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A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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great matter that they haue done Lastly they are greeuous sinners sapped in them that make no vse of the crosses and afflictions that God sendeth vpon them that are no whit bettered or reformed or humbled by his iudgements Vse 3 Lastly it is our duty to pray vnto God that we may be kept and preserued from this high measure of sinne Psal 19 13. The Prophet prayeth to the Lord to keepe him from presumptuous sinnes This sheweth to vs that we are ready to fall into them And what do they but publish this as with a loud voice that cry out that God is mercifull and thereupon take occasion to goe forward presuming of his mercy We should be carefull to beg from God his grace that we may resist sin in the beginning lest our hearts be hardened by it Heb. 3 13 and we thereby be drawne in the end to make no conscience of sinne ●iect If any aske how wee may know whether we be willing to leaue sin and resist it in the beginning 〈◊〉 I answer we may examine our selues by the contrary rules to the former If a man make the law of God his delight and can therefore loue it make much of it because it maketh his sinnes manifest vnto himselfe hee certainely is no louer of his sinnes Thus it was with Hezekiah when he had receiued an heauy threatning of an heauy iudgement from the mouth of God hee submitted himselfe and said to the Prophet The word of the Lord is good ●g 20 19. which thou hast spoken Secondly hee loueth not his sinnes that loueth him that reproueth him for his sins He that imbraceth that Minister or that brother that telleth him of his corruptions certainely he is not determined to imbrace and entertaine his sins Thirdly he that is so farre from excusing of his sinnes that he is ready to accuse himselfe and he that is so farre from defending and maintaining them that he laboureth to reconcile himselfe to God and to haue a cleere conscience toward God and man hee doubtlesse shall not need to feare to come to the height of sinne Lastly he declareth that he is not besotted with the loue of his sinnes that loueth God that chastiseth him euen for his chastisements sake who so soone as any crosse befalleth vnto him presently runneth home to his owne heart and condemneth his sinne and iudgeth himselfe and layeth all vpon himselfe as iustly befallen him for his sins If these things be found in vs we may reioyce and be glad that albeit we cannot but commit the acte of sinne yet we keepe our hearts and soules from delighting in sinne and the affecting thereof Thus we may acquit our selues of a great deale of the guilt of sinne albeit not of the outward acte it selfe by seeking the asswaging and lessening of it 32 And while the children of Israel were in the Wildernesse they found a man that gathered stickes on the Sabbath day 33 And they that found him gathering sticks brought him vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all the Congregation Here followeth an example of Gods iudgment vpon him that gathered stickes on the Sabbath day This is not to be considered in it selfe only but as it dependeth vpon the words immediately going before as a reason or an example of that law that whosoeuer doth any thing presumptuously or with an high hand shall die the death and albeit it be set downe after it yet I take it to haue bene done before it The Israelites had found out a man that had sinned not of ignorance or one that gathered stickes vpon necessity but they said to Moses as the Pharisies did to Christ touching the woman taken in adultery Iohn 8 4. We found her in the very acte so did they take this breaker of the Sabbath in the very acte of gathering stickes who rushed desperately against the law as a Shippe that dasheth it selfe in peeces against a Rocke for he sinned in contempt of God and his ordinances The Lord had deliuered his law to all Israel and repeated the same againe he had commanded it carefully to be kept and none to goe out of his place to gather Manna vpon that day Exod. 16 29. The obseruation of this day was the establishing of the whole law and the breach of it a destroying of the whole worship of God This did this wicked person know wel enough but he neuerthelesse would goe out of his place God hath said they should not kindle a fire throughout their generations that day Exod. 35 2 3. neither could he be ignorant of it yet he would kindle a fire to prouoke God to anger against him In this we see his sin and the manner of it he is brought to Moses and is put in ward Moses asketh counsell of God what shold be done with him God appointeth him for examples sake to be stoned to death which is done accordingly Obiect But this may seeme a small offence he did not beare any great burden on the Sabbath nor labour in the workes of his calling neither offend in any great matter he did onely gather a bundle of stickes and that as it should seeme but once he did not make any practise of it Answer I answer we must consider not onely the deed done but also the māner of doing he did it to despise and despite God a sinne in whomsoeuer worthy of no lesse punishment then death it selfe Doctrine We learne from hence that euery sinne is so much the greater The lesse the thing is for which a man will sinne the greater is the sinne by how much lesse the thing is for which men sin I say the lesse the thing is for which a man will sinne and transgresse the law of God the greater alwaies is his sinne A man would thinke it nothing to picke vp a few stickes but the lesse it was the greater was his contempt of God that hee would runne into the breach of the law and prouoke the wrath of God for it Thus wee might speake of the sinne of our first parents God tried their obedience in abstaining from the fruite of one tree Gen. 2 17. and 3 3. yet they would taste thereof and thereby ruined themselues and al their posterity The matter wherein they sinned was small but the sin thereby was made the greater Esau is noted in holy Scripture for his prophanenes which was shewed in this that for one messe of broth he sold his birthright Gen. 25 33. Heb. 12 16. So is it spoken of Iudas that for thirty shekels he sold his Master and betraied the Lord of life into the hands of sinners Mat. 26 15. 27 5. A goodly price at which he that is God of heauen and earth heire of all things was valued saith the Prophet Zachary ch 11 13. The lesse the reward was the greater was his iniquity for thereby he made it manifest at how vile how base and small a price our Lord Iesus Christ the
Patriarkes and Prophets that by faith receiued a good report concludeth that we must rather looke to the example of Christ the Author finisher of our faith who endured the Crosse and despised the shame for the ioy that was set before him If thē the example of God be to be followed of vs we must be moued to shew mercy where we see the bountiful hand of God opened before vs. Reason 2 Secondly we are the children of God wee are the seruants of God we are the subiects of his kingdome we must therefore seeke to be like to him resemble him in our obedience to his Commandements as the Apostle Peter sheweth 1 Pet. As obedient children fashion not your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so bee ye holy in all manner of conuersation because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy And thus saith the Lord by Malachy the Prophet ch 1 6. A sonne honoreth his father and a seruant his master If then I be a Father where is mine honour If I be a Master where is my feare Hereunto accordeth and agreeth the exhortation of Christ Ioh. 13 12 13 14. Know ye what I haue done to you Yee call me Master and Lord and ye say well for so I am If I then your Lord and Master haue washed your feete ye ought also to wash one anothers feet For I haue giuen you an example that ye should do euen as I haue done to you Vse 1 The vses First let vs learne to acknowledge from hence this truth that great is Gods mercy who neuer faileth nor forsaketh those that are his For assuredly his mercy and compassion should neuer be propounded to vs as a rule to direct vs and as an example to guide vs if there were not infinite loue in him and in our God plentifull redemption Wherefore we may safely conclude this principle of our faith and teach it to others that the mercies of God are sure and certaine to his Church This the Prophet handleth at large Psal 103 8 11 13. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy slowe to anger and of great kindnesse as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercy toward thē that feare him As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him There is no end no measure no limitation of his mercy compassion The height of it is not to be taken the depth of it is not to be found the length and bredth of it is not to be comprehended It is higher then the heauens it is deeper then the graue it is longer then the earth it is broader then the sea Who is it that by searching can finde out God Iob 11 7 8 9. or search out the Almighty to his perfection For loue and mercy pitty are not in God as they are in men In vs they are such graces of the Spirit of God as wee are qualified withall throug● his gift they are streames flowing from his Fountaine and as light drawne from his Candle But in God are no qualities or accidents he is of none but hath his being of himselfe giueth being to all other things Therefore the Apostle saith God is loue it selfe not onely the Fountaine and well-spring of loue 1 Iohn 4 16. but loue it selfe And one saith truely and properly Bernard in de d. l g. Deo God is not wise but wisedome it selfe not iust but iustice it selfe not pittifull but pitty it selfe not mercifull but mercy it selfe not good but goodnesse it selfe This is a great comfort and refreshing to vs in all afflictions be they neuer so great be they neuer so greeuous there is no infirmitie and weaknesse in God his mercy is ouer al his works he is infinite in compassion he can no more ceasse to bee mercifull then ceasse to be God and therefore it being essentiall to him our misery can neuer exceed or counteruaile his mercy Secondly we must Vse 2 learne from hence to loue all the creatures of God albeit not all equally after the example of God We reade euery where in the Scripture of the loue of God louing not onely his Sonne his Church his Elect Zanch den● dei lib. 4 ●ap quest 2. Acts 14 17 but the rest of the world the reprobate and all his creatures Giuing them raine and fruitefull seasons filling their hearts with ioy and gladnesse Let vs therefore first see what the loue of God is He loueth all his creatures euen all the works of his hands He saw all that he had made and loe Gen. 1 31. they were exceeding good Yea he doth good to all in him they moue liue breathe and haue their being Notwithstanding he loueth his elect and chosen people ordained to eternall life more then the rest of mankinde whom he leaueth in their sinne to worke out their owne confusion as the Apostle teacheth Iacob haue I loued but Esau haue I hated For touching the faithfull Rom. 9 14 Rom ● 3● Rom 3 2● 1 Thess 5 ● Iohn 14 2● Math. 25 ● he calleth them effectually he iustifieth thē freely he sanctifieth them throughly in soule and body yea as the faithfull increase in grace the exercises of piety so they more and more feele the loue of God toward them as Christ speaketh He that keepeth my Commandements is he that loueth me and he that loueth me shall bee loued of my Father Heere then we haue an example before vs for our continuall instruction to guide vs in the matter and measure of our loue For first the meanest of the creatures are to be loued none of them are to be abused of vs. Hereunto tend the lawes giuē to the Iewes not to oppresse our Cattell not to musle the mouth of the Oxe nor to take the dam with the young to helpe vp the Asse sinking falling vnder his burthen and such like Secondly we must much more loue mankinde made after the Image of God yea euen our enemies according to the commandement of our Lord and Master Christ Math. 5 44 45. This is not a counsell but a Commandement charging vs to loue our enemies seeking their good thirsting after their saluation ouercomming euill with goodnesse heaping coales of fire vpon their head and thereby gathering an assurance to our owne hearts that wee are the children of God Thirdly it belongeth to the faithfull to loue the faithfull with an especiall loue as children with them of the selfe same Father heyres with them of the same kingdome for heereby we shall know that we are translated from death to life ●hn 3 14. because wee loue the brethren This the Apostle teacheth Gal. 6 10. While we haue time let vs do good to all men but especially vnto them that are of the houshold of faith So that in the duties of loue we must preferre our godly
brethrē that are Christians by profession Saints by calling heyres by faith sons by adoption partakers of the same grace with vs yea as we see the gifts of God more cleerly to shine and more manifestly to multiply in them so our loue must encrease toward them As they goe forward or backward encrease or decrease as we see them zealous or cold or luke-warme so must our inward loue proceed or stay grow or slake toward them alwaies where God sheweth forth the abundance of his loue shed into their hearts we must most wisely bestow our loue according to his example which the nearer we follow the more conformable we are to God wherein standeth our happinesse Vse 3 Lastly it reproueth such as are vnappeasable and will neuer forgiue and forget the iniuries that are done vnto them Assuredly such shall finde iudgement without mercy as shew no mercy Who is there among vs that doth not daily euen with the ayre draw in the mercy of God It is his mercy that we are not all consumed If then hauing our selues receiued so great mercy we can returne in way of thankfulnesse no compassion to others we make a law against our selues and as it were stop and shut vp the spring of grace from flowing vnto vs. ●er 2 13. This the Apostle Iames teacheth There shall be iudgment mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercy and mercy reioyceth against iudgement It standeth vs all therefore vpon not to rest in the bare and naked name of the sonnes of God but labour in the truth of the inner parts and in sincerity of our hearts to be like to him practising the exhortatiō of the Apostle 〈◊〉 12 13. As the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kindnesse humblenes of minde meeknesse long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another c. There is no saluation without pardon and remission of sin Would we then haue saluation Do we desire forgiuenesse at the hand of God The meanes to assure vs that we haue attained it 〈◊〉 4 31 32. is to put away wrath all maliciousnesse and to be courteous tender-hearted one to another forgiuing one another if we desire to feele any true comfort to our own soules in the forgiuenesse of our owne sinnes When we cried vnto the Lord he heard our voice The truth of the former reason 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 setteth downe the loue of God to his people hearing their prayers sending his Angel and bringing them out of Egypt The doctrine out of these words considered in themselues is this Doctrine God loueth his people God loueth and fauoureth his owne people Howsoeuer they be hated of the world because they are not of the world but are chosen out of the world yet he setteth thē as a seale on his hart Cant 8 6 5 2. and as a signet on his arme Heereunto come the amiable and louely titles that Christ giueth to his Church calling it knocking vnto it saying Open vnto me my Sister my Loue my Doue my vndefiled for my head is full of dew and my lockes with the drops of the night So the Prophet expresseth his loue in the Psalme toward his people Albeit they were few in number yea Psal 105 12 13 14 15. very few and strangers in the Land and walked about from Nation to Nation from one Kingdome to another people yet suffered he no man to do thē harm but reproued Kings for their sakes saying Touch not mine annointed and do my Prophets no harme So Moses testifieth the same Deu. 7 6 7 8. The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to bee a precious people vnto himselfe aboue all people that are vpon the earth The Lord did not set his loue vpon you nor chuse you because ye were moe in number then any people for ye were the fewest of all people but because the lord loued you and would keepe the oath which hee had sworne vnto your fathers Ioshua 24 3. Psalm 78 70. Mathew 4 18 Luke 23.43 Acts 9 15. Thus God in great mercy brought Abraham from his Country tooke Dauid from the sheepfolds chose Peter and Andrew from their nets called Mathew from the custome conuerted the theefe vpon the crosse and turned Paul from a persecutour to be an Apostle beeing oftentimes found of them that sought not after him by all which testimonies and examples it appeareth that God doth shew himselfe good and gracious vnto his people The reasons are First because they are his Reason 1 sonnes and daughters This is an argument of great loue a testimony that he will not forsake vs for euer We are not onely the seruants and friends of God but the sonnes of God the spouse of Christ Indeed Christ is the naturall Son of God and the eldest brother by whom we are adopted to be the sons of God This reason the Apostle propoundeth 1 Iohn 3 1. Behold what loue the Father hath giuen to vs that we should be called the sonnes of God for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him Great is the affection of feruent loue that parents beare toward their children no heart of any can wel expresse it but he that hath bin a father himselfe to feele it Others may well speake of it but they are not able to comprehend it And yet all their loue is a cold frozen loue yea it is no loue indeed yea it is no better then hatred in comparison of the loue that the Father of heauen and earth beareth to his children whose loue to vs is wonderfull passing the loue of men and women This the Prophet teacheth Can a woman forget her child and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe though they should forget yet will not I forget thee Es 49 15. Likewise Christ saith Mat. 7 9 10. What man is there among you which if his son aske him bread would giue him a stone Or if he aske fish will he giue him a serpent If ye then which are euill can giue to your children good gifts how much more shal your Father which is in heauen giue good things to them that aske him Reason 2 Againe he hath sent his Sonne into the world who came from the bosome of his Father and tooke our nature vpon him he endured the infirmities of our nature the shame of the crosse the wrath of his Father to bring vs into his fauour He was punished we are pardoned he was charged with our sinnes we are discharged from our sinnes he was crucified we are acquitted he was condemned we are iustified Thus the Apostle Iohn reasoneth Heerein was the loue of God made manifest among vs 1 Ioh. 4 9 10. because God sent his onely begotten Sonne into this world that we might liue through him Heerein is that loue not that we loued God but that hee loued vs and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sins The naturall
Son of God was smitten for the vnnaturall the onely begotten for the adopted the beloued for the enemy greater loue then this could no man shew then to die for his enemies But God setteth out his loue toward vs Rom. 5 8. seeing that while we were yet sinners Vse 1 Christ dyed for vs. The vses follow First we may conclude from hence that no creature shal be able to hurt his people If he haue takē them into his protection loued them with an euerlasting loue who shall by the hatred of thē procure their harme If he be on our side who shall be against vs If he be our friend who shall shew himselfe our enemy What seruant feareth the face of his fellow seruant that hath the good wil of his master Or what mā feareth the hatred of any subiect that hath the loue of his Prince So then the consideration of Gods loue toward vs assureth vs of our blessed condition and of our safety defence from all dangers that may surprize vs. Whosoeuer dwelleth in the secret of the most High Psal 91 1 2 3. shal abide in the shadow of the Almighty hee will deliuer him from the snare of the hunter and from the noisome pestilence This the Prophet concludes Psal 36.10 11. Extend thy louing kindnesse vnto them that know thee and thy righteousnesse vnto them that are vpright in heart Let not the foote of pride come against me and let not the hand of the wicked moue me Let vs labor to haue a true feeling of the loue of God shed in our hearts by the holy Ghost then will he couer vs vnder his wings and we shall be sure vnder his feathers The cause why we feare him that can kill the body is because we are not rooted grounded in the loue of God Vse 2 Secondly hereby we receiue another comfort to our faith for as the wicked shall not hurt vs so we are assured to haue our prayers heard granted Why because God loueth vs as his deare children Comes not that child with boldnesse vnto his father that loueth him in al his need So if once we haue this perswasion setled in vs that God will shew himselfe gracious vnto vs we may aske in faith and not wauer but be assured of the promise of God that he will giue to them that aske and open the gate of mercy to them that knocke This Christ our Sauiour affirmeth Verily verily Iohn 16 23 24 27. I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my Name he will giue it you Aske and yee shall receiue that your ioy may be full for the Father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued me and haue beleeued that I came from God What greater comfort can there be then this that God will heare our prayers that we may vnlade al our cares and troubles into his bosome There cannot bee a greater daunting and dismaying vnto any then when God will not respect and regard them though they poure out many praiers yet he wil not heare them as he threateneth those that will not heare his voice speking and crying vnto them in the ministery of his word They shall cry and not be heard Prou. 1 28. Zach. 7 13. So of all comforts that can befall vs in this life this is one of the greatest which cannot be taken from vs though our mouthes should be stopped yet we may safely lift vp our hearts and soules vnto the Lord from whence our helpe cometh Thirdly it is our duty to loue one another Vse 3 as euery one of vs hath a blessed experience of Gods mercy fauour toward vs let vs deale in like measure toward our brethren This the Apostle Iohn exhorteth vnto 1 Ioh 4 1● Heerein is that loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes Beloued if God so loued vs wee ought also to loue one another Iohn 13 3● and 15.12 for heereby shall all men know that we are his Disciples if we loue one another This is my Commandement that ye loue one another as I haue loued you greater loue then this hath no man when any man bestoweth his life for his friends Great was the loue of God toward vs as appeareth by many circumstances considerations For he loued vs first not we him 1 Iohn 4 ● Iohn 15 1● as Christ chose his Disciples not they him Heereby God cōmendeth setteth foorth his loue toward vs that he loued vs first and not we him Againe he loued vs when we were not whē we had not our birth or being he chose vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe before the foundations of the world as Rom. 9. Rom. 5 12 Before the children were borne and when they had done neither good nor euill it was said Iacob haue I loued Thirdly he loued vs when we were enemies vnto him he was found of vs when we sought not after him nay when we fled from him and rebelled against him as Ro. 5 6. 10. Christ when we were yet of no strength at his time died for the vngodly so as God setteth out his loue toward vs seeing that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs. Fourthly he loued vs frankly and freely without any merits or desarts of our owne Ferus An● 1 Iohn 4. but of his owne meere grace and fauour onely Our saluation is wholly of grace We are elected according to the good pleasure of his will Ephes 1 ● Wee are called with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his owne purpose and grace 2 Tim. 1 9. Wee are iustified freely by his grace without the works of the Law Rom. 3 24 28. We haue saluation of grace not of our selues It is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast Eph. 2 8 9. Lastly the loue of God is so great that he spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him to the death That whosoeuer beleeued in him should not perish ●●hn 3 16. but haue euerlasting life If then the loue of God bee such and so great to his seruants that he loued them first freely when they were not when they were his enemies spared not his well-beloued Sonne for them how great should our christian loue be one to another to promote the good one of another and to releeue the necessities one of another We know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that he being rich Cor. 8 9. for our sakes became poore that we thorough his pouerty might be made rich Whosoeuer therefore hath this worlds good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion frō him how dwelleth the loue of God in him Wherefore let vs not loue in word neither in tongue onely as Caine which was of that euill one and slew his brother Iohn 3 17 〈◊〉 19. but in deed and
what indignation yea what feare yea how great desire yea what a zeale yea what reuenge Where this care is not to please God and feare to fall againe and offend him there was neuer true repentance nor any feeling of the forgiuenes of former sinnes This were exceeding vnthankfulnes for mercy receyued and a turning of the grace of God into wantonnes to commit sinne anew that grace may abound Thirdly it is our duty to returne all praise and thankfulnes to God for this so infinit and vnspeakable mercy which appeareth in nothing more thē in the forgiuenes of our manifold sins It belongeth to God onely to forgiue sinnes therfore to him onely belongeth the glory of forgiuenes as being onely worthy to receiue all praise This Daniel confesseth in his praier O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame as appeareth this day So the prophet Dauid prouoking all to praise the Lord alledgeth this as the cheefe reason to mooue them Which forgiueth all thine iniquities healeth all thine infirmities Psal 103 3. This also we see in the practise and example of the Apostle who mentioning his sinnes and magnifying the exceeding and abundant mercy of God in the pardon of them hee breaketh out into a thankesgiuing to the eternall God Vnto the King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely wise be honor and glory for euer euer Amen 1 Tim. 1 17. Rom. 7 25. If we haue tasted of this mercy let vs bee mindfull of this duty and if wee haue had experience of this forgiuenes let vs be carefull to expresse vnto him our thankfulnesse Fourthly wee must shew backe againe our loue toward our heauenly Father according to the measure of his loue toward vs. The greater sins he hath pardoned the greater loue should bee returned This is it which the Prophet professeth to haue wrought exceeding loue in his heart towards the Lord when he considered how gracious and mercifull he had bene vnto him Psal 116 1. I loue the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my prayer The practise of this duty is remembred and commended in the sinfull woman Luke 7 47. Many sinnes are forgiuen her for she loued much to whom a little is forgiuen he doth loue a little Let this example be continually before our eies Let vs examine our selues how neere we come vnto her in the practise of this duty Let vs behold our selues in her as in a glasse If wee haue had a blessed experience of Gods louing kindnesse toward vs in blotting out and burying our sinnes out of his remembrance let vs be answerable in loue to him againe who hath loued vs first Where little loue appeareth to God there is little knowledge of forgiuenes of sinnes Where no loue is there is no feeling of the comfort of this doctrine If we haue found God exceeding kinde and gracious vnto vs it will work an exceeding measure of loue where God hath assured and sealed vp that grace by his holy Spirit Lastly the receiuing of this mercy from God must worke in vs mercy toward our brethren that as we haue obtayned forgiuenesse of sinnes at his hands so wee should be ready to forgiue one another And so bee mercifull to others as our heauenly Father is mercifull to vs Luke 6 36. This our Sauiour teacheth in the parable of the King that would take an account of his seruants to wit that he requireth mercy where he hath shewed mercy and that iudgement shall be without mercy to him that sheweth no mercy Hence it is that the Apostle giueth this in charge Eph. 4 32. Colos 3 13. This we are also directed vnto in that forme of prayer which Christ did teach his Disciples and hath left vnto his Church warranting vs to aske forgiuenes as we feele our selues ready to forgiue This we are to apply vnto our selues and learne euerie day to be like to our heauenly Father Matth. 5 45. Who maketh his Sunne to arise on the euill and on the good and sendeth raine on the iust and vniust If then we desire to be partakers of the goodnes of God in forgiuing the infinit debt whereby we are deeply indebted vnto GOD and would finde him mercifull vnto vs as euery one will seeme to be desirous of it let vs shew our selues ready to forgiue from our hearts the iniuries and offences done vnto vs. Among all testimonies that we may gather to our selues of Gods goodnesse and mercie towards vs none is more excellent more cōfortable more certaine then this if we finde it in vs that is the pardoning and passing ouer the wrongs offered vs and a readines to forgiue euen our enemies that most enuy and hate vs and that frankely and freely as we our selues haue receyued forgiuenesse at the hands of God The Lord his God is with him These words containe the second priuiledge peculiar and proper to the Church which God hath bestowed vpon it to wit the presence of his Spirit True it is in regard of his essence and deity hee is euery where the heauen is his throne and the earth is his footstoole Psalme 139 7 8. So that we cannot hide our selues from his presence If we ascend into heauen he is there If we lye downe in the graue he is there if we take the wings of the morning and dwell in the vttermost parts of the sea thither shall his hand leade vs and his right hand hold vs if wee say yet the darknes shal hide vs the night shall be light about him But in this place this prophesie poynteth vs vnto vs another presence to wit of his grace protection defence and deliuerance the presence of his Spirit sanctifying his children purging them from dead workes to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe Doctrin● It is a pri●●ledge of 〈◊〉 Church haue Go● presence his grace working in them regeneration and finishing all good things in them to bring them to euerlasting life We learne from hence That it is a great priuiledge of the Church to haue God present with it and president ouer it He is not farre off from those that are his howsoeuer in time of affliction and in the houre of tentation he seemeth so to them hee is neere vnto them he is euer with them he holdeth a gracious hand ouer them This is it which the Lord so often promiseth in his word truly performeth to the great comfort of all his children This is it which the Lord speaketh to Iacob going from his fathers house to Padan Aram Gen. 28 15. This also the Prophet Dauid acknowledgeth Psal 34 15 18. And lest any should restraine that exhortation and take it peculiarly to belong to him alone the Apostle extendeth it farther and applyeth it to all the people of God speaking to them as well as vnto Ioshua chapt 1 9. I will not faile thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say The Lord is mine helper I will not fear what man can do vnto
as wee haue receiued from forraine enemies and domesticall And what blessings wee haue all receiued in particular what tongue can expresse what heart can comprehend Doth not GOD on the other side requyre much at our hands O let vs beware and take heede lest these blessings bee turned into curses and his mercies into iudgments CHAP. XXXII 1 NOw the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great multitude of cattell tand when they saw the land of Iaazer and the land of Gilead that behold the place was a place for cattell 2 The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spake vnto Moses and to Eleazar the Priest and vnto the Princes of the congregation saying 3 At aroth and Dibon c. 4 Euen the countrey which the Lord smote before the congregation of Israel is a land for cattell thy seruants haue cattel 5 Wherefore said they if we haue found grace in thy sight let this land be giuen vnto thy seruants for a possession and bring vs not ouer Iordan COncerning the great victory giuen ouer the enemies of Israel wee haue already spoken now wee come to the diuiding of the inheritance among the Conquerors according to their estate and condition wherein consider three things The contents of this chapt First the occasion of distributing the land of the Midianites the victory being obtained Secondly the conditions of this distribution Thirdly the agreement and sending of them into the possession The occasion is in these verses the two tribes and the halfe had many cattel vpon which occasion they come to Moses and request this land which they had lately seazed into their hands the chiefe townes whereof are reckoned vp that they might sit down there not bee compelled to passe ouer Iordan they thought they might speed themselues nearer home and neuer trouble themselues to goe so farre The sons of Reuben are in the first verse set before the sonnes of Gad because Reuben was the eldest and first borne and yet oftentimes in this Chapter the sons of Gad are set before them the cause whereof seemeth to be this Why the sons of Gad are set before the sonnes of Manasseh because they were the authors of this counsell to shift and prouide for themselues and to aske of Moses the land of the Midianites From hence sundry doctrines may bee pointed out Doubtlesse euery tribe had store of cattell for Gen. 46 32 they are said to bee shepheards men of cattell and Exod. 12 38 there went vp with them out of Egypt flockes and heardes euen very much cattell yet the tribes heere mentioned did especially and aboue the rest abound with cattell We learne heereby that God doth distribute his blessings differently hee giueth things temporall to one more and to another lesse as in his owne wisdome he seeth to be expedient and profitable for them He would haue vs stand in need one of another one nation of another one land of another one person of another that we might hold a communion among our selues al depend vpon him as vpon our soueraigne Lord. It is therefore the duty of one member to help another and to do good one to another euen as it is in the members of the body al haue not one office but euery one his speciall function but for the good comfort of the whole And as it is in temporall blessings so also it is in spirituall God giueth disperseth them variably These tribes do come to Moses to obtain their suit They attempt not by force or by fraud to get it they vse lawfull meanes they haue recourse to the Magistrate It is our duty therfore to go to the Magistrat to obtaine our right to make petition of lawfull things to him Again albeit the children of Israel smote this land of the Midianites yet it is said the Lord smote it because the labors endeauors of men come to nought of euery good action God is the principal agent the creature only the instrument is supported by his power From hence this ariseth that all good actions of the second cause are to be ascribed to the first cause as the chiefe worker therof See also the maner of their speech if we haue found grace in thy sight thus they speake to the Magistrate which teacheth that we ought to vse shew all reuerence humility both in word gesture to Magistrates and to our superiours Al these things are good serue for imitation but there is one thing more also must serue for our instruction though it be euil These tribes do seek their own profit altogether forget their brethren their mind was more vpō their own cattel then the procuring of the good estate of the rest Wee learne heereby Doctrine The loue of this world draweth from duties to God and man that the immoderate loue of this world is dangerous drawing to sin against God and to breake the bonds of nature Where the loue of the world of our selues is throughly settled it worketh a carelesse neglect of all others Abraham Lot loued as natural brethren nothing could separat them they went out of their countrey and from their kindred together Gen. 11 31 what seuered these but matters of the world when Lot looked on Sodome saw it fruitful as Eden he left Abraham and dwelled there which brought great trouble vpon himself Gen. 13. And afterward what caused Lots wife to looke backward c. was it not the loue of the things which he had left behind Gen. 19. Luke 17. Saul looked vpon the fattest of the sheep fel into disobedience lost his kingdom Achan looked vpō the wedge of gold the Babylonish garment set his hart vpon thē prouoked God against himself the host of Israel Ios 7 The like we might manifest by sūdry other examples of the yong man that came to Christ Ma. 19 of Iudas that betrayed his Master Math 26 of Demas that forsooke Paul and embraced this present world 2. Tim. 4. Reason 1 And no marueile For the loue of God the loue of the world are contrary the one to the other there is no affinity betweene them they are enemies and one cannot abide the other These can neuer looke each other in the face but by and by they turne their backs 1. Iohn 2 15 If any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him These two are as two contrary Masters no man therfore can serue them both for both require the whole seruice of a man both command contrary things Mat. 6 24. Secondly the desire of these worldly things is a ranke thorne Luke 8 and is the roote of all euill 1. Tim. 6. The hearts of men are hardened by it when once they are ensnared and taken in loue with it The world is a very harlot it speaketh faire promiseth much good it hath a painted
Church were many wicked liuers of whom the Apostle saith e 1 Cor 10 5. 1 Cor. 10. With many of them God was not pleased but they were destroyed in the Wildernesse Yea such as were the chiefe among them and excelled in godlinesse aboue the rest as the Cedar doth the low shrub had their failings and infirmities as wee see in Aaron in Miriam and in Moses himselfe as we shall see afterward in this booke Wherefore they are deceiued that seeke for a Church in this life without spot or wrinkle Such in former times were the Donatists and such in our dayes are the Anabaptists whoe shall looke vntill their eyes fall out before they shall finde any company or society wholly separated from al contagion of hypocrites Epicures Libertines and such like loose liuers Christ compareth the Church vnto a draw net cast into the Sea which gathereth fish of all sorts both good and bad Againe heere is comfort for the sincere Ministers of the Gospell to whom the dispensation of the Word and sacraments is committed that they ought not to forsake their calling when they behold the greatest part of their charges and Congregations to take no profite and to receiue no instruction by their ministery but to continue and waite with patience vntil f 2 Tim. 2 26. God wil giue them repentance that they may come out of the snare of the diuell of whom they are holden captiue to do his will Fourthly we learne the vnchangeable loue of God toward his people It is euident by Vse 4 this booke more then by the former how diuersly they prouoked him to wrath by their sinnes as their lust murmuring impatience vnthankfulnesse idolatry and fornication they tempted him in the wildernesse whereby they deserued not onely to be depriued of the Land of Canaan but to bee excluded out of the Kingdome of heauen Notwit●sta●●ing God continued their mercifull Lord still so that his election is immutable g Iohn 13 1. and whom hee loueth he loueth him to the end What then shall we sinne that grace may abound God forbid nay how shall wee that are dead to sinne yet liue therein As his graces guifts are without repentance so they must leade vs to repentance and cause vs to expresse backe againe vnfained loue vnto him who loued vs first Vse 5 Fiftly we haue set before vs many fearefull examples of Gods heauy indignation against sinne and sinners Hee punisheth the murmurings of the people fretting fuming against God in their extremities he taketh vengeance on their idolatry and committing fornication he chastiseth their sedition emulation breach of the Sabboth contempt of authority luste tempting of God and such like wickednesse that thereby wee might learne the feare of God and be admonished to auoide the same sinnes which will bring vpon vs the same or gteater iudgements euen temporall and eternall punishments For God is the same God to them and to vs he will shew himselfe iust and righteous in all his wayes a Psal 5 4. that hee is not a God that loueth wickednesse and that euill shall not dwell with him Hence it is that Paul alluding to these famous and remarkable examples of his iustice saith b 1 Cor. 10 11 These things came vnto them for examples and were written to admonish vs vpon whom the ends of the worlde are come Let him therefore that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall If his wrath be kindled yea but a little blessed are all they that trust in him Lastly as wee haue fearefull examples and Vse 6 threatnings of the Lawe manifested in this booke so on the other side wee haue comfortable promises of the Gospell touching our saluation and redemption by Christ Iesus who dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification For hee is truely and plainely preached in this booke a type of whom wee haue in the brasen Serpent c Num. 21 9. Iohn 3 14 and 12 32. lifted vp in the wildernesse and healing those that were bitten of the fiery Serpents which Christ expoundeth Ioh. 3 to be meant of his death and lifting vp vpon the Crosse That euery one which beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Likewise the Rocke which Moses did strike yeelding vnto them abundance of water as out of a plentifull Fountaine the Apostle expoundeth of Christ for he saith d Num. 20 10 and 21 16. 1 Cor. 10 4. They did all drinke the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them and the Rocke was Christ The like we might say of Manna of the ashes of the red Cow of the Nazarites besides the sacrifices and ceremonies burnt offerings meat offerings and purifications which were figures painting and pointing out the sacrifice ●nd sufferings of Christ Iesus But because we haue spoken somewhat of them before and more remaineth to be spoken heereafter we will passe them ouer at this time without farther consideration This serueth to confute those which hold that all things were carnall to the Fathers that they had no knowledge of the Messiah but onely a carnall imagination of earthly things These are disciples brought vp in the damnable schoole of Seruetus an arch-enemy to the faith who contradict the Apostles in many places and make the Iewes as Swine fatted in a Stie groueling vpon the earth and neuer lifting vp their heads to a better life The Apostle Peter reasoning against such as taught the necessity of circumcision saith e Act. 15 10 11 Why doe yee tempt God to lay a yoke on the Disciples neckes which neyther our Fathers nor we are able to beare but we beleeue through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ to be saued euen as they doe Thus wee see Christ was onely the way to Gods Kingdome and that by faith in him the Fathers looked for saluation as well as we Our Sauiour testifieth f Iohn 8 56. that Abraham reioyced to see his day and saw it and was glad So the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrewes saith g Heb. 13 8. Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same also is for euer As therefore the Couenant of GOD touching life and saluation is for substance one and the same so there is one faith one hope and way to attaine to the Kingdome of heauen for the Fathers in the time of the Law and for vs in the time of the Gospell Thus much of the generall vses of this booke The last point which wee propounded in the beginning to be handled h The diuision of this booke into his parts is the diuision of this booke that we may orderly proceede in the seuerall parts of it Some do diuide it into two parts according to the Chronology or computation of time obserued heerein for in the first nineteene chapters he handleth those things which happened in the wildernesse from the second yeare of their departure out of Egypt to the fortieth yeare
standeth with God he is a right good states-man But what shall it profit a man to bee a good Linguist and not be able to speake the language of Canaan to abound in the perswasiue wordes of humane wisedome as an Oratour and to want the euidence of the Spirit to be skilfull in consort and to haue iarre and discord in his owne heart to be able to measure the whole earth yet not to measure the narrow compasse of his owne life What shall it aduantage a man to be cunning in the heauens and to haue one foot in hell to number his kine his sheepe his cattell and not to number his owne daies Iob was a very rich man the richest among all the men of the East yet the number of all his beasts was knowne Iob 1 3. His substance was seauen thousand Sheepe three thousand Camels fiue hundred yoke of Oxen and fiue hundred shee-asses There is no Shepheard but knoweth the number of his whole flock and oftentimes telleth them that hee may not be deceiued No man is so simple but hee can reckon the number of his Cattell rehearse the names of his Oxen. What extremity of folly then is it to haue skill to number vp his sheepe and other goods and yet in the carelesnesse of his heart to suffer whole yeares to passe ouer his head and the greatest part of his age to flye away and neuer number his daies thereby to get spirituall wisedome We see that Merchants other Trades-men haue their counters and counting-houses to cast vp their accounts and to make eeuen reckonings but alasse it is more then childishnes and worse then madnesse to keepe right reckonings betweene man and man and neuer to reckon with God nor to make leuell with him The Prophet setting downe the shortnes of mans life that his time is threescore yeares and ten which passe away as a thought doth breake out into this effectuall praier Psal 90 12. Teach vs so to number our daies that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome This is diuine arithmeticke and most heauenly numeration to enter into our counting houses that we may vnderstand how short a space we haue to liue and thereby become circumspect and heedy how we spend the time of our life that remaineth If then we remember our last end and thinke vpon the hours of our age that run away swiftly we deserue the praise and commendation of good Arithmetitians and we may be saide to haue the best arte and habit of numbring that can be in the world Al other knowledge of numbring without this is of lesse value then a cypher Besides the greatest part of men that would be thought cunning in the practise of this faculty are out of their numbers much deceiued they euermore busie themselues in addition multiplication and dreame of many yeares that they are to liue whereas we must be carefull to practise subtraction diminution knowing that euery day nay euery houre momēt cutteth off a part of our time The rich man in the Gospell was a bad cypherer an euil Arithmetitian whē he set down a false sum to his owne soule saying Luc. 12 19. Thou hast much goods laid vp for many years He set down years for daies like the deceitful trades-man that writeth pounds for shillings The Prophet Dauid was more skilfull in this art and had learned better to cast accounts saying Ps 39. Lord let me know mine end Psal 39 4 5 6 and the measure of my daies what it is let me know how long I haue to liue Thou hast made my daies as an hand-bredth and mine age is nothing in respect of thee surely euery man in his best estate is altogether vanity Doubtlesse man walketh in a shadow and disquieteth himselfe in vain he heapeth vp riches and cannot tell who shall gather them In which place howsoeuer some impatience appeareth in regard of the present troubles wherewith on euery side he was encombred and compassed about yet he confesseth the vanity of his life the shortnesse of his daies and the vncertainty of all his actions We are ready to promise vnto our selues a long life and to multiply the thoughts of many years which drowneth vs in the desires of this world and taketh away the meditation of heauenly things Iob in sundry places teacheth vs this art of numbring ch 14. Man that is borne of woman is of a short continuance full of trouble he shooteth out as a flower Iob 14 1.2 is cut downe c. Let vs learn of these godly men the art of arithmetick and know that we haue profited wel in that schoole when by skilfull diduction we can bring the yeares of our life vnto a consideration of the number of our dayes which passe away and not be recalled Lastly seeing the Lord knoweth vs it is our Vse 5 duty also to seeke to know him in all loue and obedience He knoweth vs not only with that knowledge wherewith he knoweth the wicked but with a speciall knowledge of his fauor good pleasure This must be considered of vs. For some man might say Is this any priuiledg that God will know vs doth he not also know the wicked or is there any thing dim dark to him or hidden frō him He doth know the vngodly euen al their thoughts and imaginations their goings out their commings in for euermore It were good for thē if he knew them not with his al-seeing prouidence for then they might escape the vengeance of his powerfull hand But they shall know in the end that he knoweth them to their finall condemnation His knowledge of his deare elect is far otherwise he knoweth them to protect defend them to iustifie and saue them He knoweth them as a father knoweth his children or as a friend loueth his friend he knoweth them particularly and by their proper names he loueth thē with an vnfained loue On the other side it standeth vs vpon to know him with an especiall knowledge as the child knoweth loueth his father after a speciall manner and in an earnest measure euen from a feeling of that loue wherewith the father loueth him True it is the child loueth others but in a generall sort but his owne father he knoweth more particularly with an inward affection of the heart he knoweth his voice and can discerne it from others So is it with the sons of God who haue a blessed experience of his loue toward them they loue him they delight in him and they reioyce in him as Iohn 3.29 Iohn 3 29. He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroome c. Wee must all of vs begin to know him heere in this life that wee may know him perfectly in the life to come Heere we must see him as it were through a glasse darkly that heereafter wee may see him face to face fully If we do not know him in his Word and Sacraments wee shall neuer
Tribe of Simeon pitch and the Captaine ouer the sonnes of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the sonne of Zuri shaddai 13. And his hoast and the number of them were nine and fifty thousand and three hundreth 14. And the Tribe of Gad and the Captain ouer the sonnes of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Deuel 15. And his hoast and the number of them were sixe and forty thousand sixe hundreth and fifty 16. All the number of the Campe of Reuben were an hundreth and one and fifty thousand and foure hundred and fifty according to their armies and they shall set foorth in the second place In these words wee haue a description of the second standard as appeareth in the shutting vp of this diuision where it is said They shall set foorth in the second place In this standard the principall is Reuben his assistants ioyned with him are Simeon and Gad. In which combination wee see the particular number of each of them declared their Captaines are specified and then the totall summe is reckoned vp We shewed before that Reuben was the eldest sonne of Iacob to whom as to the first borne the birth-right did of right belong yet we see in the former words that Iudah was set before him thus doth God shew himselfe a iust Iudge in punishing sin and declareth how odious and abhominable it is in his sight But see how God dealeth in mercy with him that is with his posterity He deserued vtterly to bee raced out of the number of Gods people and to be forgotten for euer by reason of his horrible incest and no doubt the rest of the Tribes were ready to hate him to reproch him and preferre themselues before him But behold the goodnesse of God that though he will punish sinne yet he doth it in mercy not with seuerity gently not rigorously for correction not seeking the ruine and destruction of those that belong Doctrine 3 vnto him From this example of Gods dealing toward Reuben Gods iudgements are alwayes tempered and seasoned with mercy toward those that are his wee learne that Gods iudgements are tempered and mingled with great mercy and mildnesse toward those that are his Reuben committed horrible incest and thereby deserued not onely to bee thrust into the lowest place but to be cast out of the account of Iacobs posterity and to be honoured neither of God nor man neither aliue not dead yet though Iudah haue the first place Reuben hath the second so then albeit hee was punished iustly he was punished gently Thus God dealeth euermore he correcteth both moderately and mercifully and as the Physitian allayeth the bitternesse of the potion with some sweetnesse so God asswageth the greatnesse of his punishment with some mildnesse and fauour that hee mingleth with it This doth the Prophet declare Psal 89 30 31 32 33 34. If his children forsake my Law and walke not in my iudgements If they breake my statutes and keepe not my Commandements then will I visite their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with strokes yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from h●m neither will I falsifie my truth c. God will chastise his for their sinnes but in the middest of his punishments he remembreth his mercy toward his and will not vtterly forsake them though he afflict them for a time So the Prophet Esay testifieth the like chap. 54 7 8. For a little while haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee for a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer He correcteth his owne people because they are sinfull he correcteth them gently because he is mercifull This will yet better appeare vnto vs if we take a view of the examples of Gods dealing toward his seruants in their afflictions When Miriam rose vp against Moses she was striken with leprosie Numb 12 10 14. and shut out of the hoast seauen daies and afterward was receiued againe When Dauid had sinned in numbring the people 2 Sam. 24 13 16. the Lorde threatned three dayes pestilence in the Land the Angell stretched out his hand vpon Ierusalem to destroy it notwithstanding when Dauid repented of his sinne the Lord also repented of the euill and saide to the Angell that destroyed the people It is sufficient hold now thine hand When Zachariah the Priest would not beleeue the message that was sent him from God and deliuered by the Angell that hee should haue a sonne in his olde age then which what greater dishonour could be done to God what greater disgrace to his messenger It was saide vnto him Behold thou shalt be dumbe and not be able to speake Luke 1 20. vntill the day that these things be done If Miriam had beene striken with leaprosie as many yeares as she was daies or Dauid with the pestilence or Zachary with dumbnesse they could not haue complained against God but must haue acknowledged their sinnes had deserued more so that such is the dealing of our GOD toward his children that he euermore mitigateth the bitternesse of the cup of his wrath with the greatnesse of his mercy so that his iustice and goodnesse goe together This will farther appeare vnto vs by setting Reason 1 before vs sundry reasons which will put this doctrine out of all doubt For first of all he punisheth his people as it were vnwillingly as enforced and compelled vnto it by our disobedience Hee had rather spare vs and not correct vs if it were for our good but he seeth it to be for our benefit and to further our saluation who before we be afflicted doe goe astray and wander out of the right way This is the reason vrged by the Prophet Ieremy Lam. 3 32 33 Lam. 3 32 33. Though he send affliction yet will he not forsake for euer but haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies for he doth not punish willingly nor afflict the Children of God If then he take no delight nor pleasure in it but doth it of necessity for our profite and amendment it followeth that he dealeth gently and not cruelly mildely and not rigorously with vs. Secondly he is as a louing Father that spareth Reason 2 his sonne that serueth him Hee dealeth not as a tyrant or a tormenter that setteth vpon the Racke and sheweth exquisite punishments vpon such as offend but he correcteth his Church as a father doth his childrē which come out of his bowels and therefore it must be done with great compassion This reason is often rendred to enforce this point of doctrine as Deut. 8 5. Know therefore in thine heart that as a man nourtereth his sonne so the Lord thy God nourtereth thee declaring thereby that his afflictions are signes of his fatherly loue toward vs. Likewise 2 Sam. 7 14. I will be his father and he shall bee my sonne if he sinne I
But wee haue a better and stronger motiue to mooue vs to suffer then the forcible weapon of necessity euen the vnchangeable purpose of God whose gracious will it is that through manifold tribulations wee should enter into the kingdome of heauen Lastly wee must haue an eye cast vpward to the rich recompence of reward that shall be giuen vnto vs. For the greater our tryals are the greater shall our reward be It is said by the Apostle that Moses chose rather to suffer aduersity with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season because he had respect to the recompence of the reward Hebrewes 11 The afflictions of this present life are all temporall and transitory they haue an end in a short space but the glory prepared and reserued for the Saints in the next life 2 Cor. 4 17. shall know no end for our light affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory while wee looke not on the things which are seene but on the things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternall Our afflictions shall not continue long vpon vs they shall speedily haue an end which ought to deuoure the bitternesse thereof and swallow vp the tediousnesse that creepeth vpon vs. Thus much of the meanes or motiues to worke patience in vs. Now it remaineth that we examine our selues whether it be in vs or not The signes of patience For if we be without patience we shall neuer bee able to hold out our profession vnto the end It is as salt that must season euery duty If then this bee not found in vs we are but as time-seruers that continue for a season or as the morning dew which vanisheth at the rising of the Sunne or as the grasse vpon the house-top which flourisheth for a while and afterward withereth away Let vs therefore consider the signes and tokens whereby we may try our selues and prooue whether it be in vs or not One signe is an heart resolued to abide whatsoeuer is laide vpon vs whether it bee for sinne or for tryall For we must vnderstand that some afflictions are laide vpon vs for our sinnes and some for our tryall Examples of both we haue in the Scriptures to informe vs in these points Touching sinne the Prophet saith Lament 3 verse 39. Wherefore is the liuing man sorrowfull Man suffereth for his sinne When Christ had cured the man that had lyen eight and thirty yeares at the poole of Bethesda he found him afterward in the Temple and saide vnto him Behold thou art made whole sinne no more Iohn 5.14 lest a worse thing come vnto thee He had suffered a great iudgment yet the Lord threatneth him with a greater he had beene diseased many yeares yet he was to feare a worse euill Touching triall we may looke vpon Iob all whose sufferings were for triall of his faith obedience and sincerity The like speaketh Christ to the Disciples seeing a man which was blinde from his birth and asking him Maister who did sinne this man or his parents that he was borne blinde For he answered them Neyther hath this man sinned nor his parents Iohn 9 1 2 3. but that the workes of God should be shewed on him Now then whether our afflictions be to chastise vs or to prooue vs the faithfull man is perswaded and resolued to beare them If his sinnes be remitted and the guilt of them remoued he careth not though the crosse abide and continue still He that standeth thus affected hath laide vp a good signe to be knowne for his patience The pardon of our sin must more reioyce vs then the feeling of the crosse can dismay vs. Secondly when we suffer and suffer much yet we must not cease to loue the Lord that striketh vs. Though the punishment be bitter we must not hate the hand that giueth the stroke but imbrace it heartily and loue it still This affection was in Iob when he had sustained the losse of his cattell of his seruants of his sonnes and of all his substance he hated not GOD nor murmured against him but acknowledged in the midst of al Naked came I out of my mothers wombe Iob 1 21. and naked shall I returne thither the Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the Name of the LORD Where wee see hee blesseth God not onely for his giuing but for his taking away not onely for his blessings but for his chastisements A notable example for vs to follow and a certaine signe to make triall of our patience It is the ordinary manner of wicked men when they haue receiued guifts and are filled with good things to giue God thankes and to say God be thanked but if their riches honours peace and guifts be taken away all is done their thankes are ceassed their mouthes are stopped and their tongues are tyed It is a notable saying of the Prophet Psalme 130 3 4. If thou O LORD straightly markest iniquities O LORD who shall stand but mercy is with thee that thou maiest bee feared If our loue of GOD bee prooued when his iustice is shewed and our feare when his mercy is extended toward vs we may assure our owne hearts wee haue the spirit of patience within vs. It is truely saide hee loueth the partie well that can loue him when hee hath done him iniury True it is GOD can doe vs no wrong nor deale vniustly with vs but if hee lay heauy punnishments vppon vs and we doe patiently abide them and loue God still heartily and vnfainedly it is a great comfort that we are his For who can loue God when hee is wounded by his hand but he that is vndoubtedly in his fauour and friendship Wherefore as God chastiseth those that belong to him because he loueth them so it is their duety to loue him because he chastiseth them Thirdly another signe of patience is humility and humbling our selues vnder his blowes and strokes laid vpon vs. If once we beginne to reason and dispute of the causes for which we suffer and say why should the Lord thus deale with vs or to vaunt of our sufferings in the spirit of vanity and say who is like vnto me or what man hath endured such things it is plaine and euident we are farre from true humility and consequently from true patience Iob is made a mirror of patience to all posterities to the ende of the world which did euidently appeare to be in him by the liuely fruits thereof And albeit he suffered much more then others yet in the middes of all his sufferings and losses he did not sinne Iob 1.22 and 2.10 nor charge God foolishly who being mooued to confesse his hypocrisie and being iudged an extraordinary wicked man by his extraordinary afflictions he answered Thou speakest like a foolish woman what shall we
and laid in a manger he was persecuted of Herod he was tempted of the diuell slandered of the Pharisies condemned of Pilate and crucified by the Iewes He that is the first begotten of the dead the Prince of the Kings of the earth he that is Alpha and Omega the first and the last he that hath the seuen starres in his hand and the keyes of hell and death was despised and reiected of men Esay 53 7. and brought as a Lambe to the slaughter and as asheep before her shearers is dumbe so he opened not his mouth We cannot compare in highnesse and greatnesse with him whose eyes are like fire and his feet like brasse who is the beginning of the creatures of God yet none hath sunke downe so low into sorrow as he hath done neither bin baptized with the baptisme that he was baptized withall Math. 20. Let vs not therefore thinke it strange that we are made low but reioyce that wee are made like vnto Christ himselfe while the wicked are so pampered with delights and fatted as Oxen vnto the slaughter that pride compasseth them about as a chaine and violence couereth them as a garment Psal 73.6 Luke chapter 16 25. Lastly let vs vse all good meanes that God Vse 3 hath appointed to beginne in vs this sweet grace of contentation There is no heauenly gift but God hath appointed some waies to breed it and beget it in vs. The first meanes is to resigne vp our selues wholly to the will and pleasure of God and to submit our willes to his will that as wee pray Gods will may be done we may be carefull indeed to do it and that for diuers causes First as hee is infinite in wisedome so hee knoweth much better then wee our selues what is best for our selues especially for the saluation of our soules We see how children take no care nor thought for things of this world how they shall liue what they shall eate and what they shall put on We are content when we are sicke to accept vpon the Physitions word of any receit yea oftentimes bitter pilles and potions which our stomacke loatheth because we know he loueth vs and that his skill exceedeth ours We are desirous of riches or of honours to be great in the world he in his great wisedome denyeth them because hee knoweth they are hurtfull to vs not healthfull for vs but as it were windy meate which would not nourish our soules but puffe them vp with pride and make them poore in grace so that we should be as vnfit to enter into the streight gate and narrow way as the Camell to go through the eie of a needle This reason is vsed by our Sauiour Math. 6 verse 32. After all these things doe the Gentiles seeke for your heauenly Father knoweth that ye haue need of all these things Where he laboureth to work contentation in vs by this consideration because God our heauenly Father knoweth better then our selues whereof we stand in need Againe he is Almighty and therefore fully able to supply our wants as he can giue riches without contentment so he can giue contentment without riches for it is he that can satiate the weary soule ●●n 31 25. and replenish euery sorrowfull soule so that we haue no cause to doubt of his sufficiency who hath said he is God all-sufficient He filleth the hungry with good things and sendeth the rich empty away Moreouer he is as mercifull as he is powerfull and infinite in loue toward vs who hath so dearely loued vs that he hath not spared his owne Sonne but giuen him to suffer death for vs that so he might bring vs to life and saluation and if he haue giuen vs his Sonne how should he not with him giue vs all things else ● 8 32. There is no sonne but resteth in the care and prouision his father maketh for him and by this we may proue whether we be sons or not Another meanes is to liue an holy godly life seruing him in sincerity of hart and vprightnesse of life Godlinesse is a iewell of such value that it will enrich vs and fill our houses with treasures because it is profitable vnto all things ●m 4 8 ●6 6. and hath the promises of this life and of the life to come The Prophet saith He will withhold no good thing from them that walke vprightly Psalme 84 11. It is a good conscience that maketh a continuall feast Prou. 15 verse 15. God is rich in promising and gracious in performing he oftentimes performeth more then he promised neuerlesse He saith If we seeke first of all the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse all outward and earthly things shall be ministred vnto vs Math. 6 33. He maketh a mercifull promise howbeit he addeth a condition which on our part must be performed If we be not behind in this duty we may safely yea securely cast our selues vpon his promise and prouidence hauing sure interest in them and a good title vnto them But such as liue in their sinnes and minde not the matters of his kingdome can neuer haue this contentation because they can neuer with comfort and assurance of his helpe flye vnto him as a child to his father but rather runne away from him as the malefactour from the Iudge or the traitor from his Prince who beareth the sword to take vengeance on him for his euill deeds and deserts Thirdly it is our duty to bee thankfull for things present let vs cast our eyes vnto them and looke stedfastly vpon them and neuer turne our selues from him that is the giuer of them and consider that we haue not deserued the thousand part of that which is bestowed vpon vs. Be it that we want many things yet hath God dealt graciously with vs and sent a gracious raine into our harts the good things that he withholdeth he doth not of malice and enuy Gen. 3. as the diuell perswaded our first parents but in loue and mercy toward vs as we noted before If hee should take from vs all his blessings which are innumerable bring vpon vs all his iudgements for our sins we could not complaine against him forasmuch as they haue iustly deserued it Besides how many blessings do we enioy that others haue not who are no worse then we are and peraduenture better And from how many calamities are we freed which haue fallen vpon others who were not greater sinners then we are and peraduenture lesser It is a signe of vnthankfulnesse to lessen the gifts we haue receiued and to value them as matters of no worth in comparison of such blessings as our selues doe want or as others haue obtained If this point be well obserued it will condemne many of vs who are guilty of greeuous sinne against God this way 34. And Moses and Aaron and chechiefe of the Congregation numbered the sonnes of the Kohathites after their families and after the house of their fathers 35 From thirtie
were to heare the law Exod. 19. Ier. 4.14 O Ierusalem wash thine heart from wickednesse that thou mayest be saued And Iam. 4. Draw neere to God aad he will draw neere to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purifie your hearts ye double minded What need God to wash vs will some say seeing we are willed to wash our selues God doth not by these commandements attribute a naturall power and strength to mans will as if they were able to wash themselues but he stirreth them vp to vse the meanes that so they may be washed by him Whensoeuer we vse the instrument of the word which is a pure word whereby the wayes of a yong man are cleansed Psal 119.9 together with prayer and inuocation of Gods holy Name and such like meanes to be washed we may be said after a sort to wash our selues because God doth wash vs by vs and not without vs as also he that made vs without vs is said to saue vs not without vs. For a desire to bee washed is our washing of our selues So the Minister is said to saue himselfe 1 Tim. 4.16 when he deliuereth his soule from the curse denounced against vnconscionable watchmen and vseth the meanes by which God will saue him and them that heare him It is the worke of God alone to wash and to cleanse vs Ezek. 16.9 Where he telleth his people that he had washed them with water and Ioh. 13.8 Christ declareth to his disciples that except he wash them they had no part in him for that which he speaketh vnto Peter he speaketh to them all And the Apostle Iohn teacheth vs that he hath washed vs from our sins in his blood Reuel 1.5 Wherefore we must goe vnto him to haue this pure water and cleere streames to wash our soules We are foule and filthy creatures by nature No leper so foule and vgly We can no more cleanse our selues by our owne power then the Ethiopian or blacke More can change his skinne or the Leopard his spottes This vse hath many branches contained vnder it First we must labour to come to the knowledge of our sinnes and to be touched with a feeling of them For we can neuer be earnest in prayer to God for mercy or haue assurance that our request shal be granted vntil we come to haue a sense of the grieuousnes of sin as they that know not their disease make no haste to send or seeke to the Physitian We must therefore haue our eyes opened to see sinne and to vnderstand what dependeth vpon it that we may preuent it or recouer our selues being fallen into it Hence it is that so many sinne with greedinesse and eagernesse because they doe not throughly weigh and consider themselues what they haue done as Luke 23.34 Iesus said Father forgiue them for they know not what they do And the Apostle speaking of the ignorance that is among men concerning Christian religion saith Doubtlesse if they had knowne it 1 Cor. 2.8 they would not haue crucified the Lord of glory They delight in swearing and blaspheming because they know not how feareful a thing it is to take the Name of God in vaine They make no conscience of the Sabbath because they know not what danger it is to prophane it Secondly we are put in minde to confesse our sinnes and vncleanenesse that so we may be washed by him that purgeth vs. So long as Adam did hide his sins he was not cleansed of them It is not with God as it is with men if we confesse vnto men we are oftentimes taunted for them and vpbraided with them and checked for them But if we acknowledge them vnto our gracious God he will neuer hit vs in the teeth with them 1 Ioh. 1.9 but he is mercifull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse But because we shall haue fitter occasion to speake farther of this point in the next diuision I passe it ouer Thirdly we must know what meanes God vseth to sanctifie vs it is by the blood of his owne Sonne for the blood of Christ purgeth vs from all sinne 1 Ioh. 1.7 and Heb. 9.14 The blood of Christ who through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God shall purge our conscience from dead works to serue the liuing God Naaman the Syrian washing in the flood of Iordan seuen times was healed of his leprosie and had his flesh come to him againe like the flesh of a child how much more then shall we be cleansed from the leprosie of sinne when the Lord shall wash vs in the blood of his Sonne Fourthly we must seeke mercy while it is offered vnto vs when our hearts are terrified for sinne let vs haue recourse to the fountaine of his loue which can neuer be drawne dry This did the Prophet Psal 51.1.2 Haue mercy vpon me O God according to thy louing kindnesse according vnto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me throughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sinne And the Prophet Esay calleth the people to repentance cha 55. ver 6 7. Seeke yee the Lord while he may bee found call ye vpon him while he is neere let the wicked forsake his way and the vnrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne vnto the Lord and he will haue mercy on him and to our God for he will aboundantly pardon God hath his time of mercy when that is gone and past the time of iustice commeth While we haue eares to heare let vs heare when the eares are made dull of hearing we may heare but we shall not vnderstand While we haue eyes to see let vs behold his goodnesse and mercy toward vs when they are once shut and closed vp we may see but we shall perceiue nothing at all While we haue soft and tender hearts let vs humble our selues before him and tremble at his word if once our hearts be hardned as a stone and become past feeling there is little hope of our conuersion that we should turne and be healed Fiftly we must buy of Christ white garments to clothe vs and to couer our deformitie Reuel 3.18 that the filthinesse of our nakednesse doe not appeare True it is there is nothing properly bought and sold betweene Christ and vs but this is spoken by way of resemblance For in bargaining a man that will buy first vnderstandeth his want then he cometh to the place where it is to be bought afterward he cheapneth it and lastly he maketh exchange with money or some other commoditie So he that will come to Christ must first feele himselfe to haue need of Christ and see his owne misery otherwise he will neuer desire him Secondly he must hunger after Christ to be partaker of his merits Thirdly he must prize Christ aboue all other things Phil. 3.8 Lastly he must make exchange he must giue him his sinnes and lay them vpon his shoulders that so we
sinner all men are sinners there is no man that sinneth not God be mercifull vnto vs this is the ordinary confession of euery man These are no better then words of course it is rotten at the roote it is blasted in the eare it is green in the leaues but beareth no fruite it is beautifull without but soule and filthy within it is formall in shew but fading in substance Wherfore that we may not deceiue our selues as a great part of the world do The properties of right confession we are to vnderstand the properties of true confession that wee may comfort our selues in them if we finde them in vs or else labour to attaine vnto them if we feele the want of them and seeke to increase in the knowledge of them if we haue already receiued them First of all wee must confesse to God our speciall and particular sinnes as the patient that would bee cured not onely telleth the Physition that he is sicke but acknowledgeth in what part and in what manner how long he hath beene sicke When men complaine to Magistrates of the wrongs that haue beene done them they will expresse in what particulars and in what sort they haue beene damnified Shall we not much rather seeke to the Physition of our soules and acknowledge to him how sorely we are sicke especially considering hee knoweth our diseases better then our selues If there were no other motiue to stir vs vp to this duty of confession this were sufficient because we cannot hide them from him We may conceale them from the knowledge of men but with all our craft and cunning with all our deuises and pollicies with all our fetches and falsehood we cannot conceale them from God whose eies pierce into the bowels of the earth and into the depth of hell This is that which the wise man deliuereth Hell destruction are before the Lord how much more the hearts of the sons of men Pro. 15 11. So that there is nothing so deepe nothing so secret which can be hidden frō the sight of God Hence it is that Dauid confessed oftentimes that he had sinned addeth in what kindes in blood-guiltinesse Psal 51 14. 1 Chr. 21 8. and in numbring of the people so Paul confessed that he was a blasphemer a persecutor and an oppressor the chiefest of all sinners 1 Tim. 1 15. We see then to whom we must goe to confesse and in what manner we are to performe it which serueth to reproue those that when their sinnes are discouered and come to sight that they can no longer hide them doe submit themselues vnto men and stoope downe to them but neuer humble themselues before God whom they haue offended nor acknowledge how shamefully they haue broken his lawes We haue many false teares shed to blinde and bleare the eyes of men but they neuer seeke vnfainedly to reconcile themselues vnto him that is able to saue and to destroy Iames 4 12. Math. 10 28. and neuer stand in feare of him that can destroy body and soule in hell fire Let vs take heed of this hypocrisie which is a most vaine and fruitelesse kinde of humiliation of which we shall speake more afterward Secondly we must set out our sins in their right colours The second property as beggers that vncouer their sores to men that they may behold them and shew mercy We must be so farre from making our sinnes lighter and lesser then they are that we should enlarge them to the full and labour to make them appeare vile heinous as they are A notable practise of this we haue in Dauid Psal 51 5. he ascendeth vp from his present sinnes to his original corruption Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sinne did my mother conceiue me The like wee see in Ezra chap. 9 verse 6. when the people had transgressed by making affinity with strangers taking of their daughters for themselues and for their sonnes he fell vpon his knees spred out his hands vnto the Lord his God and said O my God I am ashamed and blush to lift vp my face to thee my God for our iniquities are increased ouer our head and our trespasse is growne vp vnto the heauens We must confesse when and where and how we haue sinned We must confesse how much we haue dishonoured God and scandalized the Church and how long we haue liued and continued in our sinnes Wee must confesse that if he should condemne vs he should do vs no wrong but we must cleere him and the course of his iustice when he proceedeth against vs. Wee heard how Paul confessed his sin in the time of his ignorance that he had persecuted the Church of God extremely and made hauocke of it horribly Gal. 1 13. and therefore was not onely the least of all Saints but the greatest of all sinners Neither doth he in vttering this speech Pernar de vita sol●tar make a lye or speak for modesty sake but as he thought in his heart esteeming no mans sinne like his owne nor vnderstanding another mans as he doth his owne nor feeling another mans as his owne Thus do the seruants of God deale with themselues with their sinnes and thereby shew that they were out of loue with themselues and their sinnes This reproueth those that content themselues with a word and away they cannot abide to stand long in their confession as if they were afraid to humble themselues too farre whereas we cannot make our selues too vile nor hate our sinnes too much Many confesse thē as if they meant presently to returne vnto thē like to the harlot that wipeth her mouth and saith I haue not committed iniquity Pro. 30 20. wheras we should hate thē with a perfect hatred as our vtter enemies that seek our destructiō Thirdly The third property our confession must proceed from the heart it must be sound at the roote otherwise the fruite will be blasted rotten corrupt and vnsauory as Prou. 4 23. Keepe thine heart with all diligence for thereout commeth life and chap. 23 26. My sonne giue me thine heart and let thine eies delight in my waies Thus it was with Dauid Ps 6.7 6. whose soule was troubled very sore I fainted in my mourning I cause my bed euery night to swim and water my couch with my teares and the more he was afflicted the more vnfainedly he came to God Such was the confession of the Publican when he smote his brest and said Lord be merciful to me a sinner When he laid his hand vpon his brest if it had bin possible he would haue touched and taken his hart to haue offred it vp to God If we bring vnto God onely an outward confession fetched no farther then from the mouth it returneth empty to vs againe and neuer obtaineth any blessing This lip-labour God hateth as a lame offering and a maimed sacrifice The hart is as salt that seasoneth euery part of the worship of God
aske sparingly and he bestoweth liberally yea he giueth freely that which we durst not hope for This we see in Iacob Genes 48 11. When Ioseph came with his two sonnes to visite his sicke Father hee saide vnto him I had not thought to see thy face and loe God hath shewed mee thy seede O the greatnesse of Gods goodnesse vnto vs How vnspeakable are his mercies How infinite is his louing kindnes O well shall it bee with vs if we bee euer mindefull of it and neuer forget any of his benefites For seeing he is rich in his mercies towards let vs not vs bee poore in our praises towards him Christ hath spent himselfe vpon vs let vs not bee sparing to giue our selues vnto him againe Let vs follow the example of Iacob who was in the earnestnesse of his affection carried into an admiration of Gods fauour towardes him and breaketh out into a thankesgiuing for his benefites as if hee had saide That which I neuer thought would haue come to passe nay that which seemed to mee desperate and vnpossible God hath offered to mee in wonderfull manner beyond my expectation I iudged my son lost but I haue found him dead but I haue receiued him aliue So let vs take pleasure and delight in his mercies let vs confesse them in words and let vs praise his power set forth his goodnes toward vs. Let vs thē be ashamed of our own sluggishnes seeing God is more willing to bestow thē we to receiue he is more ready to shew compassion vpon vs then we to be freed frō our misery 〈◊〉 His grace is more plentiful then our praier for he giueth vs more then we ask The theefe on the crosse no sooner desired of the Lord to remēber him when he came into his kingdome but immediately hee receiued this answer Verily Luke 2● I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise which containeth more then he was bold to aske We need not then feare any excesse in faith or that we should beleeue more then he wil bestow forasmuch as his fauour goeth beyond our faith who hath his hand open to giue before our mouth is open to speake vnto him 29 This is the Law of iealousies when a wife goeth aside to another in stead of her husband and is defiled 30 Or when the spirit of iealousie commeth vpon him and he be iealous ouer his wife and shall set the woman before the Lord and the Priest shall execute vpon her all this law 31 Then shall the man be guiltlesse from iniquitie and the woman shall beare her iniquity Hitherto hath beene handled the setting downe of the Law We haue heard the cause propounded and resolued examined and determined Now we come to the conclusion of the whole matter and the winding vp of the sentence touching the woman suspected of adultery which is two fold one belonging to the man the other to the woman The man shal be free from sinne the woman shall beare her iniquitie ●ction Heere the question may be asked whether it be lawfull in our dayes for the husband to make tryal of his wife whō he suspecteth of adultery may he attempt to discouer openly what she hath done secretly I answere there is no such law now in force neither may we giue way to any such practise therefore it cannot be allowed as lawfull This action commenced against the wife ●achi 〈…〉 b. cannot want sinne and hath an euill foundation Wee that liue in the light of the New Testament who haue more reuealed vnto vs then was made known in the time of the Law must know that no such thing is permitted vnto vs. What then will some say shall the husband suffer his wife to doe what shee list and must he be a baud vnto her or be constrained to take all patiently or shall he bee driuen to see all and to say nothing I answer if the crime be knowne God hath prouided in his law to deale seuerely with such Leuit. 18. and Christian Magistrates must take away euill out of Israel But if it be secret they are to wait with patience vntill God reueale it and bring it to the open light No man may rashly suspect his wife of adultery or call her name into question or raise an euill report of her but labor to keepe her within the bounds of her calling that on the other side shee may learne to loue him and to reuerence him Verse 29. This is the Law of iealousies We are come to the conclusion of this matter to wit of the law of iealousies We haue heard euery part of it we haue expounded euery circumstance we haue considered euery branch of it True it is we haue no vse of the practise of it The bitter waters are not now to be drunken the earthen vessell hath no more place the iealousie offering of memoriall is abolished the vncouering of the womans head is ceassed and the whole manner of tryall is abrogated Neuerthelesse albeit the whole law bee ended yet the same God remaineth the searcher of all hearts bearing the same hatred to all sinne which he did before and hath the like loue to innocency which he had before What is it that moueth to the committing of the sin of adultery but the hope to hide it This bewitcheth the vngodly and leadeth them to destruction when they dream that God is like vnto them This is a vaine conceit and foolish opinion because we see how the Lord himselfe taketh vpon him to discouer it and to be reuenged of those that shall presume to breake the band of wedlock which he hath made This was the purpose of this law to shew that the Lord taketh vpon him not only the knowledge reuealing and punishing of this sinne euen when it is most secretly committed without witnesse of any other man yea or certain knowledge from the husband himselfe or any confession of the party that had done it but also the defence and cleering of the innocent woman being oppressed vexed and ouer-burdened with the vniust iealousie of her suspicious husband He might present his wife whether she were guilty or not guilty before the Priest vnto that tryall which God had appointed and established to that end among them to auoid thereby a greater mischiefe After which matter solemnized with all the ceremonies and circumstances therof if the woman were defiled indeed then should her belly swell and her thighes rot if shee were not defiled then should she not only be free from this punishment but also be blessed with fruitfulnesse as a reward of her innocency and a recompence of the iniury done vnto her and a cleering of her good name which had euilly beene called into question Wee learne from hence that all secret sinnes Doctrine All secret sins are knowne to God hidden from men are knowne vnto God and nothing is hidden from him Howsoeuer many sinnes be committed very secretly and caryed closely
gates that the gates thereof shall open wide and our workes shall enter with vs because they cannot be forgotten but shal come vp into the presence of God Wee see how it fareth with Kings and Princes and great men of this world they haue great traines and troupes of seruants and a goodly retinue that follow their heeles in the streetes O how happy are they if at the howre of death and the great day of account when their honours and their pleasures their riches and their friends their seruants and retainers shal forsake them and all earthly profits shall faile them they haue as goodly a traine of good works to attend and waite vpon them They shall finde much more comfort and peace in these then in all their life they felt in all the other as the wise virgins found much contentment in that they had store of oyle for their lampes Secondly shall good works come into account Vse 2 with God and be remembred of him then on the other side we may conclude that euill workes shall also be remembred True it is we are ready to forget the euils that we commit but God wil neuer forget them no time shall weare them out they are euer fresh in his sight Hence it is that Nehemiah saith Neh. 13. ●● Remember them O my God because they haue defiled the Priesthood and the couenant of the Priesthood c. And Reuel 16.19 Great Babylon is come in remembrance before God to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath He will remember the sinnes of the wicked and his owne iudgements These though they be great in this world shall not haue their honours and dignities to follow them but their sinnes shall all follow them The swearer shal be sure to haue his oathes and his blasphemies laid before him the adulterer his vncleannesse the drunkard his intemperancy the contemner of God and of his word his prophannesse the couetous person his oppression they shall accompany them vnto iudgement euen vnto hell that there they may receiue the reward and wages that their workes haue deserued It were a great benefit to the vngodly if they might appeare before the iudgement seat of God without their euill deedes and that they could winde themselues out of the company of their sinnes which will be their strong accusers and giue in euidence against them but they cannot by any meanes for they follow them and pursue after them with a loude cry for vengeance and punishment and therefore woe and misery shall befall them that commit them Vse 3 Thirdly we must marke this point albeit good workes be so much regarded yet wee must take heed we giue not too much vnto them nor ascribe any merit to attaine eternall life by faith that it might bee of grace Rom. 4.16 it is the gift of God through Iesus Christ Rom. 6.23 If any of our works should merit then the works that are most glorious and eminent aboue others which the holy witnesses of the trueth of God wrought who did suffer for the Name of Christ and resisted the enemies euen vnto the blood should be meritorious But the Apostle denyeth this vertue to them Rom. 8.18 I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall bee reuealed in vs. If any workes might deserue saluation doubtlesse the workes of righteousnesse but it is the kindnesse and loue of God toward man that the Apostle magnifieth who saueth vs not by workes of righteousnesse which we haue done but according to his owne mercy Tit. 3.5 Eph. 2.8 9. So Paul preacheth Act. 13.48 39. that through Christ we haue remission of sinnes and that by him all that beleeue are iustified from all things from which they could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Againe the Lord Iesus himselfe teacheth vs that when we haue done all that possibly we can we must say we are vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17.10 but he that is an vnprofitable seruant and doth onely what he ought to doe is not in any case of meriting He that will merit any thing at Gods hands must first giue him somewhat and so bind him as a debtor vnto him if no man can hinder him any thing of his owne who oweth all euen himselfe to God of whom he hath receiued all it is certaine that no man can merit any thing before him Rom. 11.35 Who hath first giuen vnto him and it shall be recompenced vnto him againe but no man can doe so verse 36. For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for euer Amen Now where is no benefit there can be no merit because merit presupposeth a benefit receiued howbeit our well-doing extendeth not to God he can receiue no good turn at our hands 1 Cor. 4.7 Phil. 2.13 Eph. 2.10 When the husbandman bringeth to his Lord the fruit of his own ground he meriteth nothing because he giueth him of his owne Moreouer the Scripture teacheth vs that temporall benefites and deliuerances are not granted and bestowed vpon the faithfull for any desert of any their good deedes Dan. 9.18 much lesse therefore eternall life The Israelites had not the nations cast out before them nor themselues brought in to possesse the land for their owne righteousnesse 〈◊〉 9 5. or for the vprightnesse of their hearts but because he had chosen them set his loue toward them Let vs not therefore trust in our owne workes which when they are at the best are vnperfect and defiled but rather as the very enemies of the grace of God do admonish in regard of the vncertainty of our owne righteousnesse and the danger of vaineglory ●●●●r de iustif 〈◊〉 5. cap 7. let vs rest wholly as the safest way in the onely mercy of God If then this be the surest and safest way let vs all goe the safest way and leaue by-pathes and dangerous passages vnto others He that walketh safely walketh surely There is but onely one life and there is but one right way vnto life namely Christ Ioh. 14.6 The way by workes is a wrong way a false way he shall neuer come to his iourneyes end by the way of his works that is for the merit of his works because eternall life is neuer giuen for them There is no other name vnder heauen whereby we may be saued Act 4.14 Ephe. 4.5 then by the Name of Christ but if our works deserued lif● eternall there should be another name to saue vs because the merit of our work● is not the Name of Christ but setteth vp our selues in his place or at the least to ioyne a fellow and companion with him in the worke of our redemption This would minister occasion to vs to glory in our owne selues before the Lord as if wee were somewhat and could saue our selues but no man hath any thing wherein or whereof to boast himselfe Ro. 3.27 and
sufferings of Christ must purge themselues of their olde leauen that is ought by vnfained and renewed repentance to be purged and washed from their wickednesse and vncleanenesse bring with them a cleere and good conscience an holy resolute purpose to serue the Lord in truth and sincerity in holinesse and righteousnesse The Israelites must haue no leauen in any of their houses and habitations while the Passeouer lasteth whosoeuer kept any was to bee cut off from his people Exodus 12 verses 8 15. and 13 3 7. Leuiticus 23 verse 6. Numbers 28 verse 17. Deuteronomy 16 verse 4. Ioshua 5 verse 11. 2 Chronicles 30 13 21. and 35 17. Ezra 6 verse 22. Ezek. 45 verse 21. Math. 26 verse 17. c. The Apostle expresseth the meaning heereof 1 Corin. 5. ver 7 8. Let vs keepe the feast not with olde leauen neither with the leauen of maliciousnes and wickednesse but with the vnleauened bread of sincerity and truth purge out therefore the olde leauen that ye may be a new lumpe for euen Christ our Passeouer is sacrificed for vs. We therefore that professe our selues to be true Christians should at al times but then especially when we celebrate the remembrance of Christs death in the vse of the Sacraments prepare our selues in a most religious and holy manner that so we may come aright to his glory and our comfort When Iacob was appointed by God to offer sacrifice at Bethel he sanctified and prepared all his people Gen. 35 verses 2 3. All that came to the Passeouer were commanded to sanctifie themselues 2 Chron. 35 4. The Priests were commanded to sanctifie themselues and to prepare their brethren verse 6. This consisteth in two things in purging out of the olde leauen of sinne and in being a new lumpe endued with the gifts of sanctification that is to leaue off to do euill and to learne to do good And we must in doing good things prooue our selues in these few particulars what our knowledge faith repentance and charity is Knowledge is the ground and foundation of all the rest and therefore it is required of all to vnderstand the grounds and principles of our Christian Religion especially we must be acquainted with the doctrine of this Sacrament both with the signification of the signes and the graces sealed vp by them Faith also we must haue in vs which is in truth the first sauing grace it is the hand which we stretch out to touch Christ in whom all fulnes dwelleth of whose fulnesse we all receiue Col. 1 19 and grace for grace Iohn 1 16. without whom we can do nothing that is good Iohn 15 5. and without faith it is vnpossible to please God Hebrewes 11 6. This is the roote the fountaine the mother of all graces they are as the branches the streames the daughters of faith Hereby we apprehend Gods infinite loue and mercy in Christ Iesus and are perswaded that all our sinnes are pardoned and that Christ together with all his benefits is receiued Repentance which is a consequent of faith is a changing of the minde an earnest loathing of that which is euill and an earnest louing of that which is good We must learne to hate our particular sinnes we must mourne and lament in our inward bowels for them and we must iudge our selues lest the Lord enter into iudgement with vs and so we prouoke his wrath against vs and those that belong vnto vs and stirre him vp to bring greeuous plagues and fearefull iudgements against vs 1 Cor. 11 28 31. Wherefore nothing ought to bring greater greefe to vs then this to consider that we haue so heinously offended the Maiesty of God and as our sins pierced him so let vs pierce our owne hearts with this speare of repentance that we haue so wickedly mispent our time abused his benefits contemned his patience abused our creation calling redemption baptisme soule body word Sabbaths yea all the gifts and graces of God that we haue in deed and in truth ioyned and euen conspired with Herod Pilate Annas Caiphas Pharisies Souldiers passengers Iudas the rest of the Iewes in crucifying the Lord of life If any aske how can these things be The Prophet telleth vs He was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities Esay 53 verse 5. The chasticement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed so that we must acknowledge that our iniquities were the nailes that pierced him and our transgressions the speare that wounded him We must labour to feele the greatnesse and horrour of our sinnes withall striue to fashion our selues after the image and likenesse of God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our liues Let vs prepare our hearts and bodies to be his Temple to dwell in and not make them as sinkes for Satan and all foule spirits Thankfulnesse is the next duty that is required that we may be able to say vnfainedly with the Prophet Dauid considering how great things the Lord hath done for vs Psalme 116 verses 12 13. What shall I render vnto the LORD for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon the Name of the Lord. And vndoubtedly if they be no better then theeues robbers which receiue their corporall food and neuer lift vp their eyes to heauen which cannot be sanctified vnto them but by the word and prayer ●●m 4 4.5 if such I say be vsurpers that take the creatures of God without thankesgiuing how much rather ought we to giue thanks to God for this heauenly food the nourishment of our soules The Israelites in remembrance of their Egyptian deliuerance were commanded to continue the Passeouer for euer 〈◊〉 12.24 should not we then much rather keepe our Christian Passeouer for our spirituall deliuerance from our spirituall bondage of spirituall enemies and say with the Prophet in a sweet feeling medi●ation of these mercies Blesse the Lord O my soule 〈◊〉 103.1 c. The last duty is charity toward our brethren the former cannot be truely in vs without this 〈◊〉 13.35 By this shall all men know that we are his disciples if we loue one another The effects and fruits of it are described It suffereth long ●or 13.4 it enuyeth not it is bountifull c. It is required in so strict a manner that if our gift be ready in our hands to offer vnto God yet if wee be at ods with our brother ●●●h 5.24 we must set it by vntill we be reconciled God is loue 1 Ioh. 4.16 Satan is nothing but malice and enuy If we come in loue we come to Gods Table if we come in hatred we come to the diuels wee cannot drinke the cup of the Lord 〈◊〉 10.21 and the cup of diuels we cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and of the Table of diuels Let vs not therefore deceiue our selues in thinking perswading our selues we
such only as haue the couenant or testament belonging vnto them but open offenders haue nothing to do with them It will be said Iudas was admitted by Christ Obiect and therefore wicked persons may be so I answer Answ Iudas was not known to be a wicked person no more then he was knowne to be a reprobate He was a theefe but not knowne to be a theefe but they must be knowne wicked persons that are to be exempted and excluded Againe it may appeare that Iudas was not at the Supper Iohn 13 30. So soone as he had receiued the soppe he went out immediately but the soppe was in the Passeouer so that he was at the Passeouer not at the Supper Vse 1 The vses follow First there ought not to be a generall admission of al that offer to come to the Sacraments without difference and distinction A Turke or Iew if they would desire baptisme may not be receiued before they make open confession of the faith When the Eunuch desired baptisme and said See heere is water what doth hinder me to be baptized Philip answered If thou beleeuest thou maiest Acts 8 36 37. Such onely are allowed to haue the benefit of the Sacraments and to be admitted vnto them that are of the number of beleeuers None were to be baptized but such as were within the Couenant 1 Cor. 7 14. and in that respect are called holy None are meete guests to be at the Lords Table but such as know beleeue and practise the doctrine which is according to godlinesse as no vncircumcised person and vnbeleeuer was receiued to the Passeouer Thus then we see who haue right to the Sacraments and who haue not Vse 2 Secondly this giueth direction and instruction to the Ministers not to keep backe whō they please or to barre from the communion any vpō spleene or priuate grudge or reuenge but must take heed they do not mingle their priuate affections with the publike exercises of religion It reproueth therfore all such iustly as turne away those that desire to communicate through hatred enuy and malice to their persons because they haue some way offended them whether it be in deed or in conceit They haue power and authority onely to exclude publike offenders and scandalous liuers as for others they haue no iurisdiction to deny them or barre them the Communion The Disciples reprooued those that brought little children to Christ but they are reproued themselues for Christ was much displeased with them and would not haue them forbidden Mark 10 14. So ought we to suffer the people to come vnto Christ yea to exhort them and stirre them vp and encourage them not discourage them nor forbid them nor hinder them that would come If there were a publike well for all to draw water out of it what inhuma●ity and cruelty were it to keep backe any from drawing out of it These are like to the Philistims that stopped the welles and filled them with earth Gen. 26 15. which Abrahams seruants had digged that none could haue benefit of them Gen. 26 15. When Moses was fled out of Egypt and came into the Land of Madian and that he saw the froward Shepheards driue away the daughters of Reuel frō the well that they could not water their fathers sheepe he stood vp and helped them and watered their flocke Exod. 2 17. If we be the Shepheards of the Lords flocke we must not be like to these Shepheards that would not suffer the sheepe to be watered we must be rather like to Moses to help them It is a signe of much enuy and little piety to hinder those that are willing to come These are worse thē the woman of Samaria and haue lesse mercy pitty compassion then she had Iohn 4.9 for though she refused to giue drinke to Christ because he was a Iew and the Iewes had no dealing with the Samaritans yet she neuer assayed to keepe him from the well as these do many of their brethren more indeed to their owne reproch then to the shame of those whom they turne away this ought not so to be Thirdly to exercise any part of Gods worship Vse 3 prophanely to heare the word vnreuerently and to come to the Table of the Lord vnworthily deserueth a great and greeuous plague 1 Cor. 11 30. For this cause many were weake and sicke and striken with death among the Corinthians Woe therefore to those that are prophane and prophane the holy things of God This is a most fearefull sin they conspire against God and commit high treason against his Maiesty and therfore God will arme himselfe against them and pursue them as his enemies with fire and sword that is with his wrath vengeance at their heels The wrath of a King is as the roaring of a Lyon who so prouoketh him to anger sinneth against his owne soule Prou. 19 12 and 20 2. His anger conceiued is present death 1 Sam. 22 18. Ester 7 9. Mat. 2 16 and 14 10. What shall we say then of God who is a consuming fire Heb. 12 29. If his wrath be kindled but a little blessed are all they that trust in him Psal 2 12. We haue no defence for our selues but to say Enter not into iudgement with thy seruants for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Ps 143 2. It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God whither shall we flye to be able to escape his hand but that he will finde vs out His displeasure is like himselfe that is infinite and cannot be expressed Lastly we learne that such as come to the Vse 4 Table of the Lord should seriously proue and throughly prepare thēselues to this so weighty and religious worke It standeth vs therefore vpon to know wherein this triall and examination standeth especially considering that many do much deceiue themselues therin Some place it in outward things as if they fast before they come if they hang downe their heads like bulrushes if they prepare the body and outward man touching their apparell and for the present time shew humility and abstinence although presently after they returne againe to their former conditions and vices as to their vomit making only an intermission of them for a short space but assuming them againe with no small aduantage But this is a vaine thing For our sinnes must be left quite and cleane so as we neuer returne to them againe It is an easie matter to conceiue in our selues that we haue faith But if it be a true holy faith it purifieth the heart Act. 15.9 worketh by loue Gal. 5.6 First therefore euery one must labour to be a repentant sinner which consisteth in vnfained sorrow for sinne purposing neuer to fall into it againe an ardent loue toward that which is good We must confesse our sinnes of omission and commission of ignorance and knowledge of weaknes and presumption how we haue prouoked our good God to anger
the wound and it is he that must and can heale restore againe The mitigation of the punishment followeth which is restrained to seuen dayes amplified by an vnequall comparison drawne from the lesse to the greater from an earthly father to his children who if hee should shew any the least token of his anger and displeasure to his children they wold be afraid and ashamed for a season to come into his presence how much more then ought she to be ashamed to lift vp her head and to come vnto the hoste among whom the Lord dwelleth and walketh being stricken with his iudgement For by spitting in the face is ment any token of reproch or disgrace 〈◊〉 ●5 8 Therefore she was shut out and separate from the hoste seuen daies during which time the people iourneyed not till that one member as it were cut off were againe recouered restored to the rest of the body Thus much touching the order of the words to the end of the chapter ●●●●rine 〈◊〉 ●rath of 〈◊〉 kind●●●ainst 〈…〉 ●ers 〈…〉 ● 2 3. 〈…〉 34.7 〈…〉 ● 4 〈…〉 ●9 2 〈…〉 ●1 2 3. First let vs come to the signification of the punishment the wrath of God was kindled Wee learne hereby that the wrath of God is kindled against offenders Deut. 32.22 41 42. The reasons hereof are euident First the nature of God is most pure and holy and hee hateth euill whersoeuer he findeth it Secondly sin maketh a separation betweene God and his people it hideth his face from vs that hee will not heare Thirdly he punisheth sin and executeth iudgement vpon the sinner yea hee spareth none no not his owne children that prouoke him by their sins much lesse others as we see in Adam in Caine in the old world in Sodome and Gomorrha in Pharaoh and the Egyptians and sundry others Vse 1 The vses remaine First we see that anger is not simply to bee condemned in man but the excesse or defect thereof when it is too much or too little It is a naturall affection graffed in man when it is mooued as there is iust cause 〈…〉 ● 5 it is an holy affection noted to bee in Christ he looked angerly vpon them mourning for the hardnes of their hearts And whē he saw the buyers and sellers in the Temple the zeale of Gods house did euen eat him vp Now zeal is partly compounded of anger and partly of sorrow and partly of loue So must we be angry and greeued if there be any loue of God in vs at sin whersoeuer we find it Anger indeed for euery trifle or more then there is cause is sinfull as also not to be angry when there is cause But of this see farther chap. 16. Secondly feare to offend him that is a consuming Vse 2 fire Matth. 10.28 and is able to destroy body soul into hell fire Euery one must learne to know what it is that doth offend him It is the breach of his law he is offended by blasphemy by contempt of his word by swearing by idolatry by breach of the Sabboth and such like impieties forbidden in the first Table These sins for the most part men do little thinke vpon and because the lawes of men doe not take hold of them they regard them not one whit wheras God hath most seuerely punished thē and reuenged the dishonor done to his name The like we might ●ay of adultery drunkennesse malice couetousnesse and such like they are for the most part thought to bee no sins at all and slightly considered off whereas he is alwayes the same his law is alwayes the same his iustice is alwaies the same and his wrath is kindled against the children of disobedience Ephe. 5.6 Eccles 8.11 Psal ●0 21 Let no man make his mercy an occasion of sin neither turne his grace into wantonnes Lastly let vs giue our selues no rest till we Vse 3 be reconciled to God It is a fearefull thing to lie vnder his wrath Be not quiet vntill he be appeased toward vs the sword put vp into his quiuer Prou. 20.2 The wrath of a Prince is compared to the roaring of a lyon he sinneth against his owne soule that prouoketh him much more may this be said of God Vse therfore the means and remedies to call in his anger How Gods anger is to be called in send an ambassage of peace vnto him the procuring of our peace standeth first in seeking aboue all things the fauor and friendship of God When Herod was displeased with the Tyrians and Sidonians they perswaded Blast us the kings chamberlen to stand their friend they desired peace because their country was nourished by the kings countrey We are nourished by God in whom we liue and moue and haue our being and therefore we haue more cause to come to him with one accord and seeke his fauour Secondly in repentance and turning from our euill wayes whereby we prepare our selues to meet him Amos 4.12 Thirdly in prayer and humbling ourselues before him Thus doth Aaron seek peace by stirring vp the spirit of Moses to pray for them and hereby did Moses procure their peace Thus did they stand in the gappe afterward when the hand of God had made a fearefull breach among the people and the pestilence had slain many thousands wherby they made a blessed atonement Num. 16.47 48. Lastly the procuring of our peace consisteth in beleeuing in Christ and laying hold vpon his merits and righteousnesse which was signified by the incense that Aaron offered when he stood betweene the liuing the dead Christ Iesus is our peace-maker who hath broken downe the middle wall of partition betweene vs he hath reconciled vs vnto God so that by him we haue an accesse vnto the Father by faith we are ioyned to him and lay hold vpon him to eternal life Ephe If we be earnest in seeking these meanes of peace we shall be safe for the danger of his wrath is gone and past Psal 2.12 11 And Aaron said vnto Moses Alas my Lord I beseech thee lay not the sin vpon vs wherein we haue done foolishly wherin we haue sinned 12 Let her not be as one dead of whom the flesh is halfe consumed when he commeth out of his mothers wombe Here we see as we noted before that God would not heare the offenders vnreformed speake vnto him neither abide any talking with them but Aaron is faine to goe to Moses to intreat him that by his intreaty and intercession vnto God the punishment of leprosie may be remoued which is amplified by a comparison of likenesse Doctrine God heareth not such as lie in their sinnes Ioh. ● 31 Psa 66.8 that she may not be as one dead whose flesh is halfe consumed We learn hereby that God heareth not their prayers that lie in their sinnes and are not reconciled vnto him Iob 42.7 8. Esay 1.15 Gen. 20.7 The reasons why God heareth them not
They put the people in minde of the goodnesse of the land and of the loue of God toward them and that the enemies should be bread for them that is they should be as easily consumed as a peece of bread is swallowed as if they should say Wee seemed Grashoppers vnto them but we say vnto you that they shall bee bread for vs we shall vtterly destroy them To conclude they will them not to feare the people of the Land because God was departed from them but hee was amongst his owne people Neuerthelesse they would not heare them they did sing a song to an heauie heart Prou. 25 verse 20. nay to an hard heart they had brazen foreheads and were ashamed of nothing and therefore for all the care of them and the loue shewed vnto them they went about to stone them to death had not God protected them that stoode in his cause Obserue first of all in that Caleb and Ioshuah rent their cloathes Doctrine The faithfull are greeued for the sinnes of others and fel downe before the Lord a gesture vsuall in these times when they heard the blasphemous words of these hypocrites that the faithful are much grieued euen for the sinnes and rebellions of others This hath alwayes bene the holy affection of Gods seruants they haue not onely mourned and lamented for their owne sinnes but they haue proceeded farther to take to heart the sinnes of other men as Lot 2 Pet. 2 7. and Dauid Psal 119 136. They that escaped out of the common destruction are described by this note they mourned and cried out for the abhominations that were committed in the land Ezek. 9 4. Christ our Sauiour wept for Ierusalem Luk. 19 41 42. Reason 1 The reasons First they know that Gods anger is prouoked for sinne and his curse falleth vpon the head of the sinner Ioshua had cause to mourne when he saw that Israel could not stand before their enemies Ioshua 7 8. For Achan had sinned against the Lord and the hoast could not prosper so long as hee remained among them No maruell therefore if they be greeued whensoeuer they behold the wrath and iudgements of God procured Secondly if we know their iniquities and Reason 2 do not mourne for them they become ours and we do thereby make them our own Thus we are made partakers of other mens sinnes If we mourne for them they are theirs not ours if we do not mourne they are both theirs and ours Hence it is that the Corinthians are reprooued that they sorrowed not for the incestuous person that was among them yea thēselues were defiled by his sinne and became as one polluted lumpe with him as the leauen leaueneth three peckes of meale into which it is put And we see in the prophet Ezekiel 9 5. they are smitten that mourned not for the abhominations committed as well as they that did commit them Thirdly hereby much good and many benefites Reason 3 come vnto our selues Such are pronounced blessed by the mouth of Christ Mat. 5 4. that mourn whether it be for themselues or for others or both for they shall bee comforted When the heauens water the earth there followeth a fruitfull increase but when the earth watereth the heauens there shal follow a more plentifull haruest of all heauenly spirituall comfort If any aske when the heauens are watered by the earth Obiection forasmuch as this may seeme to be out of course and contrary to the nature of them I answer whensoeuer a sinner poureth out the teares of his penitent soule and broken heart into the bosome of God Answer then the earth may bee saide to water the heauens For the teares of the godly fall not to the ground Cooper vpon Psal 119. they ascend vpward they do not descend downward I vnderstand it of the fruite and benefite of them the Lord gathereth them when we shed them as precious pearles and putteth them in his bottle of remembrance Euery drop that falleth from a penitent soul is as a precious pearle The teares 〈◊〉 the g●the● precious pearles nay more worth then many Iewels of the world It shall little auaile vs to haue many pearles and Iewels hanging about vs and to want those that now we speak of These do not die and perish but are sowne as good seede in the earth the fruite whereof is very comfortable because they that sowe in teares shal reape in ioy Psal 126 5. Learne from hence the difference betweene Vse 1 the godly and vngodly The godly mourn for the sinnes of others as if they were their own whereas the vngodly make a mock of sin and can laugh hartily at it as if it were a matter of merriment and of pastime Prou. 14 9. Heere then is a note to know who are Gods Children and who are not When we cannot reforme and amend euill yet if God haue giuen vs hearts to mourne for it it is an happy thing for vs a great blessing and a good signe that we belong vnto him Lot dwelt among the Sodomites they were grieuous sinners against the Lord the cry of them was come vp to heauen he could do no good among them yet he was so farre from ioyning with them that hee vexed his soule for them If we do not follow his example in vaine we boast our selues to be the seruants of God This made Dauid say the zeale of thine house hath consumed me the reproaches of them that reproached thee are falne vpon me Ps 69 9 10. And the Israelites carried into captiuity wept when they heard the insultings and blasphemies of the wicked Psal 137 6. The godly must not say I will walke in the way of the multitude I wil ioyne with them and that it is in vaine to striue against them Secondly see the state of the faithful in this Vse 2 life somewhat there is alwaies to humble and afflict them in themselues or in others In this life 〈◊〉 and g●●efe 〈◊〉 mingled to●●ther The Prophet Dauid testifieth oftentimes his ioy of heart which God gaue him neuerthelesse this is not found without greefe and sorrow We haue no ioy without greefe in this world but they are tempered and mingled together bitter and sweete one with another lest in ioy we should be two ioyfull in sorrow we should be too sorrowfull the one seruing to allay the other and the one making the other profita-Howbeit after this life when God shall separate the sheep from the goats After this 〈◊〉 ioy and g● are seuere● these affections also shall bee separated the godly shall haue ioy without greefe the vngodly shal haue greef without ioy To haue ioy without any trouble is not to be looked for vpon the earth it is the condition of them that are glorified and perfected in heauen On the other side to haue greefe and anguish without ioy and comfort is the miserable condition of them that lye damned and tormented in hell where is weeping and gnashing
Al●est 11 ●catech 15 in 2 Thes by most of the Ancients Lastly the conditions and qualities of Antichrist do bewray the same also Now hee is plainly described by the Apostle 2 Thess 2 4. yea so plainly as if then hee had bene alreadie come and reuealed to the world He is saide to bee an aduersary opposed to Christ yet not professed but disguised for vnder the maske and vizard of hypocrisie he oppugneth Christ and his truth and denieth the Lord Iesus to be that Christ annointed to be the only King the onely Priest and the onely Prophet of the church in all which the byshop of Rome will haue a share and communicateth them to others This high priest is no better then an apostate a star falne from heauen he lifteth vp himselfe aboue all that is called God that is all to whom the name of God is communicated and sitteth in the temple of God as god Fourthly a perfect papist that is such a one as acknowledgeth the Councell of Trent and is obedient to the doctrine of the Iesuites cānot be a good subiect neither obey for conscience sake for he beleeueth the Popes sentence in excommunication to be good nay to be Gods sentence hee obeyes so long as pleaseth the pope and his instruments he keepeth not promise or oath with heretikes he receiueth pardons to free from loyalty and allegeance harboureth Seminaries looketh for a golden day practiseth the most diuellish deuices to establish popery entertaineth conference with his Princes sworne enemies and maintaineth that this proud prelate may depose Princes by his priestly power Lastly it is dāgerous to Prince and State to permit them forasmuch as hereby they haue meanes to work and wreak their malice Recusants will conuerse with Iesuites most freely and Iesuites shall not bee kept to any good termes and behauior whereby the secrets of the land are disclosed home-bred foes are encreased good subiects are discoraged and meanes affoorded to hollow-hearted enemies to forecast and to fortify themselues Vse 2 Secondly this serueth to reproue diuers sorts that erre in practise offend against this rule And first of all such as seek reuenge and therby shew themselues far from true loue To reuenge wrongs is proper to God we must not intrude vpon his office neither vsurp his right Deu. 32 35. Ro. 12 19. Heb. 10 30. Psal 94 1. Pro. 14 29. If we practise this wee worke wickednes against him and prouoke him to work reuenge vpon our selues Is it a small offence for any subiect to vsurp the office of the Prince or of the Iudge in giuing sentence vpon any Such vsurpers are such persons against GOD. Againe it serueth to rebuke such as will not forgiue how can such perswade themselues to be members of the church and one body with their brethrē while they refuse to be one with them These doe make an heauy law against themselues Mat. 6 14 15. 18 22. 5 44. 1 Pet. 3 8. Thirdly such as haue no feeling of the troubles calamities of their brethren Heb. 13 3. much more such as adde affliction to the afflicted The captiuate Iews complain against the insolency and cruelty of the Caldeans Ps 137 3. they required of them in scorn and derision to sing in their hearing one of the songs of Sion and made themselues merry when they saw them heauie hearted The enemies of God and his people are vnmerciful haue no pitty Esay 47 6. God reprooueth for this Psal 102 19. Lastly all members of the church should liue Vse 3 in all loue peace and concord one with another Gen. 13. considering we are brethren and auoid all dissention and discord As in the naturall body we see how one member is readie to aid affect another and stand for the good of another so should it be in the mysticall body all should be vnited together As the subiects of one Prince that belong to one kingdome are subiect to the same lawes bound to maintaine mutuall peace one with another so if God be our king and rule in our harts by his word and Spirit and if wee belong to his kingdome wee must imbrace one another in loue Ephes 4 3. and endeuor to keepe the vnity of the Spirit in the bond of peace We must do nothing through strife and vainglory Phil. 2.3 1 Cor. 1 10. We must all speake the same things that there be no diuision among vs. Hatred is a fruit of the flesh Gal. 5 20. Galath 6 2. On the other side to walk in loue is to walk in the spirit and it is a fruite of the gospell 1 Cor. 13.1 14 1. If we haue neuer so excellent gifts all remaine vnprofitable without this Now The way to try whether the loue of the brethren be in vs. the way to trie whether this be in vs toward the brethren is to examine it by these foure rules First Christian loue must not begin for any worldly respects nor end for wordly respects and considerations but principally must be for and in God Carnal loue is begun for carnall respects and therefore soon withereth away We must loue our brethren principally because they are the sons of God and members of Christ Ioh. 20 17. They are his brethren and he accounteth them so and therefore if God be our Father and Christ our brother they also must be our brethrē This is expressed by the Apostle 1 Iohn 5 1. Euerie one that loueth him that begate loueth him also which is begotten that is whosoeuer loueth God the Father loueth also the sonnes of God Secondly true Christian loue must not bee outward in shew onely but inward in the heart 1 Iohn 3 18. To loue in shew is the loue of Caine toward Abel Thirdly wee must loue those that are our enemies and hate vs for if we loue them onely that loue vs what singular thing do we or what reward haue wee Math. 5 46 47. Lastly Christian loue must not be onely in time of prosperity but is chiefely tried in aduersity when most neede is This rule is set downe by the Apostle Iohn Whosoeuer hath this worlds goods and seeth his Brother haue need and shutteth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him 1 Iohn 3 17. And Salomon sheweth that a friend loueth at all times and a brother is borne for aduersitie Prou. 17 7. In time of peace and plenty euery one will seeme a friend but not in miserie The poore is hated euen of his owne neighbour but the rich hath many friends Prouerbes chap. 14. verse 20. howbeit in time of neede is the true friend tried These rules must serue for our instruction wee must loue all those that are the sonnes of God by grace and adoption wee must loue al those that are the brethren of Christ by faith sanctification wee must loue them inwardly in truth and in heart wee must loue our enemies and not onely in
this reprooueth such as know not what this holy and sanctified anger meaneth which can prosecute their owne causes and quarrels with the greatest desire of vengeance but know not what it is to be angry in the cause of God It was not so with Moses as we saw before Some are prouoked by euery small and trifling occasion Heereby charity is violated which suffereth long 1 Cor. 13.7 and couereth a multitude of sinnes Prou. 10.12 Anger looketh in a deceitfull glasse which maketh euery Moul-hill to seeme a mountaine euery small slip is esteemed a capitall offence and euery word of disgrace worthy of a stab Others are prouoked when there is no ground but their own suspition as Eliab was angry with his brother Dauid because he suspected him to haue come to the battell in the pride of his heart 1 Sam. 17.28 And this is the common cause of much anger and heart-burning in our dayes want of loue causeth men to interprete the actions of others in worse sense and vpon their owne false surmise they ground their anger One is angry because saluting his neighbour he did not salute him againe and speaking friendly to him he would not speake againe albeit haply he saw him not or obserued him not Another because he heareth his vices reprooued out of the word of God beginneth to rage through impatience in which regard oftentimes it falleth out that he incurreth more anger and danger that reproueth sinne then hee that committeth it Of this euill anger doth the Apostle speake Eph. 4.31.26 27. and Salomon Prou. 14.17 29. and 29.22 Many are the euils and mischiefes that follow this euill affection forasmuch as it ouerturneth both the Law and the Gospel ●r is a 〈◊〉 of the ●e Law It were an easie thing to runne ouer most of the commandements which it causeth men to breake and in a manner defaceth the whole image of God For first how should we loue God whom we haue not seene if we doe not loue our neighbour whom we haue seene 1. Ioh. 4 20. Secondly it ouerthroweth the principall part of Gods worship which standeth in the inuocation of Gods Name Ps 26.6 1 Tim. 2.8 Mat. 5.23 Thirdly it causeth the breach of the third commandement by causing men through impatience to fall to cursing and banning to swearing and blaspheming the Name of God For when they grow cholerick against others they vtter sundry horrible imprecations and begin to fret and rage against God himselfe Fourthly it maketh men altogether vnfit for the exercises of the Sabbath hauing their mindes distracted and disturbed with thinking vpon the wrongs and iniuries of others and their owne reuenge No man can heare the word of God aright that is choked with this thorne Iam. 1.19 20 21. 1 Pet 2.1 2. Neither doth this passion worke any better effects in the second Table for as much as it turneth iustice and charity vpside downe Iustice it selfe which requireth that the same be giuen to euery one which belongeth vnto him whereas anger maketh men not only to neglect doing of good duties which they owe to their neighbours but to oppresse them with iniuries and reuenge Charity which is the summe of the Second Table the effect wherof is this that we loue our neighbour as our selfe But anger maketh men hate them as mortall enemies It often bringeth forth murther and shedding of blood Ge. 34.25 1 Ioh. 3.12 15. Wherby we are also made like vnto Satan for he is the spirit of dissention as God is a Spirit of loue and of peace It is the nature of Satan to delight in rage and fury for he is a murtherer from the beginning Ioh. 8.44 Besides it is a sinne against the Gospel and maketh vs subiect to Gods anger and bringeth impenitency and stoppeth the course of Gods forgiuenesse toward vs. For as we forgiue others so doth he forgiue vs Matth. 6.14 15. if therfore we retaine our anger toward our brethren God will retaine his anger toward vs. Lastly we must examine our selues whether Vse 3 our anger be iust or not We are of our selues prone to breake out into choler and to bee mooued otherwise then there is cause We must therefore marke two things the causes thereof and the effects If the causes bee Gods glory iniury offered to our selues or our neighbours if the cause be weighty and the affection moderate If the effects which it bringeth forth bee dutie to God and man then it is a lawfull anger but if otherwise it is vnsanctified and vnlawfull Let vs learne to be most moued in Gods cause as Moses was the glory of God was precious and deare vnto him So it was with Phinehas Numb 25.7 8. so it was with Elias 1 Kin. 19.14 because the children of Israel had broken downe his Couenant cast down his Altars and slain his Prophets Happy are we if these things moue vs and go neere vnto vs. Verse 15. Respect not thou their offering It may seeme strange that he which before had spoken against them should now pray against them We are commanded to pray one for another so that Moses may seeme to break the rule of charity I answer this toucheth not their persons nor their liues but hee desireth their amendment that they may be ashamed of their own folly confounded in their own pride He craueth of God no more thē to shew and make manifest his owne innocency and vprightnesse which was to be decided by that offering We learne hereby Doctrine that God respecteth not the works of euill men God respecteth not the workes of euill men be they performed neuer so religiously outwardly Gen. 4.4 5. Esay 1.11.12 and 66.3 Prou. 15.8 and 21.27 Ierem. 6.20 The reasons follow First whatsoeuer they doe is sinne 1 Tit. Reason 1 1.15 their minde and conscience is defiled Secondly Reason 2 their persons do not please him Gen. 4.4 5. Mal. 1.10 God regarded not Caines Oblation because he regarded not Caines person and he regarded not Caines person because he was a wicked and faithlesse man Vse 1 The vses First we may therfore conclude that such workes as God hath not commanded shall not be receiued Matth. 15.9 In vaine they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandements of men Many doe thinke to please God by their good intents but that is a vaine worship God will be serued according to his owne will not after our owne fancies He hath set downe and appointed how he will be worshipped he hath not left it to our discretion whatsoeuer the Papists prattle Vse 2 Secondly it reprooueth such as thinke it enough to come to the place of Gods worship and to be present at prayer the word and Sacraments albeit they bring with them no true deuotion These doe exceedingly deceiue themselues dishonour God and prophane his holy things which is a greeuous sinne These men doe lay the foundation of all their hope and the stay of all their comfort vpon the broken staffe of an outward sacrifice
that seeing God hath created vs and giuen vs our being to serue him albeit we be redu●ed by others it shall not profit vs o● deliuer v● from iudgement Ignorance shall excuse no man it is the fountaine of all sinne it is the cause of all punishments Hos 4 1. Mar. 12 24. it is not enough for vs to say we are no seducers and deceiuers of others because if we be seduced and deceiued by others wee are partakers of their sinne and shal bea●e our iust condemnation Secondly seeing the poore seduced people Vse 2 shall not escape no more the the chiefe Ring-leaders and heads of the conspiracy against God it is our duty to search narrowly and view diligently that which is brought and taught vnto vs we must beware of seducers and Captaines that leade to lewdnesse of life or corruption of doctrine It behoueth vs to shew such loue to God and his truth as to withstand such as goe about to infect vs to shame them to bewray them to reprooue them to conuince them and to take heed that we be not drawne away with them eyther by their flattery or by their authority Hence cōmeth the exhortation of Christ Beware of false Prophets which come to you in Sheepes cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues yee shall know them by their fruites Math. chap. 7. verse 15. By these the LORD our GOD tryeth vs whether we loue him with al our harts with all our soules He chargeth his people to seeke carefully to search earnestly Deut. 13 14. and to enquire diligently if there bee any such wickednesse There is no loue to God where his truth is not professed followed and maintayned The Apostle Iohn chargeth those to whom he wrote Not to beleeue euery spirit but to try the spirits whether they be of God or not for many false Prophets are gone into the world 1 Iohn 4 1. But where is this ability to bee found And where shall we meete with those that are able to discerne of spirits Looke vppon the greatest part of our congregations and behold they are not able to make any tryall of truth from errour They are fit to entertaine any doctrine They know no difference betweene the mists of Popery and the light of the Gospel They embrace this Religion because it is established by authority defended by the Law professed by the Prince countenanced by the Magistrate embraced by the multitude freed from trouble controlled by none But aske them a reason of the hope that is in them and call them to an account of the faith which they hold Aske them what they beleeue and how they thinke to be saued they are taken speechlesse and not able to giue any reasonable answer And how can it bee otherwise in many places where such as should bee eyes to others are blinde themselues a naked ministery hath made a naked people an ignorant ministery hath made an ignorant people a simple Teacher hath made a sottish hearer For as Moses saw that the people were naked Because Aaron had made them naked Exod. 32 25 vnto their shame among their enemies so wee see the people without knowledge and vnderstanding because the Watchmen are blinde the Embassadors are dumbe the Shepheards are simple the Teachers are not able to instruct themselues The meanes to bring vs to this spirituall iudgment to try the spirits Rules to be obserued to enable vs to try the spirits are to obserue these few rules and directions following First we must haue the word of God to dwell plentifully in vs we must reade and search the Scriptures as Christ commanded Iohn 5 39 and the men of Berea practised Acts 17. They examined the Doctrine of the Apostles by the touchstone of the Prophets and are commended for it by the Spirit of God We must not take euery thing that is deliuered but search and try the things that are deliuered Secondly we must continue constant in the things which wee haue learned thence Thus the Apostle exhorteth Timothy who had beene brought vp in the Scriptures of a childe To perseuere in the things which hee had learned and was perswaded of knowing of whom he had learned them 2 Tim. 3 14. Thirdly we are to auoyd those places and persons where abhominations are set vp and maintained lest ioyning and partaking with them in their sinnes wee be also companions with them in punishments Thus doth the Apostle teach vs to giue a farewell to those places I heard a voice from heauen say Goe out of her my people that yee be not partakers of her sins and that ye receiue not of her plagues Reuel 18 verse 4. Fourthly we are to magnifie the Ministery of the word where it is planted and established we are diligently to attend vnto it and to heare it with all patience and reuerence to encrease in vs both knowledge and obedience to worke in vs faith a sound beleefe to bring vs to a true sight of our sinnes and to an vnfeigned repentance from dead works If these rules be carefully and wisely obserued we shall bee made able to try all things that we heare to refuse the euill and to hold fast that which is good Lastly we may from hence conclude the Vse 3 wofull condition of all seducers that seduce and deceiue the simple people they are sure to perish and to be destroyed It is a greeuous sinne not to embrace the truth of God but to erre from the wayes of saluation but it is more greeuous to draw away others and to plunge them into the pit of destruction They are accursed in the law which make the blinde to go out of the way and all the people were to say Amen Deut. 27 18. If we see a poore blinde man wandring hither and thither for want of a guide and groping to finde his way if wee lay stones or stumbling blocks before his feere to supplant him and cause him to fall downe all men are ready to condemne it of rigor and cruelty The very heathen which neyther know the Law nor vnderstand the Gospel could say Cicer. li. 1. offic that whosoeuer sheweth not the way to a trauailer and wayfaring man when he seeth him out of the right way is without all pitty and compassion as if one should refuse to suffer his neighbour to light his Candle that is gone out at his Candle that burneth But if a man should leade his brother beeing in a strange and vnknowne Countrey quite and cleane out of the way direct him of purpose into places of danger and thereby as it were blow out his Candle that burneth bright all men would haue accounted him a monster and vnworthy to liue vpon the earth If our brother want our helpe or counsell we are bound to do all good vnto him and it is a note of cruelty to shutte our mouthes or hands when they should bee opened as wee see in the examples of the Priest and Leuite Luk.
to doe that which should honor his Prince this duty is that which delighteth God and honoureth him and therefore all of vs should practise it Fourthly as it is honourable so likewise it is most profitable to our selues both to make vs keepe the blessings which we haue and to obtaine such as we haue not If wee be faithfull in little he will trust vs with much if we be faithfull ouer a few things hee will made vs ruler ouer many things Luke chap. 19 17. Matth. chap. 25 23. But if we bee vnthankfull for mercies receiued he wil take from vs euen those which we haue This should teach vs to stirre vp our selues Vse 1 more and more to thankefulnesse by keeping in minde and laying vp in our hearts the speciall blessings and mercies of God This we cannot do except wee take notice of them and dayly marke and obserue what God doth for vs. For a benefit not remembred is all one as if it were neuer receiued Let vs not therefore suffer his mercies to passe away If the least crosse lye vpon vs we are sure to be sensible enough of it If the head ake we can by and by feele it and complaine of it How then is it that we receyue grace after grace and mercy vpon mercy heaped vp plentifully vpon vs and yet wee remaine as senselesse and blockish as if wee had receyued nothing at all Let vs take heede of this vnthankefulnesse Secondly it reproueth many amongst vs Vse 2 that haue tongues to aske and mouthes to speake when wee are in neede but know not how to return thankes to God when we haue receyued Haue we beene in trouble and affliction and hath God beene mercifull vnto vs to restore vs againe If wee be not thankefull vnto him for this it had beene better for vs that we had beene afflicted still yea that wee had perished in our affliction then not to returne to him the praise to lift vp our hearts to the heauens Lastly would we know whether wee bee Vse 3 thankefull indeede or not then let vs examine our selues how it goeth with vs after God hath deliuered vs from any dangers Are we more zealous in good things and more carefull to performe good duties vnto GOD then before Then surely wee may comfort our selues and assure our owne hearts that wee haue beene thankefull in some measure Thus doth Christ speake of the sinnefull woman Luke chap. 7. verse 47 her sinnes which are many are forgiuen her for she loued much but to whom little is forgiuen the same loueth little This is thankefulnesse for loue receyued to loue againe and for much loue to returne much loue againe True thankesgiuing is of a working Nature it will quickly shew it selfe toward him of whom we haue receiued mercy If the loue of God be shedde in our hearts we will loue him againe because he loued vs first On the other side if a man doe not performe this duty to wit to bee more zealous of Gods glorie and more obedient vnto his word and will he shall be found vnfaithfull whatsoeuer he perswadeth himselfe of himselfe So fell it out with Hezekiah as wee may see in the second booke of the Chronicles the 32. chapter and the 25. verse Who rendred not againe according to the benefite done vnto him His heart was lifted vppe and wrath came vpon him and vpon Iudah and Ierusalem If then God spared not him let vs take heed hee doe not spare vs and bee euermore carefull to praise him here as we ought and then we shall be sure to praise him euer hereafter in the life to come Wee haue therefore brought an oblation c. In the oblation of this people we are to consider the circumstance of time which serueth further to commend them they were no sooner returned and found the mercy of GOD toward them but by and by they giue him thankes Doctrine We are to returne thankes to God speedily and presently This teacheth that as all men must returne thankes vnto God so they must returne it speedily and presently while they haue oportunity and ability to doe it Exodus 15.20 Iudges 5 1 Luke 17 15 16. The grounds follow Reason 1 First it is the will of God our Father when he would haue thankfulnesse performed hee would haue it done speedily and cheerefully it is the willingnesse of the minde that hee respecteth and accepteth For if hee require of vs in the matter of liberality that we say not to our neighbour Goe and come againe and to morrow I will giue if we haue it by vs then certainly it is his pleasure that we doe not delay or deferre to performe the duty of praise to him to morrow when we should do it to day Secondly the performance of thankesgiuing presently maketh it the more accepted of God whereas the putting of it off from time to time causeth it to bee reiected Thirdly while the blessings of God are fresh in our remembrance the minde feedeth the affection with much more plentifull matter and it is stirred vp the more feruently and effectually to performe that duty whereas the oportunity in due season being neglected maketh the blessings of God grow stale and to bee quite forgotten and that quickly Vse 1 This teacheth that many men may heereby see their sinnes in this matter and maner of thanksgiuing because they are so slacke and slow drowsie and forgetfull and vse such delayes in their returning of praise to God By delay a man is made more vnfit and vnable to performe this duty True it is if a man repent of his dalying with God and delaying to doe his duty to him he will forgiue his euil howbeit he that putteth off his thankfulnesse it is not so acceptable to God because hee doth it not speedily albeit hee performe it in the end Vse 2 Secondly this must teach euery man to learne when be returneth thankes to God for any blessing that he should labour to doe it presently and speedily seeing this is that which is so much accepted with him And if any man haue beene faulty in this let him labour to make amends with double diligence and to bee more mindefull of this duty of thankfulnesse that so the Lord bee not enforced to put him in minde of his sinne by taking away his blessings from him It were farre better for vs to learne otherwise then by taking forth this hard lesson to wit by our harme Thirdly this serueth to put vs in minde to Vse 3 stretch this maner of speedy thankesgiuing to God to all other duties of Religion and Christianity The Apostle exhorteth all persons to do good while they haue time or oportunity to do good to all men Gal. 6 10 for wee know not what one day may bring forth Prou. 27 1. Many delay their doing of good till the houre of death these are like swine which are neuer good till they come to the shambles Especially in the case of repentance
sicknesses To follow them with greedinesse desire them as the hungry man doth after meate or he that is a thirst after drinke is the true misery Such as liue in sinne are the onely dead men Luke 9 60. 1 Tim. 5 6. Secondly it instructeth euery one of vs how Vse 2 we ought to walke before God namely to be greeued for our greeuing of God with our sins to be offended wit●our selues for offēding of him A father will be very angry with those persons which draw on their children to destruction it is not therefore much to be maruelled at that sin is so hatefull to God seeing it is that which is the ruine downfal of his chiefest creatures And as sinne is in the account of God so it ought to be esteemed of vs he hateth and detesteth nothing more nothing so much if then we wil approue our selues to be his children we must abhor it as Gods sworne enemy and ours Nothing can prouoke him against vs but our transgressions Hee will neuer hate vs for our pouerty or penury or necessitie or infirmity it is onely impiety that can make a separation betweene God and vs and therefore we must take heede we doe not prouoke him to anger by them and let vs rather bee greeued for our sinnes then greeue the Lord with them If a sonne see his father greeued with him for his wicked wayes he will bee greeued with himselfe for it So ought it to be with vs if we be the children of God and belong vnto him we must labour to bee out of loue with our selues for our sinnes and to hate them all whatsoeuer they bee least the Lord should bee compelled to hate vs and make vs greeue and weepe for them when it shall be too late Matth. 8 12 and when our shedding of teares shall be ioyned with gnashing of teeth and neither of them proue to bee acceptable vnto him or profitable to our selues Vse 3 Thirdly it leadeth and preacheth vnto vs repentance of our former sinnes and neuer to returne vnto them againe because they are so displeasing vnto God and so effectuall to bring downe all his iudgements and punishments vpon vs. If God were indifferent when we haue sinned and neither pleased nor displeased with vs then the matter were not great we also might be indifferent not regard whether wee repent or doe not repent but seeing sinne bringeth all iudgement it is time for vs to iudge our selues that so we may preuent his iudgements For seeing it is that which is so odious and loathsome vnto him we ought to auoyd it and to take heed of delighting in it They that loue feare to offend him whom they loue that we may therefore shew our selues to bee the louers of God let vs labour to the vttermost of our power to take heede of greeuing and offending him by our sinnes But when a man committeth sinne against God doth he thinke God will punish him or not If he thinke he will then what great folly is it for him to runne on still in his sinnes for which he must be punished If hee thinke he will not then what wickednesse vnthankfulnesse is it for him to offend so louing a God that is not offended with him for all his sinning against him All these things do serue as so many motiues to stirre vs vp to the practice of repentance that so God may repent of his plagues toward vs. Vse 4 Lastly this serueth for matter of imitation For if God be thus displeased with sinne which neuer leaueth or ceaseth to hunt after the sinner till it finde him out then euery one of vs that would shew our selues to haue any part in God or to beare his image must labour to be of the same minde and to haue the same affection against sinne that God hath to hate it as he hateth it and so to bee displeased as well at our owne sinnes as at the sinnes of others For he can neuer be truely displeased with his owne sinnes that is not also greeued with the sinnes and offences of others As then wee are touched and troubled for our owne sinnes so should wee be for the sinnes of our friends of our families and of those that we haue any way to deale withall forasmuch as it is that which doth so much greeue the Spirit of God 28 So concerning them Moses commanded Eleazar the Priest and Ioshua the sonne of Nun and the cheefe fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel 29 And Moses saide vnto them If the children of Gad and the children c will passe with you ouer Iordan c then yee shall giue them the land of Gilead for a possession 30 But if they will not passe c. 31 And the children of Gad c answered saying As the Lord c. 32 We will passe ouer armed before the Lord into the land of Canaan that the possession of our inheritance on this side Iordan may be ours The third part of the chapter followeth handling the full agreement of the whole matter and the execution following after the agreement wherby these tribes are put in possession Moses committeth the matter to Eleazar the Priest and to Ioshua the son of Nun gaue charge to them to see it performed For inasmuch as he was not himselfe to enter into the land hee taketh order that if the former conditions were obserued by the Reubenites and Gadites they should haue the land of Gilead for a possession if not they should bee compelled to haue possession among the rest in the land of Canaan teaching thereby that it is our duty to further promote the good of the Church and Commonwealth not onely while we liue but also after our departure out of this world And in the tribes we see that all lawful promises euen such as are made to our hindrance are faithfully to be performed But in the example of these tribes marke a further point how willing they are to ioyne together to procure the common safety and set the rest of their brethren out of danger Doctrine It is the dutie of Gods children to helpe the church to free it from danger which was like to be great long they would not forsake them til their enemies were subdued This teacheth that it is the duty of Gods children to put foorth themselues in the common cause to helpe the church and to free it from danger This point hath warrant both by precept practice It is the counsell of Salomons mother Prou. 31 9. Open thy mouth in the cause of the dumbe c and to shew the great importance of this precept hee repeateth it againe Open thy mouth iudge righteously and pleade the cause of the poore and needy verse 10. The Apostle chargeth the Hebrewes to remember those that are in bondes and in affliction as if themselues were afflicted Heb. 13.3 And they are remembred not so much when they are thought vpon
1050 8 It is the duty of Magistrates to do iustice fol. 1057 9 Euill men proceed from worse to worse fol. 1061 10 Actions vnlawfull are made lawfull fol. 1060 11 When sin is punished God is appeased fol. 1070 12 Sin depriueth vs of Gods protection fol. 1074 12 Gods wrath being prouoked is full of rage fol. 1077 14 The faithfull bring a blessing vpon their houses and posterities fol. 1980 15 It is lawfull sometimes to reproue desperate sinners by name fol. 1084 16 God beginneth to chasten his owne Church and children fol. 10●0 17 The people of God may take armes fol. 1093 18 The seducers and the seduced shall bee punished together fol. 1100 CHAP. xxvi 1 Irreligion prophanensse and impiety make places and persons infamous and reprochfull fol. 1104 2 It is a most wicked impious thing to oppose authority and to withstand gouernment fol. 1108 3 It is no disgrace for godly children to descend come of vngodly par nts fol. 1109 4 It is hard to shun and breake off society with wicked men c. fol. 1112 5 God prouideth for all his people fol. 1113 6 It is a sinne to decline from the pure worshippe of God set downe in the word fol. 1117 7 An whole multitude cannot cleere it selfe from Gods iudgements when he sendeth them fol. 1118 CHAP. xxvii 1 In all wrongs and iniuries wee must resort to the Magistrate fol. 1120 2 Wee may make our selues guilty of other mens sinnes fol. 1123 3 Sin is the cause of death all misery fol. 1125 4 Propriety of goods is Gods blessing fol. 1127 5 Many want outward signes that are partakers of the inward grace of the Sacraments fol. 1130 6 Many are punished temporally that are not cōdemned eternally Ibid. 7 God is the Creator and maker of the soule fol. 1132 8 Kings and Princes haue and hold their places callings immediately from God fol. 1134 CHAP. xxviii 1 The first and cheefest care is to bee had of the Church matters of religion fol. 1135 2 Of the morning euening sacrifice c. fol. 1136 3 Of the Iewish Sabbath and the vses to vs fol. 1140 4 Of the new Moones and the vses to vs. fol. 1143 5 Of the Passeouer and the vses to vs. fol. 1146 6 Of the feast of first fruites or Pentecost fol. 1149 CAP. xxix 1 Of the feast of Trumpets with the vses fol. 1150 2 Of the feast of fasting or afflicting the soule together with the vses thereof to our selues fol. 1152 3 Of the feast of Tabernacles the vses to vs. fol. 1155 Chap. xxx 1 Lawfull vowes are to be performed fol. 1159 2 Great is the iurisdiction of parents ouer their children fol. 1166 3 The husband is the wiues head fol. 1169 CHAP. xxxi Sundry Doctrines directing warres and warriers 1 Before men go to battell an hoast of men must be mustered and gathered together fol. 1173 2 An army leuied must be sent out Ibid. 3 An army must be sent out by publike and lawfull authority Ibid. 4 He against whom we wage warre must be known to be an enemy fol. 1174 5 Al sinne must be auoided carefully by such as are emploied in warre Ibid. 6 Wicked men though they be suffered long yet at length God taketh veng●ance of them fol. 1176 7 Princes Potentates and great men lye open to iudgements as well as others fol. 1177 8 Sins of omission and neglect of duties which men are bound to perform are displeasing to God fol. 1179 9 Euery mans death and destruction cometh from himselfe fol. 1181 10 Things in themselues vnseemly to bee vttered are modestly to be spoken of fol. 1184 11 The Lord as he wil destroy the wicked so he wil do it fearfully and seuerely fol. 1186 13 For benefits receiued we returne praise to God fol. 1188 14 It is our duty to returne thankesgiuing to God speedily fol. 1189 15 It is our duty in extraordinary blessings to returne extraordinary thankes ibid. Chapter xxxii 1. The loue of this world is dangerous fol. 1191 2 The Ministers of God must reproue sharply and earnestly zealously and powerfully fol. 1194 3 It is a greeuous sin to giue offence to others or to discourage our brethren from wel-doing fol. 1197 4 It is an vsuall thing with the Lord to punish the sins of parents with the sins of their children 1200 5 We must haue a fellow-feeling of the miseries afflictions of Gods people fol. 1203 6 The onely cause of iudgement is sin fol. 1205 7 It is the duty of all Gods children to put foorth their hands to helpe the Church fol. 1206 8 The relikes of idolatry to bee vtterly abolished and all occasions that might draw vnto it to be taken away fol. 1209 Chapter 33. 1 God preserueth his Church in the midst of dangers and deliuereth it out of slauery and bōdage fol. 1212 2 The 42. Mansions of the Israelites in the wildernesse fol. 1214 3 No familiarity is to be vsed with idolaters fol. 1219 4 Coldnes in Gods cause is a greeuous sin fol. 1222 CHAP. 34. 1 God setteth bounds to euery mans possession and limiteth what he shall haue fol. 1225 2 The estate of Gods people is such that some among them do alwayes stand in need fol. 1229 3 Faith apprehendeth and applyeth all Gods promises as present fol. 1232 CHAP. xxxv 1 The Ministers must be prouided for fol. 1237 2 All men by nature are proue to reuenge fol. 1240 3 Murther is an hainous sinne in the sight of God fol. 1244 4 To do lawfull things without a calling is vnlawfull fol. 1247 5 GOD will haue no innocent person put to death fol. 1252 6 Inferiors ought to reuerence their superiors fol. 1255 7 Lawes touching the inheritance of the Israelites fol. 1257 CHAP. xxxvi 1 The marriage of Cousen-germans is lawfull fol. 1267 A Commentary vpon the Fourth Booke of Moses called NVMBERS Generall Obseruations out of the whole Booke by way of Preface or Introduction BEfore wee come to the Exposition of this Booke of Moses and to the handling of the particular points contained therein it may not be thought vnprofitable or vnnecessary to prefixe somewhat by way of a Preface that our mindes may bee enlightned and our hearts prepared and our iudgements setled for the better conceyuing and receiuing of that which followeth Now as in the Booke of Genesis Moses hath deliuered the creation of the world together with the originall and first beginning of the church laying as it were an happy foundation as wel of the one as of the other and in Exodus hath handled the publishing and promulgation of the Law together With the miserable thraldome and bondage of the people of God in Egypt and in Leuiticus hath particularly expressed the sacrifices and oblations as Types of the sacrifice and oblation of Christ the promised Messiah together with the inauguration of Aaron and his sonnes and the consecration of the Tribe of Leui so in this Booke of Numbers
false comforts and briefly false worshippings which are of no value or vertue of no worth or reckning The least duty that God requireth that may be called the worke of Christ is better then all the stately workes of men and so to take vppe a rush if it stand with the will of God to make cleane platters or spits or shooes is more acceptable to him if it bee our calling then to builde memorials or Monasteries for ydle and superstitious Monkes without worde or warrant Secondly as our obedience must haue the word for a foundation so we must performe the same heartily not for outward shew and fashion or to be seene of men but do all as in the sight of him that looketh vpon the heart It is saide by the Prophet Psal 40 7 8. In the volume of thy Booke it is written of me I desired to do thy will O my God yea thy Law is within my heart Our obedience must not bee parted and diuided betweene God and the Diuell God will haue intire obedience or accept no obedience at our hands Hence it is Prouer. 23 ● that the Wiseman exhorteth vs To giue God our heart and let our eyes delight in his wayes 2 Tim. 2 22. Luke 8 ● R●● 10 10. Iohn ● 18. Rom 6 ●● Col. 3 21 2. This discouereth the sinne of all hypocrites who pray but not with a pure hart they heare but it is not with good and honest hearts they belieue but it is not with the heart they loue but it is not in deede and in truth they obey but they are not obedient from the heart vnto the forme of doctrine and whatsoeuer they doe they do it ceremonially and externally not heartily as to the Lord but hypocritically as to men like idle and sloathfull seruants who performe no more to their Masters but eye-seruice as men pleasers If then our heart be away all is away the soule and life of euerie action is wanting and we offer the dead carkas of a sacrifice to God which stinketh as an vnsauoury thing in his nosethrils This made the Prophet say Psal 25 1 2. Vnto thee O Lord I lift vp my soule And Psal 108 1 2. O God my heart is prepared so is my tongue I will sing and giue praise If once the affection of the heart be setled the tongue tarrieth not behinde but is ready to publish the praises of God Thirdly our obedience must be done with all our power cheerefully and willingly which dependeth vppon the former albeit distinguished from it Although we faile in many circumstances God will not lay it to our charge nor stay the course of his blessings from comming vnto vs so long as hee seeth in vs a willing heart Hee respecteth more the affection to obey then obedience it selfe and alloweth of our good desire more then of the performance of the duty Wee see this in the poore widdowes mite which shee cast into the Treasurie of which our Sauiour sayth Marke 12 43. Luke 21 verse 23. Of a trueth I say vnto you that this poore Widdow hath cast in more then all they that haue cast into the treasurie She had not cast in more if wee considered the quantitie and greatnesse of the gift for what was two mites but a quadrin but it was more in regard of the quality and affection of her heart which is much set by of Almighty God Heereupon it is that the Prophet sayeth Micah 7 18 19. Who is a God like vnto thee that taketh away iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage Hee retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercie pleaseth him he will turne againe and haue compassion vppon vs he will subdue our iniquities and cast al their sinnes into the bottome of the Sea Thus we see how fauourable the Lord is toward his children that are desirous and willing to serue him To this purpose speaketh the Prophet Malachi in the third Chapter and the seauenteenth verse They shall bee to mee saith the Lord of hoasts in that day that I shall doe this for a flocke and I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him The Father when he shall set his sonne to any businesse if he shew his good will and endeuour to doe his best will be pleased with him and accept of the worke though it be done vnperfectly rawly and vntowardly He takes in good part his good desire Euen so is it with Almighty God if hee see in vs willingnesse wee shall finde from him forgiuenesse and our imperfections to be passed ouer The Apostle S. Paul teacheth this in the second Epistle to the Corinthians chapter eight and the twelfth verse If there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that a man hath not Thus doeth God encourage vs in our obedience assuring vs that the measure of grace that hee bestoweth vpon vs shall be sufficient for vs. Fourthly wee must performe the fruites of our obedience entirely not to halfes sincerely not parting stakes betweene God and the Diuell and our selues as wee noted before Many will do so much readily as may stand with their owne liking and agree with their owne ease and profit but they will goe no farther they are content to doe diuerse good things but they continue and perseuer in some sinnes that marre all They can hate pride but they contemne the Gospell some will shew loue to the Gospell but are lasciuious hard-hearted vniust doers of wrong and euill speakers It is a foolish conceite of many that thinke they may lawfully liue in some knowne sins and yet bee Gods seruants still these deceiue themselues and discouer the hypocrisie of their hearts Such as continue in drunkennesse fornication Adulterie vncleannesse hatred and couetousnesse will presume to come to the place of Gods worship and shroud themselues into the companie of the faithfull and present themselues in the presence of God and receiue the Lordes Supper once a yeere and then think that God will and must haue respect vnto them These are like the dissembling and deceitfull Iewes mentioned by Ieremy the Prophet Ierem. 7 9 10. Will you steale murther and commit Adultery and sweare falsely and burne Incense vnto Baal and walke after other Gods whom yee know not And come and stand before me in this house whereupon my name is called and say we are deliuered though we haue done all these abhominations Saul would do the workes of GOD in outward pretence 1 Sam. 15. Mark 6 20. and shew himselfe obedient in part but he kept Agag aliue and spared the fattest of the Cattle contrary to the commandement of God Herod heard Iohn willingly reuerenced him receiued the worde with ioy and did many things at his preaching but he would not leaue his Incest and depart from his brothers wife The godly doe not deale thus falsly and fraudulently with God they giue him the
poure in strong drinke Heere are many woes and fearefull threatnings of many miseries and do the vngodly thinke to escape or that these things doe not deepely concerne them Our Sauiour denounceth a great woe against all contemners of the Gospell telleth them It shal be easier for Tyre Sidon nay for Sodom and Gomorra in the day of iudgement Mat. 11 22 24 then for them Must not these denunciations be accomplished Or do we remaine as Infidels and think they shall neuer be performed Or if they be performed that we shall be exempted or excused It cannot be that his word should fall to the ground and take none effect Let vs feare these terrible threatninges humble our selues before him and forsake our euill wayes let vs betake our selues vnto him and let vs turne vnto his word for the word will neuer turne vnto vs and bend it selfe to our pleasure The Scripture is full replenished with such heauy threatninges as may serue to strike a feare and terror into our hearts The Prophet Amos Amos 6 1 3. denounceth a Woe to them that are at ease in Sion that put farre away the euill day and approach to the seate of iniquity and are not sorry for the affliction of Ioseph The Prophet Malachi foretelleth Mal. 4 1. that the day commeth which shal burne as an Ouen and all the proud yea all that doe wickedly shall be stubble and the day that commeth shall burne them vp and shall leaue them neither root nor branch These threatnings are surer then the heauens which shall passe away but these shall neuer passe away and therefore woe to them that repent not nor returne to the Lord for they must needes be taken suddenly in them as in a snare and no man shall be able to deliuer them They may thinke themselues forgiuen or at least forgotten but poore soules they are deceiued It is not length of time that can helpe them nor strength of their arme that can saue them nor the wedge of Gold that can deliuer them for Riches auaile not in the day of wrath Prouer. 11 4 nor serue to pacifie his indignation but righteousnesse deliuereth from death Thirdly as we learne the truth of God in Vse 3 his threatnings so there ariseth from hence a most excellent ground of assured comfort for all Gods seruants to establish their hearts in the immutability of all his promises Manie are the particular promises set downe in the word as many as are there mentioned so manie particular cōforts are ministred vnto vs as from the hand of God to the end that wee beleeuing them and as it were clasping our armes about them might haue strong consolation and boldnesse to come to the throne of grace Wherefore whensoeuer we feele the weaknesse of our faith we must haue recourse to his word As they which haue a dim sight and weake eye vse the helpe of their Spectacles and thereby finde comfort so should we when we are at any time troubled with doubting helpe our spirituall eye-sight with often looking into the glasse of his word and meditating continually vppon his promises It were endlesse and infinite to speake of all his gracious promises mentioned in his worde some are of temporall blessings and other of spirituall and eternall in both wee ought to rest vpon the vnchangeablenesse of his will who is not as man that he should any way deceiue vs as those that vse to promise much performe little His promise is certaine and very good payment if wee dare trust him of his word Psal 37.25 It is he that hath saide I haue beene yong and am old yet I saw neuer the righteous forsaken nor his seede begging bread It is hee that hath spoken Heb. 13.6 7. I wil not faile thee neither forsake thee so that we may boldly say The Lord is mine helper neither will I feare what man can do vnto me Mathew 6 33 It is he that hath promised Seeke yee first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these things shall bee ministred vnto you We see how much many men vexe torment themselues about earthly transitory things they feare they shall want before they die and giue themselues to vnlawfull shiftes to maintaine themselues and their estate the reason heereof is because they haue vnbeleeuing hearts they cannot cast themselues and their care vpon the Lord they will not seeke his loue and fauour they labour not to be reconciled to him in Christ Iesus and whatsoeuer he promise vnto them of his word they beleeue nothing at all Take an example of Gods prouidence ouer his people whiles they walked and wandred in the Wildernesse they had neither seede time nor haruest and they were an huge multitude of more then sixe hundred thousand beside women and children yet hee sustained them and prouided for them till hee brought them into the land of Canaan He is not as a poore Father that hath moe children then he is able to sustain or as a state that is constrained to disburden it selfe of their superfluitie and ouerflowing multitude and so to send out many Colonies to plant themselues in other places he hath al the earth in his own power is able to prouide for all his children that wait vpon him and put their trust and confidence in him This must be our comfort in time of triall and tentation that he hath promised neuer to faile vs nor forsake vs and albeit mans promises may deceiue vs and his deede come short of his worde yet no iot or portion of Gods promises shall remaine vnfulfilled and therefore in all our necessities let vs possesse our soules with patience and wait constantly for the accomplishment thereof which in due time shall take good effect The fault is in our selues who will not lay hold vpon the same he hath saide he will be our tower of defence and City of refuge to shield vs from danger all distresse but we will not trust him of his word but vse vnlawfull meanes for our deliuerance That which hath bene said of transitory and temporall blessings may also be spoken of eternall God hath promised the renuing of our hearts the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the kingdome of heauen as Ier. 31 32 33. Heb. 8 10 11 12. Esay 40 1 2. I will put my Lawes in their minde and in their heart I will write them I wil be their God and they shall be my people I wil bee mercifull to their vnrighteousnesse and I wil remember their sins and their iniquities no more These are great and precious promises heere are sweet comforts of life and saluation offered vnto vs on Gods part let these be to vs as the Anchor of our soules both sure and stedfast These are immutable things Hebrew 6 18. Wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye and therefore let vs be established in them and lay hold vpon that hope which is set before vs.
to do the duties proper to their calling For while they labour in the one they cannot labour in the other and if they be present at the one they are absent from the other But the calling of the Minister requireth personall paines and admitteth not an ordinary Deputy no more then the Leuites could put out their charges to others who are reproued by the Prophet Because they kept not the ordinances of the Lords holy things Ezekiel 44 8. and themselues had set others to take the charge of his Sanctuary Neither can this be any discharge vnto vs that we haue others to labour for vs men of gifts knowledge seeing as the charge is ours and belonging to our persons so the discharge should also be ours and touch our owne persons But of this wee haue already spoken more at large elsewhere * In the exposition of Philemon and therefore will omit it referring the Reader to that place for farther resolution Secondly this doctrine serueth for comfort Vse 2 to all those that are true-hearted Leuites and leaue all by-matters that stand not with their calling to serue God aright in their places If we bee truely answerable to the weight and worthinesse of our Ministery and are carefull to bring foorth the fruites thereof and are faithfull in performing the duties that God hath bound vs vnto we may say with the Apostle 2 Tim. 4 7 8. I haue fought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith henceforth is laide vp for me the crown of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that time and not to mee onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearing Paul at this time was neere vnto death and the day of his departure was at hand was he now without comfort or did he doubt of Gods fauour No he was not afraide of death but alwayes acknowledgeth it should be gaine and advantage vnto him Phil 1 21 23 so that hee desired to be eased and to bee with Christ which is best of all What was then his comfort and wherein did his reioycing consist In that hee had faithfully done the duties of his calling and kept faith and a good conscience This point doth more liuely and notably appeare in Christ our Sauior in that comfortable prayer which hee offered vp as Incense vnto his Father making intercession for vs I haue glorified thee on earth I haue finished the worke thou gauest me to do Iohn 17 4 6. I haue declared thy Name vnto the men which thou gauest me out of the world thine they were and thou gauest them me and they haue kept thy word This worke of redemption and reconciliation of man is proper to Christ but euery Minister in his calling doth glorifie God and shall receiue glory of the Father whose worke he hath finished whose name he hath declared whose word he hath published If he that giueth a cup of cold water shall not goe away vnrewarded surely hee that hath distributed the bread of life with a free hand the water of life with a full cup shall receiue a Prophets rewarde which the Prophet of all Prophets shall giue vnto him To this purpose Daniel to comfort such as should suffer death in the troublesome times bloody persecutions vnder Antiochus saith Dan. 12 3 They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse shall shine as the stars for euer euer A notable encouragement this is vnto vs to do our duties we rise not early late we watch not we wake not in vaine for nothing though we haue a cold reward many times for our paines of our vnthankfull people God that setteth vs on worke and seeth our harts wil in his good time remember our effectuall faith and diligent loue and the patience of our hope in Iesus Christ To this purpose the Apostle Peter putteth vs in good assurance of a sure recompence 1 Pet 5 4 Feede the flocke of God which dependeth vpon you c and when the chiefe Shepheard shall appeare ye shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory Here is a duty a dignity a work a reward a direction a consolation If we care for the flocke more then for our selues the great Shepheard of the sheepe will make vs partakers of euerlasting life But if wee enter vpon the flocke for the fleeces sake and doe that which wee doe constrainedly not willingly wee haue our reward we cannot looke for any recompence at his hands that is the great owner of the sheepe Woe vnto all such idle Shepheards their estate shall be fearefull in the fearefull day of account who haue gifts giuen them and haue not vsed them to the comfort of themselues to the benefit of the people to the glory of the giuer These are like vnto the Ostrich which hath wings but flieth not with them so they haue gifts but they imploy them not and it had bin better for them that they had neuer receiued them then to receiue them and not to bestow them to those ends for which they were first giuen The stomacke that receiueth meate into it carieth it ouer to other parts and keepeth it not to it selfe from whence followeth the health and strength of the whole body Thus ought it to be with all those that haue obtained knowledge and other gifts they must turne them and transmit them to the good of euery part but if they keepe them locked in their owne brest they wil putrifie corrupt as meate retained still in the stomacke neuer digesteth What comfort can these men haue when they shall go the way of all flesh Nay what discomfort shall they not finde what horror and feare shall they not feele to consider how vnprofitable seruants they haue bin But if we haue receiued gifts and haue beene conscionable in the vsing of them wee haue comfort in God that he will receiue vs and reward vs. Though our gifts be small yet if we haue laboured to vse them well we shal be accounted good and profitable and faithfull seruants Vse 3 Thirdly it is required of euery Minister to be painefull in his place and to preach in season and out of season and to giue attendance on the flocke Ouer which the holy Ghost hath made him Ouerseer We must therefore be faithfull in our callings obseruing therein two rules first looking to our selues secondly to the flocke or people committed to our charge It is not sufficient for vs to teach the will of God to others but wee must doe it our selues Our Sauiour requireth of his Disciples not onely to preach to others but themselues to obserue his Commandements Math. 5 19. Whosoeuer shall breake one of these least Commandements and teach men so hee shall bee called least in the Kingdome of heauen but whosoeuer shall obserue and teach them the same shall be called
of God For Iohn describing the state of glory after this life saith I saw no Temple therein for the Lord God Almighty Re. 21 22 23 24 25 26 2● and the Lambe are the Temple of it and this City hath no need of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glory of God did light it and the Lambe is the light of it Happy are they that enter into this city where God is the Temple where God is the Sun where God is the Moone where God is all the light thereof and all the glory and defence therof It is a glorious thing in this life to be Kings and Princes and to sit vpon the throne of maiesty but when they shall inherite the kingdome of heauen they shall lay downe all earthly pompe and magnificence receiuing so great glory in that glorious city that the glory which they had as kings and Princes shall vanish away as the light of a candle at the shining of the Sunne The glory of the least of Gods Saints is so excellent that Salomon in all his glory was neuer arayed nor aduanced like one of these The end of all this is to teach vs that we ought to be euen rauished with an earnest and longing desire to dwel in this heauenly tabernacle and to labor to haue our hearts purged from an euill conscience knowing that no vncleane thing shall enter into it ●●uel 21.27 neither whatsoeuer worketh abominations and lies Euery one will seeme desirous to dwell in the Lords Tabernacle and to come to heauen but they are loath to leaue their sinnes But let vs not deceiue our selues neither let vs sooth and flatter our selues in our euils if we follow our vngodly wayes with greedinesse and will not forsake our wickednesse we shall haue the doore of Gods kingdome shut against vs. 18 The standard of the Campe of Ephraim shall be toward the West according to their armies and the Captaine ouer the sonnes of Ephraim shall be Elishama the sonne of Ammihud 19 And the hoste and the number of them were forty thousand and fiue hundreth 20 And by him shall be the tribe of Manasseh and the Captaine ouer the sonnes of Manasseh shall be Gamliel the sonne of Pedahzur 21 And his hoste and the number of them were two and thirty thousand and two hundreth 22 And the tribe of Beniamin and the Captaine ouer the sonnes of Beniamin shall be Abidan the sonne of Gideoni 23 And his hoste and the number of them were fiue and thirty thousand and foure hundreth 24 All the number of the Campe of Ephraim were an hundred and eight thousand and one hundreth according to their Armies and they shall goe in the third place We haue heard before how the Tabernacle of the Congregation was placed in the midst of the hoste and compassed about both in front and flanke standing strong in battelled in their aray ready to receiue a shocke if any enemies should offer to enter vpon them In these words is laid before vs the third company of this mighty Army the principall whereof was Ephraim and his Partizans are Manasseh and Beniamin appointed to march vnder his Ensigne and to be after a sort ranged vnder his colours It is not vnknowne to any that are meanely conuersant in the holy Scriptures that Ioseph and Beniamin were the onely children of Rahel the true and beloued wife of Iacob and that both Manasseh and Ephraim were the children of Ioseph and that the elder was Manasseh the yonger Ephraim who notwithstanding hath the first place of honour and preheminence assigned vnto him and Manasseh the first borne is compelled to be his vnderling What could Ephraim claime aboue his brother or what had Manasseh done to be put behinde It pleaseth God oftentimes to make the first last and the last first to thrust downe the elder into the place of the yonger and to aduance the yonger into the seate of the elder This appeareth in many places of the Booke of Genesis and is so ordinary and common as it need not to be set downe To insist onely vpon the present example we reade that when Ioseph brought his two children before his sicke father Gene. Iacob stretched out his right hand and laide it on Ephraims head and his left hand vpon Manassehs head directing his hands of purpose neither could be drawne to remooue them but blessed them that day and said In thee Israel shal blesse and say God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh and he set Ephraim before Manasseh Thus Gods iudgement is oftentimes contrary to mans and he preferreth that which man despiseth A notable example whereof we haue in Samuel when hee was sent to anoynt Dauid King and had the eldest sonne of Ishai before him he said 1 Sam. 16.6 Surely the Lords anoynted is before him but the Lord said vnto Samuel Looke not on his countenance nor on the height of his stature because I haue refused him for God seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord beholdeth the heart Samuel was an holy Prophet of God yet he faileth in binding Gods grace to the ordinary course of nature Doctrine 5 We learne from hence God bestoweth his gifts and graces freely to whom hee pleaseth that God bestoweth his gifts freely both when he will and where he will and to whom he will He giueth as a bountifull and gracious father the graces of election adoption iustification sanctification and all other his benefites of his free loue and fauour He lifteth vp whom he will he passeth by he forsaketh he putteth and pulleth downe whom he pleaseth Some gifts are temporall and some eternall some earthly and other heauenly and of both sorts it may be truely said Who separateth thee 1 Cor. 4.7 and what hast thou that thou hast not receiued if thou hast receiued it why reioycest thou as though thou hadst not receiued it This is set downe in the song of Hannah The Lord maketh poore 1 Sam. 2.7.8 and maketh rich he bringeth low and exalteth he raiseth vp the poore out of the dust lifteth vp the begger from the dunghil to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the seat of glory This appeareth most plainly and euidently in the gifts of God Our whole saluation is of Gods free grace belonging to a better life and accompanying saluation The free grace of god in Christ is the fountaine from whence saluatiō floweth yea it is the beginning continuance ending of our saluation The truth hereof may be made plain by the particular rehearsall of the seuerall parts thereof if we consider our election redemption calling faith iustification regeneration loue good workes remission of sinnes and perseuerance in good things vnto the end No man can be saued and obtaine eternall life except he be predestinated and elected thereunto before the foundation of the world for the kingdome of
vnto him and without him we can do nothing no not so much as think one good thought or speake one good word or practise one good worke Reason 3 Thirdly he is a debter to no man neither can any of right challenge any thing at his hands He loued vs first and not we him he made vs and not we our selues he gaue to vs and not we to him we receiue of him not he of vs. ●●m 11.34 ● 36. The Apostle saith Who hath knowne the mind of the Lord or who was his counsellour or who hath giuen vnto him first and he shall be recompensed for of him and through him and for him are all things to him be glory for euer Amen Whereby we see he freely bestoweth all things he oweth nothing of duty he offereth iniury to no man whether he grant or withhold whether he giue little or much liberally or sparingly to many or to few Seing then we are to acknowledge his glory and our owne pouerty and seeing he oweth nothing to any man neither is runne behind hand in arrerages as being thereby bound to helpe him it followeth that God offereth his gifts and graces freely and frankely vnto vs. Vse 1 What is now to be learned from hence and what may be gathered for our instruction First it serueth to reprooue the Church of Rome that maintaine the ragges and reliques of the old Pelagians and refuse to haue the grace of God freely bestowed vpon them lest they should be too much beholden vnto him and therefore they build the castle of mans saluation vpon themselues and lay the ground-worke of it vpon their own strength and refuse to set it vpon the pillar of Gods grace This appeareth in three respects in their doctrine of foreseene works in their doctrine of merits and in their doctrine of mans free will to good Thus they build the tower of Babel that is of confusion and establish false causes touching the order of mans saluation and erre greeuously in the beginning continuance and perfection thereof Now that we doe them no wrong at all in charging them thus farre let vs make it manifest in euer particular Touching foreseene workes The first stone of this tower they lay in such workes as they say serue to prepare men to iustification so they make the foreseene faith of the elect to be the cause of the election to grace and glory that God hath chosen those to eternall life whom he foresaw would beleeue and perseuere therein vnto the end This hangeth the whole frame of saluation vpon the pinne of mans faith as the mouing or procuring cause and not vpon the purpose and pleasure of him that calleth vs whereas mans saluation abideth sure and firme stable and certaine through him onely that hath loued vs and called vs to his excellent knowledge and therefore faith foreseene is not the cause of it The Apostle reasoning of the cause of our election neuer affirmeth it to be of him that beleeueth Rom. 9.11 and 11.5 but of him that calleth for then it might be said to be of our selues Ephe. 2. which cannot be Againe if we obserue the golden chaine wherein the causes of our saluation are linked together we may strongly conclude this point For our faith is in time after the grace of God and therefore cannot be the cause of grace and consequently of election It is against all rules of right reason that that which commeth after should be any cause of that which goeth before But faith is one of the effects of election in as much as God hath chosen vs not because he knew we would beleeue hereafter but to the end we should beleeue that is that he might bestow vpon vs faith and so saue vs in his owne Sonne Ephe. 1.4 Ephe. 1.4 Tit. 1.1 Tit. 1.1 Act. 13.48 Act. 13.48 We are elected that we should bee holy and faith is said to be proper to the elect and so many beleeued as were ordained to euerlasting life Thirdly we are elect as taken out of the common masse of corruption as the sonnes of wrath borne dead in sinnes while we were yet enemies vnto him Now such as God iustifieth such he also chuseth and decreeth to iustifie as Rom. 4.5 and 5.8 Rō 4.5 5 8 Vnto him that worketh not but beleeueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse and God commendeth his loue toward vs in that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs. But in the sonnes of wrath and in such as are borne dead in sinnes no faith at all could bee foreseene so that the foreseeing of faith could not bee the cause of election For if that which doeth come after cannot bee the cause of that which goeth before as we haue shewed already much lesse can that which is not at all be the cause of that which is Fourthly faith is the gift of GOD. It is giuen of God to vs and the worke of GOD in vs Ioh. 6.29.44 Ioh. 6.29 This is the worke of GOD that yee beleeue on him whom hee hath sent So the Apostle saith Phil. 1.29 Vnto you it is giuen on the behalfe of Christ not onely to beleeue on him but also for to suffer for his sake Phil. 1.29 It is he that bestoweth it and encreaseth it Before this gift there is nothing in vs but infidelity and vnbeleefe As it is not in mans power to repent when he will but when God will Lament 5.21 Ierem. 31. Psal 51. Act. 11.18 2 Tim. 2.25 26. so it is not in mans power to beleeue when he will Ioh. 12.39 40. albeit he haue the meanes though he heare the word and partake the Sacraments wherefore this cannot be the cause of Gods election as if he were mooued to elect vs by that as by a cause which he bestoweth vpon vs after wee are elected for then the same thing should be the cause of it selfe and before it selfe which is against naturall sense right reason and true religion Lastly if faith foreseene were the cause of election then infidelity foreseene should also be the cause of reprobation but this is false because then all mankind should be reprobated and reiected forasmuch as the whole masse of mankind is corrupt and God could foresee nothing in it but incredulity and vnbeleefe Thus we see that our election dependeth not vpon our owne workes or our owne faith or any thing in our selues but on the mercy loue of God there was no cause in vs to moue him For if any thing had bin in vs we might be said to haue the first stroke in our saluation to lay the first stone in that building and God should come after vs or behind vs. True it is he hath determined to elect vs and to saue vs of his good pleasure but he will bring it to passe by meanes to wit by the merits of Christ by calling of vs by giuing of vs faith
a thousand fold because he selleth it to Christ the best rewarder All men are content heere to sell to him that will giue most Christ is the best chapman the best buyer he giueth eternall saluation to vs. To draw vs from our sinnes that do vs the greatest hurt and bring infinite danger vpon soule and body he offereth to recompence vs an hundred fold more for withdrawing our hearts from our sinnes then the world can reward vs for the vsing of them Art thou not stedfast in religion but as a reede shaken with the winde sometimes carried one way and sometimes inclined another way Sell this thy doubting and wauering vnto Christ be no longer vnstable vnsetled and he will giue thee constancy to continue vnto the end Psal 68 28. and will strengthen that which he hath wrought in thee Art thou puffed vp with pride in apparell Sell this corruption and he will garnish thee with better garments he will cloathe thee with his innocency and righteousnesse that the filthinesse of thy nakednesse shall not appeare Art thou poore and needy Christ saith vnto thee The Foxes haue holes Math. 8 20. and the birds of the aire haue nests but the Sonne of man hath not where to lay his head Wilt thou prouide for thy children thy houshold Dauid saith I was young and now am olde yet I haue not seene the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread Psal 37 25. Now in this selling of our sinnes and parting from them we must obserue these particulars First that it must not be for a short time or for a season but for euer We must not sell our sinnes for a season onely but renounce all right title interest and propriety in them we must depart from them with a full purpose and resolution neuer to take them vp againe neuer to practise them any more To sell any thing is to alienate the property of it from our selues Blessed are all such sellers In this point therefore we must not be lenders as they that chalenge the right of being owners but quite and cleane put from our selues all title to our former sinnes Many indeede lay them downe for a time as hypocrites doe wiping their mouthes with the harlot and returning to their vomite with the dogge Prou. 30 20. 2 Pet. 2 22. or to their wallowing in the mire with the swine Thus it fareth with such as come to the word and Sacraments of God with prophane and vnreformed hearts They seeme godly while they are in the Church but their righteousnesse is but as the morning dew they hang downe their heads as a bulrush for a time afterward they are as bad or worse then they were before This is nothing in the sight of GOD except we vtterly forsake our sinnes True it is the faithfull and godly man may fall into some sinnes which they haue forsaken Gen. 20 2. as Abraham did in denying his wife but they must do it as strangers to it not as owners of it for it is none of theirs they haue giuen ouer the vse of it and the right vnto it It is the man that is vnregenerate he may lay lawfull claime vnto it as for vs it is no more ours then the house that we haue solde and so alienated it from vs. Secondly there is another kinde of sale that is faulty and deceitfull which is when we are content to sell some of our sinnes but we will not sell all of them Some there are so couetous that they wil part from nothing they will sell nothing Though they be neuer so well offered they are so in loue with their owne faults and folly that they will keepe them still albeit to their infinite hindrance losse euen the losse of their soules Others are content to lend their sinnes but they will not leaue them they are willing to abstaine from them for a time but they will not renounce them for euer These are like the Israelites who albeit they were brought with a strong hand out of Egypt Numb 11 5. yet they had a minde to returne thither againe they thought vpon the fish which they did eate there and remembred the Cucumbers and the Melons the Leekes the Onions and the Garlicke these they lusted after with all their soule Or as Lots wife being deliuered out of Sodome as a firebrand out of the burning or as two legs or a piece of an eare out of the mouth of the Lyon Amos 3 12 and 4 11 euen a little remnant out of the common destruction of the City Gen. 19. Luke 17. she looked backe againe toward Sodome and hadde her minde there vpon such things as she had left behind which sheweth she had not sold all but as he that lendeth his goods looketh for them againe so would she faine returne to those things that yet shee retained in her heart If the case be better with vs and that our righteousnesse exceed these yet let vs not flatter our selues and deceiue our owne soules forasmuch as wee must goe farther and step many degrees beyond them For albeit we can be content to sell and to sell for euer yet there is more required of vs so that we may say with Christ One thing is wanting we must sell all and must keep back nothing We must not sell as Ananias Sapphira did they kept backe part of the price so many make sale but they are deceitfull Merchants they will not passe all but leaue out somewhat in the bargaine So do many deale doubly with God they desire to forgoe their sinnes but they will keepe somewhat But he cannot bee mocked or cousened of vs. We must renounce our sweet sinnes our profitable sins with all the appurtenances and dependances vnto them We must abstaine from all appearance of euill We must pull vp these weeds by the rootes that they grow not in the gardens of our heart againe God will haue all that is ours left or else hee accounteth nothing truely left Herod was cōtent to heare Iohn to feare him to reuerence him to do many things that he required Mat. 14 4. and to reforme many euils that he reproued and himselfe had practised but when he told him he must not marry his brothers wife he stopped his eares and would not heare he was determined to keep that one sin The hypocrites in Micah are ready to come before the Lord and to bow themselues before the most high Mic. 6 6 7 ● to offer Riuers of oyle and the fruite of their body for the sin of their soule neuerthelesse the Prophet telleth them that God liketh not of this bargaine inasmuch as he requireth of them to do iustly to loue mercy and to walke humbly with their God We are like vnto the young man mentioned in the Gospell whom Christ is saide to haue loued Mar 10 22 When he was bidden to sell all that he had he was sad at that saying and went away
It is no good report that I heare ye make the Lords people to transgresse But Dauid was loth to displease his sonne but sought to please him in all things and behold what came of it it turned to his hurt and in the end to his vtter ouerthrow If then we lay these seuerall points together that God will shew our election and the election of our seed to stand firmely and onely vpon the purpose of his wil and cut off all occasion of boasting from vs that we are able to deriue grace vnto them lest therby we should ascribe their regeneration conuersiō to our selues so take the glory frō God to whom onely it is due vnto our selues to whom in no sort it is due that God in his counsell purposeth to destroy some of them and that they often want education a good meanes to bring them to God wee may truely conclude this point with which we deale namely that godly parents which doe beleeue haue many times vngracious and vnrighteous children that doe not beleeue This often falling out to the most faithful Vse 1 that desire to leaue an holy seed behind them let vs consider what we are to learne from it And first this sealeth vp this truth as a principle that neuer faileth namely that the father is not saued by the child nor the child by the father The Prophet saith truely Hab. 2.4 The iust shal liue by his faith not by the faith of the father nor by the faith of the sonne but by his owne faith The faith of the godly father shal not saue the vngodly child neither shal the faith of the godly child saue the vngodly father Thus are Gods wayes cleared to bee equall which are oftentimes challenged and slandered to be vnequall This doth the Prophet Ezekiel Ezek. 18.4 5.13 14 17 20. and 33.20 handle at large Chap. 18. and 33. Behold all soules are mine as the soule of the father so also the soule of the sonne is mine the soule that sinneth shall die If a man be iust and doe that which is lawfull and right if he beget a sonne that is a robber or an oppresser he shal surely die his blood shall be vpon him But if he beget a sonne that seeth all his fathers sinnes which he hath done and considereth and doth not such like hee shall not die for the iniquitie of his father he shall surely liue The soule that sinneth it shall die the sonne shall not beare the iniquity of the father neither shall the father beare the iniquity of the sonne the righteousnes of the righteous shal be vpon him and the wickednes of the wicked shal be vpō him Where he sheweth that if the father that is righteous beget a sonne vnlike vnto himselfe the righteousnesse of the father shall nothing profit or auaile him he shall receiue such a recompence of reward as is due to his impiety He mentioneth in this place three seuerall persons the grandfather the nephew and in the middle betweene them both Calui praelect in Ezek. cap. 18 he setteth the sonne of the former and the father of the latter Of them all he setteth downe this rule that euery one shall be rewarded as he hath liued and receiue according vnto his workes The blessing of GOD shall rest vpon all those that are iust whatsoeuer their posterity shall bee as Esay Chapter 3.10 Esay 3.10 Say yee to the righteous that it shall be well with him for they shall eate the fruite of their doings and to that purpose we reade in the Psalme Psal 58.11 Men shall say verily there is reward for the righteous verily he is a God that iudgeth in the earth God is a iust Iudge and therefore rewardeth euery man as his owne life is They therefore doe greatly deceiue themselues that runne into all excesse of riot and thinke to haue mercy shewed vnto them because of the godlinesse of their parents whereas rather this shall serue to heape vppe farther iudgement vpon their heads On the other side it serueth to comfort those that forsake the wickednesse of their parents progenitors forasmuch as god will accept of them and embrace them in the armes of his tender loue and neuer charge vpon them those sinnes nor vpbraide them with the same Blessed therefore are all that walke in his wayes but vnto them that turne away from righteousnesse and commit iniquity and doe according to all the abominations that the wicked man doth all his righteousnesse that he hath done shall not be mentioned in his trespasse that he hath trespassed and in his sinne that he hath sinned in them shall he die Wherefore to conclude it is required of vs not to stand vpon the goodnesse of our ancestors but vpon that which we finde in our selues inasmuch as many of the godly and righteous seruants of God haue had children appointed to wrath and destruction The people of the Iewes gloried and boasted that they had Abraham to their father albeit they did not the workes of Abraham but of their father the diuell Ioh. 8.44 Ioh. 8.44 Hence it is that Iohn the Baptist exhorteth them to bring forth fruites meete for repentance Matth. 3.8 9. and not to thinke to say within themselues We haue Abraham to our father forasmuch as God is able of the stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham It is a vaine thing in earthly things for a man to boast of his predecessors The heathen man could say Ouid. Metam lib. 13. that stocke and ancestors and such things as our selues haue not done we may scarcely cal our owne Much more doeth this holde in heauenly things and in true religion which goe not by kinde or kinne they descend not from father vnto sonne as temporall inheritances doe no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father but the Sonne and hee to whomsoeuer the Sonne will reueale him Matth. 11. Matth. 11.27 Let euery man labour to know God and to plant the feare of him in his owne heart that so we may liue by our owne faith as his life is maintained and continued by his owne soule Vse 2 Secondly let no man be discouraged though they see their seed vntoward and vngracious Religion cannot be conueyed to children by parents as house and land neither can they leaue it vnto them as they leaue them a possession to descend by a continued succession from the father to the sonne and to the sonnes sonne in one race and generation Godlinesse commeth not to vs by naturall generation Godlinesse is no inheritance from father to sonne but by spirituall regeneration neither hath the first-borne greater title to it then the second That which the Apostle speaketh of the Ministery that Paul may plant and Apollo water but it is God that giueth the increase may be truely spoken of the bringing vp of children in the nourture and information of the Lord. We may and ought
sentence of death gone out against vs Euen as the children of Israel had beene all the children of death as well as the first borne of Egypt had not God in great mercy and compassion spared them For albeit he deliuered Goshen where the Israelites were from the plagues that wasted and wearied the Egyptians was this thinke we because Israel deserued to be spared or because God could not in iustice comence any action against them No they had learned too much the manners of Egypt they beleeued not the word of the Lord for their deliuerance but murmured against the Ministers of God sent vnto them albeit they had seene his wonders and signes that were wrought among them Their first borne therefore had beene in no better case then the first borne of Egypt had not God beene mercifull vnto them and shewed pitty vpon them So then we are all put in mind of our naturall corruption by sin deriued from Adam in regard of which corruption which is spread as a foule and filthy leprosie ouer all the powers of the soule and parts of the body we are guilty both of temporall and eternall death vnlesse we haue redemption by Christ the promised Sauiour of the world We are by nature wretched and miserable sinners borne as it were out of due time and deserue the wages of sin that is death 1 Ioh. 1 8. Tit. 3.3 Rom 6.20 We our selues were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing diuers lusts and pleasures liuing in malice and enuie hatefull and hating one another There are many branches of this corruption and sundry points necessary to be knowne of vs concerning the same First we must acknowledge no difference between our selues and others Are we better or more excellent then they No in no wise We all lie vnder sinne and haue the seedes therof within vs. Rom. 3.9 and are ready to fall into all the most horrible sinnes can be named if we be not stayed by the hand of God Secondly we must looke into the Law of God as in a glasse that we may see our defects and deformities We are blinde and cannot see the Law is a true glasse and will shew vs our face truly it telleth what is amisse and flattereth no man for by the Law commeth the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 There cannot be the least spot but it will be made to appeare so that he which is ignorant of the Law knoweth not himselfe Thirdly we must confesse the loue of God to be great toward vs in freeing of vs from the bondage of sinne and setting vs at liberty to be the seruants of righteousnesse Thus doth the Apostle Rom. 7.24 25. O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lord c. Fourthly ' we must learne the vilenesse and greatnesse of our fall which Paul calleth the disobedience of one man containing all sinnes of what kinde and nature soeuer Adams sinne how great which may be considered in those few particulars First he regarded not the promise of God wherby he was willed to hope for euerlasting life so long as he cōtinued to eat the tree of life Secondly he despiseth the commandement of God restraining him from the forbidden fruite and maketh no account of it Thirdly hee breaketh out into horrible pride and ambition whereby he would be equall vnto God and seeke an estate higher then that wherin he had set him He was not content with his present condition albeit it were most excellent Fourthly he sheweth an vnfaithfull heart to depart away from the liuing God his creator so that he did not beleeue or not regard the threatning of God which was that when he sinned he should die he becommeth the most vnkinde and vnthankefull wretch that could be not considering what infinite benefites he had receiued for himselfe and his posterity and that he was to loose them and leaue them in such sort that they departed both from himselfe and from his posterity Lastly he brake out into foule and fearefull Apostacy from God to the diuell from his maker to the tempter giuing more credite to him that charged God with lying with enuy and with malice then to the Almighty of whose goodnesse he had so great experience Thus he preferred the father of lyes before the God of all truth So that in the first sinne of man August Enchir. ad Laurent ca. 46. we may discerne many sinnes if it bee deuided into his particular parts and considered seuerally as it ought to be of vs. The fift branch is that we must all of vs take notice of the fruits and effects of the former disobedience whereby the image of GOD after which we were created at the first is blotted out onely some few remnants remaining of it so that in stead of wisedome power trueth goodnesse holinesse and righteousnesse wherewith our first parents were clothed as with garments more precious then the carpets of Egypt and all the ornaments of gold and siluer wherein the Nobles of the earth are attyred he punished them with the contrary euills and pulling these from them and stripping them starke naked they appeared most deformed through blindnes weakenesse falsehood foolishnesse prophanenesse and vnrighteousnes which swarmed in them and all their children A cursed roote cursed fruite a wretched cause a wofull effect Hence it is that we are prone to fall into all euil and not able to thinke one good thought 1 Cor. 2.14 2 Cor. 3.5 we are borne dead in sinnes and trespasses Ephe. 2.1 Ier. 17.19 Iob 15.15 And yet this is not all our misery but it brought in as by a violent wind or a raging flood an heape of sicknesses diseases aches and a traine of ten thousand calamities that attend vpon our whole life vntill they bring vs into the chambers of death Lastly when we haue taken good notice of the former miseries and bondage vnder which we lie and thought well vpon them with due meditation they will driue vs out of the loue of our selues and make vs labour to be regenerated and borne againe by the spirit of God Ioh. 3.5 Ezek. 36. ● we must seeke to repaire the decayed image of God to be renewed in our mindes that we may be no longer the seruants of sin but of righteousnesse Our olde man must be crucified that the body of sinne may be destroyed Rom. 6.5 Let it not therefore reigne in our mortall body that we should obey it in the lustes therof neither let vs yeeld our members as instruments of vnrighteousnes but yeeld our selues vnto God as those that are aliue from the dead and our members as instruments of righteousnesse vnto God Againe What we are by grace as the figure of the first borne expresseth the natural condition of all mankind deseruing to be destroyed so it setteth foorth the prerogatiue of the faithfull and sheweth what we are by grace For as Christ being
walke in that broad and beaten path forgetting the commandement of God in the Law Exod. 23.2 Thou shall not follow a multitude to doe euill and the counsell of Christ in the Gospel The gate is wide and the way broad that leadeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat Matth. 7.13 Wherfore we must learne that multitude is no note of true religion nor riches nor prosperity nor glory nor outward blessings forasmuch as these are common to the godly and vngodly to the beleeuers and to the infidels The word of God must be our rule in this life which shall be our Iudge in the life to come This is no way partiall neither can it deceiue any Lastly seeing persons weake and contemptible Vse 3 in the world are oftentimes highly regarded of God it teacheth vs to praise the Name of God for it and to acknowledge it to be his gift and to returne him the glory who out of the mouth of babes and sucklings ordaineth praise vnto himselfe Psal 8.2 We see this in the song of Hannah 1 Sam. 2.1 she prayed and praised the Lord her heart was enlarged ouer her enemies she reioyced in his saluation So in the song of the blessed Virgine Luke 1. My soule magnifieth the Lord and my spirit hath reioyced in God my Sauiour for he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaide c. In like manner Christ gaue thankes to his Father that had hid the mysteries of his kingdome from the wise and prudent of the world and reuealed them to babes Matth. 11.25 Thus doth it belong as a speciall duty vnto vs whensoeuer we see these workes of God as if we open our eyes and will not be blinded we may daily see them to adore them and to magnifie his power and to praise his Name This hath many particular branches First we must confesse our selues miserable by nature and no good thing in vs to raise vp our selues aboue others being no way better then others We cannot too farre cast downe our selues nor pull downe the pride of this flesh that is ready to lift vp it selfe against his Maker We are a lumpe of earth and worse then the bruit beasts and the dust out of which we were taken We are fallen from God our excellency is gone Secondly whatsoeuer we haue it is his gift we haue receiued it at his hands it commeth downe from aboue and therefore let vs not glory as if we had not receiued it 1 Cor. 4.7 Thirdly let vs walke worthy of our calling euen of those mercies which we haue tasted and acknowledge our selues to be vnworthy of them Then we are indeed thankefull vnto him when we are dutifull vnto him Fourthly let vs be humble in our owne eyes and not boast of any thing in our selues or in our owne merites neither let vs thinke our selues worthy to be regarded of him This is the way to stoppe the course of his mercies to boast of our owne merites Iacob did not so he accounted himselfe lesse then all the mercies of God and the trueth which he had skewed vnto his seruant Gen. 32.10 The Saints doe all and alwayes cast downe themselues before him in true humility whereas hypocrites are puffed vp with the wind of their owne conceits and swell aloft like the Surges of the sea as we see by the example of the Pharisee Luk. 18.11 he gaue thankes to God for fashion sake but pride possessed his heart and wrought in him the contempt of his brother that was more righteous then he Fiftly from hence we may assure our selues of greater mercies and farther blessings One mercy draweth on another vntill they flocke together on a heape If we be thankefull for lesser we are assured of greater They are as the first fruits that sanctifie the whole Paul hauing found by experience that God had oftentimes deliuered him from present death hath his confidence in him that he also will deliuer him 2 Cor. 1.10 This is as a sure staffe to leane vpon in all distresse to be assured that he is vnchangeable with whom is no shadow of turning ●n 3.10 he is said to repent of the euill that he hath spoken that he would doe and not to doe it but he repenteth not of the good that hee sheweth to his seruants forasmuch as whom he loueth he loueth them to the end Sixtly let vs keepe a register of his blessings and so settle them in our hearts that we neuer forget them but may thereby be prouoked to set forth his praise We cannot open our eyes in the day nor thinke vpon him in the night season but we haue innumerable testimonies of his loue toward vs. Let vs not therefore be silent and hold our peace but say to our owne soules with the Prophet Psa 103 1.2 Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy Name blesse the Lord O my soule forget not all his benefits Giue him therefore the glory in all things and let vs prouoke others to praise him and tell of his wondrous actes It is a sweet smelling sacrifice that God delighteth in he smelleth the sauour of it a farre off and is well pleased with it This duty ought to be the continuall practise of our life it should arise with vs in the morning and lie downe with vs in the euening We haue receiued much from Gods good hand shall we returne nothing to him againe like the barren earth that yeeldeth no encrease The waters that by secret conduits or conueyances doe come to the sea returne openly into it againe so that all men see it and behold it how the riuers runne into the sea Eccle 1.7 So the graces of Gods Spirit as the waters of life which God doth secretly conuey into the hearts of the godly ought publikely to haue their recourse vnto him againe by praise and thankesgiuing There is no great Lord that bestoweth any possession or tenement vpon his tenant but he reserueth some rent to acknowledge the seruice and homage he oweth God hath bestowed much vpon vs we are all his Coppy-holders we hold at the pleasure of our grand Lord The rent that he hath reserued is praise and thankesgiuing if we withhold this from him and will not pay him we haue forfeited our estates we haue deserued to haue all taken from vs and seazed into the Lords hands againe from whom they came 21 Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites and the family of the Shimites these are the families of the Gershonites 22 Those that were numbred of them according to the number of all the males from a moneth olde and vpward euen those that were numbred of them were seuen thousand and fiue hundred 23 The families of the Gershonites shall pitch behind the Tabernacle Westward 24 And the chiefe of the house of the father of the Gershonites shall be Eliasaph the sonne of Lael 25 And the charge of the sonnes of Gershon in the
of the Magistrate to beare vs out I answere ●nswer The protection of the Law is the protection of the Lord forasmuch as it is his ordinance as when the Lawes of men protect vs so that we haue benefite by them it is the Magistrats protection True it is God hath promised that he will not leaue vs nor forsake vs nor suffer an haire to fall from our heades without his prouidence yet we must not separate his prouidence and the meanes whereby it is executed one from another whereof this is one meanes The Magistrate is nothing else but the Minister of God for our good who sitteth in his seate and executeth his iudgment so that they are not contrary one to another the one being set vnder the other Obiection 4 Lastly the badge of Christians is loue which couereth a multitude of sinnes and neuer seeketh to reuenge or resist euill by carrying of tales and complaining of others before Magistrates I answer Answer It is true loue bringeth a cloake to couer all things that ought to be concealed it hopeth all things it beleeueth all things 1 Cor. 13.7 It is not ready to beleeue an euill report flying abroad from one talebearer and whisperer to another it is ready to interpret doubtful matters in the better part it is ready to keepe secret the offence of our neighbour if by priuate admonition he may be wonne it will not relate bare words against the sense and meaning of his brother True it is also that Christians must suffer not offer and rather beare two blowes then giue one which is the meaning of Christs words Mat 5.39 commanding not to resist euill and charging that whosoeuer shall smite vs on the right cheeke we turne to him the other also But notwithstanding all these things we may lawfully defend our selues by the law though we doe not offend others against the Law The word therefore forbiddeth not the vse of the Law but teacheth vs how to vse it aright And when we vse the helpe of the Magistrate cal vpon him to do iustice vpon our aduersaries it is no vnlawfull or priuate reuenge which onely is forbidden but to goe to the ordinance that God hath appointed that is to the Magistrate who is the Vicegerent of God or his Lieutenant to take vengeance on euill doers Rom. 13.4 1 Pet. 2.14 Secondly it reprooueth all such as thinke all callings to haue their ground out of the ground and to fetch their foundation from earthly men out of the earth by chance or fortune and neuer haue so much as any thought arising in their hearts whence their calling should come whereas we must set this down as a rule That the Lord himself is the authour of euery lawfull calling the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 7. As God hath called euery man so let him walke We are therefore in our calling by the appointment of God as the souldier is in the Camp by the assignment of his Captaine and not by the bare will pleasure of men themselues Thirdly it conuinceth them of sin that liue in no warrantable calling Euery man must liue in some lawfull calling wherein he is to exercise and occupy himselfe Adam was employed in a calling in the Garden of Eden Caine was a tiller of the ground Abel was a shepheard Noah an husbandman All the Patriarkes brought vp their sons and daughters frugally to labour none was allowed and permitted to be idle The Law is generall Gen. 3.19 In the sweat of thy browes shalt thou eate bread till thou returne to the ground Such then are condemned as liue in idlenesse all Rogues Vagabonds that run vp and down among vs cozeners shifters cheaters carders dicers such as liue by maintaining houses of gaming such as liue by playing and by delighting to follow those corrupt courses which are against the word and haue no print or footstep out of it But is it not lawfull to vse recreation I answere it is in it selfe a thing indifferent Indifferent things must be vsed without offence They should haue this end to fit vs to better things No recreation must be made a vocation or an occupation for then it ceasseth to be recreation and changeth his nature It must not be vsed to hinder vs in our estates much lesse to our vndoing or decaying for that argueth great vnstayednesse of affections and want of discretion that cannot bridle themselues in such trifles A request made to gamesters If such as pretend the vse of recreation for the abuse of these things were intreated to giue away their gaines and winnings to the poore and to bestow them vpon good and charitable vses as releeuing of the needy redeeming of Captiues raising vp such as are in debt and decay maintaining of learning establishing of the Ministery and doing good to widows strangers and fatherlesse children it could not be obtained at their hands by any meanes which argueth that it is another thing that possesseth the heart which they respect and ayme at and more then a naked recreation If there were a law made to binde all such as play at any games to giue but halfe of their winnings to the poore I thinke few or none would approue of it or vse any pastimes at all As then all lawfull and honest callings are of God so are all vnlawfull of the diuell he is the master teacher of them ●e fourth ●roofe Fourthly it conuinceth all such as are not content with that place wherein God hath set them but are disturbed and disquieted in minde through the troubles that arise from thence as there is no calling but hath some crosses accompanying it and attending vpon it The common calling of a Christian is not without his crosses whosoeuer will be the Disciple of Christ must take vp his crosse and follow him The Prophets and holy men of God haue suffered many iniuries and reproches As then the former sort that liue out of a lawfull calling are as members in the body that are out of ioynt gone out of the place wherein they ought to be so these that are carried away with discontentment of their owne and so breake into other mens callings are like beasts that leape ouer other mens hedges and eate vp their pasture and are not content to goe into such places as are appointed for them We are ready to cry out against brute beasts and vnreasonable creatures that wil not tarry in the pastures fitted vnto them whereas oftentimes the owners of them are more vnruly and vnpatient that beare the image of God and professe the Name of Iesus Christ and therefore ought to learne contentation in all estates Such hath beene the weaknesse of many that they haue not beene able to beare and brooke the iniuries and indignities that haue beene offered vnto them thereupon haue bin ready to forsake their places and to leaue their callings Hence it is that Christ willeth his Disciples to possesse their soules with patience Lu. 21
whensoeuer any euen of the lowest that pertaine vnto their flocke when the tradesman the Shoomaker the Weauer the Husbandman when the seruant the poore soule that hath scarce what to eate or what to drinke or what to put on shal resort vnto them for comfort or counsell then is there place especially for this grace of humblenesse and lowlinesse of mind they must make much of such as come vnto them and beare themselues familiarly and plainely toward them entertaining them with all gentlenesse and giuing them encouragement with all patience in hearing of them and in bearing with their wants and imperfections But many there are that take themselues to be such profound doctours such learned Clearkes such deepe Diuines and iolly fellowes that they thinke it were a great disparagement vnto them to bestow their labour and learning among such sottes They say I could be content to take greater paines to teach Gentlemen and those that are more ciuill but these rudesbies and Russet coates who can abide to liue withall who can endure to spend his dayes among Clownes and clouted shooes Thus they deale with Gops people thus they speake of Gods people for whom Christ dyed Thus they account of those that hunger and thirst after knowledge thus they bewray the pride of their owne hearts and testifie against themselues the little loue they beare to the sheepe to the sheepfold and to the sheepeheard of the sheepe Let them steppe but one steppe forward and then they will plainely discouer their owne hypocrisie and euidently shew that they differ little or nothing from the Papists themselues For they to discourage simple people from reading the Scriptures Ce●s● C●●● ● 13. call them dogges and swine to whom holy things are not to be deliuered and to that purpose alleadge the words of Christ Matth 7.6 Giue not that which is holy vnto the dogges neither cast yee your pearles before swine lest they trample them vnder their feet and turne againe and rent you so these men account them as clownes and Coridons and cast out what words of contempt they can against them they bid them follow the plough taile get them into their shops and busie themselues in their trades as though conference and communication with them were in no sort to be admitted or as though they had no soules to saue so that in short time peraduenture these high minded men will esteeme them as dogs and swine also which ought not to treade in the LORDS courts These are farre from the minde and example of Christ who being equall with God made himself of no reputation and took vpon him the forme of a seruant he vouchsafed to conferre with rude and simple men hee taught men and women high and low rich and poore he refused none He taught indeed in the Temple and in great cities and in populous assemblies but he disdained not to teach also in their villages and townes and to instruct plaine countreymen and had oftentimes more comfort of his labours among such then among men of greater callings In like manner we that are called to this office and haue our speciall and particular place of teaching assigned vnto vs ought to know that we must be no chusers When the Lord of the haruest hath sent vs into his field the chiefe Shepheard of the sheepe hath set vs ouer his flocke and the housholder hath hired vs to labour in his vineyard it is our dutie to follow the example of our Lord and Master and to apply our selues in our charges that we may discharge them faithfully zealously carefully and diligently Let vs not dislike our places in the countrey which we haue taken because the people are few or rude or simple or poore or of meane conceit and vnderstanding in them These men will doe nothing in secret but seeke to be famous and to be knowen openly they affect honours and promotions they resort to great places and solemne assemblies and desire to preach in the Vniuersities at the Court at Pauls at the Spittle or to be heard of great men and noble personages and in the meane season absent themselues from their owne cure of soules which are like to perish for whom they must giue account and come to their reckoning and so disdaine to haue any dealing with such as are simple as if they were too good and the people too base Let vs seek to shake off this high conceit of our selues and take heed of a scornfull and disdainefull heart which naturally accompanieth all and especially those of great giftes of high places We see this in Christs owne disciples notwithstanding his owne example of humility daily before their eies euen when he was preaching most seriously and earnestly vnto them of his death and departure of his Crosse and Passion of loue and humility Luke 22.22 23. they began to striue for superiority contend which of them should be accounted the greatest Thirdly we haue warrant and direction Vse 3 from hence to desire most earnestly that the kingdome of God may flourish euery where Christ our Sauiour teacheth vs to pray that his kingdome may come Matth. 6.10 and so to be erected in the hearts of men It was an holy affection in Moses to desire that all the Lords people were Prophets Num. 11.29 so ought we to craue that Gods word might be established among all men and made manifest to all people of the world This vse consisteth of many branches Branches of this vse First it is our duty to bewaile such places and persons as lie in darkenesse and ignorance and consequently in the shadow of death Christ had compassion of such and his bowels yearned within him Such as haue not the light of the Gospel shining among them are said to sit in darkenesse and to liue in the region of death Matth. 4.16 There are many places of the land many thousand poore desolate soules that lie in great ignorance and haue no knowledge of the wayes of God dwelling in them The fields are ouergrown with bryars and nettles which should bee white vnto the haruest Ioh. 4.35 The diuell smileth at it and reioyceth to behold the desolations of the Church because it is the exalting of his throne and the setting vp of his kingdome He is the king of the world as Christ is of the Church and his scepter is ignorance as the scepter of Christs kingdome is his word And therefore when the seat of wickenesse is ouerthrowne by preaching of the Gospel we may see Satan as lightning fall downe from heauen Luke 10.18 If then we can behold the ruines of the Church and the destruction of many of our brethren through want of knowledge and yet are not grieued at it nor lament for it we haue not the affection in vs of Christ the head neither the grace of compassion that ought to be in vs toward our fellow members Secondly we are bound to desire that wheresoeuer there is a candlesticke there
I may protest indeed that whatsoeuer I speake is from God and haue drawne and deriued it from him Secondly it is our duty to ayme at his glory that hath called vs. We must not sit downe in Moses chaire to preach our selues and to get credit to our owne names if we make this the end of our preaching it cannot be but we shal prophane the holy word of God and disguise it one way or other The Apostle regarded little to be iudged of men 1 Cor. 4.3 and esteemed nothing the vaine applause of the world but preached Christ among them and him crucified Hence it is that our Sauiour saith How can ye beleeue which receiue honour one of another Ioh. 5.44 and seeke not the honour that commeth from God onely It is a note of a true teacher to seeke his glory that sent him as contrariwise it is the note of a false teacher if any in deliuering his doctrine seeke himselfe rather then God This is the difference betweene a true and false teacher as Christ sheweth at large Ioh. 7.17 18. If any man will doe his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my selfe he that speaketh of himselfe seeketh his owne glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no vnrighteousnesse is in him That is true doctrine that giueth glory to God and they are true teachers that seeke to set it forth onely Let vs consider of this a little farther If any be desirous to know whether any doctrine be true and haue God the Author of it let him labour to find it by this note The doctrine of predestination hath beene taught diuersly one way that it is of foreseene works another of the purpose of God according to election Ro. 9.11 If any desire to know whether of these two opinions is the truer let him examine them both by this rule and try them by this touch-stone which of them doth best serue to set forth the glory of God Not that which imputeth our predestination to our selues and our owne workes but the other which ascribeth all to his good pleasure who hath elected vs to the praise of the glory of his grace Ephe. 1.6 The like we might say of iustification and saluation of the elect touching which are diffrent doctrines deliuered Some teach that we are iustified by faith alone that is by Christs satisfaction apprehended and applyed by faith others that we are iustified by mens merits and not by Christs obedience alone These two opinions are cleane contrary and cannot agree together if one of them be true the other is false Now by this we shall be made able to iudge marke whether of them giueth God the glory alone They that set vp mans merits and deserts and make him to haue power to work out his own saluation doe giue the glory to man and so robbe God of his honour and glory and therfore they cannot teach the trueth But they that impute iustification to Christs righteousnesse who is our merite doe commend his grace and mercy alone and therefore they teach that doctrine which is of God If this course were wel noted and obserued it would shake in peeces many articles in controuersie betweene the Church of Rome and vs. We should not haue occasion to dispute so often and to reason with them touching mans free-will indulgences pardons intercession of Saints and such like points which leade away our mindes from God and his glory from the Creator to the Creature Let all the Ministers of God therefore proue themselues and their teaching by his note let them set his glory before their eyes according to the example of Christ their Master Ioh. 8.50 I seeke not mine owne glory there is one that seeketh and iudgeth Thirdly it belongeth to the Ministers duty to come well prepared and prouided as a wise Scribe taught to the kingdome of heauen bringing forth out of his treasure things both old and new Matth. 13.52 The Ministers must come with good aduisement and premeditation and so handle the word with feare and reuerence There is no man that is sent on an embassage but will thinke before hand what to say much more is required and ought to be practised of the messengers of God They must eate the roule of Gods booke Ezek. 2.1 Esay 6.7 and haue their tongue touched with a coale from the Altar They must not vtter whatsoeuer commeth into their mind but that they haue before well chewed and digested He that speaketh suddenly shall neuer speake profitably but presumeth too farre vpon his owne gifts regardeth not as he ought the good or the people and cannot haue that comfort to himselfe which were expedient Fourthly they must regard not onely the matter which they handle but the manner of handling Some are so negligent and carelesse in deliuering the word that they regard not what wordes they vse and so let slip from them such homely phrases as it were kitchin-stuffe that it bringeth the Minister and his ministery and the word it selfe into contempt It is noted of Christ that there proceeded gracious words out of his mouth Luke 4.22 according to the saying of the Prophet Grace is powred into thy lippes Psal 45.2 Let vs so speake the word of God both for matter and manner as it ought to be spoken and as we are perswaded Christ and his Apostles would haue spoken it if they had deliuered it to the people Our ordinary talke and communication should be as it were seasoned with salt and minister grace to the hearers how much more therefore when the word of God is in our mouthes and vttered by vs If we set this as a rule and caution before our eies it wil serue as all-sufficient to informe vs and make the word reuerent in our mouthes Some take vpon them to reprooue sinne but it is in such a foolish manner in such a iesting veine and after such a scoffing fashion that they rather perswade to sinne then disswade from sinne and bring the people in loue with it rather then out of the loue of it Therefore let this bee another rule added to the former that no man must gird and glance at sinne to shew forth his owne witte and to magnifie himselfe to be accounted and esteemed that way Rather let vs pierce the very heart of it with the two edged sword of Gods word ●4 12 and strike downeright blowes at it with the hammer of Gods word ● 29 that so it may be broken in peeces Sinne is growne to a great head it is not to be dallied withall He that playeth with a serpent may happely bee stung of it before he be aware Fiftly it is required of the Minister to speake to the people with vnderstanding We must not flie aloft aboue the reach and capacity of those to whom we speake and consider not so much what is lawfull for vs to deliuer but
a notable Epistle to this purpose written to a certaine Bishop called Auxilius August epist 75. in the behalfe of one Classicianus who being a young man for the offence of the master of the house excommunicated all the rest of his family and would not deliuer the Sacraments to his children and houshold whom he perswadeth to lay aside anger and to reuerse his sentence lest the man perish that is a friend the diuell reioyce in it that is an enemy In this case in a manner doe they offend who refuse to baptize the children of thē that are excommunicated such as are borne in fornication because their parents are impenitent as though the sonne should beare the iniquity of the father or the wife of the husband or the seruant of the master or he that is not yet born the iniquity of thē that are borne What hath the infant offended that is borne in the Church that he should not be baptized of the Church The Prophet saith The son shall not beare the iniquity of the father nor the father Ezek. 18 20. the iniquity of the son but the soule that sinneth it shall die This also is the resolutiō of Beza in one of his Epistles Beza epist 10. prouing that the children of the excommunicate may be baptized We conclude therefore that they onely which haue offended and remaine obstinate in their offences are to be excommunicated forasmuch as Christ neuer said if he heare not the Church let him and all that belong any way vnto him be as heathens and Publicanes but let him be vnto thee that is him only This serueth to cōdemne the horrible and abhominable tyranny of the Bishops of Rome who haue not onely raged vpon the bodies of the Saints but also exercised dominion ouer their consciences These are they that send out their curses and smite the cheefest Monarches of the world as it were with thunder lightning They pronounce sentence of excommunication for trifles and they absolue from it for trifles They excommunicate one for another and they absolue one for another They cast out of the Church those that do not belong to their iurisdiction for what haue they to doe with Princes When Princes are supposed to haue offended they curse condemne whole states and Kings as they haue serued heeretofore the Kings of this Land and lately thc State of Venice They haue interdicted whole Realmes they haue forbidden diuine seruice to be said and the Sacraments to be administred Fiftly we must learne from what things excommunicate persons are excluded that we may the better know how to behaue our selues toward them Christ saith let such be as heathens Publicanes that is abstaine from such false brethren and communicate not with thē either in matters of religion or in common conuersation But how far we must forbeare their company and conuersing with them we shall speake afterward The word excommunication and to excommunicate note out a cutting off frō the communion which Christ noteth by the branches that bring foorth no fruite Iohn 15 6. If a man abide not in me hee is cast foorth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned The Euangelists also call it to put out of the Synagogues Iohn 16 2. that is out of the fellowship of the faithfull met together in one place Hence it is also that they were said to be accursed being out of the Church as they are blessed that abide in the Church hauing a communion together in matters of religion and fellowship one with another Now we must vnderstand that there is a two-fold communion from whence an excommunicate person may be said to be excluded Communion is two-fold inward and outward the one is inward and spirituall the other outward and corporall The inward communion is that which euery faithfull one hath by faith and loue first with God and then with the Saints of God and therfore in the Creed it is called the Communion of Saints For all the Saints are ioyned together with Christ their head by the band of the Spirit among themselues and with the whole body of the Church 1 Cor. 10 16. The bread which we breake in the Supper of the Lord is it not the communion of the body of Christ saith Paul And the Apostle Iohn in his first Epistle That which we haue seene heard declare we vnto you 1 Ioh●● that ye also may haue fellowship with vs and truely our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ From this fellowship can none be excluded but by sin The Prophet saith Esay 5 ● your sinnes haue separated betweene mee and you And Iohn teacheth that if we walke in the light as he is in the light 1 Iohn 1 ● we haue fellowship one with an other and the blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth vs from all sin And Paul in his Epistle to the Romanes sheweth particularly that there is nothing vnder heauen can separate vs from Christ and from the loue of God neither death Rom. 8.3 ● nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature among al which he doth not reckon sin and therefore it is sin alone which can separate any man frō the grace of God and from communion with him The excommunication of the Church can bar and shut out no man from this communion For if any man be truly engrafted into Christ endued with faith in Christ and repentance from dead workes beeing a member of his body in deed and in truth excommunication shal hurt him nothing at all in regard of that spirituall communion forasmuch as the sentence so giuen is void and frustrate and the doore is shut vp locked fast with a false key Such an excommunication is a blessing not a cursing Againe albeit a man iustly deserueth to bee excommunicated through his sin to be separated from God yet excommunication is not the first or cheefe cause of it but his owne sin and the continuance in it seeing it doth not seuer him from God but declareth him to bee seuered through his impenitency as the Priests vnder the law putting out the leprous did not defile them with the leprosie but pronounced them to be defiled as the Iudge giuing sentence vpon a malefactor doth not therby make him a malefactor for hee was so before but pronounce him to be so and as a theefe that is found guilty is not thereby made a theefe But here a question ariseth how can it be Obiect that any hauing a true fellowship with Christ can be separated from it through sin Can he that is a member of Christ be made no member All men are eyther reprobate or elect The reprobate are not neyther were neyther euer shall be partakers of this communion how then should they be
reasonable creature and euery reasonable creature is a man If then by sinne the law of the eternall God bee broken we see how it toucheth him neerely so that his Maiestie is offended and his iustice violated Secondly euery sinne is liable to iudgement Reason 2 against whomsoeuer it be committed it is punished of God he taketh the matter into his owne hand as Rom. 1.18 The wrath of God is reuealed from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men which hold the trueth in vnrighteousnesse And chap. 2.9 Tribulation and anguish vpon euery soule of man that doth euil of the Iew first and also of the Gentile To this purpose speaketh the Apostle Iames cha 4.12 There is one Lawgiuer that is able to saue and to destroy He punisheth sinne in whomsoeuer he findeth it and letteth not the transgressour escape scot free that so he may be acknowledged to be a iust and vpright God that hateth wickednesse and loueth righteousnesse For he will shew himselfe iust as well in his reproofes and threatnings as in his iudgements and corrections Now he could not correct all sinne except all sinne were committed against him And if he should he should be an vniust iudge through too much rigour and seuerity as the Apostle concludeth in the Epistle to the Romanes cha 3.5 6. Is God vnrighteous which punisheth I speake as a man God forbid for then how shall God iudge the world Forasmuch as hee which is to iudge all the world in righteousnesse and trueth cannot but deale iustly and vprightly Gen. 18. Thirdly as he punisheth all sinne so he only Reason 3 can forgiue sinnes This is that which the Prophet setteth downe Thou hast in loue to my soule deliuered it from the pit of corruption for thou hast cast all my sinnes behinde thy backe Esay 38.17 And to rhis purpose speaketh Micah chap. 7.19 He will subdue our iniquities and thou wilt cast all their sinnes into the depthes of the sea If then it belong to God alone to forgiue sinnes it followeth that they are committed against him Fourthly the loue of our brethren is made Reason 4 the fufilling of the whole law and the tryall of our selues whether we loue God or not This the Apostle maketh plaine Rom. 13.8.9 10. Owe no man any thing but to loue one another for he that loueth another hath fulfilled the law for this Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse c. it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe loue worketh no ill to his neighbour therefore loue is the fulfilling of the Law In setting downe the summe of the whole Law Christ and his Apostles oftentimes passe ouer the first Table and make no mention of the duties thereof He calleth the most weighty and principall matters of the Law iudgement mercy and fidelity Matth. 23.23 and when the yong man in the Gospel asked the question what commandements he must obserue that he may enter into eternall life he sendeth him not to the first Table but to the second and saith vnto him Thou shalt not kil thou shalt commit adultery c. thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Matth. 19.18 He might haue taught that he should haue no other God but the true God of Israel and that he must loue him beleeue in him and put his trust and confidence in him but the obedience heereunto stood for the most part in the inward affection of the heart or in outward ceremonies The affection of the heart doth not appeare outwardly and the outward ceremonies of his worship are oftentimes counterfeited thorough hypocrisie but the workes of charitie are witnesses of true righteousnesse Our outward workes toward men are signes of our inward piety toward God so that he will haue our faith toward him to be knowne by these fruits Wherefore forasmuch as we haue plainely shewed and firmely prooued that all sinne is a transgression of Gods Law that he is a punisher of sinne rewarding euery one according to his workes that he onely can forgiue sinnes and that he tryeth how we performe our duty toward him by our loue and charity toward our brethren it followeth necessarily that howsoeuer men are many waies and oftentimes greatly wronged yet therein also God is most highly offended An obiection answered Now albeit the doctrine may seeme sufficiently strengthened by these consents and reasons yet some scruple and doubt may remaine in vs except we shall remooue one obiection For in that prayer which the Lord taught his disciples we are taught to aske forgiuenesse our sinnes at the hands of God forasmuch as we also forgiue our debtors Luk. 11.4 The creditor is God the debtor is man the band or bill is the Law the debt is sinne the prison is hell Hereupon the question may be asked Obiect how all sin can be made to be committed against God seeing we are also said to sinne against men and to bee indebted vnto them for debt and sinne are vsed indifferently the one for the other If then we be said to sinne against God onely how are wee said to trespasse against our brother and our brother to trespasse against vs Luke 17.3.4 Answer and how are we saide to forgiue one another I answere in euery trespasse that we doe against our neighbour we are to consider two things first the iniury done to man secondly the offence done against God The losse and damage that man receiueth either in his body when he is wounded or in his substance when it is purloyned or in his good name when it is abused he may forgiue and remit but the sin against God and his Law God onely can remit and release If a man be slandered and thereby receiue much hurt he may pardon that as we see in Dauid who flying from his sonnes rebellion was cursed with an horrible curse by Shemei one of the family of the house of Saul hee accused him to be a bloody man 2 Sam. 16.7 and reuiled him as a man of Belial yet hee put it vp and would not be reuenged of it neither suffer others to take away his life Neuerthelesse as his vile slanders and false surmises were forbidden in the ninth commandement and were breaches thereof he did not neitheir could he forgiue he hath nothing to do with that nay all the men in the world are not able to make it no breach of the law and consequently no sinne against God If a man cause a blemish in his neighbour he may forgiue the blemish he hath receiued as Stephen his persecutors that stoned him to death and prayed for them but he cannot blot out the staine that the sin maketh in his soule nor forgiue the breach of the sixt commandement If a man haue his goods stollen he may pardon the theefe but he cannot remit the theft for as much as the eighth commandement will take hold of him
to confesse no more then you can prooue against them Looke what you can conuince them off they will confesse because they cannot deny it where you sticke at the proofe they will sticke to lay open themselues and they will goe no farther then you can goe but impudently deny the rest They will neuer be brought to confesse they haue sinned vntill they be taken in their sinne so that the first time of their taking shall be the first time of their sinning This is a corruption the which we haue drawne from our first parents to hide our sins as Adam When hee was examined by the most vpright Iudge he posted the matter ouer from himselfe to his wife Gen. 3 12 13. The woman that thou gauest to bee with me shee gaue me of the tree and I did eate And the woman after his example went about to cleere her selfe and laide all the blame vpon the Serpent The Serpent beguiled mee and I did eate But all this serued not their turne God found them out and punished them for their sinne In this number we may range all such as keep silence and hold their peace when they haue committed sinne albeit they heare it enquired into as Achan did when he had stollen away the wedge of gold and the Babylonish garment Iosh 7 16 who hid his sinne vntill he saw it detected by others Thus do very many account it a notable point of wisedome to keepe their owne counsell and if they can cunningly carry it away they glory in it and reioyce in their owne wicked deuices Others that are driuen to speake somewhat touching their offences will notwithstanding answer nothing to the purpose as Gehazi did whose confession was no confession 2 King 5 25. Thy seruant went no whither When God called Caine to an account for the horrible parricide hee had committed against his owne naturall brother and began to question with him about it Where is Abel thy btother he answered I cannot tell Gen. 4 9. am I my brothers keeper He would not confesse it but stood in defence of it or at least would shake it off frō him as a matter impertinent vnto him and no way concerning him This was a signe of his impenitency hardnesse of heart it is a sure testimony that as yet he had no touch of conscience nor feeling of sinne nor regard of punishment Thus the case standeth with many among vs they care not how they run on in their sinnes yet cannot be brought to confesse them to GOD that they may finde mercy Such haue no cōfort of heart nor peace of conscience but lye vnder the wrath of God and come farre behinde Iudas the sonne of perdition Thirdly there is another sort The third reproofe that will not hide their sinne altogether but yet mince it diminish it as if it stuck betweene their teeth and they were loth to vtter it so that they are vnwilling to declare what they haue done They can amplifie the sinnes of others but they will extenuate their owne and confesse them so slightly and coldly that thereby they farther discouer their owne wickednesse and that they are not touched at the heart with a feeling of them A cold confession bewraieth and argueth a cold repentance and shall bring as cold an effect and fruite of consolation For like confession like consolation If a Subiect that hath offended his Prince should craue pardon of the Prince in such sort as many aske forgiuenesse of God he should be assured to finde little fauour If he should say vnto the Prince I confesse I haue rebelled and offended but many others haue offended the Law as much or more I was not the principall agent or dooer in it I was drawne into it by others would this submission bee accepted at his hands How then shall we thinke that God will approue of vs when we cut short our sinnes in confessing which we haue enlarged in committing Wee are not ashamed to say I am not the ●reatest sinner I pray God I may neuer doe any thing worse and then I hope I shall do well enough I am not the first that haue sinned and I am sure I shall not be the last I am not alone but others are as bad as I let euery one looke to himselfe I am I thanke God neither whoremaster nor theefe nor murtherer nor drunkard These are they that iustifie themselues like the Pharisee in the Gospel Luke 18 verse 11 12. who praied thus with himselfe God I thanke thee that I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publican These are they that peraduenture will not sticke with you to acknowledge some of their sins especially such as are in the eies and eares of the world seene and heard of all men but they will not confesse all nor the greatest nor the cheefest nor the most secret like vnto those foolish Marriners that goe about to stop the least and smallest holes in the Shippe and let the greatest and widest alone or like vnwise patients that would shew to the Surgeon their lightest wounds hide from him the most deep and dangerous or like a watchman that should discouer a little band and troope of enemies coming to assault the City and conceale a great army that is ready to enter and to cast downe the walles Wee must keepe none of our sweet sinnes nor of our profitable sinnes but confesse them all to him that hath promised to couer them and not to impute them vnto vs. Such are in the right way to true blessednesse as for others they are out of the right way For it condemneth such as are content to confesse in generall termes that they are sinners but you shall as soone wring water out of a flint as any particular confession out of their mouthes they are too much in loue with themselues they are too much in loue with their owne sinnes Particular cōfession required of al men If wee looke for pardon at the hands of God we must not be ashamed or afraid or astonished to set them out at large with their parts and circumstances at what times in what places after what manner and among what persons we haue committed them Thus haue the faithfull seruants of God done and found comfort by it This is the right way to obtaine forgiuenesse and to procure a blessing at the hand of almighty God a plaine proofe of true humiliation without which there is no forgiuenesse at all can bee assured vnto vs. Vse 2 Secondly this confession of our sinnes vnto God ministreth wonderfull comfort to all such as are truely greeued and heartily sorrowfull for them When we can freely poure out our meditations before him and lay open our secret sinnes that neither friend nor foe knoweth or can touch vs withall whē we can hate with an earnest hatred our best beloued sinnes that haue bene as deare vnto vs as our right hand or our right eie
altar to be enriched by the hurt of others as we see in this place neither would he haue iniurious persons freed from blame if they should offer that to the Priests which they had taken away from others Wherefore if there were none to whom they could restore yet he would haue their houses to be blamelesse and no part of filthy gaine to sticke and cleaue vnto their fingers seeing it is required of vs to haue pure hearts and cleane hands Except God had thus determined no wicked person would haue spared to catch and snatch by force or fraud the goods of the dead especially if he were childlesse Lastly this dutie of restitution rightly and Vse 4 religiously practised ministreth great comfort and contentment to feele himselfe ready to do this to any that charge him iustly with any wrong or iniustice Paul a Minister of the Gospel and an Apostle of Iesus Christ appealeth to the people whom he had taught how he had behaued himselfe among them Actes 20.18 Ye know from the first day that I came into Asia after what maner I haue beene with you at all seasons seruing the Lord with all humilitie of mind and with many teares and tentations which befell me by the lying in wait of the Iewes Samuel a Magistrate of the people and iudge of Israel when he was to resigne his office and to giue place to the king whom God had chosen and set ouer the land maketh them witnesses of his soundnesse and sincerity 1 Sam. 12.3 he asketh of them whose oxe or asse he had taken or who could accuse him of oppression or corruption and they said thou hast not defrauded vs Ver. 4. nor oppressed vs neither hast thou taken ought of any mans hand Yea he proceedeth farther and calleth God to record of his integritie The Lord is witnesse against you Ver. 5. and his Annointed is witnesse this day that ye haue not found ought in mine hand And they answered He is witnesse If then we desire peace in our soule we should thrust away from vs as it were with both our hands whatsoeuer we haue wrested from others and wrongfully gotten say to it with detestation and indignation as the Prophet willeth men to say to their reliques of idolatry Get thee hence Now that we may haue indeed comfort heerein it shall not be amisse for vs to consider more particularly the doctrine of restitution and to learne what it is whether the same thing which is taken away ought to be restored whether it be sufficient to restore the principall Compend summae Theolog. Tho. Aquinat whether a man be bound to restore that which he neuer tooke away whether it be alwaies necessary to make restitution to him of whom we haue receiued somewhat whether he be alwayes bound to restore that he hath receiued whether they which haue not taken or receiued any thing be bound to restore and lastly whether a man be bound to restore forthwith without all delay or deferring the time or else whether hee may lawfully put off the time of restoring What restitution is To restore properly is to set a man againe into the possession and dominion of his goods which is taken either with his good will as in that which is borrowed or committed to our custody or against his will as in theft and robbery Restitution therefore is an act of iustice whereby we make some recompence for that which we haue wrongfully withholden Secondly it is demaunded whether it be necessary to saluation to restore the same which is taken away It is necessary to saluation to restore and in what so 1. August Epist 54. ad Mace●don And the answere is affirmatiue that it is necessary so farre as it may and it is possible Austine saith truely if another mans goods may be restored are not repentance is not practised but counterfeited because iustice and equity are not obserued If the thing it selfe cannot then that which is equall vnto it as neere as may be ought to be restored He that hath maimed his neighbour in any of his members ought to make recompence in money or otherwise as the iudge shall determine He that hath taken away his brothers good name raised vp a false report of him ought to confesse his fault restore his good name to the vttermost of his power and acknowledge that he hath done euill and if this be not sufficient to repaire it he ought otherwise also to make amends Thirdly the question is asked whether it suffice to restore the principall It is sufficient How it is sufficient to restore the principal and how not whē the party wronged is no whit damnified but if he haue receiued any hurt by want of his own or by receiuing wrōg he is also to haue some amends made vnto him and therefore beside the principall the doer of wrong must recompence the losse and this hath warrant out of the place that now we deale withall As for the fourefold restitution of Zacheus it is no worke of supererogation but an act of his liberality and a fruit of his repentance a testimony of his loue to Iesus Christ a signification of the greatnesse of his sinne and a voluntary confession that he had gotten his goods fraudulently vniustly and wrongfully Fourthly we are to know whether a man be bound to restore that which he neuer tooke away A man is not to restore that which he neuer took away Answ A man is not bound vnto it forasmuch as the rule of iustice cannot exact this at our hands wherein there could be no equality but one party should be wronged A man may be damnified two waies when somewhat is taken away which he had actually or which he might haue had being in the way or in a good forwardnes to haue When that is taken away which we had already in possession the losse is to be recompensed by restitution of that which is equall vnto it When we hinder our brother that he cannot compasse obtaine that which he was in possibility to haue we must restore somewhat but the restitution ought not to bee equall to the benefite that might in time to come redound vnto him and the losse must be esteemed as it is in the time present not as it might be heereafter For first of all it is a lesse matter to haue a thing in possibility then to haue it actually and heerein the common prouerbe is true that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Secondly otherwise we should not only restore the principall which was taken away but multiply it beyond measure which we are not bound to do and so for nothing we should restore something giue that which is for that which is not Thirdly we are not charged to equall a losse that may be and giue a certaine benefit for an vncertaine damage because the good that might fall vnto vs may many wayes be hindered and we cannot
is a seruice that is well pleasing in his sight forasmuch as we shew thereby that we do not depend on the pleasure of men but rely our selues vpon the authority of God And as it is the praise and triall of a good subiect who is content to beleeue and obey the lowest messenger and least officer that commeth vnto him with a message and commandement from his Prince so heereby it appeareth that we are true Citizens of the kingdom of God his adopted children if we heare his word with feare and reuerence albeit it be preached vnto vs by the meanest and poorest of all Gods seruants On the other side as it is a note of contempt toward the Magistrate himselfe to disobey or resist any Serieant or seruant that commeth from him how base soeuer he may seeme to be so wee make our selues guilty of rebellion and high treason against GOD when wee despise such as speake in his Name and contemne them that haue authority committed vnto them from the most high All such as loathe the truth for the Teachers sake when their owne consciences conuince them that it is the word of God which soundeth in their eares let them assure themselues and perswade their owne hearts that the contempt of their persons redoundeth to the Sonne of God yea to the Father himselfe Let them marke this point weigh it diligently who take it hainously when they are reprooued of men equall vnto them or inferiour to them or if they be contemptible to the world by reason of their poore estate The fourth reproofe Lastly it reproueth those that go about to shake the faith of many and to weaken the assurance and certainty of our saluation hauing the promises thereof propounded vnto vs in the doctrine and by the writings of the Apostles Hence it is that sundry scoffers and prophane spirits aske the question who is Paul and who is Peter or what is Iohn that wee should of necessity beleeue them Who gaue them authority or whence haue they power in the Church to set downe and prescribe vnto vs a rule of faith The doctrine that now we deale withall serueth very fitly to stoppe the mouthes of these Atheists and containeth a soueraigne preseruatiue against the poison that they offer vnto vs inasmuch as Christ the eternall Sonne of God maketh them his messengers his witnesses his heraulds to spread abroad his sauing health and auoucheth that he speaketh in them acknowledgeth himselfe to be author of that truth which they deliuer Gal. 1 8. so that if an Angell from heauen should preach any other Gospel then that which they haue preached to the Churches hee must bee holden accursed This therefore we ought to apply vnto our selues and gather as an argument of great comfort that when remission of sins and eternall life are promised to them that are truely penitent and lay hold vpon Christ by a liuely faith according to the doctrine of the Apostles we must assure our selues it is the voice of Christ and he will ratifie it in the highest heauens Neither is this true onely touching the Apostles themselues that had their calling from God and not from men and were conuersant with Christ in the daies of his flesh but likewise of all the faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ that haue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen committed vnto them When we assure forgiuenesse of sinnes to those that haue contrite and broken hearts it is no doubtfull or vncertaine assurance but grauen with a diamond and written as it were with a pen of steele to continue for euer forasmuch as it is the assurance of Christ and of God himselfe The voice of the Minister is not the voyce of a priuate man but of one that is a publike person it is as the voice of Christ himselfe Art thou humbled and cast downe for thy sinnes and doth thy soule cleaue vnto the dust He sendeth his Minister vnto thee and putteth the word of reconciliation into his mouth so that if thou vnfainedly turne vnto God be as well assured of the mercy of God toward thee as thou heardst Christ himselfe say vnto thee as he did sometimes to the sicke of the palsie Sonne bee of good cheare Math. 3 2. thy sinnes be forgiuen thee Againe when the Ministers of God on the other side doe threaten and thunder out the sentence of condemnation against the vnbeleeuers and such as cannot repent this also is no lesse the voice of the Sonne of God which no power of the world nor authority of man can hinder or call backe forasmuch as whose sinnes they reteine they are reteined Iohn ● This iudgement howsoeuer it be either denied or derided or doubted off among the vngodly yet will Christ make it good and execute the same vpon them to their confusion This doctrine reacheth to the true Ministers of the word who haue their calling from God his word As for the Bishop of Rome that challengeth sole authority to forgiue sinnes and will haue all his decrees and decretals no lesse acknowledged then the word of God it is more then childish and ridiculous For he hath nothing common with the Apostles and cannot proue his succession wherein he glorieth by any sound reasons and yet arrogateth more vnto himselfe then GOD gaue or the Apostles tooke or the Church acknowledged to be due vnto the Apostles forasmuch as the Lord tied thē by an expresse commandement that they should teach the people to obserue those things which he had commanded them Vse 3 Thirdly this serueth to informe the Ministers that it concerneth them much to adorne their calling and to magnifie their Ministery that it bee not blemished and euill spoken off through their default This ought aboue all other things to be a spur vnto vs in our sides and as a fire kindled within our bowels to inflame our hearts with a zeale of Gods glory with a loue of his people with a care to discharge our office committed vnto vs with an earnest desire to encrease the kingdome of Christ Iesus For seeing God accounteth vs as his owne Embassadors sent out to do his wil and vouchsafeth to ioyne our labour with mans saluation we are bound in duty and conscience to preach the Gospel truely purely painefully sincerely and soundly It is required of vs not onely to teach but to teach the truth and to teach the truth with a right affection For we can neuer challenge the names and titles of being the Messengers of God vnto our selues and to be respected as the person of Christ himselfe except we preach the pure word of God and commend to the Church the pure doctrine of Christ If wee preach corruptly and make merchandise of the word of God and mingle wheat with chaffe and good corne with darnell or that which is worse we are not to bee accepted receiued as Christ but to be reiected and refused as false teachers that speake in their owne
their sins in order before them he exhorteth them to repentance saying vnto them Now brethen Acts 3 1● I wote that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers All sinne is committed either of infirmity or of obstinacy either of setled purpose or of frailty either of knowledge or of ignorance and howsoeuer it be committed it cannot be excused Luk. 12 47.4● because the seruant that knew his Lords will and prepared not himselfe neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes but he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes c. Heb. 6.9 Now the Apostle iudgeth and perswadeth himselfe the best things of them that they sinned of ignorance rather then of malice And in the 26 Chapter of the same booke Paul that he might winne Agrippa the king to the kingdome of God and perswade him to become a Christian saith vnto him O king Agrippa beleeuest thou the Prophets Acts 26.27 I know that thou beleeuest It was vncertaine whether hee would beleeue or not and therefore by this rhetoricall communication he iudgeth the best that he beleeued All these testimonies serue to moue vs to the practise of this duty that when things are doubtfull and may bee diuersly taken we ought to expound them with the most fauourable construction and friendly interpretation and gentle mitigation This point is farther to bee strengthened Reason 1 vnto vs by the force of reason First of all it is a signe of charity not to stretch things to the vttermost as contrariwise it betokeneth little loue and much malice when wee open our mouthes to speake all manner of euill of our brethren Hence it is that the wise man saith Prou. 10.12 Hatred stirreth vp strife but loue couereth all sinnes And the Apostle teacheth as much of charity 1 Corinth 13 5 6. It doth not behaue it selfe vnseemely it seeketh not her owne it is not easily prouoked it thinketh no euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth If then there be any true charity in vs to seeke the good or desire the good of our brethren we ought to testifie it by this euen by iudging of their mindes and meanings of their words and actions according to this rule Secondly it is the rule of common equity Reason 2 which nature it selfe teacheth that as we wish to be dealt withall and to bee done vnto so ought we to do deale toward others Now there is none of vs all that would willingly be expounded wrongfully and censured vncharitably but craue to haue all things taken in the better part Wee would not haue our words altered wrested corrupted stretched and strained beyond our meaning as cloath vpon the tainters aboue measure and therefore we ought so to behaue our selues toward others This doth Christ our Sauiour deliuer to his disciples Matth. 7.12 All things whatsoeuer ye would that men should doe to you doe ye euen so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets We are in this case so to deale with others as we desire that others should deale with vs so that as the former reason was grounded vpon charity● this is grounded vpon equitie Reason 3 Thirdly it is a signe or fruit of heauenly wisedome giuen vnto vs of God which teacheth vs how to carry our selues in our callings one toward another This doth the Apostle Iames lay before vs in his Epistle chap. 3.17 The wisedome that is from aboue is first pure then peaceable gentle and easie to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisie If then we bee ready alwayes to iudge the best to speake the best and to thinke the best of things that are doubtfull we shall shew our selues to haue the grace of heauenly wisedome which is a perfect guide to direct vs in the parts of our life On the other side to carry our selues strangely and vncharitably toward our brethren is the note of a man caryed away with that wisedome which is earthly sensuall and diuelish which is bred beneath in the earth sauoureth of our corrupt nature and is taught vnto vs by no other master then the diuell Vse 1 Let vs make vse of this point to our selues First it teacheth that to be whisperers and takers of all in the euill part is a testimony of an euill conscience and a token of an euil man He that is a good man himselfe doth hardly thinke others to be euill he that hath a sound heart and is a true Israelite in whom is no guile doth not easily suspect others to be hypocrits and dissemblers Such as come into the Lords courts and present themselues before him in conscience of their duety in reuerence of his Maiestie and for their encrease in true piety are with much adoe drawn to beleeue that others draw nigh vnto God with their mouth and honour him with their lips 〈◊〉 15.8 and that their hearts are farre from him Such as labour aboue all things to approoue themselues before God the searcher of all hearts and to do that which they doe in godly sincerity cannot lightly be perswaded that others are so carnall as to doe all to be seene of men 〈◊〉 6. ● and to please themselues with the foolish praise of mortall men Contrariwise such as are prophane in heart loose in life filthy in talke and euery way carnall in conuersation doe iudge the same of others and measure them by the deceitfull rule of their owne actions This is noted as a capitall euill by the Apostle Rom. 1.29 where he ioyneth together maliciousnesse enuy murther debate deceit malignity whisperers backebyters haters of God despitefull such as are without naturall affection vnplacable and vnmercifull and sheweth that such are full of all vnrighteousnesse Whisperers What whisperers are are they that by close and secret accusations raise suspicions and surmises and sow the seedes of strife and contention whence is reaped too plentifull a crop of malice and mischiefe They set friends together by the eares and oftentimes as with a violent winde ouerthrow whole houses and cities and turne them into dust and ashes assuring our selues that where enuying and strife is Iam. 3.16 there is confusion and euery euill worke Whatsoeuer they heare of others they are ready to cary to others with a swift foot and a corrupt tongue and a malicious heart to kindle the coales of hatred among men They liue by the fallings out of others and thriue by iarres as the carrion crowes doe vpon the carcasse If they know any occasion of anger to arise they are at hand to turne it into wrath and malice and to make the parties thereby to be farther from reconciliation like to Achitophel when Dauid and Absalom were vp in armes who by his diuellish policy deuised a meanes to cut off al hope of reconcilement and of vniting them together againe 2 Sam. 16.21 Or they
a foxe discouering his subtilty and deepe deuises that other men might bee admonished to take heed of him So then to conclude we must vnderstand that the things commonly reprehended are eyther doubtfull or manifest The doubtfull are not to be reprehended whether in themselues they bee true or false worthy or not worthy of reproofe because as it was said before loue is not suspitious but couereth the multitude of sinnes and interpreteth all things to the best and expecteth with patience vntill the light manifest and time discouer the things that are as yet hidden in darknesse This is to be obserued in doubtfull things wherein lyeth such a difficulty that we cannot iudge them without deseruing to be iudged our selues and yet the vngodly and prophane persons feare not to proceed against the godly in this kind Those things which are manifestly knowne are eyther good or euill A thing which is good is to he commended of vs and nothing to be detracted from the worthinesse and excellency thereof whether it be in our friends or enemies nay we are to praise and laud the Name of God for his graces bestowed vpon them and to take them as a patterne to follow If it be euill we are commanded to admonish and exhort and reproue our brother and if he be our friend Deut. 13 6. which is as our owne soule we ought so much the rather to do it howbeit alwaies in loue mildnesse patience and compassion The euill deeds which are manifest as they must be reprehended so they may be iudged considering that Salomon saith Prou. 24 24 25. He that saith vnto the wicked Thou art righteous him shall the people curse Nations shall abhorre him but to them that rebuke him shall bee delight and a good blessing shall come vpon them Of such deeds as are manifestly good or euill the Prophet Esay speaketh chap. 5 20. Woe vnto them that call euill good and good euill that put darkenesse for light and light for darknesse that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter Whereby we do learne how to answer the ignorant obiection of foolish men Obiect who whē they offend by continuall and common swearing by lying by blasphemy by prophaning of the Sabbath by the contempt of the word by whoredome by drunkennesse such like workes of darknesse being reproued for the same by the word Gods iudgments threatned against them are ready to say You are not to iudge of me no more then I am to iudge of you there be many now adaies will take vpon them to iudge men I am sure they do not learne that in Gods booke which saith Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged They go beyond their commission they take vpon them Gods office for he is our Iudge See heere the peeuishnesse and partiality of these men to whom it may said that out of their owne mouthes they may be iudged For who are they that trespasse against their brethren transgresse against the Law of God more then they or who sit in the seat of God proudly vsurpe a mastership and authority to iudge euen the thoughts of mens hearts beside themselues Who are they that bolster out euill in themselues in their companions and consorts and cannot abide that any good should bee done by others like those that would neither enter into the kingdome of heauen themselues neither suffer them that would enter but forbad them Lu. 11 52. Euery tree is knowne by his fruite If I see a tree bring foorth good fruite am I become a Iudge if I say this is a good tree And if I see euill fruite or no fruite do I steppe vp into the place of God if I say this is an euill tree In like manner if a man see a common drunkard or heare a wretched swearer or marke a continuall contemner of the Lords day and such as make a practise of all sinne boldly and are not ashamed if he say assuredly this is a naughty fellow doth he iudge because he speaketh the truth and telleth what he is and warneth others to beware of him What Shall he account him a good man whē he seeth he is starke naught but thē he should be vnder the Prophets curse and bring a woe vpon his head because he calleth euill good and bitter sweete and darknesse light as we heard before And indeed if we will speake the truth such need not to be iudged of vs inasmuch as they haue giuen iudgement of themselues and haue shewed euidently what they are Touching the words of Christ alledged and pretended by them Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged Math. 7 1. they do not forbid all kinde of iudgement but condemne that which is corrupt rash and vnlawfull which one man giueth vniustly vnaduisedly and vndiscreetly of another as when we can espy quickly small faults in others are blinde to discerne grosser and greater in our selues This practise of rash iudgement breaketh out of themselues as euill sauours out of a rotten corrupt body for let a man be more carefull then themselues to serue God and to walke in his waies they will by and by enter into the secrets of his heart which God onely knoweth not sticke proudly peremptorily to pronounce that they are hypocrites whereas let a man shew them out of the plaine word of God the prophanenesse of their hearts manifested by the greeuous corruptions of their liues the open abhominations committed by them in all their waies they wil answer readily you ought not to iudge so that it falleth full vpon them which the Apostle alledgeth against such men Rom. 2 1 2. Thou art inexcusable O man whosoeuer thou art that iudgest for wherein thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe for thou that iudgest doest the same things but wee are sure that the iudgement of God is according to truth against them that commit such things Vse 3 Lastly be carefull of this duty to maintaine the good name of our brother which is more worth then all riches and of greater value thē precious stones We ought to thinke of euery one as well as may be and extend our charity as farre as possibly we can albeit they be our vtter enemies forasmuch as loue thinketh not euill as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 13 5 and in the practise of loue we are to be followers of the example of God himselfe that we may thereby shew our selues to be his children who maketh his Sunne to rise on the euill and on the good ●●th 5 45. and sendeth raine on the iust and on the vniust So ought we to loue our enemies to blesse them that curse vs to do good to them that hate vs and to pray for them which despitefully vse vs and persecute vs. Iohn in his first Epistle chargeth vs to loue one another in deed and in truth ●●hn 3 18. not in word or in tongue or from the lippes onely And Paul chargeth vs to esteeme of others
peace when there is no peace So then we must know that wee make our selues accessaries to other mens sinnes except we admonish them for albeit we are to conceale their imperfections yet we are not to abstaine from admonitions If any be fallen through infirmity Gal. ● 1. they that are spirituall must restore such a one by the spirit of meeknesse considering themselues lest they also be tempted If any man doe erre from the faith we must labour his conuersion assuring our selues that he which conuerteth a sinner from the errour of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sinnes Iam. 5 19 20. It is our duty therefore to couer their frailties while there is hope of amendment but if by this meanes the sinne concealed bee not reformed and repented of we are bound to proceed farther euen in loue and charity to declare it and make it knowne to those that may correct the persons and amend the sins So did Ioseph deale toward his brethren Gen. 37 2. He brought vnto his father their euil report And Christ saith If he heare not thee take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be established Mat. 18 16. 15. Then shall the man bring his wife vnto the Priest and hee shall bring her offering for her the tenth part of an Ephah of barley meale he shal powre no oyle vpon it nor put frankincense thereon for it is an offering of iealousie an offering of memoriall bringing iniquity to remembrance 16. And the Priest shall bring her neere and set her before the Lord. 17. And the Priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessell and of the dust that is in the floore of the Tabernacle the Priest shall take it and put it into the water 18. And the Priest shall set the woman before the Lord and vncouer the womans head and put the offering of memoriall in her hands which is the iealousie offering and the Priest shall haue in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse Hitherto we haue spoken of the allegation or propounding of the cause which is put in the former words Now wee must goe forward to see the proceeding in it how it is decided and determined wherby it commeth to passe that the same which before was doubtfull vnknowne and vncertaine to wit whether the woman were defiled or not now becommeth plaine and manifest That which from the beginning was knowne onely vnto God and the persons themselues that sinned or else are suspected to haue sinned is made knowne to others both to the Priest and to the whole Congregation This is done two waies first by setting downe such things as goe before the triall secondly by adding such things as are ioyned more neerely with it The things going before are of two sorts to wit the workes or actions that are vsed and then the words that are spoken The actions vsed are in this diuisio● the words of execration that are vttered are to bee considered afterward These workes that are commanded and are here in order rehearsed in the text do concerne either the duties of the husband or of the Priest to whom she was brought First the husband must bring his suspected wife to the Priest with an offering to wit the tenth part of an Ephah of barley meale that is an Omer as appeareth Exod. 16 36. but he is charged to powre no oile vpon it nor to put any frankincense to it forasmuch as it is an offering of iealousie and bringeth iniquity to remembrance either committed or supposed and suspected to be committed Before we proceed any farther we are from hence to answer sundry questions that may be Question 1 asked and demaunded in these words For wherefore is the husband charged both to accompany and bring his wife and to set her before the Priest that triall might be made of her and not rather some other man I answer ●●swer first because he supposeth himselfe to be iniuried and no man else and therefore seeing it most concerneth him it is fittest to be done by him Or if he be not wronged he wrongeth his wife by needlesse suspitions Besides he was to be an eye-witnesse either of her innocency or of her guiltinesse that he might esteeme of her accordingly and know where the fault resteth in himselfe or in his wife Lastly it behoueth that the people of God be free not onely from crime but from suspition of crime and to abstaine not onely from euill but from all appearance of euill 1 Thess 5.22 as we shall shew more at large afterward Question 2 Againe it may be asked why hee bringeth barley meale rather then other and why without oyle and incense I answer ●●swer is was an offering of the lowest and meanest graine vsed of the poorest of the people forasmuch as this was a signe that should put the woman in mind to humble her selfe being now brought by her husband not onely into the presence of the Priest but into the presence of the Lord himselfe It must be offered without oyle and frankincense because they haue no affinity or concord with this matter neither was this offering of the nature of others Oyle did signifie the graces of Gods Spirit and therefore it is said that Christ was annointed with the oile of gladnesse aboue his fellowes Psal 45 7. Heb. 1 9. Psal 133 2. Incense was a signe of sweet sauour and delight that we should take in the seruice of God and of Gods acceptation of his guifts and our duty performed vnto him in his Sonne Christ Psal 141 2. where the Prophet saith Let my praier bee directed in thy sight as incense and the lifting vp of my hands as the euening sacrifice so that neither of them did accord or agree with this oblation wherein there was no gladnesse nor ioyfulnes of heart forasmuch as the cause or originall of it was sadnesse pensiuenesse and discontentment And this is the reason rendred by Moses himselfe verse 15. For it is an offering of iealousie not an offering that they could goe vnto with alacrity and cheerefulnesse For wheresoeuer there is either a party suspecting or a party suspected there can be nothing but feare sorrow care and a traine of such like tormenting affections Thirdly heere is mention made of the tenth Question 3 part of an Ephah The question heereupon may be asked what the Epha was a measure much vsed and oftentimes mentioned in the old Testament both in the Law and the Prophets I answer Answer the first place that mention is made of it to my remembrance is at the gathering of Manna when the people were in the wildernes where it is said that euery man was stinted and had an Omer for his allowance and Moses addeth in the end that an Omer is the tenth part of an Ephah Exod. 16.36 If then we learne what an Omer was we may quickly easily and readily know
as we haue noted in sundry particulars before We sinne against God because we resist and withstand his will whose pleasure it is that wee bring forth the fruites of sanctification wee pollute and prophane the holie ordinance of Matrimony wee make the members of Christ the members of an harlot and so seeke to draw as much as in vs lyeth our blessed Sauiour into a filthy fellowship of our sinne Down Lectur on Hos 4 2. we defile the Temples of the holie Ghost and turne them into stewes Against our neighbour because this sinne is not committed alone but we draw some other to be partakers with vs in the same wickednesse punishment we sin against the wife or husband of the married-party whom we wrong in the cheefest treasure possession that she or he hath we sinne against the fruite of our owne body whom we disgrace brand with a note of perpetuall infamy which for the most part proue a degenerate brood through want of good-education and especially thorough the secret iudgement of God we sin against our owne families which wee oftentimes ouer-turne by defiling of them turn our houses into stewes we sin against the Cities societies kingdomes where we abide because we defile the land and cause it to vomit out the inhabitants we sinne against the church of God both by hindering the propagation thereof Malach 2 ●5 which encreaseth by an holye seed and by causing it to be euill spoken of by others as if it wer a company of vnclean persons Against our selues because we make our bodies the instruments of sin and sathan we weaken them and make them subiect to diuers diseases and we plunge soules bodies into the pit of hell which burneth with fire and brimstone Such then as are adulterers do not goe into hell alone they carry other company with them If then the iudgements of pouerty beggery infamy infirmity folly and impenitency will not mooue vs to make conscience of this sin yet let this preuail with vs that thereby we destroy our owne soules and exclude our selues from his presence Let vs threfore be watchful ouer our own wayes let vs pull vp the roote of this sinne and all other of the same sort and mortifie the deedes of the flesh Col. 3 5. Let vs cut off all occasions that may draw vs to them as surfetting drunkennesse idlenesse wantonnesse prophane company and such like And aboue all these things let vs obserue these three things First let vs remember that as God is holie so he requireth an holy people to serue him It is his wil that we liue in sanctification so that without holinesse no man can see God or haue fellowship with him Heb. 12. Secondly we must learne to feare God in his word and mark the commandement that forbiddeth adulterie Nothing maketh vs to fall into sinne but the forgetting of the Law which saith thou shalt not sin This stayed vp Ioseph in a strong tentation which being yeelded vnto did set before him a faire shew and goodly traine of all pleasures profits honors but being withstood did threaten him with a multitude of miseries hatred pouerty sorow shame imprisonment destruction and death it selfe yet he eschewed the sin by this means Shal I do this Genesis ●5 3● and sin against God The word of God must be made our wisedome and direction our guide and our counsellor it is able to deliuer vs frō the stranger that flatteteth with her wordes This is it that Salomon setteth before vs My sonne keepe thy fathers commandements Prou. 6 ●● ● 23 24. and forsake not the law of thy mother binde them continually vpon thine heart and tie them about thy necke c. For the Commandement is a lamp and the Law is light c. to keepe thee from the euill woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman He teacheth that the lips of a strange woman drop as an hony combe and that her mouth is smoother then oyle but her end is bitter as worme-wood and sharpe as a two-edged sword how then shall we bee deliuered from her if the word of truth bee not in our mouthes and that which is more in our hearts to rule and reforme vs and to order our pathes aright Such as are ignorant of the word are soonest ouer-taken and they that haue not the loue and power of it dwelling in them The foolish woman that sitteth at the doore of her house and calleth the passengers that goe right in their waies Prou. 4 ● maketh choyse of such as are simple and want vnderstanding to turne in vnto her Lastly let vs keepe inuiolable the Couenant of marriage made in the presence of God of Angels and of men let the married persons make one another the delight of their eyes and the ioy of their hearts and be carefull to performe the duties they owe one to another And as the vnlawful impure coniunction of man and woman is detested of God so is holy matrimony euer accepted of him and adorned with many blessings and crowned with a continual supply of the fruits of his loue and fauour The Prophet sayeth Blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord walketh in his waies 〈◊〉 28 1 2 for thou shalt eate the labour of thine hands happy shalt thou be and it shal be well with thee thy wife shall bee as a fruitfull Vine by the sides of thine house thy children like Oliue plants round about thy table behold that thus shal the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. Riches are the inheritance of parents but a prudent wife is a speciall gift of God and wee receiue her as at his hands The Apostle doth beautifie it with an honorable title when he calleth it honorable in all It is the spirit of error which calleth that vncleane which God hath sanctified Adultery is foule and vncleane but the marriage bed is vndefiled Damnable then is the decree of Pope Syricius that marriage it selfe is the pollution of the flesh that the married cannot please God Diuellish also is the law of forced chastity restraining some orders and degrees from it whereas to auoid fornication euery man is commāded to haue his owne wife and euery woman her owne husband 22 And when he hath made her to drinke the water then it shall come to passe that if she be defiled and haue done a trespasse against her husband that the water that causeth the curse shal enter into her and become bitter and her belly shall swell and her thigh shall rot and the woman shall bee a curse among her people 28 And if the womā be not defiled but be clean then she shal be free and shall conceiue seed Wee haue shewed already that in setting downe this law of triall Moses obserueth 3. things First the cause is propounded Secondly the question and controuersie is determined And lastly the euent of the whole is deliuered The two former haue bene
performed by and by we are not to prescribe to God his seasons hee knoweth when to strike and how to punish It is well said by the Prophet Hab. 2 3. The vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speake and not lie though it tarry waite for it because it will surely come it will not tarry For albeit God may seeme to vs to deferre the time or to forget his seruants yet he will try our patience and obedience as wee see in the place named before Heere is the patience and faith of the Saints Reuel 13 10. We must not make too much haste but wait for the accomplishment of those things hauing withall a liuely faith and full assurance to beleeue that in Gods appointed time they shall come to passe He is faithfull that hath promised and cannot lye he is true of his word that hath spoken and cannot deceiue Woe therefore vnto all those that deale vniustly and violently with Gods inheritance they touch his annointed and they that do them harme do touch the apple of his eye so that they cannot escape vengeance Ver. 28. And if the woman bee not defiled but be cleane then she shall be free In the former verse Moses hath shewed the punishment that shal come vpon the guilty person which punishment is sutable to the sinne committed thereby to cleere his owne iustice and to terrifie all persons from committing sinne In these wordes wee haue matter of wonderfull great comfort for the innocent person For howsoeuer GOD setteth downe diuers hard and heauy threatnings as greeuous burdens to be borne against all wicked and vngodly persons yet hee is euermore carefull of his children that they be not oppressed with sorrow and ouermuch heauinesse of minde forasmuch as hee hath a remnant that call vpon him Luke 7. wisedome is alwaies iustified of her children Behold heere a contrary effect and operation in drinking of these bitter waters according to the contrary condition of those that dranke of them Such as were guilty of the sinne of adultery they turned to their horrible destruction and became as it were rank poison their bellies swelled their thighes rotted and the parts which they had shamefully abused miserably perished But such as were indeed innocent suspected without iust cause and accused without due proofe and examined without sufficient triall of the fact committed through the iealousie of their vncharitable husbands and had kept the marriage bed vndefiled those bitter waters should not be bitter vnto them they should not hurt or hinder them at all neither worke any dangerous effect in them but rather bee wholesome and healthfull vnto them God himselfe the iust GOD and the maintainer of iustice will bring the truth to light that was hid in darknesse and turne the hearts of their husbands toward them so that they should liue in godly loue and charity together and see to their endlesse ioy and comfort the fruite of their bodies the hope of their houses the staffe and stay of their age I meane their children the heritage of the Lord. Wee learne from this first promise Doctrine that God maketh knowne the innocency of his seruants God wil m●● the innocency of his se●uants ●ro●● For howsoeuer the faithfull may be falsely accused and haue many slanderous imputations laide vnto their charge yet God will make their cause to bee rightly knowne and discouer the truth in despight of their enemies This is confirmed vnto vs by many examples in the old and new Testament Ioseph being solde into Egypt was greeuously accused by his mistresse and cruelly imprisoned by his master impudency and incontinency in the one cruelty and credulity in the other Gen. 39 ●● were the causes that he was put into prison in the place where the Kings prisoners lay bound his case might seeme now to be desperate and he to be for euer in displeasure and out of fauour and no hope left vnto him to be deliuered from thence where his feete were held in the stockes and he laid in irons Psal 10● 1● yet when the appointed time came and the counsell of the Lord had tried him hee made his cause knowne Gen. 39. The Lord was with Ioseph shewed him mercy and got him fauour in the sight of the master of the prison c. Whereby we see that at the first he was vsed hardly and had fetters of iron cast vpon him as an euill dooer but afterward hee was more mildely and mercifully handled when as his innocency was made knowne The like we might say of Dauid who in all his dealings toward Saul carried himselfe wisely obediently and vprightly as became the Kings sonne subiect and seruant yet he was persecuted from place to place and hated euen vnto the death and hunted as a Partridge vpon the Mountaines yea he found no rest for the soles of his feete like the Doue sent out of the Arke in the time of the flood and ouerflowing of the waters Gen. 8 9. But when Saul saw that the lap was cut off from his garment and the speare and pot of water that was at his head taken away he said to Dauid Thou art more righteous then I for thou hast rendred me good and I haue rendred thee euill and thou hast shewed this day that thou hast dealt well with mee forasmuch as when the lord had closed me in thine hands thou killedst me not c. but my soule was precious in thine eyes 1 Sam. 24 18. and 26 20 21. So did God deale with Ieremy when he was slandered and falsely accused to be a conspiratour and to weaken the hands of the people and when he was cast into prison the Lord raised vp some to fauour him who made his case knowne and he was deliuered Christ Iesus was charged to be a blasphemer of God an enemy of Caesar an author of sedition and a disturber of the peace howbeit his greatest enemies that sate in iudgement of him pronounced him innocent and confessed that the Pharisees and Priests for enuy had deliuered him I will adde one example more and that shall be the blessed Virgin who being betrothed to Ioseph before they came together as man and wife shee was found to be with childe by the holy Ghost Math. 1 18 19 20. Then she began to be suspected of incontinency and Ioseph being a iust man and not willing to make her a publike example was minded to put her away seretly What then doth God leaue her destitute and him perplexed her in suspicion and him in his resolution to depart from her No for as she was innocent and not faulty of that crime so did he make her innocency and integrity knowne for whiles he thought these things behold an Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame saying Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take Mary thy wife for that which is conceiued in her is of the holy Ghost All which testimonies make
Sampson himselfe told his minion all his heart being besotted and almost bewitched with her loue and said vnto her There hath not come a razor vpon my head for I haue beene a Nazarite vnto God from my mothers wombe And touching Samuel his mother set him apart to this vow and said before he was borne 1 Sam 1. ● I will giue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his life and there shall no razor come vpon his head In this number we may after a sort range the Rechabites mentioned in Ieremy chap. 35.6 who though they had wine set before them and were bidden to drinke yet they answered We will drinke no wine for Ionadab the sonne of Rechab our father commanded vs saying Ye shall drinke no wine neither ye nor your sonnes for euer Now this was one part of the vow of the Nazarites and therefore we may account them a kind of Nazarites In the New Testament we see the like in Iohn the Baptist Luk. 1.15 where the Angel forretelleth that he shall bee great and shall drinke neither wine nor strong drinke and he shall be filled with the holy Ghost from his mothers wombe But these are not altogether the Nazarites heere spoken off let vs therefore come to the vow heere mentioned and consider from hence ●●ctrine ●ng the ●es the of the ●arite was ●e and ●ctise that among the Iewes the vow of the Nazarite was allowed and approued of God vsed and practised of that people This doth Amos confirme vnto vs Chap. 2.11.12 I raised vp of your sons for Prophets and of your yong men for Nazarites is it not euen thus O ye children of Israel saith the Lord but ye gaue the Nazarites wine to drinke Of these also we heard before out of the Lamentations where they are set forth Of this sort are they whom Iames and the Elders speake off Act. 21.23 saying to Paul We haue foure men which haue made a vowe them take and purify thy selfe with them and contribute with them that they may shaue their heads and all shall know that those things whereof they haue beene informed concerning thee are nothing but that thou thy selfe walkest and keepest the Law And before Chap. 18.18 20. it is said that Paul tooke his leaue of the brethren and sailed thence into Syria and tooke with him Priscilla and Aquila hauing shorne his head in Cenchrea for he had a vow And as Iames perswaded him ●1 26 ●4 18 so he tooke the men and the next day purifying himselfe with them entred into the Temple to signifie the accomplishment of the dayes of purification vntill that an offering should be offered for euery one of them True it is this voluntary vow was rare and vnwonted vnder the Gospel and so much the more because the Synagogue began now after a sort to be buried and restrained Act. 15.29 howbeit the Apostle is content to retaine some of the ceremonies not that he placed any religion in them or thought them necessary of themselues to be obserued which had now receiued their deaths wound in the death of Christ but he had respect to the infirmities of the weake brethren among the Iewes that were not yet throughly instructed in the liberty of the Gospel and the freedome which Christ had brought them in regard whereof to the weak he became as weak 〈◊〉 9.19 ● 22. that he might winne the weake to the Iewes he became as a lew that he might winne the Iewes to them that are vnder the Law as vnder the Law that he might gaine them that are vnder the Law yea he made himselfe a seruant vnto al that he might gaine the more and became all things to all men that he might by all meanes saue some Thus then we see that among the Iews that were the people of God in the time of the Law were such as vowed a speciall separation to God consecrating and sanctifying and dedicating themselues to his seruice who liued as strangers vpon earth as if they were in another world being as men that had made a diuorse and diuision betweene themselues and the prophane men and manners of the world and were eminent among others and aboue others as the Cedar among the shrubs as the starres among the orbes and as the Sun among the starres The reasons why God aloweth and approueth Reason 1 of this vow are first of all because mē are by nature so proue ready to take vp chuse to themselues certaine sorts and sects of life that there is but a steppe betweene them and falling into superstition Now by binding of them in this sort he doth cast a cord about their loynes put a bridle in their mouthes Pet. Martyr in caput 13. lib. Iudic. so that this is as much as if he had said vnto them Forasmuch as I see into your harts how willing you are to deuise new formes and fashions of seruing and worshipping me ye shal not do what pleaseth you but what I appoint Thus he keepeth them within the compasse of their duty by this vow and permitting them somewhat he restraineth them from more Secondly he doth hereby curbe the people that they should not follow the trades desires of the heathen by finding them worke as it were at home wherewithall to busie themselues and hence it is that he willeth the people Deut. 12.30 to take heed to themselues that they were not snared by following the Cananites after that they were destroyed before them that they enquire not after their Gods saying How did these nations serue their gods euen so will we doe likewise So then God ordained this and such like kind of vowes to the end his owne people should not follow the fond fashions of the idolatrous heathen that dwelt round about them Thirdly Wherein the vow of the Nazarites consisteth that from hence might spring some maintenance for the Ministery whereof in all ages and times God hath shewed himselfe to haue a speciall care This appeareth euidently in the twentieth verse of this Chapter when the Nazarite offereth a Ramme for a sacrifice of a peace offering vnto the Lord a part therof is holy for the Priests vse and therefore in this vow the Lord had a respect to the vpholding and continuing of his seruice by prouiding for those that attended thereunto Now the parts of the vow are to be considered before the vses be pointed out Wee haue heard already that the Nazarites were such persons as vowed a speciall kind of holinesse The parts of their speciall holinesse are two first while they were in this vow secondly when the dayes of it were accomplished Touching the first while they continued in their vow they were bound not only to keepe a temperate dyet but they were vtterly to abstaine from wine and strong drinke from vineger of wine Verse 3.4 vineger of strong drinke and from any liquor of grapes as also from cating moyst or dryed grapes
of presence Howbeit many come to the house of GOD as if they were none of his houshold-seruants but strangers in his house nay as if they were strangers to God God vnto them as if they had no knowledge of him or he of them They come so sildome that they may appeare to belong to some other family or fraternity But what shall it auaile vs to pray for the protection of the Church vnlesse we hide our selues in his pauilion and liue vnder his protection This vse we finde Ps 27 4 5. where vpon his assurance that God will hide him in his Tabernacle and set him vpon a rocke he setteth down this One thing haue I desired of the Lord that I wil seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life to behold the beauty of the lord to enquire in his Temple They are pronounced blessed that dwell with him who is to be blessed and is the author of all blessings Psal 84. This doth the church testifie in Salomons song Tell me O thou whom my soule loueth Cant. 1 2 where thou feedest where thou makest thy flocke to rest at noone for why should I bee as one that turneth aside by the flockes of thy companions As Christ proueth the loue of Peter by this signe of feeding his sheepe Iohn 21 ver 16. so we may proue our loue to him by louing his Church and Church-assemblies Doubtlesse whatsoeuer we may perswade our selues to the contrary yet we do not loue Christ if we doe not loue the assemblies of the Christians for where two or three are gathered together in his Name there is he in the midst of them Ver. 25 26. The Lord make his face to shine c. We haue shewed before in the interpretation of the words that by grace we must vnderstand the fauour and good will of God and by peace the effects of his grace happinesse and prosperity inward outward consisting in the peace of a good conscience and such like benefits First we are taught to desire grace vnderstood by the lifting vp of his countenance and making his face to shine vppon vs and then the peace of a good conscience From hence we learne this point to include thē both together that we must cheefely and principally pray for Gods fauour and then in the next place for peace of conscience Doctr●●● Wee mu●● cheefely 〈◊〉 for God●●●uour and peace o● good con●●ence Thus doth the Prophet direct vs Psalm 4 6. Lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs and 67 1. God be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and cause his face to shine vpon vs and Psal 83 3. Cause thy face to shine and we shall be saued and to shew the necessity of this praier the earnestnesse of his affection 9 17. he doubleth trebleth the same praier as if he desired nothing at all in comparison of the shining of his face and the lifting vp of his countenance Thus doth the Prophet declare that the Israelites got not the land in possession by their owne sword neither did their owne arme saue them but the right hand of God and his arme and the light of his countenance because he had a fauour vnto them Ps 44 3. and Ps 85 7. Shew vs thy mercy O Lord grant vs thy saluation This order we see euermore obserued by the Apostle praying for grace and peace Rom. 1.1 Cor. 1. This was the course which he tooke Reason 1 And no maruaile For first grace is the fountaine and beginning of all good things From whence haue we election but by grace Rom. 11 5. Whence cometh our calling to saluation but by grace 2 Tim. 1 9. Whence haue wee faith but by grace Phil. 1 29. Whence haue we our iustification but by grace Rom. 3 24. Whence shall we haue glorification and eternall life but by grace Rom. 6 23. Secondly we must lay the foundation of all our requests vpon the fauour of God because that being once obtained bringeth with it all other benefits and blessings whatsoeuer and without it all things are vnsauoury and vnprofitable if first we seeke the fauour of God all other things shal be ministred vnto vs. ● 6 33. If we want this we want all things if we haue this we haue all things The Apostle Peter said to the impotent man 3 6. Siluer and gold haue we none yet in his second Epistle he sheweth that the diuine power had giuen them all things 2 Pet. 1 3. Vse 1 From hence we must learne to hate the odious scoffes of the Papists and such like Ismaelites that mocke at our doctrine touching the assurance of Gods mercy and loue in the pardon of our sins for we should not be alowed to pray for them except we had assurance grounding our selues vpon his promise to obtaine them Neuertheles such is the sottishnesse of some of them that from hence they would conclude that according to our owne principles our people forsooth are in a miserable case because they are bound neuer to aske God forgiuenesse of their sins and why Because they are already assured of grace of the loue of God and of forgiuenesse of their sins I answer that this is a silly shift for we must pray euen for those things wherof we are assured before we pray And that appeareth by these three particulars First thogh we haue some assurance yet our assurance is not perfect we must therefore pray for the increase of it and forasmuch as we are many waies shaken and assaulted we haue need of more and more assurance Secondly we must pray for the continuance of this grace Our assurance may be much weakned we haue therfore need of Gods strengthning Spirit to stay vs vp in this faith Lastly we are to pray for a new act of pardon to be daily sealed vp in our hearts and consciences as we daily prouoke him by our new sinnes Secondly aboue all things desire the grace Vse 2 of God to be reconciled to God to haue our sins forgiuen to taste abundantly of his mercy One drop of this is more worth then all the gold of Ophir or all the pearles and precious stones that the mē of this world take so much paines to enioy We see how far men will goe what labour and what losse they will endure what hunger they will sustaine 1 King 9.26 and 22 48. 2 Chr. 20 37. what cares they will spend to get the goods of this life O that we had this care this loue of heauenly things but alasse the least difficulty that we meet in the way doth quickly discourage vs and put vs out of hart Thus it falleth out that many haue the riches of this world who are poore in the true treasure and haue store of gold that haue little store of grace Let vs say with the Prophet Lord Psal 4 6 7. 73 2● 26. if thou lift vp thy
and enter into the way of saluation Acts 16 34. Abraham is noted to bee the Father of the faithfull and we see hee was not without a faithfull seruant not onely faithfull to his master but faithfull to God and therefore also to his master This is noted as the chiefe cause that religion so much prospered at Thessalonica when the Gospell was preached and published there the Noblemen did embrace it Acts 17. If the raine once fal vpon the mountaines it will quickly water the vallies that are beneath like the precious oyntment powred vpon the head of Aaron that ran downe to the skirts of his garments Ps 133 2. When the Gospel was preached at Berea and such as were of noble birth tooke hold of it and they that were honorable by calling embraced beleeued it then not a few but many in number followed after them with all readinesse Actes 17 11 12. I am not ignorant that diuers of our latest and lernedest Expositers vnderstand the words otherwise Bez● 〈…〉 Act● 〈…〉 ●i●●n 〈◊〉 Testa M●●● 〈…〉 and thinke they are called Noble not in regard of their birth or blood but of their beleefe as indeede true Piety is true Nobility and true Religion is the truest Honor. Howbeit I rather vnderstand the word in his proper and naturall signification for these causes First it is not needfull to flye to a figure when the proper signification of a word standeth and contayneth nothing vnder it either against the doctrine of faith or the instruction of life or the truth of the historie Secondly Luke vseth this word in this signification as also others for such as are noble by birth and not otherwise as Luk. 19 12. 1 Cor. 1 26. Thirdly the Euangelist hath relation to that which hee noted before in this chapter where he saith That not a few of the cheefe women beleeued verse 4. that were at Thessalonica howbeit they were more noble that were at Berea who searched the Scriptures dayly whether those things were so Lastly in these words a reason is rendred how it came to passe that the Gospell tooke such good effect and gained so many soules to God Ca●●●● 〈◊〉 in A●●● 17. euen because the Nobility and honorable personages gaue their names to Christ were not ashamed to professe it The multitude followed their example as commonlie they do imitate the actions of their Leaders The Poet could say 〈◊〉 Totus Componitur orbis Regis ad exemplum nec sic inflectere sensus Humanos edicta valent quàm vita regentis The people cast their eyes vpon their Rulers neither are they ordered so much by their lawes as they are by their liues O that they which are in authority would consider this that the eyes of all men are vpon them O that they wold seriously bethink with themselues what good they might do by embracing religion and by countenancing them that are truly religious or if this will not enter into them and that their honors do so dazle their eyes that they cannot see the truth hereof O that they would at the least learne what hurt they do what backwardnes they cause what coldnesse in Religion they procure and what floods of wickednesse they bring in Doubtlesse if they did at any time meditate on these things and weigh in indifferent ballances either the one or the other it were enough to turne nay to breake their hearts and to put greater loue and zeal into them of Gods glorie For if the Gouernours of a Family bee luke-warme it may be easily obserued that their children which follow them their seruants which attend vpon them and all the rest of the house which are guided by them are neither hot nor cold And if it fall out that the Heads of the house be prophane and irreligious there is nothing to bee perceyued in that whole family but notable fruites of infidelity swearing blaspheming breach of the Sabbath contempt of the word brawling contention and all kinde of wretchednesse and wickednes If Saul begin to persecute Dauid he shall get many diuellish Doegs to snarle at him 〈◊〉 22 9. 〈◊〉 26 1. 〈◊〉 19. and finde many hollow-harted Keilahites to betray him haue many pestilent Ziphites offer themselues to discouer where hee hideth himselfe in strong holds all as his seruants to helpe him forward in his wickednes If Caiaphas sit in iudgement to arraigne condemne Christ 〈◊〉 26 69. 〈◊〉 14 66. 〈◊〉 ●2 25. 〈◊〉 9 17. all his seruants and his maides will bee ready in the hall and at the doore to set vpon his disciples and to follow the humor of their master so that euen the damosel that kept the doore could not let Peter alone but must assault him How then can we but acknowledge that it is a very happy thing to inioy godlye Magistrates and Christian Gouernours how much encouragement Inferiours haue by thē and how sweet a liberty they finde cannot be expressed O that we could learne to prize value this blessing as we ought It is not a generall benefit to be found in all places the godly haue oftentimes much disturbance and suffer many taunts and checkes euen for their profession sake in prophane places liuing vnder prophane persons For albeit all Magistrates and men in authority though their office be not great are set vp for the punishment of euil dooers and for the praise of them that do well 1 Pet. 2 14. yet oftentimes they turne the edge of the sword the wrong way Rom. 13 3. and are a terror to good works but not to euill Lastly hauing receiued so great mer●y frō Vse 3 God and continued among vs to haue such as are cheefe ouer the people to be cheefe also in piety and to go before them in all good ●onuersation whether they be such as bee in the house or out of the house it is our duty to fal downe before the Lord and to acknowledge this blessing Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodnes and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men Psal 107 8. So did Hiram the King of Tyre reioyce greatly when he heard that Salomon was annointed King in the roome of his Father and said Blessed be the Lord this day which hath giuen vnto Dauid a wise sonne ouer this great people 1 Kin. 5 17 The like we see in the Queene of Sheba when she had seene his workes and heard his wisedome she said Blessed be the Lord thy God which delighted in thee to set thee on the throne of Israel 1 Kings 10 9 because the Lord loued Israel for euer therefore made he thee King to doe iudgement and iustice And doubtlesse if wee knew the want of such Princes as our brethren and sisters in former times did when they were shut vp in prisons and burned to ashes we would acknowledge the necessity of performing this duty It is recorded in 2 Chro. 17 7. that Iehoshaphat who is renowned
come to the Lords Table when we are farre from it For as God hath his Church so the diuell hath his Chappell and as there is the Table of the Lord so there is the table of diuels We must therefore take heed that we doe not sacrifice to diuels while we purp●se to sacrifice to God and I would not that ye should haue fellowship with diuels ●or 10.20 To conclude let this preparation alwayes go before this holy action let there be a ransacking of all the corners of our hearts and spirits and a cleansing and cleering of them by true repentance Let all gouernours of families prepare these that belong vnto them fit themselues and them of their house to this worke Let vs consider the mystery of the death of Christ to make it the meanes of our life the cause of it our sinnes the merit of it our redemption the ende of it the apprehending of Christ with all his benefites the fruit of it reconciliation to God encrease of faith and newnesse of life Vse 4 Fourthly as no vncleane persons that were defiled Num. 9.6 and no vncircumcised persons whose foreskinne was not cut away Exod 12.48 might eate of the Passeouer so no prophane person vncircumcised in heart and vncleane in his soule and conscience hath any interest in the Lords Supper If he come vnto it and present himselfe at the Lords Table he is like to that guest that came to the feast but had not on him his wedding garment Matth. 22.11 as he followeth him in the sinne so hee shall follow him in the punishment also I deny not but such may partake of the bread but they cannot receiue the body and blood of Christ and they shall not onely beare the losse of the benefit but also incurre the danger of damnation For as no vncleane person might come to the Passeouer of the Lord so no vncleane person may come to the Supper of the Lord. Holy things may not be cast to dogs neither pearles before swine Matt. 7.6 These haue no right to this Communion Children are barred because they cannot examine themselues prophane persons because they do not because they will not And how many are there that come in worse manner then children would doe For if infants and children were admitted it is presumed they wold come with greater reuerence their greatest sinne would be their ignorance Ignorance therefore is a barre against them but are there not many in very many places that presume and present themselues at this Table who besides their ignorance as great and as grosse as that in children doe adde prophanenesse of heart make little conscience of the Sabboth and shew small loue to the word of God and therefore doe shut out themselues from this feast by a twofold barre Lastly we saw before that bitter hearbs were Vse 5 added to the Passeouer it must not be eaten without them which signifieth that as the Passeouer was eaten with sowre hearbes so Christ and the Crosse are neuer seuered one from the other because all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution 2. Tim 3.12 if we wil be the disciples of Christ we must deny our selues and take vp our Crosse and follow him Matth. 16.24 Euery one would be partaker of the Passeouer but they desire not the sowre hearbs we would willingly taste of the sweet but we care not for the bitter We seeme all ready to embrace Christ but we shun the Crosse it is as bitter vnto vs as gall and wormewood We must all therefore frame our selues to suffer afflictions as the good seruants and souldiers of Christ for the faiths sake and be content to drinke of this cup which he hath begun vnto vs. Paul liued in great credit among the Pharisees before his conuersion but so soon as he was called to preach the Gospel by and by they fought to kill him It is a great comfort to suffer for righteousnes sake A good cause doth sweeten the bitternes of the Crosse Such are pronounced blessed by Christ Matth. 5.10 The Apostles went from the councel reioycing that they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Christ Acts 5.41 It is no lesse honor to suffer for Christs cause then to beleeue in his Name Phil. 1 29. Ioh ●5 18.20 and 8.48 Our Master Christ Iesus found no better entertainment the world hated him before it hated vs they called him a Samaritan and said he had a diuel they reproached him to be a glutton Luke 7.34 a wine-bibber and a friend of Publicans and sinners he was despised of men Esay 53.3 4. and esteemed as smitten of God Ioh. 1.11 Luke 23.31 he came to his owne but his own r●ceiued him not If they haue done this in the greene tree what shal be done in the drie The seruant must not looke to haue a better estate and condition then his Lord nor the disciple then his master if they haue persecuted him they will also persecute vs Ioh. 13.16 he that is sent must not looke to be greater then he that sent him It is enough for the disciple to be as his master Matth. 10.25 and the s●ruant as his Lord if they haue called the master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his household Gods children shal be molested and aflicted euen in times of publike peace When the enemies of Daniel could find no matter against his person Dan. 6.13 they began to quarrell about his religion To serue God in truth and sincerity is an heinous crime in the eyes of the world who shall in the end giue an account to him that will iudge vprightly Verse 6. And there were certaine men who were defiled by the dead c. Here is a description of the second Passeouer for such as were vncleane vncleane not by any sinfull pollution but by a legal or ceremoniall vncleannesse not by any willing choice of their owne but by an ineuitable necessity and not by comming neere those that were dead in spirit but by touching the dead body of a man In this obserue three things a question a consultation and a resolution The question is of the people the consultation of Moses the resolution of God The people enquire at the mouth of Moses Moses enquireth at the mouth of God and God determineth the doubt and resolueth both the people Moses The question is wherfore may we not receiue the Passeouer with the rest of our brethren wherfore are we kept backe this is amplified by the occasion they were defiled by a dead corpes The consultation is with God which is the second point Moses willeth them to be quiet stand stil vntil he knew the mind of the Lord ver 8. he wold determine nothing rashly but he doubted and held them in doubt vntill he knew of God what was to be done A religious example of modesty humility and wisedome in the matters of God
He did not glory to haue in his owne breast an oracle to answer all doubts nor challenge any power of freedome from errour as the man of sinne in the pride of his owne heart boasteth of himselfe The third part is the resolution and determination of God deciding the question and making some lawes extending to them and their posterity first if any were vncleane they had respit giuen them vnto the second moneth they haue not liberty vntil the next yeare but to the next moneth they are dispensed withal Secondly the man that is cleane and refuseth to come he shall be cut off that is excommunicated from the people Thirdly if a stranger desire to be partaker of the Passeouer he must embrace the true religion be circumcised Exod. 12.49 and then he may come Touching the question and the occasion thereof it appeareth that those good men which were shut out from this part of Gods seruice by reason they were defiled by touching a dead body were much greeued at heart and troubled in mind that they were barred and as it were banished from the Passeouer hauing as great a desire as others to come vnto it Hence it is that they make earnest moane and complaint to Moses for their separation and therefore desire to be eased and releeued by him The doctrine Doctrin● from hence is that it is a great cause of sorrow and griefe to Gods deare children Gods chi●dren are greeued 〈◊〉 they are 〈◊〉 from his ●●●uice when they are by any iust occasion or by the hand of God vpon them withheld and kept back from the parts and exercises of his worship We see this in Hezekiah in his sicknesse Esay 38.1 his chiefe lamentation and complaint was that he should not see the face of the Lord in his Temple Dauid often complaineth and lamenteth that he was driuen by his enemies from his worship He maketh the condition of the sparrow swallow better then his Psal 84.3 42.1 and 5. and 137 which might come neerer to the altar then he his soule panted and thirsted after God The Church wept by the riuers of Babylon when they remembred Sion and the songs they had sung in the Temple and in another place the Church being by captiui●y depriued of the Temple of their Synagogues of their sacrifices of their Sacraments and of the exercises of their religion maketh bitter complaint to God O Lord and 74.7 they haue cast thy Sanctuary into the fire they haue defiled thy dwelling place The incestuous Corinthian being by excommunication put from the fellowship of the Saints and the vse of the Ministery became comfortlesse and was almost swallowed vp with sorrow 2 Cor. 2.7 And can it be otherwise The godly find Reason 1 such sweetnesse such comfort such spirituall ioy in the presence of God where the exercises of his worship and religion are performed as nothing in this life is more pleasant and delightfull vnto them The Prophet cryeth out as if he were rauished with an holy contemplation of the excellency of this Psa● 8● 1 1● 10 an● 8. and 14 How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hostes my soule longeth yea euen fainteth for the Courts of the Lord c. The word is sweeter to them then the hony and the hony combe and more to be desired then much fine gold They feed vpon the bread in the Sacramēts as vpon the fatnes of his house drink of the cup as of the riuers of his pleasures they offer vp praiers as sweet incense and lift vp their hands as the euening sacrifice How then can it be but that the losse want of al these brought vpon thē should strike them to the heart and minister matter of much greefe and mourning vnto them Secondly the great loue and mercy of God toward his people doth appeare in the exercises of religion and the place of his worship to them that are not altogether blind and deafe and past all sense and feeling of good things then in all other things throughout the whole world besides Prou. 9.1.2 And indeed a man or woman that hath once tasted the comfort of his adoption and saluation in Christ taught in the word and confirmed in the Sacraments will think it one of his greatest losses to lose and leaue these exercises and the greatest plague to be depriued of them and by them of the pledges of his goodnesse and fauor Thirdly when these are gone they know and consider the greatest stayes and helpes of their standing in the grace of God are vtterly taken away from them therefore they haue cause to lament as Psal 74.9 We see not our signes there is no more any Prophet neither is there among vs any that knoweth how long When he taketh away his word he lifteth vp his standard and goeth away And can there be greater cause to mourne then when God departeth from his people Vse 1 This reprooueth such as can lament bitterly and mourne heauily for the least earthly losses and troubles but neuer trouble themselues for losse of spirituall things It was not so with the wife of Phinehas she had many causes of mourning met together by heauy tidings that were told vnto her her father in law had broken his necke her husband was killed the hoste of God discomfited and the Arke of God was taken howbeit among all these none went neerer none so neere vnto her as the taking of the Arke and therefore she doubleth this which she could not put out of her mind and did after a sort put out all the rest ●●m 4.22 The glory is departed from Israel for the Arke of God is taken But there are many in our daies that account it no losse at all to lose Sermon after Sermon Sacrament after Sacrament and one meeting in the house of God after another they can do this easily and neuer mourne for it Nay they are vexed and tormented as if they were vpon the rack that they are constrained to come so often to the word to the Sacraments and to the house of prayer See herein the great diffrence between the godly and vngodly It is the voyce of the faithfull When will the Sabboth come but the vnfaithfull say When will the Sabboth day be done Amos 8.5 It is the voyce of the faithfull Blessed are they that dwell in thy house Psal 84.4 but the vnfaithfull hold it a misery and bondage to be tyed so strictly and straitly to the publike exercises of religion It is the voyce of the faithfull 〈◊〉 42.2 and 7. 120.5 When shall I come and appeare before God but the vnfaithfull say When shall we depart out of Syon it is time we be gone It is the faithful mans voyce complayning Woe is me that I soiourne in Mesech that I dwell in the tents of Kedar but the vnfaithfull think thēselues vnhappy that they must soiourne in the Tabernacle of God and dwel in his house If
in soule and body abusing our wit our memory our authority our health our liberty our riches our heart our tongue our feete our hands and all other members to infidelity blasphemy swearing lying whoredome cruelty iniury theft gluttony drunkennesse pride wantonnesse slanders and such like making them filthy dungeons and stinking sinkes for the diuell which should be the Temples of God Wherfore we must haue earnest greefe and sorrow and trembling that we haue hereby not onely broken in peeces and torne in sunder by our sinnes all the lawes of God but wee haue also by them crucified vpon the Crosse and put to a shamefull death the Lord of Life We commonly lay the whole and only fault vpon Herod and Pilate vpon the high Priests vpon Iudas and the Iewes who is not displeased with these for their cruelty herein howbeit we shold be more displeased with our selues who are as deepe by our sinnes in this sinne as euer they as we haue shewed before out of the Prophet And here I summon all prophane persons before God that haue no delight in good things and all such as with greedinesse and without shame wallow in all sin and wickednesse giuing by their leudnesse continuall and greeuous offence to the children of God If they dare presume to present themselues at the Lords Table hauing their hearts hands gored with the blood of the Sonne of God I would haue them answere what they promised to God and his Church in their Baptisme and what they now professe They promised to forsake the diuell and all his workes but sinne is one of the chiefe and principall works of the diuell What I pray you could the Lord Iesus haue done for vs that he hath not done and shall we so reward him and requite him for all his paines his agony and bloody sweat If a kings sonne finding vs in a filthy sink or miery puddle should helpe vs out with his hands and wash vs in water and put his precious robes vpon vs and after all this we thrice miserable wretches should presently cast our selues into the same againe what vnthankfulnes were this what indignity Christ Iesus hath redeemed vs from the bondage of sinne and washed vs in his blood Reuel 1.5 shall we defile our selues againe with worse then mire and dung and serue Satan and sin his and our enemies Againe we must seek to approue our hearts and consciences with loue and charity to our neighbours For we can neuer come with a good consciēce toward God except also we shew the fruites of loue to our brethren We must haue peace with all men without which no man shall see God to his comfort Heb. 12.14 We are but one bread but one body 1 Cor. 12.12 There should be a communion among all the Saints of God which also we professe to beleeue We meet al in one place as it were in one house we haue one head we heare one word we eat the same spirituall meat we drinke the same spirituall drinke we are vtterly vnworthy of all these if we be infected and poisoned with the bitter rootes of hatred strife rancour debate contention quarrelling and such like vnfauory vnsanctified fruites which shew that we are carnall and faithlesse men not fit to be called the seruants of Christ whose loue was great euen toward his enemies Verse 13. But the man that is cleane c. and forbeareth to keep the Passeouer euen the same soule shall be cut off c. The meaning is hee shall be shut out from the fellowship of the Saints Whosoeuer through meer negligence and carelesnes did put off this duty and wold not with the rest of the people of God keepe the Passeouer is iudged for it and beareth his sinne that is is guilty of a great wickednes before God Doctrine We learn hereby that they which negligently and carelesly omit the parts of Gods worship and the exercises of religion All that are carelesse in Gods seruice lie vnder his wrath whensoeuer they are celebrated in the meetings of Gods people committeth a great iniquity and lyeth vnder the wrath and iudgements God The vncircumcised male that purposely breaketh the Couenant of God shall be cut off from the people Gen. 17.14 Moses carelesly omitting the circumcision of his sonne was neere to be slaine of God Exod 4.24 He that did not conscionably and religiously keepe the Passeouer was also to be cu● off as we see in this place and afterward he that gathered sticks vpon the Sabboth day was stoned with stones that he dyed chap. 15.32 36. Such then as bring not the offerings of God in their season and are carelesse in his worship lie vnder his wrath and deserue the sentence of excommunication For they neglect the homage and seruice Reason 1 due to God and obserue not the seasons appointed of God as we see in this 13. verse There is an appointed season for euery worke vnder the Sunne God also hath his times and seasons who hath all times in his owne hands which being neglected cannot be recalled Secondly all such as contemne the means are prophane contemners of those excellent things that are offered by the meanes and the contempt of the word is the contempt of God The contempt of this Baptisme is the contempt of the remission of sinnes the Pharisees that were not baptized of Iohn reiected the counsell of God against themselues he that contemneth the Supper refuseth the merits of Christs death and passion and is guilty of the body blood of Christ 1 Cor. 11. and maketh a mocke of the Sonne of God Thirdly such despise the wisedome of God accounting that simple weake and foolish which he in his infinite wisedome hath appointed to be the ordinary meanes of his strong arme and mighty power His waies are not as our waies his wayes are foolishnesse to foolish men 1. Cor. 1.23 and our wayes are foolishnes to the most wise God 1 Cor. 3.19 and that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God Luke 16.15 as that which is oftentimes least regarded of vs is in greatest price and account with him Vse 1 Conclude from hence that the state and condition of al retchlesse hearers of the word and of negligent receiuers of the Sacraments is most wretched accurst Shall we be so sottish and simple to imagine that God hath ordained these things for nothing or that he will see his writings and seales troden vnder foot and not punish these rebels and enemies Is not he that maliciously and contemptibly defaceth the Princes broad seale a traitour against his Prince Are these then any better that reiect both word and Sacrament we see this in Ahaz when he had a signe offered vnto him from the Lord in the depth beneath or in the height aboue to assure him of deliuerance he contemned and reiected the same Esay 7.12 howbeit he neuer prospered after but grew worse and worse 2 Chron 28. True
and the neglect of it as a neglect of himselfe v. 45. Thirdly it is a forcible meanes to manifest the truth and sincerity of our religion Iam. 1 17. Hereby our faith is tried and knowne to be a sound and sauing faith ch 2. Our hearing of the word and partaking of the Sacraments are not accepted except they be seasoned with mercy compassion as it were with salt Esa 1.14 15. Lastly seeing we must communicate one with another in earthly things how much Vse 3 more ought we to do it in heauenly And if we must procure good to the bodies of our brethren we are much more to seeke to saue their soules This is the greatest loue that can be to be a means to win any to saluation The soule of a man is of great price it is more worth then an whole world of wealth For what should it profit a man to winne a kingdome and then lose his owne soule or what shall a man giue for the recompence of his soule This is a diuine labour and shal haue a diuine reward This is an heauenly purchase to purchase soules In our daies they are accounted the onely wise men of the world that can compasse great matters and purchase house and lands and leaue a rich posterity behinde them Many men make it their glory to vaunt of their purchases and how they haue encreased their reuenues and enriched their heires But what haue they gottē to God or whom haue they won to him Doubtles to gain one soule to God is better and shall yeeld more comfort at the last day then to get great substance and to leaue a rich inheritance behind vs. Hence it is that Salomon saith The fruite of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth soules is wise Prou. 11 30 Dan. 12 3. The Apostle Iude teaching the Saints what loue they should shew toward their brethren Iude 22.2 and what care should possesse their harts for their conuersion willeth to haue compassion vpō some putting difference and that they should saue others with feare plucking them out of the fire This worke of winning of soules standeth in bringing of thē to the knowledge of God What it win soule● conuerting of a sinner frō going astray out of the right-way Some erre in opiniō Iam. 5 1● other are corrupt in life conuersatiō He that seeth his neighbours Oxe or Asse ready to fall into a ditch wherein he might perish is bound by the law to pluck him out of danger Exod. 23 4 5 or his beast going astray must bring it home to the owner Deut. 22 1. All soules are mine sayeth the Lord Eze. 18 4. he is the owner of them he is the Lord ouer them when they wander out of the way of truth they must be brought vnto him againe Shall wee draw an Oxe out of the pit and not our brethren made after the similitude of God out of the puddles of sinne wherein they are plunged Hath he care ouer bruite beasts and not much rather ouer mens soules It is a point of humanitie to bring the wandering stranger into his way but it is a part of true piety to turne them into the pathe that leadeth vnto life who thorough error wander from God and his word To effect this ●herein the ●●●ning sa●●ng of soules ●●●sisteth we must vse these meanes and practise these duties First to instruct them which are ignorant and walke in darknes in the shadow of death that therby they may come to the knowledge of the truth Prou. 13 14. Secondly to reproue them of the euill which they haue committed that so they may repent and come out of the snares of Satan 2. Tim. 2 25. And thus many haue beene reclaimed Prou. 6 23 Thirdly to exhort and admonish one another perswading them vnto that which is good disswading them from that which is euill Heb. 3 7 8 13. and 10 24. Iohn 4 28 29. Thus we shall draw on some and preuent the fall of others This wee must do in loue and in the Spirit of meekenes considering both them and our selues Gal. 6 1 2. Fourthly to vse threatning to them that are obstinate and hardned in sinne denouncing vnto them the iudgements of God that their hearts may be mollified and softned as Physitians deale in desperate diseases Lastly to seeke to conuert them by a godly example of an holy life 1 Pet. 3 1. 1 Cor. 7 16. This is as strong and forcible a means as any of the former if not more forcible the other are by word this is by deede For when they behold an example of godlinesse faith patience humility and obedience before their eyes it causeth them to fall downe on their faces and giue glory vnto God whē they see their good workes But wo to all carnall Gospellers who by prophane examples of all loosenesse doe strengthen the hands of the wicked thereby keepe them from repentance Woe vnto them by whom any soule is hindered from conuersion 1 Pet. 1 7. Verse 35 36. And it came to passe when the Ark set forward that Moses said rise vp Lord and let thine enemies be scattered c. This is the last point setting down the ordinary praiers that Moses vsed both when they marched and when they rested These prayers were not ysed at this time onely but vpon all such like occasions They neuer remooued but it was ioyned with prayer they neuer pitched down their Tents but it was done with praier This sanctifieth all our goings out and our commings in teacheth vs to begin our workes and end our labours with it And to whom doth he pray He goeth not to Saint or angel he saith not Rise vp Abraham o● Isaac or Iacob but Rise vp O Lord teaching vs that it is a duty due onely vnto God But to omit these points that euery where come to hand obserue this from the practise of Moses Doctrine that the seruants of God may lawfully vse a prescript forme of prayer The true seruants of God may vse a prescript forme of prayer whether it be the Minister in the Congregation or the Master in his priuate family or a particular christian between the Lord and himselfe when he is entred into his Chamber and hath shut the doore vnto him This we haue shewed already in the sixt chapter by the blessing commaunded to the Priests to bee vsed in the publike assemblies Now that which was allowed vnto the Priests may not be thought vnlawfull to the people Such as brought the first fruites to God to testifie their thankefulnesse vnto him for his blessings and that they held all of him in cheefe haue a set forme appointed vnto them Deut. 26 5 6 7 c. The Psalmes of Dauid were penned not onely to bee vsed at that time wherein they were made but euer afterward as occasion serued The 92 Psalme was penned for the Sabbath day so the 102 Psalme to be a
still and did nothing and did not ioyne with his friends We see we cannot but see and behold with our eyes the children of God oftentimes hated maligned wronged threatned oppressed slandered reuiled persecuted if we opē not our mouths in good causes in Gods causes we forsake the Lord himselfe whose cause it is and bring vpon our selues his fearefull yet most iust curse Vse 3 Thirdly as the enemies of the Church are the enemies of God so we may conclude from hence that doubtles the friends of the church are the friends of God No man shall do any good to his distressed seruants which shall lose his reward The Euangelist sheweth that Christ our Sauiour accounteth it as done to himself 〈◊〉 2● 40. whatsoeuer we haue done to one of the least of his brethren Hee is fedde and harboured in his members he is clothed and couered in his members he is receiued and visited in his members And if we refuse to do good to the least of these he esteemeth it as an iniury and indignity done vnto himselfe This is a notable encouragement to moue vs to open our mouthes in the cause of the dumb to open our hands in the cause of the needy and to open our hearts in the cause of the afflicted and to vnloose our tongues to plead the cause of the innocent Such are the true friends of God Pro. 31.8 and 27.19 19.6 Euery man seeketh the fauour of great men and desireth their friendship how ought we then to labour to be the friends of God Abraham beleeued the promise made vnto him and hee is said to be the friend of God Christ saith Iam. 2.23 Ioh 15.14 ye are my friends if ye do whatsoeuer I command you This is the cause that made Deborah pronounce Iael the wife of Heber blessed aboue women dwelling in tents because she helped the Lord against the mighty with her mouth with her hand with her hart Iudg 5.24 she smote off the head of Sisera when she had pierced and stricken through his temples Thus it was with Obadiah thus it went with Ebedmelech they shewed mercy to the Prophets God sheweth mercy vnto them they did good to others but they receiued more good to themselues And this was the prayer of Paul for Onesiphorus who no doubt receiued much mercy from God in the day of account as he refreshed the Apostle in the day of his want 2 Timothy 1.16.18 Fourthly seeing God accounteth the churches Vse 4 enemies his enemies then must our account be answerable to the account of God we must account his enemies to be our enemies Gods enemies by good right ought to be the Churches enemies Such then as we see to be open enemies to god to fight as it were hand in hād against him to hate true religion to scorn the profession of it to deride the professors of it we must account thē as our enemies we must hold no league no friendship no familiarity with them so far as they declare themselues to be such by their obstinacy This made the Prophet say to Iehoshaphat after he had made affinity with wicked Ahab 2 Chron 19.2 who had sold himself as a slaue to sin Shouldest thou helpe the vngodly and loue them that hate the Lord therfore is wrath come vpon thee from before the Lord. So Dauid saith testifying his affection Psal 139.21 Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee c. teaching thereby that seeing he accounteth our enemies to be his we ought to account his enemies to be ours This made the wise Salomon to say Pro. 29.27 An vniust man is an abomination to the iust c. But it may be obiected Obiect that Christ Iesus willeth vs to loue our enemies Matth. 5.44 and to blesse them that hate vs. It is true Answ wee must loue our enemies but we are neuer commanded to loue the enemies of God Shall we loue them that do not loue the Lord did we not see before how that good king is reproued not only because he did helpe the vngodly but because he did loue them that did hate the Lord So then we must distinguish and make a difference betweene such as are our enemies and such as are Gods betweene such as hate our persons and such as hate true religion and the holy profession of it But how shall we know who are Gods enemies and who are ours and to bestow our hatred vpon a right subiect I answer as a good tree is knowne by his good fruit so an euill tree is knowne by his euill fruit It is the euill fruit which they bring forth which must be cause of this hatred Take that away and let the tree be graffed and bring forth better fruit we will loue both the tree and the fruit Sinne therfore must be the ground and foundation of all true hatred Secondly our hatred if it be aright must proceed from the loue of God and the zeale of his glory because we cannot loue him but we must hate whatsoeuer is against him Thirdly our hatred must not proceed from any priuate reuenge for that were to do euill for euill The cause must no way concerne our selues but onely the LORD A man may be enemy to our person and yet a friend to God such we are commanded to loue and we are forbidden to hate Lastly we must see them to be obstinate and setled in sinne as dogs and swine that trample holy things vnder their feet and are ready to rent them in peeces that bring them vnto them Vse 5 Fiftly from hence ariseth comfort to Gods people to consider that such as hurt or persecute the members of Christ doe hurt and persecute Christ himselfe wound him through their sides though now he be glorified in the highest heauens When Paul saide who art thou Lord the Lord answered I am Iesus whom thou persecutest Act. 9.5 And the Apostle saith I reioyce in my sufferings for you and fill vp that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church Col. 1.24 So God the Father is said to be toucht with a feeling of the miseries of his people Esay 63.9 In all their afflictions he was afflicted the Angel of his presence saued them likewise the holy Ghost 1 Pet. 4.14 When you are reuiled the Spirit is euil spoken off on their part c. So then the holy and blessed Trinity haue as it were a fellow-feeling of our miseries and afflictions which serueth greatly for the comfort of all that are in trouble for the truths sake We suffer not alone for that were without comfort we haue God the Father to suffer with vs Christ Iesus our Sauiour to suffer with vs the holy Spirit blessed for euer to suffer with vs. Thus doth God comfort Abraham who hath the hearts of all in his owne hand that he will get him fauour in the eyes of many
let them make it their meditation whereby they may represse such hot and hasty head-strong passions The Prophet saith Psal 119 9. Wherewithall shall a young man cleanse his way By taking heed thereto according to thy word And Moses saide vnto him Enuiest thou for my sake In these words Moses openeth and discouereth the particular sinne wherewith Ioshua was infected ●octrine 〈◊〉 Gods peo●●e must be●●re of enuy We learne heereby in this reproofe that all Gods people must beware of enuy Iam. 4 5. It is an affection compounded of sorrow and malice For such persons are malicious alwaies repining and grudging at the gifts of God bestowed vpon others and as it were looke asquint at them as Gen. 26 12 13 14 27 and 30 1 and 31 1. Mark 9 38. Iohn 3 26 27. First because it is a fruite of the flesh Gal. Reason 1 5 21. as carnall greefe and carnall hatred are of which it is compounded for it maketh mē repine and greeue at the blessings and prosperity of others and that which is worst of all to hate the persons that haue those gifts and in the end the good things themselues that are in the persons for the persons sake This appeareth in the Pharisies Math. 27 18. when they saw that Christ was in more account among the people and did exceed them in all his doctrine and miracles they repined and grudged at him It greeued them that any should be equall vnto them much more goe beyond them Secondly God bestoweth his gifts where he will and to whom he will in what measure he will Math. 20 15. Thirdly it procureth the wrath of God and is neuer left without punishment as appeareth in the next chapter where Miriam the sister of Moses is striken with the leprosie 〈◊〉 12 10. because she enuied the gifts of Moses God shewing therby how greatly he detesteth this sinne Fourthly whatsoeuer is bestowed vpon any member is bestowed vpon the whole body 1 Cor. 12. Whatsoeuer is giuen to any part is giuen for the benefit of the whole Church why then should we enuy any seeing we haue our part and portion in it Fiftly it is a diuellish vice it is worse then fleshly and yet if it were no more it were sufficient to make vs to detest it howbeit it sauoureth not onely of the flesh but of the diuell and it transformeth vs into the image of Satan who enuied the happinesse of our first parents in the garden Gen. 3 5. So Caine was of that euill one 1 Ioh. 3 12. and enuied his brother because God accepted him and his sacrifice Gen. 4.5 Sixtly it crosseth and controlleth the wisedome of God in the distribution of his gifts graces as if God had done thē wrong and bin too good to others we can challenge nothing as due to our selues but whatsoeuer we haue we haue it freely howbeit the enuious like not his administration but dislike that others should enioy that which they want Lastly it is against the rule of charity which reioyceth at the good of others 1 Cor. ●3 and is ready to bestow and communicate good things where is want of them So then where enuy is there charity is not and where charity is there enuy is not This teacheth vs that all are subiect to this Vse 1 euill euen they that are godly and in a great measure sanctified are apt to enuy at others excelling in the graces of God And doubtles this is one cause oftentimes of contentions among the faithfull 1 Corin. 1 12. much more therfore the vnreformed and vnsanctified are ready to enuy them that goe before them Let vs not haue the faith of GOD in respect of persons Iam. 2 1. let vs beware of hauing men in admiration for sinister respects The best things are subiect to be abused through our corruption Secondly it serueth to reprooue many Vse 2 malicious persons some enuy others temporall blessings others that are worse enuy them the grace of God If they haue more knowledg then themselues they cannot abide them but speake all manner of euill against them These men are possessed nay poisened with malice ambition pride arrogancy and dissimulation they are vtterly destitute of charity or desire of reconciliation to their brethren Hence it is that Salomon opposeth enuy and the feare of God Prou. 27 4. as things that cannot possibly stand together Prou. 23 17. and in another place a sound heart and enuy Pro. 14 30. If such see another haue more wealth and riches then themselues they so vex torment themselues that the things which they haue do them no good Enuy is a very torment to the enuious who enuying at others do plague and punish themselues For as enuy hurteth not him at all that is enuied Egidij Hunnij comment in Iohan cap. 12. so the enuious man carrieth about within his owne bosome an inward and home-bred tormenter that neuer suffereth him to be quiet Such a monster is spite enuy that if he see or heare or think another to haue more or as much to goe beyond him or be equall vnto him it is a quotidian nay a continual feuer without any intermission it paineth him day and night Psalm 112 9 10. Thirdly let vs vse all holy and sanctified meanes to prevent it or to purge it away if it Vse 3 haue seized vpon vs. Let vs labour for christian charity How we may auoid enuy that so we may rid our hearts of the corrupt weeds of fretting and malice against our brethren and decke our selues with lowlinesse of mind that we may banish pride and selfe loue Phil. 2 3. Store of charity and humility tempered together will make a notable defence preseruatiue against this malady Secondly be wel contented with Gods holy administration of temporall blessings spiritual eternal that we do not any way charge him with folly who is wisedome it selfe or with partiality who respecteth no mans person Thirdly to cast our eyes vpon the troubles sorrowes miseries and calamities of our brethren which they sustaine and suffer as well as vpon the gifts blessings comforts prosperity which they enioy that so the consideration of the one may stay vphold vs from grudging at the sight of the other But this is our fault we looke vpon their good but will not behold their euill which if we did wee should finde cause many times rather to pitty them then to enuy them Fourthly to marke that the gifts of others are for our benefit as the good of one member of the body serueth for the vse of another and therefore wee are enemies to our owne good and welfare when wee repine at that which others haue Fiftly to pray to God for the obtaining of his gifts where we see them wanting and for encrease of them where they are obtained and for the continuance of them where they are encreased Lastly it is our duty to loue the graces of God wheresoeuer wee see
8. The greatest reward shall be for the greatest labour and the least for the least labor O then we shall wish with al the desire of our soules that we had labored more abundantly and therefore let vs bee instant in season and out of season while we haue time The night cometh when none can labor Hence it is that Christ promiseth to his Apostles which had planted the churches and bestowed the greatest paines a chiefe place of honor nere to himself Wo then to the bishop of Rome that doth now dominere in the church and ouer the faith and consciences of men who sitteth in the temple of God shewing him selfe that he is God 2 Thess 2 4. he challengeth all power due to himselfe but laboreth not in the word doctrine he neither preacheth the Gospel nor taketh it to be any part of his Function but rather a great disgrace to his vsurped office Mat. 4.23 and 9 35. This is not to be the vicar of Christ for he went about all cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospell of the kingdome and healing euery sicknesse and euery disease among the people This is not to be the successor of Peter for he is commanded to feed the Lambes to feed the sheepe of Christ Ioh. 21 15 16 17. and he fed them not onely by his deputies or assignes but in his owne person Act. 1 15. 2 14. 3 12. 4 8. 5 29. and 10 34. and he requireth all Pastors to do the like 1 Pet. 5.2 Feed the flocke that dependeth vpon you Wherefore the man of sin though he here vsurpe the highest honor and challenge a triple crowne and beareth both swords ciuill and ecclesiastical to whom indeed neither is due shal haue in the end the greatest shame and contempt poured on him Vse 2 Secondly acknowledge this ambition to be a generall corruption the reliques and remainders whereof are in all the seruants of God yea in al the children of Adam we haue drawne it from him and thereby it hath leauened and corrupted all mankinde It drew nay it threw Adam out of the garden of God it quickly crept into the family of Christ and infected his disciples and therefore being a subtle and secret euill it is to be looked vnto that it steale not sodainly vpon vs. If any man aske what it is What ambition is I answer it is an immoderate desire after dignity and of dignity vpon dignity it is a thirst that neuer can be quenched for as the couetous person hath neuer enough money so the embitious hath neuer enough honor it is a secret poison an hidden plague the mistris of craft the mother of hypocrisie the father of enuy the fountaine of vices the moth of piety a blind guide and leader of the hearts of men finally we may say of the loue of it as Paul doth of the loue of money It is the roote of all euill 1 Tim. 6 10. The farther we thinke our selues from it the neerer commonly it commeth vnto vs and therefore let nothing be done through strife and vainglory but in lowlinesse of mind let each esteeme other better then themselues Phil. 2 3. Vse 3 Lastly let all learne to beware of this euil To this purpose wee should entertaine these meditations as so many soueraigne preseruatiues to teach vs first that the ambitious person neither knoweth God nor himselfe nor his neighbor nor his beginning nor his end nor the Scriptures not God his Creator not himselfe his creature not his neighbour his equall and perphaps his superior not his beginning of the dust of the earth not his end the graue the wormes the dust out of which hee was taken not the Scriptures which teach That God resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble Iam. 4 6. Wee dreame that other men will esteeme of vs as highly as wee vse to do of our selues but therein wee deceiue our selues Humility is the ready way vnto true glory Ambition is the path that leadeth to shame and contempt Therefore Christ saith oftentimes Whosoeuer exalts himselfe shal be abased and hee that shall humble himselfe shall be exalted Mat. 23 32. Luke 14 11. 18 24. Secondly ambition was the downfall of man from the beginning yea of the Angels not contenting themselues with their estates The higher men climbe the more fearefull is their fall whereas hee that creepth low vpon all foure neuer feareth a fall Pride is the fore-runner of destruction Prou. 11 2. and 16 18. 18 12. Thirdly such as haue had the greatest gifts and were best qualified with excellent graces haue beene most backward in seeking honours and bene hardly brought to accept of them being offered euen when they followed close at their heeles as the shadow doth the body as we see in Moses in Ieremy and others Such therefore as hunt after preferment and are most hasty of it to catch it before it fall as the dog doth a bone or as the hauke houereth aloft for her prey it is to bee feared they will be least conscionable in it as giuing by their vntimely and vnmeasurable desires iust occasion to suspect that they respect and aime at their owne good more then the good of others or the glory of God and therefore honour of right ought least of all to be conferred bestowed vpon such Fourthly all place of superiority is ful of much trouble and accompanied with many cares and vexations why then should we desire so eagerly and earnestly that which bringeth so great annoyance encombrance what wisedome were it for a man to lay such heauy burthens vpon his shoulders as therby he is ready to break his back Yet so is it with haughty and ambitious spirits they so cloy clog themselues with promotions preferments that they are not able to beare the waight of them neither any way fit to discharge them but in sustaining them are like to break their backes nay their necks Fiftly the greater honor we get the greater account wee haue to make The more is committed vnto vs Luke 1● the more shall be required of vs. We are sharpe sighted to espy the least occasion of raising vs vp but we cannot see what account wil be asked of vs. Lastly such as desire promotion on earth do oftentimes find confusion in heauen as wee see in Absolon and Achitophel one the son the other the Counsellor of Dauid both rebels traitors to their Prince Such as will be greatest on earth shall bee least in heauen The honor which here we haue should put vs in mind to seek the true honor of Gods kingdome The earthly honor is but as a shadow rhe heauenly is the substance They that honor God shall be honoured of him but they that despise him shal be despised Hath the Lord spoken only by Moses Hath he not spoken also by vs Behold here how in the humor of their pride ambition they set thēselues
him that ruleth all things Vse 3 Lastly it reprooueth such as are contrary minded who neuer came neere where this grace groweth These offend diuers waies first by anger hatred cruelty and reuenge directly against the precept of the Apostle Ro. 12 19. Secondly by reioycing at the calamity of good men as Shemei insulted ouer Dauid when he fled from his sonne Absolon and was constrained to passe ouer Iordan for safety of his life So was it with the Babylonians Edomites ouer the Israelites Psal 137 7. Obad 12 13. Thirdly by enuying and grudging to see others prosper and to greeue at the sight of it But it will be said If we put vp iniuries Obiect we shall be accounted no better then fooles and cowards and be laughed at for our labor Answ Answer We must not regard the corrupt iudgment of man 1 Cor. 4 3. These that are wise in their owne eyes loue the praise of mē more then the praise of God Ioh. 12 48. Let vs seeke the praise of God which is indeed the true praise as for other estimation without this it is but a shadow of true glory if it bee so much And this is a certaine rule that it is no cowardize at all to obey God and to follow his commandements neither is it any point of wisedome to bee ready to reuenge Ier. 8 9. And tell me to what end serue Magistrates in the commonwealth to what ende serue masters in the family are they not set vp of God to end controuersies betweene man and man and quarrels betweene seruant and seruant It is no want of manhood for a subiect to complaine to the Magistrate and to say as the poore widow did in the Gospel Auenge me of mine aduersary Lu. 18 3. It is no part of a coward for the seruant to acquaint his master with the wrongs that are offered vnto him by his fellow seruant Obiection But it is hard for flesh and blood to put vp wrongs and to digest the iniuries which are measured vnto vs. Answ I will say more then that it is vnpossible for flesh and blood to do it Answer if we bee no more then a lumpe of flesh but withall I adde that flesh and blood in the matters of God are euill counsellers and if we haue no more in vs then these and no farther worke begunne in vs it is certaine we are not Gods children neither shall inherite Gods kingdome If we be not spirit as well as flesh wee are none of his 4. And the Lord spake suddenly vnto Moses vnto Aaron and vnto Miriam Come out ye three vnto the Tabernacle of the Congregation they three came out 5. And the Lord came downe in the pillar of the cloud and stood in the doore of the Tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam and they both came foorth Hitherto of their sinne now wee come to Gods proceeding against them consisting partly in a citation partly in a conuiction and partly in the execution of punishment vpon the principall offender First we see how the offenders are cited and summoned to appeare before the Iudge for GOD doth as it were send a processe for Miriam and Aaron to appeare and hold vp their hands at his barre to plead guilty or not guilty He calleth the parties offending and the party offended and wronged before him Albeit the Lord know all things yet he will proceed iudicially against them The doctrine from hence is plain that God neuer bringeth iudgements vpon any people or person Doctrine God neuer bringeth iudgment vpon any but hee searcheth and findeth sufficient cause but he doth first search and finde sufficient cause why hee doeth so Whensoeuer he cometh to iudgement hee will proceed vpon a manifest ground and vpon a iust and knowne cause he neuer doth it rashly but vpon deliberation Gen 3 13 14 and 11 6 7. and 18 31. Zeph. 1 12. The reasons are euident For first heereby Reason 1 the iustice of God is cleered for heereby it appeareth that whatsoeuer he doth inflict he doth it not through any malice to their persons but because they haue iustly prouoked him by their sinnes he doth it in loue to iustice and in hatred to sinne He that hateth a man will smite him before hee make any enquiry of the matter as they dealt with Paul they scourged him to know what hee had done and what was the matter of which hee was accused Acts 22 ver 24. It is not so with God Secondly the Lord requireth that all Magistrates should obserue this course Deut. 13 14. If then he charge them to enquire before they proceed to iudgement much more wil the Lord himselfe obserue the same order This teacheth vs that the iudgements of Vse 1 God must needs be acknowledged to bee alwaies iust though they be sharpe and greeuous yet they are euer righteous For we see he proceedeth vpon knowne causes he goeth not vpon vncertainties but seeth knoweth all things which appeare naked and open before him The heart of man is shut vp from the sight of men and they cannot possibly discerne what lieth and lurketh therein onely it is the Lord that discerneth the heart Psal 33 15 1 Iohn 3 20. The workman must needs know the worke and whatsoeuer is in the work much better then the worke it selfe God is the maker of the heart of man therfore cannot but proceed vpon iust knowne causes Secondly this stoppeth the mouthes of wicked Vse 2 men which are ready to accuse God of iniustice as those in Esay 58 3. where they complaine as if GOD did not see or regard them and Ezek. 18 2 3. they tooke vp a prouerbe saying The fathers haue eaten sowre grapes the childrens teeth are set on edge These thought that God punished without measure or rather without cause But as he knoweth all things so he neuer doth any thing but hee goeth vpon a sure ground he maketh enquiry first of all and afterward proceedeth to iudgment Many do so harden their hearts forget their owne waies that they cannot perceiue the iust proceedings and punishments of God If God once open their hearts to see the order which he obserueth they will confesse his iustice condemne their own folly Thirdly it teacheth and instructeth euery Vse 3 man that he should search his owne waies diligently when the hand of God is any way vpon him and consider that God proceedeth in all his iudgements iustly and vpon a sure and tried ground And if a man by searching and sifting his owne waies finde somewhat in himselfe worthy of such iudgement he must know that God knoweth much more by him then himselfe doth 1 Ioh. 3 ver 20. If the patient knoweth somewhat of his own disease the Physition knoweth much more then hee doth so is it in this case he that is a patient vnder Gods hand if he know any thing by himselfe he may well know that God knoweth much more if men by examining
of wiar to draw blood in many places True it is he was not striken with this raging pestilence neuerthelesse he was diuersly punished with it with greefe and sorrow with horrour feare with losse of his subiects of his honor Pro. 14 28 The vses First this serueth as an admonition Vse 1 to all parents to teach thē that if they loue their sons they must leaue their sins and walke in a carefull obedience to the law of God If they doe not remember his commandements it shall come to passe that he will not remember their children for good but for euill If thē there be no loue in vs either toward God or our selues yet for the childrens sake of our body and for our posterity that come after vs we should labour to forsake our sins For his iudgements shall not end in vs but follow vs at the heeles and fall vpon such as are neere vs and belong vnto vs. God will take vengeance of the children for the sins of the parents although they haue in themselues enough to worke out their owne destruction yea thogh they haue no more in them but originall sinne Many loue their children better then themselues and desire their good more then their owne If we would indeed shew our loue to them we must walke in obedience vnto God To say we loue them dearely and yet to liue prophanely is vtterly to deceiue our selues To commit wickednesse with greedinesse is not the way to shew our loue to them or to procure their safety but rather to make them partakers with vs in the punishment Many children may now say to their parents as Zipporah said to Moses for as she said Exod. 4 26. Thou art a bloody husband to me in like manner may many children say to their parents Yee are indeede bloody parents vnto vs because they haue brought the curse of God both vpon themselues and vpon their posterity Alasse do men marry wiues to bring forth children to Satan to be cast into the fire of Gods wrath Is there no care in you O fathers no loue in you O mothers to your owne children the fruite of your owne bodies If there be any sparke of piety nay of pitty and compassion in vs let vs shew it in this by forsaking of our sinnes and by reforming of our liues whatsoeuer is amis in vs and by giuing vnto them a good example of life otherwise most certainely we shal finde the wrath of God extended euen to our houses and little ones he will forget to shew mercy vnto them but in great wrath heauy displeasure will he remember them Let not these things be forgotten but remembred grauen in our hearts to wit that wicked parents are the greatest enemies to their children We cannot abide that others should intreate them euilly when in the meane season none do more hurt them and misuse them thē our selues Vse 2 Secondly it reproueth those parents that imagine by fraud and oppression wrongful iniurious dealing to set vp their children and enrich their posterity and get to themselues great names whereas this is the ready way to bring the curse of God vpon their names vpon their substance vpon their houses vpon their children vpon their labours and vpon all their posterity Such couetous practises whatsoeuer their pretences be cannot build vp their houses which they might easily know if they did beleeue the word which teacheth that God is an auenger of all such things 1. Thess ● 2 11.12 4 6. And the Prophet telleth vs that the stone shall cry out of the wall and the beame out of the timber shall answer it woe to him that buildeth a Towne with blood c. This woe fell vpon Ahab that ruined his house as it doth many great houses in our daies Vse 3 Thirdly this warneth vs that therefore we should not sleepe securely in sin because God by and by punisheth it one way or other The wicked are often seene in great power spreading themselues like the greene bay tree Psal 37 35 and they go vnpunished for a while Ps 73. Iob 21. but looke vpon their posterity and you shall see GOD meeteth with them in his good time yea often when they are dead and rotten Euill doing is alwaies attended with euill successe in themselues or in those that are theirs ●otable ●cment of 〈◊〉 We see tyrants and bloody persecutors flourish and prosper for a time howbeit if not in their owne persons yet in the second or third descent they haue beene buried vnder the ruines of those buildings of which the mortar had beene tempered with innocent blood We noted this before in the person of Ahab after he had shed the blood of Naboth the true seruant of God and of his children who I pray you could do greater hurt to his owne house then himselfe Did not hee in a manner pull it downe with his owne hands for therefore was the kingdome taken away and remoued from his house and his seuenty children were all slaine with the edge of the sword 1 Kings 21 21. Behold I will bring euill vpon thee and will take away thy posterity c. Thus was it with Ieroboam who made Israel to sin God swept him away and all his stocke as dung from the face of the earth 1 King 14.10 It behoueth therefore Princes and subiects to pray one for another forasmuch as GOD taketh occasion by the sinne of one man to punish another This duty should also be performed of fathers and children of masters and their families lest God cast them together in one iudgement Lastly children ought not in all things to Vse 4 follow the example of their parents It is no iust defence or good excuse before GOD to say our parents did so If they haue bin wicked swearers and blasphemers contemners of the word of the Sabbaths of God we must not follow them in their sins lest we reape the fruite of that which they haue sowne Wherefore children must not walke in the wicked waies of their fathers but rather bee humbled and craue pardon and forgiuenesse euen for their sins which they after a sort haue bequeathed as a legacy vnto them so that their children inherite their sinnes as well as their substance because they send forth an euill sauour which bringeth downe the curse of God vpon them as Dan. 9 8 16 where Daniel doth not onely confesse his owne sin and of others that then liued but he is wonderfully cast downe for the sins of their predecessors For our sins for the iniquities of our fathers Ierusalem and thy people are become a reproch to all that are about vs. And the Lord promiseth on the other side that he which seeth his fathers sins is humbled for them and doth not the like shall not be punished for them Ezek. 18.14 but shal finde God mercifull vnto him but whosoeuer seeth the wickednesse of his fathers and iustifieth them by word or practise
any good consequent that though euery sinne in Gods iustice bee adiudged worthy of eternall death that therefore it doth equally deserue it See more of this chap. 19. Vse 2 Secondly from this doctrine receiued it followeth that the punishments of hell are diuers also according to the different desart of sinne Luk. 12 47 48. Math. 23 15 and 11 22 24. They that breake the law and teach others to do the like are twofold more the children of hell then others They are the children of hell that transgresse the law but they that lay a stumbling blocke before others and draw them out of the way are guilty of a farther sin and consequently of a greater punishment Sodome shall be cast into hell but Capernaum shall descend deeper and suffer more This must we lay to our hearts forasmuch as we are like to Capernaum not to Sodome Euery man must receiue at the last day according to his euill workes but Gods iudgements shold not be right if he did iudge sinnes to be equal and punish sinnes equally On the other side we may conclude that there are degrees of glory in the kingdome of heauen which serueth to stirre vs vp to labour to out-goe and out-strippe others considering that we shall receiue a greater reward It is a point seruing to animate and encourage all men in well-doing to know that the Magistrate shall receiue according to his care the Minister according to his paines and euery one according to his duty and obedience in the life to come Vse 3 Lastly hence is a direction for Magistrates seeing offences are different there ought to be a difference in punishment of malefactours All lawes should not be written with blood neither all punishments take away life But if lesser sins should be punished sharply great more remisly it were against the rule of reason and the law of equity Hence it is that Christ teacheth that among the Courts of the Iewes they alwaies punished according to the quality of the offence and did not make an equality among offenders Mat. 5 verse 22. Verse 31. Because he hath despised the word of the Lord and hath broken his couenant c. Here is the description of this sin whereby we see whervnto it tendeth being once entertained Doctrine We learne from hence Sin is come to the height when men are bold to sinne that men are come to the height of sinne when they commit sin boldly and boastingly proudly and presumptuously Esay 3 9. Numb 25 6. 1 Sam. 16 22. Ier. 3 3. Prou. 2 14. The reasons Reason 1 For this manner of sinning is without any signe of grace is done in contempt of God and his lawes as we see in this place Reason 2 Secondly this kinde of sinning doth cry to heauen and calleth downe iudgement so that he cannot but punish it seuerely Gen. 18 ver 20 21. This reproueth the sinnes of our times for Vse 1 as we liue in the light of grace so we are come to the light of sinne because some maintaine sinne and others brag boast of those sinnes that they haue committed and greatly delight in them Psal 52 3 4. Esay 1 23. 2 Pet. 2 15. The sinne of these men is so much the greater because heere we haue the coupling and combining of two sinnes together sinne and the loue of sinne Where there are two strong poisons mixed together there the party is in great danger that drinketh of that potion so it is in this case two sinnes being ioyned in one sinne impudency in sinning that person is much more guilty This boldnesse and impudency is also accompanied with impenitency for certainely he that sinneth with an high hand and with a proud heart cānot repent and leaue his sinne he cannot be sorry for it and turne vnto God but lyeth vnder a great measure and degree of euill Secondly let such as are guilty of these bold Vse 2 and presumptuous sinnes breake them off by true repentance and by reforming such as are committed to their charge For euery sin must be repented off but greater sinnes must haue greater repentance for them therefore wee should labour to repent of all whether they be moe or few greater or lesse once committed or often that so God may passe by vs whē his iudgements run through the world Take heed therefore of presumptuous sinnes Some are suddenly ouertaken these sinne Gal. 6 1. but not so greatly as they that runne willfully and violently into euill It is an euill to take the Name of God in vaine though it be in heate and in haste howsoeuer but it is worse to sweare and blaspheme in cold blood in common talke that without remorse The corrupt affection in these is worse then the action of sinne Such as once fall into drunkennesse cannot be excused but they sinne doubly and trebly that delight in drunkennes haunt drunken houses and keepe drunken company and nourish all occasions to bring themselues to commit sinne vpon sinne So it may be said touching the breach of the Sabbath he sinneth that pretendeth some necessity of some great busines and that he is vnwilling to absent himselfe frō the house of God and doth it sildome but he that maketh a common practise of prophaning the Lords day sometimes by saying at home in his chamber sometimes by walking abroad in his fields sometimes by lying in an alehouse sometimes by sitting at tables cards do offend much more and come into the number of presumptuous sinners Obiect But some peraduenture will aske the question How may a man know whether he sin with an high hand whether he be come to the height of sinne to sinne presumptuously To this I answer Answ it is no hard matter to discern thy estate by these notes ●w to know ●o sinneth 〈◊〉 an high ●ed First whosoeuer disliketh and hateth the word of God may iustly feare and suspect himselfe For he that cannot patiently endure to reade it or to heare it read or preached because it layeth open his sin and as a true glasse maketh his corruptions manifestly to appeare he certainely is a bold and presumptuous sinner So long as a man is content to submit himselfe to Gods ordinance and to be willing to heare his sinnes reproued so long there is hope of such a sinner Againe they sin purposely and proudly and presumptuously that are offended either with the Minister or with a priuate friend that reproues him for his sins These are louers of their sins and are resolued to dwell in them because they hate those that loue them and out of loue admonish them of their euill waies And if peraduenture they haue failed in the manner of their reproofe these by by conceiue that they haue sinned more in reprouing then themselues in committing the acte it selfe Thirdly they are passing apace to tht height of sinne that excuse and lessen their sinnes or else defend them such as say it is no such
Sauiour of the world was valued esteemed by him The like we might say of the sin of the Iewes when they denied the holy one and the iust desired a murtherer to bee granted vnto them at such time as Pilate was determined to let him goe Acts 3 13 14. They weighed him Barrabas together in the ballance they preferred him that was a theefe a robber Iohn 18 40. a seditious fellow Lu. 23 25. who had also committed murder in the insurrection Mar. 15 6. Him I say they preferred before the Lord Iesus This might farther be proued out of other places which I onely point out Prou. 28 21. Ezek. 13 19. Amos 2 6. The reasons Reason 1 First this argueth plainly to their faces that such persons are destitute of the feare of God and man that they dare sinne and dishonour God for so small and abiect a thing The smaller the thing is the greater is the contempt There are commonly two things that draw men to sinne either the feare of some euil that they would auoid or else desire of some good that they would enioy Now doubtlesse there is but a small measure of the grace of GOD whensoeuer men are drawn to transgresse for such slight and slender occasions Secondly Reason 2 it argueth a mans heart to bee most corrupt when he will not sticke to sin and offend God for a small thing and it warranteth others to iudge the same man to be very wicked and to presume he will much rather sinne and much more offend for a greater thing that is so easily brought to commit sinne for euery triffle of little or no value He that will peruert iustice for a few morsels of bread will sooner do it for many peeces of gold and they that will sell the poore for a paire of shooes will make no bones to do it for a brace of angels The vses follow This conuinceth many that they liue vnder Vse 1 a greater guilt of sinne then they are aware of for they haue an erronious iudgment of themselues they thinke the lesse the matter is wherin they sinne the lesse is their sin whereas indeed it is for the most part the quite contrary for the lesse the thing is for which we chuse to sinne the greater is our sinne He that will lye and face sweare forsweare for a smal thing and vpon euery occasion certainely God will iudge him more seuerely for it then he will do those that haue had some greater cause to doe it albeit no cause can excuse it wholly So for a man to robbe another where are but small things to be had he offendeth more thē others that rob for great store of gold and siluer and the reason is because it argueth greater contempt of God and lesser regard of his displeasure and of his law it bewrayeth greater corruption of his heart and lesse loue of iustice and righteousnesse and besides though hee tooke but little yet he would haue takē more if more had beene to be taken according to the saying of our Sauiour Hee that is faithfull in that which is least is faithfull also in much and he that is vniust in the least is vniust also in much Lu. 16 10. Againe many a man doth abuse the Sabbath day which is the point heere in question by walking abroad in the fields or by following his base pleasures perhaps he lieth asleepe at home or goeth to the alehouse or sitteth at cardes such a one worketh not with his hands in his calling hee goeth not to plough he doth not buy and sell n●●ertheles he offendeth God more and his heart is more corrupt then he that walketh and worketh in his calling for his necessity But it may bee obiected Obiect that then a man were as good offend and transgresse for great things as for small To this I answer Answ that it is an euill and false consequent he that so reasoneth declareth himselfe to be most corrupt sinfull for whether a man sin for much or for litle he prouoketh God against himselfe both waies and therefore both are to be shunned Euery one in his seuerall place ought rather to reason thus I may sinne against God and offend him in a small thing as well as in a great and oftentimes moue him vnto anger more in a smaller then in a greater therefore I will make conscience of both I wil auoid all kind of euill I wil walke vprightly and work righteousnesse in his sight So shall we be sure to reape the benefit and comfort of it heere after in the life to come Vse 2 Secondly it admonisheth euery one of vs that wee should labour to haue such good hearts so sanctified that not the greatest prouocations of pleasure of profit of honour of sinne or any thing whatsoeuer should prouoke vs to sinne if not the greatest then not the lesse and if not the lesse then not the least of all For as he that withstandeth the greatest euils sheweth himselfe to haue the greatest measure of grace so he that is perswaded and prouoked by small things to sinne it argueth him to haue the greater corruption and hardnesse of heart and therefore though we cannot be without sin ●gs 8 4 8 for there is no man that sinneth not yet we should labour to make our sinnes the lesse sinfull and our selues the lesse sinners which we shall do if we take heed we be not prouoked to sinne by small things of little value Whosoeuer will sinne for a little hee may despaire with himselfe of any great matter and may well thinke that he shall neuer bee able to restraine himselfe to any purpose but in short time he shall be brought to sinne in farre greater things It is the policy of Satan to be content to draw men onely to little sinnes and to let them continue long in them for he is that olde and subtill serpent that knoweth there is more danger for the most part in little sinnes then in greater sinnes A mote is not perceiued in the eye whē a great beame cannot be hid and though a mote be discerned yet because it is little it is let alone the danger of it is thought to be little or nothing Touching great sinnes all men will readily acknowledge and confesse them to bee sinnes whereas little sinnes make them think them to be no sins or that they may safely suffer them to remaine continue in them without any danger Hence it is that men are so much giuen to flatter themselues and to think all is wel with them because they finde others tainted with greater sinnes then themselues as it was with the Pharisie Luke 18 whereas an enemy neglected and contemned doth oftentimes more hurt then such a one as we are more watchfull ouer Vse 3 Lastly it reproueth those that giue scope and liberty to themselues to follow some sins because they are little in their eies Hence it is that Salomon bringeth in the sluggard saying A
confirme our word by testimony from himselfe in his mercies toward them that beleeue in his iudgments vpon the wicked that resist and in preseruing vs because wee haue beene faithful in doing the message for which we are sent Ezek. 33.32.33 Matth. 10.19 20 22 26 28 29 30. It is also a comfort to all such as doe heare aright such as bring foorth the fruit of the Gospel doe not onely receiue the Gospel but they receiue God himselfe 12 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab which said We will not come vp 13 Is it a small thing that thou hast brought vs vp out of a land that floweth with milke and hony to kill vs in the wildernesse except thou make thy selfe altogether a Prince ouer vs 14 Moreouer thou hast not brought vs into a land c. Moses hauing spoken to Korah the principall conspiratour that first began to roule this stone and nothing at al preuailed against him doth not giue ouer Ier. 5.4 5. but tryeth if any of the rest had any more sparke of grace or feare of God in them But the farther he proceedeth the lesse hope he findeth For Dathan and Abiram refuse to come vnto him Before this they assembled themselues tumultuously before they were called but now being lawfully called they will not assemble Nay they open their mouthes to accuse him of cruelty and treachery both of them heinous crimes but both of them falsely ascribed vnto him Of cruelty as if he purposed to kill them in the wildernesse of treachery as if hee had brought them from a land flowing with milke and hony but had brought them to possesse no land Thus they preferre Egypt before Canaan the place from which they were gone before the place to which they were going And yet this is not the depth of their impiety 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 doe mocke 〈◊〉 and him for I take this answer of theirs to bee a very mocke and scoffe cast out partly against Moses and partly against God which will appeare if we compare the words of Moses to Korah with this answer For Moses had said Seemeth it but a small thing to you to seeke the Priesthood also they borrow his own words and cast them in his owne face Is it a small thing that thou hast brought vs into the wildernesse to kill vs As if they had said Thou tellest vs that it is a great mattter to vsurpe the Priesthood but why dost thou not consider that it is also a farre greater matter to kill so great a multitude And whereas God so often promised to giue to Israel a land flowing with milke and hony they turne it into a iest and tell Moses that Egypt was that fruitfull land as for other land they could see none for their feet to rest vpon ●●●trine ●i●ate ●ers reuile ●aile at 〈◊〉 that re●e them We learne hereby that they which are hardned in sinne and resolued not to giue ouer doe not onely stoppe their eares against all reproofe which notwithstanding is a great sinne but reuile raile vpon and despise such as tell them the trueth and lay before them their faults though they be the Ministers of God that doe it This wee saw before verse 3. in Korah and his company They gathered themselues against Moses and against Aaron and said vnto them Ye take too much vppon you 1 King 18.17 and 21.20 and 22.8 Ierem. 15.10 and 18.18 and 44.16 17. Actes 17.18 Reason 1 The reasons first because as no bitter things are pleasant to the sicke man who would euer haue his humour serued so no reproofes are pleasant to the sinner 1 King 22.7 Euery sinner is as a sicke man and euery reproofe is as a bitter ingredient nothing pleasing to the taste A wicked man desireth to heare nothing but pleasing things to giue a reproofe vnto him is no better welcome vnto him then if you gaue him gall and vineger to drinke Reason 2 Secondly they are fallen into a sweet sleep of sinne and cannot abide to be awaked or any way disturbed and disquieted They loue to goe to hell with ease they would not bee troubled in their iourney But the reproofes of the Minister doe crosse them and therefore they speake all manner of euill against him Vse 1 This sheweth the miserable condition of such as iustifie themselues in their sinnes who being conuicted of a great height of iniquity and impiety doe cast the Ministers reproofe as dung into his face and defend whatsoeuer themselues haue committed A sicke man that is so farre from taking the potion giuen him by the counsell of a learned Physitian that in stead of taking it he doth cast it in the Physitians face may well be thought to be in a desperate condition and must needs perish so it is with men spiritually sicke with sinne euen heart-sicke who are so farre from receiuing a rebuke at the hand of the Minister that they will be impatient toward him and returne rebuke for rebuke vnto his face nay storme and raile at him with opprobrious and contumelious termes it argueth they are forlorne men and in a pitifull and desperate estate It were infinite to speake of all sorts that are possessed with a spirit of contradiction to gainesay the trueth Some find fault because we reprooue such sinnes as are not found in the place where we preach others because by reprouing sinners we would seeme to make the world beleeue that they are more sinfull then other people and thereby make them odious to others Others accuse vs that we reprooue sin out of hatred and malice not out of loue malice to their person not hatred of the sinne But the Minister is to reprooue any sinne that is in the land besides how know they it is not in that place And if it be not we know not how soone it may be We must learne to detest all sinne but how shall wee detest that which we know not and if wee doe know it no man knoweth it so well but hee may know it better and no man detesteth it so much but he may learne to detest it more The assaults of Satan and tentations to sinne come suddenly if we be not forewarned we may be surprised suddenly Againe the reproouing of sin in one place is not the clearing of another or in one person is not the iustifying of another Lastly to accuse the Ministers of reproouing through malice proceedeth in themselues from want of charity 1 King 22.8 Ahab accused Micaiah of hatred because he neuer prophesied good vnto him but euill but indeed the hatred was in himselfe as also he charged Eliah to be the man that troubled Israel whereas indeed it was he and his fathers house 1 Kin. 18.17 18. we are thought to be their enemies for no other cause but because we tell them the trueth Gal. 4.16 Vse 2 Secondly beholde from hence the cause why the Minister of the Gospell is so ordinarily hated of the
by staied and repressed it winneth ground and spreadeth farther like a canker Whereby we see it is an easie steppe and descent from one euill to another as it is to go downe a steepe hill Now the sinne of these men is three-fold First they are as blinde men that cannot see the iudgements of the Lord but accuse Moses of murther and impute to him the death and destruction of those that were buried in the earth consumed to ashes with the fire Moses was onely the Minister of God in their destruction the cause of their owne death was in thēselues as if a malefactour neuer considering what himselfe hath committed should cast the cause of his condemnation vpō the Iudge and cry out against him as a shedder of blood Secondly their vnthankfulnesse who will by no meanes confesse that they were saued the day before and sundry times besides from destruction by the intercession of Moses if he had not praied for them they had perished as one man with the seditious For they were all become as one sicke body wherein no part was sound but ful of wounds and bruises and putrifying sores Esay 1 6. They seeke his death that after a sort had giuen them life and they rise vp against him that had beene the meanes of their deliuerance Thirdly as they did condemne the innocent so they iustifie the vngodly both which are an abhomination to the Lord Prou. 17 15. Such wicked persons as God had rooted out of the Land of the liuing and turned them into the earth which was weary to beare such vnprofitable burdens they call them the people of God which were no better then a cursed crue of conspirators against God and such as he had appointed to manage the State Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall These men therefore rising vp in their stead that were fallen into the pit and defending their cause of whom GOD had taken the account doe make themselues guilty of their sinnes are iustly swept away with the iudgements of God Doctrine We learne heereby The wicked will not bee warned by former iudgements that such is the corrupt heart of wicked man that it will take no warning by former iudgements though they be neuer so fearefull and euident They had often seene how great things God had wrought among his people yet they are blinde and doe not see them they are wilfull and will not regard them they are sottish and will take no knowledge of them Psal 10 5. Esay 22 12 13 Psal 24 38 39. Luk. 19 42. Dan. 5 22. This maketh sinne out of measure sinfull The reasons First because they see God Reason 1 is a mercifull patient God he beareth long and holdeth his peace and therefore they thinke he is like vnto themselues Psal 50 21. so they abuse his patience and will do nothing Secondly they thinke the day of their iudgment Reason 2 is not neere they set it farre off from them It may be it may come in time but they hope there will be peace in their dayes Ezek. 12 27. The people iudged that the Prophet had prophesied for many daies to come and of such times as were farre off and thereupon they concluded that the daies were prolonged and euery vision failed Thirdly they loue their owne sinnes and Reason 3 out of that great loue to their sinnes they are vnwilling altogether to take notice of any iudgement due to their sinne cannot abide that the Minister or any other should giue thē warning of the same for they hate him that rebuketh in the gate and they abhorre him that speaketh vprightly Amos 5 verse 10. The vses remaine Vse 1 First of all are men naturally so vnwilling of themselues to set before them Gods iudgements Then this serueth as an admonition to the Ministers that they should often threaten Gods iudgeme●● against the wicked seeing they are so dull a●d vnwilling to take any notice of them or to be warned by them God worketh out his iudgements in euery place and he setteth his Ministers on worke that they should cry ou●●nd not spare to publish them and make them ●owne though men be neuer so much hardened in their sinnes sometimes by reason of the profite that they make by their sinnes sometimes by reason of the pleasure that they finde in their sinnes But howsoeuer they be admonished of any iudgement present or imminent they are little affected with it they are ready to say with the Atheists 1 Cor. 15 32. Let vs eate and drinke for to morrow we shall die Let vs alone with our doing for the present and we will take order for those iudgements that are to come hereafter well enough Obiect If any say it behoueth not the Minister to be so feruent and earnest in his reproofes but to handle sinne more gently because many are the worse for sharpe rebukes and few or none the better Answer I answer this is our greefe and causeth vs often to mourne in secret but yet this cannot be our discharge for we must labour to free and deliuer all men so farre as we can from the fierce wrath iudgements of God otherwise their blood would light vpon our heads and be required at our hands if they perish through our negligence It is the nature of the Cocke as some obserue that at the dead time of the night hee croweth most loud and shrill whether he doth so or not I know not but this I am sure of that the Ministers of God ought to do so when they see men to be most dull and dead in their sinnes they should be most earnest and vehement euen at the deadest times of all they must bee most zealous that so they may deliuer their owne soules and not be constrained to answer for the sinnes of those that perish Vse 2 Secondly this reproueth the age wherein we liue of much corruption because it can sleepe so securely at the noyse of Gods iudgements These murmurers in this place had heard the pittifull cry and fearefull noise of those that were swallowed vp in the earth yet they haue already forgotten that which fell out but a day before We commonly say A wonder lasteth but nine daies but behold how they had seene one of the greatest wonders in the world when the earth whose foundation the Lord hath laid to bee firme and stable that it should not be remoued for euer Psal 104 5 opened her mouth and swallowed these vnbeleeuers and they had heard with their eares their outcryes when they descended into the deepe yet this wonder lasted but one day nay not one whole day for on the morrow it was quite out of their remembrance We haue had all sorts of warnings whatsoeuer generall particular by his word by his workes by his iudgements vpon others and vpon our selues yet we take generally and particularly little warning by them How hath God dealt with many of vs and how neare hath he come vnto vs with his particular
doe He promised to Abraham to giue him a childe but he gaue vnto him many children for hee had not only Isaac the sonne of promise by Sarah but he had Ismael by Agar Gen. 25 1 2 3 Gen. 16 15 16. and many other by Keturah God therefore is not onely good but much better then his word Reason 1 And no marueile for he is of infinite power and can do much more then he will Mat. 3 9. and 26 53. Secondly he promiseth afore-hand more then we can looke for to make vs ready and willing to obey him as he did to Salomon 1 Kin. 3 12 13. to the end that no man should thinke it tedious troublesome to come vnto him The vses remaine Vse 1 Acknowledge from hence the infinite goodnesse mercy and power of God His louing kindnesse is incomprehensible Hence it is that the Apostle praieth for the Ephesians earnestly with his knees bowed vnto the Father that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith that they being rooted and grounded in loue may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that they might bee filled with the fulnesse of God Eph. 3 18 19 Thus then wee must learne to magnifie the exceeding loue of God toward vs of which we haue daily experience Vse 2 Secondly from hence we may conclude that much more he will giue vnto vs whatsoeuer he hath promised Hee cannot deceiue nor faile nor alter that which is gone out of his mouth it is God that cannot lie which hath promised Titus 1 2. He is faithfull he cannot deny himselfe 2 Tim. 2 13. As he is not deceiued so he cannot deceiue man is subiect euen the best men both to deceiue and to be deceiued Doubt not therefore of his word that is better then his word Vse 3 Thirdly we haue comfort to goe vnto him in al our necessities and great encouragement to pray vnto him in time of danger He is able to giue vs more aboundantly aboue all that which we aske or thinke Eph. 3 20. We see how men in their suite to their betters commonly aske more then they looke for they cannot looke for more then they aske thinking by that means of asking largely to obtaine somewhat answerable to their expectation But God giueth more then we aske we do not aske more then he giueth as all the Saints of God haue found to their endlesse comfort Psal 105 20 21. Gen. 39 19 20. and 40 14. and 41 14 41 42. Ester 7 10. compared with chap. 9 10. Lu. 15 22. Math. 15 22. Vse 4 Fourthly see the difference between God and man Men for the most part are liberall in promising but sparing in performing It is not so with God indeed he promiseth much but he performeth more hee is a liberall pay-master he dealeth bountifully with his seruants When Iacob was sent away to Padan Aram to his mothers father Gen. 2● ● God prom●sed he would be with him that he would ●●epe him in all places whither he went that hee would bring him againe to his fathers house that he would not leaue him vntil he had done that which he had spoken vnto him of and Iacob himselfe craued no more of God but this that he would keepe him in his way that hee went and giue vnto him bread to eate and raiment to put on Gen. 28 15 20. But God performed a great deale more vnto him for Iacob receiued more acknowledgeth more ch 32 10. I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant for with my staffe I passed ouer this Iordā now I am become two bandes Lastly it is our duty to be cheerefull in the Vse 5 duties of our callings the Magistrate the Minister the master the seruant euery one as his place requireth in ruling in teaching in instructing in obeying seeing God will reward so plentifully Let no hinderances or pulbacks discourage vs whatsoeuer we meete withall let vs passe them ouer not regard them Let vs go constantly forward as Moses did there were many hookes baited and laid before him to catch him many snares set before his eyes to entangle him but hee escaped as a bird out of the net of the fowlers Heb. 11 26 because hee had respect to the recompence of the reward God rewardeth abundantly aboue our deserts desires Our deserts indeed are little nay none at all but our desires are great and yet the bountifulnes of God exceedeth our desires though they be often enlarged very far and wide If this will not giue encouragement nothing will Behold the rod of Aaron for the tribe of Leui was budded yeelded almonds Out of these words another point is to bee considered I meane from the flourishing of this rod Doctrin● that is God is abl● giue life to things tha● are quite d● that God is able to quicken giue life to things that are dead withered though they haue no sap no moysture no iuyce in them yet God is able to put a vegetable force into them This we see in Abraham Sarah they were in respect of generation as good as dead for Sarah was aged and barren and past bearing of children for it ceased to be with her after the manner of women Gen. 18 11. and Abraham himselfe was an hundred yeare old Gen. 17 17. yet he was made a father of many Nations euen before him whō he beleeued who quickneth the dead and calleth those things which bee not as though they were Rom. 4 17. This we see euidently in the first creation when out of the earth dead in it selfe he produced liuing creatures and made it bring forth grasse and hearb yeelding seed and the fruite tree yeelding fruite after his kinde Gen. 1 11 and 2 7. So when God had formed man of the dust of the ground he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a liuing soule Againe it appeareth how God in all ages raised some out of the graue and from the number of the dead the dead man that was cast into the sepulcher of Elisha so soone as he touched his bones ●ng 13.21 reuiued and stood vp on his feet This we see among the miracles of Christ When a yong man was carried dead out of the gates of the City the onely sonne of his mother he came and touched the Beere and raised him to life 〈◊〉 7.11 12 ●th 9.25 So he raised the daughter of Iairus for he tooke her by the hand and she arose The like we might say of Lazarus that had beene buried and had layen foure dayes in the graue for when he cryed with a loude voice Lazarus come forth 〈◊〉 11.43.44 hee that was dead came foorth bound hand and foot with graue clothes So did Peter to Tabitha a woman
offer c. 30 Therefore thou shalt say c. 31 And yee shall eate it in euery place yee and your housholds for it is your reward for your seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregation 32 And ye shall beare no sinne c. Moses speaking both of the Priests and Leuites speaketh first of their office and then of their maintenance for whatsoeuer they haue they enioy it for their seruice verse 21. it is giuen vnto them as their reward for their seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregation ver 31. Now the Leuites are charged to deale truely with the Priests as they would haue the people to deale truely with them ● Leuites ● deale ●ly with Priests ●e people ● with the ●ces They were to pay tithes out of their tithes to the Priests by reason of their honor and labour who did as it were beare the burden and heat of the day and least couetousnesse and greedinesse of gaine should make them base minded and hard hearted he telleth them that they themselues should be no lesse guilty of theft if they deale fraudulently and iniuriously with the Priests then the people if they deale falsely toward them So then as the people must set out their tithes before they presumed to vse the rest so must the Leuites the tithes of tithes before they vse the rest of the tithes We might obserue from hence the common rule of equity Whatsoeuer we would that other men should doe vnto vs we should doe the same vnto them Matt. 7.12 We are ready and forward to require good dealing of others toward our selues but slacke and backward to returne the same to others Beware therefore of hurting and hindring any man in his body in his soule in his substance in his good name by cruelty by oppression by fraude by lying by slandering this the darkish light of naturall reason may teach vs because we would not haue others to defraud to defame vs to oppresse vs or to purloyne from vs and therfore we ought not to deale so with others nay we ought to be ready to doe good for euill and in all our dealings one with another to proceed by the rule of loue remembring how we desire others should deale with vs. Doctrine A sinne to reape the profits of any place and not to discharge the duty But the point which I will insist vpon is this that it is a sinne for any especially the Minister to take the profits and commodities of any place and not to performe the duties that belong thereunto Esay 56.10 11. Ezek. 34.2 3. 1 Cor. 9.13 14. 2 Thess 3.7 8. 1 Tim. 5.17 The reasons first because profits are giuen Reason 1 for duties performed and therefore hee is a theefe before God and stealeth the benefit whosoeuer neglecteth the duty It is a sinne therefore because it is iniustice If a man shold make a bargaine and take money vpon it and yet afterward not performe his bargaine like to that son that promised his father to worke in his vineyard but went not Matth. 21.30 euery man would condemne him of wrongfull dealing so is it vniust and iniurious for a Minister to take the profit that shall arise out of any place and then not to performe that which is required as belonging of right vnto it as it is to take a fee and to doe nothing for it Secondly this is an occasion of the perishing Reason 2 of many people both of himselfe and of others committed to his charge 1 Tim. 4.16 A faithfull Minister by doing his duty doth saue both himselfe and them that heare him the vnfaithfull destroyeth both himselfe and his hearers Therefore it must needs bee wrongfull If it were so that he did destroy himselfe onely it were no small euill to be a selfe-murtherer but when with himselfe he shall ruine many others it must needs be more impious Lastly because in not performing his duty Reason 3 he doth defraud the people and depriue them of that great good which the Lord hath bestowed vpon them and committed vnto him to deliuer and dispense vnto them Hee hath trusted them with a great charge and willed them to keepe the same to their vse 1 Tim. 6.20 2 Tim. 1.14 If he that concealeth and keepeth backe temporal things from his brother doe offend the Law Exod. 22. then great is his sin that keepeth backe spirituall things from those to whom they ought to be deliuered and so much greater as the difference is betweene spirituall and temporall This serueth to condemne the Popish teachers Vse 1 that liue vpon the spoile of the Church and make merchandise of mens soules Wee might taxe these and arrest them as guilty of an horrible crime from the highest to the lowest from the head to the foote from the Pope the mightiest to the Priest the meanest they are all idle bellies and conspire together to destroy the people and happy is he accounted that hath his hand deepest in this sinne For though many of them haue goodly reuenewes and haue filled themselues with the fat of the earth yet they liue at pleasure and are no whit seruiceable to the Church of whom I may speake with the Apostle Rom. 16.18 They that are such serue not our Lord Iesus Christ but their owne belly and by good words and faire speeches deceiue the hearts of the simple The Cardinals doe scorne this office as too base and simple for them and chuse rather to reigne like Princes then to rule as Pastors and make more reckoning of their purple then they doe of their people and therefore turne ouer the toile and labour of teaching to the Parish Priests whereas themselues not long agoe were no whit better The Priests considering that they haue no calling to preach but to say Masse and to reade their portuisse doe passe it ouer as a thing impertinent vnto them The Monkes which of ancient time labored with their hands liue at ease and pleasure in their Cloysters and Couens but doe no good to others The Abbots fat themselues like boares in their styes and are no way seruiceable to the Church but make their bellies their god and their kitchen their heauen and their table their ioy and the Pope which sitteth at the sterne and gouerneth the ship taketh no care of any thing but letteth all alone so that it is no maruell if all the rest follow his example Vse 2 Secondly to let these passe and to come vnto our selues it reprooueth all such as are content to reape the profits of their places and swallow great preferments downe their wide throates and yet take no paines at all in teaching This certainely is a palpable sinne howsoeuer many euen those that are Non residents already or would bee open their mouthes and set on worke their pennes to mainetaine and defend the same This we all confesse to bee vnlawfull in other callings where notwithstanding the danger is not so great how then should it be allowed
of it wast thou taken because thou art dust and to dust thou shalt returne Where the reason is thus framed Thou art made and taken out of the dust therfore thou shalt returne to the dust Secondly we must all die the death because Reason 2 all haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of God for the Scripture concludeth al both Iewes and Gentiles vnder sin True it is man was created to immortality and if he had euer loued God and neuer sinned he should euer haue liued without seeing death But whē sinne entred death followed in the world as the wages doth the worke according to the threatning of God Gen. 2 17. In the day thou eatest of the forbidden fruit thou shalt die the death For as they that are adiudged and condemned to dye ●sost hom ●●en 3. are accounted as dead men albeit they be kept aliue in prison so our first Parents although they did not immediately die yet immediately were subiect to death by desart of sinne So the Apostle Rom. 5 12. By one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men in whom all men haue sinned Where he proueth the cause by the effect that sinne was before Moses and the Law giuen by him because death was in the world which seizeth vpon young and old infants sucklings whereby euery one is conuinced of sinne 〈◊〉 3 19. euery mouth is stopped and all the world subiect to the righteous iudgement of God Seeing therefore wee are all made out of the dust and carry about with vs this body of sin we haue here no continuing City but are placed in the world for a season as men set vpon a Stage to play our parts then must be gone to giue roome to others according to the saying of Salomon One generation passeth and another generation succeedeth Vse 1 The vses follow First the rich the mighty the learned and men of high degree must acknowledge that there shall be no difference betweene them and the poore the lowly and vnlearned in the graue vnto which all must descend True it is there is a difference and distinction betweene rich and poore high and low great small in their life time in friends in honours in houses in lands in liuings in food in apparell in duties in dignities such like externall priuiledges and prerogatiues which shall haue an end yet all these shall ceasse and all degrees must equally meete together in the graue so that albeit an vnequall life haue gone before yet an equall death shal follow after ●rat oda li. 1. This is it which Iob pointeth vnto chap. 17 which we named before where he sheweth that all worldly prosperity and hope shall faile They shall goe downe into the bottome of the pit surely it shall lie together in the dust And the Prophet Psal 49 9 10 11. sheweth that neither wit nor wisedome neither might nor mony neither fauour nor policy can preuent or put away death that all without difference respect of persons must yeeld to Nature and that all meanes which they can deuise for the continuance of their names shall come to nought For hee seeth wise men die and also that the ignorant and foolish perish and leaue their riches for others Secondly let men of excellent and eminent Vse 2 places liue iustly and deale vprightly in their callings wherein they are set As they are placed aboue others so they are seene marked before others and notwithstanding all their honour and estimation their riches and retinue they must die and depart hence when it shall be said to them ●● 16 2. Come giue an account of thy stewardship for thou maiest be no longer steward The remembrance of death must therefore admonish them of their duties that they dreame not of immortality and they promise not to themselues continuance heere and perpetuity This Dauid toucheth and teacheth Ps 82 2 3 6 7. How long will ye deale vniustly and accept the persons of the wicked Doe right to the poore and fatherlesse doe iustice to the poore and needy deliuer the poore and needy saue them from the hand of the wicked I haue saide yee are Gods and ye all are children of the most High but ye shal die as a man and ye Princes shall fall like others So then when we are tempted to euill we must remember death and the estate that followeth death Therefore the Apostle chargeth them that are rich in this world 1 Tim. 6 17 18. that they bee not high-minded neither trust in vncertain riches but in the liuing GOD because we brought nothing into this world and it is certaine that we can carry nothing out Thirdly this consideration of the common Vse 3 condition of al flesh must stirre vp our affections from resting relying vpon men whose breath is in their nostrils to depend vpon the eternall God which continueth and liueth for euer Let vs beware of all vaine confidence We are ready to rest vpon creatures and stay our selues vpon an arme of flesh as vpon a broken Reed whereby we deceiue our selues of our hope and rob God of his honour This we learne Psal 146 3 4 5. Put not your trust in Princes nor in the sonnes of man for there is no helpe in him his breath departeth and he returneth to the earth then his thoughts perish Blessed is hee that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God Man is vaine and all his pompe is lighter then vanity If then we make him our stay and staffe we beate the ayre wee labour in the fire we build vpon a weak foundation and rest vpon the vncertaine life of mortall and miserable man Psal 144. who vanisheth as a shadow passeth as a dreame flieth as an Eagle speedeth as a Poste consumeth as a garment and goeth away as a thought that cannot be recalled His life is as a span soone measured as a vapour soone gone as a tale soone told as an hand-bredth soone measured as a winde soone ouerblowne and as the weauers Shuttle quickly sliding Lastly it is our duty to prepare for it before Vse 4 it cometh that we may bee found ready and haue oyle in our lamps whē the Bridegroome cometh For death spareth none it respecteth no person no age no Sexe no State or condition no power can withstand it no wisedome can preuent it no bribe can corrupt it no cunning can ouercome it And albeit we often recouer of some diseases yet in the ende we are taken away The whole life of a Christian should be a continuall meditation of death to teach vs as it were to die daily and to number our daies that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome not to set our whole loue and liking on the world which wee must shortly leaue Will a man bestow cost and charges on an house and tenement in which hee shall not long dwell
another 1 Thess 4 6. for God is an auenger of all such things This is it that Moses teacheth Deut. 23 7. Thou shalt not abhorre an Edomite for he is thy brother neither shalt thou abhorre an Egyptian because thou wast a stranger in his Land Thus the people of Israel complaine against the rich and cry out vpon the vnequall iniurious dealing of their brethrē vpon this ground Nehem. 5 ● because their flesh was as the flesh of their brethren the sons daughters of the poore as the sonnes and daughters of the rich Lastly this serueth to reproue conuince Vse 4 three sorts of men First it condemned all railing at and reuiling one of another all words of reproch and contumely as if they were our slaues and villaines which practise Christ reproueth Mat. 5 22. Secondly it meeteth with such as delight in contentions as the begger doth his sores nourishing dissention in the Church or Common-wealth contrary to the amiable name of brethren that ought to bee acknowledged among vs. All contention is irkesome but especially that which is betweene brethren All war is lamentable but especially ciuill warre where brother is diuided against brother sometimes the son against the father This victory should not be sounded with triumph but passed ouer with silence Therefore the Romane Captaines after a ciuil war Va●er 〈◊〉 lib. 1. cap. ● neuer triumphed when they returned victors as we see in Cinna and Caesar in Silla and Marius So among all quarrels and controuersies those among brethren are most vnnaturall Wherefore the Apostle Paul saith Rom. 16 ● I beseech you brethren marke them diligently which cause diuision and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye haue learned and auoid them Ia. 3 14 ● So the Apostle Iames teacheth If yee haue bitter enuying and strife in your hearts reioyce not neither be lyars against the truth This wisedome descendeth not from aboue but is earthly sensuall and diuellish For where enuying and strife is there is sedition and all manner of euill works Wherefore let vs learne to cut off all occasions of contentions euen from them that seeke occasions Thirdly this reprooueth all vnmercifull dealing towards those that are in necessity such as was in the Priest and Leuite toward him that fell into the hands of theeues was wounded Whē we see a poore man or woman destitute of daily food in misery and want of this worlds good we must thus thinke with our selues This man or this woman is my flesh my brother my sister as good by nature and in creation as my selfe hauing the same Maker and made of the same matter and bearing the fame Image of God as well as my selfe It is onely Gods goodnesse toward me that I possesse those things which he wanteth the same Lord requireth of me to my vtmost power to releeue and helpe him This is taught by Moses Deut. 15 7. Thou shalt not harden thine heart nor shut thine hand frō thy poore brother Let it not greeue vs to giue and forgiue Let vs haue a cōpassionate hart a pittiful eie a liberal hand Remember it is an easie thing with God to bring thee into as low an ebbe though thou be now afloat as wee see it hath fallen out to many great Kings mighty Monarchs This is that charge which the Prophet giueth Es 58 7. Is not this the fasting that I haue chosen to deale thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poore that wander vnto thine house when thou seest the naked that thou couer him and hide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh Let this consideration moue vs to loue all mē vnder heauen and to shew the fruites of mercy vnto them in distresse as the Samaritan did to the poore wounded man Luke 10 33. Let vs pray for the conuersion of Iewes Gentiles as Stephen did for his enemies Ver. 15. Thou knowest our trouble how our fathers went downe into Egypt therfore I pray thee let vs passe This is the second reason before remembred drawne from the wofull experience of many miseries which they haue had in Egypt and out of Egypt Heere we see they alledge the afflictions endured in ●gypt to stirre vp the Edomites to pitty and to giue thē quiet passage This reason is thus contriued If we haue suffered many sorrowes and afflictions and beene euilly entreated in Egypt then pitty our poore condition and deliuer vs out of our distresse but we haue all suffered many sorrowes and afflictions c therefore pitty vs and giue vs passage Marke heere the force and strength of the reason ●●rength 〈◊〉 reason he perswadeth thē to graunt them free passage moued with this consideration that the miseries of the Church haue beene many and as yet they saw no ende of them They were bound by all good means to procure their peace and seeke a blessed end of their present sorrowes that entering into the Land they might sit vnder their Vines Fig-trees 〈◊〉 4 1. and reason of the waies and word of the Lord without feare Now the want of this liberty and freedome to serue the Lord and the distressed estate of the oppressed Church is made a motiue to mercy in these Edomites to redresse their troubles and so the Israelites might haue beene eased themselues no way burdened ●●ze ●●●es 〈◊〉 church 〈◊〉 z●●le 〈◊〉 to pit●●● From hence we learne that the wants and miseries of the Church should moue the hearts of others to pitty them and to procure according to their power the remedy thereof Whensoeuer we see the people of God in affliction if there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the Spirit if any compassion and mercy we must be touched inwardly euen to the quicke and put too our helping hand to end their calamities as we are able This hath beene put in practise from time to time by the holy seruants of the Lord. When Nehemiah heard that the people returned from captiuity were still in great misery Neh. 1 3 4 Ierusalem troden downe the gates burnt with fire he sate downe and wept he mourned fasted praied before the God of heauen for the redresse of those euils and for a blessing vppon his holy endeuours The like affection we see in Mordecai Este● chap. 4 8 16. when Mordecai saw what euill was concluded against the Church and that a commission was sued out at Shushan to destroy and massacre the people of God in one day he rent his cloathes and put on sackcloth he goeth to Ester hee chargeth her that shee should goe in to the King and make petition and supplication before him for her people She vndertaketh the cause of the Church with the hazard of her life she relieth vpon the all-giuing prouidence of God saying If I perish I perish I will go in to the King albeit it be not according to the Law So the Prophet teacheth
burthen vpon their consciences pressing them downe that they are found vow-breakers and haue broken their faith and promise made to God Let vs all remember that wee haue vowed to God our selues Deut. 23 21. and take heed we performe that which we haue vowed lest it bee imputed vnto vs for sinne Lastly it followeth from hence that such Vse 4 speciall and peculiar vowes as we haue made vpon particular occasions as euery one hath had cause in time of warre sicknesse necessity trouble and danger we must be carefull to keep and to pay our due and debt vnto God If wee feele our selues slacke and slothfull to good duties we may stirre vp our selues and binde ourselues by some earnest and faithfull promise to God If we be inclined to any vice we are to doe the like If a man haue fallen into whoredome and fornication hee may 2 Cor. 7.11 to bridle and halter his lusts vow neuer to delight in the harlots company If we haue fallen into drunkennesse wee may vow fasting and abstinence yea the abstaining from all hateful houses of drunkennesse being allurements prouocations to the same The oppressor may vow restitution and mercy to the poore Luke 19.8 Dan. 4.24 to stir vp his affection the better to performe it Now in al these we must beware and take heed that we be not rash in the words of our mouth nor hasty to vtter a promise before the most high What a reproach and blemish is it in such as will readily promise much to men and yet performe at leisure little or nothing Doe not all despise such persons But the fault and offence is more grieuous when there is a set and solemne promise made to God and not performed So then we that require true honest and iust dealing toward our selues and promises to be kept to our selues by a day haue wee done the like to God our Lord Let vs enter into our selues and examine our hearts a litle Wee are ready in sicknesse in want in great affliction and aduersity to vow and solemnely to promise if God deliuer vs to glorifie him to be thankeful and obedient vnto him to enter into repentance and amendment of life When a man hath loosely and lewdly spent his time in drunkennes riotousnes idlenes wantonnes enuy hatred contempt of God and his word if God strike him with greeuous sicknes that he feareth death as the messenger sent of God to seize vpon him then doth he tremble then doth he desire that God wold haue mercy vpon him and then doth he make vowes If God restore me to health againe and giue me life I will neuer bee the man I haue beene I haue beene giuen to drunkennesse I will neuer haunt the Ale-house I haue led a naughty life I haue dishonoured God and despised his word I will hereafter obey his voyce and attend to his word I haue hated the children of God I wil hereafter shew my loue to them renouncing my sinnes and liuing to Gods glory Oh what goodly promises are these and how well were it if men did so indeed and how were it to be wished that as they haue opened their mouth vnto the Lord so they would doe according as they haue promised But when God hath heard their prayers and restored them to health marke and yee shall finde that for the most part so soone as they are recouered and are able to craule out of the dores they returne againe to their former wayes 2 Pet. 2.22 as the dog to his vomite and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the myre What shall we say of these men Nay what may we not say of them Are they not couenant breakers and greeuous offenders against God They are like vnto Pharaoh King of Egypt when the hand of God was heauy vpon him and his people Exo. 9.27.35 then he humbled himselfe hee confessed the righteousnesse of God the wi●kednesse of his people and the heinousnesse of his sinnes Then Moses and Aaron must bee sent for in all haste to pray for him whom hee before despised in his heart and scorned in his talke yet so soone as the plague was ceassed and the hand of God remooued hee hardened his heart and would not let the children of Israel goe But hee dallyed so long with the iudgements of God Exod. 15.19 that he deceiued himselfe and in the end was drowned in the red Sea as the Flye that playeth with the candle vntill she be burned and consumed in the flame So when men haue beene terrified with the hand of God haue confessed with teares their vngodly behauiour and haue promised and vowed to God if he would restore them newnesse of life and repentance from dead workes and yet being restored and recouered being as vile in sinne as loose in life as beastly in behauiour as they were beforr God hath in iustice striken them againe for their vnthankfulnesse so as they haue dyed in fury and frenzy without any appearance of grace or assurance of mercy or remorse of conscience or acknowledgement of sinne or crauing of pardon or hope of forgiuenesse or signe of sorow or ioy of heart or consolation of spirit or purpose of amendment Matt. 27.3.4 but are wholly possessed with a shame of sinne and guilt of conscience and feare of iudgement and the flashings of hell fire Doth not this shew that Gods wrath is heauy against such vnfaithfull persons as breake their oath and falsifie their promise made vnto the Eternall who alwayes keepeth couenant with vs and will not alter the word that is gone out of his mouth Psal 50. ● O consider this ye that forget God lest he teare you in pieces and there be none that can deliuer you Contrariwise to conclude let vs follow the example of Dauid Psal 66.13 14. I will goe into thine house with burnt offerings and will pay thee may vowes which my lippes haue promised and my mouth hath spoken in mine affliction Verse 3. And the Lord heard the voyce of Israel Here is the fruit and effect of their prayer and humiliation shewing also the lawfulnesse and approbation of their vow God accepteth and respecteth them in their distresses From hence we doe learne that God heareth and granteth the prayers of his children Doctri● God hea● and gran● the Pray● of his ch●dren For howsoeuer sometimes hee deferreth to heare and hearken to their prayers to exercise their faith to kindle their zeale in prayer to teach them whence good things proceed to sharpen their hunger to make them highly to esteeme the graces long begged and to proue them by delay yet in the end God heareth and helpeth he granteth and giueth the things which they aske according vnto his will This the Prophet declareth Esay 65.24 Before they call I will answer and while they speake I will heare And Psal 120.1 I called vpon the Lord in my trouble and he heard me And againe Psal 145.18 19.
peace dwelled in our houses possessed our inheritances enioyed our lands and goods thus long but for the faithfull seruants of God who mind the peace of Sion Doubtlesse he would not spare the world one minute and moment of time but for the godly Hee would haue spared the cities of Sodome and Gomorrha 〈◊〉 18.32 if ten righteous persons had bin found in them For the faiths sake of Rahah who hid the spies and sent them out another way 〈◊〉 26. hee spared her kindred and her fathers house For the faith of Lot whose righteous soule was vexed day by day in seeing and hearing the vnclean conuersation of those sinfull men he would haue saued his sonnes in law 〈◊〉 12 that should haue married his daughters For Pauls sake a chosen vessel to beare the Name of God to the Gentiles he gaue freely those that sailed with him and saued their liues 〈◊〉 ●4 Thus wee see that for the godly he beareth with the vngodly but when they are safe and sealed in the forehead then iudgement shall come vpon the wicked Contrariwise a nation a cittie a towne an house and family is cursed for the society and company of the wicked The Israelites could not prosper at the siege of Ai so long as Achan was among them The Sea could not be calme the ship could not be safe the Marriners could not be at rest so long as vnrepentant and vnreformed Ionah was a burden vnto it for he said vnto them Take me and cast me into the Sea so shall the waues worke no more so troublesomely for I know that for my sake this great tempest is vpon you Wherefore it is a sweet and comfortable thing to bee in the number of the faithfull wee haue benefite by the prayers of the Church which pierce the eares of God and bring downe his blessings in great aboundance Verse 8. And the Lord said vnto Moses Make thee a fiery serpent We heard before how the people repented of their sinnes and how Moses prayed for pardon Now see how God remooueth his hand Psal 103.9 He will not alwaies chide nor keepe his anger for euer hee doth not deale with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs according to our iniquities Indeed he sheweth oftentimes his seuere iudgments but so soone as the sinner is humbled hee receiueth him to mercy the sinne is pardoned and the punishment is remooued Doctrine God is merciful to greeuous sinners when they are penitent The doctrine from hence is this that God is mercifull to all penitent sinners Repentance once going before mercy followeth after albeit we sinne greeuously against him This the Prophet teacheth in the Name of God Esay 1.18 Ezek. 18.21 22 23. and 33.11 Dauid sinned exceedingly in numbring the people for which God sent a pestilence three dayes in Israel that many thousands dyed yet when his heart smote him that he said I haue sinned exceedingly 2 Sa. 24 17.18 1 Chr. 21.15 17. I haue done wickedly but these sheep what haue they done Let thine hand I pray thee bee against mee and against my fathers house and not on thy people for their destruction the Lord repented him of the euill and said to the Angel that destroyed It is enough let thine hand ceasse Let vs consider the reasons of Gods merciful Reason 1 dealing which are first the comfort and releefe of his people that none should to the end of the world despaire of obtaining of mercy For the mercy of God in Christ is aboue all his workes which he extendeth to thousands it is infinite without measure Hee pardoneth such offenders to make them examples to others of Gods great mercy hee receiueth them to fauour and remitteth their offences not onely to manifest his mercy to the offender himselfe but to teach others to resort and repaire vnto him for pardon and forgiuenesse When the Prophet testifieth that by acknowledging his sinne vnto God and confessing his wickednesse against himself he obtained the remission of his sinne and punishment of sinne he addeth immediately Therefore shall euery one that is godly Psal 32.5 6. make his prayer vnto thee in a time when thou mayest bee found This is the reason that the Apostle toucheth 1 Tim. 1. teaching that he was receiued to mercy for this cause That Iesus Christ shold first shew on him all long suffering vnto the example of them which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life So then from these and such like examples of great sinners that haue obtained much mercy we likewise should be assured of the goodnesse of God for our saluation whensoeuer wee can bee brought to beleeue the Gospel repent from dead works Secondly the consideration of the nature Reason 2 of God ministreth a strong and inuincible reason to gaine our affections to yeeld to this truth For his mercy is aboundant and his goodnesse is infinite It surmounteth the reach and vnderstanding of all mortall men It passeth the highnesse of the heauens the depth of the earth the breadth of the Sea the power of the diuel the strength of the Law the measure of the whole world and nothing can be compared with the perfections of the Almighty Iob 11.7 8 9. Paul who before his conuersion to the faith which he sought to destroy was a blasphemer a Persecuter an oppresser maketh this the cause why he was receiued to mercy The grace of our Lord was exceeding aboundant with faith and loue 1 Tim. 1.14 which is in Christ Iesus that is giuing vnto me faith that chased away infidelity and loue that ouercame cruelty So the Lord maketh this the chiefe and principall cause why he spared that rebellious and idolatrous people The Lord the Lord strong mercifull and gracious slow to anger aboundant in goodnesse and truth forgiuing iniquity transgression and sinne Vse 1 The vses follow of this doctrine First we learne that there is no sinne that doth exceed the mercy of God None can say without iniury against his owne soule without reproach against God and giuing the lie to the glorious Maiestie of God My sinne is greater then can be forgiuen True it is there is an vnpardonable sinne Mat 12.31 that shall neuer bee forgiuen either in this world or in the world to come the blasphemy against the Spirit but that is because they cannot relent or repent that commit it they are so farre gone that they can neuer returne backe againe not because God is not able to forgiue it or that it doth exceed the mercies of God Seeing then vile sinners finde such infinite and vnspeakeable mercie let vs neuer despaire or doubt of his mercy fauor though we be suddenly ouertaken through infirmitie and fall into diuers and greeuous sinnes He hath mercy in store for such as haue beene exceeding sinners against him If they can repent of their sinnes his mercies are as great as himselfe Consider the examples of Peter that denyed
Reason 2 Secondly of all sacrifices this is the chiefe and principall and groweth in the Garden of God as one of the Cedars in Lebanon eminent aboue the rest of the Trees of the Forrest It excelleth and surmounteth all the rest in respect of the enduring and continuance of it in respect of the vse and end of it and in respect of our vnwillingnesse and vntowardnes to performe it First touching the lasting of it it was in Paradice before the fall it was before the flood it was before the Law vnder the Law vnder the Gospel and shall hold to the end of the world It is performed of men and Angels in heauen and earth it shall neuer end no not when other exercises of our religion shall ceasse The Scripture shall haue an end preaching shall ceasse prayer shall faile the sacraments shall fade we shall haue no need of these things but the sweete singing of Gods eternall praises shall neuer ceasse The blessed Saints and all the hoast of heauen shall giue praise and power honour and glory to him that sitteth vpon the Throne and vnto the Lambe for euermore Reuel 5 13 and 11 17. Againe it is the end both of the works of Reason 3 God and of the other exercises of religion It is the end of our election for he hath predestinated vs to the praise and glory of his grace wherwith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued Eph. 1 5 6. It is the end of our creation for he hath made all things to his owne glory euen the wicked for the day of wrath Prou. 16 4. It is the ende of our redemption for the holy man blesseth the Lord God of Israel for visiting and redeeming his people who would send vs deliuerance from our enemies and from the hands of all that hate vs that wee should serue him without feare all the daies of our life in holinesse and righteousnesse before him Luke 1 68 74 75. And the Apostle teacheth this Eph. 1 3 7. Blessed bee God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue redemption through his blood euen the forgiuenesse of our sinnes according to his rich grace It is the end of our iustification for we are iustified freely by grace that no man shold boast in himselfe But he which reioyceth should reioyce in the Lord. 1 Cor 1 31. It is the end of our sanctification of our saluation and of our glorification to returne all glory praise vnto God that sanctifieth and saueth vs will glorifie vs in soule and body And as it is the end of these works of God so likewise all the exercises of our religion are directed and referred vnto it as to the principall marke they aime at A cheefe part of Gods seruice is praier But why doe we pray vnto him but that obtaining our requests hauing experience of his mercies wee may giue him the praise According to the saying of the Prophet I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Psal 50 15. Wherefore do we heare his word but that receiuing increase of knowledge and the gift of faith we may giue thanks to God Wherfore are we partakers of the Sacraments but that finding and feeling comfort by them we might returne the greater glory to God the author of them Lastly the vnwillingnesse of our corrupt Reason 4 nature to do this duty manifestly proueth the worthinesse and excellency of this exercise We are willing enough to pray for the gift but we are not so ready to praise the giuer we are forward and feruent in asking but cold dull in thanksgiuing In time of sicknesse and dangers wee are large in promises and protestations but being deliuered we are backeward in performing We are full of desiring the things wee want but wee are emptie of praises when God hath heard vs and so lose the fruite of that good which he hath sent vs. Seeing therefore the offering to God the sacrifice of praise is a principall part of his seruice and standing directly with his will it standeth vs in hand to confesse before the Lord his louing kindnes and his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men Psal 107 8. Vse 1 Now let vs come to the Vses First forget not his mercies and goodnesse toward vs. We are ready to remember our owne wants and our mouth with our desire is inlarged to pray for health in sicknesse for deliuerance in danger and for comfort in heauinesse but when light is risen in darkenesse and ioy to the vpright in heart wee forget the hand that lifted vs vp and that our helpe is in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth This vse the Prophet Dauid maketh Psal 103.1.2 My soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within me praise his holye name My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits This also Moses vrgeth to the people when they were compassed about on euery side with the mercies of God Deut. 6 10 11 12. 8 10 11. When they should possesse Cities that they builded not houses full of all manner goods which they filled not Welles which they digged not Vineyards and Oliue trees which they planted not when they haue eaten and are full then he willeth them to beware lest they forget the Lord their GOD that brought them out of the Land of Egypt from the house of bondage Why is it that he willeth thē especially to take heede to themselues when their bellies are filled when their cattle is increased when their substance is multiplyed and when their possessions are inlarged Surely because if euer wee forget God it is when we are full If euer wee despise his lawes and commandements it is in the time of plenty abundance euen then when we are most of al bound to serue him When he hath beene on our side and made an hedge round about vs then wee stand in a slippery place readie to haue our hearts puffed vp our minds hardned in pride and to forget God and his goodnesse as Pharaohs chiefe Butler did forget Ioseph Gen. 40 23. The more loue is bestowed vpon vs the lesse duty is performed vnto him whereby satan goeth about to take away all the graces of God from vs. In 2 King 20 8 13. Hezekia was deliuered from a deadly sicknesse and went vp to the house of the Lord to magnifie his mercy for his recouery yet see how soone after he was ouertaken with vnthankfulnesse and lost the comfort of his deliuerance ●●●on 32 ●5 and receiued heauy tydinges that his posterity should be carried away captiues into Babel He thought that in his prosperitie He should neuer be moued This is taught vs also in the curing of the ten lepers mentioned by the Euangelist Luke 17.15 16 17 18. of the which one only returned back and with a loud voice praised God and gaue him thanks and Iesus answered saying Are there not ten cleansed but where are the
in battell Let vs euery one learne this vse and apply it to our hearts that the wicked man what face soeuer hee set on the matter can neuer haue a good heart but standeth in feare of euery creature in heauen and earth Genes 4 14. like Cain affrighted at the sight of euery thing and thinking whosoeuer findeth them will slay them Doe they looke vp to heauen there they haue God their enemy Do they looke downe to hell there they see Satan their tormenter and his angelles their executioners Would they take the wings of the morning and dwell in the vttermost parts of the sea they shall finde euerie creature to fight against them and to conspire their death and euen to grone to bee deliuered from such an vnprofitable burthen ●●●ea● ca●i●●●cked The heauen saith Why do I couer him The aire saith Why do I yeelde him life and breath The water saith Why doe I not drowne him as Pharaoh his hoast The fire saith Why do I not consume him as Sodom and Gomorrha as the Captaine and his fifty The earth saith Why do I beare him and sustaine him and not swallow him vp as Dathan and Abiram His food saith Why do I nourish not choake him His apparrell saith Why doe I warme him The ground saith Why doe I yeeld him increase and bring forth any other crop then thornes and briars then nettles and thistles Death saith Why do I spare him not strike him Hell saith Why do I not receiue him The sword cryeth Why do I not smite him Famine Why do I not pine him The Pestilence Why do I not waste him and make hauocke of him The Sun and Moone say Why do I giue him light His bed saith Why do I giue him rest Thus euery creature is vp in armes and rebelleth against him that rebelleth against God they sound defiance vnto vs and proclaime open warre against vs whē we are not at peace with our God What then Shall he looke homeward turne his eyes toward himselfe There hee findeth and feeleth an accusing conscience as a thousand witnesses against him to whip terrify him Howsoeuer the euill man reioyceth in his wickednesse and glorieth in his owne shame Deut. 29 19. Deut. 29.19 howsoeuer he put away the euil day farre from him and promise peace vnto himselfe yet a man would not haue the heart of a wicked man for a thousand worldes nor possesse his pleasures to haue his paines Thou knowest not the torments of his conscience when he feeleth the strength of the Law the terrors of the Almighty the tentations of the diuel the gripings of death and the flashings of hell fire howsoeuer he seemeth to make a mocke of sinne and foolish men as vaine as himselfe doe flatter him in his sinnes Yet in laughter the heart is sorrowfull Pro. 14 13 14 and the end of that mirth is heauinesse There is a way that seemeth right to a man but the issues thereof are the wayes of death Wherefore seeing the euill man feareth oftentimes where no feare is trembling at the fall of a leafe starting at his owne thought and shaking at his owne shadow we conclude that hee can haue no true might and manhood in him but is a dastard and a coward in regard of true manhood and fortitude which are far from him Secon● y it standeth vs vpon to be at peace with God and learne to leade a godly life For so long as wee liue in our sinnes wee are as a lothsome carkasse and carrion casting out a filthy fauour and stinking in the nosthrils of God A wretched and prophane man lying rotting and rioting in his sinnes is more lothsome to God then any dead body is lothsome vnto our senses So long as wee corrupt our wayes before him the Lord hath a controuersie with vs and will commence an action against vs. And we shal neuer haue true peace with men nor true peace with our selues but shall feele the terrors of our own consciences and be at deadly and dangerous warre with our owne hearts vntill we be reconciled to God But if we be truely godly and religious and be indeed at peace with God we shall be at peace with others and with our selues nothing shall bee able to hurt vs. For whom should we feare or whereof should we be afraid God is become our Father Whom haue we in heauen but him and whom can we desire on earth with him Psal 73 25. The Angels are our attendants they pitch their Tents round about vs to deliuer vs they are charged to keepe vs in all our wayes and to beare vs in their hands that we dash not our foot against a stone Psal 34 7 and 91 11. For are they not all ministring spirits set and sent out to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation Heb. 1 14. The Saints in heauen and earth are our fellow-brethren so that we are Citizens with ●hem of the same kingdome and of the houshold of God Eph. 2 19. The Lord Iesus to whom all iudgement is committed who shall iudge the world with thousands of his Angels is become our Sauiour So that wee shall neuer come into condemation but shall passe from death to life Ioh. 5 24. The creatures are our friends nay as our sworne seruants by the law of their creation to doe vs good and not euill all their dayes The stones of the field are in league with vs Hosea 2 18 and the Beasts of the fielde shall be at peace with vs Iob 5 23. Death shall not be able to hinder or to hurt vs though it be a Scorpion or Serpent the poison is dispersed the sting is pulled out 1 Cor. 15 54 55. The diuels and all the powers of darknesse shall not destroy vs Christ hath spoiled Principalities and Powers and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them vpon the Crosse as a mighty conqueror in a chariot of triumph Col. 2 15. He hath bruised his head he hath crushed him at the heart so that the Prince of the world is cast out Iohn 12 31. What then Shall tribulations and afflictions or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or the sword separate vs from the loue of Christ and peace with our God Rom. 8 28.35 37. Nay these proceed from a louing Father and end at our own good who sanctifieth all things and maketh them worke together for the best to them that loue God He will couer them vnder his wings and they shall be sure vnder his feathers they shall not be afraid of the feare of the night nor of the arrow that flyeth by day nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darknes nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone-day a thousand shall fall at their side ten thousand at their right hand but it shall not come neare vnto them Psal 91 4.5 6 7. Lastly as they shall feare no danger that can hurt
them so they shall not be afraid of themselues their owne hearts shall minister comfort vnto them for they shall be at peace with themselues so that Howsoeuer all the daies of the afflicted person are euill yet a good conscience is a continuall feast Prou. 15 15. Behold what a blessed and comfortable thing it is to bee a true christian in whose heart is no guile O consider this yee sonnes of men that such as haue a sound faith in Christ and leade a godly life are at peace with God! Wherefore let vs conclude with the saying of the Prophet Psal 31 11. Be glad ye righteous and reioyce in the Lord and be ioyfull all ye that are vpright in heart seeing that neither life nor death nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Rom. 8 38 39. Thirdly see the difference betweene the Vse 3 godly and vngodly betweene a good and an euill man Nothing can make the faithfull man wretched and miserable nothing shall be able to daunt him or dismay him He shall not be afraid of euill tydings for his heart is fixed and beleeueth in the Lord who in his good time will deliuer him Psal 112 7. He reposeth himselfe on the heauenly prouidence of God and casteth all his care vpon him that careth for him being bold as a Lyon like the childe that in danger runneth to the lap of his father This the wise man further declareth Prou. 3 21 23 24 25 26. This is the condition of the godly both at home and abroad with themselues and with others in the day time and in the night season when terrors most trouble the heart and enemies most practise mischiefe conceiue malice they shall be safe and secure without trouble and perplexity of spirit But the wicked man is neuer at rest he knoweth not what the peace of conscience meaneth which indeed passeth all vnderstanding hee feareth where no feare is euery creature helpeth to encrease his misery yea the things that are not trouble him no lesse then things that are and the greatest terrour that he can neuer shake off is his owne conscience Whē Felix onely heard the Apostle reasoning and disputing of the iudgement to come he trembled and commanded him to depart out of his sight Acts 24 25. When they take themselues to be most sure and speake peace vnto their owne soules then they shall bee taken with feare Psal 14.5 and 53 5 because God is in the generation and assembly of the iust This the Prophet Esay teacheth chap. 57 20 21. The wicked are like the raging sea that cannot rest whose waters cast vp myre and dirt there is no peace saith my God to the wicked I create the fruite of the lippes to be peace peace vnto them that be farre off and to them that are neere saieth the Lord for I will heale him Where the Prophet maketh a flat opposition betweene the faithfull and vnfaithfull he calleth the elect by the preaching of the Gospel which is the power of God to saluation 2 Cor. 5 20. So that they breake out into this admiration of the mercy of God and into a ioyfull imbracing of the Messengers sent vnto them How beautifull are the feete of them whish bring glad tydings of peace and bring glad tydings of good things Rom. 10 15. Contrarywise the vnfaithfull and impenitent are neuer at rest and quyet but as a troubled sea tossed with the violence of the windes And howsoeuer they seeme to them selues and to others to be happy and sleepe securely in sinne yet the terrors of the night and the troubles of their owne Conscience shall awake them and rouze them out of this security Prou. 23 34. So that they shall bee as one that sleepeth in the middest of the sea and as he that sleepeth in the top of the Mast that is alwayes in danger Thus we see that the feares of prophane persons are not rightly ordered but euilly placed For what doe they feare Not God not his heauy displeasure who is able to destroy soule and body in hell and cast them into vtter darknesse where shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. 10 28. nor to commit sinne for that is their delight So that they eate the fruite of their owne way and be filled with their owne deuices 〈◊〉 31. The things that they cheefely feare are afflictions troubles crosses losses and temporal calamities like those that dread their friends and familiars They are more troubled for outward damages of this life then for the losse of Gods fauor like prophane Esau who preferred a messe of pott●ge before the blessing and like the carnall Gadarens who preferred their filthy Swine before Christ the Lord of life The Lord Iesus compareth the Iewes to children sitting in the Market place Luke 7 ●2 so are wicked men in the bestowing their feare like vnto litle children Tell them of bugs or beggars of goblins or shadowes that are nothing and cannot hurt they are greatly afraide but of fire and water of candle or knife such like edge-tooles which are hurtfull and dangerous they are bolde fearing no harme or perill Thus it is with all the vngodly Tell them of sinne of hell of death of damnation of eternall separation from the most sweet and comfortable presence of God and of the fellowship with the diuell and his angelles they are not mooued at all but dally with their owne soules But if they heare of afflictions feare any losses to come vpon them which cannot hurt or hinder our saluation if we be in Christ they are oftentimes brought to their wits end and breake out into all impatiency of spirit But the godly feare nothing more then to offend God their merciful Father nothing is more bitter vnto them then to feele his anger and the turning of his louing countenance from them and therefore there is as great a difference betweene the feare of the one and the feare of the other as betweene heauen and earth as betweene good and euill as betweene light and darkenesse Vse 4 Lastly seeing euill men feare whereas no feare is this ouerthroweth all Atheists Epicures Libertines and loose liuers which do thinke there is no God at all teaching euery man to doe what seemeth best in his owne eyes and hold Religion to bee nothing else but a pollicy and inuention of man to keepe the people in order and obedience This prophanenesse and Atheisme is a greeuous sinne it is the very top and height of all impiety and iniquity committed of those that a●e forsaken of God and giuen ouer to worke all vncleannesse with greedynesse The Apostle speaking of one onely part of religion sayeth If there be no resurrection of the dead then Christ is not risen and if Christ be not raised then is our preaching vain and your
seruice in detecting and disclosing the conspiracie intended against him Hamans wife and his wise-men sayde vnto him Ester chap. 6. verse 13. If Mordecai bee of the seede of the Iewes before whom thou hast begunne to fal thou shalt not preuaile against him but shall surely fall before him And heereunto also come the words of the Moabites Midianites to Balaam Numb 22. verses 5 6. Behold there is a people come out of Egypt which couer the face of the earth they are stronger then we So that they ioyned together because they feared the multitudes of Israel lest they should lose their Dominions and their ancient glory through their conquest Reason 2 Againe they hate the people of God and their Religion Although the Church bee weake and want humane strength so that the enemies neede not feare it yet still they plot and bring forth new deuices the children of Belial are alwayes packing and contriuing mischiefe against the Church For as true faith and loue of religion vniteth hearts together that wee may with one mouth glorify God the Father so contrarywise where hatred of the true Religion reigneth there can be no loue to the Professors thereof No maruell therefore if such ioyne in league against Gods people As wee see when the Rulers and Gouernours could not finde any fault in Daniel in regard of his faithfulnesse concerning the kingdome enuying his honour and promotion They picked a quarrell against him in matters of the pure worship of the true God So then whether we consider that the wicked feare theyr owne fall and hate the faithfull with a deadly hatred in both respects we may conclude this as a most certain trueth that notwithstanding the bandings and brawlings of the wicked and vngodly among themselues yet they can consent and consort themselues together to impugne and slander the Church of God and the doctrine of Christ Vse 1 The Vses now remaining to be handled are these First this teacheth that seeing sundry sects dissenting and varying greatly one from another do many times ioyne together in one vnity is not alwayes a note of the Church except it be conioyned with veritie For as dissention is sometimes in the church so agreement is oftentimes out of the Church among the enemies of Christ There was an vnity betweene the Moabites and the Midianites betweene the builders of Babel betweene the Priests of Baal between the Scribes and Pharisies betweene the Rulers and the people There is an vnity betweene theeues conspirators murtherers and malefactours there is an vnity betweene the Turkes against the Christians betweene Antichrist and his adherents betweene sathan and his members yea betweene the diuels themselues al vsing the same meanes all ayming at one end all conspiring consenting against the kingdome of Christ Howbeit the agreement of euill men is not truly to be tearmed an vnity but rather rightly to be called a conspiracie Wherefore they are greatly deceiued that make all agreement and vnity an essential and vnseparable note of the Church What a● notes an● ma●ke 〈◊〉 Church If we would know what are the proper markes and euident notes of the Church agreeing to euerie Church alwayes and onely they are the powerfull preaching of sound doctrine the right administration of the holy Sacraments the spirituall worshippe of the true God and holynesse of life and conuersation Where these are not found it cannot bee that there should be the true Church This the Euangelist Saint Luke testifieth in the second of the Acts verses 41 42 46 47 They that gladly receyued the word were baptized and the same day there were added to the Church about three thousand soules and they continued in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowshippe and breaking of bread and prayers So Christ calleth and accounteth those as his Brethren Mother and Sisters that heare his word and keepe it and those his Disciples that abide in his word and his Friends if they do whatsoeuer he commādeth them as Luke chap. 8. verse 21. and chap 11. verse 28. Iohn chap. 8. v●●se 31 and ch 15. ver 14. These are the notes that are peculiar and proper to the Church by these we shall finde the true Church and learne to ioyne our selues vnto it wh●n we haue found it and descry the false signes of the Romish Synagogue where neither the gospell is truely preached nor the Sacraments rightly administred nor the pure worship of God is spiritually instituted nor holynesse of life is sincerely practised As for vnity vniuersality antiquity succession of Byshoppes multitude of beleeuers the title of Catholicke the working of myracles the glory of victories obedience to the Pope and such like Pelde 〈◊〉 lib. 4 ca● Hosius 〈◊〉 hum cap. which the aduersaries of the grace of GOD make notes of the Church which is an assembly of Antichrist they are not proper onely nor alwayes nor vnto all Churches for this is indeede to be proper Purpyr 〈◊〉 cap de 〈◊〉 as all know that haue tasted the first rudiments of Logicke Besides these supposed signes are subiect vnto the outward senses are open and visible vnto the eyes not matters of fayth which are to bee beleeued They are as obscure darke and hard to bee knowne as to know which is the the Church they may bee claymed and challenged by euery hereticall congregation Wherefore as Hilary in one place teacheth The name of peace is beautifull Hilar c●● Auxent the opinion of vnity is f●ire Notwithstanding far better is a diue●s●ty in iudgement then an vnity in falshood The Apostle Paul commending concord and consent to the Church addeth that all our vnity must bee in Christ Ro. 15 5.6 The God of patience and consolation giue you that ye be like-minded one toward another according to Iesus Christ that yee with one minde and one mouth may praise God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Let vs therefore seeke for vnity in verity and honor it as the greatest comfort of our hearts otherwise a iust warre is farre better then an vniust and an vnhonest peace The true and Christian vnity is when the sheepe of Christ heare the voice of the sheepheard and follow him and that our Sheepheard is Iesus Christ by whom alone wee enter into the sheepefold Vse 2 Secondly seeing diuers men at great variance within themselues yet are content to ioyne together in wicked amity and vnity against the Church of Christ wee must confesse that the saluation and safe keeping of the Church is onely of God If men of all lewd deuices of different opinions men at mortall hatred and deadly warre amongst themselues cloase together and plot against the Church how shall they bee able to stand of themselues being few in number weake in strength destitute of friends and lying open to so many and mighty enemies For the Church albeit it be the house of God the mother of the faithfull the body of Christ and the pillar of the trueth yet it is
pressed sore vpon him he sought to the witch at Endor which had a familiar Spirit raysed vp the diuell in the likenes of Samuel The like is approoued vnto vs by the practise of Amaziah King of Israel in the second book of the Kings the first chapter and the second verse When hee was fallen thorough the Lattice window in his vpper Chamber which was in Samaria and thereof grew sicke vnto the death hee directed Messengers to goe and enquire of Baallzebub the god of Ekron whether hee should recouer of this his disease So did Haman likewise an enemy of the Iewes and one of the race of the Amalekites thirsting after the blood of Mordecai and the destruction of the whole Church dealt by Sorcerie for to effect his intended purpose Ester chap. 3 verse 7. And cast Pur that is a Lot to know when hee might haue a luckie and prosperous time to enterprize this businesse Moreouer it is noted by the Prophet that when Nebuchadnezzar King of Babell was come out of his kingdome with a mightie hoast and stoode at the parting of the way doubting vnto what place he should go whether against the Ammonites or against the Tribe of Iudah as in the one and twentieth chapter of Ezekiel and the eleuenth verse He consulted by Diuination and made his Arrowes bright he consulted with Idolles and looked in the Liuer Heereunto commeth the threatning denounced against the Egyptians by the Prophet Esay in chapt 19. verses 3 4. The spirit of Egypt shall faile in the middest of her and I will destroy their counsell and they shall seeke at the Idolles and at the Sorcerers and of them that haue spirits of Diuination and at the Soothsayers And I will deliuer the Egiptians into the hand of cruell Lords and a mightie King shall rule ouer them saith the Lord God of hoastes Thus wee see it was very vsuall with the wicked when they saw no other helpe at hand to seeke vnto witches and to resort vnto enchanters The Reasons hereof are these first Reaso● because they want Fayth and beleefe in God they trust not in him they looke not for saluation from him they dare not repose theyr confidence in him This we see in Saul when he had once forsaken God in breaking his commandement by sparing the Amalekites in offering sacrifice in killing the Priests in persecuting the Saints in refusing to consult with God as a needlesse thing and proceeding from one degree of wickednesse to another in the end he sayde vnto his seruants 1. Sam. chap. 28. verse 3. Seeke me a woman that hath a familiar spirit that I may goe to her and aske of her This is that reason which the Spirit of God poynteth out in the first booke of the Chronicles and the tenth chapter Saul dyed for his transgression that he committed agaynst the Lord euen against the word of the Lord which he kept not and in that hee sought and asked counsell of a familiar spirit and asked not of the Lord therefore hee slew him and turned the kingdome vnto Dauid the son of Ishai True it is wee reade in the first of Samuel chapter 28. verse 6. that he asked counsell of the Lord and heere we heare hee asked not counsell of the Lord these are not repugnant and contrary one to another no more then these words in the eleuenth Chapter of S. Matthew and the fourteenth verse Iohn Baptist is Elias and Iohn Baptist is not Elias Christ sayde of Iohn Baptist This is Elias Iohn Baptist sayd of himselfe I am not Elias Iohn 1 21. Notwithstanding heere is no contradiction for Christ vnderstoode it one way Iohn another Christ meant he was Elias in spirit Luke 1 17. as comming in the spirit and power of Elias Iohn meant hee was not Elias in person which the Pharisies thought and imagined So these words seeme contrary in shew but are not in substance and in deed In deed he asked of the Lord but not in faith nor with a purpose to cast himselfe vpon God but in hypocrisie and with resolution to goe to the witch As Ahab consulted with the Prophet of the Lord 〈◊〉 ●2 15. but he was before determined what he would do whatsoeuer the Prophet should say Wherefore that which was not done rightly and religiously is as it were not done at all as the Apostle speaking of vnreuerent comming to the Lords Table saith This is not to eate the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11 20. Where he denyeth that absolutely which many did corruptly Againe no maruaile if the wicked forsake God in their troubles 〈◊〉 2. betake themselues to Sorcerers and Wizards which are the enemies of God seeing sorcery is the inuention of the diuell and a manifest worke of the flesh If then it came from the father of lyes and be a fruite of our owne corrupt nature it is not strange or to be wondred at that carnall and corrupt men giue themselues ouer to this practise This the Apostle teacheth Gal. 5 19 20. The works of the flesh are manifest which are adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnesse idolatry witchcraft and such like Seeing therefore euill men want faith ioyning to God purifying the heart working by loue making vp the marriage betweene God our soules and seeing witchcraft is a worke of the flesh it is naturall to naturall men in their distresses to vse vnlawfull meanes as charming figure-casting and such curious actes and artes as are wrought by the deuice of the diuell Now let vs make vse of this Doctrine First Vse 1 this condemneth the common custome and practise of the people in our dayes who when the hand of God is any way on them or theirs when they be strangely visited or their children greeuously afflicted or their Cattle eyther lost or languish with any extraordinary disease at which time especially they should acknowledge Gods ouer-ruling and ouer-swaying prouidence that not a silly Sparrow falleth to the ground without the will of our heauenly Father by and by they send out to that cunning man or that cunning woman so forget God that made them These men will not tarry the Lords leysure nor waite vpon his mercy for ease and comfort they will haue present helpe or else they will runne to the diuell resort to witches and fetch health out of hell it selfe This is the folly and vanity of such as know not God neither acknowledge that all things are disposed according to his purpose and good pleasure Let vs beware of this sinne which is a forsaking of the true God a renouncing of helpe from his holy place and an entertainment of familiarity with the diuell which is the very height and top of all iniquity This the Lord himselfe teacheth Leuit. 20 6 7. If any turne after such as worke with spirits and after soothsayers to go a whoring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people Sanctifie your selues
the Infidels when they should learne that he is the God that ruleth and ordereth all things in heauen and earth that disposeth the counsels of his enemies and maketh them further the good of his people that depend vpon him Yea when God saw his couetous humour and wicked heart that hee would not rest in his word nor obey his commandement giuen vnto him first by way of an Ironicall concession he biddeth him goe howbeit in his wrath indignation but yet reserueth to himselfe the rule of his tongue the power of his speech and the gouernment of all his works as seemed good in his heauenly wisedome As if the Lord had said Forsomuch as the messengers be so importunate with thee and thou so earnest with me that thou wilt take no denyall nor rest in my word nor yeeld thy selfe to my charge goe to goe forward follow thine owne course runne on of thine owne head yet will I bridle thy tongue thou shalt not speake what thou desirest nor doe what thou delightest in but what pleaseth me Balaam glad of this answer and thinking this concession better then a denyall reioyced in his heart that he had leaue as if there had beene some change in God and told it to the Embassadours he prepareth for the iourney sadleth his Asse and consenteth to goe with them which is the second part of his answer Here obserue with mee aga●ne a false finger most wretchedly dissembling one part of the diuine Reuelation imitating therein his master the diuell who in his tentation of Christ Mat. ●● Psal ●● and allegation of the Scripture omitteth a principall part to peruert the meaning of the words and to draw our Sauiour into wickednes So whereas God had challenged as proper and peculiar to himselfe the ordering and disposing of all his affayres that albeit he had liberty to go yet his going was with restraint and limitation that he should speake no more then God should put in his heart yet the wizard neuer declareth this to the messengers which neyther pleased him nor would pleasure them neyther profit him or them Onely he feedeth his owne foolish fansie in this that he was bidden to goe which God before had denyed vnto him Now hee taketh hold presently on these words and went with a ioyfull heart hoping that in time the same God wold suffer him to curse them also For as God had said at the first thou shalt not goe yet after said Go with them so he supposed that albeit hee had forbidden him to curse the people yet afterward he hoped to finde a change in this as he thought he had gained in the other and so conceiued a strong imagination that the Moabites should bee fully satisfied himselfe plentifully rewarded and the Israelites miserably cursed and detested This is the summe and effect of these words Now let vs come to the Doctrines arising out of the same Verse 16. Be not staied from comming vnto me for I will promote thee vnto great honour Consider here the couetousnesse of this false Prophet He had receiued a charge and commandement not to goe yet seeing new regards come with the new messengers he would not rest in Gods former answer He had beard the will of God wherein hee ought to haue rested but pricked forward with couetousnesse and allured with the recompence of reward he comforteth the men that were sent vnto him to attaine their purpose This the Apostle Peter noteth describing the false Teachers which priuily brought in damnable heresies he saith They forsooke the right way and haue gone astray following the way of Balaam the sonne of Bosor c. 2 Pet. 2 verse 15. And the Apostle Iude speaking of such like Teachers as turne the grace of God into wantonnesse and bring vpon themselues swift damnation saith Wo be vnto them for they haue followed the way of Caine 〈◊〉 7. and are cast away by the deceit of Balaams wages and perish in the gainesaying of Core See heere the force and power of worldly wealth it is able to set open the gates that are shut vp with barres and bolts And albeit this point hath in part beene handled before yet because it is offered to our considerations againe in this place it is not to bee passed ouer without further meditation From hence we learne 〈…〉 God 〈…〉 that the loue of this world and the hunting after honour and dignity preferment and promotion cause men to make shipwrack of a good conscience and draw them from obseruing the lawes of God and from resting in the knowne will of God Hereunto commeth the reproofe of Reuben who being called came not to the battel fought against the Canaanites neyther furthered the worke of God that his people had in hand but had their mindes fastened to their riches and dwelling in a fat and fruitefull soyle they set their hearts vpon the world For the diuisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart Why abodest thou among the sheepe-folds to heare the ●leatings of thy flockes for the deuisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart Iudg. 5 15 16. The like appeareth in the Prophesies of Haggai where the people fell to build their own houses and left the house of the Lord desolate therefore the Prophet saith Is it time for your selues to dwell in your seeled houses 〈…〉 and this house lie waste What was it that preuailed with our first Parents in the Garden to entice thē from God and to hearken to the tentations of the diuell Gen. 3 3 4. but hoping for honour and aduancement in a better condition This bayte was laide before Moses in Pharaohs Court he was tempted with dignities allured with delights prouoked with profits he had laid before him the glory of a kingdome the pleasures of the Court and the treasures of Egypt Heb. 11 24.25 26. yet he preferred the suffering of aduersity the shame of the Crosse the fellowship and communion of Saints that so he might be receiued into the bosome of the Church Thus we see that the loue of the world the things of this world drew this Sorcerer away from vpright iust dealing If honour had bene offered vnto him alone or riches alone if they had come seuerally vnto him they had bene of great force but coming ioyntly together and rushing vpon him as an armed man they are more forcible and powerfull to preuaile with him The Reasons are to be wisely waighed of Reason 1 vs to gaine our affections to imbrace the Doctrine before deliuered First the setting of the heart vpon the loue of riches is the beginning of all euils and the fountaine frō whence sundry mischiefes do proceed is auaileable to draw from all good into all euill This the Apostle vrgeth 1 Tim. 6 9 10. They that will be rich fall into tentations and snares and into many foolish and noisome lusts which drowne men in perdition and destruction for the desire of money is the roote
themselues to base courses to follow Faires and Markets pitching vp their standings and selling pins and poynts like Pedlers and pettie Chapmen would not all men thinke it a great reproach and h●gh disgrace to their estate being royally descended and borne to a Kingdome Wee are the sonnes and daughters of almighty God the King of kings and Lord of lords and it is his pleasure to appoint vs heyres vnto a Kingdom Luke 12 32. We are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood Reu. 1 6. an holy nation 1 Pet. 2 9. a people set at liberty that we should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darknesse into this maruellous light Shall we then being Kings children and borne to inherit a kingdome not of this world but of the worlde to come so much debase our selues as alwayes to looke downward and go poring and stooping to the earth like bruite beastes and not cast our eyes vpward like men made after the likenesse and similitude of God Let vs seeke those things which are aboue Col. 3 ver 1 2. wher Christ sitteth at the right hand of God let vs set our affections on things which are altogether aboue and not on things which are heere beneath vpon the earth It is vnfit for our calling and holy profession euermore to haue our hand on our halfe-peny making gaine to be godlinesse and our belly our god wholly minding earthly transitory things Let our conuersation be in heauen Phil. 3 20 and from thence looke for a Sauiour to chāge our fraile and mortall bodies and to make them like to his glorious body wee are free denizens of that City made without hands whose builder and maker is God therefore let vs not spend all our dayes in vanity and waste our yeeres in folly Math. 6 25 33. nor be excessiuely carefull what to eate or what to put on but haue our conuersation without couetousnesse and first of all seek the kingdome of God and his righteousnes Verse 20. Forasmuch as men are come to call thee rise vp and go with them These words containe an ironicall concession not a plaine approbation a figuratiue tanting not a simple allowing of his iourny or a giuing of him liberty to depart As if the Lord should haue sayd If being warned of mee thou wilt take no warning but art resolued what to do and standest firme in thine heart to be gone goe too proceed in thy purpose and walke in the waies of thine heart but know that thou makest hast to thine owne confusion and that all thine endeuors shall turne to thy destruction Thus we see God reproueth him by a tant because hee rested not in the will of God before deliuered vnto him and vttered in a plain maner Thus when as men receiue not the loue of the truth that they may be saued God sendeth them strong delusions that they might be seduced and deceiued Heereby we learne That all reprouing of sinne and of sinners by way of tanting 〈◊〉 ●●●ing 〈◊〉 ar●● in 〈◊〉 vn●● is not vnlawful and vnbeseeming the profession of godlinesse All iest●ng and mocking are not forbidden to bee vsed practised of the godly This we see by the example of the Lord himselfe Iudg. 10 14. Goe and cry vnto the gods which yee haue chosen let them saue you in the time of your tribulation Thus Moses speaketh to the people Deut. 32 37 38. Where are their gods their mighty gods in whom they trusted Let them rise vp and help you let them be your refuge The like we see in Iob vexed vniustly and censured rashly by his friends when he sayth Iob 12 12. Indeede because that yee are the people onely wisedome must dye with you So the Prophet Esay speaketh to the enemies of the Church Esay 8 9. Gather together on heapes O ye people and ye shal be broken in pieces g●rd your selues take counsell together pronounce a decree yet it shal not stand Thus the Prophet dealeth with Amaziah 2 Chron. 25 7 8. Let not the army of Israel goe with thee for the Lord is not with Israel if not go thou out make thy selfe strong to the battell but God shall make thee fall downe before the enemy for GOD hath power to helpe and to cast downe And if we would farther see the warrant of this practise in reprouing we haue examples of it in Christ our Sauiour when he sayd to Iudas That thou doest do quickly Iohn 13 27. And when hee spake to his disciples Matth. 26 45. Sleepe henceforth take your rest behold the houre is at hand and the son of man is giuen into the hands of sinners Al which examples in the olde and new Testament of God of the Prophets of Christ and other holy men serue to teach vs that all reproouing of sinne by sharpe tants is not vnlawfull and vnwarrantable The Reasons iustifying this practise are Reason 1 First to make Idolaters and wicked men to see their sinnes and the greatnesse of them to moue them to repentance and to come out of them to bring them to bee ashamed of theyr offences and so to mooue them to turne vnto God This the Prophet Esay vrgeth chap. 46 6 7. They draw gold out of the bag and weigh siluer in the ballance and hire a Goldsmith to make a god of it and they bow downe and worship it they beare it vpon their shoulders they carry set him in his place so doth he stand and cannot remooue from his place though one cry vnto him yet he cannot answer nor deliuer him out of his tribulation Remember this and be ashamed bring it again to minde O you transgressors This then is one reason why the holy Ghost reproueth and reprocheth in a deriding maner to bring offenders to true wisedom and to open their eies which are blinded that they see nothing Secondly an holy deriding may bee vsed Reason 2 to disgrace and discountenance sin and to set it out in his colours For when it is magnified among the sonnes of men followed with all greedinesse the seruants of God must vncouer and vncase it and lay it open that others may eschew it Thus we see the prophet Eliah dealeth with the Priests of Baal he scoffeth at their simplicity he derideth their folly and in an holy manner triumpheth ouer their vanity when he saith 1 Kings 18 28. Crie a loud for he is a god either he talketh or pursueth his enemies or is in his iourney or it may bee that he sleepeth and must be awaked Where he doth not stirre them vp to their Idolatry and idolatrous worship of Baal nor allow their superstitious prayers but mocketh at their madnesse to disgrace their wickednesse and to reproach their falling from the true God The Vses are to bee considered in the next Vse 1 place First this teacheth that the Minister of the word may in their teaching vse this figure when they deale with an obstinate people and reproue
obstinate offenders True it is the man of God should be patient toward all men 2 Tim. 2 25 suffering the euill instructing the ignorant and waiting for the repentance of such as are falne but when they refuse to hearken or pull away their shoulder and stop their eares and make their harts as an Adamant stone it is both lawfull requisit after a sort to insult ouer them not that their persons should be scorned and contemned but that their prophanenesse should bee corrected and amended Thus doth Salomon deale Eccl. 11 9 when hee hath to deale with proude and insolent young men that thinke themselues priuiledged by their age to runne riot with all greedinesse and without all controllment Reioyce O yong man in thy youth and let thy heart cheare thee in the daies of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thine heart and in the sight of thine eies but know that for all these things God will bring thee to iudgement This we see practised by the Apostle 1 Cor. 24 38. If any man be ignorant let him be ignorant And the Apostle Iohn speaketh after the same manner Reuel 22 11. He that is vniust let him be vniust still and hee that is filthy let him be filthy still Whereby we see that the Spirit of God doeth not giue leaue neyther doth encourage or command men to be filthy or vniust but seeing them in a setled rage and wilfull course obstinately bent and resolued to go forward that they will not be hindred nor hearken vnto any wholesome counsell he telleth them they may proceede but they shall smart for it in the end If the Ministers in the zeale of Gods Spirit treade in these steps follow the example of God of Christ of the Prophets and Apostles they haue a faire warrant set before them cannot bee reprooued for this imitation They may say vnto the stubborne and stiffe-necked contemners of the word If ye will needes be ignorant be ignorant still but God wil finde you out in your blindnesse and ignorance If yee haue the light and yet will willingly and wilfully shut your eyes go forward yet God wil open them in the day of his visitation that ye shall see your owne misery If ye haue the bread of life and foode of saluation brought vnto you and yet ye will needs sterue and famish what remedy Pine away your soules and sterue them but know that it will be bitter in the l●tter end Vse 2 Secondly seeing this scoffing at euill is lawfull let men take heede they deserue not thus to be dealt withall When wee haue the word of God in all meeknesse and gentlenes with all patience and long suffering offered vnto vs let vs rest in it and not reiect it from vs let vs beleeue it and obey it and grow euery day from faith to faith When Micaiah the Prophet saw Ahab addicted to flatterers and false informers two very dangerous plagues to Princes hee iudged him not worthy to haue the truth reuealed vnto him and therefore in derision he sayth vnto him Go vp and prosper and the Lord shall deliuer it into the hand of the King 2 Kings 22 15. It is a greeuous thing to be scorned and derided and we hardly brooke that indignity If then wee would not be so roughly and tantingly handled in the ministery of the world let vs heare the voyce of God while it is called to day lest being hardned through the deceitfulnesse of sinne the Lord be compelled so to deale with vs. It is vsed for our benefit and saluation albeit it be bitter and sharpe But many times bitter things be most wholesome and healthfull And this answereth the obiection of carnall men when they are admonished to turne to the Lord with all their hearts to attend to the ministery of the word and to walke before the Lord with a perfect minde they answer If I shall come to bee a professor and make profession of the word I shall be mocked euery one will deride and flout at mee I shall be a laughing stocke to the world I shal become a Prouerbe vnto them and the drunkards will sing songs against me But choose whether thou wilt indure a reproch here for a season or be mocked of the Lord for euer It is better for thee here to suffer affliction with the people of God then to haue the Lord scorne thy folly for euer Therefore the wise man teacheth vs this doctrine Prou. 1 25 26. Because ye refused my counsell and would none of my correction I will also laugh at your destruction and mocke when your feare commeth And the Prophet Dauid declareth that when the wicked band themselues against the Lord and against Christ Hee that dwelleth in the Heauens shall laugh the Lord shall haue them in derision Psal 2 3 4. True it is this is spoken according to our capacity and vnderstanding not that there is any disposition of laughing or affection of scorning in God but he leaueth men in their miseries and maketh them oftentimes a mocking stocke to the world They shall haue no comfort from his presence he shall reioyce in the day of their calamity which shall bee to them as bitter as death and as hard to be born as hell it selfe Lastly Vse heereby a doore is not set open to fleering and flouting one of another which proceedeth from the scum and froth of many mens wits For as all deriding is not vnlawfull so all taunting is not lawfull Wherefore whatsoeuer mocking proceedeth from the gall of our hearts from the contempt of our brethren from pride disdain lightnesse bitternesse biting disgracing and reproaching of others cannot stand with our holy profession but is a fruite of the flesh a corruption of the old man which must bee pulled vppe Therefore the Apostle writing to the Ephesians and instructing them to walke in loue as Christ hath loued vs saith Ephes ● Fornication and all vncleannesse or couetousnesse let them not be once named among you as it becommeth Saints neyther filthinesse neither foolish talking neither iesting which are things not comely but rather giuing of thankes Where hee doth not simply forbid all mirth and iesting but the peeuish humour of many men that delight in iesting and gibing against others who regard not what iests they breake vpon their brethren so they may reuenge their owne malice and disgorge the venome of their owne hearts These men seek to build vp their owne names by the ruine of others and desire to grace themselues by the disgrace of others Such persons may wel be in loue with their owne wits but all discreete men may espy the want of much wisedome in them This biting and bitternesse one toward another cannot stand with our calling to the truth and profession of the faith We haue not so learned Iesus Christ We must account the good name of our brethren as their chiefest Iewell The credite and reputation of many men is as their chiefest
be effectuall to stay vs in our obedience because God wil continue the same God of mercy and truth vnto vs without alteration which he was to Noah Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph and all the faithfull so highly renowned and greatly commended in the Scriptures so it must serue to bee a bridle in the iawes of the vngodly and prophane wretches of the world that as he hath plagued consumed and throwne downe into the bottomles pit of hell the wicked heretofore that rebelled against him and resisted his will so he is vnchangeable in Name and Nature and therefore he will do the same to them now and to as many as shall walke in their steps for euer This we may see to be a plain case in the righteousnes of God Eccl. 8 12 13. Though a sinner do euill an hundred times and God prolongeth his dayes yet I know it shall be well with them that f●are the Lord and do reuerence before him but it shall not be well to the wicked neither shall he prolong his daies he shall be like a shaddow because he feareth not before God And the Apostle Iude in his Epistle Iude 6 7. 2 Pet 2 1 5. alledgeth and applyeth the examples of Gods vengeance vpō the wicked past to those present and to come shewing that if God spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hell and deliuered them vnto chaines of darknesse to bee kept vnto damnation neyther spared the olde world but brought in the flood vpon the vngodly c. Let vs remember that wee shall finde God the same toward vs for euer neuer presume that he can or will be changed now from that which he hath beene heeretofore toward others Verse 21. He seeth not iniquity in Iacob he beholdeth not transgression in Israel Hitherto we haue spoken of the vnchangeablenesse of Gods loue toward his Church Now let vs see the reasons of it both in spirituall things and then in temporall The cheefest priuiledge of the Church standeth in the fruition and enioying of spirituall blessings Among all spirituall blessings this is one of the cheefest Remission of sinnes This is expressed by this phrase that God seeth not sinne in them that is he forgiueth theyr iniquity and imputeth not sinne vnto them To the same purpose the Prophet saith Our sinnes are couered Psalm 32 verse 1. These may seeme at the first strange speeches and phrases For shall not he that made the eye see Psalme 94. Shall not he that made the eare heare He that made the heart shall not he vnderstand and know the secrets of the heart Are not all things naked and open before him or can any hide himselfe from his presence and winde himselfe from his prouidence The meaning is not that God doth not behold them but it is a borrowed speech from the custome of men which lay away those things out of sight which they do not vse or would not remember so that he doth not see them when he doth not punish them he couereth them when he doth pardon them and account them as if they were neuer committed So Hezekiah saith Esa 38 17. God had cast his sins behind his backe Thus the Prophet speaketh Esay 1 18. Though your sinnes were as Crimson they shall be made white as Snow though they were red as Scarlet they shall be as wool And chap. 44 22. I haue put away thy transgressions like a Cloud and thy sinnes as a Mist So the Prophet Micah saith chap. 7 19. He will turne againe and haue compassion vpon vs he will subdue our iniquities and cast all their sinnes into the bottome of the sea From all these Testimonies we learne this truth That to euery true member Doctrine of the Church To all the members o● the Churc● belongeth the forgiu●nesse of 〈◊〉 belongeth the forgiuenes of all theyr sins It is a peculiar priuiledge of the faithfull for the merits and righteousnesse of Christ to haue theyr sinnes forgiuen whereby it commeth to passe that God esteemeth of sinne as no sinne and of iniquity as if it had neuer bene committed Heere then we haue offered to our considerations a principall and fundamental point of our Christian Religion and of the holy faith That all our sinnes wants and impections originall and actuall as well in the committing of euill as in omitting of good in thought word deed are couered healed and released thorough the righteousnesse of Christ imputed vnto vs which being apprehended by faith and applyed vnto vs doth not onely make them as if they had neuer bene but also iustifie discharge vs causing vs to appeare blamelesse and spotlesse in the sight of God Thus God proclaimeth him selfe to be a most gracious and merciful God readily inclined to forgiue sins Exod. 34 6 7. Esay 33 24. and 43 25. Ier. 31 31 32. and 33 8. Reason 1 And this truth to wit that iustification stādeth in the remission of sinnes through the satisfaction of Christ is confirmed vnto vs by sundry reasons out of the worde of GOD. For first we must appeare as iust and perfect in Gods sight either by the imputatiō of Christs righteousnesse or by the merite of our owne workes there is no third way can be deuised This is a full distribution of causes as appeareth by the Apostle speaking of the election and calling of the Iewes Rom. 11 6. If it bee of grace it is no more of workes or else were grace no more grace but if it bee of workes it is no more grace or else were worke no more worke Thus we see hee maketh an opposition betweene the grace of God and the workes of men But no workes can iustifie vs neither of congruitie nor condignity neither of nature nor of grace wrought in vs by the spirit of God but by Gods acceptation of the intercession and merits of his owne Son This the Apostle witnesseth Rom. 3 20. Gal. 3 6. By the workes of the Law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight And in another place I count all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lord that I might bee found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnesse which is of God through faith Phil. 3 7 8 9. Reason 2 Secondly whatsoeuer giueth the creature cause of boasting and robbeth God of his glory may not be admitted and cannot be accepted in the worke of our iustification But all things sauing the righteousnesse of Christ minister to vs matter of boasting depriue God of the honor and glory due to his name This the Apostle teacheth in sundry places Rom. 4 2. If Abraham were iustified by workes he hath wherein to reioyce 〈◊〉 2 8.9 but not with God By grace are ye saued thorough faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes lest any man should boast himselfe So
our God hath such a watchman as neyther slumbereth nor sleepeth But the Church which is Gods commonwealth hath a gouernour and guardian which is all an eye to see their dangers all an eare to heare the counsels all an heart to vnderstand the deuices of theyr enemies and all an hand and strong arme to scatter them and to defeate them This happines we heard before verse 10 how Balaam praised and desired He confesseth alowd that the death of the Iews was more to be desired thē the life of all other men because GOD held them for his people Though he were a wretched idolater and sought to turne the truth of God into falshood yet standing as it were vpon the racke hee was inforced to vtter this speech as if he had sayde Who is it that can doe any thing against Israel seeing they remaine in the fauour of their God Let vs learn to magnifie the Lord for his mercy and walk worthy of this our happines which the men of this world do want They haue no protection from God but lye open and naked vnto dangers of soule and body and haue to defend them not so much as a poore fig leafe Thirdly let vs seeke to bee at peace with God and labour to be reconciled vnto him If God be against vs what creature dare stand vp for vs to helpe and comfort vs nay what creature shall not fight against vs to destroy and confound vs For the subiect though neuer so noble honorable that hath the King against him shall finde few others to succour him or shew him any countenance as we see in the booke of Ester Ester 7 9. so soon as the wrath of the King began to be kindled against Haman by and by they couered his face and helped forward his execution So if wee sinne against God the King of Kings and prouoke him to wrath who shall dare to pleade for vs On the other side if God be on our side who shall be against vs or what creature shall hinder our peace This the Prophet Hosea declareth as a benefite belonging to the Church Hos 2 18. In which words the Lord promiseth that hee will so watch ouer his Church by his prouidence that they shall haue rest and securitie from all dangers of enemies and be deliuered from the rage of beasts and the violence of men But how will some say can this bee Obiection Seeing the vngodly that haue God their enemy yet haue the world and the men of the world smile laugh vpon them and the godly who haue God their friend yet haue the world for their enemy I answer Answ This seemeth to be so to those that iudge of things after the flesh according to the outward appearing but if we will iudge righteous iudgement and behold them with the eye of Fayth wee shall finde it to be otherwise whether wee respect the end or the inward feeling of the soule and Conscience Touching the end and issue of things if we waite with patience but a while and looke with a single heart vpon the euent we shall see that the vngodly who haue God set against them haue al things to work their destruction and to further their condemnation not onely their troubles but euen the most holy ordinances of God the exercise of prayer the hearing of the word the partaking of the Sacraments The things are in themselues and their owne nature the sauor of life to life 2 Cor. 2 16 but to them they become the sauour of death to death Contrarywise the godly who haue God reconciled to them in Iesus Christ haue all things to further to finish the saluation of their soules and to seale vp their eternall peace Rom. 8 28 inasmuch as all accidents that befal them tend to bring them to glory and immortality and work for the best vnto them that loue God euen vnto them that are called of his purpose not onely prayers and praises not onely the Word and Sacraments which are as the life of their souls and the breath of their nosthrils but all crosses calamities and afflictions are sanctifyed for their good and happinesse Secondly in respect of the inward feeling of the soule and conscience For the vngodly who feele the wrath of God for their sinnes as it were the flashings of hell fire doe finde rest and refuge in nothing but account all the creatures for their enemies and alwayes stand in feare of them as of Gods hoast and army set in battell array against them and as of his instruments to bring them to destruction The heauens are prepared at the commandement of God to be as brasse as in the dayes of famine to punish them 1 Kings 17 1. the clouds to poure down showres of raine vpon them as vpon the olde world Gen. 7 11 the waters ready to drowne them as the hoast of Sisera Iudg. 5 12 the fire to consume them as it did Sodom and the other Cities of the plaine Gen. 19 24 the aire to poyson and infect them as in the time of pestilence Ezek. 5 12 the earth open to swallow them as it did Dathan and his followers Numb 16 32 the Beares to deuoure them as they did the two and forty vngracious children that mocked the Prophet 2 King 2 42 the Lyons to destroy them as they did the Idolatrous Samaritanes 2 King 17 25 Fiery serpents to sting them as they did the murmuring Israelites in the wildernesse Num. 21.6 the basest and meanest creatures are armed with power and will to bidde battell against them Flies and Frogges to annoy them as they did the Egyptians Exod. 8 6.24 Lice to eate them as they did Herod a bloody persecutor of the Church Acts 12 23. Thus do the vngodly feare all the creatures of God cannot be secured from any one of them An example whereof we haue in Cain who wandered vp and downe in the earth and feared that euery creature that found him would kill him Gen. 4 14. And no maruell for the wicked flyeth when no man pursueth him Prou. 28 1. But the godly who feele Gods fauour and mercy toward them and haue him for their friend do find by blessed experience all Gods creatures as it were his souldiers to stand for them and therefore doe not stand in feare of them but can say with a feeling faith Rom 8 38. I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. For when the wayes of a man please God he will make euen their enemies at peace with them Prou. 16 7. All this appeareth in the example of Adam as in a glasse before he fell into sinne Gen. 3 8. he walked in the garden without feare he talked and communed with God without feare all things were subiect to him that was
but they haue the wil of God reuealed and the Lord speaking vnto them in his word This word they must teach nothing but this word and all that is reuealed for our saluation in this word A witnes that is broght in to giue euidence betweene man and man in any hard matter that riseth in iudgement betweene blood and blood Cicer. Epist famil lib. 5. betweene Plea Plea is sworne to speake the truth and all the truth and nothing but the truth So should it be with all Pastors and Teachers which are as the Lords witnesses they must deale fully and faithfully they must boldly speake that which God in his word hath reuealed publish vnto his people all that which he hath deliuered vnto them This is it which the Lord spake to Ieremy hanging backe when God called him excusing whē God separated him refusing when God had chosen him Say not I am a childe for thou shalt goe to all that I shall send thee and whatsoeuer I command thee shalt thou speake Ier. 1 7. 1 Kings 22 14. Likewise when our Sauiour sent out his Apostles into the world he charged them with this as a part of their commission Teach them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you Math. 28 20. And the Apostle speaking of the Supper of the Lord saith I receiued of the Lord that which I also haue deliuered vnto you 1 Cor. 11 23. And afterward confirming the faith in the Corinthians in the article of the resurrection hee saith First of all I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued how that Christ died for our sinnes and rose againe according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15 3. Thus doth the Apostle clear himselfe being falsely charged by the Iewes I obtained helpe of God and continue vnto this day witnessing vnto small and great saying none other things then those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come Acts 26 22. Yea this was the vsuall manner of all the Prophets preaching vnto the people to come vnto them in the Name of God Heare ye the word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord. Reason 1 The Reasons for confirmation heereof follow to be marked of vs. First this appeareth from the sundry titles as names of their Office that are giuē vnto them in the Scriptures to put them in minde of the duties of their callings They are called Workemen because they should do the Lords businesse 2 Tim. 2 15. and finish the worke whereunto hee hath called and ordayned them They are called Builders because they should build vpon the foundat●●n Psal 118 ● The foundation is precious euen Iesus Christ who is pure and perfect gold and they must build vpon it gold siluer and precious stones not hay not stubble not timber lest they suffer losse when the fiery triall shall come Thus the Apostle speaketh 1 Cor. 3 12. According to the grace of God giuen to me as a skilfull Master-builder I haue laide the foundation and another buildeth thereon but let euery one take heed how he buildeth vpon it Sometimes they are called Pastors Shepheards Eph. 4 11. Ier. 3 15. because they shold make the Sheepe of Christ to rest in greene pasture and leade them by the still waters Sometimes they are called Messengers because they are Mal 2 7. 2 Cor. 5 20 or should be Gods mouth and messengers vnto the people and in stead of God himselfe to them Should not the Embassadour deliuer the message and al the message of his Lord and Master Dare hee chop and change dare he adde or alter dare he inuent deuise any thing of his owne No he will not depart or decline from his commission but faithfully dischargeth the trust reposed in him The Ministers are the messengers of God and Embassadours of Christ and therefore it is required of them that they be found faithfull in the execution of their office Hence it is that the Prophet saith The Priests lips should preserue knowledge and they should seeke the Law at his mouth for he is the Messenger of the Lord of Hosts So the Apostle speaketh Now then wee are Embassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs stead that ye be reconciled to God All which Titles do tye vp the Minister of God to deliuer onely the message of God and do not leaue him at liberty to teach what he list Secondly to the end the faith of the hearers Reason 2 may be certaine stayed vpon the power of God not vpon the wisedom of men which is but a broken Reede a weake Pillar and a rotten foundation to beare them vp This is the reason that the Apostle Paul vseth 1 Cor. 2 after he had shewed that he spake vnto thē the wisedome of God in a mystery euen the hid wisedome which God had determined before the world vnto our glory hee giueth this reason That your faith should not be in the wisedome of men but in the power of God 1 Cor. 2 5 7. God would not haue his people left in vncertainties nor fed with chaffe nor carried about with euery winde and weather of doctrine but builded vpon a sure Rocke stand vpon a certaine foundation But there is no sound feeding for the soule but by the word which is the power of God to saluation all other foode is as dust and drauery All the fine deuices of the wit deliuered in the perswasible words of mans wisedome that tickle the outward eares and delight carnall men sauoring wholly of the flesh and not of the Spirit are no better then huskes fitter to feed swine then to nourish the sonnes and daughters of God ●o eternall life The word of God is a sharpe two edged sword 〈◊〉 1 16. 〈◊〉 4 1● the word of man is as a leaden knife or a wooden dagger which may well threaten but cannot strike or if it strike it cannot enter The word of God is a consuming fire Ier. 5 14 and 23 29 like to God the author of it able to enflame mens hearts with a loue of God when it is beleeued the word of mā is as a painted fire which carrieth a shew but hath no substance or strength eyther to waste the stubble or to refine and purifie siluer or gold The word of God is the Lords Fan to winnow the people Math. 3 12 separating the bastardly brood of Abraham from the true sonnes venting the hypocrites from the beleeuers and scattering with the powerfull blast thereof the reprobates from the elect all other wayes means that are vsed are too weake feeble to work this separation of the chaffe from the wheat And therefore all such as are the Lords Fanners that would publish their doctrine not to please the eare but to open the doore of the conscience must vse no other instrument then this word of God which hath this force and effect Reason 3 Thirdly God will destroy those that doe
GOD. The greatest freedome of the chiefest cities is but slauery bondage in comparison of the heauenly prerogatiues that properly belong vnto the Church of God The consideration hereof hath bene strong and powerfull in all those that are seruants in this house which are the Lords freemen This made the Prophet Dauid to testifie his holy affections in sundry Psalmes Psal 26 8 and 17 4 and 36 8 9. and 84 2 10. Where he sheweth that the spending of one onely day in the place of the publicke meetings and assemblies of the godly was more sweet comfortable and profitable to him then a thousand dayes otherwhere yea though the place in it selfe were neuer so pleasant and delightfull so that hee preferreth the basest office and meanest calling in the Church to keepe the doore to sweep the house to cut wood or draw water for the seruice and sacrifice of God then to dwell in the Vse 3 most gorgeous and glorious palaces wherein the workes of wickednesse are practised professed If the same mind be in vs that was in this Prophet let it be our desire rather to be of the meanest account and lowest reckoning in the Church and among the lowest Saints of God then to be in the chiefest roome in the highest place of honour out of the Church where nothing raigneth but prophanenesse and nothing is of price or regarded but wickednesse This will be a witnesse to our owne hearts that we are truely religious and are possessed with a loue of godlinesse when we preferre the loue of Gods house before all earthly things and are carefull to come to the exercises therein Lastly it belongeth to euery one to promote and procure the good thereof If it be the principall society it must be principally cared for It standeth al persons vpon Princes Pastors Parents Magistrates whatsoeuer in their seuerall places to seeke the peace and preseruation of this society and to further the good of Gods Church We see this in the Prophet Psal 122 6 after he had commended the comely order spirituall beauty of Ierusalem the true Church he saith Pray for the peace of Ierusalem let them prosper that loue thee peace be within thy wals prosperity within thy palaces for my brethren and neighbours sake I will wish thee now prosperity because of the house of the Lord our God I will procure thy wealth No estate of man so high to exempt himselfe no calling so low to disable himselfe from seeking the good of his Church The greater our place is the more doth God require at our hands he hath committed the more to our trust and therefore will take the straighter account of vs. It is the end of their honour and aduancement not to lift vp their hearts aboue their brethren because God hath lifted vp their heads not to seeke their own profites and commodities onely but to aduance the honour of that God that hath aduanced them remembring that they are the ministers of God for the wealth and welfare of their people and assuring themselues that God wil honour them that honour him but such as despise him shal be despised 1. Sam. 2.36 Moreouer it is our dutie to labour within the compasse of our calling to bring other societies to this the Prince his common-wealth the Magistrate his incorporation the Minister his people the Captaine his army the housholder his family by striuing to make them Christian commonwealthes Christian incorporations Christian parishes Christian armies Christian families This was the care of all good and godly Princes Dauid Hezekiah Iehoshaphat Iosiah 2 Chro. 15.12 who made a couenant to seeke the Lord GOD of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soule This was the care of deuout captaines that feared God as appeareth by the Centurion and Cornelius Math 8 10. Acts 10 2. Gen 18 19. Iob 1.5 This was the care of all religious fathers and masters as we see in Abraham Iob Iacob and sundry others whose praise is in the booke of God And vnlesse this diligence be vsed and duty performed to those that are set vnder vs by the ordinance of God what comfort can wee finde in them nay what good can we looke for at their hands It is the knowledge of God and the power of godlinesse planted in the heart that maketh the subiect obedient the seruant trusty the childe dutifull and euery degree faithfull in his place and calling But where the feare of God doth not rule there subiects obey not for conscience sake there seruants are deceitfull serue with eyeseruice as men pleasers there children are vngracious and vnruly not obeying their parents in the Lord. So then it standeth vs vpon to set forward the good of the Church with all our power and then to bring such as belong vnto vs into the bosome of the Church that there they may haue fellowship with God and one with another Verse 8. God brought them out of Egypt their strength is as an Vnicorne hee shall eate the nations his enemies c. In the words before Balaam enlarged by sundry sweete similitudes the excellent condition of the Church shewing that the place of it was to be chosen aboue all other places and the people belonging vnto it to be ioyned withall aboue other people of the world Now in these words he expressed their happines and blessednesse in plaine tearmes and direct words declaring that albeit they were a weake people in the land of Egypt oppressed with burdens hurried with labours ouermastred with taskemasters vnexercised in fears of warre ●andering vp and downe in the wildernesse separated from other nations on the other side their enemies wer many in number mighty in strength rich in furniture yet GOD brought his people with a strong hand out of Egypt from all their enemies and sent his Angel before them to leade them in the wildernesse so that no city or nation could preuaile against them Hereby we learne that the enemies of the Church albeit great Doctrine The Church ●ath the vpper hand of enemies stronger then ●hey mighty and high minded yet are oftentimes brought vnder and troden on by the Church weaker then they Howsoeuer the Church be weake and want outward power yet it hath victory ouer the oppressors of it This we see plainly strengthened vnto vs in the booke of Iudges where we see that the Midianites and the rest of the league with them lay in the valley like grashoppers in multitude Iudg. 7 12 20 and their camels as the sand which is by the seashore yet Gideon and his hoast being as it were an handfull ouerthrew them by blowing their trumpets by breaking their pitchers and by holding their lampes in their hands This appeareth in the history of Shamgar Iudg. 3.31 who slew 600. men of the Philistims with an Oxe goad and in the history of Sampson being enclosed by his enemies who caught vp a Iawbone and said With the Iaw of an
to mercy in regard of of the great recompence of reward that is laid vp for mercifull men The example of the Sunnamite before remembred is a notable worthy example to teach vs this vse and to enforce this duty vpon vs. She stirred vp her husband to good things and made him that was willing more willing him that was forward more forward shewing her selfe mindful of the end of her creation which was to be an helper vnto him especially in the best things Gen. 2 18. She said Behold I know that this is an holy man of God that passeth by vs continually let vs make him a chamber that hee may turne in thither when he commeth to vs. 2. Kings 4 9. It is not enough for vs to be ready and resolute to doe good to those that are of the houshold of faith and thereby to testifie our faith in Christ but God requireth of vs to consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes not forsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues as the manner of some is but let vs exhort one another and that so much the more because yee see that the day draweth neere Heb. 10 24 25 This serueth to reproue such as are backward in doing good and cause others to be backward such as are not content themselues to doe nothing but are ready to disswade and discourage others from workes of mercy as we see the Apostle Iohn reproueth Diotrephes who was so farre from receiuing the brethren that he forbad them that would and thrust them out of the Church Iohn 3.9 10. He was backward himselfe and made others backward his malice did not onely keepe him from doing good to the Saints but prouoked him to hinder and restraine others These are like the Scribes and Pharisies which did shut vp the kingdome of heauen against men neither entring themselues into it nor suffering those that would enter Math. 23.13 These are like vnto the enuious Iewes who grew to that desperate madnes against the Lord Iesus that they would neither receiue the Gospel themselues nor suffer it to be preached to others but forbad the Apostles to preach vnto the Gentiles that they might be saued to fulfill their sinnes alwayes 1. Thes 2.16 They are like to Elimas the sorcerer who was so farre from beleuing the doctrine of the Apostles Act. 13 8 that he openly withstood them and maliciously sought to turne away the Deputy from the faith And all these may fitly be compared to the dog lying in the manger which will neyther eate the hay himselfe nor suffer the Oxe or Cattel that would to eate of it These shall haue the more fearefull condemnation answering to God both for not doing good and for hindering such as would doe good These both shut vp their hands and hearts frō all duties of loue and tye vp the hands of others so that a double woe hangeth ouer their heads which without repentance will fall vppon them Lastly this Doctrine is both an encouragement Vse 4 vnto vs in well doing and a great comfort in all aduersities It is an incouragement to consider that what loue and seruice soeuer we doe shew to the Saints it is put vppon the Lords accounts and is kept in his remembrance and shal not be blotted out for euer This is the tenour of the couenant which he hath made with vs to haue the same friends and enemies with vs. Such as are our friends to doe vs good he will account as his friends to doe them good such as are his enemies to hurt vs he will proceede against them as with his vtter enemies to root them out and to destroy them This is a great honour and dignity of the faithfull It argued a very neere league of amity that Iehoshaphat made with the King of Israel when he ioyned with him saying I am as thou art my people as thy people my horses as thy horses wee will ioyne with thee in the war al mine is at thy commandement 1. King 22.4 2 Chron. 18.3 This is the society and fellowship that God hath with his people our friends shall be his friends our enemies shall be his enemies our troubles shal be his troubles our wrongs shall be his wrongs our persecutions shall be his pe●secutions This is it which the Prophet declareth touching the Lord He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye Zach. 2 8. So precious and deare are they to him and so tender is his loue toward them that when the enemies rise vp against them to hurt them it goeth as neere to the Lord as any thing can do We know how tender the eye of a man is it worketh more griefe then to receiue a wound in any other part to haue the apple of the eye striken but the Church is so deare to God that he can no more suffer the enemies to hurt it then a man can abide to be thrust or pierced in the eye How could the Lord expresse how earnestly and ardently he loueth vs and how carefull he is for our safety better then vnder this comparison and therefore the Prophet entreateth the Lord to keepe him as the apple of his eye Psal 17 8. to hide him vnder the shadow of his wings This is it which our Sauiour signifieth in the description of the last iudgement that when one of the least of Christs brethren haue bene hungred and we haue fed them haue beene thirsty and wee haue refreshed them haue bene strangers and wee haue lodged them haue beene naked and we haue clothed them haue beene prisoners and we relieued them Christ Iesus himselfe is refreshed and relieued visited and harboured in his members Math. 25 40 If the Lord Iesus liued now vpon the face of the earth in pouerty great want if he wanted meate to eate or clothes to put on ought wee not to relieue him nay who is it but would say hee is ready to doe it But euery faithfull man is vnto vs as Christ himselfe whatsoeuer is done to him is done to Christ himselfe and Christ Iesus though heire of all Lord of the world doth esteeme account it as done vnto himselfe On the other side when the poore members of Christ are in want not releeued are sick and not visited are hungry and yet not sustained Christ himselfe is vnuisited vnregarded A man would be ashamed to doe thus to Christ in person but inasmuch as we do it to the persons of our brethren and his members hee counteth it as done to himselfe as he speaketh in the Gospel Verily I say vnto you Math. 25 ● inasmuch as yee did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to mee This likewise is that which Christ spake to Paul from heauen at his conuersion When he breathed out threatnings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord and had obtained letters to bring them bound to Ierusalem that professed Christ he heard
Sauiour in the Parable of the Sower that went forth to sowe declareth that the seed that fell among thornes signifieth those hearers in whose hearts the cares of this life the deceitfulnesse of riches and the lustes of other things do choake the word make it vnfruitfull Math. 13 22. What was it that moued Iudas to betray his Master but for loue of money for he saide vnto the High-Priests What will you giue me and I will betray him vnto you Math. 26 15. Whereby Satan entred into him possessed his hart so that it wrought his destruction in soule and body What caused Demas a professor of the faith to forsake Paul 1 Tim. 4 10 and deny the faith surely he embraced this present world in greater loue then he did the truth that endureth for euer and caught after the shadow in stead of the body Our hearts are as a ground that is rich and ranke and bringeth foorth store of these weeds that choake the growing of the word of God we would faine come to God yet are so glewed to the world that it drowneth all desire of the world to come We offer one hand to Christ and the other to the diuell but he will haue both of them or none at all If we giue the Lord one part of our heart and lodge couetousnesse in the other we driue the Lord from vs and cause him to depart No man can serue two Masters for either he shall hate the one and loue the other or else hee shall leane to the one and despise the other ye cannot serue God and riches Math. 6 24. This made our Sauiour say How hardly shall a rich man enter into the kingdome of heauen it is easier for a Camel to goe through the eye of a Needle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of God Math. 19 3 making it as it were a rare extraordinary worke to bring them to saluation We must vse this world as though we vsed it not and they that buy as though they possessed not knowing that godlines is the greatest gaine 1 Tim 6 6. if a man be content with that he hath for we brought nothing into the world and it is certaine we can carry nothing out therefore when we haue foode and rayment let vs be content for they which will be rich fall into tentations and snares into many foolish and noysome lustes which drowne men in perdition and destruction What stirred vp Ahab and Iezebel to worke out the death of Naboth and his children 1 Kings 21 8. that the one of them was sicke with sorrow the other caused them to be stoned but the desire of his vineyard that was a sore in his eye and lay so fitly for him And yet when wee haue done when we haue embraced our dwellings and encroched on the bounds and borders of others when we haue ioyned house to house and land to land our neighbours hedge must be next vnto vs and hold vs hard that we can passe no further Secondly we see that our owne priuate respects Vse 2 are not the chiefe things that we must respect but seeke a sanctified vse of the blessings of this life and a warrant to our consciences for the right vsing of them These blessings of God become curses vnto vs vnlesse we vse them lawfully But if we set vp our rest vpon them and seeke our happinesse in them we prize them at a high rate Eph. 5 5. Col. 3 5. and commit the foulest and filthiest Idolatry that can be For the preferring of priuate profit before heauenly duties causeth a man to be an Idolater First because hee preferreth his riches before God or godlinesse in his affections depending vpon them as vpon God and making them the stay of his life Againe he accounteth his life to rest vpon his wealth rather then vpon the prouidence of God as his riches encrease so his hope encreaseth so his comfort encreaseth when his wealth sayleth all his hope comfort fayleth Therefore the Apostle chargeth vs to mortifie our members which are on the earth the inordinate affection euill concupiscence and couetousnesse which is Idolatry for the which things sake the wrath of God commeth on the children of disobedience So then the things of this life and the things of the life to come being propounded and set before vs we are to chuse the better of them This our Sauiour taught Martha Luk. 10 41 42. that she disquieted and incumbred her selfe about many things but one thing is needfull Mary hath chosen the better part which shall not be taken from her So likewise our Sauiour chargeth vs not to lay vppe treasure for our selues vpon the earth Where the Moth and Canker corrupt and where theeues digge thorough and steale but to lay vppe for our selues treasure in heauen where neither the Moth nor Canker corrupteth and where theeues cannot dig through and steale Mat. 6 19 20 33. Let vs first of all seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these earthly things shall be ministred vnto vs. Let our study and meditation be on heauenly things whereunto we are called Let vs take heed we lose not greater blessings by affecting the lesse Let vs remember Lots wife a fearefull myrrour and monument of carefull thoughts who got and gained nothing by all her cares Let vs waite vpon God and looke vp vnto him Who openeth his hand and filleth all things with his goodnes Ps 104 28. Let vs obey the voyce of the Lord our God and then all his blessings shall come vpon vs and ouertake vs. Vse 3 Lastly this doctrine serueth to reproue those that esteeme earthly things aboue heauenly minde their profits more then their saluation These inuert the course of nature and turne al things vpside downe they set the earth aboue the heauens and thrust downe the heauens beneath the earth This is like that confusion and disorder which the wise man speaketh of Eccl. 10 6 7. Folly is set in great excellency and the rich set in low place I haue seene seruants on horses and Princes walking as seruants on the ground These are like to the Gadarens that desired their swine more then Christ and had rather lose Christ and haue him depart out of their coasts then lose their swine Math. 8 34. These are of the brood and off-spring of prophane Esau who for one messe of meate solde his birthright Heb. 12 16 But we haue not so learned Christ we must looke vp to the eternall inheritance reserued for vs wee must not make our riches to be our heauen our belly to be our god our shame to be our glory and our owne profit to be our happinesse Wee must account one spark of grace and the least taste of the kingdome of heauen and of the ioyes of the life to come to be better worth and to bring with it more sound ioy of heart then all these transitory things and
the Apostle Iohn noteth in the Nicolaitanes Reuel 2 14 20 who maintained the doctrine of Balaam counselling Balak to lay a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel perswading to eate of the things sacrificed to Idols and alluring vnto fornication This he reprooueth in the false Prophetesse whom for her leud qualities he calleth Iezabel who deceiued the seruants of God to make them commit fornication and to eate meates that were sacrificed vnto idols Thus it fareth with the Nations that know not God they are ignorant of the duties which are due vnto men The Turkes that haue seated their Empire in the East and made a mixture of all Religions to the end they might draw some of all sorts vnto themselues doe professe and practise most abhominable vices euen by the doctrine of their Alcoran 〈◊〉 chap. 41. ● 3. where that false Prophet Mahomet alloweth a man to haue foure wiues and to keepe fifteene Concubines he forbiddeth any to be accused of adultery vnder foure witnesses and accounteth those most holy men which accōpany with beasts The Church of Rome defiling the worship of God by detestable idolatry as grosse as the Heathen committed and in some part exceeding all the idolatry of the Heathen in that they worship a breaden god maintaine filthinesse and vncleannesse sundry waies First in the tolleration of the Stewes flat against the Commandement of God Deut. 23 17. There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel neither shal ther be an whorekeeper among the sons of Israel This tolleration is a flat occasion to many young men and women that otherwise might abstaine from this kinde of wickednes And what monstrous impiety is this when father and sonne Brother and Brother Vncle and Nephew shall come to one and the same harlot one before or after the other Secondly they deny marriage as an vnholy thing to their holy Cleargy and thereby open a gappe to all kinde of pollutions contrary to the expresse word of God that a Byshop should be the husband of one wife and that marriage is left free and accounted honourable in all and the bed vndefiled 1 Tim. 3 2. Heb. 13 4. Thirdly not to stand further in ripping vppe these enormities in this place their Law alloweth the marriage of any persons beyond the fourth degree 〈…〉 whereby in some cases followeth incest Al these testimonies and examples being thus layde together doe teach vs that corruption of manners and lewdnesse of life doe alwayes accompany defects and defilings in the true Religion Let vs come to consider the causes to make it more plaine and euident vnto vs. First such Reason 1 is the iudgment and iustice of God punishing one sin with another giuing ouer such as make no conscience to know or acknowledge God into a reprobate sence and appointing them to be vessels of shame and dishonour This is the reason which the Apostle directly handleth Rom. 1 25 26. They turned the truth of God into a lie seruing the creature and forsaking the Creator which is blessed for euer Amen for this cause God gaue them vp vnto vile affections for euen their women did change the naturall vse into that which is against nature and likewise also the men left the naturall vse of the woman burned in their lust one toward another and man with man wrought filthinesse and receiued in themselues such recompence of their errour as was meete Where we see the Apostle charging the Gentiles with turning the glory of the incorruptible God to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man and so regarded not to serue him declareth that God gaue thē vp to their hearts lustes and deliuered them vp into a reprobate minde so that they committed vncleannesse they defiled their owne bodies betweene themselues did those things which are not conuenient So the same Apostle in another place teacheth That God shall send them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies that all they might bee damned which beleeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse 2 Th. 2 11 12. This dealing is righteous in God being a punishment for sinne howsoeuer it be wicked in the committers Secondly the first Table containeth the great and chiefe Commandements and the second is like vnto it Math. 22 38. So then all prophanenes is as a bitter and poysoned root infecting farre and neere and as a Tree that ouershadoweth all good hearbs that they cannot grow vp or prosper Our Sauior Christ making the summe of the first Table to consist in louing God with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde calleth this the first and the great Commandement as the fountaine and foundation of the other So the Apostle Iohn making the loue to God and to men necessarily to concurre and accompany one another saith If any man say I loue God and yet hate his brother he is a liar for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene loue God whom he hath not seene 1 Iohn chapter 4 verse 20. And hence it commeth to passe that where men haue not the feare of God and the knowledge of his Name they become abhominable in all their doings Thirdly the diuell ruleth worketh in such as make no care to know God but walke according to the course of this world in superstition in idolatry The Apostle sheweth this to be the cause why they had their conuersation in times past in the lusts of the flesh in the fulfilling of the will of the flesh and of the minde and were by nature the Children of wrath as well as others Because they were ruled by the Prince that ruleth in the aire the spirit that worketh in all the children of disobedience Ephes 2 2 3. Let vs now proceed to the Vses First we Vse 1 learne from hence that wee may iustly feare all iniurious vniust and vncleane dealing and looke for fraud and oppression where there is no true Religion established and professed When Abraham went down into Egypt with his wife and afterward soiourned in the land of Gerar among the Philistims where was no true knowledge of the true God hee thought thus with himselfe Surely the feare of God is not in this place they will slay me for my wiues sake and thereby was moued to deny the protection of his wife and to say shee was his Sister Gen. 12 12. 20 11. This is to be expected looked for from all such places and persons that haue in them no religion of Christ no godlines of life no feare of God we must prepare our selues to endure all hard wrongfull dealing at their hands Wee see this in the example of the Sodomites toward Lot Gen. 19 9. in the inhabitants of Gibeah toward the Leuite and his wife Iudg. 1● 22. For where the feare of God ruleth not there is no vertue no truth no mercy no honesty no sobriety no conscience They refraine not violence
executing iudgement vpon the offenders and euill dooers which brought a greeuous plague vpon the people His spirit was stirred within him beeing first stirred by the Spirit of God which mooued him to take a speare and to thrust thorow the adulterer and adulteresse Now wee shall see the recompence of reward that was giuen vnto him for that worke which was acceptable vnto God and profitable vnto his people He hath a couenant of peace made with him the Priesthood confirmed vnto him and his posteritie He onely had appeased the wrath of God made vppe the breach betweene God and his people but the blessing is conueyed euen to his posterity He destroyeth two malefactors whereby he bringeth a blessing vnto his children Hereby we learne Doctrine The faithf●● bring able ●sing on the families That when the wayes of a man please God he will bee gracious to his house posterity God is so pleased with the obedience of his people that he wiil shew mercy to such as belong to them This is plētifully proued vnto vs in the word of GOD. When God saw Noah righteous before him in that corrupt age and generation hee made all that belonged vnto him partakers of a great deliuerance saying vnto him Enter thou all thine house into the Arke for thee haue I seene righteous before me in this age Gen. 7 1. This appeareth in the person of Abraham when God had called him out of his Countrey and from his kindred and made a Couenant with him to blesse him Gen. 12 2 3. The Prophet Ieremy teacheth this in the example of the Rechabites Thus saith the Lord of hoasts the God of Israel Because ye haue obeyed the Commandement of Ionadab your Father and ●ept all his precepts and done according vnto all that he hath cōmanded you Therfore thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel Ionadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for euer Ier. 35 18. To this purpose speaketh the Prophet Dauid Psal 37.21 A good man is mercifull and lendeth and his seede enioyeth the blessing If wee come to the new Testament wee haue many testimonies leading vs vnto the consideration of this truth When Zaccheus beleeued in Christ for his saluation and testified his repentance by his restitution Iesus said vnto him This day is saluation come into this house forasmuch as he is become the sonne of Abraham Luke 19 9. When the ruler whose son was sick at Capernaum saw the great power of Christ in restoring him to health againe Hee beleeued and all his houshold Iohn 4 13. This is oftentimes remembred vnto vs in the Acts of the Apostles When God had opened the heart of Lydia that shee attended vnto the things which Paul deliuered She was baptized and all her houshold Acts 16 15.33 VVhen the Iayler beleeued in the Lord Iesus for his saluation and shewed his vnfained conuersion by the fruites of his loue to the Apostles he was baptized with all that belonged vnto him straitway and reioyced that he with al his houshold beleeued in God Reason 1 The reasons to enforce this doctrine are euident if wee consider eyther the person of God or the condition of the faithfull For first God hath in great mercy and goodnesse promised to shew grace and fauour not onely to the faithfull themselues but to the seede of the faithfull that feare him It is the nature of God to be mercifull and gracious to be slow to anger and abundant in goodnesse shewing mercy vnto thousands to them that loue him and keepe his commandements Exod. 20 6 and 34 6 7. VVe see this in the history of the destruction of Sodome the Lord did not onely in great mercy and compassion saue Lot himself but said vnto him Whom hast thou yet heere either sonne in law or thy sonnes or thy daughters or whatsoeuer thou hast in the citty bring it out of this place Gen. 19 12. Hee was ready not to saue him alone but as an ouerplus to deliuer all that belonged vnto him We see the mercy of God to others for his childrens sake hee thinketh it not enough to bee good to them but extendeth his mercies to those that any way concerne them Reason 2 Secondly as the mercy of God is great so the faith of the godly is effectuall for themselues and their children This is the tenour of the couenant that God hath made with al the faithful their faith is auailable both for themselues and for others God will be our God and the God of our seede after vs Gen. 17 7. And this is the priuiledge prerogatiue that the faithfull haue they beleeue this mercifull promise of God themselues and thereby entitle their children vnto it For as a father that purchaseth house or land giueth thereby an interest vnto his son therein so he that layeth hold on the promise which God hath made to all godly parents doth conueygh it vnto his children so that albeit they want faith by reason of their yeares yet they are made partakers of Christ and ingrafted into his body So then we may collect and gather this truth that the loue of God to the faithfull shall so abound that it shall come to their posterity like the precious oyntment powred on the head of Aaron that ranne downe vpon his beard and flowed to the border of his garments or as the dew on Hermon and Sion which watered the vallies that were beneath vpon which it descended Psal 133 2 3. The vses remaine to be handled First wee Vse 1 learne that the children of faithful parents haue right and interest to Baptisme and are to receiue the seale of the couenant This the Apostle teacheth 1 Cor. 7 14 when hee sayth The vnbeleeuing husband is sanctified to the wife and the vnbeleeuing wife is sanctified to the husband elsewere your children vncleane but now they are holy Seeing then that faithfull parents entitle their children to the blessings which they receiue wee see that there ought to bee a difference betweene them and the children of Turkes and Infidels All the offspring of Abraham was accounted holy in the time of the old Testament because God made with him the couenant of life and the Apostle reasoneth that if the root be holy the branches also are holy Rom. 11.16 Hence it is that he calleth them all his children who are borne of Israel But since the partition wall is pulled downe the grace of God is not obscured and lesse assured vnto vs then it was before vnto the Iewes Infants and children doe no lesse belong to the couenant and Church of God then others doe that are of yeares of discretion as it is plaine by the promise made to Abraham I will set my couenant betweene me and thee and betweene thy seed after thee in their generations for an euerlasting couenant that I will be thy God and the God of thy seed after thee Genes 17 7. Where God doth
it self who notwithstanding are saued in the day of the Lord. This appeareth in Lots wife Gen. 19 she looked backe contrary to the commandement of the Angel and was turned into a pillar of salt Her offence might seeme little at the first and the punishment to be ouergreat howbeit we must not measure sinne by the outward acte but by the commandement and will of God which is the onely rule of righteousnes This her disobedience seemeth to proceed from infidelity vnthankfulnesse curiosity and the immoderate loue of the world of the substance which they had left behind and therefore she is punished and made as a mirror and monument of Gods iustice which Iosephus testifieth to continue to his time Ioseph antiq Iud. lib. 1. ca. 1● yet we doubt not but her soule was saued and she receyued to mercy The like we might say of Iobs childred they were all sodainly slaine by the fall of the house wherin they were assembled yet they gaue good testimony of their godlynesse in their life for as no euil is recorded of them in the Scripture so it appeareth they were wel taught and trained vp in the feare of God by their carefull father euen in the daies of theyr youth God heard their father when he praied for them when bee sent for them they came dutifully and obediently vnto him if they had despised that God whom their father worshipped he would not haue said It may be my sonnes haue blasphemed God and it had beene a vaine thing for him to speake to them of sanctification Moreouer if their bankettings feastings had bene like our Wakes and reuels which they commonly call Yeauals or drunken feasts of such as call themselues good fellowes he ought to haue forbidden their meetings and not to haue prayed to God to pardon their sins which they might commit in their meetings and thereby suffer them to liue in the continual practise of sin forasmuch as that were to mocke and dally with God not desiring pardon for sinne past but to craue free liberty to sin for the time to come And if the father had doubted of their saluatiō no doubt hee would haue bewailed their destruction Lastly it is to bee noted that they feasted in their owne houses they did not run to Ordinaries or haunt Ale-houses or frequent Tauernes neither did they feast euery day like the rich glutton whose daily dinners were daily feasts for hee did nothing else but feast euery day neither did they keepe companie with ruffians swearers drunkards swaggerers and such like but they inuited one another to witnesse their good will and to continue mutuall loue among themselues The like wee might say of Vzzah that stayed vp the Arke and was stricken with sodaine death because he laid his hand vpon the Arke 2 Sam. 6 7. So was it with Vriah the faithfull seruant of Dauid yet he was slain by the sword of the Ammonites 2 Sam. 11 17. Iosiah that good king serued the Lord from his youth yet dyed hee a violent death and was slaine by Pharao Nechoh at Megiddo and al the people of the land mourned for him 2 Kings 23 29. Reason 1 Thus doth God deale with his owne children oftentimes they are chastised in this world lest they should be condemned with the wicked in the world to come 1 Cor. 11 32. Secondly those whom God loueth hee loueth vnto the end Ioh. 13 inasmuch as all his giftes are without repentance Rom. 11. therefore temporall chastisements cannot alter his loue or make frustrate the gifts that once he hath bestowed vpon his children Thirdly euen his owne people sinne against him for in manie things we sinne all Iames 3 ver 1. and therfore when they sinne against him he chastiseth thē with death as with a rod howbeit his mercie he neuer taketh from them Thus did Iosiah offend he would not heare the word of the Lord which was brought vnto him therefore he was smitten by the hand of God Vse 1 This teacheth that it is a false rule and a deceitfull measure to iudge of the saluation of men by temporall things whereas commonly all things fall out alike to the godly vngodly Eccl. 9 12. Many there are that wil take vpon them to iudge and censure men to bee out of the fauour of God because sometimes they dye sodainly and sometimes strangely and contrarywise if they dye in their beddes quietly and calmely they conclude that they must necessarily bee the children of God for that cause onely But if we haue no better testimony to discerne a childe of God then this note we may soone be deceiued for this may often happen more by the nature of the disease then through any grace in the soul of the diseased The constant course of a mans life is the best witnesse what is in man A man may dye rauing and haply blaspheming and yet be the seruant of God by the violence and rage of some sicknesse disturbing the head and the braine For as Paul sayeth It was not hee but sinne that dwelled in him Rom. 7 15 so I may say it is not they that raue and blaspheme it is the force of their sicknesse to which they do not consent and againe a man may go away like a Lambe and yet dye out of Gods fauour and go to hell as Iob chap. 21. verses 13 14. Vse 2 Secondly this reprooueth the Popish sort that commonly condemne Zuinglius a sound defender of the true and Apostolike faith Zuinglius defended because he died in the field as a good Patriot against the enemies of his country Hee did no more then euery true Minister and faythfull man ought to be ready to do Hee was slaine with the sword of wickedmen but that death was an honourable death Hee exhorted the people to constancy in the faith as the Priest is commanded in the Law to do Deut. 20 23 It is no reproach to dye in a good cause and a iust quarrell If he had dyed as Sanders an arch enemy to the Queene and State dyed in Ireland in the rebellion which himselfe had procured who died distracted and in a frenzy to behold the hand of God gone out against him and all his plots and proiects crossed O what outcries would these men then haue made he died as a Traitor against his lawfull Prince in the Popes quarrel and was in the field against his owne Soueraigne whereas Zuinglius dyed with his owne Cittizens in a good cause and was lamented of all good men Lastly we must take heed we doe not iudge Vse 3 rashly and rigorously of the Churches sorrowes and afflictions albeit they seem oftentimes both strong and strange when God feedeth them with the bread of teares giueth them teares to drinke in great measure Psal 80 5. The dead bodies of his seruants haue the enemies giuen to be meate to the fowls of the heauen and the flesh of his Saints to the beasts of the earth their
to God and be applyed to an holy vse The prophane Midianites had polluted and defiled them with Idolatry which God hateth of which see more afterward chap. 33 52. 14 Moses was wroth with the Officers of the hoast with the Captaines ouer thousands and Captaines ouer hundreds and hee saide vnto them Haue yee saued all the women aliue c. The Lord told Moses immediately before verse 2 so soone as this busines was ended he should be gathered to his fathers yet see how he hasteth forward the matter that it might be ended that he also might come to the ende of his dayes God had sworne that he should not enter into the Land for he was displeased with him and spared him not because of the people as he sheweth Deut. 1 verse 37 The Lord was angry with mee for your sakes saying Thou shalt not goe in thither where he goeth not about to excuse himselfe and to wash his hands as if hee had not done amisse but his meaning is that hee fell not into euill of his owne accord forasmuch as the mischiefe sprang from the people Thus did Moses smart for the rashnesse and retchlesnesse of the people as oftentimes Kings and Princes do The olde saying was wont to be Delirant reges plectuntur Achiui that is Horat lib. 1. epist 2. The Princes erre and reason lacke But the poore Commons go to wracke Howbeit we may inuert the rule and turne it otherwise Delirat populus rex plectitur ipse The people swarue and cannot be kept within any bounds whē oftentimes Princes beare the punishment of theyr folly as it fell out with Moses But to come to the matter marke how hee reproueth the Captaines and martiall men for sparing the whorish women that had brought a great plague vpon them We learne from hence Doctrine Sins of omission are displesing to God that sinnes of omission and neglect of duties which men are bound to performe are sinnes displeasing to God as sinnes of commission are It is a sinne against God to omit a good duty as well as to commit an euill or else Moses would not haue bin wroth with this people this is proued Math. 25 3 41 42. Hos 4. ver 1 2. Deut. 27 ver 26. Ierem. 10 verse 25. They called not vpon God Not to do good is to do euill The grounds are euident For first this is a kinde of contempt against Reason 1 God for not to obey is to disobey to contemne The seruant which will not doe what his master commandeth Ier. 48 10. what doth hee but shew a contempt against him If then this argue and conuince of open contempt no maruaile if God be displeased with it True it is and it cannot be denyed that men often do not that which God requireth out of frailty ignorance and infirmity but a continuall neglect and omission cannot but proclayme our contempt and therfore it is a fearefull and heynous sinne Reason 2 Secondly the law of God is not onely negatiue but also affirmatiue it commandeth good as well as forbiddeth euill For albeit all the tenne Commandements the fourth and fifth onely excepted do runne negatiuely yet the negatiue carrieth with it the affirmatiue according to the exposition of Christ himselfe Math. 5 verses 25 33 37. The Commandement which saith expressely Thou shalt not kill saith also inclusiuely Thou shalt preserue life Thirdly it is against the rule of loue and Reason 3 charity For where there is lesse loue then ought to be there is sinne Now where there is an omission of those things whereby God may bee glorified and our brethren profited there can bee no true charity Obiect But against this Doctrine it will be saide that sinnes of omission cannot reteyne the nature of sinne because sinne is an acte I answer Answer it is true of sinnes committed they are actes but of duties omitted it will not hold as for example a man refuseth to heare the word hee will not come to the house of God heere is a sinne because he that is of God heareth Gods word saith our Sauiour Iohn 8 47. yet it is no acte at all but the omitting of an acte so if a man heare the word carelesly this is a sinne Luke 8. yet it is not any acte so that sinnes of omission are sinnes before God as well as other of commission The vses follow First it appeareth hereby that many men Vse 1 in the world if they would examine themselues and cast vp theyr accounts and reckonings with God as debters ought to do they should finde themselues to stand endighted and conuicted of a multitude of sinnes that haply they neuer once dreamed of The greatest sort take notice of this and take themselues bound to auoyd euill but they neuer charge themselues with doing that which is good Euery man confesseth it a sinne to serue other gods to worship false gods and yet neuer consider that it is a sinne not to serue and worship the true God Moses was shut out of the Land of promise not because he did openly dishonour God before the Congregation but because hee did not honour and glorifie his Name Numb 20. And wherefore was the rich man cast into the torments of hell was it because he had taken any thing from poore Lazarus or pulled the meate from his mouth No it was because he did not put bread into his mouth Hee fared deliciously euery day himselfe Luke 16 but he suffered him to starue for want Now we must set downe this as a certaine rule that they neuer had their hearts truely reformed from doing of euill that haue not also beene carefull to doe that which is good We haue therefore a farther reckoning to make with God then we imagine and stand deeper indebted to him then we beleeue For if wee doe not make our accounts to account with him for duties let slip and omitted wee can neuer be saued Secondly this Doctrine serueth as a good direction to helpe vs to try our selues whether Vse 2 we bee rightly reformed in our hearts or not If wee haue learned to account duties omitted to bee no better then sinnes against almighty GOD and for which he will one day take vengeance wee haue made a good step in our holy faith and that if wee haue not learned to make conscience of sinnes of omission we will neuer truely make conscience of sinnes of commission A man may make some scruple of conscience of swearing and taking the Name of God in vaine and yet neuer vse it with feare and reuerence This man is as guilty that hath left the good vndone as the other Many men will refrayne from going to worke on the Sabbath day and from open prophaning of it but in the meane season they come not to heare the word neyther make any profite vnto theyr soules by it These men doubtlesse do it but for outward respects and not for any care they haue to keepe it holy For how shall
what is good for it the hād wil apply salue to it the tongue wil ask counsel for it So it should be with the members of Christ if they be not dead or rotten Lastly we ought to shew our selues to be careful one for another and desirous to doe good one to another as 1 Cor. 12 25. There should bee no schisme in the body but the members should haue the same care one for another This teacheth that there is a communion among Vse 1 the Saints consisting not only in reioycing in the vse of gifts blessings but also in compassion and mourning one for the hurt of another and therefore Peter exhorteth 1 Peter 3 8. Be ye all of one mind hauing compassion one of another loue as brethren be pittifull be curteous The hart of one must be the heart of all whosoeuer shunneth the communion of Saints in time of misery shall neuer haue their communion in the kingdome of glory Euery one is ready to professe this communiō in prosperity but are ready to deny it in aduersity But as they that will reigne with Christ must first suffer with him so they that wil reigne with his members in heauen must first suffer with them also on the earth This is an excellent priuiledge to haue our communion with the Saints We are as freemen of Gods City which is aboue wee must therefore enioy the priuiledges thereof in common And hereby wee may assure our selues to belong to God Rom. 12.16 if we be alike affectioned one to another Do we at any time heare of the tribulations of the Church and do we inwardly lamēt for it Let vs comfort our selues in this it is a notable signe that we are members of the church Do we heare that our neighbor churches are troubled with dissentions diuisions that heresies are broched among them that heretiks and pestilent seedmen are entertained among them that the ancient doctrine preached professed is repealed and that the parts of that body are ready to bee miserably torne in pieces doth the meditation of this affect vs that we can secretly mourn for it and say with the Apostle Galath 5 12. I would they were euen cut off which trouble you this sheweth indeede that we are of the communion of Saints Are any of our brethren in particular in heauines haue they sorrow and can we greeue for them as if the affliction were our own then we may perswade our selues that wee haue a communion not only with our brethren but with our head Christ Iesus himselfe which is the foundation of all true comfort and consolation Secondly we may conclude that dead-hartednesse Vse 2 and the want of Christian compassion in the distresse of the Saints prooueth vs to bee no true members at all of the body of Christ If wee haue meanes put into our hands and do not helpe them and releeue them or if we want ability if there bee not a passion and commiseration in our hearts how doth the loue of God dwell in vs Nay this is a fearfull token and manifest signe of little or no grace as yet bestowed vpon vs. Here is no mutuall affection to reioyce together and to mourne together There is a generation that repine and grudge at the good and happie estate of their brethren and haue euill eyes toward them because God hath bene gracious vnto them this was in Cain towards Abel in Saul toward Dauid in the Scribes and Pharisies toward Christ in Abimelech toward Isaac in Laban toward Iacob There is a generation that feast and fill themselues that laugh and reioice that are merry sport themselues when the poore Saints grone and are grieued whereas we should be ready to communicate with them somwhat to asswage their greef and comfort their hearts in their affliction we should helpe them to beare their burthen in a common affection The holy man Iob protesteth that hee neuer reioyced at the destruction of him that hated him neither lift vp himselfe when euill found him chap. 31 29. The Prophet Obadiah telleth the proud insolent Edomites that shame should couer them Obad. ver 21. they should be cut off for euer because they reioyced ouer the children of Iudah in the day of their destruction and spake scornfully and despitefully in their distresse Rase it rase it euen to the foundation thereof Psal 137 7. Thus doeth the Prophet Amos reprooue the wantonnes of Israel chap. 6 1 4. Woe to them that are at ease in Sion that put away far from them the euil day that lye vpon beds of Iuory and stretch themselues vpon their couches that eate the Lambes out of the flocke and the Calues out of the midst of the stall that drinke wine in bolles and annoint themselues with the cheefe oyntment but no man is greeued for the affliction of Ioseph There is a generation that can mourne and reioyce in temporall things when they see their brethren in affliction they are greeued and when they behold them prosper they are glad when both these may be meere naturall affections and may also proceed from naturall men But we must extend this fellow-feeling if we will be assured that it is right more to spiritual then to temporall cases For let vs mourne neuer so much for their losses in temporall things yet except we can more earnestly lament their spirituall decayes thē their worldly distresses and reioyce more heartily for the accesse of heauenly graces then the encrease of transitory riches this our affection is no better then a corruption it can minister no comfort vnto vs at all Luk 1 58. Phil. Vse 3 1 3. 2 Iohn 1 2. Thirdly we ought to bee so carefull of the good one of another that wee should enquire of the state of the church of Gods people in other places how they fare what they want in what condition they stād Many think themselues excused from helping those that are in neede if they can say I knew not how it went with them I was ignorant of their condition but they are ignorant because they will be ignoran● they know it not because they will not learne This is a willing nay a wilfull ignorance It is noted of Nehemiah that he asked his brethren concerning the Iewes that were deliuered which were of the residue of the captiuity c. Neh. 1 2 So did Dauid enquire after he was put in peaceable possession of the kingdom who was left of the house of Saul that he might shew him kindnesse for Ionathans sake 2 Sam. 9 1. So did Paul Barnabas returne backe to the places where they had preached the Gospel confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith Acts 14 21 22. 15 36. And Paul often enquired of the brethren that came vnto him whether they stood firme and fast in the faith and resisted the false Apostles that sought to corrupt the sincerity of the Gospel
to iudge the quick and dead 1 Peter 44 5. It is noted concerning Christ by the Euangelist that before hee entred vpon the worke of his high calling to preach the Gospel and shewed himselfe a Redeemer to Israel hee increased in wisdome and stature and grew in fauour with God and man Luke 2 52 but when once hee left his priuate life in the priuate houfe of Ioseph where hee was brought vp and set vpon the office whereunto he was appointed albeit hee continued in the fauour of God as his onely begotten Sonne in whom he is well pleased Matthew 3 17 yet he grew out of fauour with men who were not contented with him Paul before his conuersion was in great estimation with the Pharisees and obtayned letters of them to put in prison all them that called vpon the Name of Christ but when hee beganne to preach faith in Christ which before hee persecuted and sought to destroy hee lost theyr fauour and friendship as appeareth in that they plotted his death and sought his life to take it away more vehemently and violently then hee had practised against the disciples Let vs not therefore thinke it strange that we meete with many enemies cunning subtill cruell and malicious but seeke to be at peace with God and reconciled vnto him and then if God be with vs who shall be against vs Rom. 8 31. Vse 5 Fiftly the enemies of Israel albeit they were ouerthrowne and defeated yet were not all discomfited and consumed at once but by little and little sometimes one and then afterward another as they did not arise and appeare all together so it is euermore with his Church to the end of the world We shall neuer be without some enemies God will euer try the faith and patience of his children When Dauid sate at home and went not to warre against his enemies he was surprized by a subtill enemy whom he neuer suspected and fell into two grieuous sinnes adultery and murther 2 Sam. 11 1 4 1 Chron. 20 1. The water by standing still gathereth filth mud and corruption The iron by lying still gathereth r●st The Church free from enemies oftentimes groweth secure and the godly are ready to say in their prosperity they shall neuer be remoued Psal 30 6. Let all the wicked therefore know that their peace and prosperity cannot giue them assurance though they endure long of the fauour and loue of God but hee will bring downe his iudgements vpon them when they haue filled vp the measure of their sins And albeit for a time they escape yet they are appointed to wrath and destruction forasmuch as the Lord is iealous and the Lord auengeth hee will take vengeance on his aduersaries and he reserueth wrath for his enemies Nah. 1 2. Yea thus it shall be with the spirituall enemies of our soules and of our saluation albeit they haue receiued their deathes wound and are crushed in the head that they can neuer fully recouer their strēgth but shall finally be subdued yet they are alwayes hissing and stinging they are trying tempting the members of Christ So long as we are Christs wee must looke for the diuell and his Angels to set themselues against vs. They will take no denyall or repulse but being beaten and vanquished will gather their forces and vnite their power together to build vp the kingdome of darknes When he tempted Christ in the wildernesse and receiued a notable foyle and glorious ouerthrow in all those seuerall combats and had ended his tentations that he had prepared hee departed from him but a little season Luke 4 13. As he dealt with the head in the wildernesse so he dealeth with the members in this world wee must neuer looke to bee wholly ridde of this importunate enemy Whensoeuer he leaueth vs it is not as a confession that hee is vtterly conuicted and confounded for it fareth with him as with one that wrastled Plutarch in vit who how soeuer hee spedde would alwayes perswade the standers by that he gaue him the fall and foile that buckled and clasped with him and so it is when we wrastle with these principalities and powers and spirituall wickednesses in high places they will neuer yeeld the victory but rather gather their broken and disbanded companies leuy new forces prouide and procure stronger weapons and make better prouision and preparation against vs. If then he depart from vs and breake vp his siege it is not to free vs from danger and to take a truce with vs but to muster a fresh army and to take vs at an aduantage if hee see vs to grow secure and therefore let vs neuer promise rest vnto our selues from his assaults so long as we continue heere and carry about vs this earthly Tabernacle but alwayes stand vpon our gard and in our watch-tower to be ready for his comming and returning that so resisting him being strong in faith he may flye from vs Iam. 4 7. 1 Pet. 5 8 9. Yea let this serue as a great comfort and consolation to those that haue experience of his manifold assaults and inuasions that they neuer distrust or despaire though their troubles be many though their tentations be great continuall seeing this was the lot and portion of Iesus Christ the Sonne of GOD Who shall treade downe Satan vnder their feete shortly Rom. 16 20. Lastly the people of Israel after the enduring Vse 6 of all their troubles and afflictions after the experience of many sorrowes and miseries that came vpon them had rest giuen vnto them and victory ouer all their enemies round about them so that they were safely brought into the land of promise where they inherited and possessed cities that they builded not Deut. 6 10 11 houses full of all maner goods which they filled not welles which they digged not vineyards and oliues which they planted not and saw all the good things performed which the Lord had promised vnto them This serueth to comfort the children of God though for a time they sustaine many iniuries beare many disgraces receiue many losses feele many pinches instraightments yea many fierce and fiery tryals it is but while they wander in the wildernesse they are not yet come into Canaan the place of rest howbeit the blessednes of the issue and end of all will fully recompence the hardnesse of the way and make amends and satisfaction for all their sorrowes being fully assured that the afflictions of this present world are not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed vnto vs hereafter for then God shall wipe away all teares from our eyes Rom. 8 19. Reuel 7 16 17. Thus God giueth comfort to his seruants after they haue beene humbled in this vale of misery They shall hunger no more they shall thirst no more they shall want no more Then this corruptible shall put on incorruption this mortall shall put on immortality and death shall be swallowed vp in victory 1 Cor. 15 53 54. This made
pouerty peace and trouble prosperity and aduersity fall out alike to the godly and the vngodly and therefore Austine saith well in Epist 120. that Almighty God of his bountifull prouidence hath granted earthly felicity euen to the wicked that good men should not so greatly desire after it Vse 2 Secondly this reproueth the foolish and superfluous pompe vsed in Popery and blinde times of superstition as if God tooke pleasure in paintings in Images in Candles and cost bestowed vpon their owne traditions when in the meane season the poore are for the most part neglected and forgotten True it is the Lord could haue made all rich if it had pleased him but hee sendeth the poore to vs to giue vs occasion to exercise charity on them who are made after his owne Image The popish sort account no worship like to this to adorne and beautifie the Church wals to gild and garnish Images senselesse things and dead stones and passe by the liuing stones of the Temple that are polished by the hammer of Gods word Neyther doth this establish the art of begging because we teach that there shall alwayes bee poore among the people of God For pouerty is one thing and beggery is another all poore are not beggers and all beggers are not alwayes poore It is a great shame and reproch for a people that professe piety and Christianity The discommodities of suff●ing beggers rogues to suffer any beggers to swarme among them which is the ouerthrow of order and honesty For first this argueth great want of charity and much hardnesse of heart that the rich deuoure all alone and haue no regard of succouring such as bee in neede and necessity and are sore pinched with pouerty and penury Secondly when the bridle is once let loose in this kinde it groweth to be a common occupation and when such goe vp and downe from place to place and from house to house it cannot bee rightly discerned who are poore indeed neyther can we say who haue need who haue not need neyther discerne the ydle from the impotent wherein they most commonly speed best not who haue most neede but such as are most impudent clamorous importunate Thirdly the rewarding of such as go about begging from doore to doore and walke or rather wander from country to country is no better then a maintaining of ydle persons contrary to the law of God and man and a filling of the Land full of ydlenesse now such as are nuzled in roguing in the end grow to be cunning in robbing for from a rogue to turne to a theefe is an easie passage Fourthly such as are inured to this practise and finde sweetnesse in it and themselues encouraged by ease can neuer inure themselues to indure hard labour or to take paines in any calling afterward but liue by the sweate of other mens browes all their dayes Lastly such persons are dangerous to a state no better then vermine or caterpillers that deuoure the fruites of the eaarh rob from thē that are poore indeed such as liue as no parts of any body no members of the Church or of the commonwealth or of any priuate family but are as members cut off from the body So then there ought to bee no beggers in Israel which bring nothing but confusion are the nursery of all euill and ouerthrow the law of God and man of nature and charity Howbeit these locusts liue so well with the scrip that they would bee loth to exchange their trade for a yearely rent or a daily pension prouided that withal they shuld be compelled to labor with their hands This also serueth to meete with the begging Fryars such as vow voluntary pouerty as cousingermans to rogues beggers that wander vp and dow●● vnder colour of releefe and yet boast of this occupation as of a state of perfection But of these vowes we haue spoken sufficiently before Lastly this teacheth those that haue the Vse 3 goods of this world to shew pitty and compassion on them that stand in need The two Tribes and the halfe are commanded to go vp armed before their brethren and neuer to forsake them and giue them ouer vntill they had seene their hearts desire vpon their enemies and placed their brethren in saftety and had giuen to them a peaceable possession of theyr portion of that promised land And albeit we should giue at all times yet then especially ought our compassion to be exercised and extended when the poore stand most in need of our helpe as in time of dearth and famine Then the common cause and cry of the poore should cause vs to cut our morsels thinner the shorter and to abridge our selues of al superfluity and excesse rather then to see them to miscarry and to perish for hunger And if ouer we minde to serue God and to doe him homage with our goods we should bee forward and faithfull to do it at such times The first Christians carried such zeal toward God and loue toward the poore Saints that They sold their possessions and goods and laide downe the mony at the Apostles feete that it might be distributed as euery man had neede And as the poore must especially be prouided for in times of want so among the poore the poore Saints ought chiefly to be regarded as the Apostle sheweth Let vs doe good vnto all men especially to them who are of the houshold of faith Gal. 6 10. Thus ought we in doing good to respect the times persons in both whatsoeuer we do it must proceed from a willing minde and a chearefull heart 2 Cor. 9 verse 7. otherwise it is a sacrifice not pleasing in the sight of God Motiues to moue vs vnto liberality toward the poore Now the Scripture affoordeth vnto vs sundry motiues as so many encouragements vnto liberality First because it is a seruice and sacrifice commanded of God that while wee haue opportunity we should do good to all Gal. 6 10. 1 Thess 5 15. Secondly it is a grace of God bestowed vpon the Churches 2 Cor. 8 1. Thirdly it is fruitfull and bringeth forth much encrease Gal. 6 7 8. 2 Cor. 8 verse 12 yea though it be cast vpon the waters Eccle. 11 1. Fourthly it is a certaine argument of sincere loue 2 Cor. 8 8 24 as for that bounty and liberality which standeth in words onely it sheweth the heart of that man to bee destitute both of faith and loue Fiftly the Spirit of God taketh notice of all charitable workes commendeth rhem in the godly whose example we ought to follow as in the Macedonians 2 Cor. 8. Sixtly whatsoeuer is bestowed in the name of God is lent to him and hee will repay vs Nay the Lord Iesus accepteth it and accounteth it as done vnto himselfe as wee shewed at large before in this booke 16 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying 17 These are the names of the men which shall diuide the land vnto you
their prosperity and flourishing estate but in their greatest neede and then be assured that the loue of God shall be our shield and protection 18 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto them When ye come into the land whither I bring you 19 Then it shall bee that when ye eate of the bread of the land ye shall offer vp an heaue offering vnto the Lord. 20 Ye shall offer vp a cake of the first of your dough for an heaue offering as ye do the heaue offering of the c. 21 Of the first of your dough yee shall giue vnto the Lord an heaue Offering in your generations Heere is the law for the first of the dough to be offered to God This is the same Law in effect with that often repeated touching the first fruites Exod. 22 29. 23 19. and 34 26. Deut. 14 23. The substance of these lawes was to teach them to acknowledge from whence they inioyed their Land their Corne their Wine their Dough and all their store that they possessed to wit by the meere gift and blessing of God Doctrine The doctrine from hence is this Whatsoeuer we haue by Gods bles●ing we haue it The author and giuer of all outward blessings whatsoeuer is God and hee alone Whatsoeuer wee possesse by the sole gift of God we do possesse it Esay 26 12. and 45 7. Iob 21. Psal 147 14. Iames 1 17. Ezek. 16 17 18 19. Acts 17 25. The reasons First he hath made all things Reason 1. and therefore they are his owne by right of creation Psal 24 1. 50 12 Rom. 12 36. Secondly all things are disposed by his prouidence being his own for he doth all things in heauen and earth whatsoeuer hee pleaseth as at the first hee made them Psal 113 5 6. Thirdly wee are sent vnto him for our dayly bread and for all temporall blessings and are commanded to go to him in all our need looking for them at his hands Math. 6 11. This teacheth euery man to bee content Vse 1 with his portion whatsoeuer it bee that God hath giuen to him albeit we haue lesse then others yet wee must consider it is GOD from whom we haue it and therefore we ought not to be discontented with it Such as any way murmure when they haue not their own mind fulfilled are wilfull men and checke the wisedome of God as if he were vnrighteous because he giueth not to euery one alike This was the common sinne of the Israelites as we haue often noted we must not be like them 1 Cor. 10 ● to murmure as some of them murmured and were destroied of the destroyer This is the mother of vnthankfulnesse and robbeth him of the honour due vnto him who better knoweth what is good for vs then we our selues Phil. 4 11. Secondly it is our duty whatsoeuer we haue Vse 2 receiued whether it be little or much to vse it well and employ it to good vses The heathen man could say Cuer de Of● lib. 1. We are not born for ourselues only then much more ought we that are christians to know and testifie that wee were not born for our selues but for the church people of God and thereby made seruants vnto all 1 Cor. 9 1● We must therefore take speciall care that we do not abuse his giftes or wrong any of his creatures which we enioy for which we must giue an account inasmuch as we in wronging of them do wrong God himselfe the giuer of them and then we may iustly feare lest he take them away who is as well able to take them away from vs as to giue them to vs yea and he will do it Hence it is that Iob ioyneth both together The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away Iob 1 21. so that we shold be careful to vse them to the glory of God it is not enough that we do not abuse them we shal be called to a reckning for a farther duty because we must not onely abstaine from euill but do that which is good Thirdly if we would haue these blessings Vse 3 continued vnto vs wee must keepe in with God seeing he is the author of them let vs labor to serue him in righteousnes and true holines all the daies of our life Mat. 6 33. Seeke his friendship and preferre his loue and fauour aboue all things in this world He did make the world for such as are his friends and not for those that are his enemies And albeit the enemies of God haue gotten a very great share of these blessings yet they are no better then vsurpers Vse 4 Lastly this offering of their first fruites was an acknowledgement that they held all from God and they brought the same as a testimony of their thankfulnesse when GOD had brought them into the Land that they entred into houses which they builded not fields which they sowed not he requireth of them to bring the first of all that they had tasted vnto him The practise heereof wee see taught to the people when they should come into the Land Deut. 26 9 10. they must confesse the benefits which they haue receiued of him saying I haue brought the first fruites of the land which thou O Lord hast giuen me and thou shalt set it before the Lord thy God and worship before the Lord thy God If then we receiue his blessings without the praise of his Name we defile them and we dishonour him and his creatures become vncleane vnto vs 1 Tim. 4 4 5. Euery creature of God is good and nothing to bee refused if it be receiued with thankesgiuing for it is sanctified by the word of God and praier Of whom shall we receiue our food if we seeke it not at Gods hand If the childe want food and raiment to whom shall he go but to his father He giueth to the beast his food and to the young Rauens which cry Psal 147 9 and 104 27 28. And as we haue our meate from him so we must eate and drinke as in the presence of God Deut. 14 26. If this point were well printed in our mindes and grafted in our hearts that God is present at the Table with vs that he sitteth downe with vs and riseth with vs that he cometh with vs and departeth with vs it would teach vs more sobriety moderation then it commonly vsed among vs. The very heathen had some knowledge of this and were altogether ignorant of it they called their Tables sacred and thought that their gods were alwaies attendant at their meates and meales Thus by this light of the truth shining though darkly among thē God left them altogether without excuse Woe then to vs that professe our selues christians if we do not learne that God is present with vs at our Tables will take an account of vs for all our words and deeds whatsoeuer If a childe be at the table with his father and his father
other then a iust recompence of their fathers contempt that were newters and lukewarme professors neyther hot nor cold that neuer had the power of religion godlines planted in them no more then for the time to serue their turnes or to perform their places for fashion sake to which they were called Many mens children are giuen to extreme riot wasting their owne substance that they haue and afterward their fathers liuing also that they haue giuen them that oftentimes iustly to let their parents see how God bloweth vpon goods gotten by vnlawful courses so that being wickedly gathered they are wastfully consumed Againe many children are exceeding obstinate and stubborne against their parents neither will they be ruled and ordered by any doctrine or discipline this is oftentimes a due recompence of their parents cockering indulgence whē they let them haue the raines cast in their own neck when it had not bene amisse to haue giuen them the rod 7. years after So it was with Eli 1 Kings 1. 1 Sa. 2. so it was Dauid they did not keepe their children in awe and therefore it came to passe that they knew neither God nor theyr parents nor themselues Many mens sons and daughters make many vnlawfull vowes and sinfull promises of marriage against their Parents consent this is often a iust recompence of those parents that had no care to prouide for their children nor to restraine them but gaue them liberty to walk talk with others at their own pleasures and that at vnseasonable times and so intangle themselues in such maner Many mens children are giuen ouer to drunkennes to excesse riot louing the cups and the wine bottels a iust recompence vpon their parents that delighted in the same sinne before them and therefore God euen in their own sight before their eyes taketh vengeance of their former sin by suffring their children after them to fal into the same sin Many men haue not that respect honour giuen to them of their childrē that they ought to haue a iust recompence vnto them for dishonoring and disobeying their owne parents Manie children do not so tender regard the good name and credit of their parents as they ought when they hear them euil spoken of nay they haue bin heard and known to curse their own parents euen to their death a iust recompence vpon such parents that haue heard the name of God rent torne by horrible oathes yea by their owne families yet would neuer reproue them nor labour to reclaim them from it So then this is the first duty that is required of all parents that they make speedie enquiry and search whether God hath not iustly taken vengeance of their former sins by this kinde of punishment that so they may bee brought to repentance for them The second duty required of parents The 2. duty of parents when they see the sins of their children in the vengeance of God against their own former sins is to shew their sorrow for their sins and to bee humbled for them not so much because they are the sinnes of their children and yet it becommeth euery father to mourne and lament for the sinnes of his children but much more because they are their owne when they shall apprehend that God doth thereby take hold of some speciall sin of their owne before committed All parents are apt enough by nature to greeue and mourne for the temporall plagues that God layeth vpon their children and indeed if they should not do so we would account them vnnatural parents very monsters and yet how many of them do incur the euerlasting displeasure of God in that they cannot bewayle the spiritual plagues of sinne that are in their children especially when they know them to bee the iust vengeance of Gods iudgements vpon their own sins formerly committed Let euery man labor for this measure of humiliation otherwise it is a certayn signe that we did neuer truly mourn for our own sins The third duty required of parents The 3. dutie of parents is that when they haue made enquiry found that God punisheth theyr sinnes with the sins of theyr children in the first place when they haue truly sorrowed and lamented for it in the second place then in the third place they must seeke to recal and reclaym theyr children from such sins as God hath giuen them ouer to commit as a iust vengeance for their owne proper sins formerly committed If any parents shold apprehend that any bodily sicknes were on their children by their meanes or through any occasion giuen by them they would labor to remoue it from them to haue them cured of it otherwise we would hold them to be vnnaturall parents How much more then when thēselues haue so far prouoked God by their former iniquities that he hath therefore forsaken their children and giuen them ouer to commit the same sins after them ought they to labor by all meanes to remoue that spirituall iudgement that lieth vpon them if they do not may we not truely pronounce that these are cruel and bloody parents nay indeede not parents at all but rather spirituall murtherers of their children It is no small offence to bee guilty of blood especially of the blood of the soule which cost the precious blood of Christ to redeeme The 4. duty of parents Lastly it belongeth to parents to be watchfull carefull for the time to come For seeing the danger is so great to giue thēselues to wickednes it is their duty to labour striue against sin hereafter and to giue al diligence to worke righteousnes and that not only in respect of themselues but of their children posterity If then they loue themselues or their posterity and would not haue the Lord to punish their sins with the sins of their children let them take heed they do not prouoke the Lord by their sins and he in his iust iudgment make the children rise vp in the fathers stead an encrease of sinfull men for if they be sinfull wicked we cannot but expect from God that he should punish their sinnes with the sins of their children to destruction both of the one of the other We see how parents that put out their children to nurse haue a special care what maner person the nurse be and prescribe that she neither eate nor drinke those things that may hurt the child forasmuch as the effects thereof are likely to appeare in time to come in the body of the child All parents are very careful to looke to the diet of their children let them be carefull to looke to the dyet of their own liues for doubtlesse as the course of their liues hath bin so it will afterward appeare in their children O you parents whom God hath blessed and stored with Children if there be any true loue in your hearts towards your selues and your children looke vnto this duty sin not in your
owne sins against the fruite of your owne bodies but turne ro God betimes that he may turne vnto you He is faithfull in his word Whatsoeuer he hath threatned it is surer then the heauens it must certainly come to passe If you prouoke him by your sins he wil prouoke you to your faces with his iudgements vnto the vtter confusion of your selues of your posterity after you for euer Vse 3 Lastly this doctrine also belongeth to children putteth them in mind of sundry duties to be performed by them which may bee reduced to these branches First they must not imitate their fathers sins secondly they must pray to God not to remember their fathers iniquities thirdly they must be careful to look to their children that they leade an holy sanctified life that so they may call in Gods iudgements which otherwise hee might iustly bring on them Touching the first they must not follow their fathers in that which is euill The first duty of children All inferiors are ready to walke in the steps of their superiors and for the most part thinke themselues discharged from all crime or punishment if they be like to them no other then they haue bin before them The prophet requireth this duty of the people Psal 78 8. The Apostle willeth the church to follow him so far as he followed Christ 1 Cor. 11 1. So is it required of children to follow their fathers but no farther then they followe the trueth This many among the Turks and Infidels may pleade for themselues and alledge that they worship God as their forefathers did for many generations The 2. duty of children yet this shal not serue their turnes The 2. duty is to pray to God not to remember the iniquities of their forefathers as iustly he might do to the confusion of their posterity For why doth he not leaue them to walke in their waies but that he is mercifull Hence it is that the Lord saith Esay 65 6 7. Behold it is written before me I will recompence euen recompence into their bosome your iniquities Ioh. Wiga●di explic in Esay the iniquities of your fathers togither c. God punisheth the sinnes of the fathers in their posterity and thereore do punishments fall vppon the posterity by reason of the sins of the ancestors This doth Daniel in his prayer acknowledge Let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy City Ierusalem thy holy mountaine because for our sinnes and for the iniquities of our fathers c. chap. 9 16 and therefore in the confession of sinnes that hee made before verse 8. he sayth O Lord to vs belongeth confusion of face to our Kings to our Princes and to our Princes and to our Fathers because wee haue sinned against thee So Ezra 9 7. Neh. 9 34. Ier. 32 18. Lam. 5 7. Exod. 20 5. When diuers generations continue in one sinne successiuely the Lord vseth ordinarily to punish the latter more seuerely then the former that thereby the sons might be prouoked to feare to do the like when they see the sins of their fathers Ezek 18 14 and the longer his patience is abused the greater sin is committed The 3. dutie of children the greater vengeance is deserued Thirdly all children must be carefull of their posterity and leade an vnblameable sanctified life that so God may giue them the grace of his Spirit not leaue them to themselues to walke in the euil wayes of their fathers that haue gone before them 16 And they came neere vnto him and saide We will build sheepfolds here for our Cattle Cities for our little ones 17 But we our selues wil go ready armed before the children of Israel c. 18 We will not returne vnto our houses c. 19 For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Iordan or forward because our inheritance is fallen to vs on this side c. The Tribes being reproued do answer for themselues expounding their meaning or at lest propounding equal conditions that they will go vp armed before their brethren and that they will not returne till all their bretheren were possessed of their inheritance that they wold claime no inheritance beyond Iordan but rest in that already purchased The Israelites would haue bin much weakened if these had staid behind Therfore they do here promise that they wil go formost of all Wee saw before that it is God only that giueth the victory yet we see the meanes are not neglected Howsoeuer therefore wee ought not to put our trust confidence in the meanes yet wee must carefully vse the same that so wee may be able to performe those things which the law of God and our calling require of vs. Againe in their disclaiming inheritance beyond Iordan we learne that euery one should be contented with that estate that God hath allotted vnto him whatsoeuer it be Moreouer we see how these two Tribes offer themselues to be companions with their brethren in passing ouer Iordan and in conquering the land Doctrine We must haue a fellow feeling of others miseries in taking such part as they did This teacheth That it is the duty of all Gods Children to haue a fellow-feeling and compassion of the miseries afflictions of their brethren 2 Sam. 11 11. Heb. 13 3. 1 Cor. 12 26. Rom. 12.15 When Abraham heard that Lot was taken prisoner he armed his seruants sought to recouer him out of the handes of the enemies Gen. 14 14. Moses also chose to suffer aduersity with the people of God to leaue all his preferment in Pharaohs Court Heb. 11 he would not enioy the pleasures of sin when the church endured the misery of aduersity Reason 1 The grounds follow First wee ought to haue brotherly loue in vs not onely loue but brotherly loue this wil worke in vs a pittifull heart toward those that are afflicted The Apostle Iohn professeth himselfe a cōpanion with the Church in tribulation in the kingdom and patience of Christ he was greeued for their greef the bowels of compassion were mooued in him for their afflictions Re. 1 9. And the writer to the Hebrews saith Let brotherly loue continue Heb. 13 1. Secondly this dutie performed leaueth a blessing behind it God hath rewarded it for therby some haue entertained Angels vnawares Heb. 13 2 and he will reward it alwaies Thirdly Christ accounteth this as done to himselfe when his children are refreshed he is refreshed when they are cloathed or fed or visited or comforted he is cloathed fed and visited comforted Math. 25 35. Fourthly we are members one of another as we are ioyned vnto Christ as members to the head are mystically made one with him so all the faithfull are fellow-members of the same body In the members of the body if a thorn run into the foot the head stoopeth to it the eies look vpon it the fingers pull it out the eare wil heare