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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41824 A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper shewing, that the true disciples of Christ are sent to baptize men into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the carrying on of which, Christ is with them, and will be, to the end of the world : also, a few words concerning the Lord's Supper, shewing that those that sup with him are in his kingdom. Gratton, John, 1641-1712.; Gratton, John, 1641-1712. John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed. 1695 (1695) Wing G1587; ESTC R39440 63,790 157

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can be shown for the laying it wholly aside and upholding their Dipping into or Sprinkling with Water Altho' we find not one word in all the Holy Scripture that ever our Lord dipped or sprinkled any with or into Water or that ever he commanded his Disciples to dip or sprinkle either Men Women or Infants But to see Men leap over this of washing of Feet that was both done by Christ Jesus and commanded to be done by his Disciples telling them They ought to do as he had done unto them and yet this to be laid wholly aside and Dipping and Sprinkling in or with Water pleaded so highly for as a Gospel-Ordinance in the Church to remain to the end of the World without either Precept Example or Command from Christ Jesus to be found in all the Holy Scriptures This indeed is cause of Admiration Grief and Sorrow of Heart For he gave them many precious Commandments one of which he calls a New Commandment That they should love one another as said he I have loved you that you also love one another For by this shall all Men know that you are my Disciples if ye have Love one to another And if ye love me keep my Commandments Again Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me Abide in me and I in you as the Branch cannot bear fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me Without me ye can do nothing If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you As the Father hath loved me so I have loved you continue ye in my love If ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my love and this is my Commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you and these things I command you that ye love one another After he tells them of the Coming of the Spirit of Truth saying He shall testifie of me and ye also shall bear witness and said Hitherto ye have asked nothing in my Name Ask and ye shall receive that your Ioy may be full In all this here is nothing said much less commanded for Water-Baptism nor doth Matthew Mark and Luke make mention of Water-Baptism being either commanded or practised by Christ Jesus Nor can we find that ever our Lord took notice of it at any time so as he himself to Baptize or to command any Man after Iohn to Baptize into Water And in Acts the first Chapter the Apostle begins thus The former Treatise have I made of all that Iesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up and yet not one word in all this that Jesus did ever baptize any or said to any of his Followers Baptize into Water So that we cannot find that amongst all he began to say and do until the day he was taken up he ever said or did that The Apostle goes on farther saying After he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandment to us to whom he shewed himself after his Passion speaking to them of the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God And what not one word of Water-Baptism nor one Command given for that Let the Apostle answer And Christ being assembled with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the Promise of the Father which said he you have heard of me For John verily baptized with Water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence But he doth not say Iohn baptized with Water and do you so also No such word But Verse 8. Ye shall receive Power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth So that it seems clear to me that Iohn's Water-Baptism did not impower them to be Witnesses unto Christ through the whole World therefore there was need of such a Baptism as would fit them or impower them for the Work the Lord had for them to do No Iohn knew that when he said I baptize with Water but there comes one after me who is preferred before me he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost c. His Fan is in his hand his Power is in his hand thorowly to purge his Floor to gather his Wheat into his Garner and to burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire But there is not that power in Water to fan and throughly purge nor to impower Men to be Witnesses to Christ to the uttermost parts of the Earth Well Iohn baptized with Water not with the Holy Ghost Acts 19.2 3. They that had been baptized unto Iohn's Baptism had not so much as heard whether there was any Holy Ghost But Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost not with Elementary Water Iohn 1.26 33. but tells them Iohn did Acts 1.5 But do not find that ever Christ did or commanded his Disciples so to do but tells them they should be baptized with the Holy Ghost but did not command them at all to baptize with Water either before or after his Passion Methinks Reason it self tells us that had our Lord intended Water-Baptism should have continued unto the end of the World he would have said so when he spoke of it to them at such a Juncture as this was Acts 1. But instead of that he tells them of another which he knew far exceeded Iohn's for Iohn's was but the Type and Figure this the Substance and would fit them for the Work of God which is a Spiritual Work and is only done in and by the Spirit and Power of God For when they were baptized with the Holy Ghost they received Power and did stand up true Witnesses unto Christ Jesus Oh! It 's worthy our Observations how Christ tells them They should receive Power after the Holy Ghost was come upon them and should be Witnesses c. So it 's clear Iohn's Baptism left them short of Power and of the Holy Spirit also but Christ's Baptism impowered them to be Witnesses after they had it And all that fall short of this Baptism of Christ fall short of Power to be Living Witnesses for Christ. Therefore the Apostles tarried at Ierusalem and waited as they were commanded for the Baptism of Christ and did not run in their own Will or Wisdom or in their own Name or Strength to bear witness to him or to preach him to all Nations but stay'd until they were made able to go in the Spirit and Power of God and with words the Holy Ghost gave them Object But it 's objected from Matt. 28.19 Go teach all Nations baptizing them in or into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and says some this is Water-Baptism Answ. But for the sake of the Honest Enquirer let us consider First Here is no Water mentioned in this place therefore no ground for such an
for he is the true Light that enlightens every Man coming into the World and makes all things manifest that are reproveable lays open all the hidden things of Esau yea all things are naked and bare before him with whom we have to do this is the word nigh even in our Hearts and Mouths which you ought to hear and obey this is him that is the Saviour of the Soul and washes it in his own Blood and makes it clean white and comely in his own pure Eye this is he that sent forth his Apostles and went with them was their Strength Power Wisdom yea all in them and all to them all And you are hereby invited and call'd unto to come unto him and receive him into your Hearts and Souls that you may receive Power to become the Sons of God and be deeply affected and plunged into him into his Name his Power his Spirit his Life his Love his Meekness his Patience his Purity his Divine Nature his Glory Come People here is a Baptism that is more than all Figures Types and Shadows Oh! do not sit at ease in an unclean state short of this Baptism for here is help for you and it 's laid upon him that is mighty to help you and save you to the utmost if you will but come to God by him but if ye refuse him and think to go to God by weak Elements that melt away before the Lord as he comes to take place in the Hearts of Men you will find by sad experience that they can never bring you to God nor fit you for his Kingdom but this Baptism into Christ into his Name Endues Men with Power according to Christ's Promise Ye shall receive Power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you Acts 1.8 Secondly It enables Men to be Witnesses unto Christ Jesus unto his Appearance in them and the Power of his Resurrection to raise them up in him as it did to Paul Acts 26.16 Thirdly It enables Men to pray in the Name of Christ so as what they ask God gives unto them according as Christ said Iohn 16.23 Fourthly It cleanseth both Heart and Conscience and inside of Men and Women it purges fans and purifies the Floor or Heart of Man throughly and takes away sin Iohn 1.29 For the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand John 3.35 yea all Power in Heaven and in Earth Mat 28.19 Fifthly It impowers Men to become Sons of God and to call God Father and Jesus Lord in Truth and Righteousness Gal. 4.6 Sixthly It makes Men One in Christ Jesus according to Christ's Prayer Iohn 17.11 20 21. and Gal. 3.27 28. 1 Cor. 12.13 1 Cor. 6.17 Eph. 4.3 Seventhly It brings Men to know the Love of God in them in their Hearts Iohn 17.12 Eighthly It makes Men new Creatures true Iews true Christians and brings Men to know the Old Man Crucified with his Deeds Rom. 6.6 2 Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 Ninthly It makes Men free from sin sanctifies them washes and justifies them who are in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ by his Spirit 1 Cor. 6.11 Rom. 6.18 22. Tenthly It saves them that have it and none can be saved but such as have it for there 's no Salvation in any other Name Tit. 3.5 1 Pet. 3.21 Acts 4.12 Eleventhly It makes Men Temples for God to dwell in and brings Men to see God being made pure in Heart Mat. 5.8 1 Cor. 3.16 17. and Chap. 6.19 Twelfthly It enables Men to Worship God aright in Spirit and in Truth according to his Will and none else but they that have this Baptism can Iohn 4.24 Phil. 3.3 Thirteenthly It brings Men to know a new Name and the white Stone that hath the new Name in it that none knows but him that hath it Rev. 2.17 Fourteenthly It enables them to overcome and brings them to inherit all things to know God to be their God and they to be his People who have this Baptism Rev. 21.7 And Lastly It fits Men for every good Word and Work brings them out of the Kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost and so to live in Unity Fellowship and Communion with God and one with another and to be alive unto God through Jesus Christ in him to live unto the Lord and when they die to die in the Lord so that living and dying they may be the Lord's Rom. 14.8 Acts 26.18 Col. 1.10 11 12 13. 1 Iohn 1.3 7. I might go on further to shew how it brings Men to grow in Faith and to overcome the wicked One and to overcome the World and to be Conquerors and able to do all things through Christ who has all Power c. in and by whom we have Redemption and Forgiveness of Sins even through his Blood for he that spared not his only Beloved Son but gave him up freely a Ransom for us all he also with him freely gives us all things Glory be given to him for ever Amen Thus I have endeavoured for the Information of true Enquirers to shew what Christ's Baptism is and how Men are made Instrumental in the Lord's Hand and enabled by him to perform the Work and Service he imploys them in how they are made true preachers or Teachers so as to Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for the Life of a true Disciple of Christ a true Christian is of a Disciplining Teaching Nature for he is as Noah was a Preacher of Righteousness in the Spirit Life Power or Name of Jesus in his Day Age and Generation and in the Name is an Honourer of the Name and Power of God and shews it forth to others yea before all Men that he lives not in his own or by his own Power Strength or Wisdom but in the Name of Christ and knows Christ to be his Strength and is what he is in the Lord without whom he is nothing nor can do nothing see Acts 16.16 18. compared with 1 Cor. 1.17 See what the Apostle was sent to do in order to turn Men from Darkness unto Light and from the Power of Satan unto God Eph. 4. read the whole Chapter and see who it was that fitted and furnished them for every good Word and Work Something concerning the Lord's Supper So Called I Have searched the Four Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and Iohn and the rest of the New Testament throughly concerning this Matter about which many Professors are so Hot and Zealous and I do not find plain and substantial Ground for what they so earnestly contend about I also observe it is not long since many suffered Martyrdom here in England because they believed not as the Roman Catholicks so called did believe in Q. Mary's Days and I remember the Presbyterians in the time of Oliver Cromwell were very strict about it and examined People of their Faith Hope and such like and whom they liked or approved of were
18. Even as Peter said In the Name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk so the Lord was with them and wrought mightily and manifested his great Power in them and with them So the Apostles declared the Work was done by the Lord Chap. 14.27 When Paul had bidden the Impotent Man Stand upright on thy Feet he leaped and walked and came and rehearsed to the Church all that God had done with them and how he had opened a Door of Faith unto the Gentiles And likewise in Chap. 15.4 when they came unto Ierusalem were received of the Church there and of the Apostles and Elders they declared all things that God had done with them so the Lord being with them as he is at this Day with his Ministers who is the strength of his People it is Christ the great Power of God that reaches the Hearts and Souls of People through his Vessels or Instruments and Servants so the Work is the Lord's done by him and carried on in and by his Spirit Power and Wisdom so the Glory of the Power is due to him For Men as Men are not sufficient for these things nor of themselves are able to think a good thought 2 Cor. 3.5 Nor without Christ who hath all Power we as men can do nothing Ioh. 15.5 Neither can any Man receive any thing but what is given him from above Iohn 3.27 So all Boasting is excluded for it is the Power of God that is with Men rests upon Men and works in Men for Men and by Men and is sufficient to all and for all in every Work and Service the Lord requires So that all that live and abide in the Name of the Lord and do what they do in it they do it to his Praise and Glory By this time I hope it 's clear that the Name is the Power and that the Lord that sent them to teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name c. did go with them and according to his Promise he is with them that are sent forth of him and will be to the end of the World and is the Baptizer of Men into his own Name Spirit Life Light and Love and it 's also clear that those whom he thus Baptizeth he sends them forth goes with them and makes them Instrumental in his own Name Power Spirit Life Light and Love for the Baptizing of others into the same so that all those that do run to preach and teach before they be Baptized with this Baptism of Christ Jesus they run before they be sent and therefore they cannot nor do not profit the People at all neither do they know Christ or his Name nor have heard his Voice or seen his Appearance to their Joy Object But some object and say There was some method to be used or means for the effecting this Baptism Answ. I Answer Yea and if we observe Christ's words Go teach all Nations Baptizing them c. So whilst Men are teaching in the Name there is a baptizing into the Name Experimentally witnessed and felt by such as hear the Word believe it and receive it in Love Oh blessed be God there are many at this Day can Seal to this Truth that whilst Men stand up and teach in the Name of God behold the Name of Christ the Power of God comes over many sometimes most if not all in the Assembly and are so deeply dipped or plunged into it that they are much tendered melted shaken and broken and laid very low before the Lord whose Power alone makes his people a willing People in the Day of his power for it 's he that works all his own Works in us and for us both to will and to do of his own good Pleasure Therefore let all Flesh be silent before the Lord for the Flesh profits nothing it is the Spirit that quickens the words that I speak unto you said Christ they are Spirit and Life and all that have received him who is a quickning Spirit and are alive in him and in his Spirit these know his Words and his Voice from the Voice of Strangers Oh what is Man then out of the Name Power and Spirit of Jesus Or wherein is he to be accounted of All the Power is Christ's and the Baptism is Christ's and Baptized Men are made Instrumental in his Hand for the carrying on of his Work that without him can do nothing For all that is done by them is done in the ability that God gives and the Praise is due to God not to Man To God over all be it given for ever Now Christ being Head of the Body the true Church and the Life Light Power Wisdom Righteousness yea all in all in every Member it 's he that brings every Member into it's right place and service in the Church or Body of Christ and their Faith stands in his Power and Name and is one in every Member so they know one Head or Lord and one Faith which he is the Author and Finisher of and one Baptism by one Spirit and one Body or true Church of Christ and all are made to drink into one Spirit and are all fed and nourished by the Head Christ Jesus the true Vine in whom every Branch is nourished fed and kept living faithful and fruitful to his Praise and Glory Object But say some The word Baptize signifies to dip or plunge into Water Answ. I grant Iohn's Baptism was with Water but Christ's Baptism was with the Holy Ghost and with Fire Mat. 3.11 and of a purifying Nature and Christ spoke of the Spirit being in those that believe in him as a Well of Living Water and elsewhere it is called the Spirit of Judgment and of Burning and saith the Apostle Our God is a consuming Fire And Men as before asserted are Baptized into Christ and put him on And let me ask my Reader Is not God that 's said to be a Consuming Fire and Christ and his Name and Spirit all one And doth not the Apostle direct his Epistles to the Church which is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ see 1 Thess. 1. and 2. Thess. 1. And if in God then in Christ if in Christ then in the Holy Ghost and if so then in the Name yea in the Life Light Love Wisdom and Righteousness of God But do these Men think a Man cannot be dipped or plunged into any thing but Water And are not many plunged into great Sin Misery and deep Bondage Captivity and Thraldom So that few think or believe they can ever get out whilst they live yea too many lie here But what were they of old plunged into that were Baptized unto Moses in the Cloud and Sea Pray where was Moses then Did not he abide in the Power of God and in Faith And was not the Israelites got out of the Faith and out of the Power of God when they looked back at the Host of Pharaoh And who Baptized them unto Moses Was