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B00941 A bryefe summe of the whole Byble. A Chrystian instruction for al parsons yonge and olde, to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees. / Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker. Heyden, Cornelius van der.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1550 (1550) STC 3018; ESTC S124414 67,231 231

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neuertheles God the heauenly father through his only beloued sonne Iesus christ full of grace and veritie hath declared publyshed commaunded vnto al men none excepted whiche thinge also we christians do promys sweare advow in our baptisme to obserue and kepe all the dayes of our lyfe Nowe might men aske what haue we sworne wherunto haue we made our vowe promis in baptime to the intēte wemight kepe the same and liue as christiās ought to lyue I answere reade searche reuise this lytell booke diligently praying to God for his grace to illuminate thyne vnderstandinge and I hope thou shalt bee the better all the dayes of thy lyfe a briefe summe of the whole Byble Of God Fyrst the holy Wrytinges of the bible teache vs that there is one God almightye Deut. vi i. Tim. ii Gen. xvii Exod. xv Gene. i. Psal c. iii and .x. Exod. iii. Iere. ix Roma ix i. Lozin xii that hath neither beginning nor ēding whiche of his owne goodnes did create al thinges of whō all thinges procede without whome there is nothinge which is rightuous and mercifull and whiche worketh al thinges in al after his wyll of whome it may not bee demaunded wherfore he doth this or that The creacion of man Then that this very God did create Adam the fyrst man after his owne Image similytude Esay xiv and. liiii Iere. x. xviii and dyd ordeyne and appoynte him lorde of all the creatures in the earth Synne Whiche Adam by the enuy of the deuell Sapi. ii Roma v. disobeying the commaundement of his maker did fyrst synne brought sinne into this world such so great that we which be sprong of him after the fleshe are subdued vnto sinne death dampnaciō brought vnder the yoke and tiranny of the deuell Ephe. ii Chryst was promysed And further that Chryst Iesus was promysed of God the father Genes iii xii xvii xxviii to be a sauyour to this Adā Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid the other fathers which shulde delyuer them from their sinnes tirannye of the deuell that with a quycke lyuynge faythwolde beleue this promis and trust of this Iesus Christ hoping too haue this delyueraunce of and by him And truely this promes is very oft rehearsed in the bookes of the olde testament yea the olde Testament is this promys as it is called the newe whiche teacheth that this promys is fulfylled The lawe And that in the meane ceason whyle the fathers loked for saluation and delyueraunce promised because mās nature is suche that he not onely can not Exod. xx and. xix but also wyll not cōfesse hymselfe to be a sinner and specially suche a Sinner that hath neade of the sauinge health promysed Rom. v. the Lawe was geuen wherthrough men might knowe synne that they are sinners when they se that they do none of the thinges that the law biddeth or cōmaundeth them with so glad and wyllynge a mynde as God requireth but rather agaynst their wylles without affection as though they were constrayned wyth the feare of that hel whiche the lawe threateneth sayinge cursed bee he that mainteineth not all the wordes of this lawe to kepe thē And that this law was geuen to the intent that synne the malyce of mens hartes beinge thereby the better knowen men shulde the more feruently thryst after the comminge of Chryst Deut. 27 Gal. iii. i. corin i. whiche shulde redeame thē from their synnes As it was figured vnto the Iewes by manye ceremonies hostes sacrifices wich were ordeyned of GOD not to the intēt to take awaye sinnes Heb. xii but to shewe and declare that he shulde be put awaye by fayth in Ioan. i. the saluaciō promysed thorowe Christ and whiche nowe be put awaye by the comminge of that Christ whiche is the very hoost of the father that taketh awaye all synne The comming of Christ Luke ii Last of all by the bookes of the newe testamēt Gal. iiii Ephe. i. Roma v. T●um ● Ephe. ii Roma v. Ioan. i. we are taught that Christ whiche was promysed and shadowed in the olde Testament is sent of the father at such tyme as he had determined with hym selfe at suche tyme I saye as all wickednes florished And that he was sent not for ani mans good workes for they all were synners but to the intent that he wolde truely shew the haboundaunt ryches of hys grace Esay iiii i. Iohn ii ii peter i. Hebr. ii whiche he had promised The lambe of God In the newe testament therfore it is moost euid entlye declared that Iesus Christ the true Lambe and hoste is come to the ●arent to reconcile vs to the father paying on the crosse the punyshment due vnto oure sinnes and to delyuer vs from the bondage of the deliell vnto whome we serued through synne and to make vs the sonnes of God syth he hath geuen vs the true peace and tranquilitie of conscience Rom. v. Iohn iii. and. vi that we no longer doo feare the paynes of hell whiche feare is put awaye bi the fayth confidence and assuraunce that the father geueth vs drawynge vs vnto hys sōne For that faith is the gift of God whereby we beleue that Christ is come into this worlde to saue sinners whiche is of so great pyth that they whiche haue it desire to perfourme all the duties of loue to all men after the example of chryst The holyghoost For fayth ones receyued i. corin i. and. v. God geueth his holyghost wherwith he tokeneth and marketh al that beleue Ephesi i. wich is the pledge and erneste that we shal surely possesse euerlasting lyfe and that geueth witnes vnto our spirite Rom. viii and. v. grafteth this fayth in vs that we be the sonnes of God pouring therwith that loue in our hartes which Paule describeth setteth out to the corinthians i cor xiii By that fayth and confidence in Chryst Galo v. wiche by loue is mightie in operacion and that shewed it selfe thorowe the workes of loue stering men therto but that Isay we are Iustified that is by that fayth Chrystes father which is become ours also thorowe that Chryst our brother H●br ●● counteth vs for rightuous for his sonnes Citn ii imputing not our sinnes vnto vs thorow his grace Good workes To conclude he came to the intent the we beyng clensed from our wicked abhominable sinne and sanctified vnto God the father that is halowed vnto the vse of the father to exercise good workes forsaking the workes of the fleashe shulde feelye serue in rightuousnes and holynes al our lyfe longe Luke i. Ephe. ii thorowe good workes which God hath ordeyned to the intent that we shulde walke in them declaring our selues therby to be surely casted vnto this grace wyche woorkes who so euer hath not declareth that he hath not fayth in Christ
al our care vppon the for thou carest for vs thou knowest before we aske of the what is necessary for vs Mat. vi yea many tymes thou geuest it vnto vs before we aske it Giue vs not to great abundaunce of ryches least we be thereby occasioned to exalt our selues against the and agaynst our neighbours or that we forget not thy great goodnes and mercy neyther gyue vs so great pouertie nede the we be cōstrayned to begge breade or to steale or prouoked too sweare blaspheme thy holy name through vnpacient suffering But gyue vs our daylie sustenaunce neuertheles accordinge to thy Godly wil. We of duety most diligently labour worke but vnto the as he that geueth the encrease we shall cast all our care we are al in thy hande there is none that can resiste thy Godly will Thou good father geuest vnto vs Iob. ix and hast power to take agayn from vs yf thou geuest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy mercye yf thou takest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy rightuousnes Forgyue vs our trespasses as we frogyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. Eccle. 28 Math. 18 Marc. xi Confession O heauenly father I haue bene hardnecked stifnecked and stubborne against those whiche haue offended me haue not willinglye remitted or forgeuen thē their trespasses but I haue much more accounted and estemed the offence whiche they haue done agaynst me then that whiche I haue done agaynst thy Godly maiestie I haue set the synne of my neyghbour before mine behinde Luke vi haue muche soner spied a mote in my brothers eye then a blocke in myne owne eye By reason wherof I haue not harteli or duely as I ought to haue done desired that thou woldest forgyue me my synnes the whiche alas wretch that I am are ineffabile and innumerable Wherfore I cry the mercy Prayer and confession Meke and gentle father we are exceding greatly ī thy debte haue not nor know not wherwith to pay the. We know nothyng better then that we fall prostrate before thy fete and cast vp our eyes towardes the and cry the● 〈…〉 mercifull and 〈…〉 his ful of thy mercy 〈…〉 that no man is holy nor saued by hys owne workes only Psal xxii except thou haue mercy on hym forgeue him his synnes Happy are they whose synnes are forgeuen couered Happy is that man whose synnes are not imputed or rekened vnto hym psal xxxi O mercifull father if we go not about to make our selues vngilte fautles or inculpable thē shalt thou forgiue vs all oure synnes And if we through or by confessiō do knowledge or discouer our sinnes then shalt thou thy selfe couer them cloke or hide our shame In our spirite o heauenly father is a great deceyt the whiche withoute the brightnes of thy Godlye light we can neyther see nor knowe We loue our selues we seke that is ours we feare ad●●r 〈◊〉 we loue not that we se●●e not 〈…〉 is thyne yea not so muche as 〈◊〉 corporall or bodelye thynges Therfore we do se our dampnacion wherin we are and there is none that can redeme or delyuer vs excepte we cal cry vnto the out of the depth O father forgyue vs our trespasses through thy greate merci lyke as a louinge father forgeueth his childe for thou hast promised it vnto vs sayinge Ezech. 18. yf the vngodly will turne away from all his sinnes that he hath done and kepe all my commaundementes do the thing that is equal righte doubtles he shal liue not die for I haue no pleasure in the death of a sinner saith the Lorde but rather that he cōuerte lyue ii Pet. iii Iere. iii. Agayne thou hast committed fornicaciō with many louers yet turne agayn to me I wil receaue the. O moost kinde father thinke vppon thy promises haue mercye on vs forgiue vs oure trespasses as we forgiue thē that haue trespassed agaynst vs. O moost louing father we confesse graunt that it lyeth not in our power to forgyue our ennemies Luk. vi yea to loue thē as thou cōmaundest so is our nature poysoned infected that it is impossible for vs to do it The loue of our selues which is that roote of all Synne seketh alwayes that whiche is hers not that which is thyne or that which is to thy honour or that which is proffitable to our neyghbour Thus good father plant in vs the true brotherly loue the we as thou hast done taught vs may with all our harte loue thē forgiue thē pray for thē Verely I do know most louig father that if we forgiue not oure neyghbour thou shalt neuer forgiue vs our synnes Furthermore I knowe that no sacrifice or prayer is acceptable or pleasaunt vnto the as longe as we reconsyle not our selues with our brother Therfore geue vs grace that we may forgiue our devtoures then shalt thou also forgeue vs our offēces for thou art kynd and full of mercy And thou art come downe from heauen here vpō this earth for synners that repent and amend their lyfe And let vs not bee led into temptation Psal xii zacha 14. i. Pet v. But delyuer vs from euyll Amen Confession O my lord God my heauēly father I haue oft many times alas the while geuyng place vnto temptacion Lyke an vnfaythfull depute or liuetenaunt who through slouthfulnes and neglygence towardes his lorde yeldeth and geueth ouer hys castel or bulwarke vnto the ennemies Neyther haue I beue only satisfied with this miserable wretchednes or fragilitie and synne but haue had pleasure and delite therein in such maner that I haue willingly stirred moued and geuen my selfe ouer and defiled my selfe lyke aswine in the muddy and filthy puddle and myre And haue not endeuoured my selfe to that whiche is euerlasting and good Forgeue o father helpe the feble and weake Prayer and confession O moost bounteous father thou whiche art a kynde and louyng helper of all thē that feare the and call on the in nede trouble and persecutiō Beholde consider that our life is a strife and continual warrefare here in this world Our ennemies cease not the deuell goeth about lyke a roaringe lyon sekinge whome he may deuoure The glorious flatteting worlde in lyke case laugheth vpon vs on euery side And our owne flesh and ghostly or inward enemie ceaseth neuer to spurre and striue agaynst the spirite and that so vehemently that of very necessite we are cōpelled to cal vppon the for helpe ayde and comforte as to a fayth full father who wil not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue our power but shal faythfull ye helpe vs at oure right side i. Cor. iiii to the intente we shulde not be ouercome of our ennemies O comforter and father of al consolacion comfort vs in all our aduersitie for thou art a father of all consolacion thou shalt strength ●●●s and
tree whiche is barren and nought moyst to the intēt that with feruēt loue it maye bringe furth ripe pleasaunt and sauery frute O moost kyude father graunt that we duely iustly may sanctifre and make holy thy sabboth day whiche thou wyth all diligence hast commaunded vs. Suffer all fleshly lustes and wicked desires to cease in vs. And lyke as euery creature both in heauen and earth doth obey the and suffer them selues to be ruled gouerned of ye. But so mo●t gētle father drawe and plucke out of our hartes all such thynges as seameth good in our sight to the intēt that thou mayest rule vs not after our but after thyne owne wyl For we knowe that the wayes of man are not his and that it lyeth not in man to stirre or leade his wayes whether he lysteth Pro. xvi Thus good lorde graunt that we paciently whithe a quiet harte may suffer thy hand whē it toucheth vs suffer vs gladly cherefully to beare all such thinges as it shal please the to laye vppon vs whether it be good fortune or euell aduersite sickenes shame stripes yea death also And su●fer our owne nature so to rest to bee quiet and cease that she couet seke and desyre not through superfluitie and desyre of vengaunce to breake or trāgresse the holy sabboth daye Thy wyll bee done in earth it is in heauen Iohn xii Luk. xxii Prayer and coufession O my lorde God to the I make my mone complaynt that I haue followed myne owne will to thy dishonour to my shame haue resisted thy moost Godly wyll for the whiche I am very sorye Prayer and confession Therfore o moost best father be not myne but thy wyll fulfilled Thy wyll is done and fulfilled in heauen amongest the Aungels whyche wythout all difficulte do accordynge to thy wyll trēble quake at thy becking The Sunne and Mone kepe their course and neuer transgresse the same Euen so ought it to be with vs also but we wre●ched synners are to fraile and in our nature we fynde nothyng that is after thy Godly wyl but agaynst the and thy moost holy Lawes thus doth our poysened olde Adam kycke and stryue according to his olde kynde I graunte in dede that in the in warde man we do fynde a delyte pleasure in thy lawe but in our fleshly menbres is an other lawe that is the lawe of the hart And therfore that we wolde we do not but that thynge that we wolde not Rom. vii we do Therfore O moost louing and gentle Father gyue vs thy Lawe in wardelye in vs and write the same in our hartes to the intēt that we may feare and loue the and walke in thy commaundementes Gyue vs a newe harte sēdyng thy spirite in wardly in vs that he may kindle vs so myth thy loue that we maye loue the with al our hart wyth all our strength aboue all thynges and that we maye loue our neyghbour for thy sake in thankefulnes for the vnspeakable riches whiche thou hast haboundauntlye poured vppō vs euen as our selues For he that hath loue fulfylleth the lawe he that loueth not resteth or sticketh in the death We ought of dutie to be people accordyng to thy harte doing all thynges accordyng to thy wyll Rom. xiii but where is ther one such among vs And who can giue vs a harte to feare the and to kepe thy commaundementes at all tymes so that it maye happen or chaunce well vnto vs our chyldren O lorde thou onelye arte he Thus good lorde clense our hartes and the hartes of our sede that we with all our strength and wyth al our soule may loue the and lyue Make vs whole thē are we whole Make vs blessed then are we blessed For thou art our laude prayse Oh howe oft is our wyll contrarye vnto thy wyll and agaynst thy lawes she had manie tymes rather or lyuer that there were no Lawe Psalm L. nor no God nor no trueth Oh howe is oure harte and vnderstandyng darkened so and in such wise that we can not se our selues therfore o lorde haue mercy on vs according to thy great mercy shape or create in vs a newe harte and poure thy perfect spirite in vs so that no more we but rather thou lyue ī vs worke al our workes accordinge vnto thy Godly wil to the intēt that thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen in the 〈…〉 so that the 〈…〉 rage agaynst thy 〈…〉 eyther let it be subiecte 〈◊〉 the euell lustes but let it be one spirite with thy spirite And let it haue a pleasure displeasure in that thyng that thou arte pleased and displeased with Gyue vs this day our dayly breade Luk. ix Deut. viii Confession I can not deny but must nedes knowledge and confesse that I alas the while good father abhorringe the liuinge breade of my soule haue fylled and fed my soule wyth the draffe and chaffe of straunge worldlye doctrine lyke a swine wherwith I am become feble impotent and withered for the whiche I am sorye with al my harte cry the mercy Prayer and confession Thus louing father and ●●uer of al consolacion ▪ ●●ou that fedest al flesh Gyue 〈…〉 bread psa cxxxv I meane that 〈◊〉 b● that whiche the soule of man is made alyue gyue vs that same at all tymes to the intēt that we wanting the same perish not for hunger Gyue vs faythful and learned Preachers that may iustly duely fede our soules setting bearing before vs thine onely sonne Iesus Christ leauing all fables Treno ii dreames vayne and false doctrine to the intente that we thy shepe bee not slayne vppon thy holy mount in thy holye tabernacle O louing father open our eares of vnderstandinge to the intent that we may vnderstand conceyue trust stedfastly beleue ī thi holy worde ther by borne a new in a better lyfe thē we haue ledde hitherto maye with Iesus Chryst●●s thy ●hildren be receyued of the ī thy Godly loue and fauour Lorde of thy clemēcimekenes and mercy gyue vs vnderstandyng that we may proue the spirites whether they bee of the or of some other i. Ioan. 4 for the wicked and malignaunt spirite can sōtime alter chaunge hym selfe into an Aungel of lyght ii Cor. xi O lord drawe vs through thy mercy vnto thy sonne Iesus Christ that we may iustly and perfectly receaue hym in our hartes Iohn vi for he is the lyuing breade whiche descended from heauen Gyue vs also most gentle father oure bodelye foade after thy Godly wil Rayne Sunshine and mete wether for the frutes of thy feldes indue ceason to thintent that we takyng sufficiently of the same may laude prayse and magnify the. O mooste worthy father let vs not bee sorrowfull and carefull for those thynges that we shulde eate and drinke or where with we shuld be cladde Let vs cast
¶ A Bryefe summe of the whole Byble a Chrystian Instruction for al Parsons yonge and olde to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker Romano xv What thinges soeuer are written are written for our learning The contentes of this booke Fyrst THe prologue to the reader A briefe summe of the byble Thre thinges necessarie for a man to knowe The .x. commaundementes of GOD goodly expounded The prayer of the Lorde or the pater noster expounded Instruction of baptisme Instruction of Christes supper Instruction for all estates or degrees and first howe the spirituall Prelates ought to vse them selues amongest the commen people Howe the commen people ought too behaue them selues towardes the prelates Howe the wordely prelates as Emperour kinges princes lordes Iusticers and officers ought too behaue them selues in rulynge or gouernynge of their subiectes Howe subiectes ought to behaue them selues towardes the superiour powers How parentes as father and mother ought to behaue them selues in r●linge bringing vp of their chyldren Howe children ought to obey their parentes or elders Howe the Lorde and lady master and mastres ought to behaue them selues towardes their seruauntes Howe seruauntes shall behaue them selues towardes their lordes or ladyes masters or mastresses How maried men ought to behaue them selues towardes their wiues How women ought to lyue with their husbondes Of the state of matrimony in generall Of the state of virginitie Of the state of widdowes Exhortacion to the riche of this worlde Exhortacion to the poore Exhortacion to the hanoycraftes man Exhortacion to relygious or deuoute parsones Exhortacion to the marchaunt Exhortacion to the husbandman Exhortacion to souldiours or men of warre Exhortacion to tolners or custumers Exhortacion to vzurers Exhortacion to whoremongers and fornicatours Exhortacion to dronkardes Exhortacion to all sinners generally Exhortacion to all men in generall Instruction howe men ought to occupy and exercise them selues in their daylye prayers fyrst in the morninge when they ryse At night when they go to bed When men go to their worke When men are bounde towardes any Iourney When mēne come home agayn or at their iourneys ende A prayer for Emperour or Kinges For all teachers of Gods worde For them that ligh sicke For all women bound with the lordes handes For all men in generall For the Citie or towne wherein a man dwelleth For all frutes of the earth Grace before meate Grace after meate Conclusion The prologue to the reade● FOr asmuche as all he althe welfare prosperitie of mā cōsisteth in the perfect knowledge of god of hym selfe Hieronymus whiche knowledge euerye mā may haboundauntly fynde in the most holye sacred scriptures as in a right cleare mirrour and moost parfecte glasse / in the whiche all men ought to delyte exercise thēfelues both daye and night to the amendement of their lyues Psalm i. to the edifiyng of their neighboures chyldren housholde or famylie And considering also that there are manye in these latter dayes god amende it which saye that they are good Chrystiās / in dede are nothinge lesse Apocal. ii I haue the●fore taken vpon me after my simple vnderstandyng learning / with the liuing God thorow his moost holy spirite mought vouchesafe to augmēt strēgthen encrease in meat all tymes to set fourth bringe to lyght a very compendious instructiō to the prefermēte augmētyng settinge fourth of the laude prayse glorye and knowledge of God also to the edificacion profyt vtilitie and amendemente of all men especiallye to the youth whiche are of a reasonable age discrecion Whiche as by daylye experience may be sene through the negligence of their wicked vngodlye parentes do so miserably and pituously rōne astraye in all maner of disorder wantonnes disobedience asciuiousnes and in all kinde of vngodly liuinge I saye vngodlye parentes Chrysost ▪ super ●a theum homeli 49. For if they feared God in very dede as faythful Christians ought to do they woulde vndoutedly g●ue their vnderlinges chyldren Aug. ad patres Pro. xxii subiectes housholde or familie an other example instruction and chastysement euery one in his degree for to leade a Godly and christiā lyfe walking in the loue feare of God But alas many parentes which is greatly to be lamented knowe not thē selues so farre is this miserable wretched worlde rōne astray cleane out of course wherein their true christianitie consisteth or wheruppon it is grounded Neyther knowe they anye thinge at all what it is to be a Christiā Howe is it thē possible that they shulde instructet eache and geue good example vnto other when they thē selues do not know the most wholsome doctrine Mat. xii workes and wyll of their master true guide Iesus Christ Iohn i. Thinkinge them selues to bee very perfect Christians when they ones haue receyued baptisme do not consider nor knowe what Iesus sayd vnto Nicodemus Iohn 4● and .vii. Except sayth he a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not come into the kingdome of God by these woordes might suche Parsons learne to vnderstande that we may not oneli put or seke our trust in this that we bee onely baptised in water Tit. ii as though we shulde therby become very Christians without hauing any respect vnto any other thing beside Roma vi Col. ii iii But we must alter and chaunge oure owne wicked and sinfull conuersacion with a penytent and sorowfull harte for our offences amending our lyfe and walking in the feare and loue of God according to the spirite of astedfast fayht bringing fourth the fruytes of charitie Ephe. iiii towardes our neyghbours with all lowlynes mekenes according to the voyce of our good and true shephard Iesus Christ in all long sufferaunce breaking our fleshly Iustes desires Oh but howe farre are the moost parte of vs frome this frutefull vertuous moost holy christianitie Mat. xiii yea I dare wel saye if mē may iudge the tre by the frutes as christ sayth men maye that there is a greate multytude which beere the name after christ christians whiche notwithstanding do far excede the Iewes Turkes Sarazens Heathen and Paynims in all kynde of abhominable wickednes and vngodly lyuing For the Sarazens Turkes Iewes are a great deale more carefull vse muche more diligēce in obseruinge of the Lawe of their ydoll seducer Mahumeth then we are in the obseruing of our christen lawe The Iewes do teache their Chyldrene as soone as they can speake to rehearse declare the law of Moses euen by roote or without the boke But we wretched catiues are truly to our greate rebuke shame suche neglygente slouthfull and moost wretched people that we haue our christen relygion in no reputacion or estymacion yea we set in a maner nothing at all by it Whiche holy moost christen religion
Christ our master Vnto whome we must come Mat. xxi and .xxiii. Iohn 18. Ephe .v. i. Pet. ii Hebr. iiii i. Tim. ii Hebr. xii i. Iohn ii Roma vi Ion. xiiii Heb. iiii and folow him with a cherefull harte that he may instructe and teache vs for he is oure maister meke humble of hart he is our exāple of whome we must learne the rule of good liuing further he is our priest hye bishop onely mediatour whiche nowe sitteth on the right hāde of GOD the father he is oure aduocate prayeth eue● for vs whiche will vndoubtedly obteyne what soeuer we desyre enther of hym or of his father in his name i. Tim. i. Mat. xi If we beleue that he wyll do it for so hath he promised Let vs therfore not doubte although we somtime sinne with a confidence to comme vnto hym and wyth a lyuinge and vndoubting fayth that we shal obteyne mercy For therfore came he to thyntent to saue sinners neyther requireth he anye thynge more of vs i. Tess ii then to come vnto him without feare This is that Christ Iesus whiche after he hath kylled the name of sinne with the breth of his mouth shall sitte in his Maiestie Iudge all men geuynge vnto euery one the woorkes of his bodi according to that he hath done ii Cor. v. i. cor v. Mat. xxv whether it be good or bad that shall say vnto thē that shal be on hys rigthand Come ye blessed chyldren of my father inheret ye the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde i. cor v. And vnto thē that shal be on his lyft hande departe frome me ye cursed into euerlastyng fyre whiche is prepared for the deuell his aungels ii Pet. i. Then shall the ende come and he shall delyuer vp the kingdome to God the father To the intent that we shulde knowe this by the goodnes of God working by his holi spirite are the holy wrytings of the byble geuen vs Ion. xvii and xx Tha● we shulde know I say and beleue that there is ou● God Iesus Christe whome he hath sent that in beleuyng we shulde haue euerlasting lyfe thorow his name i. cor iii. An other foundacion then this can no man haue saincte Paule desireth that he beholden a cursed that preacheth any other fayth and saluacyon thē onely by Iesus christ Gal. iii. yea although it were an aungell of heauen For of him thorow hym Roma ●● and for him are all thinges to whome with the father the holyghost be honour and glory foreuermore Amen Thre thynges are nedeful expediēt for a mā to knowe to his saluacion after that hee is ones come to lawfull or reasonable age and vnderstanding Fyrst A Man must knowe what he ought to doo and what he ought to leaue to the intente that he may knowe whiche is good and do the same and that he also may know whiche is euell and leaue the same And this do the .x. commaundementes of God teache hym called the lawe geuen by Moses Secondly When a man doth ones fele that he of hys owne strength and power is not able to doo or to leaue these thynges without the helpe of God for the fleshe as it is written to the Romaynes can not fulfyl the Lawe that he maye knowe where by whome he may obteyne helpe comforte remedye and grace for too fulfyll the lawe For she muste bee all fulfylled so that ther may not be one Iote or tytle vnfulfilled And this theacheth hym the holi christen belefe or Crede And fynallye when a man perceyueth his belefe or fayth in whiche all dependeth and consysteth to bee feable and weake that then he may knowe where by whome he may take his refuge to bee holpen and strenghtened therein And this teacheth hym the prayer of our lorde Iesus Christ COncernynge the before named first article Exod. xix sayncte Paule to the Romaynes in the .iii. chap. sayth on this wyse Roma iii By the lawe sayth he commeth but the knowledge of synne Therfore because that no man shulde boaste and baunte hym selfe of his vertue and holynes but rather with al humilitie low lynes and mekenes knowledge and confesse with the publicane howe wretched synfull and myserably he is I do therfore particularly declare set before al mēseyes the .x. cōmaundementes of our Lorde God almighty geuen vnto Moses in two Tables made of stone Antiqui liori r. ●ha 6. whereof the euerye table as Iosephus describeth particularly cōteyneth fyue commaundementes In or by the whiche two tables as it were in a cleare mirrour or glasse euery mā may most easely see fele and perceaue the whole estate of his harte THe fyrst cōmaundement of the fyrst table Iere. v. teacheth feare loue fayth hope sure confidence trust in God aboue all thynges and foundeth thus I am the Lorde thy God whyche haue brought the out of the lande of Egypt frō the house of bondage Exo. xx a and .liii. e thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight That is Thou shalt ouely praye in spirite veritie vnto god the creatour ruler preseruer of all thynges Thou shalte loue the same Lorde God wyth al thy harte Mark xii Deut. vi and xxx v wyth all thy soule wyth all thy mynde wyth all thy strēgth Thou shalt put thy trust fayth hope confidence in him onely Thou shalte loue him aboue althinges Thou shalt feare him serue him onely with al thi harte with al thi minde c. Now where as I do heare saye serue him onely ye may not vnderstande but the seruauntes are bounde to serue their masters subiectes heir superiour powers and such lyke with al due reuerēce Agaynst this commaundement do Al they whiche put their trust conforte refuge confidence and mooste speciall succour and hope more in any creatures how holy soeuer they be thē in God the father almightie through his only and derely beloued sonne Iesus Chryst our lorde The second cōmaundement teacheth an in warde beholding of the inuisible thinges of God that is his euerlastyng power God head by the meditacion beholding and consideringe of the visible thinges Reg. v. Rom. i. made and created by the infinite power of God and soundeth thus Thou shalte make that no grauē ymage nor any symylitude Exo. xx ● Leuit. xvi neyther of it that is aboue in h auen nor of it that is beneth vppō the earth nor of it that is in the water vnder the earth worship thē not nor serue them not for I the lorde thy God am a gelous God visitinge the sinne of the fathers vppō the chyldrē vnto the thirde fourth generacyō of thē that hate me And do mercy vppō many thousandes that loue me kepe my commaundementes That is The lorde God forbiddeth not the makinge of Images or symylytudes so farre fourth
thy children Psal xxi wyth the wholesome meate of thy Godly worde for nowe do the poore sit downe they eate and are fylled prayse the lorde wyth all them whiche after the mocion of the holyghoost seke the wyth all their harte Thou hast geuen that lyuynge water where wyth we maye quentche and expeliche drye thurst wythout ceasynge O father howe louingly and kyndelye doest thou cal vs through the mouth of the prophet Ezay sayinge E●ay lv All they that are thurstie come to the waters and ye that haue no money make hast come but that ye may haue to eate Come buy wyne mylke wythout money or money worth Wherfore do ye laye o●t your money for the thyng that fedeth not and spende your labour for the thing that satisfieth you not But harken rather vnto me and ye shal eate of the best and your soule shall haue her pleasure in plentuousnes Enclyne your eares Act. xiii d i● Re. v●● ez●ch xxx ●iii and come vnto me take hede your soule shall lyue For I wyl make an euerlasting couenaunt with you euē the sure mercies promised to Dauid Therfore moost kinde father l. Reg. iiii we confesse and reuerence the lyke chyldren do their father here vppon the harth Thou dwellest in the heauens wyth thy Aungelles who are not troubled wyth the fleshe but alas we dwell vppon this earth in this miserie in all trouble aduersite and tēptacion We ought also to bee heauenly separed from al worldely and earthly spottes or wrincles a pure holy temple of thy holy Maieste Apo. xxi Lyke thou hast promysed They shal be my people I wil be their God I wil dwel wyth them to the ende of the worlde O moost wyse father thou knowest our weakenes and infirmyte how that in this heauye burthen of the flesh no man is pure no man is vngilty by or through his owne strength before thy face esay lxiiii All our rightuousnesses are as the clotes stayned wyth the floure of a woman we fal euerychone as the leafe for our synnes cary vs away lyke the wynde Tre●o● ● To bryng furth any thing of our selues wherby we might become rightuous we are not able All our fathers whiche nowe are gone haue synned are fallen from the are become vnproffitable neither was there one that dyd good But thou lorde hast made vs rightuous clēsed vs so that we are heauēly and a kyngdome wherin thou sittest And vnder thy fete haste thou the earth to a fotestole so that we do altogether lye vnder thy myght and power wyth fleshe bloude not seking oure owne lust desire but thy wyll not the thinges that are here in this worlde but in heauen eccle xliii where thy sonne Iesus Chryst sitteth on the righthāde The heauēs firmamēt in their continuall course are obedient vnto the and serueth vs also continually geuing vs light clearenes into the worlde to the ease of al men as wel the wicked as the good by the whiche thy great pitie mercy and goodnes is expressed declared vnto al the worlde Moost gētle father graunt that we may so diligently serue thy maiestie and all menne for thy take both wicked and good rightuous vnrightuous psal xviii And boldlye declare pronounce without ceasynge lyke as the heauēs do thy Godly honour before all men so that therby thy mightie name may be praysed magnified for euermore Lactanti For we are created and made through thy goodnes to thy honour to know ledge confesse and serue the. Hallowed be thy name For all e●●ates Confession O heauenly father lorde God whose name is hallowed aboue all other names euerlastingly also called on ouer me in baptisme I confesse before the that I alas the whyle haue not magnified worshipped the same name as I ought to do But haue arrogantly and presumptuously attributed al honour vnto my selfe and haue exalted and boasted mi selfe in my workes and dedes other thy giftes Furthermore I haue also made thy name a cloke to myne Idolatry tyranny wilines knauery also through ypocrisy swearyng cursing murmuring and vayne talking greatly abusing and dishonouring the same wherfore I crye the mercy Prayer and confession Thy name 〈◊〉 father bee hallowed magnified for eu●●more for vnto the apparteineth al sau de euerlasting praise but vnto vs all shame and confusion for all that we are that are we by and through thy mercye and all what we receyue we receyue at thy mylde and lyberall handes So that no mā nedeth to boaste as though he had it of hym selfe But thou openest thy hand and fyllest al creatures with thy blessynges O moost gentle father let vs fall frō our selues wholy abiecting and despayring of our owne flesh strength so that we neyther trust to our selues nor yet to our good workes psal cxxii but the we maye fix or sette our eyes vppon the lyke the seruaunt fixeth or setteth his eyes vppō hys master tyll tyme the thou haue mercy on vs. For if it were not for thy mercy were as Sodoma Gomo●ra Ther●●e thy name bee fauctified blessed from the rysyng of the sōne vnto the going downe of the same Roma ix Graunt o father the oure soule without ceasyng and all our strength without lothsomnes or tediousnes maye laude prayse the in woor de dede And although we dyd al those thinges whiche thou cōmaundest vs shape in vs suche a harte y● we yet may say that we are vnprofitable seruauntes Luk. xvii For if we haue any thyng that good is it commeth from thy grace O father take frō vs all pride and the loue of our selues to the intent that we esteme our selues no more thē we ought to do that we exalte not our selues aboue other But that we thynkyng knowyng the thou hast geuen vs power strength accordinge to thy good wil and pleasure with all humilitie and lowlynes may walke after thy Godly cou●aunt and wyll That we may say with that princely prophet Dauid Psalm c. xiii Not vnto vs o lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue the prayse for thou art onely lorde both of heauen and earth Thy kyngdome come Confession Psalm l●xvi O lorde God I complayne lament and be wayle my miserie vnto the that I haue bene captiue ●h wretch that I am in that straunge lande of babilon in the lande of death geuyng my membres to the seruitude of sinne to striue agaynst thy holy kyngdome And although I haue forsaken the deuel all his workes in baptisme yet al the notwithstanding I am become wo vnto me vnfaythful forsworne and haue fled from the and ronne to thyne ennemie● Haue mercy on me Prayer and confession Come o lorde and make thy dwellyng wyth vs and let vs be attone wyth the so that we maye remayne or contine win the and thou in vs. Lo●●ng father make our