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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86528 The immortality of the soule: the excellencie of Christ Jesus, treated on. Wherein the faithfull people of God may finde comfort for their souls. / By T.H. Published according to order. Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647. 1645 (1645) Wing H2651; Thomason E309_20; ESTC R200423 15,087 23

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bloud in defence of this truth Christs Preachers by the holy Ghost preach his Word and him the innocent bloud of the children which Herod slue were Martyrs for him Christ and his Apostles and Deacons great works and miracles beare witnes of him Five hundred Brethren at once saw him risen again the Angels beare witnesse of his resurrection Christs Apostles beare witnesse of him and did eat and drink with him after he was risen Againe before that Mary saw him and cryeth out Master and Thomas felt his hands and his sides and cryeth out My Lord and God and after hee had beene seene of them the space of forty days he gathered together his Apostles and promised them to send the holy Ghost to comfort them and then hee ascends to Heaven before their faces where he sits at the right hand of God in glory untill he come again to render vengeance to his enemies which persecute and wrong his Saints and will not obey the Gospell of our Lord Jesus Christ and then will Christ Jesus gather his Saints and faithfull people from the East to West and from all places with thousands of might quick and strong Angels and bring to rest in Heaven for ever Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour was also shadowed out by thousands of burnt offerings of Bullocks Goats Lambes and fruits for sin-offerings and peace-offerings in all ages from the beginning of the World before Christs comming whose bloud and the blould of the paschall Lambe which were slain by hundred thousands every yeere was a shadow and a finger of the precious bloud of our glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which willingly offered up himself once for all whose bloud is a sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole World if they had the grace to lay hold on him by a lively faith but his death and merits shall save none of them but the faithfull and condemne the wicked Rebels because Christ was offered and they would not regard him Christ our High Priest is entred into Heaven and maketh daily intercession for us Now wee need not to offer the bloud of Buls Goats and Lambs Now since Christ is risen this is the Sacrifice God requireth at our hands to have his Laws written in our hearts to obey him to love him to honour him with our souls and bodies in our holy Assemblies and to keep his Sabbaths to give him prayse for his love unto us to trust in him to pray unto him upon all occasions to love mercy and to doe right and justly and to speak truth out of an honest heart for the increase of Christs Kingdome of grace upon earth and for the right of the innocent poore and fatherlesse children and widdows and oppressed people and to pray unto God for all good things in the name of Jesus Christ and for his sake alone to forgive us our sins these sacrifices are more pleasing unto God then thousand rivers of Oile or the bloud of all the cattle on a thousand hils For now seeing Christ Jesus our High Priest is entred into heaven there remayneth no more bloud to be shed for sins for Christ Jesus the eternall Son of God hath once shed his precious bloud for the sins of all that lay hold on him by a lively faith and maketh dayly intercession for he is the only Mediatour between God and man for peace and salvation for he loves us and will give eternall life to all that with faith labour to keep his commandements Christ Jesus our glorious Lord and Saviour is the way to Heaven hee is the truth and the light No man can come to the Father but by him he hath God the Father sealed and in him stands the covenant and the right to the faithfull which love him even the Kingdome of Heaven and all good things which hee sees needfull for them by sure promises of the mighty God which cannot be broken and if God cast gold and silver corne wine and Oile and government and the use of all the creatures upon Turkes Infidels and unfaithfull Christians because hee made them reasonable men Yet it is not blest unto them without the word of God and prayer in the name of Christ Jesus wheresoever Christ hath been preached unto them for they must give account for government for their riches for their honour for all their wrong and blasphemous words for all their abused knowledge of conjuring witchcraft and for their abuse of their knowledge of sea and land the Sun Moon and Stars and all Gods works of order and mercie and his providence unto them and the light of their conscience all these shall witnesse against heathen people which will not follow the light of conscience which they have written in their hearts and give honour thanks and worship to the great God of heaven and earth that gave them their being but they will worship vain Idols stocks stones and dumb creatures kill and devoure one another such heathen people shall be turned into hell with all that forget God Such Popish Christians as confesse Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour to be the onely Sonne of God and yet if they doe deny him to be the onely mediator between God and man and pray to Saints departed and trust to their own merits and their own righteousnesse and good works and consider not the Law of God to be holy and pure so right and strait that no mortall man can wholy keep without the help of Christ Jesus who was God and man he keepeth Law perfectly and did good all his life and was obedient to God his Father unto the very death he hath aboundance of grace and good workes he loveth righteousnesse and hateth iniquity but mortall man is weak and sinfull The opening of the Law by our Saviour Christ Iesus in the fifth sixth and seventh chapters of Saint Matthew's Gospell shewing mans weaknesse plainly when we have done all the good we can we must say we are unprofitable servants we must repent of the ill workes we have done and desire with teares and sorrow Christ Jesus to wash them away with his precious bloud and with a lively fayth desire him to accept of our good works and to cover them with his good works and then they will please God and he will have delight in us but if Popish Christians hide Gods Word the bread of life from many millions of men and women which for want of true knowledge perish and cannot come to drinke of the water of life freely the spirituall stock Christ Jesus as they should doe this is an evill worke and if they persecute and murther harmlesse people for their holy and spirituall worshipping of God which deny their own righteousnesse and desire with teares faith and joy to be cloathed with the righteousnesse of Christ Jesus then this is an evill wicked work also For Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law of God in everything wholy for the faithfull men and women which love him and obey him for
the graves shall heare the voyce of the Son of God and they shall arise the good that have done good to the resurrection of life eternall the bad that have done evill to the resurrection of condemnation and again I goe the Father to prepare a place for you that where I am there you may be also and again I am the living bread which came down from Heaven if any man eat of this bread with the spirit of faith he shall live for ever and again I am the good shepherd the good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep and I give unto them eternall life and they shall never perish ne●ther shall any man pluck them out of my hand the Father which gave them to me is greater then all and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand and again Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the World giveth give I unto you Let not your hearts be troubled neyther let them be afraid as my Father hath loved me so have I loved you continue you in my love if you keep my commandments yee shall abide in my love these things I command you that you love one another and Saint Peter sayth Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure add to your faith vertue and to your vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godlinesse 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7. and to godlinesse brotherly kindnesse and to brotherly kindnesse charity for if these things be in you and abound they will make you that you shall not be barren nor unfi●●full in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ But hee that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and hath forgotten that hee was purged from his old sins Wherefore Brethren give all diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you doe these things yee shall never fall for so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ and Saint Paul sayth That the fruits of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodness faith godly meeknesse temperance against such there is no law the more men have of these graces in faith in Christ Jesus the more the holy Ghost doth witnesse unto us our assured hope of eternall salvation God in mercy will bring also to Heaven many innocent children born within the covenent of grace by the vertue of Christ Iesus meritorious workes and many men and women of all Nations whose graces were but few and their faith but small If their faith were true and if they used their small knowledge or two talents well Christ Iesus will have them enter into their Masters joy yet Christ Iesus sayth Not every one which 〈◊〉 Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven and many will say in that day unto Christ Iesus We have done great work in thy name but he will say unto them Matth. 7 21 22. Depart from me ye workers of iniquity your workes were vain counterfeit and false depart from me I know you not but ô Lord for Iesus Christ sake grant us true humble hearts upright before thee that when the Bridegroome Christ Iesus shall come with thousands of Angels that wee with the rest of his Church Matth. 25. the Bride may enter in with him where wee may behold his most glorious Majesty Psal 17. to prayse and magnifie his holy blessed and name for evermore Amen A PRAYER O Most high and ever-living and everlasting God beyond all thoughts most high and mighty Lord God which dwellest in pure brightnesse and excellent Majesty all glorious in thy selfe and hast no need of the glory of any of thy creatures but they receive their glory and excellent parts from thee What then are men or women in themselves before thee or the sons of men that thou shouldst regard them for they are weak and sinfull but thou ô Lord art holy and mighty righteous just and mercifull and giving unto mankind just and righteous laws which are good for themselves and thou ô mercifull Lord God hast made mercifull temporall promises unto the sons of men and keepest them sure and constant in preserving the whole World in keeping it from firing and drowning in restraining the rage and fury of wicked men and evill spirits that would destroy it thy mercy is seen ô Lord also mightily in sending food and raiment sufficient for the whole World fit for their habitation so that if there be any want it is commonly the cruelty or foolishnesse of man In mercy ô Lord thou sendest Summer and Winter day and night Seed-time and Harvest the ebbing flowing and of the Seas the fish abiding and comming to severall Countries in their season thy mercy is seen ô Lord in blessing the fowls of the aire and the beasts of the field unto mankind the corn flowers grasse herbs with the fruits of the trees so in mercy ô Lord thou sendest Gold Silver Brasse Iron and all metals for the use and benefit of man Silk from Wormes Wooll from Sheep Leather and Furs from beasts great and small Diamonds and all kind of Pearles from Sea and Land for the seating of mankind in their severall degrees not to puff them up with pride to abuse their brethren but rather to raise up their thoughts to praise their Creatour and to desire with humility the grace to serve God here in this world that they may come to the glorious everlasting place which God hath prepared for his people ô Lord God! thou art our Creatour there is no good to be had but from thee and thy providence we were nothing ô Lord God and thou madest us men and women we fell from thee and became worse then nothing and thou ô holy and blessed Trinity tookst pity on us and thou ô mercifull Jesus becammest a loving and mercifull Saviour unto us thy mercy ô glorious and excellent sweet Jesus is more greater in redeeming mankind then any men are Abel to expresse ô glorious heavenly Father thou hast made us thy children thy holy Son Jesus will make us holy ô holy and blessed spirit thou sanctifiest thy people and teachest them the way and the truth and thou ô blessed spirit makest them strong and valiant to hold out in thy feare and serves to the end of our lives ô holy holy holy and blessed Trinity and Lord God high and Almighty to thee be all glory forever All thy works praise thee ô Lord God and magnifie thy holy name for ever and now ô most holy and everliving God and most mercifull Father in Jesus Christ we humbly beseech thee for Jesus Christ sake to give us grace to live godly soberby lovingly and zealous of Gods true worship and glory And grant ô Lord for Jesus Christ sake that wee may bring forth godly and charitable fruit in Christ Jesus to the honour and glory of thy name and make us ô Lord for Jesus Christ truly thankfull unto thee for the free and true preaching of thy word in all these North-west parts of the World And wee beseech thee ô Lord God for Jesus Christ sake in thy goodtime to send againe thy true plain and lively word to be preached to be believed and mayntained in the other parts of the World that they and we may at the last through thy exceeding great and wonderfull mercy in Jesus Christ come to thy Kingdom to praise thy Name with joy for evermore Amen All glory praise and thanks be given unto thee ô eternall and everliving Almighty Lord God both now and for evermore World without end Amen FINIS
THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOULE The Excellencie of CHRIST JESVS treated on Wherein the faithfull people of God may finde comfort for their Souls By T. H. Published according to Order LONDON Printed in the yeer 1645. THE IMMORTALITY OF The SOVLE What will it profit a man to win the whole world and to lose his own soule Mat. 16.26 saith our glorious Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus the soule of man is a spirituall immortall Psal 31.8 substance which did flow from God Eccles 22.7 and cannot die with the body but returne to God that gave it unlesse it rebell against his Father and Maker his laws and true Church and hath no true lively faith to save himselfe by applying Christs righteousnesse to himselfe by a lively faith then these souls must die the everliving death of torment but God made the soule of man righteous but he hath sought to himselfe many inventions the bodies of all men must turn to dust again untill the day of the Lord come and then shall the dead heare the voice of the Sonne of God Luke 23.43 and shall stand up in more strength and spirituall power and meet our Lord Jesus to be judged every one according to our faith and workes The body of man hath five senses seeing hearing smelling tasting and feeling the living and immortall soule hath in him understanding and knowledge the will and the remembrance imaginptions the affections and wisdome to rule the senses of the body and the evill lusts of the soule which joyne with the body to sinfull actions but let wisdome and grace and knowledge look hp to God for help and strength to withstand them and as the body hath hands and feet so hath the living soule in him many faculties Faith is a vertue of the soule unbeliefe is a vice humility as a vertue of the soule pride is a vice the love of God and his Saints a vertue of the soule hatred a vice zeal for Gods glory and true worship a vertue of the soule cold●esse a vice 〈◊〉 a vertue lying a vice there i● a vertue ●●nely a vice 〈◊〉 a ver●●e of the soule envie a vice thankfulnesse a vertue of the soule unthankfulnesse a vice bounty and freenesse of minde of the gifts which we have received of God riches or knowledge are both of them a vertue of the soule covetousnesse and hiding Gods talems in the earth avice spealing honourably of God and of the word of God a vertue of the soule swearing cursing blasphemie and mocking of the word of God great vices of the soule wit policy valour sound judgement and discerning of spirits are Gods good gifts and should be used well th●s the soule the spirituall substance the immortall soule the holy Image of God before mans fall which God did breath into man and made him righteous and excellent in knowledge but now the children of wrath by Adams fall and originall sin but the soules of the faithfull are renewed by Jesus Christ our glorious Lord and Saviour and shall be made perfect in heaven for ever more For the soules of the Saints shall sodainly come from heaven again to the body in love and peace saying as it were Arise my loving friend and dear companion the day of Christ our King is come the darke winter of trouble and sorrow persecution sicknesse poverty and death it selfe is gons come see thy glorious Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus which redeemed thee with all his holy companion of Saints and Angels come lift up thy head and receive thy acquistance from all thy sins and live in glory for ever But ungodly faithlesse men which have done ill griefe the worme of conscience shall bite them saying who shall hide us from the wrath of the Judge but the godly redeemer shall comfort them saying Come yee blessed of my Father receive and eternall Kingdome and enter into jour Masters joy All Glory and thanks and prayse be unto God for all his free mercie and gifts both now and for ever more The excellencie of CHRIST JESVS THe soule of man is a noble spirituall creature created of God to obey him as was Adam and Evah in Paradice but the Devill by temptations quickly spoyled his innocent righteous soul defaced Gods Image and then his shining body became miserable and naked his perfect soul became miserable sinfull and ignorant then were their souls and bodies to dye the death naturall and eternall for ever but then the mercy and love of God appeared and promised that the seed of the woman should breake the Serpents head this was our glorious Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus which came in due time to restore Gods Image and to destroy the works of the Devill to suffer and satisfie Gods justice for the sins of all the believing world which lay hold on him by a lively faith to in graft them into himselfe to adopt and make them his beloved children and heires of the Kingdome of heaven for Christ Jesus our glorious Lord and Saviour is the only Son of God in whom alone he is well pleased he is the naturall son of God begotten begotten before the stars appeared hee is the graven form of God the brightnesse of the glory the Image of the invisible God the first begotten Son of God begotten before all worlds God of Gods very God of very God e●e●uall with the Father with the holy Ghost he is the head of the Church and in him all fulnesse dwelleth thy sent a Christ endureth for ever the scepter of thy Kingdome doth may●t am righteousnesse The Lord said unto my Lord sit on my right hand untill I make thy foes a stool whereon thy feet may stand Christ Jesus is the mighty Lion of the tribe of Judah which overcame the roaring and devouring Lion the Devill He is the Lambe of God which was slain for our sins and taketh away the sins of the world hee is the mighty God the Prince of peace which trod the winepresse of the wrath of God alone and conquered death hell and the grave and the infernall spirits and hee arose and sustained himself by his own power and strength and sits at the right hand of the glory of God for ever Christ Jesus was promised to Adam and Evah to Abraham and to David he was prophesied by Enoch Jacob Moses Esay Jeremiah Daniell Zachariah by all the Prophets and hee was typed out by Isaak Samson Salomon Jonah and the brazen Serpent in the Wildernesse Christ Jesus out Lord and Saviour was wayted and looked for of all the faithfull from the beginning of the World and when he was come all his Apostles beare witnesse of him both in life death and writing the Angels from Heaven bring joyfull tydings and beare witnesse of him Christs wondrous works beare witnesse of him God the Father from Heaven beare witnesse of him his workes beare witnesse of him and shall judge men at the last day thousands of Martyrs have shed their deerest