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A56584 A letter to some divines, concerning the question, whether God since Christ's ascension, doth any more reveal himself to mankind by the means of divine apparitions? With an exact account of what God hath bestowed upon a noble maid, from her seventh year, until now, MDCXCI. Written originally in High-Dutch, and now set forth in English by the editor of the Laws of paradise, newly published. J. W. P. 1695 (1695) Wing P72; ESTC R222652 66,368 174

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Experience propose to the Lord the Treachery and Abomination of any one else And concluded not to propose to Him any thing but what should proceed from an humble Heart wanting to be satisfied And in this Resolution she hath been Confirm'd by the Lord himself who spake to her in this manner I am Holy therefore let every one that cometh to Ask of me examine himself well whether he be likewise of a clean Heart And if not let him not think that I should visit him in my Word to Answer him For this end hold thou to Me for I will not that thy Righteous Soul should be importuned by the impure Wretches of this World Go out from their Abominations and receive not any thing at all from them For I am the LORD Nay even those who love Me if they come not to me in a Child-like and Humble Heart they shall not be heard by me Let every one that dareth to lift up his Eyes toward me come himself to me with his Heart and not by Letter and I will answer him willingly and will not shut him out I go before in Love For hitherto have I spoken in patience but they would make an ill use of it and would make thee to sin without thy knowledge Break then the Cords and suffer not thy self to be bound and take nothing from them but only from such as are true-hearted and humble Such will I hear when they complain and will answer when they enquire not out of Curiosity Now although the Lord will not Answer such Curious Enquirers and She Sanctify'd and Purify'd in the Blood of Christ will not admit of such like Questions yet nevertheless He was the very same day so Good as to give us that which follows Courage My SION thou dear Shulamite shalt now go suddenly forth out of Babylon I will give to thee the Wings of Righteousness that thou mayest fly away from the Abomination of Babel Thou shalt have no Communion with her that so thou mayest not be polluted For I will have thee to be clean and without Spot I will cloath thee with the Saphir and will Crown thee with Righteousness For thou hast been rudely treated and thy Wounds have been very bad but now it is all over For the Vine beginneth to put forth its Branches and I take pleasure in my Bride for she is become lovely in my Eyes Therefore will I deck her with Light and Glory without measure and she shall find that I deal kindly with her Let then the Babylonian Wicked insult over you with all their might Be ye not dismayed hereat I am your Buckler your Defence and your Armour and with Justice I cover you as with a Garment I the LORD am arming my self to fight for you with a Mighty Arm For now is the time that Light and Darkness must be separated from each other that so SION may dwell before Me. And verily the Cherubs with Thrones and Principalities are in Array to Fight for Sion against Babel But take this in a right Sense The Battel is for the sake of Sion's Spirit that her Cause may be strengthn'd and made certain and that there may be a Separation from the Works of Babel For this end it is time that ye watch and stand upon your Guards Night and Day For I come and do sound all the Depths And therefore I witness thus and will witness in all Languages and Tongues and will pour out my Spirit largely and adorn my Bride as to the Marriage-feast yea as to the Triumph She shall cry aloud for Joy and magnifie my Name aforehand When all this shall be transacted before in the Spirit then shall the Decree or Curse come forth against Babel And Sion shall then be as an Armed Man and I as a Roaring Lion against Babel and all her Abominations And then shall the Jdugment be revealed and come forth Wo to you ye Earthly-minded Men when I come Of whom is that saying true That I shall not find Faith upon the Earth But Blessed are the Simple and the Children for unto such doth the Kingdom belong Therefore be still rest in humility and fear not for I am before you Again I say Blessed are the little Children for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Yea yea Amen! say I the Lord of Lords the God and Saviour in the Spirit of these Children Wherefore study that you may become like to them and so shall ye be made all Light Rejoice ye for the Victory is to Sion XXXV Before I consider the Questions I shall from some Passages of holy Scripture succinctly prove that God never declar'd it to be his Will that there should be no more Apparitions or Revelations after our Saviours Ascension but that on the contrary he hath given express Promises in his Word that before the Dreadful Day of the Lord he will send forth his Scribes Learned in the Kingdom of Heaven his Wisemen and Prophets for a Warning to the World and for an Encouragement to his Faithful Servants Neither have we any room for Doubt as to the Divinity of these Visions and Revelations if once it appear that the Lord according to his holy Purpose and Will doth really and according to the Rules laid down by Mr. Fabricius Superintendent-General of Pomerania in his Discourse * De Probatione Visionum of the Trial of Visions give to his Children in all Ages of the Church such Manifestations as these Of which the said Author has Collected together a great number of Examples from Approv'd Fathers Doctors and other Writers XXXVI That God therefore will for that he may if he will I suppose there is no Divine will deny grant such like Apparitions and extraordinary Revelations I prove first from the Prophet Joel Chap. 2. of which take this brief Account Now that the Contents of this Chapter have never yet been Accomplish'd since the time of Joel will be put out of all Dispute The time in which he Prophesied is not express'd but however certain it is that it was before the Captivity of Babylon Let us then see whether the Prophesie contain'd in this Chapter can have had its fulfulling either in the Calamity which the City of Jerusalem and the People of the Jews suffer'd by Nebuchadnezzar or in that other brought upon them by Titus Vespasian Now it is certain by these Verses viz. 1 7 9 and 11. that when this Chapter must have its Accomplishment then Mount Sion must be in a good Estate and the City of Jerusalem with its Temple be standing Moreover in ver 2. a Day which is call'd the Day of the Lord is describ'd as a Day of Darkness and of Gloominess of Clouds and of thick Darkness And this shall herein consist that a mighty and strong People of whom there has not been ever the like neither shall be any more to all Eternity shall come upon Jerusalem as the Morning spread upon the Mountains Now that this cannot be said
thy Refuge and thy strong Rock I say Amen! 15. A very lovely Consolation for Judah and Israel with a Comfortable word to the First-born of Joy in their Posterity Hope in the Lord O Israel shout for joy O Judah for the Lord hath looked upon thee in kindness He shall make thee to rejoyce O thou First-born in thy Posterity I am He that hath said it But to whom is my secret known and who is there that understandeth my meaning Nevertheless the Deep shall utter forth the praises of my Righteousness and the Clouds shall declare my Truth Dear Children be not afraid for I am the Truth Abide in my Truth and what is there that can disturb you Unto you I am All in All. He that loveth me hath Everlasting Life and is Justified in me through the power of Faith Cry aloud lift up your Voices for I am a wonderful God one who levelleth the Mountains and pulleth up Men from the Deep of the Earth Be at peace my dear Sion Waver not my Child Behold in thine hands I have signed thee I am a God of thy Name a Keeper of Israel a Friend of Sion a Benefactor of Ephraim Trouble not your selves dear Friends for no Evil shall be able to reach you and as for what you undertake it shall prosper for I will set your Feet in a large place XVIII All these Testimonies and many more were given by God to this Blessed Maid before I had any manner of Acquaintance with Her Upon the Evidence of which she is so Convinced of the Divinity of this matter that not withstanding all the Contradiction and Opposition of Men she doth without the least mixture of Doubt or Fear believe in pure Simplicity and Child-like Confidence that whatever the Lord hath told or shall according to the expectation of her Faith hereafter tell her shall be punctually fulfil'd both in Her and in others She knows in whom she Believes and understands to distinguish between the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Errour with a clear Eye She bears with those who are not as yet able to own in her the Lord's Work but withal she believes that if they be of upright Hearts they will not be swift to pass Sentance upon Her as also that as many as are Enlighten'd by the Divine Light will be capable to feel that to be from God which God has bestow'd upon her But in bearing thus with the weak she permits not her self to be made Weak And so far is she from being disturb'd at the Blasphemous Sentence of the Unbelievers that she prays for them that God would not therefore on a sudden bring them into Judgment as might justly be fear'd but that he would in mercy delay it who is a God using terribly to punish the Blasphemy of imputing that to the Devil which proceeds from the Holy Ghost She says and maintains No body can make me doubtful of that which I have seen and heard No body knows the New Name but he that receives it None but the Spirit of Man which is in him knows what is in Man even so the things of God are not known to any save to the Spirit of God Now we have received not the Spirit of the World but the Spirit of God that we might be able to know what is given us of God With this one Testimony of the Holy Spirit She overthrows all the Objections made against her from Without which for the most part come from those who cleave too much to the Flesh Notwithstanding all which she trusts that in the end God will manifest His Work so as all the World may own that it is even He himself who hath witnessed all these Words by Her XIX But that you may understand the Method in which these Revelations pass and how this B. Maid doth not see with her Gross and Corporeal Eyes or hear with her Corporeal Ears but doth see and hear the Lord in Spirit and how she doth from time to time write down from his sweet Mouth the Words which she thus hears I will here import a Testimony which was given her on the Twelfth on November in the Year MDCLXXXVIII The LORD himself dictating the same as she wrote to the end that if any were desirous to be inform'd concerning the manner of the Revelation she might be able to answer them in His own Words Which are these Peace be with you the Friends of Our JESUS the Saints Blessed and Beloved I speak with you as one Friend Speaks with another I speak at this time with the Mouth of Truth that I may be heard yet not outwardly by the Bodily but inwardly by the Spiritual Ear which is a Thousand times more delicate then the Outward one I speak to you by my self as true God and true Man and cause my self to be seen not by the Eyes of the Body but by the Internal Eyes the Eyes of the Spirit of such a Spirit naturally as is united and betrothed most strictly to me And this manner of Sight is real tho' it be hidden and subtil This I know will seem strange to you who do not yet understand my Mysteries and my Wonders Yet I tell it you that you may be able to discourse of it properly according to my Inspiration For so and by this means have I spoken to you all those sweet Words which you have hitherto written I have this further in love to speak and say to you Rejoyce ye for your great Glory and Honour since you are rendred so bright through my Righteousness as to become white as the Snow to be cleansed and purged from all Sin yea to be one Heart with me and to be my Temple and Holy Habitation Keep now the House of your Heart clean and let it be mine neither suffer your corrupt sinful Will nor the Love of the Creatures to Lord it therein So will I sink down very deeply into you and then will arise up again in you and such a purifying will I make within you that you shall praise me both with Heart and Mouth My dear little Children rejoice ye for my sake and be of good Courage for I am with you Lay your selves now to rest in my Holy Will and pursue it that I may make you the Instruments of my Graces and Gifts XX. But as the Divinity of this Affair hath been witnessed particularly to some Friends so hath it been to my Wife and Me. For after that God had before this even while we were yet in Holstein made known to us not by such high and extraordinary Revelatiosn but by his Spirit in his Word the great Promise made to Israel in Scripture and the Mystery of his Kingdom and that we for the sake of this had suffered a great deal it pleased him to let us have for about a Year since the knowledge of this Gentle vvoman of whom we had not then heard any thing by the means of a devout Person with whom we
had then some Conversations concerning the Conversion of Israel and the Kingdom of Christ For this Person happening afterward to Travel through the Town in which dwelt the Widow with her Daughters was informed by some Friends how there was in that Town a Godly Family in which a young Maiden had by particular Illumination received very much from God concerning the Future Grace and Restoration of the Tribes of Israel As the said Person writ this to us withal adding that all this Agreed with what we had been discoursing together we resolved in the Name of God to write to the said young Gentlevvoman from whom we received such an Answer as wonderfully heartned us and gave us presently to see that it must be an higher Hand that guided her's in writing XXI As therefore we knew not yet any thing of these Heavenly Testimonies or of the manner in which the Lord gave and dictated them he was pleas'd to comfort and lift us up who were wearied and tired and despised before the World for having believed and witnessed his Kingdom by a dear Kingdom Testimony which was sent us upon October the 20th of the Year MDCXC by this B. Maid which here follows I the Spirit of Love I the Truth of Jesus Christ do in the Spirit witness and declare that ye my dear Friends do stand in the Truth In which being firmly grounded be sure to hold fast the trust of my Love and I who am the Hope of Israel will bring you forth safe notwithstanding all the oppositions of the Incredulous for I am a Strong Castle wherein ye may securely dwell And the more simple ye grow so much the greater delight do I take that ye may see deeper and deeper into my Mysteries which I will reveal to those that are of a Contrite Heart and will lay open to the Simple in the Faith In this latter time I will declare my Wonders I say it who am the Lord of Faith Jesus Christ to you my beloved having Loved you from the beginning of your Life It is I who bind up what is Sore and heal what is Wounded for I am Love and whosoever remains in Love dwells in God and the Father dwells in him Dear Friends Farewel I have witnessed this in the Spirit from the abundance of the Love which I bear towards you Amen Reading then this Divine Exhortation Encouragement of which we had no manner of doubt we fell upon our Knees giving thanks for it and directing our Vows to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of Sacrificing up to him our whole Life of placing our confidence in him preferably to all Men and of declaring abroad his holy Truth Hereupon we resolved to be acquainted with such dear Friends of God and accordingly we parted hence on the Third of November and arrived there on the Sixth of the same in the Evening where we saw in them much more then we could have before believed and were immediately convinced of the Divinity of the Matter And for as much as they had not hitherto observed in the Holy Scripture that which the Lord had spoken to them as God had made it knovvn to us by his Spirit and also for as much as there vvere also some things contained in those Divine Testimonies vvhich they had received vvhich they did not as yet understand and as vve confer'd one vvith another of the Gift vvhich vve had received from God vve vvere mightily comforted together We my Wife and I for that we saw how that which we had Comprehended and found out in the Prophets and in the Apocalypse concerning future things vvas not according to our ovvn Fancy but in the Truth according to the Sense of God And they for that by our Instructions they came to knovv hovv that vvhat the Lord had given them after an Extraordinary manner had been before conceived by the Spirit of God in the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles XXII We vvere then also mightily refresh'd by our dear Lord and Saviour vvho during this Intervievv vvas Graciously pleased to give us this follovving Testimony Be ye joyful be ye joyful ye vvho knovv my Name and have my Love for I will do great things for you Therefore be ye chearful Look and observe well for I am here I go in to the Work Be ye affectionate be filled with Joy and with Psalms of Praise Verily I say unto you the Hour cometh and is now come in which I judge according to Truth and Righteousness I am Christ the Lord who have Compassion over dear Sion and over Ephraim my Beloved I have brought you together with a Blessing and am in the midst of you I am the Light and the Love and I delight to abide with you I have said it unto you but who is there that can discover that which is my Intention Amen I have said it unto you Now according as the Lord who both knows all things and can make all things subservient to his Will had said it so it came to pass While by his Marvellous and holy Conduct we have now had with us this dear Family for these Nine Months past which we had not at our first Meeting any reason to hope for and have according to his Will been by wonderful steps brought to dwell together So upon the Tenth day of November we parted thence with Joy and were led home in Peace But as soon we were return'd the Slanders began afresh to be reviv'd against us but we took new strength from all the Benefits which we had received from the Lord and one day we had this Encouragement given us Peace be with you ye Blessed here am I your loving Saviour your dearest Friend and Brother whose Everlasting Love and Faithfulness cannot be bounded for my Love is flaming and my Heart is all on fire But ye do not yet conceive my Love it is so very great O be glad O cry aloud and sing O praise ye and magnifie my Name for my Right shall get the Victory and my Truth shall be made great It shall arise and spread like the break of the Morning Rejoice ye in my help ye who are driven out I run after you to bring you back to lead you home unto me I who speak it am Christ the Lord. Believe only and hold fast to me and then let not your Hearts be troubled for I will make my Name to be great and my Statutes I will cause to be received Ye are those whom I love confess ye therefore that I am the Lord from Everlasting who lye not that I should be slack to fulfil the Word of my Promise And I would that every one should be converted and live My Hand is not shortened my Faithful Mercy hath no end and my Love grows not cold O Sing with a joyful Melody for my Hour is come and the Day of the Bridegroom is at hand Love ye one another and live happily To your upright Friends in the Truth
make my Love to be known for as much as I have heard them and my Heart loveth them for evermore Amen But as Slanders encreased more and more we were again stirr'd up and encourag'd in this manner Peace be with you Fear not for my Mercy shall never be removed from you neither my Love shall at all cease for it surpasseth every breadth and every heighth so exceeding great is it wherefore it 's fit that it should make it self seen and heard in all Corners and in all Places for it is therefore risen very richly upon you and advanceth forward in Might And I say once more that when I shall come and do a new thing and deliver the Prisoners of Sion then this Love shall shine forth and be revealed with power Be not then afraid O my Zion nor be thou cast down O my Ephraim for thy Towers shall be built up and I will beget my self in thee Be joyful therefore since all my Prophetical Words I maintain and do according to my Everlasting Purpose For this cause shout for Joy O Daughter of Sion And play thou Ephraim in the Cymbals and Dances Shout for Joy ye Heavens the Work of my Hands and let all the Sons of God give a lusty shout yea all those that call upon my Name and all those that are faint and cast down let them be joyful for the Glorious Day of my Appearance in which I will together with all the Faithful both those who live and those who are faln asleep Reign Triumphantly over my Enemies This is what I wait for now be ye therefore joyful for my coming For Lo I come and rule with Might in that Kingdom and no Body dare resist me for it is the Day of my Marriage wherein I will drink with you of the new Fruit of the Kingdom Wherefore rejoice ye and sing aloud for this is my Word of Truth XXIII 1. Our mutual Love encreased and we became one Heart and one Soul With this Brotherly Love these Friends were stirred up to come and speak with us yet they could not do it without they were certain it was God's Will Which having waited to know they receiv'd according to their desire this gracious Answer Make your selves ready to go along in Simplicity and Silence to my Faithful Servants whom I love I will be with you and my Love shall guide you Be ye therefore of one Mind in the Spirit and go thither in Charity for as much as ye now know my holy Will Live contentedly and fear not for I fight for you and my Truth is your Defence and Buckler 2. This brought us Joy and Blessing Our House too like that heretofore of Obed-Edom was blest in such wise that being far from wanting any thing we were from their Presence laden as it were with Divine Blessings succeeding one another and especially with many gracious Testimonies by which the LORD animated us after this manner I the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob declare to thee the Truth and Hope in which the Fathers have hoped Yea yea I witness it even I the true and faithful Witness the First-born from the Dead that thou maist bear witness of the Truth of my Kingdom for it is a true Kingdom a Kingdom nigh at hand to you Yea yea it is certain I come suddenly Turn ye neither to the right nor to the left all ye who know my Truth and rejoice in the Faith I embrace you all with my Love and I say Be ye happy and praise my Name 3. And soon afterward we receiv'd also this Holy Revelation from the Riches of his Goodness Dear Friends whom I have brought together and whom I have sanctified to my self Peace be with you My Countenance is over you and the Light of it shines upon you in much Love Arise therefore lift up your Voice to me in my Praise Be not terrified for I am in the midst of you and lead you according to my Hearts desire Be ye of one Mind and hold fast one to another for I am with you and bless you for ever I greet you all with my Love and press you to my Breast and declare to you that the Light is risen and the Dawn of the Glorious Bridal Day begins to spread The Bride rejoices for the Nuptial Day the Turtle Dove lets her self be heard the Day breaks forth the Morning Star gets up the Children of the Father make merry together and my Bride is full of Joy and to her a Golden Shield is given to defend her against the Darkness which also breaks forth in its Fog The Dragon Arms himself with those who belong to him why should I not then Arm my Bride and let her see what she is to enjoy The Day-break must go before and Antichrist must behold how the Light rises up against his Darkness Cry therefore aloud for Joy ye blessed for you shall be gloriously Armed against the Wicked for I am your King who Conquer the Kingdom I come suddenly Amen XXIV 1. My Wife in the Humility of her Heart and in Faith besought the Lord by the Elect Maid that he would reveal in what Church we are at present since according to His own Explication the Seven Churches in the Revelation do set forth Seven successive Periodical Communities To which Prayer the Lord was pleased to Answer thus Peace be with thee How should I be displeased with thee that thou speakest before me For I am very Charitable toward thee Hear then my Word thou little Dove Lo the Church of Laodicea fighteth powerfully against the Beast and that of Philadelphia in which you are at present ends gloriously with Spirit and Power in the Believers And this Church shall compleat that which I have chosen and to it shall be the Gathering together of the Peoples that Believe This I witness that thou maist in like manner witness that it is true Farewel 2. Upon the Thirtieth of March MDCXCI there came this following dear Testimony Peace Happiness and Salvation be with you O ye Elect whom I have taken up into my Eternal Communion whom I my self have for my pleasure hallowed in my Eyes Give ear then ye beloved and blessed of me The Bride is for my pleasure Everlastingly hallowed and is in each one singly by me purified and preserved Happy are ye who live in this present day All that have been Rebellious must return to their Duty and all that have gone astray will I bring home again with Joy But as for the Virgins they are pure they are cleansed and set apart they are Redeemed to be my First-fruits that so they may be the first to open the Matrix therefore are they nearest to me for they are Redeemed from among Men they are the Sap and the Balm which gets vigorously above the Old and breaks the Matrix in the New-birth And these being made Perfect who among the Daughters shall be liken'd unto them She the Virgin Bride shall be a Lioness and
never so Plausible and Rational so we can't but walk in the True Path when having utterly renounc'd them all we are Simplify'd to the state of little Children and made so perfectly Subject to Our Father that his Will may be done no less in us than it is in Heaven We know well enough if it were possible there are some Crafty Serpent-like Spirits having an Appearance of Godliness that would deceive the very Elect But let 'em do all that they can we are satisfy'd that 't is not possible for 'em ever to Deceive these or any that in the Inward Ground and Center of their Hearts do stand in the Faith and Love of Jesus these being they who through the pure Unction of the Spirit of Truth are fully confirm'd and enabled rightly to distinguish Spirits according to Section XLII 3. of This Letter This is their Profession and this they stick to If you tell 'em of False Lights and Impostors of Jannes and Jambres and the like they answer you unconcernedly that the Rod of Moses will prevail over the Rods of all the Evil Magicians That a Simon Magus shall be made to fall down before a Peter and a Divining Spirit to fly at the Command of a Paul And therefore say they lest we should be carry'd about with every Spirit and with every change of Doctrine we humbly conceive it not at all unbecoming the Goodness Justice and Truth of our Lord to send forth Now in these Last Days as in the Times of Old when the Gospel of Christ was first Publish'd some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and Teachers instructed by himself for the Compleating that which is left behind in the Saints for the Work of the Ministry even that of the Everlasting Gospel and for the Building up of Sion which is the Body of Christ They say that if there was need Heretofore there is no less need of such Now And were there no such need they suppose that no body can deny but that the more any one has of the Spirit of Christ the fitter such a Person is to declare his Mind They hold the Whole Counsel of God concerning Things Necessary for His own Glory or Man's Salvation to be either expresly set down in Scripture or by good and necessary Consequence to be deduced from it to which nothing Essentially or in Substance differing from it is at any time to be added either by New Revelations of the Spirit or Traditions of Men Nevertheless they not only own the Inward Illumination of the Divine Spirit to be needful for the Understanding of such Things as are there Reveal'd but do also believe that as well for a more powerful Vindication of it from false Glosses and Misunderstandings as likewise for a more free Publication of it over the whole World God whose Arm is not now shorten'd will for these Ends send out some Witnesses to all Nations with great Power before the End shall come Mat. 24.4 Rev. 14.6 7. and Section XI of the Letter Nay some I have found who are not afraid to assert That All the Reasons that can be brought why there should be any New Revelation or Inspiration after Moses will hold good why it ought to be Reviv'd in these Times before the Destruction of the False Mystical Jerusalem This I confess appear'd to me mighty strange at the first being an Assertion so opposite to what I had always entertain'd But I who knew full well the Modesty and Sobriety of these Persons in other Matters dare not be Hasty in Condemning what they profess to see whom I must own in several things to be much clearer-sighted than my self Whether and How they are able to make it good I leave them to consider and the Event to prove And since they are ready to enter the Lists upon this Head I desire no more from 'em but a Candid Hearing who seek those things only that make for Peace This is a True but Imperfect Account of a sort of Persons that are Persecuted Afflicted and Tormented for that Living Testimony of JESUS which the World cannot bear who are in Derision call'd PIETISTS Being in both the Saxonies Brandenburgh Lunenburg Hanover and the Countries of the Two Northern Crowns in which places they are most dispers'd mark'd out by That as Here by other Names If any desire to understand their Character better they may find it in the German Divinity a Book plac'd by Luther but one degree below the Holy Scriptures and in the * Translated out of High-Dutch and Printed in the Year 1685. Octavo Golden Rule of the Travelling Soul Of the Number of These is the Author of this following Letter now after long Consideration set forth in the English Tongue Who is not only of such Integrity in his Life as I have heard it confess'd by such as would have said otherwise if they could as that he cannot be suppos'd to have had any Design to Impose upon others but is also of such Intellectual Accomplishments as well Natural as Acquir'd that 't is not very probable he should be deceiv'd himself as those who intimately know him do assure me Besides the Post which he in the Lutheran Church Honourably bore and more Honourably parted with was not so Inconsiderable that any Thinking Person can imagine that he whatever otherwise his Inclinations might be should be guilty of a Base Action without the least prospect of any Advantage to himself by it but rather of the quite contrary This then is the Case He according to the Duty of his Function having with all Accuracy Studied the Holy Scriptures finds several Great and Glorious Prophesies which cannot with any tolerable interpretation be suppos'd to be as yet Accomplish'd or at best but very imperfectly At length after much Pains taken that he might be able to inform himself and others in these deep Truths he becomes known as is set down Section XX XXI XXII XXIII to a Young Lady of Admirable Endowments who professes to have been Visited by GOD from her very Childhood in a manner very Extraordinary which for many Years she had conceal'd from the World He examines into the matter finds a surprizing Harmony in all and every part and many concurring Events to establish what he heard from her Mouth Whereupon after about a Years time and having had all Opportunities to try the Truth of what she asserted he Communicates the Matter of Fact plainly and simply in This Letter directed to the Clergy holding the Confession of Ausbourg What he did in this unbecoming the Character of his Person unbeseeming the Episcopal Authority lodg'd in him inconsistent with the Care of his own Diocess or District of Lunenburg with his Universal Love for the whole Church of Christ and with a generous Concern for the Good of all Mankind or lastly that a Wise and a Good Man would not do in the same Case notwithstanding all the loud Cries against Him I am not able to
led out of the Path of Affliction and upon thy Forehead shall be set Palms of Praise so that thou shalt rejoice as a Bird that is escaped from the hands of the Fowler Thus shall it be done to thee O Daughter of Sion 5. HE also foretells how the Edomites for being the Enemies of the Israelits shall be punished when at the same time it shall go well with Sion and she shall be set off in the finest Gold Mine heart is full of Kindness and Love And that yours may be in like manner so joyn your selves unto me so shall ye be made Perfect Be ye Friendly shewing kindness towards all Men so shall ye be well pleasing to me Daughter of SION I have now covered thy Face so that thou art forced to sit as a Blind beggar by the Way-side and to be trod upon by all the World as her at whom all People are ashamed and thy Relations are like the Children of Edom. But be glad O my Daughter of Sion it shall be well with thee again Thy Face which is covered shall appear fair and bright and shall shine as transparent Gold Thou shalt anoint thy head with Oil to refresh thee thou shalt be no more in the Way-side for an Aversion but for an Admiration to all so that all the World shall say it is the LORD who hath done after this manner for it is glorious and it hath not hitherto been ever done so But ye who have reviled the Daughter of SION how will it go with you when that you shall drink of this Cup in your turn and that your Iniquities shall be discovered With thee O SION it shall go well and of thy Sins there shall no mention be made But with thee O Daughter of Edom it shall go very bad say I the Lord of Sabaoth for thy Sins shall be brought into remembrance before me 6. Israel's Future Faith is here represented as Present O how lovely art thou my Dearest How doth thy Faith shine How doth thy goodness sparkle How noble is thy Manner How Friendly and Charming are thine Eyes Come and take the rest of my Beauty to thee Come quickly come for in Friendship I will receive thee thou most lovely amongst the Children of Men. And after that thou shalt have received from me as much Spiritual Beauty as thou wilt come also and take thy Earthly recompense Arise Arise O Daughter of Sion for I will come and visit thee I will raise thee up that art in the dust Make thy self ready in a moment for I will build thee up O thou that art thrown down I will return again towards thee and remain with thee until I lead thee into my Father's House I will Crown thee with Blessings and make thy Face joyful Wherefore be of good heart for this shall happen to thee in a time that thou dost not think of And cast thou upon me all thy Cares for I will bear them Lock thou up thy restless heart in my sweet Love and verily I say unto thee thou shalt not miss of my certain help Amen! 7. HE fortells a Delightful time which shall preceede and be as it were an Image of the Millennial Reign Be not troubled my dear Sheep neither be ye sad Hang not down your Heads but lift them up in my Strength and know ye that your Deliverance is nigh for the Hour is now come and the time of Affliction is passed over the Day of Grace appointed for all those that are Called breaketh forth for the last Evening-light shall shine which imperfect Splendour of the Evening shall out-do the Sun-beams at noon She shall be Adorned in Purple and most fine Gold in the Evening of the World there shall breathe a mild Gale Men upon the Earth shall be at Unity yet not all and both great and small know me and shall pierce deeply into my Wisdom But notwithstanding this shall be put as a Type or Shadow of the Millennial Kingdom Wherefore be glad cleave fast to me live well and above all things have Faith 8. A Prophecy that the Reubenites shall be destroy'd in their Posterity Verily Verily I say unto thee my dearest Daughter Sion that the Lord who hath made Heaven and Earth is purposed and hath firmly resolved that he will gather together all the faint-hearted and bashful all those that are oppressed and humbled in shor all those that are upright in the service of me Unto these will I the Lord be Gracious and the old Reubenites who shall seek to destroy them I will destroy those only of them excepted who shal be found of an upright heart whom I will gather to the rest and they shall dwell together for evermore all those whom I shall have brought into one Body and they shall have but one Name that is that they are Christians Wherefore rejoyce always in me give thanks to my Name be Single-hearted be Merciful be Upright Fare ye well 9. How Levi also shall not escape Be thou joyful O my dear Sion and thou Ephraim my beloved give a great Shout for a Gracious Visitation shall now return upon thee and the Light of my Holy Gospel I will cause thee to see clearly But If thou wilt not receive it behold I have whet my Sword and stretched out my Bow and made it ready with a deadly Arrow that I may strike thee Dead in the twinckling of an Eye For as many as receive it I will also receive and will be merciful to but as many as are self-willed and stiff-necked I will scatter before my Face and chastize with heavy Stripes both Reuben and Levi and all that belong to them As for those who remain mine in great mercy will I come unto them Amen! 10. How that a Glimmering to the Kingdom of Glory is appeared to witness to the fore-running Day-break And how that for this reason the Dragon in his Members rageth against the Children of Light upon whom God will pour forth abundantly the streams of his Spirit Be ye joyful O my dearest Sheep and hearken ye to my Voice for my Voice cryeth aloud Hearken ye to the sound of the Trumpet and come ye here to me Skip O ye Lambs upon the little Hills of God have a good chear be merry for God's City shall be built in the days of goodness Laugh Sing aloud Clap your hands for my Foot is set upon the Bottomless pit to keep the Dragon down that he may not Spit out his deadly Poison while he beholds the Dawn of the Glorious Kingdom now beginning in which his Head shall be Bruised and his Power Shaken But afterward through my Indulgence he shall Spit forth his Serpentine Poison amongst my Chosen ones yet with this difference that they shall have reciv'd Power and Strength to resist him And this shall be a Sign to them that they shall cause Fire to fall from Heaven and Consume the Ungodly however they shall be wrongfully treated and persecuted but shall not
LORD himself and no other who could speak so by this Blessed Lady as He that is only Powerful to reveal his Wonders in the Hearts of Men to His own Praise XXVIII Neither must we pass over what the Lord with great Faithfulness and Love Answer'd to a certain Godly Doctor but who was of the Reform'd Religion and a mighty Defender of Particularism who having hop'd to Convince others of that Opinion was himself well satisfied to find the Truth touching Particular Grace and Predestination This then is the Answer that he receiv'd from the Lord. Peace be with thee Hear now my Word with a simple child-like Heart Behold I the Lord even the Lord JEHOVAH who upon the Cherubim and Seraphim am seated who am from Everlasting and who bring you forth in my Everlasting Love How should I whose Compassion is Everlasting and Unconfined make a Culling out of some before others Far be this from my Great and Universal Mercy Lo when my Heart was moved and my Bowels yearned within me then broke forth the Fire of Love and passed in the same instant over All Men that were fallen in Adam And there was no Preference of Any for I bear them All in my Womb even in my Mercy as if they were but One yea as if they were but One cold and lifeless Burden Then did my Love break forth and I became Flesh and gave my self for them and quickned them all with my Blood throughout and loosened them from the cold Darkness For they were before me but as One and I chose not Any but suffered my Love to go forth over All. Whosoever then cleaveth not to me turneth to the Darkness and his Destruction is not from me I am not guilty of it Who can sound out the Extent of my Love and of my Mercy Which is infinitely greater than you either know or understand Wherefore forget that which is behind namely all impertinent Curiosity for my Faithfulness and my Love surpass all Understanding And follow thou me as a little Child and so shalt thou live For he that feareth me and doth that which is righteous is well-pleasing in my sight Behold thou little Worm of Jacob I JESUS CHRIST the Faithful and the True do answer thee in all Mildness and Love for I am the Love Behold what is it that should cause me to do more for the Salvation of one than for that of another Far be it from my Faithfulness to do so For as to Adam the Law was given that he should not eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but at the same time the will of doing it was not taken from him so that if he had remained in Simplicity and not followed his Appetite in eating of this Tree he should have continued before me in Innocence whereas through disobedience eating against the Commandment he fell into Darkness In like manner all Mankind that are fallen in him are under the same Circumstances They have Light and Darkness set before them and besides this they have my Spirit the Spirit of Truth that unperceivably and after an hidden manner inviteth them and driveth them for I will not the Death of a Sinner but that every one be Converted and Live It doth not yet openly appear how I am gracious to Call and to lead with power the whole World out of the Fall in as much as my Love is over all every where and is alike to all Men. Whosoever therefore will not be Converted to the Light but letteth himself be surprized by the Serpent the same is separated from me and I watch over that Person for Judgment And if so it happen that there remain in such some good thing of mine that shall be for a Witness against him Be thou well assured that into a Soul which is so impure I do not enter For after that I have caused my Grace to take care of him and he receiveth me not neither heareth my Call unto his Soul to return from his Fallen Estate I say unto such let him that is Wicked be Wicked still as unto him that is Righteous let him be Righteous still Thus it is in very truth As for thy self be thou doing good and walking in Simplicity as becometh a well-instructed Child For many Errours and many Divisions shall yet spring forth from these haughty Spirits of Reason but the Children of the Simple shall be preserved and then shall the Mystery be unvailed and they shall be One in Me. XXIX 1. Now notwithstanding that we had so many Great Things before us which God was pleas'd to bestow upon us in much abundance from the Fountain of his Love and Mercy we did not communicate them to any one unless it were to some intimate Friends in whose Secresie we could confide As being very far from seeking by this means to gain our selves a Name And the B. Maid her self with her Family kept this Miracle of God conceal'd for the space of Twelve Years Neither had it to this very day been ever made Publick had not the bringing it forth been affected by others and in a wonderful manner For Persons began to be inquisitive about what should be the meaning of the Visits which we received from so many Persons of Quality And there ran a Report up and down that there was in my House a Maid that had the Falling-sickness and could Vanish The Original of which Report was probably this That this Elect Maid had upon Whitmonday receiv'd so great an Elevation of the Spirit that for more than half an Hour we beholding her Face all the while as the Face of an Angel she continually prais'd the LORD and directed us to him as to him that was only worthy to receive Praise and Honour Then we were in Doubt Whether we ought to hide all that God had done to us Or whether we ought if it were demanded of us plainly and roundly to averr the Truth Which difficulty press'd us the more in that it so happen'd that about this time my Brethren of the Clergy were afresh extreamly busied in the Controversie of Christ's Reign As we were therefore considering what was best for us to do in this Case we receiv'd upon the Ninth of August this Answer from the Lord. Peace be with you O ye that are troubled I have turned my Face to you that I may be gracious unto you Be not then afraid for my Thoughts to you-ward are peaceable If you be quiet and wait in patience you will come to see into my Wisdom Verily I say unto you a great Mercy is shewn you And when the Hour shall come it shall be made all manifest that you may behold how wisely I have acted Yea nothing that I have spoken to you shall be in vain Lo I have said nothing to you in vain Believe this For it must be that every thing yet come to pass and be accomplished according to my holy Design O thou Bashful one that withdrawest