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A69364 Certaine select prayers gathered out of S. Augustine's meditations which he calleth his selfe talke with God.; De meditatione. English. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. 1574 (1574) STC 924; ESTC S100328 71,249 294

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beawtie of thy house and to the throne of thy glory there let it be fed at the dyning table of thy heauenly Citizens in the place of fulféedyng by the plentifull runnyng streames Thou that art our hope our welfare our redemption be also our ioy Thou that shalt be our reward be also our reioycing Let my soule séeke thée alwayes graunt that in séeking thée it may neuer faint ¶ Of the wretchednesse of that soule whiche loueth not ne séeketh not our Lord Iesus Christ WO is that wretched soule whiche loueth not Christ nor séeketh him it abydeth dry miserable He loseth his life time whiche loueth not thée O god He that cares not to liue for thée Lorde is nothing and goeth for nought He that refuseth to liue vnto thée is already dead He that is not wise to thée ward is but a foole Most mercifull Lord I yeld graunt betake my selfe vnto thée by whō I haue being life and wit. In thée do I put my whole confidēce trust and hope by whō I shal rise againe liue agayne inioy rest Thée do I couet loue worship with whom I shall dwel reigne be blessed The soule that séeketh not ne loueth not thée séeketh loueth the world serueth sinne is subiect to vyce neuer at rest neuer at ease Let my mind serue thee alwayes O most mercifull Let my way faring be alwayes to trauell vnto théeward let my hart burne in loue of thée My God let my soule rest in thée let it runne out of it selfe to behold thée let it sing thy prayses with ioyfulnes and let this be the cōfort of me in my banishment Let my minde flee vnder the shadow of thy winges from the ragyng heates of the thoughtes of this world Let my hart calme it selfe in thée I say let the great sea of my hart that swelleth with waues calme it selfe in thée O God whiche art riche of all good deinties thou most bountifull bestower of heauenly repast giue meate to me that am faint gather me vp that am scattered deliuer me that am in prison make me new agayne that am heawē in péeces Behold I stand at thy doore and knocke I beséeche thée by the bowels of thy mercy where through thou hast visited vs in rising from aloft bid the doore to be opened for me wretch which do knocke that my soule may haue frée passage to come in vnto thée and to rest in thée and to be refreshed by thée with thy heauenly bread For thou art the bread and fountaine of life thou art the light of euerlasting brightnesse thou art all thinges whereby the righteous liue which loue thée ¶ Of the longing of the soule O God the light of the hartes that sée thee and the life of the soules that loue thée and the strenghthener of the thoughtes that séeke thée graūt that I may sticke to the holie loue of thee Come I pray thée into my hart and make it drunken with the aboundance of thy pleasantnesse so as I may forget these temporall thinges It shameth and irketh me to abyde such thinges as this world doth All that I sée of these transitorie thinges is but a sorrow to me all that I heare of them is but a grief to me Helpe me O Lord my God put gladnesse into my hart come vnto me that I may sée thée But to narrow is the house of my soule for thée vntill thou come vnto me make more rowme in it Repaire it for it is decayed It hath many thinges that will mislike thyne eyes I know it and confesse it but who shall clense it or to whō shall I crye elles but vnto thée Lord clense me from my priuie sinnes beare with thy seruaūt for other folkes faultes Swéete Christ make me I beséech thee good Iesu make me to laye away the burden of fleshly desires and earthly lustes for loue and liking of thée Let my soule ouerrule my flesh let reason ouerrule my soule let thy grace ouerrule my reason and subdue thou me both inwardly and outwardly to thy will. Giue me the grace that my hart my toūg and my bones may prayse thée Inlarge my minde and lift vp the eyesight of my hart that euē with the swift conceyt of my spirite I may atteine to thée the euerlasting wisedome whiche abydest vppon all thinges I beséeche thée loose me from the fetters wherwith I am shackled that I may leaue all these thinges and hye me vnto thee sticke to thee onely and attend vpon thee onely ¶ Of the happines of the soule that is let loose from the prison of the body HAppy is the soule whiche being let loose frō the earthly prisō flyeth vp fréely into heauen and there beholdeth thée her most sweete Lord face to face is no more disquieted with any feare of death but reioyseth in the euerlastingnesse of incorruptible glory For it is safe and out of perill and hence forth feareth neither enemy nor death It possesseth thée her mercifull Lorde whom she hath long sought and euer loued And accōpanying her selfe with the quyres of Psalme singers it singeth continually the sugred songes of euerlasting mirth to the glorie of thee O king Christ O gracious Iesu For she is made dronken with the boūtifulnesse of thy house thou makest her to drinke of the streame of thy pleasures Happy is the felowship of the heauēly Citizens and glorious is the solemnitie of all them that returne frō the sorowful trauell of this our pilgrimage to the pleasauntnesse of beawtie to the beawtie of all brightnes and to the floure of all excellencie where thy Citizens behold thée continually O lord Nothyng that may trouble the minde is offered there to the eare What songes what instrumēts what Carolles what melodie soundeth there without end There sounde alwayes most pleasaunt tunes of Hymnes most swéete melodie of aungels most wonderfull dities of songes whiche are song to thy glorie by the heauenly inhabitantes No harshnesse no gallye bitternesse hath any rowme with in thy realme For there is neither a naughtie persō nor naughtines There is none aduersarie nor impugner neither is there any intycement of sinne There is no nedinesse no shame no brawling no misusage no excusing no feare no vnquietnesse no penaltie no doubtfulnes no violēce no discord but there is perfect peace ful of loue continuall reioysing praysing of God carelesse rest without end and euerlasting gladnesse in the holy Ghost O how lucky should I be if I might heare the most pleasaunt Carols of thy Citizēs and their sugred songes aduauncing the prayses of the souereine Trinitie with due honor But ouer happie should I be might I once atteine to sing a song my selfe I say to sing one of the swéete songes of Sion to our Lord Iesu Christ ¶ Of the ioyes of Paradise O Liuely life O euerlasting and aye blessed life where as is ioye without sorrow rest without trauel dignitie without feare riches
manward bestowed not onely hys benefites but also him selfe vpon him to recouer him agayne not so much to him selfe as to him To the intent that men might be borne of God God was first borne of them Who is so hard harted that he will not be softened by the loue of God preuenting man with so hartie good wil that he vouchsaued to become man for mans sake who can finde in his hart to hate a man whose nature and lykenesse he séeth in the manhode of GOD Doubtlesse he that hateth a man hateth God and so loseth all his labour For God became man for mans sake that he might be a redeemer as well as a creator and that man might be raunsomed with his owne goodes and that one man might loue an other the more hartely God appeared in the shape of man to the end that both body and soule might be made blessed by renewyng the eye of the mynde in his Godhead and the eye of the bodie in hys manhoode so that whether man went in or out he might finde foode in him layde vp in store by hym in hys humane nature ¶ What the sending of the holie Ghost worketh in vs. FOr our Sauiour was borne for vs and crucified and put to death for vs to destroye our death by hys owne death And bycause the grape of hys fleshe was caryed to the wynepresse of the Crosse and there beyng pressed yelded forth the swéete wyne of his Godhead The holy ghost was sent to make ready the vessels of mens harts that the new wyne might be put into newe vessels first to season their harts for marryng of the wyne that should be put into them and afterward to hoope them well for leakyng when the wyne was poured into them that is to wit to clense them from delightyng in sinne and to bynde them from delightyng in vanitie For that which is good could not come in till that whiche is ill was first rid out The delighting in wickednesse defileth and the delighting in vanitie sheadeth out The delighting in wickednesse maketh the vessell foule and the delighting in vanitie maketh it full of cranies To delight in wickednesse is to loue sinne and to delight in vanitie is to be in loue with transitorie thinges Therfore cast out the thyng that is euill that thou mayest receiue the thyng that is good Poure out sowrenesse that thou mayest be filled with swéetenesse Cast out the spirite of the deuill and the spirite of this worlde that thou mayst take in the spirite of god The spirite of the deuil worketh delight in wickednesse and the spirite of the world worketh delight in vanitie And these delightes are euill for the one is a fault of it selfe and the other is the occasion of faultes When the euill spirites be cast out then will the spirite of God come and enter into the tabernacle of thy hart and worke good delightes and good loue wherby the loue of the worlde and the loue of sinne is driuen away The loue of the worlde intyceth men to deceyue them and the loue of sinne defileth and leadeth to death But the loue of God inlighteneth the mynde clenseth the conscience gladdeth the hart and sheweth a man God. ¶ Of the workyng of him that loueth God. HE in whō the loue of God dwelleth is alwayes deuising when he shall come vnto God when he shall leaue the world and when he shall scape the corruption of his fleshe And to the intent he may finde true peace he hath his hart and desire alwayes lifted vp aboue When he sitteth when he goeth when he resteth or what soeuer he do his hart is euermore with god He exhorteth all men to the loue of God he commendeth the loue of God vnto all mē and in hart word and worke he sheweth vnto all men both how swéete the loue of God is and also how euil and bitter the loue of this world is He laugheth at the glorie of this world findeth fault with the care of it shewyng how fond a folye it is to put a mans trust in thinges that be transitorie He marueleth at the blindnes of the men that loue such thinges And he wondereth that all men forsake not all these transitorie and flightfull thinges He thinketh that all men shoulde déeme the thinges swéete wherein he him selfe findeth so good tast that all men should loue that whiche he loueth and that all men should be priuie to that which he knoweth Oftētimes doth he behold God and is swéetely refreshed at the contemplation of him so much the more happely as he doth it more oftēly For swéete alwayes is that thing to be thought vpon whiche is alwayes swéete to be loued and praysed ¶ Of the true rest of the hart IN déede the true rest of the hart is whē the hart is wholly settled in desire vpon the loue of God coueteth nothing els but hath a certeine happy delight in the thing that he holdes him to ioyeth in the same delight And if it be neuer so little withdrawen from him by any vayne thought or businesse of other matters he hyeth him as fast as he cā to returne to him agayne with all spéede accountyng it but a banishment to abyde any where els then there For like as there is no moment wherin man doth not inioye or vse the gracious goodnesse of God so ought there to be no moment wherein he should not haue him present in remembraunce And therfore no small fault doth that man commit who when he talketh with God in prayer is sodenly pluckt awaye from his presence as it were from the eyes of one that neither saw him nor heard him And that is done when he foloweth his owne naughtie and vnruly thoughtes and preferreth before God some creature that is for his own profite or pleasure whereunto the contemplation of his mynd is easly drawen away by bethinkyng reuoluyng or mynding the same oftener th●n God whom he must continually remember as his creator honor as his redéemer attend vppon as his Sauiour and feare as hys iudge ¶ What soeuer withdraweth the sight of the mind from God must in any wise be eschewed and abhorred WHo soeuer thou art that louest the world looke before thée whither thou goest The way that thou walkest is an euil way and full of sorrow Therefore O man leaue of thyne owne businesses for a while and with draw thy selfe from thy trouble some thoughtes Cast away thy burdensome cares lay aside thy paynefull turmoyles bestowe some tyme vpon God and rest thy selfe a while in him Get thée into the chamber of thy mynde shet out all thinges sauyng God and such thinges as further the findyng of hym and séeke hym with thy doore fast shet to thée Let thy whole hart saye vnto God I séeke thy countenaunce it is thy countenaunce that I séeke O Lorde Now then my Lord God go to teache thou my hart where and how it may séeke thée and where and how it may
hart imagined The souereine good is to be sought WHy raungest thou then through so many thynges O silie mā séekyng the goodes of thy soule and of thy body Loue the one good thyng wherein are all good things and it is inough Be desirous of the single good thyng which is all goodnesse it sufficeth For what is it that thou louest O my fleshe what desirest thou O my soule whatsoeuer thou louest it is there whatsoeuer thou desirest it is there If thou haue a mynde to beawtie there the rightuous shine as the sunne If thou like of swiftnes strēgth or libertie of body where against nothyng may resiste there they shal be lyke the aungels of god For the body is sowen a naturall body but it shall rise a spirituall body that is to witte spirituall in power but not in substaunce If thou desire a long or healthy life there shal be healthfull euerlastyngnesse and euerlastyng healthfulnesse For the rightuous shall liue for euer and the welfare of the rightuous cōmeth of the lord If suffisance They shal be suffised when the glorie of the Lord appeares If dronkennesse They shal be made drūken with the foyzon of Gods house If melodie There the angels shall sing vnto God without end If any maner of pleasure so it be not vncleane The Lorde will let them drinke their fill of the streame of his pleasures If wisedome The very wisedome of God shall shewe him selfe to them If frendshyp They shall loue God more thē them selues and one an other as themselues and God shall loue them more then they loue them selues For they loue him them selues and one an other by him and he loueth him selfe and them by him selfe If concord They shall all of them delight but in one thyng for there shal be but one will among them and that shal be the will of God their souereine If power They shal be maisters of their wils like as God is of his For like as God can do what he listeth by him selfe so shall they be able to doe what they list by him For like as they wil not list any other thing then he listeth so will he list whatsoeuer they list and so consequently whatsoeuer he listeth must néedes come to passe If honor riches God will make his good and faithfull ●eruaūtes rulers of much goodes yea they shal be the children of God and Gods and they shal be the heyres of God and coheyres with Christ Or if thou desire assured safetie they shal be as sure that that good state shall neuer fayle them as they are sure that they would neuer forgoe it by their owne willes and that God their louer will not take it away from hys louers agaynst theyr willes and that there is not any thing mightier then God to separate God and thē a sunder Now then what and how great ioy is there whereas is such so great goodnesse ¶ Of the mutuall loue betwéene the Saintes in heauens O Hart of man O poore hart O hart vnacquainted with miserie and wretchednesse or rather ouerwhelmed with miseries how glad wouldest thou be if thou haddest aboundance of all these thinges Aske thy furthest cōpasse of thyne inward conceyt if it were able to receiue the ioy of this so great happinesse Certeinely if any other man whom thou louedst as thy selfe should haue the same happie state thy ioye would be double bycause thou wouldest be as glad for him as for thy selfe But if two or thrée or a nōber mo should haue the same thyng thou wouldst be as glad for euery one of them as for thy selfe if thou didst loue thē as thy selfe What ioy then shall there be in that perfect loue of the innumerable blessed aungels and men when none shall loue any other lesse then him selfe for euery of them shal be as glad for others as for him selfe Now if the hart of man be scarce able to conceiue the ioye of any one so great a benefite how shall it be capable of so many and so great ioyes And doubtlesse seyng that accordyng as euery man loueth another so much doth he reioyse of his welldoing therfore like as in that blessed happinesse euery man shal without cōparison loue God more then him selfe all others set all together so also shal he without estimation reioyse more of Gods happie state then of his owne of all other folkes with him Moreouer if they loue God with all their hart with all their mynde and with all their soule and yet all their hart all their mynde and all their soule suffice not to loue hym as he is worthy Out of all doubt they shall also reioyse with all theyr hart with all their mynde and with all their soule and yet their whole hart their whole mynde and their whole soule shall not suffice to reioyse to the full ¶ Of the full ioy of the eternall lyfe MY God and my Lord my hope and hartes ioy tell my soule whether this be the ioy whereof thou sayest vnto vs by thy sonne Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be full for I haue founde a certeine ioy that is full and more then full For when the hart is full the mynde full the soule full and the whole mā full of that ioy yet shall there remaine an ouerplus of ioy with out measure All that ioy then shall not enter whole into the inioyers of it but the inioyers shal enter whole into the ioy of their lord Lord tell thy seruaunt tell me inwardly in my hart whether this be the ioye whereinto those seruaūtes of thyne shall enter whiche must enter into the ioy of their maister Truly the ioye that thyne elect shall inioy was neuer séene of mans eye nor heard of mans eare nor conceiued of mās hart Therefore Lord I haue not yet sayd or imagined howe much thy chosen shall reioyce Vndoubtedly they shall so much reioyce as they dee loue thée and they shall so much loue thée as they know thee And how much shall they loue thée Verely no eye hath séene eare heard nor hart cōceiued in his life how much they shall know thée and loue thée in that life I beséeche thée my God let me know thée loue thee that I may haue ioy of thée And although I cannot do it to the full in this life yet let me profite from day to day vntill it may come to the full Let the knowledge of thee grow in me here that it may become full there Let the loue of thée increase in me here that it may be full there so as my ioy may be great in hope here and full in deede there O soothfast God I pray thée let me receiue the thyng that thou promisest that my ioye may be full In the meane tyme let my mynde be thinkyng vpon it let my toung be talkyng of it let my hart long for it let my mouth be speakyng of it let my soule hunger after it let my
¶ CERTAINE select Prayers gathered out of S. Augustines Meditations which he calleth his selfe talke with God. AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate 1574. ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ¶ Of the vnspeakeable swéetnesse of God. O Lorde which art the searcher of the hart and tryer of the raynes indue me with the knowledge of thée O my comforter and mirth of my mynde shewe the lyght of thy countenaunce vpō me and be mercifull to me Appeare vnto me O my soueraigne delight my swéete solace my Lord God my lyfe and the whole glory of my soule Let me imbrace thée thou heauenly brydegrome Let me possesse thée O endlesse blisse let me lodge thée in the bottome of my hart thou art the blessed lyfe and the soueraigne swéetenesse of my soule Graft in me the true loue of thée O my God my helper the tower of my strength my castle deliuerer in all my troubles Open the entries of myne eares thou worde which enterest swifter than any two edged sworde that I may heare thy voyce Thunder downe from aboue O Lord with a lowde and mightie voyce Let the Sea rore and the fulnesse thereof let the earth be moued and all that is in it Lighten myne eye O incomprehensible light that I sléepe not in death flashe out thy lyghteninges and turne them aside that they may not looke vaynely O sauour of lyfe make my taste sound that it may sauour trye and discerne how great the aboundance of thy swéetnesse is which thou hast layd vp for them that put their trust in thée Geue mée a mynde that may euer thinke vppon thée a hart that may loue thée a soule that may honour thée an vnderstandyng that may féele thée and a reason that may alwayes sticke fast to thée my soueraigne delight O lyfe to whom all thinges lyue O lyfe which art my lyfe and without whom I am dead O lyfe wherby I am raysed to lyfe and without which I am forlorne O lyfe wh●●by I reioyce and wherwithout I am sorrowfull O lyuely sweete and louely life alwayes worthy to be had in mynde where art thou I pray thée where shall I finde thée that I may geue ouer in my selfe and stay vppon thée Be thou neare me in my minde be neare in my hart be neare me in my mouth be neare me in mine eares be neare me to my helpe for I pine away for loue of thée I die for want of thée As the hart desireth the water brookes so longeth my soule after the O god The sent of thée refresheth me the remembrance of thée healeth me but yet shall I neuer be suffised till thy glorye appeare which is the lyfe of my soule My soule fainteth with longing after thée and with thinking vppon thée when shall I come and shew my selfe in thy presence O my ioy I had rather be a doorekeeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlynesse for one day in thy courtes is better then a thousand els where O Lord hide not away thy face from me in the néedefull time of trouble but bow downe thine eare to me and heare me make hast to deliuer me make no long tarying O my god But wherefore hidest thou thy face away perchaunce thou wilt say mā cannot sée me and liue Behold O Lord I can finde in my hart to dye that I may sée thée let me sée thée that I may dye here I desire not to liue I had leuer dye I would fayne be let loose that I might be with Christ I couet to dye that I might sée Christ I refuse to liue heare so I may liue with Christ O Lord Iesus receiue my spirite My life receiue my soule My ioy draw my hart vnto thée My swéete foode let me féede vpon thée My head direct thou me Thou light of myne eyes inlighten me My melodie delight thou me My swéete sent refresh thou me Thou word of God quickē thou me My prayse glad thou the soule of thy seruaunt Thou euerlastyng light shine thou vpon it that it may perceiue thée know thée and loue thée For the cause O Lord why it loueth thée not is for that it knoweth thée not the cause why it knoweth thée not is for that it perceiueth thée not the cause why it perceiueth thée not is for that it comprehendeth not thy light for thy light shineth in darknesse and the darknesse cōprehendeth it not O light of the minde O lightsome truth O true brightnesse which inlightenest euery mā that commeth into the world I say which commeth into the worlde but not which is in loue with the world for he that loueth the world the thinges of the world the loue of God is not in him Driue away the darknesse from the vpperside of the déepe of my mynde that it may sée thée by vnderstandyng know thée by perceiuyng loue thée by knowyng thée For who soeuer knoweth thée must néedes loue thée Yea he forgetteth him selfe and loueth thée more then him selfe he forsaketh him selfe and cōmeth to thée that he may ioy in thée The cause then wherfore I am not so farre in loue with thée as I ought to be is by reason that I do not throughly know thée and bycause I haue but small knowledge of thée I haue also but small loue to thée and bycause I beare but small loue to thée therfore haue I but little ioy in thée By meanes of outward ioyes I raunge frō thée the true inward ioy and séeke counterfet comfortes in these outward thinges And so like a wretch as I am looke what loue I ought to haue yelded vnto thée alone with my whole hart that haue I set vpon vanities therfore am become vayne by louing vanitie Hereupon also O Lord it is come to passe that I delight not in thée nor sticke not to thee for my mynde is busied about outward thinges thine about inward thinges my thought is occupied in carnall thinges thine in spirituall thinges my talke is intāgled about trāsitorie things but thou dwellest in euerlastingnesse art the euerlastingnesse it selfe thou in heauen and I in earth thou louest high thinges I low thinges thou heauenly thinges I earthly thinges And how then can these contraries agrée together ¶ Of the wretchednesse and frailtie of man. WRetch that I am when shall my crookednesse be made euen to thy straightnes Lord thou louest solitarinesse and I delight in company thou stilnesse and I noyse thou truth I leasing thou louest clennesse I filthines And what more O Lord Thou art throughly good and I wholly euill thou holie I prophane thou happie I miserable thou righteous I vniust thou lightfull I blind thou liuing I dead thou the salue I the sore thou the ioy I the sorow thou the souerein truth I nothing but vanitie as all men liuing be Alas therfore my maker what shall I say Heare me O my Creator I am thy
thou hast created me of nothing I besech thee O Lord to giue me the grace to be thankefull vnto thée ¶ Of Gods almightinesse THy almighty hand kéeping alwayes at one stay created the aungels in heauen the silie wormes vpon earth and yet was neither higher in the one nor lower in the other For like as none other hand could haue created an aungell so could none other hād haue created a worme Like as none other could haue created heauen so could none other haue created a leaf of a trée Like as none other could haue made a body so could none other make a heare white or blacke but onely thine almyghty hand whereunto all thinges are possible alike For it is not more possible with him to create a worme then an aungell nor more impossible to spread out the heauē than a leafe nor easier to fashion a heare then to fashion a body nor vneasier to stablish the earth vpon the water then the waters vppon the earth but all that he listed to do that hath he done According as he listed he hath made all thinges in heauen in earth and in the Sea and in all déepe places among all other things he hath also made me accordyng as hee listed could and knew how to do it Certesse Lord thy hand could haue made me some stone or some bird or some Serpent or some beast and it knew how to haue done it but it would not bycause of thy goodnes Why then am not I some stone some trée or some beast Bycause thy goodnesse hath so ordeined it and that thou shouldest so ordeine it there were no merites of myne goyng afore ¶ Of the incomprehensible prayse of God. HOw shall I doe Lorde whence shal I haue prayse to prayse thée withall for like as thou madest me without myne aduise as it liked thy selfe best so hast thou prayse without me as it liketh thée Thou thy selfe Lord art thine own prayse Thy workes prayse thée accordyng to thy manisolde greatnesse thy prayse O Lord is incomprehensible No hart can comprehend it no toung can measure it no eare can receiue it for these thinges passe awaye but thy prayse O Lord continueth for euer Thoughtes haue a begynning thoughtes haue an end voyces make a sound and forthwith passe away the eare heareth and the hearing ceaseth but thy prayse standeth fast for euer Who is he then that can prayse thée What man is able to vtter forth thy prayse Thy prayse is euerlasting and not transitorie That man prayseth thée whiche beleueth thée to be thyne owne prayse The man prayseth thée whiche acknowledgeth him selfe vnable to atteine to thy prayse O prayse perpetuall whiche neuer fadest in thée is our prayse in thée shall my soule be praysed It is not we that prayse thée but it is thou thy selfe that doest it both thy selfe and in thy selfe we also haue prayse in thée Thē haue we true prayse when we haue prayse of thée when light alloweth light for thou beyng the true prayse yeldest vs true prayse And looke how often we séeke for prayse at any other badies hand then thine so often do we forgo thy prayse bycause the other is shadowish but thine is euerlasting If we hunt after the transitorie prayse we lose the eternall prayse O prayse eternal O my Lord God of whom is all prayse without whō there is no prayse I am not able to prayse thée without thée Let me haue thée and I will prayse thee For what am I of my self Lord that I should prayse thée I am but dust and ashes I am but a dead and stinkyng dogge I am but wormes and rottēnesse I. What am I to praise thée O most mightie Lord God Howe can the breath of no better then fleshe prayse thee which dwellest in euerlastingnesse Can darknesse prayse light or death life Thou art light I darknesse thou life I death Can lying prayse truth Thou art truth and I am a mā no better thē vanitie it self How shall I then prayse thée O Lord Shall my wretchednesse prayse thée Shall stinch prayse swéete sentes Shall mans mortalitie which is here to day and gone to morow prayse thée Shall man whiche is but rottennesse or the sonne of man whiche is but wormes prayse thée O Lord Can hee prayse thée whiche is breed borne and brought vp in sinfulnesse Prayse is not séemely in the mouth of a sinner O Lord my God let thine own incomprehēsible power let thy vnbounded wisedome let thine vnspeakable goodnesse let thine ouer passing mercy let thy superabundant pitie and let thine euerlasting vertue and Godhead prayse thée Praysed be thou by thine owne almightie puissance and also by thy singular gracious goodnesse and louingnesse wherby thou hast created vs O Lord God the life of my soule ¶ Of liftyng a mās hope vp vnto God. ANd I thy creature wil put my trust vnder the shadow of thy winges and in thy goodnesse where thorough thou hast created me Helpe thy creature whō thy gracious goodnesse hath created Let not that perishe through my naughtinesse which thy goodnesse hath wrought Let not that perish through my wretchednesse whiche thy singular mercy hath made For what auayleth it me that thou hast created me if I shall sinke downe into myne owne corruption O God hast thou made all the sonnes of men in vayne Thou hast created me O Lorde rule thou the thing that thou hast created Despise not the worke of thine own handes O god Thou hast made me of nought O Lord if thou gouerne me not I shall returne to nought agayne For lyke as whē I was not thou madest me of nothing so if thou gouerne me not I shal yet againe be brought to nothing in my selfe Helpe me O Lord my life least I perish in mine owne naughtynesse Lord if thou haddest not created me ▪ I should not haue bene at all but bycause thou hast created me I am Now if thou gouerne me not I am vndone For it was not mine owne merites or mine owne deseruings that made thée to create me but thine own most gracious goodnesse and mercifulnesse That louingnesse of thine O Lord my God whiche made thée to create me I besech thée let the same make thée to gouerne me For what booteth it that thy louingnesse caused thée to create me if I must perish in mine own wretchednesse and that thy right hand gouerne me not O Lord my God let this mercyfulnesse whiche caused thée to create the thing that was not created cause thée also to saue that whiche is created Let the louingnesse which wonne thée to create winne thée also to saue sith it is no lesse now than it was then for thou art the very loue it selfe and thou continuest alwayes one Lorde thy hand is not shortened that it should not be able to saue nor thyne eare deafed that it should not be able to heare but my sinnes haue put a partition betwene me and thée betwene
loue whom I prayse and worship both with mynde and mouth and with all the power that I am able My mynde beyng vowed vnto thee and inflamed with loue of thée sighyng for want of thee gapyng after thee and longyng onely to see thee hath no pleasure in any thyng but to speake of thee to heare of thee to write of thee to conferre of thee and to bethinke it selfe oftentymes of thy glorie so as the remembraunce of thee may be some refreshyng to me among the stormes of this worlde Thee therefore do I call vpon most earnestly vnto theee do I crye with a loude noyse euen from the bottome of my hart And when I call vpon thee verely I call vpon thee in my selfe for I should not be at all except thou wart in me and except I were in thee thou wouldest not be in me Thou art in me bycause thou abydest in my mynde thereby doe I know thee and therin doe I finde thee When I remember thee I am also delighted in thee and by thee of whom by whom and in whom all thynges be ¶ Of Gods Wonderfull being THou Lord fillest heauen earth bearyng vp all thinges without being burthened filling all thyngs without being inclosed alwayes doing and yet alwayes at rest alwayes gathering but not for any néede alwayes séeking and yet thou missest nothing louing yet not doting being ielous and yet still in quyet It repenteth thée and yet thou art not gréeued thou art angrie and yet not out of patience Thou chaungest thy workes but thou chaungest not thy purpose Thou receiuest that which thou hast sought out and yet thou haddest neuer lost it Thou art neuer néedy yet thou delightest to gaine Thou art neuer couetous yet thou demaūdest vsurie Thou lashest out where thou owest not or rather there is alwayes cōming into thée that thou mayst owe. But who hath aught that is not thine Thou payest dets yet art in no mans dets Thou forgiuest dets yet forgoest nothing Thou art euery where euery where thou art whole perceiued thou mayst be séene thou cāst not be Thou art no where absēt and yet art thou far of from the thoughtes of the wicked nay looke where thou art far of there art thou not away for where thou art absent by grace there art thou presēt by vēgeance So art thou present in all places and yet canst scarsly be found Thou standest still when we folow thée and yet we cannot ouertake thée Thou holdest all thinges fillest all thinges inuironest all things surmoūtest all things and susteinest all things Thou teachest the hartes of the faithfull without noyse of wordes thou art not disseuered by places nor altered by times nor subiect vnto to and fro Thou dwellest in vnapprochable light whiche neuer man saw nor can sée Abyding quietly in thy selfe thou goest euerywhere about the whole for thou canst not be cut or deuided bycause thou art but one in very déede art not made out into partes or péeces but being whole thou mainteinest the whole thou fillest the whole thou inlightenest the whole and thou possessest the whole ¶ Of the vnspeakable knowledge of God. ALthough the whole world were full of bookes yet could not thyne vnspeakable knowledge be vttered For in asmuch as thou art vnspeakable thou cāst in no wise be put in writing or comprehended Thou art the fountaine of godly light and the sunne of euerlasting brightnesse Thou art great without quantifie and therfore vnmeasurable Thou art good without qualitie therfore very good souereinly good and no man is good but thou alone Whose will is a worke for thou cāst do what thou listest Thou hast created all thinges of nothing and by thine onely will hast thou made them Thou possessest all thy creatures without any want of them thou gouernest them without payne thou rulest them without wéerines there is nothing that may trouble the order of thy gouernemēt from the highest thinges to the lowest Thou art in all places without place confeynyng all thinges without inclosure and being present euery where without setting or remouing Thou art not the author of any euill for thou canst do none euill Wheras thou canst do all thinges thou hast not done any thing wherof it can forthinke thée It is of thy goodnesse that we be made of thy iustice that we be punished and of thy mercy that we be deliuered Whose almightinesse gouerneth ruleth filleth all thinges which it hath made Yet meane I not by thy filling of all things that they conteine thée but rather that thou conteinest them Neither fillest thou all things by parcel meale neither is it in any wise to be thought that ech thing receiueth thée accordyng to the proportion of it owne bignesse that is to wit the greatest things more and the smallest thinges lesse but rather that thou thy selfe art whole in all things and all things in thée whose almightinesse incloseth all thinges and no man cā finde any shift to scape frō thy power For he that hath not thy fauour shal neuer escape thy displeasure ¶ Of the longing of the soule that féeleth God. THerfore O most mercyfull God I call vpō thée for my soule whiche thou preparest to receiue thée through the desire which thou breathest into it Enter into it I beséech thée make it fit for thée that thou mayst possesse that whiche thou hast both made and renewed that I may haue thée as a seale vpō my hart O most pitifull Lord I beséech thée forsake not him that calleth vpon thee for ere I could call vppon thée thou diddest both cal me and séeke me to the intent that I thy seruaunt should séeke thée by séeking thée finde thée when I had found thée loue thée Lord I haue sought thée found thée and I desire also to loue thée Increase my desirousnesse graunt the thyng I craue for if thou shouldest giue me all that euer thou madest it would not suffice thy seruaūt except thou giue him thy selfe to Giue me thy selfe therfore O my God restore thy selfe vnto me Behold I am in loue with thée and if that be to litle let me be yet more in loue I am bound with the loue of thée I burne in desire of thée I am delighted with the swéete remembraunce of thée Behold when my mynde styeth vpward vnto thée busieth it selfe with thinking vpon thyne vnspeakable louing kindnesse the fardell of my fleshe is the lesse burdensome vnto me the turmoyling of my thoughtes ceasseth the weight of my mortalitie miseries maketh me not dull as they are wōt to do all thinges are still and all things are calme My hart gloweth my minde reioyceth my memorie is fresh mine vnderstanding is cleare and my whole spirite being kindled with desire to sée thee findeth it selfe rauished with the loue of things inuisible Let my spirite take the winges of an Eagle flye without ceassing Let it flye euen till it come to the
without losse health fulnesse without impayring aboundance without want lyfe without death continuance with out corruption blessednesse with out abatement all good things in perfect loue beawtie and beholding face to face full knowledge of all thinges and in all thinges where Gods souereine goodnesse is séene his inlightening light is glorified of the Saints where the present maiesty of God is beheld and the mindes of the beholders satisfied therewithall as with the foode of life The more they sée it the more they desire to sée it yet desire they it without disquietnesse and haue their fill of it without wéerinesse There the daysunne of righteousnesse cheareth all mē with the wonderous sight of his beawtie and so in lighteneth all the Citizens of the heauenly soyle that they them selues yeld light euen the light that God hath behighted them light more lightsome then all the brightnes of our daysunne thē the clearenesse of all the starres For they cleaue to the immortal Godhead and thereby are made immortall and incorruptible thē selues according to this promise of our Lord and Sauiour Father as for those whō thou hast giuen me I wil haue them to be where I am that they may sée my glory and that they may be all one as thou father art in me and I in thée and that they also may be one in vs. ¶ Of the kingdome of heauen O Realme of heauē O most happy Realme O Realme without death O kingdome without end where is no succession of time by ages where the day lasting continually without night woteth not what time meaneth where the souldier that getteth the vpper hād is rewarded with vnspeakable gifts for his labour and hath an euerlasting garland set vpon his noble head Would God that Christ of his heauenly pitie hauing released the burthen of my sinnes would commaunde me the basest of his seruaunts to lay aside the fardell of this flesh that I might passe into the endlesse ioyes of his Citie to repose my selfe so as I might keepe cōpanie with the holy sort aboue stand before the glorious maiestie of my creator with the blessed spirites behold the present countenaunce of God be touched with no feare of death reioyse in suretie of the incorruptiblenesse of the euerlastyng immortalitie and being linked to him that knoweth all thinges forgoe all blindnes of ignoraunce nothing esteeming all earthly things and not vouchsauyng to looke vppon this vale of teares or to remēber it any more whereas our lyfe is a painfull life a corruptible life a lyfe full of all bitternesse a lyfe that is mistresse of mischief and hādmayd of hell whom humors make to swell whom paynes abate whom heate parcheth whō ayres make diseased whom meates puffe vp whom fastings forepyne whom mirth maketh nyce whō heauines consumeth whom thought pincheth whom ease dwelleth whō riches pranke vp whō pouertie pulleth down whō youth setteth aloft whō age makes to stoope whom sicknesse defaceth whom sorow thrusteth downe whom the deuill layeth wayt for whom the world flattereth whom the flesh delighteth where the soule is blinded where the whole man is put out of order After all which so many and so great mischieues succeedeth cruel death and in such wise maketh an end of all vayne ioyes that whē they be once past they may be thought to haue neuer bene In what wise God cōforteth the sorrowfull soule after the lōg mornyng therof BVt what prayses or what thankesgiuinges are we able to render vnto thée O Lorde our God who ceassest not to cōfort vs with the wonderfull visitation of thy grace among the great miseries of our mortalitie Behold while I feare the end of my lyfe whyle I consider my sinnes while I stand in feare of thy Iustice while I thinke vpon the horror of death while I shudder at the punishement of hell whyle I knowe not with what straitnes thou doost boult out and wey my workes while I am vtterly ignoraunt with what end I shall close them vp and while I bethinke me of these and many other thynges to my selfe in my hart thou O Lord God of thine accustomed pitie art ready at hād to comfort me wretch replenished with many griefes and in the middes of these monynges sore complaints and déepe sighes of my hart thou takest vp my sad and sorrowfull minde to the toppes of the high mountaines euē to the beddes of sweete spyces putting me in a place of pasture by the riuers of swéete waters where thou preparest a table diuersly furnished against I come to refresh my appalled sprights and to cheare vp my heauy hart through which deinties I beyng at length refreshed do forget my manifold miseries beyng lifted vp aboue the heigth of the earth do take my rest in thée which art the true peace ¶ Of the sweetnesse of the loue of God. I Loue thee my God I loue thee and more more would I fayne loue thée My Lord God thou rest of all the childrē of mē graunt me to long for thee to loue thée as much as I would and as much as I should Thou art vnmeasurable and must be loued without measure specially of vs whom thou hast so loued whom thou hast so saued and for whom thou hast made so great so goodly thinges O loue whiche burnest euer and art neuer quenched O swéete Christ O gracious Iesu O my God which art loue it selfe set me wholly on fire with thy fire with the loue of thée with thy swéetnesse with desirousnesse of thée with likyng of thée with ioying and reioysing in thée with thy pitifulnesse pleasantnesse and with the pleasure and delight of thée which is holy and good chaste and cleane that being throughly full of the swéetnesse of thy loue wholly besmoked with the flame of affection towardes thée I may loue thée my Lord God most swéete and most beawtifull with all my hart with all my soule with all my strēgth with all my power with much sorrow of hart sheading of teares with much reuerence and trembling hauing thée in my hart in my mouth before mine eyes alwayes in all places so as there may be no rowme in me for any counterfet or vncleane loue ¶ Of ioy O Swéete loue O louyng swéetnes let my belly eate thée and let my bowels be filled with the pleasaunt wyne of thy loue let my minde vtter forth good wordes O charity my God swéete honny snowye milke the foode of Aungelles make me to growe in thée that I may eate thée with a sauorie tast Thou art my life whereby I liue the hope that I sticke vnto the glory that I desire Hold thou my hart rule my mynde guide myne vnderstandyng cheare vp my loue lift thou vp my Soule drawe the mouth of my spirite whiche thirsteth after thée vp to the water streames that are aboue I beséech thée let the troubleo●●nesse of the flesh cease Let the fancies of landes waters aire and skye hold their peace Let
dreames fantasticall Reuelations let all tounges all signes and what soeuer is able to passe be whist Yea let mine owne soule be still and let it ouerpasse it selfe not by thinking vpon it selfe but by thinking vpon thée my God bycause thou art in very deede my whole hope and trust For in thée O most swéete gracious and mercyfull God O Lorde Iesu Christ is both the portion the bloud and the flesh of euery one of vs Then looke where the portiō or peece of me reigneth there beléeue I my selfe to reigne also Looke where my bloud beareth rule there trust I to beare rule to Looke where my flesh is glorified there know I that I also am glorious and although I be a sinner yet distrust I not this communion of grace For although my sinnes forfend it yet doth my substaunce require it And although myne owne transgressiōs shet me out yet doth the communion of nature take me in ¶ That the word is become fleshe for our hopes sake FOr the Lorde is not so vnkynde as not to loue hys owne flesh his owne members his own bowels Truly I should despayre for my sinnes vyces faultes and negligences without number which I haue committed and dayly do cōmit without ceassing in hart word and déede by all meanes that mans frayltie cā offend in were it not that thy word O my God is become flesh dwelleth in vs But now I dare not despayre bicause that he beyng obedient vnto thée to the death euen to the death of the crosse hath taken away the handwriting of our sinnes and nayling the same to his crosse hath crucified both sinne death Now then I looke backe with a carelesse eye by meanes of him who sitteth at thy right hand seweth for vs I thinke lōg to come vnto thée vpon trust of him in whō we are already risen againe reuiued alredy moūted vp into heauen there do sit among the aūgels To thée be prayse to thée be glorie to thee be honor to thee be thankes Amen ¶ That the more a man museth vpon God the swéeter it is vnto him MOst merciful Lord which hast so loued saued vs so quickened exalted vs Most merciful Lord how swéete is the remembraūce of thée The more I thinke vppon thée the more swéete and amiable art thou vnto me and therfore am I greatly delighted with thy goodes With cleare eyesight of mynd with a most pure affectiō of godly loue accordyng to my small abilitie do I incessantly couet to sue for thy loue and to behold thy wonderfull beawtie in this place of my pilgrimage as long as I abyde in these brittle mēbers For I am woūded with the dart of thy loue I am sore inflamed with desire of thée I would fayne come vnto thée I long to sée thée I will therefore stand vpon my gard and with waking eyes will I sing in my hart yea I wil sing with my minde and with all my strength I will prayse thée my maker renewer I will pearce the skye with my mynde and be with thée in desire so as my body onely shal be held here in this present miserie but in thought in desirousnesse and in longyng I will alwayes be with thée for looke where thou myne incomparable desired and deare beloued treasure art there also is my hart But loe my most gracious and mercyfull Lord whereas I would consider the glory of thine vnmeasurable goodnesse louing kindnesse my hart is not sufficiēt to do it For thyne honor thy beawtie thy power thy glory thy royaltie thy maiesty and thy loue excéede all vnderstanding of mans mynde Like as the brightnesse of thy glorie is inestimable so also is the graciousnesse of thyne euerlastyng loue vnspeakable where through thou adoptest those to be thy sonnes knittest them vnto thée whom thou hast created of nothing ¶ That tribulatiōs for Christes sake are to be desired in this life O My soule if we should be fayne to suffer tormentes euery day if we should be fayne to indure euen hell fire for a long tyme that we might sée Christ in his glory and be in cōpany with his Saintes were it not méete we should abyde all the sorrow that could be that we might be made partakers of so great a benefite and of so great glory Let the deuils thē do their spight let them tempt while they tempt may let fastings forpyne the body let course apparell greue the flesh let labour pinch it let watching dry it vp let this man call vpon me let that man or that mā disquiet me let cold make me curle together let my conscience barke at me let heate scorche me let my head ake let my hart burne let my stomacke be wyndie let my face looke pale let me be wholly diseased let my life cōsume in sorrow let my yeares wast away in sighing sobbyng let rottennesse lodge within my bones let wormes crawle vnder me so I may rest in the day of trouble that we may go vp together to our people that wayt for vs For Lorde what glory shall the righteous haue How great shall the ioy of the Saintes be when euery face shall shyne as the sunne Whē the Lord hauyng sorted his people into degrées shall begin to muster them in the kingdome of his father render the promised rewardes to eche of them accordyng to hys workes and desertes giuyng to them for earthly things heauenly thinges for temporall thinges euerlasting thynges for small thinges great thynges Verely then shall happinesse be heaped vp full to the top when the Lord shall bryng hys Saintes to the sight of eternall glory make thē sit down together in heauen that God may be all in all How the kyngdome of heauen may be gotten O Happy pleasauntnesse O pleasaunt happynesse to sée the Saintes to be with the Saintes and to be a Saint to sée God and to haue God for euer euer Let vs thinke vpon this with diligent mynde let vs long after this with our whole hart that we may soone come vnto them If thou demaunde howe that may be brought to passe or by what deseruynges or by what helpes it may be compassed harken O man The kyngdome of heauen requireth none other price but thy selfe the full valew of it is thy selfe giue thy selfe for it thou shalt haue it Why troublest thou thy selfe about the price of it Christ hath giuen him selfe to purchase thée a kingdome to God the father So then giue thou thy selfe that thou mayst be his kingdome that sinne may not reigne in thy mortall body but that the spirite may reigne to the atteinement of life ¶ What Paradise is and what it hath O My soule let vs returne to the heauēly Citie wherin we be registred and made frée Citizens For like as we be felow Citizens of the Saintes and the household meynie of God like as we be the heyres of God and coheires
of Christ so let vs consider the happy royalty of our Citie so farre forth as it is possile for vs to consider it Let vs say with the Prophet O how glorious thinges are spoken of thée thou Citie of God for thou art the dwellyng place of all them that reioyse the ioy of the whole earth is founded vpō thée There is not in thée any age nor miserie of age There is not in thée any maymed person any lame man any crooke backe nor any mishapen body For all be growē vp to perfect men after the full measure of the age of Christ What blesseder thyng can there be thē such a life where there is no feare of pouertie nor weakenesse of disease No man is harmed there no man is displeased there no man enuyeth there There is no burnyng of couetousnesse no desire of meate no ambitious sewing for honor and authoritie there is no dread of deuill no snares of féendes no feare of hell fire There is no death neither of body nor of soule but pleasaunt life assured of immortalitie Thē shall there be no miseries then shall there be no debates but all things shal be at agréement bycause all the Saints shall agrée in one Peace and mirth hold all thinges together all thinges are calme and quiet There is continuall light not such as is now here but so much the brighter as it is much happyer For as we read that Citie shall néede no S●●ne nor Moone bycause the Lord almightie shal shine in it and the lambe shal be the light of it Where the Saintes shal shine as the starres for euer without end and such as haue taught many in the way of righteousnesse shal be as the brightnesse of the skye Wherfore there shal be no night no darknesse no méeting of cloudes no painefulnesse of heate or cold but there shal be such a temperatnesse as neuer eye hath séene eare heard nor hart of any man conceiued sauing onely of them that are counted worthy to enioy the same whose names are written in the booke of life But yet it is farre aboue all these thinges to be in felowship with the companies of Aungels Archaungels and all the heauenly powers to behold the patriarkes and Prophetes to sée the Apostles and all the Saints yea and also to sée our owne parentes Glorious are these thinges but much more glorious is it to behold the present countenaunce of God to sée his infinite brightnesse A passing excellent glorie shal it be when we shall sée God in him selfe and when we shall both sée and haue him in our selues of whō we shall neuer haue seene inough What thing God requireth like vnto him self in vs. GOd the father is Charitie God the sonne is louyngnesse and God the holy ghost is the loue of the father the sonne This loue this charitie and this louingnesse requireth some like thing in vs that is to wit charitie whereby we be associated knitte vnto God as it were by some alyance of kinred Loue passing not for dignity looketh for no reuerence He that loueth cōmeth boldly of him selfe vnto God speaketh familiarly vnto him without any feare or without any stickyng His life is but losse which loueth not But he that loueth hath his eyes euermore to Godward whō he loueth whō he longeth for whō he thinketh of in whō he delighteth vpon whō he féedeth in whom he battleth Such a one as is thus disposed doth so sing so read is so forecasting and circumspect in all his workes as though God were present before his eyes so is he present in déede He prayeth in such wise as if he were taken vp and presented before the face of Gods maiesty in his high throne where thousandes of thousandes do him seruice and ten hundred thousand are stādyng about him Looke what soule loue visiteth the same doth it awake out of sléepe It monisheth softeneth woūdeth his hart It inlighteneth the darke places vnlocketh the shet places warmeth the cold places méekeneth the sturdie fumish impacient mynde chaceth away vyce bridleth fleshly affections amendeth maners reformeth reneweth the spirite and restreineth the light motions and actions of slipperie youth All these thinges doth loue when it is present And assoone as loue is gone away by and by the soule beginneth to droope like as a boylyng cawldron cooleth if a man drawe away the fire from vnder it ¶ Of the boldnesse of the soule that loueth God. LOue is a great thing where through the Soule preaceth boldly of it selfe vnto God and sticketh stedfastly vnto god The Soule that loueth God asketh questions of him familiarly and taketh coūsell of him in all cases It can thinke vpon nothing els it can speake of nothing els it despiseth all other thinges and it lotheth all other thinges sauyng god What soeuer it myndeth what soeuer it speaketh it sauoureth of loue and it smelleth of loue so wholly hath the loue of God wonne it vnto him He that will haue knowledge of God let him loue him In vayne commeth he to reading studying preaching or praying which loueth not The loue of God bréedeth the loue of the soule maketh it intentife thereunto God loueth to the intent to be loued againe When he loueth he meaneth nothing els but to be loued for he knoweth that they whiche loue hym are blessed by theyr loue The soule that loueth God renounceth all her owne affections and giueth her selfe wholly to nothyng els but loue to the ende she may aunswere loue for loue And when she hath vtterly spent her selfe in loue how small a thyng is it in respect of that euerlastyng streame of the heauenly loue There is great oddes in the matche betwéene the loue and the louer betwéene the soule and God betwéene the maker and the creature And yet if the soule loue thée whole where the whole is there is no want Let not the soule be afrayde whiche loueth but let the soule be afrayde whiche loueth not The soule that loueth is caried with desirousnesse drawen with longing disclaymeth desertes shetteth the eyes of maiestie openeth the eyes of pleasure setteth her selfe in safetie and dealeth boldly with god Through loue the soule withdraweth and departeth aside from the bodily senses so as it féeleth not it selfe to the ende it may féele god And this is done at such tyme as the mynde beyng allured with the vnspeakable swéetenesse of God doth after a sorte steale awaye from it selfe or rather is rauished and slippeth away from it selfe to the intent to enioy God to her delight Nothing could be so pleasaunt if it were not so gezon Loue procureth familiaritie with God familiaritie procureth boldnesse boldnesse tast and tast continuall hungering The soule that is surprised with the loue of God can thinke of nothing els nor wish nothing els but with often sighes sayth Like as the Hert thirsteth after the water springes so thirsteth my soule after thée my God. ¶ What God hath
done for man. FOr loue to manward God came to man God came into ¶ The remembring of the woundes of our Lorde Iesu Christ WHen any foule thought assaulteth me I runne to the woundes of Christ When my fleshe presseth me downe I rise vp agayne by remembryng the woundes of my lord When the deuill layeth wayt for me I flée to the bowels of the mercy of my Lorde and he departeth away from me If the heate of lecherie prouoke my members it is quēched with callyng to mynde the woundes of our Lord the sonne of god In all aduersities I finde no remedie so effectuall as the woundes of Christ In them I sléepe without care and rest with out feare Christ hath died for vs Now is there nothing so bitter to the death which is not salued by the death of Christ All my whole hope is in the death of my lord His death is my desert my refuge my welfare lyfe and resurrection and the mercyfulnesse of the Lord is my merite I am not poore of merite so long as he the Lord of compassiōs faileth not As long as he is manifold in mercy so long am I also manifold of desertes The mightier that he is to saue the more am I without care ¶ That the remembraunce of Christes woundes is an effectual remedy against all aduersities EXcéedyng greatly haue I sinned and myne owne conscience findeth me giltie of many offences and yet doe I not dispayre bycause that whereas sinne hath abounded there hath grace ouerabounded He that despayreth of the forgiuenesse of his sinnes denyeth God to be mercyfull Great wrong doth he to God whiche distrusteth his mercy For as much as in him lieth he denyeth God to be louyng true and mightie which are the thinges wherein my whole hope consisteth that is to witte in the loue of his adoption in the truth of his promise and in the power of his redéemyng Now let my vnwise imagination murmur as much as it listeth and say Who art thou how great is the glory and by what desertes hopest thou to obteine it and I will aunswere boldly I know whom I haue credited that he of his excéedyng great loue hath adopted me to be his sonne that he is soothfast of promise that he is mighty in performance and that he may do what he listeth I can not be feared with the multitude of my sinnes if I bethinke me of the death of my Lorde bycause my sinnes are not able to ouermatch him His nayles and his speare crye vnto me that I am throughly reconcyled to Christ if I loue him Longiuus hath opened me Christes side with his speare and I am gone into it and there do I rest in safetie He that is afrayd let him loue for loue driueth feare out of doores There is no remedie so mightie and effectuall agaynst the heate of lecherie as the death of my redemer He stretcheth out his armes vpon the Crosse and he holdeth out his handes in a readinesse to imbrace sinners Betwéene the armes of my Sauiour mynde I to lyue and dye There shall I sing safely there will I exalte thée O Lorde bycause thou hast taken me vp and hast not giuen myne enemyes their pleasure ouer me Our Sauiour hath bowed down his head at his death to receiue the kisses of his beloued And so oftē do we kisse God as we be throughly touched with the loue of him The musing of the Soule vpon the loue of God. O My soule whiche art innobled with the Image of God redéemed with Christes bloud betrothed to him by fayth indued with the holy Ghost garnished with vertues and registred among the aungels Loue thou him that hath loued thée so much Serue him that hath serued thée Séeke him that séekes thée Loue him that loues thée which loued thée first and which is the cause of thy loue He is the desert he is the reward he is the frute he is the vse of it he is the ende of it Be carefull for hym that is carefull of thée he at leysure for him that is at leysure for thée be cleane with him that is cleane be holy with him that is holy Looke after what sorte thou shewest thy selfe towardes God after the same sort shall he shew him selfe towardes thée He is swéete méeke and mercyfull and therfore he requireth to haue them that be swéete méeke pleasaunt and mercyfull Loue thou him that hath plucked thée out of the puddle of miserie and out of the myre of filthines Chose him for thy frend aboue all frendes whiche alone will kéepe touche with thée when all thinges fayle thée In the day of thy buryall when all thy frendes shrinke frō thée he will not forsake thée but will defend thée from the roring Lyons that wayt for their pray and will leade thée through an vnknowen countrey and bryng thée to the stréetes of the heauenly Sion and there set thée amōg the Aungels before the face of his owne maiestie where thou shalt heare this Aungelicall ditie holie holie holie Lorde God of hostes There is the song of mirth the voyce of ioy and welfare the voyce of thankesgiuing prayse the voyce of magnifying God for euer There is the full measure of happinesse passing excellent glory superabundant ioy all good thynges O my soule sigh hartely desire earnestly that thou mayst come to that Citie aboue whereof so glorious thinges are spoken and wherein is the habitation of all that reioyse By loue thou mayst get vp thether Nothing is hard nothyng is impossible to him that loueth The soule that loueth goeth vp often to the heauenly Ierusalem and runneth familiarly from stréete to stréete visityng the Patriarkes and Prophetes salutyng the Apostles wondring at the hostes of Martyrs and Confessors and gazing at the companies of the Virgins Heauen and earth and all things that are in them call vppon me without ceassyng to loue my Lord God. ¶ What the knowledge of the truth is WHat is the knowledge of truth first to knowe thy selfe and to indeuor to be that which thou oughtest to be and to amende that whiche ought to be amended And secondly to know and to loue thy maker for that is the whole happines of man Sée then how vnspeakeable the graciousnes of Gods loue towardes vs is He hath created vs of nothing and giuen vs all that we haue But forasmuch as we haue loued the gift more then the giuer and the creature more then the creator we are falne into the deuilles snare and become hys bondslaues Neuerthelesse God beyng moued with compassion sent his sonne to redéeme vs slaues and his holy spirite to make vs his sonnes agayne He hath giuen his sonne to be the pryce of our raunsome the holie Ghost as an assuraunce of his loue and to be short he reserueth him selfe whole for vs to be the heritage of our adoption And so God accordyng to hys excéedyng gracious goodnesse and mercie hath for verie loue and good will to
flesh thirst after it let my whole selfe be desirous of it vntill such tyme as I may enter into the ioy of my Lorde there to continue for euer worlde without ende Amen All glorie honor prayse and thankes be giuen to God alone ¶ A TABLE OF the Prayers contained in S. Austens bookes intitled his selfe talke with God and his Manuell OF the vnspeakable sweetnes of God. Of the wretchednes frailtie of man. Of Gods wonderfull light Of the mortalitie of mans nature Of the fall of the soule into sinne Of Gods manifold benefites Of mans dignitie in tyme to come Of Gods omnipotencie Of the incomprehensible prayse of God. Of lifting a mans hope vnto God. Of the snares of concupiscence Of mans miserie and Gods benefites How God doth continually behold marke mens doynges and intentes Of mans imbecillitie without the grace of God. Of the deuill and his manifold temptatiōs That God is the light of the righteous Of Gods benefites Of the feruentnes of loue or charitie That God hath put all thynges vnder the seruice of man. By consideration of earthly benefites we coniecture the greatnes of the heauenly wisedome That the sweetnes of God taketh away all the present bitternes of this world That all our trust and longing of our hart ought to be to Godward That our welfare commeth of God. That mans will is vnable to doe good workes without the grace of God. Of Gods old benefites Of Gods deepe predestination and foreknowledge Of such as be righteous and afterward become wicked and contrariwise That the faithfull mans soule is the Sanctuary of God. That God cannot be found neither by the outward senses nor by the inward wits Of the acknowledgyng of a mans owne vilenesse A consideration of Gods maiestie Of the longing and thirsting of the soule after God. Of the glorie of the heauenly countrey A Prayer to the holy Trinitie The table of prayers in his Manuell OF Gods wonderfull beyng Of the vnspeakable knowledge of God. Of the longing of the soule that feeleth God. Of the wretchednesse of that soule whiche loueth not neither seeketh our Lord Iesus Christ Of the longing of the soule Of the happines of the soule that is let loose from the prison of the body Of the ioyes of paradise Of the kyngdome of heauen Of the comfort of the sorrowfull soule after the long mournyng therof Of ioye That the word is become flesh for our sake That the more a man museth vpon God the sweeter it is to him That tribulations for Christes sake are to be desired in this life Howe the kyngdome of heauen may be gotten What paradise is and what it hath What thyng God requireth lyke vnto him selfe in vs. Of the boldnesse of the soule that loueth God. What God hath done for man. The remembryng of the woundes of our Lord Iesus Christ That the remēbraūce of Christes woūdes is an effectuall remedy agaynst all aduersities The musing of the soule vpon the loue of God. What the knowledge of the truth is What the sendyng of the holy Ghost worketh in vs. Of the workyng of him that loueth God. Of the true rest of the hart Whatsoeuer withdraweth the mynde from God must in any wise be eschewed and abhorred That the seyng of God is lost through sinne and miserie found in stede of it Of Gods goodnes Of the delectable fruition of God. That the souerein good is to be sought Of the mutuall loue betweene the Saintes in heauen Of the full ioy of the eternall life ¶ The end of the Table AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis