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A62109 Saints like Christ: or, somewhat of truth delivered to the congregation at headly in Hampshire By Jo. Symmonds, M.A. Symonds, Joseph. 1650 (1650) Wing S6357; ESTC R222482 66,641 157

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God or man he acts right that bids his enemy be judge of his doings if any spy faults enemies will Saints are for pleasing God that 's their aime they are company for such whose journey is heaven-ward Christ is gone before they follow after He goes fastest to heaven that goes on most speedily in Gods worke that as it tends to Gods glory so to the actors glory A soul will soone be glorified it selfe that glorifies God they that are for God shall be with God heavenly work is recompens'd with good wayes Christ did his work is entred into his joy doe yours and enter also like doers shall have like pay 5. Christ is for fellowship and communion with his people Mat. 18.20 where two or three are gathered together in his name there he is in the midst of them so Saints the friends of Christ desire fellowship with those that are Christs christians this Lesson hath not been well learn'd of late outward appearances like our selves t is feard have drawne us many times more then Christ in Spirit dwelling in souls That part of Arethmeticke division hath beene in use too much at least Numeration too little we should be more like Christ were we more for society I meane with Saints Davids Spirit was gratious and was much affected with such company if like Christ sociable but 't is with Saints 6. Christ delights to see men holy embracing truth in this Saints are like Christ Saint John rejoyced greatly that he found the children of the Elect Lady walking in truth Epist Ioh. 2.4 so this exercise was pleasing to Paul Col. 1.3 4. We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying alwayes for you since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus of the love which ye have to all the Saints As he rejoyced to see this amongst the Colossians for it pleased him to see others followers of the Lord 1 Thes 1.6 and embracing that truth which the churches of God embraced 1 Thes 1.14 to the exceeding growth of faith and the abounding of charity each towards others 2 Thes 1.3 They that were holy amongst the Jews rejoyced at the Gentiles conversion And at this day there is no greater joy to Saints then to hear of others turning to the truth and living holily That which makes carnal men displeas'd which is newnesse of life pleaseth those that have received of the same life Ezech. 33 7. Jesus Christ hates sin in every one yet no mans person he pitties their persons Why will you die O house of Israel He loath'd Jerusalems sin yet he wept over the city as pittying the people sorrowing through foreseeing of the misery that was coming towards them ' and did afterwards befal them They that are like Christ are thus qualified they hate sin in all men yet hate not the persons of any no not of their deadly enemies but with Stephen they can desire eternal life for those that will not let them enjoy a temporal life a crown for their enemies that hale them to the crosse There 's much of the image of Christ in those that to the utmost do good to the men whose sins they hate And though they seek the death of their sin yet desire life the life of Christ for their souls Christ shewed man most mercy when he shewed sinne none he kill'd sin and quickn'd man A man may be merciful to his neighbour yet strive to be a slaughter-man to his sin They must needs be like Christ that from a gratious pitty are helpful to others and omit no meanes to do them any kindnesse furthering the salvation of their souls and good of their bodies helping them in any thing or way but what is sinful 'T is the calling of Saints to do good yea to all you have none of a more free spirit then they they go up and down on this imployment 't is the errand that Christ sends them on Like Master like Servants all good and their actions like themselves The master cannot erre the servants may but they shall be set right again These are no cheats that do good to all as much as possible they may harm none no not enemies render to none evill for evil but contrariwise blessing 8. Saints are very much like Christ in that they are couragious souls couragious in what is good not bad some men have too much courage in an evil way but to what is good they have no heart 'T is not so with the children of God they die rather then yield to any basenesse shall such a one as I flie a gallant speech of a noble soul Neh. 6.11 of one that believed God had given commandment to save him Psa 71.3 Salvum me facias ab inimicis meis Daniel would not omit his duty though he knew the Lions den was to be his punishment God should have his honour whatsoever he suffered The three children feared not the wrath of the King nor the fiery Furnace God should not be dishonoured by them they would die rather Tyrants may kill Saints but not conquer them Christ was slaine but not overcome so it may be with those are Christs That 's good mettal will endure the fire a good Ship that holds sound and firm in all storms good cloth that shrinks not in wetting wel-grounded colours that fade not brave souls that nothing can daunt discourage or turn from the truth one of these is better then a thousand that have great words but when hardship comes to be undergone prove low and weake he 's a friend that owns a man in need and in a strait he 's a Saint that from inward grace is made so couragious that nothing shall separate him as from the love of Christ 2 Tim. 1.7 so from the worke of Christ The Mettall of a souldier is tried in the Battel the spirit of a Christian in times of opposition 9. Christ is all for drawing souls to himself Joh. 12.32 if he be lifted up from the earth he will draw men to him he is not a scatterer but a gatherer I mean of souls His businesse is to seeke and to save to find and preserve he woes and willing he is to marry soules that they might be his for ever christians in this are spirited like Christ they endeavour to drive a trade for Christs gain they are for their masters profit they love Christ find exceeding benefit by him and they think others should love him also Pretious Christ is pretious to them and faine would they have him so to others They have an enlarg'd heart and an open mouth crying to souls oh love the Lord all ye people turne in hither souls come buy wine and milke without noney and without price we have found Excellent entertainment from Christ come he will shew you kindnesse good soules will not conceale the bountifull mercy of the Lord 2 Chro. 7.9 if they neglect to publish
such multitudes of men and women in the world and so few of them good so few gracious 'T is sad to see a throng in the way to hel men pressing forwards to destruction and to everlasting perdition and to see but now and then one going towards glory towards everlasting salvation Wickednesse hath many that owne it and wicked waies are ful of footsteps but for goodnesse 't is not look'd upon nor the waies of goodnesse travel'd in holinesse is become like a poor man Cognatus pauperi nullus Diviti cognatus est quilibet none cares for being of his kindred or acquaintance but wickednesse like the great men of the world have many followers This is a trouble to Saints to behold yet as there may be by a Traveller some Englishmen found in a remote country though but a very few in comparison of the Natives so some heavenly souls some new-born christians here in the world though but a few in respect of what are are earthly and born onely after the flesh As a man may rejoyce much in finding one piece of gold or some one pretious stone so if you find but some one that is Godly yet be comforted in hopes that there are more though you for present know them not And rest assured that there are precioos Saints in this age in the world as wel as in former ages and that you shal meet them all in glory It may give you some hint who they Vse 2 are that are such precious souls such rare Creatures such jewels souls like Christ holy as Christ is holy pure as Christ is pure that are excellent here upon earth that are Kings and raigne in life by one even Jesus Christ 1. They are such that enjoy a Christ within that have Christ himself dweling in them many dwel where Christ dwelleth and so content themselves never considering whether Christ dwel in them we have nothing nor are worth nothing if Christ be not in us all that a man hath perish and faile and come to nothing if he hath not Christ 'T is Christ that is the souls all he is the onely good and the onely lasting good and such soules may be said to have some thing that have him yea al things but they that enjoy him not have nothing they have no oyle in their lamps and being so wil be shut out and not enter with the bridegroome into joy But now all are ready to say they have Christ in them have you so examine your souls are they delighted with Christ is Christ that which delights you doth Christ give peace doth Christ drawe your hearts heaven-wards lovers whose hearts are delighted with one they love how are they drawn towards such places where they may enjoy their love Love is a loadstone drawing souls to Christ We cannot forbeare we cannot abstaine from longing to be in more ful enjoyments of Christ if so be that Christ be in us Christ is the great the infinit good that is given out to men they rejoyce infinitly that have this infinit good their portion they that have Christ have him that is good beyond compare and this is he that makes souls precious There are as many precious souls in this congregation as there be soules enjoying Christ And there are so many enjoyers of Christ as there are lovers of Christ that love him as their owne souls as their owne lives nay much better then either There are many that talke of loving Christ but their love to Christ is but such as the hosts to his guest he is bid welcome more for his money sake then for any desire of communion and fellowship If they may gain by Christ they wil waite on him if not they wil be strange to him you that talke of loving Christ what doe you know of Christ Ex aspectu nascitur amor love riseth from knowledge what have you seene of him have you seene his beauty seen his glory seen his comlines He is altogeather lovely have you seen this lovelines have you tasted of his love love is mighty in ' its operation love the love of Christ coming in Socrates putat animam immersam corpori velut expergisci amoris stimulis c. stirs the soul wonderfully it rouseth it up it sets it a worke for Christ Love produceth action it sets men upon difficulties and makes them go through hardships doth Christs love do so with you try you may know if you deal faithfully in this thing you know who dwels in your house much more in your hearts you know why you do this and that what is it of all you do that you do for Christ and that from the life of Christ Paul was precious in his actings and precious in himself and all was by Christ that liv'd in him as many of you as have receiv'd Christ are happy Consider wel of it whatsoever you are outwardly in appearance in forme in possessions in friends c. I speak not of 't is nothing you are precious if you have Christ within precious children precious souls precious Saints all of you precious all of you jewels that have Christ 2. They that are precious are such whose iniquities are hid and whose sins are done away such in whom the Lord sees no guile such that are holy such that are nourished and carried in the bosome of the mercy and goodnesse of God Obj. But is not every soul a sinner do not all complain of their corruptions weaknesses failings errors c Ans A Christian man is both righteous and a sinner holy and profane an enemy of God and yet a child of God for a christian man by the force of his natural coruption may doe such things as the word of God forbids and as he himself as spiritual abhorres Paul himselfe did many things which were repugnant to the law of God therefore he had cause to say he was not already perfect Phil. 3.12 Scriptures are not altogether silent as concerning Abraham Jacob Rebeccah Sara Moses Job David Hezekiah All good and godly souls take them as Saints and walking after the Spirit yet take them as in the body and sometimes they did not alone doe good things unperfectly and leave some good things undone but also do some evil actions See Rom. 7 c. which were directly repugnant to the rule of Gods law and to their own renewed minde thus may they be stil sinners unholy in respect of their failings weaknesses imperfect sanctification or sanctification in part but take them as justified believers and in Christ they are righteous holy just the sin which they slip into is not laid to their charge but is done away for Christs sake in whom they believe whose righteousnesse is their righteousnesse and their sin Christs sin Vt Christus fuit peccator ita nos just● sumus His by imputation who is most just and innocent of himself yet was the curse and punishment imposed upon Christ to whome sin
was imputed that all believers may be reputed before God by vertue of Christs righteousnesse holy and perfect as righteousnesse it selfe Thus you see how souls may be said to be sinners take them as in themselves and in the flesh so sinners take them as reconcil'd to God as having Christs righteousnesse imputed to them and beheld of God in that so without sin without guile no sinners but holy pure undefiled beloved of God blessed Saints 3. They are precious souls precious in this filthy ungodly sinful wicked world that from grace coming in act in wayes of grace and holines without that let the inhabitants of the world be wicked follow their Prince the Devil yet they wil walke in holines following the Lord Jesus Christ the Prince of peace and King of righteousnesse God in all ages hath some to witnesse to his glorious truths so in this age some that are taught of the Spirit led of the Spirit that minde the things of the Spirit that have the Spirit of God dwelling in them and by the power of that Spirit in dwelling doe mortifie the deeds of the body and are raised up and quickned by the Spirit of God within to walke in righteousness true holines to serve God and own his cause though the world with them that dwel therein oppose they are excellent souls that appear for God in bad times in the worst of times yea when 't is not alone a hazarding their names to disgrace and shame but their bodies to be torne in pieces to be burnt to ashes You that are acquainted with scripture and history may see every age every yeare bring forth some such gallant spirits that were ready to lay down their lives to undergoe any cruel vile shameful death for the name of Christ and the testimony of Jesus 4. They are precious for they that are faithful and chosen that are such as Christ is continue good let all the world be bad A precious soule is an excellent Theophilus and wil appeare so let others be never so bad let them be enemies to God fighters against God Times are bad now and like for a while to be worse yet there are pretious Christans so some there wil be as long as the world continues that shal shine out as lights in the world Phil. 2.15 that wil be without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverss nation that wil run right on towards glory let whose wil run crosse that wil keep their garments white though others be soyl'd I commend such to you souls for precious Christians for precious Saints that abstaine from all appearance of evil that in heart and soul and life clear to and follow after what is good Vse 3 Love those precious souls that Christ esteemes precious nay that Christ hath made precious that are before God precious that are the dearely belov'd of his soul that are honourable ones that are borne of the wil of God that are attended on by Angels that are for a short time plac'd in the world and shal ere long be received into glory let your delight be plac'd on those excellent ones let your eyes be on them that Gods eyes are on your heart towards those that Gods heart is towards good children are apt to respect those they see their parents love if you be true children rightly descended of the Royal line of heaven you wil eye the outgoings of your fathers love and as Bees settle where the Queen settles so wil you where God upon what family or soul the Lord hangs his love you wil hang yours where God delights to be you wil delight to be all so Consider I pray who you love what sort of people it is you most affect whether it be carnal worldly unregenerate men or holy heavenly regenerate Saints Do you now desire to know Gods jewels Vse 4 to be able to discern of these precious ones to say such are Gods children such are the friends of Christ like Christ you must have the life spirit wisdome knowledge of Christ you must be taught of God to know who are Gods like God Paul persecuted the precious Saints of Christ and was a deadly foe and enemy to them til such time as he was endued with wisdome from on high til God shone upon him yea into him and then knowing Saints he associated himself with them and was no longer hurtful but helpful Many a soul is a sore and grievous enemy to the people of God I am perswaded much of their enmity ariseth from this because they know not Saints they are ignorant what glorious ones they are in what a high esteem they are with God how God wil punish them that wrong them Ignorance of Saints makes them slighted reviled defam'd accounted as the filth of the world and the off scouring of all things T is want of knowing the worth of a Jewel that makes it not prized so of a Saint that is a member of Christ a child of God The God of wisdome give you wisdome to know such that are holy that are Princes of the bloud-Royal of heaven and to give them such respect that is due and reverence as belongs to them This none can do but such as have the spirit this you wil do if the Lord give out the spirit of truth to guide you in all truth if heavenly light shine into you that light shining in wil discover and manifest to you the children of light and whosoever you can find walking heaven-ward you wil be glad of their company Ignorance had a hand in killing Christ and it hath some hand in all the wrong is done to Saints the Lord free you all from it least ye should through ignorance harme the darlings of God and bring swift damnation on your selves God hath grievous threatnings in Scripture against Saint-wrongers and there are recorded some heavy punishments that have been inflicted on them that harme the righteous God keep you from the sin and so from the suffering I might ad how beneficial 't is for you to know who are Saints and how much for your souls advantage to be acquainted with them but I omit it Happy are you that are of the number of these jewels of God of these preciout Vse 5 ones I do not know what your condition is in respect of outward things and creature-enjoyments but I can safely say you are a happy people if precious if such as Christ you shal all be laid up in glory shortly God wil not lose one of his jewels for a world Heaven and earth shal perish but no Saint never a precious soul not a jewel that belongs to the crown Royal of glory These rare souls these souls to whom Angels do service that are carried in the armes in the bosome in the heart of God that are singular souls chosen out from among thousands by royal favour s●ch in whom the eye of God can see nothing amisse no defect no excesse no presence of sinne no
12.15 Act. 7.57 Summa mundi ingratitudo the more a Saints spirit in pitty is for their good the more are their spirits in rage against Saints to their hurt 3. They have yearnings of soule after such that deviate from truth that goe astray in the wildernes of sin striving to reclaime them and to bring them into the way of the Lord to walke towards holynes Act. 17.23 Paul was employ'd in such a busines as this at Athens amonst a people that were wandering after an unknowne God that went they knew not whither Luk. 15.4 that worshipped they knew not what As a man lookes after a wandering beast to bring it home so doth Christ a wandering soul and this is part of the employment of such that can say As he is so are we in this world Ezech. 34.6 7 8 9. Christ is highly displeased with such that should looke after scattered soules and are negligent they walke contrary to him but such please him that are painfull in preserving those are his that undertake any employment for the recovery of soules from error to truth from out of the Devils common to Christs sold They are deare friends to Christ that to their utmost are helpful to the purchased possession of Christ you that are good servants to Christ you shall find him a good Master to you be like him in action and he will make you like himselfe in the reward he that works in his vineyard shall have faire wages Blessed are you that now serve not your selves but the Lord Jesus Christ this busines will make Christ honour you your striving to reclaime such that wander from the commandements of the Lord Dan. 12.3 They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse as the starres for ever and ever God will honour them that strive to save others Jam. 5.20 How like Christ are they that strive to convert a sinner from the error of his way and to save a soul from death Is not such work Christs worke do not they follow him that works thus When Christ works in us for making us like him we will worke abroad to bring soules unto him 3. They loath sinne they that are like Christ they detest and abominate what Christ detests Sin is a devil and who can abid him unlesse wretches that are like him Sin will eat up a soul can any unlesse a mad-man love that which will utterly undoe him Sinne brings plagues upon a mans selfe and all he hath entertain not a guest that hath such ill attendants thou canst not embrace sin but thou must wound Christ wilt thou shew so much hard-heartednes as to wound him that hath suffered so much already Isa 52.14 yea such sufferings as never any suffered besides him besides you cannot sinne against Christ but you must hurt your selves yea your best part Pro. 8.36 your souls but to cast such weeds aside and to speak of men and practises fiting the place and time and that is Saints their behaviour in this particular towards sin they abhorre sin upon the same reasons and grounds that Jesus Christ abhorres it 't is indeed Christ in them that makes them dislike it if their dislike be such as it should be there are soules that may have some dislike of sin yet they may not with a Saints spirit loath it 1. Some there are that stand aloofe from sin when it allures because should they yeeld it may cause some disgrace to them it may make some cast them off that now they have favour withall and whose favour it may be is more beneficial for present then their sin can be they are sollicited unto These deserve no thankes from God for love to God makes them not dislike sin 't is the upholding of some reputation and credit amongst men that for present restrains them They say not I have receiv'd mercy from Christ how can I sin against him that hath been so good to me but I have a reason of mine own saith the carnal soule and therefore I may doe this or that not but that he loves the sin but it stands not with his end for present to meddle with it 2. Some are kept off from sin as the dog from the bone with the cudgel the feare of the Law deters them faine they would be doing but then they feare suffering they thinke it might be beneficiall to steale but they like not hanging the money might help them but the halter would hurt them Christ is not beholding to these nor to any such for love to him prevailes not with them Mat. 14.5 these are kept from evil as Herod at first from killing John for feare of the people Luk. 22.2 as the Chief Priests Scribes from killing Jesus or the Captain and Officers from offering violence to the Apostles Act. 5.26 That many are not more vile wee may thanke their feare of the Law not their love nor likenesse to Christ 3. Some are kept from some sins for fear of hell Hell is not seen and therefore not much feard men think strangly of hell take heed you never know it this place of Torments is not much considered of now or if it be men think they are far enough from it and may escape If love to Christ keepe not from sin fear of hell will not 't is the mercies of Christ that Paul presents as a bait to allure to holinesse and drawe men off from the world Rom. 12.1 Significans cogitionem miserecordiae Dei debere nobis esse stimulum ad vitam Deo placentem transigendam mercies are very invitive especially the mercies of Christ that are such sweet precious mercies mercies that had never any like them the world had never such another in it for mercy as Christ Mercies drawe Saints to abhorre evill and as God shall call you to be Saints you will do likewise Sin is offence to Christ and goodnesse is pleasing to him Saints are acquainted with him and know it and strive it should be so to them Christ and inside Christians have but one object of their love but one of their hatred viz good and all good and that they effect together evill and all evill and that they reject a like you may conceive of such to be Saints that go so right with Christ 4. Saints indeed soules like Christ they are such that aime at the glory of God in all their undertakings it was Christs meat and drinke to do the will of his father so 't is theirs that are Christs if men will be pleas'd seeing them in Gods businesse they rejoyce but if they will not they neverthelesse continue doing There was a Gallant courage in Christ to glorify his Father so is there in Saints they will honour God if they die in the action Act. 5.19 they if oppos'd durst bidt heir opposers judge whether it be better to obey
compelled to serve one of the most abject and base of his own servants to whom the King of Persia gave the said noblemans wife that by this meanes he might cause him to deny the faith But he not at all moved kept his faith See Burroughs in Moses self deniall where you have many examples stuck close to Christ willingly did he undergo all this wrong and indignity for Christ Many such precious soules have been in the world many there are and if persecution should arise even to death it would be seen that there are Gallant-spirited men now that would suffer any torments rather then forsake the Lord Jesus They would not harken to what flesh and bloud should say Verus Christi-discipulus propriae voluntati renunciat et divinam voluntatem sequi desiderat c. but to what the spirit should say and they would strive against what is evill in themselves and search what the wil of the Lord is and obey that 'T is the part of a good steward that is intrusted with much of his masters substance to laie out al for his master when his master requires it the best of us all are but Stewards and what we have of life parts beautie riches honour libertie any thing 't is lent us of God if God cal for it we ought to give it all up for his service and honour You that have truth of grace wil be ready so to do saying Lord all I have I received from thee it came of thee Io here I am ready to returne all to thee My deare friends consider what you do now for Christ what heart you have to what is good now what delight in Christs services now you are likeliest to hold out in suffering that are diligent in the businesse of the Lord and in the work of your God now Some men thinke they can suffer for Christ yet now they have no heart to the present service of Christ which God cals unto they are negligent and loose in present duties Suerely such soules who faile thus in present service and duty are not like to hold out in suffering times whatsoever they may say He that in summer and fair weather is a slothfull carelesse idle servant is not likely to be a diligent laborious paines-taker in the cold pinching wet stormy time of winter They that are bred up in labour are best able to endure it 1 Tim. 4.7 Non ocio indulgendum sed totis viribus eonnitendum Christians excercise your selves unto Godlinesse do what God now sets before you do it faithfuly do it with your might you wil the better endure harder businesse if your God cal you to it They are men endued with a precious blessing that use their al to the glory of God that let not a hough be idle or unserviceable Reas 5 There are some that are clensed and made free from all unrighteousnes and uncleannes Ps 32.1.2 that have no wickednes imputed unto them these are blessed soules these are precious souls Christ paid a ful price for their deliverance from sin making peace through the bloud of the crosse they are by Christ brought home to Christ their life is hid with Christ in God they are rais'd up with Christ and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus even already Indeed in themselves there is a body of lust corruption and sin and there is a law revealing sin accusing and condemning so as it beleevers live onely by sense reason and experience of themselves and as they live to men they live both under the power and feeling of sin and the Law but if they live by faith in Christ beleeving in the life righteousnesse obedience satisfaction and glory of Christ they live out of the power of all condemnation and unrighteousnesse This is a precious life and they are pretious souls that live this life of faith that have all their assurance confidence comforts flowing into them through a channel of faith believing themselves happy for what another even Christ hath done for them and not what they have done or can do for themselves In brief they are precious for take them as in Christ as justified they are as pure in the sight of God as the righteousness of Christ can make them because God sees his onely in Christ not in themselves he loves them not in the glory and excellencie of Christ these appear glorious to God and in his sight because they have put on Christ that is glorious There are as many precious souls now as there are souls cloath'd with the righteousnesse of Christ they that were precious formerly and could say As he is so are we in this world they were such by having Christ by being perfect in his perfection they were chosen in Christ lov'd in Christ they that are in Christ are precious now and may say As he is so are we in this world All believers are very like one another and also like Christ Reas 6 There are some that are the Sister Spouse Wife of Christ that have ravished his heart that he rejoyceth over as the Bridegroom over his Bride these doubtlesse are precious A precious Christ wil have a precious Consort He is an excellent one and wil have his Wife his Love his other-self to be precious also Christ glorious his Spouse glorious Christ beautiful his Love beautiful they are alike Bridegroom and Bride alike their trimming is of one piece and fashion the righteousnesse of God It may be a word of comfort and consolation Vse 1 to such that live in places where they can find no good people none that they can take comfort in none that are lovers of truth none that delight in the things of Christ 'T is sad to Saints spirits to live in such places 't is irkesome to a man as a man to live in a place where he can have no society no company fellowship with none so with Saints to live where they can have none to confer with none to discourse withal none to joyn with them in prayer and fasting and holy communion To such let me speak it may be you can find none for society none that are gracious yet be assured God hath some When the Prophet cried out he was alone and that he could see none but Idolaters none but what went on in wickednesse yet God saw some that were free some that were haters and loathers of Baal that had never bowed the knee to him The Lord hath here there some that are precious souls Be not disheartned christians be not dismai'd there are I acknowledge many briars and thornes yet there are some Lillies many weeds yet some though but a few precious flowers you may find none in great houses there may be some in cottages none in silken garments there may be some in rags none on the high places of the earth yet there may be some in the vallies 'T is indeed a thing to be bewail'd that there should be