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A64969 The principles of the doctrine of Christ, or, A catechism in which is contained the sum of the Christian religion, or what is necessary to be believed and done in order to salvation, the answers being but seventeen in number, and in very plain words easie to be understood : unto which is added A catechism for conscience, wherein the consciences of the ignorant, the grosly profane, the young, the meerely mortal, and the hypocrites are examined in order to their instruction and awakening, and the consciences of the sincere Christians are tried in order to their peace and comfort / by Nathanael Vincent. Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697.; Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. A catechism for conscience. 1691 (1691) Wing V418; ESTC R25704 37,318 113

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walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people God promises to justifie them from and pardon all their Sins Heb. 8. 12. I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more God promises to renew and to write his Laws in their Hearts Heb. 10. 16. This is the Covenant I will make with them after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds will I write them God will give his people Grace sufficient till they come to Glory 2 Cor. 12. My grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in ●e●kness 2 Tim. 4. 18. The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me to his heavenly Kingdom to whom be glory for ever and ever Rehearse the Laws of God Exod 20. which by Faith are Established and are our Rule to walk by God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage Com. I. Thou shalt have none other Gods before me Com. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven Image or any Likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or that is in the Water under the Earth thou shalt not Bow down thy self to them nor Serve them for I the Lord thy God am a Iealous God visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy unto Thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments Com. III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain Com. IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy Son nor thy Daughter thy Man-servant nor thy Maid-servant nor thy Stranger that is within thy Gates for in Six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the Seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it Com. V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Com. VI. Thou shalt not Kill Com. VII Thou shalt not commit Adultery Com. VIII Thou shalt not Steal Com. IX Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour Com. X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife nor his Man-servant nor his Maid-servant nor his Ox nor his Ass nor any thing that is thy Neighbours Q. 11. What is the Sum of the Law contained in the Ten Commandments A. The Sum of the Law is Love to God which will cause us to Worship him in Spirit to Sanctifie his Name and Day and Love to our Neighbours as to our Selves which will hinder us from doing any thing contrary to the Dignity Life Chastity Estate or good Name of our Neighbour and all motions of the Heart to work ill to him The Sum of the Law is Love to God Mat. 22. 37 38. Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great Commandment So great that it comprehends all others And Love to our Neighbour ver 39. The second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self Rom. 13. 10. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour and therefore love is the fulfilling of the law Q. 12. How is grace to be obtained whereby we may keep Gods Commands A. Grace to keep the commands of God is obtained by Prayer wherein 't is our Duty to offer up our desires to God in Christ's Name by the Spirits assistance confessing Sin and giving thanks for Mercies Grace which strengthens us to keep Gods Commandments is obtained by Prayer Psal 119. 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee Oh let me not wander from thy Commandments Psal 138. In the day when I cried thou answeredst me and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul Prayer is our Duty Luke 18. 1. Men ought always to pray and not to faint always i. e. at their set times and all fit seasons In Prayer we offer up our desires to God Psal 38. 9. Lord all my desire is before thee and my groaning is not hid from thee Prayer must be in Christs Name Joh. 16. 23. Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you Prayer must be by the Spirits assistance Rom. 8. 26 27. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered And be which searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Prayer should be with confession of Sin Psal 51. 3. I acknowledge my iniquity and my sin is ever before me There ought to be a giving thanks for Mercies Col. 4. 2. Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving Q. 13. What is the Rule for our direction in Prayer A. The whole Word of God is of use to direct us in our Supplications but especially the Lords Prayer which he taught his Disciples The whole Word of God directs us in Prayer for it reveals his Will according to which our Prayers ought to be made 1 Joh. 5. 14. And this is the confidence we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his Will he heareth us The Lords Prayer which he taught his Disciples is our special direction how to pray Mat. 6. 9 10 11 12 13. After this manner therefore pray ye Our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily Bread And forgive us out Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever Amen Q. 14. How hath God confirmed his New Covenant A. God hath confirmed his New Covenant by the Sacraments which are the Signs and Seals of it and these Sacraments under the New Testament are Two Baptism and the Lords Supper Sacraments are Signs and Seals of the New Covenant What the Apostle speaks of the Sacrament of Circumcision in the Old Testament is true of the Sacraments under the New Rom 4. 11. He received the sign of Circumcision a seal of the righteousness of Faith and where the righteousness of Faith is
my days to grant me no more Sabbaths nor indeed any longer space for repentance Q. 23. Art thou now willing to sanctifie the Lords day to attend upon those Ministers that preach as being in good earnest that speak most to the Consciences of their Hearers and are desirous and wise to win Souls A. These above all I have hated but all the while I did so I now perceive I had no true love unto my self Q. 24. Dost thou consent to submit unto the easie yoak of Christs commands as well as desire pardon and reconciliation by his Blood And dost thou look upon it as unreasonable to hope to be saved by Christ if thou art resolved that Sin and the Devil shall still rule thee A. The wages of Sin is Death why should I serve such a Lord any longer Oh that I may become a Servant indeed to the best Lord of All. Q. 25. Art thou willing to be a true Convert unto God To have thy Eyes turned to look to him Thy Feet turned to walk in all his ways And thy Heart turned to love and fear and cleave unto Him A. Lord turn thou me and then I even I as bad as I have been shall indeed be turned The Conscience of the Young Man who is vain in his Youth is to be dealt with after this manner Q. 1. O young Man thou rejoicest in thy youth and seemest void of care and fear What is the ground of this thy joy A. I walk after the sight of my Eyes and in the way to which my heart is inclined and the fulfilling of my youthful Lusts is very pleasant Q. 2. But is not thy Creator to be remembred in the days of thy youth And is not his service infinitely better than to have thy Lusts thy Lords A. I reckon it time enough to think of God when I am old Q. 3. How dost thou know thou shalt live to be old A. I find Nature in me vigorous and strong And now what is gratifying to my Senses puts me into a transport of joy Mirth and Musick delight my Ear Meats and Drinks do please my apperite Brave Apparel is my Pride Sports and Recreations are my principal business and Amorous Thoughts and Desires are constant Guests which my heart entertains with wonderful complacency My mind aspires to worldly greatness and I hope to be somebody before I die Q. 4. Why dost thou not consider that the hour of Death may be near notwithstanding the strength of Nature and that many as young and lusty as thy self and who as confidently reckoned upon longer life have been by the small Pox or Feaver or some other malady or by unexpected accident suddenly sent unto their graves A. Pray don't talk of Death 't is a melancholick subject which I don't care to hear or think of Q. 5. But will the putting of Death out of thy mind be any defence against its stroke or keep Death off from thee A. To think much of Death would make life miserable it would be a torturing of ones self and a dying every day Q. 6. But if thou livest so as that to die will be gain to thee will the thoughts of Death be unpleasant then A. I have no inclination at all to change my course of life Q. 7. Why shouldst thou resolve to live a fool deceived and enslaved by thy lusts and pleasures and to venture dying miserably A. Pray let me alone I am not sensible of any bondage I am under I live a merry life and an ounce of mirth is better than a pound of sorrow Q. 8. If an ounce of carnal mirth which may so quickly end and end in endless sorrow be of so much account with thee what is a far more exceeding and eternal weight of joy and glory A. That joy is unsuitable to me That Man methinks spake very good sense who said Soul take thine ease eat drink and be merry thou hast Goods laid up for many years Q. 9. Does not God call that Man a Fool And did not Death which came to him many years sooner than he expected prove him to be both Fool and Wretched And did not Hell make him sensible of his folly when it was too late A. I dislike the thoughts of death but much more of what is to follow after Q. 10. Is it not a Lesson that the Wise man would teach the Young man Eccles 11. 9. But know that for all these things God will bring thee to Judgment A. I dread that day and cannot endure to think of the account I am then to give to Him that is to be my Judge Q. 11. Not thinking of Judgment does it not make thee secure and careless in making ready for it And hereupon will not thy account be with the greater grief and horrour A. I am sorry I have entred upon this discourse if once these things come to have a deep and abiding impression upon my heart I must bid farewel to all my joy and sorrow must fill up the remainder of my days Q. 12. Why dost thou suffer thy self to be deceived and abused Is not a greater joy to be preferr'd before a less A true and lasting joy before that which is but a shadow a dream and vanishes in a moment A. I cannot conceive that Religion should ever prove such a pleasant thing to me Q. 13. Why then does the Scripture speak of strong consolation Of a peace that passes all understanding Of a joy unexpressible and full of glory A. These strong comforts and joys seem to me to be but strong phancies and meer imaginations Q. 14. Hast thou not reason to say so of thy sinful Comforts But pray consider Is it not God the great Creator of all things which has put into the creatures that power they have to delight thy senses And cannot He himself infinitely more delight thy Soul A. Spiritual pleasures are things I do not understand I have had a deal of satisfaction in the delights that are fleshly Q. 15. Dost thou think the Holy Angels have no pleasure because they have no flesh How full of Torment are the Devils though they have no bodily senses to be tormented And have not the elect Angels though they have no bodies a far higher delight in God than a body is capable of A. I confess I have not minded my Soul which is a Spirit but have pleased my senses and my fancy as if there were no higher happiness Q. 16. While thou hast thus pleased thy bruitish part for Beasts have senses which they please hast thou not shewed thy self rather a Brute than either Saint or Man A. You intimate that to be a Saint is to act with the greatest reason But I would fain enjoy my sensual pleasures a little longer and afterwards I am for repenting and turning Saint indeed Q. 17. God who commands thy turning to him and turning Saint does he not command thee to do it presently Does not the Holy Ghost say To day if ye
the service of God I have many thoughts and contrivances about the World while I am in the Church worshipping Q. 14. When thou art about thy worldly business that brings in gain into thy purse are not thy thoughts intent and fixt A. I don't love to play the fool and do those things that bring in my livelihood and the maintenance of my family as if I did them not Q 15. Does not this shew the corruption of thy nature and the estrangement of thy heart from God that thou canst trifle with Him and in his Service and about the concernments of thy Soul and yet be so very serious about earthly matters A. I must confess in this respect my heart is not so good as it ought to be and as I did before imagine Q. 16. Didst thou ever see thy need of Christ of his Righteousness to cover thy sins and to render thy duties acceptable A. I have long time thought that my own righteousness and honest dealing did commend me to God Almighty and that I am too good to be damned I have not perceived any great need of Christ and know but little of him Q. 17. Art thou willing to be convinced of thy pride and ignorance which thy words plainly discover that ignorance and vain confidence may not be thy ruine A. Here is a charge that is severe such as I thought I never should have had from any man and I am ready to resolve to talk no more but still to place my confidence where I have done And yet withall I have no mind to perish therefore I am not against conviction upon good and sufficient grounds Q. 18. Thou trustest in thy Righteousness but does thine exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees And if it does not how canst thou hope against Christs plain words to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 5. 20. A. I know not what the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees was Q. 19. Thou art free from actual murther but is there not malice envy or revenge working in thy heart without controul Thou never wert guilty of actual fornication but dost thou not lust in thy heart after Women suffering evil concupiscence to burn within not caring to quench that impure flame Thou stealest not any part of thy neighbours Estate but hast thou not often covered what is His The Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees was external only not in heart sinful workings within they made no matter of yet they rested on this Righteousness thought themselves whole and slighted Christ the great Physician of Souls And is not thy Righteousness which thou gloriest in just the same A. Christ says If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments and he names those of the second Table Q. 20. But does he not tell that young man who had kept these commandments from his youth without any gross violation of them that yet he lacked one thing love to Christ above his Possessions And art not thou thy self so far from loving Christ and believing in him that thou hast not cared to know him A. I have heard some talk of Christ that he is our Redeemer Q. 21. May he not well be called a Redeemer who redeemed believers from the curse of the Law from the wrath to come and from all their Iniquities Who gave his Life a ransom and shed his blood to be the price of his Churches Redemption A. I see you would perswade me that I do stand in need of Christ the Redeemer as well as others and that I am lost without him Q. 22. Did not Christ come to seek and to save that which was lost Is it not better to see thy self lost and come to Him while he calls thee than to think thou art safe enough till Hell too late convince thee that 't is quite contrary A. My Life has been led without blame I differ much from others who have run into all excess of riot Q. 23. Was not the Apostle Paul blameless touching the righteousness of the Law before his Conversion And yet was he not convinced of sin and saw himself lost And who ever express't an higher esteem of Christ than He A. Certainly the Apostle saw that in sin which yet I do not see Q. 24. Wilt thou study the purity and spirituality of the Law of God Wilt thou take notice how it requires thee to love the Lord with all thy heart to worship him in Spirit and in Truth and forbids all sinful motions thoughts passions and desires If the Law did thus come to thee would not sin presently revive would not thy iniquities appear innumerable wouldst thou not conclude thy self dead and condemn'd till justified by Faith in Jesus A. I begin to have other thoughts of Christ than ever yet I entertain'd Q. 25. Wilt thou now bewail thy misplaced confidence wilt thou pray for Faith and hear for Faith in Christ wilt thou be incessant in thy Supplications that it may be given thee to believe wilt thou come by the help of his Grace and Spirit unto God as thy Chiefest Good and come to him through Jesus the Mediator being sensible that He is the only Way unto the Father A. I desire to believe Lord help my unbelief Q. 26. Wilt thou in all thy duties look unto Jesus for assistance to perform them and for acceptance through Christ after they are performed A. I see this is necessary Q. 27. Wilt thou rely on Christ and his Righteousness i. e. his Obedience and Sufferings for pardon of all past iniquities especially thy minding the world and mocking of God in thy Devotions hitherto And wilt thou earnestly desire that thy Faith may not be counterfeit but of the right kind purifying thy heart overcoming the world and working by love A. Such a Faith I now perceive is more precious and will make me more truely rich than the greatest abundance of Gold that perishes Q. 28. VVilt thou take due notice of the reason why thou mavest safely trust in the Lord Jesus to save thee Does not his Godhead argue him able to save And did he not become Man that he might be in a capacity to suffer for mens sin VVas he not made like unto his Brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful High-Priest to make reconciliation for the sins of the people Heb. 2. 17. A. On Him alone I resolve to rest on whom whosoever believes he shall not be confounded The Hypocrites Conscience is thus to be searched Q. 1. Art thou willing to be tried and since there is no grace but has its counterfeit hast thou no fear of being deceived and mistaking shews for substance A. You make me half angry by asking such a question None that know me doubt of my uprightness Q. 2. Of what Church art thou A. I am of the purest Church and way I know I have separated my self from all that are not of my perswasion and I do not care to have communion with them Q. 3. Is not
ruin Q. 11. Is not being burthened with sin now the way to be eased of the load and to prevent thy sinking under it into Hell A. I fear my fears and that sin is not my burthen only the punishment threatned the vengeance of Eternal Fire does affright me Q. 12. Is there not a difference made between thee who fearest that God who can kill the Body and destroy the Soul in Hell and those stupid sinners who live without God in this World as if there were no Heaven or Hell in the next A. I grant there is some difference made for my Conscience that now is awakened and troubled was once very fast asleep and senseless Q. 13. Art thou still a worker of iniquity A. No I dare not sin presumptuously I dare not allow my self in the practice of any known wickedness but still in many things I am continually offending Q. 14. Dost thou think that none have true grace unless they are perfectly free from all sin Does not Solomon say There is not a just man upon Earth that does good and sins not Eccles 7. 20. Does not the Apostle acknowledge that sin dwelt in him and that when he would have done good evil was present with him Rom. 7. A. You little think how great the sins are which I have been guilty of though now I cease the practice of them I am exceedingly amazed at their nature number and aggravations Q. 15. Does not the Lord promise he will abundantly pardon the wicked man that forsakes his evil way Isa 55. 7. Is thy sin too great for the righteousness of Christ to cover who in point of sufficiency is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world Where sin has abounded does not the grace of God much more abound A. Still the greatness of sin terrifies me Oh wretch that I am what have I been and done Q. 16. How great a sinner was David with what horrid aggravations did he sin being such an experienced Saint so wonderfully deliver'd and advanced and so great a Prophet besides and yet does he despair of mercy Does he say Because my sin is great I fear it will not be forgiven Nay does he not use the greatness of his sin as an argument to prevail for pardon because Divine mercy and the Name of God would be the more magnified in justifying one so guilty Did he not pray and prevail too when he prayed for thy names sake pardon my iniquity for it is great Psal 25. 11. A. God pardons not the sins of any whether great or small that repent not and I fear I never have sorrowed after a godly sort Q. 17. When thou confessest sin to God dost thou hide any because of the love thou bearest to it Art thou not grieved and displeased with thy self because thou hast sinn'd and art thou not willing to forsake all the sins thou doest know and acknowledge if so is not the promise very express That thou shalt have mercy Prov. 28. 13. A. You cannot imagine what vile thoughts and lusts and passions there are in my Heart which I cannot get rid of Q. 18. Are not these thoughts and lusts very unwelcome Guests wouldst not have them mortified and brought into captivity and obedience to Christ and don 't you desire a clean Heart may be created and a right Spirit renewed in you A. I think 't is meerly fear of Hell that is the principle from which such desires flow If there were no Hell 't is likely my longing after purity would be at an end Q. 19. Why shouldst thou make a supposition that there were no Hell Art thou not to look upon things as they are and are they not indeed as in Scripture they are represented If there were no future rewards and punishments who knows what the best would be and do the main foundation and reason of religion and goodness being gone Does not the Apostle himself say What advantageth it me if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for to morrow we die 2 Cor. 15. 32. A. Well but still I fear I am sincere in nothing which I do because I seem to be acted meerly by the fear of punishment Q. 20. Do not all Hypocrites and wicked men that are under awakening convictions and fear Hell most fear the loss of their sinful pleasures and gains more Do they not therefore endeavour to smother these convictions that they may serve their fleshly and worldly lusts without disturbance But art not thou of another mind fearing lest thy Conscience should fall asleep again and desiring it may be more thoroughly awakened A. I would fain have my Conscience made truely tender Q. 21. And wouldst thou not have thy heart thoroughly renewed A But my Will I think is influenced meerly by a dread of Eternal Damnation and Misery Q. 22. Is not Eternal Condemnation a thing that ought to be dreaded Why is Hell made naked before us in the Word but that we may fear the falling into it And while these fears are very high is it any wonder that the actings of love are not so evident VVhen a Child fears his Fathers anger though he has a true love to his Father yet is his love so plainly apparent in the very height of his fear A. Oh! how shall I be able to dwell with devouring Fire and to inhabit Everlasting Burnings Q. 23. Does the Scripture any where say that an Hypocrite by the fear of Hell may be carried so far as to be willing to be truely and thoroughly sanctified to be willing to be made right as to the principle manner and end of his obedience and yet remain a Hypocrite still A. I do not remember that ever any Hypocrite consented to be a Saint indeed for fear of punishment and yet still was branded for an Hypocrite Q. 24. Do we not read that the will to be sincere is wrought of God Phil. 2. 13. and that it is a Day of power when he thus makes a willing people Psal 110. 3. why then shouldst thou make light of this willingness in thee to part with all sin both in heart and life and to become an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile A. Christ saves Believers only he that believes not shall be damned I am afraid I have no saving Faith and that Christ never has indeed been received by me Q. 25. Art thou willing to receive Christ undivided Christ a Prophet effectually to instruct thee Christ a Priest to make reconciliation by his death for all thy iniquities and interceeding for thee to procure the acceptance of thy duties Christ a King to subdue thy lusts and Satan and to rule thee according to the holy Laws in the Bible which are the Laws of his Kingdom A. I must needs say I have no exception against any of Christs Offices and I should be glad if He would do all this for me that you have mention'd Q. 26. And as thou art willing to receive Christ undivided so art
thou not willing to give thy self and heart undivided to him that he may have the pre-eminence above all things in thy affection and esteem A. My whole Heart and self I would gladly give to the Lord Jesus might such an one as I so guilty so defiled be accepted Q. 27. VVas not the returning Prodigal though vile and unworthy received by his Father with open Arms and a joyful Heart was he not entertain'd with amazing mercy and kindness Luke 15. And was not this Parable spoken on purpose to assure returning Sinners of a gracious reception though they have run far away from God A. I find some hope reviving at what you say and some glimmering light of joy but still I tremble I have heard of the Cross of Christ and Self-denial even to the death And if it should once come to such a trial I am confident I should prove a most cowardly Apostate Q. 28. Is not sin the Natural Mans greatest darling If therefore thou givest up thy lusts at present to be slain hast thou any reason to question thy willingness if called to it to lay down thy life for Christs sake Besides in extraordinary trials is there not extraordinary strength and comfort vouchsafed Is Martyrdom to be undergone in Natures powers or does not the Spirit of Glory and of God rest upon Sufferers to carry them through the fiery trial 1 Pet. 4. 14. And why shouldst thou distrust the Lord who is faithful and will not suffer thee to be tempted above what thou art able 1 Cor. 10. 13. A. Though I cannot answer and argue for my unbelief yet alas my Spirit is down and I find it hard for any thing to fasten upon me for my comfort Q. 29. VVhen wast thou at the Lords Table A. I dread the thoughts of approaching to it since the unworthy receivers do eat and drink judgment to themselves Q. 30. Is it any wonder thou art comfortless who livest in the neglect of a duty so expresly commanded and that command given by thy dying Lord Do this in remembrance of me A. But surely 't is better not to Eat and Drink than to Eat and Drink unworthily Q. 31. Hast thou a right understanding of this Gospel-worthiness How greatly art thou mistaken if thou thinkest it a meritorious worthiness Is not worthiness as much as meetness and fitness Is not He the worthy person who is truely sensible of his unworthiness and desires to be found and to be accepted in Christ Is not He the worthy Communicant who feels his Spiritual diseases wants and weakness and desires that Christ in this Ordinance would heal supply and strengthen him A. I dare not come to the Table before I have an assurance of the love of God and know I shall be welcome Q. 32. Is not this to say I will not use the means till I have attain'd the end Is not this Ordinance appointed that weak grace may be strengthened and by being strengthened may be made evident Dost thou not remember that the Disciples the first Communicants of all doubted of their sincerity And when Christ told them one of their number should betray him did they not one of them after another say Lord is it I A. But the Scripture saith He that doubteth is damned if he eat Q. 33. Does not the Apostle speak of doubting concerning the lawfulness of the meat to be eaten not concerning the Spiritual estate of the eater The Disciples doubted whether they were true Ones or Traytors and yet was this a barr to Communion A. If I should come I fear I should receive no benefit but come away from the Table with greater Terrour and Trouble Q. 34. Dost thou not perceive the hand of Satan in all this who is the great Enemy of thy Soul and the peace of it Art thou willing that Grace should be in thee in truth be in thee and abound Art thou willing that World and Flesh should be Crucified and all the Affections and Lusts of it Art thou willing to join thy self to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that may never be forgotten If so why dost thou keep off from the Table who wouldst be so welcome there why dost thou suffer the New Creature in thee to be weak and languishing for want of this Food to sustain and strengthen it keeping thy self a stranger unto peace and comfort A. I am jealous and afraid of comfort lest it should make me careless and presumptuous Q. 35. Did the manifestation of the Fathers kindness to the returning Prodigal make him forward to be gone again into the far Countrey Or did it not rather make him love his Father and Home the better ever after VVhen thou hast tasted that the Lord is good will not this make thee cleave to him with further purpose VVhen thou hast experienced the joys of the Holy Ghost will not sinful and earthly pleasures be contemned VVill it not be enough to silence Satan in all his Temptations when from thy own experience thou canst say that Godliness is a greater gain and pleasure than ever sin did yield to thee A. The Lord increase my Faith Encourage my drooping Spirit Fit me for my Duty Incline me to it And graciously meet me in the doing of it I wish instead of doubts and fears there may be hope and diligence that I may wait upon the Lord in all his ways and find my strength renewed since the Scripture says Blessed are all they that wait for Him These Books written by the same Author are sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside near Mercers Chapel WOrthy Walking Pressed upon all that have heard the Call of the Gospel From Eph. 4. 1. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called The Spirit of Prayer Or a Discourse wherein the Nature of Prayer is opened the Kinds of Prayer are handled and the right manner of Praying discovered Several Cases about this Duty are Resolved From Eph. 6. 18. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit c. Unto which is added a Direction for the Attaining the Gift of Prayer That Family Duty may not be omitted nor Secret Duty discouraged through Inability of Utterance and Expressi●n A Heaven or Hell upon Earth Or a Discourse concerning Conscience on Acts 24. 16. Herein do I exercise my self to have a Conscience c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The True Touchstone which shews both Grace and Nature Or a Discourse concerning Self-Examination by which both Saints and Sinners may come to know themselves Whereunto are added sundry Meditations relating to the Lords Supper 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The more Excellent Way to Edifie the Church of Christ Or a Discourse concerning Love The Design of which is to Revive that Grace now under such decays among Protestants of ALL Perswasions The Conversion of the Soul Or a Discourse Explaining the Nature of that Conversion which is sincere and Directing and Perswading all to cease their loving Sin and Death and to Turn to God and Live A Warning given to Sinners to prepare for Judgment to flee from Wrath to come and turn from All Sin but especially the Sin which does most easily beset them The Little Child's Catechism In which the Principles of the Christian Religion are in plain words and short answers laid down and suited to the Memories and Understandings of Little Children Whereunto are added several short Histories which may both please and profit them as also Directions how to pra● All Eight ●●●●ten by Nath. Vincent M. A. Minister of the Gospel FINIS