. a Col 1 a. 1. Tess 1. a. ● Tess. 1. a. for his Grace extended towards you and for your Dilligence which ye bestowe one-towards-another / in thatt wherin we are seruiceable vnto you and wherunto we exhort you Wher-through we do likewyse perceaue / that our Seruice and Labour shewed on you / is not bestowed in vayne 6. We do also exhort all the Commers-on to the Famyly of Loue and all those that deale or conuersate themselues with you in the Woord / y t they likewyse wil loue the
and Thoughts / from the earthly fleshly and corruptible Beeing / and incorporate or ymplant them to y e heauenly and spirituall vncorruptible Beeing / for to bring-foorth l Iohn 15. b. Fruits of Lyfe / like m Psal. 144. c Esa. 17.60 louely Plants of Righteousnes 7. Heer-vnto exhort one-another in-anywyse and let all your Myndes and Thoughts stand alwayes submitted to the heauenly Trueth and n Col. 3 a. taste euenso in the Spirit of your Mynde / the spirituall heauenly and euerlasting Good and take therin your Ioye among each-other The VI. Chap. THe Lorde which is the a Iohn 1 8 b 1 Iohn 1 a. Iam. 1 b. Light of the euerlasting Vncorruptiblenes giue vnto you all / Eyes of Cleernes / that ye may see and perceaue b Math. 13 b. Lu● 8 10 c and Hearts of Vnderstanding / that ye may vnderstande and comprehend the great Acts and wonderfull Workes of God which God worketh in these last Dayes 2. For now ⁏ out of the Power of God the c 4. E●● 6. ● Apo 5 a Prophecies ⁏ which haue bin shutt d Esa 29 b Dan 22 b or sealed-too a long tyme becom opened / through the Seruice of his holy Spirit of Loue and their Secretnes / playnly declared e Rom. 16 c. Ephe 1 3. a Col. 1. c 2. Timo. 1. b. also nakedly seene into and knowen in the Trueth and euenso published likewyse 3 The Booke of the Lambe ⁏ that is written within and without is also seene and read and his seauē Seales ⁏ f Apo. 5.6 ● b wherwith it was shutt or sealed-too opened Through which Opening of his seauen Seales / g Apo. 14. a. the Iudgment of God is appeered and com ouer the Worlde / for to iudg thesame with h Act. 17. b. Righteousnes 4. And after the Opening of the seauē Seales / the seauen Angels of God namely from the First Angeel foorth / till vnto the Seauenth haue all likewyse sounded with i Apo. 8 9.1● their Trumpets And wee haue heard with our Eares / that the seauenth Angell hath sounded the seauenth Trumpet 5. For after the Sounde of the seauen Trumpets / the greate Voyces in Heauen became saying k Apo. 12. ● The Kingdoms of this Worlde / are becom our Lordes and his Christs and they shall raigne for euer and euer 6. Haue a good regard theron and Vnderstand the righteous Iudgment of God / l Iohn 12. c. which now in thissame last Daye goeth ouer the Worlde 7. HEer-with ⁏ ye Beloued I salute you eueryone / with a Salutation of the Loue. Imbrace and kisse you likewyse one-another to all m 1. Pet. 5. b. Concord and Peace / in thesame Loue n Col. 3. b. forbeare also one-another in the Loue haue Compassion likewyse with o Rom. 13.14 1. Cor. 9. c. Gal 6. a. eueryones Ignorance and informe eueryone also p Rom. 12. b. with Reuerence and that altogether / in the Loue. 8. And when any speciall Matters com before you / wherthrough ye are burthened or wherwith ye are combered / then be bolde therin in-anywyse / to wryte-ouer thosame vnto mee I proffer my self alwayes to doo you seruice 9. Also when ye haue attayned vnto the Tyme that it is needfull that the Seruice of Loue be more-lardgly declared vnto you / then ye haue yet heard / then shal-ther nothing be with-heald from you but be all brought vnto you / out of Loue. 10. Fare-well and be you valyant The Loue of God the Father keepe the q Phil. 4. b. Col. 3. b. Victory in all your Hearts Amen The ende of the Tenth Epistle The Eleuenth Epistle A Rebuke and Exhortacion out of harty Loue / serueing to a Reformation vnder the Obedience of the Loue and to a Repentance for their Sinnes / vnto al those that think themselues to be wyse and do therfore blaspheame our Seruice and our Comunialtee in the Loue and iudg vs falsly Also for a Warning vnto all simple Hearts / that submitt them obediently with vs / vnder the Loue and her Seruice An open Rebuke / is better then secret Loue. Prou. 27. Curssed be hee that smyteth his Neighbour priuily or trayterously and all the People shall saye / Amen Deut. 27. e. A Backbyter / bewrayeth all what he knoweth in secret but who so is of a faythfull Heart / hee hydeth thesame Pro. 11. The Woordes of the Backbyter are lyke vnto Strypes and they enter into the innermost-part of the Heart A venomous Mouth and a wicked Heart / is lyke vnto an Earthen-pott / couered-ouer with Siluer-drosse Psal. 101. Pro. 26. Iam. 4. Health and Saluation / be vnto all those that submitt them with vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The First Chapter WHERfore do the People rage or a Psal 2.59 a. Act 4. ● murmur why do they constreu our Woordes to y e worst / wherwith they be exhorted to the b 2 Pet 1. b. Entraunce into the good Lyfe Why do they think c Math. ● a. Euell of vs in their Hearts Why do they d Deut 27 ● Ier 18. c. smyte vs priuily / with their Backbyting Why shoote they out their venemous e Psal. 11.57 a Arrowes after vs / behynde our backs And wherfore do many mock at Vs as though the God of Israel / were not our God· and the Lorde Iesus Christ / our Sauiour 2. O ye Backbyters with your false Tonges and ye Declyners from the true Doctrine of the Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ as also ye ignorant People / which do now make-vp yourselues against Vs and against our Loue shewed on you / f Ioel. 2. b. Act. 3. c. Turne you about and repent and torment not yourselues so-much I aduise you / with your Ignorrance least ye g Gal. 5. b. consume your owne Hearts Keepe your venemous Arrowes in your Quyuers hardly and your false Seede / in your Basketts 3. For doutles ther are more then too-many of the venemous Arrowes shott-foorth an● ther is more then enough of the contencious euell h 4. Esd. 4. c. Seede sowen Let it once suffy●e I pray you / to spit-out your Venom and naughty Seede / against God and his holy Maiestee / the Howse of his Loue. 4. Wherfore ⁏ I praye you wil ye murmur against God and his Holyones· dispyse Gods Maiestee ؛the Habitacion of his Loue and ⁏ through the Wickednes or Enuye of your Hearts i Rom. 8. d. blame his chosen Ministers seing y t ther is no euell happened vnto you by them 5. Looke into yourselues I beseeche you Is-it not your owne Euell y t seperateth you from vs and from our Loue which we beare towards you and which falleth vppon you / thorough your owne Opinions or Good-thinking and which likewyse bringeth all Trouble Sorrow Payne k Sap. 11.12 ● and Greefe vppon you· and all peruerse Opinions or euell Imaginations
towards vs But wee for our parts / haue neither don Harme nor l 2. Cor. 7. a. Wrong vnto you nor-yet vnto anyman-els Also / God hath not iniured you But yee for your parts / wil seeme to raigne aboue God and his Requyring· and aboue the Testimonyes of his holy Spirit of Loue / with your m Ma●h 15. b 23. c. vncleane Hearts and earthly Spirit· and with your Imagination of y e Knowledg and so wil iudg Gods Trueth and his Holyones / with your owne corrupt Wisdoms and taken-on Knowledges Yea / ye wil also in your disobedient Knowledg ⁏ which is the euell n Gen. 3 b. 4 Esd. 4. c. d Math. 13. c Seede and false Light of the olde Serpent seeme to vnderstande Gods Workes and his Perfection But ye wil not enter into the Begining o Math. 3· ● Heb 6. a. of the good Lyfe / that reacheth to the Perfection nor accomplish his Requyring 6. O Thou olde corrupt Adam ⁏ which art almost consumed to Dust and Earth wilt thou yet ⁏ in thissame Daye of the Loue p Dan. 8. c. Math. 25. a Iude 1. b. and of the righteous Iudgment of God and Christ make-vp thyself against God and his Saincts Thatt shall not prosper with thee Thou art of Dust and Earth / and thou shalt now in thissame Daye of the Glory of God / becom Dust and q Gen 3. b. Eccli 12. a Earth agayne according to the Woord of our Lorde and God 7. Therfore ⁏ O all ye People which haue your Course-of-lyfe / in the olde corrupt Beeing of Adam turne-awaye your Hearts Myndes and Thoughts betymes / from all what is vayne and destroying and repent and r Eccli 7. b. 1 Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a. submitt you vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Iesu Christ and vnder the Aucthoritee or Seruice of his Holyones and so lay-downe yourselues as a s Psal. 110. a. Esa 66. a. Math. 5. c. Bench for the Lordes Feete / er-euer ye be vtterly swallowed-vpp by the Euell· and by your owne Self-seeking For doutles ye shall not benefite yourselues anything nor-yet keepe any Victory / against God and his Holyones nor against our mostholy Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ. For the highest God is our t Deut. 10. b. Psal. 7. g. 75. a. Iudg Hee is our v Psal. 47.96 King our Arme or x Psal. a Strength 8. Why wil ye then murmur backbyte mock deryde and enuy so much I pray you / and ⁏ for to excuse yourselues and your owne Opinions to be good and vpright / before Men to report and wryte so many Lyes of vs / O ye Dust and Earth and ye y Math. 23. c. paynted Walles Ye can surely do nothing against our God For Hee is the Lorde and the Mighty-one ouer all Flesh and without Him ther-is no God more 9. Ther is also none other God / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth / but the God of the Family of Loue / the true God of Israel which is our God / who hath a 2. Cor. 4. a. declared himself vnto vs / as an euerlasting light and hath likewyse ⁏ in the true Light of his heauenly Cleernes gloryfyed vs in b 2. Cor. 3. b. Him / to be his Saincts and hath moreouer chosen vs / for to c Psal. 9 96. b Act. 17. d. iudg with vs and all his Saincts / in this mostholy Daye of Loue as a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth the vniuersall Earth / with Righteousnes 10. Ther is also none other Christ nor any Christ more / that is true / but the only-borne d Iohn 1. b. Sonne of God the Father / our Lorde and Sauiour who ⁏ as a Sauiour of People is com vnto vs from the e Act. 1. b. Right-hande of God his Father / in the Obeying of the Seruice of his Loue / and so hath declared f Iohn 12.13 b 17. a. himself vnto vs / out-of and with g Iohn 17 c. thesame Cleernes of his Father / the God of Israel / for to make his Saluation h Ephe. 3. a. manifest through Vs / vnto all Generations of the Earth / in these last and perillous Tymes according to the Promyses and so ⁏ in this his Coming to possesse the Kingdoms of this Worlde / as the right Heyre and to performe his Worke agaynst all his Enemyes / which haue not i Math. 25 b. Luk 19 b ▪ lyked of Him nor of the Seruice of his Loue / that they mought be saued 11. In which Preuayling agaynst all his Enemyes / in the Coming of his Glory / Hee shall giue-ouer k 1 Cor. 15. c. the Kingdom as likewyse all Aucthoritee and Lordshipp / vnto his Father that God may be all in all according to the Promyses 21. Ther is also non other holy Gost nor any holy Gost more / but y e l Iohn 14.15.16 b. Only holy Gost of the Loue of God and Christ who hath declared himself vnto vs / out of the Cleernes of the Father / the God of Israel and out of the Cleernes of y e Sonne of God / our Lorde and Sauiour Which holy Gost / is the euerlasting Lyfe also the Loue and the true Beeing of God and Christ itself and is lykewyse the assured m 2. Cor. 2. c. 5. a. Ephe 1.4 d Pawne of our godly Inheritance With whom / wee haue our fellowshipp in the spirituall and heauenly Beeing in-suchsort / that wee do also with him / inherite the n Math 13. b. Apo. 21. a. Treasures or Ritches of all spiriuall and heauēly Goods and ther-too / the euerlasting Lyfe The II. Chap. FOrasmuch now as this gloryous Maiestee of God / is reuealed vnto vs / in the heauenly Beeing / as an euerlasting Light a Esa 60. c. Apo. 21. a. or vnchaingable Daye of Cleernes / Therfore cannot I also endure to hyde the Goodnes and louely Glory of our God but must / out of the good Nature of God ⁏ which is manned with mee witnes his Righteousnes euerywhear alow of his Wisdom and declare his b Dan 3. c. Wayes ⁏ as the Wayes of the Righteous or Godly against all Self-wyseones according to the Flesh and agaynst all good-thinking and ignorant People / which turne them awaye from vs and dispise or contemne this gloryous Daye of y e Cleernes of the liueing God / which is reuealed vnto vs out of Grace according to the Promyses of God the Father also take no heede to the true Light c Psal. 35 41. a mock at Vs shoote-out their Derydeing towards vs with a priuye Hatrid and so do smyte vs d Deut. 27. c. priuyly / cleane against the Lawe and the gracious Woord of y e Lorde not considering of Gods Light / that giueth his Cleernes in vs / ouer the Darknesses nor of Gods Wisdom / which floweth-foorth so aboundantly in vs / ouer the
costly Treasures / c Rom. 9. c. 2. Cor. 4. a. for that they likewyse / be carryed in earthen Vessells and declared vnto you ther-out and brought vnto you out of entyre Loue 3. Do ye dispise Gods Righteousnes / because it ryseth-vp so gloryously / ouer the sinfull Flesh and dealeth so d Rom. 8. a. 1 Timo. 1. b 2. pet 3. a. longsufferingly and graciously with the Sinners 4. Do ye dispise the Wisdom of God / because that thesame ⁏ euen with the Fulnes of the holy Vnderstanding is com so bright in gloryous Cleernes / ouer the Foolis●●es of Men 5. Do ye dispise the Age of Christ / because He raigneth so e 1. Tess. 2. a b 1. Tim. 2. c. 1. pet 5 a. graciously ouer the Childhod for to nourish-vp thesame ⁏ in Meeknes to the Age of the Man Christ 6. Do ye dispise the Knowledg and holy Vnderstanding / because they haue their fellowship among the Ignorantones for to bring them into the vpright and godly Vnderstanding 7. Do ye dispise the f Mal 4. a. Sap. 5. a. Sunne ؛the heauenly Day-light of the highest God because she shineth in the Waters / g Iohn 7. d. that flowe from our Body and for that God also suffereth thesame h Math. 5. c. to shyne as wel ouer the Euell or Sinners which submitt them with Vs / to the Concord of the Loue / as ouer the Good or Righteous ▪ 8. How is your Folly clymmed-vp so high in you / that ye lyke not that Gods Wisdom shoulde gouerne i Math. 25. b. Luk. 19. b. ouer you / with his Loue but that ye yourselues / wil gouerne yourselues / with your owne chosen and fleshly Wisdom Wher-through ye do likewyse ⁏ seing doutles that ye vnderstande k 1. Cor. 2. b. not our secret Mynde of God dispise and enuy Those / ouer whom the Wisdom of God doth gouerne and raigne / with his Loue. 9. But ye do iudg our Foolishnes or tha●t which seemeth to be Foolishnes / in your l Math. 6 c. 20 b. Luk ●● ● crafty Eyes but ye are not m Math 7 a. Luk. 6. c. aware of your owne greatest Foolishnes And therfore ye knowe it not 10. But veryly if Those which submitt them with vs vnder the Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue / woulde giue eare vnto your Foolishnes / which yee through the n Rom. 1. c. Blyndnes of your Hearts / do esteeme for greate Wisdom and woulde follow you therin / Then woulde ye not likewyse see their Foolishnes nor their Ignorance / Euen like as Many of you do not see nor vnderstande the Worldes Foolishnes and Ignorance 11. But seing now that many good-willing Hearts do see into the Ignorance of the wicked Worlde and the Errour of many People and so do o Eccli 6. d. submitt them with vs / to the holy Vnderstanding / for to becom p Ephe. 4. c. taught and vnderstanding ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue in the vpright Beeing of the Loue / therfore do ye mock them and vpbrayde them with their Ignorance because they do not follow the Self-mynde of your Foolishnes 12. WHerfore / O ye Self-wyse and Scriptur-learnedones and all yee which ⁏ through the Knowledg do perswade yourselues to be q Rom 1. c. 2. Cor 3 b. vnderstanding / Looke once rightly into yourselues I pray you Beare r Act. 17. d. sorrow ouer your Ignorance and suffer yourselues to be renewed in your Vnderstanding / through the Seruice of the holy and gracious Woord / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 13. Do not stomble or wax offended at our s Math. 18. d. Childishnes nor at the Seeming of our Foolishnes but remember that the Childishnes of the Holyones of God / is manlyer and procureth more Fruits of Righteousnes / among the Beleeuers / then the manly Glory of the wicked Worlde 14. Remember also / that the Foolishnes of the Elect of God / is t 1. Cor. 1. b. much wyser / then all the Wysdom of the wicked Worlde 15. For whosoeuer doth not seperate himself from the Worlde and from her Wisdom and so becometh u 1. Cor. 3 b. foolish before the Worlde / for the Wisdom of Gods sake / Hee likewyse shall not com to the Wisdom of God nor-yet vnderstande the secret Counsayle of God 16. Also whosoeuer turneth not himself about x M●t 18 a. 1. Cor. 1.4 c Ephe ▪ 4. b. and becometh childish before y e Worlde / for the manly Ages cause of Christ / Hee likewyse shall not com to y e Age of the Man Christ. 17. Knowe ye not that ther is written y 1. Cor. ● Not many Wyse / after the Flesh not many Prudent nor Ingenious / but what is foolish before the Worlde / thatt hath God chosen 18. But ⁏ alas ye wil not consider heeron because ye are too-to-arrogant and prowde vppon the Knowledg of your darkened Vnderstanding 19. Ye go-on with stiff a Esa. 3. b. Necks and are much-to-wyse in your owne conceites / for to submitt you simply with Vs Littleones and elected Holyones of God / vnder the gloryous b 1. pet 5. b. Iam. 4. a. Maiestee of God and much-to-olde self-righteous and too-renowned in your owne Sight and also before the Worlde and her Wyseones / to submitt yourselues so simply in the c Math. ●8 ● ● p●r 2. a. childish and single-mynded Beeing / with vs vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The V. Chap. Oh ⁏ my beloued Hearts take-heede to that which I wryte vnto you / to your Reformation harden a psal 95. a. Heb 3 a not your Hearts / through the b pro ● b. Heb 12. a. fatherly Rebuke wher-with the Loue informeth you seruiceably / by her Minister HN. For hee that ⁏ out of the gracious Woord of the Lord and his Seruice of Loue setteth-forth before your Eyes / your Sinnes and Thatt which ye do yet want in the Loue and despereth to leade you ther-out / with Rebuke and Informacion also holdeth-foorth the Wayes to the godly Lyfe / before you and so is your Seruant / that you may com to God ؛the euerlasting Lyfe and to be incorporated vnto his vpright Righteousnes and Holynes Thatsame is Hee that rightly loueth you and which is rightly seruiceable vnto you to the true Loue both of God and Man / to your Preseruacion in the Godlynes 2. But your owne Wisdoms or Good-thinkings and all those / which ⁏ out of the Imaginacion of their owne Knowledg do ●●ow you● in y e Foolishnes of your Hearts and speake to c Mich. 2 ● a. you according to your owne Myndes / Those do steale-away your Hearts and so do leade you the which ye consider not d pro. 7. c. into their Netts They laye Clothes vppon your Eyes soft Pillowes / e Eze. 13. b. vnder your Armes and leade you captiue in darke Wayes 3.
Therfore turne you from all thatt / wher-through ye haue seduced and deceaued yourselues and com to thissame true Light of Loue which by Gods Grace / is f Esa. 60. a. Iohn 1. a. 1 Iohn 1.2 a appeered and com vnto Vs / out of Heauen 4. SEing then that God hath ⁏ now in these perillous Tymes shewed Mercy on vs ⁏ with his Light through his harty Loue / Therfore do we acknowledg likewyse through the Loue of God the Father / that ther is now presently / no other Light nor Lyfe more ⁏ that is true neither hath bin heertofore nor-yet shall com / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth / but thatsame Light which is reuealed and com vnto vs now in the last tyme / through the Loue of God the Father and thatsame is the true Light / wheron g Deut 18. b. Esa 60 a. Iohn 5. c. Act. 3. c. Moses and all the holy Prophets of God haue witnessed and which the holy h Act. ct Apostles of Christ and Euangelists haue published / to the Blessing and Saluacion of all Generacions of Men / that beleeue theron 5. All whatsoeuer is against thesame and that doth not submitt itself ther-vnder ▪ but turneth itself away ther-from / thatt is all Darknes i Esa. 59. a. Conceited-light or False-light and nothing but Deceit and Seduceing For the Waye of thesame / leadeth to the k Math 7.25 d. Hell and euerlasting Condemnation 6. Therfore be not you seduced by your owne Knowledg nor by anymans Good-thinking nor chosen Holynes but turne your Hearts to the Seate of Grace and to the euerlasting Day-light from Heauen / that is appeered and com vnto vs now in the last tyme ⁏ by Gods Grace according to the Promyses 7. THerfore com now all hether / to this true Light of the vpright vndeceaueable Loue Suffer yourselues to be shyned-on and lighted therby / through the Seruice of Loue and so becom Lights / l Psal. 36. b. in y e Light and let the Loue be planted in you / with Meeknes 8. Take now heede to thissame Daye of Loue to thend ye may be cleansed from all what is agaynst the Loue. 9. For I saye vnto you veryly that after thissame Daye of Loue / ther shall m Apo. 10 a. no Daye more appeere out of Heauen / vppon the Earth neither haue we to wayte for any other Daye more / for euer It shall likewyse all perrish / whatsoeuer n P●o. 1. c. refuseth the Grace / in thissame Daye and so contemneth Gods Mercy 10. For this Daye is the Daye which God hath sett or appoynted / o Act. 17. d. in the which He wil iudg the Circuit of the Earth with Righteousnes / through one Man in whom He hath concluded it and holdeth-foorth the Beleefe before eueryone inasmuch as God hath raysed Him from the Death By whom / the p 1. Cor. 15. b. Resurrection of the Deadd / is now also reuealed and made-knowen vnto vs. 11. Beholde this is held-foorth vnto you out of harty Loue / q Iohn 20. g. for that ye shoulde beleeue and becom saued r Apo. 20. a. and mought haue a Parte in the Resurrection of the Righteous· and reioyce you with vs and all the Saintes of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe 12. Take s Pro. 2.3.4 a thissame to heart I pray you ⁏ to a Reformacion in the vertuous Nature of the Loue O thou louely Comunialtee thou meane I which standest submitted ⁏ with Heart Mynde and Delyte vnder the Loue / to shewe all Obedience 13. Haue now a sharpe regarde on the gloryous Maiestee of God and on the Mercyfulnes of his Loue which is now declared vnto vs / t Math 24. d. Act. 1. b. out of the heauenly Beeing and hath his Foorme vppon the Earth Submitt you alwayes ther-vnder and let not his Loue be turned-away from your Heartes but let thesame be alwayes vnto you / to a v Math. 11. d. Refreshing of your Soules / Then shall ye not be deceaued by the earthly fleshly and good-thinking Men / nor by the false Hearts of the Scripture-learnedones For all their Wayes x Esa 59 ▪ a. are false lying and deceitfull 14. They wil not submitt them also / but to their owne Good-thinking / or to the earthly fleshly and bloody Things / and to Those / which ⁏ lyke vnto themselues are mynded to the earthly Flesh and Blood and which bring-foorth their Good-thinking ther-out The VI. Chap. OH what a perrillous a Amo● ● b. M●ch 2. a. Tyme is it now presently / for the Preseruacion of Soules namely for Those that be borne b ● Pet. 1 c. Iam. 1. b. out of the Loue and her Seruice / and with what c Heb. 1● b. Care and Foresightfulnes / must now the Elders in the godly Vnderstanding of the holy Spirit of Loue / bring-vp d 1. Pet 5. a. their Children of Loue / to th end that the gloryous Freedom of the Children of God mought be manifested vnto them and they not to be lead-away ther-from / For the Theeues or Stealers of Men / are now becom many and the Deuourers sleepe not 2. Oh looke to it / looke to it keepe you likewyse eueryone a sharpe Watch ⁏ my beloued Children sayth the holy Spirit of Loue and in the Ryseing-vp of the Vyolent-dooers and Destroyers / then keepe yourselues quyet in-any-wyse e Esa 26. c. byde within your Doores go not without the Walles nor Gates of the Citee / till the Destroyers he passed-by that ye be not deuoured 3. Shewe not yourselues naked in-any-case / before the Enemyes be not seene of them bee now among them ⁏ whyle the wicked Worlde doth yet raigne euen as though ye were deadd and were not f Psal. 38 b. and had no Speeche in your Mouth and so walke vnseene and vnknowen / before all those that are with out the Family of Loue and showe themselues as Enemyes agaynst thesame as also before those that turne them awaye ther-from Be not g Esa. 52. b hasty in-an-wyse / to take-on anything runne not before the tyme and h Luk. 9.17 d looke not about after anything / for to imagin any better thing / then the Loue and thatt which is administred out of her Seruice 4. O thou precious Manhod / looke only vpon thy God and vpon the Kyndnes of his Loue shewed on thee / Otherwyse / thou must perrish Giue no eare in-any-wyse / to those that are borne i Iohan. 3. b. out of the earthly Blood and are Straingers k Ephe. 2. b. from the Family of Loue. God hath not sent them neither are they any Prophets that go-out from God 5. O precious Man / l Mat. 22. b. Apo. 3. b. becom now clothed with the Loue and be prudent and vnderstanding in y e vertuous Nature m 2. Cor. 12. b For it is
d Act 1. b. 7. g Ephe. 1. c. Col. 3. a. Heb. 1. a. 10. ● 11. ● out of Heauen according to y e Scripture / On which Daye / the Circuit of the Earth namely eueryone in thatt which he is the Liueing and Dead the Good and Euell the Lightes and Darknesses the Trueth and Lye the vpright Vnderstanding and the Ignorances of Men shal be iudged e Act. 17. d· with Rightousnes For in thesame shall eueryone receaue his Rewarde / according to his Nature f Ier. 17 b. Math. 16 c. Rom. 2.14 b. 2 Cor. 5.6 Apo. 2. c. or frui●t of his Workes 3. Happy is hee that submitteth himself humbly and obediently vnder thissame Daye of Loue also giueth g Pro 1. a. 2. a 3. a. 4. a. 5. a. Eccli 6. c. eare to y e Seruice of Loue and to thesame holy Woord that is ministred therout and setteth not himselfe to be a ▪ Iudg ouer the Workes of God nor ouer the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue neither-yet is wyse h Pro. 3. a. Esa. 5. c. Rom. 12. b. in his owne conceit but giueth God the Honour / that He himself is the very-true Lorde and Iudg / in his Daye and in the Seruice of his Loue and so taketh-heede to the Loue of God the Father / to his Preseruation Amen 4. MY Beloued as I haue vnderstoode by the Mouth of thy Freende / when I was with him in Friesland / thy Request was vnto mee / that I woulde wryte a little vnto thee But I coulde not wel comprehend nor perceaue by his Woordes / what mought be thy Seeking or Desyre therwith As whether thou didst desyre to be taught or edifyed by the holy Woord / which we minister vnder the Obedience of the Loue or-els whether thou desyeredst to iudg thesame / according to thyne owne Good-thinking 5. Seing then that many Heartes do com before vs now / with Deceipt notwithstanding / I hope otherwyse of thee and that wee by-that-occasion / do not willingly wryte vnaduisedly or vnforesightfully vnto anyman that desyereth it of vs / Therfore woulde we gladly at the first / heare to what ende Those that seeke any Seruice at our Handes / do desyre our Seruice / i 2. Cor. 5. ● 1. Tess. ● b. which proceedeth out of Gods Counsayle and Wisdom 6. And besydes thatt / because I coulde not vnderstande thy Mynde or Intent / by the Message that was don vnto me by Mouth / therfore haue I refrayned from wryting vnto thee at that tyme but did by him returne Message vnto thee / by woord-of-mouth / that I woulde com to thee about Sainte Martines-tyde / for to talke with thee myself by Mouth 7. But because ther is now somwhat-els com vnto me / which hath hindered me from coming to thee / therfore haue I heere now by this Bearer / written the Cause vnto thee / why I did omitt to wryte vnto thee at that tyme. 8. But I hope that thou wilt not be offended heerby nor-yet think / that my Will is therfore to forsake the Seruice of the holy Woord / wherunto the God of Lyfe hath k Gal. 1 b. Ephe 1. b 3. ● 1 Timo. 1. a. elected Mee / through his Loue / for to assist and to be seruiceable vnto my Neighbour / toward thesame Loue of God the Father namely to the Needy l Esa ▪ 58. a. or Poore of Spirit and to the Broken or m Psalm 34 b 51. b. 147 a Esa. 57. b. Striken of Heart Or-yet tha● I woulde not vouchsafe to wryte vnto thee 9. O No ⁏ thou Beloued my Heart or Mynde standeth not so bent / as to forsake the Good and his Seruice or that I shoulde not vouchsafe to serue eueryone ther-with but I stande alwayes good-willingly bent therto For I do not serue nor labour for myself only n Eccli 24. d. 33. c. but likewyse for all Those that loue and desyre Informacion The II. Chap. HOwbeit ⁏ my Beloued I woulde doutles very-gladly haue spoken with thee by Mouth myself / if the tyme woulde haue serued therto / Because that I haue heard by Somme / that thou art not well content or satisfied with the sincere Wisdom or Vnderstanding / which is com vnto vs Littleones and Lowely-hearts / a Sap. 6. b. Iam 3. b. out of Heauen / from the Right-hande of God and which we do minister vnto the Children of Men / to their Saluacion but makest many Woordes vpon it / for that thou wouldest iudg the godly Wisdom and holy Vnderstanding / according to thyne owne Imaginacion and so to withstande thesame / according to thy good-thinking Iudgment wherwith thou b Rom. 16. b. 2 Cor. 11. a. stealest-away the Simplicitee in Christ as also the true Obedience to the Loue and to the Requyring of her Seruice / from the Hearts of the Simple and ⁏ euen in Contempt towards the Trueth of God gloryest and commendest thyself therin 2. O thou Beloued if thou perseuerest heerin / then wil it fal-out greeuous vnto the / to withstande the Mouth of God and the Grace of his Loue / wherwith God presenteth thee and all Men / c Luk. 24. c. Rom. 2 a. Act. 17. d. to a Repentance for their Sinnes 3. Therfore do I exhort thee ⁏ out of the bounteous Loue of God to thy Preseruacion and Saluacion / sett not thyself against the Trueth of God nor apply not thy Natural-reason and Prudence therunto but turne thee from the euell Acts of thy Lipps and Toung and submitt thyself humbly with vs ⁏ euen d 1. Pet. 5 a. Iam. 4 a. with a simple Heart vnder the Obedience of the Loue / so shalt thou fynde Grace before God 4. But if-so-be thou desyrest larger Instruction of anything / then th●se Wrytings which proceede-out from vs / do witnes vnto thee or if Those that com vnto thee from Vs / do not satisfy thee / in thyne Vnde●standing / Yet do not therfore reiect anything but aske after the right Distinction And when thou hast inquyred after the right Grounde of the Trueth of our godly Testimonyes / then vnderstande likewyse the Mattier first rightly ⁏ according to the Trueth er-euer thou dispise or speak-against anything of the holy Testimonyes of the Trueth 5. If then ther be any Sentence to-secret before thee or if thou want anything / then wryte-ouer thesame boldly vnto mee / as one that loueth e Eccli 6. d. 8. a. the Informacion and desyereth the cleere Instruction of the f Math 13 ▪ b. Secretnes of the Trueth I hope thou shalt alwayes fynde me seruiceable / for to assist thee to the Vnitee in the Loue and to liue concordably with thee / in the vpright Vnderstanding 6. If now thou giue thyself heerunto and doest euenso / then wil I ⁏ through the Grace that is shewed on mee most-groundly instruct thee and also shewe thee with Sensible-reason / that we haue no want of anything
c. Benefite / in what Humiltee and Holynes soeuer it turneth or giueth-ouer c Esa. 58.59 ● Col 2. b. c. itself vnto and that all his Conuersion is nothing-els oftentymes / but an Inclynation to his owne Sensualitee / according to his owne Pleasure / Therfore haue I doutles to consider well theron and to vse a great Circumspection to the things that the Man giueth-foorth of himself and likewyse for to perceaue out of what Grounde of the Heart / the Mans Conuersion or his Mynde to the Good / cometh-to-pas or out of what Intent he calleth Thatt the Good / wherunto he turneth him namely whether y e thesame which he turneth him vnto / do d Rom. 6. b. ● a. 13. b. Gal. 5. b. delyte him according to the Flesh of Sinne and according to his fleshly Will or whether that he turne-away himself from all what is a Delyte vnto the Flesh and so hath a e psal 40. Desyre with all his Heart / to doo the Lordes Will. 4. For-that-cause ⁏ thou Beloued inasmuch now as all s●nfull Flesh is generally ⁏ in his Conuersion so f Gen 6 ● ▪ self-chooseing and is also oftentymes / founde deceitfull therin / Therfore cannot I so simply beleeue nor trust thee / at the first / because y t I may yet perhapps haue som Suspicion / whether that thy Conuersion may proceede out of a g Rom. 8. a. 13. b. Delyte of the Flesh / or no and therfore cannot continue stedfast with thee Notwithstanding / by thy Wryting / I hope the Best of thee 5. But seing that it is all h Pro. 11. b. vnstedfast / whatsoeuer is taken-on out of the Pleasure of the sinfull Flesh / therfore must I needes wryte vnto thee of thesame and of my Mistrust that I haue towards it For doutles I can trust no Flesh of Sinne nor anything that the Man inclyneth-vnto / according to the Mocions or Pleasures of the Flesh / as to thinck that his Humilitee and Lowelynes or Littlenes / is so wholly inclyned to the Loue of God the Father / with an vpright Heart / as his Woordes and Wrytings do import Also / none of those things can perswade me to trust firmly theron / that it shal be found euen so in the Deede 6. Notwithstanding although I do mistrust the Man / according to the Inclynacion of his Flesh and do not so simply beleeue him at the first / yet do I wel vouchsafe vnto him with all my Heart / all the Good wherof he bosteth him Yea I woulde also that he had obtayned such Mercy at the hands of the highest God / as his Woordes do speake-of or as his Wrytings do import 7. But veryly all whatsoeuer is testifyed enterprysed or begonne / out of the Will and Pleasure of the Flesh / without the Spirit of God or without our Mostholy Seruice of Loue. or whatsoeuer is beleeued accepted and deuised / out of anymans Doctrine and Counsayle / that standeth not wholly submitted to the holy Spirit of Loue and his Seruice let it be then in the accomplishing erecting or obeying of what Holynes or Righteousnes soeuer it be therin shall noman ⁏ whosoeuer he be be able to continue stedfast but they must all needes be varyable and com to shame therin 8. For seing it procedeth out of the Flesh of Lyes / i Rom. 7. b. c ▪ 8. a. ● Cor. 3. a. therfore also is not the Power to the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes / with thesame but it is only with the highest God Which God / bringeth or sendeth his Power / k Ephe. 3. b. Phil. 2. b. 3. c Col 1. c. vnto his Beleeuers or Holyones / that heare his Woord and giue-ouer themselues with all their Hearts / vnto Obedience vnder the Spirit of the Loue of Christ and to the mostholy Godseriuce of thesame 9. Vnder which vpright Seruice and godly Righteousnes / God doth not fauour any Flesch as to honour thesame with any fleshly Righteousnes or Holynes / l 1 Cor 1. c. for that it shoulde in nowyse bost itself of his owne Goodnes The II. Chap. SEing then that ther belongeth no Honour to the Flesh of Sinne / therfore doth God likewyse now in his gloryous Daye of y e Coming of Christ bring all sinfull a 1. Cor. 1. c. Flesh to shame ⁏ in the Purpose of his owne Holynes or Righteousnes through the Seruice of his Loue and sheweth that Hee ؛the Lorde is the vpright Righteousnes of the true Lyfe and the Loue itself Which God / permitteth not himself to be approched vnto nor reconciled / in his Righteousnes let it be then by what meanes it wil b Psal ●5 24 a Esa 33. b. Heb. 12. c. but only by his owne vertuous Beeing and godly Nature or Spirit of Loue. 2. But this doth the Flesh dislyke-of for-that-cause also / it hath no pleasure in the God of Heauen nor in his Glory nor-yet in the Iudgment of his Righteousnes For ther-through it fyndeth itself altogether vayne and weake / before God and his Trueth also vtterly c Iob. 9. ● b. c Psal. 126. b. Rom. 3. a. vnrighteous false and lying / in his owne Iudgment 3. And the Flesh or the Wisdom proceding out of the Flesh / doth likewyse growe-offended at the true Light of God ⁏ the which notwithstanding / is Christ / d 1. Iohn 4. c the Sauiour of all the Worlde himself because that all his Fleshes owne-proper Righteousnes e Col. 2. b. c. and self-chosen Holynes and Wisdom / auayleth not with the true Light neither-yet is it esteemed as to make any account therof 4. But seing now that the Flesh of Sinne / woulde so fayne haue Prayse or Honour for his Holynes Wisdom or Righteousnes / therfore doth it seeke thesame among the Children of Men / in diuers maners By which occasion / ther is so many Diuisions of chosen Holynes / growne euerywhear f Rom. 10. a. Gal. 3 a. 4. b Col. 2. b c. in the Worlde or among the Children of Men. 5. But Gods Saints ⁏ which dwell in Heauen shall laugh the Flesh of Sinne to-scorne / with his foolish Bewitching and with all the Hipocrisy of his forged Holynes For the Man hath therthrough forsaken the louely Righteousnes of the vpright Lyfe in the Peace and ⁏ with his owne Righteousnes plucked much Stryfe and Controuersy vppon his owne Neck 6. He hath also lest to giue g Ier. 2. ● Rom. 1. ● to the God of Lyfe his Honour / h Iohn 5. ● that belongeth only vnto Him and hath sought and defended his owne Honour Therfore hath he likewyse dealt with so many Wickednesses and Killings or Murderings By which occasion / he cannot also vnderstande or conceaue any-thing-at-all i Math. 23. Rom. 10. ● of the vpright Righteousnes which auayleth before God which notwithstanding / bringeth-the Loue and the Peace vnto him 7. Seing then that the
Seruice / are not Seruants of Men nor of the Letter like-vnto the earthly Generacion out of the Flesh ⁏ who are h Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b ▪ altogether Straingers and ignorant of Gods heauenly Trueth but i 2. Cor. 3. Ministers of the holy Woord k 2 Cor. 4. 2 Pet. 1. b. and Witnesses of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes 3. And so through Gods true Beeing and his spirituall and heauenly Goodes in l Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 1. b. the which / God hath herited vs / as his beloued Children wee ⁏ which are comprehended in the Comunialtee of Loue and m Ephe. 4. b. Age of the holy Vnderstanding are eueryone / n 1 Pet. 2. a. Apoc. 1. a. 5. b. 20 a. Priestes Kinges or Gods / o Exo. 22. a. Psal. 82. a. Iohn 10 d. and Children of the Most highest / which are not com of the Earth / but of Heauen and p Iohn 1. a. 3. a. borne out of God for to raigne vppon the Earth / with Righteousnes 4. Therfore are wee likewyse / q Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 1. b. God 's Heyres with Christ our Sauiour / in all r Esa 33. a. Ephe. 1 b. 2. a. Col 1. c. 2. a. the Treasures and Ritches of his spirituall and heauenly Goodes / as free borne Children who do all s Ier. 31. d. ●1 Iohn 1 ● Hed 8. b. knowe God / from the Least to the Greatest vnto whom also / God hath ⁏ to a more Aboundance of his· Grace geeuen to t Math. 1● d. 13. b. 1 Cor 2. b. Ephe 3. a. Col. 1. e. vnderstande the Secretnes of his Kingdom and of Christ and his secret Counsayle and Will / To th end that the true and perfect Beeing of God the Father· the Secretnes of the Kingdom of Christ· and the endles Ioye of the heauenly Delytfulnes and of the euerlasting Lyfe / shoulde ⁏ by vs be declared vppon the Earth / now in the last tyme. 5. Beholde thatt is the Brightnes of the vertuous Cleernes / which all the Children of God haue now / through the Loue. It is also the vpright Rest / which God hath v Heb. 4. b. kept or reserued for his Children / for to herite them therin in thissame last Tyme and it is likewyse / the vpright Righteousnes of the heauenly Trueth / against the which / the Worlde can do nothing neither can any Flesh / lett thesame in-any-wyse 6. For all the Darknesses Vnrestfulnes and all the Foolishnesses and Vnrighteousnesses of this Worlde / cannot x Act. 9. b. c. bring-to-nothing / God 's Light Rest nor his Righteousnes and Wisdom / which cometh ritchly and aboundantly vnto vs / through his Loue neither can likewyse all the false God-seruices chosen Holynesses of the Flesh nor the false Heartes of the Scripture-learned / y Mat. 16. c. destroy the vpright God-seruice ⁏ which cometh-to-pas with vs in the Spirit / through the Loue nor-yet our vpright Holynes which God esteemeth 7. Therfore are wee likewyse wel-at-quyet in our God and in the true Beeing of his vndisturbable Power / wherin all Myndes and Thoughtes z Psal. 15.24 ● Esa. 33. b. of pure Hearts / do liue and dwell For those Things wherof we speake and wherwith God illuminateth vs / are not vncertayne to our Consciences The IIII. Chap. WE confesse also out of a good Conscience / before God and before all those that desyre to heare vs in Humilitee that now in thissame Daye / it is altogether the Will and the Precept or Commaundement of God / a Esa 1. b. 55. a Ier. 7. a. c. 18. b. 25. a. 35. b. Eze. 18. c. Math. 3. a. Act 2.17 d that eueryone shoulde turne him from all his Vnrighteousnes and with a penitent Heart / giue his Vnderstanding captiue b 2. Cor. 10. ● vnder the Obedience of the Loue and euenso shoulde ⁏ vnder the Wings of the Loue leade an vpright Lyfe with vs Little and Electedones of God / both before God and Man wherby to inherite and possesse with Christ / for euermore ⁏ like Children c Rom 8. b. Ephe. 1 c. and Heyres of God all the heauenly Ritches of God our Father / through y e Loue. Haue a good regarde therunto 2. VEryly / This is now the Sounde of the last Trumpet d Ioel. 2. a. b. 1. Tess. 4. b. Apo 12. a. and the Trumpets-noyse of the righteous Iudgment of our God / which we do witnes in the Worlde before the Eares of all People and do publish it generally e Mat. 24. d. Apo. 14. b. in the Worlde / vnto all Louers of the Trueth / as a ioyfull Message 3. But if now we be not beleeued heerin / by reason of the Blyndnes of the People or because of their self chosen Holynes but much-rather resisted f Act. 7. f. 2. Pet. 2 b. Iude. 1 b. and blaspheamed / through the Disobedience g psal 95. a. Ier ● e. Heb 3. a. and Hardnes of their Heartes / What doth thatt concerne vs / God 's h Iohn 12. c. Iudgment goeth neuer-the-lesse ouer the Worlde for-al-thatt but to take-heede to thesame Iudgment and to haue a good regarde vnto the Sentences of his righteous Iudgment / thatt veryly doth concerne vs much For now in thissame Daye / it yeeldeth vnto vs eueryone / either the euerlasting Saluacion or the euerlasting Condemnacion 4. But let vs not therfore feare nor be dismayed For the Iudgment of God chauneth to all vs ⁏ Wee / which vnder the Obedience of the Loue / do beleeue Gods Trueth as likewyse all the Saincts of God to an euerlasting Ioye and Saluacion in the eternall Lyfe i Dan. 12. b. Mat. 25. c. Iohn 5. c. Rom. 2 a. but to the Vnbeleeuers and all Vngodlyones together with all erring Spirits or Children of the Deuill / to a perpetuall Condemnacion in the euerlasting Death among whom / the Flame of the hellish Fyre and the k Esa. ●6 c. Mark 9. ● Gnawing of the Worme of the euell Conscience / shall endure / euen for euer and euer It is verytrue 5. BVt though anyman now shoulde beleeue our Testimonyes of the true Spirit of Loue / which we do witnes with Courtesye / before all Consciences of Men and in the Beleefe ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue shoulde be l Iohn 3. d. 6. c. 20. d. 1 Iohn 5 b. saued and shoulde therfore be protected from the last m Apo. 18. a. 20. c. Plagues of the Vngodly or be ridd ther-from / Yet is not thatsame then our Worke nor-yet his that beleeueth n 2. Cor 3. b. but the Worke of our God / in his righteous Iudgment 6. Therfore is the Beleefe / o Rom. 12. a. 1 Cor. 12. a. b Ephe. 2.4 a a Gi●t of God wherwith God sheweth Mercy on vs and so draweth vs out of the Aboundance of our Darknesses / p 1. Pet. 2.
b. vnto himself into his Loue ▪ that euerlasting vnchaingable Light● 7. Beholde euenthus in his Loue / doth the Lorde accepe vs q 2 Cor. 6. b. for his Sonnes and Daughters for his Seruants and Hand-maydens and leadeth vs with his Right-hande / into the Daye of the true Light of his heauenly Cleernes / for to power-out his holy Spirit r Esa. 44 a. Eze. 36. c. Ioel. 2. c. Act. 2. b. vppon vs / in thesame Daye according to the Promyses / To th end that it may all be Luk. 24. c. accomplished / whatsoeuer is written of the Righteousnes of our God / in the Lawe of Moses in the Prophets and in the Gospel of Christ. The V. Chap. O Thou Beloued Consider well of this holy Vnderstanding / which is witnessed and held-forth vnto thee / out of the Seruice of Loue and then if Mercy be shewed on thee by God as that He openeth the Doore of Vnderstanding vnto thee and that thou ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue doest see-into the true Beeing / wheron we witnes / then shal-ther also an vpright Sorrow a 2. Cor. 7. b. 1. pe● 2. b. for thy Sinnes cause / be founde in thee namely most-cheefly for the Resistance and Blaspheamy / wherwith thou hast ⁏ with many euell Imaginacions spoken against the Loue and her vpright Seruice· and b Rom 16. b. Cal. 1. a. 3. a 6 b. quayled other moe single Hearts· and made them wauering in the Beleefe towards the Loue so that they likewyse ⁏ through thy Blaspheaming are becom captiued with euell Imaginacions towards our godly Seruice of Loue and the Ministers of thesame and so haue likewyse ⁏ by reason of thy Resistance and Blaspheamy dispised y e Seruice of the holy Woord vnder the Obedience of the Loue. and euenso haue much-more commended the false Testimonyes of the good-thinking Wyseones and the Institucions of the wicked Worlde because they mought hyde themselues and walke couered ther-vnder / with their euell Consciences then the true Light and the vpright Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue before the which / the Heartes of Men must appeere c Iohn ● c. Ephe. 5. b. and becom manifest vncouered or naked / if they wil be saued 2. But seing now that ther-is an vpright Doctrine and Order among vs which is not according to the Order of the wicked Worlde and that wee ⁏ by Gods Grace haue obtayned a greater and more-godly Light / then is among the worldly Wyse and her Scripture-learnedones / Therfore also be all those which are mynded against thesame / manifest vnto vs / in their craf●y Hearts and that they are wicked or euell of Nature or Disposition / and not good and how that they do in all respects / seeke and loue their Selfnes or thatt which concerneth the Flesh. and d Phil. 2. c. not the Lorde nor his vpright Beeing of Loue. 3. Because of which Craftynes and Dissimulation of the People wherwith they think to couer their Wickednes we must oftentymes be blaspheamed· and iudged for Euel-dooers and e 2. Cor. 6. ● Seducers of Men. But veryly / they cannot couer their Wickednes and Craftynes therwith / before vs but they becom so-much-the-more manifest / what they are and by what Spirit they are directed 4. But although now it be manifest / that all lying Flesh / vnder a Cullour of Vertue and of Seemly-maner ⁏ wherwith it couereth his wicked Nature hath alwayes sought his owne f Iohn 5. c. Honour And although that it be brought-to-shame therin / with his Wickednes ⁏ which ryseth-vp in itself / against our vndeceaueable Seruice of Loue and must acknowledg in his Heart / that the vpright Beeing of the Loue / is the g Math. 22. d Mark 12. d. Rom. 13. b. 1. Gor 13 Gal. 5. b. 1. Timo. 1. a Verytrue / Yet is notwithstanding / the lying Flesh of Sinne ⁏ or the good-thinking Man with his wicked and peruerse Nature / still so desperous of Honour in himself / that he woulde much-rather blaspheame the good Beeing of the Loue and reiect or condemne it for euell / then to iudg or to confesse his owne Wickednes / for euell 5. And with such an euell Conscience doth the Man oftentymes / blaspheame or iudg h Pro 17.24 c Esa. 5. c. the Light / for Darknes y e Right / for Wrong and the Good / for Euell and the vpright Ministers of the holy Woord of Iesu Christ / i 2. Cor. 6. a. for Seducers / wherby to defende his owne Euell therwith / as Good and to excuse himself k Math 6. a. 23. a. before Men / as to haue Right on his syde 6. But all this do Wee endure with Long-sufferance and do not desyre to reuendge ourselues on anyman but do giue-ouer the Reuendgment l Deut 32. d. Rom. 12 b Heb. 1● d. to the Lorde who m Ier. 17. d. Math. 16. c Rom. 2.14 b. rewardeth eueryone according to his Workes 7. For thatt God before whom we stande / doth recompence eueryone his Euel-deedes / n Sap. 11.12 c with his owne Wickednes / that doth arrogantly set-vp himself against vs. And euenso is now in this Daye of Loue / eueryone that imagineth and practiseth Euell or Mischeef towards vs / rewarded agayne with his owne Euell and Mischeef And beareing his o Gal. 6. ● owne Burden therin / from the Hande of the Lorde he must be vexed and punished by his owne Wickednes / till that he acknowledg himself giltye and turneth him to the Obedience of the Loue. In whose Seruice / the Forgiuenes of Sinnes and a good and quyet Conscience is obtayned / through the Loue. The VI. Chap. ALthough I wryte vnto thee of these things / thou Beloued / yet do I not wryte thesame to any such ende / as to retayne anything of all ●hat which was don or sayde by thee or through thee in tymes-past / against vs and our mostholy Seruice of Loue / to vpbrayde thee therwith but for that thou shouldest knowe wherin the Health a Math. 11. e of thy Soule shal be founde and with what-maner of Assistance or Helpfulnes / I desyre to help thee in thy Extr●mitee and Misery wherof thou bewaylest thyself vnto me / to th end I shoulde shewe thee som Helpfulnes Out of which Extremitee and Misery ⁏ wher-into thou hast brought thyself thou art not to be ridd / except thou hast first knowen and perceaued all thy Sinnes b Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. b. and borne Sorrow· and performed a right Confession and Repentance for thesame 2. But that which I do heere rehearse vnto thee / I rehearse it not to any euell intent but to thy Amendment For I desyre not to retayne any euell Opinion towards thee nor anyman-els / for all what is c Math. 16. b. don or spoken against vs. But this is all my Desyre / that-ther may a true d 2. Cor.
7. b. Sorrow and Amendment be shewed and that men may be of one-mynde with each-other / e Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1. Cor. 1. a. 2 Cor. 13. b. Phil. 2 a. in the Loue / wherby to liue peaceably in all Loue / to laude and thanke the God of Lyfe / for all his Goodnes / and to giue the Honour only vnto Him 3. Beholde heerunto do all wee ⁏ which stande submitted vnder the Obedience of the Loue / the mostholy God-seruice stand concordably inclyned and in-that-sort ⁏ to the f Iohn 17 d. Ephe. 4 a. Vnitee in the Loue loueingly to receaue into our Armes of the Spirit of Loue / our Enemyes which turne them to the Loue and her Seruice / to a Reconciliation with each-other / To th end that they mought escape g Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. b. the Vengance of God· and be kept from the h Luk. 21. b. Apo. 18. a. Plagues which shall now in thissame Daye / fall vppon all Vngodlyones ؛our Enemyes 4. Thissame is all our Lust and Desyre / for to shewe Mercy likewyse vnto eueryone / out of Loue inasmuch as Mercy is shewed on Vs and not to remember anymās former Sinnes but cheefly towards those / that giue themselues penetently to our Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / for to bring-foorth good i Mat 13. a. Luk. ● a. Iohn 15. b Fruits of Lyfe 5. Oh That it mought once com-to-light· and gett the k 1. Cor 3. b. Prehemynence in the Heart of Man / that hath so long-tyme remayned in secret namely the vpright Beeing of the Loue / 6. To thatt God now / l Ephe. 3. b. who hath thesame in his Hande and bringeth it bountifully vnto eueryone that turneth vnto Him / be Laude Honour and Thankes / for euermore Amen 7. This Letter ⁏ thou Beloued with more other Wrytings which thou desyerest / do I sende vnto thee to thy Edifying and my Desyre is / that thou ⁏ through the Goodnes of the Loue of God wilt m 1. Tim. ● b. exercise thyself therin / with an humble Heart and haue a regarde vnto the Trueth for to vnderstande this our holy Mynde rightly Thatt graunte vnto thee / the God of Lyfe and thesame God establish thee in his Loue. Amen The Ende of the Thirtenth Epistle The Fourtenth Epistle A breefe Exhortacion vnto a Disciple in the Seruice of Loue Wherwith he is exhorted ⁏ in the Lande where he dwelt to keepe a sharpe watch towards the Spirits that make-vp themselues in him or that be borne in him And also that he shoulde learne to descerne with good Vnderstanding / the euell Hearbe ⁏ which is destroying and deadly from the good Hearbe of Lyfe and the false Spirits ⁏ which aryse out of the Flesh from the good Spirits / that are of God / to th end that he mought therby growe-vp in the good Beeing of the Loue / without any Harme Ye Beloued Beleeue not euery Spirit but proue the Spirits / Whether they be of God or no 1. Iohn 4. Health and Saluacion be vnto Him / who ⁏ in his Spirit hath intended Loue and Peace / with our Spirit The First Chapter THE God of Heauen who out of his bountefull Mercy / hath herited mee in the a Ephe 4. b Olde-age of the holy Vnderstanding of Christ and in the spirituall b Ephe. 1. b. 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. c 2. a Ritches of his heauenly Goodes / for a good Confession c Math. 10. d. Luk. 12. a. before all Men / that in the Loue / is an vpright Beeing be vnto thee ⁏ my Beloued a Light vnto thy Waye a Lyfe vnto thy Spirit and Mynde and a Cleernes vnto thy Vnderstanding / That thou mayest ⁏ in thissame Daye of his Loue vnderstande ⁏ according to his heauenly Trueth and not according to the Mynde of the Flesh the ouerflowing Vertues and godly Wisdoms / which He hath declared d 2. Cor. 4. a. Ephe 1. b. 3 a. Col. 1. c. and brought vnto vs· also giue-ouer thyself with all thy Heart / to thosame and their Requyring / for to liue therin· and laude and thanke thesame God / in an vpright Beeing Amen 2. O my Beloued I haue a long tyme ⁏ out of a fatherly Heart that I beare towards thee had a greate longing to knowe how it may go with thee / in the Lande where thou dwellest and that for because thou hast neuer written vnto me / how it standeth with thee or wherin thou hast thy Mayntenance or wherby thou liuest 3. For if thou hadst written anything heerof vnto mee / then mought I haue vnderstoode or perceaued therby / Whether that thy young e 1. Cor. 3. a. Heb. 5. d. Manhod / did yet liue or no Whether it were succoured or nourished-vp with the vpright f Math 24. c. Iohn 6. f. Foode of Lyfe and whether that thou also didst in-like-maner growe-vp to the manly Age g Ephe 4. b. in the godly Vnderstanding or-els / whether thou hadst bin choked with any Poyson or deadly Hearbes / that do growe out of thesame Earth where thou dwellest or bin weakened or vtterly dead / in the Lyfe which proceedeth out of God For it is certaynly well knowen vnto mee / that the Earth and all Countryes of the Kingdom-of-the-earth / are h Gen. 3. b. Heb. 6. a. of themselues ⁏ for the Vnrighteousnes cause full of Poyson deadly Hearbes and naughty Fruites 4. SEing then that all Disciples of the Loue that be nourished-vp in the holy Vnderstanding of the Spirit of Loue must passe-thorow many Perills vppon the Earth / which is i Gen. 3. b. 5. c curssed for the Wickednes cause of her Inhabitours / So do I therfore beare so-much-the-more a greate Care for thosame Disciples / thewhyles they are yet young and cannot discerne the deadly Hearbes / k 4 Reg. 4. Math 13 d from the right Foode of Lyfe 5. Wherby nodout ⁏ if they shoulde be suffered to go-on in their Youngnes / according to their owne Goodthinking they woulde rashly or vnforesightfully ⁏ out of their owne Affection or Lust of their Hearts receaue the one or the other of the deadly Hearbes· and swallow them in / in steade of the Foode of Lyfe wherthrough then likewyse / the precious Manhod mought be strangled and such Disciples of the Woord / which ⁏ following their owne Counsayle are vnexpert heerin / mought most lamentably betraye spoyle or kill themselues / and disenherit themselues of the Lyfe that proceedeth out of God 6. Wherfore ⁏ my Beloued inasmuch as it is now a perillous Tyme / to nourish-vp the Youngnes of Vnderstanding / to the vpright Ephe 4. b. Agednes of the holy Vnderstanding / so is this my Exhortation and Counsayle out of the liueing God / vnto thee to thy Preseruacion that thou wilt dayly vse Foresightfulnes m Ephe. 5. b. or dilligent Heede and haue a sharp regarde
Light and therfore testifyeth / that no vncleere Eyes e Math. 6. c. nor darke Bodyes / haue f Iohn 5. d. euer seene or knowen such a gloryous Light / in his Cleernes and that then thosame Testimonyes do com before the Eyes and Eares of the earthly Man g Pro. 3. a. Esa. 5 c. Rom. 1.12 b. 1. Cor. 3. b. who thinketh himself to be wyse or to be illuminated / through his Knowledg / So doth then thatt earthly or self-wyse Man suppose ⁏ according to the Imaginacion of the Knowledg or false Light that the illuminated Man / doth not testify rightly of the Cleernes of the true Light of God 6. Therfore because that the vnilluminated Man / seeth so poreblyndly and cannot see nor endure Gods Light / in his Eyes he iudgeth ⁏ out of the false Light / that hath captiued his Heart the illuminated Vnderstanding / to be wrong 7. Then when an illuminated Man / testifyeth of the Loue of God and of the Spirit of thesame ▪ and that eueryone ought to submitt them obediently ther-vnder and then when thosame Testimonies do com before the Eares of those ▪ that looke vppon the Flesh and not vppon the Spirit / Then do they iudg the Loue ▪ and the Loues Spirit and Requyring / vppon an outward Man euen as though the outward Man himself / requyred the Obedience and Loue and ⁏ according to the Flesh ▪ named himself / the Spirit of Loue or tooke Gods Dignitee vpon him 8. Therfore veryly a fleshly or earthly Man ⁏ that liueth without the Seruice of Loue / according to his owne Goodthinking is altogether false h Psal. 116. b. Rom. 3. a. lying and ignorant namely / in godly Things in all his Sightes Knowledges and Iudgments The IIII. Chap. BEholde my beloued Hearts in the Loue This coulde I not hyde from you / To th end that ye may beware of the false Iudgments of the deuided Men. and for that ye shoulde not ouer-reache yourselues / in iudging anything rashly For-that-cause let eueryone let the Iudgment alone and gett first a a Apo 3. c. cleere Sight and a pure Soule / in the Loue / That he be not iudged before the Iudgment-seate of Christ before the which we stande for a false Iudg. 2. Oh! How well is he mynded / that iudgeth not and that construeth and accepteth all in good part / that is witnessed or spoken to him / vnto good and so walketh in stillnes and keepeth his Mouth / b Psal. 3● 〈…〉 as if ther hung a Lock before it that he lye not and which falleth not c through his Tongue 3. Therfore canst thou not excuse thyself / ● Man d Ro● 〈…〉 whosoeuer thou bist that iudgest For wherin thou iudgest another / therin condemnest thou thy self inasmuch as thou thyself act gilty in thatt / wherin thou iudgest another 4. By diuers of these false Iudgers / am I greatly impugned so that I haue had great cause geeuen me by Many / to wryte against them but thatt haue I not vsed hetherto ⁏ as against any Person or Company perticulerly nor named them by Name but haue witnessed generally / the Ignorance of the Blaspheamers and Resisters of the Loue ▪ and made it knowen to the Vnderstandingones 5. Forasmuch then as our Seruice hath his Ministracion vnpartially / through the Loue / therfore is it not also our Vce / to wryte against anyman perticulerly ⁏ as by any name of Person and Company nor-yet to disprayse or to prayse them / by their Names but to shewe generally ⁏ according as the vnpartiall Seruice of Loue requyreth it what is Good or Euell for eueryone and wherin the Man hath Right or Wrong and that altogether out of God e 2. Cor. 3. a. and not out of ourselues 6. For the Lorde himself ⁏ as a righteous and vnpartiall God hath ⁏ according to his Promyses made his Iudgment / f Esa 28. b. a Measure-lyne and his Righteousnes / a Ballance / among vs. Therfore wee do neither receaue nor-yet giue-foorth anything / vnles we do measure it all vnpartially / with the Measure-lyne of the Iudgment of God and weigh it all likewyse according to his Value / g Eccl. 21. c. 28. d. in the Ballance of the Righteousnes of God 7. Oh! That yee all did so likewyse and according to thesame maner / stoode concordably and vnpartially mynded with vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and that euen so eueryone did first learne ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue to keepe-scilence and then to speake rightly also learned first to suffer Wrong and so to knowe therby / thatt which is Right / er-euer he gaue any Sentence of the Right / to th end that he mought speake according to the Trueth and iudg h Iohn 7. c. rightly As likewyse learned first / to endure i 2. Cor. 6. a. Shame Dishonour and Dispising / with Christ and therby to knowe Gods Honour / er-euer he tooke-vpon-him to defende Gods honour and to alow himse●f to be right in his Iudgment Consider effectually heeron 8. SEing then that the many-maner of Perills ⁏ growing by the Iudgments of Men are knowne vnto vs / therfore do wee ⁏ with this small Instruction exhort all Louers of the Trueth / that noman vndertake or set-forward himself to iudg / k 1. Co● 4. ● ▪ before the tyme nor-yet speake to-soone but that eueryone do first ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue becom l Luk. 14. c. a Distiple of Christ and so m Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. 1. Pet. 2. a. growe-vp in the holy Woord of the Spirit of y e Loue of Christ / to the Age of the holy Vnderstanding of Christ. 9. Then when he is becom a Christian or an Elder of Christ / in y e holy Vnderstanding / so can he then likewyse ⁏ through his new Birth iudg rightly / n Sap. 3. a. Math. 19. ● 1. Cor. 6. a. with Christ and with all the Saintes of God / but otherwyse / all his Iudgments are false 10. If anyman be now as is before sayde becom a Disciple in the holy Vnderstanding of Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and so ⁏ euen vnto the Regeneracion be growen an Elder therin / Hee shall then well vnderstande the Elders in the holy Vnderstanding or the Ministers of the holy Woord in the Famyly of Loue / in their secret Wisdom and in no-wyse stryue nor contende ⁏ with his Vnderstanding against the Elders in the Loue of Iesu Christ / which do minister the Woord of Lyfe vnder the Obedience of the Loue but shall likewyse himself ⁏ as an vnderstanding Elder with the auncient Elders informe the Disciples of the holy and gracious Woord or Christ ⁏ in the christian Schoole of Loue o 1. Tim. 4. b. 2. Tim. 1.2.3 with holy Vnderstanding and with Lessons of Wisdom / to all Concorde in the Famyly of Loue
seruiceable to the Peace and Vnitee of Heart in the Loue For by her almighty and vertuous Nature / she begetteth o Rom. 13. a. Gal. 5. b. 1. Timo. 1. a. or bringeth-foorth the perfect Righteousnes of the Beleefe of Christ. 12. The p Iohn 4.7 d Water of Lyfe that floweth from her Body / is the vpright Doctrine in the Wisdom wherwith she q Gen. 2. b. watereth the whole Paradise of the Lorde and refresheth his Planting 13. Her Fruit which the Righteous do bring-foorth out of her Doctrine / r Gen 2. a. Pro. 3. b. 4. Esd 8. f. Apo 2. a. is a Tree of Lyfe whose Leaues do s Psal. 1. a. Ier 17. a. Ez● 47. b. Apo. 22 a. not wither neither is her Rooting-out founde Of which Loue and the Seruice of her Doctrine / we haue rehearsed more-at-large in the t 3. Glas 31. c d. Glasse of Righteousnes 14. The Lorde bring vs all to thesame vpright Beeing of the Loue / To th end that we may enioye the Frui●s of the heauenly Kyndnes / in all Loue. Amen The V. Chap. MOreouer ⁏ my beloued Freendes in the Loue of Iesu Christ I must yet wryte a little-more vnto you and disclose or declare vnto you / the two-maner of Kingdoms namely of God and of the Deuill which do make-manifest themselues in our Inwardnes as spirituall or inuisible / Because that yee may also learne to knowe them with Distinction / according to the Spirit / wherby you may with an vpright Discerning when they make-manifest themselues against eachother / in you cleaue vnto thatt ⁏ with your Spirit which is godly heauenly and true / and which saueth you and may forsake and leaue thatt / which is deuilish deceitfull and false / and which bringeth to the Condemnacion 2. For-that-cause inasmuch as it is Spirit / a Iohn 3. ● that condemneth and saueth vs / therfore haue now a regarde with good Discerning / vnto Spirit and Spirits and learne to knowe those well / b Iohn 4. a. that are of God and true and those that are deuillish and false or lying 3. But if ye wil descerne them rightly according to the Trueth / then becom first-of-all circumcised to the Lorde / c Deut. 10. ● Ier. 4. a. Col. 2 b. on the Fore-skinne of your Hearts the which is the Laying-away of the Flesh of Sinne and so then becom d Rom. 8. a. spiritually mynded / in all your Vnderstanding of the godly Knowledges and continue stedfast in the Obedience to the Woord / till vnto y e seconde Birth like-as ye be taught by the Seruice of Loue / according to the Trueth of Christ. 4. If-so-be now that ye continue in the Woord of the Loue of Iesu Christ and do not turne-away neither to the left nor to the right syde / e Iohan. ● d. then shall ye knowe the Trueth and the Trueth shall make you free 5. Therfore giue-eare now and vnderstande / what the Spirit of Loue and Trueth sayth 6. Knowe in your Spirit ⁏ O ye goodwilling Hearts to the Righteousnes how that God ؛the true Father is f Iam 1. c. an euerlasting vnchaingable Spirit a stedfast Power a g Gen. 1. a. Creator of Heauen and Earth and of euerything that shall continue for euer h Heb. 1. a. also an Vpholder of his Workes / with the i Sap. 7 c. Woord of his Beeing a cleere Light and liueing Fountayne wherout all Vertues and Righteousnesses do flowe 7. Euenthus according to thesame like Beeing of God the Father / so knowe likewyse ⁏ according to the Spirit his Sonne / our Lorde Iesus Christ k Gen. 1. a. Psal 33. a. Pro 8 c. through whom / God hath made all his Workes and He is out of God the Father published vnto vs ⁏ by the l Rom 10. a. 1 Pet. 1. c. Woord of Preaching of the holy Gospel m Iohn 1. a. to be a true Light / that lighteth all Men through the Coming of his Appeering and is set-before vs / for an euerlasting Sauiour n Math. 1. c. Rom 3. c. 2. Cor. 5. b. Col. 1. c. ● Iohn 2.4 b and a Reconciler for our Sinnes namely for all those Sinnes o Math. 12. d. Luk. 12. b. that are committed against the Father and the Sonne 8. Knowe also the holy Gost p Iohn 14. c. 15. c. ●6 b. which cometh vnto vs / out of the Father and the Sonne ⁏ as a Spirit of Trueth and Loue in the Obeying of the Woord of God and Christ which establisheth vs therin and declareth the Kingdom of the God of Heauens vnto vs and in what Foorme and Beeing / that the Father and the Sonne and the holy Gost / is one true God 9. Beholde thatt is veryly the true Kingdom of God / q Luk ▪ 17. c. inwardly with in vs and his Righteousnes is / that the Man shoulde ⁏ with his Spirit be incorporated to thesame Godhead and liue therin for euer The VI. Chap. VNderstand now according to the Trueth ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued which is the Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes / a Math. 6. d that we ought first or before-al / to seeke 2. But seing that the Man doth now generally / seeke the Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes / contraryly and not rightly b Ier. 19 d. Iohn 7 d. and for-that-cause cannot fynde thesame / through his owne Vnderstanding / Therfore hath the Goodnes of God / looked vpon our Ignorance and declared his Kingdom and the Righteousnes therof / vnto Vs / through his Loue. 3. To which Kingdom of God and his Righteousnes / and godly Maiestee of the euerlasting spirituall and heauenly Beeing / and to all his Holynes Beawty Ritches and to his euer-liueing Ioyfulnes / Wee be all now called and bidden / by the holy Spirit of the Loue of God the Father / to the Preseruacion of vs all / in thissame last and perillous Tyme For Hee / thesame God ؛y e Father the Sonne the holy Gost presenteth vs now with his Loue and wil c Leui. 26. b. Eze. 37. c. 2. Gor. 6. b. Apo. 21. a. ● dwell liue and worke in vs. Let eueryone take-heede to thissame gracious Tyme 4. The Father draweth d Iohn 6. ● ▪ g or allureth vs to him / by his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue and whosoeuer yeeldeth himself to be drawen by the Father / cometh to the Sonne / the out-flowen gracious Woord of the Father 5. And whosoeuer cometh to the Sonne and e Iohn 3.6 c. beleeueing Him / remayneth f Iohn 8 1● a in Him / He saueth 6. And Whom the Sonne saueth / g Iohn 3.6 f. hee hath the euerlasting Lyfe and is h Act. 1. a. 2. b. annoynted with the holy Gost. 7. And whosoeuer is annoynted with the holy Gost / hee is established i Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 1. b. c. ●ol 1. b. ● or altogether
most-perfect Cleernes / b Ephe. 3. d. 2. Pet. 1. b. in the Inwardnes of your Hearts / To th end that ye may ⁏ through thesame Cleernes see knowe and vnderstand / to what a Noblenes and Kingdom of God of concordable Louelynes / God hath c Gen 1. c. Sap. 2. c. Eccli 17. a created the Man· and chosen and loued thesame Generation like-as our Wrytings ⁏ set-foorth by vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue do sufficiently ⁏ with full Instruction shewe the Cleernes of thatt Matter / were it rightly vnderstoode 2. Although ⁏ ye Beloued that ye haue often hearde of this Matter by vs or readd therof in our Wrytings and do also partly see-into and knowe thesame / yet am I forced notwithstanding / out of the Heart of Loue ⁏ that standeth affected towards all your Hearts / to an Vnitee in the Loue to wryte a little-more vnto you / of the vpright Beeing / wherin the Man was created wher-from he is d Gen. 3. ● Sap. 2. c. falne and wher-vnto he is called agayne / by Christ / to th end to stirr-vp the desyre of your Spirit the-more and to procure all your Will the-more towards the vpright Beeing of the true Light and to the Incorporating e Iohn 15. ● 17. b. to one concordable Man of God / in whom / God with his Christ and with all his Saintes Spirits Prophets and Angels / dwelleth liueeth and tryumpheth with Glory and all Delytfulnes / as a f Rom 14. b. peaceable and g Heb. 12 b. vndisturbable Kingdom To him thesame God / h Ephe 1. b. to the Laude and Prayse of his Glory and to him thesame godded Man / to his perfect Ioye Amen 3. BEholde and consider / ye Beloued In the Begining / i Gen 1. c when God had made al-things well / then was the Lorde / a Lorde of his Kingdom and a God of his Workes Ther was not also in his Kingdom nor-yet in all his Workes / any-more then one God and one Man and they were One and had in all respects / one Kynde Beeing and Nature And so ⁏ at thatt tyme God was all what the Man was and the Man all what God was 4. And when God looked vpon the Man / k Gen 1. c. Sap 2 c. Eccli 17. a. whom He had created according to the like Being of his Godhead and with whom He was manned / then looked He vpon himself as thesame Cleernes of his liueing Godhead / vniforme with the Manhod 5. Beholde thus vniforme with the true Beeing of God / was the Man in the Begining and this was all one Beeing / the Man and God And so God behealde l Gen. 1 d. his Worke which He had made / that it was Good 6. And when the Man likewyse behealde his God / with whom he was godded / then sawe he ⁏ in thesame Cleernes of his God the noble and pure Cleernes of his Manhod / vniforme with the Godhead and perfect in all Vertues and Beawty ▪ namely according to all the Frome and Beeing of thesame Godhead Lo this was likewyse all One / m Iohn 17 c. Ephe 2 b God and the Man 7. Seing now that These ⁏ God and the Man were One / so was-ther likewyse nomore but one Kingdom / in Heauen nor vppon Earth and thatt was the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and the euerlasting Lyfe / which had his perfect Beawty and Cleernes both vppon the Earth and in Heauen / with the Man and in the Man And ther-was nowheare any n Sap. 1. c. Kingdom of Hell nor Death nor-yet any Vnrighteousnes / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth For God had made all Things good and well / which He had made and also created him nomore but one Man who was as God himself And God blessed this Man and hath sayde vnto him / that he shoulde growe or increase him replenish o Gen. 1. c. the Earth and bring it vnder him 8. Also God gaue no other Customs Rytes Lawes nor Commaundements vnto the Man / in the Begining / but to liue with Ioye and an p Gen. 2. b vncouered Heart / in the naked or vncouered Cleernes of his God and likewyse to walke alwayes naked or vncouered / before Him and that he shoulde euenso beholde all the Workes of God / for good / and not for euell· knowe nothing but Good / and not any Euell· and taste or feele nothing-els but Lyfe / and not any Death· Saluation / and not any Condemnacion The II. Chap. BEholde Thatt woulde God and that thesame shoulde continue in that maner and euerlastingly with the Man / to th end that his Kingdom namely the Man / with the Godhead shoulde ⁏ as one only peaceable Kingdom / in all Louelynes beare a ●en ● c. d the Dominion ouer the vniuersall Earth / to the Welfare of all Creatures 2. But as-soone as the Man turned-away the Sight of his Eyes / from his God and looked vppon himself and so turned-vnto and loued himself / thē perceaued he that he was not altogether the highest Godhead himself· but with the Godhead / a Man also b Gen 3 a. and became tempted to the Knowledg of Good and Euell for to bee ther-through in euery-respect / as God himself 3. When the Man had geeuen-ouer himself ther-vnto· and taken-on such a Fruit / of the Knowledg of Good and Euell / then came Blyndnes ouer him c Gen. 3. a. and he estrainged or seperated himself from the louely Cleernes of his God By meanes wherof / he coulde not endure the Woord or the Voyce of his God· nor appeere before Him / with his naked Manhod but was d Gen. 3. b. ashamed before God / of his naked Manhod 4. He coulde not also beholde nor conceaue any other Light or Cleernes / but thatt which he framed to himself / out of the Knowledg of Good and Euell or euen-as thesame Knowledg imagined it in him The which was all Ignorance and Darknes and was alwayes to a more Leading-awaye or Estrainging of the Man from his God who is the c Iohn 1. a 8. b. 9. ● 12. ● euerlasting Light and the true Wisdom 5. He fealt likewyse no other Lyfe of Righteousnes nor Peace or Rest in his Conscience / but thatt which he himself forged and tooke-on out of the Knowledg of Good and Euell The which was all wrong and nothing but Sinne Death and Vnrestfulnes 6. He knew not also any other God Kingdom of Heauens nor Saluacion / but such as he prefigured vnto himself / through thesame forenamed Knowledg / which the Man himself had taken-on The which was nothing-els / but the Deuill himself· the Kingdom of Hell· and the euerlasting Condemnacion f Sap. 1. ● whom / God woulde not that they shoulde bee vppon the Earth 7. And euenthus did the Darknes and the Deuill ؛ g Iohn ● c. the Father of Lyes as also
Psal. 36. To my good-willing Freendes and Loners of the Trueth / which do with mee / loue the true Beeing in one Spirit of the Loue / be Health and Saluacion The First Chapter AS I haue hearde now ⁏ my goodwilling Freendes to the Loue by our Brother / which hath bin with you / so is the Will and Request of you all vnto mee like as our loueing and faythfull Brother in the Loue / the Father of your Howsholde ⁏ who is com to me with our Brother / for thesame purpose hath also sayde and freendly requested that I woulde once com vnto you / Because that ye mought recreate yourselues alittle with Mee / in the Woord of Lyfe· and from the Bottom of your Hearts / handle and talke of thatt which is com or appeered vnto vs ⁏ out of the heauenly Trueth through the Grace and Power of the Mosthighest 2. Veryly ⁏ ye Beloued All thissame is likewyse my whole Will and Desyre Yea and all my Longing I woulde also very gladly haue com now vnto you / because that I myself likewyse / longed greatly to talke with you by mouth forasmuch as I haue hearde so much of your Good-will and Zeale that ye beare to the Loue and her Seruice The Lorde graunt vnto you eueryone / Grace and Mercy / to continue a Math 10. c. 24. b. Mar. 13. b. stedfast therin / till that the true Light of Loue b 2. Pet. 1. c. com vnto you and ryse-vp in your Hearts / as a Daye of y e perfect Beawty of God 3. But ⁏ ye Beloued as touching my Coming / I shall desyre that ye wil yet haue patience for a whyle I hope to com vnto you shortly / and to talke with you of all things / according to your Request 4. But in that I haue now deferred the tyme / it cometh-to-pas by reason of much Busynes Seruice and Laboure / wherwith I am now laden and which out of great Necessitee I haue first to further and dispatch Therfore hath not the tyme so serued / as to com vnto you now 5. Howbeit because I cannot now com vnto you and yet that all my Will hath bin bent so to doo / yet wil I not for-a●-that forgett you but wil alwayes remember you to the Good and to all thatt wherin your Welfare and Saluacion consisteth 6. For-that-cause ⁏ ye Beloued to th end that yee one-with-another / shoulde be the better content for this tyme / I do wryte this loueing Exhortacion ⁏ with groundly Instructions vnto you to the Edifying and good Informacion of you all With which this my Wryting / my harty Request is vnto you all / that yee ⁏ with Dilligence of your Heartes wil alwayes take-heede and ⁏ with willing Obedience c Pro. 1. a. 2 a 3. a. 4. a. 5. a Eccli 6. d. giue-eare / vnto thatt which is heald-foorth before you ⁏ out of the Loue and out of her Seruice in these last Dayes and perillous Tymes / to your Preseruacion and Saluacion Yea once-more I saye vnto you all / out of harty Loue Take-heed vnto it I pray you and take it effectually to heart and consider of it / d Eccli 6. d. search-throw or measure-ouer likewyse substancially / thatsame Spirit of this true Seruice of Loue. 7. Ponder well the heauenly Sentences / that proceed-out from thesame and prooue the Taste or the Mynde of them rightly For they do open som speciall Matter and wil also in this Tyme / tell or expounde som singuler thing vnto vs. Yea they declare and bring vnto vs / the godly Ritches of Christ and the spirituall Treasures of his heauenly Goodes e Math. 11. d. 13. b. Rom. 16. c. Ephe. 3. a. Col 1. c. which haue bin hidden till vnto thissame Daye / from the Worlde and her Wyseones and from all Eyes of the Flesh. 8. This mercy Seate / in the Mostholy this true Light with his perfect Garnishing of pure Beawty f Apo. 21. and all these costly Ritches of God with the sumptuous Royaltee and godly Tryumph of all the Saints of God and Christ / cometh now vnto vs in Glory for to liue vniforme with thosame for euermore 9. Beholde all these Beawtyes and yet many-thowsand-tymes more then men can vtter with Tongues or wryte with Penn and Incke / be declared and brought vnto vs now in thissame Daye / through the Appeering g 2. Timo. 1. b of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ؛the euerlasting and true Woord of the liueing God 10. This euerlasting and true Woord and liueing Breade / h Iohn 6. ● which cometh vnto vs from Heauen / for a Foode of Lyfe vnto all hungry Soules 11. This faythfull Sheapheard / which cometh vnto vs out of the Bosom of his heauenly Father for to seke his erred or lost Sheepe / which are strayed from the i Math 10 a. 15. c. Luk. 19. b. Howse of Ilrael and ⁏ vnder the Obedience of his Loue to bring them agayne k Esa 6 a. Ioan. 10. b. to their right Sheepfolde 12. This true Redeemer / which cometh vnto vs from the gloryous and most souereigne Maiestee of God for an euerlasting Freedom for l Psal. 130. a. Esa. 61 a. Tit. 2. b. to delyuer His / that are healde-captiue namely all those that moorne and suffer Sorrow or Greefe / for their Captiuites cause to the Sinne and because of the Bandes of the Deuell 13. This cleere and true Light of the spirituall Heauen / that cometh vnto vs in all Loue ⁏ as the m Mal 4 a. Sap. 5. a. Sunne of Righteousnes for an eternal-continuing Day-light for to n Esa. 9. a. 42 b 43. a. 49 ● Mat. 4. b. Luk. 1. h. lighten all those / which ⁏ because of the Fruits of Death dwell or walke yet in Darknes and do hope vppon thesame Light 14. This peaceable King o Esa. 9. a. Lorde and Prince / which cometh vnto vs ⁏ with full Power of the almighty God for a good and louely Gouernement namely / ouer all those that submitt them p 1. Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a vnder Him and ⁏ in all Obedience of his Loue do loue the Peace for that euerything shoulde be restored q Act. 3. c. agayne / in his right Order 15. This-very Iesus Christ ⁏ who also is the Wisdom of God· the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes· the heauenly Trueth· r Sap 7. c. 2. Cor. 4. a. Col. 1. b. Heb. 1. a. and the true Beeing of God Is now com vnto us in Glory / from the Right-hande of God the almighty Father / out of the heauenly Beeing s Act 10 c. 1. Pet. 4. a. to be a righteous Iudg ouer Liueing and Deadd namely to the Condemnacion of the liueing Vngodlyones and t 1. Cor. 15 c the Resurrection of the dead Righteousones vnto all of vs ⁏ which beleeue in Iesus Christ· and the Safe-makeing in his Loue to the v Rom. 12. ●
Ephe. 1.4 b Renewing of our Lyfe and Mynde and to an euerlasting x 2. Pet. 3. b. Righteousnes vppon Earth euen-as is written of Him The II. Chap. FOrasmuch now ⁏ O ye beloued Heartes as this pure and spirituall· and this heauenly and true louely Beeing / is a Eph. 3 a. 2. Timo. 1. b appeered vnto vs Poore and Littleones / among so many Thowsandes in this Worlde and is ⁏ out of Gods Mercy and his Loue administred and presented vnto vs / by Christ؛the true Minister b Heb. 8.9 b. of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes in his Coming / Therfore let vs take-heede with all our Heartes / to the Seruice of thesame Grace / to our Amendment and to the c Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. Renewing of our Hearts and Myndes and euenso therthrough / lay-away d 2. Cor. 7. a. Ephe. 4. c. Col. 3. a. 1. Pet 2.4 a. Heb. 12. a. all earthly and fleshly Pollution and all vncleane Thoughts / which in tymes-past ⁏ when we walked yet in Ignorance haue drawen and leadd our Hearts to the Flesh and Blood of Sinne and to many-maner of Errours and also to many-sorts of Bewitching with visible and corruptible Things 2. From all these and from all what is not agreeable to the Woord of Trueth and his Requyring / let our Hearts be e E●e 36. c. cleansed / thorough the Seruices Doctrines or f Iohn 4.7 b Waters of Lyfe / which do now flowe from the Body of Christ and his holy Spirit of Loue / To th end that we may with pure Hearts / cleaue to the Loue and her louely Beeing· becom incorporated therunto· and so may be heauenly and spiritually mynded / with all our Myndes and Thoughts 3. THerfore submitt yourselues eueryone / g 1. Pet. 5 b. Iam. 4. a. vnder the mighty Hande of God and indeuour you moreouer / for h Heb. 3. b. to heare ⁏ with meeke Hearts now in this present Daye / the Voyce of the holy Spirit of Loue which doth now giue-foorth her Sounde and speaketh vnto you / out of Heauen / with a spirituall Tongue and which likewyse despereth to drawe you all with your inward Man / to the spirituall heauenly and true Being / for that yee mought in like-maner / haue your fellowshipp with our Comunialtee For our Comunialtee is vniforme i 1. Iohn 1. a. with the spirituall Comunialtee of the Saints of God namely with the louely heauenly Company / which walke with vs in all Loue and so wee do all one-with another / eate the true k Iohn 6. e. heauenly Breade with Christ ؛our Headd and King in the l Luk 22. d. Kingdom of God our Father and so drinking with Ioye / of the new Fruit of the true Vyne / we are ioyfull in the euerlasting Lyfe To which louely Beeing ⁏ for to liue all therin / with one Heart Mynd and Delyte we are eueryone created· and called therunto ⁏ out of Grace by m Rom. 10. b 1. Pet. 1. b. the Preaching of the holy Gospel of Christ. 4. If yee now ⁏ O ye Beloued do see into thissame / according to the Trueth and that ye do consider / to what an excellent Maiestee ye be called and bidden now in thissame last Daye / through the Seruice of Loue wherby to n 1. Esd. ●0 3. Esd. 9 renew you eueryone / through the Woord of Lyfe and to confirme you in your Calling wherunto ye are chosen by Iesu Christ / So consider then likewyse / how o 2. Pet 3. b. pure or cleane your Heartes ought to bee from all earthly and corruptible Things / wherin p Leuit. 26. b. Apo. 21. a. the liueing God of Heauen will dwell liue and walke / with such a Glory of God and heauenly Kingdom of Christ euen-as is witnessed vnto you by the Seruice of Loue and as is now heald-foorth before you / with this loueing Exhortacion 5. When-as we now do consider and perceaue thissame / how pure and cleere our Heart or inward Mynde ought to bee and that we contrary therunto / do fynde ourselues still defyled and that we likewyse for-that-cause / do not yet for the present tyme / fynde thesame Cleernes· nor the vpright Being of the louely Beawty of God / perfectly in vs but that the vncleane Being and the q 2. Tess. 2. a Contrary-nature vnto God / doth yet generally dwell in vs and doth yet dayly r Rom. 7. c. Gal. 5. b. mooue our Myndes and Thoughts / with euell Inclynacions / So let vs then ⁏ to y e Purifying of our Hearts and mynds submitt ourselues with all our Hearts / before s Eze. 43. a Heb. 5. a. the Seate of the Maiestee of God and before the Tabernacle t Apo. 21. a of his holy Dwelling / out of the which / He doth now let his Woord of Trueth and his holy Will / be hearde vppon the Earth and so in Humilite ⁏ with the t Math. 1● ● Lu● 14. c Forsaking of all our Selfnes and Self-wisdom let vs take-heede ⁏ with Beleefe and firme Confidence to the Seruice of y e holy Spirit of Loue and his Requyring / proceeding out of thesame and giue-eaxe and with whole Heart v 1. Pet. 1. e. be obedient to the Woord of Trueth / that is administred ther-out x Act. ● c 1 Cor. 9. breake destribut and feed-vpon thesame Woord ⁏ the which is y Iohn 6 c the heauenly Breade among eachother / for a Foode of our Soules and as often as we doo this / let vs publish the Death z 1 Cor. 11. c of Christ namely of thissame holy Beeing of God or Woord of the heauenly Father / that ought to liue and to raigne or gouerne in our Inwardnes and yet notwithstāding / is as deadd or killed with the Death of the Crosse / For our Sinnes cause and a Math. 3 a. Luk 3. c. confesse our Sinnes till that our sinfull Members together with ther euell Lusts and Desyres / be b Rom. 6. a Gal 6. a Phil. 3. b Col. 3. a. crucifyed and killed with thesame or the lyke Death of the Crosse of Christ and that we be in that sort / planted into Christ / with the lyke Death c Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. and buryed with Him passe-ouer and suffer-out thesame Passe-ouer of his Crosse Death and Buryall / in that maner with Him / till that the heauenly Beeing of God or Christ according to the Spirit / do com vnto vs ⁏ liueingly and mightely to the d Rom. 16. c. Treading-downe and Rooting-out of all vngodly Beeing and that we do euen so through the second Birth from the Death / e Rom. 6. ● 1. Cor. 15. c f. Col. 3. ● ryse with Him in a new Lyfe / out of our Buryall ▪ to be an holy f Iohn 14. ● Apo. 21. ● Dwelling of God and Christ the which is
childish Simplicitee / with all their Hearts 2. But wheare we haue founde it with Many as that the on-coming Disciples / do ⁏ with all their Hearts c 1. Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a. submitt them obediently vnder the Loue and her Seruice· turne them wholly and altogether about / to the childish Simplicitee· willingly d Pro. 3.4.5 a. Eccl. 6. c heare and follow the Counsayle of the Elders / in the Seruice of the Woord / vnder the Obedience of the Loue· and that their Hearts becom euenso vncouered or manyfest before vs· and so do neither seeke nor desyre anything-els / but to liue with vs in the vertuous Nature of the Loue Let vs highly laude and thanke God the Lorde / for such On-commers and for such vpright Disciples of the Woord and Louers of Vertue 3. For verryly such a Man / who doth in that sort ⁏ in the gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue seeke and intende the Nature of God / with all his Heart although he were yet laden with many Sinnes is a e Iohn 1. c. right Isralite a Sonne or Daughter of Abraham f Iohn ● ● Rom. 9. a. Col. 3. c. through Fayth ▪ according to the Promyses 4. But all what refuseth the Loue or whatsoeuer turneth vnto vs with a false and vnrepenting Heart and all what is not inclyned ⁏ with an humble Heart to the Seruice of the holy Woord / vnder the Obedience of the Loue all what conuersateth with vs / in Couerednes of Heart together with all that which doth not with whole Heart / turne itself g Gal. 5. b. 6. ● Col. 3. a. quyte and cleane awaye from all h Ier. 7. b. Good-thinking Wickednes and i Tob 3. b. Ephe. 5. a. Lightmyndednes / and from all fleshly Lustes and Desyres and all those / which ⁏ in the Desyres of their Flesh in the Lust k 1. Iohn 2. b of their Eyes and in the Pryde of Lyfe do not forsake themselues· take not vp l Math. 16 c. Luk 9.14 c their Crosse against thosame· loue not the vertuous Nature of the Loue ⁏ which is pure and peaceable with all their Heartes· nor confesse m Pro 28. b. Eccli 4. c. their Sinnes / which make-vp themselues against thesame / in their Flesh / and do not sigh n Math. 5. a. 2. Cor. 7. b. lament nor moorne ther-ouer but go-on arrogantly and carelesly with ympenitent Heartes / like those that shewe no Sorrow nor Amendment touching the Sinne and so do make no Difference betwixt the Freendshipp with the Worlde / and the Freendshipp with the Famyly of Loue All thosesame / seeke nothing-els but their Selfnes and thatt which concerneth the Flesh / o Phil. 2. c. and not the Lorde nor the Righteousnes of his gracious Woord 5. And such p Deut. 9. o. Ier. 4. b. Act 7. f. Vncircumcised of Heart which also are vncircumcised of Lippes and Toung Yea such goodthinking Spirits q 2. Timo. 3. 2. Pet 2. b. Iude. 1. b. and fleshly Myndedones / which com to vs with couered and disobedient Heartes / and do seeke loue nor desyre nothing-els / but to serue their owne Sensualitee according to the Flesh / together with all those which neither will nor desyre anything-els / but to follow their Lustes and their Owne-myndes-delyte Thosame do not you in anywyse accept in that state ⁏ as in Vnrepentance for Bretheren in the Famyly of Loue but let the Elders and Ministers of the Seruice of Loue / be against them therin and r Leui● 19. b. Eccli 17. exhort them to som better thing or informe them with a better Loue to the righteous Beeing hoping if the Lorde vouchsafe thesame / that they mought once be mooued vnto Repentance for their Sinnes 6. Forthatcause reiect them not s 2. Tess. 3 b. nor hate not anyone / what Sinners soeuer they bee but t 1. Tess. 5. b. Heb. 3.10 c exhort you still one-another to Amendment and carry alwayes an Heart of Loue / for to drawe the strayed Sinners out of their Sinnes and to leade them v Pro. 3.4 b. into the Path of the vpright Lyfe / to th end that they mought obtayne a godly Lyfe / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The IIII. Chap. BEholde and consider This is the right Seruice of Loue / which we are debtors ●o shewe vnto the Sinners and vnto all strayed a Iam. 5. b. Men / to their Saluation and not to hate to reuyle nor to blaspheame anyone / nor-also to keepe-in-mynde and to vpbrayde anyman with his Sinnes or Errours / neither-yet to reiect or to seperate anyman from vs / that giueth-eare to the chastinable Informacion 2. Forasmuch then as the Loue doth make-manifest herself so vprightly and loueingly / in her Seruice and hath no pleasure in those b 1. Cor. 13 a. that deale falsly but with her Seruice / informeth eueryone with all Discreetnes and Courtesye / by the Ministers of her holy and gracious Woord / So doth she likewyse deale generally after thesame maner ⁏ in her Seruice by the Ministers of her Seruice and passing in-that-sort / thorow c Eccli 24. ● all Nations of People / she draweth all those vnto her / that are of her Nature or Beeing and all those likewyse that loue her and haue turned all their Lust towards her and her Seruice 3. Therfore ⁏ my beloued Hearts vse likewyse ⁏ with the Loue and her Seruice a Difference betwixt those that are good of will / or euell of will and accept none for Disciples of the Woord much-les account them for Brothers or Sisters in the Loue which wil liue d Deut. 12. a. Ier. 7 b. according to their owne Good-thinking or e Sap 2.14 b. Rom. 1. c. Brutishnes and are f 2 Timo. 3. a disobedient to the Woord of Lyfe in his Seruice / yet much-lesse / those which make g Rom. 16. c Deuision and do resist the Concord in the Loue and her Seruice 4. Keepe a good watch in-any-wyse towards the Seperatedones which do alwayes bring-in much Questioning and Contencion about the Knowledg / and do not first-of-all / giue themselues to the Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue nor to h Pro. 28. Math. 3. b. Luk 3 b. confesse their Sinnes / according to the Requyring of thesame Seruice and to repent ther-fore / wherby to com to a cleane Heart and to a louely Beeing or pure Spirit Which louely Beeing / is the Head-somme of all Wisdom and Knowledg Haue a sharpe regarde heer-vnto / for that the Kingdom of Loue may increase in all Concord and be spread-abroade 5. Therfore let not your Hearts stande-affected vnto Any / but those that seeke i Ephe. 4. a. Vnitee Loueingnes and Peaceablenes among vs / for to liue therin / with vpright single Heartes and so are wel-mynded with vs / to the k Eze ●8 Reformacion of Sinne as likewyse to those /
Ier 23 c Spirits and elementish Things / and to drawe thesame r Ier 3 a with his Loue / into my Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and to the s Ephe 1.4 phil 1 b vpright Righteousnes and Holynes But ⁏ alas I obtayne very little Looking-on and Harkening-vnto t Zach 7 c Ephe 4 ● Phil 1 b. Therfore my Heart is so exceedingly combered through Loue / that I to see if I coulde obtayne anymore Harkning-vnto can at no tyme rest myself / for shewing my Loue still towards thesame 8. I had wel hoped inasmuch as we haue witnessed and declared the true Beeing of Iesu Christ and his vpright Righteousnes / so cleere and euidently vnto Many ⁏ with full Instruction in all our Seruice of Wryting / vnder the Obedience of the Loue that ther had bin enough witnessed and poynted-out in wryting / tending to the good Beeing of Iesu Christ and to the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes of the holy Spirit of Loue / for to drawe all those y t haue read or hearde thosame written Testimonyes and Directions / to the Loue of the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ and of the vpright Righteousnes of the holy Spirit of Loue and to assemble them vnto Mee and my God and to a Vnitee of one Heart and Mynde in the Loue ▪ as all ioyntly together / to v Iohn 17 c Ephe. 2. b one Man in Iesu Christ and that they woulde euenso haue forsaked their x Ier 23 c vngodly Beeing together with all strainge and erring y 2 Reg 22 c Esa. 18. b 2 C●r 11 b Gal 6 b Spirits vnprofitable Knowledges and all Bandage vnto the naturall Things / with z Ier 2. b g Rom 1 c Iude. 1. the which they committ-whoordom and ⁏ vnder a Colour as if they had right in the Whoordom of their Vnchastitee do vse their Falshod and Voluptuous-pleasure also that they woulde haue wholly submitted them ⁏ with Vs Elders in the Famyly of Loue vnder the gracious Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ a 1 pet 1 b c and so ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue haue growen-vp in all vpright Righteousnes / to the b Ephe. 4. c. Oldnes of the holy and godly Vnderstanding 9. BVt ⁏ alas it is all in vayne / to hold-foorth a Light and to figure-out any gorgious Beawty / before the Eyes of the Blynde / c Eze 1● a that will not see and all lost-laboure likewyse / for to cry-out and to publish any good Tydings or ioyfull Message / before the Eares of the Deafe / d E●a 30 b Act 7 g that wil not heare 10. For all whatsoeuer I wryte cry-out and teache / touching the e Iohn 1 a b true Light· and touching the f Esa ●4 b Apo ●● a b gorgious Beawty of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and his vpright Righteousnes· and touching the g M●th 3 a. Act ● 3 Entrance into thesame / theron is had least regarde / for to take thesame h Math 13. to heart / according to the Requyring of the holy and gracious Woord and to indeuour them obediently i Deut 4. b. ● a 11 b ther-vnto But they do almost eueryone thinke to committ their Whoordom therwith and so becom likewyse Fornicators k Num 12 g 2● d. Iudi. 2 d ps●l 49. b. with Gods Sayings 11. For-that-cause also they do almost all continue in their olde Course and enter not into the l Deut. ● d. Esa 1. Ier 4. a Waye / which ⁏ to the Cleansing of their Hearts leadeth to the m pro 3 10 c Iohn 1 a Lyfe of the true Beeing and bringeth into the Kingdom of the God of Heauens 12. For like as they committ Whoordom with all erring Spirits n Ier 23. c and Knowledges of thee false Light and with almaner of o Eze 16. c Rom 1. c naturall Things Euenso do they also committ their Whoordom / with the high-worthy p Num 23. g. 24 b. psal 49. b Sayings of God / which be heald-foorth before them ⁏ out of the Seruice of Loue q 2 Tess 2. b· ● P●t 1. a. to their Sainctificacion And Many ⁏ growing offended at them do r Pro 1. c dispi●e them and harden then Hearts agaynst them and s Ephe 4. c. estrainging themselues altogether from the Trueth of God / they remayne without the holy t Heb 2 3 4. c Rest of the Children of God which God hath reuealed and declared now in thissame Daye / in his Famyly of Loue and wherunto He v Esa. 9. a b Ma●h 11. d. calleth and biddeth all Men / to their Preseruacion in the Godlynes 13. I haue doutles hetherto / called and knocked b●fore many Doores but who hath let me in Proffered the x Apo. 3. d. Foode of Lyfe / vnto Many but who hath rightly taken-heede to the proffered Grace / for to receaue the Foode of Lyfe in Thankfulnes and to feede-vpon it / to a Lyfe of Godlynes / wherby to submitt himself wholly vnder thesame / to a Nourishment of his Soule and with an y Math. 11. d humble and obedient Heart / to com ⁏ all in all into the Loue and her Seruice and so to be one Heart z Act. 4. d Spirit and Lyfe with mee / in Iesu Christ and in his holy Spirit of Loue Truly / very feawe Therfore are-ther Many also / that haue no a Math 13. right regarde vnto the holy Woord ⁏ which is heald-foorth before them / in the Seruice of Loue what it requyreth For they do almost eueryone / suffer themselues to lust to committ their b Psal. 49. c. Whoordom with thesame / as with their owne Imaginaciō of the Knowledg and not to submitt them obediently ther-vnder / like c Deur 30. Ier 35. c. Iam. 1. d. Disciples of the Woord The II. Chap. O Ye a Gen. 3. a b. Vnregarders of the holy Woord of Godlynes ye Fornicators with Gods Sayings and all yee which run-on so b Rom. 2. a. impenitently / contrary to the godly Testimonyes of the heauenly Trueth and haue not once in mynde / c Math 16. d. Luk. 9 14. d. to forsake and to leaue yourselues / in your Whoordom and in all your d Rom 6. c d. vnchaste Lusts and Desyres and to be coupled obediently to your right Lorde or Husbāde / with e 2. Gor. 11. a. pure Heartes Looke once rightly into it I pray you / how your Course and f Ezech. 36. Eccli 18. c Rom. 6. c. Dealing hath bin hetherto / towards the Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and what Lust ye haue had to the Obedience of the Woord 2. Haue ye not euen hetherto / shutt your Doores the-faster / thewhylst I knocked at them / and aduaunced yourselues to be g Esa. 30.35 Iudges of the Woord Are
Woord behynde you and so liue your owne Freedom Veryly it shall not vantage you to the Lyfe but all deadly Things and euell Inclynacions / shall ketch and captiue you The IIII. Chap. FOrthatcause my beloued Heartes receaue you my a pro. ● ● Chastisment / to your Preseruacion in the Godlynes Let my Warning from the Destruction / b Pro 4 a sinck into your Hearts and c Iam. 4. b. submitt yourselues betymes vnder the gracious Woord of the godly Lyfe / Lest ye lament it afterward / that ye haue let the d Sap. 5. a. b. c ▪ Tyme pas / that serueth to your Saluacion or to the Cleansing of your Hearts and e Eccli 4 ● not taken-heede to thesame / according to the Requyring of the holy Woord and Seruice of the holy Spirit of Loue and shall then fynde no Comfort in your Heartes 2. WHerfore seperate now first or before-al / your f Pro. 3. ● Hearts Myndes and Thoughtes / from all your taken-on Knowledg / also from all g Sap. 14 d. Abuce and Disorderlynes and becom h Ier. 4. b. circumcised to the Lorde / in thissame holy Daye and Seruice of Loue. 3. Giue-ouer yourselues altogether to the holy Woord of the Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ ⁏ to shewe Obedience therunto to your Preseruacion in the Godlynes and i Psal. 32. a. Eccli 4. d. 1 Iohn 1. b. confesse your Sinnes and Faultes / before the Seate of the Maiestee of God and k Esa. 1. d. Eze 36. c. Iohn 13. b. wash and cleanse yourselues / with the holy Water of the Loue / That ye may then in that sort ⁏ with pure Hearts vnderstande the spirituall Vnderstanding of Iesu Christ· inherit the heauenly Goodes· and so com or enter holyly into the vpright Freedom and l Heb. 4. c. Rest of the Children of God 4. If now ye stand-mynded to giue yourselues to an vpright and godly Beeing of the Loue / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and if ye woulde gladly with all what is vnder your Hande and Power / be preserued m Eccli 1. a in Righteousnes and becom fruitfull in the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue / for to minister thesame vnto others moe ⁏ to their Preseruacion in the Godlynes who do walke yet in Darknes / So consider then / what is taught and presented vnto you ⁏ for to doo euenso first-of-al by the holy and gracious Woord in the Seruice of Loue / to your Preseruacion in Righteousnes and to your Fruitfulnes in the Woord and to a Guyding into the true and vpright heauenly Beeing and indeuour you therunto / for to accomplish or obediently to performe thesame / To th end that ye may euenso then / be founde n 2. Cor. 2.3 a 2 Tim. 2. a profitable and fitt to the Seruice of the holy Woord / and may ⁏ with all what is vnder your Hande or Power be preserued in the vpright and godly Being of the Loue. 5. If-so-be now ye consider thesame rightly and indeuour you aright therunto / then shall ye likewyse well vnderstande / that the holy Woord of Grace and the godly Seruice of Loue / calleth and requyreth you all to the Famyly of Loue o 1. pet 1. a. b. 2 Pet. 1. a together with all what is vnder your Hande and Power / to this ende namely to your ● Preseruacion in Righteousnes and to an Vniformnes with the holy and gracio●s Woord 6. And moreouer / forasmuch doutles as it shall all now perish / whatsoeuer bydeth without the gracious Woord and Famyly of Loue / therfore doth now the gracious Woord of the holy Spirit of Loue requyre namely of all you to whom thesame holy Woord / is this-daye administred that ye shall first or before-al / p Esa. 52. c. 2. Cor. 6. ● seperate yourselues from the q Rom. 12 a. 1. Cor. 2.5 b wicked Worlde which nodout ⁏ with all what cleaueth vnto her shall remayne without the Famyly of Loue o 1. pet 1. a. b. 2 Pet. 1. a and vtterly vanish to nothing and be condemned / and depart-out-of and forsake all her Abhomynations 7. Sett yourselues r Luk. 14. d Iohn 12. Act. 4. f. ● and all whatsoeuer ye haue· and is vnder your Hande or Power / submitted ⁏ with humble and simple Heartes vnder the gracious Woord of God the Father of the Sonne Iesu Christ and of the holy Gost / in the Famyly of the Loue of Iesu Christ / to your Preseruacion in Righteousnes and for the Loue of Iesu Christ-his sake / s Math. 10 ● 16 c Luk. 14 d. forsake and leaue it all ⁏ for clayming Propertee therin / and acknowledg t Psal. 24 a that it is all the Lordes and is Proper vnto Him Besydes thatt also / forsake ▪ v Math. 1● c Luk. ●4 ● leaue and hate / your owne Lyfe which ye liue vnto yourselues and which ye haue taken-on / according to your owne Will Lustes and Desyres 8. Humble yourselues likewyse good-willingly and obediently ⁏ with entyre good-willing Heartes before y e x Heb. 5 a Seate of y e Maiestee of God and Iudgmēt of Christ inasmuch as the holy Woord of God the Father and of Christ / is ministred ther-out· and all what assembleth itselfe therunto and loueth Righteousnes / preserued ther-vnder / and submitt you to all Obedience 9. Make-manifest yourselues y Psal. 37. a. Pro. 16 a 1 Iohn 1 b nakedly ⁏ in the Confession z Eccli 4. c 17. c of your Sinnes before thesame Seate of the Maiestee of God and Iudgment a 2. Cor. 5. b. of Christ / and so then assemble you naked or vncouered / to the Comunialtee of Saintes or to the Famyly of Loue and enter into the Doctrine of the godly Lyfe 10. And from that Tyme forward / follow and obeye ⁏ with all dutifull b Phil. 2. a. 1. Tess. 5. b. Heb. 13. c. Obedience and Concord / with the Elders of the holy Vnderstanding and Ministers of the holy Woord in the Famyly of Loue the Requyring of the godly Doctrine of the holy Woord and the c Pro. 1 2 3 a. Heb. 13. c Counsayle of the Elders in thesame vntill that ye are growen-vp to the d Ephe. 4 c Agednes of the holy and godly Vnderstanding / in all Loue and vpright Righteousnes· and euenso rightly made-free by e Iohn 8. d. the Trueth / according to the Testimony and Iudgment of the Elders· and f Act 2 d knowen for right Elders in the godly Vnderstanding· or ordayned to be Ministers of the Woord 11. For thatsame / and for to giue themselues good willingly therunto with all their Heartes and so to continue g Pro. 6. ● steadfast obediently in the gracious Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and in his Seruice / till vnto the h Ephe. 4 c. Agednes of the
holy Vnderstanding is the first or fore-going Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine / in the Famyly of Loue / wherin / all good-willing Hearts to the Righteousnes and all vpright Beleeuers of the holy and gracious Woord / do shewe by the Deede / that they do i Math 22. c Iohn 24. loue the Lorde Iesus Christ with all their Hearts / and haue a good Will Lust or Desyre / to k Math 16. c Lu● 9.14 ● follow-after Him with faythfull Hearts and for-that-cause / haue a Lust ⁏ with good-willing Hearts to fulfill or to accomplish y e Requyring of the Obedience of the first or fore-going Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine in the Seruice and Famyly of Loue / wherby to l Ephe. 4. c growe-vp out of the nethermost Place ⁏ or out of the Turning-about to be like obedient m Math 18 a 19. b. Mar. 9.10 Children to becom right Elders in the godly Vnderstanding 12. BEholde ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued if now ye wil n Math 16 c follow-after the Lorde Iesu Christ duly and rightly / with perfect whole Hearts and o Col. 1 a 1 Pet 2. a. growe-vp in the godly Vnderstanding / according to the Trueth / then submitt yourselues obediently vnder the holy Woord of Grace and so then p Math. 16. ● Mat. 8. d. Luk. 9 14. c follow-after Iesus Christ / according to the Counsayle and Doctrine of his holy Spirit of Loue. 13. And if ye woulde gladly be delyuered q Math. 6. b. Luk. 12. g. from the Euell· incorporated to the Lorde Iesu Christ or one-substance r 2. Pet. 1. a. with Him· and so partakers with Christ ⁏ in the Kingdom of the God of Heauens of the spirituall Vnderstanding s E●a 45. a. Matth. 11 d and heauenly Goodes ⁏ for to minister them rightly / and inherit y e euerlasting Lyfe / Then take this my good Doctrine t Pro. 1.2 3. Math. 19. ● Ma● 10 c. Luk. 8. c. and godly Counsayle of the Wisdom / to heart and apply yourselues at the first therunto / in all Obedience and Faythfulnes The V. Chap. NOw when ye haue applyed yourselues heerunto· geeuen all a 1 P●r. 29. c Psal 24.88 a thatt ouer ⁏ in the Seruice of Loue vnto the Lorde and his holy Woord ؛ Iesu Christ which belongeth vnto Him ⁏ to a Preseruacion in Righteousnes or sett it submitted ther-vnder and vowed and promysed your Fayth and Loue / vnto Iesu Christ / b 2. Cor. 11. a your right Lorde or Husbande / So think then also vpon nothing-els / but c Deut 6.10 a with all your Hearts / to loue your Lorde or Husbande to whom ye haue geuen-ouer your Fayth and whole Heart / for to loue Him only and bounde or marryed yourselues vnto Him / in all Faythfulnes and to shewe all Faythfulnes and d 1. Reg. 15. c. Obedience towards Him in such-sort / that it may be a e Psal. 40 a. Rom. 12. a. 1. P●t 2. Delyte vnto you with all your Hearts / to doo all his Will and to follow-after Him in his Wayes 2. But first-of-al / in the f Ier. ●● Circumcision of your Hearts ⁏ through the g Eccli 1. ● ● 19 ● Feare of God to the h ●e● ●2 ● Laying-away of the Sinne in the Flesh ▪ or of all i 1 Pet ● 2 vngodly Beeing and of the heathen●● Mis●urtour 3. Secondly ⁏ through y e Fayth of Iesu Christ ▪ in his Death of the Crosse or Suffering / to the Killing k Rom 〈…〉 b. Col 2. b. and Burying of the Sinne or of all vngodly Beeing 4. Thirdly ⁏ through the Loue of the holy Spirit of Iesu Christ in the second l Iohn ●● Rom. ●● b T it b Birth from the Death or the Resurrection of Iesu Christ / m Rom ●●● to the Righteousnes of Lyfe and n Rom ●● 1 Eph● ● c. Renewing of your Spirits and Myndes 5. And so foorth-on vnto o Act ● a. ● the heauenly Beeing / at the Right-hande of God his heauenly Father from whence He doth now ⁏ in this Daye of his righteous Iudgment ouer p Math 1●● 2 ● g ●● d. Act. 1● f Iude ●● Quick and Deadd appeere q ● Tess 4 d. and com vnto vs / in Power and Glory / with the many Thowsandes of his Saincts and with the aboundant Treasures r Col 2 a. or Ritches of his spirituall and heauenly Goodes / for to s Matth. 24 ● 25. d. assemble vs ▪ as Fellow-members of his Body vnto Him and his Saints / in the euerlasting Lyfe to the Inheriting of his holy t Heb. 4. c Rest and of all his spirituall and heauenly Goodes 6. FOr-that-cause ⁏ my beloued Heartes follow-after v Math 16. c 1. Pet. 2. c our Lorde Iesus Christ in such-a-maner euen like as I do heere figure-foorth thesame before you and apply you euenso at the first / to the first Schoole-rule or x Heb. 5. c. Begining of the christian Doctrine and of the godly Lyfe / in the Famyly of Loue. 7. Exercise yourselues first-of-al / thorowly and faythfully therin And so in the Following of Iesu Christ ⁏ in the Takeing-vp y Math. 16. c Mar 8. d. Luk 9. d. or Beareing of your Crosse / against all the Enemyes of the vpright Lyfe of Christ z 2 Pet. 2 c. Heb. 10. c. and Blaspheamers of the holy Spirit of Loue growe you vpp out of thesame / to the perfect a Ephe. 4. c. Age of the manly Beeing of Iesu Christ / and of his holy spirituall and heauenly Vnderstanding That is till that Iesus Christ؛the true High-preeste / b psal 110. Heb 5 b. after the order of Melchisedech com vnto you from the c Heb. 1. b. Right-hande of God his Father and hath ⁏ with his holy Spirit of Loue and heauenly Goodes gotten d 2. Cor. 4. b. Gal. 2. d. 4. c. a liueing Shape in you· and herited you in his spirituall and heauenly e Col 2. a. Goodes and that likewyse thosame heauenly Goodes / do flowe agayne from your Bodyes / like f Iohn ● 7 d Floods of liueing Waters to the Refreshing of all thirsty Soules after the Righteousnes And so becom vpright Elders in the holy and godly Vnderstanding and Ministers of the holy Woord The VI. Chap. TAke it effectually to heart / which I wryte vnto you and thatt wherunto a Pro 1.2.4 ● I do exhorte you For it is the Lordes Woord and his Will / to your Preseruacion in the Godlynes 2. Also refuse not to assemble you with vs to the Famyly of Loue wher-vnto ye be called / by Gods Grace / to your Preseruacion in the Godlynes· and requyred on the Lordes-behalf / for to fulfill b Math. 5. c all Righteousnes 3. For I saye vnto you veryly / that all those which refuse c Math. 22. ● thesame·
be tempted / for to drawe you awaye ⁏ e Heb. 12. a. inticeingly from the Obedience of the Loue of God the Father and from the vpright and louely Beeing of Iesu Christ and that they wil in that sort / procure your consent to the Sinne or to her Ministers / then holde you fast or f Eccli 2. a Heb. 12. a constant in-any-wyse / in the Beleefe of your Saluacion and in Patience / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and shrinke not back / That yee ⁏ in the Growing-vp to the vpright Beeing of the Loue becom not lead-awaye neither to the one g Pro. 4. c. syde nor to the other but may ⁏ in the Beleefe and h 1. Tess. 5. b. Hope of your Saluacion or Delyuerance from the Euell and in the Passing-thorow the Patience / to the good Beeing of Iesu Christ growe i Ephe. 3. b. c. strong and becom still more stronger and euenthus ⁏ in the Course of your Patience / k Heb. 10.12 vnder the Obedience of the Loue walke in all Faythfulnes Loue and l Phil. 4. a. Equitee / among all Men. 3. Beware likewyse of m Exo. 23 a Eccli 7. b Ephe. 4. d. Lying one to another and of all harmfull Speeche-of-reproche and n Tit. 3. a. 1. Pet 3. c keepe your Tongues from o Eccli 23. a 27. b. Math. 5. c. Curssing For that which ye speake p Eccli 10. b priuily in eachothers Eare ⁏ in reproch and curssing maner / with Backbyting of another shall not com-to-pas so simply / without Lyes and y e q Sap. 1. b. Mouth that lyeth / killeth the Soule 4. Follow alwayes the r Iob. 12. b. Counsayle of the Elders and Wyse in the Seruice of Loue. and s Eccli 8. ● d. Heb. 13. d submitt you obedienly vnder the Woord of their Doctrine and confesse vnto them / t Eccli 4 d. what is hidden· and becometh spoken among you / in secret / Then shall ye becom v Iob. 12.32 a Eccli 6 8. b wyse and shall euenso ⁏ in your Obedience out of the Doctrine of the Elders / first learne yourselues / er-euer ye teache another first help yourselues / x Math. 7. a er-euer ye help another first rebuke y Rom. 2. a and iudg yourselues / er-euer ye rebuke and iudg another and shall fynde z 2. Cor. 11. g. Grace / in such tyme when-as others ⁏ which iudg and deale falsly / and blaspheame cursse backbyte and belye their Neighbour shal be punished 5. Therfore do nothing without a Eccli 32. d Counsayle / so shall it not repent you / after the Deede 6. Blaspheame nor resist not also b Rom. 13 a the Gouernours nor the c Eccli 8. b Preesies / in their Office but shewe them d Rom. 13 b. 1. Tim. 5. c. Honour and Obedience and for the Peaces cause / obserue all the Ordinances of the Lande 7 Indeuour not your selues likewyse / to deale with your Neighbour / in anything that is e Tob. 4. c. Math. 7. b Vniust nor hinder not also the Straingers f Exo. 23. b. in any-case 8. Offende not the Little g Math. 18. b. Rom. 14 d. 1. Cor. 8. d. or Smipleones of vnderstanding nor charge not the Weake / with any Burthens 9. Set not the Sight of your Eyes vpon any Flesh nor vpon any Outward-thing wherby to procure your lust towards anything h Exo. 20. c Pro 6 c. Eccli 18 d 25. d therof / to any Desyre for yourselues / Lest that your Hearts be kindled and defyled ⁏ with Lust of Whoordom towards thesame But set all your Sight Vnderstanding and Memory / i Pro. 3. a. Math. 22. towards the Lorde your God and towards the godly Testimonyes of his holy Spirit of Loue. 10. Let al your Lusts Desyres and Delytes be set towards their Beawty k Pro. 3. a. 4. ● b. 5. a. b and Louelynes in the Spirit / Then shall ye not be subdued vnto Whoordom 11. Haue likewyse ⁏ in all your Sight ●ealing and Walking the holy l Tob. 4. a. Pro. 1. b Feare of God before your Eyes But beware that your Feare of God / be m Sap. 1. a. no Hipocrisye and serue not God / n Eccil 2.3 d with a false Heart 12. Take-heed alwayes of the Whoordom o Tob. 4. b. 1. Cor. 6. a. 1. Tess. 4. a and remember that ye are not dett●●s to serue the Whoordom nor the Vnchastitee but only the Lorde your God / in all p 1. Tess. 4. b ▪ Purenes of Heart 13 Remember also / that vnder the Obedience of the Loue / ye are called to the Godlynes in Iesu Christ / for to showe all q Phil. 4. b. 1. Tess. 4· c. Tit. 3. a. Edifying and good Order and all Righteousnes Loue and Peace / among all People and so through all Wel-dooing and good Conuersation / to stopp r 1. Pet. 2. b. the Mouth of the Gaynspeakers and Blaspheamers of the Famyly of Loue and of all those that do belye and defame vs with al-maner of Falshod and ⁏ through all Goodnes to winne the Louers of the Trueth and Righteousnes / to the Famyly of Loue / To th end that all those which loue the Trueth in Iesu Christ and which hunger and thirst after s Math. 5. a the Righteousnes / mought ⁏ through the holy and gracious Woord which God hath t Ier. 23. raysed-vp vnto vs Little and Electedones of God / according to his Promyses be delyuered from their Sinnes and becom saued 14. BEholde ⁏ ye Deerly-beloued This is our vpright Grounde of Fayth in Iesu Christ. and also our vndeceaueable Seruice of Loue / euen like as we be taught and informed / in the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue. 15 Therfore ⁏ my beloued Heartes in the Loue follow not in-any-wyse / your owne v Deut. 12 a Eccli 18. d. 25. d. Good-thinking Lustes and Desyres / nor-yet your Imaginacion of the Knowledg but haue a right regarde / what the holy and gracious x Deut. 4. a. b Iam. 1. b. Woord of the Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue requyreth and indeuour you therunto / So shall ye then growe-vp well and vprightly according to the Trueth / in the Sainctification of Iesu Christ and in the spirituall and y Col. 1. a. b ● heauenly Vnderstandings· walke in all godly Loue Peace and Ioye· and inherit the z Math. 19. d. 25. d. Rom. 6. d. euerlasting Lyfe It is verytrue The Ende of the twentith Epistle Take it to heart CHARITAS EXTORSIT PER HN. Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright ▪ Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright ▪
b. is the only-borne Sonne of God himself And whosoeuer refused Him / mought not obtayne the Grace before God For it is so concluded by God for euer / that in the Sonne / is the Lyfe of Saluation l Iohn 10.14 a. and that it shall also be obtayned in Him 5. THis is veryly the Grace of God the Father ⁏ which was published in tymes-past / vnto the Children of Men / vnder the Obedience of Fayth and which is also published now in the last tyme / vnder the Obedience of the Loue that the Lyfe of the liueing Godhead / is appeered vppon Earth and that ⁏ through thesame the Vnitee in the Peace with God the Father / is to be obtayned / wherby to m Iohn 8. c 14. b. 17. b. knowe Him / in his Glory and his Vniformnes with the Manhod / through the Lorde Iesus Christ. Reade Iohn 17. 6. Beholde This is the Difference ⁏ with a breefe Instruction betwixt God the Father / and the Lorde Iesus Christ. Take it to heart 7. MY Seruice / to content thee ⁏ my Beloued vouchsafe to take in good part / with a Regard to y e God of the Liueing And this my Wryting ⁏ to the Answering of thy Request haue I reharsed in this maner seing other wyse no Meane / for to open the Vnderstanding of the Godhead of Christ and to content thee or to satisfy thy Demaunde 8. Beholde I haue heere witnessed y e Mynde vnto thee / in Ful maner so that in this Instruction ⁏ so far-forth as the Lorde n Ephe. 1. c. do illuminate thyne Vnderstanding ther shal be sufficient / to answer thy Request And thy Intent of Heart in the Spirit / shall likewyse through the Beleefe of the Trueth ⁏ if thou hast a right regarde heerunto o Pro 4. a and takest thissame to heart be wel-mynded to our mostholy Seruice of Loue. The almighty God leade the into his Righteousnes Amen The Ende of the Third Epistle The Fowrth Epistle A cleere Instruction of the Mediation of Iesu Christ that cometh-to-pas in the Spirit / for a Reconciliation betwixt God and the Man Iesus speaketh to his Disciples I am the Waye the Trueth and the Lyfe Noman cometh to the Father / but thorow Mee Iohn 14. a. If any man enter in thorow Mee ▪ hee shal be saued Iohn 10 b. I am the Light of the Worlde Whoso followeth after Mee / walketh not in Darknes but he shall haue the Light of Lyfe Iohn 8. b. If any man wil follow-after Mee let him forsake himself and take-vp his Crosse on him / and follow after Mee Math. 16. c. Luk. 9 c. He that taketh not vp his Crosse on him and followeth after Mee hee is not worthy of Mee or he may not be my Disciple Math. 10. d. Luk. 14. c Ther was demaunded by a Louer of the Trueth and an Instruction in wryting / desyred theruppon / how the Mediation of Iesu Christ ⁏ according to the Spirit or spiritually cometh-to-pas in vs / a Rom. ● a. b. to our Reconciliation with God the Father and how Christ is an b Heb. 1. a Heire of all Things and how c 1. Cor. 15. c. God is all in all Wher-vpon this present Letter is written by HN / out of an Inclynation of the Loue very profitable and needfull to the Vnderstanding therof / for all those that hope vpon God· vpon Christ· and vpon their Saluation / To th end that they may vnderstand which is the right Grounde of the Beleefe in Iesu Christ / wherthrough one is iustifyed from the Sinne / for to be in-that-sort / reconciled with God in a newe Lyfe according to the Scripture The First Chap. FOrasmuch as I haue alwayes founde my self willingly-bent to do thee Seruice / my beloued Brother so do I also still fynde my self redy-prepared therto namely in thatt wherin I may be seruiceable vnto thee / to a Guyding into the holy Vnderstanding / To th end y t thou ⁏ if God vouchsafe thesame moughtest ⁏ through my small Seruice be a little furthered to the good Knowledg in God and his Christ. 2. But seing I am alwayes carefull and do stand in feare to wryte much of the deepe Groundes of the a Rom. 11. ● ▪ secret Knowledges of God and Christ / so am I alwayes carefull / lest that thesame if we should wryte boldly therof mought thrust-back anyone from Vs and our godly Doctrine or offende him therby or that anyone shoulde desyre to glory or to boste therin / as in a Knowledg of the Flesh. and not before althings or with his whole Heart / to be partaker in the Spirit / b 2 Pet. 1. a. of the Beeing wherof we do wryte or witnes 3. For albeit that we do knowe well ⁏ according to the Comprehention of our Natural-reason that ther is a God a Christ and a holy Gost / and so do talke of Them and yet do not ⁏ through that Knowledg beleeue serue nor loue thesame God / as He is a God and his Christ / as He is a Christ and the holy Gost / as He is an holy Gost / nor-yet desyre to becom partakers of his Beeing but to liue in a c Rom. 1. ● Ephe. 4. b. strainge Beeing / which is none of Gods Beeing and to cleaue-vnto thesame / So is then the Knowledg of the holy Secretnes of God / more hurtfull then furdersom vnto vs. For if we knowe in what Foorme or Beeing / that ther is a God and yet do not honour nor serue Him / as He is a God but haue a Lust to the Contrary-beeing vnto God / Then is thatsame to a d Mat. 25. c. Luk. 12. c more-greeuous Condemnation vnto vs. 4. SEing now that I ⁏ through the Light do beholde these Perills / so am I likewyse carefull therin / to wryte of the Secrets of God / before Many And if thou lookest with me into the Perils / then knowe I well / that thou wilt not disalow me in my Carefulnes For I haue much-more delyte in the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / and whear Gods Beeing Light or vpright Righteousnes / doth euenso then ryse-vp in Esa. 58. b. Power / in the inward Man / then whear as men do with Speakable-woords ⁏ out of the Knowledg talke much of the Secretnes of God / according to the outward Maner 5. Thou also knowest partly my Conuersation / in what sort it was with thee and how fearfully touching many Woords / I haue behaued myself with thee shewing thee / that the f Math. 13. Secretnes of the Kingdom of God or Christ / consisteth not g 1 Cor. 2 a. in the Multitude of Woords nor in the Ritches of the Knowledg / Because that thou shouldest not suffer thyself to be bewitched by Anyman with outward or strainge Woords or Sayings of plentiful-store of Languages / as to let thyne Heart committ Whordom therwith But
that thou moughtest haue a much-more regard vnto the Power of God and vnto the vpright Righteousnes that God worketh through the Ministration of his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue / in y e Spirit of the inward Man / to th end for to liue vprightly therin / with a meeke-mynded Spirit For a meekemynded h Psal. ● b Esa. 57. b 61. a. 66. a Spirit ⁏ which hath his Proceeding obediently / according to the Requyring of the Lords Woord is very precious and acceptable before God 6. And although that we do ⁏ in thesame Spirit go-on in Scilence / as touching the outward Maner and are poore of Spirit in Tongues or Languages / Yet is not for-al-that / the Ritchnes of the spirituall and heauenly Knowledg of God ▪ euer-the-lesse among Vs. but rather the greater And thesame and all Thatt which is of God and Christ / do we esteeme very i Iob. 28. b. Psal. 19 b. Pro. 3 b 8 b Sap. 7. b. precious / Yea much worthyer then all the Ritches or costly Treasures of this Worlde for thatsame ⁏ of worthynes-part excelleth it all For which Occasion / we let our Woordes be feawe / because that thesame which we speake / may not proceede out of the Knowledg but out of the k 1. Cor 2. a. b Power of God and out of the Trueth of Iesu Christ. 7. And in thesame Speech of y e godly Things / we do also take-heede with Foresightfulnes ⁏ so much as we may therin of the Looseones of Heart / to th end that ther be not one godly Saying of the precious secret Wisdom / spoken-out in Vayne O / how l Eccli 14.25 Ieam 5 a happy is hee / that falleth not in his Tongue and whose Woordes m Col. 4. a. are tempered with Salt 8. NOw this being omitted I reioyce me doutles / of the and of the Communialte that is with thee and I hope to reioyce me yet more with the / with greater Ioye by meanes of the Answere vnto mee / that I haue hearde from thee / As that yee altogether / are wel-mynded to Thatt which is the Beeing itself / wherof the Scripture witnesseth ⁏ as personally of God of Christ and of the holy Gost. Which Beeing ⁏ for those that be partakers therof are the secret Treasures and n Math. 13 c heauenly Ritches of God / wherof the Worlde· the ritch Scriptur-learnedones· nor the Good-thinking-wyse ⁏ with all their deep-groundly Knowledg do neither knowe nor vnderstand o Math. 11 c 1. Cor. 2. a. anything-at-al 9. It is true they haue the Scripture of the godly Witnesses wher-through they suppose to be wyse and vnderstanding But seing they giue not their Vnderstanding captiue vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Iesu Christ and com p Iohn 5. not euenso to the Beeing / wherof the Scripture speaketh nor-yet beleeue theron / q Iohn 7. d as the Scripture sayth / So is-ther likewyse no Light nor Trueth nor-yet Spirit nor Beeing of God / among them / and they also do neither knowe nor r Math. 22 c. 1. Tim 1. a vnderstande Thatt which they themselues speake therof 10. But the God of Lyfe ⁏ s Ephe. 2 a who is ritch of Mercie hath ⁏ out of his harty Loue t Ephe. 1. a 2. a 3. a. Col. 1. d. reuealed the Beeing of his Glory vnto vs· renewed our ignorant Vnderstanding ⁏ vnder the Obedience of his Loue to a spirituall Mynde of the vpright Righteousnes· and ⁏ when we were full of Infirmitees v Rom. 5. a. b. Ephe. 2. a. Col. 1. c. 2. b and deadd / for the Sinnes cause begotten vs agayne / out of his Loue / x Tit. 1. a. 5. a ▪ to a sure Hope of his Lyfe 11. Seing then that y Heb. 12. ● such a Clowde of holy Deawe / is ⁏ by Gods Grace appeered in our Sight / according to the Spirit· and com from Gods Right-hande / as an heauenly Blessing / and wherout also the right Beeing of God ⁏ wherof we speake a 2. Cor. 4. ● aryseth vnto vs / as a Light and Cleernes Therfore haue wee ⁏ although the Scripture witnesseth theron and that we do heare many speake therof more regarde vnto Thatt which is the vpright Beeing itself ⁏ wherin our Ioye standeth then vnto Thatt which witnesseth theron 12. For thesame Light that shyneth now vnto Vs / out of the heauenly Trueth / b 1. Ioh● 1. a. is the euerlasting Lyfe which was with the Father / in the Begining and it is c Psal. 45. a Heb. 1. a. the Mercie-seate of the godly Maiestee which continueth from euerlasting to euerlasting Euen-as I likewyse haue talked with thee of thesame / when I was last with thee The II. Chap FOrasmuch then as thy Request was vnto me at that tyme / to wryte thee an Instruction of the Mediation of Iesu Christ after the Spirit and how thesame cometh-to-pas in vs / a Rom. 3. ● 2. Cor. 5. b. Ephe. 2. b. 1. Iohn 2.4 ● for a Reconciliation betwixt God and vs and how Christ is b Heb. 1. a an Heire of all Things and how c 1. Cor. 15. c God is all in all / Therfore wil I open a little of thesame vnto thee and I hope also to satisfy the well with this Instruction 2. Inasmuch then as I haue partly marked thyne Inclynation to the holy and spirituall Vnderstanding of the vpright Righteousnes / therfore can I not of Natures-part omitt / but must witnes vnto the of thatt which thou desyrest at my handes / also reueale the d Ephe 3. a Mistery of Christ / and make-knowen vnto thee / thatt which is hidden c Rom. 15. c Ephe. 1 a 3 a Col. 1. c. before the Worlde and all her Wyseones / and discribe it vnto thee in wryting / accordingly as the Lorde illuminateth myne Vnderstanding therto and as it may be profitable for thee to Edifycation 3. THer is testifyed in the Scripture ⁏ the which according to the Spirit / is also verytrue that God is f Iohn 4. c. 2 Cor. 3. b. a Spirit ▪ and a g 1 Iohn 1. a verytrue Light / with whom no Darknesses or Sinnes are mingled But seeing that the Man is falne h Gen. 3. a Esa. 59. b. into a strainge Contrary-beeing vnto God and goeth-on and liueth therin / So is he likewyse i Ephe. 4 b. Col. 1. c estrainged from God and from his Light and walketh according to the Flesh or Outward and according to the Requyring and Desyres of the Foreskinne of his vncircumcised Heart / and not according to the Spirit or according to the Requyring of the godly Beeing and so He k Psal. 82. a Ephe. 5. a walketh in the vngodly Beeing of the Darknesses and thatsame vngodly Beeing of the Darknesses l Rom. 1. c. Ephe 4. b. hath blynded his Heart And thatt veryly is the Sinne m Esa.