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A67926 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,159,793 882

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the Lordes wrath waxed hoat so doth it vnto vs. So that there is no remedye but that for it is better late to turne then neuer to turne wee confesse our faultes euen from the bottome of our hartes with harty repentaunce which God worke in vs all for his mercyes sake we runne vnto the Lord our God which is exorable mercifull sory for the euil poured out vpon vs and crie out vnto him with Daniel saying we haue sinned we haue sinned grieuously oh lord God agaynst thy maiesty He exhorteth to repentaunce and prayer and to bewayle our sinnes before the Lord our God we haue heaped iniquitye vpon iniquity the measure of our transgressions floweth ouer so that iust is thy vengeaunce and wrath fallen vpon vs. For wee are very miserable we haue contemned thy longe suffering wee haue not harkened to thy voyce When thou hast called vs by Preachers we hardened our hartes and therefore now deserue that they send thy curse hereupon to harden our hartes also that we should henceforth haue eyes and see not eares and heare not hartes and vnderstand not leaste wee shoulde conuert and be saued Oh be mercifull vnto vs spare vs good Lord and all thy people whom thou hast dearely bought Let not thine enemies triumph altogether and alwayes agaynst thee for then will they be puft vppe Looke downe and beholde the pittyfull complayntes of the poore let the sorowefull sighing of the simple come in thy fighte and bee not angry with vs for euer Turne vs oh Lorde GOD of hostes vnto thee and turne thee vnto vs that thou mayest be iustified in thy sweete sentences and ouercome whē thou are iudged as now thou art of our aduersaryes For they say where is theyr God Can God deliuer them now Canne theyr Gospell serue them Oh Lord howe long for the glorye of thy name and for thy honors sake in the bowels and bloud of Iesus Christ we humbly beseech thee come and help vs for we are very miserable On this sort I say dearely beloued let vs publickely and priuately bewayle our sinnes but so that hereto we ioyne ceasing from wilfulnesse sinne of purpose for els the Lord heareth not our prayers as Deuid sayth And in S. Iohn it is written The prayers o● sinners be not hearde The impenitent sinners God heareth not Nowe impenitent are they which purpose not to amend theyr liues As for example not only such which folow still theyr pleasures vncleannes carnality but those also which for feare or fauor of men doe agaynst theyr conscience to consent to the Romish ragges and resort to the rotten Religion Romish rages rotten religion communicating in Seruice ceremonies wyth the Papistes thereby declaring themselues to loue more the worlde then God to feare man more then Christ to dread more the losse of temporall things then of spirituall in whom it is euident the loue of God abideth not For he that loueth the world hath not Gods loue abiding in him sayth Saynt Iohn therefore my deare hartes and deare agayne in the Lord remember what you haue professed Christes Religion and name and the renouncyng of the Deuill Sinne and the world Remember that before yee learned A. B. C. your lesson was Christes crosse Forgette not that Christ will haue no Disciples but such as will promise to deny thēselues take vp their crosse marke The A. B. C. of the Christians beginneth with Christes Crosse. take it vppe and folowe him and not the multitude custome c. Consider for Gods sake that if wee gather not with Christe wee scatter abroade What should it profite a man to winne the whole worlde and loose his owne soule We must not forget that this life is a wildernesse and not a Paradise here is not our home we are now in warrefare we must needes fight or els be taken prisoners Of all thinges we haue in this life we shall cary nothing with vs. If Christ be our Captayne we must follow him as souldiours If we keepe company with him in affliction we shal be sure of his society in glory If we forsake not him he will neuer forsake vs. If we confesse him he will confesse vs but if we deny him he will deny vs. If we be ashamed of him he will bee ashamed of vs. Wherefore as he forsooke his father and heauen all thinges to come to vs They neuer lose that follow Christ. so let vs forsake all thinges and come to him being sure and most certayne that we shall not lose thereby Your children shall finde and feele it double yea treble whatsoeuer you loose for the Lordes sake and you shall finde and feele peace of conscience and frēdship with God which is more worth then all the goodes of the world My dearely be loued therefore for the Lordes sake consider these thinges which now I write vnto you of loue for my Vale last farewell for euer in this present life Turne to the Lord repent you your euill and vnthankefull life declare repentaunce by the fruites take time while you haue it come to the Lord whiles he calleth you run into his lappe whiles his armes be open to embrace you seeke him whiles he may be found call vpon him whiles time is conuenient forsake and flie from all euill both in religion He exhorteth to amendement in religion and conuuersation and in the rest of your life and conuersation Let your light so shine before men that they maye see your woorkes and prayse God in the day of his visitation Oh come agayne come agayne you straunge children and I will receiue you sayeth the Lorde Conuert and turne to me and I will turne vnto you Why wyll ye needes perish As sure as I liue sweareth the Lorde I will not your death turne therefore vnto me Can a woman forgette the childe of her wombe If she should yet will I not forget you saith the Lod your God I am he I am he which put away your sinnes for mine owne sake The Lord watcheth to performe his worde doublewise O then deare frendes turne I saye vnto your dearest father Cast not these his sweete and louing wordes to the grounde and at your tayle for the Lord watcheth on his word to performe it which is in two sortes to them that lay it vp in theyr hartes and beleue it will he pay all and eternall ioy and comfort But to thē that cast it at theyr backes and will forget it to them I say will he poure out indignation and eternall shame Wherefore I hartely yet once more beseech and pray you and euery of you not to contemne this poore and simple exhortation which nowe out of prison I make vnto you or rather the Lord by me Loth would I be a witnesse agaynst you in the last day Bradford must be a witnes in the last day to them that reiect his coūsaile as of truth I must be if ye repent not
brought before them After certeyne Articles being repeated vnto him the Byshoppe of London brought out before him a certeine booke called the wicked Mammon asking him whether the booke was of the same impression and making as was his booke that he had sold to others Who answered and sayd it was the same Whervpon the bishop of London asked him agayn whether the booke conteined the same errors or no. Who aunswered agayne saying I pray God that the condemnation of the Gospell and translation of the Testament be not to your shame and that ye be not in perill for it for the cōdemnatiō of it and of the other is all one Further he said that he had studyed holy Scripture by the space of these 17. yeares and as he may see the spottes of his face through the glasse so in reading the new Testament he knoweth the faultes of his soule Further he was examined vpon certeine points and articles extracted out of the sayd booke of the wicked Mammon as foloweth Arti●les 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 His opinion of Antichrist Antichrist no outward thi●g but a spirituall thing FIrst that Antechrist is not an outward thing that is to say a man that should sodenly appere with wonders as your forefathers talked of him but Antechrist is a spirituall thing Whereunto he answered and sayd that he findeth no fault in it Agayne it was demaunded of him touchyng the article whether fayth onely iustifieth a man To thys he sayd that if he should looke to deserue heauen by works he should do wickedly for workes folow fayth and Christ redemed vs all with the merites of his passion That the deuil holdeth our harts so hard that it is impossible for vs to consent to Gods law To that he answered that he findeth no fault in it No man iustified by merites That the law of God suffereth no merites neither any man to be iustified in the sight of God To that he aunswered that it is playne enough considering what the law is and he sayth that he findeth no ill in it The lawe req●ireth thi●ges vnpossible That the law of God requireth of vs thinges impossible To that he answered that the law of God doth commaund that thou shalt loue God aboue all things and thy neyghbors as thy selfe which neuer man could doe and in that he doth finde no fault in his conscience That as the good tree bringeth forth fruite No lawe to the iust man so there is no law put to him that beleueth is iustified throgh faith To that he aunswered and sayd he findeth no ill in it All good workes must be done without respect of any thing or any profite to be had thereof To that he aunswered it is truth Christ with all his workes did not deserue heauen To that he aunswered that the text is true as it lyeth and findeth no fault in it The Saintes be frendes how to whom Peter and Paule and Saynts that be dead are not our frendes but theyr frendes whom they did helpe when they were aliue To that he sayd he findeth no ill in it Almes deserueth no reward of God To that he answered that the text of the booke is true The deuill not cast out by mans merites The deuill is not cast out by merits of fasting or prayer To that he answered thinking it good enough We can not loue except we see some benefite and kindnes as long as we liue vnder the law of God only The lawe worketh not in vs the loue of god where we see but sinne and damnation and the wrath of God vp on vs yea where we were damned afore we were borne We cānot loue God nor can not but hate him as a tyrant vnrighteous vniust and flee from him as did Cain Man by nature is condemned To that he answereth and thinketh it good playne enough We are damned by nature as a tode is a tode by nature and a Serpent is a Serpent by nature To that he answered it to be true as it is in the booke Item as concerning the article of fasting He meaneth by communicati●n not by vendic●tion and yet this pointe seemeth to be falsely gathered To that hee answered and sayd the booke declareth it selfe Euery one man is a Lord of whatsoeuer another man hath To that he answered what lawe canne be better then that for it is playnely ment there Loue in Christ putteth no difference betwixte one and another To that he aunswered and sayde it is playne enough of it selfe As concerning the preaching of the word of God and washing of dishes there is no difference as cōcerning saluation and as touchinge the pleasing of God To that hee aunswered saying it is a playne text and as for pleasing of God it is all one That the Iewes of good intent and zeale put Christ to death To that he aunswered that it is true For if they had knowen the lord of glory they would not haue crucyfied him and the text is playne enough The sectes of S. Fraunces S. Dominicke and others be damnable To that he answered and sayd S. Paule repugneth agaynst them Loe here is no scripture broug to reueale these opynions but onely authoritye to oppresse them Which articles being so abiected answere made vnto them by Iohn Tewkesbery the sayd Bishop of London asked him whether hee woulde continue in his heresyes and errors aboue rehearsed or renoūce and forsake them Who answered thus I pray you reforme your selfe and if there be any error in the booke let it be reformed I thinke the booke be good enough Further the Bishop exhorted him to recant his errors To the which the sayd Iohn Tewkesbery aunswered as is aboue written to witte I pray you reforme your selfe and if there be any error in the booke let it be reformed I thinke it be good enough Which thing being done the bishop appoynted him to determine better with himselfe agaynst the morow in the presence of M. Iohn Cox Uicar generall to the Archbishop of Caunterbury M. Balfride Warton Rouland Philips Wiliam Philow and Robert Ridley professors of diuinity The 13. day of Aprill An other appearāce of Iohn Tewkesbery in the yeare of our Lorde abouesayde in the Chappel within the Pallace of Londō before Cutbert bishop of Londō with his assistance Nicolas byshop of Elye c. Tewkesbery agayne appeared and was examined vpon the articles drawen out of the book called the wicked Mammon as foloweth First Christ is thine and all his deedes be thy deedes Christ is in thee and thou so knit in him inseperably neyther canst thou be damned except Christ be damned wyth thee neither cāst thou be saued except Christ be saued with thee To this he answered that he found no fault in it Item we desire one an other to pray for vs. That done We are not saued by other mens prayers we must put our neighbour in remembraunce of his duty and that we
whole body of the scripture Neither can any make this an heresie The Papistes of the principles of diuinitye make heresie but they must make S. Paule an hereticke and shew themselues ennemies to the promises of grace and to the crosse of Christ. 2. The law maketh vs to heare God because we be borne vnder the power of the Deuill 2. article Fol. 59. 3. It is impossible for vs to consent to the will of God Fol. 59. 3. article The place of Tyndall from whence these Articles be wrasted is in the wicked Mammon as followeth Whych place I beseeche thee indifferente to reade and then to iudge Herein is no thing conteyned but that which is rightly consonant vnto the Scripture In the faith which we haue in Christ in Gods promises finde we mercy life fauour peace In the law we finde death damnation and wrath moreouer the curse and vengeance of God vpon vs. And it that is to say the law is called of Paul the ministratiō of death and damnation In the lawe wee are prooued to be the ennemies of God and that we hate hym For howe can we be at peace wyth God and loue hym seeing we are cōceiued and borne vnder the power of the Deuill and are his possession kingdome hys captiues and bondmen and led at hys will and he holdeth our hearts so that it is impossible for vs to consent to the will of God Muche more is it impossible for a man to fulfill the lawe of hys owne strength and power seeing that we are by birth and nature the heires of the eternall damnation c. 4. The lawe requireth impossible things of vs Fol. 59. Read the place 4. article The law when it commaundeth y t thou shalt not lust geueth thee not power so to do but daumeth thee because thou canst not so doe What here●sy is in the wordes 2. Cor. 3. If thou wilt therefore be at peace with God and loue hym then must thou turne to the promises and to the gospel which is called of Paul the ministration of righteousnesse and of the spirite 5. The spirit of God turneth vs our nature that we do good as naturally as a tree doth bring fourth fruit Fol. 65. 5. article The place is this the spirite of God accompanyeth fayth and bringeth with her light wherwith a man beholdeth himself in the law of God and seeth his miserable bōdage captiuitie and humbleth himselfe This place speaking of the 〈◊〉 effecte● fayth conteyneth no●thing but which is mayntayn●●ble by the Scripture abhorreth himselfe She bringeth Gods promises of all good thynges in Christ God worketh with his word in his worde And as hys word is preached fayth rooteth her selfe in y e harts of the elect and as fayth entreth and the worde of God is beleued the power of God looseth the hart from the captiuitie bondage vnder sinne and knitteth coupleth hym to God to the will of God altereth hym changeth him cleane fashioneth and forgeth hym a new geueth him power to loue and to do that which before was impossible for him either to loue or doe and turneth him into a new nature so that he loueth that which before hee hated hateth that which he before loued and is cleane altered and changed and contrary disposed and is knitt and coupled fast to gods will and naturally bringeth fourth good workes y t is to say that which God commandeth to do not things of his owne imagination and that doth hee of his owne accord as a tree bringeth forth fruit of his owne accord c. 6. Workes doe onely declare to thee that thou art iustified Fol. 65. If Tindall say 6. article that workes doe onely declare our iustification he doth not thereby destroy good works but onely sheweth the right vse and office of good workes to be noted to merite our iustificatiō but rather to testify a liuely fayth which onely iustifieth vs The article is playn by the scripture and S. Paule 7. Christ with all his workes did not deserue heauen fol. 69. Reade the place Al good workes must be done freely w t a single eye without respect of any thing 7. article so that no profit be sought thereby That commaundeth Christ where hee sayth Free haue you receaued free geue agayne For look as Christ with all his workes did not Math. 10. He meaneth in his diuinitye but i● his humanitye he deserued heauen by his workes not onely for himselfe 〈◊〉 for vs all deserue heauen for that was his already but did vs seruice therewith neyther looked for nor sought his owne profite but ours and the honour of god his father onely euen so we withal our workes may not seeke our owne profite neither in thys world nor in heauen but must and ought freely to worke to honour God withall and without all maner of respect seeke our neighbours profite and do him seruice c. 8. Labouring by good workes to come to heauen thou shamest Christes bloud Fol. 9. Read the place 8. article If thou wouldest obteine heauen with the merites and deseruings of thine owne works so doest thou wrong yea and shamest the bloud of Christ and vnto thee Christ is dead in vaine Now is the true beleuer heire of God by christes deseruings To say that heauen is gotten by our deseruings is a Popishe heresie contrary to the Scriptures yea and in Christ was predestinate and ordained vnto eternall life before the worlde began And when the Gospell is preached vnto vs we beleue the mercy of God and in beleuing we receiue the spirit of God which is the earnest of eternall life and we are in eternal life already and feele already in our harts y e sweetnes thereof and are ouercome with the kindnes of God Christ and therefore loue the will of God and of loue are ready to woorke freely and not to obtaine that whyche is geuen vs freely and whereof we are heyres already c. 9. Saintes in heauen can not helpe vs thither fol. 69. Whether saintes can helpe vs vnto heauen see y e scripture 9. article and marke wel the office of the sonne of God our only Sauiour and redeemer and thou shalt not nede to seeke any further 10. To builde a Churche in the honour of our Ladye or anye other Saincte is in vaine they cannot helpe thee 10. article they be not thy friends fol. 71. Read the place of Tind What buildest thou Churches foundest Abbeys Chauntreis Colledges in the honour of Saintes to my mother S. Peter Paule The place ●●nexed and Saintes that be deade to make of them thy friendes They neede it not yea they be not thy friends Thy friends are thy poore neighbours which neede thy help and succour Thē make thy friendes with the vnrighteous Mammon that they may testifie of thy fayth and that thou mayest
of the lawe which is the very true losing But for al that he hath not taken away from the powers and officers their right sword and authoritie to punish the euill for such pertayne not to hys kingdome vntill they are made spirituall and then freely and with a glad hart they serue God 6 If the Pope woulde make all the obseruations of the ceremonies as Lent fasting holydayes confession matrimonie masse 6. article mattins and reliques c. free and indifferent he should not bee Antichrist but now because he commendeth them in the name of Christ he vtterly corrupteth the Church suppresseth the faith and aduanceth sinne fol. 67. If the Pope will infer a necessitie of those things which Christ leaueth free and indifferēt then what doth he make himselfe but Antichrist The Article is plaine and is founded vpon the doctrine of Christ and S. Paule 7 To beleeue in Christ maketh sure inheritors with Christ fol. 1. 8 If a man say then shall we no good workes do 7. article I aunswere as Christ did 8. article This is the worke of God to beleeue in him whome he hath sent fol. 1. The place of these two Articles gathered out of the Reuelat is this The place annexed Iohn 1. Who is this light that we are exhorted to beleeue in Truely it is Christ as S. Iohn doth testifie He was the true light that lighteneth all men which come into the world To beleeue in this light maketh vs the children of light and the sure inheritors with Iesus Christ. Euen now haue we cruell aduersaries which set vp their bristles saying why shall we then do no good workes To these we aunswere as Christ did to the people in the sixt of s. Iohn which asked him what they should do that they might worke the workes of God Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them This is the worke of God that ye beleeue on him whome he hath sent Iohn ● And after it followeth Uerily verily I say vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlasting life To this also condescendeth S. Iohn in his epistle saying These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue on the name of the sonne of God that you may surely know how that you haue eternall life What is the name of the sonne of God Truely his name is Iesus that is to say a sauiour therefore thou must beleeue that he is a sauiour But what auayleth this The diuels do thus beleeue tremble Iacob 2 Math. 8. They know that he is the sonne of God and sayd vnto him crying O Iesu the sonne of God what haue we to do with thee They know that he hath redemed mākind by his passion and laboured to let it For whē Pilate was set downe to geue iudgement his wife sent vnto him saying Math. ● Haue thou nothing to doe with that iust man for I haue suffered many things this day in my slepe about him No doubt she was vexed of the diuel to the intent that she should perswade her husband to giue no sentence vpō him so that Satan might the longer haue had iurisdiction ouer mankind They knowe that he hath suppressed sinne and death as it is written Death is consumed into victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne the sting of sinne is the lawe But thanks be vnto God Osee 13. Heb. 2. 1. Cor. 1● Rom. 8. which hath geuē vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ who by sinne damned sinne in the flesh For God made him to be sinne for vs that is to say a sacrifice for our sinne and so is sinne taken in many places which knew no sinne that we by his meanes should be that righteousnes which before God is allowed It is not therefore sufficient to beleeue that he is a sauiour and redeemer but that he is a sauiour redemer vnto thee c. 9 Nombring of sinnes maketh a man a more sinner yea a blasphemer of the name of God 9. Article fol. 3. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this The place annexed Knowledge thy selfe a sinner that thou mayest be iustified Not that the numbring of thy sinnes can make thē righteous but rather a greater sinner yea a blasphemer of the holy name of God as thou mayest see in Caine which said that his sinnes were greater then that he might receiue forgiuenes and so was a reprobate c. 10 God bindeth vs to that which is impossible for vs to accomplish 10. article fol. 3. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this The place annexed If thou aske of me why he bindeth vs to that whych is impossible for vs to accomplish thou shalt haue S. Augustine aunswere which saith in the second booke that hee wrote to Hierome that the lawe was geuen vs that wee might knowe what to do and what to eschewe to the intent that when we see our selues not able to do that whiche we are bound to do nor auoide the contrary we may then know what we shall pray for and of whome we shall aske this strength so that we may say vnto our father Good father commaunde whatsoeuer it pleaseth thee but giue vs the grace to fulfill that thou commaundest And when wee perceiue that we can not fulfill his will yet let vs confesse that the law is good and holy and that we are sinners and carnall solde vnder sinne But let vs not heere sticke for now are we at hell gates and doubtles shoulde fall into vtter desperation Rom. 7. except God did bring vs agayne shewing vs his gospell promise saying feare not little flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to geue you a kingdome Luke 12. c. 11 Sinne can not condemne vs for our satisfaction is made in Christ which dyed for vs 11. article fol. 4. The place of this Article gathered out of the Reuelat. is this The place annexed Sinne hath no power ouer vs neither can condemne vs for our satisfaction is made in Christ which dyed for vs that were wicked and naturally the children of wrath But God which is rich in mercy through the greate loue wherewith he loued vs euen whē we were dead through sinne Ephes. 2. hath quickened vs with Christ with him hath raised vs vp with him hath made vs sit in heauēly things through Iesus Christ for to shew in times to come the exceding riches of his grace in kindnes towards vs through Christ Iesus for by grace are ye saued through faith and that not of our selues for it is the gift of God and cōmeth not of workes least any man should boast himselfe c. 12 I will shew thee an euident argument and reason that thou mayst know without doubt 〈◊〉 article who is Antichrist All they that doe pursue are Antichrists The Pope Byshops Cardinals and theyr
not probably appeare to all the Nobilitie and Commons in the highe Court of Parliament that thys Marryage shall be for the high benefit cōmoditie of all the whole Realme then I wil abstaine from Mariage while I liue And now good Subiects plucke vp your hearts and like true men The promise of Queene Mary touching her Maryage stande fast against these rebels both our enemies and yours and feare them not for I assure you I feare them nothing at all And I will leaue with you my Lord Haward my Lord Treasoror who shal be assistants with the Mayor for your defence ¶ Here is to be noted that at the comming of Queene Mary to the Guild hall being bruted before that shee was comming w t harnessed men such a feare came among them that a number of the Londiners fearing least they shoulde be there intrapped put to death made out of the gate before her entring in Furthermore note that when shee had ended her Oration which she semed to haue perfectly conned without booke Winchester standing by her when the Oration was done with great admiration cried to y e people O how happy are we to whom God hath geuen such a wise and learned Prince c. Two dayes after whiche was the 3. of Februarie the L. Cobham was committed to the Tower February 3. M. Wyat in southwarke and M. Wyat entred into Southwarke Who for so muche as he coulde not enter y t way into London returning another way by Kingstone with his army came vp through the streetes to Ludgate and returning thence hee was resisted at Temple barre M. Wyat came to Ludgate and there yealded himself to Sir Clement Parson and so was brought by him to the Courte with hym the residue of his armye for before Sir George Harpar almost halfe of his men ran awaye from him at Kingstone bridge were also taken M. Wyat apprehended at Templebar and aboute an 100. killed and they that were taken were had to prisone and a great manye of them were hanged and he himselfe afterwarde executed at the Tower hill and then quartered whose heade after being set vp vpon Haihil M. Wyat executed was thence stolne away and great search made for the same Of which story ye shal here more the Lord willing heereafter The 12. day of February was beheaded the lady Iane to whom was sent M. Fecknam alias Howman from the Queene 2. dayes before her deathe February 12. to commune wyth her and to reduce her from the doctrine of Christe to Queene Maries religion The effect of which communication here followeth The communication had betweene the Ladie Iane and Fecknam FEcknam Madam I lament your heauy case and yet I doubt not Talke betweene the Lady Iane and Fecknam but that you beare out this sorow of youres wyth a constant and patient minde Iane. You are welcome vnto me sir if your comming be to geue Christian exhortation And as for my heauye case I thanke God I do so litle lament it that rather I accompt the same for a more manifest declaration of Gods fauor towarde me then euer he shewed me at any time before And therefore there is no cause why either you or other whych beare me good wil Lady Iane comfortably taketh her trouble should lament or be grieued wyth thys my case being a thing so profitable for my soule health Feck I am heere come to you at this present sent from the Queene and her counsaile to instructe you in the true doctrine of y e right faith although I haue so great confidence in you that I shall haue I trust little neede to trauaile wyth you much therein Iane. Forsooth I heartely thanke the Queenes highnesse which is not vnmindful of her humble subiect and I hope likewise that you no lesse will doe your duety therein both truely and faithfully according to that you were sent for Feck What is then required of a Christian Iane. That he should beleue in God the Father y e Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons and one God Feck What is there nothing els to be required or looked for in a Christian but to beleeue in him Iane. Yes we must also loue him with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde and our neighbor as our selfe Feck Why then faith iustifieth not nor saueth not Iane. Yes verely faith as Paule sayth only iustifieth Feck Why S. Paul sayeth If I haue all faith without loue it is nothing Iane. Faith onely iustifieth True it is for how cā I loue him whom I trust not or how can I trust him whome I loue not Faith and loue go both together and yet loue is comprehended in faith Feck How shall we loue our neighbour Iane. To loue our neighbor is to feede the hungry to cloth the naked and geue drinke to the thirsty and to doe to him as we would doe to our selues Feck Why then it is necessary vnto saluation to doe good workes also and it is not sufficient only to beleeue Iane. I denye that and I affirme that faith onely saueth Good 〈…〉 in a 〈…〉 they 〈◊〉 profite to saluatio● but it is meete for a Christian in token that hee followeth his Maister Christe to doe good workes yet may wee not say that they profit to our saluation For whē we haue done all yet we be vnprofitable seruāts and faith only in Christes bloud saueth vs. Feck How many Sacraments are there Iane. Two The one the Sacrament of Baptisme 2. Sacra●mente● and the other the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper Feck No there are seuen Iane. By what Scripture finde you that Feck Well we will talke of that heereafter The Sac●●●ment of Baptism what it ●●●●nifieth But what is signified by your two Sacraments Iane. By the Sacramente of Baptisme I am washed wyth water and regenerated by the spirite and that washing is a token to mee that I am the childe of God The Sacrament of the Lordes Supper offered vnto mee The Sac●●●ment of 〈◊〉 Lordes 〈◊〉 what signifiet● is a sure seale and testimonie that I am by the bloude of Christ which he shedde for me on the Crosse made partaker of the euerlasting kingdome Feck Why what doe you receiue in that Sacrament Doe you not receiue the very body and bloud of Christ Iane. No surely I doe not so beleeue I thinke that at the Supper I neyther receiue flesh nor bloude What 〈◊〉 receaue with th● sacrame●● but bread and wine Which bread when it is broken and the wine when it is dronken putteth mee in remembraunce howe that for my sinnes the body of Christ was broken his bloudshed on the Crosse and with that breade and wine I receiue the benefites that come by the breaking of his body sheding of his bloud for our sinnes on the Crosse. Feck Why doeth not Christ speake these woordes Take eate this is my body
¶ To Mistres M. H a godly gentlewoman comfortyng her in that common heauinesse and godly sorrowe which the feelyng and sense of sinne worketh in Gods children I Humbly and hartily praye the euerlasting good God and Father of mercy An other ghostly letter of M. Bradford to Mistres M. H. to blesse and keepe your harte and minde in the knowledge and loue of his truthe and of his Christ through the inspiration and working of the holye spirite Amen Anno 1555. Iuly Although I haue no doubt but that you prosper and goe forwardes dayly in the way of godlinesse more and more drawing towardes perfection and haue no neede of anye thinge that I can write yet because my desire is that you might be more feruent and perseuer to the ende I coulde not but write something vnto you beseechinge you both often and diligently to call vnto your minde as a meane to stirre you hereunto yea as a thing which God most straitly requireth you to beleeue that you are beloued of God and that he is your deare father in through and for Christ and his deathes sake This loue and tender kindnes of God towardes vs in Christe is aboundantly herein declared and that he hath to y e Godly work of creation of this world made vs after his image redeemed vs being lost called vs into his Churche sealed vs with his marke and signe manuell of Baptisme kept and conserued vs all the dayes of our lyfe Gods benefites to be declared fed nourished defēded and most fatherly chastised vs and now hath kindled in our hartes the sparcles of his ●eare fayth loue and knowledge of his Christ and truthe and therefore wee lament because we lament no more our vnthankfulnes our fraylnes our diffidence and wauering in thinges wherein we should be most certayne All these thinges wee shoulde vse as meanes to confirme our fayth of this that God is our God and father to assure vs that he loueth vs as our father in Christ to this end I say we should vse the thinges before touched especially in that of all thinges GOD requireth thys faythe and fatherly perswasion of his fatherly goodnesse The chiefest seruice of God is to thinke well of his fatherly goodnes in Christ. as his chiefest seruice For before he aske anye thing of vs he sayth I am the Lorde thy God geuing himselfe and then all he hath to vs to be our owne And this he doth in respect of himselfe of his owne mercy and and truthe and not in respect of vs for then were grace no grace In consideration whereof when he sayth Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me thou shalt loue me with all thy harte c. though of duetie we are bound to accomplishe all that he requireth and are culpable and giltie if we doe not the same yet he requireth not these thinges further of vs then to make vs more in loue and more certayne of this his couenaunt that he is our Lord and GOD. In certayntye wherof as he hath geuē this whole world to serue to our neede and commoditie so hath he geuen his sonne Chryst Iesus and in Christe hymselfe to be a pledge and gage whereof the holy Ghost doth now and then geue vs some taste and sweete smell to our our eternall ioy Where feeling fayleth yet obedience is required Therefore as I sayde because God is your father in Christ and requireth of you straitly to beleue it geue your selfe to obedience although you doe it not with suche feelyng as you desire First must faithe goe before and then feeling will follow If our imperfection frayltie and many euils shoulde be occasions whereby Sathan woulde haue vs to doubte as muche as we canne let vs abhorre that suggestion Let no suggestion make vs doubte of Gods fauour in Christ. as of all others most pernicious for so in deede it is For when we stande in a doubte whether God be oure Father we cannot be thankefull to God we can not hartily pray or thinke anye thyng wee doe acceptable to God we can not loue our neighboures and geue ouer our selues to care for them and doe for them as we should do and therefore Sathan is most subtile hereaboutes knowing full well that if we doubt of Gods eternal mercies towardes vs through Christ we cannot please God or do any thing as we should do to man Continually casteth he into our memories our imperfectiō frayltie falles and offences that we should doubte of Gods mercie and fauour towardes vs. Therefore my good sister wee must not be sluggishe herein To stay vpon Gods promise to christs bloud but as Sathan laboureth to loosen our faythe so must we labour to fasten it by thinking on the promyses and couenaunte of God in Christes bloude namely that God is our God with all that euer hee hath whiche couenaunte dependeth and hangeth vppon Gods own goodnes mercy and trueth onely and not on our obedience or worthines in any poynt for then should we neuer be certayne In deede God requireth of vs obedience and worthines but not that thereby we might be his children and he our father Obedience geueth not to vs to 〈◊〉 Godschildren but Gods ●hildren geueth obedience but because he is our father and we his children through his owne goodnes in Christe therefore requireth he fayth and obedience Now if we want this obedience worthines which he requireth shuld we doubt whether he be our father Nay that were to make our obedience and worthines the cause and so to put Christ out of place for whose sake God is our father But rather because he is our father and we feel our selues to want such things as he requireth we shuld be styrred vp to a shamefastnes and blushing because we are not as we should be and thereupon should we take occasion to go to our father in prayer on this maner Deare father thou of thyne owne mercye in Iesus Chryst hast chosen me to be thy childe and therefore thou wouldest I should be brought into thy Churche and faythfull companye of thy children wherein thou hast kept me hetherto How a 〈◊〉 should 〈◊〉 whē feelin● of Gods comfort lacketh thy name therfore be praysed Now I see my self to want fayth hope loue c. whiche thy children haue and thou requirest of me wherthrough the deuill would haue me to doubt yea vtterly to dispayre of thy fatherly goodnes fauour and mercy Therefore I come to thee as to my mercifull father through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me good Lorde helpe me and geue me fayth hope loue c. and graunt that thy holy spirite may be with me for euer and more and more to assure me that thou art my father that this mercifull couenaunt that thou madest with them respect of thy grace in Christ and for Christ and not in respecte of any my worthines is alwayes to me c. On this
he traineth his souldiers to geue a fierce onset on vowarde of Gods battaile You see how he hath receyued power of God to molest Gods children and to beginne at hys house By reason whereof consider two thinges one the cause on our behalfe the other what will be the sequele on straungers For the first if we be not blind we can not but wel see that our sinnes are the cause of all this miserie 2. Thinges to be considered in the persecution of gods people our sinnes I say which I would that euery one of vs would applye to our selues after the example of Ionas and Dauid turning ouer the wallet that other mens offences myght lie behinde and our owne before Not that I woulde excuse other men whyche exteriourly haue walked muche more grossely then manye of you haue done but that I woulde prouoke you all as my selfe to more hearty repentance and prayer Let vs more and more encrease to knowe and lament our doubting of God of his presence power anger mercy c. Let vs better feele and hate our self loue securitie negligence vnthankfulnes vnbelief impacience c. and then doubtlesse the crosse shall be lesse careful yea it shal be comfortable and Christ moste deare and pleasaunt death then shal be desired Earnest repentance maketh the Crosse more pleasaunt as the dispatcher of vs ou● of al miserie and entrance into eternall felicitie and ioye vnspeakeable the whych is so much the more longed for by howe muche we feele in dede the serpents bits wherwith he woundeth our heeles that is our outward Adam and senses If we had I say a liuely and true feeling of his poyson we could not but as reioyce ouer oure captaine y t hath bruised hys head Coloss. 1. so be desirous to followe his example that is to geue our liues with him and for him and so to fill vp his passions that he might conquere and ouercome in vs and by vs to his glory and comfort of his children If Gods iudgementes be so sharpe to his children what will it be to his enemyes Nowe the seconde I meane the sequele or that whych will folowe on the straungers my dearely beloued let vs well looke vpon For if so be that God iustly doe thus geue to sathan and his seede to vexe and molest Christe and hys penitent people Oh what and how iustly may he and wil he geue to Sathan to intreate the rechlesse and impenitent sinners If iudgement beginne thus at Gods house what will followe on them that be wythout if they repent not Certainely for them is reserued the dregs of Gods cuppe that is brimstone fire and tempest intollerable Now are they vnwillinge to drinke of Gods cuppe of afflictions which he offereth commō with his sonne Christ our Lord Math. 8. least they shoulde lose their pigges with the Gergelites They are vnwilling to come into the waye that bryngeth to heauen The doinges wayes of the wicked described and what is the end thereof euen afflictions they in their hearts crie Let vs cast his yoke from vs they walke two wayes that is they seeke to serue God Mammon which is vnpossible they will not come nigh the straight way that bringeth to life they open their eyes to beholde present things onely they iudge of Religion after reason and not after Gods word they folowe the more part and not the better they professe God wyth their mouthes but in their hearts they denye him or els they would sanctifie him by seruing hym more then men they parte stake with God which woulde haue all geuing part to the world to the Romish rout and Antichristian Idolatrie now set abroad amongst vs publikely they will haue Christ but none of his crosse which will not be they will be counted to liue godly in Christ but yet they wil suffer no persecution they loue this world wherthrough the loue of God is driuen foorth of them they sauour of those things that be of menne and not that bee of God Summa they loue God in theyr lippes but in theyr hearts yea and in their deedes deny hym as well by not repenting their euils past as by continuing in euill stil by doing as the world the flesh and the deuil willeth and yet still perchaunce they will pray or rather prate Thy will be done in earth which is generallye that euery one shoulde take vp his crosse and follow Christe But thys is a harde saying who is able to abide it Therefore Christ must be praied to depart least al their pigges be drowned The deuill shall haue his dwelling againe in themselues rather then in their pigges and therefore to the Deuill shall they go and dwel with him in eternall perdition and damnation euen in hell fire a torment endlesse and aboue all cogitations incomprehensible if they repent not Wherefore by them my dearely beloued be admonyshed to remember your profession howe that in Baptisme you made a solempne vowe to forsake the Deuill the world c. You promised to fight vnder Christes standard You learned Christes Crosse afore you begunne wyth A. B. C. Goe to then pay your vowe to the Lorde fighte lyke mende and valiant menne vnder Christes standarde take vp your Crosse and follow your maister as your brethren M. Hoper He doth embolden them to take vp Christes Crosse and to follow him Rogers Tailor and Sanders haue done and as nowe your brethren M. Cranmer Latimer Ridley Farrar Bradford Haukes c. be ready to doe The Ise is broken before you therefore be not afraide but be content to die for the Lorde You haue no cause to wauer or doubt of the doctrine thus declared by the bloud of the pastours Remember that Christ sayeth He that will saue his life shall lose it And what should it profite you to winne the whole worlde muche lesse a little quietnesse your goodes c. and to lose your owne soules Render to the Lord that he hath lent you by such meanes as he would haue you render it and not as you would Forget not Christes disciples must deny themselues as well concerning their will as concerning their wisdome Haue in mind that as it is no small mercy to beleeue in the Lorde Blessed be they that dye in the Lord but more ●●●ssed be they that dye for the Lord. so it is no small kindnesse of God towardes you to suffer any thing much more deathe for the Lorde If they be blessed that die in the Lord howe shall they be that die for the Lorde Oh what a blessing is it to haue death due for our sinnes diuerted into a demonstration and testification of the Lordes trueth The end riches 〈◊〉 follow 〈◊〉 Cross● Oh that we had a little of Moises faith to looke vppon the ende of the Crosse to looke vpon the rewarde to see continually wyth Christe and hys people greater richesse then the richesse of Egypt Oh let vs pray that God would
whole bodies and that all the Priestes in the Church were blind and had led the people the wrong way Likewise it was alledged agaynst him that he had denied Purgatory and had sayd that while he were alyue he would do as much for him selfe as he could for after his death he thought that prayer almes deedes could little helpe him These and such like matters were they wherewith these poore and simple men and women were chiefly charged and as heynous heretickes excommunicated emprisoned and at last compelled to recant and some of them in vtter shame and reproch besides the ordinary bearyng of fagots before the Crosse in processiō The maner of popish penaunce or els at a Sermon were enioyned for penaunce as they termed it as well to appeare once euery yeare before their ordinary as also to weare the signe of a fagot painted vpon their sleeues or other part of their outward garment and that during their liues or so often and long as it pleased their ordinary to appoint By which long rigorous and open punishing of them they ment as it should seeme vtterly to terrifie and keepe backe all others from the true knowledge of Iesus Christ and his Gospell But the Lord be euermore praysed what effect their wicked purposes therein haue takē The troubles of Helene Heyer and Robert Barkeway these our most lightsome dayes of Gods glorious Gospel do most ioyfully declare THere were also troubled beside these certaine others more simple and ignoraunt who hauyng but a very smal smake or tast of the truth did yet at the first as it may seeme gladly consent vnto the same but beyng apprehended they quickly agayne yelded and therfore had onely assigned them for their penaunce the bearyng of a litle cādle before the Crosse without any further opē abiuryng or recantyng Amongest which I finde two especially the one a woman called Elene Heyer to whom it was obiected that she had neither confessed her selfe vnto the Priest nor yet receiued the Sacrament of the altar by the space of 4. yeares and notwithstandyng had yearely eaten fleshe at Easter and after as well as others that had receiued the same contrary to the vsuall maner and conuersation of all other Christian people The other was a mā named Robert Berkeway who besides most wicked blasphemies agaynst God whiche he vtterly denyed was charged to haue spoken heynous wordes against the Popes holy and blessed Martyr Thomas Becket callyng him micher and theefe for that hee wrought by craftes and imaginations Thus haue I as briefly as I could summarely collected the principall Articles obiected agaynst these weake infirme and earthy vessels Not minding hereby to excuse or condēne them in these their fearefull falles and daungerous defectiōs but leauyng them vnto the vnmeasurable rich mercies of the Lord I thought onely to make manifest the vnsaciable bloudy crueltie of y e Popes kingdome agaynst the Gospell and true Church of Christ nothyng mitigatyng their enuious rage no not agaynst the very simple idiotes and that sometyme in most friuolous and irreligious cases But now leauyng to say any further herein I will by Gods grace go forthward with other somewhat serious matters ¶ The death and Martyrdome of William Swetyng and Iohn Brewster IN searchyng and perusing of the Register Wil. Sweting Iohn Brewster Martirs for the collection of the names Articles before recited I finde that within the compasse of the same yeares there were also some others who after they had once shewed themselues as frayle vnconstaūt as the rest beyng either therewith pricked in conscience or otherwise zelously ouercome with the manifest truth of Gods most sacred word became yet agayn as earnest professours of Christ as euer they were before and for the same profession were the secōd tyme apprehēded examined condemned and in the end were most cruelly burned Of the which number were Williā Swetyng and Iohn Brewster who were both burned together in Smithfield the xviij day of October in the yeare of our Lord. 1511. the chiefest case of religion alledged agaynst them in their Articles was their fayth cōcernyng the Sacrament of Christes body and bloud Which because it differed from the absurde grosse and Caparniticall opiniō of the new Scholemē was coūted as most heynous heresie Against trāsubstantiatiō corporall presēce in the Sacrament There were other thyngs besides obiected agaynst them as the reading of certaine forbidden bookes and accompanying with such persons as were suspected of heresie But one great and heynous offence counted amongest the rest was their putting leauing of the paintyng fagots which they were at their first abiuryng enioyned to weare as badges during theyr lyues or so long as it should please their Ordinary to appoynt and not to leaue them off vpō paine of relaps vntill they were dispensed withall for the same The cruell rigor of the Catholike clergy against the professours of the Gospell The breach of this iniunction was esteemed to be of no small weight and yet the matter well throughly considered it seemeth by their cōfessions they were both therunto by necessitie enforced For the one named Sweting being for feare of the Bishops cruelty cōstrained to wander the countreys to get his poore liuing came at length vnto Colchester where by the parson of the parish of Mary Magdalen he was prouoked to be y e holy water clarke and in that consideration had that infamous badge first taken away from him The other which was Brewster leaft off his at the commandement of the Controller of the Earle of Oxfordes house who hiring the poore man to labour in the Earles houshold busines woulde not suffer him working there to weare that counterfait cognisaunce any longer so that as I said necessity of liuing seemeth to compell both of them at the first to breake that iniunction and therfore if charitie had borne as great sway in y e harts of the Popes Clergy as did crueltie this trifle would not haue bene so heinously taken as to be brought against thē for an article and cause of condemnation to death But where tirannie once taketh place as well all godly loue as also all humane reason duties are quite forgotten Well to be short what for y e causes before recited as also for that they had once already abiured and yet as they terme it fel againe into relaps they were both as you haue hearde in the ende burned together in Smithfielde althoughe the same parties as the Register recordeth did againe before their death fearefully forsake their former reuiued cōstancie and submitting themselues vnto the discipline of the Romish Church craued absolution from their excommunication Howbeit because many of the Registers notes records in such cases may rightly be doubted of Submission would not be taken of the charitable catholikes and so called into questiō I refer the certaine knowledge hereof vnto the Lord who is the trier of all truthes and the external
French kyng There be in Antwerpe that say they saw him come into Paris with an C. and L. horses and that they spake with him If the Frenchmē receiue the word of God he will plant the * * By the affirmatiue he meaneth the opiniō which M. Luther and the Saxons do hold● of the sacramēt M. Tindall againe beareth with tyme. affirmatiue in thē George Ioy would haue put forth a Treatise of the matter but I haue stopt him as yet what he wil do if he get money I wot not I beleue he would make many reasons little seruing to the purpose My mynd is that nothyng be put forth till we heare how you shall haue sped I would haue the right vse preached and the presence to be an indifferent thyng till the matter might be reasoned in peace at laysure of both parties If you be required shew the phrases of the Scripture and let them talke what they will For as to beleue that God is euery where hurteth no man that worshippeth him no where but within in the hart in spirite and veritie Vbiquitie cānot be proued euen so to beleue that the body of Christ is euery where though it cannot be● proued hurteth no man that worshyppeth hym no where saue in the faith of his Gospell You perceiue my mynde howbeit if God shewe you otherwise it is free for you to doe as he moueth you I gessed long agoe that God would send a dasing into the head of the spiritualitie Eating the Whores fleshe is to spoyle the Popes Church onely for the pray and spoile thereof Worldly wisedome so farre as it may serue to Gods glory may be vsed to catche them selues in their owne subtletie and I trust it is come to passe And now me thinketh I smell a counsaile to be taken litle for their profites in tyme to come But you must vnderstand that it is not of a pure hart and for loue of the truth but to aduenge them selues and to eate the whores fleshe and to sucke the mary of her bones Wherefore cleaue fast to the rocke of the helpe of God and commit the ende of all thynges to him and if God shall call you that you may then vse the wisedome of the worldly as farre as you perceiue the glory of God may come thereof refuse it not and euer among thrust in that the Scripture may be in the mother toung and learnyng set vp in the Vniuersities But and if ought be required contrary to the glory of God and his Christ then stand fast and commit your selfe to God and be not ouercome of mens persuasions whiche happely shall say we see no other way to bryng in the truth Brother Iacob beloued in my hart there lyueth not in whom I haue so good hope and trust and in whom myne hart reioyseth and my soule comforteth her selfe as in you Low walking not the thousand part so much for your learnyng and what other gifts els you haue as that you will creepe allow by the ground and walke in those thynges that the conscience may feele and not in the imaginations of the brayne in feare and not in boldnesse in open necessary thynges and not to pronounce or define of hyd secretes or thynges that neither helpe or hynder whether they be so or no in vnitie and not in seditious opinions in so much that if you be sure you know yet in thynges that may abide laysure you will deferre or say till other agree with you● me thinke the text requireth this sense or vnderstādyng Yea and that if you be sure that your part be good and an other hold the contrary yet if it be a thyng that maketh no matter you will laugh and let it passe and referre the thyng to other men and sticke you stifly and stubburnely in earnest and necessary thynges And I trust you bee perswaded euen so of me For I call GOD to recorde agaynst the day we shall appeare before our Lord Iesus The vpright handling in the translation of M. Tindall to geue a reckenyng of our doynges that I neuer altered one syllable of Gods word agaynst my conscience nor would this day if all that is in the earth whether it be pleasure honour or riches might be geuen me Moreouer I take God to recorde to my conscience that I desire of God to my selfe in this world no more then that without which I can not keepe his lawes Finally if there were in me any gift that could helpe at hād and ayde you if neede required I promise you I would not be farre of and commit the ende to God my soule is not faynt though my body be wery But God hath made me euill fauoured in this world and without grace in the sight of mē speachlesse and rude dull and slow wytted your part shal be to supply that lacketh in me remembryng that as lowlynesse of hart shall make you hygh with GOD euen so meekenesse of wordes shall make you sinke into the hartes of men Nature geueth age authoritie but meekenesse is the glory of youth and geueth them honour Aboundance of loue maketh me exceede in babling A low hart maketh a man high with God Authority is the glory of age Syr as concerning Purgatory and many other things if you be demaunded you may say if you erre the spiritualtie hath so led you and that they haue taught you to beleeue as you do For they preached you all such things out of Gods word and alledged a thousand textes by reason of which textes you beleeued as they taught you Meeknes is the glory of youth But now you finde thē lyers and that the textes meane no suche things and therefore you can beleeue them no longer but are as you were before they taught you and beleeue no such thing howbeit you are ready to beleeue if they haue any other way to prooue it for without proofe you can not beleeue them when you haue found them with so many lies c. If you perceyue wherein we may helpe other in being still or doyng somewhat let vs haue word and I will do mine vttermost My Lord of London hath a seruaunt called Iohn Tisen with a red beard and a blacke reddish head and was once my scholler he was seene in Antwerpe but came not among the Englishmen whether he is gone an Ambassadour secret I wot not The mighty God of Iacob be with you to supplant his enemies and geue you the fauour of Ioseph and the wisedome and the spirit of Stephen be with your hart and with your mouth Purgatory hath no proofe by Scripture and teach your lippes what they shall say and how to aunswere to all things He is our God if we despaire in our selues and trust in hym and his is the glory Amen William Tyndall ¶ I hope our redemption is nygh ¶ This letter was written an 1533. in the moneth of Ianuary Which letter although it do pretend the name of
resurrection My merites is the mercy of the Lord. I am not without merit so long as the Lord of mercie shal continue And if y e mercies of the Lorde be great and riche then am I also great and rich in merites And to conclude they be Christes owne merites and good works as sayth S. Ambrose wel nigh euery where that he worketh in vs which he doth reward and crowne Good workes how they be Gods and how they be ours and not ours if one should loke narowly vpon the thing speak properly Howbeit they yet neuerthelesse are ours by him for so much as his mercifull bountie imputeth hys goods to be ours So that in this I wot not how other do meane which lust to sel their merits vnto their neighbors that happely haue skarce enough for themselues but I do wholy deme beleue according as the scripture with these holy doctors and such other do teach wishing that men euer for good doing should not so much as the cōmon people doth regard their merite or reward To walke with God after a seruile fashion is to worke for merite for that is not the thing that engendreth the loue of god in vs but rather maketh men to honour God in a seruile fashion for the loue of themselues in doing workes for loue of rewarde or for dread of payne more then because it so pleaseth God lyketh him whereas if we regarded first yea altogether that it is our duety to do wel which is the keping of his cōmandements that so we should content his pleasure reward should vndoubtedly ensue good deedes 〈…〉 works 〈…〉 works 〈◊〉 done 〈◊〉 ●ewarde 〈◊〉 ability to doe 〈◊〉 will of 〈…〉 7.11 although we minded no whit the same as heat followeth euermore y e fire vnseperate therefrom And thus we shuld serue god with harty loue as children and not for meed or dread as vnlouing thraldes and seruauntes Concerning free will I meane altogether as doth S. Augustine that of our selfe we haue no libertie ne habilitie to doe the will of God but are subiect vnto sinne thralds of the lame conclusi sub peccatum vaenundati sub eodem Shut vp and sold vnder sinne as witnesseth both Esay also Paule but by the grace of God wee are rid and set at libertie according to the portion that euery man hath takē of the same some more some lesse ¶ Whereas in your sixt demaund you do enquire whether the sacrament of the aulter be a sacrament necessarye vnto saluation ●●●were to 〈◊〉 article and whether after the consecration of the bread wine done by the priest 〈◊〉 sacra●●nt of the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 as by the minister of God there is the very body and bloud of Christ in likenes of bread wine I neither can ne wil answere one worde otherwise thē I haue told sith I was first deliuered into your hands Neither woulde I haue aunswered one whit thereunto knowing so much at the first as I now doe till you hadde brought foorth some that would haue accused me to haue trespassed in the same which I am certayn you can not do bringing any that is honest and credible A●swere to 〈◊〉 7. article ¶ As concerning the other vi sacramentes I make you that same answere that I haue done vnto the sacramēt of the aulter and none other That is I will say nothing vntill some men appeare to accuse mee in the same vnlesse I know a more reasonable cause then I haue yet heard why I so ought to do But as touching y e forme and fashion I shall answere willingly so farre forth as my rudenes will serue I hold well that such as be duely elect Ministers in the Churche ought to baptise except necessitie require otherwise and that the forme vsed in the Churche ●●●tisme to 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 is in mine opinion not vncommendable Neuertheles it should edifie muche more if it were vttered in the vulgar language and cause people in the Baptisme of children more effectuously to thank God for hys institution and high benefite thereby represented In like condition do I also deeme of ministration in all the other ●●swere to 〈◊〉 8. article that it should be expedient to haue thē ministred openly in y e vulgar lāguage for the edifying of y e people As concerning the forme vsed in matrimony I lyke it right wel and thinke it commendable sauing in all coūtreyes lightly Iudas hath set in his foote ouer farre and taketh in hand to sell his maister accompanyed with Symon Magus saying what will you geue me if I deliuer vnto you Christ This is the saying of all them that require M●trimonie 〈◊〉 freely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with out money without any lawfull authoritie in some places .xii. pence in some vi pence in some more in some lesse but in euery place lightly some mony when a couple shoulde be maryed and this they cal the churches right Moreouer y t they will not suffer mariage to be solemnised at al times of the yeare I thinke it standeth not with Christes rule but rather is agaynst the same and that they will not suffer the danes vpon all holydayes to be proclaymed vnlesse a dispensation for money be purchased therefore All this God forbiddeth Finally like as no mony ought to be geuen for this no more shoulde anye be taken for anye other But y e contrary is seene whiche is great pitty yea euen at the receiuing of the sacrament of the aulter priestes euery where vse to clayme somewhat and in some part of the West coūtrey no lesse then 2. pence of euery pole Answere to the 9. article ¶ As touching priesthood in the primitiue church whē vertue bare as auncient Doctors do de●●e and scripture in mine opinion recordeth the same most roume there were no mo officers in the Churches of God thē byshops and Deacons that is to saye ministers as witnesseth beside scripture full apertly B●shops ●●●estes all 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 tyme. 〈◊〉 order 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 of ●●nisters in 〈…〉 not ●●thout the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deacons 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 Hierome in his Commentaries vpon the Epistles of Paule whereas hee sayth that those whome we call priestes were all one and none other but Bishyps and the bishops none other but priestes mē ancient both in age and learning so neare as could be chosen neyther were they institute and chosen as they be nowe a dayes with small regard of a Bishop 〈◊〉 his Officer onely apposing them if they can construe a Collect but they were chosen not onely of the B. but also to the consent of y e people amōg whō they shuld haue their liuing as sheweth S. Cyprian and the people as he sayth ought to haue power to chuse priestes y t be men of good learning of good honest report but alack for pity 〈◊〉 elections are now banished and new
this Call vppon me in time of your tribulation and I shal deliuer you Marke howe he sayeth here call vppon me Psal. ●● God onely to be ●●●ted What is 〈◊〉 call 〈◊〉 vpon God Psal 143. appointing neyther S. Thomas ne maister Iohn Shorne Also in an other place The Lorde is nigh vnto them thar call vpon hym that call vpon him truely and with that he sheweth who calleth truely vppon him saying thus He shall do the will or desire of them that reuerenceth him and shall heare graciously their prayer and make them safe for the Lord loueth al that loueth him and all sinners shall be destroyed And thus vsed y e holy prophets Patriarks Apostles other good faithfull people in olde time in al tribulation anguish to resort vnto the head fountain which is of grace infinite as is shewed in other places in this wise Psal. ● Psal. 1● Psal. 1●7 In my trouble I called vpon the Lord saith Dauid and he hearde me gratiously when I was troubled I cried vnto the Lorde and he mercifully heard me Also I lift mine eyes vp vnto the mountaines but from whence shall helpe come vnto me Myne helpe quoth he shall come from the Lorde that made both heauen and earth I reade the first of these verses in forme of interrogation folowing saint Augustine which as I remember interpreteth it in this wise If I recite not authorities in all places in the moste perfite forme I would pray you somewhat to pardon me for you know y t I lacke books and haue not them lying by me Notwithstanding I am certain I shal not decline much from him The hylles toward the which Dauid did lift vp his eyes were Saintes and holy men of whom when he could not haue his minde satisfied he turned another way saying from whence shall help come vnto me Anone he remembring himselfe better sued vnto God himselfe of whom incontinent he obteined the accomplishment of his wish and so witnessed the same for our instruction saying God onely is the geuer of helpe and not Saintes Myne helpe is of the Lord or commeth from the Lorde which made heauen and earth This interpretation as neare as I remember is after the minde of Saint Augustine and I suppose verely that it is not contrary vnto the mind of God ne disagreeing with the sequele of Scripture Also in this wise it is reported in the new Testament by authoritie reduced out of the olde where it is written Marke 13. Ioel. 2. Euery one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued And marke howe cum * That is with a special efficacie for vs to marke more attentiuely energia it is said vpon the name of the Lord without any sending vs either to S. Christopher though he be paynted neuer so stout either to S. Patrickes purgatory in Ireland or to S. Iames in Galicia in the yeare of grace or yet to anye other sainct or place but would vs y t we shuld call vpō almighty God and vpon his name for the loue that hee beareth to Christ and is alway our Aduocate before our father to purchase mercy for our sinnes 1. Ioh. 3. August in Iohanne● Christ aduocate as well for Saintes and Apostles 〈◊〉 for vs. and not for our sinnes onely quoth S. Iohn who is y e writer of this saying and testimony but also for the sinnes of all the world S. Augustine vppon the same noteth that S. Iohn in that place sayth we haue an Aduocate and that Christ is Aduocate for him like as he is for all other to purchase mercy for him like as hee doth for all other that shall be saued and that Sainct Iohn will not be knowne for our aduocate but that Christ shoulde be taken for Aduocate of all S. Bede as I remember vppon the same maketh as much for this purpose as doth S. Augustine or well more so that by course of scripture we are taught to resort for all ayde and reliefe as I haue sayd vnto the head spring and fountayne of all comfort and mercye Bede vpon S. Iohn as S. Paule calleth him the father of mercies and of all comforte which is readye to comforte vs in all tribulation which as the psalme reporteth healeth all our infirmities and taketh mercy vppon al our iniquities For he is sweete as is sayd in an other place and gentle and many mercies are layd vp for all those that call vpō him Yet he sheweth vs no where I trow of benefites that we shall purchase by praying vnto saintes departed and if any person can or will vouchsafe to teach me that by some authoritie of Scripture I woulde thinke my selfe hyghly beholding to him what soeuer hee were eyther great or small young or olde but I weene it cannot be I haue made truely long search yet could I neuer find any such substantiall teaching Howbeit I offer my selfe euer to learne and know that my rude witte foolish youth vnexpert experience and feeble discretion had need of good instruction as much as any other Howbeit I see thāked be god that sometime he sheweth some sparcle of light and wisedome to children hiding the same from other that are reputed of higher prudence so that the world thereby many times is brought into admiration seeing suche factes done of God before theyr face and laugh thereat sometime with indignation as the Phariseis did at the blinde man whom Christ had restored to sight where they said to him Thou caitife was borne blinde for thy sinnes Iohn 9. and wilt thou teach vs that are a great multitude of high officers of the temple and Doctours to teach the law As who would say it becommeth ther full●●ll Yet we ought not to maruell greatly at suche doing for so much as S. Paule 1. Corinthians 1. sheweth of like practise done in his time and that he writeth for the instruction of all ages after ensuing so that it perteyneth like as all the holy Scripture doth as well to our tyme as it did to that it was first written in 1. Cor 1. The doctrine of Christes crosse that is to wit of the new testament is to them that perish foly sayth he but to vs that obtayne thereby saluation incaning thereby to such as beleue it is the might or power of God for it is written sayth he by the Prophet Esay that God aforetime sayd he woulde destroy the wisedome of the wise and the vnderstanding or learning of the learned woulde he throw away and despise This prophecy alleged Paule thought to be authority sufficient to disswade the Corinthians from the foolish affiaunce vayneglory or opinion that they had in men whom they peraduenture euer highly estemed for their offices or solemne titles So that he proceedeth foorth in the same where are ye now quoth he the worldly wise the scribes that is to say 1. Cor. 1. Doctors and such other like officers Hath not god shewed the wisedome of
or not Which question rose vpon a certaine contētion which had beene betwene them before For Barnes had affirmed that albeit God requireth of vs to forgeue our neighbour God forgeueth vs first before we forgeue our neighbour Rom. 15. to obtaine forgeuenesse of hym yet he sayd that God must forgeue vs first before we forgeue our neighboure For els to forgeue our neyghbour were sinne by the text that sayeth All that is not of faith is sinne c. Thus the matter being propounded Gardiner to proue the contrary came foorth wyth hys arguments two or three to the which argumentes sayeth Gardiner Barnes coulde not aunswere but desired to be spared that nyght Gardiners report Disputation betweene Barnes Gardiner and the next morning he would answer his arguments In the morning Gardiner wyth the hearers being againe assembled D. Barnes according to the appoyntment was present who then went about to assoil his arguments To his solutions Gardiner againe replied And thus continued they in thys altercation by y e space of two houres Steuen Gardiner in his preface to George Ioye In the ende of thys Cockfight Winchester thus cōcludeth thys glorious tale and croweth vp the triumph declaring howe Barnes besought him to haue pitie of hym to forgeue hym and to take hym to be hys scholer whome then the sayd Winchester as he confesseth himself receiuing not as his scholer but as hys companion offred to hym a portion oute of his liuing to the summe of xl li a yere Steuen Gardiner offereth to Doct. Barnes 40. pounde a yeare Which if it be true as Steuen Gardiner himselfe reporteth why then doth this glorious Cackatrice crowe so much against Barnes afterward and cast him in the teeth bearing all the world in hand that Barnes was his scholler whereas he himselfe heere refuseth Barnes to be hys scholer but receiueth hym as hys companion fellowlyke But to the storie This done the king being aduertised of the conclusion of this matter betweene Barnes and Winchester was cōtent that Barnes shoulde repaire to the Bishoppes house at London the mōday folowing Which he did with a certaine other cōpanion ioyned vnto him Who he was Winchester there doth not expresse only he saith y t it was neyther Hierome nor Garret In this next meeting betweene Barnes and the bishop vpon the foresaid monday the said bishop studying to instruct Barnes vttered to him certain articles or conclusions to the number of x. the effect wherof here followeth Winchesters Articles against Barnes THe effect of Christes passion hath a condition The fulfilling of the condition diminisheth nothing the effecte of Christes passion They that wil enioy the effect of Christes passion must fulfill the condition The fulfilling of the condition requireth firste knowledge of the cōdition which knowledge we haue by faith Faith commeth of God and thys faith is a good gifte It is good and profitable to me it is profitable to me to do well and to exercise thys faith Ergo by the gifte of God I may do well before I am iustified Therfore I may do wel by the gift of God before I am iustified towardes the attainment of iustification There is euer as muche Charitie towardes God as faith And as faith encreaseth so doth charitie encrease To the attainment of iustification is required faith and charitie Euery thing is to be called freely done wherof the beginning is free and at liberty wythout any cause of prouocation Faith muste be to me the assuraunce of the promyses of God made in Christ if I fulfil the condition loue must accomplish the condition wherupon foloweth the attainment of the promise according to Gods truth A man being in deadly sinne maye haue grace to do the workes of penaunce whereby he may attaine to hys iustification These Articles for somuch as they be sufficiently aunswered and replyed vnto by George Ioy in his Ioynder Reioynder agaynst Winchester I shall not neede to cūber this work with any new adoe therewith but onely referre the reader to the bookes aforesayd where he may see matter enough to answere to these popish articles I told you before how the king was contented y e Barnes shuld resort to the house of the bishop of Winchester to be traded and directed by the bishop which Barnes then hearing the talk of y e people hauing also conference with certayne learned men within two dayes after his comming to y e bishops house waxed weary thereof so comming to the bish signified vnto him that if he would take him as one y t came to conferre he would come still but els he would come no more so cleane gaue ouer the bishop This beinge knowen vnto the king thorough sinister complaints of popish Sycophantes Barnes againe was sent for and cōuented before the king who grieuously being incensed against him enioyned both him Hierom and Garret at the solemne Easter sermons at S. Mary spittle opēly in wryting to reuoke the doctrine whych they before had taught At which sermons Ste. Gardiner also himself was present to heare theyr recantation First Doctor Barnes according to hys promise made to the king solempnely and formally beganne to make his recantation whych done he wyth much circumstance and obtestation called vpon the Byshop as is aboue touched and asking of hym forgeuenes required hym in token of a graunt to holde vp hys hand to the entent that he there openly declaring his charitie before the worlde the Byshop also would declare his charitie in like maner Which when the bishoppe refused to doe at the first as he was required Barnes againe called for it desiring him to shew his charitie and to holde vp his hande Which when he had done w t much a do wagging his finger a litle then Barnes entring to his Sermon after his prayer made beginneth the processe of a matter preaching contrarye to that which before he had recanted In so much that the Maior whē the Sermon was finished sittinge wyth the Bishop of Winchester asked him whether he should from the pulpit sende hym to warde to be forth comming for that his bold preaching contrary to hys recantation The like also did Hierome and Garret after hym The king had appointed before certain to make report of the sermons Besides them there was one who wryting to a frende of hys in the Court in the fauour of these preachers declared how gayly they had all handled the matter both to satisfie the recantation and also in the same Sermons to vtter out the truth that it might spread without let of the world Wherfore partly by these reporters partly by the negligent looking to this letter Barnes Garret and Hierome commaunded to the 〈◊〉 which came to the Lord Cromwels hands sayeth Gardiner Barnes wyth his other fellowes were apprehended and committed to the Tower Steuen Gardiner in his foresayde booke against George Ioye woulde needes cleare himselfe that he was in
knowe These wordes of Fachel as euery man sayd were the cause of Marbeckes casting that day Then went the Iury vp to the chamber ouer the place where the iudges sate and in the meane time went all the Knights and gentlemen abroade Manbecke cast by the Iurye sauing the Byshop Syr William Essex and Fachell which three sate still vpon the Benche till all was done The knightes gentlemē refuse to be at their condemnation And when the Iurie hadde bene togethers aboue in the chamber about the space of a quarter of an houre vp goeth Symons of hys owne brayne vnto them and taried there a prety while and came down againe After that came one of the Iury downe to the byshop and talked wyth hym and the other twaine a good while whereby manye coniectured that the Iurie coulde not agree of Marbecke But whether it were so or no it was not long after his going vp again ere that they came downe to geue their verdit Hyde a Farmer of Windsore Colledge a persecuter And being required according to the forme of the law to say their minds one called Hyde dwelling beside Abyngton in a lordshyp belonging to the Colledge of Wyndsore speaking in the mouthe of the rest sayd they were all giltie Then the Iudges beholding the prisoners a good while some wyth watery eyes made curtesie who should geue iudgement Fachel requiring the byshop to doe it he sayde he might not the other also being required said they wold not Then said Fachel it must be done one must do it Fachell geueth iudgement agaynst them and if no man will then will I. And so Fachell being lowest of al the bench gaue iudgement Then Marbeck being y e last vpon whom sentence was geuen cried to the bish saying Ah my Lorde you tolde me otherwise when I was before you and the other two bishops You said then that I was in better case then any of my fellowes and is your sayinge come to this Ah my L. you haue deceiued me Then the B. casting vp his hand sayd he could not do withall Person Testwood Filmer and Marbecke condemned for heretickes Now the prisoners being condemned and had away prepared themselues to die on the morow comforting one an other in the deathe and passion of theyr maister Christe who had ledde the way before them trusting that the same lord which had made them worthy to suffer so farre for hys sake would not nowe withdraw his strength from them but geue them stedfast faith power to ouercome those firie torments and of his free mercy and goodnes wythout theyr desertes for hys promise sake receiue theyr soules Thus lay they all the night long til very dead sleepe tooke them calling to God for hys aide and strength and praying for their persecuters whiche of blinde zeale and ignoraunce had done they wist not what that God of hys mercifull goodnes would forgeue them The godly prayers of the condemned Martirs almost all the night and turne theyr hearts to the loue and knowledge of his blessed and holy worde Yea such heauenly talke was among them that night that the hearers watching the prison without wherof the Shiriffe hymselfe was one with diuers gentlemen moe were constrained to shed out plēty of teares as they themselues confessed On the next morow which was Friday as the prysoners were all preparing themselues to go to suffer worde was brought them that they should not dye that day The cause was this The Byshop of Sarum and they among them had sent a letter by one of the Shiriffes Gentlemen A letter sent by certayne of the Commissioners to Gardyner for Marbecke called M. Frost to the bishop of Winchester the Court being then at Oking in the fauour of Marbecke At the sight of whych letter the bishop straight way went to the kyng and obtained hys pardon Which being graunted he caused a warrante to be made out of hande for the sheriffes discharge deliuering the same to the messenger who with speede returned wyth great ioy for the loue he bare to the partie bringing good newes to the towne Marbeckes pardon obteyned of Marbeckes pardon wherat many reioysed Of this pardon were diuers coniectures made Some said it was by the sute of the good Shriffe syr William Barington and syr Humffray Foster with other Gentlemen moe that fauoured Marbeck to the B. of Sarum and the other Commissioners that the letter was sent Some sayde againe that it came of the Byshop of Sarum and Fachels first motion Diuers iudgementes why Marbecke was pardoned being pricked in conscience for that they had so slēderly cast him away Other thought againe that it was a policie purposed afore by the Byshop of Winchester of Sarum and of D. London because they would seeme to be mercifull Which coniecture rose vppon thys occasion There was one Sadocke dwellynge in the towne which was greate with D. London and Symons and he shoulde say 4. dayes before the sessions began that the prisoners should be all cast and condemned but Marbecke should haue hys pardon Other there were that thought the foresayde Byshops with D. London had done it for this purpose that he now hauing his life would rather vtter such mē as they would haue him to do then to come in like daunger again Which coniecture rose vpon thys Symons meeting wyth Marbeckes wife said thus vnto her your husband may thanke God good frendes my Lord of Winchester is good Lord vnto him which hath got his pardon But shall I tel you quoth he Marbecke reserued to vtter others his pardon wil be to none effect except he tell the truth of things to my Lord other of the counsel when he shal be demaunded for vnto that purpose onely is he reserued Alas sir quoth she what can he tel Well womā quoth Symons I tell thee plaine if he doe not so neuer looke to haue thy husband out of prisone and so departed from her The like meaning did M. Arche make to Marbecke him selfe on the saterday in y e morning that the men shoulde be brent when he came to cōfesse them I haue nothing quoth he to saye vnto you Marbecke at this time but heereafter you must be cōtent to do as shal be enioyned you meaning he should be forced to do some vnlawful thing or els to lie in perpetuall prisone The pestilent intent of the Bishops And thys was moste likely to haue beene attempted if they hadde proceeded in their purpose whose intent was to haue gone thorow the whole realme in the lyke sorte as they had begonne at Wyndsore as the Byshop of Sarum confessed openly and sayde that he trusted ere Christmasse daye following to visite and cleanse a good part thereof But moste commonly God sendeth a shrewed Cowe short hornes or else manye a thousande in England had smarted On saterday in the morning that the prisoners shoulde go to execution came into the
thou shewe mercy vnto thy neighbour This place tendeth to no such meaning as is in the article but onely sheweth our good deedes to be imperfect 18. article This place geueth to none any propriety of an other mannes goodes but onely by waye of Christian communion 19. Article yet if thou do it not with suche burning loue as Christ did vnto thee so must thou knowledge thy sinne and desire mercy in Christ c. 18. Euery man is Lord of another mans good fol. 83. The words of Tindall be these Christ is Lord ouer all and euery Christian is heire annexed with Christ therefore Lord of all and euery one lord of whatsoeuer an other hath If thy brother or neigbour therefore neede and thou haue to helpe him and yet shewest not mercy but withdrawest thy hands from him then robbest thou him of his owne and art a theefe c. Reade more heereof in the xx Article following 19. I am bound to loue the Turke with the very bottome of my hart fol. 83. The place of this Article is this I am bound to loue the Turke with all my might and power yea and aboue my power euen frō the ground of my hart To loue the Turke to that end to win him to Christ is no heresie but charitye after the example that Christ loued me neither to spare goods body or life to win him to Christ. And what can I do more for thee if thou gauest me all the world Where I see neede there can I not but pray if Gods spirit be in me c. 20. The woorst Turke liuing hath as much right to my goodes at his neede as my housholde or mine owne selfe fol. 83. 20. article Reade and marke wel the place in the wicked Mammon In Christ we are all of one degree without respect of persons Notwithstanding though a christen mans hart be open to all mē Loe Reader how peeuishly this place is wrested First here is no mention made of any Turke Secōdly this place speaking of an Infidell meaneth of such Christians which forsake their owne householdes Thirdly by his right in thy goodes he meaneth no propriety that he hath to claime but onely to put thee in remembrance of thy Christen duety what to geue and receyueth all men yet because that his habilitie of goodes extendeth not so farre this prouision is made that euery man shall care for his owne houshold as father and mother and thyne elders that haue holpen thee wife children and seruants If thou shouldest not care and prouide for thine housholde then were thou an Infidell seeing thou hast taken on thee so to do and for so much as that is thy part committed to thee of the congregation When thou hast done thy dutie to thine housholde and yet hast further aboundance of the blessing of God that owest thou to the poore that can not labour or woulde labour and can get no worke and are destitute of friends to the poore I meane which thou knowest to them of thine owne parish If thy neighbours which thou knowest be serued and thou yet haue superfluitie and hearest necessitie to be among the breethren a thousand mile off to them art thou detter Yea to the very Infidels we be detters if they neede as farrefoorth as we maintayne them not against Christ or to blaspheme Christ. Thus is euery man that needeth thy helpe thy father mother sister and brother in Christ euen as euery man that doth the will of the father is father mother sister and brother vnto Christ. Moreouer if any be an Infidel and a false Christian and forsake his houshold his wife children and suche as can not helpe themselues then art thou bound to them if thou haue wherewith euen as much as to thine owne housholde and they haue as good right in thy goodes as thou thy selfe c. And if the whole world were thine yet hath euery brother his right in thy goodes and is heire with thee as we are all heyres with Christ c. 21. Almes deserueth no meede fol. 84. 21. article The place is this He that seeketh with his aliues more then to be mercifull to be a neighbour to succour his brothers neede to doe his duetie to his brother The place is playne 22. article to geue hys brother that he oweth him the same is blinde and seeth not what it is to be a christen man and to haue fellowship in Christes bloud c. 22. There is no worke better then another to please God To make water to wash dishes to be a sowter or an Apostle all is one To wash dishes and to preach is all one as touching the deed to please God fol. 44. The words of Tindall be these As pertayning to good works vnderstand that all workes are good whyche are done within the lawe of God in fayth and with thankesgiuing to God These wordes of Tindall sufficiētly discharge the article of al heresy if they be well wayed The meaning whereof is this that all our acceptation with God standeth onely vpon our fayth in Christ and vpon no work nor office Whereby Cornelius the Tanner beleeuing in Christ is as wel iustified before God as the Apostle or preacher So that there is no reioycing now neyther in work nor office but onely in our faith in Christ which onely iustifieth vs before God Rom. 8. and vnderstande that thou in thy doing them pleasest God whatsoeuer thou doest within the law of God as when thou makest water c. Moreouer put no difference betweene workes but whatsoeuer commeth into thy handes that doe as tyme place and occasion geueth and as God hath put thee in degree high or low As touching to please God there is no worke better then an other God loketh not first on thy workes as the world doth as though the beautifulnes of the world pleased him as it doth the world or as though he had neede of them but God looketh first on the hart what faith thou hast to his wordes how thou beleeuest him and how thou louest him for his mercy that hee hath shewed thee he looketh with what hart thou workest and not what thou workest how thou acceptest the degree that he hath put thee in and not of what degree thou art whether thou be an Apostle or a Shomaker Set this example before thine eyes Thou art a kitchen Page and washest thy maisters dishes Another is an Apostle and preacheth the word of God Of this Apostle harke what S. Paule sayth If I preach sayth he I haue naught to reioyce in for necessitie is put vnto me As who shoulde say God hath made me so wo is vnto me if I preach not If I doo it willinglye saith he then haue I my rewarde that is then am I sure that Gods spirit is in me and that I am elect to eternall life If I do it against my will an office is committed vnto mee that is if I doe it not
and Priestes to God his father c. Apoc. 1. Of y t maner is Christ a priest for euer and all we are Priestes through him and neede no more of anye such priest to be a meane for vs vnto God c. 12 He destroyeth the sacraments of Matrimony and Orders Fol. 144. 12. article As truly as matrimony and orders be sacramentes so truely is this article an heresie 13 He sayth that Purgatory is of the popes inuention and therefore he may doe there what soeuer he will Fol 150. One of the popes owne writers saith thus 13. articl● soules being in purgatory are vnder y e popes iurisdiction the P. may if he will euacuate all purgatory Ioannes Angelus Furthermore y e olde Fathers make litle mention of purgatory y e Greek church neuer beleued Purgatory S. Augustine doubteth of purgatory and the scriptures playnly disproue purgatory S. Iohn sayth The bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God purgeth vs from all sinne And the pope sayth sinne can not be purged but by the fire of purgatory 1. Iohn 1. nowe whose inuention can Purgatory be but onely the popes 14 Saintes be saued not by theyr merites but onely by the merites of Christ. fol. 151. What can be more manifest and playne by the Scryptures then this Esay sayth All we haue erred 14. article euery man in his owne wayes Veritye made heresie and God hath layd vpon him all our iniquities c. 15 He sayth no man may be hired to pray fol. 155. The wordes in the obedience be true which are these 15. article To pray one for an other are we equally bound to pray is a thing that we may alwayes doe what soeuer we haue in hand and that to do may no man hyre an other The place annexed christes bloud hath hyred vs already c. 16 Why should I trust sayth he in Paules prayer or holines 16. article If S. Paule were aliue he would compare himselfe to S. Paule and be as good as he fol. 159. The wordes of Tindall be these Why am not I also a false Prophet if I teache thee to trust in Paule The place annexed or in hys holines or praier or in any thing sauing in Gods word as Paule did I● Paule were here and loued me as hee loued them of his time The wordes of Tindall import no such meaning as is in the article to whom hee was a seruaunt to preache Christ what good could he do for me or wish me but preache christ pray to God for me to open my hart to geue me his spirite and to bring me vnto the ful knowledge of Christ Unto which port or hauen when I am once come I am as safe as Paule ioynt heire with Paule of all the promises of God c. 17. article 17 He sayth that all that be baptised become Christ himselfe fol. 163. With this Article conferre the words of the Obedience The place annexed which be these In Math. 28. sayth Christ in as muche as ye haue done it to any of the least of these my brethrē ye haue done it to me And in as much as ye haue not done it vnto one of the least of these ye haue not done it vnto me Here seest thou that we are Christes brethren and euen Christ himselfe and whatsoeuer we doe one to another that do we to Christ. c. 18 He sayth that the children of fayth be not vnder no lawe 18. Article fol. 163. The wordes of Tindall be these The place annexed The article is true being truly taken I serue thee not because thou art my mayster or king for hope of rewarde or feare of payne but for the loue of Christ. For the childrē of fayth are vnder no law as thou seest in the Epistle to the Romaines to the Galath and the 1. to Tim. but are free The spirite of Christ hath written the liuely law of loue in their hartes whiche driueth them to worke of theyr owne accorde freely and willingly for the great loue sake onelye which they see in Christ and therfore need they no lawe to compell them c. 19 There is no deede so good 19. Article but that the law condemneth it fol. 177. The place in the Obedience is this The place annexed Thou hast the story of Peter how he smote Malchus eare and howe Christ healed it agayne There hast thou in plaine text great fruit and great edifying which I passe ouer Thē come I whē I preach of the law and the gospell and borow this example to expresse the nature of the law and of the Gospell and to paynt it vnto thee before thine eyes What heresie is in this and of Peter hys sword make I the law and of Christ the gospel saying as Peters sworde cutteth of the eare so doth the lawe The law damneth the law killeth and mangleth the consciēce There is no eare so righteous that can abide the hearyng of the law There is no deede so good but that the law dāneth it But Christ that is to say the Gospell the promises and Testament that God hath made in Christ healeth the eare and conscience which the law hath hurt c. 20 To aske of God more then he hath promised 20. A●ticle● commeth of a false fayth and is playne idolatry 171. The wordes of Tindall are these Looke wherin thou canst best keep the commaundementes The place annexed thither get thy self and there abide c. If we haue infirmities y t draw vs frō the lawes of God let vs cure them with the remedies that God hath made If thou burne marry for God hath promised thee no chastitie as long as thou mayest vse y e remedy that he hath ordayned What heresie is in this no more then hee hath promysed to slacke thine hunger without meate Now to aske of God more then he hath promised commeth of a false fayth and is playne Idolatry c. 21 Our payne taken in keeping the commaundements doth nothing but purge the sinne that remayneth in the fleshe 21. article But to looke for any other reward or promotion in heauen then God hath promised for Christes sake is abhominable in the sight of God fol. 171. Consider the place in the Obedience which is this To looke for any other reward or promotion in heauen or in the life to come The place annexed then that which God hath promised for Christes sake and which Christ hath deserued for vs with his payne taking is abhominable in the sight of God For Christ only hath purchased the reward and our payne taking to keepe the commaundements doth but purge the sinne that remayneth in the flesh and certifie vs that wee are chosen and sealed with Gods spirit vnto the rewarde that Christ hath purchased for vs c. 22 The Pope hath no other authoritie but to preache onely fol. 173.
to feare death fol. 36. Although our nature be frayle full of imperfectiō so that we do not as we should yet doing as we ought as we are lead by the Scriptures to do we should not dread but desire rather to dye and to be with Christ as the place it selfe doth well declare which is this We must loue death The place 〈…〉 ●●rfecte and more desire to die and to be w t god as did S. Paul then to feare death For Iesus Christ dyed for vs to the intent that we shoulde not feare to dye and he hath slayn death and destroyd the sting of death as writeth S. Paule saying O death where is thy sting 1. Cor. 1● death is swalowed vp in victory And to the Philippians Christ is to me life and death is to me aduauntage 20 God made vs his children and his heires while we were his enemies and before we knew him fol. 44. I maruell what the Papistes meane in the Registers to condemn this article as an heresy vnlesse theyr purpose be vtterly to impugne gainstand the scripture the writinges of S. Paule who in the fift chapter to the Rom. other his Epistles importeth euen the same doctrine in all respectes declaring in formall words that we be made the children and heyres of God and that we were reconciled vnto him when we were his enemies 21 It were better neuer to haue done good worke and aske mercy therfore then to do good workes and thinke that for thē god is bound to a man by promise fol. 48. 22 We can shew no more honor to God then fayth and trust in him fol. 48. The place out of the which these two articles are gathered is this It were better for thee a thowsande folde that thou haddest bene a sinner and neuer had done good deed to acknowledge thine offences euill life vnto God asking mercy with a good hart lamenting thy sinnes then to haue done good workes in them to put thy trust thinking that therfore God were bound to thee There is nothing which after the maner of speaking bindeth God but fyrme and stedfast fayth and trust in him his promises c. For we can shew vnto God no greater honor then to haue faith and trust in him For whosoeuer doth that he confesseth that God is true good mighty mercifull c. 23 Fayth without good workes is no litle or no feeble faith but it is no fayth fol. 50. 24 Euery man doth as much as he beleueth fol. 50. The place out of the which the two Articles be gathered is this If thy fayth induce thee not to do good workes thē hast thou not y e right fayth thou doest but onely thinke that thou hast it For S. Iames sayth that fayth wythout workes is dead in it selfe He sayth not that it is little or feeble but that it is dead and that is dead is not Therfore whē thou art not moued by fayth vnto the loue of god and by the loue of god vnto good works thou hast no fayth but fayth is dead in thee for the spirit of God that by fayth commeth in to our hartes to styrre vp loue cannot be idle Euery one doth as much as he beleueth loueth as much as he hopeth as writeth S. Iohn He that hath thys hope that he is the sonne of god purifieth himself as he is pure He sayth not he that purifieth himselfe hath this hope for the hope must come before proceeding from the fayth as it behoueth that the tree must first be good which must bring forth good fruit 25 We cannot be without motions of euill desires but we must mortify them in resisting them 25. Article fol. 52 They which note this article of heresy may note them selues rather to be like the Pharisy Luke 18. who foolishly flattering himselfe in the false opinion of his owne righteousnes was not subdued to the righteousnes which standeth before God No man 〈◊〉 finde 〈◊〉 heresie 〈◊〉 place 〈…〉 by fayth and therefore went home to his house lesse iustified then the publican If the scriptures condemne the hart of man to be crooked euen from his youth Gene. 6. and also condemneth all the righteousnes of man to be like a filed cloth if S. Paule could finde in his flesh no good thing dwelling but sheweth a cōtinuall resistance betwene the old man and the new then must it folow that these phariseis which condemne this article of heresy eyther cary no flesh nor no old man about them to be resisted or verely say what they will they can not choose but bee combred with euill motions for the inward man continually to fight agaynst The place of the authour sufficiently defendeth it selfe as foloweth S. Paule byddeth vs mortify all our euill desyres and carnall lustes as vncleanesse couetousnesse wrath blasphemy Col. ● The place of the author detractation pride and other like vices And vnto the Rom. 6. he sayth let no sinne raigne in your mortall bodyes That is to say albeit that we cannot liue without the motion of suche euill desires yet we shall not suffer them to rule in vs but shall mortifye them in resisting them c. 26 All true Christianity lyeth in loue of our neighbors for God and not in fasting 26. Article keeping of holy dayes watching praying and singing long prayers dayly and all day long hearing Masse running on pilgrimage c. fol. 52. The place of this article is this Thou hast alwaies occasion to mortify thine euill desires to serue thine neighbor Conferre this article with the 〈…〉 to comfort him and to helpe him with word and deed with coūsell and exhortation and other semblable meanes In such loue towardes our neighbor for the loue of God lyeth all the law and the prophets as saith Christ yea and all christianity and not in fasting keeping of holydayes watching singing and long praiers daily and all day lōg hearing of masses setting vp of candles running on pilgrimages and such other things which as well the hypocrites proud people enuious and subiect to all wicked affections do c. 27 Many Doctors in diuinity and not onely common people beleueth that it is the part of Christen fayth onely to beleue that Iesus Christ hath liued here in earth fol. 53.54 27. Article The place is this We beleeue that Iesus Christ hath here liued-on earth and that he hath preached and that he dyed for vs To beleeue that Christ here liued and dyed is good but this is not the thing onely that 〈◊〉 a Christian and did many other thinges When we beleue these things after the story we beleue that this is our christen fayth This not onely the simple people beleueth but also Doctors in diuinity which are takē for wise men Yea the deuill hath also this fayth as sayth S. Iames The deuils beleue and they tremble For
as we haue sayd before the deuil beleueth that God is God and that Iesus Christ hath here preached that he dyed was buryed and rose agayn Thus must we also beloue but this is not the fayth wherof speaketh the Gospell and S. Paul c. Of this fayth and what it is read before in the place of the 4 and 5. articles of this booke and of the 1. Article gathered out of the wicked Mammon and the 9. and 10. article of the Reuelation of Antichrist 28 He that doth good agaynst his will he doth euill fol. 56. 28. Article The place is this A● good deedes which are not done by loue and good wil are sinne before God as saith S. Augustine The place answering 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 He that doth good against his wil doth euil albeit that he doth be good For that I do agaynst my wil I hate and whē I hate the commaundement I hate also him that hath commaunded it c. 29 No man doth more then he is bound to do and therefore no man may make other partakers of theyr good workes fol. 59 ●● Article The words be these The Prophet Esay sayth we are all as an vncleane thing and all our iustice is as it were a filthy cloth and therfore I can neuer maruell enough that many of the religious persons would make other partakers of theyr good workes Esay 64. ●●osoeuer 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 seeing that Christ sayth in the Gospell when ye haue done all those things which are cōmaunded you say we are vnprofitable seruantes we haue done but that which was our duety to doe For none can do to much None doth more then he is bound to doe but onely Iesus Christ which onely as sayth S. Peter neuer did sinne neither was there deceit found in his mouth hath done that he was not bound to doe and as the Prophet Esay sayth hath taken vpon him our infirmities and borne our sorrowes he was wounded for our offences smitten for our wickednesse by his stripes are we made whole c. 30 Christ hath gotten heauen by his passion but that right hath he no need of 30· Article but hath graunted it to all them that beleue in hys promises fol. 59 Read the place Iesus Christ possesseth the kingdome of heauē by double right The doctrine of this article is found First because he is the sonne of god and very inheritor of his kingdome Secondly because he hath gottē it by dis passion and death Of his second right he hath no neede and therfore he geueth it to all them that beleue and trust in him and in his promises 31 If God had promised vs heauen for our good woorkes 31. Article wee should euer be vnsure of our saluation fol. 59. 32 Be our sinnes neuer so great 32. Article that it seemeth impossible to vs to be saued yet without any doubt we must beleue to be saued fol. 59. The wordes out of the which these two articles be gathered are these If God had promised heauen vnto vs because of our workes we should euer then be vnsure of our saluation For we should neuer know how much The doctrine of these articles be as true as the Gospell nor how long we should labor to be saued should euer be in feare that we had done to litle and so we should neuer dye ioyfully But God would assure vs of heauen by his promise to the entent we should be certayne and sure for he is the trueth and cannot lye and also to the intent that we should haue trust and hope in him And notwithstanding that after the greatnes multitude of our sinnes it seeme to vs a thing impossible yet alwayes we must beleue it without any doubt because of his sure promise And who soeuer doth this he may ioyfully dye and abide the iudgement of god which els were intollerable Read more hereof before in the xi article taken out of the wicked Mammon 33. If thou loue thy wife because shee is thy wife that is no loue before God 33. Article A difference betweene carna● loue spiritual loue yet in Matrimony both are necessary but thou shalt loue her because shee is thy sister in God fol. 83. The wordes be these Our Sauiour Christ hath commaunded nothing so straightly as to loue an other yea to loue our enemies also Then how much more shoulde the man wise loue together But there be but few that know how to loue the one the other as they ought to do If thou loue thy wife onely because she is thy wife and because she serueth and pleaseth thee after the flesh for beauty byrth riches and such like this is no loue before god Of such loue speaketh not S. Paule For suche loue is among harlots yea among brute beastes but thou shalt loue her because she is thy sister in the christen faith and because she is inheritour together with thee in the glory of God because ye serue together one God because ye haue receaued together one baptisme c. Thou shalt also loue her for her vertues as shamefastnes chastitie and diligence sadnes pacience temperance secrecy obediēce and other godly vertues c. 34. It is nothing but all incredulitie to runne in pilgrimage and seeke God in one certayne places 34. Article which is like mightye in all places fol. 62. The matter of this article is euident to all indifferent learned iudgementes to be voyde of all doubt of heresie 35. Men should see that their children come to Churche to heare the sermon fol. 89. 35. Article The place of this article is this On the Festiuall dayes thou shalt bring thy children to the church to heare the sermon and when thou shalt come home What meaneth these men ●ow you to make this doctrine an heresie thou shalt ask them what they haue kept in memory of the sermon Thou shalt teach thē the Christian fayth Thou shalt admonish thē to liue well and to put all their hope and trust in God and rather to dye then to do any thing that is against the will of God And principally thou shalt learne them the contentes of the prayer of our Sauiour Christ called y e Pater noster that is to say how they haue an other father in heauen of whom thy must seeke for all goodnesse and without whom they can haue no good thing how that they may seeke nothing in all theyr workes and in all theyr intents but the honor of theyr heauenly father And how they must desire that this father would gouerne all that they doe or desire And how that they must submit all to his holy wil which cannot be but good c. Thou shalt buy them wholsome bookes as the holy Gospell the epistles of the holye Apostles yea both the new the old Testament that they may vnderstand and drinke of the sweet fountayne waters of
colourably or expresly priuily or apertly either in their houses or in other publike or priuate places to read hold preach print publishe or defend eyther by themselues or by others but straight wayes after the publishing hereof they doe burne or cause to be burned the sayd errors by their Ordinaries diligētly beyng searched out and solemnely presented in the sight of the whole Clergy of the people vnder all and singular the penalties aforesayd Now as touching the sayd Martin O good lord what haue we left * * Let vs see here what ye haue not done Fyrst Luther gently submitted himse●fe but you reiected him He then referred him to the iudgement of 4. Vniuersi●ies in Germ●nye it would not be taken he then appealed frō the Cardinal to the Pope the Pope refused him● then he appealed from the Pope to the Councell neyther did the pope admit that he required to be conuinced by the Scriptures the Pope neyther would nor could so do And yet the Pope sayeth he left nothing vndone vndone what haue we left vnattempted what fatherly charitie haue we not shewed whereby to haue reduced him from these errours For after that wee did cite hym thinking to proceed with him more fauourably we inuited and exhorted him as well by diuers tractations had with our Legate as by our owne letters that he would relinquish the foresayd errors or els hauing safe conduct offred to him with money necessary for his iourney to come to vs without any feare or dread which perfect charitie ought to cast out and so after the example of our sauiour and his Apostle S. Paule he would speake not in corners and in secret but openly to our face Which if he had done of truth we thinke no lesse but that reformyng himselfe he would haue recognised his errors neyther should haue found so many faults in y e court of Rome which he beyng seduced with the rumours of malitious people more thē he ought doth so much reprehend Where we would haue taught him to see more clearely then the light day that the holy fathers of Rome our predecessors whome he without all modestie most iniuriously doth rayle vpon did neuer erre in their Canons and constitutions which he so much depraueth For as saith the prophet Neither is there Rosine or Phisition lacking in Galaao But he hath alwayes shewed himselfe disobedient and refused at our Citation to appeare and yet to this present day continuing still in hys stubburne mynd and heart indurate hath remayned now more then a yeare vnder our curse yea moreouer adding mischiefe to mischief which is worst of all he hearing of this our Citation burst out into a presumptuous appellation from vs vnto the next generall Councell Ierem. 8. against the constitution both of Pope Pius the second and Pope Iulius the second our predecessours which so decreed that all they which so did appeale Here note good reader that Luther appealed frō the pope to the Councell two yeares before this Bull which was an 1518. should be punished as heretikes In vayne also he seeketh refuge to the generall Councell which professeth himselfe not greatly to regard such coūcels So that now we might lawfully proceed against hym as against one notoriously suspected of his fayth yea a very heretike in deed without any further citation or delay to the condemnation of him as of an heretike and to the seueritie of all and singuler paynes and censures afore written Yet we notwithstandyng by the counsell of our brethren aforesayd following the clemencie of almighty God which wyll not the death of a sinner but rather that hee should conuert and lyue and forgetting all iniuries heretofore done vnto vs and to the See apostolike haue thoght good to vse all fauourable meanes toward hym that wee might and so to worke as much as in vs lyeth that he by this way of mansuetude might be brought to reformation so that he forsaking hys former errours might be receiued as the lost chyld and returne home againe into the lap of his mother the Church Wherfore in most harty wise we exhort and beseech the said Martin and all his adherents receiuers and fautors by the bowels of the mercy of our God The Popes exhortation to Luther and by the sprinklyng of the bloud of our Lord Iesu Christ in whome and by whom is made the redemption of mankind and the edification of holy mother church that they will cease to disturbe the peace vnitie and veritie of the said Church for the which our sauior so instantly prayed to his father and that they will absteine from such pernicious errors aforesaid Who in so doyng shall find with vs if they shal obey or shall certifie vs by lawfull witnesses to haue obeied effectually herein the affection of fatherly charitie and a ful fountayne opened of all mercy and clemencie willing and charging the said Martine notwithstanding from henceforth that he vtterly desist in the meane time from all preachyng and office of preaching Or els if the loue of Iustice and vertue shall not restraine the said Martin from sinne neither the hope of our pardon shall reduce hym to repentaunce to the intent that the terror of punishment and of discipline may bridle him we require and admonish y e said Martin and his adherents abbettors fautors and receyuers by the tenor hereof in the veritie of holy obedience vnder incurring all the penalties aforesaid districtly charging and commaunding that within fourty days whereof twenty we assign for the first twenty for the second and the other twenty for the third peremptory terme immediately following after the settyng vp of these present letters The Pope threatneth M. Luther with punishment that the sayd Martin his abettors fautors adherēts and receiuers aforesayd do surcease from the foresayd errors and from the preching publishing mainteining and defending of the same also from settyng out of booke or scriptures vpon the said errors or any of them furthermore that they burne or cause to be burned all and singular such bookes and scriptures as containe the foresaid errors or any of them by any maner of way Also that the said Martin doe vtterly reuoke those errors and assertions and so to certifie vs of the reuokyng thereof by publike testimonie in due forme of lawe signed by the handes of two prelates to be sent vnto vs within the terme of other like xl daies or els to be brought by him vnto vs if he himselfe will come which would please vs much rather with a full safeconduct aboue mentioned which from henceforth we are content to offer vnto hym to the entent that no scruple of doubt touching hys true obedience The Popes safe conduct to Luther offered should hereafter remayne Contrarywise if the said Martin which God defend his abettors fautors adherents and mainteiners aforesaid shal otherwise do or shal not fulfill to euery effect and purpose all and singuler the premisses within the terme
adulterers and fornicators 5. That he in the meane while shoulde be resident within his owne house Boner inioyned to preach at Paules Crosse. during the time while he should make his sermon at Paules aboue mentioned whiche was an 1549. In the whiche sermon certayne speciall poyntes were prefixed vnto him whereupon he should intreate whiche here in order follow and are these Speciall poyntes and articles to be intreated of of Boner Bishop of London in his Sermon 2. THat all such as rebell against their prince get vnto thē damnation and those y t resist the higher power resist the ordinaunces of God and he that dieth therfore in rebellion by the woorde of God is vtterly damned and so looseth bothe bodye and soule And therefore those Rebelles in Deuonshire and Cornewall in Northfolke or els where who taking vpon them to assemble a power force against their king and Prince against y e lawes and statutes of the Realme and goe about to subuerte the state and order of the commō wealth not onely do deserue therfore death as traytors rebels but do accumulate to them selues eternal damnation euen to be in the burning fire of hell with Lucifer the father and first authour of pride disobedience and rebellion what pretence so euer they haue and what Masses or holye water so euer they pretende or goe about to make among themselues as Chore Dathan and Abiron for rebellion against Moses were swalowed downe aliue into hell although they pretended to sacrifice vnto God What thinges be necessary to be ioyned in all Gods seruice 2 Likewise in the order of the Churche and externe rites and ceremonies of diuine seruice for so muche as God requireth humility of heart innocencie of liuing knowledge of him charity and loue to our neighbours and obedience to hys woorde and to his Ministers and superioure powers these we must bring to all our prayers to all our seruice Externe rites ceremonyes how farre they serue this is the sacrifice that Christe requireth and these be those that make all thynges pleasaunt vnto God The externe rites and ceremonies be but exercises of our religion appointable by superior powers in chosing wherof we must obey the magistrates the whyche thinges also we do see euer hath bene and shal be as the time and place is diuers Ceremonyes made naught by disobedience and yet al hath pleased God so long as these before spoken inwarde things be there If any man shall vse the olde rites and thereby disobey the superior power the deuotion of his ceremonies is made nought by his disobedience so that which els so longe as y e lawe did so stand myghte be good by pride and disobedience nowe is made noughte as Saules sacrifice Chore Dathan and Abiron and Aarons 2. children were But who that ioyneth to deuotion obedience hee winneth the garland For else it is a zeale sed non secundum scientiam a wil desire zeale and deuotion Foolish deuotion but not after wisedome that is a foolishe deuotion which can require no thankes or praise And yet agayne where ye obey yee must haue deuotion for God requireth the heart more then the outward doings and therfore who that taketh the Communion or sayth or heareth the seruice appoynted by the kings maiestie The hart maketh true deuotion must bring deuotion and inward prayer with hym or els his praiers are but vaine lacking that whyche God requireth that is the heart and minde to pray to him 3 Further yee shal for example on sonday come seuenth night after the aforesayd date celebrate the Communion at Paules Church 4 Ye shal also set foorth in your sermon that our authoritie of royal power is as of truth it is of no lesse authoritie and force in this our yōg age then is or was of any of our predecessors though the same were much elder as may appeare by example of Iosias and other yong kings in scripture and therfore all our subiectes to be no lesse bound to the obedience of our preceptes lawes and statutes then if we were of 30. or 40. yeares of age The deliuery of these Iniunctions articles vnto the Byshop with the time of hys appoynted preaching was soone after knowen abroad amongst the citizens and other the Cōmons within the citie of London Boners preaching much looked for of the people so that euery man expecteth y e time therof wishing to heare the same Whych being once come the B. according to the tenour of the Iniunctiōs publikely preached at the Crosse of Paules the 1. day of September Howbeit as hipocrisie neuer lurketh so secretely in the hearts of the wicked but that at one time or other God in hys moste righteous iudgemente maketh it open vnto the world so at this present was the long colored peruerse obstinacie and infestred hatred of this double faced dissembler against the kings godly procedings most plainely manifested by hys disobedient demeanor in thys his sermon The disobedient stubbernes of Boner in his Sermon at Paules Crosse. For where as he was only commanded to entreat vpon such speciall poynts as were mentioned in his articles he yet both besides the counsailes commaundement to the withdrawing of the mindes of the common people in as much as in him lay from the right and true vnderstāding of the holy Sacrament ministred in the holy Communion then set foorth by the authoritye of the kinges maiestie according to the true sence of the holy scripture did spēd most part of his sermon about the grosse carnall and papisticall presence of Christes body and bloud in the sacrament of the aultar and also contrary therunto did not onely slenderly touch the rest of his articles but of a rebellious and wilful carelesnes did vtterly leaue oute vnspoken the whole laste article concerning the as effectuall and as lawful authority of the kings highnes during his yong age as if he were 30. or 40. yeares old notwithstanding the same because it was the traiterous opinion of the popishe rebels was by special commaundement chiefly appoynted hym to entreat vppon This contemptuous disobedient dealing as it greatly offended most of the kings faithfull and louing subiects there present so did it muche mislike the mindes W. Lati●●● and Iohn Hoope● against Boner and was farre from the good expectation as well of that faithful and godly preacher master Iohn Hooper afterwards bishop of Worcester Glocester and lastly a moste constant martyr for the Gospell of Christe as also of M. William Latimer Bacheler of Diuinitie and therefore they well weying the fulnes of the fact and their bounden alegeances vnto their Prince did therupon exhibite vnto the kings highnes vnder both their names a bill of complaint or denunciation against the sayd bishop in forme folowing The denuntiation of Iohn Hooper and William Latimer against Boner to the kings maiestie for leauing vndone the poyntes afore mentioned which he was charged to preache
and to be as it were exempted from the daunger of the statute To which request diuers good reasons were made containing the discommodities that shoulde follow the graunt therof and meanes deuised rather to perswade you to obey receiue the generall and godly reformation of the whole realme then by a priuate fansie to preiudice a common order But yet vpon earnest desire and entreatie made in y e Emperours name thus much was graunted that for his sake and your owne also it should be suffered and winked at if you had the priuate masse vsed in your own closet for a season vntil you might be better enformed wherof was some hope hauing only with you a few of your owne chamber so that for all the rest of your housholde the seruice of the realme shoulde be vsed and none other further then thys the promise exceeded not And truely suche a matter it then seemed to some of vs as in dede it was that wel might the Emperour haue required of the kinges Maiestie a matter of more profit but of more weight or difficulty to be granted his maiestie coulde not After this graunt in woordes there was by the ambassadour now dead oftentimes desired some wryting as a testimonye of the same But y t was euer denyed not because we meant to breake the promise as it was made but because ther was a daily hope of your reformation Nowe to the second time you say the Emperors Ambassadours declaration made mention of a promise to you it might well so be But we thinke no otherwise then as it appeareth before wrytten If it were hys fault it was to declare more then he heard ours it may not be that denye not that we haue sayd As for the last time when you were with the kinges maiestie the same some of vs whome by these words your letter noteth doe wel remember that no other thing was graūted to you in this matter but as the first promise was made to the Emperour at whiche time you had too many arguments made to approoue the procedings of the kings Maiestie and to condemne the abuse of the masse to thinke that where the priuate masse was iudged vngodly there you should haue authority and ground to vse it About the same time the Ambassadoure made meanes to haue some testimonie of the promise vnder the great seale and that not hard to haue it but by a letter and that also was not onely denied but diuers good reasons y t he should think it denied with reason so to be contented with an aunswer It was told him in reducing that which was commonly called the Masse to the order of the primatiue church and the institution of Christe the kings maiesty his whole realme had their consciences well quieted against y t which if any thing should be willingly committed the same should be taken as an offence to God a very sinne against truth vnknowne Wherefore to licence by open acte such a dede in the conscience of the kings maiesty his realme were euē a sinne against God The most that might herein be borne was that the kings maiestie myght vppon hope of your gracious reconciliation suspende the execution of his law so that you would vse the licence as it was first graunted What soeuer the Ambassador hath sayd to others he had no other maner graunt from vs nor hauing it thus graunted could alledge any reason against it And where in your letter your grace noteth vs as breakers of the promise made to the Emperour it shal appeare who hath broken the promise whether we that haue suffered more then we licenced or you y t haue transgressed that was graunted Nowe therfore we pray your grace confer the doing of your chaplaines with euery poynte of the premisses and if the same cannot be excused then thinke also howe long the lawe hath bene spared If it pricke our consciences somewhat that so muche shoulde be vsed as by the promise you may claime how much more should it greeue vs to licence more then you can claime And yet coulde we be content to beare great burden to satisfy your grace if the burthen pressed not our consciences whereof we must say as the Apostle sayd Gloriatio nostra est haec testimonium conscientiae nostrae For the other parte of your graces letter by the which we see you misconstrue our good willes in wryting to you how soeuer the law had proceded against your Chaplaines our order in sending to you was to be liked and therein truely had we speciall regarde of your graces degree and estate And because the lawe of it selfe respecteth not persons we thought to geue respect to you first signifying to you what the law required before it should be executed that being warned your grace might either thincke no strangenes in the execution or for an example of obedience cause it to be executed your selfe Others we see perplexed w t sodainnes of matters your grace we woulde not haue vnwarned to thinke any thing done sodaine Truely we thought it more commendable for your grace to helpe the execution of a law then to helpe the offence of one condemned by lawe And in geuing you knowledge what the kings lawes required we looked for helpe in the execution by you the kings maiesties sister The greater personnage your grace is the nigher to the king so muche more ought your exāple to further lawes For which cause it hath bene called a good common wealth where the people obeyed the higher estates and they obeied the lawes As nature hathe ioyned your grace to the kings maiestie to loue him moste entirely so hath reason and lawe subdued you to obey him willingly The one and the other we doubt not but your grace remembreth and as they both be ioyned together in you his maiesties sister so we trust you wil not seuere thē for in deede your grace cannot loue him as your brother but you must obey his maiestie as his subiect Example of your obedience and reuerence of his maiesties lawes is in stead of a good preacher to a great number of his maiesties subiects who if they may see in you negligēce of his maiesty or his lawes wil not faile but folow on hardly and then their fault is not their own but yours by exāple And so may the kings maiesty whē he shal come to further iudgmēt impute y t falt of diuers euil people which thing God forbid to the sufferance of your graces doings And therfore we most earnestly frō the depth of our hearts desire it y t as nature hath set your grace nigh his Maiestie by bloud so your loue and zeale to his maiesty wil further his estate by obedience In the end of your letter ij thyngs be touched which we cā not pretermit the one is you seme to charge vs with permission of mē to breake lawes statutes We thinke in deede it is too true that laws and proclamations be broken daily the
God hath dealt vnto them and to the diuersitie of the gifts of the spirite geuen vnto them But let vs nowe consider y t if it be Gods good will and pleasure to geue hys owne beloued heart that is hys beloued church and the members therof into the handes of theyr ennemies to chasten trie prooue them and to bryng them to the true vnfained acknowledging of theyr owne naturall stubburnnesse disobedience towardes God and his commaundements as touching the loue of God and of their brethren or neighbours and their naturall inclination readinesse desire to loue creatures to seeke their owne lusts pleasures and things forbidden of God to obtaine a true and earnest repentaunce and sorowfulnesse therefore and to make them to sigh and crie for the forgeuenesse of the same and for the aide of the spirite daily to mortifie and kill the saide euill desires and lustes yea and often falling into grosse outwarde sinnes as did Dauid Peter Magdalen and other to arise againe also thereout with a mighty crying for mercy wyth many other causes lette vs also consider what he hereafter doeth with the said enemies into whose hands he hath geuen his tenderly beloued dearlings to be chastened and tried Forsothe wheras he but chasteneth his dearlings and crosseth them for a small while accordinge to his good pleasure as all fathers doe with their children Heb. 12. Prouerb 3. Gods iustic● vpon his enemies and persecuters He vtterly destroyeth yea and euerlastingly damneth the vnrepentant enemies Let Herode tell me what he wanne by killing Iames and persecuting Peter and Christes tender dearlings and beloued spouse and wife hys Churche Uerely God thought him not worthy to haue death ministred vnto him by mē or Angels or any worthy creatures but those small and yet most vile beastes lice and small wormes must consume and kill his beastly vile and tirannous body Pharao and Nabuchadonoser for all their pride and most mighty power must at the length let Gods dearlings go freely away out of their land yea out of their bandes and tirannie For when it could not be obtained at theyr handes that Gods congregation mighte haue true mercy ministred vnto them but the counterfaite mercye of these our dayes that is to saye extreeme crueltie and euen the very and that most horrible and cruel death God arose and awoke out of his sleepe and destroyed those ennemies of his flock with a mighty hand and a stretched out arme Pharao did wyth moste great and intollerable labors and burdens expresse and bring vnder the poore Israelits and yet did the Courtiers vndoubtedly noyse abroade that the king was mercifull vnto them to suffer them to liue in his land and to sette them aworke that they might gette them theyr liuings If he shoulde thruste them out of hys lande whether should they go like a sort of vagabunds and runagates This title name of mercy wold that tyāt haue and so did his flattering false Courtiers spreade hys vayne praise abroade Haue not wee the like examples nowe a dayes O that I had nowe time to wryte certaine thyngs pertaining to our Winchesters mercy Wincheste●● mercy Howe mercifull hee hath bene to me and to my good brethren I will not speake of neither yet vnto the Duke of Suffolkes moste innocent daughter and to her as innocent husband For althoughe their fathers were faultie yet had their youth and lacke of experience deserued a pardon by all true merciful mennes iudgements O that I had time to painte out thys matter a right but there be many aliue that can doe it muche better when I am deade Pharao had hys plagues and hys moste flourishinge lande was by his counterfaite mercye whych was in deede righte crueltie and abhominable tyrannie vtterly destroyed And thinke yee that thys bloudy butcherly Byshoppe of Winchester and his moste bloudie brethren shall escape Or y e Englande shall for theyr offences and specially for the maintenaunce of theyr Idolatrie and wilful following of them not abide a great brunt Yes vndoubtedly If God looke not mercifully vpon England Ann. 1554. ●ebrua●y the seedes of vtter destruction are sowen in it already by these hypocriticall Tyrauntes and Antichristian Prelates Popishe Papistes and double Traytours to theyr naturall Countrey And yet they speake of mercy of blessing of the Catholicke Church of vnitie of power and strengthening of the Realme This double dissimulation will shew it selfe one day when the plague commeth which will vndoubtedly light vpon these crowneshorne capteines and that shortly whatsoeuer the godly and the poore Realme suffer in the meane while by Gods good sufferaunce and will Spite of Nabuchodonosors beard and maugre his heart the captiue thrall and miserable Iewes must come home agayne and haue their Citie and temple builded vp agayne by Zorobabell Esdras and Nehemias c. And the whole Kingdome of Babylon must go to ruine and be taken in of straunges the Persians and the Medes So shall the disperpled English flocke of Christ be brought againe into theyr former estate or to a better I trust in the Lorde God than it was in innocent Kyng Edwardes dayes and our bloudy Babylonicall Byshops and the whole crowneshorne companye brought to vtter shame rebuke ruyne decaye and destruction for God can not and vndoubtedly wyll not suffer for euer theyr abhominable lying false doctrine theyr hypocrisie bloudthrist whoredome idlenesse theyr pestilent lyfe pampored in all kynde of pleasure theyr thrasonicall boasting pryde theyr malicious enuious and poysoned stomackes which they beare towardes hys poore and miserable Christians Peter truely warneth that if iudgemente begynneth at the house of God what shall be the ende of them that beleeue not the Gospell If the righteous shall scant be saued where shall the vngodly and sinfull appeare Some shall haue theyr punishmente heere in thys worlde and in the worlde to come and they that doo escape in thys worlde shall not escape euerlastyng damnation Thys shall bee youre sauce O yee wicked Papistes make yee merry heere as long as yee may After that I. Rogers as yee haue heard had bene long straitly imprisoned Febr. 4. lodged in newgate amōgst theeues oftē examined and very vncharitably intreated at lēgth vniustly and most cruelly by wicked Winchester cōdemned the 4. of February M. Rogers warned to prepare to death in the yeare of our Lord 1555. beeyng Monday in the morning hee was warned sodenly by the kepers wife of newgate to prepare himself to the fire who then being sound a slepe scarse with much shogging could be awaked M. Rogers 〈◊〉 At length being raysed and waked and byd to make haste then saide he if it be so I neede not to tye my poyntes M. Rogers coul● not be 〈◊〉 of Boner to 〈◊〉 to his wife before his burning M. Rogers brought to Smithfield and so was had downe first to Boner to bee disgraded That done hee craued of Boner but one petition Boner asking what that
with co●●rage Cast you selues on Christ who careth for you Kepe company with him now stil to the ende he is faithfull and wil neuer leaue you nor tempt you further then hee will make you able to beare yea in the middest of the temptation hee will make an outscape Nowe pray vnto him heartely be thankefull of his indignation reioyce in hope of the health you shall receiue and be mindefull of vs whych are in the vawarde and by Gods grace trust in Christ to be made able to breake the Ise before you that you followynge may finde the way more easie God graunte it may so be Amen Amen Out of prison by your brother in Christ Iohn Bradford To Maistresse Wilkenson ALmighty God our most louing father increase in your heart my good mother deare maistresse in the Lord his true knowledge and loue in Christe A letter M. Bradf●●● to 〈◊〉 Wilkins●● to y e encouraging and comforting of your faith in these stormy dayes as necessary vnto vs so profitable if we per●iste vnto the ende which thing God graunt to vs. Amen My righte dearely beloued I knowe not what other thing to wryte vnto you then to desire you to be thankfull vnto the Lord in that amongst thee not many of your calling and state it pleaseth him to geue you his rare blessing I meane to keepe you from all the filthe wherewyth on●e Countrey is horribly defiled Thys blessing assuredly is rare as you see But nowe if he shall blesse you with an other blessing which is more rare I meane to cal you foorth as a Martyr and a witnesse against this filth I hope you will become double thankefull For a greater token commonly we haue not to iudge of our election and saluation next to Christe and faith in him then the crosse especiallye when it is so glorious as on this sorte to suffer any thing The 〈◊〉 a great of Elect●●● but chiefly losse of this life which in deede is neuer founde til it be so lost except the graine of wheate fall and be dead it remaineth fruitlesse You know how that he which was rapt into the third heauen and did knowe what he wrote doeth say That as the corne liueth not except it be dead and cast into the earth 1. Cor. ●● so truely oure bodies And therefore the crosse shoulde so little feare vs that euen death it selfe shoulde altogether be desired of vs as the Tailour which putteth off oure ragges and araieth vs with the Royall Roabes of immortalitie incorruption and glory Great shame it shoulde be for vs ●om 8. that all the whole creatures of God shoulde desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie and wee our selues to loath it as doubtlesse we doe if for the crosse yea for death it selfe we with ioy swallow not vp all sorrow that might let vs from following the Lordes calling and obtaining the Lordes prouidence whereby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chance In consideration whereof right deare Mother that this prouidence stretcheth it selfe so vnto vs and for vs that euē the hair of our heads are numbred with God not one of them to fall to our hurte surely we declare our selues very faint in faith if we receiue not such comfort that we can willingly offer our selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him with this honour that he is and euer will be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare children Be therfore of good cheare euen in the middest of these miseries be thankful to the Lord and prepare your selfe for a further triall which if God sende you as I hope so do you beleeue that God therein wil help comfort you and make you able to bear whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauing this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying God our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to mee especially and to many others both in this time of trouble and alwaies heeretofore Your owne in the Lord Iohn Bradford An other letter wrytten to certaine godly persons encouraging them to prepare them selues with pacience to the crosse GRatious God and moste mercifull Father for Iesus Christes sake thy dearely beloued sonne graunte vs thy mercy grace wisedome and holy spirite to counsaile comforte and guide vs in al our cogitations woordes and woorkes to thy glorye and our euerlasting ioy and peace for euer Amen In my last letter you might perceiue my coniecturing to be no lesse towards you then now I haue learned But my dearely beloued I haue learned none other thyng then before I haue told you would come to passe if ye cast not away that which ye haue learned I do appeale to both your consciences whether herein I speake trueth as well of my telling though not so often as I might and should God forgeue mee as also of your learning Nowe God will trie you to make others to learne by you that whych ye haue learned by others and by them which suffred thys day ye might learne if already yee had not learned that life and honour is not to be set by more then Gods commandement They in no poynt for all y t euer their ghostly fathers could do hauing doctour Death to take their part would consent or seeme to consent to the popish masse and papisticall God otherwise then in y e daies of our late king they had receiued And this their faith they haue confessed with their deathes to their great glorye and all our comfortes if we follow them but to our confusion if we starre backe from the same Wherfore I beseeche you to consider it as well to praise God for them as to goe the same way with them if God so will Consider not the things of this life whyche is a verye prison to all Gods children but the things of euerlasting life which is our very home But to the beholding of thys geare ●●ample of 〈…〉 goe with 〈…〉 ye must open the eyes of your mind of faith I shuld haue sayde as Moses did which set more by trouble wyth Gods people then by the riches of Egypt and Pharaos Court Your house home and goodes yea life and all that euer yee haue God hath geuen you as loue tokens to admonish you of his loue to win your loue to him againe Nowe will he trie your loue whether ye set more by hym then by his tokens or no. If ye for his tokēs sake that is for your home house goods yea life will goe w t the world least ye should loose them then be assured your loue as hee can not but espie it to be a strumpets loue ● strumpet 〈◊〉 more her 〈◊〉 then by ●ouer so will he cast it away with the world Remember that he which will saue his life shall loose it if Christ be true but he which aduentureth yea
open our eyes to see his hi● Manna heauenly Ierusalem the congregation of the first borne the melodie of the Saintes the tabernacle of God dwelling with men then shuld we runne and become violent men and so take the kingdome o● heauen as it were by force God our father geue vs for hys Christes sake to see a litle what and howe great ioy he hath prepared for vs he hath called vs vnto most assuredly geueth vs for his owne goodnes and truthes sake Amen My dearely beloued repent be sober and watche in prayer be obedient and after your vocations shewe your obedience to the higher powers in all thinges that are not against Gods word therein acknowledging y e soueraigne power of the Lorde howbeit so that ye be no rebels or rebellers for no cause but because wyth good conscience you can not obey be pacient sufferers and the glorye and good spirit of God shall dwel vppon vs. I pray you remember vs your afflicted brethren being in the Lordes bondes for the testimonie of Christ and abiding the gracious houre of our deare and most merciful father The Lord for Christes sake geue vs merry hearts to drinke lustely of his sweete cuppe which daily we grone and sigh for lamenting that the tyme is thus prolonged The Lorde Iesus geue vs grace to be thankeful and to abide paciently the prouident houre of his most gracious good will Amen Amen From the Counter in the Poultrie Yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To my good brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the kings Benche THe father of mercie and God of all comfort visite vs with his eternall consolation according to his great mercies in Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen A lette● 〈◊〉 M. Brad●●●● to I. Ca●●●les My very deare brother if I shall reporte the truthe vnto you I can not but signifie that sithen I came into prisone I neuer receaued so much consolation as I did by your last letter the name of God be most heartely praised therefore But if I shall reporte the trueth vnto you and as I haue begonne speake still the veritie I must confesse that for mine vnthankefulnes to you wardes and to God especially I haue more neede of Gods mercifull tidinges then I hadde euer heeretofore Ah that Sathan enuieth vs so greatly Ah that our Lorde woulde treade his head vnder our feete shortly Ah that I mighte for euer both my selfe beware and be a godly example to you and others to beware of vnthankefulnesse Good brother Careles After a lightni●● take 〈◊〉 of a 〈◊〉 we hadde more neede to take heede after a lightening of a foile then before God therefore is to be praised euen when he hideth and that not of long a chearefull countenaunce from vs least we being not expert howe to vse it as we shoulde doe doe hurt more oure selues thereby so great is our ignoraunce and corruption This my good brother ryght deare to my very heart I wryte vnto you as to one whom in the Lorde I embrace and I thanke God that you doe me in like manner God our father more and more geue vs both his good spirit that as by faith we may fele our selues vnited vnto him in Christ so by loue we may feele our selues linked in the same Christ one to an other I to you and you to me we to al the children of God and all the children of God to vs Amen Amen Commende me to our good brother Skelthrop for whome I heartely praise my God which hath geuen him to see hys trueth at the length and to geue place to it I doubt not but that he will be so heedie in all his conuersation that hys olde acquaintaunce may euer thereby thinke them selues astray Woe and woe againe shoulde be vnto vs if we by our example should make menne to stumble at the trueth Forgette not salutations in Christe as you shall thinke good to Trewe and hys fellowes The Lorde hath his time I hope for them also although we perchance thinke otherwise A drop maketh the stone hollowe not with once but wyth often dropping so if with hearty praier for them and good example you stil and drop vppon them as you can you shall see Gods worke at the length I beseeche God to make perfect all the good he hath begun in vs all Amen I desire you all to pray for me the most vnworthy prisoner of the Lorde Your brother Iohn Bradford To M. Iohn Hall and his wife prisoners in Newgate for the testimonie of the Gospell ALmightye God oure heauenly Father through Iesus Christ be w t you both my dearely beloued as with hys deare children for euer so he blesse you with his holy spirite that you may in thys your crosse for his cause doubtles reioyce and gladly take it vp to beare it so long as hee shall thinke good I haue heard my good brother sister how that god hath brought you both into his scholehouse whereas you were bothe purposed by his leaue to haue pla●ed the trewands that thereby you might see his carefulnes loue towarde you For if it be a token of a louing and careful father for his children to preuent the purpose and disappoynt the intent of his children purposing to depart a while from the schoole for feare of beating whych thing they woulde not doe if they did as much consider the commodity of learning which there they might get how should you take this worke of the Lorde preuenting your purpose but as an euident signe of loue and fatherly carefulnes that he beareth towardes you If he shoulde haue winked at your willes then would you haue escaped beating I meane the crosse but then should you haue lost the commoditie of learning which your father will now haue you to learne and feele and therfore hath he sent to you his crosse Hee I say hath brought you where you be and though your reason and wit wil tell you it is by chance or fortune or otherwise yet my dearely beloued knowe for certaine that what so euer was the meane God your father was the worker heereof and that for your weale although otherwise your old Adam doth tel you you fele yet I say of truth that your duty is to thinke of this crosse that as it is of Gods sending and commeth from him so although your deserts be otherwise it is of loue fatherly affection for your weale and commodities sake What commodity is hereby you wil perchance obiect You are now kept in close prison you wil say your family and children be without good ouerseers your substance diminisheth by these meanes pouertie will approche and perchance more peari●s also yea and losse of life too These are no commodities but discommodities and that no smal ones so that iustly you would be glad to know what commoditie can come to you by this crosse whereby commeth so great discommodities To these things I answer that in deede it is true you
of God Not that the action it selfe of beleeuing as it is a qualitie in man doeth so deserue but because it taketh that dignitie of the obiect For as I sayde in the acte of iustifying faith as it is an action in man is not to be considered alone but must euer go with his obiecte and taketh his vertue therof Like as the looking vp of the olde Israelites did not of it selfe procure any healthe vnto them but the promise made in the obiecte which was the brasen serpent whereupon they looked gaue them healthe by their looking vp Euen so after like sort are we saued by our faith and spirituall looking vp to the bodye of Christe crucified Which faith to define is this To beleeue Iesus Christe to be the sonne of the liuing God sent into thys worlde by hys death to satisfie for oure sinnes and so to receiue the same And thus much touching election and Faith with the order and explication of the causes necessary to be considered in our saluation Wherby may appeare howe farre the pretensed catholikes do swarne from the right mind of the scriptures For where the scriptures in declaring the causes of saluation do send vs only to faith as the onely condition whereby these causes haue their working these catholikes do quite leaue out faith and in stead thereof place in other conditions of doings merites wil workes pardons masses and especially auricular confession with penance and satisfaction for our sinnes c. And besides these letters aboue specified of M. Iohn Bradforde there hath come to our handes certaine other letters of his not long a goe sent by a certaine olde frende of the sayd Iohn Bradforde vnto vs. Which letters beyng written of him in former times before his trouble as they haue not bene yet printed nor seene abroade so I thought it not amisse to communicate the same to the ch●istian reader for the worthinesse of the matter and the goodnesse of the man which may redound I trust to no small fruite to him that with godly eyes shall aduise the same A letter of M. Bradford to father Trauers Minister of Blackeley THe aboundant grace and rich mercy of God in Christe our only sauiour and high bishop be increased in your heart thorow the liuely woorker of all goodnesse the holye spirite vntill the day of the Lorde c. I haue receiued youre two letters good father Trauers sithen y t I did wryte any vnto you whereof though honesty willeth to make an excuse yet truth biddeth me otherwise and sayeth it is better wyth shame to confesse the fault for therein is as a man mighte say halfe a deseruing of pardon then without shame to lie I might haue written vnto you twise notwythstanding in deede some businesse wherein I haue some thing bene occupied but yet I haue not Nowe the cause is because I woulde not And why woulde I not But because I coulde not I meane because my canning is taken away by sinne for my sinnes doe forbid goodnesse vnto me In dede if my sinning were of infirmitie there were good hope of recouerie of that which I haue lost But seeing both willing and knowing I haue too much yeelded and yet doe yeelde to my infirmities iustly I doe deserue that because I haue cast awaye and reiected the woord of the Lord behinde my backe that the Lord should reiecte me And because I would not haue blessing I am woorthye as Dauid sayeth that it be taken away from me I haue nowe at length experience that to bring a man foorth of Gods fauour is sooner seene when a man hath receiued all things aboūdantly then when nede or the crosse pincheth Afore it pleased God to woorke the restitution you know what I meane and afore it pleased God to prouide for me as he hath done so that I can saye in nothing where any want is as pertaining to my body I was an other maner of man then nowe I am and yet Gods deserts haue otherwise bounden me But the scripture is true I haue aduanced my children Deut. 32. and nourished them but they haue contemned me I haue fedde them that they were fatte and grosse and they spurned agaynste me Perchaunce you will aske me wherein Oh father Trauers I warrante you this my stile in carnall and not in spirituall wryting doeth some thing shewe vnto you but as for it in comparison of other things is nothynge For where the life of man is such that either it paireth or amēdeth as Paule sayeth the outwarde man is corrupted day by day and therefore except the inwarde man be renewed the shoe goeth awrie euery building in Christ doth grow to a holy temple as the wicked on the contrary parte shall proceede to worser 2. Tim. 3. 2. Tim. 3. I haue made a change farre otherwise in going backe than I thinke by letters I can perswade you wherein will you say For the first seconde and thirde and to be brief in all things As for an example Gods true feare is flowen away from me loue to my brethren is exiled from me faith is vtterly taken awaye In stead wherof is distrust doubtfulnes bearing rule Contempt of Gods honor of my brethrē raigning in stead of true feare an imagined feare accordinge to my brayne holding the principalitie For I extenuate sinne and I do not consider that in sinne which a Christian ought to consider that sinne being not forgeuen is such a thyng for the which God casteth his creature away as exāples not only of Saule of Iudas of the Israelites which were beloued in deede yet for sinne are reiected but also of others on whome lately for my warning God hathe shewed the same do admonish me But it is but my pen which writes this for the wicked sayth Salomon when they come into the depth of their sinnes then they grow in securitye Prouerb 18. I am I cānot tel what I feare but it is but blindly or els wold I awake otherwise then I do 2. Tim. 2 I feare me I say that I am intangled of the deuil after his desire Pray for me that the Lord would geue me repentance that I may escape out of his snares Alas the spirite of praier which before I haue felt plentifully is taken cleane away from me The Lorde be mercifull vnto me I am solde vnder sinne I am the bondslaue of sinne for whome I obey his seruaunt I am I am ashamed to speake ofte no I shame not at all for I haue forgot to blush I haue geuen ouer to wepe And truly I obey I obey I say mine owne cōcupiscences namely in eating in drinking in iangling and idlenesse I will not speake of vaine glorie enuie disdaine hypocrisie desire of estimation selfeloue and who can tell all Is thys the rewarde thou renderest to GOD O Bradforde It is true yea to true thou knowst it O Lord for thy mercies sake pardon me In your letters you touch me home how that