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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52371 No popery, or, A catechism against popery wherein the heretical doctrins, idolatrous worship, and superstitious practices of the Roman Church are briefly yet plainly refuted, and the Protestant principles proved by testimonies of Holy Scripture, and evidence of reason / by a minister of the Gospell. Minister of the Gospell. 1682 (1682) Wing N1187; ESTC R19866 57,846 152

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worthy or in danger of hell-fire which are the sins that now are thought to be the most venial But there is no sin venial before God since thereby his infinite Majesty is offended and his Law infringed All sins are mortal to the impenitent and all are venial and pardonable to those that repent Q. It will seem notwithstanding That S. John makes that distinction in his 1 Epist 5.16 There is a sin unto death and there is a sin not unto death A. By sin unto death he doth not mean every sin that deserves death but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost for he would not have us pray for him that sinneth this sin unto death Now it is evident that we ought to pray for them that have committed mortal sins and sins worthy of death but St. John would not have us to pray that God would pardon the sin against the Holy Ghost because Jesus Christ tells us Matth. 12.32 That it shall not be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come Q. Why is this Sin never to be forgiven A. Not because it is too great for the infinite Mercy of God to pardon but because it is a Sin that the wicked never Repent of but is always accompanied with hardness of heart even to the last SECT XXXV Of Works of Supererogation Quest CAN We do more good than God hath commanded A. We acknowledge our selves so far from being able to do more good than God hath commanded that we feel our selves uncapable of doing that which he hath commanded us to do as to love him with all our hearts and with all our strength and who can love him more And Phil. 4.8 we are commanded to Do all things that are honest just and praise-worthy It is impossible then to do any things that are honest just or worthy of praise that are not commanded And Jesus Christ says that He came only to do the Will of the Father Therefore they that think they can do more than the Will of God think themselves better than Jesus Christ himself Q. But there are Counsels of Perfection which are not comprehended in the Law which if a man do he doth more than God commands him and notwithstanding they are works pleasing to God as to give our Goods to the Poor and for a Minister not to take any Reward for his Labour when he may be without it for a chast person not to Marry that he may serve God with less distraction A. To that I say that those counsels are from God and are the suggestion of his Spirit and are not only counsels but commands and a man that finds himself called to do those things would sin greatly if he did resist for God counsels nothing but what he commands and therefore the commandments of God are called also his counsels The Pharisees because they rejected Jesus Christ and his Baptism are condemned because they had rejected the counsel of God Luk. 7.30 and Prov. 1.25 Wisdom pronounces sentence of condemnation against them that set at nought her counsel Q. What think you of the Works of supererogation and counsels of the Romish Church by which they pretend to merit a degree of glory in Heaven above others as that of voluntary poverty and Monastical Obedience and perpetual abstinence from certain Meats A. That they are works displeasing unto God because he hath neither counselled nor commanded them and they are so far from meriting a degree of glory above ordinary that they deserve punishment for the Law being the most perfect rule of our duty to go beyond it is to transgress and to them it shall be said Who hath required those things at your hands Esay 1.12 And in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men Matth. 15.9 for whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin Rom. 14.23 Q. But our Lord seems to give a more perfect counsel than the Commandments of God for to the Yoang Man that said he had kept from his youth all the Commandments of God Jesus Christ gives this counsel Mat. 19.21 If thou wilt be perfect go and sell that thou hath and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven A. I answer first That this counsel was a command to this Young Man therefore if he had done it he had done no work of supererogation but only that which was commanded him besides Jesus Christ doth not give him this counsel to oblige him to do something more perfect than the Law he thought he had fulfilled but to discover his presumption and to manifest that he boasted in vain that he had kept the Law from his Youth since his heart was so set upon his riches that he would not part with them for the service of God Q. Why then doth the Gospel tell us that Jesus Christ loved him A. This love did not imply that he had no sin for Jesus Christ loved sinners and died for them but it was a love of compassion towards this young man in whom he knew there were some endeavours that deserved praise and some fear of God SECT XXXVI Of Repentance Quest WHat is Repentance A. A serious displeasure for having offended God accompanied with a firm resolution of turning from Sin from whence follows a true amendment of Life Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out Q. Into how many parts doth the Church of Rome divide Repentance A. Into four parts Contrition Confession Absolution and Satisfaction Q. Is this a good Division A. No For Absolution can be no part of Repentance for it is not a thing done by the Sinner but conferred by the Pastor and Satisfaction which they make to consist in undergoing some Penalties that the Priest enjoyns them after Absolution is an humane invention of which there is no ground at all in the Word of God Q. Do you approve of Contrition A. Yes provided they do not make it consist in external things as knocking their breast and saying mea culpa nor that they imagine that they merit pardon by it but that it consist in having a contrite heart and humbled by reason of their grief for sin and filled with that sorrow which worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of which St. Paul speaks of 2 Cor. 7.10 and which is the contrition David extolls so much Psal 51.17 The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart c. SECT XXXVII Of Auricular Confession Quest WHat say you of Confession A. That it is necessary to salvation to Confess our sins to God Prov. 28.13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper but who so confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy and 1 Joh. 1.9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Q. May not Confession be made to Pastors of the Church A. Yes We would have sinners that have scandaliz'd
Alms c. 4. Above all he is free and at liberty to sin Q. Hath not an unregenerate man Free Will to Actions freely good and pleasing unto God such as Faith Repentance and Love to God A. No for Jesus Christ teaches us that Whosoever committeth s●n is the servant of sin John 8.34 and Matth. 7.18 that A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruits And S. Paul Rom. 8.7 tells us that The carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be And the same Apostle says that Men before they are savingly called are dead in their trespasses and sins Ephes 2.1 Q. What think you of the brave Actions of Pagans and the heroick Vertues which shined in them A. That they were brave and splendid Actions but that they could not be pleasing unto God because they were not moved by the consideration of his Glory but by their own Ambition and that these great men not being in Christ and being destitute of faith could not please God as the Apostle teacheth us that Without faith it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 Q. May not these civil Vertues which are in unregenerate men be saving dispositions to the Grace of God and merits of Congruity which may incline God to be merciful to them A. No For S. Paul says 2 Tim. 1.9 that God hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began And our Lord Jesus Christ doth not refer the Cause of his Disciples being called to the knowledge of God rather than the Pharisees to any thing but God's good pleasure Matth. 11.26 I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid those things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Q. What doth a man then contribute towards his heavenly Callong A. No more than one dead to his Resurrection or Adam to his Creation or a Child to his Conception and therefore Regeneration is called in the Word of God a Resurrection Col. 2.12 You are risen through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised Jesus Christ from the dead And a Creation Ephes 2.10 We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works A Generation James 1.18 Of his own Will begat he us with the Word of Truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his Creatures SECT XXVII Of Man's Free Will in a State of Grace Quest BVT After God hath called a man from a state of Sin to a state of Grace hath be not Free Will to apply himself to that which is good A. Yes For Jesus Christ saith John 6.36 If the Son shall make you free ye shall be free indeed even as when Jesus Christ had raised Lazarus from the dead he commanded that they should untie him and let him go So after God hath raised a man from the state of spiritual death and delivered him from the bonds of Sin he walketh freely in the paths of Righteousness and with gladness of heart willingly employs himself in his Service Rom. 7.22 Q. Do you think that after God hath called a man to Salvation he leaves him to himself and to his own conduct A. No For the same Grace of God which hath begun the work will accompany us Phil. 1.6 He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ And Chap. 2.13 It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure All the good motions of regenerate men proceed from the Grace of God 2 Cor. 3.5 Not that we are sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves but our sufficiency is of God Q. This being so a regenerate man is not at liberty since it is not he properly that acteth but God in him A. This doth not follow for God worketh so in the Will of Believers that he taketh not away their liberty but on the contrary maketh it more perfect making them incline to good not constrainedly but with a willing and filial Obedience Psal 119.32 35. Q. How do you understand this Divine Co-operation A. That God doth not deal with Believers as Stones or Stocks which are moved and drawn without feeling but as with Creatures endowed with Reason he conducts and moves them to good by enlightning their Understanding and sanctifying their Will and Affections So that whereas they were refractory he makes them become obedient and by the efficacy of Grace and a force without constraint he so draws them that he makes them follow his Will and Conduct freely and with delight as the Spouse says in Cant. 1.4 Draw me we shall run after thee And the Prophet Jeremy Lament 5.21 Turn us O Lord and we shall be turned And John 6.44 Our Saviour says No man can come to me except the Father draw him We go then to Christ when it pleases the Father to draw us Q. Doth not this Doctrine make men negligent in good Works A. No On the contrary S. Paul Phil. 2.12 exhorts us to work out our Salvation c. because It is God that worketh in us to will and to do according to his good pleasure Q. Is this Free Will to do good in Believers perfect A. No For their Regeneration is yet imperfect and there remains something of their Bondage to sin which is the cause that they do not the good that they would but the evil that they would not as S. Paul speaketh of himself Rom. 7.15 Q. When is it then that Man 's Free Will shall be perfect A. When the Soul delivered from this mortal Body shall enjoy the presence of God in Heaven for ther the Soul being made perfectly holy shall be also perfectly free as the Angels are and the Spirits of the Just SECT XXVIII Of Justification Quest WHat doth this word Justifie signifie in the Scripture A. To absolve the Just and therefore it is ordinarily opposed to the word Condemn Prov. 17.15 He that justifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the just even they both are abomination to the Lord. And Matth. 12.37 By thy words thou shalt be justiised and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Q. Who is it can justifie and absolve us A. God only Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect it is God that justifieth Q. Wherein consisteth that Justification A. In the free Remission and Pardon of Sin which he giveth us as David says Psal 32.1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sins are covered Rom. 4.6 7. Q. Vpon what consideration doth God justifie men and pardon their sin A. Upon the account of Christ's Righteousness and full Obedience he hath rendred unto his Father which he hath particularly testified in being obedient