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A91727 Celestial amities: or, A soul sighing for the love of her saviour. By Edward Reynell, Esq; Reynell, Edward, 1612-1663. 1660 (1660) Wing R1218; Thomason E1914_3; ESTC R209998 113,643 206

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the Pilgrimage of a perfect Christian following his Saviour home to the Cross Briefly Here maist thou be wrapt in the contemplation of his Bounties and ravisht in the consideration of his Beauties It having been my desire and endeavour by setting forth the Vanities of the World and the Excellencies and Riches which are in Christ to draw the heart of his Spouse to be sick of Love to him and to be enflamed with longings to enjoy him until by the sacred ardors of love he dive into our hearts and make us enter with him into the great Abyss of delights which he hath reserved for the most purified Souls The CONTENTS THat Love in its self is not a Vice but the Soul of all Vertues when it is tyed to its proper Object which is the Soveraign Good Page 6. Of the Nature and Qualities of Divine Love and wherein it exceeds all other Love p. 10. That our love to God ought to precede and exceed all other Loves p. 16. That the Soul can take pleasure in nothing until it meet with satisfaction from its Maker p. 24. That many may have their eyes Love-proof and their hearts shut up against all the assaults of Fond-Love p. 30. The Misery of those who have yeilded to the Passion of Love and the Glory of Souls which have overcome it p. 39. How we may avoid the Snares of Love p. 44. That Outward Ornaments should not invite our Love p. 53. That when all Loves fail the Love of God remains p. 55. Temporal Goods cannot content the Soul and therefore deserve not our Love p. 61. The Soul complaineth of her Condition and Misery by reason of the darkness and ignorance of sin p. 77. The Souls solitude and content in her Separation from the great enticements of the world p. 72. The Soul admires the infinite Riches of her Saviours Love in taking Humane Nature upon him p. 83. The Soul checks her selfe for her backwardness and too much neglect of her Saviours invitations p. 92. The Soul repents the time that ever she was Cloistered up in the walls of Clay and thrown into the Dungeon of that corrupt mass of Flesh p. 96. The Soul calling to mind the infinite Love of her Saviour bewailes her ungratefulness and the coldness of her returns p. 104. The Soul breaks into Sighes and dissolves into desires for the presence of God p. 111. The Soul filled with Heavenly Love sends forth the pure flames of her Affection p. 117. The Soul contemplates and sets forth her Folly in hazarding Eternal Joyes by preferring Earthly Vanities p. 124. The Soul being ready to sink under the weight and apprehension of her Sins bemoanes the weakness of her Faith and desires help from her Saviour p. 130. The Sin-sick Soul can take no rest until she be further reconciled to her Saviour p. 140. The Soul is ravished upon the Return of her Saviours Presence p. 150. The Soul being re-advanced on the wings of Faith sends up her choicest Affections towards Heaven p. 159 The Soul in a Phrensey breaks out into admiration of Gods love in being freed from the misery of everlasting flames p. 164. The Soul being sensible of its former Mercies sits weeping under the Cross of her Saviour and resolves to partake with him in his Sufferings p. 169. In Imitation of our Saviours great Patience under his Passion the Soul resolves for ever to yield an humble submission to his Will. p. 181. Of LOVE in General IF we go about to describe fond love what better resemblance may we have then to that man who is bitten with a Tarantula or hath eaten a weed which is called Sardoa and so laughs himself to death being murthered by that which looks like merriment or like a mouth wounded with a sting dipt in honey the Taste enjoying what the Touch suffers Or may we not compare it to him who through too much wantonness is tickled to his Grave And surely had we as many eyes opened towards heaven as heaven openeth towards us to behold the sleights and danger thereof we should be strucken with horrour to see a depr●ved soul to change all his abilities as incentives to sin and to make su●h delights and pleasure the true snares to entice it to Eternal misery O God of purity How many now adays do we see who through too fond and free a conversation receive as many wounds as glances yea as many deaths as Beauty shoots Arrows against them Solomon who well knew the effect of this Possion Prov 23.33 said Thy eyes shall behold strange women and thy heart shall utter perverse things And in another place he saith With much fair spee ch she caused him to yeild with the flattering of her lips she forced him He goeth after her as an Ox to the slaughter and as a fool to the correction of the stocks till a Dart strike thorow his Liver as a Bird hastneth to the snare and knoweth not that it is for his life Prov. 7.21 23. See how a senseless soul like a lazie Pilot or one fast asleep in the midst of the Sea being oppressed with drowsiness and having lost his Helm deludeth it self It 's true saith he I am struck but I feel no pain they have drawn me this and that way but I am not sensible of it when shall I be awaked to be again drunk with love and to return to my accustomed pleasures Alas poor soul How dost thou not having well guarded thy senses in the first Assault deliver thy heart over as a Prey whereby it sinks into the bottom of misery Our Love being indiscreetly tyed to women at first presents us shews which are fair and specious seeming bright with a pleasing serenity and full of Beauty whilst all this while we do but consult with Spirits and strange Apparitions full of obscurity and darknes and the issues thereof dismal and hideous or as a stone thrown into the water makes first a small Circle which causeth many to follow until it fill up the total superficies so hapneth it in Love it falls into our heart not perceived nor foreseen giving a slight touch in the beginning which multiplies and distends it self over our Soul with Chains and Arrows which will require much labour to dissolve and unloose The most generous spirit becomes a Captive when this tempting and imperious visage and Commandress comes and knocks at the door of his heart It exerciseth our discourse it enflameth our desires it busieth our thoughts to go to speak to visit to complement yea it insinuateth into Prayer and our best Devotions with distractions pleasingly troublesome Love in the heart is an exhalation in a cloud It cannot continue there idle it formeth a thousand imaginations it brings forth a thousand cares and necessarily is accompanied with anxieties and trouble Yea fond Love is like the heart of a wicked man which saith the Prophet is a troubled Sea whose waters cast up myre and dirt Isa 57.20 And what Hipocrates said
of the enemy solitude of heart fasting prayer and the Word of God are weapons of an excellent force and which the Word teacheth us to use in our conflicts And sure it imports us much to fight valiantly and to bring with us the hearts of Lions what honour can we expect by yeilding to the first Temptation How many Martyrs have been roasted in burning flames because they would not speak an ill word Let us consider also the Crown we shall get at last by fixing our love aright If God be the Essence of Essences why do we please our selves by making so many nothings If God be a Spirit why should we our selves be perpetually fixed to carnal pleasures which only flatter to strangle us Why should not the day yeild up all our thoughts to him Why should the night which seemeth made to arrest the agitations of our spirit any way raze the remembrance of him from our heart Oh the unconquerable fire of holy love that can neither be quenched with many waters nor drowned with mighty floods but like the Ark in the Deluge by how much the waters swell higher by so much the more it ascendeth towards the place of its birth and first original the bosome of him who is the Author and Father of it Did we but behold all humane things from the top of the Palace of eternity O how would they seem like rotten pieces yea alas How often would the heavens and the elements conspire against thy affections which thou hast so unworthily and disasterously placed Or did we but see the miseries attending us in the violent pursuit of our desires who alas is it who would enter into this Hell of torment to rob himself of the joys of chastity and to live like Ixion on the wheel of Eternal vexation Were it not much better to throw away this frantick love this troublesome curiosity this rashness of judgement and all that fomenteth and nourisheth so ill a passion O my God! Make me from henceforth to enter into the bottom of my soul and to silence all those tempting and troublesome creatures these inordinate affections which so often bereave me of the happiness of thy sight and my eternal welfare O thou which canst draw Being out of the Abyss of nothing and bring the shades of death into light make me to put a difference between true love and concupiscence the which being once enjoyed dies and is ofter resolved into the smoak of disgrace and the ashes of hate whereas the other is still more ardent towards the thing beloved by possessing and enjoying it O unexhaustible Fountain of all Beauty whither shall I go to quench those violent distempers and wicked thirst kindled within my soul but to thee O Saviour who canst shew me my stains and give me water to wash them to thee who only canst quench those in-lets of sin with the tears of repentance O then melt that heart which hath retained so many vain and lustful thoughts in the sacred Limbeck of thy Love and distil it out by my eyes Why should any impure thoughts pollute that soul which thou hast sanctified Why should any profane words pollute that Tongue which thou hast commanded to be the Organ of thy Praises Why should any unchaste action rend the vail of that Temple wherein thou hast pleased to enter and chusest for thy habitation And thrice happy shall all those be who can seal up all their senses from vain objects and suffer them to be wholly possessed with Religion fortified with prudence watchfulness and mortification and have bound up their eyes and heart from all strange and disorderly affections and have so far watered them with the smoak which ariseth from the fire of this worlds prosperity as to finde delight in nothing here below neither to prefer any thing before the hopes and expectation of celestial glory Of the Nature and Qualities of Divine Love and wherein it exceeds all other Love ALL things here below being transitory and frail little is the support we can find in them until God hath poured his holy Love into our heart which can alone purifie our life and eternize our Souls It is he which inspireth the love with which he will be loved It is his gift alone by which we love him above all and all for him God in the first place gives us a taste of his Word and makes us to taste sweetness therein and he only it is who gives us good resolutions towards the amendment of our life Consider then O Soul redeemed with the blood of the Son of God that thou canst not live without Love since on what side soever thou turnest thou must necessarily love and God who is the Author of Love and makes of the lightnings thereof eruptions whereby to communicate himself to man seeing this necessity would that thou take the object of his love for the object of thy own who is altogether lovely neither is there spot or blemish in him And O my soul when thou hast heedfully contemplated his Beauty strive to finde a reciprocal love enkindled in thy breast towards him who loved thee when there was nothing lovely in thee who made no love to Beauties to gold or greatness but loved thy very poverty and miseries From this Love it is that we are diligent and assiduous in praying to him that we endeavour the keeping of our Conscience unspotted that sin is weakned his Law observed our lusts abated that humane considerations and all the respects of flesh and blood are trod under foot yea that we account all things worse then a Dunghil to gain Jesus Christ Hence further it is that we are patient in adversities that we embrace the Cross that we love our enemies and do good to those that persecute us Behold the accomplishment also of true love left us in the pattern of our blessed Saviour who made himself the highest example thereof in laying down his life to save us Few there are who in an unshaken constancy persevere till death we read indeed of strange examples of Amity and Affection between † Luci. Toxorh friends as of him who left his whole family in a fire to carry ●ut his dearest Friend on his shoulders of another who gave his own eyes for the ransom of him he tenderly affected We finde mention also of many Women tyed with the indissoluble chains of vertuous inclinations As Valeria who said Though her husband were dead to others he was not so to her Of Sulpitia who in spite of her Mother broke doors and locks to run after her banished Husband Of Eponina many years shut up with her Husband in a hollow Tomb. Of Mithridates Queen who in the midst of all his Captains followed him through snows storms and wildernesses But especially of Mary Magdalen that mirrour of Love and ardent affection whose soul dissolved and melted with spiritual languor on the heart of her beloved Saviour We read also of some who have licked whole
glances If my Hairs have been Nets to captivate any soul under the yoke of wanton Love O let them be trampled under feet as the Ensigns and Standards of wicked Cupid Let those Embraces which carried nothing but the poyson of a luxurious passion now clasp him under whose shelter I shall eternally rest secure Briefly let me breathe nothing but the delicacies of Chastity and let those pleasing Odours which were once vowed to sensuality at last become the sweetest exhalation of odoriferous persume at the Altar of my Saviour that so I may practise a sanctified revenge on my self and my Repentance never end but with my life That our love to God ought to precede and exceed all other Loves SO many and great are the delights and enticements of the Flesh the Divel and the World to withdraw man's love from God as that he hath not only imprinted in his heart that he was solely to love his Creator but such was his infinite goodness to the end man might never forget it as to leave him his spiritual Law written in Tables of Stone Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy might Deut. 6. Neither do we finde any Law or Precept so strongly and largely enjoyn'd as this binding the heart tongue hand eyes and the faculties of our soul to love God How then can we answer our own Soul without blushing here or without confusion or condemnation at the last day Or can we render any thing less then love Can any price be set too high for so infinite a ransome whereby both soul and body forfeited by our sins to Satan and eternal Hell fire are freed through the shameful tortures the disgraceful usage and cruel murthering of a merciful Saviour Had God as justly he might in return of his infinite love commanded thee to offer unto him all thy Wealth to sacrifice all thy Children as some Heathen have done and as once he tempted Abraham Had he required thee with stripes and fastings to mortifie and kill thy body Had he commanded bounty to the poor the poor man might have said I cannot give it If labour or fasting the sick and infirm or if knowledge the simple might have said I have them not in my power But if in lieu of all this he require only that which is the least thy love and which without expence pain or labour thou mayest easily afford O my soul How canst thou make a better purchase then by love to make God Heaven and Earth to be wholly thine All that God Courts and Wooes man for is his Heart Prov. 23.26 and wilt thou not grant him this desire O my soul He might have required all thy substance all thy actions to be spent in his immediate service and worship He grants thee thy wealth and the fruits of thy honest labour and bids thee give only what thou canst best spare of all thy Increase he takes only a Tenth and from all thy worldly labours only a sevonth part Love and the affection of thy heart being all that he entirely calls for Thy blessed Saviour so highly valued this Treasure of love as that even then when he was to depart and leave the world he left it as his last Will and Testament to his Disciples and that as he had loved them so they should love one another John 13.34 Ah! saith he being at the last point as it were before his Possion to his Disciples and in them to us my time is but short and I finde death approaching before which I have one only remembrance to give you That you love one another It was not long before that he desired them that If they did love him they would keep his Commandments Love being as it were the Embassadour of God and hath not only proclaimed the Fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13.10 but as our Saviour himself pronounced thereon depends the Law and the Prophets O then my God! my Jesus make me to keep the Law of thy Love and nothing else Thy love is a yoke which brings with it more honour then burden It is a yoke that hath no weariness in it O my sweet Saviour My soul is weary and greatly distasted with all the fading delights of this transitory world and doth incessantly languish after thee Shew me then my stains and give me water to wash them out Let the night cease to cast a dark Vail over my mortal body but let the Sun be advanced high and the break of day begin to guild the mountains where my Soul hovereth and is ashamed to see its self so dark before light and smutted over before thy immortal whiteness Alas I am altogether but one stain and thou art all purity do not however write me on the ground as a childe of the earth but write me in heaven since I am the portion which thou hast purchased with thy precious blood Thy love is the Center of all our true love on which our heart as on the point of a Compass being set the other part moves about the Circumference of the World Is it not the Almighty whose mercies are without number Where hath it been well with us without him Or How can it be ill with us where he is present I had rather saith one be a Pilgrim here on earth with him then be in heaven without him And blessed then sure are they who delight to attend his service and cast from him all the fetters and impediments of worldly love For what will all things avail if we be forsaken of our Creatour Can we live without the Fountain of Life All places are solitary where he is not and where he is there only is fulness of pleasure O Jesus the author of all Glories henceforth be unto me my only Crown For oh how vain is the rest and solace of man who though nothing brings joy and comfort without God and that he finds so little entertainment in all worldly treasures as that the vanity in possession will soon reprove the violence of his appetite is notwithstanding still sullying himself in the puddles thereof How often do we cry out with the perverse Jews not Christ but Barrabas not God but Mammon How often with the Idolatrous Israelites do we say of our Covetousness Honours Greatness and the rest of our Lusts Ye are our Gods whereas alas God cannot endure that one Temple should receive both his Ark and the Idol Dagon He will not have the Divel the Flesh and the World should come in and lodge in his Bed-chamber thy heart it being but just with God to require it But oh how unreasonable art thou in dividing it between him and his enemies between God and Baal between Light and Darkness 1 Cor. 6.14 Fond Worldlings Can you be so great enemies to your souls as being once unloosed from slavery to sigh wither and languish for your fetters for shame then forsake the love of these poor Cottages these
give up that amorous heart which hath been the corrupt fountain of so many Lusts onely to be washed and clensed with the blood of her Saviour O Lord said she my heart was created for thee and it will be restless until it return unto thee Do I hunger thou art the bread of life Do I thirst thou art the waters whereof whosoever drinks shall never thirst Am I Naked thy Righteousness is my Robe Isai 25.4 Thou art a Refuge from the storm and a shadow from the heat If I am Ignorant thou art Wisdome to know thee and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent is Eternal life Joh. 17.3 Since therefore all things are nothing unto me without thy self be thou all things unto me O God! true God of my salvation my heart which feels it self moved with an affectionate zeal thinks alwaies upon thee O let the breathings of my heart fill my lips with the sounds of Love The * Lingua amoris Tuba Tongue is Loves Trumpet and that love whic his sweetly in the bosome sounds sweetly in the breath O therefore let my voyce be the silver Trumpet loudly to sound thy praise Love is the commanding affection of the Soul consisting in the expansion and going out of the heart towards a person or thing it wishes well to It is the Queen Regent of the Soul and sits upon the Throne commanding all where then can the distressed Soul better fix her affections and but upon her Saviour the ends of whose love ●ike so many several Lines in a Compass meet all in Love as in their alone Center who alas but the shaking hand trembling for fear of guilt of sinne and the wrath of God is fittest then to lay hold upon him He is all comfort who should partake of him but such as are ready to faint He is our Physick and who should receive him but such as are diseased In this manner will the Soul which is ever longing after her Saviour be ever seriously meditating upon the spotless innocence and unblameable conversation of its Lord and Master It will consider what it is through the defilement of sinne it will frequently converse with the word of God it will still keep communion with God in prayer it will often participate of his holy Supper and if at any time it be surprised with Temptation and overtaken in a fault oh how vigilant is it at all times and in all places privately by her self and publickly with others And when any inordinate Passion Lust or Distemper doth begin to stir in her how doth she fly to the rich mercy and free Grace of her Saviour for strength to crush it in the very first rising that she be not given ovet to impetuous desires nor that sinnes of a high hand get dominion over her The thoughts also of a Gracious Soul will be ever frequent towards Jesus Christ If she lie down all things are commended to his protection If she rise she desireth his guidance If she read or meditate she craves his help If she ear she intreates his blessing When she is satisfied she praiseth his Bountie In the beginning of her Work she labours in his fear in the end thereof she referres it to his Glory In scarcity she is contented with his fulness in plenty she distributeth it to his Glory All things are nothing without him and he is all things unto her if she have nothing else And though she oftentimes labour under spirituall affliction when God is pleased to turn her mid-day into Night and many times afflict her with barrenness in her Soul yet will she still be setting forth the praises of her God If she cannot chant with the Nightingale she will chirp with the Black-bird she 'l chatter with the Swallow yea croak with the Raven rather then the sighes and groans of her heart shall want pouring out A serious survey of her manifold slips and failings shall be taken She will be deeply humbled loathing and detesting what she hath done amiss confessing her offences with a mournful heart and a weeping eye unto the Redeemer of Men who onely is able to comfort her How doth she complain that her sinnes have even excluded all the comforts of her God and all his Graces from her Soul once she injoyed a sweet communion with him but now she sinks in the Valley of sorrow For why he passeth by as a Wayfaring man is become a stranger to her and takes her for his Enemy Ah they are my sins they are my sins saith she which have thus occasion'd the withdrawment of my Saviour And what shall my dearest comforts be thus driven away by my self woe is me that I am constrained to live in thy Anger and to have such a sad habitation in the dark Tents of thy heavy displeasure My God! my God! why comes thy wrath so fast upon me O what Billowes of disquietness arise within my heart what sad thoughts arise within my Soul I know not what to doe I know not what to answer so unworthy am I not having any thing in me to move thy affections to me Alas how unfit am I to perform any service to thee How dull how poor and liveless therein yea with what vanity and distractions are my best Actions accompanied And will Christ stoop to uphold such a worm as I am Yes sure Lord my eyes are toward thee It s true I am a sink of sin but thou art a Gracious God I am the chief of sinners yet such thou cam'st to save What though I am darkness yet thou art light and however thou now seemest farre from me thou canst again fill me with light and refreshment If thou once appear the Tempest of my weather-beaten Soul will cease Thus at last through a true humiliation having found her Conscience appeased her bloody Issue stanched her heart enlarged her foot-steps ordered with delight to run the wayes of God and her poor and almost ship-wrack't Vessel arrived at the Haven of Gods amiable Presence she comfortably concludes that God had heard the requests of her lips saying unto her by the testimony of his Spirit as once Christ did to the sick of the Palsie Mark 2.5 Son thy sins are forgiven thee And here we see how that God who many times enricheth us by our losses enobles us by our disasters and raiseth us by our Ruines brings us low that we may not * Fecitque cadendo ne caderes fall into the Precipice of everlasting misery He leaves us here for a time to behold dying Creatures who fade wither and shrink insensibly into nothing when once unsupported by the divine hand that the House of God and the Palace of Essences may be the more welcome to us where all things are immortal vigorous perfect and incorruptible In this world we see but with the two Eyes of Flesh the whole world being still tottering and altogether imperfect But there it is where the blessed behold all things stable equal and absolute
freedom of conversation height of diet courting musick idleness night-watchings solitude and other incitements are joyned to it Surely we need require no other charms to work the ruine of a Soul And since fond Love thus sets our reason to sale if it carefully take not heed and insensibly draweth it to its side and thereby fighteth against our selves making use of our members as of the instruments of its battels and the organ of its wiles since without the singular grace of God it causeth Sedition within War without and never any true repose Since we have all one Domestick Enemy which is our own Body that perpetually almost opposeth the dispositions of the spirit how great should be our resistance how notable our victories Conscience and Honour indeed many times make some resistance and glimmering flashes yet how quickly doth the understanding create to it self many new and evil Lights and the will too much false fire did not the fire of God awaken us and make us even ashamed to tell our own thoughts to our proper heart Oh this Feaver this perpetual Frenzy this wandring of the Soul this neglect of the true God and setting up of Idols How can it be sufficiently deplored How is reason hereby weakned shamefac'dness banished passion entertained good counsel abandoned yea at last how do they impute to the Stars to Destiny to Necessity what is nothing else but their own folly It is thought by some that in great Storms evil Spirits shuffle to stir up Lightning-flashes whereby the Tempests become more dreadful and pernicious And may we not well suppose that the Angel of Darkness involveth himself in the great Tempests of Love and many times maketh use of the abominable help of Magicians Is it not the Rock which wracketh the greatest Vessels yea the Gulph which devoureth our Bodies and Souls Let no man then flatter you in the passion of sensual Love as if it were a prime vertue of your profession which is the stain that defileth all the ornaments of your life Neither among all the qualities of a vertuous life is there any sweeter odour then that Temperance which represseth the voluptuous pleasure of the body That many may have their eyes Love-proof and their hearts shut up against all the assaults of Fond-Love IT is not impossible but that the Soul wholly propending to the thing beloved vertuous and civil Amities may be between persons of different Sex who are endowed with singular and excellent Vertues and who manage their Affections with great discretion the which though rarely done yet if there be any which abuse themselves by ill placing their Love through want of discretion it doth not follow neither is it fit by reason of blasted members we should blame sound parts there being not a few who with much prudence and chariness have therein comported themselves yea very many great Souls who are so powerfully possessed by the love of God which replenisheth their hearts and who live a conversation in continual exercises of Prayer and mortification as by a conversation sweetly grave and simply prudent to converse with women without changing the Love which they bear to the vertue of Chastity And therefore Democritus needed not have voluntarily made himself blinde by looking stedfastly on the Beams of the Sun to free himself from the importunities of the love of women who perchance shut up two gates against Love and opened a thousand to his Imagination Neither needed Origen to have deprived himself of the distinction of Sex to rebate the stings of sensuality which bred him much mischief It being a better way of repulse given by her who being importuned by a young man with all the violent assaults this Passion could suggest told him she had resolved to fast forty days with bread and water desiring him therein also to give a Tryal of his Love which being accepted in few days thought more of his death then precedent folly Neither let us think Chastity to be onely found in Cloisters but every where where the fear of God is And though as Justin Martyr faith a singular discretion ought to be had to treat with women and he doth very much who can love their Vertues without danger yet we see there is sometimes need but of a Spiders web to beat back the Darts of Love that at other times the Ramparts of Semiramis are not strong enough against and that a well fortified heart is like the Bed of a Phoenix which takes no fire but from the beams of the Sun yea that Chastity is often times impenetrable by the darts of Love amidst all the delights and temptations of the World A large president whereof we have in pious Joseph who having opportunities enow to advance himself in the Court of Pharaoh by satisfying the desires of his Mistris who had tempted him to sin accounted it the greatest tryal of his Vertues to have sin in his power and innocence in his will neither would raise fortunes of Glass upon the foundations of Iniquity But preferring Reason before Passion Grace before Nature and God before any thing else represented the faithfulness he had promised to his Master to himself and leaving his garment behinde him came out of the Chamber where the snare was laid as a Ruby out of burning flames without losing any thing of his integrity And surely as they who will with profit make use of the proper instruments of Vertue must so live as if they were always under the Physicians hands so ought we so to live as if we were still to give an account for every word of our mouth every thought of our heart every glance of our eye every minute of our time every duty we have omitted and every sin we have committed Jesus our great Master hath by the account of some abridged six hundred and thirteen Precepts of the Old Testament within the Law of Love Do but Love saith St. Austin and do what you will onely let your love go to the right Fountain which is God Be not afraid to shew him thy heart stark naked that he may pierce it with his Arrows His wounds are more precious then Rubies thou shalt gain all by loving him and death it self which comes from his love is the gate of life Our Love being once thus fixed we need not fear the extravagancy thereof With this excellent and holy temper of spirit it was that Hester changed King Ahasuerus into a Lamb that Abigal was much stronger then the Arms of David and that the eye of Judith triumphing over Holofernes and with a little Ray of its flames burning up a whole Army did more then her hand which destroyed 100000 men by cutting off one only head O what magnificent employments had Love in these Acts And to say truth even consecrating its Arrows never was it so innocent in its Combates never was it so glorious in its Triumphs We finde in the Ecclesiastical History that Athanasius being with rage and fury persecuted by
phantastick shadows which will at last pay me with nothing but grief shall I flatter my self with the specious hopes of the world which like Dreams of a delicious Fountain never quench the Thirst Ah much rather let me make an Eternal divorce from all those frivolous worldly hopes and look on Jesus as the Pole-star alwaies unmovable let me put my self between the arms of hope and amidst all disturbances of mind pass the veil and enter the Tabernacle of the Sanctuary whereinto he hath entered for our salvation Behold how the Soul is troubled as if through some melancholly fit she were fallen into an Abyss from which issue forth such an infinite quantity of evil vapours as cause night in the most cheerfull brightness and make the most pleasing Beauties to be beheld with affrightment The greatest punishment which can befall a sad and dolorous Soul in this world consisting in being suspended from the presence and sight of God And as it naturally desireth to rejoyn it selfe unto God and the least hinderance it feels is most irksome unto it so how doth it mourn to be deprived of so infinite a comfort which it alone depends on and to see it self bereaved of so great a happiness even by its own fault which is the Needle of the Dial which sheweth how our Souls circumvolve times and the hours of the day And well may she complain of the great distance between her and so infinite a bounty seeing the holy Scripture speaking of Love Gen. 34.3 saies It causeth one soul to claspe into another And truly did we but once begin to dislike the world and heartily to love Jesus Christ we should almost every moment think upon him all the most pleasing Objects of the world would seem mixed with Gall and Wormwood We should seek for our Saviour in all Creatures we should languish after him All that beareth his Name and memory will be delightful to him We shall speak of him in all companies desire to have him honoured esteemed and acknowledged by all the world our solitude would be in Jesus our discourse of Jesus Jesus will be in our watchings and in our sleep in our affairs and Recreations And Oh! how unwilling will be to lose sight of him though but for a little time Did we but once wipe those eyes surcharged with earthly Beauties and covered with a thick cloud of the worlds vanities how soon should we fix them upon the infinite love mercy and goodness of God How cheerfully vvould our Souls be carried with full flight into the bosome of our Saviour and be there held in a sweet Circle of ravishing contemplations our hearts would be as flaming Lamps which perpetually burn before the Sanctuary of the living God we should have but one main desire in the vvorld which is God himself all creatures vvhich use to be the Objects of our contentments will never more be the subject of our fears Neither should we like silly worms turn against God when he permitteth any thing to happen contrary to our liking we would frame unto our selves a life simple and free from all affectations we vvould learn to endure any slight oppositions vvith great tranquility vve vvould cast avvay our vvantonness our pleasures and petty peevishness neither vvould vve here think our selves immortal seeing that every moment vvhich is novv in our hands vve must divide vvith death and the Sun vvhich to day you have seen to rise out of his couch may before his setting see you in your Tomb. Oh horrour then to see men enraged with that avarice which sticks to their bones as doth their Marrow and shall sleep with them in their Grave to see them pride themselves in their Garments which are the food of Mothes to see them glittering with precious Stones which are the excrements of the Sea and Land to see them carrried in Coaches and on Horses which are the Notes of their poverty or to see them glory in Titles which are but imaginary Felicities Deceitful Beauties of the world then where are ye Ah true Turrets of Fairies which are onely in conceit where shall your allurements prevail from henceforth to what calamity do you reserve a wretched life deprived of strength and vigour to resist you and if it have any feeling it is onely of misery How few alas are your selicities in this world where your best lights have its shadows all fruit its vvorm and every Beauty fails not to have its embracements And vvhere are ye also ye admirers of the fortunes of Glass that happen to the vvicked where are these adorers of the Colossu's and heaps of dirt that appear by the help of false gildings and vvhich are immediately reduced to dust Hovv much better had ye been to have contemplated in that great School of Nature vvhere God speaketh to us and teacheth us lessons through the veil of his Creatures how happie had ye been had ye looked upon these delights below as men blind whereby ye would the better have looked up to heaven and into your selves that ye had heard of the worlds vanities as being deaf and no waies ravisht by them as discoursing of them and yet no way concerned Thus should he have been as men in part translated to Heaven and here become earthly Angels For Oh! how little doth the pomp of the world seem to that Soul who every day drowns part of his life in Tears and through long solitude hath purged it selfe from the impurities of the Earth Oh how contemptible do all those Beauties of dust and fortunes of wind seem to that heart which having every day dilated it self in the greatnesses of God renders himself capable with the visits and commerce with Heaven It is time to close the Earth when God opens Heaven and to carry our heart where he is since all our Riches are in him What alas have we to do like Moles to dig the Earth and therein to hide our Treasure surely he deserves to be everlasting poor who cannot be content with a God so rich as he is Canst thou love a little shining Earth Canst thou love a walking piece of Clay before that God that Christ that Glory which is unmeasurably lovely Canst thou love the World thy Friends thy Kindred whose love cannot advantage thee whose weeping cannot ease thee in the time of thy trouble and canst thou not love thy Saviour vvhose Tears and Blood have a healing virtue and are like Balsome and waters of life to thy fainting heart Oh my Soul what incomprehensible love is here If love deserve and should procure love oughtest thou not here to poure out all the store of thy affections shall he not be first served shall he not have the strength of thy love who parted vvith strength and life in love to thee Oh that thy love were more Oh that thy affections were a thousand times greater Alas vvhat vvantest thou to provoke thy love is not here a Sea of love before thee little dost thou
thou save thy self if thou put not thy selfe under the shelter of thy Saviours Cross If thou lose him thou hast nothing left to comfort thee In him thou hast all things If thou art Hungry thou needest but to taste of his love if Thirsty the light of his countenance is farre better then the Corn and Wine of this world We read of many accomplished Beauties in former ages which have drawn the affections of those that beheld them but what are those but fading shadows to the love of Jesus which winneth whole Nations and Monarchies to it From hence it is that so many Kings Queens and great Personages have forsaken the Pomp and Beauty of the World and followed him through Thornes and Rocks that so many millions of the wisest and most purified Souls upon Earth have abandoned themselves and loved him even to the suffering of Flames and Wheeles yea the dismembring of their whole Body Oh that our hearts could then dissolve for him Oh that they could dayly melt in his service without consuming since there is nothing which equalizeth the excellency of this Celestial Love But wretched Creatures as we are can we chuse but grievc to see them torn and divided by so many vile and base Objects which divert our Affections and hinder us from giving them to God for which they were made Oh how much should we blush thus to contaminate our hearts with the wickedness and impurities of the Earth The heart of Man should be as a fortunate Island wherein there is nothing but God and it Or like the Nest of that little Bird which cannot hold one silly Fly more then it self But alas what Creatures are there there lodged to the prejudice of our Creator O poor Soul really miserable do but once open thine eyes and thou shalt soon see the head-long ruine which threatneth thee Carnal Souls have much ado to conceive how a man may become passionate in the love of God it is a love too high say they to transfer our Affections into Heaven we know no affection but for temporal and visible things O blinded Spirits ignorant of the glorious Mysteries of Heaven How do ye thus argue with your selves O sad Souls is Heaven a Country wherein they have no commerce Doth God speak to thee in all his Creatures nay doth he seek for thee dost thou behold him through the veil of Nature in somany various Objects Dost thou daily see him in the Image of his Bounty and Greatness of his power and the splendor of his Beauty and in the lively Characters of his Majesty and wilt thou be so much charmed with the present pleasures and delighted so with the Workmanship as to forget the Workman Wilt thou embrace the shadow for the body and momentary Beauties for Eternal verities Oh! but thou objectest that he is a secret so hidden and invisible to men that our poor spirits finde more confusion then light in seeking him I answer hold thy peace O thou ignorant and mis-judging Soul God shews himself in as many mirrours as there are Creatures in the world All that we see hear touch or handle cease not to recount unto us the love of our Maker Do we not find the daily experience of his love in every minutes preservation Do we not hear the sweetness of his voice and harmonies in the chirping of every little Bird and Nightingale yea the least silly Fly holds forth a tone which all the art of the world cannot frame If we behold the murmuring of those silver streams which so sweetly charme and delight our senses if we cast an eye upon those various party-coloured Flowers with what an exquisite delicacie shall we find them adorn'd insomuch that as we have it from the sacred lips of Eternal Wisdom Solomon in all his Royalty was not like one of these But when we cast our eyes towards Heaven when we behold the Sun the Moon and those silver sparcles which shew themselves as soon as the Night spreads its Mantle over the inferior Regions of the World Ah! how may we with the Princely Prophet cry out The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy-work Expose not then the loss of thy innocency and sanctity O poor Soul to the alluring occasions of this tempting world and thou needest not fear but in him to find salve forall thy wounds It may be thou fearest Poverty alas hath not thy Saviour consecrated it in the Crib and in Clouts Dost thou fear Reproaches he hath sanctified them in the loss of his Reputation Dost thou fear dolours he hath lodged them in his own flesh Dost thou fear Death he hath overcome it for thee only let thy heart be devested from the ardent affections thou hast towards worldly enablements beholding them as an inconstant moving of shadowes and Spirits which with a swift course glide before our eyes And lastly let us look towards the eye of God which perpetually beholdeth us Let us behold it as our Pole-star and flaming Pillar whereby at last we shall learn to repose our selves in his bosome slumber upon his heart and sleep eternally between his Arms. The Soul breaks into Sighes and dissolves into desires for the presence of God THe Soul of Man being made to the Image of God and for the possession and fruition of God will never rest but in the conformity of its understanding and will to its Creator It casts its eyes indeed oftentimes on the Sea the Earth with so many Rivers which moisten it so many Trees which cover it so many living Creatures which furnish it so many men which inhabite and dress it but yet rests not there It figures also the Air in its thoughts with all its Birds so different in shape so various in colour so diversified in their Notes but alas like Noahs Dove she finds no rest for her footing It glanceth up further to those Christaline and azure Vaults where the Sun the Moon and so many silver Stars perform their career with such measure as God hath determined yet finds not God in any of them It contemplates those innumerable Legions of Angels Spirits of Fire and light which resplendently shine as Lamps before the face of God yet ever cryes out it is not be God onely being he who comprehendeth all things and not onely bounds them but incomparably surpasseth them What do I here then O Jesus without thee but sail without Stars and labour without the Sun Alas if I can do nothing here without thee if without the Sun-shine of thy presence I am but an unprofitable servant and burden to the Earth what do I here All that satisfieth the desires of the curious all that which inviteth the admiration of the wisest all that which enflameth the hearts of the most passionate yea Land and Sea Thrones and Scepters Arms and Empires are but as a silly drop of dew before thy face And wilt thou yet O disloyal Soul entertain in thy heart a mass of
and easie What though thou here seem to weep for a time thou shalt but onely resemble the Flower-de-luce which weeps a little and out of its own Tears produceth seeds to renew its Beauty The salt Sea of this world shall become a flourishing field as it did to the people of God when they came out of the chains of Egypt Wee are here in this World like little Infants without Air or Light besmeared with blood and swadled in Clouts which Nature onely gave thee for a time to fit thee the better for that life where thou shalt for ever breath in all freedom and liberty We are yet in Prison Fetters and Obscurity until the coming of the great day wherein God shall give us a Spiritual body All the pomp of this World all our life yea all that pleaseth here and taketh up our heart is but the shadow of that Glorious Beauty and contentment which passeth in Eternity Let me then O my God! continually exercise my self in the desires of joyes Eternal let me sanctifie all other Loves to the love of Jesus Christ let me forsake all humane things O my God! and betake my self wholly to the consideration of his excellency When I speak let it be of Heaven as of my resting place and of thee as of the Object of my Felicity Ah! what can be more divine then to see a Soul thus capable of the influences of Heaven whom the Sithe of Time cannot affright whom the Threats of the world nor the wheel of Inconstancy neither the power of Death can dismay O House of God! O Temple of Peace when will the time come which will devest us of all that is mortal which will sweeten the bitterness of our life replenish our hearts with spiritual refreshment and at last put us into the bosom of Immortality The Soul filled with Heavenly Love sends forth the pure flames of her Affection GOd who loves the importunities of his servants often hides his face the longer to the end his Grace may with the more brightness afterwards appear We find in Nature that the Sun is never more resplendent then after an Eclipse the Sea never more calm then after a Tempest nor the Air brighter then after a shower Neither is it ever too late to knock and cry at the Gate of Heaven The fainting Beggar which neglects the re-inforcing of his complaint often goes away without his reward The weary and lingering Christian seldom attains the end of his journey where he shall live for ever in the Palace of Peace and contentment where our happiness shall be perpetual and our fulness never occasion loathing to him that possesseth it Neither doth God do us any injury if after long waiting here instead of a Crown which is the Weather-cock of winds of a Scepter which is the Reed of the times or of a Life which is the Harbenger of Death he affords us delights and glories which outstrip the flight of Thoughts which drie up all our Tears and surmount all our Imaginations It was once told a great Prince being in his Infancy bred up in the House of a Peasant whose Son he took himself to be that he should no longer follow so mean an employment of life that his Hat should be turned into a Diadem his Spade into a Scepter his Raggs into Robes of Gold his Cottage into a Pallace and his servitude into an Empire Oh can we think how he was ravished with the love of a Father by whom he was born to so much Treasure and Greatness And shall we not have the like approbation when our Saviour tells us we are not created to live among Mire and Dirt to be tyed to a wretched frail and miserable Body to walk among Bryars and Thornes and embroyl our selves in the toyls and cares of a mortal life Bring me then O dear Jesus in thine own time into those celestial Palaces of incomprehensible lights and unspeakable Beauties Enlighten me O thou Son of Righteousness to discover those glorious excellencies all white with Innocency and resplendent with the Rayes of Glory from the Syrens of the world which so much abuse us with deceits vanitie and infamies I acknowledge thus far the infinite mercy of thy divine Providence that while I was in darkness and under the black Cloud of thy heavy displeasure thou sanctifiest my Fetters and hast now raised up my Ashes above the Crowns of the World Thou mightest indeed have made me ambitious delicate haughty covetous and adorned with worldly Treasures to have walked on Roses to have putrifed in delights yea made my happiness seemingly to have out-run my desires Such there are I confess who have defiled their names with reproach wearied the Earth with their vices astonished Posterity with their deportments and peopled Hell with their crimes But O mercy that thou makest me to see light in the most dusky Nights and a Haven of comfort in the most forlorn shipwracks O most Mighty O most Soveraign Lord of all things visible and invisible were I with thee in the shades of death what should I fear being between the arms of Life O great eye who seest all and art not seen of any here below Thou art truly worthy if we with mortal lips may call thee worthy yea worthy to whom all the world should give continual thanks for thy inexplicable Benefits Worthy before whom we on our bended knees should all our life-time remain prostrate Worthy that for thee we should have Prayers and prayers everlastingly on our lips O Monsters of impudency if yet we see not thy goodness and persist insensibly of thy mercy With these considerations if the Soul now wholly ravished she walks on Earth as a man suspended in Heaven drenched in God and fill'd with the joyes of his Spirit Her eyes are listed up towards Heaven though streaming down tears for sinne upon Earth Her hands are still lifted up thither by prayer Her heart formerly contracted with sadness for crimes committed against so good a God now melts with joy unspeakable Neither earing nor drinking nor sleeping is able to dissolve the sweet conversation she hath with God Now is it that the Soul begins to lead a life wholly Celestial as one who seems to have nothing to do with the Bodies and conversations of the living Now is it that after so many Tempests so many Thunder-claps and Whiriwinds of grief and sadness she arrives at a Port not of temporal felicity but of the unspeakable joyes of Heaven Ah ignorant that we are of the works of God! perpetually fixed to the Earth and deprived of those sparkles of heavenly fire and light Let us but a little draw aside the Curtain and we shall see through so many Clouds the glorious Rayes of lasting happiness There may you behold the Effigies of a gracious Soul with a Crown on its Head and Scepter in its Hand with prosperity continually smiling with loves free from disturbance with desires void of denials with affairs without
trouble Greatness without change Pleasures without sorrow and at last fully laden with celestial Honours This surpassing Joy having one time so far transported a heavenly lover as to give occasion to some who beheld him to think him besides himself you are in the right said he my Beloved hath taken away my will and I have given him my understanding there is nothing left me but memory to remember his mercy Oh what a great Abyss of Delights are reserved for those purified Souls who are thus wholly rapt in the contemplation of heavenly Beauties and altogether ravished in the consideration of Gods divine Goodness No longer do they suffer themselves to be transported with earthly prosperities but in the midst of all worldly Pomps their eyes are firmly fixed upon the many benefits received from God their Ears being charmed their Tears wiped their Fetters broken And what way do they more seek out then how to testifie their gratitude and poure themselves as incense upon Coals towards the Altar of divine Majesty Yea there is a love so tender in them and a fear of offending so infinite a Saviour as that they apprehend the least shadows of sinne as Death Day and Night do they send forth Centinels before the Altars who cease not to implore the assistance of Heaven for the salvation of their Souls How often in the deep silence of darkness when no eye sees nor ear hears do they cause their weeping eyes to speak to God and address their many vowes to Heaven for the attaining of Eternal life How willingly do they part with all the Interests of Flesh and Blood and all other impediments about them They think they can never do too much for eternal happiness whatsoever are their sufferings here the know Paradice will still be purchased at a good penny-worth Oh true zeal O most powerful Alchymie changing all Tears and Troubles into Marble and Gold What Wisdome what Grace what Eloquence doth a heart truly endowed therewith use towards the attaining of Heaven What love for its Soul what fervour for its salvation what care for its direction what resignation of its will to the mind of God What a heart of Diamond doth it express against a thousand stroaks of dolours and sufferings how joyfully doth it meet death yea what Triumphs afterwards in all conditions and after all its afflictions offering up unto God the obedience of the heart the Prayers of the lips and all the faculties of Soul and Body which appear in a general conformity to the commands of God And what indeed can that Soul fear nay what can he not hope for who hath a Jesus for a Protector and a God absolutely powerful and whose power and essence walk hand in hand which is without limits embraceth all places and no way confin'd to any certain number of Ages since it is Eternal and involveth all time What can he doubt of who can conclude an Interest in him who made the world with the least blast of his mouth and can as easily the same way unmake it all the great variety of this Universe where there are Creatures without number Beauties without end and Greatnesses innumerable being but an effect of his word O how brave a thing do we account it for a Prince to possess an earthly Kingdom in the hearts of men to make himself a Throne of Peace to which love raiseth an Eternal Basis and on which God raineth infinite Blessings Whereas what a hideous spectacle is it to see Tyrants hidden like Owls in perpetual Nights with a mind possest and beset with horrid Fancies filled with suspitions and seised by distrust whose Dreams are full of bloody spectacles for whom Thunder seems to roar and for whom Heaven prepares all its Thunderbolts Oh what horror is it to see them not dare to appear in publick without being clothed with Iron and dispoiled of the peoples affections to appear among their Subjects in nothing but Blood Terrors Torments and Massacres and afterwards to be hated like Plagues and poysons Is not this the way to make a Hell of his life a Tyranny of his manners and to increase vowes towards his death Just so is the difference between a poor Soul vvho daily marcheth under the standard of Gods providence and is every hour replenished with the mercies and benefits of Heaven Like a virtuous King the one adventures to live in the most unfrequented Wildernesses without Corps-du-gard He finds assurance in Battels prosperity in his House veneration abroad admiration at home When he sleeps his Saviour who is more watchful then a million of eyes wakes for him when he prayes that voice which is better then a million of mouthes makes intercession for him His joyes are pure his pleasures innocent his repose dreadless his eating and drinking without fear of poyson his Life happy and his Memory blessed Whereas divine Providence which sharpens the Sword of Justice in the Tears of the miserable pours it on the head of the other consumes him by strange Maladies a thousand hands are ready to punish him his life is a reproach his memory full of cursings dung-hills are provided to interre him yea the Stones or Mettals afterwards punished and defaced for no other crime but to mention his Actions and set forth his feature The Soul contemplates and sets forth her Folly in hazarding Eternal Joyes by preferring Earthly Vanities AReprobate sense being the last step which any one makes to enter into Hell O how great is the happiness of an enlightned Soul which sets all the glory of the world at its feet and preferres the knowledge of Christ and an obedience to his will and command beyond any thing here below which shall come in competition with it Often doth she thus expostulate with her self what alas shall the sight of Temporal Beauty which too often fills our Soul with nothing but fire and flames abate the more fervent love of Eternal things Is it possible that I should so adore my prison and fetters here as to ballance them with the Cross of my Saviour Jesus who alas can give me Tears sufficient having thus forsaken my God! Origen mentions of Mary Magdalen That Heaven and the Angels were a burden to her and that she could live no longer then she beheld him that made them and shall we here preferre an Earthly Pilgrimage before a Heavenly Paradice Is it possible that I should suffer my self to be entangled with worldly vanities which are more brittle then Glass more light then smoak and more swift then the wind that I should fatten my self in earthly Pleasures that I should nourish this Carrion this Dunghill of my Body and neglect and forget and despise my Soul Oh! what horrid Phantasms will seem to reproach me with ingratitude when the affairs of my conscience shall be set in order and say unto me I am the Pleasure thou hast obeyed I am the Ambition to which thou wert a slave I am the Covetousness which was the aim
CELESTIAL AMITIES OR A SOUL Sighing for the Love of her SAVIOUR BY Edward Reynell Esq CANT 7.10 I am my Beloveds and his desire is towards me CANT 8.6 Set me as a Seal upon thy heart as a Seal upon thy Arm for Love is strong as Death LONDON Printed by J. M. for Abel Roper and are to be Sold at his Shop at the Sign of the Sun over against S. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street 1660. To the LADIES of our Times IT was the passage of an able Pen That to describe a Holy State without a virtuous Lady Full. Ho. State pag. 300. were to paint out a year without a Spring And how might I seem guilty of the like neglect should I tre●t of Love and not reflect on you Ladies who account your selves and indeed should be the chiefe Ornaments thereof Some there are I confess who have an Itch to set down your Crimes rather then your Virtues They say you are the Syrens of the Earth which cause shipwrack without water and if you but step awry they look on you presently as a Star in Eclipse they cry out Omne malum fere ex Gynesio Women are usually the originall of all mischief But the fairest Beauty is not without some Cloud And I shall no way desire to strike at your Vices by slandering your Sex it savouring rather of Passion then Charity to blame the General for the defects of Particulars Though too many there are indeed who follow the steps of the first VVoman and abandon themselves to Luxury vanity and dissolute Pleasures But what though Dinah will be gadding abroad and say it is to visit the Daughters though it be to entangle and to be taken by the men of the Land Do we not find three Maries at the foot of the Cross humble and mortified What though Pride the eldest Daughter of this fair Mother Beauty seldome begets the best House-wives yet how many Women are there truly Divine who shine in their Houses like rising Stars or the Sun in his Orb. And he that would equal their worth shall rather find insufficiency in his purpose then want of merit in the Object Solomon also gives us a large description of a virtuous Woman Eccles 6. perpetually exercised on good works travelling incessantly like Bees from their Birth and losing no time but to give it unto God Devotion being the first Portion which he hath granted them whereas were they never so well composed had they all the Beauties which a heart could desire or the imagination feign it would be but like some cruel Creature whom nature had lodged in a painted house or like a Case covered with precious Stones to preserve a Dunghil And for your incouragement in the wayes of Holiness how many eminent Patterns could I lay before you whom Histories have hardly scope enough to commend and who appear to the world like a blushing Morning which riseth the more fair after a shower Oh what a wealthy Exchequer of true Beauties what a spacious Store-house of heavenly minded Lovers do we find in the sacred Scriptures what a rich Mine of costly Jewels may we there behold Shall I shew you the Humility of the Maries the Faith of Sara the upright and blameless walking in the commandments of God of Elizabeth Shall I present you with a Dorcas fruitful in good works a Priscilla heavenly in discourse a Lidea whose heart was opened a Bersheba Lois Eunice careful to teach their Children in the fear of the Lord. What shall I tell you of the great Woman of Shunem 2 King 4.9.10 vers 23. Act. 16.13 Phil. 4.3 who made preparation for the Prophet and attended his Ministry of such as hearkned to Pauls Sermon and were helpers to him also of a Hanna an Abigail a Judah a Hester and many others which are there registred for our imitation and lie hid like Treasures of great value in the veins of the Earth And as if Innocency were never better lodged then at the sign of Labour Idleness being the source of embroiling the Spirits do we not find the wisest of men further describing a virtuous woman by the Oeconomy she holds forth in the Government of her Family And if we look upon other Histories we shall find Augustus Caesar the Founder of Empires not reputing the working with the Needle such kind of employments unworthy of his Daughters And the Romans much more preferring as a Relick the Distaff of Queen Tanaquilla then the Lance or Sword of Romulus You Ladies then that consume your precious Time in Painting Powdering Perfuming and adorning your selves with such other Actings as if Death and Love had conspired to make their feast in one and the same place you who complain if the least beam pierce through a little hole of your Fan or if a Fly chance to light upon it You who if a Hair be but amiss presently call a Council for the reforming thereof Oh consider that such vanities conclude not your happiness But the perfections of your Sex end in wisdom and the fear of God which is the first and last Ornament Remember also how suddenly the Scene in the Masque will be altered what then will become of your Shops of vanity those superfluous Ornaments and that long Inventory of Ladies Gallantry which made the Gates of the City to lament and mourn Isai 3.11 Isai 3.18.21 and which since that day have been increased amongst you by modern Fashion-mongers Time and Age will one day wither the Blossoms of your youth as the Sun davers the freshest Roses and Lillies Spend some time then more then for the Body Pride and Earth Let not your thoughts strike sail to Affection nor your hearts do homage to that which will ensnare and imprison you in the Fetters of sinne Do you know how speedily the Storms of an evil Conscience may trouble the serenity of your delights and the seeming tranquillity of your Affections the best of our Joyes here being but fires of straw or flattering Sun-shines which are either suddenly washed away with a shower or Eclipsed by a Tempest Labour then to supply your natural defects with the virtues of your mind Read constant Lectures of your own mortality Those Flowers are best and sweetest which grow in the Garden and not in the Wilderness Adam was never more beautiful then when he was in his Innocency and free from gaudiness and we find Solomons Spouse all glorious within and needs no outward Ornaments to make her amiable Oh think not then on Religion as upon some fearful Apparition whose visage is so fair and lovely You say nothing delights you more then to love and to be beloved and is not a true Christian the best Lover and beloved of the best You say nothing is more ravishing then Beauty and can you he better delighted then in the highest Beauty of your Saviour Briefly that you may the better behold that precious Oyntment which drops down from the head of Jesus into the Souls
deploring the evil effects of Covetousness namely That the life of man was miserable because Avarice like a spirit of Storms and Tempests had poured it self on Mortals and that it were to be wished that the best Physicians might meet together to cure the Disease The same may we say of Love since it is the fatal Plague among all Passions and no simple malady but one composed of all the evils in the world A Passion which maketh charms and illusions to march before it and draggeth on Furies disasters and rapines after it Was it not this which sharpned the sword which transfixed Ammon Which shaved and blinded Sampson Which gave a Halter to Phillis Alas How many wretched and caitif souls how many ship-wracked Spectacles may we behold standing on Promontory tops who tell us of the ruines which this Passion hath caused Simon Magus was undone by a Hellen being more bewitched by her love then he enchanted others by his Sorcery Apelles was corrupted by Phylumene Donatus by Lucilia Montanus by Maximilla Women having ended amongst all these what Heresie and Magick had but begun which made one wittily to say That Heaven was most happy in having a God In Coelo Angelus Angela c. Tertul. adversus Val. and Angels and no Goddesses since it might be feared that if there were diversity of Sex it would alter somthing of its tranquility Was it not the love of Women which caused Sampson's David's and Solomon's shipwracks Hath it not besotted the wise conquered the strong deceived the prudent corrupted Saints and humbled the mighty Hath it not trodden down Scepters and Crowns blasted the Lawrels of the greatest Conquerours troubled the most flourishing States Hath it not thrown Schism into Churches corruption among Judges and the greatest cruelties into Arms Hath it not acted Treasons Furies firings poysons murthers and ransackings And how should it spare its enemy since it is so cruel to its self It kills and murders those that have most constantly served it drinking their blood and insensibly devouring them and making many to sink in the twinkling of an eye It will open a Flood-gate to a Deluge of miseries and cares It will by some invisible hand as it were shoot Arrows amidst the Vermilion of Roses and the whiteness of Lilies It is the worm which gnaweth all our great actions the moth which eateth all the vigour of our spirit the Labyrinth which hindreth our chief designs yea it is the true snare of our soul which too often hides poison and death under a seeming sweetness See here the goodly sacrifices of Lust Behold the transfigurations of sottish Love What Nothing but Poyson Gibbets Massacres and Precipices Nothing to be seen but smoak flames darkness despairs and the sad complaints of unfortunate Lovers O God! What is he who beholding these Pictures would ever betray his soul heaven and his God to yeild obedience to loathsome lust In time then let us behold the disasters which wait on the experience of this miserable sin which is so ruinous to our body soul estate and reputation so full of fetters and snares It being impossible to write all the Tragedies which arise from this Passion for which all Pens are too weak all Wits too dull and all Tongues would be dryed up Neither is it to be wondred at what the Wise man said That the too free familiarity with Women was a firebrand in the bosome Prov. 6.27 and as another said It was as easie to live among burning coals as to converse with this Sex and not to wound the soul How careful then should we be to avoid whatsoever may endanger the scortching not only of our Body but our precious Soul yea how should we fear our Relapses and shun all occasions which may re-enkindle the flame For if vain Love be a Tree the fruit flowers and leaves whereof are nothing but sorrows if it be a Sea full of Tempests and Storms where a Haven is not to be hoped for but with the loss of our selves If it be a Passion which causeth a continual drunkenness of Reason If this Banquet which seems to be the source of life brings an Edict of Death with it and the best sports thereof are ordinarily bloody why should we embrace such cruelty as is mingled with delights Or that pleasure which is attended with Funerals O my Make us to bury all our concupiscences before we go to the Grave and so strive to live as that when death comes it may finde us prepared and that we may have little other business then to die That Love in its self is not a Vice but the Soul of all Vertues when it is tyed to its proper Object which is the Soveraign Good NEver shall the soul of man act any thing great in this world if he retain not holy fire in his veins since from the beginning of the world all things are held together by this Divine tye Concord which in its union causeth the happiness of all things and those sacred influences of Love have woven eternal chains to tye indissolubly all the parts of the Vniverse True joy is nothing else but a satisfaction of the soul in enjoying what it loves neither is the accomplishment of Pleasure any thing but the presence possession and fruition of the good which is known to us and which we love We cannot have one silly spark of love for God unless it be inspired into us by himself That which the Ayr is in the Elementary world the Sun in the Celestial and the Soul in the Intelligible the same is he throughout All He is the Ayr which all the afflicted desire to breathe in the Sun which dispelleth all our clouds the Soul which giveth life to all things and therefore he that is thus the Lover of our souls ought really to be the object with which our soul ought everlastingly to be in love And oh how happy are they who entertain this chaste and spiritual love for things Divine who embrace the wisdom of heaven which is so far beyond all humane Beauties as the light of the Stars surpass the petty sparklings and flitting fires of the earth but miserable are those who mount not above the flatteries and fading Beauty of the world From hence it was that the beauties of Solomon's Mistresses were no sooner adored but that through the neglect of his former Zeal and Courage Idols were worshipped That Sampson was no sooner blinded with love but that Dalilah forthwith blinded the eyes of his reason and body together Hence was it that David paid so dear for that unhappy cast of his eye on Bathsheba all which God is pleas'd to place as broken masts on the top of a mountain to make others take heed of the shipwracks of love And great care surely ought to be taken in the whole course and progress of our life sin being usually killed by flying the occasions of it Absence resistance coldness silence labour and diversion have overcome many assaults
the envenomed wounds of their Husbands who have breathed out their last upon the Graves of those who first gave them heart and affections and of those who have forsaken all their friends renounced their fortunes and exposed themselves to the greatest hazards envie or time could bring upon them But alas saith the poor soul what is all this if heaped together to the love of my Saviour How far is it from that beatifical love How small a drop to that Deluge of his mysterious and adorable love Now those that desire to profit in this love must by fervent prayer beg it of God they must value and esteem it above all earthly things and apply all their actions thereunto since it will no way be entertained in a soul sullyed with worldly and terrestrial affections They must render him fervency and earnestness in all their meditations and devotion no hour must pass without some ejaculation in all companies we must publish his greatness we must refer all objects all creatures to his love and love nothing but in him and for him yea we must engrave all his words wounds and actions in the bottom of our hear And O that we could often present unto our selves as the principal means whereby we may come to this heavenly obedience that infinite love of Jesus Christ Oh that we could here be raised on the highest Region of Grace and poize our selves on the wings of Faith there being no tongue so eloquent no pen so learned sufficiently to express it But oh the deadness and dulness of our spirits Could we but here reflect and a little lift up our eyes surcharged with so many earthly humours and vanities to behold that president which he hath given for the rule of our Love What secrets What mysteries of love should we there finde What greatness and purity must we needs conceive therein And oh how much shame ought we then to have so to defile our love with the impurities of the earth This this alone is it which hath made many forsake the shaddows of Diadems and Scepters which so easily deceive the credulity of the most passionately ambitious by their fond illusions and have thereby attain'd Renown on earth and a Crown in heaven These are Celestial fires which ever proceed from God as being their proper Sphere It is he that begetteth them and breedeth them being no way constrained to descend upon earth to seek nourishment from perishing creatures Those indeed which seek nothing in the world but sensual pleasures which are more thin then smoak and lighter then Wind cannot imagine how much these fair amities which are the daughters of Vertues nourish holy delights The love of God saith one is an influence of Eternity because coming from an Eternal God It is rather inspired then studied It is given to us by the favour of heaven Though good Books and Discourses contribute much to this purpose yet they who think to learn the love of God only by precepts have little in them that is solid And those Lovers who have the ardours of heaven who entertain chaste and spiritual love for things divine partake of those pleasures which the jealous eye cannot espye the slanderous tongue cannot hite And when we thus love God we finde him every where we serve him every where and every where meet with the recompence of our services we may Jonah with Jonah cry unto him out of the Whales 2.2 Belly as from a Chappel and talk with him with the three children in the midst of flames Dan. 3.25 Surely to love truly is to love aloft and to love him who made us when once we are come thus far we shall finde all the greatness of the world lower then our feet Let us not then put a Balm so precious into an unclean Vessel Let us retain no Idols or passions in our hearts to oppose or withstand this excellent Guest Let us entertain this Love with all the strength and vigour of our heart and soul yea make it our continual practice Shall we set our Affections so eagerly on the despicable and inconsiderable affairs of the world Shall we slight a matter of so great importance as the love of God Shall worldly Lovens espouse all occasions use all ways and diligence transform themselves into all shapes and humours pass through fire ice tears blood fearful Torrents enraged Seas enflamed Serpents to attain their hearts wish and arive at the least of their desires and pretensions and shall not we with the greatest applications of minde and soul use all possible industry to profit in a more divine and heavenly Love O shameful reproach That all this should be done for a vain and worldly love which ends always in bitterness and endangers our souls and there is none but Jesus who is chiefly to be loved for whom we will not stir a hand or a foot Out alas Why are we so blinde as to love servitude and to make a Goddess of the Worlds Beauties Why should we make it our glory to sacrifice our Liberty and kiss the Fetters of our slavery Alas How dear doth it cost us to destroy our poor souls Did the man of uncleanness but think that whiles he is in the embraces of his fulsome Mistris that his soul is waited on by death and death by eternity Did he but think that those eyes which did burn in Lust should in a bottomless Furnace be scorched with Brimstone That those ears which here were wont to wanton it with Minstrels shall there be filled with nothing else but the groans of Divels and the shrill screetches of the damned that the Tongue which delighted in the relation of fond and idle Stories should there cry out for water to cool it and the whole Body which was here clothed in rich and fantastique garbs should be hereafter enwrapped in a mantle at once of darkness and yet of flames and the Voice which here was taken up with the Songs and Ditties of Love should there nothing but complain of Torments Would he I say but consider all this it were impossible that he which thus loves pleasure and cannot endure to be tormented should delight to thrust himself into the fire or that he which fears to lose one drop of blood should delight in the wounding of his whole Body Stand amazed then O poor Soul and bewail thy self that thou shouldest no better value so inestimable a favour as thy Saviours love and resolve for the remaining part of thy life to be crucified unto all those Objects of pleasure profit and honour which have heretofore transported thee O sweet Jesus Thy Beauties are without stain and shall I be of the number of those souls which are distasted with Manna Shall I languish after the Onyons of Aegypt O make me rather dear Saviour to sanctifie all that is esteemed profane If my Eyes have been the cause to entertain fond love O let them now become Vessels of Water to wash away the spots of all unchaste
fading pleasures these little Ant-hills which enflame thy heart Thy Country is no longer Earth behold the great Globe of Heaven all replenished with glorious Lights why do we so extreamly torment our poor life running after this worlds shadows which we cannot follow without trouble nor possess without fear nor lose without sorrow He that cloaths the flowers of the Meadows more gorgeously then Monarchs who lodgeth so many little Fishes in golden and azure shells He who but openeth his hand and replenisheth all Nature with his blessings will never forsake us at our need if we love him and keep his Commandments A man that must die needs very few worldly things but whole Kingdoms will not satisfie covetousness O my God Shall I always then fly after that which flies from me and never follow Jesus who follows me and even loves me when I am ungrateful Ah no more let me run after the vanishing Beauties of a deceitful world Our love to Jesus should be like the Needle in the Seamans Chard which though it be ever moving and casting about as it were to several parts yet it still returns and retains its whole setled course to the true Pole-star It should be like the Oak the Hart and the Elephant which as Naturalists observe are long liv'd and not like Pincks Roses and Tulips flowers of sight and smell but delightful only for a few hours If you will examine King David the man after Gods own heart he will tell you he hath conquered the Bear and the Lyon and that great Gyant Goliah yet was not satisfied He had stept from a Sheep fold to a Crown yet was not contented He had subdued all his Enemies and Rebels yet had he no rest until he enjoyed Heaven I have a goodly Heritage saith he but the Lord is the fulness of my Inheritance in whose presence there is fulness of joy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore Psal 16. And therefore it is that he again saith Psal 73.24 There is none O Lord upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee We finde all sublunary bodies compounded of the four Elements and all the goods of the Body reduced to four heads First Life under which we understand health strength and beauty of Body Secondly Honour under which may be comprised Titles Offices Priviledges and Retinue Thirdly Wealth Lands Money and Revenues have place Fourthly Pleasures which are as various as there are objects of our senses pleasing to our taste sight touch hearing and smell Now though all these ordinately desired and lawfully used may be both useful and lawful yet are they not able to satisfie the soul longer then a wind or lightning And therefore man should not and indeed truly he cannot set his love upon them And alas O poor soul What canst thou finde in all other loves which prove no other then that of Sampson who paid so dearly for relying on his trecherous Dalilah or as the Prodigals Lovers in the Gospel who like Mice Whores and Swallows make love and frequent the house in the Summer of prosperity or like Lice who continue no longer then there is sweat to nourish them but in the end like Actaeon's hounds prove your destroyers The like we finde of Job's friends and of those the Prophet mentions Isa 1.23 Who loved gifts and followed after Rewards Not much unlike to those were the seeming friends of King David of whom he so often complains and prays against as being of his Council and eating his bread Psal 54. yet while they had butter and oyl on their lips their hearts and tongues were spears swords and very poyson And as these to David were more dangerous then his publique enemies for of those saith he I could have taken heed so are all the false Loves of Delight Feature Beauty or other parts or gifts Yea their Loves are like the Apples of Sodom or like that creature called Acucena which at twice handling yeilds out an ill savour or as the flowers of the Garden which long hold neither colour nor scent Ye then which cry Come and let us crown our selves with Roses Let us eat drink and take our fill of love Ah! How suddenly are you and your loves vanished And your place no where to be found How do ye starve like Tantalus in the midst of all your glory and abundance How doth that which seemeth so much to encrease your felicity occasion your punishment Yea How doth the pain you meet with mix gall and bitterness with all the sweet appearances of the world What wanted Solomon of all the desireable things under heaven He had seven hundred Wives and three hundred Concubines He built himself stately Palaces adorn'd them with variety of Orchards and Gardens He had Attendants answerable to his Wealth and Glory yet when he weighed all together instead of proclai●ing himself happy he cryed out All is but vanity and vexation of spirit Prov. 1.1 How great then alas is our folly to seek and expect our happiness here in the best enjoyments and most pleasing delights the world holds forth unto us Sit no longer then O my Soul by the fire of earthly comforts where the cold of carn I fears and sorrows do still afflict thee Wilt thou house thy self still on worldly thoughts and confine thy self to worldly dulness Away with those Soul-tormenting cares and fears Away with those Heart-vexing worldly sorrows Stand by a little O forbear to trouble my aspiring soul whilst I look up and see my eternal happiness whilst I lay aside my mourning robes and partake the joys of an everlasting Spring Happy change to leave these clods of earth and perpetually enjoy the glory of the Sun Blessed Conquest to tryumph on earth and enjoy heaven to conquer death and enjoy life to withdraw thy love from a wretched world and wholly fix it on thy Saviour the Fountain of all true love and goodness O that I were able O that I could feelingly say I love thee But ah Lord What is a Feast without an appetite Thou must give me a stomack as well as meat Thou mayst set the Dainties of Heaven before me but alas I am blinde and cannot see them I am sick and cannot relish them I am benummed and cannot receive them O then thou Spirit of Life breathe thy Graces upon me Take me by the hand and lead me up from earth to thy self that I may see by faith what thou hast laid up for them that love and wait for thee That the Soul can take pleasure in nothing until it meet with satisfaction from its Maker GOd having concluded our salvation in Love shews us that the best and speediest way to be happy is to love him who is the Author of our felicity and the immoveable Sun about which so many changes and agitations of all Creatures circumvolve which continually groan and aim at this first Beauty as the true Center of everlasting repose Oh this is the most assured way
the Arrians who were thirsty for his blood was beholding to a woman for shelter and the supply of such necessaries as he wanted And may we credit the relation of Writers on this Subject how great do we finde the passions of St. Jerome for Paula as if all the splendour of Romes greatness all the riches of the earth were nothing to him in comparison of the resplendent vertues of this noble Lady He is not onely very large when he goes about to praise her wishing all the members of his body were turned into Tongue and that he were nothing but voyce to chant out her Praises but even in his old age makes an Epitaph upon her death St. Chrysostom also a man austere in his life and vehement in the matters of vertue is reported to have written letters to his dear Olimpias from the place of his banishment wherein he saluteth her with openness of most ardent Aeffections He instructs and encourageth her by sublime and grave discourses he imparteth and recounts his Voyages and adventures his comforts and discomforts unto her yea he descends unto particulars of his own health habit and exercises in that ugly place whereunto he was banished and adviseth her in the like manner what he thinks to be most necessary for her If we look further into History we shall finde Chastity to be the Trophey of Cyrus the Triumph of Alexander nay if we may believe the Relation of Ju-Julianus apud lian the worst of Emperours though re Arminianum nouncing his Christian Faith would would never renounce Chastity which he had learnt among Christians saying This Vertue made beautiful Lives as Painters did fair faces By all which formerly said we may conclude Saints have very lively Affections to those they love And therefore seeing there is a necessity of Love vain is the opinion of some Philosophers who teach indifferency and say We must not love any thing And however a severe Censurer may with a supercilious countenance and a wrinckled brow look asquint yet may we not doubt there may be love between Sex and Sex pure and ardent as the flames which enlighten stars though belonging onely to persons prudent and absolute in Vertue yea great circumspection must be used herein men usually fortifying themselves with much precaution observing diligently the disposition of their Nature the causes of Temptations and the maladies of the Soul whereby the more successfully and with better effect to attain the Cure Love indeed may be termed the Phronzy of the Understanding the Poyson of the Heart the Corruption of Manners and the desolation of the life in some yet doth it not follow that women are always fat of the ruine of men Many indeed resemble those Serpents which requite them with poyson who sing pleasant songs unto them But what shall we bring an accusation against Nature in general and conclude nothing to be good of all that God made because it may be corrupted by the wickedness of men Shall we accuse the Sun because it is said that Phaeton burnt himself in those heats or take away the water from among the Elements because they say Aristotle was drowned therein Onely let it be our greatest care not to serve two Mistisses God and the Beauties of the World which are so different as not to agree When David and Sampson endeavoured to accord them they became Lascivious instead of being Holy The one at first could overthrow a Giant but had no sooner received the wound from Bathsheba's eye but Love soon dryed up all his Victories and those eyes which first discovered her at the Fountains head had much ado to cure themselves with the waters of many tears And when the other betook himself to the Comb and Looking-Glass of Dalilah being formerly like a shining Sun enlightning his Nation he became a coal and dark vapour having no longer eyes but to deplore the fondness and disafter of his love with Tears of blood As the best Wine is most subject to degenerate into Vineger so we see the chastest Love if heed be not taken changeth it self into Flesh How carefully then should we avoid reject the first thoughts of such miserable Designs as being the first sparkles of this fire lest by giving too great a command to our Passion we give too great an overture to our unhappiness We finde what the World could not do to Solomon the wisest of men a Woman did and what the Devil could not by himself do to Adam he did it by a Woman Neither was it the Devil but the Daughters of men which tempted the Sons of God Gen. 6.2 So did Dinah the son of Shechem Dalilah Sampson Bathsheba David and millions more have done the like whose eyes being like burning Lamps or coals of fire to kindle their breath their lips as lime-twigs to ensnare and their hands like Manacles or Bands to binde and hold fast How ought we then to make Jobs covenant with our eyes not to look upon a Maid And oh Happy are those who are so instructed in the Vertue of Purity as that they know not the least shaddow of those sins which are committed in the world It being a Fate sadly attending those who see and smell out so many vain Customs and entertainments of Countries since too soon they learn what too late they will forget taking so much fire in at the Ears and Eyes that water enough will not be found to extinguish it except with Mary Magdalen we sit under the feet of Jesus and bedew them with the chrystal Tears of our Repentance O wonder of Women O most happy of a●l Lovers How didst thou make profit of Sin which destroys all How didst thou sanctifie that Love which so little knew the way to any sanctity a work only wrought in thee by the right hand of the Highest Thou which wert a sinner wounded with Love curest thy self by Love Thou changest the fire of Babylon into that of Jerusalem thou pluckest out the venomous Dart of worldly Love off thy Wound to make way for the Arrows of Jesus to pierce thy heart and that soul which was before black and burnt up with the fire of Concupiscence provideth a Fountain for the King of Heaven and draweth Tears from its sins to procure a Pardon And for ever blessed are those who with this Pattern of holy Sorrow considering the evil consequence of sensuality effeminacy and the too eager pursuit of carnal pleasure use severity denyal and the frustrating of their appetite when it any way grows unreasonable For why should we thus offer violence to our selves Why should we thus endanger our Estate Shall we drown those Senses here in a world of pleasure which will not hereafter be able to procure one bottle of Water to refresh us O horrour What Of the Members of Jesus Christ to make them the members of an unclean Creature O great indignity What To worship and serve our Lusts to adore our sinful Appetites O that we would put
our selves any where into the hands of Innocency rather then among the imaginary felicities of sin and wickedness Say to thy self O my Soul it will not be long until thy Eyes be shut and thy body become troublesome to all that come near it unless speedily yeilded up to the Earth And no sooner will death absent thee from the eyes of thy Friends but forgetfulness will draw thee off from their heart Thou art enforced O my Soul to inhabite in a sickly body encountring with all sorts of pains and maladies O my God! What a favour then is it to be banished from so many Gouts Sciaticks Collicks so many pains of Head Teeth and Heart so much hunger thirst and other infirmities which afflict a frail and momentary body And oh that we would but remember this when Temptation comes upon us When we are tempted to give up our minde to the world and drown our selves in earthly cares when we are tempted to profits pleasures and evil company with the neglect of the Duties of Gods Worship That we would but seriously be-think whether the world will then be as sweet as now Whether our unruly Passions and Lusts will then bear the same sway with us and whether all the Glories Beauty Honours and Preferments of the world will not then seem needless vain and unprofitable Alas Will any of those things be comfortable to thee at that day of Reckoning Is this a day to be forgotten Is not that man worse then mad that is going to judgement and never thinks of it Should we not rather forget to eat to drink to sleep or work then a matter of so great concernment What To forget that we must remember for ever O poor Souls How much rather should we in the midst of all our Temptations and allurements to sin imitate him who wheresoever he went seem'd to hear a Voice calling to the World Arise ye Dead and come to judgement The Misery of those who have yeilded to the Passion of Love and the Glory of Souls which have overcome it TO mention the sad effects of sensual Love which hath so many ways of working will be a Task very hard and difficult seeing this Fury hath a thousand hands and a thousand attractives yea for the most part different and quite opposite It takes by the eyes by the ears by the Imagination by change of purpose by flying pursuing honouring and insulting by complacency and by disdain Somtimes it lays hold by Tears by laughing by modesty by boldness by confidence by subtilty by simplicity by speech and by silence It assaileth us somtimes in company somtimes in solitude at windows in grates in Theaters at Feasts at Sports yea oftentimes at the Church and in Duties of Devotion Briefly if we behold one transfixed with violent Love we shall finde he hath all that in his love which Divines have placed in Hell viz. Darkness flames an evil Conscience an ill savour and banishment from the presence of God Sin will not at first discover its dreadful events and Tragedies It will perchance shew you a chamber wherein Beauty is presented which hideth gross infirmities It presents you with smiles glances Courtships and flatteries which yet carry nothing with them but ruine yea it shews you Sports and Banquets Tears and Funerals in one day Alas How many millions of men are there in the world who would be most fortunate and flourishing if they knew how to avoid the mischievous power of this Passion Hence is it that so many Virgins are stoln away so many Families desolated and Parents precipitated often times into their Tombs by their ungrateful children That so many little Innocents are made away by death whose birth also is often prevented Hence is it that so many Widdows are dishonoured that chaste Wedlocks are disturbed and so many Rapes committed Is it not hence that so many are abandoned to dishonour their Estates to pillage and poverty their Reputation to infamy and their whole lives to continual disturbances Is it not hence that poysons are mingled that Halters are noozed that Swords are sharpned and those Tragedies begun in the Night are executed upon the Scaffold in full day-light Good God! What heavie scourges do always fall on sin and what a pleasing spectacle among so many confusions is it to see any Victory gained over evil Love It were easie to enlarge the History of Loves power which would require a Volumn greater then hath yet been seen if I should tell you how Love oftentimes rejecteth the greatest commands wisest Edicts and best Laws How it despiseth Honour neglects Fame Wealth Health Life Soul and all It is compared also by some to Fire the most active and strongest worker of all the Elements which destroyeth Castles Houses and Cities which melts and consumes the hardest Metals and if our contemplation dive into former Times or if we turn over the variety as well of Modern as Ancient Histories not only Divine but Humane we shall finde the sad effects of our evil Love how Ambition Revenge and Murther vices which not only eclipse our judgments but darken our understandings have ever proved fatal to the Undertakers thereof and that we shall not only see with grief but finde with repentance how this Passion of fond Love hath brought shame instead of glory misery for felicity and affliction for content where affection hath not had reason for its guide nor vertue for its object I shall spare to insist on those infamous Ladies whose memory purchased by odious Lust will survive the course of time as Cleopatra Faustina Clitemnestra with the last whereof Aegistus lost his honour through too great a familiarity and we finde not a few to suffer a great eclipse of their credit through their too much effeminacy whence it was that Demosthenes being demanded a great price for a little pleasure by the Courtezan Lais answered I will not buy repentance at so dear a rate well considering that the fairest flowers do as well serve for a shelter to hide Aspes and Serpents as to beautifie Garlands and Chaplets neither would desire the fruit of that Tree nor the kernel of that Apple which was at first of that fatal and dreadful consequence to the Taster The things we finde commended in Mary Magdalen by our blessed Saviour was her humility and the Office she performed to his feet and no way admiring her comly countenance and the pleasant flower of her youth which she had too often made as a snare to betrey her Lovers and all to let us see how loathsome disrelishing and unsavoury are the husks of vain and empty Beauty and how irksome the taste of sinful pleasures are which like deep laughing still carries a deep sigh in the end in respect of those inward vertues of the soul to be preferred beyond the fair and ruddy fruit of Earthly Beauty But then again on the contrary how large do we finde History in setting forth the admirable command which some have had
over themselves who would not make Beauty their Object nor be surprized with amorous folly Joseph would not be tempted by his Mistris Holy Job Made a Covenant with his eyes not to look upon a Maid with many other the like Examples we read of in the holy Scripture Besides Do we not read of the Roman Stilpo who notwithstanding he were naturally addicted to Incontinency became absolute Commander of his affections by reading only certain Precepts of Moral Philosophy What admirable Continency also do we finde mentioned of Alexander in sparing the Wife of Darius and his three Daughters Scipio after many years prosperous exploits purchased not more glory then by overcoming himself when a beautiful maid was brought unto him whom he returned with a great reward unto him to whom she was espoused No less worthy to be noted not to mention those Noble Matrons whose Vertue and Chastity will transcend the Period of all Ages as Porcia Octavia Caecilia Cornelia c. were Marius Solyman the Magnificent and many others recorded for their Princely command over themselves and their affections If Beauty then chance to shew thee a fair Visage remember the Syrens do the same if she allure thee by her Caresses so doth the Panther if her amorous plaints invite thee let the sighs of the Crocodile be thy Instruction Her greatest brightness is at best but a false and fading Meteor And seldome saith Plutarch doth Beauty and Honesty dwell together Thou then that art beautified with an Angelical Feature Why shouldest thou participate of any inferiour Creature Why wilt thou suffer so great an Eclipse for a minutes pleasure since this Vice above all others derogates so much from thy Honour It was ill Physick and only fit for so luxurious a a Physician which Epicurus used to one of his Patients viz. To lay him on a Down bed in a perfumed chamber crowning him with a Garland of sweet smelling Flowers and after a Potion or two of good Drink to bring him a beautiful young Wench which could play sing and dance And was it not as great a vanity which Ctesias relates of a Persian King that had an hundred and fifty Maids attending his Table to play sing and dance by turns The like whereof another reports of an Aegyptian Prince who still kept nine Virgins of most excellent Feature and sweet Voices to wait on him But were these things well considered by those who are surprized with an amorous folly their desires would not be so much bent to sensuality nor their delights wholly engaged to fleshly Liberty Beauty would not so often be their Object nor Vanity the subject of their discourse they would not be so often fieng'd in the flames of that Love which cannot hold without jealousie nor break without repentance Neither would Complexion take up so much room in their thoughts who should rather give themselves to Diviner Meditations How we may avoid the Snares of Love IF we desire to know the way how to banish this Passion for our more quiet and comfortable living let us in the first place consider That we cannot do it without having this singular gift of God who is onely able to banish this Fury which plungeth our whole life in such great acerbities and horrible calamities and against which we ought to bend our utmost endeavours Presume not too much on thy own strength and integrity and take heed of the pride of thy heart arrogant spirits being usually subject to fall into such sins and God often makes it a counter-poise as we see in St. Paul who in the height of Revelation 2 Cor. 12. had a sting in the flesh to abate the fierceness of the courage and to quell the exorbitancy of humane arrogancy Let us take heed also of serving soothing frequenting or spying out occasions For as Love takes most and works by idleness and converse so is it best resisted by the contrary good employment and the shunning of wanton company Flight of occasions is the most assured remedy and rampire for Chastity and whosoever this way carries himself well shall appear stronger in flying then Conquerours in their bravest Battels a Retreat in Love being as honourable as a Victory Take heed of fondness in apparel behaviour complement books songs banquettings and unlawful recreations Many things indeed at first seem innocent enough but it too often hapneth that as drops of water incessantly falling do hollow rocks so continual and ceaseless allurements soften and betray the most impregnable Natures Art thou weak then fear thy infirmity if strong suspect even thy own safety Be not too forward in beginning the Combate until you know what will be the end Love at first will beset thee with the visage of a Virgin but leave thee with the body of a Serpent If you look on it upon one side you shall finde it infinitely sweet and charming but on the other a Hideous Fury a Specious Bait a Pleasing Witch a Living Death a Fair Disease a Specious Plague a Fresh but infectious Ayr a Satyr sweetly drawn and a Wilde-fire finely covered with Lawn Besides false opinion is ever at the gates of this soft fly tempting Slut which deceiveth and bewitcheth all those that come near her It discovers not at first the dreadful events and Tragedies of this Passion it shews them chambers wherein Beauty is presented under white and vermilion skin which hideth a Sepulcher of rottenness it is attended with smiles glances flatteries and courtships which for the most part end in care terrour folly distrust tears sighs falshood jealousies and dolours Hence was it that one wittily compared the heart of a Lover to a Stage whereon at the same time were seen Sports and Banquets Battels and Funerals yea this delicate admired Enchantress will prove but a very sad bargain even to those that enjoy her after their own lusts and at their own rate she being no better then a Canker-rose full of deception and sorrow Oh what a miserable thing then is it to love a Beauty which is onely fair in the fantasie of a feaverish Brain and of which in a short time the most liquorish worms will scorn to make a Dunghill O weakness O false Idea O remissness of heart Is not this to betray our own manhood to embrace a Cloud which vanisheth for a Bright day which neither admitteth end nor darkness and to neglect that Love which will at last wipe away our Tears enrich our Poverty and Beautifie our Chains What delight alas can we take to seek out a felicity which we shall never finde Shall we then seek to be roasted in ashes shall we prefer a blast of smoak and a glittering chain before perpetual Liberty shall we desire to sleep on Thorns and feed on Gauls Oh meer madness to live a slave to the world and not enjoy the Love of the Creator to seek rest in the Creature and neglect the love of the Maker Oh let us better imploy that time which heretofore we have
dedicated to the Fantasies of our Spirits Let Reason get the upperhand of our Passion let our eyes be fast setled upon the Law of God which tells us that there is never any thing lost by being faithful unto him And let us still represent to our selves the short pleasure which accompanies sin and the remorse of Conscience which follows it and it will tend much towards the extinguishing of the Flames of Love to break all its Darts and to make us sole master of our captivating Lusts Neither is dissoluteness of habit the least sign and fore-runner of the Adulteries of the minde many having this way made so proud a monument of their vanity as to erect an Eternal Reproach of their punishment Heaven and Earth must be turned over Nature must be forced and all Arts wearied out to serve as instruments to Pride and Luxury and to what end serves those false Guiess those costly Jewels those shameless Flies patchings and paintings wherewith women daub and besmear their Faces unless to destroy Chastity To what end serves the nakedness of their Neck and Breasts How little do these things speak or breathe the odour of Vertue but much rather expose shame to their Sex and scandal to civil decency Surely whosoever thus appears too quaint before the world can hardly carry a sound heart before God And Tertullian bewailing the furniture and equipage of such a Woman saith Quasi ad pompam funeris constitutam Tert. de Hab. Mulieris It would be more fit for the setting forth of her Funerals then the ornament of her body which indeed would seem better adorned if cloathed like Eve with simple skins then in such vain and worldly Pomps Our Affections and services can no longer be pleasing to the Saviour of the world when we are thus engaged to false Divinities Poor Creatures then as we are to love rather to measure the world in its vanity then to possess it in the love of God! To prefer darkness before the Sun Thorns before Grapes Acorns before good Corn and not to place our affections on our Jesus who was crucified for us Proud dust and ashes as we are since born with supereminency of body and seeming the goodliest Creatures of the world why should we go about to beg glory from poysons of the Earth from worms and spoils of the dead You then that have no other Idol but Beauty who worship no other Deities but pleasure and Ambition O consider that as a Rose adorned with its own leaves obscures the Beauty of all other Flowers so the best Art is to have no Art to take whatever Nature hath given and to render all to God Let not your thoughts strike sail to Affection let not your hearts do homage to that Beauty which will ensnare and imprison you in the Fetters of sin but rather timely resist the influence of your amorous assaults being the Rocks whereon many have sadly suffered shipwrack the Fountain which sends forth many poysoned streams and the Tree whose fruit is bitter to the stomach how pleasing soever it be to the palate Consider further how that in an instant God can turn your vessel of gold into an earthern Pot. For alas what a short life have we here Love saith one may be compared to the Punais Worm which bites while she liveth and after death maketh her infection to be felt The sin of the body too often begins in that of the face which is insensibly eaten with painting and poyson and too often do we derive Beauty from corruption Neither do I know a better way to stop the beginnings of Lust then to think of the end thereof Those that in the first Temptation will but take the pains to draw the Curtain shall behold such a huge Gulph of scandals injuries rages lothsomness and despairs as that they would as willingly almost descend into hell alive as consent to this brutish Passion Who would not account him mad who always walks in solitude who courts a shaddow who sigheth laugheth feareth waxeth pale blusheth desireth hateth dieth riseth again is now in earth and straightway in heaven in one hour acteth a Comedy of a dozen Personages and every minute changeth and metamorphoseth himself What a silly thing is it to see any one thus to trouble and vex himself in pursuit of a wylie Wench that delights to exercise Her most infamous Tyrannie Is it not a pitiful thing to see a man burn in Ice and congeal in Fire Having the colour wan the Visage meagre the eyes hollow the cheeks sunk the spirits giddy the reason uncollected and the whole Body Feverish and distemper'd for a creature that will soon fail his expectation Who is there that will not condemn that King who suffered his Minion to take off his Crown and set her Slippers on his head That Dionysius the Tyrant should write the expeditions of his Kingdom and that Mirrha his Wife should Cancel or Signe them at her pleasure Who would not be astonished at the Roman Macarius who having conquered Love in the world was surprized in the Wilderness by finding a Womans Shooe And yet may we daylie observe an infinite number of matters much more strange Why go we then about to Idolize a Woman Have we not slavery enough at home but we must needs seek it abroad O let us consider that they which thus suffer their heads to run at liberty after such sottish Loves die a thousand times a day in following of scornful Beauty and have little cause to brag yea though they attain the end of their pretensions their Passions being most violent for things that must quickly be taken from them What a shame is it to observe many who waste so much of their precious time for the kiss of a Hand the touch of a Lip the glance of an Eye the untying of a Shooe-string and the like That they should thus make a Goddess of a piece of Flesh and kiss the Fetters of their slavery instead of breaking them That they should take a glory to sacrifice their Liberty to that Idol whereby at last they suffer a shameful servitude And as for the cruelties attending this Passion What Furies what Poysons what Racks what Swords and Gibbets belong to the violence of enraged Lovers And shall we still rejoyce in the sense-pleasing flatteries of our sensual Desires What Nothing to be seen but Tears Horrour Grief Astonishment and other representations of death And shall we thus Court those flames Shall we embrace that Stake to which we shall be a Martyr Ah! Were we but well awaked with what horrour should we behold the precipices whereinto we are falling How plain should we behold these golden snares which like the Carcanet of Medea or the Trojan Horse will at last bear Arms against us And to the end then that we may not turmoil and weary our selves in the By-paths which directly lead us into the myre of violent affection neither wholly resign our selves over to such
a gross indiscretion I shall shew you the Medeas we often Court under the Story of One who had almost lost his Wits as well as Reputation through the violent pursuit of a Lady he much adored who finding no other slight or stratagem to vanquish the importunate extravagancies of this passionate Lover shewed him her Neck and uncovered her Bosome all gnawn and eaten with a maligne Cancer Behold fond Lover said she what thou so eagerly Courtest and so instantly made the Cancer of her body to cure the Cancer of his minde vitae Patrum Occid l. 6. Is it not a shame to entertain such worldly Amities and petty Loves only to please flesh and blood and which are no sooner disliked by the Eye but distasted by the heart We read of some who have fought with it on Thorns Hair-clothes and other austerities and we finde mention of One who being bound to a Bed of Roses with silken Cords to resigne himself to the love of a Courtezan spit out his Tongue in her Face Some have also asswaged their Passion by flames Others have quenched the heat of their desires in snows Others by living in rocks and solitary wildernesses as if nothing were so invincible and hardly attain'd as this Vertue of Chastity Nothing so difficult as to see all the follies of entranced Lovers But the chiefest way amongst many humane Industries which tend to the curing of Love it being to no end to hold long Discourses and to appoint many Meditations to a sharp Fever which is full of ravings and furious symptomes is to owe all our health this way to the fear of God to Prayer Fasting and Devotion which is far better then all other inventions Make use also often of the memory of death Set an assiduous watch over thy eyes ears heart and senses Avoid anger since anger and love work upon one subject Absent your self from that Presence which is the nourishment of your Flames Those Comets which are said to be fed by the vapours of the Earth are no longer maintained then nourishment is afforded and that Love which burns and shines like a false Star in our heart will soon go out if you refuse sustenance from the face you admire and the company which entertains you in an enchanted Palace full of chains and charms Withdraw your self then betime from this captivity gain the Haven before the storm surprize you for if you be once engaged there is neither Arm nor Oar can bring you safe Let us enter seriously into our selves and daylie consider what passeth there cutting off this Passion which raiseth such a Storm within us Let us ever keep a vigilant Guard lest Satan betray us and our lusts like expert Enemies who politiquely strengthen themselves with all advantages make head against us And lastly Let us throw out this Jesabel who with her Natural cruelty hath slain so many Innocents ruined so many Cities disturbed States and let us come out of that servitude in which like a Mill-wheel we labour much and get little and which hath always folly for guide Poverty for Dowry and Misery for recompence That Outward Ornaments should not invite our Love HE that loves the World and the Glories thereof entertains a thousand businesses and every business hath a world of employments and those so multiplied by variety of circumstances as that it is troublesome to understand them and much more to encounter with them whereas sweet are the sleeps of those who prefer heaven before earth and Chastity and Temperance before the wantonness and impurities of a debauched conversation Why alas then should we ruine our certainties in the fruitless expectation of vanity and shaddows What slender footing will these accessory commodities have when death deformity poverty contempt and sickness are at our heels Let us timely consider then how many boxes full of Pills the fairest Beauties have at home in their Chests to take when the Rheum and other infirmities assail them Since God gives us leave to dispose of our dislodging from these fading Tabernacles shall we not prepare our selves unto it O let us seasonably bid farewel to our company and let us shake off those violent Hold-fasts which estrange us from our future happiness As those eyes seldom burn with Lust which are bedewed with Tears so those who prefer the light of God's presence before all corporal Beauty do easily perceive how little it is to be regarded They will not exchange the glorious Sun for the light of a candle Here they can have no Lightning without the Thunder that makes it seems more dreadful then delightful and therefore will prefer a silent night before a tempestuous day and the everlasting views of the face of God before the false Lights of the world The light of the Sun indeed lighteth all the world but how useless will it be when Jesus who is the true light of the world shall appear in the glory of heaven The Rose looks fair indeed but is not the Beauty faded and the sweetness expired oftentimes before the scars in gathering of it be healed The honey seems pleasant to the taste but alas Who would have it with so many smarting stings Thou then that art taken with a pleasing smile thou whom a sigh a glance or tears beguil oh turn thine eyes aside Forbear to Sayl in so dangerous a Tyde lest Syrens assail or shipwrack attend thee few attaining their desired harbour with such a wind of vanity all thy labour and rowing in so leaking and weather-beaten a Vessel will prove at last but as a handful of waters to a man that is drowning which will help rather to destroy then save him Alas What is the Beauty that thou so admirest When the night comes it is nothing to thee and while thou hast gazed on it Hath it not withered away Canst thou not even shut thy eyes and fancy all into darkness or deformity Or will not a few leprous spots or malignant ulcers soon divert thy affections and make the Idol of thy Love to become the sad spectacle of thy distaste Suppose that thou saw'st that beautiful Carcass lying on a Bier carrying to be buried or rotting in a grave the skul digged up and the bones scattered where will be thy lovely object Canst thou then love a skin full of dirt Or didst thou but behold thy beautiful Dalilah thy lovely Mistris on a dying Bed panting schrieching groaning turning from one side to another and panting for breath her eyes gastfully rolling her lips fading her hands trembling her mouth distorted through violent Convulsions those White and Reds so much admired turn'd into a black swarthiness and her whole body declining into clay Ah tell me now what thou thinkest Canst thou now sweetly embrace it or take any pleasure in it O my Soul then Withdraw thy thoughts from the fading Beauties of the world Let not the shaddow but the Sun direct thee Labour to fix thy eyes upon the only true and lovely object
are our bodies but the food of worms Our gaudy Attires but nourishment for Moths Our stately pyled Houses but stones and morter Our most precious Jewels but the excrements of an enraged Sea which borrow their worth from our weak fancy and all our honours but the golden Masks and Weather-cocks of inconstancy O unfortunate Worldling Where then are thy thoughts fixed What is here in the world that can deserve thy love Behold the whole Fabrick of the Creation and see what thou canst meet with worth thy affection Canst thou then embarque thy self among such trecherous Syrens Seest thou not that thy riches friends reputation companions and all will at last forsake thee as a Butterfly which escapes the hand of a childe Whereat then aims thy strong Ambition What means thy burning Avarice Thy profuse Ryot What will one day become of thy wretched profit thy fading pleasures Will not all vanish into fancy and a body of smoak and nothing avail thee when thy mouth shall be stopt with eternal silence Be not then so bad a Merchant as to sell things eternal for temporal It is for silly flies to gad only in the Sun-shine of this world This Enchantress which thou so much admirest and enjoyest after thy own lusts will at last prove but a very bad bargain full of vanity deception and sorrow Ah! That thou shouldest love poyson and embrace death That we should seek our own ruine and confusion Doth the world tempt thee to honour Oh despise it in humility If to Riches O scorn it in contentment And O my Soul Let not the wings of thy love to God be entangled with the bird-lime of temporal things God hath espoused thee a chaste Virgin to himself Let not those Love-tokens which he hath sent to engage thy Affections more strongly to himself seduce thy heart from him who except he may have the choicest will admit of none of thy love Temporal Goods cannot content the Soul and therefore deserve not our Love ALl the happiness and felicity of man in this world is a Dream it comes on we know not how and when it vanisheth we cannot so much as discern whether it is gone Yea How do all the possessions thereof pass away in an unperceived motion When we suppose them fast lock'd in our arms they creep from us in a mist or smoak which silently steals out at the chimnies top after it hath fouled and smutted it within Our life is but like the nest of some silly Bird whose best composure and materials are straw and dust and as soon doth the stately Palaces and Courts of the greatest Princes decay as the poor resting place of a Swallow comes dropping down at the approach of Winter What alas shall I say since wheresoever we reflect our eyes we shall finde cause sufficient to dissolve them into Tears If we look up to heaven while we behold our Country aloof we cannot but consider our selves in banishment If on earth it is but the upbraiding remembrance of our grave and how proudly soever we trample it under our feet at present it makes full account to have the disposure of our heads yea the greatest Emperours after death are found sitting in Vaults under earth in silence and mournful Majesty Neither is there any thing when all other Beauty Honours and happiness proves brittle and inconstant which remains to yeild us comfort but the benefit we receive from the few hours we spend in Prayer Meditation and the Exercises of a pious life Now now is the time that in one little part of an hour we may obtain pardon here which all Eternity shall not hereafter Now is the time that in one short day we may have more debts so given us then in all the years and times to come Here may we so lament for sins committed as to escape everlasting punishment Here 's nothing but the fearful cracks of ruines every where the dreadful roaring of storms and tempests on every side Our house still threatens its fall and we are with S. Stephen in the midst of a violent shower of stones on every hand and shall we not think of retyring our selves to our heavenly Countrey Shall we not willingly then leave the house of our Pilgrimage here for those glorious Mansions above O happy Countrey O blessed Mansions which are provided for us in our Fathers house But O Eternity Eternity How little do we think on thee Or strive to avoid those endless miseries and those perpetual nights of horrour and sadness which custome in sinning will assuredly bring upon us Alas What more fond then for a little earthly Beauty for Riches and for the love of this world to lose heaven and procure eternal wretchedness Alas How do all the sweet waters of our pleasures at last run hastily into a Sea of sorrows and bitterness How doth sadness dive into the bottom of the Soul when delights tickle us in the outside of the skin How like a bunch of Grapes saith S. Bernard are the Worldlings joys whose juyce is pressed out How full of disquietness are they Their fulness at best being seasoned with shame and repentance Oh! How do they like abortives die in the birth yea too often prove the executioners of the owners or leave us like a poor Pilgrim dispoiled by thieves We finde our Saviour disswading his Disciples from Ambition Matth. 20.20 and to call Riches thorns as bearing fair flowers but the fruit very bad yea serves as a shelter for Vipers and serpents Yet oh insatiable Avarice Whither dost thou transport our manners and understanding Ah! the forgetfulness of our condition Alas What are we Whence came we Was it not a few years since we were born naked creeping on the earth and having a mouth open to cries and hunger and do we think we have nothing except we possess all things Alas Our misery lies in our life we die when we do not die In our last end is all our happiness which will transport us from earth to heaven from Aegypt to Canaan if so be we make it our care to avoid as well the affections as the presence of all the creatures of this world and unite our selves to God by the practise of vertues which will serve as so many steps to glory Nor is there any other way to take away the sting of death or make our life comfortable Our honour will lie in the dust and sleep in a Bed of earth Our Riches will not deliver us in the day of wrath what if thou leave them behind to procure a few mourning weeds to attend thy Herse or erect some glorious Monument to thy memory yet will they at last rather afflict then relieve thee at the hour of thy passage Oh but thou wilt say thy friends shall help thee Alas All that they can do is but to attend thee to thy last resting place and to shed some friendly perchance feigned Tears for leaving them behinde thee Such miserable comforters are all things
of this sink of sadness this skin full of groans this snow-bail of Tears this Carcass of fears this channel of the wa●●rs of affliction and betake thy self wholly into the arms of thy Saviour The Soul complaineth of her Condition and Misery by reason of the darkness and ignorance of sin THe Spirit of Man naturally tendeth to God as its first cause neither can take any contentment without him though too often indeed hindered by the weight of the Body and the bait of Concupiscence He will what God will loves what God loves and if in this wayfaring life his love sticks upon frivolous objects which like foolish Fires lead him into precipices and dangerous paths he speedily complains how much he is misguided Now the reason hereof is That as every thing tendeth to the imitation of its Original so a Soul truly Christian hath all its strength and vigour from God He is the end of all his works and if God chance to fail it the whole Fabrick of its salvation falls to the ground When a gracious heart hath its eyes cleared by the Rays of Divine Majesty he is at the end of its journey and no longer entertaineth a multiplicity of desires since he hath found the Center of Eternal rest And well then may the Soul of man which is out of the Limits which God hath assign'd it finde Inns to lodge in but never finde a Home to reside in Alas then what is our life and the affairs of man That which is past is nothing the present is a fantasie and the future an Abyss where even those that stand on the brink see not any thing Our life only is hid in Christ as saith the Apostle And surely he only who knows how to accommodate himself to the Will of his Saviour knows only how to live and hath found the industry of an infinite happiness in the accomplishment of his desires Neither is there any thing so turmoiled so torn and so divided as a Soul which hath always before it the Image of its own crimes And this is it which makes the Vermilion of the cheeks to fade that maketh paleness to overspread all the face hence is it that a miserable man being fallen as it were into a Tempest not foreseen cryes out Humane hopes where are ye Ah true dreams of aery Fancies Fleeting fires which shine not but to extinguish your selves and being put out bereave us of all true light leaving only the ill savour and sorrow of losing all your seeming glories To what shall I compare your Beauties but to those who carry under a smooth face a heart spotted like the skin of a Panther What are your Pleasures but like those enchanted Islands which recoyl backward and vanish when men most think to approach them Alas my Tears What fitness can ye finde to bemoan my misery Alas my eyes Why are those flames which once so sweetly blazed in you now fallen into an Eclipse My voice is interrupted and words imperfectly spoken all the Organs and Bands of my Body are loosened and untyed Oh how doth fear and trembling spread it self over all the Basis of Natures building Nor is this evil passion content only to seize on our Body but it flyeth to the superiour Region of our Soul to cause disorder robbing it almost in a moment of memory understanding judgement will courage yea rendering us benumm'd dull and stupid in all our actions and would a thousand times overcome us with Melancholy were it not from the consolations drawn from the fountain of true piety Alas O Lord How is our Soul confounded to see so many sparkles of pride lust and covetousness arise from this Caitiff dust which we are compos'd of So little do we learn how to live and so late how to die which made S. Austin cry out My God my life and my happiness I confess my misery unto thee after so many temporal consolations have separated me from thee Thus is the poor Soul ever bewailing her condition and bedewing that face with mournful Tears wherein God once caused the sanctity of a gracious heart to be resplendent And though formerly it had seem'd chearful yet now alas behold it though heretofore retaining the vigour of holy alacrity altogether dissolved with austerities and maladies Nothing but spectres of terrors ruine outrages solitudes darknesses revengeful thunders and innovations extreamly weaken and affright the heart until at last having reckoned up the dolours which on every side environed her Saviour she raiseth up her self like the Palm against the weight of her afflictions O inestimable Bounty O greatness unheard of O inexhaustible love of God! whose goodness is such not only thus to divert our miseries and fit them to our condition but even from our Tears to draw sweetness and consolation for our solace Now as pious Hannah forsook all the distracted looks which sorrow caused in her after she had conceived the little Samuel so doth the poor Soul being again honoured with the re-enjoyment of God in its heart drive away all the disturbances of grief and sadness Oh saith she what thoughts of Satan are these to deliver up my self to distrust of comfort in the sight of a Jesus who beareth my reconciliation on his sacred wounds and pleadeth my cause before his eternal Father with as many mouths as my sins in him have made wounds It is not possible I should doubt of his love and fatherly goodness if I look upon his hands I shall there see it written with those nails that pierc'd them I shall see it in his side which was opened for me by that Lance which digged out the remainder of his life Alas Who was more destitute then man more brutish and ignorant in so great a night and horrible confusions Who was more unfurnished with wise directions And yet he affordeth us his examples Who more forlorn And yet he adopteth us for children Who more needy And yet he giveth us the treasure of his merits Who more hungry And yet he feedeth us with his flesh and blood Who more imhappy And yet how doth he divide every part of his body amongst us O goodly spectacle to behold How he blesseth us with his presence How he replenisheth us by his greatness How he governeth us by his power and sanctifieth us by his influences Oh for ever unhappy If after so many benefits we remain still faithless and ungrateful Lord As thou revealest to me more of my misery so reveal also more of thy mercy I confess my self indeed to be too often intangled in some pleasant or profitable Lust Satan is the Bellows my corruption the tinder and the world the wilde-fire to burn my soul and so dangerously to withdraw my love as that although O my Saviour thou art still calling me yet am I loth to leave my Bed of ease Cant. 5.1 How justly then to prevent my spiritual pride mayest thou leave me in ignorance and darkness as thou didst thy Spouse yea to go to
enquire to pray and yet not finde the light of thy presence But O Lord Leave not this poor Soul of mine but make it to understand the unmeasurableness of thy Bounties and Mercy Oh for that day when this knowledge of mine now childish and darksome shall be turned into a full and clear Vision O happy darkness if thus to become lightsome The more hidden thou art now blessed Saviour the more glorious wilt thou be then Ah that my heavie thoughts had the wings of an Angel to soar aloft amongst those celestial Quires Me-thinks I see when thou shalt be pleas'd to remove the skreen of my mortal body which now detains me from thy presence and interrupts the view of thy glory how nothing will be able to hinder the eagerness of my Soul from flying to thee Me-thinks I see Eternity too short to enjoy thee Surely there 's no possibility of pleasure without thee no faculty of Soul to wish or think any thing but thee yea my Soul would more willingly wain into nothing then part with thee Thee my only incomprehensible and Eternal All my dear dearest Lord and God! Adieu then those charming warbles of a fleeting and deceitful world O merciful Father Behold my prodigal Soul which returns unto thee Receive me as a mercenary servant if thou wilt not receive me as a Son for I resolve no longer now to run after the salt waters of worldly pleasures and contentments The light of thy countenance is far better then life it self being able to turn the shaddows of death into life and the midnight of the sharpest adversities into the noon-tide of joy and chearfulness Oh how great is the clemency of God to hide from us the greatest part of things which will befal us in the world The knowledge whereof would continually overwhelm our wretched life with sadness and affrightment and give us no leave to breathe among the delicious Objects of the earth Had many great and eminent persons mounted on the highest degree of honour but seen how they were still falling into endless Abysses or beheld the change of their Fortune and the bloody ends of their life it is impossible but the joys of their Tryumphs would have been moistned with Tears and through a perpetual fear of inevitable necessity they would have lost all the moments of their felicity And did the poor and seemingly forsaken Soul thorowly at once apprehend the severe anger of an omnipotent God what alas would it do when it sees it self menaced by the hideous and affrightful terrors and mischiefs of Satan What shall the poor heart do when God is pleas'd to write bitter things against it when he shall scare it with dreams and terrifie it with Visions Surely not pains imprisonments poverty or death it self can be more troublesome to it Whereas the comforts of a quiet conscience becalmed with the gracious in-comes of Gods gracious presence and enlightned with his glorious Beams which expel the darkness and ignorance of our cursed Nature as are so many threads of gold which involve us here below in precious repose and a certain expectation of beatitude until at last we finde wings to take our flight to the City of Peace and Refuge promised unto us by that mouth which never erred and whose Laws are established upon foundations stronger then the pillars of heaven and earth and where we shall receive the excellent Promises and clearest revelations of Eternity The Soul admires the infinite Riches of her Saviours Love in taking Humane Nature upon him WIth what admiration is not the heart of man seized on when he entereth into the great Abysses which are discovered in our Redemption and when he seeth Jesus a Saviour to reveal unto us the secrets and wisdome of heaven by his blessed Incarnation For what saw he in our Nature but a brutish body and a Soul all covered over with crimes and wholly drenched in remediless miseries Or what could he set before him but a miserable ungracious wretch cast forth upon the face of the Earth wallowing in uncleanness abandoned to all sorts of scorns and injuries And yet behold how the Prince of Glory looking on us with the eyes of his mercy taketh us washeth cloatheth adorneth and tyeth us to himself by a hand of infinite Love He laid aside the beautiful Angels and came upon earth to seek this lost creature though a Foe to his Honour and injurious to his Glory See O my Soul How that God far beyond all other created Essences hath been so liberal as to bestow himself on thee He bowed the Heaven and came down rendering his sacred Person subject to all the misery of humanity to bruises to tearings to shatters to violences oppositions and tyrannies and all to accomplish a King of sorrow calamity and scorn He laid aside all the Prerogatives of his most perfect Soul exposing it to labours to tears and griefs to those stupendious Throws in the Garden which made him cry out in those expressive words My God! My God! To what a point hast thou let me to be brought and in the end to be commended even to death it self How alas didst thou abandon thy body to heat to cold to weakness to hunger to thirst to travel to weariness to fear to sadness of Soul and death it self What was it but Love and Love alone that brought down God from heaven to be incarnate in the womb of a Virgin and to suffer all the hardships not sinful to which humane Nature is subject So that thou art not able to conceive the multitude and greatness nor any way comprehend the worth of his mercies And what then canst thou say but only lie gasping with admiration of so vast so unknown a goodness and sigh out the rest in the Center of thy heart Good God What sublimate is made in the Limbeck of Love What attractive was there in Humane Nature to draw thee from the highest part of the heavens to its love Thou out of thy goodness wouldst not lose him who through his own weakness delighteth to lose himself O miracle That humane Nature should be thus tyed to the Divine That glory should be separated from the estate and condition of glory yeilding his Soul up as a prey to sadness O dear Saviour Thou stretchest out thy hand to him who turns his back to thee Man flyeth as a Fugitive and thou pursuest him even to the shaddow of Death What may we say more of so profuse a Bounty Oh how thou courtest sinful flesh Being not content to pardon his crimes but even through thy own death to procure him a Kingdom All the ancient Patriarchs who were persecuted in times past and all the glorious Martyrs who since our Saviour have endured such torments made but a tryal of his Dolours Impatient souls then as we are Can we expect a greater motive to suffering then to have our Saviour for an example Who then will complain Or who is the man who cannot bear a
small burden to which he is tyed by duty and nature when he beholds this great Abyss of love of mercy of dolours of ignomy of blood of lowliness of admiration and amazement which swalloweth up all thoughts dryeth up all mouths and stayeth all Pens and hands And canst thou O my Soul after all this think any cross heavie any affliction hard to endure Canst thou chuse but be vexed and enraged at thy repinings O my great and only good Suppress those unreasonable follies which boyl in my Breast Make me know that whatsoever happens good or bad to me is my best portion because it comes from thee O rich Treasure O mass of glory In proportion to which all the labours and tribulations which Men or Divels can heap on me are nothing considerable Thou hast seen also O my Soul with what unparallell'd addresses and exquisite inventions the Lord hath sought thee and wooed thy love He gave thee heaven and earth with all their creatures for thy motives to serve and love him He made himself thy fellow and brother in flesh and blood yea he hath heaped on thee all the Names and Titles of Endearment which either Nature or Use have introduced among mankinde He is thy Father thy Spouse thy Friend thy Ransomer out of danger thy Redeemer from thraldome and slavery thy Saviour from death and misery yea he is thy food thy drink thy self O Eternal Wisdomed How truly then didst thou say It was thy delight to be with the Sons of men Can Angels boast of such Priviledges of such tendernesses of such Extasies of Love No None but so weak a Nature as Ours was able to necessitate Goodness it self to so deep a condescendence as this and none but all goodness could so appropriate it self to all infirmities O melting goodness that fillest every Corner thou findest capable of thy perfection We find the holy Phrenzie of Love to have possessed many of the Saints of God here on earth Moses out of his extream love to his Country-men wished himself blotted out of the Book of God Exod. 32.32 S. Paul wished himselfe accursed unless his brethren might be saved with him Rom. 9.3 But if ever any exceeded in Love above all the Love that was in the world it was thou O Saviour Joh. 10.20 who in the excess of thy Love to thy very Enemies wouldest suffer thy Self to be taken delivered up and shamefully put to death for them And in consideration whereof it seems S. Hierom cryes out Oh ungrateful man to thy God whosoever thou art considerest thou not the wonderful Love of him who is the Lord of heaven to be delighted thus to do and to suffer for thee And thinkest thou thy selfe better when thou art in the company of the wicked and prophane Return Shunamite return And surely methinks we should not here so greedily seek after the delights and contentments of Nature seeing the God of Nature so roughly handled in the world which he built with his own hands Ah! should not the Example of our Saviour make us ashamed when we nearly consider the sorrow of his life and the ignomy of his death We read of one further who considering this height of mercy which aboundeth with all Riches and hath the plenitude of all happiness cryeth out in a great Extasie O Love What hast thou done Thou hast changed God into man thou hast drawn him out of the lustre of his Majesty to make him a Pilgrim here on Earth thou hast shut him nine moneths in the wombe of a Virgin Tu deum in hominem demutatum voluisti tu deum abbreviatum paul sper à majestatis suae immenfitate c. Zeno. Ser. de Fide Spe. Charit thou hast annihilated the Kingdom of Death when thou taughtest God to dye Ah Love indeed which drowneth all humane thoughts which swalloweth all earthly affections which causeth the Spirit to forget it selfe and to look on nothing but Heaven A Love which Angels study and admire whichman could not be without and conceived in that fire which Jesus came to enkind●e on earth to enflamethe whole world Alas who can chuse but admire to think how thou O blessed Jesus descendest from the highest part of Heaven to take our Nature upon thee to charge thy self with our debts to lay our Burdens and Miseries on thy own shoulders to lodge in the silly Cottage of our Heart to be dispoiled of all for us to become our Riches by thy Poverty Strength to us by thy weakness To become Contemptible to make us Glorious and full of Sufferings to ease our servitude To make thy selfe of a King of Glory a man of Sorrows and to purchase our happiness with as many wounds as thou hadst ●embers And shall none of those Arrowes and shafts flying on every side of thee O my Soul wound thee to him shall none of his Favours Benefits and Affections descend into thee to fill and replenish thee with flames of thankfulness and love Canst thou still continue obdurate in the midst of those burning ardors and not be wholly captivated with his Bounty yea altogether inebriated with the Extasies of his Love Canst thou think of the infinite love of thy Saviour in suffering for thee and not admire his goodness Canst thou read the History of his life a life of Dolours from the Cradle to his Grave and peruse it without compassion canst thou think of his death and not commix the waters of thine eyes with those of his water and blood Ah! canst thou consider all this and not perpetually languish with fervent desires yea cause thy soul to melt and dissolve with spiritual languour on the heart of thy beloved O mirrour O Perfection mine eyes dazel in beholding thy Love my Pen fails in writing thy Praises O blind if thou knowest not O insensible if thou neglectest it and O unfortunate if thou loosest it Go and see the Ashes of those who have been burnt with the worlds love and thou shalt see nothing comparable to his Love who came to put us into the possession of all his greatness by surcharging himselfe with our miseries It may be thou hast seen some to die on an Earthly Scaffold who with the sweetness of their countenances terrified the most terrible aspects of their Executioners They did they spake they suffered they ordered their death as matter of triumph They comforted others in a time when they had much to do not to complain themselves But here here is a Banquet which carries with it all the benefits of Life yet attended with an Edict of Death Here 's Cruelty mingled with Delights Joy with Sorrow and Pleasures with Funerals Ah! what more could he possibly have done then thus to suffer for us He hath washed us in his blood he hath regenerated us into his Love If we endure any thing for him he endureth with us he weepeth for us he prepareth eternal springs of consolations for us yea he mingleth all our griefs in the
know ah little indeed the glory and blessedness of this love little dost thou know the excellency of this Love Is there any thing here below but baseness in espect of thy enjoyments above are the heavy sufferings the unsatisfying vanities of this world really sutable to thy desires or canst thou find any place more sutable to thy misery then that of mercy or of nearer interest or Relation then that of Heaven Come away then O my Soul stop thine ears to the ignorant language of the world what is the Beauty the Riches the Honours thou hast so much admired Canst thou but even close thine eyes and thou wilt think it all darkness and deformity What is the beauty thou hast so much admired alas when the night comes it will be nothing to thee whilst thou hast gazed on it it hath withered away do●h not the wrinkles of consuming sickness or of age or some other deformity make it as loathsome as it was once delightful Ah then O miserable man that thou art unworthy Soul how canst thou love a skinful of dirt and canst no more love the heavenly Glory art thou not a Soul is not heaven the onely lovely Object art thou not a Spirit and is not Earth a Dungeon to Celestial Glory shall Gold or Greatness or worldly Pomp be thy Idols vvhich are all dirt and dung to Christ come forth then O my dull and drowsie Soul thou hast lain long enough in these earthly Cells where cares have been thy Fetters where sorrows have been thy lodgings and Satan thy Jaylor The Soul calling to mind the infinite Love of her Saviour bewailes her ungratefulness and the coldness of her returns WHen holy David considered the vvorks of Gods hands the Sun and the Moou which he had made Psal 8.3 4. he immediately breaks forth into thoughts of humility touching the frail and sad estate of man But blessed Lord what can we say for our great neglect of that Love which hath stretched it self for us even to the death of the Cross and what stupidity is it to forget that that bloody Banquet which was to us the source of life should bring with it the Edict of death O poor Sinner What hast thou done look upon a Deed that vvas worthy of none but thy cruelty stretch out thy hands put thy fingers into those wounds vvhich thou hast made bedew thy hands like unbelieving Thomas in that sacred stream vvhich flowed from thy Saviours side Drink miserable vvretch of that River vvhich there thou seest glide to quench thy thirst Look and behold those dead eyes which accuse thy nakedness and which thou still dost wound with the aspect of thy wickedness alas they are not shut so much by the necessity of death as by the horrour of thy Luxury Behold the great temper of thy Saviours Soul in his most horrible sufferings what could be invented which he endured not what could be undergon which he met not vvith Oh high effect of an infinite Love vvhich found no belief in senses no perswasion in minds no example in manners nor resemblance in nature It is storied of a Prince vvho being desirous to offer himself to death for the preservation of his Subjects took the habite of a Clown the better to facilitate his death he laid down his Crown and Purple and all the Ensigns of Royalty onely retaining those of Love and lost his life in his Enemies hands But alas this was but a mortal life and in giving it he onely paid that tribute to Nature which at last he must of necessity yield But where have we read that a man glorious by Birth and immortal by condition hath espoused that humility which all the world despiseth that mortality which all must partake of that mercy which none can equalize and for no other occasion then to dye for his friend O dear Jesus thou wert by nature immortal and impregnable against all exterior violences thou took'st not the Body of a Peasant nor a body of Air but a true body of Flesh personally united to the word of God Thou O blessed Saviour consumedst thy body with Travails thou quailedst it with toils thou castedst tottered Rags over thy Purple● thou laid'st our miseries upon thy own shoulders and at last resignedst thy selfe as a Prey to a most dolorous death My God! What a Prodigie is this Thou foundest a way to accord infirmity with Soveraignty Honour with Ignomy Life with Death and Time with Eternity O God of Glory O mild Saviour all this hast thou done it was not possible that sole God should suffer death nor sole Man should vanquish it but God and Man hath overcome it Ought not then thy pains to be as much adored by our wills as they are incomprehensible to our understandings And alas how much ought we to be ashamed since instead of enkindling our Affections with the sacred fires of thy Eternal Love we have sought after prophane fire from the eyes of earthly Beautie and have opened our hearts to Forreign flames Ah ungrateful Soul art thou not afraid to hear those heart-piercing words Cant. 5.6 I opened to my beloved but my beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone my soul failed when I spake I sought him but I could not find him Shall the love of God be so communicative as to stream forth by those two conduit-pipes of Glory and Beauty and art thou not hereupon even confounded to see thy heart so narrow and streightned in the exercise of holiness and good works Oh blessed Saviour thou didst spend thy time in continual pain and labours here on Earth for the redemption of the world Many were the scorns reproaches and miseries thou endurest for us Thou didst even melt and dissolve under the ardors of unspeakable affection and zeal for our salvation and at last exposedst thy self to languors sorrows extasies and the cruel punishment of the Cross and shall ingratitude be all the return thou reapest for such infinite mercy How justly maist thou many many times question with me as thou did once with S. Peter Joh. 21.17 Lovest thon me Thou seemest indeed poor soul to love me But why then dost thou not keepe my Commandements Doth not fond love which ordinarily delights to see what it cannot attain find too much admiration for thy eyes and food for its flame Ah that ever thou shouldst spend so many hours endure so much pain and run so many hazards to seek after an unhappy loathsomness Oh that ever thou shouldst take away thy love from me to place it on Creatures which so little deserve it And why should the faculties of the eye which was ordained for light be thus applyed to darkness Shall that which was Created for the use of Life be the cause of Death Alas what canst thou gain by imbracing thy Lusts O poor deceived Soul what Snares what Traps what Tempests beset thee on all sides O Man miserable wretch drenched in the waters of bitter Tears where alas wilt
to the voyce of his deceitful charming not doubting that however Christ had for a time withdrawn his wonted favour he was still her Advocate and even at that instant pleading her case and answering for her at the Bar of Gods Justice all those suits which Satan was then objecting against her Oh saith the Soul it is he that dyed for my sins and rose again for my Justification my own Righteousness alas is but as menstruous Rags It is he onely that was made for me Wisdome Righteousness and Redemption Rom. 5.25 It is he that hath satisfied an infinite Justice for my sinnes Isai 53.4 5 6. It is he that bears my grief and carries my sorrows and will at last cure my sufferings Behold then the various Dispensations of a merciful God! Oh the wonderful experience of a strong belief in a high mounted Soul whose excellent Graces of Charity and Humility are like so many wings to carry her above all the sense of her present Afflictions giving her to see that though Jesus were sometimes pleased to hide himself in the Gospel as the Sun within a Cloud yet he would again draw the Curtain the Sun of Righteousness would appear with healing in his wings and notwithstanding his present withdrawment did receive her sighs and bottle up her Tears and would again shew himself in the best time And whensoever the ship of her Soul seemed wrack't then would she endeavour to save her self upon the Rock of his infinite mercy at this Pool of Bethesda would she still lie until he cured her on this Thread would she catch to bear up her wounded spirit and upon him would she still wait who loves those to the end whom he once loves whose presence she always desired to cherish and resolved still to wait on him who but for a time hides his face from the house of Jacob Isai 8.17 And Iob. 10.1 laying her complaint upon her self How often would she thus expostulate with her offended God Ah Lord the marks of thy bounty * Semel electus semper dilectus I confess are no less then all I am and have Ah wretched I that continually wear about me all the Tokens of thy kindness and yet not love thee what shall I answer when thou saist unto me I created thee like unto my self I made thee a little God on Earth I imprinted on thy forehead the Character of my Greatness The Sun shined on thee the Earth supported thee the Creatures clothed thee and yet thou hast forgotten me O admirer of thy self and ignorant of my works Why hast thou husbanded my goods as to change them into evil Alas poor Soul what evidence will at the last day be produced against thee The Devils who first tempted thee to sin will then rise up as witnesses against thee The Angels of God before whom thou shouldst not have sinned will then testifie against thee The abused Creatures will then be brought in to thy conviction The Messengers of God will cry aloud against thee for neglecting their Doctrine All the personal mercies which thou hast received will also be so many evidences against thee the Earth that bore thee the Air thou breathedst in the Food which nourished thee the Clothes which covered thee the Creatures that laboured for thee the Houses thou dwelledst in and all things else that served for thy use will then further thy condemnation And may not God himself justly expostulate with thee Did all my mercies deserve no more thanks shouldst thou not have better served me that gave them was I so hard a Master was my work so hard and unreasonable or my Rewards of so little value as no way to perswade thee to my service Ah ungrateful wretch that the love of God the evil of sinne the blood of thy Saviour the Judgements to come the Glory promised and the punishment threatned should not be as forcible to draw thee to Holiness as a little fleshly delight and worldly gain is to draw thee to wickedness O whether will thy mind fail when distempers shall steer it Whether will thy Fancy run when Diseases shall ride it What Hell wilt thou frame within thy Conscience Watchings will surprize thee Dreams will terrifie thee and if some terrible Bird do but croak in the Night it is presently the sad voice of some dead man who bids thee prepare for another world Ah! that thou couldst but think of thy perplexed condition vvhen thy conscience being once awakened shall blush and stare thee in the face when thy sins with David Psal 51.3 Shall be ever in thy sight Then will thy mouth be confessing thy eyes weeping thy cheeks blushing thy hands writinging and smiting thy bosome thy heart-bleeding thy Heart-strings breaking and thy voice crying out vvith Cain My sinnes are greater then can be forgiven Then too late wilt thou cry Lord have mercy upon me vvhen a ruinous house shall be ready to fall about thy ears vvhen tediousness of sickness loss of Goods and confusion of understanding shall encompass thee when thy windy sighes and deep-fetch't Groans of thy breaking heart when the misty Clouds of thy closing eyes the Roaring thunder of thy stammering tongue sometimes perchance venting horrible Oathes and Blasphemies shall represent nothing but Images to the Beholders And alas vvhat vvilt thou do when in the last agonies of Death thy Body shall feel such great disturbances as will make thee to turn here and there to rub the Bed-clothes vvhich over-power thee with Convulsions vvhich choke thy speeches make thy Visage Pale thy memory to faulter and a cold sweat to over-spread all thy body which is onely encompassed with weeping eyes whining countenances distracted looks affrighted and dejected Visages hideous out-cryes and perchance which is worse with petty Furies Ah! what content wilt thou then take when Death comes to sound his last Trumpet in thy Ears saying unto thee Come let us be going thou must dislodge from thy Riches thy large possessions from thy Beauties and fading Pleasures from thy friends and from thy kindred and never more to return again Oh! how bitter will be the remembrance of death how harsh will it be unto unmortified spirits when they shall say to the Body ah whither goest thou dear Hostess whether goest thou Thou hast hitherto most tenderly pampered me pompously cloathed me wantonly cherished me I was thy Idol thy Pride thy Glory and whether now must thou go What into a Grave with Serpents and Wormes alas what wilt thou do there and what will become of thee Thus fares it with distressed Souls in the shades of Death when fixing their dying eyes upon their former acquaintance they find some weeping others screeching some fainting and all under a veil of sorrow encompassing their Bed with this sad Note alas do you leave us and shall we meet no more Farewel pleasing amities adieu all our sports feasts and loves now is the time come that me must leave all our earthly acquaintance all our Table
Fear not O Spouse thy Beloved is not wholly departed Be not troubled if thy journey to Canaan be through the wilderness of this world and if in thy way to Sion thou pass through the valley of Baca since Christ is a Cloud and Pillar to direct thee Thus by the Gates of Hell doth God oftentimes shew us the way to Heaven He who is not tyed alwayes to bring a Soul thither by one and the same Road can make Death the way to life The Sun of Righteousness is stil bright though behind a Cloud and not seen to us The Nurse is withdrawn oftentimes that the Mother may get the chiefest affections of the Child And though God leave a poor Soul labouring in the Pangs of Desertion yet through the Sun-shine of Gods countenance ripening its Graces cloudy weather still advantageth her growth and her Barrenness at last yeelds a fruitful Harvest Gods relief comming alwaies in the best time and she patiently attends his help from Heaven even until the fourth which is the last watch of the Night And when vvith Peter she is freed out of the Prison of strong Temptation and God is pleased to come in unto her with abundance of comfort Oh! how is she raised to bless the Lord who hath forgiven her sinnes and healed all her infirmities The waves of Terrours and flouds of Afflictions never beat so violently upon her neither did she so much complain of spiritual wants as now she saw the wonders of God in the deep and the infinitenefs of his Wisdom in the dispensations of comfort and joy of grief and terrour The Souls complaint now is no longer Where is my God become or that There is no soundness in her flesh because of his anger All her distempers seem but as so much Physick to clense her from her manifold sins Yea she now seems even drown'd in sweetness and in sinking cryes out Oh the breadth of thy unfathomable love what Saint what Tongue what Angel can speak out thy unexpressible kindness Ephes 5.17 Thou hast loosed my Bonds Oh that my heart could burn in love towards thee Oh that I could as I desire make known to others hovv good thou hast been to me in preserving strengthning and fixing my fiath on a Rock not to be over-born vvith the storms and swelling Surges of Satans Temptations Methinks I meet thee every where O blessed Jesus with a hundred arms unfolded to do me good what place what time what moment is not filled vvith thy Bounty Though passions have for a time assailed my mind and thy Terrours have affrighted my spirits yet behold now thy Grace hath shot through the dark Clouds of my Sin and doubting thy Darts have pierced the Center of my heart with quickning sparklings my spirits are come again Ah how my Soul is fill'd with joy ravishment and admiration Oh God! who is he who beholds the fading shadows of the world this dismal place where cares and sorrows are still growing young and never die that would ever betray his Soul Heaven and his God to yield obedience thereunto who vvould betray an Eternity of blessing for a Pleasure so short and wretched who would build Tabernacles here to lose a Mansion among Celestial Souls where Love onely Reigns who would not give a farewel to those earthly Cottages to ascend those mounts of Bliss vvhere every season is a constant Spring who vvould desire to make his name great here on Earth and desire to have them enrolled among the Saints in Heaven O what Celestial mirth what an expansion of all the faculties of the Spirit yea what rejoycing is there in the heart of Man vvhen Christ begins to make it his Throne all Powers do him homage all Passions render him service Who can conceive what joy passeth in the Soul vvhen Jesus is pleased to take up his lodging in it Hovv is the heart excited awakened and enflamed towards Heaven what distaste is there of all things in the world It is as light to bleared eyes It is as food to hungry Travellers It is the repose to the wearied the Country of poor Pilgrims and the Crown of all our happiness Nothing but Fires Desires Sweetness Affections Joyes and Admirations will transport our Souls having once regained our wel-beloved our thoughts will wholly be employed upon Jesus we shall be dead and insensible to all the Objects of the world All the Thornes wherewith it is encompassed will seem as Roses If we swim in the Tears of Wotmwood it will be no other then sweet water All the wounds we receive will be but like Rubies and Pearls Our Maladies will prove but sports our Calumnies will be our blessings yea Death it self no other then a happy life When the Soul sleeps Jesus is in her sleep vvhen she speaks Jesus is under her Tongue when she Writes Jesus is under her Pen and when she is merry she chaunts forth the praises of her Jesus in her solitude she seems all environed with Raptures And vvhen any reproves her for being alone she cries out nothing less before she vvas interrupted with their company In the morning she grieves to think how often she shall offend God before Night Being about to rest she bitterly vvith scalding Tears laments that she shall have no more power over her Dreams but offend her Saviour while she slept Thus is her mind alwayes running after her dear Spouse Se is in a prison of Love vvhere her Thoughts her Hopes her Joyes were Chains And still doth she elevate her self upon the wings of Faith in the highest postures she can towards Heaven taking the choisest affections vvith her vvhereby to ascend that Mountain of pure and inexpressible light She vvell knew that true Pleasure vvas to be found no vvhere but in God vvhose Joyes are like those Gardens which never vvither but are perpetually watered vvith immortal Graces And oh How if it vvere possible vvould she express her love to him by daily offering her self a hundred times for him in as many Sacrifices as she hath Thoughts and Body Members Never Ship laden vvith Gold arrived more gladly at the Haven after many tedious Tempests and a thousand disasters among Pirates at Sea as the poor soul novv seems to take content in the love of God And having spun out all the Web vvhich he gave her cryes out I have ended all the hopes of the vvorld why stayest thou O my God! to receive my Soul which I bear in my lips O Jesus at whose name the Heaven the Earth and Hell do bend the knee I now care not what I suffer for thee so I sin not against thee so I may for ever injoy thee Thus the love of God is like Lightning in a Cloud still striving to break forth and suffers the Soul to take little rest in any thing but what it undertakes for the glory of her Maker Joh. 11. who many times defers the cure that his power may be the more manifest the heats of
thy Masters Table sometimes suffice thee Canst thou not be content to touch the Hem of his Garment Hast thou eaten so plentifully of the Loaves of his mercy canst thou not sometimes be content to fast with him in the Wilderness Wilt thou be with him in the Calm and not with Peter adventure to him on the waves of Trouble Thus doth the poor Soul often check her self for her great faintness under the power of some affliction But though she see it a sad thing to row where Jesus is not in the Boat yet at last she finds all things to fall out aright with those who embarque with him If he once say It is I be not afraid Mat. 14.6.26 How quickly doth the storm of temptation cease Nothing seems grievous to a sincere Christian so as at last with the Apostle he may finish his course with Joy He is like a Pearl coming out of the salt Sea beholding himself involved almost from his birth in great acerbities and horrible confusions from whence he mounts with so much lustre as to make his adversities the steps to the Temple of Glory That Soul which hath brought it self to love God above all and to despise all in comparison of him and accounts it self unhappy if for one moment of time diverted from the sweet Idea's and most sublime thoughts of his person will with comfort pass over all the troubles and acerbities suffered in in his service perpetually languishing with most ardent desires to behold him face to face Have you never seen those poor Tulips in a Garden shut up with melancholly under the shadie coldness of the night which in the next morning have been as it were unlock with the Key of the Suns Rayes Just so doth it happen to those drooping Souls who sometimes seem benummed and frozen through the want of that Presence which at last enlivens them with great refreshment and cheerfulness Who would have thought that Jonah when contrary to the advice of his Master he would turn Polititian and fly from his Presence should forthwith be swallowed by the greedy Ocean yet behold when the Tempest pursued him the Sea raged on him the Belly of a Whale which we thought his Sepulcher became his Palace wherein had he not been buried he had dyed Sure there is I know not what kind of charm in holy sadnesses which cannot be sufficiently expressed but such it is that a Soul contristated from God when it is fallen into those Abysses wherein all the world reputes it lost findeth in the bottom of its heart such lights and sweetnesses as that there is not any comfort in the world to be compared with them Still is the dejected Soul crying out My God! I adore thy holy Providence which sometimes drencheth me with Gall and Wormwood in an age wherein others are accustomed to vvalk on Roses Thou know'st O Lord that my pride hath need of such a counter-poise and in all equity hast thou done that which thy wisdom thought good What though mine eyes are moistned and fail not every night to pour forth streaming Rivers Is it reason I should live without some light hurt seeing thee wounded on all sides for my example Can I receive or take contentment in the hopes of a better fortune Where should I gather those pleasures that I shall at last in joy in thee It s true I am yet upon the weeping banks of the River of Babylon But since thou hast at last promised to wipe off those Tears since thou hast told me Thy yoke is easie and thy burden light and hast at last promised to ease all those that labour and are heavy laden why should I not fix all my consolations and songs at the feet of thy Cross why should I desire any thing more in the world then the performance of thy holy will Observe then whosoever thou art that readest these lines of what wood God useth to frame his Saints Do we not see oftentimes that some escape out of Prison by fire others falling into precipices very gently have found their liberty in the bottom thereof others to whom poyson hath turn'd into nourishment others to whom blowes of a Sword have prolonged life by opening their Impostumes yea often it is that the seeds of good hap are sometimes hid under the appearances of evil Oh silly humane Prudence then which darest to row against the providence of God! finding us many precpices in thy passions which seem so pleasing to thee as thou openest snares to betray thy poor soul Is it possible that any who bears the Name of a Christian should not be grieved to lead a life an Enemy to the Cross of Christ That so many good men as we read of should by the power of virtue afflict their bodies and preferre contempt above all that the world esteemeth that they might conform to the sufferings of their Saviour and any contentment should be delightful which comes not from divine things and blots out all the memory of sensual delectations Can it possibly be that the Soul which hath forsaken the Love-dalliances of the world and razed out of his heart all other love as the Rayes of the Sun scatter the Shadows and Phantasms of the Night should any more delight in its former pleasures No sure she returns as from the Country of the dead with languishing voyce and interrupted words she bedews her self with tears for every vain thought and idle word which offers violence or makes the least breach on her former engagement When David avvaked as it were out of a dead sleep after he had remained nine moneths covered with filth and blood without coming to himself until Nathan took away that veil that blinded him how soon did he become another man He was no more that amourous David but a Penitent exceedingly humbled having a heart bleeding eyes weeping a sad and disfigured face a body made thin sighings redoubled one upon another Joynts pined away with fastings and austereness Bones broken by reason of his sin Society was unpleasing to him the light unwelcome to him because reproaching him with his offence His Couch swam with Tears his Harp was employed in expressing his griefs his whole Body all this while dying to all mortal things of the earth ecchoed his groanings and swell'd with weeping on the Sea of Repentance until he regained that presence from which he desired God never more to cast him And oh that we could but cast those eyes which have so often descried the fair prospects of the world upon Jesus our Saviour the true brazen Serpent to free us from the Serpents of Hell Fire yea O dear Saviour look back upon me as thou didst upon Peter cast those eyes upon me which did incessantly watch for my salvation even to the passing of whole Nights in sighs and Prayers O cast those eyes of love of mercy and compassion upon me which dart the beams of day-light into souls that love thee Let those eyes
which are always flourishing cool shadow my wandering eyes from the burning glances of lustful concupisence Let those eyes which no sooner began to exercise the functions of life but were seen all in blossom and an amourous aspect for us allay the spreading Rayes of those open Casements Let those eyes which from the top of a mountain looked on a poor famished people who wander'd through the deserts as sheep deprived of their shepherd guid my straying heart to thy own self Briefly let those chrystal fountains which daily distil the sweet influences of mercies which in dropping tears so freely poured out themselves over miserable Hierusalem which prov'd so efficacious for us when thou gav'st up thy Soul with weeping and bleeding in the Sacrifice of the Cross quench the flames of all unholy desires and abate the fervour of all sinful thoughts and affections within us The Soul in a Phrensey breaks out into admiration of Gods love in being freed from the misery of everlasting flames THe discourse of Heavenly things is the sweetest Manna which the Soul tasteth in the wilderness of this world She is ever crying out O Glory O Bliss O Happiness how have ye struck me to the heart O when will the happy day come that I shall sit at this Fountain-head and not need with pain to draw the water of pleasure When shall I arrive at this sweet Ravishment and Extasie Alas my dulness my weakness my drowsiness yea ever and anon is she crying out Oh the compassion of that Physitian which finding his Patients in a Phrensie and knowing that nothing could preserve their life but the loss of his own is contented to die not onely for those who were the causers of his death but the Actors and instruments themselves Solomon saith That Love is as strong as death Cant. 8.6 But if we examine the strength of each we shal find Love to be the stronger It s true all earthly things submit to the power of death young and old Kings and Peasants Scepters and Spades are all alike to him Not the Supremacy of the King also not the holiness of the Prophet as we see in David not the gravity of the High Priest verified in Eli to his Sons Not the wisdom of Solomon or the strength of Sampson are any way exempted from owing Homage or paying tribute to Love as unto Death If we compare also the acts of Love with those of Death we shall find Love not onely as powerful and universal but much stronger Death being only seen in taking the Rich the Strong the Wise the Young the Great But O behold how Love hath prevailed over the Son of God the Saviour and life of the world See how he submitted himself to his death out of Love Was it not Love and onely Love that wrestled with God and overcame him in this that he should leave the Heavens and lay down his life submitting himself to that death which had no power over him O my God what do I here see what is this my eyes behold Truly my Lord my God! death hath transported thee even to Extasie Alas what shall I say to thee my heart overwhelming love when I consider how many Millions are swallowed up in Eternal perdition while I am one of that small number thou hast brought to the light of knowing thee and finding the narrow way to salvation Why didst thou set thine eyes upon me preferring a wretch before so many thousands was it because I was Nobler or more excellent then they Ah no! O my Soul what dost thou expect if this be not enough to set thee on fire Look about thee and behold yet a further endearment see thy own Country thy Neighbours Acquaintance thy Kindred and Friends yea how many maist thou find of all degrees more worthy of acceptation then thy self Oh how the Soul is fill'd with a Seraphick Love with a fire drawn from the most pure flames of Heaven which is uncessantly burning being shut up within a melting heart without consuming and which like a Diamond in the midst of a thousand Hammers is never moved with all their violence is never tempted with the glittering of Honours but is alwayes tempering of Gall with the most delicious contentments of this life to follow her Jesus her wounded Jesus her Jesus that was crucified for her Still is she crying out to her self whence come those Lights those Joyes those Pleasures Consolations and Hopes which are thus above our strength and wherewith we often find our thoughts to be transported and raised above our selves Is it not from thee O Jesus who enters into our Soul and becomes our Comforter we need not seek thee in Heaven seeing thou art thus in our heart and there utterest thy Oracles O do thou still raise us above all the concupisences of flesh let us ever love and dilate our selves in thee which thus fillest us with the height of thy Glories Let the sweet familiarity we have with thee our Redeemer steal from us all extraordinary care of the worlds employments Though we are within the world let us be nothing less then of the world Let us like Fishes live silent in the roaring of the waves and keep our selves freshamidst the brinywaters of the Sea of this world yea like the beams of the Sun let us touch the Earth but never leave Heaven And since mercy provoked changeth it self into severe Justice and what Creatures then are there which will not punish a fugitive Soul which flyes from her Saviour through her ingratitude when he draws her to him by the sweetness of his love O let me above all things fear to be forsaken of thee my God! O let not mine eyes be the snares of my Soul Blessed Lord thou hast given thy self for a portion thy Son for a Ransom Rom. 8.32 Ier. 10.16 Psal 16.5 thy Spirit for a Pledge thy Word for a Guide and thy glorious Kingdom for an Inheritance and alas how unable am I to value the least of thy blessings much less to repay thee any thing for them since I am infinitely below all thy mercies and had I any thing worthy thy acceptance it were all thine and I could offer nothing to thee but thine own What then shall I do but throw my heart to the feet of thy bounty all naked all melted without self-will or povver of resistance Lord do thy pleasure upon me 1 Sam. 3.8 Howbeit I will not despair of my Disease vvhilst I remember the Physitian Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean Yea I hope I am even now under thy healing hand And though during my continuance in this Body many infirmities oppress me yet vvill I never leave craving what thou hast taught me alvvayes to ask Give me therefore a Gracious disposition a more watchful obedience to thy law a more mortified conversation for the future and more sorrow and contrition of heart for what is past O let my eyes be open to see the shortness of
canst thou love more or express it beyond this yet to all these and infinitely more tortures and unspeakable miseries was thy Saviour expos'd O my Soul for thy sake for thine my soul that thou maist not complain thou wantest an Object a Motive a Pattern or invitation to love O mirrour of Love Love it self Christ our Saviour Hovv earnest wert thou nay how delighted wert thou to Treat of thy Passion It were thy sweet words not long before thy death With desire have I desired to eat And when S. Peter would have disswaded thee from thy last Sufferings thou reprovedst him more for this then for his denyal of thee in the High Priests Hall Thou only castedst thy eye upon him for the first as minding him thereby of his great promise made never to deny him but for the other thou bidst him avaunt yea call'st him Satan as being the hinderer of thy much desired and longed for death Ah! incomparable Love who can think on and not admire the Extasies of our sweet Saviour How is he even ravished with the object of his Death and transported with the Idea of his sufferings Behold how he encourageth himself in this combate How troubled he is at all those that hinder it How confident doth he look on the Cross as the Fountain of his Glory And shall we not love his Cross which Jesus hath cherished every place is a Paradise to him that knows how to love the Cross and every thing a Hell to those that fly it Oh blessed Saviour then who canst lift up all the Earth with the least finger of thy power raise up a little this sinful mass of my Body which so sadly weighs it self down by its sinnes O my God fix thine eyes upon me and thou shalt thereby bring me to the fountain of true happiness The Father hath given me to thee and I am the conquest of thy precious bloud and wilt thou suffer a Soul to be taken away from thee that hath cost thee so many sweats and sufferings Alas Lord thou hast but one life and I see 1000 instruments of death that have taken it away Was there need of so many bloudy Doors to let out thy innocent Soul Could it not part from thy Body without making on all sides so many wounds which after they had served for the Objects of mens Cruelty serve now for those of thy mercy O Lance cruel Lance why didst thou open his most tender side But in thus playing the Murtherer thou hast made a Sepulchre wherein I will from henceforth bury my Soul When I behold the wounds of my dear Saviour I do acknowledge the stroaks of my own hand and will therefore likewise there engrave my Repentance Give me then O sacred mouth give me that Gall which I see upon thy lips to sprinckle all my pleasures divide with me O beautiful head thy dolorous Crown of Thorns seeing it were my sinnes which sowed them Lend me O sacred hands and adored feet the Nails that have pierced them and while I live let me never breathe any other life but that onely which shall be produced from my Crucified Saviour Surely we shall never be worthy of him until we thus bear the Ensigns of his War and Ornaments of our Peace And alas what reason hath wretched man to complain Is not suffering our Trade our Vow our Profession As the Clock goeth on by the help of its counnter-poise so a Christians life never proceedeth so much in virtue as by the counter-ballance of its Crosses Make me then to serve thee to imitate thee yea to suffer for thee O thou King of the afflicted Ah that I had a Sea of sweet odours to empty on an Object so worthy of love Art thou unwilling to bear part of thy Saviours Cross yet give O my Soul give at least tears to him who satisfied for thy sins Consider that thy miscalled Sufferings ifrightly used are indeed Blessings What if thou lose thy fortunes it is to make thee know thy self what if thy Health be empaired it will make thee disaffect this world What if thou lose thy Riches is it not to make thee seek out better By all which God is pleased to shew us the straightest way to that life which he hath promised us and to assure us by his own Tribulation who could not but know and embrace what is best that the way of Tribulation is the high-way to Heaven We find indeed Tertullian in one place thus complaining Eternal Wisdom which thus cuts thy childrens Threats and use them as Sacrifices as if thou couldest not Crown them but by their Torments or Honour them but by their punishments But alas he that will love must serve And Behold August Serm. 19. de verb. Apost saith S. Au-gustine The foolish Lovers and Amorists of the world are not they who are surprised therewith ready to serve to endure all commands in Attire in Habite and behaviour for a Mistress sake Oh foul confusion of life and prostitution of spirit God who promiseth never to behold us with a good eye unless we keep his Commandments deserves to be loved above all things Love that cannot suffer is not Love Yea the last Character of love to our Saviour is to suffer for him the Prince of Sufferings Our Souls are engaged by Oath saith Tertullian to this warfare so soon as we first enter into Christianity Tertul. ad Scap. Besides know we not that all Creatures of the world groan and bring forth that all the Elements are in Travell and in a ceaseless agitation The Air it self say the Philosophers is perpetually struck with the motion of Heaven to prevent the hatching of Poyson The Rivers are purified by their streaming current One deep must call upon another the deep of Afflictions calls for that of Honour and the heights of Honour are prepared according to the measure of our Tribulations In this world Cruelty is mingled with Lights and Pleasures with Funerals Gods Prison is a School of Wisdome In this Captivity are we free under these Bonds and Irons our Soul can walk with God in the midst of Groans and sighs our heart can rejoyce it can talk with him though with the three Children in the midst of the fiery Furnace And as the most rigorous of Punishments became a Throne of Honour to those three Champions the fire forgetting it self to be fire and the Furnace strewing it self with Roses so all the Thorny paths of our Pilgrimage here seem but like a Meadow enamelled over with Flowers If we here make Jesus the Object of our present Dolours he will hereafter prove the Fountain of our Eternall Joyes Behold then the exact method which providence keeps in the conduct of her chosen ones Behold the Character of an humble Soul persecuted by the Tongues of Slanderers by the Arms of his kindred by the contempt of his friends by the ingratitude of his Enemies yea of those upon whom he had still heaped good turns without
Soul resolves for ever to yield an humble submission to his Will THe Soul of Man can hardly entertain any Portion of Gods will but that wherein it s own is concerned It is usually more troubled for any chastisement then for its sin yea it often mourns for sin rather because it deprives her of comfort then because it provoketh God Nay how hardly can it embrace his word with that joy and his providence with that contentment as to say at all times with patient Eli It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good Alas vvhat patience hath it in committing sinne but how impatient in suffering for it how ready to execute vice but how unwilling to endure the punishment Oh good God! How many years have I retain'd an inclination to sin my Soul is bound as it were with Iron Chains in this unhappy Bed Will there be no Angel to move the water for me How strange a thing is it that God should be so near us and yet we so far from him But alas we are too much for the world too fast nailed to the Earth He that desires the society of Angels must not embarque himself deeply in worldly affairs God is a Spirit and he that intends to receive good from him must not be a slave to his Body He that intends to find Christ must search for him as the three Kings did in the Manger of his Humility he must look for him as the blessed Virgin did in the Temple in his piety yea he must seek for him as the Maries did in his Sepulchre in the imitation of his death But where O Saviour shall I begin thy passion shall I go with thee into the Garden indeed there it begun there it was that thy Soul began to be exceeding sorrowful even unto the death There it was that thou beggest That the Cup might pass from thee Mat. 26.38 c. There it was that thou sweatedst in a cold night on the Ground in a cold Garden yea there it was that those drops of blood which so freely issued from thy veins were forthwith congealed with the Air. Oh thy matchless love Ah how sweet is the smell of it there in thy great Agony But shall we follow thee from the Garden into the High Priests Hall O how hideous were the outcryes of the rude Rabble against thee Ah Lord what was that vvhich stopped thy ear that thou wouldst not regard or silenced thy Tongue that thou wouldst not reply was it not thy Love Some spit upon thee others smiled on thee some railed on thee others blasphemed thee some scoffed others buffeted many accused and all cryed out against thee But stay may we not yet follow thee further and ascend mount Calvary Shall we not here see thee Nailed to the Cross for our sakes Shall we not here find thee breathing out thy last and pouring out thy hearts blood in a shameful cursed and tormenting way Ah the depth of thy Love O the transcendency of thy affections No man having ever thus laid down his life for his friends Unfortunate Sons of Adam the effects of whose fond disobedience are now become so sadly evident Behold thy Saviour cast on the Ground his knees bent his eyes over-flown with Tears his Hands stretched up towards Heaven all covered with gloomy Clouds and darkness his heart swoln with grief and is ready to break into some loud and doleful complaint against mans Ingratitude O my God! what means this universal strife and contention within thy own breast Art thou daunted at the sight of danger Is the sight of danger become so frightful to thee Thou weepedst indeed over Hierusalem and Mary Magdalen drew Tears from thy eyes but not with such astonishment as this Thou discoursedst of thy Passion on mount Tabor but with a Glory which ravished the eyes and hearts of all that beheld it thou hast often profest a great desire to see the hour of thy suffering and can horror possibly seize on thee Can grief surround thee cold and stupifying Tears possess thee now thou art arrived so near the place of thy wishes O no! thy great Design is to be tempted in all things without sinne that we might be comforted in the tremblings and faintings of our heart and that we might learn this great and difficult Lesson how to comfort our selves at the full Tide of anguish and Tribulations Behold further O my Soul what a glorious Lesson of Patience thy Saviour hath set before thy eyes Bend but thy ears to those sacred words Not my will but thine be fulfilled and who would think but that the excess of grief should a little disturbe thy memory Thou fore-saw'st no question Blessed Saviour those Clubs and Lantherns Souldiers and Officers prepared to lay hands upon thee and with loud cryes and scorns to carry thee to Hierusalem Hierusalem where thon hadst done so many miracles Hierusalem where thou so lately enteredst with Joy and Triumph and yet thou cryedst thy will be done Thou well knewest that Judges of all sorts Priests and Divines and Religious men which daily ministred at thy Holy Altar were appointed to discredit and accuse thee That Kings and Presidents Jews and Gentiles and an infinite number assembled at this great Feast would scorn and condemn thee and yet still thou cryedst thy will be done Thou beheldest those whips and scourges those Spe●rs and Thornes prepared to afflict thee a mock purple and the ridiculous Scepter of a Reed to vilifie and abuse thee a heavy Cross and tearing Nails unmerciful hands and ungrateful hearts to torment and affront thee yet could no way alter thee from crying Thy will be done It was no news to thee that a Murtherer should be preferred before thee and begg'd in thy place by thy beloved People amongst whom thou spentst thy life that two Theeves should be thy Companions and fellow-sufferers That Judas amongst thy own Disciples should betray thee that three of thy best friends should lie sleeping by thee that Peter himself should deny thee yea that all should shamefully forsake and fly from thee and yet still O dear Saviour thou said Thy will be done Thou sawest afore hand thy weeping and disconsolate Mother stand at the foot of thy Cross and afflicting thy departing Soul with the sight of thy grief and disconsolate condition thou leavest her in and last of all that thou shouldst be abandoned on all hands and not so much as thy lifes last breath spared O invincible Courage O admirable Fortitude which neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come nor fears nor torments could so far alter thy resolution but still thou submittest in these words Thy will be done Lord and not my own But alas Is there no remedy after all this submission for thy blessed Soul Must thou alone drink of this sower Cup Must thou alone tread the wine-press of sowre Grapes Alas dearest Saviour where is then the God of Elias Are his bowels of mercy turn'd