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A48125 The ladies preparation to the monthly sacrament Consisting of prayers, meditations, and ejaculations, before at, and after receiving the Lords supper. After the warning is given in church for the celebration of the Holy Communion, composed to the private use of a devout lady. And at the request of friends made publick. 1691 (1691) Wing L158; ESTC R216126 38,448 145

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The PRAYER MOST gracious God I have been very negligent of thy Service and those duties whereby I should have been better'd in the ways of Godliness by my ill performance have made me worse my very Prayers have been turned into Sin and those Sacrifices whereby I should have propitiated thee hath removed thee at a further distance from me and though thou in thy Mercy and tender compassion hast oppossed me in my Sins and called me to Repentance yet notwithstanding I have rusht into all manner of Wickedness * Here Name the Particulars as the Horse into the Battle and have gone from bad to worse II. THY Judgment have not Awaked me nor thy Mercies wonne me to Obedience I have not harkened to the Voice of thy Ministry nor to the Secret Checks of my own Conscience nor yet to the good motions of thy Holy Spirit all directing me this is the way walk in it and you shall find rest unto your Soul yet notwithstanding all the good means thou hast used to reclaim me and to bring me home to thee I have still gone on in a stubborn Course of Sin to the dishonour of thy Name the wounding of my own Soul the Scaldal of others and the increasing the great dreadful Account that I must one day make at the Judgment Seat of Christ III. FOR these O Lord and many other Sins all thy Waves and Storms have gone over me when thou hast smitten me I became void of understanding and was so far from being humbled that I laid it not to Heart nor considered that it was an Evil and bitter thing to depart from thee O Lord my God wo unto me I have pulled away the Shoulder I have stopt my Ear that I might not hear I have made my Heart harder than the Adamant and the neither Milstone impregnable for all thy Judgments have not pierced me nor made those impressions of Compunction and Sorrow which are the end whereof thou didst send them so that to my own shame and Confusion I may say my spots are none of the spots of thy Children nor thy Punishments the Chastisements of a loving Father but of an Angry Judge IV. I have too just reason to fear thy Afflictions under which I mourn they are not a Wind to Fan and Purge me but a Whirl Wind to Scatter and utterly destroy me as if the Sentence were already past and the Decree gone forth as if my Days were at an end because the shadows of the Evening are so far stretched out but yet O Lord be not weary of thy repentings though thou hast been prest under the Load of my Sins be not Angry with me for Ever but in the midst of Justice remember Mercy Amen Read the Psalms and Lessons appointed for the Day Tuesday Evenings Meditations LEARN O● my Soul to Confess a Truth though never so much to thy own Diminution Learn ro Advance the Honour of thy God though never so much to thine own depression They who humble themselves shall be exalted and they who exalt themselves shall be humbled Learn to decline the Applause of Men and Banish from thy thoughts all conceits of thine own worth learn to speak lowly of thy self and to mean as thou sayest II. OFTEN does our weakness judge of others and perhaps our Malice censure their Qualities We rashly conclude upon outward presumptions and little consider their inward worth we are apt to undervalue whom we familiarly are acquainted with and scarce can think highly of them whom we have once known low Heal us O thou great Physitian of our Souls Heal us of all our Diseases and above them all of our Rude Impatience towards those that would Cure us Whatever they do who know thee not let not thy Church dishonour thee nor those of thine own Houshould undervalue thy Mercies Let not our unbelief Chase thee away nor our ingratitude overcome thy goodness III. DISDAIN not O my Soul the Company of thy Inferiors but accommodate thy self to their Innocent Customs help them with thy Prayers if thou canst not with thy Power and thy Lord in due time will Bounteously reward thee he keeps the good Wine till the last and then he 'll fill us to the brim with joy IV. TEACH me O Lord to Treat with every one according to their quality and neither scorn my Inferiors nor indiscreetly exalt them Teach me to humble my Soul before thy Majesty and sincerely Confess I am an unprofitable Servant unprofitable to thee O Lord not to my self while I gain by thy Service the Wages of Eternity If by thy Grace I believe thy word and Obey thy Law and with my whole Strength Love and Adore thee When I have done all that I ought which alas is more then I do I must still Confess I 'm an unprofitable Servant The PRAYER O Lord Create in me a clean Heart and renew a right Spirit within me let the Assistance of thy Holy Spirit of Grace preserve me from Sin for the time to come for without thy preventing me I cannot but Sin visit me therefore O Lord with thy Salvation that I may live undefiled in the way of thy Commandments and see the Felicity of thy chosen and rejoyce and give thanks with thine Inheritance II. TO this End send thy Holy Spirit into my Heart to teach me to deny all ungodliness and Worldly Lusts and to live Righteously Godly and Soberly in this present World remembring the great Account I am to make at the last day O let it subdue every Proud thought and vain imagination that shall exalt it self against the Scepter of thy Kingdom III. GIVE me I beseech thee either Peace from temptations or Victory over them in all Assaults of my Ghostly Enemy let thy Mighty hand have preheminence and bring mighty things to pass even Victory and Deliverance unto me the unworthiest of thy Servants that so by the Assistance of thy Holy Spirit I may Crucifie the Old Man Mortifie the Works of the Flesh subdue my Corruptions * Here Name the particulars Vanquish Satan and Tryumph over the Powers of the Kingdom of Darkness IV. O put thy fear into my Heart that I may never depart from thee put thy Love into my Heart that my Luke-warmness being raised us to the Flames and Fervency of Cherubims I may love thee above all things and loving thee above all things I may fear to offend so good and so gracious a God as thou Art wash away all my sins in that Sea of Blood which thy Son Christ Jesus shed for me and for the sins of the whole World and grant that I may receive the full benefit of his Death and Passion in this most Holy Sacrament with a free Pardon of all my sins and manifold transgressions Amen Then Read the Psalms and Lessons appointed for the day Meditations for Wednesday Morning BLESSED are they that had rather endure Affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the Pleasures of sin for a
most Prone and Weak there I beg of thee to exalt thy Power in preserving me Here Name thy greatest Temptation IV. O let the Sufferings of my Crucified Saviour for my sins and the Solemn Vow I have have now made against them never slip from my Memory but let the remembrance of the one make me perform the other that I may never engage with those Lust which Nailed his Hands and Feet Pierced his Side and made his Soul sorrowful to Death But now having a new resigned my self to him I may serve him in Righteousness and Holiness all the days of my Life V. LORD support my Weakness in this warfare and be thou my Strength for I am not able to struggle with the least Temptations How often have I fainted in the Encounter How many Sabbaths have I profaned and how many Sacramental Vows have I broken And yet O Lord I carry about me the same deceitful Heart to betray me to the breach of this last Duty But O thou who art for e●e● u●changeable e●due me I 〈◊〉 beseech thee with such a stedfastness of mind that I may never swerve from thy Commandments but bring forth Fruits meet for Re pentance that I may arrive to Life Eternal through the Merits and Mediation of my Crucified Lord and Saviour Amen VI. Almighty God who hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Sons Name I beseech thee mercifully to incline thine Ears to me that have made now my Prayers and Supplications unto thee and grant that those things which I have faithfully asked according to thy Will may effectually be obtained to the relief of my Necessity and to the setting forth thy Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen VII Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I am able to ask or think according to the Power that worketh in me unto him be Glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all Ages World without End Amen The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Sweet and Comfortable Felowship of his Holy and Blessed Spirit be with me and remain with me now and forever Amen Private Devotions and Divine Thoughts to be used every Day in the Week A Morning Prayer to be Used after the Ejaculations at Up Rising O Omnipetent and Everlasting God I Bless and Praise thy Holy Name for thy preservation of me this night past even to this present I beseech thee in all that I shall do this day presper thou the Work of my Hands O prosper thou my Hand-work II. Ill all that I shall think or say let the words of my Mouth and the Meditations of my Heart be such as may be ever acceptable in thy sight O Lord my Strength and my Redeemer that thou maiest for ever Vouchsafe to be with me both in and Death WHEREIN for the short time of my Life here give me Grace so to behave my self as in thy Presence Fearing nothing so much as thy displeasure hating and Sorrowing for nothing so much as my sins loving and rejoycing in nothing so much as in thee and thy Glory IV. and for the time of my Death I beseech thee in thy good Providence and Mercy so to Order it that I be not found either unproxided or unwilling to depart in that kind of Death and by that means which thou shalt appoint but so to be ever affected in Faith and Love as they that long to be delivered from this Body of sin into the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God V. IN this hope I rest and into thy Blessed Protection and Mercy this day I commend my Soul and Body My Relations and Friends beseeching thee so to Sanctifie and Direct us in the ways of the Laws and in the works of thy Commandements and to give thine Angels such charge over us that through thy most Protection both here and ever we may be preserved in Body and Soul to serve thee the only true God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. A Hymn for the Morning LOrd I do now lift up my Eyes And leave my sluggish Bed But why I wake or why I rise Comes seldom in my Head Is it to Sweat and Toil for wealth Or sport my time away That thou preserv'st me still in Health And givest me this new day No no unskilful Soul not so Be not deceiv'd with Toys Thy Lord's Commands more wisely go And Aim at higher joys They bid us wake to seek new Grace And some fresh Virtue gain They call us up to mend our pace Till we the prize attain That Glorious prize for which all Run Who wisely spend their Breath Who when this weary Life is done Are sure of rest in Death Not such a rest as here we prove Disturb'd with cares and fear But endless joy and peace and Love Vnmixt with Grief and Tears Glory to thee O bounteous Lord Who giv'st to all things breath Glory to thee Eternal Word Who sav'st us by thy Death Glory O blessed Spirit to thee Who fill'st our Souls with love Glory to all the Mystick three Who Reign one God above Amen Ejaculations for the Day At your Apparelling say BLessed Jesu that the shame of my sinful Soul may not be seen Cloath it with thy spotless Robes of Righteousness and Adorn it with all the Ornaments of all manner of Grace and Vertues Amen When you are Apparelled O most aimable Jesu the true Spoufe of my Soul give me the Wedding Garment of Divine Love and perpetual Charity Amen Washing your Hands O Blessed Lord who so loved us as to Wash our Souls in thy pretious Blood Purifie I beseech thee my Heart and my Hands from all the spots and filth of sin Amen In Washing your Mouth O Divine Wisdom which proceedest out of the Mouth of thy Heavenly Father I humbly beseech thee with thy Grace to Purge my Lips from all Wicked and Vain words that my Mouth may never open but to thy praise and the improvement of others Amen In Washing your Eyes O thou Celestial Light who Illuminates every one that comes into the World enlighten the Eyes of my Soul that in all things I may perfectly see and perform thy blessed will and Pleasure Amen Beholding your Face in the Glass Say All Flesh is Grass and the Glory of it as the Flower of the Field which may quickly sade away and be no more seen Favour is deceitful and Beauty is vain but a Woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised Going forth of thy House or Chamber say Shew me O Lord thy ways and teach me thy Paths Direct my steps according to thy word that no Injustice Rule over me make perfect my goings in thy Paths that my steps be not moved As you Travel or Walk by the way Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way and walk in the Law of the Lord. When the Clock strikes or you see the
by thy Spirit assure my Spirit that I am thy Child and that thou art Reconciled unto me in the Blood of Jesus and to this end work into me a Detestation of all my former Wickedness help me in the Mortification of all my Vile and Corrupt Affections Crucifie in me the Old Man the whole Body of sin that I may Die unto Sin and live unto Righteousness and be made a fit Partaker at thy Holy Table Read Psal 22.40.54 1 Less Gen. 22. to v. 20. 2 Less St. John 18. Friday Evenings Meditations On the Passion and Death of the Holy Jesus His Arraignment and Condemnation BLESSED Jesu thou wast Seized and Led as an Innocent Lamb to the Slaughter thou wast Reviled falsly Accused and Unjustly Condemned by unjust Earthly Judges who was thy self the most just Judge of Heaven and Earth O Lord be not a Severe and Angry Judge when I shall stand before thy Tribunal but be thou my Mediator and Advocate to answer for me and I humbly beseech thee to Deliver from the Accusations of the Devil and his Angels from the Accusations of all those who have been Conscious of my many sinful Pollutions and from the Accusations of my own Conscience in the day of Judgment Spitted Vpon II. Blessed Jesu whose Face was fairer than the Children of Men ●●d bri●hter than the Sun in its 〈…〉 ory was Spit upon by f 〈…〉 and Ignominuos Persons Oh! turn thy Face away from my sins whereby I have Polluted my Soul and Prophaned thy Name But hide not thy Face from me who for my sins didst not turn thy Face from being Spit upon by the Barbarous Jews Buffeted III. Blessed Jesu who wast Cruelly Treated by the Soldiers with their Intolerable Rude Cuffs and hard Injurious Buffets Grant Lord that though I may feel yet let me not be Vanquished by the Buffets of Satan Forsaken of his Friends Blessed Jesu thou wast Content to be forsaken of all thy friends and dearest Disciples and to be left in the hands of Cruel Men who Thirsted after thy precious Blood O leave me not destitute of thy Divine Presence when I am Assaulted by my Ghostly Adversaries but be for ever with me and defend me from all their Malice and protect my Soul in all dangers Denied by Peter Blessed Jesu thou with infinite goodness and meekness lookedst back on St. Peter when he denied and forswore thee and by thy gracious look didst call him back both to himself and thee by true Repentance Oh look thus upon all Back-sliders from thee for their sincere Conversion and look upon me also and be merciful unto me Scourged Blessed Jesu thou was Whipped by a merciless Crue of Soldiers and thy Delicate skin was Torn and redoubled with their Lashes that the Blood Streamed down thy Innocent Sides but since O merciful Lord thou was wounded for my Transgressions and Bruised for mine Iniquities O let thy Chastisement procure my peace with Heaven and grant that by thy Stripes my Soul may be healed Crowned with Thorns Blessed Jesu thy Head was Crowned with Thorns and those beaten into thy Temple with much Rage and Fury Pardon O Lord all those sins my Eyes Ears and Tongue those Instruments of my Head have been guilty of Break not the Bruised Reed my broken Heart with the pressure of thy heavy Wrath but let thy Thorns the Fruits of the Curse which we Contracted and thou sustainedst deliver me from the Curse due for my sins Renouncing the World Blessed Jesu who art the King of Glory yet wast Content with a Cross for thy Throne a Wreath of Thorns for thy Crown and a Reed for thy Scepter thy Entertainment was Gaul and Vinegar and for thy Robes only a little Linnen to cover thy Nakedness O that I were so wise as from thy example to despise all the Guilded Glories and Vanities of this Life and to choose with Moses to suffer Affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the Pleasures of sin for a Season Bearing his Cross Blessed Jesu who did with Patience bear thy Cross till it sunck thy Body to the Earth O let me not sink under thy Cross nor shrink from it but rather chearfully to take it up whatever it be and carefully to under go all the Sacred Acts of true Repentance following thee O Lord who sufferedst for me leaving me an Example that I should follow thy steps Crucified Blessed Jesu who didst Hang on a Cursed Tree to Abolish the Curse contracted by Eating the Fruit of the Forbidden Tree thou wast numbred with the transgressors and Crucified among Thieves O draw my hard and Stony Heart unto thee and deliver me from that Curse which my sins have Contracted and rank me not among the Goats on the Left but among the Sheep on thy Right Hand in the great day of Judgment His Body Tormented Blessed Jesu all the parts Members of thy Body were stretched on the Cross thy blessed Arms and Leggs were by such violence distended that the Joynts were disparted the Veins burst the Sinews Crackt the Skin Rent the Flesh Tore and all the Bones Started a side thy Innocent Hands and Feet were Nailed for the sinful works of my Head Heart Hands and Feet but I beseech thee Nail them to thy Cross which were the cause of thy Crucifixion hide in thy Wounds who wast Wounded for my transgression and write those Wounds of thine in my Heart not with Ink but with thy Blood which was shed for me The Sufferings of his Soul Blessed Jesu the Sufferings of thy Soul was exceeding great being like melted Wax in the Furnace of God's Wrath for the sins of the World when the fulness of thy sufferings being accomplished thou Commendedst thy Spirit into the Hands of God Grant O Lord that I may Die unto sin and Live only unto thee and by thy bitter Cross and Passion Cleanse me from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit that I may perfect Holiness in thy Fear The PRAYER O Lord without thee I am not able to do any thing much less any thing that is good come therefore Oh thou Father of Lights dispel and scatter from my Soul the Foggy Mists of sins and Ignorance that in thy Light I may see Light come O thou Power of God and set up thy Throne in my Soul and sway thy Scepter there and bring into subjection every high thought and every high imagination that exalteth it self against thee Come O thou Wisdom of God and discover to my Soul the Folly of Sin the Vanity of the World and the deceitfulness of my own Heart II. TEACH me I humbly beseech thee to Eschew Evil and Cleave to that which is good Come O thou goodness of God and shed abroad the love of God in my Heart that I may love thee my God above all things and my Neighbour for thy sake Yea my very Enemies for Jesus Christ his sake and after his Example who Died for me while I was yet his Enemy fit me
Lord the Blindness of my understanding and Straighten the Crookedness of my Will and heal all the Infirmities of my weak Nature O do thou throughly Cure me that I sin no more but immediately take up my Heart which too long have Cleaved to this Earth and bear it after thee to walk from henceforth the ways of thy Commandments II. WHEN thou art present with me O thou Heavenly Spouse of my Soul When thou art pleased to stay and dwell in my Heart how strangely dost thou fill it with joy and sweetness Whatever happens I cannot be sad while thou art with me nor pleasant if thou leavest me infuse thy Holy Love into mine Heart O Lord and make me faithfully hold it fast for ever that I loose not my self by neglecting thy Grace but preserve them both to Eternal Life III. BUT alas How quickly am I weary of praying to my God how apt to give over my expectance from him Who yet as soon as he sees my necessities begins my relief and leaves nor off till he has perfectly finished it Let me not fear but believe and Obey and my Soul shall be safe why am I so impatient when any trouble befalls me and why do I disparage the extraordinary proceedings of God though I am Dead in sin and sorrow he can revive me and give me strength to walk in the ways of Life he will give me that Bread which came down from Heaven yea his own self which he gave for the Life of the World IV. BUT 't is not for Flesh and Blood to follow thee O thou great Exemplar of Sublime perfection 'T is not for Flesh and Blood to perform the Excellencies of an Evangelical Life but to the Almighty Grace of God nothing is impossible every exense is welcome to me every little difficulty is enough to divert me I am afraid of the hardship of Poverty I am in Love with my Kindred and Acquaintance and never can Nature alone overcome these difficulties but thou O Lord canst find a remedy and compose in me such a frame of Spirit whereby I may Vanquish all those thoughts which keep me from thy Glorious presence The PRAYER OEternal Lord God Infinite in thy Greatness Incomprehensible in thy Glory whose Pure and Just Eves cannot behold either Sin or Sinners with the least look of approbation be not offended with me thy unworthy Servant O Lord who art a Merciful and Reconciled Father to all such sinners as sincerely desire and endeavour to Repent and believe thy providence hath preserved me unto this moment to offer unto thy Majesty my Evening Sacrifice beseeching thee to make me a fit partaker at thy Holy Table II. I have been a foul and flat Idolator erecting the Idols of my own profit and pleasure in the Chappel and Closet of my Heart and then and there have fallen down upon the bended Knees of my Soul and worshiped them by regarding my lust more than the fulfiling thy Will in thy Word that Sacred Name of thine whereby I hope to be Saved I have taken in vain I have done that on thy day the Lord's Day which I can justifie or a Vouch on no day I have not given that Reverence and Respect to my Superiours I have broken all thy Commandements of the Second Table in my Demeanour towards my Neighbour and in my Deportment to my own Soul and Body III. O Lord I have been ashamed to confess my sins in the presence of the World but I have been Vile and bold and no whit ashamed to commit them when I knew full well that thee the great God of Heaven and Earth did at that instant behold me Oh! lend me thy Spirit effectually to admire thy Patience and ●ong-Suffering towards me who permits such a Prefane and Presumptuous sinner at this hour of my Life still to remain from everlasting Burnings IV. SVRELY Lord there are many in that Pit of Perdition whose sins against thee were never Aggavated with those high Circumstances O Lord I have no Varity of Reasons to move thee to Mercy I have no Exchange of Motives to perswade thee to Pitty but only the same over and over again for thy own sake for thy Names sake for thy Mercies sake for thy Son and my Saviour Christ Jesus his sake forgive my-Sins for they are great wash the Guilt and Filth of my sins away in his Blood and Lord for the time to come give me Grace to spend the remainder of my days to thy Glory In whose most powerful Name I sue unto thee for all that is comprehended in this my weeks preparation or whatever else for want of Memory I have Omitted in thy most perfect form of Prayer sayong Our Father c. Read the Psalms and Lessons for the Day Sunday Mornings Meditations at Home WELCOME Blest day unto my Heart but far more Welcome unto my Soul I have now put off the Old Man with his Affections and Lusts and I must now put on my Wedding Garment even the Lord Jesus Christ that I may be made wholly conformable to him in the Image of his mind that my Soul may be Clothed with his Righteousness and all its faculties proportioned and vested according to the perfect Pattern of Christs Life II. THIS is the day of the Holy Feast therefore my Soul lay aside all Cares and Impertinences of the World remember this day is appointed for thee a day of Traffique and Entercourse with Heaven O Lord therefore will I magnifie thy Holy Name and evermore adore thy goodness O What a happy opportunity my God hast thou given me of receiving the greatest favour I can receive in this World even the Body and Blood of my dearest Savour III. O Lamb of God thou hast used many Arts to save me when I was lost thou hast given thy Life to Redeem me when I was a Slave to Sin and Satan and thy Holy Spirit to Sanctifie me O now come Lord Jesus come quickly My Heart is desirons of thy Presence Thirsty for thy Grace and I am earnest to entertain thee not as a Guest but as an Inhabitant to dwell with me forever IV. LORD the place thou art Invited to is full of Passion and Prejudice Disobedient Lustful and Intemperate and full of sad Remembrances that I have often provoked to Jealousie and to Anger thee my God my dearest Saviour him that died for me him that Suffered Torments for me that is Infinitely good to me and infinitely good perfect in himself Lord I am as sure thou didst the great Work of Redemption for me all Mankind as that I am Alive This is my Hope the Strength of my Spirit my Joy and my Confidence Here I will dwell for I have a delight therein Here I will live and here I desire to Die V. LORD whither shall I go but to thee Thou hast the Words of Eternal Life as the Hart desireth the Water Brooks So longeth my Soul after thee O God my Soul is a Thirst for
God yea even for the Living God when shall I come and appear before the Presence of God O send out thy Light and thy Truth and bring me unto thy Holy Hill and to thy dwelling and that I may go unto the Altar of God even unto the God of my Joy and Gladness and with my Heart will I give thanks to thee O God my God A Prayer at Home before the Sacrament OBlessed Jesu 't is thy Blessed Body that my Soul longs for and to be satisfied with thy Pretious Blood for its Purification and Nourishment Vouchsafe Holy Jesus to enter this Day into the House of thy Servant that with Holy Zacheus I may within receive from thee that joyful Benediction this day is Salvation come to thine House II. THY Body O Blessed Jesu is my Food and thy Righteousness is my Robe thou art both the Priest and Sacrifice the Master of the Feast and the Feast it self my Souls Physitian the Light of my Eyes and the Purisier of my Stains O Enter now into my Heart and cast out from thence all Impurities even all the remains of the Old Man III. AND grant I may partake of this Holy Sacrament with much Reverence Holy Relish and great Effect receiving thence the Communication of thy Holy Body and Blood for the Establishment of an unreprovable Faith of an unfained Love for the fulness of Wisdom for the healing my Soul and preservation of my Body for the taking out the Sting of temporal Death and for the Assurance of a Holy Resurrection for the Ejection of all Evil from within me and the fulfiling all thy Righteous Commandements and to procure for me a Mercy and a fair Reception at the Day of Judgment IV. O God the Bread of Heaven and Life of the World I have sinned against Heaven and in thy Sight and am not worthy to be made partaker of thy most Holy Mysteries But Vouchsafe as a Merciful God to make me worthy by thy Grace that I may not receive thy Holy Body and Pretious Blood to my Condemnation but unto the Remission of my sins and Everlasting Life Amen Intercessions O God have Mercy upon poor Mankind enlighten all that sit in Darkness and in the Shadow of Death reveal thy Son and his saving Gospel to those Asiaticks Affricans and Americans that never heard of a Crucified Jesus add the fulness of the Gentiles to the Recollection of the Jewes that there may at length be one Sheepsold under that one good and great Sheepherd Christ Jesus II. BE merciful to this Church in which I am a Member and Cause thy Face evermore to Shine upon it Bless those whom thou hast Anointed over us our Soveraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary grant that their People may Obey them and they may Obey thee and do all things to thy Honour and Glory III. BLESS Katherine the Queen Dowager her Royal Highness the Prineess Ann of Denmark with all the rest of the Royal Family endue them with Heavenly Graces make them happy Instruments of thy Glory here and partakers of thy Heavenly Kingdom hereafter IV. BLESS the Pastors of thy Church the Bishops and Clergy grant that by their sincere Preaching and Assiduous Prayers and Ministries they may Glorifie thee the great lover of Souls give unto the Ministers of Justice the Spirit of Government and Zeal Courage and Prudence to the Nobility Wisdom Valour and Religious Magnanimity Succour all in Affliction help them to Right that suffer Wrong be with those that are in Prison and preserve thou those that are appointed to Die V. BLESS my Relations Here Name them Assist them in their Wants and Necessities keep them in thy Fear and Favour unto their Lives end forgive my Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and turn their Hearts Bless all those who do accompany me this day at thine Altar and for all others who meet in thy Name and Communicate in Remote Parts grant that through this Blood of Jesus we may all be Cleansed from our Sins and Purged from all our Iniquities VI. O leave us not as we have deserved to be left wrapt up in our own Confulions he thou more merciful to us than we have been unto ourselves Supply whatsoever is wanting in the Government Establish what remains Dissipate and Scatter Scandals Stop and Prevent all rising and growing Heresies make us all so far of one Heart and one Mind that we may joyntly set our selves to the rooting up of all Atheism Prophaneness Superstition Faction Heresie any thing which exalts it self against thy true and sincere Worship VII GIVE to the whole Land fair Seasons of the Year good Government Health and Plenty an excellent Religion undivided and undisturbed frequent Celebration of this thy Holy Ordinance through Christ our Lord. VIII AND now lift up your Head O ye Gate of my Soul and be ye lifted up O ye Everlasting Door of my Heart that the King of Glory may come in that he may come in at this time and take Possession of me and Dwell and Reign in me for ever Even so O Lord for the sake of the Son of thy Love in whom only I trust to be accepted and in whose Name and Words I call upon thee Our Father c. When you go forth of your Chamber or Closet I Will go into his Tabernacle and fall low on my Knees before his Foot-Stool the Lord preserve me in my going out and my coming in from this time forth and for evermore When you enter the Church which ought to be sometime before the Service begins O How Aimable are thy Dwellings thou Lord of Host I will come into thy Tabernacle and fall low on my Knees before thy Foot-Stool and will wait for thy loving kindness O God in the midst of thy Temple thy Testimonies O Lord are very sure and Holiness becometh thy House for ever When you cast your Eye on the Font and Pulpet Then recal to mind that Solemn Vow you openly took at your Initiation into the Church to forsake the Devil and all his Works the Pomps and Vanities of this Wicked World and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh c. and let the other put thee in mind the many good Sermons thou hast heard from thence and the few thou hast practised Being seated turn to the Psalms and Lessons Epistle and Gospel for the Day that you may have them ready if there be any leasure time before Divine Service begins fall on your Knees and say Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come fit us all for thy Service Good Lord Pardon all here that prepares their Heart to seek thee Merciful Lord Graciously accept us all that come hither to present our selves our Souls and Bodies unto thee for Jesus Christ's sake that Vouchsafed to present himself Bodily in the Temple for us in great Love and Humility Then joyn with the Prayers of the Chuch and be Attentive to the Sermon When Sermon is
ended fall on your Knees and say O Lord by reason of my sins I am unworthy to appear in thy presence to offer up any Sacrifice unto thee grant Merciful Lord I beseech thee both to me and all thy faithful People Pardon and Peace that being Cleansed from all our sins we may serve thee with a quiet mind through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen When you go up to Communicate I will wash my Hands in Innocency and so will I go to thine Altar O send forth thy Light and thy Truth that they may lead me and bring me to thy Holy Hill and to thy dwelling When you Kneel before the Altar Thou art Worthy O Lord to receive Blessing Honour and Power but I am not worthy thou shouldest come under my Roof or that thy praise should come within my polluted Lips But Blessed Lord thou Vouchsafedst to enter the House of a Publican and to receive a Kiss of an unclean sinner O receive such a sinner as I am disdain not to enter under my Roof despise not my humble Addresses and Supplications O let thy Sacrifice be an expiation for all my sins and now forever Seal thy Pardon by thy precious Blood for all my offences and receive me Graciously When you cast in your Offering O Blessed Jesu who didst accept the Poor Widdows two Mites which she cast into the Treasury I beseech thee be graciously pleased to accept this Poor Offering from me the unworthiest of thy Servants Then dilligently harken to the Exhortation and seeing the Table spread and the Elements of Bread and Wine set thereon Meditate with thy self after this manner Meditations THIS O my Soul is the Table of the King of Kings and the Lord of Heaven and Earth it is a Feast where himself is present and all his Holy Angels those Glorious Spirits do behold love and wonder that the Son of God should become Food to the Souls of his Servants be astonished O my Soul at this great Mystery that he who is unchangeable should be broken in pieces and enter into the Body to support the Spirit and yet at the same time remain in Heaven while he Descends to thee upon Earth that he should Die for thee and then give himself to thee for ever to Redeem thee from sin and misery that he should become Man and make thee a partaker of the Divine Nature II. O Lord I am unworthy to come to thy Table but I come with as Thirsty a desire as the Chaced Hart which pants after the Water Brooks and with as Hungry an Appetite as a Poor half starved Creature to a full Table O Lord I am not worthy of the least Crum that falls from the Table of thy Ordinary Providence but I come in Obedience to thy Command O receive me as a poor Sinner laden with sin and let thy pretious Body and Blood which I am now ready to participate off Cleanse me from all sin and wickedness When the Minister says draw near with Faith and take this Holy Sacrament Lift up thy Heart in this Ejaculation O Lord I am unworthy of this Invitation to thy Holy Table but a sinner must not refuse thy call therefore in all Obedience and Humility I come Then joyn Humbly with the Minister in the Confession After the Absolution is Pronounced use this Ejaculation O Lord I beseech thee grant me a true Repentance and a lively Faith that I may receive all the Benefits of thy Death and Passion even the Confirming and Strengthning me in all goodness to my Lives end When that Comfortable saying of St. Paul is repeated that Christ came into the World to save Sinners Say with all Humility O Lord I am the greatest and chiefest of sinners but thou alone are the Propitiation for my sins After the Preface is ended Therefore with Angels and Arch-Angels c. Use this Ejaculation I will evermore praise thy Name O thou that dwellest in the Heavens from the rising up of the Sun until the going down of the same and will Laud and Magnifie thy Holy Name now and forever When the Prayer of Consecration is said and the Minister reads the Words of Christs Institution and you see him Order the Bread and the Wine repeat this O Lord thou hast provided two distinct Pledges of thy Love to us Poor sinners who had been utterly lost had not thy Almighty goodness found out a Remedy to Save us When thou seest the Bread broken and the Wine poured out Say Thus was thy Holy Body broken for my sins upon the Tree of shame and thy Side was Pierced with a Spear which gushed forth Blood thus wast thou Wounded for my Transgressions and Bruised for mine iniquities but by thy Stripes I am healed When the Minister Receives in both kinds O Lord Purifie and Cleanse my Heart by thy Holy and Blessed Spirit and prepare my Soul to Receive thee the great God of Heaven and Earth Come Holy Jesus and take Possession of my Soul Purifie it with thy pretious Blood and dwell therein for ever Amen Immediately before Receiving Grant me O Blessed Lord so to Eat the Flesh of thy dear Son Christ Jesus and to Drink his Blood that my sinful Body may be made Clean by his Body and my Polluted Soul washed through his most pre●ious Blood II. O Lord Purifie my Heart and Mind Strengthen my Faith and encrease my Charity for though I am weak though I am unworthy though I am unprofitable yet I am thy Servant Lord hear my Prayers and let my Cry come unto thee III. O Lord thou hast said that he that Eateth thy Flesh and Drinketh thy Blood hath Eternal Life Behold the Servant of the Lord be it unto me according to thy Word When the Minister presents thee the Holy Bread say softly after him The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for me preserve my Body and Soul unto everlasting Life Here take the Bread with Reverance and proceede I take and Eat this in remembrance that Christ Died for me and will Feed on him in my Heart with Faith and Thanksgiving When you Eat the Bread say By thy Crucified Body Deliver me I humbly beseech thee from this Body of Sin and Death After the Bread O Blessed Jesu this Holy Bread which I thy most unworthy Servant have now Received is that Bread which came down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World O that I may now feel its Virtue and Efficacy in Elevating up my Soul to Heaven and there to have my Conversation fixt whilst I remain on this sordid Earth that when I shall be taken from hence I may have my Consummation and Bliss in thy Celestial Mansions there to behold thy Face in Glory who art now the Food of my Soul in Grace O Lord my God and my Redeemer Amen Before Receiving the Cup. What reward shall I give unto the Lord for all the benefits he hath done unto me I will take the Cup of Salvation and call upon the Name